Cleveland Foundation – 1963 Annual Report

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The Cleveland Foundation was established January 2, 1914 to serve permanently the health, educational and charitable needs of the Greater Cleveland community. The first of its kind and now widely copied, this community trust is charac足 terized by four main features: 1. Its funds are the union of numerous gifts, large, small and medium-sized, left at different times by various donors. 2. Local banks, which are Trustees of the Cleveland Foun足 dation, safeguard and invest the funds, making available the income, and under certain conditions, the principal, for the charitable purposes of the Foundation. 3. Endowment income, and under certain conditions, the principal, is disbursed by a Distribution Committee of five persons. Members serve without compensation for five-year terms. Two are selected by the trustee banks, and three are appointed by public officials. 4. Any contributor may designate his preferred charity and his wishes will be observed unless changing conditions make such purpose unnecessary, undesirable, impractical or impos足 sible. In such event the funds can thereafter be used for such other charitable and educational purposes as will, in the opinion of the Distribution Committee, more effectually pro足 mote the public welfare.

THE YEAR NINETEEN SIXTY-THREE During the past year the Foundation completed fifty years of philanthropic service to the Greater Cleveland community. It was another year of significant growth in assets. Nearly three million dollars were disbursed for health, educational, social welfare and civic purposes, a new high. During 1963 a total of $2,357,044 was received as new gifts to principal from 75 donors. Six new trust funds were established, which, with additions to existing funds and memorial gifts to the Combined Fund, brought the year-end endowment of the Founda­ tion to $47,889,697 (book value). Market value of these assets was more than $83,000,000. Certain of the trusts currently provide only partial—but eventually complete—benefit to the Foundation. The Foundation now administers 124 separate funds. The Distribution Committee allocates income from these funds —and in some cases principal —for philanthropic purposes. A list of the funds, including usually the name of the donor, will be found on page 7 of this Report. In 1963 the Distribution Committee authorized the disburse­ ment of $2,923,949 for a wide range of philanthropic purposes (including administrative cost of $49,372 or 1.7% of total expendi­ tures ). A detailed accounting of the 243 grants made to 138 agen­ cies, all in the Greater Cleveland Area unless otherwise noted, is set forth later in this Report. S IX N E W T R U ST S E ST A B L ISH E D

The following new funds were created in 1963: Anisfield-Wolf Fund —Under a trust established by the late Alice Anisfield at the Cleveland Trust Company this fund is to be


used in equal amounts for Jewish and non-Jewish agencies. It has a value of $130,000 and is named in memory of Mrs. Anisfield’s husband, John Anisfield, and her son-in-law, Eugene B. Wolf. Under trust agreements or as bequests pursuant to the will of the late Constance C. Frackelton, the following funds were established at the Cleveland Trust Company: Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 1 —With a value of about $184,000, income is to be used for the benefit of needy crippled children. Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 6 —This $240,000 fund is designated for support of cancer research at the Western Reserve University School of Medicine. Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 7 —This bequest of $100,000 is to be used for the study of geriatrics. Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 8 —The purpose of the $30,000 bequest is to aid “old folks living in Protestant old folks’ homes” in Cuyahoga and Summit counties, Ohio. Centureena S. Hotchkiss Fund —This $80,000 trust was estab­ lished under the will of the late Mrs. Hotchkiss at Society National Bank. Use of income is not restricted. ADDITIONS TO E X IST IN G FU N D S

Assets of the following funds were increased in 1963: Additions of $812 to the William C. Fischer and Lillye T. Fischer Memorial Fund, $12,560 to the Clarence A. Kirkham Me­ morial Fund and $2,100 to the John F. and Mary G. Wahl Me­ morial Fund were received from executors. The Julius E. Goodman Fund received $674,154 from the Goodman estate and the Edwin T. and Mary E. Hamilton Fund was similarly increased by $28,311. An addition of $50,060 was also made to the Nathan G. Richman Fund. The executors of the Storrs estate added $100,368 to the Harriet B. Storrs Fund and an additional gift of $14,000 was made to the Charles L. and Marion H. Stone Fund by Mr. and Mrs. Stone. The Alva Bradley II Fund was increased by $528,900 from the executor of the Bradley estate and the David C. Wright Me­ morial Fund received a final distribution of $339 from the execu­ tor. Additional gifts totaling $11,150 were made to the Cleveland Recreational Arts Fund by the following donors: The William


Abrams Foundation, the Cleveland Range Company, Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Seelbach and the Raymond M. Wean Foundation. This fund, which helps to support Cleveland’s cultural institutions had assets of $111,507 at the year end. An addition of $20,000 was made to the International Goodwill Fund by a donor who wishes to remain anonymous. The following “non-trust” gifts were received from donors who expressed the desire that the corpus of their gifts be used for certain purposes: A contribution of $5,500 for the Donald A. and Jane C. Stark Fund to be used for special educational purposes, the gift being made from a charitable trust of the same name. The following suburban community organizations continued their practice of turning over funds for cancer, heart and polio research: Combined Health Campaign of Brecksville, $2,526.50; Combined Health Collection of Richmond Heights, $2,325; Combined Health and Welfare Drive of Valley View, $571.15; Walton Hills Combined Charities, $1,068.50. M E M O R IA L


