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Issue 21, Volume 41
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Sunday, October 9, 2016
West Union and North Adams-State Bound!
Photo by Patrice Yezzi England
It has never happened before but it will happen on Oct. 14 as two boys golf squads from Adams County will be part of the OHSAA State Tournament, played at the North Star Golf Club in Sunbury. By virtue of their 1-2 finish in the Division III District Tournament on Oct. 3, West Union and North Adams will be competing for state championships in golf. For the Dragons it will be a return to state for the second straight season, while for North Adams it is the first state trip since 2001. Above the two teams posed together after Monday’s district play. Front row, from left, Bryant Lung, Jacob Pell, Noah Lung, Tyler Fowler, and Carson Hall: Back row, from left, North Adams Head Coach Ammon Mitchell, Elijah McCarty, Colt Shumaker, Craig Horton, Patrick England, Eli Fuller, West Union Assistant Coach Arianna Bowles, and West Union Head Coach Carl Schneider. Look for more on the district tournament in today’s sports pages.
Jack Roush Day returns to Manchester Village prepared for big turnout BY PATRICIA BEECH PEOPLE'S DEFENDER Racing legend Jack Roush returns to his hometown of Manchester on Sunday, Oct. 9 for a day of car showmanship on the banks of the Ohio River. Hundreds are expected to attend the annual event honoring Roush who has been inducted into the International Motorsports Hall of Fame and the Michigan Sports Hall of Fame. Roush is the co-founder and owner of Roush Fenway Racing (a NASCAR team headquar-
tered in North Carolina) and Chairman of the Board for Roush Enterprises – the parent company of Roush Racing, Roush Industries, Roush Performances, and Roush Clean Tech. His companies employ more than 2,000 people throughout North America and Europe. Rarely seen without his trademark Panama hat, the racing entrepreneur and automotive engineer and designer, is known on the NASCAR circuit as “The Cat in the Hat”. In his hometown, he's known as the man who makes Christmas a little
brighter. “The money we've raised with Jack's help purchased Manchester's Christmas decorations, as well as street lighting and a down-town clock,” said Earl “Buster” Ruark, Director of Jack Roush Day activities. “Over the past 13 years, I expect that Jack has brought in somewhere around $150,000 for the town.” The event is expected to draw several hundred people to the River Barn on Route 52 west of downtown Manchester where several hundred show cars will be displayed. “We had 291 cars last year,” said Ruark. “We've
Provided photo
Manchester native and NASCAR icon Jack Roush will be back in town this Sunday for the annual Jack Roush Day. had a lot of people calling about the show, so it sounds like it will be a good year.”
Village officials say they expect a good turnout for all the traditional Jack Roush Day
events including the car show, the Dinner with Jack, the auction of racing
See Roush / A5
Manchester begins to see light at the end of the fiscal tunnel Village council looks to the future, but police department woes continue BY PATRICIA BEECH PEOPLE’S DEFENDER The newly elected Manchester Village Council began the year
$59,000 in the red, forcing them to slash the town's law-enforcement budget, and later retire the police department's canine unit, after partnering with the
INDEX Obituary: A3 Sports: B1-B3 Classifieds: B4-B7
JOIN THE CONVERSATION What’s your take on the news? Go to peoplesdefender.com or visit us on Facebook to share your thoughts.
local school district to provide a part-time officer for the town. Council members have been dogged in their determination to get the town out of the red and into the black. As of Monday, Oct. 3 the town's $59,000 deficit has been reduced to less than $1,200 according to councilwoman Christine Henderson. “We're looking to be in the black by the end of 2016,” she said, “Once we can keep ourselves in the black and build our funds back up, then we can hire another police officer.” Animosity between the town's two remaining lawenforcement officers has taken up an enormous amount of the council's time said Henderson, who has served six years as a council member. “We'd just like to see Chief Bowling and Officer Hayes make peace,” she said. “In every place of employment you have to get along with the people
Provided photo
.The hard work of the Manchester Village Council has reduced the town’s debt from near $59,000 down to around $1,200. that you work with, you can disagree, but you have to be agreeable when you do.” At present Chief Jeff Bowling is refusing to take action to ensure that Officer Josh Hayes has access to LEADS (Law Enforcement Automated Data System). “The Chief needs to send a letter into LEADS
so that Officer Hayes, who is also the school resource officer, can have access to the data system,” said Henderson. “But he's refusing to do that, he said point blank that he's not going to do that.” Support for the Chief appears to be waning among residents who believe they're being forced to take sides at the
cost of public safety. During Monday night's contentious council meeting, public opinion came down on the side of public safety. “I'm in full support of law enforcement, but when one officer restricts another officer from doing his job – which is to protect my children, my opin-
See Fiscal / A5
A2 West Union People’s Defender
$ 99
USDA U SDA D Choic CChoice hoic ice c Beef Beef
Top T op Ro op Round ound nd Roast Ro oasst
lb. b b.
Michigan, Mic M ichi ic chig ig gaan,, Gold, G old ld, d, McIntosh, McInto osh, sh, Jonathan Jo Jona onaattth haan n or or Red Re R eed d Deliciou De D Delicious eliiccio ou uss A Ap Apples pp p ple les
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$ 99
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3 lb. lb. bag lb bag
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USDA U SDA D CChoice hoic ice c Beef Beef
ea. ea.
$ 69
CCalifornia aliiffornia i SSweet weet
Red Re ed aand nd G Gre Green reen Seedless S eedleess G eedless Gra Grapes rape p es
Sunday, October 9, 2016
lb. b b.
15 P Pc. c. Golden Golde ld deen FFried rieed Chicken ried Chic C hick iccke ken
Kahn’s Ka Kahn’ ahn’s Bologna Bolo logna na
Glazed Gla G laze azzeed d Donuts Do onuts 6 ct. ct
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$ 99
Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties arieetiees • 228-30.6 8--30..6 ooz. z.
$ 89 8
lb. b b.
$ 39
Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties arieetiees • 40 arieties 40 ooz. z.
$ 69 6
$ 99
Downy Dow Do ow wn ny LLiquid iq iqu uid FFabric ab abric bric Softener Soffte te n e r Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties arieetiees • 41 arieties 41 - 51 51 ooz. z.
Golden G old lde deen Sweet SSwe weet
SSweet weet PPotatoes otatoes taatoes
USDA U SDA D IIn Inspected nspected
USDA U SDA DA IIn Inspected nspected
90% LLe 90% Lean ean FFresh resh esh Gr Gro Ground round ound B Beef eef
Center-Cut CCe ennte ter--Cut PPork ork Loin ork Loin oin Chops Choops
lb. b b.
Del D el Monte el Mo Mont onte Pineapple PPin ineapple in neapple
lb. b b.
Carolina Ca Car arrolina olinna Turkey Turke kkeyy
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FFresh resh esh CChicken Chick hicckkeen Drumsticks Dr D rumsticcks & TTh rumsticks Thighs higghs highs
EEckrich ckkrric ck ich ch SSmoked mok oked ed SSa Sausage, ausagge, gee LLinks, Links innks ks, s, aand nd Gr Grillers rilleers
TTray ray PPack ack • 4 llbs ack lbs. bbss. avg. avg
Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties arieetiees • 10 - 14 ooz. arieties z.
2/$ /$
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Hormel H ormel Cooked ormel Cook oked Ham Haam
99 9 9
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IGA IG GA A CCooking ookkin ook inng Spray ing SSpprray ay
IGA IG GA A CChocolate Choc hoc ocollaate Chips Chipps
Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties aarieties rieetiees • 6 ooz. z.
12 ooz. z.
99 99
99 99
IGA IG GA FFlo Flour loour
5 lb llb. b. b
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Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties aarieties rieetiees • 3 PPack ack
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TTastee ast stee ee Ca Caramel Car arraamel mel Apples Applees
99 299
Half Ha alf Gallon alf Galllloon
99 299
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lb. b b.
PPierce’s ierc erce’s e’s Pimento PPim im mento CCheese heesee Spread SSppread
IGA IG GA CCoffee offffee ee Cr Cre Creamer reamer
IGA IG GA Mushrooms M usshrroooms
Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties aarieties rieetiees • 16 ooz. z.
Pieces Pie P ieecces aand nd SStems tems • 4 o oz. z.
Assorted As A ssorted V Varieties arieetiees • 8. arieties 8.75 .75 o oz. z.
IGA IG GA A Oyster O ysste yst ter er Cr Cra Crackers rackkeers
IGA IG GA A PPlastic laastic CCu Cutlery utleerryy
Hunt’s Hu unnt’s t’s PPasta asta Sauce asta SSaaucce
9 ooz. z.
Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties arie ietiiees • 24 cct.t
Assortedt As A ssortedt V Varieties arieetiees • 24 o arieties oz. z.
Domino D ominno Brown omino B Brrrow own or or CConfection onffeeccttion tioon SSu Sugar uggaar
Maruchan Ma M arucchan R Ramen amen Noodles amen Noodl dlees
KKool-Aid ool-A ooll--Aid Aid Jammers Ja ammers
32 o oz. z. b bag ag
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SSelect elleecct Varieties Varieties arieetiees • 10 10 ct. ct
Jello Je ello ello lo PPudding udddinng udding
SSan an Giorgio an G Gior ioorrgio gio gi PPasta asta t
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Assorted As A ssorted V Varieties arieetiees • 1166 o oz. z.
Assorted As A ssorted V Varieties arieetiees es • 5. 5.5 .5 o oz. z.
39 3 9
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CChex Che heexx M Mix ix
IGA IG GA Shredded SSh hreedded dde dddeed Cheese Cheese Assorted As A ssorted V Varieties arieetiees • 8 o arieties oz. z.
Fischer’s FFis isc sccher ’s Me Mellwood Mellw ellw lwo wood Sliced SSl lic ice ced ed Bacon Baaccoon B
Cagle Cagle’s Ca agle’s lee’s Whole Wh W hole Fryers hole FFrye r yers
RReg. eg. or eg or Thick TThhick hicck • 122 oz. oz.
PPierce’s ierc erce’s e’s Chick CChicken hicckken en SSalad ala lad
3 lb lb. b. A Ave Average vera rage g
29 9
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8.5 8. .5 lb. lb lb. Average Ave A vera rage g
Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties arieetiees • 5 - 6 ooz. arieties z.
Banquet Ba B aanquet nnqque qquueet Classic Cllaassssicc Dinners Din Di D iinnnneerrss
Ore IId Ore Ida ddaa PPo Potatoes ottatoe taaato toes
Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties aarieties rieetiees • 8.5 8..5 - 11.88 11.888 ooz. z.
Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties arieetiees • 5 llb. arieties b. b
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PPumpkin umpkkin in Pie Pie
8-inch 8-innch
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BBEVERAGES EVERAGES & SSNACKS NACKS Mama M ama Rosa ama Roosa Mini M Min inni 4 Pack Pack ack Pizza’s PPiz izzza’s zaa’s
Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties arieetiees • 8 ooz. arieties z.
Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties aarieties rieetiees • 17 17 ooz. z.
2/$ /$
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YYoplait ooplait plaait YYo Yogurt ogurrt
Assorted As A ssorted V Varieties arieetiees • 9 o arieties oz. z.
Assorted As A ssorted V Varieties arieetiees • 6 o arieties oz. z.
* Must Mus Mu usst buy buy 2
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PP.P. P. .PP. $4 $4. $4.39 4..39 • 166 ooz. z.
IIGA GA Sour SSo oour ur Cr Cre Cream ream
Armour A rmour Lunchmakers LLu unchmakkeers Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties arieetiees • 2.5 arieties 2..5 - 3. 3.2 .2 ooz. z.
99 799
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FFoster ost ster er Farms FFaarms CCorn orn D orn Do Dogs ogs g
28 ooz. 28 z.
Hooney or Honey or M Mini Miini ni • 113.3 3..3 - 1166 ooz. z.
99 99
Spread Sp Spr pre read ead or or Spray Sp Spra pray r y • 88-16 -16 o oz. z.
99 9
PPepsi-Cola epsi--Cola epsiola Products PPrroduc oducts uccts
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4.94 44. .94 - 7. 7.2 .2 ooz. z. bbox ox o or 1. or 1.97 .97 - 2. 2.25 .25 ooz. z. cups cups
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* Must Mus Mu usst buy buy 4
Tony’s To TTon nyy’’s PPiz Pizzeria izzzzeria eria Cr Crust rust PPiz Pizzas izzzaas
Armour A rm mour PPotted ott tted ed Me M Meat eaat
4//$ 4/$
TTotino’s oti tinno’s PPiz Pizza izzzza za Ro Rolls olllls
99 99
4..7 - 6. 4.7 6.2 .2 o oz. z.
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Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties aarieties rieetiees • 59 59 ooz. z.
4//$ 4/$
Coca-Cola CCo occaa--Cola ola Products PPrroduc oduc duucts cts
Assorted As A ssorted VVarieties arieetiees • 8 cct.t. 4. arieties 4.5 .5 ooz. z.
99 399
6 169
Assorted As A ssorte rted V Va Varieties aarieties riieetiees • 6 p pk pk. k 16 k. 116.9 6.9 o oz oz. z. b btls. tls ls. s
EEl Monterey Moonnte M terrey ey Burrito B urritto
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4 Pack, Pacckk, 10 10 cct.t
99 99
4//$ 4/$ Wholey Wh W holey le ley CCod od FFi Fillets illeets t
00 100
4//$ 4/$
IGA IG GA AB Bisc Biscuits issccuuits itts
16 oz. oz.
99 199
PPepsi-Cola epsi--Cola epsiola Products PPrroduc oducts uccts Assorted As A ssorted V Varieties aarieties rie iet ettiees • 8 p pk pk. k. 122 o oz. z. b btls. tlls ls. s
KKraft rafftt Singles SSin ingles in ngle gllees
99 199
Caarl Bu Carl Bud Buddig udd dddig PPremium remium emiuum D Deli eli Lunch LLu unch Me unch Mea Meats eaats ts
3 79 9
99 499
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2 — 12” 2”” Medium Mediuum 1-Topping 1--TTopping oppinng PPiz Pizzas izzzaas
Call Call 544-9999
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Pizza PPiz izzza of of the the Month Mo Mon onntth th 14” 14 4”” Lar LLarge arrge ge Meat Me eaat Lovers’ Lovers’ Pizza PPiz izzza
99 1 99 12
West Union People’s Defender
Brenda Farley
Brenda Farley, age 67 years of Aberdeen, passed away on Monday, Oct. 3, 2016 at her residence. Mrs. Farley was born June 29, 1949, the daughter of the late George and Della Drake in Columbus.
Lillian N. Smith
Lillian "Bunny" Noralie Smith, age 55 of Springboro, Ohio, died Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016 at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. . Bunny was born Nov. 1, 1960 in Cincinnati, the daughter of the late Chester and Rosalie (Carroll) Smith. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by one brother – Gary Smith.
Following cremation a memorial service will be held at the convenience of the family. The Thompson-Meeker Funeral home is serving the family.
Mrs. Smith is survived by her fiancé - John; two daughters, Kimberly Cain and husband Terry of New Port Richey, Fla. and Vanessa Benson and husband Brant of Springboro; one son, Michael Trombley and wife Emilee of Manchester; one brother, Steven Smith and wife Cheryl of Michigan; one sister, Barbara Smith of Manchester; and six grandchildren – Dustin, Dylan, Dakota, Tristan, Hailey and Carter. Funeral services were held on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016 at the Cahall Funeral Home in Mt. Orab with cremation following. If desired, memorial donations may be made to the Muscular Dystrophy Association, 1080 Nimitzview Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45230.
Betty R. Shelton
Betty R Shelton, 75, of Bethel, died Sunday, Oct. 2, 2016 at the Bethesda North Hospital. She was born in Manchester on Dec. 10, 1940 to the late Herald and Edna (Scott) Foster. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 5 at Wilson Home for Funerals. Burial followed at the Manchester Cemetery.
Barbara Bohl
Barbara Emma Rose Bohl, stillborn, passed away on Thursday Sept. 29, 2016. Graveside Services were held on Oct. 7, 2016 at 10 a.m. The Wallace-Thompson Funeral Home is serving the family.
Advertising pays in The People’s Defender!! Call 937-544-2391 to place your ad today!
It’s a wonderful life
This is part one of a series about Richard who was admitted to hospice for non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver when he was 66. Richard had lived with a plethora of medical problems since he was in his early 40’s, hepatitis, "severe" spinal stenosis with three back surgeries, heart attacks, mini strokes, and diabetes and colon cancer. In spite of his illnesses Richard kept working, kept producing, and kept serving. I've known Richard and his wife, Marjory, for almost two years now, and not until writing this story, did I realize the respect Richard deserves for his perseverance and service. So Richard, here's to you! Richard launched into the work force as a high school summer intern at Martings Department Store and ended up selling shoes there for about seven years. Like a lot of young men in those days, Richard landed a job at the New Boston steel mill where he worked in the clerical department for about six years. His next job was an eight-year stint as purchasing agent for the old Security Central Bank. But Richard's passion was writing. He reflected, "I always loved to write even when I was back in grade school." When Richard saw an ad in the Portsmouth Times for a part time sports writer, he submitted a sample story. The assistant editor read it and told him, “You know how to write”. That was the beginning of Richard's 17-year career as a sports and staff writer. Richard and I talked about how fortunate we'd been. Our jobs were unconventional and provided a degree of professional adventure, leading us to so many people and so many places. Richard
interviewed governors, congressmen, and sports and entertainment celebriLOREN HARDIN ties, STRAIGHT PATHS including Buddy Ebsen from "The Beverly Hillbillies". Richard reflected, "I covered the Shawnee State girls’ softball team at the national championships in Iowa. We went on the bus and I knew all the girls on a first name basis. I traveled with and covered the West Portsmouth girls’ softball team in the state championships. I participated in Portsmouth Days at the Cincinnati Reds ballpark. I've covered four local ball games in one day and submitted my write-ups by my deadline at midnight." Richard and I concluded we'd been blessed with wonderful lives and careers. Writing was clearly a labor of love for Richard, but I didn't realize how much so, until I heard the rest of his story. You see, Richard was a writer long before being hired by the Portsmouth Times. Richard wrote and produced Christmas plays for his church for over 30 years. He reflected, "Some people only came to the church because of the plays and I fully believe some of them are in heaven now." Marjory pointed out, "You have to include Richard's 35 years of service in the Mt. Hope Bible Camp." Richard added, "I just want young people to know Christ". I'd mistakenly assumed that Richard would have said that the highlight of his life and
career would have been hobnobbing with celebrities and covering the championship games but now I see that Richard's real passion, hope and vocation was "storing up treasures in heaven." (Matthew 6:19-21) Paul Tournier, one of my favorite authors, wrote in "The Meaning of Persons" that "Man is in search of life, it is life that he is looking for”. But most of us look for life in all the wrong places. You see, true life is transcendent. It's not occupational, educational, intellectual, psychological, material, financial or even behavioral. It's attitudinal, positional and prepositional. It is in, through, from and by Him. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." (John 14:6). How many times have you heard someone say, "Give me one good reason why I should?" Well, ultimately there is only one good reason, "For the love of God." You see all work is honorable, any job can be an adventure and any life can be wonderful when lived with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength as unto Lord. "And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through Him and whatever you do, do it heartily to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Jesus Christ." (Colossians 3: 17-23) Loren Hardin is a hospice social worker at Southern Ohio Medical Center and can be reached at hardinl@somc.org or at (740) 356-2525.
Will M. Stern
Will Michael Stern, 39 years of Winchester, passed away on Tuesday Oct. 5, 2016 at the Adams County Regional Medical Center. He was born in Brown County on July 12, 1977, the son of the late Michael Stern. Besides his father, Will is preceded by his daughter, Kirstin and maternal grandparents, Jay and Eileen Easter and Raymond and Barbara
Sunday, October 9, 2016 A3 Tincher. Will is survived by his mother, Carma (Mike) Tincher of Winchester; son, Ethan Michael Stern; two sisters, Emily Stern of Dayton and Elizabeth (Russell) Warren of Peebles; step-mother, Regina Cullpepper-Huff of Kentucky; several nieces and nephews: Allen Head, Connor Head, Reagan Warren and Ryne Warren and a host of friends.
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016 at the BradfordSullivan Funeral Home in Winchester. Burial will follow at the Cherry Fork Cemetery. Friends may call from 5- 8 p.m. on Saturday Oct. 8, 2016 at the funeral home. The family requests donations to benefit Ethan Stern, C/O First State Bank.
