CLH Digital - Issue #127

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www CLHNews co uk CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews Issue 127 Businesses to Receive Backdated Energy Support if Scheme is Delayed The Government has pledged to backdate energ y bill suppor t for businesses fol lowing concerns that the promised scheme to help struggling operators, in par tic ular the hospitality sector could be delayed for several weeks Small businesses have seen such high energ y cost rises over the last few months that the situation is, says the Nighttime Industr y Association “ unsur vivable” for most without immediate and large scale inter vention Unlike domestic energ y users, who have seen unit prices double over the last 12 months to the current price cap of 28p per Kwh, businesses do not benefit from the energ y price cap and so are fully exposed to unlimited rising energ y costs, resulting in unit charges increasing from an average of 15p per KWh over the last few years, to a shocking 90p or more per KWH today An increase of around 600% For small but energ y intensive businesses such as cafes pubs clubs and restau rants who might previously have seen annual energ y bills of around £20,000, this complete market failure would result in annual bills of £120,000 or more , which if allowed to continue would put most into immediate insolvency (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3...)

Once again I would ask the favour we are tr ying to maximise our adver tisers reach as much as possible , without them would not be possible to run CLH NEWS, so please do follow us on Twitter, Facebook and our newly created Instagram, and encourage as many people you know in the trade to subscribe to our digital issue

But should it have gone “down to the wire”? Do businesses really need fur ther uncer tainty when in some cases they not only struggling to sur vive in business but also, with many operators living on the premise , struggling keep a roof over their heads

Her Majesty s 70 year reign symbolised a rare constant in a world of constant change , and her passing has been marked by a period of solemn ceremony, and a bank holiday for the day had a funeral

As far as I am aware there is no licensing legislation which states that the hospitality sector, pubs, bars, restaurants or any other venue which ser ves alcohol is required to close during the mourning period or for Her Majesty’s funeral Licensees and landlords can make decisions themselves on the most appropriate way to pay tribute including if they wish to close

This leaves little time to consult and deliver the changes by 1 Februar y 2023 and given the turmoil of Boris Johnson’s resignation Liz Truss’s appointment and parliamentar y delays following death have a Majesty Queen Elizabeth II it is looking increasingly unlikely that Rishi Sunak’s “radical simplification” will see the light of day!

The sector has been treated like a cash cow for decades over taxed and taken for grant ed

In our lead stor y the Nighttime Industr y Association (NTIA) has rightly called for bold and decisive action

Casting our minds back to October 2021 our then Chancellor and former leadership contender Rishi Sunak announced what he called the biggest cut in taxes on beer in decades and the most radical simplification of alcohol duties in over a centur y in a boost to pubs as they struggle to recover from the coronavirus pandemic

Another case of “sleight of hand”!

Editor's Viewpoint

I am confident the day will be treated as a bank holiday for many other sectors but the hospitality is different

Fur thermore , in July this year the Government announced delays to the next stages of its Alcohol Duty System changes In a Written Statement on 20 July 2022, Financial Secretar y to the Treasur y Lucy Frazer announced that the Government will respond in the Autumn

2 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127 The Caterer Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd Suite 4 Roddis House Old Christchurch Rd Bournemouth Dorset Contributions are welcome for consideration however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team Whilst ever y care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom All rights reser ved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised

There has been some speculation surrounding what pubs should do on the day of the funeral Should they open or close?

Alongside the tributes it has been rather humbling to see our heritage and tradition in all its glor y As I write this, there are miles to pay their respects

EDITOR Peter Adams

Fur thermore while the government has announced that the national holiday will be treated as a standard bank holiday employers have no obligation to let their staff have that day off

Fur ther details can be seen at www catererlicensee com

Difficult though this past week has for been the entire countr y it has been a real pleasure to be able to read some of the wonderful hear tfelt and glowing tributes to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

It needs drastic radical change to ensure its long term sur vival beginning with our old favourite cause of hospitality VAT

In simple terms, under the new system, draught beer, prosecco, liqueurs and other drinks will go down in price as taxes are being slashed on them However, the duty levied on wine with alcohol content above 11 percent, such as high strength ciders and for tified wines like por t and Buckfast, is increasing

And while this is only my opinion the pub as one of Britain’s longstanding institutions is the best place for respects to be paid while raising a glass in honour of the Queen’s glori ous 70 year reign

The last thing the countr y need and in par ticular the hospitality and licensed on trade is a sticking plaster over a broken leg

In his Autumn Budget statement, he said the current system of alcohol taxes, which dates back to 1643, was outdated and too complicated as he outlined a new principle , which will see some stronger drinks become more expensive

For the sector to sur vive it does require bold and decisive , and I cer tainly hope our new Chancellor is up to that!

Published by PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House , Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 FAX: 01202 552666 sales@catererlicensee com @CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES David Bar tlett Guy Stephenson PRODUCTION & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox Published by

I am pleased to see that the government has agreed to backdate any suppor t in energ y costs should its scheme to suppor t businesses be delayed

But I do of course respect that this will be an individual choice

They are , always have and always will be places for community together no matter what the occasion!

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital


It is understood that the new scheme could require new legislation but Downing Street said that was still being “worked through”

However, concerns were raised earlier this week at the possibility of having to wait several weeks longer than households for equivalent sup por t

• Scottish Government should pass along the full 12 months of 50% rates reduction for this financial year that has been given to businesses south of the border and already been funded by the Treasur y for businesses in Scotland, rather than only the 3 months suppor t given by Holyrood whic h has now expired

This existential threat not only impacts business and employment and therefore livelihoods, but potentially devastates the rich cultural fabric of our towns and cities “

The government has contacted energ y firms and their representatives urging them not to cut off the supplies to businesses unable to pay their energ y bills, if the suppor t does take longer to arrive than expected

Officials are said to be working on a scheme to suppor t businesses through what is expected to be a challenging winter, after the Government announced last week an unparalleled package of energ y suppor t for UK households and business

“We will confirm fur ther details for the business suppor t scheme next week,” Ms Truss’s spokesperson told journalists on Wednesday, after repor ts emerged in the Financial Times about a delay They added that they recognised there was “ concern about the suppor t” but promised it would arrive before November

Mike Grieve , Chair NTIA Scotland said: “With many hospitality busi nesses already operating on reduced hours due to post lockdown pres sures, including the recruitment crisis, inflation, increased wage costs, rising wholesale prices and the overall cost of living crisis, the current situation where energ y costs are spiralling completely out of control threatens the ver y existence of our industr y across the U K Without urgent inter vention from both the U K and Scottish Governments to provide direct help to businesses, and to impose an affordable cap on energ y, there will be little or no nightlife or hospitality left in our town and city centres within a matter of months

“Positive news on inflation after months of ever increasing figures, the rate of inflation came down slightly in August ” she tweeted “But food price inflation continuing to rise vital to tackle cost of doing busi ness across food supply chain and hospitality ”

Gavin Stevenson, Vice Chair NTIA Scotland said: “The trickle of busi ness failures over the summer has now become a raging torrent of busi ness failures Small businesses are making irreversible decisions today on downsizing, mothballing, par tial closure , or sadly, closing their doors for ever and declaring insolvency Annual energ y costs under the pricing available now are simply unsur vivable for most small businesses, and it is long past time for government to act quickly if we are to save jobs and protect the future of the economy We have now reached such a crisis point that only immediate and large scale inter ventions can save the sec tor, with substantial cuts to VAT, additional suppor t with business rates, and inclusion of small businesses in the domestic energ y price cap all now required if small businesses are to sur vive ”

“Many are making decisions now as to whether they will have to close this winter,” she said


“If there is a delay we will backdate it to cover October energ y bills so that businesses don’t miss out ”

UKHospitality boss Kate Nicholls also said food price inflation contin ued to put pressure on venues across the countr y


The hospitality and on trade have been par ticularly affected with soar ing energ y costs, with pubs and brewers among those highlighting that any delay in the government’s suppor t package could force more busi nesses to close , triggering significant job losses

• UK Government should reduce VAT to 12 5% or ower for all hospitality sec tor premises with immediate effect

calling for :

“We need urgent clarity on whether this cap will deliver for businesses and help them out of a crisis that has been building for months, and urge the chancellor to seriously consider what immediate reassurance he can give for the thousands of business owners currently in despair ”

Businesses to Receive Backdated Energy Support if Scheme is Delayed

Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 3

• Government must nc lude small businesses in the domestic energy pr ice cap, with small business energy pr ices frozen at no higher than the current domestic pr ice cap of around 28p per KWh

The Nighttime Industr y Association (NTIA) has urged governments in Holyrood and Westminster to take “bold and decisive” steps to prevent a catastrophic failure of the hospitality and late night economy sectors,

A much anticipated economic event concentrating on the cost of living crisis could come as soon as next week as the Prime Ministers adminis tration faces a restricted parliamentar y timetable ahead of par ty confer ence recess

Pressed on whether the scheme would begin from 1 October, when the energ y price cap for households will in effect freeze average annual bills at £2,500, the spokesperson said: “I don’t have a set date for you right now It may come in parallel with the household suppor t scheme

Emma McClarkin, the chief executive of industr y body, the British Beer and Pub Association, said these businesses “will not be able to wait days, let alone months to get clarity on their energ y bill”

“Energ y costs are still the biggest component of inflation, and while the latest announcement to limit the rise in the energ y price cap is wel come , consumers still face higher bills in October ”

On Wednesday (September 14) Downing Street suggested that more details about the suppor ts would come next week alongside a pledge to backdate energ y costs for companies if there is a delay to getting the complex new scheme off the ground


Helen Dickinson, chief executive of the British Retail Consor tium, said



The NTIA is also urging both governments to immediately consider any other measures that could mitigate harms already experienced, including flexible or deferred payment schemes for taxes such as VAT and PAYE, direct grant funding, and the pause of any legislative measure which could add cost or reduce trade at this time of national crisis

A visit to The Showman’s Show is an absolute must for anyone involved in events and hospitality

Moreover, rising bills have forced people to cut down on discretionar y expenses, which has hit the revenues of businesses like pubs, hotels, and restaurants

Only 40% of respondents feel they’ve invested enough in tec h compared to 55% last year This ndicates that at least, more operator s recognise the need to increase the pace of tec hnological advances in the sector

• Even more respondents , 83 4 %, recognise that improving operational comp exity using digital tools is the area with the biggest potential to improve performance Michael Tingsager from Hospitality Mavericks said: “In our repor t last year, we presented the concept of an Agile hospitality business those who were successfully navigating the COVID storm unlearning and relearn ing quickly adapting their overall strateg y to meet the challenges of the new business landscape We found they are not only sur viving They are maintaining and enhancing their competitive edge through unwavering focus and counterintuitive investments in people and technolog y

and ser vices

Emerging from lockdowns, hospitality operators are still missing out on a critical oppor tunity to address the sector’s staffing crisis, a new study shows

You can find more details about the show and exhibitors by visiting showmansshow co uk or see the adver t on the facing page

• 84 3% of operator s are facing a recruitment and retention c hallenge , say ng they are struggling to build a team with the r ight capabilities to dr ive growth now and in the near future

To register to attend The Showman’s Show 2022 please click https://tinyurl com/pjyxkkds

The Six Tenets of Agile Hospitality repor t shares the inside secrets to business growth of maverick hospitali ty leaders through inter views with operators highlighting good practice

• The Pur suit of Master y Radical Transparenc y A Stake in the Outcome

“An effective workforce management system like the Bizimply system we use at Bakers + Baristas allows us to manage labour more flexibly It has clear advantages for the business, as well as advantages for team mem bers who are increasingly looking for more flexible working arrangements and a better work life balance ”

Since Truss star ted campaigning for the top post, she has been pledging tax cuts that could reach £50 billion according to exper ts This could be good news for businesses as people will have more money in hand increasing their spending power in the shor t term Combined with the energ y price cap freeze , bills will see a lesser rise , and con sumer confidence may witness a boost, which, in turn, would help the hospitality indus tr y to some extent

• Freedom to Operate


However, that doesn't mean tax cuts will solve all the problems Critics of tax cuts, including former chancellor Rishi Sunak, have argued that huge tax cuts may fuel more inflation and aggravate the situation fur ther

By Kunal Sawhney, CEO of Kalkine (www.kalkine

Visitors can expect to meet companies launching new products, alongside show cases and demonstrations of existing solutions It’s also a great melting pot for ideas, with the chance to talk to the exper ts in their field face to face and interact with products in environment which is

With the backdrop of global economic challenges, operators who underin vest in people and technolog y face an existential threat, according to the industr y sur vey conducted by Hospitality Mavericks, in par tnership with workforce management specialist Bizimply

The new prime minister Liz Truss has inherited an ailing economy that needs con crete measures immediately The Bank of England has warned that it may slip into recession by the end of this year, and Truss' next steps would decide whether the coun tr y will see a financial crisis, which would be the biggest since 2008 09

A Visit to The Showman’s Show 2022 is a Must For Anyone Within Hospitality

businesses that it was up to them to slash their energ y costs


Intuitive technolog y that frees up front line staff to have the autonomy to deliver great customer ser vice rather than hampering their effor ts is the key to retaining the customer ser v ice edge in the new, ultra competitive market, the repor t finds

“This year, we ’ ve identified the Six Tenets of Agile Hospitality used by maverick leaders in the industr y who are building resilient, agile companies that deliver profits, growth and lasting success whilst making a positive difference to all stakeholders ”

David Lockwood managing par tner and MD Neals Yard Dair y says: “We can only make the company and cheese better if people know what’s going on financially When people know what is expected, then they understand what s going on around them, and they can make good choices And I believe , maybe naively, that most people can and do make good choices when presented with the right information I’m not afraid to share the numbers ”

Tom Bar ton, a co founder of Honest Burger, says: “We went really deep into what we want Honest to stand for And it was almost like a Ground Zero Moment for the business where you star ted again We’ve decided that it’s better for us as a business if we give our guys more responsibility But we need to give them the resource to be great We have to give them a framework of resources to make the right decisions ”

For anyone working within the catering and hospitality sector it presents an excellent oppor tunity to meet new suppliers and discover the latest innovations and technologies

Exhibitors include state of the ar t temporar y structures perfect for adding additional areas to existing venues or corporate hospitality facilities; caterers, bespoke concessions and catering equipment; the latest sound and lighting solu tions; furniture hire companies; theming, visual spectaculars and finishing touches to name but a few

Industr y bodies, which have been seeking suppor t from the government due to the record high inflation, have welcomed the new PM, hoping that she'll do more for the hospitality sector

Twelve months on, the reality of a reduced hospitality workforce and high demand for the most skilled employees combined with a global economic downturn, low consumer confidence , and raging inflation, starkly highlights the challenges operators face

• Just 33% of operator s have implemented a c lear people strategy in their organisation While an improvement on the 28% n the 2021 sur vey still leaves two thirds of operator s without a formal and documented people strategy

Matt Scaife , a par tner with Causeway Capital, owner of coffee and cake specialist Bakers + Baristas, a Bizimply customer, says: “For employers, it’s more impor tant than ever not simply to tell employees you understand their needs but to demonstrate it

4 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127

Operators “Struggling to Build Teams to Drive Growth”

The repor t The Six Tenets of Agile Hospitality 6 Tenets Ever y Leader Needs to Sur vive and Thrive in the New Era of Hospitality, builds on a study under taken a year ago in the immediate aftermath of the pandemic

a live

really useful for making purchasing decisions

The Showman s Show will return to Newbur y Showground on the 19th 20th October 2022 with hundreds of exhibitors showcasing thousands of products and ser vices The show delivers practical solutions, handy hints and inspiration in abundance

“Investment in the right technolog y empowers hospitality staff at the front line making all the difference to customer ser vice ”

This white paper repor ts on a sur vey of senior operators and leaders rep resenting hundreds of outlets employing thousands of staff in the UK, Europe , and the USA Respondents came from across the hospitality sector, from fine dining and hotels to pubs and bars, coffee shops and fast food outlets The repor t is available from the Bizimply website Click here to download

With the appointment of the new PM, the hospitality sector has high hopes from her The industr y is going through tough times due to inflationar y pressures Businesses are struggling with high energ y prices There's no energ y price cap on commercial energ y costs, so business bills have skyrocketed over the past few months

Some larger businesses have managed to lock in their energ y costs or renegotiate bet ter deals for a few years with their providers, but smaller establishments have failed to do so

All eyes are now on the government's 'fiscal event , set to take place later this month It will hopefully bring more clarity to the energ y suppor t package for the businesses and get some respite to the hospitality sector


Although Truss did acknowledge that the hospitality sector is vulnerable , she told the

• Graceful Growth

Truss has announced a freeze on energ y cap for domestic consumers and equivalent suppor t to businesses for six months, which will be revised later and turned into tar geted suppor t But there's no clarity on what exactly this suppor t will be The parame ters that will decide who will get the suppor t after six months are also not announced Business leaders have been calling for more details on the extent of the energ y suppor t package

• Clar ity of Purpose and Direction

Shaw added: “Businesses we work with understand that the right technolog y, implemented correctly, helps organisations to become more human and in hospitality great customer experiences are delivered by humans ”

What Does Liz Truss' Appointment as PM Mean For The Hospitality Industry?

Bizimply CEO Conor Shaw said: “Sadly, what’s clear is that too many hospi tality operators are still working with a ‘top down’ approach to people man agement Even before the pandemic , that was looking unfit for purpose With the economic headwinds the industr y now faces, many of those businesses that are failing to invest may not be around much longer

WSET to Hold First Virtual Open House

The two day programme is packed with informative and inspira tional content, covering all aspects of WSET education and includes live sessions delivered by WSET’s education team Sessions will look at the content, outcomes and benefits for students taking qualifica tions from Level 1 (beginner) to Level 4 (exper t) WSET students will also share their study experiences and talk about their WSET jour neys

Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 5

WSET’s Marketing Director, Carolyn d’Aguilar, comments, “We are really excited to be holding our first ever vir tual Open House Just like a college or university open day, this event will allow potential students to sample our wine , spirits and sake qualifications before they commit to signing up with one of our course providers They can explore which qualification and study option is right for them and how WSET education can benefit them whether for their career or for personal enjoyment ”

WSET (the Wine & Spirit Education Trust) is to hold its first ‘vir tual open house’ event on 19th 20th October 2022 as par t of an ongo ing drive to raise awareness of its qualifications within the global drinks trade Free to attend, the online event will showcase WSET’s por tfolio of globally recognised wine , spirit and sake qualifications The event has been designed to appeal to anyone interested in learning about WSET education as well as existing WSET students considering taking another qualification The event will also offer businesses the oppor tunity to learn how WSET training can add value to their teams

The Open House is a vir tual event designed to be as accessible as possible for existing and potential students across the globe

Jane Peyton is an award winning writer, public speaker and drinks exper t who founded the School of Booze and the annual Cheers to Beers on Beer Day Britain She has used her extensive experience in the world of drinks to run a pub quiz

“The Calderdale Beer and Cider Festival ser ves some of the rarest beers in the UK and there are some that customers will never get the chance to taste if they don’t visit us

The festival features 61 beers with 19 ser ved from wooden casks showcasing some of the rarest beers in the UK many of which are exclusives In total 44 breweries are represented including new breweries and there are commissioned ales and beers in unusual styles

“The ABVs of the beers in wood range from 4 5% 10 9% with a number of new beers on show many of which are appearing in wood for the first time ever, oth ers are rare or limited edition ranging from Belgian IPA, a brown ale , a bitter, two old ales, a mild, a barley wine , a pale ale and var ying types of specialised stouts and por ters All the beers have been matured in the wood some for a considerable amount of time

“The Calderdale Beer & Cider Festival caters for ever yone no matter what their tastes and preferences might be ”

Latest CAMRA Podcast Shines a Spotlight on Pub Games

Emma said: “The draw of a great array of games can revitalise a pub’s quieter nights, whether that’s a selection of board games, a pub quiz or an old classic such as Toad in the Hole I hope that more pubs will take up the oppor tunity to bring in a new crowd, recruit some new regulars, and have some fun!”

The latest episode of the C AMRA podcast is shining a spotlight on pub games by speaking with two award winning writers Emma Inch and Jane Peyton

The first day (19th October) will focus on wine qualifications and the second day (20th October) will cover

spirits and sake qualifications The programme will be accessible to students in ever y time zone and some live sessions will also be run in French and Spanish

Festival organiser John Har tley said:

Jane said: “After two years of distance and vir tual socialising pub goers are craving the oppor tunity to come together and create new communities Pub games can be the perfect excuse to make new friends and new rivals!”

Attendees need to register to join the event live , with all sessions available to watch on demand on WSET’s events platform for 30 days after the event closes To find out more about WSET’s Open House visit wsetglobal com and to register for the event sign up here https://digitalevents wsetglobal com/e/wset open house

They examine the unique role of pub games in British pub histor y and how events such as a quiz night or skittles alley can help transform some of the qui etest pub nights into a popular evening, bringing people together and breaking down social barriers

Award winning freelance writer, audio maker and podcast consultant Emma Inch created a video for C AMRA’s Learn & Discover platform which celebrates the variety of pub games here in the UK

The podcast was hosted by the Calderdale and Halifax C AMRA branch, which is preparing for the Calderdale Beer & Cider Festival taking place from 22 24 September

dis cover

The research, conducted by travel insurance exper ts Forbes Advisor scored UK locations based on factors such as the cost of eating out, the average price of a local Airbnb, and transpor t costs in and around each town or city

Commenting on the findings Laura Howard personal finance exper t at Forbes Advisor, said:

“The continued prospect of flight and airpor t disrup tions, lingering Covid testing requirements in some pop ular overseas destinations, and rising living costs are just some of the many good reasons why a shor t break with in the UK might appeal this autumn

and combining the exper tise of BigHospitality, The Morning Adver tiser MC A Lumina Intelligence and the World’s 50 Best The Big Hospitality Expo is in a unique position to help the industr y tackle these communal problems share exper tise and look to a prosperous future ”

Inheriting a 30 year legacy from The Restaurant Show which is set to remain a key sector of the revised event the expo will champion the out standing products, people , insight and innovation of the food and drink industr y

Hospitality businesses are facing a period of extreme uncer tainty, with higher interest rates, a potential recession looming and ever increasing energ y costs The Government’s Energ y Price Guarantee (EPG) has provided clarity for households and whilst Prime Minister Liz Truss has expressed that the value of the suppor t for businesses will be in line with the level provided to consumers, businesses still don t know what to expect

To find out more and register for your free badge

With a hotbed of movers and shakers including Uber Eats, OrderPay, me&u, Fentimans, Open Table , Deliverect, Mr Yum and Reputation already signed up to exhibit and hundreds of new product launches expected the show will offer visitors an exclusive insight into the future of the hospitality industr y

Kate Nicholls, CEO, UK Hospitality, says: “It’s really impor tant for operators to take time out of their business to come to the show, you get to see all the new products and a lot of innovation going on ”

Once a business understands its financial position in detail it can make strategic decisions about how to remain profitable , for example by differentiating its offering to win new customers

By Chris Maloney, par tner and head of the hospitality and leisure team, and Karen Gibb , senior HR consultant at Menzies LLP (www.menzies

Registration Now Open for The Big Hospitality Expo 2022

Whilst it is impor tant for the Government to get behind the Hospitality and Leisure sector, business owners should avoid sitting back and waiting for the detail By taking proactive steps to improve energ y efficiency and differentiate their offerings, they can protect their cash position and navigate their way through the economic downturn

The Big Hospitality Expo runs from 26th 28th September at Olympia London, and exhibitors at the show will cover the whole hospitality spec trum, from food and drink through to technolog y and furniture Plus, with Low2NoBev, Catering Equipment Expo and Hostech running alongside , it will provide visitors with the tools, ideas and networking oppor tunities they need to build their restaurant foodser vice or hospitality business

Businesses could fur ther improve their energ y efficiency by updating insulation or installing LED lighting with motion sensors, designed to turn off automatically when the area is not in use

The research revealed that the historical city of Oxford offers the best experience , with a Staycation Score of 93 6 out of 100 Visitors can enjoy a three course meal for two that costs just £50 on average , Airbnb stays priced at an average of £116 per night, and a wide and varied selection of attractions with local taxi fares priced at just £1 75 per mile

selection of things to do It offers 19 47 attractions per 10,000 people as well as the lowest beer prices out of any location in the top 10 at £3 25

A new study has revealed the UK’s top staycation spots for a weekend getaway

Additionally, the Government could reduce VAT on hospitality and leisure ser vices to pandemic levels, which

would encourage consumer spending within the sector Spain has recently reduced VAT on energ y from 21% to 5% and whilst this provides a shor t term cashflow benefit, it also helps non VAT registered businesses along with boosting consumer confidence The UK Government could also consider fur ther leniency to busi ness owners around CBILS or bounce back loan repayments

How Will the Energy Price Guarantee Affect Hospitality Businesses This Winter?