The Combined Fund (so-called because contributions are combined for investment purposes) was increased by $138,299 in new gifts during 1963. Several new memorial funds were estab­ lished. The Frank S. Gibson Memorial Fund was established by friends and colleagues of the late Dr. Gibson, a prominent surgeon. Income is to be used to defray traveling expenses to scientific meet­ ings of surgical residents at Lutheran and University Hospitals. At the year’s end $3,313 had been contributed by the following donors: Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher R. Andrews; Jay L. Ankeney, M.D.; Francis Rayless, M.D.; Claude S. Beck, M.D.; Jackson Blair, M.D.; Ernest F. Bright, M.D.; Frank A. Catalano, M.D.; Mrs. R. H. Cobb; Jack W. Cole, M.D.; Paul H. Curtiss, Jr., M.D.; John D. Des Prez, M.D.; Maier M. Driver, M.D.; William R. Drucker, M.D.; Harold Feil, M.D.; Donald M. Glover, M.D.; Dr. and Mrs. Myron G. Hill; William D. Holden, M.D.; Edwin P. Kennedy, M.D.; Bernard B. Larsen, M.D.; A. Macon Leigh, M.D.; Walter O. Lewin, M.D.; Mrs. May Graves Maddox; Frank E. Nulsen, M.D.; Lester G. Parker, M.D.; H. H. Roenigh, M.D.; Ralph S. Rosewater, M.D.; K. C. Schumacher; and Harry G. Sloan, M.D. The George John Futz and Margaret Putz Memorial Fund was established under a


trust executed by the late Margaret Putz. It has a value of $39,285. The Elizabeth Becker Rorabeck Fund was also established with a bequest of $64,645 from Mrs. Rorabeck’s estate. The Charles J. and Marian E. Paterson Fund was created by a bequest of $110 and a gift of $26,563 was received from the estate of Leo W. Ulmer. The Rhoda L. Affelder Fund was established for edu­ cational purposes in honor of Mrs. Harry Affelder through $1,025 in gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Affelder, Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Bloomberg and Mr. and Mrs. Morris E. Bloomberg. Gifts totaling $115 were received in memory of Mrs. Raymond T. Sawyer from I. F. Freiberger and Mr. and Mrs. DAlte A. Welch. The Thomas Burnham Memorial was increased by $1,180 from a trust established by Mrs. Marie Louise Gollan, and Dr. Edward A. Yurick again made a gift to the fund which bears his name. The John Harris McBride II and Malcolm L. McBride Fund was increased by a $600 payment from a former student. The Winifred Fryer Memorial was again increased by gifts from Judge Mary B. Grossman and Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Weitz. Additional gifts totaling $1,438 were received from Mrs. Frances H. Busch and Mrs. Wil­ liam J. Young for the Robert H. Busch Memorial Fund. Assets of the Combined Fund at the several trustee banks totaled $1,112,636 at year’s end. The Fund is composed of 131 separate memorial or special purpose funds which are listed under Financial Statements later in this Report. Each memorial retains its identity and purpose, the various gifts being commingled for greater efficiency in the investment of the capital. The establish­ ment of a memorial or special purpose fund is a simple procedure and can be accomplished with a modest gift. The trustee banks and the staff of the Foundation are happy to answer questions about the creation of such funds—or in the establishment of other trusts or bequests in which the Foundation can be helpful to donors in carrying out their philanthropic desires. T H E GO LD EN A N N IV ER SA R Y

As 1963 came to a close, the Cleveland Foundation completed its fiftieth year of philanthropic service. The Foundation was the first of its kind and is still the largest of community trusts, cur­ rently known as community foundations. During these fifty years, more than 1600 generous donors have provided the capital funds which today total nearly $84,000,000. In the same half century more


than $20,000,000 has been distributed to help make the Greater Cleveland community a better place in which to live. As a part of its fiftieth year observance, the Foundation pub­ lished a history of the Cleveland Foundation and the Community Trust movement. This book, Trust For All Time, was authored by Nathaniel R. Howard, formerly editor of the Cleveland News. (A limited number of copies are still available at the Foundation office for interested persons.) Fred H. Goff, creator of the Cleveland Foundation idea, in­ cluded the following remarks in an address delivered in 1919 when the Foundation was only five years old: “Time will be required to determine the value and usefulness of community trusts. I am hopeful they will be found helpful in avoiding the evil effects of the ‘Dead Hand’ and in stimulating and safeguarding gifts to charity.” In looking back over fifty years, Nat Howard closed his story of the Cleveland Foundation with these words: “It has been a great idea, that of protecting good works through the unforeseeable future of changing wisdoms. How well it is doing summons up one of those rare intimations that humanity, once in a while, takes a whole stride in the direction of that millennium of perfections of which we dream.” The Distribution Committee J o h n S h e r w in ,


M r s . R o y a l F ir m a n , J r . E l l wo o d Kent



F is h e r

S m it h

J o h n C . V ir d e n J. K im b a l l J o h n so n

Director and Secretary April, 1964


FIN A N CIA L STATEMENTS Taken from Report o f Exam ination by Ernst & Ernst, C ertified Public Accountants, fu ll report being availab le fo r inspection.

Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for 1963 Unexpended balances, January 1, 1963

$ 582,310.75

RECEIPTS Endowment income from Trustees From other sources

$2,986,410.27 31,382.86 3,017,793.13ツー $3,600,103.88

DISBURSEM ENTS By trustee banks: Fees Bond and real estate amortization, other

$69,246.83 57,976.46

$ 127,223.29

By Distribution Committee: For charitable and educational purposes: Aesthetics (Fine Arts) $ 17,392.99 Care of the Aged 224,909.72 Child care 103,977.95 Civic development 285,465.10 Education including scholarships 1,124,380.34 Health care and medical research 138,411.89 Hospitals 318,572.04 Recreation and character building 134,746.16 Rehabilitation and services to the handicapped 17,674.46 Social Welfare窶馬eighborhood and family services 436,480.21 United Appeal and Jewish Welfare 72,565.53 $2,874,576.39* $ 49,372.30

For administrative purposes

Total Disbursements 3,051,171.98 Unexpended balances, December 31, 1963 $ 548,931.90** ^Includes $449,107.83 from principal. ツー ツー u n S Prfter De c e mbe r 1





substantially encumbered or not available for use


TRUST FUN D ASSETS Endowment o f the Foundation w ith principal value o f the 124 funds held by the Trustee Banks at book or carrying value as of December 31, 1963. Anisfield-Wolf Fund Walter C. and Lucy I. Astrup Fund Sophie Auerbach Fund* The Frederic M. and Nettie E. Backus Memorial Fund Walter C. and Fannie White Baker Fund Lilian Hanna Baldwin Fund Cornelia W. Beardslee Fund Jam es C. Beardslee Fund Mary Berryman Fund The Dr. Hamilton Fisk Biggar Fund Katherine Bohm Fund The George H. Boyd Fund* Alva Bradley II Fund Gertrude H. Britton, Katharine H. Perkins Fund Fannie Brown Memorial Fund George F. Buehler Memorial Fund Katherine Ward Burrell Fund The Martha B. Carlisle Memorial Fund The Central High School Endowment Fund The Fred H. Chapin Memorial Fund J. E. G. Clark Fund Cleveland Recreational Arts Fund Caroline E. Coit Fund A. E. Convers Fun d* Harry Coulby Fund No. 1 Harry Coulby Fund No. 2 * Jacob D. Cox Fund S. Houghton Cox Fund* Henry G. Dalton Fund Alice McHardy Dye Fund Dr. Frank Carl Felix and Flora Webster Felix Fund William C. Fischer and Lillye T. Fischer Memorial Fund Fisher Fund Erwin L. and Fanny M. Fisher Memorial Fund Ford Foundation Fund for Greater Cleveland Associated Foundation Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 1 Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 6 Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 7 Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 8 The Fannie Pitcairn Frackelton and David W. Frackelton Fund Robert J. Frackelton Fund The George Freeman Charity Fund Frederic H. Gates Fund The William F. and Anna Lawrence Gibbons Fund* William A. Giffhom Fund Frederick Harris Goff Fund Julius E. Goodman Fund The Eugene S. and Blanche R. Halle Memorial Fund



90,460 95,626 186,636 2,144,296 4,708 8,444 100,082 664,011 16,986 93,774 7,324 1,556,896 622,347 24,346 51,592 149,156 6,896 74,509 5,071 2,178,246 6,507 111,507 67,923 5,279,070 3,460,535 834,655 105,965 57,051 669,945 291,377 302,613 94,733 43,435 484,358 125,438 157,019 225,922 100,000 30,000 20,938 20,248 49,267 213,971 464,679 2,486 49,712 500,309 2,032,670

Edwin T. and Mary E. Hamilton Fund 1 239 007 t 6 ky*111 J- and E va D. Hammond Memorial Fun d* 1^073*660 Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Associated Foundation Trust 2*496*020 Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Fund for Community Chest 294164 Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Fund for United Appeal 248*756 Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Cleveland Foundation Special Purpose Fund 1,077,050 Leonard CI. Hanna, Jr. Community Development Fund 5,163,500 1 ne Kate Hanna Harvey Memorial Fund 52 828 Melville H. Haskell, Mary H. Hunter, Gertrude H. Britton, Katharine H. Perkins Fund oc 04fi George Halle Hays Fund 9*950 Kaufman Hays Memorial Fund 7 *5 7 4 The Hiram House Fund 8 092 The Jacob Hirtenstein Fund 5*771 Centureena S. Hotchkiss Fund 79*956 The A. W. Hurlbut Fund 23*598 International Goodwill Fund 5*280 Caroline Bonnell Jones Fund 5*000 James S. Jordan Fund 15*900 Adrian D. Joyce Fund 62*925 The Frederick W. and Henryett Slocum Judd Fund 502*941 Karamu House Trust 1 081*517 Clarence A. Kirkham Memorial Fund 206 637 Elroy J. and Fynette H. Kulas Fund 519*500 Robert M. Linney Fund* 154*435 Ella L . Lowman Fund 1012 Henry M. Lucas Fund 79*888 Clemens W. Lundoff and Hilda T. Lundoff Fund 322*225 Frank J. Lynch Fund* 25,845 Nellie Lynch Fund 1 4 g ggg Alice Keith Mather Fund 117*853 The Ellen E. McCreary Memorial Fund 5*078 The George W. and Sarah McGuire Fund 3 4 885 The Albert Younglove Meriam and Kathryn A. Meriam Fund 20*283 Alice Butts Metcalf Fund 5*000 Anna B. Minzer Fund 13*966 Cornelia S. Moore Fun d* 68*028 E. Freeman Mould Fund 108*553 Jane C. Mould Fund g 3 0 ogg The Crispin and Kate Oglebay Trust 1 QfiS IR6: Mary King Osborn Fund ’ 4^ 2? William P. Palmer Fund 26*101 The Dr. Charles B. Parker MemorialFund* 347*583 Douglas Perkins Fund 107*327 Walter D. Price Fund* 17 383 William H. Price Fund 31 628 The Retreat Memorial Fund 101*029 Charles L . Richman Fund 95*170 Nathan G. Richman Fund 70*673 Alice M. Rockefeller Fluid 130*181 Charles F. Ruby Fund 134 079 The Mary Coit Sanford Memorial Fund 4,004 Mary Coit Sanford Fund 39 961 Frank S. Sheets and Alberta G.Sheets Memorial Fund 19,893


