CLH Digital - Issue #122

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The trade body, which represents over 10,000 members throughout the UK has this week written to the Secretar y of State for BEIS and the Chancellor, highlight ing the devastating impact of the energ y crisis on its members running independ ent pub businesses and calls for immediate energ y grants and capped prices

The British Institute of Innkeeping (BII) has warned that spiralling energ y costs are 'killing our nations' pub' and called on the Government to provide urgent, essential suppor t to the besieged sector

Escalating Energy Bills are Killing Nations’ Pubs

Highlighting the difficulties the sector currently faces the letter states that “Licensees across the UK are dealing with a lethal cocktail of inflationar y costs, staff shor tages and squeezing of consumer confidence , all whilst tr ying to recover from the devasting impact of the pandemic ”


The Caterer Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd Suite 4 Roddis House Old Christchurch Rd Bournemouth Dorset Contributions are welcome for consideration however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team Whilst ever y care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom All rights reser ved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH

The whole countr y, from the general public to various industr y sectors are calling for government help, but I have said before , the hospitality sector should be priority in any suppor t Why? It is one of the major contributors to the government coffers It is the third largest employer in the countr y, and it is the nations “ go to” sector for almost any occa sion It provides an injection of much needed cheer into the countr y I said last week that a Google search reveals that neither candidate has made any com ment of their intentions to suppor t the sector if they are elected One week on and that remains the same! I can find nothing, no mention of suppor t, grants, policy or tax changes just the odd platitude here and there To be fair Mr Sunak has pledged a reduc tion in business rates, but that appears to be gener ic and not industr y specific In our lead stor y Sasha Lord has called for the immediate return of Parliament and temporar y reduction in VAT on business energ y bills from 20% to 5% Welcome though that would be , any reduction should, in my opinion, be on sales and not costs A temporar y reduction from 20% to 5% (or if that is not possible 12 5%) for food & drink and accommodation in the hospitality and on trade sector through to December 2023 would be a far better way to get the hospitality industr y moving The sector needs customers and there will come a point when the woes get on top of people and they will turn to the one industr y which provides respite the hospitality sec tor and what better way of respite than affordable food and drink


2 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122

EDITOR Peter Adams

Published by PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House , Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth Dorset, BH1 1LG TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 FAX: 01202 552666 sales@catererlicensee com www CLHNews co uk @CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES David Bar tlett Guy Stephenson PRODUCTION & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox Published by Editor's Viewpoint

Warnings surrounding the cost of living crisis are ramping up Whoever becomes Prime Minister, whether it is Rishi Sunak or Liz Truss, they will have their work cut out Ever y sector is in crisis and our front page stor y high lights the dire predicament the nation’s pubs are facing Add to that publishers! We too here at CLH News have seen spiralling costs, par ticularly in print and postage This simply cannot go on Aside from the spiralling costs the hospitality and licensed on trade sector faces, reduced footfall is having an equally devastating effect I have just returned from my hometown of Liverpool I haven’t been up there for the past 5 years and this time I visited a village area with friends that I used to fre quent in my younger days Granted it was Tuesday evening, but aside from one other table at 8 30pm we were the only people in the pub There were almost as many bar staff as there were customers I did get chatting to the manager, who said that midweek trade had “fallen off a cliff ” , and this had been an ongoing issue since the end of the pandemic The problem is getting the public back out and enjoying hospitality, the wider public like all businesses are facing a crisis of their own with energ y bills and increased mor tgage payments, which means less disposable income to visit the pub or restaurant

It is refreshing to see that Nottingham council are abandoning their night time levy Introduced in 2014 this was yet another unnecessar y burden on the sector which I sus pect would have caused great financial distress, par ticularly in this current economic cli mate , I sincerely hope that other local authorities follow suit In ver y simple terms the entire sector has been over taxed for far too long, and I hope this is the first step in a long and serious examination on how burden of taxation in the hospitality and on trade can be reduced Once again I would ask the favour we are tr ying to maximise our adver tisers reach as much as possible , without them would not be possible to run CLH NEWS, so please do follow us on Twitter, Facebook and our newly created Instagram, and encourage as many people you know in the trade to subscribe to our digital issue Fur ther details can be seen at www catererlicensee com

“The crisis now facing our members is just as damaging as the impact of the pandemic Without suppor t, the rise in energ y bills and fur ther cost increases will cripple these viable businesses, risking lost jobs and careers, Government loans being written off, and the loss of essential, accessible places that connect us all in our communities “We have called on Government for urgent shor t term suppor t to allow these vital businesses, suppor ting local jobs and livelihoods in ever y community to weather these exceptional costs of doing business They now urgently need immediate suppor t with energ y bills via grants and a cap on future increases, alongside a waiver of business rates for 23/24 as well as a more meaningful cut to the differential rate of duty on beer applied to smaller container sizes Alongside these measures, there need to be measures in place to stimulate consumer spending, all of which will allow them time to star t their recover y “Pubs are an essential component of growth, regeneration and levelling up across the UK and without suppor t their contribution to skilled jobs local investment and suppor ting local suppliers will be lost, in many cases, forever Government must act now to ensure the sur vival of these vital community businesses ”

Speaking on Sky News on August 9 Mr Lord said, “This is a crisis and we need immediate inter vention We need somebody to get a grip and we need strong leadership to get us through this The warning comes as the Bank of England warns inflation, now at 9 4%, could peak at more than 13% over the next year, with little relief in sight until before 2024

“The hospitality sector is one of the most integral par ts of the UK economy, and one which is now in an extremely perilous position, more so than during the Covid pandemic Historical debt burdens racked up over the past two years, combined with the unrelenting economic pres sures have created a perfect storm which is tearing through the hear t of the sector Trading is now unviable for many and I believe we will see closures at an unprecedented level over the 12 months leading to unem ployment on an unimaginable scale ”

tearing through the hear t of the sector’ and has called for the Government’s urgent return to Parliament

Unlike the increases in energ y bills for the public , there is currently no cap in place for businesses, and many BII members are regularly repor t ing increases of 300% or more on their existing payments Even without the crippling inflation across all other areas the energ y crisis alone is threatening the sur vival of great pub businesses that have been at the hear t of their community for years Independent pub operators will need to trade at least 20% higher than pre pandemic levels to just stand still, but 3 in 4 are still trading below 2019 levels, with 86% repor ting lower profits from that already reduced revenue In addition, many are still repaying Government Bounce Back loans and other pandemic specific debts at an average of around £40,000 per pub Steve Alton CEO of the BII said: “Our members have been working tirelessly to maintain pubs as acces sible and affordable safe spaces for all at the hear t of their communities across the UK, absorbing as much of the inflationar y costs placed on their businesses as possible We have seen a sharp rise in calls to our helplines, with members uncer tain of how to navigate the challenges fac ing them, the majority of whom are seeing unsustainable cost increases across ever y area of their businesses, but rising energ y bills are the top concern at the moment “Even at the height of summer, the busiest time of year for pubs, licensees are now seriously considering the sustainability of their busi nesses, as the astronomical rising cost of business is undermining any recover y they may have already made To be clear, the huge impact of ris ing energ y bills alone will be enough to destroy many of these much loved and needed small businesses, providing vital social connection for so many COSTS “CRIPPLING VIABLE BUSINESSES”

“The speed at which the economic turmoil has devastated businesses in the sector is frightening and I am being contacted ever y day from landlords who are unable to continue to trade due to financial pres sures ” He said TEMPORARY REDUCTION IN VAT

Escalating Energy Bills are Killing Nations’ Pubs

Mr Lord is calling for the Government to implement a temporar y reduction in VAT on business energ y bills from 20% to 5% He continued, “I have contacted the Chancellor, Nadhim Zahawi MP, to urge him and the Government to return to Parliament Urgent meetings with energ y providers and leaders from across the industr y are needed to discuss pragmatic solutions and reduce the financial burdens that landlords are facing We must keep this sector afloat before it is too late , and to save the livelihoods of the hundreds of thousands of staff that the sector employs

The warning and letter government from the PII follows a stark warn ing by one of the U K ’ s night time economy advisors Sasha Lord who said earlier this week that pubs restaurants and bars are seeing outgo ings triple and are in deeper trouble now than during the pandemic Mr Lord the Night time Economy Advisor for Greater Manchester said that the combined damage of spiralling inflation, energ y bills, supply chain complications and wage increases, have led to a perfect storm

Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 3

(CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER) In a recent sur vey of members the BII revealed that the rising energ y costs topped the list of factors impacting the profitability of their pub businesses, but in the few shor t weeks since then, the crisis has escalat ed even fur ther REPORTS OF A 300% ENERGY INCREASE


Kate Commenting on her position as not only the CEO of UKH but a female CEO, Kate said: I always like to think of myself as just a CEO, however, I am conscious of using my position as a female CEO to be a role model I do believe fundamentally, you can’t be what you can’t see , so I strive to be visible for the sector as a whole and women in the sector specifically My motto, given to me years ago by a former col league , is lift as you climb So as we go fur ther up, we don’t pull up the ladder behind us we increase the number of areas for people to climb up behind us ”

By Susana Garrido, Digitality & General Education Program Manager, and Senior Lecturer in Marketing, at Les Roches (https://lesroches .edu)


They explore Kate s passion for education, oppor tunity and develop ment and why it s impor tant to offer hands on lived experience to Generation Z to nur ture the seed of passion in the younger generation at an early age Through her role as CEO UKHospitality, Kate Nicholls has become the leading voice representing the UK hospitality sector, advocating and lobbying for over 740 companies operating around 100,000 venues across the UK, including accommodation, F&B, events, and attraction & leisure sectors In 2021 her effor ts were recognised in the New Year Honours list and she was awarded an OBE for ser vices to the hospital ity sector, especially during the pandemic “Like so many people in the sector I’d never thought about a career in hospitality, and I fell into it It’s such a fantastic place to work,” said Kate There s so much camaraderie and it s such a collaborative indus tr y In other sectors businesses don’t collaborate We are hugely sup por tive , collaborative and cooperative as a sector, and I think that’s what got us through COVID we came together to be able to sup por t each other through it and have nobody left behind ” She added: “COVID gave us a ver y literal demonstration of what hap pens when you don’t suppor t Hospitality and Tourism, when you don’t look at it sensibly Because literally the light and life turned off from our town and city centres The economy went backwards And you could see that throughout the two years of COVID ever y time hospi tality switched back on and star ted up again, the economy grew ”

Innovative employees are not just those with great ideas, but those who dare to experiment, apply their experience , and transfer it to others The future of the hotel industr y needs professionals who are reliable , independent, capable of handling uncer tainty, as well as open to pivoting and readjusting if the project requires it Innovation is knocking at our door


Implementing the practices of open innovation has multiple benefits, including shor tening the time needed to research and bring a solution to market In addition including customers in the development of new solutions will make the filtering of ideas more efficient, since they are the main beneficiaries and the ones who have the strongest link with the experience In addition to customers, hotels have the option of involving their employ ees in open innovation processes In this way, both audiences contribute to creating new solutions and improvements and all become active creators in innovation

Open Innovation: The Future of the Hotel Industry


4 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122 Innovation technolog y has been one of the most popular topics discussed in business cir cles in recent years While most corporations want to innovate in one way or another, the results of such innovations and their overall impact on the bottom line could become over shadowed if in depth research is not conducted This has had the effect of some hotels not being quite sure what really constitutes an impactful innovation, with innovation even, in some cases being regarded as an enemy of suc cess because its implementation means that cus tomers also star t to compare all establishments, including competitors, on the basis of the new experiences they offer Large hotel chains tend to have an advantage in achieving their innovation goals as they tradi tionally have better access to knowledge based tools However, SMEs tend to be more adapt able when it comes to facing the challenges associated with change Nonetheless, it is not always easy for either side of the spectrum No matter what their size , companies do not have the resources (time , knowledge and budget) to work on multiple types of innovation at the same time Choosing a strateg y on how to innovate is therefore essential


Championing Hospitality for Positive Action and Change

2. THE INNOVATION SECTOR Innovation in the hotel sector must focus on the customer, who is the cornerstone of the hotel’s business model, and the immediate future will require that he or she be made par t of the conversation This concept refers to the open innovation model devised by Professor Henr y Chesbrough of the Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley The open innovation model invites companies to develop an innovation strateg y through cooperation with external organisations and professionals, including the hotels’ own customers

The first mistake is to think that innovation is only about new products Any improvement to the user expe rience is also innovation and may simply involve a basic update of existing tools and features The goal will always be to positively influence the client Hotel companies are finally understanding the impor tance of cre ativity and the relationship between having an entrepreneurial mindset, creative thinking and its positive impact on innovation There is no exclusive territor y for innovation, nor is it the sole preser ve of big budgets There are as many forms and models of innovation as there are types of companies

In the latest episode of the new season of Accor’s podcast, Hear t of Hospitality Duncan O’Rourke , host and CEO Accor Nor thern Europe , speaks to Kate Nicholls, CEO UKHospitality They discuss UKHospitality’s role championing the hospitality sector in the UK and lobbying the Government for positive action and change , including the impact a VAT cut and greater training flexibility would have on the sector

The leaders exchanged on the global staffing crisis, the recently launched UKH Workforce Strateg y, the creativity and resilience of hos pitality and the oppor tunities it affords the emerging workforce of Gen Z “There’s no other sector of the economy which will allow you to have delegated authority at such a young age and allow you to expand your horizons and grow to be a manager within less than two years The sky’s the limit but also no other sector of the economy gives you that camaraderie and fun while you ’ re at work ”

Duncan and Kate celebrate the rising salaries and greater oppor tuni ties to work for your passion but call for greater suppor t for hospitali ty as a job of choice in schools and amongst parents, citing the tale of a 16 year old passionate about baking and a fan of Bake Off and Master Chef who was discouraged from entering hospitality where she could have earned £60,000 a year as a pastr y chef in London and work for her passion As the conversation turns to government, Duncan references the global under representation of the hospitality and tourism sector in government and asks Kate what the UK Government could do to have the most significant impact on the sector : “On the workforce point I think at the moment it is about giving us greater flexibility on the Apprenticeship Levy, that’s a tax on jobs at the moment, and it’s a tax on training, and we can t use it in the way that we know we need to really boost or upskill our people ” She adds My biggest ask of government would be to tackle the per fect storm of the cost of doing business increase and cost of living squeeze and the need for business to invest in recruitment and train ing So the biggest thing they could do is to cut VAT That would help business have the headroom, it would boost demand, and it would help our sector as a whole ”

Kate champions the power skills of hospitality, citing her core hospi tality skills as the core strength of lobbying and political acumen: “Essentially lobbying is about human relationships it’s about people These are natural hospitality skills It’s why I always think hospitality is a great place to star t in your career because they are transferable skills ”

Open innovation is therefore a ver y good option to innovate in any hotel and to promote the advancement of the hotel industr y Harnessing the full force of open innovation also requires attracting innovative employ ees Management must decide what type of innovation it wants to introduce , when and at what pace , as well as what types of synergies will be created within the organisation All these factors mean the company must identify which employees are best suited to work in teams to these ends Innovative companies attract innova tive employees and vice versa This is something we see frequently at Les Roches, where there is an employee employer match within the innovation ecosystem that works on its own Innovation demands transformative people who collaborate , share , and have the ability to integrate knowledge and experience

Commenting on the episode Duncan O’Rourke Hear t of Hospitality host and CEO Accor Nor thern Europe said: “The representation of hospitality and tourism within government is crucial Hospitality accounts for 10% of global GDP and 1 in 10 jobs and it is the beating hear t of local and global communities Unlikely many sectors, hospitality is a meritocracy and social elevator, a place for the emotionally intelli gent and the business minded Hospitality positively impacts ever y per son in the world and offers those that work in it the chance to explore the world and its people what other sector can say all this? Governmental suppor t is dispropor tionate to the economic and social impact of the sector ”

The hospitality leaders discuss the incredible impact of hospitality sector, which in the UK accounts for approximately 4 5m people , or 1 in 10 working people “We bring people together like no other indus tr y All of our hospitality businesses within the UK are at the hear t of their communities Fundamentally, we ’ re a people business, so people are at the hear t of what we do We re about experience and giving cus tomers great experience , and giving the communities in which we exist, great experience ”

The impor tance of collaboration suppor t and representation drives


The Hear t of Hospitality podcast is par t of a pan European industr y platform of the same name built to tell stories of the sector and its people Accor is inviting stories from across the industr y to be shared via #Hear tOfHospitality To listen to the full episode , visit https://hear t of hospitality com/podcast/ or find the podcast on Spotify and other leading Podcast platforms

For more information and more stories from hospitality, visit https://hear t of hospitality com/

Significant issues remain between the licensing and planning systems and little progress has been made in addressing the lack of coordination between the two systems The Government must work with all inter ested par ties to establish clear mechanisms for the licensing and planning systems to work together and communicate effectively A mandator y minimum standard of councillor train ing needs to be established for councillors who par ticipate in licensing committee or sub committee proceedings to ensure consistent decisions across licensing committees

These are some of the key findings and recommen dations of a new repor t from the House of Lords Liaison Committee that follows up the 2017 repor t by the Select Committee on the Licensing Act 2003 Baroness McIntosh of Pickering, former Chair of the Select Committee on the Licensing Act 2003, said: “Our original inquir y concluded that the Licensing Act 2003 was fundamentally flawed and needed a rad ical overhaul It is now five years since we published our findings and we have not seen the progress we had hoped “We urge the Government to review our conclu sions and recommendations and act now to tackle the issues that remain unresolved ”


The committee s other findings and recommenda tions include: The ‘Agent of Change’ principle which captures the idea that those introducing a change in the use of land should manage the impact of that change should first be adopted in the section 182 Guidance to reflect the current policy in the National Planning Policy Framework, and then be subject to review and reform The Government should consider incorporat ing it into current planning reforms in the Levelling up and Regeneration Bill to prevent fur ther uncer tainty

The lack of progress in improving access to licensed premises for disabled people is unacceptable The law must be amended to require that an application for a premises licence should be accompanied by a disabled access and facilities statement The future of the GOV UK online licensing applica tion platform must be determined and an alternative established before it is removed

The recent decision not to extend the Licensing Act airside should be reviewed within three years to ensure that disruptive incidents caused by alcohol consumption are being effectively managed by existing industr y initiatives and regulation

The Government should under take a formal review of the impact of minimum unit pricing (MUP) across Scotland and Wales and consider the Ministerial repor t on the effect of MUP in Scotland to assess the benefit of implementing MUP in England It should also review the effect of the proposed alcohol duty reforms on excessive alcohol consumption within three years of its implementation

The Government should proceed with its proposed review of adding records of refused, suspended and revoked personal licences to the National Register of Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles Revocations and Refusals If this approach doesn’t work it should reconsider the original inquir y ’ s recommendation to establish a national database of personal licences

• The recent increase in prices in Spain, the United Kingdom, France and Por tugal in 3 and 4 star hotels, and Italy in 4 and 5 star hotels, are below inflation levels and therefore show a decrease in real hotel prices

• In Italy 3 4 and 5 star hotels have increased their prices by 27% 7% and 4% with their inflation rate being 9 12% The most significant increase in prices of Italian hotels is obser ved in the 3 star categor y

In March last year the Government said that some businesses including the hospitality sector affected by Covid 19 would be ineligible for a pandemic business rates holiday, and announced a £1 5 billion business rates relief fund for these companies

O t h e r r e s u l t s o f t h e s t u d y a r e a s f o l l ow s :

‘Sometimes employees are apprehensive to raise their mental health concerns individually This may be a daunting prospect and the conversation may feel more comfor table in a group setting For this reason, I would suggest considering a motivational speaker ; by having an exper t visit your employees in person, sharing informed guidance surrounding mental wellbeing self confidence and success you can ensure your employees feel suppor ted without any pressure ’

Responding councils which have star ted making payments account for £632m of the £1 5 billion funding package but have collectively paid out just £329m Jerr y Schurder business rates policy lead at Gerald Eve said: “This fund was supposed to help businesses negatively impacted by the pandemic , but which were denied other business rates suppor t “The Government claimed Carf was the fastest and fairest way of getting suppor t to businesses that need it the most, but the past 17 months has shown this to be complete hyperbole

Inflation Wipes Out Rise in Hotel Prices

Ensuring your employees have the resources to address feelings of stress and anxiety is crucial I would rec ommend investing in a platform which offers your staff access to exper t led guidance information and sup por t For example , BrainSparx is a digital platform that’s home to invaluable videos and advice which can help staff members re discover lost confidence and address these hurdles without feeling alone or overwhelmed ’


• In Spain, a rise similar to that of France is detected, with 3 star hotels rising 4%, 4 star hotels 6% and 5 star hotels 13% compared to 2019, with inflation of 13 55%

The main conclusion of this study is that, taking into account inflation, hotel prices in 2022, despite having experienced increases, are cheaper than in 2019 in most European tourist destinations

• In the United Kingdom the hotels that have increased in price are those in the 3 star categor y with an increase of 7% British 4 and 5 star hotels, on the other hand, have lowered their prices compared to 2019 with a decrease of 1% and 12% respectively, whilst the inflation rate is 12%

Just Half of English Councils Making Payments from £1.5bn Pandemic Fund

• In Italy and the United Kingdom, the most significant increase in prices is found in the 3 star categor y, while in Greece , France , Spain and Germany the categor y that rises the most is the 5 star categor y

Rishi Sunak the chancellor at the time gave councils the task of handing out the fund to businesses which applied to the Covid 19 Additional Relief Fund (Carf) However the results of Freedom of Information requests by proper ty consultancy specialists Gerald Eve have revealed that hundreds of millions of pounds remain unpaid despite less than two months being left before the scheme’s deadline

6 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122 As a leader in the hospitality industr y you are inherently respon sible for the wellbeing of your staff Impor tantly this includes employees’ mental health; it’s vital that you look out for signs of anxiety and stress amongst your team, for these struggles go unre por ted at an alarming rate More specifically, it’s been found that whilst 1 in 6 working adults are suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, or similar, 20% feel they cannot approach their managers with their respective health issues Evidently, for you to succeed as a manager, hone a happy, produc tive team, and strengthen your business’ results in turn, mental health must be a priority Of course , this is an indisputably difficult task; ever y leader needs a helping hand as they navigate this sensi tive subject For tunately, we have an ideal exper t on hand to help leaders within the hospitality space , ensuring ever y employee is equipped with the suppor t and resources that they need to address feelings of stress and anxiety Dr. Ant, The Brain Whisperer (www brain whisperer co uk), is a mindset specialist who helps staff and CEOs alike enrich their mental health Now, he’s sharing his exper tise

Tourism intelligence company Mabrian has analysed the hotel prices of the main European destinations in August and compared them to local inflation rates, comparing data from 2022 with that of 2019

Just over half, 119 councils, said they star ted making any payments to businesses

“In fact, the opposite is true Sadly, it’s a case of too little , too late for the hundreds of thousands of firms that were retrospectively denied their rights to appeal their rates bills but have yet to receive a penny from the local authorities ”


The hospitality sector is undeniably fast paced and high pressure meaning anxiety and stress are not uncom mon struggles As a manger, it is incredibly impor tant that you suppor t your employees and demonstrate your willingness to invest in their wellbeing and mental health, be that through helpful platforms or by embracing valuable advice The more guidance you receive , the more well rounded suppor t you can offer your team ’

‘As a leader, you can only enrich your employees’ wellbeing by focusing equally on your own If you are confi dent, happy, and flourishing, you will more easily be able to instil these feelings in your staff Equally, be honest with your team; by showing that you ’ re human and discussing any problems you ’ ve personally overcome , you will not only build a strong team rappor t, but demonstrate the resilience that we are all capable of with a little help along the way ’

A Government spokesperson said: “The Government has provided an unprecedented package of suppor t for businesses, including a total of £26 billion in grants to those affected by restrictions put in place to tackle Covid 19 “Councils are responsible for allocating funding and targeting it to businesses, based on local circum stances ”


1. LISTEN AND ENGAGE. One of the simplest and yet most effective things that you can do to suppor t your staff is listen to them and genuinely engage They need to know that you truly care , have processed their feedback, and are willing to help If you can sit down with your team members individually to catch up and establish any struggles they’re facing This way, you can help to create a plan for the workplace that’ll lessen their anxieties ’

The FOI requests to 309 councils in England resulted in 207 responses

• In Germany there are different rises in prices between categories of 12% in 3 star hotels, 18% in 4 star hotels and 25% in 5 star hotels, while its inflation is below all of those at 10 55%

According to Carlos Cendra, Director of Marketing and Sales at Mabrian: “From this analysis it can be understood that year on year price comparisons can be misleading in a context of instability such as the current one In Europe , we are not used to dealing with such rates of inflation Right now, it’s impor tant for the travel industr y to focus on profitability metrics like RevPar and GrossPar rather than price and occupancy


• In the case of Greece , the scenario is different as there has beena much more significant rise in hotel prices, up to 134% for 5 star hotels compared to 2019, whilst the inflation rate is just 6 87% The high rise prices of 5 star hotels may be related to the recent opening of luxur y hotels in the destination, which has increased the average value of accommodation in the countr y However, Greek 3 and 4 star hotels have maintained a rise of 31% and 82% compared to 2019

• In France , compared to 2019, the prices of 3, 4 and 5 star hotels increased by 2%, 5% or 20%, with inflation of 7 83%

‘In my opinion, one of the most impor tant lessons you can teach your staff is that they are the pilots of their own lives and ‘what we think, we become’ This lesson can be seen on the BrainSparx platform, however I would also recommend remembering this for yourself Even in our darkest moments, we must never forget that we are capable of creating positive change in our lives no struggle is permanent

The ADR is highly biased by the evolution of inflation and other macroeconomic factors such as exchange rates ”

Just over half of councils in England have begun making payments to firms from a £1 5 billion Covid sup por t package almost 18 months after it was first launched Real estate specialists have said it is too little too late and could mean thousands of companies miss out on almost £700 million of available funding

5 Considerate Ways to Support Employees Dealing with Stress and Anxiety

Find out more on the


The average cost of coffee has soared above 50% in the last 5 years To put this in perspective , a daily cup of coffee would cost Brits £225 annually in 2017, if they chose to buy one cup of coffee each working day In 2022, the exact same purchase would result in an annual spend of £840, hitting £1154 4 in 2025, one tenth of the current minimum wage!

