CLH Digital - Issue #116

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Issue 116

Is the Government Close to Proposing a VAT Cut?


The government is working on plans to cut VAT in a bid to ease the cost-of-living crisis on struggling UK households, according to reports. The Times reported yesterday (June 30) that the government’s chief of staff Steve Barclay had suggested the temporary reduction in the 20 per cent rate of tax in the hope of easing tax bills for millions and reducing the soaring rate of inflation, which is at 9.1% - the highest point since February 1982.



Cutting VAT to 17.5% would reduce the prices we pay pubs, bars, restaurants, hotels in shops, forecourts, and other businesses and would cost the Government an estimated £18billion. Currently VAT is a significant source of income for the Treasury, raising more than £130 billion in the 2021/22 tax year, according to the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR).




Issue 116

Editor's Viewpoint

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital While our front page story, at the time of writing this editorial, is “media reports” it is clear that the calls for a reduction in VAT at government level have substance and are under consideration.

PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG

“Imagine my shock”! Who would have thought that a reduction in VAT could lead to stimulation of the economy, reducing inflation?


Peter Adams


While a cutting VAT is, of course, welcome the government is late to the party. We have always reported comments from industry bodies, observers and organisations, all of whom have repeatedly called for a VAT cut and hospitality over the years. We have highlighted, again repeatedly, comparisons with countries in Europe all of whom cut hospitality VAT over 10 years agon which proved to be such a success

they have maintained it. Regular readers will know that we wrote to the Chancellor in October last year “begging” him to extend the 12.5% to rate through to December 2023. As set out in our front page story, I highlighted in great detail continental examples, backed by statistics from the Cut Tourism Campaign, and highlighted the support we had for such a move. No doubt the Chancellor gets these sort of requests repeatedly, but when it comes to the hospitality sector there is a huge body of evidence that supports the sector’s calls that in the long term it would have a positive and beneficial effect, not only on the wider public but also on the Treasury coffers. I remember saying how astonished I was back in March this year when the government refused calls by a powerful All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Hospitality and Tourism to keep the VAT reduction in place, citing UKHospitality data revealing that the lower rate would bring benefits including jobs, international competitiveness and social wellbeing. We had quite a Twitter debate with readers on “What on earth is it going to take before the government realises how damaging it will be to the sector and the wider country if we return to a 20% VAT level”? Well, in a few short months we have seen the answer to that question. And Steve Barclay should be commended (even though I consider him late to the party), in his calls.

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FAX: 01202 552666 He is right, and the Chancellor Rishi Sunak is wrong. Britain is poised for the weakest economic growth in the developed world next year, according to a warning from officials at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. And we have a solution staring at us in the face - our old friend Staycation! The turmoil in overseas travel has put Staycation firmly on the agenda. I read only a week ago that Staycation spending is expected to give Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s budget a summer economic boost. Graham Donoghue, Chief Executive of Sykes Holiday Cottages, said: “We’ve seen more Brits than ever make last-minute summer staycation bookings, with bookings over the last two weeks up 22 percent on the same period last year.” In the same report I saw company after company reporting bookings up by 80% in some cases. So I think a VAT cut would more than make a hole in the anticipated £18 billion shortfall. However it has to be done now! No good waiting until summer is over. So I hope Steve Barclay’s call is given importance and priority it so richly deserves! Once again I would ask the favour - we are trying to maximise our advertisers reach as much as possible, without them would not be possible to run CLH NEWS, so please do follow us on Twitter, Facebook and our newly created Instagram, and encourage as many people you know in the trade to subscribe to our digital issue. Further details can be seen at

The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.

@CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews

EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson



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Is the Government Close to Proposing a VAT Cut? Issue 116

(CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER) This figure equates to roughly 15% of all tax receipts received by the Treasury and amounts to 5.3% of the UK’s national income. In his letter to party lawmakers on the day of a confidence vote last month, the Prime Minister is alleged to have said energy would be dedicated to "reducing the biggest single household outgoing of all the tax bill. It must come down, and it will, because that is the best way to deliver the growth we need." The Prime Minister is under increasing pressure from his own party to honour his pledge to reduce the tax burden, which is set to reach the highest level since the 1940s. Official figures published yesterday (June 30) show that more than two million people have become higherrate taxpayers under Mr Johnson's Government. A total of 6.1million people now pay the higher rate. The Times reports that Mr Barclay, MP for North East Cambridgeshire, raised the idea of cutting the tax during discussions with the Treasury over the past fortnight. He suggested that it would be "de-inflationary". A source familiar with the discussions said: "Steve's been pushing it quite strongly, but the Treasury is not buying it." The report adds that a potential VAT cut was discussed by Treasury officials last month before they decided against it. There were concerns that it could lead to a temporary fall in inflation followed by a longer, deeper recession.

CUTTING VAT “ECONOMICALLY APPROPRIATE” Paul Johnson, head of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, said cutting VAT would be "economically inappropriate", adding: "It would reduce inflation in the short run because it would reduce prices relative to what they would have been. But it would increase inflation next year. It can't help in the long run. "And it could actually lead to higher inflation overall because you would be pumping extra money into an economy where demand is already outstripping supply. Stimulating demand at the moment would be economically inappropriate. On this one the Treasury is right."



international competitiveness and social wellbeing. The inquiry examined seven areas in which 12.5% VAT would benefit the sector: • support the viability of businesses – help businesses recover financially after being the hardest hit sector by the pandemic and allow them to operate on a more secure footing • improve the rate of employment – enable businesses to employ more people and make vacancies more attractive (e.g. higher wages) • positive impact on Treasury revenue – the tax cut would stimulate further economic activity • support regional growth – could lead to regional investment across and within the UK’s home nations • improve international competitiveness – makes the UK a more attractive holidaying location for domestic and international visitors through reduced prices and reinvestment in business offerings • ease cost of living pressure – could reduce the cost of living and limit inflation through lower prices and avoiding price increases • improve social wellbeing – businesses would be able to contribute more to their communities through the 12.5% rate by reinvesting in their offerings and engaging in social responsibility action (e.g. becoming more sustainable). The report stated: “Across every area, the inquiry found a substantial case for retaining the current 12.5% rate of VAT and, thus, the APPG recommends this policy remains in place beyond March.”

“DOES NOT MAKE ECONOMIC SENSE” The following month Wetherspoon founder and chairman Tim Martin called on the government to reduce the level of VAT in respect of food served in pubs, restaurants and cafes – to help curb inflation, saying: “The government’s decision to return VAT to 20 per cent in April has affected the entire hospitality industry and is a contributory factor in the rise in inflation. “It does not make economic sense that food bought in pubs, restaurants and cafes attracts VAT of 20 per cent, when food is VAT-free in supermarkets. “The argument is even more valid now as the increase in VAT from 12 per cent back to 20 per cent in April has been one of the factors in the increased rate of inflation.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak is said to be resisting the move to cut VAT and is urging ministers to await his autumn Budget when he has promised a package of tax measures.

“The government should reduce VAT from the current 20 per cent in the hospitality industry and as well as benefitting businesses and customers, it will, I believe help in lowering inflation in the months to come.

The Treasury is according to sources concerned that cutting VAT now could backfire by fuelling inflation already at 9.1% and projected to hit 11% before the year end.


Taking to social media UKHospitality CEO Kate Nicolls said: “Steve Barclay is right - a temporary VAT cut has been used successfully used in the past to reduce tax bill for millions and ease cost of living squeeze as well as supporting businesses”

GOVERNMENT IGNORES SECTOR CALLS Earlier this year the government ignored calls from industry bodies to keep the level of VAT in hospitality at 12.5%. In March, just weeks before the government increased hospitality VAT to 20% an inquiry by a group of influential MPs recommended that VAT for the hospitality and tourism sectors stays at 12.5% beyond March. The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Hospitality and Tourism, concluded that VAT should not return to 20% April, citing UKHospitality data revealing that the lower rate would bring benefits including jobs,

In October 2021 CLH News editor Peter Adams wrote to the Chancellor of the Exchequer suggesting an extension of the 12.5% VAT rate to December 2023 citing all of the above, and also citing comparisons across Europe where most countries have introduced VAT cuts to hospitality VAT great success. The Treasury wrote back saying: “all taxes are kept under review, but there are no plans to extend the 12.5% reduced rate of VAT. It is appropriate that as the [COVID] restrictions are lifted and demand for goods and services in the sector is increases, the temporary tax reliefs are first reduced and then removed in order to rebuild and strengthen the finances. “This relief has previously been costed at over £7 billion, but the latest forecast means it may now cost over £8 billion. Applying a reduced rate of VAT for a longer period would impose additional pressure on the public finances to which VAT makes a significant contribution. VAT raised around 130 billion in 2019/20 and helps fund key spending priorities. Any reduction in tax paid is a reduction in the money available to support important public services, including the NHS and Policing”


Cost of Living Crisis and Changing Habits of Holidaying 4


Issue 116

By Kunal Sawhney, CEO of Kalkine ( Holidays or leisure travel are part of our life to rejuvenate and experience new things. Everybody at some point in time or rather on a frequent basis, needs a break from their usual routine, and holidays become a great way to get away from it, viz-aviz providing an opportunity to spend quality time with the family and loved ones. When the country is going through record-high inflation and households are struggling with the cost of living crisis, the one sector that is going to be most impacted is the holiday industry. It’s a fact that holidays do not tend to come cheap and are a matter of major expense for many even in the normal economic scenario, but now as the prices of everything are surging every day, people are controlling their essential expenses, not to talk about non-discretionary costs like travel and tourism.

WHAT DOES THE LATEST DATA SUGGEST? There is a fear of recession, and a growing number of people are concerned about the future, which has led to a major change in their spending habits. The latest survey report from Scottish Widows, a financial company helping people plan for their financial futures, stated that around 81 per cent of adults are concerned about making ends meet, while 76 per cent must take some action to cope with the financial pressures. The most striking revelation from the survey was that almost 35 per cent of Britishers are planning to cut

back on non-essential leisure activities and holiday spending, while nearly 24 per cent have already started using their savings for the future. However, the situation had changed in just over a month, when the soaring cost of living had put a brake on different kinds of spending; April had marked the strongest month for foreign travel spending since the onset of the pandemic. Ease in Covid restrictions prompted people for international holidays. Airlines and travel agents had the best month, while accommodation at hotels and resorts witnessed a surge of around 17 per cent compared to the same month of 2019. Till 2019, there has been a constant rise in spending on foreign holiday visits by residents of the United Kingdom, which fell down to one-fifth in 2021 due to pandemicinduced restrictions as compared to the previous year.

A POSSIBLE WAY OUT FOR A HOLIDAY TRIP DESPITE THE PRICE RISE There are several factors that decide the holiday cost, and with inflation at its peak, the usual budget may not be sufficient to meet the average holiday cost. But there are several ways through which you can keep the cost of holidays within limit. First thing, before you embark on a holiday destination, get travel insurance and that too after comparing for the best and most appropriate ones. The next thing is looking for the best deal, which could help bring down the actual cost of a holiday trip. One must look for different hotel stay options and seek the best deal on offer as many hotels considering the prevalent conditions, are offering various lucrative options. Airlines and transport operators’ selection can also help in saving costs, depending on the destinations and offers they provide. Leisure and spending quality time are important, so even if it comes at a cost, it should not let you defer your enjoyment. Paying for the holiday with a loan or any other form of credit is not a good idea, but if you have decided to go on a holiday, instead of spending in one go, monthly repayments will be a better idea to meet the expenses rather than the full one-off cost, here too some saving can be done in selecting the holiday loan providers for the best deal.

Shepherd Neame Reveals Pub Awards The Blue Anchor at Crowborough has been named Pub of the Year in the Shepherd Neame Pub Awards, which returned this week after a twoyear absence. It is the latest in a series of accolades for the popular pub and restaurant, which has been named Pub of the Year in the Beautiful South Tourism Awards for the last two years and is a finalist for Best Destination pub in Sussex in this year’s Muddy Stilettos Awards. It is the latest in a series of accolades for the popular pub and restaurant, which has been named pub of the year in the Beautiful South Tourism Awards for the last two years. It is also a finalist for best destination pub in Sussex in this year’s Muddy Stilettos awards. The pub, which has been run by Amy Glenie since 2019, prides itself on fine, freshly-made food, using locally-sourced produce where possible. Amy, who was unable to attend the ceremony, said: “It has just been such an exciting time moving the pub forward over the last four years. We are constantly looking for new ways to make things better and keep things fresh. There is always something to improve. I absolutely love running the Blue Anchor and enjoy every moment of being there, and our hard work is paying off.” Eleven of the independent family brewer’s pubs and hotels across Kent, London and the South East were honoured at the ceremony, which celebrates exceptional standards across its 300-strong estate.

• BEER HERO: The George, Leeds • SOCIAL MEDIA PUB OF THE YEAR: The Oak on the Green, Bearsted • HEART OF THE COMMUNITY PUB OF THE YEAR: The George, Newnham • PUB FOOD OF THE YEAR: The Sun, Feering • HOTEL PUB OF THE YEAR: The Marine Hotel, Tankerton • WINE PUB OF THE YEAR: The New Flying Horse, Wye • LICENSEE OF THE YEAR: Natalie and Andrew Hennessy, The East Kent/The White Horse • MANAGER OF THE YEAR: Steve Berry, Jamaica Wine House • TENANTED PUB OF THE YEAR: The White Horse, Hawkinge • MANAGED BUSINESS OF THE YEAR: The Vine, Tenterden Shepherd Neame Chief Executive, Jonathan Neame said, “After a challenging time for all those within the hospitality industry, it is fantastic to be back celebrating the achievements of our outstanding licensees and team members. “Despite the setbacks of the last two years, we have seen that more than ever the most important factor in the success of any pub is its people, and we are very proud of our talented team. These awards are aimed at recognising their hard work, dedication, and creativity, and celebrating excellence in our company.’

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Issue 116

Only 1 in 3 Hospitality Businesses is Currently Profitable Reveals Survey manently and one in six reporting they have no cash reserves. Now hospitality leaders are calling on the Government to recognise the contribution hospitality businesses can make to the economy whilst noting that less than one-third (28%) are currently considering investing in their businesses because of the challenging economic climate. The group highlights three key priorities to get the sector back on track: tackling the current inflationary headwinds facing the sector; reforms that would unleash growth potential and a new tax and investment regime that facilitates a resilient and productive hospitality sector. In a joint statement the British Beer and Pub Association, British Institute of Innkeeping and UKHospitality said:

Profitability of hospitality businesses across the UK is plummeting with only 37% currently turning a profit, with the biggest factors being the rising costs of energy (74%), goods (55%) and labour (54%). he survey comes almost one year after the Government released its Hospitality Recovery Strategy, which looked to increase the resilience of the sector by improving profitability and putting pubs, bars, and restaurants at the heart of plans to revitalise local economies after the pandemic. However, the picture for hospitality businesses remains bleak, with almost half (45%) of businesses forced to reduced opening hours to avoid closing per-

“These figures are extremely worrying and demonstrate the critical situation hospitality businesses across the country are currently in. Given the chance, our industry has huge growth potential and the ability to play a critical role in the levelling up of communities in every single part of the UK, but instead we are still struggling to get back on our feet properly after a turbulent two years. “In the past few weeks inflation has hit record levels and costs on key ingredients and utilities has rocketed, whilst consumer confidence has plummeted resulting in fewer customers in our venues. We are weathering a perfect storm, but we can’t hold on forever, we need relief as soon as possible before the cost of doing business forces venues to close for good.”





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Focus on the Detail to Tackle Rising Costs, Says Lynx Purchasing 6


Issue 116

only increase costs, which producers need to pass on, they also mean that some animals are sent to market early, reducing the yield. Poultry faces additional challenges due to the impact of avian flu, and has seen sharp price increases this year. Egg production is also affected by reduced flock numbers. · Fish and seafood: The latest Marine Conservation Society Good Fish Guide update has flagged up new concerns about the sustainability status of some fish and seafood varieties. Operators should work closely with suppliers to understand changing ratings, and serve fresh, sustainable fish and seafood. · Summer Fruit: Picking UK soft fruits and summer berries is labour intensive, with growers arguing that they need the UK government to make more migrant worker visas available this summer, with the labour shortage expected to reduce yield and so affect price. · Wine and Beer: Supply chain disruption, along with higher manufacturing and transport costs, affects packaging as well as food, and the drinks industry is struggling with shortages of aluminium cans and glass bottles. Keeping craft beer menus and wine lists flexible will enable operators to make the most of changing availability from different suppliers. Dobson adds: "Operators have no choice when it comes to passing on at least some of their increased costs to customers, with the official inflation figures showing that the cost of eating out was 8.3% higher in May than a year

With inflation raging, and hospitality and catering operators facing continued sharp rises in costs, buying specialist Lynx Purchasing is urging businesses to maximise the savings that can be achieved with a disciplined approach to ordering. The advice comes as Lynx Purchasing publishes the Summer 2022 edition of its regular Market Forecast, using information on pricing trends from key hospitality suppliers, as well as official data, to support customers as they plan menus across the summer and into autumn. "The Bank of England is now forecasting that inflation will peak at 11% later this year, and many staple products are seeing increase well in excess of that," says Lynx Purchasing managing director Rachel Dobson. "The impact of high inflation, along with increased labour, energy and transport costs, and lower consumer confidence, are all part of the ‘big picture' that operators have no choice but to endure, for at least the rest of this year and into 2023. "In that context, while "don't sweat the small stuff" is usually sound advice, in the current market a focus on making relatively small changes to purchasing habits can help make a real difference to margin and profits in a hospitality business." previously.

Tips to improve buying discipline include: · · · · ·

"With consumer spending power under severe pressure, businesses that control their costs through disciplined buying will be in the strongest position to keep their price increase to the minimum over the next few months.

Buy the most cost-effective pack size, whether a box, case, or tin Order commodity items from the cheapest supplier Check orders and report incorrect or damaged goods to the supplier Avoid delivery charges by meeting minimum order amounts Be organised, plan ahead and order in good time Product areas highlighted in the Market Forecast include:

"As ever, our best advice is to order early, keep speaking to suppliers about availability, and to keep menu descriptions flexible to allow for changes if needed." A free copy of the Lynx Purchasing Summer 2022 Market Forecast is available to download at For more information email

· Meat and poultry: In normal times, Ukraine supplies much of the grain used for animal feed. Rising prices not

Report Highlights High Food Standards Across the UK, but Warns of Challenges Ahead Food Standards Scotland (FSS) and the Food Standards Agency (FSA) have today launched Our Food 2021: An annual review of food standards across the UK, an in-depth review of food standards in the UK. The inaugural annual report comes after the UK food system has faced two years of major upheaval following the UK’s departure from the EU, the significant effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and more recently the disruption caused by the war in Ukraine. Despite these significant pressures, the report concludes, with a degree of caution, that food standards in the UK have largely been maintained. However, while there has been no evidence of a drop in standards, the report warns of significant challenges ahead. Two of the main concerns identified are firstly the fall in the level of local authority inspections of food businesses, which are being hampered by resourcing pressures faced by local authorities, despite some progress in getting inspections back on track. Secondly, the delay in establishing full UK imports controls for high-risk food and feed from the EU, continues to reduce our ability to prevent the entry of unsafe food into the UK market. SS Chair, Heather Kelman, commented: “This joint report comes at what we believe is a make or break

It’s Back! KP of the Year 2022 WINTERHALTER SEARCHES FOR THE UK’S TOP KITCHEN PORTER The Kitchen Porter of the Year is back in 2022, after a hiatus of two years. Celebrating the vital contribution that KPs make in professional kitchens across the UK, it’s become one of the most popular of the foodservice industry’s awards. Why? Because so many people in hospitality’s top jobs started as KPs. And because there’s not a kitchen in the country that doesn’t rely on them.

juncture for food quality and safety, as we transition into a post-pandemic landscape and take on new responsibilities following our departure from the EU. “It is really encouraging that this evidence-led report has found that our high food standards we strive for in Scotland and the rest of the UK have been upheld during a particularly challenging period. However, the full effects of these momentous events are still being felt, and will continue to have an impact on our food systems for years to come. “We are under no illusions there are major challenges ahead. As the report points out, there is a significant issue in relation to local authority resourcing, which could have a dramatic effect on the ability to carry out inspections, food law delivery and, at the very core, it could cause a risk to public health. Establishing full UK import controls is also an issue which has the potential to not only damage consumer confidence, but ultimately affect the high standards of foods being placed on the market in Scotland and the rest of UK. “It is our collective responsibility to make sure that these current challenges in the food system are mitigated in a way that puts us on course for a safe, healthier and more sustainable future food system.” Our Food 2021: An annual review of food standards across the UK was laid across all four UK Parliaments/Assemblies on 27 June, 2022. It is the first of what will be an annual report on how food standards are changing over time, so that consumers and parliamentarians remain sighted on the changes and challenges to our food system and the evidence we are sharing with government decision makers. behind the awards. “On top of an already tough job, over the past two years kitchen porters have had to show both determination and the flexibility to adapt to major changes in working practices.” For 2022 nominating a KP for the award is easier than ever, with a short questionnaire that can be found via Meanwhile the package of prizes is as exciting as ever. Along with the kudos of being KP of the Year, the winner gets an eye catching trophy, £1,000 cash and a slap up dinner for family and friends at a restaurant in their area. Plus, two runners up receive cash prizes. Plus, every single KP that’s nominated gets an exclusive KP of the Year apron in a presentation tin. In addition, the winner’s kitchen gets a brand new Winterhalter warewasher. Closing date for entries is 29th July. The awards will be judged by a panel of top foodservice industry names. “I know how hard a KP’s job is, because I’ve done it myself,” says Kinkead. “I’d encourage people from every sector of the industry to nominate their kitchen porters for this award.” In the past KPs from hotels, hospitals, pubs, prisons and schools have all been in the running for the award.

And because, until KP of the Year came along, they didn’t get the recognition they deserve. “Foodservice is bouncing back from the pandemic, so it’s high time to turn the spotlight on KPs again, and the brilliant work they do” says Stephen Kinkead, managing director of Winterhalter UK, the company

KP of the Year 2019 Davie Fleetham with head chef Jim Jawor at BaxterStory at RBS.

Visit for details.

Food and Drink Sales in Britain’s Cities Back in Growth as Workers and Visitors Return Issue 116

Out-of-home food and drink sales are in growth in all of Britain’s 10 biggest city centres, new research from CGA by NielsenIQ and Wireless Social shows. The joint ‘Top Cities’ report combines CGA’s sales data with device log-in data from Wireless Social, the leading connectivity solutions provider for hospitality and leisure businesses, to provide a ‘vibrancy’ ranking of Britain’s 10 most populous cities over the four weeks to 4 June 2022. Sales were between 1% and 13% higher than in the corresponding four-week period in 2019 in each city—the first time that all 10 have been in growth since the report began at the start of 2022.

Glasgow tops the list of most vibrant cities, ahead of Bristol and Manchester, while Edinburgh moves up four places to fourth. London, where workers and tourists have been slow to return after COVID19 restrictions eased, grew its sales for the first time since the start of the pandemic. The capital also saw its best performance for log-ins, climbing from 6th to 4th place for this metric, likely due to the impact of the Jubilee period from Thursday 2 June to Saturday 4 June. However, log-ins remain well down in all 10 cities compared to 2019, indicating that growth is being driven by higher spend-per-visit rather than footfall. Cities dropping down the rankings in the latest four-week period include Birmingham and Liverpool. See below for the full list of cities. CGA client director Chris Jeffrey said: “Restaurants, pubs and bars have been instrumental in the revival of Britain’s cities since the end of lockdowns, and it is pleasing to see them in growth in all 10 of the biggest centres. The slow but steady recovery of sales in London is particularly encouraging, and we can expect it to continue tracking back towards its preCOVID-19 vibrancy over the summer. However, city-centre footfall clearly remains some way short of the levels of 2019, and high inflation is making it hard for businesses to achieve growth in real terms. As cost pressures squeeze consumers’ spending, we can expect some challenging trading conditions as we move into the second half of 2022.”



Julian Ross, founder and CEO of Wireless Social, said: “It’s fantastic to see the sector bouncing back and showing signs of growth. The fact that major hubs, like London, are beginning to pick up is hugely encouraging. Despite this, the industry seemingly can’t catch a break, with the recent industrial action on the railways and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis seriously impacting consumer activity and confidence. It’s vital that communities are supporting hospitality when and where they can, to protect and support the industry in what is continuing to be a hugely challenging period.”

The series of ‘Top Cities: Vibrancy Ranking’ reports is based on a powerful combination of sales data from CGA’s Managed Volume Pool of more than 8,000 pubs, bars and restaurants, and Wireless Social’s guest data gathered from more than one million log-ins. It provides the most accurate assessment yet of the vibrancy of Britain’s key city markets for eating and drinking out.