Nottingham takes fifth place with taxi fares sitting low at £1 75 per mile and an overnight stay at an Airbnb priced at an average of £102 It also scored well on the number of attractions, with 17 11 per 10,000 people

visit www bighospitalityexpo co uk

Whilst the delay in providing clarity makes it harder for busi nesses to plan for the upcoming winter months, it could have a positive outcome It is hoped that the extra time might allow the Government to come up with a more meaningful package of sup por t, rather than rushing to introduce measures that could leave businesses worse off

As energ y prices continue to soar, business confidence is being dented With the geopolitical situation in Europe continuing to drive up energ y prices and the cost of raw materials including grain and other staple ingredients an economic recession extend ing into next year seems likely As we do not yet know the exact figures for the suppor t that will be offered, it is difficult to predict whether it will be enough, however, it is impor tant that any sup por t provided is agile and flexible to respond to these situations as they continue to develop

6 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127

It also analysed the number of attractions per 10,000 people to where offers the best experi ence for a staycation this autumn

Business owners need cer tainty in order to plan ahead and whilst the specifics of the suppor t package have yet to be announced, they will be reassured that some degree of financial help has been guaranteed for the next six months However, they should also take proactive steps to improve energ y efficiency and mitigate financial risks as they head towards winter

“And the good news is, our ver y own shores have so much to offer in terms of histor y, architecture , nature and scener y

Oxford is Crowned the UK’s Number One Staycation Hotspot

Second place goes to York with its Staycation Score of 92 8 At 32 73 the city which dates back to ancient Rome offers the highest number of attractions per 10 000 people It also scores well for the number of restaurants at 16 58 per 10,000 people Taxi fares in the city are also relatively modest, costing an average of £2 20 per mile

With its Staycation Score of 91 4, Cambridge takes third place as a staycation hotspot A bottle of beer costs a par ticularly reasonable £3 75 on average in local restaurants, while the £107 daily cost of an Airbnb also stacks up well in terms of affordability The city also offers 29 51 attractions per 10,000 people Guildford, a large town in Surrey, ranks in four th place , based on its affordability balanced with its wide

“Our research ranks the top staycation hotspots based on costs of local accommodation, eating out, and trans por t in and around the town or city as well as the number of local attractions to visit once you are there the weather turns, it’s good to know that a fun filled and inspiring weekend staycation is within reach without weighing too heavily on your stress levels or bank balance


“Bear in mind travel insurance is still a good idea when travelling within the UK It’s inexpensive and will pro vide cover for unforeseen events which mean you are forced to cancel your trip ”

It is equally impor tant not to underestimate the impact of staff, a business’s key resource , and ensure that measures are taken to retain top talent due to the current challenging recruitment environment Additionally, at the high end of the sector, retaining staff who are familiar faces to customers will benefit the business, and ensure that ser vice standards do not drop

The Big Hospitality Expo, sponsored by Uber Eats, opens its doors for the first time this September (Olympia London 26th 28th) and is set to establish itself as a mecca for restaurateurs and chefs casual dining opera tors as well as pub bar and street food operators

Julie Adlington, Exhibitions Marketing Director adds, “Between staffing issues, inflation and the cost of the living crisis, our sector continues to face challenges But by building on the fantastic heritage of The Restaurant Show

Menzies recommend that business owners have a full understanding of their cost base and income levels, as without this they do not have the information at their disposal to understand the optimal times for the busi ness to be open such as some London restaurants choosing to close on Monday due to reduced demand Challenging cost lines and making sure they are providing value for money is also key, and owners shouldn’t be afraid to see if these can be improved

With customers thinking more about their spending, they are likely to look for places that offer experi ences, and owners can take advantage of this to level up their business For example , a pub could offer experi ences such as quiz nights or snooker or dar ts tournaments, which are free to enter and could drive footfall at quieter times

But what other assistance could the Government provide once the six month EPG period ends for busi ness? Owners could be encouraged to generate their own electricity via solar panels or invest in ground source heat pumps The Government could provide an interest free loan to pay for the initial installation, with the money to be paid back at inter vals as the business star ts to feel the benefit of lower energ y bills

“The industr y ’ s future is finely balanced between the deliver y of an imminent sur vival package by the new Chancellor and continued consumer spend and confidence!”


Michael Kill, CEOof Night Time Industries Association said, Over the last week we have seen a huge escalation in closure notices from pubs, bars, restaurants, venues and clubs across the countr y, with over 70% of busi nesses stating they will be financially compromised within weeks, all of which have stated untenable operating costs as reasons too close ”

Ojay McDonald CEOof Association of Town and City Management said “Right now businesses are already deciding to scale back or shut up shop for good The knock on impact on employment is unimaginably bad We need decisive action from the government now to save the high street

The #BusinessSOS campaign warns of mass closure and redundancies if immediate and effective action isn’t taken the true situation that Britain faces today

#BusinessSOS three point plan to suppor t ailing businesses:

Joss Croft, CEO , UKinbound said, “For the UK’s inbound visitor economy, a £28 4 billion expor t industr y, to continue its recover y and exceed pre pandemic levels a fully functioning domestic leisure retail and hospitality industr y is absolutely paramount however the current inflation and energ y crisis is set to derail this We need swift and decisive action from Government to safeguard businesses and jobs across the countr y ”

• A discounted kwh price on all business energ y bills

Bill Addy CEOof Liverpool BID and Chair of The BID Foundation said, “Businesses recognise that they benefited from the immediate suppor t given them during the pandemic but we are in danger of all that suppor t being thrown away as those same businesses that have worked valiantly to recover will be decimated by the cost of living crisis Business is now at a watershed moment that needs an urgent response from our new Prime Minister, they need hope and cer tainty if they are to sur vive It is business that will ensure that UK can grew the economy out of the coming recession but do that business needs to sur vive and that requires urgent action ”

• 100% rate relief until 31st March 2023

Businesses Count Down the Days as Imminent Collapse of the High Street May Become a Reality

Andrew Taylor Founder of #BusinessSOS campaign and Managing Director of Bart & Taylor said “Without imme

Following rumours of an energ y prize freeze delay, over 150,000 busi nesses from across the UK are urging Government to act on spiralling energ y costs which are proving more detrimental than the pandemic

The newly formed #BusinessSOS campaign, founded by organisations representing over 150,000 retail, leisure , hospitality and tourism business es warns harm caused by the spiralling energ y crisis is superseding the pandemic with the potential to cause irreversible damage to UK high streets and the economy

Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 7


Matthew Sims, Founder of #BusinessSOS campaign and CEOof Croydon BID said, “The new Prime Minister has days to save the high street as we know it The impending announcement on how the Government will tackle the energ y crisis facing businesses will either ensure businesses can remain trading or set in motion mass clo sures and redundancies To say the energ y crisis is worse that the pandemic is not an understatement, it is the reality facing businesses today and why the clock is ticking for the new Government to provide clarity and introduce measures providing tangible and immediate relief ”

• Headline rate reduced from 20% to 12 5%

diate inter vention local communities will change forever as they lose their social spaces For the first time in living memor y, energ y costs are now greater than rent and increasing on a daily basis in the absence of any inter vention or price cap since April After sur viving the pandemic it seems ludicrous that the needs of businesses are currently not being heard and could see the billions of funding provided during the pandemic go to waste ”

Let’s not shy away from how comprehensive this suppor t needs to be Energ y prices have been unsustain able for months We are at the stage where a price freeze is inadequate Discounts on the cost of energ y are vital We also need to halt the decline of consumer confidence to keep businesses trading That’s why this three point plan on energ y, VAT and businesses rates as a combination is the right route to take ” Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association, said: “The pub and brewing sector makes a huge contribution to our economy in high streets and local communities throughout the countr y, yet it still remains in a precarious position after the pandemic Immediate action on energ y is critical, but invest ment in our sector for the long term is also essential As the PM works towards a fiscal statement and full budget we hope she will seriously consider a cut to business rates and VAT so Britain’s pubs and brewers can get back on their feet fully and thrive in the communities they proudly ser ve ”

The #BusinessSOS campaign believes mass closures and redundancies are inevitable if Government does not swiftly implement measures that alleviate the critical pressures that businesses like households have been facing since April 2022

• Business energ y bills reduced from 20% to 5% to match domestic billing


Kate Nicholls, CEOof UKHospitality, said, “The hospitality sector is crucial to delivering the business led growth the new Government is striving for, but we are facing an existential crisis due to soaring energ y bills We’re encouraged by the new Prime Minister’s commitment to tackling energ y prices, but we need to see urgent, comprehensive action As well as a price freeze , we need to see a cut to VAT and a business rates holiday if businesses in the sector are to have any hope of making it through the winter ”


Beer and Bank Holiday Boost Drinks Sales

Average sales in managed venues in the seven days to Saturday (3 September) were 10% ahead of the same week last year, CGA by NielsenIQ’s latest Drinks Recover y Tracker shows They were also 15% ahead of the last equivalent period before COVID 19 in 2019 though this comparison is with a week with no Bank Holiday Crucially, the year on year figure is just ahead of the cur rent rate of inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index

Sales beat 2021 levels on ever y day of last week, pulling 8% ahead on Bank Holiday Monday (29 August) Sunny weather pushed them even higher on Tuesday (up 17%) Wednesday (up 18%) and Thursday (18%) While growth dropped back to single digits on Friday (up 6%) and Saturday (up 4%), it was an excellent

run of trading after several flat weeks

The competition is organised by PubAid with sponsorship once again from Matthew Clark and suppor t from the All Par ty Parliamentar y Beer Group Entries are open now on the PubAid website with a closing date of 31 October

This year, pubs can choose to enter either a Community Suppor t or Charity Fundraising categor y, and nominate one of their regulars for their contribution to the pub’s activities, to become a Community Hero Regular Pubs can enter them selves via a brief form on the PubAid website , while pub companies are welcome to nominate their licensees and MPs are encouraged to suggest wor thy pubs in their constituencies

Co founder of PubAid, Des O’Flanagan said: “We’re delighted to be running the Community Pub Hero Awards again and recognising pubs who are providing much needed suppor t for their local communities and charities

Charity Fundraising Hero: recognising pubs who suppor t charities and other good causes through fundraising This can be through a collection tin on the bar charity events ranging from quizzes or auctions through to fun days or sponsored challenges by the licensee team members or pub customers

PubAid’s Community Pub Hero Awards are returning with new categories designed to reward licensees and for the first time pub regulars who go the extra mile to suppor t their local communities, charities and wor thy causes

The Bank Holiday weekend and a warm end to the summer holi days helped the On Premise to end the summer on a high with beer and cider par ticularly buoyant

The high temperatures ignited the LAD categor y in par ticular with beer sales up by 20% year on year and cider rising 33% Soft drinks (up 13%) and wine (up 4%) were in growth too, but spirits sales were down 11% though the equivalent week in 2021 was inflated by many con sumers celebrating the full reopening of the On Premise with cocktails and shots

After the closing date , judges will review entries received and publish shor tlists for each categor y All finalists will be invited, with their MP, to attend a reception in London, where the overall winners will be announced


“We’re also pleased to be introducing the new Community Regular Hero award; we know that pub fundraising and other community suppor t activities are often driven by an enthusiastic individual or group of

Mike Wood, MP for Dudley South and Chairman of the All Par ty Parliamentar y Beer Group said: “These awards are a great oppor tunity for MPs to celebrate how landlords in their constituencies provide vital suppor t either through fundraising for charities or other help for those in need locally Over 60 MPs across the countr y came forward with nominations last year and we hope to see a similarly enthusiastic response this time ”

Community Hero Regular : recognising an individual or group of customers who help the pub’s fundraising effor ts or its work to suppor t the community They often take on thankless tasks for little reward, so if you have a loyal regular who has helped your pub to help others locally, then nominate them for this award

Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 9

stalwar ts It seems only right to share the limelight with them ”

“The inflation beating end to August should give hear t to On Premise operators and suppliers,” says Jonathan Jones, CGA’s managing director, UK and Ireland “It shows that consumers ’ appetite for drinking out remains as strong as ever especially when the sun shines and strong beer and cider sales are par ticularly encouraging This week’s announce ments from the government around energ y bills suppor t for consumers and businesses are welcomed, however the hospitality sector is still fac ing challenges on multiple fronts ”

Community Suppor t Hero: recognising licensees who help their communities Many pubs offered vital suppor t during lockdown: delivering supplies or cooking hot meals for vulnerable residents, or keeping people connected through online quizzes or chats If your pub is a ‘good neighbour’ to your local community, then this award is for you!

Community Pub Hero Awards Open for Entries

Plant Based World Expo Europe is the only 100% plant based B2B trade show to bring together buyers and suppliers from across foodser vice , hospitality, retail, and public sector catering Returning to Olympia London on November 30th December 1st 2022 it’s a one stop solution for keeping your business competitive in one of the fastest growing food categories With so many new plant based products being launched how do you decide

Alongside the expo is a world class conference programmed for buyers and chefs eager to learn more The educational sessions are designed to sup por t the buying journey, providing top line insights into the next trends, oppor tunities and challenges that will affect your business in the coming months They will be led by world class speakers, from the biggest chains and foodser vice giants to some of the world’s largest food manufacturers and thought leaders

“I am extremely proud to suppor t Hospitality Apprenticeship Week, not only pro moting oppor tunities to thousands of young people; but also championing a much more tailored and comprehensive approach to learning Apprenticeships have been instrumental in growing our own talent and reducing turnover, yet there still remains some common misconceptions about our sector amongst key influencers that need to be addressed this is the perfect platform for our sector to work collaboratively to share our success stories and help educate young people to make more informed choices about their future career ”

“Hospitality Apprenticeships Week is a key event in Sodexo’s apprenticeship calen dar We have over 900 apprentices across our organisation with many working in hospitality so we understand the vital work they do and take great pride in their achievements Hospitality is a special industr y that has been hit hard over the past few years, so we are delighted to par ticipate in this celebrator y week to show our suppor t and raise awareness of the great work apprentices under take ever y day and we hope to inspire more young talents to commit to this sector ”

Hospitality Sector Unites to Urge Businesses to Get Behind Hospitality Apprenticeships Week

It’s undeniable , what once was considered ‘fringe’ is now well and truly main stream The demand for plant based food options has skyrocketed since 2017, and the categor y is continuing to experience strong year on year growth With more businesses offering plant based options, the competition is fiercer than ever, and an easy way to stand out is to offer a wide range of innovative prod ucts on shelves and menus

Follow @plantbasedworldeurope and #PBWE on Twitter and Instagram for ongoing conversations and updates about the plant based market

at https://careerscope uk net

“Initiatives such as this are incredibly impor tant in shifting the level of understand ing around what working in our amazing sector actually means and to show people the career oppor tunities that it presents Ours is a creative , vibrant and fun sector in which people can go from bar to board in a ver y shor t timeframe If the industr y gets behind the week we can educate engage and employ people of all levels of experience across the UK not only helping to solve the current staff shor tages but futureproofing the industr y by attracting the brightest and best ” Jonathan Foot Head of Apprenticeships & Early Careers Compass Group UK & Ireland commented: “Hospitality Apprenticeship Week is a great oppor tunity to celebrate our apprentices and showcase how

apprenticeships can change the lives of our people We’re on a mission to provide suppor t to one million people by 2030 and education and development forms a big par t of this commitment We always see an increase in apprenticeship applications during these focus weeks and would encourage all businesses to get on board ”

To get involved and to download more information and suppor ting materials, please visit the CareerScope website

Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, said:

Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 11

Susan Mar tindale , Group HR Director, Mitchells and Butlers PLC , commented:

Hospitality Apprenticeships Week helps to showcase the unique and diverse career pathways that the sector provides, coming at a time when there are currently record vacancies across the industr y

Sue Davison Sodexo head of apprenticeships and early careers said:

The week will also celebrate the apprentices working in the sector, and those that have completed their apprenticeships and progressed within their business

Discover the Future of Plant-Based

The week is intended to challenge the misconceptions associated with careers in hospitality shifting the view that the sector offers only shor t term jobs that lack progression, to one that offers fulfilling and rewarding career prospects The initiative aims to clearly demonstrate how working in the industr y is #MoreThanAJob

See the adver t on the facing page for details

which ones suit your business? Instead of juggling samples, tastings and emails, the show is your chance to meet with 200+ plant based suppliers under one roof You can speak with the right contacts, taste the prod ucts, and access all the information you need to make your decisions

Trade bodies, charities and training providers have come together to promote Hospitality Apprenticeships Week 2022, running between 3 and 9 October, and is calling on the wider industr y to get behind the initiative

Trade professionals can register to attend for free on the website at www.plantbasedworldeurope .com

The research also showed an acknowledgement from respondents, that technolog y would help their business Just over half (51%) of respon dents said they are looking for technolog y that is easy to use A fur ther 48% said that technolog y fits with the culture of their business and there is also enthusiasm around the prospect of introducing new technolog y, with 43% saying they are excited by the introduction of new technolog y

The sur vey shows that while visits to visitor attractions in England increased by 30% overall last year compared to 2020 as attractions began to reopen and build back from the pandemic 2021 visitor numbers were still down 55% on 2019 (see slide 11 in the full repor t for more information)

VisitEngland has published its Annual Sur vey of Visits to Visitor Attractions in England for 2021

Annual Survey

The most visited paid for attraction in England in 2021 was Kew Gardens, the second year in a row that it has taken the top spot, with 2 0 million visitors, up 61% on 2020 although still down 15% on 2019 Chester Zoo was second with 1 6 million visitors, still down 23% on 2019, and RHS Garden Wisley third with 1 4 mil lion, which was up 14% on 2019

Brand added, Despite the obvious gap between outdated processes


The sur vey, which gathered information from 1,142 English attrac tions, also shows the impact from the absence of international visi tors with a drop of 39% last year in the number of overseas visitors to attractions in England

The visitor attraction categor y ‘Museums/Ar t Galleries’, many of which rely on overseas visitors, made up the least ground with an increase of 18% in visits in 2021 This followed an average fall in visi tor volume of 76% in 2020 compared to 2019

26% in 2019

Topping the list of free attractions in England in 2021 was Brighton Pier with 4 3 million visitors, up 4% on 2020 although still down 13% on 2019 Second was the Natural Histor y Museum with 1 6 million visitors up 21% on 2020 however still a decline of 71% on 2019 The third most visited free attraction in England in 2021 was the British Museum with 1 3 million visitors, up 4% on 2020 but still down 79% on 2019

the 77% drop in visits to London attractions in 2020,

to develop

revenue The use of online booking systems more than doubled to 62% by the end

digital offer and technolog y to connect and engage with visitors during the pandemic with online tours and videos the most popular Almost a third of attractions sur veyed, 32%, also developed an online retail offer to help grow

‘No Time for Creativity ’ say UK Chefs as New Study Reveals Price Hikes and Staff Shortages in Catering Firms are Worsening Due to Lack of Innovation

A new, independent sur vey of contract catering firms across the UK, has revealed the top concerns faced by operations managers, head chefs and general managers, as the sector continues to navigate a dynamic , largely unpredictable , post pandemic world The study, commissioned by P2P (Procure to Pay) catering technolog y firm Zupa, set out to delve deeper into the key challenges impacting day to day operations as the resilience and innovation of UK catering firms is called into question The study revealed that rising costs is the top concern for 27% of staff Poor kitchen management was a close second (25%), a fur ther 24% of respondents also cited lack of staff as a key concern, as well as food shor tages (24%)


London attractions, with their greater reliance on international visitors, saw the lowest percentage increase in visitor numbers to attractions in 2021, follows when compared to

The pace of recover y varied substantially across visitor attraction categories Site closures in 2021 associated with lockdowns and open ing restrictions meant a reduced season with required health and safety standards also seeing many sites operating with reduced visitor capacity, as well as the ongoing impacts from the absence of interna tional visitors


Ollie Brand, CEO at Zupa commented, “This latest sur vey combined with the events of the last couple of years, perhaps highlights that there is no return to the ‘old normal’ We now have a ‘ new normal’ defined by unpredictability that requires aptitude , not just acceptance of uncer tainty and change , ” he continued, “Innovation is paramount and recognition





VisitEngland Director Andrew Stokes said: “While it is good to see that attractions star ted to make up some lost ground last year, these statistics are a stark reminder of the severe impacts on many of England’s visitor attractions which, even as they reopened in 2021, had to operate with much reduced capacity It also underscores the impor tance of international visitors espe cially to our city attractions

“From our world renowned museums, galleries, castles and historic houses to our rural, wildlife and outdoor attractions our outstanding visitor attractions are crucial to our tourism offer also boosting local economies across England We know it has also been a mixed picture for many attractions across England this summer highlighting the impor tance of extending the season through autumn and beyond ”

Food wastage and sustainability is also repor tedly being overlooked within catering firms, due to legacy systems and high volumes of manual admin, with 40% admitting this is a real problem for the sector

