Cleveland Foundation – 1986 Annual Report

Page 1

Cover Photograph Five future-builders gather on the spot where Moses Cleaveland came ashore: (clockwise from left) Father Marino Frascati, PeggyMurphy, Ralph Tyler, Rojeana Howell and Renee Snow (See page 6)

he Cleveland Foundation ^

exists to enhance the quality oflifefor all citizens of

Greater Cleveland.


entrusted to its stewardship by people ofvarious means, the Foun­ dation addresses the community’s needs and opportunities.


itsfounding in 1914as the nation’s first community trust, The Cleveland Foundation has been one ofthe great resources ofthe Greater Cleve­ land community.

Whetheryou live,

work or visit here, you undoubtedly have been touched by one or more ofthe many health, human services, cultural or educational institutions andprograms supported by The Cleveland Foundation.



The Chairperson’s Message


Committing to the Future


The Director’s Message


Grantmaking Policies and Process


1986 Grantmaking at a Glance Civic Affairs Health

9 10


13 16

Cultural Affairs


Social Services


Economic Development


Special Philanthropic Services


Funds of The Cleveland Foundation


The Distribution Committee


The Program Staff


Financial Report


Other Foundation Activities in 1986


List of Staff, Distribution and Trustees Committees


THE CHAIRPERSON S MESSAGE This annual report is a deliberate departure from The Cleveland Foun­ dation’s reports of recent years. It is a more streamlined, much more concise, description of the Foun­ dation’s activities during the pre­ vious calendar year— and of the concerns and priorities which guide the Distribution Committee and its staff in grantmaking and other work. The increasing demands of recent years have led the Distribution Committee to develop, through an extended process of institutional self-examination, a strategic plan which provides a framework for making hard decisions when we are faced with competing projects and finite resources. That plan is now also helping us identify several large, strategic investments of time and grant monies that will help us carry out our core mission. In the essay that begins on the opposite page, we are announc­ ing the Foundation’s commitment of substantial dollars and staff involvement over the coming months to two large-scale initiatives we feel are critical to this community’s future. We believe that establishing these two initiatives now (with perhaps one or two more to follow) will be a timely contribution to the comeback momentum that has been building in Cleveland over the last seven or eight years. In the pages that follow, you will find an account of the past year’s grantmaking, which totaled

3 Cleveland’sgreatest source of untapped energy: The spark of curiosity flares in an 8th-grade science class at H arry E. Davis Intermediate School.

S22.2 million. These investments in our community were made pos­ sible by the generosity of hundreds of foresighted donors through the years and the wise stewardship of our trustee banks. Among the numerous newcomers to our family of donors this past year were the Junior League of Cleveland, which established an endowment to sup­ port children’s theater, and the McDonald Fund, a supporting organization established by Charles McDonald (formerly chair of the Council of Smaller Enterprises), which made its first grants in 1986. Increasingly, the Foundation has been encouraging donors to make gifts during their lifetimes. Last year new gifts totaled $6.3 million, of which two-thirds came from living donors. As of December 31, 1986, the combined assets of the Foundation and its seven sup­ porting organizations had a total market value of $427 million, making The Cleveland Foundation one of the three largest community trusts in the nation. We bid a bittersweet farewell to David G. Hill, who has completed 10 years of incomparable service on the Distribution Committee. His thoroughness and dedication will be sorely missed. And we welcome the Rev. Elmo A. Bean, a distin­ guished community leader, who takes Dave’s place on the Committee as we prepare to meet the many challenges ahead.

COMMITTING TO THEFUTURE t is clear to any observer ofthis community that Cleveland and


Northeast Ohio have experienced, indeed suffered, someprofound and disheartening changes in the last 20years: the heavy loss of

manufacturingjobs (and with them a significantpart ofthe area's tradi­ tional economic base) and the loss ofpopulation (and with it an adequate tax base tofund city services). At the same time, there has arisen the disturbing feeling that everything around us—from the houses on many ofCleveland’s older residential streets to the very machinery ofpassing on our shared values and the tools ofsuccess, our schools—was crumbling.

the very recentpast something else has been emergingjust as clearly: a new sense ofdetermination on thepart ofthis community that it is not going to he back and accept this grimfate. Neighborhood residents have come together, forming dozens ofcommunity-based, grassroots development corporations, to reclaim their deteriorating housing stock and set about rebuilding their neighborhoods.

New coalitions ofcivic, government and

corporate leaders haveformed behindseveral large-scaleprojectspromising to inject new life and new investment into downtown: the redevelopment of the lakefront and Flats/Warehouse District, the Tower City complex, Public and Playhouse squares, a new stadium and a major tourist magnet in the form ofa Rock and Roll Hall ofFame. And thefirst comprehensiveplan for the city’sphysical development since 1949, dubbed the Civic Vision, is being developedfor downtown and the neighborhoods.

May 11, 1987

panies, and the Greater Cleveland Roundtable, aforum bringing together

61 civic, corporate, labor and religious leaders to address crucialcommunity issues, are playing a more active role in shaping an agendafor progress. One seespromising signs ofa new willingness on thepart of business and civic groups to get involved in the challenging task ofhelping to upgrade the city’s school system, and new alliances areforming tofind solutions to theproblems ofracism and intolerance, particularly with regard to housing.

On the aisle at Playhouse Square's Ohio Theatre: More than 125,000 kids have discovered the excitement of live theater in a firstrate facility.

3 W jfc


Tomorrow, Inc., an association ofthe chiefexecutives of 43 leading com­


Richard W. Pogue

But over


hese are heartening developments indeed: signs that a demoralized community has decided to take control ofits destiny and has begun to shape itsfuture.

The Cleveland Foundation, too, has

been engaged in a rigorous reassessment ofthe role it can, and must, play in moving this purposeful civic agendaforward. While it remains a responsivefunder, open to a wide spectrum ofinnovative programs and projects, the Foundation has become increasingly convinced that if progress is going to be made on a number offronts, projects ofsufficient scale to make a real impact must be undertaken, and the necessaryfunding to accomplish them invested.

The Distribution Committee has, over the last

few years, made substantial investments in projects ofscale which werefelt to be important to thefuture ofthis community—such as Playhouse Square, Lexington Village and the revitalization ofthe basic sciences at Case Western Reserve University’s School ofMedicine. The importance oflarge-scale developmentprojects currently under way such as the lakefront and the Mid-Town Corridor is widely recognized, but there are also other types of efforts which are crucial to Cleveland'sfuture.

The Distribution Committee

Foundation grants are helping to sup­ port a range of efforts to replenish and invigorate the Cleveland Public Schools ’ cadre of teachers.

Tenyears of careful spade work by The Cleveland Founda­ tion pay off as

of The Cleveland Foundation has considered several areas ofstrategic

bulldozers begin digging the basin

concern, but, recognizing that it is onlypossible tofocus on a limited number for Cleveland’s of large initiatives at one time, the Committee has identified two areas that

new Inner Harbor

are particularly ripefor major commitments. They are the Cleveland Pub­ lic Schools and the needfor increased investment in decent housing and neighborhood revitalization.

Indeed, The Cleveland Foundation has

already made substantial commitments ofstafftime and grant dollars to both— more than doubling itsfundingfor programs to strengthen the school system to SI million-plus in thepastyear and, recently, joining with a group oflocal and nationalfunders to create a $l-million pool offunds to help support the operating costs ofsix ofthe city's mostpromising neigh­ borhood development groups.

The casefor extraordinary investments

by The Cleveland Foundation in these two areas is simple and compelling. The long-term health ofthe region as a whole depends upon the vitality ofthe central city. We know that deteriorating or substandard housing a dearth ofsuitablejobs and services available nearby, and inadequatepublic schools drivefamilies with meansfrom the city and make it difficult to attract new residents. Both trends must be reversed.

If we are to be successful in

turning Cleveland around, moreover, we must deal with the realities of poverty and race. We know that withinfive years, one-third ofthepopula­ tion of Cuyahoga County and one-quarter ofthe metropolitan population will be members of racial minority groups. Poverty is already afact of life for one in five county residents, and, to a large degree, minorities and the

C The Facade Renova­ tion Program ’s Frank Picarillo (left) is working with

poor are concentrated in the city of Cleveland. The school system, as the

owners like George

major single institution servingpoor and minorityyouth in the region, is

Torres to modernize

our best hopefor changing the course ofthe next generation.

store frontage in nine neighborhoods.

or these reasons, the Distribution Committee of The Cleveland Foundation has decided to commit as much as $10 million over the next three tofive years, over and above the Foundation’s normal responsive grantmaking to large-scale initiatives in the areas of public school education and neighborhood revitalization within the city of Cleveland.

Whatform might this investment in thefuture of Cleveland

take? Over the next severalyears, the Foundation will seek ways to support the system's and community’s efforts to increase the number ofgraduates and the quality of the diploma. Specifically, these might include projects developed by the school system and other entities to ease the transition to work or college; to attract, retain and support superior teachers and administrators; and to apply the best ofthe available research on effective urban schools.

The Foundation is similarly prepared to support expanded

efforts in the areas ofhousing rehabilitation, new home construction and the revitalization of neighborhood commercial and industrial areas. Nor will support be limited to thoseprograms and projects already under way. The Foundation will continue to explore, in conjunction with otherpotential funders and community groups, what other mechanisms are needed to stimulate and sustain neighborhood regeneration efforts.

The Distribu­

tion Committee is currently engaged in theprocess ofidentifying other areas in which The ClevelandFoundation will be making a greatly increased financial commitment. In these endeavors, the Foundation will actively seek theparticipation ofthe manyphilanthropies, corporations and agencies with which it has enjoyedproductive and satisfyingpartnerships in the past—and hopes to attract some newpartners as well.

A time ofextra­

ordinary opportunity is at hand. It asksfor bold and decisive action, a willingness toput aside minor differences, to make the necessary investment, and to get on with the task ofshaping Greater Cleveland’sfuture.

THE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE The five individuals pictured on the cover of this year’s report are part of a new wave of optimism and commitment whose impact is beginning to be felt on many fronts in Greater Cleveland. All represent efforts which are being funded in part by The Cleveland Foundation. In short, they are some of our partners in the work of shaping Greater Cleveland’s future. At far left is Father Marino Frascati, president of the DetroitShoreway Community Development Organization, a nonprofit neigh­ borhood development corporation that is currently renovating 79 housing units, upgrading 30,000 square feet of commercial space and converting an old school building to a medical services facility. Next to Father Frascati is Peggy Murphy, the dynamic director of Mid-Town Corridor, Inc., a model of corporate involvement and public-private sector cooperation that is transforming a one-squaremile area straddling the city’s central corridor. Looking over her shoulder is Ralph Tyler, executive director of the Greater Cleveland Roundtable, who is coordinating the efforts of that cross-section of community leaders to come to grips with the difficult issues of race relations and the role of the community in improving public education. New Cleveland-6’s Kenneth Lumpkin, Rev. Blanton Harper and NOAH’s Bernard Thompkins: Lexington Village:

a neighborhood


partnership trans-

ingpartners came

form ing East 105th

together to create

and Cedar.

183 units of the first market-rate housing built in


Hough in 50 years.

Front row center is the Junior League’s Renee Snow, who led the effort to develop a children’s theater series at Playhouse Square and then a permanent endowment for children’s theater with The Cleve­ land Foundation. At far right, finally, is Rojeana Howell, a fifth-grade teacher with the Cleveland Public Schools who used a §175 small grant from The Cleveland Education Fund to set all 27 members of her class at Marion Sterling Elementary School to reassembling (and iden­ tifying) the tiny undigested skeletons of mice and other creatures on which some owl had dined. Ms. Howell exemplifies the kind of creativity and dedication in the class­ room (she had previously paid for such projects out of her own pocket) that prompts children written off by the more cynical to begin talking excitedly about becoming scientists. To me, these five persons are a reminder that what is always found behind the most successful of the many programs listed in the pages that follow— and what The Cleveland Foundation ultimately is investing in— is people: their ideas, their energy, their commitment, their imagination. For if this com­ munity is going to have a future marked by opportunity and grace, it first has to be imagined. And then it has to be invested in, with all of the resources, all of the com­ mitment, all of the energy we have. It is my privilege to work with a Distribution Committee and profes­ sional staff who share this vision.

Steven A. Minter

May 11, 1987


by the Trustees Committee, composed of the chief executive officers of the Foundation’s trustee banks (page 48).


Five are appointed by public officials*

The Cleveland Foundation makes

with a background in philanthropy.

grants primarily to tax-exempt private

All serve without pay, normally for

agencies which the Internal Revenue

a five-year term, and for a maximum

Service has classified as 501(c)(3)

of 10 years.

organizations and sometimes to govern­

Distribution Committee convene in a

mental agencies. No grants are made

series of meetings four times a year—

to individuals.

usually March, June, September and

and together select a sixth person

The Foundation is

The members of the

looking for innovative programs that

December— to award grants. Because

address problems to be solved, or

The Cleveland Foundation is a


opportunities to be seized, in the

munity trust, its grantmaking is

Greater Cleveland area. It is not inter­

restricted— except where a donor has

ested in funding the operating costs

directed the Foundation to support a

of established programs and agencies

particular agency in another geo­

except where the donor has so pro­

graphic location— to the Greater


Cleveland area, with primary emphasis

A booklet entitled


linesfor Grantseekers, which discusses all of these points in more detail, as

on Cleveland and Cuyahoga County.

well as the components of a good


proposal and the procedure for proposal

Each proposal submitted (which must

organization submitting the proposal,

submission (at least three months

include a detailed budget) is assigned

and frequently working with them to

before the meeting at which it is to

by the director to a program officer

refine it, the program officer and the

be considered), is available free of

according to the general subject area

Foundation’s director write a staff

charge by writing, phoning or stopping

into which it falls. A promising one

evaluation. This is carefully examined

by The Cleveland Foundation, 1400

will undergo a comprehensive review,

by the appropriate Subcommittee of

Hanna Building, Cleveland, Ohio

drawing on the varied experience of

the Distribution Committee prior to

received a Cleve­


the staff and Distribution Committee

the quarterly meeting of the full

land Foundation

members and occasionally on out­

Committee. The Committee as a whole


side experts in the field.

decides, in the light of the Subcom­



meeting with representatives of the

mittee’s recommendation and staffs

The Cleveland Foundation’s grant-

comments, whether to fund or decline

making is governed by an 11-member

the proposal.

Distribution Committee (see page 40). Its members, who set policy and allocate fund income and principal, are chosen for their knowledge of the community. Five are appointed


*One member of the Distribution Committee is appointed by each of thefollowing: the chiefjudge of the United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division; the presidingjudge of the Probate Court of Cuyahoga County; the mayor of Cleveland; the president of the Federation for Community Planning; and the chief justice of the Court ofAppealsfor the Eighth Appellate District of Ohio.

Providence House, a unique Cleveland facility that cares fo r the babies of fam ilies in crisis, applied fo r and



Administrative expenses in 1986 represented 9-5% of total grants authorized by The Cleveland Foundation





















Police response to citizen calls for help is, for many people, an important measure of how well local government serves a community. With more than 700,000 calls pouring in to the switchboard annually, it is no surprise that Cleveland Police have a hard time meeting everyone’s needs promptly. But a 1984 Cleveland Foundation grant to the Criminal Justice Institute of Cincinnati to analyze the situation and devise a more efficient system began paying off last summer. CJI had discovered that officers were being tied up as long as 45 minutes answering calls involving complaints of rowdy teenagers or filing reports on break-ins where the culprit was long gone. A number of CJI’s recommen­ dations, which grew out of an analysis of 14,200 calls, are already enabling officers to respond to 1,000 more calls a week. Among the innovations: a matrix of brief questions dispatchers can use to assess the urgency of the situation and the type of response needed, a telephone expediter unit which calls back the citizen if police will be delayed (many “ emergencies”

attracted more than $400,000 in

have cooled), and expanded use of

matching funds— and jobs— from

neighborhood mini-stations to handle

concerned area businesspeople.

some routine problems.


The Foundation’s concern that

Valuable police time is tied up answering 45,000 security alarms

while, 2,100 city youths were given

all citizens of Greater Cleveland have

useful employment last summer

opportunities for self-betterment has

triggered by defec­

through a Youth Opportunities

led also to its support of fair housing

tive equipment.

Unlimited program created with a

efforts by the East Suburban Council

Should owners be

Foundation challenge grant that has

for Open Communities, the City of

billed fo r multiple

Shaker Heights, and the Hillcrest Neigh­


bors Corporation (aimed at building citizen support for the concept). ESCOC and Shaker have already helped 40 families to make pro-integrative moves into east suburban neighborhoods.


annually, mostly

Another grant is underwriting a media

City of Cleveland

effort by the Greater Cleveland Round­

"Civic Vision’’ planning effort for citywide and downtown development plans (over three years) 300,000 Faculty Fellows and Summer Intern programs administered by Division of Education and Research Services (over three years) 73,500 Renovation and improvement of Mall ‘A’’ by Cleveland Beautiful Committee 50,000

table to better race relations.


availability of decent housing in the city’s older neighborhoods, along with the commercial and civic revitalization of those urban communities, con­ tinues to be a major concern of The Cleveland Foundation. In 1986, along with continued funding of several highly competent neighborhood redevelopment groups, the Foundation joined with a group of local and national funders to create the Cleve­ land Neighborhood Partnership Pro­ gram. Over the next two years, this

The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Creation of a Cleveland Neighborhood Part­ nership Program (over two years) 225,000 Evaluation of grant to City of Cleveland for Faculty Fellows and Summer Intern programs administered by Division of Education and Research 7,500 National Urban Fellow selection, staff development activities and participation in mid-year conference 3,000 Assessment of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority’s tenant management activities 10,000

11-million pool of badly needed operat­

Cleveland Housing Network, Inc.

ing money will enable a half dozen

Salaries for director, construction manager and program development officer for expanded production 38,516

groups, chosen through a city-wide competition, to undertake large-scale development projects in several of the city’s most deteriorated neighbor­ hoods. These projects have the potential to leverage a total of $12.1 million in neighborhood reinvestment

Cleveland Neighborhood Development Corporation

Boxes nurtured by sixth graders in 13 city schools provide the stuff of science, math, writing and wonder.

