Cleveland Foundation – 1962 Annual Report

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The Cleveland Foundation was established Jan uary 2, 1914 to serve perm anently the health, educational and charitable needs of the G reater Cleveland community. The first of its kind and now widely copied, this community trust is charac足 terized by four m ain features: 1. Its funds are the union of numerous gifts, large, small and medium-sized, left at different times by various donors. 2. Local banks, which are Trustees of the Cleveland Founda足 tion, safeguard and invest the funds, making available the income, and under certain conditions, the principal, for the charitable purposes of the Foundation. 3. Endowment income, and under certain conditions, the principal, is disbursed by a Distribution Committee of five persons. M embers serve without compensation for five-year terms. Two are selected by the trustee banks, and three are appointed by public officials. 4. Any contributor may designate his preferred charity and his wishes will be observed unless changing conditions make such purpose unnecessary, undesirable, impractical or impos足 sible. In such event the funds can thereafter be used for such other charitable and educational purposes as will, in the opinion of the Distribution Committee, more effectually pro足 mote the public welfare.

THE YEAR NINETEEN SIXTY-TWO As the Foundation approached its fiftieth anniversary it recorded another year of significant growth in assets and of community service to G reater Cleveland. Disbursements for health, educational, social welfare and civic purposes passed the two million dollar mark for the first time in the Foundation’s history. During 1962 capital assets increased by $4,577,293 of which $3,469,493 represented new gifts from 61 donors. Seven new trust funds were established, which, with additions to existing funds and memorial gifts to the Combined Fund, brought the year-end endow­ ment to $45,910,072 (book value). M arket value of these assets was approxim ately $74,000,000. Certain of the trusts currently provide only partial —but eventually complete —benefit to the Foundation. The Foundation now administers 118 separate funds. A list of these funds will be found on page 9 of this Report. The Distribution Com­ mittee, in making grants for philanthropic purposes, customarily uses only income. Notable exceptions are two new funds for the use of the G reater Cleveland Associated Foundation which were received in 1962 from the Ford Foundation and the trustees of the Leonard C. H anna, Jr. Fund. Principal of these funds is to be disbursed over a five-year period. During 1962 the Distribution Committee authorized the disburse­ ment of $2,288,719 for philanthropic purposes (including adm inistra­ tive cost of 2.1% ). A detailed accounting of the 254 grants made to 128 agencies, largely in the Greater Cleveland Area, is set forth later in this Report. SEVEN N E W TRUSTS ESTA BLISH ED

The following new funds were received in 1962: Fannie Brown Memorial Fund— U nder the will of Mrs. Brown this fund was established with the Central National Bank with an initial 1

deposit by the executor of $50,000. Income is to be used for the benefit of mentally retarded or emotionally disturbed children. ulius E. Goodman Fund—Although the estate is still in process of adm inistration this fund became effective in 1962 at The Cleveland Trust Company with an initial distribution of income which is to be used for the welfare of children. Greater Cleveland Associated Foundation Fund No. 7—An initial payment of $500,000 from the Ford Foundation on its grant of $1,250,000 for the purposes of the Associated Foundation was deposited in $100,000 units in each of the five trustee banks. Principal of the fund is to be expended over a five-year period. The Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Associated Foundation Trust — This fund was created with a gift of $2,500,000, one-half to be used over a five-year period to m atch the Ford Foundation grant. The balance is to be used to extend the work of the G reater Cleveland Associated Foundation for an additional five years if deemed desirable. This gift from the trustees of the Leonard C. H anna, Jr. Fund was placed in The National City Bank. Kaufman Hays Memorial Fund—This fund was established with the Union Commerce Bank, by gifts totaling $7,100 from eight grand­ children of Kaufm an Hays, to perpetuate the memory of this industrial­ ist and civic leader of Cleveland during the latter half of the nineteenth century. Income is not restricted. Clarence A. Kirkham Memorial Fund— Established at the Central National Bank under the will of M r. K irkham ’s widow with an initial distribution of $195,000, income of this fund is to be used for the care of orphan, dependent and tubercular children. The late M r. Kirkham was the inventor of the Swan carburetor. Catherine E. Stewart, Martha A. Stewart, Judith H. Stewart and Jeannette Stewart Memorial Fund—This, fund was created with a bequest of $12,170 under the will of the late Jeannette Stewart. Income is to be used for aid of elderly persons. Trustee is The Cleveland Trust Company. ADDITIONS TO EX ISTIN G FUNDS

In addition to the foregoing new trusts, assets of the following funds were increased in 1962: Additions of $13,000 to the William C. and Lillye T. Fischer Fund and $12,200 to the John F. and Mary G. Wahl Memorial Fund were received from executors. The Charles L. and Marion H. Stone Fund received an additional $14,000 from M r. Stone, the creator of this fund. The Alva Bradley II Fund received a distribution of $82,500 from the executor of the Bradley estate. 2

A boy on a horse — one of a group of inner city teenagers that spent a week at H iram H ouse Cam p through a Foundation grant to the C l e v e l a n d B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n .