The categor y ‘Steam/Heritage Railways’ saw the largest percentage increase out of all visitor categories in the 2021 attractions sur vey with numbers up 118% following a decline of 55% in 2020 compared to 2019

attractions sur veyed

and business functions being side lined, it is clear that workers are over stretched and that this is having a knock on effect on the productivity of catering teams and quite likely the quality of customer ser vice Staff attrition and low morale are endemic in this sector, and this comes at a time when the focus should be on business priorities like retention, development and improvement of customer ser vice Technolog y has the ability to transform operational performance and profitability for the better, so the time is ripe for change ”

VisitEngland’s ‘We’re Good To Go’ industr y stan dard, which suppor ted businesses to reassure customers and staff that processes were in place to welcome them back with confidence as restrictions eased To see the results of the VisitEngland Annual Sur vey of Visits to Visitor Attractions in 2021 including regional data for attractions see: https://www visitbritain org/annual sur vey visits visitor attractions latest results


The sur vey also showed that many continued their their of compared to

VisitEngland for Highlights Impact on Visitor Attractions

Perhaps more worringly, 99% of respondents say that multiple aspects of their day to day job are being overlooked due to time consuming manual processes Staff happiness and productivity is also suffering at the hands of poor team cohesion and outdated processes with 44% high lighting this as a major issue A fur ther 40% of catering staff believe that lack of training and resource is to blame for low morale amongst their teams, while another 20% admit they are frustrated by unnecessar y complexity and outdated technolog y, which they say is making the prob lems worse

12 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127


Almost thirds of had with

up just 12%, with lower confidence in using public transpor t a factor It

that the right technolog y can help is critical to creating positive change in this sector However, the sur vey does raise concerns as many are still failing to make the connection between outdated, manual process es and key operational concerns raised by their staff ”

The sur vey also revealed that lack of creativity and innovation is a key challenge for the industr y Lack of training, coupled with poor business vision may also be connected to issues around chef creativity as many blame lack of creativity for several of the sector’s top worries Chef cre ativity in par ticular, was called out by over 20% of respondents who say chefs don’t have the time to innovate Many of the respondents are chefs themelves, and when asked what they would do with more time in their working day, 65% said they would invest in the creativty of their cooking and menus

Urban attractions overall saw the smallest percentage increase in visits in 2021 up 23% par tly due to lock down restrictions delaying their reopening but also people being more reluctant to visit indoor attractions The increase was on an average fall in visitors of 74% in 2020 compared to 2019 Attractions in coastal areas fared better with visits up 47% in 2021, following a drop of 59% in 2020 versus 2019

National Rice Week is returning for its fifth year this September (12th 18th), with a multichannel consumer campaign that sets out to raise the profile of the UK rice sector Led by The Rice Association, with suppor t from relevant influencers, the campaign will invite the nation to ‘Rice Up Your Life’ and highlight all the great things rice has from its versatility and as a recipe ingredient, to its proven National Rice Week campaign will engage with and suppor t this with media outreach Content will range from inspira tional recipe and ving ideas to myth busting facts and nutritional information


ser vice charges from staff This is a good star t to safeguard workers and give them the confidence to consider the industr y again However, the next step is for employers to identify a way to account for and distribute these tips quickly be it through a more structured process or utilising technological innovations like cashless tipping solutions

Employers in the industr y need to rethink their working structure and benefits to raise their appeal again Consumers can also play a huge role: besides suppor ting local businesses, a simple act of tipping could reinvigorate the sector again, and I see it in two par ts

“The on our brewing heritage one of the largest brewers in the world, Molson Coors have a responsibility to safeguard historical and educational facilities that are under its care It is extremely concerning that Molson Coors is putting profits over protecting Bur ton’s place in global brewing histor y AMRA is urging Molson Coors to reverse their decision, invest in the Centre in its current location and ensure its collections are open and accessible to the public AMRA are poised ready to be par t of a new campaign to save the National Brewer y Centre and preser ve the collections for generations

If we can make transparent tipping practices an industr y standard both from the consumer and the employer’s point of view the sector may boost its attractiveness, find new workers keen to join or re join it again and build up its resilience

media activity We

We’re at a tipping point for the hospitality sector Whilst con sumer spending has finally returned to an amount closer to pre pandemic levels, it fails to match the pace of the overall inflation Adding to that is the impending recession and the phenomenon of hospitality job vacancies soaring by 75% Past workers have likely moved to different roles and industries to seek more stability due to the sector’s prolonged closure at the height of the pandemic Hospitality employers are strug gling to hire and pay the bills, while current employees are dealing with more work but with the same pay

We must not forget the simple yet powerful gesture of tipping It is a tangible way to show appreciation, and it goes a long way in benefiting the staff It acknowledges the hard work they’ve put in and potentially helps to alleviate any financial stress

National Brewer y Centre in Bur ton upon Trent in October, C AMRA’s National Director for Real Ale , Cider and Perr y Campaigns Gillian Hough said:

Hospitality employers who can boast such equity in the world of gratuities can boost their recruitment and retention rates because it shows that they care about their staff, while consumers who tip can encourage and make a world of difference in a worker’s life

consumers via our

The Tipping Point

By Evgeniy Chuikov, CEO and Co Founder of EasyTip (

Hospitality sales fell by 4 1% over the six week summer holiday period between 25 July and 4 September this year in comparison to 2021 Drink sales were up 1 2%, however food sales saw a significant fall of 9 6%, according to fig ures from S4labour

The data also reveals that across the four weeks of August alone , hospitality sales dropped 5 7% against 2021 Food sales were down nearly 12% and drink sales improved 0 5% Although this decrease seems drastic , it is, in a great par t, the result of the 2021 staycation boom, with 2022 seeing more Brits travelling abroad for their holidays

The circular flow of income model states that money will always move from one par t of the sector to another and back again in an endless loop Whatever we inject would inevitably come back and ultimately helps to boost the overall economy This concept is especially per tinent when we think of tipping in the hospitality sector

encourage people to suppor t


14 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127

planned closure of the National Brewer y Centre in October will be a dev astating loss not only to Bur ton upon Trent but also to the nation’s brewing histo r y “While we can see the benefit of relocating the archives to a site where they can be properly stored and maintained, a limited display of materials in a new location is not an adequate replacement for the only museum in the UK focused solely

year we ’ re


Tourism is back up in London, a much needed boost for the capital after last year ’ s decline , and on the whole , drinks sales were up as a result of the warmer weather ”

Hospitality and ser vices industries can at times be slow to innovate but cashless tipping has firmly entered the inflexion point From point of sale providers like Samtouch Software , to beauty salons like Gielly Green, businesses are empowering their employees to receive tips directly from the customers Some examples of cashless tipping include venues printing a QR code on receipts or merchandising so that customers can tip their ser ver without needing to download an app In fact, we found that such cashless tipping solutions have produced an increase in staff tips of as much as 30% The greater transparency and discrete tipping experience benefits the customer, employee , and employers all around

This year, the industr y is seeing the reversal of 2021 trends Tourism is back up




With the employment crunch, hospitality employers need to have a good look at how it is conducting its work practices and identify ways to enhance the staff ’ s experience and wellbeing As tips comprise an impor tant propor tion of a hospitality worker’s income , it is more impor tant than ever for employers to take respon sibility in delivering tips fairly and quickly

For tunately, the government is backing a new law that makes it illegal for employers to withhold tips and

Jon Calland, Chair of The Rice Association says, “We’re delighted to be celebrating Rice Week 2022 because rice is of course , such a crucial ingredient for many of the global cuisines, foods and flavours that consumers enjoy when dining out That’s why this highlighting not just the many benefits but the excitement of to media and social hope that this will help their Up Your Life!’ - The Rice Association Supports the Foodservice Industry this National Rice Week


nutritional and health benefits The 2022

to come ”

to offer

our audience on social channels,

Anyone whose ser vice you utilise be it ser vers hairdressers or deliver y drivers deser ves a tip In two of the most challenging years of our time , these are the workers who kept going and who could ver y much do with a small financial boost to keep going

CAMRA Joins Calls to Save National Brewery Centre from Closure

in London, with sites up 12 7% on sales, while non London sites suffered a 6 8% drop This turnaround sits in correlation with the low base point for London sales in 2021, as UK coastal regions saw staggering increases in footfall and sales during the 2021 summer holidays S4labour s chief innovation officer, Richard Har tley said: “As well as the reversal of the 2021 staycation phenome non, this summer, the sector has faced the headwind of industr y challenges, albeit there is evidence of resilience

Responding to the announcement that Molson Coors is to close the



local venue or takeaway during National Rice Week and make this the biggest National Rice Week yet HOW COMPANIES CAN MAKE THE MOST OF NATIONAL RICE WEEK • Feature National Rice Week in promotional campaigns and marketing activity use the logo (available from The Rice Assoc ation) to highl ght the campaign on mater ial suc h as menus and poster s • Use National Rice Week to launc h new products or menu items or to run a special offer • Hold tast ngs , promotions or competitions • Share content online across websites and social media c hannels using #NationalRiceWeek and #RiceUpYourLife • Encourage staff to talk about the week and recommend new r ice based dishes to diner s For fur ther information visit www riceassociation org uk/national rice week join in ‘Rice

Hospitality Sales Fall With Food Hit the Most

The Government say that this will help ensure that, where there have been shifts in economic activity which have driven changes in market values, these changes will be reflected in tax liabilities But, despite the revaluation overall business rates revenue for 2023/24 will still be increased by September’s CPI measure of inflation

Tayto has a range of award winning snacks to suit ever y pub:

Mr Porky Cr ispy Str ips a lighter bite , akin to cr ispy bacon r inds , for those who want all the taste of a scratc hing but a less hard texture , and another Great Taste award winner

Premium qual ty

o A full range of cr isps on the bar or visible on the bac k wall

“Residents can also get involved by encouraging their favourite tourism business to enter the awards and together we can showcase the best the region has to offer

Strong flavour

The awards are judged by a panel of industr y exper ts, with a focus on experiencing the Nor th East tourism industr y first hand Winners will be announced at a ceremony in March 2023

There are 16 categories from B&B of the Year to Business Events Venue of the Year and Unsung Hero Businesses can apply for multiple categories, even if they have won in previous years

Pub consumers look for brands they can trust and it’s impor tant to stock proven sellers!

they are more visible9, Tayto provides pub focused solutions such as eye catching pubcards for pork scratchings to be hung behind the bar and a range of FREE POS for REAL crisps available at realcrisps com/POS

We also know that seeing is believing and visibili

“With the sad news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II we wanted to allow our businesses time to reflect and mark her life , therefore we felt extending the deadline was the appropriate step to take

o Pubcards behind the bar

A brand that you wouldn’t eat ever y day

Put your snac ks where customer s can see them

Business rates are devolved to Scotland, Wales and Nor thern Ireland

Q&A with Matt Smith, Marketing Director for Tayto Group Ltd (www.tay togroup com)

Bar Snacks offer a brilliant oppor tunity to increase sales through the ‘double whammy’ of generating incremental sales AND boosting dwell time 80% of people don t regularly buy a snack with a drink and the main reason for not doing so is “I just didn’t think about it”8

Mr Porky Or ig nal Scratc hings the No 1 brand10 from the most recognised name in scratc hings and a Great Taste award winning scratc hing

Sarah Green, chief executive of NGI said:


It’s impor tant to cover a large range of ages and dietar y requirements with your snacks offering Pub goers are more and more conscious about what they and their families eat 4 in 10 Brits regularly shop the free from fixture2 buying local and British made are key purchase drivers for food3 and the flexitarian diet is set to be the No 1 diet in 2022 (more popular than calorie counting) 3

By not offering a range of premium snacks, pubs could be leaving money on the bar as Smith explains “Our research shows that most people either have no idea what they pay for pub snacks, or expect to pay over £1 a pack so venues can easily make over 50p profit per pack8 All it takes is for staff to ask, Would you like a snack with your drinks?

Scratchings really are the ULTIMATE PUB SNACK! They topped the list when 2,000 pub goers were asked to name their favourite pub snack 5 This comes as no surprise as 94% of pork snacks are consumed with a drink6 The combination of a pint and scratch ings has been passed down generations and is funda mental to the Great British pub experience There really is no matching a scratching!

The distribution of the business rates tax is set through revaluations which periodically reassess and update tax liabilities to reflect changes in the commercial rental market The next revaluation comes into effect on 1st April 2023 in England based upon an estimate of open market rents on 1st April 2021

“We believe our businesses deser ve recognition for the fantastic ser vice they provide our visitors who as a result keep coming back to the Nor th East for trips and holidays

We recently asked consumers what appeals to them the most, when looking for a snack to accom pany an alcoholic drink1, and they said:

route to incremental sales if customers are prompted to buy them with their drinks Thankfully there are a few simple tips for ven ues to achieve this: Stoc k a range of proven, premium snac ks that have been developed for the licensed sector o Award winning pork scratc hing pubcards from Midland Snac ks and Mr Porky o Premium REAL Hand Cooked Cr isps whic h are exc lu sive to the hospitality sector Get your team to prompt purc hase o ‘Would you like some cr isps or pork scratc hings with your dr inks?’

A bigger bag to share with other s

o Bar runner s and coaster s are great eye catc hing prompts applications is 5pm on Thurs Sept 29th allowing businesses extra time to enter the 20th anniversar y of the awards being held in March next year

• Pork scratc hings an especially popular accompani ment to a lager, beer or cider dr ink Midland Scratc hings are traditional hand cooked scratc hings and the ultimate pub snac k! Mr Porky is the the UK s No1 pork snac k The Nation’s favour ite inc ludes a range of textures and bite sizes to tempt and tantalise!

Good crunc h and texture

Premium crisps are another essential bar snack, given a consumer sur vey showed that 82% of pub goers eat them4 As a par tner to a gin & tonic hand cooked crisps are the top snack preferred five times more than nuts and premium crisps1 Offering hand cooked crisps are that bit more special than ever yday (flat) crisps and consumers are willing to pay up to 30% more for premium, over standard snacks7 a treat for both customer and licensee!

To enter go to https://tickets nor theasttourismawards co uk/apply now/

CPI rose by 9 9% in the 12 months to August 2022 which if repeat ed in September would see non domestic buildings in England such as shops, pubs, restaurants, factories and offices facing a £2 66 billion business rates hike during the 2023/24 financial year according to the real estate adviser Altus Group

Snacks offer a simple is all it takes!


ty can improve snack sales by 80%9

SOURCES: 1 Craft G n C ub Member s Sur vey | Marc h 2021 2 Harr s Interactive | 2017 3 Bray Leino Food and Dr nk Repor t | 2021 4 Nor stat | Consumer Usage | Marc h 2019 5 Per spectus G obal Po l | Marc h 2021 6 Nor stat | June 22 7 CGA Strategy Researc h | 2016/2017 8 Nor stat | Nov 20 9 HIM! Foodser v ce 2016 10 IRI Market Advantage | IRI All Outlets GB | Pork Snac ks | Value to 52 w/e 15 Jan 22 Get Snacking Sorted As the nation mourns the sad passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II organisers of the regional tourism awards have extended the deadline for entries As many tourism businesses prepare to close for the state funeral on Mon the decision was made to give businesses an extra week to enter the Nor th East England Tourism Awards 2023 The new deadline for

• Family favour ites Golden Wonder Animal Adventures are lightly salted animal shaped fun snac ks , they are gluten free and have no ar tificial colour s or preser vatives

Prime Minister Liz Truss and Chancellor Kwasi Kwar teng are being urged to use the emergency budget, which could come as early as next week after the Queen’s state funeral, to scrap a rise in the busi ness rates tax next April that is pegged to September’s headline rate of inflation

Golden Wonder Animal Adventures vegetar ian gluten free , no added nasties , animal shaped fun snac ks that kids love!

Snacks also have the potential to increase sales of drinks Pork scratchings are a great example The perfect par tner to cider, wine and especially premi um beers and lagers, their unique taste balances the sharpness or carbonation, while the saltiness enhances the flavour and helps get your thirst on!

Rober t Hayton UK President at Altus Group said “it would be unthinkable for a pro business prime minister who campaigned to cut taxes to then hike business rates” adding “the time has come to end the ridiculous policy of annually increasing upwards rates revenue by inflation through a renewed focus on growth to drive local taxation revenues instead ”

REAL Hand Cooked Cr isps premium, award winning, hospitality exc lusive brand 100% vegetar ian no added MSG and 100% gluten free with strong flavour s and c haracterful pac kaging whic h real y stands out and dr ives sales

Deadline Extended for Tourism Awards Entries

(owner s of market leading Mr. Porky and Midland Snacks scratchings , REAL hospitality exclusive pre mium hand cooked crisps and Golden Wonder fami ly favourite Animal Adventures).

16 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127

Whilst the new ‘Energ y Price Guarantee’ for households and busi nesses is expected to curb peak inflation by 4 to 5 percentage points, the guarantee doesn’t come into effect until 1st October

Nearly 3 in 10 pub goers want to see pubs offer a better range4, so here’s a shor t list of the most pop ular snack types and flavours:

Midland Snac ks Traditional Scratc hings the No 2 brand10 and our best selling pubcard is also a Great Taste award winning hand cooked scratc hing using a recipe that has stood the test of time

Hand cooked cr isps par t cularly favoured by Gin dr inker s The staple favour ites of Sea Salt and Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar are must stoc k flavour s alongside Cheese

Given that snack sales increase by up to 80% when


Prompting a purchase by displaying snacks promi nently and getting staff to offer them, can make all the difference explains Matt Smith, Marketing Director for Tayto Group Ltd, owners of the UK’s top pork snacks brands Mr Porky and Midland Snacks as well as the award winning hospitality exclusive REAL Hand Cooked Crisps

The awards are free to enter and eligible winners at the regional awards will automatically feed into the VisitEngland Awards for Excellence , ensuring the best of the region is shown on a national stage

Inflation Pointing To £2.66bn Rates Rise Next April Without Intervention at The Emergency Budget


& Onion (of cour se!) 1 To widen appeal, consider hot and meaty flavour s for younger male c l entele and flavour s like Sweet Ch lli too 1 These flavour s , not usually eaten at home , offer something familiar but different a less tradi tional alternative The premium REAL Hand Cooked Cr isps range is gluten free , w th no added MSG , suitable for vegetar ians and six flavour s are suitable for vegans too With 82% brand awareness in a recent sur vey of Craft Gin Club member s , they’re proving incredibly popu lar w th the 25 34 year age brac ket And our new improved mouth water ingly meaty Roast Ox flavour has just won a Great Taste 2002 Award!

One of the first things hoteliers should look at is their ser vice offering The key to success and maintaining guests will be about the level of experience and value you offer As people become more cautious about what they are spending their money on, this will be more impor tant than ever Those within the budget economy sector this includes AGO’s por tfolio of 14 budget hotels are more likely to see increased demand, as a shor tage of cash flow will entice some to book more affordable accommodation To retain these guests, they must feel they are getting the best ser vice in a comfor t able and clean hotel all at a budget friendly cost

Established in 1856, Riso Gallo is the oldest Risotto rice producer in Italy and has been delivering its premium rice to consumers around the world for over six generations Riso Gallo is the first international rice brand to have produced its rice from sustainable agriculture , making their premium best selling risotto completely sus tainable from field to fork something which align well with our

Like many sectors AGO is conscientiously tr ying to mitigate the additional costs through a variety of initia tives We recommend hoteliers work with a specialist broker who will be best positioned to bulk buy utilities across a number of businesses and assist with negotiations with energ y companies We are working with our operations team to reduce consumption and to look at fur ther implementation of energ y saving initiatives such as infra red sensors, to ensure when there is zero movement lighting remains off We have looked at boil er temperatures and whilst acutely aware of Legionella, we are reducing boiler temperature accordingly


aged 17 23


strength and is a

For more information please see https://www youngrisottochef com or see the adver t on page 11

and see at



aimo in

COMPOST in it’s 6th year, competition has gone from strength to fixture on the culinar calendar for many Open to young chefs from UK and Ireland either already in our wonderful profession still education, competition the oppor tunity culinar stage at the esteemed Michelin Il Luogo Milan first the Gallo rice



Although it is impor tant for hoteliers to take what steps they can to tr y and manage costs, the Government needs to provide the industr y with a stimulus package to make the coming months easier to navigate We recognise the Government has tried to offer suppor t with the capping of energ y prices for six months, they need to go fur ther with sustainable long term solutions At AGO we are calling on a reduction in VAT from its current rate of 20% to 12 5% Alongside this, we would like to see the review and slashing of business rates, with a possible business rates holiday

which can have a huge impact on the general running costs of their proper ty

to win a 3 day

We are aware of the challenges, with so many sectors wanting the same suppor t, though for Liz Truss there is no time like the present to commence another phase of suppor t for UK businesses, and hand us the tools for a comprehensive recover y plan for at least the next 18 months




To fur ther improve ser vice brands may explore the option of launching new initiatives through promotions via their existing loyalty schemes, to achieve a wider reach This will encourage guests to return, especially if they are receiving preferential rates, and will suppor t growth in occupancy Regardless of whether the hotel is an independent or par t of a brand, today s guest is far more aware of what they can get for their money, so ser vice must be at the forefront of a business’s plans


With the rising cost of energ y and inflation impacting consumers and businesses, the hospitality industr y is fac ing numerous challenges as a result With these difficulties set to last through the winter months, there is no benefit in hoteliers shying away from this Instead, we must work on initiatives, with the help of the government, to combat these issues


Riso Gallo’s Fantastic Young Risotto Chef Competition is Now Open for Entries for 2023!