Cleveland Waterfront Coalition Speakers Bureau and newsletter


Community Action Commission, Findlay, Ohio Rehabilitation of a house for low-income rental property* 15,000

Community Information/Volunteer Action Center (CIVAC) Community service sentencing program for Cuyahoga County municipal courts (second grant, over 18 months) 182,061

Full-time director and related overhead expenses 5,000

Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners

Cleveland Recycling Center

Youth Services Coordinating Council’s sum­ mer youth program (second year) 80,000

Operating support (second year) Purchase of a permanent facility

21,595 5,000

and result in 352 units of new and

The Cleveland TomorrowProject, Inc.

rehabilitated housing as well as

Administrative operations of the Cleveland Neighborhood Partnership Program (over two years) 60,000

54,750 square feet of commercial

Seeds of under­ standing: Grow

Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority Community center operations


Development Training Institute, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland

and retail space.

Cleveland-area intern in community and economic development (fifth year) 9,900


Dunham Tavern Museum, Society of Collectors, Inc.

Broadway Area Housing Coalition

Purchase of an adjacent lot on Euclid Avenue as part of overall development program 5,000

Landlord Intervention Program to help improve and bring area rental properties up to code $ 8,563

Greater Cleveland Roundtable First-year costs of the new director 60,000 Race relations program public service announcements and media forums 42,415

Broadway Development Corporation Facade renovation program by nine com­ munity development corporations (over two years) 34,635

Hancock Park District, Findlay, Ohio Detailed planning documents for the park system (over 18 months)* 25,000

Hillcrest Neighbors Corporation Operating support for citizen-based fair housing project (over two years) 25,000

The Inner City Renewal Society Juvenile Offender Intervention Network (third and fourth years) 34,407

Community ReEntry ’s Paint-Plus program: a thriving business enterprise offering ex-offenders a chance to help themselves


Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association

The City ofShaker Heights

Community Re-Entry Service Enterprises Program (third and fourth years) 46,750

National Urban Fellows, Inc., New York, New York Underwriting costs of National Urban Fellow in Cleveland 28,000

New Cleveland-6, Inc. Core administrative costs, and East 105 Street and Cedar Avenue project in coopera­ tion with Neighbors Organized for Action in Housing (over two years) 87,755

New Schoolfor Social Research, New York, New York

Nolasco Housing Corporation Development of housing in the DetroitShoreway area 13,500

Ohio CDCAssociation, Cincinnati, Ohio

Operating support


Tremont West Development Corporation Cleveland Anti-Arson Coalition program 11,400

United Labor Agency Inc. Family and employee assistance program 61,513 Community development department (over three years) 115,000

University Settlement, Inc. Project director for the Panek Building renovation 8,828

West Boulevard Neighborhood Association Materials for new building


Youth Opportunities Unlimited

Staff support for neighborhood development association


Rapid Recovery, Inc., dba CLEAN-LAND, OHIO 14,250

St. Clair-Superior Coalition, Inc. Establishment of a youth development program

Task Force on Violent Crime Charitable Fund

University Circle Incorporated

Assessment of community-based develop­ ment activities in Cleveland as part of national survey 50,000

CLEAN-LAND Commons program

Marketing, financial assistance and housing services for East Suburban Council for Open Communities’ program (over two years) 136,000


Saint Vincent Quadrangle Operating support, master planning and security components of other activities (over two years) 75,000

Summer Youth Employment Program (fourth and fifth years) 300,000

TOTAL CIVIC AFFAIRS GRANTS— UNDESIGNATED $2,417,287 (Following recipients and programs desig­ nated by donor and for general support unless otherwise noted) Rapid Recovery, Inc. dba CLEAN-LAND, OHIO $250 The Women's City Club of Cleveland Educational Lectures


TOTAL CIVIC AFFAIRS GRANTSDESIGNATED $ 632 TOTAL CIVIC AFFAIRS GRANTSDESIGNATED AND UNDESIGNATED $2,417,919 *Grant recommended by Findlay Distribution Committee of the L. Dale Domey Fund

Downtown Plan coordinator Bob Bann (left) and City planning director Hunter Morrison map a comprehen­ sive Civic Vision that includes the neighborhoods.



The enormous sums of money required to finance medical research and the development of huge teaching, research and health care institutions such as Cleveland boasts are clearly beyond the resources of a community foundation, even a very large one like The Cleveland Foundation. Im­ portant work at many local facilities is supported with funds left to the stewardship of the Foundation by donors who designated certain insti­ tutions, while other funds established with more flexible provisions make possible about $2.5 million annually in grants which can be put to more strategic uses. Thoughtfully placed, such grants can sometimes provide, like a nudge from a tiny tugboat put­ ting its shoulder to one of the great ore barges entering the Cuyahoga, the necessary leverage to help an impor­ tant institutional effort gain momen­ tum and the national funding required for its full implementation.


series of large Cleveland Foundation grants made to Case Western Reserve University’s School of Medicine over the last five years for the revitaliza­ tion of its basic science departments is a good example. By encouraging

in national funding and an exciting

CWRU to take the bold long view, re­

new reputation on the national scene.

Seniors living near

cruiting key faculty from around the

But helping maintain and enhance

Breckenridge Village

country and thus repositioning these

the quality of the region’s major

departments on the cutting edge of

research and teaching institutions is

research, four grants of roughly half

only one of the roles The Cleveland

a million dollars each have already

Foundation plays in the health area.

brought the Medical School millions

Another is finding ways to make pri­

w ill be able to con­ tractfo r selected services, making a gradual transition from independent to supported living

mary care available to the citizens of Greater Cleveland, as it has helped do with the highly successful Neighbor­ hood Family Practice now serving some 5,000 families on the city’s im­ poverished and long-neglected Near West Side— a Foundation-nurtured



Cleveland Student Health Program Health clinic at East High School (third year)

Arthritis Foundation, Northeastern Ohio Chapter Self-help course for low-income arthritics (second year) 117,117

Eliza Bryant Center Start-up support of the multi-purpose senior center (over three years) 157,500 C An idea whose time had come: East High’s student clinic has won

project that has captured the imagi­ nation of both local and national funding agencies.

The Foundation’s

commitment to assuring adequate health care for the medically indigent and underserved segments of the community led to assisting Eliza Bryant Center, a combination nursing home and supportive residence for inner-city senior citizens, first to build a new, expanded, state-of-the-

parental acceptance faster than any other school-based clinic in the U.S.

Case Western Reserve University Community outreach activities of the Center on Biomedical Ethics (over two years) 137,400 Establishment of integrated primary care clerkship at the School of Medicine (over two years) 101,972 Revitalization of the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at the School of Medicine (over three years) 564,800 Study of social factors contributing to poor birth outcomes by the Department of Repro­ ductive Biology (over 18 months) 40,500


Council on Hazardous Materials Hazardous Material Information and Educa­ tion Center (over two years) 50,000

Crossroads: Lake County Adolescent Counseling Service, Mentor, Ohio Day drug and alcohol treatment program


Cuyahoga County Hospital Foundation, Inc. Needs assessment for a pediatric hospice to serve northeast Ohio 25,000 Medical care program in unlicensed board and care homes by Kenneth W. Clement Center for Family Health Care (over two years) 100,000 Regional program for sexually abused children at Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital (over three years) 187,295

Fountain House, New York, New York

Central School of Practical Nursing Inc. Study of employment opportunities for Licensed Practical Nurses 18,900 Salary and supervision costs of home nursing program 24,000

Expansion of employment program for older adolescents with history of mental illness 20,000

The Free Medical Clinic of Greater Cleveland Recovery plan (third year)

Cleveland Area Citizens Leaguefor Nursing


Glenville Health Association

make the facility’s extensive range

Radiology equipment (over two years) 25,000 Merger between Cleveland Area Citizens League for Nursing and Ohio League La Rabida Hospital and Research for Nursing 3,000

of services available to nonresident

City of Cleveland

seniors in the neighborhood. Responding to the increased health care

AIDS public information campaign by the Department of Health and Human Resources

needs of the elderly (as well as of the

The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)

chronically ill) has also been the focus

Evaluation and dissemination of mental health programs for children 10,000 Program evaluation for Planned Parenthood of Greater Cleveland’s Breaking the Cycle of Teenage Parenthood program 3,500 Review development of molecular biology department at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation 3,000 Technical assistance for a financing plan for Cleveland Student Health Program’s health clinic at East High School 5,000

art community center and then to

of other recent grantmaking at the Foundation— last year most notably in the development of the innovative “ nursing home without walls” at Breckenridge Village, an outreach program addressing the long-term health care needs of older citizens

Center, Chicago, Illinois

Psychologist/therapist for sexual abuse team 67,285

which could become a national model for dealing with this growing problem.

Neighborhood resi­ dents are welcome at Eliza Bryant Center's new com­ munity center, where they can spend time with old friends now living there.


Neighborhood Family Practice Purchase and renovation of the clinic building


The Deaconess Foundation Deaconess Hospital of Cleveland


Elyria Memorial Hospital, Elyria, Ohio William H. Gates bed

Fairview General Hospital Equipment Christiana Perren Soyer bed

1,300 10,699 68,320 877

Grace Hospital Equipment


Health Hill Hospitalfor Children 2,879 Highland View Hospital

New YorkState Poets in Public Service, New York, New York Mental health program for at-risk and troubled youth 15,000

Nursing Home Ombudsman

(Following recipients and programs desig­ nated by donor andfor general support unless otherwise noted)

American Cancer Society, Cuyahoga County Unit


Long-term care placement assistance project Research or any other purpose (second year) 35,000


Ohio Presbyterian Homes, Columbus, Ohio

American Heart Association, Northeast Ohio Affiliate, Inc.


Research or any other purpose


Development of a retirement community without walls and a long-term care in­ surance program at Breckenridge Village (over three years) 110,052

Ohio State University Development Fund Consumer health insurance education project by Cuyahoga County Cooperative Extension Services 21,250

Planned Parenthood of Greater Cleveland, Inc. Breaking the Cycle of Teenage Parenthood program (second year) 18,000

Regional Council on Alcoholism Needs assessment update for adolescent chemical dependency treatment 10,000

Suicide Prevention and Crisis Center ofSan Mateo County, Burlingame, California

American Lung Association of Northern Ohio 1,820 Arthritis Foundation, Northeastern Ohio Chapter 896 Bellevue Hospital, Bellevue, Ohio 3,772 Case Western Reserve Universityfor the School ofMedicine Breast Cancer Research Project Cancer research Medical research and general support Outpatient clinic for dispensary Research in diseases of the eye

The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Research in diseases of the eye

Employees’ Christmas fond


Holy Family Cancer Home Huron Road Hospital Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Lakewood Hospital Lakewood Hospital Foundation, Inc. Lutheran Medical Center


Conference travel


620 3,194 78,157


Saint Ann Foundation SaintJohn Hospital Saint Luke’s Hospital St. Vincent Charity Hospital

2,879 15,334 431 6,247 1,049 877

250 Samaritan Hospital, 16,750 Ashland, Ohio 80,444 Memorial room maintained in memory 46,828 of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Myers 12,480 31,209 22,035 15,605


12,495 Cancer research 163,554 3,350 Conference travel 2,498 Evaluation of adolescent suicide Lakeside Hospital 538,780 prevention program 25,000 6,571 2,879 Maternity Hospital Unitas Therapeutic Community, Henry L. Sanford Memorial bed 1,359 Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital Inc., New York, New York Burn Unit 250 Spine research in the Department of Preventive mental health services Orthopedic Surgery 12,000 training program 10,000 Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital Nurse Award 854 Urological or vascular research 68,960

Cleveland Health Education Museum Cuyahoga County Hospital Foundation, Inc.

United Labor Agency

Follow-up on conference on ‘'AIDS in the Workplace’’


The Visiting Nurse Association of Cleveland Strategic planning study



by Dr. Antonio Scarpa, w ill be edge ofnew research

with a Foundation 2,750 grant. 396

Equipment or supplies

Shriners Hospitalsfor Crippled Children, Tampa, Florida University Hospitals of Cleveland

Biophysics, chaired

repositioned on the

Lutheran Medical Center Foundation 27,303 Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital 77,050

Aid for alcoholics and indigent sick Elizabeth Boersig Soyer bed

CWRU’s Department ofPhysiology and




Strengthening the capacity of the Cleveland Public Schools to meet the educational needs of the city’s youth has become one of the top priorities of the Foundation. Whether it takes the form of The Cleveland Education Fund, an independent three-year-old entity created by The Cleveland Foun­ dation which raised 1336,000 on its own last year for innovative programs in collaboration with the Cleveland Public Schools, or the $300,000 grant that is currently helping to underwrite the school system’s own ambitious effort to recruit as many as 400 new teachers from around the country to replace faculty who have opted for early retirement, the Foundation is committing substantial staff time and grant dollars (over SI million in 1986) to this overriding issue.

A smaller

grant has paid for an education spe­ cialist to work with the Greater Cleve­ land Roundtable as it assumes an active leadership role in rallying community support for public school improve­ ment; another has engaged the services of Case Western Reserve University’s Department of History in helping sort and organize several decades of pub­

for a national foundation's challenge

lic school records in the conviction

grant) and Youth Opportunities

A Cleveland Foun­

that it is impossible to measure pro­

Unlimited’s School-to-Work Transition

dation grant w ill

gress meaningfully— or even to chart

Program, urban youth are being coun­

a fully effective course— without the

seled and placed in paying jobs or

ability to make an accurate assess­

internships that offer valuable experi­

ment of past performance.

trend of declin ing

ence and perhaps eventual full-time

minority enrollment

innovative programs such as Career

employment or financial assistance

in medical schools.

Beginnings (where The Cleveland

for higher education. A special colla­

Foundation provided matching funds

boration involving the Cleveland


Public Schools and Cuyahoga Com­ munity College is exploring ways to connect high school students with practical careers so as to give mean­ ing to their current courses and a


help Case Western Reserve University buck the national

reason to stay in school.


Negro College Fund, another $64,000

Renovation and expansion of physical facilities for the Weatherhead School of Management 100,000 Start-up support for an integrated professional communication program (over 30 months) 105,597 Study of administrative structure and govern­ ance issues at the University 125,000 University/Secondary School Collaborative in Constitutional History by the Department of History 7,000 2

to support Cleveland-area students

The Centerfor Learning

access by all socioeconomic groups to higher education is another high priority for the Foundation, which contributed $315,000 to the Minority Scholarship Program at CWRU’s School of Medicine and, through the United

attending traditionally black medical schools. Some two dozen Hispanic

CWRU archivists sort out valuable

Development of social studies materials (over two years) 20,000 data aboutpublic

Citizens ’ Council For Ohio Schools

school attendance 17,640 patterns and rela­

women are now enrolled at Notre

Transitional funding

Dame College in South Euclid under

tions with outside City Club Forum Foundation, Inc. Book on the social issues debated at the agencies such as City Club Forum 20,000 theJuvenile Court.

a program thoughtfully developed by the college over the past three years with support from The Cleveland Foundation, and the Foundation-

Cleveland Commission on Higher Education

nurtured Cleveland Hispanic Scholar­

Completion of the writing and publication of a history of the Commission 9,973

ship Fund is helping Hispanic high

Cleveland Board ofEducation

school youth to go on to higher edu­ cation.

The East Cleveland Schools’

Mathematics and Science Enrichment Center, meanwhile, begun with a $150,000 grant from The Cleveland Foundation, is helping to prepare

The Cleveland Education Fund Activities to support the Cleveland Public Schools (fourth and fifth years) 180,000

The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)

more minority students to take advantage of such opportunities in the future.

EDUCATION GRANTS John Carroll University Integration of ethics into business education Renovation of the student activities center

Inservice training for non-teaching employees 5,000 Superintendent's cabinet retreat 5,000 Travel and advertising costs related to teacher recruitment 80,000

$ 17,980 150,000

Assessment of the school-based project con­ ducted by Youth Opportunities Unlimited (over two years) 30,000 Cleveland site of the Education Policy Fellowship Program by The Institute for Educational Leadership, Inc. (fourth year) 100,000 Consultant and technical assistance to Cleveland Hispanic Scholarship Fund for organizational development 12,000 Education development activities related to the Cleveland Public Schools 30,000

Case Western Reserve University Archival and historical services for the Cleveland Public Schools by the Department of History 24,228 Career Beginnings Program at the School of Applied Social Sciences (over two years) 100,000 Center for conservation of library materials by the University Libraries 3,520 Computer-based music laboratory in the Department of Music (second and third years) 82,476 Executive Learning Program by the Department of Organizational Behavior in the Weatherhead School of Management (second year) 50,203

Evaluation of the Center on Applied Gerontological Research at Cleveland State University 3,500 Evaluation of the Cleveland School Budget Coalition, Inc. 5,000 Teacher recruitment for the Cleveland Public Schools 165,000

Cleveland Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Inc. Operating support


Cleveland School Budget Coalition, Inc. Operating support (fourth year)


Cleveland State University Equals Training Center at the College of Education (second year) 27,500 Social service curriculum for the Law and Public Service Magnet School 39,077

Cleveland Urban Area Health Education Center 1987 Health Career and Health Opportunities program


Cuyahoga Community College Implementation of “ Pursuing Excellence and Equity,” an articulation program with the Cleveland Public Schools 200,000

East Cleveland City Schools Establishment of a Mathematics and Science Enrichment Center (over three years) 150,000

Findlay Area Arts Council, Findlay, Ohio Development of materials on history of Findlay and Hancock County from 1830 to 1930 (over three years)* 9,200

Findlay College, Findlay Ohio Bilingual/multicultural education summer seminar*


Findlay-Hancock County Public Library, Findlay Ohio East Cleveland

Long-range plan and architectural feasibility study*


schoolchildren hone

Greater Cleveland Roundtable


Staff specialist in education 40,000 Technical assistance for teacher recruitment efforts by Cleveland Public Schools 30,000

skills and prepare fo r the challenges of higher education at the Math and Science Enrichment Center.


