CLH Digital - Issue #113

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Issue 113




Hospitality Jubilee Spending Boost but Cost-of-Living Squeeze Continues

Last weekend’s extended Platinum Jubilee bank holiday gave the hospitality sector a spending boost with restaurants seeing a 41.5% increase compared to the same period in 2021. Pubs bars and nightclubs saw a collective increase over the four-day period of up to 74%, while spending on entertainment was up 67.3%, with spending on public transport was up 38.8%, according to data from Barclaycard payments. A VisitEngland survey revealed that 5.3 million Brits planned an overnight holiday

break in the UK during the extended Bank Holiday weekend bringing an estimated £1.2 billion boost to the economy, and its ‘Platinum Jubilee Weekend Trip Tracker’ survey also showed that well over a third, 19 million, took part in activities to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee, from attending a ‘Big Jubilee Lunch’ street party to lunch in a pub, restaurant or café, to watching events on an outdoor screen or attending official celebrations.




Issue 113

Editor's Viewpoint

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital It would appear that the extended four-day bank holiday break for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee did give the sector a massive shot in the arm, but perhaps not as much as expected. According to data from Barclaycard, restaurants saw a 41.5% increase compared to the same period in 2021, while pubs, bars and nightclubs saw a collective increase over the four-day period of up to 74%, while spending on entertainment was up 67.3%. However, it would appear, according to data from industry analysts CGA, that many of the sales came on Thursday and Friday, while sales on Saturday and Sunday slowed.

We have always been a keen supporter of Tax Equality Day, one day in the year when the hospitality and licensed on trade reduce prices as part of a campaign for tax parity with supermarkets.


I am not too sure, and open to correction, but I think the last one may have been in September 2018, but it has always had the backing of leading industry organisations, EDITOR Nevertheless, to my mind a win is a win, and the UK Hospitality and the British Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, while a wonderful occasion for Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) who called on their members to join in too. her Majesty and the country as a whole, was also a masI’ve not seen any reports of an updated campaign for this year, and given the current sive shot in the arm for the hospitality and on trade! economic climate I would imagine it would be very difficult for any operator to slash And a much-needed shot in the arm. Another report, again by industry analysts CGA, prices so drastically even just for one day. reveals that inflation for the 3rd month running is in double digit figures, with high fuel Perhaps a tax equality happy hour, although that might a bit of a logistical nightmare! and high food and drink prices once again creating a perfect storm for the sector.

Peter Adams

Hats off to London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who has announced a new £500,000 programme The hospitality and on trade are not facing the same inflation rates the country is facing, which stands at 9%. According to reports inflation for the hospitality sector is much high- to create Night Time Enterprise Zones in the capital to help support London’s economic recovery. er at anything between 13 and 17%. This perfect storm could cause an estimated 10,000 pubs and restaurants to close, says to UKHospitality CEO Kate Nicholls. In a interview with The Mail on Sunday Ms Nicholls said the hospitality sector is facing ‘as big a crisis, if not bigger’ than during the pandemic. ‘We’re already seeing a lot of independent operators handing in the keys and walking away,’ the chief executive of trade body UK Hospitality, adding: ‘I’ve never seen such a toxic cocktail of costs. It is a perfect storm.’ This doesn’t only affect the hospitality of course. We are all caught in this perfect storm. We here at CLH News have seen print costs alone go up a staggering 28% with more increases looming, but our ability to trade in the marketplace stands testament to the success of the hospitality and licensed on trade sector. The biggest challenge, one which we have repeatedly complained about, and one which Wetherspoon’s CEO Tim Martin has often highlighted, is the disparity in VAT between supermarkets and pubs and restaurants in respect to food sales. It is an utter absurdity and this, I think, is a huge long-term threat to the sector. While this disparity continues hospitality will continue to lose out. Furthermore, it has been dragging on for years. I can remember first reporting on the subject 10 years ago and since then we have had numerous lobbying, campaigns, petitions, debates and nothing has happened.

These new Night Time Enterprise Zones will, he says, enable boroughs to encourage more people to use their high streets after 6pm and boost the local economy. The funding, in partnership with the London Economic Action Partnership (LEAP), will create at least three zones across the capital where boroughs will work with businesses and local communities to develop ideas to make their high streets more accessible, inclusive and welcoming at night. Will it work? Who knows, but it is a sign of someone wanting to take action to help businesses and community build up a vibrant night-time economy. As we emerge from the devastating effects of the ludicrous lockdowns, initiatives to get the high street thriving once again cannot be understated. All towns and cities are still reeling with many empty premises going to ruin.

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EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox Published Publishedbyby

If this initiative is a success I very much hope it is rolled out to the rest of the UK. Once again I would ask the favour - we are trying to maximise our advertisers reach as much as possible, without them would not be possible to run CLH NEWS, so please do follow us on Twitter, Facebook and our newly created Instagram, and encourage as many people you know in the trade to subscribe to our digital issue. Further details can be seen at

The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.

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Hospitality Jubilee Spending Boost but Cost-of-Living Squeeze Continues Issue 113

(CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER) Rob Cameron CEO of Barclaycard payments said: “despite wider concerns around the cost of living, the hospitality sector especially will be pleased by this welcome boost, having missed out on 2 years of unrestricted trading.” Data from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) and Sensormatic Solutions showed footfall over the long weekend rose 6.9% versus the average for May. Footfall for the full week to Sunday June 5 was up 17.1% versus the average for May. The increase peaked at 45.6% on Thursday, before footfall dipped on Saturday and Sunday. Last week a joint survey by four trade bodies predicted the UK hospitality industry would enjoy a £2 billion boost over the Jubilee weekend. UKHospitality, the British Institute of Innkeeping, the British Beer and Pub Association, and Hospitality Ulster said the figure was almost £400 million more than pubs, bars, restaurants, and other venues could expect to earn during a normal Thursday to Sunday in May.

BRITS REINING IN SPENDING Looking at the economy generally, Barclaycard data reveal that consumer card spending grew 9.3 per cent in May compared to the same period in 2021, inflated both by the rising cost of living, and the fact that last year’s demand was artificially dampened due to the travel and hospitality restrictions still in place. On the other hand, certain categories saw spending decline compared to last year, either due to high levels of pent-up demand in 2021 following the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, or the direct impact of rising living costs, with Brits reining in spending on subscriptions and dining out. Shopping at supermarkets and specialist food and drink stores saw slight declines (-2.0 per cent and -0.9 per cent respectively) compared to May 2021, when it’s likely that more of the nation were cooking at home rather than eating and drinking out, due to the Covid measures still in place at the time. Another possible reason for these declines is that over two fifths (41 per cent) of consumers now say they are looking for ways to reduce the cost of their weekly shop, to adjust for rising living costs. Spending on non-essential items grew 11.6 per cent year-on-year, largely driven by hospitality and leisure spending, which increased significantly (67.2 per cent) compared to the same period last year, when the rule of six was still in place and indoor venues were only open for half of the month.




It was a particularly strong month for the travel industry, which outpaced inflation and saw triple-digit growth (189.7 per cent) compared to last year, when there were many more international restrictions in place. Encouragingly, the sector also grew month-on-month, with travel agents seeing a sizeable uplift of 24.2 per cent and airlines growing 6.6 per cent, as more holidaymakers booked their summer trips abroad. Hotels, resorts and accommodation also grew (1.2 per cent) month-on-month, suggesting a parallel rise in staycation booking in May. Rising energy prices meant average spending on utilities per customer surged 34.5 per cent in May compared to the same period in 2021. In fact, almost nine in 10 (88 per cent) say they are concerned about rising household and energy bills, while four in 10 (41 per cent) are looking for ways to save energy and water at home.

THE COST OF LIVING SQUEEZE The cost-of-living squeeze is also leading Brits to rein in their spending on eating and drinking out, with restaurants (-5.9 per cent) and bars, pubs and clubs (-1.2 per cent) seeing slight declines when comparing spending in May 2022 with April 2022. José Carvalho, Head of Consumer Products at Barclaycard, said: “The cost of living squeeze is clearly influencing discretionary spending habits, with figures showing a decline in subscriptions, and a drop in spending at restaurants, bars, pubs and clubs. Despite this, there are some encouraging signs, particularly in travel industry, as Brits’ appetite for going abroad continues to grow as we approach the summer holidays. “While consumer confidence continues to fall, we saw at least a short-term boost thanks to the Jubilee Weekend, and hope for the same from the recently announced £400 energy bill discount coming in October.” Jasmine Birtles, Financial Expert, said: “The nation is clearly starting to feel the effects of rising prices, and unfortunately this is likely to continue over the months ahead. However, there are a number of money-saving hacks that we can all use to cut down our spend while keeping the same quality of life (although I know that many have already put these in place). “Particularly popular moves that don’t impact our day-to-day life are to use vouchers and eat early when going to restaurants, to cancel monthly subscriptions that we hardly use (gyms, magazines, streaming services) and to share car journeys where possible – even getting rid of our own car and just hiring one when needed. Another big help is to turn anything we don’t use into cash. This means having a big de-clutter every few months and selling unwanted products online as well as renting out the driveway, garage and spare room if they’re lying empty.”

Hospitality Sector’s Suffering Needs A Permanent Fix 4


Issue 113

By Kunal Sawhney, CEO of Kalkine (

After the Platinum Jubilee celebrations, the hospitality sector is back to its old days. The 4 days celebrations to commemorate Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee resulted in heavy spending by Britons. It proved a major boost for the ailing hospitality industry. Data from Barclaycard Payments revealed that there was a huge 41.5 per cent rise in spending at restaurants. Also, 74.2 per cent of increased spending was reported at pubs, bars, and nightclubs during the period 2-5 June.

tival is scheduled to take place during the period. It will even deter normal evening outings of people in the country and can also discourage domestic as well as international tourism.

As per different industry bodies, the figure was nearly £400 million higher than pubs, restaurants, bars, and other hospitality locations could expect to earn during a regular Thursday to Sunday in May.

When the industry was already struggling with pandemic-induced demand slowdown and supply chain bottlenecks, the war between Russia and Ukraine made the situation worse. Now inflation in the restaurant business is as high as 13-17 per cent, forcing the businesses to trade at 20 per cent up so that they can deal with the inflationary situation amid higher wages due to staff shortages.



The ongoing economic turbulence and households’ struggle to make both ends meet amid record-high inflation are going to keep further spending in check. The fillip in sales that the hospitality and retail sector witnessed during the celebrations may not last for long. Also, there is big trouble brewing up; while the 4 days of celebrations boosted the sales of hospitality, the three days of railway workers’ national strikes later this month on 21, 23, and 25 June could jeopardise the hospitality business in the country, as during that period various cultural events, including the Glastonbury fes-

CRISIS SIMILAR TO DURING PANDEMIC The hospitality continues to face serious troubles. UK Hospitality has stated that lots of pubs and restaurant operators have already started closing, and over 10,000 pubs and restaurants may get closed soon due to rising energy costs and an increase in rents. As per the estimates, around 20,000 of its members are running below break-even, and another 30,000 don’t have any cash reserves.

Lots of hospitality businesses will meet their weakest profits or could go into losses this autumn. Many will be in need of raising money to survive. People will spend more on essentials amid rising inflation, and that would hurt the businesses. The government, though, on its part, has done a lot for the industry VAT issue is still something that can be revisited. At a time of crisis, when pubs and restaurants have once again started paying 20 per cent VAT in respect of food sales, the supermarkets are paying almost nil, putting them in an advantageous position to sell their beer at a lower cost. Another factor that needs to be taken care of is the dwindling investment scenario in the sector. There was a drastic fall in investment in the hospitality sector during the pandemic. The government will have to help the industry with an investment policy that can cater to the future shift in priorities for the sector.

Admiral Taverns Invests Over £300,000 into Lancashire Town Admiral Taverns has invested over £300,000 into two local community pubs in Accrington, Lancashire. The Arden Inn, run by popular licensee Mark Jackson, has received a £150,000 refurbishment, whilst the Abbey, run by well-known duo, Lorraine and Michael Morris has received a £165,000 refurbishment. Investing in its pubs through capex is a core part of Admiral’s strategy as it nurtures community pubs with long-term sustainable futures. Continuous investment is provided to give licensees the infrastructure needed for their pubs to thrive in communities over the longterm, from garden transformations to complete refurbishment schemes. As well as capex investment, Admiral supported its licensees throughout the pandemic, providing millions of pounds in financial assistance. Greg Beresford, Business Development Manager at Admiral Taverns, commented: “We are delighted with the investment projects in Accrington, which will ensure they both sit at the heart of the community. We’re continually investing in our pubs and their communities across the UK and strongly believe in the potential the sector has to act as an engine for growth, supporting the government’s levelling up agenda across towns and cities.” “Mark, Lorraine, and Michael all bring a wealth of experience to their pubs and already play a tremendous role in the community. We wish them every success for the future.” The Arden Inn reopened on Friday 27th May, welcoming hundreds of residents over a packed weekend of live music, including Manchester punk band Strangeways and Paul Stone and his tribute Billy Idol, as well as

local punk band, Complete Control. The entertainment continued over the Jubilee weekend, with live music throughout, including a performance from Counterfeit Kiss. The pub is also part of the Music Venue Trust, a charity which acts to protect, secure and improve UK Grassroots music venues. Mark Jackson, licensee at the Arden Inn, commented: “I am so thrilled with the refurbishment, it looks amazing. Along with Admiral, we have truly created a unique entertainment offering that I’m convinced will bring more customers in. I actually worked at the pub when I was just 18 years old whilst my mum was running the pub, so it’s a privilege to be back behind the bar and delivering something exciting for our musicloving locals.” The Abbey has also received a transformational refurbishment from Admiral Taverns, which includes a new back bar and a complete refresh of the inside and outside of the pub. Licensees Lorraine and Michael have been at the helm of the pub for nearly 15 years and are very popular figures in town. Lorraine Morris, licensee at the Abbey, commented: “We’ve already had incredible feedback on the new look we created with Admiral’s help – customers love it! Opening weekend couldn’t have gone any better and we have so much on offer over the summer, including weekly performances from solo artists, to bingo afternoons on Tuesdays. There is something for everyone and we’re looking forward to seeing faces new and old at the Abbey.”

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Most Tied Tenants Satisfied with their Pubco Reveals Survey Issue 113

62% of tied tenants have expressed satisfaction with the relationship they have with the pub company according to a survey. The annual tied tenant survey 2022 was a large-scale survey of over 600 tied tenants. It is the first such survey since 2019, after being put on hold to allow the industry to focus on the pandemic. The results provide an important benchmark for how tenants view their pub company and the PCA. The sample size having been increased by more than 50% compared with 2019, the results allow more comparisons to be made between the different pub companies. For the first time tenants were asked to rate their level of satisfaction with their pub company. Most tied tenants (62%) are satisfied with that relationship. It is encouraging to see that this is even higher (67%) when looking at those who started their tenancy after the Code came into force. The percentage of tenants who are dissatisfied with their pub company relationship is also lower for those newer tenants (18%) than for the whole pool of surveyed tenants (22%). The variation across pub companies however is noted, with Admiral having the most satisfied tenants (80% with 13% dissatisfied) and Punch having the least satisfied (47% with 29% dissatisfied). An area where tenants are generally satisfied is with their Business Development Manager. 88% of Admiral tenants and 86% of Marston’s tenants think their BDM is fair in discussions with them. Satisfaction with their handling of repairs and dilapidations is notably lower. Only 27% of Stonegate tenants think their BDM handles repairs and dilapidations well. Satisfaction with how pub companies handle a request for the Market Rent Only option was also notably low. The survey also asked tenants about their awareness of the Code and a range of their Code rights, Turning to new tenants specifically, most of those surveyed had received the required information under the Pubs Code and had found it useful. We already know from the last statutory review of the Pubs Code that the wealth of information can be confusing for new tenants. The PCA is working with Code Compliance Officers to improve the new tenant experience. As part of this, we will be considering the use of the sustainable business plan, noting that 27% of new tenants did not find it useful in managing their tenancy.



Awareness of the Pubs Code is increasing, with 79% of tenants surveyed aware of the Code, up from 68% in 2019, although awareness of individual rights is lower. The PCA raises awareness of tenant rights through its factsheets, social media, Morning Advertiser column, and events. We are continuing to produce more tenant friendly information, expanding our collection of factsheets, and will be exploring other ways to ensure tenants are aware of the full range of rights they have under the Code. Code Compliance Officers also play an important role in raising awareness. These are pub company employees who verify Code compliance and are a useful point of contact for tenants as they can answer queries about the Code. Awareness of the Code Compliance Officer was low amongst those surveyed and the PCA wants to support CCOs to ensure this improves. Contact details for all the Code Compliance Officers can be found on the PCA website here. Awareness of the PCA is up from 2019 (54% of tenants were aware of the PCA compared to 47% in 2019). While the increase is pleasing to see, we want to see more tenants aware of the PCA’s role. We would also like to see more using the PCA website as it contains useful information for tenants and the wider industry. We have recently changed the way arbitration awards are displayed on the website to make them easier to access and we are currently exploring other improvements. While the results show that most tenants consider the PCA to be an independent regulator, we will also consider what more can be done to demonstrate this. Fiona Dickie, Pubs Code Adjudicator, said: “I am pleased to share the results of the PCA’s annual tied tenant survey and once again I thank those tenants who took part. I expect the pub companies to carefully review these results and the action they need to take. My team and I will be doing the same. There are some clear areas of focus for the pub companies and for the PCA as regulator, including discussions around repairs and dilapidations, requests for MRO, and the usefulness of the sustainable business plan in managing the tenancy. As tenants continue to navigate these challenging times, these are clearly matters of increasing importance”.




Issue 113

IP: Food and Hospitality Operators Get Metaverse-Ready By Marisa Broughton, partner and trade mark attorney at European intellectual property firm, Withers & Rogers ( Food and hospitality operators are among those debating whether or not to follow in McDonald’s footsteps by filing trade mark applications to protect their brands in the metaverse. Do they need to get metaverse-ready? The metaverse is a rapidly growing interconnected network of virtual locations where users can hang out and meet up with popular businesses and brands. Using platforms such as Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse, The Sandbox and Decentraland, they can view artwork or the latest fashion and check out the latest releases from their favourite musicians. NFTs or ‘non-fungible tokens’ are digital assets that exist in the metaverse, representing a real-world object – for example, a jpeg image, an artwork or a piece of music. They can be bought and sold online, typically using a cryptocurrency. Over the past year, the metaverse has seen a meteoric rise in popularity, and by 2024 it has been estimated that the metaverse marketplace will be worth $800 billion. Recognising the commercial opportunity it represents, many well-known consumer brands are already staking a claim to the metaverse, even if they haven’t yet worked out a way of using it commercially. Earlier this year, McDonald’s chose to file 10 trade mark applications at the US Patent and Trade Mark Office (USPTO) for virtual food and beverage products and a virtual restaurant. The fast food chain claims that it will soon be possible for visitors to its virtual restaurant to order food and choose for it to be delivered in person or online. Another US-based fast food giant, Wendy’s has also recently moved into the metaverse, creating an online base called the ‘Wendyverse’, where online consumers can come to meet the brand and order virtual products. Similarly, Panera Bread, the US bakery and café chain, has filed a trade mark application for the ‘Paneraverse’. As more prominent brands decide to get metaverse-ready, a growing number of food and hospitality opera-

tors are expected to follow suit. Increasingly, businesses in the sector view the metaverse as an opportunity to encourage brand engagement and promote their real-life products and services, but they also want to stop others from infringing their rights by copying their brand names and logos. Finding a way to block infringers in the metaverse is not as straightforward as it might sound. Intellectual property rights, such as trade marks and registered designs, are limited to the territories in which they are protected, whereas the metaverse has no territorial boundaries. Therefore, to enforce a UK trade mark registration in the metaverse, the rights owner would need to prove that the infringer was targeting UK consumers. In some cases, it may be difficult to identify the infringer, as the metaverse allows a high level of anonymity to users. The lack of IP-related case law in this area is a growing cause of concern for brand owners and some are choosing to bolster their rights portfolios by filing specific registrations to protect their virtual goods and services. The prevailing legal uncertainty has led to a number of legal disputes arising from user activities in the metaverse, and more disputes of this nature are likely. Earlier this year, Hermes filed a trade mark infringement claim in the US over the sale of ‘MetaBirkin NFTs’ by Mason Rothschild, due to their similarity to their worldfamous Birkin bag. Nike is also suing StockX over the sale of NFTs that are apparently based on limited edition Nike footwear. Regardless of whether food and drink operators want to enter the metaverse, or prevent copycats from diluting their online brand presence, it is important to be prepared. A key step is to ensure that they have sufficient protection for any virtual goods and services that they are offering in the metaverse or plan to introduce in the near future. For example, if a brand owner is intending to launch a new virtual product based on a real-life equivalent, they should file a trade mark registration in Class 9, which is the classification for all virtual goods. They should also keep an eye on all NFT marketplaces and be prepared to enforce their IP rights, seeking recourse through the courts if necessary.. Food and hospitality operators are right to view the metaverse as a new market opportunity and treat it with an open mind. However, they should also be aware that their brand will require protection. Securing trade mark or design registrations in the right classifications will ensure they are in a stronger position should they decide to enter the metaverse.