The A. H. and Julia W. Shunk Fund The Thomas and Anna Sidlo Fund The Nellie B. Snavely Fund A. L . Somers Fund William J. Southworth Fund* Dr. George P. Soyer Fund Marion R. Spellman Fund Josephine L . Sperry Fund Ada Gates Stevens Memorial Fund Catherine E. Stewart, Martha A. Stewart, Judith H. Stewart and Jeannette Stewart Memorial Fund Charles L . and Marion H. Stone Fund Harriet B. Storrs Fund Mabelle G. and Finton L. Torrence Fund Charles F. Uhl Fund John F. and Mary G. Wahl Memorial Fund Jessie MacDonald Walker Memorial Fund Mabel Breckenridge Wason Fund* George B. and Edith S. Wheeler Trust Edward Loder Whittemore Fund Jam es D. Williamson Fund The George H., Charles E., and Samuel Denny Wilson Memorial Fund David C. Wright Memorial Fund Cleveland Foundation Combined Fund TO TA L A L L FU N D S

91,110 293,247 536,261 149,303 421,364 14,977 10,770 2,371 21,982 12,160 101,407 485,601 87,997 1,108 396,637 42,568 486,178 281,912 25,684 5,430 187,046 231,632 1,112,636 $47,889,697

*Th ese trusts provide, each in varying amounts, for payment of annuities to certain individ足 uals prior to payment of the balance of the income of the Foundation. In 1963 the Cleve足 land Foundation received 72.8% of the aggregate income of the several funds. Ultimately, it will receive the entire net income.


Cleveland Foundation Combined Fund More than 1500 donors have contributed to the Combined Fund which is made up of the following memorials and other gifts: M EM ORIAL FU N D S Wickham H. Aldrich Eunice Westfall Allen Samuel Westfall Allen Lydia May Ames Leonard P. Ayres A. D. Baldwin Robert K. Beck Beulah Holden Bluim Helen R. Bowler Nap. H. Boynton Alva Bradley Charles F. Buescher Thomas Burnham Elizabeth A. Burton Robert H. Busch Leyton E. Carter Fred H. Chapin Arthur Cobb Arthur Cobb, Jr. Florence Haney Cobb Mary Gaylord Cobb Percy Wells Cobb Judge Alva R. Corlett Jacob D. Cox, Jr. Wilbur S. Crowell, M.D. Glenn A. Cutler Magdalene P. Donahey Anna J. and Pliny D. Dorman Jam es J. Doyle and Lillian Herron Doyle Scholarship Kristian Eilertsen Katyruth Strieker Fraley Memorial Frances B. and George W. Ford Mrs. I. F. Freiberger Winifred Fryer Dr. Frank S. Gibson Ellen Gardner Gilmore Frances S. Goff Robert B. Grandin James L . Greene Bell Greve Isador Grossman Jessie Haig Florence Hamilton Homer H. Hatch

Jam es W. Havighurst Memorial Scholarship Lewis Howard Hayden and Lulu May Hayden Iva L. Herl Siegmund and Bertha B. Herzog Reuben W. Hitchcock Cora Millet Holden Guerdon S. Holden Dr. John Woodford Holloway A. R. Horr Joseph C. Hostetler Minerva B. Johnson Dr. Emmanuel Klaus Estelle C. Koch Scholarship George A. and Mary E . Marten Mrs. E. O. Marting John Harris McBride II Malcolm L . McBride Thomas McCauslen Em m a E. McDonald Anna Curtis McNutt Emma B. Minch John A. Mitchell and Blanche G. Mitchell Harry F. Miter Daniel E. Morgan Harlan H. Newell Ethelwyne Walton Osborn Erla Schlather Parker Charles J. and Marian E . Paterson Mary Dunham Prescott George John Putz and Margaret Putz George F. Quinn Memorial Scholarship Omar S. Ranney Minerva P. Ridley Elizabeth Becker Rorabeck Edward L. Rosenfeld and Bertha M. Rosenfeld Mrs. Raymond T. Sawyer Oliver H. Schaaf Arthur H. Seibig Annette S. Shagren


Dr. Thomas Shupe Society for Crippled Children— Tris Speaker Memorial Meade A. Spencer Belle Bierce Stair Nellie Steele Stewart Joseph T. Sweeny Jessie Loyd Tarr Elizabeth Bebout Taylor Mary J. Tewksbury Amos Burt and Jeanne L . Thompson Allison John Thompson