BRITAIN’S 10 BIGGEST CITIES, RANKED BY VIBRANCY Rankings for the four weeks to 4 June 2022. Numbers in brackets indicate position for the previous four weeks to 7 May 2022. 1 Glasgow (2) 2 Bristol (1) 3 Manchester (4) 4 Edinburgh (8) 5 Leicester (5) 6 Birmingham (3) 7 Leeds (7) 8 Liverpool (6) 9 London (10) 10 Sheffield (9)

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Issue 116



Gen Z Driving Restaurant Resurgence Amid Cost of Living Crisis As the cost of living crisis worsens, a new study from SevenRooms has found that the hospitality industry continues to recover as the majority of UK consumers (58%) are spending the same or more each restaurant and bar visit than they were pre-pandemic, swapping out clothes, shoes and even holidays in their budget to fund meals and nights out. This restaurant resurgence is being driven by younger consumers aged 16-24, who spend an average of £68.02 a week in restaurants, pubs and bars. This spending then drops with age, with 35-44s spending an average of £45.75 and those aged 55+ spending just £21.52 per week.

TOP 5 EXPENSES BEING CUT IN FAVOUR OF RESTAURANT VISITS 1. Takeaway and delivery meals (13%) 2. Clothes shopping (13%) 3 Holidays (12%) 4. Shoe shopping (11%) 5. Entertainment – i.e. cinema, plays, concerts, sporting events, etc. (10%) The research from SevenRooms, which polled over 2,000 UK adults, looked at Brits’ new priorities and expectations around dining two years on from ‘Eat Out to Help Out’. What’s more, the research suggests that there is a growing trend to cut back on other items in favour of going out: over 1 in 8 (13%) are cutting back on takeaway and new clothes and over 1 in 9 (12%) are even sacrificing holidays in favour of restaurant visits.

TOP 5 MOST POPULAR ELEMENTS OF ‘EATERTAINMENT’ EXPERIENCES 1. Musician or singer (20%) 2. Unique location – e.g. dining in the sky, dining underground, dining on a boat (19%) 3. Themed food (17%) 4. Themed drinks (16%) 5. Themed restaurant/bar interiors (14%) As people look to return to restaurants after a difficult two years, the data shows that “eatertainment” experiences that go beyond ‘just food and drink’ are highly popular. The concept has largely been driven by Millennials and Gen Z looking to spend on experiences rather than ‘things’: SevenRooms found that over two-thirds (71%) of 16-24s have been to a themed restaurant or bar concept, with musicians, unique locations, and themed food and drink the most popular inclusions. This is compared to just 25% of those over 45 having visited a themed restaurant or bar experience.

And while the research found average weekly spend in restaurants, pubs and bars across the UK is £40.38, increasing to a whopping £66.91 in Greater London, additional data has shown that “eatertainment” has the potential to boost spend even further in this crucial time for the hospitality industry. SevenRooms found that establishments that developed themed menus and activities around the Platinum Jubilee, for example, were expected to draw in an additional £221 million (£11.67 per head). Inception Group, experts in creating unique, immersive food and drink experiences, are no strangers to the eatertainment concept. The company behind experiences such as the Pizza-Making Party at Bunga Bunga and Bootlegger Breakout at Cahoots has long partnered with SevenRooms to enhance its guest experience and operations with market-leading technology. The SevenRooms platform is used across all 13 of Inception Group’s properties. Mischka Fogel, Head of Sales, Associate Director at Inception Group, says: “The most important thing to us at Inception Group is making every guest feel like a VIP with unique, memorable food and drink experiences. We always look to go above and beyond to create something dynamic and innovative to draw guests in and wow them with an incredible experience. Partnering with SevenRooms, our customer journey has really come together. We store and share guest preferences and information across venues. If someone with a long history at Mr. Fogg’s shows up to Bunga Bunga for the first time, for example, the maître d’ knows exactly who they are so they can recommend their favourite type of cocktail, avoid known allergens or remember their birthday. When we’re able to tailor each experience to our guests, it adds something a little special to each and every visit.” Danilo Mangano, Managing Director International at SevenRooms, comments: “Our data shows that visits to restaurants and bars are still a priority for UK consumers. In times when we’re having to think carefully about where our money goes, it’s interesting to see that many are looking to swap shopping excursions for drinks with friends or holidays for a night out at their favourite restaurant. Given these sacrifices, restaurants must ensure that they’re providing a dining experience that’s going to wow diners. Our research found almost 1 in 7 (13%) Brits would rather stay at home unless a restaurant experience is going to be outstanding. As the summer heats up, success for hospitality venues will rely on operators’ abilities to deliver exceptional and meaningful experiences to guests, through ‘eatertainment’ focused trends and concepts and the right technology in place to facilitate them. Restaurants and bars that are willing to go the extra mile are sure to capitalise on guests’ appetites for special and memorable experiences.”

UKHospitality Welcomes Positive Findings in First Full Assessment of UK’s Food Standards UKHospitality has welcomed today’s publication of the first comprehensive assessment of food standards in the UK. The trade body said the joint Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) report – Our Food 2021 – comes at a ‘challenging’ time for the hospitality sector, as it begins its post-pandemic recovery. UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “Food safety is a key element of the UKHospitality agenda and although our industry faced numerous challenges during Covid, serving our customers safe and healthy food always remained a priority. “Indeed, it was during the difficult past two years that the hospitality sector implemented two major pieces of food labelling legislation: Natasha’s Law allergen labelling and, in England, menu calorie labelling. “We’re delighted, therefore, that this new report reveals allergen-related incidents have fallen by nearly a quarter compared to 2019. This of course reflects the fact that many hospitality businesses were closed for part of this period, but also illustrates that the sector is stepping up in this area, and recognises the continued and ongoing importance of communicating allergen information. “We’re also pleased to see that 97% of food businesses in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and 94% in Scotland, received a satisfactory or higher rating under the Food Hygiene Rating schemes, and in

Catering Partner Needed for Oxford Masonic Hall premises, a total of 70+ meetings estimated for the year commencing 2022. Using 2019 as an example of ‘usual’ trading, over 2200 meals were served in this period. The board considers that 2000 meals per year may be considered a good ‘lower estimate’ of masonic meals required throughout 2022, with the belief that as the impact of Covid-19 reduces this number will increase over the coming years. The company also actively promotes its facilities for third party useage for social, commercial and charitable purposes and so the total provision of meals is likely to be somewhat higher than this. Oxford Masonic Hall Company Limited was established in 1943 to provide accommodation for Masonic Lodges meeting locally. In 2016 they acquired their current premises (Cardinal House, in the village of Marsh Baldon, South Oxfordshire). Our provision of accommodation for & services to these lodges enables them to focus more of their time on their charitable activities (nationally, Freemasonry donated over £50m to charitable causes in 2020 and provided over 18 million hours of volunteering time). These new premises were extensively renovated and updated by the Company and includes a fully-equipped, professional grade kitchen. Use of these premises for the caterer’s other commercial purposes is encouraged, with details to be agreed. Currently some 20+ Masonic Lodges meet at the

The directors are looking to appoint a new catering contractor to provide services (via the company) to its members and other users of the premises. We hope that our future catering partner would consider this relationship as a source of secure, repeat business. If you would like to discuss this request for tender (or our process) in any further detail, please get in touch with: Mr. Tom Boardman-Weston, Director Or Mrs. Tara Buck, Centre Manager

England, Wales and Northern Ireland three quarters of food business received the highest rating. “UKHospitality will continue to work closely with the FSA and FSS to maintain and improve the high food standards that exist in hospitality.” Our Food 2021 is described as a ‘timely assessment of the state of the nation’s plate’.

How To Harness The Power Of The Community To Generate Business



Issue 116

Former Institute of Hospitality CEO Peter Ducker has spent a lifetime in the hospitality industry and is a member of P&G Professional's Expert Advisory Council ( Last month, the whole of the UK was limbering up for the Platinum Jubilee celebrations and it’s no surprise that every consumer-facing business was hoping for a boost on that unique occasion. The degree of creativity is quite remarkable and nowhere more so than in the pub sector. For centuries pubs have been at the heart of their community, in recent times many have worked harder than ever to leverage that position to attract a loyal client base. For them, a national celebration was too good a chance to miss. I see pubs arranging garden parties during the day for families, special menus, free ‘Platinum Trifle’ desserts. Pubs are often open from breakfast through the day, serving different sectors of the community as the day unfolds. Nobody ever said running a pub was easy – they deserve to do well. When I think of pubs as the ‘heart of their community’ my mind roams a little. Of course we think of their neighbours, maybe a five mile catchment delivering the lion’s share of their trade, and that’s right. But these days they can have another, larger community online, using social media platforms to remain visible and engaged, with a view to both long-term familiarity and spontaneous response.

I have seen at firsthand how effective smart social media activity can be. A young entrepreneur opened a bar in a residential suburb of London. His key market was mums during the day dropping in for coffees or snacks and young professionals in the evenings. He had an impressively large following online, and was savvy in how he used it – often enough to remain engaged, but not so often that over-exposure would be counterproductive. On hot days a special happy hour would be pushed out to his contacts’ inbox at just the time when thoughts were turning to an end of the day drink. Cocktail masterclasses worked well, as did ‘bring a buddy’ specials. So in our digital world, ‘community’ has a whole new meaning.

There is one other thing we need to think about nowadays. Whichever community we think about, they all have one thing in common. Nobody is immune from the challenges presented by global unrest and runaway inflation. Factor in the wage inflation caused by a labour shortage and you’d think nothing else can go wrong… then there’s the energy crisis with bills spiralling out of control.

It’s not all about new tech. Consumers see their local pub as a beating heart of the community, evidenced by recent research commissioned by P&G Professional, which revealed that six in 10 UK adults have a go-to local, with half believing pubs bring people together. Pubs with private rooms can offer them to clubs and societies generating income, loyalty and goodwill that translates into further business. This sounds simple, but of course it’s all done for nothing unless the basics of great hospitality remain front and centre of the business – whether it’s a pub, restaurant, hotel or B&B.

It’s never been easy to run a hospitality business. The flip side of that is that in every job description the most important objective is to make people happy – I can’t think of a more rewarding career. The camaraderie with colleagues, the engagement with guests combine to make the challenges, the hours and the never ending search for improvement worthwhile.

We are told the recession will be short and sharp. let’s hope they are right. In the meantime, while it seems that the pent up demand for hospitality and quality leisure experiences remains strong, it’s a brave business that takes customers for granted at times like this.

The basics of great hospitality are as old as time itself. A warm welcome, good food and drink well presented in a pleasant, clean environment is always the winning formula. In our post-Covid world, cleanliness and hygiene are more important than ever, and as consumer confidence returns, so too have their high expectations.

Last but not least let’s revert back to the word ‘community’. To be part of a community is a strong human need, to support and engage with a community is a privilege and a responsibility. That’s why P&G Professional launched its #CommunityOnTap Awards in search of Britain’s best pub, celebrating those who have found creative ways to increase footfall, bring communities together and ultimately, run a thriving business in these trying times.

In fact, according to research commissioned by P&G Professional, appropriate cleaning standards are a key factor in choosing which pub to visit, with consumers listing cleanliness as a top priority, along with good food. A competent cleaning regime using trusted products is expected and every business ignores this at its peril.

A business that becomes part of a community has a safety net – support a community and the community will support you. Over time as the community grows, so does your client base. Regular patrons can be your greatest advocate and your strongest critic – often at the same time. Word of mouth is a powerful force.

Brewers Could Power Recovery If Europe Backs Beer

Europe’s brewers could help drive the recovery from the Covid pandemic if decision-makers adopt the right measures to support the sector, The Brewers of Europe have announced.

Given the important contribution of beer to the European economy and the far-reaching connections throughout the beer value chain, the pandemic’s impact on brewing had knock-on effects on all the jobs, value-added and government revenues generated throughout the beer chain. And while Covid-19’s impact may be receding, the European economy is now facing new, additional pressures which will affect consumer spending and place greater financial burdens and uncertainty on many businesses.

As Europeans look ahead to their first summer in three years without Covid-19 restrictions on the hospitality sector and events, brewers are hopeful of a bounce back to pre-pandemic growth. Commenting on Europe Economics’ new Covid impact report, The Brewers of Europe said that while beer hospitality has slowly been recovering from the pandemic, it is still in a precarious position. With appropriate support measures, brewers can however lead the way, reviving the economy. Published on June 29, the Covid Impact Report reveals that, in 2021, there were shoots of recovery but the brewing sector saw only moderate increases in beer sales, as the hospitality sector failed to return to pre-pandemic levels. While 2021 saw the gradual return of European tourists in the summer, it also saw more hospitality shutdowns, strict opening rules, travel restrictions, vaccination and testing requirements and constantly changing rules, all combining to drive revenues down.

As brewing and hospitality work to get back to where they were, much is at stake for the wider economy. Numbers from 2021 show that beer has a strong potential to drive Europe's recovery, with the moderate growth still helping more than half the lost jobs to return and an additional €4 billion in taxes to be generated. A full recovery to pre-pandemic levels however can:The report shows 2021 beer sales in bars, pubs and restaurants were still down by 35% on 2019, leaving the overall beer market still 8% down on pre-Covid levels.

Beautiful Bamboo Baskets Costs are increasing on everything we purchase. As a business owner or manager, you are undoubtedly having to look at ways to offer your customers excellent value for money without compromising on quality. Do you need a way to package your gift baskets but need to consider suitable alternatives to wicker? Do you need something attractive but useful long after the contents have been enjoyed? You should definitely look at bamboo baskets! Sustainable and eco-friendly are attributes these baskets can boast. Bamboo is a fastgrowing, self-regenerating, low-maintenance, woody plant with naturally flexible fibres

• Return a further €6.2 billion in value-added to the economy • Retrieve 254,000 more jobs • Bring in a further €6 billion in tax revenues for governments

making it an ideal material with which to weave baskets. Lightweight yet surprisingly sturdy and durable, they make a wonderful choice and are very cost-effective. Perfect to fill with gifts for the foodie, new parents, or gardener, but still practical for storage and organising for years afterward. Whether you need to fill them with sweeties, toiletries, or bottles of wine, there will be something to suit your needs in stock. We hold several sizes and shapes all year round and the range is only going to expand! Visit our website at Feel free to contact us on 01502 501681 or email Alternatively, you are welcome to visit us and take a look around our showroom. We’re based near Lowestoft, but please get in touch and make an appointment so we can make sure someone is free to pop the kettle on! See the advert on the facing page for further details.

Trade Body Calls for Permanent Tax Relief to Encourage Investment Issue 116

The Government should introduce a permanent tax relief to encourage more investment by businesses, the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) has said. Responding to the Government’s consultation on capital allowances, which closes today (1 July), the BBPA supported calls by other leading trade bodies such as the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) to introduce a permanent 100% deduction for investment in capital allowance. The call follows data released this week revealing only 28% of hospitality businesses are currently considering any sort of investment due to the challenging economic climate. The tax relief would replace the current super deduction and introduce a system of ‘full expensing’ allowing businesses to immediately deduct qualifying investments from their taxes, rather than spreading the deduction over time. It is estimated such a system could also unlock the UK’s international investment potential, moving from bottom of the G7 ranking for business investment to fifth by 2026.



In addition, the trade association noted that any adjustment to capital allowance tax should sit alongside a review to planning processes; with long application and approval processes currently acting as a major blocker to many pub companies investing in their estates. Commenting on the recommendation Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association Emma McClarkin said: “We find ourselves in a position as a sector where we are keen to get back to business, provide the best service and experiences for our customers and thrive at the heart of communities across the country, but we are being held back by a lack of incentives to invest. “Our pubs and breweries need to feel confident to spend their money, especially after the past two years, and a permanent deduction would go some way to providing assurance and allow them to make investments to upgrade their venues, take on new properties and ultimately grow their businesses.”

Positive Results from Manchester Hoteliers’ Association Partnership with Local Schools Manchester Hoteliers’ Association (MHA) has announced a successful launch period of their schools programme which saw the association partner with Greater Manchester schools to encourage and enthuse young people into entering the world of hospitality. 22 hotels from The Manchester Hoteliers’ Association and 22 schools were paired together with the aim to provide further knowledge and experience into the current career pathways the hospitality industry has to offer on the back of the hospitality recruitment crisis. Following a successful 3-month launch period many students and general managers are optimistic following hugely positive results and believe many of those who took part in the scheme will choose hospitality as a career. Steven Julian, General Manager at The Holiday Inn Manchester said: “Working with Broadoak School has been a fantastic opportunity to showcase the vast career options available to those students preparing to leave school soon. Hearing their excitement when discussing the types of clients, we work with, giving them the opportunity to cook with our chefs and to visit the hotel makes building these partnerships worthwhile. “If only one of these students enters the industry, then we have succeeded. We could be looking at the

next generation of Manchester Hoteliers.” Manchester hotels involved in the scheme included Dakota Hotel, Stock Exchange Hotel, Hotel Football, Hilton Deansgate, Gotham Hotel, The Lowry Hotel, Hotel Brooklyn and more. Some of the region’s schools involved in the scheme include, Stockport Grammar School, Altrincham College, Coop Academy Walkden, West Hill School, Flixton Girls School, Bramhall High School and Droylsden High School. Adrian Ellis, Chair of Manchester Hoteliers Association commented: “We are proud to partner with The Lowry Academy (School in Worsley ) and see the students enthusiasm and interest in the hospitality profession. To date we have hosted four different visits which have included cooking classes, tours and career chats and bed making competitions. “All this work is designed to create enthusiasm and interest in our industry. We hope from all the great work that several of the Lowry Academy students will decide to enter a career in hospitality and that the schools/hotels project will go some way to helping tackling the long term recruitment challenges within the industry.”


Issue 116



UKHospitality Welcomes Government Consultation on England’s Short-Term Letting Market UKHospitality has welcomed the Government’s call for evidence on the short-term letting market in England – an issue it has raised with ministers and governments across the nation for several years.

in the review following our repeated raising of these concerns. “We’re also optimistic that the results of the Government’s call for evidence will help to expedite safety and accountability for short-term letting properties. In addition, without registration as a minimum almost all short-term letting properties will be operating as single site businesses, benefiting unfairly from a reduced tax burden while the wider hospitality sector, still struggling to recover from the pandemic, continues to be overburdened by taxes.

The leading trade body has long been pushing for a Government review, and has informed the call for evidence via round tables and discussions with officials. UKHospitality will respond to the call for evidence in consultation with its Accommodation Group and other affected areas of its membership.

“Action on short-term lets can help to revive communities across the UK, feeding into levelling up objectives. Many hospitality businesses continue to report challenges in finding accommodation for workers, particularly in rural areas. Government action in this area can help to rebalance short and long-term rentals in our fragile communities, while at the same time help build a more sustainable tourism industry.”

UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The accommodation market has changed rapidly and significantly with the growth of the digital economy, so it’s absolutely proper that the Government is consulting in this area. “There is not a level playing field across accommodation providers at present and, prompting worrying concerns relating to negative impacts on local communities and the wellbeing of guests. Indeed, we’re pleased to see such issues explicitly recognised

The call for evidence closes on 21 September 2022.

Private Sector Growth Slows Sharply Reveals CBI expected to continue growing solidly (+20%), albeit at a slower pace than in the last three months.

Private sector growth slowed sharply in the three months to June (+5%, from +23), according to the CBI’s latest Growth Indicator, marking the slowest rise in activity since April 2021.

Alpesh Paleja, CBI Lead Economist, said:

The slowdown was broad-based across sectors, with consumer services seeing the biggest hit (-41%), marking the sharpest fall experienced by the sector since February 2021. Growth also slowed across business & professional services (+10%) and distribution (+9%). The former was the weakest increase in activity in four months, and the latter the weakest since April 2021. The only sector to see a solid rise in output was manufacturing (+25%), though growth here also eased on the ten-month high seen in May (+30%). Looking ahead, private sector activity is expected to be broadly flat in the next three months (-3%) – the weakest forward-looking expectations since February 2021. Consumer services volumes are set for another tough quarter (-43%), while business & professional services is predicted to stagnate (+2%) and distribution sales are expected to fall (-7%). Manufacturing output is

“With the post-pandemic recovery severely challenged by continually strong cost pressures, private sector activity is grinding to a halt. Firms across all sectors are being hit, but consumer-facing companies are faring worst, as consumers face the worst cost-of-living crunch in decades. “With household spending hit, rapid action needs to be taken to boost business investment and stave off the worrying spectre of recession. Policies like introducing a permanent successor to the super-deduction could help bolster confidence and catalyse vital capital spending. “Longer-term, we need to look at post-Brexit regulatory reforms to support growth, innovation and sustainability, while enhancing UK competitiveness. Government and business also need to be better prepared to look globally for new avenues of growth, while demand falters at home.”

Brucan Pubs Expands to Four Sites with £400,000 Refurbishment Brucan Pubs, founded in 2018 by exETM Operations Director James LyonShaw and the former head chef of The Club at The Ivy Jamie Dobbin, have announced their fourth opening for their fast-growing portfolio of pubs. Brucan is leasing The Star at Witley in Surrey from Star Pubs & Bars. It will undertake a £400,000 joint refurbishment with Star before reopening the pub’s doors in late August, creating 25 new jobs. The investment will transform The Star into a great quality village pub with a focus on British seasonal fare, community links and Brucan’s signature hospitality. Like Brucan’s other pubs, The Star will have a weekly-changing menu of traditional dishes* and daily seasonal specials, including plenty of British game, meat and fish, as well as a bar menu of pub classics. Sunday lunches will be a big fixture. James and Jamie currently operate three other pubs under the Brucan Pubs umbrella: The Greene Oak (Windsor), The Drumming Snipe (Mayford) and The Greyhound (Finchampstead). In addition, the duo run the

village store and farm shop, Goswell & Birds (Finchampstead). Brucan Pubs is now looking for further leased and freehold sites to meet its ambition of building up an estate of ten gastro pubs in the next five years. Says Lyon-Shaw: “We search for sites that will sustain a high percentage of food sales and where we can build a strong business by optimising or transforming the current offer. The Star ticks all the boxes and is in our core operating area south west of London. Good freeholds rarely come to market and are either very expensive or extremely run down when they do. The tied model is proving an affordable way for us to access great pubs. Star are very easy to work with, and we’re keen to find more opportunities with them.” Adds Star Pubs & Bars’ area manger Ron Barnes: “We’re delighted to be joining forces with Brucan Pubs to give The Star the investment it needs to thrive and maximise its potential. James and Jamie are passionate about quality food and drink, and have built up a superb collection of destination dining pubs, each with its own unique feel. Their approach is ideal for The Star. It will be a fantastic local as well as an exceptional drive-to pub for those from further afield.”

Majisign Joins Forces with the 2022 British Street Food Awards The street food market has consistently grown faster than the total fast-food market with supermarkets also introducing ‘street food’ ranges and restaurant chefs launching food trucks.

Street Food Awards. This year too our street food winners trophies include the European Street Food Awards and the initiation of the USA Street Food Awards.

The Street Food Awards is a great series of live events in the summer taking place all over the UK and Europe and for the first time in America as they launch Street Foods USA. Visitors will be able to sample the very best from the street food finalists whilst they cook to win your vote and the vote of the expert judging panel made up of Michelin-star Chefs and Food Writers.

Our mission continues to be passionate about working with wood in a sustainable way whilst striving to take measures to reduce our environmental impact. And even though our A-boards might appear a bit old school, they’ve proven time and again to increase footfall! We just get it!

This year Majisign Ltd are delighted to once again be making all the trophies, certificates, banners, and clipboards to celebrate the street food champion winners of the 2022 British

Working closely with the founder, award-winning food journalist and consultant Richard Johnson, we are proud to be a part of championing the world’s new food heroes and the Michelin stars of tomorrow.” Visit and

Is This The Summer Of Our Discontent? 14


Issue 116

By Zoe Adjey, Lecturer in Hospitality and Human Resource Management at the University of East London (

Wimbledon has started and the sun is shining. The hospitality industry thought they were going to be open for business with BBQ’s, strawberries, and Pimm's flowing. We were firmly putting the last two years of restrictions and reduced business behind us.

their families.

However, there is a new threat looming and combined with the rising inflation, once again hospitality businesses are peering over the edge. During the week of 21st of June a strike by the RMT, brought rail services across the UK to a standstill for 3 days and heralded the arrival of what is being described by some, as the most significant period of industrial action for a generation.

