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MHS Senior Profile

Society honors Veterans

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Breaking news at peoplesdefender.com

Issue 27, Volume 43

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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Ward ekes out victory over Worley in county commissioner race Voters approve 1st Stop alcohol sales in Seaman BY PATRICIA BEECH PEOPLE'S DEFENDER The official results of the 2016 election were released on Monday, Nov. 21 by the Adams County Board of of Elections. A stunning upset in the race for the Jan. 2 seat on the Adams County Board of Commissioners saw Republican challenger Teresa Diane Ward defeating Democratic incumbent Paul

INDEX Obituary: 3 Sports: 6-7 Classifieds: 9-11

Worley by a narrow margin of 35 votes. Ward is the first woman ever to be elected to serve on the county board of commissioners. In the final tally following the provisional ballot count, Ward won 5,457 votes while Worley fell short with 5,422.

Ward will bring over three decades of business, fiscal and administrative experience to the commissioner's board. Running on a campaign of government transparency and accountability, she promised to bring an end to the “flagrant spend-

ing” of taxpayer dollars. In a pre-election interview with The People's Defender, Ward said, “I hope to bring a higher level of responsibility to the Board of Commissioners by addressing county issues in a timely manner, abiding by the the Ohio Revised Code, networking with my contacts through the County Commissioners Association of Ohio, eliminating wasteful spending, courageously addressing the issue of misuse of funds, and restoring openness and transparency to the office. I will be a voice for all constituents, not just a select group.” As of press time, Ward See Ward / 5

Provided photo

In January 2017, Teresa Diane Ward will become the first female county commissioner in Adams County history, after defeating incumbnet Paul Worley by 35 votes after the final provisional ballots were counted in the November general election.

DAR commemorates 50th anniversary of Vietnam War Wenstrup is guest speaker at Monday event BY MARK CARPENTER PEOPLE'S DEFENDER

JOIN THE CONVERSATION What’s your take on the news? Go to peoplesdefender.com or visit us on Facebook to share your thoughts.

A crisp, chilly autumn Monday morning greeted guests gathered on the front lawn of the Adams County Courthouse as the Sycamore Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution hosted ceremonies to commemorate the 50th anniver-

sary of the Vietnam War and to honor those from Adams County who served in the conflict in southeast Asia. Becky Semple of the Sycamore Chapter DAR began the ceremony by welcoming everyone and introducing and thanking all of the invited and special guests, that included five Vietnam veterans from the

county-Joe Rostine, Lawrence Young, Marty Grooms, Bill Conn, and Robert Lewis. Semple led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance “We are gathered here today to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War, “ Semple told the crowd. “We recognize the sacrifices those who

served our nation in this war and to honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice with the laying of a wreath at the monument.” After an opening prayer and remarks by Terry DeMint, the American Creed was read by Rose Gill and Adams County Recorder Mark Tolle sang “God Bless the USA”, a patriotic favorite of many. Next to the podium was

the guest speaker for the event, United States Congressman Brad Wenstrup, a veteran himself who serves on the Committee on Veterans Affairs and holds the rank of Lieutenant colonel in the US Army Reserves and served a tour in Iraq as a Combat Surgeon. “You veterans are the ones who have stood See DAR / 5


2 West Union People’s Defender


Prairie Praaiirriie Fresh Freessh Premium Premium


$ 59


Assorted Asssorted A Pork Po P ork r Chops Ch C hops

USDA Choice USD DA CCh hooiice c Beef Beeeef

Texas Texas xas Ruby Ru ub by Red Red e Grapefruit Graape G Gr pefrruiit

$ 79 79


Bottom Botttto om Round Ro R ou un nd Roast Roast


Gold, McIntosh, Goldd, M cIn Intoosshh, Johnathan Johnat athan han han or o Red RReed e Delicious Deel D eliicciiooouus 3 lb. lb. bag lb bag

lb. llbb.

lb. llbb.


$ 99

Michigan Miicch M hiig gan Apples Ap A pples

$ 99


5 lb. lb. Bag lb BBaag

Sunday, November 27, 2016

12 12 Pc. Pc. Golden Gold den Fried Frriieed d Chicken C Ch hicck k keen

Cupcakes Cu C upcake kes 6 ct. cctt.




$ 99

Maxwell Maxw M axxweelll House Ho H ouse Coffee Co C offf ffe ffeee

10 0


Assorted Asssortedd VVarieties A aarriieettiiees • 228 - 330 30.6 0..6 oz. oozz.

$ 39 39

$ 99

Bounty Bo B ounty Paper Paape P perr Towels To T owels



6 Big BBiig Rolls Rolllls ls

Sanderson Saannddeerrssoon Farms FFaarms

$ 29 29

Split Breast Sp S plliit Chicken p Ch C hick ckeen Br B reast


or o Cagles Cagles

Whole Wh W ho h olle Fryers FFrye ryers

lb. llbb.

Ground Beef Groouunnd B Gr eef

Carolina Car aroollinna PPride ridde Tux Bacon Tuux B Ba accoon

Family Faam miillyy Pack Paacckk

12 12 oz. oozz. Pkg. Pkg

90% 90% Lean LLeean




Jumbo Juum mbbo SSweet weeet w Yellow Onions Yello low O On nion ons

Mini Miini Garlic M Garl G r iicc Bread Bread Br

99 199

Prairie Praaiirriie Fresh Freesshh Premium Premium

Single Layer SSiinngglle LLaye ayer Carrot Carr rroot Cake CCaake k


Plumrose Plumrroose Baby Back Baabbyy B B Ba ack ck BBQ Ribs BB B BQ QR Rib bs

Bone-In Boone B ne -In Center CCeenteerr CCut ut Pork Chops Poorrkk CCh hoopps p

Heat and Heat a aan ndd Eat! EEat at!

U.S.D.A U.SS.D .D.A A Inspected Innspected



Dole Doolle SSalads alads

Monterey Monnte terey Mushrooms Mushrroooms

Italian, IIttaalliiaan, n, Very VVeery r Veggie VVeeggi gie & Field FFiieeld ld Greens oz. Greeeenns 5 - 1122 ooz Gr z. Bags BBaags

Whole Whhoolle or W o Sliced SSllice Slic icced 8 oz. oozz.

2/$ 2/$


Fried Danish Donuts Frriied edd D aanniisshh D Do onuts

Prego PPre rego Pasta Sauce Paasta stta SSa aucce

6 ct. cctt.


09 9


Assorted Asssor A orrted d Varieties Varieties aarriieties eties ties ies es • 14.5 144.5 - 24 oz. ozz. o




Bush’s Bushh’s Chili Chiilli Beans Ch Beeans B

Heinz Heinz nz Ketchup Ket etch chupp

15 15 - 16 1 oz. ozz. o

31 oz. 3 - 338 o oz z.


89 9

2/$ /$





ea. ea.


Mix or Match

Kellogg’s Kelloggg’s Cereal CCeerreal


lb. llbb.



49 9¢

$ 79

6 Mega Double Roll Meega ga Roll Ro olll or 122 D ouble o ub ble b le R Ro oll

lb. lb. lb

5 Extra Exxttrra Large, LLaarg rgee, Seedless Seedless


Fresh The Freessh From FFro rom TTh he Field FFiield


lb. lbb.

Navel Navveel Na Oranges Ora ra n g e s


Charmin Ch C harmin in Bath Bat B ath h Tissue Tiissue T

Bunch Broccoli Buunncch B B Bro roccoli


2/$ /$

lb. llbb.



3 lb. lb. Bag lb BBaag


$ 09 0

$ 99

Florida FFllo orrid id da Sweet d Sweet Sunburst Su S un nb b bu urrsst Tangerine Tangeerin ne

lb. llbb.

Sara Sara Lee SSar LLeee Chicken Breast Chick Ch ckeen Br B reast

Cooperwood Cooper wooodd Cooked Cook okeedd Ham Haaam H




lb. llbb.

10 10 oz. ozz. Frosted o FFro ro ost stteed d Flakes, FFllakkees, s 122 oz. ozz. Corn o Co orrn Flakes, FFllakkeess, 8.7 88..77 oz. ozz. Apple o Ap A pp ple p le JJacks, ackss, 8.7 8.77 oz. o ozz. Froot Fro oot ot Loops, LLo oop ops ps, s 9.2 9.22 oz. o ozz. Corn Co orn rn Pops, P Po ops, s 13.7 oz. Raisin Bran 1133..7 o oz z. R aaisin issiin Br Bra ran ran





lb. llbb.

Kellogg’s Kelloggg’s’s Pop Poopp Tarts TTaarrts ts Assorted Asssorrted A d Varieties Vaarieties rieties ieties eties tiies e • 8 ct. es ct

2/$ /$



Betty Betttyy Crocker Crock Cr cke ker Brownies Brrow owni nies ies Assorted Asssor A so orted d Varieties Vaarieties rieties ieties eties tiies es 10.75 10.75 .775 oz. ozz. Pouch o Po Pouch ucch

IGA IGA IIce ce Cream CCre ream Assorted Varieties Quart Pails Asssorteed A dV arieties aarriieeties tiiees • 4 Q Qu uart r P ails


Ball Baalll PPark B aarrkk oorr KKahns ahns Hot Dogs Hoot D Do ogs Kahns Bologna Kaahhhnns B ologna 16 16 oz. oozz.

2/$ /$


Carolina Car aroollinna PPride ridde Cocktail Coocckkttaail SSmokies mokkiies

15 oz. 15 - 1166 ooz z. or o

Sara Ham SSaarra Lee LLeee H Ha am

Sara Sara Lee SSar LLeee ee Turkey Turke kkeyy Breast Breast Br



144 oz. oozz.

2/$ /$





Crystal Farms Cryys Cr ystta tal FFa arms Shredded SShhreedd dddeedd oor Chunk Cheese CChhuunnkk CCh heeeesse

lb. llbb.

IGA IGA A Gravy Grrav y G Assorted Asssor A orrteed d Varieties Va Vari rieties ieties iees 10.25 oz. 0.25 25 2 - 10.5 100..5 o oz z.

99 9




lb. llbb.

IGA IG GA Light LLi Ligh igght h Brown Bro B Brrow wn or o Powdered Pow wdder ereedd Sugar SSuuga gar ar

V8 V Juice JJuic uuiice c

2 lb. lb lb

46 4 oz. o ozz.

2/$ /$


2/$ /$


Assorted Varieties oz. Asssorteed A dV Va ar arieties riieettiies es • 77-8 -8 o oz z.



Eckrich Pickle, Armour and Eckrich Sliced Eck ckkrriicchh PPi icklee, Arrm A mooouurr aan ndd EEc ckkrric ck icchh SSl lic i ce d Old and Honey Loaf Pepperoni Oldd FFashion, aasshhhiioonn, aan ndd Ho oneeyy LLo oaf PPeepp pper eroni 7 oz. oozz.

4/$ 4//$

2.5 22..5 oz. oozz.

Walnut Creek Waallnnuut CCr reek American Cheese Americcaan CCh Che heeeesse

4/$ 4//$





New Garlic e York Yoorrkk G arlic Bread, Breadd, Br Toast, Toast st, or o Rolls Roollllls R

45 4 oz. ozz. o

99 99



lb. llbb.

Walnut Creek Waallnuut CCr reek Swiss Cheese Sw wiisss CCh heeeeesse


Assorted Asssor A orrteed d Varieties V Vaari rieties ieties iees 3 ct. cctt.

29 29





lb. llbb.

Inn IInnn Maid Maaid M idd Noodles N Nooodles 8 oz. o ozz.


Gatorade Gato G atorrade d 8 Pack, P Paackk, 20 2 oz. o ozz.

59 59





Blue Bonnet Blluue B B oonnnneet TTub ub

Assorted Varieties oz. Asssorteed A dV arieties aarriieettiies es • 7.3 7.3 - 16 1 o oz z.



IGA IG GA Microwave Microwaave v Popcorn PPoopccoorn



7•Up 7•Upp Products PPrroducctts Sugardale SSuugarrdddaalle oor Superior Hot Dogs Suupppeerrioorr H oott D Do ogs

Sugardale Bone-In SSuugarrdddaalle PPrestige reessttiigge B Bo onee--In Ham Steaks Haam SSt H teaks

3 lb. lb. b

1lb. 1llbb. Average Ave A verraage



Assorted Asssor A orrteed d Varieties V Vaarieties riietties iees 6 Pack Paacckk 16.9 6..9 oz. o ozz. Bottles Bo Bottles lees * Must ust st B Buy uyy 5

5/$ 5/$

10 10


299 Hot Lean Hoot oorr LLe eaan PPockets ock ckets

Jimmy Jimm mmy Dean Deean D Breakfast Breeaakkffaasst Bowls Br Bow B owls

Assorted Varieties oz. Asssorteed A dV Va arieties arri rieettiiees • 8 - 9 o oz z.

Assorted Varieties Asssor A so orted dV Va arieties arriieeties ties ies es • 7 - 9 oz. ozz. o

2/$ /$ State State FFair air Corn Dogs Coorrn D Do ogs

Hillshire Farms Hilllshire FFa arms Lunchmeat LLuunchmeaat

166 oz. oozz. or o or o Mini Miinni Corn M Coorrn Dogs Doogs D 8 oz. oozz.

Assorted Asssorteedd VVarieties A aar arieties riieettiiees • 7 - 9 oz. oozz.





Clorox Clorox orro Cleanup Cleanup leeanup

Clorox Clorrox o Disinfecting Diisinnffeeccttiinng Wipes D Wippes W

46 4 oz. o ozz.

Assorted Varieties Asssorrteed A dV Va arieties rieties ieties eties tiies ess • 32 oz. o ozz.

Assorted Asssor A so orteed d Varieties Vaarieties V rieties ieties eties ties ies es • 35 3 ct. ct


79 79


Pepsi Peepppssi PProducts Prroduc uct uc ts


39 3




Assorted Asssor A orrteed d Varieties Vaarieties riieetties tiees 6 pk. pkk. 16.9 66..9 oz. o ozz. btls. btls ttlls. s * Must ust st B Buy uyy 4

4/$ 4//$

10 10

2/$ 2/$


IGA IGA Apple Apppplle JJuice A App uuic ice c


Pepsi Peepppssi PProducts Prroducctts Swaggerty Mild SSwa waggerrty ty M Mi ild ldd and Hot Sausage aanndd H oot SSa ausagge Chubs Chubs Ch

99 9


1 lb. lb

2/$ /$


Assorted Asssor A orrteed d Varieties Vaarieties riieetties tiees 122 pk. pk pk. 122 oz. o ozz. cans caans ns * Must ust st B Buy uyy 3

3/$ 3/$

Totino’s Totinnoo’s’s Pizza Rolls PPiz izz zzza Ro olls llls

Banquet Chicken Baannqqu quet ett CCh Chick hick iccke ken

Assorted Asssorteed A d Varieties Va Varriieettiiees 15 1 ct., ct., 7.5 77..5 oz. o ozz.

Assorted Asssorted A d Varieties Vaarrieties V ieettiies es 24 2 - 26.5 2266..5 oz. ozz. o



12 12

IGA IG GA A Frozen FFro rozeen Vegetables Vegetables Assorted Varieties oz. Asssorteed A dV Va ar arieties riieettiies es • 116 o oz z.



Maruchan Ramen Maarruucchhaan R M Ra amen Noodles Noodlees

San Saan Giorgio Giiorg G orrgio Pasta Pasta

Campbell’s Camppbell belll’s’s Chicken Chick Chick ick ckkeen Noodle Noooodddlle oor Tomato TToomato Soup SSooup

Assorted Varieties Asssor A orrteed dV Va arieties riieetties iees • 3 oz. ozz. o

Assorted Varieties Asssorrteed A dV arieties arieties ieties eties tiies ess • 16 1 oz. o ozz.

10.75 10.75 .7775 oz. o ozz.