Find us our special home
"Scooby" entered the Animal Shelter way back on April 15. He's a beautiful husky mix with plenty of spunk and personality. Scooby might have been euthanized if he'd been at any other shelter because it has taken a while to find him a great new home, but HSAC has a policy that no animal will be killed for lack of space. You can be proud that your support of HSAC gives animals like Scooby a second chance. Scooby is neutered, upto-date on vaccinations, and is waiting for an adopter at the HSAC Animal Shelter now.
"Anika" entered the Animal Shelter on June 2, 2016. She is a gorgeous female kitten with ice-blue eyes that will melt your heart. There are no other shelter in Adams County that regularly take in cats and kittens. Your support of HSAC helps end the vicious cycle of unwanted pet reproduction and gives cats like Anika a second chance at a long and happy life. Anika was just spayed on Oct. 4 is upto-date on vaccinations, and is waiting for an adopter at the HSAC Animal Shelter now.
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A4 West Union People’s Defender
Community Announcements
Ag Society has Director Opening for East at Large The Adams County Agricultural Society has a Director opening for East At Large. A letter of interest with your name, address, and phone number should be mailed to P.O. Box 548 West Union, Ohio 45693 before Oct. 6. Church 180 hosting Color Run 5K on Oct. 8 Church 180 in Seaman will be hosting a Color Run 5K Run/Walk on Oct. 8 with all proceeds to benefit the North Adams Elementary Weekend Food Program. Registration begins at 9 a.m., race at 10 a.m. For more information, call (937) 386-0333. ACOVSD Board will meet on Oct. 13 The Adams County Ohio Valley Schhol District Board of Education will
hold a board meeting on Thursday, Oct. 13 at the Career and Technical Center beginning at 7 p.m.
Board of Developmental Disabilities meets Oct. 13 The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Developmental Disabilities is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 13 at 4 p.m. at Venture Productions, Inc. Liberty Farmers hosting Oct. 15 Petting Zoo The Liberty Farmers 4-H Club will be holding a Petting Zoo from noon- 4 p.m. on Oct. at TSC in West Union. The petting zoo is to promote the fall TSC Clover Campaign that benefits 4-H programs.
Humane Society “HowlO-Ween” is Oct. 22 The Humane Society of Adams County’s “Howl-OWeen” dinner and auction
is Saturday, Oct. 22at the GE Employee Park at 1200 Jaybird Road in Peebles, from 5-7 p.m. The cost is $20 a person and includes a dinner fromt he Scioto Ribber. Call (937) 5448585 to reserve your tickets.
Southern Ohio ESC Board meets Oct. 25 The Southern Ohio Educational Service Center Governing Board will have its regular meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2016 at 7 p.m., at the Southern Ohio Educational Service Center, 39 Willettsville Pike, Hillsboro.
Hope House sponsoring two new support groups Hope House has announced two new support groups, aimed at helping families dealing with addictions. The Loved Ones Support Group beings on
Tuesday, Sept. 27 from 67:30 p.m. as an educational support series for family members whose lives have been touched by addiction. Hope Is Rising begins Wednesday, Sept. 28 from 6-7:30 p.m. and is a faithbased support group for individuals seeking to reclaim their lives from addictions. The groups will meet at the Hope House Christian Counseling Center at 24 E. Water Street in Sinking Spring.
COAD4Kids offers childcare services If you are a parent searching for care or an individual interested in providing childcare, COAD 4Kids can help. Call 1800-577-2276 or locally 740-354-6527 for information about childcare and the free services offered.
Ohio Can meets in Seaman Ohio Can, a non-profit group pro-active in raising money to get the communi-
Be wary of Anaplasmosis in cattle
Anaplasmosis, what is that? I wondered the same thing until just a little over six years ago. If you have cattle, you may want to know more about Anaplasmosis. I received a call earlier this week concerning the loss of some mature cows that the veterinarian diagnosed as having Anaplasmosis in Brown County. This disease has been a regular topic of discussion over the past few falls in the area, with cases in Adams, Brown, Highland and surrounding counties on both sides of the Ohio River. Anaplasmosis is a blood disease that can be passed from one cow to another by needles that producers use, plus horse flies, mosquitoes, and other insects that seek a blood meal from the cattle. This could happen when using the same needle on multiple cows, or an insect that has not completed the blood meal and the fly gets swatted by the cow’s tail and moves to another cow to complete the meal. This disease results in cows that appear to be healthy in the heat of the summer like August and September. It can carry on into October, too. The cows appear to be healthy and within a day or two they are showing a weight loss, but their eyes and ears do not appear to be that of a sick animal. These are the clinical signs of Anaplasmosis: fever, increased heart/respiration rate, muscle weakness (wobbly), thin watery blood, constipation, nervousness, anemia, inappetence, depression, a drop in milk yield, dehydration, and reproduction disorders including abortion. The cows in a majority of the cases may become aggressive just prior to death when excited. The red blood cells are destroyed to the point that these animals do not have enough oxygen in the blood and when excited they die. The symptoms are not easy to deal with. Unfortunately the symptoms consist of a near dead or dead cow when found. Producers are often guilty of discounting a cow’s death to hardware, heart attack or something.
The problem with an unexplained death is that it may take a second or third death before we decide to find out what the problem is. An unexplained death of an animal in your herd is a dangerous thing to deal with. A lesson learned may be to not have an unexplained death. Find out what happened. So the begs the question, how do I find out? Animals can be taken to a lab and be posted for a reasonable fee. It takes time to load the cow in the truck and to take her to the nearest lab, but you know what you are dealing with. In most cases you may be able to take steps to prevent further problems. This has not historically been a problem in Ohio. However, it is now being found more often for several reasons. Often cows are moved around more as they are bought and sold from more areas throughout the United States. It is believed that many herds may have carriers within the herd. Texas A&M has an outstanding fact sheet available that explains this disease in detail. If you suspect you have had a case show up in your herd, good advice would be to contact your local veterinarian as soon as possible. Prevention and treatment can include injections and medicated mineral or feed with chlortetracycline in feed is useful. Again your veterinarian can help with all aspects of this problem, including prevention. This is a situation where knowing what caused a death is very valuable. Being able to identify the
Solid Rock Ministries Homecoming 920 E. Main Street West Union
October 16, 2016 @ 10:45 a.m.
Preaching: Jim Bob Williams Special Singing: Lester Williams Meal Following Service
Pastor Happy Jack Arrasmith & Congregation invites everyone. *No Evening Service.
Cell Phone: (937) 217-3609 Church Phone: (937) 544-0210
problem early will aid in prompt treatment and prevention. The cost of having an animal examined to identify the cause of death is really pretty reasonable on the surface, but it looks really cheap if it helps you prevent additional losses. Animals that are found dead without any known cause would need to be transported to the nearest lab promptly during this time of the year. Your veterinarian can help you locate a lab and give you additional instructions including blood samples that can be stored that might be helpful, too. The next challenge for those herds with known cases of Anaplasmosis in the past will be the upcoming Veterinarian Feed Directive that will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2017. This will change the availability of most treatments for this disease. Contact your local veterinarian soon to get a plan in place. Tire Amnesty Days in Adams and Brown
charge. For more information contact Dan Wickerham at (937) 3783431, or send email to dwickerham@abcap.net. Saturday, Oct. 8 in Adams County, tires can be brought to the recycling center at 95 Trefz Road east of West Union, just about a mile off of SR 125 and Compton Hill Road, turn next to the Stone Chappel. The hours are from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. The Brown County locations and times are: Saturday, Oct. 8 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Ripley Community Park Saturday, Oct. 8 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Aberdeen Fire Department Saturday, Oct. 22 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Perry Township Hall in Fayetteville Saturday, Oct. 29 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Adams Brown Recycling in Georgetown Large tires have some restrictions, so you may want to call first. Also the Recycling Center reserves the right to refuse any large or extremely dirty tires.
Land Transfers With the issues we have had in recent years with mosquitoes in the United
Sept. 2016want to States23-29, you may take advantage of the Jacob Miller opportunity to to getJonathan rid of Gutman, Gutman, old tires Dawn that may be lying Seaman 0.233 around. Village, In Adams andac. Richard A. Smith to will Brown Counties there Taylor D. Pennington, be a number of opportuniThomas Pennington, ties in October to doLiberty just Twp, that. 3.260 Here ac. is a list of days Robert Leatha that tires N. canNaill, be taken to a M. Naill toevent William recycling freeF.of Poole, Marcella L. Poole, Green Twp, 3.59 ac. MTGLQ Investors L P to Jerry D. Akers, Starla E. Akers, Bratton Twp, 3.91 ac. Loyd M. Sturgill, Tracie L. Sturgill to Loyd M. Sturgill, Tracie L. Sturgill, Meigs Twp, 0.423 ac. Eric L. White, Heather White to Sarah E. K.Lowman, West Union Village, 0.291 ac. Ty R. Mitchell, Sarah W. Mitchell to Devin S. Pollard, Liberty Twp, 2.00 ac. Randall B. Nesbit, aka Randall Buryl, Leola Nesbit to Ernest Nesbit Jr, Randall B. Nesbit, Tiffin Twp, 159.623 ac. Jimmy Collins, AKA Jimmy Dean to Matthew J. Humble, Timothy S. Hawkins, Sprigg Twp, 23.681 ac. Paul Minton, Emma L. Minton to Rebecca G. Potts Trustee, Minton Keystone Preservation Trust, Scott
Twp, 21.75 ac. Lillian M. Haddox, Dec'd to Marvin Bentley, Manchester Village, 0.128 ac. Rebekah Warner to Tamita Tipton, Bratton Twp, 6.264 ac. Robert H. Smith, Linda J. Smith to Julie M. Music, Curtis R. Music, West Union Village, 4.242 ac., Tiffin Twp, 0.441 ac. Vincent L. Schultz II, Christian A. Schultz to Amanda S. Perkins, Sprigg Twp, 3.45 ac. Richard P. Ayers Trustee, Richard P. Ayers Trust to Richard P. Ayers, Trustee, Richard P. Ayers Trust, Cherry Fork Village, 0.4005 ac. Julie M. Music, Curtis R. Music to Carey L. Music, West Union Village, 4.242 ac. Tiffin Twp, 0.441 ac. Fannie F. Grooms, Dec'd to Anthony G. Grooms, Vickey L. Grooms, Tiffin Twp, 5.487 ac. Richard A. Roosa to Ronnie Hopkins, Patricia Hopkins, Peebles Village, 0.1565 ac. Fannie F. Grooms, Dec'd to Paula J. Hobbs, West Union Village, lots 44, 45 Kelly L. Erwin, Trustee, William Nelson Trust, Elenor Jean Dudgeon,
ty involved in drug awareness and prevention, will meet on the first Thursday of every month from 6:308:30 p.m. at the Seaman Community Building. The group plans on putting together meaningful events to gather support in Adams County. Snacks and beverages will be provided. For more information, call 937217-1527 or email solaceofadamscounty@gmail.com
Reformers Unanimous to meet The Reformers Unanimous Addiction Recovery Program is held 7 p.m. every Friday at 106 Rice Drive in West Union. For information contact Phil Fulton at 937-5871797 or Ron Baker at 937544-4110.
Celebrate recovery A Christ-centered recovery program for people who struggle with addictions or any life-controlling issue will meet on Mondays from 6 -8:30 p.m. at Church 180
Sunday, October 9, 2016
located at 2556 Moores Road, in Seaman. A program for children (ages 512) of parents who attend the program is available as well. For more information contact Dan Sheridan at 937-205-5464 or Carol Sheridan at 513-509-3911.
Solace of Adams County meeting twice a month Solace of Adams County, a local community group that supports individuals who have suffered the loss of a loved one to drugs, will meet on the second and fourth Friday of every month from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the second floor Conference Room of the Adams County Regional Medical Center. The group will also provide support to recovering addicts, as well as advocating prevention and bringing awareness into the community. Snacks and beverages will be provided and for more info, call 937217-1527 or email solaceofadamscounty@gmail.com.
Shawnee State announces Summer Dean’s List
Jeff Bauer, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Shawnee State University, has released the Dean's List for the 2016 Summer Semester. To be placed on the Dean's List, students must be enrolled full time and achieve a grade point average of 3.5 or better. Shawnee State University is located at 940 Second Street in Portsmouth. Lying along the banks of the Ohio River, SSU offers more than 80 Bachelor's and
Associate Degree programs, as well as three Master's Degree programs. Shawnee State is a student-focused university offering highly personalized, affordable and accessible education dedicated to the exploration of emerging technologies and emerging ideas. Local students who were named to the Dean’s List include: Harry Harris from Manchester (Marketing), and Natasha Newland from Manchester (Plastice Engineering Technology).
The Goshen Church of God will be holding a revival celebrating their 82nd anniversary. The revival hosted by Pastor Douglas Walden will be held from Oct. 16-21. Guest ministers will include: Rev. Jon Walden – Sunday, Oct. 16 at 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rev. Tommy Bates – Monday, Oct. 17 and Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m.
Rev. Richard McKinney – Wednesday, Oct. 19 at 7 p.m. Rev. Mike Cornelius – Thursday, Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. Rev. David Cornelius – Friday, Oct. 21 at 7 p.m. For more information please call (513) 7221699. The church is located at 1675 Hill Station Road Goshen, OH 45122
Henry Richard Dudgeon to Paula J. Hobbs, West Union Village, lots 44, 45 Carey L. Miller to 8066 State Rte 348 LLC, Brush Creek Twp, 340.191 ac., Jefferson Twp, 70.249 ac. Virgie F. Brown to Gary
A. McCauley, Lydia G. McCauley, Meigs Twp, 7.728 ac. David E. Campbell, Cheryl C. Campbell to Mark W. Everett, Sprigg Twp, 16.486 ac.
Goshen Church of God holding revival
Humane Society providing ‘Straws For Paws’ SUBMITTED BY MELISSA DOWNS
Stop in at the Humane Society's new Animal Shelter Tuesday through Saturday between 11 a.m and 3 p.m. to pick up flakes of straw for your pet. Thanks to a very generous donation of straw by Dinsmore Farm and Fleet of West Union, the Humane Society is able to offer the straw for free to residents who are experiencing financial difficulties and cannot afford straw to insulate their pets' outdoor doghouses this winter. The straw is in limited quantity and will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. The Animal Shelter is located in West Union at
11481 State Route 41, between the Adams County Shelter for the Homeless and Tractor Supply Company. For more information about the Straws for Paws program or about the Humane Society of Adams County, please call (937) 544-8585 or email adamscountyanimals@gmail.com.
Advertising pays in The People’s Defender!
Donkey Basketball Show Family Fun Night
Saturday, October 15th 7:00 p.m. Cherry Fork Gym Advanced Tickets: $6 Gate: Tickets: $8 Sponsored By: Inter-faith For tickets stop at Inter-Faith Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Call (937)544-7141 or (937)779-0003 Or stop at First State Bank in West Union & Winchester
Needed: Donkey riders or walkers to play basketball •Donkey rides for children at intermission •Door Prizes •Split the Pot •Silent Auction •Food Available
Community Leaders needed for Chronic Disease and Diabetes Self-Management Programs in October LOCAL NEWS
West Union People’s Defender
Interested in being trained to help your community better manage their chronic disease or diabetes conditions? The Area Agency on Aging District 7 (AAA7) is looking for community leaders to assist with facilitating its Chronic Disease and Diabetes SelfManagement Classes. Community, or lay, leaders will continue to support the classes in their individual communities after they complete training through the AAA7. An upcoming training is scheduled in Georgetown in Brown County beginning October 17th for those individuals who are interested in serving as a lay leader in their community. Self-management programs for people with chronic conditions and diabetes are designed to
help those with chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, asthma, arthritis and diabetes, learn to manage their conditions and take control of their health. The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) and Diabetes SelfManagement Program (DSMP) was created at Stanford University and is a proven community initiative that provides health benefits and promotes disease prevention. CDSMP and DSMP are six-session workshops that
meet once a week where participants learn how to minimize symptoms such as fatigue, pain, stress and depression. It teaches skills for communication, managing medications, better breathing, and how to design your own selfmanagement program. The program focuses on the participants' role in managing their illnesses and building their confidence so that they can be successful in adopting healthier behaviors. Workshops are highly interactive, where workshop leaders, as well as group members, provide support while learning new techniques for dealing with symptoms. To expand this evidence-based program, the AAA7 is looking for individuals to become trained lay leaders. Lay leaders are volunteers who typi-
cally have chronic conditions or diabetes themselves and conduct workshops using the prepared curriculum. They complete a training program where they are mentored by master trainers. An essential element to these six-session workshops is that they are held in community-based settings, such as senior centers, faith-based organizations and libraries, with most led by certified and trained lay leaders rather than medical professionals. The upcoming Lay Leader Training will take place in Georgetown on Oct. 17, 18, 19 and 24 for the CDSMP, and Oct. 25 and 26 for the DSMP. The training will take place from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. each day at the Ohio Veterans Home, located at 2003 Veterans
Boulevard in Georgetown. Those who are interested must attend all six days in order to be certified to lead the programs. Attendees will be provided with in-depth information needed to conduct the workshops and receive the materials at no cost. As all workshops are designed to be facilitated by two trainers, it is strongly suggested that you bring someone with you that you prefer to lead the classes with you. A pre-screening is required of all applicants who express an interest in serving as a lay leader. For more information about registering for the lay leader training, please call Carla Cox at 1-800528-7277, extension 284, or Breanna Williams at extension 247 no later than Oct. 12.
Setting the record straight in Ohio Single car accident
address after the first mailWith less than five ing will receive an absentee weeks until the presidential ballot application later this election, it is important that month as a part of a second all Ohioans have the facts mailing. If you would like about election procedures an so you know what is absenbeing done to make tee balOhio a state where it's lot easy to vote and hard to request cheat. and FACT: The deadline didn't to register to vote is receive Tuesday, Oct. 11 and it one, is easy to register to vote applicain Ohio. Voter registrations tion forms are available Jon Husted online at Guest Columnist are availMyOhioVote.com, at able at libraries and BMV MyOhioVote.com. Deputy Registrars. Since The in-person schedule 1977, the Ohio Constitution for the 28-day early voting has required that Ohioans period for 2016 includes register to vote where they weekday evening hours, live at least 30 days before two Saturdays and two Election Day in order to cast a ballot. You can mail a Sundays. This gives completed voter registration Ohioans the tenth most generous schedule in the form to your county board of elections or drop it off in nation. For a complete listing of days and hours, as person. If you are regiswell as the location of your tered and simply need to county’s early voting locaupdate your address, you tion, go to can use a voter registration MyOhioVote.com. form or do it online. Absentee ballots will be We encourage all eligible Ohioans to participate in the mailed and in-person voting at your local board of elecupcoming election. For the tions will begin on Oct. 12. first time ever, my office On Election Day your mailed information on how voting location will be open to register to vote to more from 6:30 a.m. until 7:30 than 1.65 million Ohioans who are eligible to vote, but p.m. You can find your assigned polling place, view are not registered. FACT: Voting is easy and your sample ballot and get more information at convenient in Ohio. In fact, MyOhioVote.com. you don't even need to FACT: No voter has been leave home to vote. purged – the only voters No-fault absentee voting who have been removed are (by mail or in person) was those who have died, passed during my tenure as requested cancellation after Speaker of the Ohio House moving out of state, notified of Representatives in 2005. a board of elections of a In 2012, I began the practice of mailing absentee bal- change of address to a diflot requests statewide. Prior ferent Ohio county, or are no longer eligible to vote to 2012, only voters in under state law. Federal and some of our 88 counties state law requires us to keep received absentee ballot the voter rolls up to date to applications in the mail. avoid having deceased and Those who were not on the ineligible voters on the list this year had notified rolls. Having clean voter the U.S. Postal Service of a change of address (meaning rolls protects your vote and makes Election Day more they could not have used efficient. From 1981 to the pre-addressed applica1994, during the terms of tion) or had not voted in two Democratic and one several years, including the Republican secretaries of last two federal elections. state, voter registration was Anyone who registered to automatically cancelled vote or updated their
From page A1
collectibles and NASCAR memorabilia, and the Burn-Out. “I'd like to invite the whole public to come down and enjoy a beautiful Sunday on the river,� said Manchester Mayor Robert Hilderbrand. “Everyone is invited to come down and visit with Jack, who will be signing autographs.�
From page A1
ion of the situation changes,� said Manchester resident Mike Reno. “I've tried to stay out of it as long as possible, but when it came to my kids' safety, that was the end for me.� Councilwoman Henderson says she's not yet ready to give up the fight for Manchester.
