Cleveland Foundation – 1964 Annual Report

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The Cleveland Foundation was established January 2 , 1914 to serve permanently the health, educational and charitable needs of the Greater Cleveland com m unity. The first o f its kind and now widely copied, this com m unity trust is characterized by four main features: 1. Its funds are the union o f numerous gifts, large, small and medium-sized, left at different times by various donors. 2 . Local banks, which are Trustees o f the Cleveland Foundation, safeguard and invest the funds, making available the income, and under certain conditions, the principal, for the charitable purposes o f the Foundation.

3. Endowm ent income, and under certain conditions, the principal, is disbursed by a D istribution Com mittee o f five persons. Members serve w ithout com pensation for five-year terms. Two are selected by the trustee banks, and three are appointed by public officials. 4. Any contributor may designate his preferred charity and his wishes will be observed unless changing conditions m ake such purpose unnecessary, undesirable, impractical or impossible. In such event the funds can thereafter be used for such other charitable and educational purposes as will, in the opinion o f the D istribution Committee, more effectually prom ote the public welfare.





T h e past year, by every financial yardstick, was the m ost notable in the F o u n d atio n ’s fifty-one year history. M arket value o f assets passed the $100,000,000 m ark; grants for philanthropic purposes exceeded $3,000,000 for th e first tim e; and new gifts received from donors totaled m ore than $10,000,000, th e largest single year grow th on record. D u rin g 1964 a total o f $10,344,486 was received as new gifts to principal from 157 donors. Five new trust funds were established, which, w ith additions to existing funds and m em orial gifts to the C om bined Fund, b ro u g h t the year-end endow m ent o f the Foundation to $56,688,376 (book value). M arket value o f the assets was nearly $102,000,000. Certain o f the trusts currently provide only partial—but eventually com plete—benefit to th e F oundation. T he F oundation at year-end adm inistered 129 separate funds. The D istrib u tio n C om m ittee allocates incom e from these funds —and in som e cases principal —for philanthropic purposes. A list o f the funds, nam ed in m ost cases for donors, will be found beginning on page 7 o f this Report. In 1964 th e D istribution C om m ittee authorized the disbursem ent o f $3,230,720 for a wide range o f health, educational, social welfare and civic purposes (including adm inistrative cost o f $51,017 or 1.6% o f total expenditures). A detailed accounting o f the 308 grants m ade to 144 agencies, all in the G reater Cleveland Area unless otherwise noted, is set fo rth later in this Report.





T he follow ing new funds were created in 1964: First Cleveland Cavalry-Norton Memorial Fund— Established at the Cleveland T rust C om pany with a gift o f $90,000 from the First Cleveland Cavalry Association, incom e from this unusual fund is to be used to pre­ serve and display m em orabilia o f the association at the W estern Reserve H istorical Society and to prom ote the welfare o f veterans o f the armed services. George C. and Marion S. Gordon Fund— W ith a value o f $3,333,373, this fund was established at the Cleveland T rust C om pany under the will o f th e late M arion G ordon. Incom e is to be used for educational and cultural activities w ith particular em phasis in the field o f m usic and the Cleveland Orchestra. William C. Scofield Memorial Fund— Created under a trust agreem ent w ith th e Cleveland T rust C om pany by the late Flossie D . Scofield o f W hite Plains, N ew Y ork, this unrestricted fund has a value o f $315,800. M r. and 1

M rs. Scofield, m em bers o f a prom inent old Cleveland family, had m oved from th e city som e years ago. Edith Anisfield W o lf Fund— T his $5,146,000 fund was created under a tru st w ith the Cleveland T rust C om pany by the late M rs. W olf. D a u g h te r and wife o f w ell-know n Cleveland philanthropists, M rs. W o lf expressed th e desire th at incom e be used in equal parts for Jew ish and non-Jew ish organizations after provision for certain A nisfield-W olf literary and social agency awards and m em orial grants to nam ed institutions. John R. Kistner Fund— This unrestricted purpose fund was established at the N ational City B ank w ith a bequest o f $25,000 under the will o f the late Jo h n K istner.





Assets o f the follow ing funds were increased in 1964: T he Ford Foundation Fund for Greater Cleveland Associated Foundation was increased by $750,000 through an additional paym ent on a previous Ford F oundation grant. A dditions o f $89,336 to the Fannie Brown M e­ morial Fund, $232,795 to the Harriet B. Storrs Fund and $1,170 to the Julius E. Goodman Fund were received from executors. T he N athan G. Richman Fund was increased by $35,105 due to the death o f a life annuitant and the Charles L. and Marion H. Stone Fund received $86,131 through gifts from the tw o original donors. A gift o f $5,000 for the Lewis A . and Ellen E. McCreary Memorial Fund was received from M rs. A lton C. D ustin. A dditions o f $20,382 to the A lva Bradley I I Fund and $3,321 to the Centureena S. Hotchkiss Fund were received from executors. T he Cleveland Recreational Arts Fund which helps to support Cleveland’s cultural in stitu ­ tions was increased by $11,150 in gifts from Curtis Industries Inc. F ounda­ tion, Cleveland R ange Com pany, K u rt L. Seelbach and the R aym ond Jo h n W ean Foundation. T he follow ing "n o n -tru st” gifts were received from donors w ho expressed the desire th at the corpus o f their gifts be used for certain purposes: A contribution o f $9,000 for the Donald A . and Jane C. Stark Fund to be used for special educational purposes, the gift being m ade from a charitable tru st o f the same name. T he Children s Theatre o f Shaker Heights established a $1,244 fund to provide tw o annual awards to graduating Shaker H eights H igh School students selected to receive the B eduhn D ram a Award. T he follow ing suburban com m unity organizations co n ­ tinued their practice o f turning over funds for cancer, heart, polio and other research: Combined Health and Welfare Drive, Inc. o f Valley View, $730; Walton Hills Combined Charities Drive, $1,232.50. T he Berea United Fund Drive also contributed $440.75 for similar health purposes. 2

These students on the John Carroll University campus typify the dramatic increase in enrollment and the tremendous need o f H ig h e r E d u c a t io n

fo r continuing support. In 1964, the Foundation disbursed more than $750,000 fo r new buildings, equipment, scholarships, research an d special projects. Such grants were made largely to colleges an d universities in Greater Cleveland.







