CLH Digital - Issue #132

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www CLHNews co uk CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews Issue 132 Sector Leaders Call for ‘Stable Leadership’ and General Election Following Liz Truss Resignation Hospitality leaders have joined calls for a general election, stating that the sector needs an “urgent return to stable leadership” following the resignation of Liz Truss as prime minister yesterday (October 20) Ms Truss has resigned as Prime Minister following a tumultuous 44 days in office after taking over from Boris Johnson In a statement read outside Downing Street Ms Truss admitted she could not deliver her mandate She said: "I came into office at a time of great economic and international instability "Families and businesses were worried about how to pay their bills " She will be the shor test ser ving PM in British histor y (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 )

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital

cians need to be held to account, and that is what democratic elections are for

I hope you would agree when I say that if we in busi ness had performed the way the government has per formed we would have been sacked a long time ago!

We badly need stability, and equally impor tantly we badly need suppor t Our new chan cellors budget was devastat ing to the sector taking away all the promise and hope of recover y to be replaced with more uncer tainty and hardship

The freeze on alcohol duty I understand would have delivered a £300 million saving to the hospitality sector and, let’s face it, it needs all the help it can get

Fur thermore , as I have often said, the hospitality sector offers the best refuge during hard times, the oppor tunity, even if just for a shor t period, for people to put their trou bles behind them and socialise in a warm, comfor table environment, which always raises more taxes for the Treasur y

that in the lead up to Ms Truss being elected as Prime Minister, pubs, bars restaurants, cafes and hotels saw a net decline of one closure ever y hour in the third quar ter of 2022 24 closures a day, or more than 150 per week This latest decline leaves the licensed market with 11,426 (or 9 9%) fewer sites than March 2020

A truly devastating state of affairs Regular readers will know that we here at CLH News were vociferous critics of the lockdown

How on ear th any sensible person thought that an entire industr y which relies entirely in the public visiting premises could shut down completely for almost 2 years, save for the odd “crumbs” of opening with severe restrictions, and return to normal as though nothing happened well, we see the consequences of that now

Businesses forced to close , forced to take out borrowings just to make ends meet, busi nesses seeing rampant inflation, and soaring operational costs generally, added to which the political turmoil we see now has created the perfect storm and sector leaders are right to call for a general election to provide stability I am endeavouring to remain apolitical, not nailing my colours to any mast, but politi

I do not think for one moment that the reversing of the duty freeze will bring the £600 million the government expects, not even a fraction of that I remembered it was expecting roughly the same amount raised when it brought in an equally ludicrous law the sugar tax and again it only saw a fraction of what it estimat ed it would receive

Hopefully by next week we will have a new Prime Minister, and it will be ver y interest ing to see who will be calling the shots and pulling the strings!

The cost of doing business is completely out of control for pubs and brewers and the failure to act today to reduce pressures on businesses will hit them extremely hard

Once again I would ask the favour, we want more Twitter followers! So please do follow us on Twitter @CLHNews, and encourage as many people you know in the trade to subscribe to our digital issue

Fur ther details can be seen at www catererlicensee com

Published by PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House , Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 FAX: 01202 552666 sales@catererlicensee com www CLHNews co uk @CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES David Bar tlett Guy Stephenson PRODUCTION & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox Published by Editor's Viewpoint Our current Prime Minister’s term in office lasted 44 days One newspaper said an iceberg lettuce outlasted her time in office To my mind she lasted as long as Brian Clough did at Leeds United! But seriously, politically we are in freefall, an absolute shambles And one has to beg the question who actu ally runs the countr y? During Ms Truss’s leadership campaign she made it perfectly clear what her intentions would be , and for those intentions she received votes from her parlia mentar y colleagues suppor ting her leadership con tention Then the markets reacted and those same colleagues turned on her! To my mind the mini budget from her former Chancellor Kwasi Kwar teng was a good business sup por ting budget Ms Truss marketed it as a growth budget, and I genuinely felt that it was Lower taxa tion suppor ting businesses with energ y costs freezing alcohol duty all signs of a good business budget Par ticularly in light of the news
EDITOR Peter Adams The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News
Group is published
by RBC Publishing Ltd,
Suite 4, Roddis
Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset
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2 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132

Sector Leaders Call for ‘Stable Leadership’ and General Election Following Liz Truss Resignation

She said she was elected "with a mandate to change this", adding: "We delivered on energ y bills "

"I recognise , though, given the situation, I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conser vative Par ty," she added "I have therefore spoken to His Majesty the King to notify him that I am resigning as leader of the Conser vative Par ty

"This morning (October 21), I met the chairman of the 1922 commit tee , Sir Graham Brady We've agreed that there will be a leadership elec tion to be completed within the next week "


Earlier this week the newly appointed Chancellor Jeremy Hunt scrapped almost all of Ms Truss’s pledges to a set out in her former Chancellor Kwasi Kwar ten s mini budget, including the planned Income Tax cut which will no longer go ahead, along with planned cuts to divi dend tax, a freeze on alcohol duty, IR35 changes and the VAT free shop ping scheme for tourists

The tax measures set out in Kwasi Kwar teng’s Growth Plan will have a big impact on the UK on trade with the government no longer freezing alcohol duty rates from 1 Februar y 2023 for a year

Emma McClarkin, CEO of the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) said: “The Chancellor’s deci sion today to reverse the alcohol duty freeze is a huge blow to brewers and pubs The freeze would have delivered a £300m saving to our industr y at a time when we desperately need any relief we can get, to help to keep a lid on spiralling costs and keep the price of pint affordable for pub goers this winter ”

Following the Chancellor's mini budget reversals alcohol duty will now rise in line with inflation, as measured by the retail price index (RPI), cur rently at 12 3% Such a rise would be the equivalent of GBP0 07 on a pint of beer GBP0 38 on a bottle of wine and GBP1 35 on a bottle of spirits

The Government said in a press release that the next steps of its alco hol duty review, which included measures to introduce an 18 month transitional measure for wine duty, as well as a draught duty rate for beer by August 2023, would continue as planned


Hospitality trade bodies and sector leaders have reacted to the Prime Minister’s resignation by declaring that the sector needs vital suppor t from the new administration following the economic uncer tainty seen in recent weeks

Taking to social media Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) chair, Sacha Lord, called for a general elec tion following Liz Truss’s resignation announcement He wrote: “PM Liz ‘I’m a fighter, not a quitter’ Truss, has just quit The same day a repor t confirms the hospitality sector is declining at its fastest pace since lockdown Enough of this negligence We need a general election ”

NTIA tweeted: “How many bites of the cherr y can you have before you give the public the decision on who leads this countr y? #GeneralElectionNow


Kate Nicholls, chief executive of trade body UKHospitality, tweeted: “We need urgent return to stable leadership and governance to under pin confidence for businesses, work ers and consumers We need a unified approach from all sides to deliver that ”

Pub group Shepherd Neame’s Jonathan Neame said on BBC radio that the new government will have to tackle issues with the immigration system to help alleviate staff shor t ages within the sector

National Chair of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) Mar tin McTague said: “It is incumbent upon the next Conser vative Par ty leader to show they can provide stability and take the necessar y steps to secure economic growth in the face of significant recessionar y pressures

"Businesses are cr ying out for an end to the political turmoil and a focus on remedying the economy, suppor ting small firms through the hard winter ahead

“Whoever becomes Prime Minister must knuckle down, see through the deliver y of the energ y suppor t package for small businesses as already approved by Parliament and the reversal of the hike in National Insurance

“Beyond that there must be a focus on securing prosperity for the longer term, making sure we have the right suppor t for improving broad band, housebuilding, labour supply, and the tax and regulator y framework so we can build our way out of the increasingly negative economic cli mate ”


Tony Danker, CBI Director General, said: The politics of recent weeks have undermined the confidence of people , businesses, markets and glob al investors in Britain That must now come to an end if we are to avoid yet more harm to households and firms

"Stability is key The next Prime Minister will need to act to restore confidence from day one “They will need to deliver a credible fiscal plan for the medium term as soon as possible , and a plan for the long term growth of our economy ”

Issue 132 CLH DIGITAL 3

Tory Government Must Prioritise The Hospitality Sector

The UK’s new chancellor Jeremy Hunt recently announced that the scheme to put a cap on all household energ y bills will not be extended beyond April The cap, which was set for two years from October 1, will just stay for six months over the coming winter Hunt has reversed majority of the recent mini budget announcements, which were expected to pro vide some relief to the struggling hospitality sector

The sector saw tough times during the COVID 19 crisis, when restrictions forced people to stay indoors After those restrictions eased and there was some hope of growth, it was hit by the ongoing energ y crisis

The energ y bill help offered by the government continues to be significantly vital to safe guard the critical sector While the Chancellor has added that the most vulnerable section of people will still be shielded from the spiralling wholesale energ y costs, including those in the hospitality sector there is a lot of uncer tainty around it What will happen after April? If the government conducts a review to offer targeted suppor t, what would be the param eters for it?

Hunt s announcement of scrapping the freeze on alcohol duty would also fur ther

increase costs for the hospitality businesses The businesses are already facing soaring costs and the government needs work in line with the sector as its reviews its energ y suppor t post April

It is understandable that the Chancellor has stepped up to stop the hole in public finances from getting deeper He has said that he has come to an agreement with the PM that after April, the public finances would not be left subjected to the unrestricted volatili ty in the global gas prices He has also pledged to assess the energ y bill help and bring more stability in the energ y market amid the cost of living crisis

But it is crucial to note that the hospitality sector requires significant suppor t from the government to get back on its feet A significant number of businesses in the sector are repor ting that they are at the risk of shutting down if the government does not suppor t them

The hospitality sector, which is set to face a rough winter, needs the government to pro vide it with the needed suppor t to stay afloat

Greene King Comes on board as Only A Pavement Away ’s first Strategic Partner, as the Charity Lays Out A Bold 5-Year Strategy

Only A Pavement Away, the hospitality sector charity aiding prison leavers, veterans and those facing homelessness find employment in the hospitality sector, has announced pub group Greene King as its first charity Primar y Par tner

Having worked closely with Only A Pavement Away since the charity’s launch in 2018, not only on fundraising but also as the largest employer of Only A Pavement Away members Greene King has now committed to working even more closely with the hospi tality charity moving forward, providing an annual corporate dona tion, strategic input and suppor t for the custodial projects under taken by Only A Pavement Away, including government lobby ing

Increasing the number of corporate par tners, like Greene King, is a core ambition of the charity which this month has laid out its bold 5 year strateg y to expand and scale up its programme to operate in ever y major city/town in the UK and place 1,000 people back into employment by June 2024 As par t of the strateg y it also plans to set up a centralised training academy in preparation for employment, expand its campaigns & events to enhance brand awareness and will continue to work to gain full recogni tion as the industr y charity for the placement of people facing or at risk of homelessness into careers in hospitality

Nick Mackenzie , CEO of Greene King said: “We are really proud to have suppor ted 135 prison leavers into employment through our Releasing Potential programme since 2019, in which Only A Pavement Away has been a key par tner Not only are we able to provide a job for prison leavers, but also the oppor tunity to build a sustainable career, and help them to gain confidence and stability And now, in becoming one of the charity s primar y par tners, we re looking forward to suppor ting Only A

Pavement Away’s mission to provide pathways for prison leavers and people who are experiencing or facing homelessness into employment within hospitality ”

As par t of the par tnership, Greene King will be keenly suppor ting the charity’s ‘Learning Kitchen’ project This will see the company sponsor the refurbishment of a prison kitchen at HMP Thameside , transforming it into a facility that reflects the appearance and stan dards of the hospitality industr y and where ser ving prisoners can be taught the skills and behaviours required to work in a profes sional kitchen With momentum already behind the project, Only A Pavement Away plans to extend the Learning Kitchen project from 2 prisons in 2022 to 15 by mid 2024

Greg Mangham, CEO Only A Pavement Away, said: “Greene King has been such an impor tant ally and advocate of the work we ’ ve been doing, right from the star t Far from just offering financial sup por t, the Greene King team has helped across the whole operation of the charity, coming on board as one of earliest employer par tners and providing strategic input to help us grow to where we are today We’re thrilled to have formalised this par tnership and no doubt with Greene King on board Only A Pavement Away will be able to suppor t significantly more people facing homelessness back into employment ”

“As our charity grows so do our expectations of what Only A Pavement Away can achieve We know with the right levels of funding, we can scale up our ser vices to suppor t 5000 Members into work each year adding c £170 million to the economy ”

Only A Pavement Away is seeking fur ther hospitality par tners interested in suppor ting the charity as par t of its ESG commitment to help people facing homelessness, prison leavers and veterans develop life skills, become job ready and provide them with a direct route into employment

New Report Reveals How Landmark Government Policy Led to UK Brewing Boom

A new repor t published today to mark the twenty year anniversar y of Small Breweries’ Relief reveals the huge impact the policy had on UK brewing, including a boom in small breweries and a huge increase in the number of different beer styles being brewed

The ‘SBR @ 20’ repor t has been published by the Society of Independent Brewers (SIB A), the trade association which represents independent brew ing in the UK and which lobbied for the policy some two decades ago

According to the repor t there are now 1,895 independent breweries in the UK creating an estimated 10 988 direct jobs

“The sector has come a long way over the past few decades Within only a few years of its introduction SBR had created over 100 new businesses and at least several hundred jobs that would not have existed ” Roy Allkin, SIB A Chairman, writes in the foreword to the repor t

“Twenty years later and that has translated into almost nineteen hundred brewing businesses, with a small independent brewer y in nearly ever y constituency, suppor ting thousands of jobs at the hear t of our communi ty Roy added

Analysing which beer styles are being brewed by small independent breweries the repor t also shows the surprising rise of craft lager, with it seeing a meteoric rise over the last twenty years On the flipside it’s Mild and Brown Bitters that have fallen out of favour with brewers, seeing a steep decline in production in recent years as more breweries begin producing keg beer as opposed to traditional cask

“The growth in the number of breweries in the UK market has led to more experimentation and a quest to create new and more interesting beers For the first time , in this year ’ s SIB A members’ sur vey the most pro duced style of beer was not that old favourite golden bitter, but rather stout/por ter And where in the past

90% of brewers have produced a bitter, our latest sur vey shows a much more even spread over a whole range of different styles, including some new ones such as no and low alcohol and gluten free styles ” Caroline Nodder, Editor of the SIB A Craft Beer Repor t 2022 and contributor to the SBR @ 20 Repor t

Small Breweries Relief was introduced by the then Chancellor Gordon Brown with the aim of allowing small breweries to pay a lower rate of duty on the beer they brewed in order to be able to compete with National and Global beer producers The sliding scale policy meant the smallest brewers received a 50% rate relief, with the relief gradually reduc ing depending on the size of the brewer y

Under changes announced last year Small Breweries Relief will be replaced by a new ‘Small Producer Relief ’ which will, alongside beer, include other drinks from small producers such as cider The changes are due to come in from August 2023, but SIB A have raised concerns over various elements of the new system, including the unfair advantage given to cider

“Massive amounts of thinking has gone into restructuring the whole alcohol duty regime , simplifying it and ‘making the basis of alcohol taxation more economically rational, with fewer distor tions and arbitrar y distinc tions’, yet the massive cider producers will continue to pay half the alcohol duty that brewers do, and now the distor tion is in plain sight glaringly obvious ” Eddie Gadd MD of Ramsgate Brewer y and long time campaigner for small brewers

To view repor t go to https://www siba co uk/2022/10/18/new repor t reveals how landmark government policy led to uk brewing boom/

4 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132

Chancellor Cuts Energy Support Package in Mini Budget Reversal

THE UK Government’s two year energ y suppor t package will only last until April as Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced the majority of Liz Truss’s planned tax cuts in her mini budget are to be scrapped

The Chancellor said the energ y price guarantee had been the “biggest single expense ” in the government’s growth plan, adding that from next April “ any suppor t for businesses will be targeted to those most effected and the new approach will better incentivise energ y efficiency” , and issued a stark warning that “there will be more difficult decisions” on tax and spending ahead, confirming that “ some areas of spending will need to be cut”

Mr Hunt confirmed that all tax measures announced in the mini budg et, which sent the value of the pound plummeting, will be scrapped except the stamp duty changes for England and the reversal of the National Insurance contributions rise to pay for health and social care ser vices

A proposal to cap the unit price of gas and electricity for households has been reduced from two years to last just six months until April 2023 but plans for additional suppor t beyond then are now in doubt The Chancellor did not make it clear whether the government’s energ y sup por t package for businesses, also due to end next April, will be amended

The Treasur y is to launch a review into how energ y bills are suppor ted beyond April next year to design a new approach that Hunt said would cost the taxpayer “significantly less than planned” while ensuring there is enough suppor t available

Hunt said that it was “not responsible to continue exposing public finances to unlimited volatility in international gas prices”

The government has also scrapped its planned cut in dividend tax rates, the VAT free shopping scheme and the announced freeze on alco hol duty rates

KHospitality CEO Kate Nicholls said: “Given the economic volatility we have seen over the past few weeks, we understand the need for the Chancellor to announce these measures today, designed to deliver stabil ity and restore confidence I would encourage the Government to work with the UK s hospitality sector to unlock its enormous potential to suppor t our economy in delivering growth, creating jobs and driving the recover y

“Prior to the energ y crisis, which is proving to be so devastating, the sector was forecast to grow by 3% and there is still a real desire from our dynamic hospitality businesses to return to those levels of growth

“However the hospitality sector is so exposed to this crisis and has been devastated by it, which is why the energ y suppor t provided by the Government to help weather this storm, remains critically impor tant and will help protect a vital industr y It’s essential that the government continues to work closely with the sector as par t of its review into sup por t post April 2023

“One area in dire need of urgent reform is the business rates system, which is currently not fit for purpose and places an unfair burden on hospitality businesses This is par ticularly pressing now, given the addi tional costs hospitality businesses will now be facing as a result of the freeze on alcohol duty being scrapped ”

C AMRA Chief Executive Tom Stainer said: The UK’s pubs and brew eries are facing crippling energ y costs which are already forcing some businesses to shut up shop for the winter months to ride out unafford able bills or close down altogether

“Pubs already under serious pressure now face fur ther uncer tainty about what suppor t will be available with gas and electric bills beyond April next year The Prime Minister had previously said that pubs would

be one of the businesses that would get extra suppor t beyond the six month period The Chancellor must urgently confirm whether or not this is still the case

“Scrapping the planned freeze on alcohol duty is disappointing, although it is useful to have confirmation that plans to change the alco hol duty system next summer including a lower rate of duty on draught beer and cider to suppor t pubs and pubgoing are still going ahead

“C AMRA are calling on the Chancellor to use his next statement on 31st October to rethink the freeze on alcohol duty as well as announcing desperately needed help in the form of cutting VAT for on trade food and alcohol, and assistance with the burden of business rates Otherwise we risk the nation’s locals being forced to close their doors for good ”


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Candlelit Dining as Pubs Set to Hold

Electricity-Free ‘Blackout Nights’

A countr y pub has announced it will hold another of its electricity free ‘Blackout Nights’ where customers are invited to an atmospheric candlelit dining experience

The Bat and Ball Countr y Pub and Haywards Restaurant revealed it has decided to continue its themed “blackout nights” following its “unprecedented” success

The pub first star ted their ‘Blackout’ nights before the pandemic and after announcing that they would resume the event the pub saw an “unprecedentedly” quick sell out, with plans for regular ‘blackout nights’ are also in the pipeline

“The atmosphere that it creates when people come in, it feels different,” general manager Daniel Webber said “I can’t explain it exactly I’m tr ying to put into words why it feels different The only thing you re competing with is the sound of other people you ’ re not competing with the sound of phones, or screens, or anything like that ”

He added that the experience is like “going back in time” because customers are welcomed into the rural setting of a wood beamed restaurant with log fires, candlelit tables, acoustic music , and handwritten receipts

“You don’t realise how loud the hum of the tills being on, the lights being on, and the speakers being on is That little bit of ambient background noise , when that all goes off for a little bit, it’s kind of like that feeling when you get a power cut You notice that drop in volume ”

The pub’s blackout nights have evolved since the first one , which Dan described as an “origins stor y ” with a

genuine power cut so they now do see some “ non negotiable” electricity used This includes for things like card machines, the kitchen, and for safety

Dan added: “It’s just completely background restaurant noise though It’s really dampened down and there’s a moment before ever yone gets here when there’s a moment of silence and ever ything goes off ”

Another Sussex pub, is the Tipsy Fox in Southwater, West Sussex has scheduled its first ‘blackout’ evening for Saturday 19 November

Licensee Andrew Keeley said, while the pub was currently in a fixed contract, he had been quoted up to 10 times more in energ y costs upon renewal which as well as offering a “quirky” experience for customers, was a contributing factor in deciding to host the event

Andrew explained the kitchen would operate as usual with power but the whole front of house would run without electricity during the event, which has already seen 70% of spaces booked, with acoustic music and even handwritten receipts in place

He said: More and more , you have to give people a reason to come out and visit the pub, it s not just finish work, let’s go and spend some money, you ’ ve got to give them reasons and value to spending money that is more difficult to earn these days

“That’s a big driver for us, finding a point of difference , and finding ways to be smar ter in how we operate ”

Best Practice Rewarded by National Pubwatch at Glittering Awards Dinner at House of Lords

Reading Pubwatch has been given the top accolade as the National Pubwatch of the Year at a glittering event, sponsored by pub chain JD Wetherspoon at the House of Lords last night

The National Pubwatch Award which is judged by members of the National Pubwatch Committee , recognises the work of local Pubwatch schemes and their effor ts to provide safe drinking environ ments for customers and staff Two Pubwatches Pontypridd and Epsom were awarded highly commended

National Pubwatch is a voluntar y organisation, which suppor ts over 800 Pubwatch schemes across the UK, and works to promote safe , secure and social drinking environments in all licensed premises throughout the UK

Reading Pubwatch was recognised for the range of new initiatives launched over the past twelve months including a new standard operating procedure for licensed premises a drink spiking campaign increased security searches and running anti terrorist seminars It also has a robust banning system that has had over one hundred offenders being banned for a period of three months through to five years

Bill Donne honorar y secretar y of Reading Pubwatch said:“We are honoured to have won the prestigious National Pubwatch of the Year award against stiff competition We are grateful for the recognition by the judging panel of our commitment to par tnership working that we have developed over many years This cul minated in hosting a Reading Pubwatch conference that attracted attendees from all the Evening and Night Time Economy stakeholders ”

He added: “Representatives from the council, Police , BIDs, street pastors, Fire and Rescue , First Stop, and the SIA are all regular attendees at our monthly pubwatch meetings to provide guidance and suppor t to members which helps Reading Pubwatch to be successful ”

Reading Pubwatch was not the only one to receive an award on the night Award of Merits, which recognise the contribution of individuals to suppor ting pubwatches, were given to Paul Hegar ty, who is stepping down as honorar y secretar y of the all Par ty Parliamentar y Beer Group, along with Paul Wotton, secretar y of National Pubwatch, who has contributed to the success of the voluntar y

organisation over 25 years

The Malcolm Eidmans award, which recognises the outstanding contribution made by a police officer or member of police staff in suppor ting pubwatch, was given to Hayley Crawford, who is district policing com mander in Bassetlaw, and created the successful ‘Ask for Angela’ campaign, which reduces vulnerability in the pub and hospitality sector by providing a ‘code word’, which customers can use to seek help

Two Braver y and Meritorious Conduct Awards, which recognises those whose actions have either saved life or minimised physical harm in the night time economy were also given out on the night Leicester Arms assistant pub manager Richard Wells and customer Julien Autogue were given the award after inter vening to capture a man who was attacking pedestrians and pub goers in and around Regent Street London with a hammer They apprehended the suspect calling the police and saving many more vic tims