4/$ 4//$


Coca-Cola CCooccaa-Cola Products PPrroducctts

2/$ /$



69 6



Assorted Asssor A orrteed d Varieties V Vaarieties riietties iees 2 Liters Lit ite ters rs * Must ust st B Buy uyy 4

4/$ /$


Mama Rosa Maam M ma R Ro ossa Mini Minni 4 PPack M ack ck Pizzas PPiz izz zzzas

Wholey Whhole W ley ey CCod od Fillets FFilllets

Assorted oz. Asssorteedd VVarieties A aarriieettiiees 1177 ooz z.

1 lb. lb


Bob Evans Boobb EEva B vans Sausage SSaausage Gravy Grrav Gr avy vy White Whhitite Sausage W Saauussaagge and aanndd Restaurant RReestaurraannt • 10 10 oz. oozz.

Smithfield Smithfieldd Smoked Smok oked Sausages SSaausages Assorted oz. Asssortedd VVarieties A aar arieties riieettiiees 144 ooz z.

/$ $ $ 99 299 $499 2/$ 3 2

Grower’ Grrowe ower er’s PPride ridde Orange Oraang nge ge Juice JJuuic ice c

International Inte nternaattioonal Delight Creamer Delighht CCre reamer

Assorted Varieties oz. Asssorted A dV arieties aarriieettiiees • 59 5 o oz z.

Assorted Varieties Asssorteed A dV arieties aarriieties ettiiees • 16 1 oz. ozz. o


99 299

Pillsbury PPilllsburryy Grands Biscuits Graannddds B Gr Bi scu sc c uits

Assorted Assso A sor orteedd Varieties VVaarieties ieties ettie iies es 16.9 oz. 166.9 .9 ooz z. 6 Pack Paacckk Bottles Bottltles les * Must ust st B Buy uyy 3

Assorted Asssorted A d Varieties Vaarriieeties ties ies es 16.3 oz. 1166.3 o oz z. • 8 cct. t



Kraft Kraf aft Deluxe Deluxxe Mac Maacc & Cheese M heeeesse or Velveeta Shells Velvveeet etta SSh hheelllls & Cheese Cheese eeese

Coca-Cola CCooccaa-Cola Products PPrroducctts

Assorted oz. Asssor A orrted d Varieties Vaarriieties V eties ties ies es • 8.5-10 8.5-10 5-110 o oz z.

3/$ 3/$

2/$ 2/$





Mix or Match


IGA IGA Saltines Salt ltines tines 16 16 oz. ozz. or o o

or o Oyster Oyst steerr Crackers CCrrackkeers

Tide TTid iddde Simply SSim mply Laundry Laundr dry dr y Detergent Deetteerrggennt D Assorted Asssorrteed A d Varieties Vaarieties rieties ieties eties ties ies es 138 1338 oz. o ozz.


9 oz. o ozz.



Tuesdays Tuesdays


Get Get a Buck eye Buckeye D iscount Discount





29 30 1










Pizza Week! PPiz izz zzzaa ooff the tthhe W eek! Extra Exxttrra Large LLaarrgge 2 TTopping ooppppinng PPizza izza zzza

Pizza Month! PPiz izzzza ooff the the Mon Mo M ont nt h ! Large Pizza Lar argge Meat Meeat M ea Lovers LLooveerrs PPiz izzza

18 18 Inch IInnchh


Call Call 544-9999


14 14 Inch IInnchh


13 1


12 1 99


West Union People’s Defender

Emma O. Hayslip

Emma O. (Cooper) The visitation is from 11 Hayslip, 82, of West a.m. until 2 p.m. on Union, formerly of Lynx, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2016 at Juanita Begley, of died Monday, Nov. 21, the Lafferty Funeral Home Peebles. 2016 at the Eagle Creek in West Union. The funerOn behalf of Joseph’s Nursing Center in West al service is 2 p.m. Pastor wishes, he is to be cremat- Union. She was born Feb. Jason Hayslip and Pastor ed. Wallace-Thompson 6, 1934 in Green Volley Reed will officiate. Funeral Home is in charge Township in Adams The interment will be at of the arrangements. County. She was preceded East Liberty Cemetery in in death by her parents, Lynx. William Roy and Sarah Memorial donations Lyda (Baker) Cooper, sismay be made to the East and was a graduate of ter Clara June Hanshaw, Liberty Community Jacksontown High School. daughter Linda Sue May Church, c/o Patty Dillow, She also worked as an and son Roger Duane P.O. Box 1, Lynx, Ohio LPN at Flint Ridge Hayslip. 45650. Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Mary could be described Ronald L. Palmer as good hearted and the care-taker of many. She also survive. Ronald Leray (Pete) also loved to work and Pete was preceded in Palmer, age 89 of the complete puzzles. Those death by his wife, Ann Georgetown Ohio who knew Mary under(on Oct. 17, 1982), his Veterans Home passed stood her strong will and parents, four brothers; away Sunday morning opinions. Paul, Ed, Dale and Jim Nov. 20, 2016 at the Mt. She is survived by a sis- Orab Mercy Medical and two sisters; Anna Submitted photo ter, Nellie Morton of Graham and Geneva Center. Pete was born in Newark; an aunt, Mary Left to right, Ernest McFarland, Russell Pollitt, and Snider. Lawshe, Ohio on May 7, Crothers Settles of Following his career in Steve Zinser. 1927. He was the third of Pennsylvania; many nieces 10 children born to James farming, Mr. Palmer and nephews, great nieces Thaddeus and Edna resided near Seaman for and nephews, and greatseveral years, then reloMaxwell Palmer. Pete great nieces and nephews. was on the Cradle Roll at cated to the Ohio In addition to her parVeterans Home in the Flatrun Methodist ents she was preceded in Georgetown where he Church and attended death by three brothers, The Adams County 1945 at 18 years of age. enjoyed trips, volleyball, Flatrun School in first Thomas Allen White, Historical Society honored He was one of the last Poker, gardening and and second grade. Charles William "Bill" veterans at their recent ones called and reported to Bingo. A 1945 Graduate of Garman, and Howard November meeting. They Ft. Hayes in Columbus. A “Red, White and Belfast High School, Pete Leroy Garman, and one welcomed three speakers He served at Ft. Blue”service was conwas an outstanding athsister Goldie Estella who told their experiences Monmouth, New Jersey as ducted at the Veterans lete. He entered the U.S. Ritchey. in the services to their a Company Clerk. Home on Sunday, Nov. Army on Sept. 11, 1945 The Newark Chapel of The last speaker was and served as a muleskin- 20 with family, staff, and country. Henderson-Van AttaChaplain Steve Zinser Russell Pollitt, also of ner at Fort Sill, Oklahoma residents in attendance as Stickle Funeral & explained the early chapManchester. He had many a tribute to Mr. Palmer's before being assigned to Cremation Service, 59 lains in the army starting interesting stories from Germany in World War II, military service. North Fifth Street, Newark being honorably discrossing the Atlantic on The family will receive with the American is assisting the family with charged on Feb. 1, 1947. the Queen Mary with friends at a visitation held Revolution. Zinser told of arrangements. 33,000 other solders. The on Tuesday Nov. 22, 2016 how James Naismith, betHe married Ann Snider ter known for inventing trip lasted seven days and from 4- 8 p.m. at the on April 11, 1951. the game of basketball, the ship was too big to Wallace-Thompson Together they operated a was also an Army chaplain land in London, so they Funeral Home/ Lewis farm near Belfast and during World War 1. continued on to Scotland. Sullivan Chapel in Pete was active in the He also told the story of Mr. Pollitt was assigned Seaman. Funeral services Belfast United Methodist to the 8th Army Division, Church serving as Sunday will be held at the funeral the Four Chaplains who 58th Battalion. He was at Miller's Bakery- 9- 11 School Superintendent for home on Wednesday Nov. were on the ship Dorchester when it was hit injured and was taken to a.m. many years. He served on 23, 2016 at 2 p.m. with Dec. 20- Manchester at the Highland County Richard Lloyd officiating. by Germans. They all died the Netherlands but later after giving their life jackcame back to fight. the Family Dollar Store- 9 Farm Bureau Board, was Burial will follow at the ets to other service men. Pollitt had many pic- 10:30 a.m., Tranquility Cemetery a member of the Farm The role of chaplains is to tures to share and a DVD Lynx at 1st Stop Gas with military rights perBureau Council, the comfort the wounded, pray that we plan to watch at a Station- 11 a.m.- noon formed by the Adams Highland County Feeder for the dead and care for later meeting. Dec. 27- Peebles at the Pig Association and the County Honor Guard. the living. The meeting was 5/3 Bank Lot- 9- 11 a.m. Memorial Contributions North Adams High The next speaker was adjourned with prayer by Please contact the can be made to the Ohio School Boosters. He was Ernest McFarland of Chaplain Zinser. Adams County Health Veterans Home Activity an avid hunter, sports Manchester. He entered Department at (937)544enthusiast, and card play- Fund. World War II on Sept. 2, 5547, Ext. 101, if you er. Above all, his greatest have any questions about joy was his family. the services offered. Pete is survived by his six children; Barbara (Fred) Yochum of Mowrystown, Beverly (Dale) Smiley of Seaman, Nancy (Roger) West of note from Buckhorn, Ky. Mowrystown, Ronald L for our donation. (Debbie) Palmer, Jr. of On Monday, Nov. 21, a Belfast, Charlie (Debbie) workshop on healthy conPalmer of Seaman, and gregations, was held at the John (Amy) Palmer of Kennedy Heights NEW 20 2017 17 RAM NEW 20 2016 16 JEEP Leesburg; four grandsons, Presbyterian Church from 14 granddaughters, 17 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Trradesman Trad desman great grandsons, 15 great Ann Downs, Treasurer, Cre Crew rew ew Cab Lattit Latit itude d 4x4 x4 granddaughters, two step read the Treasurer's report. STK. #5507x STK. #5550777x STK. ##5444x STK 5444x grandchildren and three Fourteen members MSRP $41,685 MSRP 1,685 MSRP $3 M MSRP $32,,480 step great grandchildren. answered the roll call by Also surviving are two bringing clorox wipes. Sue sisters, Ilena Palmer and Fulton and Debbie Miller Effie Behm and a brother, will hostess the Christmas SSAAVE Dean (Sandy) Palmer all covered dish dinner on SAAVE $ $ $ $ 4,337 SALE of the Belfast area, two Tuesday, Dec. 6. Nancy 6,6866 SALE sisters-in-law, Gail Atkinson had our lesson NEW 20 2017 17 RAM NEW 20 2016 16 DODGE Martin of Canton and "According to Matthew", Juanita Snider of Peebles; the key scripture was one brother-in-law, Matthew 13:51-53. Trra Tradesman adesman SXT SX XTT STTK. #5503x STK STK. #5433x STK. #554333x Foster closed the meeting Robert (Luz) Snider of MSRP $338,670 M MSR MSRP $41,170 MSRP 1,170 with the benediction in our Ann Arbor, Mich.; 30 book and delicious refresh- nieces and nephews and many cousins and friends ments were served.

Joseph S. McClanahan

Joseph S. McClanahan II, 46 years, of Peebles, passed away on Sunday, Nov. 20, 2016. He was born in West Union,, on Sept. 24, 1970, the son of David McClanahan and

Mary A. Garman

A gathering of family and friends to celebrate the life of Mary A. Garman, age 72, of Newark, will be held from 3-6 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 25, at The Newark Chapel of Henderson -Van Atta Stickle Funeral and Cremation Service, 59 North Fifth Street, Newark. Mary passed away on Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2016 at the Selma Markowitz Care Center (operated by Hospice of Central Ohio). She was born Oct. 25, 1944 in Peebles to the late Wayne and Dorothea (Inlow) Garman. Mary worked at Goumas Candyland for 40 years

Sunday, November 27, 2016 3


Historical Society honors veterans

Hope Van announces December stops The following dates and times for the Appalachian Hope Van in the month of December are as follows: Dec. 6- Seaman at the Community Building Parking Lot- 9- 10:30 a.m., Winchester at the 1st Stop Gas Station- 10:45 a.m.- noon Dec. 11- West Union at TSC, Hibbett, Dollar Tree Parking lot - 9- 11 a.m. Dec. 13- Wheat Ridge

Cherry Fork Presbyterian Women hold November meeting SUBMITTED BY SARAH K. BLYTHE

The Cherry Fork Presbyterian Women met in the social room of the church on Wednesday, Nov. 2. Peggy Foster, Moderator, opened the meeting by lighting the Christ candle. Peggy and Colleen Shoemaker, Hostesses, read about adversity, 2 Chronicles 20:17 and about the Czech Republic from the yearbook for prayer and study. Foster had prayer and Nancy Atkinson will send cards to the ones names. Sarah K. Blythe, Secretary, read the Secretary's report. We are glad to welcome a new member, Jane Dreger. We received a thank you

Cherokee Cherokee

34,999 34 4,999

28,143 28,14 2 3


Looking for a fur-ever home

Hello, everyone. I'm Ellanora! I like to play and cuddle, and not to brag, but the workers here say I'm a sweet and gentle beauty. I'd love to join your household and show you just how great black cats can be. Please stop in at the Animal Shelter in West Union between Tuesday and Saturday and meet me in person. Or call (937) 544-8585 to learn more about me.


SAAVE 7,0000



Du Durango o


31,670 31,6 670

NEW 20 2017 17 RAM

SAAVE $ 4,5533 SALE

36,617 36 6,617

NEW 20 2016 16 RAM

2500 Tradesman Trradesman

3500 Tradesman Tradesman desman desm sman

STK. ##555510x STK

STK. ST K. #5484x #55484x

MSRP $52,275 M MSRP

MSRP $54,905 MS 4,905

Cre Cre rew w Cab

SAAVE $ 7,369 SALE


44,906 4 4,906

NEW 20 2017 17 RAM

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4 West Union People’s Defender

PEOPLE’S DEFENDER 937-544-2391

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Mark Carpenter Editor/Sports Editor mcarpenter@peoplesdefender.com

Terry Rigdon Advertising trigdon@peoplesdefender.com

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PEOPLE’S DEFENDER Publishes every Wednesday and Sunday.

Prices are subject to change at any time. Email: info@ peoplesdefender.com

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Business hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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Advertising Deadlines Sunday Edition Classified is Wednesday at 4 p.m.; Retail/Real Estate/Auction is Wednesday at 4 p.m. News deadlines Wednesday Edition Monday 10 a.m. News deadlines Sunday Edition Thursday 9 a.m.

25 Rice Drive West Union, Ohio 937-544-2391

Commercial Printing available, contact Billy Maxfield at 937-444-3441 or Tony Adams at 800-404-3157.


Community Announcements

Venture Productions accepting toys for Christmas Sharing Venture Productions is now accepting new, unwrapped toys for the Christmas Sharing Project. Toys can be dropped off to Venture Productions between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday-Friday. Deadline for dropping toys off is Dec. 6.

Homeless Shelter looking for holiday donations The Adams County Homeless Shelter would like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season, but urge everyone to keep in mind those who are struggling and homeless. Please consider a donation to the shelter. Winchester United Methodist Church providing Christmas Sharing Food Baskets The Winchester United Methodist Church will once again be providing Christmas Sharing food baskets. Applicants must show proof of a Winchester address. The sign-up will take place on

Wednesday, Nov. 30 at the Winchester United Church from 9 -11a.m. and 6 -8 p.m. The church is located at 70 East Washington Street in Winchester. If you have any questions please call the church office at (937) 695-0680.

Agricultural Society Meeting is Dec. 8 The Adams County Agricultural Society will hold its December meeting on Dec. 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the fairgrounds. Bids for the last Grant Project will be opened during the meeting.

