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Breaking news at peoplesdefender.com

Issue 23, Volume 41

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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Friends of North Adams Library dedicate new brick Veterans Memorial After two years in the planning, public is invited to join the brick tribute to vets BY PATRICIA BEECH PEOPLE'S DEFENDER The Friends of the North Adams Library (FNAL) held a Wednesday ceremony dedicating the library's new Veterans

Memorial. The memorial, surrounding the base of the building's flag pole, is comprised of bricks inscribed with the names of veterans. “This is our tribute to veterans,” said Patty

Wilmoth, member of the FNAL, “It's been a long time coming, but we finally got it together, and Patricia Beech | People’s Defender we're very proud of it.” The FNAL envisioned a Karen Hughes, far left, President of the Friends of the North Adams Library, speaks to the crowd assembled at Wednesday’s dedication ceremony of the memorial that would See Memorial / A5 new brick Veterans Memorial.

PES teacher honored by ACOVSD Board Spiller receives Certificate of Appreciation after saving choking child BY PATRICIA BEECH PEOPLE'S DEFENDER “We are surrounded in our community by real-life heroes, and Polly Spiller is one of them!” So says Amanda Lamb, Principal at Peebles Elementary, after Spiller's quick actions recently saved a student who was choking in the school's cafeteria. “As a school administrator, it makes me confident that our school and students are safe when we

have individuals such as her as part of our staff,” said Lamb. Spiller doesn't think of herself as heroic, and says she's surprised to be cast in that role. “There was an adrenalin rush when it happened,” says Spiller. “But it's just something you do if someone is in need and you know what to do - you just do it.” Spiller, an Intervention Specialist at Peebles Elementary, was recently honored by the Ohio

Valley District's school board members who presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation. Spiller shrugs it off, “It's just something you do, it's not something you expect to get a call from the newspaper about, or an email from the superintendent asking you to come to the next board meeting.” Spiller, like all teachers receives yearly CPR and AED training through the school district. “I think many people train for these types of incidents thinking they

will never really have a need for the skills,” said Principal Lamb, “Of course, we all hope that we are never faced with a situation in which we have to make snap decisions that could result in saving a life, but we must all be prepared for the unexpected.” Spiller says throughout the incident she was concerned the Heimlich Maneuver wouldn't be effective. “I've never had to do the Heimlich before,” she says. “ I was worried about whether or not it was working, but the See Spiller / A5

Provided photo

Peebles Elementary teacher Polly Spiller was recently honored by the ACOVSD Board of Education for her heroic actions in saving a student from choking. Spiller, center, is pictured here with board member Judy Campbell and Superintendent Richard Seas.


A2 West Union People’s Defender



$ 78 78


Whole Wh W ho h olle Boneless B oneless Pork P rk Loin LLo oin

USDA USD SDA DA Choice CChhooiice c

lb. llbb.

$ 99


New York New Y Ne Yor Yo o rk Strip Sttrrip Steak Steak k

Sanderson Farms S an nde deerrso so on FFa arms Fried Chicken Frriieed dC Ch hicck cke ken Tenders Tenders enders


lb. llbb.



$ 99 99

Dole Do D olle American A Am meerrica c an Salad Sallaad d Blends Blleeen B nd d ds


Assorted oz. Asssortedd VVarieties A aarriieettiiees • 122 ooz z.

Jumbo Sweet JJuum mbbo b SSwe weet

Family Faam miillyy Pack Paacckk





lb. llbb.



lb. llbb.

Fresh Fresh esh Apple Cider App Ap A ppple le CCid idder der



$ 69 6

IGA IG GA GA Oyster Oyysstteerr Crackers Crack cke kers


$ 99


Assorted Asssortedd VVarieties A aarriieettiiees • 15.5 5.5 - 166 oz. oozz.

2/$ /$


9 oz. oozz.

$ 49 4


lb. llbb.

$ 99


Hawaiian Haawaaiiiian Punch H Pun ncch h Assorted Asssor A orrtedd VVarieties aarieties riieties eties ties ies es • 128 1228 2 oz. oozz.

lb. llbb.

Sara SSara Lee LLeee ee Oven Oveen Roasted RRooaasstteedd or or Honey Hoone H n ey Turkey Turke kkeyy Breast Br Breast


99 9


lb. llbb.

Rotel Rot otel Tomatoes TToomaato toes

Hidden Hid H idd dddeen VValley alllle leey Ranch Dressing Raanncchh D ressinng

Assorted oz. Asssor A orrteed d Varieties Vaarieties V arriieties eties tiiees • 10 o oz z.

16 16 oz. ozz. o


00 100

Gold Flour Goold G ldd Medal Medda d l FFl lour Assorted Asssorted A d Varieties Vaarieties rieties ieties eties ties ies es 4.25 lb. 4.2225 - 5 lb b. Bag B Baag


4 349



2/$ 2///$ $




Johnsonville Johnsonnvvillle Grilling Brats Grrillllinng B G Brat rats

Sara Sara Lee SSar LLeee Chicken Breast Chick Ch ckeen B Br reast



lb. lbb.

Jif JJiiff Peanut P Peea e nut ut Butter Butt Bu B utttte te r

3 ct. cctt.

99 99

Assorted Asssortedd VVarieties A aarriieettiiees • 19 19 oz. oozz.



Tastee Brand Tast steee Br B ra n d Caramel Apples Caraam Car meel A App Ap pppllees

Half Gallon Haallf G H allon

29 9



99 99


2 lb. lb. Bag lb BBaag


Copperwood Cop pp p peerwood rwoo Cooked Coo C Co ok keed d Ham Ham H


$ USDA Western Grain USSD DA W We esstteerrn G Gra raiin FFed edd Beef Beef

6 Pack Pack

Sara Sara Lee SSar LLeee Honey Hooneeyy or or Brown Brow B rown Sugar Ham Suuggar H Ha am

lb. llbb.

lb. llbb.

Whole Whhole W Carrots Carrrrots

Boneless Round Roast Boonneelleesss EEye B ye ooff RRo ouunndd RRo oaast st and Steaks anndd SSte teaks

Cake Cake Donuts Don nu uttts


Pears PPeears



lb. llbb.

12 12 pc. pc. Golden Go old ld deen FFried ried Chicken Ch C hicck keen Bucket Bu B ucck ket


Large Sweet Larrgge Washington Wa Washingttoon SSwe weet

Yellow Onions Yello low O On nion ons

Boneless Booneless B Chuck Roast Chuucckk RRo Ch oaasst

lb. llbb.

2/$ /$

Michigan, McIntosh, Miichigan, M chhi higgaann, Gold, Goldd, M cIn Intoosshh, h Johnathan Johnat athhhaan or o Red Reedd Delicious Delicious 3 lb. lb. Bags lb BBaags

USDA Western Grain USD DA W We esstteerrn Gr G raain FFed eedd Beef Beef

90% Lean 90% LLe ean Ground Beef Groouunndd B Gr eef


$ 49

Bagged Baag B gg geed d Apples Ap A pples pp

lb. llbb.

$ 99

Tray Tray PPacked acke kedd • Skinless Sk SSki kinnlleesss and aanndd Boneless Boneless

California Calififornia

Red Reed R d or or White Whit W hite t Seedless Seedless eeeed dleesss Grapes dl Grape G r p es

Sunday, October 23, 2016


99 699

lb. llbb.

Walnut Creek Wallnnuut CCr reek American America icc n Cheese Chee eese se


Light Lighht & Fluffy FFllufffy fffyy Noodles Noooodles dllees oor Dumplings Duumplings D

Armour Vienna Arrm A moouurr VVi ienna Sausage SSauusage ge


4.75 44..775 oz. ozz. o

122 oz. ozz. o




lb. llbb.

Smucker’s Smucckkeerr’s’s Strawberry SSttrraw awber err rrryy Jam m 32 oz. o ozz.

99 9




Red Baron Pizzas RReedd B Ba roon PPiz izzas zzzas Assorted Varieties oz. Asssorted A dV arieties aarrieties ieties ettiiees • 20.69 0..669 - 23.54 3.54 54 o oz z.



Mama Rosa’s Maam M ma RRo ossa’s a’s Twin Pizzas Tw win PPack aacckk PPiz izz zzzas

Curly’s BBQ Curlyy ’s B BB BQ Q

Supreme, Pepperoni Suprreem mee, PPe epper eroonni and aanndd Combination Combinaattion 39.6 oz. 3399..66 ooz z. - 42 4 oz. oozz.


Pork, Spicy Pork and Pork, SSp Por ppiicy c PPo orrkk aan ndd Beef Beeeef • 18 18 oz. oozz.






3 lb. lb



2/$ /$



Regular Thick Reegguullaarr or o TTh hiicckk • 12 12 oz. oozz.



Hormel Entrées Hoorrm meel EEnt ntrrées

27 2 oz.,18 oozz..,18 ct. ct




Assorted Asssorteedd Varieties A Vaarriieettiieess 22 25.5 oz. 2 - 225 5.5 ooz z.



99 9




Banquet Banq B nqu quet Chicken CChhicckkeen

8 oz. ozz. o

49 4




Kraft Dips Krafft D Dip ps

Assorted Asssorted A d Varieties Vaarriieettiiees V 24 - 226.5oz. 6.5o 6.55o ozz.

Assorted Varieties oz. Asssorteed A dV Va arieties rieties ieties ettiies es • 122 o oz z.





Pepsi Pepsi Products PPrrodduucctts

Ortega Orrtega Taco TTaacco Sauce SSaaucce

Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties V Vaarieties riieties eties ties ti es 8 Pack Paacckk 122 oz. ozz. Bottles o Bottles Must Mu M usst Buy uyy 2

Daisy Sour Cream Daiissyy SSo D ourr CCre ou ream

Pillsbury PPilllsburryy Cookies CCoookkiies

16 oz. 1 oz. o ozz. TTub ub u bo or 14 14.72 44..72 72 o oz z. Squeeze SSq queeze ez Bottle Bottle

Assorted Asssorted A d Varieties V Vaarieties 16.5 oz. 1166.5 .5 o oz z. C Ch Chub hu ub b

2/$ 2//$ /$

Fiesta FFiieessta ta Flats, FFllat ats, or o Whole Whhhole W olle Wheat W Whheaat Tortillas TToort rtillas illlas

IGA IG GA Pancake PPannccake M Mix ix


5.6 5.6 - 166 oz. ozz. o

Assorted Varieties Asssorteed A dV Va arieties rieties ieties eties tiies es • 2 lb. lb b




99 9




Pepsi Pepsi Products PPrrodduucctts Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties Vaarieties riieties eties ties ti es 2 Liter Lit LLiite itter Must Mu M usst Buy Buyy 4

4/$ 4//$





Ortega Orte rtega Taco TTaacco Shells, SShhellss,

16 16 oz. ozz. o


1 lb. lb and aanndd Honey Hoonneeyy Corn H Coorrn Dogs Doogs D 42.72 4422..72 72 oz o • $5.99. $$55.99. 9999.



2/$ 2/$


Ortega Orrtega O Mild Mild ldd Taco TTaacco Sauce SSaaucce


99 599

2/$ /$


10 1 - 122 ct. ct.




Foster Mini Fost steerr FFarm aarrm M Mi nni or or Regular RReegguullar


Ortega Orte rtega Taco TTaacco Dinner Dinnner D Kits KKiits

1.25 1.2225 oz. ozz. o




3 Pack, Pack ck, 1.25 1..25 25 2 oz. o ozz.

49 4


Ortega Orte rtega Taco TTaacco Seasoning Seasoninng

Single Layer SSinngglle LLa ayeerr Cake CCake k


Ortega Orrtega O Taco TTaacco Seasoning Seasoninng

16 16 oz. ozz. o




Original Orig giin naal • 1 oz. ozz. Pack o Pack

Tyson Bag Tyyssoon B Ba ag Ch CChicken hiiccke ken


12 12 oz. oozz.

Hidden Hid H idd dddeen VValley allle l ey Ranch Dip Mix Raanncchh D Di ipp M Mi ix Swaggerty SSwa waggerrty ty Mild Hot Miild M ldd oorr H ot Sausage Patties Saauussaagge PPat atties


Bar Baar - S Franks B FFra ra n k s

Beef Pork Roast, Beeeef Roast, RRooasstt, PPo ork rk RRo oast st, BBeef eeeef Tips TTiips Assorted Fully Asssorteedd Varieties A Vaarriieettiiees • 2 lb. lb. Average Ave A vera rage Fuullly lyy Cooked Cooke kedd • 15 15 oz. oozz.


Ortega Orrtega Refried RReefffrriieedd Beans B eans

Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties Vaarriieettiiees 16 16 oz. ozz. o



14 28oz. 4-2 8oz oz.

Ky 1/4 Ky LLegend eeggeenndd 1/ / /4 Sliced Ham SSllic iceedd H Ha m


lb. llbb.

12 12 ct. ct

8 oz. ozz. o

99 99

Checkers, Rally’s, Checck Ch k ke ers rs, R Rally ly’s, y ’s Nathan’s Arby’s, Na ath han n’s A Ar rby’s, by ’s Red Robin Re R ed dR Ro ob bi bno or Hidden Valley Hid H idd dd de d en V allle ey Ranch Fries Ra R an ncch F rrie es o or Onion Rings Onio on R Rin ngs

Bar Baar - S Bologna BBoologna


Ortega Orrtega Salsa S alsa

Kraft Philadelphia Cream Kraf aft PPh hillaadde dellpphhia ia CCre Cr ream Cheese Cheese

Assorted Varieties oz. Asssorteed A dV arieties ariieettiies es • 32 32 o oz z.

Armour Armour Meat Meat a Balls B Ballls 144 oz. oz oz. Spicy Arrabbiat and Marinara Spiccyy A Ar rrrabbbbiaat aan ndd M arinarra 20 2 oz. oozz. $4.49 $444. 4.4449

Mini Croissant Miini CCr M roissan ant n

29 429

lb. lbb.

Velveeta Cheese VVeelve llvveeetta t CCh heeeesse he Sugardale SSuugarddalle and anndd Superior SSuupppeerrioorr Hot Hoot Dogs Doogs D

Walnut Creek Waallnnuut CCr reek Swiss Cheese Sw wiisss CCh heeeesse

Post Poost st Cereal CCeerreal IGA IG GA A Pancake PPaanca ncc ke Syrup SSyyrupp Assorted oz. Asssor A orrteed d Varieties Varieties aarriieties eties tiiees • 24 o oz z.

2/$ /$





Coca CCoocca Cola Cola Products PPrrodduucctts

Honey Honey ney eyy Bunches unncchhes ess Of Of Oats Oa Oat atss 13-18 13--118 oz., oozz., Alpha AAllpphha Bits B ts 11 1 oz., oozzz., HoneyComb Ho H HoneyC oneyC neyC eyC yCCoom mbb 12.5 1122.5 oz., oozzz., Cocoa CCooccooa or o Fruity FFruit uity t Pebbles Peebbles bbles bles lees 11 1 oz., oozz., Golden Goolden lden den en Crisp Crisp spp 14.75 144.775 oz., oozz., Raisin RRaaisin isin sin Bran si Br BBra ran 20 2 oz., oozzz., or or Waffle Waafffflflee Crisp Criissp 11.5 11.5 oz. oozz.

IGA IG GA GA Beef Beeeeff Stew SSte teew w 20 2 oz. ozz. o


99 199


2 229

Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties Vaarieties riieties eties ties ti es 2 Liters Lit LLiite ters Must Musst But ut 4

4/$ 4//$


George Jones Geor orgge JJo onnees Mild Hot Roll Mildd oorr H M oot RRo olll Sausage SSaausage

George Jones Georrgge JJo onneees ‘ Bacon Baaccoon B

1 lb. lb

12 12 oz. oozz.


99 99




99 9

Butterball Butt tteerrbbballl TTub ub IGA IGA Turkey Lunchmeats Turkkey ey LLu unchmeaatts Chunk Cheese CChhuunnkk CCh heeeesse Assorted Asssortedd VVarieties A aar arieties riieettiiees • 9 oz. oozz.




Assorted Varieties oz. Asssorted A dV Va arriieettiies es • 8 o oz z.



Coca CCoocca Cola Cola Products PPrrodduucctts

White Whhitte Castle W CCaassttle le Jell-O Cheeseburger Jell--O Cheeseburrggeerr oor Ch Gelatin Gelaattiin oorr PPudding udddinng Hamburgers Hamburrggers Assorted Varieties Pack Asssor A so orted dV Va arieties arrieties ieties ettiies es • 4 P ackk

Tide TTid iddde Laundry Laundr uunndrryy Detergent Detteerrggent enn

Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties Va Vari rieties ieties ties ti 6 Pack Paack ckk 16.9 6..9 oz. o ozz. Bottles Bottles Must Mu M usst Buy uyy 4

16 16 ct. ct

128 228 oz. o ozz.

4/$ 4//$



249 $1069

Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties Vaarieties rieties ieties eties tiies es 46 oz. 4 - 550 o oz z.