National Pubwatch chairman Steve Baker OBE said: “Recognising best practice and people that have gone above and beyond is impor tant for the pub and licensed trade

“It has been a challenging year for the industr y but ensuring safe drinking environments for customers and staff remains a priority It is a privilege to be able to recognise best practice by rewarding Reading Pubwatch and also to highlight the contribution of those individuals who have made the sector a safer place

Wetherspoon’s Legal Director, Nigel Connor, said: “We are delighted to sponsor the National Pubwatch Awards in the organisation s 25th year

We would like to pay tribute to National Pubwatch s founders Raul de Vaux and Malcolm Eidmans and Bill Stone The organisation they established has been crucial to helping local Pubwatches play a key role not only in ensuring safe hospitality venues, but safer towns and cities too

“We are proud of our association with Pubwatch and the fact that so many of our pubs are mem bers and in many cases head up their local Pubwatch schemes

“Congratulations to all the finalists and the award winners themselves ”

Fuller’s Partners with Rest Less to Attract Older Workers Back to Employment

Fuller, Smith & Turner, the premium pubs and hotels business, is delight ed to announce a new par tnership with Rest Less a digital community and advocate for people in their 50s, 60s and older in a move to attract older workers

The campaign, which launched earlier this month, has seen Fuller’s posting specific positions on Rest Less’ job board right across its busi nesses and geographical area

Dawn Browne , Fuller’s People & Talent Director, said: “We have always had a number of older workers in Fuller’s but this is the first time we have specifically targeted this area of recruitment with a bespoke cam paign

“Older workers have a lot to offer us and we have a lot to offer them, with shift lengths and work patterns to suit We are ver y much a people business, and the older generation bring an exceptional level of customer ser vice and consumer interaction

“We already have a number of older workers including some octo genarians among our team members, and it would be great to increase that number Around a third of the UK’s workforce is over 50, yet we only have around 10% within our 5,000 employees I’m really looking forward to seeing this par tnership move that dial ”

Stuar t Lewis, Chief Executive at Rest Less said: “We are delighted to par tner with Fuller’s to suppor t its recruitment strateg y to hire more older workers Many workers in their 50s and 60s left employment dur

ing the pandemic but a large number are now considering a return to work

“Flexible work is an impor tant draw for midlifers who sometimes need to fit work around caring responsibilities, or simply because they want to pursue other interests alongside their day job We’re excited to highlight the many flexible working oppor tunities available at Fuller’s to our one million members

“Older workers have a huge amount to offer businesses and yet are often overlooked by recruiters Experience wisdom loyalty and reliabili ty are just some of the common attributes that many older workers bring in spades which is great news for Fuller’s and its customers ”

6 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132

On Premise Scores Third Week of Drinks Sales Growth

Average sales in managed venues in the seven days to Saturday (8 October) were 3% ahead of the same week last year, CGA by NielsenIQ’s Drinks Recover y Tracker shows While double digit inflation is wiping out real terms growth at the moment, it does raise confidence about prospects for pubs, bars, and restaurants in the run up to Christmas

Five of the week’s seven days were in year on year sales growth, peaking at 10% and 14% on Monday and Tuesday (3 and 4 October) In line with recent trends, Friday sales (down 3%) were weaker, but Saturday reached parity with 2021 despite another day of nationwide train strikes

The Beer and Cider categories were both in double digit growth for the second week in a row, with increas es of 10% and 13% Soft Drinks (up 6%) and Wine (up 1%) had a solid week too, though Spirits (down 13%) were in double digit decline for the sixth successive week though they are facing tough comparatives from

2021, when many drinkers were celebrating the full reopening of the On Premise with cocktails and shots Across all categories, average sales across last week were also 4% ahead of the pre COVID 19 levels of October 2019 confirmation of the On Premise’s solid recover y from the pandemic

“A third week of year on year growth shows operators and suppliers are responding ver y well to all the external challenges thrown at them,” says Jonathan Jones, CGA’s managing director, UK and Ireland

“Consumers are clearly still happy to spend time and money in pubs, bars, and restaurants, despite the pres sures on their discretionar y spending at the moment Mounting energ y, food and proper ty bills, and turmoil in the economy, are casting a long shadow over Christmas, but we can be cautiously optimistic that the sector will show more resilience over the next couple of months ”

Hospitality Industry Launches United Platform to Provide Opportunities for Refugees

A new platform, Hospitality Unite , has launched to suppor t refugees and their families by providing access to hospitality job oppor tunities, backed by the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance

Initially running as a pilot for Ukrainian refugees looking for hospitali ty work throughout Europe , the platform provides a centralised space for hotel brands to post job oppor tunities, and a simple online system for refugees to apply and inter view for roles while in transit or looking to leave Ukraine

The website , which is available in both Ukrainian and English, is already posting jobs from leading brands including Radisson Hotels Group Accor and IHG Hotels & Resor ts The site will be shared with refugees via disaster relief agencies and Ukrainian and other local media

The ambition is that this platform can be rolled out globally both in response to a disaster and as an ongoing suppor t mechanism for the almost 90 million people who are cur rently forcibly displaced worldwide

Free to use by hotels and refugee job seekers, the platform is powered by Harri, exper ts in hospitality workforce management Any hotel seeking to suppor t refugees with employment oppor tunities can apply to par ticipate in the initiative At the star t, this will apply to hotel proper ties in countries that have granted the right to work for Ukrainian refugees Hotels and other suppor t agencies are also encouraged to register their interest for expanding the reach of the platform

This platform demonstrates the role that the hospitality industr y can and continues to play suppor ting people within local communities around the world Through our members and our par tnership with Harri, we were able to create a hub which gives refugees a centralised por tal to access oppor tunities in real time Our aim is that this resource is applicable not just to this present crisis, but the ongoing sit uations that refugees and internally displaced people continue to expe rience across the globe ” said Glenn Mandziuk CEO Sustainable Hospitality Alliance

“Hospitality Unite already has a commitment from several leading global hotel brands that formed par t of the steering group to help with the Ukrainian disaster and make this incredible initiative a reality Their European hotels are actively seeking additional staff and they recognise that displaced Ukrainian nationals are motivated and skilled recruits in need of oppor tunity,” said Pete Willis, Commercial Director at Harri

In addition to bringing together the hotel industr y, the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance is working with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to make employment oppor tunities available to refugees, along with the Tent Par tnership for Refugees (Tent) a network of major companies committed to economically inte grating refugees in their new communities

Live for Ukrainian refugees, the Hospitality Unite platform can be accessed here: https://ukraine refugee relief ourstor y harri com/ Hotels and suppor t agencies interested in getting involved can find fur ther infor mation and register their interest here: https://sustainablehospitalityalliance org/hospitality unite

Issue 132 CLH DIGITAL 7

Directors Advised to Act Now as Economic Climate Drives Increase in Insolvencies

Insolvency figures released for September 2022 by the Government’s Insolvency Ser vice showed the number of company insolvencies in September 2022 was 1,679 This is 16% higher than in the same month in the previous year (1 453 in September 2021) and 11% higher than the number registered three years previously (pre pandemic; 1,508 in September 2019)

In September 2022 there were 1,379 Creditors’ Voluntar y Liquidations (CVLs), 4% higher than in September 2021 and 25% higher than September 2019 Numbers for other types of company insolvencies, such as compulsor y liquidations, remained lower than before the pandemic , although there were over 6 times as many compulsor y liquidations in September 2022 compared to September 2021

Restructuring and insolvency professional Oliver Collinge from PKF GM said: “The large rise in corporate insolvency numbers is not surpris ing compared to this time last year But a material increase on pre pan demic levels, as we are seeing now, is concerning Unfor tunately I think this is the star t, not the peak, of rising insolvencies

Many distressed businesses managed to keep afloat through Covid by using the high level of government suppor t available Most businesses are now repaying BBLS or CBILS loans and many are also still repaying HMRC liabilities deferred during the pandemic , and rising input costs are adding to these cash flow pressures ”

Challenging times ahead as cash flow pressure on businesses grows and even better performing businesses won’t be immune Oliver continued: “The current headwinds will create challenges even for some better per forming businesses, not only those that were already in sur vival mode

The Bank of England has clearly indicated that there are more interest rate rises to come the cost of living crisis has led to the biggest fall in real pay on record and the price of energ y remains ver y high, although the government’s inter vention has made a significant difference All of these factors point to an economy sliding into recession

Pressure on cash continues, and unfor tunately, we expect to see heightened levels of business failures for some time to come ”

“Whilst the Covid loans, suppor t packages and inter ventions staved off many business closures; the repayments on these loans together with the worsening macro economic climate means many businesses are beginning to experience severe cash flow pressure

It’s critical businesses act early and seek advice if they are struggling now or think cash flow may be squeezed in the coming months The ear lier they act, the more options they’ll have to secure the business’s long term sur vival ”


The increase is primarily driven by Creditors’ Voluntar y Liquidations (CVLs), where directors have chosen to place their business into an insolvency process There were 1,379 CVLs, which is 4% higher than in September 2021 and 25% higher than in September 2019 PKF GM thinks this may par tly be because creditors can now take enforcement action, forcing directors to take pre emptive action There is also signifi cant anecdotal evidence that many of these liquidations involve small companies which had taken out Bounce Back Loans and are now unable to repay them


Oliver Collinge added: “There are plenty of proactive things you can do now to build resilience into your business for the post Covid economy; don’t leave it too late Having a restructuring professional guide you through the process can be invaluable in getting the best outcome and will also help you understand and mitigate your risk as a director ”

“For struggling businesses, it’s not too late to begin negotiations with landlords and creditors to develop manageable repayment plans Will revenues be high enough to suppor t your cost base? Will cash flows be sufficient to deal with the additional debt burden (both formal and infor mal) that has accrued during Covid? Perhaps a CVA is something which should be considered or, where you may need to take the difficult deci sion to make redundancies to sur vive consider applying for government funding to meet the shor t term cash impact of this ”

Of the 1,679 registered company insolvencies in September 2022:

There were 1,379 CVLs , whic h is 4% higher than in September 2021 and 25% higher than in September 2019;

204 were compulsor y liqu dations , whic h is 538% (6 4 times) higher than September 2021, but 10% lower than September 2019;

• 11 were CVAs , whic h is 8% lower than September 2021 and 50% ower than September 2019;

There were 85 adm nistrations , whic h s 5% higher than September 2021 but 47% lower than September 2019; and

• There were no receiver ship appointments

UKHospitality Comment on New Inflation Figures

Issue 132 CLH DIGITAL 9
Responding to
the publication
inflation figures, UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said:
“The sky high levels of inflation we ’ re seeing are continuing to put the hospitality sector under huge pres sure and businesses across the countr y will be fighting to sur vive the winter “With the September inflation figures traditionally being used to set tax changes and rates for the follow ing year there is a real risk that hospitality businesses will face an enormous cliff edge in April if these num bers are used to hike the business rates tax level Such an increase at the same time as the risk of business rates reliefs ending could prove fatal for many “With hospitality inflation contributing heavily to the overall inflation rate , we now risk an inflationar y spi ral where our higher costs lead to higher taxes which lead to even higher prices As well as needing to reform the entire business rates system in the long term, it s now absolutely critical that business rates relief is extended for vulnerable sectors such as hospitality and that downward revalua tions are realised in full

NTIA Says Energy Costs Intervention Too Little

Too Late With 70% of Businesses Still at Risk

The Government Business Energ y Relief scheme is still leaving businesses with untenable energ y costs with many seeing costs of electricity and gas rise by over 300% compared to 2021 even under the scheme While we see the direct impacts of business energ y bills, many of these businesses are subject to indirect costs through supply chain and the subsequent drop in disposable income from customers, all of which continues to present significant chal lenges to businesses without fur ther Government inter vention

Following a sur vey of the Night Time Economy & Hospitality Sector, there is considerable confusion on how impactful the Government’s Business Energ y Relief Scheme is for businesses within the sector Headline Sur vey Figures:

59% of Respondents felt the Mini Budget either had no impact or a negative impact on current business with 1 in 3 still unsure of whether it will have an impact

70% of Respondents stated they would either barely breaking even or lose money with the new Government suppor t package of tax cuts and energ y relief

1 in 2 Businesses would not last more than 3 months without fur ther suppor t from Government

55% of respondents are seeing higher rates for electricity under the Government Energ y Bill relief scheme 1 in 3 of Respondents are seeing over 200% rise in electricity under the current Government Scheme with

just under 1 in 5 seeing a 300% increase in electric costs compared to 2021

57% of respondents are seeing higher rates for gas under the Government Energ y Bill relief scheme

1 in 3 of Respondents are seeing over 200% rise in gas under the current Government Scheme with just under 15% seeing a 300% increase in gas costs compared to 2021

89% of Respondents asked for the following inter ventions as par t of the Main Budget (Brought forward from Nov 23rd) Reduction in VAT Across the Board (Including Alcohol) 74 4% Extension of Business Rates Relief 50% Extended Business Energ y Bill Relief

Michael Kill CEO NTIA Says “It is clear beyond anything that the mini budget and business energ y relief scheme , even with recent amendments, has left businesses, par ticularly SMEs and independent operators confused and worried for their future ”

With businesses still subject to large increases, upto 300% in energ y compared to 2021, and the subsequent drop in consumer spend has crippled many hospitality and night time economy businesses ”

The golden quar ter is one of the key trading periods for the sector, where we build cash reser ves to sus tain the slower months of Januar y & Februar y If we do not get a meaningful inter vention, in the form of a VAT Cut and Business Rates Relief, to aid us through this period under current trading conditions, we will see a catastrophic failure of businesses as we move into 2023 ”

Revolution Bars Acquires Food-Led Peach Pub Company

Revolution bars, which currently operates 69 bars under its Revolution, Revolucion de Cuba brands, Founders & Co and Playhouse brands, has acquired the 21 strong premium Peach pub company with a view to diversifying its growth strateg y

Revolution Bars is to pay £16 5m for Peach Pub, although £500,000 is contingent on future performance

Peach Pub currently has 21 food led pubs in the south of England and the Midlands Food is 53% of sales and there are also revenues from accommodation This year, like for




higher than

2019 In 2021,

7m, but that was boosted by government assistance There should be £1 5m of cost savings from combining the businesses at a minimal cost, but they will not be fully achieved until 2024 25 In the

and heatwaves have hit the star t to the new financial year and like for like sales are 10% lower in the first eleven weeks

The consideration will be funded by the Revolution Bars debt facility and leaves headroom of more than £15m Revolution Bars will not be opening six new sites this year as previously expected

This is an exciting and transformative oppor tunity for Revolution It broadens our guest base , balances our day par t sales and seasonality whilst providing another avenue for growth both organically and by acquisition,” says Rob Pitcher, CEO at Revolution Bars Group

“Peach is


strongly from the

Issue 132 CLH DIGITAL 11
are more
Peach Pub generated pre tax profit
year to 2 July 2022, Revolution Bars revenues were £140 8m and it moved from a loss to a pre tax loss of £2 1m Like for like growth was 1 3% There was weaker trading in the four th quar ter Train strikes
a quality business
great pubs offering a premium experience It has rebounded
dark days of the pandemic Central to this success has been a strong people focused culture with clear values that are focused on making the right choices for guests and our teams, a ver y similar approach to that taken at Revolution ”

Fighting for the Survival of the Great British Pub

Following the new Chancellor s announcement earlier this week, the CEO of the British Institute of Innkeeping (BII), Steve Alton, has written to him, calling for the essential suppor t that will be needed for pubs across the UK to enable them to sur vive the unprece dented trading challenges they are currently facing

Steve Alton commented: “Whilst we recognise that Government is seeking to restore stability and confidence after months of tur moil, our members are facing immediate threats to their sur vival They need meaningful suppor t to allow them to plan their recov er y and be par t of the growth that the Chancellor has stated is at the centre of Government’s plans

“We have consistently made the case to Ministers and officials in Government that our fragile sector can be at the hear t of recover y through growth, but with the pandemic specific debts, waning con sumer confidence and escalating cost of doing business, as well as the energ y crisis, they will need targeted and immediate suppor t to reach their full potential

“Without it, we will see huge business failure , meaning lost income to treasur y in tax and existing debt

repayments, as well as lost employment and supply chain revenue on a local and national level Most impor tantly, we stand to lose the social hubs of our communities across the UK at a time when people need to come together more than ever

“Suppor ting pubs and wider hospitality is an investment in our villages, towns and high streets and is one that will repaid in economic growth employment and vital social connection but this sup por t in the form of a reduced rate of VAT and cancellation of Business Rates for 23/24 is now of the utmost urgency

“We are calling on ever yone who loves the pub to get involved with our #notjustapub campaign and write to their MPs, asking for their suppor t for our brilliant, vibrant and essential pubs at the hear t of their commu nities

Read the letter to the Chancellor at https://tinyurl com/y7y7ajbj Get involved in the #notjustapub campaign and email your MP at https://tinyurl com/24ej5x9k

Inflation Signals 5 Year Rates Hike of £25 BILLION

This week's double digit headline rate of inflation will see non domestic prem ises in England such as pubs, restaurants, shops factories and offices as well as public sector buildings facing a £25 bil lion business rates tax hike over the next 5 years

The distribution of the business rates tax is set through revaluations which periodically reassess and update tax lia bilities to reflect changes in the com mercial rental market

The next revaluation comes into effect

estimate of open market rents on 1st April 2021

But, whilst that revaluation itself will be revenue neutral, and will raise no extra money for the Treasur y, overall business rates revenue for 2023/24 will still be increased by September’s CPI measure of inflation CPI rose by 10 1% in the 12 months to September 2022

The real estate adviser Altus Group, Britain s largest ratings advisor y, forecasts that will now signal that overall business rates revenue will rise by £2 72 billion in England from next April without Government inter vention

Rober t Hayton, UK President at Altus Group, said “with more than 1 in 10 UK businesses now repor ting a moderate to severe risk of insolvency, the time has come to end this ridiculous policy of annually increasing upwards rates revenue by inflation through a renewed focus on growth to drive local taxation revenues instead ”

Whilst the Bank of England expect inflation to star t falling next year and have a target of 2% for inflation, they don’t expect inflation to be close to that target for around 2 years

Even with inflation coming back down to target in around 2 years, Altus Group forecast business rates rev enue will swell to £159 18 billion over there next 5 years giving a cumulative total increase of £24 63 billion without Government inter vention

As par t of the suppor t package during the pandem ic , statutor y inflationar y increases in business rates were cancelled between 1st April 2020 and 31st March 2023

Business rates are devolved to Scotland, Wales and Nor thern Ireland

Issue 132 CLH DIGITAL 13
on 1st April 2023in England based upon an

Technology: The Gift That Keeps On Giving For The Hospitality Sector This Festive Period

The festive and new year period provides weeks of increased business for hospitality For the past two years, what is usually the most impor tant time of year for the industr y has been one of disappointment with data showing the Christmas of 2021 to have been the worst on record for the sector This year will be the first since the star t of covid that the festive season should hopefully come without coronavirus restrictions and with the global economic downturn, it will be more impor tant than ever for businesses to capitalise

Now is the time for bars, restaurants, pubs, and other venues across the sector to take stock of their operating models and see where changes can be made to streamline operations and maximise revenue This is where a range of technological solutions might just be the best gift a venue could give to itself this year


This is something that can apply to all venues across the hospitality sector As all in hospitality know a loyal customer base that generates repeat visits is key to success A huge par t of this is having an effective customer marketing strateg y in place to reach and keep in contact with this audience Flipdish data has shown that when a customer receives a loyalty voucher, they will on average place an additional 12 orders over the next 12 months We’ve also found that average revenue per account is 42% higher among businesses with active loyalty programmes

As well as growing the database of loyal customers, targeted campaigns across Google , social and SMS can be a great way to reach new audi ences Smar t marketing strategies that reward customers with exciting deals and offers helps to keep venues top of mind when people are choosing where they want to celebrate over this busy period



With consumers keen to resume festive celebrations this year venues will be preparing for an influx of customers Pubs will be rammed, restaurant bookings will be made weeks in advance and takeaways will be looking forward to droves of customers stopping by on their way home from bars and pubs Technolog y can help to alleviate pressures on staff and provide quicker turnarounds for customers, whilst also provid ing oppor tunities to maximise revenue

QR codes and kiosks are two technolog y installations venues can look to in order to cope with higher volumes of customers and reduce staffing issues by freeing up their time Both have received a boost in recent years due to a combination of covid, staff shor tages and the on demand economy With QR codes, there’s no hardware required, and

these savvy digital systems not only help to free up staff time but can deliver benefits such as highlighting priority items and managing upsells (for example , through promotions) Kiosks are another consideration, par ticularly for takeaway venues, that can deliver similar benefits and help businesses to process orders much faster


This will also be a busy time for online orders Restaurants and take aways will want to make sure they’re using the best online deliver y sys tem possible for this period, and the solution here is to focus on systems that enable direct to consumer orders

The big aggregators such as Just Eat, Deliveroo and UberEats currently dominate the online food deliver y sector, but they come with high com mission fees (30% and upwards), and also remove the direct relationship between venues and their customers

The best thing that restaurants and takeaways can do for themselves ahead of such a pivotal time is to reduce reliance on marketplaces as much as possible , ideally cutting them out completely Instead, they should look to build an online deliver y system that provides a direct relationship with both existing and potential customers This will in turn help with other beneficial effor ts, such as building tailored marketing programmes


With the festive period beginning weeks in advance of Christmas and New Year, it’s never too early to prepare With just a couple of months to go, now is the time for businesses across the sector to take stock of their operating models and look at where tech integration can help them to keep up with increased demand and maximise on profits

Hospitality Rising Campaign Reaches Major Milestone After £80k Investment

Leaders behind Parkdean Resor ts, the UK’s largest holi day park operator, and chain restaurant operator Prezzo, have invested a combined £80 000 to provide backing for a major industr y recruitment campaign, Hospitality Rising

Dubbed ‘the world’s biggest hospitality recruitment campaign,’ the movement has recently hit another milestone , raising over £800,000 to help tackle the 400,000 vacancies that exist in the industr y whilst changing the perception of working in hospitality for the better The burgeoning movement has already been backed by Michelin starred chef Tom Kerridge , French chef Raymond Blanc OBE, and top chef Angela Har tnett, as well as an increasing number of industr y lead ers within the sector

Mark McCulloch, founder of Hospitality Rising and campaign director, said: “I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the suppor t given by our latest investors, and by the generosity of all of those who have com mitted to backing our recruitment campaign

“The Hospitality Rising movement is about to reach a major mile stone and through our collective effor t we will be able to share some impor tant messages on why the industr y is such a vibrant and reward ing place to work

“Most of all, our aim is to tackle the crippling recruitment crisis that is threatening so many of our businesses, as only 1 in 5 people are now considering a career in hospitality We cannot afford to let this issue worsen or stay as it is now

“Our work is not done and with sector wide suppor t and invest ment, we ’ re cer tain that we can spread the word about this powerful campaign and find more of the exceptional people that make the hos pitality industr y so special ”

The Hospitality Rising campaign set to unveil some exciting plans later this month has already been backed by some of the biggest names across the UK Coca Cola Europacific Par tners (CCEP) recently became the campaign's first official platform supplier par tner, while one of the UK’s leading guest WI FI based marketing solutions, Wireless Social, also became a platinum sponsor

Pret A Manger, Whitbread, Welcome Break, Hilton, Revolution Bars, Soho House & Co, Claridges, J W Lees, The Pig, and now Prezzo and Parkdean Resor ts, are just some of the influential businesses that have signed up to suppor t the campaign

Steve Richards, CEO of the UK’s largest holiday park operator, Parkdean Resor ts, said: “Hospitality Rising comes at a critical time for our sector with tens of thousands of vacancies across the hospitality spectrum it’s vital that we embrace new and innovative ways to show case the wide range of rewarding life long careers that are possible in hospitality