DAV Chapter #71 will meet Dec. 10 The scheduled Nov. 29 meeting of the Adams County DAV Chapter #71 has been cancelled and changed to Dec. 10 because of the conflict with the Thanksgiving holiday. The Dec. 31 meeting has also been moved to Dec. 10 because of the conflict with the New Year holiday. Hope House sponsoring two new support groups

Hope House has announced two new support groups, aimed at helping families dealing with addictions. The Loved Ones Support Group beings on Tuesday, Sept. 27 from 6-7:30 p.m. as an educational support series for family members whose lives have been touched by addiction. Hope Is Rising begins Wednesday, Sept. 28 from 6-7:30 p.m. and is a faithbased support group for individuals seeking to reclaim their lives from addictions. The groups will meet at the Hope House Christian Counseling Center at 24 E. Water Street in Sinking Spring. COAD4Kids offers childcare services If you are a parent searching for care or an individual interested in providing childcare, COAD 4Kids can help. Call 1-800-577-2276 or locally 740-354-6527 for information about childcare and the free services offered.

Ohio Can meets in

2017 calendar is starting to take shape Harvest is nearly completed and by the time you read this Thanksgiving may be all done except for the leftovers. If you are a sports fan, and in particular a Buckeye football fan, this is a big week. The team up north comes to Columbus and they are currently ranked 2 and 3, so it should be a good one. However if you are a Bengals fan, you are probably already thinking Reds since the Bengals season is pretty much a done deal with A.J. Green and Giovanni Bernard going down. They were pretty much done before those two injuries, but now it is even less likely they can turn around a poor season. They travel to Cleveland in the next few weeks and the winless Browns may beat them. Well enough about the sports, but the reason for the reference was the upcoming Winter Meetings. For baseball fans this has been a time in early December when teams all meet and is usually a time period for lots of transactions, with trades and free agent signings galore. However, in this case when I refer to winter meetings, I am talking about the OSU Extension meetings for producers. With harvest nearly done and the hauling of grain, planning for next year, and in some cases fertilizer being spread during the outstanding fall weather we have had being the thing on most producers schedules, it allows for educational meetings. There are some still to plan and schedule, but here is a start. Put these dates on your calendar so you do not miss these opportunities, with more to be added for GAP and more. Nov. 29- Veterinarian Feed Directive at Union Stockyards, meal at 6 p.m. and program starts at 7 p.m. This will help you understand the changes coming in 2017 concerning feeding medicated feed to any and all food producing

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Seaman Ohio Can, a non-profit group pro-active in raising money to get the community involved in drug awareness and prevention, will meet on the first Thursday of every month from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Seaman Community Building. The group plans on putting together meaningful events to gather support in Adams County. Snacks and beverages will be provided. For more information, call 937-2171527 or email solaceofadamscounty@gmail.com

Reformers Unanimous to meet The Reformers Unanimous Addiction Recovery Program is held 7 p.m. every Friday at 106 Rice Drive in West Union. For information contact Phil Fulton at 937-5871797 or Ron Baker at 937-544-4110. Celebrate recovery A Christ-centered recovery program for people who struggle with addictions or any life-controlling issue will meet on Mondays from 6 -8:30 p.m. at Church 180 located at 2556 Moores Road, in Seaman. A program for children (ages 5-12) of

parents who attend the program is available as well. For more information contact Dan Sheridan at 937-205-5464 or Carol Sheridan at 513-509-3911.

Solace of Adams County meeting twice a month Solace of Adams County, a local community group that supports individuals who have suffered the loss of a loved one to drugs, will meet on the second and fourth Friday of every month from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the second floor Conference Room of the Adams County Regional Medical Center. The group will also provide support to recovering addicts, as well as advocating prevention and bringing awareness into the community. Snacks and beverages will be provided and for more information, call 937-2171527 or email solaceofadamscounty@gmail.com

Narcotics Anonymous meeting every Thursday Narcotics Anonymous a 12-step recovery plan, will meet at 7 p.m. on Thursdays at the Holy Trinity Parish at 612 E. Mulberry Street in West Union.



species. Dec. 1- Adams County Cattlemen Association will offer a Veterinarian Feed Directive with the time and location still TBA. Dec. 12- Pesticide testing at noon at the Old Y Restaurant, pre-register at http://pested.osu.edu or call (800) 282-1955. Jan. 9- Pesticide testing at noon, Old Y Restaurant, every month, second Monday. Jan. 12- Beginning of eight-week Small Farm College at the Clermont County Extension Office located on the Fairgrounds on Thursday evenings, details to come. Jan. 17- Ohio Beef School starts at 7 p.m. Plan is for two locations with one being confirmed as Hillsboro High School Agriculture classroom. The second location is TBD. There are two additional dates of Feb. 7 and Feb. 28, same locations and time. JAN. 18- THREE-HOUR FERTILIZER APPLICATOR CERTIFICATION TRAINING FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO






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Jan. 26- Three -hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training and Pesticide Re-certification at OSU South Centers in Piketon. Call to pre-register at the Pike County Extension Office at (740) 289-4837. Feb. 1- Ohio River Valley Agronomy Day at the Mason County Extension Office. Feb. 4- Brown County Cattlemen Annual Banquet. Feb. 7- Beef School. Feb. 8- Two-hour Fertilizer Certification and three-hour Pesticide Recertification at North Adams High School with Fertilizer starting at 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. meal, then Pesticide Re-certification 7:30 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required. Call Cindy at the OSU Extension Office at (937) 378-6716. Feb. 9- Two-hour Fertilizer Certification and three-hour Pesticide Recertification at Southern Hills Board Office in Georgetown with Fertilizer starting at 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. meal, then Pesticide Re-certification 14 p.m. Pre-registration is required. Call Cindy at the OSU Extension Office at (937) 378-6716. Feb. 14- Start of Grain Marketing School at the Southern Hills Board Office in Georgetown on five Tuesdays. (Feb. 14, 21, 28, March 7 and 21) The classes will begin at 1 p.m. and go until approximately 4 p.m. Charge is $25 and the same class will be offered on Wednesday evenings (the next day) in Chillicothe. Feb. 15- Two-hour Fertilizer Certification and three-hour Pesticide Recertification at Southern State Community College in Hillsboro with Fertilizer starting at 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. meal, then Pesticide Re-certification 14 p.m. Pre-registration is required and space is limited at this location. Call Cindy at the OSU Extension Office at (937) 378-6716. Feb. 28- Beef School. March 3- Agriculture is Everyone’s Business at SSCC in Hillsboro. March 7- Farm and Family Night at Maysville Community and Technical College. March 10-11- Southern Ohio Small Farm Conference at Wilmington College. This will include another three-hour Fertilizer Training. April 8- Highland County OSU Extension’s Dinner and Auction at the Highland County Fairgrounds in the evening.

Loving Heart Home Health Care now open in Manchester PRESS RELEASE

Jessika Saunders would like to announce the opening of her new business, A Loving Heart Home Health Care LLC, located at 255 Cabin Creek Road in Manchester. A Loving Heart Home Health Care offers Personal Home Care Services, Skilled Nursing, Physical Therapy Services and Passport to their consumers. In addition to traditional home health care services, A Loving Heart will offer a monthly fun night for its patrons. Saunders graduated from Shawnee State University with a degree in Nursing and she has a strong desire to provide safe and nurturing care to individuals who wish to remain in their own home. Lori Book, Nurse Case Manager, will work with Jessika to provide excellent nursing care. The employees at A Loving

Heart are caring, courteous in nature, committed to care and eager to help. She also recently participated in Adams Brown Community Action Partnership (ABCAP’s) Business Development Department’s business training where she learned to efficiently operate a small business. A Loving Heart Home Health Care will provide services to consumers in Adams and Brown counties. They would like to invite you to call for more information about home health care services or stop by the office to speak to her about how she can assist you or your loved one. A Loving Heart is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. To contact Saunders. please call her at (937) 544-4484 or alovinghearthomecare.org

Land Transfers Nov. 10-18, 2016

Kevin F. Burns, Rochelle Burns to Joshua Hawes, Andrea R. Hawes, Bratton Twp, 5.42 ac. First State Bank to Sosa Elizabeth Medina, Manchester Village, lot 168 Kelly Morgan to Leslie Grooms, Kay W. Grooms, Manchester Village, lots 296, 297, 298, 299 Charles R. Friend, Amber D. Friend to Jason Chafin, Stephanie Schoonover Coy, Rome Village, 4.11 ac. John T. Lafferty, Elaine R. Lafferty to Chad J. Lewis, Lisa M. Lewis, Tiffin Twp, 1.405 ac. Justin W. Purdin to Michael K. Mingee, Shaylee Pennywitt, Tiffin Twp, 1.927 ac. Springleaf Financial Services to Equity Trust Company, Partin Thomas IRA, Thomas Partin IRA, Seaman Village, lots 9, 10, 11 Harlan Plummer to Harlan F. Plummer, Trustee, Plummer Trust, Peebles Village, 0.113 ac. John R. Murphy Trustee, Murphy Family Trust to Steve Wilson, Joyce Wilson, Seaman Villag e, 0.72 ac. David Potter to Dusty

Lynn Thompson, Tiffin Twp, 2.711 ac. Joe M. Darby, Rosalyn M. Darby to Eric M. Darby, Manchester Village, 0.091 ac., pt lot 183 Ollie E. Birthelmer to Gregory A. Elliott, Elizabeth H. Elliott, Bratton Twp, 79.116 ac. DGS Development to Justin L. Stacy, Amberley S. Stacy, Sprigg Twp, 11.87 ac. Deanna R. Motts to John Henry Newman Jr, Amanda Jean Newman, Liberty Twp, 1.314 ac. Keith A. Newell, Dawn Rene Newell to Jason M. Bohl, Ashley L. Bohl, Meigs Twp, 0.35 ac. Shaun L. J. Bell, Rebecca Bell to Michael S. Bayer, Kristina F. Music, Liberty Twp, 17.58 ac. Daisy M. Bundy to Daisy Bundy, Erica Bundy, Green Twp, 1.107 ac. Philip G. Borger, Sheryl G. Borger to Jason M. Borger Trustee, Borger Family Preservation Trust, Bratton Twp, 15.358 ac. Russell C. Glasgow, Linda D. Glasgow to Stephen Glasgow, Annet te Glasgow, Wayne Twp, 97.67 ac.

West Union People’s Defender


From page 1

had not responded to the Defender's request for a comment on her election victory. In his concession statement Worley said, “It has been a privilege to serve the citizens of Adams County for the past four years as a county commissioner. We live in the greatest nation in the world and the power of our democracy comes from the people’s right to freely choose their leaders. While our campaign came up short in this election and we are disappointed with the outcome, I am proud to say that we fought for the people and our shared values and vision for a better Adams County.” Worley expressed appreciation to his supporters and alluded to ongoing developments that may soon impact the lives of every person in Adams county. “I want to thank my supporters from the depths of my heart for their work and support on my behalf, “ he said, “This campaign was never about one person, but about the future and progress of our county. Challenges remain ahead and I wish the new board of commissioners all the very best for the future.” Doubtless, the most pressing of those challenges will spring from the county-wide loss of tax revenue generat-

ed by the Stuart and Killen Power Plants which are potentially slated to cease operation at some point in 2018. Worley said his concern for Adams County's future would remain unaltered by the election results. “The obligation to serve does not end when you take off your military uniform or leave public office,” he said, “It is our duty as citizens to work together to make this county and our nation a more perfect union. I am grateful and honored for the opportunity to have served the people of Adams County.” Ward and senior board member Brian Baldridge will in Jan. 2017 be sworn into their respective commissioner's seats Baldridge was elected to the Jan. 3 seat now held by Commissioner Ty Pell who was appointed by the Republican Central Committee following the resignation of former Commissioner Stephen Caraway. While the central committee has not yet announced their choice of candidates to fill the Jan. 1 seat vacated by Baldridge, insiders surmise that Pell will most likely win the appointment. Provisional ballots also turned the tables in favor of alcohol sales at the Seaman Village 1st Stop Station. The measure, which failed by seven votes (179 – 172) in

Skipping right over Thanksgiving


the unofficial Nov. 8 ballot count, was approved by voters in the official count - 183 for the Liquor Permit and 180 against. While proponents for alcohol sales argued that the Liquor Permit measures would give a much needed boost to the county's tax revenue base, voters disagreed and rejected seven of the ten requests.

This week I’m revisiting my buddy Ronnie and his big sister Doris who cares for him at home. We collaborated to publish two columns about a year ago titled, “Living and Dying the Choices I’ve Made” and “Something Just Told Me”. Ronnie is 49 years old and was admitted to hosHealth Department pice for end stage cirrhosis urges flu vaccines of the liver. Ronnie spends for children most of his time in his “man cave” behind the The Adams County main house. His man cave Health Department has flu is a renovated shed which vaccine available for chilbarely has the bare necessidren six months of age ties and which doesn’t through 18 years old. The flu vaccine will offer protec- include a bathroom. Ronnie stated, “People tion against the four strains come in here and tell me of flu that may circulate in they don’t see how I live the area over the next few like this but I tell them, I months. have everything I need.” Education is very important for children and being in And Ronnie and I concur, “After all, a man needs his school daily helps the child learn. The flu vaccine is one space”. I have to admit that way to keep your child sometimes I’m confounded healthy and able to attend by Ronnie and Doris’ conschool regularly. tentment. Their home is Contact our office at 544modestly constructed and 5547 ext. 101 and we will furnished, they heat with answer any questions you wood and they barely make may have and make an ends meet. And Doris has appointment to get their flu vaccine at the most conven- been shouldering heavy responsibility for several ient time for you. years. She moved from Flu can be prevented by Maryland to Waverly to this one simple vaccine. Get your children their flu care for their mother about 15 years ago. vaccine and protect their When her mother passed health before the flu away Doris stayed on to becomes active in Adams care for her elderly develCounty. opmentally handicapped brother and sister, Frank and Shirley. She stated, “Somebody had to”. And now Doris is “looking after” Ronnie. Yet, in the years I’ve been visiting them as a hospice Social Worker, I’ve never heard them murmur or utter one complaint. Instead they claim, “We have everything we need and we’re thankful for what we’ve got”.

Sunday, November 27, 2016 5

They’re an inspiration to me and I’m honored and privileged to know them. I visited Ronnie and Doris on the Monday before Thanksgiving and Doris commented about how, “People skip right over Thanksgiving anymore. They already have Christmas decorations up in all the stores and people are already looking forward to Black Friday LOREN HARDIN so they STRAIGHT PATHS can go shopping. We used to never think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving used to be as big a deal as Christmas. My Mom always taught us to be thankful. We didn’t have much but we were thankful for what we had. It’s sad how people skip right over Thanksgiving. You should write a column about it.” I told Doris that her comments reminded me of what another patient, George, shared. It was a beautiful summer day and George and I were sitting in his lawn swing when George said, “Do you know what frustrates me? People don’t appreciate things anymore. People are like hogs. An acorn can fall from a tree, hit it on the head, fall to the ground, and a hog will gobble it up without ever looking up to see where it came from.” I asked Doris where and why she thought our culture started losing the spirit of Thanksgiving. Doris thought for a couple min-

Woman escapes single-car accident without injury

Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender

Nodding off at the wheel leads to citation

Bill Conn, President of Adams County Veterans Services, places a special wreath in front of the courthouse War Memorial commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War and those from Adams County who lost their lives in southeast Asia.