The Car and Truck Show registration is 10 a.m.- 1p.m. Judging will be at 1:30 p.m. and trophies will be awarded at 3 p.m. Lunch with Jack will be held at noon in the Manchester Community Center. Tickets are $20. Call (937) 549-3628 for reservations. The Memorabilia Auction begins at 1:30 p.m. and will feature items autographed by Roush and NASCAR
“We're trying to move forward, we've had a lot of successes, but we still have some problem areas, and I think eventually people will see that, and we will begin working together to accomplish our goals, she said. “When the going gets tough, that's not when you give up, that's when you pull together as a team, and decide to work together for the betterment of the community.�
unless a person voted during a four year period or updated their address. Since 1994, four secretaries of state – both Democratic and Republican alike – have managed the accuracy of the voter rolls using a sixyear criteria. No voters were cancelled in 2016 as a result of this long-standing practice. It is easy to check whether or not you are registered to vote by going online at MyOhioVote.com. FACT: Voter Fraud exists, but it's rare and it's a fifth degree felony. The truth is we put safeguards in place to secure the integrity of the election. Keeping the voter rolls up to date is key. We've removed more than 515,000 deceased voters and 1.5 million duplicate registrations and we cross-match with other states to identify voters who may have voted in multiple states. Ohio is an I.D. state, so if you plan to vote on Election Day, please bring a driver’s license, state I.D. or choose from one of the other alternative forms of identification allowed in Ohio. Election security is a bipartisan process in Ohio. Local boards of elections are made up of two Democrats and two Republicans. FACT: Every vote matters. Since 2013, 109 elections of candidates or issues have been decided by one vote or tied. Literally one vote has been the difference in mayoral races and school levies, and with 1,804 local issues and countless candidates on the 2016 ballot, close elections are likely to happen this year. With nearly a month to cast a ballot, Ohio is one of the easiest states in the nation in which to vote. You as an Ohioan can choose from a number of different ways to participate this election season, so don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Remember, decisions are made by those who show up. Jon Husted is the Ohio Secretary of State.
drivers. According to Ruark,throughout the year Roush sends various items for the auction including tires, racing helmets, wheels, die casts, race car body parts, racing hats – all autographed by Jack and other NASCAR drivers. Following the auction, there will be an autograph session. Caps and t-shirts will be available.
injures one
Tony Adams Publisher tadams@clermontsun.com
Billy Maxfield Sales Manager bmaxfield@newsdemocrat.com
Mark Carpenter Editor/Sports Editor mcarpenter@peoplesdefender.com
Terry Rigdon Advertising trigdon@peoplesdefender.com
Patricia Beech Reporter pbeech@peoplesdefender.com
Kaiajade | People’s Defender
A minor girl sustained injuries in a single-car accident near Winchester last weekend according to a to the Ohio State Highway Patrol. Patrolman Nathan Timberlake responded to the accident scene Saturday, Oct. 1 on Coon Hill Road. Patrolman Timberlake reported that Brandon Lee Bolton, 19, of Winchester was traveling west on Coon Hill Road when he struck a tree after losing control of his vehicle, a
white 1990 Ford Explorer, on a right bearing curve. Several passengers were in the car at the time including William Gash, 20, of West Union, Caleb Evans, 22, of Winchester, and two 17-year-old girls. One of the girls suffered chest and jaw contusions, as well as busted teeth. She was transported by emergency workers to the Adams County Regional Medical Center. Bolton, who was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the accident, was cited for operating a vehicle without reasonable control.
Monday accident sends Peebles man to hospital
Amber Dryden Grooms Circulation/Classifieds agrooms@peoplesdefender.com
PEOPLE’S DEFENDER Publishes every Wednesday and Sunday.
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Website: peoplesdefender.com
Business hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Kaiajade | People’s Defender
A Peebles man was injured Monday, Oct. 3 in a single-car accident near Peebles. The Peebles Life Squad transported Jericho Prater, 36, of Peebles to the Adams County Regional Medical Center for injuries to his chest and arm. According to Trooper
Joshua Hunter of the Ohio Highway Patrol, Prater was traveling southeast on Lawshe Road when he failed to negotiate a lefthand curve. His gray 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan hit a culvert and a tree before overturning and coming to rest, Hunter said. Prater was cited for operating a vehicle without reasonable control and for driving under license suspension.
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Sunday, October 9, 2016 A5
Advertising Deadlines Wednesday Edition Classified is Monday at 10 a.m.; Retail/Real Estate/Auction is Monday at noon.
Advertising Deadlines Sunday Edition Classified is Wednesday at 4 p.m.; Retail/Real Estate/Auction is Wednesday at 4 p.m. News deadlines Wednesday Edition Monday 10 a.m. News deadlines Sunday Edition Thursday 9 a.m.
25 Rice Drive West Union, Ohio 937-544-2391
Commercial Printing available, contact Billy Maxfield at 937-444-3441 or Tony Adams at 800-404-3157.
Information on cabin theft requested Criminal Traffic Disposition Report A6 West Union People’s Defender
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Wade A. Strickland, West Liberty, Speed 67/55, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 Jayshreeben J. Joshi, Portsmouth, Speed 75/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Jerry Pack, Mays Lick, KY, Speed 68/55, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 Sandra J. Schwartz, Simi Valley, CA, Speed 74/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Julie Mozingo, West Union, Poss/Marijuana, Fine $150, Court Cost $101 Michelle Ann Mozingo, West Union, Poss/Marijauna, Fine $150, Court Cost $101 Rodney D. Cooper, Manchester, Poss. Marijuana, Fine $150, Court Cost $70 Arielle M. Jones, Trotwood, Regist. Viol., Fine $25, Court Cost $126 Roger A. Holbrook, West Union, Expired Tags, Fine $25, Court Cost $51 Chad M. Asher, Peebles, Fail Stop Sign, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Guy D. Aldrich, Peebles, Speed 69/55, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 Kevin D. Smith, Cincinnati, Speed 75/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Vincent M. Tranchina, Hallandale, FL, Speed 74/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Carla S. Storer, West Union, Speed 77/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Joseph A. Maddux, Manchester, Poss. Marijuana, Fine $150, Court Cost $70 David McClanahan III, West Union, Felon/Assault, Dismissed, Special Conditions: Dismissed without prejudice as the victim in this matter is still in the hospital. This matter will be presented to the Grand Jury at a later date. Nathan A. Hart, Cincinnati, Speed 84/60, Fine $150, Court Cost $80 Joseph L. Lunsford, Cleves, DUS/Fail Appear, Dismissed Joseph L. Lunsford, Cleves, Speed 63/55, Fine $22, Court Cost $80, Special Conditions: Amended Speed 68/55 by State David M. Burig, Loveland, Defective Muff., Fine $150, Court Cost $80, Special Conditions: Amended charge 4513.22 Defective muffler from speed
78/60 Donna S. Morgan, Speed 67/55, Fine $20, Court Cost $80 Sadie C. Suel, Highland Hgts, KY, Speed 75/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 James N. Sellars, West Union, Fail Stop Sign, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 James N. Sellars, West Union, Seat Belt/Dr, Fine $30, Court Cost $28 Matthew A. Summy, Hebron, KY, Speed 76/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Matthew R. Ward, Winchester, Seat Belt/Dr, Fine $30, Court Cost $51 Brandon G. Leonard, Speed 71/55, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 George Brock, Blue Creek, Prohib/Comp/Ani, Dismissed, Special Conditions: Dismissed as part of plea agreement, CRB 1600209, CRB 1600210 George Brock, Blue Creek, Prohib/Comp/Ani, Dismissed, Special Conditions: Dismissed as part of a plea agreement, CRB 1600209, CRB 1600210 Kitty Meyer, Blue Creek, Prohib/Comp/Ani, Dismissed, Special Conditions: Dismissed as part of plea agreement, CRB 1600214 Kitty Meyer, Blue Creek, Prohib/Comp/Ani, Dismissed, Special Conditions: Dismissed as part of plea agreement, CRB 1600213, CRB 1600214 Michelle Lynn Hiatt, Peebles, Fail/Conf/Dog, Fine $50, Court Cost $70 Julie Mozingo, West Union, Poss/Hashish, Fine $150, Court Cost $74 Keith A. Cooper, Manchester, Fail/Conf/Dog, Fine $25, Court Cost $70 Dakota Barth, Cincinnati, DUS, Fine $250, Court Cost $28, Special Conditions: 2 yr probation Timmy D. Rister, New Boston, O.V.I./1st, Fine $375, Court Cost $59, Special Conditions: 2 yr probation, to pay in full by 1-19-17 Timmy D. Rister, Stout, Fail Control, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 Timothy May, West Union, Seat Belt/Dr, Dismissed Ernest A. Walker, Manchester, Breath, Dismissed Ernest A. Walker, Manchester, Fail Control, Dismissed Brian V. Conley, Stout, Fail Control, Dismissed
Brooke A. Sizemore, Florence, KY, Speed 84/60, Fine $150, Court Cost $80 David M. Clifton, Batavia, Speed 77/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Paul C. Leon, Cincinnati, Speed 81/60, Fine $150, Court Cost $80 Jeffrey T. Vice, Maysville, Speed 71/55, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Gloria J. Chase, Bethel, Speed 75/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Andrew W. Brooks, Harrison, WV, Speed 73/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Josh K. Weber, Gahanna, Speed 85/60, Fine $200, Court Cost $80 Marissa M. Pavlik, Memphis, TN, Speed 75/60 3rd Speed, Fine $150, Court Cost $80 Donald I. Wooten, West Union, Defective Muffler, Fine $100, Court Cost $80, Special Conditions: Amended to 4513.22 Defective Muffler Zachary K. Flanagan, Portsmouth, Speed 73/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Shari C. Copas, Exp OL < 6 months, Dismissed Kara J. Wilson, Chillicothe, Speed 72/60 2nd Speed, Fine $79, Court Cost $80 Michael J. Giordano, Mt. Orab, Speed 72/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Hunter C. Dunn, West Union, Speed 80/55, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Megan M. Grooms, Peebles, Fine $66/55 4th Speed, Fine $22, Court Cost $80, Special Conditions: No Points Mark D. Fecke, Amelia, Speed 71/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Kristin D. Maybriar, Chillicothe, Speed 80/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Ashley K. Skaggs, Manchester, Speed 67/55, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 Troy L. Rawlins, Peebles, Speed 75/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 John R. Mefford, Peebles, Fail Stop Sign, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Matthew L. Davenport, Ripley, Stop Sign, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Leslie M. Corbitt, Cincinnati, Speed 75/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Colin J. Mosher, Roanoke Rapids, NC, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 William J. Francis, Williamsburg, Seat Belt/Dr, Fine $30, Court Cost $51
The free event is made possible by the Ohio Department of Insurance’s Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP), which is traveling the state to help Ohioans, family members and caregivers understand the different Medicare coverage options and possible financial assistance. Medicare’s Annual Coordinated Election Period starts Oct. 15 and ends Dec. 7. During this time, Medicare beneficiaries can evaluate their current coverage and make the determination on whether they should switch to a plan that will better support their needs.
Attending the event in West Union on Oct. 11 will also provide individuals with tips on how to enroll for 2017 coverage in a Medicare prescription drug plan (Part D) and/or a Medicare health plan. Beneficiaries may qualify to save an average of $4,000 on prescription drug costs and OSHIIP representatives will be on hand to help determine the qualification requirements for individuals. Those on Medicare are strongly encouraged to attend the event, which will provide helpful information and assistance and provide an opportunity to speak with someone in more detail
about Medicare benefits in addition to having any questions or concerns answered. Those who are attending can RSVP for lunch by calling (937) 544-3021. For more information about the event or questions about Medicare, call the Area Agency on Aging District 7 toll-free at 1-800582-7277, extension 250, or OSHIIP toll-free at 1-800686-1578. Those with Medicare questions can also call Medicare at 1-800MEDICARE (1-800-6334227). A complete listing of available Part D and Medicare Advantage plans is available at www.medicare.gov.
Sept. 27, 2016
Information is being requested on a theft that took place on Aug. 24, 2016 at approximately 3 a.m. at 167 Lane Road behind the Briar Ridge Unity Church. Anyone who has any information on the theft can contact the Sheriff’s Department at (937) 544-2134 or e-mail anonymouscrime9@gmail.com.
Tri-State’s classic rock radio station 107.5 ‘The Breeze’ now live and local Led Zeppelin, The Who, AC/DC, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, and many other classic rock artists reside at 107.5 on the FM radio dial in Portsmouth, Ohio. On Monday, October 3 the station became live and local, when the station’s new program director and morning air personality Alan Hoover makes 107.5 his new address as well. Hoover, who also serves as operations manager for WZZZ-FM, better known as “Classic Rock 107.5 The Breeze,” said his latest project in a lengthy radio career is to take The Breeze live and local— especially in the mornings. “We’ll be able to be a bit more involved in what we do in the community,” Hoover said. “We’ll have many more contests, lots of artist interviews, and many other great things on The Breeze.” Hoover said all of this is in addition to the station already carrying Ohio State football. He said 107.5 The Breeze went on the air in early 2003. “It has always been a classic rock station,” Hoover said. “It has been syndicated. Now it will be live and local.” The station is a “straight-ahead classic rock station,” according to Hoover. Hoover’s new air shift on the station is weekday mornings from 6 a.m.-10 a.m., as well as a Saturday shift. The station covers, primarily, Scioto, Lawrence, Adams, and Pike counties in Ohio, as well as Greenup, Lewis, and Boyd counties in Kentucky. Hometown Broadcasting of Portsmouth owns and operates 107.5 The Breeze, Mix 99.3, and Fox Sports 1260. Dan McKnight, general manager of Hometown Broadcasting, said Hoover has been a huge factor for the company, especially on Mix 99.3 thus far. “For a while Alan will be on both stations,” McKnight said. “We plan to hire a new afternoon air personality on Mix 99.3.” McKnight said Hoover’s new live and local morning show will bring great experiences to this com-
Alan Hoover is the operations manager of 107.5, “The Breeze.” munity. “We can do a lot of live and local things with the public that we were not able to do before,” McKnight said. “Our company wants to be local, local, local. This is a great example of how our stations are growing.” Hoover said the Portsmouth Area Jaycees opened its haunted house recently and the station will give away tickets to it and other local events. He said the station will do a lot of weekend giveaways, too. Hoover has a long record of building classic rock radio stations and turning them into ratings leaders. “It’s all exciting,” he said. “I love doing it.” Originally from Charleston, West Va., Hoover started in radio in 1980, working at various radio stations across the United States, including in Mobile, Alabama; South Bend, Indiana; the Outer Banks of North Carolina; “and all places in between.” He had the opportunity to go back home and work in West Virginia. “I’d never actually worked in West Virginia, even though I was born there and raised part of the time there,” Hoover said. Hoover was in Huntington from 2006 to 2009, moving after that to his home county— Kanawha County—from 2009 to 2015. “Then I came here, and we’re ready to rock this area,” Hoover said. A member of the Portsmouth community for almost a year now, Hoover said he loves the area.
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Monday, 17th & Tuesday, 18th at 7 pm
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“Somebody told me it’s not too big and it’s not too small, it’s just the right place,” he said. “We’ve met a lot of great folks and I’m looking forward to meeting a lot more.” Hoover has already been busy, giving away tickets to the recent Kiss concert in Huntington and the Foghat show at the Scioto County Fairgrounds. “The station is going to grow and grow and grow,” he said. “There will be more and more things that come along, and we’re excited about it.”
Advertising pays in The People’s Defender!! Call 937-544-2391 to place your ad today!
Medicare presentation in West Union on Oct. 11 Are you a Medicare beneficiary? Want to learn more about Medicare and how the Medicare Annual Coordinated Election Period can work for you? Want to stay informed and healthy and save money? If so, then mark your calendars for an upcoming Medicare presentation that will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 11 a.m. at the Adams County Senior Nutrition Site, located at 111 West Main Street in West Union. The Area Agency on Aging District 7 (AAA7), which covers ten counties in southern Ohio, including Adams, encourages Medicare beneficiaries to attend this important and helpful event.
Richard M. Dryden Adams County Commissioner Candidate for “open” seat vacated for the January 3rd term Adams County Commissioner. We would appreciate your support and vote on Nov. 8, 2016. Paid for by Candidate: 454 Dryden Rd. West Union, OH 45693
Family Owned Since 1938 For Your Insurance Needs Contact Us For a Quote Glenna R. Grooms
ROUSH INSURANCE AGENCY 313 E. Main, West Union, Ohio 45693 (937) 544-3123 40851201
West Union People’s Defender
Sunday, October 9, 2016 A7
North Adams Elementary honors students and staff
The North Adams Elementary Preschool Students of the Month for September are fro left, Rayce Young, Amiya Raines, and Jacob Robinson. Provided photos
North Adams Elementary School recently honored its Students of the Month for September. They are pictured here with their awards. Front row, from left, Haylee Arthur, Aubrey gill, Bailey Bess, Mason Lawson, Trace Evans, Lucy Beam, Noah Pace, Anniston Sumpter, Kaden Wilson, Jaylyn Humphrey, Tenzlee Burns, Colt Ward, Ashlyn Fitzgerald, Alexis Marshall, Kennedi Campbell, Sydney McCann, Emma Hafer, Zane Yous, Easton Raines, Zane Rothwell, and Reagann McAdams; Middle row, from left, Quaid Alexander Shaw, Brooke Robinson, Ryleigh Cox, Peyton Phillips, Emmy Holt, Kaiden Mason, Alaina Chaffin, Kendric Fithen, Memphis Fite, Leah Lamb, Zander Beam, Sydney Davis, James Work, Amanda Baldwin, Braxton Ward, Zachariah Mofford, Colt blithe, Terra Chappel, and Carsyn Raines; Back row, from Drew Reid, Skylar Stapleton, Keetyn Hupp, Olivia Wright, Jaden Butler, Jessie Moore, Chloe Compton, Hunter Brown, Leeah Saylor, Kyla Mahon, Addison Robinson, Boston Crawford, Anna Armstrong, Carson Osborne, Jayce Rothwell, Daisey Groves, Katelynn Boerger, and Brayden Allen. Absent from the photo were Ryan Shelton, The North Adams Elementary Staff Members of the Emmalynn Sharp, Trey Hoop, and Ellie Bosko. Month of September are, from left, Ann Hardin and Bryana Schweickart.
What you should know about tree grafting Did you know that almost all fruit trees are grafted? So are most nursery trees, for that matter. Grafting is a method of joining two different varieties of tree, to get the best qualities of both in a single tree. One plant, called the rootstock is cut off just above ground level. A softwood cutting or “shoot” from a different tree (called the scion) is then “welded” to the rootstock such that the two plants merge and grow together as one. Sometimes a bud is used rather than a shoot, but the effect is the same. Why graft two trees into one? Usually it’s because the rootstock tree and the scion tree have different desirable qualities, and this method allows them to be combined in one tree. Rootstocks control tree hardiness and soil tolerance, and are usually more vigorous and fast-growing. Scion softwood cuttings or buds control qualities like bloom size and color, fruit quality,
fall color, growth habit and other traits you can easily see. Why not just grow the tree from seed? Because trees grown from seed can’t be depended upon to be exactly the same pedigree as the parent tree. The only way to guarantee a tree to be “true to type” with known parentage is to physically cut a shoot or bud from the tree you want. It’s also faster and more efficient, in nursery production, to get large quantities of identical offspring by grafting rather than growing from seed. A good example is weep-
ing cherry, a popular ornamental tree. In this case the rootstock sapling is cut several feet above ground, and a cutting or bud from a known weeping cherry is grafted at the top of the cut-off trunk. Now the tree will have the weeping habit and profuse bloom of the parent tree with the vigor and hardiness of the rootstock tree, which is more like the wild cherry trees you see in hedgerows by the roadside. Shade tree maples known for fall color, like “October Glory” and “Autumn Blaze”, are produced by grafting. In this case the graft is at the bottom of the trunk, just above ground level. Orchard trees are all produced by grafting, because this is the only way you can be guaranteed to get the exact fruit you want.
