CLH Digital - Issue #130

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Female Workers Step Up to Keep UK Pubs Afloat as World Cup Looms

www CLHNews co uk CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews Issue 130
Ahead of next month’s World Cup and the upcoming Christmas period it’s women who will be keeping the UK’s pubs and bars flowing, according to a new repor t of over 2 3 million shifts worked in the UK s hospitality sector so far in 2022 The new repor t analysing shift work in the UK hospitality sector has revealed a large increase in women taking on the available shifts in pubs and bars to keep them open during the sector’s staffing crisis (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 )

Editor's Viewpoint

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital

We were delighted to see our front page stor y leading with the news that women are “step ping up to keep pubs afloat” with shift work as we lead into the World Cup

So I thought I would do a little bit of digging in the histor y of women workers in the pub sec tor

I have to say it was lit tle bit of a minefield!

Last thing I wanted to do was come across as “sexist”, so there are one or two bits of my research I think I will leave out!

Looking back at some of our stories I noted that in 2020 for the first time in more than two decades all four of the top accolades at the Class Bar Awards were won by women

The UK wide gongs for Bar tender of the Year, Bar Manager of the Year, Bar of the Year and Bar Innovators of the Year were all either given solely to or shared by key female figures on the London bar scene!

We also ran a repor t back in 2016, which revealed that over half staff employed in pubs were female Fur thermore we also repor ted round about the same time as the num ber of female chefs in the UK had risen considerably and it was expected (although I don’t have the figures to hand) that women would outnumber men in the commercial kitchens by this year

I think this confirms the attractiveness of the hospitality industr y flexibility with shifts and par t time work career breaks, secondments and sabbaticals, all of which can fit

around family life childcare another commitments

But, more impor tantly, the oppor tunity I’ve always said it is a wonderful industr y and I have been ever so thankful that I decided to switch careers, from a trained/qualified engineer which was limited to single site factor y work, to hospitality with a variety of roles at a variety of places all of which led to a wonderful oppor tunity to progress Hard work though it is, it is often fun!

I was thrilled read another stor y (page 5) that members of the Institute of Hospitality had overwhelmingly rejected calls for a Welsh tourist tax

I was rather per turbed at the findings When one of the questions: ‘Do you feel the Welsh Tourism Tax will have a positive effect on tourism in Wales?’ was put, 65% said no and only 12% said yes with 23% saying they felt ok about it

12% of members believed that a tourist tax in Wales would have a positive effect on Wales!

I find that staggering To my mind, and it is once again only my opinion, any tax on tourism is a complete oxy moron

Tourists expect to feel welcome , appreciated and want ed, and a tourist tax is the complete antithesis of that

I think that anybody who sits round a table and the only suggestion they can offer is to either introduce or increase a tax is in the wrong job

Taxation in the hospitality and licensed on trade is crip pling it, and has been for decades, and the suggestion of yet another tax is nothing more than another nail in the coffin

For many years my family and I used to alternate between two Balearic Isle destinations Two wonderful coves tucked away on either side of the island of Majorca One year we would go to one cove , the following year to another

In 2016 the Balearic isle introduced a tourist tax To be honest we didn’t notice the first but once we did we have never been since!

A simple matter of principle , and as a vociferous oppo nent of any taxes on tourism it would be rather hypocriti cal of me to pay them!

And it hasn’t gone down well with operators over there either The Executive Vice president of FEHM, María José Aguiló said “The Tourist Tax makes Mallorca and the other Islands less appealing as a destination, par ticularly during a pandemic situation Maintaining this tax is detrimental, so either the tax has to be eliminated or modules should be adapted for companies that pay taxes under the objective estimation regime ”

I read an ar ticle online back in April when the tourism tax for Wales was first mooted which tells its own stor y:

“As a straw poll of public sentiment showed general opposition to a tourism tax The concept was variously labelled “ crazy ” , “shor t sighted” and “utter madness A number of visitors vowed to avoid Wales if the charge was introduced “I holiday in Wales three times a year but due to costs of fuel etc going up that is now only going to be once this year ” said one person “If another tax has to be paid just for holidaying in Wales, that will stop altogether ”

My concern is that once one area introduces it, it is a matter of time before other shor tsighted areas do the same , so it was refreshing to see the Institute of hospitality come out in opposition

Once again I would ask the favour, we want more Twitter followers!

So please do follow us on Twitter @CLHNews, and encourage as many people you know in the trade to sub scribe to our digital issue

Fur ther details can be seen at www catererlicensee com

Published by PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House , Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 FAX: 01202 552666 sales@catererlicensee com @CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES David Bar tlett Guy Stephenson PRODUCTION & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox Published by
EDITOR Peter Adams 2 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130 The Caterer Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd Suite 4 Roddis House Old Christchurch Rd Bournemouth Dorset Contributions are welcome for consideration however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team Whilst ever y care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom All rights reser ved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised

Female Workers Step Up to Keep UK Pubs

Afloat as World Cup Looms


According to Shashi Karunanethy, many workers are being driven to work multiple jobs and to increase their share of shift work to cope with the rising cost of living “Hospitality businesses are competing in a tight labour market by offering better wages more flexibility and cer tainty of shifts, which is encouraging more women into the workforce ” He said

Commenting on the repor t’s findings, David Kelly, General Manager for EMEA at Deputy said: Women often hold much of the purchasing power in the household making them more anxious about the rising cost of living and the upcoming cost of periods such as Christmas PUBS & BARS SEEING BOOST IN POPULARITY

“With a recession looming many women are increasing the hours they work through a second job The widespread adoption of flexible working is also allowing more women to take on a second job, par ticularly in neighbourhood pubs and bars

The repor t confirming that pubs and bars are now enjoying a boost in popularity comes as new guidance to help pubs across the countr y make the most of the upcoming World Cup has been released

The World Cup is expected to see a staggering 38 million pints, equat ing to £155million being sold in the nations pubs and bars

The guidance , which has been updated since the last tournament, out lines the key things for publicans to think about when showing World Cup matches at their premises

Compiled by the BBPA in par tnership with UKHospitality and the British Insititute of Innkeepers alongside other industr y stakeholders the shor t document gives pointers to pubs looking to screen the games, covering ever ything from staffing to creating safe environments for cus tomers

With the World Cup tournament usually providing a big boost to pubs across the UK, this will be the first time it has been held in the winter months, so some of the considerations for pubs will be different than for previous tournaments


As pubs look toward an extremely busy Halloween World Cup and Christmas period the hospitality sector as a whole is woefully under staffed with a record 174,000 jobs available (and 83% more vacancies compared to 2019), however, in an analysis of shifts worked so far in 2022, women are accounting for 44% of pub and bar hours worked compared to accounting for just over a third (35%) before the pandemic

Meanwhile the propor tion of shifts worked by men has dropped from 65% in 2019 to just over half (56%) in 2022

This is putting pubs and bars more in line with other industries in the hospitality sector such as cafes and coffee shops, which are more domi nated by female shift workers at 57%

The repor t from shift work platform, Deputy, The Big Shift: Rise of the Neighbourhood Economy reveals insights into how the hospitality industr y is coping more than two years after the pandemic

The repor t was created in par tnership with independent labour econ omist Shashi Karunanethy PhD, who provided exper t insight into market conditions and an analysis of more than 2 3 million shifts and 17 3 mil lion hours worked by 41 884 British hospitality workers

“Local and neighbourhood pubs and bars are seeing a boost in popu larity as stay at home workers spend more locally so they have more shifts available can offer competitive wages and offer flexibility through shift work This can allow women to secure additional work around nine to five jobs and childcare with the secondar y income easing some worries around rising costs ”

Recent ONS figures show the hospitality sector as a whole currently has a record 174,000 jobs available and is experiencing 83% more vacan cies compared to 2019 Consequently, shift workers are working longer hours, even compared to their average shift work hours before the pan demic or during peak shopping and festive seasons, such as Christmas, when shift work hours tend to seasonally peak

Shashi Karunanethy added: Overall, shifts worked in bars and pubs have largely returned to pre pandemic levels, outlining the strong recover y seen in the sector ”

For more information and additional findings, access the full repor t at big shift repor t


Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association said: “There really is no better place to enjoy watching a game of foot ball than at your local with friends and other fans With the World Cup fast approaching we want to help pubs prepare the best they can to make the absolute most of the oppor tuni ty to draw in customers and provide a brilliant experience for them

“We are really pleased to be able to provide this guidance alongside industr y par tners to ensure that the tournament can be enjoyed safely and successfully in venues across the UK

View and download the guidance at https://tinyurl com/2s48rdf5

Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 3

“Are We Doing Our Best To Protect Consumers?”

Food manufacturing expert discusses the importance of allergen labelling

Correct food labelling is of utmost impor tance in the food industr y, keeping consumers safe and min imising their rightfully severe concerns with regards to allergen contamination

Given that an estimated two million people suffer from a food allerg y in the UK alone , inaccurate food labelling can have disastrous consequences: one need only cast their mind to the distressing incident that prompted the introduction of Natasha’s law

There is, therefore , a high level of responsibility on the shoulders of food manufacturers, whose pri ority should be to implement reliable procedures dedicated to protecting consumers

Amongst those striving to keep this matter at the forefront is UK engineering firm adi Group Here Ian Har t, business development director of adi Projects (, one of adi’s subdivisions, discusses the procedures and risks associated with the food manufacturing process and allergen labelling requirements


The laws regulating food labelling for manufacturers var y depending on the food that is produced Producing pre packed food food that is packaged prior to being sold requires compliance with the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation (FIC) of 2014, which covers and simplifies mandator y labelling regula tions

The regulation states that all pre packaged food must have a complete ingredients list with a predetermined minimum font size , as well as a nutrition declaration There are also 14 main allergens that must be included on the label, if present These must be emphasised in some way, such as being listed in bold

The law resulted in a more standardised and consistent way of presenting food labels to consumers, which in turn made them easier to read and interpret

And the introduction of the regulation, coupled with the subsequent increase in demand of ‘free from’ food driven by the rise in expectations from consumers to be able to find safe products with more ease , resulted in even higher standards of control in food factories

However, there was still a great deal of work to be done , as was sadly proved by the death of Natasha Ednan Laperouse , who suffered an allergic reaction to an allergen in a pre packed sandwich that had not been listed amongst the ingredients

The purpose of Natasha’s Law was ultimately to tighten the regulations around lists of ingredients fur ther, increasing allergen sufferers’ confidence in pre packed food But is this enough to put consumers ’ minds at ease?


Despite consumers and manufacturers dismay at the revelation of what could happen as a result of such a ‘simple’ mistake , a variety of major supermarkets and food businesses have continued to fail to properly label their products in recent years, and consumers don’t always get to hear about the consequences

While the health risks for consumers are serious, there are significant repercussions for food manufacturers, too

For instance , potential cross contamination in a food facility can cause business owners to face substantial losses in revenue as a result of having to strip and reclean their facility or dispose of mislabelled products that have already been manufactured at a cost

And once a food safety accident has been exposed to the public as would inevitably be the case for prod uct recalls customers lose confidence in a brand, resulting in financial loss due to falls in sales


Staff awareness and proper training in food factories can help ensure staff are fully aware of the risks and the procedures required to keep products safe

And when multiple products are produced in the same factor y par ticularly products with and without allergens it’s par ticularly impor tant to ensure workers don’t carr y contamination from one par t of the facili ty to the other

This is where factor y design comes into play as designing each area to avoid cross contamination involving people materials and air borne substances is vital

For instance each factor y should have dedicated changing rooms and washing areas as well as dedicated sec tions to store raw ingredients Factories should also include first class ventilation systems to ensure potentially contaminated air doesn’t escape

From handling and storing ingredients properly to appropriate packaging and cleaning processes, food safety should be built into the design of a food manufacturing facility from the onset

Business owners should also seek to monitor their processes to identify fur ther potential risks, as well as follow Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles, which can provide a great guide to effi ciently manage operations


Food safety star ts with businesses taking the necessar y steps to ensure food safety is prioritised ever y step of the way

More and more consumers are now conscious of what they eat, carefully inspecting labels and establishing higher standards for what they are comfor table with consuming

And food manufacturers should cater to niches and niches within niches in the industr y, including the vegetarianism, veganism, organic and dair y free food trends, identifying increases in demand for a specific type of product as early as possible in order to be prepared to meet customers' needs effectively

East Anglia Hospitality Group Raises Funds for Food Hubs

East Anglia hospitality business Chestnut is sup por ting Nourishing Norfolk by cycling in excess of 500km to raise much needed funding for the food hubs within the region

Beginning at The Carpenters Arms in Great Wilbraham on 11th

are suppor ting 12,000 people across the county to access good quality and affordable food, which is need ed now more than ever in the face of the cost of living crisis Thanks to Chestnut, we can go fur ther and faster in suppor ting those most in need ”

Philip Turner Founder of Chestnut said: “We are committed to playing a key role in suppor ting our local communities The Giving Tree continues to gather momentum as a result of our team of enthusiastic people with a can do attitude Given the current eco nomic climate , it feels like the right initiative and we are determined to play our par t



A Visit to The Showman’s

The cost of living crisis is seeing ever yone struggle , with research showing that five million people are at risk of going without food due to the significant price rises in the last 12 months Our business is about hos pitality we champion local food and we seek to sit at the hear t of our communities we hope this cycle safari around our pubs will help to raise funds and sup por t people during this ver y challenging time Corporate par tners helping with the initiative include Birketts, Adnams and Abbeygate Wealth Management Chestnut has already raised £10 5K of its target

2022 is a Must For Anyone Within Hospitality

4 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130 The Showman s Show will return to Newbur y Showground on the 19th 20th October 2022 with hundreds of exhibitors showcasing thousands of products and ser vices The show delivers practical solutions, handy hints and inspiration in abundance For anyone working within the catering and hospitality sector it presents an excellent oppor tunity to meet new suppliers and discover the latest innovations and technologies Exhibitors include state of the ar t temporar y structures perfect for adding additional areas to existing venues or corporate hospitality facilities; caterers, bespoke concessions and catering equipment; the latest sound and lighting solu tions; furniture hire companies; theming, visual spectaculars and finishing touches to name but a few Visitors can expect to meet companies launching new products, alongside show cases and demonstrations of existing solutions It’s also a great melting pot for ideas, with the chance to talk to the exper ts in their field face to face and interact with products and ser vices in a live environment which is really useful for making purchasing decisions A visit to The Showman’s Show is an absolute must for anyone involved in events and hospitality You can find more details about the show and exhibitors by visiting www showmansshow co uk or see the adver t on the facing page To register to attend The Showman’s Show 2022 please click https://tinyurl com/pjyxkkds
October and finishing at The Weeping Willow in Barrow on 14th October, the team will visit each of the 16 proper ties within the Chestnut por tfolio across Cambridgeshire , Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk The funds raised will go directly towards tackling the cost of living crisis, which given the escalating infla tion pressure , is triggering one of the worst pover ty crises this countr y has experienced This initiative aims to raise £50,000 to help Nourishing Norfolk feed thousands by seed funding work at a grassroots level directly into local communities providing access to affordable healthy food
launched its charitable foundation The Giving Tree in 2020 It has suppor ted our communities by funding cooking and providing over 30 000 meals across the region as well as making donations to suppor t free school meals local charities and food hubs
Cullens Chief Executive of Norfolk Community Foundation said: “We are delighted that Chestnut have chosen to suppor t our Nourishing Norfolk initiative to ensure that no one goes hungr y Already we

Red Tape Cut for Thousands of Small Businesses

Thousands of the UK’s small businesses will be released from repor ting require ments and other regulations in the future , as par t of plans aimed at boosting produc tivity and supercharging growth, Prime Minister Liz Truss announced earlier today

Currently, small businesses are presumed to be exempt from cer tain regulations However, many medium sized businesses those with between 50 and 249 employ ees still repor t that they are spending over 22 staff days per month on average dealing with regulation, and over half of all businesses consider regulation to be a burden to their operation

The Prime Minister has announced plans to widen these exemptions to businesses with fewer than 500 employees for future and reviewed regulations, meaning an additional 40,000 businesses will be freed from future bureaucracy and the accompa nying paperwork that is expensive and burdensome for all but the largest firms

The exemption will be applied in a propor tionate way to ensure workers’ rights and other standards will be protected, while at the same time reducing the burden for growing businesses

Regulator y exemptions are often granted for SMEs which the EU defines at below 250 employees However, we are free to take our own approach and exempt more businesses to those with under 500 employees We will also be able to apply this to retained EU law currently under review, which we would not have been able to do without our exit from the EU

The changed threshold will apply from tomorrow (Monday 3 October) to all new regulations under development as well as those under current and future review, including retained EU laws The Government will also look at plans to consult in the future on potentially extending the threshold to businesses with 1000 employees, once the impact on the current extension is known

This is the first step in a package of reforms to ensure UK business regulation works for the UK economy The reforms will harness the freedoms the UK has since leaving the EU to remove bureaucratic and burdensome regulations on businesses, while streamlining and making it easier for them to comply with existing rules, ulti mately saving them valuable time and money

IoH Members Reject a Welsh ‘Tourism Tax’

Ahead of the Welsh Government’s planned, formal public consul tation on draft legislative proposals for a visitor levy this autumn 2022 the IoH has asked its members their views on a potential ‘Tourism Tax’ and its impact on the Welsh Hospitality industr y

In a poll of its 14 000 members in early Summer the IoH asked 7 questions All concluded that IoH members would reject the pro posal of a visitor levy being introduced if the Welsh Government pushed ahead with its plan

When asked: ‘Do you feel the Welsh Tourism Tax will have a posi tive effect on tourism in Wales? 65% said no and only 12 % said yes with 23 % saying they felt ok about it Regarding current taxa tion, members were asked: ‘Do you feel VAT should remain at 12 5% in Wales if a Welsh Tourist Tax is introduced? 53% agreed

Feelings ran high and comments flowed, when asked:

‘Do you feel a Welsh Tourism Tax will help suppor t the hospitality industr y?’ Members saw this as a highly negative move , toward an already highly pressurised industr y with 69% saying no

Alongside the question: ‘Do you feel the Welsh Tourism Tax will help regenerate the Welsh economy?’ again 63% said no Fur ther investigation confirmed that 57% of members feel that tourists visiting Wales would seek unregulated accommodation if a Welsh tourist tax were to be introduced

The planned autumn consultation will provide a platform for a range of views to be considered

“A levy would enable destinations in Wales to be enjoyed for gen erations to come Visitor levies are a common feature in tourist destinations internationally Without such a levy local communities face an undue burden to fund local ser vices and provisions on which tourists rely The critical infrastructure that suppor ts tourism should be suppor ted by all those that rely on it

Tourism provides a substantial economic contribution to Wales with tourism related expenditure reaching more than £5bn annually in 2019 A tourism tax would raise revenue for local authorities enabling them to manage ser vices and infrastructure which makes tourism a success

The levy will apply to those paying to stay overnight within a local authority area Oppor tunities for wider contributions on the cost impact of other types of visitor activities on local infrastructure will be offered as par t of the consultation


time when


Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 5
Rebecca Evans MS, Minister for Finance and Local Government argues:
levy As Rober t Richardson FIH concludes: “At a
are struggling with rising inflation, huge hikes in energ y bills, and acute labour shor tages, the last thing the sector needs is new taxes being imposed on these already struggling businesses” Read and download the IoH Researc h repor t at http://www instituteofhospita ity org/wp content/uploads/2022/10/IoH Welsh Tour ism Tax Executive Insight repor t Umbrella Insight pdf

Difficult Times Lie Ahead For The Hospitality Sector

The government’s monthly insolvency statistics for August 2022 present a concerning trend for companies hoping to weather the storm amid the current eco nomic crisis Largely driven by creditors’ voluntar y liquidations, company insolvencies were 43% higher than the same period last year and 42% higher than in 2019 (pre pandemic)

The economic turmoil is already causing instability for businesses, with the hospitality sector accounting for 12% of all insolvencies in the twelve months

which has been stayed for

cies continue to spiral?

ly therefore the suppor t will extend


In these difficult economic times, it is par ticularly impor tant for businesses to regularly monitor their cash flow and produce forecasts This is an essential tool to identify difficulties at an early stage and provide (valu able) time to facilitate engagement with appropriate stakeholders (such as suppliers, landlords and lenders), hopefully giving an oppor tunity to reach a consensual solution There are various options that can be explored and agreed with stakeholders such as seeking new payment terms with suppliers restructuring any existing loans and negotiating rental obligations under existing leases with landlords By taking such pre emptive steps, a business might not be able to avoid but can lessen the impact of foreseeable financial issues

The government’s announcement of the


and allow them

months should assist the hospitality industr

capitalise on (hopefully) a busy festive season However smaller businesses, which operate month by month, will need to be thinking fur ther ahead as they find themselves

and a reduction in consumer spending Although the government has

If a business is facing serious financial issues, it is impor tant to take professional advice as early as possible so that all available options can be explored Whilst the new Par t 26A restructuring plan may not be par ticularly well utilised in the mid market due in large par t to cost concerns, a simplified version of the restructuring plan has been recently used by an SME and this may become more prevalent as the cour ts and insolvency practi tioners become more familiar with the flexible nature of this process In the alternative , company administra tion is an effective mechanism for rescuing the viable par t of an underlying business and securing value for the goodwill and assets of the company August 2022 showed an increase in administrations by 111% compared to August 2021 although numbers still remain below pre pandemic levels Similarly the company voluntar y arrangement (CVA) appears to be regaining popularity with a 550% increase in August 2022 compared to August 2021 A CVA can prove a useful tool for businesses, par ticularly those which operate from multiple leasehold premises, where some are unprofitable


provide ongoing, targeted

for vulnerable industries after the

announced It remains to be

In summar y, the take away point is that the earlier potential financial issues are identified, the greater the possibility of some form of rescue , as there are likely to be more options available to a business Do engage professional advice and as appropriate engage with stakeholders and/or creditors as soon as possible to give your business the best chance of sur vival and before matters become critical

India Cottage in Ringwood Wins 2022 TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Award

India Cottage has been recognised by TripAdvisor as a 2022 Travellers’ Choice award winner for being in the top 10% of restaurants worldwide The award celebrates businesses that have received great dining reviews from din ers around the globe on TripAdvisor over the last 12 months As challenging as the past year was, India Cottage stood out by consistently delivering positive experiences to their diners

Owner Sadeq Mannan, or Shad, said, “It’s fantastic to see India Cottage recog nised on a global scale The hospitality scene has been through a tough time over the past couple of years so it’s phenomenal that we are pushing past that We are ver y grateful to our patrons who have suppor ted us and a huge thank you to all our customers who take the time to give us great feedback Also huge thanks to my team for their hard work and commitment to India Cottage

Set in a beautiful period cottage on Ringwood’s high street, the aptly named India Cottage , transformed its

restaurant car park into a heated garden area laden with grape vines and trop ical plants for diners to enjoy during covid I wanted to make something really special for our customers” Shad explains “it’s got an open fire , heating and a beach hut where people can connect their own music It’s warm, welcoming, and the perfect setting for nights out with family or friends ”

“Congratulations to the 2022 Tripadvisor Travelers’ Choice Winners,” said Kanika Soni, Chief Commercial Officer at Tripadvisor “The Travelers’ Choice Awards recognise the best in tourism and hospitality, according to those who matter most: your guests Ranking among the Travelers’ Choice winners is always tough but never more so than this year as we emerge from the pan demic

“Whether it’s using new technolog y implementing safety measures or hiring outstanding staff I’m impressed by the steps you ’ ve taken to meet travellers’ new demands You’ve adapted brilliantly in the face of adversity ”