The national average continues to grow, with weekly rental prices averaging out at £256 14 weekly, resulting in a spend of £13,319 28 per year Before considering mor tgage rates, the average spending has escalated from £223,807 in 2017, to £281,000 this year Following this trend, the average buyer could be paying £323,150 for a home by 2025

A pack of 20 cigarettes has increased by nearly £3 in the last 5 years, with the yearly rise in costs expected to reveal an average price of a 20 pack of cigarettes nearing £15 by 2025 As the average UK smoker smokes 20 cigarettes a day this amounts to over £5000 a year

Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 7

The UK already had some of the most expensive hotel prices worldwide prior to the pandemic , with the average hotel costing £97 20 a night in 2017 Between 2019 and 2021, prices rose by 41%, the equivalent of £300 more per week DAILY ESSENTIALS

The cost of an average Uber trip has risen 80% since 2017, from £10 to £18 When it comes to train travel, Brits have the highest prices compared to the rest of Europe at over 55p per mile By 2025, the average single journey could cost up to £26 64

On average concer t ticket sales have seen a 98% increase in price in comparison to 5 years ago By 2025, the average ticket is predicted to rise up 58% costing a whopping £142 42 Streaming ser vices are seeing higher levels of demand, especially in a post pandemic world By 2025, the monthly price of streaming ser vice subscriptions is expected to increase by nearly double since 2017

Rising by 27 91%, since 2017, the price of milk has risen from 43p to 55p per pint Buying necessities sudden ly feels like extravagant spending, with prices expected to continue growing yearly By 2025, a 64p pint of milk is expected to be the norm

The reality is the heightened levels of inflation we are experiencing do not align with how quickly wages have risen An increase of 15 35% has occurred in the last five years, yet overall costs of living have nearly tripled by 41 27% With the cost of living expected to continue increasing it has become more impor tant to budget for the future and set achievable pension goals Thankfully, there are plenty of resources to kickstar t saving for your future such as using a Pension Calculator which allows you to plan ahead secure future financial stability and find comfor t in retirement ” research here: living crisis


https://getpenfold com/news/cost of

the most expensive items "#$% &'()*(+!,-.#.! &'&(*&&!,-.#.! /!0$12!3455$2$67$! "672$1.$!89!&'&/! &'&/!:2$;47#$;!,-.#.! <=.47!,-67$2#!>47?$#! @A/BAC! @+CB+/! C)B/&D /+B/(D! @(A&BA&! <$1E!46!1!F$.#1=216#! @&+B/C! /AB)C+/! C(BG)D //B''D! @+ABCA! H8$2!I-=26$9! @('! @(+! +'D! A+B''D! @&GBGA! J9%!<$%8$2.K4L! @&M! @A'! )MBC(D! AABM/D! @/+! ,=L!-5!,-55$$! @&B&/! @MBA'! /(B((D M'BG)D! @ABAA! N$K47E$.! @(MO/''! @&'O'''! A+B(/D &+B+CD! @&/O))+! P;=71#4-6!QL*1R! @&CGBA'! @AM(BG'! A/BG(D &)BM)D! @/ACB)M! <-6#KE9!S#2$1%46T!S$2U47$.! @GB)A! @CB&A! M)B'CD &&B&GD! @((BM'! F$6#1E!V77-%%-;1#4-6!QL*WR! @(C&! @&/GB(A! MMBA(D &'B'AD! @M')BA)! ,E-#K46T!QL*1R! @)&GB''! @C/(! M(D! (+BG'D! @(O(&)BCG! <4E?!L$2!L46#! AML! //L! &)BC(D (GB)/D! GAL! X-=.$!:247$.! @&&MO+')! @&+(O'''! &/D! (/B''D! @M&MO(/'! ,4T12$##$.! @CBC(! @(&BMM! &ABA&D (ABG/D! @(AB(A! <73-61E;Y.!,K$$.$!Z=2T$2! CCL! @(B(C! &'B''D (&B''D! @(BMM! >216.L-2#!QL*1R! @AO(AABA'! @AO+&' (GBM'D CB)+D! @/O&C(BA'! :46#!-5!Z$$2! @MB/&! @A! (GB(CD CB)&D! @ABA&! X-#$E.!L$2!64TK#! @C)B&'! @((&B&G! (/BACD CBM'D! @(&&B)! X-=.$K-E;!VLLE4167$.!QL*1R! @('&B('! @((&B&'! CB+CD /BCAD! @((+B+G! !""#$%&'(%)*+&#",,"$ >K$!7-.#!5-2!1!L46#!-5!E1T$2!K1.!24.$6!(GD!.467$!&'()B!"#[.!$\L$7#$;!89!&'&/!#K$!1U$21T$!L247$!-5!1!L46#!W4EE!8$!@ABA&O!1E%-.#!1!L-=6;!%-2$!#K16! 46!&'()B! ]-2!^-6;-6$2.!K-W$U$2O!#K$!1U$21T$!7-.#!5-2!1!L46#!-5!8$$2!4.!L2$;47#$;!#-!2$17K!@(MBC+!52-%!@+!89!&'&/_ Pint of Beer Predicted to Hit £13.98 by 2025

The top three things that have increased the most since 2017 are:

The cost for a pint of lager has risen 16% since 2017 It’s expected by 2025 the average price of a pint will be £4 42 almost a pound more than in 2017 For Londoners however the average cost for a pint of beer is predicted to reach £13 98 from £8 by 2025!


• Music Concer t Ticket 97 52% • Meal at a Restaurant 91 67% Uber Journey 48% BEERS AND CIGARETTES



As we see the fastest price in the last 40 years a sur vey has predicted that beer is likely to almost £14 per pint by 2025 The sur vey compares essential living costs, ever yday items and additional things Brits love to spend their extra cash on we can reveal the top 18 things we spend money on and how much they have increased in cost over the past five years It’s revealed in only five years prices have soared at the fastest pace in 40 years, within the last half decade

The average meal out has seen a 91% increase in the past 5 years, costing nearly £55 in £22 This would have cost less than £30 back in 2017, whereas it is predicted to be nearly £85 in 2025 Chris Eastwood, Co founder at Penfold, a digital pensions provider, Rising prices are impacting people across the UK, with almost ever y activity, commodity, and ser vice obser ving increased costs as shown from our research

Web email Tel 0333 456 4500 ComPaCK - THe sTaNdard THaT maKes THe dIFFereNCe ProFessIoNal WareWasHING sYsTems relIaBIlITY HIGH PerFormaNCe GUaraNTeed assIsTaNCe at prices you will be overjoyed with Purchase/rental/Interest free 0% finance available (subject to status) ComPaCK GlassWasHers The Compack glasswashers have simplicity and robust performance in mind. Where the need for just washing glasses is the main aim this is the machine for the job • Electronic control with push buttons for high efficiency and easy to use • 350, 400 and 500 basket machines available • 120 seconds washing cycle • Ecoclean control system for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle • Built in drain pump included • Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers • Guarantees hot rinse thermostop • Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler • Light function button with self diagnostic ComPaCK FroNT loadING dIsHWasHers • Electronic control DIGIT with temperature display • 4 washing cycles • Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle Built in drain pump included • Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers • Guarantees hot rinse thermostop • Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler • Built in softener (only on D50S and D55S) • Colour coded function button with self diagnostic Evolute Electronic control with lCd display • Electronic control with LCD display • 4 individual programmable cycles • Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle • Built in drain pump included • Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers • Break tank AA air gap Wras approved • Guarantee rinse temperature 85⁰C at constant pressure • Self cleaning cycle on drain down • Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler • Built in softener (only on BT55S) • Self diagnostic ComPaCK Pass THroUGH dIsHWasHers d100 BT100/BT100s BT100TC/BT100TCs For all models Self diagnosis with errors solution, precise setting of the detergent dispenser, different temperature setting for each cycle • Ecoclean control system for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle (only with built in drain pump) • Thermal acoustic double door • New inclined and deep drawn welded tank Door reinforcement brackets • Adjustable rinsing arm rotation speed • Fully stainless steel made wash and rinse arms for low maintenance, heavy duty, all corrosion resistant • Removable double filtering system for wash and drainage cycle

Rishi Sunak Pledges Business Rates Reduction if Elected PM

Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 9

Richard Talbot Williams, Senior Director, Hotels at BNP Paribas Real Estate commented: “Increased interest rates have led to a reduction of transactional market pace with hotel deals agreed whilst rates were lower currently taking longer in due diligence whilst pricing is re analysed by buyers The UK still has a substantial hotel development pipeline , and whilst in some markets, new openings can be expected to dampen market RevPAR initially, the newest product with the strongest ESG cre dentials is anticipated to remain relatively more attractive to the majority of investors ” The regional hotel sales market in Q2 2022 continued to be dynamic during Q2 but the bigger ticket major regional city markets were less active although there was evidence of Central London activity

Former Chancellor Rishi Sunak has pledged to cut business rates this autumn as his lat est tax promise in the Tor y leadership race Speaking at a husting in the Nor th East town of Darlington, he said that suppor ting high streets would be “top of my mind” when asked by an audience member whether he would cut taxes on struggling shops Mr Sunak pledged to extending the current 50 per cent business rates reduction in his first Budget as Prime Minister, saying that small retailers are the “beating hear ts of all our communities” “Par ticularly those businesses in the hospitality and the retail sector, those on our high streets and our town centres, that is the number one tax they talked to me about when I was chancellor, Mr Sunak said “That’s why in the pandemic I did an enormous amount to help suppor t that industr y, because I know how impor tant it is to our communities, the jobs that it provides “It’s why this year I cut business rates for those businesses by 50 per cent as chancel lor, that s the biggest tax cut on business rates outside of coronavirus that we ve ever seen in this countr y

Because I know that it s the number one thing that makes a difference this autumn in the budget we’ll do the same ” Foreign Secretar y and current favourite to win the title of PM Liz Truss has pledged a reform of business rates along with a swathe of tax cuts, which Sunak has resisted doing

Hotel Occupancy Rebound Drives Rates to Record Levels in Q2

BNP Paribas Real Estate initial Q2 2022 data has revealed that improved hotel demand has driven average daily rates (ADR) and revenue per available room (RevPAR) to record highs as hoteliers increase their pricing to reflect rising occupancy levels and inflationar y costs As UK total average hotel occupancy rose to 80% in Q2 from 70% in Q1, the highest seen since pre pandemic (Q4 2019: 81%), ADR increased from £97 90 in Q1 to a new UK record of £122 86, with RevPAR increasing from £68 41 to £98 60 The news comes as inflation rose to 9 4% in June Transactions have slowed down amid increased economic uncer tainty and the rising cost of capital in Q2, with investment volumes totalling £1 2bn, albeit, it was still the strongest Q2 since £1 9bn was recorded in 2018 This was signifi cantly influenced by the £420m purchase of the majority shareholding in the owner of Point A hotels by Tristan Capital Par tners at the beginning of Q2 2022 Rebecca Shafran, Senior Associate Director, Alternative Markets Research at BNP Paribas Real Estate com mented: “The latest ADR growth figures are a reflection of the current confidence of hotel operators to raise their rates in light of high demand levels and in spite of the challenging economic backdrop Generational change and increased sentiment towards international travel events and return to work has a lot to do with this They know consumers within the key 18 65 demo graphic are willing to spend for experiential or convenience stays, and have reflected this in the rate alongside their various overheads However, with the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) forecasting a 2 2% per person reduction in real household disposable incomes (RHDI) in 2022 23, the biggest fall in living standards in any single financial year since ONS records began, we do anticipate some downward rate pressure during Q4 ”

By Simon Numphud, Managing Director of AA Media (www ratedtrips com)

The chefs cooking on the night include:

• Aiden Byrne c hef propr ietor at The Churc h Green

Over the past two years, the hospitality sector has seen a significant and prolonged boom in staycations, fuelled by external pressures of the pent up demand and travel restrictions caused by the Covid 19 pan demic , but also by positive initiatives such as the Eat Out to Help Out scheme While the restrictions around Covid have now been significantly reduced, ongoing airpor t disruptions, cost of living crisis, increased pass por t controls overseas and uncer tainty around potential Covid infec tions mean that many Britons are still opting for holidays in the UK over far flung destinations

The Staycation Boom and the Opportunities For Hospitality

• Ellis Barr ie c hef owner at Lerpwl

• Paul Leonard head c hef at The Forest Side

10 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122

In order to maximise profit, operators should focus on direct bookings, explaining the clear benefits that these have from best price guarantee to special discounts and offers absence of penalty or cancellation charges to the ability to speak to their team directly, as well as early check in and extended guest use (for example of spa or dining facilities) Examples of establishments who are already doing this successfully include the South West family run hotel chain Brend Hotels and the luxur y hotel group Exclusive Collection, who have a dedicated page on their web site detailing the benefits of booking directly through them When it comes to staycations, it is impor tant to offer guests great experiences and oppor tunities to upgrade , as we have seen a greater propensity for guests to spend more as they value higher quality and their precious time away

Chefs Ellis Barrie Aiden Byrne Paul Leonard and Tom Parker will unite on Monday 7 November 2022 to cook a four course meal to raise funds for Hospitality Action This ‘much anticipated’ fundraising dinner, hosted by Paul Askew of The Ar t School Restaurant will take place at Liverpool’s Hilton hotel, the ‘perfect’ location to bring these talented chefs together as they create dishes to suppor t countless hospitality families in crisis All guests will be treated to a canapé and drinks reception and a four course meal with wine throughout, whilst having the oppor tunity to pose our chefs their questions during the live Q&A

• Tom Parker head c hef at The White Swan more information, visit https://tinyurl com/y35842tk Chefs Dinner at Hilton Liverpool to Raise Money for Industry Charity

For the hospitality sector, this offers a phenomenal oppor tunity: not only to maintain the increased popularity of staycations during the peak summer season, but to also extend this new found interest in exploring the UK well beyond summer, and into the shoulder months The crucial first step to achieve this is for hospitality businesses to develop a strong narrative , a USP that goes hand in hand with the actual holiday maker experience Operators need to build a clear offering, incorporating the ser vices offered through their business combined by the range of things to do locally With the public’s renewed interest in the sights of the UK, consumers are more eager than ever to explore local areas and communities, engaging with small businesses by visiting places of interest, shopping, eating out and taking in enter tainment Ensuring that your business messaging ties into local places of interest will make elevate your offering and provide a narrative that is easy for potential guests to see themselves in The hospitality sector can also capitalise on the emerging popularity of issues around wellness, space , safety and sustainability Whilst we are living in a post pandemic world where restrictions are currently lifted, guests still want to be assured that proactive measures are in place which put guests and their safety first, including those who are most vulnerable The pandemic has ser ved as a break in regular ser vice , which provides an oppor tunity to return with new ideas revisiting sustainability and accessibility policies can ensure establish ments stay aligned with the priorities of potential new customers


Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 11 RECONDITIONED & SECOND USER CATERING EQUIPMENT TOASTERS • STAINLESS STEEL SINKS & TABLING • W e have a comprehensive range of Re conditioned Catering Equipment in stock • W e can supply most of the markets leading names in New Equipment at competitive prices • Full Service & Installation facilities by fully qualified engineers • W e can also supply modular fridge & freezer rooms • MICROWAVES • EXTRACTION CANOPIES • C O O K E R S • I C E M A C H I N E S • F R Y E R S • S L I C E R S •• D I S H W A S H E R S • G L A S S W A S H E R S • R E F R I G E R A T I O N EKE EQUIPMENT LIMITED Telephone with enquiries: Tel: 01273 492488 Email: kingedwards@ btconnect com Mobile: 07860 274243

UKHospitality Scotland Executive Director Leon Thompson said: “UKHospitality Scotland has consistently called for businesses to be able to make greater use of outdoor space and is suppor tive of the Scottish Government’s proposal to do this This move will help the hos pitality industr y as it works towards recover y, with greater ability to welcome more guests at peak times and appeal to a greater number of customers, as many people prefer and enjoy being seated outside “However, it is impor tant that pubs and bars are also included in this proposal not only restaurants and cafes As well as the suppor t this would give to these licensed premises, it will avoid confusion in deciding what is a pub and what isn’t with many businesses classified as pubs now involved in selling food

However, the trade body and insurance broker claimed these challenges could be mitigated against with proper preparation and suppor t to enable businesses to plan for and keep on top of rising premiums

The par tnership will also lobby for a change of narrative , looking to address the current insurance premium cost crisis through a renewed government scheme , which would aim to build confidence back with leisure insurers and reduce premiums Michael Kill, chief executive of the NTIA, said: “Our industr y has paid billions of pounds in insurance premiums to protect their businesses for many years but during the pandemic many felt they had been let down by insurers in their moment of crisis We are now facing a cost inflation crisis, from the effects of overseas conflict and domestic policy decisions, which have seen insurance costs in some cases double This is not sustainable , insurance will require cre ative inter vention from the government to grow confidence in the leisure market and reduce premium costs to an affordable level ”

Pubs & Bars ‘at Risk of Being Forgotten’, Say Hospitality Trade Bodies

According to the NTIA and NDML, a ‘hard market’, when insurers reduce capacity for turnover and in turn drive up premiums has meant it could be more difficult to get cer tain types of cover having a significant impact on pre miums that aren’t properly handled and putting more strain on businesses struggling with soaring costs

NTIA Calls

Scottish Licensed Trade Association Managing Director Colin Wilkinson said: The Scottish Licensed Trade Association fully suppor ts measures that will aid the road to recover y for the licensed hospitality sector and also help to regenerate our town and city centres, but these proposals must cover all licensed hospitality businesses “The current exclusion of pubs and bars from the Permitted Development Rights proposal in our view is nothing shor t of discrimina tor y Over the last few years pubs and bars have become restaurants and restaurants have become pubs and bars and in operational terms and ser vice offering there is, in our opinion, little to distinguish from the two If pubs and bars remain excluded from the PDR for moveable furniture we can only see a raft of applications for change of use to a restaurant to avoid this discriminator y measure “Our sector is extremely envious of the recent development in England where hospitality venues can now benefit from the ability to erect a non permanent outdoor structure , subject to a number of restrictions and conditions, without planning permission or associated costs It is incumbent on the Scottish Government to suppor t “all” sec tors of the Scottish licensed hospitality industr y in this same manner ”

“Last month England made pavement licenses permanent, providing potentially business saving oppor tunities to hundreds of pubs bars restaurants and cafes Scotland’s hospitality businesses should have access to at least the same generous terms ” for Action as Operators Premiums Double

The Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) has called on the government to inter vene over the issue of spiralling insurance premium costs within the leisure sector, with some operators seeing increases of more than 100%

The NTIA has par tnered with NDML insurance brokers to look at immedi ate inter ventions through guidance

Scotland’s three major hospitality trade associations, the Scottish Beer & Pub Association (SBPA), Scottish Licensed Trade Association (SLTA), and UKHospitality Scotland (UKHS) have called on the Scottish Government not to exclude pubs from their current proposals which would see other hospitality premises like restaurants have greater flexi bility with on street seating As par t of the Scottish Government’s Permitted Development Rights consultation (which closed 4 Aug), it is proposed that outdoor restau rant seating could be permitted without a planning application Under the current proposal however, it would only apply to restaurants and other businesses currently operating as a class 3 businesses (food & drink for consumption on the premises) not pubs or bars This is due to pubs and bars being classified differently, despite the fact many are now indistinguishable from restaurants and other hybrid venues In their submissions to the Scottish Government’s consultation, all three trade associations joined together in their call and have today said that Scotland’s pubs and bars can’t be forgotten about Commenting Paul Togneri of the Scottish Beer & Pub Association said: “This should be a no brainer for the Scottish Government Since the planning use classes came into effect the hospitality industr y has changed massively Many pubs and bars provide almost identical ser vices to restaurants and should be able to benefit from the same relaxation being offered to them “In normal times, the sector is a powerhouse of the Scottish economy, contributing £1 4bn annually and suppor ting 54,000 jobs In addition, ever y local pub creates on average £100k ever y year for their local economies To get the sector and city centres thriving again post covid, we need suppor t, and this sor t of change can be a huge boost to thou sands of SMEs across the countr y “We saw a relaxation of planning for outdoor areas during the pan demic which gave many premises the ability to trade through an excep tionally difficult period We’re glad that the Government are now seeking to make some of those relaxations permanent but it needs to be for the whole of hospitality Pubs and bars are at risk of being forgotten about ”

See Insurance

• Construction •

Or they place sustainability within an existing discipline often HR or Marketing But in reality, it’s a complete change in attitude that must permeate the entire operation from top to bottom

Scope 2: Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased ener g y, i e purchased electricity Scope 3: All other indirect emissions that occur in the value or sup ply chain Establishing Scope 1 and 2 emissions is relatively straightforward, understanding your gas, electricity and fuel related carbon impact If you have not yet done this, it should be a major priority Then you can star t figuring out your plan of action and seeking advice on how best to reduce these Scope 3 is infinitely harder as it incorporates, amongst other things, your whole supply chain But for those genuinely wishing to commit to Net Zero (in line with Science Based Targets initiative’s SBTi) under standing this and implementing a collaborative improvement plan is essential CARBON NEUTRALITY

Which brings us neatly onto the tricky area of carbon offsetting For ever y tonne of CO2e produced by your business operations, you can fund offset projects to reduce the amount of CO2e in the atmosphere Common carbon reduction projects include protecting forests, develop ing clean energ y sources or more efficient energ y products But beware From a commercial perspective , if a company relies heavi ly on proceeding straight to purchasing offsets, without a robust reduc tion strateg y, the amount it pays on an annual basis will inevitably keep going up and up And from an environmental standpoint, offsetting can be viewed as mopping up the floor without turning the tap off Neither is good For a snapshot of where your business stands today in terms of sus tainability visit: www.sleepingliononline .com for a free audit tool

vices • Food &

s • Industr

There are other decarbonising terms and frameworks For example , Carbon Neutrality, which is aligned with British Standards Institution and PAS2060 This differs from Net Zero in several ways It does not require any specific ambition (such as the 1 5°C pathway) Although encouraged, it does not require Scope 3 emissions to be included And, although carbon reduction plans are encouraged, an organisation can jump straight to neutralizing emissions through purchasing high quality carbon offsets (and still claim carbon neutrality)

Julie Palmer, par tner at Begbies Traynor, said the data on companies in a “critical” financial distress painted a wor r ying picture: “Having emerged from the pandemic , many companies were hoping for an economic boom but that has simply fizzled out, as supply chain issues and the invasion of Ukraine have taken their toll by driving up raw material and energ y costs and reducing both business and con sumer confidence “We are now in a ver y high inflationar y environment that’s piling pressure on businesses that were already weakened by the shock of the pandemic Sectors most exposed to discretionar y consumer spending bars and restaurants and general retailers are feeling the pain most Hit by staff shor tages due to the latest spike in Covid rates, their customers are now reining in spending on anything that’s not necessar y, ahead of the expected hike in the energ y price cap, and we are seeing clear signs of this in this Red Flag data ”

Ms Palmer added that suppor t from Government to prop up busi nesses through the pandemic could also be ar tificially lowering the number of businesses in critical distress She pointed to repor ts that the number of small businesses that had failed to meet repayment terms for the Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) was close to 200,000, almost double the most recent official data Ms Palmer said: “There are firms that are struggling to work out what they will do Do they tr y to battle on or just throw in the towel as they realise that in this new world, they just won’t be able to repay the taxpayer funded help they got? “Many are fighting on, but the environment is only going to get worse not better at least until later next year or 2024 I fear that it may be a troublesome autumn as businesses which have struggled for so long are finally overwhelmed ” However, there was some good news The number of businesses rated as being in “significant distress” was flat on the previous quar ter at 582,452, and down 11 per cent on the same three months in 2021 Ric Traynor, executive chairman of Begbies Traynor, commented: “The combination of macro economic risks is now taking its toll on UK businesses, as evidenced by this latest Red Flag Aler t data With inflation nearing 10%, and showing little sign of abating, there can be no doubt that things are going to get worse for UK businesses before they get better This, combined with a deteriorating geo political landscape , is likely to have serious consequences for the UK economy “Rising insolvency rates, combined with our own evidence from speaking to the directors of distressed companies, highlight the impact of rising costs on businesses The ver y same directors, who benefited from Government backed Covid suppor t loans to get them through the pandemic are now telling us that they are simply unable to repay these debts, plus they are having to deal with rising wage demands and higher input costs “Additionally, the anticipated double digit rise in business rates next April will heap more pressure on to vulnerable businesses, despite some benefiting from the recent revaluation

Sustainability consultant, Sarah Duncan, comments on why it's mpor tant for businesses to fu ly under stand their own carbon output as a crucial fir st step toward going green Sarah is the author of The Ethical Business Book and The Sustainable Business Book (out Spr ing 2023) She s also HOSPA s Sustainability Advisor and c hampion of their recently launc hed Sustainability (ESG) Toolkit Sustainability is a hot topic , and it is becoming increasingly impor tant that businesses acknowledge their impact on the planet and make plans for improvement But you cannot manage what you don’t measure You can have the best of intentions, but unless you establish a proper baseline of what your company does today with clear improvement targets and related actions you are unlikely to make progress towards your sustainability goals NET ZERO Countries and companies worldwide are now talking about Net Zero and, on paper at least, an ever growing percentage of our global econo my is committed to achieving this by 2050 Proper Net Zero transition plans need to be consistent with a global temperature rise of no more than 1 5°C above pre industrial levels It’s a complex area but, massively simplified, what this means is that you need to: Step One: Establish your baseline carbon emissions NOW Step Two: Reduce them by at least 50% by 2030 Step Three: Reach net zero emissions (or at least reduce them by 90%) before 2050 So what does that really mean? The GHG Protocol Corporate Standard classifies a company ’ s GHG emissions into three ‘ scopes ’ : Scope 1: Direct emissions from owned or controlled sources, i e gas for heating/cooking, and fuel used in company owned vehicles