IGA IG GA A Bleach Blleeaacchh B






Tuesdays Tuesdays


Get Get a Buck eye Buckeye D iscount Discount










Extra Exxxttrra Large LLarrgge Cheese Pizza CChhheeeesse PPi izza

Meat Meaat Lovers LLooveerrs Pizza PPiz izza zzza

18 18 Inch Inch

Call Call 544-9999


144 Inch IInnchh

99 99

10 1


12 1 99


West Union People’s Defender

Betty R. Toller

Betty R. Toller, 82 years, of Peebles passed away on "Oh Yeah! You know I'm the cutest Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016. She retired from General little puppy on whom you've ever laid She was born in Adams Telephone Company and your eyes. I'm a very sweet, cuddly County on July 5, 1934, was a longtime union stewlittle ball of energy and love. I'm a ardess. She was a member of the daughter of the late Bassett Hound/Beagle mix. the G.T.E. Survivors Club in Charles and Velva If you think you're up for a lifetime (Hazelbaker) Pendell. Portsmouth. commitment, come to the Animal Besides her parents, she is Helen attended Faith Shelter and adopt me. I need you to preceded in death by one Baptist Church in Kenton. love me even when I'm old and fat brother, and her husband She was a member of and grey in the muzzle, because I am Richard Toller, whom Temple Baptist Church in going to give you my whole heart, passed in 2001. Portsmouth, where she parregardless of your age, gender, appearBetty is survived by her ticipated in the S.O.S. ance, or wardrobe. Contact The daughter Anna (Raymond) Missions Circle. Humane Society of Adams County, Caron of Peebles; one Visitation for Helen F. Inc. at (937) 544-8585 to set up a time brother, Ray Pendell of Hoffer was held from 4-7 to come meet me. West Union; two sisters, p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 20, Mary Hansford of 2016 at the Schindewolf"I'm Tedd, I am a shy guy Williamsburg and Carol Stout-Crates Funeral Home but ready to go on some Pendell of Peebles; two in Kenton. adventures when I get to grandchildren, Bobby and The family also received know you. Check out my friends at the Ralph F. Scott Jennifer; and two greatunusual coat, isn't it really grandchildren, James and Funeral Home in cool? Brianna. Portsmouth on Friday, Oct. I am ready to find a loving Graveside services will 21, 2016 from 4:-8 p.m. and home.If you would be interbe held at 2 p.m. on one hour (10-11 a.m.) prior ested in giving me a fur-ever Sunday, Oct. 23, 2016 at to the funeral service on home, please contact The the Locust Grove Saturday, Oct. 22. Funeral Humane Society of Adams services were held at 11 a.m. Cemetery in Peebles. County, Inc. at (937) 544Friends and family may on Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016 at 8585 to set up a time to come call from 1 p.m. until the the funeral home with Rev. meet me and fill out an adopJohn Gowdy officiating and time of the service at the tion application. Wallace Thompson Funeral interment was in the Home in Peebles. Evergreen Cemetery near Peebles. Memorials may be made to the Faith Baptist Church of Kenton Building Fund Ronda L. Thomas, West Dismissed Michelle T. Seitz, and /or the Temple Baptist Union, Speed 69/55, Fine James W. Keyes, Chillicothe, Speed 69/55, Church in Portsmouth, $22, Court Cost $80 Manchester, Seat Belt/Dr, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 S.O.S. Missionary Circle. Kimberly Colon, Fine $30, Court Cost $51 Brittany M. Weber, Cincinnati, Speed 79/60, David L. Tumbleson, W. Batavia, Speed 74/60, Fine Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Portsmouth, Speed 67/55, $42, Court Cost $80 David J. Gross, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 Jameson R. Alkire, Cincinnati, Speed 75/60, Chancy C. Dillow, Blue Cincinnati, Seat Belt/Dr, us to finally write the work, get back to living!" Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Creek, Disorder/Intoxi, Fine Fine $30, Court Cost $51 newspaOne thing I've observed Jennifer A. Miller, $150, Court Cost $70 Katelyn D. Johnson, West per col- during my 20 years as a Batavia, Speed 74/60, Fine Tamara L. Montgomery, Union, Speed 73/60, Fine umn hospice social worker is Peebles, Speed 70/55, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 series that life progresses through $42, Court Cost $80 Rachelle M. Dulan, $22, Court Cost $155 Billy J. Hunt, Hillsboro, we've developmental stages or Jaclyn T. Jones, Blue KY, Seat Belt/Dr, Fine $30, been "seasons", with correspon- Springboro, Speed 84/60, Fine $150, Court Cost $80 Creek, Speed 70/55, Fine Court Cost $51 talking ding questions and chalChristopher S. Skeen, $22, Court Cost $80 about?" lenges. But we typically Covington, KY, Speed I sigh, "What good am I?, 74/60, Fine $42, Court Cost asked "What's the use?", "Who $80 LOREN HARDIN Richard cares?"," What difference Stephen C. Warren, West STRAIGHT PATHS if he does it make?, or" What Union, Speed 67/55, Fine remem- else can I do?" But it's $22, Court Cost $80 bered the song by when we turn our sighs Frederick C. Ellenberger, "Chicago" titled, "Does into questions and earnestCincinnati, Speed 84/60, Anybody Really Know ly seek the answers that we Fine $150, Court Cost $80 What Time It Is?" and then continue to live and move Pete S. Rigdon, Stout, Per we listened to it on forward. Any basketball Disorderly, Dismissed YouTube, "As I was walkcoach will tell you that Stacy E. Shanks, Peebles, ing down the street one games are won in the tranDisorderly/Cond., Fine day; a man came up to me sitions, but it's easy to get $100, Court Cost $124 and asked me what the lost in the transitions isn't Blake Hoop, Peebles, time was that was on my it? Disorderly/Cond., Fine watch and I said; does anyI've come to realize that $150, Court Cost $99 body really know what sometimes it's better to Brandy Stillions, West time it is? Does anybody leave someone with a Union, Disorderly/Cond., really care about time? If question than an answer. Fine $150, Court Cost so I can't imagine why, So I'll leave you with five we've all got time enough that our chaplain, Pete, fre- $124, Special Conditions: Pay in full by 12/15/16 to cry...fly...die." quently presents to our Pete S. Rigdon, Richard and I happen to hospice patients: 1. How is Manchester, DUS/Drug, share the same favorite your relationship with God book of the Bible, right now and how is it "Ecclesiastes", and we affecting how you live simultaneously started your life today? 2. Do you quoting the following pashave a physical or material sage: "For everything there blessing or possession that is a season, and a time for you need to pass on to every purpose under heavsomeone? 3. Is there anyen, a time to be born, and a thing you need to tell or time to die, a time to keep, share with someone; a and a time to cast away. prophetic word, a special He has made everything insight, thought or sentiFamily Owned Since beautiful in its time, for ment, good or bad? 4. Is 1938 there is a time for every there anything nagging at For Your Insurance Needs matter and for every work. you about the past, present (Ecclesiastes 3: 1-17) or future that you need to Contact Us For a Quote Men have been trying to do something about? 5. Is Glenna R. Grooms predict the times, the "last there something you need days" and the "end of to start or finish? time", for centuries but I challenge and encourage Jesus himself said that no you to earnestly seek the man knows the day or the answers to these questions, hour, but we should watch for in doing so you will the signs. (Luke Chapter continue to live until the 21). When Jesus ascended day you die, and more into heaven a crowd stood importantly, you'll be ready 313 E. Main, paralyzed in amazement. when your clock strikes West Union, Ohio 45693 Then an angel appeared midnight. We need to be (937) 544-3123 and the people asked when ready. Jesus would return and the angel said, (paraphrased), Loren Hardin is a hospice "What are you doing social worker at Southern standing here looking up in Ohio Medical Center and the sky. He will return just can be reached at as He said he would". In hardinl@somc.org or at other words, "Get back to 740-356-2525

Helen Faye Hoffer

Helen Faye Hoffer, 86, of Kenton, Ohio, formerly of Portsmouth, passed away at 11 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 17, 2016 at the Kenton Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. She was born in Adams County on June 25, 1930 to the late Merle "Doc" and Cora (Copas) Gordley. On Aug. 2, 1948 in Maysville, Ky., she married Harley Richard "Rich" Hoffer and he preceded her in death on March 10, 2011. Helen is survived by her daughter, Jana (Dennis) Burns of Kenton and grandson, Jonathon Burns of Youngstown. She is preceded in death by her sisters, Oakley Brown, Opal Kidder, Edna Froman and Dorothy Maxam and her brother, Jakey Gordley. Helen was a 1948 graduate of Jefferson High School.

Advertising pays in The People’s Defender!!

But I don’t know what time it is

This is part three of a series about Richard and his wife Marjory. Richard was admitted to hospice for non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver when he was 66. In part one, "It's a wonderful life", we learned that all work is honorable and that any life can be "wonderful" when lived with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, "as unto the Lord". (Colossians 3:1723). In part two, "Accidental or Providential", we learned that, "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." (Proverbs 16:9) Richard enjoyed his work as a staff and sports writer for the Portsmouth Daily Times but his real passion was seeing others come to know Christ Jesus. I've come to respect the way Richard kept working, kept producing, and kept serving through years of illness and suffering. But Richard's body is wearing out and it's beginning to hold him hostage. A couple months ago he shared, "As far as energy, I'm about done for. I've been thinking about whether or not to stop taking my medications. My nurse told me that there will probably come a time when my medications will be like I just didn't take them. I don't know what to do. Is God ready for me to go on or does He still have something for me to do? How do you know when it's time to tell everybody goodbye? I don't know what time it is." So I asked him, "What time does it feel like to you?", and he replied, "I think it's between eleven-thirty and twelve. I can tell a difference. I'm having more pain and I don't have any endurance. But no one has told me its ten minutes to twelve yet. And I believe there is still something I need to do." I suggested, "Richard do you think that maybe one of the things you still need to do is for

Looking for a fur-ever home

Sunday, October 23, 2016 A3


Criminal Traffic Disposition Report



Trunk or Treat Friday, October 28th 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Peebles United Methodist Church 1730 Measley Ridge Rd, Peebles ! " $


For the past 11 years, the Peebles United Methodist Church has had the pleasure of having "Trunk or Treat". Once again, we invite you to join us. Safe and fun for all - trunks with candy and free hotdogs!


A4 West Union People’s Defender

PEOPLE’S DEFENDER 937-544-2391

Tony Adams Publisher tadams@clermontsun.com

Billy Maxfield Sales Manager bmaxfield@newsdemocrat.com

Mark Carpenter Editor/Sports Editor mcarpenter@peoplesdefender.com

Terry Rigdon Advertising trigdon@peoplesdefender.com

Peggy Niswander Advertising pniswander@peoplesdefender.com

Patricia Beech Reporter pbeech@peoplesdefender.com


Community Announcements

Ag Society has Director Opening for Central at Large The Adams County Agricultural Society has a Director opening for Central At Large. A letter of interest with your name, address, and phone number should be mailed to P.O. Box 548 West Union, Ohio 45693 before Nov. 2.

Peebles Foodbank giveaway is Oct. 22 The Peebles Foodbank will hold a food giveaway at 8 a.m. on Oct. 22 at the Church of Christ Outreach Center on Nixon Avenue. This is for Peebles residents only. USDA guidelines apply and ID is required.

Humane Society “HowlO-Ween� is Oct. 22 The Humane Society of Adams County’s “HowlO-Ween� dinner and auction is Saturday, Oct. 22at the GE Employee Park at 1200 Jaybird Road in Peebles, from 5-7 p.m. The cost is $20 a person and includes a dinner from the Scioto Ribber. Call (937) 544-8585 to reserve your tickets.

Venture Productions Board meeting is Oct. 25 Venture Productions will hold its quarterly Board meeting on Oct. 25 at 4

Oct. 27 A regular meeting of the Adams County Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees will be held on Thursday, Oct. 27 at 4:30 p.m. in the Conference Center at 230 Medical Center Drive in Seaman.

p.m. at Venture Productions. Venture Productions Housing Services, Inc. will hold its meeting directly following at approximately 4:30 p.m.

Southern Ohio ESC Board meets Oct. 25 The Southern Ohio Educational Service Center Governing Board will have its regular meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2016 at 7 p.m., at the Southern Ohio Educational Service Center, 39 Willettsville Pike, Hillsboro.

Interfaith House holding free coat and blanket day on Nov. 5 The Interfaith House will be holding a free coat and blanket day for its clients on Saturday, Nov. 5 from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. There is a one blanket limit per household.

Arts Council holding membership dinner Oct. 27 The Adams County Arts Council will be holding a membership dinner on Oct. 27 at the First Presbyterian Church in West Union. Social hour begins at 6:30 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. For more information, contact Sally White at (937) 386-3302.

Hope House sponsoring two new support groups Hope House has announced two new support groups, aimed at helping families dealing with addictions. The Loved Ones Support Group beings on Tuesday, Sept. 27 from 6-7:30 p.m. as an educational support series for family members whose lives have been touched by addiction. Hope Is Rising begins Wednesday, Sept. 28 from 6-7:30 p.m. and is a faith-based support group for individuals seeking to re-claim their lives from addictions. The groups will meet at the Hope House Christian Counseling Center at 24 E. Water Street in Sinking Spring.

ACOVSD Board meeting is Oct. 27 The Adams County Ohio Valley School District Board of Education will hold a board meeting on Thursday, Oct. 27 at the Career and Technical Center beginning at 7 p.m.

COAD4Kids offers childcare services If you are a parent searching for care or an individual interested in providing childcare, COAD 4Kids can help. Call 1-800-577-2276 or locally 740-354-6527 for information about childcare and the free services offered.

Ohio Can meets in Seaman Ohio Can, a non-profit group pro-active in raising money to get the community involved in drug awareness and prevention, will meet on the first Thursday of every month from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Seaman Community Building. The group plans on putting together meaningful events to gather support in Adams County. Snacks and beverages will be provided. For more information, call 937-2171527 or email solaceofadamscounty@gmail.com

Reformers Unanimous to meet The Reformers Unanimous Addiction Recovery Program is held 7 p.m. every Friday at 106 Rice Drive in West Union. For information contact Phil Fulton at 937-5871797 or Ron Baker at 937544-4110.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

who struggle with addictions or any life-controlling issue will meet on Mondays from 6 -8:30 p.m. at Church 180 located at 2556 Moores Road, in Seaman. A program for children (ages 5-12) of parents who attend the program is available as well. For more information contact Dan Sheridan at 937-205-5464 or Carol Sheridan at 513-509-3911.

Solace of Adams County meeting twice a month Solace of Adams County, a local community group that supports individuals who have suffered the loss of a loved one to drugs, will meet on the second and fourth Friday of every month from 6:308:30 p.m. in the second floor Conference Room of the Adams County Regional Medical Center. The group will also provide support to recovering addicts, as well as advocating prevention and bringing awareness into the community. Snacks and beverages will be provided and for more information, call 937-217-1527 or email solaceofadamscounty@gmail.com

Celebrate recovery A Christ-centered recovery program for people

Narcotics Anonymous meeting every Thursday Narcotics Anonymous a 12-step recovery plan, will meet at 7 p.m. on Thursdays at the Holy Trinity Parish at 612 E. Mulberry Street in West Union.

In 1933, the Adams County Historical Society placed a large stone historical marker at the site of Treber Inn located on Zane Trace. Over 83 years it has silently told the story of how Ebenezar Zane marked and cleared the first highway in Ohio in 1796, known as Zane Trace. Soon after the Treber Inn was built to accommodate highway travelers with food, lodging and entertainment. According to Bill Sininger, the present owner of the Treber Inn, the monument was accidentally knocked over several times in the last 83 years. The last time was fatal to the monument. A large corner of the base was shattered beyond repair so that it could not stand upright. Fortunately the damage was covered by insurance.

The Peebles Monument Company secured an identical stone and engraved the information to look just like the original. It now stands in its original location along Route 41 near the Treber Inn. Steve Ryan, owner of the Peebles Monument Company, donated his time and material along with equipment to place the broken stone horizontal rather than upright at the Adams County Historical Society campus. It joins hundreds of other Adams County Historical artifacts for the enlightenment of those who visit the Heritage Center museum. Visitors are encouraged to stop by the museum located just north of the courthouse square on Route 247. It is open each Thursday and Saturday, noon- 4 p.m.

FFA Fruit sales have begun, Historical marker is repaired run until Nov. 18 ACRMC Trustees meet

Amber Dryden Grooms Circulation/Classifieds agrooms@peoplesdefender.com


PEOPLE’S DEFENDER Publishes every Wednesday and Sunday.

Prices are subject to change at any time. Email: info@ peoplesdefender.com

Website: peoplesdefender.com

Business hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Advertising Deadlines Wednesday Edition Classified is Monday at 10 a.m.; Retail/Real Estate/Auction is Monday at noon.

Advertising Deadlines Sunday Edition Classified is Wednesday at 4 p.m.; Retail/Real Estate/Auction is Wednesday at 4 p.m. News deadlines Wednesday Edition Monday 10 a.m. News deadlines Sunday Edition Thursday 9 a.m.

Provided photo

The OVCTC Junior Farm Business Management and Agricultural Mechanics students are pictured here with Lauren Grover, Ohio FFA State Officer.


The Ohio Valley FFA would like to announce that the annual fruit sale has begun. The last day to purchase fruit will be Nov. 18. If you would like to order any fruit call (937)-544-2336, or con-

ducting leadership activities, informing us about FFA updates, and getting to know a little bit about each and every one of us in the FFA chapter. All the FFA members enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to seeing her again at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis.

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Visit us online at

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25 Rice Drive West Union, Ohio 937-544-2391

Commercial Printing available, contact Billy Maxfield at 937-444-3441 or Tony Adams at 800-404-3157.

tact someone you know in the Ohio Valley FFA chapter. The FFA greatly appreciate everyone in the community who purchases fruit from us and provides us with support. Also, a big thank you to Lauren Grover, Ohio FFA State Officer, for coming to the Ohio Valley CTC and spending the day with us con-

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Left to right, T.J. Williams, D. J. Williamson, and Steve Ryan from the Peebles Monument Company.

Veterinarian Feed Directive Programs PES will present ‘Beauty and the Beast’ LOCAL NEWS

West Union People’s Defender

As we near the end of 2016 we near the beginning of the need for more veterinarian services for our livestock. We will need assistance in the form of written documentation from a veterinarian in order to purchase and/or feed any medicated feed. As I have stated in past columns and on the radio, this includes several of the common used feeds. This is for feed, mineral, and water applications. This is not dealing with medication that is injected. The list of things that will require veterinarian paperwork will include, in part, milk replacer, medicated minerals, and crumbles. This has been in the works for some time, and I have discussed it several times in this newspaper, but many people still have a puzzled look on their face when I mention it. Getting the word out on stuff like this can be a challenge. The need to make contact with your veterinarian prior to January is critical. In many cases the local veterinarians have a pretty big list of clients. One thing for sure, these farm visits can’t all happen in a week. I

would suggest you take the opportunity to contact your veterinarian and get the process started as soon as you can. In the meantime we will continue to be involved in training sessions that will give producers the opportunity to listen to the rules and regulations. This will also be an opportunity to ask questions and find out how these changes will impact your operation so you can take the steps you need to and not be caught off guard six months from now. There will be more added to this list in the coming weeks, but here is what I am aware of at this point.

Sunday, October 23, 2016 A5

Cherry Fork Farm Supply will have an informational dinner on Nov. 15. Master Feed Mill in Hillsboro is working on a date. I have talked to others, but the dates and times are not available just yet. I will continue to list these as they become available. In the meantime I will be traveling to the Ohio Department of Agriculture on Nov. 10 for training on the latest details about the rules and regulations. Hopefully this will not be as big of a deal as it seems. It will require more planning and definitely more record keeping, but that is not always a bad thing.