“With more than 250 different careers available at Parkdean Resor ts, we ’ re always interested in new initiatives that will help us attract and develop the diverse talent we need for tomorrow

“We’re therefore delighted to add our backing to Hospitality Rising, and join such a broad church of industr y bodies, suppliers and opera tors, from quick ser vice restaurants, ser vice stations and pub chains, right through to championship golf courses fine dining and luxur y hotels in highlighting the vast array of oppor tunities in this amazing sector

“I’m looking forward to the launch of this high profile campaign that promises to reach new audiences, and show the world how brilliant, varied and fulfilling a career in hospitality can be

Dean Challenger, CEO of Prezzo, also commented: “We believe that Hospitality Rising offers an innovative approach to recruitment which our industr y has not seen before The Hospitality industr y is open to ever yone and offers a host of exciting career oppor tunities with rapid career growth, excellent earning potential, a wide range of lifelong skills, alongside flexible working in an industr y committed to delivering great experiences for customers

“People are at the hear t of all good hospitality businesses and are the ver y centre of Prezzo which aims to deliver Genuine Hospitality within a philosophy of One Team working We are therefore proud to be pledging our suppor t of the campaign ”

More Than Great Coffee For Your Business

As we enter the winter season with the continued inflationar y pressures, rising energ y bills and increased labour costs; operators from all corners of the hospi tality market are looking at their total offer to consider changes that will make guest eating and drinking occasions work more efficiently and effectively, better for the guest experience and better for business

The demand for quality remains but the expectation for value for experience grows, here’s where Douwe Egber ts Cafitesse can help your business with more than great coffee

With a range of Douwe Egber ts’ Cafitesse machines to choose from each is a beautifully designed high speed, self ser ve coffee machine with var ying capabili ties to suit the needs of your venues, your hospitality occasions and your guests Each is also built for reliability to ser ve high volumes of coffee and drinks at peak times, whether pots or cups, ser ved or self ser ve Perfect for high demand usage all day long from breakfast to evening ser vice

Douwe Egber ts Cafitesse knows how to deliver great tasting coffee at high speed and in high volumes, now being experienced by the 135,000+ machines being used worldwide , ser ving two billion cups ever y year and


Sourcing coffees from around the world, Douwe Egber ts Cafitesse coffee is roasted and brewed to create perfectly balanced blends full of flavour cap turing all the flavours and precious aromas to deliver a consistently delicious coffee , cup after cup Within the range , we also offer UTZ Cer tified blends including Intense and Classic Roast

Discover the benefits of Douwe Egber ts Cafitesse in your business, scan the QR code shown


See for yourself the difference Cafitesse can make to your guest experience and the efficiency of your ser ving team

Applying is no guarantee of a free trial Selection criteria and geographical restrictions apply For full terms and conditions visit www.jacobsdouweegber freetrial terms of use

See the adver t on the facing page for fur ther details

14 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132

Increase Footfall with Football: How to Get

Customers in the Door through Sporting Events

The shouts, screams and echoes of ‘it’s coming home!’ from last sum mer may be all but a distant memor y however with a whole new season of football and spor ts upon us it’s the perfect time for operators to increase footfall with football

With football and other major spor ting events being some of the biggest drivers in of sales across the on trade , here are a few ways to get your outlet ready for a season of spor t


During summer, there are ample oppor tunities to increase footfall through outdoor seating areas or marquees Consider installing outdoor TV screens or video walls to ensure that, even if your indoor seating fills up, there’ll be plenty of space outside for consumers to enjoy the spor ts in the sun

Having a continuous flow of chilled drinks is also high on the agenda Plan your extra stock well in advance Have a look at any fixtures and plan out which ones are more likely to generate more customers and also think about the types of drinks will be most popular (beer and cider seem to be most popular during events like football) and be prepared by getting more of this stock in

Also, be sure to enquire about your drinks supplier deals in advance Many offer deals and promotions in the run up to spor ting events such as price points, free kegs on install of specific draughts and multi buy pro motions

Next, look at your equipment Do you need more fridges to chill bot tles? Consider investing in a back of house fridge if space allows to ensure you ’ ve got a steady supply of chilled stock ready to go during these busy periods


In this digital age , it’s never been easier to adver tise your outlet Got a Facebook page? Be sure to post across your social media accounts high lighting any spor ting events you ’ re showing as well as drinks promotions and events Plus, if you have a Facebook Business account, for a small adver tising budget you can promote your business locally to potential customers in the local area

Also consider ways to tr y and encourage passing trade Be sure to invest in PoS and display items that can be used to adver tise in and out side the outlet Chalkboards updated regularly and placed outside can help with enticing passing trade whilst banners, posters and high quality

display PoS items can help to increase footfall and really get consumers hyped up for upcoming events

Finally why not contact your local media outlet to tr y and garner some free press? Contact your local newspaper and invite them along to your outlet to highlight all the fantastic work you ’ re doing to prepare for spor ting events This gives you an oppor tunity to showcase your prepara tions, your facilities and any sor t of campaigns or promotions you ’ re doing for your customers


As many as 80% of customers who have had a drink whilst watching football in a pub have also purchased food so it’s a fantastic chance to upsell or offer promotions across your food and drink

First and foremost, make sure you have all the necessar y staffing around larger fixtures, especially if you ’ re ser ving food Next, consider a bespoke food and drink menu specifically for these events such as a simplified din ing menu; think burgers, hot dogs, pizzas and nachos Alternatively, why not create a burger and beer offer?

With many consumers being fixated on the spor t during the event they won’t be as likely to rush to the bar for drinks whilst the match is on so consider creating some premium options such as multiple pint pitchers or premium beer buckets or bundles This alleviates pressure on your staff at the bar and gives you the chance to premiumise your drinks offer

Finally, don t forget to offer alternatives such as wines, prosecco s and no and low options to cater to those who opt for something other than beer or the designated drivers and non drinkers

Greene King Offering Free Pub Food & Drink to Those Aged 66 and Over

Pub group chain Greene King is launching a competition which would allow some people aged 66 and over to get free food and drink at their pubs during the 2022 World Cup

For this 66 fans over the age of 66 will be selected and appointed the official Lucky Fan in their local Greene King pub receiving a £100 gift card to use during the tournament

Additionally these 66 fans will be issued with a framed cer tificate as a keepsake for their ongoing suppor t for the England team which they would have seen win the World Cup back in 1966

All you need to do to enter or nominate someone else is to fill out the form on the Greene King website here before the deadline of October 31

Greene King has teamed up with former England star Sir Geoff Hurst for this who said: “The World Cup is so much more than a

football tournament, it’s a moment that unites the countr y and brings together friends and families in suppor t of our team

“This competition is a special thank you to reward fans from 1966 letting them enjoy the 2022 World Cup in style at their local Greene King spor ts pub plus they may just be the lucky charm we need to see us back to glor y!”

Chris Conchie marketing controller for Greene King Spor ts said:

“The World Cup always brings excitement levels to fever pitch, and we can t wait to welcome fans through our doors across the coun tr y to show their suppor t for England

As the home of pub spor t, we wanted to give the longest ser v ing England fans something to cheer about as we head towards the World Cup, sharing their first hand experiences of one of the greatest spor ting moments in England’s histor y ”

Chopstix Launches First Kent Restaurant With Canterbury Site


and demonstrates the brand’s versatility as an appealing par tner for landlords The new site has created 20 jobs in the local community including 5 management positions with oppor tunity for development

Last year Chopstix conducted a complete training overhaul in par t nership with Mapal One , launching a new digital training model, deliv ering a new induction module & food training, 50% reduction of online training & a ‘Netflix’ style flow platform, which all staff have access to

Chopstix has also launched a Wok Academy, in par tnership with an award winning London cooker y school, which will help chefs earn an accredited qualification Wok Academy will help polish and fine tune chefs’ cook ing skills, reinforce technical wok skills, and bring an element of theatre to the cooking experience in restau rants

Darren Traynor, Operations Director for Chopstix, said, We re on a real roll with new openings and it’s great to be building such momen tum around the brand As well as investing in expansion, we ’ ve also invested heavily in our training and development offering, because we know how difficult it can be to recruit and retain people in our sec tor It’s great to be able to create these new jobs in Canterbur y and have the oppor tunity to cultivate some great talent and we might even have hired our next Operations Director!”

The Canterbur y site will include striking design elements the brand has become renowned for such as its iconic ‘living wall’, natural wood finishes and its winking anime character that features across all Chopstix locations

Established in Camden Market in 2002 by entrepreneurs Sam Elia and Menashe Sadik, Chopstix celebrates its 20th anniversar y this year The Chopstix group, comprises over 80 locations across the UK and Ireland through a mix of company owned and operated locations and franchise sites run through par tnerships with the likes of Welcome Break and Applegreen

has relationships with deliver y par tners Deliveroo, Just Eat and Uber Eats, as

grocer y sauce range , plus fur ther innovations in the pipeline

16 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132
Ar ticle supplied by LWC Drinks , independent wholesaler of drinks to the on trade (www.lwc drinks Chopstix,
the UK s largest Asian QSR
has completed yet another successful launch this week, with the opening of a site in
Canterbur y
new restaurant, located on St George’s Street in the city cen tre , opened on Monday to queues of customers as locals waited in line to sample the Pan Asian delights on offer The site is Chopstix’s 82nd site ,
In addition, the business also
well as several brand extensions including a

Hospitality Loses 2,200 Sites in Three Months as Business Cost Challenges Mount

Britain’s licensed sector the universe of pubs bars restaurants cafes and hotels saw a net decline of one closure ever y hour in the third quar ter of 2022, the latest Hospitality Market Monitor from CGA and AlixPar tners reveals

It shows there were just under 104,000 licensed premises at the end of September 2022 a net drop of 2,230 since June , which rep resents an average of just over 24 closures a day, or more than 150 per week This latest decline leaves the licensed market with 11,426 (or 9 9%) fewer sites than March 2020

It follows a year of relative stability as hospitality built back from COVID, with the number of sites at June 2022 vir tually the same as 12 months earlier The closures over the last quar ter follow a sharp rise in prices in energ y food and labour and this trend looks likely to continue over the rest of 2022 without fur ther government suppor t

The repor t from CGA and AlixPar tners reveals a sharp contrast in the for tunes of managed hospitality groups and independent operators While the number of managed sites is 3 0% below pre COVID levels it increased by 0 9% (+179 sites) in the last three months, but the independent sector contracted by 2 6% ( 1,751 sites) It reflects the greater resources and buying power of larger business es compared to smaller firms, many of which are now ver y fragile

In contrast to the managed independent divide the trend of steady closures over the last quar ter has been notably consistent across different locations High street, suburban and rural locations all recorded same net decline of 2 1% in licensed premises between June and September By region, quar ter on quar ter declines varied only slightly, from a low of 1 6% in the south and south east to a high of 2 9% in Scotland

The Monitor also highlights an ongoing contraction in the night club sector Britain’s number of nightclubs has fallen by 5 6% in the last three months alone , and the sector now has around a quar ter fewer sites ( 309 sites) than it did before the pandemic in March 2020

Karl Chessell CGA’s business unit director for hospitality opera tors and food EMEA said: “These numbers show how hospitality’s steady recover y from COVID is now under severe threat from ris ing costs for businesses and consumers alike The resilience and confidence of managed groups and their investors is impressive , and people’s appetite for eating and drinking out is undimmed However, thousands of smaller businesses are now on a knife edge and in need of financial suppor t Relief on energ y bills has been welcome , but sustained backing and clarity of policy is needed if hospi tality is to power the economic growth that the government is chasing ”

Price Of Flat White Set To Top £4 As Rising Costs Push Inflation Back To 40-Year High

“While it’s good to have some cer tainty, it’s still a cap on prices that are significantly higher than last year ”

“One worr y we have is that rising costs could push the price of cof fee into a bracket where customers decide it’s more of a luxur y lifestyle decision, rather than ever yday morning essential

“With ever ything considered, we predict the price of a flat white cof fee will be at least £4 by the end of the year It sounds ludicrous, but it’s the position we ’ re likely to find ourselves in ”

The average price of a pint of milk in August was 62p the highest since records began in 1971

Lambie continued: “Milk has been significantly under valued for some time now, so the increase brings it into line with a more realistic price point

“That does, however, mean margins are tightened and the cost passed on to the customer becomes higher ”

Inflation rose to 10 1% in the 12 months to September according to the Office of National Statistics above the expectations of econo mists, who had predicted a figure of 10% Food and non alcoholic drinks prices rose significantly, climbing by 14 5% in twelve months

Julie Dunn, operations director at Dunns Food and Drinks, a whole saler with more than 2,000 customers across Scotland, has warned the nation’s hospitality sector faces “ a perfect storm of price rises strike disruption, and rising energ y costs ” She said: “Despite venues prepar ing for what is likely to be an incredibly busy festive period, rising food costs, strike disruption and increasing energ y bills are going to be a huge concern for bars, pubs and restaurants across the countr y

“In the last year alone , we ’ ve seen wholesale costs jump by around 10% on average each quar ter with the price of dair y products such as butter and cheese , at an all time high

of milk which is at its highest level on record is forcing businesses to bump up prices, with high costs being passed on to customers

The price of a flat white topped £3 at UK chains for the first time ever in August, and now exper ts predict prices are set to jump by more than a third before the end of the year


The roaster y has seen an increase in the number of customers sign ing up to its coffee subscription ser vice , as cofficionados choose to enjoy the brew at home , rather than spending extra on a takeaway cup

“We’re for tunate our business has several layers including selling our roasted coffee beans to customers who want to drink it at home but we still have concerns heading into the winter,” Lambie added “We rely on gas to roast our coffee , and despite the introduction of an energ y price cap for businesses, we re still worried about rising costs

“With rising costs inevitably being passed on to customers, the likeli hood is people will be less willing to spend on luxuries like eating out When the festivities come to an end in Januar y, hospitality venues are set to experience a ver y quiet star t to the year

“We continue to do ever ything we can to suppor t our customers during price fluctuations by providing a wide range of affordable options to help keep costs down

And Hospitality Catalogue

Jangro, the UK and Ireland s largest network of independent janitorial distributors, is delighted to launch a brand new catalogue , dedicated to the commercial caterer and hospi tality sector Available now in a compact A5 size , it is packed with many new sustainable choices These include disposable food packaging cutler y and drinkware that are made from recycled materials and are also compostable , biodegradable , or recyclable

From mixolog y, dispensing and ser ving essentials for bar tenders, a large range of glassware (entr y level to fine dining), through to front of house essentials, including crocker y, cutler y, oven to tableware , and presentation displays, the new catalogue has it all

It caters for ever ything required within commercial kitchens, including equipment and furni ture such as ovens, cookers, toasters, dishwashers, juicers and blenders, as well as cook and bakeware storage and kitchen utensils For staff there is an array of uniform and PPE on offer, including chef s clothing, headwear, hand protection, and footwear

Also included are kitchen hygiene supplies, which are essential to avoid cross contamina tion and the risk of foodborne illness The catalogue covers all chemicals, paper products, and cleaning products, including the new ntrl range , Jangro’s innovative line of natural and more

sustainable cleaning products

All ntrl products use raw materials that are derived from plant based extracts; their natu ral formulas are 100% biodegradable , contain zero petrochemicals, and can reduce the prod uct’s carbon footprint by up to 85%

Jangro is also proud to offer products for hotels, from brands including Elsyl, and Taylor of London as well as ranges that are 90% natural Other features include an array of different signage , fire safety equipment, first aid, waste management, plus washroom essentials includ ing baby change facilities

Jo Gilliard, CEO of Jangro comments “We are thrilled to unveil our new Catering and Hospitality Catalogue It may be a more compact size than previous editions, but it is absolutely bursting with ever ything a catering business might need for its establishment What’s more , we have included more sustainable options than ever before , helping our cus tomers to make responsible choices and meet their own sustainability goals

For more info or to order a free copy visit Jangro net or call 01204 795 955

Launches New Catering
18 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132 Industr y figures have warned the cost of a flat white coffee on the high street is set to top £4 for the first time as inflation returns to a 40 year high The soaring price
Robi Lambie , coffee roaster and co founder of Cairngorm Coffee in Edinburgh, said: We re ver y concerned about the impact of inflation on our business

Hospitality Groups’ September Sales Drop Year-on-Year as Inflation Bites

Like for like sales at Britain’s top managed pub, bar and restaurant groups were 3 0% behind the levels of September 2021, the latest edition of the Coffer CGA Business Tracker shows

The Tracker produced by CGA by NielsenIQ in par tnership with The Coffer Group and RSM UK shows groups ’ sales were ahead of pre pan demic levels for the eighth month in a row with like for like growth of 4 0% compared to September 2019 However the dip from 12 months ago demonstrates the headwinds currently facing the hospitality sector and with inflation as measured by the Consumer Prices Index at nearly 10%, sales are much fur ther behind last year ’ s numbers in real terms

Pubs were the strongest performing of the Tracker s three hospitality seg ments in September, with year on year sales growth of 1 7% Restaurants’ like for like sales were down by 7 9% on September 2021, and bars’ sales by 16 0%

The Tracker has better news from the London market, as groups ’ sales within the M25 rose 3 1% year on year It follows a steady return of visitors and office workers to the capital over the year, and a dramatic influx of people after the death of Queen Elizabeth II Beyond the M25, like for like sales were down by 4 5% from September 2021

Karl Chessell, director hospitality operators and food, EMEA at CGA, said: “One year ago businesses and

consumers were enjoying the end of COVID 19 restrictions in restaurants, pubs and bars but September’s dip in sales shows just how tough the market has become since then Hospitality has done ver y well to haul trading back past pre pandemic levels, but soaring costs in fuel, food and other areas are severely impacting companies’ margins High inflation is making real terms growth extremely hard, and while the government’s capping of energ y prices is wel come , more measures are needed to suppor t businesses over what will be a challenging winter

Mark Sheehan, managing director at Coffer Corporate Leisure , said: Trade in the eating and drinking out sectors continues to improve on 2019 numbers albeit down on 2021 which reflected “feel good” trading on the back of restric tions lifting These numbers yet again demonstrate the challenges felt by the sec tor on the back of rising costs It is the coming months that are most impor tant to pubs, restaurants and bars in the face of worr yingly weak consumer confidence ”

Paul Newman, head of leisure and hospitality at RSM UK, said: “With interest rates, labour, energ y and costs of goods continuing to climb, pub and restaurant owners have a lot to think about as they finalise their menus for the all impor tant festive trading period Consumer confidence remains low and with food and drink price inflation in hospitality repor ted to have hit 15% in August operators will be juggling how best to protect their own margins without fur ther denting fragile demand by passing on price rises ”

Shepherd Neame’s Visitor Centre Wins ‘Hidden Gem’ Attraction Accolade from Visit England

Centre has been recognised as one of the countr y ’ s top visitor attraction experiences

The Visitor Centre in Cour t Street, Faversham, was named among nine winners in the South East that go the extra mile to provide a high quality day out

The accolade follows an annual assessment under the scheme , which took place in the summer when inspectors took par t in a brewer y tour

Inspectors praised customer care throughout the tour, as well as cleanliness and all aspects of the tour, which takes visitors through the brewing process, as well as looking at the histor y of the busi ness, and topped off with a tasting of a selection of the brewer’s award winning beers, naturally! They said of the tour :

“Content remains ver y good and is well paced and informative , without being too technical,” adding: “Customer care was to a high standard throughout the tour” “ ver y good use of anecdotes and ad hoc historical references were engaging and a ver y good knowledge of the brewer y and brewing process was evident ”


“Thousands of people enjoy our brewer y tours each year learn ing more about Britain’s oldest brewer It is a testament to the hard work and welcoming nature of our team members and all those behind the scenes who play a par t in the production process, that we have received such an accolade ”

Introduced in 2014, the Attraction Quality Scheme accolades are available to VisitEngland’s Visitor Attraction Quality Scheme par tici pants They are suppor ted by a network of highly trained and expe rienced assessors who advise them on improving and promoting the quality, accessibility and sustainability of their offer

VisitEngland Director Andrew Stokes said: “It’s so exciting to see our brilliant attractions providing outstanding experiences for visi tors and to recognise and showcase the variety and quality across the countr y

“England has unmissable visitor attractions and experiences that deliver world class customer ser vice They also provide the warmest of welcomes and unforgettable stor ytelling that connects the whole experi ence , including retail and food and drink offers that exceed expectations ”

Tourism is one of England’s largest and most valuable industries employing about 2 6 million people and in 2019, generating £76 billion in domestic visitor spending

Projects and Supports

Clubs Through

Craft Union Pub Company has donated over £37,000 to local commu nity projects as a par t of their ‘Love your Local’ campaign, to bolster funds already raised by individual pubs for good causes in their local communities

The initial fundraising drive took place earlier this year and saw around 430 pubs taking par t in fundraising initiatives for local community proj ects These donations have since been added to by the Craft Union Pub Company which pledged to match each pubs’ fundraising amount

Good causes ranged from pre schools to hospices, Scout groups to community gardens and boxing clubs to football teams The ‘Love your Local’ Campaign will also be awarding 12 football kits to local grassroots teams at the star t of the football season They will be badged with the Craft Union logo and sponsored by Carling

Grass Roots

Love Your Local Campaign

“We are so impressed by ever yone involved and their effor ts, that we could not be prouder to add to their donations and help deepen the extent of their work even fur ther ”

Back in Februar y, Craft Union Pub Company, which recently won Best Community Pub Operator at the Publican Awards, gave Craft Union pubs ‘Love Your Local’ post boxes This was where customers could fill out a nomi nation form to put forward community projects that they wanted to receive funding, the winners of which have now had their donations

20 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132
Union Pub Company Donates Over £37,000 To Local Community
Helen Charleswor th, Managing Director of Stonegate Group, said: “The communities in which our pubs operate are as impor tant to us as they are to their residents Often a local pub sits at the hear t of that community It s been wonderful to see and hear about all the good causes that these establish ments have been fundraising for, and the ways in which they bring people together Shepherd Neame’s Visitor Centre at its Faversham brewer y has been named a ‘Hidden Gem’ in VisitEngland’s Visitor Attraction Accolades Shepherd Neame Head of Customer Relations, Giles Hilton, said: “We are delighted that our Visitor

FSA Launch Consultation on the Food Law Code of Practice in England

The FSA has launched a 12 week consultation seeking views from local authorities, food business operators, unions and interested groups on the proposed changes to the Code in England

The proposals involve fundamental changes to the food standards deliver y model within the Code , and associated content, namely the introduction of a:

• new food standards risk rating scheme that LA officers will use to evaluate the risk posed by a food business

• new decision matrix to determine the frequency at which food standards official controls should be delivered in line with the out come of the risk assessment

Local authorities follow the Code when carr ying out official food controls The Code requires regular review and revision to ensure that it reflects current priorities, policy, and legislative requirements so that the local authority deliver y of official food controls remain effective consistent and appropriate

The changes we are proposing will introduce

local authorities to have


direct local authority resource to where it is most needed to tackle risk in the food chain

Michael Jackson, Head of Regulator y Compliance Division said;

“The Food Law Code of Practice enables us to ensure food is safe and what it says it is The proposed amendments to the Code will enable local authorities to manage resources more effectively, by pri oritising their activities on food businesses that pose the highest risk to public health and consumers

“As par t of the consultation process, we are planning a series of local authority engagement events to discuss the new model and the changes that are being proposed The consultation ends on 9 Januar y 2023, so we would encourage all those who have an interest in this to respond over the next 12 weeks ”

The consultation page is available on the FSA website , where you can also find out about the Food Law Code of Practicee

Tyber’s Reggae Bar is Jammin’

Formerly known as the Grub & Liquor, Tyber’s Reggae Bar in Tunbridge Wells is set for its grand reopening next weekend, with a special performance from none other than the pub’s licensee Tyber Cranstoun, who heads up popular Ska band The Dualers

The announcement of the pub’s reopening on social media has been met with a lot of excitement, so much so that tickets for the reopening night on Friday 28 October sold out within an hour The evening of celebration will see Tyber himself take to the stage to perform with Peter, the guitarist of his band The Dualers, joining him to enter tain the crowds The enter tainment will then continue well into the night, with a DJ taking over after Tyber’s two 40 minute sets, playing a range of Reggae and Ska music

With Tyber wanting to give a home to Ska and Reggae music , the reopening par ty follows an overhaul of the pub’s previous traditional look, with a new Caribbean theme introduced Paying homage to the licensee’s love of music , the pub also has an array of Reggae memorabilia displayed throughout including gig posters, vinyl and clothing from The Dualers With the space to accommodate many people throughout the pub,

Tyber’s Reggae Bar also has a spacious func tion room available for private hire

Speaking on the reopening, Tyber said: “It’s great to see the refurbishment taking shape and our new look almost ready to be revealed on the 28th This has been a long time coming and I’m looking forward to put ting our own musical spin on this busy pub

We want to make Tyber s Reggae Bar the go to venue to watch live music in the area, music has played a huge role in my life , and I want to share my love of it with our guests, giving a home to Ska and Reggae music Watch out for our social media pages, where will announce fur ther live music gigs over the coming weeks and months ”

The pub’s reopening weekend will also see the hosting of a special Skalloween night on Saturday 29 October with competitions for best spooky fancy dress and Haggis DJ playing the best reggae from 8pm to 1am, it’s sure to be a night to remember

9 Nevill Street Tunbridge Wells TN2 5RU

Open Sunday to Wednesday 12pm to 11pm Thursday 12pm to 12am Friday and Saturday 12pm to 1am

Food served daily from 12pm to 9pm

Free Safety Guidance To Prepare For Christmas-World Cup Festivities

Leading specialist in food and workplace safety, Shield Safety, has ramped up its campaign to help the hospitality sector prepare for its busiest period for over a decade as the festive period and FIFA World Cup 2022 coincide

Through its #XLMAS campaign, Shield Safety is offering access to a free guide and risk assessment template , which provides specialist guidance , insight and suppor t to help bars pubs and restaurants make the most of what is set to be a Christmas period like no other not so much Xmas as XLMAS!