T he C om bined Fund (so-called because contributions are com bined for investm ent purposes) was increased by $188,276 in new gifts in 1964. Several new m em orial funds were established. T he Nelle P. Woodworth Fund w ith a value o f $97,773 was created under the will o f the late M rs. W oodw orth. T en percent o f incom e is designated for the C om m unity Fund, an equal percentage for F airm ount Presbyterian Church, w ith the balance unrestricted. T he John F. Oberlin and John C. Oberlin Fund was established w ith a gift o f $13,719 from J o h n F. O berlin to provide scholarships at the Franklin T hom as Backus Law School o f W estern Reserve University. A bequest o f $5,000 in m em ory o f Caroline Brown Prescott was left by her father, the late A lexander C. Brown. Incom e is to be used for the Play H ouse. A bequest o f $11,435 was received under the will o f the late Morris Abrams and $50 from the estate o f the late Annie A . France. T he Samuel E. Kramer L a w Scholarship Fund was established by a gift o f $3,156 from M rs. Flora Fitch Kram er, the w idow o f the {ate Ju d g e K ram er. A bequest o f $1,000 was received under the will o f the late Helen Moore. U nrestricted gifts totaling $170 were received from M r. a n d Mrs. Sidney D. Josephs, M r. and Mrs. Robert S. Latham, R. N . Wiesenberger and the Health Educational Foundation Fund o f the Academy o f Medicine. M em orial gifts in total am o u nt o f $140 were received from the follow ing persons: from I. F. Freiberger in m em ory o f Nathan L. Dauby; from Dr. and M rs. C. W. W yckoff in m em ory o f Mrs. Marianne North Cummer; from Shaker Savings Association in m em ory o f Robert J . Drake. T he Thomas Burnham Memorial was increased by $1,433 from a trust established by M rs. M arie Louise G ollan and Dr. Edw ard A . Yurick again m ade a gift to the fund which bears his nam e. T he Frederick R. and Bertha Specht M autz Scholarship Fund for Capital U niversity was increased by $1,000 in gifts from Dr. and M rs. M autz, Dr. S. H ayashi and Dr. H ugh Shafer. T he Elizabeth Becker Rorabeck Fund was increased by $34,122 in distributions from M rs. R orabeck’s estate and the Ew ald F. Tobold Fund received a $7,750 additional gift from the original donor. The Frank S. Gibson Memorial Fund w ith incom e to be used to defray traveling expenses to scientific m eetings o f surgical residents at Lutheran and University hospitals was increased by $6,200 in gifts from th e fol­ low ing friends and associates o f the late Dr. G ibson: M r. and M rs. R alph P. A nderson, M r. and M rs. H. Lee Bassett and family, M rs. Ann Behrm an, M rs. Jerrell W. Benson, M ildred Bowen, M .D ., Earl B rightm an, M .D ., Alexander T. Bunts, M .D ., Daniel Carothers, M .D ., Lewis Chalfin, M .D ., M ax B. Chalfin, M .D ., W ebb Cham berlain, M .D ., M r. and M rs. D avid A. Chambers, Y ing C. Chen, M .D ., M rs. Elinore L. Cox, Jo h n H . 4

Davis, M .D ., M aier M . Driver, M .D ., Jam es C. D unbar, M .D ., N icholas E conom o, M .D ., C. C. Edm onds, R obert C. Forem an, M .D ., W illiam E. Forsythe, M .D ., S. O. Freedlander, M .D ., M iss D oro th y J. Garber, Frank S. G ibson, Jr., M iss Josephine Grasselli, T he G eorge G und F oundation, W ade N . Harris, M rs. Perry G. H arrison, Harry Hauser, M .D ., M r. and M rs. G eorge L. H aw kins, Jr., M rs. R aym ond G. H engst, D r. and M rs. M yron G. Hill, Stanley O. H oerr, M .D ., Charles A. H ubay, M .D ., W illiam L. H uffm an, M .D ., W illiam C. H um phries, M .D ., M rs. D oris M . Keesee, M rs. M . R. K ellum , M iss M ary K untz, C. G. LaRocco, M .D ., Eric Larsen, J. H. Lazzari, M .D ., D avid S. Leighninger, M .D ., Elmer R. M aurer, M .D ., Gerald R. M ayer, Harvey J. M endelsohn, M .D ., M iss Erine M ills, R o b ert E. M offatt, M .D ., M iss Aimee R. M orris, J. H ow ard M orris, Jr., M alcolm J . M oshier, M rs. Abbey N ew m an, K eith C. N oble, M .D ., M rs. W . K . N o rth ru p , M rs. Louise M . N ourse, Jo h n D . O sm ond, Jr., M .D ., Sam Packer, M .D ., Philip F. P artington, M .D ., A. Frank P ortm ann, M .D ., M iss Irm a L. Rosenfeld, Jam es W. Sampsel, M .D ., Byers W. Shaw, M .D ., M rs. M innie B. Shilling, R .N ., F. A. Simeone, M .D ., G eorge N ew ton Spears, M .D ., G eorge E. Spencer, Jr., M .D ., M iss Alice R. Spieth, M iss Carrie E. Spieth, C arlJ. Stark, M .D ., Paul J. Stueber, M .D ., M rs. K enneth Sturges, M iss Josephine M . Telliard, Jo h n K. T hom pson, V. L. Tichy, M .D ., G eorge A. Tischler, M .D ., University Anesthesia Associates Limited, M iss Clara E. Verwiebe, Jo h n R. W alsh, Elden C. W eckesser, M .D ., M rs. Shirley W eisenberg, Jacob M . Werle, M .D ., Richard S. W ilson, M .D . T h e W inifred Fryer Memorial was increased by $92.50 by gifts from J u d g e M ary B. G rossm an, M rs. J. H. A ltm an, Alfred A. Benesch, M r. and M rs. Louis M . Greene, M r. and M rs. Sidney N . W eitz, M r. and M rs. Edward Lichtig, M rs. Jean Silverman, M rs. Birdie Stotter, M rs. Francis Stotter, M rs. Sara Feder, M rs. M ae G ross and M r. and M rs. Jared Faulb. T he Rhoda L. Affelder Fund was increased by $5,225 in gifts from M rs. Affelder, th e M arjorie and Alan L. Littm an Fund o f the Jew ish C om m unity Federation and from the estate o f the late Harry F. Affelder. Assets o f the C om bined Fund at the several trustee banks had a m arket value o f $1,739,000 at year’s end. T he Fund is com posed o f 144 separate m em orial or special purpose funds which are listed under Financial S tatem ents later in this Report. Each m em orial retains its identity and p urpose, the various gifts being com m ingled for greater efficiency in the investm ent o f th e capital. T he establishm ent o f a m em orial or special pu rp o se fund is a sim ple procedure and can be accom plished w ith a m o d est gift. T he trustee banks and the staff o f the F oundation are happy to answer questions ab o u t the creation o f such funds, or in the establish­ m en t o f o th er trusts or bequests in which the F oundation can be helpful to donors in carrying o u t their philanthropic desires. 5





After serving for nearly ten years w ith devotion and distinction as a m em ber o f th e D istribution C om m ittee including eight years as its chair­ m an, M r. Ellw ood H . Fisher tendered his resignation in D ecem ber, 1964. M r. R aym ond Q . A rm ington was appointed by Ju d g e Jam es C. C onnell to fill o u t M r. Fisher’s unexpired term . Ju d g e C onnell as C hief J u d g e o f th e n o rthern O h io U. S. D istrict C ourt is responsible under the F o u n d a­ tio n ’s charter for ap p o in tin g one o f the five m em bers o f th e D istrib u tio n C om m ittee. M r. A rm ington is president o f T he Triax C om pany and a director o f several other Cleveland corporations. H is m any civic activities include service on th e boards o f the G reater Cleveland Associated F oundation, th e H olden A rboretum , W estern Reserve University, the U niversity Circle D evelopm ent F oundation and the E ducational Research C ouncil o f which he is president. *



Inquiries are welcom ed at the F oundation office from anyone desiring m ore inform ation ab o u t grants m ade, and from those w ho m ay wish to establish trusts, bequests or m em orial funds w ith the F oundation as a m eans o f carrying o u t their philanthropic desires.