The Cleveland Recreational Arts Fund was increased by $10,150 in gifts from the W illiam Abrams Foundation, Raym ond John W ean Foundation, Cleveland Range Company and K urt L. Seelbach. This fund, which helps to support Cleveland’s cultural institutions had assets of more than $100,000 at the year end. The following suburban organizations continued their practice of turning over funds for cancer, heart and polio research: Independence Combined Drive for Health, Welfare and Research, $7,746.64; Combined Health Collection of Richmond Heights, $1,990; Combined Health and Welfare Drive, Inc. of Valley View, $484.67; Walton Hills Combined Charities, $973.50. M EM ORIAL GIFTS AND T H E COM BINED FUND

Capital of the Combined Fund (so-called because gifts are com­ bined for investment purposes) was increased by $62,178.47 in 1962 through gifts from 36 donors. Several new memorials and special purpose funds were established. At the Central National Bank an additional gift of $3,000 was made to the Frederick R. and Bertha Specht Mautz Scholarship Fund by Dr. and Mrs. M autz. An addition of $1,123.47 to the Thomas Burnham Memorial was received from a trust established by Mrs. M arie Louise Gollan and Dr. Edward A. Turick again made a gift to the fund which bears his name. At The Cleveland Trust Companygifts totaling $2,990 were received in memory of Mrs. I. F. Freiberger from M r. and Mrs. George Karch, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. M arten, Firestone Tire and R ubber Company, Firestone Foundation, George Gund Foundation and The Cleveland Trust Company. In memory of Robert B. Grandin gifts were received from Miss R uth B. Grandin, M r. and Mrs. Charles Hickox and Mr. and Mrs. Sterling M cM illan. A contribution of $1,000 in memory of Annette S. Shagren was received from her brother Nels Swanson. Under the will of the late Reuben W. Hitchcock a bequest of $11,500 was received and an addition of $4,000 was made to the Iva L. Herl Fund from the residue of the Herl estate. The Combined Fund at The National City Bank received a gift of $25,000 from the trustees of the Leonard C. H anna, Jr. Fund with income designated for the Cleveland Play House. An addition of $13,103 was made by the executor to the Anna J . Dorman and Pliny O. Dorman Memorial Fund and from Dr. Carl F. Ulrich a gift of $100 was received for the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society Fund to be used for its scientific library. Mrs. Wilson M oriarty made a contribution in memory of 4

Mrs. E. 0. Marting and gifts totaling $225 were added to the Winifred Fryer Memorial by the following persons: A. A. Benesch, Judge M ary B. Grossman, Mrs. Bertha G. Hanscom, Miss R uth F. Nagusky, Mrs. R uth Reutlinger, M r. and Mrs. Sidney S. Scheibel and Mrs. M arian Unger. At Society National Bank the Robert H. Busch Memorial Fund was established with gifts from the Fastener Service Company, Miss Caroline Fritzche, the Unger family and Miss Ethel M. Wood. Assets of the Combined Fund at the several trustee banks totaled $977,175 at year’s end. The Fund is comprised of 124 separate memorial or special purpose funds which are listed under Financial Statements later in this Report. Each memorial retains its identity and purpose, the various gifts being commingled for greater efficiency in the investment of the capital. The establishment of a memorial or special purpose fund is a simple procedure and can be accomplished with a modest gift. The trustee banks and the staff of the Foundation are happy to answer questions about the creation of memorial or other funds. T H E D ISTR IB U TIO N CO M M ITTEE

At the January, 1963 meeting of the Distribution Committee Ellwood H. Fisher, who had served as chairm an of the Committee for the past seven years, asked to be replaced as chairm an due to pressure of other duties and the desirability of rotating the chairmanship. The Committee expressed appreciation to Mr. Fisher for his years of out­ standing service and elected John Sherwin as chairm an of the Distribu­ tion Committee for the year 1963. T H E JO H N R . R A IB L E FO U N D A TIO N

Recognition of the Foundation’s long range usefulness was demon­ strated in 1957 by the action of the Board of Supervisors of The John R. Raible Foundation, a “ family-type” foundation, in transferring the adm inistration of that philanthropic organization to the office of the Cleveland Foundation. This was accomplished by the resignation of the four-man Board and election of a new Board from the membership of the Cleveland Foundation’s Distribution Committee. The Board of Supervisors of the Raible Foundation now consists of John Sherwin, K ent H. Smith, John C. Virden and Ellwood H. Fisher, president. J. Kimball Johnson serves as secretary. U nder this arrangement, the Raible Foundation continues as an entity independent of the Cleveland 5

R o bert L. Lewis (left), president of the board of trustees of the new C u y a h o g a C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e , reviews plans with R obert H ill, architect, to convert B rownell School for use as the college’s first building. T h e Foundation pro vid ed $75,000 in 1962 for organization of this first pu blic com m unity college in Ohio. 6

Foundation yet its adm inistration and governing Board is constituted of the same persons who are responsible for distribution of the Cleve­ land Foundation’s Income. The John R. Raible Foundation was created in 1947 by John R. Raible who established a trust with the Central National Bank. The general purposes of this foundation include assistance to hospitals, medical research, children’s institutions and scholarship programs. About three-quarters of the income is paid to certain institutions designated by the donor and the balance is allocated only to Greater Cleveland agencies. D uring the fifteen years of operation of the Raible Foundation from 1948 through 1962, a total of $238,916 has been distributed for philanthropic purposes. Capital assets of the foundation as of December 31, 1962 had a book value of $466,980 and a market value of $673,256. ★ ★ ★

Inquiries are welcomed at the Foundation office from anyone desiring more information about grants made; and from those who may wish to establish trusts, bequests or memorial funds with the Foundation as a means of carrying out their philanthropic desires. The Distribution Committee J o h n S h e r w i n , Chairman M r s . R o y a l F ir m a n , J r . E l l w o o d H. F i s h e r K e n t H. S m i t h J o h n C. V i r d e n J . K im b a l l J o h n s o n ,

Director and Secretary

April, 1963


FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Taken from Report o f Examination by Ernst & Ernst, Certified Public Accountants, full report being available for inspection.

Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for 1962

$ 604,875.35 Unexpended balances, January 1, 1962 RECEIPTS Endowment income from Trustees $2,395,958.09 From other sources 13,741.76 2,409,699.85* $3,014,575.20 DISBURSEM ENTS By trustee banks: Fees $65,944.05 Bond and real estate amortization, other 77,601.44 $ 143,545.49 By Distribution Committee: For charitable and educational purposes: Care of the Aged 119,261.30 Child care 111,906.50 Civic development 365,778.49 Education including scholarships 841,701.22 Fine Arts 17,216.46 Health, medical research 85,618.72 Hospitals 156,982.59 Neighborhood and family services 317,476.38 Recreation and character building 101,893.84 Rehabilitation 54,061.24 United Appeal and Jewish Welfare 69,058.35 2,240,955.09* For administrative purposes 47,763.87 Total Disbursements 2,432,264.45 Unexpended balances, December 31, 1962 $ 582,310.75** ‘Includes $90,715.12 from principal. * ‘Composed of fund balances which were substantially encumbered or not available for use until after December 31, 1962.



Endowment o f the Foundation with principal value of the 118 funds held by the Trustee Banks at book or carrying value as o f December 31, 1962.

W alter C. and Lucy I. Astrup Fund $ 95,564 Sophie Auerbach Fund* 187,124 T he Frederic M. and Nettie E. Backus Memorial Fund 2,148,506 W alter C. and Fannie W hite Baker Fund 4,729 Lilian H anna Baldwin Fund 8,540 Cornelia W. Beardslee Fund 100,362 Jam es C. Beardslee Fund 665,665 M ary Berryman Fund 17,026 T he Dr. H am ilton Fisk Biggar Fund 93,786 K atherine Bohm Fund 7,318 The George H. Boyd Fund* 1,559,251 Alva Bradley II Fund 82,382 G ertrude H. Britton, K atharine H. Perkins Fund 24,344 Fannie Brown M emorial Fund 50,028 George F. Buehler Memorial Fund 149,475 K atherine W ard Burrell Fund 6,896 The M artha B. Carlisle Memorial Fund 74,702 T he Central High School Endowment Fund 5,071 T he Fred H. Chapin M emorial Fund 2,163,745 J. E. G. Clark Fund 6,525 Cleveland Recreational Arts Fund 100,734 Caroline E. Coit Fund 68,016 A. E. Convers Fund* 5,274,078 H arry Coulby Fund No. 1 3,487,694 H arry Coulby Fund No. 2* 835,311 Jacob D. Cox Fund 105,197 S. H oughton Cox Fund* 49,983 Henry G. Dalton Fund 673,109 Alice M cH ardy Dye Fund 292,131 Dr. Frank Carl Felix and Flora Webster Felix Fund* 293,798 W illiam C. Fischer and Lillye T. Fischer Memorial Fund 91,845 Fisher Fund 43,435 Erwin L. and Fanny M. Fisher Memorial Fund 485,179 Ford Foundation Fund for G reater Cleveland Associated Foundation 481,625 T he Fannie Pitcairn Frackelton and David W. Frackelton Fund 13,200 R obert J. Frackelton Fund 20,248 T he George Freem an Charity Fund 49,369 Frederic H. Gates Fund 214,824 The W illiam F. and A nna Lawrence Gibbons Fund* 460,535 W illiam A. Giffhorn Fund 2,491 Frederick H arris Goff Fund 49,712 Julius E. Goodman Fund The Eugene S. and Blanche R. Halle Memorial Fund 2,055,096 Edwin T. and M ary E. H am ilton Fund 1,106,820 9

The Lynn J. and Eva D. H am m ond M emorial Fund* Leonard C. H anna, Jr. Associated Foundation Trust Leonard C. H anna, Jr. Fund for Community Chest Leonard C. H anna, Jr. Fund for U nited Appeal Leonard C. H anna, Jr. Cleveland Foundation Special Purpose Fund Leonard C. H anna, Jr. Community Development Fund The K ate H anna Harvey M emorial Fund Melville H. Haskell, M ary H. H unter, Gertrude H. Britton, K atharine H. Perkins Fund George Halle Hays Fund Kaufm an Hays M emorial Fund The H iram House Fund The Jacob Hirtenstein Fund The A. W. H urlbut Fund International Goodwill Fund Caroline Bonnell Jones Fund Jam es S. Jordan Fund Adrian D. Joyce Fund The Frederick W. and H enryett Slocum Jud d Fund K aram u House Trust Clarence A. Kirkham M emorial Fund Elroy J. and Fynette H. Kulas Fund R obert M. Linney Fund* Ella L. Lowman Fund Henry M. Lucas Fund Clemens W. Lundoff and Hilda T. Lundoff Fund Frank J. Lynch Fund* Nellie Lynch Fund Alice K eith M ather Fund The Ellen E. M cCreary M emorial Fund The George W. and Sarah M cGuire Fund The Albert Younglove M eriam and K athryn A. M eriam Fund Alice Butts M etcalf Fund Anna B. M inzer Fund Cornelia S. M oore Fund* E. Freeman M ould Fund Jane C. M ould Fund The Crispin and K ate Oglebay Trust* M ary King Osborn Fund W illiam P. Palmer Fund The Dr. Charles B. Parker M emorial Fund* Douglas Perkins Fund W alter D. Price Fund* William H. Price Fund The R etreat Memorial Fund Charles L. Richm an Fund N athan G. Richm an Fund Alice M. Rockefeller Fund Charles F. Ruby Fund The M ary Coit Sanford Memorial Fund 10