The impact of strike action on our weakened industry could be huge. Blackpool Council estimated that the town lost £1 million from their tourist industry, on Saturday 25th June, an RMT strike day. Many of those businesses are small independent, family businesses reliant on seasonal business for profit. The train station, which should have been busy, with families on day trips ready to enjoy the Pleasure Beach and Pier, was deserted.

During that week, unions representing ground staff at British Airways voted to walk out during the Summer, predicted to make air travel in the UK more fragile. Criminal Barristers are taking industrial action and Royal Mail workers are being balloted too. We are told it feels like 1979, dubbed the Winter of Discontent, when the then government attempted to cap pay to stop inflation rising. Strike action occurs when a group of employees who are members of a recognised Trade Union are in dispute with their employer. In the UK there are complex laws surrounding strike action, prior to labour being withdrawn. In most cases those on strike will lose pay and it can in some circumstances cause hardship to

The current industrial disputes are mainly concerning threats of job redundancies and challenging pay offers. History has shown us, in the UK, industrial action has had a positive effect on working conditions; securing equal pay for women and improving the working conditions of those especially in manual job roles.

On a more national level, the impact of the impending British Airways ground staff strike may not just be on those seeking to travel for their holidays. In 2019 inbound tourists spent £28 billion much of that within hospitality venues. This revenue is vital for those businesses. Visit Britain has predicted that inbound tourism should have reached two thirds of their pre pandemic levels by August 2022, those tourists were estimated to spend £2 billion a month in the UK. The impact of strike action could restrict this much needed income to hospitality businesses. But there is a third longer term consideration, as inflation rises, and households face larger bills for food and heating. People will cut out the “luxuries” of say, eating out, pub lunches or holidays. The hospitality industry may need those salaries to rise with inflation to maintain its wide customer base. We may need this Summer of Discontent so we can Winter once again.

Hospitality: Disabled Consumers Experience Limited Choice, New Research Finds • 21 per cent agreed that ‘When possible, I will filter or look for reviews and recommendations from people like me’. Diane Lightfoot, CEO, Business Disability Forum, said:

Business Disability Forum (BDF) has published extensive new research which finds that disabled consumers in the UK experience limited choice and feelings of disempowerment when choosing a place to eat or drink. Almost half of respondents (45 per cent) said that their choice of hospitality venue was limited by their disability or access needs.

“Businesses cannot afford to overlook the needs and spending habits of disabled consumers. Yet, too often, disabled people face limited choice, increased costs, or even difficulty finding the goods and services they want and need.

‘Hospitality: What disabled consumers choose to buy and why’ looks at how people choose where to eat or drink and why. Supported by Microsoft, this is one of a series of in-depth research reports which examines buying experiences of the 1 in 5 people in the UK who have a disability. The series considers purchasing experiences across seven key sectors, including hospitality. Business Disability Forum commissioned Open Inclusion to carry out the research. Research was gathered through an online survey and focus groups via Open Inclusion’s pan disability insight community.

HOSPITALITY: KEY FINDINGS Of the disabled consumers who had been involved in selecting or researching a hospitality venue in the last two years (165 respondents): • 85 per cent said that disability or access needs influenced their choice of restaurant, café or pub. • 75 per cent of respondents said that finding the information they needed was more challenging because of their disability or access needs. • 45 per cent observed that choice of hospitality venues was limited because of their disability or access needs. • Only 39 per cent said that they felt confident they had made the right choice of hospitality venue. In general, the research found that disabled consumers chose to spend their money on places that had either provided them with good information and service before or had been positively reviewed by people like them. • 48 per cent said they relied on positive reviews and recommendations. • 32 per cent of those surveyed said ‘I read general reviews in the media, websites or comparison websites, such as TripAdvisor’.

“For disabled people, the need for better access to services and products has never been more urgent. Many disabled people face additional costs associated with having a disability. With living costs rising, it is more important than ever that disabled consumers have the information they need to make informed purchasing decisions and to get the best deals possible. “Our research shows that there is plenty of good practice out there, but it can be patchy, and varies from sector to sector.”

POSITIVE EXPERIENCE In the research, disabled consumers also shared their experiences of when hospitality providers had got it right.

HOSPITALITY: KEY RECOMMENDATIONS Based on findings, the research recommends that hospitality venues: • Make sure that websites and apps are fully accessible and easy to navigate • Show pictures of the venue (with descriptions) which allow consumers to make their own judgements about accessibility. • Indicate where the toilets are situated and whether they are accessible • Clearly indicate aspects relating to access into the venue such as steps • Tell people, in advance, how to book tables that are quieter or in darker/brighter areas. To view ‘Hospitality: What disabled consumers choose to buy and why’, along with the full series of consumer reports, please visit Business Disability Forum’s website.

Parkdean Resorts and Calor Join Forces to Reduce Co2 Emissions with Calor Futuria Liquid Gas The UK’s leading holiday park operator, Parkdean Resorts, has announced plans to switch its energy supply to Calor Futuria Liquid Gas (previously bioLPG) through a pioneering partnership with Calor. Calor has been Parkdean’s main gas fuel supplier for many years, and the companies identified Futuria Liquid Gas as a mutual opportunity to improve the sustainability of Parkdean’s gas supply and reduce CO2 emissions. The partnership will form a key part of both organisations’ sustainability commitments, with Calor’s ambition to become a fossil free business by 2040, and Parkdean’s own commitment to creating a positive environmental impact on nature and resources and reduce its CO2 emissions by 25% by 2025 and net zero by 2040. Through the partnership, Parkdean Resorts will become the first holiday park company to use Futuria Liquid Gas, a co-product of biodiesel production made from a blend of waste, residues and sustainably sourced materials. Forming a key part of Parkdean Resorts’ wider work to care for its parks, people and planet, and reduce CO2 emissions, more than 14% of the total LPG supplied by Calor to Parkdean Resorts will be Futuria Liquid Gas by the end of 2022, rising to nearly 25% by the end of 2023. Parkdean Resorts has made a significant sustainability commitment by agreeing the new partnership with

Calor, which will be a big step on the path to Net Zero. Jane Bates, Director of Procurement and Sustainability, Parkdean Resorts, said: “We’re doing a lot of work to care for our people, parks and planet and using Futuria Liguid Gas will be a key factor in reducing our CO2 emissions. It’s important to us that our suppliers can help us deliver our commitments, and we’re delighted to partner with Calor in providing this solution, which will be a big step towards achieving our first milestone of a 25% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025, and represents a key initiative in our industry-leading strategy to create truly sustainable parks.” Alastair Lovell, Head of Sustainable Fuels at Calor said: “Calor is delighted to partner with Parkdean and supply Futuria Liquid Gas as a renewable fuel source to their sites. “Parkdean Resorts is a leader in the leisure industry, creating sustainable staycations for its customers. This partnership demonstrates our shared values as we strive to reduce carbon emissions - and will have a significant impact in achieving our sustainability commitments.” To find out how Calor can help you reach sustainability targets, visit

Admiral Launches Top Tips For Licensees To ‘Fire It Up’ Ahead of National BBQ Week 16


Issue 116

1. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

Admiral Taverns, the UK’s leading community pub company, is encouraging its licensees to ‘fire it up’ ahead of National BBQ Week, running from 4th - 10th July, and take advantage of the great weather, bringing their communities together for a classic British pastime.

Pre-cook your food to make service quicker and safer, especially with higher risk meats such as pork and chicken. Don’t forget the kids as well – keeping parents happy will mean customers stay longer. You should also consider an outside shelter if the weather turns on you.

In 2021, the UK was once again the leading European BBQ nation, holding the greatest number of BBQs across Europe. BBQ’s have also been named the UK’s number one summer “at-home” leisure activity, with three out of four households owning a BBQ grill. *

2. Have Something For everyone Diversify your food options – try items like sharing ribs, chicken wings and BBQ pulled pork, and branch out away from the classic plain flavoured bap – you could explore brioche buns, ciabatta bread and sourdough. Vegetation/vegan options, including grilled Halloumi or vegan alternatives should also be considered, but make sure you use separate utensils with a designated vegetarian/vegan area.

Admiral owns 1,600 pubs across the UK and has its own dedicated Catering team who supports Admiral’s licensees across all areas of their kitchens. Nina Walker, Catering Development Manager at Admiral Taverns has over 30 years of experience in the industry and supports with training, menu development, market research, food sourcing, hygiene, production and much more. Nina commented: “There is no doubt BBQ’s are extremely popular across the UK and National BBQ Week provides a fantastic opportunity for licensees to bring their communities together, enjoy the summer weather and take away some of the stress of cooking.” “When planning a BBQ, my top tips are to make sure there is something for everyone and be adventurous – go beyond the classic sausage! There are so many options out there – licensees could even look at working with local butchers to see if they could produce a signature

3. Sizzle Safely flavour for the pub or speak to local musicians to see if they’d be interested in playing to give the event an upbeat atmosphere.” Admiral has set out further advice for its licensees in this months’ marketing and promotions magazine for planning a BBQ, to help them maximise the opportunity.


Ensure all frozen food is thoroughly defrosted before cooking and that all meats are kept refrigerated until just before use. Wear protective clothing and keep sanitiser near the BBQ – ensure you are close to hot and cold running water when handling meat which should be aligned with the correct colour chopping boards. (red-raw meat, yellow – cooked meat). Once your BBQ has cooled down give it a proper clean ready for use again and brush all the oils into the grill to clean. *

London’s Mojo is Returning as Hotel Occupancy Rates Recover Recovering occupancy rates and food and beverage sales are combining to fuel a marked recovery in the London hotels market, according to the RSM Hotels Tracker.

April to £92.70 in May, while London saw an even bigger increase of £32.00 to £140.10 in May. Chris Tate, head of hotels and accommodation at RSM UK, said:

“The data, compiled and produced by Hotstats and analysed by RSM UK shows that for the first time since prior to the pandemic, occupancy rates in London are now close to exceeding the rest of the UK (66.9% compared to UK rates of 68.4% in May).”

“The continued growth in hotel occupancy in London means it is edging closer to overtaking the rest of the UK – suggesting the city is slowly getting its mojo back. In addition, with China coming out of lockdown and international travel expected to be back in full force during the summer months, this should improve occupancy even further and close the gap between pre-pandemic and future rates.

Revenue generated from the sale of food and beverage has not only recovered to pre-pandemic levels, but the gap in revenue generation between London (£50.31 per occupied room) and the rest of the UK (£41.97 per occupied room) has widened. However, occupancy rates have recovered at a slower rate than anticipated. This is partly due to lower international and business travel which is also impacting UK high streets. According to RSM UK’s analysis of data from Datscha, footfall is 48% lower than pre-pandemic levels, driven by London (down 68%), Newcastle (down 67%) and Glasgow (down 67%)*. Average daily rates (ADR) of occupied rooms in UK hotels increased from £123.30 in April to £135.50 in May, surpassing pre-pandemic rates of £119.50 in 2019. Revenue per available room jumped from £77.30 in

A Summer of Sport

Whether it’s organising sweepstakes, setting up the big screen, or stocking up on extra drinks for the bar, preparing your venue for a summer of sport is no doubt well underway. From writing up your specials boards to working out your rotas, you have probably already thought about most things, but have you also thought about making sure you are correctly licensed to show each event – including the music used as part of the broadcasts? It can be a little confusing, which is why have put together a quick guide to help you stay ahead of the game this summer.

a TV licence will be required to show sports to your customers. However, tv programming uses more music than people often realise, such as in the opening and closing titles, highlights and featured sequences, as well as the advertisements during commercial breaks. You’ll therefore usu-

‘The hotel sector is currently facing a number of headwinds in the form of inflationary pres sures, the cost of living crisis and consumer confidence reaching another all-time low in May. As a result, recovery will undoubtably feel like an uphill battle for hoteliers. ‘However, rather than succumbing to the various economic pressures, many hotels are benefiting from the return of corporate hospitality and are becoming more inventive by exploiting other revenue streams such as food and beverage.

ally need TheMusicLicence from PPL PRS Ltd if you’re using the television for showing sports and other programming in public. A TV licence allows you to receive the broadcast signal to the television within your business. However, it does not give you permission to play or perform the music within the broadcast. Under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, permission is needed from the relevant copyright holders – those people who create music – in order to play or perform music in public. TheMusicLicence gives you that permission, for virtually all commercially released music available. So, this summer, make sure you are correctly licensed to entertain and immerse your customers, from the qualifiers to the closing ceremonies. For more information on the benefits of music and TheMusicLicence contact us today on 0800 0868 803 |

Article Correction/Apology on Behalf of Placed App In an article dated 29th April 2022 entitled 'Hospitality's Soft Power Is Key To Weathering Endemic Labour Shortage' written and supplied as a guest article by Ms. Jennifer Johansson, founder and CEO of Place App, which appeared in the digital version of the Caterer, Hotelier and Licensee News, J D Wetherspoon Plc was named as an example of a company that had treated its employees badly. In a revised version of the article which appeared in the digital version of the publication on 9th May 2022, it was further inferred that J D Wetherspoon mistreated its staff in its response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The author Jennifer Johansson wanted to clarify that J D Wetherspoon, in this context, was included in both versions of the article only as an example of a company whose 'soft power' - rightly or wrongly - was, in her view, diminished in the wake of lockdown, following media claims that the company had informed its employees immediately after lockdown was announced in March 2020 that there may be some delay in payment of their wages thereby harming its reputation as a 'responsible' employer. The media claims that there was any intention to delay payment to its employees were and are still, strongly denied by J D Wetherspoon, whose employees were paid an time after the initial lockdown, and every week thereafter, during the pandemic. The author, Jennifer Johansson, accepts that the description of J D Wetherspoon as a company that treated its employees "badly" was incorrect and issued without explanation and the inference that the company had mistreated its staff in response to the Covid-19 pandemic was inaccurate. Ms. Johansson apologises to J D Wetherspoon for these statements.

KAM Releases Summer of Sport White Paper 18


Issue 116

Ahead of a major summer of sport, KAM and Sky have partnered to gain insight around the value of live sport to pubs; the opportunities available to them by showing it, and what pub goers are looking for when it comes to live sport in pubs. KAM’s The Summer of Sport 2022 White Paper which launched this week states that 76% of operators are looking forward to the upcoming summer of sport with 82% of them saying that a profitable summer trading is important to the future success of their pub. Two thirds of operators said that live sport on TV will have a direct influence on attracting customers to their venue, making them stay longer and spend more when they are there. Katy Moses, MD at KAM said: “There’s nothing quite like live sport when it comes to bringing people together. Whether your customers are hard core sports fans, follow an individual team or player, or just casually watch from time to time, watching live sport in a pub plays a key role in creating a great atmosphere and connecting people from all walks of life.” “Those pubs which can deliver on the atmosphere and the experience of live sport will be the ones which can realise the biggest opportunity which this summer promises. Driving both footfall, dwell time and spend (on both food and drinks) are all key ‘wins’ that pubs can benefit from, if they can get their offer right.” Encouragingly, the research suggests that consumers are going to deliver on operators’ expectations with two in three customers saying that live sport on TV will make them visit more and spend more in a pub this summer. And, of those operators asked, they expect an incremental increase of over £13 per head per customer on big sporting occasions. Natalie Coleshill from The Milford Arms in Isleworth said: “There is no doubt that sports drive a lot of our footfall – it gives people a reason to get out and go to the pub. Spend is much greater around sporting events for us, we also see dwell time increase as customers come

in earlier to ensure they get the best seats.” With live sport including Summer Rugby Internationals, Wimbledon, fast paced action in Formula 1, international cricket with every England home Test match, ODI and T20 from the men’s and women’s games, the 150th Open Championship and the return of domestic football at the end of July, there’s plenty of sporting content to deliver the excitement, glory and of course, the heartbreak that pub going sports fans are looking for. There’s also an opportunity for pubs to attract a new and diverse customer base with the Women’s Euros taking place at the start of July and the Commonwealth Games commencing at the end of July, creating even more of trading opportunity, especially for hospitality premises based in Birmingham. Damian Saunders, Managing Director of Sky Business said: “It’s clear from KAM’s research that 2022 is shaping up to be both a big summer for sport and the hospitality sector. Pubs, clubs and bars were sorely missed by customers during Covid and there is a real desire from customers to get out and support their local in 2022. “Sport can give people a reason to leave their homes and head to the pub. And it has the power to bring us together. “As we look ahead to the summer and beyond, it’s great to see there is an array of sport that will attract consumers from their homes and into licensed premises, so it’s about supercharging those moments and getting the most out of them to help to deliver a boost to the sector.” To read KAM’s The Summer of Sport 2022 White Paper, please go to Watch a video of what publicans and customers say about the upcoming summer of sport by going to

UK Nightclub Urges Businesses to Roll Out Menopause Policy The Night Owl, a Birmingham and London-based independent nightclub renowned for its soul and retro music, is urging businesses across the UK to join its pledge in tackling stigma and prejudice in the workplace surrounding the menopause.

While symptoms related to menopause vary greatly, they commonly include hot flushes, night sweats, anxiety, dizziness, fatigue, memory loss, depression, mood swings, panic attacks, insomnia, headaches, reduced concentration, and heavy periods.

Although there is no legal requirement to protect employees experiencing menopause symptoms*, The Night Owl is ensuring it provides an inclusive and supportive working environment for all staff members.

Colden continues: “Without these types of policies in place, businesses risk losing valuable employees whose maturity and experience are key to their teams and departments. They must act now.”

Patricia Colden, HR specialist from Burley Law who provides services for The Night Owl, said: “The menopause is a natural part of every woman’s life. It isn’t always an easy transition and can be a significant issue in the workplace for those affected. Each symptom has the potential to affect an employee’s comfort and performance at work. “We know that implementation of this policy is the right thing to do for The Night Owl’s current and future team members.”

The Night Owl opened its doors in 2015 and was the first-ever purpose-built Northern Soul and Motown club. It has venues in both Deritend, Birmingham and Finsbury Park, London. External support and help for individuals and managers regarding the menopause can be found at Menopause Matters (

Jude’s Ice Cream Reveal Their 2022 Impact Report & 20% Reduction In Carbon Intensity Jude’s, the British ice cream pioneers, is continuing to inspire radical change within the ice cream industry, through championing carbon cutting in a bid to help protect the planet for the next generation.

This process, and the lessons learned through it, is something that Jude’s shares within the report in a bid to inspire other companies in the industry to take action and challenge themselves to keep improving for the future too.

In December 2020, Judes became the first and only UK ice cream and desserts company to remove more carbon from the environment than it emits, and in the last year alone, they have reduced their carbon intensity by 20% - nearly half way to their 2030 target of a 43% reduction. This has been achieved through a combination of carbon reduction and carbon offsetting, following a detailed assessment of all aspects of the business, across everything from the ingredients in the supply chain to the end product on shelf, focusing in on all three scopes below:

Mike Berners-Lee, Advisor to Jude’s on Environmental Sustainability, comments: “Jude’s is a tremendous example of a business taking the kind of climate action that is needed. The growth of the plant-based range has been impressive, and cutting the footprint per litre of ice cream by 20% in just 12 months is a huge achievement. On top of that they have been carefully funding only top-quality land management schemes to remove carbon from the air. Most of all, in a world full of greenwash, Jude’s stand out as thoughtful and honest. “

Scope 1: Direct emissions from Jude’s operations Scope 2: Indirect emissions from the production of the energy Jude’s use Scope 3: Upstream emissions - indirect emissions from the supply chain associated with the production of Jude’s products. Over the last two years, Jude’s has continued to work closely with Small World Consulting and Professor Mike Berners-Lee, an independent world-leading expert in carbon footprinting, to revolutionise the way it sources, creates, processes and packs ice cream.

KP Snacks - Sport in Pubs & Bars With summer on the way, families are looking forward to sporting entertainment and activities. As the Official Team Partner of The Hundred – an action-packed 100 ball cricket competition – KP SNACKS is encouraging families to get active this summer and for pubs and bars to support the exciting tournament. In 2021, the tournament’s first year, The Hundred captured a broadcast audience of 16 million. This year's tournament, which will feature on Sky Sports and the BBC, looks to build on this success. The partnership features KP Snacks’ leading brands including popchips, Butterkist, POM-BEAR, Tyrrells, KP Nuts, Hula Hoops, McCoy’s, and Skips, across the team shirts of eight men’s and women’s teams competing in the

Chow Mezger, Managing Director, Jude’s Ice Cream comments: “Back in 2020 we committed to reduce our carbon intensity per litre of ice cream by 43% by 2030, so we’re thrilled to be nearly half way to meeting our 10-year target in only 2 years, with a 20% reduction in the last year alone. We have achieved this by comprehensively reviewing everything we do as a business and proactively identifying ways to reduce carbon, hand in hand with Small World Consulting. This is a great next step on our journey and there’s so much more still ahead of us. We will continue to champion this change across the industry and ultimately, we're committed to helping shape a better future for the next generation" fast paced tournament. Hula Hoops, McCoy’s and Tyrrells ranges feature engaging cricket-themed designs to further promote the partnership. From tasty nuts, perfect when paired with a cold beer, to premium crisps, KP Snacks has a popular and recognised portfolio to help bars drive sales. As the number one supplier of Bagged Snacks , the KP Snacks portfolio is perfectly placed to trade up drink only visits while customers enjoy a spot of televised cricket this summer. Watching sporting events whilst enjoying a drink and snack is the perfect opportunity for pubs and bars to drive sales and success. Familiar brands that are matched to your customer base are extremely important in driving snacks sales and the KP Snacks portfolio is extensive, offering something for everyone. See the advert on the facing page for more information or visit

Building a Hospitality Sector for the Future 20


Issue 116

By Antony Woodcock - Co-Founder and CEO - GIG (

Now over two years on from the start of the pandemic, the shockwaves across the economy are still being felt. With the further disruption caused by Brexit, international conflict and the impact of climate on food supplies, there continues to be a string of challenges to face for all industries.

Staff shortages have been one of these factors creating great difficulty for businesses - especially in hospitality. In particular, these shortages have left the sector struggling to get back on its feet after 2 years of closure, uncertainty and disruption, as the pandemic meant many workers were forced to look elsewhere for employment. But, almost a year down the line from the last national lockdown, the hospitality industry has discovered that a quick bounceback is not looking likely, and a ‘return to normal’ may not quite cut it. As a sector, we need to do more to attract the skilled staff that allows us to thrive. It might feel like adding insult to injury at a time like this to say that increasing your worker pool could be the solution - how might that be possible when it’s hard enough to fill positions as it is? The key here is flexibility. It’s no longer enough to expect people to fit around what works best for us, we have to offer positions that can attract a broader range of workers than we currently see in the industry. This can include parents or

those with caring responsibilities who need to fit work around the other aspects of their lives, or older workers looking for fewer hours. There are more willing workers out there, we just need to find ways to get them through our doors.

But for any of this to work, a more uncomfortable conversation must follow: pay. With the mass exodus of staff during lockdown to other areas such as warehousing, these are now the sectors we’re competing with. It’s no longer just enough to be offering better terms than the restaurant down the road, but hospitality must now compete with the pay, hours and flexibility on offer at some of the major logistics players like Amazon. With the rising cost of living, introducing additional costs from wage increases might seem difficult to justify. However, they are integral for ensuring the long-term future of hospitality. If we want to be an attractive prospect for fresh talent, we cannot continue hovering around minimum wage and expecting that to be enough to spark interest in hospitality as a career. Across the board, we need to look at the pay on offer for all staff, from entry-level to senior positions, and show we can offer fair prospects for all. We may need to absorb those costs in the short term, and that won’t be an easy option for all of us. But, for those that can, the long-term boost from an enthusiastic, committed and valued workforce will be vital. After all, current shortages are estimated to be costing the industry 21bn in lost sales according to the British Beer and Pub Association, UKHospitality and the British Institute of Innkeeping. This additional investment now will help stem the tides. Our reputation as an industry of low pay, long hours and unfulfilling work is an unfair representation of all the fantastic opportunities on offer, but it is our responsibility to challenge this narrative. We need a collective commitment to promoting our industry as a vibrant, diverse and meritocratic place to work and build a career, and one which values fair pay, flexibility and a commitment to providing opportunities for a broader talent pool.

