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Promotion of Teaching and Learning
Promotion of Outstanding Teaching and Learning
• Teaching will be based on research into the most effective pedagogical methods to deliver inspiring lessons. • Teachers will explain, model and scaffold new and challenging material to support metacognition (why and how we’ve learnt something). • Teachers will provide opportunities for deliberate practise through planned problems of increasing complexity. • Teachers will formatively assess students’ progress regularly and work with them to accurately target further improvements and secure rapid progress. • Teachers know students well, showing belief in their potential. • Teachers will set goals that stretch and challenge students of all abilities, backgrounds and disposition. Students are interested, stimulated and captivated by their learning. • Teachers have high expectations of behaviour and establish a framework for discipline using praise, rewards and sanctions consistently and fairly.
• Students work independently and collaboratively to solve problems and consider increasingly challenging circumstances and tasks.
• Students regularly and deliberately practise using the skills and knowledge they have acquired ensuring they use the feedback they are given to move towards mastery. • Students have a go and take risks ensuring that work is consistently at the highest standard achievable.
• Students manage their own motivation towards learning and build a repertoire of strategies to choose from during learning activities. • Students learn to take positives from any failure experienced. • Students achievements are praised, shared in the classroom and celebrated across the school through, for example, wall displays, assemblies, social media and the schools’ bulletins.