“I am also par ticularly concerned for those SMEs who operate in energ y intensive sectors, such as manufacturing, as some could simply become unviable Without the benefit of an energ y price cap business energ y tariffs have at least trebled and for for many it will be much worse ”


An Inside Job: Why Fully Understanding Your Own


12 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122

Bars and restaurants are major drivers behind a rise in the number of businesses “in critical financial distress” according to the latest Begbies Traynor “Red Flag Aler t” repor t, which has provided a snapshot of British corporate health for the past 15 years, reveals the financial strain continuing to be faced by thousands of British businesses



The research revealed the number of companies rated as being in critical financial distress continued to rise , jumping by more than a third in Q2 2022 compared with the same period last year to 1,957, and edging up 3% compared to Q1 2022 Businesses continue to be impacted by rising inflation in the ‘real economy ’ which is far exceeding the official rate of more than 9% Taken together with higher labour material and energ y prices and combined with faltering consumer and business confidence , companies are facing an exceptionally difficult economic backdrop Adding fur ther pressure to many companies is the repayment of the Government backed Covid suppor t loans granted to help them sur vive the pandemic Evidence of this financial distress comes in the form of County Cour t Judgement (CCJ) data arguably an early warning sign of future insolven cy, which revealed 46,235 rulings in the first six months of 2022, up 5% on 2022the first quar ter, as creditors tried to recover debts This com pares with 59,042 CCJs during the entirety of 2021, with this year ’ s fig ure to date driven higher as the backlog in the cour ts clears and debts are pursued Sectors with the highest number of critically distressed businesses; Suppor t Ser vices Estate General Retailer s Automotive Manufactur ing Bar s & Restaurants Ser Drug Retailer ial Transpor tation

• Financial

Sustainable thinking needs to cover all aspects of a business and be thoroughly understood by all employees Whether you have 5 or 5 000 people if you change their behaviour (including your own) then you have changed the company Instilling long term cultural change will ensure that ever yone in your organisation stops, thinks and challenges ever ything they do constantly asking Is there a greener, more thoughtful and responsible way of doing this?” Carbon Output Is A First Step To Going Green

“With this latest research showing almost 600,000 companies in sig nificant financial distress, we would expect the weakest to enter insol vency over the next two years ” Sector Sees Increase in “Distressed

This is not just about science and spreadsheets it’s about people and behaviour Many companies make the mistake of viewing sustainability as a tick box exercise or ‘ a project’, sitting outside of the traditional core business structure

• Real

The popularity of staycations is driving spend in the hotels, resor ts & accommodation categor y, which grew 1 9 per cent compared to June



Visitors can expect to meet companies launching new products, alongside showcas es and demonstrations of existing solutions It’s also a great melting pot for ideas, with the chance to talk to the exper ts in their field face to face and interact with products and ser vices in a live environment which is really useful for making pur chasing decisions

respectively) however both categories were down month on month ( 3 8 per cent and 3 0 per cent) This is likely due to the ongoing disruption across the aviation sector, as well as the 20 per cent of Brits who are choosing not to summer holiday abroad this year and the 16 per cent instead opting to take a break in the UK

Looking at consumer confidence levels, encouragingly, more Brits are feeling confident about their household finances (66 per cent versus 59 per cent repor ted last month) their ability to spend on non essential items (54 per cent versus 48 per cent), and their ability to live within their means (71 per cent versus 66 per cent) However confidence in these areas remains below where it stood in July 2021 (72 per cent 62 per cent and 75 per cent respectively) Meanwhile , the data also shows nine in 10 (91 per cent) are concerned about rising inflation, surging house hold bills and higher food prices, while confidence in the future of the UK economy remains low at 26 per cent José Car valho, Head of Consumer Products at Barclaycard, said: “July saw Brits get into the swing of summer by prioritising non essential spending on staycations, new clothes and beauty products, while the heatwave gave an extra boost to the electronics sector, as consumers bought gadgets to keep cool “However, inflation continues to have a noticeable impact, with price rises forcing shoppers to spend more on essential ever yday items such as fuel, butter and milk, and to cut back on some discretionar y experiences such as meals and drinks out, and holidays abroad ”

Data from Barclaycard, which sees nearly half of the nation s credit and debit card transactions, reveals that spending on essential items rose 7 0 per cent year on year, greater than the 4 0 per cent rise recorded in June The increase was driven largely by fuel and supermarket shopping, both of which saw year on year growth (29 9 per cent and 2 1 per cent respectively), as the prices of petrol, diesel and ever yday items continued to climb

The eating and drinking categor y was up 9 0 per cent year on year yet it saw a slight decline ( 1 5 per cent) compared to the previous month

A visit to The Showman’s Show is an absolute must for anyone involved in events and hospitality You can find more details about the show and exhibitors by visiting www show mansshow co uk To register to attend The Showman’s Show 2022 please click https://eventdata uk/Forms/Form aspx?FormRef=ShoA2Visitor

A Visit to The Showman’s Show 2022 is a Must For Anyone Within Hospitality

The July heatwave boosted spor ts and outdoor retailers, up 1 7 per cent compared to June , and electronics stores where spending jumped 8 6 per cent This comes as 55 per cent of Brits say they bought items to keep cool in the hot weather with electric tower fans (17 per cent) the most in demand

Hot Weather Boosts In Yet and Overseas Travel See Short-Term Slowdown

Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 13

Consumer card spending grew 7 7 per cent in July compared to the same period in 2021 and 1 6 per cent compared to June 2022, as Brits spent more on clothing, beauty and staycations as the summer holiday period began However, consumers are star ting to cut back on overseas travel and eating and drinking out, as dispos able income falls and wage growth is outpaced by inflation

The month on month drop is par tly a reflection of how well the sector per formed in June , owing to the Queen s Platinum Jubilee weekend However, demand has also been falling due to the cost of living squeeze; almost three in 10 (29 per cent) Brits say they plan to spend less on social plans and days out this summer, with 67 per cent of this group cutting back on eating out at restaurants, and 55 per cent spending less at pubs, bars and nightclubs

Travel agents and airlines also continued to see year on year growth (204 0 per cent and 112 7 per cent

“We know that this is a really challenging time for many consumers so it is reassuring to see that more Brits are feeling confident about their household finances and ability to live within their means each month This shows that faced with difficult circumstances many are finding ways to budget and manage their finances suc cessfully, to cope with ongoing inflationar y pressures ”


Meanwhile , average spending on utility bills rose 43 9 per cent year on year, even higher than last month’s growth of 39 6 per cent

General retailers were another bright spot, recording rises of 5 5 per cent month on month and 0 5 per cent year on year with a por tion of that growth directly attributed to Amazon’s recent Prime Day Meanwhile discount stores grew 3 1 per cent and 3 3 per cent over the same period as more Brits looked for ways to balance their budgets

The Showman’s Show will return to Newbur y Showground on the 19th 20th October 2022 with hundreds of exhibitors showcasing thousands of products and ser vices The show delivers practical solutions handy hints and inspiration in abundance For anyone working within the catering and hospitality sector it presents an excellent oppor tunity to meet new suppliers and discover the latest innovations and technologies Exhibitors include state of the ar t temporar y structures perfect for adding additional areas to existing venues or corporate hospitality facilities; cater ers, bespoke concessions and catering equipment; the latest sound and light ing solutions; furniture hire companies; theming, visual spectaculars and finishing touches to name but a few

For fur ther information visit

Here are five top tips to help hospitality and foodser vice businesses mitigate the business risks of a changing climate: 1 Use data to identity trends and forecast future demand spikes and troughs

Extreme Weather and The Hospitality Sector

2 Consider seasonal menus

A series of employee events organised as par t of Jestic Foodser vice Solution’s summer charity drive has helped raise in excess of £2,500 for two charities; The Alzheimer’s Society and Kent based charity Crossroads Care

It is likely that, in extreme heat customers’ menu choices will differ from those in more benign conditions Lighter meals, more cold foods and non alcoholic drinks will be more popular in peak summer, for example Equally, when the temperature drops, or rain is falling, consumer behaviours and menu choices will change in line with the conditions

The three sites, popular with fans of AFC Bournemouth, Nottingham Forest and Fulham FC respectively, have also been granted Premier Pub sta tus by pub company and brewer Greene King, to celebrate each teams’ pro motion to the league

14 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122

As the weather changes, so do consumer tastes

The proliferation of direct to consumer apps can enable even the smallest business to trade online and reach a wider audience The pan demic has also encouraged many smaller traders to consider their own online ordering and pick up/ deliver y operations Investment in a secure online ordering por tal (on your own site or via a third par ty) can pro vide a valuable revenue stream when adverse weather impacts footfall

How to manage operations in heat waves and cold snaps

Staff can often make the difference between a positive and a negative hospitality experience So, be aware of worker wellbeing and look after your staff rota with plenty of scheduled breaks, water provision and reg ular health checks on all, especially those who may be most at risk from extreme heat the elderly, pregnant or those with underlying health conditions

To celebrate the return of the premier league , three match day pubs The Broadway, Bournemouth, The Wolds, Nottingham, and The Durell Arms, Fulham are launching a shir t giveaway for fans wor th over £10,000

Once customers register their Season Ticket account, they’ll get an auto matic 10% off selected drinks via the app, which is available to download here from the Apple store , and here from the Google store

To mark the star t of the season, each pub will be decked out in the local team’s signature colours and what’s more , fans will be in with the chance to bag a new season home shir t for free

Chris Conchie , head of marketing for Greene King Spor t said: “Football is something that sparks excitement and passion across the UK and being able to celebrate the star t of the new season in three newly pro moted Premier Pubs is fantastic “As well as showing all games across our Season Ticket pubs, we’ll also be launching a series of deals, discounts and promotions through the app, so make sure to download and register before the first game ”

5. Look after your staff

If you would like to secure funding to invest in the future operations of your restaurant, hotel or catering business, you may consider a business loan To get a free no obligation quote , and find out more about our innovative business loan, contact Capify on 08001510980 or visit www Capify co uk

The annual company BBQ, which was held recently at the Paddock Wood headquar ters, aided over 60% of the final total This was not only thanks to the fantastic feast once again laid on by the Jestic culi nar y team but also due to the capture of many of the directors who found themselves locked up for shor t periods of time in the hastily arranged stocks, that just happened to be close to buckets of water and sponges! The remaining money was generated from a series of summer hamper raffles which occurred at engineer training sessions and meetings

Monika, the exper ts in connecting teams and equipment, is delighted to wel come James Hall as the new Director of Development and Suppor t, as they look to future growth of the business James will be working alongside Monika’s senior leadership team, including Executive Chairman Tim Gamble Managing Director UK & Europe Lorraine Gamble FIH and Director of Operations UK & Europe Keith Hopewell to build on Monika’s success over the last 30 years, helping to develop new solu tions to address the evolving needs for the company s customers James brings a wealth of knowledge to the company Having worked initially as an engineer, and then as a director & CTO working across a range of com munication and safety critical technologies, in a range of companies from star t ups to global corporations he is well placed to direct the future devel opment of Monika’s por tfolio of products and ser vices James’ new role at Monika will entail working with the development and suppor t team to bring in new skills and experience that will enable Monika to develop fur ther innovative solutions to broader markets, whilst suppor ting long standing customers in getting the most out of their current systems

3. Invest in equipment With the right equipment, you can make outside areas more suitable to covers all year round Heating and coverage can keep your gardens and covered patio spaces commercially viable throughout rain and cold The same is true of internal dining where air conditioning or open facades can be a welcome relief from scorching temperatures outside

Adapting your operations and embracing change will result in a more effective and efficient business; one that is better equipped for today and the future This will equate to a better customer experience and have a positive impact on your bottom line

4 Consider your distribution strateg y

But supply chains may also become more robust (and cost effective) if your menu adapts to seasonal availability Ingredient costs, especially if locally sourced, will fluc tuate with the natural growing or rearing cycle Carefully monitoring your input costs through cashflow management software such as Agicap (https://agicap com/en/sector/restaurants/) can enable you to adjust your procurement or pricing strateg y to mitigate seasonal cost increases from your suppliers

The first 50 fans to order a drink at any of the three Premier Pubs on Saturday 6th August and donate an amount of their choice to Macmillan Cancer Suppor t will receive a free new season home shir t

Tim Gamble , Executive Chairman of Monika is happy to have James on the Monika team; “With Monika celebrating our 30th anniversar y, we ’ ve had a lot of oppor tuni ty for internal reflection, where we ’ ve been able to recognise several long ser v ing team members and promote staff to new positions I think James will be a real asset to the team, and provide some great fresh perspective to the compa ny We look forward to suppor ting him in his new role ”

Each pub will also be unveiling a plaque signifying Premier Pub status with decorations both inside and out creating a real par ty atmosphere to celebrate the return of the Premier League

The Premier League will be shown in all Greene King spor ts sites across the UK, and what’s more , fans can also download the Greene King Season Ticket app to get access to deals and discounts in over 700 pubs The full list of Season Ticket sites can be viewed here

As the UK battles record temperatures, many climatologists believe extreme weather will become the future norm

Celebrate the Return of the Premier League with Epic Shirt Giveaway

All the money raised will help the charity continue to do whatever it takes to provide vital care and suppor t for people living with cancer

Ben Dale , Managing Director at Jestic Foodser vice Solutions was thrilled to be able to make such a substantial donation: Jestic s charities are largely chosen to help give back and show suppor t to a colleague or a family member who have turned to the organisation at their time of need I am thrilled to be able to donate such a fantastic amount to The Alzheimer’s Society, a vital source of suppor t and a powerful force for change for ever yone affected by dementia and Crossroads Care Kent who deliver care and suppor t for those living with the challenges of caring unpaid for a family member or friend This could not have been achieved without the generosity of Jestic’s amazing team of people who have once again dug deep when it matters most ”

The foodser vice and hospitality sector is one industr y which is directly impacted by condi tions outside So how will businesses need to evolve to meet changing demand as the mercur y rises and falls?

Jestic Team Activities Generate over £2500 for The Alzheimer’s Society

Businesses need demand analytics, not just weather forecasts, to understand and address drivers of sales volatility

James said: “I’m ver y excited about my new position here at Monika I believe my experi ence will really lend itself to my new role , and I look forward to working with the Monika team to build on their successes to develop the innovative , practi cal and cost effective solutions that our customers will need ”

Monika Welcomes New Senior Team Member


Candidates also receive full tuition and accommodation while attending one of two world renowned universities the General Managers Programme at Cornell University, USA, or the Talent Development Programme at Cranfield University, UK The Scholarships are funded by the Worshipful Company of Innholders, the Savoy Educational Trust, the Lord For te Foundation and the Master Innholders Charitable Trust David Morgan Hewitt, Chair of The Master Innholders, said: “The hospitality industr y continues to deal with daily challenges caused by issues by such as high vacancy levels and spiralling supplier costs If we are to protect the hotel sector now and in the future we will require strong leadership to steer it through The Innholder Scholarships will provide the suppor t and guidance senior man agers require to do just that, so funding such schemes is vital to safeguard the industr y ’ s future ” Applications for the Innholder Scholarship will close Sunday 21 August

From providing an instant and controllable flame needed to create mouth watering meals, to offering the versatility for heating and hot water require ments, Calor Futuria Liquid Gas is the fuel source catering businesses can trust Futuria Liquid Gas (previously BioLPG) is a sustainable fuel made from a blend of waste , residues and sus tainably sourced materials Currently available to catering businesses with a Calor bulk tank installed, Futuria Liquid Gas comes in a 100% blend, and can reduce CO₂ emissions by up to 86%2 (kgCO2e/kWh) when com pared to using heating oil and up to 80%3 compared to conventional LPG

However, for independent boutique hoteliers, running an establishment is often a labour of love , rather than solely for profit Their effor ts to cater to the ethical traveller are typically more candid and often built into the ver y ethos and foundation of the hotel, acting as the clincher that strengthens reputation and secures bookings This is cer tainly the case at Burgh Island a recipient of the Green Apple Organisation for Conser vation since 2007, where sustainability is truly par t of the hotel’s identity Here , we generate clean energ y from our own solar array, source cleaning water from our own borehole , and even train our staff in energ y efficiency and awareness

For travellers looking to connect with nature and enjoy a stay off the beaten track, boutique hotels are a sure choice over urban chain hotels, typically found in polluted cities and nearby busy roads Often located in remote and unique areas of outstanding natural beau ty boutique hotels provide guests oppor tunities to connect with nature and immerse themselves in the local flora and fauna From experience , this is a sure way to help travellers consider their impact on the envi ronment more closely At Burgh Island we are located just off the 630 mile Southwest Coastal Path, providing hours of stunning walking tracks to explore and enjoy, abundant with archaeological sites in the surrounding areas of Burleigh Dolts Bigbur y On Sea Westcombe & Wonewell and the iconic Avon Estuar y Of course , being an independent boutique establishment makes our job far easier We cherish the landscapes and community we occupy and, free from corporate pressure can put ethics and sustainability first to ensure it continues to flourish Rather than an after thought, this attitude has been built into the ver y core of establishments like Burgh Island, provid ing destinations that truly share the ethical traveller’s desire for impact free adventure

Delivering A Sustainable Future For Catering Businesses


Sustainable and ethical travel options are must haves to succeed in today’s competitive hospitality industr y

Innholder Scholarship 2023 Launches to Support Hotel Careers

Catering businesses keen to demonstrate their reduction in carbon emis sions, the Green Gas Cer tification Scheme ensures traceability of all Futuria Liquid Gas delivered to, and used up by, our hospitality customers, while also highlighting the amount of CO2 saved THE FUTURIA IS HERE Futuria was introduced this year as the new naming convention for Calor’s sustainable fuels por tfolio a key step in Calor’s journey to becoming a more sustainable business Calor is on a mission to become a 100% renewable ener g y provider by 2040 and we are taking our customers on that journey with us

While ethical travellers are conscious of the impact of their adven tures, these guests are still travelling with a purpose: to get away from ever yday life , tr y something new and create long lasting memories The independence boutique hotels possess put them in the perfect position to tailor their offerings to meet the dual desires of conscious guests Often you will find that boutique hotels that build an ethical ethos into their character also offer once in a lifetime experiences and oppor tuni ties to engage and learn about the local environment people and indus tries

To fur ther suppor t this, we ’ ve recently launched Futuria DME fuel, also known as rDME or Renewable DME (Dimethyl Ether), a sustainable and low carbon fuel produced from renewable and recycled carbon It can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 85% compared to diesel and heating oil4 We are currently working to demonstrate the use of Futuria DME across our off grid customer base with a view to scale up Futuria DME production in the coming years, to meet our sustainability goals and help our customers meet theirs To join the Futuria of off grid energ y visit www calor co uk

By Giles Fuchs , owner of Burgh Island Hotel (

Why Boutique Is Best When It Comes To Ethical Travel

For example , at Burgh, we offer guests the chance to embark on shark tagging trips to aid in scientific research to protect local shark popula tions Not only does this provide guests with a unique experience but allows them to do some good in the process


Up to 14 Innholder Scholarships, each wor th up to £13,000, are open to all general managers and heads of depar tment in the UK hospitality industr y, from boutique B&Bs to large 5 star city hotels Over 300 scholarships have been awarded to hoteliers across the UK so far, creating strong, resilient leadership with in a severely challenged sector beleaguered by closures Continuing to develop a strong network of leaders will be vital to protect the hospitality industr y and help it navigate current challenges, including cost hikes and staffing Despite 77% of hospitality employers increasing wages, one in seven hospitality jobs remain unfilled, according to the Future Shock Leaving Covid Behind repor t by UKHospitality and insight specialists CGA

Similarly, over half are war y of hotels making claims that simply aren’t true and guests are rightly concerned Despite the straplines of major hotel chains such as Hilton’s “Travel with Purpose” and grandiose sus tainability claims such as Marriott’s target to reduce its carbon footprint by 15% by 2025, many are struggling to meet green targets

16 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122

The demand for ethical travel is on the rise However, a ground break ing repor t by Ethical Consumer assessing the practices of leading travel businesses has revealed that just 10% of those sur veyed are reasonably tackling their carbon impacts and can be regarded as highly ethical But this doesn’t reflect the entire travel industr y When it comes to booking a trip, independent boutique hotels often represent the ethical and self sufficient choice when compared to a corporate chain hotel, where a candid approach to sustainability can be hard to come by

Up to £182,000 of funding is being made available to the UK’s hotel industr y to develop the careers of senior man agers

With employees citing increased learning oppor tunities as one of the key areas where employers could improve and challenges remaining for the industr y, there has never been a more impor tant time to suppor t its future through such an initiative uccessful applicants will have the chance to learn from industr y leaders about market evolution, impending challenges, managerial skills, and global demands

For more information on the Master Innholders and its educational programmes please visit

TAKING A CANDID APPROACH According to a repor t from Booking com, over 70% of respondents plan to travel greener this year, up by 10% from 2021 However, almost 60% of travellers noted difficulties finding the information they need to make an informed choice about where to go and where to stay


Here , boutique hotels have the advantage of autonomy as their profits are not directed to a potentially distant corporate owner who has little direct involvement in the day to day running of the hotel This means boutique is often best when it comes to investing time and money into ethical practices, building connections and suppor ting local industries


Travelling ethically is being mindful of the consequences of being a tourist, from taking conscious actions to reduce your carbon footprint to considering the morality of any activities or attraction visits

For example , at Burgh Island, one of the leading self sufficient inde pendent hotels in South Devon, almost 80% of the produce used in our kitchens is from locally sourced outlets, both reducing the hotel’s carbon footprint and helping local businesses to thrive

The UK’s ambitious net zero carbon target has brought into focus the need to make carbon savings As energ y intensive operations, for hospitality busi nesses the drive towards sustainability and reducing carbon emissions also needs to factor in the careful balance of customer experience and efficiency Despite being one of the most carbon intensive fuel sources, oil fuelled boil ers are still commonly found in off grid catering outlets Switching to from oil to LPG can immediately cut CO₂ emissions by up to 17 8%1 compared to oil and is ideal for rural businesses where electricity is simply not viable due to the processes needed or simply because of limited supply to the location

Sector - Do Hotels Profit from Short-Stay Holidays and Is This On the Rise in the UK?

