Streetvibes vol 18 issue 26 final

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advocating justice | Building community

Marches, Die-Ins, Speak-outs and Rallies in Cincinnati | 9

This issue sponsored by (Retired) Judge Mark P. Painter






Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition 113 E. 12th Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

streetvoice | 13


LOCAL Death Toll On The Rise

Dec. 19-31, 2014 | N o . 293


Executive Director

Streetvibes is an activist newspaper, advocating justice and building community. Streetvibes reports on economic issues, civil rights, the environment, the peace movement, spirituality and the struggle against homelessness and poverty. Distributed by individuals experiencing homelessness or on the edge of homelessness, in exchange for a $1.50 Donation. Streetvibes is published twice a month by the Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless (GCCH), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that works to eradicate homelessness in Cincinnati. 113 East 12th St. Cincinnati OH, 45202 Ph: 513.421.7803 FAX: 513.421.7813 WEB:



ecember 21st is National Homeless Memorial Day. This is the day on which Homeless Coalition’s across this country honor those who have died in the last year because of homelessness. We will have our local Memorial on Friday the 19th at 5:30PM in Washington Park, directly across from Music Hall. We will meet at the site where Joann Burton was run over by a police cruiser and killed. As of today, the 15th of December, we have received the names of 38 people who died in Cincinnati/ Hamilton County over the last year because of homelessness. This number will go higher before the Memorial, and if that were not bad enough, these are only the names of the people we know. There are certainly other people who died because of homelessness. In 2013 we knew of 42 people that died because of homelessness. This year’s number will likely prove to be higher. In fact, the trend in Cincinnati/Hamilton County is that deaths caused by homelessness are on the rise. Homelessness is not a disease or a sickness. It does not require years of research and science. Homelessness is a systematic problem caused by

systematic decisions. The solutions really are not all that complicated: create affordable housing, enforce living wages, create local jobs, access to healthcare including mental health and addictions recovery for those who need it. Despite the fact that we can easily chart what policy and societal changes created homelessness, we still as a city, county, state, country, and world have not reversed these homelessness causing policies. These numbers not only exclude the people we don’t know about, but they also exclude people who may have attained housing and years later died young because of the way homelessness ravaged their bodies. I took a look at the rate of homicides in Cincinnati/Hamilton County via the Coroner’s Office. The number of homicides seems to be trending down. This is obviously wonderful. Below you will see a chart showing the number of homicides from 2005 through the end of 2015 and the same for deaths caused by homelessness. You will notice a longer, dashed line in each category. This dashed lines gives a mathematical forecast if the same trends continue in both categories. Therefore if trends continue as they have in 2022 there will be the

same number of deaths caused by homelessness as caused by homicide. In 2023 if trends continue, there will be more deaths in Cincinnati/ Hamilton County from homelessness than from homicide. My point here is certainly not that any death is more or less important than another. My point is that homicide is something that societies have been trying to prevent forever (except when sanctioned by societies as in war or the death penalty). We must continue to work to prevent homicides. The truth is that we never will fully prevent the death of people at the hands of other people, but yet while homelessness is systematically preventable, the rate of homicides is decreasing while the rate of death from homelessness is increasing. What will it take before, we as a community and local government actually put polices in place to end homelessness?

-Josh Spring, LSW Executive Director

Our Staff at the Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition office would like to say thank You to all the many people and organizations who attended our 30th Anniversary Annual Dinner. You made the night great. Without YOU, we would not exist.


EMAIL: Editor: Justin Jeffre Executive Director: Josh Spring Director of Development: Leslie Moorhead Director of Education: Michelle Dillingham Distributor Program Manager: Anna Worpenberg Layout: Jeni Jenkins, Uncaged Bird Design Studio Reception: Chris Fowler Steve Reams Clarence Daniels Charles Carpenter Maintenance: Pete Roper CONTRIBUTORS THIS ISSUE Writers: Josh Spring, Ben Stockwell, Jason Haap, Michelle Dillingham, James P. Canfield, Jason Dean, Michael Earl Patton, Justin Jeffre, Lynn Williams, Michael Tee, Bill Woods, Willa D. Jones, Kim Green Photography/Artwork: Justin Jeffre, Jason Dean, Michael Earl Patton, Kirk Hunter, Viet Nguyen, William Wallace, Bill Woods Thank You For Reading Streetvibes And Supporting Our Mission To Build Community And Advocate Justice. Streetvibes and The Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless do not endorse candidates for public office.

No. 293 | Dec. 19-31, 2014


LOCAL The March Against Racist Policing BEN STOCKWELL

Contributing Writer


Crowd at the Federal Building. Photo: Justin Jeffre.

n Saturday December 13th tens--maybe It is our duty to fight for our hundreds--of freedom. It is our duty to win. We thousands demonstrated must love each other and support across the United States each other. We have nothing to in the National Day of Relose but our chains. sistance against the racist - Assata Shakur police state. The protests were only the latest in a movement that has been steadily growing since Thomas was killed by Officer Roach, 17 year old Mike Brown was killed by police officer Darren angry protesters took to the streets Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, just for a week in the largest uprising outside St. Louis, this August. Cou- since the Rodney King uprising in LA rageous residents of Ferguson have in 1992. The protests came after 15 taken to the streets almost every black men had been killed by police day, standing up to heavy policing in over the course of the previous sevtheir neighborhood to fight against eral years. Though the police and city systemic racism which is embedded claim to have made changes, these in the core of our society. When Wil- are aesthetic only--today, some 3 or son was let off without an indictment 4 blacks are killed each year by cops in November, and again just a week locally, and the feverish public relalater, when the same thing happened tions work of the powerful instituto the New York police officer who tions tends to be effective in sleepy killed Eric Garner in a chokehold, Cincinnati. But a new movement regular protests have occurred in ev- forming as part of the national cause ery major city in the country. Some hopefully points in a new direction in have called this a new civil rights the fight for liberation. Elsewhere in Ohio, the recent movement, while others have gone even further, suggesting this is a rev- memory of the shooting of 12 year old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, killed by olutionary movement. Locally, a grassroots group of a cop when he was playing in a park organizers called a solidarity pro- with a BB gun in November, and the test, at least the 4th action since the similar case of John Crawford killed night after the Mike Brown deci- in a Dayton Walmart while holding a sion. Cincinnati and Ohio’s place in toy gun, have provided tragic rallying this movement is incredibly compli- points for the movement statewide. In Cincinnati, the protest set off cated--13 years ago, when Timothy

Speak Out at Washington Park. Photo: Justin Jeffre.

Christina Brown closes the rally. Photo: Justin Jeffre.

Protesters gather at Washington Park. Photo: Justin Jeffre. from Fountain Square and headed north on Vine Street. Chants of “Black Lives Matter,” “I Can’t Breathe” (Eric Garner’s final words), and “No More Timothy Thomas’s, No More Mike Browns” filled the air, disrupting the dull Saturday morning downtown. The march moved into OTR before stopping at Washington Park for a die-in. Protesters laid for several minutes, with many choosing to stand in solidarity, as an act to remember the lives of all who are killed at the hands of the police. Half way through the die-in, names were recited by March leader Christina Brown,

and the crowd responded “Your life mattered!” When Timothy Thomas’s name was read, it was a poignant reminder of his killing that occurred just about two blocks away in 2001. A speak out followed, allowing members of the crowd to express their thoughts and feelings, and to discuss what needs to be done. Many spoke of the need for getting children involved in this historical movement, to produce art and music to capture the spirit of the times and asked that white people to think about

(Continued on page 13)

March goes back to Fountain Square. Photo: Justin Jeffre.