$1,077,578 2,469,122 294,445 241,611 1,073,065 5,132,009 52,827 95,012 9,947

7,131 8,133 5,771 23,598 15,490 5,000 15 938

62,925 501,902 1,055,258 194,630 378,430 132 750 1 012 79 ggg 322,571 25 915 147 005

118 070 5,167 34,885 20,352 5 qoo j 4 012 6 g 028 108 708 630 253

] 944 575 ’ 4 921 26'101 349 299 107 327 17 403 31*628 101006 95 302 20 614 130123 134*235 4^004

Cleveland is undergoing a m ajor face lifting through large scale dow ntow n Urban Renew al and slum clearance projects. T h e C l e v e l a n d D e v e l o p m e n t F o u n d a t i o n , a key agency in expeditin g this rebuilding, receives substantial annual support from a Cleveland Foundation fund designated for such purpose.


M ary Coit Sanford Fund Frank S. Sheets and Alberta G.Sheets M emorial Fund The A. H. and Julia W. Shunk Fund The Thomas and A nna Sidlo Fund The Nellie B. Snavely Fund A. L. Somers Fund W illiam J. Southworth Fund* Dr. George P. Soyer Fund M arion R. Spellman Fund Josephine L. Sperry Fund Ada Gates Stevens M emorial Fund Catherine E. Stewart, M artha A. Stewart, Jud ith H. Stewart and Jeannette Stewart M emorial Fund Charles L. and M arion H. Stone Fund H arriet B. Storrs Fund Maybelle G. and Finton L. Torrence Fund Charles F. Uhl Fund John F. and M ary G. W ahl M emorial Fund Jessie M acDonald W alker M emorial Fund M abel Breckenridge Wason Fund * George B. and Edith S. W heeler Trust Edward Loder W hittemore Fund Jam es D. Williamson Fund The George H., Charles E., and Samuel Denny Wilson M emorial Fund David C. W right M emorial Fund Cleveland Foundation Combined Fund T O TA L ALL FUNDS


4 0 077

19,893 91,430 293,966 537 35} 149 794

4 2 ] 330

14*988 10*798 2 371 22 975

12,185 87 407 385 058 88 246 1*108 152 42 567


483*747 281 858 25*684 5 430 jgy 226*860 977 175 J45 9 j q Q72

*These trusts provide, each in varying amounts, for payment of annuities to certain individ足 uals prior to payment of the balance of the income to the Foundation. In 1962 the Cleveland Foundation received 73.7% of the aggregate income of the several funds. Ultimately it will receive the entire net income. * *Estate in process of administration.


Cleveland Foundation Combined Fund M ore than 1400 donors have contributed to the Combined Fund which is m ade up of the following memorials and other gifts: M E M O R IA L FUNDS W ickham H. Aldrich Florence Hamilton Eunice Westfall Allen Homer H. Hatch Samuel Westfall Allen Jam es W. Havighurst Memorial Lydia M ay Ames Scholarship Leonard P. Ayres Lewis Howard Hayden and A. D. Baldwin Lulu M ay Hayden R obert K. Beck Iva L. Herl Siegmund and Bertha B. Herzog Beulah Holden Bluim Helen R. Bowler Reuben W. Hitchcock Nap. H. Boynton Cora Millet Holden Guerdon S. Holden Alva Bradley Dr. John Woodford Holloway Charles F. Buescher A. R. Horr Thom as Burnham Joseph C. Hostetler Elizabeth A. Burton M inerva B. Johnson R obert H. Busch Dr. Emanuel Klaus Leyton E. C arter Estelle C. Koch Scholarship Fred H. Chapin George A. and M ary E. M arten A rthur Cobb Mrs. E. O. M arting A rthur Cobb, Jr. John H arris McBride II Florence H aney Cobb Malcolm L. McBride M ary Gaylord Cobb Thomas McCauslen Percy Wells Cobb Emma E. M cDonald Judge Alva R. Corlett Anna Curtis M cNutt Jacob D. Cox, Jr. Emma B. Minch W ilbur S. Crowell, M.D. John A. Mitchell and Blanche G. Glen A. C uder Mitchell M agdalene P. Donahey H arry F. M iter A nna J. and Pliny D. Dorm an Daniel E. M organ Jam es J. Doyle and H arlan H. Newell Lillian H erron Doyle Scholarship Ethelwyne W alton Osborn Kristian Eilertsen Erla Schlather Parker K atyruth Strieker Fraley Memorial M ary D unham Prescott Frances B. and George W. Ford George F. Q uinn M emorial Mrs. I. F. Freiberger Scholarship W inifred Fryer O m ar S. Ranney Ellen G ardner Gilmore M inerva P. Ridley Frances S. Goff Edward L. Rosenfeld and R obert B. Grandin Bertha M. Rosenfeld Jam es L. Greene Oliver H. Schaaf Belle Greve A rthur H. Seibig Isador Grossman Annette S. Shagren Jessie H aig 13

Dr. Thomas Shupe Society for Crippled Children Tris Speaker Memorial M eade A. Spencer Belle Bierce Stair Nellie Steele Stewart Joseph T. Sweeny Jessie Loyd T arr Elizabeth Bebout Taylor M ary J. Tewksbury Amos Burt and Jeanne L. Thompson

