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Breaking news at peoplesdefender.com
Issue 24, Volume 41
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Sunday, October 30, 2016
Prather's to hold 2016 Election Day Sale Humane Society hosts annual Howl-O-Ween Fundraiser
Local candidates to attend throwback Thursday event BY PATRICIA BEECH PEOPLE'S DEFENDER
Karen Franklin receives Community Service Award BY PATRICIA BEECH Three hundred individuals and businesses conPEOPLE'S DEFENDER tributed to the evening by Nearly 70 people on donating a wide variety of Saturday, Oct. 22 attended items for the auction. the fourth annual Humane Those in attendance bid on Society of Adams County's handmade crafts, artwork, (HSAC) Howl-O-Ween primitive décor, gift basDinner and Auction. The kets, animal statues, event event was held at the GE tickets, gift cards, and Park Pavilion in Peebles many other items. and this year the fundraiser See Howl / 5 netted a total of $4,200.
On Thursday, Nov. 3, Prather's IGA in West Union will host a four-hour Election Day Sale, running from 4 – 8 p.m. "We've invited candidates from both parties to come and meet with community members during the sale," said store manager Connie Phelps. "They'll See Prather’s / 5
‘Jack-O-Nation’ gives Adams County tourism a boost Halloween event provides a venue for the talents of local students BY PATRICIA BEECH PEOPLE'S DEFENDER Jack-O-Nation, the newest attraction in Adams County, is luring tourists from as far away as Michigan and Pennsylvania to Woodland Altars Park, five miles east of Peebles. The Halloween extravaganza features thousands of painted and intricately
carved pumpkins created by local high school students. "I'd never been to a pumpkin show in my life," says the park's owner Tom Partin. "But I noticed, driving around this time of year that people are decorating their homes. Halloween is the second busiest holiday for decorating, and I saw it as an opportunity to bring some-
Patricia Beech | People’s Defender
The art departments from several local schools contributed decorated and elaborate pumpkins to the Patricia Beech | People’s Defender Jack-O-Nation event at Woodland Altars. Pumpkins of all shapes, sizes, and fright levels greet visitors at the Woodland Altars Jack-O-Nation. thing new to the county." Partin and his wife Melissa, who purchased
the park earlier this year, say they were surprised that so many of the Jack-
! "
O-Nation visitors were from out-of-town. "They're seeing it on Facebook," Melissa said. "Our son told us Facebook is where you want to
advertise this event, and I'm thrilled it's bringing business to the county." According to Partin, five million people have clicked "Like" on the
A2 West Union People’s Defender
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Your Yoou our ur Choice CCh Choic hooiice ce
$ 99
Boneless Bo on neelleesss Country Co C oun nttr try ry Style Ribs Sty S tyylle R Rib Ri ibs
USDA Pork USDA D Inspected IInnspecteedd PPo ork rk • FFamily aam miillyy PPack aacckk
lb. llbb.
$ 19
Grade Gra raddde A
IGA IG GA Frozen FFro rozeen Turkey Turk T rkey
lb. llbb.
Extra Ext Ex xtr tra Large LLaarrgee Green Gre G reen Bell Beell Peppers, Peepp P peers, s Green Onions Greeeen O On nio io on o ns or o Cucumbers Cucumb b ers
69 69
Yellow Yello ello low Onions O On niions 2 lb. lb. Bag lb BBaag
Bucket Buck B uck ckeet of o Golden Gold den Fried FFrri rieed d Chicken Chic Chi C iiccke ken
15 15 Piece PPiiece ecc
Hormel Ho r m e l Cooked Coo C Co ok keed d Ham Haam H
$ 99 99
Glazed Gllazzeed G d Donuts D Do on nu uttts
6 ct. Mega ct M eegga Roll Roolll or o 122 ct. ct. Double Doouble uble bble le Roll Ro Roll
$ 99 9
$ 99
Charmin Ch C harmi min in Bath Bat B ath h Tissue Tiissue T
lb. llbb.
$ 29
Progresso Prog P rogrreesssso Soups So S oup ps Assorted oz. Asssor A orrteedd VVarieties arieties aarrieties ieettiies es • 188 - 199 ooz z.
1st the Season 1sst of o tth h SSe he eason USDA USDA D Ch CChoice hooiice c Beef Beef
$ 49
Boneless Bo on neeele leesss Top To T op Round Roast Ro R ou un nd d Beef Beeeeff Ro oaast st
Texas Teexxaas Red T Reed R d Grapefruit Graape Gr pefruiit
lb. llbb.
5 lb. lb. Bag lb BBaag
$ 69 6
10 10 ct. ct
$ 99
Spam Spam Assorted oz. Asssor A orrteedd VVarieties aarrieties ieetties ies es • 1122 ooz z.
Cherry Cherry r Sweet SSwe weet Fresh FFre ressh from ffro rom the the Field FFiield ld
Grape Tomatoes Graappe TTo Gr omaattoes
Green Cabbage Greeeen CCa Gr abbbage baagge
Pint Piint n
USDA USDA DA Inspected IInnspecteed
88 88
59 59¢
Chicken Drumsticks Ch C hick ckeen D Dru ru m s t i c k s or o Thighs Thig T igh hs
lb. lb. lb
99 299
Kentucky Gold KKeennttuc ucckky G Go old ldd Turkey Oven Turke kkeyy Breast Breeaasst O Br veen Roasted Rooaasstted R Mesquite Mesquit ite Cajun CCaajjun un
2/$ 2//$ /$
lb. llbb.
lb. llbb.
lb. llbb.
Assorted oz. Asssorteed A d Varieties Vaarieties V arrieties ieeties ties iees • 16 1 o oz z.
Assorted Varieties Asssorteed A dV Va arieties rieties ieties eties tiies ess • 122 ct. ct
2/$ /$
99 9
Swanson Swanson Broth B Brroth Assorted Asssorted A d Varieties Vaarieties V rieties ieties eties tiies es • 32 oz. ozz. o
lb. llbb.
12 12 oz. oozz. Pack Pack
99 9
89 89¢
$ 80% 80% % Lean LLeeaan Fresh FFre resh
Green Greeeen Mountain, Gr M Mooun unntain, Wishbone Wiisshhbboonne SSalad W alad Tully’s, Tullyy’’s, Caribou, CCaarribboou, or o Dressing Swiss Miss K-Cups Dressinng Sw wiisss M Mi iss ss KK-Cups
Yellow Yello ellloow Sweet Sweeeet Onions Onnions
Half Gallon Haallf G H alllon
Carolina Car aroollinna PPride ridde Bacon Baaccoon B
Kentucky KKeennttuucky ckky Gold oold ldd Roast Beef Rooaasstt B R Be eef
Fresh Fresh esh Apple Cider Apppplle CCid A iddeer
Ground Beef Grroouunndd B G eef
Kentucky Gold Pickle, Kennttuuccky Ken ky G Go old ldd PPi ickle kle, Ham Haam H & Cheese, Cheeeessee, Liver Ch LLiv ivveer Dutch Duuttcch or D o Dixie Loaves Diixxiie LLo D oaaves
lb. llbb.
Land Lakes LLaanndd oof Lak LLa akkkees American Americcaan Cheese CChheeeese se
lb. llbb.
lb. llbb.
Success Rice SSuucceesss R Ri icce or o Minute Minut nnuute t Rice Riicce R
Dole Bowls Doolle FFruit rruit uiit B Bow owls
Assorted oz. Asssorteed A d Varieties Varieties aarrieties ieeties ties iees • 14 14 o oz z.
Assorted Pack Asssorted A d Varieties Vaarieties rieties ieties eties tiies ess • 4 P Pa ackk
99 9
Yoo Yoooo Hoo Hoooo Chocolate Choc hooccolaate t Drink Drrink D nk 122 Pack, Pa Packk, 11 11 oz. ozz. Cans o C Caans
Ore Ore Ida Idda PPotatoes otaato toes Assorted Varieties oz. Asssorteed V A aarriieettiiees • 116 - 32 o oz z. Prairie PPra raiirriie FFresh reesshh Premium Preem miiuum Pork PPoork rk
lb. llbb.
Boneless Booneless B Beef Ribeye Steaks Beeeeff R Ri ibeye SSt teaks
Land Lakes LLaanndd oof LLa Lak ake kes Hot Cheese Hoot Pepper Peeppppeer CCh heeeesse
lb. llbb.
Pillsbury PPilllsburryy Sweet Rolls SSweeet Sw eet ee e R Ro olllss olls
IGA IG GA Shredded SShhhrrreed edddeed ed CCh Cheese heee ees ese se
Assorted Varieties oz. Asssorteed A dV arieties aarriieettiiees • 12.4 2.4 .44 - 13.9 1133..9 o oz z.
Assorted Varieties Asssorted A dV arieties ariieettiiees • 8 oz. ozz. o
2/$ /$
Dinner Dinnnneerr R D Ro Rolls ollls ls 12 12 ct. ct
Purnell’s Purnelll’s’s Old Old FFolks olks Sausage Patties Saauussaagge PPat atties
USDA Western Grain USD DA W We esstteerrn Gr G raaiin FFed edd Beef Beef
4 - 8 lb. lb
2/$ 2//$ /$
Honeysuckle White Honeeyyyssuucckkl Ho kle W Wh hitte Bone-In Breast Boonee--IIn TTurkey B urkey Br B reast
Center Boneless CCeenteerr CCut uut B oonneele leesss PPork ork Chops Chops Ch
49 9
lb. llbb.
Pillsbury PPilllsbbu bur urryy Cake Cak ake Mix ix
Pillsbury Applesauce PPilllsbbu bur urryy Frosting Frosting tinng Motts Motts ttts Applesauc pppllesauc essaauuce c
Assorted Asssorted A d Varieties Vaarieties V arrieties ieettiiees • 15.25 15.225 2 oz. o ozz.
15.6 15.6 .6 - 16 o oz. z.
29 9
99 99
lb. lbb.
2/$ /$
Assorted Asssortedd Varieties A Vaarriieettiiees • 24 ct. ct
23 oz. 2 - 24 o oz z.
69 6
Motts Motts Applesauce Applesaucce App
Cream Creeaam Pies PPiies Each Each chh
6 Pack, Pacckk, 4 oz. ozz. Cups o Cu C ups
2/$ /$
Hershey’s Heersheeyyy’s’s Snack Snnaacckk Mixes M Miixxxees
IGA IGA Broth B Brroth
Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties Vaar V ariieettiieees • 5.9 55..9 - 6.8 6.8 oz. ozz. o
Assorted Varieties Asssorted A dV Va aarriieettiiees • 144 14.5 144..5 oz. ozz. o
19 319
2/$ /$
BBEVERAGES EVERAGES & SNACKS SNACKS Pillsbury PPiillsburryy Grands Biscuits Grrraan G andds d B Bi Bisc isc scu cuiitts cuits
Blue Bonnet Blluue B B Bo onnneet TTub ub
Assorted Asssorted A d Varieties Vaarriieettiieees 8 ct, oz. ct 116.3 6.3 o oz z.
Oscar Mayer Regular Osccaar M ayeer R Re egguullaarr oor Red Rind Thick Bologna Reedd R R Ri nndd TTh hhicckk B ologna
Lloyd’s Llo loyydd’s BBQ BB B BQ Q
1 lb. lb
Assorted Asssorteedd VVarieties A aarriieettiiees • 15 15 - 16 16 oz. oozz.
2/$ /$
45 4 oz. ozz. o
49 9
1 $2.69
5/$ /$
10 10
Kraft Dips Krafftt D Dip ps
Sunny SSuunnnyy D
(P.P. (P.P P. $2.69) 2.69) .6699) • 122 oz. o ozz.
Assorted Varieties Asssorted A dV aar arieties riieettiiees • 8 oz. ozz. o
Assorted Varieties oz. Asssorteed A dV aarieties riieties eties tiiees • 128 28 o oz z.
144 oz. oozz.
Assorted Asssortedd VVarieties A arieties aarriieettiiees • 9 oz. oozz.
2/$ 2//$ /$
2/$ /$
Uncle Ray’s Unccle le R ay ’s’s Potato Potaato Chips Chipps Ch Assorted oz. Asssorteed A d Varieties Vaarrieties ieettiiees • 8 - 8.5 88..5 o oz z.
IGA IGA Chicken Chick hiicckkeen Noodle Nooooodddlle or o Tomato TToomato Soup S oup So Assorted Asssorted A d Varieties Varieties arieties ieties eties ties ies ess • 10.5 10.5 10.75 100.75 .75 775 oz. ozz. o
2/$ 2/$
5/$ 5//$ /$
IGA IGA A Flour FFllour Assorted Varieties Asssorted A dV Va arieties rieties ieties eties tiies es • 5 lb. lb lb
Pepsi Peepppssi Products PPrroducctts
Crystal Farms Crryyssttaal FFa arms Singles SSinngles
$ Oscar Osccaarr M Mayer ayer Deli Shaved Deeli SSh hhaavveed Lunchmeat LLuunchmeaatt
Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties Va Varieties etti ties 6 pk. pkk. 16.9 66..9 oz. ozz. btls. o btls ttlls. s Must Mu M usst Buy Buyy 5
Ball Balll PPark B aarrkk oor Kahns Franks Kaahhhnns FFra ra n k s
7•Up 77••Up PProducts Prroducctts
Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties V Vaariettiies 24 pk. pkk. 122 oz. ozz. cans o caan ns Must Mu M usst Buy Buyy 2
2/$ /$
13 13
Coca-Cola CCooccaa-Cola Products PPrroducctts
Kahiki Rolls Kahikki Egg Eggg R Ro olllls
Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties Vaarrieties ieties etti tiees 20 2 pk. pkk. 122 oz. ozz. cans o caan ns
Assorted Asssorted A d Varieties Vaarriieettiiees V 122 - 12 12.2 oz. 2.22 o oz z.
New e York York Garlic Bread, Gaarrlliic Br G B read, ead Knots Knnootts oorr TToast oast
2/$ /$
2/$ /$
13 13
IGA GA Gravy Grravvyy
6 oz. ozz. o
Assorted oz. Asssorteed A d Varieties Vaarieties V rieties ieties eties ties ies es • 10.5 0.5 o oz z.
4/$ 4//$
2 Pack Packk
5 59 9
Wick’s Shells Wiickk’’s Pie W PPiie SSh hells
Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties Vaarriieettiiees V 7.3 oz. .3 - 116 o oz z.
IGA GA A Light Ligh igght h Brown Brrow wn or Powdered PPoowddeer ereedd Sugar SSuuga gar ar
IGA IG GA Pie PPie Shells SShhells
2 lb. lb b
2/$ /$
Pepsi Peepppssi Products PPrroodduc uct uc ts Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties Va Varieties etti ties 6 pk. pkk. 16.9 66..9 oz. ozz. btls. o btls ttlls. s Must Mu M usst Buy Buyy 4
4/$ 4//$ Tyson Grilled Tyyssoon G rrilllleedd Chicken and Chicckkeen aan Ch ndd Steak SStteak
Bob Evans BBoob ob EEva vans Hash Browns Hoom me FFries& rriieess&& HHa asshh BBrow rowns Tennessee Teennnneesssseeee PPride ridde Home 20 2 oz. oozz. Sausage Rolls Saauussaagge R Ro lllls Sausage and Saauussaagge Ch CChili hilli aan ndd Ch CChicken hiiccke ken Assorted Asssortedd Varieties A Varieties aarriieettiiees • 1 lb. llbb. b or Gravy, or S Sausage au a ussa ag ge e Gra Gr Grrav avy, 8 oz. oz oz. Noodle Soup Noooodddlle SSo oup 10 $10 10 For Fo orr $1 $ 10
6 oz. oozz.
2/$ 2//$ /$
99 9
10 10
Banquet Dinners Baanq nqqquuet et D Din nners
Tony’s Pizzeria Crust Pizza TToonnyyy’’s PPiz izz zzzeerriia CCr ruust st PPiz izz zzza
Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties Vaarriieettiiiees 24 - 330 o oz. oz z.
Assorted Asssorted A d Varieties Vaarieties riieettiiees 8.56 20.13 8.56 56 - 220 0.13 13 oz. ozz. o
122 oz. oozz.
2/$ /$
69 9
Dasani Daassani Water Waatteer W 24 pk. pk pk. 16.9 166..9 oz. ozz. btls. o btls btlls. s
99 9
IGA IG GA Paper Paapppeerr Plates PPla Pllate ates
Nabisco Nabiscco Premium Premiuum Saltines Saltin nes or or Oyster Oystteerr Crackers Cr Cracke kers
45 4 ct. ct
Assorted Asssorrteed A d Varieties Vaarieties rieties ieties eeties tiies es 9 - 166 oz. o ozz.
Cousin Coouusin sin Willie’s W Willlie lie’s e’s Popcorn PPoopco co r n 3 Pack Pa Packk
39 3
4/$ 4//$
Tuesdays Tuesdays
Get Get a Buck eye Buckeye D iscount Discount
Large Lar argge Two Two Topping Tooppppinng Pizza PPiz izzza
20 2 ct. ct. Chicken CCh Chick hiiccke ken Wings Winngs W
14 Inch IInnchh
Call Call 544-9999
Large Larrgge BBQ BBQ Q Bacon Baaccoon Chicken B CChick Ch hick ick ckkeen Pizza PPiizzza
Bone-In BBoone nee-In
99 99
99 99
14 14 Inch IInnchh
West Union People’s Defender
Betty D. Cox
Betty D. Cox, 84, of Rome, Ohio died Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2016 at Meadowview Regional Therese A. Boerger, 53 Peter Boerger of Seaman, years of Seaman, passed Louis Boerger of Minford Medical Center in Maysville, Ky. She was away on Tuesday, Oct. 25, and Karl A. Boerger of born Sept. 23, 1932 in 2016. Seaman; and five sisters, Green Township. She was She was born in Warren Eilene Bryant of West preceded in death by her County on June 2, 1963, Union, Lucy Kepler of the daughter of the late Fruitdale, Barbara Boerger husband, Carl “Jim” Cox and parents, Charles Herman and Dolores of Columbus, Rebecca Boerger of Seaman. Boerger of Columbus and William and Eva Florence (Blanton) Spires. Besides her mother, Deborah Boerger of She is survived by one Therese is survived by her Georgia. daughter, Vickie (Doug) seven brothers, Anthony On behalf of Therese's Frost of Rome; three sons:, Boerger of Peebles, wishes, she is to be creCarl (Joyce) Cox of Green George Boerger of mated. Township, Joe Cox of Peebles, William Boerger Wallace-Thompson of Seaman, Stephen Funeral Home is in charge Green Township and Terry Cox of West Union; one Boerger of Cincinnati, of the arrangements. half-sister, Linda (Charles) Nelson of Green Thelma R. Stamper Township; two half-brothers, Louis Spires of Rome Thelma R. Stamper, 78, death by sister-in-law and Danny (Phyllis) Spires of West Union, passed Grace Stamper. of Green Township; four away Monday, Oct. 24, She is survived by a grandchildren, Kelly Frost, 2016 at the Adams County brother Jerry Stamper, Jr. Darrin Frost, Timothy Cox Manor. The Lawrence of Franklin Furnace; two County, Ohio native was sisters, Faye (Ralph) Tyo of and Nathan Cox; four great grandchildren, Dalton Cox, born Feb. 23, 1938, a Ironton and Linda (Steve) Ryan Frost, Landyn Frost daughter of the late Cecil Daniels of West Union. and Sean Frost; and several and Carrie Lemaster Private funeral services Stamper. will be held at the conven- nieces and nephews. She was a homemaker. She was a nurse’s aide ience of the family at The visitation was from for the Lawrence County Phillips Funeral Home, General Hospital, retiring 1004 South Seventh Street noon until 2 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 28, 2016 at the after 27 years of service in Ironton with the Rev. Lafferty Funeral Home in and was a member of the Ralph Tyo officiating. West Union. The funeral Royersville Missionary Burial will follow in service was 2 p.m. Friday. Baptist Church. Lawrence Furnace The interment was at the In addition to her parCemetery. Manchester Cemetery. ents, she was preceded in
Therese A. Boerger
A moose of a different color
James was 72 years old when referred to hospice with end stage chronic airway obstruction and colon cancer. James was born and raised in Scioto County. He served in the infantry during the Korean Conflict and for 27 years following his army discharge he and his wife, Wanda, lived and worked in Cincinnati and then in Columbus, Ohio. James managed a service station in Cincinnati and next worked for Lenox heating and air-conditioning in Columbus. But James and Wanda always considered the small country town of Otway their home. They even maintained a house there so they could return on the weekends. When James became disabled in 1982, they retired to Otway. James and Wanda loved, embraced and served their community and church. James served as deacon and Sunday school director for five local Baptist churches. They both enthusiastically participated in and organized numerous community fund raising projects. But now for “the rest of the story”, James has one of the most unique testimonies of spiritual conversion I’ve ever heard. His life was not always characterized by a faith in God. Wanda shared, “James used to be a heavy drinker, he drank almost every day and even carried a fifth of whiskey in his lunch box. He drank so much he got down to 127 pounds.” He’d promised his mother that he would change before she died in 1970, but he wouldn’t make good on his promise for another two years. Now this is where the story gets really interesting. James began, “Me and
Sunday, October 30, 2016 A3
Michael L. Evans
reminds me of the Biblical account of Balaam and his donkey (Numbers Chapter 22). Balaam, against God’s direct orders, accepted a commission to curse God’s people, the Hebrews. While in route, riding on the back of his donkey, his donkey saw an angel blocking their path with a sword drawn in his hand so the donkey refused to proceed. Balaam, unable to see the angel, struck the donkey, but the donkey brushed up against a wall and crushed Balaam’s foot and finally just laid down. Balaam struck the donkey again, and this is where this story gets really interesting: “Then the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and said to Balaam, ‘What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times? Am I not your donkey on which you have ridden, ever since I became yours?” Well, Balaam finally got the message. God allowed him to continue but Balaam’s heart and purpose changed as well as his outcome. In retrospect, if God used a donkey to change the direction of Balaam’s life He could use a mounted moose head to change the direction and outcome of James’. It just goes to show, God surely “works in mysterious ways”. God, in his love, will use whatever it takes to get our attention, to redirect us from our path of self destruction. Hopefully we will be smart enough to realize that it is God speaking to us. Loren Hardin is a hospice social worker at Southern Ohio Medical Center and can be reached at hardinl@somc.org or at 740-356-2525.
