Cleveland Foundation – 2002 Annual Report

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the Cleveland foundation

annual report


table of contents Letter from the Board Chairperson and President Grantmaking Overview Grantm aking Highlights Donor Highlights Financial Highlights Board of Directors

mission statement The Cleveland F oundation’s m ission is to enhance the quality of life for all residents of Greater Cleveland, now and for g en eratio n s to com e, by b uild ing co m m u n ity en d o w m en t, a d d re ssin g needs through grantmaking and providing lead ersh ip on key com m unity issues.

2002 highlights Received nearly $35 million in new gifts. Authorized $74.2 million in grants. M ade a $4 million commitment to BioEnterprise Corporation to support N ortheast O hio’s biosciences industry. Adopted a new strategic framework that clarifies three im portant and interrelated Foundation roles: board-directed, community-responsive, and donor-engaged grantmaking. Welcomed a new vice president for gift planning and donor relations, Marlene Casini; and a senior evaluation officer, Richard Njoku, Ph.D. Launched a $4 million Successful Aging Initiative and a $1.5 million Neighborhood Connections program. Hosted 141 meetings by 87 different nonprofit organizations in our conference center.

Our lives are intimately connected: the homeless person and the neigh足 borhood developer. The student and the teacher. The artist and the citizen. We are inextricably linked, pieces of a bigger picture. Tiles in a mosaic. We believe it's our mission to help put the pieces together. And that's why we chose this photographic style for our annual report. To focus on the mosaic that is our community. How we reach out. H ow we come together. H ow we complete the picture. fa



Again this past year many transform ations have taken place at The Cleveland Foundation and in the Greater Cleveland community. One notable area is a change in leadership in organizations and institutions across the city. For example, Cleveland State University and Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) both welcomed new presidents, Michael Schwartz and Dr. Edward Hundert, respectively. Also at CWRU, Dr. Ralph Horwitz became the new dean of the medical school. The Gund Foundation signaled a leadership change at the end of last year, when David Abbott assumed the president’s position. And, of course, The Cleveland Foundation’s own leader, Steve Minter, announced his retirement after 28 years of service with the Foundation, 19 as its president. “I think we’re at the beginning of another era for C leveland,” said M inter. “And I think it’s terrific to have new leadership.” In addition to preparing for a new president, The Cleveland Foundation also experienced a leadership change at the board level, with the appointm ent of Jack Sherwin to the chairperson position. He succeeded Cathy Lewis, who remains on the board for one more year. “Cathy made a great number of contributions to the Foundation during her three years as board chair,” said Steve Minter. “But the things that stand out most strongly in my mind are her increased emphasis on economic development and the am ount of time she spent on national community foundation issues.” “Her enthusiasm in bringing a senior fellow to the Foundation to work on economic development led us into adopting it as a board priority area. And the amount of time as a trustee she put into advancing the national community foundation field far exceeds anything done in the Foundation’s history.” Sherwin, who previously served as vice chairperson, added, “I think it’s fair to say that there was an enormous shift and change of direction in terms of our governance structure over the past two years under Cathy’s watch and Steve’s guidance.” “Having Jack succeed Cathy as board chair will continue the m om entum ,” said Minter. “Jack cares passionately about this community, and he identifies strongly with the Foundation’s legacy.” “For me, becoming the board chair is probably my greatest chance to give something back to a community that’s given so much to me, and my family,” said Sherwin. “And it’s also an opportunity to take a leadership role in moving our community forw ard.”

In other board-level changes, the Foundation also welcomed new member Joseph P. Keithley in 2002. Mr. Keithley’s appointm ent to the board of directors marked the completion of the Foundation’s board restruc­ turing process, which Cathy Lewis initiated in 2000. Under the new governance structure, the num ber of board members grew from 11 to 15, and the role board members play expanded into more of a strategic nature. “The fact that the full board is now in place at a critical time in the Foundation’s history cannot be overstated,” said Minter. “Given the leadership transition that will take place mid-year, the implementation of a new grantmaking strategy (read the G rantm aking Overview for m ore information), our increased emphasis on branding and marketing, and the challenges posed by the financial markets and their effects on our bottom line, the advice and counsel of this board becomes all the more im portant.” While the Foundation’s portfolio has performed well in relation to the markets, we have, like many, suffered some setbacks. Because of the drop in assets, it will be difficult for the Foundation to maintain the same level of grantmaking that occurred during the period of significant growth from the markets. Unfortunately, cuts occurring at the state level will also have a negative impact on our area’s residents. But, as a community foundation, The Cleveland Foundation has the flexibility to continue making a difference in the community not only through grant dollars, but also by playing a leadership role on key issues. The economic issues facing The Cleveland Foundation also affect the nonprofit sector as a whole. And, unfortunately, reduced budgets of nonprofit organizations translate into reduced services. While hard to endure, this situation reinforces the importance of an endowment. “I’m really struck by how wise Frederick Harris Goff (founder of The Cleveland Foundation) and his colleagues were in talking about building a great com m unity endowment nearly 90 years ago,” said Minter. “The wisdom in the way this Foundation was started, to be a lasting community resource, is more important now than ever.” “One of the dramatic changes in the nonprofit sector over the years is that a host of institutions have come to the realization that they need to build endowment and build reserves to meet capital needs and build towards the future and not be totally dependent on single sources of income,” said Minter. “You have to have multiple sources of income to survive in today’s environm ent.”

Despite a down economy, once again Greater Cleveland has continued its strong history of being a community of givers. 2002 gifts to the Foundation reached nearly $35 million, a great accomplishment and one we can all take pride in. “W hen you have some of the short-term economic problems we have, it’s easy to look at the glass as being half empty,” said Sherwin. “And sometimes we fail to celebrate that what Goff did in 1914 when he estab­ lished The Cleveland Foundation enabled Cleveland in becoming a leading community in giving by its citizens.” Nonprofits aren’t the only ones dealing with the harsh realities of a receding economy. M ayor Jane Campbell and her adm inistration are also putting special emphasis in this direction. In her 2003 “State of the City” address, M ayor Campbell announced a plan highlighting her administration’s priorities. This plan, the “Cleveland 500,000+ Strategic Action Partnership for 2010,” carries the weighty goal of m aking C leveland a city th at “encourages innovation,

that values education, that celebrates arts and culture, that values the worth of every citizen.” While these ideas and areas of focus are not new, they remain among the most im portant a city or region can tackle. “Education, neighborhoods, the economy ... these are enduring issues,” said Minter. “But one of the great lessons we’ve learned at this foundation is that it takes steady yearin and year-out work, but that work needs to be done with new energy and fresh ideas. You need enthusiastic and passionate board and staff members. Every generation should be about regenerating.” As The Cleveland Foundation moves another year closer to a century of service, its board and staff are poised to continue the strong traditions it has established, while also w orking with current and emerging leaders for the combined betterment of our great Cleveland community.

conversation with president Steven A. Minter nd board chairperson John Sherwin Jr.


grantmaking overview A Revised Framework

In 2002, The Cleveland Foundation took a critical look at its grantm aking structure, identifying a new, simplified framework that clarifies three im portant and interrelated approaches: board-directed special initiatives, communityresponsive grantm aking and donor-engaged grantmaking. We began the process in late 2001 when the Foundation’s Grantm aking and Community Engagement Committee conducted a thorough review of each of our program areas. The reviews showed that the separate program areas were in fact becoming more interrelated. After the reviews, we could see that it was time to change the current framework and streamline our grantmaking. Since that time, the Committee and staff have worked toward a conceptual framework that represents a more focused, cross-functional and streamlined approach to our grantmaking. While our work continues on the new frame­ work, we have established three overarching visions to organize our grantmaking: • Vibrant Neighborhoods, Cities and Region • Healthy People and Families • Thriving Economy and Workforce Each of the three interrelated grantmaking approaches will use the visions to inform grantmaking decisions. The new framework will allow the Foundation to operate in a more cross-functional m anner and encourage collaboration among various segments of the nonprofit sector. Board-Directed Grantmaking

Economic Development

Declared a board-directed initiative in 2002, the Foundation recruited a senior fellow to work in this area. When he joined the Foundation in M arch 2002, Brad W hitehead became our second-ever senior fellow. Upon his arrival, he immediately began working with the community to determine where the needs were greatest and w hat the Foundation could do to ensure it had a meaningful impact. One of our biggest contributions in 2002 was a $4 million commitment to BioEnterprise Corporation to support its work to make N ortheast Ohio a nationally recognized center for biosciences commercialization. Formed in December 2000 by Case Western Reserve University, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation and University H ospitals of Cleveland, BioEnterprise is designed to enhance N ortheast O hio’s biosciences sector. The Foundation’s support included a $2 million grant and a $2 million low-cost loan. Strengthening Mid-Sized Arts Organizations

In 1999, The Cleveland Foundation created the Building the Arts’ Strength In Cleveland (BASICs) program to address the under-capitalization of mid-sized arts organizations. Designed to strengthen the organizations by helping them acquire the ability to manage risk and develop effective operating practices, the program completed its fourth year of operation in 2002, providing more than $2 million to 14 organizations. Since it was established as a five-year initiative, we are now exploring w hat type of successor program should be implemented to build on the successes BASICs has generated.

We have already moved to incorporate these visions into our board-directed grantmaking, focusing on six initiatives Public School Improvement that are long-term and proactive. These include economic The Foundation continued its strong support of public development, strengthening mid-sized arts organizations, education, with an emphasis on the Cleveland M unicipal public school im provem ent, the Early School District (CMSD). Between January 1999 and Childhood Initiative, neighborhoods and December 2002, The Cleveland Foundation granted $14.1 million for support of the district, with $3.68 million housing, and the Successful Aging Initiative: going directly to the CMSD. 2002 grants in support of CMSD focused on improving the district’s governance structure and rebuilding school facilities. In addition to the Foundation’s backing, the public showed its support with the passing of both the referendum to continue mayoral control of the CMSD and the bond issue to construct new school buildings.


Early Childhood Initiative (ECI)

In our third year of supporting the ECI, we provided a $2.5 million grant for the countywide program. Since its inception, this public-private partnership, designed to ensure the well-being of all children from birth through age five in Cuyahoga County, has consistently met or exceeded its goals, including: • Surpassing its goal of providing service to 85 percent of eligible families through the W elcome H om e program. • Providing Early Start home visitations to over 5,297 environmentally at-risk families. • Enrolling over 41,000 children, birth to age five, in Healthy Start and other Medicaid Health Insurance programs. • Creating 9,000 child care openings by the end of year two and certifying 1,392 new Family Child Care Home providers. Over the past three years, the Foundation has provided more than $6 million in program and evaluation support to the Early Childhood Initiative.

Successful Aging Initiative

Because Cleveland has an already large and still-growing senior population, in 2002 the Foundation launched its three-year, $4 million Successful Aging Initiative to provide opportunities and resources to assist Cleveland seniors in remaining active in the community. The Initiative focuses on establishing elder-friendly communities and lifelong learning and development centers and increasing prospects for meaningful volunteer and post-retirement employment opportunities. It also contains a public awareness campaign to help increase positive attitudes about aging and the contribution older people provide to our community. With these larger initiatives comes the increased need to evaluate our work. With this in mind, we created the position of senior evaluation officer, a first for the Foundation. Richard Njoku, Ph.D., joined the Foundation in late 2002 and is responsible for developing our evaluation philosophy and efforts. This move marked an increased emphasis on metrics and impact, a must in a funding environment where resources are stretched, but also an im portant means for strengthening the effectiveness of our grantmaking. While I’ve only provided an overview of one of our three Neighborhoods and Housing grantmaking approaches, the board-directed initiatives, As a new way of working at the neighborhood level, in this report also is filled with examples of individuals 2002 we launched Neighborhood Connections, a three- touched by our community-responsive grantmaking, while year, $1.5 million small grants program that grew out of the Donor section provides an inside look on w hat moves our long-term commitment to physical revitalization and our donors to support this community. I hope you enjoy all leadership development in Cleveland’s neighborhoods. of their stories. Neighborhood Connections uses small grants to assist neighborhood organizations in improving the quality of life in their communi­ ties while also encouraging partnerships between grassroots and m ore established organizations. One of the program ’s innovative features is R o b ert E. E ckardt a Grantm aking and M onitoring Committee, which is Vice President fo r Programs a n d E valuation composed of neighborhood residents and is responsible for reviewing proposals and awarding grants. The Committee also helps develop leadership capabilities among neighbor­ hood residents.

community-responsive grantmaking In 2002, The Cleveland Foundation processed 2,091 grants, authorizing $74.2 million to nonprofit organizations working to enhance the quality of life in our community. Sometimes, amid the significant dollar figures in which we work, it’s tempting to simply showcase the “big” grants we made and the “headliner” projects we supported throughout the year. However, in doing that, we overshadow w hat our work is truly about. T hat’s why we’ve filled the following pages with the stories of people who are examples of the many individuals whose lives have been touched by The Cleveland Foundation’s grantmaking. 5

W hen Joy Lanese walks around her Chardon neighborhood, she is awestruck by the natural beauty and tranquility inherent in a body of water. As she strolls, hawks soar above her head, fish swim in the nearby lake, and a pair of American bald eagles make their home in the surrounding trees. Joy and her husband Craig live near the 160-acre Bass Lake, which is surrounded by hundreds of acres of wetlands that provide habitat for plants and animals. Located at the headwaters of the Chagrin River, the area has been docum ented as rem aining virtually unchanged since glaciers carved out the lake over 10,000 years ago. But for the past few decades, possible development threatened the area’s natural flora and wildlife, including native Ohio brook trout, red-tailed hawks and bald eagles. In 2002, the Trust for Public Land, a 30-year-old national organization with a purpose of preserving and protecting open space, made a move to permanently protect the valued land. In one of its largest N ortheast O hio conservation efforts to date, the Trust purchased the 574-acre Bass Lake property and transferred ownership to the Geauga Park District to convert the once private property into a park.



A Foundation grant assisted the Trust for Public Land’s Ohio office in Cleveland in its efforts to acquire the Bass Lake Preserve property. Because the Bass Lake Preserve is essential to maintaining the quality of the Chagrin River and preventing downstream flooding, the Trust was able to take advantage of the Ohio Environmental Protection I,—— Agency’s W ater Resource R estoration 11 g i g ■ Sponsorship Program , which was developed to protect highquality water sources.