A woman who fell asleep while driving escaped seriThese five Vietnam veterans from Adams County were the honored guests at ous injury when her car the DAR’s ceremonies Monday commemorating the 50th anniversary of the overturned on St. Rt. 73 Vietnam War. From left, Joe Rostine, Lawrence Young, Marty Grooms, Bill near Peebles. Trooper Nathan Conn, and Robert Lewis. Timberlake of the Ohio State Highway Patrol responded to the scene of the accident Friday, Nov. From page 1 11 at 10:45 p.m. The driver, Tracy between us and evil as we Samone Strickland, 28, of go about our daily lives,” said Wenstrup. “I tell people that serving in Iraq was the worst thing I ever had to do but at the same time it was the best thing that I ever got to do and that's because of the people who I got to serve with. I served with heroes.” Speaking to the veterans on hand, Wenstrup said, “I know that each one of you gentleman could tell me a story of someone who did something heroic and selfless. While some went off to college, others went off to Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender serve in Vietnam as they United States Congressman Brad Wenstrup was the were asked to do, only to come home unappreciated featured guest speaker in the DAR ceremonies honoring by many. Your service and Vietnam veterans and the 50th anniversary of the war. heroism is not unappreciated asked nothing from those answered a call to defend a today and it's not unnoticed today. Teddy Roosevelt said country you never knew and that gave nothing. God bless you and God bless a people you never met, but it best when he said, 'The America.” from your efforts, the world credit belongs to the man A special wreath was realized the difference who is in the arena whose made for the commemorabetween freedom and comface is marred by the dust and the sweat and the blood.' munism. Because of the fire tion by Gayla Fritzhand of JZN Farms and the ceremofor freedom that you lit in You took that summons and ny concluded with Bill Vietnam, we saw the world responsibility and didn't Conn, President of Adams change for the better. shirk it.” County Veterans Services, “When I hear the National Because of the fire for freehaving the honor of placing Anthem, I think of those that dom that you lit, walls were that wreath in front of the have saved us and what they torn down and dozens of War Memorial on the courthave given us time and time nations were liberated to house lawn, while members democracy. Your sacrifices again throughout our histoof the crowd remembered were not in vain.” ry,” Wenstrup continued. those who gave their lives in “Through it all you were “With the actions of the vetVietnam and “Taps” was what others cared not to be, erans come the dreams of played by West Union High freedom for millions of peo- you went where others School student Coal feared to go, you did what ple, not just in America but McClanahan. others failed to do, and you around the world. You Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender


Kaiajade | People’s Defender

Cincinnati, was traveling westbound on Ohio 73 when she fell asleep behind the wheel of her white 2013 Chevrolet Sonic. According to Trooper Timberlake, Strickland's car veered then off the roadway, struck an embankment, and overturned. The accident occurred just east of Jay Bird Road. Strickland was cited for operating a vehicle without reasonable control.

utes and replied, “I think it started when they started moving Christmas ahead until it’s taken over Thanksgiving. And Christmas isn’t even about Jesus anymore. It’s all about money. How much the stores can sell. It’s about what we can buy and what we might get. You might say that we’ve lost Thanksgiving to greed. And we might even lose the real Christmas one of these days.” We talked about how greed has stolen Thanksgiving just like “The Grinch that Stole Christmas”. Ronnie commented, “And do you know what can kill you faster than a bullet? Greed! It will kick you right in the butt.” Doris is right isn’t she, “Its sad how we skip right over Thanksgiving”. Don’t you feel it? Somewhere along the way we’ve lost our spirit of Thanksgiving. But how do we recover it? Again I asked Doris for her thoughts and she replied, “I’m only one person but Mom always told us, ‘You need to sweep up around your own back door first, before you start sweeping up around someone else’s.’ And when you do that you usually find that you don’t have any time left to deal with anybody else’s anyway. And another thing Mom always told us was, ‘If the shoe fits wear it.’” So why don’t we start by sweeping up around our own back door? Let’s turn around, look back and look up to see and acknowledge where our blessings come from. “Who makes you differ from another? And what do you have that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it? (I Corinthians 4:7) Loren Hardin is a hospice social worker at Southern Ohio Medical Center and can be reached at hardinl@somc.org or at 740-356-2525.

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Sports Dryden’s Den: Week 12 in the NFL 6

Peebles holds annual Meet the Team Night


Last Week: 11-3 Season: 89-70-2 Thanksgiving Day: Minnesota at Detroit – The Vikings bashed and harassed Carson Palmer throughout their victory this past Sunday. It was a much needed victory which kept them tied with the Lions in the NFC Scott Dryden North. Guest Columnist

Detroit enters their annual Thanksgiving game in a rare spot – first place. On the season they are 4-1 at home. Shew the kids away, eat quickly, and enjoy a tight physical contest. Matthew Stafford makes key plays when it counts. DET 23 MIN 20 Thanksgiving Day: Washington at Dallas – The turkey day key divisional games continues with a big game in the NFC East. The Redskins have played very well on the offensive side of the ball. They torched the Packers this past Sunday. The Cowboys, winners of nine in a row, may be the team to beat in the NFC. Washington will score some points but the rookie duo of Dak Prescott and Ezekiel Elliott propel the Boys to their 10th straight victory. DAL 34 WASH 27 Thanksgiving Night: Pittsburgh at Indianapolis – A huge game for two .500 teams that are still in division races. The Steelers are tied with the Ravens in the AFC North – the Colts sit a game back in the AFC South. Indy quarterback Andrew Luck may not play and if not, this will be an easy victory for Pittsburgh. If he does play, this should turn into an aerial thriller. Either way, Le’Veon Bell and Antonio Brown have monster days. PIT 31 IND 27 Tennessee at Chicago – The Titans played very poorly early in their tough home loss to the Colts. However, fans and the team as a whole have to be thrilled with the development and grit of Marcus Mariota. It is almost a must win for Tennessee to stay in the wild card race and possibly even the divisional race. The Bears faltered late versus the Giants. Chicago will keep it close but the running game of the Titans will be the difference. TEN 24 CHI 20 Jacksonville at Buffalo – The Jags are a very bad football team. Team executives have to be concerned about young quarterback Blake Bortles. His development has stagnated. They face a Bills squad who got a big road victory in Cincinnati. Buffalo suffered another injury to their receiver corps which will impact their negatively impact their struggling passing game. In a tight contest, Tyrod Taylor’s legs along with a dominant defensive performance is the difference. BUF 20 JAX 13 Cincinnati at Baltimore – The Bengals season likely went down the tubes in a tough home loss to

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender

Mark Carpenter | People’s Defender

It was pre-season basketball on Nov. 17 as the A full house crowded into the Peebles High School gymnasium on Monday, Nov. Manchester Junior High Lady Hounds hosted 21 as the school held its annual basketball “Meet the Team Night.” After a chilly Portsmouth. parade through town, events moved indoors and here the Peebles Junior High cheerleaders do their part to get the crowd pumped up.

MJH girls host preseason scrimmage BY MARK CARPENTER PEOPLE'S DEFENDER

Pre-season work is continuing for all of the local basketball squads and on Nov. 17, the Manchester seventh and eighth girls squads were in action as they hosted the Portsmouth Lady Trojans in a Thursday evening scrimmage. The Lady Hounds looked sharp in both seventh and eighth grade action, and will be a tough out for any team on their schedule in the 2016-17 campaign. “The girls were excited and anxious to pay and it showed at some times with a little sloppiness,” said

MJH eighth grade girls coach John Kennedy. “That's to be expected and why we scrimmage in the first place, but overall I was pleased with the effort and growth some of the girls have showed over the off season. We have a great bunch of girls and we are excited to get the season started.” The Manchester Junior High girls program is a family coaching affair, with Kennedy's wife Jill handling the seventh grade duties. The MJH girls open regular season play on Nov. 28 at home when they host the Northwest Lady Mohawks.

At “Meet the Team night”, all of the school’s basketball players and cheerleaders were introduced and the Peebles High School cheerleading squad performed an enthusiastic routine to again fire up the Indian faithful who filled the bleachers.

Ohio's young hunters harvest nearly 6,000 deer during Youth Gun Season ODNR PRESS RELEASE

Ohio’s young hunters braved less than ideal weather conditions over the weekend and checked 5,930 whitetailed deer during the two-day youth gun season, Nov. 19-20, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). During last year’s youth gun season, 7,223 whitetailed deer were checked. Youth hunters could pursue deer with a legal shotgun, muzzleloader, handgun or specific straight-walled cartridge rifle and were required to be accompanied by a non-hunting adult during the two-day season. The youth deer-gun season is one of four special youth-only hunting seasons designed to offer a dedicated hunting experience for young hunters. Youth hunting seasons are also available for small game, wild turkey and waterfowl. Ohio offers many more opportunities for

hunters of all ages to pursue deer. The deergun season is Monday, Nov. 28, through Sunday, Dec. 4, and Dec. 17-18. Deer-muzzleloader season is Saturday, Jan. 7, through Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2017. Deer-archery season is open now through Sunday, Feb. 5, 2017. Find complete details in the 2016-2017 Ohio Hunting and Trapping Regulations at wildohio.gov. Youth hunters can commemorate their hunt with a First Harvest certificate, available at wildohio.gov. Participants can upload a photo and type in their information to personalize the certificate. Hunters can also share photos by clicking on the Photo Gallery tab online. For summaries of past deer seasons, visit wildohio.gov/deerharvest. The ODNR Division of Wildlife remains committed to properly managing Ohio’s deer popu-

lations. The goal of Ohio’s Deer Management Program is to provide a deer population that maximizes recreational opportunities, while minimizing conflicts with landowners and motorists. A county list of all white-tailed deer checked by youth hunters using a shotgun, muzzleloader, handgun or straight-walled cartridge rifle during the 2016 youth deer-gun hunting season is shown below. The first number following the county’s name shows the harvest numbers for 2016, and the 2015 numbers are in

Easton Daulton, 10 years old, bagged this 15-point buck in Brush Creek Township. parentheses. The youth Clermont: 56 (65); deer-gun numbers may Highland: 96 (132); include controlled hunts. Jackson: 108 (135); Adams: 139 (170); Pike: 85 (83); and Brown: 70 (100); Scioto: 72 (127).

THE PEOPLE’S DEFENDER SENIOR PROFILE SPORTS EDITOR’S NOTE: Each week, The People’s Defender will profile an Adams County senior student/athlete so our community and readers can get to know better these outstanding young people who participate both in athletics and academics in their high school. NAME: Kayle Thomas

SCHOOL: Manchester High School

PARENTS: Mindy Thompson and Karen Blythe






MOST MEMORABLE HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS Samuel Michael Kimmerly, son of Sam and Linda MOMENT: Kimmerly, bagged a 14-point buck during youth gun Always making new season. The photo was taken in Adams County in friends

See NFL Picks / 7 Panhandle area.

Kayle Thomas




ACTIVITY: Riding horses and playing basketball FAVORITE RESTAURANT: Applebee’s


COMING THIS WEEKEND: Wes Hayslip from West Union High School

Sunday ,November 27, 2016 7


West Union People’s Defender


ATHLON SPORTS TOP 25 Don’t forget to follow us!


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Alabama (11–0, vs. Auburn) Ohio State (10–1, vs. Michigan) Clemson (10–1, vs. South Carolina) Michigan (10–1, at Michigan) Wisconsin (9–1, at Houston) Washington (10–1, at Wash. State) Oklahoma (9-2, Bye) USC (8-3, vs. Notre Dame) Penn State (9-2, vs. Michigan State) Colorado (9-2, vs. Utah) Louisville (9-2, vs. Kentucky) Florida State (8-3, vs. Florida) Oklahoma State (9-2, Bye) West Virginia (8–2, at Iowa State) Nebraska (9–2, at Iowa) Auburn (8–3, at Alabama) Western Michigan (11-0, vs. Toledo) Florida (8-2, at Florida State) Utah (8-3, at Colorado) LSU (6-4, at Texas A&M) Texas A&M (8-3, vs. LSU) Virginia Tech (8-3, vs. Virginia) Washington State (8-3, vs. Washington) Houston (9-2, at Memphis) Boise State (10-1, at Air Force )

HEISMAN TROPHY RACE 1. Lamar Jackson, QB, Louisville It’s tempting to move Jackson down a few spots after Louisville’s 36–10 loss at Houston, but it’s important to remember that the sophomore quarterback still ranks second in the ACC in rushing (124.3 ypg), fourth in the league in passing (282.6 ypg) and has a 28to-6 TD-to-INT ratio.

Mike Weber and the Ohio State offense struggled in last week’s win at Michigan State, but the Buckeyes still lead the Big Ten with 493.1 yards per game.

Epic battle in the Big Ten Hated rivals meet in a CFB Playoff elimination game

MICHIGAN AT OHIO STATE DCB A@B?> = < @ > ; ?@ ; > : 9?8@ < > 7?65@ 4:< 48?@ BA?@3 C66?2?@ 1CCB 0> 66@/ 6> 5C77@ BC.@ -@ ,@ yet this is not necessarily a winner-take-all game to advance to the Big Ten Championship Game. Michigan controls its own destiny, but Ohio & & % & ! % # ) & ) ! - % # . + "% % + !! & & &" ! & &

$% & & ! % . $% & & $ & ! "( $ + "!. !& after less-than-impressive performances last week. Ohio State managed @ 5> ; 8< @ C7@C77?:< ?@ 4:@ > @ @ * 4:@ > 2> 4:< B@$ 4+ A42> :@ B> B?@ > @ B?> = @ BA> B@ has won one Big Ten game). Later in the day, Michigan labored through a@ @ * 4:@ C(?; @ :8 4> :> @ 8?< .4B?@ 2?BB4:2@ C:6 5@ @ 5> ; 8< @ .> < < 4:2@ 7; C= @ JCA: @ ! C; :@ > B@" > ; B?; 0> + 9%@ :@ 4B<@ 6> < B@B* C@ 2> = ?< #@ $ 4+ A42> :@ A> < @ > @ BCB > 6@ C7@ -@ 5> ; 8< @ C7@ C77?:< ?@ > :8@ BA; ??@ C77?:< 4(? @ BC"+ A8C* : < %@ B< @ BC"2A@ BC@ ?:(4 < 4C:@ > @ < + ?:> ; 4C@ 4:@ * A4+A@ BA?@ C6(? ; 4:? < @ ) ! !

" ' '% ) & "'& % ! . !& #$ "( !& $" & offense.


2> = ?#@ > :8@ BA?@AC.?@ 4< @ BA> B@0CB A@"> ; B?; 0> + 9@ ?> :@ A4B?@ > :8@ < B> ; @ B> 460> + 9@ > = ; 5:@ / ?BB* > 5@ * 466@ 0?@ > 06?@ BC@ .6> 5%@ ' A?@ ' 42?; < @ + C"6 8@ < "; (4(? @ * 4BAC"B@ / ?BB* > 5#@ 0"B @ BA?; ? < @ > 6= C< B@:C@ + A> :+ ?@ BA4<@ 2> = ?@ 4< @ + 6C< ?@ 47@ A4B?@ 4< : B@ 100 percent.

2. Jalen Hurts, QB, Alabama Hurts was relatively quiet in the Crimson Tide’s 31–3 win over Chattanooga, throwing for 136 yards and three touchdowns and running for 68. He can make a statement next week in the Iron Bowl against a very good Auburn defense. 3. Christian McCaffrey, RB, Stanford Remember this guy? Left for dead after Stanford’s slow start, McCaffrey now ranks fifth in the nation in rushing (139.9 ypg) and first in all-purpose yards (205.6 ypg) for a Cardinal team that is now 8–3.

