Welcome to Clever Survivalist 
Clever Survivalist has some fantastic ideas, techniques and quality survival kits. It means you have been prepared for the unexpected Situations with our selection of survival kits and Ultimate bug out vehicles. Our emergency preparedness kits and vehicles covered you regardless of the situations. A survival kit built for hostile environments and it is a package of basic tools and supplies prepared in advance as an aid to survival in an emergency. We offer the best quality and lowest priced survival kits which includes the best camping & trekking equipment’s.
HOMEMADE SURVIVAL KITS In Homemade Survival Kits blog, we give you information about the many survival skills and training programs. Survival skills are important to handle any emergency situation.
Water Heater Troubleshooting 
A hot water heater is a specialized device used for regulating hot or cold water within your home. Either it is a tank-type, a tankless or a solar device.
Ultimate Bug Out Vehicle
Your need list in a Bug-Out Vehicle (BOV) is different than basic survival. Not only will you need to cover all of your needs.
Primitive Camping Gear
A primitive camper is quite different in relation to what is utilized by a camper who will basically be exploring the great outdoors ready for camping areas.
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