Sarah R. Thompson Maud Kerruish Towson Leo W. Ulmer Cornelia Blakemore Warner Stanley H. Watson Frank Walter Weide Caroline Briggs Welch Lucius J. and Jennie C. Wheeler Elliott H. Whitlock Mary C. Whitney Cleveland War Memorial

O TH ER G IFT S TO T H E CO M BINED FU ND Rhoda L . Affelder Brigham Britton Carmela Cafarelli George S. Case Mrs. William D. Chamberlin Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Clark 1948 Classes of Cleveland Heights High School Cleveland Center on Alcoholism Cleveland Conference for Educational Cooperation Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society Fund Mary B. Couch Arthur Feher I. F. Freiberger

F. H. Haserot Highland View Hospital Employees Fund George H. Lapham Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lechner Frederick R. and Bertha Specht Mautz Scholarship Fund John R. May The National City Bank Andrew T. Roskos, M.D. Social Work Scholarship Fund Society National Bank of Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farrand Taplin Ewald F. Tobold Edward A. Yurick, M.D.


G R A N T S-1963 A c a d e m y o f M e d ic in e

$ 5,000.00

Study of commitment of mentally ill persons Aid

fo r


E l d e r ly P er so n s

Maintenance, nursing and hospital care 26,538.28

A m a sa S t o n e H o u se

Operating support* A m e r i c a n C o u n c il

fo r

J u d a ism , N e w Yo rk , N e w Y o rk


General support* Am e r ic a n F

o u n d a t io n f o r t h e

B l in d , N e w Yo r k, N e w Yo r k


For study of blindness in Cleveland A m e r ic a n F u n d

fo r

F r e e J u r i s t s , I n c ., N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k

1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0

General support* A m e r ic a n N a t io n a l R e d C r o ss, W a s h in g t o n ,



General support* A s s o c ia t io n


P h il a n t h r o p ic H o m e s

fo r

A g ed,

In c .


Training course for executive housekeepers ( first of three paym ents) B a l d w in -W a l l a c e C o l l e g e

For College Union Building (second of fourpayments) Operating support* Scholarships

25,000.00 10,515.54 3,091.54

B e e c h B ro o k

Operating support* To establish a foster home (second of three payments) To augment psychiatric services

17,716.79 7,500.00 7,000.00

B e l l e f a ir e For dental equipment Demonstration in extension of school term as aid in education of emotionally disturbed children (s e c o n d o f th r e e p a y m e n t s )


4 ,0 0 0 .0 0

B e l l e v u e H o s p i t a l , B e l l e v u e , O h io


Operating support* B e n ja m in R o se In s t it u t e

Operating support* Gift of cemetery lots

26,538.28 300.00

B o y S c o u t s , G r e a t e r C l e v e l a n d C o u n c il

Demonstration program for Inner-city youth * Payments designated by donors




C a p i t a l U n i v e r s i t y , C o l u m b u s , O h io


For scholarships* C a se In st it u t e


T ech n o lo g y

For expanding the library collection (second of four payments) To augment professors’ salaries* For overhaul of the telescope and dome of the Warner and Swasey Observatory Scholarships C en tra l School

25.000.00 6,836.85 25.000.00 2,934.35

P r a c t i c a l N u r s in g


General support*


C h i l d r e n ’ s A id S o c ie t y

After-care program for emotionally disturbed children (first of two payments) For equipment


10 000.00


C h i l d r e n ’ s S e r v ic e s

Operating support* Special services for children

129.32 141.86 2,000.00

C it y M i s s io n

Toward cost of relocating headquarters’ building 13.79

C l e v e l a n d A r e a H e a r t S o c ie t y

For heart research C lev elan d B a seba ll F


e d e r a t io n

General support* C l e v e l a n d B oard


E d u c a t io n

“Operation Alphabet” — Television program to combat illiteracy Camping opportunities for underprivileged children C lev elan d C en ter


3,000.00 7.570.00 12.76

A l c o h o l is m

Operating support* 3.500.00

C l e v e l a n d C h r is t ia n H o m e

To improve social services C l e v e l a n d C o u n s e l in g C e n t e r

of th e

M e t h o d is t C h u r c h


Special training for counselors C l e v e l a n d D e v e l o p m e n t F o u n d a t io n

Operating support* Grants by Cleveland Development Foundation: Euclid Innerbelt Association Government Research Institute *

Payments designated by donors 13

184,465.10 9.500.00 26,000.00

C lev ela n d F


o u n d a t io n

$ 1 ,1 4 0 .0 0

ib r a r y

Operating cost C l e v e l a n d H e a r in g


Speech C enter

For strengthening program for preschool deaf children (first of two payments) Graduate training for hearing and speech therapists (final of three payments) Speech therapy program for adults ( second of four payments) C lev ela n d H o m e

7.252.00 9.000.00 4.750.00


A ged C o lo r ed

fo r

Operating support* C l e v e l a n d In st it u t e



A bt

Scholarships* 11.127.00

C l e v e l a n d I n s t i t u t e ._o f M u s ic

Replacement of musical instruments (first of two payments) C l e v e l a n d I n t e r n a t io n a l P r o g r a m

fo r

Yo uth L



8 000.00

For operating support C l e v e l a n d M e n t a l H e a l t h A s s o c ia t io n