Chris Jones, MD of Paragon Brands, commented ‘ we are honored to have been chosen by Maspex to represent this iconic global brand within the UK, where the vodka categor y is currently in strong growth as consumers switch out of the declining Gin categor y and seek out premium vodka brands with heritage and a point of differ ence ’ Marcin wiatło & Aleksandra Zygmunt, countr y managers at Maspex and Members of the Board of Directors at Maspex UK Ltd comment ed: We are ver y happy to be working with Paragon brands represent ing the ubrówka porfolio in the UK, they bring a wealth of industr y experience and reach for ubrówka and we look forward to growing the brand together in the UK For more information about the Zubrowka range or Paragon Brands, visit www paragonbrands co uk +44 (0)161 390 0019

Worlds no.3 Vodka Brand Appoints UK Distributor Hotels are doing well in the current hospitality mar ket In terms of average daily rate and average occu pancy rate the figures have far exceeded pre covid 2019 figures We are anticipating for this trend to continue onwards for at least to the next 12 18 months For example , on one hotel that we are care fully assessing and monitoring, the currentoccupancy is over 100% with the entr y categor y room star ting at £140 per night and therefore due to the demand and shor tage of supply we had to transfer those guests to nearby hotels The average daily rate has increased over 100% as well, showing that there is peak demand Hotels do make a profit from shor t stays, subject to the quality or the categor y of the hotel (whether it is a five star or four star, etc) A four star hotel doesn’t mean that it is of low quality, it just means that it is of a standard quality If these types of categories have other revenue streams more focused on food and beverage then they can improve on the revenue on top of the room revenue that they make Speaking in London, an average person would stay for two nights, so that is roughly anywhere from 27 47% net profit on one room from food & beverage alone For the rest of the UK, it is subject to the destination you are looking at If it was one of the major gateway cities across the countries, then a similar theme would follow London with revenue and current demand If the quality and standard of the rooms in the hotel meet the guest expectations, the price for that par ticu lar room matches the expectations of the consumer as well and therefore has more profitability Hotels can also change the price of the room depending on the day, similar to the stock market in a way, which is a trend that is happening in the UK but across western European countries as well For example , the price for a room on a Thursday is likely cheaper than that of a Friday, usually for around 20% and affects those shor t term extended weekends We as hotel investors are seeing an improvement in terms of inward investment in the hotel sector We are also seeing less of a trend in spending a significant capital expenditure on big improvements, but rather on softer capital expenditure Doing heavy refurbishments are now not as much of an interest for owners/investors as they’re tr ying to minimise on their expenditures and improvements and maximise the profitabilities Once they have reached a cer tain benchmark of returns, then they will close the hotel down to make big improvements and make a higher ADR

Can't wait to read the next CLH Digital? Visit our website www.catererlicensee .com

• Personal cash deposits totalled £1 35 billion, up 2% month on month and business cash deposits totalled £1 13 billion, up 1 9% month on month New figures reveal “cash is King” as the Post Offices handled a record £801 million in personal cash with drawals In total over £3 3 billion in cash was deposited and withdrawn over Post Office counters the first time figures have crossed the £3 3 billion threshold in Post Office’s 360 year histor y

• Post Office attributes increase to more Brits taking staycations in the UK and people increasingly relying on cash to manage their budget

Post Office research last month found that 71% of Brits planning on going on holiday in the UK this year plan to take out cash before leaving to go on holiday Of those who have been on holi day in the UK in the last five years, almost a third (31%) admitted to being caught out cashless whilst on holiday in the UK In July, Post Office also processed over 600,000 cash payouts for people eligible to receive energ y bill suppor t from the UK Government This totalled around £90 million and provide people with an oppor tunity to pay energ y bills, top up gas and electricity meters or use the cash to budget Personal cash deposits totalled £1 35 billion in July, up 2% month on month (£1 33 billion June 2022) Business cash deposits totalled £1 13 billion in July, up 1 9% month on month (£1 11 bil lion, June 2022) In total, a record £3 31 billion in cash deposits and withdrawals were handled at Post Office in July, £100 million higher than in June , £3 21 billion Mar tin Kearsley, Banking Director at Post Office , said: “Our latest figures clearly show that Britain is anything but a cashless society We’re seeing more and more people increasingly reliant on cash as the tried and tested way to manage a budget Whether that s for a staycation in the UK or if it’s to help prepare for financial pressures expected in the autumn, cash access in ever y community is critical Postmasters handling over £3 3 billion in a single month demonstrates just how vital being able to deposit and withdraw cash, securely and conveniently, is for millions of people ”

Cash is King as Consumers Take More Staycation Breaks

• Post Offices handled a record £801 million in personal cash withdrawals in July, up almost 8% month on month (£744 million, June 2022)

The Property Market Within The Hospitality

18 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122

By Korosh Farazad Entrepreneur, Investor, Author and Speaker Founder of the Farazad Group (

• Only second time that personal cash withdrawals have exceeded £800 million (previous time was December 2021 when there’s always an increase in withdrawals) In total, a record £3 32 billion in cash deposits and with drawals were handled at Post Office’s 11,500 branches First time amount has exceeded £3 3 billion in a single month

MASPEX, the Leading Polish food group have announced the appointment of Paragon Brands as the distribution par tner for their ubrówka premium vodka Brand Maspex acquired ubrówka as par t of the purchase of the CEDC Business from Roust Corporation (who acquired the brand in 2013) in Februar y 2022 returning the brand to full Polish ownership and severing all ties to Russia ubrówka is the no 3 vodka brand in the world by Volume (in 2021) and the worlds no 1 Polish Vodka Brand, sold in over 130 countries, with a histor y dating back over 500 years Zubrowka Bison Grass is typically ser ved in the iconic Apple Zu cocktail made with cloudy apple juice

Demand for hotels in big cities, like London, will always be there London for example is a cosmopolitan city and ever y par t of the world wants to come here It is seen as a high demand destination in terms of food and beverage diversified concepts and for hotels

Personal cash withdrawals were up almost 8% month on month (£744 million June 2022) and up over 20% year on year (£665 million July 2022) Post Office has attributed the record amount for personal cash withdrawals at its 11 500 branches to more Brits choosing to have staycations in the UK as well as people increasingly turning to cash to manage their budget on a week by week basis and often on a day by day basis

Focusing on the impor tance of food, nutrition and positive mealtime experi ences as par t of quality care entrants are challenged to create an appealing and delicious two course menu (main and desser t) appropriate for people in a care setting The combined food cost for both courses should be no more than £3 00 per head based on three por tions and it must be nutritionally balanced The menu must also feature a product from Unilever Food Solutions sector relevant catering range

For more information on the NACC Care Chef of the Year 2022 competition visit www thenacc co uk

The NACC Care Chef of the Year 2022 Finalists Revealed

The finalists preparing to impress the judges one more time to claim the coveted title of NACC Care Chef of the Year 2022 are: Justina Bajor ina te Vegetar ian for Life Nigel Cooke Eastcote Park, Cinnamon Care Collection Br ian Gol an Ivybank House Care Home


Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 19

The highest scoring competitors from each heat were selected by the exper t judges for their clear nutritional understanding of the foods they are using and how they benefit the needs of their clientele , plus their culinar y flair through flavours, menu balance , execution, presentation, and hygiene best practice

William Mar sh Brandon Care Ltd Vasi ios Mavr iano Castle Hill House Alex Millic hamp Chandler Cour t Mic hael Oatr idge Signature Senior Lifestyle Br ian Preston Lister House , Ripon Chr is Pic kard Four Seasons Health Care Jade Smith Camberley Manor, TLC Group Graham Watson Lauder Lodge Care Home Sue Cawthray, National Chair of the NACC , said: “Congratulations to the finalists of the NACC Care Chef of the Year competition 2022! The calibre of entries was incredibly high, and we have seen exceptional dishes created and ser ved by chefs across the regional heats The finalists should be ver y proud of their achievements so far “The national final in October is going to be a fantastic event It will showcase and celebrate the care cater ing sector and the exceptional talent of our chefs Delicious, nutritious food and positive dining experiences are vital to quality care I truly believe that the kitchen is at the hear t of a care home and mealtime experiences really are life quality enhancing, both physically and emotionally This is why, through events like the Care Chef of the Year competition, the NACC works tirelessly to raise awareness of the amazing, rewarding work and valuable contribution of chefs and caterers in the care sector I wish all the finalists the ver y best of luck ”

The NACC Care Chef of the Year competition is suppor ted by the main sponsor Unilever Food Solutions and long standing event sponsor The Worshipful Company of Cooks

Throughout June and July, regional heats took place across the NACC regions Scotland, Nor th, Midlands, Wales, South West and South East with care chefs showcasing their skills and specialist knowledge in a bid to secure their spot in the final of the prestigious event which takes place on 5th October 2022 at West Nottingham College

Sector like for likes were up 4 7% year on year in July as drink sales drove growth, according to data from S4labour, the people , productivity and payroll system The record breaking temperatures helped bring a 12 3% uplift to drink sales, while food sales slipped 3 5% over the same period London s recover y has typically been slower than rural areas over the last year However the warmer weather pushed sales in the capital up 21 3%, albeit up from a weak 2021 sales baseline Outside London, hos pitality like for likes were up by a more modest 1 7% Richard Har tley chief innovation officer at S4labour said: “The like for like boost is welcome for the industr y, even if it is from a low basepoint Operators are still being hampered by chronic staff shor tages, limiting capaci ty and oppor tunities With the sun forecast to shine for much of the summer holiday period, we hope the industr y is able to continue to capitalise on sum mer sales oppor tunities ” Can't wait to read the next CLH Digital? our website www.catererlicensee .com Sales Increase Almost 5% in July


The line up of talented care chefs set to compete in the national final of the National Association of Care Catering (NACC) Care Chef of the Year 2022 culinar y competition has been announced

The eating and drinking categor y was up 9 0 per cent year on year, yet it saw a slight decline ( 1 5 per cent) compared to the previous month

Data from Barclaycard, which sees nearly half of the nation s credit and debit card transactions, reveals that spending on essential items rose 7 0 per cent year on year, greater than the 4 0 per cent rise recorded in June

Having reviewed several options the Panasonic (R744) Cold chain units proved the best option for Riverford Nigel explains: “We chose the Panasonic units as the best natural refrigeration solution, it offers the best stability and the environmental credentials, along with delivering a low energ y usage and fitted with what we wanted to achieve Energ y usage is going down and the system is so far performing as we expected to achieve what we wanted to keep a stable environment and reduce our costs so all good ”

Mer vin Chumun, Senior Technical Engineer at Hawco, fur ther added, “The Panasonic cold chain units dramatically lowered the running costs, alternatives on the market are more expensive CO2 is currently one tenth of the price per kilo The Panasonic range does high and low temperatures competitors aren’t currently able to offer this In addition, Panasonic offer a five year warran ty on the compressor and two years on par ts all other competitors only offer 12 months ” To find out more about the range .eu/GB en/

For more information on all involved:

Spending On Clothing , Beauty

Looking at consumer confidence levels encouragingly more Brits are feeling confident about their household finances (66 per cent versus 59 per cent repor ted last month), their ability to spend on non essential items (54 per cent versus 48 per cent), and their ability to live within their means (71 per cent versus 66 per cent) However, confidence in these areas remains below where it stood in July 2021 (72 per cent, 62 per cent and 75 per cent respectively)


Hot Boosts and Electronics In Yet and Overseas Travel See Short-Term Slowdown

Riverford Organic Farm deliver to over 80,000 homes across the UK Nigel Bower Facilities and Proper ty Manager at Riverford commented “We are look ing to make significant in roads by 2030 to drive down our carbon footprint especially within our refrigeration requirements ”

This comes as 45 per cent of shoppers say they are looking for ways to get more value from, or to reduce the cost of their weekly shop Over half (52 per cent) of this group are paying closer attention to the prices of items they buy regularly, and the same propor tion (52 per cent) are cutting down on luxuries or one off treats for themselves

Riverford Organic Farm was looking to increase sustainability in refrigeration at its new butcher y in Devon Installer, Neil McCour t of Keep it Cool, sought the advice of refrigeration specialist, Mer vin Chumun at Hawco Ltd, and togeth er specified four 10HP Panasonic Coldchain Refrigeration units to provide the best solution for the Riverford Butcher y ’ s requirements

Clothing retailers saw par ticularly positive uplifts of 8 7 per cent year on year and 4 0 per cent month on month while pharmacy health & beauty stores also saw strong growth of 8 6 per cent and 3 1 per cent over the same timeframe

Meanwhile spending on non essential items rose 8 0 per cent year on year as well as 1 3 per cent month on month, with a likely combination of inflation, the hot weather and summer and school holidays giving rise to increased discretionar y spending across a range of categories

The popularity of staycations is driving spend in the hotels, resor ts & accommodation categor y, which grew 1 9 per cent compared to June

The July heatwave also boosted spor ts and outdoor retailers, up 1 7 per cent compared to June , and elec tronics stores where spending jumped 8 6 per cent This comes as 55 per cent of Brits say they bought items to keep cool in the hot weather, with electric tower fans (17 per cent) the most in demand General retailers were another bright spot, recording rises of 5 5 per cent month on month and 0 5 per cent year on year, with a por tion of that growth directly attributed to Amazon’s recent Prime Day


In addition, nearly two fifths (37 per cent) are purchasing cer tain items on a need to buy basis to save money and avoid waste resulting in an emerging trend for smaller basket sizes and more frequent trips to the supermarket to restock when items run out The average value of a supermarket transaction has dropped from £23 67 in Januar y 2021 to £19 33 in July 2022, while the average number of monthly supermarket pur chases per person increased from 8 70 to 11 91 over the same period

Meanwhile , discount stores grew 3 1 per cent and 3 3 per cent over the same period, as more Brits looked for ways to balance their budgets

The UK’s only event dedicated to maximising your drink sales is also running alongside 5 other industr y leading events collectively forming #FES22 THE biggest business growth event dedicated to the world of food & drink A FREE ticket will grant you access to all 6 events see this is an oppor tunity to broaden your understanding of the industr y and this will allow you to expand prof its across all sectors!

Panasonic Helps Riverford Butchery Lower its Carbon Footprint

www keepitcoolsouthwest co uk/ www Riverford co uk


The International Drink Expo is the place you want to be to find innova tive ways to stand out from your competitors, boost sales and find the hottest ideas to attract new customers The International Drink Expo aligns your ideas and products with the strategies and connections to execute them into profitable action You will definitely be going home with new found inspiration and top tips from industr y exper ts so that YOU can trans form your business Whether you ’ re an independent establishment or a large chain, we can’t wait to see you all there under one roof for THE drink's event of the year, are you ready to maximise your drinks sales? So what are you waiting for? Save the 19th & 20th October in your calendar and secure your free tick et now at https://bit ly/3QUsn15

José Car valho, Head of Consumer Products at Barclaycard, said: “July saw Brits get into the swing of summer by prioritising non essential spending on staycations, new clothes and beauty products, while the heatwave gave an extra boost to the electronics sector, as consumers bought gadgets to keep cool “However, inflation continues to have a noticeable impact, with price rises forcing shoppers to spend more on essential ever yday items such as fuel, butter and milk, and to cut back on some discretionar y experiences such as meals and drinks out, and holidays abroad

“We know that this is a really challenging time for many consumers, so it is reassuring to see that more Brits are feeling confident about their household finances and ability to live within their means each month This shows that, faced with difficult circumstances, many are finding ways to budget and manage their finances suc cessfully, to cope with ongoing inflationar y pressures ”

20 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122

The International Drink Expo is Returning in October

The International Drink Expo makes its much anticipated return to London’s ExCeL on 19th & 20th October, forming THE ultimate event to help you boost your profits, build your brand and grow your business The event will give 3,000 industr y defining leaders access to 200 exhibitors and their plethora of innovative products, ideas and strategies and inspirational seminars Panel debates are an integral par t of the show as you can hear from industr y professionals discussing impor tant topics and issues that will help you stay above the cur ve and your com petitors! The Innovation Awards are also a chance to see the most cre ative ideas, products and ser vices that could inspire you and your business!

Neil McCour t of Keep it Cool, “The main challenge was to keep the rest of the butcher y running whilst the expansion was happening Panasonic cold chain technolog y was specified because of Panasonic’s sustainable and environmental credentials I know the company invests in research is leading the way in this area ”

The increase was driven largely by fuel and supermarket shopping both of which saw year on year growth (29 9 per cent and 2 1 per cent respectively), as the prices of petrol, diesel and ever yday items continued to climb Meanwhile , average spending on utility bills rose 43 9 per cent year on year, even higher than last month’s growth of 39 6 per cent At the supermarket almost nine in 10 (89 per cent) Brits repor t seeing increases in the prices of ever yday items, with the majority noticing that butter (53 per cent), milk (51 per cent) and meat (47 per cent) are more expensive than they were in June

Meanwhile , the data also shows nine in 10 (91 per cent) are concerned about rising inflation, surging house hold bills and higher food prices, while confidence in the future of the UK economy remains low at 26 per cent

The month on month drop is par tly a reflection of how well the sector per formed in June , owing to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend However, demand has also been falling due to the cost of living squeeze; almost three in 10 (29 per cent) Brits say they plan to spend less on social plans and days out this summer, with 67 per cent of this group cutting back on eating out at restaurants, and 55 per cent spending less at pubs, bars and nightclubs Travel agents and airlines also continued to see year on year growth (204 0 per cent and 112 7 per cent respectively), however both categories were down month on month ( 3 8 per cent and 3 0 per cent) This is likely due to the ongoing disruption across the aviation sector, as well as the 20 per cent of Brits who are choosing not to summer holiday abroad this year and the 16 per cent instead opting to take a break in the UK

Gintel: UK On-Trade & Hospitality Favours Dominators Over Local Small Batch Gins


The data also reveals that while Tanqueray was the most preferred gin in London, Beefeater was ser ved the most in the Nor th West and Greater London The East of England and the West Midlands were more likely to ser ve niche gins The above findings indicate that the hospitality industr y needs to do more to suppor t regional gin makers This is true for tonic producers too FEVERTREE AND SCHWEPPES HAVE THE MONOPOLY Fever tree was by far the most customar y tonic on offer with over half (53 per cent) ser ving the mixer It was followed by another well known brand, Schweppes at 16 per cent Only one in four outlets ser ved a tonic other than one of these two brands Franklin & Sons was over indexed in the East Midlands which is close to the home of the brand

For more information about the Craft Guild of Chefs please visit www craftguildofchefs org uk


The research found that 148 different types of gin were ser ved, with only one in ten being a regional variety This is despite the emergence of successful small batch distilleries across the UK in recent years However, this was different in Scotland and Brighton, which were more likely to ser ve local and small batch gins 15 per cent of researchers received an alternative to a bigger household name The most common gins ser ved were Beefeater (22 per cent) and Tanqueray (18 per cent), with Bombay Sapphire and Gordons at 10 per cent Only one in four Shepherds were offered a flavoured gin


Market research by Shepper, an innovative data collection ser vice , has revealed that the UK’s on trade and hospitality outlets are preferring to ser ve leading brands of gin and tonic as their house products instead of suppor ting local and small batch counterpar ts

The Craft Guild of Chefs are inviting applications for the 2022 British Student Culinar y Competition


The British Student Culinar y Competition is a fantastic plat form for all chefs, but especially for student chefs to get a first taste of competition experience We are looking forward to the competition being held at The Salon, which is fast becoming one of the top salons in the countr y ”

Deliveroo Launches ‘Chipwatch’ To Protect Britain’s Beachgoers From Seagulls This Summer

22 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122

As a new sur vey reveals that 53% of Brits have experienced the act of robber y by seagulls while tr ying to enjoy an al fresco meal*, Deliveroo swooped in to protect one of the summer s essential rituals with the launch of ‘Chipwatch’ a mobile seagull deterrent crew armed with reflective umbrellas, decoy hawks and a new seagull distracting track called ‘Bye Gull Bye’ by Deliveroo Deliveroo’s ‘Chipwatch’ experience helped save the holidays and invit ed beachgoers to enjoy their downtime without the interruption of greedy seagulls, especially since 95% of Brits are expected to flock to beaches this summer to enjoy a spot of al fresco dining With the new research from Deliveroo revealing that nearly half (44%) of Brits have been concerned in the past about eating outside due to a fear of seagulls swooping in to steal their precious food the ‘Chipwatch’ zones have been created to give the nation the summer that it deser ves without the fear of daylight fish and chips robber y Although The Hoff wasn't available to join the Chipwatch crew (sigh) the team still embodied the essence of the smash hit TV show from the 90s, donning teal shor ts and reflective jackets to boot Beachgoers found the team patrolling the designated zones armed with propellers, reflec tive umbrellas and decoy hawks, all known to safely keep seagulls at bay

Deliveroo has also worked with a gull exper t and sound engineers to create a brand new audio track called ‘Bye Gull Bye’, which provided the background music to the ‘Chipwatch’ zones to fur ther ensure a seagull free experience The track is also available to stream nationwide now on Youtube followed by a release Spotify [Link to YouTube] It has been curated in collaboration with Dr Madeleine Goumas, a researcher of urban herring gulls from the University of Exeter, who advised on the curation of the track in a safe way for seagulls, whilst protecting diners at the same time Aisha Jefferson at Deliveroo said: “One of the biggest summer rituals is al fresco dining especially on the beach but seagulls can wreak havoc on your peaceful picnic If you ’ re worried about food snatching seagulls, our Chipwatch crew will be on hand to protect you from having to share your food with our flying friends If the beach isn’t your thing but you still find yourself covering your snacks, we ’ ve curated a music track that will safely distract and deter seagulls from pinching your food It’s also a bit of a banger, which you can play via the Deliveroo Youtube or Spotify channel Hopefully it’ll be music to your ears, but not so much the seagulls’ ” Madeline Goumas, from the University of Exeter said: “This is a great initiative to help the public enjoy their Summer holidays without the threat of unwanted birds all whilst not being harmful to them I par t nered with Deliveroo to ensure the track was no harm to the seagulls and to use gull calls to ensure it is effective Research suppor ts the use of gull alarm calls for deterring gulls This is the sound gulls make when they spot a predator, and it tells other gulls to keep away We hope this track will allow people to eat their food in peace No matter if Brits are eating on a beach, in a park, or in their garden this summer, Deliveroo’s new seagull deterrent music track will help to keep the gulls away Search on YouTube and Spotify for ‘Bye Gull Bye’ to listen to the new track and eat food without having to hide it

The closing date for entries is 15th October All classes are open to both juniors and seniors, and this year for the first time there are two special classes for schoolchildren Baker y Skills and Afternoon Tea Pastries with the aim to get them interested in food The classes for school children are free to enter, with other classes £10 unless stated A special categor y will be the Eric Bruce Memorial Trophy Canape Challenge sponsored by Worshipful Company of Cooks Here one chef and one waiter will produce a themed hot canape and one themed cocktail that can be alcoholic or non alcoholic to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee There is no entr y fee and the six best entries will compete on the day Andrew Green, chief executive of the Craft Guild of Chefs, said: “The Guild has always been at the forefront of develop ing and nur turing chef talent and this championship is an impor tant step in that process for our young chefs ”

The research was conducted by Shepper’s trusted community of data collectors and is based on a sample of 1,000 independent free trade sites, alongside some regionally and nationally managed pub and bar groups The findings showcase the gin and tonic buying experience and provides actionable insights for on trade brands


This demonstrates that the divide between independent tonic brands compared with the industr y leaders is considerably larger making it even more difficult for independent brands to break through and become major market players

The British Student Culinar y Competition (BSCC) is one of the UK’s largest live culinar y competitions, and will take place at The Salon, Central Bedfordshire College , Dunstable , Bedfordshire , on Tuesday 25th October Wednesday 26th October 2022

The BSCC has categories including live hot, live cold, restaurant, display, baker y, and food photography

The average cost of a single gin and tonic is £7 73 in London and £5 67 in the East Midlands The cheapest gin and tonic was ser ved in Nottingham at £3 20 and the most expensive in Central London at £20 25 Lindsay Forster, CEO of Shepper, commented: “Gin and tonic is one of the most popular drinks in the UK and it has seen a huge revival over the past decade as the number of gin distilleries has grown “Thanks to the comprehensive work of our local community, we now have valuable customer experience data and insight into how on trade and hospitality are ser ving a house gin and tonic across the UK “What the data shows is that the more well known household names are preferred, but the local small batch providers are making a marginal breakthrough However, the hospitality industr y can do more to suppor t the smaller lesser known brands as gin lovers are typically open to tr y ing different types of gins tonics and garnishes ”

Open for Entries The British Student Culinary Competition

SOUTHERN Contracts is thrilled to receive not one , but two awards for their performance over the past year Electrolux Professional have announced Southern Contracts as their Laundr y Par tner of the Year 2021 which is awarded to the top selling Par tner of commer cial laundr y appliances across last year Southern Contracts have also been awarded Electrolux Professional’s Special Achievement Award for 2021 This is bestowed upon the company with the high est national sales of their food and laundr y professional products

Mark Rogers, Regional Business Manager for Electrolux Professional, added: “Electrolux Professional have dealt with Southern Contracts for over 30 years and during that time they have established themselves as always being one of our lead ing distributors We have always found them to be a first class and professional par tner “I have worked with them personally for over 4 years and can always rely on them to provide the right solution and fantastic after care for any customer, from a wide variety of sectors across the Marine environment through to Care Homes Hotels and Schools “Due to their many years of experience they have a wide breadth of knowledge covering both the laundr y and catering environments and although they are a company that can deal in a global marketplace , they still give the first class friendly care of a family run business for both their remote and local customers For more information about products and ser vices on offer, contact Southern Contract s exper t team of technical staff to provide guidance and advice through ever y aspect of your purchase and ongoing commitment to ser vice , please tele phone 01202 422100 or visit www southerncontracts co uk

Riso Gallo’s Fantastic Young Risotto Chef Competition is Now Open for Entries for 2023!