my wife’s uncle always went to the Riverside Bar and Grill after work in Columbus. We would drink from about 11 in the evening to two o’clock in the morning, until the bar closed. There was a LOREN HARDIN large STRAIGHT PATHS moose head mounted on the wall behind the bar. One night, after about ten doubles, I looked up at the moose and its eyes looked like they were glaring back and forth at me. Then I heard the moose say to me, ‘This is your night. You better change your ways It’s your last chance.’ It scared me to death so I called a taxi to take me home. I asked the driver if he drank and he said, ‘Yes’, so I gave him my six pack of beer and the fifth of whiskey that I carried in my lunch box.” Wanda continued the story, “As soon as he got home he told me, ‘I have to get saved!’ I thought he was losing his mind, but I knew something must have happened, because I didn’t think he would ever give away his last beer. He told me, ‘You have to take me to your Mom and Dad’s right away.’ It was about five o’clock in the morning by then. But we went and Mom and Dad prayed with him and he got saved that night.” James assured me, “That actually happened on Feb. 26, 1972. I just wasn’t smart enough back then to know that it wasn’t the moose that was talking to me, but the Holy Spirit.” James’ conversion
Michael Louis Evans, 69, of Manchester, died Tuesday, Oct. 25 at the Meadowview Regional Medical Center. He was born Aug. 11, 1947 to Kermit and Myrtle (Toppins) Evans in Gallipolis. He was an Ohio State University graduate, a former Chief Probation Officer and Court Administrator for Adams County, and belonged to the Manchester F&AM #317. In addition to his father he was preceded in death by his brother Paul Evans.
He is survived by his mother Myrtle Evans of Whitehall; his fiancé Velma Potts of Manchester; his daughter Michelle Russell of Pataskala; his granddaughter Carley Russell; his fiancé's children. Matt Potts of West Union, Jill Kennedy of Manchester, and Kathy Tolle of West Union; his fiance's four grandchildren; his sister, Sue (Tom) Maynard of Pataskala; and two nephews. A Celebration of Life will be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 29, at
Wilson Home for Funerals. David Paul will be officiating. Burial will follow at the East Liberty Cemetery. Friends may call from 11 a.m. until the time of service. Memorials may be made to the Adams County Junior Boot Camp, 3435 Wheat Ridge Road, West Union, OH 45693.
Advertising pays in The People’s Defender!!
Looking for a forever home
"I'm Tedd, I am a shy guy but ready to go on some adventures when I get to know you. Check out my unusual coat, isn't it really cool? I am ready to find a loving home.If you would be interested in giving me a fur-ever home, please contact The Humane Society of Adams County, Inc. at (937) 544-8585 to set up a time to come meet me and fill out an adoption application.
Bruce here! I am so full of play that it is hard to sit still to have my photo taken. You know I have been here for months. Would you be interested in giving me a great home where we could cuddle and play by the fire? I'm neutered, up to date on all my vaccinations, and am flea free. I am tidy and know how to use the litterbox very well. Stop in and see me, Bruce, at the Humane Society of Adams County. Please call the Shelter at (937) 5448585 and ask about me today.
Hope Van announces November schedule The dates for the Appalachian Hope Van in the month of November are as follows: Nov. 1- Seaman at the Community Building Parking lot: 9 - 10:30 a.m. Winchester at the 1st Stop Gas Station- 10:45 a.m.- noon
Nov. 3- West Union at TSC, Hibbett, Dollar Tree Parking Lot: 9 - 11 a.m. Nov. 8- Wheat Ridge at Miller's Bakery: 9- 11 a.m. Nov. 15- Manchester at the Family Dollar Store : 9 -10:30 a.m. Nov. 22-Lynx at 1st
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A4 West Union People’s Defender
PEOPLE’S DEFENDER 937-544-2391
Tony Adams Publisher tadams@clermontsun.com
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Mark Carpenter Editor/Sports Editor mcarpenter@peoplesdefender.com
Terry Rigdon Advertising trigdon@peoplesdefender.com
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25 Rice Drive West Union, Ohio 937-544-2391
Commercial Printing available, contact Billy Maxfield at 937-444-3441 or Tony Adams at 800-404-3157.
Community Announcements
Ag Society has Director Opening for Central at Large The Adams County Agricultural Society has a Director opening for Central At Large. A letter of interest with your name, address, and phone number should be mailed to P.O. Box 548 West Union, Ohio 45693 before Nov. 2. Halloween fun at Page School on Oct. 30 Halloween is just around the corner and on Sunday, Oct. 30 the Page One-Room School will be open from 2-4 p.m. in the afternoon with free games to play, prizes to win, and refreshments. Costumes are welcome. The Page School is on the corner of Page School Road and Vaughn Ridge Road.
ACCV meets Nov. 1 The next Adams County for Christian Values meeting will be on Nov. 1 at 7 p.m. at the Adams County Christian School. The group will be praying about the upcoming election and the alcohol issues in the community.
SOCOG Board meets Nov. 3 The Southern Ohio Council of Governments (SOCOG) will hold its next board meeting on Thursday, Nov. 3 at 10 a.m. in Room A of the Ross County Service
Center, 475 Western Avenue in Chillicothe. Board meetings usually are held the first Thursday of the month. For more information, call (740) 775-5030, ext. 103.
NAHS holding Variety Show on Nov. 4 North Adams High School will proudly present its 2016 Variety Show at the high school on Nov. 4 at 7 p.m. Come join an enjoyable evening of comedy and music. Interfaith House holding free coat and blanket day on Nov. 5 The Interfaith House will be holding a free coat and blanket day for its clients on Saturday, Nov. 5 from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. There is a one blanket limit per household. Peebles Lions Club hosting Chili Cook-Off on Nov. 5 The Peebles Lions Club will be hosting a Chili Cook-Off, Holiday Craft Show, and Thanksgiving Food Drive on Nov. 5 with all proceeds going towards food baskets for the elderly and struggling families. For more information, call (937) 5873749.
WUHS holding Veterans Day ceremony Nov. 10 West Union High School will host its annual Veterans Day ceremony
on Thursday, Nov. 10. The school would like to extend an invitation to any veteran in the area that would like to attend. The ceremony will include selected readings from the students, performances from the school band and chorus, and a catered meal. Please RSVP to Mrs. Megan McCarty at WUHS as soon as possible at (937) 544-5553.
Hope House sponsoring two new support groups Hope House has announced two new support groups, aimed at helping families dealing with addictions. The Loved Ones Support Group beings on Tuesday, Sept. 27 from 6-7:30 p.m. as an educational support series for family members whose lives have been touched by addiction. Hope Is Rising begins Wednesday, Sept. 28 from 6-7:30 p.m. and is a faithbased support group for individuals seeking to reclaim their lives from addictions. The groups will meet at the Hope House Christian Counseling Center at 24 E. Water Street in Sinking Spring. COAD4Kids offers childcare services If you are a parent searching for care or an individual interested in providing childcare,
COAD 4Kids can help. Call 1-800-577-2276 or locally 740-354-6527 for information about childcare and the free services offered.
Ohio Can meets in Seaman Ohio Can, a non-profit group pro-active in raising money to get the community involved in drug awareness and prevention, will meet on the first Thursday of every month from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Seaman Community Building. The group plans on putting together meaningful events to gather support in Adams County. Snacks and beverages will be provided. For more information, call 937-2171527 or email solaceofadamscounty@gmail.com
Reformers Unanimous to meet The Reformers Unanimous Addiction Recovery Program is held 7 p.m. every Friday at 106 Rice Drive in West Union. For information contact Phil Fulton at 937-5871797 or Ron Baker at 937544-4110.
Celebrate recovery A Christ-centered recovery program for people who struggle with addictions or any life-controlling issue will meet on Mondays from 6 -8:30 p.m. at Church 180 located at 2556 Moores Road, in Seaman. A program for children (ages 5-12) of parents who attend the program is available as
Sunday, October 30, 2016
well. For more information contact Dan Sheridan at 937-205-5464 or Carol Sheridan at 513-509-3911.
Solace of Adams County meeting twice a month Solace of Adams County, a local community group that supports individuals who have suffered the loss of a loved one to drugs, will meet on the second and fourth Friday of every month from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the second floor Conference Room of the Adams County Regional Medical Center. The group will also provide support to recovering addicts, as well as advocating prevention and bringing awareness into the community. Snacks and beverages will be provided and for more information, call 937-2171527 or email solaceofadamscounty@gmail.com
Narcotics Anonymous meeting every Thursday Narcotics Anonymous a 12-step recovery plan, will meet at 7 p.m. on Thursdays at the Holy Trinity Parish at 612 E. Mulberry Street in West Union.
Circulation issue? Call 937544-2391
Criminal Traffic Disposition Report Oct. 19, 2016
Zachary A. Heath, Pendleton, IN, Speed 83/60, Fine $150, Court Cost $155 Lorie A. McGhee, A.C.D.A., Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Molly B. Fetters, West Union, Fail Control, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 William C. Kinhalt, Lynx, Fail Control, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Aaron Evans, Stout, Domestic Violence, Dismissed, Special Conditions: Dismissed without prejudice as the victim cannot be located Christian Walls, West Union, Domestic Violence, Dismissed, Special Conditions: Dismissed without prejudice as the victim in this failed to attend the court trial on 10/7/16 and has not kept in contact with the State of Ohio Christian Walls, West Union, Criminal/Damage, Special Conditions: Dismissed without prejudice as the victim in this failed to attend the court trial on 10/7/16 and has not kept in contact with the State of Ohio Dannie A. Miller, West Union, Poss. Marijuana, Fine $150, Court Cost $70 Shawn A. Prather, Cincinnati, Speed 80/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Shawn A. Prather, Cincinnati, Seat Belt/Dr, Fine $30, Court Cost $28 Shavaughn R. Hauke, Janesville, WI, A.C.D.A.,
Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Joshua C. Hattle, Lucasville, Speed 58/35, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Richard W. Dickens II, Parking/Roadway, Fine $100, Court Cost $51 Chad K. Holsinger, Stout, Seat Belt/Dr, Fine $30, Court Cost $51 Amanda M. Cooper, Blue Creek, Left of Center, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Stevan C. Beach, Cincinnati, Disable Warning, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 George S. Rombes, Cincinnati, Speed 74/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Cody D. Lambly, Manchester, Speed 77/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Cody D. Lambly, Manchester, Fail Control, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Dewey West Jr., Seaman, Seat Belt/Dr, Dismissed, Special Conditions: The Court accepts the Nolle Prosequi entered by the State of Ohio and agreed by the Ohio State Highway Patrol and orders that the case is dismissed. It is hereby ordered that this case is dismissed without prejudice. Tasha D. Steward, Lynx, Fail Control, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Jeremy S. Rutledge, Lynx, Speed 66/55, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 Amy E. Cook, Northbend, Speed 80/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 David J. Darby, Portsmouth, Speed 80/60,
Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Timothy B. Menoher, Erlanger, KY, Speed 75/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Devin L. Redmon, Manchester, Speed 73/55, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Richard B. Walsh III, Myrtle Beach, SC, Seat Belt/Pass, Fine $20, Court Cost $45 Christopher L. Shaffner, Mecosta, MI, Speed 73/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $155 Calvin McCurdy, West Union, Crim/Trespass, Fine $97, Special Conditions: 1 year community control Jonathan Harris, Peebles, Disorder/Intoxi, Fine $150, Court Cost $70 Patricia Allen, Manchester, Disorderly/Cond., Fine $150, Court Cost $70 Richard A. Jacobson, West Union, Phys/Control, Fine $1,000, Court Cost $86, Special Conditions: 1 yr probation Roger R. Stevens, Stout, Valid O.L., Fine $100, Court Cost $82, Special Conditions: Amended No O.L. MM No Points by court Kevin S. McPherson, Seaman, Follow to Close, Dismissed Shari C. Copas, Sardinia, Speed 98/60, Fine $200, Court Cost $82, Special Conditions: Community service 16 hrs by 12-1-16 Krista M. Powers, Covington, KY, Speed 96/60, Fine $200, Court
CHRISTMAS BAZAAR & BEAN DINNER Saturday, November 5th 9 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Peebles Church of God Steam Furnace Road Handmade Crafts & Candies
Come see what we have Cookies • Cakes • Pies that you can use or give as gifts! Like new brand name purses and More!
All proceeds go to missionary work in Guatemala and Brazil.
Visit us online at peoplesdefender.com
Cost $84, Special Conditions: 16 hrs community service by 12-1-16 Terri L. Sergent, Batavia, Speed 75/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Lora K. Shelton, West Union, Fail Control, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Nicholas J. Grote, Okeana, OH, Speed 82/60, Fine $150, Court Cost $80 Jessica M. Miller, Peebles, Speed 74/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Mark A. Gibson, Winchester, Speed 68/55, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 Andrew J. Thompson, Lexington, KY, Speed 65/55, Fine $40, Court Cost $80, Special Conditions: Amended speed 65/55, No points from speed 70/55 Anthony W. Jolly, Maysville, KY, Speed 68/55, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 Tyler K. George, Dayton, Fail Control, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Nicholas R. Young, West Union, Tinted Windows, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Julie A. Wilson, Manchester, Speed 69/55, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 Robert A. Bohl, Peebles, Regist. Viol., Fine $150, Court Cost $80 Robert A. Bohl, Peebles,
Exp OL<6 months, Fine $150, Court Cost $28 John P. Jones, Manchester, Speed 75/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 David P. Rensing, Cincinnati, Speed 72/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Cody Groves, West Union, No Lighted Lite, Dismissed Alan W. Bowman, Manchester, A.C.D.A., Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Beth A. Kushon, Loveland, Speed 75/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Dylan C. Stamper, Waverly, Stop School Bus, Fine $200, Court Cost $80 Dallas W. Richter Jr., Aurora, IN, Speed 73/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $155 Felicia N. Moore, Milford, 2nd Speed: 83/60, Fine $187, Court Cost $80 James M. Byrne, Charlottesville, VA, Speed 78/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 David S. Brodt, West Union, Speed 82/55, Fine $150, Court Cost $80 Brandon J. Bonds, Cincinnati, Speed 79/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $74 Brittany N. Wallace, Cincinnati, Speed 80/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Hannah G. Wisenhahn, Hamersville, Speed 73/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80
A craft show will be held inside featuring holiday crafters and artisans. During our event local Boy Scouts will meet at your car and help carry in your non-perishable food donations. The Lions will package and deliver boxes of food to local families and the elderly before Thanksgiving Day. Additionally, a 50/50 drawing will be held and ticket holders need not be present to win. Peebles Lions Club is a nonprofit organization with a mission of service to our local communities in areas such as: sight, health, youth, elderly, the environment and disaster relief. For more information call, Marie Palmer, at (937) 587-3749 and if interested in a crafters table or joining the Lions Club call Mary Forman, Membership Chair, at (937) 798-1108. You can also contact members on our public Facebook page, Peebles Lions Club or at P.O. Box 243, Peebles, OH 45660.
Peebles Lions Club holding Thanksgiving fund raiser Peebles Lions Club president, Marie Palmer, announced last week that the Lions will host a Chili Cook Off, Craft Show and Thanksgiving Food Drive on Saturday, Nov. 5 from 10 am - 4 pm, at the Lions Building at 175 Charlotte Avenue in Peebles,located next to the summer youth ball diamond. Admission is free. Event proceeds will be used towards Thanksgiving dinner baskets for needy families and elderly shut-ins. The event will feature the first annual Chili Cook Off. Everyone is encouraged to enter their best classic, spicy or unusual chili recipe in a crockpot. A prize will be awarded for first and second in each category and one overall winner receives a $25 Walmart Gift Card. The cost is $5 per entry and guests can purchase a bowl of chili with crackers or sample each chili and cast a vote.
West Union Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Defender
Sunday, October 30, 2016 A5
Patricia Beech |â&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Defender
Jack-O-Lanterns of all kinds decorated the trails around Woodland Altars as part of the Jack-ONation event.
From page 1
Patricia Beech |â&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Defender
At the annual Humane Society Howl-O-Ween Dinner and Auction, Karen Franklin was honored with the Community Service Award. Pictured here at that presentation are, from left, Ryan Chadwick, Deanna Turner, Ty Pell, Brian Mason, Karen Franklin, Barbara Jones, Brian Baldridge, Paul Worley, Jessica Huxmann, and Todd Mitchell.