FLORIDA AT FLORIDA STATE Florida somehow won the SEC East despite scoring two or fewer touch ")!% ! "'$ " &% & ' % ! ' ! " & . ! & $ The Gators have proven that a strong defense, a competent running game and a few favorable bounces are good enough to win the East nowadays. F6C; 48> @ B> B? < @ AC.?< @ C7@* 4:4 :2@ BA?@ 3 3 @ B6> :B 4+ @ 4(4< 4C:@ * ?; ?@ 8> < A?8@ several weeks ago with a loss at home to Clemson, yet this is still a very good team that has been sharp on offense in rec?:B @ * ??9< %@ ' A> B< @ * A5@ BA?@ ?= 4:C6 ?< @ > ; ?@ + 6C< ?@ BC@ > @ BC"+ A) dC* :@ 7> (C; 4B?@ 8?.? : 84:2@ C:@ * A?; ?@ 5C"@ 6CC9@ C:@ BA?@ ; C> 8%@ F


' A?@ < B> 9?< @ > ; ?@ ; > ; ?65@ BA4<@ A42A@ 4:@ BA?@ ..6 ?@ 3 ".@ ,@ > :@ Colorado can put an exclamation point on its unlikely rise ":8? ; ; > B?8@ ; 4(> 6; 5@ C: @ BA?@ :> B4C:> 6@ 6> :8< + > .? %@ > < A4:2B C:@ 4< @ BC@ / > + )@ .C* ?; @ * 4BA@ > @ * 4:@ C(?; @ B> A@ 4:@ DC"6 8?; @ ,@ > @ (4+ ) still very much in the national championship race but no &"$ + & & ) "' % '$ &% . $% & &$ # &" & ' & & longer controls its own destiny after the lackluster effort ' A?@ D"7 7> 6C?< @ > ; ?@ @ C(?; > 66#@ * 4BA@ BA?@ 6C< < ?< @ + C= 4:2@ > B@ Mitch Light a2> 4:< B@ 3 @ B* C@ * ??9< @ > 2C%@ C"6 8@ > @ * 4:@ C(?; @ > @ 2CC8@ 0"B @ $ 4+ A42> :@ 4:@ > @ 2> = ?@ 4:@ * A4+A@ "> ; B?; 0> + 9@ ?7C@ 4"7 > "@ 2CB @ Athlon Sports :CB@ 2; ?> B@ > < A4:2B C:@ B> B?@ B?> = @ 7C66C* ?8@ ".@ 05@ > @ (4+ BC; 5@ Executive Editor hurt) and at USC by four points. After making a living winin the Pac-12 title game over Colorado or USC be enough to @AthlonMitch ning close games in recent years, Utah has lost two straight 4. Dede Westbrook, WR, Oklahoma (> "6 B@BA?@ "< 94?< @ 4:B C@ BA?@ BC.@ - @ ' A> B< @ BC"2A@ BC@ 8?B?; = 4: ?@ 2> = ?< @ 8?+ 48?8@ 05@ < ?(? :@ .C4:B < @ C; @ 7?* ?; @ ,@ BC@ > < A4:2B C:@ Westbrook has been one of the breakout ; 42AB @ :C* #@ 0"B @ BA?@ 2"? < < @ A?; ?@ 4< @ BA> B@ @ * C"6 8@ = > 9?@ BA?@ @ > :8@ ! ; ?2C:@ #@ 0CB A@ > B@AC= ?%@ ' A4<@ 4< @ < B466@ > @ stars of the 2016 season, ranking second P6> 5C77@ * 4BA@ B* C@ = C; ?@ * 4:< %@ > < A4:2B C:@ B> B? < @ ; < "= @ nationally in receiving yards per game (123.1) (? ; 5@ 2CC8@B?> = #@ 0"B @ 3 C6C; > 8C@ 4< @ 0?BB?; @ ,@ > :8@ A> < @ < C@ = "+ A@ BC@ .6> 5@ 7C; %@ and receiving touchdowns (15). He has at took a hit with a loss at Colorado on Saturday, but this has still been a least 100 receiving yards in seven of the past banner year in Pullman. The Cougars can accomplish two very important eight games. & ! % "!

$ + ' !& % % "! " & $ & $ ( ! ( ! &" NOTRE DAME AT USC ' A4<@ 2> = ?@ < C":8< @ 649?@ 4B@< AC"68@ 0?@ 4= . C; B> :B @ @ ":B 46@ 5C"@ ; ?> 64 ?@ BA> B@ 5. Mason Rudolph, QB, Oklahoma State BA?@ / > + )@ B4B6?@ 2> = ?%@ B@ < C":8< @ > ..? > 64:2@ ,@ 0"B @ 4B@ * C: B@ A> ..? :%@ "& $ % , ) & ) !% "( $ ( +$ '%

! Rudolph has been terrific during the Cowboys’ $ + "& * & + & &" ) '# & " % & " % ( ! ! seven-game winning streak, throwing only AUBURN AT ALABAMA however, for USC, which is holding out the slimmest of hopes for the two interceptions in 232 passing attempts. B@* C"6 8@ A> (? @ 0??:@ < C@ = "+ A@= C; ?@ 7":@ A> 8@ "0"; :@ :CB@ < .C46?8@ ?(? ; 5BA4: 2@ College Football Playoff. Some very, very weird things would have to For the season, he has thrown for 3,591 yards with 25 touchdowns and four interceptions. > :8@ 6C< B@> B@& ?C; 24> @ B* C@ * ??9< @ > 2C@ ,@ 8?. ; 4(4:2@ "< @ C7@> @ * 4:? ; )BC) B6> :B > @ happen for the committee to consider a three-loss team, but there is no 2> = ?@ 4:@ BA?@ ; C:@ DC* 6%@ D"B @ 8C: B@64< B?:@ BC@ BAC<?@ * AC@< "2 2?< B@BA4<@ 2> = ?@ 8?:54 :2@ BA> B@ 3 @ ,@ ; 42AB @ :C* @ ,@ 4< @ C: ?@ C7@BA?@ BC.@ < 4@ C; @ < ?(? :@ B?> = < @ 4< @ = ?> :4 : 26?< < %@ " ; ?#@ 6> 0> = > @ A> < @ > 6; ?> 85@ + 64:+ A?8@ BA?@ 3 @ ?< B@ > : 8@ 4:@ BA?@ :> B4C:%@ ' A?@ ' ; C > :< @ :? ?8@ BC@ B> 9?@ + > ; ?@ C7@BA?4; @ C* :@ 0"< 4:? < < @ 0?> B@ NUMBERS TO KNOW still would likely earn a spot in the College Football Playoff with a loss to "& $ ! & % " # $" & &

" "$ " & ) "' Auburn and a win over Florida), but the Alabama-Auburn game is never open a spot in the Pac-12 title game, giving USC an opportunity to record Tennessee has allowed a combined 64B5@* 4:%@ ) & "'& % ! . !& ! ! ' '$ ! ) ! &" & + &" ) ! & % > :CBA?; @"> 1,375 total yards in its last two


PRIME TIME PLAYERS Dalvin Cook is now the leading rusher in Florida State history after running for 225 yards and four touchdowns in the Seminoles’ 45–14 win over Syracuse. Cook, who has 4,166 yards in his two-plus seasons, moved past Warrick Dunn (3,959 yards in four seasons) with a 41-yard run in the first quarter. ‌ Rawleigh Williams III rushed for 205 yards and four scores to lead Arkansas to a 58–42 win at

Mississippi State. Williams leads the SEC with 109.9 yards rushing per game. ‌ Colorado rallied to beat Washington State 38–24 thanks in part to a banner day from Sefo Liufau. The senior quarterback threw for 345 yards and added 108 yards and three scores on the ground to lead the Buffs to their ninth win of the season. ‌ Joshua Dobbs enjoyed a productive day in his final game at Neyland Sta-

dium. The senior quarterback threw for 223 yards and three touchdowns and rushed for 190 yards and two TDs in the Vols’ 63–37 win over Missouri. ‌ It was a productive day on the ground for both teams in Oklahoma’s 56–28 win over West Virginia. Samaje Perine (160 yards) and Joe Mixon (147) led the way for the Sooners, while Justin Crawford rushed for 331 yards — the third-highest total in school his-

tory — for the Mountaineers. ‌ A few hours after ESPN’s College GameDay wrapped up its show in Kalamazoo, Western Michigan quarterback Zach Terrell threw for 445 yards and four touchdowns with no interceptions as the Broncos remained unbeaten with a 38–0 win over Buffalo. ‌ Boise State’s Jeremy McNichols rushed for 206 yards in the Broncos’ 42–25 win over UNLV.

STOCK REPORT Kansas topped Texas 24–21 in overtime for its first win over an FBS opponent in more than two calendar years. The Jayhawks, who trailed 21–10 early in the fourth quarter, tied the game on a Matthew Wyman 36-yard field goal with seven seconds remaining and secured the win with a 25-yarder by Wyman in OT.

NFL Picks From page 6

Buffalo. To make matters worse, A.J. Green is likely lost for the season with a hamstring injury as is shifty running back Giovanni Bernard with a torn ACL. The Ravens kept it close in Dallas but could not get the win. Expect the Baltimore defensive line to have their way with the Cincinnati offensive line. BAL 24 CIN 13 Arizona at Atlanta – The Cardinals are having a disappointing season – especially on offense. Carson Palmer took a beating in their loss at Minnesota. They must bounce back versus the Falcons or their once promising season may be over. Atlanta comes off their bye week primed to secure a division title. Matt

Louisville played its way out of College Football Playoff contention with a 36–10 loss at Houston on Thursday night. The Cardinals (9–2 overall, 7–1 ACC) managed a season-low 312 yards of offense and committed three turnovers. Quarterback Lamar Jackson threw for 211 yards but was held to 33 yards rushing on 25 attempts.

Ryan and Julio Jones have monster days. ATL 31 ARI 23 New York Giants at Cleveland – The Giants struggled a bit versus the Bears but then turned it on. They are within sight of the first place Cowboys, having won five in a row. They will face a winless Browns squad that put forth a miserable effort versus Pittsburgh – especially the offensive line. Josh McCown will be under center – pray for him. Eli Manning and Odell Beckham, Jr. propel the GMen to 8-3. NYG 31 CLE 20 Los Angeles at New Orleans – Jared Goff made his debut in a losing effort. He didn’t put up gaudy stats but showed glimpses – especially a quick release. The Saints look to bounce back from a tough Thursday night loss. Goff

Vanderbilt took another step toward bowl eligibility with an impressive 38–17 win over Ole Miss in Nashville. The Commodores, now 5–6 overall, are in strong position to earn the first bowl invitation of the Derek Mason era even if they lose in the finale to Tennessee thanks to a high APR score.

will makes strides but Drew Brees will be too much. NO 24 LA 17 San Francisco at Miami – The Niners have lost nine in a row. They have one of the worst run defenses in the league which isn’t good recipe facing a run-oriented Dolphins squad. Jay Ajayi will have a monster day keeping the Dolphins in the wild card hunt. MIA 27 SF 16 San Diego at Houston – The Chargers return from their bye week facing a must-win situation. They travel to Houston who will play on a short week (again NFL schedule makers). The Chargers have the capability to make a run for the playoffs. The Texans need a victory to maintain their lead in the AFC South. Expect a tight game with the Bolts pulling off the road upset. SD 31 HOU 27

Kliff Kingsbury’s job security is suddenly a hot topic after Texas Tech’s surprisingly lopsided 66–10 loss at Iowa State. The Red Raiders fell behind 45–3 at the half en route to their worst loss since a 66–6 defeat at home against Oklahoma State in 2011. Kingsbury is 12–23 in Big 12 games in three-plus seasons at his alma mater.

Seattle at Tampa Bay – Russell Wilson is looking like Russell Wilson – that is bad news for the rest of the NFC. Wilson caught a pass and scrambled making big plays in a big win over Philadelphia. The Buccaneers pulled off a big upset in Kansas City which keeps them in the wild card chase. Mike Evans vs. Richard Sherman is mustsee TV. In a tight contest, the Hawks get their fourth victory in a row. SEA 27 TB 23 Carolina at Oakland – The Panthers last played on Thursday – the Raiders on Monday, another scheduling glitch by the NFL. Carolina will be rested and ready. As of now, their only hope for a return to the playoffs is winning the NFC North – they are two games back. The 8-2 Raiders are flying high.


games — and won both, beating Kentucky 49–36 and Missouri 63–37. Rutgers has been shut out in four of its eight Big Ten games, including each of the last two — Michigan State (49–0) and Penn State (39–0).

East Carolina wide receiver Zay Jones the NCAA career record for 388 set receptions with his 388th career catch. Jones, who caught 12 passes in Saturday’s loss to Navy, broke the record previously held by another East Carolina wideout, Justin Hardy. Oklahoma State ran for 334 yards its 31–6 win at TCU, the Pokes’ 334 in best rushing performance in a Big 12 game since they recorded 342 against Iowa State in 2013. Pitt is averaging 40.1 points in nine games against Power 5 opponents, 40.1 good for seventh in the nation. Last year, the Panthers averaged 26.7 points against Power 5 foes. Photos: Athlon Sports

Derek Carr is playing very well. This will be a fun game. Cam Newton leads the Panthers to the upset victory. CAR 27 OAK 24 New England at New York Jets – The Patriots got back into the win column with an easy victory at San Francisco. They are facing a stiff test from the Raiders for home field advantage. With or without Gronk, they should have a relatively easy time with the Jets. New York sits at 3-7, yet inexplicably will stick with Ryan Fitzpatrick. Tom Brady has another big day. NE 31 NYJ 20 SNF: Kansas City at Denver – This will no doubt be a defensive tilt in a pivotal battle between old rivals. Both KC and Denver are 7-3, one game behind the Raiders. All was going well for Andy Reid and the Chiefs, then they

were stunned at home by Tampa Bay. The Broncos return from their bye week poised for the stretch run. In a slobber knocker, the Kansas City defense makes enough plays to pull off the upset. KC 20 DEN 17 MNF: Green Bay at Philadelphia – The Packers lost in bad fashion on Sunday night. Their defense is one of the league’s worst. Aaron Rodgers is playing well but will face a much more difficult challenge in Philadelphia. Carson Wentz has played like a rookie of late which is somewhat expected. However, the talent is obvious. Green Bay must win to have any shot at the playoffs, the Eagles are almost in the same boat. The Philly defense is the difference. PHI 27 GB 24

Finding those Woolly Bear Caterpillars in November 8 West Union People’s Defender


I am not sure who is more unhappy about the weather change, me or the Woolly Bear Caterpillars? As I worked in the barn the other day I kept finding Woolly Bear Caterpillars curled up in corners and under the work bench. I think I moved the same caterpillar several times. He kept crawling back to the same location as the day progressed. Evidently he thought he had found the perfect spot to hibernate for the winter. According to a Penn State Extension newsletter there are several species of Woolly Bear Caterpillars, so named for their fuzzy appearance and winter hibernating habits. They range in color from all black to all white, some with bands, but all with bristly hairs which serve as protection against predators such as birds. Although some caterpillars have stinging hairs which can be quite painful to the touch, woolly bears are safe to touch. When handled, woolly bears curl up into a tight fuzzy ball and “play dead”. The woolly bear of the dogbane tiger moth is light brown, the hickory tiger moth caterpillar has white and black hairs, the giant leopard moth’s woolly bear is all black with small red bands,

Calvin D. Black, Poca, WV, Speed 77/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $149 Chad Allen Anderson, Seaman, Burglary, Dismissed, Special Conditions: Dismissed without prejudice as this matter has been presented to the Grand Jury. Donald A. Free, Peebles, Fail/Check/Deer, Fine $350, Court Cost $70 John L. Moran, McDonald, PA, Spotlight, Fine $1,500.00, Court Cost $67 John L. Moran, McDonald, PA, Fail/Check/Deer, Fine $150, Court Cost $67 Dasia K. Leathers, Cincinnati, Speed 85/60, Fine $150, Court Cost $80 Dede M. Sitti, Indianapolis, IN, Speed 80/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Katie M. Pertuset, Seaman, Speed 72/55, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Angelina R. Stephens, Coalton, OH, Speed 73/60, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Sanda A. Mullin, Mason, Speed 81/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Nathaniel L. Davenport, Maysville, KY, Speed 70/55, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 Ernie D. Hillard, Winchester, FTY Right Way, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 Joey D. Yates, Manchester, Speed 70/55, Fine $22, Court Cost $80 Joshua Hall, Augusta KY, DUS, Fine $187 Deborah Greiner, Otway, Fail/Conf/Dog, Fine $25, Court Cost $70 Chad Allen Anderson, Seaman, Receive/Stolen/Prop., Dismissed, Special Conditions: Dismissed without prejudice as this matter has been presented to the Grand Jury. Christopher L. Hayslip, Manchester, Poss/Drugs, Dismissed, Special Conditions: Dismissed without prejudice as this matter has been presented to the Grand Jury. Andrew Spires, Manchester, Traffick/Drugs, Dismissed, Special Conditions: Dismissed without prejudice as this matter has been presented to the Grand Jury. Dayton T. Crawford, Portsmouth, DUS/Non Compl., Dismissed Zachary L. Beck, Warsaw, IN, Speed 78/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80