The D istribution C om m ittee J o h n S h e r w i n , Chairman R a y m o n d Q . A r m in g t o n M r s . R o y a l Fir m a n , J r . K e n t H. S m i t h J o h n C. V i r d e n J . K im b a l l J o h n s o n

Director and Secretary April, 1965


The first Anisfield-W olf Memorial A w ard, established by the Foundation s new Edith Anisfield W o lf Fund, was awarded to the B u s i n e s s m e n ’s I n t e r - R a c ia l C o m m i t t e e o n C o m m u n i t y A f f a ir s fo r " outstanding service to the human community' in 1964. Here John W. Reavis (left), chairman o f the Businessmen s Committee, receives the $5,000 aw ard from Raymond Q. Armington, member o f the Foundation s Distribution Committee.


STATEMENTS Taken from Report o f Examination by Ernst & Ernst, Certified Public Accountants, full report being available for inspection.

Statement o f Receipts and Disbursements for 1964 U nexpended balances, January 1, 1964

$ 548,931.90


E ndow m ent incom e from Trustees


From other sources


3,389,983-36* $3,938,915.26

D I S B U R S E M E N T S By trustee banks: Fees $79,010.15 Bond and real estate am ortization, other


$ 147,769.32

By D istribution C om m ittee: For charitable and educational purposes: Care o f the Aged

$ 135,305.05

Child care


Civic developm ent


Education including scholarships


Fine Arts


H ealth care and medical research


H ospitals


Recreation and character building


R ehabilitation and services to the handicapped


Social W elfare窶馬eighborhood and family services


U nited Appeal and Jew ish W elfare

92,692.28 $3,179,702.88

>r adm inistrative purposes



Total Disbursements U nexpended balances, D ecem ber 31, 1964

3,378,479.01 $ 560,436.25**

笙ヲIncludes $446,513.02 fro m principal, a n d $12,764.80 fro m n o n -tru ste e d fun d s. **C om posed o f fu n d balances w hich w ere su b stan tially en cu m b ered o r n o t available fo r u se u n til after D ecem b er 31, 1964.


T R U S T F U N D ASSETS Endowment o f the Foundation with principal value o f the 129 funds held by the Trustee Banks at book or carrying value as o f December 31, 1964.

Anisfield-W olf Fund W alter C. and Lucy I. Astrup Fund Sophie Auerbach Fund* The Frederic M. and N ettie E. Backus Memorial Fund W alter C. and Fannie W hite Baker Fund Lilian H anna Baldwin Fund Cornelia W. Beardslee Fund James C. Beardslee Fund Mary Berryman Fund The Dr. H am ilton Fisk Biggar Fund Katherine Bohm Fund The G eorge H. Boyd Fund* Alva Bradley II Fund Gertrude H . Britton, Katharine H. Perkins Fund Fannie Brown M emorial Fund George F. Buehler M emorial Fund K atherine Ward Burrell Fund T he M artha B. Carlisle M emorial Fund T he Central H igh School Endowm ent Fund T he Fred H. Chapin M emorial Fund J . E. G. Clark Fund Cleveland Recreational Arts Fund Caroline E. Coit Fund A. E. Convers Fund* Harry Coulby Fund No. 1 Harry Coulby Fund N o. 2 * Jacob D. Cox Fund S. H oughton Cox Fund* H enry G. D alton Fund Alice M cHardy Dye Fund Dr. Frank Carl Felix and Flora W ebster Felix Fund First Cleveland Cavalry-Norton Memorial Fund William C. Fischer and Lillye T. Fischer Memorial Fund Fisher Fund Erwin L. and Fanny M. Fisher M emorial Fund Ford Foundation Fund for Greater Cleveland Associated Foundation Constance C. Frackelton Fund N o. 1 Constance C. Frackelton Fund N o. 6 Constance C. Frackelton Fund N o. 7 Constance C. Frackelton Fund N o. 8 T he Fannie Pitcairn Frackelton and David W. Frackelton Fund R obert J. Frackelton Fund The George Freeman Charity Fund Frederic H. Gates Fund T he William F. and Anna Lawrence G ibbons Fund* William A. Giffhorn Fund



99,171 121,760 186,143 2,153,060 10,159 8,924 103,009 724,573 16,948 93,774 7,330 1,667,696 642,118 24,346 140,929 151,428 6,896

74,319 5,071 2,230,124 6,486 122,247 67,749 5,308,474 4,075,051 876,585 106,789 70,671 668,698

319,133 311,933 89,949 94,607 43,435 483,873 561,192 156,612 224,590 99,836 29,940 20,942 20,248 49,117 277,919 466,851 2,481

A s Station W V IZ , Channel 25, went on the air early in 1965, educational television finally came to Cleveland— the last major city in America to have such a facility. The Foundation has been a major backer o f the venture, providing $280,000 to the E d u c a t i o n a l T e l e v i s i o n A s s o c ia t io n o f M e t r o p o l it a n C l e v e l a n d

fo r development plans and operating support.

Frederick Harris G off Fund Julius E. G oodm an Fund T he George C. and M arion S. G ordon Fund T he Eugene S. and Blanche R. Halle M emorial Fund Edwin T. and Mary E. H am ilton Fund The Lynn J. and Eva D . H am m ond Memorial Fund* Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Associated Foundation Trust Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Fund for Com munity Chest Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Fund for U nited Appeal Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Cleveland Foundation Special Purpose Fund Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Com m unity D evelopment Fund The K ate H anna Harvey M emorial Fund Melville H. Haskell, Mary H. H unter, Gertrude H. Britton, K atharine H. Perkins Fund George Halle Hays Fund K aufm an Hays Memorial Fund T he Hiram H ouse Fund The Jacob H irtenstein Fund Centureena S. Hotchkiss Fund The A. W. H urlbut Fund Caroline Bonnell Jones Fund James S. Jordan Fund Adrian D. Joyce Fund The Frederick W. and H enryett Slocum Judd Fund Karamu H ouse Trust Clarence A. Kirkham M emorial Fund Jo h n R. Kistner Fund Elroy J. and Fynette H. Kulas Fund Robert M. Linney Fund* Ella L. Lowman Fund Henry M. Lucas Fund Clemens W. Lundoff and Hilda T. Lundoff Fund Frank J. Lynch Fund* Nellie Lynch Fund Alice K eith M ather Fund The Lewis A. and Ellen E. McCreary Memorial Fund The George W. and Sarah M cGuire Fund The Albert Y ounglove Meriam and Kathryn A. Meriam Fund Alice Butts M etcalf Fund Anna B. Minzer Fund Cornelia S. M oore Fund* E. Freeman M ould Fund Jane C. M ould Fund The Crispin and Kate Oglebay Trust Mary K ing O sborn Fund William P. Palmer Fund The Dr. Charles B. Parker M emorial Fund* D ouglas Perkins Fund Walter D. Price Fund* William H. Price Fund 11


49,712 522,007 3,333,373 2,055,441 1,142,822 1,147,635 2,510,721 309,083 248,576 1 ,082,032 5,312,245 52,828 95,046 9,926 7,100 8,984 5,771 83,156 23,598 5,000 15,894 62,925 541,061 1,098,345 206,235 24,953 585,481 180,048 1,012