Mark Flanagan CEO and Founder of Shield Safety com mented: “During the last World Cup, spending in hospitality increased by 41% compared to the previous year and this shot up to 73% on the day of the England Croatia semi final Couple that with the Lionesses' recent victor y in the European Championships there is huge excitement for the World Cup this winter

“This is a really exciting oppor tunity for the hospitality sector because uniquely the World Cup is taking place during what we all hope will be the first full trading festive period since 2019 This creates a once in a lifetime oppor tunity for hospitality to have a truly amazing end of the year However, this unprecedented oppor tunity will need to be delivered safely with venues experiencing a huge increase in visitors against the challenges of var ying staffing levels, adapted menus, venue layout changes, more outdoor presence to mention just a few There are more than enough issues and challenges to create the risk of an own goal That is why we have launched XLMAS, our campaign to suppor t this incredible sector through a super sized festive period

Shield Safety’s XLMAS Guide is available to access and download for free at https://tinyurl com/2kx6dhjs

The XLMAS Guide covers advice and top tips to prepare for increased footfall and how to manage office par ties, family get togethers and festive nights out alongside football crowds, to ensure all customers have an amaz ing and safe experience Included are key insights around transient staff, venue layout changes revised menus and food preparation Within the guide is also a link to download a Risk Assessment template , designed by safety exper ts and tailored towards the specific risks venues need to mitigate this festive period

The XLMAS Risk Assessment Template covers three core themes your customers, your team and your menu It includes considerations for chang ing menus, reconfiguring venue layouts to increase capacity, accommodating outdoor catering, staff training and mental wellbeing, and measures to keep spaces Covid safe

Mark continued: A recent sur vey from Access Hospitality found that 76% of football fans are looking for venues to watch the World Cup this winter and 30% of respondents said they would be happy to sit in a heated beer garden This shows the scale of oppor tunity for hospitality but inter estingly, if they have outdoor space they can adapt with patio heaters and can provide alfresco dining options such as BBQs or pizza ovens there s scope to really diversify enhancing cus tomer experience and bringing in vital revenue

“Shield Safety wants to help venues to thrive this Christmas after the challenges of the past few years and to offer suppor t to make sure that this festive period is special for both venues and their customers The hospitality sector needs to avoid conceding a penalty when demand increases so dramatically This can be avoided with for ward planning and ensuring all safety risks have been assessed and dealt with well ahead of XLMAS

beginning ”
22 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132
a new food standards deliver y model The new model will allow
use any of the official control methods and techniques available and
All comments and views should be included in the consultation response form and sent to: CodeReviewResponses@food gov uk The consultation will close at midnight on 9 Januar y 2023

Supporting UK Hospitality Businesses To Unlock A Sustainable Tomorrow


The UK government has made it clear that to achieve net zero carbon by 2050, everyone must do their part both in business and at home For hospitality businesses where heat ing and hot water contributes significantly to their overall energy consumption, it’s clear that taking steps to convert to low carbon energy sources will have a positive impact

What’s more with customers becoming more aware of how their lifestyle choices impact on the environment, hotels have a lot to gain in terms of increasing revenue and improving reputation by actively reducing their carbon footprint

Looking ahead, as part of its commitment to offer our cus tomers 100% sustainable energy solutions by 2040, Calor continues to take steps to encourage our hospitality cus tomers to make the switch to bulk Futuria Liquid Gas help ing to support the hospitality industry across the UK deliver on their sustainability goals for today and tomorrow

To join the Futuria of off grid energy visit www calor co uk


Ahead of the government s proposed phase out of fossil fuel heating installations in off gas grid homes and small businesses starting in 2026 and in larger off gas grid non domestic buildings from 2024, UK hospitality businesses are facing increasing pressure to explore alternative, sustainable fuel sources Alastair Lovell Head of Sustainable Fuels at Calor discusses how sustainable fuels can not only help reduce carbon emissions but can also support businesses looking to future proof operations

Annual energy costs for the hospitality sector are in excess of £1 3 billion1, and result in carbon emissions of more than 8 million tonnes per year2 On top of this the industry is consid ering waste management ongoing staff shortages and the sustainability credentials of the items and products they use on a day to day basis


Despite the ongoing cost of living crisis, research continues to indicate consumers are increasingly making purchasing decisions with businesses and brands based on their sustain ability credentials In fact latest research has shown that 65%3 of shoppers think about sustainability before making a purchase Against this backdrop, and as the hospitality indus try just like many other business sectors work towards the government’s net zero legal obligation, it makes good busi ness sense to explore sustainable practices and solutions as a way to attract new customers as well as contribute to the success of net zero

As one of the most carbon intensive fuel sources, oil fuelled

boilers are still commonly found in off grid pubs, hotels and bars across the UK Yet what is often a simple and straight forward switch from oil to bulk LPG can immediately cut CO2 emissions by up to 17 8%4, compared to oil, making it ideal for rural hospitality businesses where electricity is simply not viable because of limited supply to the location

For those businesses looking to further improve their sus tainability credentials, Calor s Futuria Liquid Gas offers hospi tality businesses a reliable bulk supply fuel source which also makes a positive impact on reducing carbon emissions

Futuria Liquid Gas (previously BioLPG) is a sustainable fuel made from a blend of waste, residues and sustainably sourced materials While there is currently a price premium when compared to standard LPG bulk supply of Futuria Liquid Gas when at a 100% blend can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 86% (kgCO2e/kWh) when compared to using heat ing oil and up to 80%6 compared to conventional LPG

Globally, 85% of people7 indicate that they have shifted their purchase behaviour towards being more sustainable in the past five years As the sector continues to face uncertainty, those businesses which are able to clearly demonstrate their commitment to sustainability will ultimately be the ones who are able to attract the more environmentally conscious con sumer One of the ways we re supporting customers here is through our Green Gas Certification Scheme The independ ent scheme ensures traceability of all bulk Futuria Liquid Gas delivered to, and used by, our hospitality customers, while also highlighting the amount of CO2 saved

24 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132
SOURCES: 1&2 https //prod drupal files storage googleapis com/documents/resource/pub lic/Hospitality sector guide pdf 3 https://travindy com/2022/07/the hotel industrys big carbon lie/ 4 https://www circularon ine co uk/news/over half of uk shoppers feel gui ty about buying from businesses that arent sustainable/ 5&6 Table provided by kind permission of GemServ based on emission factor ca culations prepared by BEIS 2021 Based on 100% BioLPG allocation 7 https://www businessw re com/news/home/20211014005090/en/Recent Study Reveals More Than a Third of Global Consumers Are Wi ling to Pay More for Sustainab lity as Demand Grows for Environmentally Friendly Alternatives
Calor has been Parkdean Resorts main LPG fuel supplier for many years and in 2022 both compa nies embarked on an opportunity to improve the sustainability of Parkdean Resorts’ gas supply and reduce CO2 emissions together Through the partnership, Parkdean Resorts will become the first holiday park company to use Futuria Liquid Gas More than 14% of the total LPG supplied by Calor to Parkdean Resorts will be Futuria Liquid Gas by the end of 2022, rising to nearly 25% by the end of 2023 Jane Bates, Director of Procurement and Sustainability at Parkdean Resorts said: “We own and operate 66 award winning holiday parks, with 3,500 acres of land including forests, peatbogs, rivers beaches and headlands in some of the UK’s finest beauty spots We’re committed to caring for our people, parks and planet to create a positive environmental impact on nature and resources and to acting responsibly for the long term sustainability of our business, and it’s important to us that our suppliers can help us deliver against these sustainability commitments “Working with Calor to supply Futuria Liquid Gas to our parks will be a big step towards achieving our first mile stone of a 25% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025 We have a well established relationship with Calor and this partnership represents a key initiative in our industry leading strategy to create truly sustainable parks

Cost-of-Living Crisis Exposing UK Consumers to Unprecedented Risks

New research published by Trading Standards suggests that issues related to “cost of living” are at record levels and set to trigger unprecedented demand and pressure on ser vices in the future Data for 2021/22 indicates there has been a surge in a range of practices that are harming consumers including a trebling in the volume of counterfeit goods seized The findings come as the Char tered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) found that three quar ters of UK adults are feeling more vulnerable due to the cost of living crisis and nearly half have seen a rise in scams

Data from the new Impacts and Outcomes Repor t 2021/22, from ACTSO (the Association of Chief Trading Standards Officers) highlights that the risks associated with the cost of living crisis is apparent across all work areas and is placing increasing demands on the Trading Standards Ser vice

Highlights from the repor t include:

• Over half a billion pounds of consumer detriment (£548 million) was prevented by Trading Standards across England and Wales

• A major increase in counterfeit goods with Trading Standards seizing over 4 million counterfeit products with a market value of £111M three times more than the previous year

• The removal of over 4 2M unsafe/non compliant products including dangerous toys, lights and phone charg ers

A significant increase in the amount of illicit tobacco, with 14 9M illicit cigarettes seized

• Over 7000 businesses were found to have supplied food that was misdescribed, didn’t declare allergens or was adulterated with toxins

• Concerns that consumers are more at risk of being scammed, with 17,600 scam victims suppor ted and approximately £47M of money saved by Local Authority Trading Standards in 2021/22

The data for 2021/22 chimes with a new CTSI sur vey which high lights that across the UK, Local Authority Trading Standards teams have seen an increase in cost of living related demands with around one quar ter repor ting both an increase in consumers who are vulner able and in scams and rogue traders

Chief Executive at CTSI, John Herriman said “This latest research not only demonstrates the significant impact that Trading Standards makes to protect consumers and businesses, but it also suggests that our cost of living crisis is likely to exacerbate already high levels of detri ment UK consumers are facing

“The current economic situation is inevitably causing consumers and businesses to tighten their belts, but in consequence unscrupulous and rogue traders are exploiting this increased vulnerability The data clear ly shows not only the significant impact Trading Standards is making to address consumer detriment but also that the risks to consumers from scams, counterfeit and illicit goods, and false and misleading prices are on the rise

It is imperative to the national economy that that we build and maintain consumer confidence , and this is ver y much dependent upon us having confidence in the integrity of businesses By tackling unscrupulous prac tices whether that is preventing food fraud or removing counterfeit goods, Trading Standards is an absolutely vital component in underpinning confidence in businesses and from consumers, and ultimately helping the UK steer the choppy waters ahead ”

Steve Ruddy, Chair of ACTSO, said of the latest repor t: “Our latest Impact and Outcomes data shows the sheer scale of how much Trading Standards teams save consumers and businesses in tackling detriment, pre venting harm, and providing advice and suppor t ”

“It is clear that in this cost of living crisis, the risks to consumers from the safety of illicit and counterfeit goods, scams, false claims about prices, and energ y efficiency are all growing Trading Standards has a vital role to play in addressing all of these risks; demands are continuing to grow for what are already ver y stretched ser vices ”

Deliveroo Sales Growth Slows as Consumers Tighten Belts

Deliveroo has repor ted a fall in orders in the third quar ter of 2022 The company said GTV growth was up 5% year on year in the quar ter in constant currency

It said orders were down 1%, reflecting the difficult consumer environment In the UK and Ireland GTV was £944m in the third quar ter up 11% year on year but down 2% from the second quar ter Orders were 37 7 million in the third quar ter, up 5% year on year but down 4% on the second quar ter UK growth outperformed international, with GTV in UK and Ireland up 11% and in International down 2% year on year

Deliveroo said international growth was relatively stronger in Europe and Middle East, offset by declines in Asia Pacific (where renewed COVID related restrictions in the third quar ter of 2021 gave a tough comparison base)

The group has updated its full year guidance based on GTV devel opments during the quar ter and the current economic outlook

The company stated: “The more challenging macroeconomic environment, and reduction in consumer marketing against this backdrop, has seen weaker acquisition of new consumers and retention of existing

The Free From Functional & Health Ingredients Expo 2022 takes place in RAI Amsterdam on 22 and 23 November It gives valuable oppor tunities for national and international exper ts from various fields and all over the world to meet and share insights into the most impor tant food trends and what will be on the shelves in the coming years


Free From Functional & Health Ingredients 2022 provides insights into the latest trends in lactose free gluten free sugar free and plant based products organic vegan protein transition functional food and ingredients It will also carefully address the future trends “For example , products that are becom ing more mainstream are those that are processed as little as possible and that contain few or no ar tificial additives,” says organizer Ronald Holman of Expo Business Communications

At the same time , more and more people are thinking about where their food comes from and what's in it “This is reflected in the ever increasing ranges of plant based products being found in supermarkets today,” adds Holman

consumers, contributing to the sequential decline ” Full year GTV growth is now expected to be in the range of 4 8% in constant cur rency the lower half of the previously announced range (4 12%) Adjusted Ebitda margin (as a percentage of GTV) is now expected to be in the range of minus 1 2 1 5% (previously minus 1 5 1 8%), due to continued gross profit margin expansion and control of marketing and overheads costs” At the end of the period, Deliveroo worked with more than 167,000 restaurant par tner sites globally, up from 160,000 in the second quar ter

Will Shu, founder and CEO of Deliveroo, said:

“During the quar ter, we delivered continued GTV growth year on year, strengthened our value proposition and made fur ther progress on our path to profitability Since June , the year on year GTV growth trend has been broadly stable , despite the ongoing economic uncer tainty

“Throughout 2022 we have been adapting financially to the operating environment and driving forward

now expect the H2 2022 adjusted EBITDA margin to be better than

to be excited about the oppor tunity ahead and our ability to capitalise


During the Free From Functional & Health Ingredients Expo 2022 in Amsterdam, hundreds of international manufacturers and traders in food & beverages will present their latest product innovations On display will be thousands of relevant products, ready to be placed on supermarket and food ser vice shelves and on the menus of catering companies and deliver y ser vic es

In addition numerous exper t roundtables give oppor tunities for exper ts and keynote speakers to hold more in depth conversations on specific topics and to open up discussions with food professionals, buyers and categor y managers on how to resolve some of the biggest obstacles facing the indus tr y “Our mission is to enable connections and drive better business for retail and foodser vice in a rapidly evolving market,” says Holman


before October


on our path to profitability, and we
our previous guidance We continue
on it ”
26 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132
obtain a free entr y badge , register
https://freefromfoodexpo com/track740517533302/ Connecting Food Professionals From All Fields Free From Functional & Health Ingredients Expo 2022, 22-23 November, Amsterdam

Here’s the ONE Thing You Need To Boost Your Sales For Halloween (and it’s NOT Slashing Prices!)

It's a known fact that music can aid customer retention in business and social settings, with PPL PRS’ sur vey* revealing that 60% of UK adults feel music helps them to relax, and establishments just aren t as fun without music’ (32%) Where a venue has had no music playing, over two thirds (67%) of customers have admitted toleaving

Alongside these stark findings, the connection between music and spending habits which can encourage activity in hospitality venues was noticeable , with two thirds (66%) of individuals sharing that music influ ences their spending habits and choices

But why does music affect consumer spending? Marianne Rizkallah, Music Therapist for PPL PRS explains that music stimulates our brains and the brain has a significant reaction to tempo In a restaurant, fast paced music may encourage consumers to eat and talk faster resulting in them leaving sooner

With autumn looming, and Halloween on the horizon, people are star ting to spend more time home as the weather cools and the nights star t earlier However, many are also prepping for the ultimate par ty sea son especially now that lockdown restrictions are a thing of the past

Given the change from heatwaves to heaters Pubs and bars will be striving to get people through doors and spending money especially after a successful summer The latest Coffer CGA Business Tracker shows that June 2022’s like for like sales at Britain’s hospitality groups were 5% ahead of pre Covid levels (June 2019)

So, what can hospitality venues do to prepare for Halloween too?

Whilst there will always be a select few that go out for a drink or a meal after work Peoples’ motivations might stray from being out and about however, many can t resist a hear ty drink in a welcoming environ ment As always, pub and bar business owners are keen to outperform competitors with allurements that keep customers engaged and com for tably spending in their establishment Of course , there aren’t always definitive ways to keep your customers from straying, but there are options to ensure once they arrive , they stay

The exper ts at music licensing company, PPL PRS have the one thing you need to boost your sales this Halloween, and it’s as easy as pressing play on the power of music

However in an upbeat pub or bar a quick tempo tune could see your customers enjoy their first drink and social gathering, enjoy the buzz, and continue to spend fur ther on themselves and friends or family too It s all about finding that sweet spot where the music lends itself to positive reactions

Marianne Rizkallah fur ther advises how you can harness the power of music to your business’ advantage:

Mix up the music: When pulling in the crowds, opt for a faster, upbeat tempo to encourage customers into the vicinity and get the drinks flow ing Once your establishment is at a great capacity with a bustling mood, opt for slower but still upbeat tunes to keep people in their seats, drinks ordered, and customers engaging in friendly conversations

Finally, after a fruitful evening, you ’ re looking to wind down the par ty? Press play on the slow tempo, lesser known music with a drop in vol ume to bring the night to a close without harsh ing the vibe by cutting the music completely

Keep an eye on the volume: Although picking the perfect playlist will get you a long way to having customers spending a pretty penny in your venue , the volume of that playlist matters just as much You shouldn’t have the music so loud that people can t hear each other, but not so quiet that they can’t enjoy the tunes either Remember to tailor your volume levels to the atmosphere and ask for your customer’s opinions, then they’ll feel valued too

Select the optimum genre: Music has mood enhancing powers, and when customers enter an environment that’s sound tracked by a catchy beat or familiar tune , they may feel happier If we feel good, we ’ re more inclined to treat ourselves

It’s fascinating to see that pop is recurringly popular across a range of sectors, as PPL PRS revealed that 40% of pub goers believe pop music is most likely to encourage them to stay on and buy more drinks Perhaps due to the upbeat tempo and memorable lyrics that characterise this genre Plus, pop has evolved greatly over the decades; it often draws on influences from other genres so is more inclusive than ever, driving mass appeal

Not to knock other genres however, as a quar ter of respondents (25%) enjoy drinking along to ‘rock’ music , 22% grooving out to ‘soul’ music , and 17% feel encouraged to stay out to rumbling ‘ reggae ’ (PPL PRS)

With these fascinating findings, handy advisor y tips from a music exper t, and The Music Licence for your venue , you can get the par ty star ted Will you be boosting your sales this summer bank holiday?

*PPL PRS conducted a sur vey of 2,101 UK respondents by Perspectus Global in September 2

Celebrate the Meals on Wheels Heroes

Meals on Wheels Week returns 31st October to 4th November

2022 The award winning national awareness event, organised by the National Association of Care Catering (NACC), raises awareness of and celebrates Meals on Wheels ser vices across the countr y and the vital role they play in suppor ting older and vulnerable people living in our communities

As the countr y faces a difficult economic situation it is more impor tant than ever that we all get behind those who prepare and deliver the meals on wheels and recognise the value that this ser vice provides, offering vital nutritional suppor t to those who are most at need

The NACC are calling upon the whole care and hospitality sector and the supply chain to show some strong suppor t with this year ’ s activities

Special events that are planned throughout the week are: Meals on Wheels at the House of Lords Monday 31st October

Hosted by Baroness Barker the NACC Patron this special Afternoon Tea will take the NACC’s campaign to raise awareness of the impor tance of Meals on Wheels ser vices to parliament As we launch this special week, we invite ever yone to ser ve an afternoon tea for your own communities

Thank you, Tuesday Tuesday 1st November

This day is dedicated to showing appreciation for our Meals on Wheels teams For ever yone that contributes, whether that’s making the meals, volunteers, drivers, carers or those that work behind the scenes today is the day to show our appreciation

VIP on Wheels Wednesday 2nd November

This popular Meals on Wheels Week activity returns! There’s no bet ter way to convey the value of Meals on Wheels than seeing it in action and the impact it has on ser vice users VIP on Wheels is a fantastic oppor tunity to invite local MPs, VIPs and dignitaries to experience a Meals on Wheels deliver y and celebrate the ser vice and the immense value it adds to the lives of those receiving it

International Meals on Wheels Webinar Thursday 3rd November

Hosted by Neel Radia NACC Meals on Wheels Officer, for the UK and Madison Grech CNM Continuing Education Director for CSNM this international online seminar will include speakers from par tners

from the UK Canada and Australia

During this session, experienced operators from across the globe will be discussing Meals on Wheels Operations They will share case studies from our own processes and learn from each other

Go to https://www csnm ca/viewEvent html?productId=7977 for fur ther information visit:

Friday Friends Friday 4th November

A special day is planned to highlight the impor tance of social eating and how it helps reduce loneliness and social isolation Friday Friends will bring people in our communities together to share the joy of food and time This will see lunch clubs, day centres and care homes inviting the local community in for afternoon tea

This simple , small gesture is sure to have an immense impact Neel Radia, Meals on Wheels project lead for the NACC , said: “

Throughout the week we will be holding special events across the countr y I urge all sectors to take par t in Meals on Wheels Week 2022 to ensure the ongoing value of this precious ser vice is recognised and protected I also would encourage ever yone else to show their suppor t for this cornerpiece of our nation”

Sue Cawthray, the National Chair of the NACC , said: “

This impor tant week is an oppor tunity to highlight and raise the sig nificant issues we face around a dwindling ser vice and the need for government funding and suppor t It is imperative that our older popula tion has access to a meal ser vice delivered to their home and the social interaction that it brings to assist with preventing isolation ”

28 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132


As Current Inflation Figures May Cause Rates Hike

UKHospitality chief executive Kate Nicholls has warned the sector faces “ an enormous cliff edge” next April with the September inflation figures traditionally being used to set tax changes and rates for the fol lowing year Inflation has risen to a 40 year high of 10 1% according to the latest figures with food costs driving the increase

Responding to the publication of new inflation figures UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The sky high levels of inflation we ’ re seeing are continuing to put the hospitality sector under huge pressure and businesses across the countr y will be fighting to sur vive the winter

With the September inflation figures traditionally being used to set tax changes and rates for the following year, there is a real risk that hospitality businesses will face an enormous cliff edge in April if these numbers are used to hike the business rates

level Such an increase at the same time as the risk of business rates reliefs ending could prove fatal for many

“With hospitality inflation

where our higher costs lead to higher taxes which lead to even higher prices

“As well as needing to reform the entire business rates system in the long term, it’s now absolutely critical that business rates relief is extended for vulnerable sectors such as hospitality and that downward revaluations are realised in full ”

Earlier this month John Webber, Head of Business Rates at Colliers said: “Business rates is one of the highest outgoings for occupiers of proper ty The tax raises around £32 billion a year gross (£26 billion net) and with rates rising in line with CPI inflation levels for September, predicted to be around 10%, this could potentially add a fur ther £3 billion to the tax bill if nothing is done

With just six months to go before the next revaluation, businesses still have no idea what their rateable values will be , what the multiplier will be nor how the government will response to its summer consulta tion on transitional relief With no clarity about how much they will be expected to pay in their rates bills come April, how can businesses be expected to plan sensibly ahead?”