6 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130
ending in Q2 2022 With rising prices and an energ y crisis (the full brunt of
six months) the question which is repeatedly asked is will the increase in insolven
temporar y energ y price freeze for a period of six
businesses going through the difficult winter months
navigating a crumbling economy
repor ted
suppor t
initial energ y price freeze , the extent and nature of the suppor t is yet to be
seen what categories of business will be identified as ‘vulnerable’ and how broad
LLP (www stevens-bolton com)

UKHospitality Calls on Government to Introduce Tourist Accommodation Registration Scheme

Trade body UKHospitality has urged the Government to introduce a check based tourist accommodation scheme to help create a level playing field for all accommodation providers

In its submission to the recent consultation on shor t term lets registration (for England) UKHospitality highlights that the introduction of a registration scheme for all shor t term let proper ties would build a fairer, safer and more sustainable industr y

With the growth of the digital economy, under the current scheme some sites can unfairly benefit from a lack of regulation and a reduced tax burden Meanwhile , the wider hospitality sector is over burdened by regulation and taxes at the same time as it struggles to recover from the ravages of the pandemic

Implementing a registration scheme for all would have other benefits too, such as ensuring all shor t let accommodation was safe for consumers and would help to address the imbalance between shor t and long

term rentals in communities such as rural and coastal towns, and tourism hot spots

Kate Nicholls, CEO of UKHospitality, said:“UKHospitality recognises and welcomes competition and a varied range of business models in the accom modation sector However at present there simply isn’t a level playing field across accommodation providers

“There is a real lack of transparency around where shor t term letting prop er ties are located, how they operate and who operates them A registration scheme , with the ability to check and enforce compliance of rules and regula tions already being followed by other accommodation businesses, would fun damentally address the issue of transparency

“We also believe that such a scheme will help to eradicate the issues cur rently facing cer tain areas of the UK where there is an imbalance in long and shor t term accommodation available and will therefore go some way to building a more sustainable tourism industr y in the UK ”

World Cup Boosts Hospitality Hiring , Despite Cost-of-living Crisis

The business energ y price cap and World Cup are boosting hiring in the hospitality sector as data from job board Caterer com shows hiring is consistently in line with 2019 levels, despite the cost of living crisis

The latest Caterer com Hospitality Hiring Insider which analyses job ad data and the views of 600 hospitality professionals*, shows one in five (22%) hospitality businesses are already seeing a surge in bookings for the World Cup and three in ten (29%) are hiring more people to ensure they can manage the anticipated demand In addition, more than a quar ter (27%) of hospitality businesses are seeing bookings surge for Christmas already, higher than previous years

Businesses adapt to more creative hiring methods

Although hiring remains resilient, the sector continues to be chal lenged by a shrinking talent pool, with Caterer com research revealing some 200,000 international workers have left the sector since 2019

As a result, hospitality businesses are increasingly hiring closer to home Two thirds (67%) of hospitality employers believe the challenges of the labour shor tages and decline in international workers has encour aged businesses to be more creative about how they hire workers from the UK

The data points towards improved diversity and inclusion in the sector In fact, 62% are now actively hiring more inclusively, with employers feeling more inclusive policies have improved their company ’ s ethos (51%)

and productivity (48%)

More government suppor t needed

Despite this positive news for the industr y, the sector continues to contend with the pressure of the cost of living crisis Nearly nine in 10 (88%) of hospitality businesses believe the freeze on energ y prices for the industr y needs to be extended to 12 months, rather than the six currently planned, four in five (83%) would like to see a VAT cut to 10% and 80% want a business rates holiday

Kathy Dyball, Director at Caterer com comments: “It’s encouraging to see that hiring remaining remains resilient and that hospitality busi nesses are actively preparing for a busy period driven by the World Cup and festive season The industr y has worked so hard to get to this point, adapting hiring strategies and increasing the inclusivity of its workforce However, with the backdrop of an uncer tain economy and a cost of living crisis, there is no doubt that fur ther government suppor t is essential Greater clarity on how long specific sector suppor t will last will enable businesses to plan ahead more robustly and with confi dence ”

The full Caterer com Hospitality Hiring Insider can be found at: www caterer com/recruiters/hospitality hiring insider 2022

Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 7

Lawsuit Served Against Visa and Mastercard Contest Card Payment Fees

A significant class action lawsuit has been ser ved against Visa and Mastercard at the UK’s specialist competi tion tribunal on behalf of a large number of claimants seeking damages for allegedly unlawful charges

Harcus Parker, a UK based commercial litigation law firm specialising in group litigation, competition litigation and class action lawsuits, has brought the corporate card claim at the Competition Appeal Tribunal (C AT), the UK’s specialist judicial body for hearing competition cases The class action seeks compensation for UK busi nesses, which were charged Multilateral Interchange Fees (MIFs) for accepting payments using corporate* credit cards, and credit and debit cards from overseas visitors The C AT has published the claim on its web site

Harcus Parker claims that Visa and Mastercard have forced banks to agree to a level of MIFs set by the two giants, which are “anti competitive and unlawful”

We want to make sure that businesses across the UK economy are properly compensated We are making a stand against unlawful interchange fees, which should be abolished Both the Cour t of Justice of the EU and the United Kingdom Supreme Cour t have condemned this practice for consumer credit and debit cards The

UK cour ts should now clamp down on commercial card and inter regional fees,” said Jeremy Robinson, com petition litigation par tner at Harcus Parker

“UK businesses in the travel, hospitality, retail and luxur y sectors are par ticularly hur t by Mastercard and Visa s multilateral interchange fees according to Mr Robinson Multilateral Interchange Fees make up the greater par t of the ser vice charges levied by banks on businesses when customers pay by card Typically, for ever y £100 spent, up to £1 80 is charged on payments made by cor porate cards, or cards used by overseas visitors costs which are borne by companies throughout the UK

Since 2015, EU law capped Multilateral Interchange Fees at 0 3 percent on consumer credit card transac tions, and 0 2 percent for consumer debit cards However, this cap did not apply to corporate credit and debit cards or for inter regional transactions These sales have continued to attract fees of up to 1 8 percent per transaction Harcus Parker accuse Mastercard and Visa of requiring banks to charge anti competitive MIFs on businesses These MIFs for corporate and inter regional payments should be zero per cent, say Harcus Parker

Margherita Pizza is UK’s Most Popular Vegetarian Takeaway Meal

The humble margherita pizza is the most popular vegetarian item ordered by UK takeaway fans, according to new national research

To celebrate World Vegetarian Day (October 1st), Foodhub has revealed that the cheesy treat is leading the way when it comes to veggie takeaway options

While there may be a common misconception that a veggie diet is all salad, kale and quinoa, Foodhub revealed that popular takeaway items such as cheesy chips and onion rings are still hugely popular when it comes to a takeaway treat

With margherita pizza, onion rings and cheesy chips rounding out the top three the top ten also included millennial favourite halloumi a vegetarian staple veggie burger and the biggest surprise order in the top ten Chinese sweet and sour tofu

Emma Stockman Foodhub spokesperson said:

“Vegetarian foods are becoming increasingly popular takeaway choices and this is something we have noticed in our ordering trends

“We are seeing more people ordering veggie items in their takeaway orders than ever before and it’s not

necessarily the dishes you anticipate when you think of vegetarian food

clearly loves a pizza takeaway and margherita is a really simple , but tasty, option for anyone , whether they eat meat or not

great top see meals including tofu in the top

is too there’s



Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 9
trend towards meat alternatives an this is also

Foodservice Price Index Tops 15% for the First Time as Costs Soar

Food and drink price inflation in hospitality hit 15% for the first time in the histor y of the CGA Prestige Foodser vice Price Index in August, the latest data shows Droughts, the war in Ukraine and spiralling costs of commodities, energ y and labour throughout the supply chain all contributed to the record high The Index has now recorded double digit inflation in ever y month of 2022 since Februar y, with prices increasing nearly 2% from July alone

Ever y categor y of the Index experienced year on year inflation, with two key segments dair y and oils & fats surpassing 4% month on month Only two fruit and sugars registered a small fall in prices from July

Ver y dr y weather in the UK and European Union had a severe impact on many crops and pastures, though conditions have been more favourable in recent weeks There has also been some easing in commodity mar kets and the price of oil, but with energ y pricing ver y uncer tain and the Ukraine war continuing, the market is likely to remain volatile for some time Steep falls in the value of sterling will also push up the cost of impor ts and fuel inflation

“In the months ahead it is likely that we will reach peak inflation then see some levelling off before a gradual fall during next year But falling inflation does not mean that prices will go down For at least the full year of 2023 we expect that they will just increase more slowly With so many other pressures it would be easy for operators to take the eye off the ball of managing supply prices, which in this market could be ver y costly ”

“Inflation is having a severe impact on businesses and consumers alike , and foodser vice is caught in the eye of a fierce storm While some pressures may be easing, a tough winter lies ahead The foodser vice sector remains a vibrant contributor to the UK economy, but it deser ves urgent, targeted and sustained government suppor t to mitigate inflationar y challenges and sustain vulnerable businesses "

Liverpool Begins Consultation to Vary or Remove Late Night Levy

A ‘late night levy’ paid by clubs and bars in Liverpool that stay open after midnight is now under review by Liverpool City Council and a four week consultation has been launched

Introduced in 2017 the levy is paid by bars and clubs in the city that sell alcohol between midnight and 6am Depending on the rate able value of the premises the levy, which is set by Government, can cost between £299 and £4,400 each year

Venues within the city centre BID areas, which already pay an extra levy, and those that only open late on New Year’s Day, are expempt from paying the light night levy 70% of the money raised goes to the Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner

This latest consultation follows a decision by the Council’s Licensing and Gambling Committee in November 2021 It wants to seek views on whether or not the late night levy should continue , or if amendments should be made

Possible amendments could include reducing the late night supply period (currently the maximum period allowed is midnight to 6am), or adding to or reducing the categories of exemptions (which currently apply

to businesses that ser ve alcohol during this time only on New Year’s Day or are already subject to a Business Improvement District levy)

The consultation will run for four weeks until October 28 It is being managed independently by Night Time Economy Solutions on behalf of Liverpool City Council

It will seek opinions from stakeholders, the trade , residents associations, charities, responsible authorities, local councillors and MPs

Chair of the city s Licensing and Gambling Committee , Cllr Christine Banks, said:

It is now five years since the late night levy was introduced and we believe it is appropriate to take another look at it to see if any changes should be made

“We are really interested in hearing what ever yone with an interest in this issue has to say, and would encourage them to take par t in the consultation to help inform the discussion ”

Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 11
Prestige Purchasing CEO Shaun Allen said:
James Ashurst, client director at CGA by NielsenIQ, said:

Three Reasons Investing In Technology Can Help Alleviate Pressures During A Cost Of Living Crisis


The hospitality sector is facing mounting pressures In August this year three quar ters of pub owners said that they may close this winter because energ y bills are increasing and they are becoming unmanageable It’s perhaps unsurprising, then, that when we asked how IT teams in hos pitality and retail businesses were investing in their infrastructure right now there was a mixed response

Most IT leaders (58%)* in these industries said the cost of living crisis hadn t impacted their company s plans to invest in digital transformation

However, a significant por tion of IT leaders (40%) said the cost of living crisis had meant digital investment plans had been shelved

This is despite almost all (83%) believing that implementing new tech nolog y is key to their company ’ s strateg y of winning customers and mar ket share As the sector settles into a prolonged period of economic uncer tainty, customer expectations of digital experiences continue to rise Tech is proving key to conver ting purchases and improving loyalty which is even more impor tant when consumers discretionar y spend is less than before

So, let’s explore technologies that could help your business to find new capabilities and win over customers

Recent Adyen research found 22% of customers admit to leaving a restaurant or store without ordering or buying something because they haven’t been able to pay how they want Digital wallets, like Apple Pay and Google Pay, are now a leading payment method, with 54% expecting to be able to use them to pay for goods and ser vices However, only 22% of businesses in the sector currently accept digital wallets

We also found a disconnect with hospitality businesses investment plans Only one in ten were planning on using technologies to improve the dining experience over the course of this year This is a missed oppor tunity for businesses to meet customers’ demands And, as the global tourism industr y recovers, businesses might also want to consider whether they can accept international payment methods from outside the UK Just over a quar ter (26%) of businesses said they accept interna tional payment methods such as AliPay and WeChat Pay These are popu lar with Chinese tourists and could help to boost conversion with both visiting and domiciled Chinese consumers

Meeting customer payment demands can be a relatively low cost way to improve the customer experience With the right payments par tner adding new payment methods to meet domestic and international audi ences can be as simple as a few clicks


One of the biggest frustrations for diners is checking availability or making bookings According to our study, almost half (48%) of con sumers think restaurants and bars need to make booking and ordering easier by creating better online links to their physical locations And two fifths (41%) said they wanted businesses to use technolog y to improve the guest experience , such as offering new ways to pay, or using kiosks to order more quickly Businesses also stand to benefit from these initia tives since you’ll have access to more data to better understand cus tomer preferences

We par tnered with software firm Vita Mojo, to help Leon offer large screen in store kiosks that modernised the ordering process and enabled customers to order and pay by themselves An app also helped the fast food chain to know its customers better and improve the dining

experience Within a week Leon could see whether its guests had previ ously visited the restaurant, how many times and order frequency thanks to Adyen’s tokenization ser vice This ser vice securely stores customer card data and generates a token for subsequent purchases Fur thermore , digital ordering at Leon has seen higher satisfaction, higher spend, and higher frequency of visits


UK Finance found victims of fraud in the UK lost £1 3 billion in 2021 And criminals continue to look for new ways that they can steal busi ness ’ and their customer’s money During the cost of living crisis, more than three quar ters of UK adults have been targeted by scammers attempting to trick them into handing over money and personal details

It s critical that organisations are able to help protect people from falling to fraudsters’ tricks It’s why Strong Customer Authentication (SC A) came into effect for cer tain online transactions this year Our research found that just 73% of UK businesses were prepared for SC A and that customer transactions were at risk as a result

If you are not yet compliant, or don’t know how to approach becom ing so, then it’s a good idea to look for a payments ser vice provider that can help you to easily manage this process


The past few years have been tough on the sector More and more , organisations are star ting to see that payment technolog y can be a strategic driver of the business par ticularly for their digital transforma tion effor ts Not only do modern payments systems open up new cus tomer experiences that people demand, it can help create efficiencies in operations as well as provide valuable data and intelligence that can ben efit the entire business

The summer tourist season may be drawing to a close , but the peak period in the lead up to Christmas is approaching With businesses facing a difficult winter now is the time to get prepared Consider a payments ser vice provider that can help you to navigate what lies ahead in the future

* Adyen commissioned Censuswide to pol IT leader s in 250 retai and hosp ta ity businesses August 2022

Leeds and Dubai Hospitality Operators Take on First Star Lease

A Leeds original star t up that now operates as far afield as Dubai in events, food and beverage is to open its first pub under compa ny name Eloquent Animal Pubs Ltd The Greedy Duck is located just outside Leeds and is being created with a view to rolling out the brand in the UK and abroad

The pub, formerly known as The Needless Inn, is the group ’ s first leased operation with Star Pubs & Bars with whom it is under tak ing a £250,000 refurbishment

The group already has a successful restaurant, Mans Market in central Leeds, Mans Market food truck and international events arm Candypants

Group CEO, Ray Chan says: “We are keen to grow our por tfolio of businesses and the pub industr y appeals due to its versatile nature Our food truck has expanded into catering for large scale festivals and we discovered the derelict pub whilst searching for a space to centralise our Leeds operation The pub concept has grown organically from this search and through working with Star Pubs and Bars To be able to reopen a local landmark such as The Needless Inn is simply the icing on the cake

“We star ted running events 15 years ago in Leeds and have expanded to places like Miami, Las Vegas, Ibiza

and the Middle East where we are now multiple award winning for our brunches in major outlets like the W Hotel, The Palm Dubai but Leeds is our hometown and development and incubation base Our Mans Market and Greedy Duck brands are being built so that they can be rolled out to any of the markets where we have oper ated

“The Greedy Duck is an exciting project as we’ll be able to put on events and operate a dark kitchen from the premises as well ”

Says Jay Weir, Star Pubs & Bars area manager : “We are delighted that Kai, Ray and Theo have taken on The Greedy Duck As well as knowing the area, they have great attention to detail and loads of experience hosting events and ser ving fantastic food not just in Leeds but around the world The pub is in a fantastic location and I’m sure it will be a great success under their stewardship I look forward to building a long term relationship and helping them grow their pub business

Kai Man added “Star Pubs and Bars have been fantastic throughout the process and really suppor ted our vision for the pub As independent operators it s good to collaborate with a large corporate company such as Heineken because they bring the weight required to get a project like this over the line ”

The International Drinks Expo - 19th & 20th October

The International Drinks Expo is back and better than ever! 2021 was a hugely successful show, come and see for yourself this 19th & 20th of October! The expo is ready and raring to go for industr y professionals to project profits and see growth and success for your business!

Get a FREE ticket now, and you will be exposed to countless oppor tuni ties to see your drinks business thrive! We are so excited to host this expo at the ExCeL in London for what will be the most impor tant event in your business calendar!

The event will give you access to hand packed exhibitors and their plethora of innovative products, ideas and strategies, inspirational seminars, panel debates, innovation awards, networking oppor tunities and much more!

The UK’s only event dedicated to maximising your drinks sales is also run ning alongside 5 other industr y leading events, collectively forming #FES22, THE biggest business growth event dedicated to the world of food & drink

This is the chance to connect with fellow business owners like minded professionals and industr y leaders! Hear from your favourite drinks brands by attending our keynote theatres, this could be the advice you need to see exponential growth and success! Hear from representatives from BrewDog, Club Soda and Bournemouth 7’s, many more , become the competition you ve always envied!

So what are you waiting for? Secure your FREE ticket now and we will see you on the 19th and 20th of October!

12 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130
https://bit ly/3QUsn15

Government Could Now Be Looking at Unfreezing Personal Tax Allowances and Thresholds

ver y carefully given the recent social and political backlash and will need a fully costed plan to substantiate any changes

He added “I expect the Government has asked the Treasur y to star t looking at Unfreezing the per sonal tax allowances and thresholds so they are increased in line with inflation

Removing the £100,000 per sonal allowance taper whic h creates a 60% marg nal rate of income tax

• Ra sing the Ch ld Benefit threshold from the current £50,000 level or abolish ing th s complete y

• Abolishing the pension annual allowance taper when someone ’ s ncome reac hes £240,000

Such measures (or a combination of) could end up costing far more than the estimated £2 billion from abolishing the 45% additional rate of income tax but would appear more popular

He added: “Whilst the Government will now retain the 45% additional rate of income tax for someone earning over £150 000 additional rate taxpayers will still have the benefit of the reversal of the National Insurance increase from 6 November 2022 and reducing the basic rate of income tax by 1% from 6 April 2023 Someone earning £200,000 will be better off by £1 833 per annum compared to the current tax year

The net result of all this is that anyone earning over the personal allowance is still better off due to the health and social care levy being removed from NIC (1 25% cut) from 6 November, as well as the cut in the basic rate of tax from 20% to 19% from April 2023

A person earning £1 million a year will therefore still be £7,666 up per annum, which is significantly more than the £218 that someone at £20,000 will be better off However, it is not quite as much as the over £50,000 increase in their take home pay that they would have seen if the 45% rate was abolished (a person at £20,000 would still only be £218 better off under those proposals) ”

After an astonishing U turn the Government may be looking at other tax cutting measures say leading tax and advisor y firm Blick Rothenberg

Rober t Pullen, a tax par tner at the firm said: “I wouldn’t be surprised if Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwar teng now looked at other tax cutting measures for the Autumn Budget on 23 November but they will need to tread

Rober t added: “The Government could also look at other policies that would be universally popular like a fully transferrable personal allowance or just an increase to it to £15,000 to help those people really strug gling Whilst any movement here would be welcomed (though not to be expected), the damage of September’s “mini” budget may well be “maxi” to the Tor y par ty itself for years to come

Rober t said: “Retaining the 45% additional rate of income tax will pre sumably mean the highest rate of dividend tax will remain at 38 1%, and additional rate taxpayers will not be able to benefit from the £500 per sonal savings allowance , but the Chancellor’s early morning announce ment was silent on this detail ”

Cyrus and Pervin Todiwala Launch Zest Quest Asia

Students who believe they have the talent and ambition to prove their mettle in the world of Asian cuisine can now sub mit their entries to Zest Quest Asia 2023

Founders Cyrus and Per vin Todiwala have announced the offi cial launch of their annual ground breaking competition, first created in 2013 with the suppor t of the Master Chefs of Great Britain Zest Quest Asia is designed to encourage students to strive for excellence in the knowledge , understanding and preparation of Asian food

Now on its ninth year, the competition is open to all full time catering students with permanent residency in the UK There are no age limits so that mature students provided they meet the criteria, can take par t

Zest Quest Asia is organised by the Todiwala Foundation a not for profit entity set up to suppor t catering education and training, par ticularly in the Asian culinar y ar ts Last August, the foundation was able to distribute small cash grants of up to £500 to students via their colleges, including Nor th Her tfordshire College , The Sheffield College , Loughborough College and The Colchester Institute who in turn have used the grants to fund the purchase of items students need but may find difficult to afford To date , Zest Quest Asia has been funded entirely through sponsorship, and the Todiwalas are proud to announce this year ’ s line up of confirmed gold spon sors: Tilda Hilton Cobra Meiko Panasonic Schwar tz by McCormick Flavour Solutions and Mizkan

Zest Quest Asia is a team competition whereby colleges field 3 students suppor ted by their lecturer Both entr y requirements and judging criteria are rigorous; while the presentation of the dishes can be mod ernised their preparation must reflect authentic Asian cooking techniques and ingredients Finalists will go forward to a live cook off to be held at the Hilton London Heathrow Terminal 5 on Friday, 17th Februar y 2023, and the winners will be announced at a Gala Dinner that evening

The grand prize is a cultural and educational trip to a secret Asian destination only revealed on the night Since the launch of the competition, Zest Quest Asia champions have travelled to India, Japan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines There will also be a number of additional prizes, such as a voyage of

discover y to Italy for the team demonstrating the Best Use of Rice , sponsored by Tilda

Cyrus Todiwala said, Once again, we are expecting great things from college students from around the UK through their performance in Zest Quest Asia This summer, Per vin and I hosted a gathering at our restaurant, Café Spice Namaste , where college lecturers who witnessed how their had stu dents bloomed because of Zest Quest Asia were only too proud to share how much value they now attach to what was once a fledgling competition

“Zest Quest Asia is a substantive competition resources are poured into making sure students have as much suppor t as possible even before the competition, such as the tutorials and masterclasses provided by our food sponsors In fact, students gain the most points from their ability to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the cuisine ”

Per vin Todiwala said, “Hundreds of students have entered Zest Quest Asia since we launched the competition in 2013 The winners have had experiences in different Asian countries that have brought them into direct contact with both the culture and cuisine they may not have discovered had they not competed in Zest Quest Asia Their hear ts and minds have been opened to new worlds ”

Steve Munkley, Zest Quest Asia chairman of judges said, “It’s not a matter of simply cooking, although that is a challenge in itself, but it’s being able to show an appreciation of the culture behind the chosen Asian cui sine But then the prizes are sensational I don’t know of many student competitions that are as demanding and rewarding Zest Quest Asia motivates our industr y ’ s future to aim high ”

