1 minute read

Drop off and collection

Please use the Reception Classes Entrance via the Main Entrance on New Berry Lane to drop off and collect your child.

What to do if you arrive at school after 8.55am

If you arrive at school after 8.55am, either because you are running late or because you are bringing your child to school following an appointment, you will need to come into school through the main school office entrance in New Berry Lane.

Please sign your child in at the school office so that we know they have arrived in school. After 8.55am you will not be able to accompany your child to class and your child will be taken to their classroom by a member of the office staff as the school day will already have started.

Collection from school

If a different adult (18 years or above) is collecting your child, you need to inform the school that day or inform the class teacher at the classroom door. If there is another adult picking your child up regularly, please complete the ‘Permission to Collect my Child’ form. If we have not met the adult before, providing a photograph is very useful.

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