Greene King Pub Partners Invests £200,000 in App to Strengthen Collaboration with Licensees

Greene King Pub Par tners, the leased, tenanted and franchise division of Greene King, has invested £200,000 in an app to enhance collabora tion with its Par tners

The “Pub Comms App” will be used by Greene King Pub Par tners’ operations team as a central platform to access helpful materials and resources and easily share them with licensees

Through the app, a Business Development Manager (BDM) can access data and insight including beer volume line cleaning performance and local demographics in one place as well as Greene King Pub Par tners’ Pub Power toolkit, which features best practice and guidance and share it with Par tners

The app features email functionality, meaning Business Development Managers can then send this information to their Par tners through the app itself, which will then automatically be recorded in compliance with the Pubs Code

One of the main benefits of the new app will be enriched meetings between BDMs and Par tners

BDMs will be able to gather data and insights about a Par tners business ahead of a meeting via the app and share them with their Par tner prior to the meeting to steer discussions

Post meeting, a BDM can then share relev ant resources and guidance via the app with a Par tner, giving them a clear set of next steps to take with suppor ting materials to guide them

Wayne Shur vinton, Managing Director for Greene King Pub Par tners, said: “We’ve invested £200,000 in our Pub Comms App because we believe it will facilitate better collaboration between us and our Par tners

The app equips our operations team with more resources and an easier way to share them with our Par tners, which in turn enriches meetings between our BDMs and Par tners and ultimately leads to a better par tnership all round

Issue 132 CLH DIGITAL 29
contributing heavily to the overall inflation rate , we now risk an inflationar y spiral
Facing “Cliff-Edge”
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requiring their own unique theme but both nights great for packing in the punters Both ver y much social

sions, wonderful fun, for adults’ families and children and great ways to increase sales

to be female “Our research reveals that the majority of par ticipants have white collar jobs and higher monthly spend on eating and drinking out, £125 compared to the average £107 These are consumers that enter the spirit of Halloween with cash in their pockets so it’s a great oppor tunity par ticularly for pub and bar opera tors to get the atmosphere and offer right” said Rachel Weller, Director of Consumer Research and Marketing at CGA

Halloween provides a perfect oppor tunity for the on trade to develop the kind of experience led nights out that consumers increasingly demand Beyond drinks and food, themed evenings, games, immersive stor ytelling and vir tual reality activities can all create USPs in this competitive market







Halloween and Guy Fawkes or Bonfire Night as it is better known, mark the star t of winter promotions in the hospitality and on trade and have become two increasingly impor tant dates!

Outside of the Christmas season and some Bank Holiday weekends, Halloween is the next biggest sales period for the On Trade

A now established calendar date for all ages, thanks in par t to, “Americanisation” It’s perhaps no surprise then that while a fifth of all adults celebrate Halloween, the propor tion jumps up to a third for those aged 18 24 , and whilst figures are a little out of date due to the pandemic in recent years almost one in four of this valuable demographic have headed out to the pub for Halloween

Bonfire is anoth er great date in the hospitality cal endar, par ticularly an oppor tunity to target the family market!

Both Halloween and bonfire night in 2021 fell only just a few weeks after the countr y emerged from lockdown That said drink sales were not far just behind pre COVID levels with sales by value in pubs bars and restaurants in the week to 6 November down by only 3% on the same week in 2019, following a 1% drop in the seven days before that

A remarkable achievement given the turmoil that lockdowns caused

Halloween 2019 saw spirit sales rise by 11% the pre vious year, and a sur vey by CGA revealed that, “Halloween spikes spirit sales by 57%, with vodka, liqueurs and speciality drinks being the most popular drinks for spook night”

Now, more than ever, given recent national and world events the countr y needs some cheer And these two fantastic lucrative dates are fast approaching


Halloween and Guy Fawkes nights are totally different

Pre Covid research revealed that Halloween is now one of Britain s most popular evenings, 21% of consumers left their homes for a ghostly evening out with only Christmas eve and New Year’s Eve were more popular Halloween is also popular with the 18 to 24 age brack et, and of those going celebrating Halloween are likely


With four in five (84%) consumers on a night out now uploading photos to social media, the fancy dress aspect of Halloween is a great chance to get brand exposure too That, though, can only be achieved if pubs, bars and drinks brands deliver the all impor tant ‘Instagrammability’ environments and activations that encourage drinkers to take and share their snaps


and moc ktai s , ales and hot dr inks mulled wines & cider or infused dr inks with sp ces and seasonal ingredients Remember, the vast ma or ity of con sumer s have not c hosen their dr ink by the time they reac h your bar or take their seat giving you the oppor tunity to move them away from consid er ing a standard c hoice

• Promote on the n ght! Use c halk boards images poster s table cards , make sure your staff are we l ver sed and able to recommend pair ing food with dr inks

• Get your enter tainment sor ted music , face paint ing, quiz, fanc y dress competition, make sure you are providing something that cannot be replicated at home

• Have a bal organise a competition for the best costume Remember people go to a great deal of time and effor t so if you are going to reward them be generous!

• Consider a ghost walk or employ the ser vices of a good loca Stor y Teller Does your venue have a tall ta e to tell? Almost ever y pub will have grue some incident or ghastly affair that has left a ghost y figure roaming the bar s and rooms at n ght and what better night to tel people!


It all adds up to a ver y lucrative oppor tunity for opera tors and drinks suppliers alike , but with such a narrow window of oppor tunity, the planning and executing of strategies haves to be sharp
as many as three quar ters (74%) of Brits say they enjoy attending public Bonfire Night events, with is a definite oppor tunity for food & drink retailers to combine a Bonfire Night and food event, as, apar t from fireworks food is the main product purchased for the event
two events are less than a week apar t, and in an age where analysts say that less people are making their visit to the pub, more time and effor t spent in creating a unique themed evening one that cannot be replicated in the home will see revellers descend in large num bers, family, friends, work colleagues, there are many ways to create a unique celebration, an oppor tunity to stand out and attract custom
the message out now, market yourself! Are you dis playing posters? Menu cards?
you devised the menu for food and drink?
you organised any prizes for best costume?
you organising fun activi ties such as ghost walks a murder myster y or a horror show, or a Halloween and Guy Fawkes themed quiz night? Or have you lined up any other enter tainment? Have you put the events on your website? Are you tak ing advantage of social media? Great oppor tunities to get the message out Can you tie the event up with a local cause? Raising funds for a charity, school, care home , we all love events with that feelgood factor of benefiting others
“It's Halloween, everyone's entitled to one good scare
Brackett, Halloween (1978)
AND BONFIRE NIGHT Let’s Put Some Autumn Cheer Back and Lift the Spirits!
• Remember t safety f r st so plan ahead nomi nate an exper ienced member of the team to over see the event and give advance notice to any necessar y author ties By a reputable Ensure there is a f r st aider and we iaise with your local environment/neighbour s if you are planning any disp ays • Signage make sure your hea th and safety sig nage and guidelines are visib e • Well, practically all of the above , with a Guy Fawkes theme of cour se as opposed to Halloween Winter Warmer s great occasion for competence ac ket potatoes sausages soups and casseroles Spice up your dr inks have a range of warming winter spiced dr inks cider s work par ticularly well so do mulled wines and rums too! • 86% of customer s imposed by bagged bar snac ks so make sure you got these handy to, fier y snac ks would work par ticularly well Embrace the great outdoor s for bonfire night customer s are used to braving the elements cre ate a themed vibe for your outdoor area but at the same time keeping your customer s cosy and comfor table with fire p ts and heater s , maybe even a few warm blankets
• It’s al about the marketing Get your message out as quic kly as possible , in your establishment, on your social media and on your website make ever yone aware of any special promotions , offer discounts for pre bookings • Decorate for the occasion it’s all about atmos phere there are only 3 rules decoration decora t on, decoration! Oh, and make it a family fun occasion with a c hildren’s fanc y dress and tr ic k or treat theme , inc luding staff, get them set the atmosphere dressing up too! Attracting fami ies may be more beneficial than you imagine , they are great way of putting a local pub bac k at the hear t of the community • Compile themed menus and promote special offer s on the n ght and cater for all ages • Consider a Halloween focused dr inks list boost your dr inks offer ing with themed coc ktails
30 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132

because of the number of single use decorations, lights, or costumes So, to ensure that your bar or restaurant takes a greener approach, you can get a bit creative and opt for more eco friendly materials

For example , if you run a café or pub, you might have chalkboards or whiteboards that display your specials, hot drinks, or cocktail menu A ver y affordable way to get involved is simply buying a fresh pack of coloured chalks or markers and enlisting the help of your most ar tistic staff member They can then draw a border of cobwebs, spiders, or bats around your menu, or dedicate a whole sandwich board to a Halloween greeting with their

You could simply




Hanging posters or wooden signs with spooky


great way to bring some

While Christmas might still hold the top spot as the nation’s favourite , most lucrative holiday, Halloween has been steadily growing in popularity over the years and for good reason! When the darker nights star t closing in during autumn the glow of a cosy pub or restaurant is more inviting than ever So, why not delight your customers even more with some seasonal decorations?

You don’t have to spend a for tune or buy a host of plastic decorations to get your establishment involved in the Halloween fun Instead, getting creative and investing in a few staple pieces can actually save you money while still making your venue look the par t Below, the catering exper ts at Alliance Online have shared some affordable , sustainable ways the hospitality industr y can get involved with the festivities this October


The first step in making your Halloween décor more sustainable is to avoid single use plastic Often, Halloween creates a lot of plastic waste



Another way to get your venue involved in Halloween is to let the sea son inspire your menu This way, you may not even need many decora tions, as your delicious food can create a cosy autumnal vibe all on its own Using local seasonal produce is also a more sustainable way to use food as it reduces the number of ingredients impor ted from abroad Seasonal fruit and vegetables include butternut squash, parsnips, apples, and pears, so using these to create warm, hear ty dishes is a great way to give your restaurant that autumnal feeling


can also be

to your

lishment quickly,

These pieces of

can also add a

that compliments the

theme , and you can

into this even more by repurposing things like deliver y palettes to display pumpkins and other decorations As well as getting creative with what you already have , if you invest in versatile decorations made of good quality material, you can store them away to use for next year (and the year after that)


A Halloween theme wouldn’t be complete without the obligator y pumpkin, and as it s technically a fruit, this is about as sustainable as dec orations can get! Get your whole team in on the fun and have a pump kin car ving session before or after you close for the day, as this can be a great way to get ever yone in the mood for the spooky season Display your pumpkins at the entrance to your establishment, at the bar, or on any other surface that won’t get in the way of your day to day ser vice

You could even add a name tag under each pumpkin and allow cus tomers to vote for their favourite one via labelled tip jars organising a prize for the winner!

While they might be a Halloween staple simply using pumpkins to car ve and display can also result in a lot of food waste One way you can combat this at your establishment is to squeeze as much use as you can out of each pumpkin, and ensure that you dispose of them properly

Firstly, don’t just throw away all the flesh you scoop out when gutting and car ving your pumpkin: you can make a puree by simply removing the seeds and blending the flesh in a food processor This can be used in ever ything from pumpkin pie to bread and hummus, or even Halloween cocktails Don’t forget about the seeds either : you can turn them into a healthy high protein snack by simply rinsing seasoning and roasting them in the oven until golden brown

As for your car ved pumpkins on display once they’ve star ted to dr y out and wilt, don’t just throw them in the bin You can chop it up and leave them out for local wildlife like birds and squirrels to nibble on, compost them, or even bur y them to enrich the soil in your back gar den


Sometimes, though, the little details are enough to put a smile on your customers’ faces If you don’t have the time and resources to introduce brand new dishes or drinks to your menu just for Halloween, you can always add some spooky touches to the ones you already have For example , if you run a café, baker y, or restaurant you may want

best illustration
a pumpkin, bubbling cauldron, or black cat
favourite fun slogan
as ‘Eat, Drink, and Be Scar y ’
a festive atmosphere
rustic feel
to teach your baristas a simple piece of latte ar t and add this to coffees through out October Or they could use stencils to create designs with choco late or coffee sprinkles Whether it’s a cute ghost or a witch’s hat customers are sure to love these and may even post photos of their drinks to social media, which can be great exposure for your business “Decorating your bar, café, or restaurant to match the seasons is a great way to create a fun, welcoming environment for your customers Making a few simple switches such as avoiding unnecessar y plastic and using your pumpkins wisely can help you get involved with Halloween both more affordably and more sustainably “As well as fun touches like rustic , spooky décor and a seasonal menu, you may also want to introduce some deals or discounts during October This can be a good incentive for people to brave the colder autumn evenings and still visit your establishment all year round ” REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING https //blog tentree com/8 eco fr endly ways to d spose of your hal oween pumpkins/ https //www gardeningknowhow com/ed ble/vegetab es/pumpkin/har vest pumpk n seeds to eat htm https //www nat onaltrust org uk/features/whats n season october https //blog gotenzo com/hal oween deas restaurants SUSTAINABLE, COSTEFFECTIVE HACKS FOR HALLOWEEN HOSPITALITY
By Rachel Kiss
, Marketing & Online Manager at Alliance Online
allianceonline co uk) F r e e p o s t e r s f o r youR sPOOK Y events Simply download and print from Issue 132 CLH DIGITAL 31

Wines, Spirits and Cocktails

Coravin Trade Exclusive Promotion

As we head into the festive season, maximising profitability while delivering an excellent guest experience becomes ever more critical across the trade

To help the trade deliver against this objective , Coravin, global leaders in wine preser vation, are running a trade exclusive promotion during October offering 30% off their latest innovation Coravin Sparkling™

Coravin Sparkling™ is the first preser vation system to perfectly preser ve the crisp flavour and effer vescence of sparkling wines for up to 4 weeks The por table format is highly convenient and easy to use while the unique uni versal Coravin Sparkling™ Stoppers fit all half, standard, and magnum bottles

Anne Roque , Coravin UK Sales Manager comments, “Coravin Sparkling™ offers a unique oppor tunity for bars and restaurants to increase their sparkling wine by the glass menu, while eliminating the risk of wastage The Sparkling wine categor y is typically one of the most challenging for the trade , due to the high stock cost and shor t

Authentic Spanish Sangria

Now In A Can!

Solsueño sangria in a can introduced to the UK in spring 2022 in par tnership with Proof Drinks Ltd, has brought a premium, innovative addition to the pre mix beverage sector and a ray of liquid Spanish sun shine to UK consumers!

Packaged in a modern 330ml slimline can at 5% abv, Solsueño is an authentic sangria crafted in the Denominacion de Origen region of Jumilla, Murcia Using local and natural ingredients, the great tasting liquid is vegan and gluten free , instantly giving consumers the ‘ sun sea and sangria’ holiday feeling

Ideal for all indoor and outdoor set tings, with no preparation or wastage , the can offers single ser ve conven ience but can also be used in shared occasions adding ice and fruit in a jug

The eco credentials of cans mean lower transpor t costs due to the lightness of the packaging and the cans are infinitely recyclable

Awarded Bronze in the 2022 IWSC Alternative Drinks categor y competi tion, the professional wine tasting

panel offered the following tasting notes: ‘’juicy cherr y and plum palate , with clove and cinnamon spice giving a refreshing and drinkable palate’’

Following a first year of attending many national trade fairs, regional outdoor events, Foodie Festivals and local food & drink fairs, the overwhelming reac tion to the liquid is really positive and has driven early successes with on and off trade distribution, as well as Amazon Suppor ted by an active social media and extensive sampling campaign, Solsueño has established a firm foothold and the brand is ver y much looking for ward to continued successes into 2023

With pre mix drinks growing to be a hugely popular categor y par ticularly dur ing the summer, sangria is a natural fit given the high levels of consumer aware ness due to Spain being a major holiday destination for the UK consumer Solsueño sangria Bring ng Spain to the UK!

Contact us at: info@sangria solsueno com www sangria solsueno com

shelf live after opening a bottle We have a wide range of customers using Coravin Sparkling™ from fine dining restaurants offering super premium Champagnes by the glass, to traditional pubs who rely on the system to reduce wastage”

Katie Warren, Coravin Marketing Manager adds, “Recent case studies across the UK have shown us that consumers really engage with an extensive menu of sparkling wines by the glass We fully expect this trend to intensify as we head into the festive season ”

The promotion ends on October 31st, please visit trade coravin com/en GB or contact sales eu@coravin com for more details

Bottleproof Launch Selected Cocktails In Sustainable Paper Bottles

With over 25 cocktails in their

, Cambridge based Bottleproof Cocktails are one of the leaders in their field, supplying premium cocktails exclusively to the On Trade since 2016 Customers include hotels, theatres, restaurants, pubs and events venues across the UK and beyond

All Bottleproof cocktails are full ABV professional bar ser ves using branded spirits, juices and their own syrups Each cocktail still has to be shaken, stirred or built so the theatre of a cocktail ser ve is not lost but they are considerably quicker to make and provide consistency without the need for extensive training

Initially Bottlepr toof have launched two of their best sellers in the eco friendly



have to pay for refuse collection”

Compared to glass bottles, the paper bottles are: 5 x lighter than glass bottles

6 X less carbon footprint

94% recyclable paperboard outer

As Mark Thompson, co owner of Bottleproof Cocktails who heads up sales, says Interest in the paper bottles from our existing customers as well as new cus tomers has been phenomenal Our cock tails are high quality with a proven track record in the on trade; the packaging looks great and we are offering an initial stocking price that makes them cheaper than our glass bottles Plus we are all helping the environment what’s not to like!”

For more information visit Tel 01223 462211 Email

paper bottles the multi award winning* Pornstar Mar tini and Espresso Mar tini which are now available to ship in 70cl bottles, each bottle ser ving 7 cocktails
Charlie Anderson, co owner of Bottleproof Cocktails who heads up pro duction and R&D comments:
our drive to become more sustain able and to help venues reduce their car bon emissions, we have released the first of our cocktails in 70cl paper bottles This has followed extensive testing throughout last year to ensure they are fit for purpose Not only are the bot tles more environmentally friendly but they should also reduce the high costs venues
Issue 132 CLH DIGITAL 33


Learning Management System

such as HR

and brand your ver y own online staff training platform, to deliver an engag experience for your Hospitality team on any desktop, tablet or mobile device the world Fully equipped with over 70 interactive , accredited & cer tificated ourses, our training is open access and covers a wide range of subjects od Hygiene and Hospitality, HR, Compliance , Vocational, Wellbeing and more t fit for your business Visit www nha training

erful course building tools will allow you to produce an unlimited amount of espoke training You can upload video and documents and even build your teractive modules from onboarding to an interactive video’s using our state of the ar t course editor! In depth repor ting and notification control allows for detailed analysis of all your training to help improve efficiency and effectiveness Fur thermore , Exper t LMS with the Hospitality Academy comes with an open API, allowing you to seamlessly integrate your

with another piece of



Our dedicated team are on hand 7 days a week to offer technical suppor t and you ’ re provided full and ongoing training in how to use our system so you can get the maxi mum amount of benefit

We also provide over 3000 Personal Licences online ever y year with exams on Zoom ever y 30min If you want to set up corporate account, call us 02035442211 and the course and exam will only be £70 per person

The ver y fabric of a business lies within the skills of its workforce and the challenge to find the best technolog y to successfully induct, train and develop its talent Your work force is wor thy of the ver y best, so get star ted today and join the thousands of other users online with our world leading learning platform, www nha training and www.exper

Line and Gain New Customers with the Vegetarian Society

How enticing are your restaurant’s vegetarian and vegan options? The growing trend of meat reduction and flexitarianism has led to a rise in people expecting high quality, exciting plant based dishes when they eat out It makes great business sense to keep these customers happy and coming back for more

That’s where the Vegetarian Society Chef ’ s Diploma comes in it’s a three day course that will teach you how to make incredible on trend veggie and vegan dishes, giving you the edge over your competitors

Chefs will develop skills and build their confidence in ever ything veggie and vegan The course costs just £750 and covers recipe creation, menu planning, vegetarian and vegan definitions and attitudes, plant based ingredi ents, building flavour, alternatives to meat and dair y And much more!

Here’s what course attendees are saying: “I can’t recommend th s cour se strongly enough to any of you who are in this industr y With the modern trend in less

Chef’s Diploma

meat in the diet and people having meat free days , I see this as a step forward to sur viving in our har sh economic environment


“It really does exceed expectations Right mix of theor y, business info and practical cook

100% recommend th s cour se I had the best sc hool ing days of my life in this cooker y sc hool!”


