PHS Senior Profile
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Breaking news at
Issue 29, Volume 44
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Sunday, December 11, 2016
Vote of ‘no confidence’ brought against Manchester mayor Hayes brings suit against village, mayor and police chief BY PATRICIA BEECH PEOPLE’S DEFENDER The internal conflicts that have plagued the Manchester Police Department in recent months may soon be taken up by the local courts. Officer Joshua Hayes has filed a suit with the Civil
Division of Adams County Court of Common Pleas against the Village of Manchester, Jeff Bowling (in his capacity as Chief of Police and as an individual), and Mayor Robert Hildebrand. The suit is only one of the many hardships facing the financially beleaguered village.
INDEX Obituary: 3 Sports: 6-7 Classifieds: 9-11
Hayes may have been alluding to his intention to bring suit against Bowling and the village in an earlier complaint filed in July when he alleged that “Chief Bowling's actions are not only criminal, but he has displayed conduct unbecoming of an officer by betraying the public trust within the community. His blatant disregard of the law and abuse of authority has become more of a liability than the village of Manchester could afford to bear.” See Suit / 5
Accident on SR 247 injures three JOIN THE CONVERSATION What’s your take on the news? Go to or visit us on Facebook to share your thoughts.
Driver cited for failure to yield BY PATRICIA BEECH PEOPLE’S DEFENDER Three people were injured on Thursday, Dec. 1 in a two-car collision in Adams County. Christy Howell, 37, of Peebles, William Polley 22, of Mt. Orab, and Cheyenne Howell, 21, of Kaiajade | People’s Defender Peebles were all transportSee Accident / 5 Three people were injured in this Dec. 1 accident on St. Rt. 247.
Things Thin Thi Th inng ngs gs to ddo th thi this his is H Holi Hol Holiday lid ida day ay Se Sea Season! eas aso son so on! Monarch Meadows Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation and Assisted Living offers respite care, available for an unlimited number of days. While you finish your holiday list, let your loved one be well cared for by Monarch Meadows. They will enjoy special holiday meals, crafts and entertainment.
Stop by or call for a tour today 937-386-6375.
299 Commerce Drive, Seaman, Ohio 45679 • 937-386-6375 • A Continuing Healthcare Solutions Community
2 West Union People’s Defender
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Com Come Com mee in in & ssig sign iggnn up up for for oou our urr Christmas Christmas Give-Away G Giv ive-Aw waay • Draw Draw to to be be held held Dec. Dec. 17th! 17th! FRESH DELI GROCERY FRESH MEAT MEA ATT PPRODUCE RODUCE D ELI & BBAKERY AKERY GROCERY
Sweet and Sweeeet aan nd Juicy JJuic uiicy c USDA USSD DA Ch CChoice hooiice c Beef Beeeef
$ 99 99
Boneless Bo B oneel on eele leesss Sirloin SSiirl irlo rl o i n Tip TTiip p Roast Ro R oaast st
lb. llbb.
Navel Naveel Oranges Na Ora O ran nges
Idaho Id daho h Potatoes Pot otaatoe to e s 10 1 lb. lb. Bag lb BBaag
Vine VViinne Ripened RRiipened
$ 19 IGA IG GA Turkeys TTurk rkeys
$ 99 99
4 lb. Bag lb. BBa lb ag or or
lb. llbb.
lb. llbb.
4 lb. llbb bag bag
10 0
12 Golden 12 pc. pc. G old den Fried Frrie ieed d Chicken Ch C hicck cke ken
$ 99 99
Bounty Bo B ounty Paper Paape P perr Towels TTo owels
$ 49
On O The TTh he Vine Viine V Tomatoes TTo omato ato oees
$ 29 29
Domino Do D omiin no o Sugar SSu ugar gar ar
6 Big ig Roll RRooll
$ 99 9
Copperwood Cop pp pe perwood rwood Cooked Coo C Co okkeed d Ham Ham H
lb. llbb.
$ 79 79
Charmin Ch C haarrmiin Essentials h EEsssen ent ntials Bath Bat B ath h Tissue TTiissue ue
122 Double Doouubbblle Rolls Roolllls
$ 99 99
Smithfield Smit itth hffield d Spiral Spiirral Sliced SSlic icceed d Ham Haam H
USDA Inspected USDA DA IIn nspecte ctedd
Pork Poorrkk Roast RRooaasst & Steaks SStteaks
Dole Doolle Iceberg D Icebber erg SSalad alad or or Coleslaw Coleslaw aw Mix Miix M
lb. llbb.
69 9¢
lb. llbb.
lb. llbb.
lb. llbb.
USDA USD SDA Choice CChhooiice c Beef Beef
Bone-In BBoonnee--IIn Standing SSttaanndddiinng Rib RRiibb Roast RRooaasst
99 899
lb. llbb.
Grimmway Grimmw mway Farms FFaarms Baby Bab aby Carrots CCaarrrrotts
Marzetti Maarzeetttti Ranch M R anch Vegetable Veeggeettaabbblle Dip Diip D
1 lb. lb. bag lb bbaag
Light Lighht or Regular Reeggular ullaar • 144 oz. oozz.
89 8
30 3 oz. ozz. • Limit o imit miit 1
Lg. LLgg. Green GGrreeeen Peppers, PPeeppppers, s Cucumbers CCuuccuum mbbe berrs or o Green GGrre ree een e Onions Onnioons O
48 4 oz. ozz. o
99 299
2 lbs. lbs bs. b s
4-6 4-6 oz. o ozz.
99 9
3/$ 3//$ /$
69 69¢
2/$ 2/$
lb. lbb.
Kraft Krafftt Mayonnaise Mayyoonnaise Domino Doom miinno Brown BBro ro w wn or o Keebler Keeeebbblleerr 9” 9” Graham Gr G ra h a m or o Mircale Mircaalle Whip Whhip Powdered W PPoowdeerred ed Sugar SSuugar Cracker CCrracckkeer Pie PPiie Crust Cruust st
lb. llbb.
Your Yoour Choice! Chooiice Ch ce!
99 399
Assorted Assso A sor orted d Varieties Vaarieties rieties ieties eties tiies es • .14 .14 - 16 1 oz. o ozz.
00 00
Oven Oveen Roasted, RRooast stedd, Mesquite Mesquiitte or o Cajun Caajjuun
Assorted Asssor A orrted d Varieties Vaarriieetties ies es • 15.25 15.225 oz. o ozz.
Crisco Crisscco Vegetable Vegetable etable table abble or o Canola anola noolla Oil O Oiil
Kentucky KKeennttuuccky ky Gold GGooold ldd Turkey Turke kkeyy Breast B re a s t Br
Kentucky KKeennttuucckky Gold GGoold ldd Loaves LLooaaves Pickle, PPiickl klee, Ham am & Cheese, Cheese Cheese eeessee, Liver, LLiive verr, Dutch Duuttch D or o Dixie Diixxiie Loaf D LLooaaf
Family Faam miillyy Pack Paacckk
Duncan Duunc D ncaan Hines Hiines nees Frosting Frostinng
Fresh Freesh sh Asparagus AAsspara ra g u s
US U No. Noo 1
Sweet SSw weeeet Potatoes Potato atoes
12-14 1222-144 oz. oozz. bag bbaag
2/$ 2/$
90% 90% % Lean LLeeaan Ground Groouunndd Beef Gr BBeeef
Duncan Duunca D can Hines Hiines H nees Cake Caakke Mix Miix M
lb. llbb.
$ 49 4
Homemade Homemade d Jam Jaam Cakes Cake kes
USDA USDA DA Choice Choic CChhooiice icce Beef BBeee eef
99 699
2 lb. lb. bag lb bag
lb. llbb.
New Strip Steak ew YYork oorrkk SSt trriipp SSt te a k
All-Purpose Alll-Pu A Purpose Yellow Yello ello low ow Onions O On nions
DAIRY DAIRY & FROZEN F R OZ E N Kentucky’s KKeenntucky’ ky ’s Best BBeest Bologna BBoologna
Walnut Waallnnuut Creek CCrreeeekk Mini M ni Colby Colby by or o Colby Colby by Jack JJaacckk Cheese hheeeesse
Fresh Freesshh Tray TTrraayy PPack ack Chicken Chickkeeen Tenders Ch Tendders
Pork Poorrkk Tenderloin TTeendderloin
lb. lbb.
Homemade Ho m e m a d e Cheeseballs CChheeseballs
Homemade Ho m e m a d e Party PPaarty r ty Mix Miix M
Homemade Ho m e m a d e Dinner Diinnnneeer Rolls D RRoollls
lb. llbb.
Jiffy JJif iff ffy fyy Baking Baki kinng Mixes Mix Mixe xes Muffin, Mu M uffffi fin n, Frosting, Frosting in ng g, Cake, Cake, Pie Piie P Crust, Crrusstt, or C o Buttermilk Bu B utttteerrmilk miillkk Biscuit Biiscuit B sccuit uit it Mix M Miix 7 - 9 oz. ozz. o
12 12 ct. ct
lb. llbb.
Kraft KKrraaft ft Salad Sallaadd Dressings D re s s i n g s
Stove Stove Top TToop Stuffing SSttuffing fffing
Assorted Asssorrteed A d Varieties Vaarieties rieties ieties eties tiies ess • 16 1 oz. ozz. o
Assorted Asssorrted A d Varieties Vaarieties rieties ieties eties tiies es • 6 oz. o ozz.
29 2
4/$ 4//$
ea. Kraft Whip Kraft f CCool ooool W Wh hip 8 oz. ozz. o
99 9
09 109
Louis LLoouuiis Kemp Keem mpp Lobster LLoobste te r or o Crab CCrraabb Delights Delighhtts
Eckrich Eckkrrriicchh Smoked Smok okeedd Sausage, SSaausage, e Links, Linnkkss, Grillers GGrriillleerrs
Assorted Asssorteedd VVarieties A aar arieties riieettiiees • 8 oz. oozz.
Assorted oz. Asssorteedd VVarieties A aar arieties riieettiiees • 1100 - 14 ooz z.
2/$ 2/$
Single-Layer SSiinglee-Layer Christmas CChhrriissttm maas Cakes CCak Caake kes
Hormel Ho r m e l Pepperoni PPeepp pper e ro n i
Hormel Hoorrm meel Smoked Smok oked Pork Poorrkk Chops Ch Chooppps
Assorted oz. Asssortedd VVarieties A aarriieettiiees • 5 - 6 ooz z.
15 15 oz. oozz.
99 299
Pillsbury PPiilllsburryy Crescent Cre rescceenntt Rolls RRoolllls
Birds Bir irdds Eye Ey Vegetables Vegetables
Assorted Varieties oz. Asssorteed A dV aarriieettiiees • 8 o oz z.
Assorted Varieties Asssorteed A dV aarriieettiiees • 1111 oz. ozz. o
Assorted Varieties oz. Asssorteed A dV aarieties rieties ieettiiees • 110-14 00-14 o oz z.
00 100
Tropicana Tropica c ana Pure Pure Premium PPur PPrremiuum Orange Oraanngge Juice JJuuiice c
Ore Ore Ida Idda Country CCoounnttry ry Style Styylle Hash Haasshh Browns H Br BBrow ro w n s
16 16 oz. ozz. o
Assorted Varieties Asssorteed A dV aarri rieettiiees • 889 oz. ozz. o
Assorted Varieties oz. Asssorteed A dV aarri rieettiiees • 30-32 0-32 -32 32 o oz z.
39 39
Purnell’s Purnell’s l’s Old Oldd Folks Foolkks Sausage SSauusage
Carl CCaarrl Buddig BBud udd dddiigg Wafer Waf afeerr Lunch LLuunncchh Meat Meeat M a
Armour Armour Meatballs Meat atballs
1 lb. lb. RRolls lb oolllls and andd 122 oz. oozz. Links LLiinnkks k
Assorted oz. Asssorteedd VVarieties A aarriieettiiees • 2 ooz arieties z.
Assorted oz. Asssortedd VVarieties A arieties aarriieettiiees • 14 14 ooz z.
2/$ 2//$ /$
Shrimp SShhrimp 41/50 441/ 1//550 ct. ct. 16 16 oz. oozz.
Reg. Reg eg. or o Double Doouubblle Thick TThhiick • 1 lb llb. b
99 99
15.3 15.3 oz. ozz. o
Assorted Asssor A orrteed d Varieties V Vaarriieties etties iees 6 pk. pk 16.9 16.9 oz. ozz. btls. btlss. * Must Musstt buy bu uy u y5
Pillsbury PPillssburryy Pet Peet Ritz RRiitz Pie PPiie Crusts CCrruusstts
Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties Vaarriieettiiees Half Haallff Gallon H Gaallllo on
Heinz Heeinz inz nz Gravy GGrrravy av y
French’s French chh’s French Fre n c h Fried Frriieedd Onions Onnions O 6 oz. o ozz.
2/$ 2/$
99 299
99 99
Assorted Asssorrteed A d Varieties Var ariieties etties iees • .8 - 4 oz. o ozz.
Marshall’s Marshall’s l’s Dinner Diinnneer Rolls D RRoolllls 14 oz. ozz. o
00 00
Coca-Cola CCooccaa-Coola la Products Product c ts Assorted Asssor A orrteed d Varieties V Vaarriieties etties iees 12 1 pk. pkk. 12 oz. p ozzz. cans o ccaan ns or o 8 pk. pkk. 12 1 oz. ozz. btls. btls bttls b ls. s * Must Musstt buy bu uy u y3
Peaches, Peaches hes, Blueberries, Bllu B ueeb berrrries be iees, s Blackberries, Blackb kberries es, Sliced Sliicced d Assorted Strawberries, Asssorteed A d Varieties Vaarriieettiiees SSttraw rawb be berries errie riess, or o Mango Maan ng go Chunks Ch C hu un nkks k Assorted Varieties 12 Asssorted A dV aarriieettiiees • 335 - 37 37 oz. ozz. o 12 - 116 oz o
99 199
Mrs. Mrrss. Smith’s Smithh’’s Pies PPiies
3/$ /$
Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties Vaarieties rieties ieettiiees 25.5 oz. 2255.5 - 336 o oz z.
29 2 oz. ozz. o
99 9
Assorted Asssor A orrteed d Varieties V Vaarriieties etties iees 12 1 pk. pkk. 12 p 1 oz. ozzz. cans o ccaan ns * Must Musstt buy bu uy u y3
Edwards EEddw waarrds Premium PPrreem miiuum Pies PPiies
2/$ 2//$
Bruce’s Bruccee’s Yams YYaams
Pepsi-Cola Pepsi-Coolla Products PPrroduc dduuct c ts
Assorted Varieties Asssorteed A dV aarriieettiiees • 10-12 0-12 112 oz. o ozz.
20 2 oz. ozz. o
99 9
Assorted Asssor A so orteed d Varieties Vaarieties rieties ieetties ies es • 12 1 oz. ozz. o
Jell-O Jelll-O - Pudding Pud udd dding diinng or o Pie PPiie Filling FFiilliing IGA IGGA Ice Ice Cream CCre re a m
IGA IGA Pineapple PPiineapppple
Pepsi-Cola Pepsi-Coolla Products PPrroduc dduuct c ts
2/$ 2//$ /$
ShurFine ShurFFiine Frozen FFro rozeen Fruit Fr u i t Smithfield Smithfieldd Bacon BBaaccoon
Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties Vaarriieettiiees • 14 - 15 1 oz. ozz. o
Crowley Crow rowley ey Sour Soouur Cream CCre re a m
Peeled, Deveined Peeled ed, CCooked ook okeedd & D De eveined
Hungry Huunggry r y Jack JJaaacck Mashed Maasshhheedd Potatoes PPootaato to e s
10 10
99 9
5/$ 5//$ /$
Swanson S wa n s o n Broth B ro t h Br
Borden BBoorrden Shredded SShhreddded or o Chunk CChhu hunnkk Cheese CChhe heeesse
10” 100”” Pumpkin Pumpk pki kin Pies PPiies
2/$ 2//$ /$
2/$ 2//$ /$
3/$ 3//$ /$
45 4 oz. ozz. o
Assorted oz. Asssorteedd VVarieties A aar arieties riieettiiees • 113-14 33-144 ooz z.
6.5-8.5 6.55-8.5 -88.5 oz. o ozz.
