Cleveland Foundation – 1961 Annual Report

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The Cleveland F o u n d atio n was established Jan u ary 2, 1914 to serve perm anently the h ealth, educatio nal and ch aritable needs o f the G reater Cleveland com m unity. T he first o f its kind and now widely copied, this com m unity tru st is ch arac足 terized by four m ain features: 1. Its funds are the union o f n um erous gifts, large, small and m edium -sized, left a t different tim es by various donors. 2. Local banks, w hich are T rustees o f the Cleveland F o u n 足 dation, safeguard and invest the funds, m aking available the incom e, and und er certain conditions, th e principal, for the charitab le purposes o f the F o u n d atio n . 3. E ndow m ent incom e, an d u n d er certain conditions, the principal, is disbursed by a D istrib u tio n C om m ittee o f five persons. M em bers serve w ith o u t co m p en sation fo r five-year term s. T w o are selected by the tru stee banks, and three are ap p o in ted by public officials. 4. A ny co n trib u to r m ay designate his p referred charity an d his wishes will be observed unless changing conditions m ake such purpose unnecessary, undesirable, im practical o r im pos足 sible. In such event the funds can thereafter be used for such oth er charitable and educational purposes as will, in the opinion o f the D istrib u tio n C om m ittee, m ore effectually p ro 足 m ote the public welfare.

THE YEAR N I N E T E E N SIXTY-ONE D uring the p ast year the F oundation com pleted forty-eight years o f philanthropic service to the G reater Cleveland comm unity. The year was m arked by a dram atic thirty-eight percent increase in assets and the disbursem ent o f nearly two m illion dollars for health, educational and charitable purposes. C apital assets increased by $10,681,853 o f which $9,605,788 represented new gifts. Thirteen new trust funds were established, which w ith additions to existing funds, brought the year-end endowm ent to $41,332,779 (book value). M arket value is greatly in excess of the carrying value on the books o f the trustee banks. M ore than h alf o f the year’s unusual increase in capital assets cam e as a result of two gifts from the Leonard C. H anna, Jr. Fund. T his F ou n d atio n has been one o f the m ajor forces in Cleveland philan­ thropy during recent years. D uring 1961 its trustees began the windingup o f its affairs, and handed along to the Cleveland F oundation the responsibility for seeing th at $6,000,000 is well used for the continuing benefit o f the com m unity. In doing so they gave impressive testim ony to the usefulness o f the Cleveland F o undation’s central purpose, which is sum m arized on the inside front cover o f this report. The F oundation now adm inisters 111 separate funds the incom e from which is allocated by the D istribution Com m ittee for philan­ thropic purposes. A list o f these funds, including usually the name of the donor, will be found on page 11 o f this Report. Certain o f the trusts currently provide only p a rtia l—but eventually com plete—benefit to the F oundation. D uring 1961 the D istribution Com m ittee authorized the disburse­ m ent o f $1,979,225 (including adm inistrative cost o f 2.2% ) for a wide


range o f health, educational, social welfare and civic purposes. A de­ tailed accounting of the 251 grants m ade to 133 different agencies is set forth later in this Report. T H IR T E E N




The following new funds were received in 1961: M ary Berryman Fund—U nder the will o f the late Miss Berrym an, a retired public health nurse, this fund was established w ith the Cleve­ land T rust C om pany as trustee. The fund has a value o f $17,064 with income to be used in the field of child welfare or aid for the aged. Alva Bradley II Fund—Pursuant to the will o f the late A lva Bradley II, m em ber o f a prom inent Cleveland family, incom e from this fund was distributed in 1961 although the estate is still in process o f adm in­ istration. Incom e is designated for the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society for its use in aiding students who are being trained in child analysis, for support o f research relating to psychoanalysis and for support o f training program s and institutes in the same field. The N atio n al City Bank is trustee o f the fund which will have an estim ated ultim ate value o f $700,000. George F. Buehler Memorial Fund—Established with a bequest o f $150,000, income of this fund is unrestricted. The late G eorge Buehler had been president o f a printing com pany and active in civic affairs. Trustee is the C entral N ational Bank. William C. Fischer and Lillye T. Fischer M emorial Fund—Estab­ lished under the will of the late M rs. Fischer, incom e o f this $85,007 fund is to be used for the benefit o f crippled children, orphaned children, and blind persons, who are in need. C entral N ational Bank is the trustee. Erwin L. Fisher and Fanny M . Fisher M emorial Fund — This $500,000 fund was created under the will o f the late F anny M . Fisher, widow o f a form er lum ber com pany executive. Incom e may be used for general philanthropic purposes. Trustee is the C entral N ational Bank. William A. Gijfhorn Fund—An unrestricted bequest o f $2,500 was received under the will of the late W illiam G iffhorn, the trustee being The Cleveland T rust Com pany. Edwin T. and M ary E. Hamilton Fund—Established with the Cleve­ land T rust C om pany under the will o f the late Florence A. H am ilton in m em ory o f her parents, this fund has a value o f $1,055,000. Miss H am ilton was a m em ber o f a well known Cleveland family, her father having been a C om m on Pleas C ourt Judge before the tu rn o f the century. Incom e o f the fund is to be used for A m asa Stone H ouse,