‘Brew For Ukraine’ Beer Begins Pouring in Parliament A British-brewed beer created in support of Ukrainian refugees is being served in Parliament this week – giving MPs and Ministers the opportunity to help raise money for the relief effort. White Crow, a 4.5% Blonde ale brewed by Bridgehouse Brewery in Keighley, West Yorkshire, is this week’s guest beer at the Strangers’ Bar in the Houses of Parliament. All profits from the specially brewed beer will be donated to the #HelpUkraine Emergency Appeal. “We were greatly disturbed by the events in Ukraine which struck a chord with everyone at the brewery”, said Bridgehouse Brewery Manager James Kelly. “We therefore decided to do what we do best and get brewing to support those in need and launched a special one off blonde ale to raise funds for the Help Ukraine appeal.” The brewery has been working with the Brew For Ukraine initiative which has more than six hundred breweries signed up worldwide including over seventy in the UK. Each supportive brewery is producing original Ukrainian recipes or Ukrainian themed beer to raise money to support the relief effort with over $1 million

raised so far. Steve Davison from Brew for Ukraine joined local MP Robbie Moore, Mike Wood MP and SIBA’s Head of Public Affairs, Barry Watts, to launch the beer in Parliament. Steve Davison said: “We’ve had a fantastic response from independent brewers in the UK and worldwide who have come together to Brew for Ukraine and raise much needed funds to help the relief effort. It’s great to see one of the beers poured in Parliament with MPs having the chance to give their support. Thank you to Jake Berry MP and Robbie Moore MP for securing the guest beer slot in Strangers.” MP for Keighley and Ilkley Robbie Moore said: “We have all been horrified by the distressing humanitarian situation in Ukraine and it’s great to see our independent brewers standing with the Ukrainian people and supporting the relief effort. It’s a privilege to pour one of the first pints of White Crow in Parliament and I will be encouraging all my colleagues to offer their support by sampling Bridgehouse Brewery’s beer this week.”

Wells & Co. Raises Vital Funds for Teenage Cancer Trust Over the Jubilee Weekend Wells & Co. fully embraced the opportunity to kick-start its new charitable partnership with Teenage Cancer Trust across the Jubilee weekend with its managed pubs raffling off hampers across sites up and down the country. Hampers were made up of premium goods including typical British items such as strawberry jam, ginger biscuits, cherry bakewell crisps and a bottle of Prosecco. The hamper also consisted of a brewery tour and six pack of awardwinning beer from Wells & Co.’s brewery, Brewpoint. The £1,800 that was raised over the bank holiday weekend will be added to the already growing pot that has been fundraised through charity games at the Wells & Co. Pub Partner Awards back in April and a raffle at the launch of the latest Wells site, The Pheasant in Bedford.

Hailey Amani, Senior Relationships Manager for Teenage Cancer Trust commented: “It’s great to see that Wells & Co. used the initiative to fundraise during a busy time where community spirit was really high. We’re so proud of the way the business has launched the partnership and we can’t wait to see what comes next.” Tor Humpherston, Director of Managed Houses for Wells & Co. said: “It was great to see the teams pull together to raise as much money as they could for such a good cause. To reach over £1,800 is a great achievement and we can already predict a cracking year for fundraising in our Wells & Co. pubs.”

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Issue 113



Mayor to Create Night Time Enterprise Zones to Support London’s Recovery The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has today announced a new £500,000 programme to create Night Time Enterprise Zones in the capital to help support London’s economic recovery. The pandemic has had a devastating impact on the capital as businesses and cultural venues faced months of temporary closures and restrictions, but the new Night Time Enterprise Zones will enable boroughs to encourage more people to use their high streets after 6pm and boost the local economy. The funding, in partnership with the London Economic Action Partnership (LEAP), will create at least three zones across the capital where boroughs will work with businesses and local communities to develop ideas to make their high streets more accessible, inclusive and welcoming at night. They will be supported to develop a range of ideas, such as extending opening hours or holding special events, taking measures to improve women’s safety and supporting good work standards for those working at night. It follows the success of a Night Time Enterprise Zone pilot in Waltham Forest in 2019 where extended opening times, events, increased promotion and repurposing council-owned buildings helped to increase footfall on Walthamstow High Street by 22 per cent, improved safety perceptions and widened local participation. The Night Time Enterprise Zone programme supports the Mayor’s ambition to make London a 24-hour city and work to drive the capital’s economic recovery. It builds on the Mayor’s wider work to support the capital at night, including the first-of-its-kind Women’s Night Safety Charter for councils, businesses and venues to prioritise women’s safety at night, world-leading guidance for councils to develop Night Time Strategies, a Night Time Data Observatory to provide insight to help in decision making, The High Streets for All Challenge Fund to reimagine high streets, and the Culture and Community Spaces At Risk programme which provides dedicated advice and guidance for the most at risk night time spaces, including grassroots live music and LGBTQ+ venues.

Emma McClarkin Awarded OBE Chief Executive of the British Beer & Pub Association Emma McClarkin has been awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List, for services to the beer and pub industry. The award recognises Emma’s service to the industry since joining the British Beer & Pub Association in 2019, in particular her support and championing of the industry throughout the pandemic. In response to receiving the award she said: “I am delighted and humbled to receive this honour. It is truly wonderful to receive this recognition on behalf of the beer and pub sector and for the incredible work the British Beer and Pub Association have done throughout the pandemic and continue to do to support the sector I am so passionate about. “When I entered the industry in 2019, I had no idea what lay ahead of us, but I have been truly amazed at the resilience, warmth and ingenuity of the people and businesses in our sector to come together and pull

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, said: “High streets are the lifeblood of our communities and have a key role to play in our economic recovery from the pandemic. Our Night Time Enterprise Zone pilot showed what is possible for our town centres at night and by expanding the zones to more areas we will help local authorities and businesses make their high streets more welcoming and inclusive after 6pm. It’s another example of how we are working to build a better London for everyone after the pandemic.” Amy Lamé, Night Czar, said: “Our city is incredibly active at night, but too often our high streets shut down from 6pm, offering no reason for people to be there. We have an opportunity to work in partnership to boost local businesses, communities and the wellbeing of night workers across the capital. Through our Night Time Enterprise Zone programme we want to help reimagine our high streets with innovative ideas and help councils, communities and businesses to pioneer better ways of living, working and doing business.” Ojay McDonald, CEO, Association of Town and City Management, said: “With town centres evolving, being able to bring the best out of them after dark is critical to sustaining vibrant and strong local economies. This certainly applies to London, a city with such a rich culture and enterprising spirit that it has the potential to be the greatest 24 hour city in the world. But it needs focus, coordination and leadership, especially in the wake of the damage done by the pandemic. Night Time Enterprise Zones provide a platform for this to take place. We welcome the support for this by the Mayor and the London Economic Action Partnership.” Kate Nicholls, CEO of UK Hospitality and former Chair of the London Night Time Commission, said: “I’m delighted today’s announcement from the Mayor builds on one of the key recommendations of the London Night Time Commission’s Think Night Report. A diverse and vibrant night time offer, rooted in the local community, is something the Commission recognised as being essential in ensuring our high streets are seen as attractive destinations for everyone after 6pm. This is true now more than ever as we continue to recover from the effects of the pandemic and look at the exciting and emerging ways we are using our high streets and town centres around the clock.” through a once in a lifetime challenge. “I look forward to celebrating with my family and friends over the Jubilee weekend in my local with a pint of beer in hand!” Kevin Georgel, Chairman of the British Beer & Pub Association and Chief Executive of St Austell Brewery said: “Emma has shown dedication and a tireless commitment to getting real results for our industry in the most challenging of times. As a leader she has helped ensure that our sector has a unified voice when we need it more than ever. “This award is testament not only to her passion and support for pubs and breweries in difficult times, but her desire to help our industry, innovate, look forward and be stronger than ever. On behalf of our membership and the wider sector I would like to congratulate Emma on this worthy recognition and thank her for her enormous contribution.”

Issue 113



10,000 Pubs & Restaurants at Risk of Closure Says Hospitality Chief An estimated10,000 pubs and restaurants are at risk of closure thanks to a ‘perfect storm’ of inflation, soaring energy costs and rising rents, according to UKHospitality CEO Kate Nicholls In a interview with The mail on Sunday Ms Nicholls said the hospitality sector is facing ‘as big a crisis, if not bigger’ than during the pandemic. ‘We’re already seeing a lot of independent operators handing in the keys and walking away,’ the chief executive of trade body UK Hospitality, adding : ‘I’ve never seen such a toxic cocktail of costs. It is a perfect storm.’ Inflation in the restaurant trade is currently running at between13 and 17 per cent due to supply-chain issues, the war in Ukraine, and increase staffing costs due to staff shortages. Emma McClarkin, chief executive of the British Beer & Pub Association, said: ‘Cost inflation means we have to trade 20 per cent up just to stand still. We know that keys are being handed in at some tenancies.’ The working-from-home trend has hit city-centre venues. Calling for a rethink on VAT, Wetherspoons boss Tim Martin said: ‘Pubs and restaurants pay 20 per cent VAT in respect of food sales, whereas supermarkets pay nothing, enabling them to subsidise the price of the beer they sell.

‘Unless there is tax equality, the hospitality sector will lose out.’ A survey earlier this month revealed that just about half (48%) of night-time businesses are ‘barely breaking even’, with a further 20.2% losing money. Half of businesses have seen a 30% increase in operating costs compared with pre-pandemic levels. Almost 45% are “unsure” if their business will survive the next 12 months, with an additional 20.8% stating they are “not confident”. Those who had renewed both gas and electricity contracts in the last four month have seen a 37% increase in energy costs, with contract renewals in electricity seeing up to a 54% increase and gas contracts seeing up to 151% increase for businesses. The NTIA also said there was “still some way to go” to see the true impact of cost inflation, with over 53.8% of businesses still to renew energy contracts. Meanwhile, 36.5% of respondents said their weekly sales had dropped by 30% in comparison to pre-pandemic trade levels, and respondents on average were still carrying £133,957 worth of supplier and bank/loan debt. 54.8% of respondents said their business had ‘little scope’ to increase prices within their local market, with a further 20.8% stating they had no scope whatsoever.

From Constabulary to Hospitality: New Northallerton Inn opens

A former North Yorkshire police station has been transformed into a pub with 30 bedrooms following a multi-million-pound redevelopment.

delighted to see that The Inn Collection Group has breathed new life into the building.”

The Inn Collection Group has spent 18 months remodelling the building in the North Yorkshire market town of Northallerton to create the Northallerton Inn.

Managing director of The Inn Collection Group Sean Donkin said: “This has been a particularly exciting project for us. We are delighted with the transformation of this very special building. It has such a fascinating past we wanted to pull out all the stops to give justice to this. Giving it a brand new purpose and watching it come to life with customers of all ages after so long is brilliant to see.

The pub with rooms on Northallerton’s High Street was officially opened by John Proud, retired inspector of Northallerton Police Station, who was in charge there between 1995 and 2003. Onlookers cheered as John cut through a police tape and The Northallerton Inn was opened as North Yorkshire’s newest place to eat, drink, sleep and explore from. John was given a show around the building including his former office and the station’s custody suite which has been transformed into heritagestyle bedrooms which still retain some original features that give an arresting nod to its former past, including the main entrance and staircase. John said: “The transformation is amazing. The décor is very tasteful and I guarantee the bedrooms – in particular, the cell bedrooms – will be far more comfortable than the accommodation we had to offer. One thing that does remain the same is the view from my old office window. “It has been lovely reminiscing on the layout of the old station and its remarkable conversion. It has certainly brought back many memories, but now it is time to look forward. The conversion is remarkable. I am

“Northallerton is a great country town with bags of character and The Northallerton Inn is at the heart of it. We are very happy to be trading and being part of the community here, with a new venue that local people and visitors can enjoy, providing year-round food, drink and accommodation services.” General manager of The Northallerton Inn Jules Gibson said: “I am so proud to see our doors finally open. Seeing people’s reactions when they walked in has been amazing. The inn is everything we planned it to be – a lovely, laid-back place where people can pop in for a drink or good food in a home-from-home environment. We’re also dog friendly – so it’s brought a smile to my face seeing lots of happy, wagging tails as well. “We have an outstanding team of staff who are as excited as I am to be open for business and being part of the fabric in Northallerton.”

Hospitality Business Owners Shouldn’t Bury Their Head On Debt Repayments 10


Issue 113

By Martin Edwards, partner and head of property litigation at law firm Shakespeare Martineau ( It’s no secret that hospitality faced a particularly tough time during the pandemic – being forced to close at multiple points for months on end, with many being unable to pay their rent as cash flow dried up. The moratorium on evictions provided a lifeline for many during this time, but now, new Government legislation has been introduced to settle matters related to arrears built up during the pandemic. The Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022 “CRCA” is intended to support landlords and tenants to resolve payment of commercial rent arrears that accrued during any part of the period 21 March 2020 to 18 July 2021 (or 7 August 2021 in Wales) when businesses were forced to close due to the various COVID -19 lockdown restrictions. This will vary according to the type of business. Many tenants working in the catering and hospitality sector were forced to close completely at that time. For example, in England, the restrictions for nightclubs lasted for the whole of the above period. This new law stops landlords starting any form of recovery or enforcement action against their tenants for these arrears at any time between now and 23 September 2022. But that does not mean business owners should bury their head in the sand. Landlords and tenants are encouraged to use this new law to try to negotiate a solution between themselves which balances the landlord’s solvency whilst preserving the viability of the tenant’s business. If they cannot reach agreement, they each know they can then appoint an arbitrator who will decide the matter but acting on the same principles. The policy behind the new law is to preserve otherwise viable businesses and the jobs they support. Arbitrators must find a way in which the parties can settle their differences and reach a binding agreement. This could potentially include giving tenants further time to pay or rent holidays etc. Here’s a short guide as to whether a hospitality business might be able to qualify for protection under the

new legislation:• It only covers rent that fell due during the period between March 2020 and July 21 (as above) • Your business must have been forced to close completely for all or some time during that period • Your Landlord hasn’t already started formal recovery action against you pre 25 March 2022 (when the new law came into force). • You have not already reached agreement with your landlord for rent during this period. • You must be able to show that your business was otherwise “viable” during that time – those businesses which are effectively already insolvent are not covered by this arbitration scheme. • Starting the process does not necessarily mean you are bound to end up in front of an arbitrator - most disputes referred are expected to settle on terms being agreed between the parties. • Check the Code of Practice for more details and guidance on how parties should approach negotiations - find it here:- Tenants should come prepared to the arbitration process with cash flow forecasts and accounts to prove that, through interventions such as a rent holiday for example, they’ll be able to pay their arrears in due course. Anecdotally, it does not seem that many landlords are choosing to use the new law. They may be waiting until end of September deadline when they get their full enforcement rights back. But hospitality managers have an equal right to rely on these new provisions now. Those tenants who qualify are fast running out of time to try to avoid future claims for these arrears. Particularly with many Q3 rent payments coming at the end of September, business owners who fail to seek arbitration by 23 September 2022 will likely be facing the perfect storm – landlords are then entitled to demand the new rent payment alongside any arrears amassed during the pandemic. There is no sign from the Government that the current deadline of 23 September 2022 will be extended. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Arbitration offers a relatively fast, simple and affordable process to resolve these disputes. With the cost of living squeeze likely to impact the hospitality sector this autumn, tenants can help themselves by engaging with their landlord now via this new arbitration scheme and in that way hopefully remove the risk of unwanted enforcement action when they least want it.

AA Reveals Chefs Shortlist, with Gabby Logan Set to Host the AA Hospitality Awards 2022 The AA has unveiled the shortlist for the annual Chefs’ Chef Award – the ultimate accolade for a British chef – with celebrated sports host and broadcaster Gabby Logan set to host the AA Hospitality Awards 2022, which will take place on Monday 26 September at JW Marriott Grosvenor House London. Selected by AA Rosette-awarded chefs, the Chefs’ Chef Award is a unique award recognising the best chef in the UK, as chosen by their peers. With previous winners including Claude Bosi, Tom Kerridge, Raymond Blanc, Marco Pierre White, Gordon Ramsay and more, this year’s shortlist hails from across the UK, from Belfast to Padstow and from London to Windermere. The nominated chefs showcase a huge breadth of cuisines and styles, from sophisticated takes on every-day Italian to assertive modern cooking using locally sourced ingredients, to finely crafted and creative contemporary French cuisine.

The shortlist for the Chefs’ Chef Award 2022: Angela Hartnett – Murano, London Clare Smyth – Core by Clare Smyth, London Gareth Ward – Ynyshir, Eglwys Fach Galton Blackiston – Morston Hall, Holt Michael Wignall – The Angel at Hetton Hélène Darroze – Hélène Darroze at the Connaught, London Michael Deane – Deames EIPIC, Belfast Stephen McLaughlin – Restaurant Andrew Fairlie, Auchterarder

Lisa Goodwin-Allen – Northcote, Langho Paul Ainsworth – Paul Ainsworth at No 6, Padstow Mark Birchall – Moor Hall Restaurant with Rooms, Aughton Hrishi Desai – Gilpin Hotel, Windermere Recognising the excellence of hotels, restaurants and their teams across the UK, the AA Hospitality Awards is one of the industry’s most prestigious and highly anticipated events. Spanning 15 categories, the Awards will name the best hotels, restaurants, and spas across the UK, and celebrate individuals with awards such as the Lifetime Achievement Award, AA Housekeeper of the Year and more. Gabby Logan said: “I am thrilled to be hosting the AA Hospitality Awards at the wonderful JW Marriott Grosvenor House this September. Back after a two-year hiatus, the AA Hospitality Awards are a key event for an industry that is all about physical places and people, and I am delighted that they are back with an in-person ceremony after the pandemic. I am really looking forward to celebrating the very best of the UK’s hospitality establishments and dedicated people in the industry, in a night to remember!” Simon Numphud, Managing Director at AA Media said: “We are delighted to have Gabby Logan as our host for the AA Hospitality Awards this year – we are sure she will make our first in-person awards ceremony since 2019 even more special. We are also proud to reveal the AA Chefs’ Chef Award shortlist, an award that remains unique as it is voted by their peers. We are looking forward to crowning the Chefs’ Chef 2022 this September, as well as recognising the hard work and passion of many excellent establishments and teams working in the hospitality industry across the UK.”