Smar ti Environmental’s waterless urinals are used both by private and public sector organisations including the NHS Its retro fit, waterless one way valves trap and prevent all odours from drains, and also stop the spread of viruses through the absence of airborne aerosol germs created by flushing urinals Made from fully recyclable materials, they fit 98% of standard urinals with no need to change urinal bowls, reduce the annual running cost of a typical three bay urinal by between £630 and £1,230 a year, and use enzyme technolog y that makes urine PH neutral, cutting energ y required during sewerage treatment Visit https://smar tilimited com/ for more information or call 01392 311 202 for a no obligation wash room sur vey and quote

Double Accolade For Southern Contracts

24 CLH News Issue 122

In addition to the competitive element the competition is known for its fun, excitement and sheer enjoyment in the cooking, and chefs at the top of their game from around the countr y willingly give up their time to judge the young chefs’ work and offer, in many cases, ongoing suppor t and encouragement long after the last spoon has been ser ved at the Final With heats around the UK and Ireland, scheduled for Januar y & Februar y culminating in the stellar final in early April the whole thing is a celebration of all things rice and risot to and is just a joy to take par t in For more information please see https://www youngrisottochef com

Now in it’s 6th year, the competition has gone from strength to strength and is a fixture on the culinar y calendar for many Open to young chefs aged 17 23 from UK and Ireland either already in our wonderful profession or still in education, the competition offers the oppor tunity to win a 3 day culinar y stage at the esteemed Michelin starred Il Luogo aimo in Milan and see at first hand the Gallo rice mill Established in 1856, Riso Gallo is the oldest Risotto rice producer in Italy and has been delivering its premium rice to consumers around the world for over six generations Riso Gallo is the first international rice brand to have produced its rice from sustainable agriculture , making their premium best selling risotto completely sus tainable from field to fork something which align well with our choice , for the 2nd year, to hold our final at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, itself reknowned for its green credentials


These restrictions arrive following England’s driest July on record since 1935 and come amid increased demand for water which has “broken all previous records” according to South East Water With the forecast for August and September predicted to be similar to July for South East regions, the imposing threat of water shor tages could be here to stay, making water saving measures more critical than ever

Kimberley Hill, Business Development Manager at Smar ti Environmental, commented: “Hospitality businesses have a key par t to play in reducing the demand on our water supplies and one of the simplest and most cost effective steps is to switch to waterless urinals This not only saves 100,000 litres of water per urinal, per year, it also cuts related costs by more than half, and CO2 by 105kg per urinal To put that into perspective , if all urinals in the UK went waterless, that would be the equivalent of removing 100,000 diesel cars from the road, saving billions of litres of water which is being unnecessarily wasted ”

To have been given these two awards is quite amazing when the whole of the countr y was in lockdown during this period, with hospitality, care homes, schools, cruise ships and holiday venues all closed to the outside world Adam Elphinstone , MD of Southern Contracts, said: “We have a ver y long and special relationship with Electrolux Professional and are proud to work with their products for both provision installation and ser vicing As we continue to emerge from the last couple of years we look forward to an optimistic future and all our clients being able to fully open up their businesses in this bright new world ahead ”

Hospitality Called Upon To Protect National Water Supplies

Smar ti Environmental, which enables existing flushing urinals to go waterless in just a day, is calling on the hospitality sector to urgently review its use of flushing urinals to combat the effects of increasing ly common droughts and water shor tages

UK hospitality businesses are being urged to play their par t in the battle against needless water wastage following the imposition of drought measures by two of the UK’s largest water companies Measures being advised include switching from flushing urinals to waterless urinals saving hundreds of thousands of litres of water per year in hospitality businesses with more than one urinal Research under taken by Smar ti Environmental the UK's leading waterless urinal provider, shows that there are currently around 3 5 million water supplied urinals in the UK, which collectively waste 217 billion litres of water each year ; a volume of water exceeding that contained within the UK’s largest reser voir Southern Water became the first water supplier to issue drought restrictions, which came into place on 5th August in Hampshire , with South East Water following suit, announcing a ban on hosepipe and sprinkler use beginning on 12th August in Kent and Sussex South East Water has said it had “ no choice” but to impose water restrictions to protect customer supplies and the environ ment, while Southern Water has said the restrictions are neces sar y to “urgently reduce” demand on the River Test and River Itchen

The air fi ter s can often be overlooked in maintenance sc hedules , but should be c leaned regularly to guarantee the mac hine’s cooling capacity is working at optimum efficienc y ICE HANDLING TIPS

Nottingham’s Late Night Levy looks set to be to be scrapped following a Full Council meeting next month

The ice storage bin should be fully emptied and c leaned ever y couple of months This wi l ensure that ice is kept in perfect condit on until needed The water filter car tr idge should be replaced at least once a year, a though depending on loca water qua ity and usage levels this might need to be more frequent After c leaning either the storage bin or c hanging the f lter, the fresh water system should be f ushed through before use to remove any residual contaminants While a good quality water fi ter will dramatically reduce the build up of scale on the evaporator if you have ver y hard water it may still occur Removing scale from the evaporator will keep the ce being made as pure as possible This s usu ally a job for the ser vice engineer Chec k the evaporator for build up at the same time as you c lean the storage bin Ice with scale can look milky or c loudy

The levy, which requires businesses that sell alcohol after 12pm to make an annual payment to the local authority was introduced in 2014 to cover the costs of policing the city centre in the early hours

Prestige Purchasing CEO Shaun Allen said: “Instability continues to be the dominant feature of food and drink markets, and we predict that this will continue into 2023 It s essential for operators to mitigate the impact on gross margins by investing in skills and resource levels to effectively manage this volatile environment Doing so in a timely manner can elimi nate even these high levels of inflation ”

Beyond the UK, drought is already a major problem in Italy, with crops including tomatoes and durum wheat already affected, and conditions across the rest of the EU are also causing concern

26 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122

As summer gets into high gear the ice exper ts at Hubbard Systems highlight the impor tance of keeping your ice machine safe and hygienic with a schedule of regular preventative maintenance Ice machines continually process water which means they are at risk of becoming contaminated if not cleaned and maintained High quality ice machines like the range from Scotsman include design features that help to keep them operating at peak effi ciency However, it is vital to institute a schedule of maintenance and cleaning on a daily, weekly and monthly basis as well as regular visits from trained ser vice engineers Ensuring staff are trained in how to use and maintain your ice machine is the founda tion of maintaining ice hygiene Regular training and refresher sessions should be scheduled to make sure staff knowledge remains fresh ICE MACHINE MAINTENANCE


The Bristol City Women squad visit shir t sponsor Thatchers Cider They are pictured with four th generation cider maker, Mar tin Thatcher centre In an historic week for women ’ s football in England with the Lionesses’ Euro success the Bristol City team visited shir t spon sor Thatchers Cider to mark the star t of the four th season of their par tnership To celebrate the new campaign and Thatchers Cider’s suppor t as back of shir t sponsor for the Robins’ home and away kit, team members were guided through the cider making journey before honing their team building skills and creating their own blend Thatchers Managing Director and four th generation cider maker Mar tin Thatcher, who hosted the team, said: “Through our long standing relationship with Bristol Spor t, we ’ re so proud to be entering our four th year of backing Bristol City Women and Bristol Bears Women There’s been a defi nite buzz in the air thanks to the brilliant success of the Lionesses, we ’ re absolutely delighted for them and the impact their Euro 2022 win will have on the future of the game ”

During their visit to Myr tle Farm its orchards and cider mill Bristol City Women team members met cider makers Richard Johnson and Sophie Jennings and heard from Head of Marketing Philip McTeer about Thatchers four generations of cider making

There are currently 144 Premises in the city boundar y that are liable to pay the levy, which are businesses that operate after midnight and are not BID members 48 of these operate in the city centre with an NG1 postcode while 96 are located outside of the city centre Melanie Bird, licensing compliance manager at Nottingham City Council, told a licensing committee meeting earlier this month that “The fact is that this levy is dispropor tionately affecting businesses outside the city cen tre which are more likely to be family owned, single premises rather than a franchise The covid pandemic highlighted the financial pressures on businesses and this approach would aim to reduce that burden ”

The council currently receives 30 percent of the income generated from the scheme , with the other 70 per cent being given to the Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner, who expressed concerns regarding safety if the scheme was scrapped The measure could be scrapped as soon as October

The amount each business is required to pay is defined by the size of its premises, with rates ranging from between £299 a year to £4440

Hubbard Advice On Keeping Your Ice Machine Clean

Concerns are also growing about drought conditions in many par ts of the UK in the wake of the recent heatwave Strategies from the National Drought Group to deal with ver y dr y weather could include a ban on farmers watering their crops in the crucial period of August and September which would put root veg etables including potatoes under par ticular threat Shor tages of seasonal labour are adding to growers ’ prob lems by threatening their ability to get their product to market, while poor grass growth is impacting dair y and livestock yields

Correct handling tec hnique is vita so ce reac hes customer s in peak hygienic condition Make sure ice never gets touc hed with bare hands and is on y removed with a scoop

The XSafe system is one of the key safety features fitted as standard on the Scotsman range of ice machines Unlike many other UV systems it is capable of work ing throughout the machine , even in a storage bin filled with ice Over time the effectiveness of the UV lightbulb reduces and as the XSafe system runs constantly Hubbard Systems recommends getting it changed ever y 12 months This will ensure the bulb and the XSafe system is always working at its full potential Arranging for a qualified engineer to regularly ser vice your ice machine can take a lot of the guesswork out of these regular maintenance tasks The dealer or retailer who supplied the machine should be able to help, either by providing ser vice themselves or by recommending a third par ty If in doubt, Hubbard System’s sister company HTG Ser vice can provide ser vice for the full Scotsman range and most popular makes of ice machine

The women have settled into their home at the Robins High Performance Centre and will play a selection of Barclays Women’s Championship matches at Ashton Gate Mar tin Thatcher added: “Crowds have been growing steadily for Bristol City Women at the Robins High Performance Centre just a few miles down the road from Myr tle Farm and I’m sure the recent historic result will bring even more fans in through the gates "As Bristol’s local family cider maker we ’ re always delighted to be a par t of activity at Bristol Spor t, which recognises the impor tance of family and community We wish Bristol City Women a successful season ahead and congratulate them in the amazing work they do in inspiring the next generation of footballers ” Justine Kebby, Bristol Spor t’s Group Head of Commercial, said: “Thatchers Cider continues to be a fantastic par tner to Bristol Spor t and our clubs They have been brilliant in suppor ting the women ’ s game and now as we enter an exciting new era with the success of our national team we ’ re looking forward to working closely with them again this season The visit to Thatchers’ Myr tle Farm goes a long way to fur ther promote our par tnership ”

Bristol City Women Visit Shirt Sponsor Thatchers Nottingham Council Reconsiders Late-Night Levy Charge

Food Prices Surge Again in June as Drought Fears Cause Concern

James Ashurst, client director at CGA by NielsenIQ, said: “Drought is the latest in a ver y long line of threats to global foodser vice supply and alongside the ongoing war in Ukraine it means inflation is likely to remain high for some time With consumers as well as business es feeling a tightening squeeze on their spending, the outlook for all food and drink businesses remains chal lenging ”

Ultraviolet sanitation systems have become increasingly common in ice machines since the pandemic They provide an extra level of security by using the natural power of UV light to destroy viruses and bacteria, preventing the growth of mould, mildew, slime , and stopping odours

The scoop itself should be only stored in a tub of sanitiser between uses , not eft on top of the mac hine or in the ice storage b n As well as this they should ensure that t is never contaminated by foreign bodies like bottle tops or labels If glass enter s the storage bin it’s v tal that it s emptied and c eaned thor oughly LOOKING AFTER ULTRAVIOLET SANITISING SYSTEMS

For specialist advice on looking after your ice machine contact the ice exper ts at Hubbard Systems on 01473 350000 There are also a variety of specialist cleaning and maintenance guides which can be found in the down loads section at Scotsman ice co uk Hubbard Systems is the UK distributor for the market leading Scotsman range of icemakers and the Friulinox range of refrigeration products, which are available via dealers nationwide Hubbard Systems is par t of HTG Trading Ltd For more information and details of local stockists, call Hubbard Systems on 01473 350045, email sales@hubbardsystems co uk or visit www scotsman ice co uk

Download the snapshot repor t here https://cgastrateg y com/foodser vice price index june 2022/ Inflation in the foodser vice sector reached 11 5% in June , the latest edition of the CGA Prestige Foodser vice Index reveals All ten food and drink categories in the Index moved upwards year on year, with three Fruit, Dair y and Oils & Fats recording inflation of more than 20% Several categories surged month on month as the impacts on key commodities from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continued to mount

Heating Solutions AHTIDAIKIN Heat Recovery Solutions • ENERGY PRICING IS AT HISTORIC ALLY HIGH LEVELS • CHOOSE AHT/DAIKIN AS YOUR STRATEGIC PARTNER • PREPARE FOR THE CHANGING COST OF ENERGY AHT/DAIKIN have leading edge energ y saving solu tions including fully heat recovered technolog y Our refrigeration systems can be used to power in store heating Drastically reducing energ y usage and providing up to 95% of all heating AHT/DAIKIN provide low GWP, high efficiency products The lowest GWP in the market (R290) AHT Cooling Systems (UK) Ltd Phone +44 1280 826 600 Email 28 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122 Gas Water Heating & Sustainability

If you are wrestling with meeting calls to be more environmentally aware as a business, then it is wor th understanding that a limita tion on new gas grid con nections for heating systems becomes effective this year However, this mandate does not apply to already con nected buildings For the time being, if a hospitality business uses gas and is intending to refurbish prem ises then it can upgrade to new condensing gas fired appliances until 2035 without fear of breaching new buildings regulations This pro vides a safety net while assessing new low carbon tech nolog y options prior to the 2035 deadline Opting for a heat pump based all electric hot water system is going to considerably reduce emissions, but comes with additional capital costs despite the govern ment’s boiler replacement scheme which is open to small businesses For those on gas it is well wor th considering the implementation of solar thermal pre heat for gas fired systems if you wanted to make sus tainability commitments with proven and genuinely renew able technolog y But with so many compa nies already using gas, and aware of the cost implica tions that come with system replacements, Adveco has developed two new ranges of direct fired condensing water heaters the AD and the ADplus for instanta neous demands Both ranges provide a compact, floor standing design that is easy to introduce into an existing plant room High efficiency translates into 30% savings in fuel consumption, making it more cost effective , while reducing emissions Both AD and ADplus exhibit ultra low NOX and CO emis sions So long as there is an existing gas connection the AD & ADplus can help bridge towards the next generation of more cost effective sustainable technologies, such as hydrogen in the gas grid www adveco co

To bring a touch of the seaside to your establishment we offer free point of sale items including greaseproof, napkins and swingboards available with the purchase of our flagship Whitby Scampi Not only is our point of sale wonderfully eye catching but it s also a signifier of quality to those looking for something delicious to eat Our point of sale has been a firm favourite with many of our customers over the last 10 years Here is what some have had to say: Whitby branded POS where I am does work I m based opposite 1500 caravans so when it’s nice and they are sitting outside with the branded ser ving items it really does make a difference”

Founded back in 1985 by Graham Whittle , Whitby Seafoods are a buccaneering, privately owned, family business based in Whitby a real place with a rich his tor y as a fishing por t Graham founded the business with a quest to create proper Scampi using Langoustine tails responsibly sourced from the waters around the British Isles This ‘quest for the best’ ethos remains, and we continue to be obsessed with top notch seafood and remain market leaders in quality We are the beacon brand for scampi and are the UK’s largest buyer and manufacturer of scampi Simply put, we sell more scampi than anyone else anywhere else , with a whopping 1 million por tions of Whitby Scampi being eaten by discerning seafood lovers each week! Being exper ts in what we do has enabled us to remain as the number 1 brand in foodser vice since the company began Whitby Scampi has become a famous dish in pubs and restaurants throughout the land, grac ing the ver y best menus as a signifier of discernment

“Having Whitby POS has helped promote our scampi sales dramatically Presentation is key to encourage return business and for positive reviews with images too The Whitby Scampi POS products help us achieve this ” If you want to hook into our point of sale , call 01947 606101 or email info@whitby seafoods com with proof of purchase to claim mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News replying advertising

WHAT WE OFFER We provide national coverage delivering our fresh potato products direct to your door via a network of distributors across the UK We offer a number of fresh potato products from fresh chips to whole peel and quar ter cuts Our chilled products take all the hassle out of food preparation Products can be delivered fresh daily There’s no waste , prep time , labour cost or mess All you need is chilled space We aim to take the stress out of potato preparation Why not contact us today for a free sample Just email sales@fyldefreshandfabulous com and one of our sales team will be in touch directly to deal with your enquir y FFF chips are now available to buy online from our website We are offering all Caterer Licensee readers a 10% dis count off their first order Simply quote discount code CLM22 on the website to take advantage of this offer

Whitby Seafoods



Fylde Fresh and Fabulous

Based in the hear t of the Fylde countr yside Fylde Fresh and Fabulous Ltd are a well established family run business with over 30 years of histor y growing and processing pota toes We are passionate about what we do We grow, har vest, store , process and deliver fresh chips and potato prod ucts under the Triple F brand to customers the length and breadth of the countr y We operate 24 hours a day 365 days a year We are BRC AA accredited and Red Tractor approved, making us a reliable supplier to the foodser vice industr y POWERED BY POTATOES Fylde Fresh are committed to suppor ting the environ ment We have our ver y own anaerobic digester which is uses all of the peelings generated from the potato process This produces biogas which powers the site and the local community and produces a fer tilizer for grow ing next years spuds


Chef's Buyer's Guide Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 29

Macduff ’ s wild caught Hebridean Langoustines come from the pristine rich waters of the Outer Hebrides, off the west coast of Scotland, where the warm flowing Gulf Stream meets the cool currents of the Arctic and Greenland Sea Here , fishing boats depar t for shor t one to two day trips, ensuring only the freshest langoustines are land ed At the factor y langoustines are washed size graded and carefully hand packed This state of the ar t facility is equipped with an Advantec freezer, a high velocity air freezing technolog y that allows the rapid and efficient freezing of langoustines within 25 minutes or less, locking in freshness They are then hand packed by our dedicated team, resulting in rich, vibrant orange langoustines with a firm texture and uniquely sweet delicate flavour Popular amongst chefs in fine dining restaurants, Macduff ’ s West Coast Hebridean Langoustines are a true shellfish delicacy FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT THE MACDUFF OFFICE NEAREST YOU: Mintlaw Sales Office: +44 (0) 1771 624000, Windsor Sales Office: +44 (0) 1753 858 188,

Macduff - Wild About Shellfish

Gluten free , Dair y free , Egg free , no added sugar and made in the UK Loved by Chef ’ s as great ‘kick ers for their mouth watering recipes Valued by hospitality for their low cost in use and consis tent flavour profiles With sizes available to buy online in 15ml, 200ml, and 1 litre or more Foodie Flavours give a ver y flex ible advantage to customers Quick deliver y from stock as well as samples and made to order flavours round out the ser vice from this innovative company Foodie Flavours has built a rep utation for quality, strength and friendly advice Their flavourings are used in cooking, baking, confectionar y, desser ts, chocolate , fudge , ice cream, cocktails, beers, ciders, spirits, soft drinks, snack bars and much more

As well as ever popular Raspberr y, Vanilla, Caramel and Orange their extensive range includes a won derful Rhubarb, Sweet Hazelnut & Chocolate , Passion Fruit, Ginger, Cinnamon, Chilli and many more All are natural flavourings or extracts, suitable for Vegans & Vegetarians

What is The Club? We created The Club as an easy to use procure ment tool to deliver sustainable supply chain savings to a wide variety of businesses who buy food and drink The Club champions cost reduction, optimises quality and ser vice levels, and simplifies processes to effectively manage your organisation’s developing needs Think of us as par t of your team without the cost working in harmony with your business and helping it grow What are the benefits? Lower Costs Rapidly accessed savings that drive benefit straight to your bottom line Professionally negotiated and carefully managed, our team puts you ahead of the market Saves Time We are always working in the back ground so you don’t have to ensuring you don’t overpay for your items Supply Chain Control We work with you, to create supply chains that work for you, reducing off grid purchases, optimising your quality and commer cial control Insight Our insights and the wealth of data at our disposal help you make the right decisions for your business Resources Access to a team of procurement exper ts and a dedicated commercial manager to keep you up to date with the marketplace review dashboards and supplier performance Flexibility You are unique constantly growing and evolving Regular reviews ensure the solutions in place are appropriate , for now and for the future Tech Powerful efficient online ordering and repor ting system, that can be accessed anywhere through your desktop, phone or tablet powered by Four th No Cash Outlay We collect our fixed fee directly from suppliers, so you always know exactly what we earn Peace of Mind First class supply chains take time and exper tise Our team of procurement spe cialists have been creating sustainable supply chains that deliver savings and add value since 1998 Visit www prestigetheclub com or see the adver t below

10 Years of Foodie

The Club – Food Procurement Made Simple

They set out to bring profes sional, manufacturing grade natu ral flavourings to the home and small business market Ten years on and Foodie Flavours have established their brand bringing high strength flavourings to seri ous foodies and small businesses across the UK and beyond Taste and aroma are the senses that define and help us recognize the things we love to eat and drink Foodie Flavours’ profes sional quality natural flavourings are crafted by experienced flavourists using quality materials sourced from around the world Consistent taste profiles are a must for food & drink producers and Foodie Flavours products are all manufactured to strict GFSI compliant quality standards

Check out their website at www food ieflavours com not only for great natural flavour ings but also some great recipes and guides on how to use flavours Flavours Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier advertising

Chef's Buyer's Guide 30 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122 Please mention the

News when replying to

Hospitality businesses could slash CO2 footprints, cut water use by hundreds of thousands of litres each year, and annually save over £1,200 on ever y three urinals operated, simply by switching to waterless technolog y

For fur ther information visit www smasheddr ynks com or see the adver t on page 7

Products and Services

34 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122

Bottleproof Cocktails have been supplying their premium range of pre made bottled cock tails exclusively to the hospitality trade since 2016 Customers include hotels theatres restaurants, pubs and events venues across the UK Why choose Bottleproof? Well, they have a range of over 25 cocktails including 0% cocktails and they only supply the on trade Plus they have received a list of awards as long as your arm from IWSC , Spirits Business and LSC Their cocktails are , as Charlie Anderson, co owner of Bottleproof says “created to replicate the perfect bar ser ve They are all full abv and we only use premium ingredients and branded spirits just as a top bar would We don’t add any preser vatives flavourings or colourings so they really are the real deal with no synthetic tastes”

Dr ynks Unlimited produces Smashed which is Britain’s only 0% beer, lager and cider range The summer BBQ season is the perfect time for hospitality venues to offer alcohol free drinks to cus tomers Our triple gold award winning duo of 0% British ciders Apple and Berr y offer refreshment and a quality experience that tastes just as good as an alcoholic cider They have no added sugar so are much more drinkable than sweeter alcoholic alternatives Our Smashed range of 0% beers, lagers and ciders can be enjoyed anytime , anywhere and perfect for summer dr ynking We’ve had great customer feedback on our Smashed drinks at summer events as they offer a thirst quench ing delicious alternative to booze The hospitality sector is still playing catch on offering ranges of alcohol free drinks which appeal to con sumers who want to flex their drinking Our insight shows that consumers want to be able to flex their drinking so offering a choice of drinks options makes good business sense Our ambition was always to create a range of 0% beer, lagers and ciders which catered for ever yone , whatever their tipple of choice We use real beer, cider & lager as their base (5 2% ABV) to offer a genuine alternative allowing con sumers to enjoy the “taste belief ” that you are drink ing the real thing Alcohol free drinks are a positive purchase showing that you can have fun without drinking alcohol This step change in messaging is vital if we are to grow the total market in the UK in the long term

Bottleproof Cocktails are available either direct or through selected trade wholesalers For more details, visit or email info@bottleproof co uk

The savings are possible with the installation of Smar ti Environmental’s eco friendly waterless Vor tex triple seal valve (TSV), which has been designed to cut urinal run ning bills by over half, at the same time as eliminating bad urinal smells, and blockages commonly experienced in flushing urinals Ending the need for water, the eco friendly, retro fit Vor tex valve typically saves 100,000 litres of clean water and 105kg CO2 per urinal, per year It also prevents air borne infections caused by flushing urinals, which have been shown to spread 500,000 germs per inch, per flush, landing on skin, surfaces and clothing, spreading viruses including Covid 19, influenza and norovirus

Bottleproof Cocktails – All Venues To Serve Quality Cocktails

The Sausage Man has been named among the top food and drink producers globally this year, picking up a total of 10 highly prized Great Taste Awards Tasted by the exper ts, four vari eties of The Sausage Man’s sausages and two drinks are awarded a Great Taste 1 Star and a fur ther four drinks awarded a Great Taste 2 Star in this year ’ s quest for the finest food and drink products The Sausage Man has been impor ting authentic German sausages, charcuterie and a host of German food and drink into the UK for over 17 years All products are carefully selected for the ver y best in quality, taste and cooking performance They are the trusted supplier of premium quality German foods across retail and food ser vice , with sausages being a speciality all crafted by traditional German butchers, using time honoured family recipes The four winning sausages received a 1 Star Great Taste Award and excellent feedback from the judges: Krakauer Bacon Frankfur ter XXL 25cm “A nicely made sausage These Frankfur ters made us so happy

Upbeat Spirits a new inde pendent drinks company based in Cornwall introduced an exciting new spiced rum with the launch of 8Track The refreshing new spiced rum boasts a full flavour, smooth, zestful spirit balanced with fresh citrus and warm spice offering a premium, all natural and high quality product Owing its name to the iconic 20th centur y eight track record ing kit used by ar tists ranging from the Beatles to David Bowie , 8Track was born from a shared love of music , together ness, celebrating good times 8Track is designed to be enjoyed ser ved straight, on the rocks, with a quality mixer or as the base of a cocktail Made from a base of fine Guyanese rum, the bespoke blend is infused with Seville oranges, vanilla, cloves, gin ger and cinnamon to create a unique spirit that is already winning many fans In its first 12 months of trad ing, 8Track is now ser ved in over 700 bars and pubs and has won several awards, including a Gold at the recent London Spirits Competition 8Track is showing its commitment to celebrating and suppor ting independent music by par tnering grass roots music festivals and venues and also by show casing unsigned music ar tists in 8Track’s social media and through “8Track Presents” nights at music pubs from Cornwall to London and Manchester Striving to do better for the planet 8Track uses only lightweight recycled glass bottles (which are 100% recy clable) and is par tnering with paper packaging pioneers Flexi Hex to offer a sustainable packaging solution that s plastic free Standing out from the crowd, the fun loving and exciting new rum is presented with a bold and bright label design encapsulat ing its ‘good times’ philosophy 8Track signature ser ves include: Back to Black: In a ta l glass , squeeze in the juice of half of a fresh lime Drop two lime wedges into the g ass and top w th ice cubes Pour in a double measure of 8Trac k and pour over cold cola Stir with a bar spoon and star t sip ping with nonc halance Twisted Fire Star ter : F ll a tall g ass with ice and add a measure or two of 8Trac k Pour over ginger beer stir with a bar spoon and garnish with a twist of lime Feel the heat Night Fever : Fill a tall glass with ice cubes followed by a measure of 8Trac k Top up with Mediterranean ton c and garn sh with a slice of fresh orange Guaranteed to keep you coo , on the hottest of dancefloor s 8Track is available nationwide in the UK through regional and national wholesalers including St Austell Brewer y, www Masterofmalt com www eebria com Inn Express and Baby Bottles 8Track has also recently won a listing with Nectar Visit for details

Bottleproof cocktails are now ser ved in some of the UK’s best hotels pubs and restaurants and the reason other than the taste , says Mark Thompson, co owner, who heads up sales, is ”they can be ser ved in less than 30 seconds require no training (other than how to use a cocktail shaker) and allow venues far greater stock control Both Charlie and I have either worked in or supplied the on trade for over 20 years and we understand the hospi tality busi ness I think the fact that our cocktails are an on trade exclu sive is really appealing to our cus tomers Also, the post lockdown staffing difficulties have seen many venues really struggle with staffing and ser ving cocktails with un trained staff has been a real issue Bottleproof ’ s cocktails have provided a solution” In addition to their range of cocktails, Bottleproof also make many bespoke cocktails for customers, including a cocktail designed specifically for hotel rooms that requires no ice and no shaking! With a range of 0% cocktails as well, Bottleproof really can allow trade venues a full and balanced cocktail list And Eco friendly Paper bottles options As to the future , Charlie says, we are really working on improving and encouraging sustainability and from August 2022 we will be the first cocktail company to make some of our cocktails available in environmentally friendly paper bottles These ground breaking paper bottles are 94% more recyclable than glass and reduce the carbon footprint by up to 6 times Plus they signifi cantly reduce the commercial waste collection costs of venues compared to bottles”

The Vor tex TSV fits 98% of all urinals which means that businesses can retain their existing urinal bowls, and it also provides the fastest draining waterless urinal solu tion on the market Utilising an eco friendly bio block enzyme ring and integrated bio tablet that breaks down uric acid and bio film proteins, the valve not only makes urine PH neutral a world first but it also prevents costly and damaging back fill flooding caused by the chemical reaction between urine and water, which leads to uric salt and biofilm build up that often blocks flushing urinal waste pipes With the ability to be fitted in under a day Smar ti s waterless urinal solutions offer a great way to cut costs carbon and water use simply, easily and with the mini mum of fuss, enabling hospitality businesses to function even during periods of water shor tages Visit https://smar tilimited com/ or call 01392 311 202 for a no obligation washroom sur vey and quote


The Sausage Man Wins Multiple Great Taste Awards

It has a wonderful look and feel that will add credibility to environmentally conscious restau rants and businesses With one side of the paper coated for inkjet printers and the reverse optimised for laser printers, Grass 95 is a fully versatile paper that can suit any restaurant or office setup Achieve fantastic prints with rich, crisp text and detailed images on any printer You’re guaranteed to produce high quality results without the large costs and time restraints of outsourcing your printing keep ing both sustainability and eco nomics at the forefront Don’t have a printer yet but thinking about bringing one into your business? As suppliers of Canon printers and ink, Online Paper can help get you set up The team have a wealth of knowledge and can answer any questions on the world of paper and printing whilst finding you the best prices Call Online Paper on 01892 771245 to discuss your requirements or request a free sample of Grass 95 You can also visit www onlinepaper co uk to explore the whole range of products

Introducing 8Track: A New UK Made Premium Spiced Rum

Have Fun in the Sun with Smashed 0% AF Drynks

How to Cut Water Use, Bills and CO2 in One Simple Step

The meat was ver y juicy and the smokiness and saltiness from the bacon were just perfect with a lovely lingering finish ” Beef Hot Dog 18cm We would buy these! They are delicious They look good and by golly they taste good We enjoyed the little touch of black pepper and thought the seasoning spot on ” Cheese Frankfur ter XXL 25cm “A savour y moreish sausage The soft and tasty Emmental filling melts and makes a good contrast when eaten with the firm smoky sausage The skin has just the right amount of snap the chunks of Emmental are generous Chilli Beef Giant Frankfur ter 28cm “Innovative con cept being all beef Visible chilli flakes are running through the sausage On taste the heat is gentle and builds without overpowering ” For product information, inspirational recipes and to find your foodser vice distributor go to www wholesale sausageman co uk, email info@sausageman co uk or call 01322 867060

Are you looking to make your menus more sustainable? We’re proud to present Grass 95 a paper that is ecologically responsible without compro mising on the print quality! Grass 95 is a new and exclu sive grass based paper from Online Paper Give your cus tomers a truly authentic expe rience by printing your menus, flyers and more on this unique paper Made from 70% FSC wood pulp & 30% grass pulp, Grass 95 is recyclable , com postable and eco friendly

These findings have been released by Smar ti Environmental the UK’s leading waterless urinal business following one of the driest and hottest summers in living memor y leading to water shor tages and drought meas ures across the UK

Are You Looking To Make Your Menus More Sustainable?