69 6
8 oz. ozz. o
Country CCoount ntry r y Crock CCrroocckk Spread SSpr p re a d
Hillshire Hilllshiirre Farm FFaarm Lit’L Lit it’’LL Smokies Smokkiies
10 1 oz. oozz.
lb. llbb.
Shrimp SShhhrrim mpp Ring RRinng
99 399
2/$ 2//$ /$
Assorted Assso A sor orteed d Varieties Vaarieties rieties ieties eties ties ies es • .10 110 - 12 oz. o ozz.
Kentucky KKeennttuuccky ky Legend Le g e n d Whole Whhhoolle or W o Half Haalf H lf Boneless BBoonneelleesss Hams Haam H ms
13.5 13..5 oz. ozz. o
2/$ 2/$
lb. llbb.
Kraft Kraf aft Philadelphia PPhhiillaadde delpphhiia Cream Creeaam Cheese CChheeeesse
49 349
lb. lbb.
Nestle Ne s t l e Morsels Morsels
Prairie Praaiirriie Fresh Freesshh PPremium reem miiuum Pork PPoorrkk
99 99
lb. llbb.
Jiffy Jiffy fffyy Corn Coorrn Muffin Muuff M ffffin in Mix Miix M or o Pizza PPiz izz zzza Crust Crust usst Mix Mix
Keebler Ke e b l e r Cracker CCrrack ckeer Crumbs CCrruum mbbbs
IGA IGAA Vegetables Vegetables es Whole Wh W hole h ole le Kernel Keernel rnel nel el Corn Co C orn or Green Beans o Cut Cu C ut Gr G reeen en B eeans ans ns 14.5-15.25 44.5-15.25 5-15.25 115.25 5.2225 oz. o ozz.
Pillsbury, PPillls lsbur sbur y, Robin Robbinn Hood, White Hood, d W Wh hit ite Lily LLiily lyy or o Martha Maart M r thhha White Whhite W t Flour FFllour ouur Assorted Asssorrteed A d Varieties Vaarieties rieties ieties eties tiies es • 5 lb. lb b
2/$ 2/$
2/$ 2/$
3/$ 3//$ /$
13 13
7•Up 7•Up Products PPrroducctts Select Liters Selecct Varieties Vaarriieties ettiiees • 2 Lit ite ters
IGA IGA Brown Brrow own N Serve SSeerrve v Rolls Rollls
Nestlé Nestléé Pure Water P r Lif LLife iffe W Wate ater
Kraft KKrraaft ft Jet JJeet Puffed Pufff ffe fe d Marshmallows Marshmallo rsshhmallo mallo allloow ws
General Gene ner erraal Mills Millls M Chex Chex Ch e Cereal CCeerreal
10 1 oz. ozz. o
Assorted Asssorrteed A d Varieties Vaarieties rieties eties tiies es ª 12-14 12-14 14 oz. o ozz.
122 ct. ct
28/.5 Bottles 28//.5 LLiter it iteer B Bo ottles lees
00 00
3/$ 3//$
10 10
29 2
99 299
Pizza PPiizza zzza of of the tthhe Week Week 18” 1188”” Extra EExt Ex xttrra Large LLargge Cheese Cheese eese ese se Pizza PPiizz zza za
Pizza PPiizzza za of of the he Month Mon ont nt h 14” 144”” Large Lar LLaarg rge Meat Me M Mea eat at Lovers’ LLove overss’ Pizza PPiz izzza
West Union People’s Defender
Donna Rivers
Donna (Eads) Rivers, 73, of Manchester, daughter of the late Donald and Kathryn (McDonald) Eads, passed away Monday, Dec. 5, 2016 at her home. She was born Feb. 1, 1943 in Liberty Township. Funeral services will be held at noon on Saturday, Dec. 10 at the Manchester United Methodist Church. Rev. Howard Allison, Rev. Joe Gilkison, and Rev. David Sugarbaker
will be officiating. Burial will follow at the Manchester Cemetery. Visitation will be held on Friday, Dec. 9 from 58 p.m. at the Wilson Home for Funerals in Manchester. Memorials may be made to Hospice of Hope, 909 Kenton Station Drive, Maysville, KY 41056 or the Manchester United Methodist Church, 405 E 8th Street, PO Box 328, Manchester, OH 45144.
Peebles Elementary hosts PBIS showcase
Sunday, December 11, 2016 3
On Dec. 1, a Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) showcase was held for schools in Ohio to discuss and display PBIS implementation. Peebles Elementary was excited to be selected and have an opportunity to represent at the showcase. PES was able to share PBIS success and activities with other schools across the state. PBIS is an evidenceStephen C. Foster based approach that is Stephen Clifford Foster, where his great joy in life. used school-wide to He leaves behind a host of decrease challenging 74 years of Winchester, dear family and friends. passed away on Tuesday behaviors by replacing Steve was a Vietnam Dec. 6, 2016 at the them with pro-social veteran serving in the Hospice of Hope Ohio skills. Due to the effecUnited States Army from Valley Inpatient Center in tiveness of PBIS, this 1964-1966. Seaman. program is gaining Services will be held at increased popularity with He was born in 2 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 9, Winchester on Feb. 10, schools. This framework 2016 at the Seaman First 1942, the son of the late uses a proactive approach Baptist Church with Clifford and Esther of defining, teaching, and Brother Boyd Lacy offici- recognizing appropriate (McCormick) Foster. ating. Interment will folBesides his parents, he behaviors. These expectalow at the Sar dinia was also preceded in tions are taught and reindeath by his daughter, Cemetery with Military forced in all areas of the Stephanie Joyce Foster Graveside services. school. The expectations Friends and family may for students at PES, in all and sister, Donna (Foster) Neu.Steve is survived by call at the church from 11 his beloved wife, Sharo n a.m. until the time of Gaffin-Foster; one sister, service. Katy Foster of Lewis-Sullivan Funeral PRESS RELEASE Georgetown; three sons, Home is in charge of the Joseph Foster of arrangements. The Ohio River Valley Harlingen, Texas, Douglas Steve will always be Water Sanitation remembered for his love (Amanda) Foster of Commission in partnership of life, his infectious Milford and Dale Foster laughter, his ornery smile, with Ohio River business of Cincinnati; one daughand his uncanny ability to and industries are joining ter, Susan (Larry) Purdy forces to sponsor the 2017 remember every joke he of Mt.Orab. He is also River Sweep poster contest. had ever heard. He loved survived by three stepriding his bike and golfing This contest is open to studaughters, Denise (Doug) dents grades K-12 who live as well as spending time Kalmbach of in or attend a school in a with his family and Farmersville, Jillian friends. He will be sorely county along the Ohio (Terry) Waits of Seaman, and Alicen (Eric) Jones of missed by the many lives River. River Sweep is a one-day he has touched. Mr. Orab; as well as two Donations can be made cleanup project that covers step-sons, Chad (Tonya) more than 3,000 miles of to Cincinnati Children’s Shorten of Mt. Orab, and shoreline in six states. Stan Gaffin of Winchester, Hospital, 3333 Burnett Thousands of volunteers Avenue, Cincinnati, OH his 19 grandchildren and participate in the event by 45229. four great-grandchildren
shown significant decreases in behavior referrals since the implementation began. There are many PBIS initiatives that take place at school
for students, one of them being the General Store. All students at PES have opportunities to earn Behavior Bucks from teachers and staff members when school-wide expectations are displayed. Once students have received Behavior Bucks they are able to purchase items in the “General Store,” save their tickets to earn a pizza party, or enter into a bi-weekly drawing. The students at PES work hard and enjoy all of these incentives. Around the building, there are visual reminders posted to remind students of the expected behaviors in all of the areas of school. Other PBIS initiatives include the afterschool program, question of the day, the peer mentoring program, and individual teacher incentives. Peebles Elementary will continue implementing and expanding PBIS to improve student behavior, school safety and overall academic success.
collecting tons of trash and debris along the river banks. All trash is then either recycled or placed in approved landfills. The posters should aim to create an awareness of the problem caused by litter in
our rivers and streams. Posters should reflect the positive outcome of pollution awareness and focus on encouraging volunteer participation in the clean-up. Prizes will be awarded including two $500 cash
rewards and $100 given to the school art department of the grand prize. Entries must be hand drawn and no larger than 24 x 36 inches and no smaller than 8 x 11 inches. An entry form can be located on Entries must be postmarked by Dec. 16 to: Poster Contest, ORSANCO 3735 Kellogg Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45230. For more information you can log on to or call Whitney Lawhorn at Adams-Brown Recycling: (937) 3783431, extension 104.
Fame will join more than 450 older Ohioans inducted into the hall since its inception in 1978. While nominations are accepted
year-round, nominations must be received by Jan. 31, 2017, to be considered for induction in 2017.
Learn more, access the nomination form and view past inductees at s/halloffame/.
Submitted photo
Shown here is the poster that was displayed at the PBIS showcase on Dec. 1 at Peebles Elementary. areas of the school building, are to be respectful, responsible, and safe. Peebles Elementary began implementing PBIS in 2014. Data has
River Sweep Poster Contest deadline Dec. 16
Nominate an outstanding older Ohioan for the Ohio Senior Citizens Hall of Fame PRESS RELEASE
The Ohio Department of Aging is seeking the public’s help to identify outstanding older neighbors who have made, and continue to make, a lasting difference in their professions, their vocations and their communities, and who serve as role models for other generations to continue to grow, thrive and contribute. Individuals and organizations interested in nominating someone for the 2017 Ohio Senior Citizens Hall of Fame may visit s/halloffame/ for more
information and to access the nomination form. “Inductees to the Ohio Senior Citizens Hall of Fame very often are ordinary people who do extraordinary things in their communities or careers,” said Stephanie M. Loucka, director of the department. “Their accomplishments represent a lifetime of hard work, dedication, ingenuity, kindness and compassion. They not only deserve to be recognized for their contributions, but they also should be lifted up as examples for the rest of us to strive to emulate.” Past inductees have
included business and industry leaders, advocates, community planners, educators, scientists, health care professionals, volunteers, artists, athletes and more. Nominees are evaluated on the scope and impact of their contributions begun or continued after age 60. In addition to being age 60 and older, nominees must be native-born Ohioans or residents of the state for at least 10 years. Posthumous nominations are accepted. Induction is held each May as the state and nation celebrate Older Americans Month. Those selected for the Hall of
Looking for a fur-ever home
Hi, I'm Quartz! I'm smart and fun and very, very artistic. I like to rearrange my cage every day, and I also like to hide under my blanket to see the world from a different perspective. I need a minor eye surgery, but it's not enough to slow me down. Every day spent with me will be interesting, I promise. Come to the HSAC and see.
Hello! My name is Bill, and I'm a nifty black and tan young dog. I would make someone an excellent companion, and you know what? I am really smart so it won't take me long to learn. We could be jogging companions, or maybe you need a nice farm dog. Why don't you come in and take a look at me and see if I fit what you are looking for.
4 West Union People’s Defender
PEOPLE’S DEFENDER 937-544-2391
Tony Adams Publisher
Billy Maxfield Sales Manager
Mark Carpenter Editor/Sports Editor
Terry Rigdon Advertising
Peggy Niswander Advertising
Patricia Beech Reporter
Amber Dryden Grooms Circulation/Classifieds
PEOPLE’S DEFENDER Publishes every Wednesday and Sunday.
Prices are subject to change at any time. Email: info@
Business hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Advertising Deadlines Wednesday Edition Classified is Monday at 10 a.m.; Retail/Real Estate/Auction is Monday at noon.
Advertising Deadlines Sunday Edition Classified is Wednesday at 4 p.m.; Retail/Real Estate/Auction is Wednesday at 4 p.m. News deadlines Wednesday Edition Monday 10 a.m. News deadlines Sunday Edition Thursday 9 a.m.
25 Rice Drive West Union, Ohio 937-544-2391
Commercial Printing available, contact Billy Maxfield at 937-444-3441 or Tony Adams at 800-404-3157.
Community Announcements
Venture Productions accepting toys for Christmas Sharing Venture Productions is now accepting new, unwrapped toys for the Christmas Sharing Project. Toys can be dropped off to Venture Productions between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. Deadline for dropping toys off is Dec. 6.
Homeless Shelter looking for holiday donations The Adams County Homeless Shelter would like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season, but urge everyone to keep in mind those who are struggling and homeless. Please consider a donation office at (937) 6950680.
Humane Society Open House is Dec. 10 The Humane Society of Adams County is hosting a SantaPaws Open House on Dec. 10 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at their Adoption Center at 11481 St. Rt. 41 South in West Union, OH. Enjoy pictures with Santa, refreshments, Leash/Toy/and Collar Drive, and view our adoptable pets and meet the staff of the Humane Society of Adams County. For information contact (937) 544-8585 or email DAV Chapter #71 will meet Dec. 10 The scheduled Nov. 29 meeting of the Adams County DAV Chapter #71
has been cancelled and changed to Dec. 10 because of the conflict with the Thanksgiving holiday. The Dec. 31 meeting has also been moved to Dec. 10 because of the conflict with the New Year holiday.
Aberdeen Hometown Christmas is Dec. 10 The 2016 Aberdeen Hometown Christmas will be held on Dec. 10 at the Aberdeen Community Center, with doors opening at 4:30 p.m. Santa will arrive at 5:30 p.m. and free food and door prizes will be available for all ages.
Historical Society will meet Dec. 12 The Adams County Historical Society will meet on Monday, Dec. 12 at 7 p.m. at the Heritage Center in West Union. Mark Tolle will be entertaining with Christmas carols and refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome. Manchester Educational Foundation meets Dec. 12 The Manchester Educational Foundation will meet on Dec. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at Manchester High School.
MLSD Board meets Dec. 14 The Manchester Local School District Board of Education will meet in regular session on Dec. 14 at 6:30 p.m. at Manchester High School.
meeting is Dec. 15 The Adams County Ohio Valley School District Board of Education will hold a Board meeting on Thursday, Dec. 15 at the Career and Technical Center, beginning at 7 p.m. ACRMC Trustees Meet Dec. 15 A regular meeting of the Adams County Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees will be held on Thursday, Dec. 15, at 4:30 p.m. in the Conference Center at 230 Medical Center Drive in Seaman.
Peebles Foodbank giveaway is Dec. 17 The Peebles Foodbank will hold their Christmas Sharing food giveaway at 8 a.m. on Dec. 17 at the Church of Christ Outreach Center on Nixon Avenue. There is no sign up for the Christmas Sharing food giveaway. This is for Peebles residents only. USDA guidelines apply. ID is required.
Liberty Band Christmas Concert is Dec. 19 The Liberty Band will hold its annual Christmas Concert on Monday, Dec. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in West Union. This concert benefits the Salvation Army of Adams County. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy Christmas music.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Beginning Dec. 19 and then every third Monday of the month, Aglow International will be holding meetings in the Second Floor Conference Room at the Adams County Regional Medical Center. Aglow is a non-denominational fellowship and worship group and they will welcome different speakers each month. For more information, visit or contact Katey McCann at (937) 515-1552.
COAD4Kids offers childcare services If you are a parent searching for care or an individual interested in providing childcare, COAD 4Kids can help. Call 1-800-577-2276 or locally 740-354-6527 for information about childcare and the free services offered.