(Following recipients and programs desig­ nated by donor and for general support unless otherwise noted)

Ashland College, Ashland, Ohio Baldwin-Wallace College

S 6,240

University of California, Berkeley, California 1,172 John Carroll University Case Western Reserve University 9,731 Adelbert College 5,314 Franklin Thomas Backus Law School 4,418 Field Biological Station at Squire Valleevue Farm in the Department of Biology 26,607 Graduate School 141,120 Reference books for the School of Library Science 153 School of Medicine 3,000 Social research at the School of Applied Social Sciences 985

John Hay High School seniors placed by YOU’s school-to-work program in after­ schooljobs at Cleveland Clinic gain valuable employment experience.

Harvard University, John F Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, Massachusetts

M.Y.H. Club Corporation

Program for senior executives in state and local government (fifth year) 5,000

Morley Library Painesville, Ohio

Heights Community Congress

National Coalition ofESEA Title 1 Parents, Washington, D. C.

Schools Consensus Project (second and third years)

Tutorial program for neighborhood youth (over two years) 53,880


Industrial States Policy Center Hazardous waste management education curriculum for grades 7-12 6,000

Interchurch Council of Greater Cleveland Preschool book program of Project: LEARN (fourth year) 38,000

Kent State University Foundation, Kent, Ohio


Pilot training of parent leaders


National Gardening Association, Inc., Burlington, Vermont Indoor gardening program in the Cleveland Public Schools 20,000

National History Day In-class activities in the Cleveland Public Schools (over two years) 31,910

Notre Dame College of Ohio

Development of a computerized tracking program for teacher recruitment efforts by the Cleveland Public Schools 25,000

Lake County Historical Society, Mentor, Ohio Operating support

Operating support


Lake Erie College

“ Breaking Down the Barriers,” an educational equity project for Hispanic women 26,440 Capital campaign for a new health and physical education facility 150,000

St. William’s School Establishment of a Special Educational Resource Unit 8,540

United Negro College Fund, Inc., The Lake View Cemetery Foundation New York, New York

Harriet B. Storrs lectures


Educational efforts for the James A. Garfield Monument and Lake View Cemetery 20,000

Presidential Scholars Program (over three years)


Universityfor YoungAmericans

Laurel School Study of the decision-making process of adolescent girls in collaboration with Harvard University 50,000

Strategic planning and implementation project

Law Students Civil Rights Research Council, New York, New York

Youth and Community Involvement Program in the Cleveland Public Schools and community agencies 20,000

Placement of eight summer interns in the Cleveland area (over two years) 18,000

Up With People, Tucson, Arizona

Ursuline College “ Educating Cleveland Women for A Better Cleveland Tomorrow” program 40,000

Learning About Business, Painesville, Ohio Operating support



Youth Opportunities Unlimited School-to-work transition program with the Cleveland Public Schools (over two years)




Cleveland Council on World Affairs 250 The Cleveland Education Fund 500 Cleveland Lutheran High SchoolAssociation 1,973 Cleveland State University 129 Alumni enrichment program

Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut Denison University Granville, Ohio University ofDetroit, Detroit, Michigan Educational Television Association ofMetropolitan Cleveland, WVIZ-TV Fenn Educational Fund Gilmour Academy Hathaway Brown School Hawken School The Hill School, Pottstown, Pennsylvania

405 172



148 215 810

5,000 896 148

Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan 13,658 Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio 10,000 Kenyon College, Gambier,Ohio 9,731 Lake Erie College, Painesville, Ohio 6,769 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts Department of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering

The Career Begin­ 500 ningsprogram links

The Masters School, Dobbs Ferry, New York 100 Daniel E. Morgan School Book awards to children

Cleveland Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Inc. Scholarship assistance


high schoolyouths

Cleveland Montessori Association

with adult advo­ cates who can guide

Scholarship support at Ruffing Montessori School (West) 1,417

238 them in setting and

Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc.

University ofNotre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana 630 Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio 7,615 University ofthe Pacific, Stockton, California 172 ThePiney Woods Country Life School, Piney Woods, Mississippi 8,540 Princeton University, Princeton, NewJersey 147 Saint Mary Seminary 1,648 Sisters ofNotre Dame Julie Billiart School

The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Harriet B. Storrs Fund scholarships for students not attending Lake Erie or Garfield colleges 60,000 Scholarships for students from the Cleveland area attending Berea College, Kentucky 20,000 Scholarships for students from the Cleveland area attending Huron Road Hospital’s School of Nursing 20,000


Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts 87,378 UnitedNegro College Fund, Inc. 8,540 University School 148


realizing their life goals.

Scholarship support for Cleveland area stu­ dents at traditionally black medical schools (over two years) 64,000

Ashland College, Ashland, Ohio

Cleveland State University Scholarship support


Dyke College Scholarship support


Lake Erie College, Painesville, Ohio Scholarship support

(Following recipients and programs desig­ nated by donor)


Fairmount Montessori Association Scholarship support at Ruffing Montessori School (East) 1,416

The Mary Frier Montessori Special Education School Scholarship support


The Hudson Montessori Association, Hudson, Ohio Scholarship support


Westshore Montessori Association Scholarship support



*Grant recommended by Findlay Distribution Committee of the L. Dale Domey Fund


The Hazel Myers Spreng Scholarship S 4,992

Avon Lake United Church of Christ, Avon Lake, Ohio Scholarships for Christian work

Baldwin-Wallace College The Hazel Myers Spreng Scholarship


Capital University, Columbus, Ohio The Frederick R. and Bertha Sprecht Mautz Scholarship Fund 3,979

fohn Carroll University James J. Doyle Scholarship


Case Western Reserve University The Aloy Memorial Scholarship Fund for women 1,120 For a student of Flora Stone Mather College in foreign study 2,475 Harriet Fairfield Coit and William Henry Coit Scholarships at Flora Stone Mather College 1,359 William Curtis Morton, Maud Morton, Kathleen Morton Fund Scholarships 15,605 Oglebay Fellow Program in the School of Medicine 79,825 Scholarships in aerospace or computers 73 Scholarships in Franklin Thomas Backus Law School 9,238 The Hazel Myers Spreng Scholarship 4,992

Inez and Harry Clement Award

Baldwin-Wallace College

Cleveland Public Schools annual superin­ tendent’s award 1,200

Scholarship support

Berea Area Montessori Association

The Cleveland Institute ofArt

Scholarship support

Caroline E. Coit Fund Scholarships Isaac C. Goff Fund Scholarships

fohn Carroll University Scholarship support

Case Western Reserve University Scholarship support 18,800 Scholarship support to increase the number of minority students at the School of Medicine (over five years) 314,582


Decision-making in adolescent girls is the subject of a two-year study at Laurel School being done in conjunction with Harvard University.


1,471 1,800

The ClevelandMusic SchoolSettlement


The Nellie E. Hinds Memorial Scholarships

The Cleveland Foundation adminis­


Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. General support


ters two special purpose funds in the general area of education. The Fenn Educational Fund (FEF) is designed to

Harry Coulby Scholarship For Pickands Mather employees’ children

Case Alumni Association


Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire The John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship Fund 19,277

Hawken School The John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship Fund 4,119

promote and assist in the development of co-op and work-study programs at

R. Earl Burrows Memorial Scholarships 1,200 Co-op scholarships Special honorary scholarships Charles J. Stilwell Scholarship at Case Institute of Technology

Case Western Reserve University Cleveland Area Citizens League for Nursing

the Greater Cleveland area. FEF has

Financial assistance to student nurses 5,000

been a fund of the Foundation since 1971.

In 1982 the Statewide Program

The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) 1987 operating budget of the Fenn Educational Fund

Cleveland State University

Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan

tion (PBME) was established in the

The John C. McLean Scholarships to deserving students

Foundation through the support of

For medical students from Lake and Geauga counties

the L. Dale Dorney Fund. This program is designed to strengthen business 17,000

VirginiaJones Memorial Scholarship


institutions of higher education in

Co-op scholarships Special honorary scholarships

ShermanJohnson Memorial Scholarship

and management education at fouryear institutions of higher learning

Dyke College Co-op scholarships 13,320 Enhancement of office records system and expansion of career planning resources 1,363

Lakeland Community College, Mentor, Ohio

throughout Ohio. Grants, which are awarded biennially, were first author­

Administrative assistant for the co-op program

TheJon Lewis Memorial Award

ized under this program in March

Notre Dame College of Ohio

1983- The third set of grants will be

Co-op scholarships


approved in June 1987.

The George D. and Edith W. Featherstone Memorial Fund Scholarships 2,470


North Central College, Naperville, Illinois

Baldwin-Wallace College

Nursing scholarships

The Hazel Myers Spreng Scholarship in memory of Bishop Samuel P. Spreng 4,992

Scholarships for students enrolled in the field experience (work-study) program S 8,500 Special honorary scholarships 4,800

Ohio Wesleyan University Delaware, Ohio

John Carroll University 4,992

Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana The John C. McLean Scholarships in engineering

Co-op scholarships Corporate Intern Program Special honorary scholarships



Ada Gates Stevens Scholarship University School The John Marshall Raible and David Gardner Raible Scholarship Fund 800

Ursuline College 1,793


‘ ‘Re-entry ’ ’ classes at Notre Dame College help break down cultural, psychological and economic barriers between Hispanic women and higher education.







For graduates of the public high school of Elyria, Ohio 3,200

Lillian Herron Doyle Scholarships


Continuation of the Statewide Program for Business and Management Education 10,000 (over two years) 46,300 10,000 5,000

The Miriam Kerruish Stage Scholarship For Shaker Heights High School graduates


Ursuline College

MacMurray College, Jacksonville, Illinois

The Hazel Myers Spreng Scholarship

20,000 20,000 18,400

For furthering the college education of a female graduate of Shaw High School 3,000 For a Cleveland Heights High School graduate to pursue further studies


Archival Fellowships Program

for Business and Management Educa­


15,000 15,000


A decade of faith on the part of The Cleveland Foundation in this commu­ nity’s willingness to strive for and support performing arts of a national caliber has been rewarded in the form of an extraordinary season marked by the highest standards of excellence. Cleveland Ballet this spring produced a breathtaking

Swan Lake— the clas­

sic measure of any ballet company— and using a three-year grant to com­ mission works by major American choreographers produced a new work by modern dance luminary Murray Louis. Cleveland Opera not only filled the seats for an increased number of performances, but demonstrated its commitment to persistent artistic growth with a musically and visually stunning

Tales of Hoffmann.


Great Lakes Theater Festival opened a season marked by consistent high quality with a sparkling revival of

Arsenic and Old Lace starring Jean Stapleton that went on to Broadway and a national tour.

Another Foun­

dation grant underwrote The Cleve­ land Orchestra’s performances of works by seven 20th-century North Ameri­ cans, from Roy Harris and Charles Ruggles to Samuel Barber and Leonard Bernstein, along with two weeks of memorable concerts under the baton of the internationally celebrated Pierre Boulez that included Cleveland pre­ mieres of three of his own composi­ tions.

The Foundation’s commit­

ment to support cultural diversity, as well as to foster greater participation by persons of diverse social and economic backgrounds in the cultural

life of the community, brought the


same world-famous Cleveland

Harkness Chapel

Orchestra out to a packed Cory United

comes alive with the exuberant sounds

Methodist Church one snowy night

of the Brazeal

in January for a special concert

Dennard Chorale:

honoring the life and ideals of Dr.

“fazz is sacred

Martin Luther King, Jr.; while another

music, too,” says

grant brought to Playhouse Square a

Accord’s Ruth Richey.

poignant exhibition of more than 800 photographs, many never before seen in this country, of Anne Frank and her family and the daily life of European Jewry under the advancing shadow of Nazism. In connection with “ The Blood of Kings,” a powerful show of Maya sculpture at the Cleve­ land Museum of Art, a distinguished



City of Cleveland Heights

Accord Associates, Inc.

Master plan for renovations and improvements of Cain Park

Minority artists debut series at The Cleveland Play House and educational activities with Cleveland State University $15,000

Akron Art Museum, Akron, Ohio Cleveland Public Library sought and gotfunds to refurbish and update its heavily used collec­ tion o f34,000 circulating musical

author of Native American background was invited to address a standing-room crowd in the museum’s Gartner Au­ ditorium on the provocative subject of “ The Primal Mind” ; and Accord Associates, Inc., a black cultural organization, presented a year-long series featuring exciting new minority performing artists from around the country.

The Foundation’s abiding

concern for the stability of those institutions which play an important role in the community’s cultural life led to a look at the financial standing of six performing arts organizations over the past five years in the light of national funding patterns. And a survey of the “ outer market” — cast­



The Cleveland Museum ofArt Special guest lecture in connection with the Maya Art Show 1,500

The ClevelandMusic SchoolSettlement Photography of the Cuyahoga Valley by Summer music program for children Robert Glenn Ketchum for a major exhibit 10,000 (over two years) 5,000 (second year) The Architectural Society of Ohio Foundation, Columbus, Ohio

The Cleveland Octet Cleveland concert series during the 1986-87 season (second year) 5,000

"Project Reflection — Work and Times of Cleveland’s Architects 1920-1985” by Cleveland Opera Cleveland Chapter of American Institute Expansion of major productions and of Architects 6,050 performances in State Theatre 120,000

The Cleveland Artists Foundation

The Cleveland Play House

Survey of existing works and bibliographic materials of artists of Northeast Ohio region 5,000

World premiere of To Diefor Grenada by Derek Wolcott 50,000

Cleveland Centerfor Contemporary Art

Update and refurbishment of circulating collection of musical scores and materials (over three years) 76,400

Exhibition of drawings and film program for the‘‘Fellini Celebration” 15,000

Cleveland Development Foundation Program to market the arts in Cleveland in the outer Ohio region by the New Cleveland Campaign 171,300

The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Consultant assistance for Cuyahoga Valley photography project 2,500 Consultant services for the new Playhouse Square garage 45,000 Purchase fund for works by Cleveland-area artists 10,000

Cleveland Public Library

Cleveland Public Radio Program director and program development plan at WCPN-FM (over twoyears) 77,816

The Cleveland Public Theatre, Inc. Free Shakespeare at the Zoo for summer 1986 (second year) 5,000

Cleveland Women’s City Club Historic Sites Committee, Inc. Restoration and cleaning of mural The Constitutional Convention at Cuyahoga County Court House and cleaning of other art works 60,000

Cleveland Health Education Museum Cuyahoga Community College

Start-up support of the Family Discovery Center


Free noontime series in the Ohio Theatre (third year) 20,000


ing the net as far as Columbus and Toledo— yielded information which

Underwriting for Nina Wiener & Dancers program during 1986-87 season 35,000

will be used in a groundbreaking col­

Epworth-Euclid Church

laborative effort by more than 20

Landmark Concert Series

organizations to reach a new, largely

Footpath Dance Company

untapped audience for Cleveland’s

Performances in the Ohio Theatre in spring 1987 (third year) 15,000

cultural offerings.


Great Lakes Theater Festival New marketing initiatives for the 1986 season


Hancock Historical Museum Association, Findlay Ohio A View From the Back Bench, memoirs of Jackson E. Betts' years inCongress* 5,200

Heights Community Congress Loan for publication of book about Cleveland Heights The Lake County Historical Society's new History Center at Shadybrook Farm: an enchant­ ing time capsule has been savedfo r future generations



Interchurch Council of Greater Cleveland “Jubilee Festival of Faith" in celebration of the Council’s 75th anniversary 5,000

(Following recipients and programs desig­ nated by donors and for general support unless otherunse noted) Ashland Library Association, Ashland, Ohio $ 3,120 Cleveland Ballet 148 The ClevelandInstitute ofMusic 6,368 The Cleveland Museum ofArt 91,242 Purchase of objects of art exhibited at the May Show in memory of Oscar Michael, Jr. 500

The Cleveland Museum ofNatural History Planetarium

Cleveland Opera The Cleveland Play House

Kent State University Foundation, Kent, Ohio

National Conference of Christians andJews, Inc. (Cleveland Chapter)

Lake County Historical Society, Mentor, Ohio Transitional funding to develop a new history center at Shadybrook Farm 25,000

Lyric Opera Cleveland

Beatrice and Benedict

“ Presenting Art: Practical Guidelines for Artists and Exhibit Sponsors’’ workshop 3,750 Library Free public concerts in the Cleveland metropolitan area (third year)

Production of Hector Berlioz’s 12,500


The Ohio Chamber Orchestra

Michelson-Morley Centennial Celebration

Increased administrative costs (over two years)

“ Light, Space & Time — Cleveland Festival 1987” public relations, events calendar and other marketing (over two years) 100,000

Robert Page Singers and Orchestra

The Musical Arts Association Cleveland Orchestra performances of works by Pierre Boulez and contemporary American composers 100,000 Martin Luther King Concert by The Cleveland Orchestra as part of the Community Music Project 30,000 Pension subsidies for retired musicians of The Cleveland Orchestra 4,984 Sustaining Fund of The Cleveland Orchestra



The Holden Arboretum, Mentor, Ohio Intermuseum Conservation Association Karamu House Lakewood Little Theatre, Inc. La Mesa Espanola

Resident series in the Kenneth C. Beck Center for the Performing Arts for 1986-87 Jessie C. Tucker Memorial Program season (third year) 10,000

80,315 3,749

250 1,900

250 7,190 122,850 4,293 400

The Musical Arts Association

Playhouse Square Foundation New office design and development


Cleveland Public Library

The Garden Center of Greater Cleveland

Ohio Blues Society Inc.