Questioning the Messenger?



Contributing Writer

ouis Farrakhan is making headlines again, this time due his rhetoric about Ferguson. A few weeks ago, he told followers “Let’s die for something,” claiming that peaceful protests were for “white people.” Such bombast is nothing new for Farrakhan, but in the midst of the current racial climate, what effects do his words have on the actions of the general population? Some oppose Farrakhan, calling him an anti-semite, or a racist against non-blacks. Others value his perspective as a legitimate voice of the American black experience. Most, however, pay no attention to his religious affiliation, nor what adherents to that religion believe.

The Nation of Islam is not Islam

The Nation of Islam (NOI) does not have much in common with Islam other than the appearance of the word. In Islam, Muslims believe that Muhammad is God’s final prophet on Earth - the final in a line that includes Moses and Jesus. The Muslim God is the same as the Christian God and the Jewish God, the God of Abraham in the Old Testament. (The word “Allah” is just Arabic for God. A Christian who thinks Muslims worship a different god would be like a Christian thinking Mexicans worship a different god named “Dios.”) NOI does not fall anywhere near the spectrum of Abrahamic religions. For example, they believe that “God” came to Detroit in the 1930’s in the form of a man named Wallace Fard Muhammad. The historical record pegs Fard as a fraud and a criminal, but the NOI refer to that a smear campaign. But believing

God walked the Earth and named Himself “Wallace” in the early 20th century is not the only major point of differentiation between NOI and more mainstream faiths.

Dr. Yakub

The NOI believe the white race was created by an ancient scientist 6,000 years ago named Dr. Yakub. Through a 600 year breeding process, the society Yakub established was able to create white people, who subsequently became “aggressive rulers” (“Myth or High Science? Is There Evidence of Dr. Yakub?” Alan Muhammad, FinalCall. com, October 24, 2010). By some accounts, Dr. Yakub is rumored to have had an enormous head. (“Yakub, The Black Scientist That Created White People,, February 9, 2014). Perhaps this accounted for the apparent intelligence it would take to engineer a race of angry world dominators. The engineering of creatures doesn’t end there. Elijah Muhammad once explained where gorillas come from, saying that white people “tried to graft themselves back into the black nation, but they had nothing to go by.” Their failed attempts turned them into gorillas, according to Elijah Muhammad, who continued, “A few were lucky enough to make a start, and got as far as what you call the gorilla. In fact, all of the monkey family are from this 2,000 year history of the white race in Europe” (“Yakub [Nation of Islam],” Wikipedia, December 7, 2014). When we listen to Louis Farrakhan talking about how white people oppress blacks (which is true), remember he

does so from a perspective which thinks white people were engineered to be a race of oppressive rulers by an ancient scientist, and that some of these white people, in trying to turn themselves back to black, accidentally became gorillas.

The Mother Plane

Are Hollywood movies about space aliens really just a conspiracy to convince the world that superior technologies - like gigantic UFO’s come from elsewhere in the galaxy as a way to steal credit from black men? The NOI seems to think that is the case. Enter the “Mother Plane.” In in 2013 lecture, Farrakhan talks about the Mother Plane - also known as “The Wheel” - directly: As I had stated in my response to The Washington Post editorial board’s question: “The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us for nearly 60 years that these planes exist. You call them Unidentified Flying Objects, they’re not that to us. They’re referred to in the writings of Ezekiel the Prophet as the ‘wheel within a wheel’ that was seen by Ezekiel in a vision 595 years before Jesus was born. Now that as a backdrop I said, having believed of course, that these Wheels exist, having taught their existence, having seen them for myself, I said—and I don’t want to go over the whole vision—but I was down in Mexico and I had a vision, an experience where I was carried up into not just the little Wheel but into The Major Wheel which is, as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us, a half a mile by a half a mile, a huge, mechanical object that is above our heads. And The Washington Post reported, on the front page … a few years ago, a


Dec. 19-31, 2014 | N o . 293

Japanese pilot [Captain Kenju Terauchi]—who is not [“crazy”], who had been flying planes for nearly 30 years—that he saw this not only on his radar but he monitored this for nearly an hour and a half up between Alaska and the Bering Straits and the Asian mainland. And he drew a picture which The Washington Post put on the front page comparing his 747 to this huge [Mother of Planes]. He said it looked like two huge aircraft carriers in length, which bore witness to what Elijah Muhammad said because the largest aircraft carrier [is] about 440 yards, a quarter of a mile, and two of them would be a half a mile” (“’The Wheel’ - That Great Mother Plane,” Louis Farrakhan,, December 31, 2013). The NOI maintains a gigantic ship, rather like what Hollywood might depict as a UFO, flies overhead. Elijah Muhammad himself is even rumored to be on board, having faked his death in 1975.

Voices and Choices

It may be the case that anger and violence are a reasonable response to oppression, police brutality, racism, and more. But when, as a culture, we decide which spokespeople deserve the microphone, does it matter where ideology comes from? Does it matter what Farrakhan and the NOI believe about reality in order for them to comment on race relations in America? Should their perspective on the evils of white people be interpreted through a lens which remembers they think white people were engineered to be evil rulers by a mad scientist 6,000 years ago? ------------------------

No. 293 | Dec. 19-31, 2014




In order to change the world, you have to get your head together first.— Jimi Hendrix

The Story of Federal and State Budgets We Can End Homelessness MICHELLE DILLINGHAM


Staff Writer

he Homeless Coalition’s Ed- even more - up to $324,000 per year, ucation Department exists instead of the 32,4000 it was before to educate the public on the (yes, they moved one decimal point). root causes of homelessness. Tuition assistance (Pell Grants) for A primary reason many individuals low income college students will be and families do not have homes is reduced by $300 million. Permanent simply because they lack resources, supportive housing programs will be or put another way, they are poor. It cut by $300 million, and Section 8 makes sense then that poverty is our Vouchers will be flat funded. Especially troubling is the followmajor focus when teaching about why people are homeless. We teach that ing budget shenanigans pointed out poverty is the result of a lack of jobs, by Linda Couch of the National Lowlow wages, and disparities in educa- Income Housing Coalition: “After tion and opportunity. We also share years of budgeting for Section 8 payinformation on the government’s re- ments to landlords based on contracsponse to these problems, for hous- tual cycles, the agency is switching to ing and food assistance programs are a calendar-year accounting system often the only barrier against abject this year. That reduces the amount of poverty. Even when Americans work money it needs for the remainder of full time, many are still eligible for public assistance since their wages place them below The trickle-down theories that the federal poverty line. didn’t work in the Reagan era, For those of us who can afford to be pleasantly diswill continue to not work in 2015 tracted by the joys of the seaand beyond. Meanwhile, public son, wassail. But advocates services like education, housing for the poor have plenty to and infrastructure, will dwindle worry about as we usher in resulting in lower quality of life, the New Year. The upcomor will have to shift the burden ing state budget and the federal budget do not bode well onto local municipalities. for lower income folks. Let’s start with what our representatives in Washington are up to… Fiscal Year 2015, but come next year Congress just released their those savings will be gone. In order to spending bill for 2015 late in the eve- maintain the same level of program ning of December 10th. Given there spending for low-income housing in are around 1,700 pages to this bill, Fiscal Year 2016, Couch said, HUD I relied on other journalists for the will have to ask for a $1.2 billion inhighlights, such as “8 Things To Know crease from a Congress that appears About The ‘Cromnibus’ Budget Deal committed to shrinking government Congress Just Unveiled” published in programs for the disadvantaged.” There are some Getting a Republican-dominated pretty complicated provisions in- Congress to approve an INCREASE cluded in this bill that I won’t cover for Section 8? Highly unlikely! This here, but suffice it to say it benefits is very concerning. The underfunding the rich, not the poor. To name a few, of HUD housing programs only put they have proposed changing the caps low-income families with children, on annual campaign contributions so seniors, and people with disabilities now wealthy contributors can give at a higher risk of losing their hous-