Fruit tree grafts are usually six to eight inches above ground. It’s easy to spot tree grafts if you know how to look. There will be an obvious scar where the rootstock and scion were joined, and it takes many years for the scar to heal and disappear (if ever). On weeping cherry, you’ll find the scar just below where all the weeping branches are sprouting from the trunk. Here’s a warning: any sprouts or branches that appear BELOW the graft scar should be cut off immediately, or the rootstock tree will take over and you’ll have an entirely different tree from what you intended. It’s common for sprouts or “suckers” to appear around the base of grafted trees, or for vigorous sucker limbs to take over weeping cherry trees. You need to check your trees regularly for suckers and cut them off at the trunk. Like anything else, there
This photo shows a typical a shade tree. can be quality differences in how completely tree grafts will heal. The inner bark of trees is the pipeline for water and food, and poorly done grafts will scar badly and cut off the tree’s circulation. This is a common cause of suckering, because the energy of the rootstock has no other outlet. It’s also why suckers can seem so much healthier than the original tree. Graft scars are
graft scar on the trunk of just one thing to compare when buying trees. Steve Boehme and his wife Marjorie own GoodSeed Nursery & Landscape, located near Winchester, Ohio at 9736 Tri-County Highway. More information is available at www.goodseedfarm.com or call (937) 695-0350.
A8 West Union Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Defender
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Sports B1
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Dryden’s Double duty coming at Boys’ State Golf Tournament as West Union and North Adams both qualify Den: Week 5 in the NFL Last Week: 8-7 Season: 30-33 TNF: Arizona at San Francisco – Surprisingly the Cardinals and the Niners have the same record after four games. Bruce Arians’ squad was expected to compete not only for a division title but also the NFC crown. At 1-3 they face a must win scenario and they get a much needed win on prime time. ARI 23 SF 17 New England at Cleveland – The Patriots managed a 3-1 record without Tom Brady. No doubt Belichick and staff are happy with those results. Hue Jackson’s
Photo by Patrice Yezzi England
The Southern Hills Athletic Conference was well represented at the Boys Division III District Golf Tournament on Oct. 3 at the Elks County Club in Portsmouth. Golfers from West Union, North Adams, Manchester, Peebles, Lynchburg, and Eastern Brown all participated, with West Union finishing first and North Adams second overall, sending them both on to the state tournament next week. BY MARK CARPENTER PEOPLE'S DEFENDER It hasn't happened before but it has happened. Never had two golf teams from Adams County qualified for the state tournament in the same season, until last
Monday's Southeast District Division III District Tournament changed all that. Three Teams from the county were part of the 18-hole district event, and two of them will be “moving on up” as George Jefferson might say, as the West
Union Dragons and the North Adams Green Devils saw their seasons extended for that treasured one more week, with both heading to the state tournament. Three full teams from the county made it into district play, as the
Scott Dryden Guest Columnist
Browns are playing hard but making critical second half mistakes. Tom Brady makes his return in triumphant fashion. NE 34 CLE 23 Philadelphia at Detroit – The Eagles return from the bye sitting at 3-0. They face an inconsistent Lions squad which at times can be explosive on the offensive end. Carson Wentz will play well once again while Philly’s defense thwarts Matthew Stafford. PHI 27 DET 17 Chicago at Indianapolis – A huge game for both teams – the loser is likely eliminated from any realistic chance at the post season. If, a big if, the Colts can protect Andrew Luck he will have a monster game. Brian Hoyer plays well once again in defeat but it isn’t enough. IND 34 CHI 30 Tennessee at Miami – Another match-up between two struggling teams. In a tight ugly game, the Dolphins defense hits Marcus Mariota often. MIA 20 TEN 17 Washington at Baltimore – The Ravens once again face an average football team – facing only one winning team thus far. The Skins struggled mightily versus the Browns having the game gift wrapped to them in the fourth quarter. Baltimore comes off a thrilling home loss to the Raiders. The crowd should be amped for the I-95 battle. BALT 30 WASH 23 Houston at Minnesota – It is a shame JJ Watt isn’t playing in this old-school slobber-knocker. The Texans should still play well on the defensive side of the ball but will struggle to protect Brock Osweiler. The Vikings have one of the most talented rosters in the entire NFL. Sam Bradford makes enough plays to keep Minnesota undefeated. MIN 23 HOU 16 New York Jets at Pittsburgh – The Jets are off to a very disappointing start. The road gets no easier versus the explosive Steelers. Expect Ryan Fitzpatrick
Photo by Dawn Fowler
Members of the West Union and North Adams golf teams confer before heading out on the course for Monday’s district tournament. Whatever they talked about must have been magic, as both teams ended up qualifying for the state tournament.
Manchester Greyhounds joined West Union and North Adams, along with individual golfer Bostin Robinson from Peebles. When the fog had lifted and the sun came out, it was the Dragons on the course looking to make a return trip to the state tournament, where they finished ninth in 2015. The top two teams in the district along with the top two individuals not on one of those qualifying move on to state action. As they have been most of the season, the Dragon golfers were paced by the play of junior Elijah McCarty, who shot 37 on the front nine and 42 on the back nine for a total of 79, placing him tied for second in the overall individual standings, trailing medalist Derek Lemley of Chesapeake (76) and even with Western's Broc Jordan (79). Coming in next for West Union senior Tyler Fowler, who went 40-42 for an 82 overall. Sophomore Jacob Pell shot 84, senior Craig Horton 85, and junior Eli Fuller 92. The total team score for the Dragons was
330, 12 strokes better than second place North Adams, but earning both teams the right to advance. “Our boys played well today,” said West Union head coach Carl Schneider. “Elijah was clutch with a second place finish and Tyler really showed some senior leadership putting together a solid 82. Jacob played well on the back nine after struggling on the front and Eli also played a great back nine. Craig had a rough start being nine over through six holes but he rallied to shoot one over for the next 11 to save a nice round.” “The kids have really worked hard this year knowing that not having a trip back to state would be a disappointment. Having North Adams also qualify for state will make the trip much more fun, as both teams are great friends and enjoy golfing with each other. Playing together at districts I think helped both teams relax.” “We played a practice round earlier at North Star, where state is held,”
See State Golf / B2
North Adams tops Peebles in ‘Kickin Cancer’ battles BY MARK CARPENTER PEOPLE'S DEFENDER It was another day for a good cause at North Adams High School on Saturday, Oct. 1 as the soccer squads at North Adams welcomed the teams from Peebles High School for the third annual “Kickin Cancer” event, non-conference games benefitting the family of 11-year old Drew Reid, a North Adams student who is bravely battling the disease. The day began with the boys teams from North Adams and Peebles taking the pitch for their action, and the game was totally dominated by the Green Devils. The home team
raced to a 4-1 halftime advantage and then added four more in the second half to claim an 8-1 victory. The lone Peebles goal came from Bostin Robinson, while the Devils got another hat trick from leading scorer and senior Patrick England, two goals from senior Kain Turner, another from senior Randall Hayslip, one from senior Ben Figgins, and another from junior Tyler Horsley. It was appropriate that the Devils got so many goals from their seniors because the day was also Senior Recognition Day at NAHS and between the boys and girls games, ceremonies were held to
honor the senior from all four teams on hand. The girls' teams then took the field as the oftinjured Lady Devils and Coach Dave D'Avignon continued to mix and match lineups and position to offset the numerous injuries that have beset their team. On Saturday, the Lady Devils were missing junior Brooklyn Wylie, who is out for the season as is senior Jordyn Kell with a serious quad injury. “The darn injuries this year have been driving us crazy and giving us a challenge to meet our goals,” said Coach D'Avignon. “Losing Jordyn as well as Brooklyn for the rest of
the season hurts but we have no choice to employ the 'next man up' principle. Other girls will have to step up as we approach
the tournament.” The game began in a show of respect for the
See Kickin / B2
Touchdown Machine
Photo by Holt Photography Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender Third grader Grady Knechtly was a literal touchdown
machine on Oct. 1 as the North Adams elementary North Adams goalkeeper Cole Wagner reaches out to grab this ball before football squad battled Eastern Brown. Knechtly Peebles’ Weston Browning can turn a round and get a shot off in action from rushed for three touchdowns and fired three TD See NFL Picks / B3 Saturday’s boys soccer game in Seaman, won by the Green Devils 8-1. passes to lead the Green Devils to victory.
B2 West Union People’s Defender
SPORTS EDITOR’S NOTE: Each week, The People’s Defender will profile an Adams County senior student/athlete so our community and readers can get to know better these outstanding young people who participate both in athletics and academics in their high school.
From page B1
senior Kell, as she was allowed to take the field for an honorary kickoff on her Senior Day. “I want to thank Peebles coach Gus Denzik and their players for allowing us to do that for Jordyn,” said D'Avignon. “I know it meant a lot to her and we appreciate the good sportsmanship.” As far as the game itself, after missing time with an ankle injury, North Adams junior Lakyn Hupp has returned and she got her team on the board first at the 30:57 mark of the first half, scoring off an assist from senior Kitasha Mesmer. That was the only goal of the first half which ended with the home team up 1-0. Six minutes into the second half, it was Hupp again doing the damage, getting an unassisted goal as her initial shot was stopped by the Peebles keeper but Hupp was able to corral the rebound and get it into the goal to make it 2-0. The final North Adams goal of the day came from senior Kitasha Mesmer, her first of an injury-plagued year for her. Mesmer took a high, centering pass from Hupp and headed the ball into the net to give her team a threegoal advantage with 11:47 to play. Peebles finally got on the board with five minutes to go when Lady Indians' senior Skylar Newman was credited with a goal when a ball bounced off a North Adams defender and into the net. That as the final score of the contest, won by North Adams 3-1, improving North Adams to 8-2-2 on the season. (The Lady Devils grabbed their ninth win on Wednesday night with a 5-0 win over Fayetteville.) “Saying goodbye to the seniors is always a hard thing to do,” said Coach D'Avignon. “It is especially true about this group of seniors because, not only are they outstanding young ladies, but they have been instrumental in establishing Lady Devils girls' soccer as one of the best in Southeast District. In four years they have never known a losing season which is a far cry from what it used to be.” All four teams will now look to close out their regular seasons and look forward to this weekend's tournament draw, where they will find out what trail their postseason might take.
State Golf From page B1
Schneider continued. “The kids will be familiar with the course and it is a links style course and seemed to fit our players very well. It would be nice to bring home a top five finish in the state.” The Green Devils were led by the play of senior Patrick England who handled the front nine in 42 and the back nine in 39 for an 81 that placed him tied for third in the individual standings. Junior Colt Shumaker stepped up his game at the right time at the district tourney, shooting an 86, second-best on his squad for the day. Junior Bryant Lung shot an 87, followed closely by junior Noah Lung at 88. Sophomore Carson Hall rounded out the Devils on the course with a 108. The North Adams team total of 342 was good for second place overall and a trip to the state, topping third place Adena by 17 strokes. “In any sport a coach sets his or her goal for the season to go to state and compete for a state championship,” said North Adams head coach
Sunday, October 9, 2016
NAME: Lee Hesler
SCHOOL: North Adams High School Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender
North Adams senior Kitasha Mesmer battles for possession with Peebles’ Kim Kreal (17) during this action from last weekend’s “Kickin Cancer” event at North Adams High School. Mesmer scored her first goal of the season to help her team to a 3-1 win over the Lady Indians.
PARENTS: Dusty and Carrie Hesler SPORTS PLAYED IN HIGH SCHOOL: Soccer, Track, Football
FAVORITE THING ABOUT HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS: Teaches leadership and responsibility and how to be a team player
LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS: Losing and taking the blame for plays gone wrong MOST MEMORABLE HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS MOMENT: Scoring a goal from the half line FAVORITE MUSICAL
Lee Hesler
YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE: “Remember the Titans”
FUTURE PLANS: Play college soccer and then teach Vocational Agriculture COMING NEXT WEDNESDAY: Kelsey Friend from Manchester High School
Dragons get SHAC win, 2-1 over Fairfield
Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender
The family of 11-year old Drew Reid, center with hat, was in attendance at Saturday’s “Kickin Cancer” soccer games at North Adams High School.
Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender
Perhaps thinking it was the baseball playoffs, West Union’s Chase Cummings (26) slides safely into home during the Dragons’ Wednesday night SHAC contest with Fairfield. Actually, Cummings was just sliding to try to get possession of the ball in a game that the Dragons held on to win 2-1. BY MARK CARPENTER PEOPLE’S DEFENDER
The young and aggressive squad of the West Union boys soccer team, under the guidance of head coach Kevin Hunter, took to their home field on Wednesday, Oct. 5 to face off with the Fairfield Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender Lions in a Southern Hills Athletic Conference conPeebles senior Jordyn Kell, left, out for the season test. with an injury, opened last Saturday’s game with a The game was tight, ceremonial kick off. tense, and physical from start to finish as neither team played exceptionally Ammon Mitchell. “North junior Jalen James slipwell, but the Dragons Adams High School now ping to 106. ended up playing just well has that opportunity. Peebles' Robinson, a enough to win. From the first day of prac- junior, had a very All of the scoring came tice, our team slogan was respectable day in district in the first half of the 'State Bound.' After every play, shooting 42 on the game, with the Dragons good shot, I would hear front nine and 40 on the the boys say 'State Bound.' back for an 82, which left going on top 2-0, getting I am so proud of our team him just one spot away and it is truly a blessing to from qualifying for state be a part of this memoas an individual golfer. rable season.” Now for West Union “I am also proud of and North Adams, a week West Union because they of nerves and thought advanced to state again. await as they prepare to There are 12 teams that compete with the best in compete at the state level the state on the golf and two teams are from course, something they the same school district have been preparing for just miles apart. I'm not since the first day of sure anybody in the state coaching back on Aug. 1. of Ohio can say that. I The Division III want to thank all the parTournament will be played ents, boosters, and our on Oct. 14-15 at the North community because withStar Golf Club in Sunbury, out all their support we with 18 holes being played could never have accomeach day for a 36-hole plished our goal.” state final. The teams will Manchester finished be allowed on the course eighth in the overall team on Oct. 13 for a practice standings and were led by round, which should help sophomore Dylan Colvin, make them more familiar who shot 44 front and 46 with the course and calm a back for a 90 total. few of the nerves. Fellow sophomore Logan The defending team Hayslip was close behind champion in Division III at 92, with senior Justin is Lancaster Fisher Aldridge closing out his Catholic and the individcareer with what he ual winner in 2015 was described “as a terrible Danville's Brayden round”, shooting 99 for Baldridge, who shot a 152 the 18 holes. Freshman over 36 holes. Zach James shot 100 with
goals from the new-look Andre Wolke and from Nathan Greene. The Lions managed to get one past West Union keeper Chase Cumings, who then relinquished those duties in the second half to Greene. The second 40 minutes of action might not have gone on any soccer instructional videos, but what was important was that the Dragons did just enough to keep the Lions from getting any good scoring opportunities and held on for the one-goal victory. “We are happy with the league win,” said Coach Hunter. “We showed moments of greatness and then 30 seconds later, they
became moments of shame. We will see how well our boys play after getting some constructive criticism.” The answer to Hunter;s question was to come rather quickly as the Dragons were back in action on Thursday, Oct, 6, this time on the road at Portsmouth West in nonconference action. Another big test comes to finish the regular season for the Dragons, as they travel to North Adams on Oct. 14 to close out the regular season and SHAC season. The Green devils only managed to top West Union 1-0 in their earlier meeting, so the Oct. 14 game should be a real thriller for both
West Union Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Defender
Sunday ,October 9, 2016 B3
ATHLON A T THLON SPORTS SPORTS TOP TOP 25 Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to follow us!
@ AthlonSports / AthlonSports @ AthlonSports
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Alabama (5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, at Arkansas) Ohio State (4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, vs. Indiana) Clemson (5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, at Boston College) Michigan (5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, at Rutgers) Houston (5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, at Navy) Louisville (4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1, Bye) Washington (5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, at Oregon) Texas A&M (5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, vs. Tennessee) Tennessee (5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, at Texas A&M) Wisconsin (4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1, Bye) Miami (Fla.) (5-0, vs. Florida State) Stanford (3-1, Washington State) Ole Miss (3-2, Bye) Baylor (5-0, vs. Kansas) Nebraska (5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, Bye) Colorado (4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1, at USC) North Carolina (4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1, vs. Virginia Tech) UCL A (3-2, at Arizona State) Arkansas (4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1, vs. Alabama) Florida (4-1, vs. LSU) Oklahoma (2-2, vs. Texas) Boise State (4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, at New Mexico) West Virginia (4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, Bye) Florida State (3-2 at Miami) Western Michigan (5-0, vs. No. Illinois)
TOP TOP 5 QU QUARTERBACKS ARTERBACKS 1. Lamar Jackson, Louisville Jacksonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team fell from the ranks of the unbeaten â&#x20AC;&#x201D; losing by six points at Clemson â&#x20AC;&#x201D; but the sopho sophomore was sensational, throwing for 295 yards and one TD and adding 162 yards and two scores on the ground. For the season, he is averaging 325.0 yards passing and an ACChigh 137.6 yards rushing per game.
Texas A&M quarterback Trevor Knight has led the Aggies to a 5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0 start â&#x20AC;&#x201D; but now the real fun begins, as Tennessee comes to College Station.
Opportunity awaits A&M Aggies can solidify case as the SECâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s No. 2 team with win over UT TENNESSEE A AT T TE TEXAS XAS A&M TeBBCAACC@ s?> = B?< ; ?: ?987 ?A<: > < ?6: A?5CCB?4 = 3 < C?C2CB< 1= 0/?. ; BA3- C> ?< 6C?1; 0, lowing: The Vools needed o0A?BC C- C- ?; 2C> < 3 ' C?< ; ?5C: < ?Appalachian State in the openopen er; they played in front of a record crowd of 156,999 in Weeek 2 at Bristol # . . +'& (3 1/ # < &'>%+5 +0"''- 15 13 2''&8# : 5 *': 3 5 14 0# 2 # 0 11-game losing streak to rival Florida; and then, last Saturday,?< 6C! ?5C: < ? '13 )+# 10 # +. # 3 : 10 5 *' >0# . 2. # : 1(# )# / ' :# 3 & # 5 *# 5 ('# 5 63 '& 5 *3 '' 4+05 *'>0# .5 *3 ''/ +065 '4 +0%. 6&+0) 5 81+05 *'>0# . 4 '%10&4 IB?' : B! ?+ : ! A?3 < @ s reminiscent of the 1998 season, when Tennessee survived several close calls (> C' C' 5C> ?. 03 B< ?Stoerner?) en route to a perfect season and a national t3< 3 < 0C/?There h: AB@ t 5een as much dradra ma for Texas A&M, though the Aggies did lose a 15-point f;=> < 6,4 = : > < C> ?0C: - ?< ; ? . & 3 B?< 6C?; % CBC> ?5C1; > C?+ 3 BB3 B* ? iB?; 2C> < 3 ' C/?T6C! @ 2C?A3B$ C?$ > = 3 AC- ?< ; ?1; = > ?A<> : 3 * 6< ?+ 3 BA?3 B B, c0=-3 B* ?< 6> CC?3 B?# . ?% 0: ! ?5! ?: B?: 2C> : * C?; 1? 1/ ?% ; 3 B< A?% C> ? *: ' C/?WC@ 2C?5CCB?< C: AC- ?3 B?< 6C?% : A<?5! ?1: A<,A<: > < 3 B* ?< C: ' A? at & ?3 B?< 6C? C23 B?# = ' 03 B?C> : ?5= < ?< 63 A?* > ; = % ?: % % C: > A?< ; ? 5e dif1C> CB< ?? < 6: B A?< ; ?: ?A<> ; B* ?> = BB3 B* ?* : ' C?: B- ?: B?3 ' , p> ;2C- ?- C1CBAC/? < @ s not wise to pick against TCBBCAACC?5= < ? this is a tough ( ; 0A/?Texas A&M tough spot spot for for the theV
Longhorns coach in last year @ s edition of the Red River Shootout, when '9# 4 < # 55 *' 5 +/ ' 624 '5 5 *'0 1
. # *1/ # < 18 10' year later, reports have surfaced that Strong is on the way out after the 4 '# 4 10 '9# 4 = 1(('04 ' *# 4 4 *180 4 +)0+>%# 05 +/ 23 17'/ '05 60&'3 < 6C?- 3 > C$ < 3 ; B?; 1?BC+ ?$ ; ; > - 3 B: < ; > ?# < C> 03 B? 3 05C> < ?5= < ?< 6C?- C1CBAC? ?A= % , p; % ; AC- 0! ?# < > ; B* @ A s?: ?: > C: ?; 1?C % C> < 3 AC? ?6: A?5CCB?: ?- 3 A: A<C> / ? 3 C? 0; > 3 - : ? State, Texas has faced some very, very good offensive teams (Notre # / ' # . . # *1/ # 5 # 5 ' $65 +5 = 4 4 5 +. . # . # 3 / +0) 5 *# 5 5 *' 13 04 *# 7' a00; + C- ?BC: > 0! ? 7 7 ?! : > - A?% : AA3B* ?3 B?< 6C3 > ?0: A<?< + ; ?* : ' CA/? 0: 6; ' : ?* ; < ? 5: $ ?; B?< > : $ ?0: A<?+ CC ?+ 3 < 6?: ?4 = : 03 < ! ?+ 3 B?: < ?T. / ?T6C?# ; ; BC> A?0C- ?5! ? 29?% ; 3 B< A?6C: - 3 B* ?3 B< ; ?< 6C?1; = > < 6?4 = : > < C> ?5C1; > C?6; 0- 3 B* ? oB?1; > ?: ?A3 ,% ; 3 B< ?+ 3 B/ ?T6C> C@ s?A<3 00?: ?0; B* ?+ : ! ?< ; ?* ; ?5= < ? 0: 6; ' : ?A6; = 0- ?A<3 00?5C?$ ; BA3- C> C- ?< 6C?< C: ' ?< ; ?5C: < ?3 B?< 6C? 3* ? /?