Ohio Can meets in Seaman Ohio Can, a non-profit group pro-active in raising money to get the community involved in drug awareness and prevention, will meet on the first Thursday of every month from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Seaman Community Building. The group plans on putting together meaningful events to gather support in Adams County. Snacks and beverages will be provided. For more information, call 937-217-1527 or email solaceofadamscounty@gmai Reformers Unanimous to meet The Reformers Unanimous Addiction Recovery Program is held 7 p.m. every Friday at 106 Rice Drive in West Union. For information contact Phil
Upcoming calendar reminders
Well we finally got some much needed rain with the rain that fell overnight Monday night and into Tuesday morning. Hopefully tobacco producers are able to get tobacco down out of the barns. Sounds like we are in for a cold blast of arctic air in the coming days. As we move forward toward the end of the year, there are a few meetings or programs still to be done in 2016. As we look forward to 2017, here is a reminder of some of the programs that are scheduled for after the first of the year. This is not a complete list as more dates and programs will be added in the coming weeks. Dec. 8- Weed Program at Clinton County Fairgrounds 1 p.m. Contact the Clinton County Extension Office for more information at (937) 382-0901. Dec. 12- Pesticide testing at noon at the Old Y Restaurant, pre-register at or call 800-282-1955. Jan. 9- Pesticide testing at noon, Old Y Restaurant, every month, second Monday. Jan. 12- Beginning of eight- week Small Farm College at the Clinton County Extension Office
ACOVSD regular Board
located on the Fairgrounds on Thursday evenings, details to come. Jan. 17- Ohio Beef School starts at 7 p.m. Plan is for two locations with one being confirmed as the Hillsboro High School Agriculture classroom. The second location is TBD. There are two additional dates of Feb. 7 and Feb. 28, same locations and time. Jan. 18- Three-hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training for those people who do not currently hold a Pesticide Applicator License. This requirement will take effect on Sept. 30, 2017. The rules at this point are 50 acres of crop land producing crops for sale. You can call the Ohio Dept. of Ag for clarifica-
Aglow International beginning meetings at ACRMC
tion concerning your operation at 800-282-1955. For local training you can attend Southern State Community College in Hillsboro at 12:30 p.m. or North Adams High School in Seaman at 5:30 p.m. Seating is limited at SSCC so pre-register early by calling Cindy at the Brown County Extension Office at (937) 378-6716. Jan. 26- Three hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training and Pesticide Re-certification at OSU South Centers in Piketon. Call to pre-register at the Pike County Extension Office at (740) 289-4837. Feb. 1- Ohio River Valley Agronomy Day at the Mason County Extension Office. Feb. 4- Brown County Cattlemen Annual Banquet. Feb. 7- Beef School. Feb. 8- Two-hour Fertilizer Certification and three-hour Pesticide Recertification at North Adams High School with Fertilizer starting at 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. meal, then Pesticide Re-certification 7:30- 10:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required. Call Cindy at the OSU Extension Office at (937) 378-6716. Feb. 9- Two-hour Fertilizer Certification and
three-hour Pesticide Recertification at Southern Hills Board Office in Georgetown with Fertilizer starting at 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. meal, then Pesticide Recertification from 1- 4 p.m. Pre-registration is required. Call Cindy at the OSU Extension Office at (937) 378-6716. Feb. 14- Start of Grain Marketing School at the Southern Hills Board Office in Georgetown on five Tuesdays. (Feb. 14, 21, 28, March 7 and 21) The classes will begin at 1 p.m. and go until approximately 4 p.m. Charge is $25 and the same class will be offered on Wednesday evenings (the next day) in Chillicothe. Feb. 15- Two-hour Fertilizer Certification and three-hour Pesticide Recertification at Southern State Community College in Hillsboro with Fertilizer starting at 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. meal, then Pesticide Recertification fro 1- 4 p.m. Pre-registration is required and space is limited at this location. Call Cindy at the OSU Extension Office at (937) 378-6716. Feb. 28- Beef School. March 3- Agriculture is Everyone’s Business at SSCC in Hillsboro. March 7- Farm and Family Night at Maysville Community and Technical College. March 10-11- Southern
Fulton at 937-587-1797 or Ron Baker at 937-544-4110.
Celebrate recovery A Christ-centered recovery program for people who struggle with addictions or any life-controlling issue will meet on Mondays from 6 -8:30 p.m. at Church 180 located at 2556 Moores Road, in Seaman. A program for children (ages 512) of parents who attend the program is available as well. For more information contact Dan Sheridan at 937-205-5464 or Carol Sheridan at 513-509-3911.
Solace of Adams County meeting twice a month Solace of Adams County, a local community group that supports individuals who have suffered the loss of a loved one to drugs, will meet on the second and fourth Friday of every month from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the second floor Conference Room of the Adams County Regional Medical Center. The group will also provide support to recovering addicts, as well as advocating prevention and bringing awareness into the community. Snacks and beverages will be provided and for more information, call 937-217-1527 or email solaceofadamscounty@gma Narcotics Anonymous meeting every Thursday Narcotics Anonymous a 12step recovery plan, will meet at 7 p.m. on Thursdays at the Holy Trinity Parish at 612 E. Mulberry Street in West Union.
Ohio Small Farm Conference at Wilmington College. This will include another three-hour Fertilizer Training. April 8- Highland County OSU Extension’s Dinner and Auction at the Highland County Fairgrounds in the evening.
2017 Environmental Health Fees Public Hearing is Dec. 20
The Adams County Health Department will be hosting a public hearing for all operators within the Environmental Health programs. The public hearing will be held Tuesday, Dec. 20 in the Adams County Health Department Conference Room located at 923 Sunrise Avenue in West Union. The hearing will begin at 10 am. The Environmental Health programs included in this hearing are Sewage Treatment Systems, Private Water Systems, Campgrounds, Public Swimming Pools, Tattoo and Body Piercing Establishments and Solid Waste Haulers. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact the Adams County Health Department at (937) 5445547.
Ohio Department of Education launches mobile app Ohio families can now get the latest education news, search for schools in their neighborhoods and look at their schools' report cards right from their smartphones. The Ohio Department of Education this week launched a mobile app for iPhone and Android. "More and more, we're getting information directly from our smartphones," said Paolo DeMaria, superintendent of public instruction. "The Ohio Department of Education Mobile App brings valuable resources right to our families' fingertips." With the app, Ohioans can: • Access timely educator and family resources • Find school report cards and other information from around their homes • Receive app updates and notifications straight to their phone • Interact with the Ohio
School Report Cards by school or district name, or by entering their zip code • Send information from the Ohio School Report Cards to friends, family and colleagues • Check out district and school grades in the area before they move • Navigate directly to schools or call them with easy to use in-app features. The Ohio Department of Education Mobile App is available free of charge in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, search Ohio Department of Education.
Senator Uecker commemorates 75th Anniversary of Ohio Civil Air Patrol LOCAL NEWS
West Union People’s Defender
State Senator Joe Uecker (R-Miami Township) today presented a resolution to Colonel Theodore Shaffer, CAP, Ohio Wing Commander in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Ohio Civil Air Patrol. "As the father of three
Accident From page 1
ed to the Adams County Regional Medical Center by the Seaman EMS
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Hayes' current complaint contains nine Claims for Relief including a Writ of Mandamus, Defamation, Interference with Employment, False Light Invasion of Privacy, Negligent Supervision, Invasion of Privacy, Respondeat Superior, Retaliation, and Hostile Work Environment. The Writ of Mandamus, which is an order from a higher court commanding a certain course of action be followed, would compel Mayor Hilderbrand to enforce the decision of the village council and direct Chief Bowling to reinstate Officer Hayes and ensure that he receives all his required training and has full LEADS access. The complaint asks for an award of $10,000 for attorney fees and cost for bringing the mandamus action; an award of $10,000 for alleged defamation and an award of $50,000 in punitive damages; an award of $5,000 resulting from Chief Bowling's alleged interference with Hayes' employment relationship and $50,000 for punitive damages and attorney fees and costs; an award of $10,000 for Chiefs Bowling's alleged invasion of privacy and $50,000 for punitive damages for alleged illegal actions; an award of $100,000 for alleged invasion of privacy and punitive damages of $200,000 for alleged illegal action and/or allowing alleged illegal actions to continue unabated; an award of compensatory damages from the village of Manchester and punitivedamages in the amount of $100,000; an award of compensatory damages in the amount of $5,000 and punitive damages in the amount of $50,000 for alleged retaliation by the defendants; an award of $10,000 and punitive
children in the Air Force, aviation has a special place in my heart," said Uecker. "The Civil Air Patrol has played an important role in our national security since its early years and continues to do so today." In an effort to protect the nation's coastlines during World War II and perform other critical
civil defense missions, the U.S. Civil Air Patrol was established December 1, 1941. Ohio Wing's history began in September 1941, when Earle L. Johnson, Director of the Ohio Bureau of Aeronautics, organized Ohio's civilian pilots into a state wing of the Civil Air Defense Service.
damages in the amount of $100,000 for the alleged creation of a hostile work environment. Additionally, the Hayes complaint asks that the award be applied jointly between all three defendants. The complaint springs from actions taken by Chief Bowling after Officer Hayes filed a grievance against him in early July. Bowling launched an investigation which led to Hayes being fired from the police force. Hayes in turn submitted a complaint to the village council accusing Bowling of falsification, intimidation and coercion, dishonesty, and immoral conduct. The village council ordered that Hayes be reinstated to his position, however, Mayor Hildebrand, in his capacity as overseer of the police department, steadfastly refuses to uphold the council's decision. Bowling continues to defy the council's wishes and refuses to grant Hayes access to LEADS (Law Enforcement Automated Data System) and other training required by his position. It is an action many say leaves the town under-protected. Additionally, in recent weeks Chief Bowling has accepted a secondary position as a Bailiff in Butler County which cuts back on the hours he is available to police the village. Mike Reno was one of a group of concerned citizens who met with Mayor Hilderbrand to discuss the town's law enforcement problems. “We asked that he either step up and make Jeff (Chief Bowling) either do his job the way he's supposed to be doing it or take control of your police department and end all of the (internal) arguments,” said Reno. “All of Chief Bowling's efforts have been focused on that, and that takes away from his ability to do his job properly. If you look up the Manchester crime rate
you'll find we don't have one – but we do. We are crime-ridden right now, but there's no reports being made, no charges are being pressed against people, nobody's being investigated for anything because all the focus is on trying to get Officer Hayes removed and Officer Mallot reinstated.” At the most recent village council meeting Manchester residents expressed their frustration with the ongoing battle between the two officers and Mayor Hilderbrand's apparent reluctance to take action. Reno asked the Council for a Vote of No Confidence in Mayor Hilderbrand. Council member C.L. Skip Wagner said the vote was spurred by the mayor's failure to end eight months of infighting in the police department. With three council members abstaining, the vote was two in favor and one against. The No Confidence vote was meant to be a precursor to a Recall Vote by villagers to replace the mayor. Even though the motion failed a special meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 13 to discuss disbanding the police department and revisiting the vote of No Confidence. That meeting has since been canceled. In a recent Facebook post Chief Bowling expressed his disappointment in the council's decision to level a No Confidence vote against the Mayor. “This is how the council is trying to help the Village of Manchester, against legal advice which has already got them several lawsuits,” he wrote. “I guess they think the Sheriff's Department will respond free of charge. It is not hurting me I can go elsewhere tomorrow, they are hurting the residents and of course no business would ever want to come to town. How about we vote on a new council?”
team. Howell, who was traveling north on St. Rt. 247 in a black 1996 Ford Explorer, was attempting to turn left onto St. Rt. 32 when her car was struck
by a 2006 silver Mercury Mountaineer driven by Betty Sword, 66, of Leesburg. Howell was cited with failure to yield to an oncoming vehicle.
Advertising pays in The People’s Defender! Call 937-544-2391 today!
Sunday, December 11, 2016 5
Johnson served as the Ohio Civil Air Patrol's first wing commander. The Civil Air Patrol is
the newest asset of the Air Force, which consists of regular Air Force, Air National Guard and Air
Force Reserve, along with Air Force retired military and civilian employees.
ing puppies, con artists also may pretend to offer kittens, parrots, or other pets. Generally they communicate with the consumer via email, phone, or text, send pictures of the animal, and ask the consumer to pay using wire transfer or money order. To avoid scams: • Research breeders and sellers carefully. Check complaints filed with the Ohio Attorney General's Office and the Better Business Bureau, and review feedback from other customers. Be skeptical if you find no information; some scam artists change names regularly to trick consumers. If possible, work with a local, reputable organization. • Never purchase a pet sight-unseen over the internet, especially from an individual who requests an "adoption fee" or "shipping fee" via money order or wire transfer. To help detect a possible scam, conduct an online image search of the puppy's photo to see where else the picture is posted on the internet. (Search "how to search by image" for help determining how to do this.) If the same picture shows up in multiple places, it could be part of a scam. • Visit the animal in person. If you choose to purchase a puppy, visit the breeder in person. Ask many questions. Ensure
the breeder has individual veterinary paperwork for the puppy on the letterhead of his or her veterinarian, and consider calling the veterinarian to verify the relationship. Obtain proof of purchase with the breeder's full contact information on it. • Consider adoption from a local animal shelter, where the entire family can meet and interact with an animal prior to adoption. • Watch for red flags. Beware of offers that are too good to be true, sellers who require payment via wire transfer or money order, requests for extra costs for airline pet insurance or a temperature-controlled crate, unexpected delivery problems requiring additional payment, or threats that you'll be turned in for animal abuse or neglect if you don't pay. Report potential problems. If you suspect a scam, contact the Ohio Attorney General's Office. If you suspect animal cruelty, contact the seller's local animal control agency or the humane society. The Humane Society of the United States has a puppy mill tip line at 1-877-MILL-TIP (1-877-645-5847). Consumers can report potential scams by contacting the Ohio Attorney General's Office at 800282-0515 or
Attorney General DeWine warns of ‘Puppy Scams’ Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine this weekwarned consumers to avoid puppy scams. Several consumers have reported losing hundreds of dollars trying to buy a puppy online in recent weeks. "Some 'sellers' who advertise online are con artists," Attorney General DeWine said. "They post a picture of a cute puppy and tell you to wire money for a crate or insurance. Then they take your money without delivering anything in return. People expect to receive a cute puppy, and instead they get nothing." In a typical puppy scam, a consumer finds an ad for a puppy online. The consumer communicates with the seller, agrees to buy the puppy, and wires a few hundred dollars to have the puppy delivered. After the consumer pays, the seller demands more money for seemingly legitimate costs, such as for a crate, shots, shipping insurance, or other transportation fees. Generally, consumers who pay receive nothing in return. In some cases, consumers receive a puppy but say the puppy was sick or did not come with the American Kennel Club registration the seller promised. In addition to advertis-
Dryden’s Greyhounds hang on to win home opener Den: Coach Darnell’s first win, Week 14 62-51 over West in the NFL 6
Sunday, December 11, 2016
steal and layup by Jamie Combs left the two teams deadlocked at 15 apiece after the first quarter. Three minutes into the second period, a basket by Shaun Gould gave the Greyhounds their first lead of the game at 18-17, beginning a flurry of baskets from both sides. Baskets by Combs and Mason Bilyeu put the Hounds up three and a later jumper by Combs kept that lead at 26-23. Two Cox free throws extended the lead to five and with 1:34 left in the half, Bryan Young went to the stripe for two shots. He hit the first and missed the second, but hustling all the way, grabbed the offensive rebound and scored to put his team up 31-25. After West got a bucket from Maynard, a threepointer at the buzzer by Cox send the home team to the locker room holding a 34-27 advantage. Early in the third period, Combs nailed a three on a nicely executed out-ofbounds play and then two buckets from Colton Thornburg capped a 7-0 run that gave the Hounds their biggest lead of the game to that point at 4330. The Senators rebounded with back-to-
After an opening Murderer's Row weekend that saw them facing an Last Week: 9-6 Ohio Elite Eight team and Season: 111-79-2 a Kentucky Sweet 16 TNF: Oakland at Kansas squad, Coach Joey Darnell City – A marquee match up and his Manchester on Thursday night between Greyhounds returned to two old AFC West rivals their own friendly confeatures the first place 10-2 fines on Tuesday, Dec. 6 Raiders versus the 9-3 to entertain the Chiefs. The game will Portsmouth West Senators showcase excellent edge in the Hounds' home rushers in Oakland’s Khalil opener. The return to the Mack along with Kansas Hound Pound was just the City'’s Tamba Hali and remedy the Greyhounds Justin Houston. Expect a needed as Manchester led physical game with both most of the way and teams trying to protect picked up their first win of their quarterbacks with the season, placing three plenty of carries. players in double figures Arrowhead Stadium will and downing the Senators no doubt rocking which 62-51. will be a key factor in proThings looked a little pelling the Chiefs to a big rough early on for the victory. KC 23 OAK 20 Hounds as West came out Pittsburgh at Buffalo – of the gate with a trio of The three-point goals, two by Steelers L.T. Maynard, as the visidefense tors grabbed a 10-3 lead is start- and forced an MHS timeing to out. Another long trey, mature this one by Jordan – if Frasure, kept the Senators they on top 13-5, but the play Hounds answered with an Scott Dryden well 8-0 run, all from senior Guest this Kaulen Cox, whose three Columnist team from the top of the key will be tied the game at 13. After a tough out. A huge game West took the lead back, a for both teams in a game where the elements will be a major factor. Big Ben lives for these types of games. PIT 20 BUF 17 BY MARK CARPENTER the West Union Dragons Denver at Tennessee – had the tough task of hitPEOPLE'S DEFENDER The Broncos got a big victing the road to face the tory in Jacksonville but it always tough The two boys varsity was anything but pretty. basketball teams in Adams Wheelersburg Pirates. They need Trevor Siemian County latest to start their It was the Indians who back under center – he came out on the winning 2016-17 seasons got to should return this week. side, holding off a scrappy work on Tuesday, Dec. 6, The Titans are in a threeRipley squad 78-65, while but with differing results. way tie for first place, thus The Peebles Indians were the Dragons did not fare every game is crucial. quite so well, falling 99at home hosting the Marcus Mariota must use 60 to Wheelersburg. Ripley Blue Jays, beginhis legs and their running At Peebles, the Blue ning their season with a game must be a factor to Jays stayed in the game Southern Hills Athletic have a chance. In a tight with some blistering outConference battle, while contest, the Denver defense is the difference. DEN 20 TEN 16 Washington at Philadelphia – The Redskins scored but their defense could not stop Arizona last week. The BY MARK CARPENTER Peebles head coach Billie loss hurt their wildcard Jo Justice. “I think we are PEOPLE'S DEFENDER hopes – resulting in a must continuing to improve and win situation this week. we will continues to work After beginning their The Eagles were pumseason with three consecu- on our weaknesses. It was meled in Cincinnati, contive non-conference victo- a tough game tonight, tinuing their recent trend. Eastern is a very solid and ries, the Peebles Lady Kirk Cousins plays well well-coached team.” Indians stepped right into leading Washington to a The Lady Indians got the fire of Southern Hills big divisional road win. off to a good start in the Athletic Conference play WAS 27 PHI 23 early going, once again on Monday, Dec. 5 with a Arizona at Miami – Last trip across county borders behind the long-distance week, the Cardinals finally to battle one of the presea- accuracy of McKinlee resembled the team many Ryan, who has established son favorites in the picked to win the division. SHAC, the Eastern Lady herself as a serious threat They travel to Miami to from deep, On Monday Warriors. Though an face a Dolphins team that night, Ryan hit a pair of underdog going in, the was manhandled last week Peebles girls put up quite threes in the first quarter in Baltimore. Carson to help Peebles grab a 10a fight, hanging with the Palmer plays well in a big Lady Warriors all the way 3 advantage, road victory for Bruce through before the Eastern Unfortunately, that was Arians and crew. ARI 31 MIA 24 San Diego at Carolina – Very disappointing teams meet in Carolina where Cam Newton’s play has not lived up to his brand. Both teams will continue to play hard despite their seasons being over. Carolina gets the home victory. CAR 24 SD 23 Cincinnati at Cleveland – The Bengals were dominant in their victory over Philadelphia. Although their playoff hopes are gone they have been competitive week in and week out. Coming off their bye, the Browns are still searching for their first victory. It is likely RGIII will be the starting quarterback which should open up their Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender running game. Hue Jackson gets the Browns the high water around mark of the girls pulledMatti away Nichols for a 50- looks Peebles’ for room the first win of the season opening 14 minutes of 39 win. corner against the defense of Eastern’s Camryn the spannight’s of “I was very proud Pickerill during theofsecondplay halfasofover Tuesday the rest of the first period our girls tonight,” said See NFL Picks / 7 SHAC contest. and the first six minutes of
Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender
Manchester’s Bryan Young was fouled on this drive to the basket in the fourth quarter of Tuesday night’s game with Portsmouth West and sank one of two free throws to give his team a four-point lead, which eventually turned into a 62-51 victory. back scores, but late in the frame, a Bilyeu bucket made it 49-35, and after West's Tre Patrick scored a deuce, the third quarter ended with the Greyhounds holding a seemingly comfortable 4937 lead.