Si-YoMusic Society Foundation, Inc., Kent, Ohio Young Artists Series in Cleveland



Children’s concerts by The Cleveland Orchestra The Cleveland Orchestra

7,240 77,056

Oglebay Institute, Wheeling West Virginia

Cultural and educational activities at Exhibitions featuring works by ClevelandOglebay Park 133,019 area artists in collaboration with Alternative Playhouse Square Foundation 2,030 Museum of New York and Hallwalls of Buffalo 9,955 Toledo Museum ofArt, Streetscape project by the Committee for Toledo, Ohio 1,500 Public Art in the Warehouse District 7,000

University Circle Incorporated

The Western Reserve Historical Society


Participation by Cleveland Public Schools in Care of memorabilia of the First Cleveland community arts programs through the Cavalry Association 4,964 1986-87 school year 5,000

West Side Ecumenical Ministry Expansion of Near West Side Community The­ atre’s “ Peoples of Cleveland: Building Com­ munity” to include recent immigrants 5,000

The WesternReserveHistoricalSociety Preparation of manuscript collections for entry into a national computer database (over three years) 164,000


Great Lakes Theater

9,530 Festival’s exquisite Experimental dramatic work staging ofIbsen’s or scholarship 1,814 Ghosts: a chilling Shakespearean and classical productions portrait ofourselves for students and teachers 3,620 in Victorian dress.

Curatorial and other operating costs of the “Anne Frank in the World (1929-1945)’’ Services to shut-ins exhibit in Cleveland 24,000 fashion museum at Kent State University Cleveland Zoological Society (over two years) 200,000

New Organizationfor the Visual Arts (NOVA)



*Grant recommended by Findlay Distribution Committee of the L. Dale Domey Fund



The Greater Cleveland community faces two difficult challenges in the area of social services. The first is finding ways to keep vital agencies functioning as traditional sources of support continue to shrink. The second is mobilizing— and reconfiguring— existing resources to deal with a changing picture of human needs in Cuyahoga and adjacent counties. The growing number of youth at risk as a result of substance abuse, teen pregnancy, delinquency, poor preventive health care, abuse or neglect by adults; the increasing percentage of children living in nontraditional families or in poverty; the growing numbers of homeless and hungry and the chronically poor— all of these pose looming problems to a human services establishment largely designed to provide only temporary assistance, on the assumption that the traditional institutions such as family, schools and hospitals would take care of the rest.

The potential

impact on specific local programs of federal cutbacks triggered by last year’s Gramm-Rudman-Hollings legislation was the subject of a

social services dollars to fund pro­

Foundation-funded study by Cleve­

grams which offer some promising

The In-Home pro­

land State University’s Center for Urban

new approach to a recalcitrant

gram: a way to

Affairs, and the Federation for

problem, emphasizing self-help and

treat the whole

Community Planning has been com­

preventive measures— programs like

missioned to monitor that impact

RapArt or Coventry Youth Center,

closely over the next two years as

which try to catch at-risk youth

year vs. S65,960 to

future strategies for survival and

before they drop out of school and


restructuring of services are con­

into trouble, confronting their anxie­

that child.

sidered by vulnerable agencies.

ties instead through the medium of

The Cleveland Foundation has

art and teaching them life-manage-

traditionally used a large share of its

ment skills in such areas as health, sexuality and maintaining self­ esteem. In the future the Foundation will be focusing especially on pro­ grams such as the Boys and Girls


fam ily of an emotionally troubled child fo r S7,335 a

are aimed at helping disadvantaged

Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Cleveland, Inc.

youth achieve their full potential,

Equipment and staff for vocational shops at three facilities (over two years) 135,000

and encouraging the replication of

Centerfor Human Relations

programs which have been proven

Expansion of A Tale of “O”

Clubs’ vocational programs which


A second focus for Foun­

dation grants is on improving the efficiency and management of key social service organizations. A major grant to the financially threatened YWCA is helping that valuable insti­ tution implement a five-year strategic plan to maximize its potential and minimize the drain on its limited resources, while Bellefaire’s innova­ tive In-Home program is exploring a


Center For Human Services Downtown Elderly Social Services Program (over three years) 80,675 RapArt Center's pilot arts project in the 1 Cleveland Heights-University Heights public schools (over three years) 97,000 A grant to the Lake Summer enrichment component of the County Societyfo r Harrison School Age Program 15,000 Crippled Children

Child Conservation Council of Greater Cleveland

and Adults is helping

expand programs Establishment of Big Buddy/Little Buddy and physical clubs at Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority estates (over two years) 71,000 facilities serving 5,000persons.

Children's Defense Fund, Washington, D. C.

Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District Transitional funds to the Heights Parent Center


services to families with children

Operating support for the Ohio office (fifth and sixth years) 100,000

Cleveland International Program for Youth Leaders and Social Workers, Inc.

who might traditionally have been

City Club Forum Foundation, Inc.


Senior citizen attendance at weekly forum series

Staff support and software to computerize office

more cost-effective way of providing

The Foundation

will also be encouraging new com­ munity initiatives to respond to the dislocated and chronically poor such as the Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers’ Help Yourself Program,


The City Mission Capital campaign for improvement of camp facilities 50,000

Cleveland Development Foundation Expansion of services to senior citizens by Harvard Community Services Center 5,000

which teaches welfare recipients the

The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)

necessary skills to hold a job.

Evaluation of strategic planning process by Young Women’s Christian Association of Cleveland 5,000 Technical assistance to the Teen Father Program 6,500

SOCIAL SERVICES 6 RANTS Alcoholism Services ofCleveland, Inc. Marketing of the flex-time day treatment program for alcoholism $ 20,000

Associationfor Retarded Citizens, Cuyahoga County Mental Retardation and the Justice System Institute

The Cleveland Societyfor the Blind Management information and program evaluation system 12,205 Operating support 35,000

Cleveland State University Study of provision of adult protective services by the Center on Gerontological Research at Cuyahoga County Department of Human Services (over two years) 35,397 “ Bridging the Gap” teen-parent conference 1,430

Community Information/Volunteer Action Center (CIVAC) Corporate Donated Goods Clearinghouse (over three years) 92,461 Maintenance of the 24-hour telephone service 3,000

Council ofInternational Programs Cleveland International Volunteer Organi­ zation’s coordinating function and activities for low-income and minority youth (third year) 13,494


Bellefaire Start-up support of the Intensive In-Home Service Program (over three years) 200,000

The Coventry Youth Center Program expansion in life management issues for youth, teen health care and teen pregnancy 15,000

Bellflower Centerfor Prevention of Child Abuse, Inc. Expansion of the Grown-Up Abused Children Program


Boy Scouts ofAmerica, Greater Cleveland Council No. 440 Scout Shop


Boy Scouts ofAmerica, Northeast Ohio Council, Painesville, Ohio Operating support


£ 500

Area nonprofit agencies can now getfree desks, chairs and file cabinets from the Corporate Donated Goods Clearinghouse run byJa y Hoffman.


The Greater Cleveland Hospital Association

Listening Development Centre of Cleveland, Inc.

Eye glasses, medical equipment and dentures for medically indigent patients (over two years) 50,000

Start-up support

Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association

munity Challenge

Help Yourself Program of Greater Cleveland Welfare Rights Organization to provide employment readiness training for welfare recipients (second year) 3,500 Neighborhood Centers Month in May 1986 5,000

attempts to steer

Harambee: Services toBlack Families

kids into drug-free

Training of prospective adoptive parents (second year) 16,111

Rocky R iver’s Com­

Cuyahoga Associationfor Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities

activities and offers

Start-up funds for The Amigo Club

on weekends.


Cuyahoga County Department ofHuman Services, Social Services Division Crippled and handicapped children’s fund “ Give-A-Christmas” Program

“safe rides” home

Cuyahoga County Regional Planning Commission


Interchurch Council of Greater Cleveland Jewish Family Service Association

Divorce Equity, Inc. Part Two of the Schools Project: A Series of Inservice Workshops in four area schools

Lake County Societyfor Crippled Chil­ dren and Adults, Inc., Mentor, Ohio

Family and Community Services of Catholic Charities, Kent, Ohio Emergency Assistance Network of Northeast Ohio (second year) 10,000

Federationfor Community Planning Administration of the charitable portion of the supermarket settlement (fifth year) 5,309 Child Day Care Planning Project (third and fourth years) 150,000 Community Intrafamily Sexual Abuse Project (third year) 28,000 Monitoring the local impact of federal budget cuts (over two years) 9,600 Survey of voter attitudes concerning health and human services 5,000

Capital campaign and program expansion


Lake County YMCA, Painesville, Ohio Operating support


Lake Erie Girl Scout Council Operating support Upgrade Camp Lejnar (over three years)

500 100,000

Teen pregnancy prevention program coordinator for West Side Adolescent Services Network


Near West Side Multi-Service Center Program support (over two years)

21,732 4,670

Parmadale-St. Anthony Youth Services Village 100,000

Project IMPACT, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts 10,000

Providence House Capital campaign to enlarge facility


Retired Senior Volunteer Program of Cleveland, Inc. Expansion of the senior volunteer corps 7,255

Rocky River Community Challenge Youth advocate coordinator of drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs (over three years) 74,967

The Benjamin Rose Institute Operating support


Servicesfor Independent Living or Study of physical education curricula fo 33,630

The Societyfor Crippled Children of Cuyahoga County, Inc. Heman Early Education and Development Program (HEED) 40,310

Amasa Stone House, Inc. Operating support

Federation of Catholic Community Services Computer software to coordinate system management 15,300 People Helping People program for the bereaved and families of the mentally ill (over two years) 18,700 The Interchurch Council's emergency soup kitchens, which serve 72,000 persons a year, would have shut down last winter without Founda­ tion help.


Merrick House

Post-placement services program for adoptive parents

Coordinated services for alcoholics and their families (third year) 18,000


Escrow funds for a new independent living building in Parma 10,000

Capital campaign

Camperships for children with physical or medical problems 20,000

Emergency Congregate Meals Program (over three years) 59,682

Planning for recreational programming for special populations 4,400

Maximum Independent Living

Conference on the Black Family

The Hiram House 8,000 5,500

The Loudan Home, Findlay, Ohio Operating support for a home for unwed 5,000 mothers (second year)*

Olivet Institutional Baptist Church

Health Hill Hospitalfor Children Recruitment and training of foster parents for children with special medical needs



Catholic Charities Corporation

400 Benefit of aged persons 3,000 Benefit of Parmadale-St. Anthony Youth Services Village 9,583

CEDUFoundation, Inc., Colton, California Centerfor Human Services

2,862 238

Counseling Division 35,144 Day Nursery Association of Cleveland 3,879 Family Preservation Program 2,000

Child Conservation Council of Greater Cleveland Big Buddy/Little Buddy program


Child Guidance Center Children Forever Haven The Children's Aid Society


Industrial Home

Transitional Housing Inc. Program development director (second year)


United Service Organizations, Inc. Outreach program (over two years)


United Way ofLake County Inc., Painesville, Ohio General support


United Way Services Comprehensive Community Education Pro­ gram within Cuyahoga County Department of Human Services (over two years) 80,588

West Side Community Mental Health Center Volunteer Involvement Program (third year)


West Side Ecumenical Ministry Start-up support of a Crisis Co-operative Program

WomenSpace Women at Work Exposition 1986

The YoungMen's Christian Association of Cleveland “ Shoes for Kids’’ project

Alcoholism Services of Cleveland, Inc. American Bible Society New York, New York American Red Cross, Greater Cleveland Chapter Beech Brook Beliefaire Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Greater Cleveland, Inc. Big Brothers Program

J51 621

414 62,446

Children’s Services 670 Christ Episcopal Church 1,528 The Church Home 6,247 The Church ofthe Saviour, United Methodist 4,992 Cleveland Christian Home, Inc. 2,470 City of Cleveland, Director ofPublic Safety Prevention of delinquency among boys 542

6,191 52,187 6,485


Cleveland Hearing and Speech Center 44,585 The Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society Foundation 34 Research and application of psychoanalysis and support projects 65,079

The Cleveland Society Boy Scouts ofAmerica, Greater for the Blind 225,998 Cleveland Council No. 440 129 Research or any other purpose 17,278 35,303 Boys and Girls Clubs of Sight Center 500 Greater Cleveland, Inc. 897 Volunteer braille transcribers 2,879 5,000 Eliza Bryant Center 16,766 Cuyahoga County Department ofHuman Services Special client needs 12,000

The Young Women’s Christian Association of Cleveland Implementation of strategic plan (over three years)

(Following recipients and programs desig­ nated by donor and for general support unless otherwise noted)





East End Neighborhood House 2 ,879 Fairmount Presbyterian Church 10,807 Federationfor Community Planning 3,504 Community Information/Volunteer Action Center (CIVAC) 2,760 Needy and deserving families and children 1,133

The First Congregational Church of Sonoma, Sonoma, California 129


The West Side Y ’s new Hispanic Center w ill offer everythingfrom swimming lessons and vocational training to English as a second language.

The First United Methodist Church, Ashland, Ohio 6,240

Ohio Presbyterian Homes

Sister Mary Ignatia Gavin Foundation


Goodwill Industries of Greater Cleveland


Our Lady ofthe Wayside, 2,380 Incorporated, Avon, Ohio 4,293 Sisters ojNotre Dame, Chardon, Ohio Physical education program for the Julie Parmadale-St. Anthony Youth 12,402 Services Village 13,117 Billiart School The Societyfor Crippled Children Planned Parenthood of Greater of Cuyahoga County, Inc. 15,152 Cleveland, Inc. 91,495 Capital campaign 330 The Benjamin Rose Institute 19,163 Equipment 34,160 Rose-Mary Center 2,506 Society ofSt. Vincent de Paul 623 St. Andrews United Methodist Starr Commonwealthfor Boys, Church, Findlay, Ohio 118 Albion, Michigan 1,387 St. Basil Catholic Church 500 Amasa Stone House, Inc. 6,247 St. Dominic’s Parish 4,120 The Three-Corner-Round Pack St. John Lutheran Church 1,973 Outfit, Inc. Camping program 11,610 St. Martin's Episcopal Church 129 Trinity Cathedral 1,602 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 2,250 United Appeal ofAshland County, 3,120 St. Timothy Episcopal Church 2,500 Ohio, Inc., Ashland, Ohio United Way of GreaterToledo 250 The Salvation Army 25,059

Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association 12 ,685 The Hebrew Free Loan Association 1,000 Heights Blaugrund Lodge No. 1152 B ’naiB'rith 1,648 The Hiram House 1,470 Hitchcock House Eliza Jennings Home





Jewish Community Federation oj Cleveland 13 ,414 Jones Home of Children’s Services 19,658 Capital improvement in building and equipment


Lakewood Christian Church 1,431 The Hattie Larlham Foundation, Inc., Mantua, Ohio 8,540 Little Sisters ofthe Poor 2,527 The Lutheran Home for the Aged 11,564 Marycrest School 6,247 Missionary Servants ofthe Most Holy Trinity, Silver Spring Maryland 4,120 The Montefiore Home 6,247 The Muscular Disease Society ofNortheastern Ohio 500

Breckenridge Village

The Salvation Army, Ashland, Ohio The Scottish Rite Benevolent Foundation, Lexington, Massachusetts




Shaker Heights Lodge No. 45 FOP Associates The Shaker One Hundred, Inc.

United Way Services The Visiting Nurse Association of Cleveland Vocational Guidance Services


371,509 3,379

3,894 Assistance to needy clients of Sunbeam School 1,000 Assistance to needy of Sunbeam School graduating class 1,000

West Side Deutscher Frauen Verein, The Altenheim 18,547 The YoungMen’s Christian Association, Ashland, Ohio 3,120 The Young Men’s Christian Association of Cleveland 15,512 Lakewood Branch West Side Branch

The Young Women s Christian Association of Cleveland Lakewood Branch

8,540 17,080 8,502 8,540

TOTAL SOCIAL SERVICES GRANTSDESIGNATED $1,548,262 TOTAL SOCIAL SERVICES GRANTSDESIGNATED AND UNDESIGNATED $4,287,295 *Grant recommended by Findlay Distribution Committee of the L. Dale Domey Fund A Centerfo r Human Services program is providing homemaking assistance, counseling and other support serv­ ices to elderly doumtoum residents.

mmr ECONOMIC 11P M DEVELOPMENT mw^am m*mmm ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

The variety of roles the Foundation plays is nowhere more evident than in the area of Economic Development, where the relatively modest dollars it can bring to bear could not begin to make up for the serious losses in heavy manufacturing and other in­ dustry suffered by Cleveland in recent years. Once again, as in other areas of grantmaking, it is a question of the strategic targeting of those dollars to key efforts— such as the develop­ ment of the Center for Regional Eco­ nomic Issues at Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management whose “ ripple effect” has the potential of multiplying their impact many times over. The Foun­ dation’s recent support of Cleveland Tomorrow’s study exploring the place of applied science research and edu­ cation in revitalizing the region’s economy is another example of the Foundation’s playing an educational role.

A great deal of staff attention

over the past year, along with sub­ stantial grants, has been directed toward several large physical devel­ opment projects which have the po­

be used for the purchase of land for

tential of catalyzing commercial and

future development in Cleveland’s

Enterprise Develop­

other urban redevelopment on a sig­

dramatically recovering central corri­

ment, Inc. fosters

nificant scale: the Lakefront and Inner

dor— beginning with the twenty-acre

Harbor, Playhouse Square’s Bulkley

Mid-Town Commerce Park recently

Complex, the Warehouse District and

cleared by the City.

pre-development activities laying the crucial groundwork for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and a new stadium. Last year’s grant of 1100,000 to MidTown Corridor, Inc. was greatly aug­ mented in early 1987 to $950,000 to

new high-tech businesses such as InfanTest, which has

Promoting the

developed an early

development of small businesses and

testfo r mental

new growth industries which will


serve a broad market and bring dol­ lars and new jobs into the region has led in recent months to start-up sup­ port for Enterprise Development, Inc., an exciting collaboration linking the Entrepreneurial Assistance Group at CWRU’s Weatherhead School of Man­ agement with the Center for Venture


Development, a launching pad for technology-driven enterprises. Another large grant has gone to the new Cleve­ land Small Business Incubator, which will provide inexpensive space and support services as well as expert consultation for newly hatched busi­

Cleveland Tomor­ row ’s CAMP Program links industry and uni­

nesses of various sorts as they find

versity research

their niche in the market. CSBI was


created last summer with a major

such as the new

grant from The McDonald Fund, a supporting organization of The Cleve­ land Foundation.