N; > < 6?. : > ; 03 B: ?A03 % % C- ?; 1f the national radar after losing 5 1 $65 5 *' # 3 ''. 4 *# 7' 4 +0%' 810 '13 )+# +0 "'' (163 4 5 3 # +)*5 / 14 5 015 # $. : . # 4 5 # 5 63 &# := 4
5 *3 +. . '3 # 5 F00; > 3 - : ?# < : < C/? 3 < $ 6?T> = 53 A ! ?3 A?A0; + 0! ?A<: > < 3 B* ?< ; ?$ > CC% ?; B? 5 1 4 5 # 3 5 +0) 5 *' 4 '# 4 10 8+5 * 4 1/ ' '+4 /# 0 3 12*: . +4 5 4 # (5 '3 Mitch Light Athlon Sports # 4 5 # 5 . +0' 5 *# 5 +0%. 6&'4 #
5 1 5 1 3 # 5 +1 # 0& # FLORIDA FL ORIDA STATE ST TA ATE A AT T MIAMI (FL (FLA.) A.) Executive Editor 9// ?! : > - A,% C> -attemp< ?: 2C> : * C/?Virginia Tech h: A?5CCB?out: > ? 3 $ 6< ?6: A?- ; BC?: ?* > C: < ?; 5?3 B?: ?A6; > < ?: ' ; = B< ?; 1?< 3 ' C?: < ? @AthlonMitch standing offensively when i< @ s not turning the 5all over; the his alma mater,?5= ?5= < ?C2CB?the most wildly optimistic Miami 1-+'4 %1/ / +5 5 '& 0+0' 5 63 017'3 4 # . . (6/ $. '4 +05 *'+3 >3 4 5 f: B?$ ; = 0- B@ < ?6: 2C?CB23 A3; BC- ?: ?A$ CB: > 3 ; ?3 B?+ 63 $ 6?< 6C?. : BCA? two games?5= < ?only one in the last t+ ; / ? C> ; - ? 2: BA?a true + ; = 0- ?5C?1: 2; > C- ?; 2C> ? 0; > 3 - : ?# < : < C?A3 ?+ CC A?3 B< ; ?< 6C? 7 ? dual-threat 4 = : > < C> 5: $ ?who was originally committed to play 1; > ? = A<3 B? sC: A; B/ ? = < ?< 6: < @ A?< 6C?$ : AC?+ 3 < 6? 3 : ' 3 ?* 3 23 B* ? / 9?% ; 3 B< A?< ; ?< 6C?23 A3< 3 B* ? 6'05 ' # 5 '/ 2*+4 *# 4 $''0 5 '3 3 +>% +0*+4 >3 4 5 4 '# 4 10 +05 *' North #SC C' 3 B; 0CA/? : > < ?; 1?< 6: < ?3 A?- = C?< ; ? 3 : ' 3 @ s impressive start; the . : BCA?: > C? < # 0& *# 7' :'5 5 1 $3 '# - #4 8'# 5 # )# +04 5 # 0 60&'3 8*'. / +0) 4 %*'&6. ' (though you should never apologize for winning at Georgia Te$ 6 / ?But this C COLORADO OLORADO A AT T USC 5etting line has far more to do with Florida State, which has already lost . ; 0; > : - ; ?6: A?+ ; B?: A?' : B! ? : $ , ?* : ' CA?3 B? 7 ? < + ; ?: A?3 < ?- 3 - ?3 B?< 6C? 5 81 )# / '4 # 0& *# 4 )+7'0 62 # 5. '# 4 5
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5 1 C: < = > 3 B* ?: ?% : 3 > ?; 1?< C: ' A?+ 3 < 6? 8 ?> C$ ; > - A?< 63 A?' 3 * 6< ?B; < ?5C?; BC?; 1?< 6C? '# / 5 63 0'& 5 *' %13 0'3 60&'3 >3 4 5
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2. Greg Ward Jr., Houston Ward completed 32-of-38 passes for 389 yards, rushed for 65 yards and accounted for five touchdowns (three passing, two rushing) in Houstonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 42â&#x20AC;&#x201C;14 win over UConn. He is completing over 70 percent of his attempts for the season. 3. J..T T. Barrett, Ohio State The Ohio State offense is operating at a very high level with Barrett at the controls. The senior is completing 68.6 percent of his attempts with 888 yards and 14 touchdowns through four games. On Saturday, he threw for 238 yards and four scores in a 58â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0 win over Rutgers. 4. Deshaun Watson, Clemson Watson was a bit sluggish earlier in the season but has played very well in the Tigersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; two ACC games â&#x20AC;&#x201D; wins over Georgia Tech and Louisville. In Saturday â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clash with Louisville, he threw for 306 yards and five touchdowns and added 91 yards on the ground. He did, however, throw three INT Ts. s. 5. Patrick Mahomes, Texas Tech Mahomes will have trouble shaking the tag â&#x20AC;&#x153;system quarterback,â&#x20AC;? but he might just be the most talented QB to play at Texas Tech. He leads the nation with 442.5 passing yards per game, has completed 72.9 percent of his passes and has an 18-to-3 TD-to-INT ratio.
PRIME TIME PL PLAYERS AYERS Mason Rudolph threw for 392 yards and three touchdowns to lead Oklahoma State to a 49â&#x20AC;&#x201C;31 win over Texas in a key Big 12 game. â&#x20AC;Ś BYUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Jamaal Williams ran for a school record five touchdowns and rushed for a career-high 286 yards to help the Cougars outlast Toledo 55â&#x20AC;&#x201C;53 in Provo. â&#x20AC;Ś Baylor leaned on its rushing attack in its 45â&#x20AC;&#x201C;42 win at Iowa State, with Shock Linwood (237 yards) and
Terenc e e Williams (126 yards) leading the way. â&#x20AC;Ś T Tyy Johnson Johnso made the most of his seven rushing attempts in Marylandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 50â&#x20AC;&#x201C;7 win over Purdue. The sophomore rushed for 204 yards, scoring on runs of 8 and 48 yards and adding a 76-yard run for the unbeaten Terps. â&#x20AC;Ś Alabamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Calvin Ridley had the most productive game of his sophomore season, catching 11 passes for 174 yards and two TDs in
the Tideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 34â&#x20AC;&#x201C;6 win over Kentucky. â&#x20AC;Ś Southern Miss wide receiver Allenzae Staggers caught touchdown passes of 75, 81 and 93 yards on his way to a six-catch, 292-yard performance in the Golden Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 44â&#x20AC;&#x201C;28 win over Rice. â&#x20AC;Ś North Carolina quarterback Mitch Trubisky threw for 405 yards with three touchdowns and no INTs to lead North Carolina to a thrilling 37â&#x20AC;&#x201C;35 win at Florida State. â&#x20AC;Ś Chad Kelly
threw for 361 yards and one TD as Ole Miss beat Memphis 48â&#x20AC;&#x201C;28 to avenge last seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s surprising loss to the Tigers in Memphis. â&#x20AC;Ś Terrell Newby rushed for 140 yards and two TDs as Nebraska remained unbeaten with a 31â&#x20AC;&#x201C;16 win over Illinois in Lincoln. â&#x20AC;Ś Luke Falk threw for 371 yards and Jamal Morrow rushed for 122 yards and two scores in Washington Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 51â&#x20AC;&#x201C;33 win over Oregon.
STOCK STOCK REPOR REPORT T Tennessee seized control of the SEC East race with an incredible 34â&#x20AC;&#x201C;31 win at Georgia that was decided on the final play from scrimmage. The Vols are 5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0 overall and 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0 in the SEC. Tennessee would have to lose twice (possible, with Texas A&M and Alabama on the schedule), and Florida would have to run the table (not likely) for the Vols not to win the East.
NFL Picks From page B1
and the offense to play better but Bell, Brown and Roethlisberger provide a very difficult challenge. PIT 31 NYJ 24 Atlanta at Denver â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Falcons may have the best offense in all of football. Matt Ryan and Julio Jones are performing at their absolute best. The Broncos defense continues to dominate. They could however be without quarterback Trevor Siemian â&#x20AC;&#x201C; if so rookie Paxton Lynch will get the start. There will be intriguing match-ups all over the field starting with Denverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pass rush versus Atlantaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s offensive line. Von Miller and the Broncoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s defense
Iowa lost for the second time in three weeks, dropping a 38â&#x20AC;&#x201C;31 decision at home to Northwestern two weeks after a 23â&#x20AC;&#x201C;21 loss to North Dakota State. The Hawkeyes, the preseason favorites in the Big Ten West, have combined to rush for 113 yards on 66 carries in their two losses.
contain the red hot Falconâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s offense. DEN 27 ATL 23 Cincinnati at Dallas â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Bengals have struggled protecting Andy Dalton and with the running game. They shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a problem with the Cowboys defense. However, their defense will face a very good o-line and the rookie tandem of quarterback Dak Prescott and running back Ezekiel Elliott. This should be a tightentertaining contest. DAL 24 CIN 23 Buffalo at Los Angeles â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The resurgent Bills certainly have circled the wagons. Their offense has looked much better along with a defense that shutout the Patriots last week. Somehow the Rams continue to win. The LA defense is flat
Washington stamped itself as the team to beat in the Pac-12 North by pounding Stanford 44â&#x20AC;&#x201C;6 in Seattle on Friday night. The Huskies dominated every aspect of the game and were particularly impressive on defense, holding the Cardinal to 213 total yards and Christian McCaffrey to 49 yards rushing on 12 attempts.
out nasty and Case Keenum is managing the game well. In a close game, Todd Gurley finally gets on track. LA 23 BUF 17 San Diego at Oakland â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Chargers offense can flat out score points â&#x20AC;&#x201C; their defense however cannot stop anyone. The Raiders are coming off an exciting win in Baltimore. Can a young team refocus for an important divisional game? In a shootout, Derek Carr gets the job done. OAK 34 SD 30 SNF: New York Giants at Green Bay â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Pack come off of their bye week for a prime time Lambeau Field contest. The Giants defense has been better but will not be able to stop a rested and motivated Green Bay offense led by Aaron
Charlie Strongâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s job security at Texas is an issue once again after the Longhorns dropped to 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2 with a 49â&#x20AC;&#x201C;31 loss at Oklahoma State. In three games against Power 5 opponents, Texas is allowing an average of 49.5 points and 531 yards. Strong is 13â&#x20AC;&#x201C;16 overall and 9â&#x20AC;&#x201C;10 in the Big 12 in his two-plus seasons at UT.
Rodgers. Eli Manning will once again make critical mistakes as the Packers cruise to a big home victory. GB 34 NYG 23 MNF: Tampa Bay at Carolina â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Buccaneers fired Lovie Smith in the offseason â&#x20AC;&#x201C; it now appears to be a big mistake. The fledgling Bucs face an equally disappointing Panthers squad who desperately need a victory. The extra day may result in Cam Newton being cleared. If not, veteran Derek Anderson will get the nod. Expect a ravenous group of Panthers on Monday night. CAR 34 TB 23 Bye Week: Jacksonville, Kansas City, New Orleans, Seattle
Notre Dame and Syracuse combined to score 36 points in the first 4:54 of their game on Saturday. The Fighting Irish led 23â&#x20AC;&#x201C;13 at that point on their way to a 50â&#x20AC;&#x201C;33 win. Washington State had 40 rushing attempts in its 51â&#x20AC;&#x201C;33 win over OrOr egon. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the most by the Cougars in Mike Leachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s four-plus seasons as the head coach.
California rushed for only 56 yards â&#x20AC;&#x201D; lowest total since netting three 56 its yards on the ground in a 2012 loss to Stanford â&#x20AC;&#x201D; yet still beat Utah 28â&#x20AC;&#x201C;23. The Golden Bears had only 49 offensive snaps but averaged a season-high 7.4 yards per play.
LSU rolled up 634 yards of offense â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the most in school history in an SEC game â&#x20AC;&#x201D; en route to a 42â&#x20AC;&#x201C;7 win over Missouri in Ed Orgeronâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first game as the Tigersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; interim head coach.
Records continue to fall for Lady Devils volleyball Photos: Knight: Chris Covatta; Mahomes: Tim Umphrey
An exceptional season continues for Coach Katie Ragan and her North Adams varsity volleyball squad. The Lady Devils stand at 152 at press time and are still perfect in the Southern Hills Athletic Conference, winning their 50th consecutive match over Whiteoak on Oct. 3. The only two losses this season for the Lady Devils came out of conference, one early in the season to Portsmouth Notre Dame and one last Saturday at Huntington Ross. The Huntington loss was a five-set affair, with North Adams dropping the deci-
sive fifth set 15-9. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We enjoyed playing Huntington because the game had good speed to it and they didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make many mistakes,â&#x20AC;? said Ragan. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We did make too many mistakes.â&#x20AC;? North Adams bounced back on Monday night to easily handle Whiteoak in three sets. To not, junior Abby Campton set a record when she served seven aces in the match, giving her 80 aces for the season, which is a single-season record for the Lady Devils. With only two more wins needed in SHAC to secure a fourth consecutive gold ball trophy, the Lady Devils hosted Peebles on Oct. 6 in the annual Volley for the Cure.
B4 West Union Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Defender
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! " # $%&' (
EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Previous basement excavation experience a must. Able to operate loader, dozer & bobcat. Clean driving record. Brewer Excavating 513-236-6341.
A Family Business for Over 35 Years ************ CDL-A Driver $1,000 sign on Bonus 2 years experience Percentage Pay Health Insurance Vacation + Holiday Regional Position 513-724-7140
ABCAP MIS Assistant
Management Information System Assistant wanted for Adams and Brown Counties OhioMeansJobs. Position is 40 hours per week starting at $9.00 per hour. Duties include: data entry, creating and updating spreadsheets, maintaining confidential files, and serving as backup for receptionist. Qualifications: Associateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in business related field is preferred; business experience may be considered in lieu of degree; must have proficient computer and math skills and must be able to use Excel and Word software; must have the ability to develop and write reports and understand fiscal practices; should have exceptional interpersonal and communication skills; must have a valid Ohio Driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license with clean driving record which meets the agencyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fleet insurance company standards. To apply, please submit your resume by October 20, 2016 to: Debora Plymail, Director, Adams and Brown Counties OhioMeansJobs, P. O. Box 188, Winchester, Ohio 45697 or e-mail to dplymail@omjadamsbrown.org. ABCAP IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER, DRUG-FREE WORK-PLACE
adams county
Adams County Manor is seeking applications for an open position as a Medical Records Coordinator/Ward Clerk. This person will assist our Nursing Department by preparing, organizing and filing important documents, charts and records, compiling and completing our payroll process among other duties. Knowledge and experience with Microsoft Office computer software is a must. Must be organized and have the ability to manage their time well. Please submit resumes and applications in person at: Adams County Manor and ask for Nicole McCaughey, Administrator. There is the possibility of interviews on the spot if you apply in this manner. You can also apply online at www.hg-nh.com. The application is under the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Contact Usâ&#x20AC;? tab at the top of the webpage and make sure to select Adams County Manor as the location applying for.
AUTO BODY REPAIR TECH AND AUTO BODY PAINTER WANTED Collision Auto Body Repair Tech ASE CERTIFIED OR WILLING TO ACQUIRE and we are also looking for a Skilled Auto Body Painter ASE CERTIFIED OR WILLING TO ACQUIRE â&#x20AC;˘ MUST SHOW UP FOR WORK! â&#x20AC;˘ Must have experience â&#x20AC;˘ Ability to use frame and measuring equipment â&#x20AC;˘ ASE certification in body repairs and ICAR certification preferred You would be paid as a contract laborer per the flat rate hours. Wages depends on skill and determined after 2 week trial period. â&#x20AC;˘ Must provide own tools and will be responsible for your own taxes as you would be considered a sub contractor. Please email your resume and references to hlovest@yahoo. com We will call you if we are interested and set up a meeting. Please no phone calls we will reply to your resume/reference OR you can inquire in person - bring your resume if you come in person. TOM BELCHERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S BODY SHOP 124 MAE STREET SARDINIA Help Wanted Residential Fall Cleaning & handyman services needed, $10 per hour, call 937-217-1625
Excellent Wages+ Monthly Bonuses up to $500+. Guaranteed Hometime. BCBS Benefits. No Touch.
1yr exp.
DRIVERS WANTED Tanker Endorsement Needed Earn up to $300 a day 2 Years Experience Class A CDL Local Hauling $500 Sign-on Bonus (See details at TCB office) Call TCB Trucking 513-309-7559 513-625-8183
MEEKS, WATSON AND COMPANY, located in Georgetown, Ohio is seeking enthusiastic, motivated, mechanical minded individuals looking for an entry level position with room for growth. General machine shop duties include operating radial drill press, lathe, horizontal and vertical band saw, grinders, etc. Positions to be filled include fabricators, welders, and assemblers. Please call 937-378-0220 for information and to apply. SITUATION WANTED
Avid Bowhunter and Professional Carpenter looking to trade skilled labor for hunting opportunities. Contact Joe at (740) 296-0284
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Career Specialist wanted for Adams and Brown Counties OhioMeansJobs. Position is 40 hours per week starting at $10.00 per hour. Individual will work with participants to determine the need for services and/or referral to the appropriate agency; implement the WIOA Program Core, Intensive, or Training services process. Qualifications: Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Degree is preferred; social service experience, business background may be considered in lieu of a degree; exceptional interpersonal and communication skills required; must also have good organizational and computer skills. Applicant should be knowledgeable of local employers, training institutes, business community and related community programs and agencies. Individual must have a valid Ohio Driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license with clean driving record which meets the agencyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fleet insurance company standards. To apply, please submit your resume by October 20, 2016 to: Debora Plymail, Director, Adams and Brown Counties OhioMeansJobs, P. O. Box 188, Winchester, Ohio 45697 or e-mail to dplymail@omjadamsbrown.org. ABCAP IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER, DRUG-FREE WORK-PLACE
for a busy tax office in Clermont County. Must have experience. Seasonal day shift. We pay competitive wages. Starting at the end of November through April 15th SEND RESUME TO:
Entry Level Packers - Batavia
Pay is $10 New Pay rates in effect with BelFlex and Paklab's partnership FORMER EMPLOYEES ENCOURAGED! All shifts available Apply today - start tomorrow!! Weekend Overtime available on voluntary basis Drug test required No violent felonies Apply online at www.belflex.com/register Choose the Milford location, complete the application and call us at 513-831-6414. EOE
Mann Chrysler of Maysville is actively seeking a Service Technician, capable of servicing most major brands of automobiles. Ideal candidate would have ASE Master Certification and three or more years of shop experience. Candidate must be dependable, hardworking, have their own tools, and have a willingness to learn. Pay will be based on qualifications and experience. ALL CANDIDATES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY NO MATTER OF EXPERIENCE LEVEL. Feel free to stop in and fill out an application. No phone calls please.