Publication of Proceedings of 1962 seminars for clergy C l e v e l a n d M e t r o p o l it a n G e n e r a l H o sp it a l

Research on respiratory function in newborn infants For hospital improvement Support of the visiting scholars program Special research project Annual award to graduating nurse* C lev ela n d M u seu m





1 000.00 3.204.47 4,000.00 230.72 5.551.48

Operating support* C l e v e l a n d M u s ic S c h o o l S e t t l e m e n t


For the establishment of a south side branch (first of three payments) C l e v e l a n d P l a y H o u se

Support of children’s programs and new dramatic work* General operating support* C l e v e l a n d P o l ic e D e p a r t m e n t

1,172.36 679.27 272.89

To Juvenile Bureau for prevention of delinquency* C l e v e l a n d P s y c h o a n a l y t ic S o c i e t y


Training fellowships in child therapy* C l e v e l a n d P u b l i c L ib r a r y


Library services to handicapped persons in their homes* * Payments designated by donors


C l e v e l a n d S o c ie t y

fo r

th e

B l in d

Operating support* For summer camp program速

$ 6,688.97 26,538.28

C l e v e l a n d Z o o l o g ic a l S o c i e t y


Operating support* C o l l e g e C e n t e r , P a i n e s v i l l e , O h io

Scholarships for Junior College students C o m m it t e e


C o r r e s p o n d e n c e , I n c ., N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k

General support* C o m m u n i t y A c t io n

Yo u t h , In c .

fo r

Juvenile delinquency program in Hough Area C o n su m ers L



2 , 000.00 5.000.00


O h io


General support速 C o u n c il G a r d e n s


Operating support C o u n c il


H u m a n R e l a t io n s

Operating support* For support of Youth Council



C u y a h o g a C o m m u n it y C o l l e g e

For scholarships To complete planning phase

2.500.00 50.000.00

C uyahoga C ounty W e l f a r e D e pa r t m en t

Vocational opportunities for Aid to Dependent Children Household equipment and clothing for families of widows with dependent children To provide camperships D a y N u r s e r y A s s o c ia t io n


194.51 1,430.44 3.000.00


C lev eland

1 000.00

Operating support* D e P a u l In fa n t H o m e


To modernize elevators D orcas H o m e


Operating support* D r o p s ie C o l l e g e , N e w Yo rk , N e w Yo rk


General support速 E

d u c a t io n a l

R e s e a r c h C o u n c il


G rea ter C lev ela n d


86 000.00

Research and development services for primary and secondary school systems E d u c a t i o n a l T e l e v i s i o n A s s o c ia t io n


M e t r o p o l it a n

C lev elan d


Operating support of new television station (first payment on $250,000 grant) *

Payments designated by donors



l iz a

J e n n in g s H o m e

$ 2 4 ,0 0 0 .0 0

For special-care patients E

u c l id


I n n e r b e l t A s s o c ia t io n

For preparation of an alternate plan for the area 426.67

F a ir v ie w P a r k H o s p it a l

Maintenance of a bed速 F

a m il y

S e r v i c e A s s o c ia t io n

General support0 Homemaker service0


2 , 000.00

F en n C o lleg e

For a new lecture hall-auditorium-administration complex ( second of four payments) Scholarships F o u n d a t io n D e v e l o p m e n t Including publication of T r u s t

fo r

Al l T im e ,

a fifty year

25,000.00 3,353.54 15,786.93

history of the community trust movement G arden C en ter


G rea ter C lev eland

Support of library0 W i l l i a m N . G a t e s M e m o r i a l H o s p i t a l , E l y r i a , O h io

Maintenance of a bed for children0

400.00 1,300.00

G o ld en A ge C e n t er

Operating support of new West Side Center ( first of three payments) Operating support of Ansel Road Center (final payment on a three year grant) G o o d w il l I n d u s t r ie s


C lev eland

For strengthening casework services (first of two payments) G r e a t e r C l e v e l a n d A s s o c ia t e d F

11, 666.00 11, 000.00 7,500.00

o u n d a t io n

For operating purposes Grants by Greater Cleveland Associated Foundation: Community Action for Youth, Inc. Cuyahoga Community College Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Educational Research Council Governmental Research Institute Ludlow Community Association Plan for Action by Citizens in Education Urban League Employment Project Welfare Federation Health Goals Project Welfare Federation Planning Unit

89,443.15 40.000.00 80.000.00 18.850.00 20,000.00 62.500.00 5,000.00 39.500.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 74.600.00

G r e a t e r C l e v e l a n d N e ig h b o r h o o d C e n t e r s A s s o c ia t io n

To help finance initial years of new agency (first of three payments) Equipment items for 13 agencies 0Payments designated by donors 16

14,050.00 7,354.00

G r e a t e r C l e v e l a n d N e ig h b o r h o o d C e n t e r s A s s o c ia t io n

( Cont.)