Introducing or expanding existing green efficiencies is another way to deal with energ y costs Hoteliers should look at changes such as ground water pumps for hotels or more CHP units retrospectively fitted,

There is more the Government could do to encourage investment into the sector such as exploring a reduction in corporation tax through to June 2024 SDLT on transactions should be waived, and removal of environmental levies to Jan 2025 and to be reviewed should market dynamics see a major positive shift

Despite a somewhat bleak outlook and consumers looking to cut back on their spending we may find that a weak pound could drive tourism Competitively priced manufacturing may attract more foreign business travel to the UK alongside an influx of foreign investment into a proper ty market, which we are already witnessing However, in the immediate term, with the winter months approaching and the concern for even higher busi ness costs, hoteliers should take this time to prepare themselves, working to implement initiatives, whether directly through the hotel owner or the wider brand We must continue to call on the Government for sup por t for our industr y, so we are able to navigate these challenges and see our sector thrive


Cost of Living: How Hoteliers Can Tackle Growing Costs This Winter


By Lionel Benjamin, Co founder AGO Hotels (www agohotels co uk)

There Is No Planet B At BioPak, creating sustainable packaging that puts the planet first is at the hear t of what we do Single use packaging can be unavoidable , but we can help reduce the negative impact on the environment As well as being manufactured in an eco friendly way, and commercially compostable and recyclable , BioPak single use packaging has a host of other benefits, like guilt free con venience It also saves the water and energ y required to sanitise reusables, and eliminates the need for cleaning labour There is no planet B That’s why it’s our mission to produce the most sustainable , environmentally friendly packaging on the market So what’s in it for you? YOUR OWN ACCOUNT MANAGER At BioPak, our account managers are fully dedicated to our cus tomers They’ll be there ever y step of the way, right from when you get in touch They can advise you on the best packaging solutions for you, and generally just be a helping hand whenever you need them You’ll have access to our free samples ser vice and our enquir y lines are open from 8:00am 5:30pm NEVER RUN OUT OF STOCK We mean it when we say you ll never run out of stock Our ware house is full to the brim of our standard stock, so give us a ring whenever you need anything We also offer next day deliver y ser vic es, so it’ll be with you in a flash


In addition to the competitive element the competition is known for its fun, excitement and sheer enjoyment in the cooking, and chefs at the top of their game from around the countr y willingly give up their time to judge the young chefs’ work and offer, in many cases, ongoing suppor t and encouragement long after the last spoon has been ser ved at the Final With heats around the UK and Ireland, scheduled for Januar y & Februar y culminating in the stellar final in early April the whole thing is a celebration of all things rice and risotto and is just a joy to take par t in

CONNECT INITIATIVE Composting is the perfect organic recycling solution for food scraps and food contaminated packaging for the foodser vice industr y That’s why we ’ ve created Compost Connect taking the trouble out of composting Ask us for more information MARKET LEADERS Our market leading products are used by some of the world’s leading food and drink businesses and are unrivalled for their durability, quality and end user experience MARKETING SUPPORT Work with our in house creative and digital marketers to produce campaigns and collateral that clearly con veys the positive difference you are making From brochures to social media assets, we ’ ve got you covered Visit www biopak com/uk or see the adver t on the facing page 18 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127 RECONDITIONED & SECOND USER CATERING EQUIPMENT • TOASTERS • STAINLESS STEEL SINKS & TABLING • • W e hav e a c omprehensiv e range of Re c onditioned Catering Equipment in stoc k • W e c an supply most of the markets leading names in New Equipment at c ompetitiv e pric es • Full Serv ic e & Installation fac ilities by fully qualified engineers • W e c an also supply modular fridge & freezer rooms • MICROWAVES • EXTRACTION CANOPIES • C O O K E R S • I C E M A C H I N E S • F R Y E R S • S L I C E R DS I S H W A S H E R S • G L A S S W A S H E R S • R E F R I G E R A T I O N EKE EQUIPMENT LIMITED Telephone w ith enquiries: Tel: 01273 492488 Email: kingedwards@ btconnect com Mobile: 07860 274243 Now

choice , for the 2nd year, to hold our final at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, itself reknowned for its green credentials

An emergency budget to provide more detail on energ y suppor t and introduce winter tax cuts for millions of people is expected from the government late next week, after the countr y returns to some normality following the death of Queen Elizabeth II

“We where possible while also protecting P&L,” says Jonathan Lawson, of Liberation Group

and balance the need to deliver value for money to our customers

“We need urgent clarity on whether this cap will deliver for busi nesses and help them out of a crisis that has been building for months, and urge the chancellor to seriously consider what immediate reassurance he can give for the thousands of business owners currently in despair

The pub’ entitled September and Sunday, September

Business Energy Support May Be Delayed Reports Say


Businesses are now increasingly concerned about the likelihood of delays to the arrival of suppor t because fixed energ y contracts come to an end in October for hundreds of thousands of firms

“Great wines tell a stor y But, more impor tantly, great wines tell your stor y “Creating a wine list that reflects your venue and elevates your offering with food pairings can be vital at a time when we ’ re all feeling a squeeze on spending “The key to success is working closely with your wine merchant and indeed all your suppliers to identify how to maintain an optimum offering while maximising value , both for your customers and yourself Look for a wine mer chant such as Lanchester Wines who can provide an exten sive wine range including high quality bottled and boutique bulk wines from all corners of the world We work directly with some of the leading wine producers to make sure we ’ re always offering highest quality wine at the best price Your wine merchant has extensive knowledge as to which wine regions are offering the best value right now, which wine varietals are on trend with consumers and which wines are similar to these ‘ super varietals’ but could offer better value For example , the ver y poor 2021 har vest of Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc caused prices to skyrocket Because of our great supplier relationships, we had advance warning and were able to quickly develop a South African Sauvignon Blanc called Moloko Bay which has a similar flavour pro file to Marlborough, and which has proved a success with con sumers “This ability to adapt will be vital while we continue to navigate supply chain uncer tainty (across the board, not just wine) and shipping issues However, this can be somewhat negated by offer ing of a fluid wine list, with manager ’ s specials and exclusive offers Again, your wine merchant can provide staff wine training to equip your team with the skills and knowledge required to provide your customers with unparalleled wine ser vice ” For more information on Lanchester Wines, please visit www lanchesterwines co uk Get Great Wines to Tell Your Story Heather Scott is Senior Business Manager at Lanchester Wines (www lanchesterwines co uk) 20 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127 Shepherd Neame , is set to get tails wagging at Kent’s annual Paws in the Park dog show next week as it launches its first ever pop up dog ‘pub’

Paws in the Park is an annual event attracting more than 20,000 people and 10,000 dogs for pet related fun with games and activities, arena displays and dash n splash, as well as dozens of trade stands

As par t of its effor ts to raise awareness of its dog friendly approach, Shepherd Neame is also set to hold a sponsored dog walk with its Charity of the Year, Kent Wildlife Trust, in October Walkers will be able to raise funds for the charity and enjoy some of Kent’s most beautiful scener y while also learning about how dog walkers can help the environment More details of the sponsored dog walk will be available in the coming weeks at https://www shepherdneame co uk/walks

The treats have been created in conjunction with the Tunbridge Wells Dog Biscuit Company, and will be available for sale on the stall, and for dogs to ‘tr y before they buy’ They will be on sale alongside a new lim ited edition Shepherd Neame ceramic dog bowl

A government spokesperson said:


Peckish pups will also be able to snack on Jude’s Ice Cream for Dogs, which is normally on sale in 15 of its

Prime Minister Liz Truss announced plans to freeze household ener g y bills from October 1 and said an “equivalent” scheme will be put in place for businesses but has so far failed to provide any details of how it would work

Emma McClarkin the chief executive of industr y body the British Beer and Pub Association said:


Well behaved owners will also be allowed into the Dog and Bear to buy and take away with them some of Shepherd Neame’s award winning beers includ ing Bear Island East Coast Pale Ale and Triple Hopped Lager, and Whitstable Bay Pale Ale

According to the financial Times business leaders had been told by government officials in recent meetings that the suppor t scheme for companies may not be ready until November, but did quote that there was hope that the package could still be initiated next month

Pubs and brewers are among those raising the alarm that any delay in the government’s suppor t package could force more businesses to close triggering job losses

Taking to social media UKHospitality CEO Kate Nicholls said this is because energ y plans require legisla tion, unlike domestic suppor t and with Parliament going back into recess next week there may be insufficient time to pass it before pricetags take effect October 1 this is why it seems ludicrous to go ahead with confer ence recess ” [referring to a parliamentar y session break spanning from 22nd of September to 17th of October 2022]

The Dog and Bear will be at the two day event at the Kent Showground in Detling, near Maidstone , on Saturday,

pubs and hotels, while stocks last Made using dog safe ingredients, it is plant based and uses real fruit puree to create a tasty treat which comes in straw berr y, apple or banana flavoured 100ml tubs and 5% of sales also go to Battersea Dogs and Cats Home

for the ver

The bandanas, embroidered with the brewer’s logo, come in red, blue and green; in medium and large; and with a collar loop design or tie back to suit all dog breeds and sizes from petite pups to giant Great Danes

There will also be a section of the stand where owners and their dogs can have a selfie taken with their posing pooch Four £50 Shepherd Neame gift cards will be up for grabs to the best posted on social media over the weekend, tagging @shepherdneame on Instagram or Facebook

The stand’s series of firsts also extends to treats to tempt curious canines, as the brewer will be showcas ing its new limited edition Shepherd Neame Dog Friendly Treats, made using spent grain from the brewing process

“Despite the obvious headwinds for customers and ourselves, we are confident in our ability to deliver a fantastic Christmas for our customers and ongoing investment into our business is testimony to the belief in our teams and in the potential for our business over the next few years

Ms Truss has been under pressure from her own par ty to set out her economic plans as quickly as possible , and the government has confirmed that it would also set out fur ther details of the business suppor t scheme next week

“The scheme will suppor t businesses with their October energ y bills, including through backdating if necessar y ”

“Our marketing activity has continued to add some real tangible benefit to our businesses From a position of 65,000 loyalty members in 2019, we have now grown our loyalty club to over 131,000 members and we have also continued to grow our database which now stands over 265 000 enabling us to leverage significant value to our businesses by layering up and communicating targeted incentives and offers from outdoor cine ma nights, room offers, supper clubs and our famous loyalty Wednesday food offering ”

The hospitality and licensed on trade has repeatedly warned for weeks that they may not sur vive the winter as a result of soaring energ y bills

have not been immune to some of the inflation pressures that others have seen within the sector, but believe we are better placed and prepared to manage , mitigate and avoid


these businesses “will not be able to wait days let alone months to get clarity on their energ y bill Many are making decisions now as to whether they will have to close this winter

It will feature y for dog to get their paws on limited Shepherd Neame dog bandanas and ceramic dog bowls

first time the chance

Liberation Group has repor ted a strong summer of trading across the UK and the Channel Islands within its pubs, brewing and drinks busi nesses From 21 May to 3 September 2022, total like for like sales across its managed pub division was up 6 3% vs 2021 and up 30 0% vs 2019 The operator says that its sales growth has been driven by an encour aging performance on drinks (up 14 2%), a robust performance on food and record sales in accommodation (up 5 7%) A strong performance in the UK has been added to by an encouraging recover y in Guernsey and Jersey, benefitting from strong tourist demand and a gradual return to office working in St Helier

Businesses have been warned that they will have to wait longer than households for financial suppor t with their energ y bills amid delays in launching the £150bn suppor t scheme , according to repor ts



Brewer Launches its First Pop-Up Dog ‘Pub’ at Paws in the Park

Joanna Richardson, Shepherd Neame s Director of Marketing & Communications said: “We are really excited about launching our first pop up dog ‘pub’ at Paws in the Park! Shepherd Neame prides itself on being dog friendly, with the majority of our 300 strong estate across Kent, London and the South East welcoming well behaved pets, so this is also a great oppor tunity to encourage people to visit our sites with their four legged friends ”


Liberation Reports Strong Quarterly Sales

Neil McCour t of Keep it Cool, “The main challenge was to keep the rest of the butcher y running whilst the expansion was happening Panasonic cold chain technolog y was specified because of Panasonic’s sustainable and environmental credentials I know the company invests in research is leading the way in this area ”

To find out more about the range https://www aircon panasonic eu/GB en/

‘As a leader, you can only enrich your employees’ wellbeing by focusing equally on your own If you are confi dent, happy, and flourishing, you will more easily be able to instil these feelings in your staff Equally, be honest with your team; by showing that you re human and discussing any problems you ve personally overcome , you will not only build a strong team rappor t but demonstrate the resilience that we are all capable of with a little help along the way

‘Sometimes employees are apprehensive to raise their mental health concerns individually This may be a daunting prospect and the conversation may feel more comfor table in a group setting For this reason, I would suggest considering a motivational speaker ; by having an exper t visit your employees in person sharing informed guidance surrounding mental wellbeing, self confidence , and success, you can ensure your employees feel suppor ted without any pressure ’

Having reviewed several options, the Panasonic (R744) Cold chain units

Mer vin Chumun, Senior Technical Engineer at Hawco, fur ther added, “The Panasonic cold chain units dramatically lowered the running costs, alternatives on the market are more expensive CO2 is currently one tenth of the price per kilo The Panasonic range does high and low tem peratures competitors aren’t currently able to offer this In addition, Panasonic offer a five year warranty on the compressor and two years on par ts all other competitors only offer 12 months ”


proved the best option for Riverford Nigel explains: “We chose the Panasonic units as the best natural refrigeration solution, it offers the best stability and the environmental credentials, along with delivering a low energ y usage and fitted with what we wanted to achieve Energ y usage is going down and the system is so far performing as we expected to achieve what we wanted to keep a stable environment and reduce our costs so all good ”

Save the 19th & 20th October in your calendar and secure your free ticket now at https://bit ly/3QUsn15



‘One of the simplest and yet most effective things that you can do to suppor t your staff is listen to them and genuinely engage They need to know that you truly care have processed their feedback and are willing to help If you can, sit down with your team members individually to catch up and establish any struggles they’re facing This way, you can help to create a plan for the workplace that’ll lessen their anxieties ’

‘Ensuring your employees have the resources to address feelings of stress and anxiety is crucial I would rec ommend investing in a platform which offers your staff access to exper t led guidance , information, and sup por t For example , BrainSparx is a digital platform that’s home to invaluable videos and advice which can help staff members re discover lost confidence and address these hurdles without feeling alone or overwhelmed ’

Riverford Organic Farm deliver to over 80 000 homes across the UK Nigel Bower, Facilities and Proper ty Manager at Riverford commented, We are looking to make significant in roads by 2030 to drive down our carbon footprint, especially within our refrigeration requirements


For tunately, we have an ideal exper t on hand to help leaders within the hospitality space , ensuring ever y employee is equipped with the suppor t and resources that they need to address feelings of stress and anxiety Dr Ant, The Brain Whisperer (www brain whisperer co uk), is a mindset specialist who helps staff and CEOs alike enrich their mental health Now, he’s sharing his exper tise

Evidently, for you to succeed as a manager, hone a happy, produc tive team, and strengthen your business results in turn, mental health must be a priority Of course , this is an indisputably difficult task; ever y leader needs a helping hand as they navigate this sensi tive subject

Whether you ’ re an independent establishment or a large chain, we can’t wait to see you all there under one roof for THE drink's event of the year, are you ready to maximise your drinks sales?

‘In my opinion, one of the most impor tant lessons you can teach your staff is that they are the pilots of their own lives and ‘what we think, we become’ This lesson can be seen on the BrainSparx platform, however I would also recommend remembering this for yourself Even in our darkest moments, we must never forget that we are capable of creating positive change in our lives no struggle is permanent


So what are you waiting for?

Panasonic Helps Riverford Butchery Lower its Carbon Footprint products with the strategies and connections to execute them into profitable action You will definitely be going home with new found inspiration and top tips from industr y exper ts so that YOU can transform your business

22 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127 The International Drink Expo makes its much anticipated return to London’s ExCeL on 19th & 20th October, forming THE ultimate event to help you boost your profits build your brand and grow your business The event will give 3,000 industr y defining leaders access to 200 exhibitors and their plethora of innovative products ideas and strategies and inspirational seminars Panel debates are an integral par t of the show as you can hear from industr y professionals discussing impor tant topics and issues that will help you stay above the cur ve and your competitors! The Innovation Awards are also a chance to see the most creative ideas, products and ser vices that could inspire you and your business! The UK’s only event dedicated to maximising your drink sales is also running alongside 5 other industr y leading events collectively forming #FES22, THE biggest business growth event dedicated to the world of food & drink A FREE ticket will grant you access to all 6 events see this is an oppor tunity to broaden your understanding of the industr y and this will allow you to expand profits across all sectors! The International Drink Expo is the place you want to be to find innovative ways to stand out from your competitors, boost sales and find the hottest ideas to attract new customers The International Drink Expo aligns your ideas and

Can't wait to read the next CLH Digital? Visit our website www.catererlicensee .com Or to sign up for our bi weekly newsletter with all the latest news delivered directly to your email! www.catererlicensee .com/signup

The hospitality sector is undeniably fast paced and high pressure , meaning anxiety and stress are not uncom mon struggles As a manger, it is incredibly impor tant that you suppor t your employees and demonstrate your willingness to invest in their wellbeing and mental health, be that through helpful platforms or by embracing valuable advice The more guidance you receive , the more well rounded suppor t you can offer your team


Riverford Organic Farm was looking to increase sustainability in refrig eration at its new butcher y in Devon Installer, Neil McCour t of Keep it Cool, sought the advice of refrigeration specialist, Mer vin Chumun at Hawco Ltd, and together specified four 10HP Panasonic Coldchain Refrigeration units to provide the best solution for the Riverford Butcher y ’ s requirements

‘As a leader in the hospitality industr y you are inherently respon sible for the wellbeing of your staff Impor tantly, this includes employees’ mental health; it’s vital that you look out for signs of anxiety and stress amongst your team, for these struggles go unre por ted at an alarming rate More specifically, it’s been found that whilst 1 in 6 working adults are suffering from stress, depression, anxiety or similar 20% feel they cannot approach their managers with their respective health issues

Considerate Ways to Support Employees Dealing with Stress and Anxiety

The International Drink Expo is Returning in October

hospitality venues should always consider the possibility that someone who is visibly nauseous or showing signs of illness may have been affect ed by drink spiking

Here , Arith Liyanage explores the key signs and preventative steps par ty goers and hospitality venues should be aware of

This would be more effective and would free responsible drinkers from burdensome taxes, regulations and price controls

Drink spiking is a press ing issue across the UK In fact, according to a recent sur vey by YouGov, one in nine women and one in 17 men have repor ted having their drink spiked There has also been a rise in the number of injection spiking incidents, with the National Police Chiefs Council doc umenting 274 cases in the UK during September 2021



“Having key signs around your venue including Don’t Leave Your Drinks Unattended' ensures the safety of your customers and staff no matter how big or small the place is

https //metro


The evidence from lockdowns is the latest in a series of natural experiments that strengthen the case for a rethink of our one size fits all approach to regulating alcohol Rather than focusing on reducing consumption with policies that hur t responsible drinkers, policy should address the causes of problem drinking, whether that be mental health or lack of access to suppor t This could free millions of drinkers from unnecessar y controls on prices and deliver meaningful help to those in need

Lockdown Disproves Nanny State Alcohol Policies, finds New IEA Report

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Neither the total closure of pubs nor the drastic reduction in alcohol marketing had any beneficial effect on alcohol related harm, according to new IEA research

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Nausea is one of the main indicators of drink or injection spiking It’s no secret that an excessive amount of alcohol can lead to vomiting, but

Hospitality venues can provide their customers with anti spiking prod ucts Drink toppers have been successfully implemented in venues to protect alcoholic and non alcohol beverages against unwanted sub stances Spike test strips are also useful giving people the confidence to enjoy their drink

More often than not, people go on a night out with their friends If a par ty goer is spotted on their own or attempting to find others, it s impor tant for hospitality venues to step in and offer assistance in case they have been spiked

To gather more insight on this, Mazzy Snape , has commented:

A new repor t by the Institute of Economic Affairs finds that, contrar y to the public health consensus, attempts to reduce overall alcohol consumption, through taxation, licensing or bans on adver tisements, are unlikely to reduce alcohol related harm or deaths

“No matter what, we tr y our best to find like minded people to work with who follow The Night Owl values As a result our premises has become known as a safe space environment for women to feel more comfor table DJing, performing, or enjoying time with their friends ”

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24 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127

In ever y Night Owl location, we operate the Ask for Angela scheme so that anyone who feels unsafe can discreetly receive help from our colleagues Ever y member of staff is trained to spot signs of distress in patrons and identify who might be afraid to reach out for help “As well as this, we operate ‘Ask for Clive’, which signals to our patrons that our venues are a safe space for anyone from the LGBTQIA+ community We won’t hesitate to address harassment or dis crimination based on a person ’ s sexual or gender identity ”

“Hospitality and enter tainment venues as well as the government and the police , have a responsibility to ensure the safety of women and any one else who may be vulnerable or exposed to a dangerous situation while in their venues


Hospitality venues should be aware of anti spiking safety schemes The “Ask for Angela” campaign, for example , has been a widespread success across the company, allowing customers to discretely signal staff when they feel unsafe This can lead to workers calling a taxi or aler ting the police in emergencies

Christopher Snowdon, Head of Lifestyle Economics, and author of Lockdown Lessons in Health Economics: The case of alcohol said:

“This study strongly suggests that harmful drinking is not driven by adver tising price and availability but by personal circumstances hardship and stress While this might seem obvious to most people it is not the conventional view among anti alcohol campaigners

Arith Liyanage , CEO and founder of The Night Owl, the nation’s first ever purpose built Nor thern Soul and Motown club, comments on the issue:



It’s common practice for hospitality venues or specifically nightclubs to search people on entr y This can be used as a security screen to pre vent drink or injection spiking in your venue , whether it includes inspecting bags, body pat downs or metal detectors

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The author recommends that the government abandon a one size fits all approach to regulating alcohol, and instead seek to tackle the causes behind heavy drinking, such as mental health problems and lack of access to suppor t



Drink spiking is a crime In no way is the victim responsible for being spiked; it is ultimately the actions of the offender which should change To stay vigilant, however, there cer tain signs to look out for in someone who has been a victim of drink spiking


In severe cases, drink and injection spiking can lead to unconscious ness Whether the victim suddenly loses consciousness or seems at risk of falling to sleep, healthcare professionals should be called at the soon est possible instance

Drink Spiking: Key Signs and Preventative Steps for Hospitality Venues

There s no doubt that women are predominantly affected by spiking This means nightclubs must continue to create safe spaces for women to enjoy music , paying special attention to representation within business operations

During two periods of lockdown lasting a total of five months, the premises selling alcohol fell by approximately two thirds, there was a 48 per cent decline in money spent on adver tising beer and spirits in the UK in 2020, and the affordability of alcohol in the UK decreased slightly in 2020 due to a real terms decrease in disposable income The single distri bution theor y would suggest that this reduction in availability and market ing should result in reduced consumption by heavy drinkers and the associated alcohol related harm

Drink and injection spiking can cause people to act out of the ordi nar y In the instance that a customer is acting suspiciously, such as wan dering around a venue disorientated, workers should consider this a key sign


Ever yone should be able to stand on their own two feet If a customer is unstable and is experiencing any visual difficulties, they may have been spiked

The Night Owl goes above and beyond, training its staff to spot key signs and conduct preventative measures against spiking With anti spiking drink toppers, spiking test strips and schemes customers can feel safer in these venues

Many public health campaigners have called on governments to address alcohol related harm by limiting affordability, availability, and marketing through licensing laws, adver tising bans, tax rises and minimum unit pric ing

Overall alcohol consumption fell slightly during lockdowns However, heavy drinkers increased their consumption and alcohol specific deaths jumped by 18 7 per cent across the United Kingdom in 2020 this suggests that harmful drinking is not driven primarily, if at all, by availability and marketing, but rather by personal circumstances, hardship and stress