Allison John Thom pson Sarah R. Thompson M aud Kerruish Towson Cornelia Blakemore W arner Stanley H. W atson Frank W alter W eide Caroline Briggs Welch Lucius J. and Jennie C. W heeler Elliott H. W hidock M ary C. W hitney Cleveland W ar M emorial

O T H E R G IFTS T O T H E CO M BIN ED FU ND Brigham Britton Highland View Hospital Carmela Cafarelli Employees Fund George S. Case George H. Lapham Mrs. William D. Chamberlin Dr. and Mrs. R obert H. Lechner Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Clark Frederick R. and Bertha Specht 1948 Classes of Cleveland Heights M autz Scholarship Fund High School John R. M ay Cleveland Center on Alcoholism The National City Bank Cleveland Conference for Andrew T. Roskos, M.D. Educational Cooperation Social Work Scholarship Fund Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society National Bank of Cleveland Society Fund M r. and Mrs. Charles M ary B. Couch Farrand Taplin A rthur Feher Ewald F. Tobold I. F. Freiberger Edward A. Yurick, M .D. F. H. Haserot


These two m em bers of the younger set were am ong 1,500,000 Greater Clevelanders who received Sabin Oral Vaccine three different times last sum m er in the largest mass polio im m unization program ever undertaken in the world. A grant and loan from the Foundation helped the A c a d e m y o f M e d i c i n e to launch the program. 15

U nder a Foundation grant, the school term in this classroom at w ill be extended into the sum m er m onths as an experi足 m ent in strengthening the educational program for children.

B e l l e f a ir e


GRANTS —1962 A c a d e m y o f M e d ic in e

Community-wide polio immunization program

$ 2,295.77

A id f o r E l d e r l y P e r s o n s


A m a sa S t o n e H o u s e


M aintenance, nursing and hospital care O perating support*

A m e r ic a n C o u n c il f o r J u d a is m , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k

General support*

A m e r ic a n N a t io n a l R e d C r o s s , W a s h in g t o n ,

General support*


A s s o c ia t io n o f P h i l a n t h r o p i c H o m e s f o r A g e d , I n c .

T raining course for executive housekeepers

B a l d w in - W a l l a c e C o l l e g e

For College Union Building (first of four payments) O perating support* For scholarships

Beech Brook

For psychiatric services (second of three payments) To establish a foster home (first of three payments) O perating support*

B e l l e f a ir e

Demonstration in extension of school term as aid in education of emotionally disturbed children

B e l l e v u e H o s p it a l , B e l l e v u e , O h io

O perating support*

B o y S c o u t s , G r e a t e r C l e v e l a n d C o u n c il

D emonstration program for Inner-city youth

C a p i t a l U n iv e r s it y , C o l u m b u s , O h io

For scholarships*

C a s e I n s t it u t e o f T e c h n o l o g y

For expanding the library collection For graduate fellowships in urban planning For a census data study For scholarships To augm ent professors’ salaries*

C e n t r a l S c h o o l o f P r a c t ic a l N u r s in g

General support* To train additional students

*Payments designated by donors


2 , 000.00

3,009.58 1, 200.00

25,000.00 10,718.11 2,294.45 7.000.00 7,500.00 16,757.66 4.000.00 1,391.00 10, 000.00

543.65 25,000.00 7.600.00 4.775.00 2,177.78 6,405.59 250.00 3,000.00

C h i l d r e n ’s A id S o c ie t y

For a new station wagon (from income of the John R. Raible Foundation allocated by the Distribution Committee)

C h i l d r e n ’s S e r v ic e s

$ 2,320.64

138.62 129.31 80.13

Special services for children O perating support*

C ir c l e W o r k s h o p , I n c .

O perating support

C it y o f C l e v e l a n d — R e c r e a t io n D e p a r t m e n t

To provide recreation services at Alta, Goodrich and M errick social centers for a two-year period


C l e v e l a n d A r e a H e a r t S o c ie t y


C l e v e l a n d B a s e b a l l F e d e r a t io n


C l e v e l a n d B o a r d o f E d u c a t io n


For heart research General support*

Cam ping opportunities for underprivileged children

C l e v e l a n d C e n t e r o n A l c o h o l is m

O perating support* For a study of agency function

5.030.94 500.00

C l e v e l a n d C o u n c il o n W o r l d A f f a ir s

For a study of foreign student program in G reater Cleveland

C l e v e l a n d D e v e l o p m e n t F o u n d a t io n

O perating support* (Includes accumulated income of $103,342.44 from 1961)

11,000.00 300,778.49

C l e v e l a n d F e d e r a t io n o f S e t t l e m e n t s

2 ,000.00

C l e v e l a n d F o u n d a t io n L ib r a r y


C l e v e l a n d G i r l S c o u t C o u n c il

10 , 000.00

C l e v e l a n d G u id a n c e C e n t e r , I n c .


T h e C l e v e l a n d H e a l t h M useu m

10 000.00

For an interpretive brochure O perating cost

For special project in the Hough Area For the building fund

Study grant for health education center

C l e v e l a n d H e a r in g a n d S p e e c h C e n t e r

Research program on language disorders For purchase of equipm ent Graduate training for hearing and speech therapists Speech therapy program for adults Research in surgery of middle and inner ear

*Payments designated by donors



12, 000.00 1.075.00 9.000.00 2.250.00 3.000.00

Mrs. Lois Burke, director of a new Special Service project in the inner H ough Area, here receives help from a Brownie Scout. A grant of $30,000 was made to the C l e v e l a n d G i r l S c o u t C o u n c i l in support of this project.