Victors to be Included in New Top 100 Curry Restaurants Guide At a glittering gala dinner hosted by BBC news anchor Samantha Simonds, winners at this year’s Asian Restaurant Awards received some of the hospitality sector’s most prestigious accolades – uniquely open to the entire range of Asian cuisines. Addressing an audience of more than 500 of the country’s leading Asian restaurant owners, chefs and local dignitaries, awards organiser, Yawar Khan, Chairman of the Asian Catering Federation (ACF), spoke the industry’s need to: “Adapt and embrace change, or risk becoming just become another statistic, amid widespread restaurant closures, against ever-rising rising costs, with no Government plan to help alleviate the pain being felt through the hospitality sector.” Top national awards went to – Sushi Mami, Chester, Best Japanese; Golden Park, Chester, Best Chinese; Zen, Lytham St Annes, Best Thai; Sigriya, Hale, Best Sri Lankan, Babul’s, Barnard Castle, Innovative Restaurant of the Year; Chilli Tuk Tuk, London and Dilshad, Stakeford (joint winners; Just East Best Takeaway; Rassai, Altrincham and Kebabish Original, Blackburn (joint winners), Best Casual Restaurant; Delhi 6, Newcastle, Best Street Food, Vermilion Cinnabar, Manchester, Best Asian Fusion; Panda Mami, York, Best Buffet; Akbar, Bradford, Best Group; Spice Mafia, Manchester and Balchao, Altrincham, (joint winners), Best Newcomer, Xiang Yang Liu, Sushi Mami, Manchester and Shaz Rahuman, Blue Tiffin, Stoke (joint winners). Special recognition awards went to Shabhor Hussain, Akbar Group); Curry King; and Junior Rashid, Lala’s, Leeds, Young Entrepreneur. Babur in Brockley was named Best Asian Restaurant for London and Sapna Tandoori, Caenarfon won the

title for Wales. Speaking on behalf of the Awards' judges, restaurant consultant George Shaw admonished some of the previous winners for failing to take maximum advantage of their accolades: "I've seen some past winners double their turnover inside two months, after they celebrated their achievement with customers in style, securing coverage on local TV, radio and in newspapers, hitting their marketing database and social media followers and investing wisely in targeted advertising." Shaw recounted a recent conversation with a former client, a restaurateur he'd helped some years before with a couple of launches. The owner had called out of the blue asking if he was still alive and involved in the hospitality business, as he was about to complete a purchase on a struggling venue. The restaurant, located in a leafy south London suburb, with no immediate competition, was losing money and the owner was throwing in the towel. Shaw thought the name of the restaurant sounded familiar. In fact, it had received an award at November's Asian Curry Awards, also organised by the ACF. But on investigation it transpired that there was no local media coverage of its award in evidence. The restaurant had no social media presence. But worse, there was no mention of the awards on the establishment's own website. "Is it any wonder the restaurant was losing money?" Shaw asked the audience,” for many of whom marketing consists of turning the ‘Closed’ sign on their door to ‘Open’. The full list of regional winners can be viewed at

Food Waste Dryer Slashes Hospitality Food Waste Costs Hospitality costs are up all over the place with utilities, fuel, food, staff and product costs all contributing to the inflationary pressures. Two years of pandemic have hit everyone hard and getting sales back to normal has been a struggle. So where can you cut costs and increase profits without cutting service and putting off customers? One answer is in waste disposal and in particular food waste disposal. Waste contractors are paying more for fuel and are passing the cost on to customers like you. You can fight back by reducing the amount of food waste you dispose in general waste. Reduce the wheelie bins and your bills will go down. The Eco-Smart Food Waste Dryer is taking the country by storm, saving catering and hospitality owners around 80% in food waste disposal costs. Hotels, restaurants and hospitals have all taken advantage of the easy-to-use technology which has been in the UK for over ten years now. The concept is very simple: you load the food waste throughout the day and turn it on at night when it’s full.

The machine extracts the water from food waste, (typically about 80% of the weight) overnight, leaving a dry powder, only 20% of it’s former weight and volume. The dry powder can go into general waste but it is a fraction of the original wet food waste. Simple and effective. There are seven models from 20kg to 350kg daily capacity so even small premises can benefit from the technology as the smallest unit is about the size of a small fridge. It is a ‘plug and play’ solution: you just need a power socket and a nearby sink drain for the extracted water to drain off. “This really is the future of food waste disposal. The dry powder is collected for recycling so no food waste goes to landfill. Not to mention the substantial savings from disposal” said David Boyd from Eco-Smart. For more information and a brochure go to or call 01522 692888

New Research Reveals Alcohol Labelling Continues to Fail Consumers 22

CLH News

Issue 116

Health experts have warned that alcohol labelling continues to fail consumers, as new research reveals most alcohol packaging does not display health warnings, ingredients, calories, sugar content or nutritional information. The Alcohol Health Alliance UK (AHA) – a coalition of more than 60 organisations working together to end alcohol harm – is now calling for the Government to make it a legal requirement for alcohol companies to display nutritional information and health warnings on their products. In a new report, the AHA examined 369 alcohol products at locations across the UK to find out what information is available to consumers on alcohol labels.

Key findings: • Just 20% of the products examined provided the full list of ingredients • 41% of products stated calorie content • 6% of products displayed sugar content • 5% of products provided full nutritional information • 65% of products included the up-to-date CMO drinking guidelines • 3% of products included a general health warning In the UK, alcoholic drinks are only required to display the volume and strength (in ABV) and common allergens on labels. Information on nutritional values (including calories and sugar content), ingredients, or health warnings is not required and is therefore largely absent from labels. This contrasts with all other food and drink products which are required to provide information on nutritional values and ingredients. In May, the Government also made it a requirement for calories to be displayed

on most restaurant menus as part of its drive to reduce obesity. Alcoholic drinks were exempt from these requirements – despite alcohol accounting for nearly 10% of a drinker’s daily calorie intake. Professor Sir Ian Gilmore, Chair of the Alcohol Health Alliance, said: “Alcohol’s continued exemption to the rules and standards followed by the rest of the food and drinks industry is detrimental to our health. Alcohol is not only a risk factor for cancer but it’s fuelling obesity – with some alcoholic drinks containing more calories than a Mars bar[2] and others containing more than double your recommended daily sugar intake[3]. Given the choice, most alcohol producers are leaving this vital information off the labels, keeping consumers in the dark about what’s in the products they are drinking. “Those who profit from the sale of alcohol cannot be trusted to willingly provide product information. Legislation on alcohol labelling must ensure that consumers have the full picture of the contents and risk to health of the products they buy through Government making clear labelling on all alcohol products a legal requirement. This information can reduce alcohol harm by increasing knowledge of the health risks associated with alcohol and prompting behaviour change.” Dr Richard Piper, Chief Executive of Alcohol Change UK, said: “Alcohol increases our risk of 200 health conditions and, like obesity, is a major cause of diabetes, stroke, cancer and high blood pressure. Despite this, millions of us are completely unaware of the Government’s lowrisk drinking guidelines, making us unable to make informed choices about our drinking. “It is our right, as consumers, to have the low-risk drinking guidelines clearly shown on the labels of alcoholic drinks, along with nutritional information, including calories, ingredients, the units per serving, and the risks of consuming alcohol. This would support us all to make healthier choices about our drinking. The alcohol industry itself has proved utterly incapable of providing this information voluntarily. The Government must now step in and publish its planned consultation on alcohol labelling without further delay, and urgently act to place the regulation of alcohol labelling under democratic control.”

Bath Based Pub Operators Take on Greene King Pub Partners Site After £165,000 Investment The joint investment in The Old Crown between Greene King Pub Partners and Daniel and Simona has been used to completely revamp the pub both inside and out, including new bathroom facilities, lighting and updated accommodation. The Old Crown pub will serve an impressive range of beer and other drinks. It will serve Staropramen lager, Birra Moretti, Estrella Damn, Guinness, Neck Oil and a rotating range of three cask ales. The pub will also serve wine, cider, spirits, and non-alcoholic and soft drink options. As part of the revamp of the pub, a new kitchen is being installed. Once finished, Daniel and Simona plan to serve pizzas and other hot food at the pub. Commenting on their new pub, Daniel and Simona said:

Bath based pub operators Daniel and Simona Matica have taken on their second pub in the city – The Old Crown – following a £165,000 joint investment with Greene King Pub Partners. Daniel and Simona, a husband-and-wife team, have been operating pubs for 30 years and currently also run The Claremont on Claremont road in Bath.

“Thanks to Greene King Pub Partners, we have been able to take on our second pub in Bath and grow our local pub business. With the support of Greene King, the pub has been completely revamped inside and out. We cannot wait to welcome people to our new pub!” Wayne Shurvinton, Managing Director for Greene King Pub Partners, said: “Our joint investment in The Old Crown with Daniel and Simona has helped them to grow their local pub business in Bath. I wish them the very best success.”

Double Accolade For Southern Contracts

SOUTHERN Contracts is thrilled to receive not one, but two awards for their performance over the past year.

Electrolux Professional have announced Southern Contracts as their Laundry Partner of the Year 2021 which is awarded to the top selling Partner of commercial laundry appliances across last year. Southern Contracts have also been awarded Electrolux Professional’s Special Achievement Award for 2021. This is bestowed upon the company with the highest national sales of their food and laundry professional products.

Mark Rogers, Regional Business Manager for Electrolux Professional, added: “Electrolux Professional have dealt with Southern Contracts for over 30 years and during that time they have established themselves as always being one of our leading distributors. We have always found them to be a first class and professional partner. “I have worked with them personally for over 4 years and can always rely on them to provide the right solution and fantastic after-care for any customer, from a wide variety of sectors, across the Marine environment through to Care Homes, Hotels and Schools.

To have been given these two awards is quite amazing when the whole of the country was in lockdown during this period, with hospitality, care homes, schools, cruise ships and holiday venues all closed to the outside world.

“Due to their many years of experience, they have a wide breadth of knowledge covering both the laundry and catering environments and although they are a company that can deal in a global marketplace, they still give the first-class friendly care of a family run business for both their remote and local customers.”

Adam Elphinstone, MD of Southern Contracts, said: “We have a very long and special relationship with Electrolux Professional and are proud to work with their products for both provision, installation and servicing. As we continue to emerge from the last couple of years we look forward to an optimistic future and all our clients being able to fully open up their businesses in this bright new world ahead.”

For more information about products and services on offer, contact Southern Contract’s expert team of technical staff to provide guidance and advice through every aspect of your purchase and ongoing commitment to service, please telephone 01202 422100 or visit



Issue 116

Greene King Sets Out New Commitments to Help Jobseekers From Any Background Build a Career at Their Local Pub Greene King has launched a new report Untapping Potential: the role of pubs in levelling up skills, jobs and communities, highlighting the crucial role that pubs play in providing fulfilling careers in local communities. Greene King also makes a number of new commitments around recruiting and training people from any background to be able to have a successful career in their local pub. This builds on Greene King’s ongoing work to promote social mobility, which has included supporting over 15,000 apprentices since 2011 and 100 prison leavers through the company’s Releasing Potential programme. Launching at a reception in Parliament today attended by Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi MP and Chair of the Education Select Committee, Robert Halfon MP, the Untapping Potential report shows how pubs can deliver the Government’s Levelling Up agenda by providing the training and career development opportunities, and the sense of local pride that communities need to help them thrive after the pandemic. The report highlights the need to improve career opportunities in local communities across the UK. Three in five young people don’t believe there are enough promising job opportunities in their local area, despite 89% of the same group being interested in a job that would allow them to stay in their community. The report also found almost half of young people (48%) believe that hospitality only provides short term opportunities, not promising careers, highlighting a perception problem.

Greene King has announced a series of commitments to create even more local career opportunities and to help challenge these misconceptions, including: · Apprenticeships: adding 5,000 new apprentices across the 32 different types of apprenticeships currently available by 2025, building on the 15,000 individuals that have already completed the programme since 2011. · Releasing Potential: recruiting 300 more prison leavers by 2025 in partnership with the Ministry of Justice and opening the first Greene King prison training kitchen at HMP Thameside. Greene King has already supported 100 prison leavers into employment. · Chef Academy: launching a Chef Academy Programme this year, working with TV chef and presenter Joe Hurd to help train the next generation of leading chefs. · Supported Internships: providing 100 new internships to those with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) by 2025, adding to the 40 plus individuals the business has already supported in this programme since 2021. · The Prince’s Trust: delivering on the 2020 commitment to provide the support that 1,000 young people need to help them secure a job. Since 2016, the business has helped over 500 young people into work. Greene King will continue to build on its current programmes offering opportunities to people experiencing homelessness, veterans and refugees and providing work experience to young people across the UK. With pubs in communities right across the country, Greene King is in a unique position to create fulfilling careers to help everyone to meet their potential, no matter where they live or what their background. The report also urges government and the wider hospitality industry to continue to work together to enable the sector to provide skilled and fulfilling careers, and feed into the Levelling Up agenda. This includes calls to ensure that Government and the National Careers Service do more to promote hospitality as a skilled profession, empower businesses through reform of the Apprenticeship Levy, including ensuring consistency in apprenticeship programmes and enabling businesses to use any unspent levy funds more flexibly, remove barriers to employers recruiting prison leavers by introducing more standardised recruitment processes, and establish an inter-departmental working group with industry to identify opportunities to promote routes into hospitality

careers. Nick Mackenzie, CEO of Greene King, commented: “Pubs have always been about people, and I’ve witnessed the way a job in a pub can completely change a person’s life and become a lifelong, successful career. That’s why I’m proud that Greene King is making these commitments to provide people from all backgrounds access meaningful, rewarding careers in their local communities. Pubs have so much to offer both for those looking for careers and those in the local community. If we are to fully capitalise on this potential, government and wider industry must pull together to promote careers in hospitality and empower businesses to offer even more training and development opportunities.” Minister for Levelling Up, the Union and Constitution, Neil O’Brien MP commented: “Pubs are the lifeblood of our communities, providing a key hub for relaxing, socialising and working and Greene King’s report and commitments are an amazing example of levelling up in action. The 32 different apprenticeship options currently available will boost skills and encourage prosperity in communities. Our Levelling Up White Paper committed the government to rolling out Local Skills Improvement Plans, with funding, across England, giving local employer bodies and stakeholders a statutory role in planning the provision needed in their area. We will continue to work with the private sector and support projects like Greene King’s that bring opportunity to areas up and down the country, as we continue to honour our commitment to levelling up every corner of the UK while growing the economy to address the cost of living.” Robert Halfon, Member of Parliament for Harlow, Chair of the Education Select Committee stated: “As the Government pushes forward with its levelling up ambitions, I believe that apprenticeships have an essential role to play. Commitments from businesses, such as the additional 5,000 apprentices that Greene King has pledged to support by 2025, will be key to levelling up the country and I am proud to support the company’s Untapping Potential report and its aim to create greater opportunities for people from all backgrounds. I have always believed that apprenticeships provide an incredibly important ladder of opportunity and Greene King has helped many thousands of apprentices climb up that very ladder.”

Levy Invests in High-Performance Bars and Events Company Peppermint Levy UK + Ireland, the sports and hospitality caterer, has taken a 50% stake in multi-award winning bars and event solutions business, Peppermint. This follows a successful partnership over the past year which saw Peppermint bring unparalleled drinks-led expertise and support at venues across the Levy portfolio, including Tottenham Hotspur stadium, Cheltenham Racecourse, Villa Park, Aviva Stadium in Dublin and more. The success of this partnership is set to expand throughout the Levy estate in 2022 and beyond, targeting growth through existing and complementary sectors. The joint venture will see Peppermint continue to grow its core business in events and festivals, but with the added backing from Levy, who bring additional support in retail innovation, sustainability initiatives and access to Levy’s hospitality delivery businesses. Jon Davies Managing Director of Levy UK + Ireland said: “Levy is thrilled to invest in a business as passionate as us when it comes to improving and delivering the finest customer experience. The introduction came from AEG, our partners at the O2, who Peppermint also work alongside – a great example of how mutual partners and liked-minded businesses can work together. Our commitment to the consumer journey using leading edge technology and data insight matched with Peppermint’s award-winning capabilities will be a force to be reckoned with. “Partnering with one of the most innovative and reputable specialists across the UK’s hospitality industry

to provide our clients and their fans with the best when it comes to choice, quality and service is central to our strategy. We will go from strength to strength to deliver the very best drinks-led experiences across our sports and entertainment portfolio, as well as pursuing new commercial opportunities both in the UK’s vibrant festival and events scene and new complementary markets.” Alex Brooke, Co-Founder at Peppermint said: “This is an exciting new chapter in Peppermint’s history. The natural evolution of our business is to build on our work in Greenfield events into the sports sector and continue adding real value to our Levy partnership and the contracts and venues they operate. What’s more, coming together with Levy to further grow within the events and festival sector is an extremely powerful combination; enabling high volume, high quality and highly produced environments with the hospitality, catering and street food skills of Levy and its partner businesses.” Adam Hempenstall, also a Co-Founder at Peppermint added: “Working with the Levy team over the past year has been incredibly positive and we are excited to have found a partner that shares our values and passion to lead from the front when it comes to recognising and developing our people. We also share the urgency in delivering sustainability across our industry, with a shared goal for net zero by 2027, one of the most aggressive in our industry.”

Boutique Lifestyle First for Best Western The first Boutique Lifestyle branded hotel by Best Western will open its doors in Britain this week adding a new conversion and development segment to the Best Western portfolio. It follows a multi-million-pound refurbishment of an existing landmark building and now provides 87 rooms in the centre of Luton just 25 minutes by train to London. The Sadie Luton hotel – as it will be known – provides an artistic backdrop for travellers to relax in, with large, neon lit social spaces and contemporary new bedroom designs reflecting the locality of the area as well as the hallmarks of individuality and independence which have been part of Best Western’s brand story for over 80 years. Tim Rumney, CEO of BWH Hotel Group GB, said: “This is an exciting new segment for Best Western, a boutique lifestyle brand with conversion opportunities, which is attractive to investors and owners as well as guests who want a highly individual, photographable, and shareable backdrop to their stay. It is a great achievement by the whole team to bring this to market, but particularly Ali Mussani, director of

Centro Hotels Ltd, who bought into this new concept and has brought the hotel to life, despite the setbacks caused by the pandemic.” Mark Stanley, Head of Hotel Development & Member Services said: “The Sadie Luton hotel is the springboard for many more new build and conversion projects in the pipeline over the next few years, as BWH strengthens its presence in the Boutique Lifestyle sector. The appeal of nonprescriptive design, individuality with a strong localization is something we look forward to exploring more with developers and investors alike as we work towards our second opening in this segment in early 2023.” Ali Mussani, the hotel’s owner, added: “From the word go I was convinced with the potential of the new upscale brand from Best Western. I was hooked with the whole boutique concept, as I come from a high-end interior and design background. It was a difficult journey through the pandemic, suffering with the shortage of materials and labour, but the journey has been well worth it to end up with a fantastic product like we have. Hopefully, this hotel will be a case study and set a benchmark for future developers.”

Can UK Hotels Be A Lifeline For Travel Chaos Victims This Summer? Issue 116



By Richard Valtr, founder of Mews ( After two years of covid restrictions, travellers across the world had high hopes for their 2022 holidays, dubbed the period of revenge travel. But, instead of longed-for trips, it’s been an extraordinarily difficult season for the travel industry, and problems only continue to grow. Gatwick Airport has already forced airlines to cancel 4,000 flights this summer and for the third summer in a row, holidaymakers are being forced to think carefully about their travel plans.

THE TRAVEL SECTOR’S CRISIS Railway strikes, airport delays, flight cancellations, potential strike action by British Airways staff, and rising fuel prices are making holidays risky business for people desperate to get away. This uncertainty, coupled with an increased pressure on household finances, means that many will be second-guessing splurging on a trip abroad. As they did in 2020 and 2021, many may turn to staycations or short trips within the UK. Whilst disappointing for travellers banking on a holiday abroad, this does present a fresh opportunity for hotels to attract new guests.

TAKING THE STAYCATION TO THE HOTEL Whether it’s doing a staycation at home, or holidaymakers opting for a week on the UK coast, hotels can tap into these groups of people by providing them with reasons to visit. The easiest way to do this? Look at your additional bookable services. Hotels have plenty of facilities that can be booked by people who aren’t staying there, giving them that opportunity to feel like they’ve had a bit of luxury. Offering guest or day passes, kids clubs (where the hotel can offer babysitting services) and other subscription offers, which we have seen gaining traction.

Rather than just a one-time opportunity, this tactic can be used to drive repeat local custom. An affordable day pass could be a viable option for an individual or family looking for a weekend treat or a local day out. In addition, it might encourage people to use hotels as a venue whilst working from home. And while they may not require meeting rooms, co-working spaces or day-use rooms for a full week, using a hotel’s space as a getaway from a noisy house could be a strong revenue driver for suburban hotels. Our own data shows there has already been a 55% monthly increase in the number of guests booking additional services at hotels such as spa or co-working facilities between March and June 2022.

DO MORE WITH WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE Firstly, opening spaces in hotels for meetings or co-working facilities allows for extra revenue to be generated without hoteliers needing to expand their space. Secondly, offering unoccupied rooms as day-use ‘offices’ allows individual rooms to drive revenue for an entire day and night. With many people potentially stuck in the UK this summer, hotels could provide the perfect escape from regular life; be it a day’s work in a room to get away from children on school holidays, or a retreat to switch off from their day-to-day lives. The key is having the right technology in place that allows you to carve up different offerings within the hotel, such as being able to easily sell blocks of time or access to individual spaces.

THE LONG-TERM POTENTIAL FOR HOTELS This isn’t just for the summer. Hoteliers have an opportunity to capitalise on the ongoing shift away from office work in major cities and towns across the country. As companies begin to close or downsize office spaces, allowing for long-term remote and hybrid work, hotels can offer an affordable solution to these real estate challenges. Rather than businesses renting an office for employees to gather, they might consider flexible additional services at hotels to gather employees in both professional and social settings. We are at an inflection point for hospitality where new business models are emerging, and revenue streams are being created. Hoteliers must rethink the way they engage with guests through the products and services they provide beyond room nights in order to maximise the real estate they are operating. Key to this is new technology, which enables hoteliers to analyse a guest’s spend, allowing them to increasingly focus on providing the right services to make the best use of their space. With many people facing a summer of travel discontent across the UK, this could provide the escape they need.

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Hubbard Advice On Keeping Your Ice Machine Clean 26


Issue 116

As summer gets into high gear the ice experts at Hubbard Systems highlight the importance of keeping your ice machine safe and hygienic with a schedule of regular preventative maintenance. Ice machines continually process water, which means they are at risk of becoming contaminated if not cleaned and maintained. High quality ice machines like the range from Scotsman include design features that help to keep them operating at peak efficiency. However, it is vital to institute a schedule of maintenance and cleaning on a daily, weekly and monthly basis as well as regular visits from trained service engineers. Ensuring staff are trained in how to use and maintain your ice machine is the foundation of maintaining ice hygiene. Regular training and refresher sessions should be scheduled to make sure staff knowledge remains fresh.

ICE MACHINE MAINTENANCE TIPS · The ice storage bin should be fully emptied and cleaned every couple of months. This will ensure that ice is kept in perfect condition until needed.. · The water filter cartridge should be replaced at least once a year, although depending on local water quality and usage levels this might need to be more frequent. · After cleaning either the storage bin or changing the filter, the fresh water system should be flushed through before use to remove any residual contaminants. · While a good quality water filter will dramatically reduce the build up of scale on the evaporator, if you have very hard water it may still occur. Removing scale from the evaporator will keep the ice being made as pure as possible. This is usually a job for the service engineer. · Check the evaporator for build up at the same time as you clean the storage bin. Ice with scale can look milky or cloudy. · The air filters can often be overlooked in maintenance schedules, but should be cleaned regularly to guarantee the machine’s cooling capacity is working at optimum efficiency.

ICE HANDLING TIPS · Correct handling technique is vital so ice reaches customers in peak hygienic condition. Make sure ice never gets touched with bare hands and is only removed with a scoop.

· The scoop itself should be only stored in a tub of sanitiser between uses, not left on top of the machine or in the ice storage bin. · As well as this they should ensure that it is never contaminated by foreign bodies like bottle tops or labels. If glass enters the storage bin it’s vital that it is emptied and cleaned thoroughly.

LOOKING AFTER ULTRAVIOLET SANITISING SYSTEMS Ultraviolet sanitation systems have become increasingly common in ice machines since the pandemic. They provide an extra level of security by using the natural power of UV light to destroy viruses and bacteria, preventing the growth of mould, mildew, slime, and stopping odours The XSafe system is one of the key safety features fitted as standard on the Scotsman range of ice machines. Unlike many other UV systems it is capable of working throughout the machine, even in a storage bin filled with ice. Over time the effectiveness of the UV lightbulb reduces, and as the XSafe system runs constantly Hubbard Systems recommends getting it changed every 12 months. This will ensure the bulb and the XSafe system is always working at its full potential. Arranging for a qualified engineer to regularly service your ice machine can take a lot of the guesswork out of these regular maintenance tasks. The dealer or retailer who supplied the machine should be able to help, either by providing service themselves or by recommending a third party. If in doubt, Hubbard System’s sister company HTG Service can provide service for the full Scotsman range and most popular makes of ice machine. For specialist advice on looking after your ice machine, contact the ice experts at Hubbard Systems on 01473 350000. There are also a variety of specialist cleaning and maintenance guides which can be found in the downloads section at Hubbard Systems is the UK distributor for the market-leading Scotsman range of icemakers and the Friulinox range of refrigeration products, which are available via dealers nationwide. Hubbard Systems is part of HTG Trading Ltd. For more information and details of local stockists, call Hubbard Systems on 01473 350045, email or visit

The Average Price of a Hot Coffee Increases +3.5% from February to May According to data from Lumina Intelligence’s Menu Tracker, the average price of a hot coffee across the UK eating and drinking out market in May was £2.88, versus £2.78 in February. An increase of +3.5%.

average, £3.32 – an increase of +3.5% versus February 2022.