The first year of the Covid 19 pandemic in the UK provided a ‘natural experiment’ to assess this theor y

and its policy prescriptions

“Here at The Night Owl, we continuously strive to be more diverse and accessible We host various events that honour this, including SLAG Mag (Serious Ladies of Ar t & Gigs), which promotes ar tists, performers and musicians who are female , non binar y, queer, and allies, as well as Global Rotations, an all female and female identifying World Music club night


In practice , most people either did not change or reduced the amount they drank, with overall alcohol consumption declining by around 6 per cent However, heavy drinkers tended to drink more during lockdowns Crucially, alcohol specific mor tality jumped by 18 7 per cent in 2020, according to the Office for National Statistics This indicates, contrar y to the single distribution theor y, that reducing overall consumption does not in fact reduce problematic heavy drinking or alcohol related harm

“Lockdown was an extreme natural experiment but it was just the latest in a series of real world exam ples in which theor y was trumped by evidence Neither the total closure of pubsnor the drastic reduction in alcohol marketing had any beneficial effect on alcohol related harm Alcohol consumption went down but alcohol related deaths rose sharply There is an impor tant lesson here for policy makers: to tackle harmful drinking, we need to focus on harmful drinkers rather than on the whole population ”


“If a member of staff notices someone messing with someone else’s drink take it off them and put it to one side for testing later

Mazzy Snape , co founder and head of events, promotions and market ing at The Night Owl has suggested some key safety tips that businesses should incorporate into their safety scheme:

One hospitality venue is leading the way, creating a welcoming space for par ty goers across the nation

“Businesses should be telling customers that if they see anything suspi cious or if they feel unsafe , to contact a member of the team Whether it s the DJ, door staff or bar staff, ever yone s there to help and should know to escalate incidents to a super visor or manager ”

The single distribution theor y, which has dominated public health theor y in recent decades, suggests heavy drinking and alcohol related harm are directly linked to the overall level of alcohol consumption In response policymakers have sought to reduce the availability and marketing of alcohol to reduce overall consumption


The Covid 19 lockdowns presented a natural experiment for this approach with the number of alcohol outlets falling by around two thirds, alcohol adver tising declining by almost half and a fall in real terms disposable income , reducing the affordability of alcohol

In order to create a safe space for par ty goers, hospitality venues also need to take cer tain preventative steps These can include , but are not limited to, the examples below:

ONS Labour Statistics Show Worrying Impact of the Cost-of-living Crisis

Plant-Based Bottomless Brunch With Oggs® With plant based diets a growing trend it s more impor tant than ever to ensure that menus are as inclusive as possible This Veganuar y, over 600,000 people signed up to go vegan for a month Eggs were the second most missed product over this time (14% of par ticipants), with options when eat ing out being the major barrier to sticking to the pledge (26% of par tici pants) Enter OGGS®, creators of OGGS® Aquafaba and Scrambled OGGS® On a mission to remove unnecessar y eggs from the food chain, OGGS® prod ucts are perfectly designed to provide your customers with delicious alterna tives that are better for the planet and the animals Scrambled OGGS® is an egg alternative for breakfast and brunch menus made from chickpea protein Simply shake pour and cook in minutes for a breakfast scramble to take centre stage on vegetarian or vegan brunch You can also create omelettes, quiches and so much more with Scrambled OGGS® Producing 60% less CO2e than eggs, it’s not just kinder to animals, but the environment too Restaurants including Bill’s and Shepherd Neame are already using Scrambled OGGS® to innovate across breakfast and brunch menus, from indulgent vegan full English breakfasts to plant based carbonara OGGS® Aquafaba is an egg white alternative made from chickpeas, an innovative solution to removing egg whites from cocktails With six months shelf life and a neutral flavour profile OGGS® Aquafaba functions exactly the same as egg whites in cocktails, while removing an allergen from your menu With 72% less CO2e than eggs you can create the same delicious drinks without the egg using OGGS® Aquafaba for a more inclusive and environmentally friendly cocktail menu Will at 31k in Nottingham said: “Ever y other drink we sell is a cocktail and 1 in 4 for those calls for a foam That’s 100 cocktails a night which would call for 100 eggs Thanks to OGGS® , we ’ ve saved 100 discarded yolks and 100 broken eggs shells each shift and the hassle of rinsing spilled egg whites! OGGS® is hassle free in use , taste free in cocktails, and guilt free as it helps us lower our environmental footprint ” For more information contact trade@loveoggs com

The total number of job vacancies across the UK in June and August 22 stood at 1,266,000 according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS) and revealed that economic inactivity rates had increased 0 4% to 21 7% mainly driven by studying and long term sickness, Tania Bowers, Global Public Policy Director at the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) comments: The decline in vacancies is arguably to be expected between June and August as businesses began to wind down for what was the first summer holidays in a while where people were able to freely travel internationally This decrease in demand doesn’t however, mean that the skills shor tages are becoming less challenging, with the unemployment rate still lower than pre Covid levels With a continued limited availability of job seekers, employers will struggle to source the highly skilled resources they need a problem which cannot be addressed without access to a truly global and flexible workforce

“What is perhaps more alarming from the latest ONS figures, though, is the clear impact of the cost of living crisis on the ageing population With record high levels of over 65’s in par t time employment in Q2 this year, it appears that rising energ y costs and inflation are driving more people back into work The cost of living crisis

Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 25

“We have already called on the new Prime Minister to prioritise the employment and skills agenda for the UK This includes ensuring global trade deals are negotiated to include skills, the workforce and the mutual recognition of ser vices and professional qualifications as well as tariffs and goods The simplification of the process by which self employed contractors obtain visas is also needed in a skill shor t economy

isn’t, however, inflating salaries, with the ONS revealing that total pay between May and July 2022 when adjusted for inflation fell 2 6% This disparity between the rise in inflation and salaries will only add to the skills struggles of the UK and won’t suppor t economic growth on the scale that’s needed across the countr y ” Kate Nicholls CEO of UKHospitality said: “These figures highlight what an impor tant sector hospitality is as a UK employer, showing one in six new jobs in the year were generated by the industr y This equates to an increase of 133 000 new roles driving total employment in hospitality up 6% to nearly 2 5m

“In order to ease this workforce shor tage , we need to work with the Government on long term solutions such as an employment and skills strateg y and to ensure that Government schemes are open to all sectors hospitality is currently excluded from initiatives such as skills bootcamps, for example All this will be for naught, however, if the sector doesn’t receive some shor t term suppor t On top of the energ y price cap we need targeted suppor t, such as VAT cut to 10% and a business rates holiday, to sustain businesses big and small and protect jobs this winter ”

Vacancies in the sector remain high however, close to double pre pandemic levels At the same time vacan cies across the economy are 20% higher than a year ago, demonstrating how inherent problems in the labour market remain and how difficult a situation employers in the sector find themselves

By Jeff Singer, Beer Piper (www beerpiper co uk)

Price Increases and Co2 Shortages - Why Switching To

One aspect you should not compromise on is the condition of the premises Landlords can sometimes tr y to push the cost of any repairs and work that needs to be done onto the new tenant With a cheaper location might come more features that need fixing, so keep an eye on those and don’t inherit the previous tenant’s failure to repair Ask for a schedule of conditions a full breakdown of the state of the premises from the landlord It is also wor th finding out if the unit is proposed for a Full Repairing and Insuring (FRI) lease These types of leases are common in the commercial proper ty lettings market and will mean that you, as the tenant, are responsible for all costs of repair and insurance If an FRI lease is proposed, ask for a schedule of condi tions which will limit your liability for any damages

“Extreme price increases have seen hospitali ty industr y costs soar for energ y, stock and fuel, but one price hike that has left brewers and landlords reeling is the 350% increase in the cost of Co2

So, once you ’ ve found your perfect balance between location and price , what else should you consider?

Othman Shoukat, Managing Director of Creams Cafe since 2020 has valuable insight into the changing dynamic of proper ty locations Coming from an investment banking background, he completed his master’s degree in real estate at the University of Cambridge with a specialism in retail real estate

• Who is the landlord? This is a major influence on how you progress negotiations for the premises Getting a gauge on the landlord’s out ook will help you decipher whether a negotiat on is like y

By Julian Reilly Proper ty & Franchise Development Director at Creams Café (www.creamscafe .com)

Visit www beerpiper co uk or see the adver t on page 2

Prime location that’s always been a buzz word in proper ty Of course we want the best location for our new business, but how do we justify the balance of price with the benefits the location offers? One of the best ways to maximise your profit potential through your location is to be methodical about evaluating these bene fits Moving down the road and out of your prime radius could significantly reduce your occupancy costs, whilst enabling you to still have similar trade access, as well as a comparable community and customer demo graphic Analyse local market data alongside key performance indicators of other successful locations to find that perfect balance Remember, balance is key as whilst a proper ty may be less expensive , a poor location is vir tually impossible to turn around, even with the best team!

Consumers expect engaging and enhanced experiences, greater choice and personalised par ticipation in their retail journey It is now crucial to ensure that the proper ty you invest in can function in a versatile man ner This means the precursor to location strateg y must be placing the right brand, with the appropriate value proposition, underpinned by a strong financial model into the right location Without these prerequisites any location will ultimately be defunct

• How muc h are the energy bills? Do your researc h and ensure you c hec k the meter readings at the proper ty to com pare to other units

Location, Location, Location: How to Find the Best Property for Your Restaurant Expansion

the British boozer Add that to the savings made on the Co2 cylinders and it becomes a no brainer to install a beer line cleaning system “Crucially for punters using Beer Piper sys tems to clean your beer lines also means that all of your keg and cask conditioned pints are always pulled to perfection boosting customer satisfaction and encouraging returning custom “With Brits tightening their purse strings, ser ving high quality drinks is more critical than ever As well as wanting value for money customers will also want a good experience when par ting with their money and spending in the hospitality sector Saving money behind the

• How ong has the proper ty been on the market and what other interest is there in the unit? Again, this points to room for negotiation

• What known restr ictions currently exist? This will help you decide whether the proper ty is suitable to host your busi ness

A Fortune


With more price increases in the pipeline possibly as many as three in the next 12 months due to another shor tage of Co2 brewers and landlords are looking for ways to save money and eliminate or reduce the amount of Co2 they use for manual beer line cleans

“With a medium cylinder of Co2 costing around £35, and prices rising all the time , switching to a different method to clean beer lines has never been more appealing What’s more , many suppliers have had to limit the amount of Co2 sold to each customer because of global shor tages


Rental leases were changed between landlords and their tenants and the government’s ban on forfeiture leases meant that the range of proper ty available remained limited More recently, landlords have been more receptive to negotiation, however the current cost of living crisis means there are plenty of challenges facing those searching for premises to open a new business


with whom, so your business is open and staffed appropriately Don’t just rely on your personal knowledge of the area, you must research the local market data to effectively plan You’ll be able to use this to predict times of the day or week you expect to welcome in different groups of the community You’ll be able to operate efficiently and therefore gain a great reputation locally because your busi ness is ready for fluctuations in cus tomer numbers For instance , at Creams we use market data prior to our first opening weeks of a restau rant and following that the data from our EPOS system makes it easy to amend and monitor stock orders accordingly


There is a plethora of locations that have attributes suitable for a range of brick and mor tar businesses all over the UK, it is just a matter of finding the right proper ty for you Utilise your connections and business par tnerships to pool your knowledge to secure the foundations of your business

“Beer Piper’s high tech beer line cleaning systems do not require the use of Co2 to function, as they contain built in pumps that push the chemicals through the lines Soak time is reduced to an average of just five minutes, meaning cleans can be done at any time , and there is no need to be exposed to dangerous chemicals, as the machine mixes the line cleaner with water internally to the exact dilution ratio ever y time What s more , the latest BP4 system utilises a beer save function that allows landlords and craft tap room

Beer Line Cleaning Systems Can Save Publicans

managers to actually sell the beer in the lines during the clean process According to our own data, the average British pub wastes 20 pints a week due to inefficient and manual beer line cleaning and now that the average price of a pint is £3 95 in the UK (CGA data), with some pubs in London charging as much as £8 00, this can add up to a saving of between £300 £600 a month for scenes is a good way to ensure that your customers still benefit from the same great ser vice

According to the Local Data Company, overall vacancy rates in Great Britain were at 14 1% in the first quar ter of 20221 The pan demic has exacerbated the structural issues which have been impacting the retail real estate sector over the past few years

After a tumultuous two years to be hit by rising costs across the board as well as rising VAT is resulting in a grim situation for many landlords and pub owners As a firm based at the hear t of the hospitality sector, we are calling on the government to step in where they can to reduce VAT and also take action against the rising ener g y bills which are hitting the industr y ver y hard ”

It's all about being able to recognise when a proper ty is valued fairly advises Julian Reilly, Proper ty & Franchise Development Director at international desser t parlour franchise Creams Cafe His tips on sourcing and negotiating premises for your expansion will provide more options to you

“Manual beer line cleans use approximately half a medium bottle of Co2 per week After mixing the chemicals themselves, exposing themselves to hazardous ingredients the majority of publicans use Co2 to push the mixed chemicals out of their pressurised bottles into the lines to clean them This is usually done out of hours and the mixture requires at least 20 minutes to soak to ensure a good clean

Pivotal to creating a return on investment is whether your location can maximise oppor tunities for trade during busy periods It is impor tant to consider how popular the area is during different times of the day and

“Retail proper ty usage has been leaning towards leisure , recreational and socially led sectors due to evolving consumer behaviours and structural shifts In par ticular, consumers seek a holistic customer experience plac ing greater impor tance on intangible touchpoints Cer tain sectors have also been disrupted by e commerce channels compounding the usage shift This is evident in how the UK retail high street landscape has changed over the last decade This has had broader implications for entrepreneurs searching for premises and cer tainly impacts our planning for Creams locations,” says Othman

26 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127

If you are planning on launching multiple locations, avoid expanding too fast, both in terms of number of proper ties and geographical area Whilst it is tempting to have as many locations within your por tfolio as pos sible , each location must thrive and stand alone as a profitable entity Ensure you are mindful about each prop er ty you invest in and that it will benefit you, the reputation of your brand and the surrounding community Launching, or investing in, a business that requires a bricks and mor tar presence tends to bring with it more considerations than if you are star ting from a home office Whether it is a restaurant or a hair salon choose a premises that will work for your business as it grows You will be tied into your proper ty for a minimum term and there is nothing worse than bursting at the seams with two years left on a lease Similarly, don’t over extend yourself just because you fall in love with a space larger than you realistically need

• What is the turnaround time for acquir ing the proper ty? This will give you a rough timeline on how soon it will be until you can launc h your business



Chef's Buyer's Guide


4) down on waste by repurposing leftovers, prepped ingredients from a previous vice utilised to create like fried rice

For centuries pubs have been at the hear t of their community in recent times many have worked harder than ever to leverage that position to attract a loyal client base For them, a national celebration was too good a chance to miss


• Contains 15 essential vitamins and minerals



3) unusual so to Caribbean, Africa Asian create low cost, based

and stir fr ys

As a result, this helps the rice to retain much more of its nutritional content which is normally lost during cooking

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising 28 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127

Last month, the whole of the UK was limbering up for the Platinum Jubilee celebra tions and it’s no surprise that ever y consumer facing busi ness was hoping for a boost on that unique occasion The degree of creativity is quite remarkable and nowhere more so than in the pub sec tor

I see pubs arranging garden par ties during the day for families, special menus, free ‘Platinum Trifle’ desser ts Pubs are often open from breakfast through the day, ser ving different sectors of the community as the day unfolds Nobody ever said running a pub was easy they deser ve to do well

Tropical Sun USA Easy Cook Rice is cultivated in the southern American states of Arkansas, California, Louisiana Mississippi Missouri and Texas Tropical Sun USA Easy Cook Rice is steamed before milling This process allows the rice to harden therefore making it less sticky, so the grains remain separate when cooking

It’s not all about new tech Consumers see their local pub as a beating hear t of the community evidenced by recent research commissioned by P&G Professional which revealed that six in 10 UK adults have a go to local, with half believing pubs bring people together Pubs with private rooms can offer them to clubs and societies generating income , loyalty and goodwill that translates into fur ther business This sounds simple , but of course it’s all done for nothing unless the basics of great hospital ity remain front and centre of the business whether it’s a pub, restau rant, hotel or B&B

The basics of great hospitality are as old as time itself A warm wel come , good food and drink well presented in a pleasant, clean environ ment is always the winning formula In our post Covid world, cleanliness and hygiene are more impor tant than ever, and as consumer confidence returns, so too have their high expectations


988 1100

We are told the recession will be shor t and sharp let’s hope they are right In the meantime , while it seems that the pent up demand for hos pitality and quality leisure experiences remains strong, it’s a brave busi ness that takes customers for granted at times like this

It’s never been easy to run a hospitality business The flip side of that is that in ever y job description the most impor tant objective is to make people happy I can’t think of a more rewarding career The cama raderie with colleagues, the engagement with guests combine to make the challenges the hours and the never ending search for improvement wor thwhile

In fact, according to research commissioned by P&G Professional, appropriate cleaning standards are a key factor in choosing which pub to visit, with consumers listing cleanliness as a top priority, along with good food A competent cleaning regime using trusted products is expected and ever y business ignores this at its peril

For more information, please visit www wanis com; email sales@wanis com or call 0208

• One cup has 23% of your daily recommended folic acid

high margin rice


1) Increase Vegetarian Choices Rice lends itself per fectly to plant based and vegetarian menu options

achieving a full looking plate to help adjust por tions as the price of costly proteins continue to sky rocket



Our top tips to keep your profit margins healthy:


A business that becomes par t of a community has a safety net sup por t a community and the community will suppor t you Over time as the community grows, so does your client base Regular patrons can be your greatest advocate and your strongest critic often at the same time Word of mouth is a powerful force

Easy for an Easy Life

When I think of pubs as the ‘hear t of their community’ my mind roams a little Of course we think of their neighbours, maybe a five mile catch ment delivering the lion’s share of their trade , and that’s right But these days they can have another, larger community online , using social media platforms to remain visible and engaged, with a view to both long term familiarity and spontaneous response

How To Harness The Power Of The Community To Generate Business

Former Institute of Hospitality CEO Peter Ducker has spent a lifetime in the hospitality industr y and is a member of P&G Professional's Exper t Advisor y Council (

Did you know that rice is the most popular grain on the plan et and the primar y dietar y sta ple for more than half the world’s population? Despite the soaring inflation of food, US grown rice remains one of the most cost effective ingredients in the food ser vice pantr y US rice is ver y high quality and an ideal option when seeking to diversify your menu offering whilst crucially increasing your profit per plate margins; from Thai, Indian, Brazilian, Salvadoran, Chinese , Spanish, Turkish cuisines and beyond With rice on your menu, you can take your patrons around the world

Gluten free

Rice is an economical choice for chefs and operators as commodity prices continue to increase The ongoing Ukraine conflict has resulted in a global shor tage of wheat resulting in huge price increases of bread and pasta whilst the cost of potatoes has also risen signifi cantly

Tropical Sun USA Rice is available in catering size packs of 5kg 10kg 20kg and 40kg from Wanis International Foods, either from their huge wholesale cash and carr y in East London or for nationwide deliv er y

can be

Embrace World Foods customers increasingly want to tr y new and

Tropical Rice A free from food with no GMOs

Last but not least let’s rever t back to the word ‘community’ To be par t of a community is a strong human need, to suppor t and engage with a community is a privilege and a responsibility That’s why P&G Professional launched its #CommunityOnTap Awards in search of Britain’s best pub celebrating those who have found creative ways to increase footfall, bring communities together and ultimately, run a thriv ing business in these tr ying times

With National Rice Week approaching what better time to explore the many benefits of increasing your use of the amaz ing grain in your food offering; few ingredients in a chef's pantr y provide more interesting textures or more versatility and profit potential than rice


Rice dishes are always popular, are ideal for diners seeking gluten free dishes and work exceptionally well when tr ying to maximise profits, par ticularly if using the grain as the main ingredient on the plate , adding smaller amounts of higher cost ingredients

I have seen at firsthand how effective smar t social media activity can be A young entrepreneur opened a bar in a residential suburb of London His key market was mums during the day dropping in for cof fees or snacks and young professionals in the evenings He had an impressively large following online , and was savvy in how he used it often enough to remain engaged, but not so often that over exposure would be counterproductive On hot days a special happy hour would be pushed out to his contacts’ inbox at just the time when thoughts were turning to an end of the day drink Cocktail masterclasses worked well, as did ‘bring a buddy’ specials So in our digital world, ‘community’ has a whole new meaning

is: •

There is one other thing we need to think about nowadays Whichever community we think about, they all have one thing in common Nobody is immune from the challenges presented by global unrest and runaway inflation Factor in the wage inflation caused by a labour shor tage and you d think nothing else can go wrong then there s the energ y crisis with bills spiralling out of control

2) Rice is a fantastic tool in

Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 29

We offer a number of fresh potato products from fresh chips to whole peel and quar ter cuts Our chilled prod ucts take all the hassle out of food preparation Products can be delivered fresh daily There’s no waste , prep time , labour cost or mess All you need is chilled space We aim to take the stress out of potato preparation Why not contact us today for a free sample Just email sales@fyldefreshandfabulous com and one of our sales team will be in touch directly to deal with your enquir y FFF chips are now available to buy online from our website www fyldefreshandfabulous com For all the readers of Caterer Licensee Hotelier Magazine we are offering a 10% discount off any purchase of either FFF chips or 20mm chunky chips online Simply add discount code CLHM001 when purchasing any of these two products from our website

Its official, we have done it! Our new website fresh from the oven as it were we think it has turned out rather splendidly Truth be told, this has been some time in the making But the best things come to those who wait

Fylde Fresh are committed to suppor ting the environ ment We have our ver y own anaerobic digester which is uses all of the peelings generated from the potato process This produces biogas which powers the site and the local community and produces a fer tilizer for grow ing next years spuds

We are BRC AA accredited and Red Tractor approved making us a reliable supplier to the foodser vice industr y POWERED BY POTATOES

Based in the hear t of the Fylde countr yside Fylde Fresh and Fabulous Ltd are a well established family run business with over 30 years of histor y growing and processing potatoes We are passion ate about what we do We grow har vest store process and deliver fresh chips and potato products under the Triple F brand to customers the length and breadth of the countr y We operate 24 hours a day 365 days a year

We provide national coverage delivering our fresh


potato products direct to your door via a network of distributors across the UK

It will give us fresh impe tus and the means to add more LittlePodders to our growing family It will help us to showcase our prod ucts and suppor t vanilla farmers in the Equatorial regions It will enable us to underline our most impor tant message: that if you choose to use real vanilla, you will make a difference to our world

Some of our personal high lights include the humming bird that buzzes around our beautiful homepage and all our delicious new recipes from our chef ambassador, and Master Chef of Great Britain The Peter Gor ton Collection We would like to know what YOU think, so please , pop the kettle on, have a good look around and do get in touch and share your thoughts Make sure you continue to join us on Instagram (follow @little pod and use our hashtag #CampaignForRealVanilla)