Sunday, November 27, 2016


The Board of Adams County Commissioners met in regular session on Nov. 14, 2016 in the Government Center, with the following members present: Brian Baldridge, Paul Worley, and Ty Pell. The meeting was opened with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance led by Paul Worley. It was moved by Paul Worley and seconded by Brian Baldridge to approve the minutes of the previous regular meeting. Roll call vote: all yeas Compare the size of a Woolly Bear Caterpillar with a The Commissioners penny. examined, approved and ordered the bills paid. The Board conducted a Folklore has long held while the spotted tiger that the wider the middle Directors’ meeting at 9:30 moth larva is an all-white a.m. to review the current brown band, the milder woolly bear. projects and status of each and shorter the coming But the best-known is winter will be. If the mid- department under the juristhe black and brown dle brown band is narrow, diction of the Adams banded woolly bear, the and the caterpillar is more County Board of larva of the Isabella tiger Commissioners. Those in black than brown, the moth. There are two genattendance were as folwinter will be severe, erations per year and this lows: Special Projects according to tradition. harmless caterpillar feeds Director Donnie Swayne, Actually, the band in summer on plants such JFS Director Sue Fulton, length has more to do as dandelions, asters, HR Director Diane Ward, with the caterpillar’s age clovers, maples, and and EMS Chief Matthew weeds. The second-gener- than the weather predicCarey. tion. As the caterpillar ation woolly bear hiberJFS Director Sue Fulton grows, it goes through nates over winter into the several different stages or met with the Board to disspring, it feeds some cuss personnel and general instars, molting between before making a cocoon, updates. each one. Each time it from which the adult Senior Citizens and molts, the reddish band moth emerges in early Veteran Services met with summer. The Isabella tiger becomes larger and the the Board to discuss the black bands at either end moth is a common, medibecome smaller. The older possible remodel of the um-sized moth with a Senior Citizens Building to it is, the browner it will stout body and yellowishgive additional space for be. orange to cream-colored If you happen to find a the Veteran Services. wings spotted with black. The banded woolly bear woolly bear you can gen- Those present for the meeting were: Mary Stout, tly pick him up and let it actually has 13 segments. go near some leaves so it Adams County Senior The bands at either end Citizens; Diane Dryden, can find shelter from the are black and the middle Adams County Senior coming winter storms. ones are reddish-brown. Citizens; Jacqueline Wilson, Adams County Senior Citizens; Mary Ellen Briggs, Adams Kristy A. Palmer, Linn Tammy Wikoff, West County Senior Citizens; Creek, MO, Speed 80/60, Union, Valid O.L., Fine Randalyn Worley, Adams Fine $100, Court Cost $80 $150, Court Cost $80 County Senior Citizens Jerry A. Strange, Penny L. Rigdon, Legal Counsel; Russell Morristown, TN, Traffic Manchester, DUS/Non Todd Jr., Veteran Services; Control, Fine $15, Court Compl., Fine $28, Special William Conn, Veterans Cost $80 Conditions: 2 yr probation, Stephen D. Livesay, Consec w/2112A Amelia, Speed 77/60, Fine Jason T. Friend, $100, Court Cost $80 Chillicothe, No OL, Fine BY PAMELA K. MATURA, Cara N. Roush, West $50, Court Cost $51, Special EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Union, Defective Muff., Conditions: Amended No AREA AGENCY ON AGING Fine $20, Court Cost $80, OL MM 4510.12A1 MM DISTRICT 7 Special Conditions: From DUS4510.16A Amended 4513.22 Defective Brittany Marie Christy, National Family muffler by Kenneth West Union, Speed 68/55, Caregiver Month is celeArmstrong Asst. P.A. from Fine $22, Court Cost $80 brated each year in 4511.43 Fail Stop Sign Sandra D. McNeilan, November. In what better Katelyn J. Stolzenbburg, Winchester, Speed 60/40, month could we express Lucasville, Speed 74/60, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 our gratitude for the 90 Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Cara N. Roush, West million family caregivers Davis C. Mendenhall, Union, Regist. Viol., Cincinnati, Speed/3rd 74/60, nationwide that provide Dismissed, Special countless hours of care to Fine $250, Court Cost $80 Conditions: Case dismissed their loved ones? Crissy S. Reeves, by Kenneth Armstrong Asst. The Area Agency on Wheelersburg, OH, Fail P.A. Aging District 7 (AAA7) Stop Sign, Fine $15, Court Herbert C. Wissman, would like to thank all Cost $80 Mesa, AZ, Speed 75/60, family caregivers for the Rachelle N. Gonzalez, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 selfless acts you do each Trenton, OH, Speed 74/60, Joshua Lee Williams, day. We encourage you Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Cincinnati, Speed 97/60, to James E. Juergensen, Fine $150, Court Cost $80, make caregiving for Cleveland, Speed 75/60, Special Conditions: 8 hrs yourself a priority as a Fine $42, Court Cost $80 community service in caregiver. Richard L. Schlueter, Adams Co In observation of the Peebles, Speed 75/60, Fine Jami E. Smith, Erlanger, month, below are “10 $42, Court Cost $80 KY, Speed 75/60, Fine Tips for Family Carol R. Hays, Morning $100, Court Cost $80 Caregivers” we wanted to View, KY, Speed 79/60, Andrew J. Nixon, share from the Caregiver Hillsboro, Speed 68/55, Fine Fine $100, Court Cost $80 Action Network Phillip B. Coorey, $22, Court Cost $80 (www.caregiveraction.org Cincinnati, Speed 72/60, David B. Taylor, ). Share these with a Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Manchester, Seat Belt/Dr, family caregiver who Jerome A. Prewitt, Fine $30, Court Cost $51 could benefit from the Cincinnati, Speed 75/60, Terry D. Pence, West information: Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Union, Speed 75/55, Fine 1) Seek support from Megan C. Niebuhr, $42, Court Cost $80 other caregivers. You are Cincinnati, Speed 82/60, Rodger L. Martin, not alone! Fine $150, Court Cost $80 Hillsboro, Tinted Windows, 2) Take care of your Benjamin T. Schultz, Fine $15, Court Cost $80 own health so that you Wheelersburg, OH, Speed Kristopher G. Decamp, 74/60, Fine $42, Court Cost can be strong enough to Chillicothe, Tinted take care of your loved $80 Windows, Fine $15, Court one. Cost $80 Adam R. Curtis, Mt Orab, Defective Muffler, Fine $20, Court Cost $80, Special Conditions: Amended to The Women's Health blood sugar screening and 4513.22 MM No points Awareness Day at the blood pressure screening. from Speed 75/60 Adams County Health An osteoporosis screenVanessa R. Mosley, ing will be provided by Hamilton, Speed 71/60, Fine Department will be on Saturday, Dec. 3 from 9 the Adams County $42, Court Cost $80 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Health Regional Medical Center. Shawn D. Eldridge, There will be other counLoveland, Speed 75/60, Fine Department is located at 923 Sunrise Avenue in ty agencies and vendors $42, Court Cost $80 West Union. in attendance. The mornRuth K. Riesbeck, Several types of screen- ing will be devoted to Athens, Speed 75/60, Fine ings will be offered that maintaining a woman's $42, Court Cost $80 morning that will include good health. Luke R. Woodall, West a free fasting cholesterol Another very important Union, Fail Control, Fine lab test to the first 10 screening being offered is $15, Court Cost $80 women seen, fasting having a screening mamBrooklyn S. McCarty, West Union, Speed 72/55, Fine $42, Court Cost $80 Robert W. Utterback, Winchester, Fail Control, Dismissed Vishrut P. Patel, Atlanta, GA, Speed 79/60, Fine $100, Court Cost $80

Criminal Traffic Disposition Report Nov. 15, 2016

Commissioners meet on Nov. 14, discuss remodel of Senior Citizens Building


Services, and Dana N. Whalen, Veteran Services Legal Counsel. Economic and Community Development Director Holly Johnson met with the Board to introduce the new Plant Manager for the Peebles GE Site, Brian Lepa. Dane Clark of GE was also present for the meeting. It was moved by Ty Pell and seconded by Brian Baldridge to approve the grant agreement between Adams County Commissioners and Ohio Development Services Agency, for the State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Community Development Program, in the amount of $404,000, upon the recommendation of ECD Director Holly Johnson. Roll call vote: all yeas. It was moved by Brian Baldridge and seconded by Paul Worley to approve the payment of the Animal Claim reported on Oct. 26, 2016 by Lisa Johnson, for five rabbits totaling $35. Roll call vote: all yeas. Lisa Newman met with the Board for the Quarterly Investment Advisory Board meeting at 11:30 a.m. Ms. Newman reviewed the minutes from the last meeting held on Aug. 8, 2016 and the investment actives for the past quarter.

It was moved by Brian Baldridge and seconded by Paul Worley to enter into Executive Session at 1:13 p.m. to discuss legal proceedings O.R.C.121.22 (G)(7) with Assistant Prosecutor Dana N. Whalen. Roll call vote: all yeas. Chairman Baldridge reconvened session at 1:30 p.m. Engineer David Hook and HR Director Mike Hughes met with the Board to discuss the 2017 County Insurance Renewal. It was moved by Ty Pell and seconded by Paul Worley to approve the 2017 SuperMed Share Plan Quote as submitted by Medical Mutual for employee health insurance, effective Jan. 1, 2017. Roll call vote: Baldridge, absent; Worley, yea; Pell, yea. It was moved by Paul Worley and seconded by Ty Pell to adjourn. The Board held a work session on Nov. 16, 2016 at 9 a.m. in the Government Center. The Board met with Prosecutor David Kelley and Assistant Prosecutor Dana N. Whalen to discuss legal proceedings. For more information on County Government, visit adamscountyoh.com or call the Board of Commissioners at (937) 544-3286.

3) Accept offers of help and suggest specific things people can do to help you. 4) Learn how to communicate effectively with doctors. 5) Caregiving is hard work, so take respite breaks often. 6) Watch out for signs of depression and don’t delay getting professional help when you need it. 7) Be open to new technologies that can help you care for your loved one. 8) Organize medical information so that it’s up to date and easy to find. 9) Make sure legal documents are in order. 10) Give yourself credit for doing the best you can! The Caregiver Support Program at the AAA7 is

designed to assist caregivers with finding answers about how their caregiving role impacts their life and where to find resources and services to decrease caregiver stress. Caregivers may be caring for an older adult, their adult child with a disability, or the caregiver may be a grandparent caring for their grandchildren or non-relative child. Services include assessments, training, information and assistance, supplemental services, respite, as well as answers and counseling. For more information about the Caregiver Support Program through the Area Agency on Aging District 7, please call 1-800-582-7277.

mogram. The St. Elizabeth Mammogram Van will be in the Health Department's back parking lot offering screening mammograms. Women ages 35 to 40 need a baseline screening mammogram and women over the age of 40 need an annual screening mammogram. The mammogram is covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most insur-

ance companies. Financial Assistance will be available to those that qualify. Please contact (859) 655-7400 to schedule your mammogram. Please come and tour the Adams County Health Department and be involved in taking care of your health. Please contact the Health Department at (937) 5445547 for any questions you may have.

Caregiver Month observed in November

Women’s Health Awareness Day is Dec. 3

Visit us online at peoplesdefender.com


West Union People’s Defender

adams county



Adams County Manor is looking to fill positions for Full Time and PRN CNA/STNAʼS on all shifts. We have immediate availability for PRN staff on every shift and we currently have 2 Full Time positions open on Night Shift. Our STNAʼs are on a 12 hour shift schedule which affords more time off during the week and flexibility. Third shift offers additional benefits including shift differential pay rates. We have competitive compensation and benefit packages including attendance bonuses, loyalty pay raises, vacation and personal days and a full range of health, life, dental, vision, and disability insurances to choose from. Adams County Manor is one of the highest ranked Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation facilities in Ohio and is a great place to work. STNAʼs must have completed all appropriate courses and have a valid license for the State of Ohio. Please submit resumes and applications in person at: Adams County Manor and ask for Mary Mellenkamp, Health Services Supervisor. There is the possibility of interviews on the spot if you apply in this manner. You can also apply online at www.hg-nh.com. The application is under the “Careers” tab at the top of the webpage.





( after 400 hours worked ) Employee health insurance plan paid by the company, Vacation pay , Birthday pay, Aflac APPLY AT 146 NORTH 3RD STREET WILLIAMSBURG OHIO 45176 M-F 9 AM - 5 PM


DRIVERS WANTED Tanker Endorsement Needed Earn up to $300 a day 2 Years Experience Class A CDL Local Hauling $500 Sign-on Bonus (See details at TCB office) Call TCB Trucking 513-309-7559 513-625-8183

A Family Business for Over 35 Years ************ CDL-A Driver $1,000 sign on Bonus 2 years experience Percentage Pay Health Insurance Vacation + Holiday Regional Position 513-724-7140 NOW HIRING Aetna is Hiring, Full time 3rd shift Janitorial in Peebles, Apply on line: www.aetnais.com or call (304)344-4041

WE HAVE JOBS!!!! Landscape, General Labor Window Mfg., Construction Painters, Material Handlers Shipping, Warehouse Inspectors, Packers, Electrician, machine Operators/maintenance, Welders, Construction. Call 513842-8000 today for an immediate interview! or apply online at www.express pros.com Select the Cincinnati East office. EXPRESS EMPLOYMENT PROFESSIONALS

FeeCorp Industrial Services

Are looking to hire for all positions at this time. If you have any questions please give us a call at 937-549-2566 or stop in our office at 400 West 2nd Street Manchester, Ohio 45144 Our hours are Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm


Regional. Home Weekly/Bi-Weekly Guaranteed. Paid Loaded & Empty/Rider Program. No-Touch, Benefits & Monthly Bonuses. 877-758-3905

ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR NEEDED Have fun at work! Schedule outings, attend community happenings, develop and implement onsite projects, & work with others! We are a non-profit social service company in need of creative & highly motivated team members! This position requires flexible hours. We also have a part time, second shift job site coordinator position open. Applicants must have GED/ Diploma, clean driving record, able to pass DOT physical and drug screen, & have a clean background check. Contact us at 937-378-2786 Ext. 3 for more information! APTS UNFURNISHED

FOR RENT Apartment For Rent in Manchester, water & sewage included (513)404-5438

Sunday, November 27, 2016 9


Morris Nursing Home is a 5 Star Rated Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation facility located in Bethel, OH. We are seeking to fill Full Time, Part Time and PRN positions as State Tested Nurse Aide (CNA) immediately! Applicants must be on the State of Ohio Registry and have a current license. Prior experience in Long Term Care settings is preferred. A passionate and caring attitude for the elderly is a must. Our resident’s always come first, so a personality and demeanor to work in a Long Term Care environment is essential. Please email your Professional Resumes to: Brendan.houser@hg-nh.com, Administrator. You can also apply online at:


or you can apply in person at:

322 S. Charity St, Bethel, OH 45106.

We offer competitive pay and benefits, PRN additional pay, years of service raises and attendance bonuses, good employee perks and incentives and an excellent work environment where every employee is cared about and will be set up to succeed.

NOW HIRING! SENIOR HOMECARE UNLIMITED, LLC., a rapidly growing company in Mt. Orab, Ohio is seeking

CNA's, STNA's & HHA's IN ADAMS, BROWN AND HIGHLAND COUNTIES. If you enjoy working with the elderly and a flexible schedule please contact us at



BATAVIA - 2 & 3 bedroom apartments available with open wait list. Accepting applications M-F, 9am-4pm. Apartments are income based. 513-732-3804 APT FOR RENT Small 2 BDR Apt at 448 Hickory St, WU. Must have references, No Pets $425 per month, +deposit, includes water, sewage, yard care, all appliances, washer/dryer (937)205-5200

Now Accepting Applications Island View Apartments at 302 Cemetery St., Manchester. We offer 1 & 2 bedroom apartments for family, elderly, handicap, or disabled residents. Rent based on 30% of adjusted income. Contact Kay Chandler 937-549-1324 or Richards Management at 888-576-6468 for details. TTD/TTY 800-750-0750. This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer & equal housing opportunity.