The lead after three turned out to be not so comfortable as the Senators rallied with a 9-2 run to begin the fourth quarter, cutting the deficit down to 51-46 with five minutes to play. The Greyhounds did not come
unnerved and a put back score by Gould put the lead back at seven. West struck back again with two baskets and a free throw to narrow the lead to three with 2:41 to play
side shooting, hitting eight three-pointers in the game, but they had no answer for the inside-out game of the Indians' Camron Gordley, who poured in 29 points to lead all scorers. The Indians led at every quarter stop, 20-18, 42-34, 66-52, and finally 78-65. Besides Gordley's 29, the Indians placed three other players in double figuresTanner Arey with 17, Ethan Parrett with 12, and
Bostin Robinson with 10. Peebles nailed six threepointers in the win, three of those by Arey, and shot 12 for 16 from the free throw line. Ripley had a pair of players in double figures, Ryan Harney with 18 and Jaki Royal with 16. For the Dragons on the road, the night was a little less successful, partially because they gave up 30 points in the first quarter
to the Pirates, while only scoring 17 of their own, digging an instant hole. In the second stanza, West Union only managed 8 points as the Pirates rolled out to a 57-25 halftime advantage. After the break, the Dragons won the third period 19-13, as Elijah McCarty drained a pair of threes, but the final eight
Indians win, Dragons fall in Tuesday season openers
See Greyhounds / 7
See Openers / 7
Lady Indians suffer first loss, 50-39 at Eastern Brown Ryan scores 19 in loss, including five treys
the second, the Lady Warriors dominated to the tune of 20 straight points. Eastern got a pair of buckets from Morgan Reynolds and another from Mikayla Farris to end the first quarter on top 11-10, and then kept up the heat. Baskets by Farris and Allison Day kept the run rolling and back-to-back three-pointers by Alexa Pennington and a basket by Allison Mallott made it 23-10 Eastern with 2:12 left in the first half. The Lady Indians were able to withstand that blow and rallied to put up a 7-0 run to close out the half, getting three-pointers from Ryan and Jessica Sowards to slice an double digit Eastern lead down to just 23-17 at the intermission. After the break, the Lady Warriors took control again, beginning the third quarter with an 8-2 spurt that stretched their lead back to double digits at31-19, but again the Peebles squad weathered the storm and had an answer. A three-point goal by Matti Nichols, a free throw by Ryan, and a jumper by Tatum Arey cut the Eastern lead back to six, 31-25, after three quarters. The Peebles run reached eight straight when Arey hit another “J” to start the final period, but the home team had their own answer. After Ryan nailed another trey to make it 3530 Eastern with 5:45 to
Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender
Peebles’ Baylee Justice, right, battles for a rebound with Eastern’s Morgan Reynolds in action from Monday night’s SHAC battle, won by the Lady Warriors 50-39. play, the Lady Warriors got a Pennington bucket and a three-point play from Farris to go back on top by 10. From deep in the corner, Ryan drilled her fifth three of the game to keep her team within striking distance, trailing 42-35 with three minutes remaining. The Lady Warriors had an immediate response on their next possession, getting a
matching trey from Whitney Broughton to lead 45-35. Two Sowards free throws cut the margin back to eight but time was running out on a Peebles comeback. To seal the win, the Lady Warriors finished the game with a 5-2 run and claimed their third victory against no defeats, downing the Lady
See Lady Indians / 7
West Union People’s Defender
Sunday, December 11, 2016 7
SPORTS EDITOR’S NOTE: Each week, The People’s Defender will profile an Adams County senior student/athlete so our community and readers can get to know better these outstanding young people who participate both in athletics and academics in their high school. NAME: Amber Renchen
SCHOOL: Peebles High School Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender
PARENTS: Jeff and Monday Fisher
SPORTS PLAYED IN HIGH SCHOOL: Peebles’ Jerilin Toller pushes the ball ahead on the break during second half Soccer, Track action from Monday night’s varsity girls contest.
Lady Indians From page 6
Indians by a final count of 50-39. In the loss, Peebles was led by 19 points from Ryan, the only Lady Indian to reach double figures, Jessica Sowards scored 7 and Tatum Arey 6. Eastern was paced by 16
points from Farris, joined in double figures by Pennington with 12. Reynolds added 9 for the winners. Peebles 10 7 8 14 --39 E. Brown 11 12 8 19 –50
Peebles (39): Sowards 1 44 7, Ryan 6 2-4 19, Nichols 1 0-0 3, Arey 3 0-
0 6, Toller 2 0-2 4, Team 13 6-10 39. E. Brown (50): Pickerill 1 0-1 2, Broughton 2 0-0 5, Reynolds 3 3-4 9, Day 1 2-2 4, Mallott 1 0-0 2, Farris 6 4-5 16, Pennington 3 4-4 12, Team 17 13-16 50. Three-Point Goals: Peebles (7): Sowards 1, Ryan 5, Nichols 1 Eastern (3): Broughton 1, Pennington 2
Greyhounds From page 6
but that was the last time the visitors would change their number on the scoreboard. Cox hit a pair from the stripe to make it 56-51 with 1:31 left and when the Hounds got the ball back, Combs was fouled with just 37 ticks remaining. The junior guard hit both attempts and after West misfired on a three, Thornburg was fouled. He missed the front end of the one and one, but grabbed his own rebound and then was fouled again with 19 seconds left, and this time, he sank both shots. Another pair from the stripe just seconds later by Cox would be the final point sin the first Manchester victory of the year, as they outlasted the Senators by a final count of 62-51. For the third game in succession, Cox was the top point man for the Hounds, this time pouring in 20 points, including a perfect 7 for 7 from the charity stripe. It was also a big night for Thornburg, who turned in a double double performance of 14 points and 13 rebounds. Combs had his best game of the season, scoring 13 points , hauling in 6 rebounds, and garnering 4 steals. West placed a quartet of players in double figures, led by Maynard with 17. Patrick and Buster Boggs each scored 11, with Frasure adding 10. The Greyhounds also picked up the win in the preceding JV contest, riding 12 points each from Jacob Calvert and Ethan
From page 6
minutes went 29-18 to the home team as the Pirates rolled to a 99-60 triumph. “I think the score tonight speaks for itself,” said West Union head coach Josh White. “When you play a good team and Wheelersburg is a good team, you have to execute
NFL Picks From page 6
against his old team. CLE 27 CIN 24 Chicago at Detroit – The Bears are finishing up a miserable season that will likely bring major changes. Matt Barkley will be under center again. They must pound the ball with rookie Jordan Howard to have a chance. The first place Lions are the real deal. Matthew Stafford is playing at a very high level as is the Detroit defense. DET 31 CHI 23 Houston at Indianapolis – The AFC South has a three-way tie at the top, which includes Houston and Indianapolis. This is
FAVORITE THING ABOUT HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS: Being part of a team and they’re my family LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS: Always eating, yet you are never full
MOST MEMORABLE HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS MOMENT: When Caitlyn Bradford got a yellow card, because she is so sweet that we all had to laugh
Amber Renchen
and listening to music FAVORITE RESTAURANT: Red Lobster
WOULD LOVE TO TRADE PLACES FOR A DAY WITH: No one because I love being me FUTURE PLANS: Go to college to find out who I am
COMING NEXT WEDNESDAY: Kylie Lucas from Manchester High School
Devils win SHAC debut, 71-54 at Fayetteville BY MARK CARPENTER PEOPLE'S DEFENDER
Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender
Manchester junior guard Jamie Combs (12) drives to the basket for a score during the third period of Tuesday’s win over Portsmouth West. Pennywitt to a 39-25 victory. The Greyhounds will be back in action on Friday, Dec. 9 in their first Southern Hills Athletic Conference battle on the road at Fayetteville and will come right back on Saturday night, on the road again to face a very tough Portsmouth Clay squad. P. West 15 12 10 14 --51 Manchester 15 19 15 13 --62
P. West (51): Maynard 7 0-1 17, Patrick 5 1-5 11, Boggs 4 3-6 11, Frasure 4 0-0 10, Blacker 1 0-0 2, Team 21 412 51. Manchester (62): Cox 5 7-7 20, Thornburg 6 2-3 14, Combs 5 2-2 13, Young 2 2-4 6, Gould 2 1-2 5, Bilyeu 2 0-0 4, Team 22 1418 62. Three-Point Goals: P. West (5): Maynard 3, Frasure 2 Manchester (4): Cox 3, Combs 1
a big game with only four remaining. The Texans should be able to move the ball especially with Colts linebacker D’Qwell Jackson out for the remainder of the regular season. If Andrew Luck is given time – expect a monster day. A big win for the Colts. IND 27 HOU 23 Minnesota at Jacksonville – Simply put, a must win for the collapsing Vikings. Sam Bradford must play errorfree football and the defense must dominate the putrid Jaguars offense. They will do so which keeps them alive for a NFC wild card slot. MIN 20 JAX 13 New York Jets at San Francisco – Two of the
worst teams in the league square off in the bay – the only real importance is NFL Draft positioning. Hard to fathom why Todd Bowles isn’t playing Christian Hackenberg but he is finally going with Bryce Petty. The Niners are a disaster as well. Kaepernick does just enough to get the home victory. SF 20 NYJ 16 New Orleans at Tampa Bay – The Saints are all but out of the playoff race. What does this mean for head coach Sean Payton? The Drew Brees era? Many tough offseason questions for New Orleans. Meanwhile, the Bucs are a team on the rise. They are tied with the Falcons for first place - led by Jameis Winston
in every aspect of the game. If you don't execute in one aspect, it turns into two and then into three and before you know it, you are down by 20. That is what happened tonight. We did not execute the way we can, the way we have to.” McCarty led the Dragons with 15 points and was joined in double figures by Garrett Vogler with 11. Eli Fuller scored 9 and James Curtis 8.
Both teams will be back in action on Friday, Dec.9 with the Indians facing a difficult road task and an early season SHAC showdown when they travel to Lynchburg to face the Mustangs in the hostile environment of a Final Four team last season. The Dragons will be on the road also, opening their SHAC campaign with a trip to Ripley to face the Blue Jays.
After dropping their season opener on the road at Minford last weekend, Coach Nathan Copas and his North Adams Green Devils opened up Southern Hills Athletic Conference play on Dec. 6 with a trip to Fayetteville, a place with not too fond memories for the Devils, who blew a late 17-point lead to the Rockets in a defeat last season. There was to be no such repeat performance on Tuesday night as the Devils went crazy from behind the arc, hitting 10 three-pointers on their way to, ironically, a 17-point win, downing the Rockets 7154. The three-point barrage began in the first quarter with treys from Patrick England, Ryan Shupert, and Elijah Young, and continued in the second with another from Shupert and a pair from Colt Shumaker as the Devils forged a 3527 halftime advantage. North Adams broke the game open in the third quarter, outscoring the Rockets 22-8, behind the power of a trio of treys from England and another from Justin Knechtly, giving them a 57-35 lead. Fayetteville took the final quarter 19-14, but it was far too little as the Green Devils cruised to their first victory of the 2016-17 campaign. “I felt like we did a nice job of dictating the tempo for most of the night,” said Coach Copas. “In the first half, we gave them too many easy looks at the basket, but we shot it really well, and when you shoot it well everything else seems to look better. We have to continue to get better in our quarter-court offense and challenge every shot on the
and an improving defense. Tampa Bay stretches their winning streak to five. TB 34 NO 31 Atlanta at Los Angeles – Recent struggles have led to the Falcons being tied at the top of the division despite a red-hot start to the season. They should get the road victory on the west coast, but a cross-country trip is never easy. Expect continued growth from rookie quarterback Jared Goff, but Matt Ryan and Julio Jones are too much. ATL 24 LA 20 Seattle at Green Bay – The loss of Earl Thomas is a big blow to the Seahawks. He is one of the top safeties in the NFL. They will adjust but get a quick test versus
Photo by Patrice Yezzi England
North Adams’ Patrick England goes up for a contested shot during Tuesday’s SHAC contest in Fayetteville. England scored 16 points as the Devils came home with a 71-54 victory. defensive end. If we can get better at those two things and shoot it like we did tonight, it should be a fun year.” The victorious Devils (11) placed three players in double figures, paced by 17 points from point guard Isaiah Anderson, with England adding 16 and Shumaker 10. The Rockets were led by 18 points from Luke Wiederhold. In the JV contest, the Green Devils fell to 0-2 on the season as they gave up a lead in the fourth quarter and fell to Fayetteville 3531. The North Adams defense controlled the fist half, allowing the Rockets just 7 points, but on the other side, the Devils could
Aaron Rodgers and the Packers. This is a great match up between two preseason favorites. The Pack have bounced back nicely winning two in a row following a four game losing streak. Russell Wilson vs. Rodgers is must see TV. Expect a dandy in frigid Lambeau Field. GB 27 SEA 23 SNF: Dallas at New York Giants – The Cowboys are 11-1, winners of 11 games in a row. Their only loss was to the Giants, 20-19 in the season opener. With a victory, Dallas will clinch the NFC East. The Giants are firmly in play for a wild card spot. They are an inconsistent group but have talent. Ezekiel Elliott plays well but Dak
only muster 12, eight of those in the second period by Bryant Lung. Going into the final six minutes, the Devils were up 25-19, but the roof caved in and the Rockets outscored their guest 16-6 in that final frame to take the lead and hold on for the four-point win. Lung led the Green Devils with 12 points, followed by Dalton Gardner with 8 and Kent Mefford with 6. North Adams was back on the hardwood on Friday night, Dec. 9 with another challenging SHAC road trip, this time going to Eastern Brown for a triple header of freshman, JV, and varsity action.