Provided photo

Here are the cast members for the Peebles Elementary spring 2017 presentation of “Beauty and the Beast.” Maggie Newman viewpoint emphasizing that This year Peebles Carter Vogler beauty is internal, not exterElementary will be presentLights: nal. ing Walt Disney’s “Beauty McKenzie Richendollar PES hopes that everyone and the Beast, Jr.” This play Trinity Ewing is a type of drama that tells a in our community and those story through songs, dances, surrounding will mark the date on their calendars. The and dialogue. Issues with Deer Losses in performance is scheduled for Curriculum Connections Southern Ohio March 31 at 7 p.m. at to this play are arts-integraPeebles Elementary. tion lesson plans that comThe disease is Epizootic The Cast bine theater with other subHemorrhagic Disease (EHD) jects, including English Sarah Gabel (Belle) and it often shows up during Language Arts, Social Michael Hudgel (Beast) drought like conditions. I Mason Sims (Gaston) Studies, Science and Visual have also been told by the Bransyn Hopkins (Lefou) Arts. PES physical educaOhio Department of tion teacher Dana Johnson is Annymae Cluxton Agriculture that there are (Mrs. Potts) leading this project and is vaccines available. At this Chloe Wesley (Chip) excited about the educationpoint I am still looking for Hayden Crum (Lumiere) al and social opportunities it more details and can provide will provide to the students Evan Day (Cogsworth more information in the near involved. Patricia Beech Clock) People’s Defender future. Grace Robertson (Babette) During the month of Darby Mills (Madame) September, auditions were Polly Spiller is pictured Carrigan Smith (Narrator) held and approximately 40 here at PES with the two Luke Sumpter (Narrator) students were provided a certificates of appreciation Vanessa Trotter (Teacher cast or crew role. In addishe received for her recent fever or body aches for a day tion to the cast and crew, Assistant) actions in saving a PES or two after receiving the Brilee Brown (Silly Girl) about 50 fourth grade stustudent who was choking. vaccination. While many dents are participating in the Kara Riley (Silly Girl) may claim otherwise, you choir that will sing songs for Katie Lewis (Silly Girl) cannot get the flu from an the production. The Peebles Seth Mitchell(Monsieur influenza vaccination. In sci- High School band is also D'Arque) From page A1 entific studies where some Jaida Rollins (Stage performing at the beginning people received the flu shot student finally coughed up Assistant) and end of the play. and others saltwater shots, the obstruction.” Tori Lloyd (Rug) The production of this the only difference in symp- drama is made possible by Following the incident, Wolves: toms was increased soreness the cooperation of many Principal Lamb presented Dallas Wilkinson and redness as the injection Spiller with a certificate of Chris Steed organizations, businesses, site among people who thanks. “She used her trainBen Carrington and individuals. Many area received the flu shot. There ing and knowledge to save a Village People businesses donate monetariwas no difference in reports life,” said Lamb. “She Chelsea Kingsland ly and many volunteers will of body aches, fever, cough, assessed the situation and be charged with ensuring the Cassidi Newman or sore throats between the reacted in an appropriate and success of the play. Without Karlie Wolford two groups. timely manner.” Darby Mills the help of our community, Unfortunately, the influen- the production would not be While Spiller appreciates Abby Doss za vaccine is not perfect and possible. the recognition she's Grace Culberson people can still get sick with received, she says her actions Jadan Abbott The school is excited flu symptoms after receiving about its second annual were just part of her job as a Ben Carrington the vaccine. Sometimes the teacher. Dallas WIlkinson school drama (Cinderalla experts guess wrong and a “Teachers wear many hats Chris Steed was presented in 2015-16). flu virus is circulating that - this is just one of them,” Rylee Barr It is a timeless tale through wasn’t included in that year’s which students are not only she says. “Anyone else Elizabeth Gerth vaccine. The vaccine will not learning historical backwould have done the same MaRhea Unger protect against the many non- ground but also the ethical thing.” Madison Newman influenza viruses that cause flu-like illness, although research suggests that those who receive the flu vaccine tend to have fewer such illnesses and colds than those who do not get vaccinated. Flu shots and more information about influenza are available at the Adams County Health Department.

Flu shots really do work

Influenza can do more than make you feel miserable. Complications of influenza include pneumonia, sinusitis, and worsening of chronic health problems, often seriously. Thousands of people die every year in the United States from complications of influenza. Those at greatest risk of serious complications include young children, pregnant women, people with chronic health conditions like asthma, heart disease, and diabetes, and people 65 years of age and older. Some influenza viruses tend to cause more serious illness in young healthy people, sometimes even leading to death. Fortunately, safe and effective vaccines are available to prevent influenza infection or lessen its severity. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the use of injectable influenza vaccines during the 2016-2017 flu season. The nasal spray flu vaccine will not be available this year due to concerns that it wasn’t as effective as injectable vaccines in past years. The flu vaccine will protect against two influenza type A viruses and either one


William Hablitzel

Adams Co. Health Commissioner

type B virus (trivalent) or two type B viruses (quadrivalent). The viruses selected for this year’s flu vaccines are those that experts have predicted will be circulating in the country this year. Everyone six months of age and older should receive an influenza vaccine every year. Infants less than six months of age are too young to receive the vaccine. They are best protected by making certain everyone who cares for them have been vaccinated. The most common side effects from the influenza vaccine are soreness, redness, or swelling where the injection was given. Some people may develop a low grade


From Page A1

involve direct participation from community members. “This was a dream we had when we were building the library,” said Karen Hughes, President of the FNAL. “To build a memorial to honor our military people - past and present, and to give our community the opportunity to honor and respect them.” Community members may purchase the bricks for $20 each, inscriptions included. Each brick is inscribed with a veteran's name, branch of service, and years of service. Veterans deceased or living are eligible. Applications for the bricks are available at the North Adams Library. The memorial was part of the library's original building plans, but when the library was completed in 2013, the design for the memorial project had not been finalized. “When they were building the library we were focused on putting the flag pole right out front because we had this project in mind,” said Hughes. “It has taken us a couple years to find the right people to lay the bricks, but

Patricia Beech | People’s Defender

The brick memorials in front of the North Adams Library with the gold stars signify a veteran who was killed in battle. we found the right people at event, “What makes America the right time, at the right great are the people who are place, and they did a beauti- willing to take personal ful job. responsibility for the freedom Justin and John Michael of their neighbor, and the designed the pattern and laid freedom of their nation.” the memorial's 400 bricks. Johnson, who served in the Steve Ryan of Ryan's military from 1994-97 said, Monuments in Peebles pro“It is an honor to be counted vides the engravings. Bricks among them. They put their bearing a gold star signify lives on the line so that we soldiers killed in action. can have freedom, and they “It is just a beautiful thing did it for little pay, and someto see,” said Hughes, “The times no recognition. There children, grandchildren, and are those who have given the great-grandchildren of veter- last full measure of devotion ans will be able to come here on the battlefield. We should and see this tribute, and these honor their sacrifices by livveterans will always be ing the best lives we can.” remembered.” The Friends of the North Pastor Chris Johnson from Adams Library is a volunteer the Winchester Church of organization that raises funds Christ in Christian Union told and provides extra services those assembled for the for our library.

Planting bulbs in the fall will pay off later A6 West Union People’s Defender


If thinking about the end of summer is getting you down, it’s time to plan and plant your spring

flowering bulb show. Autumn is the time to plant crocus, daffodils, tulips and many other spring bloomers. Don’t be like me and skip the fall bulb planting, only to regret it in the spring.

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Sunday, October 23, 2016


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We all know that the fall chores are daunting, but taking a few hours to plant some bu lbs will bring a smile to your face next spring. Do you remember where your daffodils are planted? Have you made notes in your garden journal? If the answer is “No”, get that journal out when you start planting new bulbs. Spring flowering bulbs are planted in the fall to allow them to establish roots before top growth begins in spring. Planting too early may cause the bulbs to sprout this fall, only to be killed back by winter weather. Planting too late may not give the bulbs adequate time to root before winter. Bulbs should be planted in late September through October. Fall planting also ensures adequate chilling of the bulbs to promote flower bud initiation. Most species require 10 – 12 weeks of storage at 40 – 50 degrees F. According to a Purdue Extension fall newsletter, “Start your bulb garden out on the right path by

planting only quality bulbs available from local garden centers or reputable online/email order sources. It’s best to shop early to ensure the best selection of variety and quality. Select large, firm bulbs, and avoid those that are sprouting or molding.” “While many bulbs adapt to a wide range of soil types, none can tolerate poorly drained soil. Prepare the planting bed by adding organic matter, such as p eat moss, wellrotted manure or compost. Depending on the specific site conditions, you may or may not need to add additional fertilizer. A soil test ahead of planting will determine needs for that site. Mix all amendments thoroughly with the soil in the bed before you plant the bulbs.” The size of the bulb and the species will dictate the proper planting depth and spacing, generally the depth should be appro ximately 2.5 – 3 times the diameter of the bulb at its widest. Purchased bulbs should come with planting instructions.

Daffodil Bulbs

Twenty-two years ago I planted 125 tulip bulbs in a new flower bed in our front yard. The following spring, I had a huge showing of maybe 15 tulips blooming. The 25 daffodil bulbs I had planted as an “after thought” bloomed their little hearts out. When I head out to plant my daffodil bulbs I make a trip to the barn to grab the cordless drill and my bulb “auger”. I love to see the daffodils popping up along the tree line and sometimes to my husband’s dismay, I plant some out in the grass

under some trees. He has finally accepted that fact that he can’t mow them down the day after the bloom fades. Are you raking leaves? We worked for several hours raking, blowing, and shredding leaves and laughed (or cried) as we looked up and saw all the leaves still left on the trees. The snow fence is back up around the Bald Cypress tree in the lower yard to fend off rubbing bucks. I am sure that old “Baldy” is sleeping better tonight knowing he is protected.

Oct. 14, 2016

judgment entry filed. Obligor shall appear for hearing on 12/15/16 at 8:30 a.m. Capias for arrest shall issue if defendant fails to appear. Stephanie Davis-Steward vs Michael Steward, Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s order filed. Obligor shall appear for hearing on 11/3/16 at 2:15 p.m. Capias for arrest shall issue if defendant fails to appear. Robin Renee Neal vs Teddy Ray Neal, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order Filed. (The magistrate orders that the agreed upon status of the parties and children remain until there are hearings regarding the issues.) Chasity Crothers vs Michael Crothers, Judgment Entry: Notice of hearing and order to appear filed. (Hearing on failure to pay support set for 11/8/16 at 8:30 a.m.) Suzie Marie Boggs vs Michael Boggs, Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s order filed. Obligor shall appear for hearing on 11/3/16 at 12:15 p.m. Capias for arrest shall issue if defendant fails to appear. Jennifer A. McCullah vs Jordan M. Applegate, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. On it’s own motion the court orders counsel and parties to appear on October 27, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. No continuances will be granted. Kaden D. Miller vs Joseph W. Casey, Judgment Entry: Entry Filed. (Motion of defendant and for good cause shown, the court hereby continues and the pretrial currently set for 10/11/16 at 1 p.m. to 11/23/16 at 2 p.m.) Lois A. Evans vs Harvie W. Evans, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Upon motion to dismiss due to lack of jurisdiction filed by defendants counsel, matter is set for telephone conference on 10/27/16 at 1 p.m. Defendants counsel is instructed to call Plaintiffs counsel, then conference the court.)

Adams County Common Pleas Court Report

Adams County Township Trustees and Fiscal Officers Association Banquet November 4, 2016 Cherry Fork Gym

Domestic Relations Division Robert Tipton vs Elizabeth Renee Tipton, Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s Order Filed. (Obligor in contempt as first offender and suspended the resulting thirty day sentence in jail. Obligor shall appear for hearing on 12/15/16 at 10:30 a.m.) Leann N. Jones vs Brian K. Jones, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order Filed. (Motion of plaintiffs counsel, for good cause shown, court hereby continues hearing currently set for 10/31/16 at 1 p.m. to 12/21/16 at 1 p.m.) Melinda Zimmerman vs Rodney Zimmerman, Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s decision and

Social Hour: 6:30 p.m. Dinner at 7:00 p.m. RSVP: Brenda Emery (937)902-7711

Thanks to everyone who helped me celebrate my 90th birthday which was October 2nd. I am blessed to have such wonderful friends & family who showered me with cards, letters, phone calls, visits, & flowers. My birthday supper & the pizza party was delicious and enjoyable. I love you all, Gladys Copas

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, YWCA Greater Cincinnati can help! For safety and support, shelter options and legal advocacy call any of the numbers below.

Brown Co. Office 937.378.61.4 x135 Adams Co. Office 937.544.6000 24 hour hotline 800.540.4764 Like us on Facebook at “YWCA of Brown and Adams County”


• An estimated 15.5 million children live in households where domestic violence has occurred within the past year.

• Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crimes.

• One in three women and one in four men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.

• 9.4% of women in the United States have been raped by an intimate partner in their lifetime.

• Homicide is the 2nd leasing cause of death to pregnant women.


October 29, 2016 12:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Franklin Twp. Fire House in Locust Grove

Cake Auction at 6:00 p.m. Door Prizes

• In domestic violence homicides, women are six times more likely to be killed when there is a gun in the house.

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West Union People’s Defender

Sunday, October 23, 2016 A7

follow the A, B, C’s of Safety for a fun and happy Halloween!

Safety A - Z Always carry a bright flashlight to light your way.



Be polite, and say “ThankYou!”

Serving You For 125 Years

The Gingerbread House Daycare

Stay on the sidewalk.


• Georgetown - 115 N. Main St., Georgetown, OH 45121 • 937-378-4124 • Ripley - 252 S. Second St., Ripley, OH 45167 • 937-392-4600 • Owensville - 235 W. Main St., Owensville, OH 45160 • 513-732-2600

John Wood Insurance Agency Inc.

155 North Point Drive. Mt Orab 45154




If there isn’t a sidewalk, stay to the left side of the road.

937-444-3347 or 513-293-0514


Stay Safe Trick or Treating! Don’t keep your mask on when walking between houses.


937-378-6853 852 Mt. Orab Pike Ste. B, Georgetown, OH 45121

Avoid houses without lights on.



Have A Safe and Happy Halloween!

14907 US Hwy 68, Mt. Orab, Ohio 45154 Fax: 937-444-0561


3 Locations:

406 W. Main Street, Mt. Orab, Ohio



Do not wear rollerblades or use a skateboard.

Wear comfortable walking shoes.

DARYLL GR AY Fire/EMS 107 Spice St., Mt. Orab, Ohio



Police Department 211 South High St., Mt. Orab, Ohio

Carry weapons that flex, and avoid those made of hard plastic or with sharp points.

John and Lori Godby We would like to thank all our loyal customers for a great season! Come see us through mid November, looking forward to next season, have a blessed winter! Find us at the Home Place! Daily, with Fresh, locally grown produce. 7771 US Hwy. 68, Georgetown, Oh 937-690-9082 * 937-378-3400

Don’t take dogs or cats, even if they are dressed up, with your trick or treating group.

Have a Safe and Happy Halloween!



Paid for by The Committee To Elect Daryll Gray Commissioner, Ed Wood Treasurer, 429 N. Main St., Georgetown, Oh 45121


Chicken Hollow Produce and Greenhouse




Don’t pet animals tonight, you will probably eat some candy before washing your hands.

Have a Safe and Happy Halloween!




Look both ways before crossing a road.

Have a Safe and Happy Halloween!




Make sure to eat a good dinner before trick or treating, you will need your energy.


Paid for by Ralph Jennings - 8061 Love Road Hamersville, OH 45130


Don’t eat too much candy tonight, it is all yours, you have plenty of time!

Trick or Treat at the Villa! Friday Oct. 28th 6pm-8pm! 665 E. Main St., Mt. Orab, OH

1-800-523-4716 or 937-444-2555

8065 Dr. Faul Rd. • Georgetown Ohio 45121

M - F 8-7 • Sat. 8-5 • Sun. 9-4

(937) 378-4178

Like us on facebook

follow the footprints to more of our

A to Z Halloween Safety Tips!


A8 West Union People’s Defender

Sunday, October 23, 2016

follow the A, B, C’s of Safety for a fun and happy Halloween!

Safety A - Z O

Always keep a fully charged cell phone with the group in case of emergency.

RHK Motors 5249 State Rte 125, West Union

937 544-4106


Always stay in the group, remembering to walk single file if on a street with no sidewalk.


Plan your route and share it with your family. If possible, have an adult go with you.

BLAKE PHARMACY West Union, Peebles, Manchester

(937) 544-2451


Always carry a spare candy bag or pumpkin, just incase yours breaks.

JOLLY'S AUTO SALES Family Owned and Operated Since 1977

(937) 544-3428




Cross the street only at corners.

Don’t hide or cross the street between parked cars.


Shupert's Tire Trester Auto Parts 136 Lick Run Rd, West Union

(937) 544-2031

995 Highway 28 (1 mile north of 275) Milford, Ohio PHONE:

(513) 831-9141


Use face paint rather than masks or things that will cover your eyes.

FRANKLIN DENTAL CARE 15 Shaker Run Road, Peebles

(937) 587-3903


Accept your treats at the door and never go into a stranger’s house.


Remember, small, hard pieces of candy are a choking hazard for young children.


Barry’s Chevrolet 11380 State Rte 41, West Union

MEEKER FUNERAL HOME (937)544-2133 • (937)377-4182




Don’t eat candy if the package ls already opened.

213 W. Main Street, West Union

Yester Years Home Primitives

(937) 544-5505


Insurance Exchange


Use a light stick instead of a wick! Candles used in pumpkins are a fire hazard.


Wear light-colored or reflective-type clothing so you are more visible.


100 Eckmansville Rd, West Union 3019a St. Rt. 125, Bethel, OH 45106 • Business • Auto • Home • Life •


Follow our steps for a safe and fun-filled Halloween!

Sports B1


Dryden’s Den: Week 7 in the NFL

Last Week: 9-6 Season: 47-45 TNF: Chicago at Green Bay – Brian Hoyer has played well but it has not resulted in touchdowns nor wins. Somehow, the same could be said for Aaron Rodgers and the Packers. Old rivals will go at it – the Packers offense finally gets on track. GB 31 CHI 20 New York Giants at Los Angeles – Both teams need a win to stay in divisional races. Case Keenum is still holding down the starting quarterback position, he plays well versus Scott Dryden a susGuest pect Columnist Giants

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Lady Devils will collect fourth consecutive SHAC gold ball trophy

North Adams volleyball again perfect in conference play BY MARK CARPENTER PEOPLE'S DEFENDER

never lost a conference match. Four years ago, we had some holes on offense and defense but my seniors and juniors have worked really hard in their off seasons and now we are a solid team.” “Three years ago, we played several five-set matches in the conference and now this year, we don't even lose a set.” The Lady Devils wrapped up their undefeated 2016 conference schedule on Oct. 13 with a dominant win at home over the Ripley Lady Jays, 25-5, 25-5, and 25-8. With that victory, the North Adams girls extended a streak that has them not losing a conference match since the 2012 season. Seniors Maddie Toole and Madison Jenkins went their entire high school careers without losing an SHAC match.