The new range aims to bring people together in the Italian way through the traditional aperitivo drinking occasion The six premium sparkling drinks are made to uplift shared drinking occasions, whether mixing into a cocktail, elevating a mocktail or ser ving over ice with a slice; inviting con sumers to savour their drink ing moments in style Michela Tasso, Sanpellegrino UK Brand Manager says: “We can see that early evening consumption from 5 to 8pm known in Italy as the aperi tivo moment keeps growing and that a strong cocktail offering provides great benefits to outlets; with cock tails accounting for 7% of total venue food and drink sales in 2021, compared to just 4% in 20191 Italian to our core , this ‘aperitivo hour’ is something we have always embraced at SanPellegrino and are delighted that we can now enhance this moment with the launch of our new Italian mixers range Indeed, for moments to savour, mix like an Italian ” Available to purchase online and in the on trade directly from Nestle Waters See the adver t on page 11 1 CGA Managed Volume Pool August 2021 By David Bone , Foodser vice Channel Manager, Weetabix

The Queen Elizabeth Hall at the iconic Southbank Centre has a stunning roof garden and café overlook ing the Thames Filled with wildflowers and attracting bees and insects from all over London, it is a place to socialise , dine and even work when the weather is fine

Whether you ’ re expanding your continental breakfast offering or looking for convenient options to ser ve , our new por tion pack range helps caterers satisfy convenient individual ser vings, regulate por tion control and provide lower volume ser vice

Weetabix Original and Weetabix Chocolate are now available as two biscuit por tion packs in the classic Yellow Box format Weetabix Crispy Minis Chocolate Chip is available in a 40g por tion pack Convenient easy to prepare , hygienically packaged and por table , Weetabix s por tion packs are ideal for breakfast ser ving occasions Weetabix On the Go breakfast drinks are a great way to offer a convenient way to star t the day for cus tomers Available in deliciously smooth chocolate , vanilla, strawberr y, or banana flavours, our Weetabix On the Go range all provide the protein, energ y, and fibre of a typical Weetabix cereal with milk Alpen cereal bars also offer a perfect snacking boost to offer any time of day, offering a high in fibre snack in a range to tasty flavours See tbe adver t

Sangria Solsueño, an authentic Spanish sangria, is now available in a 330ml slimline can, bringing a ray of liquid sunshine to the UK market and beyond Crafted in the Denominacion de Origen protected region of Jumilla in Murcia, Spain, Solsueño is a 5% abv, bright red, easy drinking liquid, and is instantly recognisable as a gen uine sangria Tim Smith of Solsueño explains, “the advantages of a ready made liquid are consistency, time saved in preparation and no wastage Solsueño is ideal for all indoor and outdoor set tings, available as a single ser ve reflecting modern consumption patterns and in a format which is innovative and convenient It can, of course , be added to a jug for the sharing expe rience with ice and fruit Solsueño is vegan, gluten free and uses only natural ingredients, plus is packaged in an eco friendly can format With high awareness levels of sangria amongst UK consumers, and the travel challenges faced in recent years, Solsueño is bringing a much needed taste of Spain to the UK! To receive a free Solsueño sample pack and back bar display unit limited to the first 100 requests, visit: https://www sangria solsueno com/free sample pack/ Find out more at www sangria solsueno com or get in touch via email info@sangria

Products and Services

London Roof Garden Boasts

Early in 2022 the team running the venue came to a consensus that the dis tance of the nearest WC’s was hindering the experi ence for clients and staff alike; customers had to descend the winding staircase back to the Royal Festival Hall in the main building Richard Riley from building contractor, Eleven London, was contracted to construct a wooden toilet block with two separate WC’s and hand basins With no gravity drainage available in proximity of the new block, a pumping solution was going to be the only way to discharge the waste away to the nearest soil stack some 40m away With input from the Saniflo technical team including a visit to site to assess the potential run of pipework, a Sanicubic Pro 2 lifting station with twin pumps and a wireless alarm was specified and installed by Richard and his plumber This powerful unit uses alternate pumps when operating normally but in the unlikely event of a pump failure can switch to single pump operation in order to provide continuity of operation at all times A wireless alarm offers early warning of any issues The unit is installed in a cupboard to the rear of the block and provides quiet, efficient operation The installation of the roof garden toilet block has proved to be an excellent investment with the whole space enjoying more visitors who stay for longer For more positive solutions and inspiration, visit www saniflo co uk

Tayto Group are delighted to announce they have been awarded a 1 star Great Taste Award for yet another of the delicious flavours in their premium hospitality exclusive REAL hand cooked crisps range mouth wateringly meaty REAL Handcooked Roast Ox Great Taste the world’s most coveted food and drink award is recognised as a stamp of excel lence among consumers and retailers alike and celebrates taste above all else Winning the much sought after award for this new and improved recipe is a real testament to the care and exper tise of the REAL hand cooked crisps brand Judges raved "Deep golden fr y with super crispy texture No doubt that these crisps meet the umami cravings with their rich meaty and yeasty flavour notes Levels of salt are spot on to lift the ear thiness deliv ered from the potato "The potato itself is fabulous and full of integrity The crisp crunch as you bite in is tremendous texturally spot on We enjoyed the mix and level of spice not too overpowering and humming along in the background allowing the potato to sing Outstanding, moreish and satisfying crisps!”

A proudly British, family owned company, using British and Irish potatoes, the team at REAL hand cooked crisps have been applying their potato knowledge and exper tise to supply premium crisps to the hospitality sector for over 20 years The premium REAL Hand Cooked Crisps range is gluten free , with no added MSG, suitable for vegetarians and six flavours are suitable for vegans too With 82% brand awareness in a recent sur vey of Craft Gin Club members, they’re proving incredibly popular with the 25 34 year age bracket Distinct strong flavours perfectly par tner a drink or snack, while sympathetic cooking enables the moreish taste of potato to still come through ensuring that EVERY flavour of REAL Handcooked crisps delivers great golden crunchy crispy spheres of great taste!

Roast Ox isn t the first award winning flavour in the range , which already boasts Great Taste Awards for their delicious Sea Salt, Sweet Chilli, Sea Salt & Malt Vinegar, and Jalapeno Pepper flavours As well as this premium hospitality brand, Great Taste Producer Tayto have Snacking Sor ted Their extensive range of snacks including Mr Porky and Midlands Snacks (top two selling pork scratchings brands) and Tayto Craft crisps all Great Taste Award winners!

A RE AL Great Taste 2002 Award Winner!

on page 15 for fur ther information

As cocktail consumption continues to surge and pop ularity of low and no alcohol ser ves continue to rise , Sanpellegrino brings its 90 years of drinks experience , natural quality ingredients exceptional citrus heritage and unique sparkling bubbles to the super premium mix ers market with its new range Superbly balanced bitter sweet crisp and vibrant flavours, presented in beautifully premium glass bottles, the Sanpellegrino mixers range includes Tonica Citrus, Tonica Oakwood, Limonata, Aranciata, and brand new Ginger Beer and Tastefully Light Tonic Since 1932, Sanpellegrino has crafted Italian sparkling drinks with selected and refined ingredients, masterful ly mixed by Italians to create authentic , refreshing pre mium drinks with a distinctive citrus flavour

Authentic Spanish Sangria – Now In A Can!

Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 35

‘Mix Like An Italian’ With The New Range Of Premium Mixers From Sanpellegrino

Toilet Block Thanks to Saniflo

New Additions to the Weetabix Portion Pack Range

Catering for the differing needs of consumers at breakfast can be a tricky business We know that they want taste but are concerned about the healthiness of their breakfast so delivering tasty healthy cereals has always been a focus for us Weetabix Original is and will always be a low sugar, high fibre cereal It is low in salt, fat & sugar to aid a balanced diet, for tified with vitamins and iron It is by definition, HFSS & CQUIN compliant Our more indulgent products such as Weetabix Chocolate , Chocolate Crispy Minis and our new launch Weetabix Melts also share strong nutritional credentials with the parent brand Cereal has a lot of versatility it’s quick and convenient but can also be personalised with additional top pings and different milks, which taps into the trend for personalised breakfasts This is a great option for cater ers to allow consumers to customise their breakfast cereal, offering variety in the morning Cereal is also still the number one breakfast product it offers great value for money, which will be impor tant both to con sumers and caterers in the months ahead

Six months on, Gar y Klaner has been delighted with the decision to use Mechline’s products in their new kitchen as he explains: “The great est compliment is that we don’t really have to be involved in any day to day process The Mechline FOGS systems are in, working, and being well maintained Our involvement is absolutely minimal They’re discreet and just work efficiently in the background I can’t praise Mechline’s ser vice team enough; they were ver y attentive and had great engagement with the on site team It’s great to just have an odour free kitchen and clear drains!” Oliver concluded “We’ve had great feedback from the team around Mechline’s whole end to end ser vice We already recommend Mechline FOGS solutions with ever y confidence and will continue to do so with future clients ” Mechline s experienced team are available to advise on the best solution to suit your require ments and can be contacted on 01908 261511 or via email on info@mechline com See the adver t on page 33 for details

Mechline’s 5 Star FOGS Solution at The Landmark Cleaning and Hygiene

STANDING OUT Selling coffee successfully in a pub environment is only going to be possible if you take the option seri ously, and that means well trained staff, a visually appealing machines, and high quality coffee It means taking pride in your product and creating the right ambience What coffee shops may have , which pubs often lack, is a bright, light filled interior However with more pubs introducing comfor table seating and with many having the benefit of attractive gardens and outside seating, there are clearly ways of promoting any pub as a daytime coffee bar

The five star Landmark Hotel opened its doors in 1899 and for the last 123 years has provided an oasis of luxur y in central London welcoming guests into their iconic Winter Garden, an eight stor y cour tyard covered by a glass roof The Winter Garden Restaurant is just one of many dining areas in the Landmark which includes The Mirror Bar, Great Central Bar, Garden Terrace , plus private dining in the Empire Room, Grand Ballroom and Tower Suite all of which are ser ved by the main kitchen and its 62 strong brigade Following a six month refurbishment programme , the Landmark recently reopened its kitchen after a complete transformation of the layout, operations, facilities and equipment


With demand for coffee in the UK continuing to grow, the ability to offer a quality coffee product can set a pub/bar or restaurant apar t from the rest Coffee has long been par t of the social scene in the UK According to Project Café UK 2021, the branded coffee shop sector was wor th £3 06bn in revenue last year with 9 159 outlets in operation That means each outlet made more than £327 000 despite the impact of Coronavirus In 2019 the figure was more than £390,000 What used to be mainly an after dinner drink is now something to be enjoyed any time of day and as a social event let s meet for coffee So, post pandemic it’s more impor tant than ever to capitalise on this growing market The good news is that both coffee and tea continue to see an increase in demand within the pub/bar and restaurant sector, with the Tetley Tea Repor t revealing that coffee is the third most popular drink in pubs, with tea coming in at sixth The repor t’s findings highlight how coffee and tea have both seen an increase in consumption, largely as a result of breakfast becoming a more critical par t of a pub’s offering Pubco Wetherspoon has long since embraced this market, offering a broad breakfast menu, and pre pandemic were selling upwards of 50 million hot beverages a year As the landscape of British pubs and beer has seen a dramatic change , pubs have looked for and found innovative ways to ensure the market remains cur rent and attractive to consumers, and by opening ear lier in the morning pubs have reinvented themselves slightly, giving them more of a coffee shop atmos phere Britain’s increasingly mobile workforce are often looking for a place outside the home/office to get some work done and setting up in a pub with Wi Fi can be an enticing idea for some Pubs should see this growing demand as an oppor tunity to take advantage of a product that will bring in customers at times of the day that traditionally see low demand for alcoholic beverages

Coffee and Hot Beverages Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 37

Capitalising on the Growing Coffee Trend


Pubs and bars do, however, face continuing chal lenges when it comes to the diverse tastes of con sumers They now need to cater to the ever changing alcohol market, as well as those seeking out venues where they have a greater choice of non alcoholic beverages It is key for owners to meet consumer demand head on as failing to do so will see younger generations turn their back on them It is impor tant to constantly assess the market and understand the changing tastes of consumers While it is difficult to know what the next five years will hold, the statistics indicate that the out of home hot bever age market remains growing one With consumers ’ growing desire to stay fit and healthy, the trend only looks set to gather pace Ultimately, operators in the hospitality sector that can gauge rising consumer interest and subsequently cater for it will have the best chance of success

The refurbishment was led by Executive Chef Gar y Klaner who worked closely with project managers Berkeley Projects Gar y ’ s objective was simple a new kitchen with quality equipment to optimise efficien cy, so his brigade could continue to achieve the exemplar y culinar y stan dards The Landmark is renowned for A key consideration for Gar y was the installation of a complete system to manage the Fats, Oils, Grease and Starches (FOGS) a natural by product of the foodser vice industr y which is strictly regulated Gar y shared what his priorities were when reviewing various FOGS management options:

Obviously the most impor tant thing for us is that any FOGS system is compliant with regulations, meets industr y standards and ensures we maintain the highest possible hygiene levels We were also looking for something with a proven track record, that is efficient, cost effective , long lasting and odour free! We were clear that any FOGS solution must also be easy to maintain and require minimal input from staff After the design team reviewed available options, they agreed to proceed with Mechline’s proposed FOGS system which consisted of BioCeptor GreasePak and Food Waste Strainers ” Mechline’s BioCeptor system combines the power of GreasePak’s BB A approved, biological treatment solution and its naturally occurring, non pathogenic bacteria, with the FOG Intercept and Treatment unit (F I T) The result is that drains are kept clear and free flowing as FOGS are perma nently degraded into smaller compounds so they cannot reform or solidify providing the level of FOGS management performance Gar y required In addition, Mechline’s easy to use Food Waste Strainer with its innovative basket design helps to prevent food waste sediment getting into drains in the first place and when used with the BioCeptor system can prolong inter vals between ser vicing in comparison to a standalone grease trap Oliver Tuff, Project Director at Berkeley Projects, commented: “After the complexity of striping out the existing facilities and the installation of a com pletely new kitchen Mechline’s products were ver y easy to fit and the products themselves are ver y flexible For example , the BioCeptors have universal fittings, which makes plumbing incredibly simple There are no electrics to consider, which makes connection and placement much easier After the products were installed the Mechline’s ser vice team were a great help with the commissioning and helping with staff training programmes In terms of costs, the systems represented great value to the client ”

The oppor tunity to offer coffee in the morning and at lunchtime , com bined with the low cost of production means that pubs can make the most of a product that should fit perfectly in their environment

Eliminate Odours and Sanitise Rooms

In a test to determine Rensair’s performance in reduc ing the concentration of MS2 bioaerosols as a proxy for SARS CoV 2 a par ticle reduction rate of 99 99% was recorded in 30 minutes (Dan sh Technolog ca Inst tute March 2021) We collaborate with clients to develop the optimum indoor air quality for meeting building require ments, as well as government recommendations for mitigating the risks of Covid transmission We take into account floor plans, existing HVAC systems, occupancy rates and noise tol erance before recommending a tailor made solution based on our por table modular units Rensair has been included in Newsweek’s list of Best Infection Prevention Products 2021 To make the list, a selection committee evaluated the product against several criteria: effective ness; safety; successful real world implementa tion; the quality of research studies demonstrating the product's effectiveness; and the stability of the company (to suppor t future implementations) Rensair’s mission is to provide clean air for ever y space and to help the hospitality industr y get back on its feet after the pandemic +44 (0)20 3973 8927 www rensair com

Rensair is a specialist in por table air purifica tion, protecting and enhancing lives through clean air Our patented technolog y, which combines H13 HEPA filtration with germicidal UVC light, was originally developed to meet the strict standards of Scandinavian hospitals and is now trusted across all sectors It is inde pendently validated by scientific research labo ratories, including Eurofins, Norconsult, and Oslo University Hospital Rensair air purification units destroy a mini mum of 99 97% of airborne viruses, including coron avirus, and meet all the standards recommended by the UK SAGE committee A powerful fan ensures effective air circulation, cleaning up to 560m3 of air per hour

15 minutes is all it takes to remove bacteria, viruses and unpleasant odours from indoor rooms and spaces Don’t just mask bad smells, permanently eliminate them with the MAG Room Sanitiser It’s safe , it’s sus tainable , it requires no chemicals, plus it’s quicker and 3,000 times more effective than other cleaning methods


Cleaning and Hygiene 38 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122

Hospital-Grade Air Purification Made Portable mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Hygienic indoor air quality is seen as an essential par t of ever y business and we all have a responsibility to look after our staff, visitors, guests and clients Monkeypox, Covid 19 and other airborne virus es will continue to come and go so regular air purifica tion is impor tant as nobody knows what the future holds As well as sanitising the air and surfaces in a room MAG s sanitising machine guarantees to remove odours however strong including smoke cooking alcohol body odour and incontinence It’s used by care homes, hotels, pubs, restaurants and thousands of businesses in the UK and across the world How does it work? Ozone is safely created and destructed within your preferred time frame Simply wheel the ozone generator into the room that needs sanitising, plug in the machine , star t the cycle , leave the room and when you re enter you will be pleasantly surprised by the extra fresh fragrance It’s ver y sim ple , completely safe and free prod uct demonstrations are available across the UK Ask about our 5 star feedback and testimonials Andrew Morgan, Managing Director of Morgan Care shares “Great sales experience with a pre order demo and ver y efficient order & deliver y ser vice Would have no hesitation in recommending MAG Ozone” For more information contact MAG Ozone Ltd on 01353 883025 or sales@magozone .com Did you know the MAG Group also provides com mercial washing machines and tumble dr yers? Find out more at www maglaundr yequipment co uk Visit www maglaundr yequipment co uk/ product/ozone sanitation/mag ozone generator

Hospitality Technology 40 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122

Aaron Hopkinson, product and solutions manager for labelling at Brother UK, explains how technology is helping caterer s and hospitality businesses to keep food safety standards high, while allowing kitchens to comply with new leg islation. In October of 2021, the UK government changed the law surround ing how food allergens need to be labelled in cer tain instances for cus tomers meaning many caterers have had to adapt the way they do business

Learn more about how labelling technolog y can be used to boost food safety standards here: solutions/mobile print and label/food labelling

By Jennifer Johansson, founder and CEO of Placed App (www placed-app com)

Hospitality ’s ‘Soft Power’ Is Key To Weathering Endemic Labour Shortage

How Label Printers Keep Food Safety Standards High and Compliant

sionate people essential Candidates can build their profiles by completing quizzes to help employers find like minded people that will suit the role Likewise , to attract candidates they can browse employer brand pages and discover their attractive core values such as sustainability, diversity, and inclusion A key consideration for GenZers when applying for a job

Not only does it make job seeking easily accessible but Placed is also striving to re write the narrative that hospitality is an unattractive sector to enter They are expos ing all it has to offer and the prosperous doors it can open as a long term career With over 300,000 enthusiastic candidates eager to jump headfirst into the ser vice sector Placed sees a 70% view to apply rate compared to 10% with job boards It is attracting thousands of young job seekers looking to kickstar t their careers by unveil ing its vibrant, sociable , and nur turing culture It is the modern solution to recruit ment that hospitality has been longing for Get more insightful tips on how to attract and retain talent by booking a demo with Placed today at https://placed app com/employer/

Discover Gen Z Recruitment with Placed

Por table label printers like the ones offered in Brother s TD line of printers offer hyper fast connectivity through a wireless platform without any extra clutter around the machine perfect for food prep environments

The Placed app offers a refreshing solution to the frustrating and recurring prob lem of recruitment in hospitality The ser vice sector s fast paced and high churn nature requires employers to look for quality candidates perpetually Yet the outdat ed, time consuming job boards and ‘staff needed’ signs make this search disjointed and an almost impossible one Instead, Placed lets technolog y do the hard work, match making the employer to the candidate This innovative talent attraction platform revolutionises the way employers target, attract and retain staff AI technolog y automates recruitment by using an algorithm to match the most compatible candidates to the most compatible employers This is based upon shared values, expectations, and job title (taking a leaf out of the dating app ’ s books!) At just 24, Jennifer Johansson came up with this ingenious solution whilst working in the industr y herself She saw first hand the difficulties employers had attracting the right talent and set out to simplify the recruitment process She gained vital backing from some excellent investors such as the Chairman of Burger King and former Chairman of Wagamama, and since then has raised over 3 million in funding Placed alters the focus from abstract facts on a CV and lets the candidate’s person ality do the talking After all, skills can always be taught but the people orientated environment of the ser vice sector makes the search for friendly, engaging, and pas

More kitchens are adopting labelling technolog y like our TD range following the introduction of Natasha’s Law But it’s true that they have a broader role to play in food safety

In research we conducted in 2020 around 90% of businesses were still handwriting 'day dot' labels as par t of their stock rotation This involves manually recording open dates and discard dates on colour coded labels, with each colour denoting a day of the week to signal when it must be used by It’s a process prone to human error, where an efficient labelling solution can reduce the likeliness of mistakes involved with monitoring food and keeping consumers safe We’ve par tnered with Nutritics providing third par ty software to enhance user interfaces making use of Nutritics database of more than 750,000 ingredients to manage recipe and menu information helping staff to easily manage stock rotation and day dot labelling

Another week, another stor y about the grim outlook for the hospitality sector, beleaguered by labour shor t ages and restaurant closures Last month, Westminster City Council announced a £1m scheme to drive recruitment within London’s hospi tality and tourism sectors But are inter ventions like this substantial enough to address the engrained issues that lie at the hear t of hospi tality’s recruitment woes? Covid has seen hospitality businesses struggle more than twice as much as other industries to fill vacancies (ONS, 2021) This is, in par t, exacerbated by Brexit but also as a result of negative perceptions regarding jobs in hospitality Hybrid working, now widely the norm, is giving people an alternative to the hard slog of shift work demanded by industries such as hospitality and care work With mental health issues being a par ticular feature of the pandemic , people desire employment that fosters better work life balance , more flexibility and more well being benefits from their employ er Consumers are being choosier in who they shop and work with par ticularly in light of how badly some corporations have treated their customers or staff at times of great adversity Candidates want to work for a socially responsible and caring employer It is the strength of this soft power that will determine how well and effectively businesses can attract talent in these turbulent times I’ve worked in the hospitality sector since I was 14 and I’ve always been curious about the industr y ’ s UK’s recruitment problem It’s a vibrant, sociable , exciting and creative industr y in which to work if you ’ re a people person In my native Sweden, if a graduate has ambitions to build a career in hospitality, no one challenges, belittles or judges this desire They’re not considered to be over qualified and the sector is not perceived as an unattractive one in which to enter When it comes to growing professionally in nearly all sectors, one always star ts off at the bottom and progression occurs with hard work and experience Hospitality is no different in this respect Yet the UK hospitality industr y ’ s image ‘problem’ is preventing prospects from considering a long term career in the sector and has, in some respects, contributed to the industr y ’ s perpetual high churn rate When it comes to recruitment the applicant now has the upper hand This is not such a bad thing The wielding of such power may force organisations, including those in high churn sectors, to innovate their propositions to attract personnel that will drive their success Innovation rarely happens when one operates within their comfor t zones Covid and Brexit have definitely not given the hospitality industr y an easy ride There has never been a more oppor tune moment for an industr y reset; where businesses in the sector may reappraise how they can draw in tal ent, not just through policies and operations that show themselves as responsible employers with wellbeing, work life balance and flexibility at the hear t of their employee engagement schemes There also needs to be a wider effor t to position hospitality as a rewarding career route where wait staff et al can envisage a pathway towards sitting in the highest offices of an organisation one day, give or take the right attitude and training to suppor t them on that journey And of course businesses need to publicise all the compelling reasons why people should apply to work with them Prior to star ting my business, back when I was working for a luxur y concierge ser vice and talking to man agers and owners of hospitality busi nesses ever y day, I saw how they were always recruiting for positions It was hardly modern and completely misat tuned to the way Gen Zedders con sume information and look for work Herein lies a problem to their recruitment strateg y that is easily solvable if technolog y is employed and a more considered effor t was made to show how they are appealing employers Then there’s the cost of working in hospitality and the unshruggable belief that hospitality jobs pay poorly Money is king, so the saying goes, and never has this been more apparent in a world where cost of living is rising exponentially Yet the pandemic has revealed two things within us: firstly, a greater appreciation for the intangible things in life that money can’t buy and, secondly, an even greater intolerance for businesses and brands who fail to suppor t the community in their greatest time of need In a new val ues driven world it is the hospitality businesses that are able convey themselves as caring, responsible employers that will win the war for talent

Natasha’s Law requires that pre packaged for direct sale (PPDS) food be clearly labelled with information on all potential allergens present and made to stand out so a customer can tell at a glance what they’re about to eat Businesses that fail to comply risk a £5,000 fine , alongside the reputational damage that a serious allergen incident could create Brother has delivered tailored solutions for the food ser vice and hospitality sectors for many years Our label printers make it easy to create labels for compliant allergen content, ingredients, barcodes, branding, pricing and expir y dates quickly and accurately, using thermal print technolog y without the need for inks or toners

This novel and fresh approach to job seeking appeals to the mobile first lifestyle of Gen Z, it makes finding a job an enjoyable and interactive experience Having CVs be optional makes the application shor t and sweet; candidates can apply to job posts in minutes, resulting in the average time from post to hire only 9 days!