The deadline for submission of entries to Zest Quest Asia is Friday 16th December 2022 Finalists will be announced on Wednesday, 4th Januar y 2023

For more information on how to enter please contact Cora Strachan at Information will also be made available at

Discover the Future of Plant-Based




14 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130
2023 It’s undeniable , what once was considered ‘fringe’ is now well and truly mainstream The demand for plant based food options has skyrocketed since 2017, and the categor y is continuing to experience strong year on year growth With more businesses offering plant based options, the com petition is fiercer than ever, and an easy way to stand out is to offer a wide range of innovative products on shelves and menus
Based World Expo Europe is the only 100% plant based B2B trade show to bring together buyers and suppliers from across foodser vice hos pitality retail and public sector catering Returning to Olympia London on November 30th December 1st, 2022, it’s a one stop solution for keeping your business competitive in one of the fastest growing food categories With so many new plant based products being launched, how do you decide which ones suit your business? Instead of juggling samples, tastings and emails, the show is your chance to meet with 200+ plant based suppli ers under one roof You can speak with the right contacts, taste the prod ucts, and access all the information you need to make your decisions Alongside the expo is a world class conference programmed for buyers and chefs eager to learn more The educational sessions are designed to suppor t the buying journey, providing top line insights into the next trends, oppor tunities and challenges that will affect your business in the coming months They will be led by world class speakers, from the biggest chains and foodser vice giants to some of the world’s largest food manu facturers and thought leaders
professionals can register to attend for free on the website at www.plantbasedworldeurope .com
@plantbasedworldeurope and #PBWE on Twitter and Instagram for ongoing conversations and updates about the plant based market See the adver t on page 8 details

Colliers Business Rates Team Steps Up “Save the High Street”

Campaign to Government at Conservative Party Conference

John Webber Head of Colliers Business Rates team has spoken for the first time at the Conser vative par ty conference in Birmingham on the question of business rates as par t of its campaign to take its con cerns right to the hear t of government

Speaking at a fringe event sponsored by the Centre for Policy Studies and Colliers: “Are Business Rates Killing the High Street”, John will be joined by other speakers including campaigners and MPs including Thomas Clougher ty, Director of Research & Tax at the Centre for Political Studies (Chair), Vivienne King, Head of Real Estate Social Impact The Good Economy, Nick Lakin, Group Director of Corporate Affairs at Kingfisher PLC , Anthony Browne MP and Kevin Hollinrake MP a well known critic of the current business rates sys tem

Colliers has been highly vocal in its call for reform of the business rates system, which unfairly penalises the retail and hospitality sectors who together pay over £10 billion of the total £26 billion (net) business rates tax bill High business rates have been cited as one of the key factors in the decline of many of the UK’s high streets

According to Colliers Head of Depar tment John Webber, We have been tr ying to campaign for a proper reform of the business rates system for years; in par ticular to rebase the multiplier to a level that businesses can cope with such as 30p in the £1 as opposed to the current 50p tax And on the immediate front to make sure the government does not bring in a downward transition scheme following Revaluation 2023, which would limit the immediate rates bill reductions that the retail and hospitality sectors are entitled to and desperately need to see ”

Given current levels of inflation, Colliers has calculated that a downwards transition scheme would mean retail and hospitality businesses (pubs, clubs, restaurants

their rates

cafés) that are

bills in line with rents will in fact pay £2 68 billion and £480 million respectfully, more than they should do in the three years of the new list This could be disastrous for the high street, par ticularly in the less affluent towns of the countr y

Webber adds: If the Government states it is committed to remov ing downward transition it will look, on the face of it, to be giving a large tax cut when in reality it is just asking ratepayers in struggling towns to pay the correct amount ”

Webber has spent the last six months meeting with government members and MPs on both sides of the house and other government officials whilst closely monitoring the political debate about business rates Colliers has also sent a newsletter to MPs explaining and high lighting business rates issues

Webber continued, “Time and time again we have seen consultations on the business rates system and time and time again key exper ts outline the key reforms we need to see Yet nothing meaningful ever happens Proper reform gets brushed under the carpet or put in the “too difficult box” and the old system creaks on or is even made more compli cated by new, unhelpful tinkerings to the system

“Despite promises in its election manifesto that the Conser vative government would reduce business rates for those in the beleaguered retail and hospitality sectors and a new Conser vative leader, the recent Mini Budget gave tax breaks left right and centre but largely ignored the “elephant in the room ” business rates, despite the impact that ultra high rates bills have had on retail and hospitality businesses in recent years ”

“Because of this we have stepped up our campaign to government It is essential that those in power prop erly understand the debate so they can help create a business rates system suitable for business in the C21st Let’s hope they listen today ”

Wetherspoon Reports £30.4m Loss Following Slow Pandemic Recovery




percentage of freehold proper ties; the balance sheet has been strengthened; interest rates have been fixed at low levels until 2031; we have a large contingent of long ser ving pub staff and underlying sales are improving

“However, as a result of the previously repor ted increases in labour and repair costs and the potentially adverse effects of rises in interest rates and energ y costs on the economy firm predictions are hard to make ”

Like for like sales during the period were down 4 7% but have risen 10 1% in the nine weeks to 2 October The company repor ted a £102 5m pre tax profit in 2019

The chain, which operates around 800 pubs in the UK and Ireland, previously said losses would be higher than expected this year after raising staff wages and investing in site repairs

Tim Mar tin said predictions on the future of the company were hard to make but that he was "cautiously optimistic" and warned the biggest threat to the hospitality industr y was the possibility of fur ther lock downs and restrictions being imposed

He added that the lower levels of tax paid by supermarkets was also a threat to the future of the pub sec tor

“The other major threat to the hospitality industr y is the huge and unjustifiable tax advantage that super market enjoy The hospitality industr y pays far higher levels of VAT and business rates than supermarkets

This competitive disadvantage has had an increasingly debilitating impact on the hospitality industr y and will undoubtedly result in long term financial weakness vis a vis supermarkets which will also be harmful to employees, the Treasur y and the overall economy

“These caveats aside , in the absence of fur ther lockdowns or restrictions, the company is cautiously opti mistic , for the reasons we have outlined, about future prospects

During the 53 week period, Wetherspoon sold, closed or terminated the leases of 15 pubs, giving rise to a cash inflow of £5 9m

Are You Still Hand Polishing Cutlery?

The difficulty in finding and keeping good employ ees

our industr y has seen an unusually high interest in

products A cutler y polisher used to be seen as a luxur y item for those requiring a high er quality finish to their cutler y than hand polishing, now it's seen as a must have as most restaurants are operating with reduced labour which is costly

Taking washed, still wet cutler y, handfuls at a time are placed into the polisher where the cutler y is immersed in a bed of crushed corn



absorbs water and polishes the cutler y for 30 seconds before exiting under a UV lamp (which kills bacteria and viruses including Covid19) ready to place on the table It will polish a basket of washed cutler y in 2 min utes (up to 3500 per hour for our mid sized polisher) With a rental cost of just £3 57 per day, it's less than 20 minutes of staff time so it’s wor th looking at your costs and seeing if we can be of ser vice to you You can see a video of the polisher working on our website at www thecutler ypolisher co uk Our Glass Polisher is the same process and although it’s quicker than hand polishing, the benefits are more about health and safety Some thin glasses are impossible to hand polish safely with good results, our Glass Polisher can safely polish with impressive results 5 spinning brushes polish both the inside and outside of the glass hot air is continuously blown so the brushes remain dr y allowing the same brushes to be used all day long The quality of polishing makes a great difference when glasses are on display Our all inclusive noncontract rental plan is risk free and will save on costs during the unprecedented times our industr y is currently facing If a rental scheme isn't for you, you can purchase with a 2 year no quibble full par ts and labour warranty We have been doing this since 1999, some customers have had the same machine since we first star ted, ser viced regularly the Nicem cutler y polisher will last pretty much indefinitely We still offer a free trial if the above is of interest, just contact us; at info@thecutler ypolisher co uk or 01474 873 892
those reading who have a Nicem Cutler y polisher, our grain and ser vice deal runs until the end of October 2022, contact us for more information
16 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130
expecting a massive fall in
group JD Wetherspoon has repor ted a pre tax loss of £30 4m in the 53 weeks to 31 July 2022 , after confirming plans to sell 32 pubs across the UK The pub chain said it is struggling to get customers back into its sites following the coronavirus lockdown Chairman Tim Mar tin said pubs faced a "momentous challenge" to attract back customers who had "filled their fridges" with cheaper supermarket beer during lockdown
the first 9 weeks of the current financial year, to 2 October 2022, like for like sales increased by 10 1%, compared to the 9 weeks to 3 October 2021
company has improved its prospects in a number of ways in recent financial years we own an increasing

Bidfood Reveals the Food and Drink Trends Set to Take Off in 2023

After another difficult year involving inflation, conflict overseas and plenty of new legislation, Bidfood, one of the UK’s leading foodser vice providers has released the latest food and drink trends set to shape and inspire the industr y for 2023

Despite a tough few years, Bidfood’s latest research has shown that consumer demand for eating out remains strong In fact, 7 in 10 say eating and drinking out is the treat they most look forward to [1] To help suppor t operators navi gating the changes in consumer habits and staying ahead of the cur ve Bidfood has released its 2023 trends repor t along with a raft of suppor t tools including the latest instalment of our trends video series, new and delicious recipe ideas, as well as new podcast episodes

A discover y of food and drink trends for 2023

Retro love: Fancy a trip down memor y lane? The Retro Love trend is all about revamping childhood memories and conjuring a sense of nostalgia, par ticularly through desser ts, cakes and cocktails It s a great oppor tunity to bring novelty and comfor t to menus Take your consumers on a journey back in time with some innovative takes on nostal gic dishes!

Flavours less travelled: As travel restrictions become a thing of the past, emerging world cuisines are still leading the way, with a rise in demand for more unusual dishes Over 1 in 3 people say emerging cuisines have replaced the more established ones in their regular meal choices As well as this, research has shown that the four leading cuisines Bidfood identified this year do not have a strong presence on menus, so now is the best time for operators to adopt them and take consumer ’ s taste buds on a new and exciting journey:

• Cuban Taking inspiration from Spain and the Caribbean, Cuban cuisine has real potential to take flight, with 46% saying they would like to tr y the island’s delicacies

• Sri Lankan An explosion of flavour, Sri Lanka’s key ingredients include , turmeric , garlic , cinnamon and coconut, but the spice levels can easily be adjusted to favour the consumer ’ s palate

• Pan African Cuisines from this vast continent produce a myriad of flavours Made up of comfor ting stews, soups and rice based dishes it’s

• Unusual fusions More restaurants are combing flavours and formats that normally wouldn’t be paired together especially as 40% of people want to tr y these unusual fusions Be experimental and discover a whole world of perfectly paired cuisines, flavour profiles and formats to set your outlet apar t from the competition

Conscious choices: This trend centres on the fact that consumers are becom ing more mindful of where they eat and drink out and what they order Whilst this isn’t new for 2023 the cost of living crisis as well as the pandemic have been contributing factors to how consumers think about food and drink

Pizza evolution: Because of the format and versatility of pizza it lends itself well to creative and accessible innovation Gluten free bases plant based and premium toppings make it sit perfectly within different sectors, times of the day and occasions

In the spirit: The alcoholic drinks trend for 2023, including the top spirits of the year and styles operators are beginning to adopt

Nature’s gifts: This trend focuses on the role of plants within a dish and the ways chefs are incorporating the fruits, herbs and spices they have found themselves in the wild

Catherine Hinchcliff, Head of Corporate Marketing and Insights at Bidfood said: We re thrilled to see how the food and drink trends landing in 2023 are embracing sustainability, flavour experimentation and a journey through time , which in turn will allow the chefs to have fun while building their menus Eating out has become a highly valued luxur y for many, so it will be impor tant for chefs to consider how they can evolve their dishes and adhere to the more mindful choices consumers are making now

“We worked with CGA again this year, by carr ying out exclusive research and conducting food influencer inter views We also visited and inter viewed restaurant operators in different cities to deliver the useful tools and resources that our customers can implement in their 2023 menu planning no matter where they’re based in the UK ”

For full details and insights on the trends, please read our 2023 Food and Drink Trends guide here: trends 2023 and visit our 2023 Food and Drink Trends webpage here: food and drink trends/

Sam Bourke joins Fuller Smith & Turner as Retail Marketing Director

Fuller, Smith & Turner, the premium pubs and hotels business, is delighted to announce the appointment of Sam Bourke to the position of Retail Marketing Director Sam will join the Fuller’s business on 28 November 2022

Sam joins Fuller’s from her current role as Marketing Director at sushi and bento brand Wasabi She has a long pedigree in the licensed retail sector having previously held marketing roles at The Restaurant Group and ETM Group Sam is also a non executive director of Wireless Social, the hospitality wi fi and analytics specialists She is highly regarded in the hospitality sector and is well positioned to take Fuller’s existing brand digital and in pub marketing activity to the next level

Simon Emeny, Chief Executive at Fuller s, said: I m delighted to welcome Sam to the

team She brings with her a wealth of knowledge of hospitality retail marketing and a laser like focus on the consumer She will be a great cultural fit and I’m excited to see how she develops our marketing in the coming months ”

Sam Bourke added: “I am thrilled to be joining Fuller’s Executive Team Fuller’s has an incredible heritage , with a real commitment to giving its customers a distinctive and memorable experience I am looking forward to bringing the true Fuller’s experience to life by transforming the way we engage with our customers as we innovate for the future Fuller’s is a business I have long admired and I’m looking forward to being an inte gral par t in the next stage of its histor y



Catering And Hospitality Catalogue

Jangro, the UK and Ireland’s largest network of independent janitorial distributors, is delighted to launch a brand new catalogue , dedicated to the commercial caterer and hospi tality sector Available now in a compact A5 size , it is packed with many new sustainable choices These include disposable food packaging, cutler y and drinkware that are made from recycled materials and are also compostable biodegradable or recyclable

From mixolog y dispensing and ser ving essentials for bar tenders a large range of glassware (entr y level to fine dining), through to front of house essentials, including crocker y, cutler y, oven to tableware , and presentation displays, the new catalogue has it all It caters for ever ything required within commercial kitchens, including equipment and fur niture such as ovens, cookers, toasters, dishwashers, juicers and blenders, as well as cook and bakeware , storage and kitchen utensils For staff, there is an array of uniform and

offer including chef ’ s clothing headwear hand protection and footwear Also included are kitchen hygiene



contamina tion and the risk of

and cleaning


more sustainable cleaning products

All ntrl products use raw materials that are derived from plant based extracts; their natu ral formulas are 100% biodegradable , contain zero


Jo Gilliard,


of Jangro

ever ything a catering business might need for its establishment

we have included more sustainable options

helping our cus tomers

Skinner’s Brewery Entering Administration

Skinner’s Brewer y has confirmed it will be going into adminis tration next week after suffering from funding problems

The move came after the independent brewer y, well known for beers such as Betty Stogs, Por thleven and Lushington’s said it is “temporarily closed” on both Facebook and Google and the gates to the taphouse were padlocked with no staff in sight

Sharing an official statement on the brewer y ’ s Facebook page owner Steve Skinner announced that the firm has appointed official administrators He added that whilst he is sad to make

this announcement, he reassured customers that the Old Ale House , which is also owned by the brewer y, will remain open at all times Mr Skinner also thanked the community and their stockists for their suppor t over the years

Like many companies Skinner’s has been struggling with rising costs and losing out on business during the pandemic

2021, it ran a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds, raising £80,000 in three days The firm has been operating for more than two decades, having been established in 1997, and it’s hoped a buyer will be found

It will officially enter administration from


Fleming as the firm appointed official

PPE on
are essential to
foodborne illness The catalogue covers all chemicals, paper products,
products, including the new ntrl range ,
innovative line of natural and
petrochemicals, and can reduce the prod uct’s carbon footprint by up to 85%
is also proud to offer products for hotels, from brands including Elsyl, and Taylor of London, as well as ranges that are 90% natural Other features include an array of different signage , fire safety equipment, first aid, waste management, plus washroom essentials includ ing baby change facilities
comments “We are thrilled to unveil our new Catering and
Catalogue It may be a more compact size than previous editions, but it is absolutely bursting with
What’s more ,
than ever before ,
to make responsible choices and meet their own sustainability goals ” For more info or to order a free copy visit Jangro net or call 01204 795 955
18 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130
a ver y adaptable and accessible trend that shouldn’t be forgotten!
October 3,



Wins a


Travellers’ Choice Award for Restaurants

The Crown Inn Upton has announced it has been recognized by

as a 2022 Travelers' Choice award

celebrates businesses that have received great traveler reviews from diners around the globe on Tripadvisor over the last 12 months


as the past year was, The Crown Inn stood out by consistently delivering positive experiences to its guests

can be officially be called on of the top 10% of restaurants throughout the world

Owner and Chef Dave Watts who trained with Raymond Blanc and Gar y Jones at the prestigious Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons: ‘We're really excited to have been awarded the Travelers' Choice Award again, it means a great deal that our guests consistently feel they have had a top notch

of our aims is to

they get

wanting to come back again and

to the 2022 Tripadvisor Travelers' Choice Winners," said Kanika Soni Chief Commercial Officer at Tripadvisor "The Travelers' Choice Awards recognize the best in tourism and hospitality, according to those who matter most: your guests Ranking among the Travelers' Choice winners is always tough but never more so than this year as we emerge from the pandemic Whether it's using new technolog y, implementing safety measures, or hiring outstanding staff I m impressed by the steps you ve taken to meet travelers' new demands You've adapted brilliantly in the face of adversity "

Connecting Food Professionals From All Fields



During the Free From Functional & Health Ingredients Expo 2022 in Amsterdam hundreds of international manufacturers and traders in food & beverages will present their latest product innovations On display will be thousands of relevant products, ready to be placed on supermarket and food ser vice shelves, and on the menus of catering companies and deliver y ser vices

In addition, numerous exper t roundtables give oppor tunities for exper ts and keynote speakers to hold more in depth conversations on specific top ics,

open up


in it “This is reflected in the ever increasing ranges of plant based products being found in supermarkets today,” adds Holman

with food professionals, buyers and categor y

of the biggest obstacles facing the indus

20 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130 RECONDITIONED & SECOND USER CATERING EQUIPMENT • TOASTERS • STAINLESS STEEL SINKS & TABLING • • W e hav e a c omprehensiv e range of Re c onditioned Catering Equipment in stoc k • W e c an supply most of the markets leading names in New Equipment at c ompetitiv e pric es • Full Serv ic e & Installation fac ilities by fully qualified engineers • W e c an also supply modular fridge & freezer rooms • MICROWAVES • EXTRACTION CANOPIES • C O O K E R S • I C E M A C H I N E S • F R Y E R S • S L I C E R DS I S H W A S H E R S • G L A S S W A S H E R S • R E F R I G E R A T I O N EKE EQUIPMENT LIMITED Telephone w ith enquiries: Tel: 01273 492488 Email: kingedwards@ btconnect com Mobile: 07860 274243 The Free From Functional & Health Ingredients Expo 2022 takes place in RAI Amsterdam on 22 and 23 November It gives valuable oppor tunities for national and international exper ts from various fields and all over the world to meet and share insights into the most impor tant food trends and what will be on the shelves in the coming years
FREE Free From Functional & Health Ingredients 2022 provides insights into the latest trends in lactose free , gluten free , sugar free and plant based prod ucts, organic , vegan, protein transition, functional food and ingredients It will also carefully address the future trends “For example , products that are becoming more mainstream are those that are processed as little as possi ble and that contain few or no ar tificial additives,” says organizer Ronald Holman of Expo Business Communications At the same time , more and more people are thinking about where their food comes from and what's
and to
managers on
to resolve some
tr y “Our mission is to enable connections and drive better business for retail and foodser vice in a rapidly evolving market,” says Holman REGISTER NOW To obtain a free entr y badge register before October 30th at:
Free From Functional & Health Ingredients Expo 2022, 22-23 November, Amsterdam
winner for restaurants The award
experience One
a warm welcome and leave
again ' "Congratulations
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Liquid CO2 Price 3,000% Higher Than a Year Ago

The price of a tonne of liquid CO2 is up 3,000% higher than it was a year ago, according to a new repor t

That’s according to new research by the Energ y and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) which suggests the UK’s food and drink sector might foot the rising bill because of the soaring prices of CO2

CO2 has a wide variety of applications across the food and drink sectors among other deployments, it is being used for fizzy drinks and to extend fruit and vegetables’ shelf life

The ECIU analysis shows that the cost for a tonne of liquid CO2 is 3 000% higher compared to what it was in 2021

There are new fears that gas prices could rise fur ther, or even that supplies will be cut off, leading to increases in the price of liquid CO2 or a repeat of last year ’ s shor tages Liquid CO2 is used for ever ything from packaging food to keep it fresh, to making beer and other drinks fizzy Businesses in the food and drink sector are already paying significantly more for energ y than even a few months ago In the first quar ter of 2022 businesses like pubs, farms, and supermarkets paid 71% more for gas than in the first three months of 2021, and 28% more for electricity

Fay Jones, Member of Parliament for Brecon and Radnorshire and Chair of the Farming APPG, said: “The price of gas is adding thousands of pounds to families’ energ y bills Now, like last autumn, it could affect sup plies of CO2 and of fer tilisers and drive up the price of ever ything from beer to bacon

“Shor tages of CO2 would come on top of the dr y weather and sky high prices for farming ingredients like fer tilisers and energ y This is another sign of how exposed farmers, and the UK food and drink industr y, are to the price of fossil fuels and to climate change The solution lies in achieving net zero which in turn lends itself to improved food and energ y security Home grown renewables are already helping keep energ y bills down as well as providing an option for farmers to diversify their business But also, British technolog y though cutting edge green fer tilisers that aren’t made from gas could provide an alternative to farmers ”

Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association said: “A guaranteed supply of CO2 is essential for operations across pub and brewing businesses, but currently extreme volatility in wholesale energ y prices is resulting in unprecedented price fluctuations and uncer tainty of supply for our industr y

Alongside extreme energ y costs and other inflationar y pressures our pubs and brewers are being forced to make extremely tough business decisions, with many not being able to plan even a week or two in advance and at a point where such preparation is vital to prepare for the festive trading period

“To avoid beer shor tages and pub closures we need the Government to ensure there is a sustained, reliable supply of CO2 to our industr y, holding suppliers to account in the process Breweries need reassurance that they will be able to keep producing and supplying beer to pubs so they are able to keep their doors open and ser ve their communities”

Matt Williams, Climate and Land Programme Lead at the Energ y and Climate Intelligence Unit, said: “The UK s reliance on fossil fuels affects more than just families energ y bills It could bring the food and drink sys tem to its knees Rising energ y costs are creating an extra cost of hundreds of millions of pounds in the food and drink industr y that customers may struggle to avoid If high gas prices, or even blackouts, force factories to close it could create real problems for farmers and the food and drink industr y We’re already seeing last autumn’s liquid CO2 shor tages begin to play out again, star ting with the factories that make it cutting produc tion

“High gas prices have pushed up the cost of fer tilisers for farmers The Government’s new farming system, which will reward net zero farming practices by restoring soils, will help farmers to reduce the use of fer tilis ers and shield themselves from these high prices British companies are also leading the way in making low carbon fer tilisers and are also developing technologies to help capture CO2 from industrial processes, like making steel These new net zero technologies can create jobs at home generate low carbon British expor ts to the world, and help protect food and drink supplies, bringing down food bills for families ”