From page 1
"We have lots of donors this year," said HSAC Advisor, Jessica Huxmann. "People have been very generous, and all the funds we raise tonight go to the Humane Society in West Union." Huxmann said the money raised during the auction is used to cover operating costs, vet fees, gasoline for transporting animals to vets, and to pay for gas for humane agent Melissa Downs who does all the investigation work. Humane Society board member and volunteer Karen Franklin of Peebles was honored at the event for her community service and commitment to the welfare of animals. "Karen has distinguished herself by going above and beyond the call of duty to help animals throughout the region, often at great personal and financial sacrifice," Huxmann said. "Her actions have saved thousands of animals' lives and prevented much animal suffering." County Commissioners Paul Worley, Brian Baldridge, and Ty Pell joined Huxmann to present the Community Service Award to Franklin. "We're so pleased to be here tonight to present this award to Karen," said Worley. "Her work and dedication to animals and her community is worthy of emulation." In addition to her work with the Humane Society, Franklin is an active community volunteer. "She checks on the elderly in the community, making sure they have food and that they make it to their doctor appointments," said Huxmann. "She takes care of their pets and helps to pay their vet bills so they can keep their pets in their homes, and don't have to give them up." Franklin is the only remaining member of the original Humane Society Board and is also one of the founders of the low cost spay and neuter
Pratherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s From page 1
be bagging groceries, politicking, and talking with the people." A cookout will also be held during the event. "We have Greg Grooms coming to do the cookout," said Angie Nichols, the stores "go-to"
Patricia Beech |â&#x20AC;&#x2C6;Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Defender
One of the unique items at the Howl-O-Ween Auction was the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Keep the Sheep.â&#x20AC;? The winning bidder keeps the stuffed sheep for a year, documents all its travels, then brings it back next year to be auctioned again. Rascal Clinic in Adams County. "Animals are a part of my life, and I just can't stand to see them suffer or be abused," she said. "It's very close to my heart." Franklin has worked with the HSAC since 2005, "They can't get rid of me," she jokes. "I'll be here forever. The Humane Society was formed in 2005, and is a non-profit 501c3 organization dedicated to providing humane care and treatment for all the animals they shelter. "We are not affiliated with the U.S. Humane Department," said Huxmann. "All of our funding comes from private donations and grants." The shelter's annual operating budget of $7080,000 supports a small staff of employees who do the day-to-day work at the animal shelter 365 days a year. "The shelter itself is only a year old," said Althea Throckmorton, Humane Society Director. "The next step is managing and growing it and seeing what we need to do to help the animals in Adams County. It is more important than ever that we do what we can to help the community with services for homeless dogs and cats. In return we are employee. "We'll have pork tenderloin for $3 and hot dogs for $1 for those who don't like pork." For Prather's long-time employees and customers, the sale is a throwback Thursday event. "We used to have business people come in and bag groceries for our
dependent on the community for our support." The shelter houses about 20 dogs and up to 46 cats, as well providing a temporary home for a number of animals in foster care. "We are always looking for donations of supplies for the shelter such as fleece blankets, bleach, Dawn dish soap, gas cards to help with travel expenses, and volunteers to come into the shelter and help us take care of the animals," said Huxmann. The HSAC is also committed to providing educational and volunteer programs to the citizens of Adams County concerning the humane treatment and prevention of cruelty, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of animals. The society works to reduce the county's pet over-population by offering low cost spay and neuter clinics. "We give back to the community by offering low cost spay and neuter clinics" said Huxmann. "In 2017 we'll begin doing it twice a month, every other month because so many people use the Humane Society to obtain services from the Rascal Clinic based in Columbus." For more information about the Humane Society of Adams County, please Celebrity Days," said Nichols. "We want to bring that kind of thing back to the IGA, that's why we've invited the candidates to join us and get face-to-face with the community." Look for the Prather's IGA Special Sale ad in the Oct. 30 and Nov. 2 editions of the Peoples Defender.
visit the Animal Shelter Tuesday through Saturday between 11 a.m.- 3 p.m., call (937) 544-8585, or visit www.adamscountyanimals.org.
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Jack-O-Nation Facebook page and the event has drawn hundreds of visitors each weekend throughout the month of October. "People are coming in groups, whole families," Partin said. "Our chalets in the back are being rented on airbnb.com, they're completely full and sold out for the next two months." Partin says he hopes to see more local people attending the event, "It's going to take time, we want local people to come too, but right now we're attracting a different crowd on airbnb." Art students from Manchester, West Union, Peebles, Eastern Brown, Western Brown, and Venture Productions created the animation-themed pumpkin art for the month-long event. "We didn't tell them how to decorate the pumpkins," Partin says. "We told them, just cut a hole in the bottom and have at it. We've had people from as far away as Pennsylvania, Cleveland, and Michigan come and stay three to five hours to see the kids' artwork, the unfortunate thing is every two weeks we have to totally replace the pumpkins." Visitors follow lighted
trails through the park's woodland areas where displays of Jack-O-Lanterns flicker and glow from bridges, creek beds, and fallen logs. The family-friendly, wheelchair-accessible event also features outdoor theater productions, hayrides, a bounce house and hay bale maze, face painting and crafts for kids, a computer animated display with singing pumpkins, massive animals made from round hay bales, concessions, and a state-of-the-art light show called Pixel City. Created by computer students from the Career and Technical Center in West Union, the Pixel City light show was designed using multiple reels of multi-colored pixels programmed in sync with music. "The students chose the music and programmed the lights to correspond to the music without even seeing what it would look like here," said Partin. "It's just amazing, these kids don't realize how good they are." A Christmas show is in the works at the park, but Partin says he has no idea yet what that will look like. "We're learning, this is our first year and we're learning. Next year we 'll have even more, and Pixel City will be a lot bigger than it is now."
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Manchester students carve pumpkins for Woodland Altars Jack-O-Nation A6 West Union Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Defender
Sunday, October 30, 2016
These students creatively represented Manchester Junior and Senior High School by painting and carving pumpkins for Woodland Altars (Southern Ohio's First Lighted Pumpkin Festival). Students had the option to paint, design, or carve pumpkins. Students painted their pumpkins to look like their favorite cartoon or Disney characters or decorated their pumpkins with a variety of zentangle designs. Other students carved their pumpkins to look like scary monsters, or silhouettes of fairies, cats or various spooky words. Pictured: Front row, from left, Andrea Parker, Autumn Parker, Abby McFarland, Katie Sandlin, Jade Rust, Xena Crummie, Taylor Young, Taylor Morrison, Billie Kinhalt, Jenna McClanahan, Tori Barlow, Kayden Francis and Madison Young; Middle row, from left, Jalyn Thacker, Grace Hackney, Vanessa Francis and Destiny Smith; Back row, from left, Madison Jones, Madison Payne, Mackenzie Leadingham, Ashley Francis, Taylor Hanshaw, Ariann Alexander, Frank Santoriello, Taylor Ogden, Breanna O'Connell, Syliva Jernigan, Melanie Lawerence, Alyssa Grooms, Jacob Calvert, Jasmine Stanfield, Katelynn Swearingen, Gabby Baldwin, Brittany Francis, Sierra Shelton, and Nathaniel Peterson.
Peebles Village Council holds October meeting PRESS RELEASE
Members of the West Union High School FFA recently traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana to participate in the 89th annual National FFA Convention and Expo. The theme for the convention this year was "Transform." According to national FFA headquarters, "The
future of agriculture is strong and as the population continues to grow, so does the need for a healthy and abundant food supply. Together, FFA members can continue to educate others on the importance of agriculture." At the convention, students were exposed to different techniques for agriculture production and agriculture business. The FFA students learned about healthy eating, national
drought, and agricultural safety. They also learned about non-agricultural issues such as bullying, communication, and the political future of the world. Lastly, the students visited with local businesses and colleges. It was a truly multicultural experience for our West Union FFA members as they met other students from all over the United States at the convention.
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Engineer to begin a project to resurface the Old State Rte. 32 corridor from the vilThe Peebles Village lage of Peebles to the village Council met on Oct. 6 with Mayor Victor Warfe calling of Winchester and declaring an emergency, effective the meeting to order with immediately. the Pledge of Allegiance. A motion was presented Council members present by Larry Shiveley to waive were Norman Newman, and suspend the reading of Eugenia Gordley, Richard Hoop, Larry Shiveley, Kevin an ordinance on three separate occasions and declaring Cross and Wayne Setty. it an emergency. Seconded Mayor Warfe noted that by Eugenia Gordley. Roll the next meeting will be call vote: Norman- Yes; Nov. 1 at 4 p.m. Larry Shiveley moved to approve Richard- Yes; Eugenia- Yes; previous minutes, seconded Wayne- Yes; Kevin- Yes and Larry- Yes. Motion carried by Wayne Setty, all yea. and Mayor Warfe declared Wayne Setty made the Ordinance 2016-09 adopted. motion to approve the A motion by Wayne Setty September treasurer report, to allow the Mayor to enter paid bills, and fund status, into a contract with the seconded by Norman Highland County Sheriff's Newman, all yea. Office for housing prisoners Wayne Setty moved to at a rate of $55 per day was approve the water/sewer seconded by Norman report, seconded by Larry Newman, all yea. Shiveley, all yea. Eugenia From the Audience: Gordley made a motion to approve the Mayor's Report Charlie Countryman was present to discuss the yards of Fines, seconded by Richard Hoop, all yea. Larry that have not been maintained on Fifth Avenue. Shiveley made a motion to Council advised him they approve the Police Report, seconded by Richard Hoop, were currently trying to address the situation. Ed all yea. Coleman was present to disOrdinance 2016-09 was cuss all of the toys and the presented, an ordinance allowing the Adams County unkept yard of his neighbor.
Council advised him they would address the back yard, but there was not a lot they could do with the toys. Frank Kidder was present to discuss the garbage that needs removed from a residence on 3rd Street and an abandoned car across the street from him that needs moved. Council advised him they are working on getting the trash removed, as well as that the owner of the abandoned car has been notified. Diane Ward was present to discuss her views on the upcoming election for Commissioner. Report from Police Chief Music: Music asked Council to allow Grace Davis to have two weeks vacation retro active from April 1, 2016 and every year after. A motion by Richard Hoop to allow Grace Davis to have two weeks vacation retro active from April 1, 2016 and every year after was seconded by Norman Newman, all yea. Danny Pertuset advised Council Jeff Monroe had been hurt on the job. Business concluded and Eugenia Gordley moved to adjourn, seconded by Norman Newman, all yea.
4-H Maker Festival Held at Shawnee State University West Union People’s Defender
OSU Extension staff from four counties collaborated with Shawnee State University faculty, students, and staff to provide a Maker Festival for members of the 4-H Tech Wizards program on Saturday, Oct. 22. The Festival was held at Shawnee and featured tours and demonstrations in the Chemistry, Plastics Engineering Technology, and Gaming Simulation departments; a stop in the University Center; and Maker Stations and demonstrations in the Teacher Education Building. More than 65 4-H Tech Wizards from Adams, Jackson, Lawrence, and Scioto counties participated in the event with their adult and teen mentors. The 4-H Tech Wizards program is funded through a grant from the 4-H National Mentoring Program with the goals of providing youth with strong positive adult and teen role models and opportunities to participate in a variety of authentic STEM experiences. The event at Shawnee exposed participants to multiple STEM focused majors and potential careers and provided youth with opportunities to explore and participate in a variety of STEM activities at the Maker stations. Each of the 4-H Tech Wizards groups provided and staffed a Maker station. The Lawrence County group provided the Hay Kicker or Pumpkin Chunkin’ station, where youth engineered a catapult. Scioto County provided and staffed an Ag Bot station, where youth engineered harvesting equipment powered by Hex Bugs. The Jackson County group provided KEVA plank activities, and the group from Adams County provided two stations: a Color Blob activity staffed by North Adams Elementary School 4-H Tech Wizards youth and mentors, and Sphero Chariot Races, staffed by Peebles Elementary School teen mentors. Additional Maker stations and demonstrations included a 3-D printing demonstration and LED light saber activity provided by Jamie Seger and family. Seger is an education technology specialist with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) at The Ohio State University. Eric Romich, a field specialist in energy development with OSU Extension based in Ottawa County, provided a solar demonstrator unit and related solar energy activities. Joe, Jo, and Jason Shuman, active members and advisors with the Ross County 4-H program, provided a robotics demonstration and related activities. In addition, Adams County 4-H teens staffed several stations. Molly Bauman, Otway, worked with youth to make solar cockroaches; Kelsea Hamilton, West Union, staffed the LED ghosts sta-
Sunday, October 30, 2016 A7
tion; and Jace Howard, Stout, worked with youth to create circuits and play pianos with marshmallows, fruits, and vegetables using Makey Makey kits and software. Dr. Xiaodan Huang, Professor and Chair, Department of Teacher Education at Shawnee, and Timothy Davis, Coordinator, Clinical and Field Experience, worked with OSU Extension staff Carolyn Belczyk, Adams County and Jo Williams and Josi Brodt-Evans, Scioto County, to plan and implement the event. The Maker stations and demonstrations were held in the Teacher Education Building, just off campus, and students from that and other departments on campus led the tours. Drs. Skip Miller and Adam Miller and their students in Engineering Technology facilitated the demonstrations and activities in the Plastics Engineering Technology and Gaming Simulation departments, and Dr. Andy Napper facilitated the demonstrations and activities in the Chemistry department. Participating 4-H Tech Wizards received a goodie bag from Shawnee State University and a tour of the University Center, as well. Apples for the event were donated by Fuhrmann Orchards, LLC, Minford, OH. The Maker Movement is part of the global do-ityourself, innovation movement sweeping the globe. Maker Faires® and festivals are held around the world. According to Paul Hill, Specialist with Utah State University Extension, “‘Making’ is gaining traction as a strategy to engage young people in building their science abilities. A Maker is someone who makes stuff: robots, crafts, furniture, art, or electronic gadgets. Riding the wave of the Maker Movement should be critically important to 4-H programs because many of these Maker projects incorporate a variety of STEM topics.” Participants in the event at Shawnee had a great time, while experiencing STEM. They had some fun, met and interacted with 4-H Tech Wizards from other counties, and were exposed to several STEM focused majors and potential careers during the campus tour portion of the program.
Adams County 4-H teen, Kelsea Hamilton, West Union, works with a 4-H Tech Wizard from another county to create an LED Ghost during Saturday’s Maker Festival at Shawnee State University.
4-H Tech Wizards Madison Bayless, Winchester, engineers a harvester to be powered by Hex Bugs at the Scioto County Ag Bot Challenge Maker station.
Photo courtesy of Adams County Travel and Visitors Bureau
4-H advisor Taylor Goon and 4-H Tech Wizard Teagan Lloyd, both of Winchester, look on during a demonstration in the Chemistry Department during Saturday’s Maker Festival at Shawnee State University.
We wish to extend appreciation for the offers of sympathy in the death of Betty R. Toller. Thank you to all that helped care for her. The family.
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Commissioners meet Oct. 17, receive check from Division of Forestry A8 West Union People’s Defender
The Board of Adams County Commissioners met in regular session on Oct. 17, 2016, in the Government Center, with the following members present: Brian Baldridge, Paul Worley, and Ty Pell. The meeting was opened with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance led by Brian Baldridge. It was moved by Paul Worley and seconded by Brian Baldridge to approve the minutes of the previous regular meeting. The Commissioners examined, approved and ordered the bills paid. The Board conducted a Directors’ meeting at 9:30 a.m. to review the current projects and status of each department under the jurisdiction of the Adams County Board of Commissioners. Those in attendance were as follows: Special Projects Director Donnie Swayne, JFS Director Sue Fulton, HR
Director Diane Ward and GIS Director Angelena Newman. JFS Director Sue Fulton met with the Board to discuss personnel and general updates. Mike Estep, 9-1-1 Supervisor, met with the Board to discuss EMD training for all 9-1-1 Dispatchers. Mr. Estep also discuss purchasing new chairs for the 9-1-1 Dispatch Department. Nathen Jester and Dale Egbert from the Division of Forestry met with the Board
to present the Board with a stumpage check. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1503.05, the Chief of Forestry shall determine the net value of timber sold on State Forest land. The Chief will then make pay of the shared amount to the County treasurer for further distribution. The payment is as follows: County General $145,427.43, Franklin Twp. $54,944.44, Green Twp. $18,957.17, Jefferson Twp. $71,525.83, Manchester LSD $109,966, Adams Co. /OH Valley LSD $180,966,
Ornamental grasses add winter interest Ornamental grasses make excellent screen plants to hide unsightly propane tanks and air conditioners, or for privacy around patios and decks. They develop faster than shrubs. Professional designers mix a variety of grasses with perennial flowers and woody plants, sometimes massing them for showy effects. Grasses range in size from tiny pillows less than a foot tall to huge clumps over ten feet tall. They come in a range of colors from dusty blue to pink and purple. Maintaining grasses is easy. Most grasses grow in nice neat clumps, and need only a once-a-year haircut. They live for years, are tolerant of drought and don’t attract pests or diseases. Fertilizing each year will help them look their best; a pound or two of Plant Tone scattered around the root zone is all they need. Established grasses tend to die out in the middle of the clump, which then becomes a ring or donut shape. This is because they exhaust the soil in the middle. To revive them, simply cut out the middle of the clump and add some topsoil and plant food. You should cut grasses down to the ground once a year, when they are dormant (between late fall and early spring). Some grasses make a mess in the winter, but most will stay nice and neat to provide winter interest. Birds like the seed heads, so leaving them until
spring provides forage for our feathered friends. A good way to compare grasses is by looking at the size they will be when they are fully grown. This way you’ll be sure to space them properly and allow enough space for them to develop to their fullest. Most grasses do best in full sun with plenty of moisture, but the most popular grasses are quite adaptable and will do well almost anywhere. Hardy grasses are perennials and will return each year larger. Here’s a rundown on some of our favorites: Miscanthus, commonly called “maiden grass”, has a very graceful habit, softly drooping and waving gently with the slightest breeze. Some have “zebra stripes’, others have stripes along the leaves. Miscanthus are great for privacy or screen plantings, and come in many sizes. Pennisetum, or “fountain grass” is another popular grass family. Most have showy pink seed heads.
Ornamental grasses should be cut down to the ground once a year, when they are dormant (between late fall and early spring). (GoodSeed Farm photo)
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Pennisetums work well in perennial borders or foundation plantings, mixed with flowering plants and shrubs. Our favorites are “Hameln”, “Little Bunny”. “Karley Rose” and “Moudry”. Some grasses have an upright form that works well in tight spaces. The popular “Karl Foerster” feather reed grass has attractive wheat-like seed stalks that stand straight up, great for mixing with foundation shrubs and hiding unsightly utility meters. Panicum “Shenandoah” gradually turns purple during the season, and grows in a tidy upright clump that looks great in foundation plantings. Pay attention to the hardiness zone when buying ornamental grasses, or you could buy varieties that aren’t hardy perennials in this area. Southwest Ohio is in Zone six, so you should look for zone six, five or four. People often ask us for “pink pampas grass”, shown often in mail order catalogs but not hardy in Ohio winters. Red fountain grass is popular for planters. We think of both of these as annuals and pay less for them than perennial grasses. Steve Boehme and his wife Marjorie own GoodSeed Farm Landscapes, a design-build landscape/hardscape installer specializing in outdoor living spaces. More information is available at www.goodseedfarm.com or call (937) 587-7021.
Total $581,709.74. The Board held a phone conference with Bill Bradish of Palmer Energy, CCAO Energy Consultant. The Board and Mr. Bradish discussed the energy efficacy program. It was moved by Paul Worley and seconded by Brian Baldridge to approve the contract agreement between Adams County Commissioners and Maximus Consulting Services to provide professional consulting services. It was moved by Paul Worley and seconded by Brian Baldridge to approve the travel request and expenses for Lisa Newman to attend the County Treasurer’s Associations 2016 Fall Conference, at the Columbus Marriott NW in Dublin, Ohio from Nov. 1517, 2016. It was moved by Ty Pell and seconded by Brian Baldridge to approve a Work Session date for Nov. 16, 2016. This Work Session will begin at 9 a.m.
and be held in the Office of the Adams County Commissioners, until business is complete. It was moved by Ty Pell and seconded by Paul Worley to approve Change Order 1, 2, and 3 for the Work Release Facility Project. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Dana Whalen met with the Board to discuss current projects and contracts. Marsha McCormick, Snap ED, met with the Board to introduce Anna Adams, Snap ED’s new employee. Ms. McCormick and Ms. Adams discussed the Snap ED program. The Board attended a Board of Revisions meeting in the Auditor Office at 2:30 p.m. The Board held a phone conference Melinda Brown of Medical Mutual to discuss the 2017 County Insurance Renewal. HR Director Diane Ward was present for the meeting. ECD Director Holly
Johnson met with the Board to discuss current projects and contracts. It was moved by Brian Baldridge and seconded by Paul Worley to enter into Executive Session at 4:04 p.m. to discuss Trade Secrets/ Economic Development according to O.R.C.121.22 (G)(7). Chairman Baldridge reconvened session at 4:07 p.m. It was moved by Brian Baldridge and seconded by Ty Pell enter into Executive Session at 4:25 p.m. to discuss personnel according to O.R.C.121.22 (G)(7), Adams County EMS Chief John Campton. Chairman Baldridge reconvened session at 5:05 p.m. It was moved by Brian Baldridge and seconded by Ty Pell to adjourn. For more information on County Government, visit adamscountyoh.com or call the Board of Commissioners at (937) 544-3286.