“We are thrilled to have been able to protect one of the most im portant n atu ral resources in N ortheast Ohio and with the sup­ port we received from The Cleveland F oundation,” said C hristopher Knopf, director of the Trust _ for Public Land’s Ohio office. “This is a big win for everyone who is familiar with the beauty of Bass Lake and an even bigger win for those who have yet to discover its treasures.”

Today as a park, rather than as developed private land, the public nature preserve surrounding Bass Lake is open for anybody to enjoy recreational, outdoor activities such as hiking and fishing. “T here’s just som ething about the calmness water brings,” Joy says. “ (Development) would have changed the whole feel of the area.” 7

Xanthia Miller was 18 years old when her twin boys Dezmond and Daylen Hillman entered the world two months early. A new mother, Xanthia found herself concerned for her newborn sons’ futures and unsure of the best ways to nurture them. Fortunately, Xanthia received support from the Early Childhood Initiative (ECI), including a Welcome Home visit from a nurse who provided her with valuable * x x inform ation and services essential to the success of a new mother. “I think it’s a nice program ,” Xanthia says. “The visitor from the (Early Childhood Initiative) helped me ... teaching me how to take care of (the newborns).” As preemies, X anthia’s baby boys were more susceptible to delays in their m otor skill development, which the nurse detected during a visit, and referred Xanthia to the Help Me Grow Collaborative. Through the Collaborative, an occupational thera­ pist makes monthly visits to X anthia’s home to m onitor the boys’ progress and ensure proper I development.


The Cleveland Foundation has touched many families like Xanthia’s through its support of the Early Childhood Initiative. This public-private partnership has been praised for its efforts to ensure the well-being of all children from birth through age five in Cuyahoga County by promoting effective parenting, healthy children and quality child care. In M arch 2002, the Foundation made a $2.5 million commitment to support three of the Initiative’s priority areas: effective parents, healthy children and expansion of the child care system, as well as initiative assessment and evaluation activities. Today, Xanthia is the mother of two healthy, happy, one-yearold boys. And she credits the Early Childhood Initiative with helping her through the challenges of being a new mom. “W ith (the babies) being born early, I was a little bit nervous,” Xanthia says. “But the program helped me a lot. (The nurses) took me through steps, and they let me know that everything was going to be okay.”


Owning a home is considered part of the American dream. But high costs and large down payments keep the dream out of reach for many. However, one organization is helping individuals and families grab hold of that dream while also reversing a past decline in quality housing in the city of Cleveland. Since 1981, the Cleveland Housing N etw ork (CHN) has provided community development corporations access to capital in order to develop affordable housing for low- and moderateincome families in the city of Cleveland. C H N ’s for-sale housing program, the Hom eward Program, was established with the help of The Cleveland Foundation in 1989 to strengthen real estate markets in Cleveland’s neighborhoods through increased owner occupancy. Since its inception, the Homeward Program has produced over 1,000 units of for-sale housing, generating more than $60 million in direct capital investment in Cleveland communities. In 2002, The Cleveland Foundation provided the Cleveland Housing Network with a $220,000 grant for continued support of the Homeward Program. Juan and Melissa Parker are examples of the many people who have purchased a home with the help of the Cleveland Housing Network. After renting for many years, in 2002 the Parkers were ready to buy their own home. Melissa used C H N ’s Web site to find available homes, settling on one in the West Park neighborhood. “We looked at about five or six houses, but this particular one definitely caught our eye,” says Juan. “When I saw it, I thought ‘that’s the one.’ T hat’s the one I w ant.” While the Parkers were able to afford the home, they had a difficult time securing financing, due to past credit problems. But, through the Homeward Program, CHN was there to help. “They actually worked with us,” says Juan Parker. “They stuck with us and made sure we found someone who would give us the opportunity to purchase a home. I really take my hat off to them for that.”


C H N representative Sheila Carpenter found the Parkers a financial management program they could attend. After completing the program, the bank gave them a loan for the house. “Sheila dug down deep to make sure we were going to get this house,” Juan says. “I can honestly say if it w asn’t for her finding that program , we probably wouldn’t be living here right now.”


Juan and Melissa and their three sons are thrilled with their new home, neighborhood and CHN. “I would definitely recommend the Cleveland Housing Network to anyone,” says Juan. “They’re a great organization to deal with.”


As soon as Bill M ason was able to drive, he began heading to Bellflower Avenue to a small, but hearty house that held the beginnings of the contemporary art movement in Cleveland - the New Gallery. “I remember the first time I w ent there ... it was an amaz­ ing experience,” Bill says. “It hooked me then, and I’ve been following it ever since.” W hile the location and name of the organization have both changed over the years - from the New Gallery to the Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art to its m ost recent incarnation as the M useum of C ontem porary Art Cleveland (MOCA) - it has held fast as Cleveland’s forum for interpreting cul­ ture through contemporary visual art and connecting visitors to the dynamic art of the current age. The newfound freedom that came with a driver’s license allowed Bill to discover his creativity and explore new avenues of personal expression. Today, more than 20 years later, Bill is no longer a teenager taking his first steps in the world of art, but rather a local architect. Bill is also a member of the so-called “creative class,” a group that is being lauded for its ability to enhance a region’s economy and attract younger professionals, creating energetic and diverse communities. 12

Recognizing Bill as a talented, rising architect and creative force, M OCA tapped his talents to help them introduce their exhibition on Frank Gehry, the famed architect who designed the Peter B. Lewis building at Case Western Reserve University. Bill helped M OCA develop programming for the exhibit, including a symposium, which featured internationally known architects and designers working in “non-flat” design, one of the techniques Gehry employs. He also presented a gallery talk for the museum’s patrons. Bill says he was wowed by the attendance for and interest in not only the exhibition, but also the complementary programming as well. “The turnout showed that (MOCA) tapped into interest in the community,” Bill said. “People are starving for this kind of discourse and engagement ... (the programming) really hit a chord.” For the past four years, The Cleveland Foundation’s Building the Arts’ Strength In Cleveland (BASICs) program has supported mid-sized arts organizations like M OCA by providing capacity-building grants to help the organizations acquire the ability to manage risk and develop effective operating practices. In 2002, M OCA received continued funding from the BASICs program through a grant to support its name-change efforts, strengthen long-range planning and capitalization efforts and enhance staff. These activities will allow M OCA to continue to have an artistic impact on our community. “I can’t imagine a city where arts are considered im portant not having an organization that specifically focuses on the work of contemporary artists,” Bill says. “And w hat’s terrific about MOCA is it touches all bases ... featuring local and regional artists and also bringing in internationally acclaimed individuals.”

Carl Longshaw knows the big difference a little food can make. An electrician for 34 years, Carl had a heart attack in 2000 that left him unable to work and incapable of providing for himself. W ith no job or medical insurance, Carl also lacked the medication he needed for his heart condition. To top it off, he was on the verge of being evicted from his apartment. Desperate and in despair, Carl took a bus to a nearby food pantry to pick up a few canned goods to help him through. While there, he inquired about receiving further assistance. The pantry workers gave him a flyer and told him to call the number on it. Carl called the number and was put in touch with Rashidah Abdulhaqq, a community liaison for the H unger N etw ork of Greater Cleveland. Among other things, Rashidah helped Carl with his welfare application which, once approved, provided him with a medical card and food stamps. “She came to my rescue,” Carl says of Rashidah. “I w ouldn’t be here now had she not, because I wasn’t going to last much longer, not eating and not having medicine.” Unfortunately, Carl’s first brush with the Hunger N etw ork of Greater Cleveland w asn’t his last. Despite receiving some help, he wasn’t able to keep his apartment and became homeless. Thankfully, his community liaison was once again there to help. This time, she assisted him in applying for public housing and put him in touch with a lawyer who aided him in getting Social Security benefits. Today, Carl has an apartm ent and an income, but he says he still relies on a food pantry to help him through the lean times. “Once a month, I get canned goods (from a pantry),” Carl says. “I subsidize my food intake because I can’t make it through the month on the little bit of food stamps I get. So the Hunger Network is still filling a void.”

Organizations that provide hot meals and operate food pantries come to the rescue of more than 55,000 Clevelanders like Carl, and the gentleman pictured below, each year. To organize the efforts of these organizations, the Greater Cleveland Committee on Hunger (GCCH) was formed in 1992 to centralize food and fund-raising efforts of emergency food providers. In the late 1990s, GCCH designed a four-year plan to coordinate Cuyahoga County’s hunger services to ensure that groceries and hot meals are available on a daily basis, including evenings and weekends. Today, in the third year of the plan’s i m p le m e n t a t i o n , GCCH has trans­ ferred more than 50 independent pantries and hot meal programs to the m ajor hunger providers (Catholic Charities for hot meal program s and the H unger N etw ork of G reater Cleveland for pantry program s) and has coordinated services at the neighborhood level to expand coverage and hours of operation. In 2002, The Cleveland Foundation provided GCCH a $200,000 grant to support years three and four of the emergency food coordination plan, which includes equipment and food storage capacity upgrades, as well as enhancement and expansion of hot meal programs and pantry service in rem aining target neighborhoods. “Sometimes, some of us who have things going pretty sm oothly over­ look the necessities of those who don’t,” says Carl. “And, until you need it, you don’t realize w hat a valuable service (food pantries) provide.” 15

When the Rodriguez family moved to Cleveland’s West Side from Puerto Rico two and a half years ago, one of the first things they needed to locate was medical care from a Spanish-speaking provider. They asked around their community and were told about Neighborhood Family Practice, a community health center that provides comprehensive primary care, nutrition counseling, mental health services and more to over 8,000 patients a year. W ith more than one-third of the center’s patients speaking Spanish as their first language, Neighborhood Family Practice is well-known in the Hispanic community not only for the quality, family-oriented medical care it provides, but also for the medical and professional staff’s ability and willingness to communicate with patients in either English or Spanish. It would be very difficult for members of the Latino com m unity to obtain good health care if the service provider co u ld n ’t communicate in Spanish, explains patient Gloria Rodriguez. She says it’s important that providers speak her language; otherwise, she and her family would have to rely on other people within the community to translate for them.


“W ithout Neighborhood Family Practice, it would be very difficult for my family (to receive medical care).”

For 23 years, Neighborhood Family Practice has had an essential presence in its near West Side neighborhood, where more than 50 percent of the population live at or below the poverty level. But, as the number of physicians no longer accepting new Medicare and Medicaid patients grows, it becomes increasingly difficult for individuals covered by these plans to find good medical care, says Jean Therrien, executive director of N eighborhood Family Practice. This is why Neighborhood Family Practice is so vital to the area. However, operating as a not-for-profit health organization in today’s managed care environment has been challenging for Neighborhood Family Practice. As its patient rolls have increased, care reimbursement has been both delayed and decreased. A 2002 grant from The Cleveland Foundation allowed N eighborhood Family Practice to hire its first-ever finance director to ensure the organization’s fiscal viability and guarantee its ability to continue serving families like the Rodriguezes. “N obody could duplicate the service (Neighborhood Family Practice) provides,” Gloria says. “I love it here.”


In the basement of the M aster’s Church in Euclid, church and community volunteers and Euclid school teachers can be found happily pouring over elementary school books. But they are not alone; beside them sit two or three school children intently working through math problems or reading English books. This is Fred’s Club, an after-school program that provides tutoring to the “borderline children, who are just not quite making it,” says Judy Carmody, education coordinator for Fred’s Club. Providing tutoring and homework help, Fred’s Club promotes skill building in study habits, self-esteem and interpersonal relationships, while encouraging active parental participation in a child’s education.


Fred’s Club got its start in 1994 when a young boy named Fred approached his instructor at the M aster’s Church Sunday School. He told her he was failing the fifth grade, and asked if she could help him with his schoolwork. After church members helped Fred improve his grades and pass the fifth grade, Fred asked his tutor, “I have friends who could do better. Why don’t you help them too?” M aster’s Church took him up on his challenge. Almost 10 years later, Fred’s Club has grown from one tutor and one student to a three-days-a-week tutoring program serving more than 125 elementary students in conjunction with the Euclid schools. Nateisha Pearcy is just one of the students who has benefited from Fred’s Club. At the beginning of the school year, 11-year-old Nateisha was discouraged with her school performance. Earning mostly “D ” and “F” grades, she was struggling to make it through the sixth grade. Nateisha’s teacher referred her to Fred’s Club, where she could receive additional help with her schoolwork. Only a few m onths after starting the program , Nateisha’s grades rose to “As” and “Bs.” “I’m bringing up my grades because of the way they’re helping m e,” says Nateisha. “They have great tutors. They’ll help you solve the problem .” In 2002, The Cleveland Foundation provided Fred’s Club with a grant as part of the Youth Preparation Project, an initiative the Foundation began in 2002 to support youth program s at faith-based organizations. In June 2002 the Foundation provided $268,000 to 18 organizations like Fred’s Club, working in the areas of education, recreation, literacy and job training and placement. Nateisha is thankful for the help she receives from the Fred’s Club tutors. “It makes me feel happy to get b

grades,” she says.


Two years ago, attending a private, four-year college seemed out of reach to April Telling. But, with help from her advisor Kathi Howard-Primes from Cleveland Scholarship Programs (CSP), April is in her second year toward earning a bachelor’s degree in communications and on her way to becoming the first person in her family to graduate from college. “I underestimated myself, but Mrs. Howard Primes, she was wonderful. She pushed me and said, ‘You can get in,’” says April, a sophom ore com m unications m ajor at John Carroll University, which consistently has been ranked as a top regional university in the Midwest by U.S. N ew s an d W orld Report. April is not alone. Since its inceptionlin 1967, CSP has served more than 10n r'nn students and awarded mor $22 million in scholarships. In pr addition, each year CSP advisors provide on-site advisory services to thousands of students in 57 schools throughout Cleveland, including all 15 Cleveland M unicipal School District (CMSD) high schools and 10 CMSD middle schools.

“The college a p p lic a tio n process can be stressful,” says April. “Mrs. Howard-Primes helped me step by step ... submitting applications to colleges, applying for scholarships and completing my financial aid package.”


In addition to advisory support, April also received two $1,000 scholarships from CSP to cover the cost of college. As last-dollar grants, the scholarships help close the gap between the actual cost of attending college and the funds that are available from federal, state and college resources. “W ithout the scholarships, I w ouldn’t be able to afford school,” says April.