Unified Technologies Center.

The Foundation’s

commitment to fostering increased economic opportunities for minorities and women as the region moves to­ ward recovery has included support for the County’s Minority Business Development Program and the desig­ nation of part of the grant to the Center for Venture Development for such purposes.

Cleveland North Coast Development Corporation

Greater Cleveland Domed Stadium Corporation, Inc.

Architectural master plan and design guide­ lines for Cleveland’s Inner Harbor 60,000

Operating support (second year)

Cleveland Small Business Incubator, Inc. Operating support (over two years) 150,000


Cleveland State University

Centerfor Venture Development

Study of effects of federal budget cuts on state and local governments in Ohio by the College of Urban Affairs (over 30 months) 50,000

Operating support for Enterprise Develop­ ment, Inc. (over three years) $265,000

The Cleveland Tomorrow Project, Inc.

Cleveland Development Foundation Greater Cleveland Growth Association’s Build Up Greater Cleveland program 75,000 Legal analysis of alternative financing incentives for economic development in Ohio by Greater Cleveland Growth Association’s Economic Development Finance Task Force 30,000 Pre-development activities of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. (over two years) 400,000

Mid-Town Corridor, Inc. Completion of work on a land-banking mechanism for the mid-town corridor area (second year) 14,250 Purchase of land in mid-town corridor area for future development 100,000

MinorityEconomicDevelopers Council Operating support


Woodland East Community Organization

Assessment of the role of applied science research and education in Cleveland’s economic vitality 100,000 Operating support for The Cleveland Advanced Manufacturing Program (over two years) 50,000


Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners

(Following recipient and program designated by donor)

Minority Business Development Program (over two years) 60,000

Centerfor Public Resources, New York, New York

Update of 1980 Roadway Access Study 2,950

Development and implementation of a strategy to promote the use of alternatives to litigation by Greater Cleveland businesses S410.000

The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) Consultant services for development of Bulkley Complex 75,000 Technical assistance to Mid-Town Corridor, Inc. on development of a land-banking mechanism 3,000


Cleveland Historic Warehouse District Development Corporation Operating support (over 18 months) 40,000

The Foundation funded planning and pre-develop­ ment activities fo r the Rock and Roll H all ofFame, where greats like Muddy Waters w ill be





community by informing funders

marked improvement in math and

about relevant issues, encouraging

social studies for 513 “ little buddies."

interaction and collaboration, and

Mrs. Wolf’s generosity also made

permitting a useful exchange of ideas

possible the Anisfield-Wolf Book

The funds expended for special phil­

and opinions. Staffing and space are

Awards; for a report, see page 47.

anthropic services go primarily for

provided by The Cleveland Foundation.

the operating costs of The Cleveland

Subjects covered in recent luncheon

Foundation but include support for

meetings have included regional


services to other Northeast Ohio

economic issues, crime, fair housing,

The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.)

charitable institutions with limited

community-based development, and

Anisfield-Wolf Community Service and Book Awards $31,000 Council on Foundations National Agenda for Community Foundations leadership grant 30,000 Grantmakers Forum 53,500 Investment policies and performance evaluations 20,000 Operating budget of The Cleveland Founda­ tion (Inc.) for the year 1987 2,006,000

or no staff— services such as the regional library and field office of The Foundation Center of New York, which makes available the professional expertise of two full-time staff persons. The library houses materials relat­ ing to the grantmaking process, cor­ porate and federal funding sources, nonprofit organization and manage­ ment, and nongrant fundraising, as well as specific information (such as annual reports and tax returns) on the policies and interests of founda­ tions around the state and nation. In 1986, 2,296 grantseekers and 198 grantmakers from Cleveland and the Midwest visited The Foundation Center;

696 persons attended the weekly free orientation sessions structured to teach grantseekers how to use the library’s resources more effectively, while an expanded schedule of out­

teen pregnancy.

The Anisfield-

Wolf Memorial Award for Outstand­ ing Community Service, established in 1963 by the late Cleveland philan­ thropist Edith Anisfield Wolf, is annually awarded to a local social service agency selected by the Federa­ tion for Community Planning from a list of nominees. This year the 110,000 award was given to the Child Conser­ vation Council for its Big Buddy/Little

The Foundation Center, New York, New York Operating support for The Foundation Center— Cleveland for the year 1987 45,800



Buddy program, which matches responsible high school and college students with pre-adolescent children seen as potential school dropouts or

(Following recipient and program designated by donor and for general support unless otherwise noted)

problem youngsters. Nine new clubs

The Cleveland Foundation (Inc.) $ 480

were formed in 1986, resulting in

Staff services for Special Fund No. 3



reach programs offered in cooperation with agencies such as the Federation for Community Planning and Grant­ makers Forum served another 677 nonprofit organizations.


makers Forum, another organization supported by the Foundation, is a two-year-old informal association of 165 grantmakers representing 77 foundations, corporate contribution

Buddy power: a 66

programs and trust companies

percent improvement

operating in the Greater Cleveland area. It offers a series of programs designed to foster better grantmaking in the

in reading skills and a 56percent improvement in math skills fo r 513 potential dropouts



The generosity of more than 100 donors allowed the assets of The Cleveland Foundation to grow by $6,283,603 in 1986. Contributions were received in various forms including: new funds, bequests, additions to both previously created funds and supporting organizations, and gifts to a new donor-advisor program which enables donors to recommend to The Cleveland Foundation philanthropic uses for their funds.

TRUST FUNDS wide variety ofdonors, wanting to benefit their communityforyears tocome, have established thefollowing trustfunds. Thesefunds are either namedfor their donors, or as a memorial to a loved one, or in some instancesfor the recipient organi­ zation which they benefit.


1986the carrying value ofnew funds and additions to existing funds recorded by The Cleveland Foundation totaled S2,002,245.

NEW TRUST FUNDS RECEIVED: Fannie White Baker Fund, $366,894

Donor: Fannie White Baker Estate Use of Income: Unrestricted charitable purposes

Walter C. Baker Fund, S310,329

Donor: Walter C. Baker Estate Use of Income: Unrestricted charitable purposes

Henry R. Hatch Memorial Fund, $361,258

Donor: Esther Lenihan Estate Use of Income: Unrestricted charitable purposes

Florence Mackey Pritchard and P.J. Pritchard Scholarship Fund, $30,550 Donor: Viola P. Pritchard Estate Use of Income: Restricted to the granting of college scholarships

The Endowment Fund for United Way Services, $346,198

Donor: United Way Services Use of Income: Designated for United Way Services


Cleveland youth can now leam marketable skills such as auto mechanics, photog­ raphy and gourmet cooking at three of the city’s Boys and Girls Clubs.

ADDITIONS TO EXISTING FUNDS: Charles Rieley Armington Fund, $36,000 Donor: Elizabeth Rieley Armington Charitable Trust Thomas Burnham Memorial Trust, $44,764 Donor: Marie Louise Gollan Trust L. Dale Dorney Fund, SI, 074 Donor: L. Dale Dorney Estate The Emerald Necklace Fund, $500 Donor: The Stouffer Corporation Fund The Fenn Educational Fund, $3,218 Donors: The Automobile Dealers’ Educational Assistance Foundation and from The Harry F. and EdnaJ. Burmester Charitable UniTrust No. 1 ]ohn and Helen A. Hay Memorial Fund, $67,500 Donor: John Hay Estate Donald W. McIntyre Fund, $56,388 Donor: Donald W. McIntyre Estate Frances Lincoln Rathbone Memorial Fund, $375,024 Donor: Frances Lincoln Rathbone Estate Corinne T. Voss Fund, $2,548 Donor: Corinne T. Voss Estate

ESTABLISHED FUNDS: Rob Roy Alexander Fund The Aloy Memorial Scholarship Fund The Dr. David Alsbacher Fund for Medical Research The George and May Margaret Angell Trust Anisfield-Wolf Fund Charles Rieley Armington Fund Walter C. and Lucy I. Astrup Fund No. 1 Walter C. and Lucy I. Astrup Fund No. 2 Sophie Auerbach Fund* The Frederic M. and Nettie E. Backus Memorial Fund Fannie White Baker Fund Walter C. Baker Fund Walter C. and Fannie White Baker Fund Lilian Hanna Baldwin Fund Mabel R. Bateman Memorial Fund Warner M. Bateman Memorial Fund Cornelia W. Beardslee Fund James C. Beardslee Fund Louis D. Beaumont Fund Mary Berryman Fund Ida Beznoska Fund Big Brothers of Greater Cleveland Fund The Dr. Hamilton Fisk Biggar Fund George Davis Bivin Fund The Martin E. and Evelyn K. Blum Fund Tom L.E. Blum and Martin E. Blum Fund

Thomas Burnham Memorial Trust Katherine Ward Burrell Fund The Martha B. Carlisle Memorial Fund The Alfred J. Carpenter Memorial Fund The Central High School Endowment Fund The Fred H. Chapin Memorial Fund The George Lord and Elizabeth Chapman Fund* The Frank J. and Nellie L. Chappie Fund* George W. Chisholm Fund Clark-Owen Memorial Fund J.E.G. Clark Trust Marie Odenkirk Clark Fund The Elsa Claus Memorial Fund No. 2 Cleveland Foundation Combined Funds The Cleveland Foundation Special Fund No. 3 Cleveland: NOW! Fund Cleveland Recreational Arts Fund Caroline E. Coit Fund A.E. Corners Fund* Harry Coulby Fund No. 2 Harry Coulby Fund No. 4 Jacob D. Cox Fund S. Houghton Cox Fund Henry G. Dalton Fund The Howard and Edith Dingle Fund Edwin A. and Julia Greene Dodd Fund No. 1 Edwin A. and Julia Greene Dodd Fund No. 2 L. Dale Dorney Fund The Mary and Wallace Duncan Fund The William C. and Agnes M. Dunn Fund Alice McHardy Dye Fund The Emerald Necklace Fund Ada C. Emerson Fund* Henry A. Everett Trust Homer Everett Fund Mary McGraw Everett Fund The Irene Ewing Trust Charles Dudley Farnsworth Fund The George D. and Edith W. Featherstone Memorial Fund Dr Frank Carl Felix and Flora Webster Felix Fund The Fenn Educational Funds (5) First Cleveland Cavalry-Norton Memorial Fund

Katherine Bohm Fund Roberta Holden Bole Fund The George H. Boyd Fund* Alva Bradley II Fund Gertrude H. Britton, Katharine H. Perkins Fund Fannie Brown Memorial Fund George F. Buehler Memorial Fund The Harry F. and EdnaJ. Burmester Charitable Remainder Unitrust No. 1

William C. Fischer and Lillye T. Fischer Memorial Fund* Fisher Fund Erwin L. Fisher and Fanny M. Fisher Memorial Fund Edward C. Flanigon Fund Forest City Hospital Foundation Fund Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 1 Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 6 Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 7 Constance C. Frackelton Fund No. 8 The Fannie Pitcairn Frackelton and David W. Frackelton Fund Robert J. Frackelton Fund The George Freeman Charity Fund Frederic H. Gates Fund The William F. and Anna Lawrence Gibbons Fund* William A. Giffhorn Fund Frederick Harris Goff Fund Frederick H. and Frances Southworth Goff Fund* Isaac C. Goff Fund* Edwin R. Goldfield Fund Lillian F. Goldfield Fund Marie Louise Gollan Fund Dr. Isadore J. Goodman and Ruth Goodman Memorial Fund Julius E. Goodman Fund The George C. and Marion S. Gordon Fund Robert B. Grandin Fund The Hortense B. Halle and Jay M. Halle Fund Dorothea Wright Hamilton Fund Edwin T. and Mary E. Hamilton Fund The Lynn J. and Eva D. Hammond Memorial Fund* Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Cleveland Foundation Special Purpose Fund Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Community Development Funds (5) Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Fund for Community Chest Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Fund for United Appeal William Stitt Hannon Fund Perry G. Harrison and Virginia C. Harrison Memorial Fund The Kate Hanna Harvey Memorial Funds No. 1 and 2 Melville H. Haskell, Mary H. Hunter, Gertrude H. Britton, Katharine H. Perkins Funds No. 1 and 2

C Duckling attains

r 'T ' t& k &

i t

Swanhood: A dazzling version of Tchaikowsky’s classic earns the decade-old Cleveland Ballet its wings.


Henry R. Hatch Memorial Fund John and Helen A. Hay Memorial Fund George Halle Hays Fund Kaufman Hays Memorial Fund The Henry E. Heiner and Marie Hays Heiner Memorial Fund The Louise W. and Irving K. Heller Fund Mildred Shelby Heller Memorial Fund The William Myron Heller Memorial Fund The Hinds Memorial Fund* The Hiram House Fund 3 Mid-Town Corridor director Peggy Murphy and Councilman Preston Terry III survey the new 20-acre urban meadow that w ill become Mid-Town Commerce Park.

The Jacob Hirtenstein Fund H. Morley and Elizabeth Newberry Hitchcock Fund Mildred E. Hommel and Arthur G. Hommel Memorial Fund Centureena S. Hotchkiss Fund Martin Huge, Martha M. Huge, Theodore L. Huge and Reinhardt E. Huge Memorial Fund John Huntington Benevolent Fund The A.W. Hurlbut Fund The Norma Witt Jackson Fund Sherman Johnson Memorial Fund Caroline Bonnell Jones Fund James S. Jordan Fund Adrian D. Joyce Fund The Frederick W. and Henryett Slocum Judd Fund Henryett S. Judd Fund The Gertrude Pfeiffer Kahn Fund Isaac Theodore Kahn Fund Tillie A. Kaley and Warren R. Kaley Memorial Fund Karamu House Trust Clarence A. Kirkham Memorial Fund John R. Kistner Fund The Otto and Lena Konigslow Memorial Fund* Elroy J. and Fynette H. Kulas Fund* The Arthur A. Lederer and Ruth Lawrence Lederer Fund Martha M. Linden Fund Robert M. Linney Fund Sue L. Little Fund Vida C. Logan Fund Elizabeth T. Lohmiller Fund Gustave Lorber and Frieda Bruml Lorber Memorial Fund Ella L. Lowman Fund Henry M. Lucas Fund Clemens W. Lundoff and Hilda T. Lundoff Fund Frank J. Lynch Fund* Nellie Lynch Fund Theresa Mae MacNab Fund The Maude F. Majerick Fund Leone R. Bowe Marco Fund Alice Keith Mather Fund The Samuel Mather and Flora Stone Mather Memorial Fund Harriet E. McBride Fund


The Lewis A. and Ellen E. McCreary Memorial Fund The John A. and Mildred T. McGean Fund The George W. and Sarah McGuire Fund Donald W. McIntyre Fund The Katherine B. McKitterick Fund The John C. McLean Memorial Fund The Thomas and Mary McMyler Memorial Fund The Albert Younglove Meriam and Kathryn A. Meriam Fund Alice Butts Metcalf Fund Sarah Stern Michael Fund Helen Gibbs Mills Memorial Fund Victor Mills Fund Anna B. Minzer Fund Cornelia S. Moore Fund* The Mr. and Mrs. Jay P. Moore Memorial Fund William Curtis Morton, Maud Morton, Kathleen Morton Fund E. Freeman Mould Fund Jane C. Mould Fund Tom Neal Fund Blanche E. Norvell Fund* Harry Norvell Fund The Crispin and Kate Oglebay Trust Clarence A. Olsen Trust Mary King Osborn Fund William P. Palmer Fund The Dr. Charles B. Parker Memorial Fund* The Joseph K. and Amy Shepard Patterson Memorial Fund Linda J. Peirce Memorial Fund Douglas Perkins Fund Grace M. Pew Fund Walter D. Price Fund William H. Price Fund

Florence Mackey Pritchard and P.J. Pritchard Scholarship Fund The J. Ambrose and Jessie Wheeler Purcell Memorial Fund* The Charles Greif Raible and Catherine Rogers Raible Fund The John R. Raible Fund Frances Lincoln Rathbone Memorial Fund Clay L. and Florence Rannells Reely Fund The Retreat Memorial Fund Charles L. Richman Fund Nathan G. Richman Fund Alice M. Rockefeller Fund Rebecca and Etta Rosenberg Memorial Fund Charles F. Ruby Fund William A. Ruehl and Mary Ruehl Memorial Fund The Mary Coit Sanford Memorial Fund Mary Coit Sanford Fund Dr. Henry A. and Mary J. Schlink Memorial Fund William C. Scofield Memorial Fund Charles W. and Lucille Sellers Memorial Fund William K. Selman Memorial Fund Frank S. Sheets and Alberta G. Sheets Memorial Fund Frank E. Shepardson Fund The Henry A. Sherwin and Frances M. Sherwin Fund* The Henry A. Sherwin and Frances M. Sherwin Memorial Fund No. 1* The Henry A. Sherwin and Frances M. Sherwin Memorial Fund No. 2* The John and LaVerne Short Memorial Fund The A.H. and Julia W. Shunk Fund The Thomas and Anna Sidlo Fund Kent H. Smith Fund The Nellie B. Snavely Fund A.L. Somers Fund William J. Southworth Fund William P. Southworth and Louisa Southworth Fund Dr. George P. Soyer Fund

The John C. and Elizabeth F. Sparrow Memorial Fund Marion R. Spellman Fund Josephine L. Sperry Fund The George B. Spreng and Hazel Myers Spreng Memorial Fund The Hazel Myers Spreng Fund in memory of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.N. Myers The Dorothy and Oscar H. Steiner Fund for the Conservation of Abused Children Frederick C. Sterling Second Testamentary Trust* Avery L. Sterner Fund Ada Gates Stevens Memorial Fund Catherine E. Stewart, Martha A. Stewart, Judith H. Stewart and Jeannette Stewart Memorial Fund Jessie Stewart Fund Charles L. and Marion H. Stone Fund Harriet B. Storrs Fund Leonard F. Stowe Fund The Alma M. and Harry R. Templeton Memorial Fund Henrietta Teufel Memorial Fund The John H. Thomas Fund Amos Burt and Jeanne L. Thompson Fund Maude S. Tomlin Memorial Fund Mabelle G. and Finton L. Torrence Fund James H. Turner Fund The Edward and Esther T. Tuttle Memorial Fund Charles F. Uhl Fund Rufus M. Ullman Fund The Endowment Fund for United Way Services Corinne T. Voss Fund John F. and Mary G. Wahl Memorial Fund Jessie MacDonald Walker Memorial Fund The John Mason Walter and Jeanne M. Walter Memorial Fund No. 1 The John Mason Walter and Jeanne M. Walter Memorial Fund No. 2 Mabel Breckenridge Wason Fund A Mabel Breckenridge Wason Fund B* George B. and Edith S. Wheeler Trust Edward Loder Whittemore Fund Henry E. and Ethel L. Widdell Fund The John Edmund Williams Fund Teresa Jane Williams Memorial Fund Arthur P. and Elizabeth M. Williamson Fund The George H., Charles E., and Samuel Denny Wilson Memorial Fund Edith Anisfield Wolf Fund The Benjamin and Rosemary Wolpaw Memorial Fund David C. Wright Memorial Fund Edith Wright Memorial Fund The Wulf Sisters Memorial Fund

COMBINED FUNDS ombinedFunds were created ^

within The Cleveland Foun­ dation in 1943 toprovide a

means through which gifts ofany size could more inexpensively be administered. Several thousand donors have contributedto Combined Funds since their creation. Gifts retain their separate identity as memorials but are combinedfor in­ vestmentpurposes, therebyproviding a large block ofcapitalfor more efficient investment management and greater incomepotential. Gifts to a Combined Fund may be made in the name ofan individual or as memorials. There is no restric­ tion as to size, and additions may be made at any time. Donors are encouraged to make their gifts availablefor the charitable and educationalpurposes of Greater Cleveland, since this enables the Foundation to beflexible in meeting changing community needs and problems.