Veterinarian Feed Directive Programs planned Last week I discussed the Veterinarian Feed Directive that will become the standard as of Jan. 1, 2017. This will change the way antibiotics can be used in feed for livestock producers. There will be a number of educational opportunities in the area in the next few weeks. These training sessions that will give producers the opportunity to listen to the rules and regulations. This will also be an opportunity to ask questions and find out how these changes will impact your operation in the future when it comes to managing the prevention of illness in your livestock. Here is a list of educational opportunities that I am currently aware of in the area. I am sure more will be added soon. Cherry Fork Farm Supply will begin with social hour from 5- 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 15. Dinner will begin at 6 p.m. and the program begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Cherry Fork Community Center. Please RSVP by Nov. 12 at the mill (937) 695-0264. The topics will include: New Regulations and Use of Certain Antibiotics; A Veterinarian’s Perspective of How the Process Will Work; Which Antibiotics are affected and Product Availability; and Feed Company Reaction and Your Current Feeds. Master Feed Mill in Hillsboro will be presenting a program on Nov. 17 at the Elk’s in Hillsboro at 6:30 p.m. The date and location is tentative at this time. I will have more details next week. Union Stockyards will also host an educational program for the VFD on Nov. 29 at the yards. The meal will be at 6 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 7 p.m. There may be more added in the near future. I
article can be found at http://corn.osu.edu. As always, if you do not have the internet and would like to read the information, stop by your local OSU Extension Office and we will provide you with a copy. Controlling Problem Weeds
will try to keep dates and times in this column.
Have You Stored Your Sprayers?
Here we are in the last week of October and only had a light frost on Tuesday morning. Harvest has had very little interruptions due to weather this year, so there has not been much down time unless it has been mechanical problems. With this weather harvest of grain, or planting of wheat, has been a priority for many producers this time of the year. Hopefully all sprayers were cleaned and rinsed out properly when they were last used. Were they also winterized? This is something I normally think of about 8 p.m. on the night the forecast is calling for below freezing temperatures for the first time in the fall. There has been at least once that it didn’t hit me and I had problems the following spring. Yes cracks and splits in equipment that caused some delay in getting things done the following spring. There is a good article in the CORN newsletter that addresses the proper ways to clean, rinse and winterize your spray equipment to prevent damage to the equipment. The entire
In the next few weeks you may still need that sprayer to control problem weeds like Poison Hemlock. This year has been especially bad for some weeds. Johnson grass was a problem and remember it can be a problem in fields that are being grazed. The problem can be from drought like conditions and nitrate poisoning or even worse with prussic acid after a killing frost. The Poison Hemlock is the one that you may want to spray in the next few weeks. This is a plant that will stay green for a while after the first frost and continue to grow for some time. It will be primed and ready to take off in the early spring, so controlling it now may be your best option. Products like crossbow or 2,4D will do a good job on it this fall. Preferably spray on a warm fall day and then be prepared to go back in the spring to clean up what you may have missed with the first application.
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West Union Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Defender
Sunday, October 30, 2016 A9
Appalachian Mountain Christmas Shopping coming to Hilltop Event Center PRESS RELEASE The joy of Christmaswhite snow, Bing and Rosemary in "White Christmas", white twinkly lights, white fudge and popcorn around the fire. Oh, and the shopping that comes somewhere in between blissful and stressful. Let us make it blissful so you will have more time for Bing, Rosemary and your family. Hilltop Event Center is hosting their annual Appalachian Mountain Christmas on Friday, Nov. 18 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 19 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Don't forget your list. Appalachian Mountain Christmas crafters design little individual stores for you to leisurely browse, shop, and never feel rushed. Enjoy the sounds and smells of Christmas while you shop. Everything is very handicapped and stroller accessible with wide aisles. There's even extra seating for the not-so-thrilled-to-be-shopping guys. You'll also find tables for dining or relaxing. This craft show is all under one big roof, so there's no bad weather or large crowds to worry about.
The following are some of the unique shopping experiences you'll have at Appalachian Mountain Christmas. Always the first stop (and sometimes the last for a take home treat) for every shopper is the special homemade treats from "Buckeye Confections." Treats of all kinds, made especially for you by Alicia and Jeremiah. They take pride in their specialty buckeyes, cookies, cakes and candy from the mouth-watering taste, elegant presentation down to the special packaging in their little corner treat shop. Swisher Creek Alpaca Farm has been a huge favorite of so many shoppers with their exquisite designs for the entire family. Pete and Judy feature sweaters, throws, hats, scarves, mittens, socks and even hand puppets made from their own Alpaca's wool. Get your list ready for these warm and cozy items. Juniebee's "Come Next Spring" assortment of hand painted recycled bottles is out-of-this-world gorgeous. These bottles may be used for oils, bird feeders, colognes, soaps and more. Several must haves and one-
of-a-kinds from Juniebee. Take a step back in time when you enter the "Faded Memories" store of Brenda Armstrong. Brenda, being an elegant lady herself, divinely dresses her Faded Memories store so that it beckons you in to seek treasures such as bandboxes, bears, repurposed jewelry, mirrors, bookmarks and more. If you are a lover of fine wood and jewelry, you will be awestruck by the designs of Gary Howser's fine wooden jewelry boxes. Hilltop Designs is so pleased to host artist Elaine Balsley, of Orchard View Studio. Elaine hand quilts tote bags, wine bottle gift bags and more along with small original paintings. Enjoy her Orchard View Studio Christmas Shop here at the Appalachian Mountain Christmas Show. New to the show this year is Children's author Pollyanna Covert, who lives in rural Adams County. Born and raised in southern Ohio, Pollyanna always dreamed of becoming a published children's author. Her dream came true in 2015 with four story books, two early chapter books and two middlegrade novels. Pollyanna's
goal is to share the power of hope with young readers in every book she writes. Locust Hill Farm with Bootsie Robison is another step back in time as she demonstrates spinning her sheep's wool on a spinning wheel. Knitted and felted clothing are wonderfully made and so warm for the upcoming winter days. Bootsie also features some knitted household items. Snuggle in to Locust Hill Farm's shop.
As a little girl, Deborah Zimmerer was fascinated by the glass figures in the windows of her church. Still inspired today by these windows' brilliant sun touched colors, each one telling a different story, Ribbons Stained Glass came to be. Using only the best quality materials along with good craftsmanship are of the utmost importance. Deborah brings her best works of art to the show for your special someone's Christmas present.
There will also be primitives, quilted items, Christmas dĂŠcor, therapy stuffed animals, decorated gourds, jewelry, sample foods, candles, soaps, woodcrafts and so much more. Last but not least is entertainment by singer/ songwriter Steve Free on Friday and Saturday. Hilltop Event Center is located at 9764 Tri-County Road in Winchester. Call (937) 695-5545 for more information.
Defender Photo of the Week
Another photo of more beautiful Adams County scenery was provided by reader Chris Fogle, this shot taken of a farm near the Oliver School.
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Get Free Assistance ancee Exploring Expplo ploring ing YYour ourr Health Insurance ce Op Option Options p HEALTH INSURANCE ENROLLMENT OLLMEENT FREE EVENT 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thursday,y, November Thursday No 3, 2016 Appointment Pr Preferred eferred Call 937-386-3449 (Jackie) or 937-386-3801 (Radah) Adams County Regional Medicalal Center Seaman, Ohio
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A10 West Union Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Defender
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Sports B1
Dryden’s Den: Week 8 in the NFL
Last Week: 7-7-1 Season: 54-52-1 TNF: Jacksonville at Tennessee – The AFC South is very bad, Houston’s loss puts them at 4-3, which is the best in the division. Gus Bradley may be nearing the end if things don’t turn around quickly. Marcus Mariota will do just enough to get the victory. TEN 23 JAX 17 Washington at Cincinnati – Another NFL London game which is a travesty to all NFL fans, espeScott Dryden cially Guest those Columnist of the home team. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell continues to display his ineptitude and lack of consideration for players’ health. On the field, this a big game for teams with playoff aspirations. Andy Dalton and Kirk Cousins are similar quarterbacks, the Bengals defense is the difference. CIN 24 WASH 20 Kansas City at Indianapolis – The Colts are in the thick of the AFC South race despite being below .500. The Chiefs are 4-2 in a very tight AFC West. Given the play of Indianapolis’ offensive line, Andrew Luck will no doubt take a beating. Luck is a tough customer but KC’s secondary can also cause problems. In a tight contest, the KC defense provides pressure throughout. KC 27 IND 24 Oakland at Tampa Bay – These two franchises squared off in Super Bowl XXXVII – i.e. the Gruden Bowl. Since then, both franchises have struggled. The Raiders appear to be on the right path – sitting at 5-2. The Buccaneers expected a great start to the 2016 season – that hasn’t been the case. However, they have battled back to 3-3. Jameis Winston will have success but Derek Carr outduels the 2015 number one pick. OAK 31 TB 27 Seattle at New Orleans The Hawks come off an overtime low scoring tie in Arizona. Their defense will face a much bigger challenge in Drew Brees and the high flying Saints. The contradiction of styles should make for a very interesting ball game. Russell Wilson bounces back with the Seattle defense harassing Brees throughout. SEA 31 NO 24 Detroit at Houston – The Lions are a pleasant surprise thus far. Matthew Stafford has played very well in leading his squad to a 4-3 record. The Texans, also 4-3, have been a disappointment. The free agent signing of Brock Osweiler has yet to pay dividends. In a tight contest, the Texans eke out a home victory. HOU 24 DET 20 New York Jets at Cleveland – The Browns are still looking for their first victory. If they were facing Geno Smith as planned, the odds of getting the elusive victory would be much greater. Smith is lost for the season
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Headed to the District Finals
North Adams girls Southeastern 4-1 BY MARK CARPENTER PEOPLE'S DEFENDER It was a perfect fall night for soccer on Wednesday night in Waverly and it turned out to be a near perfect night of soccer for Coach Dave D'Avignon and his North Adams Lady Devils as they faced off with the Southeastern Lady Panthers in a Southeast District Division III district semi-final contest. The Lady Devils were looking to avenge one of their two losses on the season and they did it in convincing fashion, breaking a second half 1-1 tie with three unanswered goals to claim the 4-1 win and a berth in the Saturday, Oct. 29 district championship game. It has been a record-setting season for the North Adams girls and that continued with Wednesday night's win, as they became the first girls soccer team in school history to advance to a district
title game, and picked up Coach D'Avignon's 250th win as a varsity high school coach. “The girls were loose,” said Coach “D”. “They were singing and having a great time on the bus ride over here. They were ready to play. They have been working hard all year to get where they are right now. I don't know how far this ride will go, but they are just now reaching their potential as a team. As a coach, it's great to see. After the game, the girls were as happy as could possibly be. The win felt good!” Playing on the beautiful green turf of the Waverly football field, the Lady Devils made an early statement, in fact a “less than two minutes into the game” statement. With 38:08 showing on the first half clock, a centering pass by North Adams' Abby Shupert was intercepted by a Southeastern defender who cleared the ball, but right to the wait-
Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender
A goal by North Adams freshman Alaina Eiterman, right, with 9:34 to play was the insurance score for the Lady Devils in their 4-1 win over Southeastern in the Division III District semi-finals. ing Allison Harper, who from about 22 yards out, one-touched it into the air and over the arms of the outstretched goalie for the quick 1-0 lead. Those next 38 minutes were a scoreless and physical defensive struggle, and the Lady Devils went to the intermission still clinging to the precarious one-goal advantage. Six minutes into the second half, the lead was gone as Southeastern's
Kali Mitten tied the score. A questionable foul was called on North Adams' Taylor Hesler and the Lady Panther's Audrey Wheeler took the free kick and chipped it over the defense to Mitten who won a one-on-one showdown with Lady Devils' goalie Madee Shipley, but that was to be the only time that Shipley was beaten all night. The sign of a good team is the ability to answer
adversity and just four minutes later, the Lady Devils did just that and took the lead for good on an unusual goal, but a goal nonetheless. About 20 yards out, North Adams' Kitasha Mesmer made a long throw-in towards the goal, but it was cleared back by the Lady Panthers, only to see Mesmer track it down and
See Lady Devils / B2
Freedom Field hosts Super Saturday for youth football Sugar Bowl, Rose Bowl, and Super Bowl champions crowned BY MARK CARPENTER PEOPLE'S DEFENDER
A beautiful sunny fall afternoon turned into a chilly football weather evening on Saturday, Oct. 22 as Freedom Field in West Union played host to the finale of the 2016 season for the youth football teams of the Southern Ohio Independent League. Four games were set on the gridiron, beginning with an Elementary JV game deemed the Sugar Bowl, then an Elementary Varsity contest known as the Rose Bowl, then concluding with the Elementary JV and Varsity title games, called the Super Bowls. The day was hosted by the North Adams football program and was a big success with big crowds full of excited parents and family members, along with eight teams of excited youngsters on the football field. First up was a match up between a pair of third and fourth grade squads, West Union battling the Southern Buckeye Warriors in the “Sugar Bowl.” It was the Dragons scoring first with 1:23 left in the first quarter on a touchdown run by Landen Fulton and the two-point conversion run by Wyatt Traylor to lead 8-0. With 5:25 to go in the second period, the Dragons scored again on a TD run by Landen Campbell and two-point run by Jaden Cockrill to stretch their lead to 16-0. With 1:34 to go on the first half, West Union got a long touchdown jaunt from Gavin Jarvis to lead 22-0, but the Warriors marched right down before the intermission to get a scoring run from Landen See NFL Picks / B3 Koehler and it looked like that would be it for the
first half, but the Dragons had other ideas. On the final play of the half, West Union got a touchdown pass from Fulton to Jarvis Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender and a two-point conversion to lead 30-6 at the West Union Dragons vs. Southern Buckeye Warriors- JV Sugar Bowl break. In the third quarter, the Dragons got a touchdown run from Cockrill to take a 38-6 lead and enforce the running clock rule used by high school teams in the state. That caused the rest of the game to fly by rather rapidly and when the final seconds ran out, the Dragons had taken the Sugar Bowl by that final count of 38-6. Next up was the fifth and sixth grade battle, the “Rose Bowl”, pitting West Union versus Manchester. This one was all Dragons behind the strong running of Domonick Webb as they blanked the Greyhounds 18-0. The scoring began early for the winners, in fact within the Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender first minute, as Colby Harover rushed in and West Union Dragons vs. Manchester Greyhounds- Varsity Rose Bowl stripped the ball from the Greyhound quarterback and took it all the way for the score and a 6-0 advantage. Later in the first quarter, a long TD run by Harover put West Union in front 12-0. With 2:56 left in the first half, the Dragons were on the board again on another Harover run and led at halftime 18-0. That is how the game ended as neither team crossed the goal line in the final two periods, though the Hounds got close in the final stanza but were turned away by a strong West Union goal line stand as the Dragons celebrated a win in the Rose Bowl. Game three was the first Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender of the Super Bowl con-
See Super Bowl / B2 Manchester Greyhounds vs. North Adams Devils- JV Super Bowl
B2 West Union People’s Defender
Sunday, October 30, 2016
SPORTS EDITOR’S NOTE: Each week, The People’s Defender will profile an Adams County senior student/athlete so our community and readers can get to know better these outstanding young people who participate both in athletics and academics in their high school. NAME: Gloria Purdin
SCHOOL: West Union High School
PARENTS: Danny and Donna Purdin
Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender SPORTS PLAYED IN
North Adams senior Abby Shupert (10) got just enough of this ball to get it past Volleyball the Southeastern goalkeeper with 28:51 left in the game, for what turned out to be the game-winning score for the Lady Devils. FAVORITE SPORT: Volleyball
Lady Devils From page B1
launch a rainbow towards the back post and teammate Abby Shupert was right on the spot for the tap-in and the 2-1 lead. As the on-field action intensified, no one supporting the Lady Devils thought that a one-goal lead was safe, and with 9:34 to play, those fears were dimmed by North Adams freshman Alaina Eiterman. When Lakyn Hupp got control of the ball and made a run with a defender right on her hip, she fired a shot that the Southeastern goalie mishandled and Eiterman was right on the spot to knock it home and give her team a 3-1 advantage. With nine minutes left, it was time for the Lady Devils to protect the twogoal lead, which they did to perfection, and just for good measure, added a goal in the final minute. Playing with two forwards and an extra defender, Hesler controlled the ball near midfield and passed the ball forward to Mesmer. The North Adams senior flicked the ball over her head, turned, gathered it in, and fired a shot from 10 yards out for the score. Coach D'Avignon substituted for the senior after her goal, as she left the game with large tears of joy streaming down her face and 41 seconds later, the final whistle sounded and a wild celebration began on the North Adams sideline and in the stands with their faithful fans. “It was so good to see all the parents, teachers, and friends enjoying the victory,” added Coach D'Avignon. “That kind of support just makes it all more fun for the girls. Everyone stayed around long after the game celebrating, hugging, and taking pictures, just savoring the win.” The 4-1 victory improved North Adams to 13-2-3 on the season and now “boldly sends the Lady Devils to where no team has gone before”, and that is to the district championship game, where they will battle the Wheelersburg Lady Pirates, who stand unbeaten at 150-2, but one of those ties came on Oct. 8 with the Lady Devils, a 1-1 draw.
Gloria Purdin
FAVORITE SPARE TIME ACTIVITY: Hanging out with my friends
COMING NEXT WEDNESDAY: Jordyn Kell from North Adams High School
Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender
North Adams’ Taylor Hesler was called for a foul on this play, which led to the only Southeaster goal of the game, but for the night, Hesler was rock solid on defense, keeping the Lady Panthers from many scoring opportunities.
Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender
North Adams Devils vs. Southern Buckeye Warriors- Varsity Super Bowl
Super Bowl From page B1
tests, matching up the third and fourth grade squads from Manchester and North Adams. After a scoreless first quarter, the Greyhounds got on the board first on a touchdown run by Leland Horner. That 6-0 score held until halftime and it wasn't until the 1:14 mark of the third quarter that anyone scored again, and again it was the Hounds as Braden Cummings scored to make Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender it 12-0. That rest of the contest North Adams goalie Madee Shipley goes full extenwas a defensive struggle, sion to keep this Southeastern shot out of the net in with neither team changthe Lady Devils’ 4-1 district semi-final win. ing the scoreboard and for the second season in a game and bring a District “By playing row, Manchester was Championship back home Wheelersburg, we have the hoisting the Super Bowl to North Adams and the chance to finish what we Trophy, crowned as JV SHAC.” started with them earlier Champions with a 12-0 Kickoff for Saturday's this month with the tie,” victory. district title game is set for said Coach D'Avignon. The final game of the “We'd really like to win that 1 p.m. back in Waverly. evening was played totally
Devils ousted in district tournament
under the lights and with a bit of chill in the air, but perfect weather for kids to play football, and the Elementary Varsity Super Bowl matched up the North Adams Devils and the Southern Buckeye Warriors. As in the preceding game, the first quarter was scoreless, but the Devils dominated the second stanza, first getting a one-yard scoring run from Ethan Beekman to take a 6-0 lead, and then with 2:14 left in the first half, a long touchdown run by Zane Knechtly put North Adams up 12-0. The Warriors threatened late in the half as two long pass plays put them in scoring position but a bad snap and two quarterback sacks by the Devils' defense snuffed out the scoring opportunity. The third quarter was a defensive showcase, with nothing for either team, but early in the fourth, the
Warriors got on the board after an interception and long return by Quentin Collins led to a later scoring pass that made it 12-6 with 4:52 to play. The Warriors got the ball back with a chance to tie or take the lead but their opportunity was thwarted with another North Adams QB sack on fourth down that gave the ball back to the Devils and they iced the title with another TD run by Beekman and it was time for the North Adams boys and their large contingent of fans to celebrate as their team made it back-to-back Super Bowl titles with the 18-6 win. All in all, and through the efforts of many all season long, Super Saturday was a huge success and proved to many that the future of football in Adams County is very bright.