Mann Chrysler of Maysville 1502 Industrial Park Dr. Maysville, KY 41056
Must be experienced, current PTIN. We offer competitive wages. This is for seasonal day shift. SEND RESUME TO: taxoffice33921@yahoo.com
for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments at:
Markley Square Apartments located at 610 MARKLEY AVE. GEORGETOWN, OH 45121 or call for details at
Stove, refrigerator, and on site laundry. RENT BASED ON INCOME TDD #419-526-0466
â&#x20AC;&#x153;This institution is an equal opportunity provider.â&#x20AC;?
Now Accepting Applications Island View Apartments at 302 Cemetery St., Manchester. We offer 1 & 2 bedroom apartments for family, elderly, handicap, or disabled residents. Rent based on 30% of adjusted income. Contact Kay Chandler 937-5491324 or Richards Management at 888576-6468 for details. TTD/TTY 800-7500750. This Institution is
an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer and equal housing opportunity.
BATAVIA - 2&3BR apartments available with open wait list. Accepting applications M-F, 9am-4pm. Apartments are income based. 513-7323804
SEAMAN SPACIOUS 3BR, w/washer dryer hookup, includes water, sewer & trash. You pay electric. $650 security dep.$650 mo rent. 1 year lease. We do background checks. Close to parks and school. 937-927-5741. MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT
FOR RENT 2 BDR Mobile Home For Rent in Peebles, No pets, $375 Month +Deposit , Call Chris 937-587-2427
3BR, 1BA in Peebles, 937-217-1829 or 937587-5272, $475 month, $350 deposit.
for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments at:
Georgetown 1 Apartments: 401 Marshall Ave. Georgetown, OH 45121 APPLY AT: 610 MARKLEY AVE. GEORGETOWN, OH 45121 or call for details at:
Stove, refrigerator, and on site laundry. Possibility of rental assistance. "Metro Accepted" TDD #419-526-0466 â&#x20AC;&#x153;This institution is an equal opportunity provider.â&#x20AC;?
FOR RENT Accepting applications for a mobile home for rent, 3 BR, 1 1/2BA on 4th Street in Peebles, $450 per month + deposit, water, trash, sewage paid, Please call 740-947-1947
FOR RENT Commercial Space Available For Rent, suitable for office, business or storage, set up for beauty shop 937-544-2018
MINI FARM-6 acres beautiful 3BR home, barn w/stalls, fenced paddocks, additional large 40 x 80 ft barn in super nice country setting Owners are downsizing. 2 + ACRES W/woods, Custom 4BR home, 2.5 baths, full bsmt, large pond in private setting near Mt Orab. Owner wants an offer! BEACON HILL area –Over 4000 sq ft brick home w/oak floors, quartz counter tops, atrium, formal dining room hot tub, fenced back yard, full finished bsmt with outside entrances, additional detached 3 car garage. This one has it all and is ready for immediate possession. 7 acres – HANDYMAN special…house with barn and garage. Asking $90,000 HUNTERS PARADISE, 6 acres mostly wooded w/cabin and large stocked pond. Near Mt Orab. 3 BR Tri-level with large yard, trees, additional workshop, multiple decks in Batavia! SEAMAN – vacant church building in very good condition. Make offer! Call Dorothy @ 513-720-0547
FOR RENT Furnished room for one in West Union 937-470-7821 FARM MERCHANDISE
PATENTED HAPPY Jack Flea Beacon: Control Fleas in the home without toxic chemicals or costly exterminators. Results overnight! Dinsmore Farm & Fleet 937-544-3332 (kennelvax.com) FIREWOOD
FOR SALE SEASONED FIREWOOD & OUTSIDE FURNACE WOOD All year round. Local. I would like to haul 14’ dump loads. Scott Malott 937-213-3193 PETS AND SUPPLIES
FREE KITTENS Extra Nice Kittens, Free to a good home, 937-764-1303 or 937-217-8011 HAY & GRAIN
HAY FOR SALE Clover, Timothy, Betch, Fescue, 800 pd bails, $15, Unity area 937-544-5425
SMITH FINISHING, LLC Roofing • Siding • Drywall Decks • Docks • Remodeling Hardyboard * Painting Mowing * Yard Work
HAY FOR SALE Pure Timothy, Pure Orchard Grass, Pure Alfalfa, Alfalfa/Orchard Grass Mix, Mixed Grass. Large Round Bales (4 X 5 net wrapped) and small square bales available. Crawford Farms 937-779-7560
MIXED HAY FOR SALE - 5x5 round bales $30.00, also square bales $4.00 937-618-1410 PERSONALS
MALE LOOKING for female age 40 to 60, Mate to live on small farm to raise animals 937-382-1216, if no answer, please leave msg.
SINGLE WHITE Christian male age 71 who doesn’t drink or smoke looking for a single white Christian woman age 56-66 for a lasting relationship & to share expenses. 937-373-3730. MISC. NOTICES
NO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING 28 + Acres 1235 Davis Memorial Road, Peebles, 93 Acres, Mineral Springs Rd, Peebles at the foot of Peach Mountain
1998 DODGE Van, 115,000 actual miles, green in color, 3 rows, dual sliding doors, air, automatic power steering and brakes, $2,200.00 Call 937544-2529 YARD/GARAGE SALE
MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Oct 14th & 15th, 1702 Freeland Hollow Rd, WU
YARD SALE Fri & Sat, Oct 7th & 8th, 2249 Wheat Ridge Rd, WU, On your way to Herb Festival, stop and view items: Tupperware, glassware, cookware, baby clothes, and some furniture, other items too numerous to mention. Upright Piano with bench, office desk (29” high,6 ft wide, 3 ft deep) Make an offer, items need to go! Questions? Call 513-5432898 YARD SALE Oct 6, 7 & 8, 9am to dark, 91 Nixon Ave., Peebles, Furniture, dishes, clothing, misc. items, priced to sell!
Affordable Construction Roofing, Siding, Guttering & Framing. Call for a quote today!
Sunday, October 9, 2016 B5
GIANT BARN SALE LOCATED AT: 5426 ST. RT. 134 GIANT POLE BARN - RAIN OR SHINE OCTOBER 20, 21, & 22 (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.) Rain or Shine Call Wendy at 937444-1885. Antiques, marble dresser, Thomas Kincade prints, Coke items, Christmas items, dolls, Camel items, advertising items, large 5 quart jug, china cabinet, jewelry, glassware, pottery, Winnie the Pooh items, Star Trek, pillow,s cast iron, large wood boat, JohnnyRockets glassware, Cincinanti Reds items, music, cigarette advertisement, table chairs, end tables, walkers, gun cabinet, magazines, old comic books, beer items, old skillets, quilts, wash basin, perfume bottles, pitchers, tools, biscuit board, bowls, ladies vanity items and much, much more!!!!!
Fri & Sat, Oct 7th & 8th, 2249 Wheat Ridge Rd, WU, On your way to Herb Festival, stop and view items: Tupperware, glassware, cookware, baby clothes, and some furniture, other items too numerous to mention. Upright Piano with bench, office desk (29” high,6 ft wide, 3 ft deep) Make an offer, items need to go! Questions? Call 513-5432898.
Lakes, Ponds, Demolition, Clearing, and Roads
D. Fryman
(606) 584-0597 (937) 469-4817
We do NOT power wash, which can damage siding. We brush thoroughly and rinse with water. We clean soffits, gutters, downspouts, window frames and sills, eaves, flashing and any trim. 40625579
OHIO VALLEY ROOFERS Contact John Gutman 513-460-6877
Bringing New Life To Your Old Home!
Firewood For Sale Please call:
(937) 203-5763
Phil & Dan The Handymen 40038415
937-695-0050 or 937-654-1239
Remodeling - Repairs General Maintenance
1 Ton Truck Small Loads Mulch • Gravel • Sand • Topsoil • Fill Dirt Time to fill potholes. Get your driveway ready for Winter!
Dave Doughman 40038375 40827956
Specialize In: • Shingled & Metal Roofs • Paint Roofs & More
Old Man In His Truck
Zach Christman 937-779-9043 Owner 937-695-6045 christmanplumbing@gmail.com Licensed & Insured
RIDEOUT’S MUFFLER SHOP 62 Rice Drive, West Union, Ohio
(937) 544-3777 (937) 892-0017 Hours: Monday - Friday 8-3; Saturday 8-?
Residential & Commercial
Warren Smith Cell 606-375-5189 Office 937-549-0102
West Union People’s Defender
s Driveways s Parking Lots s Seal Coating
s Patch Work Work s Potholes Potholes s Line Striping
s FREE Estimates
(937) 386-4007
All hardwood floors, all new appliances, water, trash, sewage, and lawn care included. Also elderly friendly apt. for Rent. Call JMLH Properties
(937) 544-8268
B6 West Union People’s Defender
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Part Time Agents
Full Time Agents Patricia A. Rand,ABR Cell 937-763-3511 Greater Cincinnati
Joe Brumley Cell 937-217-5244
Lynne Spaeth Cell 937-728-0843 Home 937-987-9762
Robin C.Geier,ABR Cell 937-725-5613 Home 937-466-1782 Jaime Garen
Sue C. Boone
Krista Thompson Cell 740-606-6886 Home 937-981-3368
Broker, ABR Home: 937-393-9363 Cell: 937-763-9363
401 U.S. 62 South, Hillsboro
Cheryl A. Mullins Cell 937-402-7759
Charles N. McDaniel Cell 937-725-1156 Home 937-588-2353
Cell 937-763-3045
Melissa Travis Cell 937-509-2481
Duane Troyer Cell 740-606-1174
All information is believed accurate but is not guaranteed. All acreages, measurements and figures are approximate and not warranted.
Give us a call today! • Visit our website at www.sueboonerealty.com • We are ready to work for you! RESIDENTIAL - $99,000
RESIDENTIAL - $164,900
Nearly 4.5 acres of gorgeous Lick Run waterfront. Property includes a large 2 unit apartment building that needs plenty of work, but includes new doors and windows. 40x50 pole barn includes all custom cut clay and green metal roof siding to replace. There is also a nice 2br 1 bath mobile home on the property with new central air and 24x24 garage. • MLS#1496840
Beautiful Country setting situated on 10 acres! The main home is like new. 3BR, 2 bath, lg kitchen, Liv. rm has firepl., oversized 2 car garage & covered porch. 2 barns. Also has 2 single wides that can be rented #1 3 BR 1 Bath. #2 2BR 1 Bath, both with separate yards. Quite country living. • MLS#1501653
ROSIE YOUNG .........................513-403-4126 PAT MUSTARD.........................937-728-0633 BILL HOLTON, AUCTIONEER ........513-312-1043 JESSE MCKINZIE, AUCTIONEER ...513-218-2541 DALE MENDENHALL ......................544-5385 LESLIE MCCLANAHAN............937-544-2400 OMAR VANCE ..........................937-217-2189 JOE R. GUSTIN.................................544-2224 NELSON ATKINSON ........................587-3728 BRENDA MCCLANAHAN ................695-0257
OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Oct. 16 • 2-4 pm 1275 Calvary Rd., Seaman, OH $239,000
Beautiful setting with ranch home on a full basement, a building to fit all of your needs. Large Koi pond. Located on a quiet country road. Great home with plenty of room to enjoy life. Barn has workshop and space for motor home, bathroom and lots of room for projects. • MLS#1495707
COMMERCIAL - $29,000
COMMERCIAL - $250,000
This 2 story property needs some finish work only on the inside. Has new metal roof, new siding, new windows. Double lot with large yard and rear access. Road frontage on SR125. Could be used Residentially or Commercially. Some materials included. New 200 Amp electric service. Easy flip, rental, or primary residence. Has rear deck and outbuilding. • MLS#1500874
Historic Georgetown building for sale or lease. Formally U.S. Grant Memorial High School, but has newer partitions that have served as office space and clinic. Endless possibilities with this whole city block in the county seat on the main route through town. Will lease, sell, and build to suit all or part. Agent Owned. • MLS#1469534
NANCY REID............................513-377-2707 EARL JONES............................937-779-7078 WALT YEAGER .................................544-2434 LUCINDA HANSGEN .......................544-3353 MARTI KNAUFF .......................937-217-9344 LAWRENCE (LARRY) YOUNG..........544-3479 NANCY ATKINSON..........................587-3728 JANET WAGNER ..............................373-3111 DANNY DICK ...........................937-779-7930
HOMES R2 – NEW LISTING - WINCHESTER – 0.918 acre lot with 1997 DW on block foundation in immaculate condition, 1170 SF living area, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen & dining room, electric furnace, C/A, public water & sewer, 24x24 detached garage, peach & apple tree. $82,900. R3 – WEST UNION – Well maintained frame home with aluminum siding, 1188 SF living area plus full basement, 3 BR, 1 ½ baths, living room, kitchen & dining room, fuel oil furnace plus electric heater, F/P, public water/sewer, hardwood floors with some vinyl & carpeting, carport. This would make a nice starter or retirement home. PRICE REDUCED TO $40,000. R5 – WINCHESTER – Newly remodeled 2-story home, 1904 SF living area plus basement, 6 BR, 2 full baths, living room, large eat-in kitchen with appliances, electric furnace & baseboard, C/A, gas F/P, city water/sewer, new windows, nice flooring (wood, vinyl & carpeting), new 200 amp electric service, all new light fixtures, nice wood work & doors, 2-car detached garage, 18x20 barn with carport, front porch & back deck, 0.25 acre lot with additional lot available. THIS IS A MUST SEE - $129,900. R7 – WEST UNION – Remodeled frame home with T111 siding, 1039 SF living area, full basement, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, eat-in kitchen, electric furnace, C/A, city water/sewer, new windows, new 200 amp electric, new wiring, new lights, new cabinets, newly painted, floating floors, covered front porch. $64,000. R9 – PEEBLES – 1 ½ story frame home with vinyl siding, 856 SF living area plus partial basement, 3 BR, 1 bath, living room, eat-in kitchen with range, heat pump, C/A, city water/sewer, hardwood floors with some carpeting, 1-car detached garage, covered front porch, 0.204 acre lot. Home has been well taken care of & would make a nice starter home or rental property. $49,000. R11 – MANCHESTER – Frame home with vinyl siding on 0.122 acre lot out of flood zone, 899 SF living area plus basement, 2 BR, 1 bath, living room, eat-in kitchen, natural gas furnace, city water/sewer, hardwood floors + carpeting, front porch & rear deck. $59,000 – MAKE OFFER R15 – STOUT – 0.848 acre property with frontage on the Ohio River with a 1972 Kirkwood mobile home (14x70) in need of some TLC, 2 BR, 1 bath, loving room, eat-in kitchen with range, electric furnace, A/C, county water, 23x15 garage, blacktop driveway, could be lived in full time or used as a weekend retreat with a beautiful view of the river. PRICED REDUCED TO $26,999. R21 – WEST UNION – Combination brick/vinyl sided home, 2564 SF living area, 3 BR (possible 4th BR or office/bonus room), 2 full baths, living room, large family room, kitchen with island & appliances, dining room, electric furnace, heat pump, C/A, 2 F/P (1gas, 1 electric), floating floor, 2-car att. garage, above ground Kayak pool, white vinyl fenced back yard, pool house, nice 0.459 acre corner lot. MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE. $139,000. R25 – MANCHESTER – Beautiful well-maintained home with historic character and contemporary conveniences, 1832 SF living area, basement, 4 BR, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen & dining room, hardwood floors, stained glass & new windows, newer natural
gas furnace, 3 fireplaces, city water/sewer, located out of flood zone. This is a MUST SEE. PRICE REDUCED TO $65,000. R27 – PEEBLES - 2-story brick home built in 1949, 1444 SF living area, full unfinished basement, 4 BR (2 upstairs, 2 downstairs), 1 bath, living room, eat-in kitchen, fuel oil furnace, city water/sewer, hardwood floors, new back porch, roof is being replaced with 30year dimensional shingles, 0.3168 acre lot. Home is currently being rented with an excellent renter who has rented for 18 years. PRICE REDUCED TO $50,000. R29 – RUSSELLVILLE – 0.6 acre lot with mobile home featuring 2 BR, 1 bath, living room, kitchen with refrigerator & range, dining room, electric furnace with heat pump, C/A, washer & dryer included, county water, septic, carpeting with some hardwood floors, 2-car garage, storage building. $45,500. R31 – WEST UNION – Well maintained frame home with vinyl siding, 1092 SF living area, 2 BR, 1 1/2 baths, living room, eat-in kitchen, electric heat plus wood stove, C/A, county water, carpet & vinyl floor coverings, 1-car attached garage is insulated (easily converted to another BR or family/game room), black top driveway, mature landscaping, front porch and back deck with nice back yard, nice location close to town. This is a MUST SEE. PRICE REDUCED TO $85,000. HOMES WITH ACREAGE H1 – STOUT – 15.31 acres located at the end of a deadend road providing privacy, frame home with wood siding built in 2008, 100 SF living area plus full basement, 3 BR, 1 bath plus shower in basement, open living room, kitchen, dining area (gas range and freezer stays), wood stove and gas wall heater, county water, vinyl & carpeting, wrap-around porch, property also has a 2 BR cabin that could be fixed up, dog kennel, outbuilding, large barn, acreage has approximately 12 acres of woods that has not been timbered in 25 years. $82,000. H5 – WEST UNION - 5.226 acres with double wide with additions added, 2,200+ SF living area, 4 BR, 3 baths, 4 bed rooms, 2 kitchens, handicap accessible, gas furnace & electric heat, C/A, 3-car garage, 24x36 horse barn with 3 horse stalls, fenced for horses, home is set up for two families. Also a 1992 Mobile Home with 2BR, 1 bath, living room, kitchen & dining room, C/A all appliances stay with property, property is set up to accommodate 3 families. A MUST SEE. PRICED TO SELL AT $139,900. H7 - SEAMAN - 25.002 acres with 1993 DW with addition, 1782 SF living area, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living & family rooms, great room, eat-in kitchen with range, utility room with dryer, electric furnace, C/A, wood burning F/P, 24x36 detached garage, porch & deck, swimming pool in need of some repair, 24 acres for hunting. PRICED TO SEE AT $139,900. H9 – WEST UNION - FIXER UPPER – 1 acre with frame building formerly used as a business, could be used as a home or business, county water, septic in need of some repair. $19,500. H13 – GEORGETOWN – 7.24 acres with 2 mobile homes, 2 septic systems, county water. Both homes rent for $450/month plus $40/month for water. Would make a great place for a new home. $79,900. H19 – MANCHESTER AREA – Very beautiful setting in-
cluding 2+ acres with brick/vinyl sided home built in 1994, 1650 SF living area, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen with appliances, dining room, utility room, electric furnace, C/A, F/P and wood stove, county water, septic, enclosed front & back porches, 24x32(2-car) detached garage, 16x20 workshop, 14x40 shelter house, wood shed, nice yard & garden spot and creek behind home. THIS IS A MUST SEE. PRICED REDUCED TO $94,500. H23 – PEEBLES – 4 acres more or less with 1992 DW, 1920 SF living area, 4 BR, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen with appliances, dining room, propane furnace, C/A, county water, septic, floating floors with carpeting, 2-car detached garage with new roof, covered front porch, pool house, 32x16 in-ground pool, large back deck, beautiful well-maintained home, beautiful pine trees. PRICE REDUCED TO $100,000. H25 – WEST UNION – 1.954 acres with 2001 Palm Harbour home with vinyl siding, 1624 SF living area, 3 BR, 2 full baths with garden tub in master, living room, eatin kitchen with appliances, electric furnace, heat pump, C/A, wood burning F/P, county water, carpeting, vinyl and tile floors, 30x60 detached garage with office. Home offers country living close to town. MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE – PRICED TO SELL AT $99,900. H33 – ABERDEEN – 10 acres with vinyl sided fram home built in 2007, 1192 SF living area + full walk-out basement with 9-foot ceiling, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, eat-in kitchen with pantry, electyric furnace, heat pump, C/A, county water, septic, Pella windows, 3-car carport with patio. $155,900. Additional acreage available with barns & pond. H35 – WEST UNION – 2.385 in good location with stone/vinyl sided home, 4186 SF living area plus basement, 4 BR, 3 full baths, living & family rooms, kitchen & dining room, utility room, mud room, sun room, office, all appliances, elec. furnace, heat pump, C/A, 2 F/P, hardwood/tile/marble floors, pond, swimming pool with deck, hot tub, gazebo, 2 barns. PRICE REDUCED TO $275,000. FARMS F1 - BLUE CREEK AREA - NICE CABIN & BARN ON 32 ACRES -32.299 acre get away, nice 2 BR cabin, large tobacco barn, good hunting with a mix of woods & open fields, lots of road frontage of Phipps Road & Blue Creek Road, perfect retirement home, ONLY $129,900, additional 26 acres available. F2 – ABERDEEN – 80+ acre farm with about 10 acres of scattered woods and balance could be used for pasture/hay, vinyl sided frame home built in 2007, 1192 SF living area + full-out basement with 9 foot ceiling, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, eatin kitchen with pantry, electric furnace, heat pump, C/A, county water, septic, Pella windows, 3-car carport with patio, 30x64 barn, 60x86 barn, pond. $299,900. F10 – BENTONVILLE AREA – 89.223 acre farm with approx. 70 tillable acres, Old 2336 SF farm house not in livable condition but could be rehabbed, 12x20 garage, 3 barns (48x36, 72x48, 28x26), corn crib. Good location, land could be farmed or developed. PRICE REDUCED TO $279,000. F11 – WEST UNION – 11.004 acre mini horse farm has 1999 DW, 1596 SF living area with full basement, 3 BR, 2 1/2 baths, living room, kitchen with ap-
pliances, dining room, gas furnace, C/A, county water, deck, 2-car carport28x70 barn with 16x24 lean-to, 7 horse stalls, small barn, electric fences, creek, 30 ft. above ground pool. $129,900. BUILDING LOTS L1 – WEST UNION - POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING Agent owned town lot (33x99) located close to court house & businesses, city utilities available. PRICE REDUCED TO $7,500. L3 – PEEBLES – 3 lots totaling 0.459 acre with old house. $22,500. L5 – WEST UNION – 0.54 acre town lot, water/sewer available. $14,000. L7 – WEST UNION – Excellent 0.659 acre building lot with driveway & foundation for home, 16x18 building, dog kennel, county water & septic system. $24,900 – MAKE OFFER. VACANT LAND V3 – PEEBLES – 44.508 mostly wooded acres offering a beautiful view, great hunting with lots of wildlife, great place to build. PRICE REDUCED TO $99,900. V5 – OLIVE TWP. – 2.95 wooded acres with some marketable timber, nice building lot, water & electric available. $11,900. V7 – BLUE CREEK AREA – 26 ACRES, WOODS, BARN, HOMESITE – 26.471 acres, older barn, nice homesite, about 5 acres meadow, remainder wooded, good hunting area, lots of frontage on Blue Creek Road, also fronts of Phipps Road, ONLY $59,900, additional land available. V9 – WINCHESTER – 5.01 wooded acres with some large trees, nice place to build a new home. $32,500. V10 – WEST UNION – 6 wooded level/rolling acres joining the Chapparal Prairie State Nature Preserve. PRICE REDUCED TO $32,000. V12 – NEW LISTING – LYNX – 3.841 acres with approx. ¾ acre of woods, creek, water & electric available. $12,900. V13 - RIPLEY – 3.46 acres located on US 62/US 68, public water & sewer nearby, nice place to build. $34,900. V18 - STOUT – 20.106 acres adjoining Shawnee State Forest, approx. 12 acres of woods, county water, septic, 36x24 barn with concrete floor, RV camper. PRICE REDUCED TO $55,000. BUSINESS B1 - ABERDEEN - INVESTMENT PROPERTY - 2story apartment building with vinyl siding, 2240 SF living area, 6 total apartments, 3 apartments have 1 BR, 1 bath, eat-in kitchen. 3 apartments have 2 BR, 1 bath, eat-in kitchen, property also has 4 mobile home hook-ups with 2 mobile homes currently on property that are in need of repair. PRICE REDUCED TO $25,000. B10 - WEST UNION - INVESTMENT PROPERTY 1.94 acres with 4 mobile homes that rent for $300/month each, house which rents for $425/month, Big Red Barn rents for $500/month, additional home rents for $200/month (caretaker lives in home and get a rent reduction), 4 additional mobile home hook-ups. $155,000.