If a donor wishes to

express a preference as to how the incomefrom thegift should bespent, it is suggested that one ofthegeneral Cleveland Foundation grant cate­

Margaret Montgomery Austin and Charles Taylor Austin Memorial Fund, $90,000 Donor: Jeannette A. Osgood Estate Use of Income: Designated for University Hospitals of Cleveland The Children Forever Endowment Fund, $15,177 Donor: Dr. James E. Bennett Use of Income: Designated for the Children Forever Haven, Incorporated The Children’s Theatre Endowment Fund of the Cleveland Foundation, $40,000 Donors: Junior League of Cleveland, Incorporated, Josephine L. Morris and The Murch Foundation. Use of Income: Designated for the Children’s Theatre Series at Playhouse Square Center Cuyahoga County Public Library Endowment Fund of the Cleveland Foundation, $5,000 Donor: Cuyahoga County Public Library Use of Income: Designated for Cuyahoga County Public Library fames R. Hibshman Family Trust, $7,167 Donor: James R. Hibshman Family Trust Use of Income: Unrestricted charitable purposes Ruth A. Matson Fund, $14,000 Donor: Ruth A. Matson Estate Use of Income: Unrestricted charitable purposes The Howard T. McMyler Fund, $182,662 Donor: Howard T. McMyler Estate Use of Income: Restricted to the promotion of secondary education in the field of economics JohnH. and Beatrice C. Moore Fund, $2,370 Donor: John H. Moore Estate and Beatrice C. Moore Trust Use of Income: Unrestricted charitable purposes James A. (Dolph) Norton Fund, $546 Donor: John B. Olsen Use of Income: Restricted to the development of civic leadership in Greater Cleveland Hilda Reich Fund, $10,000 Donor: Hilda Reich Estate Use of Income: Unrestricted charitable purposes Janet Coe Sanborn Fund, $131665 Donor: Janet Coe Sanborn Estate Use of Income: Unrestricted charitable purposes Stephen E. Tracey and Helen Oster Tracey Fund, $20,000 Donor: Helen 0. Tracey Estate Use of Income: Unrestricted charitable purposes

gories—CivicAffairs, CulturalAffairs, Economic Development, Education, Health or Social Services—be specified. In 1986the carrying value ofnewfunds and additions to existingfunds totaled $541,187.

*PARTIAL BENEFITS FUNDS provide pay­ ments of annuities to certain individuals prior to payment of income to the Founda­ tion. With three exceptions, The Cleveland Foundation w ill ultimately receive the entire net incomefrom thesefunds. The principal amounts of thesefunds are carried as assets of The Cleveland Foundation.


£ ' Please Touch' At Cleveland's new Children's Museum, from ditch-digging to bridge-building to music-making, discovery is definitely a handson experience.

Jeffery D. and Kristin L. Ubersax Fund, $50

Willis B. Crane Memorial Dr. Wilbur S. Crowell Memorial Marianne North Cummer Memorial

Donor: Anonymous Use of Income: Unrestricted charitable purposes

Alva Bradley Memorial Brigham Britton Fund Marie H. Brown Fund Charles F. Buescher Memorial Thomas Burnham Memorial Fund Elizabeth A. Burton Memorial


Edmund S. Busch Fund Robert H. Busch Scholarship Fund

Robert K Beck Memorial Fund, $2,000

Carmela Cafarelli Fund Marian M. Cameron Fund Edna L. and Gustav W. Carlson Foundation Memorial Fund Leyton E. Carter Memorial Fund Mary Catherine Carter Fund

Nathan L. Dauby Memorial Mary E. Dee Memorial Fund Carl Dittmar Memorial Magdalene Pahler Donahey Fund AnnaJ. Dorman and Pliny 0. Dorman Memorial Fund L. Dale Dorney Memorial Fund James J. Doyle and Lillian Herron Doyle Scholarship Fund Robert J. Drake Memorial Charles A. Driffield Memorial Fund

Donor: Jeffery D. and Kirstin L. Ubersax Use of Income: Unrestricted charitable purposes

United Methodist Women Church of the Saviour, $50

Donor: Mrs. Robert K. Beck

The Eileen H. and Marvin H. Cramer Fund, $380 Donors: Raymond and Janice M. Bahr, Ray­ mond A. and Frances E. Cloutier, Barry R. Cramer, Willus and Carol Eucker, Joseph V. and Ruth A. Giaco, Anna B. Hauser, H. E. Nichols, Charles Nordlander, John C. Sanders, and Gerlad F. Unger

Nora Hays Fund, $10,000 Donor: Nora Hays Estate

Albert M. and Beverly G. HigleyFund, SI, 000 Donors: Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Higley, Jr.

Frederick R. and Bertha S. Mautz Scholar­ ship Fund, $6,000 Donor: Bertha S. Mautz

Fay-Tyler Murray Norton Fund, $2,000 Donor: James A. (Dolph) Norton

Josephine R. and Edward W Sloan, Jr. Fund, $1,000 Donor: Edward W. Sloan, Jr.

Small Business Advancement Fund for Ed­ ucation and Economic Development, $100 Donor: Service Corps of Retired Executives, Chapter #30

Dr. Edward A. Yurick Fund, $20 Donor: Dr. Edward A. Yurick

ESTABLISHED FUNDS Morris Abrams Fund Academy of Medicine, Health Education Foundation Fund Rhoda L. Affelder Fund Alcoholism Services of Cleveland, Inc. Wickham H. Aldrich Fund Eunice Westfall Allen Memorial Samuel Westfall Allen Memorial Lydia May Ames Fund Raleigh F. Andrie Memorial Fund Marguerite E. Anselm Memorial Katherine B. Arundel Fund Margaret Montgomery Austin and Charles Taylor Austin Memorial Fund Leonard P. Ayres Memorial Ruth and Elmer Babin Fund A.D. Baldwin Memorial Fund Robert K. Beck Memorial Fund The Beckenbach Scholarship Memorial Fund Hattie E. Bingham Fund Beulah Holden Bluim Memorial Arthur Blythin Memorial Robert Blythin Memorial Ernest J. Bohn Memorial Fund Newell C. Bolton Fund Helen R. Bowler Fund Nap. H. Boynton Memorial Fund


George S. Case Fund Isabel D. Chamberlin Fred H. Chapin Memorial The Children Forever Endowment Fund The Children’s Theatre Endowment Fund of The Cleveland Foundation The Adele Corning Chisholm Memorial Fund Garnetta B. Christenson and LeRoy W. Christenson Fund Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Clark Fund Inez and Harry Clement Award Fund Cleveland Conference for Educational Cooperation Fund Cleveland Guidance Center Endowment Fund Cleveland Heights High School Scholarship Fund The Cleveland Foundation Special Fund No. 4 Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society Fund The Cleveland Sorosis Fund Cleveland War Memorial Arthur Cobb Memorial Arthur Cobb, Jr. Memorial Florence Haney Cobb Memorial Louise B. Cobb Memorial Mary Gaylord Cobb Memorial Mavis Cobb Memorial Percy Wells Cobb Memorial Ralph W. Cobb, Jr. Memorial Dr. Harold N. Cole Memorial Cole National Corp. Fund Lawrence E. Connelly Memorial Judge Alva R. Corlett Memorial Mary B. Couch Fund Jacob D. Cox, Jr. Memorial The Eileen H. Cramer and Marvin H. Cramer Fund

Lyric Opera Cleveland’s witty Beatrice and Benedict transported Shakespeare’s reluctant sweethearts to the America of flappers and raccoon coats.

Glenn A. Cutler Memorial Cuyahoga County Public Library Endowment Fund of The Cleveland Foundation

Bruce S. Dwynn Memorial Fund Mary Lenore Harvey Eckardt Fund Kristian Eilertsen Fund Irene C. and Karl Emmerling Scholarship Fund Charles Farran Fund Arthur H. Feher Fund William S. and Freda M. Fell Memorial Fund Herold and Clara Fellinger Charitable Fund Sidney B. Fink Memorial Kathleen Holland Forbes Music Fund Percy R. and Beatrice Round Forbes Memorial Fund Frances B. and George W. Ford Memorial Fund Gladys J. and Homer D. Foster Fund Harriet R. Fowler Fund Katyruth Strieker Fraley Memorial Annie A. France Fund Hermine Frankel Memorial I.F. Freiberger Fund Mrs. I.F. Freiberger Memorial Winifred Fryer Memorial Fund Frederic C. Fulton Fund Doclie Gallagher Memorial Fund Florence I. Garrett Memorial Emil and Genevieve Gibian Fund Frank S. Gibson Memorial Fund Ellen Gardner Gilmore Memorial Frances Southworth Goff Memorial Robert B. Grandin Memorial James L. Greene Memorial Bell Greve Memorial Fund Robert Hays Gries Memorial Carolyn K. Grossman Fund Isador Grossman Memorial Fund Marc J. Grossman Fund Maxine Y. Haberman Fund Jessie Haig Memorial Florence Hamilton Memorial Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Cleveland Play House Fund The Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Special Fund Janet Harley Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Harley Fund H. Stuart Harrison Memorial Fund Mrs. Ward Harrison Memorial F.H. Haserot Fund Homer H. Hatch Fund

Harry F. Miter Memorial Helen Moore Fund John H. and Beatrice C. Moore Fund

Lewis Howard Hayden and Lulu May Hayden Fund Nora Hays Fund Iva L. Herl Fund The Clifford B. Hershik Memorial Fund The Siegmund and Bertha B. Herzog Endowment Fund James R. Hibshman Family Trust Highland View Hospital Employees’ Fund Albert M. Higley Memorial Albert M. and Beverly G. Higley Fund Mary G. Higley Fund Reuben W. Hitchcock Fund Mary Louise Hobson Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Holden Fund Cora Millet Holden Memorial Guerdon S. Holden Memorial Helen M. Holland Memorial Dr. John W. Holloway Memorial Fund John W. Holt Memorial Mrs. John H. Hord Memorial A.R. Horr Fund Joseph C. Hostetler Memorial Gilbert W. Humphrey Memorial Fund The Intermuseum Conservation Association Endowment Fund Mrs. Ray Irvin Memorial Earle L. Johnson and Walter Sawtelle Doan and Ella P. Doan Memorial Fund J. Kimball Johnson Memorial Fund TheJ. Kimball Johnson Memorial Fund James K. Johnson, Jr. Memorial Fund Minerva B. Johnson Memorial Fund Virginia K. Johnson Memorial Fund Florence Jones Memorial The Thomas Hoyt Jones Family Fund The Virginia Jones Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Sidney D. Josephs Fund Albert B. and Sara P. Kern Memorial Fund Joseph E. Kewley Memorial Fund Orrin F. Kilmer Fund D.D. Kimmel Memorial Fund Quay H. Kinzig Memorial Thomas M. Kirby Memorial Dr. Emmanuel Klaus Memorial Fund

Daniel E. Morgan Memorial Fund Mary MacBain Motch Fund Ray E. Munn Fund John P. Murphy Memorial Christopher Bruce Narten Memorial The National City Bank Fund Harlan H. Newell Memorial Harold M. Nichols Fund Jessie Roe North and George Mahan North Memorial Fund Fay-Tyler Murray Norton Fund Textbooks written James A. (Dolph) Norton Fund by seasoned Cleve­ John F. Oberlin and John C. Oberlin Fund Ohio Nut and Bolt Company Fund land public school The Ohio Scottish Games Endowment Fund teachers, not text­ John G. and May Lockwood Oliver book writers, w ill Memorial Fund soon be published Samuel B. Knight Fund William J. O’Neill Memorial Fund by The Centerfo r The Philip E. and Bertha Hawley Ethelwyne Walton Osborn Memorial Knowlton Fund Learning started Erla Schlather Parker Fund Estelle C. Koch Memorial Scholarship Fund by Catholic nuns. The Pasteur Club Fund Richard H. Kohn Fund Charles J. and Marian E. Paterson Fund Samuel E. Kramer Law Scholarship Fund Blanche B. Payer Fund George H. Lapham Fund Caroline Brown Prescott Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Latham Fund Mary Dunham Prescott Memorial Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lechner Fund The George John Putz and Margaret Putz Margaret Irene Leslie Fund Memorial Fund Mrs. Howell Leuck Fund The Fred 0. and Lucille M. Quick Fund The Jon Lewis Fund Omar S. Ranney Memorial Daniel W. Loeser Fund Grace P. Rawson Fund MetaM. Long Fund Hilda Reich Fund The Chalmer F. Lutz Fund Leonard R. Rench Fund The William Fred Mackay and Cora Carlisle Marie Richardson Memorial Fund Mackay Memorial Fund Minerva P. Ridley Fund Anna Mary Magee Memorial Fund Edna A. Rink Fund George A. and Mary E. Marten Fund Orra M. Risberg Memorial Mrs. E.O. Marting Memorial Gertrude M. Robertson Memorial Ruth A. Matson Fund Helen D. Robinson Fund The Frederick R. and Bertha Specht Mautz Clarence A. Roode Memorial Scholarship Fund Elizabeth Becker Rorabeck Fund Erma L. Mawer Fund Edward L. Rosenfeld and Bertha Malcolm L. McBride andJohn Harris McBride II M. Rosenfeld Fund Memorial Fund Dr. A.T. Roskos Fund Thomas McCauslen Memorial Dorothy and Helen Ruth Fund Dr. Jane Power McCollough Fund St. Barnabas Guild for Nursing Fund Mrs. E.P McCullagh Memorial Janet Coe Sanborn Fund Emma E. McDonald Fund Mrs. Raymond T. Sawyer Memorial Heber McFarland Fund Oliver H. Schaaf Fund Hilda J. McGee Fund Cornelius G. Scheid Memorial Fund Gladys M. McIntyre Memorial Fund The Robert N. Schwartz Fund for W. Brewster McKenna Fund Retarded Children The Howard T. McMyler Fund Alice Duty Seagrave Foreign Study Fund Anna Curtiss McNutt Memorial Kurt L. and Lela H. Seelbach Medusa Fund Warner Seely Fund Charles E. Meink Memorial Arthur H. Seibig Fund William J. Mericka Memorial Mrs. Louis B. Seltzer Memorial The Grace E. Meyette Fund The Arthur and Agnes Severson Memorial Fund Herman R. and Esther S. Miller Memorial Fund Annette S. Shagren Memorial Francis Charlton Mills, Jr. Fund Glenn M. and Elsa V. Shaw Fund Emma B. Minch Fund Nina Sherrer Fund John A. Mitchell and Blanche G. Mitchell Fund James Nelson Sherwin Fund


Cornelia Blakemore Warner Memorial Fund Helen B. Warner Fund Stanley H. Watson Memorial Frank Walter Weide Fund The Harry H. and Stella B. Weiss Memorial Fund Caroline Briggs Welch Memorial

An intensive public awareness campaign using 75 billboards and 54 newspaper ads w ill blanket The John and Frances W. Sherwin Fund Cornelia Adams Shiras Memorial Dr. Thomas Shupe Memorial Fund Samuel Silbert Fund David G. Skall Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Skove Fund Josephine R. and Edward W. Sloan, Jr. Fund Small Business Advancement Fund for Education and Economic Development Social Work Scholarship Fund Society for Crippled Children— Tris Speaker Memorial Fund Society National Bank Fund Meade A. Spencer Memorial Virginia Spriggs Fund The Miriam Kerruish Stage Fund Belle Bierce Stair Memorial Frederick S. Stamberger Memorial Nellie Steele Stewart Memorial The Charles J. Stilwell Scholarship Fund Ralph P. Stoddard Memorial Fund Esther H. and B.F. Stoner Memorial Fund Vernon Stouffer Memorial Fund Mortimer I. Strauss and Helen E. Strauss and Blanche New Memorial Fund The Ignatz and Berta Sunshine Fund Joseph T. Sweeny Memorial Charles Farrand Taplin and Elsie H. Taplin Fund C.F. Taplin Fund Jessie Loyd Tarr Memorial Elizabeth Bebout Taylor Memorial Mary J. Tewksbury Fund Allison John Thompson Memorial Fund Chester A. Thompson Fund Margaret Hayden Thompson Fund Sarah R. Thompson Fund Homer F. Tielke Fund Maud Kerruish Towson Memorial Stephen E. Tracey and Helen Oster Tracey Fund Jessie C. Tucker Memorial Fund Isabelle Tumpach Fund Jeffrey D. and Kristin L. Ubersax Fund The Charles F. Uhl and Carl F. Uhl Memorial Fund Leo W. Ulmer Fund United Methodist Women Church of The Saviour Fund Christian and Sophia Vick Memorial Fund Malcolm B. Vilas Memorial Philip R. and Mary S. Ward Memorial Fund


Cleveland with basic facts and clarify misconcep­ tions about AIDS.