Dar shana

“End ess ideas and new tec hniques More than met my expectations of improving vegg e


ng ”
options at work ” Matt
your place now with a £75 deposit: www vegsoc org/diploma
or rota
We are the National Hospitality Academy, Proud Creators
Expert LMS, Our World Leading
34 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132 Education and Training
Your Bottom

Festive Ordering

Indulge Your Customers with Mozart Chocolate Liqueur

Mozar t Chocolate Liqueur is the world renowned Austrian chocolate liqueur that combines two favorites from the world of indulgence: choco late & spirits Exclusively natural ingredients a sugar beet distillate and the exquisite craftsmanship of the master distiller & chocolatier, from the Mozar t Distiller y in Salzburg, combine unique quality ingredients and flavors in a Chocolate Symphony that proudly boasts the “made in Austria” quality seal

Mozar t is the number one chocolate liqueur in the on trade (CGA, P6 2022) and it’s clear to see why Featuring classic flavours such as cream, white and dark (Vegan), as well as trending flavours Strawberr y, Coffee and Pumpkin Spiced, the full por tfolio is award winning Most recently the brand has been awarded with medals across the range in 2022’s IWSC Awards and the Bar tender’s Brands Awards, to name a few Mozar t has been named Liqueur Producer of the Year 2020 for the second time , after being awarded this title back in 2017 for it’s premium range of chocolate flavours This year Mozar t Chocolate Liqueur invested over

£100 000 into building brand aware ness amongst consumers and the trade , including an influencer and PR campaign as well as par tnerships with the likes of German Gymnasium (par t of the D&D group) The Whiskey Exchange and Amazon, plus many more

Mozar t Chocolate Liqueur can be enjoyed in many different ways in its pure and natural state , slightly chilled on ice , over ice cream, in a hot drink or as a ‘choctail’ The most popular way to use Mozar t is in an Espresso Mar tini a popular cocktail with con sumers over the winter months

40ml Mozar t Cream Chocolate Liqueur

Espresso (cold)

Vanilla Vodka

over ice and stra n into a mar tini glass

Choctail inspiration

Bolsius Professional Launches Guide To Help Operators Drive Footfall And Boost Customer Dwell Time Over The Winter Period

As temperatures drop and nights draw in, Bolsius Professional is releas ing a new guide aimed at helping operators drive footfall and boost customer dwell time during the busy winter period Combining inspira tional interiors and seasonal style tips Tempting Autumn Winter Months: Creating a warm welcome for customers’ provides cost effective ideas and guidance on creating a com pelling experience for customers

The guide provides easy to imple ment tips on boosting atmosphere; the effective use of mood lighting, driving footfall through welcoming window displays, embracing seasonal décor, and maximising architectural features such as fireplaces, to enhance a venue ’ s environment Alongside , the guide highlights interior design trends from the casual dining space; from traditional to mod ern, minimalist to maximalist, with an array of ideas to suit any venue ’ s aesthetic

The premium candle specialist has launched the repor t as operators ramp up for the busy festive peri od With many dining and drinking destinations facing fierce competition and a challenging climate , the look book is designed to demonstrate how elevating the environment can suppor t revenue through creating a space where customers want to stay, and revisit time after time

Hospitality says,

“The winter months can be the toughest time of the year to lure cus tomers out of their homes Days are shor t, darkness descends, and sofas beckon

“Post pandemic , the environment has changed Customers became skilled at creating lavish nights out at home As a result, exper ts predict that customer experience will come into sharp focus: creating unique memo rable environments that premiumise offerings lengthen dwell time and spotlight venues to existing and poten tial customers

We ve gathered a few of our favourite winter interi ors in this look book, showing how a few simple touches can go a long way Lighting is a key element, helping to create a welcoming and intimate environ ment for any venue We’ve shown how operators can use this to maximum effect showing their venue in the best possible light for customers ”

Bolsius Professional is a leading global candle manu facturer with an extensive range of indoor and out door candles designed specifically for restaurants, bars and hotels Free from palm oil and animal fats, they are clean burning and odour free , creating a warm wel come and premium atmosphere that encourages guests to linger

To find out more about the Bolsius Professional can dle range , and download a copy of the guide go to

REAL Vanilla is the Best Gift of All

orders donated to Blue Ventures to aid community projects in the vanilla growing region of Madagascar

This is our gift to the farmers who cultivate the vanil la orchid in the Equatorial regions, helping to regener ate the rainforests, increase biodiversity and improve the air we all breathe

In choosing REAL vanilla over cheap synthetic substi tutes this Christmas, we are suppor ting their livelihoods and encouraging them to continue to grow a precious crop that benefits us all This makes vanilla a gift that keeps on giving long after the Festive Season has passed

Baking is going to be big this Christmas and as the Festive Season draws ever closer LittlePod has the per fect gift for the passionate cook

Oozing luxur y, vanilla is exotic and expensive , but not all vanilla is real For those seeking something special to pop beneath the tree this December, LittlePod offers pure vanilla at an affordable price making this the best present of all

Here in East Devon, we have enjoyed another eventful year and having recently launched our new website Christmas shopping has never been easier

LittlePod’s vanilla paste , extract and pods can all be purchased from our website shop along with our chocolate and coffee extracts, with 10% of all online

Why not create a hamper packed with LittlePod products so your loved one can remember you throughout the year use our ingredients to bake an edi ble gift or use a REAL vanilla pod to spice up a bottle of rum or another festive tipple? The options are end less

For more ideas about how to use our products, be sure to follow us on social media and take a look at our new website , where alongside our online shop, you’ll also find our latest recipe collection, created just for us by Peter Gor ton LittlePod ambassador and Master Chef of Great Britain

Choose LittlePod and keep it REAL this Christmas Vanilla is the best gift of all

www littlepod co uk for fur ther details

36 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132
Paul Christodoulou National Account Manager UK & Ireland Out of Home and Hospitality at Bolsius Professional and Member of the Institute of
For more information and
please visit www mozar tchocolateliqueur com


Recently voted ‘Champagne & Sparkling Specialist Retailer of the Year’ in the 2022 Decanter Retailer Awards & ‘Specialist Online Retailer of the Year by The Drinks Business, Sip Champagnes is the UK’s leading Grower Champagne specialist, with a focus on

producers that

With over 50 fresh and exciting growers many of them brand new to the UK market and a collection of over 200 cuvées, there are Champagnes to suit all styles and budgets So, if you re looking to reinvigorate your wine list ahead of the festive season, planning a corporate gifting surprise or just fancy a bottle or two for a memorable meal, get in touch

With tailor made packages and competitive trade pricing Sip Champagnes offers options for local wine shops, Michelin starred restaurants and ever ything in between

For fur ther details contact: trade@sipcham pagnes com

For more information on Sip Champagnes and its lat est UK releases in time for Christmas visit https://sipchampagnes com

White Lake are cheesemakers who make over 25 cheeses on their farm in Somerset Their range includes many top international award winning cheeses made of goat’s milk from their own herd, local Guernsey cow ’ s milk and British ewe ’ s milk

The variety of tastes, textures, sizes and styles make them a popu lar choice with top chefs and cater ers Their newest products have been designed specifically for use in professional kitchens The Glaston Brick and Glaston Tile are two sizes of pressed goat’s curd without the bloomy rind They deliver the tradi tional taste of that style of cheese but can be easily cut and shaped to size

Roger Longman, owner and 3rd generation cheese maker says We ve become known for our constant aim to make the best cheeses we can using traditional ar tisanal methods, while exploring unconventional ideas and innovating in exciting new ways We love to see how exper ts in catering work with our range Chefs often share their creative , new dish es on social media Our English Goat Curd seems to

be par ticularly popular at the moment ”

White Lake supply small cheese makers, pubs and delis but are ver satile enough to fulfil greater requirements such as for the cater ers at Wimbledon “As a small company we can be nimble enough to accommodate specific require ments when given notice Cheese needs enough time to develop complex flavours, par ticularly the hard varieties For example Alpine style Rachael Reser va final weight is 12 kg so is matured for a minimum of twelve months It’s in constant demand for its rounded richness in taste and larger size Roger explains

The cheesemakers, affineurs and packers who hand make White Lake’s cheeses get into top gear from September until the end of December Roger advises “We hate to disappoint people so strongly advise our customers to place their Christmas orders now ”

Contact Justin Car ter National Sales Manager White Lake Cheese Limited justin@whitelake co uk | www whitelake co uk Mobile: 07903 313812 | Office: 01749 831527

Festive Ordering Issue 132 CLH DIGITAL 37 With a range of over 25 different cheeses we can meet all your catering needs Choose from soft cheeses made in Brie style, lactic and ash coated or wrapped in vine leaves Our hard cheeses include Rachel, known as the goat s cheese for people who don t like goat s cheese that has won multiple gold awards Chefs love our goat and sheep curd White Lake cheese is made on Bagborough Farm in Somerset using goat’s milk from our own herd local Guernsey cow s milk and British sheep s milk We hand make and hand wrap every single cheese Order for Christmas now so we can fulfil your festive requirements Order yOur aWard-Winning, artisan Cheese fOr Christmas nOW White Lake Cheese Limited justin@whitelake co uk 01749 831527 www instagram com/sip champagnes www facebook com/sipchampagnes www twitter com/ChampagnesSip “Newcomer Sip Champagnes has a laser like focus on cutting edge wines from the region and, in the words of one judge, ‘is changing the game for Champagne’ " Decanter
newly discovered and fully independent
can’t be found anywhere else
Order Your Award-Winning , Artisan Cheese For Christmas Now
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Hotelier News
replying to advertising

Festive Ordering

Get Ready for Christmas with Alliance’s Festive Ranges

Ensuring your establishment is appropriately decorated and fur nished during the festive period is a necessity for the hospitality industr y In turn, restaurants, bars and pubs will all want to capi talise on the seasonal influx of business which is available The best way to do so is make your establishment as appealing as possible during this period


When looking to decorate an eating or drinking area for Christmas you should first consider where your fire exits are and that all customers will still have a clear route to an exit Once you have done this, check you can begin to decide how you want your festive design to look We would always recommend a tree , go for a larger one if you can as this can be quite a statement piece , attracting par ty pho tos in front of it which can act as great free publicity across social media if your venue gets tagged

In addition to Christmas trees, garlands and wreaths give you the option to add a subtle hint to areas such as toilet doors, mantles, shelves and other places Equally, fair y lights, tinsel, baubles and balloons are also all great ways of adding some festive cheer to your hospitality business this year


There are many ways to dress your table to add a hint of Yuletide style Firstly, if you have a colour scheme or a set theme for Christmas which features one par ticular colour, replicate that in your table setting You could do this by incorporating the colour into your tablecloth, or if you want a white tablecloth then possibly a coloured table runner with matching napkins

For tableware you could opt for classic whiteware or go for something more modern which can be a way of intro ducing colour to your table Glassware we’d suggest sticking with classical looks to add a sophistication to the drinks you ’ re ser ving

Finally, if you ’ re finding you ’ re being booked up with groups looking to celebrate a Christmas works par ty, you could offer par ty accessories to go with the meal Whether it be par ty poppers a festive mask kit ar tificial snow spray all are great for adding a par ty vibe for customers

With winter on the immediate horizon, restaurants, pubs and other such businesses should look to star t ordering Christmas decorations and planning for the festive period now Alliance Online offers a wide range of Christmas options which will be perfect for your establishment this year

View the Christmas selection at

Superior Wicker Hampers for Christmas Celebrations



wicker hamper is still the most popular choice when presenting an exquisite gift, offering a deli cious selection of hand selected ar tisan and speciality treats for the recipient to enjoy We can t supply the award winning food or the huge array of deluxe beverages that s down to you! What we can offer are top quality wicker hamper baskets Ever y basket we commission is made individually by hand and woven using the best whole reed autumn willow, keeping the integrity of the structure strong and straight We’ve recently upgraded our Premium range to enhance the baskets fur ther and created our new Superior range Now ALL our wicker hampers, as standard, have gold coloured buckles, rivets and lid chains to prevent the lids from falling back when open The wicker handles have been replaced with quality faux leather handles, matching

Scrocchiarella - New from Fleming Howden

Fleming Howden

We have

Fleming Howden


the closures and hinge covers

Along with the increased spec , we ’ ve added some extra sizes to the range We stock 12”, 14”, 18”, 21” and 25” widths and you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find the overall dimensions are generally larger than that of our competitors for the same inch widths By far the Natural Wicker is selected most often, however, we also supply a wonderful dark Vintage Brown Wicker, which looks stunning and gives an aesthetically pleasing alternative to the lighter more traditional colour Both colours are available in all 5 sizes salesdesk@candigifts co uk 01502 501681

Scrocchiarella derives from the Italian word scrocchiare used to describe something ver y crispy and is a unique combination of selected traditional flours sourdough and natural ingredients ideal for easy and quick consumption Sourdough is the key ingredient for Scrocchiarella , ensuring a superior flavour and a memorable aroma to the final product, with a crunchy crust and an open crumb structure Ever y piece is hand made , so you will not find two that are exactly the same

We spend more than 30 hours preparing a single Scrocchiarella, so it takes less than 10 minutes from frozen to prefect ser vice at the table

Scrocchiarella Frozen maintains the same features of the traditional ar tisan process: long maturation spreading by hand a constant result of texture flavour and crunchiness

The final result is a light, crunchy and easily digestible product that delivers total consumer satisfaction, time and time again

See the adver t on this page for fur ther details

38 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132
you re looking for Wicker Hampers to fill with gifts then these really are a great choice
picnic baskets were filled with luxurious food and drink, and today the familiar lidded
are long renowned for sourcing, manufacturing and distributing a wide range of baker y ingredients and yeast products Our focus is on delivering the latest baker y technolog y and product innovation, and providing excellence to the baker y industr y
an extensive range of high quality food ingredients, baker y ingredients and baker y supplies We continu ously review our range to ensure we provide you with the newest and most exciting products available on the mar ket
are thrilled to be launching a new frozen product into the UK food ser vice market
is the perfect answer to the global consumer demand for healthy, high quality snacking and on the go food

Chef's Buyer's Guide

Plant-Based Bottomless Brunch With Oggs®

With plant based diets a growing trend, it’s more impor tant than ever to ensure that menus are as inclusive as possible This Veganuar y, over 600,000 people signed up to go vegan for a month Eggs were the second most missed product over this time (14% of par ticipants), with options when eating out being the major barrier to sticking to the pledge (26% of par ticipants)

Enter OGGS®, creators of OGGS® Aquafaba and Scrambled OGGS® On a mission to remove unnecessar y eggs from the food chain, OGGS® products are perfectly designed to provide your customers with delicious alternatives that are better for the planet and the animals

Scrambled OGGS® is an egg alternative for breakfast and brunch menus made from chickpea protein Simply shake , pour and cook in minutes for a breakfast scramble to take centre stage on vegetarian or vegan brunch You can also create omelettes, quiches and so much more with Scrambled OGGS® Producing 60% less CO2e than eggs, it’s not just kinder to animals, but the environment too

Restaurants including Bill s and Shepherd

Neame are already using Scrambled OGGS® to innovate across breakfast and brunch menus, from indulgent vegan full English breakfasts to plant based carbonara

OGGS® Aquafaba is an egg white alternative made from chickpeas, an innovative solution to removing egg whites from cocktails With six months shelf life and a neutral flavour profile , OGGS® Aquafaba functions exactly the same as egg whites in cocktails, while removing an allergen from your menu With 72% less CO2e than eggs you can create the same delicious drinks without the egg using OGGS® Aquafaba for a more inclu sive and environmentally friendly cocktail menu

Will at 31k in Nottingham said: “Ever y other drink we sell is a cocktail, and 1 in 4 for those calls for a foam That s 100 cocktails a night which would call for 100 eggs Thanks to OGGS® , we ’ ve saved 100 discarded yolks and 100 broken eggs shells each shift and the hassle of rinsing spilled egg whites! OGGS® is hassle free in use , taste free in cocktails, and guilt free as it helps us lower our environmental footprint ”

For more information contact

Northern Ireland - Bringing WorldClass Food and Drink to Your Table

Food and drink is a vital and grow ing industr y in Nor thern Ireland In terms of turnover, employment and cultural significance , this £5 8bn sec tor continues to extend its reach in GB and in international markets Whilst 50% of turnover comes from our top 10 companies, family owned businesses remain prominent, result ing in an industr y that is flexible authentic and forward thinking

Nor thern Ireland’s produce has proven award winning sta tus the result of many years of success in schemes such as Great Taste , the Quality Food Awards and the Scottish Retail Food and Drink Awards Key to this success is our unique blend of tradition and innovation exemplified by the recent rapid growth in whiskey distilling in Nor thern Ireland The Irish whiskey categor y is expected to increase by nearly £1bn over the next 5 years Until recently the Old Bushmills Distiller y the world’s oldest licensed distiller y was the only distiller y in Nor thern Ireland but now the region boasts 7 distilleries, with an eighth in progress as The Belfast Distiller y Company progresses with its £22 3mn dis tiller y and visitor experience located at Crumlin Road Gaol As well as creating award winning whiskeys and gins, these

British Public Want British Eggs On Menu When Eating Out

distilleries are playing an increasingly impor tant role in attracting and enter taining tourists Distilleries on the Island of Ireland attract over 1 million visitors per year and the likes of Bushmills, Echlinville , Rademon, Boatyard, Hinch and Belfast Distiller y are playing a key role in this growth

Invest NI’s dedicated food business development team suppor ts local companies to develop their business with customers in GB and beyond Visit buynifood com or contact us directly to learn how our world class food and drink can help grow your business

The British public want and expect British eggs to be on the menu when eating out and are surprised that isn t always the case , according to a sur vey from British Lion eggs British Lion eggs asked the British public where they thought the eggs come from when they’re eating out of home; the responses were resoundingly in favour of British with many saying that if they knew an operator was using British Lion eggs they would be more likely to eat there Specifying British Lion eggs can help to keep your customers happy and ensure the highest standards of food safety See the adver t on page 12 The video is available to watch at lion eggs journey consumer s eating out home
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Licensee & Hotelier News when replying
to advertising 40 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132

Cleaning and Hygiene

Ozone Clean

Ozone Clean is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Ozone generating equip ment to the hospitality sec tor as well as many other industries for Odour and Infection control We supply a range of generators suit able for all applications both industrial and domestic that can effectively treat small to ver y large areas

Our company is multi internationally award winning and has rapidly built a strong reputation within Hospitality and other industries since our inception in 2005 Our goal is centred on supplying products that are efficient, safe and cost effective , backed up by an excellent ser vice ethic and after sales operation

We have over 850 clients and 11 million rooms per

Tork - Think Ahead




year being treated with our equipment In manufactur ing we only use the highest quality par ts which enables us to say that we still have machines that are still in use after 15 years Therefore , our range of products are the most efficient and reliable on the market

Due to the efficiency and reliability of our flagship products the OC1500 and OC700, at a cost from 28p per day, we have empirical evidence , that by using Ozone Cleans range of products you will be able to enjoy an ROI within 12 months, often sooner Genuine and provable results This is achieved by the permanent removal of Odours, Bacteria, Mould and Viruses in as little as 5 minutes

Peace of mind, efficiency and reliability go hand in hand with Ozone Clean and don’t forget by using our OC range you will be having a positive impact on the environment as opposed to the traditional methods which have a high energ y or chemical consumption

Should you decide to buy either our OC1500 or OC700 we will offer you a 15% discount exclusive to this ar ticle Just quote OZO15

Web: www ozoneclean co uk Call : 020 8883 2756

Emails: sales@ozoneclean co uk

brand Tork, which found that hospitality businesses are under increasing amounts of pressure to showcase or invest in their own sustainability credentials as con sumer expectations evolve

Tork s PaperCircle ser vice is the world s first paper hand towel recycling scheme Hospitality businesses can go circular by working directly with Tork to col lect and recycle used paper hand towels into new tis sue products Tork PaperCircle reduces waste by up to 20% and cuts carbon emissions for paper hand towels by at least 40%

Sustainability is core to the Essity business, with its credentials including featur ing in the 2022 FTSE4Good global sustainability index and receiving a “Platinum Medal” award in the 2022 Ecovadis CSR Rating This places Essity in the top one per cent of all companies to be assessed by Ecovadis To keep up with the lat est Tork news and innova tions, please visit: www tork co uk

meet the demand of hospitality businesses right now and for the years ahead, Tork has announced the launch of a sustainability guide for restaurants The guide shares accumulated knowledge from Tork’s 50 years of experience within the food ser vice industr y alongside brand new knowledge on relevant topics for the industr y
need for hospitality businesses to transform their sustainability performance has never been as critical, as new research reveals that Brits buy over 3 2 billion drinks in paper cups ever y year just under two billion of which won’t make their way into an appropriate recycling bin
alarming statistics are fur ther emphasised by additional research from Essity’s professional hygiene
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising 42 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132

Laundry and Linens

Sustainability - An Expensive Luxury?

Invest today, profit tomorrow: Why sustainability is for laundries a plus for their budget and for the climate?

Several tons of laundr y are processed in a laundr y ever y day Textile ser vice providers stand for reliability, quality and hygiene Today, a responsible and integral circular economy means much more: Consistently clean and sustainable processed textiles

Kannegiesser is the global par tner for the future of the laundr y industr y For us, sustainability is an elementar y component and more than just a trend In addition to savings in resources and textile care in the laundr y technolog y, Kannegiesser stands for the integral sustainable corporate culture This includes securing long term economic stability comprehensive education and training of the own employees and security for the future through innovation In the washhouse , the washing line PowerTrans sets new standards for washing efficiency hygiene water and energ y consumption The water extraction technolo

g y of the PowerPress and PowerSpin provides low residual moistures permitting high savings in the subsequent evaporation process Thanks to the process control Eco2Power for the transfer dr yer PowerDr y, the energ y is kept in the system and needs not to be recovered via heat exchangers In the finishing process, Kannegiesser is a pioneer for low temperature dr ying during the process of iron ing, finishing or full dr ying with impressive results for both, in maintaining textile value and energ y consumption Ultimately, the energ y contained in the ironing and finisher exhaust air is used to heat fresh water for the washing process the cir cle is completed

The modern technolog y of Kannegiesser reduces the use of fresh water and fossil fuels Our solutions drive growth for our customers and create attractive , future oriented and ergonomic jobs for us and in the entire industr y This is how we help people to live clean healthy and safe lives

Visit for fur ther information

Vision Linens Launches New Loyalty Program


Double Accolade For Southern Contracts


Achievement Award for 2021 This is bestowed upon the company with the highest nation al sales of their food and laundr y professional prod ucts

To have been given these two awards is quite amaz ing when the whole of the countr y was in lockdown during this period, with hospitality, care homes, schools, cruise ships and holiday venues all closed to the outside world

Adam Elphinstone MD of Southern Contracts said: “We have a ver y long and special relationship with Electrolux Professional and are proud to work with their products for both provision, installation and ser vicing As we continue to emerge from the last couple of years we look forward to an optimistic future and all our clients being able to fully open up their businesses in this bright new world ahead ”

Mark Rogers, Regional Business Manager for Electrolux Professional, added: “Electrolux Professional have dealt with Southern Contracts for over 30 years and during that time they have established them selves as always being one of our leading distributors We have always found them to be a first class and profes sional par tner

“I have worked with them personally for over 4 years and can always rely on them to provide the right solution and fantastic after care for any customer, from a wide variety of sectors, across the Marine environment through to Care Homes, Hotels and Schools

“Due to their many years of experience , they have a wide breadth of knowledge covering both the laun dr y and catering environments and although they are a company that can deal in a global marketplace , they still give the first class friendly care of a family run business for both their remote and local customers

For more information about products and ser vices on offer, contact Southern Contract s exper t team of technical staff to provide guidance and advice through ever y aspect of your purchase and ongoing commit ment to ser vice , please telephone 01202 422100 or visit www southerncontracts co uk

See the adver t on the previous

44 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132
Vision Linens, leading textile supplier and distributer, has launched a new loy alty program across its ecommerce site , visionlinens com Vision is best known for supplying textiles to some of the biggest names in hospitality and retail, including Accor, IHG, Hilton and John Lewis & Par tners What many may not realise , is that Vision’s ecommerce site enables accommodation providers, as well as ever yday consumers to buy the same ethically sourced, high quality products, direct from Vision and delivered straight to their door The Visionaires Members Club is completely free to join and rewards its members for ever y interaction they have on the online shop The more its members spend and the more they share online , the more points Vision will offer to redeem against its products Visionaires can earn one Reward Point for ever y £10 they spend online Additional points can be earned when you initially register for an account as well as reviewing products, referring friends and for social media interactions In turn, Reward Points can be redeemed against any products listed on the website , with no minimum order value It s as easy as that The benefits continue to flow, you’ll be the first to know about Vision’s sales, promotions and new products, as well as handy industr y tips As a member you can view your full order histor y and quickly reorder the same products without having to find them and add them to your basket
what are you waiting for? Click here to sign up and create an account with us *Terms and conditions apply
Contracts is thrilled to receive not one , but two awards for their performance over the past year Electrolux Professional have announced Southern Contracts as their Laundr y Par tner of the Year 2021 which is award ed to the top selling Par tner of commercial laundr y appliances across last year Southern Contracts have also been awarded Electrolux Professional s Special
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Increase Customer Spend by 18% (or more)! 0800 731 8451 Download the Paytronix Loyalty Report 2022 to find out more: annual loyalty report/

Hospitality Technology

Those in the hospitality industr y who weathered the pandemic and Brexit and lived to tell the tale find themselves in a different land

scape Customers’ expectations have grown as the world opens up to travel and tourism with renewed enthusiasm

Truevo is an industr y par tner to UK’s hotels self catering, bed and breakfasts, hostels, camping and cara vanning Along with other businesses like restaurants, bars and takeaways We created payment tools and solutions to help owners meet customers' demands Here are the most prominent payment trends we ’ re helping you meet Online is offline , and vice versa