Gavin Leonard speaking to activists. Photo: Justin Jeffre. ing, and does nothing to help those already without homes. Turning to Ohio, I attended a prebriefing on what to expect in the upcoming Ohio 2015 state budget process. The presenter was Gavin Leonard, Director of One Ohio Now (www., a coalition of 100 health and human service, labor, and other organizations who advocate for public services, and for the revenue to pay for them. The state budget has more of an impact than the federal budget in many ways, since this is where money for our schools, senior services, parks, roads, libraries, housing, and transportation are set. Our state budget is essentially paid for by about 1/3 Federal funds, 1/3 Sales Tax, and 1/3 Income Tax. In the last 10 years politicians have made the biggest changes in income tax policy, and have cut incomes taxes 7 times. These cuts result in an annual loss of $3.5 billion dollars per year. Imagine what $3.5 billion could do for our affordable housing crisis?! One Ohio Now provides a helpful breakout of these cuts just in the last 4 years: Cuts over the last 4 years in Ohio: Cuts to Education: $349 million Cuts to Local Government: $1.50 billion Total Cuts: $1.86 billion Cuts over the last 4 years in Hamilton County: Cuts to Education: $48.8 million Cuts to Local Government: $173.9 million Total Cuts: $222.7 million The 2014 election resulted in Republicans having a super-majority,

which means emergency measures are not subject to referendum (like Senate Bill 5 was). The Ohio House of Representatives will have 65 Republicans to 34 Democrats. The Ohio Senate will have 23 Republicans to 10 Democrats. Advocates are concerned this new state legislature will move to make even more cuts to income taxes, which always ends up hurting low and middle income Ohioans. According to One Ohio Now, “the poorest 20% pay 11.6% of their income towards taxes while the top 1% pay only 6.3%.” The first step of the budget process will be the release of Governor Kasich’s $60+ billion budget proposal on February 2nd, 2015. After the budget works its way through the Ohio House of Representatives, then to the Ohio Senate, it lands in the House and Senate Reconciliation Committee in late May. From there, by June 30 the Governor will sign the budget bill, which must be balanced according to state law. As we look to the future we can be sure the wealthy will continue to get tax cuts, while lower income Ohioans will pay more. The trickle-down theories that didn’t work in the Reagan era, will continue to not work in 2015 and beyond. Meanwhile, public services like education, housing and infrastructure, will dwindle resulting in lower quality of life, or will have to shift the burden onto local municipalities. And then there is always the City budget’s impact on poverty, but more on that later… As we describe the seemingly insurmountable obstacles to ending homelessness the message we share is always this: There exists enough resources to eradicate homelessness, it is just a matter of will and creativity. There is hope. ------------------------

HOMELESS COALITION EDUCATION AND OUTREACH “BREAKDOWN STEREOTYPES & ERADICATE MISINFORMATION” The Coalition for the Homeless provides Education and Service Programs that help to portray a more accurate and holistic picture of homelessness in Cincinnati. We believe an educated public can be a more compassionate public, willing to dedicate time and effort towards creating solutions to homelessness. The “Voice of the Homeless Speaker’s Bureau” program is made up of individuals currently experiencing homelessness or who have experienced homelessness, who share their experiences. The program is designed to put a face on homelessness and raise awareness about those struggling in our community. To schedule a speaker, contact Michelle Dillingham at (513) 421.7803 x14



LOCAL I’m dreaming this holiday…



Contributing Writer

he holiday season enchants us in Cincinnati. Narrated by our Rosemary’s dreams of holidays gone by with glimmering trees and the familiar chimes of bells that always seem to, with spellbinding wizardry, soothe our worries away. We just know that good things will happen during this time of year. We hope, or more importantly, we work passionately to ensure our kids get to hope. Whether it be of dancing sugar plums, or more timely, ice-skating Annas and Elsas of Arrendelle, hope is our real gift during this season. Hearing a child express authentic hope always gives me a lighter-than-asnowflake smile. And as a researcher, I get the privilege of being around fantastic organizations and then meet and listen to some awesome children talk about hope. In particular, one kid’s response to what he wanted to be when we grew up always makes my day merry and bright. With the paradoxical serious smile that only children can create, he said, “I want to be ice cream!” That answer was so wholesome, authentic, and hopeful that it almost captures the best parts of being a kid. The answer is so beautiful that it

makes me almost forget the difficult situation this child faced because he was experiencing homelessness. When we talk about children experiencing homelessness we often talk in static, research-type sound bites. We say things like: the average age of a homeless person is nine; according to Rukmana, 2008, homeless children and families make up 40% of the homeless population. Or experiencing homelessness has a deleterious impact on almost any outcome. We often forget that homeless children face experiences that make it difficult to have the innocuous and whimsical dreams we associate with childhood. According to a study by Weinger in 1998, children experiencing homelessness have a sense of hopelessness about their futures, meaning that a homeless child often loses the ability to just be a child in a traditional sense: to have fanciful and peculiar dreams of what they could be in the future. The idea of a future is an important aspect to both childhood and hope. Everything we do for children in one way or another is done for the future. While a bit of an oversimplification, we send our kids to school so they become functioning adults in our society.