In 2002, The Cleveland Foundation continued to support students like April through a $1.45 million grant to CSP. The dollars will support the organization’s college advisory and scholarship services for CMSD students, allowing CSP to award 400 scholarships to students with high financial need and high potential for academic success. Our grant will also support advisory services for 9th through 12th graders, fee waivers for the ACT/SAT tests, the creation of a scholarship resource guide and more. With Ohio being at the bottom of states in terms of college affordability, programs like CSP are more im portant than ever. Additionally, CSP is having a positive effect on our region’s economic and social health, with over 70 percent of its college graduates living in N ortheast Ohio. The Foundation’s grant will also provide support for two other im portant programs: the Tri-C Transfer Initiative and the Adult Learner Program. The Tri-C Transfer Initiative encourages CMSD graduates to utilize Cuyahoga Community College to prepare for advancement to a four-year college or university. The Adult Learner Program helps individuals over age 25 pursue a college education. Both programs support CSP’s goal of helping as many people as possible achieve college success. In 2002, nearly 240 students were enrolled in the transfer initiative, with 300 expected by the end of 2003. The Adult Learner Program has assisted more than 800 non-traditional stu­ dents over the past decade in pursuing a college education. All of CSP’s programs allow Greater Clevelanders like April to pursue higher educa­ tion and improve their futures. “Cleveland Scholarship Programs is a great program ,” says April. “I really would not be (at John Carroll) if it weren’t for them .”


Between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., Michelle M innollo can be found at a long table in a warehouse, busily counting out 150 packets of eyeglass cleansing cloths to place into a small white box. W hen Michelle first started the packaging work, she completed about 12 boxes a day. Currently, she’s up to 17 boxes a day. “I broke my own record yesterday,” Michelle says proudly as she talks about her job at Vocational Guidance Services (VGS), a nonprofit organization whose mission is to prepare people with barriers to employment for a brighter future. “I can do it again.” At 23, Michelle is part of VGS’s Personal, Social and Community Services Program, which provides skills training for adults with mental retardation and/or developmental disabilities. She joined the program in March 2002 and is progressing through the program with the hope of one day moving on to competitive employment, for which VGS helps clients prepare. For some, performing repetitive tasks on a daily basis can be tedious. For Michelle, it’s an opportunity to not only gain skills, but also self-confidence. “This is a good experience working here,” Michelle says. “I’m capable of doing things ... that’s why I love this place.” While job-training skills are at the crux of the Personal, Social and Community Services Program, VGS also employs a holistic approach, providing an avenue for clients to learn social and life skills as well. In 2002, VGS used a grant from The Cleveland Foundation to purchase computers to teach program participants basic math and reading skills and phonics and to introduce therapeutic music and art classes, which provide an additional avenue of communication for individuals with limited verbal skills. The Foundation’s grant also provided for workspace enhancements, including purchasing a new stove and microwave that the clients learn to use as part of life skills training.



Michelle says she enjoys the music class the most because she loves to sing. She beams as she speaks of the VGS staff and program, the positive effects it has had on her life coming through as she talks. “I love it here,” Michelle says. “It makes me feel happy.”


giving through the Cleveland foundation Each year, hundreds of individuals utilize The Cleveland Foundation as their partner in philanthropy. We work with community-minded individuals to help them achieve their philanthropic goals in an intelligent, creative and confident manner. And we design flexible, innovative and personalized charitable funds to assist donors with their specific needs. Through our knowledge of the community, we help individuals organize their current giving and connect them to organizations and other donors with similar interests. We deeply appreciate the contributions of each and every donor. The gifts of individuals who have gone before us, coupled with those of our new donors, enable the Foundation to continue its mission of improving the quality of life in the communities we serve. The donors highlighted in this report are just four examples of people who have worked with The Cleveland Foundation to give back to their community. For more, visit the “Becoming a D onor� portion of our Web site,, or call the Gift Planning and Donor Relations office at 216.861.3810.

our 2002 donors Anonymous (11) 1-888-OHIOCOMP David T. Abbott and Jan L. Roller Brooke W. Ablon Kay and Nelson E. Abrahamsen Jr. Christine Abramo Michael and Robin Abrams William G. and Heather E. Ackley Allyn and Susan Adams Charles E. and Jennie B. Adams Trust Michael and Mazie Adams Thomas and Joann Adler Family Foundation Fund of the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland A.K.J., Inc. dba M artin Enterprises ADT Security Services, Inc. Bruce and Barbara Akers Akron Typographical Union No. 182 Creola M. Alexander Dorothy J. Alexander William and Linda Alford All Erection & Crane Rental Corp. Roberto J. and Lisa Almenar Ambac Financial Group, Inc. American Cube Mold, Inc. American Orff-Schulwerk Association Ameritech Max D. Amstutz, M.D. Dolores Del Anderson Stanley and Cathy Anderson Joseph and Janice Anter Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Anthony Allega Cement Contractor, Inc. Antioch Baptist Church Dr. Albert and June Antoine David Apple Janice Apple Applied Industrial Technologies Dr. Monrose S. Arlen Elizabeth Rieley Armington Charitable Trust Edward F. and Jean Mary Armon Armstrong Steel Erectors, Inc. Michael C. Arrigo Alvin Arsham Keith and Marie Ashmus Patricia M. Ashton Ali and Houri Askari The Astrup Company Athletes First Management Group Patrick F. and Anne F. Aubourg The Austin Company Gerald Austin Gerald J. Austin & Associates, Inc. Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Baker & Hostetler Co., LLP Baker & Hostetler Foundation M artha M. Baker Michael Baker Jr., Inc. Robert and Dalia Baker Patricia J. Baldwin Raymond and Vivian Balester Malvin and Lea Bank Bank One, N.A. George and M arianne Barany Andrew S. Barr

Douglas N. and Carolyn W. Barr M ark P. Barren Irving and Norma Barron George Bartell James and Hanna Bartlett Richard and Mary Ellen Batyko Ann J. Baxter Bay Village Foundation Laureen Beach Jock and Ulla Beaton Lucy Beattie Gail A. Bellamy Bencin Trucking, Inc. Joan Goldstein Bendix Benefit Enrollment Services Gwendolyn J. Bennett Michael Benza &c Associates, Inc. Patricia Berg Shawn and Lori Berger Dr. John Albert Bergfeld Mary C. Berick Adele Berry Ada Irene Beville Susan L. Bichsel Nancy Bick and Francis Clark III Robert C. and Georgia F. Bill Greg Binder Roberta J. Birch Stephen and Marcia Bittner Black Professionals Association Charitable Foundation Black Shield Police Association Barbara A. Blair Pamela Blake Gerald J. Blake and Susan C. Kaeser Norman Bliss Estate of Edward Bloomberg Bloomington Typographical Union Local 124 Robert J. and Mary L. Bochin Bonezzi, Switze^ Murphy & Polito Co. Dorothy T. Booker Embie Bostic Richard L. Bowen and Associates, Inc. A. Houston and Mary Bowers BP America Michael and Elaine Brady Caprice H. Bragg The Brandon Family Foundation Leonard J. Brandt Emily Hodge Brasfield M argaret D. Bray Patrick and Bette Bray Brecksville Women’s Club, Inc. Shirley J. Breisch John and Catharine Brennan Mary S. Bright Greg Brinda The Broadbent Family Foundation, Inc. Broadcast Media Ideas, Ltd. Sidney D. Broadnax Norma Brooks Robert and Madeline Brookshire Carol A. Brown Courtney Brown Janet T. Brown Dr. Jeanette Grasselli Brown Sherlon P. Brown, Ph.D. Robert and Carolyn Bruce Alan E. Bruskin Marcia L. Bryant

Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLP B. Kingsley and Cheryl Buhl Lance C. Buhl Evan M. Buller Harvey and Eunice B. Buller Phyllis A. Bullock Steve D. Bullock Karen L. Bulman Lynda E. Bumpus Brian and Mary Jo Bundy George W. and Helen Burdg Charlene M. Burges Burgess & Niple Limited Gary L. and Karen M. Burgund The Honorable Lillian W. Burke Betsy L. Burlin John and Dee Burlingame Judie A. Bussler Charles and Melony Butler Ruth B. Byrns C & G Interstate C&S Engineers, Inc. Calfee, Halter & Griswold, LLP The Callahan Foundation Daune E. Calovini Donald Cameron Michael J. and Laura Cancelliere Cannon Advertising Capital One Partners, LLC R.P. Carbone Company Anthony C. Carmichael and Irma Phillips-Carmichael Carnegie Management and Development Corp. John and Tana Carney Katharine K. Carr Matthew P. Carroll Richard and Elizabeth Cashin Marlene A. Casini Bruce A. Catalano and Ann B. Reichsman, M.D. Anthony C. and Anne E. Catalioto CDM Center for Families and Children Kathleen A. Cerveny CH2M Hill, Inc. Kathryn R. Chambers Lynn E. Charles Charter One Bank Charter One Foundation Gerald B. Chattman Chauffeurs & Handlers Union Local 473 Chelm Properties Kerry L. and Renee A. Chelm Chemtron Corp. Jeffrey and Kimberly Cherny James L. Chessin Elizabeth A. Chiarucci Chicago Newspaper Guild Children First of Cleveland, Inc. Thomas Chimples Dr. Tony and Ching Ching Chiu Christians Linked in Mission Drs. Kun-Young and Taesun Chung Cincinnati Newspaper Guild Local No. 9 Nancy M. Cintron Citizens for Lansky City Architecture, Inc.

Ciulla, Smith & Dale, LLP C L P W & G General Partnership Clarfeld Financial Advisors, Inc. The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation Robert and Jane Clark W. Thomas and Nancy Clark Cleary &c Associates James and Stacey Cleary Lily M. Cleveland Cleveland Arts Prize Cleveland Association of Life Underwriters The Cleveland Browns Cleveland Building and Construction Trades Council Cleveland Central Enterprises, Inc. Cleveland Development Foundation Cleveland Fire Fighters Union The Cleveland Foundation Inc. The Cleveland Foundation Employees Cleveland Glass Block Cleveland Municipal School District The Cleveland Museum of Art Cleveland Tomorrow Cleveland Women’s City Club Foundation Climaco, Climaco, Lefkowitz and Garofoli Co., LPA Bob and Ginny Clutterbuck The Clutterbuck Family Foundation Kathleen H. Coakley Edward C. Coaxum Jr. George W. Codrington Charitable Foundation Ronald B. Cohen Sally S. Cohen Victor J. Cohn Estate of Constance P. Colborn Audrey W. Coleman Donna D. Coleman George H. and Hazel Coleman Harold and Norma Coleman Lonzo and Frances Coleman Carma Coley Committee To Elect Allen Wilkinson Committee To Keep Judge Blackmon Committee To Re-Elect Shirley A. Smith Communication Workers of America Local 4024 Communication Workers of America Local 4108 Communication Workers of America Local 4217 Communication Workers of America Local 4260 Communication Workers of America Local 4318 Communication Workers of America Local 4321 Communication Workers of America Local 4351 Communication Workers of America Local 4352 Communication Workers of America Local 4372 Communication Workers of America Local 4379 Communication Workers of America Local 4400 Communication Workers of America Local 4401 Communication Workers of America Local 4484 Communication Workers of America Local 4501 Communication Workers of America Local 4622 Communication Workers of America Local 4646 Communication Workers of America Local 4672 Communication Workers of America Local 4674 Communication Workers of America Local 4730 Communication Workers of America Local 4773 Communication Workers of America Local 4780 Communication Workers of America Local 4802


Community Partnership for Arts and Culture Jeffrey A. Concepcion Concord Road Equipment Mfg., Inc. Carolyn G. Conner The Rev. Rollin and Anne Conway Cook Paving 8c Construction Co., Inc. Sebastian A. and M ary C. Cook Estate of George B. Coombe Douglas O. and Karen C. Cooper Evan and Barbara Corns David and Easter Cottle Earline Cottrell Council for Economic Opportunities in Greater Cleveland Nancy J. Cox Richard F. and Susan A. Coyne Frances D. Crain Michael and Judith Cramer Crawford Crenshaw and Laurie Dunn Michael A. Cristal Thomas W. Cristal James A. and Rosaria Criswell Robert H. and Carol A. Crumbaker Paul Csia Hector L. Cuevas Janice D. Cummings Alexander M. Cutler Cuyahoga County Public Library Cuyahoga Falls Concerts, Inc. Cuyahoga Valley Environmental Education Center CVS Pharmacy, Inc. Donna C. Dabbs Howard and Sandra A. Danziger DAR Public Relations, Inc. Harriet M. Dauchy Harold E. and June H. Daugherty Bradford and Christine Davis Edward B. and Eileen K. Davis Vanessa R. Davis Vivian Davis Matilda Day Deaconess Community Foundation M artin and Cheryl Decara James and Dianne Deemer Sheryl and Robert Deemer Jr. Leo A. Deininger and Ruth J. Skuly Jorge and Wilma Delucca Joseph V. Demarco III Bruce Demsey David and Susan Devaughn Developers Diversified Realty Co. Ross Patricia Dibello Dick Corporation Larry L. Diemand and Beth E. Yauman The DiGeronimo Family Digioia-Suburban Excavating, LLC David and Tonya Dipietro Fred and Diane Discenzo Kathryn and Ralph Dise Jr. Eugene A. Diulus G. Charles Dix II Dix 8c Eaton, Inc. DLZ Ohio, Inc. Doan/Pyramid LLC Mark and Virginia Dober Duncan and Lucy Dobson Sara T. Dodenhoff James and Charmaine Dolatowski

Dominion Cleveland Thermal, LLC Dominion Foundation Dominion Resources Services, Inc. Frank and Dolores Donia Bob and Vincetta Dooner Drs. Daniel M. Dorfman and Lisa E. Meek Dorman Farrell Benefits Agency, LLC Estate of L. Dale Dorney Deborah J. and William A. Doty Jr. John and Karen Dougherty M argaret Downing John E. Doxsey Dress for Success Cleveland Dorothy B. Dressier Jeffrey Dross and Michele Ladoucheur Drotman Communications, LLC Edward Dubilo and Grace Zimmerman Edmund and Eloise Dudley Howard and Laura Dulmage Dennis and Kathleen Dunlavey Denis Dunn David and Toni Dunning Robert P. Duvin, Esq. Duvin Cahn & Hutton Early Childhood Enrichment Center, Inc. East Bay Community Foundation Eastview United Church of Christ Eaton Corporation-Cutler Hammer Bob and Ginny Eckardt Zarl Edgarson Education Foundation for Industrial Distribution & Manufacturing Scholarship Trust William and Carol Edwards Ehren Chiropractic Center M ark R. Eichinger James and Susan Eippert Elan Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Kevin J. Ellison Hamilton and Lillian Emmons Employees of the Cuyahoga County Treasurers Office Engineered Plastics, Inc. Curtis C. English Robert C. and Sharon L. Erlemeier Richard L. and Ann C. Ernst Pat Essex Betty A. Essi Etna Parking Jeffrey R. and Heather R. Ettinger Letitia Jean Evans Ray and Janet J. Everett Darren A. and Lisa A. Ewaska Morrey M. Ewing Executive Caterers at Landerhaven Patricia and Emilio Fabrizi Jr. Fabrizio Salon Fairfax Renaissance Development Corporation Betty H. and Jean E. Fairfax Fairmount Temple Faith Community United Credit Union Family Planning Association of Northeast Ohio, Inc. Farinacci Pizza II Susan I. Farley William P. Farrall Sylvia M. Faust