C l e v e l a n d H o s p it a l C o u n c il

$ 5,000.00

C l e v e l a n d I n s t it u t e o f A r t


For dentures, eyeglasses and appliances for indigent patients Scholarships *

C l e v e l a n d I n t e r n a t io n a l Y o u t h L e a d e r s E x c h a n g e P r o g r a m

To expand the program

C l e v e l a n d M e n t a l H e a l t h A s s o c ia t io n

To increase educational staff Support of seminars for clergy

3,000.00 4.250.00 2.450.00

C l e v e l a n d M e t r o p o l it a n G e n e r a l H o s p it a l

For purchase of equipm ent for bio-chemical research laboratory 15.000.00 Annual award to graduating nurse* 218.63

C l e v e l a n d M useu m o f A r t

O perating support from two funds*

C l e v e l a n d M u s e u m o f N a t u r a l H is t o r y

For planetarium program *

C l e v e l a n d P l a y H o use

Support of children’s programs and new dram atic work* General operating support*

C l e v e l a n d P o l ic e D e p a r t m e n t

To Juvenile Bureau for prevention of delinquency*

5,429.91 750.00 1,110.60 667.47 261.69

C l e v e l a n d P s y c h o a n a l y t ic S o c ie t y


C l e v e l a n d P u b l ic L ib r a r y


Training fellowships in child therapy*

Library services to handicapped persons in their homes*

C l e v e l a n d S o c ie t y f o r t h e B l in d

Friendly Visiting program For summer camp program * Reading services for elderly people O perating support*

4.650.00 14,431.48 45.44 6,245.80 750.00

C l e v e l a n d Z o o l o g ic a l S o c ie t y

O perating support*

C o l l e g e C e n t e r , P a in e s v il l e , O h io

Scholarships for Junior College students



C o n s u m e r s L e a g u e o f O h io

General support*


C o u n c il G a r d e n s

Housing project for elderly persons


C o u n c il o n H u m a n R e l a t io n s

O perating support *

*Payments designated by donors


Mrs. Charles Bang, staff m em ber of the C l e v e l a n d C o u n c i l On W o r l d A f f a i r s , visits with three of the international students whose relationships w ith Cleveland colleges and universities, as well as with the com m u n ity, are being studied under grants from the Cleveland Foundation and the Ford Foundation.


C u y a h o g a C o m m u n it y C o l l e g e

Organizational expenses to establish new junior college


C uyahoga C ounty W elfa r e D epa rtm en t

Household equipm ent and clothing for families of widows with dependent children To provide camperships

1,530.63 2.500.00

D a y N u r s e r y A s s o c ia t io n o f C l e v e l a n d

1, 000.00

D e P aul In fa n t H ome


D orcas H ome


O perating support*

To modernize elevators

O perating support*


D r o p s ie C o l l e g e , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k

General support*


1 200.00

E a s t E n d N e ig h b o r h o o d H o u s e

Furniture for nursery

E d u c a t io n a l R e s e a r c h C o u n c il o f G r e a t e r C l e v e l a n d


E d u c a t io n a l T e l e v is io n A s s o c ia t io n o f M e t r o p o l it a n C leveland


Research and development services for prim ary and secondary school systems Planning study for new television station

E u c l id I n n e r b e l t A s s o c ia t io n

Consulting services for Euclid-Innerbelt Area

5.000.00 414.82

F a ir v ie w P a r k H o s p it a l

M aintenance of a bed*


1 000.00

F a m il y H e a l t h A s s o c ia t io n

Educational pam phlet on epilepsy

F a m il y S e r v ic e A s s o c ia t io n

General support* Homemaker service*


2 , 000.00

F enn C ollege

For a new lecture hall-auditorium -adm inistration complex For scholarships

F o u n d a t io n D e v e l o p m e n t G arden C enter of G rea ter C leveland

Support of library*

W il l ia m N . G a t e s M e m o r ia l H o s p it a l , E l y r i a , O h io

M aintenance of a bed for children *

*Payments designated by donors


25,000.00 2,488.90 615.87 350.00 1,300.00

G olden A ge C en ter

O perating support of new center at Ansel Road

G o v e r n m e n t a l R e s e a r c h I n s t it u t e

Toward support of a public service intern program

G r e a t e r C l e v e l a n d A s s o c ia t e d F o u n d a t io n

For organizational and operating purposes Grants by G reater Cleveland Associated Foundation: Educational Research Council G reater Cleveland Youth Services Planning Commission Neighborhood Setdem ent Association for M ount Pleasant Community Centers Welfare Federation H ealth Goals Project

H ea lth F und o f G rea ter C leveland

General support*

H ig h l a n d V i e w C u y a h o g a C o u n t y H o s p it a l

Recreation services for employes*

H i l l e l F o u n d a t io n a t W e s t e r n R e s e r v e U n iv e r s it y

General support*

H ir a m H o u s e C a m p

For purchase of an electric generator and other equipm ent Toward purchase of a 54-passenger bus O perating support*

1 1 1 ,1 6 4 .4 9 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0

68,586.00 20,000.00 7,000.00 16,500.00 15,000.00 1,141.15 358.29 1,350.00

H o -M it a - K o d a C a m p

2,240.00 4,307.48 598.11 7,921.61

I n g l e s id e H o s p it a l

2 ,5 0 0 .0 0

I r o n L u n g P o l io s , I n c .