British Poultr y Council Chief Executive , Richard Griffiths, said: CO2 is critical to our national food security and yet the Government, in the midst of a cost of living crisis, is allowing supplies to be jeopardised The arbi trar y price hikes we are now seeing will hit our food producers and ultimately consumers ver y hard indeed ”

Sweeping Deregulation Could Threaten Food and Environmental Standards, says CIEH

The Char tered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) has expressed concern that the UK Government’s new The Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill 2022 could see many regulations protecting our countr y ’ s food, environment, and public health, simply disappear Heralded by the UK Government as a way to effectively draw a line under Brexit, put the UK statute book on a more sustainable footing, and end the special status of retained EU Law, the Bill is being present ed as an effor t to reclaim the sovereignty of Parliament and restore primacy to Acts of Parliament However, the ramifications of the Bill are incredibly concerning, and could threaten the UK s regulator y frameworks in crucial areas such as food and environmental protection

One of the most alarming clauses of the bill is its wholesale sun setting of most of retained EU law by 31 December 2023, whereby these standards and protections would fall away from domestic law and no longer apply Such a clause carries a ver y real risk that vital law, on which the smooth functioning of sectors of the economy and society depends simply drops off the UK statute book Protections at risk of such an approach include:

• Obligations to label food for allergens to consumer s

• GMO food and feed being placed on the UK market without any food safety assessment taking place , nor any obligation to label suc h food for consumer s

• Legal limits on c hemical contaminants in food, with possible consequences to human health

• Restr ictions on use of decontaminants on meat, suc h as the c hlor ine washes on c hic ken, and businesses’ minimum hygiene standards

• Protections in relation to the safety and compositional standards of baby foods Without legal standards , there

wou d be no enforcement leaving some of our most vulnerable groups , and the public more generally, without any substantive protection

CIEH is now working with a coalition of MPs and Peers from across the political spectrum to urgently gain clarity from the Government about their intentions and to ascer tain how they will ensure that our food environment and public health standards are protected in this deregulator y agenda

Ross Matthewman, Head of Policy and Campaigns at CIEH, said:

“The potential consequences of this agenda are deeply alarming

There had been vague noises from some of the new Prime Minister’s suppor ters over the summer about the need for a change of economic policy and for the UK to become more competitive However a full onslaught on scores of regulations sweeping right across vital areas from food to our environment did not seem on the cards

This illusion has been shattered by the publication of “The Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill 2022

Step away from the political rhetoric around sovereignty and the potential threat to our protections becomes quite stark

There seems to be real danger that this bill puts at risk the high standards our countr y has with respect to environmental health It threatens our regulator y frameworks in crucial areas such as food and environ mental protection, and will have negative consequences for public health

We are working with MPs and Peers to ensure that these concerns are heard by the UK Government and to find out what steps they intend to take to ensure that we do not throw away our safety ”

Get Great Wines to Tell Your Story

“Great wines tell a stor y But, more impor tantly, great wines tell your stor y “Creating a wine list that reflects your venue and elevates your offering with food pairings can be vital at a time when we ’ re all feeling a squeeze on spending

“The key to success is working closely with your wine merchant and indeed all your suppliers to identify how to main tain an optimum offering while maximising value , both for your customers and your self Look for a wine merchant, such as Lanchester Wines, who can provide an

“Your wine merchant has extensive knowledge as to which wine regions are offering the best value right now, which wine varietals are on trend with consumers and which wines are similar to these

super varietals’ but could offer better value For example , the ver y poor

har vest of Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc caused prices to skyrocket Because of our great supplier relationships, we had advance warning and were able

quickly develop a South African Sauvignon Blanc called Moloko Bay which has a similar flavour

to Marlborough, and which has proved a success with consumers

“This ability to adapt will be vital while we continue to navigate supply chain uncer tainty (across the board, not just wine) and shipping issues However, this can be somewhat negated by offering of a fluid wine list, with manager ’ s specials and exclusive offers Again, your wine merchant can provide staff wine training to equip your team with the skills and knowledge required to provide your customers with unparalleled wine ser vice ”


including high quality bottled and boutique bulk wines from all corners of the

We work directly with some of the leading wine producers to make

offering highest quality wine at the best price

For more information on Lanchester Wines please visit

22 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130
sure we ’ re always

Hotel Leaders Deliver Advice to Help the Industry ‘Chart the Course’

Hotel leaders, economists and analysts have shared their top tips to help the hotel sector ‘char t the course ’ through uncer tain times at The Annual Hotel Conference (AHC) 2022

More than 1 000 attendees including hoteliers investors and develop ers, spent two days absorbing valuable insight on per tinent topics deliv ered in keynotes, panel discussions and presentations at the event at Manchester Central Convention Complex on 3 4 October

With so many unprecedented domestic and global events both impact ing the hotel sector and creating new oppor tunities, the ‘incredible amount of content’ delivered over the two will help guide the industr y at such a pivotal moment said Alexi Khajavi President Hospitality & Travel, Questex as he opened the conference with Jonathan Langston Co Founder HotStats and The AHC ECONOMY

Unsurprisingly, the economy and how events are shaping the industr y now and in the future , was a central topic within the conference pro gramme

In his opening keynote session The Economic and Business Outlook: What Is in Prospect amid the New Uncer tainty David Smith, Economics Editor at The Sunday Times likened a string of events the global finan cial crash Brexit the Covid 19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Despite obvious challenges facing the industr y, including labour shor t ages, supply chain difficulties and central banks tightening policy, Smith said there were oppor tunities for hospitality in the coming year

The £200bn ‘ war chest’ of savings built up by consumers during the pandemic was yet to be spent and pent up demand for travel and expe riences could see a large chunk directed towards hospitality

“People have got money to spend if they can be persuaded,” he said

There were fur ther glimmers of positivity found in session The Power of Insight: Consumer Confidence and the View from Wall Street where Sam Ward, UK Hotels Leader at PwC , noted that the current situation was not as severe as other ‘black swan events’ and noted oppor tunities for UK hotels as research showed UK consumers were planning fewer trips abroad and instead planning holidays closer to home

Simon Calder, Travel Correspondent for The Independent, and Justin Reid from TripAdvisor echoed this in Shift Happens: Unpicking Big Impact Trends to Drive Competitive Edge Calder said: Pent up demand is there in spades At the end of all this they are desperate to make up for lost travel ”


Hotel leaders Kenneth Macpherson, CEO, EMEAA, IHG Hotels & Resor ts and Radisson Hotel Group CEO Frederico J Gonzalez shared their learnings and showed how they led their teams and businesses through one of the most challenging and changeable times in recent his

tor y

When asked how he d led through the last three years, Macpherson answered ‘through reputation, with purpose and getting through chal lenges ’

He said: “Firstly, always star t with reputation Trust is extremely impor tant for sustainable growth You need to keep your reputation pristine , think about guests, health and safety, owners, your role in the industr y, collaborative growth and people

“Secondly, lead with purpose Tell your staff why it matters communi cate it And thirdly, constantly ask ‘how do we improve?’ Be stronger, col laborate better, be more efficient and build par tnerships ”

Key leadership qualities according to Gonzalez are ‘humbleness and honesty’

“The pandemic has made leadership more humble , ” he said “It’s more impor tant than ever to be honest There’s no space for bullshit ”

Tips for navigating change were also shared in Succeeding When Nothing is Normal

Phil Andreopoulous, Chief Operating Officer Owner & Franchise Ser vices at Marriott International said: “Always challenge the status quo so that when you are forced to do it you know how to do it ”

Dmitris Manikis President EMEA Wyndham Hotels & Resor ts suggest ed cutting out the noise from outside and focusing on what is going on within an organisation “Control the controllables Focus on the things you can control

Leadership was also high on the agenda in Tuesday’s session How can the Hospitality Industr y Win the Talent Challenge , where the panel fea turing industr y leaders from Accor, Aimbridge and GIG discussed the impor tance of changing the narrative around hospitality to encourage young people to enter the industr y, and then mentor them to success once they star t their journey

Accor’s Vice President of Operations, Ronan McGovern, said: “Match the talent with a good mentor Ever y experience is a learning experi


Those seeking sustainable economic solutions were steered ahead through sessions across both days Rober t Godwin Managing Director of Lamington Group, explained why his company was aiming for net zero in Zero Means Zero: Forging the Path to Whole Life Net Zero and out lined how others could star t their journey by ‘avoiding, reducing and off setting’ Lamington Group handed out an oak sapling to all attendees to plant in their drive towards net zero

In The Sustainability Conundrum: Accreditation Measuring and Repor ting, moderated by Energ y & Environment Alliance CEO Ufi Ibrahim, the overarching message was that while standards are currently being set by government in relation to international environmental stan dards for developments, there is still much that can be achieved in cur rent operations

As Susan Bland Managing Director of RBH Management said: “E is only one par t of the ESG and carbon is only one par t of the E it gets talked about a lot, but there are a lot of par ts in the S and the G to focus on The environmental focus is newer to the conversation, but within it there are a lot of par ts easy to understand and already measurable ”


While challenges were highlighted there was an overwhelming feeling of positivity from panellists and speakers In Crunching the Numbers: The Key Demand, Revenue and Cost Trends to Monitor in Times Ahead, Thomas Emmanuel of STR said things were ‘unashamedly positive’ “When looking at the data, things are good,” he added

The oppor tunities presented by public private par tnerships were explored in How to Fill the Hotel Development Viability Gap Andy Townsend of Legacy Hotels said many local authorities were keen to develop hotels for the future , but still needed guidance in getting it right

He said: “For ever y local authority it’s a journey of discover y The real selling point is the future economic benefits That’s what ultimately attracts the investment ”

The same topic continued in Levelling Up: Maximising the Social and Economic Impact of the Hotel Sector Jon Day of Cardiff Council empha sised that the public private par tnership had to be strong in order for it to work, but that there were clear economic and social benefits for both hotels and a local area when it was

Speaking in the same session, Andy Jansons, Managing Director of Jansons Proper ty, added:

“Two years of tourism and events lost to Covid 19 has grown a huge amount of pent up demand that presents a favourable investment oppor tunity And with the inbound investment stimulated by hotel devel opments, urban regeneration projects and economic rebalancing in the UK will reap the benefits

Burger King UK Acquires Largest Franchise Partner’s Restaurant Portfolio

Burger King UK (“BKUK”) announces the indirect acquisition of all 74 Burger King restaurants from its second largest franchise par tner, through the acquisition Karali Limited and Teresina Limited ( the Karali Group”)

The new financing demonstrates Burger King UK s commitment to invest in growth,

growth strateg y of restaurant expansion like for like growth and fur ther franchise acquisitions

ting its


expand its owned and sub franchised restaurant

2026 BKUK expects

Marking significant progress towards its growth targets, the business has agreed to acquire

Since the star t of 2021, BKUK has added 701 owned restaurants to its estate comprising 391 new restaurant openings and the acquisition of 31 sub franchised restaurants BKUK s strong leadership team continue to see significant market oppor tunity for BKUK and remain focused on delivering against an ambitious set of growth plans

Alasdair Murdoch, CEO at BKUK said:

Group marking BKUK’s largest

The deal will increase the




The acquired

BKUK plans

elling programme to deliver

digital kiosks and


Underpinning this growth strateg y, BKUK’s new

They comprise the business’


previous credit facility secured

has been

the end of


and demonstrates


The acquisition of Karali the largest consolidation BKUK has made marks an impor tant milestone for the business, bringing more restau rants under our ownership, enhancing value and driving operational effi ciencies We believe that we have a strong expansion pipeline and are well positioned to take advantage of the clear market oppor tunities ahead

“I would like to thank the team at Karali, led by owner and managing director Salim Janmohamed, for their contribution to the Burger King presence in the UK for over four decades As one of the longest standing franchise par tners Karali’s dedicated team have ensured Burger King stores continue to best ser ve our cus tomers while achieving impressive growth We look forward to welcoming our new colleagues to the core BKUK team and delivering on the exciting growth plans for the business

Salim Janmohamed, Owner and Managing Director at Karali said:

“Over the course of our long standing par tnership with the Burger King brand Karali worked tirelessly over 15 years to build a substantial, balanced por tfolio of Burger King franchise stores and achieve its suc cess today This nation wide , 74 restaurant por tfolio is performing exceptionally well based on a resilient financial platform and suppor ted by strong operational management, a first class team, and a growing cus tomer base We are pleased to suppor t this transaction to ensure Burger King UK can continue to enhance the value of this impressive


tfolio with the suppor t of its exper t leadership team and the dedicated workforce employed today

24 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130
por tfolio from 533[1] to more than 700 by
that this expansion will be achieved through new restaurant openings with circa one restaurant opening planned per week until the end of 2022 as well as selected franchise acquisitions
a por tfolio of 74 franchise stores from Karali
ever franchise consolidation
BKUK directly
to 266 restaurants1,
additional owned restaurants in prime locations including Greater London, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham and Leeds As a result, BKUK will now have direct ownership of around half of its 533 strong UK store estate1
por tfolio will add to BKUK s diverse multi format estate , with the new stores spanning 36 Drive Thru, 9 In Line , 27 Shopping Centre and 2 Leisure restaurants Karali’s por tfolio has performed well in recent years demonstrating resilience to the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic
to fur ther energise the newly acquired restaurants, incorporating them into its major remod
customer experience and new visual identity, including pre order
digital menu screens
secured from three blue chip lenders
two existing lenders National Westminster Banks Plc (“NatWest”) and Rabobank
(“Rabobank”), alongside new lender AIG The fixed term
replaces the business’
of BKUK’s
ence The GMs who have a natural talent to develop their teams don t tend to have problems recruiting

Night -Time Businesses “Under Attack”

The Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) has called on the government to protect the sector through agent of change and asset protection schemes with noise complaints escalating “ expo nentially” in the last six months

Combined with growing operating costs, businesses in the UK are being challenged by Police and Licensing authorities through resident complaints who have become used to quieter nights over the last three years with limited or no night time economy engagement due to pandemic restrictions

The move from pandemic lockdowns to open for business from July 2021 and the rebir th of night time economy businesses who suffered at the hands of the pandemic , has seen a flood of noise abatement notices and pressures from local authorities to reduce noise and nuisance

There are accusations that some complaints are made out of from malice , however, some are due to residential developments taking place during the pandemic where licensing and planning do not consider the long term impacts

The Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) are calling for the Government to work towards protecting

this sector, through agent of change and asset protection schemes similar to Berlin, par ticularly the independent businesses that are such a vital par t of the cultural makeup of the capital

Michael Kill CEO NTIA said, “The UK’s Night Time Economy businesses are under attack, undeser vedly in many cases These businesses have weathered over three years of austerity, and now with untenable operating costs, face a fight for sur vival ”

“The escalation of noise complaints across the UK has become a real issue with businesses not only feeling the pressures of cur rent costs and trade , but now the notion that their livelihoods could be challenged at any moment

“With an estimated 300 Million visitors to the UK’s nightlife each year, these businesses are vitally impor tant to the recover y of the capital and are the backbone to our local economies ”

“We need the Government to recognise the impor tance of these businesses and protect them with the same vigour that they would the museums galleries and historic sites that the UK is known

well for

The Original Smartphone Quiz That’s Driving Footfall and Sales In Thousands of Pubs

In theor y, Thursday night at the Black Bull in York should be one of the pub’s quieter nights of the week, falling as it does just before the weekend But the reality couldn’t be more different

“We run a Thursday evening quiz using SpeedQuizzing and it’s now one of our busiest nights, with rev enues up by about 80% and more than 35 four person teams competing each week ” says manager Jill Clarke

She’s not alone The Black Bull is just one of over a thousand hospitality ven ues hosting weekly quizzes using SpeedQuizzing an interactive app based quiz platform that’s revolutionising the pub quiz and driving footfall, sales and fun in pubs and bars all over the UK

It has been described as offering all the excitement of a quiz and game show rolled into one , and, when you speak with SpeedQuizzing co founder Alan Leach, it’s easy to understand why

We created Speedquizzing to be fast paced, enter taining and hassle free , both for pub hosts and players alike

Games are hosted in each venue via our platform using a laptop, and

instead of using a pen and paper, players answer the questions in real time through our app, which they download for free There’s no need to keep score as that’s done automatically and our customers love the fact that our quizzes are cheat free with our software making it easy to set time limits on how long teams have to answer each question

“In keeping with the game show style of our quiz games individual buzzer sounds can also be allocated to each team, while hosts can also use a variety of sound effects to add to the upbeat atmosphere

Its digital question packs, which come free with ever y SpeedQuizzing activa tion, are another key point of difference , with ever y pack being completely unique ensuring no host will ever receive the same question pack as another host

“They can be tailored by topic , age range or level of difficulty, meaning quiz hosts can perfectly cater to the needs and requirements of different audi ences, ” says Alan, “and with the World Cup just around the corner

we ’ re already star ting to see increasing demand for our football themed quiz packs ” For more information, visit www SpeedQuizzing com
Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 25

Supporting UK Hospitality Businesses To Unlock A Sustainable Tomorrow


The UK government has made it clear that to achieve net zero carbon by 2050, everyone must do their part both in business and at home For hospitality businesses where heat ing and hot water contributes significantly to their overall energy consumption, it’s clear that taking steps to convert to low carbon energy sources will have a positive impact

What’s more, with customers becoming more aware of how their lifestyle choices impact on the environment, hotels have a lot to gain in terms of increasing revenue and improving reputation by actively reducing their carbon footprint

Looking ahead, as part of its commitment to offer our cus tomers 100% sustainable energy solutions by 2040 Calor continues to take steps to encourage our hospitality cus tomers to make the switch to bulk Futuria Liquid Gas help ing to support the hospitality industry across the UK deliver on their sustainability goals for today and tomorrow

To join the Futuria of off grid energy visit www calor co uk


Ahead of the government s proposed phase out of fossil fuel heating installations in off gas grid homes and small businesses starting in 2026, and in larger off gas grid non domestic buildings from 2024, UK hospitality businesses are facing increasing pressure to explore alternative sustainable fuel sources Alastair Lovell Head of Sustainable Fuels at Calor discusses how sustainable fuels can not only help reduce carbon emissions but can also support businesses looking to future proof operations

Annual energy costs for the hospitality sector are in excess of £1 3 billion1, and result in carbon emissions of more than 8 million tonnes per year2 On top of this the industry is consid ering, waste management, ongoing staff shortages and the sustainability credentials of the items and products they use on a day to day basis


Despite the ongoing cost of living crisis, research continues to indicate consumers are increasingly making purchasing decisions with businesses and brands based on their sustain ability credentials In fact, latest research has shown that 65%3 of shoppers think about sustainability before making a purchase Against this backdrop and as the hospitality indus try just like many other business sectors work towards the government’s net zero legal obligation, it makes good busi ness sense to explore sustainable practices and solutions as a way to attract new customers as well as contribute to the success of net zero

As one of the most carbon intensive fuel sources, oil fuelled

boilers are still commonly found in off grid pubs, hotels and bars across the UK Yet what is often a simple and straight forward switch from oil to bulk LPG can immediately cut CO2 emissions by up to 17 8%4, compared to oil, making it ideal for rural hospitality businesses where electricity is simply not viable because of limited supply to the location

For those businesses looking to further improve their sus tainability credentials Calor s Futuria Liquid Gas offers hospi tality businesses a reliable bulk supply fuel source which also makes a positive impact on reducing carbon emissions

Calor has been Parkdean Resorts main LPG fuel supplier for many years and in 2022 both compa nies embarked on an opportunity to improve the sustainability of Parkdean Resorts’ gas supply and reduce CO2 emissions together Through the partnership, Parkdean Resorts will become the first holiday park company to use Futuria Liquid Gas More than 14% of the total LPG supplied by Calor to Parkdean Resorts will be Futuria Liquid Gas by the end of 2022, rising to nearly 25% by the end of 2023

Jane Bates Director of Procurement and Sustainability at Parkdean Resorts said:

Futuria Liquid Gas (previously BioLPG) is a sustainable fuel made from a blend of waste, residues and sustainably sourced materials While there is currently a price premium when compared to standard LPG bulk supply of Futuria Liquid Gas, when at a 100% blend, can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 86% (kgCO2e/kWh) when compared to using heat ing oil and up to 80%6 compared to conventional LPG

Globally, 85% of people7 indicate that they have shifted their purchase behaviour towards being more sustainable in the past five years As the sector continues to face uncertainty those businesses which are able to clearly demonstrate their commitment to sustainability will ultimately be the ones who are able to attract the more environmentally conscious con sumer

One of the ways we’re supporting customers here is through our Green Gas Certification Scheme The independ ent scheme ensures traceability of all bulk Futuria Liquid Gas delivered to and used by our hospitality customers while also highlighting the amount of CO2 saved

We own and operate 66 award winning holiday parks, with 3 500 acres of land including forests peatbogs rivers beaches and headlands in some of the UK’s finest beauty spots We’re committed to caring for our people, parks and planet to create a positive environmental impact on nature and resources and to acting responsibly for the long term sustainability of our business, and it’s important to us that our suppliers can help us deliver against these sustainability commitments

“Working with Calor to supply Futuria Liquid Gas to our parks will be a big step towards achieving our first mile stone of a 25% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025 We have a well established relationship with Calor, and this partnership represents a key initiative in our industry leading strategy to create truly sustainable parks

SOURCES: 1&2 https://prod drupal files storage googleapis com/documents/resource/pub lic/Hospita ity sector guide pdf 3 https://travindy com/2022/07/the hotel industrys big carbon lie/ 4 https://www circularonline co uk/news/over half of uk shoppers feel guilty about buying from businesses that arent sustainable/ 5&6 Tab e provided by k nd permission of GemServ based on emiss on factor cal culations prepared by BEIS 2021 Based on 100% BioLPG allocation 7 https://www businesswire com/news/home/20211014005090/en/Recent Study Reveals More Than a Third of Global Consumers Are Willing to Pay More for Sustainability as Demand Grows for Environmentally Friendly Alternatives
26 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130

Study Finds Less than Half of People Trust That All Allergens Have Been Correctly Identified in Food

A year on from the introduction of Natasha’s Law, which requires food businesses to include full ingredients labelling on prepacked for direct sale foods, new research from online training provider High Speed Training has found that only 47% of people trust that the manufacturer or premises ser ving the food has correctly identified all of the allergens in the product

Natasha's Law, which came into force on the 1st October 2021, was proposed after the tragic death of Natasha Ednan Laperouse , a 15 year old who died in 2016 after suffering an allergic reaction to sesame seeds that were baked into the dough of a baguette

The sandwich did not have any allergen advice on its wrapper as it was prepared on the premises At the time , this was not required by law

Natasha’s Law requires food businesses to include full ingredient labelling on prepacked for direct sale foods products packed on the same premises from which they are being sold

Common foods that can fall into this categor y include sandwiches, salads and pies sold from the premises in which they are made

A year on from the Law coming into effect, High Speed Training has conducted a sur vey exploring the impact the changes in legislation have made

The sur vey of over 1000 UK adults found that less than half (47%) of respondents trust that the manufacturer or premises ser ving the food has correctly identified all

of the allergens in the product, highlighting the need for food businesses to do more to reassure their customers

The sur vey also found that only 37% of respondents felt that they are more aware of food based allergens now than they were a year ago demonstrating that overall knowledge of allergens is still relatively low

When asked if they could name any of the 14 allergens that food businesses must declare under UK law, a huge 53% said they wouldn’t be able to name any, with a fur ther 20% only being able to name between one and three

Tash Blythe , Food and Drink Learning Designer at High Speed Training, said: Since Natasha’s Law was introduced, we have seen high numbers of businesses and individ uals taking our Allergens Awareness course , as premises worked to ensure that they were compliant with the new regulations