Benjam in Rose Institute and the Society for the Blind at the discretion o f the D istribution Com m ittee. Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Cleveland Foundation Special Purpose Fund— By trust agreem ent with the N ational City Bank this fund was created by a gift o f $1,000,000 from the Trustees of the Leonard C. H anna, Jr. F und (an O hio corporation not for profit.) Incom e is to be used in study, planning and stim ulation of charitable activities and philan­ thropic organizations. Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Community Development Fund—This fund was created by a $5,000,000 gift from the Trustees o f the Leonard C. H anna, Jr. Fund. Incom e is to be used to support the work of the Cleve­ land D evelopm ent F oundation and under certain circum stances the U niversity Circle D evelopm ent Foundation. A special com m ittee set up under the tru st instrum ent will allocate incom e from the fund for a period of years, serving in place o f the D istribution Com m ittee. All five o f the F o u n d atio n ’s trustee banks have a share in fiscal m anage­ m ent o f the fund, each bank having received $1,000,000 of the total gift. International Goodwill Fund—Through a gift o f $25,500 from an anonym ous donor, this fund was established for the prom otion of international goodwill and understanding. Trustee is the U nion C om ­ merce Bank. Jane C. M ould Fund—This $630,000 fund was created under a trust agreem ent with the Cleveland T rust C om pany by the late Mrs. M ould. Incom e is n ot restricted as to purpose. Harriet B. Storrs Fund—Created under a trust agreem ent with the Cleveland T rust C om pany by the late Miss Storrs, this $225,750 fund is to be used for the well being of the inhabitants of Painesville, Ohio. F o r m any years the Storrs family conducted a horticultural nursery business in Lake County. John F. and M ary G. Wahl M emorial Fund—This unrestricted fund was created under a trust agreem ent and the will of the late John F. W ahl, a retired executive o f a lake shipping corporation. Value o f the fund is $386,000. Trustee is C entral N ational Bank. A D D IT IO N S



In addition to the foregoing new trusts, assets o f the following funds were increased in 1961: The Crispin and Kate Oglebay Trust received an addition o f $64,525 due to a Federal tax refund and further distribution from the estate. An addition o f $13,614 was m ade to the Dr. Frank Carl Felix and Flora Webster Felix Fund by the executor of the Felix estate. The


Charles L. and Marion H. Stone Fund received an additional $17,125 from M r. Stone, the creator o f this fund. The Cleveland Recreational A rts Fund was increased by $9,200 in gifts from the W illiam A bram s F o u ndation, the C leveland R ange C om pany, Louis E. and M arcia M . Em sheim er C haritable T rust, M r. K u rt L. Seelbach and the R aym ond Jo h n W ean F o u n d atio n . This fund which helps to support Cleveland’s cultural institutions h ad year-end assets o f $91,159. A n additional distribution o f $84,965 was m ade by the executor o f the W right estate to the D avid C. Wright M emorial Fund.






The following “ no n -tru st” gifts were received from donors who expressed the desire th a t the corpus o f their gifts be used fo r certain p u rp o ses: F ro m the Doctor Simon Baruch Foundation fo r M edical Research a gift o f $3,000 “ for research in the field o f hearing and speech.” The following suburban organizations continued their practice o f turning over funds for m edical research: Combined Health Collection o f Rich­ mond Heights, $1,785 fo r cancer and heart w ork; Walton Hills Com­ bined Charities, $1,071.20 for the same purposes; Valley View Combined Health and Welfare Drive, $511.15 for heart, cancer and polio research; Independence Combined Health and Welfare Drive, $4,119.63 for cancer, heart, polio and m uscular dystrophy research. A n additional gift o f $3,294.48 was received from an anonym ous d onor to support the Cleveland Foundation Library. This new Library was opened early last year a t 1241 U nion Com m erce Building as a source o f reference on foundations and trusts which are concerned with various fields o f philanthropy. The L ibrary was established in cooperation w ith the F o undation L ibrary C enter o f N ew Y ork City and has been designated as one o f the C enter’s regional depositories. The Library is open to the public and is expected to be particularly useful to attorneys, trust officers and philanthropically inclined persons w ho desire inform ation about foundations, b oth local and national.




C apital o f the C om bined F und (so-called because gifts are com ­ bined for purposes o f investm ent) was increased by $268,476.38 in 1961 through gifts from 21 donors. Several new m em orials and special purpose funds were established.


A t the C entral N ational Bank, the Frederick R. and Bertha Specht M autz Scholarship Fund was increased to $18,815 through additional gifts from D r. Jo h n E. W illiams, D r. Cecil B. Pride and D r. and M rs. M autz. A n addition o f $1,018.89 was m ade to the Thomas Burnham M emorial from a tru st established by M rs. M arie Louise G ollan and Dr. Edward A. Yurick again m ade a gift to the fund which he established some years ago. T he Malcolm L. McBride and John Harris McBride II M emorial Fund received $400 as a refund from an erstwhile student w ho received aid from this fund. A t the Cleveland T rust C om pany a gift o f $25,000 was received under the will o f the late Helen R. Bowler with income designated for charitable institutions such as Rose M ary H om e, Society for Crippled C hildren and the R ehabilitation Center. The Leyton E. Carter Memorial Fund received an additional gift from M r. C layton G. H ale and an unrestricted bequest o f $6,217 was received under the will o f the late Homer H. Hatch. The Society fo r Crippled Children —Tris Speaker M emorial Fund was created with a gift o f $8,610 from friends o f the Society. P rincipal is to be used a t some future date to finance an East Side Center. U nder the will of the late Sarah R. Thompson $571 was bequeathed for the benefit of the Cleveland H om e for Aged Colored People. A living trust having a value o f $42,800 was established by M r. Ewald F. Tobold. The Caroline Briggs Welch Fund for under­ privileged children received $1,000 under the will of the late Florence A. H am ilton. T he Com bined F und a t the N ational City Bank received an un­ restricted bequest o f $21,824.49 under the will o f the late Wickham H. Aldrich. The Anna J. and Pliny O. Dorman Fund was created under a trust agreem ent by the late M r. D orm an, a long tim e Lakew ood resi­ dent. The fund had a value of $117,500 at year end and is not restricted as to purpose. Five additional gifts com m em orating birthdays or anniversaries o f various friends were received from Judge M ary B. G rossm an for the Winifred Fryer M emorial Fund. A n addition o f $550 was also m ade to the James W. Havighurst M emorial Scholarship Fund representing gifts from M r. B arring Coughlin, B ardons and Oliver F o u n d atio n and D r. A ustin B. Chinn. U nder a trust agreem ent exe­ cuted by the late Oliver H. Schaaf an unrestricted gift o f $36,000 was received. T he 118 separate m em orial or special purpose funds which com ­ prise the $897,975 in assets of the Com bined Fund at the several trustee banks are set forth under Financial Statem ents later in this Report. Each m em orial retains its identity and purpose, the various gifts being