Majisign Joins Forces with the 2022 British Street Food Awards The street food market has consistently grown faster than the total fast-food market with supermarkets also introducing ‘street food’ ranges and restaurant chefs launching food trucks. The Street Food Awards is a great series of live events in the summer taking place all over the UK and Europe and for the first time in America as they launch Street Foods USA. Visitors will be able to sample the very best from the street food finalists whilst they cook to win your vote and the vote of the expert judging panel made up of Michelin-star Chefs and Food Writers. This year Majisign Ltd are delighted to once again be making all the trophies, certificates, banners, and clipboards to celebrate the street food champion winners of the 2022 British Street Food Awards. This year too

our street food winners trophies include the European Street Food Awards and the initiation of the USA Street Food Awards. Our mission continues to be passionate about working with wood in a sustainable way whilst striving to take measures to reduce our environmental impact. And even though our A-boards might appear a bit old school, they’ve proven time and again to increase footfall! We just get it! Working closely with the founder, award-winning food journalist and consultant Richard Johnson, we are proud to be a part of championing the world’s new food heroes and the Michelin stars of tomorrow.” Visit and

Visitors Flock to UK to Join Jubilee Celebrations Issue 113



In terms of economic value to the UK economy, the UK Travel & Tourism sector has also risen by 13%, from £190bn to £215bn this year – and reached an impressive £235bn before the pandemic struck in 2019.

According to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) visitors from overseas poured into the UK to join the celebrations marking Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee.

Julia Simpson, WTTC President & CEO said:

As the UK geared up to celebrate, new data from WTTC’s partner ForwardKeys showed the number of arriving tourists from key overseas markets and leading Commonwealth countries, such as Singapore, Australia and Canada were all up compared to the previous week by 19%, 6% and 2% respectively.

“The Queen is a global ambassador and has brought huge wealth to this country. Over the last 20 years she has presided over a period of incredible expansion in Travel & Tourism – attracting visitors to our shores and inspiring us to visit the world with open hearts and minds.

Indeed, the UK Travel & Tourism sector has gone from strength to strength during Queen Elizabeth II’s 70-year long reign. The Queen herself is estimated to have travelled to some 120 countries since her first trip to Kenya in 1952, uniting communities around the world.

“We congratulate Her Majesty as we join the country in celebrating her Platinum Jubilee and pay tribute to her journey of exploration and friendship to communities near and far.” While WTTC data shows the success story of the UK Travel & Tourism sector over the last 20 years, the data also details its struggle since the pandemic and the severe impact of the travel restrictions. The Jubilee celebrations open a new chapter as tourists start returning.

And since the Queen’s Golden Jubilee in 2002, analysis by WTTC shows that 20 years later, the number of people employed in the UK Travel & Tourism sector has soared by 49%. In 2002, 9.1% of jobs in the UK were in Travel & Tourism. This year the percentage has grown to 11.7%, with a high of 12% in 2019.

WTTC data shows international visitor spend had climbed from £23.3bn in 2002 to more than £36bn in 2019 but had slumped back to just £3.9bn in 2021 due to the impact of the pandemic.

The CMA said that it notified the respective parties and is inviting comments on the transaction until June 17. Under the deal, which was announced last month (May 2022), BT Sport and Eurosport UK will be brought together to form a premium sports joint venture for customers in the UK and Ireland which will be owned 50:50 by BT plc and Warner Bros Discovery. Both BT Sport and Eurosport UK will initially retain their separate brands and product propositions in the market before being brought together under a single brand in the future. BT will receive £93m from

Warner Bros Discovery and up to approximately £540m by way of an earn-out from the joint venture, subject to certain conditions being met. BT will retain a 50% interest in the joint venture, and Warner Bros Discovery will be granted a call option over BT’s interest in the joint venture, exercisable at specified points in the first four years of the joint venture.” The investigation is the latest in a lengthy story of what will happen to BT Sport after BT Group announced last year that it had appointed investment bank Lazard to assist with the potential sale of a stake of BT Sport and that it was in talks with several interested parties. BT has subsequently said that the joint venture is not the first step of a planned exit strategy from the sports market as had been reported and insisted that it will continue to invest in rights and grow its offering.


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The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is investigating the proposed joint venture between Warner Bros Discovery and BT Group which aims to create a new premium sports offering for the UK and Ireland.


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Rising Costs Emerge as Primary Challenge for Travellers this Summer Issue 113

International Vacation Confidence Index from Allianz Partners finds that while travel confidence is high, more people are planning to staycation than travel abroad this summer, despite Covid-19 restrictions lifting As the world begins to emerge from Covid-19 restrictions, a new, monetary obstacle has arisen, imposing a different restriction on households. According to new research from Allianz Partners, for the first summer edition of the International Vacation Confidence Index, the uncertain economic situation poses the main challenge for travellers this summer. The research, which was carried out by OpinionWay on behalf of Allianz Partners, surveyed 9,107 people across Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, UK and USA, with the aim of gaining an insight into consumer trust and confidence levels in travel ahead of the 2022 summer vacation period and to identify the main challenges facing travellers this summer. While the impact of the pandemic on daily life seems to be receding in most countries around the world, the research finds that confidence in the ability to travel is up (77%) compared to last winter (58%). However, half of respondents (50%) say the probable increase in travel costs might push them to downscale their summer getaways this year. Similarly, almost half (47%) say that the state of their personal finances could mean they’ll need to downgrade their ambitions for their summer vacation. Meanwhile, of those who are not planning any summer vacation this year, the number one reason cited by respondents is that they can’t afford to, due to rising cost of living and travel. Concern over the ongoing health crisis is the second most likely obstacle to the smooth execution of summer vacations (45%). This is ahead of concerns regarding the geopolitical situation with the war in Ukraine (42%), along with personal (43%) and professional (32%) obligations. Key Findings in United Kingdom: In the UK four out of five respondents are confident they will take a vacation this summer, with 84% confirming a summer vacation is important to them. 58% say they will be taking a staycation, whilst 42% plan to travel abroad, the majority (31%) of which plan to travel in Europe. Cost of travel (51%), personal financial circumstances (48%) and uncertainty over the Covid crisis (47%) are the key obstacles deterring UK respondents to make travel plans. The main travel expectations of UK respondents are to relax (46%), go to the beach (38%) and spend time with loved ones (35%).

STAYCATIONS ARE HERE TO STAY Covid-19 forced the borders of many countries to close and as such, those seeking a vacation began to explore their own countries. While our worlds became physically smaller, our home countries became more attractive than ever before and this trend is here to stay, despite the re-opening of borders. Italy (81%), Spain (75%) and the US (67%) are leading the way with most of those surveyed planning on travelling within their country for their summer vacation this year. In Austria (58%) and Switzerland (57%) respondents are primarily



considering traveling abroad. The economy is playing a big role in travel intentions with close to half (43%) of respondents who are not planning on leaving the country quoting the economy as the main reason for this. Over a quarter (27%) say they cannot travel abroad because of the rise in prices and a further 16% prefer saving their money.

THE IMPACT OF THE COST OF LIVING ON SUMMER VACATION BUDGETS The anticipated average budget among Americans for summer vacations this year is by far the highest, at €3,061 ($3,222). However, over half (57%) say the rise in prices could mean they’ll be forced to revise their budgets to spend less. While almost all Spanish and Italians agree summer vacation is important, they both declare the lowest budgets, at €1,585 and €1,607 respectively. In these countries the fear of inflation is also high with two-thirds (66%) in Spain and over half in Italy (59%) saying it will probably have a negative impact on their vacation this summer.

RELAXATION IS THE NUMBER ONE GOAL FOR SUMMER VACATIONS As the world tackles health, geopolitical and economic crises, it is not surprising that respondents across all countries, except Spain, cite having a relaxing, restful holiday as their primary hope for their summer vacation. In Spain, most respondents (48%) hope to go to the beach or seaside. Americans are most likely to say they want to visit family and friends (28%). They are also more likely to plan shopping vacations (19%), as are the Dutch (19%). While, Austrians are the most athletic, with 14% wanting to use their vacation to take part in a sport or hobby. Commenting on the survey, Joe Mason, Chief Marketing Officer – Travel, at Allianz Partners said: “I am delighted to share the results of the second edition of the International Vacation Confidence Index, the first time we are focusing on the summer vacation period with this international research. The good news is that confidence in the ability to travel this summer is largely established across all countries surveyed. Summer vacations are extremely important to people and a valuable moment to take some time out to relax and connect with family and loved ones. As we head into the first summer in three years with few travel restrictions due to Covid, it’s particularly interesting to see that the pandemic is no longer the primary concern for summer vacationers. However, the staycation – which became so popular during the pandemic – looks to be a trend that’s here to stay, with many planning to vacation in their home country this year as they deal with the rising cost of living and travel. “This research provides us with a comprehensive understanding of consumer behaviour. Research like this is extremely important to us at Allianz Partners to ensure we are providing services that meet the ever-evolving needs of our customers and also listening to their concerns.”

The Dorchester, London - Contents for Auction

For those who love exceptional luxury set around the finest lighting, furniture and interiors, June 21 – 22nd in London offers up a pivotal moment in the buyer’s calendar. Picture the regal surroundings of The Dorchester Hotel set against the beautiful backdrop of Hyde Park where for two vibrant days more than 2,000 amazing pieces emanating from this renowned five-star international hotel, offer themselves up for auction. The auction takes place at the hotel on June 21 and 22nd, 2022 commencing at 10.30am each day. Online bidding will also be available via a live webcast. The sale catalogue may be downloaded at

High Food and Drink Inflation Set to Extend into 2023 Amid Cost and Supply Crises 14


Issue 113

Foodservice prices in April were 10% higher than in April 2021, thanks to high energy costs and unstable global supply, the latest edition of the Foodservice Price Index from CGA and Prestige Purchasing shows. It is the third month of double-digit inflation in a row, and analysis by CGA and Prestige Purchasing suggests volatility in supply and costs is likely to fuel high food and drink prices for some time. The report predicts that further rises in inflation are possible in 2022, and that the rate is unlikely to fall below 7% until at least 2023. Inflationary pressures have been exacerbated in recent months by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The crisis has reduced the production levels of food staples including grains and oils, and driven up energy and fuel costs by increasing oil prices and restricting gas supplies. Nine of the 10 food and drink categories measured by the Foodservice Price Index recorded inflation in April 2022—seven of them reaching double-digits, and three exceeding 20%. The report highlights areas of particular volatility, including: • Grains, with the war in Ukraine damaging production and preventing transportation • Poultry, where capacity has been reduced, Avian flu is active and feed and fuel costs have risen sharply

• Dairy, as reduced milk production has raised prices • Edible oils, availability of which has been hit by the war in Ukraine • Fish, with salmon at highest ever prices and UK fresh fish impacted by frozen white fish price rises. Prestige Purchasing CEO Shaun Allen said: “The food and drink system continues to be in a high level of instability, with complex impacts upon both cost and availability of product. Simply acceding to price increases will not be an acceptable option for many operators, so actively managing supply increases using reliable market data is essential. This is also a good time to review menu/ingredient ranges, and supply models to ensure optimum margin in the months ahad.” James Ashurst, client director at CGA, said: “Energy costs have a direct impact on prices right across the foodservice sector, and the war in Ukraine has piled on even more inflationary pressure. Soaring prices are also starting to affect consumers’ spending, and on top of global supply issues and the after-shocks of COVID and Brexit, the outlook for the rest of 2022 is extremely challenging.”

KP Snacks Market Leading Brands to Feature in Electrifying Cricket Competition this Summer With summer on the way, families are looking forward to sporting entertainment and activities. As the Official Team Partner of The Hundred – a 100 ball cricket competition – KP Snacks is encouraging pubs to support the exciting tournament. Last year, The Hundred captured a broadcast audience of 16million and this year's tournament, featuring on Sky Sports and the BBC, looks to build on this success. The partnership features KP Snacks’ leading brands including popchips, Butterkist, POM-BEAR, Tyrrells, KP Nuts, Hula Hoops, McCoy’s, and Skips, across the team shirts of eight men’s and women’s teams competing in the fast paced tournament. Hula Hoops, McCoy’s and Tyrrells ranges feature engaging cricket-themed designs to

further promote the partnership. From tasty nuts, perfect when paired with a cold beer, to premium crisps, KP Snacks has a popular and recognised portfolio to help bars drive sales.As the number one supplier of Bagged Snacks , KP Snacks portfolio is perfectly placed to help pubs trade up drinks only visits while customers enjoy televised cricket. Matt Collins, Trading Director at KP Snacks, says, “KP Snacks’ portfolio is extensive, with something for everyone. An exciting summer of sport, available for consumers to watch while enjoying a drink and a snack is the perfect pairing for pubs.”

Fuller’s Returns to “Profitable Growth”

Fuller’s has said that it returned to profitable growth in the 52 weeks to 26 March 2022, and that its current trading year has “started well”. For the year to 26 March 2022, the pub group reported adjusted profit before tax returning to growth at £7.2m against a loss of £48.7m the prior financial year, when the business reported revenues of £73.2m. Chief executive Simon Emeny said that in the first 10 weeks of the new financial year, total sales were up 4% on pre pandemic levels and up 130% on the same period last year. On a like-for-like basis, excluding closed periods, sales in the first 10 weeks of the year were up 21.4% on last year. He said: “Market conditions remain challenging with fragile consumer confidence and well-documented high inflationary pressures. Our premium offering provides some protection from inflation, however we are certainly not immune from its effects. In common with our peers, we have seen significant increases in food and utility costs and are proactively working with our suppliers, and actively managing our offering, to mitigate the effects of inflation without impairing the customer experience.

Set For The Futuria, with Calor As the UK’s hospitality businesses prepare for the busy summer months ahead, many are now looking at the ways they can operate more sustainably and, by doing so, reduce their carbon emissions in the process. However, the demands of the nation’s hospitality businesses, from pubs and hotels through to restaurants, need a reliable fuel source which can also support their bespoke business requirements.

Calor Futuria Liquid Gas can do both INTRODUCING CALOR FUTURIA LIQUID GAS Calor Futuria Liquid Gas (previously BioLPG) is a sustainable fuel made from a blend of waste, residues and sustainably sourced materials.

“We remain confident that, despite the current market challenges, we will maintain our growth trajectory for revenues and profits and as such we are pleased to announce a final dividend of 7.41p, which means a total dividend to shareholders of £7m for the year.” Emeny added: “In conclusion, we are looking back on a volatile year of highs and lows with many moving parts – but we are starting the new financial year on a high. We may be facing some bracing headwinds, especially around energy and inflation, but we are well placed to tackle the issues with clear measures and solutions in place.” “The new strategic framework, driven by our purpose to create experiences that nourish the soul, and the pillars that underpin it, will give everyone in the company clear direction and ensure we work as a team, from our kitchens to our boardroom, to deliver excellent results for all our stakeholders. In addition, we have worked hard to strengthen our balance sheet and highlight how we will continue to deliver long-term value through the application of our capital allocation framework. The completion of the bank refinancing provides us with the headroom to grow and the directors’ valuation of the estate demonstrates that the implicit net asset value per share of our business is £13.80.” 80%1 compared to conventional LPG. For businesses keen to demonstrate their reduction in carbon emissions, the Green Gas Certification Scheme ensures traceability of all Futuria Liquid Gas delivered to, and used up by, our hospitality customers while also highlighting the amount of CO2 saved.

STORAGE SOLUTIONS FOR EVERYONE Hospitality businesses keen to maximise outdoor spaces for al-fresco dining over the summer (and even winter months) can often be deterred by the installation of unsightly storage tanks. At Calor, our above and below ground storage options mean we can either discreetly install a storage tank in a quiet corner or completely out of sight underground. For pubs and bars currently using LPG through a different supplier, Calor can work with you to make the switch to Futuria Liquid Gas with minimal disruption. Also, as Futuria Liquid Gas is chemically identical to LPG, there is no need to change any existing LPG products such as LPG boilers.


From providing an instant and controllable flame, needed to create mouthwatering meals, to offering the versatility for central heating and hot water requirements right through to even heating swimming pools, Futuria Liquid Gas is the fuel source hospitality business can trust.

As part of its commitment to offer its customers 100% sustainable energy solutions by 2040, Calor is taking steps to encourage all of its hospitality customers to make the switch to Futuria Liquid Gas – helping to support pubs and bars across the UK deliver on their sustainability goals for today and tomorrow.

Available in a 100% blend, Futuria Liquid Gas can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 86% (kgCO2e/kWh) when compared to using heating oil and up to

To find out how Calor can help you reach sustainability targets, visit

Winners Announced at the Craft Guild of Chefs Awards 18


Issue 113

Matt Owens, chair of the Craft Guild of Chefs, commented:

Leading hospitality names such as Gary Jones of Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons, Alistair Birt of Harrods and Luke Selby’s Evelyn’s Table were among those recognised at a glittering ceremony for the esteemed Craft Guild of Chefs Awards 2022.

“This is a scheme which has brought together two great organisations who, with their combined membership, can really make a difference.”

Held on Thursday 9th June at Magazine London, the event marked a return to its original format after a two-year break due to Covid.

The Craft Guild of Chefs Awards are seen as the chefs’ Oscars recognising the exceptional talent across the whole of the hospitality industry – from apprentice and young chefs just starting out to chefs who are established in their careers in hospitality, pubs and restaurants.

Gary Jones, executive head chef at Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons in Oxfordshire, was selected for the night’s Special Award in recognition of going ‘above and beyond’ in a career which has had a major impact and influence on the British chef scene. The Culinary Hero Award (formerly the People’s Choice Award) went to NHS Chefs Academy. Speaking at the event, Nick Vadis, culinary director at Compass Group UK & chef ambassador to NHS said: “It has been a tough journey through Covid to where we are today. The NHS chefs have been inspirational and welcoming, embracing what we are trying to achieve. This will hopefully raise the awareness of training and development and NHS chefs who work in our Trusts.” Mark Fletcher, Churche’s Mansion, who picked up the Banqueting & Event Chef Award commented: “For me to be recognised by my peers and the Craft Guild of Chefs is a true honour, I’m very proud to join the list of previous winners all of whom I look up to, just to be nominated was a surprise and now to win this award it really is very special, A very special moment in my career.” Grace Hawksley from Gravetye Manor picked up the Apprentice Chef Award, whilst head chef Luke Selby was awarded New Restaurant of the Year Award for Evelyn’s Table, the intimate Michelin-starred counter dining experience in London’s Rupert Street. Steve Munkley, vice president of the Craft Guild of Chefs, said: “This has been a year of exceptional challenges and I am so proud to see that we have so many worthy winners. This year we made a special award to recognise someone who went above and beyond during the pandemic. I believe that we have identified such a worthy winner in Gary Jones, he is a real role model in the industry, he looks to encourage and develop young talent, whilst still being mindful of their own wellbeing.”

The full list of this year’s winners: • Special Recognition Award, presented by the Craft Guild of Chefs: Kate Nicholls – UKHospitality • Apprentice Chef Award, sponsored by Compass Group UK & Ireland: Grace Hawksley – Gravetye Manor • Armed Forces Chef Award, sponsored by Valentine & CuisinEquip: WO Jonathan Smith – Royal Air Force • Banqueting & Event Chef Award, sponsored by Major International: Mark Fletcher – Churche’s Mansion • Chef Lecturer Award, sponsored by Wrapmaster: Jose Souto – Westminster Kingsway College • Chef ’s Favourite Branded Restaurant Group, sponsored by Unox: Miller & Carter • Competition Chef Award, sponsored by McCormick UK Ltd: Graham Singer – Compass Group UK & Ireland • Contract Catering Chef Award, sponsored by Pritchitts: Karl Griffiths – Sodexo • Culinary Hero Award, sponsored by Williams Refrigeration: NHS Chefs Academy • Development Chef Award, sponsored by Essential Cuisine: Vicky Endersen – MSK Ingredients • Innovation in Sustainability Award, sponsored by Quorn Professionals: Hana Group • New Restaurant of the Year Award, sponsored by Marsh Commercial: Luke Selby – Evelyn’s Table • Pastry Chef Award, sponsored by Carpigiani: Alistair Birt – Harrods • Pub Restaurant Chef Award, sponsored by Bidfood: Nina Matsunaga – The Black Bull, Sedbergh • Public Sector Catering Chef, sponsored by HRC 2023: Jake Barwood – Totteridge Academy • Restaurant Chef Award, sponsored by Hoshizaki: Dan McGeorge – Rothay Manor • Young Chef Award, sponsored by De Manincore: AS Shaun Downs – Navy

Greene King Pub Partners Expands Hive Pubs Team with Five New Learning and Development Roles Hive Pubs – the new franchise pub concept from Greene King Pub Partners – has expanded its team with five new Learning and Development roles.