Alta House for self-study East End Neighborhood House vocational aid project Friendly Inn for camperships Goodrich Social Settlement: Operating expense of Bell Center (final of three payments) Rehabilitation program in Sterling Area (first of three payments) Venereal disease prevention program at Bell Center Hiram House camping equipment Hiram House operating support* League Park Center, purchase of bus University Settlement for purchase of station wagon University Settlement for extension of services (final of three payments) West Side Community House, group work program with teenagers H ea lth F und


G rea ter C lev eland

General support H ig h l a n d V i e w C u y a h o g a C o u n t y H o s p i t a l

Recreation services for employees*

; 1 1 , 000.00 3.500.00


1 200.00 5.550.00 3.000.00


2,972.26 669.90 620.00 2,500.74 900.00 820.00 2.940.00 323.85 10, 000.00

H o ld en A rb o r etu m

Preparation of long range development plan (first of two payments) 2.500.00

H o -M i t a - K o d a C a m p

For capital improvements In g l e s id e H o sp it a l

Support of music therapy program at Eldercare Center Iron L


4.900.00 656.60

P o l io s , I n c .

Operating support (first of three payments) J e w i s h C o m m u n i t y F e d e r a t io n


C lev ela n d


General support* 4.250.00

J e w i s h F a m i l y S e r v ic e A s s o c ia t io n

Experimental program in child health and parent guidance J o h n C a r r o l l U n iv e r s it y

For a new science center (second of four payments) Scholarships* Scholarships

25,000.00 484.92 4,087.13 6,498.44

J o nes H o m e

For recreational and educational needs of children* J u l ie B il l ia r t S c h o o l

fo r

E x c e p t io n a l C h il d r e n

For equipment and remodeling J u v e n il e C o u r t


C uyahoga C o unty

For purchase of casework services ( first of two payments) * Payments designated by donors


12,200.00 18,850.00

K a r a m u H o u se


General support* K e n y o n C o l l e g e , G a m b i e r , O h io


General support* L


E r i e C o l l e g e , P a i n e s v i l l e , O h io

For the new Hall of Science (second of three payments) Harriet B. Storrs scholarships Lake Erie College scholarships Operating support® L



A id S o c i e t y

Support of a Legal Aid Defender service L

it t l e

1,200.00 193.98

E r i e G i r l S c o u t C o u n c il

For special project in the Hough Area Camp development L

5.000.00 3.000.00

S is t e r s

of th e

10,000.00 25,106.71


P oor


General support® L

uth eran

C h i l d r e n ’ s A id S o c ie t y


For building fund L

uth eran

H o sp it a l

Annual award for graduate of School of Nursing* M a r y c r e st S ch o o l


For equipment and automobile M a t e r n a l H e a l t h A s s o c ia t io n


General support* M e n n i n g e r F o u n d a t io n , T o p e k a , K

a n sa s

General support® M e n t a l H e a l t h R e h a b il it a t io n



Resea rc h , I n c .

Operating support of “half-way house” for discharged mental patients (third of five payments) M o n t e f io r e H o m e

Special services for clients awaiting admission M o r e l a n d C o m m u n i t y A s s o c ia t io n

To assist in maintaining a stable, integrated neighborhood M organ S chool



10 000.00

6.500.00 9.330.00 64.07

Student awards® M o r l e y L i b r a r y , P a i n e s v i l l e , O h io

For books to be used in junior college courses

1, 000.00

M o u n t S in a i H o sp it a l

To inaugurate a psychiatric division* (second of five payments) Support of a Chair in Medicine® (first of twelve payments) Support of the Department of Ophthalmology for research in the causes of blindness (fourth of five payments) * Payments designated by donors


12,000.00 25,000.00 5.500.00

M u s i c a l A r t s A s s o c ia t io n

General support* For Children’s Concerts* N

C o n feren ce

a t io n a l


$ 7,989.88 1,600.00 C h r is t i a n s



J ew s

General support* N a t io n a l C o u n c il o n C o m m u n it y F N ew Y o rk, N e w Y ork

o u n d a t io n s ,


Support of community trust program N a t io n a l J e w is h H o s p it a l , D



C o lo r a d o

General support* 3.500.00

N a t io n a l it ie s S e r v ic e s C e n t e r

For an informational pamphlet for newcomers to Cleveland N



S c ie n c e M u s e u m

For Planetarium program* 39,160.08

O g l e b a y I n s t i t u t e , W h e e l i n g , W e s t V ir g in ia

Operating support of educational and recreational programs* O p e r a t io n s


P o l ic y R e s e a r c h , I n c ., W a s h i n g t o n ,



General support* 239.06

P a rm a d a le

Operating support* 6.500.00

P h i l l i s W h e a t l e y A s s o c ia t io n

For the purchase of a bus 2.500.00

P o l y c l in ic H o s p it a l

To develop reference library R o s e -M a r y H o m e

fo r

C r ip p l e d C h il d r e n


Operating support® S t . A n t h o n y ’s H o m e

fo r


B oys

For station wagon 3,331.27

S t . J o h n ’s H o s p i t a l

Operating support* S t. L

u k e ’s


H o sp it a l

For a study for a branch hospital in Solon, Ohio S t . V i n c e n t C h a r it y H o s p i t a l



Maintenance of a b ed * For heart research

1 200.00 5,641.99

S a l v a t io n A r m y

Operating support* 1,500.00

S a l v a t i o n A r m y , P a i n e s v i l l e , O h io

For building fund 34,313.44

S c h o l a r s h ip s

Aid to college students * Payments designated by donors


S h e l t e r e d In d u s t r ie s

fo r

P a in e s v il l e B oys


3 0 0 .0 0

Operating support S o c ie t y

fo r


C r ip p l e d C h il d r e n

General support* S o c ie t y



S t . V in c e n t D e P a u l

Operating support* 875.14

T h r e e -C o r n e r - R o u n d P a c k o u t f it , I n c .