“However, these results clearly show that there is still work to be done to educate both businesses and the general public on the impor tance of allergens and their clear labelling, and to help build the trust of customers and consumers

“In the UK, an estimated two million people are living with a diagnosed food aller g y, so it is vital that ever yone is aware of the potential dangers of mislabelled prod ucts We would urge all businesses and consumers to increase their knowledge of allergens and understand how to safely label and identify their presence in products ”

BaxterStorey and Monin Front Springboard Christmas Cocktail Campaign

BaxterStorey and Monin have teamed up to front Springboard’s Christmas cocktail campaign and are calling for operators to join them in raising vital funds for the industr y by adding of a charity cocktail to their drinks lists this December

To provide inspiration Dan Fellows, BaxterStorey Beverage Par tner and previous UK Barista Champion, has created the Fair ytale of New York Sour a mix of Whiskey red wine lemon juice winter spiced sugar syrup and nutmeg

Operators can opt to adopt the Fair ytale of New York Sour, using Dan's exclusive recipe , which can be found here , or choose a cocktail designed by their own mixol ogist

In the instruction video, Dan describes the cocktail, saying that: "The red wine gives the drink a really nice dr y, dark, rich fruit [flavour], which compliments the whiskey sour and spice underneath "

Chris Gamm, CEO of the Springboard Charity, said: “Whatever you decide to shake or muddle , Springboard asks that you include a charity donation on each one sold It could be a percentage of sales or a £1 donation per cocktail, and Springboard will be sharing pictures of the cocktails from par ticipating venues on social media We’re looking



hospitality venues busy over the

to delight their

season and are

with the

option of a cocktail on their drinks list that suppor ts the Springboard Charity while they celebrate ”

UK&I Head of Marketing at Monin, Gurdeep Saini said: We are proud to suppor t Springboard with their charity festive cocktail this year CSR and Charity is a key pillar of the Monin ethos We have been championing the hospitality sec tor through our products, ser vices and exper tise for over 100 years It is hugely rewarding to use our flavour exper t ise to suppor t those in need working with Springboard to help the unemployed succeed in exciting hospitality careers ”

A number of operators including Café Spice Namasté The Pig Hotel Group and The Langham, have already signed up to create a cocktail to delight their guests and suppor t Springboard

Binay Ar yal from Café Spice Namasté commented: “Café Spice Namaste have been suppor ting Springboard since 1994 and are glad to continue our suppor t this year and many more in future It is simply because Springboard is such a wor thwhile charity, especially at a time when the industr y faces its worst staffing nightmare ”

Find out more , see the suggested recipes and sign up to suppor t the campaign at your venue/s, here: https://springboard uk net/springboard charity cocktail/

Vision Linens Launches New Loyalty Program


28 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130 Vision Linens, leading textile supplier and distributer, has launched a new loy alty program across its ecommerce site visionlinens com Vision is best known for supplying textiles to some of the biggest names in hospitality and retail, including Accor IHG Hilton and John Lewis & Par tners What many may not realise , is that Vision’s ecommerce site enables accommodation providers, as well as ever yday consumers to buy the same ethically sourced high quality products, direct from Vision and delivered straight to their door
Visionaires Members Club is completely free to join and rewards its members for ever y interaction they have on the online shop The more its members spend and the more they share online , the more points Vision will offer to redeem against its products Visionaires can earn one Reward Point for ever y £10 they spend online Additional points can be earned when you initially register for an account as well as reviewing products, referring friends and for social media interactions In turn, Reward Points can be redeemed against any products listed on the website , with no minimum order value It’s as easy as that The benefits continue to flow, you’ll be the first to know about Vision’s sales, promotions and new products, as well as handy industr y tips As a member you can view your full order histor y and quickly reorder the same products without having to find them and add them to your basket So, what are you waiting for? Click here to sign up and create an account with us *Terms and conditions apply
appealing to those pubs, bars, restaurants and hotels that ser ve cocktails
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

UKinbound’s Awards for Excellence Makes its Return Following Two-Year Hiatus

UKinbound has announced its Awards for Excellence winners at a star studded event in Aberdeen last week, following a two year hiatus due to the pandemic

12 accolades were handed out, including the new Member’s Choice Award, to both organisations and individuals that had made a significant contribution to the continuing success of the inbound tourism sector The winners were presented their awards by local radio personality Lauren Mitchell, in front of an audience of over 275 tourism and hospitality professionals

Following self nomination, 11 of the winners were decided by a panel of independent judges from across the tourism industr y Kur t Janson, director, Tourism Alliance; Helen Bowron, communica tions director, Coach Tourism Association; and Dr Karen Thomas, director, Tourism and Events Research Hub, Canterbur y Christ Church University

In contrast, UKinbound members had the oppor tunity to vote for the winner of the Member Choice Award, with four exceptional individuals making the shor tlist

Winners from the evening were:

Tour Operator of the Year Angela Shanley Associates

• Accommodation Provider of the Year Lake Distr ict Countr y Hotels

• DMO of the Year V sit Inverness

New Brakspear's Giving Back Scheme to Focus Charity Support on Bees and Local Causes

Pub operator Brakspear is launching Brakspear's Giving Back, a new initiative to suppor t wor thy causes chosen by its 120 pubs through a match funding scheme and to upscale the company ' s long standing effor ts to protect Britain's bee population

Brakspear's Giving Back will be fund ed by a £25,000 annual contribution from Brakspear Requests for match funding will be welcomed from any pubs within Brakspear's leased and ten anted estate or its Honeycomb Houses managed division who have already raised money for a local charity or good cause Applications will be

reviewed by a team of eight Brakspear's Giving Back committee members, including three licensees from the L&T division and head office personnel, chaired by Alexa Davies, wife of chief executive Tom Davies Separately, sums from Brakspear's Giving Back will go towards bee conser vation, which Brakspear has suppor ted for some years They have recently installed 12 beehives across three L&T sites and two Honeycomb Houses, working with professional beekeeper John Farrell of Chiltern Bee to ensure the colonies thrive in their new homes They will also look to sell the honey produced by the bees to raise money to go back into maintaining and potentially expanding their beehives

Brakspear chief executive Tom Davies said: "Our pubs are all about people: the people who work in them, drink in them, and live in the communities around them The aim of Brakspear's Giving Back is to suppor t the health and well being of these people , and we are looking forward to receiving applications from across the estate

"By structuring our donations in this way, we know that we ll be making a difference to the charities and causes that our licensees and their teams know are impor tant to their local communities "At the same time , we are expanding our suppor t for Britain's bee population, a cause that's been close to our hear ts for some years; the Brakspear and Honeycomb Houses logos feature a bee and many of our pubs have beautiful gardens that rely on bees Our pub teams, customers and communities have been thrilled by the installation of our beehives and that engagement will only grow as they watch the colonies develop through the seasons and see home grown honey appear in our pubs "


Brakspear has installed beehives at two Honeycomb Houses: The Frogmill near Cheltenham and The Lion near Bicester, and at three tenanted pubs in its hear tland around Henley: The Cherr y Tree in Stoke Row, The Chequers at Berrick Salome and The Hare & Hounds at Sonning Common Unusually for new colonies, the Brakspear bees have already produced some honey John Farrell said: "This is an unexpected bonus, as it usually takes colonies a year to settle in before they yield any honey We're pleased as it means the bees must be happy in their new pub garden homes and will continue to pro duce honey "

The Brakspear logo has its roots in a centuries old connection to Nicholas Breakspear, the only English Pope and a distant relative of the Brakspear family Reigning as Pope Adrian IV from 1154 1159, his papal seal included a bee , appar ently as a reminder of the ‘B' at the beginning of his name

Riso Gallo’s Fantastic Young Risotto Chef

Competition is Now Open for Entries for 2023!

Now in it s 6th year, the competition has gone from strength to strength and is a fixture on the culinar y calendar for many Open to young chefs aged 17 23 from UK and Ireland, either already in our wonderful profession or still in education, the competition offers the oppor tunity to win a 3 day culinar y stage at the esteemed Michelin starred Il Luogo aimo in Milan and see at first hand the Gallo rice mill Established in 1856, Riso Gallo is the oldest Risotto rice producer in Italy and has been delivering its premium rice to consumers around the world for over six generations Riso Gallo is the first international rice brand to have produced its rice from sustainable agriculture mak ing their premium best selling risotto completely sustainable from field to fork something which align well with our choice , for the 2nd year, to hold our final at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, itself reknowned

for its green credentials

In addition to the competitive element the competition is known for its fun, excitement and sheer enjoyment in the cooking, and chefs at the top of their game from around the countr y willingly give up their time to judge the young chefs work and offer, in many cases, ongoing suppor t and encouragement long after the last spoon has been ser ved at the Final With heats around the UK and Ireland scheduled for Januar y & Februar y culminating in the stellar final in early April the whole thing is a celebration of all things rice and risotto and is just a joy to take par t in

more information please see

30 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130
https://www youngrisottochef com or see the adver t on page 11
Loc h Ness • Transpor t Provider of the Year DFDS • Ser vice Provider of the Year : Professional Ser vices Strong Recruitment • Ser vice Provider of the Year : Tec hnology Vox Group • Sustainable Tour ism Provider of the Year Dalata Hotels • OTA of the Year Get Your Guide Individual Attraction of the Year Mercat Tour s & The Beatles Stor y • Sightseeing Operator of the Year Birgit’s Baker y and Afternoon Tea Bus Tour s • Member s Choice Award Rob Way, The Tour ism Media Group • Chairman’s Award Rebecca Brooks Abbey UK Joss Croft, CEO UKinbound said: “We are delighted to be back hosting our Annual Awards for Excellence Gala Dinner, celebrating the achievements of this fantastic industr y Each and ever y winner has worked incredi bly hard over the last 12 months and these awards celebrate their significant contributions to the continuing success of the inbound tourism sector ”

Get Snacking Sorted

Q&A with Matt Smith, Marketing Director for Tayto Group Ltd (

(Owners of market leading Mr Porky and Midland Snacks scratchings, REAL hospitality exclusive premium hand cooked crisps and Golden Wonder family favourite Animal Adventures)


We recently asked consumers what appeals to them the most, when looking for a snack to accompany an alcoholic drink1, and they said:

Good crunch and texture

Premium quality

Strong flavour

A bigger bag to share with others

A brand that you wouldn’t eat every day

It’s important to cover a large range of ages and dietary requirements with your snacks offering Pub goers are more and more conscious about what they and their families eat 4 in 10 Brits regularly shop the free from fixture2, buying local and British made are key purchase drivers for food3 and the flexitarian diet is set to be the No 1 diet in 2022 (more popular than calorie counting) 3

Nearly 3 in 10 pub goers want to see pubs offer a better range4, so here’s a short list of the most popular snack types and flavours:

• Pork scratchings an especially popular accompaniment to a lager, beer or cider drink Midland Scratchings are traditional hand cooked scratchings and the ultimate pub snack! Mr Porky is the the UK’s No1 pork snack The Nation’s favourite includes a range of textures and bite sizes to tempt and tantalise!

• Hand cooked crisps particularly favoured by Gin drinkers The staple favourites of Sea Salt and Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar are must stock flavours, alongside Cheese & Onion (of course!) 1 To widen appeal, consider hot and meaty flavours for younger male clientele and flavours like Sweet Chilli too 1 These flavours, not usually eaten at home, offer something familiar but different a less traditional alternative The premium REAL Hand Cooked Crisps range is gluten free, with no added MSG, suitable for veg etarians and six flavours are suitable for vegans too With 82%

brand awareness in a recent survey of Craft Gin Club members, they’re proving incredibly popular with the 25 34 year age bracket And our new improved mouth wateringly meaty Roast Ox flavour has just won a Great Taste 2002 Award!

• Family favourites Golden Wonder Animal Adventures are lightly salted animal shaped fun snacks, they are gluten free and have no artificial colours or preservatives


Scratchings really are the ULTIMATE PUB SNACK! They topped the list when 2,000 pub goers were asked to name their favourite pub snack 5 This comes as no surprise as 94% of pork snacks are con sumed with a drink6 The combination of a pint and scratchings has been passed down generations and is fundamental to the Great British pub experience There really is no matching a scratching!

Premium crisps are another essential bar snack, given a consumer survey showed that 82% of pub goers eat them4 As a partner to a gin & tonic, hand cooked crisps are the top snack preferred five times more than nuts and premium crisps1 Offering hand cooked crisps are that bit more special than everyday (flat) crisps and consumers are willing to pay up to 30% more for premium, over standard snacks7 a treat for both customer and licensee!


Bar Snacks offer a brilliant opportunity to increase sales through the ‘double whammy’ of generating incremental sales AND boosting dwell time 80% of people don’t regularly buy a snack with a drink and the main reason for not doing so is “I just didn’t think about it”8

We also know that seeing is believing and visibility can improve snack sales by 80%9

Prompting a purchase by displaying snacks prominently and getting staff to offer them, can make all the difference ” explains Matt Smith, Marketing Director for Tayto Group Ltd, owners of the UK’s top pork snacks brands Mr Porky and Midland Snacks as well as the award winning hospitality exclusive REAL Hand Cooked Crisps

By not offering a range of premium snacks, pubs could be leaving money on the bar as Smith explains, “Our research shows that most people either have no idea what they pay for pub snacks, or expect to pay over £1 a pack, so venues can easily make over 50p profit per pack8 All it takes is for staff to ask, “Would you like a snack with your drinks?”

Snacks also have the potential to increase sales of drinks Pork scratchings are a great example The perfect partner to cider, wine and especially premium beers and lagers, their unique taste balances the sharpness or carbonation, while the saltiness enhances the flavour and helps get your thirst on!


Pub consumers look for brands they can trust and it’s important to stock proven sellers!

Tayto has a range of award winning snacks to suit every pub:

Mr Porky Original Scratchings the No 1 brand10 from the most recognised name in scratchings and a Great Taste award winning scratching

Midland Snacks Traditional Scratchings the No 2 brand10 and our best selling pubcard is also a Great Taste award winning hand cooked scratching using a recipe that has stood the test of time Mr. Porky Crispy Strips a lighter bite, akin to crispy bacon rinds, for those who want all the taste of a scratching but a less hard texture, and another Great Taste award winner

REAL Hand Cooked Crisps premium, award winning, hospitality exclusive brand 100% vegetarian, no added MSG and 100% gluten free with strong flavours and characterful packaging which really stands out and drives sales

Golden Wonder Animal Adventures vegetarian, gluten free, no added nasties, animal shaped fun snacks that kids love!

Given that snack sales increase by up to 80% when they are more visible9, Tayto provides pub focused solutions such as eye catching pubcards for pork scratchings to be hung behind the bar and a range of FREE POS for REAL crisps available at

Snacks offer a simple route to incremental sales if customers are prompted to buy them with their drinks Thankfully there are a few simple tips for venues to achieve this:

Stock a range of proven, premium snacks that have been developed for the licensed sector

o Award winning pork scratching pubcards from Midland Snacks and Mr Porky

o Premium REAL Hand Cooked Crisps which are exclusive to the hospitality sector

Get your team to prompt purchase

o ‘Would you like some crisps or pork scratchings with your drinks?’ is all it takes!

Put your snacks where customers can see them

Pubcards behind the bar



32 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130
o A full range of crisps on the bar or visible on the back wall o Bar runners
coasters are
eye catching prompts SOURCES: 1 Craft Gin Club Members Survey | March 2021 2 Harr s Interactive | 2017 3 Bray Le no Food and Drink Report | 2021 4 Norstat | Consumer Usage | March 2019 5 Perspectus Global Poll | March 2021 6 Norstat | June 22 7 CGA Strategy Research | 2016/2017 8 Norstat | Nov 20 9 HIM! Foodservice 2016 10 IRI Market Advantage | IRI All Outlets GB | Pork Snacks | Value to 52 w/e 15 Jan 22

Two Thirds Of Customers Priced Out By Expensive Bar Prices

With the cost of living crisis deepening as energ y prices hikes up this week, new research reveals that two thirds of consumers feel priced out of pubs and bars as 60% admit high drinks prices affect where they can afford to go out

The study by VoucherCodes co uk analyses the impact that high living costs are having on pub and bar goers

Thanks to the crisis, one in four drinkers admit they now only go on nights out if it’s for a special occasion (20%) and 14% say they’re buying fewer drinks when they do go out to keep costs down An additional 10% say they now purchase cheaper drinks when they go out compared to before the crisis and 6% have switched to non alcoholic options to save money Despite recent repor ts of anti pre drinking measures being tri alled in bars and clubs, 10% say they’re pre drinking more before going out than before the crisis in order to buy fewer drinks from venues

Most concerningly for the industr y, one in ten consumers now say they cannot afford to go to pubs, bars and clubs at all (10%)

With less disposable income available , more than half of consumers admit to question ing whether a night out is wor th the money (53%) and one in four drinkers say they’ve

star ted switching from nights out to nights in to save money (17%) Many have also opted to budget spare cash for other treats as just 10% of consumers say they currently priori tise disposable income for nights out, compared to a quar ter who budget for eating out (22%) or getting a takeaway (23%)

Angus Drummond, Senior Director, Commercial at VoucherCodes co uk comments, As we head into winter, the cost of living crisis is impacting industr y and consumer alike , and the hospitality industr y is no exception

“This research highlights the impact that the crisis is having on consumers ’ leisure time , as many who previously enjoyed going out to pubs and bars are being forced to cut back despite not necessarily wanting to, with more than half saying the crisis is already nega tively affecting their social lives (51%)

“For hospitality venues looking to continue attracting customers as we head into the golden quar ter providing value for money is key When sur veyed drinkers were in agree ment that deals and discounts (36%) and happy hours (24%) were the most attractive incentives a venue can offer to get them through the door ”

CAMRA Unveils the Top Member Clubs Across the UK


Dobcross Band Social Club

The Club boasts enjoyable views of the hills of the Saddlewor th moors The present wooden building was erected in 1967 and is set out in a way to pro vide facilities for the members of its various sec tions These are bands bowlers snooker and dar ts players The club is famous for its weekly Sunday night band concer ts, mainly of local bands but occa sionally hosts bands from fur ther afield


Adrossan Academicals Rugby Club

increased from one to four under the steward who is knowledgeable and enthusiastic about real ale


Firs Club

The club contains a bar area, quiet lounge and spor ts lounge with pool table Snooker tables are upstairs Up to three guest ales always including a mild, mainly sourced locally The club has its own on site microbrewer y


Bishop's Stor tford Spor ts Trust

The best clubs across the UK have been announced as par t of C AMRA’s prestigious Club of the Year competition 2022

The 14 regional finalists will now have a chance to compete for the National Club of the Year crown, one of the highest accolades afforded to Britain’s clubs The competition has been on hold over the last two years due to COVID 19 restrictions and was last won by Cheltenham Motor Club in 2019, which also won the award in 2013 and 2017

The Club of the Year competition is run in con junction with Club Mirror magazine with the simple aim of finding the best clubs with the greatest com mitment to quality real ale those which offer a fan tastic atmosphere , welcoming surroundings and most impor tantly, top quality real ale ser ved in great con dition The overall winner will be announced early in 2023

The regional announcement comes as C AMRA urges the Government to address the burgeoning energ y crisis and commit to urgent suppor t to help the nation s pubs and clubs

Phil Gregg, National Coordinator for the Club of the Year competition says: “This is an incredibly diffi cult time for many of our beloved clubs as they jump from one crisis to yet another one The fact that we ’ re still seeing such shining examples of club excellence despite these challenges is incredible , and a real testament to these winners

“We believe that member only clubs are impor tant community assets that promote the social wellbeing of the local area and this competition aims to high light the ver y best examples across the countr y ”

The Top 14 Regional Winners


Roa Island Boating Club

A welcoming Boating Club situated on an island connected by a causeway to the mainland The small solar powered brewing plant produces a range of four beers which are supplemented by up to two from Ulverston Brewing Company The outside pago da and veranda offer superb views across the bay

An active spor ts club with members' lounge selling one cask ale and one keykeg ale C AMRA members can be signed in £1 per night up to 12 times a year, and there is also a reduced annual special C AMRA membership of £20 The club holds an annual beer festival

This is a large club house shared by the local crick et, hockey, and squash clubs It’s known for ser ving real ale and always features local breweries, with a varied selection on the four hand pumps and usually there are a selection of ales from Hadham, Mauldon, Tring, Wolf and Adnams The bar is a bit spor ts domi nated with football often screened The large open grounds make for a great beer garden when it's nice weather, and in addition members of the club and C AMRA members also enjoy discounted drink prices


Marden Village Club

with spor ts TV and hosts live music some Saturday evenings C AMRA members can be signed in as guests on production of their membership card


Mid Boldon Club

Private members only club that celebrated its cen tenar y in 2012 The single room on three levels is ser ved from a single bar and features a snooker table There are four ever changing cask beers always from local and independent breweries


Barnton Cricket Club

This local and regional C AMRA multi award win ning club is a beacon for real ale in a relative deser t Spor ts feature heavily here with on site squash cour ts as well as the main cricket pitch and crown green bowling The club has been awarded Club Marque accreditation from the England & Wales Cricket Board A popular beer festival is held in the summer


Hanging Heaton Cricket Club

A long established, welcoming community club The successful cricket team plays in the local league and snooker is taken ver y seriously The two snooker tables are well used and bring home prizes plus reg ular celebrity appearances The handpumps have

Six real ales are now offered at this Grade II listed club and community hub; five change regularly and are generally from local microbreweries There is always one dark beer available The club was totally renovated in 2017 and refurbished to produce a light, air y, and friendly atmosphere Many members are involved in the club's snooker and dar ts teams; others simply enjoy the friendly ambiance and watch live football and rugby on the spor ts TV Regularly voted Maidstone C AMRA branch Club of the Year Card carr ying C AMRA members are welcome but regular visitors will be required to join


Leyton Orient Suppor ters Club

Usually only open on home match days and not during the game , this multi award winning bar is staffed by volunteers It gets busy but ser vice is swift and efficient In addition to match days, it often opens for England football matches and other events, including brewer y takeovers and beer festi vals A small admission charge is sometimes levied for non club/C AMRA members Up to 10 cask ales are ser ved along with ciders and a small range of bottles


Egham United Ser vice Club

Local C AMRA Club of the Year and a previous National Club of the Year finalist A changing range of ales including a dark beer and a real cider available from the cellar Three beer festivals a year showcase an eclectic range of ales, mostly from the newest micros around The club is comfor tably furnished


Corfe Castle Club

Friendly club in the village centre formerly a school and built in Purbeck stone The main bar has upholstered bench seating, TV for major spor ting events, dar ts and a Purbeck longboard Shove Ha penny An upstairs room has a pool table and can be hired for meetings Filled rolls are available all day

The spectacular garden boasts a boules cour t and views over the Purbeck hills Convenient for the Castle or Steam Railway, visitors are welcome with a C AMRA membership card or copy of the Guide


Barr y West End Club

Visitors are welcome to sample the keenly priced ales at this multiple winner of the local C AMRA Club of the Year Housed in a red brick building overlooking Barr y Old Harbour, it features a bar, lounge , function and snooker rooms The club holds a couple of beer festivals during the year and has been home to a cricket club for over 30 years It fields skittles adult and junior football and snooker teams, and even has chess, fishing and scuba clubs