Partners’ long established and award winning training team for Greene King’s Leased and Tenanted partners, led by Sarah Milward – a judge at the most recent BII National Innovation in Training Awards.

The new Learning and Development roles have been created to support the rollout of Hive Pubs over the coming years and to help embed new franchisees and their teams into running a Hive Pub.

So far, nine Hive Pubs have been opened by Greene King Pub Partners since October 2020, with several more in the pipeline for this year.

The new roles will provide a range of training and support to Hive Pubs franchisees and their teams, including front of house training and on-site kitchen training to deliver the Hive Pubs food offer curated by the food team at Greene King. The new Learning and Development team for Hive Pubs will be spearheaded by Learning & Development Manager James Corbett, who was previously a Retail Systems Trainer for Greene King’s Managed divisions as well as a General Manager of a Greene King Locals managed pub. Four Learning & Development Partners will work alongside James in the Hive Pubs team – three of which will report directly to him and have joined from the wider Greene King business and have experience in training roles in managed pubs ranging from leadership training to front of house and kitchen training. The Hive Pubs Learning & Development team will work alongside and report into Greene King Pub

Pizza: A Story As Old As Thyme Mission Mars, known for their Mancunian music venues Albert Hall, Albert’s Schloss, and their northern pizza brand Rudy’s, began their southern expansion by opening their first Rudy’s in London’s Soho last year. The first hurdle to their new venture; their fame hadn’t quite reached the south… yet. So, in order to get their name on the streets of London, they did what anyone would do: Give away 10,000 free pizzas. Here’s how they did it. Step 1: Speak to the people. Wireless Social, a WiFi super-power, helped Rudy’s use Facebook’s ‘look-alike’ advertisement service in order to find new, potential Sohonian customers, based on their Manchester database. Step 2: Fill the bucket. Targeted ads reached potential Rudy’s lovers and offered the opportunity to grab a free pizza. These suitors were sent to an Airship form, so they could fill in their details to then be added to an Airship holding group, waiting to be contacted about their free pizza. Step 3: Release the pizza. 7,000 names were quickly gathered - meaning it was time to rock. Airship drip

With a Hive Pub, franchisees get a minimum guaranteed income of £20,000 plus additional income based on performance such as share of turnover and other bonus opportunities including profit share. Aimed at those with experience of running a pub as a Manager but looking to run their own pub business, the Hive Pub franchise agreement gives licensees a ready to trade pub within a proven branded concept for just £5,000 ingoing cost. Wayne Shurvinton, Managing Director for Greene King Pub Partners, said: “As the rollout of our Hive Pubs concept goes from strength-to-strength, we have expanded the team behind it. This has seen us develop a dedicated Hive Pubs Learning and Development team that will help our franchisees and their own teams to grow their businesses and provide an excellent level of service to customers.” fed 7,000 ‘Release the Pizza’ emails over 7 hours, including a link to a ResDiary booking form inside. ResDiary, the booking platform, effortlessly facilitated booking across the opening 6 weeks. Within the first two hours of emails, 6,040 pizzas had been claimed with the first 3 days of trade being fully booked within 17 minutes. It went so well that Rudy’s decided to give away an additional 3,400 pizzas. Airship, Wireless Social and ResDiary created a flawless ecosystem that brought this project to life. Now, Rudy’s in Soho is livelier than ever and has truly made a mark on the capital. How do we know? Following the ‘Pizza for All’ campaign, the attendees were contacted and asked to leave a review through Feed It Back. The response was so positive that Rudy’s is now no. 26 on TripAdvisor for London Pizzerias. Book a demo at



Issue 113

Social and Governance Performances Affect Institutional Ownership In The Hospitality And Tourism Sector and restaurants, but firms are increasingly having to demonstrate social awareness to stakeholders in order to attract these investments.

Research from Bayes Business School (formerly Cass) suggests companies in the hospitality and tourism sector can attract lucrative institutional equity by improving their social and corporate governance scores.

Dr Bilinski said the research showed the importance of breaking down CSR objectives into different components.

The study, co-authored by Dr Danielle Lyssimachou, Associate Professor in Accounting, and Dr Pawel Bilinski, Reader in Accounting at Bayes, examined four specific dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) – social, environmental, corporate governance and product and service performance – and the impact they had on levels of institutional investment in the hospitality and tourism sector.

“Many studies focus on the benefits of CSR as a single collection of activities, without considering how its individual dimensions attract different reactions from different stakeholders across industries,” Dr Bilinski said. “Rather than trying to be good at everything to increase their image, companies seeking funding should conceptualise the dimensions of CSR, exploring what it is their investors care about and focus on that.”

Key findings from the research include: Companies with high scores for social dimensions, through strong employee relations, workplace diversity and sense of community have high levels of institutional ownership.

In the case of the hospitality and tourism sector, Dr Bilinski says the research suggests where investor priorities lie.

Similarly, strong corporate governance performance such as governance mechanisms, board structure, board independence and business ethic, attracts high institutional investment. Social and governance dimensions of CSR attract investors that are more attuned to sustainable and longterm value creation, domestic investors who are less likely to withdraw funding, and blockholders who tend to engage with management. Therefore, better levels of social awareness and corporate governance attract more funding from dedicated investors. Environmental concerns, however, have little impact and did not increase institutional holdings for companies in the hospitality and tourism sectors. In a largely capital-intensive environment with high overheads, the hospitality and tourism sector requires external capital for companies to successfully grow. Institutional investment from organisations like mutual funds, pensions and insurance companies provide vital resources to support growth of travel companies, hotels

“Our research shows strong reactions to performance in both social awareness – by maintaining healthy relations with staff, strong employee engagement and community spirit – and corporate governance, through defined board structures, strong sense of business ethics and accountability. “Environmental concerns, conversely, do not appear to have significant bearing on institutional investment for hospitality and tourism in recent years, but this is not to say considerations for the environment do not matter or do not have a bearing on investment within other sectors. Rather, it is likely that companies have already completed environment objectives that investors care about, so this dimension no longer plays an active role in attracting new capital.” ‘Does corporate social responsibility affect the institutional ownership of firms in the hospitality and tourism industry?’ by Dr Danielle Lyssimachou and Dr Pawel Bilinski is published in Tourism Economics.

Hoar Cross Hall Recreates 1980s Staff Photo to Celebrate 150th Birthday Barons Eden owned Hoar Cross Hall Hotel and Spa in Staffordshire has recreated a photograph of its staff taken in 1989, as part of the estate’s 150th anniversary celebrations. The image was originally captured to mark the reopening of the 19th Century country mansion as a day spa and hotel following its purchase by Stephen Joynes MBE. Now, 33 years later, the image has been replicated down to the last detail, including location in the grounds, positioning of the staff and furniture, and even the coloured tablecloths. As part of the recreation, Steve Joynes, son of

Macduff - Wild About Shellfish Macduff’s wild-caught Hebridean Langoustines come from the pristine, rich waters of the Outer Hebrides, off the west coast of Scotland, where the warm flowing Gulf Stream meets the cool currents of the Arctic and Greenland Sea. Here, fishing boats depart for short one- to two day trips, ensuring only the freshest langoustines are landed. At the factory, langoustines are washed, size graded and carefully hand-packed. This state-of-the-art facility is equipped with an Advantec freezer, a high velocity air freezing

Barons Eden founder Stephen Joynes MBE, took centre stage, standing in his father’s footsteps and paying homage to his legacy after he sadly passed away in 2021. Alongside the recreation, the team at Hoar Cross Hall have also recaptured a range of then and now photographs throughout the estate, including the entrance, long gallery, exterior, library and ballroom, as well as other areas of the hotel.

technology that allows the rapid and efficient freezing of langoustines within 25 minutes or less, locking in freshness. They are then hand-packed by our dedicated team, resulting in rich, vibrant-orange langoustines with a firm texture and uniquely sweet delicate flavour. Popular amongst chefs in fine dining restaurants, Macduff’s West Coast Hebridean Langoustines are a true shellfish delicacy. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT THE MACDUFF OFFICE NEAREST YOU: Mintlaw Sales Office: +44 (0) 1771 624000, Windsor Sales Office: +44 (0) 1753 858 188,

Hellmann’s Support Guardians Of Grub To Launch Free Online Hub To Help Operators Fight Food Waste

Hellmann’s and WRAP’s food waste campaign Guardians of Grub, have joined forces for the first time to launch a brand-new platform on the Guardians of Grub website to support operators looking to reduce food waste and save money. With 1.1 million tonnes of food thrown away by the Hospitality and Food Service Industry a year, the free online hub provides operators with practical support and resources to help them tackle food waste head on and improve profits in the process. The website features insightful resources such as a money saving menu planner, Guardians of Grub cost savings skills course, and invaluable tips and tricks in the form of videos and interviews from fellow voices in the industry on how to tackle food waste. To help direct kitchens and chefs to the resources, this year a dedicated QR code will feature on Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise 10 litre tubs – meaning operators and caterers can be directed straight to the website for more information. In the UK alone, 12% of food waste comes from the hospitality and food service industry and on average 18% of food purchased in this sector is thrown away. Recent research undertaken by Guardians of Grub also found that food waste is costing the UK food industry on average £3.2 billion a year– highlighting a clear need to help operators optimise their business. The collaboration comes as Hellmann’s, the largest mayonnaise brand both in retail and the AFH markets,

builds on its established brand purpose of fighting food waste and looks to bring its expertise to the AFH channel. Commenting on the joint initiative, Alex Hall, Executive Chef at Unilever UK&I, explains: “We strongly believe that food is too good to be wasted, which is why at Hellmann’s we’ve joined forces with Guardians of Grub to help operators make big changes through small actions. Given the challenges operators are facing, from rising costs to staff shortages - every penny and every process needs to be checked and audited to ensure that nothing is wasted. This is why, together, we have created the new menu planning guide and template to help the operators take an easy assessment of their business to see what changes they can make, to deliver a more profitable and less wasteful business for the future and the planet.” Eleanor Morris, Special Advisor for Business Collaboration at WRAP added: “As a climate action NGO, WRAP is delighted by this collaboration between Guardians of Grub and Hellmann’s, an industry first which we hope is the start of many more. We know that wasting food is an ongoing issue for the Hospitality and Food Service Industry, damaging profits and the environment. By working together, we can accelerate the pace of change in reducing wasted food. We want the sector to feed people, not bins, and also be profitable. We welcome organisations like Unilever helping HaFS organisations with access to useful tools and knowledge to enable them to do this.”



Issue 113

Bespoke Hotels Group Adds Trio of Scottish Venues to Collection with Purchase of McMillan Hotels

Bespoke Hotels, the UK’s largest independent hotel group, has purchased the renowned Scottish hotel group, McMillan Hotels. The Bespoke Hotels group continues to build its reputable portfolio after securing ownership of the McMillan Hotels collection, which comprises three family-friendly hotels operating across South West Scotland: North West Castle (Stranraer), Cally Palace Hotel & Golf Course (Gatehouse of Fleet) and Fernhill Hotel (Portpatrick). Business will continue as usual for all staff and customers at the luxury 4 and 3-star venues. Discussing the appointment, Thomas Greenall, Chief Executive Officer at Bespoke Hotels, said: “We are delighted to add such characterful hotels to our portfolio. The trio are intrinsic to the hospitality scene in South West Scotland, and we cannot wait to develop them further, building on their excellent reputation within the community. “We can confirm that the current team at the hotel will be able to continue their roles and day-to-day activities unaffected – we are keen for business to continue as normal. Overall, this is another significant milestone for the Bespoke family, as the acquisition will bring our group to almost 90 hotels, 26 of which are in Scotland.”

Situated on the outskirts of Gatehouse of Fleet on the Solway coast, Cally Palace is a classic Georgian country house hotel. Set across 150 acres of land, the opulent 4-star venue boasts its own exclusive golf course, comprising views of the estate grounds and the idyllic Dumfries and Galloway countryside beyond. North West Castle offers visitors and guests a comfortable, luxurious and convenient 3-star hotel experience in Stranraer, Dumfries and Galloway. With its very own indoor curling rink, the family-run hotel hosts a multitude of local and national curling events throughout the season. This unique and significant part of the business is something Bespoke Hotels is particularly excited to embrace and develop, with the ongoing assistance of Ice Rink Manager Gail Munro. Set in private gardens above Portpatrick, Fernhill Hotel offers stunning open views over the village, harbour and Irish Sea. The 3-star coastal hotel is a stone’s throw away from the bustling yacht and fishing village, which has an abundance of attractive craft shops and welcoming harbourside pubs. Douglas McMillan, Managing Director of McMillan Hotels, added: “We are excited to announce that our three Scottish hotels are now part of the Bespoke collection. As the hotels have been owned by the McMillan family for many years, it was imperative that the trio were placed in safe hands. Ultimately, we could not be happier with the outcome of our sale of the hotels and we very much look forward to seeing what the future brings for them.”

KP of the Year: The Competition Heats Up If your KP is a star performer or a kitchen ninja, nominate them! Isn’t it time your KPs got a bit of recognition for all their hard work? The warewashing gurus at Winterhalter are searching for the 2022 Kitchen Porter of the Year and are looking to encourage as many entries as possible. “The huge affection that chefs, managers and colleagues feel for their KPs is evident from the entries that flood in every year,” says Stephen Kinkead, managing director of Winterhalter UK. “And you should see the winners’ faces light up when they find out about the award! It’s such a pleasure to be involved in this event.” The first KP of the Year was awarded way back in 2013, to Bartek Malek of the Jumeirah Carlton Tower Hotel in Knightsbridge, whose executive chef, Simon Young, described him as “the star performer of our team.” The latest winner, in 2019, was Davie Fleetham of BaxterStorey at RBS in Edinburgh, who said, “To be recognised like this is

amazing.” In 2016 the winner, Mick Dunn of Rubens at the Palace, was described by his nominator as ‘a kitchen ninja’. Mick said, “It’s a privilege and an honour to be voted for in such a prestigious event.” Closing date for entries is 29th July. The awards will be judged by a panel of top foodservice industry names. To enter your KP, simply visit, click on the ‘nominate’ button and fill in the short form. The 2022 KP of the Year will receive the prestigious trophy, £1,000 cash and a celebratory meal for family and friends at a restaurant in their area. Plus, their working life gets easier, since the winner’s kitchen gets a brand new Winterhalter warewasher! Two runners up receive cash prizes and every entrant is a winner, since they all receive an exclusive KP of the Year apron in a presentation tin. To find out more visit

The World’s No.1 Selling Rum Tanduay Signs UK Distribution Deal With Emporia Brands Tanduay Rum, made in the heart of the Philippines, is a multiple award-winning spirit that carries with it the true heritage and culture of East Asia. Tanduay is the best-selling rum brand for 4 consecutive year and now Emporia Brands are bringing its 160+ years of experience in rum making, distilling and aging direct to all major wholesalers within the UK as of April 2022. “The U.K. is one of the most exciting markets that Tanduay will be starting this year. We are fortunate to have found in Emporia Brands a like-minded company to help us in furthering our international business,” said Tanduay Executive Vice President Kyle Tan, who leads the company’s international expansion. Emporia Brands is an award-winning premium spirits importer, distributor and innovator. The family-owned business has won the International Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC) Spirits Importer of the Year three times.

A Summer of Sport Whether it’s organising sweepstakes, setting up the big screen, or stocking up on extra drinks for the bar, preparing your venue for a summer of sport is no doubt well underway.

From writing up your specials boards to working out your rotas, you have probably already thought about most things, but have you also thought about making sure you are correctly licensed to show each event – including the music used as part of the broadcasts? It can be a little confusing, which is why have put together a quick guide to help you stay ahead of the game this summer.

a TV licence will be required to show sports to your customers. However, tv programming uses more music than people often realise, such as in the opening and closing titles, highlights and featured sequences, as well as the advertisements during commercial

“We’re very excited to welcome Tanduay into our portfolio of premium spirits and to share with our customers, for the first time, the liquids coming from the number one rum producer globally,” said Jack Rackham, Managing Director of Emporia Brands. He continues, “the quality of Tanduay rums at such a competitive price point, will provide a solid foundation to build longlasting rum relationships with key retailers and rum advocates throughout the market.” In celebration of Tanduay’s official UK launch there will be Regional Trade Events across different cities (Edinburgh, Manchester, Birmingham and London) with a focus on Filipino culture and community. The events will be in collaboration with Filipino DJs, restaurants and local communities from the surrounding areas. Visit for further information

breaks. You’ll therefore usually need TheMusicLicence from PPL PRS Ltd if you’re using the television for showing sports and other programming in public. A TV licence allows you to receive the broadcast signal to the television within your business. However, it does not give you permission to play or perform the music within the broadcast. Under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, permission is needed from the relevant copyright holders – those people who create music – in order to play or perform music in public. TheMusicLicence gives you that permission, for virtually all commercially released music available. So, this summer, make sure you are correctly licensed to entertain and immerse your customers, from the qualifiers to the closing ceremonies. For more information on the benefits of music and TheMusicLicence contact us today on 0800 0868 803 |

MPs Celebrate World Cider Day 24


Issue 113

World cider day was celebrated for the first time in Westminster this week, as MPs were given an opportunity to sample the wide range of ciders made by Great British cider makers.

the industry for decades, alongside newer innovations including a selection of low alcohol ciders that are gaining significance in the UK marketplace. A range of bag-in-box ciders were on display, showing the importance of the still cider category to the hospitality sector and the range of locally sourced ciders reflected the importance of cider apple orchards in the UK.

MPs joined thousands of cider enthusiasts around the world this week to raise a glass in celebration of cider. As the largest global cider market, UK cider makers shared a wide range of different types of ciders in celebrate of this annual event. Representing the counties of Herefordshire, Somerset, Devon and beyond, ciders were displayed in various bar locations within the Palace of Westminster for the first week of June, recognising how World Cider Day has grown from humble beginnings, to an event that is celebrated in markets globally, from beaches in Australia to bars in the US, with cider makers in South Africa, Japan and across Europe holding special events to celebrate this important date in their calendar.

Mark Hopper, Public Affairs Director of the National Association of Cider Makers commented that: “The traditions of cider making go back centuries in the UK, with roots firmly in rural communities, it is of great importance for farming and employment in these areas. Bringing together MPs to sample such a wonderfully diverse range of ciders, reflecting the importance of the category and the wide range of flavours that can be created from a simple apple is something to celebrate.”

MPs were invited to sample traditional ciders that have been at the heart of

Admiral Taverns Commit to be #OpenToAll Chris Jowsey, Chief Executive Officer at Admiral Taverns, said:

Admiral Taverns has today signed a sector-wide diversity and inclusion charter for the brewing and pub industry to commit to being #OpenToAll. Developed by the British Beer & Pub Association, the charter encourages businesses from the brewing and pub sector to ensure a commitment to diversity and inclusion is at the heart of their operations and across all of their sites. The 13-point pledge puts forward commitments for breweries and pubs to aim for, including placing diversity & inclusion on board-level agendas, creating inclusive venues and spaces and taking a zero-tolerance approach to harassment or discrimination of any kind. The charter and survey signify the start of a series of actions including a benchmarking survey, to ensure the sector is #OpenToAll. A bespoke toolkit released later this summer will include further practical guidance and resources for brewing and pub businesses to foster diversity and inclusion. The sector-wide commitment will build on the work being done by many brewing and pub businesses, for example at Admiral Taverns, it has welcomed Charlotte Sweeney OBE, an external advisor to work with the company to help improve equality, diversity and inclusion across the business.