FOR RENT Accepting Applications for a mobile home for rent, 2 BDR, 1 Bath on 4th Street in Peebles, $450 per month + deposit, Water, trash, sewage paid, Please call (740)947-1947


FOR RENT 2 BDR Mobile Home, 102 Diamond Street, Peebles, Require 2 Ref., $425 Deposit, $425 Rent includes water, (937)779-7796 HOUSES FOR RENT

NEWLY REMODELED 3BDR, 1BA home in Manchester area, Big back yard, new appliances, washer, dryer hook up, $575 month + deposit + water deposit, No Hud, No animals, available Dec. 1st, Call for more information: (937)779-7387 HOUSES FOR SALE

HOUSE FOR SALE ON LAND contract or rent in West Union, 2BR, $400 month plus deposit, pets extra, (937)725-3554

HOUSE FOR SALE Framed built home with 2 acres, built in 2005, 3BR, 2BA, w/ attached 24X24 garage, detached 24X32 pole barn w/concrete floor, 220 electric, heat pump, above ground 24 ft pool, completely remodeled in 2015, 72 Codi Lane, West Union, Call (937) 779-0883, Asking: $149,999 LOTS & ACREAGE

20 PRIME ACRES. 1800’ frontage all tillable Scott Township 937-444-7048

Sun Publishing Group, a family-owned community media company based in Batavia, Ohio, with newspapers, websites, magazines and specialty publications is looking for a talented design and pagination artist to help take our company to the next level in community marketing/layout. We are a young company with a long history of community newspapers and websites looking to expand our presence in web and graphic design to fit the needs of a changing social environment. If you have a natural eye for design and layout with the knowledge of QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign this could be a perfect fit for you. There is also a need to understand and use an ad tracking software to place the ads in each publication. This position would be working with existing staff on designing newspaper ads, layouts of newspapers and design websites for four different newspapers. The successful candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree with emphasis in Graphics design and/or three years experience newspaper or print design. The position has a Monday-Friday work schedule.

Send your resume to Scott.t.champion@gmail.com


for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments at:

Markley Square Apartments located at 610 MARKLEY AVE. GEORGETOWN, OH 45121 or call for details at


Stove, refrigerator, and on site laundry. RENT BASED ON INCOME TDD #419-526-0466

“This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”


BABYSITTER Amish Woman wanting to babysit in her home Call (812)631-8215


FOR RENT Furnished room for one in West Union (937)470-7821 FIREWOOD

FOR SALE SEASONED FIREWOOD & OUTSIDE FURNACE WOOD All year round. Local. I would like to haul 14’ dump loads. Scott Malott 937-213-3193 Firewood For Sale Please Call: (937)203-5763

FIREWOOD FOR SALE Call Michael Wikoff, 9372058038 Wood Vouchers are excepted

FIREWOOD FOR SALE, split, stacked & delivered. $65 a rick. Call 937-217-4534. PETS & SUPPLIES RAT TERRIER PUPPIES FOR SALE Registered, one male & three female, Ready for Christmas, $350. each, Call (937)892-9306 HAY & GRAIN

MIXED HAY FOR SALE - 5x5 round bales $30. also square bales $4. 937-6181410 HAY FOR SALE 70 Round Bales, $25 A Bale (937) 798-9463

HAY FOR SALE 4X5 Round bales mixed grass hay, stored inside, second cutting square bales, Delivery available, Call (937)217-1095, leave msg


HAY FOR SALE $25. per roll, Good quality 4X5 ft bales, will discount to volume buyers. Hauling available! (937)544-7133

Joshua Manor Apartments

91 Simmons Avenue Peebles, Ohio 45660 Applications for low-income housing will be accepted for Joshua Manor Apartments at 91 Simmons Avenue, Peebles, Ohio on Wednesdays between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

To qualify you must be 55 years of age or older. Persons requiring a unit designated for persons with a mobility impairment are not required to be 55 years or older to apply.

For more information contact Patricia Montgomery at 1-800-553-7393 ext. 257. “This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”


for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments at:

Georgetown 1 Apartments: 401 Marshall Ave. Georgetown, OH 45121 APPLY AT: 610 MARKLEY AVE. GEORGETOWN, OH 45121 or call for details at:


Stove, refrigerator, and on site laundry. Possibility of rental assistance. "Metro Accepted" TDD #419-526-0466 “This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”

HAY FOR SALE Pure Timothy, Pure Orchard Grass, Pure Alfalfa, Alfalfa/Orchard Grass Mix, Mixed Grass. Large Round Bales (4X5 net wrapped) & small square bales available. Crawford Farms 937779-7560 HAY FOR SALE Mixed hay, 4 X 4 rolls, $15 per bale, 4 X 5 net wrapped, $25 per bale, (937)544-3216 leave msg


FOR SALE Butcher Beef Buy half of half, half or whole. Bookings & delivery available December & January. Call Hattan Farms 937-780-6401. 3 PT BUZZ SAW w/gear box-$75. Located outside of Seaman. For more information call 937-217-4093


TOTAL GYM XLS, condition LIKE NEW (some items never used). The TG XLS sells for $800. This TG XLS is beautiful, comes “loaded” with accessories (call for list of “extras”). Spend only $500 now to make someone’s CHRISTMAS a wonderful surprise & make 2017 a much healthier NEW YEAR!!! Call 937217-4269 for any questions. FOR SALE Butcher Hogs Delivery & bookings available. Call Hattan Farms 937-780-6401.

MISC. FOR SALE HAY, STRAW & FIREWOOD FOR SALE Square bales of hay & straw & season firewood, Delivery available Call (937)217-4218 386-2507 YARD/GARAGE SALE

GIANT BARN SALE DEC. 15-17 (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.) LOCATED AT: 5426 ST. RT. 134 Rain or Shine 1 1/2 MILE FROM DODSONVILLE TOWARD BUFORD ON 134 Call Wendy at 937-444-1885 Cincinnati Reds items, sports pennants, Budweiser tins, Miller items, classic car items, Beatles items, sports cards, lamps, Hummels, dolls, Partylite, jewelry, DVDs, Danbury Mint lighthouses, tools, Pepsi items, records, stereo, Christmas items, Easter items, old hand saws, Fenton, Bluegrass items, Life magazines, books, Vintage clothing, china, Boyd glass, 1950’s tables, old license plates & much more!!!!!


ARMINTA’S CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE 1548 Starling Rd (4 miles East of Bethel, OH) FriSat only. Nov 25 & 26, Dec. 2 & 3rd, and Dec 9th and 10th. and Dec 16th &17th. 9 am to ? Wreath’s, snowmen, center pieces, gifts, candles, window wall hangers, primitive in and outdoor furniture, handmade baskets, jewelry, quilts, throws, flags, much much more. Something for everyone. Come bring a friend, and feel the Christmas spirit with us! Merry Christmas one and all.


NO TRESPASSING Leroy/Norma Logan, All landLiberty/Wayne & Liberty Townships, No hunting, fishing or trespassing


10 West Union People’s Defender

Sunday, November 27, 2016


PUBLIC AUCTION Location: 180 Flaugher Hill Road, Aberdeen, OH 45101, U.S. 52 East of Wm. Harsha Bridge. Signs Posted. CAR, BLACKSMITH TOOLS, OLD TOOLS & MISC. Ant. souvenir post card album, ant. scrap book mostly Aberdeen, lg. Atlas of Brown Co., 2 Harper’s Pictorial History Civil War book, History of Brown Co. Ohio 1883, post cards, crocks, lg. steel rendering kettle, sausage press, steelyards, Bavaria, Germany Pasco China full set of 12 place setting w/matching accessories, Fostoria goblets, Green & Cream Granite pcs., ant. sewing chair, 1998 Cadillac Catera, Old wagon, Charlies neon sign, Old pictures, Jewelry boxes and jewelry, Christmas items, Zima signs and other signs, Brown County books, Couch and Love seat, Cast-iron, Brown wood stove, Bengals sign, Small Elvis collection, Hillsboro bells, Many items not listed.

Lunch Available


" #

Not responsible for accidents

SALE CONDUCTED BY Wm. J. Holton 513-218-4100 Jesse Mckenzie 513-218-2541 Associate of Gustin Realty


% & ' () * . (/



+, 0

www.auctionzip.com #8276

R9 – MLS# 1506206 – 3 bedroom 1 bath home that has replacement windows and a forced air furnace, level yard and quiet street. Asking $27,500.

R6 - MLS# 1513596 - 2 bedroom home on a full basement. Hard wood or carpeted floors. Forced air natural gas heat and central air. Ready to move in with most of the home recently remodeled. Asking $69,900.

R7 - MLS# 1514407 - 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with several new or recent updates. Laminate flooring throughout. Furnace, Elec heat pump 2 years old, newer hot water hearter, back porch also newer. Kitchen features wood cabinetry, built in dishwasher. Large (40x12) storage unit. Under house cellar for those stormy nights! Immaculate home. Carport and concrete driveway. Large back yard. $72,900.

H4 – MLS# 1515857 – NEW LISTING - PICTURES QUE SETTING with rock bottom creek and wood land views! This 3 BR, 2 Bath home features large great room with fireplace, eat-in kitchen with appliances, enclosed front and rear porches. Also, detached 2 car garage, shelter house shop building, and county water. Watch and enjoy the birds, deer, and wildlife from your own backyard. Everything you need for peaceful country living and priced to make one family happy @ the price of $89,900.

R12 – MLS# 1501267 – Singlewide mobile home. Rents for $400. To be surveyed off parcel. Water and sewer to e separated. Owner will consider financing the down payment. Asking $15000.

H11 - MLS# 1510687 - 5 plus acres partially wooded, country setting, chain linked fenced in front yard with various out buildings and mobile home. ASking $25,000.

H14 – MLS# 1502562 - OWN YOUR OWN PONDEROS on this 10 ac. mini-farm with additional acreage available! There’s room on this range to keep your horses, cattle, goats, llamas, or whatever you want to raise, including kids! The 42x36 barn w/lean to be complete with horse stalls and workshop. This beautiful 5 bdrm., 3 bath home is sure to please with over 2,600 sq. ft., adjoining mother-inlaw suite, gleaming hardwood floors, partial walk-out basement, attached garage and carport. Too many extras to mention, 12’ stocked pond, orchard, grape vineyard...the list goes on and on. Put your brand on this spread for the asking price of $239,000. Definitely not a drive-by!

H18 – MLS# 1516359 - NEW LISTING - 19.6 acres of wooded and open land with 2,000 + square foot ranch home. 5 bedrooms, 2 full baths, newer roof, newer furnace & central air. Home is setup for wood or gas living room heat (brick hearth in living room. Acreage is mostly hard woods. 2 car detached garage. Asking $139,900.

H19 – MLS# 1517101 – Remodeled with Character is what you will see with

R16 – MLS# 1451253 - 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE to qualified buyers Stately home on corner lot. This home has hard wood floors throughout. Old style with character. New roof and gutters w/downspouts, new fixtures in bath. Two story on full basement, brick and vinyl, hard wood floors, fireplace, has character on a corner lot. Public water and sewage. NOW $92,500. Was asking $97,500.

this farm house. 10 ft ceilings, hard wood floors, 3 baths, 3 bedrooms, wrap around porch, custom wood cabinets, detached shop building. Geothermal heat, new siding and new roof. This is a must see. Asking $187,500. H25 - MLS# 1471998 - PRICE REDUCED!! - Nice 2 story home on 2 country acres with large barn and 2 car detached/shop! Convenient country location!!! Was $119,900. Now $114,900

F1 – MLS# 1506477 – Home sits off road on 51.65 acres with pond, additional detached poured basement, 3 separate water and electric hook ups, and 3 septic tanks. Nice country setting, set up well for families and hunting. House is fair condition, remodeling unfinished. Asking $139,900.

V9 - MLS# 1492646 - Residential lot with underground utilities. Electric, water, & sewage available at the street. Never subdivision with easy access to 32. Asking $11,900 V10 - MLS# 1492643 - Resiential lot with underground utilities. Electric, water, & sewage available at the stret.

R19 – MLS# 1507636 – Great investment Opportunity! 6 Mobile Homes for sale on 2 parcels with extra space for additional unit. Currently bringing in $2400 of gross monthly rental income. All units are currently being rented. Each mobile home has 2-3 BR and 1 BA. Located conveniently in town. Asking $115,000.

Newer subdivision with easy access to 32. Asking $12,900.

V11 - MLS# 1492645 - Resiential lot with underground utilities. Electric, water, & sewage available at the stret. Newer subdivision with easy access to 32. Asking $12,900. V12 - MLS# 1492652 - Resiential corner lot with underground utilities. Electric, water, & sewage available at the stret. Newer subdivision with easy access to 32. Asking $14,900. V13 - MLS# 1492639Resiential lot with underground utilities. Electric, water, & sewage available at the stret. Newer subdivision with easy access to 32. Asking $14,900. V15 - MLS# 1443208 - 2 acres of vacant property with 6 water and sewage taps. Great investment opportunity. Convenient to town. Asking $99,500.

C1 - MLS# 1500036 - Cash producing duplex at an affordable price! Solid home with two bedroom units is a great value $30,000.

Residential & Commercial s Driveways s Parking Lots s Seal Coating

s Patch Work Work s Potholes Potholes s Line Striping

Sunday, November 27, 2016 11



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In November

Stay informed! Read The People’s Defender.

Across 1 Is inquisitive 5 Gymnast's feat 9 ___ Kea 14 Locks in a barn? 15 Ms. McEntire 16 "Otherwise..." 17 Passed, as storm clouds 19 Gnatlike insect 20 Depressed 21 Send forth 22 Bring on 23 Einstein, e.g. 25 Central Swiss city 28 Back in 29 Monroe's successor 31 Bright light 32 Antiquated 34 Delight 35 Statement about truth by Pliny the Elder 38 "Garfield" dog 39 Convenience 40 Vet 41 Bat an eye? 42 Hot blood 46 Melancholy 48 Everett of "Citizen Kane" 49 Hop, skip or jump 50 Rigatoni relative 52 Circus lifesaver 53 Spooks 55 Motel sign 57 To be specific 58 Kind of column 59 Afternoon show 60 Coolidge's veep 61 Go well together 62 Legal heading











14 17











22 25 29
















47 49





















Down 1 Spy novelist Eric 2 Strauss opera 3 Be positive 4 Use a Singer 5 "Ethan ___" 6 ___ Strauss jeans 7 "Yeah, sure" 8 Hole goal 9 Makes like 10 Burning 11 Submarine 12 Holiday quaff 13 Gulped down 18 Orange oil

22 24 25 26 27 29 30 33 34 35 36 37

40038375 40827956

Midwest Asphalt



West Union People’s Defender

Arm bones Stand Keen Convent group Pull the plug on Minute Scuba user Forensic facility Foam prefix Favorite Good panorama Emphatic, in a way 38 "To Spring," e.g. 41 Breakthroughs 43 Yogurt brand

44 Like many garages 45 Key in again 47 Ninnies 48 Hiding place 50 Court defense 51 Currier's partner 53 "Ice Age" sloth 54 Handheld 55 Nancy, in Nancy 56 "Do ___ say"

Adams County Common Pleas Court Report 12 West Union People’s Defender

Nov. 10, 2016

Criminal Cases

State of Ohio vs Dominique Singletary, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Counsel for defendant advised court defendant wishes to enter change of plea. Trial vacated. Matter set for change of plea on 11/8/16 at 12:30 p.m. and sentencing on 12/15/16 at 3 p.m.) State of Ohio vs Jerren Perdue, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. (Trial is vacated. Plea hearing will be 11/22/16 at 11:30 a.m. and sentencing will be 12/29/16 at 1 p.m.) State of Ohio vs Courtney Grooms, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry Filed. Defendant desires to change plea matter set for 11/10/16 at 12:15 p.m., sentencing set for 12/28/16 at 9:30 a.m. State of Ohio vs Vernon J. Yoder, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry on arraignment filed. (Bond set at $50,000 CA/SUR, plus attached conditions, $25 bond surcharge, IDSF of $60 due within 60 days, $25 public defender fee if applicable.) State of Ohio vs Vernon J. Yoder, Judgment Entry: Entry Filed. (Motion of defendant and for good cause shown, defendants bond is modified to be allowed to reside at Adams County Homeless Shelter, 11483 St. Rte. 41, West Union, Ohio 45693.) State of Ohio vs John Perez, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry on arraignment filed. (Bond set at $25,000.00, CA/SU/10%, plus attached conditions, $25 bond surcharge, IDSF surcharge, IDSF OF $60 due within 60 DAYS, $25 Public defender fee if applicable.