Cheltenham Motor Club

Located just outside the town centre in the former Crown Inn This friendly and welcoming club, formed in 1906, is open to all The enthusiastic steward nor mally keeps six ales on tap, one generally from Moor Beer, one is always a dark beer, a cask typically from Deya and at least one cider plus a range of Belgian beers in bottles The club is divided into a bar/TV room, now with additional snug and a games room separated by a folding par tition There is now a new side canopy leading into the cour tyard for external sheltered drinking The bar is decorated with various motoring paraphernalia Three times winner of National C AMRA Club of the Year, 2013, 2017 and 2020, and 2014/5/16 finalist

34 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130

Chef's Buyer's Guide

Easy Cook for an Easy Life

Few ingredients in a chef's pantr y provide more interest ing textures or more versatility and profit potential than rice

Did you know that rice is the most popular grain on the planet and the primar y dietar y staple for more than half the world’s population? Despite the soaring inflation of food, US grown rice remains one of the most cost effective ingredients in the food ser vice pantr y US rice is ver y high quality and an ideal option when seeking to diversify your menu offering whilst crucially increasing your profit per plate margins; from Thai, Indian, Brazilian, Salvadoran, Chinese , Spanish, Turkish cuisines and beyond With rice on your menu, you can take your patrons around the world

Rice is an economical choice for chefs and opera tors as commodity prices continue to increase The ongoing Ukraine conflict has resulted in a global shor tage of wheat resulting in huge price increases of bread and pasta, whilst the cost of potatoes has also risen significantly

Rice dishes are always popular, are ideal for diners seeking gluten free dishes and work exceptionally well when tr ying to maximise profits, par ticularly if using the grain as the main ingredient on the plate , adding smaller amounts of higher cost ingredients

Our top tips to keep your profit margins healthy:

1) Increase Vegetarian Choices Rice lends itself per fectly to plant based and vegetarian menu options

2) Rice is a fantastic tool in achieving a full looking plate to help adjust por tions as the price of costly

proteins continue to sky rock et

3) Embrace World Foods customers increasingly want to tr y new and unusual dishes so look to the Caribbean, Africa and Asian to create low cost, high margin rice based meals

4) Cut down on waste by repurposing leftovers, prepped ingredients from a previous ser vice can be utilised to cre ate dishes like fried rice and stir fr ys

Tropical Sun USA Rice is:

• A free from food with no GMOs

• Contains 15 essential vitamins and minerals

• One cup has 23% of your dai y recommended folic acid

• Gluten free

Tropical Sun USA Easy Cook Rice is cultivated in the southern American states of Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Texas Tropical Sun USA Easy Cook Rice is steamed before milling This process allows the rice to harden therefore making it less sticky so the grains remain separate when cook ing As a result, this helps the rice to retain much more of its nutritional content, which is normally lost during cooking

Tropical Sun USA Rice is available in catering size packs of 5kg, 10kg, 20kg and 40kg from Wanis International Foods, either from their huge wholesale cash and carr y in East London or for nationwide deliver y

For more information, please visit www wanis com; email sales@wanis com or call 0208 988 1100

Plant-Based Bottomless Brunch With Oggs®

With plant based diets a growing trend, it’s more impor tant than ever to ensure that menus are as inclusive as possible This Veganuar y, over 600 000 people signed up to go vegan for a month Eggs were the sec ond most missed product over this time (14% of par ticipants), with options when eating out being the major barrier to sticking to the pledge (26% of par ticipants)

Enter OGGS®, creators of OGGS® Aquafaba and Scrambled OGGS® On a mission to remove unnecessar y eggs from the food chain, OGGS® products are perfectly designed to provide your customers with delicious alternatives that are better for the planet and the animals Scrambled OGGS® is an egg alternative for break fast and brunch menus made from chickpea protein Simply shake , pour and cook in minutes for a break fast scramble to take centre stage on vegetarian or vegan brunch You can also create omelettes, quiches and so much more with Scrambled OGGS®

Producing 60% less CO2e than eggs it’s not just kinder to animals, but the environment too Restaurants including Bill’s and Shepherd Neame are already using Scrambled OGGS® to innovate

across breakfast and brunch menus, from indulgent vegan full English break fasts to plant based carbonara


Aquafaba is an egg white alter native made from chickpeas an innovative solu tion to removing egg whites from cocktails With

six months shelf life and a neutral flavour profile , OGGS® Aquafaba functions exactly the same as egg whites in cocktails, while removing an allergen from your menu With 72% less CO2e than eggs, you can create the same delicious drinks without the egg using OGGS® Aquafaba for a more inclusive and environmentally friendly cocktail menu

Will at 31k in Nottingham said: “Ever y other drink we sell is a cocktail, and 1 in 4 for those calls for a foam That s 100 cocktails a night which would call for 100 eggs Thanks to OGGS® , we ’ ve saved 100 discarded yolks and 100 broken eggs shells each shift and the hassle of rinsing spilled egg whites! OGGS® is hassle free in use , taste free in cocktails, and guilt free as it helps us lower our environmental footprint ”

For more information contact

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 35

Chef's Buyer's Guide

Fylde Fresh and Fabulous

Based in the hear t of the Fylde countr yside Fylde Fresh and Fabulous Ltd are a well established family run business with over 30 years of histor y growing and processing potatoes We are passion ate about what we do We grow har vest store process and deliver fresh chips and potato products under the Triple F brand to customers the length and breadth of the countr y We operate 24 hours a day 365 days a year

We are BRC AA accredited and Red Tractor approved making us a reliable supplier to the foodser vice industr y


Fylde Fresh are committed to suppor ting the environ ment We have our ver y own anaerobic digester which is uses all of the peelings generated from the potato process This produces biogas which powers the site and the local community and produces a fer tilizer for grow ing next years spuds


We provide national coverage delivering our fresh

potato products direct to your door via a network of distributors across the UK

We offer a number of fresh potato products from fresh chips to whole peel and quar ter cuts Our chilled prod ucts take all the hassle out of food preparation Products can be delivered fresh daily There’s no waste , prep time , labour cost or mess All you need is chilled space We aim to take the stress out of potato preparation Why not contact us today for a free sample Just email sales@fyldefreshandfabulous com and one of our sales team will be in touch directly to deal with your enquir y

FFF chips are now available to buy online from our website www fyldefreshandfabulous com For all the readers of Caterer Licensee Hotelier Magazine we are offering a 10% discount off any purchase of either FFF chips or 20mm chunky chips online Simply add discount code CLHM001 when purchasing any of these two products from our website

We’ve Got A New Website! What Do You Think?

Its official, we have done it! Our new website fresh from the oven as it were we think it has turned out rather splendidly Truth be told, this has been some time in the making But the best things come to those who wait

It will give us fresh impe tus and the means to add more LittlePodders to our growing family It will help us to showcase our prod ucts and suppor t vanilla farmers in the Equatorial regions It will enable us to underline our most impor tant message: that if you choose to use real vanilla, you will make a difference to our world

Some of our personal high lights include the humming bird that buzzes around our beautiful homepage and all our delicious new recipes from our chef ambassador, and Master Chef of Great Britain

The Peter Gor ton Collection We would like to know what YOU think, so please , pop the kettle on, have a good look around and do get in touch and share your thoughts Make sure you continue to join us on Instagram (follow @little pod and use our hashtag #CampaignForRealVanilla)

Visit www littlepod co uk

Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 37
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Spirits, Mixers and Cocktails

Flavourful Fun Fast Frozen Cocktails

We’ve all been there Queuing at the bar for up to 30 minutes as the bar tender uses their mixolog y skills to make a huge order of complex cocktails from scratch

You don’t want this for your thirsty customers

With an Absolute Frozen Cocktail Machine , you can forget never ending queues It takes upto 1 minute per cocktail! To make them, you add alcohol, neutral slush then flavoured syrup to the cup All in under 1 minute It’s really that simple

The possibilities are endless There s no order 2 of the same cocktail’ catch in a 2 4 1 deal because of the slow process Your customers can order lots of cock tails in one round without holding up the queue

We’ve put together a CLH read

ers promotion; a package wor th 2,000 drinks for FREE! Within this, you get high quality Absolute Slush/Cocktail Syrups (choose from the standard pack age or opt for whatever flavours you’d like), glassware and P O S material including menus and an A board to promote your fantastic drinks With this package you can earn profits of £10,400 as your only cost is the alcohol, based on 1 x 25ml shot per cup After this

Lease or purchase an Absolute Frozen Cocktail Machine from us at Absolute Drinks We supply and install the equipment provide ser vice throughout and sell stock and sup plies!

Get in touch for a free quote or appointment with a rep 01942 607 634, sales@absolutedrinks net

‘Mix Like An Italian’ With The New Range Of Premium Mixers From Sanpellegrino

As cocktail consumption con tinues to surge and popularity of low and no alcohol ser ves con tinue to rise , Sanpellegrino brings its 90 years of drinks experience , natural quality ingredients, excep tional citrus heritage and unique sparkling bubbles to the super premium mixers market with its new range

Superbly balanced bitter sweet crisp and vibrant flavours, presented in beautifully premium glass bot tles, the Sanpellegrino mixers range includes Tonica Citrus Tonica Oakwood Limonata Aranciata and brand new Ginger Beer and Tastefully Light Tonic

The new range aims to bring people together in the Italian way through the traditional aperitivo drinking occasion The six premium sparkling drinks are made to uplift shared drinking occasions, whether mixing into a cocktail, elevating a mocktail or ser ving over ice with a slice; inviting consumers to savour their

drinking moments in style

Michela Tasso, Sanpellegrino UK Brand Manager says: “We can see that early evening consumption from 5 to 8pm known in Italy as the aperitivo moment keeps growing and that a strong cock tail offering provides great bene fits to outlets; with cocktails accounting for 7% of total venue food and drink sales in 2021 compared to just 4% in 20191 Italian to our core , this ‘aperitivo hour’ is something we have always embraced at SanPellegrino and are delighted that we can now enhance this moment with the launch of our new Italian mixers range Indeed for moments to savour mix like an Italian ”

Available to purchase online and in the on trade directly from Nestle Waters

the adver

38 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130
t on this page for details 1 CGA Managed Vo ume Pool August 2021
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Spirits, Mixers and Cocktails

Indulge Your Customers with Mozart Chocolate Liqueur

Mozar t Chocolate Liqueur is the world renowned Austrian choco late liqueur that combines two favorites from the world of indul gence: chocolate & spirits Exclusively natural ingredients, a sugar beet distillate and the exquisite craftsmanship of the master distiller & chocolatier, from the Mozar t Distiller y in Salzburg, combine unique quality ingredients and flavors in a Chocolate Symphony that proudly boasts the “made in Austria” quality seal

Mozar t is the number one chocolate liqueur in the on trade (CGA, P6 2022) and it’s clear to see why Featuring classic flavours such as cream white and dark (Vegan) as well as trending flavours

Strawberr y, Coffee and Pumpkin Spiced, the full por tfolio is award winning Most recently, the brand has been awarded with medals across the range in 2022 s IWSC Awards and the Bar tender s Brands Awards, to name a few Mozar t has been named “Liqueur Producer of the Year 2020” for the second time , after being awarded this title back in 2017 for it’s premium range of chocolate flavours

This year, Mozar t Chocolate Liqueur invested over £100,000 into building brand awareness amongst consumers and the trade , including an influencer and PR campaign as well as par tnerships with the likes of German

Bottleproof Cocktails

Gymnasium (par t of the D&D group), The Whiskey Exchange and Amazon plus many more

Mozar t Chocolate Liqueur can be enjoyed in many differ ent ways in its pure and natural state , slightly chilled on ice over ice cream in a hot drink or as a ‘choctail’ The most popular way to use Mozar t is in an Espresso Mar tini, a popular cocktail with consumers over the winter months



40ml Mozar t Cream Chocolate Liqueur

35ml Espresso (cold)

25ml Vanilla Vodka

Shake over ice and strain into a mar tini glass

For more information and Choctail inspiration please visit www mozar tchocolateliqueur com

Allowing All Venues To Serve Quality Cocktails

Bottleproof Cocktails have been supplying their premium range of pre made bottled cocktails exclusively to the hospitality trade since 2016 Customers include hotels, theatres, restaurants, pubs and events venues across the UK

Why choose Bottleproof? Well they have a range of over 25 cocktails including 0% cocktails and they only supply the on trade Plus they have received a list of awards as long as your arm from IWSC , Spirits Business and LSC

Their cocktails are , as Charlie Anderson, co owner of Bottleproof says, “ cre ated to replicate the perfect bar ser ve They are all full abv and we only use premium ingredients and branded spirits just as a top bar would We don t add any preser vatives, flavourings or colourings so they really are the real deal with no synthetic tastes”

Bottleproof cocktails are now ser ved in some of the UK s best hotels, pubs and restaurants and the reason, other than the taste , says Mark Thompson, co owner who heads up sales is

"They can be ser ved in less than 30 seconds, require no training (other than how to use a cocktail shaker) and allow venues far greater stock con

trol Both Charlie and I have either worked in or supplied the on trade for over 20 years and we understand the hos pitality business I think the fact that our cocktails are an on trade exclusive is really appealing to our customers Also, the post lockdown staffing difficulties have seen many venues really struggle with staffing and ser ving cocktails with un trained staff has been a real issue Bottleproof ’ s cocktails have provided a solution”

In addition to their range of cocktails Bottleproof also make many bespoke cocktails for customers, including a cocktail designed specifically for hotel rooms that requires no ice and no shaking! With a range of 0% cocktails as well, Bottleproof really can allow trade venues a full and balanced cocktail list

And Eco friendly Paper bottles options

Bottleproof Cocktails are available either direct or through selected trade wholesalers

For more details, visit www bottleproof co uk or email info@bottleproof co uk

Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 39

Outdoor Leisure

Sovereign - Bringing Imagination Into Play

With decades of experience in the play industr y, Sovereign pride themselves on the qual ity and longevity of their out door play equipment Perfect for busy, family friendly estab lishments, Sovereign s flagship range of timber towers have infinite play value are a great addition to any outdoor area

We think you’ll love:

Popular for a reason, the Captain Mannering (named after a pub local to Sovereign’s Essex headquar ters) incorporates four tower units to give extra space and capacity to satisfy older and more active children It pro vides a challenging play envi ronment which will inspire endless possibilities for imagi native play A truly impressive addition to any play area

The Republican Bench and Table Set is designed with commercial areas in mind Built with our robust planed

Pop-Up for Profit!

‘Pop up ’ barbecue means paring back to folding gazebos and collapsible tables, two or three cool boxes with thermometers thrown in and a hand wash within easy walking distance At all levels of operation initial costs can be much lower, outdoor areas can still be multi purpose and storage space is kept to a mini mum Spot the ‘deliberate’ mistake in the car toon BIG TIP: HSE don’t like cool boxes sitting on the ground, even with lids!

Whilst Cinders gas barbecues fold flat for easy stor age , the popular Classic TG160 model is capable of over 1000 burgers a day at a large event which must be the fastest pay back on equipment ever! Made in Britain and with a two year warranty for commercial use , the work horse TG160 will also hum away in the corner of a beer garden with our flat griddle on one

and pressure treated timber, this set is perfect for high traffic areas and a great edition to beer gar dens and outdoor seating areas

Ideal for smaller areas, the Foxtail features a slide , rock climber and a fireman’s pole to keep children enter tained for hours!

The Thumper is a truly impres sive addition to any play area, this tower incorporates many of the features seen in other models, with the addition of a fur ther deck area that allows extra space and capacity to satisfy older and more active children

With a 20 year warranty on all timber products, 25 year warranty on all metal products and the option for Sovereign Compliance inspection and maintenance pack ages Sovereign equipment will bring joy to children and families for years to come

Find us at www sovereignplayequipment co uk

side and a couple of gastronorms on the other, to de skill and make life a little less fraught

Smaller half sized models also available www cindersbarbecues co uk

Have a great summer and remember, POP UP for EASIER PROFITS

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
40 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130

Authentic Spanish Sangria

Solsueño sangria in a can introduced to the UK in spring 2022 in par tnership with Proof Drinks Ltd, has brought a premium, innovative addition to the pre mix beverage sector and a ray of liquid Spanish sunshine to UK consumers!

Packaged in a modern 330ml slimline can at 5% abv, Solsueño is an authentic sangria crafted in the Denominacion de Origen region of Jumilla, Murcia Using local and natural ingredients, the great tasting liquid is vegan and gluten free , instantly giving consumers the ‘ sun, sea and sangria’ holiday feeling

Ideal for all indoor and outdoor set tings, with no preparation or wastage , the can offers single ser ve convenience but can also be used in shared occasions adding ice and fruit in a jug The eco cre dentials of cans mean lower transpor t costs due to the lightness of the packag ing and the cans are infinitely recyclable Awarded Bronze in the 2022 IWSC Alternative Drinks categor y competition, the professional wine tasting panel offered the following tasting notes: ‘’juicy

Outdoor Leisure

Now In A Can!

cherr y and plum palate with clove and cinnamon spice giving a refreshing and drinkable palate’’

Following a first year of attending many national trade fairs, regional outdoor events, Foodie Festivals and local food & drink fairs, the overwhelming reaction to the liquid is really positive and has driven early successes with on and off trade distribution as well as Amazon Suppor ted by an active social media and extensive sam pling campaign, Solsueño has established a firm foothold and the brand is ver y much looking forward to continued suc cesses into 2023

With pre mix drinks growing to be a hugely popular categor y, par ticularly dur ing the summer sangria is a natural fit given the high levels of consumer aware ness due to Spain being a major holiday destination for the UK consumer

So sueño sangria, Bringing Spain to the UK!

Contact us at:

info@sangria solsueno com www sangria solsueno com @sangriasolsueno

Keeping Food Hot? We Have All The Answers

First of all, you will want one of our world beating Kanga boxes and a Carbon Heater You can then keep food hot indefinitely and fully comply with HACCP regulations

Sounds too good to be true?

Well we only supply premium German manufactured products from stock at incredibly low prices The insulated box manufac tured from top quality expanded polypropylene is a dense closed cell insulation material but incredibly light to handle when empty for example the GN insulted box with a 117 mm internal depth only weighs just over a kilo and yet holds a massive 21 lts

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 41
capacity Now combine the Kanga box with a Carbon Heater and the magic begins hot food all the time! Our range of Carbon heaters offers two voltage options 12 volts for car operation using the cigarette lighter socket or 230 volt mains voltage for internal or external mains use The big advantage of the Carbon Heaters they are absolutely fool proof just inser t them in the bottom of the box turn on and forget there are no consumer con trols the temperature is pre set at the factor y at 75 deg C The Carbon Heater is ver y light at only 700 grammes and does not take up much room only being 10mm thick Dishes can be place on the Carbon Heater straight out of the oven up to 120deg C Finally quick and easy to clean just wipe over with a damp cloth Contact Catering Equipment Limited on Tel: 0121 773 2228 or visit www.clickonstore .net or

Outdoor Leisure

Moda, Where Outdoor Furniture Really Means Business

Unlocking the potential of your outdoor space can be a seriously good business move Whether you need a place to close deals with clients, a second meeting room or a nineteenth hole par excellence taking your work outside offers huge attrac tions And as the UK’s leading luxur y outdoor furniture brand, Moda is ideally placed to help turn your vision into reality Having star ted out as a family run company in 2014, Moda has quickly established a reputation for innovative furniture solutions with exceptional customer ser vice This has led to a growing demand for their ser vices from an increasingly diverse client base as a greater variety of commercial sectors have looked to transform their outdoor spaces


With a dedicated Commercial team, Moda’s clients can choose from a vast collection of furniture sets to meet all business requirements


Your outdoor space can change from one day to the next, which is where Moda’s flexible modular systems really come into their own All of their furniture ranges

Monster Mesh

Monster Mesh is a leading events and construction


We specialise


have a number of modular configurations that can be cus tomised move them around your business areas, expand your collection, split them up or put them together to com plement your changing com mercial requirements


With their all weather materials and uncompromising build quality Moda furniture collections are meticulously engineered to withstand the demands of the modern workplace and the great British weather Ever y item of luxur y outdoor furniture is designed exclusively in house

This allows Moda to offer a perfect balance of both style and substance that can be enjoyed all year round What’s more, Moda’s market leading three year commercial guarantee offers commercial clients peace of mind and their aftercare policy and maintenance packages rein forces their commitment to client satisfaction

Take the first step to maximising the use of your out door space Talk to one of Moda s Commercial Business Development Managers Tel: 033 3363 7015, email: commercial@modafurnishings co uk or visit www modafurnishings co uk/commercial


We can provide a range of custom designed and printed products for HERAS fence covers, PVC and ACM Hoarding panels, PVC and mesh banners, and large scale scaffold wraps We have been in operation for 4 years now, continually growing year on year thanks to both new and return clients


At Monster Mesh we agree that your brand needs to generate the right impact Getting an eye catching design is the most impor tant when displaying your ban ner amongst others so at Monster Mesh we offer a complete in house design ser vice Most of the time this is a free ser vice where our team of designers will take your logo and a brief sample of text to create your individual design Throughout our years of experience in large format design we have learnt several ways to produce the impression you desire

The majority of our products include free deliver y and typical lead times are just 7 working days, with some products available through our 5 day express ser vice

To find out more , please visit www monster mesh co uk

Bolsius Professional Helps Operators to Unlock Revenue

The premium candle specialist has launched the repor t in response to changing market dynamics over the past few years This includes, the government relaxing of pave ment dining laws during the pandemic , which allowed restaurants, pubs and bars to ser ve food alfresco and new legislation plans to make this permanent, represent ing a valuable oppor tunity for operators with outdoor spaces

Paul Christodoulou National Account Manager UK & Ireland Out of Home and Hospitality at Bolsius Professional and Member of the Institute of Hospitality said, “Outdoors is most definitely in and now more than ever Before , outdoor spaces were a ‘nice to have’ used almost exclusively when the British summer finally arrived However, as a result of the pandemic , savvy pubs, bars



42 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130
branding company specialising in supplying
format full colour and dye sub limation printing for weather resistance , strength and durability Our top quality products match the ser vice you should expect, and we supply direct to brand own ers event management construction and signage com
As consumers flock to pub gardens and restaurant ter races Bolsius Professional has released a new guide for operators keen to capitalise on their outdoor spaces Combining stunning exteriors, design tips and cost effective ideas, ‘Investing in outdoor : attract and retain customers to grow revenue ’ provides ideas and guidance on creating a compelling multi sensor y outdoor experi ence for customers
and restaurant made the most of their outdoor space in recent years, and they are now seen as an oppor tunity
investing in your outdoor space and creating a wel coming atmosphere customers want to stay in and revis it again and again operators are not only able to ser ve more covers over the summer months but growth their full offering through additional year round space
suppor t, we ’ ve pulled together a selection of tips and ideas for operators, from furnishings to foliage and comfor t to candles we ’ re helping them to unlock rev enue through expanding into this typically under utilised area ”
Professional is a leading candle manufacturer with an extensive range of indoor and outdoor candles designed specifically for restaurants bars and hotels To discover more about their candle range and to down load a copy of the Bolsius Professional guide Investing in outdoor : attract and retain customers to grow revenue go to
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Products and Services

Your Perfect Print Partner

Bournemouth based Aspenprint is the leading provider of design and print to hotels across the UK

The talented team are competent at working with big name brands and adhering to brand guidelines, as well as creating bespoke designs for smaller boutique hotels In addition to providing a graphic design ser vice they also have a large 20,000 square foot print facility filled with digital and litho machines as well as large format and finishing depar tment to cater for all manner of print projects

Aspenprint’s wide range of hotel products includes Christmas brochures, Wedding brochures, key card holders, door hangers,

Better Beer, Better Business

Operating in over 3000 venues nationwide Clear Brew are the beer line cleaning professionals that you can rely on to help reduce waste save money and time and improve the quality of the draught products you ser ve your customers

At Clear Brew, we understand that recent challenges such as staff shor tages and inflation can add pressure to a business We are pleased to be able to help over 3000 licenced premises across the countr y by pro viding a fully managed regular beer line cleaning ser vice Our experienced technicians maintain dispense quality across both keg and cask lines on an extended frequency During each visit your local technician will carr y out a full line clean and cellar check to ensure your products and equipment are kept in top condition Our labour inclusive system comprises of a specialised water fed mixing unit, that uses no electricity or propellant gas, combined with inhibitor technolog y and market leading chemicals This results in a ser vice that is guaranteed to save your venue money, reduce your waste and improve the quality of your draught products


Our ser vice now includes our new cellar repor ting app paired with our fully managed beer line cleaning ser vice this adds real value to any operator in todays licenced sector The app has been designed to provide our customers with information related to their cellar and bar on each and ever y clean Customers are able to view the ullage , water, labour, and chemical savings they are making on each clean, they will see that standards are being maintained within the cellar and all associated equipment is being cleaned and checked and any possible

concerns have been highlighted

The Clear Brew ser vice combined with the cellar repor ting app allows our customers to be confi dent that their beer bar and cellar are being well maintained and managed


1 Guaranteed to reduce ullage improve your carbon footprint and save you money 2 Guaranteed to improve beer dis pense quality protecting yields and sales 3 Guaranteed to relieve the stress associated with organising staff 4 Guaranteed to provide profes sional, fully trained operators 5 Guaranteed to carr y out the first clean FREE of charge and provide a ser vice without any contracts or upfront costs

‘Great ser vice always on time and great value for money Would recommend to any venue big or small Saves a lot of time and energ y when we are all busy Lloyd Price Proprietor


We are so confident in our cleaning method that we don’t request a contract and provide an initial sur vey and clean completely FREE of charge During this first visit we will measure your ullage and produce a full quotation that will clearly show how much you can save

BII members’ exclusive offer : 10% off your beer line cleaning for the first 12 months


01209 219889

www clearbrew co uk

See the adver t on page 9

deckchairs, gift vouchers, branded merchandise and ever ything else a hotel might need to maximise its marketing and boost bookings

Managing Director Ian Shenton commented; “We’ve been in the print business for over 50 years and have a strong team of staff who all know the hospitality industr y inside out We truly understand how to market a hotel through effective use of design and print, and can turn projects around within a matter of days We pride our selves on building a solid working relationship with our loyal client base Our ever expanding product range keeps customers coming back


and our

vice and



Ending the need

which have been shown


design and

keeps them more than happy to use

For more information please visit their

at www.aspen


hotel related design

A Compostable Straw That Does Not Go Soggy in Your Drink?