Dec. 19-31, 2014 | N o . 293

We want to provide meaningful experiences for children in hopes that they will lead a fulfilling and successful adulthood. We do things for children so they are hopeful of the future. The Cincinnati region faces a problem. Like many cities, the numbers of families precariously housed is exploding as options for safe and affordable housing dwindle. So much so that the Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio found that Hamilton County had an 82.9% increase in the number of families receiving Continuum of Care services in 2011. It may be easy for some to explain away this statistic by noting that the increase in numbers does coincide with an increase in programming available for families in the Cincinnati area. However, that just indicates the previous numbers were likely artificially lower because of the lack of services available. Similarly, according to WLWT, Kentucky is second in the nation of homeless children, and anecdotally, some Northern Kentucky school districts have seen up to a 2,700% increase in the number of students needing homeless services. This means that the Greater Cincinnati region not only has a problem today, but will face one tomorrow as well. A whole generation of children is growing up without the hope needed to be successful adults. But not every kid experiencing homelessness is doomed to a hopeless and bleak life. Like the child whose

life’s dream is to become ice cream, if we as a community chooses to, we can be hopeful for the future of all our children. Now we, as the City of Cincinnati and its surrounding region, need to cultivate a community that is supportive of the needs of homeless children. During this time of year, it is easy to get caught up in short-term projects like coat and canned food drives. To be sure we must definitely clothe a shivering child or provide food to tame the rumbles of hunger, but kids grow quickly and food is a constant need. While we should not forget these immediate needs, but by addressing the later outcomes, we can eliminate problems such as hunger in our area. We must create a region that keeps an eye on the future by implementing long-term solutions. This area needs to eliminate the safe and affordable housing deserts currently creeping into our City and region. We need to revitalize the community by empowering everyone in the community. But very importantly, we must be compelled to provide a hopeful and dream-filled childhood, like the ones we used to know, for every kid in the community. Few things are more pure than a child with hope. Let’s make that our gift to the future. James P. Canfield is an assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati. ------------------------

Covington, KY Joins in National Protest of Police Brutality



Contributing Writer

his Saturday, December 13th, at 3PM, a few dozen people convened on the cold corner of Madison and Police Memorial Drive outside the Covington Police Department building in Northern Kentucky. As the minutes passed, more people joined them; some were late; some were just passing by and stopped to join the voices and the silence of the peaceful protestors holding the vigil. Many held small signs that simply read “I Can’t Breathe,” “Black Lives Matter,” and “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot,” and two men held the bright yellow banner of the Northern Kentucky NAACP (the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), the group who had organized this vigil in conjunction with the numerous marches that took place that day to protest police brutality. Announcement of the Covington event was not widely broadcast, but a diverse mix of people were there to show solidarity despite the numerous social media comments that lambasted the gathering as misdirected or a waste of time; slurs indicating that “these people should get a job” naysaid the efforts to draw attention to the rapid increase in American law enforcement killing American citizens, especially young African American men. The primary focus of the Covington protest, however, was the case of a white girl, 19-years-old Samantha Ramsey, who was shot by Boone County deputy Tyler Brockman as she left a party in April. It was announced

earlier that Brockman will not be indicted for leaping on Brockman’s car and shooting her as she tried to drive away. Brockman claims that Ramsey was intoxicated and tried to run him down with her car, and that he “feared for his life,” but the dash-cam footage from Brockman’s cruiser shows Ramsey trying to go around Brockman. While the Covington Police Department’s record is pretty clean, and while critics pointed out that Covington is in Kenton County, not Boone County, the purpose of the rally was to continue the national dialogue that police brutality is killing over 500 US citizens per year. According to the BJS Census 3.66 out of every million blacks versus 0.9 out of every million whites were killed at the hands of a police officer between 2003 and 2009, and the rate is on the increase. Nicole Comer, an active member of the Northern Kentucky NAACP, organized and led Saturday’s Covington protest, wearing signs on her back and front, and eloquently addressing the crowd with a megaphone. The original plan was to stage a “die-in” in which the crowd would lie on the ground to mimic being dead, but the spirit of the gathering leant itself more to people standing together in solidarity; however, about half a dozen people did take to the ground to honor the unarmed victims of police violence. Around 3:15PM, Comer began to address the crowd; behind her a

Northern Kentucky NAACP. Photo: Jason Dean. chorus of car horns honking in support of the gathering she had brought together. Some drivers yelled support from their windows with “Don’t shoot!” and “You guys are doing a great thing.” During the whole hour of the vigil, only one verbal naysayer passed, screaming “Go home” as he drove through the intersection; he was a middle-aged white man who “fit the description” of whom you would expect objecting to a peaceful demonstration. For the entire hour, not a single police officer emerged from the building, and the atmosphere of the whole event was extremely peaceful, almost eerily so. Around 3:20PM was the first moment of silence that lasted five minutes. As the minutes passed, the noise of the busy road traffic seemed lessoned by the haunting silence of around forty people contemplating and praying for an end to the daily count of men and women killed by those sworn “to serve and to protect” them. The silences were separated by periods of chanting as Comer led the


crowd with “United we stand. Divided we fall.” “All we want to do is break the chains. All we want to do is be free.” “Show me what democracy looks like? This is what democracy looks like!” and “Hands up! Don’t shoot!” With ten minutes left of the vigil, small candles were handed out and lit before Ted Spivey led the crowd in a prayer for the dead, but more importantly a prayer to change the hearts of the police instructors who teach violence as the norm for reacting to any and all infractions. Spivey was then followed by Jerome Bowels, President of the Northern Kentucky NAACP, who also gave a speech calling for unity and justice. Shortly after 4PM, Comer thanked people for coming to the protest and many thanked her for organizing the event. Hands were shaken, hugs were made, nods of understanding passed through the mostly silent crowd, and people went their separate ways, but each carried the message in their hearts that #blacklivesmatter. ------------------------

No. 293 | Dec. 19-31, 2014

Dignity is the Beginning of Hope





Contributing Writer

here does a homeless person take a shower, use a toilet, brush their teeth, shave, receive mail, or have their laundry done? By providing these things for the homeless, the Mary Magdalen House in Overthe-Rhine hopes to refresh and renew not only the body, but also the spirit. “Dignity is the beginning of hope” is their motto. Even the language used reflects this dignity -- the staff and volunteers refer to those who enter not as clients, but as guests. I recently visited Mary Magdalen House and talked with the director, Brother Giancarlo Bonutti, in order to see first-hand the work that they do. I got there after they had been open for a while and the little front room had several people patiently waiting their turn. Brother Giancarlo said there is generally a small group of people waiting outside for the door to be unlocked in the morning. One of the staff, who gets there early, hands out tickets to those who are waiting so that they can be assured of being among the first guests of the day. The house is open Monday through Saturday, and during 2013 they provided about 67 showers a day, on average. Brother Giancarlo addressed several of the guests by name while I was there. Most of the guests are men, but I saw some women guests, too. There are two groups of shower and toilet facilities and there is also a separate single shower and toilet that is handicapped-accessible. The arrangement allows the house to allocate the facilities either for mostly men, or equally for men and women, as needed. I asked what brought their guests to Mary Magdalen House. Brother Giancarlo said there were several different reasons. Some have mental issues, some lost their job and are looking for work, and some have chemical dependencies. He thinks many probably sleep outdoors, at least when the weather isn’t too cold. Only about 10% of their guests stay at the Drop Inn Center overnight, so he does not expect the number of guests to change much when the Drop Inn Center moves to Queensgate. While I was there, a guest, who was

wearing good clothes and pulling a small piece of roll luggage, thanked Brother Giancarlo for finally being able to take a shower after arriving in Cincinnati two days ago. What was the story there? Did a friend’s promise to share a place fail to materialize? I don’t know, but the brief encounter showed that we must be careful not to make quick generalizations about the homeless. Although most of the guests are returning ones, over a fourth of them in 2013 had never been there before. So even though the economy seems to be improving, there continues to be new people who come through their doors. The house keeps detailed records, and a listing of the services they provided in 2013 is towards the end of this article. Mary Magdalen House also launders many thousands of clothes every year. Their guests can drop off a dirty set of clothes to be cleaned and picked up later. If a guest is wearing the only set of clothes they have, or if the clothes are worn out, they will be given another. Laundered clothes are put in bags with their names on them and will be kept for two weeks. I saw hundreds of such bags on shelves in the basement. There were also racks of clothes, both men’s and women’s, sorted by size and ready to be given to those in need. There were also sweaters, jackets, and underclothes. There is a special need for underclothes because people often don’t think of