Prescott struggles under immense pressure. Eli Manning and Odell Beckham Jr. make enough plays to get the victory. NYG 24 DAL 20 MNF: Baltimore at New England – The Ravens have been pedestrian for most of the season but played at a very high level last week versus the Dolphins. They have plenty of holes but generally keep games tight. The Patriots have all but wrapped up the AFC East – the only hurdle left is home field advantage. They will miss Gronk but will have enough to get the prime time victory over the Ravens. NE 27 BALT 17
UC Clermont's education programs offer local launch pad for aspiring teachers
8 West Union People’s Defender
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender
Manchester Elementary receives 2016 Momentum Award
The administration and staff at Manchester Elementary School was recently honored with the 2016 Momentum Award from the State Board of Education.
Recognition based on School Report Cards BY MARK CARPENTER PEOPLE'S DEFENDER
With all the doom and gloom stories that have been surrounding the Manchester Local School District recently, some good news came the district's way last month as the Manchester Elementary received notification that they were receiving the Ohio State Board of Education's 2016 Momentum Award. The award is in recognition of exceeding expectations in student growth on the Ohio School Report Cards for the 2015-16 school year. A letter from Thomas Gunlock, President of the State Board of Education, to MES Principal Nick Roberts, stated the following: “The Momentum Award recognizes schools that have received A's on every value-added measure included on the 2016 Ohio School Report Card. For your students, you are keeping the learning momentum high! Your report card for the 2015-16 school year indicates that your pupils made greater than expected progress in reading and mathematics. This is especially commendable because you no
doubt have a diverse array of students whose educational backgrounds and learning needs vary. As a winner of a Momentum Award, you are part of a group of schools that is showing that children of every background and ability level can achieve.” Principal Roberts gave The Defender his thoughts on winning the Momentum Award. “At Manchester Elementary, we have had the privilege to receive and earn the Momentum Award from the Ohio Department of Education. The credit for earning the award is due to our dedicated staff of teachers and paraprofessionals who work with our students on a daily basis.” “The past couple of years, we have revamped our instructional emphasis with new curriculum for most, if not all grade levels in reading and math. For that, I would like to thank our Board of Education for supporting our focus with the curriculum, and again our teachers who utilized the curriculum. Our main focus is 'student growth' and we have tiered our intervention classes to meet the need of all our subgroups. Our teachers have
done a fantastic job of making data-driven decisions, utilizing technology, and re-visiting objectives if they are not mastered the first time. I truly believe that our staff communicates well with one another in maximizing student potential in our teacherbased teams and as a building-level team. Again, the goal with the ever-changing mandates per the state report card is 'growth.'” “Another factor in our academic growth is the initiation of our PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports),” Roberts continued. “Positive behavior, in turn will promote academics. At MES we have a reward system that recognizes the student's appropriate and acceptable behaviors. We utilize 'Bark Bucks' as the reward in which students may purchase monetary and nonmonetary items from a reward menu.” “Again, I want to thank the teachers and staff here at MES for taking the responsibility to meet the needs of 'growing' all students academically and we will continue to strive to meet the educational needs of all of our students.”
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For Andrew Molloy, the third time — and UC Clermont — was the charm. After first enrolling in education programs at both UC's Main Campus and Northern Kentucky University, Molloy was looking for a more personal, affordable college experience. He found an immediate connection and perfect fit at UC Clermont College. "I have fantastic professors; they are dedicated to making sure their students get the best education possible," said Molloy, who is enrolled in UC Clermont's Pre-Secondary English Education program and plans to transfer to NKU to complete his bachelor's degree. "The faculty members seem to really care, and class sizes are small enough that they are able to form personal relationships with their students." That personalized experience is a common reason students are attracted to UC Clermont's various education programs, said Kathleen Hulgin, assistant professor of education. "Our class sizes can range from 10 to 40 — large enough that students can make meaningful connec-
tions with their peers, but small enough that they can speak with the professor after class to clarify an assignment or work through a struggle they're experiencing," Hulgin said. The college offers a variety of associate degree options in early childhood, pre-middle childhood, presecondary and pre-special education that transfer to bachelor's degree programs in UC's College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services or at NKU. The UC Clermont education programs create an affordable, convenient foundation for budding teachers – and often connect them with area schools, including their alma maters, from day one. "Right off the bat, students are required to volunteer in local schools in connection with their coursework. They develop foundational skills as they work in the schools and community where they grew up," Hulgin said. "I think this is a highlight of the program for many of our students. They gain confidence and relationships that will eventually help them to get a job in their home communities."
For Hulgin, who has a background in inclusive education, working with future teachers at the beginning of their academic journeys is a reward in itself. "I love to see students' interest in education develop and inspire them, in spite of challenges they may face," said Hulgin. "I consider myself a partner with them in that process, and spend a good deal of time talking with and supporting students to manage time pressures and program requirements so they can graduate successfully. That's exciting." For his part, Molloy is grateful for the support and opportunities he's received at UC Clermont, and he is anxiously looking ahead to his future as a high school English teacher. "I want to help my students look at life through a critical lens and be present in the world they live in," Molloy said. "Not only in my classroom, but for the rest of their lives." Learn more about UC Clermont's education programs
SSCC and AUM announce new 3+1 degree pathway PRESS RELEASE
Southern State Community College (SSCC) and Antioch University Midwest (AUM) have joined in partnership to increase access and affordability to a four-year college education by establishing 3+1 pathway options for students. This agreement will allow students to take a total of three years of college courses at Southern State and one year at Antioch University Midwest to obtain both an associate and bachelor degree. An informational open house will be held from 1-7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7, at Antioch University Midwest, 900 Dayton St., Yellow Springs. “AUM welcomes the opportunity to work with SSCC students to individualize their program of study to best meet their educational and employment goals in an adultlearner centered environment,” said Sonya Fultz, chair of undergraduate studies at AUM. “The 3+1 transfer guides create clear pathways for student success and intentional planning to maximize opportunities to gain workforce ready credentials while earning a bachelor's degree.” The 3+1 pathway guides between the two institutions are available starting this spring. Students will complete 90 credit hours at Southern State and 30 credit hours at Antioch University Midwest. Southern State and Antioch University Midwest faculty and advisors will work jointly with students to advise appropriate courses to meet the pathway course requirements.
Submitted photo
Dr. Nicole Roades (left), SSCC Vice President of Academic Affairs, and Dr. Marian Glancy, Provost and CEO of Antioch University Midwest, sign a partnership agreement to establish 3+1 pathways for college students. Pathways are available from Southern State’s Agriculture Production, Biotechnology & Laboratory Science, Business Management, Information Technology, Computer Support Specialist, Criminal Justice, Cyber Security & Forensics, Early Childhood Education, Human & Social Services, Logistics Management, and Paraprofessional Education programs. “Students will benefit in a variety of ways, including easier access to a four-year degree and affordability. The agreement saves students almost $12,000,” said Fultz. “The agreement allows the students to earn both an associate and bachelor's degree in four years at full-time enrollment and without the worry of what credits will transfer,” she said.
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Southern State students will apply to Antioch University Midwest after completing their associate degree. Students may take the final 60 credits of their degree simultaneously, with AUM functioning as their home institution and Southern State offering courses through the partnership. “Antioch University Midwest is committed to meeting the needs of adult learners and fulfilling its mission of social justice by creating educational opportunities that are affordable, accessible, flexible and career focused,” said Dr. Marian Glancy, Provost and CEO at Antioch University Midwest. For more information, call (937) 763-1818, email admission.aum@antioch.e du or visit
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West Union People’s Defender
MACHINISTS PAS Technologies Inc. (, a privately held corporation, provides cost-effective OEM and MRO solutions for the aerospace, oil and gas, and Industrial Gas Turbine markets. By using innovative and proprietary high-technology processes, along with solutions licensed from OEMs, PAS Technologies provides considerable value for customers whose components are exposed to high wear, high heat, and corrosive environments. The Company’s highly engineered and innovative products are world-renowned for advanced technology and unsurpassed reliability. PAS Technologies Inc. has operations globally and services an international customer base. PAS Technologies in Hillsboro, Ohio continues to grow, and we need skilled machinists for all shifts. Lathe and Milling Machinists: Must be self-starters and be able to work independently. Will operate machining equipment that could include milling, turning and grinding. Complete your own set-ups, follow our job routers, prove out parts and edit programs as needed. Must be experienced with micrometers and calipers and have a basic understanding of machine shop practices. Will be required to read and interpret blueprints. Must have 3+ years of related experience. A Trade School Certificate is preferred. Position requires a stable work history and good mechanical skills. PAS Technologies offers a safe work environment, competitive wages, and a full benefits package. To apply, complete an application, between 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., 214 Hobart Drive, Hillsboro, Ohio 45133, fax resume to 937.840.1002, e-mail or apply at Only those candidates selected for further employment screening will receive a reply beyond this message. An Equal Opportunity Employer Strongly Committed to Workplace Diversity M/F/D/V
( after 400 hours worked ) Employee health insurance plan paid by the company, Vacation pay , Birthday pay, Aflac APPLY AT 146 NORTH 3RD STREET WILLIAMSBURG OHIO 45176 M-F 9 AM - 5 PM
WE HAVE JOBS!!!! Landscape, General Labor Window Mfg., Construction Painters, Material Handlers Shipping, Warehouse Inspectors, Packers, Electrician, machine Operators/maintenance, Welders, Construction. Call 513-842-8000 today for an immediate interview! or apply online at Select the Cincinnati East office. EXPRESS EMPLOYM E N T PROFESSIONALS
DRIVERS WANTED CDL Class A Drivers or Owner Operators with tankers, 2 years experience, Regional Runs, 80% drop and hook, Home when you need to be, $800 to $1,200 per week, Good driving record needed, Call Victory Lane Express LLC, (937)217-2189 or (937)587-1122
FAMILY ORIENTED GROUP HOME is seeking part time/full time workers. This will require some weekend shifts. Job requirements are as follows: High School diploma or GED, valid drivers license, car insurance, clean background and an upbeat attitude. NO EXPEREINCE NECESSARY - will train. Please contact the Hoovler Home, Heather Cooper 937515-2439 or Carolyn Hoovler 937-4463019. DRIVERS WANTED Tanker Endorsement Needed Earn up to $300 a day 2 Years Experience Class A CDL Local Hauling $500 Sign-on Bonus (See details at TCB office) Call TCB Trucking 513-309-7559 513-625-8183
NOW HIRING Aetna is Hiring, Full time 3rd shift Janitorial in Peebles, Apply on line: or call (304)344-4041
NOW HIRING! SENIOR HOMECARE UNLIMITED, LLC., a rapidly growing company in Mt. Orab, Ohio is seeking
CNA's, STNA's & HHA's IN ADAMS, BROWN AND HIGHLAND COUNTIES. If you enjoy working with the elderly and a flexible schedule please contact us at
A Family Business for Over 35 Years ************ CDL-A Driver $1,000 sign on Bonus 2 years experience Percentage Pay Health Insurance Vacation + Holiday Regional Position 513-724-7140
ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR NEEDED Have fun at work! Schedule outings, attend community happenings, develop and implement on-site projects, and work with others! We are a non-profit social service company in need of creative and highly motivated team members! This position requires flexible hours. We also have a part time, second shift job site coordinator position open. Applicants must have GED/Diploma, clean driving record, able to pass DOT physical and drug screen, and have a clean background check. Contact us at 937-378-2786 Ext. 3 for more information! SITUATION WANTED
WANTED Do you have fabrics that can be donated for a good cause? Will pick up, cannot except upholstery fabric. For more info: Call Betty 386-2882 APTS UNFURNISHED
FOR RENT Apartment For Rent in Manchester, water & sewage included (513)404-5438
FOR RENT 2 BDRM Apt. located in a great location, all appliances included. Senior Discount. JMLH (937)544-8268
Now Accepting Applications Island View Apartments at 302 Cemetery St., Manchester. We offer 1 and 2 bedroom apartments for family, elderly, handicap, or disabled residents. Rent based on 30% of adjusted income. Contact Kay Chandler 937-5491324 or Richards Management at 888576-6468 for details. TTD/TTY 800-7500750. This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer and equal housing opportunity.
BATAVIA - TWO and THREE bedroom apartments available with open wait list. Accepting applications M-F, 9a.m.-4p.m. Apartments are income based. 513-732-3804 HOUSES FOR RENT
House For Rent Newly remodeled 3 BDR, 1 bath home in Manchester area, Big back yard, new appliances, washer, dryer hook up, $575 month plus deposit + water deposit, No Hud, No animals, available Dec. 1st, Call for more information: (937)779-7387 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT
FOR RENT 2 BDR Mobile Home, 102 Diamond Street, Peebles, Require 2 Ref., $425 Deposit, $425 Rent Includes Water, (937)779-7796
FOR RENT 2 BDR Mobile Home For Rent in Peebles, No pets, $375 Month +Deposit , Call Chris (937)587-2427
FOR RENT Accepting Applications for a mobile home for rent, 2 BDR, 1 Bath on 4th Street in Peebles, $450 per month + deposit, Water, trash, sewage paid, Please call (740)947-1947
Sunday, December 11, 2016 9
The Clermont Sun, a local newspaper covering Clermont County, Ohio, is looking for an editor. This position includes covering education, local government other news and features, in addition to photography and editing. This role also includes updating the website, managing social media accounts and laying out two newspapers a week. A degree in journalism or experience in journalism is preferred. A successful candidate will possess strong writing, editing and management skills. Experience working with QuarkXPress and Adobe Photoshop is helpful.
Send resume, cover letter and three clips to:
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Sun Publishing Group, a family-owned community media company based in Batavia, Ohio, with newspapers, websites, magazines and specialty publications is looking for a talented design and pagination artist to help take our company to the next level in community marketing/layout. We are a young company with a long history of community newspapers and websites looking to expand our presence in web and graphic design to fit the needs of a changing social environment. If you have a natural eye for design and layout with the knowledge of QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign this could be a perfect fit for you. There is also a need to understand and use an ad tracking software to place the ads in each publication. This position would be working with existing staff on designing newspaper ads, layouts of newspapers and design websites for four different newspapers. The successful candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree with emphasis in Graphics design and/or three years experience newspaper or print design. The position has a Monday-Friday work schedule.