Former Clevelanders and sisters Betty and Jean Fairfax, both residents of Phoenix, Ariz., have been philanthropists for more than three decades. The sisters have a special commitment to social justice and supporting low-income and minority students. Their charitable contributions include a fund in their parents’ honor at the Southern Education Foundation; the Betty H. Fairfax Medallion Scholarship at Kent State University for African-American students from Cleveland preparing for careers in urban education; the Betty H. Fairfax Fund for Educational Equity at the Arizona Community Foundation and the Betty H. and Jean E. Fairfax Fund at The Cleveland Foundation to prom ote the advancement of minority students from community colleges to four-year colleges and universities. They also adopted 92 students of an eighth-grade class at a Phoenix inner-city school, promising college scholarships to those that graduated. Betty and Jean have accomplished much during their lives. Betty taught in both Cleveland and Phoenix schools. She continues to work in the Phoenix school system, where she was recognized as one of the Betty and Jean Fairfax best high school counselors. Jean’s professional career was in civil rights. She worked with the American Friends Service Committee and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. For more than 30 years, she has served as a director of various philanthropic organizations, including Women in Philanthropy and the Council on Foundations. She is currently a consultant on black philanthropy. They each hold advanced degrees and have completed post-graduate work at Columbia and Harvard, respectively. Betty and Jean have received many awards. Especially noteworthy are two awards they received together: Kent State University President’s Award for Social Responsibility in 2000 and the Arizona State University M artin Luther King, Jr. Servant Leadership Award in 2003. The Fairfax sisters continue to be moved by community needs - which was the case after reading an article in the N e w York Tim es about Cleveland M unicipal School District Superintendent Barbara Byrd Bennett and the challenges facing the Cleveland schools. “W hen we heard that vouchers for enrollment in private and parochial schools threatened to undermine efforts to turn the troubled municipal system around, we decided that we should give something back,” says Jean Fairfax. “After reading about Barbara Byrd Bennett, we became very excited and wanted to show our support for w hat she’s doing.” Feeling that the education they received from the Cleveland schools allowed them to achieve so much in their lives, they were motivated to once again establish a charitable fund with The Cleveland Foundation, this time to specifically support Cleveland’s inner-city school district. In 2002, Betty and Jean donated property in Arizona to The Cleveland Foundation. The proceeds from the sale established a charitable gift annuity and created the Betty H. and Jean E. Fairfax Fund in Support of Public Education. At the time of their deaths, the Fund will be the sole beneficiary of income from the annuity payments. They also are committed to making contributions to the fund during their lifetimes to support public education in Cleveland. “We established the fund as a symbol of our gratitude for the education we received from the public schools,” says Jean. 27

James M etzenbaum spent 40 years paying tribute to the love of his life, Bessie Benner Metzenbaum. The M etzenbaums were married only 14 years when Bessie passed away in 1920. From that point on, James dedicated the rest of his life to memorializing the wom an he loved so dearly. As he accumulated wealth, rather than spending it on himself, he established the Bessie Benner M etzenbaum Foundation to benefit children in any way possible. Through the memorial foundation, James Metzenbaum saw much of his dream to help children realized during his lifetime. But, at the time of his death, the foundation had an even larger impact in the lives of children when it gifted 10 acres of property to establish The Bessie Benner M etzenbaum O pportunity School for retarded children of Geauga County. After Jam es’ death, long-time friend and attorney Charles P. Baker Jr. and his wife M arie continued as trustees of the foundation. However, as Charles and M arie approached their late 90s, they discovered the time and cost involved in running a private foundation became more difficult. A founding member of The Cleveland Foundation’s Lake-Geauga committee, Charlie was familiar with the work of the Foundation st * l■ fund and utilized it to convert the Bessie Benner M etzenbaum Susan and George Haskell (standing) Foundation into a donor advised fund at The Cleveland Marie and Charles P. Baker Jr. (sitting) Foundation. Larry Stewart, the long-time attorney for the Bessie Benner Metzenbaum Foundation, was instrumental in its smooth transfer to the Foundation. Today, Charlie, M arie, their daughter Carol, and Charlie’s former law partner George Haskell and his wife Susan serve as fund advisors, and The Cleveland Foundation handles the administrative duties.



The Bessie Benner M etzenbaum Fund of The Cleveland Foundation continues to support the needs of children, just as James had wished. The advisors recommend grants to organizations such as Coats for Kids, the Geauga County Birthing Center and the Lake County Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. After the advisors are no longer able to make grant recommendations, The Cleveland Foundation will continue to honor the legacy of the Metzenbaums by annually distributing grantmaking dollars to the Bessie Benner Metzenbaum Opportunity School in Geauga County. The remaining dollars will be distributed to the Metzenbaum Family and Children’s Center in Cleveland and other programs that meet the charitable, educational and scientific needs of children in the Foundation’s service area. While James and Bessie never had children, they have had an impact on the lives of many generations. And, with the help of The Cleveland Foundation, the charitable legacy James M etzenbaum worked so hard to build as a tribute to his beloved, as well as the memory of Bessie Benner Metzenbaum, will live on in their community forever.


Tom and Cindy Fello Richard and Beth Fentin Patrick C. and Renee Ferritto Thomas M. Ficzner Lou and Carolyn Fidanza Fifth Third Bank of Northeastern Ohio Fine Arts Association FirstMerit Bank, N.A. Todd E. and Polly Fisher Michael A. Flavin Jr. Dorothy Fletcher Christina P. Fluker M artin and Cheryl C. Flusche Forest City Enterprises Charitable Foundation, Inc. Forest City Enterprises, Inc. William R. and Prisceila R. Fothergill Donna L. Fox Fox Fire Protection, Inc. Naomi R. Franklin Brad and Valerie R. Fredericks Gerda K. Freedheim Frederick S. and Mary A. Freer Lois Friedman Phyllis Friedman Friends Association of Cuyahoga County Public Library Friends of Fairview Park Regional Library, Inc. Friends of Lance T. Mason Friends of Madeline Cain Friends of Pilla Committee Friends of the Brook Park Library Friends of the Parma Libraries Friends of Warrensville Community Library Milton G. and Suzanne Fromson Les Fultz Mary F. Gacka Ranelle A. Gamble Donald W. and Yolanda M. Games The GAR Foundation Ralph Garber Bertram Gardner Paul M. and Jane E. Gaydos Steven J. Gaynor and Donna Jean M. Prescott Geauga County Historical Society Geauga West Snowmobile Club Albert I. and Norma C. Geller Genemarco Company, LLC Gus Georgalis The George Gund Foundation Estate of Warren W. Gerber Dorinda A. Gershman Frank P. Giaimo and Nancy Newman Kevin J. Gibbons and Bobbie Dulaney H. Michael and Kathleen M. Gies John Gill Jean C. Gillet The Honorable William T. Gillie P. Neil Glaser Celeste Glasgow Jeffrey T. Glass and Stacy N. Condon Glaus, Pyle, Schomer, Burns and DeHaven, Inc. Glenville Alumni Association Bruce and Christine A. Glick John P. and Paula B. Gloeckler Dr. Jay R. and Beverly S. Gold

Dr. Philip N. and Adrienne Goldberg Donald L. and Sharon Goldman David G. and Sandra Golias Evelyn Golumb Trust Tom Goodman Goodwin Grier Consulting Gary Gordon Phyllis Gordon John R. and M artha E. Gork Jeffrey H. and Jody Gottlieb William A. Gould Julie Sullivan Graham Anita Gray The Greater Cleveland Community Shares Greater Cleveland Fire Fighters Credit Union, Inc. The Great Lakes Construction Co. Estate of Edward F. Green Sylvia Green Lesora W. Greene Geofrey J. and Helen B. Greenleaf Josephine W. and Floyd J. Greer Jr. Richard C. and Ann Gridley Lucile D. and Robert H. Gries Charity Fund Marc W. Groedel Daniel A. and Kelly A. Grossberg Dr. Delores E. Groves Judith I. and Ben B. Gunter Jr. Lorrie Gustin Agnus E. Gwazdauskas Kenneth and Kathleen A. Haber Robert A. Hager and Mary Miralia Mary Louise Hahn Mark A. and Sherie M. Hale Jeanie M. Hall, Ph.D. Estate of Virginia H. Hamann Barbara C. Hamilton Shirley R. Hamilton Hae Kuk and Sun Nae Han Estate of Barbara G. Handyside The Honorable Holsey Gates Handyside Randy and Teri A. Hansen Stephen R. Hardis Barbara T. Harris Gladys H. Harris Mary B. Harvey Glenn R. Hasman Barbara and Henry Hatch III Thomas Hatch and Jance Lentz-Hatch James A. and Denise W. Haviland William R. and Constance S. Hawke John E. and Francette M. Hawkins Henry H. Hawley Lisa M. and William M. Headley Jr. Heery Lawrence and Kathryn Heidelberg William R. and Marla K. Heideloff Janet D. Heil Kathy J. Heinrich Jason R. Heirigs HELP Foundation, Inc. Hemisphere Development, LLC Michael H. and Joan E. Henck Peter H. and Shirley A. Henderson Timothy A. Hennessy John G. and Nancy L. Higgins Thomas C. and Anne T. Hilbert Catherine M. and Robert G. Hill Jr. Cynthia B. Hill

Dale Kocen and R. Robertson Hilton Thompson Hine, LLP Dr. Robert Hinkle Meacham* and Robin H. Hitchcock HNTB Corporation Violet L. Hock Lynette O. Hoehn Tricia K. Hoemberg Estate of Maude Hoffman Michael J. and Suzanne Hoffmann Jeffrey and Norma Holland Holmes-Liberty High School Class of 1940 Elizabeth Furnas Holst Home Builders Association of Greater Cleveland Home Instead Senior Care Paul G. Hoogenboom and Carolyn Seymour David E. and Judy B. Hoover Herbert and Joanne Hoppe The Catherine Horstmann Home Yolanda Armstrong Howell John M. Hoyes Julie E. Hrabak Siauyih G. and Tsun-Yan Hsieh Richard and Annie H. Hubbard Linda M. Hudecek William T. and Gail P. Hudgens Doranne M. Hudson Althea Hughes-Lewis George M. Humphrey II Huntington National Bank Gerald L. Hutchison The Illuminating Company, A First Energy Company Independence Excavating Jonathan E. and Katherine M. Ingersoll International Partners Linked in Mission International Sourcing Group, Ltd. Interstate Safety & Service Co. Invacare Foundation Investment Management Advisory Group, Inc. Irish American Archives Society James Irvine Foundation Claudia Marie Joy Jackson Katherine L. Jackson Jennifer M. James Debra M. Janik Pamela A. Jastal The Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland Ramona Jofferion Andrew L. Johnson Jr. The John F. and Virginia K. Johnson Fund of The Ayco Charitable Foundation Meryl Trimble Johnson S.E. Johnson Companies, Inc. Sharon Johnson Bronwyn Jones Candace M. Jones E. Bradley Jones Geraldean Jones Estate of Lucille F. Jones Sondra S. Jones Estate of Virginia L. Jones William M. and Elizabeth W. Jones Jerry Julio


The Nord Family Foundation North Carolina M utual Life Insurance Co. North Coast Community Homes, Inc. North Coast Pipe Band Notre Dame High School Nurenberg, Plevin, Heller & McCarthy Co. Oatey Company Robert and Ann O ’Brien Timothy Moore O ’Brien Carla O ’Day Ohio Counseling Association Ohio Diversified Services, Inc. Ohio Machinery Company Ohio Savings Bank F.S.B. Ohio State Snowmobile Association Oldest Stone House Herb Society of the Lakewood Historical Society Olivet Institutional Baptist Church Raphael and Andrea Omerza Eric M. and Debra J. Orzan The Osborn Engineering Company Osterland James and Karen Owen Ronnie M. Owens Ozanne Construction Company, Inc.


J. W. Pallotta E. T. Palmatier William A. Papenbrock Eric A. and Susan D. Pardee Parkwood Corporation Parma Heights Fire Fighters Parsons Infrastructure & Technology Group, Inc. Pasco Consultants Chester and Elizabeth Paskin Nancy A. Patrick-Ward Dr. and Dr. Brendan M. Patterson Charles J. and Barbara H. Patterson Clyde A. Patterson Curtis A. Paul and Maryjo Prince-Paul Duane and Jane Paul Charles G. Pauli Jr. John A. Paulson Pavement Technology, Inc. MacGregor Peck Dr. Leighton H. Peebles The Pegasus Agency M artin S. Pekarcik Jr. Romana Peluszkewycz James R. and Katherine Pender Michael C. Penzner Perantinides & Nolan Co., LPA Vincent and Dorothy Peterson David and Kathleen Petno E. Duane Pettiford Charles E. Pfeifer Barbara S. Phillips Doris C. Phillips Dorothy L. Phillips Gary and Claudia Phillips Gladys C. Phillips Robert and Jane Pinkas Pinkney-Perry Insurance Agency, Inc. David and Joyce Pitman The Plain Dealer Plain Dealer Charities, Inc. Plain Dealer Credit Union Point One - Behavioral Healthcare Network Larry Pollock 32

Richard F. Pool Family Living Trust Bourne Pope and Louise Dempsey R. Yvonne Porter John F. and Carol Potter Albert A. Pottinger, Esq. Jeanette F. Potts Robert L. and Mary Jo Potts David R. and Pearl Powell Dale D. Powers Patrick J. Powers Savanna Powers Precision Printing Premier Industrial Philanthropic Fund of The Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP John and Norine Prim Rose Priola Program Challenge Class at Robert C. Lindsey Elementary School Project and Construction Services, Inc. Providence House, Inc. Arthur R. and Marilou Puntel Robert D. Puntel Judith and John S. Pyke Jr. R & R Industries, Inc. Kathryn M. Radakovich Scott and Catharine Ragland M ark and Jacquelyn Ramba Clara Rankin Audrey and Albert Ratner Philanthropic Fund Raymond Rea The Reading 1 Foundation Reading Enrichment for Adult Development Reebok International, Ltd. Regency Construction Services, Inc. David P. and Sandra Reif Remmger & Reminger Republic Waste Services of Ohio Robert R. Rhodes Testamentary Trust Mark W. Ricchuito Ronald and Susan Rice Richard Consulting Corporation Dr. Georgenna Riley Rise, Sally, Rise, Inc. Riverside Company Muriel R. Rizzo Rockford Typographical Union 213 Roman Chariot of Akron, Inc. Ross’ Market Roxboro Management Group, Inc. Royal Landscape Gardening, Inc. Kevin and Anita Robertson Dr. Richard and Kathryn Robins Roberta L. Rocco Lori S. Rochat Joy Rohring Eduardo Romero Herman B. and Ruth K. Rosen Bertha Rosenbluth Dr. Eugene and Jacqueline Ross Dr. Carrie Ross-Shelton Robert J. Roth Stanley R. and Christina N. Rothschild Scott D. and Laurie L. Roulston Scot M. and Traci Rourke Klaus and Gene Roy RPM International Inc.