It is a streak unparalleled in the annals of Southern Hills Athletic Conference volleyball. For the fourth consecutive season, the North Adams Lady Devils will be collecting the prestigious gold ball trophy, given to teams who finish their conference schedule undefeated. For Coach Katie Ragan and her girls, not only was the 2016 season an unbeaten one in the SHAC, but the Lady Devils did not even lose a set to a conference opponent, going 13-0 and winning all 13 in straight sets, a pretty amazing feat in itself. defense. LA 23 NYG 17 “Our program has New Orleans at Kansas City – Drew Brees is hum- improved so much in the ming. The old veteran sig- last four years,” said Coach Ragan. “It is nal-caller is playing at a amazing to think that all very high level. The Saints’ defense on the other of my current roster have hand is subpar. The Chiefs are built on the defensive side of the ball. They will pound the football on the ground and unleash their fierce pass rush. KC 27 NO 24 Indianapolis at Tennessee – Colts owner Jim Irsay messed up in a bad way by retaining General Manager Ryan Grigson. Certainly Head Coach Chuck Pagano deserves some of the blame, but Grigson has severely stunted a team that had championship potential. The young Titans on the other hand are playing old school football. Luck will run for his life and keep it close, but the running game of Tennessee will be the difference. TEN 27 IND 23 Minnesota at Philadelphia – Certainly a marquee match up just based on their records and quality of the teams. The return of Sam Bradford to Philly will raise the ante and no doubt the ire of Eagles fans. On the field, the suspension of Lane Johnson was a big blow to a Philly offense that was moving the ball with ease. His absence was noticeable last week in a loss to Photo by Wade Linville Washington. Carson Wentz Here is your 2016 SHAC Varsity Boys Crosswill make some plays but the Vikings defense is the Country champion, Matt Seas of Peebles High difference. MIN 23 PHI School. 17 Cleveland at Cincinnati – Hue Jackson returns to Cincinnati to face his good friend Marvin Lewis. While most are counting the Bengals out of the division, the injury to Ben Roethlisberger means they are certainly still in conschool record book as a tention. Cody Kessler will BY MARK CARPENTER hat trick by Lakyn Hupp play well, the Browns will PEOPLE'S DEFENDER gave her 25 goals on the play hard but the number season, breaking a record of injuries will be too much Another successful seathat she shared last year to overcome. Andy Dalton son will continue for with the graduated Cati has a big day. CIN 27 Coach Dave D'Avignon CLE 17 and his North Adams Lady Butler. The three goals also gave Hupp 58 for her Washington at Detroit – Devils soccer squad as career, which is another The Skins have bounced they captured their second NAHS record, which she back nicely behind consecutive Division III will continue to add to in improved play by quartersectional championship her senior year in 2017. back Kirk Cousins. They with a 6-0 win over the The win was also another find themselves in the thick Piketon Lady Redstreaks shutout for goalie Madee of a very competitive NFC on Tuesday, Oct. 18 on Shipley, her 10th of the East race. The Lions have their home field in surprised most sitting at 3- Seaman. The Lady Devils season, extending her own record. 3. In a tight game, had concluded their reguThe first half of the secMatthew Stafford pulls out lar season the previous another home victory. week with another 6-0 win tional final contest was a struggle for the Lady DET 31 WASH 27 over Piketon, but the tourDevils and the only score Oakland at Jacksonville nament match up proved of the half was certainly a to be a bit tougher, if only – The Raiders were on a for awhile. The North Adams girls See Lady Devils / B2 See NFL Picks / B3 continue to shatter the

NAHS girls claim soccer sectional title District semi-finals up next

Provided photo

For the fourth consecutive season, the North Adams Lady Devils volleyball squad will receive the golf ball trophy for going undefeated in the Southern Hills Athletic Conference. They are pictured here after defeating Ripley for their 52nd consecutive victory. Front row, from left, Sydney Kendall, Adison Wright, Maddie Toole, Abbi Stacy, and Brooklyn Stout; Back row, from left, Courtney Brown, Abby Campton, Madison Jenkins, Avery Harper, Charlee Louden, and Desirae Ison. “We just have a really good group of girls,” says Coach Ragan. “They are excellent students, give their time to help others, and I have been privileged to work with them. We defeated some teams that we have never beaten before and have our fourth gold ball. However, we have more goals to achieve before we are done.”

Those goals are for the postseason as the Lady Devils finished their regular season with a record of 19-3, with their only losses coming to Portsmouth Notre Dame, Huntington Ross, and Portsmouth City. North Adams will begin postseason play as a number three seed in Division III in the Southeast District on Saturday, Oct. 22, when

they will host fellow SHAC member Eastern Brown, who are seeded sixth. A win there earns the Lady Devils a sectional championship and a trip to district semi-final play on Oct. 25 in Waverly, facing a likely match up with number two seeded Southeastern, a team that North Adams beat in five sets very early in the 2016 season.

Seas siblings are SHAC Cross-Country champions Pennywitt breaks MHS school record for third time this season in HS Boys race BY MARK CARPENTER PEOPLE'S DEFENDER The 2016 Southern Hills Athletic Conference is in the books, and runners from the four Adams County schools represented them quite well in the Oct. 15 meet held on the course at Ripley High School. The county produced champions in the two high school races, with Matt Seas taking the boys race and sister Jenny Seas winning the girls. Also in the high school boys race, Manchester's Ethan Pennywitt broke the school record for the third time this season, in just his junior year. In the high school girls race consisting of 53 runners, it was a “no contest” as Jenny Seas blew away the competition with her time of 18:01.5, nearly two minutes faster than the second place finisher, Fairfield's Ciara Colwell (20:02.1). The top 15 runners in the SHAC race are recognized with AllConference honors and besides Seas, six more county girls finished in the top 15. West Union's Anna Shupert was fifth (21:30.7), Manchester's Shyanne Tucker sixth (21:45.2), Peebles' Abby Faulkner 10th (22:26.7), Manchester's Kelsey Friend 11th (22:28.0), Manchester's Billie Kinhalt 14th (22:37.2), and Peebles' Alisan Behr 15th (22:51.4). For the past three season, the high school girls team title went to Manchester, but that string was broken last week by the Fairfield Lady Lions, with the Lady Hounds placing third. It was a good day overall for the teams from Fairfield, as they won the team titles for the high school girls, high school boys, and junior high boys.

The runners from Adams County had a little tougher time cracking the top 15 in the high school boys race, but the county has a champion in Matt Seas, who won the race of 89 runners in a time of 16:14.3. Manchester's Pennywitt continued his record-breaking junior season, again breaking his own school record and placing fourth with a time of 16:55.8. Fairfield placed eight runners in the top 15, not leaving much room for any others, and the only other countian to earn All-Conference honors was Manchester's Jamie Combs who grabbed the 15th spot with a time of 17:54.6. With their monopoly on

the top 15, Fairfield easily won the high school boys team championship, with Manchester finishing third and West Union fourth. The SHAC also had their junior high races in Ripley last Saturday and in the junior high boys event, the top county finisher was Trenton McCann from North Adams, who finished fourth out of 81 runner in a time of 11:29. Manchester's Denton White was seventh at 11:32 and West Union's Braxton Blanton placed 13th in a time of 11:54. As it has been all season, the junior high girls race was another battle between Manchester's Mckenzie Morrison and Peebles' Katy Seas. This time the battle went to Morrison, who captured the SHAC title with a first-place time of 11:51,

See SHAC / B2

Photo by Michelle Bilyeu

Manchester’s Mckenzie Morrison is the 2016 SHAC Junior High Girls champion, winning last Saturday’s race in a time of 11:51.

Lady Hounds ousted in sectional tourney opener B2 West Union People’s Defender



Sunday, October 23, 2016

SPORTS EDITOR’S NOTE: Each week, The People’s Defender will profile an Adams County senior student/athlete so our community and readers can get to know better these outstanding young people who participate both in athletics and academics in their high school. NAME: Landon Wright

SCHOOL: North Adams High School PARENTS: Terry and Debra Rigdon SPORTS PLAYED IN HIGH SCHOOL: Track, Cross-Country, Football FAVORITE SPORT: Track

FAVORITE THING ABOUT HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS: I love the Mark Carpenter | People’ Defender competition and always Manchester’s Gabi Lainhart goes up at the net for a kill attempt during action trying to win

from the Oct. 17 Div. IV sectional tournament game last Monday in Manchester. BY MARK CARPENTER PEOPLE'S DEFENDER

What began as a promising evening for the Manchester Lady Greyhounds volleyball squad on Monday evening turned out to be anything but that as the Lady Hounds hosted the Whiteoak Lady Wildcats in the opening round of the Southeast District Division IV sectional tournament. The Lady Hounds dominated the first set of play and looked poised to have an easy run to the sectional finals, before the Lady Cats had their say in the matter. After losing the first set 25-12, the Lady Cats stormed back to twin the next three, 25-23, 2520, and 25-10, to shock the assembled Manchester faithful and make their advance in the sectional tournament instead of the host Lady Hounds. In set number one, the home team used the strong serving of McKinlee Grooms, Abby McFarland, and Aaliyah Smith to race out to a quick 18-6 advantage. The Lady Cats rallied but a series of service points by Manchester senior Cassie Campbell led the Lady Hounds to a 2311 lead. Two points later, a well-placed tip by McFarland gave the home team the first set 25-12, and they looked to be in full control. The second started well for Manchester but the Lady Cats grabbed a lead on the serves of Lexi Jones. A kill by Katie Sandlin brought the hosts closer and then Sandlin stepped to the service line

Lady Devils From page B1

unique one. With 6:11 to go, the Lady Redstreaks were called for a handball in the box, giving the Lady Devils the penalty kick. Coach D'Avignon made an interesting choice, pulling Shipley from the goal on the other end of the field to take the kick and she did the job, driving it home for her first goal of the season and a 1-0 halftime advantage for the home team. “That's the first time I have ever seen a goalkeeper take a penalty kick during the regular course of a game, but it was no fluke,” said Coach D'Avignon. “The whole team has been practicing penalty kicks to prepare for a possible tournament tie-breaker and Madee knows what she's doing. The whole team loved it.” “The whole first half Piketon bunkered all 11 players in front of their goal and it was difficult for us to get a clear shot. With Madee's goal, they had to come out and play offense which opened up the space for our girls to exploit, so the second half was a different story.” As the men from Monty Python might say, the sec-

and reeled off six straight to put her team in front 12-7. The Lady Hounds kept that lead though the middle of the set, going up 19-13 on a pair of service points from Campbell, forcing a Whiteoak timeout. A service ace by Grooms made it 21-14 Manchester, but then the proverbial roof caved in on the home side. Whiteoak's Jones again stepped up to the service line and by the time she was finished, a sevenpoint deficit for the Lady Cats had turned into a two-point lead at 23-21. The Lady Hounds regained their composure to tie the set at 23 on an ace by Hannah Grimes, but the Lady Cats claimed the set's final two points and took the second set 25-23. The Lady Cats carried the momentum of the second set win over into the third set, jumping in front 6-1 on five service points from Macy Knoblach. That forced Manchester head coach Kaci Compton to use a timeout and it worked as her squad rallied, again behind the serves of Grooms and a McFarland kill, to trail just 6-5. Back came Whiteoak to take six of the next eight points to stretch their lead out to 12-7 and a pair of points off serve from Gabrille Tebo gave the visitors a 15-8 advantage. The Lady Cats continued to extend their lead, going up 18-9, before Campbell again stepped up to serve for the home team, and fired off two aces in a six-point run that

ond half was “something completely different”, and it began less than three minutes in when senior Kitasha Mesmer was in the right spot to score off a shot on goal from Hupp. Nine minutes later it was 3-0 when Hupp took a ball that bounced high off a Piketon player and headed it into the net for her record-breaking 56th career goal, but she was not nearly finished. Three minutes later, Hupp found the net again, as the ball went from fullback Mary Sonner back to Shipley, ahead to Taylor Hesler, further upfield to Abby Shupert, who sent it to Hupp, who juked two defenders for a shot that was stopped by the Piketon goalie, but Hupp was right there to score on the rebound to make it 40. With 22:22 left to play, Hupp finished off her hat trick with an unassisted goal from about 20 yards away and then the final goal of the game was the first of the season for Cloie Vance, who tapped home a nice centering pass from Kaitlyn Shreffler to account for the 6-0 final and another sectional title for the Lady Devils., who now stand at 12-2-3. “I can get used to these

LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS: Giving it your all and still coming up short sometimes

MOST MEMORABLE HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS MOMENT: After playing Manchester in football, both teams met on the field and

Mark Carpenter | People’ Defender

Macy Huron steps up to serve for the Lady Hounds during the sectional tourney opener at Manchester High School on Oct. 17. brought her team back to within 18-15. That run just stirred up the fire in the Lady Cats and they reeled off five straight to go up 23-15, before the Lady Hounds fought back on the serves of Macy Huron to make it 24-20, but when a Manchester return was long on the next volley, the Lady Cats had taken a two sets to one lead in the match. Now with their backs against the wall and facing the end of their season, the Lady Hounds got off to a very rough start in the fourth set and never recovered. Again it was Jones for Whiteoak dominating at the service line as she

scored six in a row to give her team an 11-2 lead and they never looked back. Leading later 19-6, Whiteoak freshman Bayley Carey rattled off three consecutive aces to put her team of the verge of victory. Three service points from Campbell kept the lady Hounds alive, but the final two points of the set went to the Lady Cats and the 25-10 win gave them the match three sets to one and moved them on to the Division IV sectional championship game. The Lady Hounds' loss saw their season end at 614, the first season for Compton as head coach. It also was the final match of the careers for seniors Cassie Campbell and Hannah Grimes. “The first year as head coach was challenging, but so rewarding,” said Compton. “I was blessed with an amazing group of young women-especially our two seniors. We clearly had a bumpy ride throughout the year, but their commitment to each other and the sport made it all worth it. I think we laid the groundwork for better seasons to come.” “Our two seniors led the team in every practice and every match. They both gave everything they had to our team and I know the rest of the girls appreciated it.”

Landon Wright

prayed together



close 2-1 defeat. They will meet again in a district semi-final on Oct. 26 at Waverly High School. The game is set to kick off at 7 p.m. A win there will send North Adams to the district championship game on Oct. 29, likely facing number one seeded Wheelersburg, a team the Lady Devils battled to a tie on Oct. 8.

FAVORITE RESTAURANT: Any place with bacon

WOULD LOVE TO TRADE PLACES FOR A DAY WITH: Nobody, I love my life the way it is. FUTURE PLANS: Serving in the US Army as an 11 Bravo Infantryman COMING NEXT WEDNESDAY: Brittany Lloyd from Peebles High School

Lady Dragons make school history with tournament win FAVORITE SPARE TIME

Photo by Jamie Puckett

West Union’s Emilee Davis celebrates her goal that gave the Lady Dragons a 1-0 win over Northwest, the first tournament win in girls’ soccer in WUHS history. BY MARK CARPENTER PEOPLE'S DEFENDER

Monday, Oct. 17 turned out to be a historic day for the West Union girls soccer program, one that the members of this year's squad will not soon forget. Winning three games in a season may not be impressive to some, but the 2016 Lady Dragons have set a record for wins in a season and even better, on Monday they did something no other team before them had done-win a sectional tournament game. West Union was a number eight seed on the bracket and was matched up to host number nine seed Northwest, a team whose only win this season came in a 6-1 triumph over the Lady Dragons, but this time was going to be quite the opposite. “My pregame talk with the girls on Monday was a little different,” said West Union head coach Kevin Hunter. “We reflected on our season and the memoMark Carpenter | People’s Defender ries we had made, the obstacles we were faced North Adams’ Jessica Woodall, left, chases the ball with, and the challenges upfield with an intense Piketon defender on her heels in action from Tuesday’s Div. III sectional final, won by the Lady Devils 6-0. sectional championships but right now we have bigger fish to fry,” said Coach D'Avignon. “We've got Southeastern coming up in the district semi-final and we are looking forward to avenging one of our only two losses of the season.” The two teams played back on Sept. 10 at Southeastern with the Lady Devils suffering a

ACTIVITY: Lifting weights and running


From page B1

with Seas coming in second at 12:18. Adams County was again well represented in the top 15, with Manchester's Abby Freeman fifth (12:40), North Adams' Ainsley Grooms sixth (12:54), West Union's Katie Fulton seventh (12:56), West Union's Kendra Grooms ninth (13:09), and also from WUJH, Adelyn

we overcame. One of the girls said that she just didn't want the season to end and I told them to just embrace the moment and reflect back on all they had done. I explained to them that they were tied for the best record in school history and a win here would put them in the record books.” As they have been in every game, the Lady Dragons were outnumbered roster-wise, but that obstacle was one they were used to. “We were able to shut down their offensive threats and play from the heart the entire game,” said Hunter. “Every girl contributed and gave it her all, the most any coach could ask for. At times I got so lost in the game that I didn't even look at the scoreboard.” If Hunter had glanced at the scoreboard in the first half, he would have seen his team take a 1-0 lead on a goal by sophomore Emilee Davis, which

See History / B4

Shupert 11th (13:12). The junior high girls team title was the only one that eluded Fairfield as Eastern Brown took first overall, with Manchester second. The junior high season concluded with the SHAC Meet, but for the teams from the county high school, the week has been spent gearing up for the district races,which will take place this Saturday at Rio Grande University.


West Union People’s Defender

Sunday ,October 23, 2016 B3


ATHLON SPORTS TOP 25 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

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Alabama (7–0, vs. Texas A&M) Ohio State (6–0, at Penn State) Clemson (7–0, Bye) Michigan (6–0, vs. Illinois) Louisville (5–1, vs. NC State) Washington (6–0, vs. Oregon State) Texas A&M (7-0, at Alabama) Wisconsin (4–2, at Iowa) Baylor (6-0, Bye) Nebraska (6–0, vs. Purdue) Tennessee (5–2, Bye) Houston (6–1, at SMU) Oklahoma (4-2, at Texas Tech) Florida (6-1, Bye) North Carolina (5–2, at Virginia) Florida State (5-2, Bye) West Virginia (5–0, vs. TCU) Boise State (6–0, vs. BYU) Arkansas (5-2, at Auburn) Ole Miss (3-3, at LSU) Western Michigan (7-0, E. Michigan) Utah (6-1, at UCLA) Auburn (4–2, vs. Arkansas) USF (6–1, at Temple) Colorado (5-2, at Stanford)

MOST SURPRISING TEAMS 1. Colorado After winning a combined two league games in Mike MacIntyre’s first three seasons, the Buffaloes have emerged as serious contenders in the Pac-12 North in 2016. Colorado is 5–2 overall and 3–1 in the league after pounding Arizona State 40–16 on Saturday night. The Buffs’ only two losses have come at Michigan and at USC.

Jalen Hurts threw for 143 yards and rushed for 132 yards and three touchdowns in Alabama’s 49–10 win at Tennessee on Saturday.

Tide domination continues

2. West Virginia The schedule hasn’t been overly taxing, but West Virginia is one of nine remaining undefeated teams from a Power 5 conference. The Mountaineers, who have lost at least five games in each of the past four seasons, are 5–0 overall and 2–0 in the Big 12. They host TCU this week and then head to Oklahoma State for a tough road trip.

Alabama offense averaging 45 points in four SEC games <>6 D 2< ; .5*= 2?.5B <8/= %1. &= .< 1*?. @27< 8?.; ; 2C 87* *7- !; .087 $= *= . = 1. = @8 @8; <= = .*6 < 27 = 1. 5.*0>. *7- * 58<< *= *52/8; 72* $= 255 = 1.; .G< Alabama just completed one of the most impressive two-game road swings 78 7..- = 8 *985802C . /8; +.270 27 H ; <= 95*, . %12< @..4 = 1.B ?2<2= & in recent college football history. The Crimson Tide dispatched Arkansas one of the most disappointing teams in the nation. The Bruins have played ; . / 8 # 0. . 055008 : % 8 ; 8 329 : + . 0/ 8 532* 08 2-8 8 4, ; . ! 58 428 ; 8 * 64, < 055< % 8 0-' = 8>01 <, 1.- >5. *7- 1*?. 58<= <86 . , 58<. 0*6 .< *55 /8>; - ./.*= < *; . +B H , 2.7= 8//.7<. B*; - < 9.; 95*B 27 = 1. = @8 @27< *7- *7 8998; = >72<= 2, * <2705. - 202= < +>= = 12< = .*6 1*< = 88 6 >,1 = *5.7= = 8 +. E 8?.; *55 *7- E defense that scored two TDs against Arkansas and one against Tennessee. 27 = 1. " *, *<= @..4 = 1. ; >27< 95*B270 @2= 18>= 8<1 #8<.7 273>; B 2( 8 + 3! 8 ; : ; . 58 40; 9 8 * 046* . 58 , 29 08 428 -; 308 ; . 8 6. / 0-0; 40/ 8 # 0 ; 58 = 8 58<= *= (*<1270= 87 $= *= .