QSR SEES THE BIGGEST PRICE INCREASE The price of a hot coffee within quick service restaurants increased by +5.0% between February and May, from £2.26 to £2.37. Despite the steepest increase, the QSR channel is still the cheapest for hot coffee. Pubs and bars are the most expensive channel for hot coffee, charging on average £3.24 – an increase of +4.4% versus February 2022.

GREGGS THE CHEAPEST FOR COFFEE IN THE COFFEE/SANDWICH OPERATOR SEGMENT The average price of a hot coffee at Greggs in May 2022 was £1.90, an increase of +5.0% versus February 2022. In contrast, Creams Café had the highest average price for a hot coffee – £3.34. This is an increase of +29% versus February 2022. Notably, the average price of a hot coffee at Starbucks decreased over the same period – -0.8% to £3.13.

Commenting on the findings, Senior Insight Manager at Lumina Intelligence, Katherine Prowse, said:


“Amid decade high inflation, operators, manufacturers and consumers are facing significant challenges. To mitigate rising costs, operators are going to need to increase prices across the board and this is likely to be just the start, as inflation is forecast to increase. Operators still need to be mindful of consumer behaviour and strike the right balance between cost increases and offering good value.”

The average price of a Latte in coffee and sandwich shops in May 2022 was £3.05, which is a -3.0% decrease versus February 2022. In contrast, the most expensive type of coffee is a Mocha, which costs, on

Find out more about Lumina Intelligence’s Menu Tracker by going to

ELIS Provides Sustainable Alternative For Workwear, Linen and Laundry With businesses looking for ways to improve their sustainability, catering workwear, linen and laundry services provider, Elis UK, explains how its circular economy approach can help. Elis was the first company in its sector to announce its target of net zero emissions by 2045 and is one of only twelve companies selected to join the NHS Net Zero International Leadership Group. It uses a circular economy model to provide its customers with a more sustainable solution. Elis supplies workwear and linen on a rental basis, collecting used items and delivering laundered garments and linen on a schedule to meet the needs of the customer. In its circular economy approach, customers’ items are maintained, repaired, reused and redeployed in order to optimise their lifespan. Elis’s expertise and processes in its highly efficient industrial laundries help to minimize water, energy and cleaning product consumption to reduce the impact on the environment. The use of workwear maintained by Elis, rather than at home or using a traditional laundry, reduces CO2 emissions by up to 37% and water consumption by 48% (Source: EY). Based on the circular economy, Elis’s services increasingly enable customers to reduce their emissions.

Comments Elis UK marketing and customer experience manager, Paul Swift: “The circular economy is specifically designed to eliminate waste and pollution, circulating and sharing products and materials and regenerating nature. The Elis circular economy model, primarily through reducing the consumption of natural resources and keeping products in use, is a sustainable solution that addresses environmental issues. In 2021, the Group’s CO2 emissions per kg of delivered, laundered textiles were 19% lower than in 2010, which is testament to the efforts made over many years. Our mission is to make our customers’ lives easier and contribute to their success through a sustainable, responsible process.” As part of its commitment to net zero carbon emissions, Elis is undertaking a number of major initiatives, which will help to ensure that its customers receive services that leave an ever-smaller environmental footprint. These include continuing to improve the energy efficiency in its operations; constantly improving the vehicle fleet and delivery routes; optimising the product lifespan, optimising the choice of materials and expanding reuse and recycling of textiles. In three years, Elis UK has already reduced its CO2 emissions by 33% and its consumption of water per kilo of laundered linen by 23%. Elis UK has been certified over many years by the Carbon Trust for reductions in CO2 emissions and water usage.” For further information see or call free on 0808 1698265.

Chef's Buyer's Guide

Issue 116


Fylde Fresh and Fabulous Based in the heart of the Fylde countryside Fylde Fresh and Fabulous Ltd are a wellestablished family run business with over 30 years of history growing and processing potatoes. We are passionate about what we do. We grow, harvest, store, process and deliver fresh chips and potato products under the Triple F brand to customers the length and breadth of the country. We operate 24 hours a day 365 days a year. We are BRC AA accredited and Red Tractor approved, making us a reliable supplier to the foodservice industry.

POWERED BY POTATOES Fylde Fresh are committed to supporting the environment. We have our very own anaerobic digester which is uses all of the peelings generated from the potato process. This produces biogas which powers the site and the local community and produces a fertilizer for growing next years spuds.

Whitby Seafoods Founded back in 1985 by Graham Whittle, Whitby Seafoods are a buccaneering, privately owned, family business based in Whitby - a real place with a rich history as a fishing port. Graham founded the business with a quest to create ‘proper’ Scampi, using Langoustine tails responsibly sourced from the waters around the British Isles. This ‘quest for the best’ ethos remains, and we continue to be obsessed with top-notch seafood and remain market leaders in quality. We are the beacon brand for scampi and are the UK’s largest buyer and manufacturer of scampi. Simply put, we sell more scampi than anyone else anywhere else, with a whopping 1 million portions of Whitby Scampi being eaten by discerning seafood lovers each week! Being experts in what we do has enabled us to remain as the number 1 brand in foodservice since the company began. Whitby Scampi has become a famous

WHAT WE OFFER We provide national coverage, delivering our fresh potato products direct to your door via a network of distributors across the UK. We offer a number of fresh potato products from fresh chips to whole peel and quarter cuts. Our chilled products take all the hassle out of food preparation. Products can be delivered fresh daily. There’s no waste, prep time, labour cost or mess. All you need is chilled space. We aim to take the stress out of potato preparation. Why not contact us today for a free sample. Just email and one of our sales team will be in touch directly to deal with your enquiry. FFF chips are now available to buy online from our website We are offering all Caterer Licensee readers a 10% discount off their first order. Simply quote discount code CLM22 on the website to take advantage of this offer. dish in pubs and restaurants throughout the land, gracing the very best menus as a signifier of discernment. To bring a touch of the seaside to your establishment, we offer free point of sale items including greaseproof, napkins and swingboards available with the purchase of our flagship Whitby Scampi. Not only is our point of sale wonderfully eye catching, but it’s also a signifier of quality to those looking for something delicious to eat. Our point of sale has been a firm favourite with many of our customers over the last 10 years. Here is what some have had to say: “Whitby branded POS where I am does work- I’m based opposite 1500 caravans so when it’s nice and they are sitting outside with the branded serving items it really does make a difference” “Having Whitby POS has helped promote our scampi sales dramatically. Presentation is key to encourage return business and for positive reviews with images too. The Whitby Scampi POS products help us achieve this.” If you want to hook into our point of sale, call 01947 606101 or email with proof of purchase to claim.

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Chef's Buyer's Guide

Issue 116

Macduff - Wild About Shellfish Macduff’s wild-caught Hebridean Langoustines come from the pristine, rich waters of the Outer Hebrides, off the west coast of Scotland, where the warm flowing Gulf Stream meets the cool currents of the Arctic and Greenland Sea. Here, fishing boats depart for short one- to two day trips, ensuring only the freshest langoustines are landed. At the factory, langoustines are washed, size graded and carefully hand-packed. This state-of-the-art facility is equipped with an Advantec freezer, a high velocity air freezing

technology that allows the rapid and efficient freezing of langoustines within 25 minutes or less, locking in freshness. They are then hand-packed by our dedicated team, resulting in rich, vibrant-orange langoustines with a firm texture and uniquely sweet delicate flavour. Popular amongst chefs in fine dining restaurants, Macduff’s West Coast Hebridean Langoustines are a true shellfish delicacy. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT THE MACDUFF OFFICE NEAREST YOU: Mintlaw Sales Office: +44 (0) 1771 624000, Windsor Sales Office: +44 (0) 1753 858 188,

10 Years of Foodie Flavours

The Club – Food Procurement Made Simple create supply chains that work for you, reducing offgrid purchases, optimising your quality and commercial control.

for Vegans & Vegetarians, Glutenfree, Dairy-free, Egg-free, no added sugar and made in the UK.

They set out to bring professional, manufacturing grade natural flavourings to the home and small business market. Ten years on and Foodie Flavours have established their brand bringing high strength flavourings to serious foodies and small businesses across the UK and beyond.

Taste and aroma are the senses that define and help us recognize the things we love to eat and drink. Foodie Flavours’ professional quality natural flavourings are crafted by experienced flavourists using quality materials sourced from around the world. Consistent taste profiles are a must for food & drink producers and Foodie Flavours products are all manufactured to strict GFSI compliant quality standards. As well as ever popular Raspberry, Vanilla, Caramel and Orange - their extensive range includes a wonderful Rhubarb, Sweet Hazelnut & Chocolate, Passion Fruit, Ginger, Cinnamon, Chilli and many more. All are natural flavourings or extracts, suitable

Loved by Chef’s as great ‘kickers’ for their mouth-watering recipes. Valued by hospitality for their low cost in use and consistent flavour profiles. With sizes available to buy online in 15ml, 200ml, and 1 litre or more Foodie Flavours give a very flexible advantage to customers. Quick delivery from stock as well as samples and made-to-order flavours round out the service from this innovative company.

Insight – Our insights and the wealth of data at our disposal help you make the right decisions for your business.

What is The Club? We created The Club as an easy-to use procurement tool to deliver sustainable supply chain savings to a wide variety of businesses who buy food and drink. The Club champions cost reduction, optimises quality and service levels, and simplifies processes to effectively manage your organisation’s developing needs. Think of us as part of your team, without the cost, working in harmony with your business and helping it grow.

Foodie Flavours has built a reputation for quality, strength and friendly advice. Their flavourings are used in cooking, baking, confectionary, desserts, chocolate, fudge, ice cream, cocktails, beers, ciders, spirits, soft drinks, snack bars and much more.

What are the benefits?

Check out their website at not only for great natural flavourings, but also some great recipes and guides on how to use flavours.

Saves Time – We are always working in the background - so you don’t have to - ensuring you don’t overpay for your items.

Lower Costs – Rapidly accessed savings that drive benefit straight to your bottom line. Professionally negotiated and carefully managed, our team puts you ahead of the market.

Supply Chain Control – We work with you, to

Resources - Access to a team of procurement experts and a dedicated commercial manager to keep you up to date with the marketplace, review dashboards and supplier performance. Flexibility – You are unique, constantly growing and evolving. Regular reviews ensure the solutions in place are appropriate, for now and for the future. Tech – Powerful, efficient online ordering and reporting system, that can be accessed anywhere through your desktop, phone or tablet powered by Fourth. No Cash Outlay – We collect our fixed fee directly from suppliers, so you always know exactly what we earn. Peace of Mind – First class supply chains take time and expertise. Our team of procurement specialists have been creating sustainable supply chains that deliver savings and add value since 1998. Visit or see the advert below.

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Coffee and Hot Beverages

Issue 116



Capitalising on the Growing Coffee Trend With demand for coffee in the UK continuing to grow, the ability to offer a quality coffee product can set a pub/bar or restaurant apart from the rest. Coffee has long been part of the social scene in the UK. According to Project Café UK 2021, the branded coffee shop sector was worth £3.06bn in revenue last year, with 9,159 outlets in operation. That means each outlet made more than £327,000, despite the impact of Coronavirus. In 2019, the figure was more than £390,000. What used to be mainly an after-dinner drink is now something to be enjoyed any time of day and as a social event – “let’s meet for coffee”. So, post pandemic it’s more important than ever to capitalise on this growing market. The good news is that both coffee and tea continue to see an increase in demand within the pub/bar and restaurant sector, with the Tetley Tea Report revealing that coffee is the third most popular drink in pubs, with tea coming in at sixth. The report’s findings highlight how coffee and tea have both seen an increase in consumption, largely as a result of breakfast becoming a more critical part of a pub’s offering. Pubco Wetherspoon has long since embraced this market, offering a broad breakfast menu, and pre-pandemic were selling upwards of 50 million hot beverages a year. As the landscape of British pubs and beer has seen a dramatic change, pubs have looked for and found innovative ways to ensure the market remains current and attractive to consumers, and by opening earlier in the morning pubs have reinvented themselves slightly, giving them more of a coffee shop atmosphere. Britain’s increasingly mobile workforce are often looking for a place outside the home/office to get some work done and setting up in a pub with WiFi can be an enticing idea for some. Pubs should see this growing demand as an oppor-

tunity to take advantage of a product that will bring in customers at times of the day that traditionally see low demand for alcoholic beverages. The opportunity to offer coffee in the morning and at lunchtime, combined with the low cost of production means that pubs can make the most of a product that should fit perfectly in their environment.

STANDING OUT Selling coffee successfully in a pub environment is only going to be possible if you take the option seriously, and that means well-trained staff, a visually appealing machines, and high-quality coffee. It means taking pride in your product and creating the right ambience. What coffee shops may have, which pubs often lack, is a bright, light-filled interior. However, with more pubs introducing comfortable seating and with many having the benefit of attractive gardens and outside seating, there are clearly ways of promoting any pub as a daytime coffee bar.

DIVERSE TASTES Pubs and bars do, however, face continuing challenges when it comes to the diverse tastes of consumers. They now need to cater to the ever-changing alcohol market, as well as those seeking out venues where they have a greater choice of non-alcoholic beverages. It is key for owners to meet consumer demand head-on, as failing to do so will see younger generations turn their back on them. It is important to constantly assess the market and understand the changing tastes of consumers. While it is difficult to know what the next five years will hold, the statistics indicate that the out-of-home hot beverage market remains growing one. With consumers’ growing desire to stay fit and healthy, the trend only looks set to gather pace. Ultimately, operators in the hospitality sector that can gauge rising consumer interest and subsequently cater for it will have the best chance of success.


Cleaning and Hygiene

Mechline’s 5 Star FOGS Solution at The Landmark “Obviously the most important thing for us is that any FOGS system is compliant with regulations, meets industry standards and ensures we maintain the highest possible hygiene levels. We were also looking for something with a proven track record, that is efficient, cost-effective, long lasting and odour free! We were clear that any FOGS solution must also be easy to maintain and require minimal input from staff. After the design team reviewed available options, they agreed to proceed with Mechline’s proposed FOGS system which consisted of BioCeptor, GreasePak and Food Waste Strainers.”

The five-star Landmark Hotel opened its doors in 1899 and for the last 123 years has provided an oasis of luxury in central London - welcoming guests into their iconic Winter Garden, an eight-story courtyard covered by a glass roof. The Winter Garden Restaurant is just one of many dining areas in the Landmark which includes The Mirror Bar, Great Central Bar, Garden Terrace, plus private dining in the Empire Room, Grand Ballroom and Tower Suite – all of which are served by the main kitchen and its 62 strong brigade. Following a six-month refurbishment programme, the Landmark recently reopened its kitchen after a complete transformation of the layout, operations, facilities and equipment. The refurbishment was led by Executive Chef, Gary Klaner who worked closely with project managers Berkeley Projects. Gary’s objective was simple – a new kitchen with quality equipment to optimise efficiency, so his brigade could continue to achieve the exemplary culinary standards The Landmark is renowned for. A key consideration for Gary was the installation of a complete system to manage the Fats, Oils, Grease and Starches (FOGS) - a natural by-product of the foodservice industry which is strictly regulated. Gary shared what his priorities were when reviewing various FOGS management options:

Mechline’s BioCeptor system combines the power of GreasePak’s BBA approved, biological treatment solution and its naturally occurring, nonpathogenic bacteria, with the FOG Intercept and Treatment unit (F.I.T). The result is that drains are kept clear and free-flowing as FOGS are permanently degraded into smaller compounds so they cannot reform or solidify – providing the level of FOGS management performance Gary required. In addition, Mechline’s easy-to-use Food Waste Strainer, with its innovative basket design, helps to prevent food waste sediment getting into drains in the first place - and when used with the BioCeptor system can prolong intervals between servicing in comparison to a standalone grease trap. Oliver Tuff, Project Director at Berkeley Projects, commented: “After the complexity of striping out the existing facilities and the installation of a completely new kitchen Mechline’s products were very

easy to fit and the products themselves are very flexible. For example, the BioCeptors have universal fittings, which makes plumbing incredibly simple. There are no electrics to consider, which makes connection and placement much easier. After the products were installed the Mechline’s service team were a great help with the commissioning and helping with staff training programmes. In terms of costs, the systems represented great value to the client.” Six months on, Gary Klaner has been delighted with the decision to use Mechline’s products in their new kitchen as he explains: “The greatest compliment is that we don’t really have to be involved in any day-to-day process. The Mechline FOGS systems are in, working, and being well maintained. Our involvement is absolutely minimal. They’re discreet and just work efficiently in the background. I can’t praise Mechline’s service team enough; they were very attentive and had great engagement with the onsite team. It’s great to just have an odour free kitchen and clear drains!” Oliver concluded, “We’ve had great feedback from the team around Mechline’s whole end-toend service. We already recommend Mechline FOGS solutions with every confidence and will continue to do so with future clients.” Mechline’s experienced team are available to advise on the best solution to suit your requirements and can be contacted on 01908 261511 or via email on See the advert on page 33 for details.



Issue 116

Cleaning and Hygiene

Hospital-Grade Air Purification Made Portable

Rensair is a specialist in portable air purification, protecting and enhancing lives through clean air. Our patented technology, which combines H13 HEPA filtration with germicidal UVC light, was originally developed to meet the strict standards of Scandinavian hospitals and is now trusted across all sectors. It is independently validated by scientific research laboratories, including Eurofins, Norconsult, and Oslo University Hospital. Rensair air purification units destroy a minimum of 99.97% of airborne viruses, including coronavirus, and meet all the standards recommended by the UK SAGE committee. A powerful fan ensures effective air circulation, cleaning up to 560m3 of air per hour. In a test to determine Rensair’s performance in reducing the concentration of MS2 bioaerosols as a proxy for SARS-CoV-2, a particle reduction rate of 99.99% was recorded in 30 minutes (Danish Technological Institute, March 2021). We collaborate with clients to develop the optimum

indoor air quality for meeting building requirements, as well as government recommendations for mitigating the risks of Covid transmission. We take into account floor plans, existing HVAC systems, occupancy rates and noise tolerance, before recommending a tailor-made solution based on our portable, modular units. Rensair has been included in Newsweek’s list of Best Infection Prevention Products 2021. To make the list, a selection committee evaluated the product against several criteria: effectiveness; safety; successful real-world implementation; the quality of research studies demonstrating the product's effectiveness; and the stability of the company (to support future implementations). Rensair’s mission is to provide clean air for every space and to help the hospitality industry get back on its feet after the pandemic. +44 (0)20 3973 8927

Eliminate Odours and Sanitise Rooms

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15 minutes is all it takes to remove bacteria, viruses and unpleasant odours from indoor rooms and spaces. Don’t just mask bad smells, permanently eliminate them with the MAG Room Sanitiser. It’s safe, it’s sustainable, it requires no chemicals, plus it’s quicker and 3,000 times more effective than other cleaning methods. Hygienic indoor air quality is seen as an essential part of every business and we all have a responsibility to look after our staff, visitors, guests and clients. Monkeypox, Covid-19 and other airborne viruses will continue to come and go so regular air purification is important as nobody knows what the future holds. As well as sanitising the air and surfaces in a room, MAG’s sanitising machine guarantees to remove odours however strong including smoke, cooking, alcohol, body odour and incontinence. It’s used by care homes, hotels, pubs, restaurants and thousands of businesses in the UK and across the world. How does it work? Ozone is safely created and

destructed within your preferred time frame. Simply wheel the ozone generator into the room that needs sanitising, plug in the machine, start the cycle, leave the room and when you re-enter you will be pleasantly surprised by the extra fresh fragrance. It’s very simple, completely safe and free product demonstrations are available across the UK. Ask about our 5 star feedback and testimonials. Andrew Morgan, Managing Director of Morgan Care shares “Great sales experience with a pre-order demo and very efficient order & delivery service. Would have no hesitation in recommending MAG Ozone”. For more information contact MAG Ozone Ltd on 01353 883025 or Did you know the MAG Group also provides commercial washing machines and tumble dryers? Find out more at Visit product/ozone-sanitation/mag-ozone-generator

Hospitality Technology How To Identify Your Competitive Advantage to Attract and Retain Talent 36


Issue 116

offer career progression opportunities like on-the-job training and the chance for a promotion. The good news is that jobs in the service sector generally allow you to build a culture easier than other sectors as it is more people-focused, which requires great communication, customer service and teamworking skills.

The top talent isn’t hard to find when it looks for you first. Talent attraction and retention are highly linked. By making yourself an employerof-choice, you not only best the talent who produce the best results, but they also stay on for longer. In a competitive hiring environment, the way to attract great talent is by providing a strong organizational culture with opportunities for people to grow. But this needs to be unique and stand out from the thousands of other companies all doing the same. Here’s how you find your competitive advantage:


SION AND VALUES Your company’s mission and values really are at the core of its success. The strongest workplaces consist of like-minded people who feel motivated and driven. One of the biggest reasons a candidate underperforms or quits a job is due to not feeling connected to the company’s aspirations. So make sure these are clearly defined and resonate across your whole organisation, and are communicated to candidates throughout the recruitment process. They then have an easier time assessing their fit from the outset. Thus, building your employer brand with the ideal candidate in mind can drastically reduce your hiring costs.

BUILD AN EMPLOYEE-FOCUSED CULTURE Companies that attract and retain the best employees are those who think in terms of what their employees want and need. For example, employees value a healthy work-life balance and appreciate it when you

Start by building a candidate persona. The first step to finding the right candidate is understanding who they are. Candidate personas are a semifictitious profile of your ideal candidate. Build your persona with help from your employees by getting them involved with the process. This will not only help you market your brand easier to attract the best talent, but will help your HR team have a clearer understanding of who’s not suitable.