Agave Fibre Straws are a new 100% plant based compostable straw Made entirely from natural fibres of the Agave plant, a biproduct left over as a waste material when making Tequila Manufactured sustainability in Mexico they are natu rally biodegradable and compostable at end of life They are also vegan friendly and gluten free Agave straws break down naturally in as little as 12 months, but unlike paper they do not disintegrate or go sogg y when submerged in drinks Instead, they pro vide a similar drinking experience to plastic This makes them the perfect choice for bars & restaurants ser ving high end cocktails or smoothies delivering a much improved drinking experience for your cus tomers

Not only is the expe rience improved but unlike other eco friendly alternatives such as PLA they do not need any special waste sepa ration or an

industrial process to be recycled They break down natu rally in the presence of oxygen and sunlight, meaning they will disinte grate in land fill or ocean conditions without any negative impacts on the environment

In Mexico, the relationship between the Agave plant and the people has been long inter twined Within the region there are hundreds of variations of the plant in different shapes and sizes but in recent years the plant has been mostly used to produce alcoholic bev erages Introduction of Agave straws to the UK mar ket is the result of a collaboration between Penka & Buzz Catering which aims to continue a long standing local tradition whilst creating a truly sustainable prod uct that contributes to solving a global environmental issue

For sales and more information visit us online at www buzzcateringsupplies com or see the adver t on page 15


An Expensive Luxury?

Invest today profit tomorrow: Why sustainability is for laundries a plus for their budget and for the cli mate?

Several tons of laundr y are processed in a laundr y ever y day Textile ser vice providers stand for reliabili ty, quality and hygiene Today, a responsible and inte gral circular economy means much more: Consistently clean and sustainable processed textiles

Kannegiesser is the global par tner for the future of the laundr y industr y For us, sustainability is an ele mentar y component and more than just a trend In addition to savings in resources and textile care in the laundr y technolog y, Kannegiesser stands for the inte gral sustainable corporate culture This includes secur ing long term economic stability, comprehensive education and training of the own employees and security for the future through innovation

In the washhouse , the washing line PowerTrans sets new standards for washing efficiency, hygiene , water and energ y consumption The water extraction tech nolog y of the PowerPress and PowerSpin provides low residual moistures permitting high savings in the subsequent evaporation process Thanks to the process control Eco2Power for the transfer dr yer PowerDr y the energ y is kept in the system and needs not to be recovered via heat exchangers In the finish ing process, Kannegiesser is a pioneer for low tem

perature dr ying during the process of ironing finishing or full dr ying with impressive results for both, in maintaining textile value and energ y consumption Ultimately, the energ y contained in the ironing and finisher exhaust air is used to heat fresh water for the washing process the circle is completed

The modern technolog y of Kannegiesser reduces the use of fresh water and fossil fuels Our solutions drive growth for our customers and create attractive future oriented and ergonomic jobs for us and in the entire industr y This is how we help people to live clean, healthy and safe lives

branded chocolates, menus, menu covers, branded pens, outdoor banners, giant
to us month after month,
high quality
Aspenprint "
a free sample box of
and print by emailing hello@aspenprint com
Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 43
Visit www kannegiesser com/uk/en/ for fur ther information
Hospitality businesses could slash CO2 footprints, cut water use by hundreds of thousands of litres each year, and annually save over £1 200 on ever y three urinals operated, simply by switching to waterless technolog y
findings have been released by Smar ti Environmental, the UK’s leading waterless urinal busi ness, following one of the driest and hottest summers in living memor y, leading to water shor tages, and drought measures across the UK
savings are possible with the installation of Smar ti Environmental’s eco friendly waterless Vor tex triple seal valve (TSV) which has been designed to cut urinal running bills by over half, at the same time as eliminating bad urinal smells, and blockages commonly experienced in flushing urinals
for water, the eco friendly, retro fit Vor tex valve typically saves 100 000 litres of clean water and 105kg CO2 per urinal, per year It also pre vents airborne infections caused by flushing urinals,
to spread 500 000 germs per
per flush, landing on skin, surfaces and clothing, spreading viruses including Covid 19, influenza and norovirus The Vor tex TSV fits 98% of all urinals, which means that businesses can retain their existing urinal bowls and it also provides the fastest draining waterless urinal solution on the market Utilising an eco friendly bio block enzyme ring and integrated bio tablet that breaks down uric acid and bio film proteins, the valve not only makes urine PH neutral a world first but it also prevents costly and damaging back fill flooding caused by the chemical reac tion between urine and water, which leads to uric salt and biofilm build up that often blocks flushing urinal waste pipes With the ability to be fitted in under a day, Smar ti s waterless urinal solutions offer a great way to cut costs, carbon and water use simply, easily and with the minimum of fuss, enabling hospitality businesses to function even during periods of water shor tages Visit https://smar tilimited com/ or call 01392 311 202 for a no obligation washroom sur vey and quote See the adver t on page 3 for fur ther details How to Cut Water Use, Bills and CO2 in One Simple Step

Products and Services


All sausages

flagship products the

Due to the efficiency and reliability of


Denby Launches 'Kiln' Tableware


at a

per day, we have empirical evidence

that by using Ozone Cleans range of products you will be able to enjoy an ROI within 12 months often sooner Genuine and provable results This is achieved by the permanent removal of Odours, Bacteria, Mould and Viruses in as little as 5 minutes

Peace of mind, efficiency and reliability go hand in hand with Ozone Clean and don’t forget by using our OC range you will be having a positive impact on the environment as opposed to the traditional methods which have a high energ y or chemical consump tion

Should you decide to buy either our OC1500 or OC700 we will offer you a 15% dis count exclusive to this ar ticle Just quote OZO15

Web: www ozoneclean co uk Call : 020 8883 2756

‘Kiln’ tableware launched this year is a true celebration of British craftsmanship from iconic potters, Denby Using age old pot ter y methods Kiln has a calming colour palette of chalk white and hues of oatmeal and grey with a hand decorated freckling glaze effect

Beautifully uncomplicated, Kiln creates a perfect setting to make food look stunning, the new freckling technique is designed to frame food yet is uniquely differ ent on ever y piece Kiln’s fully vitrified stoneware includes a new collection of ser ving bowls and plat ters in organic asymmetrical forms which make great statement pieces There are also classic place setting items such as coupe plates, which are known as the ‘Chef ’ s plate’ as they are great for presenting food, that can be comfor tably stacked and withstand use in a busy restaurant Denby rigorously tests its products to tough industr y standards and the pattern performs well against stringent hospitality criteria without look ing like standard hospitality ware Plate and bowl rims

are tested extensively and form par t of Denby’s 10 year chip war ranty

Produced from local Derbyshire clay, each piece of Kiln’s ar tisan potter y is handcrafted by 20 pairs of hands at Denby’s original 200 year old potter y by craftsmen whose skills have been handed down over generations Kiln shares Denby’s environmental attributes and is the conscious choice for hospitality venues who prefer to suppor t “Made in England” ceram ics Denby was the first UK potter y to be zero to landfill on process waste and holds ISO14001 which is awarded when sustainability and the care of the envi ronment form an integrated par t of the production process

Kiln has all Denby’s inherent strengths, is freezer and dishwasher safe and can be used in the oven up to a temperature of 250ºC For more information on Denby for Hospitality, visit www.denbypotter y/hospitality or see the adver t on page 6

The Sausage Man Launches the Optimum Grab and Go Sausage Solution with Sausage2Go

Sausage2Go couldn’t be easier to use; no catering experience is required, and user friendly control panels set over individual zones can be independently used to allow greater energ y efficiency Unit sizes range from counter top to freestanding with front and rear loading options tailored to individual needs Branding and packaging featuring The Sausage Man’s eye catching visuals will also be available to fur ther enhance the offer

fully cooked

For operators the unit couldn’t be simpler to use and is especially useful for quick ser ve situations; on using the Sausage2Go unit at Ashton Gate Stadium Bristol, Dave Gorwill, Concessions Manager was impressed by its efficiency and by the popularity of The Sausage Man’s product; “When we launched the 150g Porky Hot Dogs from The Sausage Man, we were surprised how quickly they sold we had to cook more before kick off! We restocked again for the break and the fans seemed to love the sausages so much that this will become one of our biggest selling food items ”

The Sausage2Go unit, made by Flexeser

, the

in hot holding, flexible merchan dising solutions, facilitates the latest ground breaking, patented air recirculation technolog

retaining heat without over cooking for perfect food condition, superior flavour and

ture , and no moisture loss throughout the day

For product information, inspirational recipes and to find your foodser vice distributor go to www wholesale sausageman co uk, email info@sausageman co uk or call 01322 867060

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out


At the Forefront of Flooring

Stephens Catering Equipment

Commercial kitchen floors are con stantly being exposed to spillages such as fats, oils, grease , detergents and acids Add heavy footfall to mix and you have the potential create an extremely hazardous environment By choosing a FloorTech® commer cial kitchen floor you are protecting the welfare of your staff by investing in the safest flooring system on the market Trazcon® has cer tified slip ratings and has superb upgrade potential for future modifications e g increase anti skid, change colour scheme etc Our FloorTech® flooring systems are HACCP cer tified ensuring that our customers have the most hygienic floor system Trazcon® Decór is primarily used in commercial kitchen and food prep areas, mixing baking & rooms, chill rooms, ingredient stores, connecting corridors, gowning rooms and washrooms thereby creating a safe and fit for purpose working environment E: info@floor T: Int 0161 775 2942 W: www floor tech co uk SUPER CLEAN, PINHOLE FREE, RESIN FLOORS Choose a FloorTech® commercial kitchen floor and protect the welfare of your staff Trazcon® has certified slip ratings and has superb upgrade potential for future modifications Our FloorTech® flooring systems are HACCP certified ensuring that our customers have the most hygienic floor system Unit 6 Thames Trading Centre,Woodrow Way,Irlam,Manchester M44 6BP E: | T: Int 0161 775 2942 W:
Technology Ozone
Ozone Clean is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Ozone generating equipment to the hospitality sec tor as well as many other industries for Odour and Infection control We supply a range of generators suitable for all applica tions both industrial and domestic that can effectively treat small to ver y large areas Our company is multi internationally award winning and has rapidly built a strong reputation within Hospitality and other industries since our inception in 2005 Our goal is centred on supplying products that are efficient, safe and cost effective , backed up by an excellent ser vice ethic and after sales operation We have over 850 clients and 11 million rooms per year being treated with our equipment In manufactur ing we only use the highest quality par ts which enables us to say that we still have machines that are still in use after 15 years Therefore , our range of products are the most efficient and reliable on the market
Emails: sales@ozoneclean co uk
Launched at this year ’ s Casual Dining Show, The Sausage Man’s Sausage2Go unit, presents the perfect hot hold solution for caterers across all sectors wishing to offer hot dogs as a quick ser ve or grab and go option Specialists in authentic premium quality German sausages The Sausage Man offers five bestselling sausages from its extensive range to kick off the Sausage2Go launch; choose from delicious Bratwurst, Bacon Krakauer, Cheese Frankfur ters, Chilli Beef or Vegan Hot Dogs to entice custom
ready to eat and reheat and are supplied chilled or frozen benefiting from a long shelf life The sausages are offered for sale accompanied by high qual ity brioche baguettes from baker y brand St Pierre
Stephens Catering Equipment were awarded the contract for the commercial kitchen Fit Out at Clayton Hotel Bristol Stephens worked for McAleer & Rushe Construction on the installation of a highly efficient kitchen, ser ver y, and kitchen extract system for the new hotel The full remit included: Ber to s Cooking Equipment, Rational self cleaning combina tion ovens Foster Refrigeration Moffat Fabrication Hobar t Warewashing, and the extraction system was completed by Bridge Air Stephens Catering Equipment (SCE) are the premier catering and food ser vice equipment firm in Ireland and the UK, with 50 years track record of delivering some of the most prestigious landmark projects across the market Working with a variety of clients from concept, design, build, install and commissioning thereafter to maintain and ser vice the equipment to ensure clients objectives are consistently met The SCE team are delighted to have played a role in the completion of this impressive project, which saw the Clayton Hotel located in the hear t of Bristol open its doors in March 2022 Stephens Catering Equipment has extensive experience across all sectors but is par ticularly specialised in delivering optimal food ser vice solutions for the hospitality industr y Commenting on the project Ian Manson Sales Director of Stephens Catering Equipment said, “We were delighted to design install and project manage the Fit Out of the Clayton Hotel, Bristol We wish them great success in the future ” T: 028 25861711/ 0141 2660031 E: sales@stephens W: www stephenscateringequipment com

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

A Special Treat from KEMPLEX and NOWAH

KEMPLEX and NOWAH are offering a special treat for cus tomers with a sales offer that includes a two day pastr y mas terclass in Milan Italy, with the current Pastr y World Cup champion Massimo Pica

Anybody that purchases a Belt movement model from the KEMPLEX dou range via an approved NOWAH dealer, will auto matically qualify for the mas terclass with Pastr y World Cup champion, Massimo Pica, at his renowned pastr y school in Milan

The package includes return accommodation with sessions between November 2022 and

Cut Bin

Large bins of food waste are cost ly to collect and cause hygiene health and safety, pest and smell issues

Regular collection costs are rising but one way to cut these costs and improve hygiene is by switching to on site food waste processing

Meiko’s BioMaster range features a hygienic stainless steel hopper which can stand alone or be built into tabling BioMaster pulverises all typical food waste including oil grease , liquids, fish skins and flowers This is then pumped automatically to on site sealed storage for collection by tanker Collections could change to being ever y few months instead of weekly or for t nightly saving a small for tune

Meiko BioMaster uses minimal water, is simple and safe to operate, cuts labour and saves floorspace by replacing scrapping bins and wheelies

must be made before 31 March 2023 to be eligible

NOWAH’s Michael George said the offer would give end user customers a unique opportunity to enhance their pastr y skills, while also spending a few days in Milan

“We know that any customer who purchases one of these dough sheeters is going to have a real passion for pastr y, so in order to ensure that they are able to indulge that passion and get the ver y best from their K l d ugh sheeter what could be bet ter than spending two days learn ing from the current world champion?

has been manufacturing a wide astr y equipment since 1986 eeters remain its flagship product ils of NOWAH approved dealers, ntact NOWAH Catering t by visiting owah co uk/kemplex products

BioMaster stops food waste going to landfill and prevents discharge of food residue and fats from plate waste to drains

EFFICIENCY: BioMaster processes all typica kitc hen food waste inc luding oils and fats The slurr y is pumped to stor age tanks Multiple smal user s suc h as a high street parade of food reta ler s or a food cour t could share BioMaster LABOUR: B oMaster nlets prevent double handling They can be sited in kitc hens , prep areas and dishwash, sav ing labour and improving ergonom cs by reducing second ar y handling

SUSTAIN ABLE DESIGN: There s no need to p ace B oMaster nto a stand alone location It can slot into the kitc hen In ets can be placed within counter s or in line w th the d shwasher to rep ace scrapping bins

For fur ther information see the adver t below or visit www.meiko

Collection Costs We are proud to have designed, supplied & installed catering equipment to Clayton Hotel, Bristol E: sales@stephens T: 028 2586 1711 / 01412 660031 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 45

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out with Williams

The combination of modular compact drawers with variable temperature controls and a front venting refrigeration system makes the VSWCD1 an extremely flexible option that can be fitted in to the tightest spaces, providing easy access to fresh or frozen ingredi ents right where the kitchen brigade need it

These days kitchen space is getting squeezed, as food ser vice operators look to increase their restaurant areas to get in more customers The logical result of which is that, despite being smaller, the kitchen has to produce more meals A new commercial kitchen fit out often has to comply with what the Foodser vice Equipment Association (FEA) calls 20:20 vision: 20% more productivity from 20% less space

All of which means there’s a big demand for equip ment that can help maximise the available space such as the Chef ’ s Drawer from Williams Refrigeration The latest version of these individual refrigerated drawers is the VSWCD1, a variable temperature unit that can be switched from chilled to frozen storage , keeping pace with a business’s changing needs

Depending on the selection of castors or legs the height of the individual drawer can be adjusted by over 70mmm, between 456mm and 530mm Each VSWCD1 measures 1100mm wide by 670mm deep Despite its compact size each drawer can hold 2/1GN pans up to an impressive 150mm in depth, compared to 100mm for some competitor models giving it a capacity of 105 litres Another advantage is the ability to stack two units beneath a standard worktop, creating an even more flexible storage solution

The body and removable drawers are constructed from robust foodsafe stainless steel The Chefs Drawer uses natural refrigerant and eco friendly high perform ance , high density polyurethane insulation, meaning it can operate in ambient temperatures as high as 43°C

To learn more about Williams extensive product range visit www.williams

THE ALL NEW - SPH515 Hood Type Dishwasher

The latest SPH515 hood type dish washer from Smeg Foodser vice , has a new and patented hood lifting design, making it one of the lightest in the industr y and effor tless for all operators in any installation

Fitted with the all new 3 stage , inter locking water filtration system, the SPH515 ensures excellent wash per formance and results As standard, the machine has a drain pump, break tank and rinse and booster pump ensuring safe reliable and consistent results with ever y wash

The hood mounted soft touch con

trols are easily accessible and provide simplicity for understanding and opera tion of the machine

For time sensitive sites requiring rapid throughput there are 7 dedicated wash cycles with the fastest cycle being just one minute The powerful wash pump delivers a superior wash and due to the machine’s soft star t function, it does so without damaging delicate items

Thanks to the SPH515’s double skinned, fully insulated hood there is reduced noise and lower energ y con sumption

Visit www smegfoodser vice co uk

Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 47
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier
when replying
to advertising



Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

New DrainMinor C (Combi Oven Pump) Creates Considerable Interest

R TEC Ser vices & Innovation Ltd (previously known as Rational Technical Ser vices UK Ltd ) demon strated its Combi Oven equipment to commercial kitchen operators at the recent HRC ExCel London Exhibition

On the stand was a working demo of a Rational Combi Oven and the New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by par tner Pump Technolog y Ltd

This proved a focal point for Combi Oven manufactures, installers, mainte nance engineers and users alike

Potential users were shown a number of significant advantages that this combi oven drainage pump offered

Ver y noticeable when viewing the exhibition demon stration tank with its clear side window was the large , triangular, low level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease , fat and food par ticles before the reli able star t/stop operation of the pump is affected

The triangular low level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens

The build quality of the submersible wastewater pump was also a discussion point, with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement, especially considering the hot wastewater tempera tures and potential grease which these units have to handle

It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet This means that the installation footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated

It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a winner and will soon be featuring in combi oven installations ever ywhere

Cemco (The Catering Equipment Maintenance Company)

Cemco (The Catering Equipment Maintenance Company) first opened for business in 1990 and have been ser ving Dorset Wiltshire Somerset Bath and the rest of the South and Southwest ever since

We offer a full range of ser vices, including

vicing and repairs for all commercial catering appliances, rang ing from small local projects to major national work, and ever ything in between Specialising in commercial Glasswasher and Dishwasher repairs sales and

vice our reputation is second to none

We can offer you a no obligation quote now, so con tact

for more information

CEMCO also carr y out repairs to commercial cater ing equipment Dishwashers Glasswashers Ovens Grills Bournemouth Poole Dorset and The Southwest We

under take repairs and ser vicing to ALL types makes and models of commercial catering equipment

A repair is often far cheaper then a replacement! 30 Years in this Industr y gives us the edge over our competitors, with time ser ved Commercial Catering Equipment Engineers our clients have found we save them the cost of purchasing new equipment time after time why buy new when a guaran teed repair is often all your Catering Equipment requires

We are based in Bournemouth & Poole , covering the whole of Dorset, as well as Somerset, Hampshire and Wiltshire

Call 01202 377205 now to arrange a site visit


Cemco undertake Service and Repairs to ALL Commercial Dishwasher and Glasswasher Manufacturers Including Hobart, Electrolux, Meiko, Winterhalter to name a few CEMCO carry out repairs, servicing and routine maintenance to all makes and models of commercial catering equipment,
dishwashers and glasswashers
can also supply you with a new or used dishwasher simply Contact Us for details of available Used Stock
are based in Bournemouth & Poole and cover the whole of Dorset, along with the neighbouring counties of Somerset, Devon, Hampshire and Wiltshire Trust CEMCO for commercial catering dishwasher servicing! Call us now, on 01202 377205 for a free quote to repair your dishwasher Specialists in Servicing, Repairs and Maintenance of all Commercial Catering Equipment
48 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Design and Refit

Make First Impressions Count with Major Plants

get on with your business while we ensure that out side , your plant arrangements and presentation never let you down

Making sure your business looking good is our busi ness!