E $.728; 24. */*>5 @*< <852- 27 ; .52./ team that has its sights set on an SEC title and a berth in the College Foot B*; - < = 1; .. % < = @8 %< +>= & , 5.*; 5B 7..- < : ; < < 8 < ; % 2--$ 8 = 58 < ; 5484* + 1 8 428 # 653; < 225; 8 / + / 8 . 248&28 528 ( 0< < 8 * 1.*5= 1B #8<.7 2/ 2= 189.< = 8 6 8>7= * 5*= . <.*<87 9><1 2< 8 = < ; : ; 9 ; 8 ( 2. 8 8 8 : 648 4, + 58 + 58 ; 8 9 63, 8 / + --0* 0. 48= &&+08 ; ) ; + < ; : + < + 4% 8 -2* 8 ; 46* / ; % 8 ( 2. 48 : 08 ! . 2( . 8 6. 4+ < 8 < ; 40* 8 + . 8 4, 08 = .*6 = 1*= 2< 95*B270 @2= 1 * = 87 8/ , 87H - .7, . *7- 6 8; . 6 .7 week. = *5 = 8>017.<< = 1*7 9; .?28>< .?27 $>6 527 = .*6 < %1. 002.< s, 26< / 8 : 08 ; : < 08 428 9 2) 08 4, 08 : ; < < 8 ; . / 8 532* 08 529 08 1 2+ . 458 8 MIAMI (FLA.) AT VIRGINIA TECH (THU) A 8 , ; 58 ' 1 < 658 % ; * / 58 * 65, + . &8; . / 8 1 ; 55+ . &8+ . 8 0) 0* % 8 &; 9 08 '2; 0272* %., 1 @*< 0.= = 270 <86 . +>C C *+8>= * 98<<2+5. ; >7 = 8 but will they be able to slow down Alabama enough to 4, 08 " 2< < 0&08 224: ; < < 8 < ; % 2--8 8 6. 4+ < 8 ; 46* / ; % 58 < ; 3! < 6540* 8 win the game? The guess here is no. The emergence of Jalen 1 0* -2* 9 ; . 308 + . 8 ; 8 < 2558 ; 48 % * ; 3650$ 8 # , 08 2! + 05 8 656; < < % 8 -2* ' Hurts at quarterback has given this offense a new dynamic 6 2- *+5. - ./.7<. @*< = 8; , 1.- +B = 1. !; *70. /8; B*; - < Mitch Light that makes it seemingly impossible to stop. + . 3< 6/ + . &8 8 4, * 26&, 8 4, 08 ; + * $ 8 # , 08 2! + 058 ; * 08 54+ < < 8 ) 0* % 8 9 63, 8 Athlon Sports alive in the wide-open Coastal Division, but that loss to a WISCONSIN AT IOWA Executive Editor rebuilding Syracuse team could come back to haunt them. W+ 4, 8 4, 08 1 255+ : < 08 0 301 4+ 2. 8 2-8 26+ 5) + < < 0 8 . 28 40; 9 8 , ; 58 : 00. 8 @AthlonMitch 2*6 2 1*< 58<= = @8 <= ; *201= +8= 1 *= 186 . */= .; <= *; = 270 = 1. more impressive in defeat this year than Wisconsin. The Bads0; 52. 8 ( + 4, 8 -26* 8 54* ; + &, 48 ( + . 5$ 8 # , 08 6* * + 3; . 05 8 2--0. 508 , ; 58 0.; < 58<= = 8 +8= 1 2,120*7 *7- !128 $= *= . 27 8?.; = 26 . +B struggled as the competition has stiffened; they managed seven points and have shown an incredible amount of tough B*; - < 27 * 58<< = 8 58; 2- * $= *= . = @8 @..4< *08 *7- 1*- B*; - < 7.<< 27 +8= 1 0*6 .< %1*= - 2/H , >5= <, 1.- >5. F = 1.B *; . = 1. 875B 20 %.7 875B *7- 875B 9827= < 27 * 58<< = 8 8; = 1 *; 8527* W0548 40; 9 8 428 1 < ; % 8 : 24, 8 , + 28 4; 408 ; . / 8 + 3, + &; . 8 8 9 + &, 48 1 * 0) 0. 48 4, 08 Badgers from winning the division, but it appears this program will remain TCU AT WEST VIRGINIA among the elite in the league with Paul Chryst in charge. Iowa is back on I58 + 484+ 9 08 428 : 6% 8 5423! 8 + . 8 0548 + * &+. + ; 8 ( , + 3, 8 + 9 1 * 2) 0/ 8 428 8 2) 0* ; < < 8 ; . / 8 the winning track after troubling losses to North Dakota State and North E 27 = 1. 20 @2= 1 *7 26 9; .<<2?.

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27 *

E 58<< *= *B58; 8= * 088- 5884 /8; = 1. 8; 7.- Frogs.

3. Eastern Michigan It’s a bit off the national radar, but Chris Creighton is doing a tremendous job in his third season at Eastern Michigan. The Eagles, who won a total of seven games from 2012-15, are 5–2 overall and have won three of their four road games. EMU has not played in a bowl game since 1987. 4. Wake Forest The Demon Deacons are one win away from reaching bowl-eligibility for the first time since 2011. Wake Forest, which won a total of six games in Dave Clawson’s first two seasons, is 5–2 overall, highlighted by wins at Duke, at Indiana and vs. Syracuse. 5. Louisville Expectations were high at Louisville, but very few believed the Cardinals would be in position to win the ACC and be in the hunt for a berth in the College Football Playoff. Louisville is 5–1, with its only blemish by six points against undefeated Clemson.


PRIME TIME PLAYERS Western Michigan tailback Jarvion Franklin rushed for a school-record 281 yards on 33 attempts as the Broncos remained undefeated with a 41–0 win at Akron. ‌ Donnel Pumphrey remains the nation’s leading rusher (185.2 ypg) after he gained 220 yards on 38 carries in San Diego State’s 17–3 win at Fresno State. ‌ Sefo Liufau returned to action as Colorado’s starting quarterback, but the star in

the Buffaloes’ 40–16 win over Arizona was running back Phillip Lindsay. The junior from Aurora, Colo., rushed for 219 yards and three touchdowns to lead CU to its fifth win of the season. ‌ Northwestern running back Justin Jackson rushed for a career-high 188 yards and two scores to help the Wildcats to a 54–40 win at Michigan State. Jackson has gained a total of 359 yards in the last two games. ‌

Oklahoma QB Baker Mayfield connected on 25-of-31 passes for 346 yards and four touchdowns in a 38–17 win over Kansas State. ‌ Carlos Henderson had quite a day for Louisiana Tech; the junior wide receiver caught 12 passes for 326 yards (for an amazing 27.2-yard average) and five touchdowns in the Bulldogs’ 56–28 win at UMass. ‌ Travis Rudolph caught 13 passes for 238 yards in Florida State’s

tougher-than-expected 17–6 win vs. Wake Forest. ‌ Rawleigh Williams rushed for a career-high 180 yards on 27 carries in Arkansas’ 34–30 win over Ole Miss in Fayetteville. ‌ Jeremy McNichols topped the 200-yard mark for the second time this season in Boise State’s 28–23 win over Colorado. McNichols, who had 208 in a win at Oregon State in late September, had a career-high 217 against the Rams.


NFL Picks From page B1

roll but suffered a tough home loss to rival Kansas City. They were flat out whipped. Their offense should find the going much easier but their defense will be challenged by a Jaguars team that has won two games in a row. A battle of 2014 NFL draft quarterbacks is a thrilling shootout with the home Jags getting the victory. JAX 34 OAK 30 Buffalo at Miami – At one time, this was a tremendous rivalry featuring Jim Kelly vs. Dan Marino. The quarterback play in this one will be nowhere near that level but should still be tightly contested battle. The Bills are hot –

Darrell Hazell was fired as Purdue’s coach on Sunday. Hazell 3-24 head ended his three-plus years with the Boilermakers with a 3–24 record in Big Ten games.



Vanderbilt edged Georgia 17–16 in Athens to give Derek Mason his first SEC road win in his two-plus seasons as the Commodores’ coach. Linebacker Zach Cunningham recorded 19 tackles, none more important than his unassisted stop of Georgia’s Isaiah McKenzie on 4th-and-1 at the VU 40yard line with 56 seconds remaining.

It’s time to pump the breaks on the “Miami is back� talk. After racing out to a 4–0 start against a soft schedule, the Hurricanes have lost consecutive home games to Florida State (20–19) and North Carolina (20–13). Mark Richt appears to have his alma mater heading in the right direction, but this rebuild will take some time.

winners of four in a row while the Dolphins stunned the Steelers last week. Miami’s pass rush will give Tyrod Taylor problems, but he will play well enough to win as Ryan Tannehill makes costly mistakes. BUF 23 MIA 20 Baltimore at New York Jets – The Ravens have lost three in a row after a 3-0 start. The Jets on the other hand have been porous throughout. Geno Smith will get the call against a stout Baltimore defense. Joe Flacco does just enough to secure a much needed win. BALT 20 NYJ 13 Tampa Bay at San Francisco – The Buccaneers come off their bye looking to reach the .500 mark. They will face one of the worst teams in the

Joe Williams literally came out of retirement to lead Utah to a 19–14 win over Oregon State. The senior left the team following the second game of the season but was asked to return when injuries left Utah shorthanded in the backfield. After just a week of practice, Williams ran for 179 yards and a TD in a key Pac-12 victory.

league in San Francisco. The 49ers have elected to start Colin Kaepernick – who struggled mightily last week in Buffalo. Kaepernick struggles while Jameis Winston plays big. TB 27 SF 17 San Diego at Atlanta – The Chargers should be able to move the ball but stopping the Falcons highlight reel offense is a huge challenge. Joey Bosa will need to play big to have even a remote chance of slowing down Matt Ryan and Julio Jones. The Georgia Dome will be going nuts as Atlanta cruises to victory. ATL 38 SD 27 New England at Pittsburgh – This appeared to be a marquee battle but the injury to Ben Roethlisberger

Arizona, which won the Pac-12 South title just two years ago, dropped to 0–4 in the league with a 48–14 loss at home to USC. The Wildcats, who have given up an average of 504.0 yards in their four league games, are in danger of missing a bowl game for the first time since the 2011 season.

certainly lessens the buzz. The Steelers will attempt to stay at the top of the division while Big Ben is out – which could be 4-6 weeks. Since his return, Tom Brady has been marvelous. He will once again play well as the Patriots get a big road victory. NE 31 PIT 23 SNF: Seattle at Arizona – The Seahawks are starting to look like another NFL championship contender. Russell Wilson is ailing but playing well – the defense is again a major

Michigan State lost its fourth straight game, falling 54–40 to Northwestern. The 54 points were the most the Spartans have ever allowed in a home game.

Rice is the nation’s only winless team. The Owls dropped to 0–6 with a 14–13 loss to UTSA on Saturday. Alabama has scored 10 non-offensive touchdowns in 2016 — eight on defense and two on special teams. Seven different Alabama defensive players have scored at least one TD.

South Carolina has scored nine total this season, two fewer 9 touchdowns than any other team in the nation. Louisville, Alabama, Western Michigan and South Florida are tied for the national lead with 42 touchdowns each. Photos: Athlon Sports

factor. The Cardinal had a horrendous start to the season but may be finding their way. This could be a pivotal tilt in the NFC West. Carson Palmer gets a much needed home win while Bruce Arians’ post game hat, as always, is on point. ARI 27 SEA 20 MNF: Houston at Denver – Brock Osweiler returns to Denver to face his old mates. His huge contract has been a major topic in the NFL since the day he signed with the Texans. Although he

hasn’t played well the Texans sit atop of the AFC South with a 4-2 record. The Broncos are also 4-2 but have lost two games in a row. It’s a shame JJ Watt isn’t healthy. Watching Watt and Von Miller in the same game on MNF would have been a thrill. In a tight, low scoring contest the Denver defense harasses Osweiler throughout. DEN 20 HOU 13 Bye Week: Carolina, Dallas

Visit us online at peoplesdefender.com

Manchester hosts the inaugural Southern Ohio Cheer Challenge SPORTS

84 West Union People’s Defender

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Second place in the Pee Wee Division at the Southern Ohio Cheer Challenge went to Manchester.

Manchester High School hosted the inaugural Southern Ohio Cheer Challenge on Oct. 15, sponsored by 1st Stop. Pictured here is the North Adams Pee Wee squad, who placed first in their division.

First place in the Junior High Mounding Division at the Southern Ohio Cheer Challenge went to West Union Junior High.

The champions of the Varsity Large Division of the Southern Ohio Cheer Challenge were the North Adams High School cheerleaders, who were also named the Reserve Grand Champion.

Lady Indians go down in straight sets to Valley in sectional play

The Runner-Up Reserve Champion squad at the Southern Ohio Cheer Challenge went to West Union High School.


From Page B2

turned out to be all the offense the Lady Dragons needed. “The girls went crazy after they drew first blood,” said Hunter. “At halftime the girls were celebrating as if they had won the game and I had to remind them that there was 40 minutes left and they could celebrate after the final whistle.” Holding the precarious

Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender

Peebles senior Jessica Johnson goes up for a play at the net during the Lady Indians’ sectional tournament loss to Lucasville Valley on Oct. 18. BY MARK CARPENTER PEOPLE'S DEFENDER

The 2016 season came to an abrupt finish on Oct, 18 for the Peebles Lady Indians varsity volleyball squad as they squared off on their home court with the Lucasville Valley Lady Indians in Division III sectional tournament action. The two teams had met way back on Aug. 24, where Valley had taken the match in three sets and unfortunately for the Peebles girls and their fans, the tournament match on Tuesday night had the exact same result. In nearly every sporting event, there is a point in the game or match where the momentum shifts and that was definitely the case in Tuesday night's sectional volleyball match. The turning point came late in the first set when Peebles was two points away from winning it and then gave it away, allowing Valley to come from behind and take that set and eventually the match with it. The first set was a tight one most of the way, with

neither side gaining more than a one or two point advantage until Peebles' Brittany Lloyd fired off three service points, aided by a Madison Pierce kill, to give the home team a 20-16 lead. A nice block by Tatum Arey helped push the Peebles lead up to 2319 and the home side looked on the verge of a win, but Valley had other ideas. A series of service points by Valley's Leah Shepherd quickly gave her team a 24-23 lead before a Josey Myers kill tied the score. After a side out went to Valley, another Myers kill tied it at 25 but a kill by Valley's Marissa Markins led to the visitors grabbing the final two points and taking the first set 27-25. That first set collapse seemed to take some of the wind out of the Peebles sails as Valley raced out to an 8-4 second set advantage. Back came the home team with three Arey serves and another Pierce kill tying the score at 9, but Valley later sent Faith Brown to the service line and seven straight serves

one-goal lead, the Lady Dragons played a solid second half, according to Coach Hunter, winning nearly all of the 50/50 balls and keeping the Lady Mohawks off the scoreboard. “When I looked at the clock and saw two minutes left, everything seemed to slow down and I am yelling at the girls to relax but it was like they never heard me,” added Hunter. “They kept playing like they were the ones losing and then the whistle

blew and the win set in. The next 20 minutes were hugs and tears, laughter and joy, followed by prayers and a lot of pictures.” The 1-0 win for the Lady Dragons was one for the record books and earned them a spot in a sectional title game, no small task for the usually outnumbered squad, but on one Monday night in October, a group of hustling young ladies made memories that they won't soon forget.

Indians fall in sectional opener

combined with numerous unforced errors by Peebles gave the guests a 21-12 lead and they went on to take the second set 25-18. Down two sets to none, the Peebles girls got off to a rocky start in the third set, falling behind 10-4 and forcing coach Katrina Obenshain to use a timeout. An Arey kill and a service ace from Hope Brown narrowed the margin for Peebles but that was as close as they would get. Leading 12-9, Valley sent Kaity Howard back to serve and she reeled off seven straight to put the home team on the verge of elimination. Three more service points from Destiny Gardner and an ace from Bailee Day closed the deal as the visiting Lady Indians moved on in the sectional tourney, taking the third and final set 25-12. With the defeat, the Lady Indian said goodbye to three graduating seniors, Photo by Tina Gordley all of whom were crucial to any success that Peebles It was the final game of the high school soccer career for Peebles’ Logan had this season- Brittany Gordley (16) as the Indians were eliminated from the postseason on Oct. 15, Lloyd, Jessica Johnson, and Sara McFarland. blanked by the Eastern Brown Warriors 3-0. Gordley was the lone senior on this year’s Peebles squad.


West Union People’s Defender

MACHINISTS & TIG WELDERS PAS Technologies Inc. (www.pas-technologies.com), a privately held corporation, provides cost-effective OEM and MRO solutions for the aerospace, oil and gas, and Industrial Gas Turbine markets. By using innovative and proprietary high-technology processes, along with solutions licensed from OEMs, PAS Technologies provides considerable value for customers whose components are exposed to high wear, high heat, and corrosive environments. The Company’s highly engineered and innovative products are world-renowned for advanced technology and unsurpassed reliability. PAS Technologies Inc. has operations globally and services an international customer base. PAS in Hillsboro, Ohio continues to grow, and we need skilled Machinists and Tig Welders for 2nd and 3rd shifts.

Lathe and Milling Machinists: Must be self-starters and be able to work independently. Will operate machining equipment that could include milling, turning and grinding. Complete your own set-ups, follow our job routers, prove out parts and edit programs as needed. Must be experienced with micrometers and calipers and have a basic understanding of machine shop practices. Will be required to read and interpret blueprints. Must have 3+ years of related experience. A Trade School Certificate is preferred.

Tig Welder: Tig welding of high nickel alloys, and must be capable of certifying to air craft requirements (awsD17.1) Aerospace experience is a plus. Positions require a stable work history and good mechanical skills. PAS Technologies offers a safe work environment, competitive wages, and a full benefits package. Only those candidates selected for further employment screening will receive a reply beyond this message. An Equal Opportunity Employer Strongly Committed to Workplace Diversity M/F/D/V


The Adams Co. Board of Developmental Disabilities

is looking to hire 2-3 people to work with adults with disabilities. Direct care workers provide support, personal care and quality assurance for job training and other individual goals while at the workshop and in the community. Applicants must apply in person to Venture Productions located at 11516 SR 41, West Union OH. Monday-Friday 8am-3pm. Applicants must have a High School Diploma or GED, must be 18 years of age, must pass a criminal background check and have a valid driver’s license. Drivers must be at least 21 years of Age. The Adams County Board of Developmental Disabilities is an Equal Opportunity Employer.





