the date has been changed from November 7 to November 14 due to the train strike (See page 11 )
We really do have a chance to make our objections known We cannot allow people with precious little talent and experience in the roles they fulfil to devastate entire indus tries enough is enough!
Alas, the money
what are
Share the information from www.instagram.com/hospodemo or register to attend at www hospodemo org let’s get involved!!!
stifling growth,
For the absolute life of
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s financial plan
We repor ted earlier this month that that in the last three months 2230 hospitality busi nesses have closed
And this tax grabbing budget will only make things immeasurably worse
Less people going out
money spent
less raised for the Treasur y Less people going out, coupled with increased costs, results in business clo sures, which again not only less revenue for the Treasur y, but likely increased costs the Government has to pay out to suppor t those who have lost their jobs And when that happens? As Thomas Howell says “they will pay no price for being wrong ”
This is why I would urge the sector once again to come along to the HospoDemo, and
So come on down to London I will be there with a copy of CLH in my hands so if you ’ re coming along please do introduce yourself it would be great to catch up and get some insight on the frontline!
Once again I would ask the favour, we want more Twitter followers!
please do follow us on Twitter @CLHNews, and encourage as many people you know in the trade to subscribe to our digital issue
Fur ther details can be seen at
por t in the coming budget, we will see thousands of Hospitality and Night Time Economy businesses and jobs lost in the coming months
Last week the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt reversed the freeze on alcohol duty tax, which had been announced by his predecessor Kwasi Kwar teng in his September mini budget as par t of a wider government U turn
By imposing a double digit duty increase to spirits and other categories, the government will decimate already struggling independent clubs pubs bars and restaurants up and down the UK, they add
The projected impact of alcohol duty without a retail price increase will reduce the operating liquor margin by over 5% With the culmina tion of trade being down by 15% (Average vs 2019) and costs over 30% up across the board, will place thousands of SMEs at risk
The NTIA has called for our new PM & Chancellor to consider the impacts of no action, par ticularly in terms of business rates and VAT, as one operator highlighted earlier this week “Better to reduce VAT by 50% and have 10% of something than 20% of nothing!”
Michael Kill CEO NTIA Says: “According to Member trading figures, we are star ting to see the true impacts of cost inflation on our customer behaviour, with less disposable income , we are seeing businesses trading 15% down on average across the sector compared to 2019
“Costs are up over 30% and the projected impact of alcohol duty without a retail price increase will reduce the operating liquor margin by over 5%, pushing thousands of independent businesses into the red
If the Government wants us to be par t of the great resurgence and growth, they have to give us a stable platform to grow and the financial headroom to sur vive ”
“The current financial footing is untenable for many businesses, the energ y relief subsidy is confusing and unworkable with many energ y companies capitalizing on the scheme , and businesses still paying extor tionate energ y costs, with most independent businesses living hand to mouth ”
“We need the Government to extend business rates relief, restructure the energ y subsidy as a clear cap on energ y costs and cut VAT across the board leaving no one behind ”
“The Golden quar ter is rapidly approaching, and without fur ther sup
Last week, Emma McClarkin, chief executive of the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) said: “The Chancellor’s decision to reverse the alcohol duty freeze is a huge blow to brewers and pubs
“The freeze would have delivered a £300 million saving to our industr y at a time when we desperately need any relief we can get, to help to keep a lid on spiralling costs and keep the price of pint affordable for pub goers this winter
“The cost of doing business is completely out of control for pubs and brewers and the failure to act today to reduce pressures on businesses will hit them extremely hard
WSTA chief executive Mile Beale said: This is yet another change of plans which will cause disruption to UK wine and spirit businesses who have spent the last two years being bounced from one crisis to the next Raising taxes is not only bad news for consumers worried about the cost of living, but also stifles growth and innovation for British business es tr ying to recover from the pandemic and supply chain issues Histor y has shown that freezing alcohol duty does not have a negative impact on Treasur y coffers ”
Rob Star Electric Star Pubs London said: “We have been hit from ever y angle over the last 12 months The cost of the drinks we sell has been steadily increasing since the star t of the year, with some suppliers increasing their prices multiple times there is clearly a limit to how much of this can be passed to the consumer ”
“When we renewed our energ y deals in June / July, we faced increases of over 200%, that figure doubled again in August We are desperately tr ying to keep up with the constantly increasing London Living wage , although due to other cost pressures we are now tracking slightly behind ”