Ellwood H. Fisher {left) congratulates Kent H. Smith (center) and James A. Norton {right) on the launching o f the G r e a t e r C l e v e l a n d A s s o c i a t e d F o u n d a t i o n , a new venture in community philanthropy.


invested as a unit in order to effect a better return on the capital. The establishm ent o f a m em orial or special purpose fund is a simple pro ­ cedure and can be accom plished with a m odest gift. The trust officers o f the trustee banks and the staff o f the F oundation are glad to answer questions ab o u t the creation o f m em orial or other funds. G R EA TER C L E V E L A N D A SSO C IA TED F O U N D A T IO N EST A BLISH ED

A t a civic luncheon on D ecem ber 18, 1961 the D istribution C om ­ m ittee announced the form ation o f a new philanthropic organization, the G reater Cleveland Associated Foundation, designed to help develop and finance constructive com m unity program s for the greater Cleve­ land area. The new organization was launched under the auspices o f the Cleveland F oundation which received an initial grant o f $1,250,000 from the F o rd F oundation and a grant o f equal am ount from the L eonard C. H anna, Jr. F und for use of the Associated F oundation in carrying out its purposes. O ther local foundations, the Louis D. Beau­ m ont F oundation, the Leonard C. H anna, Jr. Fund, the K ulas F ounda­ tion, the Elizabeth Ring M ather and W illiam Gw inn M ather Fund and the Elizabeth Severance Prentiss Foundation added their endorsem ent o f the new agency. The purposes o f the G reater Cleveland Associated Foundation are to encourage research on com m unity problem s and to establish priorities for action, to m ake and recom m end grants for pilot, experi­ m ental, and other projects tow ard solution of com m unity problem s, to m ake available professional staff services for all local foundations which wish these services, and to encourage wise use o f philanthropic funds. As examples o f the kind of problem the new organization m ight investigate, there was cited juvenile delinquency, the effects of autom a­ tion on local em ploym ent, the adaptation o f the newcom er to urban life and the social as well as physical aspects of urban renewal. The new foundation will operate with a small staff, working through existing research and action agencies to carry out its purposes. D uring an initial five year period it will have capital o f $2,500,000 previously m entioned for the m aking o f grants to underw rite research o r provide “ seed m oney” for dem onstration projects. An additional allocation from the Cleveland F oundation, through use of incom e of its $1,000,000 L eonard C. H anna, Jr. Cleveland Foundation Special P urpose F und, will assist in m eeting adm inistrative costs of the new organization. The Board o f Trustees o f the G reater Cleveland Associated F oun­ dation is com posed o f prom inent citizens active in civic and philan-


thropic affairs in the com m unity. M r. K ent H. Smith is chairm an o f the Board, M r. Jam es A. N o rto n is president and staff executive with offices a t 608 N ational City Bank Building. It is hoped th at this unique new venture in philanthropy will have a far-reaching effect in helping to solve basic com m unity problem s as well as stim ulating the role o f private and corporate charitable giving. M EM BE R SH IP



A fter serving for m ore than five years with devotion and distinc­ tion as a m em ber o f the D istribution C om m ittee, M r. John A. Greene tendered his resignation effective Septem ber 2, 1961. In O ctober, M r. Jo h n Sherwin was appointed to fill out M r. G reene’s unexpired term . The appointm ent was m ade by the Trustees Com m ittee which is re­ sponsible under the F ou n d atio n ’s charter for appointing two o f the five m em bers o f the D istribution Com m ittee. M r. Sherwin, m em ber o f a prom inent Cleveland family, is presi­ dent o f Pickands M ather and C om pany and serves on the board of directors of a num ber o f other corporations. H e is past chairm an of the board o f trustees o f the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, a board m em ­ ber o f the G arden C enter and served for years as a C om m unity Chest Team C aptain. Coincidentally, a relative o f M r. Sherwin, the late Belle Sherwin, served on the first D istribution Com m ittee o f the F oun­ dation from 1917 until 1924. ★

Inquiries are welcomed at the F oundation office from anyone desiring m ore inform ation about grants m ade; and from those who m ay wish to establish trusts, bequests o r m em orials with the Foundation as a means of carrying out their philanthropic desires. The D istribution Com m ittee E l l w o o d H. F i s h e r , Chairman M





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Jo h n S h e r w in K


Jo h n J. K

H. S m i t h C. V i r d e n

im ba ll

Jo h n s o n ,

Director and Secretary A pril, 1962


A famous Cleveland athlete coaches a new recruit, typical of the many opportunities provided by the B o y S c o u t s , G r e a t e r C l e v e l a n d C o u n c i l . A new intensive four-year program aimed at reaching inner city boys was launched last year under a $44,000 Foundation grant.

F I NA N C I AL STATEMENTS Taken from Report of Exam ination by Ernst & Ernst , C ertified Public Accountants, fu ll rep ort being availab le fo r inspection.

Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for 1961 U nexpended balances, January 1, 1961 RECEIPTS Endow m ent incom e from Trustees $2,244,181.70 Incom e from other sources 21,429.41

$ 477,710.37


Total Receipts $2,743,321.48 D ISB U R SEM EN TS By trustee banks: Fees $57,688.47 Bond and real estate am ortization, other 101,532.32

$ 159,220.79

By D istribution Com m ittee: F o r charitable and educational purposes: Care o f the Aged 84,763.92 Child care 238,363.46 Civic developm ent 151,772.49 Education including scholarships 834,835.77 Fine Arts 16,395.23 H ealth, medical research 72,598.94 H ospitals 155,756.78 N eighborhood and family services 195,337.62 Recreation and character building 74,295.38 Rehabilitation 60,042.87 U nited A ppeal and Jewish Welfare 51,621.82 ________ 1,935,784.28* F o r adm inistrative purposes 43,441.06 Total Disbursements U nexpended balances, D ecem ber 31, 1961

2,138,446.13 $ 604,875.35**

♦Includes $85,247.49 from principal. ♦♦Com posed o f fund balances which were substantially encumbered or n ot available for use until after December 31, 1961.


AS S E T S Endowm ent of the Foundation with principal value of the 111 funds held by the Trustee Banks at book or carrying value as of December 31, 1961. Walter C. and Lucy I. Astrup Fund Sophie Auerbach Fund* The Frederic M. and Nettie E. Backus Memorial Fund W alter C. and Fannie W hite Baker Fund Lilian H anna Baldwin Fund Cornelia W. Beardslee Fund James C. Beardslee Fund Mary Berryman Fund The D r. Hamilton Fisk Biggar Fund Katherine Bohm Fund The George H. Boyd Fund* Alva Bradley II Fund G ertrude H. Britton, K atharine H. Perkins Fund George F. Buehler Memorial Fund Katherine W ard Burrell Fund The M artha B. Carlisle Memorial Fund The Central High School Endowment Fund The Fred H. Chapin Memorial Fund* J. E. G. Clark Fund Cleveland Recreational Arts Fund Caroline E. Coit Fund A. E. Convers Fund* Harry Coulby Fund N o. 1 Harry Coulby Fund No. 2* Jacob D. Cox Fund S. Houghton Cox Fund* Henry G. D alton Fund Alice McHardy Dye Fund Dr. Frank Carl Felix and Flora Webster Felix Fund* William C. Fischer and Lillye T. Fischer Memorial Fund Fisher Fund Erwin L. and Fanny M. Fisher Memorial Fund The Fannie Pitcairn Frackelton and David W. Frackelton Fund R obert J. Frackelton Fund The George Freeman Charity Fund Frederic H. Gates Fund The William F. and Anna Lawrence Gibbons Fund* William A. Giffhorn Fund Frederick H arris Goff Fund The Eugene S. and Blanche R. Halle Memorial Fund Edwin T. and Mary E. Hamilton Fund The Lynn J. and Eva D. Hammond Memorial Fund* Leonard C. H anna Jr. Fund Leonard C. H anna Jr. Fund No. 2 Leonard C. H anna, Jr. Cleveland Foundation Special Purpose Fund Leonard C. H anna, Jr. Community Development Fund The Kate H anna Harvey Memorial Fund Melville H. Haskell, Mary H. Hunter, Gertrude H. Britton, K atharine H. Perkins Fund


83,827 185,698 1,958,590 4,750 8,589 100,638 648,234 17,064 93,786 7,311 1,501,131 **

24.344 149,871 6,896 74,882 5,070 2,130,486 6,545 91,159 68,172 5,233,766 3,480,974 835,131 104,478 49,983 667,219 285,228 289,189 85,007 43,434 499,868 13,200 20,248 49,492 213,250 461.344 2,496 49,712 1,768,692 1,055,321 1,080,621 272,464 228,774 1,012,267 5,136,694 52,795 95,002

Thousands of unemployed, out-of-school youth represent social dynamite in the inner city according to a survey conducted by the C l e v e l a n d B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n under a Foundation grant.

This scene from the Diary of Anne Frank as presented by students at L a k e E r i e C o l l e g e typifies the high educational and cultural standards of that institution. The College was one o f several Painesville organizations to receive grants in 1961 from the Harriet B. Storrs Fund.


George Halle Hays Fund The H iram House Fund The Jacob H irtenstein Fund The A. W. H urlbut Fund International Goodwill Fund Caroline Bonnell Jones Fund James S. Jordan Fund Adrian D. Joyce Fund The Frederick W. and Henryett Slocum Judd Fund K aram u House Trust Elroy J. and Fynette H. Kulas Fund Robert M. Linney Fund* Ella L. Lowman Fund Henry M. Lucas Fund Clemens W. Lundoff and Hilda T. Lundoff Fund Frank J. Lynch Fund* Nellie Lynch Fund Alice Keith M ather Fund The Ellen E. McCreary Memorial Fund The George W. and Sarah McGuire Fund The Albert Younglove Meriam and Kathryn A. Meriam Fund Alice Butts M etcalf Fund Anna B. Minzer Fund Cornelia S. Moore Fund* E. Freem an M ould Fund Jane C. M ould Fund The Crispin and K ate Oglebay Trust* Mary King Osborn Fund William P. Palmer Fund The D r. Charles B. Parker Memorial Fund* Douglas Perkins Fund W alter D . Price Fund* William H. Price Fund The Retreat Memorial Fund Charles L. Richman Fund N athan G. Richman Fund Alice M. Rockefeller Fund Charles F. Ruby Fund The Mary Coit Sanford Memorial Fund Mary Coit Sanford Fund Frank S. Sheets and Alberta G. Sheets Memorial Fund The A. H. and Julia W. Shunk Fund The Thomas and Anna Sidlo Fund The Nellie B. Snavely Fund A. L. Somers Fund William J. Southworth Fund* D r. George P. Soyer Fund M arion R. Spellman F und Josephine L. Sperry Fund Ada Gates Stevens Memorial Fund Charles L. and M arion H. Stone Fund H arriet B. Storrs F und Maybelle G. and Finton L. Torrence Fund Charles F. Uhl Fund