West Union People’s Defender
October 22, 2016 at 10:00 AM LOCATION: 628 John St, Hillsboro, Ohio HOUSEHOLD: 3 piece bedroom suite (depression era), 3 piece bedroom suite (cannonball bed, wardrobe, dresser/mirror),Phillips TV,mantle clock,3 drawer night stands,cedar baby cradle,Fisher wood stove,baby bed,lamps, floor lamp,2 rocker/recliners,sofa,end tables,magazine stand,3 corner curio cabinet,round oak table w/leaf & 6 chairs,3 corner china cabinet,full bed,table w/4 chairs,matching loveseat/sofa,recliners,end tables,night stands, dresser, wash stand,WW 1 metal trundle bed, old chairs, kneehole desk, Magic Chef refrigerator, electric wringer washer, metal cabinets, luggage, several aqua Ball canning jars w/zinc lids, 3 Hillsboro Bottle Works bottles, Avon bottles, misc. old bottles, Dishes, utensils, microwave, microwave cart, file cabinet, metal desk, old chairs, folding table,glass bottles,baskets,pictures,knick-knacks,old books,bird houses,small lanterns,old scales,Christmas decorations,floor mirror,metal stands,bar stools,kerosene range, OUTDOOR: Fencing,barbed wire,well pump,playground equipment,2 wheel cart,hand tools,2-man saw,concrete bird baths, water fountain, windmill, concrete lawn ornaments, Amish wooden gliders, grapevine tree, benches, patio small round table w/2 chairs,lawn chairs, KGro Power Pro 16 hp 42”cut,front tine tiller,garden wagon,garden tools,battery charger,squirrel cage fans,2 Coleman lanterns,pick up bed cover,electric barbeque grill,saw horses,step ladders,trash cans,gas cans,trellis,gate,roller stands,lawn mower bagger,leaf blower,weed eater AUTOMOBILE/BOAT: 1988 Mercury Cougar, 1967 Atlas Premier Boat DOLL COLLECTION/TOYS (some in original boxes): Elmo, Mickey Mouse, Cabbage Patch, Barbie, porcelain,doll baby stroller (buggy),high chair,wooden ducks,wooden cows,Bryer horses,wooden horse & buggy TERMS: Cash or Check w/proper ID LUNCH SERVED
Estate of Dollie Fiehn, Owner – Debra Satterfield, Executor – Probate Case #20161113 Sale Conducted By:
CHAMBERS AUCTION COMPANY CHAMBERS REALTY & AUCTION COMPANY 216 N High Street • Hillsboro • Ohio 45133 • 937.393.1948 chambersfiterealty.com www.chambersrealty.net Auctioneers: Lowell Chambers • Rusty Fite •• James Auctioneers: Lowell Chambers RustyCraycraft Fite
Located at the Rambler Center, 203 East Main Street, Russellville, Ohio 45168. This auction includes the collection of the late Charles Davis, who collected a wide variety of advertising and collectible items. This auction will have hundreds and hundreds of items to choose from. ADVERTISING SIGNS: Over 20 including Lucky Strike sign; RC Cola; etc. MISC. ADVERTISING ITEMS: including several tobacco; beer; cola; etc. Many old MOTOR OIL CANS; JUMBO PEANUT BUTTER JARS: Over 40 including several with original lids; FRANK TEA & SPICE ITEMS; Over 100 OLD REMEDY, DOCTOR & OINTMENT BOTTLES including Maysville, Mt. Orab, Hillsboro, etc.; MILK BOTTLES: Over 20 milk bottles including many area bottles; Over 100 FRUIT JARS; Many MISC. COLLECTIBLE ITEMS including old tools; stoneware crocks; old marbles; etc.; AMMUNITION: A huge amount of ammunition in original boxes of various gauges and makers. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This will be a very large auction with hundreds and hundreds of items. There will be two auction rings part of the day. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Cash, check, Visa & MasterCard with proper ID. 3% convenience fee for credit cards.
937-377-3700 or 513-791-2323 www.forsythesauctions.com Go to Auctionzip for full listing and over 300 photos. ID #2295
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Sunday, October 9, 2016 B7
Location: 1750 Friendship Rd., Aberdeen, OH 45101 ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, GLASSWARE, DISHES, GUNS & CAR REAL ESTATE SELLS AT 12PM This is a nice well maintained brick ranch style home 2026 sq. ft. with a spacious living room & family room, kitchen w/appliances, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, newer Luxire gas furnace & A/C. Lg. 2 car garage, concrete driveway, 1 outbuilding, city water, sewer & garbage. Disclaimer: All information contained herein is believed to be accurate but not warranted, property sells “AS IS”. House was built before 1978 therefore falls under the Lead Base Paint Law, lead paint information plus disclosure sheets available. Any potential bidder may conduct lead paint test 10 days prior to this sale of any due diligence work. Purchaser will sign a waiver of the 10 day post sale inspection. Waivers are clearly allowed under the regulation. Auctioneers and sales people are agents for the seller.
For inspection of property call for an appointment or come to the open house on Oct. 11, 2016 during hours of 6pm to 8pm. Terms: 10% down on day of sale with balance due at closing within 30 days. Real Estate sells with owners confirmation. Howard MIller Grandfather Clock 64th Anniversary Edition, king size 4 pc. bedroom suite, nice 4 pc. 50’s bedroom suite, twin size poster bed, Empire card table, Bentwood child’s chair, spun leg lamp table, wooden table w/4 chairs, old walnut wash stand, 3 stack tables, sm. brass stand, oval marble top stand, round end table, sm. roll top desk, Singer cabinet sewing machine, sm. Bob Haynes wildlife paintings, nice computer, 50 in. Samsung TV, desk corner shelf, antique fruit picture, ant. horse collar mirror, art deco Elgin Clock, 2 Budweiser beer signs and a Milwaukee and Red Dog beer sign, 2 hickory baskets, wooden butter churn, crocks, Ball jars, old bowl & pitcher, bowl & pitcher bathroom set, Debra decorative fruit plates & other decorative plates, Ginny dolls, Royal State Dolls, 1991 Reds Pepsi sign, pocket knives, Maysville & Sardis High School pictures, beer steins, Kerosene lamp, misc. glassware, Fenton bells, carnival dish, birds, music box, sev. pcs. milk glass, decorative cups & saucers, corn muffin pan, Litton microwave & stand, baskets, a tobacco basket, pop cases, Welco treadmill, picnic table, metal shelf, file cabinet, 2 double barrel flintlock guns, nice 2000 Cadillac DeVille 32V Northstar car low mileage.
THE PEOPLE’S DEFENDER 25 Rice Drive, West Union, OH 45693 937-544-2391
R27- MLS # 1477041 – PRICE REDUCED! YEARNING FOR YESTERDAY? Try this older 2-story colonial in mint condition in West Union. Home features (3) bedrooms, (1) bath, full basement and hot water heat. All new windows, carpet and vinyl throughout . An additional 92 x 63 adjoining lot goes with this property. All this for the very affordable price of $77,000. NOW $75,000.
R23 – MLS# 1451253 – 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE to qualified buyers. Stately home on corner lot. This home has hard wood floors throughout. Old style with character. New roof and gutters w/downspouts, new fixtures in bath. Two story on full basement, brick and vinyl, hard wood floors, fireplace, has character on a corner lot. Public water sewage. NOW $92,500. Was asking $97,500. H22 - MLS# 1507421 - Private country setting, home needs some TLC. Asking $96,000.
R4 - MLS# 150043 - 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch with bonus room, Larger rooms, and
H20 – MLS# 1506610 - Acreage, location, and amenities is what this farm offers with 28,7 acres of fenced acreage, 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch home, large newer building w/shop area, office and livestock areas, and all located adjacent to the 4 lane. Home is back off the road and acreage is all usable. Asking $325,000.
Not responsible for accidents
SALE CONDUCTED BY Wm. J. Holton 513-218-4100 Jesse Mckenzie 513-218-2541 Associate of Gustin Realty www.auctionzip.com #8276
H21 – MLS# 1507738 – 2 bedroom 2 bath with open living area, permanent foundation R6 - MLS# 1506206 - 3 bedroom 1 full slab in the crawl space. View that is specbath home that has replacement wintacular. Asking $59,000. dows and a forced air furnace, level yard and a quiet street. Asking $27,500.
plenty of car space. Great loca- H27- MLS # 1502576 - acres tion. Vinyl sided, forced air and with Cabin - Cabin high in the central air. Listed at $98,500. woods with a view. Heavily wooded acreage surrounds R6 - MLS# 1485982 - 2 bed- this modern cabin with an room home on a full basement. abundance of wildlife and modHard wood or carpeted floors. ern home to enjoy it. Very seForced air natural gas heat and cluded with County water and central air. Ready to move in electric. Cabin is an open floor with most of the home recently plan with a large loft. Listed at remodeled. Asking $69,900. $134,900. H16 – MLS # 1500890 – Recently remodeled rustic home on 8+ acres. New electric, new plumbing, new floor covering, new paint, new counter tops, and new stainless steel appliances. Detached pole building and detached 2 car garage. Listed at $134,900.
V7 – MLS# 1494221 - NEW LISTING - 20 acres of rolling acreage with Hard Woods. Tall canopy of trees with good private access. Lots of wildlife signs. Additional property available. Listed at $50,000.
V9 - MLS# 1492646 - Residential lot with underground utilities. Electric, water, & F1 – MLS# 1506477 – Home sewage available at the street. sits off road on 51.65 acres Newer subdivision with easy with pond, additional detached access to 32. Asking $11,900. poured basement, 3 separate water and electric hook ups, V10 – MLS# 1492643 – Resiand 3 septic tanks. Nice coun- dential lot with underground try setting, set up well for fami- utilities. Electric, water, & lies and hunting. House is fair sewage available at the street. condition, remodeling unfin- Newer subdivision with easy ished. Asking $140,000. access to 32. Asking $12,900.
B8 West Union People’s Defender
Sunday, October 9, 2016
"Gridiron groups" Across 1 Hideous sort 5 Blotto 10 Like some coffee
19 Joined together 20 "Old MacDonald" letters
! !
$ !# %&'%(
*#$ + "" ,# *# ! +
# )
-# # #
# ! $ %&'( )'(* +,
23 28
34 36
19 21
23 Justice Fortas
24 Staff sgt., e.g. 25 Construction site sign 29 Boxer's bane
21 Lodge
15 Rocky ridge 17 Some toys
14 Custard dessert 16 Weigh down
31 Trail the pack 32 Selling point 33 Hair piece 34 Prom wear, briefly 35 Yiddish "yuk" 36 Castle door destroyers
56 60
54 58
68 Not so common
12 Fit to eat
44 ___ chi
69 Saw
13 Can't stand
45 ESPN effect
18 Barks
46 Brat
22 Mav or Cav
47 Marsh birds
24 Packers' org.
48 Singing syllables
26 Disparage
49 Conniver
27 Takeoff prelim
51 Old anesthetic
28 "___ return"
52 Hot coal
30 Tennis great Gibson
57 Heavy reading?
34 Cowboy name
59 Prefix with con
35 Three pt. scores
61 Abbr. on old maps
37 Leaks
62 Clamor
38 Christmas song
63 Unfortunate
41 Bewitch 42 Cyclades island 43 Rioter's take 45 Strengthen 48 Hurricane dir.
49 Extreme
1 Commonly
50 Courtroom pros
2 Choral group
53 ___-Wan Kenobi
3 Time before TV
54 NHL Bobby
4 Author Michael
55 RR stop
5 No-no
56 Paris subway
6 Anger
58 Songbird
7 ___ green
60 Breakfast side dish
8 Series
64 Speck
9 Like some questions
65 Arise
10 Category
66 "A ___ plan..."
11 Lock sites
67 Approximately
39 Car road 40 School of Paris
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Lets Get Outdoors & Play Hunting • Camping • ATV Sports Hiking and Much More! Contact Your Sales Representative Today!