DO YOUR RESEARCH AND BE OPEN TO NEW WAYS OF THINKING The key thing to remember is the return of investment to your recruitment efforts. So invest money into an in-house recruiter or brand team, or ensure you’re spending continuous effort each month to research and strengthen your employer brand – and you’ll see drastic results in no time. Thankfully, the team over at Placed knows recruitment inside out. You can speak to the team in person at RecFest on 7th July where founder and CEO Jennifer Johansson will give a session with more on these top tips. You can also speak to the team sooner by booking a demo at

How Label Printers Keep Food Safety Standards High and Compliant expiry dates quickly and accurately, using thermal print technology without the need for inks or toners. Aaron Hopkinson, product and solutions manager for labelling at Brother UK, explains how technology is helping Portable label printers like the ones offered in Brother’s TD line of printers offer hyper-fast connectivity caterers and hospitality businesses to keep food safety stan- through a wireless platform without any extra clutter around the machine - perfect for food prep environments. dards high, while allowing kitchens to comply with new legMore kitchens are adopting labelling technology like our TD range following the introduction of Natasha’s Law. islation. But it’s true that they have a broader role to play in food safety. In October of 2021, the UK government changed the law surrounding how food allergens need to be labelled in certain instances for customers, meaning many caterers have had to adapt the way they do business. Natasha’s Law requires that pre-packaged for direct sale (PPDS) food be clearly labelled with information on all potential allergens present and made to stand out so a customer can tell at a glance what they’re about to eat. Businesses that fail to comply risk a £5,000 fine, alongside the reputational damage that a serious allergen incident could create. Brother has delivered tailored solutions for the food service and hospitality sectors for many years. Our label printers make it easy to create labels for compliant allergen content, ingredients, barcodes, branding, pricing and

In research we conducted in 2020, around 90% of businesses were still handwriting 'day-dot' labels as part of their stock rotation. This involves manually recording open dates and discard dates on colour-coded labels, with each colour denoting a day of the week to signal when it must be used by. It’s a process prone to human error, where an efficient labelling solution can reduce the likeliness of mistakes involved with monitoring food and keeping consumers safe. We’ve partnered with Nutritics, providing third party software to enhance user interfaces, making use of Nutritics database of more than 750,000 ingredients to manage recipe and menu information – helping staff to easily manage stock rotation and day-dot labelling. Learn more about how labelling technology can be used to boost food safety standards here:

Hospitality’s ‘Soft Power’ Is Key To Weathering Endemic Labour Shortage By Jennifer Johansson, founder and CEO of Placed App ( Another week, another story about the grim outlook for the hospitality sector, beleaguered by labour shortages and restaurant closures. Last month, Westminster City Council announced a £1m scheme to drive recruitment within London’s hospitality and tourism sectors. But are interventions like this substantial enough to address the engrained issues that lie at the heart of hospitality’s recruitment woes? Covid has seen hospitality businesses struggle more than twice as much as other industries to fill vacancies (ONS, 2021). This is, in part, exacerbated by Brexit but also as a result of negative perceptions regarding jobs in hospitality. Hybrid working, now widely the norm, is giving people an alternative to the hard slog of shift work demanded by industries such as hospitality and care work. With mental health issues being a particular feature of the pandemic, people desire employment that fosters better work-life balance, more flexibility and more well-being benefits from their employer. Consumers are being choosier in who they shop and work with – particularly in light of how badly some corporations have treated their customers or staff at times of great adversity. Candidates want to work for a socially responsible and caring employer. It is the strength of this ’soft power’ that will determine how well and effectively businesses can attract talent in these turbulent times. I’ve worked in the hospitality sector since I was 14 and I’ve always been curious about the industry’s UK’s recruitment problem. It’s a vibrant, sociable, exciting and creative industry in which to work if

you’re a people person. In my native Sweden, if a graduate has ambitions to build a career in hospitality, no one challenges, belittles or judges this desire. They’re not considered to be over-qualified and the sector is not perceived as an unattractive one in which to enter. When it comes to growing professionally in nearly all sectors, one always starts off at the bottom and progression occurs with hard work and experience. Hospitality is no different in this respect. Yet the UK hospitality industry’s image ‘problem’ is preventing prospects from considering a longterm career in the sector and has, in some respects, contributed to the industry’s perpetual high-churn rate. When it comes to recruitment, the applicant now has the upper hand. This is not such a bad thing. The wielding of such power may force organisations, including those in high churn sectors, to innovate their propositions to attract personnel that will drive their success. Innovation rarely happens when one operates within their comfort zones. Covid and Brexit have definitely not given the hospitality industry an easy ride. There has never been a more opportune moment for an industry reset; where businesses in the sector may reappraise how they can draw in talent, not just through policies and operations that show themselves as responsible employers with wellbeing, work life balance and flexibility at the heart of their employee engagement schemes. There also needs to be a wider effort to position hospitality as a rewarding career route

where wait staff et al. can envisage a pathway towards sitting in the highest offices of an organisation one day, give or take the right attitude and training to support them on that journey. And of course businesses need to publicise all the compelling reasons why people should apply to work with them. Prior to starting my business, back when I was working for a luxury concierge service and talking to managers and owners of hospitality businesses every day, I saw how they were always recruiting for positions. It was hardly modern and completely misattuned to the way Gen Zedders consume information and look for work. Herein lies a problem to their recruitment strategy that is easily solvable if technology is employed and a more considered effort was made to show how they are appealing employers. Then there’s the cost of working in hospitality and the unshruggable belief that hospitality jobs pay poorly. Money is king, so the saying goes, and never has this been more apparent in a world where cost of living is rising exponentially. Yet the pandemic has revealed two things within us: firstly, a greater appreciation for the intangible things in life that money can’t buy and, secondly, an even greater intolerance for businesses and brands who fail to support the community in their greatest time of need. In a new values-driven world, it is the hospitality businesses that are able convey themselves as caring, responsible employers that will win the war for talent.

Hospitality Technology Pizza: A Story As Old As Thyme 38


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Step 3: Release the pizza. 7,000 names were quickly gathered meaning it was time to rock. Airship drip fed 7,000 ‘Release the Pizza’ emails over 7 hours, including a link to a ResDiary booking form inside. ResDiary, the booking platform, effortlessly facilitated booking across the opening 6 weeks.

Mission Mars, known for their Mancunian music venues Albert Hall, Albert’s Schloss, and their northern pizza brand Rudy’s, began their southern expansion by opening their first Rudy’s in London’s Soho last year. The first hurdle to their new venture; their fame hadn’t quite reached the south… yet. So, in order to get their name on the streets of London, they did what anyone would do: Give away 10,000 free pizzas. Here’s how they did it. Step 1: Speak to the people. Wireless Social, a WiFi super-power, helped Rudy’s use Facebook’s ‘look-a-like’ advertisement service in order to find new, potential Sohonian customers, based on their Manchester database. Step 2: Fill the bucket. Targeted ads reached potential Rudy’s lovers and offered the opportunity to grab a free pizza. These suitors were sent to an Airship form, so they could fill in their details to then be added to an Airship holding group, waiting to be contacted about their free pizza.

Within the first two hours of emails, 6,040 pizzas had been claimed with the first 3 days of trade being fully booked within 17 minutes. It went so well that Rudy’s decided to give away an additional 3,400 pizzas. Airship, Wireless Social and ResDiary created a flawless ecosystem that brought this project to life. Now, Rudy’s in Soho is livelier than ever and has truly made a mark on the capital. How do we know? Following the ‘Pizza for All’ campaign, the attendees were contacted and asked to leave a review through Feed It Back. The response was so positive that Rudy’s is now no. 26 on TripAdvisor for London Pizzerias. Book a demo at or see the advert on the facing page.

Employees Working Longer To Keep Hospitality Afloat Hospitality employees are working around six hours a week longer than before the pandemic to keep pubs, restaurants and bars afloat in the current unprecedented staffing crisis, according to research from workforce management specialist Bizimply. Average hours worked per week have increased from 19 to 25, with employees in food-led businesses putting in an average of 28 hours while fine dining restaurants are typically asking staff to work 40+ hours a week. The figures are based on recent user data from hundreds of Bizimply customers in the UK and Ireland, equating to thousands of outlets and tens of thousands of employees, across pubs, bars, restaurants, hotels, cafés and fast food outlets. Bizimply CEO Conor Shaw said: “Employers are relying on goodwill from staff to work longer hours and keep their doors open to customers. In this competitive labour market, they need to be prepared to reward that

Technology for People’s Sake We’ve taken our knowledge and experience from working with the biggest names in the UK hospitality sector including Pizza Hut Restaurants, TGI Fridays and Bella Italia, to create a suite of customer experience products for small and medium-sized organisations that improves the guest journey. Our solutions are tailored to a hospitality business’s specific requirements, budget and time demands, plus they are scalable and built with future needs in mind. We’ve helped a lot of clients on their digital journey. We understand your business’s needs, which is why we’re a partner, not a supplier. Adactus is a people-first organisation. Our team is at the heart of our success. Everything we do is centred around people; whether that is how we operate as a business, or ensuring that the team is happy with a clear vision of the role they play in the future growth of the company or the development of our software and product offering. We ensure all products we develop meet people’s needs – from our clients’ needs to their customers’ needs.

commitment with improved pay and conditions, and a better work-life balance. “Using technology like ours to manage staff rotas and payroll can be a huge help. It frees up managers to spend more time front of house, helping their team members. “It also allows employers to give their staff earlier notice of their shifts, meaning they can plan their lives better. And, as payroll is automated, staff are paid accurately and promptly for any extra hours they work. The result is a happier, more motivated and loyal workforce.” Bizimply’s software helps hospitality businesses reduce the amount of time spent creating staff rotas and sorting out payroll. They estimate a time saving of up to six hours a week using their technology to draw up rotas, compared to using Excel or similar. For a free demonstration or more information: This includes our customer solutions product range – Intelligence, Reservations, Orders. Customer Intelligence – enables companies to become a customer-centric data-driven business with a CRM system that provides a single view of the customer and intelligent data analytics. Data is collated and organised from all customer touchpoints for a tailored customer experience, improved business development and much more. Customer Reservations – offers a business-adaptable service to ensure no sale is lost. Many customers want the certainty of a confirmed booking, and businesses are then able to better plan service and offer a more personalised welcome. Customer Orders – provides a range of restaurant/food service ordering features, including Order at Table, Waiter Service, Kiosk, Click and Collect, Delivery and Drivethru. This product helps businesses improve the consistency and quality of the customer experience offered. With thousands of hours work gone into creating these products, it is a powerful engine which will help increase sales and improve your customer experience. To find out more contact us: 01844 269090



Outdoor Leisure

Issue 116

Are You Missing Out On Event-Led Sales? But how do you make sure that your online travel business is top of the list for places to book the whole travel package when planning to attend an event or experience? As with so many ‘simple observations’ in life, achieving this is more complex than it might at first seem and that’s what puts many off. But the rewards are there and at Vibe we have many years of experience in successfully helping our clients use events to sell travel. Whether you want to sell travel for a Champion’s League football match, consumer conventions, major concerts, or even festivals, we have consolidated our knowledge down into the following recommendations. Only focus on events you have actual entrance tickets available to sell. This is very important, as the tickets are your ‘honey pot’. The minute you send someone away to another site to source the actual tickets they never come back.

Selling travel for concert-goers and sports event attendees shouldn’t be like moving heaven and earth says Simon Goddard from Vibe ( – and now is the perfect moment to take advantage of the recovery of public events When asked by journalists why he robbed banks the infamous bankrobber Willie Sutton responded “because that’s where the money is”. Likewise, too much time and money is wasted in travel trying to persuade people to visit places they don’t want to go to. Many of them already have made their mind up anyway and this is particularly the case for those travelling to a destination to experience an event such as a concert or sports match. There’s no need to move heaven and earth, why not just give them what they want? Like Willie, you should go where the money is. There’s never been a better moment to do this as pop stars finally restart the world tour schedule and with major sporting events – including the upcoming football World Cup in Qatar – reactivated for massive crowds with minimal COVID restrictions.

Which events should you sell? Smaller and more obscure events are often richer pickings for these types of campaigns. Just type in ‘Formula One weekend trip’ into Google and you ll see. Perhaps consider literary festivals on aristocratic estates, come-back concerts for old rock bands at venues with comfy seating, cookery courses in Tuscany with famous chefs, or lower league football or motor racing events? At the beginning of the booking flow keep the concept of what you are offering super simple and concrete: ultimately it is just a package to attend X event. By making it a package to do event X and Y and Z, you could make your offering ‘confused’ and ultimately put people off. Give the traveller total flexibility on the options they pick, they might not need a flight but value a hotel, or vice-versa. Don’t just stop at offering a flight and hotel, consider selling extras like the airport transfer or even insurance. Not only are these extra commissions for you, often the commissions are nearly as high as the flight or hotel. Ensure the traveller has the flexibility to amend the travel dates to either arrive early or stay on after the event. A lot of people want to take advantage of being in a city to explore it and take their time – but if you can’t offer them flexible dates they may want to go elsewhere. Consider too that they might want to stay in more than one hotel dur-

ing the trip. When sourcing the accommodation always explore options with your existing supplier partners first, for example taking advantage of allocations or a special deal just for the event. As with so much in digital marketing, the lead price is what gets you traffic and keeps people moving through the booking process. So offer the cheapest options for the tickets and all the other elements, allowing people to upgrade as they go through the booking flow. When marketing and selling the package really drive home, hard, the message that this really is a ‘complete package’: a one-off, one-stop affair. Video is a great way to sell anything but in particular travel. You need to make the most of it here by showing the potential traveller exactly what attending this event – and all the services you ll offer to get them there and back – is going to be like. Most people wanting to attend the event will start the process with an online search. Use SEO to drive them to a tailored event specific landing page, but make sure to use the right key-word combinations and parameters in your PPC campaigns, for instance cutting out those who are based in or near to the destination already. But don’t forget about your mailing lists and social media followers when promoting these packages, existing customers either might already be considering the event or could possibly be tempted to attend once they see your deals. Event-led packages are perfect fodder for ‘The Socials’. When it comes to the post-sale follow-up marketing / sales opportunities, then consider cross-selling them other activities or events that they can enjoy once in that destination, be that a bus tour or gastronomy experience or whatever the main local attractions are. On that note, in the post-sale process also explore the chance to sell ‘merch’ for the event in the booking flow too. Branded t-shirts, backstage passes, match programs, whatever – as long as it comes with a commission and the traveller would consider it relevant. But just like point number one, make sure you have the merch available to see – no sending people off to other sites!

Pop-Up for Profit! ‘Pop-up’ barbecue means paring back to folding gazebos and collapsible tables, two or three cool boxes with thermometers thrown in and a hand wash within easy walking distance. At all levels of operation, initial costs can be much lower, outdoor areas can still be multi-purpose and storage space is kept to a minimum. Spot the ‘deliberate’ mistake in the cartoon. BIG TIP: HSE don’t like cool boxes sitting on the ground, even with lids! Whilst Cinders gas barbecues fold flat for easy storage, the popular Classic TG160 model is capable of over 1000 burgers a day at a large event, - which must be the fastest pay-back on equipment ever! Made in Britain and with a two-year warranty for commercial use, the work-horse TG160 will also hum away in the corner of a beer garden with our flat griddle on one side and a couple of gastronorms on the other, to deskill and make life a little less fraught. Have a great summer and remember, POP-UP for EASIER PROFITS.

Smaller half sized models also available –

ILF Chairs - Seating with Wider Appeal


Their new online website offers both indoor and outdoor seating and table solutions. Divided into Contemporary seating, Barstools, Lounge Seating, Period Seating, Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height tables, offering a great selection of products to view at your leisure. They have also now added a range of stock chairs and barstools. Most indoor seating and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification. Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style.

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Also included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selection of priced made to order seating in a selection of Faux Leather upholstery colours and wood frame colours. These products can also be supplied to customer specification, just ask for details. Enquiries can be sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours. They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site. See the advert on page 40 for details.

Outdoor Leisure Marmax and South Causey Inn Marmax have been supplying a wide range of high-quality recycled plastic products to the South Causey Inn for over 10 years. Over the years Marmax have supplied South Causey Inn with numerous outdoor products including: Bistro Planters, Circular tables, Traditional seating, Sloper chairs, Heavy duty picnic benches and Harrogate table and chairs. In fact, there are very few establishments that are as great an endorsement of Marmax! The products come with a 25-year manufacturer’s guarantee and despite knowing they can pick up the phone and call Marmax with any issues, they have never done so. Sustainability is at the core of the South Causey Inn’s ethos and is particularly important to their customers.

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With Marmax products all being made from 100% recycled HDPE plastic, they were the perfect partner to provide sustainable and durable furniture for the inn and its accommodation. Marmax Products are easy to clean to help stop the spread of germs as well as coming in assorted colours, the now black benches match the black windows and doors. South Causey Inn display the Marmax tags on their products and this has resulted in direct approaches to Marmax from their customers. Marmax plan to work with the South Causey Inn to develop new products for the hotel and restaurant market. Interested in working with us too? Contact Marmax using the contact form here:

There’s A Great Deal Going On At LeisureBench LeisureBench Limited is one of the UK’s leading suppliers and installers of commercial quality outdoor furniture, selected from manufacturers worldwide for strength. Longevity and excellent value for money. Now is the right time to buy, to take advantage of Summer Special offers on selected products across their extensive range, together with bulk buying incentives. Up to 15% discounts are currently available on Aframe and round picnic tables, polypropylene chairs, dining sets, made from a range of materials, Rattan furniture and much more. On top of this, there are different finance options available to help you buy.

If you act quickly, you can grab yourself a bargain. LeisureBench are now manufacturing their own recycled plastic furniture using 100% UK recycled plastic materials. The range includes benches and a wide variety of picnic tables in both ‘A’ Frame and 8 seat square designs. They will all be hard wearing, easy to maintain, and a strong powder coated underframe will guarantee them for 15 years. Customised and bespoke furniture is also available. You can see all the latest offers by logging into or emailing their dedicated sales team at Telephone 01949 862920.

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Issue 116

Outdoor Leisure These Are The Last Gazebos You Ever Need To Buy. At Least Not For 15 Years Or So Delivered in July 2010 and still giving our customers a lovely relaxing area providing sun and rain protection.

• UK’s only 100 Mph Stormproof Guaranteed Gazebo • 100% Waterproof Self Cleaning Canopy • 4 Sizes from 2.40m [ 7’ 10” ] x 2.40m [ 7’ 10” ] • Options - 40 colour choices & side screens • 5 Year Guarantee • Designed & Carefully Made in Yorkshire by Us Investing in high quality all weather protection gives you a fabulous rate of return [ paid for in less than 4 weeks ] - prices start at £1,915 ex vat WHITE PAVILION Hospitality Gazebos 01653 695 285

The New Inn, Tresco , Isles of Scilly • Sturdy & Strong - Good for 15+years years of service See the advert on the facing page for details.

Keeping Food Hot? We Have All The Answers First of all, you will want one of our world beating Kanga boxes and a Carbon Heater. You can then keep food hot indefinitely and fully comply with HACCP regulations. Sounds too good to be true? Well we only supply premium German manufactured products from stock at incredibly low prices. The insulated box manufactured from top quality expanded polypropylene is a dense closed cell insulation material but incredibly light to handle when empty for example the GN insulted box with a 117 mm internal depth only weighs just over a kilo and yet holds a massive 21 lts capacity. Now combine the Kanga box with a Carbon Heater and the magic begins, hot food all the time!

Our range of Carbon heaters offers two voltage options 12 volts for car operation using the cigarette lighter socket or 230 volt mains voltage for internal or external mains use. The big advantage of the Carbon Heaters they are absolutely fool proof just insert them in the bottom of the box turn on and forget, there are no consumer controls the temperature is pre-set at the factory at 75 deg C. The Carbon Heater is very light at only 700 grammes and does not take up much room only being 10mm thick. Dishes can be place on the Carbon Heater straight out of the oven up to 120deg C. Finally quick and easy to clean just wipe over with a damp cloth. Contact Catering Equipment Limited on Tel: 0121 773 2228 or visit or

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sPeCIal oFFer Buy 11 get 1 Free!

Outdoor Leisure

Issue 116


The Sausage Man - Authentic German Sausages Warmer climes and longer days are here, and a busy outdoor leisure season is taking off. Outdoor catering just wouldn’t be the same without the distinct aroma of sausages fresh from the grill, the scent of beechwood smoked frankfurters permeating the air is enough to get anyone’s tastebuds tingling! Charles Coleman, Sales Director at The Sausage Man says, “The hot dogs and sausages market is reported to grow by $13.03 bn over the next five years, progressing at a CAGR of over 3%.* Hot dogs represent a perfect, practical menu choice for a grab and go offer, a winner with customers; full of flavour and easy to eat on the go, they are also a convenient, speedy and simple to prepare product for operators, providing a good profit margin with the opportunity for add on sales.” Outdoor events provide a big draw for families and especially the younger generation, it’s worth noting what’s in favour with Generation Z, who will ultimately shape the future of the food industry. Sodexo** insights on the food habits of Gen Z reveals ‘alongside the demand for street food options, the trend for snacking shows no signs of abating among young foodies, with 23% of Generation Z saying they prefer quick grab and go meals, bowl food and sharing plates to a traditional sit

Monster Mesh

Monster Mesh is a leading events and construction branding company, specialising in supplying large format printed products. We specialise in large format full colour and dye sublimation printing for weather resistance, strength and durability. Our top-quality products match the service you should expect, and we supply direct to brand owners, event management, construction, and signage companies. We can provide a range of custom designed and printed products for HERAS fence covers, PVC and ACM Hoarding panels, PVC and mesh banners, and large scale scaffold wraps. We have been in operation for 4 years now, continually growing year on year thanks to both new and return clients. At Monster Mesh we agree that your brand needs to

down meal.’ Famed for their vast range of authentic, gourmet sausages, The Sausage Man supplies only the best quality produce to delight any selfrespecting foodie. Delight your customers with a variety of popular frankfurters – available in bumper packs of 10, The Sausage Man’s famous 25cm/150g Cheese Käsekrainer Frankfurters offer the perfect blend of beechwood smoked pork frankfurter and creamy Emmental cheese or try the depth and richness of the smoky Krakauer Bacon Frankfurter, beautifully smoked pork with added bacon delivers a wonderful texture and available in 25cm/150g or the generously sized 30cm/200g option. For those who like it spicy the 28cm/160g Chilli Beef Giant Frankfurter is studded with chilli flakes, imparting a warming heat without being too overpowering. To accommodate the sausages Brioche Jumbo Hot Dog Rolls are available along with a range of tasty sauces and sides. For the ultimate convenience and speed of service, all of the above sausages are supplied pre-cooked, frozen and are gluten free. *Research & Markets ‘Global Hot Dogs and Sausages Market 2021-2025’ **Sodexo ‘Understanding the impact of digitally-driven Gen Z on food habits’ 2021

To find out more about our products visit generate the right impact. Getting an eyecatching design is the most important when displaying your banner amongst others, so at Monster Mesh we offer a complete in-house design service. Most of the time this is a free service where our team of designers will take your logo and a brief sample of text to create your individual design. Throughout our years of experience in large format design, we have learnt several ways to produce the impression you desire. The majority of our products include free delivery and typical lead times are just 7 working days, with some products available through our 5-day express service. To find out more, please visit

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Outdoor Leisure

Issue 116

Top Engraver Supports Hospitality Moda, Where Outdoor Furniture Really Sector with Swift Service for Etched & Means Business Printed Table Numbers & QR Discs One of the UK’s most professional & technically advanced engraving and etching supplier, Brunel Engraving, is providing a rapid response to the growing demand for etched table numbers and QR code discs in the pub and catering industry. The company has made a substantial investment in additional state of the art equipment and related software in order to produce a wide range of individually engraved & printed table numbers and discs. The numbers and discs enable customers to link to apps or menus, reducing staff contact and eliminating the requirement for hard copies of menus. Although no longer a legal requirement to order remotely, this is something which the government is still actively encouraging and can improve table service through the reduction of queues. In addition to their engraved products, Brunel Engraving has teamed up with a number of UK based Mobile Ordering Platforms to develop full colour labels, these are supplied alongside each companies

developed app and are suitable for internal and external environments. “Working alongside App Developers and introducing the full colour range of products has really exceeded our expectations, the demand for our products has significantly increased despite the relaxing of Covid restrictions and are displayed all over the UK” said Tom Pycock, Sales Director of Brunel Engraving. “Our investment in additional equipment and software has ensured that our customers in the hospitality sector can benefit from high quality products with excellent swift service at a fair price”. In addition to rotary engraving, Brunel offers laser engraving, chemical etching, anodic print, dye sublimation print, flatbed UV print and wide format UV print. For further information please contact: 01275 871720 Emal: Website:

Inclusive Furniture Not long ago we noticed that in our local park there was adequate seating for the non-disabled but none for the wheelchair-user, the more we looked the more we saw a complete lack of effort in complying with regulations and laws specifically brought in to counter this ignorance and discrimination. We decide to act, our plan was: • Make our products both 'accessible & 'inclusive'.

• • • • • • •

Unlocking the potential of your outdoor space can be a seriously good business move. Whether you need a place to close deals with clients, a second meeting room or a nineteenth hole par excellence, taking your work outside offers huge attractions. And as the UK’s leading luxury outdoor furniture brand, Moda is ideally placed to help turn your vision into reality. Having started out as a family-run company in 2014, Moda has quickly established a reputation for innovative furniture solutions with exceptional customer service. This has led to a growing demand for their services from an increasingly diverse client base, as a greater variety of commercial sectors have looked to transform their outdoor spaces.

A TAILORED APPROACH With a dedicated Commercial team, Moda’s clients can choose from a vast collection of furniture sets to meet all business requirements.

UNIQUELY MODULAR, UNIQUELY MODA Your outdoor space can change from one day to the next, which is where Moda’s flexible modular systems really come into their own. All of their furniture ranges have a number of modular configurations that

Design furniture with the wheelchair-user in mind Act within both the Disability Act and the Equality Act Provide quality products for non-disabled and disabled alike. Consider the elderly Make the products affordable Make rental to events an option Use sustainable products where possible We then thought we need to provide picnic benches and outdoor furniture for people who use wheelchairs. There is definitely a need for disabled, easy access outdoor furniture. All made robustly to take the knocks from wheelchairs

can be customised - move them around your business areas, expand your collection, split them up or put them together to complement your changing commercial requirements.