Dwayne and Ashia Rudd Heather Rudge The Ruhlin Company William and Mary Russo Alan D. Rutsky Edward and Naomi Ruttan S.A.W., Inc. Claudia E. Sabino Dr. Oscar E. Saffold St. Ann’s Church St. James A.M.E. Church Susan A. St. John St. Philomena Catholic Church John and Dorisann Salisbury Robert J. Salmon Sand Fair Foundation Vasile and Terri Sandu Michelle L. Sanson Sarvodaya Foundation Richard N. and Patricia H. Sauter Michael J. Sawicki SBC Ameritech SBK-Brooks Investment Corp. Linda E. Schinzel Troy and Robyn C. Schinzel Margaret J. Schloss Patricia M. Schmid Andrea L. Schmidt Linda Burwasser Schneider Robert J. Schneider The Rev. Daniel H. Schoonmaker and Lael A. Stone, M.D. Thomas and Elizabeth Schorgl Howard and Marcy Schreibman Susanne F. Schroer Nancy L. Schubert Galen L. Schuerlein Alvin and Mary Ann Schulz Joseph and Ashley Schumacher Bela R. Schwartz and June Zimmerman W. John Scott Sonia F. Scott-James Mrs. Ellery Sedgwick Jr. Nancy Seelbach Dorothy R. and Henry E. Seibert IV Mary Ann Senal Robert and Linda Senior Jerome and Eileen Seppelt Leo and Marianela Serrano Deborah Sesek Louise A. Sevold Shaker Lakes Garden Club Barbara J. Shakoor Henry D. Shapiro Curtiss Shawnee Robert and Melanie Shearer Sheboygan Newspaper Guild No. 179 Jerry and Phyllis Sheets Rubie C. Sheldon Gwendolyn Sherard-Bishop Heather Sherwin David Shifrin Drs. Charles and Janet Shin Michael S. Shin Patrick and Lisa Shin Shook, Inc. Shorebank Enterprise Group Cleveland Deirdre Sibthorp Siebert Brandford Shank & Co., LLC Gary M. and Evelyn Siegel

In 2002, as well-known community leader Tom Sullivan was retiring from the family-started business RPM Inc., his six children - Frank, Thomas Jr., Sean, Daniel, Julie and Kathleen - wanted to honor him and their mother Sandy. Knowing education was an area of importance to their parents and wanting to create a lasting gift, they established the Sullivan Scholars Fund of The Cleveland Foundation. The fund supports educational needs of children in kindergarten through grade 12 in N ortheast Ohio. Frank Sullivan, the eldest son and successor to the CEO position at RPM, asked others to become involved in honoring Tom and Sandy. W ithin a few short weeks, the fund received $1 million in contributions from RPM, its board members and executives, and long-standing company partners and friends. Filled with surprise and joy, Tom and Sandy Sullivan matched this gift to bring the Sullivan Scholars Fund to $2 million. “It’s a great cause and one that people believe in,” says Frank Sullivan, “and the affiliation with The Cleveland Foundation helped tremendously because it gave the fund instant credibility.” Of course, Frank adds, the most im portant part was his parents’ reputation for involvement. “My parents have had a great impact in our community, and many people appreciate th at.” Once the Fund was officially established, the Sullivans met with Foundation staff members who helped them determine criteria for scholarships, such as how many would be awarded each year and the dollar am ount. The Foundation helped the Sullivans assemble a sevenmember advisory committee to choose scholarship recipients. The committee is composed of three Sullivan family members, three local education professionals, and one Foundation representative.

Sandy and Tom Sullivan

W anting to make a meaningful difference for the students, the Sullivans decided to keep the number of scholarships distributed each year low, but the dollar am ount high. Therefore, it covers a large proportion of school tuition, which typically exceeds $5,000 a year. Tom and Sandy are thrilled with the direction of the Sullivan Scholars Fund.


“Education is the way for people to grow,” says Sandy Sullivan. “If you only had one area you could give to, I think education is by far the one that is closest to our hearts.”

In spring 2003, the Sullivan Scholars Fund announced its first scholarships for the 2003-2004 school year. Scholarships were awarded to one St. Edward High School student and four freshman students entering high school after completing eighth grade; two from Urban Community School and two from M etro Catholic Parish School.


Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity - Tau Boule Ted Silverberg Theo Simmons-Hampton Daniel and Meryl Simon John A. Simon and Lore Ann Leclair-Simon Sally E. Simpson Linda Singer John Slagter William W. Sly Estate Small Business News, Inc. The Smiley Family Charitable Foundation Patricia B. Smirnoff Annie B. Smith Fontella Y. Smith Joe L. Smith Jill Snyder Marcia W. Sollisch Jason Sonenshein Hyun S. and Hi C. Song Southwest General Health Center Jonathan and Wendy Spector Barbara J. Spencer James Evan Spencer Enterprises, Inc. Daniel Spiegel and Xiaoqin Yu Aaron Spira and Kristin Emanuel Spisak Fundraiser Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, LLP Patrice Stack Nicholas Stallard William J. Stark Jr. Ed and Betsy Starr David L. and Sally Stashower State Farm Insurance Company Cathy A. Stawarski Thomas H. and Rita M. Stawarski Rebecca L. Steele Billie Howland Steffee William P. Steffee and Erica Collins Leonard and Karen Steiger Jon and Cecilia Steinman J. Frederick Stillman III Theodore and Virginia Stocking Suzanne M. Strauss Tara P. Streeter Struggling Within Leber’s Fund-raising Event Estate of Harvey E. Stuhler Arthur and Diane Stupay Chandra Subodhe Bette J. Sullivan Daniel S. Sullivan Frank C. Sullivan Kathleen M. Sullivan, Ph.D. Sophie and Richard Sullivan Jr. Thomas and Cheryl Sullivan Thomas and Sandy Sullivan Thomas C. Sullivan Jr. T. Sean Sullivan H. Craig and Angela Sutton Estate of Jean Swisher William A. Sykes Sr. Symax Ltd. of Ohio Bela and Alice Szigethy

Olive Deany Tabor Seth C. and Frances Taft Craig Tame Joann Tarladgis Kenya Taylor Raymond L. Teamor Michael D. Tellor Glenn R. and Patricia D. Theile Paul N. Thomarios Douglas and Tracy Thomas James and Andrea Thome Ellen A. Thompson Estate of Lockwood Thompson The Neil L. Thompson Family Foundation, Inc. Dr. Jerry Sue Thornton Laura J. Thysell James and Susan Tinagero Diana Tittle Toledo Typographical Union No. 63 Angie Tomaselli P. Kelly Tompkins William Wray Torrey and Darien S. Woo Diana D. Treco TRW Foundation Andrew and Edna I. Turner Christine Turner Turner Construction Lawrence C. and Jane Turnock Ralph C. Tyler Joseph Tzeng Raymond and Darlene Udrow Ultimate Warranty Corp. United Black Fund of Greater Cleveland United British Society United Mortgage Group United Way Services University Circle Incorporated University Lodge No. 192 URS U.S. Fence, LLC US Network, Inc. Joe and Carol Usaj Utilicon Corp. M ark and Risa Uvlin Thomas and Julie Vail Sylvia Valenzuela William and Barbara Valis Don P. and Mary Louise Van Dyke Philip and Mae Van Riper George J. and Lois M. Vance Robert W. Varley Beverley A. Veccia Raymond and Lois Vehovec Estate of Cornelius B. VerDuin Robert and Jeannie Vetrone Donald and Nancy Vickers Robert Vilkas Terry Vincent Joseph and Paulette Viviano John H. Vogel Jr. William Von Alt Mr. and Mrs. Milan Vranjes Jr. Ellen Garretson Wade Memorial Fund Alan B. and Lynn F. Wagner Carol A. Wagner M arian E. Wagner Richard C. Wagner and Carol Gudgel Wagner Thomas and Susan Wagner Thomas R. Wagoner


Denise M. Walde Donald and Jean Walker Robert and Amy Wann David M. Ward Trust Water Resources & Coastal Engineering William A. Warren Jomarie Wasik Earl T. Watkins Jr. Neil and Constance Waxman Edgar M. and Ann S. Wayne Ronald F. Wayne Byron D. Weems Peter and Laurie Weinberger Weisman, Goldberg & Weisman Co., LPA Mardie J. Weldon Welsh Consulting Weltman, Weinberg & Reis, Co., L.P.A. Eunice Wertenberger Western Reserve Chapter Links, Incorporated West Geauga Local School District Karl F. and Amy Powell Wheatley Jeffrey and Leslie F. Wheeler John and M argaret Wheeler Dolores White Bradley W. Whitehead and Amy Weisberg-Whitehead Estate of Bertha Wiggins Sarah W. Wild Gary M. Wildey and April Firstencel Donald R. Wilkinson Dr. R. Allen Wilkinson Hazel M artin Willacy Delores Williams James G. and Barbara Williams Johnny H. Williams Lydia Williams Ruth Williams Willie S. Williams, Ph.D., Inc. Dr. Peter M. Williamson Kathryn E. Wilmer Linda Wilson Barbara Wimmes Esther Wish H. Robert Wismar Jr. Evan D. Witt Wittenberg Classmates Arthur C. Wittoesch Eleanor R. Wolff Lynn E. Wolfram The Women’s Board of The Lakewood Historical Society Women’s Community Foundation Won’s Fast Stop, Inc. M argaret W. Wong Margaret W. Wong & Associates Company, LPA Woods Fund of Chicago A. Winnifred Wright Dr. Jackson T. Wright Jr. Xerox Corporation David M. Yale Mary B. Yancey Nancy M. Yarosh James and Patricia Yip L. T. Young Wendee B. Zaas John M. Zayac Susan Ross Zerden *Deceased

This past year, the equity markets continued a period of poor performance. In 2002, the Foundation’s return was -10.6 percent, which followed a 2001 return of -4.5 percent. During these same periods, the equity market, measured by the S8cP 500, generated returns of -22.1 percent in 2002 and -11.9 percent in 2001. The fixed income market, measured by the Lehman Aggregate, generated returns of 10.3 percent in 2002 and 8.4 percent in 2001. A 70 percent/30 percent mix of equities and fixed income would have generated approximately -12.4 percent in 2002 and -5.8 percent in 2001. The Foundation ended 2002 with total assets of $1,312,166,868, down from $1,499,767,419 in 2001. The net revenue, investment losses and other support for the year totaled -$106,965,085. Net losses from investment of -$138,552,729 were partially offset by new gifts of $31,587,644. The Foundation’s total expense for the year was $73,443,672, which included $5,763,994 in trustee and investment management fees and other expenses, $8,596,655 in administrative expenses and $59,083,023 in grant expenses. The resulting impact of the expenses, in addition to the negative revenue, was a reduction of net assets of $180,408,757 resulting in total assets of $1,312,166,868. cash/st 1%

fixed incom e 22% cap 40%

alternatives 6% convertables 3% other 1%

international 14%

m id cap


small cap 7% asset allocation as o f 12/31/02

As the markets continue to underperform, the Foundation has maintained reviews of its asset allocation strategy. W ith the potential for single digit returns in the next few years, the Foundation has continued its policy of diversification by assuming positions in alternative asset classes. The Foundation also has continued to fund commitments to alternative managers that it made in 1999 and early 2000. The Foundation expects to continue progress tow ard its strategic 10 percent position in alternative investments as opportunities arise. 35

board of directors The board o f directors governs the Foundation, establishes policy, sets priorities and makes final grant decisions. All members are volunteers serving a maximum o f 10 years. The board appointment process ensures a broad range o f views and knowledge and our board makeup reflects that o f the larger community. The Bank Trustees Committee, comprising one representative from each o f the Foundation’s five trustee banks, appoints five o f the Foundation’s board members. Public officials also appoint five members: one member each is appointed by the chief judge o f the United States District Court for the Northern District o f Ohio, Eastern Division; the senior or presiding judge o f the Probate Division, Court o f Common Pleas o f Cuyahoga County; the administrative judge o f the Court o f Appeals o f the Eighth Judicial District o f Ohio; the mayor o f the City o f Cleveland; and the board o f directors o f the Federation for Community Planning. The remaining five directors are appointed by the majority vote o f the board o f directors.

Jerry Sue Thornton, Ph.D.

Vice Chairperson, Appointed 1995 by the Mayor, City o f Cleveland Dr. Jerry Sue Thornton has served as president of Cuyahoga Community College since 1992. She co-chairs the Empowerment Zone Citizens’ Advisory Committee, serves as vice chairperson of St. Vincent Quadrangle, Inc., and is a trustee of 15 other community organizations, including United Way Services, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and M useum, and the Greater Cleveland Roundtable. She serves on the boards of Applied Industrial Technologies, N ational City Corporation, RPM Inc., American Greetings and OfficeMax, and is a non-voting member of the board of the Cleveland M unicipal School District. James E. Bennett III

John Sherwin Jr.