For two new cabins for diabetic children To inaugurate a music therapy program at the Eldercare Center

Toward the cost of publishing the j. Toomey Gazette

E l iz a J e n n in g s H o m e


J e w is h C o m m u n it y F e d e r a t io n o f C l e v e l a n d


To establish a wing for care of senile patients General support*

J e w is h C o n v a l e s c e n t H o s p it a l

5 ,0 0 0 .0 0

J e w is h F a m il y S e r v ic e A s s o c ia t io n

6 ,0 0 0 .0 0

To improve facilities for handicapped patients Experimental program in child health and parent guidance

J e w is h O r t h o d o x H o m e f o r A g e d

To establish a perm anent workshop For psychiatric service to residents

* Payments

designated by donors


2,146.46 2,500.00

Mrs. Oscar M itchell, a m em ber of the Golden Age Center, looks outward with the serenity of a happy older person. A variety of programs of A id f o r E l d e r l y P e r s o n s annually receive Foundation support. Last year nearly $120,000 was allocated for this purpose. 24

J o h n C a r r o l l U n iv e r s it y

For a new science center For scholarships Special scholarship*

J ones H om e

For recreational and educational needs of children*

K a r a m u H ouse

$25,000.00 3,033.34 459.85 5,973.14 43,899.72 900.00 4,142.92

General support* Office equipm ent

K e n y o n C o l l e g e , G a m b ie r , O h io

General support*

L a k e E r i e C o l l e g e , P a in e s v il l e , O h io

For the new Hall of Science H arriet B. Storrs scholarships To initiate a lecture program Community scholarship program O perating support*


2 . 000.00


2, 000.00

L e g a l A id S o c ie t y

Support of a Legal Aid Defender service

214.62 30.000.00

L i t t l e S is t e r s o f t h e P o o r


L u t h e r a n H o s p it a l


General support*

Annual award for graduate of School of Nursing*

M a t e r n a l H e a l t h A s s o c ia t io n

General support*

M e n n in g e r F o u n d a t io n , T o p e k a , K a n sa s

General support*

M e n t a l H e a l t h R e h a b il it a t io n a n d R e s e a r c h , I n c .

O perating support of “ half-way house” for discharged m ental patients

M organ School S tu d e n t a w a rd s* M o r l e y L i b r a r y , P a in e s v il l e , O h io

For books to be used in junior college courses

4,818.29 500.00


10 000.00

60.71 1,000.00

M o u n t S i n a i H o s p it a l

Support of the D epartm ent of Ophthalmology for research in the causes of blindness To inaugurate a psychiatric division*

M u s ic a l A r t s A s s o c ia t io n

12, 000.00

1.500.00 8,158.48

For Children’s Concerts* General support*

* Payments


designated by donors


A new emergency shelter for care of stranded families w ill be built by the S a l v a t i o n A r m y to replace these ou tm o ded quarters. T h e Foundation provided $50,000 toward the cost of the new building. 26

N a t io n a l C o n f e r e n c e o f C h r is t ia n s a n d J e w s

General support*

N a t io n a l C o u n c il o n C o m m u n it y F o u n d a t io n s , N e w Y o r k , N ew Y ork

Support of community trust program

N a t io n a l J e w is h H o s p it a l , D e n v e r , C o l o r a d o

General support*

N a t io n a l it ie s S e r v ic e s C e n t e r

For an informational pam phlet for newcomers to Cleveland

N e ig h b o r h o o d S e t t l e m e n t A s s o c ia t io n

Summer camping for children from Friendly Inn Extension of program at Glenville Community Centers Repairs at League Park Center Neighborhood Settlement office Extension of services at University Settlement Equipm ent needs at eight agencies

O g l e b a y I n s t it u t e , W h e e l i n g , W e s t V ir g in ia

O perating support of educational and recreational programs*



1.500.00 100.00

3.188.00 1.500.00 2.600.00 367.00 3.000.00 2,500.00 900.00 4,577.18 37,609.53

O r t h o d o x J e w is h C h i l d r e n ’s A s s o c ia t io n


P arm adale


For refrigerator and carpeting O perating support*


P h il l is W h e a t l e y A s s o c ia t io n

1 000.00 25.00

For self-study of agency program General support*

B e n ja m in R o s e I n s t it u t e

For the out-patient departm ent at Benjamin Rose Hospital O perating support*

R o s e - M a r y H o m e f o r C r i p p l e d C h il d r e n

O perating support*


S t . J o h n ’s H o s p it a l

O perating support*


S t . V in c e n t C h a r it y H o s p it a l

M aintenance of a bed *

S a l v a t io n A r m y

For new emergency shelter for families O perating support*

S c h o l a r s h ip s

Aid to college students

* Payments

5,000.00 14,431.48 260.44

designated by donors


50,000.00 5,245.80 51,531.44

S o c ie t y f o r C r i p p l e d C h il d r e n o f C l e v e l a n d

General support* Toward purchase of a bus

S o c ie t y o f S t . V in c e n t D e P a u l

O perating support*

$ 5,130.72 2.413.36 252.81

Suburban T em ple


T h r e e - C o r n e r - R o u n d P a c k o u t f it , I n c .