79,888 322,285 25,830 146,277 119,656 12,122

34,885 21,912

5,000 13,925 68,028 108,508 651,193 1,967,507 4,921 26,101 347,583 107,327 17,272 31,628

The Retreat M emorial Fund Charles L. Richman Fund N athan G. Richm an Fund Alice M. Rockefeller Fund Charles F. Ruby Fund The Mary Coit Sanford Memorial Fund M ary Coit Sanford Fund William C. Scofield Memorial Fund Frank S. Sheets and Alberta G.Sheets M emorial Fund The A. H. and Julia W. Shunk Fund The Thomas and Anna Sidlo Fund The Nellie B. Snavely Fund A. L. Somers Fund William J. Southworth Fund* Dr. George P. Soyer Fund Marion R. Spellman Fund Josephine L. Sperry Fund Ada Gates Stevens M emorial Fund Catherine E. Stewart, M artha A. Stewart, Judith H . Stewart and Jeannette Stewart Memorial Fund Charles L. and Marion H. Stone Fund Harriet B. Storrs Fund M abelle G. and Finton L. Torrence Fund Charles F. Uhl Fund Jo h n F. and Mary G. Wahl M emorial Fund Jessie M acDonald Walker M emorial Fund Mabel Breckenridge Wason Fund* G eorge B. and Edith S. Wheeler Trust Edward Loder W hittemore Fund Jam es D. Williamson Fund The George H., Charles E., and Samuel D enny W ilson M emorial Fund Edith Anisfield W olf Fund David C. W right Memorial Fund Cleveland Foundation Combined Fund TOTAL ALL TRUSTEED FUNDS



99 644 g4 947 2 18 ,7 9 0 134,631 4 ,0 0 4

39 379 120 137 19,893 99,9 2 1 292 440 534 505 165 077 453^496 14 930

10 738 2 371 20 605 12 130

187 533 747 521 87 '7 4 9

1108 397 434

42 631 559 877 360,433 25 684 5 430 187,154 2 241 322 229 771

1 322 964


*These tru sts p ro v id e, each in v ary in g a m o u n ts, fo r p a y m e n t o f an n u ities to certain individuals prior to pay m en t o f th e balance o f th e in co m e o f th e F o u n d a tio n . In 1964 th e C leveland F o u n d a tio n re足 c e d e d 76 . 2 % o f th e ag g reg ate in c o m e o f th e several fu n d s. U ltim ately, it w ill receive th e entire n et incom e.



The following funds are held in a special account, the donors expressing their desire that the corpus of the gifts be used for certain health or educational purposes. Berea United Fund Drive Brecksville Fund Raisers Independence Combined Drive for Health, Welfare and Research Combined Health Collection o f Richm ond Heights Combined Health and Welfare Drive, Inc. o f Valley View W alton Hills Combined Charities Drive Reading Instruction Special Fund Donald A. and Jane C. Stark Fund Children's Theatre of Shaker H eights Drama Award Fund 12

Cleveland Foundation Combined Fund M ore than 1600 donors have contributed to the Combined Fund which is made up o f the following memorials and other gifts: ME MO RI AL



M orris Abrams Fund Academy o f Medicine Health Education Foundation Fund R hoda L. Affelder Fund Wickham H. Aldrich Fund Eunice Westfall Allen Memorial Samuel Westfall Allen Memorial Lydia May Ames Fund Leonard P. Ayres Memorial A. D. Baldwin Memorial Fund Robert K. Beck Memorial Beulah H olden Bluim Memorial Helen R. Bowler Fund Nap. H : Boynton Memorial Fund Alva Bradley M emorial Brigham Britton Fund Charles F. Buescher M emorial Thomas Burnham Memorial Elizabeth A. Burton Memorial R obert H. Busch M emorial Fund Carmela Cafarelli Fund Leyton E. Carter M emorial Fund George S. Case Fund Isabel D. Chamberlin Fund Fred H. Chapin Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Clark Fund Cleveland Center on Alcoholism Fund Cleveland Conference for Educational Cooperation Fund Cleveland H eights High School Scholarship Fund Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society Fund Cleveland War Memorial A rthur Cobb Memorial A rthur Cobb, Jr. Memorial Florence Haney Cobb Memorial M ary Gaylord Cobb M emorial Percy Wells Cobb Memorial Ju d g e Alva R. Corlett Memorial Mary B. Couch Fund Jacob D. Cox, Jr. Memorial Dr. W ilbur S. Crowell Memorial Mrs. M arianne N orth Cummer M emorial G lenn A. Cutler Memorial N athan L. D auby Memorial M agdalene Pahler Donahey Fund Anna J. D orm an and Pliny O. D orm an M emorial Fund Jam es J. Doyle and Lillian Herron Doyle Scholarship Fund R obert J. D rake Memorial K ristian Eilertsen Fund A rthur Feher Fund



Frances B. and George W. Ford Memorial K atyruth Strieker Fraley Memorial Annie A. France Fund I. F. Freiberger Fund Mrs. I. F. Freiberger M emorial Fund The Winifred Fryer Memorial Fund Dr. Frank S. G ibson Memorial Fund Ellen Gardner Gilmore Memorial Frances Southworth Goff Memorial Robert B. Grandin Memorial James L. Greene Memorial Bell Greve M emorial Fund Isador Grossman Memorial Fund Jessie Haig Memorial Florence Hamilton Memorial Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Cleveland Play H ouse Fund F. H. Haserot Fund H om er H. Hatch Fund James W. Havighurst Memorial Scholarship Fund Lewis Howard Hayden and Lulu May Hayden Fund Iva L. Herl Fund The Siegmund and Bertha B. Herzog Fund Highland View H ospital Employees’ Gift Fund Reuben W. H itchcock Fund Cora Millet H olden Memorial Guerdon S. H olden Memorial Dr. John W. Holloway Memorial Fund A. R. Horr Fund Joseph C. Hostetler Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Sidney D. Josephs Minerva B. Johnson Memorial Fund Dr. Emmanuel Klaus Memorial Fund Estelle C. Koch Memorial Scholarship Fund Judge Samuel E. Kramer Memorial Law Scholarship Fund George H. Lapham Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Latham Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lechner Fund George A. and Mary E. M arten Fund Mrs. E. O. M arring Memorial Frederick R. and Bertha Specht M autz Fund Malcolm L. McBride and Jo h n Harris McBride II Memorial Thomas McCauslen Memorial Emma E. M cDonald Fund Anna Curtiss M cN utt Memorial


The George C. a n d Marion S'. Gordon Fund, one o f the Foundation s new funds o f substantial size, w ill be devoted to the support o f Cleveland’s cultural and musical activities. The C l e v e l a n d I n s t i t u t e o f M u s i c , where this rehearsal is underway, and the Cleveland Orchestra and the Music School Settlement have been allocated a major portion o f income o f the Gordon Fund in 1964 and 1965. A week or so at a summer camp is a richly rewarding experience, especially for boys and girls who learn for the first time about the great outdoors. Last year the Foundation provided nearly $44,000 in camperships for inner-city children and for a new Health Lodge here at H i r a m H o u s e C a m p .