Camping program for boys* U n it e d A p p e a l


G rea ter C lev elan d


Contributions from 14 funds for operating support* 500.00

U n it e d N e g r o C o l l e g e F u n d , N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k

General support* U n i v e r s i t y C i r c l e D e v e l o p m e n t F o u n d a t io n


For operating purposes (final of three payments) U n iv e r s it y H o s p it a l s


C lev elan d

Operating support — Lakeside Hospital* Operating support — Maternity Hospital* Operating support —Rainbow Hospital* Conference expenses for surgeons* U n iv e r s it y M e d i c a l C e n t e r

Contribution to building fund (first payment on $300,000 grant) U

r s u l in e

C o lleg e

132,761.03 2,688.73 614.32 514.71 87.000.00


Scholarship* V i s i t i n g N u r s e A s s o c ia t io n

Home Care program General support* V o c a t io n a l G u id a n c e

15.000.00 500.00 and

R e h a b i l i t a t i o n S e r v ic e s

Operating support*


W e l f a r e F e d e r a t io n

Operating support* Health Goals project (second of three payments) Toward the establishment of a new p la nning unit ( second of four payments)



10 000.00


W e s t e r l y S e n io r C e n t e r

For equipment Operating support

12,724.91 5,000.00

W e s t e r n R e s e r v e H i s t o r i c a l S o c ie t y

Support of Auto-Aviation Wing


W e s t e r n R e s e r v e U n iv e r s it y

General support of: Adelbert College* Backus Law School* Mather College scholarship program* * Payments designated by donors


1.997.47 1.997.47 614.32

W e s t e r n R e s e r v e U n i v e r s i t y ( C o n t .)

Graduate School0 School of Medicine Halle Glaucoma Clinic* Department of Otolaryngology* (first of fivepayments) Medical research* Oglebay Fellowship program* Scholarship program Area Council leadership training program (final of three paym ents) Equipment for use in Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital Electron Microscope (first of two payments) Gastrointestinal laboratory (first of two payments) Freiberger Library expansion (first of three payments) Learning Laboratory support Mental Development Center (first of three payments) Physics Department equipment School of Applied Social Sciences General operating (final of three payments) Support of Research Bureau (final of five payments) Valleevue Farm, biological research* Western Reserve University General operating* Undergraduate scholarship program

$59,169.98 10,000.00 15,000.00 12,357.04 29,090.77 2,014.34 12,487.00 9,160.02 15,000.00 25,000.00 7,690.00 9,974.51 22,795.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 9,696.93 4,185.28 3,999.80 176.99

W o m e n ’s C it y C l u b

For educational lectures* 1,250.00

Y o u n g M e n ’ s C h r i s t i a n A s s o c ia t io n

For a station bus for the Cedar Branch Y o u n g M e n ’ s C h r i s t i a n A s s o c ia t io n , P a i n e s v i l l e ,O h io


For operating support YMCA —YWCA B u il d in g P r o g r a m Young W

o m e n ’s


C h r i s t i a n A s s o c ia t io n


General support* Total of Grants Paid ^Payments designated by donors.








. . .

AND OTHERS CONCERNED with the mechanics of charitable gifts, the Cleveland Foundation Library is available with current information about foundations, charitable institutions and activities, for use in connection with the preparation of wills and trust agreements.

Suggested Short Form * for Gifts to THE



“I give (bequeath, devise) to __________________________________ (name of Bank or Trust Company) in trust for The Cleveland Foundation upon the terms of the Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of said Bank (Trust Company), under Multiple Trusteeship Plan6* , which written Resolution is now in existence and is incorporated herein.”

By appropriate language donors may indicate the name by which the gift or bequest shall be known and may express a preference as to a specific purpose for use of income if such is desired.

“For attorneys who wish to include in a Will or Trust Agreement exact reference to volume and page of the corporate records of the trustee banks in identifying the Cleveland Foundation Resolution, a more comprehensive form for gifts is available upon request at the Foundation office. 40For a Combined Fund gift, substitute “ providing for The Cleveland Foundation Combined Fund” for “ under Multiple Trusteeship Plan.”






DISTRIBUTION J o h n S h e r w in , M r s. R oyal F E

llw o o d


ir m a n ,

J r.

H . F ish e r

K e n t H . S m it h J ohn

C. V ir d e n

Director and Secretary J . K im b a l l J o h n so n

t r u s t e e s

Central National Bank of Cleveland The Cleveland Trust Company The National City Bank of Cleveland Society National Bank of Cleveland Union Commerce Bank t r u s t e e s


c o m m i t t e e

Chairman Cleveland Trust Company

G eo rge G und,

Chairman of Board, The

F r a n c is H . B e a m

Chairman of Board, The National City Bank of Cleveland M e r v in B. F r a n c e President, Society National Bank of Cleveland G eo r g e R . H erzo g

Chairman of Board, Union Commerce Bank J am es J. N ance

Chairman of Board, Central National Bank of Cleveland c o u n s e l

Thompson, Hine and Flory





1240 Union Commerce Building Cleveland, Ohio 44114

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