North Adams wins back to back sectional titles BY MARK CARPENTER PEOPLE’S DEFENDER
The 2016 season came to a disappointing close on Oct. 22 for the North Adams boys soccer team, but not until they put up quite a fight with the number 12 ranked team in the state in the district semifinals. Facing off in Athens with Zanesville Bishop Rosecrans, the Devils gave the Bishops all they could handle before falling 1-0. “We had our opportunities with their goalie (who is going to Division I Notre Dame), who made some huge saves,” said North Adams head coach Isaac Wooten.
The road to the district began for the Devils with a 4-0 win over Adena, getting two goals from Ben Figgins, and one each from Austin Lloyd and Tray Brand. The North Adams boys won their second consecutive sectional title on Oct. 19 when they edged out fellow SHAC member Fairfield 1-0 on a goal by Brand. The loss in the district semis saw the Devils end their season with a record of 11-5-3. They set school records of 59 goals scored in a season and just 26 goals against, getting solid
Photo by Patrice Yezzi England
With their 1-0 loss to Bishop Rosecrans in the district tournament, the high school soccer careers came to a close for these seven North Adams seniors. From left, Zeke Acosta, Patrick England, Kain Turner, See Devils / B3 Randall Hayslip, Austin Parks, Lee Hesler, and Ben Figgins.
West Union Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Defender
Sunday ,October 30, 2016 B3
ATHLON SPORTS TOP 25 Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to follow us!
@ AthlonSports / AthlonSports @ AthlonSports
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Alabama (8â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, Bye) Clemson (7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, at Florida State) Michigan (7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, at Michigan State) Louisville (6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1, at Virginia) Washington (7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, at Utah) Ohio State (6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1, vs. Northwestern) Wisconsin (5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2, vs. Nebraska) Texas A&M (7-1, vs. New Mexico State) Baylor (6-0, at Texas) Nebraska (7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, at Wisconsin) Tennessee (5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2, at South Carolina) West Virginia (6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, at Oklahoma State) Auburn (5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2, at Ole Miss) Oklahoma (5-2, vs. Kansas) Florida (5-1, vs. Georgia) North Carolina (6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2, Bye) Florida State (5-2, vs. Clemson) Boise State (7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0, at Wyoming) Utah (7-1, vs. Washington) LSU (5-2, Bye) Western Michigan (8-0, Bye) Colorado (6-2, Bye) Virginia Tech (5-2, at Pittsburgh) Navy (6-1, at South Florida) Penn State (5-2, vs. Purdue)
MOST DISAPPOINTING TEAMS 1. Michigan State The model of consistency in recent seasons, Michigan State has been a disaster in 2016. The Spartans opened the season with wins over Furman and Notre Dame but have since lost five straight and are still searching for their first Big Ten victory. Three of MSUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s final five games are against Michigan, Ohio State and Penn State.
Quarterback Jake Browning and the Washington offense are averaging 534.3 yards in their four Pac-12 games.
Pac-12 takes center stage
Undefeated Washington heads to Utah in a battle of division leaders WASHINGTON AT UTAH TEDCDBA@?@ E> = D@= ?< D@; : @ 9ED@8 ?7654@ 9E?9@ 3 2DA: B9@ ; : 120 1D@/ 9?: .2C3 -@ , CD= 2: @ 2C@D;9EDC@2.@ 9ED@/ 2> 9EDC: @ + ?0 ; .2C: ; ?@ 9D?< A*@ )9BA@> ( A9?C9@ ' ?AE; : = 92: -@ &E; 7E@ & 1 # # , -,# -$ 2&# +-1 2 ' +.0 # 1 1 ' 4# 2# +1 2&0 -3%& 2&# < 0 1 2 25- +-,2&1 2.@ 9ED@AD?A2: -@ 1; A;9; : = @ % 9?E-@ ?@ 9D?< @ 9E?9@E?A@$ ?990 D3 @ ; 9A@&?# @ 9EC2> = E@ ?@ A0D&@ 2.@ ; : " > C;DA@92@ CD72C3 @ ?@ ! 5@ CD72C3 @ ; : @ 0 D?= > D@( 0 ?# * @ FED@% 9DA-@ 2: 7D@?= ?; : -@ ?CD@ < , "' , % 5 71 2- 5' , 2&# 7 0 # 9 ' , % +# 1 "# ! ' "# " 7 1 # 4# , .-' , 21 -0 .D&DC*@ ?A9@ &DD -@ 9ED# @ ( C21D3 @ 9ED# @ 7?: @ &; : @ ?@ AE2292> 9-@ 2> 90 ?A9; : = @ % + @ 4 ! @ ?9@9ED@ 2AD@ 2&0 * @ + 0 2AD@= ?< DA@E?1D: B9@$ DD: @ ?: @ ; AA> D@.2C@> : 3 D.D?9D3 @ ' ?AE; : = 92: * @ FED@ > A ; DA@3 ; 3 @ : DD3 @ 92@ = 2@ 92@ 21DC9; < D@92@ &; : @ ?9@ C; 2: ?@ ; : @ 0 ?9D@/ D( 9D< $ DC@$ > 9@ E?1D@29EDC&; AD@&2: @ = ?< DA@&; 9E2> 9@ $ CD? ; : = @ < > 7E@ 2.@ ?@ A&D?9*@ FED# @ &DCD@ ?9@ 9ED;C@$ DA9@ ; : @ ?@ 9&26= ?< D@ A9CD97E@ 9E?9@ .D?9> CD3 @ &; : A@21DC@/ 9?: .2C3 @ ?: 3 @ , CD= 2: @ $ # @ ?@ 72< $ ; : D3 @ A72CD@ 2.@ 55! 4 * @ + EC;A@8 D9DCAD: @ E?A@9ED@< 2A9@ 72< ( 0 D9D@9D?< @ ; : @ 9ED@ ! 2&# 31 )' # 1 * # " 2&# * # %3# ' , 7 0 "1 .# 0 .* 7 -, -$ .D: AD@ * @ ?: 3 @ ?CD@9; D3 @ .2C@9ED@0 D?= > D@0 D?3 @ &; 9E@ + 20 2C?3 2@ ; : @ # ?C3 A@?0 0 2&D3 @ ( DC@( 0 ?# @ 2: @ 3 D.D: AD@ ! * * @
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PRIME TIME PLAYERS Two weeks ago, Joe Williams was retired from football. Last week, he returned to the Utah team and rushed for 179 yards in a win in at Oregon State. Then, on Saturday, he broke a single-game school record by running for 332 yards and four touchdowns to lead the Utes to a pivotal Pac-12 South win over UCLA. â&#x20AC;Ś Lamar Jackson and the Louisville offense bounced back from a relatively slug-
gish performance in a win vs. Duke with a dominating effort against NC State. Jackson threw for 355 yards with three TDs and no interceptions and added 76 yards rushing to key the Cardsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 54â&#x20AC;&#x201C;13 win. â&#x20AC;Ś Jeremy McNichols rushed for 140 yards and one touchdown on 30 carries and caught five passes for 109 yards and one score to help Boise State top BYU 28â&#x20AC;&#x201C;27 on Friday night. McNichols is
2. Notre Dame The Fighting Irish find themselves on this list not only for their 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;5 record but also for the teams that have contributed to their five losses. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not exactly a whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s who of the 2016 elite â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Texas (3â&#x20AC;&#x201C;4), Michigan State (2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;5), Duke (3â&#x20AC;&#x201C;4), NC State (4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;3) and Stanford (4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;3).
the fifth player in the FBS ranks in 2016 with more than 100 yards rushing and receiving in the same game. â&#x20AC;Ś Oklahoma quarterback Baker Mayfield threw for 545 yards with seven touchdowns and no interceptions, and Sooner tailback Joe Mixon rushed for 263 yards and two scores as OU rolled up 854 yards of offense in its 66â&#x20AC;&#x201C;59 win at Texas Tech. â&#x20AC;Ś Will Worth, who began the season as the backup
quarterback, rushed for 201 yards and three TDs in Navyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 42â&#x20AC;&#x201C;28 win over Memphis in a key AAC West showdown. â&#x20AC;Ś Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Tavius Mathers, a transfer from Ole Miss, rushed for 215 yards on 28 carries to help Middle Tennessee knock off Missouri 51â&#x20AC;&#x201C;45 in Columbia. â&#x20AC;Ś Syracuse QB Eric Dungey threw for 434 yards and added 54 yards on the ground to lead the Orange to a 28â&#x20AC;&#x201C;20 win at Boston College.
3. UCLA The pick by many outlets â&#x20AC;&#x201D; including Athlon Sports â&#x20AC;&#x201D; to win the Pac-12 South title, UCLA is 1â&#x20AC;&#x201C;4 in the league after losing at home to Utah on Saturday night. Josh Rosen, one of the most talented quarterbacks in the nation, has missed the last two games with an injury. 4. Stanford The Cardinal, 4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;3 overall and 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;3 in the Pac-12, have been undone by an offense that ranks last in the league in yardage (299.1 ypg) and scoring (17.0 ppg). Christian McCaffrey rushed for an average of 145.3 yards in Stanfordâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first three games but has been limited to 49, 35 and 92 yards in his last three. 5. Oregon Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not a huge surprise that Oregon is not in the hunt for the Pac-12 North title. Still, few expected the Ducks to be 0â&#x20AC;&#x201C;4 in the league, with three of the losses to Colorado, Washington State and California. Oregon has given up at least 50 points in each of its last three games.
NUMBERS TO KNOW All three of the FBS programs in the of Oklahoma â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Oklahoma, 5-2 state Oklahoma State and Tulsa â&#x20AC;&#x201D; are 5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2 through seven games. Both of Oklahomaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and Tulsaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s losses have come against Houston and Ohio State.
Rice defeated Prairie View A&M 66â&#x20AC;&#x201C;45 to record its first win of the 2016 season. There are now zero teams without a win.
Oklahoma and Texas Tech set a new FBS record for total yards in a game (1,708). Both teams had 854 yards of offense.
STOCK REPORT Auburn won its fourth straight game, rolling to a surprisingly easy 56â&#x20AC;&#x201C;3 victory over Arkansas on the strength of a dominating rushing performance. The Tigers ran for 543 yards â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the most ever by a team in an SEC game â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and held Arkansas to 25 rushing yards on 31 attempts. Auburn is 3â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1 in the SEC.
NFL Picks
From page B1 with a torn ACL, which will place Ryan Fitzpatrick back under center. Josh McCown should also return as a starter for Cleveland. In a tight contest, the New York defense versus the Cleveland defense is the difference. NYJ 31 CLE 23 New England at Buffalo â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Bills shut out the Patriots in Week Four, albeit without Tom Brady. They will be a motivated group in front of a raucous Buffalo crowd. Rex Ryanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s offense will not be able to keep up with Brady, Gronk and crew as the Pats move to 7-1 at the half way point. NE 34 BUF 24 Arizona at Carolina â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Cardinals have been a disappointment at 3-3-1 but nowhere near as much as the 1-5 Panthers. Cam
Houston emerged as a candidate to reach the College Football Playoff after opening the season with a win over Oklahoma. Now, almost two months later, the Cougars are an afterthought on the national scene. Tom Hermanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team has lost two of its last three games â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 46â&#x20AC;&#x201C;30 at Navy and 38â&#x20AC;&#x201C;16 at SMU.
Newton and his mates must win now. They will need to get on a major winning streak if they plan a return to the playoffs. The Arizona defense has played well but their offense has struggled. Palmer will find it no easier as Newton and the Panthers get a much needed victory. CAR 23 ARI 17 San Diego at Denver â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Rookie Joey Bosa is playing at a very high level. He was a big factor in San Diego's surprising win in Atlanta. Phillip Rivers is Phillip Rivers but he will be under duress against the dreaded Bronco pass rush. San Diego is improving but winning in Denver is a very difficult task. DEN 20 SD 17 Green Bay at Atlanta â&#x20AC;&#x201C; This has the makings of a high scoring thriller. The Falcons now appear to be what they are each and
James Franklin recorded by far the most significant win in his two-plus seasons at Penn State as the Nittany Lions rallied from a 21â&#x20AC;&#x201C;7 deficit in the fourth quarter to stun previously unbeaten Ohio State 24â&#x20AC;&#x201C;21 on a â&#x20AC;&#x153;white outâ&#x20AC;? night at Beaver Stadium. Penn State is 5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2 overall and likely will be favored in each of its final five games.
every year â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a pretender. They got off to a hot start but have now lost two in a row. The Packers are typically the opposite â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a slow start followed by a Rodgers relax exclamation â&#x20AC;&#x201C; then they settle down. In a tight contest, Rodgers and his wide receivers finally find chemistry. GB 30 ATL 27 SNF: Philadelphia at Dallas â&#x20AC;&#x201C; This old rivalry gets a kick in the pants with two rookie quarterbacks. The Eagles looked in trouble following the suspension of Lane Johnson. However, they beat a very good Vikings squad last week. The Cowboys come
Texas lost for the third time in the last four games, dropping a 24â&#x20AC;&#x201C;21 decision at Kansas State. The Longhorns are now 1â&#x20AC;&#x201C;3 in the Big 12 in 2016 and 10â&#x20AC;&#x201C;12 in Charlie Strongâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s two-plus seasons as the head coach. Strongâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tenuous job status will be a major storyline in the final month of the regular season.
off their bye â&#x20AC;&#x201C; an unfair advantage which the NFL continues to ignore. They are led by rookies Dak Prescott and Ezekiel Elliott. Carson Wentz is getting plenty of press, understandably so, but the Philly defense has been a major factor. This should be a fun, testy game on the prime time stage. The Dallas running game along with Wentz turnovers are the difference. DAL 24 PHI 20 MNF: Minnesota at Chicago â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Vikings suffered their first loss of the season last week in Philadelphia. They will be a motivated group but the
Leonard Fournette rushed for 284 yards and three touchdowns on only 16 carries â&#x20AC;&#x201D; for a nifty 17.8-yard average â&#x20AC;&#x201D; in his first game since late September.
Bowling Green has given up 50 TDs through eight games and ranks last in the nation in scoring defense (45.1 ppg). The Falcons gave up 50 TDs last season â&#x20AC;&#x201D; in 14 games.
Photos: Athlon Sports
Bears wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t roll over against their old rivals. The biggest Achilles heel for the Vikes is the lack of a running game. They need it to take pressure off of Sam Bradford, which in turn allows their defense to control the game. For the Bears, Jay Cutler returns in what will likely be his last chance. Chicago will keep it close but the nasty Minnesota â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dâ&#x20AC;? is the difference. MIN 23 CHI 16
From page B2
work all season from keeper Cole Wagner, who broke a school record by recording six shutouts. With the season-ending loss to Rosecrans, the Devils said goodbye to a talented senior class that included Zeke Acosta, Patrick England, Kain Turner, Randall Hayslip, Austin Parks, Lee Hesler, and Ben Figgins. Bye Week: Baltimore, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I want to thank all of my Los Angeles, Miami, New York Giants, Pittsburgh, San players for their hard work this season and all the parFrancisco ents and faculty for their support,â&#x20AC;? added Wooten. The Devils had two players selected to the Division III All-District Team, Figgins and Lee Hesler, and they will both be playing in the District All-Star Game in Chillicothe on Nov. 5.
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ACOVSD November Menus B4 West Union People’s Defender
Land Transfers
Sunday, October 30, 2016
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Mark Leon Hannah, Jill Hannah to Paul Hannah, Norma Hannah, Jefferson Twp, 73.33 ac. Jonathan McIntire Aka Jonathan T. to Jonathan T. McIntire, Katherine A. McIntire, Winchester Twp, 5.000 ac. Donald K. Meeks to Curtis Worth Allen Pangburn, Bratton Twp, 22.102 ac. Donna Shoemaker, Daniel Shoemaker, Debra Winn, Tom Winn, Dinah Applegate, Mike Applegate, Deedee Eldridge, Kevin Eldridge, David Thomas, Dianna Thomas to Arliss Jean Calvert, West Union Village, lot 14, lots 12, 13 Arliss Jean Calvert to David E. Parker, West Union Village, lot 14, lots 12,13 Donald Daulton to Barbara Daulton Stone, Bratton Twp, 0.226 ac. Tricia Edwards Thomas, Tricia Edwards to Arthur R. Thomas, Monroe Twp, 3.00 ac. Linda Metzner, Anthony W. Metzner to Jeff Vickers, Bratton Twp, 5.75 ac. Deborah Redmon, Deborah Riggins, Carl Riggins to Dustin Dodson, West Union Village, 0.09 ac. Deborah Amiot to Bruce W. Coldiron, Arlene J. Coldiron, Oliver Twp, 7.30 ac. Karl J. Grant, Dona J. Grant to Jerry A. McKibben, Tasha L. McKibben, Wayne Twp, 11.787 ac. Karl J. Grant, Dona J. Grant to Jerry A. McKibben, Tasha L. McKibben, Wayne Twp, 9.256 ac. Peggy R. Atkinson to Wells Fargo Bank, Manchester Village, 0.118 ac. Elaine F. Harffman to Robert J. Harffman, Jo Ann Harffman, Oliver
Twp, 52.559 ac. Vania L. Boehm, Thomas N. Boehm, Monroe Twp, 104.26 ac. Thomas N. Boehm to Shawn F. Kelley, Monroe Twp, 104.26 ac. Mark A. Freeland Trustee, Tracy L. Freeland Trustee, Mark A. Freeland Trust, Tracy L. Freeland Trust to Alan C. Hardin, Carolyn S. Mullins, Winchester Village, 4.05 ac. Mary A. Pence to Rose Acceptance Inc, Sprigg Twp, 2.53 ac. West Ohio Conference (United Methodist), Trustees of Methodist Episcopal Church, Jacksonville United Methodist Church to Jacksonville Church, Meigs Twp, 0.324 ac. Aline Sebring, Aline Buck to Nathan McMillion Jr., Jefferson Twp, 24.6077 ac. Daniel R. Turner, Darlene M. Turner to Daniel R. Turner Trustee, Darlene M. Turner Trustee, Daniel and Darlene Turner Trust, Peebles Village, 17,532.20 sq. ft. Daniel R. Turner, Darlene M. Turner to Daniel R. Turner Trustee, Darlene M. Turner Trustee, Daniel and Darlene Turner Trust, Bratton Twp, 2.739 ac. Barbara Dalton Stone to Randy Daulton, Rick Daulton, Jeff Daulton, Peebles Village, lot 1 Michael E. Beech, Patricia Jo Beech to Michael E. Beech, Patricia Jo Beech, Bratton Twp, 1.00 ac. Elaine Jewel Montgomery, Hobert Montgomery to Hobert Montgomery, Elaine Jewel Montgomery, Franklin Twp, 30.126 ac. Hobert Montgomery, Elaine Jewel Montgomery to Pamela June Daniels, Krystal Lynn Stulley, Franklin Twp, 30.126 ac.