Step 3: Release the pizza 7,000 names were quickly gathered meaning it was time to rock Airship drip fed 7 000 Release the Pizza emails over 7 hours, including a link to a ResDiar y booking form inside ResDiar y, the booking platform, effor tlessly facilitated booking across the opening 6 weeks Within the first two hours of emails, 6,040 pizzas had been claimed with the first 3 days of trade being fully booked within 17 minutes It went so well that Rudy s decided to give away an additional 3,400 pizzas Airship, Wireless Social and ResDiar y created a flawless ecosystem that brought this project to life Now, Rudy’s in Soho is livelier than ever and has truly made a mark on the capital How do we know? Following the ‘Pizza for All’ campaign, the attendees were contacted and asked to leave a review through Feed It Back The response was so positive that Rudy’s is now no 26 on TripAdvisor for London Pizzerias Book a demo at www airship co uk or see the adver t on the facing page

Employees Working Longer To Keep Hospitality Afloat

“Using technolog y like ours to manage staff rotas and payroll can be a huge help It frees up managers to spend more time front of house , helping their team members “It also allows employers to give their staff earlier notice of their shifts, meaning they can plan their lives bet ter And, as payroll is automated, staff are paid accurately and promptly for any extra hours they work The result is a happier, more motivated and loyal workforce Bizimply’s software helps hospitality businesses reduce the amount of time spent creating staff rotas and sor t ing out payroll They estimate a time saving of up to six hours a week using their technolog y to draw up rotas, compared to using Excel or similar For a free demonstration or more information: www bizimply com

Mission Mars, known for their Mancunian music venues Alber t Hall, Alber t’s Schloss, and their nor thern pizza brand Rudy s, began their southern expansion by opening their first Rudy s in London s Soho last year The first hurdle to their new venture; their fame hadn’t quite reached the south yet So, in order to get their name on the streets of London they did what anyone would do: Give away 10,000 free pizzas Here s how they did it

Technology for People’s Sake

Hospitality employees are working around six hours a week longer than before the pandemic to keep pubs, restaurants and bars afloat in the current unprecedented staffing crisis according to research from workforce management specialist Bizimply Average hours worked per week have increased from 19 to 25, with employees in food led businesses putting in an average of 28 hours while fine dining restaurants are typically asking staff to work 40+ hours a week

The figures are based on recent user data from hundreds of Bizimply customers in the UK and Ireland, equat ing to thousands of outlets and tens of thousands of employees, across pubs, bars, restaurants, hotels, cafés and fast food outlets

Bizimply CEO Conor Shaw said: Employers are relying on goodwill from staff to work longer hours and keep their doors open to customers In this competitive labour market, they need to be prepared to reward that commitment with improved pay and conditions, and a better work life balance

We’ve taken our knowledge and experience from working with the biggest names in the UK hospitality sector including Pizza Hut Restaurants, TGI Fridays and Bella Italia, to create a suite of customer experience products for small and medium sized organisations that improves the guest journey Our solutions are tailored to a hospitality business’s specific requirements, budget and time demands, plus they are scalable and built with future needs in mind We ve helped a lot of clients on their digital journey We understand your business s needs which is why we ’ re a par tner, not a supplier Adactus is a people first organisation Our team is at the hear t of our success Ever ything we do is centred around people; whether that is how we operate as a business or ensuring that the team is happy with a clear vision of the role they play in the future growth of the company or the development of our software and product offering We ensure all products we develop meet people’s needs from our clients’ needs to their customers’ needs

Hospitality Technology 42 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122

Pizza: A Story As Old As Thyme

Step 2: Fill the bucket. Targeted ads reached potential Rudy’s lovers and offered the oppor tunity to grab a free pizza These suitors were sent to an Airship form, so they could fill in their details to then be added to an Airship holding group, waiting to be contacted about their free pizza

This includes our customer solutions product range Intelligence , Reser vations, Orders Customer Intelligence enables companies to become a customer centr ic data dr iven business with a CRM system that provides a single view of the customer and inte ligent data analytics Data is co lated and organised from all customer touc hpo nts for a tailored customer exper ience , improved business development and muc h more Customer Reser vations offer s a business adaptable ser vice to ensure no sale is lost Many customer s want the cer tainty of a confirmed booking, and businesses are then able to better plan ser vice and offer a more per sona ised welcome Customer Order s provides a range of restaurant/food ser vice order ing features , inc luding Order at Table , Waiter Ser v ce , Kiosk Clic k and Col ect Deliver y and Dr ivethru This product helps businesses improve the consistenc y and quality of the customer exper ience offered With thousands of hours work gone into creating these products, it is a powerful engine which will help increase sales and improve your customer experience To find out more contact us: 01844 269090 adactus co uk hello@adactus co uk

Step 1: Speak to the people Wireless Social, a WiFi super power, helped Rudy’s use Facebook’s ‘look a like’ adver tisement ser vice in order to find new, potential Sohonian customers, based on their Manchester database

Outdoor Leisure 44 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122

With Marmax products all being made from 100% recycled HDPE plastic , they were the perfect par tner to provide sustainable and durable furniture for the inn and its accom modation Marmax Products are easy to clean to help stop the spread of germs as well as coming in assor ted colours, the now black benches match the black windows and doors South Causey Inn display the Marmax tags on their products and this has result ed in direct approaches to Marmax from their cus tomers Marmax plan to work with the South Causey Inn to develop new products for the hotel and restaurant market Interested in working with us too? Contact Marmax using the contact form here:

Over the years Marmax have supplied South Causey Inn with numerous outdoor products including: Bistro Planters, Circular tables Traditional seat ing, Sloper chairs, Heavy duty picnic benches and Harrogate table and chairs In fact, there are ver y few establishments that are as great an endorsement of Marmax!

Marmax and South Causey Inn

Marmax have been supplying a wide range of high quality recy cled plastic products to the South Causey Inn for over 10 years

The products come with a 25 year manufacturer’s guarantee and despite knowing they can pick up the phone and call Marmax with any issues, they have never done so

Fenton Timber was established in the late 1990 s by Jim Miller who sadly passed in 2007, since then the business has continued under the management of Alex Spencer, with Ade Tate overseeing manufac ture who were both staff members from the early days of the business Fenton’s USP is delivering fully assembled, weather treated “ready to use ” Picnic Benches/Tables and associated Garden Furniture to the License Trade Schools and the Leisure Industr y all year round Along with the License Trade , as COVID lockdown closed all of our customers Fenton had a rollercoast er ride over 2020/2021, with no customers, then material shor tages, then the roadmap out but were still able to provide furniture to ever y customer we promised, by the advised times we promised The benefits of purchasing from Fenton Timber is not just the fact we deliver all of our own goods, with our own transpor t and staff but that we also guar antee our goods and operate all year round It might sound strange selling garden furniture during the win ter! Aside from customers whom might have out door functions, Guy Fawkes/bonfire night Christmas etc there are also unfor tunate times whereby customers have been flooded and suffered losses, and we are there to assist getting them back up on their feet As readers of the Caterer & Licensee you can also take advantage of our current offer 20% off RRP on Supreme and Octagonal Tables (while stocks last) so call us free on 0800 085 6447

A Special Offer from Fenton Timber &

Sustainability is at the core of the South Causey Inn’s ethos and is par ticularly impor tant to their customers

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee

Hotelier News when replying to advertising

"Sun on a Beach” sauce from Spirit of Aloha 65 is just the thing to add that tropical, spicy, summer flavour to any meal Inspired by and using many of the same all natural ingredients as Spirit of Aloha 65’s tropical spirit our sauce is made from roasted pineapples, ginger, and a handful of other tropical spices including scotch bonnet chilli to give it a comfor table level of heat suitable for most palates so the complex flavours don’t get lost or hidden by the chilli Tasty handcrafted and made in small batches in the UK using fresh ingredients only our highly versatile sauce is great for using as an ingredient for mari nading etc but also straight out the bottle as a dipping or pouring sauce It’s a perfect accompani ment for any barbecued or grilled food Vegan, gluten free and all natural, Aloha 65 “Sun on a Beach” must be tried sample com

For more information or a

bottle please con tact aloha@aloha65

Add A Taste of Sunshine to Your Barbecues

A TAILORED APPROACH With a dedicated Commercial team, Moda’s clients can choose from a vast collection of furniture sets to meet all business requirements

co uk or visit Moda, Where Outdoor Furniture Really Means Business

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Unlocking the potential of your outdoor space can be a seriously good business move Whether you need a place to close deals with clients, a second meeting room or a nineteenth hole par excellence , taking your work outside offers huge attrac tions And as the UK’s leading luxur y outdoor furniture brand, Moda is ideally placed to help turn your vision into reality

Having star ted out as a family run company in 2014 Moda has quickly established a reputation for innovative furniture solutions with exceptional customer ser vice This has led to a growing demand for their ser vices from an increasingly diverse client base , as a greater variety of commercial sectors have looked to transform their outdoor spaces

Outdoor Leisure Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 45

UNIQUELY MODULAR, UNIQUELY MODA Your outdoor space can change from one day to the next which is where Moda’s flexible modular systems really come into their own All of their furniture ranges have a number of modular configurations that can be cus tomised move them around your business areas, expand your collection, split them up or put them together to com plement your changing com mercial requirements SMART FURNITURE TO DRIVE BUSINESS ES FORWARD With their all weather materials and uncompromising build quality, Moda furniture collections are meticulously engineered to withstand the demands of the modern workplace and the great British weather Ever y item of luxur y outdoor furniture is designed exclusively in house This allows Moda to offer a perfect balance of both style and substance that can be enjoyed all year round What’s more Moda’s market leading three year commercial guarantee offers commercial clients peace of mind and their aftercare policy and maintenance packages rein forces their commitment to client satisfaction Take the first step to maximising the use of your out door space Talk to one of Moda’s Commercial Business Development Managers Tel: 033 3363 7015, email: commercial@modafurnishings

Bolsius Professional Helps Operators to Unlock Revenue in their Outdoor Spaces

Combining stunning exteriors, design tips and cost effective ideas, ‘Investing in outdoor : attract and retain customers to grow revenue ’ provides ideas and guidance on creating a compelling multi sensor y out door experience for customers

The premium candle specialist has launched the repor t in response to changing market dynamics over the past few years This includes, the government relaxing of pavement dining laws during the pandemic , which allowed restaurants, pubs and bars to ser ve food alfresco and new legislation plans to make this permanent, representing a valuable oppor tunity for operators with outdoor spaces

As consumers flock to pub gardens and restaurant terraces to bask in the sizzling sunshine Bolsius Professional has released a new guide for opera tors keen to capitalise on their outdoor spaces

Consumers are keen to get out and socialise with friends and family, with the frequency of visits for pub goers expected to return to pre pandemic lev els this year What’s more , one in four (27%) of these pub goers say that they expect outdoor areas and almost half of UK consumers that go to pubs or restaurants say they would prefer to sit in an out door area even if the weather was ‘just okay’ Paul Christodoulou, National Account Manager UK & Ireland Out of Home and Hospitality at Bolsius Professional and Member of the Institute of Hospitality said, “Outdoors is most definitely in and now more than ever Before , outdoor spaces were a ‘nice to have’ used almost exclusively when the British summer finally arrived However, as a result of the pandemic , savvy pubs, bars and restaurant made the most of their outdoor space in recent years, and they are now seen as an oppor tu nity By investing in your outdoor space and creating a welcoming atmosphere customers want to stay in and revisit again and again, operators are not only able to ser ve more covers over the summer months, but growth their full offering through additional year round space To suppor t, we ’ ve pulled together a selection of tips and ideas for operators, from furnishings to foliage and comfor t to candles we ’ re helping them to unlock revenue through expanding into this typi cally under utilised area ” Bolsius Professional is a leading candle manufactur er with an extensive range of indoor and outdoor candles designed specifically for restaurants bars and hotels To discover more about their candle range , and to download a copy of the Bolsius Professional guide ‘Investing in outdoor : attract and retain cus tomers to grow revenue ’ , go to www bolsius com/en/professional/inspiration

Delivered in July 2010 and still giving our customers a lovely relaxing area providing sun and rain protec tion The New Inn, Tresco , Isles of Scilly Sturdy & Strong Good for 15+year s year s of ser vice • UK s only 100 Mph Stormproof Guaranteed Gazebo • 100% Waterproof Self Clean ng Canopy • 4 Sizes from 2 40m [ 7’ 10” ] x 2 40m [ 7’ 10” ] • Opt ons 40 colour c hoices & side screens • 5 Year Guarantee Designed & Carefully Made in Yorkshire by Us Investing in high quality all weather protection gives you a fabulous rate of return [ paid for in less than 4 weeks ] prices star t at £1,915 ex vat WHITE PAVILION Hospitality Gazebos 01653 695 285 www whitepaviliongazebos co uk/pub restau rant hotelhospitality gazebo See the adver t on the facing page for details Outdoor Leisure 46 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122 These Are The Last Gazebos You Ever Need To Buy. At Least Not For 15 Years Or So ‘Pop up ’ barbecue means paring back to folding gazebos and collapsible tables, two or three cool boxes with thermometers thrown in and a hand wash within easy walking distance At all levels of operation, initial costs can be much lower, outdoor areas can still be multi purpose and storage space is kept to a mini mum Spot the ‘deliberate’ mistake in the car toon BIG TIP: HSE don’t like cool boxes sitting on the ground, even with lids! Whilst Cinders gas barbecues fold flat for easy stor age , the popular Classic TG160 model is capable of over 1000 burgers a day at a large event which must be the fastest pay back on equipment ever! Made in Britain and with a two year warranty for commercial use , the work horse TG160 will also hum away in the corner of a beer garden with our flat griddle on one side and a couple of gastronorms on the other to de skill and make life a little less fraught Smaller half sized models also available Have a great summer and remember, POP UP for EASIER PROFITS Pop-Up for Profit!

Outdoor Leisure Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 47

Sample Specialist Sausages at Casual Dining

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Visiting Casual Dining? Be sure to drop by stand number CD310 to sample the delicious range of gourmet German sausages from The Sausage Man Specialists in premium quality German sausages, The Sausage Man will be presenting a variety of bestselling products from its extensive range Made to authen tic regional German recipes using the finest cuts of meat sourced from award winning butchers across Germany, these superior sausages pro vide caterers with a winning product that ensures con sumer satisfaction A selection of all time favourites will be available to sample at the show choose from traditional Bratwurst, a range of Frankfur ters Krakauer Bacon, Vienna Beef, Cheese or Chilli Beef and the ever popular Pork Hot Dog Special diets are also catered for ; tr y the tasty Halal Turkey Hot Dog and Vegan Hot Dog whilst visiting the stand All sausages can be enjoyed hot or cold as they are fully cooked, as such, caterers bene fit from a safe stable product that is easy to prepare and quick to ser ve , even with limited catering equipment and the smallest of catering spaces! For product information, inspirational recipes and to find your foodser vice distributor go to www whole sale sausageman co uk, email info@sausageman co uk or call 01322 867060

Monster Mesh Monster Mesh is a leading events and construction branding company specialising in supplying large for mat printed products We specialise in large format full colour and dye sublimation printing for weather resistance strength and durability Our top quality products match the ser vice you should expect, and we supply direct to brand owners event management construction and signage companies We can provide a range of custom designed and printed products for HERAS fence covers PVC and ACM Hoarding panels, PVC and mesh banners, and large scale scaffold wraps We have been in operation for 4 years now, continually growing year on year thanks to both new and return clients At Monster Mesh we agree that your brand needs to generate the right impact Getting an eye catching design is the most impor tant when displaying your banner amongst others, so at Monster Mesh we offer a complete in house design ser vice Most of the time this is a free ser vice where our team of designers will take your logo and a brief sample of text to create your individual design Throughout our years of experience in large format design, we have learnt several ways to produce the impression you desire The majority of our products include free deliver y and typical lead times are just 7 working days with some products available through our 5 day express ser vice To find out more please visit www monster mesh co uk

• Use sustainable products where possible We then thought we need to provide picnic benches and outdoor furniture for people who use wheelchairs There is definitely a need for disabled, easy access outdoor furniture All made robustly to take the knocks from wheelchairs and manufactured from sustainable wood from environmentally friendly sources They also need to make the user feel inclusive

One of the UK’s most profes sional & technically advanced engraving and etching supplier, Brunel Engraving, is providing a rapid response to the growing demand for etched table num bers and QR code discs in the pub and catering industr y The company has made a sub stantial investment in additional state of the ar t equipment and related software in order to produce a wide range of individually engraved & printed table numbers and discs

Now is the right time to buy to take advan tage of Summer Special offers on selected products across their extensive range , together with bulk buy ing incentives

• Design furniture with the wheelc hair user n m nd • Act within both the Disab lity Act and the Equality Act

At Inclusive Designs we believe in addressing the needs of disabled people as a first choice not an afterthought We manufacture outdoor furniture which is specifically adapted to accommodate wheelchair users This creates a more inclusive environment no longer stuck at the end of the table! We make a wide range of models to match your needs as well as matching them with traditional tables Our heavy duty wooden picnic benches are suitable and fully treated for long term outdoor use All our stock is manufactured in the UK using red wood from sustainable sources We are also the trusted suppliers to the National Trust and many local authorities We offer free delivery to all parts of the UK Claire House The Wirral

There’s A Great Deal Going On At LeisureBench

The numbers and discs enable customers to link to apps or menus reducing staff contact and eliminating the requirement for hard copies of menus Although no longer a legal requirement to order remotely, this is something which the government is still actively encouraging and can improve table ser vice through the reduction of queues In addition to their engraved products, Brunel Engraving has teamed up with a number of UK based Mobile Ordering Platforms to develop full colour labels, these are supplied alongside each companies developed app and are suitable for internal and external envi ronments “Working alongside App Developers and introducing the full colour range of products has really exceeded our expec tations the demand for our products has significantly increased despite the relaxing of Covid restrictions and are displayed all over the UK” said Tom Pycock, Sales Director of Brunel Engraving Our investment in additional equipment and soft ware has ensured that our customers in the hospitality sector can benefit from high quality products with excellent swift ser vice at a fair price” In addition to rotar y engraving, Brunel offers laser engraving chemical etching anodic print dye sublima tion print, flatbed UV print and wide format UV print For fur ther information please contact: 01275 871720 Emal: Website:

Outdoor Leisure 48 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122


• Provide quality products for non d sabled and disabled alike

Not long ago we noticed that in our local park there was adequate seating for the non disabled but none for the wheelchair user the more we looked the more we saw a complete lack of effor t in complying with regulations and laws specifically brought in to counter this ignorance and discrimination We decide to act, our plan was: Make our products both ' access ble & 'inc lusive'

• Make the products affordable • Make renta to events an option

For many businesses not only is it their legal duty under the discrimina tion acts people who happen to use wheelchairs also happen to enjoy sitting outside in fine weather they are also appreciated in public places as well as private homes & gardens and places where care is a first pri ority Peter Cubbin Inclusivefurniture com inclusivefurniture@gmail com https://inclusivefurniture com Furniture

• Consider the elderly

Up to 15% discounts are currently available on A frame and round picnic tables polypropylene chairs dining sets, made from a range of materials, Rattan furniture and much more On top of this there are different finance options available to help you buy If you act quickly, you can grab yourself a bargain LeisureBench are now manufacturing their own recycled plastic furniture using 100% UK recycled plastic materials The range includes benches and a wide variety of picnic tables in both ‘A’ Frame and 8 seat square designs They will all be hard wearing, easy to maintain, and a strong powder coated underframe will guarantee them for 15 years Customised and bespoke furniture is also available You can see all the latest offers by logging into www leisurebench co uk or emailing their dedicat ed sales team at sales@leisurebench co uk

LeisureBench Limited is one of the UK’s leading suppliers and installers of commercial quality outdoor furniture , selected from manufacturers worldwide for strength Longevity and excellent value for money

Top Engraver Supports Hospitality Sector with Swift Service for Etched & Printed Table Numbers & QR Discs

Overspending and misuse of food oil is a pressing issue in the curren economic envi ronment Most restaurants change their oil either based on colour (when it goes dark/black using single use test strips and a simplistic colour char t) or schedule (twice a week because it has always been done that way)

News when


advertising Monitoring Device Reduces

One of the biggest challenges in keeping a commercial kitchen spotlessly clean is the regular cleaning of the canopy, fan and extract ductwork This must be tackled, not only for the sake of hygiene , but also for fire preven tion and compliance Airborne fat, oil and grease is a natural by product of even the healthiest diet Carried in the steam that rises from cooking, grease and oil par ticles are drawn into the kitchen extract system to be vented away to the outside As the exhaust stream cools, grease is deposited on the metal surfaces of the hood, canopy, filters, canopy plenum, fan and ductwork Should a kitchen fire reach the extract ductwork, or a flash fire occur in the extract system, then the accumulat ed grease deposits can act as fuel, helping to spread the fire The ductwork itself can also help to spread the fire , acting as a chimney through which smoke and flames can trav el, spreading the danger to the other par ts of the building To counter this potential fire risk, operators of commercial kitchens are required to comply with a new standard for the fire safety management of grease accumulation in kitchen extract systems, TR19® Grease Compliance is also essential to ensure that you don t compromise your buildings insur ance If a fire should break out and the ductwork can be shown not to have been cleaned in accordance with TR19® Grease , many insurers will now refuse to pay out on a claim Ensuring legal compliance , a reduced risk of fire and greater hygiene in your kitchen are items which should always be on ever y maintenance menu swiftclean co uk



The second approach unnecessarily discards perfectly usable oil a costly and unsustainable outcome , given that oil is one of the largest contributors to carbon footprints in commercial kitchens For tunately, there’s a third approach from Klipspringer, used by the likes of Five Guys, Wasabi, McDonalds, Chopstix, and Whitbread to refine their fr ying process, conduct eco friendly practices, and cut their oil usage by half Interested? Enter Food Oil Monitors By providing objective easy to read data these oil testing devices remove all guess work when it comes to changing your oil This means Significant reductions in oil usage and costs Enhanced fr ied food quality and consistenc y Greater sustainable practice Assured customer safety No more ongoing cost of test str ips Increased working life of oil amid r is ng pr ices Kitchen staff across almost all Whitbread venues now use the Food Oil Monitor for daily checks Before , oil was changed prematurely, but since implementing Klipspringer’s digital solution nationwide , Whitbread have seen an average reduction in oil usage of around 30%, with some sites repor ting savings of up to 52% Does your restaurant, pub, or hotel kitchen still use a subjective oil monitoring system? to modernise your approach and reap the rewards? our hospitality team: 01473 461 800 or see the adver t on the back cover Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier replying to Oil Usage by Up to 52% in Whitbread Pubs

Kitchen Extract Hygiene – A Burning Issue

for details Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 49 Please mention the

The first approach relies on guesswork and subjectivi ty and leaves businesses at risk of acr ylamide build up a customer harming cancer causing chemical

Potential users were shown a number of significant advantages that this combi oven drainage pump offered Ver y noticeable when viewing the exhibition demon stration tank with its clear side window was the large , triangular, low level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease fat and food par ticles before the reliable star t/stop operation of the pump is affected The triangular low level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline, giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens

On the stand was a working demo of a Rational Combi Oven and the New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by par tner Pump Technolog y Ltd This proved a focal point for Combi Oven manufactures, installers, maintenance engineers and users alike

Smeg convection ovens represent the perfect solution for modern catering ser vices, coffee shops, bakeries and supermarkets that require a compact oven with peak per formance Perfect for baking and reheating, from pastries and morning goods to sausage rolls and lunchtime pasties, it is the ideal compact solution for busy catering venues

Cemco (The Catering Equipment Maintenance Company) first opened for business in 1990, and have been ser ving Dorset Wiltshire Somerset, Bath, and the rest of the South and Southwest, ever since We offer a full range of ser v ices, including ser vicing and repairs for all commercial catering appliances, ranging from small local projects to major national work, and ever ything in between Specialising in commercial Glasswasher and Dishwasher repairs sales and ser vice our reputation is second to none We can offer you a no obligation quote now, so con tact us for more information CEMCO also carr y out repairs to commercial cater ing equipment Dishwashers, Glasswashers, Ovens Grills Bournemouth, Poole , Dorset and The Southwest We under take repairs and ser vicing to ALL, types, makes and models of commercial catering equip ment A repair is often far cheaper then a replacement! 30 Years in this Industr y gives us the edge over our competitors, with time ser ved Commercial Catering Equipment Engineers our clients have found we save them the cost of purchasing new equipment time after time why buy new when a guaranteed repair is often all your Catering Equipment requires We are based in Bournemouth & Poole covering the whole of Dorset, as well as Somerset, Hampshire and Wiltshire Call 01202 377205 now to arrange a site visit www cemcoltd co uk

