The White Robe Parable

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By Dr. Charles Smith

Take a few minutes and imagine something wonderful! On the day that we were born, God gave us all a splendid white robe. This robe was the whitest of whites; so bright and shining that you could hardly bear to look at it. You will wear this robe for the rest of your life like a little lamb wears its coat.

However, every time you commit a sin, in thought, word, or deed, an angel of the Lord comes from Heaven with a blood red permanent marker and makes a mark on your beautiful white robe of innocence.

As the years go by, the angel continues to mark your robe every time you sin. WHAT WOULD YOUR ROBE LOOK LIKE? WOULD IT STILL BE WHITE?

Imagine a planet that is higher than the stars, and is one thousand times bigger and prettier than the earth. God is there! It is perfect! No sickness! No death! No goodbyes! God says, “I love you and want you here, but you MUST have a white robe!�

A perfect robe for a perfect place! With your red robe, could you get in? The answer is “NO!” In fact...


If the story ended When we die, we here, it either go up or down. would be No one wants to go a sad down, because we story. know what is down there!

Let’s continue Eve sinned first, but the story… sin does not pass

from mothers. In the You’ve never heard beginning God the phrase, “In Eve created Adam, took a rib and all die” but you have made Eve. heard the phrase “In Adam all die.”

In the Ten Commandments it says, “visiting the iniquities of the fathers unto the children…” Sin is always passed from the father, never from the mother.

With this in mind... every child born into this world with a human father has a nature to sin. Hypothetically, a child born without a father has the potential to be sinless.


hat was the case with Jesus. He was born without a human father. He was born without sin and never sinned.

Jesus, the Holy Child of Bethlehem

Now, imagine this… Place a watch on a coffee table, down where a two-year old can reach it. Tell the child, “Don’t touch!” Then go in the other room. What will the child do? When the child hears you coming back into the room, he will put the watch back on the table.

When you ask, “ Did you touch it?� what will the child say? We know what this child is going to do! The child will shake his head, NO! That is human nature coming out. The child knows how to lie! This is the natural instinct of sinful man! Jesus, being born of a virgin, did not have this. Jesus never sinned. II Corinthians 5:21

How does Jesus’ robe look? He went to the cross to die for sin, with a white robe, indicating no sin! Jesus had no sin to die for!

Jesus invites you to trade your red robe for His pure white robe. Suppose you traded: He would take your old robe and nail it to the cross with a big crucifixion spike and give you His pure white robe so you could live forever. Your old robe is nailed to the cross.

What would God see if you had this white robe? 1. Your sin would be gone! 2. All of Jesus’ purity, innocence, and goodness would be on you.


Romans 10:13 says, Will you “For whosoever shall receive call upon the name of Christ and the Lord shall be saved.” Pray this prayer: His total “Dear Jesus, Please give forgiveness me Your white robe and for all your nail it to the cross. Come into my heart and sin now? save me. Amen.”

Now that you have received Jesus you have His white robe of righteousness. Now, should you sin, when the angel comes to mark your robe where would he put that red mark? If he marked on your beautiful new robe, it would be disastrous.

But the angel cannot mark of this robe because this robe belongs to Jesus and to us. And Jesus is God - as in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Then where would he put the mark?

The angel says, “I cannot mark this white robe, it has Jesus written all over it. Where is your original robe?” According to Colossians 2:14, our sins are nailed to the cross. “And, having make peace through the blood of his cross…” (Colossians 1:20)

Jesus will never take our white robe away. The white robe remains with us, and the red robe remains on the cross. “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.� (John 10:28)

Let us suggest you begin your Bible reading in the book of John, in the New Testament.

Now that you’re saved, you should be baptized and attend a good church.

John 1:29 “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”

Supporting Verses The White Robe Parable Gen. 3:21 Lev. 16:4 Job 29:1,14 Ps. 22:18 Isa. 1:18 Isa. 22:21 Rom. 13:14 Eph. 5:27

Rev. 6:11 Rev. 19:7-8,14 Isa. 53:6 Isa. 61:10 Zech. 3:3-4 Matt. 22:12-13 Matt. 27:28 Luke 15:22

Baptism Matt. 3:13-15 Acts 2:41 Acts 8:36-37 Rom. 6:3-5 I Pet. 3:21

Eternal Security John 3:36 Tit. 1:2 Heb. 8:12 I John 5:13

Doctrines found in the White Robe Parable Eternal security– I Pet. 1:5 Resurrection– I Cor. 15:20 Never-dying soul– Gen. 2:7 Hell is eternal– Rev. 20:10 Exclusive salvation– John 14:6 God is love– I John 4:8 Jesus loves you– John 13:1,34 John 15:10,12 Bible is truth– John 17:17

Substitutionary sacrifice–Heb. 9:28 Virgin birth– Isa. 7:4/Matt. 1:23 Deity of Christ– Matt. 28:19/Phil. 2:6/Col. 1:16/Heb. 1:8 Sinlessness of Jesus– II Cor. 5:21/ I Pet. 2:22 Resurrection of man– I Cor. 15:45 The last Adam– I Cor. 15:45 Sanctification– Heb. 2:11

Doctrines found in the White Robe Parable All have sinned– Rom. 3:23 Not of works– Rom. 4:4 By nature the children of wrath– Eph. 2:3-4 Wages of sin is death– Rom. 6:23 Heaven is up– Acts 1:11/Eze. 1:4 Hell is down– Isa. 14:15/Luke 16:23 God is– Heb. 11:6 Perfect Heavenly Father– Matt 5:48

Redemption in Christ Jesus– Rom. 3:24 Righteousness of God without the law– Rom. 3:21 Justification– Rom. 5:18 Saved by grace– Eph. 2:8 Through faith– Rom. 5:1/Acts 20:21 Salvation is a gift– Rom. 6:23 Preaching of the cross– I Cor 1:18 One offering for sin– Heb. 10:14

To order your own copy of “The White Robe Parable” call Pastor Charles Smith @ (937) 444-2493

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