Chairperson, Appointed 1996 by the Trustees Comm ittee Jack Sherwin is the president of M id-Continent Ventures, Inc. Prior to founding the company in 1985, he held various positions with Diam ond Shamrock Corporation domestically and overseas. Active in the community, Sherwin is a director of Brush Engineered M aterials, Inc., Impulse Technology Ltd. and ShoreBank Cleveland C orporation. Additionally, he serves on the boards of The Holden Arboretum, John Carroll University, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation and W estminster School. He is a life trustee of the Hawken School and a trustee emeritus of the Great Lakes M useum of Science, Environment and Technology. Sherwin has had a long involvement w ith The Cleveland Foundation, including helping to establish the LakeGeauga Fund in 1987 and serving as president of The Sherwick Fund, the nation’s first supporting organi­ zation, which his father created in 1969. H e holds a bachelor’s degree in business adm inistration from John Carroll University. 36

Appointed 1994 by the Trustees Committee Jim Bennett is a senior managing director of Dix & Eaton and managing director of Bennett Group LLC, a management consulting firm. He is also the chairman of NextM ED Systems. H e was previ­ ously with McKinsey & Company, KeyCorp and EmployOn. At McKinsey, he served as managing director for Canada, managing director of the Cleveland/Pittsburgh Office Complex and member of the worldwide Shareholders Committee. At Key, he headed retail banking and operational services. He is a trustee of the Greater Cleveland M edia Development C orporation and the Cleveland Initiative for Education. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Cornell University and a Juris Doctor degree from H arvard University Law School.

Terri Hamilton Brown

A ppointed 2001 by the Board o f Directors Terri Ham ilton Brown is the president of University Circle Inc. Prior to that, she served as executive director of the Cuyahoga M etropolitan Housing Authority. She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from The University of Chicago and a m aster’s degree in city planning from the M assachusetts Institute of Technology. Brown is a trustee of United Way Services and ShoreBank Cleveland. She also serves on the board of the Greater Cleveland Roundtable and is a graduate of Leadership Cleveland. Tana Carney

Appointed 2001 by Presiding Judge, Probate Court o f Cuyahoga County Tana Carney is an active volunteer for several nonprofit organizations, including Planned Parenthood of Greater Cleveland, where she serves on the board of directors; and West Side Ecumenical Ministry, where she is an advisory trustee and chair of the Arts Committee. She on the Alumni Board of Trustees at Goucher College in Towson, M aryland. Throughout her career, she has worked at the Cuyahoga County Treasurer’s Office as public inform ation specialist and has served as staff associate for the Administration of Justice Committee. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from Goucher College and a M aster of Arts from Case Western Reserve University.

David Goldberg

Appointed 2001 by the Board o f Trustees David Goldberg is the chairm an of the board of Ohio Savings Bank. He holds a Bachelor of Science from The O hio State University and a Juris Doctor from Case W estern Reserve University. He is the chairm an of Village Capital C orporation, a board mem ber of N eighborhood Progress, Inc., the Greater Cleveland G row th Association and the D ow ntow n Cleveland Partnership. He also serves as a trustee of the Jewish Community Federation and NorTech, the N ortheast Ohio Technology Coalition, and is a steering committee member of Cleveland Saves. Ric Harris

A ppointed 2002 by the Board o f Directors Ric H arris is the vice president and general m anager for WEWS Cleveland. Ric has spent over 15 years in the media industry, working in television and newspaper sales, as well as a radio on-air talent. He has spent the last eight years in television management. He earned his bachelor’s degree from John Carroll University, where he is currently working on a m aster’s degree. H e serves on the boards of the Greater Cleveland G row th Association, the American Red Cross and the Urban League.

Joseph P. Keithley

A ppointed 2002 by the Board o f Directors Joseph Keithley is the chairman of the board, president and chief executive officer of Keithley Instrum ents, Inc. He serves on the board of trustees of Case Western Reserve University and the advisory board of Cornell University’s Electrical Engineering School. He is a trustee of the Greater Cleveland Grow th Association. Keithley is a member of the C orporate Council of the Cleveland M useum of Art, the NorTech Coalition and the Ohio Aerospace Council, and is a trustee of Judson Retirement Community. Keithley has a Bachelor of Science and a M aster of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering from Cornell University and an MBA from the University of Michigan. Benson P. Lee

Appointed 1998 by the President o f the Federation for C om m unity Planning Benson Lee is president and chief executive officer of Technology M anagem ent, Inc. He is a trustee (emeritus) of Cornell University, serving on the Cornell Research Foundation and the Advisory Boards of the East Asia Program and Division of Biological Sciences. Locally, he is a former trustee of the Federation for Community Planning and Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. He was a founding trustee of the Cleveland Tom orrow Center for Venture Development, now Enterprise Development, Inc. He received his bachelor’s and m aster’s degrees in electrical engineering from Cornell University.

Catharine Monroe Lewis

Appointed 1994 by the Trustees Comm ittee Cathy Lewis is the former chairper­ son of The Cleveland Foundation’s board of directors, a past chair of the board of Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, and a trustee of University Hospitals and University Hospitals Health System, QualChoice Health Plan, the Center for International Child H ealth and the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love. She served on the Citizens’ Committee on AIDS/HIV, which devised Cleveland’s strategy for AIDS prevention, education and service delivery, and is chair of its successor organization, the AIDS Funding Collaborative. She is a graduate of Leadership Cleveland and recipient of the YWCA’s 1992 Career W omen of Achievement Award, the 1998 Creative Philanthropy Award from the W omen’s Community Foundation, and the 1999 M arch of Dimes Franklin Delano Roosevelt Award for Community Service. She was inducted into the Ohio Women’s Hall of Fame in 2002. Alex Machaskee

A ppointed 1996 by the C hief Justice, Court o f Appeals, Eighth Judicial District o f Ohio Alex M achaskee is publisher, president and chief executive officer of The Plain Dealer. He serves as chairm an of the board of United Way Services. He served as past chairm an of the 2001-2002 United Way Campaign as well as past chairm an of the Greater Cleveland Roundtable. He serves as vice president of the M usical Arts Association. He is on the boards of the Ohio Arts Council, University Circle Inc., Cleveland Tomorrow, the Great Lakes Science Center, the Greater Cleveland G row th Association, Leadership Cleveland, the Urban League of Greater Cleveland, St. Vladimir’s O rthodox Theological Seminary and the national board of the International O rthodox Christian Charities.

The Reverend Dr. Otis Moss Jr.

Appointed 1998 by the C hief Judge, U.S. District Court, Northern District o f Ohio The Rev. Otis Moss Jr. has been pastor of Olivet Institutional Baptist Church since 1975. Named by E B O N Y m aga­ zine as one of America’s greatest black preachers, he has been involved in the civil rights movement for more than 35 years. A founding board member of the Greater Cleveland Roundtable, he currently chairs the board of trustees of M orehouse College. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from M orehouse College and a M aster of Divinity degree from M orehouse School of Religion of the Interdenom inational Theological Center. He also holds a Doctor of M inistry degree from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio.

Alayne Reitman

A ppointed 2001 by the Board o f Directors Alayne Reitm an holds a Bachelor of Arts from Emory University and an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s W harton School. Reitman serves as a trustee and assistant treasurer of the Hawken School and a trustee of the Immerman Foundation. She also serves as a trustee of the Robert S. and Sylvia K. Reitman Family Foundation and as a trustee and vice president of the executive committee of the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland. Jacqueline F. Woods

A ppointed 1998 by the Trustees Comm ittee Jackie W oods is the retired president of SBC Ameritech Ohio. She serves on Maria Jose Pujana, M.D. the boards of The Appointed 2002 by Timken Company, the Board o f Directors Anderson, Inc. and OfficeM ax. She M aria Pujana, M .D ., a clinical neurologist and neurophysiologist, is on the boards of the Greater Cleveland Chapter of the American is an adjunct instructor at Case W estern Reserve University’s Center Red Cross, the G reat Lakes for Global H ealth and Diseases in Science Center, Playhouse Square the School of Medicine, where she Foundation, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and M useum. She has been since 1994. She has also is also a trustee of the M usical served as the chief resident of the Arts Association, The Ohio State neurophysiology departm ent at Veteran Hospitals in M adrid, Spain, University Foundation, the Visiting and earned her medical degree from Committee of the W eatherhead the Universidad Complutense in School of M anagem ent and M adrid. She serves as the chair of M uskingum College. She is a art and culture for graduate of M uskingum College. El Barrio and as a member of the advisory board for the Cleveland Institute of Art. She also served as a member of the community advisory board of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and M useum. Previously, she served as vice president of council for the Cleveland Ballet. She is a member of the board of the Cuyahoga Community College Foundation. In addition, she owns a health and beauty spa and is president and designer of M arise Jewelry Designs, for which she has been featured in The Plain Dealer, Hello Magazine, Sun Newspapers, Latina Style and Vogue. 37

gofff society The Goff Society is named after The Cleveland Foundation’s founder, Frederick Harris Goff. In 1914, Goff invented the community foundation, developed a working model and promoted the concept across the United States. By the time he died in 1923, more than 50 community trusts had been established. Today, there are more than 600 community foundations in this country, and the model is emulated throughout the world. Members of the Goff Society are individuals who have established perm anent named funds, donor advised funds or supporting organizations, or have made cumulative gifts of $10,000 or more. We are deeply grateful to each of them for their support of philanthropy. Anonymous (34) Stanley I. and Hope S. Adelstein Joan H. and Richard B. Ainsworth Jr. Nancy Amantea Dr. M ax D. Amstutz Keith A. and Marie S. Ashmus Andrea Conrad Bachman Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Baker Jr. Fred J. Ball and Elizabeth S. Ball Mai and Lea Bank D. Robert and Kathleen L. Barber Kent and Jeannine Cavender Bares Carolyn and Doug Barr Hanna H. and James T. Bartlett Sam Bartlett Joseph A. Bauer, M.D., and Sally E. Bauer, M.D. Jean A. Bell Leigh and Jim Bennett Leonard and Susan Berson Charles P. and Julia S. Bolton Mrs. Roger Bond Jr. Grace W. Bregenzer Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Broadbent Jeanette Grasselli Brown and Glenn R. Brown Lenore V. Buford, Ph.D. B. Kingsley Buhl Lance C. Buhl Judge Lillian W. Burke Richard and Joyce Burke Robert and Virginia Burkhardt Mr. and Mrs. John H. Burlingame Roy W. Cade David and Ginger Campopiano Annette and Nicholas A. Canitano Harry and Marjorie M. Carlson John J. and Tana N. Carney E. Bruce and Virginia Chaney Kelly Chapman Judge Carl and Dee Ann Character Allison E. Conrad Cherkinian and Michael K. Cherkinian Emily Cherkinian Corning Chisholm Mr.1 and Mrs. M. Roger Clapp Michael A. and Susan K. Clegg Mrs. Kenneth Clement Doris A. Clinton-Gobec Ginny and Bob Clutterbuck Karen M. and Kenneth L. Conley Caroline Conrad Robert and Jean Conrad


Susan Conrad Jack and Jeanette Crislip Tim and Susan Curtiss Ms. D. J. Davie David G. and Adelaide S. Davies James M. and Ann M. Delaney Adela D. Dolney Sarah Lund and Roland W. Donnem Mrs. Philip Dhuc Dressier Jim and Isabelle Dunlap John J. Dwyer Susan Lajoie Eagan, Ph.D. Ginny and Bob Eckardt Ann C. and Richard L. Ernst Heather and Jeff Ettinger Doris Anita Evans, M.D. Betty H. Fairfax Jean F. Fairfax Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Federico Scott and Lauren Fine John Gabel Yolanda and Don Games Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Garda Sr. Albert I. Geller and Norma C. Geller Geofrey and Helen Greenleaf Sally and Bob Gries Jane and Jim Griswold Sally K. Griswold John, Christiane, Patrick and Oliver Guinness William R. Gustaferro Susan M. Haffey James J. Hamilton Ralph W. Hammond Holsey Gates Handyside Randolph M. and Teri A. Hansen Sondra and Steve Hardis William E. and Nancy M. Harris Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Hartwell Jr. Clark Harvey and Holly Selvaggi Donald F. Hastings and Shirley T. Hastings Henry R. Hatch and Barbara Hitchcock Hatch William R. and Constance S. Hawke Laura R. Heath Preston B. Heller Jr. Beverly G. and Albert M. Higley Jr. Anne and Thomas Hilbert Debra Hirshberg and Jamie Hecker Robin and Meacham*' Hitchcock Arlene and Arthur S. Holden Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Ingersoll B. Scott Isquick

Mr. and Mrs. Brooks M. Jones Elizabeth W. and William M. Jones Richard E. and Judith S. Karberg Donald J. Katt and Maribeth Filipic-Katt M artin R. Kolb and Sandra I. Kiely Stewart A. and Donna M. Kohl Vilma L. Kohn, Ph.D. Jean A. Lang Mr. and Mrs. Tom H. Lang Benson P. and Vicki P. Lee Mrs. David Lehtinen and Family Alan Lerner and Erica New Cathy and John Lewis Mr.* and Mrs. Wayne H. Lewis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Lombardy Jr. Mrs. Joel Y. Lund William E. MacDonald III and Susan W. MacDonald Alex and Carol Machaskee Linda Macklin Dan and Janice Margheret Richard G. and Cynthia C. Marschner Herbert R. Martens Mrs. Leonard G. Martien Dr. Elizabeth B. Mastrangelo Ellen L. Mastrangelo Lisa B. Mastrangelo Mark E. Mastrangelo Thornton D. and Penny P. McDonough John J. and Doreen A. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Meszaros Don and Terri Milder Dennis L. Miller Jamir M. and Racquel A. Miller Steven and Dolly Minter William A. and Margaret N. Mitchell J. Michael and Diane Monteleone Lindsay J. and David T. Morgenthaler Earl F. and Betsy* D. Myerholtz Mr. and Mrs. John G. Nestor Charles J. and Patricia Perry Nock James A. (Dolph) and Fay-Tyler Norton Mrs. R. Henry Norweb Jr. Joe and Arline Nosse J. Ward Pallotta Marjorie K. Pallotta Charles G. Pauli Emily M. Peck MacGregor W. Peck Gilbert S. Peirce