Emma B. M inch Fund Jo h n A. M itchell and Blanche G. M itchell Fund Harry F. M iter Memorial Helen M oore Fund Daniel E. M organ Fund The National City Bank Fund Harlan H. Newell Memorial Jo h n F. Oberlin and Jo h n C. Oberlin Fund Ethelwyne W alton O sborn Memorial Erla Schlather Parker Fund Charles J. and Marian E. Paterson Fund Caroline Brown Prescott M emorial Mary D unham Prescott M emorial The George Jo h n Putz and Margaret Putz M emorial Fund The George F. Q uinn Memorial Scholarship Fund O m ar S. Ranney M emorial Minerva P. Ridley Fund Elizabeth Becker Rorabeck Fund Edward L. Rosenfeld and Bertha M. Rosenfeld Fund Dr. A. T. Roskos Fund Mrs. Raym ond T. Sawyer M emorial Oliver H. Schaaf Fund A rthur H. Seibig Fund Annette S. Shagren Memorial Dr. Thomas Shupe M emorial Fund

Social W ork Scholarship Fund Society for Crippled Children — Tris Speaker Memorial Fund Society N ational Bank Fund M eade A. Spencer Memorial Belle Bierce Stair Memorial Nellie Steele Stewart Memorial Joseph T. Sweeny Memorial Charles Farrand Taplin and Elsie H. Taplin Fund Jessie Loyd Tarr Memorial Elizabeth Bebout Taylor Memorial Mary J. Tewksbury Fund Allison Jo h n T hom pson Memorial Amos Burt and Jeanne L. Thom pson Fund Sarah R. Thom pson Fund Ewald F. Tobold Fund M aud Kerruish Towson Memorial Leo W. Ulmer Fund Cornelia Blakemore Warner Memorial Stanley H. W atson Memorial Frank Walter Weide Fund Caroline Briggs Welch Memorial Lucius J. and Jennie C. Wheeler Fund Elliott H. W hitlock Memorial Mary C. W hitney Fund R. N. Wiesenberger Fund Nelle P. W oodworth Fund Dr. Edward A. Yurick Fund

A n experimental program to help teenagers with severe problems o f mental a n d emotional adjustment is being conducted a t the Rehabilitation Center under a Foundation grant. A joint project o/ B e l l e f a i r e a n d V o c a t i o n a l G u i d a n c e a n d R e h a b i l i t a t i o n S e r v i c e s , the program is designed to improve working habits a n d attitudes,

an d to develop potential skills.

G R A N T S — 1 96 4 $

A id f o r E l d e r l y P e r s o n s


M aintenance, nursing and hospital care A m a sa S t o n e H o u s e


O perating support* A m e r ic a n C o u n c il


J u d a is m , N


Y o r k , N ew Y ork

2 ,000.00

General support* A m e r ic a n N a t io n a l R ed C r o ss , W a s h in g t o n , D.C.


General support* A s s o c ia t io n


P h il a n t h r o p ic H o m e s


Ag ed , In c .


Training course for executive housekeepers (second o f three payments) B a l d w in -W a lla ce C o l l e g e

O perating support* Scholarships For College U nion Building (third o f four payments) For an educational development center

13,022.46 5,554.66 2 5.000.00 17,500.00

B eech Brook

O perating support* To establish a foster home

18.259.79 6,800.00

B e l l e f a ir e

For w ork-training project for teenagers For extension o f school term as aid in education o f em otionally disturbed children B el l e v u e H o s p it a l , B e l l e v u e , O h io


10 000.00 4.000.00 1,494.29

O perating support* 15.819.80

B e n j a m in R o se I n s t it u t e

O perating support* 5 .000.00

B l o sso m H ill S c h o o l

For a swimming pool B o y S c o u t s , G r e a t e r C l e v e l a n d C o u n c il


D em onstration program for Inner-City youth B r a n d e is U n iv e r s it y , W a l t h a m , M a ss a c h u s e t t s


For support o f special program in education* 2 0 ,0 0 0.00

B r e n t w o o d H o sp it a l

For the building program 729.34

C a p it a l U n iv e r s it y

For scholarships* *Payments designated by donors


C ase I n s t it u t e

T ech n olog y


To augm ent professors’ salaries* Scholarships For expanding th e library c o lle c tio n (th ird o f fo u r p a y m e n ts) For research in musical acoustics C e n t r a l Sc h o o l


7,343.91 4,8 1 7 .8 1 2 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0


P r a c t ic a l N u r s in g 2 50 .0 0

General support* For recruitm ent program

2 , 000.00 10 , 000.00

C h il d r e n ’s A id S o c ie t y

After care program for em otionally disturbed children C h il d r e n ’s S e r v ic e s

Special services for children O perating support*

159.71 129-32

C it y o f C l e v e l a n d R e c r e a t io n D e p a r t m e n t T o fu rn ish F a sin o R e c re a tio n C e n te r fo r g irls



C l e v e l a n d B aseball F e d e r a t io n

General support* C leveland B o a rd


8 , 000.00

E d u c a t io n

For an educational program at DePaul, Booth and Crittenton H om es C leveland C e n te r


A l c o h o l is m


O perating support* C l e v e l a n d C h r is t ia n H o m e


To improve social services C l e v e l a n d C o m m is s io n


H ig h e r E d u c a t io n

9 .5 0 0 .0 0

For study to improve teacher training in Greater Cleveland colleges C l e v e l a n d C o u n c il


C a m p F ir e G ir l s , I n c .

8.30 7 .0 0

W o r l d A ffa irs

8.50 0 .0 0

For Blue-Bird program C l e v e l a n d C o u n c il


For a study of foreign student program in Greater Cleveland C l e v e l a n d C u l t u r a l G a r d e n F e d e r a t io n

1,0 0 0 .0 0

For operating support* Clevela nd D

evelopm ent

F o u n d a t io n

O perating support* Study o f Cleveland port facilities Grants by Cleveland D evelopment Foundation: Near West Side D evelopment Association Planning Study of Dow ntow n Cleveland Governmental Research Institute C l e v e l a n d F r ie n d s



72,275.43 60 , 000.00 25.0 0 0 .0 0 1 00,769.68


20 000.00

2 , 000.00

u sic

For operating support *Payments designated by donors


Scientific research and development, like that being done by these graduate students in physics at C a s e I n s t i t u t e o f T e c h n o l o g y , receives large-scale support from industry and government. " Seed money' grants o f limited size by the Foundation have been helpful in launching new fields o f investigation. A grant o f this type was made last year to C a s e to support research in musical acoustics.

A t the opening o f the Job Opportunities fo r Youth Center, sponsored by C o m m u n i t y A c t i o n f o r Y o u t h , A l Smith examines some o f the facilities with Mayor Ralph Locher. The Foundation provided funds for remodeling and equipping the Center.