Visit www littlepod co uk We’ve Got A New Website! What Do You Think? Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Chef's Buyer's Guide

Fylde Fresh and Fabulous

Spirits, Mixers and Cocktails

seen cocktails listing branded spirits on menus when visiting bars and/or restaurants in the past 3 months and 44% have subsequently ordered these cocktails

Typically, when ordering spirits, 43% of spirits drinkers order by specific brand while just over a third (33%) order the categor y generally and 24% do so depending on the situation This presents suppliers with the oppor tu nity to engage loyal brand consumers, and to drive consumers to trial brands when presented in a range of cocktail ser ves

Working effectively with target outlets to get branding and branded descriptions on menus can help boost visibility fur ther to influence cocktail choice It’s impor tant for suppliers to consider the effectiveness of branded and non branded options when building On Premise strategies with opera tors and independents Steady Level of Consumer Visits

CGA by NielsenIQ s sur vey of 1 000 nationally representative GB On Trade cocktail drinkers revealed that 19% of GB consumers drink cocktails out of home Out of 9 million cocktail drinkers, 67% are ver y likely or quite likely to pay more for a higher quality cocktail, (+7pp vs Q1 2021)

Many consumers are undecided on the cocktail they will choose before visiting But the most impor tant factors when choosing a cocktail are

1 flavour(s)

We’ve all been there Queuing at the bar for up to 30 minutes as the bar tender uses their mixolog y skills to make a huge order of complex cocktails from scratch You don’t want this for your thirsty customers With an Absolute Frozen Cocktail Machine you can forget never ending queues It takes upto 1 minute per cocktail! To make them, you add alcohol, neutral slush then flavoured syrup to the cup All in under 1 minute It’s really that simple The possibilities are endless There s no order 2 of the same cocktail catch in a 2 4 1 deal because of the slow process Your customers can order lots of cocktails in one round without holding up the queue Your whole menu can be made with just one Absolute Frozen Cocktail Machine thanks to the neutral base syrup in the bowls Our extensive range of syrups cater to ever yone s tastes from fruity flavours like strawberr y to sweet flavours like pink lemonade and sour like sour cherr y

There is still significant room for growth in this area for brands to entice consumers to tr y a branded spirit in a cocktail by optimising this crucial par t of the consumers ’ path to purchase 52% of consumers order cock tails with branded sprits only occasionally when visiting bars and/or restau rants

Despite cost of living increases, consumers are still planning to prioritise

The cost challenges currently facing bars, pubs and nightclubs mean that costs are being squeezed and some price rises will have to be passed on These cost expectations have grown across the On Premise , with con sumers expecting sharp increases to prices on each drink in restaurants (+£1 18) and nightclubs (+£1 51) vs Q1 2021 This includes significant increases in expected price points for cocktail ser ves, with inflated prices especially in the nightclub sector

Cocktails Defying Cost of Living Impact

4 on promotion

Price is also impor tant to consumers, even if it’s not the most impor tant factor in choosing a cocktail with 56% of consumers purchasing this drink type on promotion ever y time or almost ever y time they go out for cocktails (+8pp vs Q1 2021) In addition, non cocktail drinkers are 32% more likely to be tempted by an offer to change to the categor y

2 ingred ents

Phillip Montgomer y director of client ser vices UK & Ireland said: “Many consumers are alleviating the rising cost of cocktails by focusing more on the availability of deals and promotions, as they assess the value outlets are offering So, offering cocktails at great value is impor tant for operators and suppliers hoping to appeal to a much broader consumer base , rather than just competing for consumers who actively seek high quality cocktails ”

30 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127


3 is already tr ied and tested

The latest CGA Consumer Impact repor t shows that in the past month 2 in 5 consumers have visited the On Premise 3 or more times and 56% of consumers ’ last trip to the On Premise was within the past week Visitation levels remain positively steady compared to the previous month, however 38% of consumers have been out for a drink led visit, up +2pp compared to July; likely driven by consumers wanting to make the most of patio sea son and the warmer weather

only are you ser ving a lot quicker, these fun drinks will have them coming back for more Once they’ve tried one of your frozen cocktails, they’ll be returning again and again to tr y the whole menu Plus, you can sell frozen cocktails for a significant markup so profiting from each cup is inevitable! We ve put together a CLH readers promotion; a package wor th 2,000 drinks for FREE! Within this, you get high quality Absolute Slush/Cocktail Syrups (choose from the standard package or opt for whatever flavours you’d like), glassware and P O S material, including menus and an A board to promote your fantastic drinks With this package you can earn profits of £10,400 as your only cost is the alco hol, based on 1 x 25ml shot per cup After this Lease or purchase an Absolute Frozen Cocktail Machine from us at Absolute Drinks We supply and install the equipment, provide ser vice throughout and sell stock and supplies! Get in touch for a free quote or appointment with a rep 01942 607 634,

5 pr ice compared to other coc kta ls

Significantly, the repor t reveals that almost 3 in 5 cocktail drinkers have


As a result consumers are increasingly focusing on price and value And their price consciousness highlights a renewed onus on pricing and promo tional mechanics for the categor y

Among consumers who have ordered cocktails including branded spirits in the past 3 months, 2 in 5 have done so ever y time/almost ever y time they have visited the On Premise highlighting the influence this brand exposure has when positioned as a key ingredient in a preferred cocktail type

Flavourful Fun Fast Frozen Cocktails

The post lockdown return to market has seen a growth in demand for premium ser ves amongst treat seeking consumers But the price of cock tails is rising, against a broader market backdrop of growing inflation and a cost of living crisis

food and drink spend, but they are increasingly “value led” For a significant propor tion of consumers this means “value for experience” for example is the price wor th paying for? Value is considered to be more impor tant than price however value doesn’t necessarily mean cheaper but can be considered synonymous with quality To this end, high quality, premium cocktails that are par t of a memorable experience will keep visitors com ing back

Matthew Crompton, regional director Nor th America, said “Casual din ing chains continue to be the most visited venue type in the On Premise , with over half of consumers visiting the channel in the past 3 months



On Premise satisfaction remains high across the board, par ticularly around quality of ser vice The research also suggests operators and suppli ers can expect steady levels of consumer visits to bars and restaurants in the upcoming month, and new oppor tunities to entice target consumers to repeat purchase and trial brands

Cocktails Defying

adver t on this page for details ‘Mix Like An Italian’ With The New Range Of Premium Mixers From Sanpellegrino

Available to purchase online and in the on trade directly from Nestle Waters the

Bottleproof Cocktails are available either direct or through selected trade wholesalers For more details, visit or email

Cost of Living Impact (CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) “Being able to truly understand the nuances of consumer preferences, need states and motivations to influence effective decision making is key to success On Premise occasions are impor tant to consumers and suppliers and operators need to be able to cater to the needs and expectations during visits,” said Matt Crompton WHAT ARE THE UK’S FAVOURITE COCKTAILS? Well earlier this year on trend online retailer IWOOT conducted an analysis to see what are the top cocktails of 2022 To determine the rankings, the team looked at the previous 12 months of Google Search Data and calculated the monthly average for each cocktail These average totals were then stacked up against one another to determine the winning bev erage The UK’s most popular cocktails • Porn Star Mar tini (108k Monthly Goog e Searc hes) • Espresso Mar tin (92k Monthly Google Searc hes) Piña Colada (71k Monthly Goog e Searc hes) • Cosmopolitan (66k Monthly Goog e Searc hes) • Mojito (57k Monthly Goog e Searc hes)

how to use a cocktail shaker) and allow venues far greater stock con trol Both Charlie and I have either worked in or supplied the on trade for over 20 years and we understand the hospitality business I think the fact that our cocktails are an on trade exclusive is really appealing to our customers Also the post lockdown staffing difficulties have seen many venues really struggle with staffing and ser ving cock tails with un trained staff has been a real issue Bottleproof ’ s cocktails have provided a solution

Why choose Bottleproof? Well, they have a range of over 25 cocktails including 0% cocktails and they only supply the on trade Plus they have received a list of awards as long as your arm from IWSC , Spirits Business and LSC

Their cocktails are , as Charlie Anderson, co owner of Bottleproof says, “created to replicate the perfect bar ser ve They are all full abv and we only use premium ingredients and branded spirits just as a top bar would We don t add any preser v atives, flavourings or colourings so they really are the real deal with no synthetic tastes”

Bottleproof Cocktails have been supplying their premium range of pre made bottled cocktails exclusively to the hospitality trade since 2016 Customers include hotels, theatres, restaurants, pubs and events venues across the UK

As cocktail consumption continues to surge and popularity of low and no alcohol ser ves continue to rise , Sanpellegrino brings its 90 years of drinks experience , natural quality ingredients exceptional citrus heritage and unique sparkling bubbles to the super premium mixers market with its new range Superbly balanced bitter sweet, crisp and vibrant flavours, presented in beautifully pre mium glass bottles the Sanpellegrino mixers range includes Tonica Citrus Tonica Oakwood, Limonata, Aranciata, and brand new Ginger Beer and Tastefully Light Tonic Since 1932, Sanpellegrino has crafted Italian sparkling drinks with selected and refined ingredients masterfully mixed by Italians to create authentic refreshing premium drinks with a distinctive citrus flavour The new range aims to bring people together in the Italian way through the tradition al aperitivo drinking occasion The six premium sparkling drinks are made to uplift shared drinking occasions, whether mixing into a cocktail, elevating a mocktail or ser v ing over ice with a slice; inviting consumers to savour their drinking moments in style Michela Tasso, Sanpellegrino UK Brand Manager says: “We can see that early evening consumption from 5 to 8pm

Spirits, Mixers and Cocktails

In addition to their range of cocktails, Bottleproof also make many bespoke cocktails for customers, including a cocktail designed specifi cally for hotel rooms that requires no ice and no shaking! With a range of 0% cocktails as well, Bottleproof really can allow trade venues a full and balanced cocktail list And Eco friendly Paper bottles options


Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 31

Bottleproof Cocktails – Allowing All Venues To Serve Quality Cocktails known in Italy as the aperitivo moment keeps growing and that a strong cocktail offering provides great benefits to outlets; with cocktails accounting for 7% of total venue food and drink sales in 2021 compared to just 4% in 20191 Italian to our core , this ‘aperitivo hour’ is something we have always embraced at SanPellegrino and are delighted that we can now enhance this moment with the launch of our new Italian mixers range Indeed, for moments to savour, mix like an Italian ”

Bottleproof cocktails are now ser ved in some of the UK s best hotels, pubs and restaurants and the reason, other than the taste , says Mark Thompson, co owner, who heads up sales is they can be ser ved in less than 30 seconds, require no training (other than

We think you’ll love: Popular for a reason, the Captain Mannering (named after a pub local to Sovereign’s Essex headquar ters) incorporates four tower units to give extra space and capacity to satisfy older and more active children It pro vides a challenging play envi ronment which will inspire endless possibilities for imagi native play A truly impressive addition to any play area


32 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127


Pop-Up for Profit!

Whilst Cinders gas barbecues fold flat for easy stor age , the popular Classic TG160 model is capable of over 1000 burgers a day at a large event which must be the fastest pay back on equipment ever! Made in Britain and with a two year warranty for commercial use , the work horse TG160 will also hum away in the corner of a beer garden with our flat griddle on one

The Thumper is a truly impres sive addition to any play area, this tower incorporates many of the features seen in other models, with the addition of a fur ther deck area that allows extra space and capacity to satisfy older and more active children

Have a great

The Republican Bench and Table Set is designed with commercial areas in mind Built with our robust planed

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

www cindersbarbecues

and pressure treated timber, this set is perfect for high traffic areas and a great edition to beer gar dens and outdoor seating areas

Sovereign - Bringing Imagination Into Play Outdoor Leisure


side and a couple of gastronorms on the other, to de skill and make life a little less fraught half sized models also available co uk summer and POP

‘Pop up ’ barbecue means paring back to folding gazebos and collapsible tables, two or three cool boxes with thermometers thrown in and a hand wash within easy walking distance At all levels of operation initial costs can be much lower, outdoor areas can still be multi purpose and storage space is kept to a mini mum Spot the ‘deliberate’ mistake in the car toon BIG TIP: HSE don’t like cool boxes sitting on the ground, even with lids!

Ideal for smaller areas, the Foxtail features a slide , rock climber and a fireman’s pole to keep children enter tained for hours!

With decades of experience in the play industr y, Sovereign pride themselves on the qual ity and longevity of their out door play equipment Perfect for busy, family friendly estab lishments, Sovereign s flagship range of timber towers have infinite play value are a great addition to any outdoor area

With a 20 year warranty on all timber products, 25 year warranty on all metal products and the option for Sovereign Compliance inspection and maintenance pack ages Sovereign equipment will bring joy to children and families for years to come Find us at www sovereignplayequipment co uk

Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 33

We can provide a range of custom designed and printed products for HERAS fence covers PVC and ACM Hoarding panels, PVC and mesh banners, and large scale scaffold wraps We have been in operation for 4 years now, continually growing year on year thanks to both new and return clients

The majority of our products include free deliver y and typical lead times are just 7 working days, with some products available through our 5 day express ser vice To find out more , please visit www monster mesh co uk

The premium candle specialist has launched the repor t in response to changing market dynamics over the past few years This includes, the government relaxing of pavement dining laws during the pandemic , which allowed restaurants, pubs and bars to ser ve food alfresco and new legislation plans to make this perma nent, representing a valuable oppor tunity for operators with outdoor spaces

Bolsius Professional is a leading candle manufacturer, with an extensive range of indoor and outdoor candles designed specifically for restaurants, bars and hotels To discover more about their candle range , and to down load a copy of the Bolsius Professional guide ‘Investing in outdoor : attract and retain customers to grow revenue ’ , go to www bolsius com/en/professional/inspiration

To suppor t, we ’ ve pulled together a selection of tips and ideas for operators, from furnishings to foliage and comfor t to candles we ’ re helping them to unlock revenue through expanding into this typically under utilised area ”

As consumers flock to pub gardens and restaurant terraces to bask in the sizzling sunshine Bolsius Professional has released a new guide for operators keen to capitalise on their outdoor spaces

We specialise in large format full colour and dye subli mation printing for weather resistance , strength and durability Our top quality products match the ser vice you should expect, and we supply direct to brand own ers, event management, construction, and signage com panies

At Monster Mesh we agree that your brand needs to

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Bolsius Professional Helps Operators to Unlock Revenue in their Outdoor Spaces Outdoor Leisure

Paul Christodoulou, National Account Manager UK & Ireland Out of Home and Hospitality at Bolsius Professional and Member of the Institute of Hospitality said, “Outdoors is most definitely in and now more than ever Before , outdoor spaces were a ‘nice to have’

By investing in your outdoor space and creating a welcoming atmosphere cus tomers want to stay in and revisit again and again, operators are not only able to ser ve more covers over the summer months but growth their full offering through additional year round space

generate the right impact Getting an eye catching design is the most impor tant when displaying your banner amongst others, so at Monster Mesh we offer a complete in house design ser vice Most of the time this is a free ser vice where our team of designers will take your logo and a brief sample of text to create your individual design Throughout our years of experience in large for mat design, we have learnt several ways to produce the impression you desire

Monster Mesh

Monster Mesh is a leading events and construction branding company, specialising in supplying large format printed products

Combining stunning exteriors, design tips and cost effective ideas, ‘Investing in outdoor : attract and retain customers to grow revenue ’ provides ideas and guid ance on creating a compelling multi sen sor y outdoor experience for customers

used almost exclusively when the British summer finally arrived However as a result of the pandemic savvy pubs bars and restaurant made the most of their outdoor space in recent years and they are now seen as an oppor tunity

Providing operators with a quick and easy menu choice, all sausages are fully cooked, ready to eat, and are simple to reheat using the grill or basic kitchen appli ances The sausage range is supplied chilled or frozen benefiting from a long shelf life Apart from the vegan sausage options, all other sausages are gluten free

The Sausage Man

Your outdoor space can change from one day to the next, which is where Moda’s flexible modular systems really come into their own All of their furniture ranges


Take the first step to maximising the use of your out door space Talk to one of Moda s Commercial Business Development Managers Tel: 033 3363 7015, email: commercial@modafurnishings co uk or visit www modafurnishings co uk/commercial

We offer a diverse range , something to suit all tastes, in a variety of sizes Our selection of Bratwurst and Frankfur ters are par ticular crowd pleasers but we also cater for vegan and vegetarian diets with our hugely popular, satisfying meat alternatives; Vegan Bratwursts and Hot Dogs

Whether you need a place to close deals with clients, a second meeting room or a nineteenth hole par excellence taking your work outside offers huge attrac tions And as the UK’s leading luxur y outdoor furniture brand, Moda is ideally placed to help turn your vision into reality

For those following a vegan or vegetarian diet, tr y the tasty Vegan Bratwurst or Hot Dog, both 100g and 20cms comprising of a juicy blend of seitan, spices and seasonings


Famed for its steins of beer and abundance of sausages, or wurst, Oktoberfest events are growing in popularity throughout the UK British Ar t Historian, Neil MacGregor states ‘ ever y (German) region has its wurst and it’s claimed that there are 1,200 of them ’

“Handheld options at outdoor events make perfect sense for the situation, as operators are catering for high volumes in a shor t space of time , easy to use , quick ser ve products that deliver great cooking performance and taste ever y time are a real benefit Using premium

Outdoor Leisure

As the perfect accompaniment to a refreshing Engel German Craft Beer, a selection of Bratwurst is offered including the richly spiced Cumberland Style Bratwurst with a hot mustard kick, weighing in at 110g, 18cm and with a natural casing that gently snaps and a delicious blend of pork and herb filling, The Sausage Man’s Bratwurst XXL 25cm sausages are repeat crowd pleasers To satisfy the sausage connoisseurs choose from the range of Gourmet Bratwurst, three premium options are available , all 100g: Black Angus & Pork, Wag yu Beef & Bacon or Iberico Pork

A prolonged hot weather spell has resulted in a bumper season for outdoor enter tain ing across the UK Not only do we celebrate World Funfair Month this September it’s also time for Oktoberfest the world’s largest beer festival and travelling funfair, originally held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany running from mid September to around the first Sunday in October The Munich Oktoberfest sees more than six million interna tional and national visitors attend the event, but the cel ebration has spread worldwide such is its popularity

co uk

Having star ted out as a family run company in 2014, Moda has quickly established a reputation for innovative furniture solutions with exceptional customer ser vice This has led to a growing demand for their ser vices from an increasingly diverse client base as a greater variety of commercial sectors have looked to transform their outdoor spaces

Keeping Food Hot? We Have All The Answers



Unlocking the potential of your outdoor space can be a seriously good business move

authentic products

“Customers want to be assured of the quality of their food choice push the best features of your product through interesting, eye catch ing menu descriptions if you are using award winning prod ucts shout about it; social media is the fastest route for your message We’re delighted that four of our German sausages have recently been awarded 1 Star Great Taste Awards this will fur ther enhance our offering, generat ing consumer confidence and interest in our product

result in repeat

quality, will custom and increased profit

Although The Sausage Man don’t stock all 1,200 of Germany’s sausage varieties they cer tainly stock a lot! As the go to specialists in German sausages, charcuterie and a choice selection of other German food goods, including beers and spirits The Sausage Man are well placed to provide all your alfresco dining and event needs

With their all weather materials and uncompromising build quality Moda furniture collections are meticulously engineered to withstand the demands of the modern workplace and the great British weather Ever y item of luxur y outdoor furniture is designed exclusively in house This allows Moda to offer a perfect balance of both style and substance that can be enjoyed all year round What’s more, Moda’s market leading three year commercial guarantee offers commercial clients peace of mind and their aftercare policy and maintenance packages rein forces their commitment to client satisfaction


34 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising First of all, you will want one of our world beating Kanga boxes and a Carbon Heater You can then keep food hot indefinitely and fully comply with HACCP regulations Sounds too good to be true? Well we only supply premium German manufactured products from stock at incredibly low prices The insulated box manufac tured from top quality expanded polypropylene is a dense closed cell insulation material but incredibly light to handle when empty for example the GN insulted box with a 117 mm internal depth only weighs just over a kilo and yet holds a massive 21 lts capacity Now combine the Kanga box with a Carbon Heater and the magic begins, hot food all the time! Our range of Carbon heaters offers two voltage options 12 volts for car operation using the cigarette lighter socket or 230 volt mains voltage for internal or external mains use The big advantage of the Carbon Heaters they are absolutely fool proof just inser t them in the bottom of the box turn on and forget there are no consumer con trols the temperature is pre set at the factor y at 75 deg C The Carbon Heater is ver y light at only 700 grammes and does not take up much room only being 10mm thick Dishes can be place on the Carbon Heater straight out of the oven up to 120deg C Finally quick and easy to clean just wipe over with a damp cloth Contact Catering Equipment Limited on Tel: 0121 773 2228 or visit www clickonstore net or

Moda, Where Outdoor Furniture Really Means Business

Charles Coleman Sales Director at The Sausage Man Dogs are a well proven food offer as they appeal to all ages, are simple to ser ve and easy to eat, requiring no real kitchen suppor t We supply to many festival caterers such as Glastonbur y, Latitude and Wilderness, beer gardens pubs along with a host of foodser vice caterers and have enjoyed growing custom and increased interest as we find authentic German sausages are in demand all year round, not only at Oktoberfest or Christmas markets

To find out more about our products visit sausageman

have a number of modular configurations that can be cus tomised move them around your business areas, expand your collection, split them up or put them together to com plement your changing com mercial requirements

With a dedicated Commercial team, Moda’s clients can choose from a vast collection of furniture sets to meet all business requirements

Find out more at www sangria sol sueno com or get in touch via email info@sangria

Sangria Solsueño, an authentic Spanish sangria, is now available in a 330ml slim line can, bringing a ray of liquid sunshine to the UK market and beyond

With high awareness levels of sangria UK and the travel faced in recent years, Solsueño is bringing a much needed of Spain to the UK!