Send your resume to HOUSES FOR SALE
HOUSE FOR SALE 410 E. 7th Street, Manchester $55,000 or Rent to Own with $3,000 down, $500 per month, 2 1/2 bedrooms, metal roof, vinyl siding, new vinyl windows, hardwood floors, wrap around front porch with large covered deck, partial basement Call Lauvon 937-533-1754 BUSINESS SERVICES
Rubber Stamps Self-Inking and Rubber Stamps Copy Paper $35 Delivered. Call Adams County Press, LLC (937)-892-6307 Serving Adams County since 2009. MISC. FOR RENT
FOR RENT Furnished room for one in West Union (937)470-7821 FIREWOOD
Firewood for sale, split, stacked and delivered. $65 a rick. Call 937-217-4534. Firewood For Sale $50 a truck load Please Call: (937)203-5763
FOR SALE SEASONED FIREWOOD & OUTSIDE FURNACE WOOD All year round. Local. I would like to haul 14’ dump loads. Scott Malott 937-213-3193 WANTED TO BUY
WILL BUY FARM EQUIPMENT and tractors. Cash paid on the spot! 606-5643129 or 606-407-3683 HAY & GRAIN
HAY FOR SALE 4 X 5 Round bales mixed grass hay, stored inside, second cutting square bales, Delivery available, Call (937)217-1095, leave msg HAY FOR SALE $25.00 per roll, Good quality 4X5 ft bales, will discount to volume buyers. Hauling available! (937)5447133
HAY FOR SALE Pure Timothy, Pure Orchard Grass, Pure Alfalfa, Alfalfa/Orchard Grass Mix, Mixed Grass. Large Round Bales (4 X 5 net wrapped) and small square bales available. Crawford Farms 937-779-7560
IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! $99 deposit - 1st/6th month free! WITH RESTRICTIONS
NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments at: Georgetown 1 Apartments: 401 Marshall Ave. Georgetown, OH 45121 APPLY AT: 610 MARKLEY AVE. GEORGETOWN, OH 45121
or call for details at:
Stove, refrigerator, and on site laundry. Possibility of rental assistance. "Metro Accepted" TDD #419-526-0466 “This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”
for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments at:
Markley Square Apartments located at 610 MARKLEY AVE. GEORGETOWN, OH 45121 or call for details at
Stove, refrigerator, and on site laundry. RENT BASED ON INCOME TDD #419-526-0466
“This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”
MIXED HAY FOR SALE - 5x5 round bales $30.00, also square bales $4.00 937-618-1410 HAY FOR SALE Mixed hay, 4 X 4 rolls, $15 per bale, 4 X 5 net wrapped, $25 per bale, (937)544-3216 leave msg MISC. FOR SALE
Logans Lane Greenhouse Fresh Cut Evergreen Wreaths, Swags, Centerpieces, Cemetery arrangements , Yule Logs, Mail box huggies, Open 10am to 4pm, 2749 Logans Lane, WU (937)544-0114 FOR SALE New Gas Heater, Vented, 1,700 BTU, Selling half price $700, Small organ, plays well, asking $50 (937)544-4042
COMMEERATIVE COKE BOTTLES Mainly 6 packs - still full. Nascar, Kings Island anniversary & UK Championship 1998 - Almost 100 bottles: $100. 1948 Cinderella Pinball Machine - fair condition. $400. 937-4443460 AUTOS FOR SALE
FOR SALE Handicap 2000 Dodge Grand Caravan SE, In floor ramp, Runs good, $3,200, (937)217-5401 FOR SALE 2003 Volvo S60, Automatic, $1,200 or best offer, (937)475-7687
BARN SALE December 8, 9 & 10th at 1493 Wheat Ridge Rd, WU, Find that unique gift, Great Selection! Many user and collector tools, 250# Anvil, Adzes, Broad Ayes, Butterchurns, old sewing machines, nice fruit jars, misc. glassware, NicNacs, long handled tools, new signs & handles, sad irons, show case items, cast iron, barn fork, dinner bell & so much more!
GIANT BARN SALE DEC. 15-17 (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.) LOCATED AT: 5426 ST. RT. 134 Rain or Shine 1 1/2 MILE FROM DODSONVILLE TOWARD BUFORD ON 134 Call Wendy at 937-444-1885 Cincinnati Reds items, sports pennants, Budweiser tins, Miller items, classic car items, Beatles items, sports cards, lamps, Hummels, dolls, Partylite, jewelry, DVDs, Danbury Mint lighthouses, tools, Pepsi items, records, stereo, Christmas items, Easter items, old hand saws, Fenton, Bluegrass items, Life magazines, books, Vintage clothing, china, Boyd glass, 1950’s tables, old license plates and much more!!!!! NO TRESPASSING
NO TRESPASSING Leroy/Norma Logan, All land Liberty/ Wayne & Liberty Townships, No hunting, fishing or trespassing
10 West Union People’s Defender
Real Estate Auction 1019 Lawrence St., Ripley, OH
December 17, 2016 @ 12:00 noon
4 bedroom, one bath....Heirs have agreed to a very affordable price. Call our office for an appointment. If you’re on a budget or looking for rental property this is a must see!
Terms on Real Estate: 10% down payment the day of the Auction, balance on delivery of deed, within 30 days. Real Estate sells as is. Real Estate sells subject to confirmation by sellers on day of Auction. Any inspections that the buyer requires shall be conducted prior to auction date at the buyer’s expense. Information presented here is derived from sources deemed reliable but not warranted by the seller or their representatives. All announcements made day of auction take precedence over previous verbal or printed material. Sibcy Cline will be acting as the agent.
“The Campbell Group” of Sibcy Cline Realtors
R27 - MLS# 1477041 - PRICE REDUCED! YEARNING FOR YESTERDAY? Try this older 2-story colonial in mint condition in West Union. Home features (3) bedrooms, (1) bath, full basement and hot water heat. All new windows, carpet and vinyl throughout. An additional 92x63 adjoining lot goes with this property. All this for the very affordable price of $77,000. NOW $75,000.
R6 - MLS# 1513596 - 2 bedroom home on a full basement. Hard wood or carpeted floors. Forced air natural gas heat and central air. Ready to move in with most of the home recently remodeled. Asking $69,900. R12 - MLS# 1501267 - Singlewide mobile home. Rents for $400. To be surveyed off parcel. Water and sewer to be separated. Owner will consider financing the down payment. Asking $15,000.
R16 - MLS# 1451253 - 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE to qualified buyers. Stately home on corner lot. This home has hard wood floors throughout. Old style with character. New roof and gutters w/downspouts, new fixtures in bath. Two story on full basement, brick and vinyl, hard wood floors, fireplace, has character on a corner lot. Public water and sewage. NOW $92,500. Was asking $97,500. H4 – MLS# 1515857 - PICTURES QUE SETTING with rock bottom creek and wood land views! This 3 BR, 2 Bath home features large great room with fireplace, eat-in kitchen with appliances, enclosed front and rear porches. Also, detached 2 car garage, shelter house shop building, and county water. Watch and enjoy the birds, deer, and wildlife from your own backyard. Everything you need for peaceful country living and priced to make one family happy @ the price of $89,900.
H2 – MLS# 1518804 - NEW LISTING!!! Brick and wood bilevel home on .936 acre. Located in a nice area with the fill of the country and still convenient to town. 6 bedrooms, 2 baths. Fireplace with wood insert. Screened in back porch. Black top recreational area (formerly a tennis court) Cherry cabinets (newer). Fridge and range stays. Priced at $110, 000.
H18 – MLS# 1516359 - NEW LISTING 19.6 acres of wooded and open land with 2,000 + square foot ranch home. 5 bedrooms, 2 full baths, newer roof, newer furnace & central air. Home is setup for wood or gas living room heat (brick hearth in living room. Acreage is mostly hard woods. 2 car detached garage. Asking $139,900.
H19 – MLS# 1517101 – Remodeled with Character is what you will see with this farm house. 10 ft ceilings, hard wood floors, 3 baths, 3 bedrooms, wrap around porch, custom wood cabinets, detached shop building. Geothermal heat, new siding and new roof. This is a must see. Asking $187,500.
H21 – MLS# 1507738 – 2 bedroom 2 bath with open living area, permanent foundation full slab in the crawl space. View is spectacular. Asking $59,000.
H25 - MLS# 1471998 - PRICE REDUCED!! Nice 2 story home on 2 country acres with large barn and 2 car detached/shop! Convenient country location!!! Was $119,900. Now $114,900
F1 – MLS# 1506477 – Home sits off road on 51.65 acres with pond, additional detached poured basement, 3 separate water and electric hook ups, and 3 septic tanks. Nice country setting, set up well for families and hunting.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
perfect fit! Find the
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THE PEOPLE’S DEFENDER 25 Rice Drive, West Union, OH 45693 937-544-2391
H5 – MLS# 15111414 - 8.3 COUNTRY ACRES with very nice home featuring 3-4 BR, 2 full bath, spacious L.R., D.R., Kitchen, Family Room, Laundry Room, and attached garage. Also, 952 sq. ft. detached building with concrete floor and finished upper floor. Chain-link fenced in rear yard and covered front porch. Attractive home for an attractive price of $94,500.
House is fair condition, remodeling unfinished. Asking $139,900.
F2 – MLS# 1518373 - NEW LISTING!!! 210 acre, hard to find family farm. Acreage is partially tillable, plenty of pasture, remainder wooded. 2 Larger barns and smaller outbuildings. Pond and creek runs through property. Land is mostly flatrolling. Located on dead end road. 2 story brick home with large finished family room in basement, with wood burning fireplace. 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, home is heated with outdoor wood stove, also has a propane furnace. Features fireplace on first floor, dining room and eat in kitchen, oak cabinetry. Attached 2 car garage. $679,000.
V8 - MLS# 1519269 - NEW LISTING!!! 9 acres plus or minus. Mostly wooded acres. Property has drilled well and septic. Flat to rolling. Great recreational or for home site. $39,900.
V1 - MLS# 1504267 - Mahogany Falls 39 + acres with hard woods, cedar hickory, and more. Seasonal brook, waterfall, open ground and heavily wooded ground. Great wildlife habitat. Asking $119,000. V2 - MLS# 1506420 - this rolling acreage is ideal for farming, home site, or recreational
H23 – MLS# 1508007 - 4.778 Acres of woods and partial clearing with older mobile home. County water, septic and electric on property. If you like seclusion this one is for you! Asking $29,900.
uses. Auditor lists 16.8 acres of woodland, 24.4 acres tillable, and 13.7 acres of pasture. Water tap and septic on property, condition of septic unknown, electric available. Asking $152,000.
V3 - MLS# 1514552 - NEW LISTING - Approx. 15 Ac. Located in Perry Township, Pike Co. Secluded setting, ideal for hunting, or week-end getaway. Reasonably priced at $22,500. V21 - NEW LISTING!!! - 2 Adjoining Vacant Lots in the village of Peebles. Located in a quiet subdivision. Level lots with tree lined back boundary village water and sewer available. Asking $21,500.
C1 - MLS# 1500036 - Cash producing duplex at an affordable price! Solid home with two bedroom units is a great value $30,000. C4 - MLS# 1419908 - HUGE PRICE REDUCTION! ATTENTION INVESTORS! - Great business opportunity with this two story brick that has six separate units. Two store-fronts, plus four- 2 BR second floor apartments, all currently occupied. It will pay for itself plus give you a tax - sheltered cash flow. An opportunity that deserves your immediate investigation. Call for more details. WAS $59,000. NOW ONLY $49,900.
Our papers are the blueprint for a happy future for you and your family. Check all our papers to locate the best deals on great homes all around town. To place your Real Estate ad, please call: 937-544-2391 for People’s Defender • 937-444-3441
West Union People’s Defender
Sunday, December 11, 2016 11
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Adams County Common Pleas Court Report 12 West Union People’s Defender
.Dec. 2, 2016
Domestic Relations Division Robin Renee Neal vs Teddy Ray Neal, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order Filed. (Upon motion of guardian Ad Litem, For good cause shown, it is hereby ordered that matter shall be continued to 3/14/17 at 1 p.m. Inconvenien, parties may utilize services of another lab. Results of test shall be forwarded to GAL.) Brandon Hopkins vs Brittany Hopkins, Judgment Entry: Magistrates decision and Judgment Entry Filed. (Children shall not participate in more than one extracurricular activity at a time, except as may be necessary for overlapping seasons. This will be the only change). Bethany Marie Rogers vs Christopher Shad
Rogers, Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s Order Filed. The court finds the motion to continue not well taken and is hereby denied. The hearing will go forward as scheduled. Michael B. Richards vs Jessica F. Richards, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order Filed. Obligor shall appear for hearing on 12/19/16 at 1:15 p.m. Capias for arrest shall issue if defendant fails to appear. Latashia Curfman vs William Curfman, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order Filed. Obligor shall appear for hearing on 12/19/16 at 1:15 p.m. Capias for arrest shall issue if defendant fails to appear. Lochlann Foster vs Lukaylynn Foster, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and Judgment Entry Filed. The court appoints Sarah Shelton. Obligor shall
appear for hearing on 12/15/16 at 8:30 a.m. Capias for arrest shall issue if the obligor fails to appear. Hillary Adkins Phillips vs Daniel A. Phillips, Judgment Entry: Magistrates decision and judgment entry filed. Obligor shall appear for hearing on 1/5/17 at 10:30 a.m. Capias for arrest shall issue if defendant fails to appear. Brittnie Parker vs Scotty Parker, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and Judgment Entry Filed.(Obligor appeared on new motion filed in 8/2016. Obligor shall appear for hearing on 1/12/17 at 2:15 p.m.) George Graham vs Lee Graham, Judgment Entry: Entry Filed. (Upon motion by Plaintiff, for good cause shown court sets matter by plaintiff, for good cause shown court sets matter for hearing for
Helterbridle, Mary A. Helterbridle, Manchester Village, lot 442 Frederick Alan Starcher to Frederick Alan Starcher, Kathy Lynn Starcher, Meigs Twp, 2.063 ac. Freeman R. Yutzy, Erma E. Yutzy to Freeman R. Yutzy, Erma Yutzy, Wayne Twp, 20.972 ac. Bill E. Abney, Donna J. Abney Aka Donna to Chad Raines, Winchester Twp, 1.25 ac. JJ Detweiler Enterprises to Jackson Delaunce Michael Anthony, Liberty Twp, 7.187 ac. Michael S. Grooms, Charlene Grooms to Terry W. Young, Crystal A. Young, Tiffin Twp, 0.69 ac. Kerry J. Fordyce to Winchester Church of Christ in CU, Winchester Village, 1.861 ac. Velma Grooms to Poplar Ridge Farms LTD, Tiffin Twp, 17.653 ac. John S. Grisham, Judy A. Grisham to Catherine Hirsch, Peebles Village, 0.019 ac. Karisa Miller, Karisa M. Harover, Gary Miller to Jennings W. Robinson, Karen M. Robinson, Tiffin Twp, 0.705 ac. George P. Miller, Barbara Burg Trustee to Miller Family Trust, George P. Miller Trustee, Mark A. Miller Trustee, Michael S. Miller Trustee, Brush Creek
Twp, 14.33 ac. George P. Miller, Lisa J. Miller to Barbara Burg Trustee, Miller Family Trust, Brush Creek Twp, 14.33 ac. George P. Miller, Lisa J. Miller to Barbara Burg Trustee, Miller Family Trust, Brush Creek Twp, 14.33 ac. Jim E. Berling, Debbie M. Berling to Timothy D. Young, Shara L. Young, Franklin Twp, 4.267 ac. Levi S. Stutzman, Katie L. Stutzman, Samuel R. Gingerich, Leah B. Gingerich, Toby C. Lambright, Mary J. Lambright, Willie C. Lambright, Lydia W. Lambright to Levi S. Stutzman, Katie L. Stutzman, Liberty Twp, 35.512 ac. Levi S. Stutzman, Katie L. Stutzman, Samuel R. Gingerich, Leah B. Gingerich, Toby C. Lambright, Mary J. Lambright, Willie C. Lambright, Lydia W. Lambright to Toby C. Lambright, Mary J. Lambright, Liberty Twp, 45.003 ac. Levi S. Stutzman, Katie L. Stutzman, Samuel R. Gingerich, Leah B. Gingerich, Toby C. Lambright, Mary J. Lambright, Willie C. Lambright, Lydia W. Lambright to Samuel R. Gingerich, Leah B. Gingerich, Liberty Twp,
Land Transfers Nov. 23 -Dec. 1, 2016
Gary W. Evans, Trustee, Caroline Sue Evans, Trustee, Evans Family Trust to Michael D. Scott, Kelly W. Scott, Wayne Twp, 2.00 ac. Robbie A. Pownall to Jerri Ann Merrill, Winchester Twp, 12.00 ac. Lloyd M. Tomlin, Trustee, Lloyd E. & Anita D. Tomlin Trust to Paulus Masih, Farzana Kausar, Winchester Village, 0.538 ac. Joel R. Pearon Sr, Joan D. Pearon, Joel R. Pearon Sr Trustee, Joan D. Pearon, Trustee, Tiffin Twp, 58.217 ac. Joel R. Pearon Sr, Joan D. Pearon to Pearon Family Trust, Joel R. Pearon Sr. Trustee, Joan D. Pearon Trustee, Tiffin Twp, 2.00 ac., Seaman Village, 1,471 sq ft Joel R. Pearon Sr, Joan D. Pearon to Pearon Family Trust, Joel R. Pearon Sr Trust, Joan D. Pearon Trustee, Peebles Village, land ms Larry D. Grooms to David B. Brown, Melissa K. Brown, Winchester Twp, 9.6998 ac. Kathy Morrison Trustee, Robert H. White Jr Trust, Deborah L. White Trust to Nicholas A. Colvin, Sprigg Twp, 1.786 ac. Donna J. Phillips, Denver Phillips, Glenn Douglas Arthur, Patrick D. Arthur, Brenda Arthur to Robert M.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
1/30/17 at 1 p.m. which is the same time as contempt hearing in this matter.) Barbara Wilson vs Dustin Wilson, Judgment Entry: Decree of Dissolution of marriage with children filed. (Decree of dissolution is hereby granted to petitioners.) Robert K. Saunders vs Julie B. Saunders, Judgment Entry: Entry on temporary orders filed. (Matter before court on parties motion for temporary orders, It is hereby ordered that: Plaintiff shall have and retain exclusive marital residence, Plaintiff is ordered to pay spousal support. Final Pretrial/Uncontested divorce hearing set for 1/20/17 at 2 p.m. Final contested divorce hearing will be held 3/3/17 at 9 a.m.) Shauna Creech vs Jeremy Creech, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision Filed. (Marriage is dissolved.) Shauna Creech vs
Jeremy Creech, Judgment Entry: Entry adopting magistrates decision/decree of divorce filed. (The court adopts the magistrates decision. Marriage is dissolved.) Heather A. Unger vs Ernest D. Unger Jr, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision on divorce filed. (Plaintiff is granted a divorce against the defendant) Heather A. Unger vs Ernest D. Unger Jr,Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry adopting magistrates decision on divorce and degree of divorce filed. (The court adopts the magistrates decision.) Keri R. Jolly vs Troy Jolly, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order Filed. (Matter before court on 11/15/16 for pre-trial conference. Court orders plaintiff to deliver forthwith or cause to be delivered to Attorney for defendant any and all personal identifying documents of the defendant found in res-
idence, including birth certificate, social security card and any other identifying documents. If not delivered court will grant an order for defendant to go and retrieve his documents as ordered. Crystal Mefford vs Keith Mefford, Judgment Entry: Magistrates decision and decree of divorce filed. (Divorce is granted to the Plaintiff.) Bill Hatcher vs Khalidya Hatcher, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and Waiver filed. (Dissolution is granted to the parties.) Bill Hatcher vs Khalidya Hatcher, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry Filed. (Dissolution is granted to the parties) Brandy Hall vs David Wayne Hall, Judgment Entry: Entry Filed. (Dissolution hearing will be 1/6/17 at 3:30 p.m.) Robert Moore vs Lauren Moore, Judgment Entry: Temporary Mutual Restraining Order Filed. (Both parties are restrained.)