“#OpenToAll is an important sector wide commitment in the pub industry. Diversity and Inclusion is fundamental to good business, and we are on a journey at Admiral to support this initiative. Our vision is to continue creating community pubs that are welcoming to all, to ensure they can thrive in their communities. We are working hard to ensure that diversity and inclusion are incorporated in all our values across the group, from our head office employees to licensees in community pubs.” Introducing the new charter, Chief Executive of the British Beer & Pub Association Emma McClarkin said: “The brewing and pub industry is vibrant and diverse in so many ways and we must proactively ensure that is also reflected in our workforces and our offer to customers. That’s why we are proud to be launching this charter and survey and make a sector-wide commitment to be open to all. This is a social mission, as much as it is an economic one, because diverse, inclusive workplaces are productive and innovative workplaces. “Many of our members are already making brilliant progress in this area, and this charter seeks to make sure all brewing and pub business are supporting and celebrating diversity of all kinds so they can thrive at the heart of our communities long into the future.”

Growth in the UK Commercial Catering Equipment Market Throughout the start of the pandemic, the commercial catering equipment market saw a sharp decline of 16% due to the sudden enforced closure of all non-essential businesses. This decline could have been much worse had it not been for the Eat Out to Help Out scheme introduced by the UK government in August 2020.

A sector which is forecasted to grow significantly and account for 50% of takeaway food sales by 2030 is the relatively new concept, ghost/dark kitchens. This type of kitchen offers a professional food preparation and cooking facility, intended for the delivery and/or collection of meals.

Many consumers had accumulated savings which were increasingly spent on nonessentials such as eating out as towards the end of 2020 and throughout 2021 it was one of the activities that many were able to take part in. As an effect of this, the commercial catering equipment market bounced back with a 17% value growth in 2021.

Breaking the market down in 2021, the largest product category by value was cooking equipment which accounted for 49% of the market. This dominance reflects the high cost, variety of solutions and prominence the product has in the sector. Editor of the Commercial Catering Equipment Market Report 2022-2026 and Head of Content at AMA Research, Abdul Tantouch comments of the position of the market:

Commercial catering equipment is designed to be highly durable, functional and reliable to withstand the demands of commercial use. Due to the longevity of the equipment, repair, maintenance and improvement (RMI) accounted for 78% of market value in 2021. New work accounts for the remaining 22% and was driven by an increased level of construction in the hospitality sector in 2021. New construction includes new restaurants, bars, pubs and cafes and in particular the expansion of large restaurant and coffee shop chains.

“There are a number of key trends underpinning future growth in the UK commercial catering equipment market. These include more innovative at-home delivery solutions and the greater focus on experimental and unique dining experiences to encourage people to eat out. In terms of food preparation, efficiency will continue to improve with the increasing use of versatile, multifunctional catering equipment that uses digital technology to produce high quality and consistent results with minimal kitchen operative intervention”

Smeg Foodservice UK is Thrilled to Announce the Launch of its New ALFA43 Electronic Oven Range Smeg convection ovens represent the perfect solution for modern catering services, coffee shops, bakeries and supermarkets that require a compact oven with peak performance. Perfect for baking and reheating, from pastries and morning goods to sausage rolls and lunchtime pasties, it is the ideal compact solution for busy catering venues. The ALFA43 electronic oven range offers rapid and uniformed heat distribution for maximum speed and even baking. Features include a dual speed fan with humidification, multi-step cooking and the ALFA43XE1HDS model has a USB port for the upload and downloading of recipes via an app. The fast heat up and temperature recovery systems lower energy consumption and maintain stable

cooking temperatures and the ovens’ large, triple-glazed door, with a middle glass to help keep external temperature low in accordance with regulation and help minimise heat loss. The Smeg electronic convection ovens are made with a full stainless-steel external construction and an enamelled internal cavity. The ovens capacity allows for 2/3 GN or 4 trays at 435 x 320mm. With outside dimensions of (W x D x H) 602 x 584 x 537mm, the ALFA43 ovens are compact and perfect for smaller kitchens whilst still maintaining top functionality and performance. Email for further information.

Marriott Hotel Group Pulls Out of Russia 24


Issue 113

Hotel group Marriott International has announced it will be pulling out of the Russian market. The hotel chain had already moved to close its corporate office in Moscow and pause expansion in the country. New sanctions have made operation impossible, however, the company says. Marriott has operated in Russia for 25 years. In a statement the company said: The conflict in Ukraine, now stretching into the fourth month of fighting and displacement, has had grave humanitarian, socioeconomic and global impacts. Throughout this challenging period, Marriott has kept the safety and wellbeing of our associates and guests top of mind. Since the start of the war, we have remained in regular contact with our teams on the ground as we continued to evaluate our ability to operate in this changing legal and geopolitical landscape. On March 10, we shared our decision to close our corporate office in Moscow and pause the opening of upcoming hotels and all future hotel development and investment in Russia. We have come to the view that newly announced US, UK and EU restrictions will make it impossible for Marriott to continue to operate or franchise hotels in the Russian market. We have therefore made the decision to suspend all Marriott International operations in Russia. The process to suspend operations in a market

where Marriott has operated for 25 years is complex. As we take steps to suspend hotel operations in Russia, we remain focused on taking care of our Russia-based associates. Since the war began, we have supported associates in Ukraine, Russia and across the region, including securing employment with Marriott outside of countries directly affected by the conflict. We have deployed $1 million in internal disaster relief funds for associates and their families to assist with resettlement aid, including food vouchers, transportation assistance, medical, and legal support. In addition, over 85 of our hotels are now providing lodging to refugees from Ukraine in neighboring countries. We have provided over $2.7 million in hotel-level financial, fundraising, and in-kind support, including food and supply donations, to relief organizations operating on the ground. Marriott is focused on hiring refugees, with more than 250 already hired across more than 40 hotels in 15 European countries, with plans to continue. We will also match Marriott Bonvoy points donations to World Central Kitchen and UNICEF, up to 100 million points this year, with over 50 million points donated to date. We continue to join our associates and millions of people around the world in wishing for an end to the current violence and the start of a path towards peace.

Poke House Opens New Covent Garden Flagship Restaurant Location vibrant food sourced through handpicked suppliers.

AFTER opening its first location in the UK at the end of 2021, Poke House – Europe’s largest poke bowl brand – has opened its newest restaurant site in the heart of Covent Garden over the Jubilee weekend!

In true Cali style, Poke House will be launching the Covent Garden site by throwing a Coachella themed event on June 16, where consumers will have the chance to come down and grab a famous signature bowl on the house.

Situated on New Row, one of Covent Garden’s busiest streets, the internationally renowned poke bowl chain has also announced that five further London sites will open in the coming months, allowing more Brits to experience the notorious Californian soul and Hawaiian taste.

Matteo Pichi, Co-Founder and CEO of Poke House said: “Covent Garden has always been one of our key areas to open a Poke House in. Not only does it have huge footfall but some of the world’s most impressive brands are also in the area, so, to be open in such an iconic area is truly an amazing testament to where we have come.

Further Poke House sites announced to open by the brand in the coming months include Battersea Power Station, Borough Market, St. Paul’s, St John’s Wood and Mayfair. Poke House now has 100 restaurant sites across the globe.

“We opened in London in September last year and it’s now very quickly becoming one of our key cities across the globe. We’re also opening further sites across the capital and cannot wait to see how the locals take to our delicious poke bowls.”

Each of the new houses will transport guests to California for an endless Summer, courtesy of a multisensory experience. Every instagrammable UK House is filled with Cali-House music, exotic pastel décor, San Diego art, cacti, LA street art, neon lights and importantly fresh, healthy,

ELIS Provides Sustainable Alternative For Workwear, Linen and Laundry With businesses looking for ways to improve their sustainability, catering workwear, linen and laundry services provider, Elis UK, explains how its circular economy approach can help. Elis was the first company in its sector to announce its target of net zero emissions by 2045 and is one of only twelve companies selected to join the NHS Net Zero International Leadership Group. It uses a circular economy model to provide its customers with a more sustainable solution. Elis supplies workwear and linen on a rental basis, collecting used items and delivering laundered garments and linen on a schedule to meet the needs of the customer. In its circular economy approach, customers’ items are maintained, repaired, reused and redeployed in order to optimise their lifespan. Elis’s expertise and processes in its highly efficient industrial laundries help to minimize water, energy and cleaning product consumption to reduce the impact on the environment. The use of workwear maintained by Elis, rather than at home or using a traditional laundry, reduces CO2 emissions by up to 37% and water consumption by 48% (Source: EY). Based on the circular economy, Elis’s services increasingly enable customers to reduce their emissions.

Comments Elis UK marketing and customer experience manager, Paul Swift: “The circular economy is specifically designed to eliminate waste and pollution, circulating and sharing products and materials and regenerating nature. The Elis circular economy model, primarily through reducing the consumption of natural resources and keeping products in use, is a sustainable solution that addresses environmental issues. In 2021, the Group’s CO2 emissions per kg of delivered, laundered textiles were 19% lower than in 2010, which is testament to the efforts made over many years. Our mission is to make our customers’ lives easier and contribute to their success through a sustainable, responsible process.” As part of its commitment to net zero carbon emissions, Elis is undertaking a number of major initiatives, which will help to ensure that its customers receive services that leave an ever-smaller environmental footprint. These include continuing to improve the energy efficiency in its operations; constantly improving the vehicle fleet and delivery routes; optimising the product lifespan, optimising the choice of materials and expanding reuse and recycling of textiles. In three years, Elis UK has already reduced its CO2 emissions by 33% and its consumption of water per kilo of laundered linen by 23%. Elis UK has been certified over many years by the Carbon Trust for reductions in CO2 emissions and water usage.” For further information see or call free on 0808 1698265.

Marston’s Gains Access to a New Generation of Talent with Placed

Marston’s, the heritage brewery business which operates over 1,500 pubs and Inns nationally and employs over 12,000 staff, has partnered with mobile recruitment platform Placed to attract and retain talent better across all of its UK sites.

CVs and advertising vacancies in windows have fast become an ineffective and obsolete means of applying for jobs and searching for candidates. Research shows behavioural changes in how job opportunities are now sought: 66% of those aged 25 to 34, 65% of those aged 35 to 44, and 64% of those aged 45 to 54 use mobile phones to search and apply for jobs. The hospitality sector remains the largest employer of young people, yet few organisations are attuned to these behavioural shifts; 75% of Millennials for example found their last position directly through a social media platform. With further recruitment challenges within the hospitality sector exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic, Marston’s aims to use technology and data-driven recruitment solutions over agencies and traditional job boards to attract talent within a competitive marketplace, gain access to a larger pool of quality applicants and recruit effectively and efficiently – saving more time and money than any other recruitment method.

Alice Barriball, Director of Resourcing, Marston’s commented: “Optimising our hiring process by recruiting candidates more accurately and swiftly remains crucial given that we’re one of the UK’s largest employers in the hospitality sector. For the first time, we are able to use technology effectively to target and attract the right people; we have a centralised platform for streamlining all the unwieldy administration that comes with recruiting, and we’re able to build awareness of our brand to prospects, showcasing all the important aspects that make us a great business in which to work. We need to adopt a more modern, innovative way of recruiting in order to grow and strengthen our workforce. With this partnership, we now have the right tools at our disposal to do this effectively.”

Jennifer Johansson, CEO and founder of Placed app commented: “Industries with a high churn rate, such as hospitality, are caught up in a perpetual cycle of recruitment and training. Recent figures estimate that job vacancies in the hospitality sector are up 700% (ONS, 2022). An element of this retention problem lies in recruiting the wrong candidate whose career aspirations or values may not align with that of the employer. Using technology to match compatible candidates with compatible employers ensures that positions are filled with people who are a better cultural fit for companies. This saves a huge amount of

time and money on the recruitment process. We want to help businesses like Marston’s attract and retain talent right, thus increasing engagement and longevity of careers right from the onset.”

Placed was founded in 2017 by Johansson after working in the hospitality industry. Here, she perceived a disconnect between industries suffering high labour churn and the new generation of job seekers. The platform and app ensures the right candidates are matched to the most suitable employer in terms of location, type of job, culture and company ethos. Employers are able to create a compelling company profile showcasing work culture using videos from employees, testimonials and real team photos that captures the company’s personality and team spirit. For more information, visit

Hospitality Businesses Urged to Go Waterless from World Environment Day 28


Issue 113

running conventional flushing urinals.

Smarti Environmental, the UK's leading waterless urinal provider, is urging hospitality businesses to play their part in the battle against needless carbon emissions following Stockholm+50 (02-03 June), and World Environment Day (05 June). 50 years on from the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, the United Nations is warning that the climate is heating up too quickly for people and nature to adapt. To keep global warming below 1.5°C this century, annual greenhouse gas emissions must be halved by 2030. The UN is encouraging truly transformative options that are available, affordable and attractive for people to make better daily decisions. Smarti Environmental, which enables existing flushing urinals to go waterless in just a day, is encouraging organisations to urgently review their use of flushing urinals in the ongoing climate crisis. Its research shows that there are currently around 3.5 million water-supplied urinals in the UK, emitting 105kg of CO2, and wasting 100,000 litres of clean water per urinal, per year, which takes a huge amount of energy to be processed. If installed on every flushing urinal in the UK, the carbon savings gained by installing Smarti Environmental’s new retro-fit, waterless urinal Vortex triple seal valve (TSV) would be equivalent to taking 100,000 diesel cars off the road, and saving 217 billion litres of water from being treated unnecessarily each year. Unlike any other waterless urinal solution, the Vortex TSV uses an eco-friendly bio-block enzyme ring and integrated bio-tablet tablet that breaks down uric acid and bio film proteins during use, lubricating sewerage pipes to prevent blocked pipes, and making urine PH neutral; a world first. This means less energy is required in sewerage treatment processing, further reducing the environmental impact of waterless urinals versus flushing alternatives. The Vortex triple seal technology also prevents and locks away all bad odours from drains, providing a better user experience.To encourage the move to flushless urinals following Stockholm+50, and World Environment Day, Smarti Environmental is offering large organisations with 100 or more urinals within their group, a free washroom trial for 3-months, including free installation of its retro-fit waterless Vortex triple seal valves. Smaller businesses can also benefit from savings of more than 50% compared to the cost of

Kimberley Hill, New Business Development Manager at Smarti Environmental, commented: “This World Environment Day, businesses have the opportunity to play a part in reducing needless water waste and carbon emissions by switching to waterless urinals. When you consider that waterless urinals cut CO2 and water waste at the same time as slashing urinal running costs by more than half – saving up to £1,200 on every three urinals in use – it’s a change that makes complete business and environmental sense.” Kimberly Hill added: “As an accredited Carbon Neutral Business, we’re doing all we can to make a positive difference to the environment, and that includes the use of environment-friendly enzyme technology. This ends the need for harsh cleaning materials, and avoids pollutants from entering the waste-water system, further enhancing the environmental benefits of waterless urinals. For organisations looking to a Net Zero future, we provide part of the solution to achieving this, helping businesses save the planet, one pee at a time." Smarti Environmental’s waterless urinals are used both by private and public sector organisations including the NHS. In addition to cutting costs, water use and emissions, its retro-fit, waterless one-way multi-valve technology stops the spread of viruses through the absence of airborne aerosol germs created by flushing urinals. Made from fully recyclable materials, they fit 98% of standard urinals with no need to change urinal bowls. Used in conjunction with Smarti’s eco-friendly, odour-eating and bacteria/virus busting SteriKleen surface spray, urinal cleaning is reduced to once every 24 hours, consisting of a wipe, spray and walk away process that leaves urinals clean and fresh. This makes switching to waterless urinals simple and easy, enabling businesses to Build Back Better and Greener. Smarti Environmental also replaces blocked or partially blocked pipework resulting from the chemical reaction between water and urine, when installing its waterless valves to existing urinal bowls. See the advert on page 13 for details.

National Rail Strike Risks Jeopardising Hospitality Sector Recovery Rail union RMT is to launch 3 days of national strike action across the railway network.

Over 50,000 railway workers will walkout as part of 3 days of national strike action later this month, in the biggest dispute on the network since 1989. The union will shut down the country’s railway network on 21st, 23rd and 25th June, due to the inability of the rail employers to come to a negotiated settlement with RMT. In a separate dispute over pensions and job losses, London Underground RMT members will take strike action on June 21st. RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said: “Railway workers have been treated appallingly and despite our best efforts in negotiations, the rail industry with the support of the government has failed to take their concerns seriously. “We have a cost-of-living crisis, and it is unacceptable for railway workers to either lose their jobs or face another year of a pay freeze when inflation is at 11.1pc and rising. “Our union will now embark on a sustained campaign of industrial action which will shut down the railway system. “Rail companies are making at least £500m a year in profits, whilst fat cat rail bosses have been paid mil-

lions during the Covid-19 pandemic. “This unfairness is fuelling our members anger and their determination to win a fair settlement. Last month when the union voted on strike action UKHospitality CEO Kate Nicholls warned that the strike risked jeopardising the hospitality sector’s recovery when she said: “A national rail strike would further jeopardise hospitality businesses working hard to rebuild following the pandemic, in the face of rising costs and a fall in consumer confidence. “Trains are essential across the country for the safe transport of staff and customers. A lack of commuter trains bringing people into towns and cities will further set back the recovery of our high streets and will also deter people from going out in the evening – especially women and vulnerable people who may rely on trains to get them home and feel safe late at night. “Furthermore, as we come into the crucial summer months, disruption on the rail network will discourage both UK and international tourism – we are already hearing reports from Scotland of cancelled hotel bookings due to the dispute between Aslef and Scotrail there. “Strikes would inevitably damage our already fragile hospitality businesses, which would have a negative knock-on effect to the wider UK economy.”

Mechline’s 5 Star FOGS Solution at The Landmark “Obviously the most important thing for us is that any FOGS system is compliant with regulations, meets industry standards and ensures we maintain the highest possible hygiene levels. We were also looking for something with a proven track record, that is efficient, cost-effective, long lasting and odour free! We were clear that any FOGS solution must also be easy to maintain and require minimal input from staff. After the design team reviewed available options, they agreed to proceed with Mechline’s proposed FOGS system which consisted of BioCeptor, GreasePak and Food Waste Strainers.”