Photos: (Far left) Entrance to Mary Magdalen House. The image on the door is a reference to the repentant woman who washed the feet of Jesus, yet his host had failed to provide the customary water for him to do so (Luke 7:3650). (Top left) Basement laundry area. Brother Giancarlo is standing in front of some of the bags which hold the guests’ cleaned clothes. Visible is the shelving unit holding the clothes just for those whose last names start with “A” or “B.” In back of him is some of the clothing to be given out, now cleaned and sorted by size. (Top Right) Filing cabinet for women’s underwear, sorted by size. There is a need for new or gently-used underclothes in general because these are not donated as often as other clothing. (Left) The handicapped-accessible shower. There is a toilet to the left. Photos: Michael Earl Patton

donating these when they go through their closets. Brother Giancarlo is a member of the Society of Mary, often called the Marianists. Obviously he had heeded the call to become a religious brother, but what led him to this particular ministry? He said that he has long felt a special compassion with the poor, and the widows and orphans, whom Jesus loved. Many of these are homeless. He also mentioned that this is a part of a larger effort which his community – meaning the group of Marianist brothers in Cincinnati – does to help those who are on the fringes of society. I asked him what he wanted for the future of Magdalen House. He answered that he wanted the need for the house to disappear. Amen to that. All of their funding and supplies come from private donations, none from the government. During 2013 Mary Magdalen House served and gave out: 1,817 Different Guests 527 New Guests 21,086 Showers 6,298 Razors for Shaving

20,264 Laundered Bags of Clothing 2,852 Pants sweatpants)



1,113 Shirts (flannel, long, & short sleeve) 2,907 Underwear (men’s briefs, boxers, women’s briefs) 4,851 Socks (white/sweat, heavy, and dress) 2,401 T-Shirts 209 Bras 2,124 Toothbrushes 1,210 Sweaters/Sweatshirts 322 Winter Jackets/Coats 564 Gloves 629 Wool Hats 462 Thermal Underwear (Tops & Bottoms) 568 Pairs of Shoes 993 Towels and Wash Cloths To find out more about the Mary Magdalen House visit: More about the Marianists can be found at


member agency spotlight MARY MAGDALEN HOUSE 1221 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202 | (513) 721-4811 | We are an oasis of hospitality providing a safe and pleasant place for persons in need, to shower, shave, brush their teeth, use a toilet, have clothes laundered, have use of a phone and have a place to receive messages and mail. We believe that dignity is the beginning of hope. Addressing them by name, we hope to refresh and renew our guests in body and spirit from the hardships of living on the streets. We aim to maintain or restore the human dignity of all those we serve. OUR MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY — 8AM TO 4PM SATURDAY ONLY — 8AM TO 12 NOON



PHOTO ESSAY Homeless Coalition 30th Anniversary KIRK HUNTER

Contributing Photographer December 11, 2014 -- From top right: Justin Jeffre awards the Jimmy Heath Streetvibes Contributor of the Year: Michael Earl Patton | buddy gray Lifetime Achievement Award: Fanni Johnson, Drop Inn Center | John Keuffer accepting the Julie Julie Martin Service Provider of the Year award for Lighthouse Youth Services | Bob Keck, of Caracole receiving the Julie Martin Service Provider of the Year Individual Award | Jimmy Render Award: Donald Deroven, City Gospel Mission. | Father Zachariah of Christ Church says a prayer. | Willa Jones accepting the Streetvibes Distributor of the Year award on behalf of Larry Brown who was sick | The Homeless Coalition staff. | Leslie Moorhead awards Ken Weartz Volunteer of the Year.


Dec. 19-31, 2014 | N o . 293

No. 293 | Dec. 19-31, 2014

Marches, Die-Ins, Speak-Outs and Rallies in Cincinnati




Streetvibes Editor


here’s been a lot of actions popping up in Cincinnati in solidarity with people across the nation that have been protesting the shooting deaths of unarmed citizens, especially black males. It’s not only the killings, but the failure of the criminal justice system to indict police officers that have sparked outrage. The first rally and march following the Mike Brown decision made a big splash after protesters shut down streets and I 75. Then a rally at Piatt Park that had about 130 people took place on December 4th – the night after the Eric Garner decision was announced - where the bull horn was passed around to anyone that wanted to speak - in stark contrast to the first rally held here by the National Action Network. There was lots of chanting and a march that shut down Vine Street as protesters went to Fountain Square. Some laid on the ground during a 4 minute moment of silence. Then they marched back to Piatt Park, once again briefing shutting down the street. On December 8th about 80 UC students held a Die In on their campus that lasted about an hour. A student named Alexander Shelton spoke to the media and a few days later organized a protest at a Walmart on Ferguson Road on the West Side of town. They spoke with police and the manager of the store. There were allowed to protest on this bone chilling night in the parking lot as long as they stayed out of traffic and were about 20 feet from the front of the building. There have been several other actions as well. A teach-in will take place at 11am at the Main Public Library near Piatt Park. What remains to be seen is if the energy will continue after the holidays. One thing is certain. There’s still much work for change to be done and the struggle for justice will continue. For more information go to Black Lives Matter Cincinnati or UC Students Against Injustice. ------------------------

Protest Photos: -- Top half of page: UC Students protest. Photos: Viet Nguyen. Bottom half, left center: UC students on campus. Photo: Justin Jeffre. Right center: Piatt Park protest. Photo: Justin Jeffre. Bottom left: UC students at Walmart. Photo: Justin Jeffre. Bottom right: Piatt Park protest. Photo: Justin Jeffre.





Dec. 19-31, 2014 | N o . 293



No. 293 | Dec. 19-31, 2014

Homeless Hate Crime Legislation is coming and the Winter Shelter’s Open JUSTIN JEFFRE

Streetvibes Editor


n Thursday December 11th Councilmember Chris Seelbach held a press conference with the Homeless Coalition and its partners to announce that Cincinnati is set to become the 3rd city in the nation to have hate crimes legislation the includes people experiencing homelessness. It took place on a sunny day in Washington Park where Arlene Nolan of the Drop Inn Center and Kevin Finn of Strategies to End Homelessness also spoke about the work they’ve been doing. Over the last 15 years, 375 homeless Americans have lost their lives in unprovoked attacks according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. In 2013, Ohio was tied as having the fourth highest number of attacks against people experiencing homelessness. “Homeless people are targeted because they’re vulnerable. This hopefully will send a message to everyone that even though homeless people may seem vulnerable and on the streets, their lives and their safety are just as important as every single

person in Cincinnati we live and work with every day,” said Seelbach. Josh Spring, Executive Director of the Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless, added, “It will hopefully send a message to our community that people experiencing homeless do matter and that the city takes this seriously. Primarily young people, high school and college age, commit these crimes and if they’re caught their response to why they did it is, ‘Why does it matter? It’s just a homeless person. We’re just cleaning up the streets.’ We want the city to say it does matter.” Arlene Nolan spoke about the Winter Shelter and on Wednesday, December 17th the Winter Shelter began opening each evening at 9pm and it closes at 6am the next morning. People should go to the back door of the Drop Inn Center (217 W. 12th in the parking lot) for entrance to the Winter Shelter. Some people will sleep upstairs at the Drop Inn Center and other people will sleep at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (1528 Race Street). The Winter Shelter is for