Katherine and James Pender George J. Picha, M.D. Richard W. and Patricia R. Pogue M ax and Linda Proffitt Carol A. Ralston Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin Victoire and Alfred M. Rankin Jr. Charles A. and liana Horowitz Ratner Mr. and Mrs. Todd R. Ray F. James and Rita Rechin David P. and Sandra Reif Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Reisacher William Hughes Roberts Dr. Richard and Kathryn Robins Scott D. and Laurie L. Roulston Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Roulston Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Rye Katharine B. Scanlon Bob Schneider Linda Burwasser Schneider The Rev. Daniel H. Schoonmaker and Lael A. Stone, M.D. Jill Schumacher Mrs. Ellery Sedgwick Jr. Ned and Dorothy Seibert Mr. and Mrs. John Sherwin Jr. Terry Shockey, Florence E. Shockey* and Bud (Lovell) Shockey”' Ruth J. Skuly and Leo A. Deininger Mrs. Edward W. Sloan Jr. Robert L. and Anita L. Smialek Deborah Ann Smith Mrs. Kent H. Smith Russell H. and Gretchen H. Smith David S. Snapp and Virginia Roberts Snapp Frank U. Sowell and Linda A. Jackson Sowell Edward J. and Elizabeth Starr Billie Howland Steffee James P. Storer Frank and Barbara Sullivan Thomas and Sandy Sullivan Thomas C. Sullivan Jr. Alice and Bela Szigethy Dudley J. Taw Mike and Jane Tellor Joseph Tzeng Philip R. Uhlin Paul and Sonja Unger Catherine G. and Dale E. Veres Sen. and Mrs. George V. Voinovich Michael Waller and Deborah Thigpen Waller Mrs. Peter Wellman William Wendling and Lynne E. Woodman Margie and John Wheeler Matthew L. White Michael and JoAnn White Carmel B. Whiting Charles D. Whitmer and Mary G. Whitmer David P. Williams III and Janice Cross-Williams Ruth Williams Mrs. Michael A. Wipper Mrs. Samuel Wolpert Margaret W. Wong John and Jacqueline Woods Robert J. and Janet G. Yaroma John Stanley and M argaret Ingersoll Zitzner


Goff Society Organizations and Corporations

The Adhesion Society American Cancer Society, Ohio Division Incorporated American Orff-Schulwerk Association Antioch Baptist Church Association of Asian Indian Women in Ohio The Astrup Company Aurora Schools Foundation The Molly Bee Fund Bethany Baptist Church Black Professionals Association Charitable Foundation BP America Inc. The Brandon Family Foundation Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP The City Club Forum Foundation City of Cleveland Ciulla, Smith &c Dale LLP Cleveland Arts Prize The Cleveland Chapter of The Links, Inc. Cleveland Women’s City Club Foundation Communications Workers of America - District 4 Conley Canitano & Associates Cuyahoga County Public Library Cuyahoga Valley Environmental Education Center Deaconess Community Foundation Dress for Success Cleveland Early Childhood Enrichment Center East Side Catholic Center and Shelter Eaton Corporation Foundation Fairfax Renaissance Development Corporation Family Planning Association of Northeast Ohio, Inc. Federation for Community Planning Fine Arts Association First United Methodist Church Florence Crittenton Services of Greater Cleveland, Inc. Friends of The Shaker Heights Public Library Geauga County Historical Society Glenville Alumni Association Goodrich Social Settlement Greater Cleveland Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Hampton University Alumni Association of Cleveland HELP Foundation, Inc. The Catherine Horstmann Home The Intermuseum Conservation Association International Partners in Mission InterReligious Partners in Action of Greater Cleveland M argaret A. and R. Livingston Ireland Foundation Irish American Archives Society The Judge Perry B. Jackson Scholarship Foundation, Inc. Reverend A. William Jamerson Memorial Scholarship Committee The Junior League of Cleveland, Inc. Lake County Historical Society The Lakewood Foundation Lakewood Historical Society Leadership Cleveland

Lesbian/Gay Community Service Center of Greater Cleveland The Lincoln Electric Foundation Links, Incorporated - Western Reserve Chapter Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Association Lyric Opera Cleveland Medical M utual of Ohio, Inc. North Coast Community Homes Endowment Fund Northeastern Neighborhood Development Corp. Northern Ohio Opera Northwest Emergency Team The Ohio Humanities Council The Ohio Savings Bank Charitable Fund Olivet Institutional Baptist Church Point One - Behavioral Healthcare Network Prevent Blindness Ohio PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP M W Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio Providence House, Inc. RPM International Inc. Recovery Resources SBC St. James A.M.E. Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity - Tau Boule Small Business News, Inc. George B. Storer Foundation, Inc. United Black Fund of Greater Cleveland, Inc. United Way Services The Village Foundation (Bay Village) Women’s Community Foundation Youth Challenge

Frederick Harris Goff

legacy society


Members of the Legacy Society have planned future gifts to their communities through the Foundation through bequests, trusts, pooled income funds, life insurance or charitable gift annuities or charitable remainder trusts. We are deeply grateful to each of them for their foresight in helping to fund the future needs of our community. Anonymous (15) Stanley I. and Hope S. Adelstein Doris Alburn Peter and Jane Anagnostos Lois M. Applegate Marvelous Ray Baker Fred J. Ball and Elizabeth S. Ball Mai and Lea Bank D. Robert and Kathleen L. Barber Ronald C. Barnes Hanna H. and James T. Bartlett Richard and Mary Batyko Jean A. Bell Linda M. Betzer Leona Bevis Robert E. Bingham Caprice H. Bragg Jeannette W. Brewer Arthur V. N. Brooks Lenore V. Buford, Ph.D. George W.* and Helen Boggis Burdg Robert and Virginia Burkhardt Minna S. Buxbaum Manny and Carmella Calta Tom and Peggy Campbell Harry and Marjorie M. Carlson Mary C. Carter Kathleen A. Cerveny Kelly Chapman Michael A. and Susan K. Clegg Ruth H. Cohn Richard H. and Cathy L. Crabtree Pitt A. and Sally Curtiss Beth Darmstadter Philip Dawson John E. Doxsey Patricia Jansen Doyle Ruth A. Dreger Kevin Ellison Doris Anita Evans, M.D. Betty H. Fairfax Jean E. Fairfax Lauren and Scott Fine Helen V. Fitzhugh Virginia Q. Foley C. Henry and Caryn Foltz Eddie Fryer John Gabel Philip H.* and Jane G. Geier Robert M. and Barbara Ginn Julianne Goss Winifred H. Gray Sally K. Griswold

Dr. Michael J. Grusenmeyer Mary Louise and Richard Hahn Alice Hamilton Awilda Hamilton Holsey Gates Handyside Randolph M. and Teri A. Hansen Mary Jane D. Hartwell Marcia G. Harvey Dorothea Jean Hassler Beverly G. and Albert M. Higley Jr. Edith Fellinger Hirsch Michael J. and Suzanne I. Hoffmann Ronald D. Holman P. Clark Hungerford Katherine and Jonathan Ingersoll Jerry and Martha Jarrett Elizabeth W. and William M. Jones Virginia L. Jones'' Walter C. Kelley Norman F. and Sandra L. Klopp August and Olga Koenig Stewart and Donna Kohl Vilma L. Kohn, Ph.D. M artin R. Kolb and Sandra Kiely Kolb Elizabeth D. Kondorossy June R. Kosich Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Krug Marjorie and Samuel Lamport Mr. and Mrs. Tom H. Lang William F. Laurie and Georgia E. Laurie Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leamy Frances D. Lesser*' Charlotte S. Levy* Mr.*' and Mrs. Wayne H. Lewis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Russell Lincoln Kenneth A. Linstruth, M.D. Thomas E. and Patricia A. Lusk Sheldon and Marilyn MacLeod Franklin F. Martin Aline G. Masek Mrs. J. Denny May* Terence J. and Nancy S. McCann The Rev. Dr. John R. McCarthy Steven and Dolly Minter William A. and Margaret N. Mitchell Arthur P. Moebius Diane L. Moffett Mary B. Moon John B. Moore Ann Morgan Robert D. and Janet E. Neary James A. (Dolph) and Fay-Tyler Norton Mrs. R. Henry Norweb Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Harris Goff with Mrs. Harvey Firestone (center)


John F. O ’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Pace M argaret Patch Mahesh Patel, M.D. Taru Patel, M.D. Barbara H. Patterson Frederick W. Pattison Katherine and James Pender Arvid S. and Marianne B. Peterson David R. Pierce and Philip M. Cucchiara Florence K. Z. Pollack Lucia C. Pomeroy Caroline Brewer Goff Prentiss William Hughes Roberts Fred E.* and Virginia P. Roedger* James L. Ryhal Jr. Lynn Sargi Robert Schneider Ned and Dorothy Seibert Catherine Swing Sellors Dr. Gerald and Phyllis Seltzer Mr. and Mrs. John Sherwin Jr. Robert V. Spurney and Florence W. Spurney Cathy A. Stawarski Billie Howland Steffee Mr.* and Mrs. Edward W. Sloan Jr. Ralph E. and Barbara N. String Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Thomas David and Ellen Van Arsdale Dr. Cedomil* and Mary Vugrincic William Wendling and Lynne E. Woodman Thomas R. and Dorothy G. Wigglesworth Hazel M artin Willacy George E. and Rolande G. Willis Genevieve and A. Carter Wilmot Mr. and Mrs. H. Robert Wismar Jn Patrick Zohn


new named funds George Bascome Coombe Fund

Established by George Coombe for the charitable and educational needs of the community. Richard F. Coyne Charitable Gift Annuity

Established by Richard Coyne for G reat Lakes Science Center and H arvard University. John E. Doxsey Charitable Gift Annuity

Established by John Doxsey to benefit the N ature Center at Shaker Lakes. Betty H. and Jean E. Fairfax Charitable Gift Annuity

Established by Betty and Jean Fairfax to provide future support to the Betty H. and Jean E. Fairfax Fund in support of public education in Cleveland. Jean C. Gillet Charitable Gift Annuity Fund

Established by Jean Gillet for the Preservation Fund of St. Philomena Catholic Church. g P


HECB Trust

Established by the Estate of Cornelius VerDuin.

The Peter Hitchcock House Fund of The Geauga County Historical Society Fund

Established by descendants of Peter Hitchcock. The Virginia Jones Fund

Established by the Estate of Virginia Jones. Joseph Lang Charitable Gift Annuity

Established by Joseph Lang for the Preservation Fund of St. Philomena Catholic Church.


Joseph, Anna and Valerie Marousch Memorial Fund

Established by the Estate of Valerie M arousch to provide support to charitable organizations that primarily seek to minimize the suffering of children and the aged, and to promote medical research seeking the alleviation of hum an disease. John R. McCarthy Charitable Gift Annuity Fund

Established by the Rev. John M cCarthy for the Preservation Fund for St. Philomena Catholic Church. Lester O. Meyer and Edith Plotz Meyer Fund

Established by Edith Plotz Meyer for the needs of the community. William Mitchell Charitable Gift Annuity

Established by William Mitchell for the N ature Center at Shaker Lakes. Harvey E. Stuhler Memorial Fund

Established by the Estate of Harvey E. Stuhler. Jean Swisher Fund

Established by the Estate of Jean Swisher. The Cleveland Foundation Employee Professional Development Fund

Established by Teri and Randolph Hansen for professional development activities. The Lockwood Thompson Memorial Fund

Established by the Estate of Lockwood Thom pson to benefit the Cleveland Public Library in the acquisition of art books in the field of visual arts to strengthen the Library collection.

new donor advised funds

Edward and Martha Kalbac Fund

Anonymous (2)

Established by an anonym ous donor for the needs of children and youth in the community.

Ablon Fund

The Katt Family Fund

Established by Brooke Ablon for charitable organizations. Robert F. Apple Education Foundation

Established by Janice Apple and family for public educational organizations and their activities in the Heights area. BP Fund for Business Growth and Development

Established by BP America to improve the quality of life for Greater Clevelanders through economic development and to support the innovation, creation and prom otion of business practices that protect the environm ent and natural resources. j

Douglas Brian Fund

Established by an anonymous donor for charitable organizations serving Greater Cleveland.

Established by Donald J. K att and M aribeth Filipic-Katt for charitable and educational needs in the community. Paul S. and Cynthia M. Klug Fund

Established in celebration of Paul and Cynthia Klug’s 30th wedding anniversary to fulfill their family’s philanthropy. Lake County Fund

Established by the Lake County Foundation and its trustees for organizations providing critical services in Lake County. Robert P. and Judie Fall Lasser Fund

Established by Robert and Judy Lasser to fulfill charitable needs in the community. Lomas Family Fund

Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs - Cleveland Fund

Established by H ope and Robert Lomas for charitable and educational organizations im portant to their family.

Jane Campbell GAP Scholarship Fund

Established by William and Susan M acD onald for charitable and educational needs of the community.

Established by Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs LLP for public charitable and educational purposes. Established by the Jane Campbell Committee and many donors for organizations offering charitable scholarships, grants or awards for the citizens of Cleveland. John and Tana Carney Family Foundation

Established by John and Tana Carney for the charitable needs of the community. Marlene A. Casini Fund

Established by M arlene A. Casini for the charitable and educational needs of the community. The Cleveland Fallen Fire Fighters Fund

Established to assist families of fire fighters who died due to job-related illness or injury. College First Fund

Established by an anonymous donor for an educational enrichment program in a local school district and provide scholarships.

The William and Susan MacDonald Family Fund

The Herbert R. Martens Charitable Gift Fund

Established by H erbert M artens Jr. for the charitable and educational needs of the community. Bessie Benner Metzenbaum Fund

Established by the Bessie Benner M etzenbaum Foundation for the public, charitable and educational needs of the community, especially children. Andrew L. and Doris L. Neal Fund

Established by Rise, Sally, Rise, Inc. for scholarships and grantmaking. Ohio Savings Bank Charitable Fund

Established by Ohio Savings Bank for progressive community projects. Michael Pender Memorial Fund

Established by the DiGeronimo family for a wide variety of charita­ ble causes in the Greater Cleveland area.

Established by the M ichael Pender M emorial Foundation and Katherine and James Pender to carry on the mission of their 19-year-old son M ichael, w ho died in 1991. M ichael’s beliefs and aspirations were to help families and children with special needs.

The Dunning Family Fund

Robins Family Fund of The Cleveland Foundation

The DiGeronimo Family Foundation

Established by David and Toni Dunning for the needs of the community. The Richard L. and Ann C. Ernst Fund

Established by Ann and Richard Ernst for charitable organizations. Eckardt Family Fund

Established by Bob and Ginny Eckardt for the charitable needs of the community. Heather and Jeff Ettinger Fund

Established by H eather and Jeff Ettinger for the charitable needs of women, girls and education. Glenville Alumni Association Scholarship Fund

Established by the Glenville Alumni Association for charitable and educational needs of the community. Joseph T. Gorman Family Charitable Fund

Established for the charitable and educational needs of the community. Industrial Supply Manufacturers Association (ISMA) Education Fund

Established to prom ote and encourage quality and high standards within the industrial distribution industry through education and/or the aw arding of scholarships to students pursuing a college-level course of study in preparation for a career in industrial distribution and research.