SMART FURNITURE TO DRIVE BUSINESSES FORWARD With their all-weather materials and uncompromising build quality, Moda furniture collections are meticulously engineered to withstand the demands of the modern workplace - and the great British weather. Every item of luxury outdoor furniture is designed exclusively in-house. This allows Moda to offer a perfect balance of both style and substance that can be enjoyed all year round. What’s more, Moda’s market leading three-year commercial guarantee offers commercial clients peace of mind and their aftercare policy and maintenance packages reinforces their commitment to client satisfaction. Take the first step to maximising the use of your outdoor space. Talk to one of Moda’s Commercial Business Development Managers. Tel: 033 3363 7015, email: or visit See the advert on the facing page for details.

and manufactured from sustainable wood from environmentally friendly sources. They also need to make the user feel inclusive. For many businesses not only is it their legal duty under the discrimination acts people who happen to use wheelchairs also happen to enjoy sitting outside in fine weather, they are also appreciated in public places as well as private homes & gardens and places where care is a first priority Peter Cubbin

Claire House - The Wirral

At Inclusive Designs we believe in addressing the needs of disabled people as a first choice, not an afterthought. We manufacture outdoor furniture which is specifically adapted to accommodate wheelchair-users. This creates a more inclusive environment - no longer stuck at the end of the table! We make a wide range of models to match your needs as well as matching them with traditional tables. Our heavy duty wooden picnic benches are suitable and fully treated for long-term outdoor use. All our stock is manufactured in the UK using red wood from sustainable sources. We are also the trusted suppliers to the National Trust and many local authorities. We offer free delivery to all parts of the UK.

Outdoor Leisure

Issue 116


Add A Taste of Sunshine to Your Barbecues level of heat, suitable for most palates, so the complex flavours don’t get lost or hidden by the chilli. Tasty, handcrafted and made in small batches in the UK using fresh ingredients only our highly versatile sauce is great for using as an ingredient for marinading etc. but also straight out the bottle as a dipping or pouring sauce. It’s a perfect accompaniment for any barbecued or grilled food. "Sun on a Beach” sauce from Spirit of Aloha 65 is just the thing to add that tropical, spicy, summer flavour to any meal. Inspired by and using many of the same all-natural ingredients as Spirit of Aloha 65’s tropical spirit, our sauce is made from roasted pineapples, ginger, and a handful of other tropical spices including scotch bonnet chilli to give it a comfortable

Vegan, gluten-free and all-natural, Aloha 65 “Sun on a Beach” must be tried. Try something out of the blue. For more information or a sample bottle please contact

A Special Offer from Fenton Timber Fenton Timber was established in the late 1990’s by Jim Miller who sadly passed in 2007, since then the business has continued under the management of Alex Spencer, with Ade Tate overseeing manufacture… who were both staff members from the early days of the business. Fenton’s USP is delivering fully assembled, weather treated “ready to use” Picnic Benches/Tables and associated Garden Furniture to the License Trade, Schools and the Leisure Industry… all year round. Along with the License Trade, as COVID lockdown closed all of our customers, Fenton had a rollercoaster ride over 2020/2021, with no customers, then material shortages, then the roadmap out… but were still able to provide furniture to every customer we promised, by the advised times we promised. The benefits of purchasing from Fenton Timber is not just the fact we deliver all of our own goods, with our own transport and staff… but that we also guarantee

our goods and operate all year round. It might sound strange selling garden furniture during the winter! Aside from customers whom might have outdoor functions, Guy Fawkes/bonfire night… Christmas etc.. there are also unfortunate times whereby customers have been flooded and suffered losses, and we are there to assist getting them back up on their feet. As readers of the Caterer & Licensee – you can also take advantage of our current offer – 20% off RRP on Supreme and Octagonal Tables (while stocks last)… so call us free on 0800 085 6447.

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Issue 116

Products and Services

Are You Looking To Make Your Menus More Sustainable? Are you looking to make your menus more sustainable? We’re proud to present Grass 95 – a paper that is ecologically responsible without compromising on the print quality! Grass 95 is a new and exclusive grass-based paper from Online Paper. Give your customers a truly authentic experience by printing your menus, flyers and more on this unique paper. Made from 70% FSC wood pulp & 30% grass pulp, Grass 95 is recyclable, compostable and eco-friendly. It has a wonderful look and feel that will add credibility to environmentally conscious restaurants and businesses. With one side of the paper coated for inkjet printers and the reverse optimised for laser printers, Grass 95 is a fully versatile paper that can suit any restaurant or

office setup. Achieve fantastic prints with rich, crisp text and detailed images on any printer. You’re guaranteed to produce high quality results without the large costs and time-restraints of outsourcing your printing, keeping both sustainability and economics at the forefront. Don’t have a printer yet but thinking about bringing one into your business? As suppliers of Canon printers and ink, Online Paper can help get you set up. The team have a wealth of knowledge and can answer any questions on the world of paper and printing whilst finding you the best prices. Call Online Paper on 01892 771245 to discuss your requirements or request a free sample of Grass 95. You can also visit to explore the whole range of products.

Going Waterless Could Cut Hospitality Sector Urinal Running Costs By More Than Half At The Same Time As Slashing CO2 Hospitality businesses could save over £1,200 on their annual water bills for every three urinals converted to waterless technology, at the same time as slashing CO2. The findings have been released by Smarti Environmental, the UK’s leading waterless urinal business, to coincide with Water Saving Week 2022 . The savings are possible with the installation of its newly launched eco-friendly Vortex triple seal valve (TSV), which has been designed to cut urinal water bills by over half, at the same time as dramatically lowering carbon footprints, eliminating bad urinal smells, blockages and eradicating the spread of infections caused by flushing urinals. The smart-tech, eco-friendly, retro-fit Vortex valve ends the need for water in urinals, saving on average 100,000 litres of clean water and 105kg CO2 per urinal, per year. It also prevents airborne infections caused by spray during flushing, which has been shown to spread 500,000 germs per inch, per flush, landing on skin, surfaces and clothing, spreading viruses including Covid-19, influenza and norovirus. The Vortex TSV, which fits 98% of all urinals, enables businesses to retain their existing urinal bowls while cutting annual running costs by over 50%, compared to conventional water-flush alternatives. Confirmed as the fastest flowing waterless urinal

solution on the market, the fully recyclable, British-manufactured, hygienic one-way multi valve system, traps all odours so that the foul drain smells become a thing of the past. No other waterless urinal technology is as effective. The Vortex valve also accelerates the flow of urine down into the drainpipe, and includes an eco-friendly bio-block enzyme ring and integrated bio-tablet tablet which breaks down uric acid and bio film proteins during use, preventing costly and damaging back-fill flooding and blocked pipes by making the urine PH neutral – a world first! Visit or call 01392 311 202 for a no obligation washroom survey and quote. See the advert on page 7 for details.

Have Fun in the Sun with Smashed 0% AF Drynks

Drynks Unlimited produces Smashed which is Britain’s only 0% beer, lager and cider range. The summer BBQ season is the perfect time for hospitality venues to offer alcohol free drinks to customers. Our triple gold award-winning duo of 0% British ciders – Apple and Berry - offer refreshment and a quality experience that tastes just as good as an alcoholic cider. They have no added sugar so are much more drinkable than sweeter alcoholic alternatives. Our Smashed range of 0% beers, lagers and ciders can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere and perfect for summer drynking. We’ve had great customer feedback on our Smashed drinks at summer events as they offer a thirst quenching delicious alternative to booze. The hospitality sector is still playing catch on offering ranges of alcohol free drinks which appeal to consumers

Looking for Answers To The Ever-Increasing Prices of Electricity - BeerTech’ s SmartCellar Provides Some Good Answers To Reducing Cellar Cooling Costs The BeerTech SmartCellar is a retrofit device which is connected to the main cellar cooler system. The Smartcellar can then control it to offer savings of around £1,200 a year, while still maintaining the beer in the keg at the correct storage temperature. BeerTech have now installed this system into over 1,000 sites in the UK with many major brewers, pub companies, individual tenants and freehold sites over the past five years. Given the ongoing rises in electricity costs, this seems a more than interesting product. Beertech’ s SmartCellar will actually record the exact savings made at each site independently, as well as the reduction in carbon footprint. A free App. is simply downloaded to a phone, input with the cooler size on site, and the price paid per Kw. This then allows the device to measure the savings made at each premises individually. When next connected by Bluetooth, the phone will retrieve these savings and generate a report, which is

Introducing 8Track: A New UK Made Premium Spiced Rum Upbeat Spirits, a new independent drinks company based in Cornwall, introduced an exciting new spiced rum – with the launch of 8Track. The refreshing new spiced rum boasts a full flavour, smooth, zestful spirit – balanced with fresh citrus and warm spice – offering a premium, allnatural and high-quality product. Owing its name to the iconic 20th century eight-track recording kit used by artists ranging from the Beatles to David Bowie, 8Track was born from a shared love of music, togetherness, celebrating good times. 8Track is designed to be enjoyed served straight, on the rocks, with a quality mixer or as the base of a cocktail. Made from a base of fine Guyanese rum, the bespoke blend is infused with Seville oranges, vanilla, cloves, ginger and cinnamon to create a unique spirit that is already winning many fans. In its first 12 months of trading, 8Track is now served in over 700 bars and pubs and has won several awards, including a Gold at the recent London Spirits Competition. 8Track is showing its commitment to celebrating and supporting independent music by partnering grass-roots music festivals and venues and also by show-casing unsigned music artists in 8Track’s social media and through “8Track Presents” nights at music pubs from Cornwall to London and Manchester. Striving to do better for the planet, 8Track uses only lightweight recycled glass bottles (which are 100% recy-

clable) and is partnering with paper packaging pioneers, FlexiHex - to offer a sustainable packaging solution that’s plastic free. Standing out from the crowd, the fun-loving and exciting new rum is presented with a bold and bright label design – encapsulating its ‘good times’ philosophy. 8Track signature serves include:

Back to Black: In a tall glass, squeeze in the juice of half of a fresh lime. Drop two lime wedges into the glass and top with ice cubes. Pour in a double measure of 8Track and pour over cold cola. Stir with a barspoon and start sipping – with nonchalance. Twisted Fire Starter: Fill a tall glass with ice and add a measure or two of 8Track. Pour over ginger beer, stir with a barspoon and garnish with a twist of lime. Feel the heat. Night Fever: Fill a tall glass with ice cubes, followed by a measure of 8Track. Top-up with Mediterranean tonic and garnish with a slice of fresh orange. Guaranteed to keep you cool, on the hottest of dancefloors. 8Track is available nationwide in the UK through regional and national wholesalers including St. Austell Brewery, Inn-Express and Baby Bottles. 8Track has also recently won a listing with Nectar. Visit for details.

who want to flex their drinking. Our insight shows that consumers want to be able to flex their drinking so offering a choice of drinks options makes good business sense. Our ambition was always to create a range of 0% beer, lagers and ciders which catered for everyone, whatever their tipple of choice. We use real beer, cider & lager as their base (5.2% ABV) to offer a genuine alternative allowing consumers to enjoy the “taste belief” that you are drinking the real thing. Alcohol free drinks are a positive purchase showing that you can have fun without drinking alcohol. This stepchange in messaging is vital if we are to grow the total market in the UK in the long term. For further information visit or see the advert on page 7.

automatically stored on the phone, but is also sent by e-mail from within the App. for storing and saving. The system will also reduce Carbon emissions by around 1.5 – 2 tonnes per site per year. The carbon offset generated by the device is also worked out by the App., included in the report, and sent to the email address. BeerTech’s Smartcellar offers a payback period of around half that normally considered to be a good investment, with every penny saved counted by the device itself!

The Quiz Platform That’s Defeating Cheats and Driving Footfall and Sales In Thousands Of Pubs The concept behind SpeedQuizzing was simple: an easy-to-use digital pub quiz platform and app that eliminates opportunities for players to cheat. But as the original smartphone quiz, SpeedQuizzing has not just had a resounding impact on defeating the quiz cheats – it’s transformed quiz nights in thousands of pubs and bars across the UK, driving footfall and sales. Speaking with SpeedQuizzing co-founder Alan Leach, it’s easy to understand why. “SpeedQuizzing games are designed to be fast-paced, entertaining and hassle-free, both for pub hosts and players alike,” says Leach. “Games are hosted in each venue via our platform using a laptop, and instead of using a pen and paper, players answer the questions in real-time through our app, which they download for free. There’s no need to keep score as that’s done automatically, and we’ve done our best to eliminate opportunities to cheat too, with our software making it easy to set time limits on how long

teams have to answer each question.” It's been cited as the saviour of pub quizzing by many publicans, including Mark Pinckney who runs The Deramore Arms in York. "From taking the faff out of preparing for and hosting quizzes, through to driving some of our biggest crowds of the week, SpeedQuizzing has transformed our pub quiz night.” Alan is proud of the role SpeedQuizzing plays in helping pubs and bars to thrive, with the company recently launching its first ever national advertising campaign, in partnership with TV’s Paul Sinha, aimed at helping more people to find their nearest smartphone pub quiz through It’s the only quiz provider to publicly promote individual events on behalf of pubs and bars, and its giant billboards advertising the site can currently be seen next to some of the UK’s busiest motorways. For more information, visit or see the advert on page 2.

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

Issue 116


Kitchen Extract Hygiene – A Burning Issue One of the biggest challenges in keeping a commercial kitchen spotlessly clean is the regular cleaning of the canopy, fan and extract ductwork. This must be tackled, not only for the sake of hygiene, but also for fire prevention and compliance. Airborne fat, oil and grease is a natural by-product of even the healthiest diet. Carried in the steam that rises from cooking, grease and oil particles are drawn into the kitchen extract system to be vented away to the outside. As the exhaust stream cools, grease is deposited on the metal surfaces of the hood, canopy, filters, canopy plenum, fan and ductwork. Should a kitchen fire reach the extract ductwork, or a flash fire occur in the extract system, then the accumulated grease deposits can act as fuel, helping to spread the fire. The ductwork itself can also help to spread the fire,

acting as a chimney through which smoke and flames can travel, spreading the danger to the other parts of the building. To counter this potential fire risk, operators of commercial kitchens are required to comply with a new standard for the fire safety management of grease accumulation in kitchen extract systems, TR19® Grease. Compliance is also essential to ensure that you don’t compromise your buildings insurance. If a fire should break out and the ductwork can be shown not to have been cleaned in accordance with TR19® Grease, many insurers will now refuse to pay out on a claim. Ensuring legal compliance, a reduced risk of fire and greater hygiene in your kitchen are items which should always be on every maintenance menu.

Monitoring Device Reduces Oil Usage by Up to 52% in Whitbread Pubs Overspending and misuse of food oil is a pressing issue in the curren economic environment. Most restaurants change their oil either based on colour (when it goes dark/black, using single-use test strips and a simplistic colour chart) or schedule (twice a week – because it has always been done that way). The first approach relies on guesswork and subjectivity, and leaves businesses at risk of acrylamide build-up – a customer-harming, cancer-causing chemical. The second approach unnecessarily discards perfectly usable oil – a costly and unsustainable outcome, given that oil is one of the largest contributors to carbon footprints in commercial kitchens. Fortunately, there’s a third approach from Klipspringer, used by the likes of Five Guys, Wasabi,

McDonalds, Chopstix, and Whitbread to refine their frying process, conduct eco-friendly practices, and cut their oil usage by half. Interested? Enter Food Oil Monitors. By providing objective, easyto-read data, these oil testing devices remove all guesswork when it comes to changing your oil. This means…

• Significant reductions in oil usage and costs • Enhanced fried food quality and consistency • Greater sustainable practice • Assured customer safety • No more ongoing cost of test strips • Increased working life of oil amid rising prices Kitchen staff across almost all Whitbread venues now use the Food Oil Monitor for daily checks. Before, oil was changed prematurely, but since implementing Klipspringer’s digital solution nationwide, Whitbread have seen an average reduction in oil usage of around 30%, with some sites reporting savings of up to 52%. Does your restaurant, pub, or hotel kitchen still use a subjective oil monitoring system? Want to modernise your approach and reap the rewards? Contact our hospitality team: 01473 461 800 or see the advert on the back cover for details.

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Issue 116

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

Smeg Foodservice UK is Thrilled to Announce the Launch of its New ALFA43 Electronic Oven Range Smeg convection ovens represent the perfect solution for modern catering services, coffee shops, bakeries and supermarkets that require a compact oven with peak performance. Perfect for baking and reheating, from pastries and morning goods to sausage rolls and lunchtime pasties, it is the ideal compact solution for busy catering venues. The ALFA43 electronic oven range offers rapid and uniformed heat distribution for maximum speed and even baking. Features include a dual speed fan with humidification, multi-step cooking and the ALFA43XE1HDS model has a USB port for the upload and downloading of recipes via an app. The fast heat up and temperature recovery systems lower energy consumption and maintain stable cooking temperatures and the ovens’

large, triple-glazed door, with a middle glass to help keep external temperature low in accordance with regulation and help minimise heat loss. The Smeg electronic convection ovens are made with a full stainless-steel external construction and an enamelled internal cavity. The ovens capacity allows for 2/3 GN or 4 trays at 435 x 320mm. With outside dimensions of (W x D x H) 602 x 584 x 537mm, the ALFA43 ovens are compact and perfect for smaller kitchens whilst still maintaining top functionality and performance. Email for further information.

New DrainMinor C (Combi Oven Pump) Creates Considerable Interest R-TEC Services & Innovation Ltd. (previously known as Rational Technical Services UK Ltd.) demonstrated its Combi Oven equipment to commercial kitchen operators at the recent HRC ExCel London Exhibition. On the stand was a working demo of a Rational Combi Oven and the New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by partner Pump Technology Ltd. This proved a focal point for Combi Oven manufactures, installers, maintenance engineers and users alike. Potential users were shown a number of significant advantages that this combi oven drainage pump offered. Very noticeable when viewing the exhibition demonstration tank with its clear side window was the large, triangular, low-level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing. Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease, fat and food particles before the reliable start/stop operation of the pump is affected. The triangular low-level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline, giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens.

The build quality of the submersible wastewater pump was also a discussion point, with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement, especially considering the hot wastewater temperatures and potential grease which these units have to handle. It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations. Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet. This means that the installation footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated. It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a winner and will soon be featuring in combi oven installations everywhere.

Convotherm maxx pro – High Definition Innovations from Start to Finish The Welbilt brand Convotherm is once again setting new standards in the development of advanced, future-oriented products. Introducing Convotherm maxx pro, a new generation of combi steamers. This premium class device impresses with innovations and technologies such as a 10” TFT HiRes glass touch display with scroll function, automatic cooking and triple glazing of the oven door for improved energy consumption.

THE NEW CONVOTHERM PHILOSOPHY – INTELLIGENTSIMPLICITY From the outset, the Convotherm maxx pro is well thought-out. Innovations that are suitable for daily work in professional kitchens and lead to more efficiency and productivity as well as profitability, can be found throughout the entire device. A further benefit is the ease of use of all hardware, functions and software on all levels of the Convotherm maxx pro. This approach follows the Convotherm philosophy IntelligentSimplicity. This term unites the combination of intelligence and simplicity in all areas, in other words, solving complex requirements as simply and efficiently as possible, which also positively impacts usage, service and operating costs.

HIGH DEFINITION FOR PRODUCT QUALITY, COOKING PROCESSES AND EFFICIENCY True to the motto IntelligentSimplicity, four Functional Management features developed by Convotherm, support optimal work in the Convotherm maxx pro and thus always ensure the best results: • Climate Management: In the Convotherm maxx pro, the unique, closed system with Natural Smart Climate™, a custom-fit cooking climate can be set for each product to ensure perfect cooking and baking results. In addition, energy efficiency has been improved by up to 10 % compared to the previous product. • Quality Management: A multitude of innovative functions help cooking and baking professionals to always achieve the best product quality. Smart sensors, particularly well-conceived routing using AirFlow Management as well as an intelligent, customised program-controlled interplay of steam, hot air and time ensure optimum quality for every item to be cooked and baked. • Production Management: Perfectly matched intelligent functions ensure that operating the Convotherm maxx pro is always simple and clear, even with the most complex processes. These include Press&Go, which guarantees automatic cooking with the touch of a finger, an integrated baking and cook book that can be viewed at the touch of a button, and TrayView, which is helpful for mixed loads on a rolling basis. • Cleaning Management: The Convotherm maxx pro boasts optimal cleanliness. The fully automatic, multi-stage and environmentally friendly cleaning system is even approved for unattended operation. Since users never have direct contact with the cleaning agent, gloves are not required for use. What’s more, the innovative HygieniCare package provides extra hygiene in the kitchen.

options with which the Convotherm maxx pro is available: • The smart ConvoSmoke makes the Convotherm maxx pro the perfect smoking oven, suitable for all catering concepts that smoke themselves without requiring additional space in the kitchen. Both hot and cold smoking is easy with ConvoSmoke. • With ConvoGrill, the new Convotherm maxx pro enables you to achieve perfect grilling results every time without the need for an additional rotary grill. Simply select Press&Go, choose your chosen cooking profile for your grilled foods and the oven will produce consistent, quality results every time. Thanks to ConvoGrill’s patented grease management system which uses a sensor-controlled, intelligent pump system to separate excess grease from other cooking juices, operators can now reduce waste, be more environmentally friendly and save time on their waste management procedures. • The intuitive ConvoServe makes cooking stress-free. Meals can be prepared in advance and will be ready to serve just as the guests arrive. ConvoServe is particularly suitable for large quantities, buffets, plate banquets or à la carte services. The combination of sophisticated technical functions for the perfect regeneration and finishing of meals with tailormade accessory solutions, make ConvoServe a unique solution that perfectly understands how to make demanding things simple. IntelligentSimplicity at its best. • The future of cooking and baking is fully automatic, and with the Convotherm maxx pro ConvoSense, it’s already here. With its artificial intelligence and cutting-edge sensor technology, the innovative ConvoSense opens up completely new perspectives in food preparation. Maximum efficiency and reliability can be achieved while at the same time being cost-effective by conserving resources.

THE WHOLE WORLD OF BAKING The Convotherm maxx pro family also includes BAKE, which combines traditional baking knowledge with the modern functions of the combi steamer. Fresh baked goods, snacks and small dishes of the highest quality can be made in the Convotherm maxx pro BAKE. The Rise&Ready fermentation profiles are perfectly designed for producing baked goods, and the multi-level baking function BakePro, guarantees the best rise for small baked goods, with an optimal crumb and shine. Optimised suction panels as well as baking trays and accessories in the baker’s size of the Convotherm maxx pro meet the demanding requirements of the bakery trade.

THE SMART WORLD OF COOKING WITH KITCHENCONNECT®, THE CLOUD-BASED NETWORK SOLUTION With the innovative and future-oriented networking solution from Welbilt, it is possible to keep an overview at all times with the Convotherm maxx pro and kitchenconnect®. Data and information can be accessed in real time from anywhere in the world using the cloud based kitchenconnect®. Processes can be analysed, evaluated or rescheduled, and asset efficiency and menu management can be controlled on the screen.

THE CONVOWORLD: CONVOSMOKE For further information please visit – CONVOGRILL – CONVOSERVE – or see the advert on the CONVOSENSE previous page. The catering industry is diverse; as are the various

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Issue 116

Heating Solutions Cutting The Costs Of Being More Sustainable For restaurants, cafes & bars, provision of hot water with its regular peaks in demand is a business critical resource. But servicing high temperature water demands, throughout the day consumes almost 20% of the total energy used by the business which has ramifications in terms of cost and generation of carbon emissions. To counter emissions and rising energy costs, attention is turning to the installation of air source heat pumps (ASHP) rather than traditional gas-based water heaters. Under the right circumstances, such as new builds with a high level of insulation, ASHPs represent an efficient way to significantly reduce energy demands and carbon emissions. However, commercial hot water (DHW) applications using ASHP are going to be complex and, compared to gas-fired alternatives, are going to have higher up-front costs. Through a combination of ASHP and an electric water heater however, Adveco can address many of the complexities associated with integrating ASHP into new

buildings. A typical three heat pump specified system can be reduced to two immediately through the addition of an electric water heater which is used to top up the preheat supplied by the heat pumps. This combination enables systems to be sized down by as much as half, delivering immediate capital savings. A 50 kW electric boiler can, for example, cost less than a tenth of the price of an equivalent 50kW heat pump and you immediately reduce the physical size of the system and the embodied carbon. Additionally, the system provides built-in redundancy should there ever be a failure. Balancing a hybrid electric system is key to ensuring efficient operation, and Adveco specialises in creating bespoke applications and controls to assure water heating remains consistent, whilst reducing energy demands and building emissions.

AHTIDAIKIN Heat Recovery Solutions • ENERGY PRICING IS AT HISTORICALLY HIGH LEVELS • CHOOSE AHT/DAIKIN AS YOUR STRATEGIC PARTNER • PREPARE FOR THE CHANGING COST OF ENERGY AHT/DAIKIN have leading edge energy saving solutions including fully heat recovered technology.

AHT/DAIKIN provide low GWP, high efficiency products. The lowest GWP in the market (R290).