Councilmember Chris Seelbach speaks. Photo: Justin Jeffre. individuals and families who otherwise would be sleeping outside or in places not meant for human habitation. Everyone in this situation is encouraged to go there. Below is the Drop Inn Center’s mission statement: The mission of the Drop Inn Center (DIC) is to provide basic human services to single homeless men and women. The DIC offers food, shelter, counseling, and housing to thousands of homeless individuals yearly. We offer shelter to 222 individuals nightly, and serve 90,000 meals each year. We are open 24 hours a day,

7 days a week at 217 W.12th Street Cincinnati, Oh 45202. Any single man or woman may complete an intake into our Emergency Shelter, unless you are a sex offender or unable to self-care. We also operate a “Winter Shelter”, opening this year from 12/17 through February, 9pm-6am. The winter shelter has two locations: 217 W.12th Street-the entrance will be behind the building, and Prince of Peace Lutheran Church- 1528 Race Street Cincinnati, OH 45202. Visit us online: Call us at 513-721-0643. ------------------------

Human Rights Day Rally



Contributing Writer

he People’s Empowerment Coalition leaders from Cincinnati and Dayton joined with Cincinnati Interfaith Worker Center and Center for Independent Living Options to brave a biting cold wind at Speaker of the House John Boehner’s West Chester Office on Dec. 10th to rally for human rights. Dec. 10th is the United Nations annual International Human Rights Day. We took a stand for the human right to employment, food, health care and other economic justice issues. Twelve of us made it into Rep. Boehner’s Office unannounced to

deliver a huge Human Rights Day card. At the rally we reminded Mr. Boehner’s staff that nearly three million Americans are still unemployed and have no safety net because he blocked the extension of unemployment benefits earlier this year. He refused to allow debate on helping thousands of unemployed workers and their families have financial assistance in time of need. This is the largest number of long term unemployed, many older workers, without a safety net since the Great Depression.

Kate Lyons speaking on the ADA. Important mainly because of the people in the conversation. Click to teach Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition Mail this conversation is not important. Photo: William Wallace.

Human Rights Protest. Photo: William Wallace. In addition the Speaker has refused to allow debate on a federal job creation bill (H.R. 1000) that would put thousands of people back to work. He refused to support a raise in the minimum wage, a fair budget that protects the American people instead of coddling wealthy corporations, full funding of federal health care, expanded Social Security to protect seniors, and comprehensive immigration reform that recognizes our immigrant brothers and sisters are human beings and deserve human rights the same as the rest of us. In addition, we were joined by Kate Lyons, Executive Director of the Center for Independent Living Options, who reminded us that disabled


individuals have human rights too, and that 2015 will be the 25th anniversary of the American Disabilities Act. She spoke out on the importance of the ADA to help guarantee that rights of the disabled are recognized and adhered to in our Country, and should be recognized universally. Human Rights for All! The rally was sponsored by: The People’s Empowerment Coalition of Ohio (PEC), Contact Center Cincinnati, Miami Valley Full Employment Council, DaytonMiami Valley AFL-CIO, Advocacy and Education Committee of the Community Action Partnership Dayton, Cincinnati Interfaith Worker Center, Anniversary Year of the ADA, Center for Independent Living Options Cincinnati, National Jobs for All Coalition ------------------------


STREET VOICE The Struggle for Social Justice in America



Contributing Writer

uring the 1960s, over a hundred ‘rebellions’, called riots, occurred in cities all across the United States. One of the biggest took place in Detroit, Michigan, in which the National Guard was given orders to “shoot to kill”. Thirty-four African Americans were killed, with hundreds wounded. Nevertheless, the rebellion stimulated the idea that, through united and militant effort, people could bring about significant social change. In Detroit, this struggle was strongly influenced by several young intellectuals - John Watson, Mike Hamlin, Ken Cockrel and John Williams. All of them were associated with a newspaper called, The Inner City Voice. It was largely due to the influence of the newspaper that many black workers joined with white coworkers in a wildcat strike for better

wages and improved working conditions at a Dodge plant in Detroit. The main issue was the incessant and accident-causing speedup of the assembly line. In the aftermath of the strike, punitive measures were launched at some of the black participants by the company. Their union, the UAW did not defend the workers who were fired, despite the role they played in uniting Blacks and Whites. Comprising 30% of the UAW membership, black workers felt the need to build their own separate organization. This resulted in the formation of the Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement (DRUM). In May, 1968, DRUM led a wildcat strike, causing the auto company’s production to drop by 1,900 cars. This strike gained considerable publicity for DRUM and led to the proliferation

A Surprise Christmas Present For ReformerS



Contributing Writer

olitical reformers received a surprise Christmas present from the Ohio Senate last Friday. After hours of meeting behind closed doors, Senators at 4:00 in the morning reached a bipartisan agreement and passed a measure that would establish a new process for determining the geographic districts for Ohio House and Senate elections. By a vote of 28 – 1, the Senate approved redistricting procedures that would go a long way toward reforming the flawed and highly partisan system that now is in place. The bill, HJR, features these new criteria for redistricting in Ohio. A new bipartisan redistricting commission would be established that includes the governor, auditor, secretary of state, and Republican and Democratic appointees from both the House and Senate. At least two members of the minority party would have to approve the new district maps drawn up under the supervision of this commission. District map drafters would be

mandated to follow these specific guidelines. One guideline requires keeping cities and counties together rather than dividing them up. A second guideline prohibits crafting new state legislative maps that favor or disfavor one party over another. A third requires districts to more accurately reflect the percent of votes a party receives in that area. This guideline is aimed at preventing the type of gerrymandering of districts that artificially give one party more or less seats than the party’s ability to win votes. A final guideline calls for a more transparent redistricting process with additional public hearing and opportunities for public input. Since this measure already passed in the Ohio House with an equally bipartisan majority, it merely needs to go back to the House this week in order to iron out the differences that exist between the Senate and House versions. It, however, does not become state law at that juncture. The final step is to take it to Ohio voters in the

of Revolutionary Union Movements (RUMS) throughout the Detroit area; at Ford and General Motors plants and United Parcel Service (UPS). In his book, We Are Not What We Seem, Roderick Bush writes: “The leadership of the RUMS and the Inner City Voice believed that a central organization was needed to coordinate the plant struggles, link them with community-wide support and develop a base for financial resources. This was the rationale for combining the RUMS to form The League of Revolutionary Black Workers (LRBW). In response to charges that the UAW, local police and white workers had conspired to prevent DRUM organizer, Ron March, from being elected to a union office, The League demanded that the UAW have a black president and vice-president and that 50% of its staff be black. It also demanded that the UAW recognize The League, provide financial support for the local community and invest strike funds in black-owned banks. The League called for an end to the war in Vietnam and argued that corporate profits should be taxed at a higher level to provide funds to be used in black and poor communities” form of a Constitutional Amendment next November. In other words, a lot of public education work and an effective fall campaign lie ahead before this reform is in place. Critics will say this is not a perfect plan. It does not protect against potential partisanship as effectively as the 2012 ballot initiative that went down to defeat. It also does nothing to reform the way Congressional districts are presently drawn. Nevertheless, it is a start, and it presently has significant support from state leaders from both parties. Catherine Turcer of Common Cause/Ohio believes the Senate measure as it now stands deserves the support of the reform community. “It would be a big step in moving us toward a healthier democratic election process in Ohio.” 2- Do you favor reforms that diminish the influence of “big money” in political campaigns at the local, state, and national levels? 3- In general, do you support the public financing of political campaigns at the local, state, and national levels? 4- Are you aware of the Cincinnati City Charter Amendment passed by the voters in 2001 that established partial public financing for Mayoral and Council campaigns? (This