U n it e d A p p e a l o f G r e a t e r C l e v e l a n d


General support*

Camping program for boys *

Contributions from 14 funds for operating support*

U n it e d N e g r o C o l l e g e F u n d , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k


General support*

U n it e d N e ig h b o r h o o d C e n t e r s

Bell Center for partitions Bell Center for extension of services East End Neighborhood House for equipm ent Goodrich House for equipm ent Alice P. Gannett Center for new agency

U n iv e r s it y C ir c l e D e v e l o p m e n t F o u n d a t io n

Second payment on three-year grant for operating purposes

1,150.00 23,900.00 600.00 650.00 20,000.00 60,000.00

U n iv e r s it y H o s p it a l s o f C l e v e l a n d

O perating support-L akeside Hospital* O perating su p p o rt-M atern ity Hospital* O perating su p p o rt-R ain bow Hospital* Conference expenses for surgeons *

U r s u l in e C o l l e g e

Scholarship *

125,302.44 2,358.55 590.59 488.09 459.85

V is it in g N u r s e A s s o c ia t io n


General support*

V o c a t io n a l G u id a n c e a n d R e h a b il it a t io n S e r v ic e s

Contribution to building program O perating support*

W e l f a r e F e d e r a t io n o f C l e v e l a n d

Support of a social welfare program in the Hough Area Toward the establishment of a new planning unit For camping opportunities for children For a child care Institute at Western Reserve University Health Goals Project O perating support *

Payments designated by donors


7,500.00 260.45 39,031.51 15.000.00 10 000.00 600.00


10, 000.00


A dju stin g the dials on new bioelectric record足 ing apparatus is Dr. R o b ert C. W ilcott. T his machine and other equ ipm en t was acquired under a Foundation grant to establish the Psychology Learning Laboratory at W e s t e r n R e s e r v e U n iv e r s it y

These children in a class at the C l e v e l a n d H e a r i n g a n d S p e e c h w ill lead happier lives because of early training to over足 com e language disorders. T h e Center received $27J 25 from the Foundation in 1962 for support of research and therapy programs. C enter


W e s t e r n R e s e r v e H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y

Preservation and cataloguing of old manuscripts

W e s t e r n R e s e r v e U n iv e r s it y

Area Council leadership training program Biology D epartm ent—for visiting lecturers Center for the study of m ental development in children Freiberger Library —for new wing Psychology Departm ent: For heart research To establish learning laboratory Science C enter—laboratory equipm ent School of Applied Social Sciences: Study of m arital disruption Support of Research Bureau Training program for child care workers U ndergraduate scholarships General support of: Adelbert College* Backus Law School* Flora Stone M ather College, scholarships* G raduate School* School of Applied Social Sciences* School of Medicine: Eugene S. Halle Glaucoma Clinic* Medical research* Oglebay Fellowship program* Scholarships Valleevue Farm, biological research* Western Reserve University*

$ 6,650.00 12.487.00 2 , 000.00

30.000.00 2.724.00 2,848.98 15.491.00 25.000.00 4.785.00 10 000.00 7.500.00 2,968.53


2.039.62 2.039.62 590.59 56,613.38 5.000.00 10, 000.00

W o m e n ’s C it y C l u b

10,296.00 27,936.70 1.804.00 9,312.23 4,142.92 756.84

Y o u n g M e n ’s C h r is t ia n A s s o c ia t io n , P a in e s v il l e , O h io

50,000.00 1 000.00

For educational lectures* YMCA —YWCA B u il d in g P r o g r a m For operating support

Y o u n g W o m e n ’s C h r is t ia n A s s o c ia t io n

General support*

Total of Grants Paid

*Payments designated by donors



1,003.20 $2,240,955.09


with the mechanics of charitable gifts, the Cleveland Foundation Library is available with current information about foundations, charitable institutions and activities, for use in connection with the preparation of wills and trust agreements.

Suggested Short Form* for Gifts to THE CLEVELAND FOUNDATION “ I give (bequeath, devise) t o ---- ------------------------------------------------------------(name of Bank or Trust Company) in trust for The Cleveland Foundation upon the terms of the Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of said Bank (Trust Company), under M ultiple Trusteeship Plan**, which written Resolution is now in existence and is incorporated herein.” By appropriate language donors may indicate the name by which the gift or bequest shall be known and may express a preference as to a specific purpose for use of income if such is desired. *For attorneys who wish to include in a Will or Trust Agreement exact reference to volume and page of the corporate records of the trustee banks in identifying the Cleveland Founda­ tion Resolution, a more comprehensive form for gifts is available upon request at the Foundation office. * *For a Combined Fund gift, substitute “providing for The Cleveland Foundation Combined Fund” for “under Multiple Trusteeship Plan.”








J o h n S h e r w i n , Chairman M r s . R o y a l F ir m a n , J r . E l l w o o d H. F is h e r K e n t H. S m it h J o h n C. V ir d e n

Director and Secretary

J . K im b a l l J o h n s o n t r u s t e e s

Central National Bank of Cleveland The Cleveland Trust Com pany The National City Bank of Cleveland Society National Bank of Cleveland Union Commerce Bank t r u s t e e s

’ committee

G e o r g e G u n d , Chairman Chairman of Board, The Cleveland Trust Company F r a n c is H . B e a m

Chairman oj Board, The N ational City Bank of Cleveland M e r v in B . F r a n c e

President, Society National Bank of Cleveland G eorge R . H erzog

Chairman of Board, Union Commerce Bank J am es J . N a n c e

Chairman and President, Central National Bank of Cleveland c o u n s e l

Thompson, Hine and Flory o f f i c e


t h e

f o u n d a t i o n

1240 Union Commerce Building Cleveland 14, Ohio


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