Adams County People’s Defender
Wednesday, February 27, 2019 • B5
PUBLIC NOTICES • LEGAL NOTICE Persons listed below who’s last known address is stipulated, be notified that the contents of your storage space will be sold at public auction on March 2, 2019, 10:00 a.m. at A-SPACE Storage 7382 State Route 41, (Bentonville) Manchester, OH 45144. 937-549-2341. Cash or check with proper ID. Unit #2: John Fuston 6310 Cornill Rd, Waynesville, OH 45068. Items including: grinder, electric heater, tool boxes, toilet, tire, radiator, motor block, transmission, headers, tow straps, trolley motor. Unit #3: Bryant Sweet 202 William St, West Union, OH 45693. Items including: appliances, living room furniture, clothes, misc totes, electronics, ceramic tile. Unit #34: Jeremy Blythe 3525 SR 136, Manchester, OH 45144. Items including: chairs, car seat, misc boxes, bedroom furniture, misc full trash bags, movies. Unit #38: Jeremy Baldwin 614 ½ 7th St, Manchester, OH 45411. Items including: kitchen table, chairs, bicycles, misc household items, toys, clothes, booster seats, bed frame. Unit #50: Latisha Curtman 761 Ellis Run Rd, Aberdeen, OH 45101. Items including: kerosene heater, mirror, misc bags and clothes, electric heaters, bedframe, toys, artwork, pet carrier, crib mattress. Unit #68: Tabitha Ward 87 Tower Drive, West Union, OH 45693. Items including: full misc trash bags, picture frames, crutches. Unit #70 & #88: Dena Lewis 61 Lowe Rd, West Union, OH 45693. Items including: tables, chairs, mirrors, toys, dragon carve, yard tools, TV, chests, misc boxes, mattress, smoker, interior light. Unit #81: Chasity Caudill 3308 Unity Rd, West Union, OH 45693. Items including: carseat, dresser, cabinet, dishes, toys, home decor, misc storage totes, weights. Unit #92: Chester Skinkle 6283 Rt 52, Manchester, OH 45144. Items including: tools, fishing poles, mattress, computer, chair, refrigerator, grill, toys, tires, bicycle, couch, misc furniture. Unit #93: Camie Farmer 1678 Moores Run Rd, West Union, OH 45693. Items including: toys, books, clothes, wagon, misc chairs, end tables. Unit #98: James Wortman/Natasha Lane 2230 Calvary Rd, Seaman, 45679. Items including: dressers, bedroom suit, stove, clothes. PD 2-20-19, 2-27-19 ----------------------------------------Liberty Township Accepting Mowing Bids Liberty Township Board of Trustees (Adams County, OH) will be accepting sealed bids for the 2019 mowing contract. The bids will be opened on 3/13/19 at 7PM at Liberty Township Hall, 8688 St Rt 136, West Union, OH 45693. The bid packets are available via email request to or contacting Justin Ross at 937-217-1562. Applicants may submit a sealed bid for all or one location on bid form supplied within bid packet. The bid(s) will be for following: Kirker Cemetery, Hale Cemetery, Liberty Schoolhouse Lot, Chapparal Cemetery, Brier Ridge Cemetery, Liberty Township Hall Lot, and Kirker Covered Bridge Area. Sealed bids can be mailed to: Liberty Township Mowing Bids, 3468 St Rt 125, West Union, OH 45693 or bring bids to the 3/13/19 meeting. Sande Staggs, Fiscal Officer PD 2-20-19, 2-27-19, 3-6-19 ----------------------------------------LEGAL NOTICE The Scott Township Trustees will accept sealed bids for cemetery mowing 2019. Bids will be opened March 4, 2019 at the regular trustee meeting. The meeting will be held at the Scott Township Fire Station in Seaman at 7:30 p.m. Bidders must show proof of Liability Insurance and Workers Compensation. Contact Trustees Sam Bolender, Homer Halsted or Jason Hupp for more information. Trustees have the right to accept or reject any or all bids. PD 2-20-19, 2-27-19 ----------------------------------------LEGAL NOTICE Ordinance 2019-1 protecting the residents of the Village of West Union, Ohio to live in reasonable peace, Free of nuisance Ordinance 2019-2 approving, adopting and enacting American Legal Publishing's Ohio Basic Code, 2019 Edition Resolution 2019-3 Amend the Official Certificate 2906 EMSMedicare / Medicaid / Billing and 5702 Enterprise Improvement The remainder of these ordinances and resolution may be viewed or copy obtained at the Village Clerk’s office at: 33 Logans Lane, West Union, Ohio 45693. PD 2-20-19, 2-27-19 ----------------------------------------NOTICE TO PUBLIC The annual financial report for the Adams County Family and Children First is now complete and the report is available for viewing at the fiscal office of the Adams County Department of Job and Family Services, 482 Rice Drive, West Union, Ohio, Monday through Thursday 7:00 am to 4:00 pm and Friday 7:00 am to 11:00 am. PD 2-27-19 -----------------------------------------