Spanish Sangria – Now In A Can! Outdoor

To receive a free Solsueño sample pack and back bar display unit, limited to the first 100 requests, visit: https://www sangria sample pack/

experience with ice and fruit’’

Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 35 Make First Impressions Count with Major Plants Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

First Impressions Count! Major Plants Limited spe cializes in providing cost effective , visually striking, hanging baskets rental and maintenance ser vices In business over 10 years our company grown through word of mouth via our satisfied and expand ing customer base We know that busy businesses have enough work to do without tr ying to remember whether the flowers have been watered, fed, or tidied up Calling in the exper ts like Major Plants Limited means that you can get on with your business while we ensure that out side your plant arrangements and presentation never let you down Making sure your business looking good is our busi ness! Whether you are seeking an alternative quotation to compare with an existing supplier or are looking at external flower arrangements for the first time our flexible agreement and personal ser vice will give you a piece of mind reliable suppor t for your business Please get in touch! 0800 111 4014 info@majorplants co uk

is vegan, gluten free and uses only natural ingredients plus is packaged in an eco friendly can format


Tim Smith of Solsueño explains, “the advantages of a ready made liquid are consistency, time saved in preparation and no wastage Solsueño is ideal for all indoor and outdoor settings, available as a single ser ve reflecting modern con sumption patterns and in a format which is innovative and convenient It can, of course , be added to a jug for the sharing

Crafted in the Denominacion de Origen protected region of Jumilla in Murcia, Spain, Solsueño is a 5% abv, bright red easy drinking liquid and is instantly recognisable as a genuine sangria




Authentic Leisure

The Clear Brew ser vice combined with the cellar repor ting app allows our customers to be confi dent that their beer, bar, and cellar are being well maintained and managed

Original and Weetabix Chocolate are now available as two biscuit por tion packs in the classic Yellow Box format Weetabix Crispy Minis Chocolate Chip is available in a 40g por tion pack Convenient, easy to prepare , hygienically packaged and por table , Weetabix’s por tion packs are ideal for breakfast ser ving occasions Weetabix On the Go breakfast drinks are a great way to offer a convenient way to star t the day for cus tomers Available in deliciously smooth chocolate , vanilla, strawberr y, or banana flavours, our Weetabix On the Go range all provide the protein, energ y, and fibre of a typical Weetabix cereal with milk Alpen cereal bars also offer a perfect snacking boost to offer any time of day offering a high in fibre snack in a range to tasty flavours See the adver t on page 13 for fur ther information or visit www.weetabixfoodser vice New Additions to the Weetabix Portion Pack Range Better Beer, Better Business

Products and Services

film proteins, the valve not only makes urine PH neutral a world first but it also prevents costly and damaging back fill flooding caused by the chemical reaction between urine and water which leads to uric salt and biofilm build up that often blocks flushing urinal waste pipes

The an eco friendly bio block enzyme ring and integrated bio tablet that breaks down uric acid and bio

At Clear Brew, we understand that recent challenges such as staff shor tages and inflation can add pressure to a business We are pleased to be able to help over 3000 licenced premises across the countr y by pro viding a fully managed, regular beer line cleaning ser vice Our experienced technicians maintain dispense quality across both keg and cask lines on an extended frequency During each visit, your local technician will carr y out a full line clean and cellar check to ensure your products and equipment are kept in top condition Our labour inclusive system comprises of a specialised water fed mixing unit, that uses no electricity or propellant gas, combined with inhibitor technolog y and market leading chemicals This results in a ser vice that is guaranteed to save your venue money, reduce your waste and improve the quality of your draught products

Agave Fibre Straws are a new 100% plant based compostable straw Made entirely from natural fibres of the Agave plant, a biproduct left over as a waste material when making Tequila


For sales and more information visit us online at www buzzcateringsupplies com or see the adver t on page 15

includes a new collection of ser ving bowls and platters in organic asymmetrical forms which make great statement pieces There are also classic place setting items such as coupe plates which are known as the ‘Chef ’ s plate’ as they are great for pre senting food, that can be comfor tably stacked and withstand use in a busy restaurant Denby rigorously tests its products to tough industr y standards and the pattern performs well against stringent hospitality cri teria without looking like standard hospitality ware Plate and bowl rims are tested extensively and form par t of Denby s 10 year chip warranty Produced from local Derbyshire clay each piece of Kiln’s ar tisan potter y is hand crafted by 20 pairs of hands at Denby s original 200 year old potter y by craftsmen whose skills have been handed down over generations Kiln shares Denby’s environmental attrib utes and is the conscious choice for hospitality venues who prefer to suppor t “Made in England” ceramics Denby was the first UK potter y to be zero to landfill on process waste and holds ISO14001 which is awarded when sustainability and the care of the environment form an integrated par t of the production process Kiln has all Denby s inherent strengths, is freezer and dishwasher safe and can be used in the oven up to a temperature of 250ºC For more information on Denby for Hospitality, visit www denbypotter y/hospitality or see the adver t on page 5 Denby Launches 'Kiln' Tableware Hospitality businesses could slash CO2 footprints, cut water use by hundreds of thousands of litres each year, and annually save over £1,200 on ever y three urinals operated, simply by switching to waterless technolog y These findings have been released by Smar ti Environmental, the UK’s leading waterless urinal business, following one of the driest and hottest summers in living memor y, leading to water shor tages, and drought meas ures across the UK

1 Guaranteed to reduce ullage , improve your carbon footprint and save you money 2 Guaranteed to improve beer dis pense quality, protecting yields and sales 3 Guaranteed to relieve the stress associated with organising staff 4 Guaranteed to provide profes sional, fully trained operators 5 Guaranteed to carr y out the first clean FREE of charge and provide a ser vice without any contracts or upfront costs

We are so confident in our cleaning method that we don t request a contract and provide an initial sur vey and clean completely FREE of charge During this first visit we will measure your ullage and produce a full quotation that will clearly show how much you can save BII members’ exclusive offer : 10% off your beer line cleaning for the first 12 months

With the ability to be fitted in under a day, Smar ti’s waterless urinal solutions offer a great way to cut costs, carbon and water use simply, easily and with the mini mum of fuss, enabling hospitality businesses to function even during periods of water shor tages

Catering for the differing needs of consumers at breakfast can be a tricky business We know that they want taste but are concerned about the healthiness of their breakfast so delivering tasty healthy cereals has always been a focus for us Weetabix Original is and will always be a low sugar, high fibre cereal It is low in salt fat & sugar to aid a balanced diet for tified with vitamins and iron It is by definition HFSS & CQUIN compliant Our more indulgent products such as Weetabix Chocolate Chocolate Crispy Minis and our new launch Weetabix Melts also share strong nutritional credentials with the parent brand Cereal has a lot of versatility it’s quick and convenient but can also be personalised with additional top pings and different milks, which taps into the trend for personalised breakfasts This is a great option for caterers to allow consumers to customise their breakfast cereal, offering variety in the morning Cereal is also still the number one breakfast product it offers great value for money, which will be impor tant both to consumers and caterers in the months ahead Whether you ’ re expanding your continental breakfast offering or looking for convenient options to ser ve our new por tion pack range helps caterers satisfy convenient individual ser vings regulate por tion control and provide lower volume ser vice

Our ser vice now includes our new cellar repor ting app, paired with our fully managed beer line cleaning ser vice this adds real value to any operator in todays licenced sector The app has been designed to provide our customers with information related to their cellar and bar on each and ever y clean Customers are able to view the ullage , water, labour, and chemical savings they are making on each clean, they will see that standards are being maintained within the cellar and all associated equipment is being cleaned and checked and any possible

Manufactured sustainability in Mexico, they are natu rally biodegradable and compostable at end of life They are also vegan friendly and gluten free

savings are possible with the installation of Smar ti Environmental s eco friendly waterless Vor tex triple seal valve (TSV), which has been designed to cut urinal run ning bills by over half, at the same time as eliminating bad urinal smells, and blockages commonly experienced in flushing urinals Ending the need for water, the eco friendly, retro fit Vor tex valve typically saves 100 000 litres of clean water and 105kg CO2 per urinal per year It also prevents air borne infections caused by flushing urinals which have been shown to spread 500 000 germs per inch per flush landing on skin surfaces and clothing spreading viruses including Covid 19 influenza and norovirus The Vor tex TSV fits 98% of all urinals, which means that businesses can retain their existing urinal bowls, and it also provides the fastest draining waterless urinal solu tion on the market Utilising

A Compostable Straw That Does Not Go Soggy in Your Drink?

Visit https://smar tilimited com/ or call 01392 311 202 for a no obligation washroom sur vey and quote See the adver t on page 3 for fur ther details How to Cut Water Use, Bills and CO2 in One Simple Step 36 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127

process to be recycled They break down naturally in the presence of oxygen and sun light, meaning they will disinte grate in landfill or ocean condi tions without any negative impacts on the environment

‘Great ser vice , always on time and great value for money Would recommend to any venue big or small Saves a lot of time and energ y when we are all busy ’ Lloyd Price , Proprietor



Not only is the experience improved but unlike other eco friendly alternatives such as PLA, they do not need any spe cial waste sep aration or an industrial

Beautifully uncomplicated uniquely Kiln’s fully stoneware

Agave straws break down naturally in as little as 12 months, but unlike paper they do not disintegrate or go sogg y when submerged in drinks Instead they pro vide a similar drinking experience to plastic This makes them the perfect choice for bars & restaurants ser ving high end cocktails or smoothies, delivering a much improved drinking experience for your cus tomers

Kiln creates a perfect setting to make food look stunning, the new freckling technique is designed to frame food yet is

different on ever y piece

Operating in over 3000 venues nationwide , Clear Brew are the beer line cleaning professionals that you can rely on to help reduce waste , save money and time , and improve the quality of the draught products you ser ve your customers

concerns have been highlighted

‘Kiln’ tableware launched this year is a true celebration of British craftsmanship from iconic potters, Denby Using age old potter y methods, Kiln has a calming colour palette of chalk white and hues of oatmeal and grey with a hand decorated freckling glaze effect


In Mexico, the relationship between the Agave plant and the people has been long inter twined Within the region there are hundreds of variations of the plant in different shapes and sizes but in recent years, the plant has been mostly used to produce alcoholic bev erages Introduction of Agave straws to the UK mar ket is the result of a collaboration between Penka & Buzz Catering which aims to continue a long standing local tradition whilst creating a truly sustainable prod uct that contributes to solving a global environmental issue


By David Bone , Foodser vice Channel Manager, Weetabix

(QUOTE REF BII10) 01209 219889 freeclean@clearbrew co uk See the adver t on page 9

SUSTAIN ABLE DESIGN: There s no need to p ace B oMaster nto a stand alone location It can slot into the kitc hen In ets can be placed within counter s or in line w th the d shwasher to rep ace scrapping bins For fur ther information see the adver t below or visit www.meiko

E: sales@stephens catering com W: www stephenscateringequipment com

Large bins of food waste are costly to collect and cause hygiene health and safety, pest and smell issues

LABOUR: B oMaster nlets prevent double handling They can be sited in kitc hens , prep areas and dishwash, sav ing labour and improving ergonomics by reducing secondar y handling

Regular collection costs are rising but one way to cut these costs and improve hygiene is by switching to on site food waste processing

Meiko’s BioMaster range features a hygienic stainless steel hopper which can stand alone or be built into tabling BioMaster pulverises all typi cal food waste including oil, grease , liquids, fish skins and flowers This is then pumped automatically to on site sealed storage for collection by tanker Collections could change to being ever y few months instead of weekly or for t nightly, saving a small for tune

Meiko BioMaster uses minimal water, is simple and safe to operate cuts labour and saves floorspace by

Stephens Catering Equipment (SCE) are the premier catering and food ser vice equipment firm in Ireland and the UK, with 50 years track record of delivering some of the most prestigious landmark projects across the market Working with a variety of clients from concept, design build install and commissioning thereafter to maintain and ser vice the equipment to ensure clients

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

We are proud to have designed, supplied & installed catering equipment to Clayton Hotel, Bristol E: sales@stephens T: 028 2586 1711 / 01412 660031 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

EFFICIENCY: BioMaster processes all typica kitc hen food waste inc luding oils and fats The slurr y is pumped to stor age tanks Multiple smal user s suc h as a high street parade of food reta ler s or a food cour t could share BioMaster

BioMaster stops food waste going to landfill and prevents discharge of food residue and fats from plate waste to drains

objectives are consistently met

The SCE team are delighted to have played a role in the completion of this impressive project which saw the Clayton Hotel located in the hear t of Bristol open its doors in March 2022 Stephens Catering Equipment has extensive experience across all sectors but is par ticularly specialised in delivering optimal food ser vice solutions for the hospitality industr y Commenting on the project, Ian Manson, Sales Director of Stephens Catering Equipment said, “We were delighted to design, install and project manage the Fit Out of the Clayton Hotel, Bristol We wish them great success in the future ”

Stephens Catering Equipment were awarded the con tract for the commercial kitchen Fit Out at Clayton Hotel, Bristol Stephens worked for McAleer & Rushe Construction on the installation of a highly efficient kitchen ser ver y and kitchen extract system for the new hotel The full remit included: Ber to’s Cooking Equipment, Rational self cleaning combination ovens, Foster Refrigeration Moffat Fabrication Hobar t Warewashing, and the extraction system was complet ed by Bridge Air

T: 028 25861711/ 0141 2660031

Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 37

Cut Bin Collection Costs

Stephens Catering Equipment

replacing scrapping bins and wheelies

Unit 6 Thames Trading Centre,Woodrow Way,Irlam,Manchester M44 6BP. E: | T: Int 0161 775 2942 W: FloorTech® - At the Forefront of Flooring Technology The latest SPH515 hood type dish washer from Smeg Foodser vice , has a new and patented hood lifting design making it one of the lightest in the industr y and effor tless for all operators in any installation Fitted with the all new 3 stage , inter locking water filtration system the SPH515 ensures excellent wash per formance and results As standard, the machine has a drain pump, break tank and rinse and booster pump ensuring safe , reliable and consistent results with ever y wash The hood mounted soft touch con trols are easily accessible and provide simplicity for understanding and opera tion of the machine For time sensitive sites requiring rapid throughput, there are 7 dedicated wash cycles with the fastest cycle being just one minute The powerful wash pump delivers a superior wash and due to the machine’s soft star t function, it does so without damaging delicate items Thanks to the SPH515’s double skinned, fully insulated hood there is reduced noise and lower energ y con sumption Visit www smegfoodser vice co uk THE ALL NEW - SPH515 Hood Type Dishwasher Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 39 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

By choosing a FloorTech® commercial kitchen floor you are protecting the welfare of your staff by invest ing in the safest flooring system on the market Trazcon® has cer tified slip ratings and has superb upgrade potential for future modifications

e g increase anti skid change colour scheme etc Our

Trazcon® Decór is primarily used in commercial kitchen and food prep areas, mixing baking & rooms, chill rooms, ingredient stores, connecting corridors, gowning rooms and wash rooms thereby creating a safe and fit for purpose working environment

FloorTech® flooring systems are HACCP cer tified ensuring that our customers have the most hygienic floor system

Our FloorTech® flooring systems are HACCP certified ensuring that our customers have the most hygienic floor system.

E: info@floor tech com T: Int 0161 775 2942 W: www floor tech co uk


Commercial kitchen floors are constantly being exposed to spillages such as fats oils grease , detergents and acids Add heavy footfall to mix and you have the potential create an extremely hazardous envi ronment

Choose a FloorTech® commercial kitchen floor and protect the welfare of your staff.

Trazcon® has certified slip ratings and has superb upgrade potential for future modifications.

Cemco undertake Service and Repairs to ALL Commercial Dishwasher and Glasswasher Manufacturers Including Hobart, Electrolux, Meiko, Winterhalter to name a few CEMCO carry out repairs, servicing and routine maintenance to all makes and models of commercial catering equipment, including dishwashers and glasswashers We can also supply you with a new or used dishwasher simply Contact Us for details of available Used Stock We are based in Bournemouth & Poole and cover the whole of Dorset, along with the neighbouring counties of Somerset, Devon, Hampshire and Wiltshire Trust CEMCO for commercial catering dishwasher servicing! Call us now, on 01202 377205 for a free quote to repair your dishwasher Specialists in Servicing, Repairs and Maintenance of all Commercial Catering Equipment Cemco (The Catering Equipment Maintenance Company) Cemco (The Catering Equipment Maintenance Company) first opened for business in 1990 and have been ser ving Dorset Wiltshire Somerset Bath and the rest of the South and Southwest ever since We offer a full range of ser vices, including ser vicing and repairs for all commercial catering appliances, rang ing from small local projects to major national work, and ever ything in between Specialising in commercial Glasswasher and Dishwasher repairs sales and ser vice our reputation is second to none We can offer you a no obligation quote now, so con tact us for more information CEMCO also carr y out repairs to commercial cater ing equipment Dishwashers Glasswashers Ovens Grills Bournemouth Poole Dorset and The Southwest We under take repairs and ser vicing to ALL types makes and models of commercial catering equipment A repair is often far cheaper then a replacement! 30 Years in this Industr y gives us the edge over our competitors, with time ser ved Commercial Catering Equipment Engineers our clients have found we save them the cost of purchasing new equipment time after time why buy new when a guaran teed repair is often all your Catering Equipment requires We are based in Bournemouth & Poole , covering the whole of Dorset, as well as Somerset, Hampshire and Wiltshire

On the stand was a working demo of a Rational Combi Oven and the New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by par tner Pump Technolog y Ltd

Call 01202 377205 now to arrange a site visit

(previously known as Rational Technical Ser vices UK Ltd ) demon strated its Combi Oven equipment to commercial kitchen operators at the recent HRC ExCel London Exhibition

It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet This means that the installation footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated

Potential users were shown a number of significant advantages that this combi oven drainage pump offered

The build quality of the submersible wastewater pump was also a discussion point, with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement, especially considering the hot wastewater tempera tures and potential grease which these units have to handle

40 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

R TEC Ser vices & Innovation Ltd

This proved a focal point for Combi Oven manufactures, installers, mainte nance engineers and users alike

The triangular low level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens

It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a winner and will soon be featuring in combi oven installations ever ywhere

New DrainMinor C (Combi Oven Pump) Creates Considerable Interest Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

Ver y noticeable when viewing the exhibition demon stration tank with its clear side window was the large , triangular, low level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease , fat and food par ticles before the reli able star t/stop operation of the pump is affected

Lighting in these spaces is much lower and atmospheric with softer, deli cate furnishings that bring an extra layer of comfor t to guests Check in ser vices are typically automated, coupled with the ability to order conven ient room ser vice , minimising contact with staff so they can get to their workplace , event, or destination more efficiently

Although we can be excited about returning to original briefs that made hospitality venues a place of escapism, it is impor tant that operators learn from the experience of the last two years and evolve with it not doing so could have disastrous implications for the hospitality industr y

On top of highchairs, Helo also supplies commercial baby changing units These units are manufactured to the highest quali ty standards which helps create a safe versatile and long lasting baby changer Both our horizontal and ver tical units are tested up to 100kg and include dual purpose heavy duty fixings for guaranteed peace of mind

For more information visit Home Helo Commercial High Chairs (www hel o co uk) or give us a call on 01284 772400 or sales@hel o co uk and we’ll do what we can to help

But, with the resurgence of hospitality in full flow thanks to the summer of Staycation it’s timely to consider how hospitality briefs have changed during this turbulent period

The venue altered its approach to lighting, check in, food and beverage offering and finishes, in order to quickly meet the demands of its guests

and par tner with local suppliers to offer different dining experiences

Wellness is now at the forefront of ever y design decision These spaces need to be inviting for guests who are apprehensive about returning to large crowds again As such, maximum capacities have been reassessed, with management teams including a cer tain amount of flex within elaborate con tingency plans Also finishes across all spaces are more durable Due to increased cleaning, antimicrobial fabrics and materials are favoured

When designing interiors for hospitality venues near airpor ts, major

Catering for Children More Important Than Ever Design and Refit

In longer stay spaces furnishings and finishes have improved durability meaning they have an extended lifespan and quality doesn’t deteriorate from overuse Also, lighting is set to ‘task lighting’, meaning it is brighter and replicates ever yday life at home , rather than atmospheric lighting that can lead to over relaxation As expected, the food and beverage offering is dif ferent too Rather than ‘quick fix’ meals guests are offered holistic menus

During the last two years a number of hospitality venues have been faced with this challenge The Cour tyard by Marriot at London City Airpor t had to deal with this first hand, with KKAI having to alter its interior plans to meet the demands of longer term guests having to complete isolation peri ods after international travel, rather than a quick stop over

The Changing World Of Hospitality Interiors

These venues provide a different experience from longer stay spaces from the lighting, check in or food and beverage offering

Across the architecture industr y we have seen client briefs change at a moment’s notice Hospitality spaces that were designed for shor t term stays were hosting guests for longer periods due to the demands of self isolation, and thus, weren’t meeting their demands albeit in the most unprecedented of circum stances However, we ’ ve demonstrated the ability to respond with the nimbleness required to adapt when needed

When comparing design of longer term stays, there is a large disparity in guests’ needs

As a consequence of changing consumer habits the demand for such facilities is growing from the hospitality industr y Helo is a leading UK supplier of both commercial highchairs booster seats and baby changing units The brand has been trusted to deliver quality reliable furniture to the hospitality leisure and school sectors since 1999 All our products are rigorously test ed to ensure they meet current British Standards

Helo offers an extensive range of commercial highchairs suit ed to any environment, ranging from the Eurobambino through to the Simplex Highchair Many high street chains purchase the

spor ting or music venues, the brief is targeted towards guests staying for a shor t period These spaces are perfect for the business professional work ing away from home , those away on a long weekend, and any others look ing for ‘quick fix’ accommodation that can fulfil their needs

KKAI have found first hand that there is still a demand for shor t term hospitality, with the associated considerations However, cer tain aspects are being reconsidered

By Nicola Ball, Associate Interior Designer at KKA (https://kka studio)

The differences between the two styles of venue are deeply considered, and for a venue to change to meet the demands of the other they must be ver y flexible

The hospitality industr y is ever evolving, and even more so post covid Most families are now back to eating out on a regu lar basis, however, their requisite for restaurants has changed Families are seeking clean, reliable , and hygienic facilities to accommodate their youngsters which now plays a huge role when selecting an appropriate dining venue

The world of hospitality interiors is changing The pandemic has taught busi nesses the combination of agility and robust contingency plans have proven priceless

42 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127

Eurobambino Helo s bestselling highchair The Eurobambino is constructed from Rubber Wood and is available in a variety of finishes making it suitable for all decors, ranging from classic wood stains to more vibrant options Fur ther, the highchair is stackable up to 4 units thanks to its exceptional strength and design, this allows for compact, discreet storage in any location

The unit is installed in a cupboard to the rear of the block and provides quiet, efficient operation

The installation of the roof garden toilet block has proved to be an excellent investment with the whole space enjoying more visitors who stay for longer For more positive solutions and inspiration, visit www saniflo co uk

London Roof Garden Boasts Toilet Block Thanks to Saniflo

We keep in stock a huge variety of items ready for immediate dispatch and fulfil a wide range of bespoke orders deliver to all areas UK,


Design and Refit

Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 43 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Early in 2022 the team running the venue came to a consensus that the dis tance of the nearest WC’s was hindering the experi ence for clients and staff alike; customers had to descend the winding staircase back to the Royal Festival Hall in the main building