Dec. 19-31, 2014 | N o . 293

The League established chapters in auto plants in Michigan, California and New Jersey, gaining thousands of supporters, nationwide by 1969. It set up enterprises like the Black Star Publishing Company and Black Star Bookstore. It created Parents and Students for Community Control and several black student unions. Due to internal contradictions, though, much of the leadership resigned in 1971 to join a new formation called the Black Workers Congress. The latter group was never able to match the success of The League, disbanding in the mid1970s. In the 1960s and early 1970s, a variety of revolutionary black organizations came and went, all fighting, in essence, for social self-determination and equal access to all of the available goods and services in the U.S., notably, the Republic of New Africa and the Congress of African People. The Black Panther Party, created by two community college students, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, one year after the murder of Malcolm X, was, perhaps the most dynamic of all the organizations . . . To be continued. -----------------------reform was repealed in 2002.) 5- Would you support reinstituting public financing for Council and Mayoral elections? 6- Are you aware that states such as Arizona and Vermont have established public financing as an option for candidates running for state offices? 7- Would you support legislation or an initiative that would establish public financing for financing campaigns for state offices in Ohio? 8- Are you aware of the current proposed Bill in the U.S. Senate (the Durbin/Specter Bill) that would institute public financing as an option for Congressional and Senate campaigns? 9- Do you favor the passage of such national legislation? Write any additional thoughts that you have about campaign finance reform on the back of this questionnaire. Thank you for your answers. Return this questionnaire to William K. Woods, Chair, Common Cause/Ohio 3750 Broadview Dr. Cincinnati, Ohio 45208 ------------------------



No. 293 | Dec. 19-31, 2014


SANTA CLAUS Today while watching the news I heard that Santa Claus arrived in a helicopter They also talked about tax cuts and how the politicians were eating out at Red Lobster What happened to the days when the bells rang for Santa Claus, his reindeer and sled What happened to the belief in miracles and all the little children went to bed Waiting for that glorious morning to open all the presents that Santa left under the tree Asking questions about how he brought all the gifts down the smoke filled chimney Waiting day and night, trying to be good all for Christmas so we’d be granted the ultimate blessing Looking back and understanding that as a child I was tricked, Santa in a helicopter that’s a new lesson Without the holidays Thanksgiving and Christmas Day what else is there to really look forward too Without giving thanks for so many blessings and being thankful for Jesus’ birth just to name a few So for me Christmas has somehow lost the true spirit and has been misunderstood by all We must always remember God’s blessings, don’t forget to give thanks and bring back Rudolph the red nose reindeer driving Santa Claus!!!!


Lots of love lots of caring It’s the start of a new year Xmas is everyday Especially when you have hope with cheer Paving the way for a new year


Don’t be so merry gentlemen. You’ve something to dismay. Remember the new Congress Is less than a month away. It will further fray the safety net, And rant and rave all day. Oh tidings of discomfort and woe, Discomfort and woe. Oh tidings of discomfort and woe.

I’m feeling blue in a red state this Christmas. My poor heart really aches from the thought, That we Buckeyes in the state of Ohio Can be so gerrymandered and bought. I’m feeling blue in a red state this Christmas. I’m broken hearted and feel like a stooge, That those jerks in the next Legislature Are sure to act like old Mr. Scrooge.


Contributing Writer

one’s individual place in this system and movement. Alexander Shelton, a student with UC students against Injustice, spoke about the need to build a better education system at every level and to hold administrators accountable for a more just system. Others played on this education theme: a principal spoke of how students need mentors, a teacher talked about how blaming parents misdirects away from the unequal way that the system is organized. After one member of the crowd spoke of the need for black men to stop shooting each other, Brian Taylor, wearing a Malcolm X shirt reminded the crowd that the protest is about the state killing blacks as part of a generally racist system, and pushed back against the notion that white allies need to “stay in their lane,” saying “when it comes to the system, we’re all in the same lane.” Taylor went on to remind everyone about the oppression of other groups throughout American history: women, immigrants, latinos and how powerful movements were required (and are still required) to break down that oppression. Another protester took the history a bit further back, tying the current racism at the hands of the police back to the founding of America, which was “set up to benefit a small group of people, by an even smaller group of people.” One of the final

There’s lots of family and sharing

Streetvibes Distributor & Contributing Writer

Streetvibes Distributor & Contributing Writer

(Continued from page 3)

It’s that time of year




Xmas is here

speakers reminded the protesters that black on black crime is horizontal violence that happens among all racial groups, with blacks being no different, only appearing to be because of the portrayal of blacks in the media and society at large. These protesters remind us of the need to build a big diverse movement that is active on a number of fronts and educated about a number of issues. Many have spoken about the moment we’re living in as revolutionary, and sometimes it does feel that way. After the speak out, marchers proceeded back downtown, ending at the Federal Courthouse, the site of the first rally following the non-indictment of Darren Wilson, and a large protest following the innocent verdict of George Zimmerman in the killing of Trayvon Martin in 2013. Tying it to the revolutionary spirit, the protest ended with a recital of Black Panther Assata Shakur’s chant that has been embraced by Ferguson protestors: “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.” A meeting will occur on Thursday December 18th, at Christ Emmanuel Christian Fellowship, 2324 May St. in Mt Auburn at 6:00 PM, unfortunately too late for readers of Streetvibes. And a teachin organized by local activists on Saturday, December 20th, in the Main Library Room 3A at 11:00AM. ------------------------




Dec. 19-31, 2014 | N o . 293

CROSSWORD PUZZLE NO. 58 Across 1. Impartial 5. Travel though water 9. Jamboree 13. One time only 14. Overwhelming fear and anxiety 16. Assist 17. Molecule 18. Large sports area 19. Melody 20. Musical note 22. Seers 24. Pouch 26. Large woody plant 27. Sapience 30. Disclose 35. Droop 36. Decree 39. Prominent 40. Feral 42. Not silently 44. Surface layer of ground 45. Obviate 47. Boredom 49. Animal companion 50. Ceremonial bodyguard of British monarch 52. Supply with oxygen 54. Religious ceremony 57. Illuminated 58. Health facility 62. Beer mug 66. Small inlet 67. Still legally acceptable 69. Halo 70. Overt 71. Diplomat 72. Harvest 73. Look after 74. Completed 75. Sharpen