SHERIFF SALE OF REAL ESTATE General Code, Sec. 11681 Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26 THE STATE OF OHIO, ADAMS COUNTY. No. CVE 20180015 FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORP. Plaintiff vs. JERRY LEWIS, et al. Defendant In pursuance of an Order of Sale in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, south door of Courthouse in West Union, Ohio, in the above named County, on Monday, the 18th day of March, 2019, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, situate in the County of Adams and State of Ohio, and in the Township of Tiffin to-wit: EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION Situated in the State of Ohio, Township of Tiffin, County of Adams: Bring Lot # 134, # 135, and # 136 in the Watts Subdivision of Tiffin Township, as the same are known and recorded on the plat of said Subdivision on file in the Record of Plats, Adams County Recorder’s Office. Subject to the covenants, restrictions, and resolutions contained in and/or on said recorded plat and subject to the following covenants and agreements, to wit: the Grantee, for themselves and their heirs, devisees, successors and assigns, as further consideration for the execution and delivery of this deed, hereby covenants with and for the benefit of the Grantor, his heirs and assigns to hold since premises hereby conveyed upon the terms, covenants and restrictions as stated and/or on said recorded plat the following terms; that no outdoor privy’s and/or outdoor toilets, junk yards and slaughter houses are to be erected on any lots and further totally and exclusively for nonagricultural purposes only and these covenants shall be said premises shall be used deemed covenants and not conditions thereof and shall run with the land and shall be binding on all subsequent guarantees. Subject to any and all restrictions and conditions of record. Subject to all easements and right of way of record. Titleholders: Jerry Lewis Property Address: 136 Chesley Street, West Union, OH 45693 Parcel Number: 117-41-07-009-000 Prior Deed Reference: O.R. Book 401 Page 834 Recorded: 09/27/2012 “A Title Commitment showing The State of Title to this Real Estate is available for viewing by anyone in the file of this case in the office of the Clerk of Courts of Adams County” Said Premises Appraised at $45,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. TERMS OF SALE: $5,000.00 down, balance due upon delivery of deed. If said property does not receive a bid at the first sale, it shall be offered for sale at south door of Courthouse on Monday, the 1st day of April, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. Kimmy Rogers Sheriff Cheryl Copas, Clerk Adams County, OH Rachel K. Pearson Attorney PD 2-20-19, 2-27-19, 3-6-19 ---------------------------------------CROP LAND FOR LEASE TRANQUILITY WILDLIFE AREA Estimated 272.8 acres per year will be available for bid at Tranquility Wildlife Area near Seaman, Ohio in Adams County under a Cooperative Management Agreement. This acreage will be available on multi-year contacts. Contracts are available at Fallsville Wildlife Area, 10221 Careytown Road, New Vienna, (937)987-2508 or contact District Five Office (937)372-9261. Sealed bids will be accepted until 8:00 a.m. on March 22, 2019 at District Five Office, 1076 Old Springfield Pike, Xenia, Ohio 45385. PD 2-27-19, 3-6-19 ----------------------------------------NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON SALES TAX LEVY Please be advised the Adams County Board of Commissioners will conduct two public hearings on a proposed resolution to levy a one-half of one percent (1/2% or 0.5%) sales tax levy effective April 1, 2020, to change the purpose from Adams County Regional Medical Center permanent improvements to County general fund. The hearings will be conducted on March 18, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. and March 25, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. at the office of the Board at 215 N. Cross Street, Suite 102 West Union, Ohio. Linda Mendenhall Clerk PD 2-27-19, 3-6-19 ----------------------------------------2018 Adams SWCD Annual Financial Report The 2018 Annual Financial Report of the Adams Soil and Water Conservation District has been completed. The report is available for review at the SWCD office during normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. The office is located at 807 NE Main St., Suite B, West Union, OH 45693. Jacob Rhonemus Adams SWCD Fiscal Agent PD 2-27-19 -----------------------------------------
STORAGE UNIT PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, March 2, 2019 at 10:00 A.M. Located: Absolute Storage Units, Bentonville, Ohio
11 STORAGE UNITS! Visit #7367 for full listing and photos.
Auctioneers: Sam Bolender 545 W Fourth Street Seaman, Ohio 45679
(937) 725-5076 Terms: Cash or check with proper I.D. Accepting Credit cards w/small convenience fee. Statements made day of sale take precedence over previous advertising.