The five-star Landmark Hotel opened its doors in 1899 and for the last 123 years has provided an oasis of luxury in central London - welcoming guests into their iconic Winter Garden, an eight-story courtyard covered by a glass roof. The Winter Garden Restaurant is just one of many dining areas in the Landmark which includes The Mirror Bar, Great Central Bar, Garden Terrace, plus private dining in the Empire Room, Grand Ballroom and Tower Suite – all of which are served by the main kitchen and its 62 strong brigade. Following a six-month refurbishment programme, the Landmark recently reopened its kitchen after a complete transformation of the layout, operations, facilities and equipment. The refurbishment was led by Executive Chef, Gary Klaner who worked closely with project managers Berkeley Projects. Gary’s objective was simple – a new kitchen with quality equipment to optimise efficiency, so his brigade could continue to achieve the exemplary culinary standards The Landmark is renowned for. A key consideration for Gary was the installation of a complete system to manage the Fats, Oils, Grease and Starches (FOGS) - a natural by-product of the foodservice industry which is strictly regulated. Gary shared what his priorities were when reviewing various FOGS management options:

Mechline’s BioCeptor system combines the power of GreasePak’s BBA approved, biological treatment solution and its naturally occurring, non-pathogenic bacteria, with the FOG Intercept and Treatment unit (F.I.T). The result is that drains are kept clear and free-flowing as FOGS are permanently degraded into smaller compounds so they cannot reform or solidify – providing the level of FOGS management performance Gary required. In addition, Mechline’s easy-to-use Food Waste Strainer, with its innovative basket design, helps to prevent food waste sediment getting into drains in the first place - and when used with the BioCeptor system can prolong intervals between servicing in comparison to a standalone grease trap. Oliver Tuff, Project Director at Berkeley Projects, commented: “After the complexity of striping out the existing facilities and the installa-

tion of a completely new kitchen Mechline’s products were very easy to fit and the products themselves are very flexible. For example, the BioCeptors have universal fittings, which makes plumbing incredibly simple. There are no electrics to consider, which makes connection and placement much easier. After the products were installed the Mechline’s service team were a great help with the commissioning and helping with staff training programmes. In terms of costs, the systems represented great value to the client.” Six months on, Gary Klaner has been delighted with the decision to use Mechline’s products in their new kitchen as he explains: “The greatest compliment is that we don’t really have to be involved in any day-to-day process. The Mechline FOGS systems are in, working, and being well maintained. Our involvement is absolutely minimal. They’re discreet and just work efficiently in the background. I can’t praise Mechline’s service team enough; they were very attentive and had great engagement with the on-site team. It’s great to just have an odour free kitchen and clear drains!” Oliver concluded, “We’ve had great feedback from the team around Mechline’s whole end-toend service. We already recommend Mechline FOGS solutions with every confidence and will continue to do so with future clients.” Mechline’s experienced team are available to advise on the best solution to suit your requirements and can be contacted on 01908 261511 or via email on

Heating Solutions Cutting The Costs Of Being More Sustainable For restaurants, cafes & bars, provision of hot water with its regular peaks in demand is a business critical resource. But servicing high temperature water demands, throughout the day consumes almost 20% of the total energy used by the business which has ramifications in terms of cost and generation of carbon emissions. To counter emissions and rising energy costs, attention is turning to the installation of air source heat pumps (ASHP) rather than traditional gas-based water heaters. Under the right circumstances, such as new builds with a high level of insulation, ASHPs represent an efficient way to significantly reduce energy demands and carbon emissions. However, commercial hot water (DHW) applications using ASHP are going to be complex and, compared to gas-fired alternatives, are going to have higher up-front costs. Through a combination of ASHP and an electric water heater however, Adveco can address many of the complexities associated with integrating ASHP into new

buildings. A typical three heat pump specified system can be reduced to two immediately through the addition of an electric water heater which is used to top up the preheat supplied by the heat pumps. This combination enables systems to be sized down by as much as half, delivering immediate capital savings. A 50 kW electric boiler can, for example, cost less than a tenth of the price of an equivalent 50kW heat pump and you immediately reduce the physical size of the system and the embodied carbon. Additionally, the system provides built-in redundancy should there ever be a failure. Balancing a hybrid electric system is key to ensuring efficient operation, and Adveco specialises in creating bespoke applications and controls to assure water heating remains consistent, whilst reducing energy demands and building emissions.

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Issue 113





Issue 113

The Source Roadshow Preview

Bringing the Best of the South West to Bristol’s Food & Drink Buyers This June

On Thursday 16th of June, the Source Roadshow will be bringing 150 exhibitors to Bristol's Ashton Gate Stadium, for one day only. Hale Events has been organising food and drink trade shows in the South West for 15 years. Their Source food and drink trade show, which takes place each February in Exeter, has been running successfully for over 15 years, and this is the first time they are bringing it to Bristol. “Bristol has a thriving independent food sector, with a focus on local, organic and ethical produce, so it’s perfect for us to connect more regional producers to. We want to help Bristol buyers try, taste and test even more of the best produce that the South West has to offer.” Mike Anderson, Managing Director. Hale Events. “Trade shows offer a unique marketing medium in today’s digital world. Their face-to-face nature enables long-term trusting relationships to be built. They are engaging and in a market like food and drink, events like this are a great way to compare the competition.” If you are buying food and drink, to reflect the everchanging needs of your customers, there is nothing quite like a face-to-face event for you to test, touch and taste and add value to your offering. Keep up with the latest developments and spot fresh opportunities. Discover remarkable local products with fascinating provenance stories to tell and spend valuable time with passionate producers and knowledgeable suppliers face-

South West Labels

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

South West Labels are a supplier of labelling guns, thermal label printers & labels. We’re here for retail, industrial and manufacturing businesses. We’re independent, which means impartial recommendations combined with over 30 years experience in supplying these products. The labelling gun market can be complicated. Many products are known by

to-face. Compare different flavours and textures, build relationships with new partners, catch up with colleagues, clients, and friends, as well as get a feel for the latest trends. John Sheaves, Taste of the West’s Chief Executive said: “Taste of the West is absolutely delighted to support the new Source Roadshow in Bristol, being one of the key cities and therefore markets for high quality food and drink, in the Southwest. This is a truly exciting venture that takes quality, high integrity products right into the heart of Bristol, where producers will be able to share their knowledge and expertise with buyers from the city. For us having the Source trade show skills and expertise behind the venture provides us with great confidence”. Alongside the exhibitors, the organisers are creating a Feature Space to allow visitors to relax and kick back in between checking out the latest food, drink, and business services on offer from the exhibitors. Bristol Robotics Laboratory will be showcasing one of their robots in the Feature Space too. The Source Roadshow takes place on Thursday 16th June, from 10.00am to 6.00pm at Ashton Gate Stadium, Bristol. Visiting this show is free for trade buyers, who can register now, at Information about exhibiting at this show is available from James Curtis, or Paul Thomas on 01934 733433 or by emailing different names depending on their use. Labelling guns, price guns, pricing guns, label guns, coding guns and batch guns. Our range of products can meet all needs: Simple low use models, durable machines for industry. A wide variety of specialist features including auto-incrementing guns for batch codes. All equipment is supplied with a one year factory warranty and are designed to give years of reliable and effective service. Visit us on stand B18 to view our products.

Bar Snacks



Issue 113

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- “Tapping into Consumer Cravings”

When it comes to satisfying customers in pubs and bars, competition is fierce and continues to grow! Post pandemic the message to operators is: “Tempt them back and persuade them to stay!” It is therefore crucial for operators to always be on the lookout for ways to update their products and services accordingly and meet customers’ growing and changing demands. Snacks provide a lucrative opportunity to increase sales and profit. According to research from NPD group, out-of-home snacking pre- pandemic increased by 11% with pubs seeing the strongest growth with spend on snacks increasing by 28%. A further pre-pandemic report by Kantar World Panel revealed that the value of sales for crisps, snacks and nuts in UK pubs and bars totalled over £24 million and with increasing 6% year-on-year. So, what defines a snack? Not a difficult one, a snack is “a treat between meals”, something to curb your hunger, or even replace a meal if necessary. However, you see it, for most people snacking is a daily habit. And in many cases, one that is indulged several times a day, driving a huge demand for products to satisfy this insatiable consumer need, and want better place for a snack than a pub or bar!

Critical opportunity

Bagged snacks represent a critical opportunity for pubs and bars to drive their sales, says Matt Collins, Trading Director at KP Snacks “Increasing spend and tempting customers on drinks-only visits to trade up. With social calendars filling up and several major sporting events coming up this year, there will be plenty of opportunities for pubs and bars to capitalise on snack sales.! “52% of customers purchase snacks on impulse and pubs and bars can turn these impulse opportunities into incremental sales by stocking a range of best-selling snacks that are recognisable and trusted. Ensuring a core range is available and, importantly, visible to consumers is key to making the most of this opportunity.” Pubs and bars can give themselves the best possible opportunity to maximise snacks sales by following a few simple tips, say Matt: Credibility: Stock a range of best-seller snacks and NPD to meet all your customer needs Consumers will be be looking for something new - from ‘hunger fill’ to ‘treat’ to ‘better for you’ Availability: Ensure your range is always available to purchase Visibility: Position your snacks with high visibility - 37% of customers purchase snacks because they noticed them while at the bar!

For decades, bar patrons have grown accustomed to snacking on traditional favourites such as salty nuts, crisps or pork scratching’s, as snack when they order drinks at the bar, however, in recent years compassions between some pubs and restaurants has become a “distinction without a difference”, with many operators of traditionally drinks-focused venues turning their hand to food. And so, it begs the question is there still a place for traditional bar snacks?

In 2021, the tournament’s first year, The Hundred captured a broadcast audience of 16 million. This year's tournament, which will feature on Sky Sports and the BBC, looks to build on this success. The partnership features KP Snacks’ leading brands including popchips, Butterkist, POM-BEAR, Tyrrells, KP Nuts, Hula Hoops, McCoy’s, and Skips, across the team shirts of eight men’s and women’s teams competing in the fast paced tournament. Hula Hoops, McCoy’s and Tyrrells ranges feature engaging cricket-themed designs to further promote the partnership.


The “trendier” snacks trailed considerably, with olives coming in at 13 and was wasabi peas coming in at number 20.

Insight from KP Snacks revealed that the bagged snacks market outperformed other impulse categories including confectionary, soft drinks and biscuits, clearly demonstrating that operators have the opportunity to capitalise on demand and boost profits.

With summer on the way, families are looking forward to sporting entertainment and activities. As the Official Team Partner of The Hundred – an actionpacked 100 ball cricket competition – KP SNACKS is encouraging families to get active this summer and for pubs and bars to support the exciting tournament.

Watching sporting events whilst enjoying a drink and snack is the perfect opportunity for pubs and bars to drive sales and success. Familiar brands that are matched to your customer base are extremely important in driving snacks sales and the KP Snacks portfolio is extensive, offering something for everyone.

A Perspectus Global survey a year ago reveal that pork scratchings were still U.K.’s favourite pub snack dry roasted and salted peanuts ready salted and salt and vinegar crisps all in the top 5.

Alcohol of course has a way of arousing our hunger pangs and also arousing flavours on the palate and making those delicate little snacks taste that little bit better whether you are drinking a mainstream or premium beer, a crisp chilled wine or a gin and tonic, snacks and alcohol complement each other exceptionally well.

KP Snacks - Sport in Pubs & Bars

From tasty nuts, perfect when paired with a cold beer, to premium crisps, KP Snacks has a popular and recognised portfolio to help bars drive sales. As the number one supplier of Bagged Snacks , the KP Snacks portfolio is perfectly placed to trade up drink only visits while customers enjoy a spot of televised cricket this summer.

You will be pleased to hear the answer is a resounding YES, more than ever!

A Snacking Occasion Consumer Report by Technomic, again pre-pandemic, revealed that nearly half of consumers eat snacks between meals and as meal replacements. Customer dining habits have changed in considerably from the standard 3 meals a day routine. Today’s consumer has an on-the-go lifestyle and seeks out pubs and bars that fit in with that lifestyle. As consumers choose to eat between meals and want smaller portions of food, pubs and bars that provide this will stand out from the competition.

the pandemic with kitchens closing or offering limited opening times, which has led to an increase in the demand for easy to eat, bagged snacks across pubs and bars. All good landlords know how to please the customers and will have a good selection of ready snacks for every drink and every occasion. And simple ready to eat snacks work well! Bar snacks are quick, convenient and increase profits, keeping the customers content and encourage more drink sales. We are now seeing something of a renaissance for traditional snacks in the on trade sector with pork scratchings in particular”!


TAYTO has a range of award-winning snacks to suit every pub:

Generating Sales-Boosting Dwell Time “Conserving cash and maximising sales have never been more important to the on-trade! Bar Snacks offer a brilliant opportunity to increase sales through the ‘double whammy’ of generating incremental sales AND boosting dwell time. We know that less than 20% of people regularly buy a snack with a drink and the main reason for not doing so is ‘I just didn’t think about it’, explains Matt Smith, Marketing Director for Tayto Group Ltd.

Quick, tasty and convenient bar snacks are an easy temptation, a great way to increase profits, feeling hungry customers encouraging more drink sales, and often a talking point.

– Mr. Porky Original Scratchings – the No 1 brand6 from the most recognised name in scratchings and a Great Taste award-winning scratching – Midland Snacks Traditional Scratchings – the No. 2 brand6 and our best-selling pubcard – is also a Great Taste award-winning hand cooked scratchings using a recipe that has stood the test of time – Mr. Porky Crispy Strips - a lighter bite, akin to crispy bacon rind, for those who want all the taste of a scratching but a less hard texture, and another Great Taste award-winner – REAL Hand Cooked Crisps – premium, award-winning, hospitality exclusive crisps with strong flavours and characterful packaging which really stands out and drives sales – Animal Adventures – vegetarian, gluten-free, no added nasties, animal-shaped fun snacks that kids love! Given that snack sales increase by up to 80% when they are more visible, Tayto provides pub-focused solutions such as eye-catching pubcards for pork scratchings to be hung behind the bar and a range of FREE POS for REAL crisps - available at

“Prompting a purchase by displaying snacks prominently and getting staff to offer them, can make all the difference. By not offering a range of premium snacks, pubs could be leaving money on the table as Smith explains, “Our research shows that most people either have no idea what they pay for pub snacks, or expect to pay over £1 a pack, so venues can easily make over 50p profit per pack. All it takes is for staff to ask “Do you want some snacks with your drinks?” “Snacks also have the potential to increase sales of drinks. Pork scratchings are a great example. The perfect partner to cider, wine, and especially premium beers and lagers, their unique taste balances the sharpness and carbonation of some drinks, while the saltiness enhances the flavour and helps get your thirst on.” Matt added.

Limited Service Leads to Increased Demand

Robert Parkin, Founder of Robert’s Dorset, comments: “We’ve seen a real increase in demand for our bagged snacks over the last year. We know staff shortages have been an increasing problem in the hospitality sector since

Products and Services Are You Looking To Make Your Menus More Sustainable? Are you looking to make your menus more sustainable? We’re proud to present Grass 95 – a paper that is ecologically responsible without compromising on the print quality! Grass 95 is a new and exclusive grass-based paper from Online Paper. Give your customers a truly authentic experience by printing your menus, flyers and more on this unique paper. Made from 70% FSC wood pulp & 30% grass pulp, Grass 95 is recyclable, compostable and eco-friendly. It has a wonderful look and feel that will add credibility to environmentally conscious restaurants and businesses. With one side of the paper coated for inkjet printers and the reverse optimised for laser printers, Grass 95 is a fully versatile paper that can suit any restaurant

or office setup. Achieve fantastic prints with rich, crisp text and detailed images on any printer. You’re guaranteed to produce high quality results without the large costs and time-restraints of outsourcing your printing, keeping both sustainability and economics at the forefront. Don’t have a printer yet but thinking about bringing one into your business? As suppliers of Canon printers and ink, Online Paper can help get you set up. The team have a wealth of knowledge and can answer any questions on the world of paper and printing whilst finding you the best prices. Call Online Paper on 01892 771245 to discuss your requirements or request a free sample of Grass 95. You can also visit to explore the whole range of products.

Going Waterless Could Cut Hospitality Sector Urinal Running Costs By More Than Half At The Same Time As Slashing CO2 Hospitality businesses could save over £1,200 on their annual water bills for every three urinals converted to waterless technology, at the same time as slashing CO2. The findings have been released by Smarti Environmental, the UK’s leading waterless urinal business, to coincide with Water Saving Week 2022 . The savings are possible with the installation of its newly launched eco-friendly Vortex triple seal valve (TSV), which has been designed to cut urinal water bills by over half, at the same time as dramatically lowering carbon footprints, eliminating bad urinal smells, blockages and eradicating the spread of infections caused by flushing urinals. The smart-tech, eco-friendly, retro-fit Vortex valve ends the need for water in urinals, saving on average 100,000 litres of clean water and 105kg CO2 per urinal, per year. It also prevents airborne infections caused by spray during flushing, which has been shown to spread 500,000 germs per inch, per flush, landing on skin, surfaces and clothing, spreading viruses including Covid-19, influenza and norovirus. The Vortex TSV, which fits 98% of all urinals, enables businesses to retain their existing urinal bowls while cutting annual running costs by over 50%, compared to conventional water-flush alternatives.

Confirmed as the fastest flowing waterless urinal solution on the market, the fully recyclable, British-manufactured, hygienic one-way multi valve system, traps all odours so that the foul drain smells become a thing of the past. No other waterless urinal technology is as effective. The Vortex valve also accelerates the flow of urine down into the drainpipe, and includes an eco-friendly bio-block enzyme ring and integrated bio-tablet tablet which breaks down uric acid and bio film proteins during use, preventing costly and damaging back-fill flooding and blocked pipes by making the urine PH neutral – a world first! Visit or call 01392 311 202 for a no obligation washroom survey and quote.

The BeerTech SmartCellar is a retrofit device which is connected to the main cellar cooler system. The Smartcellar can then control it to offer savings of around £1,200 a year, while still maintaining the beer in the keg at the correct storage temperature.

When next connected by Bluetooth, the phone will

Most restaurants change their oil either based on colour (when it goes dark/black, using single-use test strips and a simplistic colour chart) or schedule (twice a week – because it has always been done that way). The first approach relies on guesswork and subjectivity, and leaves businesses at risk of acrylamide buildup – a customer-harming, cancer-causing chemical. The second approach unnecessarily discards perfectly usable oil – a costly and unsustainable outcome, given that oil is one of the largest contributors to carbon footprints in commercial kitchens. Fortunately, there’s a third approach, used by the likes of Five Guys, Wasabi, McDonalds, Chopstix, and Whitbread to refine their frying process, conduct ecofriendly practices, and cut their oil usage by half. Interested?

R-TEC Services & Innovation Ltd. (previously known as Rational Technical Services UK Ltd.) demonstrated its Combi Oven equipment to commercial kitchen operators at the recent HRC ExCel London Exhibition. On the stand was a working demo of a Rational Combi Oven and the New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by partner Pump Technology Ltd. This proved a focal point for Combi Oven manufactures, installers, maintenance engineers and users alike. Potential users were shown a number of significant advantages that this combi oven drainage pump offered. Very noticeable when viewing the exhibition demonstration tank with its clear side window was the large, triangular, low-level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing. Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease, fat and food particles before the reliable start/stop operation of the pump is affected.

Enter Food Oil Monitors. By providing objective, easy-to-read data, these oil testing devices remove all guesswork when it comes to changing your oil. This means… • Significant reductions in oil usage and costs • Enhanced fried food quality and consistency • Greater sustainable practice • Assured customer safety • No more ongoing cost of test strips • Increased working life of oil amid rising prices Kitchen staff across almost all Whitbread venues now use the Food Oil Monitor for daily checks. Before, oil was changed prematurely, but since implementing Klipspringer’s digital solution nationwide, Whitbread have seen an average reduction in oil usage of around 30%, with some sites reporting savings of up to 52%. Does your restaurant, pub, or hotel kitchen still use a subjective oil monitoring system? Want to modernise your approach and reap the rewards? Click here to view our Food Oil Monitor, or contact our hospitality team: 01473 461 800.

retrieve these savings and generate a report, which is automatically stored on the phone, but is also sent by e-mail from within the App. for storing and saving. The system will also reduce Carbon emissions by around 1.5 – 2 tonnes per site per year. The carbon offset generated by the device is also worked out by the App., included in the report, and sent to the email address. BeerTech’s Smartcellar offers a payback period of around half that normally considered to be a good investment, with every penny saved counted by the device itself!

was also a discussion point, with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement, especially considering the hot wastewater temperatures and potential grease which these units have to handle. It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations. Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet. This means that the installation footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated. It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a winner and will soon be featuring in combi oven installations everywhere.

The triangular low-level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline, giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens. The build quality of the submersible wastewater pump

See the advert on the previous page for more details.

Kitchen Extract Hygiene – A Burning Issue One of the biggest challenges in keeping a commercial kitchen spotlessly clean is the regular cleaning of the canopy, fan and extract ductwork. This must be tackled, not only for the sake of hygiene, but also for fire prevention and compliance.

BeerTech have now installed this system into over 1,000 sites in the UK with many major brewers, pub companies, individual tenants and freehold sites over the past five years. Given the ongoing rises in electricity costs, this seems a more than interesting product.

A free App. is simply downloaded to a phone, input with the cooler size on site, and the price paid per Kw. This then allows the device to measure the savings made at each premises individually.

On Wednesday June 1, for the first time since late March, the global oil price rose above $117 per barrel (£93.47). This fallout will be felt particularly strongly by the UK hospitality sector, where the overspending and misuse of food oil is already a pressing issue.

New DrainMinor C (Combi Oven Pump) Creates Considerable Interest

Looking for Answers To The Ever-Increasing Prices of Electricity - BeerTech’ s SmartCellar Provides Some Good Answers To Reducing Cellar Cooling Costs

Beertech’ s SmartCellar will actually record the exact savings made at each site independently, as well as the reduction in carbon footprint.