C levela nd H

Sp e e c h C e n t e r

e a r in g a n d

For strengthening program for preschool deaf children Speech therapy program for adults C leveland H o m e



7.67 4 .0 0 3.100.00

A g ed C o lored


O perating support* C l e v e l a n d H o s p it a l C o u n c il


For nurse recruitm ent program (first o f three payments) C l e v e l a n d I n s t it u t e


A rt


M u sic


Scholarships* C l e v e l a n d I n s t it u t e

For operating support Replacem ent o f musical instruments C l e v e l a n d I n t e r n a t io n a l P r o g r a m

11,600.00 11,127.00 for


2 000.00

Y o u t h L ea d e r s

For operating support C leveland M

e t r o p o l it a n

G e n e r a l H o sp it a l


Annual award to graduating nurse* Clev ela n d M u seu m


A rt


O perating support* C l e v e l a n d M u sic S c h o o l S e t t l e m e n t

For the establishment of a south side branch For special programs

3.833.00 5.800.00

C l e v e l a n d P lay H o u s e

Support of children's programs and new dramatic work* General operating support* C l e v e l a n d P o l ic e D

1,299.14 811.60 283.65

epartm ent

To Juvenile Bureau for prevention o f delinquency* 29,297.45

C l e v e l a n d P s y c h o a n a l y t ic S o c ie t y

Training fellowships and programs in child therapy* 38,488.10

C l e v e l a n d P u b l ic L ib r a r y

Library services to handicapped persons in their homes* C l e v e l a n d S o c ie t y

for t h e

B l in d 6,726.87

O perating support* For Children’s Services program* For special training services.

15 ,819-80 2 , 000.00


C l e v e l a n d Z o o l o g ic a l S o c ie t y

O perating support* 2 , 000.00

C o l l e g e C e n t e r , P a in e s v il l e , O h io

Scholarships for Junior College students C o m m it t e e


C o r r e s p o n d e n c e , I n c ., N e w Y o r k , N


Y ork


General support* C o m m u n it y A c t io n



Y outh, In c .

For rem odeling and equipping Y outh Employm ent Training Center *Payments designated by donors


C o u n c il o n F o u n d a tio n s , I n c ., N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k


1 ,5 0 0 .0 0

Support o f com m unity trust program 1 ,15 1 .7 3

C o u n c il G a r d e n s

O perating support C o u n c il


H u m a n R e l a t io n s


O perating support* For support o f Y outh Council

5,5 0 0 .0 0


C u y a h o g a C o u n t y R e g io n a l P l a n n in g C o m m is s io n

For study to determine feasibility o f establishing a com m unity inform ation center C u y a h o g a C o u n t y W e l fa r e D

epa rtm en t

H ousehold equipm ent and clothing for families o f widows with dependent children To provide camperships D


N u r s e r y A s s o c ia t io n


1 ,4 8 9 .0 4 3 .37 5 .0 0 1 , 000.00


O perating support* D

obam a

1 , 000.00

T heatre

For the building fund D


H ome


O perating support* D

Y ork, N


E d u c a t io n a l R e s e a r c h C o u n c il


r o ps ie

Co llege, N



Y ork

General support* G r ea ter Clevela nd

16,5 5 6 .0 8

Research and development services for primary and secondary school systems E d u c a t io n a l T e l e v is io n A s s o c ia t io n



e t r o p o l it a n

C leveland

200 , 000.00

O perating support o f new television station E l iz a J

e n n in g s

9 ,000.00

H ome

For special-care patients 2,131.81

F a ir m o u n t P r e s b y t e r ia n C h u r c h

General support* F a ir v ie w P a r k H o sp it a l

M aintenance of a bed* For the building fund

443 .3 0 15,0 0 0 .0 0

F a m il y H e a l t h A s s o c ia t io n

1.27 5 .0 0

For a two-day conference on epilepsy F a m il y S e r v ic e A s s o c ia t io n

General support* H omem aker service*

1,636.28 2 , 000.00

*Payments designated by donors


O th ers w an t i t to do l e s s th an it d o e s .

But n e a rly everyone ag re e s

th a t th e w ay of freedom m ust be fo llo w e d .

L aw s, e le c tio n s , p o litic a l

p a r tie s a ll h elp to k e e p our freedom . A v ery d iffe re n t p ic tu re is s e e n if w e look a t th e S oviet Union o r C om m unist C hina or the E ast E uropean n a tio n s u n d er S o v iet ru le . - ■¥







» — 1y

■ - i j t i ’.


W ho w ill re p re s e n t th e country

W here th e ir m oney w ill go

W hat th e ir jo b s w ill be

W hat th e y read


In a f r e e c o u n t r y the p e o p l e c h o o s e :

T heir g o v ern m en t

W h ere th ey w ill in v e s t th e ir m oney

T h eir work

W hat th e y re a d

T h eir c h u rc h e s and sc h o o ls 1

W h ere th e y w ill tra v e l



W here th ey w ill go W here th e y w ill to sc h o o l an d w hat tra v e l th e y w ill w orship


The development o f a coordinated curriculum for teaching the social sciences— history, geography, sociology and other subjects — is a major undertaking o f the E d u c a t i o n a l R e s e a r c h C o u n c il o f G r e a t e r C l e v e l a n d ,

with continuing support by the Cleveland Foundation. Designed fo r use from kindergarten through grade 12, the program represents a major revision o f teaching methods. This page from the Grade Four Pupil Book combines philosophy, economics and political science in comparing free world and communist systems.

This Ursuline College volunteer is one o f a corps o f tutors working to improve the learning skills o f children in the M t. Pleasant area. A grant to the M t . P l e a s a n t N e i g h b o r h o o d C e n t e r s w ill be used to evaluate the methods a n d effectiveness o f the tutorial program.

The G a r d e n C e n t e r o f G r e a t e r C l e v e l a n d hopes that this model o f its new building in University Circle w ill be a full-scale reality by late 1965. The Foundation contributed $25,000 toward the cost o f construction.

F e n n C o llege

Scholarships For a new lecture hall-auditorium adm inistration complex (third o f four payments) G arden C enter



5,101.21 25.000.00

G r ea te r Cleveland

Support o f library* For building program W illia m N . G a t e s M

450.00 25.0 0 0 .0 0 e m o r ia l

H o s p it a l , E l y r ia , O h io


M aintenance o f a bed for children*


G olden A ge C en ter

O perating support o f new W est side center (second o f three payments) G o o d w il l I n d u s t r ie s


C leveland


For strengthening casework services G o v e r n m e n t a l R es e a r c h I n s t it u t e


Toward support of an internship program G


C l e v e l a n d A s s o c ia t e d F o u n d a t i o n

For operating purposes


Grants by Greater Cleveland Associated Foundation: Businessmen’s Com mittee on Com m unity Affairs For im proving effectiveness o f small businessmen For professional study o f small business executives City o f Cleveland job training program Cleveland Board o f Education seminar Com munity Action for Y outh, Inc. Cuyahoga County M ayors and City M anagers Association Governmental Research Institute —tax policy study Greater Cleveland N eighborhood Centers Association — citizen education at G oodrich Bell Center Internship program in philanthropy Plan for Action by Citizens in Education Welfare Federation Health Goals Project Welfare Federation Planning Com mittee W estern Reserve University G raduate program in public m anagem ent science W estern Reserve University reading instruction for junior high school teachers G rea ter Cleveland N

e ig h b o r h o o d

11.850.00 2 .5 0 0 .0 0 4.50 0 .0 0 10 , 000.00 2.330.00 60,000.00 2 6 .7 8 0 .0 0 2 5 .0 0 0 .0 0 1 , 000.00 2 , 000.00 39.790.00 25.000.00 46.1 0 0 .0 0 79.438.00 3 , 000.00