9,968 8,128 5,771 23,598 15,500 5,000 15,940 62,925 501,945 1,031,313 345,046 131,495 1,012 79,888 325,104 25,984 147,380 118,119 5,163 34,885 20,422 5,000 14,059 68,028 71,628 630,486 1,835,130 4,921 26,101 349,299 107,327 17,423 31,628 100,982 95,234 19,639 130,109 134,365 4,004 40,203 19,893 91,752 295,331 538,499 148,840 421,296 15,033 10,828 2,371 24,590 73,407 225,879 88,481 1,108

John F. and Mary G. Wahl Memorial Fund Jessie M acDonald Walker Memorial Fund Mabel Breckenridge Wason Fund* George B. and Edith S. Wheeler T rust Edward Loder W hittemore Fund James D. Williamson Fund The George H., Charles E., and Samuel Denny Wilson Memorial Fund David C. W right Memorial Fund Cleveland Foundation Combined Fund TOTAL A LL FU N D S


385,907 42,566 483,919 279,703 25,684 5,430

187,045 213,396 897,975 $41,332,779

♦These trusts provide, each in varying am ounts, for paym ent o f annuities to certain individuals prio r to paym ent o f the balance o f the incom e to the Foundation. In 1961 the C leveland F oundation received 74.0% o f the aggregate incom e o f the several funds. U ltim ately, it will receive the entire n et income. ♦♦Estate in process o f adm inistration.

C l e v e la n d F o u n d a t i o n C o m b i n e d F u n d More than 1400 donors have contributed to the Combined Fund which is made up of the following memorials and other gifts: Wickham H. Aldrich Eunice Westfall Allen Samuel Westfall Allen Lydia May Ames Leonard P. Ayres A. D. Baldwin Robert K. Beck Beulah Holden Bluim Helen R. Bowler Nap. H. Boynton Alva Bradley Charles F. Buescher Thomas Burnham Elizabeth A. Burton Leyton E. Carter Fred H. Chapin Arthur Cobb Arthur Cobb, Jr. Florence Haney Cobb Mary Gaylord Cobb Percy Wells Cobb Judge Alva R. Corlett Jacob D. Cox, Jr. Wilbur S. Crowell, M .D. Glen A. Cutler Magdalene P. Donahey

M EM ORIAL FUNDS Anna J. and Pliny D. Dorman James J. Doyle and Lillian Herron Doyle Scholarship Kristian Eilertsen K atyruth Strieker Fraley Memorial Frances B. and George W. Ford Winifred Fryer Ellen Gardner Gilmore Frances S. Goff James L. Greene Bell Greve Isador Grossman Jessie Haig Florence Hamilton Homer H. Hatch James W. Havighurst Memorial Scholarship Lewis Howard Hayden and Lulu May Hayden Iva L. Herl Siegmund and Bertha B. Herzog Cora Millet Holden Guerdon S. Holden Dr. John W oodford Holloway A. R. Horr Joseph C. Hostetler


Minerva B. Johnson D r. Emanuel Klaus Estelle C. Koch Scholarship George A. and Mary E. Marten John Harris McBride II Malcolm L. McBride Thomas McCauslen Emma E. McDonald Anna Curtis M cNutt Emma B. Minch John A. Mitchell and Blanche G. Mitchell Harry F. M iter Daniel E. M organ Harlan H. Newell Ethelwyne W alton Osborn Erla Schlather Parker Mary D unham Prescott George F. Quinn Memorial Scholarship Om ar S. Ranney Minerva P. Ridley Edward L. Rosenfeld and Bertha M. Rosenfeld Oliver H. Schaaf

A rthur H. Seibig Dr. Thomas Shupe Society for Crippled Children— Tris Speaker Memorial Meade A. Spencer Belle Bierce Stair Nellie Steele Stewart Joseph T. Sweeny Jessie Loyd Tarr Elizabeth Bebout Taylor Mary J. Tewksbury Amos Burt and Jeanne L. Thompson Allison John Thompson Sarah R. Thompson Maud Kerruish Towson Cornelia Blakemore Warner Stanley H. Watson Frank Walter Weide Caroline Briggs Welch Lucius J. and Jennie C. Wheeler Elliott H. Whitlock Mary C. Whitney Cleveland W ar Memorial

OTHER GIFTS TO THE COMBINED FUND Highland View Hospital Employees Fund George H. Lapham Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lechner Frederick R. and Bertha Specht Mautz Scholarship Fund John R. May The National City Bank Andrew T. Roskos, M.D. Social Work Scholarship Fund Society National Bank of Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farrand Taplin Ewald F. Tobold Edward A. Yurick, M.D.

Brigham Britton Carmela Cafarelli George S. Case Mrs. William D. Chamberlin Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Clark 1948 Classes of Cleveland Heights High School Cleveland Center on Alcoholism Cleveland Conference for Educational Cooperation Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society Mary B. Couch A rthur Feher I. F. Freiberger F. H. Haserot


G R A N T S - 1961 A

id f o r


E l d e r l y P ersons

Maintenance, nursing and hospital care A

m asa

Stone H


o u se

Operating support* A

m e r ic a n

C o u n c il

fo r


J u d a is m , I n c .

General support* A

m e r ic a n


E c o n o m ic F o u n d a t i o n

For educational institute in Cleveland A m e r ic a n F o u n d a t i o n

fo r th e

B l in d , I n c .


