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Shining Christmas Star
• Wooden Star Frames – Pack of 20 – 11689
• CleverPatch™ Acrylic Paint Tube – Gold – 75ml – 16888 • Cellophane – Clear – 1 Sheet – 17116 • CleverPatch™ Fine Glitter – Gold – 145g Shaker Tub – 15148 • CleverPatch™ Glue Stick – 40g – 13974 • CleverPatch™ Tacky Glue – 250ml – 16494 • Satin Ribbon – White – 25 Metres – 11151
• EverZart Permanent Pens – Black – Pack of 20 – 19810
• Other materials required: Scissors and paint brush.

1. Paint one side of two wooden stars with gold paint. Make sure you paint the edges too. Allow to dry.
4. Stick a cellophane circle on top of the glued edges from Step 3. 2. Place a piece of cellophane over the back of the star frame and mark the outer edge of the inside circle using a black permanent marker. Cut out 2 cellophane circles based on the template you have created.

5. On the cellophane of one star, place fine glitter in the centre. Apply tacky glue to one wooden star, then use a brush to make sure the glue goes right to the edges. 3. Use a glue stick to apply glue to the back of both wooden star frames around the edge of the circle.
6. Align and place the second star on top of the glued surface. Apply pressure to each edge to secure it. Allow to dry. Thread white ribbon through the top hole and tie the ends together. Your Shining Christmas Star is now ready to hang!