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Twenty volunteers were at four locations in Adams County to distribute 1500 pounds of potatoes and 552 cans of green beans on Saturday, Oct. 22. It was wonderful weather for this community outreach effort that is an annual project of Democrats in Adams County and part of National Make A Difference Day. National Make A Difference Day is the largest national day of community service and is held annually the fourth Saturday of October. Millions of volunteers around the world unite in a common mission to improve the lives of others. In Adams County, the one-day food project served an estimated 150 families and touched the lives of over 500 people. Those volunteering were:
Martha Bennett, Tory Peterson, Susan Young, Barbara Finnegan, Tom Conroy, Jerry Grooms, Linda Worley, Tim and Vicki Brady, Ethel Chambers, Racheal Stephenson, Patty Shoemaker, Dennis Grooms, Dena Morris, Jack Hendrix, Roy, Amy and Lucy Gabbert, and Steve and Linda Stepp. A few of the volunteers at the Peebles location are pictured above and include, left to right, Tom Conroy, Tim Brady, Barbara Finnegan, Linda Worley and Jerry Grooms. The food distributed was purchased at Prather’s IGA which is a locally owned and operated grocery. The project was made possible from generous individual donations and funding from the Adams County Democrat Club.
Advertising pays in The People’s Defender! Call 937-544-2391 today!
West Union Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Defender
MACA Plastics, Inc. in Winchester, Ohio is looking for highly motivated individuals to join their team oriented company. MACA is looking for operators & assemblers. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Shifts. Interested candidates can apply in person @ 2455 Cross Road Winchester, Ohio Or contact adavis@macaplastics.com Phone - 937-544-8618 adams county
Adams County Manor is looking to fill positions for Full Time and PRN CNA/STNAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S on all shifts. We have immediate availability for PRN staff on every shift and we currently have a Full Time position open on Night Shift. Our STNAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S are on a 12 hour shift schedule which affords more time off during the week. Third shift offers additional benefits including shift differential pay rates. We have competitive compensation and benefit packages including attendance bonuses, vacation and personal days and a full range of health, life, dental, vision, and disability insurances to choose from. Adams County Manor is one of the highest ranked Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation facilities in Ohio and is a great place to work. STNAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s must have completed all appropriate courses and have a valid license for the State of Ohio. Please submit resumes and applications in person at: Adams County Manor and ask for Mary Mellenkamp, Health Services Supervisor. There is the possibility of interviews on the spot if you apply in this manner. You can also apply online at www.hg-nh.com. The application is under the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Careersâ&#x20AC;? tab at the top of the webpage.
Come Join Our Team of Professionals! Brown County Senior Citizens Council is currently accepting applications for
Benefit package includes paid vacations, paid holidays, sick leave, personal days, health insurance, mileage reimbursement and incentive plan. All applicants must have valid Ohio Driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s License, vehicle insurance and be in good health.
Apply in person at
505 North Main Street, Georgetown, Ohio. Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER
Brown County Senior Citizens Council is currently accepting applications for IMMEDIATE JOB OPENINGS for
to oversee daily activities of our clients in Supported Living Homes. Openings include 2nd and 3rd shift. All applicants must have High School Diploma or GED, valid Ohio Driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s License, insurable under agency fleet, vehicle insurance, Medication Administration and be in good health.
Apply in person at
505 North Main Street, Georgetown, Ohio. Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER
Sunday, October 30, 2016 B5
Getting Home is Easier. Nice Pay Package. BCBS/ Dental/ Vision. Monthly Bonuses. NoTouch. Chromed out Trucks w/APUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S. CDL-A
EMPOWERING PEOPLE is seeking experienced, compassionate and dedicated people who like a challenge and enjoy working with the DD population. If you are looking for a great career opportunity, please apply. FT 2nd/3rd shifts available in Clermont/Hamilton counties. $11-$13/hr. based on exp. w/excellent benefits. Duties include assisting w/ADLs, med passing, transportation, etc. Must be 18 yrs. w/clean valid driving record. Send resume to: info@ takoda-trails.net or Apply in person at 350 Kolb Dr., Fairfield, OH 45014.
SEXUAL ASSAULT ADVOCATE YWCA Greater Cincinnati and Women Helping Women are hiring for a full-time Sexual Assault Advocate for Adams and Brown Counties. Candidates should have bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in social work/human services or related field. Experience in sexual assault advocacy, strong communication, organization and project planning skills are essential. Candidates must have reliable transportation and be comfortable in conducting outreach and supporting relationships with survivors, community volunteers, courts, law enforcement, local hospitals, and mental health providers. Please submit resume and cover letter to Amber Malott at amalott@ywcacin.org POLE BARN BUILDERS or Subcontractors needed to build pole buildings. TECUMSEH BUILDINGS 937-446-2542 or 937-446-2917
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( after 400 hours worked ) Employee health insurance plan paid by the company, Vacation pay , Birthday pay, Aflac APPLY AT 146 NORTH 3RD STREET WILLIAMSBURG OHIO 45176 M-F 9 AM - 5 PM
for a busy tax office in Clermont County. Must have experience. Seasonal day shift. We pay competitive wages. Starting at the end of November through April 15th SEND RESUME TO:
Must be experienced, current PTIN. We offer competitive wages. This is for seasonal day shift. SEND RESUME TO: taxoffice33921@yahoo.com
DRIVERS WANTED Tanker Endorsement Needed Earn up to $300 a day 2 Years Experience Class A CDL Local Hauling $500 Sign-on Bonus (See details at TCB office) Call TCB Trucking 513-309-7559 513-625-8183
A Family Business for Over 35 Years ************ CDL-A Driver $1,000 sign on Bonus 2 years experience Percentage Pay Health Insurance Vacation + Holiday Regional Position 513-724-7140 HELP WANTED Christian Drivers, Plus owner operators, CDL Class A with tanker and TWIC; 2 years exp. home when you need to be. Drivers $800 to $1,500 per week, call Victory Lane Express LLC, (937)217-2189 or (937)587-1122
BATAVIA - TWO and THREE bedroom apartments available with open wait list. Accepting applications M-F, 9a.m.-4p.m. Apartments are income based. 513-732-3804
Now Accepting Applications Island View Apartments at 302 Cemetery St., Manchester. We offer 1 and 2 bedroom apartments for family, elderly, handicap, or disabled residents. Rent based on 30% of adjusted income. Contact Kay Chandler 937-549-1324 or Richards Management at 888-576-6468 for details. TTD/TTY 800-750-0750. This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer and equal housing opportunity.
Seaman - Spacious 3 bdrm, w/washer dryer hookup, includes water, sewer & trash. You pay electric. $650 security dep.-$650 mo rent. 1 year lease. We do background checks. Close to parks and school. We accept Section 8, Metro 937927-5741
Seaman - 2 bdrm apt, w/washer dryer hookup, includes water, sewer & trash. You pay electric. $475 security dep.-$475 mo rent. 1 year lease. We do background checks. Close to parks and school. We accept Section 8, Metro 937927-5741
for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments at:
Georgetown 1 Apartments: 401 Marshall Ave. Georgetown, OH 45121 APPLY AT: 610 MARKLEY AVE. GEORGETOWN, OH 45121 or call for details at:
Stove, refrigerator, and on site laundry. Possibility of rental assistance. "Metro Accepted" TDD #419-526-0466 â&#x20AC;&#x153;This institution is an equal opportunity provider.â&#x20AC;?
for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments at:
Markley Square Apartments located at 610 MARKLEY AVE. GEORGETOWN, OH 45121 or call for details at
Stove, refrigerator, and on site laundry. RENT BASED ON INCOME TDD #419-526-0466
â&#x20AC;&#x153;This institution is an equal opportunity provider.â&#x20AC;?
CABIN IN WOODS FOR RENT 2 BDR, 1 bath, large country kitchen, restored/refurbished, County water, Near Route 41 north of Locust Grove. Room to garden. Ideal for 1 or 2 adults. $425 rent, plus $400 deposit. Non-related references required (937)217-4747
FOR SALE or RENT 3 BDR, 1 Bath house with large garage, large lot, possible land contract, new roof & siding in town of West Union, $35,000. $600 per month/ $600 Deposit, Call (513)260-6551 for info
FOR RENT Small 2 BDR, 1 Bath Country home for rent, $500 Deposit, $500 Month/Lease Requirement, Need References, No Smoking, No Pets, Please Call (937)587-3441 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT
FOR RENT Two Bedroom Mobile Home on Fifth Street, Manchester, (937)798-0812 HOUSES FOR SALE
1 1/2 STORY with 23 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath situated on corner lot, 2 blocks from river in Ripley, Ohio $67,500. Call (937) 618-0012 for details.
MISC. FOR RENT 2 bdrm upstairs apartment: West Union. Washer/Dryer hookup, appliances, water/sewage and lawn care furnished. No pets. $450mo/plus deposit. and 1 bdrm apartment in West Union, appliances, water/sewage, lawn care furnished. No pets. $350 mo/ plus deposit. Call 937-515-1424. FIREWOOD
FIREWOOD FOR SALE Semi loads of Oak firewood, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; lengths, 4-20â&#x20AC;? in diameter, Appox. 12.5 cords per truck load, $85.00/per cord locally, Credit Cards accepted, Prompt Local Delivery, Call (920)787-2506 for more information
FIREWOOD FOR SALE $60 a pick up load, $130 for a cord delivered locally, white oak, red oak, hickory, 6 month seasoned (937)217-8481
Firewood For Sale Please call: (937)203-5763
FOR SALE SEASONED FIREWOOD & OUTSIDE FURNACE WOOD All year round. Local. I would like to haul 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; dump loads. Scott Malott 937-213-3193 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Call Sizzle Sticks (937)544-7159
WANTED Insulated copper and aluminum wire. Must have 100 lbs or more. I will pick up wire and pay cash. My scale is mobile. I pay #1 price for 12 ga. or larger stranded wire and #1 price for 14 ga. and larger solid wire. Also buy other sizes of copper wire and will buy insulated aluminum wire. Call for current pricing as it changes twice a week. Give me a try! Honest weights, great prices! 937-414-0972 Ask for Bernie. PETS & SUPPLIES
SIAMESE KITTENS - Seal Point, pure bred - not registered. Vet checked. $190.00 each - cash only. 937-584-4497
B6 West Union People’s Defender HAY & GRAIN
MIXED HAY FOR SALE - 5x5 round bales $30.00, also square bales $4.00 937-618-1410
Large round bales of hay. Recently baled.. Price $30 each. Call Clarene Barnhill 544-2760.
HAY FOR SALE Pure Timothy, Pure Orchard Grass, Pure Alfalfa, Alfalfa/Orchard Grass Mix, Mixed Grass. Large Round Bales (4 X 5 net wrapped) and small square bales available. Crawford Farms 937-779-7560
FOR SALE Antique Minnesota Peddle Sowing Machine, Tredle, works good, needs a belt, $200 (937)587-2196
HAY FOR SALE $25.00 per roll, Good quality 4 X 5 ft bales, will discount to volume buyers, (937)544-7133 MISC. FOR SALE
FOR SALE 12 acres land, John Deere 350-B Dozer 6 way blade, Freeman 4000 Loader with forks, 2 - 066 Stihl Chain Saws, (937)549-3349
FOR SALE 2 reel grinders for push mower, sharpens blades & reels. Make offer (937)382-2901 FOR SALE Butcher Hogs Delivery & bookings available. Call Hattan Farms 937-780-6401.
FOR SALE Butcher Beef Buy half of half, half or whole. Bookings & delivery available December & January. Call Hattan Farms 937-780-6401.
For Sale 1994 Redman Mobile Home, 3 BDR, 14 X 70, as is, $5,000, call Dan (937)698-3140
Hi, My name is Danny, I am a 49 yr old incarcerated white male, 6 ft 1, 205 pds, with blondish hair and hazel eyes, attractive and physically fit, (will send picture), I have 3 yrs to serve and I’m hoping theres a woman out there willing to write and become my friend. Please write me at: Grafton Institution Danny Johnson A520022 2500 South Avon/Belden Rd Grafton Ohio 44117
LOST AND FOUND FOUND WALKER HUNTING DOG 10/17 Ripley/Decatur area. Very nice & well mannered. Someone has lost a wonderful pet. 937-373-4681.
MISSING DOG To the person/persons who took the Boxer bulldog from behind the house on TriCounty Highway: You know who you are, we know who you are, just bring the dog back where you got him & there will be no questions asked (937)515-4931 (937)-515-4457
2003 Chevy Tracker, red in color, convertible top, 4 X 4, air, auto and runs good, asking $4,500 or best offer, Call (937)2170592 YARD/GARAGE SALE
BIG MOVING SALE Seaman, Ohio Call anytime (937)515-1617, (937) 386-1025, side by side door refrigator with ice maker, 2 gas stoves, generators, honda, kawaski, everything in house must go!
Sunday, October 30, 2016
3-FAMILY CARPORT/YARD SALE at 8888 St. Rt. 770; Peebles, Saturday, Nov. 5th, 8am to 5pm,Air Conditioner-New; 2 closet doors; 4 17” wheels, Christmas tree-lighted; 2 small X-mas trees; bulbs, Christmas decorations; Kirby vacuum; desk; kids’ clothes; large women’s clothes, Games and MUCH MORE!!! 937-798-5292
Patricia A. Rand,ABR Cell 937-763-3511 Greater Cincinnati
Joe Brumley Cell 937-217-5244
Lynne Spaeth Cell 937-728-0843 Home 937-987-9762
Robin C.Geier,ABR Cell 937-725-5613 Home 937-466-1782 Jaime Garen
Sue C. Boone
Krista Thompson Cell 740-606-6886 Home 937-981-3368
Broker, ABR Home: 937-393-9363 Cell: 937-763-9363
401 U.S. 62 South, Hillsboro
Cheryl A. Mullins Cell 937-402-7759
Yard/Moving Sale Sat. November 5, 9am to 4pm, 191 Ross Drive, Gabbert Subdivision, WU, Tools, treadmill, red/tan chair, blue loveseat, 2 end tables, TV stand, old oak table w/6 chairs, lots of dishes and much more! 937-544-5292
Part Time Agents
Full Time Agents Charles N. McDaniel Cell 937-725-1156 Home 937-588-2353
Cell 937-763-3045
Melissa Travis Cell 937-509-2481
Duane Troyer Cell 740-606-1174
All information is believed accurate but is not guaranteed. All acreages, measurements and figures are approximate and not warranted.