General support* A m e r ic a n F o u n d a t i o n

fo r

O v ersea s B l in d , I n c .


General support* A m e r ic a n F


F r e e J u r is t s , I n c .

u n d fo r

General support* B a l d w in -W a l l a c e C o l l e g e

Final payment on grant for Science Building Fund To establish an art gallery exhibit program For furnishing two dormitories for men Operating support*

10, 000.00 5.000.00 20,348.59 7,265.43

B eech B rook

15,938.34 7.000.00

Operating support from three funds* For additional psychiatric services B ellevue H

o s p it a l ,


B e l l e v u e , O h io

Operating support* B oy Sc o u ts, G


C l e v e l a n d C o u n c il

For a new Inner-city program General support* C

a p it a l


n iv e r s i t y ,

4,000.00 25.00 326.37

C o l u m b u s , O h io

For scholarships* C a s e I n s t it u t e


T echnology

Final payment on grant for building fund For graduate fellowships in urban planning For cancer research To augment professors’ salaries* Repair and expansion, Wamer-Swasey Observatory

20 ,000.00

7.600.00 6.600.00 5,933.45 50,000.00 817.00

C a t h o l i c C h a r i t ie s C o r p o r a t io n

Craft shop tools at Don Bosco, residence for boys



C a t h o l i c Y o u t h S e r v ic e B u r e a u

Advanced training for case workers C entral School

P r a c t ic a l N


u r s in g



General support* C

h i l d r e n ’s

A i d S o c ie t y

Expansion of cottage parent program To strengthen psychiatric services For the building fund C

h i l d r e n ’s

12,300.00 2.400.00 19,991.89

S e r v ic e s

Special services for children Operating support* C ir c l e W

orksh o p,

131.92 129.32



Operating support C

it y


C l u b F o r u m F o u n d a t io n

Support of public lecture program* C leveland A





S o c ie t y

General support*


C l e v e l a n d B a s e b a l l F e d e r a t io n

General support* C leveland B oard



E d u c a t io n

Survey of unemployed, out-of-school youth C lev eland C en ter




l c o h o l is m

Operating support* C

lev eland

C o m m is s io n



ig h e r

E d u c a t io n

10, 000.00

Operating support, third year C leveland D

evelopm ent


F o u n d a t io n

Operating support* 5,584.73

C l e v e l a n d F o u n d a t i o n L ib r a r y

Establishment of library on philanthropy C leveland G

ir l


S c o u t C o u n c il

To develop swimming area at summer camp C leveland G

u id a n c e

C enter, In c .

For group therapy program with disturbed children For the building fund C leveland H

e a r in g a n d

Speec h C enter

Research program on language disorders F or maintenance of electronic equipment G raduate training for hearing and speech therapists For equipment (from income of the John R. Raible Foundation allocated by the Distribution Committee of the Cleveland Foundation) *

27.000.00 75.000.00

Paym ents designated by donors


4.000.00 1.500.00 9.000.00


Blind children as well as the sighted enjoy a walk in the woods. The summer camping program of the C l e v e l a n d S o c ie t y

fo r th e

B l in d

received aid last year from the Foundation's new Hamilton Fund.

These children at N


l e n v il l e

e ig h b o r h o o d

C enters

learn to get along together by group play. This group work agency was one of many which received continuing support in 1961 from the Foundation.


lev elan d

I n s t it u t e








Scholarships* C l e v e l a n d I n s t it u t e

u s ic

For building fund, final payment on three year grant General support* C leveland M





s s o c ia t io n

10,000.00 25.00 2.750.00

To increase staff C leveland M

e t r o p o l it a n




o s p it a l


Annual award for graduate of School of Nursing* C




u seum o f



Operating support from three funds* C leveland M


u seum of



is t o r y


For planetarium program* C lev ela n d P lay H


o u se

Support of children’s programs and new dramatic work* C l e v e l a n d P o l ic e D


epartm ent

To Juvenile Bureau for prevention of delinquency* 24,714.49

C l e v e l a n d P s y c h o a n a l y t ic S o c ie t y

Training fellowships in child therapy* C l e v e l a n d P u b l ic L ib r a r y

Library services to handicapped persons in their homes* Library services for crippled children Purchase of new truck for home service C l e v e l a n d S o c ie t y

fo r th e

28,666.46 3,866.25 2.500.00

B l in d

Operating support* First payment on a two-year grant for Friendly Visiting program For summer camp program Reading services for elderly people

6,257.84 4.500.00 5,422.35 43.20

O r ch estra


C l e v e l a n d Z o o l o g i c a l S o c ie t y


C leveland W

o m e n ’s

General support*

Operating support* C o l l e g e C e n t e r , P a in e s v il l e , O

2 ,000.00

h io

Scholarships for Junior College students C o m m it t e e



C o rrespo n d en ce, In c .

General support* C o nsu m ers L ea g u e




h io

General support* *

Paym ents designated by donors



o u n c il


$ 1,172.39


Housing project for elderly persons C o u n c il





e l a t io n s

For intergroup relations work with high school students General support* C uyahoga C ounty W


elfa r e



A s s o c ia t io n

u rsery



epartm ent

Household equipment and clothing for families of widows with dependent children To provide camperships Vocational opportunities for Aid to Dependent Children D


3.324.00 2.500.00 563.97 1, 000.00

C lev elan d

Operating support* D


P aul In fant H



For a new sterilizer D





Operating support* D

r o p s ie

C ollege, N


York, N



Y ork

General support* E a st E n d N

e ig h b o r h o o d


H o use

Vocational training program for out-of-school youth E d u c a t io n a l R


C o u n c il




C leveland


Research and development services for primary and secondary school systems 10 , 000.00