Burt Wenger Fund Leroy A. Westman Fund S. Burns and Simonne H. Weston Fund Lucius J. andJennie C. Wheeler Memorial Fund Elliott H. Whitlock Memorial Mary C. Whitney Fund The Marian L. and Edna A. Whitsey Fund R.N. and H.R. Wiesenberger Fund Lewis B. Williams Memorial Whiting Williams Fund Arthur P. and Elizabeth M. Williamson Fund James D. Williamson Fund Ruth Ely Williamson Fund Marjorie A. Winbigler Memorial John W. Woodburn Memorial Nelle P. Woodworth Fund Dorothy Young Wykoff Memorial Leward C. Wykoff Memorial Frederick William York Fund Dr. Edward A. Yurick Fund Herbert E. and Eleanor M. Zdara Memorial Fund Ray J. Zook and Amelia T. Zook Fund

SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS even supporting organiza^

tions were affiliated with The Cleveland Foundation in

1986. These organizations have committed their assets to the benefit and charitablepurposes ofthe Foun­ dation and are classified under Section 509(aX3) ofthe Internal Revenue Code. Each supporting organization retains a separate identity, enabling itsfounders to maintain an active interest in phil­ anthropy during their lifetimes, while enjoying thepublic charity status and staffservices of The Cleve­ land Foundation. New gifts totaling SI,934,229 were added to the asset base ofthe supporting organizations in 1986.

The first supporting organization of The Cleveland Foundation was created in 1973 by John and Frances Wick Sherwin. In that year, after 20 years of operation as a family foun­ dation, became the first private foundation in the country to gain affiliation with a community trust. The trustees of The Sherwick Fund approve grants for a variety of educational, health, social services and cultural arts pro­ grams. In 1986, 69 grants were approved totaling $922,897.

The Sherwick Fund

The Goodrich Social Settlement

was also a private foundation prior to its affiliation in 1979 with The Cleveland Foundation. Grants approved by the trustees of this Fund benefit, but are not limited to, The GoodrichGannet Neighborhood Center and the Lexington-Bell Community Center. Six grants totaling 158,000 were authorized in 1986. The five remaining supporting organizations became affiliated with the Foundation without prior philan­ thropic structure. was created by the Sedgwicks in 1978. In 1986 the Fund benefited general charitable activities in the Cleveland area with 14 grants totaling $81,905.

The Elizabeth and Ellery Sedgwick Fund

The Alton F. and Carrie S. Davis Fund, created in 1979, supported five organizations during 1986 for a vari­ ety of cultural and charitable activi­ ties. Grant awards totaled $21,435. Another source of philanthropic dollars for the Cleveland area is created in 1980 by Samuel and Roslyn Wolpert. Twenty-seven grants were approved in 1986, providing $47,300 for civic, social services, cultural and educa­ tional programs. The first supporting organization in the country to become affiliated with both a community foundation and another charity was Established in 1980 by Elizabeth M. and the late William C. Treuhaft, The Treu-Mart Fund is a supporting organization of both The

The Wolpert Fund,

Mart Fund.

The Treu-

Cleveland Foundation and The Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland. In 1986 the trustees of the Fund approved nine grants for diverse charitable activities in the Cleveland area, totaling 593,061. In late December 1984 , created by Charles McDonald, became the newest sup­ porting organization of The Cleve­ land Foundation. The McDonald Fund currently focuses on encouraging small business development in the city of Cleveland. In 1986, four grants were made totaling $465,000. Detailed listings of the 1982-85 grants of The Sherwick Fund, The Treu-Mart Fund and The Wolpert Fund may be found in biennial re­ ports published separately and avail­ able at The Cleveland Foundation.

McDonald Fund





Griswold Family Fund, 131,500

Cleveland Neighborhood Partnership Program, $450,000 Use of Income: Restricted to providing operating support to neighborhood-based development corporations Donors: Ford Foundation and The Standard Oil Company

Leaderson Fund, $50,000 Andrea and Elmer Meszaros Fund, $49,042 William A. and Margaret N. Mitchell Fund, $61,875 Roulston Family Fund No. 2, $294,252 Wellman Philanthropic Fund, $49,042 Harold L. and Patricia D. Williams Fund, $50,585

ADDITIONS TO EXISTING FUNDS: Wipper Family Fund, $98,084

ESTABLISHED FUNDS: The Campopiano Family Fund The Cleveland Foundation Special Fund Number 3 The James E. and Isabelle E. Dunlap Fund Norman Klopp Family Fund



Stewart L. and Judith P. Rice Fund

Arts Study Fund, $23,200

Roulston Family Fund

*The Cleveland Education Fund, $305,548

Rukosky Family Fund

The Cleveland Foundation Special Fund No. 2, $120,000

R.H. Smith Family Fund

tradition ofencouraging

Wipper Family Fund

dation ’s Distribution Committee

Neighbors Against Racial Violence Fund $ Use of Income: Restricted to obtaining infor­ mation about persons committing acts of violence or harassment that are motivated by racial, religious, or ethnic prejudice Donors: Lucille M. Anderson, Anonymous, The Fairmount Presbyterian Church, Steven A. Minter, and Richard W. Pogue

F. James and Rita Rechin Fund

Thornton D. McDonough Family Fund

ontinuing the Foundation’s charitable giving the Foun­

Suzanne and MichaelJ. Hoffmann Fund, SI,058 Use of Income: Restricted to administrative purposes of The Cleveland Foundation (insurance policy premium) Donors: Suzanne and Michael J. Hoffmann

The RobertJ. andJanet G. Yaroma Family Fund


decided in 1985 to create a Donor-

he Cleveland Foundation

Advisor Fundprogram which per­

also holds gifts not imme­

mits a donor toparticipate in an

diately established as trusts,

The Holsey Gates Residence Preservation Fund, $22,957 Robert R. and Ann B. Lucas Fund, $29,837 The New York Community Trust, $158,000 *The Cleveland Foundation acts as fiscal agent for The Cleveland Education Fund.

ESTABLISHED FUNDS: American Foundation Fund Arts Study Fund

advisory capacity in decisions con­

or which are to be distributed over a

cerning the income ofhis or her

Associated Grocery Manufacturers Representative Fund

specifiedperiod oftime. Thesefunds

The Sumner Canary Lectureship Fund

fund. A Donor-AdvisorFund receives are named eitherfor their donor or both thepublic charity status and for the recipient organization they

The Cleveland Foundation Special Fund No. 1

professional staffservices of The

benefit. In those instances where the

Mary P. and Edward M. Foley Fund

Cleveland Foundation. A Donor-

donorprefers to remain anonymous,

Advisor Fund can perpetuate the

thefund is accepted as a special

New Cleveland Campaign Fund

donor’s name or the name ofan

fund of The Cleveland Foundation.

The New York Community Trust

individual chosen by the donor,

In 1986the carrying value ofnew

while providing grants to the com­

accounts and additions to existing

munity each year. The donor re­

accounts totaled $1,121,560.

The Cleveland Education Fund The Cleveland Foundation Special Fund No. 2 The Holsey Gates Residence Preservation Fund Robert R. and Ann B. Lucas Fund

Shaker Heights Drama Fund

ceives an income tax deductionfor the full amount ofthe contribution even though thefund’s income will

Youth Opportunities

be distributed to charitable organi­

summerjobs fo r


zations over a period ofyears. In

city high school

1986 the value ofnew accounts

youth with the help of a coalition of

and additions to existing accounts

area business

totaled $684,380.



The Cleveland Foundation is governed by an 11-person Distribution Committee. Its members, who setpolicy and allocate fund income and principal, are chosen

Richard W. Pogue

Chairperson Appointed 1979 by the Trustees Committee; reappointed 1983

John J. Dwyer

Vice Chairperson Appointed 1984 by the President of the Federation for Community Planning

Rev. Elmo A. Bean

Appointed 1987 by the ChiefJustice, Court of Appeals, 8th Appellate District of Ohio.

Jack Dwyer is a past

Pastor of St. James

partner of the interna­

president and chief execu­

African Methodist Episcopal

Five are appointed by the Trustees Com­

tional law firm of Jones,

tive officer of Oglebay Nor­

Church, Rev. Elmo Bean

mittee, comprised of the chief executive

Day, Reavis & Pogue. He

ton Company and a part­

also serves as vice chair

officers of the Foundation’s trustee banks.

also serves as a director

ner in the law firm of

of the Cleveland chapter

of AraeriTrust Corpora-

Thompson, Hine and Flory.

of Partners in Ecumenism,

tion, Environmental

He chairs The Cleveland

a national coalition of

fo r their knowledge of the community.

Five are appointed bypublic officials,

Dick Pogue is managing

and together select a sixth person with

Treatment & Technologies

Education Fund, and has

black churchpersons who

a background in philanthropy. A ll serve

Corporation, Ohio Bell

chaired the Greater Cleve­

are concerned with social,

withoutpay, norm ally fo r a five-year

Telephone Company,

land Growth Association,

economic and political

Redland Corporation, and

and served as a director

change, and chairs the

Rotek Incorporated. He

of the Cleveland Cuyahoga

board of directors of

term, and fo r a maximum of 10years.

chairs the Greater Cleve­

County Port Authority. He

HARAMBEE: Services to

land Roundtable as well

is currently a director of

Black Families, an agency

as the Advisory Council

Acme-Cleveland Corpora­

that arranges the adop­

of Cleveland Ballet. Long

tion, AmeriTrust Corpora­

tion of black children

concerned with Cleveland's

tion, The Higbee Company

who are wards of the

economic recovery, he

and Diamond Crystal Salt

county and state. He is a

chaired the Foundation’s

Company, and serves as a

member of Ministers' Ac­

advisory panel on the Rand

trustee of DePauw Uni­

tion Program, a coalition

Corporation project lead­

versity, University Hos­

of local ministers orga­

ing to the Regional Eco­

pitals, The Musical Arts

nized to deal with issues

nomic Issues Center and is

Association, Playhouse

and problems in the

active with REI as a trustee

Square Foundation,

Greater Cleveland com­

of Cleveland Tomorrow.

Greater Cleveland Round­

munity; a counselor for

table and Notre Dame

Cleveland Counseling


Service; and past presi­ dent and vice president of local branches of the NAACP in Delaware

James M. Delaney Appointed 1986 by Mayor Voinovich.

Jim Delaney, area man­ aging partner of Deloitte Haskins + Sells, serves as financial supervisor to the commission oversee­ ing the City’s fiscal re­ covery. He has chaired the Mayor’s screening committee for selecting directors of finance and the Office of Budget and Management, and cur­ rently chairs the Mayor’s Volunteer Effort Program. He has served as vice chair of the Greater Cleve­ land Growth Association and is a member of its Executive Committee. His special concern for edu­ cation and youth has led to his present roles as vice president of Youth Oppor­ tunities Unlimited and trustee of Beaumont School For Girls and John Carroll University. He also chairs Case Western Reserve Uni­ versity’s Advisory Council for its Graduate Five-Year Accountancy Program and serves on the Visiting Committee for the School of Management.


Henry J. Goodman

Sally Kenny Griswold

Appointed 1978 by Appointed 1982 by the Committee of Five Distri­ the Trustees Committee; bution Committee Members reappointed 1985 Henry Goodman is president of H. Goodman,

Sally Griswold is an honorary trustee of John

Inc. He pursues a special

Carroll University (of which

interest in health issues

she is past president of

as vice chair of the Health Services Association of Northeast Ohio, and as a member of both the Ex­

the board), a member of the Visiting Committee of the College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State

Roy H. Holdt

Appointed 1982 by the Trustees Committee Roy Holdt is retired chairman of the board and

E. Bradley Jones

Appointed 1982 by the Trustees Committee; reappointed 1987 Brad Jones, the former

Lindsay Jordan Morgentbaler

Appointed 1984 by the Trustees Committee Lindsay Morgenthaler is a well-known civic leader

chief executive officer of

chairman of the Republic

White Consolidated Indus­

Steel Corporation, currently

who has organized several

tries. He was named 1985

serves as a director of

of Cleveland’s most suc­

Business Executive of the

National City Corporation,

Year by the Sales and Mar­ keting Executives of Cleve­

National City Bank of Cleve­ land, TRW Inc., Cleveland-

land. Besides serving as a

Cliffs Inc., and NACCO In­

director of AmeriTrust

dustries, Inc. He serves as a trustee of The Cleveland

ecutive Committee of Mt.

University, and a member

Sinai Hospital and the Ad­

of the Board of Trustees

Company, Centerior Energy

visory Board of the Cystic

and the Operations Com­

Company, and LTV Corpo­

Fibrosis Foundation. He

mittee of United Way Serv­

also serves on the Opera­

ices. Pursuing a longtime

tions Committee and

special interest in health

Square Foundation. He

Board of Trustees of

and aging, she is currently

holds the Croix de Guerre

United Way Services, as

active on the Women’s

with Bronze Star from the

treasurer of the Council

Council of the Golden

French Government.

of Jewish Federations,

Age Centers of Greater

member of the Ten Plus

vice chair of Cleveland

Cleveland, the Advisory

Executive Committee of

State University, and as a

Committee of the

United Way Services and

trustee of the North Coast

Regional Perinatal Net­

vice president of the Board

Development Corpora­

work at Case Western Re­

of Cleveland’s University

tion. He is a past president

serve University’s School


of the Jewish Community

of Medicine, and the De­

Federation of Cleveland

velopment Committees of

and also of the Northeast

St. Luke's Hospital and the

Ohio Hillel Foundation.

Young Women's Christian

ration, he is a trustee of Dyke College and Playhouse

cessful benefits. She is at present a trustee of Play­ house Square Foundation, Case Western Reserve Uni­ versity, Leadership Cleve­ land and Cleveland Ballet.

Museum of Art and The

She is also a longtime

Musical Arts Association,

trustee of Pittsburgh’s Car-

vice chair of Playhouse Square Foundation and vice president of the Board for The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. He is also a

negie-Mellon University, where she currently chairs the President's Circle, and WVIZ-TV, for which she headed up two highly suc­ cessful auctions. She is a past president of the Great Lakes Theater Festival, where she served as a trustee for 21 years.

Andrea Taylor

Harvey G. Oppmann

Appointed 1984 by the Appointed 1981 by the PresidingJudge, Probate ChiefJudge, U. S. District Court of Cuyahoga County; Court, Northern District of Ohio reappointed 1985 Andrea Taylor is presi­

Harvey Oppmann is the owner and developer

dent of Coastal Commu­

of various real estate proj­

nications, a Cleveland

ects here and in other

marketing and public re­

cities around the U.S. in­

lations firm and an active

cluding the rehabilitation

journalist who produces

and remodeling of The

public affairs specials for

Arcade and the Dearborn

PBS and writes a column

Street Station and Re­

for the

liance Building in Chicago.

a trustee of the Convention

He chairs the Ohio Build­

and Visitors Bureau of

ing Authority, in which

Greater Cleveland, the Na­

capacity he has overseen

tional Conference of Chris­

the construction of $800

tians and Jews, and The

million in state buildings.

Greater Cleveland Hospital

An active civic leader with

Association and is cur­

a special interest in edu­

rently chairing the 1987

cation and culture, he is

Mayor's Award for Volun-

also president of the Cleve­

teerism and the NAACP

land Institute of Art and a

Freedom Fund Dinner.

trustee of Hawken School,

She also serves on the

the Cleveland Scholarship

boards of the Ohio Donors

Call & Post. She is

Programs and the Western

Forum, the statewide

Reserve Historical Society.

organization of grantmakers, and the National Council on Foundations.

Association, and is a di­ rector of The Ohio Motorists Association.



One of the advantages of making a gift to The Cleveland Foundation is that the donor gains the benefit of the diligent services of the Foundation’sprogram

Steven A. Minter Director

S Steven Minter holds a master of science degree in social administration

staff, who bring to their work with grant-

from Case Western Re­

seekers, funders and other agencies, an

serve University's School

impressive set o f credentials. The widely

of Applied Social Sciences.

varied educational background, work

He served as director, Cuyahoga County Welfare

experience and community involvement

Department; Commissioner

of the Foundation’s nine officers and

of Public Welfare, Com­

other key personnel also contribute in

monwealth of Massachu­

important ways to the multifaceted life of a communityfoundation.

setts; and Under Secretary, United States Department of Education. He joined the Foundation in 1975 as program officer for Social Services and Civic Affairs, and in 1979 was named associate director He serves on the boards of Good­ year Tire and Rubber Company, Ohio Bell Tele­ phone Company, Society National Bank, the College

Susan N. Lajoie

Assistant Director and Program Officer, Economic Development Susan Lajoie holds a Ph.D. in public policy from

Goldie K. Alvis

Program Officer, Social Services

Goldie Alvis holds a

Margaret M. Caldwell Janice M. Cutrigbt Special Assistant to the Director

Margaret Caldwell holds

doctorate in jurisprudence

a bachelor’s degree in

from Cleveland-Marshall

Russian language and

theJohn F. Kennedy School

Law School and a master

literature as well as Slavic

of Government at Harvard

of science degree in social

and East European Studies

administration from Case

from Vanderbilt University

Western Reserve Universi­

and has done graduate

as a consultant (later be­

ty ’s School of Applied Social

work in political science

coming program officer for

Sciences. She has pursued

at the University of Ken­

University. Before joining the Foundation in 1978

Higher Education), she

postgraduate studies at

tucky. She has served as

held a faculty position at

CWRU in creative problem

national editor for


was coordinator for com­

cation Week, education reporter for The Louis­ ville Times and freelance contributor to The New Republic and Northern Ohio LIVE. Since she joined

munity affairs with the

the Foundation in 1985,

She has also served as

Cuyahoga County Depart­

her projects have included

president of the American

ment of Human Services.

research, policy develop­

the University of Massa­

solving, organizational

chusetts. She has served

management, management

as project manager for the Regional Economic Issues Program and for the Foundation's own stra­ tegic planning process.