( after 400 hours worked ) Employee health insurance plan paid by the company, Vacation pay , Birthday pay, Aflac APPLY AT 146 NORTH 3RD STREET WILLIAMSBURG OHIO 45176 M-F 9 AM - 5 PM


HELP WANTED Christian Drivers, Plus owner operators, CDL Class A with tanker and TWIC; 2 years exp. home when you need to be. Drivers $800 to $1,500 per week, call Victory Lane Express LLC, (937)217-2189 or (937)587-1122 DRIVERS WANTED Tanker Endorsement Needed Earn up to $300 a day 2 Years Experience Class A CDL Local Hauling $500 Sign-on Bonus (See details at TCB office) Call TCB Trucking 513-309-7559 513-625-8183

EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Previous basement excavation experience a must. Able to operate loader, dozer & bobcat. Clean driving record. Brewer Excavating 513-236-6341.

MEEKS, WATSON AND COMPANY, located in Georgetown, Ohio is seeking enthusiastic, motivated, mechanical minded individuals looking for an entry level position with room for growth. General machine shop duties include operating radial drill press, lathe, horizontal and vertical band saw, grinders, etc. Positions to be filled include fabricators, welders, and assemblers. Please call 937-378-0220 for information and to apply.



Come Join Our Team of Professionals! Brown County Senior Citizens Council is currently accepting applications for

Brown County Senior Citizens Council is currently accepting applications for IMMEDIATE JOB OPENINGS for



to oversee daily activities of our clients in Supported Living Homes. Openings include 2nd and 3rd shift.


Benefit package includes paid vacations, paid holidays, sick leave, personal days, health insurance, mileage reimbursement and incentive plan. All applicants must have valid Ohio Driver’s License, vehicle insurance and be in good health.

All applicants must have High School Diploma or GED, valid Ohio Driver’s License, insurable under agency fleet, vehicle insurance, Medication Administration and be in good health.

Apply in person at

Apply in person at



505 North Main Street, Georgetown, Ohio. Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

505 North Main Street, Georgetown, Ohio. Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.






Sunday, October 23, 2016 B5




MACA Plastics, Inc. in Winchester, Ohio is looking for highly motivated individuals to join their team oriented company. MACA is looking for operators & assemblers. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Shifts. Interested candidates can apply in person @ 2455 Cross Road Winchester, Ohio Or contact adavis@macaplastics.com Phone - 937-544-8618




Must be experienced, current PTIN. We offer competitive wages. This is for seasonal day shift. SEND RESUME TO: taxoffice33921@yahoo.com



for a busy tax office in Clermont County. Must have experience. Seasonal day shift. We pay competitive wages. Starting at the end of November through April 15th SEND RESUME TO:


EMPOWERING PEOPLE is seeking experienced, compassionate and dedicated people who like a challenge and enjoy working with the DD population. If you are looking for a great career opportunity, please apply. FT 2nd/3rd shifts available in Clermont/Hamilton counties. $11-$13/hr. based on exp. w/excellent benefits. Duties include assisting w/ADLs, med passing, transportation, etc. Must be 18 yrs. w/clean valid driving record. Send resume to: info@ takoda-trails.net or Apply in person at 350 Kolb Dr., Fairfield, OH 45014.


Avid Bowhunter and Professional Carpenter looking to trade skilled labor for hunting opportunities. Contact Joe at (740) 296-0284


Getting Home is Easier. Nice Pay Package. BCBS/ Dental/ Vision. Monthly Bonuses. NoTouch. Chromed out Trucks w/APU’S. CDL-A



BATAVIA - TWO and THREE bedroom apartments available with open wait list. Accepting applications M-F, 9a.m.-4p.m. Apartments are income based. 513-732-3804 Now Accepting Applications Island View Apartments at 302 Cemetery St., Manchester. We offer 1 and 2 bedroom apartments for family, elderly, handicap, or disabled residents. Rent based on 30% of adjusted income. Contact Kay Chandler 937-5491324 or Richards Management at 888576-6468 for details. TTD/TTY 800-7500750. This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer and equal housing opportunity.

Seaman - Spacious 3 bdrm, w/washer dryer hookup, includes water, sewer & trash. You pay electric. $650 security dep.-$650 mo rent. 1 year lease. We do background checks. Close to parks and school. We accept Section 8, Metro 937927-5741

Seaman - 2 bdrm apt, w/washer dryer hookup, includes water, sewer & trash. You pay electric. $475 security dep.-$475 mo rent. 1 year lease. We do background checks. Close to parks and school. We accept Section 8, Metro 937927-5741 HOUSES FOR RENT

CABIN IN WOODS FOR RENT 2 BDR, 1 bath, large country kitchen, restored/refurbished, County water, Near Route 41 north of Locust Grove. Room to garden. Ideal for 1 or 2 adults. $425 rent, plus $400 deposit. Non-related references required (937)217-4747

FOR RENT Small 2 BDR, 1 Bath Country home for rent, $500 Deposit, $500 Month/Lease Requirement, Need References, No Smoking, No Pets, Please Call (937)587-3441 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT

For Rent Accepting Applications for a mobile home for rent, 3 BDR, 1 1/2 Bath on 4th Street in Peebles, $450 per month + deposit, Water, trash, sewage paid, Please call (740)947-1947 INVESTMENT PROPERTY

1 1/2 STORY with 23 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath situated on corner lot, 2 blocks from river in Ripley, Ohio $67,500. Call (937) 618-0012 for details.


for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments at:

Georgetown 1 Apartments: 401 Marshall Ave. Georgetown, OH 45121 APPLY AT: 610 MARKLEY AVE. GEORGETOWN, OH 45121 or call for details at:


Stove, refrigerator, and on site laundry. Possibility of rental assistance. "Metro Accepted" TDD #419-526-0466 “This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”


for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments at:

Markley Square Apartments located at 610 MARKLEY AVE. GEORGETOWN, OH 45121 or call for details at


Stove, refrigerator, and on site laundry. RENT BASED ON INCOME TDD #419-526-0466

“This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”

MISC. FOR RENT 2 bdrm upstairs a p a r t m e n t : We s t U n i o n . Wa s h e r / D r y e r hookup, appliances, water/sewage and lawn care furnished. No pets. $450mo/plus deposit. and 1 bdrm apartment in West Union, app l i a n c e s , water/sewage, lawn care furnished. No pets. $350 mo/plus deposit. Call 937-515-1424 FIREWOOD

FIREWOOD FOR SALE Call Sizzle Sticks (937)544-7159

FOR SALE SEASONED FIREWOOD & OUTSIDE FURNACE WOOD All year round. Local. I would like to haul 14’ dump loads. Scott Malott 937-213-3193 FIREWOOD FOR SALE $60 a pick up load, $130 for a cord delivered locally, white oak, red oak, hickory, 6 month seasoned (937)217-848

FIREWOOD FOR SALE Semi loads of Oak firewood, 8’ lengths, 4-20” in diameter, Appox. 12.5 cords per truck load, $85.00/per cord locally, Credit Cards accepted, Prompt Local Delivery, Call (920)787-2506 for more information HAY & GRAIN

HAY FOR SALE $25.00 per roll, Good quality 4 X 5 ft bales, will discount to volume buyers, (937)5447133

MIXED HAY FOR SALE - 5x5 round bales $30.00, also square bales $4.00 937-618-1410

HAY FOR SALE Pure Timothy, Pure Orchard Grass, Pure Alfalfa, Alfalfa/Orchard Grass Mix, Mixed Grass. Large Round Bales (4x5 net wrapped) & small square bales available. Crawford Farms 937779-7560 Large round bales of hay. Recently baled.. Price $30 each. Call Clarene Barnhill 5442760.


B6 West Union People’s Defender MISC. FOR SALE

Jigsaw Puzzles $1.00 each, (937)798-8038 Horse Trailer For Sale Bison 3 horse slant load trailer, heavy rubber mats throughout, good condition, light rust, $3,000 Call (513)706-4199

For Sale 1994 Redman Mobile Home, 3 BDR, 14 X 70, as is, $5,000, call Dan (937)698-3140

FOR SALE 12 acres land, John Deere 350-B Dozer 6 way blade, Freeman 4000 Loader with forks, 2 - 066 Stihl Chain Saws, (937)549-3349



HI, My name is Danny, I am a 49 yr old incarcerated white male, 6 ft 1, 205 pds, with blondish hair and hazel eyes, attractive and physically fit, (will send picture), I have 3 yrs to serve and I’m hoping theres a woman out there willing to write and become my friend. Please write me at: Grafton Institution Danny Johnson A520022 2500 South Avon/Belden Rd Grafton Ohio 44117

FOUND Male German Shepherd dog found in the area of White Oak Rd in Blue Creek, black in color, Please call: (937)587-3578 MISSING DOG To the person/persons who took the Boxer bulldog from behind the house on Tri-County Highway: You know who you are, we know who you are, just bring the dog back where you got him and there will be no questions asked (937)515-4931 (937)515-4457


NO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING 28 + Acres 1235 Davis Memorial Road, Peebles, 93 Acres, Mineral Springs Rd, Peebles at the foot of Peach Mountain AUTOS FOR SALE

AUTO FOR SALE 2005 Buick LaSabar 111,670 miles, $4,000 Call (513)255-9755

2003 Chevy Tracker, red in color, convertible top, 4 X 4, air, auto and runs good, asking $4,500 or best offer, Call (937)2170592

1998 Dodge Van, 115,000 actual miles, green in color, 3 rows, dual sliding doors, air, automatic power steering and brakes, $2,200.00 Call (937)544-2529 YARD/GARAGE SALE

ESTATE/BARN SALE 2779 Steam Furnace Rd, Peebles, Oct. 21 & 22, Last one this year, many other items added, tools, hardware, books, records, tapes. Old radios & cameras, pictures, tart work, china, old kitchen items, many many other things come out & we will give you a good deal!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

MOVING SALE 83 Broadway St. Seaman Oct. 21 & 22 Oct. 28 & 29, 9am to dark Household Plunder, glasswear, curio cabinets, furniture, microwave oven, filing cabinets, gardening tools BIG MOVING SALE Seaman, Ohio Call anytime (937)515-1617, (937) 386-1025, side by side door refrigator with ice maker, 2 gas stoves, generators, honda, kawaski, everything in house must go!

Part Time Agents

Full Time Agents Patricia A. Rand,ABR Cell 937-763-3511 Greater Cincinnati

Joe Brumley Cell 937-217-5244

Lynne Spaeth Cell 937-728-0843 Home 937-987-9762

Robin C.Geier,ABR Cell 937-725-5613 Home 937-466-1782 Jaime Garen

Sue C. Boone

Krista Thompson Cell 740-606-6886 Home 937-981-3368

Broker, ABR Home: 937-393-9363 Cell: 937-763-9363

401 U.S. 62 South, Hillsboro

Cheryl A. Mullins Cell 937-402-7759

Charles N. McDaniel Cell 937-725-1156 Home 937-588-2353


Cell 937-763-3045

Melissa Travis Cell 937-509-2481

Duane Troyer Cell 740-606-1174

All information is believed accurate but is not guaranteed. All acreages, measurements and figures are approximate and not warranted.

Give us a call today! • Visit our website at www.sueboonerealty.com • We are ready to work for you! OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Oct. 23 • 2-4 pm 285 Lynn Morgan Rd., Seaman, OH $125,900

Located on a dead end road near Tranquility Reserve & Public Gun Range. This home has combined living room, dining and Kitchen with all appliances and dishwasher, bedroom addition, metal roof, tornado shelter, front and back covered porch, large stocked pond and numerous buildings. • MLS#1495736

RESIDENTIAL - $164,900

RESIDENTIAL - $239,000

COMMERCIAL - $250,000

LAND - $29,500

Beautiful Country setting situated on 10 acres! The main home is like new. 3BR, 2 bath, lg kitchen, Liv. rm has firepl., oversized 2 car garage & covered porch. 2 barns. Also has 2 single wides that can be rented #1 3BR, 1 Bath, #2 2BR, 1 Bath, both with separate yards. Quiet country living. • MLS#1501653

Beautiful setting with ranch home on a full basement, a building to fit all of your needs. Large Koi pond. Located on a quiet country road. Great home with plenty of room to enjoy life. Barn has workshop and space for motor home, bathroom and lots of room for projects. • MLS#1495707

Historic Georgetown building for sale or lease. Formally U.S. Grant Memorial High School, but has newer partitions that have served as office space and clinic. Endless possibilities with this whole city block in the county seat on the main route through town. Will lease, sell, and build to suit all or part. Agent Owned. • MLS#1469534

Nice building lot on a quiet country road with newer homes and farms surrounding. Soil has been tested and there is a spring that runs on the front that would be perfect to feed a large pond. Mostly open, rolling land with some trees. Utilities available at the road. Great opportunity. • MLS#1514465

ROSIE YOUNG .........................513-403-4126 PAT MUSTARD.........................937-728-0633 BILL HOLTON, AUCTIONEER ........513-312-1043 JESSE MCKINZIE, AUCTIONEER ...513-218-2541 DALE MENDENHALL ......................544-5385 LESLIE MCCLANAHAN............937-544-2400 OMAR VANCE ..........................937-217-2189 JOE R. GUSTIN.................................544-2224 NELSON ATKINSON ........................587-3728 BRENDA MCCLANAHAN ................695-0257

NANCY REID............................513-377-2707 EARL JONES............................937-779-7078 WALT YEAGER .................................544-2434 LUCINDA HANSGEN .......................544-3353 MARTI KNAUFF .......................937-217-9344 LAWRENCE (LARRY) YOUNG..........544-3479 NANCY ATKINSON..........................587-3728 JANET WAGNER ..............................373-3111 DANNY DICK ...........................937-779-7930

HOMES R2 – WINCHESTER – 0.918 acre lot with 1997 DW on block foundation in immaculate condition, 1170 SF living area, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen & dining room, electric furnace, C/A, public water & sewer, 24 x 24 detached garage, peach & apple tree. $82,900. R4 – SEAMAN – Frame home with vinyl siding, 1574 SF living area plus unfinished basement, 4 BR, 1 bath, living room, kitchen & dining room, fuel oil furnace, hardwood floors, front porch 12x10 building. This make a nice home to live in or make a nice rental property, home needs a little TLC. $39,900. R6 – PEEBLES – 2-story frame home with vinyl siding, 2047 SF living area, public water/sewer, partial basement, 3 BR downstairs, 5 unfinished BR upstairs, 1 bath, living room, eat-in kitchen, electric heat, 1car garage. This home is a fixer-upper and could be set-up as 2 separate apartments, has a lot of new drywall & electric, good income potential. PRICE REDUCED TO $34,900. R8 – PEEBLES – Frame home with vinyl siding, 1240 SF living area, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living & family room, eat-in kitchen with appliances, full finished basement with 3 BR & TV room, hardwood floors, 30 ft. above-ground pool with deck, city utilities, heat pump, nice .6 acre lot. PRICE REDUCED TO $105,000. R12 – MANCHESTER – Frame home with vinyl siding, 1352 SF living area, 4 BR, 2 full baths, living room, eat-in kitchen with appliances, electric heat, A/C, city water/sewer, laminate flooring, carpeting & tile, covered back deck, 24 foot pool, 8x12 barn. $78,000. R16 – PEEBLES - Double-wide featuring 1008 SF living area, 3 BR, 1 ½ baths, living room, eat-in kitchen with appliances, electric furnace, county water, septic, front & back porches, 24x24 detached garage, 0.643 acre lot. $49,900. R30 – SEAMAN - Frame home with vinyl siding, 2 BR (could be 3), 1 bath, living room, eat-in kitchen with range, elec. heat, A/C, laminate flooring. Nice starter home or rental property in nice location. $39,500. HOMES WITH ACREAGE H1 – STOUT – 15.31 acres located at the end of a deadend road providing privacy, frame home with wood siding built in 2008, 100 SF living area plus full basement, 3 BR, 1 bath plus shower in basement, open living room, kitchen, dining area (gas range and freezer stays), wood stove and gas wall heater, county water, vinyl & carpeting, wrap-around porch, property also has a 2 BR cabin that could be fixed up, dog kennel, outbuilding, large barn, acreage has approximately 12 acres of woods that has not been timbered in 25 years. $82,000. H2 – WINCHESTER AREA – 1.126 acres in very nice country location with vinyl sided frame home built in 2006 in great condition, 1732 SF living area, 3 BR with walk-in closet in master BR, 2 full baths with Jacuzzi tub/shower in master bath, living room, kitchen with ref., range, dishwasher, very nice cabinets & lots of counter space, dining room, sun room, utility room with washer & dryer, electric furnace, C/A, county water, septic, nice carpeting & tile, 24x24 attached garage, 8x24 covered front porch, back deck, very nice lawn with abundant garden space. THIS IS A MUST SEE - PRICE REDUCED TO $141,900.

H4 – FELICITY – 5 acres with 14x70 mobile home, 3 BR, 1 bath, living room, eat-in kitchen with appliances, electric furnace, C/A, 2 city water taps, 2 septic systems, 2 electric hook-ups. $35,000. H6 - WEST UNION - 1.136 acres located in town but has a country setting, brick home featuring 1456 SF living area plus full basement, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen & dining room (microwave, dishwasher, refrigerator, range, washer & dryer, electric heat pump, C/A, city water/sewer, 24x39 detached garage, front porch & large covered back porch, a MUST SEE VIEW, large yard with plenty of space for a garden, good location. PRICE TO SELL AT $134,900. H8 – PEEBLES – 2.316 acres with 2 septic systems, property features a 12x65 mobile home redone inside, kitchen with appliances, C/A, gas & electric, also included is a 1983 33 ft. Chevy Imperial Holiday Rambler motor home in good shape inside and out (84,000 miles), new 12x32 garage, good to live in or to use as a weekend retreat, located close to the lakes to fish, swim, etc. PRICED TO SELL AT $29,900. H12 – BLUE CREEK – 2 acres with 1983 Whitney DW (24x60), 1440 SF living area, 3 BR, 2 baths, living room, eat-in kitchen, electric furnace, county water, dishwasher, home is in need of some repair. PRICE REDUCED TO $32,000. H14 – WAYNE TWP. - POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING – 1.6 acres with 1080 SF modular home, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, eat-in kitchen, gas furnace, C/A, county water, septic, small barn with shed. Home is being remodeled (remodeled bath, installing new carpet & new roof.) $45,000 H18 – PEEBLES – 20.633 mostly wooded acres located minutes from Mineral Springs Lake, beautiful home with cedar wood siding built in 2002, 1408 SF living area, large spacious rooms including 2 BR and 2 baths, beautiful views of nature from all windows, electric heat pump & wood burning stove, very nice deck, nice heated detached garage with bathroom and A/C (garage could be used to start business or convert into a mother-in-law suite). This is a nature lovers and hunters paradise with abundant wildlife. MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE - PRICE REDUCED TO $179,900. H20 – WEST UNION – 6.3 acres with wood frame home built in 2002, 1200 SF living area plus full basement, 1 BR, 1 bath, large kitchen/dining room/living area, all furniture and appliances stay with home, electric furnace, wood stove, A/C, wood floors with heated tile, 1-car basement garage, large deck, wood cathedral ceiling in living room, spring, outhouse. This property offers total privacy with good hunting. Excellent for weekend getaway. $79,900. H22 – SEAMAN – .608 acres with wood frame home with metal siding & metal roof built in 2015, 1568 SF living area plus basement, 2 large bedrooms, 2 full baths, living room, eat-in kitchen, gas wall heaters, public water, septic, concrete floors with area rugs, 20 inch ceilings & 6 inch walls with insulation, 220 electric, pool table, 3-car detached garage, nice back yard with nice garden space, located on a dead-end road. PRICE REDUCED TO $100,000.