Monitoring Device Reduces Oil Usage by Up to 52% in Whitbread

Airborne fat, oil and grease is a natural by-product of even the healthiest diet. Carried in the steam that rises from cooking, grease and oil particles are drawn into the kitchen extract system to be vented away to the outside. As the exhaust stream cools, grease is deposited on the metal surfaces of the hood, canopy, filters, canopy plenum, fan and ductwork. Although the kitchen crew or regular cleaners may be able to clean filters or clean the exterior of the canopy and canopy plenum, cleaning the extract system itself is a specialist task, essential for hygiene, but most importantly fire safety compliance. Should a kitchen fire reach the extract ductwork, or a flash fire occur in the extract system, then the accumu-

lated grease deposits can act as fuel, helping to spread the fire. The ductwork itself can also help to spread the fire, acting as a chimney through which smoke and flames can travel, spreading the danger to the other parts of the building. To counter this potential fire risk, operators of commercial kitchens are required to comply with a new standard for the fire safety management of grease accumulation in kitchen extract systems, TR19® Grease. Compliance is also essential to ensure that you don’t compromise your buildings insurance. If a fire should break out and the ductwork can be shown not to have been cleaned in accordance with TR19® Grease, many insurers will now refuse to pay out on a claim. Ensuring legal compliance, a reduced risk of fire and greater hygiene in your kitchen are items which should always be on every maintenance menu.

Cleaning and Hygiene

Issue 113


What To Consider When Upgrading Washroom Dispensers There’s an old rule of thumb that if a restaurant toilet is clean, then it’s a safe bet that the kitchen will be too. Unfortunately the opposite is also true – if the restaurant operator won’t make the effort to keep floors and fixtures clean, how can diners trust that kitchen surfaces and cookware are hygienic? So which areas should operators focus on in order to provide greater protection and improve user experience?

SOAP DISPENSERS Manual soap dispensers are often subject to heavyhanded usage, with levers repeatedly pumped with excessive force – particularly when product is running low. For subsequent users, attempting to operate a broken or malfunctioning soap dispenser provides a frustrating, negative experience. This is why managers should ensure systems are robust enough to withstand heavy use and not choose to install poor-quality dispensers based on their low price.

PAPER DISPENSERS For washroom users, being confronted by an empty hand towel or toilet paper dispenser may be frustrating, inconvenient or even embarrassing, so it’s essential that these remain well stocked at all times. Double-roll toilet paper dispensers can help achieve this, while a simple viewing window allows product level to be easily monitored.

TOUCHLESS SYSTEMS Moving away from manual dispensers and upgrading to automatic, touch-free systems means users’ hands do not need to contact any part of the unit, providing protection and reassurance while improving infection control. The majority of touchless systems operate on batteries, with the drawback that regular service visits are required to ensure systems do not run out of power and be left out of service. However, mains-powered systems are now entering the market, which removes this common problem and ensures soap or sanitizer is available on demand. Visit for details.

Eliminate Odours and Sanitise Rooms 15 minutes is all it takes to remove bacteria, viruses and unpleasant odours from indoor rooms and spaces. Don’t just mask bad smells, permanently eliminate them with the MAG Room Sanitiser. It’s safe, it’s sustainable, it requires no chemicals, plus it’s quicker and 3,000 times more effective than other cleaning methods. Hygienic indoor air quality is seen as an essential part of every business and we all have a responsibility to look after our staff, visitors, guests and clients. Monkeypox, Covid-19 and other airborne viruses will continue to come and go so regular air purification is important as nobody knows what the future holds. As well as sanitising the air and surfaces in a room, MAG’s sanitising machine guarantees to remove odours however strong including smoke, cooking, alcohol, body odour and incontinence. It’s used by care homes, hotels, pubs, restaurants and thousands of businesses in the UK and across the world. How does it work? Ozone is safely created and

destructed within your preferred time frame. Simply wheel the ozone generator into the room that needs sanitising, plug in the machine, start the cycle, leave the room and when you re-enter you will be pleasantly surprised by the extra fresh fragrance. It’s very simple, completely safe and free product demonstrations are available across the UK. Ask about our 5 star feedback and testimonials. Andrew Morgan, Managing Director of Morgan Care shares “Great sales experience with a pre-order demo and very efficient order & delivery service. Would have no hesitation in recommending MAG Ozone”. For more information contact MAG Ozone Ltd on 01353 883025 or Did you know the MAG Group also provides commercial washing machines and tumble dryers? Find out more at Visit product/ozone-sanitation/mag-ozone-generator

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Issue 113

Chef's Buyer's Guide

It's Time To Get Real Are you squeezed for time? Why not try our quality Vanilla Bean Paste in a tube.

savoury alike, LittlePod products are gluten free, suitable for vegans and kosher certified.

It has been specially created to provide top-quality vanilla in an easy and versatile form, with no wastage and less flavour bake-off. Each tube has a two-year shelf life and contains the equivalent of 20 pods, seeds and all.

LittlePod’s responsibly-sourced product range includes our innovative, easy-to-use natural vanilla paste and organic vanilla pods, as well as our extracts of vanilla, coffee and chocolate. These ingredients not only support each other in the rainforest, but are also perfect flavour partners in the kitchen.

Put it in coffee, porridge, smoothies and ice cream, rub it into meats like duck and pork, use it in your cakes and bakes, or as a marinade for fish! Sweet and


Katana Saya is the Universal Knife Brand of our Times The Katana was the prized sword of the Samurai with its extra sharp blade fashioned from folded steel. The blades of our knives are similarly crafted from 67 layers of Japanese VG-10 Damascus Steel. The comprehensive collection evolves from its Eastern traditions to Western culinary classics. Comprised of 16 essential knives and additional accessories including whetstones, sharpening steels & carving sets, Katana Saya offers all that any chef could need.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

For Japanese traditionalists, we present the traditional Japanese style knives with traditional Wooden Saya, to match the knife handles. For those of a more Westernised nature, we have adapted the series to represent all the popular Western style blades and provide a more modern and practical storage and safety solution, with a real leather sheath.

ther choice. They are all crafted from the finest wooden material in the traditional chestnut shape to give a safe grip and perfect balance. You may choose either the traditional dark Pakkawood handles, or the light Olive Wood handle alternative.

Furthermore, each of our Katana Saya Knives comes complete with a durable wooden presentation case. Whilst offering additional protection, the case provides the perfect gift for someone in your life who loves to cook!

Our knives are available through selected stockists. For more information, and to view the complete collection you can visit our partner Knives From Japan at their website or pay a visit to our showroom, SANTOKU at 100 Great Portland Street, London.

The handles of our Katana Saya knives offer a fur-

So… Old, New, East, West, you choose whatever’s best for You!

Chef's Buyer's Guide

Fylde Fresh and Fabulous

Issue 113



ings generated from the potato process. This produces biogas which powers the site and the local community and produces a fertilizer for growing next years spuds.

WHAT WE OFFER We provide national coverage, delivering our fresh potato products direct to your door via a network of distributors across the UK. We offer a number of fresh potato products from fresh chips to whole peel and quarter cuts. Our chilled products take all the hassle out of food preparation. Products can be delivered fresh daily. There’s no waste, prep time, labour cost or mess. All you need is chilled space. We aim to take the stress out of potato preparation. Why not contact us today for a free sample. Just email and one of our sales team will be in touch directly to deal with your enquiry.

Based in the heart of the Fylde countryside Fylde Fresh and Fabulous Ltd are a well-established family run business with over 30 years of history growing and processing potatoes. We are passionate about what we do. We grow, harvest, store, process and deliver fresh chips and potato products under the Triple F brand to customers the length and breadth of the country. We operate 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

Fylde Fresh and Fabulous have now made it even easier to order our chips. FFF chips are now available to buy online from our website We are offering all Caterer Licensee readers a 10% discount off their first order. Simply quote discount code CLM22 on the website to take advantage of this offer.

We are BRC AA accredited and Red Tractor approved, making us a reliable supplier to the foodservice industry.

POWERED BY POTATOES Fylde Fresh are committed to supporting the environment. We have our very own anaerobic digester which is uses all of the peel-

Riso Gallo - Sensationally Sustainable! The Club – Food Procurement Made Simple Riso Gallo is the first international rice brand to have produced its rice from sustainable agriculture, making their premium best-selling risotto completely sustainable from field to fork! Established in 1856, Riso Gallo is the oldest Risotto rice producer in Italy and has been delivering its premium rice to consumers around the world for over six generations. Known to many as Italy’s first choice, Riso Gallo is one of the longest surviving rice companies in Italy and is still growing. A family run business, it is now in it’s 6th generation. The company has uniquely created its own Circular Economy within it’s rice production, collaborating with innovative startups to give new life to the by-products of the rice mill which produces the delicious range of rices of the Riso Gallo Brand. Rice House is an Italian initiative in which the secondary materials in rice cultivation are used to build

ethical houses. Rice by-products are even used by Mogu in a range of designer furniture production. The Albini Group to develop a process of ‘Off the Grain’ dye for fabric. When the Nero (black) rice is processed for the food industry, the by product of the deep grape coloured water is used as a natural dye. All Riso Gallo plastic vacuum packaging is now suitable for recycling, following the launch of a new eco-sustainable, low environmental impact plastic. Riso Gallo are the first company to adopt this sustainable packaging. The Gallo Risotto Traditional, Arborio, Carnaroli, and the Carnaroli Rustico are now in packs using FSC certified cardboard outer to protect the grains. Riso Gallo is committed to reducing and monitoring greenhouse emissions and uses energy from renewable certified resources.

What is The Club? We created The Club as an easy-to use procurement tool to deliver sustainable supply chain savings to a wide variety of businesses who buy food and drink. The Club champions cost reduction, optimises quality and service levels, and simplifies processes to effectively manage your organisation’s developing needs. Think of us as part of your team, without the cost, working in harmony with your business and helping it grow.

What are the benefits? Lower Costs – Rapidly accessed savings that drive benefit straight to your bottom line. Professionally negotiated and carefully managed, our team puts you ahead of the market. Saves Time – We are always working in the background - so you don’t have to - ensuring you don’t overpay for your items. Supply Chain Control – We work with you, to create supply chains that work for you, reducing offgrid purchases, optimising your quality and commercial control. Insight – Our insights and the wealth of data at our

disposal help you make the right decisions for your business. Resources - Access to a team of procurement experts and a dedicated commercial manager to keep you up to date with the marketplace, review dashboards and supplier performance. Flexibility – You are unique, constantly growing and evolving. Regular reviews ensure the solutions in place are appropriate, for now and for the future. Tech – Powerful, efficient online ordering and reporting system, that can be accessed anywhere through your desktop, phone or tablet powered by Fourth. No Cash Outlay – We collect our fixed fee directly from suppliers, so you always know exactly what we earn. Peace of Mind – First class supply chains take time and expertise. Our team of procurement specialists have been creating sustainable supply chains that deliver savings and add value since 1998. Visit or see the advert below.



Issue 113

Outdoor Leisure

Diageo Provides £2.4m To Transform Pubs and Bars Outdoor Sports Gardens Diageo, maker of GUINNESS, is offering the opportunity for pubs, restaurants and bars to transform their outdoor sports areas through the latest phase of the Raising the Bar £30m initiative. The programme launched in 2020 and has supported over 30,000 outlets over the last two years. Diageo is providing £2.4m to help provide safe and comfortable outdoors spaces to outlets who have struggled to host guests outdoors over the past 18 months. Outlets can apply for the scheme on Diageo One now. With sporting focused venues in GB recovering behind the rest of the market, the latest support from Raising the Bar will offer successful outlets a variety of options to maximise their outdoor spaces, including stretch tents/awning, timber cladded walls, standalone bars, outdoor seating, external lighting and more. Catharina von Franck, Commercial Director, On Trade, comments: “Prepandemic, 54% of consumers in GB watched live sports in the on trade and we anticipate a growing demand for these in-venue sporting moments once more. The Raising the Bar team continue to look at ways to support the on trade and we look forward to seeing how we can help transform those outdoor sporting spaces not only to help businesses, but also to create amazing experiences for consumers.”

To apply for support, licensees simply need to fill out a questionnaire on by the 30th April 2022. Successful outlets will be selected by a non-commercial board from Diageo and will hear from the Raising the Bar team in May, with installations taking place across May and June. The criteria for outlets to apply is split into four stages; outlet details for validation, understanding size and scale of the venue, assessing the need of venue for support and assessing outlet viability for install. Outlets will also have the opportunity to elaborate within the questionnaire how the pandemic has affected their ability to showcase live sports in their venue. Since launching in 2020, Raising the Bar has invested £30m in targeted support and has worked with 30,000 outlets in GB to provide 1million litres of hand sanitiser, 15,000 PPE kits, 600 mobile bars, 150,000 parasols and over 30,000 hand sanitiser dispenser stations. To help bars, pubs and restaurants operate safely and securely, Diageo also offers free access to digital training and practical support through Diageo One. For further information on receiving support, operators can head to or reach out to their Diageo representative

Cinders ‘Classic’ Barbecue Continues To Exceed Customers’ Expectations The Cinders ‘Classic’ barbecue has exceeded customers’ expectations for decades, due to its unique, patented design. It easily cooks 1000 burgers in one session but being a true workhorse is not its only selling point. Robust, reliable and low-maintenance are just three adjectives to describe a barbecue whose repair costs are typically non-existent over long periods, generating a healthy ROI for many years. The Cinders ‘Classic’ comes as a six-foot long double grill (TG160), or a half-sized single grill (SG80), with both running on LPG and offering incredible food output for the price of the energy used. The user-friendly grills are easy-to-light and powerful, getting up to temperature in around five minutes, to quickly feed a queue or facilitate an impromptu pop-up

barbecue if great weather arrives. Cinders’ production values are impressive - not only offering a warranty for commercial use, unlike cheap imported barbecues, but also built to ISO 9001:2015 standards. The barbecues have internal self-cleaning too, removing the odious chore of post-barbecue clean-down. The grill merely needs to be left running for a few minutes to burn off residue, which is then brushed away or ejected. Once cool, the Classic can be folded down and easily stored away. Discover more at or call 01524 262900.


Outdoor Leisure

Issue 113


The Sausage Man - Authentic German Sausages traditional sit down meal.’ Famed for their vast range of authentic, gourmet sausages, The Sausage Man supplies only the best quality produce to delight any self-respecting foodie. Delight your customers with a variety of popular frankfurters – available in bumper packs of 10, The Sausage Man’s famous 25cm/150g Cheese Käsekrainer Frankfurters offer the perfect blend of beechwood smoked pork frankfurter and creamy Emmental cheese or try the depth and richness of the smoky Krakauer Bacon Frankfurter, beautifully smoked pork with added bacon delivers a wonderful texture and available in 25cm/150g or the generously sized 30cm/200g option. Warmer climes and longer days are here, and a busy outdoor leisure season is taking off. As Covid restrictions have eased, customer confidence is returning, and outdoor events are very much welcome. Food plays an integral part in the outdoor leisure scene, and outdoor catering just wouldn’t be the same without the distinct aroma of sausages fresh from the grill, the scent of beechwood smoked frankfurters permeating the air is enough to get anyone’s tastebuds tingling! Charles Coleman, Sales Director at The Sausage Man says, “The hot dogs and sausages market is reported to grow by $13.03 bn over the next five years, progressing at a CAGR of over 3%.* Hot dogs represent a perfect, practical menu choice for a grab and go offer, a winner with customers; full of flavour and easy to eat on the go, they are also a convenient, speedy and simple to prepare product for operators, providing a good profit margin with the opportunity for add on sales.” Outdoor events provide a big draw for families and especially the younger generation, it’s worth noting what’s in favour with Generation Z, who will ultimately shape the future of the food industry. Sodexo** insights on the food habits of Gen Z reveals ‘alongside the demand for street food options, the trend for snacking shows no signs of abating among young foodies, with 23% of Generation Z saying they prefer quick grab and go meals, bowl food and sharing plates to a

Monster Mesh Monster Mesh is a leading events and construction branding company, specialising in supplying large format printed products. We specialise in large format full colour and dye sublimation printing for weather resistance, strength and durability. Our top-quality products match the service you should expect, and we supply direct to brand owners, event management, construction, and signage companies. We can provide a range of custom designed and printed products for HERAS fence covers, PVC and ACM Hoarding panels, PVC and mesh banners, and large scale scaffold wraps. We have been in operation

For those who like it spicy the 28cm/160g Chilli Beef Giant Frankfurter is studded with chilli flakes, imparting a warming heat without being too overpowering.

To accommodate the sausages Brioche Jumbo Hot Dog Rolls are available along with a range of tasty sauces and sides. For the ultimate convenience and speed of service, all of the above sausages are supplied pre-cooked, frozen and are gluten free. *Research & Markets ‘Global Hot Dogs and Sausages Market 2021-2025’ **Sodexo ‘Understanding the impact of digitally-driven Gen Z on food habits’ 2021

To find out more about our products visit

for 4 years now, continually growing year on year thanks to both new and return clients. At Monster Mesh we agree that your brand needs to generate the right impact. Getting an eye-catching design is the most important when displaying your banner amongst others, so at Monster Mesh we offer a complete inhouse design service. Most of the time this is a free service where our team of designers will take your logo and a brief sample of text to create your individual design. Throughout our years of experience in large format design, we have learnt several ways to produce the impression you desire. The majority of our products include free delivery and typical lead times are just 7 working days, with some products available through our 5-day express service. To find out more, please visit

Country Benches - High Quality Benches Country Benches is run by a vastly experienced and time served tradesman who has been serving in the trade for over 25 years. The business was started 15 years ago and we have provided our services independently ever since. In this time he has developed the business into being family run, amassed a loyal customer base and welcomes new customers on a regular basis. Country Benches creates high quality benches, picnic benches and garden furniture. We only work with the best quality of wood to bring you the highest standards of benches and garden furniture. Country Benches can create benches to exact specifications as well as offering a large variety of standard design garden furniture. Call Country Benches to see what we can do for you. Although based in Bedfordshire we cover the whole of the United Kingdom on trade offers. Country Benches is also pleased to be able to offer you a delivery service for smaller orders with a delivery cost. In addition to this, Country Benches can offer you these prices much cheaper than our competitors.

Our services are great value for money and are of the absolute best quality. All our products are built to order and delivered within seven days and we also operate a "payment on delivery" basis. So contact us today so that we can build your order to your exact specifications. For details call 07446 101657 or email

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Issue 113

Outdoor Leisure Stylish Luxury Gazebos From White Pavilion Hi, I'm Tim Burdekin, and I've designed and built the White Pavilion Garden Gazebo to be your perfect, all-weather gazebo for all the seasons. I designed the White Pavilion Garden Gazebo range to be combined with a variety of lighting, heating, coloured canopies and side screen options to help create the perfect gazebo for your outdoor space, garden, patio or hot tub area. They're 100% waterproof and designed to withstand the very worst the British weather can throw at them. And they're guaranteed to survive 100 Mph Winds - see 100 Mph Windproof. Our stylish hospitality gazebos Generate More Income from your outdoor space. Keeping your customers comfortable outdoors, the more time they will spend with you…. which means more money they will spend with you. A White Pavilion Gazebo gives 100% Waterproof Protection...100 Mph Windproof Guaranteed...100%

Sun Protection......and comes with a 5 Year Guarantee - Your gazebo choice doesn't get better than this. If you have any questions at all, feel free to get in touch. Give our team a call - 01653 695 285 or visit We're here to help you get the very best from your outdoors.

Café Culture - Pavement Profit We are an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses.