E u c l i d I n n e r b e l t A s s o c ia t io n

To assist in urban development of Euclid-lnnerbelt area F a ir v ie w P a r k H


o s p it a l

Maintenance of a bed* F a m il y S e r v ic e A s s o c ia t io n


General support* Homemaker service* F


2 ,000.00


C o llege

For library and lecture hall building funds F o u n d a t io n D G



ev elo pm en t

C enter





C leveland

Support of library* W

il l ia m

N. G



e m o r ia l


o s p it a l ,

E l y r ia , O

Maintenance of a bed for children* For improvement of facilities for children G



1 200.00 5,000.00 11,288.46

A g e C enter

Operating support of new center at Ansel Road *

h io

Payments designated by donors


Spring housecleaning at Camp Cheerful is one of the volunteer activites o f the Youth Council o f the C o u n c i l o n H u m a n R e l a t i o n s . This program in human relations among high school students was expanded last year under a Foundation grant.


These golden agers enjoy going back to nature at the Holden Arboretum, one of many programs conducted by the G o l d e n A g e C e n t e r . A new Center on Ansel Road will open this year with operating assistance from the Foundation.



S o c ia l S e t t l e m e n t

o o d r ic h

F or water storage tank at Camp Mather Extension of services at Bell Neighborhood Center G

o o d w il l

I n d u s t r ie s


C lev elan d


For self-study of agency operations G

C leveland A


s s o c ia t e d

F o u n d a t io n

For organization of new philanthropic foundation G

C l e v e l a n d S a fe ty C o u n c il




u n d of



C leveland

ig h l a n d

V ie w C u y a h o g a C o u n t y H

o s p it a l

Recreation services for employes* H

ir a m


o u se

o - M it a - K o d a

561.41 10,000.00


C amp

1 200.00

Camperships for diabetic children I n g l e s id e H


C amp

Operating support* Toward construction of new Main Lodge H



General support* H

9,923.75 8 000.00

“Blueprint For Life” safety program H

$ 4,400.00 19,950.00


o s p it a l

Toward construction of new geriatric facility E l iz a J e n n in g s H o m e


To establish a wing for care of senile patients J e w i s h C h i l d r e n ’s B u r e a u


Demonstration program in services for unwed mothers J e w is h C o m m u n it y F e d e r a t io n


C leveland

10, 000.00

General support* J e w is h C o n v a l e s c e n t H


o s p it a l

For special bus to transport handicapped patients J e w is h D




u rsery

Toward construction of new day nursery 8.500.00

J e w i s h F a m i l y S e r v ic e A s s o c ia t io n

Experimental program in child health and parent guidance

Psychiatric services to augment vocational counseling John C arroll U


1 000.00

J e w i s h V o c a t io n a l S e r v ic e s

n iv e r s i t y

Support of Institute on Soviet and East European studies F or library and maintenance building funds Scholarship* *Paym ents designated by donors


6.400.00 30,000.00 435.77

J ones H


$ 5,584.91

For recreational and educational needs of children* K

aram u



ou se

General support* K



C o llege

General support* L a k e E r ie C o l l e g e

General support* Harriet B. Storrs scholarships

217.09 2,000.00

Aid S o c ie t y Second year support of a Legal Aid Defender service

L egal

L it t l e S is t e r s

of th e

30,000.00 250.49


General support* 5,000.00

L u d l o w C o m m u n it y A s s o c ia t io n

Support of educational program in bi-racial neighborhood L utheran H

om e fo r th e


A ged

To establish a social service department, final payment L utheran H


o s p it a l

Annual award for graduate of School of Nursing* M


a ternal




s s o c ia t io n

General support* M

a y o r ’s

T r a f f i c S a f e t y E d u c a t i o n C o m m it t e e


To bring up-to-date a study of municipal traffic court M

e n n in g e r


F o u n d a t io n

General support* M


A s s o c ia t io n


General support* M





e h a b il it a t io n a n d

R esearch, I n c .


For furniture and operating support of new “half-way house” for discharged mental patients M

o n t e f io r e



Construction of a breezeway For a hearing improvement program M


7,000.00 3,500.00 57.58


Student awards*

Under a unique new curriculum developed by the E d u c a t i o n a l R e s e a r c h o u n c i l o f G r e a t e r C l e v e l a n d the teaching o f mathematics in a large group o f local school systems has taken a dramatic step forward. The Council has received $205,000 in Foundation grants in the last three years. C



L i b r a r y , P a in e s v il l e , O


$ 1,000.00

h io

For books to be used in junior college courses M


S in a i H


o s p it a l

Support of the D epartm ent of Ophthalmology for research in the causes of blindness M

u s ic a l

A r t s A s s o c ia t io n

For Children’s Concerts* General support* N

a t io n a l

C o n feren ce


1,400.00 8,192.87

C h r is t ia n s


J ew s


General support* N

a t io n a l

C o u n c il


C o m m u n it y F o u n d a t i o n s


Support of community trust program N

a t io n a l

J e w is h H

o s p it a l ,



C olorado


General support*

Raymond Burr, TV star, here helps to inaugurate the community-wide safety program called Blueprint For Life. Sponsored by the G r e a t e r C l e v e l a n d S a f e t y C o u n c i l with support from the Foundation, this all-out attack on accidents and fires hopes to cut the toll of deaths by 100 in a one-year period



e ig h b o r h o o d

S e t t l e m e n t A s s o c ia t io n

To extend services of: Glenville Neighborhood Centers M ount Pleasant Community Centers Neighborhood Settlement Association University Settlement Repairs to Rainey Institute building Program study and office remodeling Summer camp program for Addison Road Jr. High children N

o tre


C ollege


For building program For in-service institutes in mathematics

$ 5,200.00 7.544.00 2.500.00 900.00 4.570.00 3.450.00 7.570.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 61,760.99