Adams County Common Pleas Court Report West Union Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Defender
Sept. 30, 2016
Civil Cases Toby P. Smalley, CoTrustee vs William L. Smalley, Trustee, Action: Other Civil Fifth Third Mortgage Company vs Nancy M. May, Action: Foreclosures Lakeview Loan Servicing, Llc vs Jennifer McCullah, Action: Foreclosures
Civil Division Midland Funding De Llc vs Aaron Gifford, Judgment Entry: Affidavit and order and notice of garnishment of property other than personal earnings and answer of garnishee filed. First State Bank vs Sharon Hamilton, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry granting summary Judgment to plaintiff First State Bank filed. If sums due are not paid in 3 days an order of sale shall be issued. Donna Manchester vs Cheyenne L. Sizemore, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry Filed. (Upon agreement of parties, for good cause shown, Cheyenne L. Sizemore is hereby granted until 10/12/16 within which to move or plead to the complaint.) Discover Bank vs Audrey Gudorf, Judgment Entry: Entry granting summary judgment filed. Summary judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the plaintiff Jerry Wray, Director vs Scott L. Wilson, Judgment Entry: Entry granting default against Defendant Fifth Third Bank filed. Lloyd Baker vs State Of Ohio, Judgment Entry: Entry granting petition for relief from firearm disability filed. (Petitioner is granted relief from his firearm disability and this court hereby restores all of his civil firearm rights to the full extent.) Lakeview Loan Servicing, Llc vs Danielle L. Richards, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry and decree in foreclosure filed. If sums due are not paid in 3 days an order of sale shall be issued. Selene Finance Lp vs Jamie Mckenzie, Judgment Entry: Entry filed. Court hereby grants leave to file an answer out of time; due on or before 10/7/16 Fred Vincent vs American Commerce Insurance, Judgment Entry: Agreed entry extending defendant, American Insurance Company, time to move, answer or otherwise plead filed Portsmouth Monument Corporation vs Alan L. Holsinger, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Stanley Bender is hereby dismissed as counsel of record for plaintiff, Portsmouth Monument Co. Criminal Division State of Ohio vs Jesse Arwood, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry Filed. It is ordered that the defendant be sentenced to six (six) months of community control and obtain sentenced to six months of community control and obtain and maintain employment. State of Ohio vs Brian Carroll, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry Filed. (Matter before court for probable cause hearing on Sept. 14, 2016. Court advised defendant cause hearing on Sept. 14, 2016. Court advised defendant for alleged probation violations, terms/conditions 5,8,10. Matter set for sentencing on 10/12/16 at 9 a.m. It is ordered that defendant be placed on OR bond pending sentencing. Defendant shall report 2X wk for drug testing to AC Probation Dept. If defendant fails to appear or tests positive, bond shall be reboked and placed under arrest.) State of Ohio vs Paul Carter, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Def. has filed a notice of appeal to the supreme
court of Ohio. The final pretrial and jury trial are vacated, pending the outcome of appeal.) State of Ohio vs Rodney Zimmerman, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Hearing on probable cause continued in progress; court reappoints Lisa Rothwell bond set at $20,000 CA/SU; matter set for probable cause on 10/6/16 at 9 a.m. State of Ohio vs William Walters, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Tanya Drinnon is appointed to represent def. at resentencing.) State of Ohio vs Josey Masterson, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Motion of counsel for defendant, for good cause shown, it is hereby ordered to continue matter to 11/9/16 at 1 p.m. for sentencing.) State of Ohio vs Ricky Unger, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Motion of counsel for defendant, and for good cause shown, court hereby orders matter continued to 11/16/16 at 12:00 p.m. for sentencing.) State of Ohio vs Ricky Nelson Unger, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Motion of counsel for defendant, for good cause shown, matter is hereby continued to 11/16/16 at 12:00 p.m. for sentencing.) State of Ohio vs Jeremy Ball, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Capias issued for failure to appear State of Ohio vs Timothy Varney II, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Matter before court on 9/21/16 for motion to revoke community control. Court orders matter set for review hearing on 10/28/16 at 1 p.m. All prior terms and conditions of bond remain in full force and effect). State of Ohio vs Anthony Wesley, Judgment Entry: Issued for arrest. Defendant arrested on warrant from prior case is now in custody of ACSD. Defendants bond now revoked and reverts to $20,000 CA/SU. Final pretrial set for 11/30/16 at 10 a.m. Jury trial rescheduled to 1/9/17 issued for arrest. Defendant arrested on warrant from prior case and is now in custody of ACSD. Defendants bond now revoked and reverts to $20,000 CA/SU. Final pretrial set for 11/30/16 at 10 a.m. Jury trial rescheduled to 1/9/17 State of Ohio vs Anthony Wesley, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Matter before court on 9/21/16 at 10:45 a.m. for final pretrial, rescheduled from 9/7/16 when defendant was unable to appear due to at Kings Daughters hospital in KY. Defendant failed to appear. Capias to be issued for arrest. Defendant arrested on warrant from prior case and is now in custody of ACSD. Defendants bond now revoked and reverts to $20,000 CA/SU. Final pretrial set for 11/30/16 at 10 a.m. Jury trial rescheduled to 1/9/17 State of Ohio vs Aaron Taylor, Judgment Entry: Entry granting extension of time to transcript filed. Shall be filed on or before 10/21/16. State of Ohio vs Aaron Taylor, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. It is ordered that the defendant file a poverty affidavit with the clerk of courts immediately; counsel is instructed to assist; County shall pay for said transcript State of Ohio vs Kimberly Gardner, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Motion of Counsel for defendant, for good cause shown, it is hereby ordered that matter is continued to 10/31/16 at 12:00 p.m. for sentencing. Court finds delay attributed to Counsel for defendant.) State of Ohio vs John W. Johnson, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Motion of Counsel for
defendant, for good cause shown, it is hereby ordered that matter continued to 10/31/16 at 12:30 p.m. for sentencing. Court finds cause for delay attributed to counsel for defendant.) State of Ohio vs Abby Smith, Judgment Entry: Defendant advised she would retain counsel. Court advised defendant that this matter was scheduled for trial on Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, 2016. State of Ohio vs Sherry Grooms, Judgment Entry: Plea of guilty, Judgment Entry of guilty filed. (Defendant plead guilty to, (aggravated possession of drugs, F5. Count I of indictment is dismissed. Sentencing set for 10/27/16 at 12:30 p.m.) State of Ohio vs Joseph Friemoth, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Motion of counsel for defendant, for good cause shown, it is hereby ordered that matter is continued to 11/9/16 at 12:45 p.m. for change of plea, and sentencing will now be held on 12/28/16 at 2 p.m. Court finds cause for delay attributed to Counsel for defendant.) State of Ohio vs Tami Gilpin, Judgment Entry: Plea of guilty, Judgment entry of guilty filed. (Defendant plead guilty to, theft F4. Sentencing set for 9/27/16 stipulated. Count II of the indictment is dismissed. State of Ohio vs Tami Gilpin, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry on sentence filed. Convicted of theft, F-4, 2913.02 (A) (1). Sentenced to stipulated prison term of 15 months. Credit for 170 days. $75 fine. State of Ohio vs Seth Doss, Judgment Entry: Order filed. The court accepts the Nolle Prosequi entered by the State of Ohio and orders that case no 20160063 is dismissed with prejudice. State of Ohio vs Amy Allen, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry on sentence filed. Defendant convicted of 2925.03 (A) (1), trafficking in heroin with specification, F-4. Sentenced to nine (9) months prison term to run consecutive with the 30 month term imposed in case no: 11CR003 from Highland County Common Pleas. Credit for 59 days. Pay fine of $175.00. State of Ohio vs Christina Young, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Capias issued for the defendant for violation of bond State of Ohio vs Seth Doss, Judgment Entry: Plea of guilty, Judgment Entry of guilty filed. (Defendant plead guilty to, 2925.03 (A) (1), trafficking in heroin, 5-5 on counts I, II and III. Sentencing on 9/26/16 per stipulated sentence. Count IV of indictment dismissed. State of Ohio vs Seth Doss, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry on sentence filed. Defendant convicted of trafficking in heroin, 2925.03 (A) (1), F-5, trafficking in heroin, 2925.03 (A) (1) F-5, trafficking in heroin, 2925.03 (A)(1), F-5. Defendant is ordered to serve a term of one year for Count I, one year incarnation for Count II, one year incarceration for Count II, one year incarceration for count 3 all of will run concurrent with each other. These terms will run concurrent with the stipulated term of incarceration in case. State of Ohio vs Winston Delk, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Hearing on bond modification held 9/26/16 defendants previous bond is modified to $75,000 O.R. will reside at 264 Vine St. Seaman, Ohio. All prior terms and conditions of bond shall remain as previously ordered.) State of Ohio vs Brian Young, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Capias issued for failure to abide by terms and conditions of probation.
State of Ohio vs Terry Bennington, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Matter before court on 9/2/16 for purposes of change of plea. Court found it would not be able to accept defendants plea as offered. Matter is to be rescheduled for final pretrial and trial. Bond remains as originally set. Counsel for final pretrial and trial. Bond remains as originally set. Counsel for defendant requests motion to suppress. Court finds motion well taken, Counsel given 14 days to file motion. Final pretrial and trial will not be rescheduled at this time. State of Ohio vs Kenneth Price Jr, Judgment Entry: Plea of guilty, Judgment entry of guilty filed. (Defendant plead guilty to, AGG trafficking in Drugs F4. Sentencing will be 10/25/16 at 12:45 p.m.) State of Ohio vs Devin Stewart, Judgment Entry: Plea of guilty, Judgment entry of guilty filed. (Defendant plead guilty to, kidnapping. Count I of indictment is dismissed. Sentencing set for 9/26/16 per stipulated sentence.) State of Ohio vs Devin Stewart, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry on sentence filed. Defendant convicted of kidnapping, ORC 2905.01 (A) (3), F1. Defendant sentenced to a three year stipulated prison term. Credit for 112 days served and a fine of $320. State of Ohio vs Seth Doss, Judgment Entry: Plea of Guilty, Judgment Entry of guilty filed. (Defendant plead guilty to, kidnapping, 2905.01 (A) (3). Count I of indictment is dismissed. Sentencing on 9/26/16 per stipulated sentence. 20160069 for a total term of incarceration of 4 years. Credit for 132 days served and future custody days while defendant awaits transportation for total collective credit in case nos: 20160069 & 20160100 of 161 days State of Ohio vs Seth Doss, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry on sentence filed. Defendant convicted of 2905.01 (A)(3), kidnapping, F-1. Sentenced to a stipulated term of four years incarceration. The term will run concurrent with the term of incarceration in case No: 20160069 for a total term of incarceration of 4 years. Credit for 132 days served and future custody days while defendant awaits transportation for total collective credit in case nos: 20160069 & 20160100 of 161 days. State of Ohio vs Mindy Mason, Judgment Entry:Journal Entry on arraignment filed. (Bond set at $10,000 O.R., Plus attached conditions, $25 bond surcharge, IDSF of $60 due within 60 days, $25 Public Defender fee if applicable.) State of Ohio vs Mindy Mason, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry order assigning counsel filed. (Sarah Shelton appointed as counsel.) State of Ohio vs Mark Mefford, Judgment Entry: Plea of guilty, Judgment entry of guilty filed. (Defendant plead guilty to, CT I domestic violence with spec and CT II domestic violence with spec F4. Sentencing will be 10/28/16 at 12:45 p.m.) State of Ohio vs Mark Mefford, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Defâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bond modified to $30,000 OR.) State of Ohio vs Brevan Wallace, Judgment Entry: Plea of guilty, Judgment entry of guilty filed. (Defendant plead guilty to, abduction, F3. Counts II and III of indictment are dismissed. Sentencing on 10/28/16 at 11:30 a.m.) State of Ohio vs Brevan Wallace, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Hearing on bond modification held on 9/23/16 and defendants bond modified to authorized to travel to Florida for inpatient voluntary counseling which
Sunday, October 9, 2016 B9
is anticipated to conclude within thirty (30) days. State of Ohio vs Matthew Richendollar, Judgment Entry: Plea of guilty, Judgment entry of guilty filed. (Defendant plead guilty to, (Breaking and entering, F5. Court stays further proceedings and hereby places defendant under general control and supervision of Adams County Probation Department, specific sanction must maintain employment.) State of Ohio vs Denny Blanton Jr, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Final pretrial is set for 10/6/16 at 1:30 p.m.; warrant for removal is issued for the defendant State of Ohio vs Justin Clay, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Counsel for defendant orally advises court defendant wishes to enter change of plea. Trial vacated. Matter set for change of plea on 10/6/16 at 1:00 p.m. Sentencing on 11/15/16 at 12:45 p.m.) State of Ohio vs Denny Blanton Jr, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Final pretrial set for 10/6/16 at 1:30 p.m. Warrant for removal shall be issued State of Ohio vs Zachary McKee, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. It is ordered that an arraignment will be held on 10/16/16 Via Video Conference State of Ohio vs Annette Frazier, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Defendant tested positive for suboxone; bond is set for $20,000 CA/SU/10% shall voluntarily report on 9/23/16 at noon, failure and capias shall be issue State of Ohio vs Jeremy White, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Motion of counsel for defendant, and for good cause shown, it is hereby ordered to continue matter to 10/5/16 at 1:30 p.m. for final pretrial, and Jury trial scheduled to 10/17/16 and 10/18/16 at 9 am. Court finds delay attributed to counsel for defendant.) State of Ohio vs Jeremy White, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Counsel for defendant orally advised court that defendant wishes to enter a change of plea. Trial vacated. Matter set for change of plea on 10/5/16 at 1:30 p.m. and sentencing on 11/10/16 at 11:15 a.m.) State of Ohio vs Aline Buck, Judgment Entry: Pre-trial Order Filed. (Final pretrial on 12/23/16 at 9:00 a.m. and jury trial on 1/23/17 and 1/24/17 pre-trial order filed. (Final Pre-Trial Order filed. (Final pretrial on 12/23/16 at 9 a.m. and Jury Trial on 1/23/17 and 1/24/17 at 9 a.m). State of Ohio vs Timothy Lockhart, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Counsel for defendant orally advised court defendant wished to enter change of plea. Trial vacated. Matter set for change of plea on 10/4/16 at 11:45 a.m. and sentencing on 11/16/16 at 12:30 p.m.) State of Ohio vs Brandon M. Hembree, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Matter before court upon oral notification by bond supervisor, Random drug test performed showed positive for opiates. Violation of terms/conditions of $10,000 O.R. Bond is revoked, converts to $10,000 CA/Surety. Placed into custody of ACSD. Hearings advanced. Final pretrial scheduled for 12/14/16 and Jury Trial 1/12/17 & 1/13/17 are rescheduled to final pretrial on 10/5/16 at 10:30 a.m. and jury trial 11/7/16 and 11/8/16 at 9:00 a.m.) State of Ohio vs Jason Petrie, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Def. tested positive for methamphetamine. This is a violation of bond. Previous granted or bond is revoked and reverts to a
$20,000 CA/SU and Def. placed in jail. Final pretrial will be 11/3/16 at 12:30 p.m. and jury trial on 11/28/ - 29/16 at 9 a.m.) State of Ohio vs Dakota Murphy, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Court, on its own motion, modifies defendants current $30,000 O.R. bond to a $50,000 CA/SU/10% due to bond modification, Court finds it necessary to advance final pretrial set for 1/4/17 and jury trial set for 1/23/17 and 1/24/17. These matters are rescheduled to final pretrial 10/25/16 at 12:15 p.m. and jury trial for 11/17/16 and 11/18/16 at 9 a.m.) State of Ohio vs Anthony Wesley, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry on arraignment filed. (Bond set at $100,000 CA/SU/10%, Plus attached conditions, $25 Bond surcharge, IDSF of $60 due within 60 days, $25 public defender fee if applicable.) State of Ohio vs Anthony Wesley, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry order assigning Counsel filed. (Sarah Shelton appointed as counsel.) State of Ohio vs Eugene Doss, Judgment Entry: Journal entry on arraignment filed. (Bond set at $75,000 CA/SU/10%, plus attached conditions, $25 bond surcharge, IDSF of $60 due within 60 days, $25 public defender fee if applicable.) State of Ohio vs Eugene Doss, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry order assigning Counsel filed. (Tanya Drinnon appointed as counsel) State of Ohio vs Jeffrey Nickell, Judgment Entry: Pre-trial Order Filed. (Final pre-trial order filed. (Final pretrial on 10/31/16 at 12:45 p.m. and Jury trial on 11/28/16 and 11/19/16 at 9:00 a.m.) State of Ohio vs Dominique Singletary, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry on arraignment filed. (Bond set at $30,000 CA/SU/10%, plus attached conditions, $25 bond surcharge, IDSF of $60 due within 60 days, $25 Public Defender fee if applicable.) State of Ohio vs Dominique Singletary, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry order assigning counsel filed. (Sarah Shelton appointed as counsel.) Domestic Cases Shandi Bolin, West Union vs Louie Bolin Jr., West Union, Action: Divorce with children Stephanie L. Puckett, Seaman vs David D. Puckett, Peebles, Action: Dissolution without children Jeff Ford, West Union vs Amber Ford, Russellville, Action: Divorce with children Keith W. Freeman, Winchester vs Tina E. Freeman, Manchester, Action: Dissolution with children 45144 Amber Ford, Russellville vs Jeffrey A. Ford, West Union, Action: Divorce with children Domestic Relations Division Faith (Minton)Rumpke vs Brett Rumpke, Judgment Entry: Magistrates order filed. (The court has found the obligor in contempt as a first offender and suspends the jail sentence. Next hearing is 11/17/16 at 9:30 a.m.) Angela Kay Bolton vs Roger Lee Bolton, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and judgment entry filed. (Court finds obligor in contempt. Hearing set for 11/29/16 at 10:30 a.m. Capias for physical arrest shall issue if Obligor fails to appear.) Deborah Shoemaker Johnson vs Charles T. Shoemaker, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order Filed. (The court had found the obligor in contempt as a first offender and suspends the jail sentence. Next hearing is 10/27/16 at 12:15 p.m.)
B10 West Union Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Defender
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Photo Of The Week
Jefferson, DeBord announce October wedding
Provided photo
Robert and Tina Jefferson of Seaman are pleased to announce the upcoming wedding of their daughter Brooklynn Renae to Adam James DeBord, son of Fred and Vicky DeBord also of Seaman. Invitations have been sent for the Oct. 15 wedding date.
Health Department DriveThru Flu Clinic is Oct. 12 The Adams County Health Department is havIt is a well-known fact that the beauty of nature is abundant in Adams County and this shot of Brush Creek ing a Drive-Thru Flu taken by reader Chris Fogle is further proof of just that. The photo was taken looking from the old truss Clinic, on Wednesday, Oct. 12, beginning at 1 bridge that crossed Route 348. p.m. and running until 6 p.m. The clinic will be held in the back parking lot of PRESS RELEASE Lab Manager Kathy and Ms. Morrison are to be and record, and overall man- the Adams County Health Morrison and the entire lab commended for their leader- agement. Department located at 923 The Accreditation staff for their endless hours ship in ensuring that the labSunrise Avenue in West Committee of the College of of hard work devoted to oratory is in compliance American Pathologists making this a top-notch lab- with the CAP Accreditation (CAP) has awarded accredi- oratory. CEO Roland Gee Program.â&#x20AC;? tation to Adams County and hospital administrative The U.S. federal governRegional Medical Center staff have also been instrument recognizes the CAP SUBMITTED BY Laboratory, Seaman, OH mental in providing crucial Laboratory Accreditation based on results of a recent support,â&#x20AC;? said Nestok. Program, begun in the early BECKY BRODT on-site inspection as part of Roland Gee, Chief 1960s, as being equal-to or the CAPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Accreditation Executive Officer comment- more-stringent-than the govThe Board of Adams Programs. ed, saying â&#x20AC;&#x153;ACRMC has a ernmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own inspection County Commissioners met The facilityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s director, quality manager in Kathy program. in regular session on Blake Nestok, MD, was Morrison and we appreciate During the CAP accrediSeptember 26, 2016, in the advised of this national her Laboratory staff for their tation process, designed to Government Center, with recognition and congratulat- consistency in providing ensure the highest standard the following members ed for the excellence of the excellent care to our patients of care for all laboratory present: Brian Baldridge, services being provided. and reporting accurate and patients, inspectors examine Paul Worley, and Ty Pell. Adams County Regional timely results to our physithe laboratoryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s records and The meeting was opened Medical Center Laboratory cians. It is a concerted quality control of procewith prayer and the Pledge is one of more than 7,700 effort by many staff memdures for the preceding two of Allegiance led by Paul CAP-accredited facilities bers who must follow strict years. CAP inspectors also Worley. It was moved by worldwide. standards in their technical examine laboratory staff Paul Worley and seconded Adams County EMS- Full â&#x20AC;&#x153;Credit for this distinction fields that make this certifiqualifications, equipment, by Brian Baldridge to Time EMT-1, effective should be given to ACRMC cation possible. Dr. Nestok facilities, safety program approve the minutes of the Friday Oct. 7, 2016. The previous regular meeting. Board would like to thank The Commissioners Mr. Davis for his years of examined, approved and service to Adams County ordered the bills paid. EMS and to his community, It was moved by Ty Pell and wishes him continued and seconded by Paul success in the future. Worley to approve the It was moved by Brian transfer of funds. Roll Call Baldridge and seconded by Vote: all yeas. Ty Pell to approve the The Board conducted a Travel for the Adams Directorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; meeting at 9:30 County Economic and a.m. to review the current Community Development projects and status of each Department for Holly department under the jurisJohnson and Amanda diction of the Adams Fraley to attend the 2016 County Board of Community Development Commissioners. Those in attendance were as follows: Conference in Huron, Ohio on Nov. 16-18, 2016. ECD Director Holly It was moved by Brian Johnson, Special Projects Baldridge and seconded by Director Donnie Swayne, Paul Worley to recess at 11 and HR Director Diane a.m. to attend the Post Ward. Audit meeting in the Deputy Brandon Asbury, Government Center Fiscal Officer Cheryl Conference Room with the Copas, Amanda Fraley, State Auditor's Staff. Adams County Economic The Chairman reconand Development vened the session at 11:45 Department, and Holly a.m. Johnson, Adams County Prosecutor David Kelley Economic and Community and Diana Young met with Development Department the Board to discuss the met with the Board to dis2017 Prosecutor's Budget. cuss the Impaired Driver Engineer Department HR Enforcement grants. Director Hughes met with It was moved by Paul Worley and seconded by Ty the Board to discuss the 2017 County Insurance and Pell to approve the resignaCash Back Incentive Plan. tion of Robin Davis as
ACRMC Laboratory receives accreditation from CAP
Union. The office does accept Medicare, Medicaid and several private health insurances to cover the expense of the flu vaccine. Please stay in the comfort of your car or truck and protect yourself against the flu. and stay healthy this year, by getting your flu vaccine now.
Commissioners meet on Sept. 26, discuss Impaired Driver Enforcement grants
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, YWCA Greater Cincinnati can help! For safety and support, shelter options and legal advocacy call any of the numbers below.
Brown Co. Office 937.378.61.4 x135 Adams Co. Office 937.544.6000 24 hour hotline 800.540.4764 Like us on Facebook at â&#x20AC;&#x153;YWCA of Brown and Adams Countyâ&#x20AC;?
DID YOU KNOW? â&#x20AC;˘ An estimated 15.5 million children live in households where domestic violence has occurred within the past year. â&#x20AC;˘ Homicide is the 2nd leasing cause of death to pregnant women. â&#x20AC;˘ One in three women and one in four men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
â&#x20AC;˘ Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crimes. â&#x20AC;˘ In domestic violence homicides, women are six times more likely to be killed when there is a gun in the house. â&#x20AC;˘ 9.4% of women in the United States have been raped by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
The Board held a phone conference with Melinda Brown of Medical Mutual to discuss the 2017 County Insurance Renewal. It was moved by Paul Worley and seconded by Brian Baldridge to adjourn. For more information on County Government, visit adamscountyoh.com or call the Board of Commissioners at (937) 544-3286.
Genealogical Society hosting meeting on history of immigration The History of American Immigration and Naturalization will be the topic of the Southern Ohio Genealogical Society meeting, to be held on Oct. 13, at 7 p.m., at the North High Business Center, 1487 N. High St., in the Community Room. The public is welcome. Mel Haines will present a Power Point presentation on how our ancestors immigrated to America and became naturalized citizens. Haines will also cover tips on how to determine when and where they landed in this new country.
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