Society for Public Admin­ istration, Northeast Ohio

by objective and micro­ systems. Before joining the Foundation in 1985, she

ment, speechwriting and grantmaking in education.


of Wooster and the Inde­ pendent Sector

CatbyL. Crabtree

Special Assistant to the Director

Cathy Crabtree holds a master’s degree in educa­ tion from Baldwin-Wallace College and was a Teacher Corps intern with the Cleveland Public Schools. Over the past several years she has handled a wide variety of projects for The Cleveland Foundation. In 1980 she also served as a consultant to the Federation for Community Planning, in the Metropolitan Cleve­ land Family Planning Pro­ gram , and has designed test materials for the Psycho­ logical Corporation, a sub­ sidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.

Manager, Grant Services Janice Cutright holds a bachelor's degree in

English from Cleveland State University. Having come to the Foundation in 1975, she was later to help plan and develop the grant-related phases of the Foundation’s first com­ puter system, subsequently taking on supervisory responsibilities for docket, grant-management and word-processing systems and specific responsibilities for computer develop­ ment and grant-related computer applications.

Dennis J. Dooley

Community Relations Officer and Director of Publications Dennis Dooley was a doctoral fellow in English at Indiana University and formerly taught at Case Western Reserve University.

Patricia Jansen Doyle Mary Louise Habn Program Officer, Cultural Affairs

Patricia Doyle holds a

Special Projects Officer Mary Louise Hahn

John G. Joyce

Manager, Financial Services

Jay Talbot

Program Officer, Civic Affairs

Philip T. Tobin

Treasurer and Administrative Officer

holds a bachelor's degree

John Joyce holds a

Jay Talbot holds a

bachelor’s degree in jour­

in French literature from

bachelor's degree in busi­

master’s degree in busi­

nalism from the University

Hollins College and studied

ness administration from

ness administration from

nomics from Wharton

at L’lnstitute des Sciences

Cleveland State University

Xavier University. Before

School of the University

Politiques in Paris. Prior

(Fenn College) and is a

joining the Foundation in

of Pennsylvania. He served

to joining the Foundation's

Certified Public Account­

1984, he was executive

as a financial officer for

staff in 1984, she served

ant in the State of Ohio.

director of the Cincinnati

Sperry Rand-Univac and

of Kansas City and was a Professional Journalism Fellow at Stanford Univer­

Philip Tobin holds a bachelor's degree in eco­

Before joining the Foun­

sity. Before joining the

dation in 1984, he was

Foundation in 1975, she

Before coming to The

Institute of Justice and

was assistant to the vice

editor (and co-founder) of

as a consultant to the

was education editor for

The Kansas City Star and

Foundation for juvenile

Cleveland Foundation in

president of both the

president of finance for

justice and youth services

1976, he was vice presi­

Greater Cincinnati Bail

General Tire and Rubber

director of programming

projects. She has chaired

dent and treasurer of the

Bond Project and the

Company, responsible for

critic of Cleveland Maga­ zine, he conceived the

for Kansas City's public

the Citizens Advisory Board

Capitol Fuel Company.

Southwestern Ohio Council

computer systems and

television station. She has

of the Juvenile Court of

on Alcoholism. He served

financial analysis. Before

also served as president

as consultant to the Na­

joining the Foundation in

Cleveland Critics Circle to

Cuyahoga County and has

of the National Council

tional Commission on

1987, he was a department

recognize and encourage

served as a trustee of

for Advancement of Edu­

Campus Unrest and to

head for Oglebay Norton

excellence in area theater.

various social service and

cation Writing (1974-76).

He is program chairperson

arts organizations.

Currently she is a consul­

of the City Club Forum and author of the award-

Northern Ohio LIVE mag­ azine. In 1978, as asso­ ciate editor and theater

winning book,



The Ford Foundation in

Company with responsi­

developing the Police

bility for treasury services,

tant to the National En­

Foundation. He is a mem­

financial analysis, employee

dowment for the Arts and

ber of the Cuyahoga County

benefits, investments and

a member of the board of

Juvenile Court Citizens

risk management.

Grantmakers in the Arts.

Advisory Board.

Robert E. Eckardt

Program Officer, Health Robert Eckardt holds a master’s degree in public health and a certificate in gerontology from the Uni­ versity of Michigan. He spent two years in Europe as a Thomas J. Watson fellow studying care of the elderly. Before joining the Foundation in 1982, he was a planning asso­ ciate at the Federation for Community Planning and a consultant to the Benja­ min Rose Institute. He is currently a doctoral can­ didate in health policy at the University of Michigan and is a member of the Steering Committee of Grantmakers in Aging.

MichaelJ. Hoffmann Secretary and Donor Relations Officer

Michael Hoffmann holds a master's degree in business administration from Case Western Re­ serve University. He was administrative assistant to the Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners and treasurer of the Cleveland Board of Education before coming to the Foundation in 1981. He served on the Ohio Bureau of Employ­ ment Services Task Force (1983-84) and the Citi­ zens League’s Ohio Tax Policy Committee (1982), as well as on the latter’s follow-up study in 1984.




Year Ended December 31


The Cleveland Foundation Distribution Committee and Trustee Banks of The Cleveland Foundation Cleveland, Ohio



























Certificates of deposit Short-term investments Securities— Note B: U. S. government obligations

Bonds We have examined the balance sheets, arising primarily Common and preferred stocks from cash transactions, of The Cleveland Foundation Common trust funds as of December 31, 1986 and 1985, and the related statements of revenue, expenses and changes in fund balances for the years then ended. Our examinations Other investments— Note B were made in accordance with generally accepted Property and other assets auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES the circumstances. Accounts payable and accrued expenses The accompanying financial statements are not Fund balances: intended to present financial position and results of Restricted for charitable purposes operations in conformity with generally accepted — Note E accounting principles on the accrual method; rather, Unrestricted: it continues to be the Foundation’s consistent policy Operations to prepare its financial statements primarily on the Property acceptable accounting method of cash receipts and disbursements by which certain revenue and the related assets are recognized when received rather than when earned and certain expenses are recognized See notes tofinancial statements. when paid rather than when the obligation is incurred. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position, arising primarily from cash transactions, of The Cleveland Foundation as of December 31, 1986 and 1985, and the revenue, expenses and changes in its fund balances for the years then ended, on the basis of accounting described above, which has been applied on a consistent basis after restatement for the change, with which we concur, in the method of valuing securities and other investments, as described in Note B to the financial statements.

Cleveland, Ohio April 2, 1987



vS voo _n


















Year Ended December 31



$ 6,283,603

$ 7,846,846









Common trust fund income



Partial benefit income— Note C



Distribution of estate income








of The Cleveland Foundation (“ charitable corporation” ),

Received from donors Realized net gain from sale of



The Goodrich Social Settlement Fund, The McDonald Fund, The Sedgwick Fund, The Sherwick Fund, and The Wolpert Fund. The supporting organizations were established under the provisions of Section 509(a)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Cleveland Foundation is responsible for expenditures of the supporting organiza­ tions for specific charitable purposes. Interorganizational transactions and accounts have been eliminated. The financial statements are not intended to present


financial position and results of operations in conformity

Authorized by trustee banks:

with generally accepted accounting principles on the

Trustees’ fees Other expenses





Payments under grants authorized by

accrual method; rather, it continues to be the Foundation’s consistent policy to prepare its financial statements primarily on the acceptable accounting method of cash

The Cleveland Foundation Committee

receipts and disbursements by which certain revenue and

or the Distribution Committee for

the related assets are recognized when received rather 19,054,821




Employee benefits



Occupancy and office expenses











and other investments— Note B



Fund balances at beginning of year





charitable purposes Administrative expenses:

than when earned and certain expenses are recognized when paid rather than when the obligation is incurred.


Professional and consulting fees and

Certain trusts, established for the benefit of The Cleveland Foundation (“ community trust” ), have been excluded from the accompanying statements until such time as they have been formally transferred to The

staff expenses Other


Cleveland Foundation.

NOTEB— In 1986 The Cleveland Foundation changed its method of valuing securities and other investments

Increase in unrealized net gain on securities

See notes tofinancial statements.

The Cleveland Foundation (“ community trust” ) and their affiliated supporting organizations: The Davis Fund,

assets— Note B

Fund balances at end of year

NOTEA— The financial statements include the accounts

from cost or amounts determined by estates at the time of bequest (“ cost” ) to market value to more fairly present financial position. The financial statements for 1985 have been adjusted retroactively to reflect this change. The effect of the change was to increase assets and fund balances by 183,189,175 at January 1, 1985 and to recognize increase in unrealized net gain on securities and other investments of 150,578,714 for the year ended December 31, 1985.


Securities and other investments are reported at

NOTE C— Partial benefit funds generally provide, each

their market value. Securities traded on a national securities

in varying amounts, for payment of annuities to certain

exchange are valued at the last reported sales price on

individuals, trustees’ fees and other expenses of the

the last business day of the year; investments traded in

trusts, prior to payment of the balance of the income to

the over-the-counter market and listed securities for

The Cleveland Foundation ( “ community trust” ). The

which no sale was reported on that date are valued at

total market values of partial benefit funds are included

fair value based upon the most recently reported bid

in the accompanying statements since The Cleveland

prices. Certificates of deposit and short-term investments

Foundation ( “ community trust” ) ultimately will receive

are valued at cost which approximates market. Other

the entire income of such funds. In 1986 and 1985 The

investments are valued at fair value as determined by

Cleveland Foundation (“ community trust” ) received

The Cleveland Foundation or its trustee banks.

approximately 82 % and 83 % , respectively, of the aggre­

Since approximate market valuations as of December 31, 1986 and 1985 for other investments with a cost of

gate income of the various partial benefit funds. The market value of partial benefit funds is as follows:

$5,445,023 and $5,856,188, respectively, were not readily obtainable, the cost of such other investments has been

December 31

included as the approximate market value in the finan­

AmeriTrust National City Bank Society National Bank of Cleveland

cial statements. These amounts include $4,619,193 and $5,018,874 at December 31,1986 and 1985, respectively, representing the investment at equity in Foundation



5121,673,242 12,326,637 1,798,220

$107,056,055 11,184,678




Properties, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the

NOTED — The Cleveland Foundation has unpaid

charitable corporation. Realized net gain from sale of assets is the differ­ ence between net proceeds received and the cost of assets

grant commitments of $14,841,000 and $11,510,000 at December 31, 1986 and 1985, respectively.

sold. The changes in the difference between market values and cost are reflected in the financial statements as increase in unrealized net gain on securities and other investments.

NOTE E— Fund balances of the supporting organiza­ tions are comprised of the following:

charitable corporation, the community trust and the

December 31

supporting organizations are:

$ 667,041 The Davis Fund The Goodrich Social Settlement Fund 1,047,455 The McDonald Fund 526,123 The Sedgwick Fund 754,610 The Sherwick Fund 9,540,358 The Wolpert Fund 769,020

December 31 U. S. government obligations Bonds Common and preferred stocks Common trust funds Other investments



$ 45,752,707 37,249,260

S 34,793,638 39,485,136 91,556,687 40,182,527

93,167,625 42,884,164 219,053,756 10,965,876





C c> 00

Cost of securities and other investments for the 1986



600,860 955,588 458,476 686,605 7,906,146 685,436


NOTE F— The Cleveland Foundation has an insured pension plan for certain employees. Pension expense for 1986 and 1985 was $97,400 and $89,900, respectively. All contributions under the plan are funded and vest with employees as made.

NOTE G— The Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the community trust, the charitable corporation and each of the supporting organizations qualify under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and are, therefore, not subject to tax under present income tax laws.



struggle to survive the genocidal regime of Pol Pot, and Rutgers English professor Arnold Rampersad

In carrying out its mission, The

for the first volume of his

Life of

Cleveland Foundation plays many

Langston Hughes,

roles. Besides that of responsive

Arna Bontemps has called “ the best

funder, the Foundation also functions

biography of a black American writer

as a catalyst, convenor, educator, manager and philanthropic leader. Last year the Foundation held a seminar for investment counselors

which historian

ever written.” The Cleveland Foundation also takes seriously its role as a philan­ thropic leader. In addition to partici­

on the effects of the new tax law on

pation in the local Grantmakers

charitable giving; co-sponsored, with

Forum and statewide Ohio Founda­

the Standard Oil Company, a break­

tions Conference, the Foundation is

fast meeting to acquaint local leaders

also active in the Council on Founda­

with the heads of the New York-

tions (COF), a Washington-based

based Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation, which manages and evaluates social programs around the country; and hosted a similar meeting to introduce the new presi­ dent of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, a national nonprofit lender and grantmaker involved in neighborhood economic development

national network of grantmakers which regularly shares information and expertise. Members of The Cleveland Foun­ dation’s Distribution Committee and staff participated in Council projects throughout the year concerned with improving the effectiveness of phi­ lanthropy Distribution Committee member Andrea Taylor is a member

projects here. The Foundation organized and funded a symposium on racism featuring several internationally known authors on the subject to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards, which the Foundation administers. The Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards, established in 1935 by the late Cleveland philanthropist Edith Anisfield Wolf to promote the betterment of

Susan N. Lajoie, the Founda­


of COF’s national board, and Sally

tion’s program officer for Economic

Griswold serves on its Committee on

Development, took on additional

Community Foundations.

duties as Assistant Director. December

The Foundation is also an

around the U. S. at the Nelson

active member of the Independent

Atkins Museum

and highly valued staff members.

while in Kansas City

Sector, a nonprofit coalition of 650

Carol G. Simonetti, program officer

to study issues and

corporations, foundations and volun­

for Social Services and (most recently)

practices related to

tary organizations which encourages

Education, left to become director of


and promotes giving, volunteering

the Community Foundation of

and not-for-profit initiatives that

Greater Lorain County. And Muriel H.

serve people, communities and causes.

Jones, longtime administrative assistant to the director, retired at year’s end.

understanding of the injustices of

Fortunately, she has agreed to give

racism, each carry a stipend of

the Foundation the benefit of her 19

$3,000. This year’s winners were

years experience by continuing part-

Spirit of Survival,

attended a reception

saw the departure of two longtime

race relations through a clearer

New York journalist Gail Sheehy for

Grantmakers from

time as an administrative consultant.

a moving account

of a young Cambodian orphan’s




Richard W Pogue

Steven A. Minter



John J. Dwyer

Susan N. Lajoie

Vice Chairperson

Assistant Director and Program Officer, Economic Development

Rev. Elmo A. Bean (appointed April 1987)

James M. Delaney Henry J. Goodman Sally K. Griswold David G. Hill

(completed term March 1987)

Roy H. Holdt E. Bradley Jones Lindsay J. Morgenthaler Harvey G. Oppmann Andrea Taylor


Jerry V Jarrett

Committee Chairperson AmeriTrust Company, NA

Ralph W. Abelt

(retired December 1986)

Karen N. Horn

(effective April 1987) BANK ONE, CLEVELAND, NA

William J. Williams

Goldie K. Alvis Program Officer, Social Services

Margaret M. Caldwell

Special Assistant to the Director

Cathy L. Crabtree

Special Assistant to the Director

Dennis J. Dooley

Community Relations Officer and Director of Publications

Patricia Jansen Doyle

Program Officer, Cultural Affairs

Robert E. Eckardt

Administrative Assistants

Janet A. Campbell June I. Howland Karen L. Mastney Carmen T. Rizzo

Administrative Secretaries

Muriel H. Jones

Administrative Consultant

CONSULTANTS Hanna H. Bartlett Statewide Program for Business and Management Education

Special Projects Officer

Rikki Santer

MichaelJ. Hoffmann

Secretary and Donor Relations Officer

Jay Talbot

Program Officer, Civic Affairs

Philip T. Tobin

Grantmakers Forum


GENERAL COUNSEL Malvin E. Bank Thompson, Hine and Flory

Treasurer and Administrative Officer

National City Bank

Program Associate, Education National Urban Fellow

Society National Bank

Executive Secretary

Janet M. Carpenter Alicia M. Ciliberto Lois E. Weber

Marjorie M. Carlson

Mary Louise Hahn

Marie F. Coone

Robert W Gillespie

Lynn M. Sargi

Program Officer, Health

Huntington National Bank

Edward B. Brandon



John G. Joyce Manager

1986ANNUAL REPORT Dennis J. Dooley Editor/Principal Writer

Epstein, Gutzwiller & Partners Inc. Design and Principal Photography

Gloria J. Kish Jean A. Lang

Sam Adamo and David Beach


Rikki Santer

Edna M. Deal Account Clerk


Janice M. Cutright Manager

Barbara Anderson Darlene M. Downs Dee Groynom Rose Marie Ley Cindy M. Tausch Staff Assistants

Martha A. Burchaski Staff Assistant/Receptionist

Joseph W. Huston Staff Intern

Additional Photography Editorial/Production Consultant

Alicia M. Ciliberto Editorial Associate

Janet M. Carpenter Darlene M. Downs Dee Groynom Gloria j. Kish Jean A. Lang Rose Marie Ley Editorial Assistants

*The staff list reflects the organization of the Foundation as of April 1, 1987

The Cleveland Foundation 1400 Hanna Bldg. Cleveland, OH 44115

216 861-3810 -

A trust for all time supported by and for the people of Greater Cleveland

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