A wireless alarm offers early warning of any issues

We not just a time hospitality and leisure establishments complete


The Queen Elizabeth Hall at the iconic Southbank Centre has a stunning roof garden and café overlook ing the Thames Filled with wildflowers and attracting bees and insects from all over London it is a place to socialise , dine and even work when the weather is fine

of the

clearance ser vice We'll organ ise ever ything from a suitable time and date , profession al clearance staff to remove contract furniture whether fitted or unfitted 01733 310 115 sales@mayfairfurniture co uk www mayfairfurniture co uk


stack some 40m away

supplier ; we understand that from time to

Mayfair Furniture

like to give themselves a fresh new look That's why not only do we supply contract furniture , but when it s time for your establishment to go through a refurbishment we also offer a


Richard Riley from building contractor Eleven London, was contracted to construct a wooden toilet block with two separate WC’s and hand basins With no gravity drainage available in proximity of the new block, a pumping solution was going to be the only way to discharge the waste away to the nearest soil

Mayfair Furniture will be celebrating 10 years this year of providing the UK’s fastest and affordable commercial furniture Supplying all kinds of establishments from high end hotel chains to small local takeaways

& Europe

With input from the Saniflo technical team, including a visit to site to assess the potential run of pipework a Sanicubic Pro 2 lifting station with twin pumps and a wireless alarm was specified and installed by Richard and his plumber This powerful unit uses alternate pumps when operating normally, but in the unlikely event of a pump failure can switch to single pump operation in order to provide continuity of operation at all times

tainability commitments with proven and genuinely renew able technolog y

So long as there is an existing gas connection the AD & ADplus can help bridge towards the next generation of more cost effective sustainable technologies, such as hydrogen in the gas grid

But with so many compa nies already using gas, and aware of the cost implica tions that come with system replacements, Adveco has developed two new ranges of direct fired condensing water heaters the AD and the ADplus for instanta neous demands Both ranges provide a compact, floor standing design that is easy to introduce into an existing plant room High efficiency translates into 30% savings in fuel consumption, making it more cost effective , while reducing emissions Both AD and ADplus exhibit ultra low NOX and CO emis sions


The CardsSafe system is specifically designed to securely retain customer credit and debit cards while the cardholder runs a tab As a result, staff can securely keep customers’ bank cards while customers enjoy the facilities, allowing the team to up sell onsite The CardsSafe units are wireless which means they can sit discreetly behind the bar or POS In addition, the system does not capture data, so it never breaches GDPR

If you are wrestling with meeting calls to be more environmentally aware as a business, then it is wor th understanding that a limita tion on new gas grid con nections for heating systems becomes effective this year However, this mandate does not apply to already con nected buildings For the time being, if a hospitality business uses gas and is intending to refurbish prem ises then it can upgrade to new condensing gas fired appliances until 2035 without fear of breaching new buildings regulations This pro vides a safety net while assessing new low carbon tech nolog y options prior to the 2035 deadline

CARDSSAFE Over 5000 brands in the UK use CardsSafe Young’s pubs, Hilton Hotels, Lord’s cricket ground, and many independent restaurants and bars utilise the system Benefits to using CardsSafe in bars, restaurants and pubs: Managing customer tabs Helping to increase spending, therefore profits • It is a significant deterrent for dine & dash • Offer s customer s secur ity against credit card fraud • Pays for itself by reducing call bac k No data is captured • Wireless • Customer s have peace of mind that the r bank cards are kept safely and keep the unique key! Average spend is up and chargeback has vir tually dis appeared after we installed CardsSafe which really puts our customers minds at rest Timothy, Young’s Bar Manager


www adveco co

Concept to Fit-Out with CFG Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Gas Water Heating & Sustainability


Opting for a heat pump based all electric hot water system is going to considerably reduce emissions, but comes with additional capital costs despite the govern ment’s boiler replacement scheme which is open to small businesses For those on gas it is well wor th considering the implementation of solar thermal pre heat for gas fired systems if you wanted to make sus

Each CardsSafe unit contains ten card drawers that can be hired for just £9 99 per month In addition each hire comes with customer ser vice troubleshooting, free replacement keys, and additional units can be added at any time The question is can you afford not to have CardsSafe as a par t of your business? For more information, please visit www cardssafe com Or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040 Benefits of CardsSafe for Your Business Design and Refit 44 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127 A COMPLETE SERVICE The Contract Furniture Group offers pubs, bars, restaurants and hotels an end to end fit out ser vice; from theme concepts & interior design, to bespoke joiner y and final fitting Recent projects range from the creation of a new private dining space in an exclusive restaurant, to the complete refurbishment of hundreds of bedrooms & public areas for an international hotel brand Specialist divisions including customised fabrica tion, soft furnishings and installation mean the firm is well positioned to plan and execute all types of work on time and on budget WELL ESTABLISHED. WELL POSITIONED Formed in the late 1990s, the Contract Furniture Group has consistently grown to become one of the leading trade only manufacturers and distributors of quality furnishings fixtures and fittings for the hospitali ty industr y Its creative team relentlessly tracks the lat est trends in interior design for commercial environments; and its sourcing team utilises suppliers around the world to ensure customers can achieve stunning results whatever the level of investment DELIVERING ON A GLOBAL SCALE The Contract Furniture Group holds around 30,000 stock items at any given time As well as the ability to supply on demand, the business prides itself on its capacity to produce tailored and completely bespoke solutions to meet specific client requirements Highly skilled upholsterers work on and off site to quickly turn classic and contemporar y furniture designs into individualised collections to meet brand standards Experienced craftsmen create and fit custom made installations including bars, flooring, fixed seating, light ing case goods and all other elements of a complete commercial venue fit out With it’s creative and craftsman capabilities, Contract Furniture Group truly sets itself apar t from other sup pliers Whether businesses need instant, low cost replacement items, or unique design led pieces to really make a venue special Contract Furniture Group has the experience and exper tise to deliver For information or to order visit www.contractfurniture

High quality contract grade furniture is impor tant in any venue , but none more so than in outdoor seating areas, where it needs to look good while lasting through many unpredictable British summers


provides the ultimate in durable comfor t For more information please call 0116 298 9842 or fill in our contact form at www trentfurniture co uk/contact us Make the Most of Summer with Outdoor Furniture Keep It Cool Keep it Cool are the South West’s leading Independent Aircon, Refrigeration and Catering company, with almost 20 years of trading with small family concerns to large multi nationals We spe cialise in the ver y latest Co2 refrigeration systems, giving the highest energ y efficiency and lowest envi ronmental impact Whilst our Air con team, install market leading air con systems with high energ y efficiency heating and cooling to cafes, pubs and large offices Our catering teams fix, repair appliances and also fit new kitchens from small to large As you can see from our photo we also hire and supply fridge/freezer trailers be it for Glastonbur y, weddings, additional space for peak season or emer gency use if a cold room fails Please feel free to call 01237 423304 and discuss your needs Please feel free to call 01237 423304 and discuss your needs The South West’s leading Independent Aircon, Refrigeration and Catering company Design and Refit Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 45 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

For beer gardens, nothing beats the traditional picnic bench Trent Furniture’s new Chunky Picnic Table is available in three sizes The 4cm rustic slats

Hardwearing black synthetic rattan is handwoven over a rust resistant alu minium frame to create a durable chair that pairs effor tlessly with the hardened glass topped Plaza Table

Trent Furniture supply a huge range of outdoor furni ture for pubs, cafes and restaurants A firm favourite is the Monaco Stacking Chair Available in wood effect, alu minium or a strong woven synthetic wicker finish in natural, black, red or green, this durable and stylish chair looks great in any outdoor setting, can be stacked up to 10 high, and is currently on offer from only £39 90

Alternatively, the Plaza Chair is a cool and contem porar y choice for your out door seating

star ting at just £145 90

oak finished spruce wood with smooth tim ber



included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selec tion of priced made to order seat ing in a selection of Faux Leather upholster y colours and wood frame colours These products can also be supplied to customer specifica tion, just ask for details


What a Do

can be sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site

46 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising


For You?

Design and Refit

What can a TROLLEY do for you? BOOST YOUR SALES ENHANCE YOUR SERVICE SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY! Standard or custom-made trolleys with your own choice of: • COLOUR • SIZE • STYLE at affordable prices! www.euroservice Freephone: 0800 917 7943 e: The elegant ser vice trolley is an essential element of high tea You could say this popular tradition in the hospitality world isn’t complete with out it! Euroser vice s range of trolleys are a perfect comple ment to this popular ser vice and will add that touch of class Hotels, conference centres, restaurants and coffee shops are sure to find a model to suit their décor uroser vice trolleys range from ver y traditional designs to more contemporar y models Any trolley, any size , any colour! The use of a trolley will not only enhance your ser vice but alleviate all too frequent staff shor t ages to ensure a swift and elegant ser vice Trolleys are invaluable to good ser vice and with a choice of style and colours to suit your envi ronment you are sure to find the right trolley for you Contact our friendly sales team today and find out how much a trolley can do for you! Freephone: 0800 917 7943 e: sales@euroser vice www euroser vice uk com New Ranges from ILF Continue to Expand email;terr With the continued success of the ILF Chairs comprehensive website ILF have now added to the 2 chairs already stocked in 7 colours, a stock armchair in 7 dif ferent Faux colours, matching the chairs, plus a 7 colour range stock of Egger laminated table tops in a selection of sizes A full range of table bases are also kept in stock Their new online website offers both indoor and outdoor seating and table solutions Divided into Contemporar y seating, Barstools, Lounge Seating Period Seating Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height tables, offer ing a great selection of products to view at your leisure Also included now an extensive range of stock seating, barstools, table bases and table tops Most made to order indoor seat ing and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style

Vicaima, as one of the leading European expo nents of contem porar y joiner y solutions, including interiors doors, doorsets wall pan els and associated furniture products have just intro duced a new brand for profes sionals called Infinity

Imaginative and Integrated Interior Design, Vicaima Makes It Real! Design and Refit

Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 47

No longer constrained by conventional limitations, Infinity provides scope for interior design professionals to think beyond what they thought was possible , towards what they would ideally like to achieve Whether creating a theme that brings rhythm and repe tition, or a more dramatic and contrasting vision with pronounced statement pieces, Infinity can make it real Infinity permits almost endless possibilities when it comes to visual aspect with choice of colour tone pat tern and even the perception of texture This enables interior designers and specifiers complete flexibility when aiming to deliver bespoke project solutions However, for those professionals looking for insight from the Vicaima exper ts in trends and fashions, Infinity’s top three collections offer a myriad of fresh inspiration Select from either wood, stone or metal for an immersive experience which includes among many others, Spalted Maple , Terrazo Amber and Antique Patina

While flexible aesthetic design is the hallmark of Infinity, it should not be forgotten that as a Vicaima brand, superior quality and performance are integral to all elements Exceeding industr y recognised standards and in the case of doors and doorkits, third par ty fire accredited to both TRADA and the British Woodworking Federation, all products are environmen tally produced and FSC cer tificated

For more information or to request a brochure visit www vicaimainfinity com

Infinity marks a new era in design for interiors whether in public commercial or residential applica tions Expanding, evolving and elevating both the cre ative process and eventual project realisation by combining visionar y image technolog y with industr y leading joiner y manufacture , to achieve outstanding results

Once the design and hues have been chosen, it is then a matter of selecting which joiner y elements can be combined to reflect the desired theme Here Infinity broadens horizons and uniquely permits creators to match and play with individual pieces in a way that has traditionally been limited Blending integral building ele ments such as interior door assemblies and decorative wall panels with more ephemeral components like wardrobes and furniture to achieve the perfect balance

Combining their extensive experi ence within this sector with the latest technological advancements in image realisation, they present a major step forward for the world of interior design, enabling creative vision to be made real, with imaginative design composition that encompasses multiple elements

For almost 15 years, Capify has worked closely with the hospitality sector, pro viding business owners with much needed funding We’ve been there through some difficult times like the 2008 recession and Covid 19, and have continued to lend even when the banks have said no We’ve recently conducted a Business Confidence Sur vey and found that cash flow and cash reser ves are key concerns for business owners across the UK Over half of those who responded also said they lack confidence in their exist ing banking par tners to meet any future borrowing needs We re proud to have created an accessible business loan which is both quick and easy to apply for, and, once approved, the funds can be paid out in as little as 24 hours The finance can be used for any business purpose whether that s: • Managing shor t term cash flow issues • Purc hasing extra food and dr ink • Hir ing additional staff • Purc hasing new cater ing equipment Our flexibility means we will tr y and look beyond your credit histor y when assessing your application and instead, we will consider whether your business has the potential to deliver solid and sustained growth If you’d like to find out how much finance you qualify for, visit www capify co uk/hospitality fund You’ll be taken to Capify’s website where you can get a no obligation quote within minutes You’ll also be able to find out more information about the busi ness loan and the unique and straightforward repayments To find out more visit www capify co uk/hospitality fund or call us on 0800 151 0980 to speak to one of our specialist finance sale team Capify - We're Here to Support Your Hospitality Business

The proliferation of direct to consumer apps can enable even the smallest business to trade online and reach a wider audience The pan demic has also encouraged many smaller traders to consider their own online ordering and pick up/ deliver y operations Investment



Here are five top tips to help hospitality and foodser vice businesses mitigate the business risks of a changing climate:

48 CLH DIGITAL Issue 127

your suppliers


can often make the difference between a

Hotels are doing well in the current hospitality market In terms of average daily rate and average occupancy rate the figures have far exceeded pre covid 2019 figures We are anticipating for this trend to continue onwards for at least to the next 12 18 months For example on one hotel that we are carefully assessing and monitoring the currentoccu pancy is over 100% with the entr y categor y room star ting at £140 per night and therefore due to the demand and shor tage of supply we had to transfer those guests to near by hotels The average daily rate has increased over 100% as well, showing that there is peak demand


Hotels do make a profit from shor t stays, subject to the quality or the categor y of the hotel (whether it is a five star or four star, etc) A four star hotel doesn’t mean that it is of low quality, it just means that it is of a standard quality If these types of categories have other revenue streams more focused on food and beverage then they can improve on the revenue on top of the room revenue that they make Speaking in London, an average person would stay for two nights, so that is roughly anywhere from 27 47% net profit on one room from food & beverage alone For the rest of the UK, it is subject to the des

If you would like to secure funding to invest in the future operations of your restaurant, hotel or catering business, you may consider a business loan To get a free no obligation quote , and find out more about our innovative business loan, contact Capify on 08001510980 or visit www Capify co uk

tination you are looking at If it was one of the major gateway cities across the countries, then a similar theme would follow London with revenue and current demand

The Property Market Within The Hospitality Sector - Do Hotels Profit from Short-Stay Holidays and Is This On the Rise in the UK?

and look after your staff rota with plenty of scheduled breaks, water provision and reg ular health checks on all, especially those who may be most at risk from extreme heat the elderly, pregnant or those with underlying health conditions

As the UK battles record temperatures, many climatologists believe extreme weather will become the future norm The foodser vice and hospitality sector is one industr y which is directly impacted by condi tions outside So how will businesses need to evolve to meet changing demand as the mercur y rises and falls?

Property and Professional

We as hotel investors are seeing an improvement in terms of inward investment in the hotel sector We are also seeing less of a trend in spending a significant capital expenditure on big improvements, but rather on softer capital expenditure Doing heavy refurbishments are now not as much of an interest for owners/investors as they’re tr ying to minimise on their expenditures and improvements and maximise the profitabilities Once they have reached a cer tain benchmark of returns then they will close the hotel down to make big improvements and make a higher ADR

By Korosh Farazad - Entrepreneur, Investor, Author and Speaker - Founder of the Farazad Group (www koroshfarazad com)

Demand for hotels in big cities, like London, will

and a negative hospitality experience So, be aware of worker

How to manage operations in heat waves and cold snaps

As the weather changes, so do consumer tastes But supply chains may also become more robust (and cost effective) if your menu adapts to seasonal availability Ingredient costs, especially if locally sourced, will fluc tuate with the natural growing or rearing cycle Carefully monitoring your input costs through cashflow management software such as Agicap (https://agicap com/en/sector/restaurants/) can enable you to adjust your procurement or pricing strateg y to mitigate seasonal cost increases from

With the right equipment, you can make outside areas more suitable to covers all year round Heating and coverage can keep your gardens and covered patio spaces commercially viable throughout rain and cold The same is true of internal dining, where air conditioning or open facades can be a welcome relief from scorching temperatures outside

Staff positive wellbeing

If the quality and standard of the rooms in the hotel meet the guest expectations, the price for that par tic ular room matches the expectations of the consumer as well and therefore has more profitability Hotels can also change the price of the room depending on the day similar to the stock market in a way which is a trend that is happening in the UK but across western European countries as well For example , the price for a room on a Thursday is likely cheaper than that of a Friday, usually for around 20% and affects those shor t term extended weekends


Extreme Weather and The Hospitality Sector

in a secure online ordering por tal (on your own site or via a third par ty) can pro vide a valuable revenue stream when adverse weather impacts footfall

Businesses need demand analytics, not just weather forecasts, to understand and address drivers of sales volatility It is likely that, in extreme heat, customers’ menu choices will differ from those in more benign conditions Lighter meals, more cold foods and non alcoholic drinks will be more popular in peak summer for example Equally when the temperature drops, or rain is falling, consumer behaviours and menu choices will change in line with the conditions

Adapting your operations and embracing change will result in a more effective and efficient business; one that is better equipped for today and the future This will equate to a better customer experience and have a positive impact on your bottom line

always be there London for example is a cosmopolitan city and ever y par t of the world wants to come here It is seen as a high demand destination in terms of food and beverage , diversified concepts and for hotels

turn benefits the owners as well as the Team Members themselves

The largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost, so,

with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business

Issue 127 CLH DIGITAL 49

The Westmorland Inn, Bowness-On-Windermere Comes on the Market

SOMERSET TOWN Impressive 120 Cover Café/Takeway Impressive 6 Figure Net Profits Trading Day Time Only Outstanding Catering Business Well Presented & Equipped FH £625 000 2147 DORSET VILLAGE Detached Countr y Inn & Restaurant Award Winning Business Bar/Restaurant (60+) Al Fresco Seating (50+) 3 Ensuite Letting Beds & Owners Apartment Commercial Kitchen Car Park & Garage FH £625,000 4822 01392 201262 www stonesmith co uk T H E W E S T C O U N T R Y S P E C I A L I S T S THINKING OF SELLING? C ALL FOR A FREE VALUATION DEVON COUNTRY VILLAGE Beautifully Restored Countr y Village Inn 8 Quality Ensuite Letting Bedrooms Lovely Restaurant Areas (65+) Al Fresco Seating Area (76) Strong Turnover & Profits FH £625,000 4817 SOMERSET VILLAGE Substantial Former Farmhouse Refurbished To High Standard Flexible Business & Home Opportunity Offering 6 Individual Bedrooms Sauna Hot Tub Gardens & Private Parking FH £549 950 6009 EAST DEVON COAST Attractive Licensed Restaurant Busy Prime Trading Location Restaurant Seating 42+ Well Equipped Catering Kitchen Deliberately Restricted Opening Hours LH £39 950 2109 DEVON COUNTRY VILLAGE Well Renowned Countr y Village Inn Set In Around 2 ½ Acres Character Restaurant Areas (94+) Al Fresco Seating For 120+ & Car Park Exceptional Business Opportunity LH £95 000 4821 DEVON VILLAGE Countr y Village Destination Inn Bar Areas (32+) Dining Room (43) 4 En Suite Letting Rooms 3 Bed Private Car Park (50) Patio & Beer Garden (50+) Separate 3 Bed Detached Cottage FH £695,000 4824 DEVON TOWN Licensed Thai Restaurant High Street Trading Position Restaurant Areas (40+) Commercial Catering Kitchen Impressive Turnkey Opportunity LH £15 000 2142 DARTMOOR DEVON High Quality Licensed 78 Cover Café Substantial Trade Levels & Net Profits Run Under Full Management Spacious Owner s/Manager s Apartment Outstanding Business Opportunity LH £265,000 2144 The Westmorland Inn is quite simply a brilliant business that is only available as the owners wish to retire With a highly rated restaurant & pub for the past 4 years on Trip Advisor the new owners can be assured of a great business moving forward With a large lower ground floor restaurant fully equipped commercial kitchen bar area with additional mezzanine area and then 8 great en suite letting rooms Is this a bar with a restaurant and letting rooms a restaurant with a bar and rooms or a B & B with bar and restaurant we d suggest all 3 The restaurant offers good traditional food, the cosy bar has a range of 5 real ales, draft lagers, wines, spirits and a large selec tion of gins together with ever ything else one might expect Each of the 8 letting rooms are en suite and are neatly presented and furnished The business is currently owner operated but managed allowing the new owner to do as little or as much as they like Also, with opening hours star ting at 1pm except Sundays which opens earlier for Sunday lunch there is scope to enhance the business If the new owner wanted to open and offer break fast and lunchtime food this would increase both the food and beverage sales within the business as the letting rooms are on a room only rate

We can help you to manage ‘difficult’ people situations, to improve your operational planning, to recruit, train and manage your team better, creating a more productive pleasant and ‘’retaining’’ working environment

To the rear of the proper ty is an adjoining 3 bedroomed house , for either the owner to live on site or as staff accommodation

We have a ver y good record in helping Hospitality business owners to implement processes that improve how they manage their people , which in

We will help you build a workable planned Marketing Strateg y We don t do fancy, posh or expensive we just recommend what our experience says will actually work for your business

Why Use a Specialist Hospitality Consultant?

Prominently positioned on Lake Road, just before the Royalty Cinema towards the top of the popular tourist village of Bowness On Windermere on the main road leading from Windermere to Bowness

Profitability Operational Strateg y Staff Management Marketing and The Future of your business

It’s no longer enough to rely on word of mouth and repeat business You need to employ a wealth of skills in a number of areas to ensure that your Marketing is attracting new customers and engaging with existing customers

To book a viewing call 01539 444461 or see the adver t on this page for fur ther details

Right now we are experiencing massive increases in the cost of the raw materials that we buy both Food and Drink We will take that fully into consideration When was the last time that you fully and meticulously costed out and priced correctly, ever y dish on your menu both Food and Drinks?

Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now need ed more than ever From Managing the Managers through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development



Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter your Restaurant Consultant will work on with you and improve with you


And YES Covid19 changed a lot of things We need to learn from those things!

Our exper ts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business

Property and Professional

All in all, this huge building amounting to over 6000sq ft or 560m2 needs to be seen to appreciate

From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online adver tising to print design Promotions and offline adver tising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’


With over 30 years of industr y experience in the Hospitality sec tor, The Bowden Group’s Managing Consultant David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements:

David will also be on hand to give you extra (and this can be without any extra charge) suppor t through our Sprowts4Mentoring system, to analyse , ever y single week, your business performance figures giving you weekly analysis and concise repor ts, with appropriate guidance , to optimise your business’s Sales, Profitability and Staff Management

Answer: because can help your business to succeed


If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better, give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a Free of Charge initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer), when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you

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