C e n t e r s A s s o c ia t io n

To help finance initial years o f new agency (second o f three payments) For equipm ent needs o f member agencies For a com m unity education program (first of three payments) For an in-service training course for staff members Chagrin Falls Park Com m unity Center for building alterations Friendly Inn for camperships *Payments designated by donors


10 ,000.00

8,02 2 .0 4

3,000.00 2 ,000.00 8 , 000.00 1 , 500.00

G rea ter C leveland N

e ig h b o r h o o d

C e n t e r s A s s o c ia t io n ( C o n t’d)

Glenville Com m unity Center for tutorial services G oodrich Social Settlement, rehabilitation program in Sterling Area Hiram H ouse for the H ealth Lodge (first o f two payments) Hiram H ouse operating support* M ount Pleasant Com m unity Centers for tutorial services W est side Com m unity House, group work program with teenagers H


Fu nd


G r ea ter Cleveland


3, 000.00 2 6 ,9 1 6 .8 4 7 7 7 .5 6 5 .0 0 0 .0 0

2 0 , 000.00


F r e e L o a n A s s o c ia t io n F o r tw o awards*


1 000.00

H ig h l a n d V ie w C u y a h o g a C o u n t y H o s p it a l R e c re a tio n services fo r e m p lo y e e s* H

5, 000.00

3 ,7 5 0 .0 0

General support H


A rboretum

386.93 10,000.00

Preparation o f long-range development plan H

u n t in g t o n

Cultural C enters

16,00 0 .0 0

For the building fund o f H untington Playhouse I n g l e s id e H o sp it a l

2 ,500.00

Support o f music therapy program at Eldercare Center I r o n L u n g P o lio s



u l t ip l e g ic s ,

In c .

O perating support (second o f three payments) For reprinting 1962 edition o f the Toom ey j. Gazette J

e w is h

C o m m u n it y F e d e r a t io n


C levela nd

General support* J

e w is h

F a m il y S e r v ic e A s s o c ia t io n

Dem onstration program in work with low-income families (first of two payments) J e w is h V o c a t io n a l S e r v ic e s

For group counseling training seminar

4 1 4 .8 0 1,000.00


27.15 0 .0 0


J o h n C a r r o l l U n iv e r s it y

For gas laser research Scholarships* Scholarships F o r a n ew sc ien ce c e n te r (th ird o f f o u r p a y m e n ts)

11.700.00 536.05 7,056.67 2 5 .0 0 0 .0 0

J ones H ome

For recreational and educational needs o f children* For a program survey by the Child Welfare League J

u v e n il e

Co u r t


Cuyahoga Co u n ty

For purchase o f casework services *Payments designated by donors


6 ,49 9 .7 0 2 .7 0 0 .0 0 13.000.00

The development o f a long-range land use plan for the H o l d e n A r b o r e t u m under a Foundation grant resulted in

a beneficial side-effect in the employment o f these inner-city boys last summer. While helping to clear this wooded area, designated under the plan for rhododendron plantings, the inexperienced boys developed skills and good work habits that w ill help them in obtaining future jobs.


K a ram u H o use G e n e ra l s u p p o rt* K

C o l l e g e , G a m b ie r , O h io G e n e ra l s u p p o rt*

4 8 ,1 5 6 .5 0

4 ,3 8 2 .8 9


L a k e C o u n t y M e m o r ia l H o s p it a l , E a st F o r th e H a rrie t B. S to rrs M e d ic a l L ib rary L a k e E r ie C o l l e g e , P a in e s v il l e , O h io O p e ra tin g s u p p o rt* F o r th e n ew H a ll o f S cience H a rrie t B. S to rrs sc h o la rs h ip s a n d L ak e E rie C o lle g e s c h o la rs h ip s L ake E rie C o lle g e L ibrary b u ild in g f u n d L a k e E r ie G ir l S c o u t C o u n c i l

5 ,000.00

231.77 5,000.00 9 ,3 0 0 .0 0 15,000.00 10,000.00

For special project in the H ough Area L a k e E r ie W a t e r s h e d C o n s e r v a t io n F o u n d a t i o n F o r re o rg a n iz a tio n a n d o p e ra tin g p u rp o se s L it t l e Sis t e r s o f G e n e ra l support* Lu t h e r a n H o m e



for t h e


A g ed

6 ,0 0 0 .0 0

To provide for a medical director *

15,0 0 0 .0 0

Payments designated by donors


A new film was produced last year at M o n t e f i o r e H o m e with the a id o f a Foundation grant. In very human terms, it depicts modern methods in caring fo r and rehabilitating the elderly. These scenes from the film — "Where Life Still Means Living” — portray steps toward emotional adjustment and confidence in old age.

L u t h e r a n H o s p it a l

Annual award for graduate o f School o f N ursing* Conference expenses for surgeons* M a tern a l H


821.85 92.55 7,161.68

A s s o c ia t io n

General support* M

e n n in g e r

Fo u n d a t io n , T o pe k a , K

a n sa s


General support* M




R e h a b il it a t io n


R esearch , In c .


O perating support o f "half-way house” for discharged m ental patients (fourth o f five payments) M o n t e f io r e H o m e

Special services for clients awaiting admission For a survey o f service program Toward cost o f a film on geriatrics M o r e l a n d C o m m u n it y A s s o c ia t io n

6,500.00 5 , 000.00 3,900.00 5,000.00

To assist in m aintaining a stable integrated neighborhood M o r g a n Sc h o o l


S tu d e n t a w ard s* M o r l e y L ib r a r y , P a in e s v il l e , O


h io

For books to be used in junior college courses *Payments designated by donors




Sin a i H o s p it a l

To inaugurate a psychiatric division* (third o f five payments) Support o f a Chair in M edicine* (second o f twelve payments) Support o f the D epartm ent o f O pthalm ology for research in the causes o f blindness M



25.000.00 5.500.00

A r t s A s s o c ia t io n

u sic a l

General support* For Children’s Concerts* General support N a t io n a l C o n f e r e n c e


8,180.73 1.800.00 29.000.00 C h r is t ia n s



ew s


General support* N

J e w is h H o s p it a l , D

a t io n a l

en v er,

Co lorado


General support* N


S c ie n c e M

u se u m

For Planetarium program* For im provem ent o f the library N


900.00 7,600.00

C o n s e r v a n c y —O h io C h a p t e r


For preservation o f M entor Marsh O


I n s t it u t e , W h e e l in g , W e s t V ir g in ia


O perating support o f educational and recreational programs* O h io S t a t e B u r e a u


V o c a t io n a l R e h a b il it a t io n


Services to handicapped P a c e A s s o c ia t io n


To improve quality o f public school education P a r m a P h il h a r m o n ic S o c ie t y


For operating support Parm adale

Toward cost o f 80 dressers, beds and mattresses O perating support* P h il a n t h r o p ic D

ev elopm en t

R o s e -M a r y H o m e


P rogram s

C r ip p l e d C h il d r e n

O perating support*

7.600.01 253.52 15,399.75 303.48

S t . J o h n ’s H o sp it a l

O perating support* For building program

3.481.02 25.000.00

S t . V in c e n t C h a r it y H o sp it a l

M aintenance of a bed* For the building fund program For alcoholics and indigent sick persons* *Payments designated by donors


443.30 70.000.00 668.75

Sa l v a t io n A r m y



O perating support* S a l v a t io n A r m y , P a in e s v il l e , O

h io


For building fund S c h o l a r s h ip s


Aid to college students S h e l t e r e d I n d u s t r ie s

P a in e sv il l e B oys



O perating support S o c ie t y

C r ip p l e d C h il d r e n


General support* To provide medical and surgical care S o c ie t y


S t . V in c e n t D


4,131.17 7,759.42

P aul


O perating support* S o u t h e r n V e r m o n t A r t is t s , I n c ., M a n c h e s t e r , V e r m o n t

1 ,000.00

For operating support* T h e T em ple


For the Abba Hillel Silver M emorial Library T h r e e -C o r n e r -R o u n d P a c k O

u t f it ,

In c .