Established by Richard and Kathryn Robins for charitable and educational organizations. The Scott D. and Laurie L. Roulston Fund

Established by Scott and Laurie Roulston to make charitable contributions to institutions that enhance the community. Linda Burwasser Schneider Fund

Established by Linda Burwasser Schneider for the charitable and educational needs of the community. Schoonmaker Stone Fund

Established by the Rev. Daniel H. Schoonmaker and Lael A. Stone, M .D. for the charitable organizations serving the community. Schwartz/Zimmerman Fund

Established by Bela Schwartz and June Zim m erm an for charitable and educational needs of the community. The Richard Shatten Memorial Fund

Established by Jeanne Shatten in memory of her husband Richard for projects and ideas that symbolize his incredible energy and lifelong interest in improving the regional economy and quality of life for all. Ruth J. Skuly and Leo A. Deininger Farm Fund

Established by Ruth Skuly and Leo Deininger for public charities and educational organizations.

Leslie J. Spisak Fund

supporting organizations

Szigethy Fund

The City of Cleveland’s Cable Television Minority Arts and Education Fund

Established by Nancy Spisak in memory of the legacy of her husband Leslie for charitable causes in the community. Established by Alice and Bela Szigethy for the charitable and educational needs of the community.

Warren Family Fund

Established by Richard W arren for charitable organizations serving the community. The Western Reserve Links Charitable Fund

Established by the W estern Reserve C hapter of Links Incorporated for the charitable and educational needs of the community. Whinsome Lass Fund

Established by an anonym ous donor for public, charitable and educational needs of the community.

White-Barr Family Foundation

Established by Douglas and Carolyn Barr to accomplish family philanthropy. Whitehead Family Fund

Established by Bradley W. W hitehead and Amy W eisberg-W hitehead for the public, charitable and educational needs of the community.

new scholarship funds Sullivan Scholars Fund

Established by friends of Thom as C. and Sandra S. Sullivan to provide financial assistance scholarships to children living in N ortheast Ohio, primarily for K-12 education.

David Wiggins and Bertha D. Wiggins Scholarship Fund Foundation

Established by the Estate of Bertha Wiggins.

new organizational endowment funds The Antioch Baptist Church Fund American Orff-Schulwerk Association International O utreach Fund The Bay Village Foundation Fund Center for Families and Children Fund Cleveland Arts Prize The Cleveland W omen’s City Club Foundation Fund Cuyahoga County Public Library Fund Eastview United Church of Christ Endowm ent Fund Emerald Necklace Endowm ent Fund The Fine Arts Association Endowm ent Fund Geauga County Historical Society Fund The Lakewood Foundation Fund N orth Coast Com munity Homes Endowm ent Fund The Providence House Capital Endowment Fund The F. J. O ’Neil Endowm ent FBO Providence House Fund Paul and Vercile Strege Fund to Benefit International Partners in M ission University Circle Inc. Endowm ent Fund

Directors: the Rev. Elmo A. Bean, Roosevelt Coats, David G. Hill, M ichael J. Hoffm ann, Rodney Jenkins, Steven A. Minter, Sabra Pierce Scott, Yvonne Pointer-Triplett, Hilary S. Taylor r-gg.

The Alton F. and Carrie S. Davis Fund

Directors: M arjorie M. Carlson, M ary Jane Davis Hartwell, Shattuck W. Hartwell Jr., M .D ., Adrienne Lash Jones, Harvey G. Oppm ann

Goodrich Social Settlement

Directors: M ichael J. Hoffm ann, Ann L. M arotta, S. Sterling M cM illan III, Steven A. M inter (completed term M arch 2003), Richard W. Pogue The Higley Fund

Directors: James M . Delaney, Albert M . Higley Jr., Beverly G. Higley, Steven A. Minter, Janet E. Neary The McDonald Fund

Directors: Gary Bleiweiss, Peter Broer, John J. Dwyer, John C. Ellsworth, David G. Hill, Steven A. M inter (completed term M ay 2003), Eric Tolbert, Ernest W ilkerson Jr. The Medical Mutual of Ohio Charitable Foundation

Directors: James M . Delaney, A rthur Lavin, M .D ., M argo Roth, Susan M . Tyler, Thomas E. W agner Esq. The Sherwick Fund

Directors: Stewart A. Kohl, Heather Sherwin, John Sherwin Jr., David W. W hitehead, Jacqueline F. Woods The Billie Howland Steffee Family Fund

Directors: Susan W. Cargile, Susan Lajoie Eagan, Steven A. Minter, Jon H. Outcalt, Billie H ow land Steffee The Treu-Mart Fund

A supporting organization of both The Cleveland Foundation and the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland Directors: H anna H. Bartlett, Henry J. Goodman, M ary Louise H ahn, David G. Hill (completed term M arch 2003), Steven A. M inter (effective April 2003), Albert B. Ratner, Adele Z. Silver, A rthur W. Treuhaft The WCLV Foundation

Directors: Robert D. Conrad, Susan Lajoie Eagan, Richard G. M arschner, Kathryn P. Jensen, Steven A. Minter, Jerrold F. W areham

external committee members and volunteers

People give in many ways - including giving of their time through volunteerism. Here are some people who serve the community by providing their time, talent and expertise to The Cleveland Foundation. African-American Outreach Advisory Committee

The Rev. Elmo Bean Teresa Beasley, Esq. Dr. Lenore Buford H onorable Lillian W. Burke Donet D. Graves, Esq. Vivian H airston David Hill, Esq. Ruben Holloway ’ M Dr. Adrienne L. Jones H Sarah Kisner Franklin M artin Faye Prout Steve Smith Carmel W hiting

Advisory Committee to the Chair External Advisors

Richard B. Ainsworth Jr. H anna H. Bartlett Scott A. Fine James B. Griswold Frank I. Harding III Oliver C. Henkel Jr. Bruce M urphy James R. Pender Kathy Pender M aria Quinn, Esq. Paul J. Schlather

Communications Committee External Advisors

Karen R. Haefling Jerry W. Hoegner Jeffrey A. Knapton James G. Lubetkin

Promoting Philanthropy Committee External Advisors

Vivian D. H airston Joseph W. Kampman James R. Pender

investment options

Investment options are ranked by the am ount of Cleveland Foundation assets under management. Banks

Key Trust Com pany of Ohio, NA 127 Public Square 17th Floor Cleveland, O H 44114 N ational City Bank 1900 East N inth Street Cleveland, O H 44114 The Glenmede Trust Co. One C orporate Exchange 25825 Science Park Drvie Suite 110 Beachwood, O H 44122 The H untington Trust Co., NA 917 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, O H 44115 Bank One Ohio Trust Co., NA 600 Superior Avenue Cleveland, O H 44114 FirstM erit Bank, NA 101 West Prospect Avenue Suite 350 Cleveland, O H 44115 N orthern Trust Bank, FSB 127 Public Square Suite 5150 Cleveland, O H 44114 Investment Management Firms

Lakepoint Investment Partners, LLC Key Tower 127 Public Square Suite 4130 Cleveland, O H 44114 Fairport Asset M anagem ent LLC 3636 Euclid Avenue Suite 3000 Cleveland, O H 44115 Gries Financial LLC 1801 East Ninth Street Suite 1600 Cleveland, O H 44114 Mellon 30195 Chagrin Boulevard Suite 350W Cleveland, O H 44124 The Investment Fund for Foundations 2405 Ivy Road Charlottesville, VA 22903 Union Heritage 211 W. Fort Street Suite 615 Detroit, MI 48226 Private Trust Company 1422 Euclid Avenue Suite 1130 Cleveland, O H 44115

■ 44

Karpus Investment M anagem ent 183 Sully’s Trail Pittsford, NY 14534 Alliance Capital 3201 Enterprise Parkway Suite 240 Cleveland, O H 44122 Individual Advisors

M cD onald & Company Goldman Sachs M errill Lynch Ferris Baker W atts Advest Securities Cleveland Financial Group Indexed Mutual Funds

The Vanguard Group TCF Pool

Lakepoint Investment Partners, LLC W estern Asset M anagem ent Com pany Addison Clark, LLC Och Ziff Capital M anagem ent Group Capital G uardian Trust Company Chilton Investment Company Shenkman Capital M anagem ent Investment Committee

David Goldberg, Chairperson David R. Boles Robert L. Bovinette Robert M. Hamje Frank I. Harding III Joseph P. Keithley Benson P. Lee Alayne L. Reitman John Sherwin Jr. Investment Committee Consultant

B. Grady Durham , President, M onticello Associates, Inc.

bank trustees committee

Robert B. Heisler Jr. Chairm an and CEO, KeyBank Bruce M. Kephart President and CEO, N orthern Division, FirstM erit Bank, NA Daniel E. Klimas President, N orthern Ohio Region, The H untington N ational Bank William E. M acDonald III Vice Chairm an, N ational City C orporation Clinton A. Sampson President, Cleveland M arket, Bank One, NA

the Cleveland foundation staff Executive Office

Steven A. M inter * President Leslie A. Dunford* C hief o f Sta ff and Corporate Secretary Lois J. Kowalski Executive Assistant Pamela F. Jaffe Assistant Corporate Secretary Finance and Information Systems

J.T. M ullen * Senior Vice President/Chief Financial Officer Kathy S. Parker Controller James T. Bickel Director o f Technology Janice M . Cutright Manager o f Inform ation Services Jean A. Lang Senior Manager W illiam A. Von Alt Director o f Financial Services M ary J. Clink Senior Accountant D orothy M . Highsmith Accountant M ae A. Karim Accountant Christine M . Lawson Financial Assistant Communications and Marketing

Richard J. Batyko* Vice President for Comm unications and M arketing Julie E. H rabak Comm unications and M arketing Associate M arcia L. Bryant Comm unications and M arketing Adm inistrator


R obert E. Eckardt*' Vice President for Programs and Evaluation Goldie K. Alvis Senior Program Officer Kathleen A. Cerveny Senior Program Officer Beth D arm stadter Program Officer Stacey M. Easterling Program Officer Pamela L. George Program Officer M ichael J. Hoffm ann Senior Program Officer M arci Bernstein Lu Program Officer Ann K. M ullin Program Associate Richard E. Njoku Senior Evaluation Officer Stephen Rowan Program Officer Jay Talbot Senior Program Officer/Manager o f Special Projects Charlotte J. M orosko Program Administrator Karen L. Bartrum-Jansen Program Assistant Joan R. Cerne Program Assistant Alicia M . Ciliberto Program Assistant Rennae M . Coe Administrative Assistant Joan M . Freese Program Assistant Sarah L. King Program Assistant Rose C. Pavlik Program Assistant Denise G. Ulloa Adm inistrative Assistant/Program Assistant

Human Resources and Administration

Lynn M . Sargi* Vice President for H um an Resources and Adm inistration Suzanne L. Bloomfield H um an Resources Adm inistrator Janet M . Carpenter Facilities M anagem ent Adm inistrator Barbara J. Com pton Records M anagem ent Adm inistrator Darlene A. Eden Conference Coordinator Linda M . Estacion O ffice Services Adm inistrator Patricia A. Berke-Takacs Records Technician Denise R. Campbell Receptionist Tiffanie C. Colston Records Technician Lisanetta M . M cDade Administrative Assistant

Gift Planning and Donor Relations

M arlene A. Casini* Vice President for G ift Planning and D onor Relations Caprice H. Bragg Director o f Planned Giving Julianne Goss G ift Planning Officer M ichael P. Grzesiak G ift Planning Officer Cynthia M . Klug G ift Planning Officer M arvelous R. Baker Scholarship Associate Lavetta E. Jones G ift Planning Adm inistrator Diane C. Kaszei G ift Planning and D onor Relations Operations Adm inistrator Kristina N. Fretter G ift Planning and D onor Relations Assistant Linda F. Gersten G ift Planning and D onor Relations Assistant Carolyn A. Hellyar G ift Planning and D onor Relations Assistant

Bradley W. W hitehead Senior Fellow for Economic Developm ent M alvin E. Bank, Thom pson Hine LLP General Counsel "Officers/Management Committee

statement on diversity The Cleveland Foundation exists to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Greater Cleveland. Our ability to achieve this mission and to foster a commitment to excellence can best be pursued if our workforce, grantees, donors, partners and governing body include individuals of diverse backgrounds, beliefs and perspectives. The Foundation believes that diversity encompasses, but is not limited to, age, gender, race, national origin, religious beliefs, physical abilities and characteristics, sexual orientation, economic circumstances and lifestyle. Thus, the Foundation is committed to fostering a supportive work environment which respects and appreciates diversity in its many forms and provides all staff members with opportunities to maximize the use of their work-related skills and talents. The Foundation seeks to work with external organizations that reflect, as a group, the diversity of the Greater Cleveland community. We look for grantees and business partners that include individuals of varied backgrounds, beliefs and perspectives. We encourage all organizations with which we work to recognize and embrace the benefits of diversity. Finally, in order to achieve the highest standards in all our activities, it is im portant that the Foundation benefits from the perspectives of many different segments of the community. Toward this end, we seek to collaborate with donors of varying means and interests. In addition, we encourage those individuals and organizations who appoint members to our board of directors to seek community leaders who will bring varying points of view to board deliberations.

Julie E. H rabak M arcia L. Bryant Carol A. Hellyar Jean A. Lang Kathy S. Parker M arcus Thomas LLC Mike Wilkes Photography, Inc. Nick Cool, The Image Works

Editor Assistant Editor Editorial Assistant Editorial Assistant Editorial Assistant Graphic Design Photography Board Photography, M etzenbaum Article Photography For a copy of our 2002 grants list or permanent funds list, please visit our Web site at or call the Communications and M arketing departm ent at 216.861.3810.

Š2003 The Cleveland Foundation

These are just some of the pieces that make up the story of The Cleveland Foundation. To continue this chronicle, visit our Web site at www, where you will find a more in-depth look at the Foundation, including a comprehensive list of 2002 grants, full financial information and additional donor profiles. If you’re interested in learning how your organization can receive a Foundation grant, you’ll find all the details in the Grants section. If you’d like more information about estab­ lishing a fund and making The Cleveland Foundation your partner in philanthropy, visit the Becoming a Donor section. Of course, you can also call us at 216.861.3810 to speak to a Foundation representative directly.

th e



1422 Euclid Avenue, Suite 1300, Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2001

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