H24 – MANCHESTER AREA – 17.5 acres with 2 homes, 1st home is brick with 4 BR, 2 full bath, living & family rooms, kitchen & dining room, refrigerator, range, washer & dryer, electric & wood furnaces, C/A, county water, all new windows, 2-car attached garage, front porch & 2 back porches, 2nd home has 2 BR, 1 bath, living room, eat-in kitchen, utility room, property also has several barns, 40x30, 36x36, 2 small utility buildings & shed, small pond. $239,000. H26 – WEST UNION – 2.007 in nice location with log cabin built in 2006, 1624 SF living area, 4 BR, 2 full baths (one with shower & one with Jacuzzi tub, oopen kitchen/dining room/living room, utility room, electric furnace, heat pump, C/A, wood & tile floors, 2-car detached garage (24x30), county water, very nice landscaping. This is a beautiful well-maintained home - . A MUST SEE - $165,000. H28 – CEDAR MILLS AREA – 1 acre in the country with wood frame home, 1975 SF living area, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living & family room, kitchen with appliances, laundry room with washer & dryer, propane furnace & F/P, county water, septic, tile flooring & carpeting, front porch & rear deck, 8x10 building, big back yard with garden spot. A MUST SEE – PRICED TO SELL AT $65,000. H30 – MANCHESTER – 1 ½ story brick home featuring 3426 SF living area plus full finished basement, 5 BR, 3 full baths, living room, kitchen with appliances, dining room, utility room, 2 nat. gas furnaces, 2 C/A units, gas F/P, hardwood & tile floors, 2-car att. garage, front porch, 2 decks, 18x36 in-ground pool, 18x32 pool house. This is one of the nicest homes in the county. PRICE REDUCED TO $289,900. H40 – DECATUR – 1+ acres with brick home, 1782 SF living area, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, eat-in kitchen with range, utility room, propane furnace, F/P C/A, county water, 2 wells, septic, 24x24 detached garage, porch, back deck, 8x12 barn. This is a MUST SEE – PRICED TO SELL AT $124,900. FARMS F1 - BLUE CREEK AREA - NICE CABIN & BARN ON 32 ACRES -32.299 acre get away, nice 2 BR cabin, large tobacco barn, good hunting with a mix of woods & open fields, lots of road frontage of Phipps Road & Blue Creek Road, perfect retirement home, ONLY $129,900, additional 26 acres available. F2 – ABERDEEN – 80+ acre farm with about 10 acres of scattered woods and balance could be used for pasture/hay, vinyl sided frame home built in 2007, 1192 SF living area + full-out basement with 9 foot ceiling, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, eat-in kitchen with pantry, electric furnace, heat pump, C/A, county water, septic, Pella windows, 3-car carport with patio, 30x64 barn, 60x86 barn, pond. $299,900. F10 – BENTONVILLE AREA – 89.223 acre farm with approx. 70 tillable acres, Old 2336 SF farm house not in livable condition but could be rehabbed, 12x20 garage, 3 barns (48x36, 72x48, 28x26), corn crib. Good location, land could be farmed or developed. PRICE REDUCED TO $279,000. F11 – WEST UNION – 11.004 acre mini horse farm has 1999 DW, 1596 SF living area with full basement, 3 BR, 2 1/2 baths, living room, kitchen with appliances, dining room, gas furnace, C/A, county water,

deck, 2-car carport28x70 barn with 16x24 lean-to, 7 horse stalls, small barn, electric fences, creek, 30 ft. above ground pool. $129,900. BUILDING LOTS L6 – SEAMAN – 0.234 acre building lot with public water. $8,500. L8 – WEST UNION – 0.9588 acre building lot located in town. $27,000. L10– WEST UNION – Very nice lot 0.706 acre lot in nice restricted subdivision, city water/sewage available, excellent spot for new home. PRICED REDUCED TO $19,500. VACANT LAND V2 - BLUE CREEK - 3.75 wooded acres surrounded by Shawnee State Forest. PRICE REDUCED TO $12,000. V4 – MANCHESTER – 84 acres of excellent hunting land, porperty has produced trophy bucks in magazines. $149,000. V5 – OLIVE TWP. – 2.95 wooded acres with some marketable timber, nice building lot, water & electric available. $11,900. V6 - WEST UNION – 5 mostly level acres in nice location on SR 125 near Panhandle, county water, septic system, large barn, nice place to build. PRICE REDUCED $45,000. V7 – BLUE CREEK AREA – 26 ACRES, WOODS, BARN, HOMESITE – 26.471 acres, older barn, nice homesite, about 5 acres meadow, remainder wooded, good hunting area, lots of frontage on Blue Creek Road, also fronts of Phipps Road, ONLY $59,900, additional land available. V9 – WINCHESTER – 5.01 wooded acres with some large trees, nice place to build a new home. $32,500. V10 – WEST UNION – 6 wooded level/rolling acres joining the Chapparal Prairie State Nature Preserve. PRICE REDUCED TO $32,000. V12 – NEW LISTING – LYNX – 3.841 acres with approx. ¾ acre of woods, creek, water & electric available. $12,900. V13 - RIPLEY – 3.46 acres located on US 62/US 68, public water & sewer nearby, nice place to build. $34,900. V18 - STOUT – 20.106 acres adjoining Shawnee State Forest, approx. 12 acres of woods, county water, septic, 36x24 barn with concrete floor, RV camper. PRICE REDUCED TO $55,000. V28 – MANCHESTER AREA – 10 partially wooded acres with county water available, excellent place to build a home nestled in the hills of Adams County. PRICE REDUCED TO $19,900. BUSINESS B2 - SEAMAN - 8233 square foot commercial building located on Main Street in Seaman (formerly Young’s Cardinal/IGA), on 1.25 acre lot, building could be used for many uses (store, storage, etc.) . $199,900. - MAKE OFFER. B10 - WEST UNION - INVESTMENT PROPERTY 1.94 acres with 4 mobile homes that rent for $300/month each, house which rents for $425/month, Big Red Barn rents for $500/month, additional home rents for $200/month (caretaker lives in home and get a rent reduction), 4 additional mobile home hook-ups. $155,000.


West Union People’s Defender

Mt. Orab Ford Dealership AUCTION Saturday, October 29th at 10 am

480 West Main Street. Mt. Orab Ohio 45154 Note: This is a short notice auction. Items: 9 car lifts, 7 lifts and two drive on lifts, benches, misc office equipment, advertising items, desk, refrigerators, a few tools, work benches, shelving, dollies, and anything else we can find. This advertisement is going out in fast response to an auction that needs to take place prior to November 1, 2016. Most items are not inventoried at the time the ad was placed so please go to WWW.CraigLytleAuctions.com for updated and pictures of the items or call Craig Lytle at 513-2365325. Terms: cash check or credit. All items must be removed from property no later than 3 pm on Monday, October 1st. 105 buyer’s premium on all sales.

Sunday, October 23, 2016 B7





BUILDING SUPPLIES: Dimensional shingles; Primed cedar siding; Interior trim; New sky lights; New toilets; LP furnace; New cabinets; New faucets; 2 – new Jacuzzi brand tubs; Doors interior and exterior; LVL’s; Wooden I joist; Stacks of plywood- 1/2” & 3/4” t & g; & OSB board 7/16 3/4”; closet tracks; approx. 30sq. of primed cement board siding; dimensional lumber 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10 ,2x12-8ft. to 24ft. long; engineered 4x4x24; new electric base board heaters; 4x6, 16’ to 20’ treated; 6x6, 16’ to 20’ treated; bar joist 20’ long; 1 20x40 pole barn package “no metal”; new Anderson windows; new vinyl siding; R-R ties; WAY TO MUCH TO LIST. FORK LIFT & VW RABBIT: 1994 Teledyne-Princeton-D5000 diesel Fork lift; 1980 VW Rabbit, 80,000 miles, like new. AUCTIONEERS NOTE AND TERMS: Everything sold as is where is, with no guarantees. Mr. Brashear has sold his building and needs to get this stuff out, if you need building supplies this is your chance to pick up a large variety at public auction. Come early to inspect and be prepared to remove. Cash or Ohio check w/ photo Id, we also accept Visa, Master Card, & Discover, a 3% fee will be added to all credit cards. No buyers premium! Visit www.auctionzip.com user #7414 for pics/info SELLER: JOHN BRASHEAR


R3- MLS# 1506445 – NEW LISTING- 3 bedroom 1.5 bath ranch brick on a corner lot. Stone fireplace, Built-in appliances, Newer roof, Newer forced air furnace and central air. This is a home with character and located in a neighborhood w/pride in ownership. Listed at $110,000.

R10 – MLS# 1501234 – Two bedroom mobile home in good condition. Tenant has occupied for over ten years. $400 per month rent. 1980 Commodore. Parcel to be surveyed off current parcel and water/sewer tap separated. Manchester, $18,000. Owner will consider financing down payment. Asking $18,000. R12 - MLS# 1501267 - Singlewide mobile home. Rents for $400. To be surveyed off parcel. Water and sewer to be separated. Owner will consider financing the down payment. Asking $15,000.

H1 - MLS# 1505090 - Single story home on 1.9 acres in Decatur. Could use a little TLC. Furnace and air conditioning in need of repair. Currently using window a/c and wall heater. Asking $45,000. H9 - MLS# 1501229 - A Rare Find Meticulously Entirely Renovated - All brick ranch on a corner lot. This 3 bedroom

R4 – MLS# 1500043 - 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch with bonus room larger rooms, and plenty of car space. Great location. Vinyl sided, forced air and central air. Listed at $98,500.

2.5 bath home features many upgrades and fine quality throughout. Convenient location in a neighborhood with pride in ownership. Asking $194,700.

H13 - MLS# 1491387 - A Stately Brick that sets back a blacktop drive and a large rear and front yard, mature shade and a chance to have that charm that only comes with homes of character. 4 bedroom with character. Brick home in the village on 1 acre +. Drywall walls, carpeted floors, tiled bath, insulated windows. Painted steel roof, full basement, and detached garage. Listed at $124,900.

H14 - MLS# 1502562 - NEW LISTING OWN YOUR OWN PONDEROSA on this 1- ac. mini-farm with additional acreage available! There’s room on this range to keep your horses , cattle, goats, llamas, or whatever you want to raise, including kids! The 42x36 barn w/lean to

R7 – MLS# 1514407 – NEW LISTING - 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath home with several new or recent updates. Laminate flooring throughout. Furnace, Elec heat pump 2 years old, newer hot water heater, back porch also newer. Kitchen features wood cabinetry, built in dishwasher. Large (40x12) storage unit. Under house cellar for those stormy nights! Immaculate home. Carport and concrete driveway. Large back yard. $72,900. be complete with horse stalls and workshop. This beautiful 5 bdrm., 3 bath home is sure to please with over 2,600 sq. ft., adjoining mother-in-law suite gleaming hardwood floors, partial walkout basement, attached garage and carport. Too many extras to mention, 12’ stocked pond, orchard, grape vineyard...the list goes on and on. Put your brand on this spread for the asking price of $239,000. Definitely not a drive-by! F1 – MLS# 1506477 – Home sits off road on 51.65 acres with pond, additional detached poured basement, 3 separate water and electric hook ups, and 3 septic tanks. Nice country setting, set up well for families and hunting. House is fair condition, remodeling unfinished. Asking $139,900.

V5 - MLS# 1471979 - Very nice 2 acres for building your new home! Public water and electric available! Asking $19,900

H5 - MLS# 1511414 - NEW LISTING - 8.3 COUNTRY ACRES with very nice home featuring 3-4 BR, 2 full bath, spacious L.R., D.R., Kitchen, Family Room, Laundry Room, and attached garage. Also, 952 sq. ft. detached building with concrete floor and finished upper floor. Chain-link fenced in rear yard and covered porch. Attractive home for an attractive price of $94,500. V3 - MLS# 1514552 - NEW LISTING Approx. 15 Ac. Located in Perry Township, Pike Co. Secluded setting, ideal for hunting, or week-getaway. Reasonably priced at $22,500. V8 - MLS# 1447130 - 9 acres +/- Close to 32 in Peebles area. Drilled well and septic approved in 1999. Great home site or recreational property. Wooded and rolling. Asking $39,900. C4 - MLS# 1419908 - HUGE PRICE REDUCTION! ATTENTION INVESTORS! Great business opportunity with this two story brick that has six separate units. Two store-fronts, plus four-2BR second floor apartments, all currently occupied. It will pay for itself plus give you a tax sheltered cash flow. An opportunity that deserves your immediate investigation. Call for more details. WAS $59,000. NOW ONLY $49,000.


B8 West Union People’s Defender



Sunday, October 23, 2016




REAL ESTATE & PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION Located 2 miles E. of Hillsboro at 6488 George Ave., Hillsboro, Ohio 45133. Follow St. Rt. 124 E. from Hillsboro to George Ave. to auction.

Location: 2333 US 68, Maysville, KY 41056

From Double AA Hwy go South on US 68 approx 3 miles across from the Colonial Heights Veterinary Clinic

ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, GLASSWARE, JEWELRY, TOOLS & MISC. Ant. secretary desk, old roll top secretary desk, dining room suite 6 chairs, china cabinet, & server, Queen Anne chair, Ant Carlson stereo & record player, Ant dresser w/wooden candle holders & handkerchief drawers, marble top Ant. wash stand, sm. Sanitary ice chest, blue couch & chair, Globe Wernicke 3 stack bookcase, sm. entrance table, Jenny Lind twin bed & chest, hall tree w/marble top & umbrella stand, bookcase, writing desk, sm. spun leg lamp table, flat top desk, roll top desk, rope stool, kitchen table & chairs, oak & wicker rockers, table lamp, 2 end tables, maple Willett twin bed & dresser, oak high chair, Joe Camel neon sign, nice 2 door cabinet, wash stand, sm. kitchen table w/claw feet, antique dresser w/mirror, ant. wall telephone, chandelier, Limoge dishes, 4 cups & saucers, Nippon dish, RS Germany dishes, 8 dessert dishes, glassware, bowl & pitcher, lg. vase, 1 ant. ring without setting, 14kt. Gold band, sterling silver pcs., pocket watches, 3 ladies watches, McGuffey readers Primer & 1 thru 6 books, sev. pcs. Rookwood, Hummel, Roseville vase, pcs. of Fenton, depression glass, cheese service set, Saxe porcelain pcs., salts, game table, 1818 - 1993 Brown Co. History Book, Ant. books, Paul Sawyer print, butter molds, lg. granite coffee pot, butter churn, 2 trunks, nice double bed dresser & night stand, 1 drawer walnut night stand, couch & 2 chairs, quilt rack, beveled wall mirror, folding wicker chair, baby cradle, high chair, pictures, 2 TV, 2 hope chests, sewing cabinet, Amana refrigerator Frigidaire stove & dishwasher, Whirlpool W/D, Frigidaire 19 cu. Ft, Jenn Air microwave, 4 ice cream chairs, new water softner still in box, filing cabinets, lg. iron kettle, cast iron fern stand w/marble top, patio table & 4 chairs, flat iron, Ball jars, old grinding stone, sewing machine cabinet, hand planers, vices, other misc tools, 2 wooden pulleys, cream & milk cans, air compressor, 3 HP alternating Wagner electric motor, rear tine tiller, Delta 16” scroll saw, New Peerless 100,000 BTU natural gas heater, 2005 Haulmark low hauler enclosed trailer, 7x12 ft. ramp door, like new, coins: 1918 lg penny, 1883 silver dollar, 2 pc dollars, 1904 Indian Head penny.

Location: 1525 Moores Rd. Seaman, OH 45679

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2016 at 10:00 w/ Personal Property; 12:00 Noon Real Estate Followed by Furniture & Car BRICK RANCH HOME, 2 GARAGES & LOT Very nice brick ranch home w/ 1544 sq. ft. of living area incl. kitchen, breakfast nook, LR, family room w/ walk-out to patio, 3 BR, 2 baths, full basement w/ 2 rooms, recreation room w/ brick hearth for wood stove, half bath & washer/dryer hookup; 2 car attached garage, porch & patio; natural gas heat, new central air unit, new hot water heater, co. water & aeration septic; pole detached garage 32’x24’ w/ concrete floor, elec. & is insulated; blacktop drive, very well located, beautiful large corner lot, drains well, fruit trees, landscaping & shade. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Real estate & personal property of the late Anna E. Kistler. Home is in good condition offering a great opportunity to any buyer. For terms & detailed ad check web. Contact auctioneers for packet. Disclaimer: All information contained herein is believed to be accurate but not warranted. Auctioneers & sales people are agents for the seller. Any announcements made by auctioneer on day of sale will take precedence over this ad. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Baker’s kitchen cabinet base w/ porcelain top & bread drawer; oak dining table w/self contained leaf & 4 chairs; sq. harvest type pedestal table w/ leaves; set of 6 oak pressed back chairs; oak flatwall cabinet; Waterfall cedar blanket chest; wood bed, paneled; 2 dressers w/ mirror, 1 oak; 2 rockers,1 sewing; corner shelf; trunks, 1 steamer; store jar; iron skillet; shoe last; flat iron; mini iron & trivet; Sellers cookie, tea & coffee jars; oil lamps; stone jar & bean pot; 2 McCoy planters; granite wash pans; unusual floor lamp; buggy robe; garden plow; primitive wood box; feed sack material; rolling pins; milk bottles; jars (1 Jumbo, wire top & blue); lg. amount of baskets (Henn, Workshop, split oak, picnic); Life of Abraham Lincoln by Henry Ketcham; old books; Hillsboro Festival of Bells bells set (no 91 or 93); vases,1 Hull; hen & rabbit on nests; glass basket; misc. glassware; Firestone ash tray; pictures; jewelry boxes; ladies hats; old scrap book; bullet pencils; Life magazines; HOUSEHOLD: Frigidaire upright freezer; 2 Frigidaire refrigerators; Maytag washer; GE dryer; Magic Chef elec. range; (all appliances white); microwave; 2 recliners, 1 Lazy Boy, burgundy, good; Lazy Boy blue couch w/ reclining ends, good; couch; wing back chair; (2) 3 pc. bedroom suites, maple; maple end tables; drum table; blonde chest; desk; 2 coffee tables, 1 wicker; microwave stand; small stands; 2 wardrobes (1 wood, 1 metal); metal base cabinet; sew. machine; clock w/ pendulum; dishes; cookware; wood bucket; shadow box mirror; sewing basket; Adams Co. courthouse throw; hanging lamp w/ globe; table, floor & vanity lamps; quilt rack; sm. appliances; cookbooks; lg. amt. of bedding; polyester quilts; towels; sweeper; Christmas items; patio table; 2 glider swings; several boxed lots; CAR - MISC.: 1994 Olds Cutlass Cierra, 4 door, 61823 actual mi., salvage title; 12’ alum. ext. ladders; wheel barrow; circular saws; step ladder; hand & garden tools; misc. lumber; OTHER ITEMS AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Auction has lots of nice clean items! TERMS ON PERSONAL PROPERTY: Cash or check w/ proper ID. Any announcements made by auctioneer take precedence over this ad.