O g l e b a y I n s t it u t e

Operating support of educational and recreational programs* O r t h o d o x J e w i s h C h i l d r e n ’s A

s s o c ia t io n


To furnish a group foster home 250.50

P arm adale

Operating support* P h il l i s W


A s s o c ia t io n

2 ,000.00

For self-study of agency program General support*


B e n ja m in R ose I n s t it u t e F o r M a rg a r e t W a g n e r H o u s e b u ild in g fu n d F o r t h e o u t - p a t i e n t d e p a r t m e n t a t t h e B e n ja m i n R o s e H o s p i t a l O p e ra tin g s u p p o rt* R

o se- M a r y


om e fo r

C r i p p l e d C h il d r e n

10,000.00 5,000.00 5,422.35 218.09

Operating support* S a in t A




o s p it a l

For the building fund S t . J o h n ’s H


o s p it a l

Operating support* S t . V in c e n t C h a r it y H

o s p it a l

1,600.00 388.56

For heart research Maintenance of a bed* S a l v a t io n A


5,000.00 5,257.82

For the building fund General support*


S c h o l a r s h ip s

Aid to college students S o c ie t y

fo r

C r ip p l e d C h il d r e n


C leveland

General support* *

Payments designated by donors



The Eugene S. Halle Glaucoma Clinic at W e s t e r n R e s e r v e U n i v e r s i t y receives annual support of its research and service work from the Foundation's Eugene S. and Blanche R. Halle Memorial Fund.


S o c ie t y

S t . V in c e n t




P aul


Operating support* 1,784.97

T h r e e - C o r n e r - R o u n d P a c k o u t f it , I n c .

Camping program for boys* U

n io n o f

A m e r ic a n H


C o n g r e g a t io n s

For the Development Fund* U

n it e d

A ppea l





10 000.00


C leveland

Contributions from 15 funds for operating support* U

n it e d



C ollege F u n d


General support* U

n iv e r s i t y

C ir c l e D

ev elo pm en t

F o u n d a t io n


First payment on three year grant for operating purposes U

n iv e r s it y


o s p it a l s o f

C leveland

118,729.85 2,143.25 564.58 462.33

Operating support—Lakeside Hospital* Operating support—M aternity Hospital* Operating support—Rainbow Hospital* Conference expenses for surgeons* U


L eag ue

4,000.00 775.00

Housing services for negroes For study of job applicants U

r s u l in e


C o llege

Scholarship* V is it in g N

u rse


s s o c ia t io n

30,000.00 500.00

Demonstration home care program General support* V o c a t io n a l G

u id a n c e a n d


e h a b il it a t io n

S e r v ic e s

27,500.00 218.09

Contribution to building program Operating support* W

elfa re


e d e r a t io n o f

C leveland

Emergency grant to assist six group-work agencies Support of a social welfare program in the Hough Area To strengthen the Research Department Camperships for underprivileged children Operating support* Foster home recruiting service W





i s t o r ic a l

24.478.00 29.300.00 8 ,000.00

10,000.00 1,282.33 1.534.00 6.650.00

S o c ie t y

Preservation and cataloguing of old manuscripts *Paym ents designated by donors







n iv e r s i t y

General support o f: Adelbert College* Backus Law School* Flora Stone M ather College, scholarships* G raduate School* School of Applied Social Sciences* Valleevue Farm, biological research* Western Reserve University*


$ 2,042.00 2.042.00 564.58 67,010.76 5.000.00 8,163.43 4,071.39

School of Medicine: Eugene S. Halle Glaucoma Clinic* Medical research'* Oglebay Fellowship program*

10,109.04 43,272.10

For the building program: Biology Department, new equipment Freiberger Library expansion Science Center, new building

50.000.00 15.000.00

Area Council leadership training program Training program for child care workers Center for the study of mental development in children School of Applied Social Sciences Research Bureau Residential study of the Ludlow Area Heart research

12,487.00 7.500.00 30.000.00 15.000.00 5.600.00 1,951.02


S id e C o m m u n it y H




o u se

For repairs to gymnasium Y oung M

e n ’s

C h r is t ia n A s s o c ia t io n , P

a in e s v il l e ,

O h io


For the building fund Y



o m e n ’s

C h r is t ia n A

s s o c ia t io n

6 000.00

General support*

1,368.79 Total of Grants Paid



Extension of services in Coll inwood Area

P a ym en ts d e sig n a ted b y donors




with the mechanics of charitable gifts, the Cleveland Foundation Library is available with current information about foundations, charitable institutions and activities, for use in connection with the preparation of wills and trust agreements. Suggested forms for gifts and trusts to be established with the Cleveland Foundation are available upon request.





E l l w o o d H . F ish er, M



R o y a l F ir m a n , Jr .

John A. G reene

( Resigned Septem ber, 1961) J oh n S h erw in

(Appointed October, 1961) K


Jo h n

H . S m ith


V ird en

D irector and Secretary J. K i m b a l l J o h n s o n

tr u stees

Central National Bank of Cleveland The Cleveland Trust Company The National City Bank of Cleveland Society National Bank of Cleveland Union Commerce Bank t r u st e e s


c o m m it t e e

G e o r g e G u n d , Chairman President, The Cleveland Trust Company F r a n c i s H . Beam

Chairman o f Board, The National City Bank of Cleveland M e r v in



President, Society National Bank of Cleveland L o r i n g L. G e l b a c h

Chairman o f Board, Central National Bank of Cleveland G eorg e R. H er zo g

Chairman o f Board, Union Commerce Bank O F F IC E



1240 Union Commerce Building Cleveland 14, Ohio

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