Camping program for boys* T r u e Sis t e r s N u r s e r y S c h o o l


For the building fund U n i t e d A ppe a l




C le v e l a n d


Contributions from 16 funds for operating support* U n it e d N e g r o C o lleg e F u n d


General support* U n iv e r s it y H o sp it a l s


C leveland

O perating support —Lakeside Hospital* O perating support —M aternity H ospital* O perating support —Rainbow Hospital* Conference expenses for surgeons* U n iv e r s it y M

e d ic a l

C enter

140,895.84 3,989.83 636.28 707.81 60,000.00

For building fund 536.04

U r s u l in e C o l l e g e

Scholarship* V is it in g N

u r se


A s s o c ia t io n

General support* V o c a t io n a l G

u id a n c e a n d

R e h a b il it a t io n S e r v ic e s

O perating support* For purchase of furniture and equipm ent For purchase o f an Elgin table For needy clients o f agency* For needy members o f Sunbeam School graduating class* *Payments designated by donors


303.48 4,109.10 1,250.00 1,000.00 1 ,000.00

A special grant was made to the S o c i e t y f o r C r i p p l e d C h i l d r e n last year from the Constance C. Frackelton Fund which was established for the benefit o f crippled children. Physical therapy to keep the youngsters' muscles flexible is an important part o f the program.

W e l fa r e F e d e r a t io n

For the Near W est Side—T rem ont Fair, Inc. O perating support* For camperships For health and welfare exhibits For m ental retardation study H ealth Goals project Summer placement o f student Toward the establishm ent o f a new planning unit (third o f four payments) For additional staff at Central Volunteer Bureau (first o f two payments) T o improve standards o f nursing homes (first o f three payments) For a youth training program (first o f three payments) For a staff position in the field of intergroup relations (first o f three payments) W estern R

eser v e

4 .500.00 1,438.92 10,000.00 3 000.00 8.75 0 .0 0 10,000.00 400.00


1 5.000.00

6 ,000.00 1 7.000.00 1 6.850.00 17.500.00

U n iv e r s it y

General support of: Adelbert College* Backus Law School* M ather College scholarship program* G raduate School* School of Medicine Halle Glaucoma Clinic* D epartm ent o f O tolaryngology* (second o f five payments) Medical research* Oglebay Fellowship program* Scholarship program Dr. Alfred S. M aschke Award program Cancer research* Area Council leadership program Equipm ent for use in Cleveland M etropolitan General H ospital Electron Microscope Gastrointestinal laboratory Freiberger Library expansion (second o f three payments) Learning Laboratory support M ental D evelopm ent Center (second of three payments) Teacher reading im provem ent program School o f Applied Social Sciences For a study on the causes o f divorce For establishm ent o f the Abba Hillel Silver Chair o f Jewish Studies (first o f two payments) Valleevue Farm, biological research* Training program for child care workers from agencies o f the Welfare Federation (first o f three payments) General operating* U ndergraduate scholarship program *Payments designated by donors


2 .04 5 .1 9 2.045.19 636.28 65,1 5 7 .6 9 10 , 000.00 1 5.000.00 10,593.00 31,716.52 3 .243.20

1 , 000.00 1 1,423.14 3 3.000.00

8,381.23 15.000.00 25.000.00 4.50 0 .0 0 1 8,480.70


10 000.00

5,000.00 76,7 2 5 .0 0 10,572.18 7.500.00 4,38 2 .8 9 5 ,809.70

W o m e n ’s C it y C lu b


1 8 4 .1 6

For educational lectures* Young M

e n ’s

C h r is t ia n A s s o c ia t io n

For operating support o f BrecksviUe-Broadview H eights area Y oung M

e n ’s

C h r is t ia n A s s o c ia t io n , P a in e s v il l e , O h io


5 000.00 1,000.00

For operating support YM CA-YW CA B u il d in g P r o g r a m

5 8 ,1 7 9 .2 6

Y o u n g W o m e n ’s C h r is t ia n A s s o c ia t io n

General support* For operating support o f Brecksville-Broadview H eights area Total o f G rants Paid *Payments designated by donors


6 7 5 .2 0

6,000.00 $ 3 ,1 7 9 ,7 0 2 .8 8






with the mechanics o f charitable gifts, the Cleveland Foundation Library is available with current inform ation about foundations, charitable institutions and activities, for use in connection with the preparation o f wills and trust agreements.

Suggested Short Form* for Gifts to THE



" I give (bequeath, devise) t o ___ _______ ______________ ______________________ (name o f Bank or Trust Company) in trust for The Cleveland Foundation upon the terms o f the Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of said Bank (Trust Company), under M ultiple Trusteeship Plan**, which written Resolution is now in existence and is incorporated herein.”

By appropriate language donors may indicate the name by which the gift or bequest shall be known and may express a preference as to a specific purpose for use o f income i f such is desired.

*For a tto rn e y s w h o w ish to in clu d e in a W ill o r T ru st A g reem en t exact reference to volum e and page o f th e co rp o rate records o f th e tru ste e b an k s in id e n tify in g th e C leveland F o u n d a tio n R eso lu tio n , a m o re co m p reh en siv e fo rm fo r gifts is available u p o n re q u e st a t th e F o u n d a tio n office. **For a C o m b in ed F u n d g ift, su b stitu te " p ro v id in g fo r T h e C leveland F o u n d a tio n C om bined F u n d ” fo r " u n d e r M u ltip le T ru ste e sh ip P la n .”








J o h n S h e r w i n , Chairman R a y m o n d Q . A r m in g t o n

(Appointed January 1965) M


R o y a l F ir m a n , J


E llw o o d H . F ish e r

(Resigned December 1964) K


H . S m it h

J o h n C. V ir d e n

Director and Secretary J. K i m b a l l J o h n s o n

t r u s t e e s

Central National Bank o f Cleveland The Cleveland Trust Company The N ational City Bank o f Cleveland Society National Bank o f Cleveland U nion Commerce Bank

t r u s t e e s


c o m m i t t e e

G e o r g e G u n d , Chairman Chairman o f Board, The Cleveland Trust Company F r a n c is H . B e a m *

Chairman o f Board, The National City Bank o f Cleveland M e r v i n B. F r a n c e President, Society N ational Bank o f Cleveland G e o rg e R. H e rz o g

Chairman o f Board, Union Commerce Bank J ames J . N a n c e

Chairman o f Board, Central N ational Bank o f Cleveland *Deceased 3/13/65

c o u n s e l

T hom pson, H ine and Flory OFFICE




1240 Union Commerce Building Cleveland, O hio 44115

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