Give us a call today! • Visit our website at www.sueboonerealty.com • We are ready to work for you! RESIDENTIAL - $99,000 Nearly 4.5 acres of goregeous Lick Run waterfront. Property includes a large 2 unit apartment building that needs plenty of work, but includes new doors and windows. 40x50 pole barn includes all custom cut clay and green metal roof siding to replace. There is also a nice 2 br 1 bath mobile home on the property with new central air and 24x24 garage. • MLS#1496840
RESIDENTIAL - $239,000
COMMERCIAL - $29,000
COMMERCIAL - $39,900
LAND - $29,500
Beautiful setting with ranch home on a full basement, a building to fit all of your needs. Large Koi pond. Located on a quiet country road. Great home with plenty of room to enjoy life. Barn has workshop and space for motor home, bathroom and lots of room for projects. • MLS#1495707
This 2 story property needs some finish work only on the inside. Has new metal roof, new siding, new windows. Double lot with large yard and rear access. Road frontage on SR125. Could be used Residentially or Commercially. Some materials included. New 200 Amp electric service. Easy flip, rental, or primary residence. Has rear deck and outbuilding. • MLS#1500874
This versatile, agent-owned property features great visibility on heavily-travelled state route. This property includes a 24x24 office/garage. Heavily graveled lot drains well. Septic, county water, and 200 amp electric already in place. No zoning or deed restrictions. Formally a car lot but has accommodations for any business. • MLS#1470132
Nice building lot on a quiet country road with newer homes and farms surrounding. Soil has been tested and there is a spring that runs on the front that would be perfect to feed a large pond. Mostly open, rolling land with some trees. Utilities available at the road. Great opportunity. • MLS#1514465
ROSIE YOUNG .........................513-403-4126 PAT MUSTARD.........................937-728-0633 BILL HOLTON, AUCTIONEER ........513-312-1043 JESSE MCKINZIE, AUCTIONEER ...513-312-1043 DALE MENDENHALL ......................544-5385 LESLIE MCCLANAHAN............937-544-2400 OMAR VANCE ..........................937-217-2189 JOE R. GUSTIN.................................544-2224 NELSON ATKINSON ........................587-3728 BRENDA MCCLANAHAN ................695-0257
CRYSTAL SUTTERFIELD ..........937-779-1951 EARL JONES............................937-779-7078 WALT YEAGER .................................544-2434 LUCINDA HANSGEN .......................544-3353 MARTI KNAUFF .......................937-217-9344 LAWRENCE (LARRY) YOUNG..........544-3479 NANCY ATKINSON..........................587-3728 JANET WAGNER ..............................373-3111 DANNY DICK ...........................937-779-7930 NANCY REID............................513-377-2707
HOMES R2 – WINCHESTER – 0.918 acre lot with 1997 DW on block foundation in immaculate condition, 1170 SF living area, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen & dining room, electric furnace, C/A, public water & sewer, 24 x 24 detached garage, peach & apple tree. $82,900. R3 – WEST UNION – Well maintained frame home with aluminum siding, 1188 SF living area plus full basement, 3 BR, 1 ½ baths, living room, kitchen & dining room, fuel oil furnace plus electric heater, F/P, public water/sewer, hardwood floors with some vinyl & carpeting, carport. This would make a nice starter or retirement home. PRICE REDUCED TO $40,000. R5 – WINCHESTER – Newly remodeled 2-story home, 1904 SF living area plus basement, 6 BR, 2 full baths, living room, large eat-in kitchen with appliances, electric furnace & baseboard, C/A, gas F/P, city water/sewer, new windows, nice flooring (wood, vinyl & carpeting), new 200 amp electric service, all new light fixtures, nice wood work & doors, 2-car detached garage, 18x20 barn with carport, front porch & back deck, 0.25 acre lot with additional lot available. THIS IS A MUST SEE - $129,900. R7 – WEST UNION – Remodeled frame home with T1-11 siding, 1039 SF living area, full basement, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, eat-in kitchen, electric furnace, C/A, city water/sewer, new windows, new 200 amp electric, new wiring, new lights, new cabinets, newly painted, floating floors, covered front porch. $64,000. R9 – PEEBLES – 1 ½ story frame home with vinyl siding, 856 SF living area plus partial basement, 3 BR, 1 bath, living room, eat-in kitchen with range, heat pump, C/A, city water/sewer, hardwood floors with some carpeting, 1-car detached garage, covered front porch, 0.204 acre lot. Home has been well taken care of & would make a nice starter home or rental property. $49,000. R11 – MANCHESTER – Frame home with vinyl siding on 0.122 acre lot out of flood zone, 899 SF living area plus basement, 2 BR, 1 bath, living room, eat-in kitchen, natural gas furnace, city water/sewer, hardwood floors + carpeting, front porch & rear deck. $59,000 – MAKE OFFER R15 – STOUT – 0.848 acre property with frontage on the Ohio River with a 1972 Kirkwood mobile home (14x70) in need of some TLC, 2 BR, 1 bath, loving room, eat-in kitchen with range, electric furnace, A/C, county water, 23x15 garage, blacktop driveway, could be lived in full time or used as a weekend retreat with a beautiful view of the river. PRICED REDUCED TO $26,999. R21 – WEST UNION – Combination brick/vinyl sided home, 2564 SF living area, 3 BR (possible 4th BR or office/bonus room), 2 full baths, living room, large family room, kitchen with island & appliances, dining room, electric furnace, heat pump, C/A, 2 F/P (1gas, 1 electric), floating floor, 2-car att. garage, above ground Kayak pool, white vinyl fenced back yard, pool house, nice 0.459 acre corner lot. MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE. $139,000. R25 – MANCHESTER – Beautiful well-maintained home with historic character and contemporary conveniences, 1832 SF living area, basement, 4 BR, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen & dining room, hardwood floors, stained glass & new windows, newer natural gas furnace, 3 fireplaces, city water/sewer, located out of flood zone. This is a MUST SEE. PRICE REDUCED TO $65,000. R27 – PEEBLES - 2-story brick home built in 1949, 1444 SF living area, full unfinished basement, 4 BR (2 upstairs, 2 downstairs), 1 bath, living room, eat-in kitchen, fuel oil
furnace, city water/sewer, hardwood floors, new back porch, roof is being replaced with 30-year dimensional shingles, 0.3168 acre lot. Home is currently being rented with an excellent renter who has rented for 18 years. PRICE REDUCED TO $50,000. R29 – RUSSELLVILLE – 0.6 acre lot with mobile home featuring 2 BR, 1 bath, living room, kitchen with refrigerator & range, dining room, electric furnace with heat pump, C/A, washer & dryer included, county water, septic, carpeting with some hardwood floors, 2-car garage, storage building. $45,500. R31 – NEW LISTING - WEST UNION – Well maintained frame home with vinyl siding, 1092 SF living area, 2 BR, 1 1/2 baths, living room, eat-in kitchen, electric heat plus wood stove, C/A, county water, carpet & vinyl floor coverings, 1-car attached garage is insulated (easily converted to another BR or family/game room), black top driveway, mature landscaping, front porch and back deck with nice back yard, nice location close to town. This is a PRICE REDUCED $85,000. HOMES WITH ACREAGE H1 – STOUT – 15.31 acres located at the end of a deadend road providing privacy, frame home with wood siding built in 2008, 100 SF living area plus full basement, 3 BR, 1 bath plus shower in basement, open living room, kitchen, dining area (gas range and freezer stays), wood stove and gas wall heater, county water, vinyl & carpeting, wraparound porch, property also has a 2 BR cabin that could be fixed up, dog kennel, outbuilding, large barn, acreage has approximately 12 acres of woods that has not been timbered in 25 years. $82,000. H5 – WEST UNION - 5.226 acres with double wide with additions added, 2,200+ SF living area, 4 BR, 3 baths, 4 bed rooms, 2 kitchens, handicap accessible, gas furnace & electric heat, C/A, 3-car garage, 24x36 horse barn with 3 horse stalls, fenced for horses, home is set up for two families. Also a 1992 Mobile Home with 2BR, 1 bath, living room, kitchen & dining room, C/A all appliances stay with property, property is set up to accommodate 3 families. A MUST SEE. PRICED TO SELL AT $139,900. H6 - NEW LISTING - WEST UNION - 1.136 acres located in town but has a country setting, brick home featuring 1456 SF living area plus full basement, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen & dining room (microwave, dishwasher, refrigerator, range, washer & dryer, electric heat pump, C/A, city water/sewer, 24x39 detached garage, front porch & large covered back porch, a MUST SEE VIEW, large yard with plenty of space for a garden, good location. PRICE TO SELL AT $134,900. H7 - NEW LISTING - SEAMAN - 25.002 acres with 1993 DW with addition, 1782 SF living area, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living & family rooms, great room, eat-in kitchen with range, utility room with dryer, electric furnace, C/A, wood burning F/P, 24x36 detached garage, porch & deck, swimming pool in need of some repair, 24 acres for hunting. PRICED TO SEE AT $139,900. H9 – WEST UNION - FIXER UPPER – 1 acre with frame building formerly used as a business, could be used as a home or business, county water, septic in need of some repair. $19,500. H13 – GEORGETOWN – 7.24 acres with 2 mobile homes, 2 septic systems, county water. Both homes rent for $450/month plus $40/month for water. Would make a great place for a new home. $79,900. H19 – MANCHESTER AREA – Very beautiful setting in-
cluding 2+ acres with brick/vinyl sided home built in 1994, 1650 SF living area, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen with appliances, dining room, utility room, electric furnace, C/A, F/P and wood stove, county water, septic, enclosed front & back porches, 24x32(2-car) detached garage, 16x20 workshop, 14x40 shelter house, wood shed, nice yard & garden spot and creek behind home. THIS IS A MUST SEE. PRICED REDUCED TO $94,500. H23 – PEEBLES – 4 acres more or less with 1992 DW, 1920 SF living area, 4 BR, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen with appliances, dining room, propane furnace, C/A, county water, septic, floating floors with carpeting, 2-car detached garage with new roof, covered front porch, pool house, 32x16 in-ground pool, large back deck, beautiful wellmaintained home, beautiful pine trees. PRICE REDUCED $100,000. H25 – WEST UNION – 1.954 acres with 2001 Palm Harbour home with vinyl siding, 1624 SF living area, 3 BR, 2 full baths with garden tub in master, living room, eat-in kitchen with appliances, electric furnace, heat pump, C/A, wood burning F/P, county water, carpeting, vinyl and tile floors, 30x60 detached garage with office. Home offers country living close to town. MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE – PRICED TO SELL AT $99,900. H33 - ABERDEEN - 10 acres with vinyl sided frame home built in 2007, 1192 SF living area + full walk-out basement with 9-foot ceiling, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, eat-in kitchen with pantry, electric furnace, heat pump, C/A, county water, septic, Pella windows, 3-car carport with patio. $155,900. Additional acreage available with barns & pond. H35 – WEST UNION – 2.385 in good location with stone/vinyl sided home, 4186 SF living area plus basement, 4 BR, 3 full baths, living & family rooms, kitchen & dining room, utility room, mud room, sun room, office, all appliances, elec. furnace, heat pump, C/A, 2 F/P, hardwood/tile/marble floors, pond, swimming pool with deck, hot tub, gazebo, 2 barns. PRICE REDUCED TO $275,000. FARMS F1 - BLUE CREEK AREA - NICE CABIN & BARN ON 32 ACRES -32.299 acre get away, nice 2 BR cabin, large tobacco barn, good hunting with a mix of woods & open fields, lots of road frontage of Phipps Road & Blue Creek Road, perfect retirement home, ONLY $129,900, additional 26 acres available. F2 – ABERDEEN – 80+ acre farm with about 10 acres of scattered woods and balance could be used for pasture/hay, vinyl sided frame home built in 2007, 1192 SF living area + full-out basement with 9 foot ceiling, 3 BR, 2 full baths, living room, eat-in kitchen with pantry, electric furnace, heat pump, C/A, county water, septic, Pella windows, 3-car carport with patio, 30x64 barn, 60x86 barn, pond. $299,900. F4 – CEDAR MILLS AREA – 39.1 acres with lumber sided frame home built in 2014, 1648 SF living area, 2 BR, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen & dining room, electric furnace plus gas heater, C/A, county water, laminate & tile pasture & 2.1 acres of woods. This is a nice farm and would be great for cattle or horses. $199,900. F10 – BENTONVILLE AREA – 89.223 acre farm with approx. 70 tillable acres, Old 2336 SF farm house not in livable condition but could be rehabbed, 12x20 garage, 3 barns (48x36, 72x48, 28x26), corn crib. Good location, land could be farmed or developed. PRICE REDUCED
TO $279,000. F11 – WEST UNION – 11.004 acre mini horse farm has 1999 DW, 1596 SF living area with full basement, 3 BR, 2 1/2 baths, living room, kitchen with appliances, dining room, gas furnace, C/A, county water, deck, 2-car carport28x70 barn with 16x24 lean-to, 7 horse stalls, small barn, electric fences, creek, 30 ft. above ground pool. $129,900. BUILDING LOTS L1 – WEST UNION - POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING Agent owned town lot (33x99) located close to court house & businesses, city utilities available. PRICE REDUCED TO $7,500. L3 – PEEBLES – 3 lots totaling 0.459 acre with old house. $22,500. L5 – WEST UNION – 0.54 acre town lot, water/sewer available. $14,000. L7 – WEST UNION – Excellent 0.659 acre building lot with driveway & foundation for home, 16x18 building, dog kennel, county water & septic system. $24,900 – MAKE OFFER. VACANT LAND V3 – PEEBLES – 44.508 mostly wooded acres offering a beautiful view, great hunting with lots of wildlife, great place to build. PRICE REDUCED TO $99,900. V5 – OLIVE TWP. – 2.95 wooded acres with some marketable timber, nice building lot, water & electric available. $11,900. V7 – BLUE CREEK AREA – 26 ACRES, WOODS, BARN, HOMESITE – 26.471 acres, older barn, nice homesite, about 5 acres meadow, remainder wooded, good hunting area, lots of frontage on Blue Creek Road, also fronts of Phipps Road, ONLY $59,900, additional land available. V9 – WINCHESTER – 5.01 wooded acres with some large trees, nice place to build a new home. $32,500. V10 -WEST UNION – 6 eooded level/rolling acres joining the Chapparal Prairie State Nature. PRICED REDUCED TO $32,000. V13 - RIPLEY – 3.46 acres located on US 62/US 68, public water & sewer nearby, nice place to build. $34,900. V18 - STOUT – 20.106 acres adjoining Shawnee State Forest, approx. 12 acres of woods, county water, septic, 36x24 barn with concrete floor, RV camper. PRICE REDUCED TO $55,000. BUSINESS B1 - ABERDEEN - INVESTMENT PROPERTY - 2-story apartment building with vinyl siding, 2240 SF living area, 6 total apartments, 3 apartments have 1 BR, 1 bath, eatin kitchen. 3 apartments have 2 BR, 1 bath, eat-in kitchen, property also has 4 mobile home hook-ups with 2 mobile homes currently on property that are in need of repair. PRICE REDUCED TO $25,000. B2 - SEAMAN - 8233 square foot commercial building located on Main Street in Seaman (formerly Young’s Cardinal/IGA), on 1.25 acre lot, building could be used for many uses (store, storage, etc.) . $199,900. - MAKE OFFER. B10 - WEST UNION - INVESTMENT PROPERTY - 1.94 acres with 4 mobile homes that rent for $300/month each, house which rents for $425/month, Big Red Barn rents for $500/month, additional home rents for $200/month (caretaker lives in home and get a rent reduction), 4 additional mobile home hook-ups. $155,000.
West Union People’s Defender
Sat., November 5th 1:00 - 3:00 PM
72 ALEX LANE, WEST UNION Three bedrooms, two baths, with beautiful wood floors, newer furnace, well maintained home just minutes from town on 1.5 acres. • MLS#1512574
Karen Davis 937-403-4416 ksdavis1959@gmail.com
410 E. 7th St., Manchester - 2 1/2 bed, 1 bath, metal roof, vinyl sided, new windows, hardwood floors, deck, partial unfinished basement, 1 car garage for storage - Move In Ready - $55,000 Owner Financing Available with $5,000 down - Call Lauvon 937-533-1754
937-393-4242 www.donfender.com
EDENFIELD AUCTION Location: 101 Will Allman Rd., Georgetown, OH 45121 From 62 head northwest on Ash Ridge Winchester Rd. 1 mile to left onto Yockey Rd. 1.5 miles to right onto Will Allmen Rd. Watch for signs.
FURNITURE, GLASSWARE, TOOLS & MISC. 2 Old bicycles, hand tools, old cabinet, 98 Oldsmobile Bravada approx. 145,000 miles, outside lounge chair, wooden ladder, Simplicity riding mower 48 in. cut, Craftsman riding mower 46 in. cut, cedar flower pot, platform scale, extension cords, tractor boom pole, 13.2 volt cordless drill, Dewalt cordless drills, Craftsman chainsaw, pine shelf, dresser, battery charger, Craftsman radial-arm saw with cabinet, Craftsman 8 in. drill press, Excel 6.0 pressure washer, Craftsman band saw, Ryobi 10 in. chop saw, 6 in. Plainer, C clamps, metal shelves, organizers, Kenmore washer, Maytag dryer, air compressor, 25 ft. air hose reel, Union warehouse Ripley, Ohio basket, lots of tools, 3 dressers, grandfather clock, Christmas items, computer, entertainment center, couch, chair, cooking utensils, plates, Amana cook stove, Amana refrigerator, double globe lamp, cast iron skillet, wooden trash can, recliner, glassware, GE deep freezer, round claw footed table, corner shelf, Marble clock, books, cedar chest, CB radio, 2 porch gliders, train set, gas grill. Check internet for pictures.
Lunch Available
Not responsible for accidents
Owner: Richard Scratch Edenfield & Sharon Edenfield
SALE CONDUCTED BY Wm. J. Holton 513-218-4100 Jesse Mckenzie 513-218-2541 Associate of Gustin Realty www.auctionzip.com #8276
R6 - MLS# 1513596 - 2 bedroom home on a full basement. Hard wood or carpeted floors. Forced air natural gas heat and central air. Ready to move in with most of the home recently remodeled. Asking $69,900.
R10 – MLS# 1501234 – Two bedroom mobile home in good condition. Tenant has occupied for over ten years. $400 per month rent. 1980 Commodore. Parcel to be surveyed off current parcel and water/sewer tap separated. Manchester, $18,000. Owner will consider financing down payment. Asking $18,000.
R19 - MLS# 1507636 - Great Investment Opportunity! 6 Mobile Homes for sale on 2 parcels with extra space for additional unit. Currently bringing in $2400 of gross monthly income. All units are currently being rented. Each mobile home has 2-3 BR and 1 BA. Located conveniently in town. Asking $115,000.
R27 - MLS# 1477041 - PRICE REDUCED! YEARNING FOR YESTERDAY? Try this older 2-story colonial in mint condition in West
BUILDING SUPPLIES: Dimensional shingles; Primed cedar siding; Interior trim; New sky lights; New toilets; LP furnace; New cabinets; New faucets; 2 – new Jacuzzi brand tubs; Doors interior and exterior; LVL’s; Wooden I joist; Stacks of plywood- 1/2” & 3/4” t & g; & OSB board 7/16 3/4”; closet tracks; approx. 30sq. of primed cement board siding; dimensional lumber 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10 ,2x12-8ft. to 24ft. long; engineered 4x4x24; new electric base board heaters; 4x6, 16’ to 20’ treated; 6x6, 16’ to 20’ treated; bar joist 20’ long; 1 20x40 pole barn package “no metal”; new Anderson windows; new vinyl siding; R-R ties; WAY TO MUCH TO LIST. FORK LIFT & VW RABBIT: 1994 Teledyne-Princeton-D5000 diesel Fork lift; 1980 VW Rabbit, 80,000 miles, like new. AUCTIONEERS NOTE AND TERMS: Everything sold as is where is, with no guarantees. Mr. Brashear has sold his building and needs to get this stuff out, if you need building supplies this is your chance to pick up a large variety at public auction. Come early to inspect and be prepared to remove. Cash or Ohio check w/ photo Id, we also accept Visa, Master Card, & Discover, a 3% fee will be added to all credit cards. No buyers premium! Visit www.auctionzip.com user #7414 for pics/info SELLER: JOHN BRASHEAR
Sunday, October 30, 2016 B7
TRACTORS & EQUIP: IH md.5488 tractor (cab is in excl. cond.) w/duals & front weights, 2454 hrs.; IH md.1066 turbo tractor w/duals & weights, 3386 hrs; IH md.766 tractor, diesel, wide front; Farmall Super M-TA row crop tractor w/pwr.steering; IH md 384 diesel tractor w front loader, pwr steering, 456 hrs.; IH md 184 tractor w/ belly mower w/Easy Vac gas powered; 1991 Chev. Kodak tandem truck, w/18ft. grain bed, 108,000mi; Gleaner M Combine, 2wh dr., w/md.315 grain head. & md 630 – 6 row corn head, 1744 hrs.; (2) DMI grain/seed wagons w/side augers, in excl. condition; AMCO power ditcher; Case md 415 – 20’ cultamulcher, in excl. condition, very little use; Case IH md 5100 grain drill w/grass boxes; 16ft. IH disc, excl. condition; 16ft. IH md 496 – 22’ disc, excl. condition; IH md 5560 – 5 bottom plow; Hl Cyclo md 400-6 row planter; Hay wagon;New Holland pull type, PTO dr. 7ft. cycle mower; (2) 3pt. PTO dr. post hole augers; Pull type sprayer; Hahn 20ft. field sprayer w/ 500gal tank; Fuel tank w/pump; 20ft. flatbed equip. trailer/dual axles/fold down ramps; Est. 700gal plastic chemical tank; Bush hog 72” pull type rotary mower; Harrogator Brand 20’ bat wing harror w/cyl; 30’ New Idea corn elevator ;John Deere 6 row 3pt cultivators; IH 13’chisel plow wheel lift ;3pt. boom pole; 8’ Woods grader blade; “Bad Boy” Zero turn 60” lawn mower; 2001 Chevy Silverado C2500 Truck 277k mi.;1987 Four Winns 23’ boat, gas powered; 1983 Buick Electra Park Avenue Auto 82kmi.; Honda Big Red 3 wheeler; 1939 Buick 4dr. sedan—frame, motor, transmission, wheels, all have been restored—body needs restoration; Misc. hand & garden tools, drill press, air compressor, way too much to list.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Lewis Auctioneering is proud to be offering at public auction this excl. line of International tractors and other farm equip., along with some personal property. It has all been well maintained & stored under roof. To see more pictures Visit www.auctionzip.com user #7414 Everything sold as is where is w/no guarantees. Announcements auction day take precedence Inspection @ 8am auction day. Auction starts @ 10am regardless of weather. Don’t Miss this “DANDY” Auction! TERMS: Cash or Ohio Check w/Photo ID, Visa, Master Card, Discover—3% fee will be added to all Credit Card transactions. “NO BUYERS PREMIUM”
R7 – MLS# 1514407 – NEW LISTING - 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath home with several new or recent updates. Laminate flooring throughout. Furnace, Elec heat pump 2 years old, newer hot water heater, back porch also newer. Kitchen features wood cabinetry, built in dishwasher. Large (40x12) storage unit. Under house cellar for those stormy nights! Immaculate home. Carport and concrete driveway. Large back yard. $72,900. Union. Home features (3) bedrooms, (1) bath, full basement and hot water heat. All new windows, carpet and vinyl throughout. An additional 92 x 63 adjoining lot goes with this property. All this for the very affordable price of $77,000. NOW $75,000.
H20 - MLS# 1506610 - Acreage, location, and amenities is what this farm offers with 28.7 acres of fenced acreage, 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch home, large newer building w/shop area, office and livestock areas, and all located adjacent to the 4 lane. Home is back off the road and acreage is all usable. Asking $325,000.
H25 - MLS# 1471998 - Nice 2 story home on 2 country acres with large barn and 2 car detached/shop! Convenient country location!!! Asking $119,900.
H1 - MLS# 1505090 - Single story home on 1.9 acres in Decatur. Could use a little TLC. Furnace and air conditioning in need of repair. Currently using window a/c and wall heater. Asking $45,000.
F1 – MLS# 1506477 – Home sits off road on 51.65 acres with pond, additional detached poured basement, 3 separate water and electric hook ups, and 3 septic tanks. Nice country setting, set up well for families and hunting. House is fair condition, remodeling unfinished. Asking $139,900. V11 - MLS# 1492645 - residential lot with underground utilities. Electric, water & sewage available at the street. Newer subdivision with easy access to 32. Asking $12,900 V15 - MLS# 1443208 - 2 acres of vacant property with 6 water and sewage taps. Great Investment opportunity. Convenient to town. Asking $99,500.
V16 - MLS# 1490712 - PRICE REDUCED on this 3.5 wooded acres lo-
H9 - MLS# 1501229 - A Rare Find Meticulously Entirely Renovated - All brick ranch on a corner lot. This 3 bedroom 2.5 bath home features many upgrades and fine quality throughout. Convenient location in a neighborhood with pride in ownership. Asking $194,700. cated in Green Twp. Located near public boat dock and perfect for campsite or weekend get-a-way. Utilities available. Was $8,500 now, asking $7,500.