First Impressions Count! Major Plants Limited spe cializes in providing cost effective , visually striking, hang ing baskets rental and maintenance ser vices

In business over 10 years our company grown through word of mouth via our satisfied and expanding customer base

We know that busy businesses have enough work to do without tr ying to remember whether the flowers have been watered, fed, or tidied up Calling in the exper ts like Major Plants Limited means that you can

Whether you are seeking an alternative quotation to compare with an existing supplier or are looking at external flower arrangements for the first time our flexible agreement and personal ser vice will give you a piece of mind reliable suppor t for your business Please get in touch!


0800 111 4014

Catering for Children More Important Than Ever

The hospitality industr y is ever evolving, and even more so post covid Most families are now back to eating out on a regular basis, however, their requisite for restaurants has changed Families are seeking clean reliable and hygienic facilities to accommodate their youngsters which now plays a huge role when selecting an appropri ate dining venue

As a consequence of changing con sumer habits, the demand for such facilities is growing from the hospitality industr y Helo is a leading UK supplier of both commercial highchairs, booster seats and baby changing units The brand has been trusted to deliver quality, reliable furniture to the hospitality, leisure , and school sectors since 1999 All our products are rigor ously tested to ensure they meet current British Standards

Helo offers an extensive range of commercial high chairs suited to any environment ranging from the Eurobambino through to the Simplex Highchair Many

high street chains purchase the Eurobambino Helo’s bestselling high chair The Eurobambino is constructed from Rubber Wood and is available in a variety of finishes making it suitable for all decors ranging from classic wood stains to more vibrant options Fur ther, the highchair is stackable up to 4 units thanks to its exceptional strength and design, this allows for compact discreet storage in any loca tion

On top of highchairs, Helo also sup plies commercial baby changing units These units are manufactured to the highest quality standards which helps create a safe , versatile , and long lasting, baby changer Both our horizontal and ver tical units are tested up to 100kg and include dual purpose , heavy duty fixings for guaranteed peace of mind

For more information visit Home Helo Commercial High Chairs (www hel o co uk) or give us a call on 01284 772400 or sales@hel and we’ll do what we can to help

50 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130
info@majorplants co
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Mayfair Furniture


Design and Refit

not just a supplier

time hospitality and leisure



but when


go through a refurbishment


complete clearance

suitable time and date



London Roof Garden Boasts Toilet Block Thanks to Saniflo

The Queen Elizabeth Hall at the iconic Southbank Centre has a stunning roof garden and café overlook ing the Thames Filled with wildflowers and attracting bees and insects from all over London it is a place to socialise , dine and even work when the weather is fine

Early in 2022 the team running the venue came to a consensus that the dis tance of the nearest WC’s was hindering the experi ence for clients and staff alike; customers had to descend the winding staircase back to the Royal Festival Hall in the main building

Richard Riley from building contractor Eleven London, was contracted to construct a wooden toilet block with two separate WC’s and hand basins With no gravity drainage available in proximity of the new block, a pumping solution was going to be the only way to discharge the waste away to the nearest soil

some 40m away

With input from the Saniflo technical team, including a visit to site to assess the potential run of pipework a Sanicubic Pro 2 lifting station with twin pumps and a wireless alarm was specified and installed by Richard and his plumber This powerful unit uses alternate pumps when operating normally, but in the unlikely event of a pump failure can switch to single pump operation in order to provide continuity of operation at all times

A wireless alarm offers early warning of any issues

The unit is installed in a cupboard to the rear of the block and provides quiet, efficient operation

The installation of the roof garden toilet block has proved to be an excellent investment with the whole space enjoying more visitors who stay for longer

For more positive solutions and inspiration, visit www saniflo co uk

Furniture will be celebrating 10 years this year of providing the UK’s fastest and affordable commercial furniture Supplying all kinds of establishments from high end hotel chains to small local takeaways We keep in stock a huge variety of items ready for immediate dispatch and can fulfil a wide range of bespoke orders We deliver to all areas of the UK, Ireland & Europe
; we understand that from time to
establishments like to give themselves a fresh new
That's why
only do we supply contract furniture ,
it s
for your establishment to
we also offer a
ise ever ything from a
, profession al clearance staff to remove contract furniture whether fitted or unfitted 01733 310 115 sales@mayfairfurniture co uk www mayfairfurniture co uk
Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 51 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Design and Refit

Electric Water Heating & Hard Water

Electric only designs for water heating provide a sim ple to install cost effective and familiar technolog y that delivers lower carbon emis sions addresses regulator y changes on new gas connec tions and improves indoor air quality (IAQ) For the high grade heat required for domestic hot water (DHW) applications, there is a notable use of electric immersions, but this can have a catastrophic impact on a system if located in one of the hard water areas that span approximately 65% of the UK

While excellent as backup heat sources in commercial boiler fed indirect cylinders, immersions are not advised as a primar y heat source in hard water areas where limescale will typically form on the heat exchanger or heating element The high temperatures accelerate scale formation which can lead to costly system failure in as little as six months When hot water is essential for


operations it’s a cause for concern

An electric boiler, such as the Adveco ARDENT, heats water using immersion heaters located in a small tank within the boiler hous ing rather than directly installed into a hot water tank This creates a sealed primar y loop to an indirect coil in the cylinder eliminat ing the common problems of direct electric heating The electric boiler heats the

same water continuously so there is only a small, finite amount of scale in the system which will not damage the elements

The electric boiler additionally offers a level of redun dancy that is not achieved with a single immersion heater and with significantly less scale reliability also improves drastically reducing maintenance demands for operational savings

www adveco co

Protecting Assets

Lock in Our Old Prices Today!

Until Januar y 2023, CardsSafe unit rental will remain at just £9 95 per month

We have been helping restaurants bars pubs golf courses and other venues to securely retain their cus tomer bank cards while they run a tab for almost twenty years

Since we introduced rental contracts in 2008, we ’ ve kept our prices as low as possible at just under a ten ner a month and this has never increased However, due to significant increases in both our cost of goods and related costs we plan an increase in Januar y 2023

Our existing customers will continue to benefit from our low prices, so if you ’ re considering CardsSafe for your business, or need additional units, lock in at just £9 95 per month (per unit) for the duration of your contract

Our cost effective wireless technolog y has revolu tionised how the hospitality industr y manages their customers’ obligations, and we are trusted by over 5000 brands in the UK, including Hilton Hotels, Young’s pubs, Lord’s and golf resor ts, including the London Golf Club

There are many benefits to using CardsSafe in bars

restaurants and pubs:

• Managing customer tabs

• Helping to increase spend ng therefore profits

• It is a significant deter rent for walkouts

Offer s protection against credit card fraud helps to build trust!

Pays for itself by reducing c harge bac k and walkouts

• No data capture required to use

• Customer s have peace of mind that the r bank cards are kept safely, and they keep the unique key!

“Turnover increased significantly after CardsSafe was installed, and the system easily pays for itself ” Siobhan, The Prodigal London CardsSafe is affordable! Each unit contains ten card drawers that can be hired for just £9 95 per month

Each hire comes with customer ser vice


From Concept to Fit-Out with






troubleshoot ing and a number of free replacement keys Additional units can be added at any time
question is, can you afford not to have CardsSafe as a par t of your business? For more information, please visit www cardssafe com Or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040
52 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130
Contract Furniture Group offers pubs, bars, restaurants and hotels an end to end fit out ser vice; from theme concepts & interior design, to bespoke joiner y and final fitting Recent projects range from the creation of a new private dining space in an exclusive restaurant, to the complete refurbishment of hundreds of bedrooms & public areas for an international hotel brand Specialist divisions including customised fabrica tion, soft furnishings and installation mean the firm is well positioned to plan and execute all types of work on time and on budget
in the late 1990s, the Contract Furniture Group has consistently grown to become one of the leading trade only manufacturers and distributors of quality furnishings, fixtures and fittings for the hospitali ty industr y Its creative team relentlessly tracks the lat est trends in interior design for commercial environments; and its sourcing team utilises suppliers around the world to ensure customers can achieve stunning results whatever the level of investment DELIVERING ON A GLOBAL SCALE The Contract Furniture Group holds around 30,000 stock items at any given time As well as the ability to supply on demand the business prides itself on its capacity to produce tailored and completely bespoke solutions to meet specific client requirements Highly skilled upholsterers work on and off site to quickly turn classic and contemporar y furniture designs into individualised collections to meet brand standards Experienced craftsmen create and fit custom made installations including bars, flooring, fixed seating, light ing, case goods and all other elements of a complete commercial venue fit out With it’s creative and craftsman capabilities, Contract Furniture Group truly sets itself apar t from other sup pliers Whether businesses need instant, low cost replacement items, or unique design led pieces to really make a venue special Contract Furniture Group has the experience and exper tise to deliver For information or to order visit www.contractfurniture

Design and Refit

Get Ready for Winter with Cosy Pub Furniture

As the nights draw in, the prospect of a fireside pint at the pub becomes more and more appealing Creating a warm and convivial atmosphere is a must to tempt the punters in over the cold months, and the good news is that with Trent Furniture , cosy can be ver y cost effective

Sturdy construction and contract grade foam make our Por tobello Tub Chair the perfect choice for com for table seating in any pub, restaurant or lobby The muted hues of the Autumn upholster y option creates an inviting atmosphere while brown faux leather is easy to wipe and matches any décor scheme Even bet

Keep It Cool

Keep it Cool are the South West’s leading Independent Aircon, Refrigeration and Catering company, with almost 20 years of trading with small family concerns to large multi nationals We spe cialise in the ver y latest Co2 refrigeration systems, giving the highest energ y efficiency and lowest envi ronmental impact

Whilst our Air con team, install market leading air con systems with high energ y efficiency heating and cooling to cafes, pubs and large offices Our catering teams fix, repair appliances and also fit new kitchens from small to large

ter, these versatile chairs can be used with low coffee or pub tables as well as dining tables

Sofas are another great way to create a warm and appealing space where customers will want to settle in for the evening Trent’s timelessly stylish and hardwear ing brown faux leather Chesterfield Sofa is available in two or three seater options and is the perfect com panion to the matching Chesterfield Armchair

For more information on Trent Furniture’s large and varied range of cosy furniture please fill in our contact form or call us 0116 2989 661

As you can see

and supply fridge/freezer


Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to

from our photo we also hire
trailers be it for Glastonbur y, weddings, additional space for peak season or emer gency use if a cold room fails
feel free to call 01237 423304 and discuss your needs Please feel free to call 01237 423304 and discuss your needs The South West’s leading Independent Aircon, Refrigeration and Catering company
Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 53

Design and Refit

Can a TROLLEY Do For

Additional Ranges as ILF Continue to Expand

With the continued success of the ILF Chairs comprehensive website ILF have now added to the 2 chairs already stocked in 7 colours, a stock armchair in 7 dif ferent Faux colours, matching the chairs, plus a 6 colour range stock of Egger laminated table tops in a selection of sizes A full range of table bases are also kept in stock

Their new online website offers both indoor and outdoor seating and table solutions

Divided into Contemporar y seating, Barstools, Lounge Seating Period Seating Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height tables, offer ing a great selection of products to view at your leisure Also included now an extensive range of stock seating, barstools, table bases and table tops

Most made to order indoor seat ing and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style

Also included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selec tion of priced made to order seat ing in a selection of Faux Leather upholster y colours and wood frame colours These products can also be supplied to customer specifica tion, just ask for details

Enquiries can be sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site

What can a TROLLEY do for you? BOOST YOUR SALES ENHANCE YOUR SERVICE SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY! Standard or custom-made trolleys with your own choice of: • COLOUR • SIZE • STYLE at affordable prices! www.euroservice Freephone: 0800 917 7943 e: The elegant ser vice trolley is an essential element of high tea You could say this popular tradition in the hospitality world isn’t complete with out it! Euroser vice s range of trolleys are a perfect comple ment to this popular ser vice and will add that touch of class Hotels, conference centres, restaurants and coffee shops are sure to find a model to suit their décor uroser vice trolleys range from ver y traditional designs to more contemporar y models Any trolley, any size , any colour! The use of a trolley will not only enhance your ser vice but alleviate all too frequent staff shor t ages to ensure a swift and elegant ser vice Trolleys are invaluable to good ser vice and with a choice of style and colours to suit your envi ronment you are sure to find the right trolley for you Contact our friendly sales team today and find out how much a trolley can do for you! Freephone: 0800 917 7943 e: sales@euroser vice www euroser vice uk com email;terr
54 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising What

Design and Refit

Sparkle Interiors, Interior Design, Professional and Online

The interior design industr y has been evolving in recent years, companies have had to adapt along with many other professions One of the main affects is on designers having to work remotely For us its meant that we ’ ve been working on projects where actual site visits have not been a possibility, but this actually has had many positive effects on our process for both us and our clients For example , briefing meetings can take place via video call, with plans, mood boards, etc discussed and edited live through screen sharing All types of drawings can now be completed within a matter of days rather than weeks with how easy it is now to share information Gone are the days of visit ing the site ever y week, holding long face to face meetings with all the contractors and any unneces sar y steps that traditionally are there for the sake of it

Solutions to on site issues can also be

Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 55
interiors has been set up to help our clients create fantastic interiors while saving on expensive designer fees
addressed with our new online focused process, as the site fore man can receive all the information and updates they need any changes immediately handled and issued back by e mail to all that are concerned All the above changes mean the costs for the client, designer, QS and contractor have been reduced significantly or completely eliminated in some cases This is why Sparkle Interiors is able to save the client so much on fees Visit our website today to enquire , or contact us directly to find out more Contact Email: andy@sparkleinteriors@gmail com Tel: 07957762280 Web: www sparkleinteriors co uk
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Design and Refit

Imaginative and Integrated Interior Design, Vicaima Makes It Real!

Vicaima, as one of the leading European expo nents of contem porar y joiner y solutions, including interiors doors, doorsets wall pan els and associated furniture products have just intro duced a new brand for profes sionals called Infinity

Combining their extensive experi

ence within this sector with the latest technological advancements in image realisation, they present a major step forward for the world of interior design, enabling creative vision to be made real, with imaginative design composition that encompasses multiple elements

No longer constrained by conventional limitations, Infinity provides scope for interior design professionals to think beyond what they thought was possible , towards what they would ideally like to achieve Whether creating a theme that brings rhythm and repe tition, or a more dramatic and contrasting vision with pronounced statement pieces, Infinity can make it real Infinity permits almost endless possibilities when it comes to visual aspect with choice of colour tone pat tern and even the perception of texture This enables interior designers and specifiers complete flexibility when aiming to deliver bespoke project solutions

However, for those professionals looking for insight from the Vicaima exper ts in trends and fashions, Infinity’s top three collections offer a myriad of fresh inspiration Select from either wood, stone or metal for an immersive experience which includes among many others, Spalted Maple , Terrazo Amber and Antique Patina

Property and Professional

Once the design and hues have been chosen, it is then a matter of selecting which joiner y elements can be combined to reflect the desired theme Here Infinity broadens horizons and uniquely permits creators to match and play with individual pieces in a way that has traditionally been limited Blending integral building ele ments such as interior door assemblies and decorative wall panels with more ephemeral components like wardrobes and furniture to achieve the perfect balance

While flexible aesthetic design is the hallmark of Infinity, it should not be forgotten that as a Vicaima brand, superior quality and performance are integral to all elements Exceeding industr y recognised standards and in the case of doors and doorkits, third par ty fire accredited to both TRADA and the British Woodworking Federation, all products are environmen tally produced and FSC cer tificated

Infinity marks a new era in design for interiors whether in public commercial or residential applica tions Expanding, evolving and elevating both the cre ative process and eventual project realisation by combining visionar y image technolog y with industr y leading joiner y manufacture , to achieve outstanding results

For more information or to request a brochure visit www vicaimainfinity com


Support Your Hospitality Business

56 CLH DIGITAL Issue 130 For almost 15 years, Capify has worked closely with the hospitality sector, providing business owners with much needed funding We ve been there through some difficult times like the 2008 recession and Covid 19, and have continued to lend even when the banks have said no We’ve recently conducted a Business Confidence Sur vey and found that cash flow and cash reser ves are key concerns for business owners across the UK Over half of those who responded also said they lack confi dence in their existing banking par tners to meet any future borrowing needs We’re proud to have created an accessible business loan which is both quick and easy to apply for and once approved the funds can be paid out in as little as 24 hours The finance can be used for any business purpose , whether that’s: • Managing shor t term cash flow issues • Purchasing extra food and drink Hiring additional staff • Purchasing new catering equipment Our flexibility means we will tr y and look beyond your credit histor y when assessing your application and instead we will consider whether your business has the potential to deliver solid and sustained growth If you’d like to find out how much finance you qualify for, visit www capify co uk/hospitality fund You’ll be taken to Capify’s website , where you can get a no obligation quote within minutes You’ll also be able to find out more information about the business loan and the unique and straightforward repayments To find out more visit fund or call us on 0800 151 0980 to speak to one of our specialist finance sale team
- We're Here to
Laceys Solicitors Whether your business involves supplying alcohol, providing music , or late night refreshment to the public , ever y hospitality establishment (from restaurants to hotels and bars from off licences to fast food restaurants) needs to be properly licensed before it can star t operating However, with the hospitality industr y being so highly regulated, if you are looking to buy, sell, change or apply for a new licence in relation to the ser vices your establishment provides it can be confusing to know which you may need This is where we can help Laceys can assist with all types of premises licence applications in England and Wales, be it to obtain a new licence for a previously unlicensed premises to transfer or to var y an existing licence (should you wish for example , to amend any conditions, approve a new layout plan, or appoint a new designated premises super vi sor) We will prepare each application, engage with the responsible authorities, deal with any notice require ments and help ensure that your business is properly licensed Should it be necessar y, we have many years ’ experience appearing before licensing committees, as well as at licensing appeal hearings at the Magistrates’ Cour t We also have a strong success rate of representing clients whose licence has been subject to a review by the local authority and mediating on their behalf With our connections, networks and in depth industr y knowledge , our team of licensing solicitors have a national reputation to provide you with reliable , responsive and relevant legal advice , whatever your licensing needs If you need any fur ther information, or would like to discuss a par ticular licensing matter you have please either visit us at www laceyssolicitors co uk or contact Philip Day directly on p day@laceyssolicitors co uk or 01202 377800 and he will be happy to help

Property and Professional

Why Use a Specialist Hospitality Consultant?

With over 30 years of industr y experience in the Hospitality sec tor, The Bowden Group’s Managing Consultant David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements:

Profitability Operational Strateg y Staff Management Marketing and The Future of your business

David will also be on hand to give you extra (and this can be without any extra charge) suppor t through our Sprowts4Mentoring system, to analyse , ever y single week, your business performance figures giving you weekly analysis and concise repor ts, with appropriate guidance , to optimise your business’s Sales, Profitability and Staff Management


Our exper ts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business

The largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost, so,

with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business

And YES Covid19 changed a lot of things We need to learn from those things!

Right now we are experiencing massive increases in the cost of the raw materials that we buy both Food and Drink We will take that fully into consideration When was the last time that you fully and meticulously costed out and priced correctly, ever y dish on your menu both Food and Drinks?

Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter your Restaurant Consultant will work on with you and improve with you


Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now need ed more than ever From Managing the Managers through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development

We have a ver y good record in helping Hospitality business owners to implement processes that improve how they manage their people , which in

turn benefits the owners as well as the Team Members themselves

We can help you to manage ‘difficult’ people situations, to improve your operational planning, to recruit, train and manage your team better, creating a more productive pleasant and ‘’retaining’’ working environment


We will help you build a workable planned Marketing Strateg y We don t do fancy, posh or expensive we just recommend what our experience says will actually work for your business

It’s no longer enough to rely on word of mouth and repeat business You need to employ a wealth of skills in a number of areas to ensure that your Marketing is attracting new customers and engaging with existing customers

From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online adver tising to print design Promotions and offline adver tising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’

If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better, give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a Free of Charge initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer), when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you

The Westmorland Inn, Bowness-On-Windermere Comes on the Market

like Also, with opening hours star ting at 1pm except Sundays which opens earlier for Sunday lunch there is scope to enhance the business

the new owner wanted to open and offer break fast and lunchtime food this would increase both the food and beverage sales within the business as the letting rooms are on a room only rate

with bar and restaurant

bar has a

The restaurant offers good traditional food,



large selec

To the rear of the proper ty is an adjoining 3 bedroomed house , for either the owner to live on site or as staff accommodation

All in all, this huge building amounting to over 6000sq ft or 560m2 needs to be seen to appreciate

Prominently positioned on Lake Road, just before the Royalty Cinema towards the top of the popular tourist village of Bowness On Windermere on the main road leading from Windermere to Bowness

To book a viewing call 01539 444461 or see the adver t on this page for fur ther details

SOMERSET TOWN Impressive 120 Cover Café/Takeway Impressive 6 Figure Net Profits Trading Day Time Only Outstanding Catering Business Well Presented & Equipped FH £625 000 2147 DORSET VILLAGE Detached Countr y Inn & Restaurant Award Winning Business Bar/Restaurant (60+) Al Fresco Seating (50+) 3 Ensuite Letting Beds & Owners Apartment Commercial Kitchen Car Park & Garage FH £625,000 4822 01392 201262 www stonesmith co uk T H E W E S T C O U N T R Y S P E C I A L I S T S THINKING OF SELLING? C ALL FOR A FREE VALUATION DEVON COUNTRY VILLAGE Beautifully Restored Countr y Village Inn 8 Quality Ensuite Letting Bedrooms Lovely Restaurant Areas (65+) Al Fresco Seating Area (76) Strong Turnover & Profits FH £625,000 4817 SOMERSET VILLAGE Substantial Former Farmhouse Refurbished To High Standard Flexible Business & Home Opportunity Offering 6 Individual Bedrooms Sauna Hot Tub Gardens & Private Parking FH £549 950 6009 EAST DEVON COAST Attractive Licensed Restaurant Busy Prime Trading Location Restaurant Seating 42+ Well Equipped Catering Kitchen Deliberately Restricted Opening Hours LH £39 950 2109 DEVON COUNTRY VILLAGE Well Renowned Countr y Village Inn Set In Around 2 ½ Acres Character Restaurant Areas (94+) Al Fresco Seating For 120+ & Car Park Exceptional Business Opportunity LH £95 000 4821 DEVON VILLAGE Countr y Village Destination Inn Bar Areas (32+) Dining Room (43) 4 En Suite Letting Rooms 3 Bed Private Car Park (50) Patio & Beer Garden (50+) Separate 3 Bed Detached Cottage FH £695,000 4824 DEVON TOWN Licensed Thai Restaurant High Street Trading Position Restaurant Areas (40+) Commercial Catering Kitchen Impressive Turnkey Opportunity LH £15 000 2142 DARTMOOR DEVON High Quality Licensed 78 Cover Café Substantial Trade Levels & Net Profits Run Under Full Management Spacious Owner s/Manager s Apartment Outstanding Business Opportunity LH £265,000 2144 The Westmorland Inn is quite simply a brilliant business that is only available as the owners wish to retire With a highly rated restaurant & pub for the past 4 years on Trip Advisor the new owners can be assured of a great business moving forward With a large lower ground floor restaurant fully equipped commercial kitchen bar area with additional mezzanine area and then 8 great en suite letting rooms Is this a bar with a restaurant and letting rooms a restaurant with a bar and rooms or a B & B
we d suggest all 3
the cosy
5 real ales, draft lagers, wines, spirits
tion of gins together with ever ything else one might expect Each of the 8 letting rooms are en suite and are neatly presented and furnished The business is currently owner operated but managed allowing the new owner to do as little or as much as they
because we can help your business to succeed
Issue 130 CLH DIGITAL 57

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