Nov. 29, 2016
Cost $80 Tyler J. Fogarty, Kaleva, MI, Hunt/Land/Anoth, Fine $450, Court Cost $70 Noah Jacob Camilleri, Midland, MI, Hunt/Land/Anoth, Fine $450, Court Cost $70 Phillip J. Lejzerowicz, Manchester, Valid O.L., Fine $100, Court Cost $91, Special Conditions: Amended to 4510.12A1MM No OL from DUS by Court pay be 1-1-17 Jeremy V. Tackett, Manchester, Valid O.L., Fine $100, Court Cost $59, Special Conditions: Amended to 4510.12A1MM No OL from DUS by Court pay by 1-1-17 Jeremy V. Tackett, Manchester, Seat Belt/Dr, Fine $35, Court Cost $28 Elliott C. Wallace, Alpharetta, GA, Speed 77/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $155 Anthony L. Cancelliere, Otway, DUS/Non Compl, Fine $100, Court Cost $82 Christopher T. Chaffin, Seaman, O.V.I./1st, Dismissed Christopher T. Chaffin, Seaman, Fail Control, Dismissed Joshua T. Whitt, Blue Creek, Speed 75/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Christina L. Schoonover, Springboro, OH, Speed 80/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 David L. Boles, Seaman, Speed 77/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Ruth Copas, West Union, Stop School Bus, Fine $200, Court Cost $80 Samantha A. Sterling, Winchester, FTY Emerg Veh, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 Cameron L. Libby, Stout, Speed 67/55, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 Tommy J. Cole, Leesburg, Seat Belt/Dr, Fine $30, Court Cost $51 James E. Stevens, Decatur, Seat Belt/Dr, Fine $30, Court Cost $51 Megan J. Shaffer, Rossville, IN, Speed 75/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Bret A. Unger, Peebles, Speed 75/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 John D. Underwood, Cincinnati, Speed 73/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Arliss J. Calvert, West Union, Speed 75/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Brian M. Duffield, Elyria, OH, Speed 89/60, Fine $200, Court Cost
$80, Special Conditions: 8 hrs community service in Adams Co. by 1-15-17 Michael S. Jones Jr, Cincinnati, Speed 72/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Olivia R. Pirosko, Chesterland, OH, Speed 72/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Alexander Jang, Amherst, MA, Speed 76/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Doreene L. McCarty, Farmington, MI, Speed 73/60, Dismissed Christopher D. James, Peebles, Fail Control, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Morgan C. Kohler, Winchester, Excessive Window, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Karen S. Ward, Waverly, Speed 74/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Zachary R. Humphrey, Otway, Seat Belt/Dr, Fine $30, Court Cost $51 Justin L. Neeley, Manchester, Seat Belt/Dr, Fine $30, Court Cost $51 Gregory S. Day, Hamilton, Speed 74/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Ethan R. McFarland, Sardinia, No OL, Fine $49, Court Cost $51 Ethan R. McFarland, Sardinia, Expired Tags, Fine $100, Court Cost $28 Robert L. Karsner Jr, New Albany, IN, Speed 79/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Randy J. Lewis, West Union, Seat Belt/Dr, Dismissed John M. King, Lynx, Seat Belt/Dr, Fine $30, Court Cost $51 Richard Walsh III, Myrtle Beach, SC, Equip. Viol., Fine $25, Court Cost $59 Michael D. Crites, Seaman, Gingseng/Land/An, Fine $150, Court Cost $70 Adam S. Spencer, West Union, DUS/Non Compl, Fine $250, Court Cost $113, Special Conditions: 1 yr probation Matthew S. Graham, Huntington, WV, Speed 73/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $155 Nicole A. Shellabarger, Greenville, OH, Speed 80/60, Fine $80, Court Cost $155 Corey A. Powell, Proctorville, OH, Speed 82/60, Fine $150, Court Cost $80 Joseph M. Komar, Greenwood, IN, Speed 80/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Amber M. Greene, Willoughy Hill, OH, Speed 71/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80
Criminal Traffic Disposition Report
Timothy L. Fogarty, Commerce, MI, Hunt/Land/Anoth, Fine $450, Court Cost $70 Joshua Scaggs, Portsmouth, Poss/Marijuana, Fine $150, Court Cost $70 Diana E. Steel, West Union, Speed 73/55, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Brian J. Scott, Minford, No Seat Belt, Fine $30, Court Cost $51 Steven L. Field Jr, Vienna, WV, Speed 75/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Brandon L. Stephenson, Blue Creek, Window Tint, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Corey A. Johnson, Stoutsville, OH, Speed 69/55, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 Debra W. Southward, New Holland, OH, Speed 74/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Rick D. Binkley, South Lebanon, OH, Seat Belt/Dr, Fine $30, Court Cost $51 Darrin L. Williams, Verona, KY, Speed 73/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Larry D. Tyree Jr, Amelia, OH, Speed 78/60, Fine $100, Court
"To Scale"
Across 1 Raiding grp. 4 Breakfast strip 9 "___ gold in them..."
14 17
16 19
14 Score 15 Terse bridge bid 16 Right, in a way 17 Popular image manager 19 Union station?
20 25
20 Astronaut's wear
24 Counseling, e.g. 25 Rio Grande city 27 Actress Carrie
21 Coldplay "Viva la ___" 36
23 26
23 Means
27 31
35 38
28 Rubble-maker 29 Preserve, in a way 30 Whistler, e.g. 32 Bob of NBC sports 35 Lets up 36 Boxing class 39 Pioneer in Surrealism 40 Lays out
47 52
55 58
41 Modus operandi 43 Director DuVernay 44 Weep 47 "___ sport!" 48 Fine point 51 Elders' teachings 52 Kind of rock 54 God of war 55 Vessel detector 56 Excavation find 58 Say the word
Down 1 Creeps 2 ___ burner (lab staple) 3 Dig 4 Bridge site 5 Geom. measure 6 "Don Quixote" author
60 Mercury 6 occupant
7 Broadcasting
61 Site of Joan of Arc's demise
9 Musical syllable
8 ___ plume
62 Christmas helper
10 Controls
63 Ancient
11 Floor
64 Some choristers
12 Words that come before "go"
65 Asian occasion
13 D and C, in D.C.
42 Headlight setting
18 Hint
44 Shakespearean verse
22 Nabokov novel
45 Delphic shrine
25 Whip
46 Forlorn
26 Tater tots brand
49 Director Frank
29 T-shirt fabric
50 Documentarian Morris
31 Makes it
51 Crooner Rawls
32 Bills, e.g.
53 Eat
33 Dadaism founder
55 Princes, e.g.
34 Endures apprehensively
57 Blitzer's station
36 Solitaire variant
59 Prefix with realism
37 Required 38 It's a sin 39 Trade ban
Advertising pays in The People’s Defender! Call 937-544-2391
Winter is coming, time to water your plants
West Union People’s Defender
Visit Eastgate’s River City Market River City Market, a gift store that carries a myriad of great gift lines and that buys precious metals from the public, has officially opened its doors in the Eastgate Mall. The River City Market has been an annual tradition in Cincinnati area malls since 1999. It could be its eclectic mix of easy gift solutions which includes 200 different Christmas ornaments, several different nativity sets, the
It may surprise you that the next few weeks are a critical time to water your landscape. A thorough soaking before the ground freezes will help your trees and shrubs thrive, and may well save them from winter damage or even death. Winter winds can be as damaging to woody plants as summer drought. This winter we’ll actually have both. In this part of Ohio we’ve had an unusually dry fall, so plants are already struggling from lack of water. Once drying winter winds begin, plants that are already parched can be “freeze-dried”, suffering winter burn and possibly dying of thirst. Deciduous plants (plants that lose their leaves for winter) can survive winter winds better that evergreens because moisture loss happens mostly through foliage. Deciduous plants drop their leaves partly as a defense against moisture loss, but winter winds will still suck the moisture out of thin-barked twigs and branches. If you have a Japanese maple in your landscape you’ve probably noticed lots of straw-like dead twigs on it each spring. This is a good example of winter wind damage. The new growth on Japanese maples is tender, not “hardened off” by fall, so it is very vulnerable to winter cold and wind. That’s why we recom-
mend planting Japanese maples in a spot protected from drying winter winds. Evergreen shrubs (like boxwood and Azalea) and trees like spruce and pine all keep their foliage in winter. Their leaves and needles are a target for drying winter winds, particularly on tender new growth. That’s why we discourage pruning or shearing after late spring, because cutting plants back stimulates new tender growth that doesn’t have time to harden off before winter comes. Don’t count on winter rainfall or snow to water your landscape. It takes many inches of steady rain to soak all the way down into the subsoil, and right now subsoil moisture is at record lows for this time of year. Once the ground freezes, rain can’t penetrate down to plant roots and simply runs off. Take advantage of a
mild December day, before you put all your hoses away for the season, to thoroughly soak the root zones of all your woody plants and trees, particularly evergreens. Deep-root watering takes patience; sometimes it’s best to just set your hose on a trickle and leave it for a few hours under each plant. Taking the time to give your shrubs and trees a good, long drink could mean the difference between seeing them turn brown this winter or enjoying healthy new green growth next spring. Steve Boehme and his wife Marjorie own GoodSeed Farm Landscapes, a designbuild landscape/hardscape installer specializing in outdoor living spaces. More information is available at or call (937) 587-7021.
complete collection of Willow Tree angels, Carson wind chimes, candle lanterns, Christmas soaps, Christmas cookies gift packages, Children of the Inner light mugs, Betty Boop collectibles, Star Trek collectibles, dog breed socks, and a great selection of Candleberry candles. Or it could be its competitive quotes on gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, and coin collections brought into the
store. Either way, the mix of concepts seems to be striking a chord with shoppers who have been cashing in and finishing off their Christmas list all at the same spot. River City Market is located in the Dillards wing of the Eastgate Mall directly across from Rogers Jewelers. They are open seven days a week during mall hours. The store phone number is (513) 205-2681.
Insurance Renewal. It was moved by Brian Baldridge and seconded by Ty Pell to enter into Executive Session at 12:35 a.m. to discuss personnel according to O.R.C.121.22 (G)(7). Roll call vote: Baldridge, yea; Pell, yea; Worley, absent. Chairman Baldridge reconvened the session at 12:42 a.m. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Dana Whalen met with the Board to discuss current projects and contracts. The Vacation of Wayne Township Alleys Public Hearing was held at 1:30 p.m. in the Government Center, Commissioners Office. Those present for the meeting were: Thomas Downing, Steve Leonard, Elbert England, Chris Reuben, Loretta Hodge Lewis, James Lewis, Bernice Spurlock, Beth Antenucci, and Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Dana Whalen. It was moved by Paul Worley and seconded by Ty Pell to approve the Vacation of Wayne Township Alleys, upon the recommendation of Wayne Township Trustees and Assistant Prosecutor Dana Whalen. Roll call vote: all yeas. Sheriff Kimmy Rogers and Cheryl Copas met with the Board to discuss the 2017 Sheriff’s budget. The Board also updated Sheriffs Rogers and Ms. Copas on the 2017 County Insurance Renewal. Prosecutor David Kelley and Diana Young met with the Board to discuss the 2017 Prosecutor’s budget. The Board also updated Prosecutor Kelley and Ms. Young on the 2017 County Insurance Renewal. Common Pleas Judge Brett Spencer and Court Administrator Angie Richmond met with the Board to discuss the 2017 Common Pleas budget. The Board also updated Judge Spencer and Ms. Richmond on the 2017 County Insurance Renewal. The county parking lot was also discussed and how to make it more efficient for employees to utilize. It was moved by Brian Baldridge and seconded by Paul Worley to approve the Adams County EMS Volunteer employees status for Michael Glenn, Daniel Sepeck, and Kevin Lee, upon the recommendation of Adams County EMS Chief Matthew Carey. Roll call vote: all yeas.
It was moved by Paul Worley and seconded by Brian Baldridge to approve the hire of parttime Adams County EMS employees Stephen Downey, Sonya Nichols, Miranda Vearil, and Mike Sowards, upon the recommendation of Adams County EMS Chief Matthew Carey. Roll call Watering before winter could save your plants. (GoodSeed Farm photo) vote: all yeas. It was moved by Brian Baldridge and seconded by Ty Pell to approve the Adams County Department of Job and Family Service promotion for Lindsey Crothers and Brittany Robinson, to Eligibility Referral Specialist 1, effective Dec.1, 2016, upon the recommendation of JFS Director Sue Fulton. Roll call vote: all yeas. It was moved by Brian Baldridge and seconded by Ty Pell to approve the service agreement with Frontier Equipment Purchase, Installation Maintenance Schedule for the 9-1-1 Comminutions Center, upon the request of Special Projects Director Donnie Swayne. Roll call vote: all yeas. It was moved by Ty Pell and seconded by Brian Baldridge to approve the service agreement with Frontier for Voice Maintenance Schedule, upon the recommendation of Special Projects Director Donnie Swayne. Roll call vote: all yeas. It was moved by Brian Baldridge and seconded by Ty Pell to adjourn. The Board held a work session at 9 a.m. on Nov. 30, 2016, in the Government Center. The Board met with Engineer David Hook, Deputy Engineer Lee Pertuset, and Mike Hughes, Human Resources, to discuss the Engineers Department 2017 Budget and the county insurance renewal for 2017. The Board also met with Special Projects Director Donnie Swayne discuss the 2017 budget and county insurance renewal for 2017. The Board held a work session at 9 a.m. on Dec. 1, 2016, in the Government Center. The Board met with Recorder Mark Tolle to discuss the Recorder’s Office 2017 Budget and county insurance renewal for 2017. For more information on County Government, visit or call the Board of Commissioners at (937) 544-3286.