Petition for dissolution Kristina Grooms, Peebles vs Vernon Grooms, West Union, Action: Divorce without children Benjamin Cox, West Union vs Emmalee Cox, West Union, Dissolution with children Deborah Shoemaker Johnson vs Charles T. Shoemaker, Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s Order Filed. Obligor shall appear for hearing on 11/22/16 at 9:30 a.m. Capias for arrest shall issue if defendant fails to appear. Timothy M. Staten vs Amy L. Staten, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and judgment entry filed. (It is ordered that the arrearage payment in this case is terminated and this case is closed.) Heather Alexander vs Robert Alexander, Judgment Entry: Notice of hearing and order to appear filed. (Hearing on failure to pay support set for 11/29/16 at 9:30 a.m. Lisa Schoonover vs Brendon Schoonover, Judgment Entry: Notice of hearing and order to appear filed. Hearing set for 11/29/16 at 2:15 p.m. Olivia L. Dunn vs Franke T. Dunn Jr., Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry Filed. (It is ordered that the motion filed 12/12/16 is dismissed without prejudice.) Amanda D. Fuller vs Jeremy J. Fuller, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and Judgment Entry Filed. (The court reserves finding on contempt issues and resets this matter for 12/1/16 at 2:15 p.m.) Misteen Donders vs Joseph Donders, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and Judgment Entry Filed. (Court dismissed contempt motion

on 1/3/17 at 8:30 a.m. Kimberly Floyd vs Michael J. Floyd, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry Filed. (It is ordered that the arrearage payment order and income withholding order in the case are terminated immediately.) State Of Florida, Volusia Co vs Samuel D. Evans, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and Judgment Entry Filed. (The capias of record is recalled since he appear for court. The court continues to suspend the jail sentence. Next hearing will be 12/19/16 at 9:30 a.m.) Melissa D. Harris vs Robert Lee Harris, Judgment Entry: Notice of hearing and order to appear filed. (Hearing on failure to pay support set for 11/29/16 at 12:15 p.m. Kristyn Maxfield vs Frank Maxfield, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry Filed. (It is ordered that the child support order is terminated as of 9/7/16. All arrearages are preserved.) Brooke Shivener vs Jared M. Shivener, Judgment Entry:Notice of hearing and order to appear filed. (Hearing on failure to pay support set for 12/15/16 at 9:30 a.m.) Stephanie Davis-Steward vs Michael Steward, Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s Order Filed. (Court reserves findings in contempt, resets matter for 12/1/16 at 2:15 p.m.) Robert T. Elkins vs Lori R. Elkins, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and Judgment Entry Filed. (Next hearing will be 12/1/16 at 1:15 p.m.) Ericka Francis vs Timothy E. Francis, Judgment Entry:

is items being placed into the drop-off bins that cannot be recycled at our local facility. Lawhorn will work closely with our organization and in the community to better educate the public in what items are acceptable to go into the bins in your community. The role of Recycling Specialist has many other aspects that our newest hire is ready to tackle head on. This position consists of managing curbside recycling information in Brown County, a service offered to residents that live within the

village limits. It also includes providing educational programs and presentations to the residents of Adams and Brown counties, through presentations in schools and organizations, as well as tours of the facility. If you are interested in scheduling a free tour of the facility or hosting a presentation, please contact Whitney Lawhorn at (937) 378-3431 extension 104, or email her at wlawhorn@abcap.net. Adams Brown Recycling is a division of ABCAP.

Adams-Brown Recycling announces new hire PRESS RELEASE

Adams-Brown Recycling is pleased to announce their newest hire, Whitney Lawhorn. Lawhorn has started work as our new Recycling Specialist and is a native of Seaman. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations with a minor in Political Science from Shawnee State University and is particularly interested in community organizing. “I like to solve issues and create solutions for problems, while using resources that I have at my disposal especially those in my own community,� said Lawhorn. “I feel as though when we reach out into our community it creates a stronger relationship that aide in improving the quality of community involvement.� One issue that AdamsBrown Recycling is facing

Sunday, November 27, 2016


vs John William Spratt III,Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s Order Filed. Obligor shall appear for hearing on 11/22/16 at 8:30 a.m. Capias for arrest shall issue if defendant fails to appear. Chad Sutterfield vs April Sutterfield, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry Filed. (It is ordered that the administrative order for child support and medical support dated 9/28/16 is approved and adopted by this court.) Bethany Marie Rogers vs Christopher Shad Rogers, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Temporary Order Filed. (This matter is set for a full hearing on 12/16/16 at 11 a.m.) Michael B. Richards vs Jessica F. Richards, Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s Order Filed. Obligor shall appear for hearing on 11/22/16 at 9:30 a.m. Capias for arrest shall issue if defendant fails to appear. Nikki Jo Benedict vs Kory Tyler Benedict, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order Filed. (Hearing in this matter will be 1/10/17 at 8:30 a.m. and will end no later than 4 p.m.) Cristy Parker vs Jason Parker, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and Judgment Entry Filed. (Obligor did not appear for hearing. It is ordered that a capias be issued.) Hillary Adkins Phillips vs Daniel A. Phillips, Judgment Entry: Notice of hearing and order to appear filed. (Hearing on failure to pay support set for 11/29/16 12:15 p.m. Julene Nesbitt vs Junior Nesbitt, Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s Decision and Judgment Entry on contempt filed. Magistrates finds that the plaintiff must be treated as an employee of the business related to the insurance part premium since to do otherwise allows the defendant to take money for the plaintiff with no increase in her salary Kayla Nicole Bell vs David M. Lowe, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry Filed. (It is ordered that the Administrative order dates 9/21/16 is approved and adopted by this court) Chasity Crothers vs Michael Crothers, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and Judgment Entry Filed. (Obligor was excused from this hearing. Next hearing will be 12/1/16 at

9:30 a.m.) Elisa M. Hall vs Joshua R. Hall, Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s Order Filed. Defendant’s motion is hereby set for 12/7/16 at 10 a.m. Jessica Shaffer vs Zachery Shaffer, Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s decision and judgment entry filed. Zachery Shaffer has completed parenting seminar; parenting schedule approved 12/2/16 at 11:30 a.m. Jessica Shaffer vs Zachery Shaffer, Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s Order Filed. Due to no service of the responded matter can not go forward; petitioner is ordered on or before 11/18/16; matter set for 12/2/16 at 11:30 a.m. Gregory Geeslin vs Tosca Geeslin, Judgment Entry: Entry filed. (Parties will meet and transfer personal property on 11/12/16 at 8 a.m. A Sheriffs Deputy is to be present. If the transfer does not happen this day, A hearing will be 11/23/16 at 8:15 a.m. to argue contempt sanctions.) Sandra Taylor vs George Taylor Jr, Judgment Entry: Magistrates decision on divorce filed. (Decree of divorce hereby granted to plaintiff.) Sandra Taylor vs George Taylor Jr, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry on decree of divorce filed. (Decree of divorce hereby granted to plaintiff.) Suzie Marie Boggs vs Michael Boggs, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order Filed. (This court has found the obligor in contempt as a first offender and suspends the jail sentence. Next hearing will be 1/5/17 at 12:15 p.m.) Opal Cox vs John Cox, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry filed. (Child support established in this matter.) Rachel E. Howard vs Robert A. (Tony)Howard, Judgment Entry: Nunc Pro Tunc Magistrate’s temporary orders filed. (Matter heard on 8/22/16 on Plaintiffs complaint for divorce. (Matter heard on 8/22/16 on Plaintiffs complaint for divorce. Final hearing set for 11/28/16 at 11 a.m.) Jennifer A. McCullah vs Jordan M. Applegate, Judgment Entry: Magistrate’s Decision Nunc Pro Tunc Filed. Deviation from child support agreement. Jennifer A. Mccullah vs Jordan M. Applegate, Judgment Entry: Judgment


ongoing event for over a decade now. The meal was prepared by the Dietary Department and served by the Administrative staff. “It is a great opportunity to provide Thanksgiving for our residents and their loved ones when they are no longer able to reside in the community,� said Cherish Rothwell. You may contact Justin McGowan at (937) 5445531 for more information about Eagle Creek Health and Rehabilitation’s upcoming events.

Eagle Creek draws community to Thanksgiving celebration

Shooting Range at Tranquility closed indefinitely State of Ohio vs Daniel Harmon, Judgment Entry: Journal Entry on arraignment filed. (Bond set at $750,000 CA/SU/10%, ODNR PRESSconditions, RELEASE plus attached $25 bond surcharge, IDSF the rifle/pistol of Access $60 duetowithin 60 days, range located at the fee if $25 Public Defender Tranquility applicable.)Wildlife Area will remain closed State of Ohio vs indefiDaniel nitely according to the Ohio Harmon, Judgment Entry: Department of order Natural Journal Entry Resources counsel (ODNR).filed. assigning Continual drainage (Sarah Shelton appointed issues and backstop erosion as counsel.) have the range a safeStatemade of Ohio vs Charles ty concern. Evaluations by Tumey, Judgment Entry: a range consultant have Journal entry on arraignbeen completed andset anat ment filed. (Bond action planO.R., is being $100,000 Plusconsidered. Noconditions, work to repair attached $25or enhance the ranges will of take bond surcharge, IDSF placedue during the 60 remainder $60 within days, of 2016 anddefender no plans fee are if $25 public finalized as of yet for 2017. applicable.) The public will be State of Ohio vs notified Charles as a planJudgment of action isEntry: decidTumey, ed for theEntry range. The public Journal order is remindedcounsel that it isfiled. unlawassigning ful to discharge a firearm (Nick Ring appointed as in non-designated areas. counsel.) An alternative to the TranquilityCases shooting range Domestic is the Spring Valley Wildlife Class A ChesterArea Hammonds, Shooting Range. The Manchester vs Amy Spring ValleySardinia, range is a pisHammonds, tol/rifle range andwithout supplies Action: Divorce target holders, shooting children benches and restroom faciliAmanda Weaver, West ties andvsis Dale completely ADA Union Weaver, accessible. West Union, Action:

filed 6/23/16 at request of State and Agency. Obligor must pay support according to the current order of

require theClass court“A� andranges maintain a shooting range permit for contact with agency caseall persons 18 years and worker. Obligor shall older. Range permits are inquire of clerk of courts available all hunting as to totalatcourt costs and fishing license outlets and owed.) online at wildohio.gov. Misteen Donders vs PermitsDonders, are not sold at the Joseph Judgment ranges Entry and must beMotion purEntry: filed chased before hearing arriving.is set for contempt targets on all shootforLegal 1/3/17 at 10:30 a.m. ing ranges Entry filed.are single sheet paper targets only. Nathan Vogel vs Shooters Erin must supply their own tarVogel, Judgment Entry: get holders, must of Entry Filed.which By motion meet the approval the petitioner the courtofhereby shooting range on attendant. sets a hearing the Grand River andmotion. Spring multibranched Valley supplyistarget holdThe hearing set for ers. Theatshooting of fully 1/3/17 9 a.m. and in automatic firearmsof and the camera interview rapid fire of semi-automatic minor child will take place

Magistrates Order Filed. (Court declines to appoint GAL since parties would have difficulty paying

firearms are strictly prohibservices. Further there is itedenough at all state owned not time before ranges in Ohio. scheduled hearing on Visitorsfor canguardian purchasetoone 12/12/16 of two permits use may the complete task. to GAL ranges; a $24 shootor may not beannual necessary in ing range permit allows the matter.) permit holder access any Elizabeth BictoRoushof the five Division of Pence vs Homer Ray WildlifeJudgment owned Class “A� Pence, Entry: ranges throughout the year Qualified Domestic or a $5 one-day Relations order shooting filed. range Statepermit. Of West Virginia vs For more Dylan Jonesinformation Pugh, about shooting ranges and Judgment Entry: rules visit wildohio.gov. Magistrate’s Order Filed. Private shooting ranges Obligor shall appear for located across Ohio can hearing on 12/22/16 at be founda.m. at National Shooting 9:30 Capias for arrest Sportsissue Foundation website shall if obligor fails http://wheretoshoot.org/Fin to appear. d_Range/index.asp. Ashley Machealla Spratt

On Thursday, Nov. 17, Eagle Creek Health and Rehabilitation Center held their annual Family Thanksgiving Celebration on the grounds of their facility. The yearly event draws approximately 200 people and this year was no exception. Eagle Creek’s Family Thanksgiving Celebration has become a favorite yearly event and has become a tradition of sorts, having been an

Entry Nunc Pro Tunc Filed. Brittany Shipley vs Scottie Shipley, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order filed. A temporary orders hearing is set for 1/13/17 at 1 p.m. Deborah Maple vs Todd Maple, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order Filed.(Temporary Spousal Support is ordered. Said payment as a temporary order shall not be made through ACCSEA but rather paid directly to Plaintiff.) Brandon Rowlands vs Shawn Howard Rowlands, Judgment Entry: Magistrates order filed. (Request for continuance is well taken and the temporary orders hearing will be 12/13/16 at 10 a.m.) Laura Carr vs Floyd L. Carr, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order filed. (Matter before court on 11/1/16 having scheduled pretrial and review of spousal support. Attorney Greenwald advised court defendant to hire counsel. Matter rescheduled to 12/12/16 at 3:15 p.m.) Ericka Bennington vs Karl Black, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision to divorce filed. (Decree of divorce hereby granted to the plaintiff.) Ericka Bennington vs Karl Black, Judgment Entry: Judgment Entry decree of divorce filed. (Decree of divorce hereby granted to plaintiff.) Stephanie L. Puckett vs David D. Puckett, Judgment Entry: Decree of Dissolution of Marriage, Separation agreement filed. (Decree of dissolution is hereby granted to petitioners.) Jeffrey A. Ford vs Amber R. Ford, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Order filed. (Motion for emergency custody is not well taken and denied. This matter will be heard as a temporary order hearing on 11/16/16 at 8:30 a.m. In the event that something opens up, the assignment commissioner will contact counsel.) Keith W. Freeman vs Tina E. Freeman, Judgment Entry: Magistrates Decision and Judgment Entry decree of dissolution of marriage filed.(Dissolution granted)

MCTC to hold Pre-Admission Conference for next Paramedic Class


Maysville Community and Technical College will hold a pre-admission conference for the next paramedic class on Monday, Dec. 5 at 4 p.m. in room C-106 on the Maysville campus. This event is for individuals who are interested in enrolling in the next paramedic class, scheduled to begin in August 2017. Acceptance into the paramedic program is based on a selective admissions process. The intent of the pre-admissions conference is to prepare potential students for the selective admissions process and review the academic and financial requirements of the program. Attendees will also have the opportunity to speak with MCTC admissions and advising representatives. After completing 47-49 credit hours, students will earn a Certificate in Paramedic Technology. Classes will be held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and alternating Fridays from 5 – 9:00 p.m. For more information, contact Gwyn Gallenstein at (606) 759-7141, ext. 66117.

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West Union People’s Defender


Sunday, November 27, 2016 13

14 West Union People’s Defender


Sunday, November 27, 2016

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