R TEC Ser vices & Innovation Ltd (previously known as Rational Technical Ser vices UK Ltd ) demon strated its Combi Oven equipment to commercial kitchen operators at the recent HRC ExCel London Exhibition

The build quality of the submersible wastewater pump was also a discus sion point, with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a com mon lip seal/diaphragm arrangement, especially considering the hot waste water temperatures and potential grease which these units have to han dle It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet This means that the installation footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated

It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a winner and will soon be featuring in combi oven installations ever ywhere New DrainMinor C (Combi Oven Pump) Creates Considerable Interest

The ALFA43 electronic oven range offers rapid and uniformed heat distribution for maximum speed and even baking Features include a dual speed fan with humidification, multi step cooking and the ALFA43XE1HDS model has a USB por t for the upload and downloading of recipes via an app The fast heat up and temperature recover y systems lower energ y consumption and maintain stable cooking temperatures and the ovens large , triple glazed whole of Dorset, along with the neighbouring counties of Somerset, Devon, Hampshire and Wiltshire Trust CemCo for commercial catering dishwasher servicing! Call us now, on 01202 377205 for a free quote to repair your dishwasher specialists in servicing, repairs and maintenance of all Commercial Catering equipment

door, with a middle glass to help keep external temperature low in accordance with regulation and help minimise heat loss The Smeg electronic convection ovens are made with a full stainless steel external construction and an enamelled internal cavity The ovens capacity allows for 2/3 GN or 4 trays at 435 x 320mm With outside dimensions of (W x D x H) 602 x 584 x 537mm the ALFA43 ovens are compact and perfect for smaller kitchens whilst still maintaining top functionality and performance Email foodser vice@smeguk com for fur ther information Smeg Foodservice UK is Thrilled to Announce the Launch of its New ALFA4 3 Electronic Oven Range Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out 50 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122 Cemco undertake Service and Repairs to ALL Commercial Dishwasher and Glasswasher Manufacturers Including Hobart, Electrolux, Meiko, Winterhalter to name a few CEMCO carry out repairs, servicing and routine maintenance to all makes and models of commercial catering equipment, including dishwashers and glasswashers We can also supply you with a new or used dishwasher simply Contact Us for details of available Used Stock We are based in Bournemouth & Poole and cover the

Cemco (The Catering Equipment Maintenance Company)


Each CardsSafe unit contains ten drawers can hired just £9 99 hire comes with customer ser vice can time The question is can you afford not to have CardsSafe as a Licensee & Hotelier



• It is a significant deterrent for dine & dash

Over 5000 brands in the UK use CardsSafe Young’s pubs, Hilton Hotels, Lord’s cricket ground, and many independent restaurants and bars utilise the system

Benefits to using CardsSafe in bars, restaurants and pubs: • Managing customer tabs Helping to increase spending, therefore profits

par t of your business? For more information, please visit www cardssafe com Or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040 Benefits of CardsSafe for Your Business Design and Refit 52 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122 Contact us for full details: Pro Auction Ltd on 01761 414000 We can assist with the valuation, removal and sale of assets surplus to your requirements. Refurbishing? Pro Auction is a well established professional fir m acting for both corporate & private clients conducting sales throughout the UK and inter nationally. our clients work with us because they know we have their best interests in mind This trust is built from our shared values and understanding of what is most important to them. as a result, we serve a diverse clientele across the following sectors: • Hotel, Leisure and Hospitality • Manufacturing Industrial Plant and Machinery • Retail and Wholesale Stocks • Luxury Goods, Prestige & Branded Products We conduct sales by auction, tender and private treaty, supported by web based marketing and conventional promotional campaigns that reach the buyer quickly efficiently and professionally ensuring each and every sale is a success Please mention the Caterer,

Make Your

• Offer s customer s secur ity against credit card fraud

per month In addition each

be added at any

News when replying to advertising

• Wireless • Customer s have peace of mind that the r bank cards are kept safely and keep the unique key! Average spend is up and chargeback has vir tually dis appeared after we installed CardsSafe which really puts our customers minds at rest Timothy, Young’s Bar Manager

troubleshooting, free replacement keys, and additional units

Fossils and minerals can be beautiful natural objects, a com bination of aesthetic and curiosity factors making for appealing decorative pieces There’s the age , for one thing Fifty million year old fish, mete orites as old as the planet a sense of perspective to accom pany the natural beauty The iconic spiral shells of ammonites, rich, ear thy tones of slabs of fossil wood, or the framed tooth of a giant shark or dinosaur something a little different and a memorable talking point These aren’t manufactured products, of course Ever y example is a unique individual, and it can be a ver y subjective appeal, which means it’s always wor th taking a closer look and choosing carefully Edinburgh s famous fossil shop was founded in 1987 by fossil hunter Stan Wood It can take a while to make your way around the shop in the city s historic Grassmarket in the Old Town If you can’t make it there in person, there’s a website with a good range of the smaller lines to explore and you can always contact the shop to ask about other possibilities 0131 220 1344 www mrwoodsfossils co uk Business Mr Wood’s Fossils

Stand Out with

The CardsSafe system is specifically designed to securely retain customer credit and debit cards while the cardholder runs a tab As a result, staff can securely keep customers’ bank cards while customers enjoy the facilities, allowing the team to up sell onsite The CardsSafe units are wireless which means they can sit discreetly behind the bar or POS In addition the system does not capture data, so it never breaches GDPR MAJOR BRANDS TRUST CARDSSAFE


• Pays for itself by reducing call bac k No data is captured



Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Scott Willis Designs (SWD) is a new and innovative interior design business which specialises in design, build and fit out of licensed premises With par ticular exper tise in Audio Lighting and AV design its owner and principle , Scott Willis, has nearly 20 years of experi ence in this sector having worked extensively across the UK and Ireland on commercial and private designs and installations, many of which feature in award win ning venues In the shor t time it has been established, SWD has already advised on numerous signature developments and redevelopments


Exactly as described and more commonly referred to as “Turn Key” We provide the designs and involve the client at ever y stage of the process Ensuring our clients are completely happy with the overall concept is absolutely fundamental to us We then tender the proj ect to a number of tried and tested contractors, pro vide you the client with an overall fit out package price including project management PRO AUDIO, LIGHTING & AV SYS TEMS Having supplied and installed all sizes and scales of PA systems from the largest nightclub systems to the smallest, best value domestic sys tems We have the experience and exper tise to advise you on all the options available and offer some of the best pricing within the industr y From supplying a flat screen for your Bar, an audio system for your Hotel or a Lighting system for your Nightclub, you’ll be catered for on a 1 to 1 basis Visit www scottwillisdesigns com for fur ther information


Make First Impressions

Design and Refit Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 53

This can range from a simple space plan layout with or without fabric or materials selection, through to the most detailed design package incorporating full workshop drawings We use the newest and most innovative C AD software and produce complete concept boards, colour studies and detailed proposals for suppli ers tradesmen & tender returns DESIGN, BUILD & FITOUT

Scott Willis Designs

First Impressions Count! Major Plants Limited specializes in providing cost effective visu ally striking, hanging baskets rental and maintenance ser vices In business over 10 years our company grown through word of mouth via our satisfied and expand ing customer base We know that busy businesses have enough work to do without tr ying to remember whether the flowers have been watered, fed, or tidied up Calling in the exper ts like Major Plants Limited means that you can get on with your business while we ensure that out side your plant arrangements and presentation never let you down Making sure your business looking good is our busi ness! Whether you are seeking an alternative quotation to compare with an existing supplier or are looking at external flower arrangements for the first time our flexible agreement and personal ser vice will give you a piece of mind reliable suppor t for your business get in touch! 0800 111 4014 info@majorplants co uk Count with Major Plants

Vicaima, as one of the leading European expo nents of contem porar y joiner y solutions including interiors doors doorsets wall pan els and associated furniture products, have just intro duced a new brand for profes sionals called Infinity Combining their extensive experi ence within this sector with the latest technological advancements in image realisation, they present a major step forward for the world of interior design enabling creative vision to be made real with imaginative design composition that encompasses multiple elements No longer constrained by conventional limitations, Infinity provides scope for interior design professionals to think beyond what they thought was possible , towards what they would ideally like to achieve Whether creating a theme that brings rhythm and repe tition, or a more dramatic and contrasting vision with pronounced statement pieces, Infinity can make it real Infinity permits almost endless possibilities when it comes to visual aspect with choice of colour tone pat tern and even the perception of texture This enables interior designers and specifiers complete flexibility when aiming to deliver bespoke project solutions However, for those professionals looking for insight from the Vicaima exper ts in trends and fashions, Infinity’s top three collections offer a myriad of fresh inspiration Select from either wood, stone or metal for an immersive experience which includes among many others, Spalted Maple , Terrazo Amber and Antique Patina Once the design and hues have been chosen, it is then a matter of selecting which joiner y elements can be combined to reflect the desired theme Here Infinity broadens horizons and uniquely permits creators to match and play with individual pieces in a way that has traditionally been limited Blending integral building ele ments such as interior door assemblies and decorative wall panels with more ephemeral components like wardrobes and furniture to achieve the perfect balance While flexible aesthetic design is the hallmark of Infinity, it should not be forgotten that as a Vicaima brand, superior quality and performance are integral to all elements Exceeding industr y recognised standards and in the case of doors and doorkits, third par ty fire accredited to both TRADA and the British Woodworking Federation, all products are environmen tally produced and FSC cer tificated Infinity marks a new era in design for interiors, whether in public , commercial or residential applica tions Expanding, evolving and elevating both the cre ative process and eventual project realisation by combining visionar y image technolog y with industr y leading joiner y manufacture , to achieve outstanding results For more information or to request a brochure visit

Design and Refit 54 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122

Imaginative and Integrated Interior Design, Vicaima Makes It Real!

Sustainability is the hear t of our business and a continu ous thread throughout the whole process From respon sible sourcing of eco friendly materials, our award winning eco factor y where manufacturing is pow ered by 100% renewable energ y, right down to our 100% recyclable packaging

Bedding Company

Lifeforms Design Lifeforms Design provide a full range of interior and architectural design ser vices across the hospitality, leisure retail and commercial indus tries Whether big or small, ever y project is given the same dedication and commitment so as to provide our clients with the desired results Our approach is creative and flexible clients return to us because we take the time to understand them and can realise their vision Our creative interior designs for bars and restaurants provide spaces that stimulate invigorate and engage users With years of experience and projects covering bars, cafés and restaurants, through to bespoke inte riors for retail outlets and office spaces, we are the right people for the job We are able to create inspired design solutions to make your business stand out from the crowd

*Please note: The products in our Clacton showroom are large ly discounted as they may be a customer return ex display model, refurbished or have visible marks (i e small dent or scratch) However, all are complete and in good condition but cannot be sold as new Want to take a look? Visit our outlet: Unit 1 Brunel Road Gor se Lane Industr ial Estate Clacton on Sea Essex CO15 4QW Call us: 01255879896

From concept to completion, being unique isn’t easy in a world dominated by visual influence Having worked for 20 years creating environments for people to engage with, now more than ever it is impor tant to create something that appeals to all the senses The rise in social media has created a setting where design makes up people’s ever yday life , often to the point of not real ising it Our job is to deliver such design aspirations whilst ensuring the original brief is adhered to Experience gained allows us to direct ideas using an understand ing of how a unit can feel day to day Numbers of covers, quality of materials, furniture , lighting, acoustics are just some of the aspects which need to be consid ered to ensure the end product does more than look good on an Instagram post, although one should never underestimate how impor tant that is as well! See the adver t on the facing page or visit www.lifeforms

Design and Refit Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 55

If you are someone that loves a bargain, take a trip down to our second outlet showroom in Clacton, to get inspired for your next interior project Up to 80% off on popular styles and fabulous home décor pieces With new lines added ever y week and avail able to you whilst stock lasts; dis cover popular ranges like the Sylvia velvet kitchen stool (£70), and its eye catching silhouette helping to elevate your kitchen island to the next level Or consid er the Malmros dining chair in black (£57), with its padded faux leather seat and cur ved Scandi style it s easy to see why this is the first choice for customers looking to revamp their dining table However if you are someone that is simply after soft furnishings and home accessories, our Clacton second outlet has that covered too Add a funky element to your living room with our collection of rugs, coat hangers and more Or create that high end, ambient feel in your dining space with our lighting range from pendants and floor lamps to table and wall lights

Whether you ’ re into Industrial, Mid Centur y, Scandinavian or Contemporar y styles, the Clacton second clearance showroom is open 6 days a week and offers on trend pieces from chairs and stools to lighting, sofas, and tables it’s simple to design a life you love with Cult!

The Vegan Down s design creates a sumptuous down like layer of superfine fibres which are encased in sustainably sourced 100% BCI cotton, the sewn through cassette construction traps air for warmth, volume and breathability, it’s washable , hypoallergenic and the microfibres are manufactured from GRS Cer tified recycled PET plastic bottles Today our production practices are modelled on the B Corp framework as we work towards cer tification demonstrating our unwavering commitment to ethical and environmentally friendly production for a better tomorrow www finebeddinghotels co uk Fine


Our Vegan Down range is the perfect solution for hote liers who want high end luxur y without compromising their envi ronmental credentials This range looks, feels and replicates natural down in a more environmentally friendly way

As a four th generation British business our family of innovators have spent more than 100 years pioneering bedding, better for peo ple , business and the planet We have been using trailblazing technolog y throughout the era s from delivering durability for cruise liner mattresses in 1912 to creating our carbon neutral fac tor y in 2000 Our united purpose is and has always been, to create and deliver a better night’s sleep for your guests

Second Clearance Showroom email;terr

Design and Refit 56 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee

With the ongoing success of the ILF Chairs com prehensive website ILF have now added a stock armchair in 7 different Faux colours plus a 4 colour range stock of Egger laminated table tops in a selec tion of sizes Their new online website offers both indoor and outdoor seating and table solutions Divided into Contemporar y seating, Barstools, Lounge Seating, Period Seating, Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height tables, offering a great selection of products to view at your leisure Also included now an extensive range of stock seating barstools table bases and table tops Most made to order indoor seating and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification Outdoor items offer a vari ety of colours within the same product style Also included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selection of priced made to order seat ing in a selection of Faux Leather upholster y colours and wood frame colours These products can also be supplied to customer specification just ask for details Enquiries can be sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospi tality site

High quality contract grade furniture is impor tant in any venue but none more so than in outdoor seating areas, where it needs to look good while lasting through many unpredictable British summers Trent Furniture supply a huge range of outdoor furni ture for pubs, cafes and restaurants A firm favourite is the Monaco Stacking Chair Available in wood effect alu minium or a strong woven synthetic wicker finish in natural, black, red or green, this durable and stylish chair looks great in any outdoor setting can be stacked up to 10 high, and is currently on offer from only £39 90 Alternatively, the Plaza Chair is a cool and contem porar y choice for your out door seating Hardwearing black synthetic rattan is handwoven over a rust resistant alu minium frame to create a durable chair that pairs effor tlessly with the hardened glass topped Plaza Table For beer gardens, nothing beats the traditional picnic bench Trent Furniture’s new Chunky Picnic Table is available in three sizes, star ting at just £145 90 The 4cm thick rustic oak finished spruce wood with smooth tim ber slats provides the ultimate in durable comfor t For more information, please call 0116 298 9842 or fill in our contact form at www.trentfurniture us & the Most of Summer with Outdoor Furniture New Ranges Launched by ILF

Hotelier News when replying to advertising Make


on this page Demand for Hospitality Furniture Outstrips Supply for Many in the Industry Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

We caught up with Rob Jackson, from Castelan Commercial Ser vices to ask what have been the key drivers to Castelan’s success in hospital ity restoration after Covid "Our Commercial Division works on many projects across the UK helping our hotel clients and working tirelessly together to provide cover in social care with the following ser vices 1) Carpet/hard f oor c leaning 2) Upholster y c leaning 3) Bath tub restoration 4) Re Upholster y ser vice 5) Environmental c leaning “During the COVID crisis we expanded our cleaning ser vices to include carpet & upholster y cleaning, re upholster y ser vices, mattress cleaning, bedroom deep cleaning (environmental) and bath tub restoration Not only did we offer greener safer clean ing products but we found we were really effective at doing the work and being competitive at doing this was a bonus " If you need any assistance with the restoration of your fixed assets or have any questions around restoration ideas, please contact Rob Jackson who will be happy to help Contact Email: commercial@castelangroup com M 07787 847 353 or T 0330 024 0433

Design and Refit Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 57

Castelan Commercial Services Set the Standards

The ever increasing need to differentiate and refresh hospi tality interiors has led to shor t ages of outdoor furniture and extended lead times on anything made to order All sizes of busi ness from local pubs to large hotel chains are feeling the pinch and having to pay a premi um for any available models they can find that fit their concept These are challenging times for suppliers too as managing director of the market lead ing Contract Furniture Group Richard Bellamy con firms: “Timber, fabrics, plastics, transpor t you name a cost and it’s gone through the roof Our margins have always been thin, so tr ying to find ways to keep our prices down is tough especially when our customers rely on us being the most cost effective supplier around “We’ve seen demand skyrocket in the last couple of years, while many of our competitors have struggled to keep up The market consolidation has seen us grow, but also limited buyers’ options which has subse quently put fur ther pressure on supply chains and the cycle con tinues Luckily for us we work exclusively with a number of European manufacturers, so our lead times have not been as badly affected as others We’re seeing some pretty big players having to quote over four teen weeks to get bespoke upholstered seating which is just far too long for most people I m not saying we can return to the three or four weeks we used to work to but happily we re nowhere near those kinds of delays With the summer upon us and the need for outdoor furniture imminent, it seems inevitable that there will be a clammer for different ways to kit out new spaces or replace damaged items Forward planning for furnishings has never been so business critical for the hospitality industr y Thankfully there are still contract furniture suppliers out there agile enough to deliver when the unexpected occurs and we need solutions fast See www contractfurniture co or adver t


for any business purpose whether that s: • Managing shor t term cash flow issues • Purc hasing extra food and dr ink • H r ing additional staff • Purc hasing new cater ing equipment Our flexibility means we will tr y and look beyond your credit histor y when assessing your application and instead, we will consider whether your business has the potential to deliver solid and sustained growth If you’d like to find out how much finance you qualify for, visit www capify co uk/hospitality fund You’ll be taken to Capify’s website where you can get a no obligation quote within minutes You’ll also be able to find out more information about the busi ness loan and the unique and straightforward repayments To find out more visit www capify

We can help you to manage ‘difficult’ people situations, to improve your operational planning, to recruit, train and manage your team better, creat ing a more productive , pleasant and ‘’retaining’’ working environment

Why Use


For almost 15 years, Capify has worked closely with the hospitality sector, pro viding business owners with much needed funding We’ve been there through some difficult times like the 2008 recession and Covid 19, and have continued to lend even when the banks have said no We’ve recently conducted a Business Confidence Sur vey and found that cash flow and cash reser ves are key concerns for business owners across the UK Over half of those who responded also said they lack confidence in their exist ing banking par tners to meet any future borrowing needs We re proud to have created an accessible business loan which is both quick and easy to apply for, and, once approved, the funds can be paid out in as little as 24 hours finance can used co fund or call us on 0800 151 0980 to speak to one of our specialist finance sale team

Answer: because we can help your business to succeed Here to Support Your Hospitality

MARKETING We will help you build a workable , planned Marketing Strateg y We don’t do fancy, posh or expensive we just recommend what our experience says will actually work for your business It’s no longer enough to rely on word of mouth and repeat business You need to employ a wealth of skills in a number of areas to ensure that your Marketing is attracting new customers and engaging with existing customers From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online adver tising, to print design, Promotions and offline adver tising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’ If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better, give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a ‘’Free of Charge’’ initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer) when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you a Consultant?



We have a ver y good record in helping Hospitality business owners to implement processes that improve how they manage their people , which in turn benefits the owners as well as the Team Members themselves

Our exper ts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operat ing figures if they are available We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of run ning a Hospitality business The largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost, so with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business And YES Covid19 changed a lot of things We need to learn from those things!

Right now we are experiencing massive increases in the cost of the raw materials that we buy both Food and Drink We will take that fully into consideration When was the last time that you fully and meticulous ly costed out and priced correctly, ever y dish on your menu both Food and Drinks? Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter, your Restaurant Consultant, will work on with you, and improve with you


With over 30 years of industr y expe rience in the Hospitality sector, The Bowden Group s Managing Consultant David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements: Profitability, Operational Strateg y, Staff Management, Marketing and The Future of your business David will also be on hand to give you extra (and this can be without any extra charge) suppor t through our Sprowts4Mentoring system, to analyse ever y single week your business performance figures giving you weekly analysis and concise repor ts, with appropriate guidance , to optimise your business’s Sales, Profitability and Staff Management

Specialist Hospitality

. Property and Professional 58 CLH DIGITAL Issue 122 Capify - We're


MANAGING PEOPLE Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development

Property and Professional Issue 122 CLH DIGITAL 59

Catering Partner Needed for Oxford Masonic Hall

The Westmorland Inn is quite simply a brilliant busi ness that is only available as the owners wish to retire With a highly rated restaurant & pub for the past 4 years on Trip Advisor the new owners can be assured of a great business moving forward With a large lower ground floor restaurant fully equipped commercial kitchen bar area with additional mezzanine area and then 8 great en suite letting rooms Is this a bar with a restaurant and letting rooms a restaurant with a bar and rooms or a B & B with bar and restaurant we d suggest all 3 The restaurant offers good traditional food, the cosy bar has a range of 5 real ales, draft lagers, wines, spirits and a large selection of gins together with ever ything else one might expect Each of the 8 letting rooms are en suite and are neatly presented and furnished The business is currently owner operated but man aged allowing the new owner to do as little or as much as they like Also, with opening hours star ting at 1pm except Sundays which opens earlier for Sunday lunch there is scope to enhance the business If the new owner wanted to open and offer breakfast and lunchtime food this would increase both the food and beverage sales within the business as the letting rooms are on a room only rate To the rear of the proper ty is an adjoining 3 bed roomed house , for either the owner to live on site or as staff accommodation All in all, this huge building amounting to over 6000sq ft or 560m2 needs to be seen to appreciate Prominently positioned on Lake Road, just before the Royalty Cinema towards the top of the popular tourist village of Bowness On Windermere on the main road leading from Windermere to Bowness To book a viewing call 01539 444461 or see the adver t on this page for fur ther details

Oxford Masonic Hall Company Limited was established in 1943 to provide accommodation for Masonic Lodges meeting locally In 2016 they acquired their current premises (Cardinal House , in the village of Marsh Baldon, South Oxfordshire) Our provision of accommodation for & ser vices to these lodges enables them to focus more of their time on their charitable activities (national ly Freemasonr y donated over £50m to charitable causes in 2020 and provided over 18 million hours of volunteer ing time) These new premises were extensively renovated and updated by the Company and includes a fully equipped, professional grade kitchen Use of these premises for the caterer s other commercial purposes is encouraged with details to be agreed

Currently some 20+ Masonic Lodges meet at the premises, a total of 70+ meetings estimated for the year commencing 2022 Using 2019 as an example of ‘usual’ trading over 2200 meals were ser ved in this period The board considers that 2000 meals per year may be consid ered a good lower estimate of masonic meals required throughout 2022, with the belief that as the impact of Covid 19 reduces this number will increase over the coming years The company also actively promotes its facilities for third par ty useage for social commercial and charitable purposes and so the total provision of meals is likely to be somewhat higher than this The directors are looking to appoint a new catering contractor to provide ser vices (via the company) to its members and other users of the premises We hope that our future catering par tner would con sider this relationship as a source of secure , repeat busi ness If you would like to discuss this request for tender (or our process) in any fur ther detail, please get in touch with: Mr Tom Boardman Weston, Director Tom Boardman Weston@omhc org uk Or Mrs Tara Buck, Centre Manager Tara Buck@omhc org uk

Margate is home to a vibrant and expanding creative sector Its Old Town has become a year round mecca for ar t lovers who visit Turner Contemporar y and numerous independent galleries as well as the cafés, restaurants and vintage and contemporar y shops that surround the cob bled Market Place As Margate is ser ved by high speed trains from London, with a journey time of just 90 minutes, a new generation is now discovering this original seaside escape We enjoy a year round demand for high quality ser viced accommodation, driven in par t by the Dreamland live music programme , the annual Margate Soul Festival and the area ’ s reputation as a stunning loca tion for film and photoshoots

The Grade II listed Old Town Hall sits right in the cen tre of Margate s Old Town Completed in 1898 the mag nificent neoclassical structure ser ved as the headquar ters of Margate Borough Council and cour t building until Thanet District Council was formed moving to larger purpose built premises in 1974 Since then, it’s been used as the Mayors Parlour and evidence of this can be seen inside with many a wall adorned with fine por traits and photographs of past Mayors Thanet District Council is now looking to let the entire building on a long lease as par t of its capitalisation of its proper ty asset register Sitting as it does centre stage in Margate Old Town Market Place surrounded by bars restaurants ar t galleries and quirky independent retailers it is expected it will attract a high level of interest The building would suit conversion to a boutique hotel busi ness centre or retail The council is open to innovative proposals (subject to the relevant planning) but these must demonstrate a strong sustainable business model and be fully funded The proper ty is being offered on a long lease with a guide price of £75,000 pa Please note that the Margate Museum building does not form par t of the lease Block viewings will be taking place over a six week period To book a viewing contact Dave Tappy Commercial Director at Oakwood Commercial via email: commercial@oak woodhomes biz or by calling 01843 222704 Full and final bids must be submitted to Oakwood Commercial in writing or by email by 1200hrs on Tuesday 12 August 2022

The Westmorland Inn, Bowness-OnWindermere Comes on the Market

Margate Old Town Hall to be Offered for Lease

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

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