2017 Budget meetings are main focus of Nov. 28 Commissioners meeting SUBMITTED BY BECKY BRODT
The Board of Adams County Commissioners met in regular session on Nov. 28, 2016, in the Government Center, with the following members present: Brian Baldridge, Paul Worley, and Ty Pell. The meeting was opened with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance led by Brian Baldridge. It was moved by Brian Baldridge and seconded by Ty Pell to approve the minutes of the previous regular meeting. Roll call vote: all yeas. The Commissioners examined, approved and ordered the bills paid. The Board held a phone conference with Melinda Brown of Medical Mutual to discuss the 2017 County Insurance Renewal. The Board conducted a Directors’ meeting at 9:30 a.m. to review the current projects and status of each department under the jurisdiction of the Adams County Board of Commissioners. Those in attendance were as follows: ECD Director Holly Johnson, Special Projects Director Donnie Swayne, and JFS Director Sue Fulton. JFS Director Sue Fulton met with the Board to discuss the 2017 Job and Family Services budget and general updates. The Board also updated Ms. Fulton on the 2017 County Insurance Renewal. It was moved by Brian Baldridge and seconded by Ty Pell to approve the contract amendment to the current PRC Plan effective date was Nov. 28, 2016, upon the recommendation of JFS Director Sue Fulton. Roll call vote: all yeas. OSU Extension Officer Carolyn Belcyzk met with the Board to discuss the 2017 OSU Extension budget. Those also present for the meeting were: Roger Rhonemus, OSU Extension Advisory Committee; and Dalton Black, Junior Fair Board President. ECD Director Holly Johnson met with the Board to discuss the 2017 Economic and Community Development budget. The Board also updated Ms. Johnson on the 2017 County Insurance Renewal. Clerk of Courts Larry Heller met with the Board to discuss the 2017 Legal, County Court, and Title Departments budgets. The Board also updated Mr. Heller on the 2017 County Insurance Renewal. Treasurer Lisa Newman met with the Board to discuss the 2017 Treasurer's budget. The Board also updated Ms. Newman on the 2017 County Insurance Renewal. GIS Director Angelena Newman met with the Board to discuss the 2017 GIS budget. The Board also updated Ms. Newman on the 2017 County
Sunday, December 11, 2016 13
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Five words to guarantee a Merry Christmas LOCAL NEWS
14 West Union People’s Defender
We can’t ignore the fact that the Christmas season is in full swing! For almost two months we’ve been flashed with tons of emails squawking about Holiday Sales on everything from food and kitchen appliances to fake Christmas trees and yard decorations. We get inundated with sparkly catalogues hyping the urge to get new furniture (for holiday entertaining) and glossy pages advising us to consider getting new china
for that holiday table and maybe even a new car (red or green of course). We complain about the commercialism and materialism of the holidays, yet put us in our local Starbucks slurping a yummy Carmel Brulee Latte from that festive red and green cup and we brim with excitement and anticipation about spending time with family and friends. Love is really what the holidays are all about.
NAES student starting Christmas Card project
Starting with part of you that Thanksgiving, a doesn’t have a holiday that marks mature concept of our gratitude, to having or doing Christmas with its too much. That message of peace, child within is a love and joy, it’s a little “over-goaling magical time and machine.” Sort of Pam Young like if you gave a love is behind it Getting all. The five words nine-year-old a toy to remember are: Organized catalog and said, Behind the “Pick everything magic is love. you want,” you’d need a If we remember, as we semi to hold the load. move through this magical I wrote this poem about time of year, that behind the such a person. magic is love, then we I Want a Magazine won’t be lured into doing Christmas too much to get the magical I want a magazine feeling. We can get the feel- Christmas ing just by looking at the With a tree in every room commercials for all the fesI’ll hire a choir to sing on tive products. We don’t our porch have to get the stuff to get With a bazillion poinsetthe feeling. tias in bloom Anyway, those commerMy gingerbread house cials are created to arouse will be perfect the child in us and that’s And I’ll sew a Christmas where the magic really dress begins. But beware, that I’ll bake cookies and pies part of you that still and make candy believes in Santa Clause, And I won’t leave the loves hot chocolate with kitchen a mess marshmallows on top, I want a real live Nativity twinkly lights and the Scene aroma of a fresh Christmas Using kids from the tree and beautifully neighborhood wrapped gifts is also that We live by a farm so I’ll
Sunday, December 11, 2016
borrow a cow And a duck and a lamb would be good They’ll stand on our lawn in a spotlight Each night for an hour or two My kid is too old to play Jesus So Joseph or Mary will do I’ll make all the presents and Christmas cards And the bows and the Christmas wrap too I’ll deck all the halls with the holly I’ll cut From a tree that I found near the zoo Our car will look just like the jolly old sleigh I’ll paint it a Christmas red The only thing missing on Christmas day Will be me, because I’ll be dead. Data by the Pew Research Center showed that 86% of Americans plan to attend a gathering of family or friends on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day; 86% plan to buy gifts for family and friends; 79% say they’ll put up a tree; 65% want to send holiday cards; and 16%
hope to go Christmas caroling. If love is behind the magic, and it really is, then as you go about the activities involved in Christmas gatherings and you remember it’s all about love, you’ll enjoy this season as it was meant to be enjoyed. When you give gifts, remember love is behind them. When you get your tree and decorate it, remember love is behind it. When you send your Christmas cards, remember love is behind them. And when you go Christmas caroling, remember love is behind it. In the religion I was raised in, I was taught that God is love. If that’s true then God is behind it all. Nice to remember. Merry Christmas!
For more from Pam Young go to You’ll find many musings, videos of Pam in the kitchen preparing delicious meals, videos on how to get organized, lose weight and get your finances in order, all from a reformed SLOB’s point of view.
Photo Of The Week Submitted photo
Tori Roessler, sixth grade student at NAES, is working on a project to send 500 Christmas cards to patients at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Tori Roessler, daughter of Rick and Kim Roessler and a sixth grade student at North Adams Elementary, has taken on the special project of collecting 500 Christmas cards to deliver to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in the hopes of spreading some Christmas cheer to the patients during this holiday season. Tori is an extremely thoughtful young lady that takes the business of making others happy very seri-
ously. In the past, Tori has collected cards for cancer patients and for nursing homes. North Adams Elementary is proud of Tori and her motivation to make a positive difference in the lives of others! If anyone in the community would like to support Tori in her effort to collect From the incredible flying machine of David Purdin comes this incredible aerial view of the village of 500 cards for Children’s Manchester. Hospital, please drop off the cards at the North Adams Elementary office by Dec. 14. BY FAYE MAHAFFEY December chore list, they state that we are less OSUE MASTER GARDENER inclined to go outside at this VOLUNTEER time of the year. Which is As I was walking back too bad, because the fresh from the mailbox with my air and a few minutes of new seed catalog cradled in movement really benefit our my arm, a flash of yellow health. Outside of that, caught my eye. Could it be? spending just a few minutes Yes! It was a dandelion tidying up now can mean brazenly blooming in my the difference between “fun” front yard. I guess this year I and “over-whelming” when need to add one more item we begin preparing the to my December tasks for spring garden. the garden – continue to Did you take advantage of weed, even after the first the warm weather and comsnow falls. The rest of my plete November’s check list includes: list? I must admit that I am 1. Bring clay pots and adding a few “carry-over” statues made of cement, clay Dandelions blooming in December items to December’s list. I and some resins indoors. If finally put all the garden items are too heavy to move, roofline. 9. Mulch strawberries to hoses away and cut back the cover them with a tarp or 4. Check for mole tunnels insulate them from cycles of herbs on the deck. It really is plastic to keep them dry and fill them with soil freezing and thawing. beginning to look more like over winter. Repeated freez- before the ground freezes. 10. Water evergreens, the holidays at the ing and thawing could crack 5. Continue starting paper especially newly planted Mahaffey’s. these garden objects. whites every few weeks for ones, when the ground is not Do you have any garden2. Stock up on sand or nonstop indoor bloom. frozen. ers on your gift list this kitty litter to cope with icy 6. Start seeds of biennial 11. Continue starting year? Next week I will share paths. flowers that you want to paperwhites every few some ideas on books and 3. Protect shrubs planted treat as annuals. weeks for nonstop indoor magazines recommended by under your roofline from 7. Water houseplants thor- bloom. some of our Master snow damage. You might oughly, but not too frequentDo you remember that 15 Gardener Volunteers. I have want to consider transplanti- ly. minutes a day gardening tip started leaving subtle hints ng them in the spring to a 8. Treat your houseplants from garden bloggers Tenth coming from the in catalogs for my husband. to pebble trays. Acre Farm? In their Courthouse Buck to be able location away from the Let’s see if it works. to survive in the woods would be the same good genetics coming from our grandfathers to their grandDo you remember Ed, hand and go on. I can't stand returned, and with a loud And what do you have that sons for us to become good my 92-year old buddy I that. I'll say thank you a voice glorified God, and fell you did not receive? Now if sportsmen and woodsmen. wrote about last week? Ed hundred times a day for the down on his face at His feet, you did receive it, why do My brothers Donny, still does taxes professionalsame thing if it's something giving Him thanks." you boast as if you did not Terry, and I along with our ly, carries a beeper and cell I'm thankful for." Imagine Jesus' disappointreceive it? (I Corinthians other brothers have all phone, and puts 3,000 miles I'm reminded of a story ment as he asked the one 4:7) grown up and ventured to a month on his Ford Escort. about someone else who man, "Were there not ten In the light of these truths, go on our own paths as expressed his discleansed? But where are the the only legitimate response sportsmen. My brother Mike He takes his developappointment over other nine?" (Luke 17:11to success, to personal went off to be a bow hunter mentally disabled the lack of grati19) accomplishment, to life in and run his own shop. Terry daughter Barbie on tude. In route to I've observed that joyful general, is gratitude. Pride went off chasing wild hogs. long drives every Jerusalem, Jesus people are usually thankful and a demanding spirit are Pork went off chasing deer. evening. Ed shared how he passed through a people. They are touched by illegitimate? I don't know Donny took his son Travis and his deceased small village and the smallest acts of love and about you, but when I meet to tag his first deer, while I wife Mary taught encountered a kindness. They have no Jesus face-to-face, I won't have always been on the their children the group of 10 men sense of entitlement and demand what I deserve but wild goose chase from the importance of saying plagued with lepthey take nothing for grantlike the ten lepers, I'll "cry East Coast to the Gulf. "thank you". If Ed rosy. When they ed. A. W. Tozer, in "Keys to out for mercy". We all went different LOREN HARDIN saw Jesus they the Deeper Life", wrote STRAIGHT PATHS paths but still have the same has told me once, "cried out for about "The blessedness of "Rejoice always, pray withgoal, becoming good sports- he's told me a thousand times, "Being nice mercy" and Jesus directed possessing nothing". I've out ceasing, in everything men. We did not do it to doesn't cost you a cent". Ed them to, "Go show yourself come to realize that there's give thanks; for this is the claim fame nor to be paid also a "blessedness of will of God in Christ Jesus by a famous outdoor maga- also expressed his frustration to the priests". In route, all over how seldom people 10 men were miraculously demanding nothing". for you." (I Thessalonians zine. Although, I want to express their gratitude nowa- cleansed of leprosy. He gave I've also observed that 5:16-18) thank our granddaughters days. He observed, "People them their lives back. there's no such thing as a Loren Hardin is a hospice and the Courthouse Buck pass each other up like a But how many of the men "self-made" man. The social worker at Southern for being a legend. freight train does a hobo. do you think returned to Apostle Paul challenged this Ohio Medical Center and Continue to follow these People don't know how to thank Jesus? One out of ten. attitude in the Corinthian can be reached at short stories through the say thank you anymore. " Now one of them, when church; "For who makes or at 740eyes of that once 10-year They just grab it out of your he saw he was healed, you differ from another? 356-2525. old boy.
Through the eyes of a once 10-year old boy
This is the beginning of the story of the great legend of finding the Courthouse Buck through the eyes of a 10-year old boy. My name is Steve Swayne. I am proud to be called an established outdoor writer. Although, I did not write to claim fame or to be a paid writer. However, this will be my first time ever to claim my fame and express my spiritual belief about growing up with my brothers, Donny and Terry Swayne. I feel all articles that have been written in the past about this legendary buck have been false, mainly about how the buck was found and some are totally missing the spiritual value of being grandsons of Jean Swayne who was a true sportsman and groomsman, and grandsons of Oscar Young who was a true woodsman and logger from generation strong. Who is the legend, my grandfathers or the Courthouse Buck? Who would ever have known that just like the good genetics
Get ready for those December gardening tasks
The joy of a thankful heart
West Union People’s Defender
Sunday, December 11, 2016 15
16 West Union People’s Defender
Sunday, December 11, 2016
We will be
Closing aatt 6 PM on
Christmas Eve.
Russet Potatoes
29 bag g
Fresh Fr
Sweet Potatoes
Beef Cube Steaks Family Pack
Mild Yellow Onions
3 lb b Bag
4 49
Iceberrg Lettuce
Peviously y Froz F ro z e n B Bon on nel eles ss Skinl S ki les ss Ch C hicken cke B Breas reastts
Boneless Beef Shoulder Roast
Fresh Dole
1 99 2 49
Fresh Bone-In Pork Country Style Ribs Family Pack
Pre eviously y Frozen
Chicke en Drumsticks or Thighs Family Pak
49 9
Assorted Pork Loin Chops Family Pack
3 lb bag
Spiral Sliced Ham
Halos Mandarin Oranges
Jimmy Dean Roll Sausage
16 oz, Regular or S ag e
49 ea
Fresh Bone-In Center Cut Pork Loin Chop h ps Family
2// 5 $
12 oz
bstone Brick Oven Style Pizza
14.8 -18 oz, Assorted Varieties
Limit 8
When When You You Buy Buy 3
79 9
Borden American Singles
16 oz, 24 Slices
Banquet Brrown N Serve Sausage
Quaker Instant Oatmeal
9.8 -15.1 oz, Assorted Varieties
General Mills Chex Cerea e l
12-14 oz, Assorted Varieties
Keebler TownHouse orr Club Crack kers
3/ 8
$ 97
Pepsi Products 12 Pack ks 12 oz cans, Assorted Varieties
9.5 -13.8 oz,
Pringles Superr Stacks
5.68-6.42 oz, Assorted Varieties
29 29
6.4 oz, Links or Patties
28 oz Home Style orr Italian Style
9 oz, Original orr Beef
Farmington Bacon
Mantias Meat Balls
Hillshire Farm Summer Sausage
2 lb bag
Hormel Prremium Chicken Breast
10 oz
Doritos Loaded
7.5 oz, Nacho Cheese or Jalapeno & Cheese
Maxwe House Wake Up Roast Coffee 30.65 oz
2//$7 299 ea
Mrrs. Smit< ) > Pies
37 oz, Apple orr Cherr y
Country Crock Spread 45 oz
Keebler Chips Deluxe e Cookies
8CC# > V Ve egetables
11.3 -12.6 oz, Assorted Varieties
B> % = # s > 3 Cream Soup
ea 10.5-10.75 oz,
Assorted Varieties
Wylwood French Fried Onions 6 oz
Green Giant Steamers
12 oz, Assorted
Westcott Vegetable or Canola Oil 48 o z
14.5 -15 oz, Assor ted Varieties
Ginger Evans Powdere ed or Brown Sugar
119 ea
Idahoan Homestyle Casserole Potatoes
4 . 9 4 o z , A u G r at i n o r S c a l l o p e d
Blue Bonnet Spread ea Sticks
Coburn Farms Cream Cheese 8 oz
8 oz, Assorted Varieties
16 oz
Coburn Farms Creamy Whip Whipped Topping 8 oz
99 ea
12 oz , 12 ct
15 oz
Ginger Evans Granulated Sugar
1 4 lb
79 ea
Ginger Evans All-Purpose Flour 5 lb
45 ea
12.4 -13.9 oz, Assorted Varieties
99 1 ¢
Pillsbury Sweet Rolls
* 8> > : ! > 39 ill Brown & Ser ve Rolls
Ginger Evans Refrigerated Ready to Bake ea Pie Crusts
Borden Natural Cheese Chunks or Shredded Cheese
Wrightware Foam Plates
Wrightware Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil
100 count package
37.5 Sqft
79 ea
Wrightware Napkins 250 ct