Cross cut saw, 3 legged table, 2 end tables and coffee table, 2x4 and 2x6 construction, 1 metal filing cabinetlarge, 1 office chair, Three quarter old walnut bed with new mattress, Travel bags- suit cases, Desk, Cherry book case, Nice brass candelabra set, American peoples encyclopedia set, Candles and holders, Penn State serving tray- old, Old scales, Old coffee grinder, 1930 Saturday evening post poster, Wooden pulley, Cow bell, Old tins, Fossil wood and animal, Old iron and stand, Old bottles- 7 up and coke, Old canning jars- blue and white, some with lids, Ball bats, Hand saws, Old apple press, Complete training course on Motorcycles Mechanics, Display case and parts for shelving, 2 Huffy bicycles- 26” men and women, ridden once, One window air conditioner, 1 nice horse saddle and bridles, Huskee snow blower mounted on lawn mower- works great, Copper kettle, 4 sets of crutches, 2 1800s iron beds, Tools, Dirt bike helmets, Exercise equipment, Electric water heater- used one year, Old lamps, Model T license plate, 2 suit and pant stands, Old tricycle- Junior Toy Corp, Hammond Ind., Copper cars and Windmill music boxes, Edison's Rotary Mimeograph #75- 1904, Cherry 2 foot leveler, 22”- 3” x 3” Wood Planner, Wood burning stove, Old nick knacks, Odds and ends, Loose Hay fork, complete. The hay fork is patterned after a sword, 1 large loader and 1 small loader with 4' track, has been sandblasted & repainted, hard to find, Pull Trailer 8' x 11”10”, 1' rails, 2 sides are hinged, electric brakes, set up to haul 4 wheelers, Small size washer and wringer, TOPPER, Chicago Electric Company Model 04, Alt Current only.

Lunch Available


www.auctionzip.com #8276

Auctioneer Note: Mrs. Pickrell has lived here for 37 yrs. all of these items are very clean. Many interesting items not listed. NO BUYERS PREMIUM

Not responsible for accidents

SALE CONDUCTED BY Wm. J. Holton 513-218-4100 Jesse Mckenzie 513-218-2541 Associate of Gustin Realty

Check Internet for Pictures. Lunch Available


Not responsible for accidents


SALE CONDUCTED BY Wm. J. Holton 513-218-4100 Jesse Mckenzie 513-218-2541 Associate of Gustin Realty

Contact John Gutman 513-460-6877

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www.auctionzip.com #8276


West Union People’s Defender

Photo Of the Week

Where does your courage come from? A couple of weeks ago, I took my two oldest daughters and some neighbor friends on a day trip to visit my alma mater, Morehead State University. It’s beautiful this time of year. We walked around campus and showed the girls where all of the buildings are, and I couldn’t believe how much it has grown and changed since I graduated. I was secretly hoping they would fall in love with it and want to go there too. But aside from the awesome academic programs, another jewel to that area is Daniel Boone National Forest. I try to get back at least once a year just to walk around Cave Run Lake and climb Lockegee Rock, so this day was no exception. My girls had been up the rock before, but they were much younger and I pretty much carried them back then. (Not really sure how!) However, it was a first for the other three girls, and my gal pal Jennifer was a little apprehensive. But her son Austin goes to Morehead State, so he met up with us to make the climb, and I am so glad he did. As Jennifer and I stood at the bottom of the rock taking pictures of the teenagers making the climb ahead of us, she was telling me that she didn’t think she could make it. I told her not to worry if she didn’t want to do it. It’s scary. It’s really steep. I didn’t want her to chance getting hurt if she was unsure. None of the kids would be upset with her for sitting it out. But Austin was having none of that. He knew she was scared, but he also knew that her fear was a bigger obstacle than the rock. He had already climbed up once to help the other girls, and when he came back down to help us, Jennifer told him that she wasn’t going to go. He said, ‘No, Mom. You’re going to do this. I’ll help you.” He squashed every rebuttal she came up with and encouraged her every step of the way. He believed in her until she believed in herself. As I watched them from the

Denae Jones Contributing Columnist

bottom of the rock, I could hear him cheering his Mom on. You’ve got this. You can do it. Keep going. You’re going to be okay. You’re doing great. Don’t quit now. You’re almost there. She trusted him, and he guided her up the rock, showing her where to place each foot and what to grab onto in order to make the climb safely and steadily. She did it afraid, and what an awesome feeling when they got to the top and conquered that fear together! The view is even more breathtaking when you’ve worked so hard to see it. We all have fears that we face. It does not discriminate. It marches its unwelcome self into all of our lives and looks for a place to set up camp. Some fears are small and mostly in our own heads, but some are so very real and overpowering and validated and seem out of our control. It will inevitably happen to all of us. But how we handle it is what makes the difference. We can let it control us or we can square up with it and meet it head on. I can tell you right now, that I know it’s way easier to say than it is to do. Fear and courage seem to be on opposite sides of the spectrum at first, but I believe they really work hand in hand. I believe that fear can actually give you courage. If you’ve never been fearful, then what would you have to be courageous about? Fear ignites courage. Courage helps us overcome our fears. So the trick to confronting a fear head on is to find the source of your courage.

Where does your courage come from? I believe it can come from experience, from our encouragers, and from God. I’ve found that I have to be intentional in how I handle my fear. When I try to handle it on my own, my mind seems to build it up bigger than it actually is, and my body gives in to physical and emotional anxiety. I’ve even been known to pass out because I get myself so worried and worked up over something. But when I name the fear (and sometimes I have to dig deep to get to the real cause of anxiety) I can make a plan. What are the obstacles? Is there a way around it, or do I have to plow right through? Who can I confide in to help me handle this fear? What’s plan B if plan A doesn’t work out? Then I just have to have faith. I am very fortunate that I have a lot of family and good friends who are always faithful supporters, encouragers, and prayer warriors for me. They are my cheerleaders and my touchstones, and always remind me that even if my fear is bigger than me, it’s not bigger than God. He is my rock. I trust Him, and he guides me, showing me where to place each foot and what to grab onto in order to know I can meet this challenge safely and steadily. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9” That doesn’t mean it’s not going to be scary. It simply means we know we are not going through it alone, and we can square up, even if we have to do it afraid. The good thing is that once we have gotten through something that is really scary, it’s not so scary anymore. We know what we are capable of. We have wisdom of how to handle it if it should happen again. We become the encourager for others who will go through the same thing. We were there. We defeated it. We overcame. It feels good.

Tiffin Township Clean-Up Day is Oct. 29 The Board of Tiffin Township Trustees will be furnishing a dumpster for trash on one day-Saturday, Oct. 29 from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. This dumpster is only for Tiffin Township residents and no household garbage, farm chemicals or containers, appliances, paint containers, lumber, or tires will be accepted. Please limit to two truckloads per residence and

Sunday, October 23, 2016 B9

After the warm temperatures in the early week, fall seems to be arriving in Adams County and this display in the front yard of photographer Chris Fogle mirrors many that can be found in the area celebrating the season.

First full GE9X engine hits the mark in ground testing PRESS RELEASE GE Aviation completed the initial ground testing of the first full GE9X development engine, the world's largest commercial aircraft engine that will power Boeing's 777X aircraft, with impressive results. "This engine is living up to our expectations, and we are extremely pleased with the results," said Ted Ingling, general manager of the GE9X program at GE Aviation. "During ground testing at GE Aviation's Peebles Testing Operation, the first GE9X engine performed flawlessly, providing the Engineering team with 1,200 individual data streams that reaffirmed the design. We look forward to the next phase of testing for the engine program." The first GE9X engine accumulated 167 hours, 213 cycles and 89 starts during ground testing. The recent testing provided data on the engine's aero and thermal characteris-

tics, mechanical integrity, performance and operability. Later this year, GE Aviation will conduct preliminary ice testing on the first engine to test (FETT) to get a sneak peek at how the engine will perform. The FETT is a culmination of maturation testing on the GE9X technologies, which started five years ago. The GE9X FETT testing, which began in late March, occurred much earlier in the engine development process and a mere six months after the engine design was finalized. This timing enables all FETT learnings to be captured in the certification engines. A second round of testing is underway on a GEnx demonstrator engine with GE9X CMC (ceramic matrix composite) components in the combustor and turbine. With one-third the density of metal alloys and greater thermal capabilities, lightweight CMC components reduce an engine's overall weight for improved fuel efficiency,

engine performance and durability. Certification testing on the GE9X program will begin in the first half of next year along with flight testing on GE Aviation's flying test bed. Engine certification is expected in 2018. With almost 700 GE9X engines on order, the GE9X engine will be in the 100,000 pound thrust class and will have the largest front fan at 134 inches in diameter with a composite fan case and 16 fourth generation carbon fiber composite fan blades. Other key features include; a next-generation 27:1 pressure-ratio 11stage high-pressure compressor; a third-generation TAPS III combustor for high efficiency and low emissions; and CMC material in the combustor and turbine. IHI Corporation, Safran Aircraft Engines, Safran Aero Boosters and MTU Aero Engines AG are participants in the GE9X engine program.

there will be no early or after hours dumping allowed. A proof of residence may be requested and the Township will not be responsible for accidents and will retain all scrap metal. The dumpster will be located at the Maintenance Building at 10616 State Rte. 125, east of West Union.

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10B West Union People’s Defender

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Commissioners meet in Oct. 11 session Land Transfers The Board of Adams County Commissioners met in regular session on Oct. 11, 2016 in the Government Center, with the following members present: Brian Baldridge, Paul Worley, and Ty Pell. The meeting was opened with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Paul Worley. It was moved by Paul Worley and seconded by Brian Baldridge to approve the minutes of the previous regular meeting. The Commissioners examined, approved and ordered the bills paid. It was moved by Ty Pell and seconded by Paul Worley to approve the transfer of funds. Roll Call Vote: all yeas. It was moved by Paul Worley and seconded by Brian Baldridge to approve the establishment of a new fund for Family and Children First OhioMHAS Respite Fund 335-280-5400. Funding is generated through A.D.A.M.H.S. Board of Adams Lawrence and Scioto Counties for Respite Services. Roll Call Vote: all yeas. The Board conducted a Directors’ meeting at 9:30 a.m. to review the current projects and status of each department under the jurisdiction of

the Adams County Board of Commissioners. Those in attendance were as follows: ECD Director Holly Johnson, Special Projects Director Donnie Swayne, JFS Director Sue Fulton, HR Director Diane Ward and GIS Director Angelena Newman. JFS Director Sue Fulton met with the Board to discuss personnel and general updates. also present for the meetECD Director Holly ing. Johnson met with the It was moved by Ty Board to discuss the posPell and seconded by sibility of the county Paul Worley to approve starting a land bank for the allocation of funds future projects. Ms. collected in 2017 through Johnson also discussed the marriage license fees current project and conspecial account to be distracts for the Economic tributed equally, 50/50, and Community between YWCA and Development Reach Out Inc. Roll Call Department. Vote: all yeas. It was moved by Brian Assistant Prosecuting Baldridge and seconded Attorney Dana Whalen by Ty Pell to enter into met with the Board to Executive Session at discuss current projects 10:08 a.m. to discuss Trade Secrets/ Economic Development according to O.R.C.121.22 (G)(7). Roll Call Vote: all yeas. Chairman Baldridge reconvened the session at Few landscape shrubs 10:20 a.m. are as well known as the Darin Schwiechart DS2 “burning bush” Architects met with the (Euonymus alatus or Board to discuss the “winged euonymus”), a Probation Department woody shrub known for Bathroom remodel and its spectacular red fall the Work Release Facility color. The term “winged” Plans. Angie Richmond, Euonymus refers to the Court Administrator was corky bark that forms on their mature stems. Burning bush is a handsome and rugged plant that will grow in bad soils and tolerate drought. It is deer resistant. Left un-sheared, burning bush develop a graceful horizo ntal branching habit that looks like a miniature version of a stately shade tree. Many varieties of burning bush will grow over ten feet tall and wide if not sheared. The most popular burning bush is “compacta” or “compactus”, a “dwarf” form that eventually grows to eight feet tall and wide. Most homeowners routinely shear burning bush to sizes ranging for three to five feet, destroying its natural shape and ca using the center to die out. Repeated shearing encourages dense branching around the outside of the bush, which deprives the inner branches of sunlight and kills them. There are actually only

Oct. 7-14, 2016

and contracts. The Board held a phone conference with Tom Hollett of Maximus of Maximus Consulting to discuss the County Central Services Cost Allocation Plan. It was moved by Paul Worley and seconded by Ty Pell to adjourn. For more information on County Government, visit adamscountyoh.com or call the Board of Commissioners at 937544-3286.

Daniel E. Raines, Lucinda Raines to Federal Home Loan, Seaman Village, 0.20 ac. Ernie Baldridge, Joy L. Baldridge to US Bank, Scott Twp, 1.00 ac. Fannie F. Grooms, Dec'd to Vicki Kay Blecha, Tiffin Twp, 3.129 ac. Fannie F. Grooms, Dec'd to Anthony G. Groms, Vickey L. Grooms, Tiffin Twp, 2.436 ac. Marlene Vetter, Trustee, Marlene Vetter Trust to Todd D. Rush, Trustee, Marlene Vetter Trust, Brush Creek Twp, 5.24 ac. , Jefferson Twp, 26.123 ac. Federal Home Loan to Jamie Young, Meigs Twp, lot 1 Paul W. Mossbarger, Debbie L. Mossbarger, Deborah Mossbarger, Trustee to Paul Mossbarger, Trustee, Mossbarger Scott Twp, Family Trust, 1.72 ac. Lavonne Gaffin, Grace

Gaffin, Lavonne Gaffin, Trustee, Grace Gaffin, Trustee, Velma I Potts, Gaffin Family Trust to Velma I. Potts, Liberty Twp, 0.688 ac., Sprigg Twp, 19.642 ac. Lavonne Gaffin, Grace Gaffin, Lavonne Gaffin, Trustee, Grace Gaffin, Trustee, Gaffin Family Trust, Velma I. Potts to Lavonne Gaffin, Trustee, Grace Gaffin,Trustee, Gaffin Family Trust, Sprigg Twp, 46.25 ac., Liberty Twp, 3.518 ac. George E. Sowards, Diana L. Sowards to Sean M. Stone, Peebles Village, 0.4527 ac. Larry McGraw, Sandra McGraw to Leslie Logan Tussey, Manchester Village, 0.149 ac. Jody Lee Evans, Billie R. Evans to Tap Rock LLC, Bratton Twp, 44.508 ac. Jerry E. Plumber, Martha Jane Plumber to Ethan T. McCarty, Brooklyn S. McCarty, Manchester Village, 0.212 ac.

Burning Bush lives up to its name

Firemen make visit to Peebles Elementary

two truly dwarf varieties of burning bush: “Rudy Haag”, which grows to five feet, and “Little Moses”, a new cultivar that matures between three and four feet. These

without shearing and still fit your landscape. There’s also an unusual tree form variety, a handsome shrub on a two-foot tall trunk. These dense small trees are ideal for privacy screening. Modern burning bush varieties are derived from native Euonymus, which thrive in southern Ohio woodlands. Like their wild cousins, burning bush form small berries that are attractive to bird s. Birds also like

With enough room to grow to full size without shearing, “burning bush” makes an interesting and attractive landscape specimen. (GoodSeed Nursery photo) varieties are more suited to foundation plantings than “com pacta”. They can grow to full size

the dense branching and thick cover of mature burning bush, where they can safely build nests

and raise their young. The name “burning bush” comes from a story in the Bible (Exodus 3:16). Moses had grown up in Egypt in the palace of the Pharaoh. He ran away from Egypt after he killed an Egyptian that was beating up a Hebrew, and lived in the desert with the Midianites. It was here that God taught Moses what he would need to know to lead the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. One day he saw a bush that appeared to be on fire, but it wasn't burning. Using the bush as a medium, God called Moses to service in the Promised Land. At this time of year, burning bush show off the blazing red fall color that earned them their name. If you decide to plant one, make sure you space it far enough from walls or pavement that it can grow to full size without constant shearing. Steve Boehme and his wife Marjorie own GoodSeed Nursery & Landscape, located near Winchester, Ohio at 9736 Tri-County Highway. More information is available at www.goodseedfarm.com or call (937) 695-0350.

Edge of Appalachia Preserve System announces Fall 2016 Eulett Center After Hours Series SUBMITTED BY CHRIS BEDEL Provided photos

Kindergarten students at Peebles Elementary recently enjoyed a visit from firemen representing the Peebles Fire Department. During the visit, the students were able to a close-up view of a fire truck and the fireman’s uniform and learned about fire safety.


Join The Edge of Appalachia Preserve for free public talks about interesting things in Adams County. Don’t go right home after work. Grab a friend and come to the museum’s Eulett Center and enjoy an hour of something new and interesting. For more information contact Preserve Director, Chris Bedel at (937) 5442880 ext 11 or cbedel@cincymuseum.org. Or just show up the day of the event at Eulett Center at 4274 Waggoner Riffle Road inWest Union. No registration or calling in is

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Crayfish, Crawdads and Mudbugs Emily Imhoff, PhD Cincinnati Museum Center, Zoology Collections Manager Thursday, Nov 3, 5:156:15 p.m. No other animal captivates a child’s imagination like a crayfish. Yet, even after growing up hunting for crawdads, what do we really know about these creatures? How many species live in Adams County? How long can they live? How do they raise their young? These and other questions will be answered by the museum’s Emily Imhoff,

The Caves of Adams County Jonah Kidder, Author of Caves of Adams County (2015) Thursday, Nov. 10, 5:156:15 p.m. Adams County is part of the karst region of Ohio and is dotted with caves of various shapes and sizes. Some you can walk into while others require that you crawl. Some caves are well known and steeped in local folk lore about criminal hideouts and bear dens,


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an astacologist (crayfish scientist). She will share her knowledge of everything crayfish for the kid in all of us.

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while others are less known and have rarely been visited. Join local cave explorer and mapper, Jonah Kidder to learn about his quest to find every cave in Adams County and to map their interiors for his recently released book.

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