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Core Religious Education
to stretch their learning and encourage a deeper love for their subjects. We encourage students to take up an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) which allows them to develop key independent study and research skills; the qualification is highly regarded by universities and employers. Even if a competitive course is not for you, Holy Cross College has something to offer all students, so please get involved, join a group and lay the foundations for a fantastic future.
Careers Careers staff will ensure you have access to information and guidance to support your career planning, aspirations and transition. They do this in conjunction with curriculum teachers, Progress Tutors, and with support from Positive Steps. The careers resource area also has a range of prospectuses and information for you to use in addition to materials relating to apprenticeships, student finance and CV development. The Careers Team also has a dedicated section on the college intranet (Moodle) with links to lots of information with specialist software packages including SACU and Higher Ideas. Throughout your time in college, you will receive lots of careers information via your tutorials and there will be talks, workshops and visits in conjunction with your subjects. Here are some examples of what may be on offer: How to choose a course and University (Higher Education), Student Finance, Personal Statements and Apprenticeships. All year 12 students attend the UCAS exhibition in Manchester
Work Experience Work experience is a good way to understand a specific job role and is especially relevant for students considering a vocational course e.g., teaching or nursing as it allows you to develop an understanding of the job and the skills required. Please note, work experience is an entry requirement for some university courses e.g., veterinary science, dentistry, medicine, nursing, physiotherapy.
Pathways We want you to have an experience of gaining good qualifications here and progressing on to the next stage in a timely way. We will offer advice and guidance at your application, interview and again at your enrolment. We will only enrol you onto a course where you meet the entry criteria and where we believe you will be successful. If you are already aware of a challenge or difficulty, please inform us of this. It will not affect the offer we make; we will simply be better placed to help you when you begin your course. Many students receive support here at Holy Cross in a great number of ways, which are discrete and bespoke to their needs. We genuinely care about individuals and will do all we can to support every student in our care.
Core Religious Education and Chaplaincy
All students take one lesson of Core RE a week. The course covers a wide range of topics, always with the idea of helping you discover more about yourself, the world around you, your faith and the faith of others.
Here are some student views about Core RE:
"I love RE! The content and structure of the lessons forced the students to question their beliefs about themselves and the community around them to gain a more positive and inclusive mindset. I am sure that there is something in each lesson that at least one person can benefit from and due to that, these lessons have been brilliant for students to attend at the college." "RE is extremely organised and such an enjoyable course that has challenged my opinions on many social and religious issues and has developed my debate and listening skills greatly. Thank you, Holy Cross, RE department!" "Thank you to the RE team for being so approachable and having opportunities such as the 4C Group. The children's Christmas party has been one of my favourite memories of Holy Cross. I also like how R.E has such a relaxed atmosphere."