Our refrigeration systems can be used to power instore heating.

AHT Cooling Systems (UK) Ltd

Drastically reducing energy usage and providing up to 95% of all heating.

Email -

Phone - +44 1280 826 600

Scott Willis Designs Scott Willis Designs (SWD) is a new and innovative interior design business which specialises in design, build and fit out of licensed premises. With particular expertise in Audio, Lighting and AV design, its owner and principle, Scott Willis, has nearly 20 years of experience in this sector having worked extensively across the UK and Ireland on commercial and private designs and installations, many of which feature in award winning venues. In the short time it has been established, SWD has already advised on numerous signature developments and redevelopments.

INTERIOR DESIGN This can range from a simple space plan layout with or without fabric or materials selection, through to the most detailed design package incorporating full workshop drawings. We use the newest and most innovative CAD software and produce complete concept boards, colour studies and detailed proposals for suppli-

Design and Refit

Issue 116


ers, tradesmen & tender returns.

DESIGN, BUILD & FITOUT Exactly as described and more commonly referred to as “Turn Key”. We provide the designs and involve the client at every stage of the process. Ensuring our clients are completely happy with the overall concept is absolutely fundamental to us. We then tender the project to a number of tried and tested contractors, provide you, the client, with an overall fit out package price including project management.

PRO AUDIO, LIGHTING & AV SYSTEMS Having supplied and installed all sizes and scales of PA systems - from the largest nightclub systems, to the smallest, best value domestic systems. We have the experience and expertise to advise you on all the options available and offer some of the best pricing within the industry. From supplying a flat screen for your Bar, an audio system for your Hotel or a Lighting system for your Nightclub, you’ll be catered for on a 1 to 1 basis. Visit for further information.

Make Your Business Stand Out with Mr Wood’s Fossils Edinburgh’s famous fossil shop was founded in 1987 by fossil hunter Stan Wood. Matt Dale began as manager before buying the business in 2006. Over the years, the business has forged an international reputation for quality and value, and Matt travels widely to carefully select stock from all over the world. While the shop has a wide-ranging customer base, from the collector to the fascinated tourist, it also helps museums and universities source display specimens and handling collections. Fossils and minerals can be beautiful natural objects, a combination of aesthetic and curiosity factors making for appealing decorative pieces. There’s the age, for one thing. Fifty million year old fish, meteorites as old as the planet – a sense of perspective to accompany

the natural beauty. The iconic spiral shells of ammonites, rich, earthy tones of slabs of fossil wood, or the framed tooth of a giant shark or dinosaur – something a little different and a memorable talking point. These aren’t manufactured products, of course. Every example is a unique individual, and it can be a very subjective appeal, which means it’s always worth taking a closer look and choosing carefully. It can take a while to make your way around the shop, in the city’s historic Grassmarket in the Old Town. If you can’t make it there in person, there’s a website with a good range of the smaller lines to explore, and you can always contact the shop to ask about other possibilities. 0131 220 1344 /

Refurbishing? Pro Auction is a well established professional firm acting for both corporate & private clients conducting sales throughout the UK and internationally.

our clients work with us because they know we have their best interests in mind. This trust is built from our shared values and understanding of what is most important to them.

as a result, we serve a diverse clientele across the following sectors: • • • •

Hotel, Leisure and Hospitality. Manufacturing Industrial Plant and Machinery Retail and Wholesale Stocks Luxury Goods, Prestige & Branded Products

We conduct sales by auction, tender and private treaty, supported by web based marketing and conventional promotional campaigns that reach the buyer quickly efficiently and professionally ensuring each and every sale is a success.

We can assist with the valuation, removal and sale of assets surplus to your requirements.

Contact us for full details: Pro Auction Ltd on 01761 414000

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Design and Refit

Issue 116


RECONDITIONED & SECOND USER CATERING EQUIPMENT EKE EQUIPMENT LIMITED • We have a comprehensive range of Re-conditioned Catering Equipment in stock • We can supply most of the markets leading names in new equipment at competitive prices • Full Service & Installation facilities by fully qualified engineers • We can also supply modular fridge & freezer rooms

Telephone with enquiries:

Tel: 01273 492488

Email: Mobile: 07860 274243





The Fine Bedding Company

As a fourth generation British business our family of innovators have spent more than 100 years pioneering bedding, better for people, business and the planet. We have been using trailblazing technology throughout the era’s, from delivering durability for cruise-liner mattresses’ in 1912, to creating our carbon-neutral factory in 2000. Our united purpose is and has always been, to create and deliver a better night’s sleep for your guests. Sustainability is the heart of our business and a continuous thread throughout the whole process. From responsible sourcing of eco-friendly materials, our award-winning eco-factory where manufacturing is powered by 100% renewable energy, right down to our 100% recyclable packaging. Our Vegan Down range is the perfect solution for hote-

liers who want high end luxury without compromising their environmental credentials. This range looks, feels and replicates natural down in a more environmentally friendly way. The Vegan Down’s design creates a sumptuous down like layer of superfine fibres which are encased in sustainably sourced 100% BCI cotton, the sewn through cassette construction traps air for warmth, volume and breathability, it’s washable, hypoallergenic and the microfibres are manufactured from GRS Certified recycled PET plastic bottles. Today, our production practices are modelled on the BCorp framework as we work towards certification, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to ethical and environmentally friendly production for a better tomorrow.

Refurbish with Pro Auction Ltd Prevent Dine & Dash with CardsSafe This trust is built from our shared values and understanding of what is most important to them.

Our comprehensive service is based on the needs of our clients. Our expertise in valuing, marketing, and selling surplus assets means our clients can achieve the best prices and end result with minimal effort. Our integrity, expertise and customer-first attitude are the three pillars upon which we continue to grow. Pro Action pride ourselves on our consultative, problem-solving service and our tradition of exceeding expectation. Looking to refurbish or sell surplus furniture, fixtures and fittings, from your hotel bar or restaurant ? Pro Auction has a long history of helping both corporate and private clients source and sell valuables across the UK and internationally. Trust underpins our entire operation and our clients stay with us because they know we keep their best interests front and centre.

For us, the auction process is a journey and one which we take with our clients. Ours is a results-driven service underpinned by solid technology, expert advice and a willingness to turn the first contact to repeat customer to a trusted friend. Contact us today for a free no obligation appraisal. Pro Auction Ltd (T) 01761 414000 (E) (W)

The CardsSafe system is designed to securely retain customer credit, debit and ID cards while the cardholder runs a tab, which means it is the ideal deterrent for anyone contemplating walking out of your establishment without paying. CardsSafe works with the hospitality industry to assist with bar tabs which undoubtedly help to increase profits. Young’s pubs, Hilton Hotels, and many independent and chain restaurants and pubs have been using CardsSafe for many years. The system helps to increase the bottom line by eliminating dine & dash while fighting card fraud simultaneously. “The CardsSafe system is great for servicing cus-

tomers who enjoy our outside areas.” Deborah Steel, the Director of the Deers Hut in Liphook in Hampshire. Increasing profit and reducing walkouts, CardsSafe offers many benefits to its customers. No wonder over 5000 major brands and independents in the UK trust CardsSafe. CardsSafe virtually eliminates walkouts because it retains bank cards and allows secure tab keeping. Rather than insisting on advance payment, businesses can keep tabs and up-sell while doing so. CardsSafe technology eliminates the temptation or opportunism. CardsSafe is affordable and pays for itself. Each unit, which contains ten card drawers, can be hired for just £9.99 per month. Each hire comes with customer service troubleshooting, free replacement keys, and additional units can be added at any time. The question is, can you afford not to consider CardsSafe as a part of your business? Sign up to CardsSafe here Or call 0845 500 1040

Design and Refit

Issue 116


Castelan Commercial Services Set the Standards We caught up with Rob Jackson, from Castelan Commercial Services to ask what have been the key drivers to Castelan’s success in hospitality restoration after Covid. "Our Commercial Division works on many projects across the UK- helping our hotel clients and working tirelessly together to provide cover in social care with the following services -

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Carpet/hard floor cleaning Upholstery cleaning Bath tub restoration Re-Upholstery service Environmental cleaning

“During the COVID crisis we expanded our cleaning services to include carpet & upholstery cleaning, re-upholstery services, mattress cleaning, bedroom deep cleaning (environmental) and bath tub restoration. Not only did we offer greener, safer cleaning products, but we found we were really effective at doing the work -and being competitive at doing this was a bonus." If you need any assistance with the restoration of your fixed assets or have any questions around restoration ideas, please contact Rob Jackson who will be happy to help. Contact Email: M 07787 847 353 or T 0330 024 0433

Demand for Hospitality Furniture Outstrips Supply for Many in the Industry The ever increasing need to differentiate and refresh hospitality interiors has led to shortages of outdoor furniture and extended lead times on anything made to order. All sizes of business from local pubs to large hotel chains are feeling the pinch, and having to pay a premium for any available models they can find that fit their concept. These are challenging times for suppliers too, as managing director of the market leading Contract Furniture Group, Richard Bellamy, confirms: “Timber, fabrics, plastics, transport – you name a cost and it’s gone through the roof. Our margins have always been thin, so trying to find ways to keep our prices down is tough – especially when our customers rely on us being the most cost-effective supplier around. “We’ve seen demand skyrocket in the last couple of years, while many of our competitors have struggled to keep up. The market consolidation has seen us grow, but also limited buyers’ options – which has subse-

quently put further pressure on supply chains and the cycle continues. Luckily for us we work exclusively with a number of European manufacturers, so our lead times have not been as badly affected as others. We’re seeing some pretty big players having to quote over fourteen weeks to get bespoke upholstered seating, which is just far too long for most people. I’m not saying we can return to the three or four weeks we used to work to, but happily we’re nowhere near those kinds of delays.” With the summer upon us and the need for outdoor furniture imminent, it seems inevitable that there will be a clammer for different ways to kit out new spaces or replace damaged items. Forward planning for furnishings has never been so business critical for the hospitality industry. Thankfully there are still contract furniture suppliers out there agile enough to deliver when the unexpected occurs and we need solutions fast. See or the advert on this page.

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Issue 116

Design and Refit

Choose Classic Shaker Style For A Cost-Effective Dining Solution

Even though its origins can be traced back to the 1800s, simple yet stylish Shaker furniture remains a perennially popular style of furniture. With its minimalist, well-made design, it’s a fantastic choice for a timeless décor theme for any café or restaurant. Trent Furniture’s great range of Shaker Tables are available in round, square, rectangular and poseur designs, in a variety of sizes. Whatever shape or size you choose, our Shaker Tables are all available in a choice of dark oak, light oak or walnut finishes to their solid rubberwood tops, making them a versatile choice for any hospitality space. Thanks to their clean, simple

Lifeforms Design Lifeforms Design provide a full range of interior and architectural design services across the hospitality, leisure, retail and commercial industries. Whether big or small, every project is given the same dedication and commitment so as to provide our clients with the desired results. Our approach is creative and flexible - clients return to us because we take the time to understand them and can realise their vision.

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Our creative interior designs for bars and restaurants provide spaces that stimulate, invigorate and engage users. With years of experience and projects covering bars, cafés and restaurants, through to bespoke interiors for retail outlets and office spaces, we are the right people for the job. We are able to create inspired design solutions to make your business stand out from the crowd.

lines, Shaker Tables are compatible with many different styles of chair, however, the clean, classic lines of our Boston Side Chair and Washington Side Chair make the perfect partner to the Shaker Table. Both these contract grade chairs are available in a great choice of finishes and upholstery options or with a simple solid wood seat. With Shaker Tables starting at just £84.90 and Washington Side Chairs and Boston Side Chairs available from only £44.90, there’s never been a better time to invest in fabulous Shaker style furniture. To find out more please call 0116 2989 854 or fill in the enquiry form at From concept to completion, being unique isn’t easy in a world dominated by visual influence. Having worked for 20 years creating environments for people to engage with, now more than ever it is important to create something that appeals to all the senses. The rise in social media has created a setting where design makes up people’s everyday life, often to the point of not realising it. Our job is to deliver such design aspirations whilst ensuring the original brief is adhered to. Experience gained allows us to direct ideas using an understanding of how a unit can feel day to day. Numbers of covers, quality of materials, furniture, lighting, acoustics are just some of the aspects which need to be considered to ensure the end product does more than look good on an Instagram post, although one should never underestimate how important that is as well! See the advert on the facing page or visit

Design and Refit

The Changing World Of Hospitality Interiors By Nicola Ball, Associate Interior Designer at KKA ( The world of hospitality interiors is changing. Heineken announced last week that they would be spending up to £40 million on pub upgrades, in a bid to maintain commercial success in an increasingly competitive and diversifying landscape. The pandemic has taught businesses the combination of agility and robust contingency plans have proven priceless. Across the architecture industry we have seen client briefs change at a moment’s notice. Hospitality spaces that were designed for short-term stays were hosting guests for longer periods due to the demands of self-isolation, and thus, weren’t meeting their demands – albeit in the most unprecedented of circumstances. However, we’ve demonstrated the ability to respond with the nimbleness required to adapt when needed. But, with the resurgence of hospitality in full flow – and a summer of maximum capacity events around the corner – it’s timely to consider how hospitality briefs have changed during this turbulent period.

When designing interiors for hospitality venues near airports, major sporting or music venues, the brief is targeted towards guests staying for a short period. These spaces are perfect for the business professional working away from home, those away on a long weekend, and any others looking for ‘quick-fix’ accommodation that can fulfil their needs.



The differences between the two styles of venue are deeply considered, and for a venue to change to meet the demands of the other, they must be very flexible. During the last two years a number of hospitality venues have been faced with this challenge. The Courtyard by Marriot at London City Airport had to deal with this first hand, with KKAI having to alter its interior plans to meet the demands of longer-term guests having to complete isolation periods after international travel, rather than a quick stop-over. The venue altered its approach to lighting, check-in, food and beverage offering and finishes, in order to quickly meet the demands of its guests.

These venues provide a different experience from longer stay spaces, from the lighting, check-in or food and beverage offering.

Now, with summer round the corner, international travel becoming easier and a full calendar of maximum capacity events taking place, have the considerations of future briefs changed?

Lighting in these spaces is much lower and atmospheric with softer, delicate furnishings that bring an extra layer of comfort to guests. Check-in services are typically automated, coupled with the ability to order convenient room-service, minimising contact with staff so they can get to their workplace, event, or destination more efficiently.

Through delivering the Hilton Garden Inn at Silverstone, KKAI have found first hand that there is still a demand for short term hospitality, with the associated considerations. However, certain aspects are being reconsidered.

When comparing design of longer-term stays, there is a large disparity in guests’ needs. In longer stay spaces furnishings and finishes have improved durability, meaning they have an extended lifespan and quality doesn’t deteriorate from overuse. Also, lighting is set to ‘task lighting’, meaning it is brighter and replicates everyday life at home, rather than atmospheric lighting that can lead to over-relaxation. As expected, the food and beverage offering is different too. Rather than ‘quick-fix’ meals, guests are offered holistic menus and partner with local suppliers to offer different dining experiences.

Second Clearance Showroom

On-trend products available to you six days a week! If you are someone that loves a bargain, take a trip down to our second outlet showroom in Clacton, to get inspired for your next interior project. Up to 80% off on popular styles and fabulous home décor pieces. With new lines, added every week and available to you whilst stock lasts; discover popular ranges like the Sylvia velvet kitchen stool (£70), and its eyecatching silhouette – helping to elevate your kitchen island to the next level. Or consider the Malmros dining chair in black (£57), with its padded faux leather seat and curved

Issue 116

Scandi style - it’s easy to see why this is the first choice for customers looking to revamp their dining table. However, if you are someone that is simply after soft furnishings and home accessories, our Clacton second outlet has that covered too. Add a funky element to your living room with our collection of rugs, coat hangers and more. Or create that high-end, ambient feel in your dining space with our lighting range - from pendants and floor lamps to table and wall lights. Whether you’re into Industrial, Mid Century,

Wellness is now at the forefront of every design decision. These spaces need to be inviting for guests who are apprehensive about returning to large crowds again. As such, maximum capacities have been reassessed, with management teams including a certain amount of flex within elaborate contingency plans. Also, finishes – across all spaces – are more durable. Due to increased cleaning, antimicrobial fabrics and materials are favoured. Although we can be excited about returning to original briefs that made hospitality venues a place of escapism, it is important that operators learn from the experience of the last two years and evolve with it – not doing so could have disastrous implications for the hospitality industry.

Scandinavian or Contemporary styles, the Clacton second clearance showroom is open 6 days a week and offers on-trend pieces - from chairs and stools to lighting, sofas, and tables - it’s simple to design a life you love with Cult! *Please note: The products in our Clacton showroom are largely discounted as they may be a customer return, ex-display model, refurbished or have visible marks (i.e small dent or scratch). However, all are complete and in good condition but cannot be sold as new. Want to take a look? Visit our outlet: Unit 1 Brunel Road Gorse Lane Industrial Estate Clacton on Sea Essex CO15 4QW Opening times: Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 3pm Or call us: 01255879896 See the advert below for further details.



Issue 116

Property and Professional

Capify - We're Here to Support Your Hospitality Business For almost 15 years, Capify has worked closely with the hospitality sector, providing business owners with much-needed funding. We’ve been there through some difficult times – like the 2008 recession and Covid-19, and have continued to lend even when the banks have said no.

• Purchasing extra food and drink • Hiring additional staff • Purchasing new catering equipment Our flexibility means we will try and look beyond your credit history when assessing your application and instead, we will consider whether your business has the potential to deliver solid and sustained growth.

We’ve recently conducted a Business Confidence Survey and found that cash flow and cash reserves are key concerns for business owners across the UK. Over half of those who responded also said they lack confidence in their existing banking partners to meet any future borrowing needs.

If you’d like to find out how much finance you qualify for, visit

We’re proud to have created an accessible business loan which is both quick and easy to apply for, and, once approved, the funds can be paid out in as little as 24 hours.

You’ll be taken to Capify’s website, where you can get a no-obligation quote within minutes. You’ll also be able to find out more information about the business loan and the unique and straightforward repayments.

The finance can be used for any business purpose, whether that’s:

To find out more visit or call us on 0800 151 0980 to speak to one of our specialist finance sale team.

• Managing short-term cash flow issues

Why Use a Specialist Hospitality Consultant? Answer: because we can help your business to succeed.

With over 30 years of industry experience in the Hospitality sector, The Bowden Group’s Managing Consultant David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements: Profitability, Operational Strategy, Staff Management, Marketing and The Future of your business. David will also be on hand to give you extra (and this can be without any extra charge) support through our Sprowts4Mentoring system, to analyse, every single week, your business performance figures … giving you weekly analysis and concise reports, with appropriate guidance, to optimise your business’s Sales, Profitability and Staff Management.

the labour usage in your business. And YES … Covid19 changed a lot of things. We need to learn from those things! Right now we are experiencing massive increases in the cost of the raw materials that we buy … both Food and Drink. We will take that fully into consideration. When was the last time that you fully and meticulously costed out and priced correctly, every dish on your menu … both Food and Drinks? Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter, your Restaurant Consultant, will work on with you, and improve with you.



Our experts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available. We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business.

Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever. From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Service and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development.

The largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost, so, with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising

We have a very good record in helping Hospitality business owners to implement processes that improve how they manage their people, which in turn benefits the owners as well as the Team Members themselves.

We can help you to manage ‘difficult’ people situations, to improve your operational planning, to recruit, train and manage your team better, creating a more productive, pleasant and ‘’retaining’’ working environment.

MARKETING We will help you build a workable, planned Marketing Strategy. We don’t do fancy, posh or expensive … we just recommend what our experience says will actually work for your business. It’s no longer enough to rely on word-of-mouth and repeat business. You need to employ a wealth of skills in a number of areas to ensure that your Marketing is attracting new customers and engaging with existing customers. From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online advertising, to print design, Promotions and offline advertising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’. If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better, give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a ‘’Free of Charge’’ initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer), when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you.



PRICE: £1,950,000


PRICE: £49,950


PRICE: £600,000


• Stunning Country Inn Providing 10 Luxurious Boutique Letting Bedrooms • Character Main Bar, Dining Room, Snug & Restaurant/Function Room • Stunning Terrace, Raised Beer Garden, Outside Kitchen & Large Car Park • Beautiful Detached 2 Bed Owner’s Cottage with Private Lawn, Patio & Deck • Incredibly Successful & WellEstablished Business


REF: 4277

• ‘Cottage Style’ Freehouse in South Devon Estuary Village • 2 Character Refurbished Trading Areas with 1 Bedroom Owners Accomm • One Bedroom Letting Studio • Large Outside Trading Area with Sheltered Seating & Farm Shop • A Thriving ‘Free of Tie’ Pub Business held on an Affordable Rent


PRICE: £620,000

REF: 4289

• Impressive Detached Tudor Style Property in Fabulous Location • Long Established, Well Appointed Licenced Restaurant with Outside Seating • Commercial kitchen with Prep Area and Wash Up Room • Exceptional Self-Contained 4 Double Bed Accommodation • Private Parking for 4 Cars and Outbuildings

REF: 4265

PRICE: £525,000

PRICE: £150,000

REF: 4025

REF: 4188

• Well Established & Successful Restaurant in the Heart of Dartmouth • Dining Area with Spectacular Panoramic Window with Harbour & Estuary Views • 3/4 Bedroom Apartment – Could be Used for Holiday Letting/Staff/Owners • Highly Profitable Business, Ideal for ‘Owner Operator’ Couple • Must be Seen to be Appreciated – Retirement Sale





Licensed Thai Restaurant

Highly Visible Landmark Restaurant

Set In Around 2 ½ Acres

High Street Trading Position

Two Dining/Restaurant Areas 100+

Character Restaurant Areas (94+)

Restaurant Areas (40+)

External Seating 50+ & Car Park

Al Fresco Seating For 120+ & Car Park

Commercial Catering Kitchen

Purpose Built & Equipped

Exceptional Business Opportunity

Impressive Turnkey Opportunity

Significant Turnover & Gross Profit

Well Renowned Country Village Inn

LH £95,000


LH £30,000


LH £150,000





Licensed Restaurant/Tea Room/Takeaway

Exceptional High Turnover Free of Tie Inn Bar & Dining Areas (140) Trade Gardens & Patio Ares (64) 6 Double Bedroom (2 Ensuite) Owners Accom. Sought After Free of Tie Leasehold

Day Time Only Café & Restaurant

Net Profits In Excess Of £100,000 Trading Day Time Only Spacious 4/5 Bed Apart & Parking Outstanding Business Opportunity

LH £125,000


LH £150,000


Excellent Reputation With Much Potential 30 Covers & Commercial Kitchen Self Contained 2 BedOwner's Accom. Quality Business In Sought After Town

LH £89,950


REF: 4008

• Long Established Licenced Café/Bistro in Superb Trading Location • Stylishly Decorated with Internal Seating for Circa 45 • Benefitting from Outside Seating for 6 • Well Equipped Commercial Kitchen • Huge Potential to Expand on Current Trade





• Stunning Ground Floor Lock Up Restaurant • Elegant & Informal Fine Dining Restaurant Beautifully Refurbished Throughout • Quietly Trading to Suit Current Owner/Operators • Fully Equipped Commercial Kitchen and Ancillary Spaces • Turnkey Operation Held on a 999 Year Lease

PRICE: £150,000

REF: 4184





• Fabulous Waterfront Inn with Views Over the South Devon Coastline • Large Open Plan Traditional Trading Area, Commercial Kitchen & Ancillaries • Outside Trade Patio Area & Balcony with Coastal Views • 1 Bed Owners Apartment with Sea Views & Secondary Managers Flat • 4 Letting Rooms on the Top Floor 3 with Spectacular Sea Views



• Substantial, Completely Refurbished 18th Century Coaching Inn • 2 Spacious, Character Trading Areas (54+ covers) • 5 Superior En-Suite Letting Rooms & Very Well Presented 3 Bed Private Accomm • Outside Courtyard Trading Area, Car Park & Skittle Alley • Stunning Property and Business, Must be Seen


PRICE: £79,000


REF: 3853




Beautifully Restored Country Village Inn

Attractive Licensed Restaurant

Substantial Former Farmhouse

8 Quality Ensuite Letting Bedrooms

Busy Prime Trading Location

Refurbished To High Standard

Lovely Restaurant Areas (65+)

Restaurant Seating 42+

Flexible Business & Home Opportunity

Al Fresco Seating Area (76)

Well Equipped Catering Kitchen

Offering 6 Individual Bedrooms

Strong Turnover & Profits

Deliberately Restricted Opening Hours

Sauna, Hot Tub, Gardens & Private Parking

FH £695,000


LH £39,950



FH £549,950


01392 201262

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