C1 - MLS# 1500036 - Cash producing duplex at an affordable price! Solid home with two bedroom units is a great value. $30,000. C4 - MLS# 1419908 - HUGE PRICE REDUCTION! ATTENTION INVESTORS! - Great business opportunity with this two story brick that has six separate units. Two storefronts, plus four- 2 BR second floor apartments, all currently occupied. It will pay for itself plus give you a tax sheltered cash flow. An opportunity that deserves your immediate investigation. Call for more details. WAS $59,000. NOW ONLY $49,900.
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Executive brick home with full finished lower level, oak floors thru out, quartz countertops, atrium, whole house generator, 5 car garages, plus RV hookup. This home is loaded with extras and must be seen to appreciate all of the details! Beacon Hill subdivision.
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THE PEOPLE’S DEFENDER 25 Rice Drive, West Union, OH 45693 937-544-2391
SALE LOCATION: Morgan Township Senior Center, 7106 Big Bear Creek Rd., Lucasville, OH. Watch for signs.
GUNS: Henry .22 (still in box); Ruger 223, Model JS 9mm Stafford Arms, Mansfield, OH; 6mm shells; 375 shells; 41A shells; 308 shells; 25-0-6 shells; gun cleaning kits.
COINS: 21 Kennedy half dollars (all 1964; Liberty half dollars (1952, 54, 61).
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: No. 8 Griswold waffle iron; 4 No.3 Griswold skillets (3 sm., 1 lg.); No. 5 (sm) Griswold skillet; 2 No.6 (sm) Griswold skillets; 8 inch Griswold damper; No. 8 and No. 7 Wapak skillets; No. 10 S&K skillet; Card table; sleigh bells; War ration booklets; cigarette rollers; several Budweiser advertising posters; metal thermometers; wooden Pepsi crates; wooden cheese boxes; Camel clock; Old Milwaukee clock; Lite Beer clock (lighted); other beer advertising pieces; Budweiser light; Coors light; Old Milwaukee wildlife series picture set; walking dolls; costume jewelry; lighters; tins; newspaper memorabilia; antique treadle sewing machine; butt basket; flip top dresser; other items. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: American meat slicer; antler lamps; stero system; kids sewing machine; sewing machine in cabinet; dressers; 2 glass front curio cabinets (one tall, one short); shelves; food chopper; box of doll stands; lots of other items. OWNERS: Don and Carolyn Hobbs
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This is only a partial listing. Any announcements made day of sale take precedence over any and all ads. Number system will be used. Payment is by cash or check w/picture ID. Not responsible for accidents. SALE CONDUCTED BY:
Our papers are the blueprint for a happy future for you and your family. Check all our papers to locate the best deals on great homes all around town. To place your Real Estate ad, please call: 937-544-2391 for People’s Defender • 937-444-3441
Contact John Gutman 513-460-6877
(937) 544-3777 (937) 892-0017
Midwest Asphalt
Sunday, October 30, 2016
B8 West Union People’s Defender
West Union People’s Defender
Sunday, October 30, 2016 B9
Adams County Common Pleas Court Report adjudged and decreed that sums found to be due to plaintiff are fully paid within there (3) days from date of entry of this decree. Order of sale shall issue to Sheriff of Adams County.) U.S. Bank National Association vs Shirley Rose, Judgment Entry: Final Judgment Entry in REM filed. (Unless sums due are paid within three days, an order of sale shall be issued.) Melody R. McKinzie vs Sarah Morrison, Administrator, Judgment Entry: Agreed Entry Filed. (Def. safe have Homes Inc/Best Choice Home Care’s time to answer of otherwise pleas is extended to 10/7/16) Discover Bank vs Kayla R. Baker, Judgment Entry: Consent judgment entry filed. (It is ordered, adjudged, and decreed judgment in favor of plaintiff, defendant is to pay principal sum within action.)
Oct. 13-19, 2016 Civil Cases Dept Of Job and State of Ohio vs Pete C. Rigdon, Action: Other Civil Walter R Morris, Jr Trustee Of vs Elia Valadez or other current, Action: Other Civil ,Alfred Skirvin vs Fca, Us Llc, Action: Other Civil Capital One Bank (Usa) Na vs Joyce Setty, Action: Other Civil Capital One Bank (Usa) Na vs Allison B. McElroy, Action: Other Civil Civil Division Midland Funding Llc vs Kelly Littleton, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Matter before court upon request filed by Plaintiff, terminate garnishment order issued 8/30/16. Order that said garnishment order be vacated, no further action should be taken to garnish defendants wages. Any funds collected are to be released back to defendant. Hearing scheduled for 10/28/16 at 12:00 p.m. is vacated.) First State Bank vs Sharon Hamilton, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry Filed. (D. Craig Wilson, Amy Hedrick and Christi Countryman Dick is appointed as appraisers.) First State Bank vs Sharon Hamilton, Judgment Entry: Entry ordering service by publication filed. Lisa Newman Treasurer vs Delmer Hicks, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry Filed. (Matter before court on motion of assistant prosecutor Dana Whalen, to stay within proceedings. Matter is stayed pending resolution of Adams County Common Pleas case number CVH20160112). Tim Peterson vs Village of Manchester And, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. The entry filed 10/7/16 is hereby vacated. The defendants are granted until 10/28/16 to file their response and plaintiffs have until 11/11/16 to file rebuttal. Hearing on motion has been previously set for 11/22/16 at 12:30 p.m. Peoples Bank, Successor In vs James L. King, Judgment Entry: Default judgment entry; Decree in foreclosure; and order of sale (Final appealable order) filed. (Unless sums are due are paid within 3 days, an order of sale shall be issued.) Merchants National Bank vs Kelly J. Copeland, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. A non oral hearing on Plaintiff’s motion for summary Judgment will be held on 12/5/16 at 8:00 a.m. Defendant has 14 days from the date hereof to file a response and plaintiff has 7 days thereafter for rebuttal. Merchants National Bank vs Melissa N. Vaughn, Judgment Entry: Judgment and decree in foreclosure filed. (Unless sums due are paid within 7 days, an order of sale shall be issued.) Nationstar Mortgate Llc Dba vs Kenneth Clayton Mccall, As Pos, Judgment Entry: In REM Judgment Entry and Decree in foreclosure filed. (It is ordered,
Criminal Division State of Ohio vs Rodney Huff, Judgment Entry: Plea of guilty, Judgment entry of guilty filed. (Defendant plead guilty to, non-support of dependents, ORC 2919.21 (B). Sentencing set for 11/16/16 at 3 p.m. State of Ohio vs Betty McDaniel, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Restitution to be paid to Kenneth Fithen State of Ohio vs Aaron E. Scott, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Matter came before the court upon defendant’s motion to convert community service house while incarcerated is not well taken and is denied. State of Ohio vs Paul A. Campbell, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Matter before court upon motion of defendant for judicial release, upon consideration, court finds motion not well taken, and is hereby denied.) State of Ohio vs Donnie Justice, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Def failed to appear for sentencing on 10/19/16. It is ordered that a capias be issued. Which he is physically living) State of Ohio vs Donnie Justice, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Capias not issued due to def. appearing on 10/20/16 by 8:30 a.m. for a drug test and it was negative. Sentencing is rescheduled for 11/23/16 at 12:45 p.m. Def. ordered to provide an accurate address at which he is physically living.) State of Ohio vs Anthony P. McGown, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Matter before court upon motion of defendant for judicial release. Upon consideration, court finds motion not well taken, is hereby denied.) State of Ohio vs Vandela J. Shepherd, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. The motion for judicial release is hereby denied. State of Ohio vs Anthony Wesley, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. The court on its own motion modifies defendant’s previous $20,000 cash surety bond to a $50,000 O.R. Bond. Final pretrial is set for 11/30/16 at 10:00 a.m. and jury trial on 1/9/17 and
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1/10/17 at 9:00 a.m. State of Ohio vs Brandon Young, Judgment Entry: Motion to revoke community control, entry filed. (Probable cause hearing set for 10/18/16 at 10:30 a.m.) State of Ohio vs Brandon Young, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (The court has found cause on the alleged probation violations. Sarah Shelton is appointed as Counsel, bond set at $10,000 CA/SU/10&, full revocation hearing will be 11/15/16 at 10 a.m.) State of Ohio vs Ernest D. Unger Jr, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. The court finds the motion to perform community service hours in lieu of payment denied. Court will reconsider this motion, if refiled, upon defendant’s release from incarceration. State of Ohio vs Sherry Grooms, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Defendant violated bond. The previously granted $10,000 O.R. bond is revoked. Bond reverts to $10,000 Cash or surety bond. State of Ohio vs Melissa Daulton, Judgment Entry: Entry Filed. Defendant is granted the requested address move. State of Ohio vs Joannie Grooms, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Upon review of file, at change of plea hearing, held 8/31/16, court inadvertently failed to sign judgment entry of guilt. Plea was accepted, and ordered to be filed. Court found defendant guilty of each offense and court orders probation department to prepare presentence investigation. Matter scheduled for sentencing 10/19/16 at 11:30 a.m. Counts III and IV of indictment were dismissed.) State of Ohio vs Jeremy Fuller, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Matter before court upon notification by bond supervisor, drug test showed defendant tested positive for methamphetamine. Defendants $20,000 O.R. bond is revoked and reverts to $20,000 CA/SU, defendant placed into custody of Sheriffs Department.) State of Ohio vs Daniel Fristoe, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. It is ordered that the Clerk of Courts refund the bond State of Ohio vs Tara Wagner, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Defendant is appointed the Ohio Public Defender for appeal purposes. State of Ohio vs Tara Wagner, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Court reporter for transcripts is Cindy MeGuire – Tri county reporting State of Ohio vs Tara Wagner, Judgment Entry: Motion, Entry and certification for appointed counsel fees filed. State of Ohio vs Nicholas Gammon, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Matter before court on 10/17/16 in anticipation of potential change of plea. Court found unable to accept plea, matter rescheduled for trial. New trial shall be 1/19/17 at 9 a.m. Sentencing scheduled for 11/18/16 is vacated. All original terms and conditions of bond remain in full force and effect.) State of Ohio vs Christina
Young, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Hearing on bond modification was held on 10/19/16. Bond is modified to $15,000 O.R. Bond. State of Ohio vs Seth Doss, Judgment Entry: Amended Judgment entry on sentence filed. (This amended entry is issued pursuant to the request of ODRC to clarify the credit of time served. Credit for 29 days granted as of 9/26/16 for case no 20160069 and 20160100.) State of Ohio vs Marty Dotson, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry on sentence filed. (Def. convicted of AGG possession of drugs F5 and sentenced to 11 months in ODRC with credit for 97 days as of 10/19/16, $75 fine, OL suspension 2 yrs commencing 5/1/17, pay cost and DNA test.) State of Ohio vs Grant Palmer, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Status hearing is set for January 5, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. due to the jury trial being continued. State of Ohio vs Seth Doss, Judgment Entry: Amended judgment entry on sentence filed. (This amended entry is issued pursuant to the request for ODRC to clarify the credit for time served. Credit for 132 days is granted as of 9/26/16 for a total of 161 days as of 9/26/16 for case no 20160069 and 20160100.) State of Ohio vs David E. Deininger Jr, Judgment Entry: Entry of Defendants change of address filed. (Defendant having filed notice of change of address due to moving to different residence. New address is 7687 US Hwy 62, Russellville, Ohio 45168.) State of Ohio vs Denny Blanton Jr, Judgment Entry: Warrant for removal filed. (It is ordered to issued a warrant for removal for Zachary McKee to appear as a witness on 11/4/16 and remain until jury trial is complete.) S tate of Ohio vs Annette Frazier, Judgment Entry: Entry Filed. (It is hereby ordered that defendants motion to withdraw capias is granted and capias issued in matter is hereby withdrawn.) State of Ohio vs Timothy Lockhart, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry on sentence filed. (Def. convicted of burglary F2 and sentenced to a stipulated prison term of 3 years, the court imposes an additional 365 days for post release control violations which shall be served consecutive to the 3 yr term. Credit for 69 days is granted as of 10/19/16, pay restitution for David and Mrs. David Craig, $261 for damages, Fine $250 with restitution paid first, pay cost and DNA testing.) State of Ohio vs Steven Cluxton, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Hearing on bond modification held 10/19/16 previous bond modified to the Adams County Sheriff’s Department is authorized to release and shall release wallet, currently held at the jail and defendants personal belongings to defendants mother, Connie Cluxton as soon as conveniently can be done.) State of Ohio vs Russell Lewis, Judgment Entry: Pre-trial Order Filed. (Final pretrial on 1/4/17 at 11:00 a.m. and jury trial on 1/23/17, 1/24/17 & 1/25/17 at 9 a.m. State of Ohio vs Anthony Wesley, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry filed. On its own motion the court modifies defendant’s previous bond of $100,000 Cash or surety bond to that of $50,000 O.R. Bond. Pretrial set for 10/19/16 at 9:15 a.m., final pretrial on 11/30/16 at 10 a.m. and jury trial on 1/9/17 and 1/10/17 at 9 a.m State of Ohio vs Anthony Wesley, Judgment Entry: Pre-trial Order Filed. (Final pretrial on 11/30/16 and Jury trial on 1/9/17 & 1/10/17 at 9 a.m. State of Ohio vs Eugene Doss, Judgment Entry: Pre-trial order filed. (Final pretrial on 11/10/16 at 12
p.m. (noon) and jury trial on 12/1/16 and 12/2/16 at 9 a.m. State of Ohio vs Melissa Daulton, Judgment Entry: Entry Filed. (Motion by counsel for defendant and for good cause shown the new address for defendant is: 4454 Eastern Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226.) State of Ohio vs Dominique Singletary, Judgment Entry: Pre-trial Order Filed. (Final pretrial on 11/8/16 at 12:30 p.m. and jury trial on 11/28/16 and 11/29/16 at 9 a.m. State of Ohio vs Jerren Perdue, Judgment Entry: Pre-trial Order Filed. (Final pretrial on 11/1/16 at 12 p.m. (Noon) and jury trial on 11/17/16 at 11/18/16 at 9 a.m. State of Ohio vs Stephen Hanson, Judgment Entry: Pre-trial order filed. (Final pretrial on 11/17/16 at 12:30 p.m. and jury trial on 12/1/16 & 12/2/16 at 9 a.m. State of Ohio vs Barry Alexander, Judgment Entry: Pre-trial Order Filed. (Final pretrial on 11/16/16 at 11:45 a.m. and jury trial on 12/1/16 and 12/2/16 at 9 a.m. State of Ohio vs Brady Ober, Judgment Entry: Pre-trial order filed. (Final pretrial on 11/16/16 at 12:30 p.m. and for jury trial set for 12/1/16 & 12/2/16 at 12:30 p.m. State of Ohio vs Ashley Purdin, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry on arraignment filed. (Bond set at $10,000 O.R., Plus attached conditions, $25 bond surcharge, IDSF of $60 due within 60 days, $25 Public Defender fee if applicable.) State of Ohio vs Ashley Purdin, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry order assigning Counsel filed. (Sarah Shelton appointed as counsel.) State of Ohio vs Courtney Grooms, Judgment Entry: Pre-trial Order Filed. (Final pretrial on 11/10/16 at 12:15 p.m. and jury trial on 11/28/15 and 11/29/16 at 9 a.m. Domestic Cases Andrea F. Rengifo, West Union vs Daniel Rengifo, Fairview, TN, Action: Divorce without children Domestic Relations Division Tamara K.(Pollitt)Boyer vs Donald E. Boyer, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and Judgment Entry filed. (The court finds the obligor in contempt as a first offender and suspends the jail sentence. Next hearing will be 12/8/16 at 9:30 a.m.) Johnny B. Mason Sr vs Kelly R. Mason, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order Filed. (The court has found the obligor in contempt as a third offender and suspends the jail sentence since some payments are being received. Next hearing will be 12/15/16 at 12:15 p.m.) Dana M. Gillespie vs Joseph R. Gillespie, Judgment Entry: Magistrates decision and Judgment entry filed. (The court reserves judgment on the contempt issue. Next hearing will be 11/17/16 at 1:15 p.m.) Bobbie A. Neu vs Johna D. Neu, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order Filed. (The court has found the Obligor in contempt as a first offender and suspends the jail sentence. This matter is continued to 11/17/16 at 1:15 p.m.) Amy Tolle vs Jody Tolle, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order/Journal Entry Filed. (Randalyn Worley is appointed as guardian ad litem. Each party shall deposit $350 for the deposit and contact the GAL on or before 10/24/16. Final hearing will be 12/14/16 at 8:15 a.m. and GAL report is due on or before 12/14/16.) Amy Tolle vs Jody Tolle, Judgment Entry: Order Filed. (And in camera interview of the two children will be 12/14/16 at 8:15 a.m.) Report is due on or before 12/14/16 Amy Tolle vs Jody Tolle,
Judgment Entry: Entry Filed. (Hearing set for 12/14/16 at 8:30 a.m.) Report is due on or before 12/14/16.) Stephanie Stephenson vs Charles Clayton Stephenson, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order Filed. (Money was paid today. The court found the obligor in contempt as a second offender and suspends the jail sentence. If the arrearage increases, the jail sentence with be imposed. Next hearing will be 12/8/16 at 9:30 a.m.) Kelly Jaeger vs Grant Jaeger, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and Judgment Entry Filed. (The court finds that the child shall continue to be in the custody of both parents according to original shared parenting plan.) Leann N. Jones vs Brian K. Jones, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order Filed. (Hearing on contempt will be 12/21/16 at 1 p.m.) Cory M. Bess vs Andrea Bess, Judgment Entry: Agreed Entry Filed. Neither party be ordered to pay child support to the other Kelly A. Edwards vs James C. Edwards, Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s Order and Judgment Entry Filed. The hearing previously scheduled for October 5, 2016 is hereby continued until November 30, 2016 at 9 a.m. Logan McIntosh vs Renee McIntosh, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and Judgment Entry Filed. (The child shall continue to be in the primary custody of the father and the mother shall have Rule 16 parenting time except the parenting time shall be equal for the mother.) Amber Shay Reeves vs Damian R. Creamer, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and Judgment Entry Filed. (The court previously found the obligor in contempt as a second offender. Court advised that upon finding of third contempt offense, there will be a 90 day jail sentence imposed. Next hearing will be 12/8/16 at 9:30 a.m.) Eric Miranda vs Jessica Miranda, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and Judgment Entry Filed. (Upon motion from guardian ad litem, for good cause shown, court hereby grants motion and orders funds to be released.) Cheryl Egnor vs Walter R. Egnor Jr,Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order Filed. (Upon motion and for good cause shown, Barbara A. Moore is permitted to withdraw as counsel of record on the divorce case.) Jodi L. Rothwell vs Phillip E. Rothwell, Judgment Entry: Magistrates decision on divorce filed. (Decree of divorce hereby granted to plaintiff.) Jodi L. Rothwell vs Phillip E. Rothwell, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry decree of divorce filed. (Decree of divorce hereby granted to plaintiff.) Dellarrine Carroll vs Anthony Carroll, Judgment Entry: Decree of dissolution of marriage filed. (Decree of divorce hereby granted to the petitioners.) Danyelle Swartz vs John Swartz, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision filed. (Matter before court on 9/12/16 for temporary orders hearing. Parties have agreed to listed temporary orders. Any remaining order request will be dealt with at pretrial). Desiree Boldman vs Stephen Boldman, Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s Order Filed. Plaintiff shall be residential parent, defendant shall have visitation every other weekend, defendant shall pay child support to plaintiff. Pretrial is set for 12/20/16 at 2 p.m. Chasity L. Wagoner vs Michael B. Wagoner, Judgment Entry: (Decree of dissolution of marriage is hereby granted to petitioners.)
B10 West Union Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Defender
Sunday, October 30, 2016