In 2020, 65% of worldwide tourism and travel sales were online which is expected to reach 72% by 2025 Customers expect a seamless experience booking online and in person

Top hotels allow customers to self ser vice and pay for additional ser vices from their mobile devices

Cash is dead The card is king

This trend has been slow moving but after the pan demic , debit and credit cards have dominated as the preferred payment method

Convenience is a must

For hotel guests, convenience includes quickly paying online or in person with their preferred payment method

Chargeback fraud is on the rise

With the rise of new payment methods, the hospitali ty sector has experienced increased chargeback fraud

Truevo s system and the team help resolve chargebacks quickly, prevent fraud and keep payment data secure With us you receive chargeback notifications in real time


• Competitive fees tailored to your business

• Unr ivalled suppor t via phone email and Live Chat

Next day settlement to improve operational effic

• Acceptance and processing optimisation to maximise suc cessful transactions

over 150 currencies

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Top Hospitality Partnership Takes Customer Experience To New Levels

Restaurant owners now have access to frictionless client engagement thanks to an exclusive par tnership between a leading provider of restaurant epos and the most advanced digital guest experience platform

NFS Technolog y, provider of Aloha restaurant man agement software have announced the selection of Paytronix Systems Inc as their UK and Ireland par t ner in a move predicted to be hugely popular in the industr y

Chris Car tmell, Chief Commercial Officer for NFS restaurant technolog y, said the development is a response to the dramatic change in the way cus tomers want to engage with their favourite restau rants

“Many of our clients ask us how they can take a more integrated approach to client engagement, loy alty and feedback,” he said

“The Paytronix platform seamlessly integrates with Aloha, to be able to offer our clients a tool to improve client engagement, grow revenue and be able to get a much better picture on both client spend and preferences,” said Chris

Aloha integrated with Paytronix, benefits the cus tomer experience in key ways:

1 It enables restaurants to pro vide a customised one to one journey for c lients , combining data and market ng automa tion in one dashboard

2 Digital marketing s highly per sonalised to customer behaviour and connected to actual guest spend

3 Restaurateur s can create and deploy omn c hanne marketing campaigns in minutes , us ng core design options that suit guest needs

4 Order frequenc y is increased by offer ing comb ned ser vices for example , online order ing and loyalty pro grammes together have been shown to increase order frequenc y by 18%

5 Customer loyalty is grown The integrated system enables more ways to enrol and more promotion types many user s see guest par ticipation of 50 to 70%

Discover more about epos technolog y and cus tomer experience: https://alohaepos co uk/ See the adver t on the previous page for details

enc y
settled in GBP or EUR
payments up to first class with Truevo
Better machines/
SumUp POS Our mission is to empower small merchants across the globe HOW WE CAN HELP We give access to financial ser vices to the millions of businesses that are considered too small for most providers They’re as much as 10 times smaller than the smallest businesses that would be targeted by banks and traditional providers What star ted out as one card reader has now turned into a range of readers, multiple remote payment solutions such as Invoices, Gift Cards, Payment Links and so much more INCLUSIVE We want to make technolog y that anyone can use and ever yone has access to Whether you re a one person show or a team we re there for the smallest of businesses PERSONAL SUPPORT Do you have questions about the usage of SumUp? We have a dedicated customer suppor t team in the language that works for you SECURE PAYMENTS SumUp card readers are the most secure methods of card payments and have received full cer tification from a range of regulator y bodies RELIABLE TECHNOLOGY SumUp is authorised as a Payment Institution by the Financial Conduct Authority (license no 900700) and is EMV (Europay, Mastercard, and Visa) and PCI DSS cer tified See the adver t opposite for details 48 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132
4 Biggest Payment Trends in Hospitality for 2022 to 2023

Hospitality Technology

MCR Systems


Expectations, says

The monthly ONS vacancy fig ures have seen a decline in the number of hospitality vacancies with 158,000 vacancies recorded in the quar ter from July to September 2022, a decline of 8 8% compared with the 173 000 vacancies in the from April to June 2022

Conor Shaw, CEO of workforce management specialist Bizimply, said: “While vacancies still represent a huge challenge for the sector, the drop reflects our experience that some operators are using technology to manage their workforce a little better, and maximise the benefits to the business of the workforce available

“An employer tr ying to run their businesses with 10% vacancy rates needs their existing staff to be 10% more efficient, and ever y employee willing to work an extra shift helps to relieve the immediate challenge for employers, while employees need to know that they can fit work around other commitments

The recruitment crisis is already stretching wage budgets, so employers don’t always have the option to increase pay significantly for entr y level staff working front of house and kitchen shifts However, it’s impor tant to understand employee motivation at this level


“Many of the businesses we work with rely on par t time staff, including team members who combine work with their studies, or who have childcare or other commitments For these employ ees there is the potential to take home a little more from ever y shift they work, through the increases in the minimum wage and the National Insurance threshold introduced earlier this year

“Businesses that have robust workforce management systems in place can input changes such as new rates of pay, tax and NI, give employees the maximum notice of shifts and process any changes in employees’ shift patterns quickly Employees can use the same technol og y to it to let their employer know what hours they can work regularly, and if these change due to school holidays or other circumstances

“Bizimply’s software helps businesses reduce the amount of time spent creating staff rotas and sorting out payroll It means that GMs and super visors can spend more time front of house, where they can have the most positive impact, making operational decisions, managing team members and interacting with customers

See the adver t on this page for details

50 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132
Must Adapt
Bizimply MCR Systems has over 40 years of experience in providing hospitality, catering and leisure organisations with enterprise management solu tions that directly improve the effi ciency of their business operations We do this by combining high quality software and cutting edge EPOS technolog y MCR Systems T: 0116 299 7000 E: enquiries@mcr systems co uk www mcr systems co uk See the adver t on page 40. We are an independent supplier ser ving the out door restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restau rants and public houses We design and manufac turer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won t be replacing cheap internet impor ts next season It s one area where it doesn t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and scrapes out door goods receive com bined with the harsh British climate really needs some thing tough enough for the job We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the indus tr y and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter sta tions and planters all to you requirement If we can help you do drop a line to sales@cafeculture biz Café Culture - Pavement Profit Outdoor Spaces



Keeping Food Hot? We Have All The Answers

First of all, you

and a

You can then keep

and fully comply with HACCP regulations

Sounds too good to be true? Well we only supply premium German

products from





will want one of our world beating Kanga boxes
Carbon Heater
food hot indefinitely
insulated box manufac tured
top quality expanded polypropylene is a dense closed cell insulation material but incredibly light to handle when empty for example the GN insulted box with a 117 mm internal depth only weighs just over a kilo and yet holds a massive 21 lts capacity Now combine the Kanga box with a Carbon Heater and the magic begins hot food all the time! Our range of Carbon heaters offers two voltage options 12 volts for car operation using the cigarette lighter socket or 230 volt mains voltage for internal or external mains use The big advantage of the Carbon Heaters they are absolutely fool proof just inser t them in the bottom of the box turn on and forget, there are no consumer con trols the temperature is pre set at the factor y at 75 deg C The Carbon Heater is ver y light at only 700 grammes and does not take up much room only being 10mm thick Dishes can be place on the Carbon Heater straight out of the oven up to 120deg C Finally quick and easy to clean just wipe over with a damp cloth Contact Catering Equipment Limited on Tel: 0121 773 2228 or visit www.clickonstore .net or www kangaboxuk com
Outdoor space that cannot be used because of the weath er has no value ’ Your solution is an invest ment that gives your cus tomers comfor t Your solution is an invest ment that gives you a speedy R O I * Another solution? Parasols & umbrellas? but no real weather Another solution? Perhaps buying cheap? But as our pubs tell us a cheap gazebo looks cheap And their customers don’t like cheap [and it won’t last] *According to our pub customers, each gazebo typi cally pays for itself in about 6 weeks Straight from the horses mouth, must read: “Nearly 2 year s on it was the best decision we ever made to buy 3 White Pavil on Gazebos They have paid for them selves many, many times over S nce the Pandemic customer s prefer to be outside , and I dread to think of the business we would have missed out on if we had not made the investment ” Susie , Proprietor, Grantham Arms , Boroughbridge : The Bay Tree , Swillington, York : The Black Hor se , Kirby Fleetham Premium quality Hospitality gazebos that last, 4 sizes from £1,666 ex vat [ low cost leasing available ] White Pavilion Gazebos, carefully made in Yorkshire info@whitepaviliongazebos co uk 01653 695 285
Pavilion Gazebos Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Spaces Issue 132 CLH DIGITAL 51

ComPaCK GlassWasHers

The Compack



ComPaCK FroNT loadING dIsHWasHers

ComPaCK Pass


• Electronic control with push buttons for high efficiency and easy to use

• 350, 400 and 500 basket machines available

• 120 seconds washing cycle

• Electronic control DIGIT with temperature display

• 4 washing cycles

• Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle

• Built in drain pump included Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers

at every wash cycle

• Ecoclean control system for partial clean water

• Built in drain pump included

• Guarantees hot rinse thermostop

• Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler

• Built in softener (only on D50S and D55S)

aid dispensers

Complete with built in adjustable detergent &

Guarantees hot rinse thermostop

Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler

Light function button with

For all models

• Self diagnosis with errors solution,

• Colour coded function button with self diagnostic

• Evolute Electronic control with lCd display

the detergent dispenser,

setting for each cycle

• Ecoclean control system for partial clean water

at every wash cycle (only with built in drain pump)

• Thermal acoustic double door

• New inclined and deep drawn welded tank

• Door reinforcement brackets Adjustable rinsing arm rotation speed

• Fully stainless steel made wash and rinse arms for low maintenance, heavy duty, all corrosion resistant

• Removable double filtering system for wash and drainage cycle

• Electronic control with LCD display

• 4 individual programmable cycles

• Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle

• Built in drain pump included

• Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers

• Break tank AA air gap Wras approved

• Guarantee rinse temperature 85⁰C at constant pressure

• Self cleaning cycle on drain down

• Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler

• Built in softener (only on BT55S)

• Self diagnostic

Web email Tel 0333 456 4500 ComPaCK - THe sTaNdard THaT maKes THe dIFFereNCe ProFessIoNal WareWasHING sYsTems relIaBIlITY HIGH PerFormaNCe GUaraNTeed assIsTaNCe at prices you will be overjoyed with Purchase/rental/Interest free 0% finance available (subject to status)
glasswashers have simplicity
robust performance in mind Where the need for just washing glasses is
main aim this is the machine for the job.
self diagnostic
d100 BT100/BT100s BT100TC/BT100TCs
precise setting of
different temperature

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

Quality, Flexibility and Efficiency: Decarb It is the Decarboniser Supplier That Delivers

There are many benefits to con sidering shor t term decarboniser hire for your commercial kitchen

Deep cleaning kitchen ware that is heavily greased and carbonated maintains the hygiene of your kitchen and is recommended by EHO’s Decarbonisers enable time previously spent scrubbing and cleaning to be used on more impor tant tasks They increase the longevity of your kitchen ware , and, unlike long term hire or pur chasing, they don t require permanent space in your kitchen All of these have a direct impact on your kitchen’s bottom line High hygiene ratings increase cov ers, more efficient use of staff reduces your wage bill, longer lasting kitchen ware means less money spent on replacements and efficiently utilizing the space in your kitchen increases productivity

Most reputable decarbonisers deliver all these cost saving benefits but with energ y prices skyrocketing

at Decarb It think it’s impor tant to go fur ther to sup por t your long term profitability Our decarbonisers deliver all the benefits above but are also the most energ y efficient decarbonisers currently on the market

We invest in high grade steel, pre mium insulation, and advanced electronics, resulting in an average of approximately 40% less power used vs a leading competitor

We also appreciate the chal lenges of the changing environ ment in




Fry More For Less with OilChef

How can the food ser vice and hospitality industr y protect against risings costs? One way is to make the cooking oil last longer In fact, the award winnin accessor y for deep fr yers, is doi that The OiLChef device is a ca tor for deep fr yers! It keeps the cooking oil in a fresher condition, by slowing down oxidation, stopping polymerizations of the oil molecules and by retarding the buildup of free fatty acids, peroxides, total polar materials and most impor tantly of all the carcinogenic acr ylamides

ing oil

l dds nothing to the oil, it takes nothing the oil, it is an inorganic

that helps you keep your

A simple 3 second self installation which is vir tually maintenance free and only

y 3 years OiLChef is a dream

for professional


that operate

yers OiLChef is in thousands of deep


with a full

in fr y
The OiLChef device is not a filter, it is not a chemi
oil alive for longer
come true
deep fr
fr yers around the World
3 year war ranty and saves you up to 50% on oil purchases ever y month Check them out at www OiLChef com Contact their CEO direct: sean farr y@oilchef com
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
which we now live , which is why we recognise the impor tance of flexibility
to long term contracts with vendors isn t always possible when the economic environments are so fragile which is why we not only offer a range of decarbonisers to suit all budgets, but also flexibility when it comes to the length of hire Whether it’s two weeks, a month, or longer, we can provide a solution that is bespoke to your needs
flexibility, commitment to efficiency, and cus tomer focused approach ensures that ever y aspect of our ser vice , from our product to our customer rela tionships are the highest quality possible
find out how Decarb It can make your kitchen shine , for less, visit www decarbit co uk or call 0161 871 7393
Issue 132 CLH DIGITAL 53

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

Kitchen Extract Hygiene

One of the biggest chal lenges in keeping a commer cial kitchen spotlessly clean is the regular cleaning of the canopy, fan and extract duct work This must be tackled, not only for the sake of hygiene , but also for fire pre vention and compliance

Airborne fat, oil and grease is a natural by product of even the healthiest diet Carried in the steam that rises from cooking, grease and oil par ticles are drawn into the kitchen extract sys tem to be vented away to the outside As the exhaust stream cools, grease is deposited on the metal surfaces of the hood, canopy, filters, canopy plenum, fan and ductwork

Should a kitchen fire reach the extract ductwork, or a flash fire occur in the extract system, then the accumu lated grease deposits can act as fuel, helping to spread the fire The ductwork itself can also help to spread the

A Burning Issue

fire , acting as a chimney through which smoke and flames can travel, spreading the danger to the other par ts of the building

To counter this potential fire risk, operators of com mercial kitchens are required to comply with a new standard for the fire safety management of grease accumulation in kitchen extract systems, TR19® Grease

Compliance is also essential to ensure that you don t compromise your buildings insurance If a fire should break out and the ductwork can be shown not to have been cleaned in accordance with TR19® Grease , many insurers will now refuse to pay out on a claim

Ensuring legal compliance , a reduced risk of fire and greater hygiene in your kitchen are items which should always be on ever y maintenance menu www swiftclean co uk or see adver t on page 47

Temporary Catering Facilities For Events & Kitchen Refurbishments

Mobile Kitchens Ltd specialises in the hire or sale of temporar y catering facilities and foodser vice equipment

Ideal for events or to provide temporar y catering facilities dur ing your kitchen refurbishment our versatile units and equipment offer an efficient and economic solution to the caterers’ needs

Production Kitchens, Preparation Kitchens, Ware wash ing Units, Dr y Store Units, Cold Rooms and Restaurant Units are available as individual units in their own right or they can be linked together on site to form a complete complex

Alternatively, we can offer modular, open plan facilities, usually for larger, longer term hires

We offer a free design ser vice and project manage ment from concept through to deliver y and installation on site , plus full technical suppor t throughout the hire period

for your project

The standard specification of our smallest Production Kitchen unit includes a six burner oven range , salamander grill, twin basket fr yer, upright fridge , hot cupboard, single bowl sink unit with integral hand wash basin plus ample power points to plug in Microwaves, Food Processors, Toasters etc Internal equipment can be interchanged and clients can effectively specify their pre ferred layout

New DrainMinor C (Combi Oven Pump) Creates Considerable Interest

The New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by Pump Technolog y Ltd

There are significant advantages that this combi oven drainage pump offers

The pump features a tank with its clear side window was the large , tri angular, low level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease , fat and food par ticles before the reliable star t/stop operation of the pump is affected

The triangular low level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline, giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens

The build quality of the submersible wastewater pump was also a discussion point with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement especially considering the hot wastewater temperatures and potential grease which these units have to handle

It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet This means that the installa tion footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated

It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a winner and will soon be featuring in combi oven installations ever ywhere

Caterquip Ventilation – For All Your Commercial Catering Ventilation Needs

Caterquip Ventilation Ltd is proud to be celebrating their 22nd Anniversar y this year

This Warwick based company offers nationwide coverage for all your commercial catering needs: free site sur veys, quotations and designs (C AD) quality bespoke and standard fabrications special ist knowledge of catering ventila tion systems including input air odour reduction (carbon filtra tion and ESP) and sound attenua tion Affiliated members of Constructionline CHAS and B&ES, Caterquip Ventilation have a strong hold in the marketplace often advising industr y professionals on ventilation systems to a DW172 specification & BSEN:6173

They have strong relationships with all leading kitchen equipment suppliers and they offer a kitchen design

ser vice to help you build your ideal kitchen

Projects under taken have included Olympic Villages, Basildon Hospital, The Mitre Hotel at Hampton Cour t, The Truck Stop at Anglesey, The Lodge at Old Hunstanton Colleges Schools Hotels Restaurants and Public Houses

They ensure their systems are compliant with the current guide lines whilst maintaining an effi cient and dynamic facility

With extensive knowledge of manufacturing and installing ventilation systems, they can help you design the best kitchen within the space available

Call: 01926 887167, visit:

www caterquipventilation co uk, email:

We have many tried and tested design layouts and would be pleased to put forward our recommendations
So if you ’ re planning a refurbishment or need to cater for an event then why not give us a call and we’ll be happy to provide advice and put forward a competitive proposal For fur ther information or to arrange a site visit, email: sales@mk hire co uk or call us on 0345 812 0800, or visit our website: www mk hire co uk
54 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132

A Special Treat from KEMPLEX and NOWAH

KEMPLEX and NOWAH are offering a special treat for cus tomers with a sales offer that includes a two day pastr y mas terclass in Milan Italy with the current Pastr y World Cup champion Massimo Pica

Anybody that purchases a Belt movement model from the KEMPLEX dou range , via an approved NOWAH dealer, will auto matically qualify for the mas terclass with Pastr y World Cup champion, Massimo Pica, at his renowned pastr y school in Milan

The package includes return accommodation, with sessions between November 2022 and

must be made before 31 March 2023 to be eligible

NOWAH’s Michael George said the offer would give end user customers a unique opportunity to enhance their pastr y skills, while also spending a few days in Milan

“We know that any customer who purchases one of these dough sheeters is going to have a real passion for pastr y, so in order to ensure that they are able to indulge that passion and get the ver y best from their K l d ugh sheeter what could be bet ter than spending two days learn ing from the current world champion?

has been manufacturing a wide astr y equipment since 1986 eeters remain its flagship product ils of NOWAH approved dealers, ntact NOWAH Catering t by visiting owah co uk/kemplex products

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out with Williams

These days kitchen space is get ting squeezed, as foodser vice operators look to increase their restaurant areas to get in more customers The logical result of which is that, despite being small er, the kitchen has to produce more meals A new commercial kitchen fit out often has to com ply with what the Foodser vice Equipment Association (FEA) calls 20:20 vision: 20% more productivity from 20% less space

All of which means there’s a big demand for equip ment that can help maximise the available space such as the Chef ’ s Drawer from Williams Refrigeration The latest version of these individual refrigerated drawers is the VSWCD1, a variable temperature unit that can be switched from chilled to frozen storage , keeping pace with a business’s changing needs

The combination of modular compact drawers with variable temperature controls and a front venting refrigeration system makes the VSWCD1 an extremely flexible option that can be fitted in to the tightest spaces, providing easy access to fresh or frozen ingredi

ents right where the kitchen brigade need it

Depending on the selection of castors or legs the height of the individual drawer can be adjusted by over 70mmm between 456mm and 530mm Each VSWCD1 measures 1100mm wide by 670mm deep Despite its compact size each drawer can hold 2/1GN pans up to an impressive 150mm in depth, compared to 100mm for some com petitor models, giving it a capacity of 105 litres

Another advantage is the ability to stack two units beneath a standard worktop, creating an even more flexible storage solution

The body and removable drawers are constructed from robust foodsafe stainless steel The Chefs Drawer uses natural refrigerant and eco friendly high perform ance high density polyurethane insulation meaning it can operate in ambient temperatures as high as 43°C

To learn more about Williams extensive product range visit www williams refrigeration co uk

distributors of top catering

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out Issue 132 CLH DIGITAL 55 UK agents &
equipment manufacturers We sell heavy duty, long lasting, no frills equipment at sensible prices. “...we select our products based on Quality, Reliability, Durability and Value-for-Money” Visit our website: View our catalogue: Or call our office: 01772 305161
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Design and Refit

Navigating Permitted Development Rights for Temporary Structures in Outdoor Spaces

The requirements for social distancing during the pandemic opened up the oppor tunity to utilise wide ranging outdoor sites for hospitality, and in a rare ‘Covid positive’, that legislation is here to stay

Under Class G of The Town and Countr y Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) (No 3) Order 2021, the operators of pubs, bars, hotels and restaurants can significantly increase footfall, and thereby profits by erecting a marquee or gazebo on their premises running a pop up bar in a beer garden or any other moveable structure As a result, popular spor ts matches, large wedding par ties and a wide variety of events can attract greater numbers of patrons for hospitality venues

The legislation surrounding Planning Permitted Development Rights (PDR) is much misunderstood Best known for home extensions and the controversy over change of use within the built environment (such as from commercial or agricultural buildings to residential use) it also applies to ‘temporar y ’ structures such as marquees

There are some limitations on what is allowed The first is that the structure must be moveable easily dismantled or on wheels It must be less than three metres in height with a maximum footprint of 50 sq m,

or 50% of the footprint of the building with which it is associated, whichever is smaller In residential areas, the structure must be at least two metres away from nearby homes There is also a limit of one structure per site and does not apply to the cur tilage of a listed building or scheduled monument

Despite social distancing being relaxed and the summer coming to an end, this announcement is good news Even for those venues which don’t have outdoor spaces of their own the ability for high streets to hold markets and food festivals may assist in attracting footfall Additionally, commercial spaces such as the landscaped grounds of office blocks can bring life to a site which may be underutilised as a result of changes in working patterns And outdoor visitor attractions will have additional flexibility to introduce temporar y structures on their grounds

Another oppor tunity is the likely change to the marriage regulations in England and Wales which could allow outdoor venues such as the grounds of a hotel or a beer garden to host wedding ceremonies, in addition to receptions In July the Law Commission recommended that weddings should be able to take place anywhere , pro viding the presiding official considers it safe and dignified The potential for a hotel to host one wedding inside and one (or perhaps more) outside and for a pub to host ever ything from pre wedding drinks through to the final dance will no doubt be well received

Assuming that these proposed changes to marriage laws go ahead there is one impor tant caveat planning per mission: to use a barn, a community centre or a historic building for a wedding could represent a change of use and as such may require planning permission Whilst permitted development rights have been extended in some areas, such as temporar y structures, there remain planning challenges for hospitality businesses to navigate to ensure their operations comply with the appropriate planning legislation


Archetypely is a boutique design and construction project management consul tancy that was founded in 2019 specialising in commercial fit outs & refurbish ments Since then, we have been working on many interesting projects, successfully delivering to the satisfaction of our clients

We can deliver the projects via the traditional procurement as Main Contractor’ or via the ‘Design and Build’ route , but our biggest strength sits in the ability to also deliver the fit out projects via ‘Construction Management ’ providing our clients with great con trol over time/cost and quality of the final product by directly controlling the trade contractors on client’s behalf

In doing this we provide full suppor t to the client and our team fully man ages the entire process We manage all of the client’s direct packages


during the fit out, from tender selection and inter views through negotiations, appointments and construction, while coordinating all trade contractors and managing the site and main building works