Down 1. Froth 2. Not in favor 3. Graphic symbol 4. Neglectful 5. Health spring 6. Distort 7. Torpid 8. Lessor in scope or effect 9. Movable barrier 10. Adjoin 11. Part of a camera 12. Consumed 15. Frolic 21. Manufactured 23. Part of a shoe 25. Finale 27. Relinquish 28. Ice hut 29. 1,760 yards 31. Large open vessel 32. Conflagrate 33. Concur 34. Departed 35. Controlling influence 37. Scam 38. Large fish 41. Obtuse 43. Prearranged fight with deadly weapons 46. Moist 48. Part of the eye 51. Callow 53. Append 55. Stall 56. Fusillade 58. Expect with desire 59. Kitchen appliance 60. Transmit 61. Large predatory feline 63. Currency of the European Union 64. Metallic element 65. Part of the neck 66. Crib 68. Staining substance







No. 293 | Dec. 19-31, 2014

Shelter: Women and Children

Our Daily Bread


St. Francis Soup Kitchen Churches Active in Northside

535-2719 591-2246



Madisonville Ed & Assistance Center



St. Vincent de Paul



Treatment or Supportive Recovery: Men

Central Access Point Bethany House

381-SAFE 557-2873

Grace Place Catholic Worker House


Mercy Franciscan at St. John


Salvation Army


YWCA Battered Women’s Shelter

1841 Fairmount Ave, Cinti, Ohio 45214 6037 Cary Ave, Cinti, Ohio 45224

1800 Logan St. Cinti, Ohio 45202

131 E. 12th Street, Cinti, Ohio 45202

Shelter: Men

City Gospel Mission

1419 Elm Street, Cinti, Ohio 45202

St. Fran/St. Joe Catholic Work. House 381-4941 1437 Walnut Street, Cinti, Ohio 45202

Mt. Airy Shelter


Shelter: Both

Lighthouse on Highland (18-24 y/o) 2522 Highland Ave Cincinnati, OH 45219

Caracole (HIV/AIDS)

1821 Summit Road, Cinti, Ohio 45237

Drop Inn Center

217 W. 12th Street, Cinti, Ohio 45202

CMHA Excel Development OTR Community Housing

114 W. 14th Street, Cinti, Ohio 45202

569-9500 761-1480 721-0643

721-4580 632-7149 381-1171

Tender Mercies 721-8666

27 W. 12th Street, Cinti, Ohio 45202

Tom Geiger House Volunteers of America Anna Louise Inn Cincinnati Union Bethel

300 Lytle Street, Cinti, Ohio 45202


961-4555 381-1954 421-5211 768-6907

First Lutheran Church 1208 Race St. Food - Last Monday 12-1 Clothing - second Monday 12-1 Lord’s Pantry Mercy Franciscan at St. John


OTR/Walnut Hills Kitchen & Pantry


1800 Logan St. Cinti, Ohio 45202

OTR: 1620 Vine Street, Cinti, Ohio 45202 Walnut Hills: 2631 Gilbert, Cinti, Ohio 45206

1730 Race Street, Cinti, Ohio 45202

4230 Hamilton Ave, Cinti, Ohio 45223 112 E. Liberty Street, Cinti, Ohio 45202

4600 Erie Ave, Cinti, Ohio 45227 Serves area codes: 45226, 45227, 45208, 45209 1125 Bank Street, Cinti, Ohio 45214

Charlie’s 3/4 House

2121 Vine Street, Cinti, Ohio 45202

621-5300 981-5800


Prospect House 921-1613

682 Hawthorne Ave, Cinti, Ohio 45205

Starting Over

Interfaith Hospitality Network 471-1100 Lighthouse Youth Crisis Center (10-17 y/o) 3330 Jefferson Ave Cincinnati, OH 45220 961-4080



2203 Fulton, Cinti, Ohio 45206



Treatment or Supportive Recovery: Both AA Hotline CCAT

351-0422 381-6672

Joseph House (Veterans)


830 Ezzard Charles Dr. Cinti, Ohio 45214 1522 Republic Street, Cinti, Ohio 45202

1800 Logan St. Cinti, Ohio 45202

NAMI of Hamilton County PATH Outreach

Other Resources

241-2600 241-2563

Peaslee Neighborhood Center


Franciscan Haircuts from the Heart


Goodwill industries Healing Connections Mary Magdalen House

771-4800 751-0600 721-4811

People Working Cooperatively The Caring Place Talbert House United Way Women Helping Women Off The Streets

351-7921 631-1114 751-7747 211 977-5541 421-5211

215 E. 14th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202 1800 Logan St. Cinti, Ohio 45202

1223 Main St. Cinti, Ohio 45202

Hamilton County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board 946-8000 Recovery Health Access Center 281-7422 Sober Living 681-0324 Talbert House 641-4300


Catholic Social Action Community Action Agency Contact Center

421-3131 569-1840 381-4242

Northern Kentucky

Franciscan JPIC Gr. Cinti Coalition for the Homeless

721-4700 421-7803

Intercommunity Justice & Peace Cr. Legal Aid Society Ohio Justice & Policy Center Faces Without Places Stop AIDS

579-8547 241-9400 421-1108 363-3300 421-2437


1227 Vine Street, Cinti, Ohio 45202

117 E. 12th Street, Cinti, Ohio 45202


Center for Respite Care


Cincinnati Health Network


Crossroad Health Center


3550 Washington Ave, Cinti, Ohio 45229

2825 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45219


351-3500 977-4489

Center Independent Living Options Emmanuel Community Center 1308 Race St. Cinti, Ohio 45202

Treatment or Supportive Recovery: Women First Step Home

5 E. Liberty St. Cinti, Ohio 45202

Health Resource Center 357-4602 McMicken Integrated Care Clinic and Mobile Medical Van 40 E. McMicken Ave, Cinti, Ohio 352-6364 McMicken Dental Clinic 40 E. McMicken Ave, Cinti 352-6363 Mental Health Access Point 558-8888 Mercy Franciscan at St. John 981-5800

St. Raephaels Salvation Army Serenity House Day Center Open Door Pantry

981-4200 863-1445 422-8555 868-3276

Brighton Center


ECHO/Hosea House Fairhaven Resuce Mission Homeward Bound Youth Mathews House Homeless & Housing Coalition Parish Kitchen Pike St. Clinic Transitions, Inc Welcome House of NKY

859-261-5857 859-491-1027 859-581-1111 859-261-8009 859-727-0926 859-581-7745 859-291-9321 859-491-4435 859-431-8717

Women’s Crisis Center VA Domiciliary VA Homeless

859-491-3335 859-559-5011 859-572-6226

799 Ann St. Newport, KY

205 West Pike Street, Covington, KY 41011


Dec. 19-31, 2014 | N o . 293


treetvibes is distributed by individuals who purchase the paper for 50 cents per copy and sell it for a $1.50 donation, keeping the profit they have earned. Becoming a Distributor is a great way for individuals who are financially poor to get back on (or stay on) their feet. This program provides supplemental income for those unable to secure other employment. Money earned helps meet basic housing, food and health care needs. The program is a hand up for people who are often in a place of getting only a hand out, or even no hand at all. All Distributors wear a badge and usually a vest and can be found selling the paper in Downtown Cincinnati, Clifton, Northside, Northern Kentucky and at area churches.


























































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