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We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and scrapes outdoor goods

receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to

Geodesic Domes We have been custom-designing temporary and permanent structures including geodesic domes for more than 30 years but it is apparent that these flexible, portable buildings in particular are really gaining momentum right now, at a time when businesses in all areas are becoming more eco-conscious. These unique spaces we create are flexible and just as suitable for warehousing or agricultural applications as they are for greenhouses, corporate events, festivals, glamping and even residential homes. Aesthetically, they have the wow factor and their shape makes them incredibly lightweight but this masks a considerable strength and durability that can withstand even the most severe weather conditions. Quick to deploy, the range of anchoring options means we can install them almost any-

Outdoor Leisure

Issue 113


where and the fabric covers can be easily changed so are fit for purpose at a trade fair one week and hosting a music festival concert the next. Available in spans ranging from 5m to 37m, our geodesic domes can be fully branded with graphics and/or logos printed onto the fabric cover and come with bespoke options on windows, doors, exposed framework, interconnecting zips, as well as heating and cooling systems. The low surface-to-volume area means that up to 30% less energy is required to heat and cool the interior. Their shape ensures they insulate efficiently, promote better air circulation and keep temperatures even throughout the structure. It’s no wonder their popularity is on the rise. However, aside from the eco credentials, there’s no question that whatever the domes are being used and re-used for, they always look impressive and deliver a memorable experience. For a site visit or quick quote: call us on 01380 830 697, email or visit

New Ranges from LeisureBench LeisureBench Limited is one of the UK’s leading suppliers and installers of commercial quality outdoor furniture. The Company has built its reputation on outdoor products offering excellent value for money, with many years experience in meeting the needs of the hotel, pub and hospitality sectors and are heavily investing in manufacturing and finishes.

OUTDOOR FURNITURE Wooden round and A Frame picnic tables, in a number of styles and sizes, brings style, comfort and practicality to your outside space, as do their teak and pine range of benches. The classy collection of Rattan dining sets, chairs and sofas will add a touch of luxury, comfort and elegance. Teak, Hardwood, metal furniture, table tops and bases,

gazebos, outdoor buildings, parasols and planters etc. can all be viewed in a range of styles on the LeisureBench website.

RECYCLED PLASTIC FURNITURE LeisureBench has put in place a substantial ongoing investment to manufacture their own environmentally friendly furniture in their own factory, using 100% UK recycled plastic materials, that is available now! The range includes benches and a wide variety of picnic tables in both ‘A’ Frame and 8- seat square designs in a choice of colours. They will all be hardwearing, easy to maintain, and a strong powder coated underframe will guarantee them for a minimum of 15 years. E: Tel: 01949 862920

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Design and Refit

Issue 113

Top Engraver Supports Hospitality ILF Chairs - Seating with Wider Appeal Sector with Swift Service for Etched & Printed Table Numbers & QR Discs


Their new online website offers both indoor and outdoor seating and table solutions.

apps or menus, reducing staff contact and eliminating the requirement for hard copies of menus. Although no longer a legal requirement to order remotely, this is something which the government is still actively encouraging and can improve table service through the reduction of queues.

One of the UK’s most professional & technically advanced engraving and etching supplier, Brunel Engraving, is providing a rapid response to the growing demand for etched table numbers and QR code discs in the pub and catering industry. The company has made a substantial investment in additional state of the art equipment and related software in order to produce a wide range of individually engraved & printed table numbers and discs. The numbers and discs enable customers to link to

In addition to their engraved products, Brunel Engraving has teamed up with a number of UK based Mobile Ordering Platforms to develop full colour labels, these are supplied alongside each companies developed app and are suitable for internal and external environments. “Working alongside App Developers and introducing the full colour range of products has really exceeded our expectations, the demand for our products has significantly increased despite the relaxing of Covid restrictions and are displayed all over the UK” said Tom Pycock, Sales Director of Brunel Engraving.

Divided into Contemporary seating, Barstools, Lounge Seating, Period Seating, Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height tables, offering a great selection of products to view at your leisure. They have also now added a range of stock chairs and barstools.

Most indoor seating and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification. Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the

Enquiries can be sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours. They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site.

different sizes and endless colour combinations to suit your interior design needs. AttikoArt prints are each presented in a choice of 3-4 standard colour ways that we have curated and put together for you to browse and easily shop. We closely follow interior design trends and always try and come up with designs and colours to fit with ever-changing interior schemes. However, if none of our standard colour-ways are quite right you can always contact us for a tweak. We can carefully edit the colours in our designs to produce a bespoke version that's just right for you. We work closely with the public and trade alike in this respect.

In addition to rotary engraving, Brunel offers laser engraving, chemical etching, anodic print, dye sublimation print, flatbed UV print and wide format UV print. For further information please contact: 01275 871720


Also included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selection of priced made to order seating in a selection of Faux Leather upholstery colours and wood frame colours. These products can also be supplied to customer specification, just ask for details.

Beautiful Art Pieces. Quality Materials. Original Designs.

“Our investment in additional equipment and software has ensured that our customers in the hospitality sector can benefit from high quality products with excellent swift service at a fair price”.


same product style.

AttikoArt is a British mother & daughter designer duo and creator of abstract art prints. Our pieces are all designed in house, and then printed exclusively to order in the UK using a traditional, high-grade giclee printing method. By transferring our original artwork to print, we can produce custom variations for you allowing you the luxury of selecting from a range of

Do you have an upcoming project? Show us your room or interior design plans, and we will work with you to find one or more art pieces to complement your scheme. If you would like more information or to find out how AttikoArt could help with your current or upcoming project, please email

Design and Refit

Issue 113


Demand for Hospitality Furniture Outstrips Supply for Many in the Industry The ever increasing need to differentiate and refresh hospitality interiors has led to shortages of outdoor furniture and extended lead times on anything made to order. All sizes of business from local pubs to large hotel chains are feeling the pinch, and having to pay a premium for any available models they can find that fit their concept. These are challenging times for suppliers too, as managing director of the market leading Contract Furniture Group, Richard Bellamy, confirms: “Timber, fabrics, plastics, transport – you name a cost and it’s gone through the roof. Our margins have always been thin, so trying to find ways to keep our prices down is tough – especially when our customers rely on us being the most cost-effective supplier around. “We’ve seen demand skyrocket in the last couple of years, while many of our competitors have struggled to keep up. The market consolidation has seen us grow, but also limited buyers’ options – which has subsequently put

further pressure on supply chains and the cycle continues. Luckily for us we work exclusively with a number of European manufacturers, so our lead times have not been as badly affected as others. We’re seeing some pretty big players having to quote over fourteen weeks to get bespoke upholstered seating, which is just far too long for most people. I’m not saying we can return to the three or four weeks we used to work to, but happily we’re nowhere near those kinds of delays.” With the summer upon us and the need for outdoor furniture imminent, it seems inevitable that there will be a clammer for different ways to kit out new spaces or replace damaged items. Forward planning for furnishings has never been so business critical for the hospitality industry. Thankfully there are still contract furniture suppliers out there agile enough to deliver when the unexpected occurs and we need solutions fast. See or the advert on this page.

Make Your Business Stand Out with Mr Wood’s Fossils Edinburgh’s famous fossil shop was founded in 1987 by fossil hunter Stan Wood. Matt Dale began as manager before buying the business in 2006. Over the years, the business has forged an international reputation for quality and value, and Matt travels widely to carefully select stock from all over the world. While the shop has a wide-ranging customer base, from the collector to the fascinated tourist, it also helps museums and universities source display specimens and handling collections. Fossils and minerals can be beautiful natural objects, a combination of aesthetic and curiosity factors making for appealing decorative pieces. There’s the age, for one thing. Fifty million year old fish, meteorites as old as the planet – a sense of perspective to accompany

the natural beauty. The iconic spiral shells of ammonites, rich, earthy tones of slabs of fossil wood, or the framed tooth of a giant shark or dinosaur – something a little different and a memorable talking point. These aren’t manufactured products, of course. Every example is a unique individual, and it can be a very subjective appeal, which means it’s always worth taking a closer look and choosing carefully. It can take a while to make your way around the shop, in the city’s historic Grassmarket in the Old Town. If you can’t make it there in person, there’s a website with a good range of the smaller lines to explore, and you can always contact the shop to ask about other possibilities. 0131 220 1344 /

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Design and Refit

Issue 113

Second Clearance Showroom

On-trend products available to you six days a week! If you are someone that loves a bargain, take a trip down to our second outlet showroom in Clacton, to get inspired for your next interior project. Up to 80% off on popular styles and fabulous home décor pieces. With new lines, added every week and available to you whilst stock lasts; discover popular ranges like the Sylvia velvet kitchen stool (£70), and its eyecatching silhouette – helping to elevate your kitchen island to the next level. Or consider the Malmros dining chair in black (£57), with its padded faux leather seat and curved Scandi style - it’s easy to see why this is the first choice for customers looking to revamp their dining table. However, if you are someone that is simply after soft furnishings and home accessories, our Clacton second outlet has that covered too. Add a funky element to your living room with our collection of rugs, coat hangers and more. Or create that high-end, ambient feel in your dining space with our lighting range - from pendants and floor lamps to table and wall lights.

Whether you’re into Industrial, Mid Century, Scandinavian or Contemporary styles, the Clacton second clearance showroom is open 6 days a week and offers ontrend pieces - from chairs and stools to lighting, sofas, and tables it’s simple to design a life you love with Cult! *Please note: The products in our Clacton showroom are largely discounted as they may be a customer return, ex-display model, refurbished or have visible marks (i.e small dent or scratch). However, all are complete and in good condition but cannot be sold as new. Want to take a look? Visit our outlet: Unit 1 Brunel Road Gorse Lane Industrial Estate Clacton on Sea Essex CO15 4QW Opening times: Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 3pm Or call us: 01255879896

Get The Ultimate In Hard-Wearing Style with Fully Upholstered Dining Chairs

Wood, metal or faux leather are often the go-to choices for hardwearing contract furniture. However, fully upholstered dining chairs can be as durable as they are stylish and comfortable in your hospitality setting. Trent Furniture’s ever-popular Sorrento Chair is available in a choice of fabrics, including the muted tones of Autumn, an attractive tartan-inspired check. With its solid hardwood frame, Crib 5 upholstery and FR ‘Non-Sag’ foam, this easyto-clean chair creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere for diners, while being able to withstand the rigours of a busy pub or restaurant setting. Another great option for creating an elegant dining

space is the Abbruzzo Chair, which is also available in a great choice of fabrics. With its scroll top back and dark wood legs, this contract grade chair will allow diners to enjoy meals in comfort for many years to come. The contract grade quality your venue needs is surprisingly cost-effective, with the Sorrento range starting from just £43.90 and Abbruzzo available from only £53.90. To find out more about Trent Furniture’s fantastic range of fully upholstered dining chairs please call 0116 2989 854 or fill in the enquiry form at

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How To Maximise Your Property To Provide Unique Guest Facilities A great way to maximise income is to leverage every nook and cranny of your property. Many period properties boast under exploited basements, attics and space under the staircase. Or even adjoining outbuildings. With a little imagination, proper planning and designing, plus the right products, any underutilised space can be converted into additional facilities. For that cupboard under the stairs, consider a WC for guests to use upon arrival. For the average cellar and attic, it’s almost always possible to add an en-suite bedroom. And if you have a large basement or loft, there’s always the option of adding a completely self-contained unit complete with a bathroom and a kitchen. But how, you might ask, when the mains drains are out of reach? Saniflo can usually help. With the widest range of macerators and pumps on the market that are specifically designed to remove waste water away from multiple appliances through small bore pipework they are often the enabler of such projects given water can’t travel upwards. They can also save the

time, effort and cost associated with digging up – often concrete – floors to lay new pipes. The first step is to consult your local plumbing merchant or kitchen and bathroom retailer and share your conversion idea. They will be able to advise on the best Saniflo solution for your project. If in any doubt, Saniflo’s highly experienced technical team can provide help and knowhow over the phone. The next step is to work with a plumber to identify the route to the mains drains and the best place for the installation – bearing in mind ways to conceal the units to enhance the rooms aesthetics –in a cupboard, behind a panel or even under the floorboards. Once the unit has been fitted and connected up, you’re on your way to earn more money from unused spaces. For more information please visit See the advert on the facing page for details.

Design and Refit

Issue 113


How Covid 19 Changed Our Business Castelan Commercial Services are really setting the standards with innovative restoration ideas that are designed to extend the life of your fixed assets.

We caught up with Rob Jackson, from Castelan Commercial Services to ask what have been the key drivers to Castelan’s success in hospitality restoration after Covid.

we found we were really effective at doing the work -

Rob says that, during the pandemic, the Board at Castelan Group made a decision that would push the company to the forefront of the industry and change our service offering permanently. That decision is today paying dividends. When many other companies were closing the doors - in some instances permanently - Castelan made a decision to invest and spend on new machinery and infrastructure in order to implement new services to support our Key Workers and Social Housing clients and, although risky, this decision ensured the survival of the division. Rob says “what company spends in a pandemic?” Castelan did and I have to take my hat off to our Board, they supported our Commercial Division many projects across the UK- helping our hotel clients and working tirelessly together to provide cover in social care with the following services 1) Carpet/hard floor cleaning 2) Upholstery cleaning 3) Bath tub restoration 4) Re-Upholstery service 5) Environmental cleaning “We expanded our cleaning services to include carpet & upholstery cleaning, re-upholstery services, mattress cleaning, bedroom deep cleaning (environmental) and bath tub restoration. Not only did we offer greener, safer cleaning products, but

and being competitive at doing this was a bonus. Rob says, “One thing I’m proud of, and I know the Management and Board are also proud of, is that we didn’t make a single person redundant during the pandemic, we actually expanded, and that’s testament to all who worked through the pandemic. Supporting key workers and social housing projects across the UK to ensure our company survived, we diversified and showed how innovative we are as a company, nothing is too much trouble and our clients know we are there to help”. If you need any assistance with the restoration of your fixed assets or have any questions around restoration ideas, please contact Rob Jackson who will be happy to help. Contact Email: M 07787 847 353 or T 0330 024 0433

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Issue 113

Property and Professional

Top Ten Business Insolvency Prevention Tips Dealing with financial distress is often very challenging. The impact can be minimised if early planning and advice is sought. Simon Underwood, Business Recovery Partner at Menzies LLP (, shares ten essential tips, should you find your business in difficulty.



Cost-cutting measures can aid in the alleviation of cash-flow problems. A company may be forced to make difficult payroll decisions as well as identify ways to cut discretionary spending. A critical examination of fixed costs, such as property expenditures, should also be carried out.

If a company reviews its contracts quickly, it may be able to put itself in a stronger position. Furthermore, it may be able to renegotiate terms and conditions to the benefit of the company.


If the company is having cash flow problems, it's a good idea to call in any outstanding debts and keep a careful eye on credit limits. Outsourced support to strengthen the cash position and increase operational efficiency in this area may also be beneficial to a business.

When a company is in financial trouble, it usually faces a drop in revenue as well as issues paying creditors, which may be more prominent in some cases than others. In particular, reduced footfall continues to have a direct impact on earnings in hospitality & leisure, and there is often a lag effect in other sectors where there is a backlog of orders to fulfil.


5. SEEK SUPPORT AND KEEP INFORMED It is critical for businesses to stay informed about numerous support programmes in order to stay afloat during this challenging time.



If a company is in financial hardship, it is critical to act swiftly by focusing on cash management and taking actions to improve operational resilience. The sooner a company consults an insolvency practitioner, the better its chances of surviving.

Businesses must discover new strategies to improve their cash position as a result of the pandemic, such as selling surplus assets. Forecasting their cashflow can assist the company in weighing the benefits and drawbacks of taking such action.

8. MONITOR BUSINESS MANAGEMENT DATA When managing a business amid a crisis, it's critical to be aware and keep the financial status of the company under constant scrutiny. A further drop in turnover, for example, could necessitate more resource modifications.

9. GET IN TOUCH WITH LENDERS Maintaining a two-way communication with lenders is critical since it reduces the danger of them withdrawing assistance. If you're about to give bad news, talk to an insolvency practitioner first so they can help you craft your message and anticipate the lender's reaction.

10. COMMUNICATE WITH CUSTOMERS & SUPPLIERS Open lines of communication between customers and suppliers can aid in the preservation of relationships and the reduction of the risk of supply chain interruption. For further information on Menzies business recovery services, or to discuss your specific circumstances with one of our team, contact

Changes to NICs Will Help to Fill Hospitality Shifts Recent increases in the National Insurance threshold and National Living Wage should help hospitality businesses to fill some of the gaps in their staff rotas, say workforce management specialists Bizimply.

ment crisis. In the medium term, most businesses will be operating with permanent vacancies – which makes it all the more important to have your existing team working at 100% efficiency.

CEO Conor Shaw said: “The changes will largely benefit part-time employees such as students, who will take home more for every shift they work. If that’s enough of an incentive for them to take on additional hours, then it’s a good result for the many hospitality operators who are struggling to fully staff their business.”

“That doesn’t mean working staff harder – but managing and motivating them, so that they enjoy their job, deliver better customer service and are more likely to stay with you. Simple things like giving team members plenty of notice of shifts, and ensuring they’re promptly paid when they do work extra hours, can a long way to create a happier, more loyal workforce.”

Bizimply’s software helps employers to put the new NI and NLW rates in place quickly, so team members who benefit from the changes will see the difference promptly. Shaw adds: “These changes will be of some help in filling shifts, but they won’t solve the hospitality recruit-

Bizimply’s software helps businesses reduce the amount of time spent creating staff rotas and sorting out payroll. They estimate a time saving of up to six hours a week using their software to draw up rotas, compared to using Excel or similar. For a free demonstration or more information:

Property and Professional

Why Use a Specialist Hospitality Consultant?

Answer: because we can help your business to succeed. meticulously costed out and priced correctly, every dish on your menu … both Food and Drinks? Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter, your Restaurant Consultant, will work on with you, and improve with you.


With over 30 years of industry experience in the Hospitality sector, The Bowden Group’s Managing Consultant David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements: Profitability, Operational Strategy, Staff Management, Marketing and The Future of your business. David will also be on hand to give you extra (and this can be without any extra charge) support through our Sprowts4Mentoring system, to analyse, every single week, your business performance figures … giving you weekly analysis and concise reports, with appropriate guidance, to optimise your business’s Sales, Profitability and Staff Management.

PROFITABILITY & OPERATIONS Our experts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available. We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business. The largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost, so, with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business. And YES … Covid19 changed a lot of things. We need to learn from those things! Right now we are experiencing massive increases in the cost of the raw materials that we buy … both Food and Drink. We will take that fully into consideration. When was the last time that you fully and

Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever. From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Service and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development. We have a very good record in helping Hospitality business owners to implement processes that improve how they manage their people, which in turn benefits the owners as well as the Team Members themselves. We can help you to manage ‘difficult’ people situations, to improve your operational planning, to recruit, train and manage your team better, creating a more productive, pleasant and ‘’retaining’’ working environment.

MARKETING We will help you build a workable, planned Marketing Strategy. We don’t do fancy, posh or expensive … we just recommend what our experience says will actually work for your business. It’s no longer enough to rely on word-of-mouth and repeat business. You need to employ a wealth of skills in a number of areas to ensure that your Marketing is attracting new customers and engaging with existing customers. From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online advertising, to print design, Promotions and offline advertising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’. If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better, give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a ‘’Free of Charge’’ initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer), when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you.

Help Is At Hand For Businesses Devastated by the Covid–19 Virus The Government is backing a new lending scheme that is aimed at getting funds out to struggling businesses that have seen profits impacted by coronavirus and whilst hotels, restaurants and public houses along with B&B’s and other hospitality businesses all struggled through the lockdowns we are pleased to let you know help is at hand. Repayments will be anything up to a 25 year profile, meaning repayments will be low and give the best chance for business recovery. Loans will normally be secured against the freehold, or long leasehold value, but can be used for any purpose including refinance, debt consolidation, providing additional working capital and even purchasing of another business.

Professional brokers, Global, have 31 years’ experience in introducing business owners to helpful and competitively priced banks, often not on the High St. but based in The City, with regional offices and a fresh modern way of working and providing business loans nationally. Global will help you with the funding options and chat to the lenders to obtain the best terms before presenting them too you. Once you choose a loan option, Global will work to obtain an approval from the lender prior to any business valuation, so you know the bank is supportive and wants to take the process forward towards a loan pay out. Email

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