Here at Archetypely, we have a holistic and process oriented approach to project management consultancy We are known for an unparalleled commitment to cus tomer satisfaction; we bring together the best architects, engineers and designers within one team Ever y project is unique and comes with new challenges That s why at Archetypely we customise our approach and resources to suit the individual client s requirements

At Puttshack Watford the new mini golf course uses tech infused ideas to bring a unique twist to the traditional game of golf

ANAMO Design Studio was employed as the Interior Designer for the project whilst Archetypely was the Main



Printed Table Numbers &

One of the UK’s most professional and technically advanced

and etching supplier Brunel Engraving is providing a



Our ISO9001 accreditation means that ever y job no matter how large or small goes through the workshops with this expecta tion level and the continuous amount of 5 stars we receive on Trust pilot, highlights this commit ment” said Tom Pycock, Sales Director of Brunel Engraving

addition to rotar y engraving Brunel offers laser


anodic print dye sublimation


Contractor Renata Zywicka, Director at Archetypely, has under taken all por tfolio development related duties for Puttshack and has acted as the primar y representative on their construction proj ects Archetypely has fully managed the entire project from its initial feasibility studies through the design development procurement and on site management of the construction phase of the fit out For more information visit: https://www archetypely com/ 56 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132
rapid response to the growing demand for etched table numbers and QR code discs in the pub and catering indus tr y
company has made a substan tial investment in additional state of the ar t equipment and related soft ware in order to produce a wide range of individually engraved and printed table numbers and discs
numbers and discs enable customers to link to apps or menus, eliminating the requirement for hard copies of menus and making it quicker and more conven ient for customers to order Our investment in additional equipment and software has ensured that our customers in the hospitality sector can benefit from high quality products with excellent swift ser vice at a fair price
print flatbed UV print and
format UV print T: 01275 871 720 E: info@brunelengraving co uk W: www brunelengraving co uk
Engraver Supports Hospitality Sector
Swift Service
Etched &
QR Discs

Design and Refit

clients For example briefing meetings can take place via video call, with plans, mood boards, etc



Additional Ranges as ILF Continue to Expand email;terr

With the continued success of the ILF Chairs comprehensive website , ILF have now added to the 2 chairs already stocked in 7 colours, a stock armchair in 7 dif ferent Faux colours matching the chairs, plus a 6 colour range stock of Egger laminated table tops in a selection of sizes A full range of table bases are also kept in stock

Their new online website offers both indoor and outdoor seating and table solutions Divided into Contemporar y seating, Barstools, Lounge Seating, Period Seating, Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height tables offer ing a great selection of products to view at your leisure Also included now an extensive range of stock seating, barstools, table bases and table tops

Most made to order indoor seat ing and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any cus tomer specification Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style

Also included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selec tion of priced made to order seating in a selection of Faux Leather upholster y colours and wood frame colours These products can also be supplied to customer specifica tion, just ask for details

Enquiries can be sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site

Issue 132 CLH DIGITAL 57 Sparkle interiors has been set up to help our clients create fantastic interiors while saving on expensive designer fees The interior design industr y has been evolving in recent years companies have had to adapt along with many other professions One of the main affects is on designers having to work remotely For us its meant that we ve been working on projects where actual site visits have not been a possibility, but this actually has had many positive effects on our process for both us
dis cussed and edited live through screen sharing All types of drawings can now be completed within a matter of days, rather than weeks with how easy it is now to share information Gone are the days of visiting the site ever y week, holding long face to face meetings with all the contractors and any unnecessar y steps that tradi tionally are there for the sake of it
to on site issues can also be addressed with our new online focused process, as the site foreman can receive all the information and updates they need any changes immediately handled and issued back by e mail to all that are concerned All the above changes mean the costs for the client, designer, QS and contrac tor have been reduced significantly or completely elimi nated in some cases This is why Sparkle Interiors is able to save the client so much on fees Visit our web site today to enquire , or contact us directly to find out more Contact Email: andy@sparkleinteriors@gmail com Tel: 07957762280 Web: www sparkleinteriors co uk Sparkle Interiors, Interior Design, Professional and Online We are a bou tique des gn & constru ct on pro ect manage men t consu ltan cy focusin g on comme rcial fit outs & re fu rbishme nts Ove r the years our fou nde r R enata Zywicka had the opportun ity to work on a nu mbe r of in credible pro ects that h ave allowed h er to grow and es tablish Archet ypely as a clien t focused con sultancy www a rchetypely c om h ello@a rchetypely c om +44 (0) 730 61 61 002 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Design and Refit

Electric Water Heating & Hard Water

Electric only designs for water heating provide a simple to install, cost effective , and familiar tech nolog y that delivers lower carbon emissions, addresses regulator y changes on new gas connections and improves indoor air quality (IAQ) For the high grade heat required for domestic hot water (DHW) applications there is a notable use of electric immer sions, but this can have a cata strophic impact on a system if located in one of the hard water areas that span approximately 65% of the UK

While excellent as backup heat sources in commercial boiler fed indirect cylinders, immersions are not advised as a primar y heat source in hard water areas where limescale will typically form on the heat exchanger or heating element The high temperatures accelerate scale formation which can lead to costly system failure in as little as six months When hot water is essential for

operations it’s a cause for con cern

An electric boiler such as the Adveco ARDENT, heats water using immersion heaters located in a small tank within the boiler housing rather than directly installed into a hot water tank This creates a sealed ‘primar y ’ loop to an indirect coil in the cylinder, eliminating the common problems of direct electric heat ing The electric boiler heats the same water continu ously so there is only a small, finite amount of scale in the system which will not damage the elements

The electric boiler additionally offers a level of redun dancy that is not achieved with a single immersion heater, and with significantly less scale , reliability also improves drastically reducing maintenance demands for operational savings

No More Time Wasted Cleaning Up Candle Wax

One of the issues many restaurants are currently facing at the moment is a shor tage of staff So anything that can reduce workload has to be of interest

We firmly believe that can dles are an essential par t of the dining experience , but what comes with them is all the mess which uses valuable time cleaning up Time and money that could be better spent elsewhere So how do you square that circle? The answer is with oil candles

There are two types Glass

and plastic prefilled, disposable ones Both do the job fantastically well, while



On top of that, they look absolutely great and will enhance the look and feel of your restaurant or bar

If you ’ ve never used, seen or heard of oil candles before or even if you have , the best place to go to find out more is www clearcraft catering co uk

There is an extensive amount of information there , FAQ section, guides to help you decide which candle is best for you and a full e com merce site

You can also request a free sample oil candle , with some oil by e mailing Please state what design you wish to see and include your deliver y details


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58 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132
bodied refillable ones
making no mess
no waste and minimal maintenance
refillable ones are ver y economical while the disposable ones have all the convenience of a tealight
Ltd Tel:
www clearcraft catering co uk

Design and Refit

Make Christmas Easy with Stackable Furniture

As you gear up for the busiest period in the year, why not make life easier when catering for those big Christmas par ty bookings with easy to store stackable furniture?

Foldable banqueting tables are the perfect solution to create a comfor table par ty atmosphere when more diners than usual are expected Trent Furniture’s great value range of contract grade Banqueting Folding Tables are available in diameters of 92cm, 120cm, 153cm and 183cm, meaning they’ve got ever y par ty size and seating configuration covered Not only that, they couldn’t be easier to fold and store away at the end of the evening


The Harrow Steel Stacking Chair provides the perfect dining com panion to our banqueting tables and is equally simple to stack and store Available in a great range of finishes and upholster y, you ’ re sure to find the ideal option to match your décor scheme Or for a touch of luxur y, why not opt for the elegant Buckingham Aluminium Stacking Chair?

To find out more about how investing in stackable furniture will help create a merr y Christmas and a happy new year when staging events, please call 0116 2864 911 or fill in our contact form at www trentfurniture co uk

Protecting Assets

Lock in Our Old Prices Today!


There are many benefits to using CardsSafe in bars, restaurants and pubs:

Managing customer tabs

• Help ng to increase spending, therefore profits

• It is a significant deterrent for walkouts

• Offer s protection against credit card fraud helps to build trust!

• Pays for itself by reducing c harge bac k and walkouts

Until Januar y 2023, CardsSafe unit rental will remain at just £9 95 per month

We have been helping restaurants bars pubs golf courses and other venues to securely retain their cus tomer bank cards while they run a tab for almost twenty years

Since we introduced rental contracts in 2008, we ’ ve kept our prices as low as possible at just under a ten ner a month and this has never increased However due to significant increases in both our cost of goods and related costs we plan an increase in Januar y 2023

Our existing customers will continue to benefit from our low prices, so if you ’ re considering CardsSafe for your business, or need additional units, lock in at just £9 95 per month (per unit) for the duration of your

No data capture required to use

• Customer s have peace of mind that the r bank cards are kept safely, and they keep the unique key!

“Turnover increased significantly after CardsSafe was installed, and the system easily pays for itself ” Siobhan, The Prodigal London CardsSafe is affordable! Each unit contains ten card drawers that can be hired for just £9 95 per month

Each hire comes with customer ser vice troubleshoot ing and a number of free replacement keys Additional units can be added at any time

For more information, please visit www.cardssafe .com Or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040

Issue 132 CLH DIGITAL 59
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising


With over 30 years of industr y experience in the Hospitality sector, The Bowden Group’s Managing Consultant David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements:

Profitability, Operational Strateg y, Staff Management, Marketing and The Future of your business

David will also be on hand to give

charge) suppor t through our Sprowts4Mentoring system, to analyse , ever y single week, your business performance figures giving you weekly analysis and concise repor ts, with appropriate guidance , to optimise your business’s Sales, Profitability and Staff Management


Our exper ts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available We then help you to identify strategies to man age costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business

The largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost,

According to the Local Data Company, overall vacan cy rates in Great Britain were at 14 1% in the first quar ter of 20221 The pandemic has exacerbated the structural issues which have been impacting the retail real estate sector over the past few years Rental leas es were changed between landlords and their tenants


can help your business to succeed

so, with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business

And YES Covid19 changed a lot of things We need to learn from those things!

Right now we are experiencing massive increases in the cost of the raw materials that we buy both Food and Drink We will take that fully into consideration When was the last time that you fully and meticulously cost ed out and priced correctly ever y dish on your menu both Food and Drinks?

Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter your Restaurant Consultant will work on with you and improve with you


Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development

We have a ver y good record in helping Hospitality business owners to implement processes that improve how they manage their people , which in

turn benefits the owners as well as the Team Members themselves

We can help you to manage ‘difficult’ people situations, to improve your operational planning, to recruit, train and manage your team better, creating a more productive , pleasant and ‘’retaining’’ working environment


We will help you build a workable , planned Marketing Strateg y We don’t do fancy, posh or expensive we just recommend what our experience says will actually work for your business

It’s no longer enough to rely on word of mouth and repeat business You need to employ a wealth of skills in a number of areas to ensure that your Marketing is attracting new customers and engaging with existing cus tomers

From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online adver tising to print design Promotions and offline adver tising your Hospitality business should be constantly working on all things Marketing’’

If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a Free of Charge initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer) when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you

to Find the

and the government’s ban on forfeiture leases meant that the range of proper ty available remained limited More recently, landlords have been more receptive to negotiation, however the current cost of living crisis means there are plenty of challenges facing those searching for premises to open a new business

It's all about being able to recognise when a proper ty is valued fairly advises Julian Reilly, Proper ty & Franchise Development Director at international desser t parlour franchise Creams Cafe His tips on sourcing and negotiating premises for your expansion will provide more options to you PRIME VS AFFORDABLE

Prime location that’s always been a buzz word in proper ty Of course , we want the best location for our new business, but how do we justify the balance of price with the benefits the location offers? One of the best ways to maximise your profit potential through your location is to be methodical about evaluating these benefits Moving down the road and out of your prime radius could significantly reduce your occupancy costs whilst enabling you to still have similar trade access, as well as a comparable community and cus tomer demographic Analyse local market data along side key performance indicators of other successful locations to find that perfect balance Remember, bal ance is key as whilst a proper ty may be less expensive a poor location is vir tually impossible to turn around, even with the best team!

One aspect you should not compromise on is the condition of the premises Landlords can sometimes tr y to push the cost of any repairs and work that needs to be done onto the new tenant With a cheap er location might come more features that need fixing, so keep an eye on those and don’t inherit the previous tenant’s failure to repair Ask for a schedule of condi tions a full breakdown of the state of the premises from the landlord It is also wor th finding out if the unit is proposed for a Full Repairing and Insuring (FRI) lease These types of leases are common in the com mercial proper ty lettings market and will mean that you, as the tenant, are responsible for all costs of repair and insurance If an FRI lease is proposed, ask for a schedule of conditions which will limit your liabil ity for any damages


If you are planning on launching multiple locations, avoid expanding too fast, both in terms of number of proper ties and geographical area Whilst it is tempting to have as many locations within your por tfolio as pos sible , each location must thrive and stand alone as a profitable entity Ensure you are mindful about each proper ty you invest in and that it will benefit you, the reputation of your brand and the surrounding commu nity

Launching, or investing in, a business that requires a bricks and mor tar presence tends to bring with it more considerations than if you are star ting from a home office Whether it is a restaurant or a hair salon, choose a premises that will work for your business as

it grows You will be tied into your prop er ty for a minimum term and there is nothing worse than bursting at the seams with two years left on a lease Similarly, don’t over extend yourself just because you fall in love with a space larger than you real istically need


So once you ve found your perfect balance between location and price , what else should you consider?

Pivotal to creating a return on investment is whether your location can maximise oppor tunities for trade during busy periods It is impor tant to consider how popular the area is during different times of the day and with whom, so your business is open and staffed appropriately Don’t just rely on your personal knowl edge of the area you must research the local market data to effectively plan You’ll be able to use this to predict times of the day or week you expect to wel come in different groups of the community You ll be able to operate efficiently and therefore gain a great reputation locally because your business is ready for fluctuations in customer numbers For instance , at Creams, we use market data prior to our first opening weeks of a restaurant and following that the data from our EPOS system makes it easy to amend and monitor stock orders accordingly


Othman Shoukat, Managing Director of Creams Cafe since 2020 has valuable insight into the changing dynamic of proper ty locations Coming from an invest ment banking background, he completed his master’s degree in real estate at the University of Cambridge with a specialism in retail real estate

“Retail proper ty usage has been leaning towards leisure , recreational and socially led sectors due to evolving consumer behaviours and structural shifts In par ticular, consumers seek a holistic customer experi ence placing greater impor tance on intangible touch points Cer tain sectors have also been disrupted by e commerce channels, compounding the usage shift This is evident in how the UK retail high street land scape has changed over the last decade This has had broader implications for entrepreneurs searching for premises and cer tainly impacts our planning for Creams locations,” says Othman

you extra (and this can be without any extra
Why Use a Specialist Hospitality
. PRICE: £120,000 LEA SEHOLD REF: 4269 DAR TMO UT H, DEVO N Premium Cocktail & Wine Bar Located With n South Hams • Vogu sh Interior Decor Creat ng La d Back Soph st cation Internal Capac ty for C rca 80 Guests Ded cated Outside Seat ng Area on Promenade for 26 • Potentia to Expand on this A ready Successful Bus ness TOR QU AY, DE VO N • E egant Restaurant Premises Of fering Fine Dining Located C ose to Town Ma or Hotels & Mar na We l Establ shed w th Potentia for 40+ Covers • Trading 5 Even ngs Only Prov ding Fur ther Potential • Large 2 Bedroom Residential Accommodation PRICE: £99,955 LEASEHOLD REF: P4344 RICE: £125,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4008 DAR TMOU TH, DE VON Wel Established & Successful Restaurant in the Heart of Dartmouth Din ng Area w th Spectacular Panoramic W ndow w th Harbour & Estuary Views 3/4 Bedroom Apartment Cou d be Used for Hol day Letting/Staff/Owners • Highly Profitable Business deal for Owner Operator Couple Must be Seen to be Appreciated Ret rement Sale EXMOUTH, DEVON Light Spacious & Modern Award W nn ng Bar/Cafe/Restaurant Adjacent to Exmouth Mar na & The Exe Estuar y Providing Stunning Views Main Trade Area w th Seat ng for circa 70 & Alfresco Seat ng for circa 64 • We l Equipped Commerc a Kitchen & A located Park ng Space • Extreme y Profitable L censed Business Currently Run Under Management PRICE: £175,000 + VAT LEASEHOLD REF: 4412 DUNSTER, SOMERSET A Stunning 9 Bedroom Grade I Listed Hote Exud ng Character & Class S tuated n the V l age of Dunster at the Gateway to Exmoor Nationa Park • Ma n Bar & Restaurant Tea Room & Period Ballroom/Function Room 9 Beautiful y and Indiv dua ly Appointed En Suite Lett ng Rooms A Rare Oppor tun ty to Buy a Substant a & Successful Freeho d Bus ness PRICE: £1,300,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4302 PRICE: £195,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4168 STO UR TO N, WILTSHIR E A Stunning H storic 4 Star nn on the Beaut ful Stourhead Nationa Trust Estate 5 Beautifu ly Presented En Suite Letting Rooms & Two Bedroom Owners Flat Extensive Outs de Cour tyard Seat ng & BBQ Station • A Ver y Rare Oppor tun ty to Buy a Nat onal Trust Pub Lease Pro ected Sa es for 2022 in Excess of £1m ll on w th Ver y Strong Net Profit NEW! NEW! PRICE REDUCTION M IN EHEAD, SOM ERSET • Impressive Detached Tudor Style Property in Fabu ous Location • Long Establ shed We l Appointed Licenced Restaurant w th Outside Seat ng • Commerc a kitchen w th Prep Area and Wash Up Room • Exceptional Se f Contained 4 Double Bed Accommodat on • Private Parking for 4 Cars and Outbuild ngs PRICE: £600,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4265 I VYB RI DG E, DEVON Substant al Hote & nn S tuated in the Hear t of vybridge 14 We l Presented En Suite Letting Rooms & 1 Bed Owner's/Manager's Flat Ful y Equ pped Catering K tchen Open P an Lounge & Din ng Area • Back Bar/Games Room Of fice & Outside Trading Area & Car Park • A Ver y We l Estab ished Bus ness & a Genuine Ret rement Sale Af ter 30 Years PRICE: £695,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4282 NEW! Property and Professional 60 CLH DIGITAL Issue 132 Location, Location, Location: How
Best Property for Your Restaurant Expansion
Director at Creams Café (www.creamscafe .com)



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Property and Professional Issue 132 CLH DIGITAL 61 For almost 15 years, Capify has worked closely with the hospitality sector, providing business owners with much needed funding We ve been there through some difficult times like the 2008 recession and Covid 19, and have continued to lend even when the banks have said no We’ve recently conducted a Business Confidence Sur vey and found that cash flow and cash reser ves are key concerns for business owners across the UK Over half of those who responded also said they lack confi dence in their existing banking par tners to meet any future borrowing needs We’re proud to have created an accessible business loan which is both quick and easy to apply for, and, once approved, the funds can be paid out in as little as 24 hours The finance can be used for any business purpose , whether that’s: • Managing shor t term cash flow issues • Purchasing extra food and drink • Hiring additional staff • Purchasing new catering equipment Our flexibility means we will tr y and look beyond your credit histor y when assessing your application and instead we will consider whether your business has the potential to deliver solid and sustained growth If you’d like to find out how much finance you qualify for, visit www capify co uk/hospitality fund You’ll be taken to Capify’s website , where you can get a no obligation quote within minutes You’ll also be able to find out more information about the business loan and the unique and straightforward repayments To find out more visit www capify co uk/hospitality fund or call us on 0800 151 0980 to speak to one of our specialist finance sale team Capify - We're Here to Support Your Hospitality Business SOMERSET TOWN Impressive 120 Cover Café/Takeway Impressive 6 Figure Net Profits Trading Day Time Only Outstanding Catering Business Well Presented & Equipped FH £625 000 2147 DORSET VILLAGE Detached Countr y Inn & Restaurant Award Winning Business Bar/Restaurant (60+) Al Fresco Seating (50+) 3 Ensuite Letting Beds & Owners Apartment Commercial Kitchen Car Park & Garage FH £625 000 4822 01392 201262 www stonesmith co uk T H E W E S T C O U N T R Y S P E C I A L I S T S THINKING OF SELLING? C ALL FOR A FREE VALUATION DARTMOOR NATIONAL PAR K Detached B&B Set In 6 Acres 5 Letting Rooms Owners Accom 2 Lounges Dining Room Sun Room Gardens Paddock Meadows Stables Idyllic Home & Income Low Overheads DUCHY LH £395,000 6012 CHAGFORD DEVON Superb Character Countr y Inn Sought After Trading Location Bar Areas (62+) Garden (40+) 4 E/S Letting Rooms 2 Bed Owners Impressive Levels Of Trade FH £475 000 4827 DARTMOUTH DEVON Two Businesses In One! Successful French Baker y Business Retail Shop/Cafe & Baker y Unit Profitable Business With Potential Full Handover & Training Available LH £90,000 2151 DEVON COUNTRY TOWN Manageable Character Café & Tearoom Tearoom (16), Catering Kitchen 2 Bedroom Owner’s Apartment Easy Daytime Hours, 4 Days A Week Tremendous Potential LH £37 500 2150 SOMERSET VILLAGE Countr y Village Destination Inn Character Bar & Dining Areas (80+) 3 E/S Letting Rooms 2 Bed Owners Car Parking Outside Seating Areas New Free Of Tie Lease Available LH £25,000 4826 EXETER CITY CENTRE Stunning Restaurant & Bar Premises 88+ Covers High Specification Fit Out Fully Furnished & Equipped Impressive Turnkey Opportunity Viewing Essential LH £79 950 2145 TAVISTOCK DEVON High Quality Licensed 78 Cover Café Substantial Trade Levels & Net Profits Run Under Full Management Spacious Owner s/Manager s Apartment Outstanding Business Opportunity LH £265,000 2144 Laceys Solicitors Whether your business involves supplying alcohol providing music or late night refreshment to the public ever y hospitality establishment (from restaurants, to hotels and bars, from off licences to fast food restaurants) needs to be properly licensed before it can star t operating However with the hospitality industr y being so highly regulated if you are looking to buy sell change or apply for a new licence in relation to the ser vices your establishment provides, it can be confusing to know which you may need This is where we can help Laceys can assist with all types of premises licence applications in England and Wales be it to obtain a new licence for a previously unlicensed premises, to transfer, or to var y an existing licence (should you wish, for example , to amend any conditions, approve a new layout plan, or appoint a new designated premises super vi sor) We will prepare each application engage with the responsible authorities deal with any notice require ments and help ensure that your business is properly licensed Should it be necessar y we have many years experience appearing before licensing committees, as well as at licensing appeal hearings at the Magistrates’ Cour t We also have a strong success rate of representing clients whose licence has been subject to a review by the local authority and mediating on their behalf With our connections, networks and in depth industr y knowledge , our team of licensing solicitors have a national reputation to provide you with reliable , responsive and relevant legal advice , whatever your licensing needs If you need any fur ther information, or would like to discuss a par ticular licensing matter you have , please either visit us at www laceyssolicitors co uk or contact Philip Day directly on or 01202 377800 and he will be happy to help
Consumers expect engaging and enhanced experiences greater choice and personalised par ticipation in their retail journey It is now crucial to ensure that the proper ty you invest in can function in a versatile manner This means the precursor to location strateg y must be placing the right brand, with the appropriate value proposition, underpinned by a strong financial model into the right location Without these prerequisites any location will ultimately be defunct
andlord? This is a major influence on how you progress negotiat ons
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energy bills?
your researc h and ensure you c hec k the meter readings
proper ty to
to other units
turnaround t me
soon it
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your connections and business par tner ships
pool your knowledge to secure the foundations of your business

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