“The effect of these increases on our suppliers leads to ever yone else having to increase their prices from bar supplies to cleaners and security in a vicious inflationar y circle There was some light in a ver y dark tunnel with the freeze on duty, which would have kept yet another price increase at bay The news a few days ago that has been scrapped, is a fur ther kick in the teeth for an already battered and bruised industr y ”
“How many more companies need to throw the towel in, before our government realizes they are pushing all of us over a ver y high cliff with nothing to break our fall ” COSTS “CANNOT CONTINUALLY BE PASSED ON
Zoe Andrews CFO Steel Yard, London said: “The increasing cost of inflation in our industr y is diminishing already tight profit margins This is par ticularly apparent for stock where Brexit has already had a significant impact and now with the scrapping of the alcohol duty freeze prices are set to rise even higher
The issue here is that these costs cannot continually be passed on to the customer as high prices will simply make a night out untenable for the average person who is already suffering under the current cost of living crisis We would urge the reconsideration of the duty freeze and fur ther inter vention to suppor t the night time industr y ”
Bruno Nunes CEO Creative HQ, Wales Said “At the end of 2021, CHG had a 3yr growth plan that would bring about the doubling of our teams and the nearly tripling of our revenue showing a really strong bot tom line conversion in the process and more impor tantly, introducing some really exciting circular economy projects Since July we ’ ve came to realize that we can no longer pursue our growth plans as intended and whilst we appreciate the international challenges, the instability from todays’ Govt is compounding the issue , both with the lack of clarity about the action that they will take but also from the challenges and impact that inflation energ y costs and consumer confidence is having on our balance sheets Right now We need action from Govt, not another GE or time wasted with par ty politics”
Michelle Armstrong Owner of Eden Group, Scotland Said: “The Eden Group comprising 96 staff not including sub contractors 4 units will close without immediate action on soaring energ y costs, V A T, alcohol duty and interest rates
“Independent operators like ourselves have little to no chance in a market already dominated by multinationals monopolizing on these dark days, probably in the knowledge that they will sur vive the storm then reap a long term control of pricing
“With bills rising by up to 400%, the industr y will be decimated with out a pandemic style response as the cost of living crisis is here and assistance is needed to protect business and jobs
“We are already witnessing the scale of closure across Lanarkshire with Hamilton possibly being the worst hit so far You can talk about half of the businesses but that’s also half of the jobs and people’s lives and livelihoods ”
“The situation is of course UK wide but as usual countries like Scotland and areas like Lanarkshire are hit harder and fall quicker Footfall in most pubs and clubs are already down 50% since lockdown, so ever y possible cut back on operating costs have been made ”
Staff recruitment is becoming a costly business for hospitality
From November 2021 to Januar y 2022, job vacancies in the sector rose by 700% with the Office for National Statistics repor ting that there were 173 00 vacancies in the sector across the UK in July 2022
As the winter holiday season draws closer hospitality venues could find themselves on the backfoot as their staff struggle to provide high quality and personal ser vice to customers Yet only 33% of hospitality operators have implemented a clear strateg y in their organisation to recruit and retain staff
In a competitive recruitment landscape , hospitality venues should be coming up with new and creative strategies to promote some of the amazing oppor tunities a career in hospitality can provide
A career in hospitality can offer oppor tunities for people of all ages and at all levels To attract employees, venues need to raise awareness around training schemes which can prepare people for a lifetime of employment
From classes on English and Maths to thorough hospitality courses and qualifications these training pro grams are designed to provide oppor tunities for employees to enhance their own CV whilst discovering their passion within the industr y
For example our ver y own Director of Guest Relations here at Burgh Island Hotel was trained at the ESO Euroschool Hotel Academy, where he gained exposure to different cultures and cuisines that helped shape his journey within the hospitality sector
These experiences provide employees with invaluable experiences and should be promoted in order to show a career in hospitality can open many doors in your career progression, PROVIDING PATHWAYS FOR PROMOTION
For those that are considering a long term career in hospitality, it is vital that employees can envisage themselves progressing within their job Promoting a staff centric conception of succession plan ning allows hospitality businesses to star t identifying and nur turing the next generation of aspiring managers
This planning can include prioritising skill development and mak ing sure that members of staff have the room they need to grow within their role Within this process, new star ts should have peo ple to look up to and who can help them understand the different oppor tunities available to them Having a role model to look up to and confide in can make the world of a difference for those at the beginning of their careers
However, more should also be done to challenge people's per ceptions about a career in hospitality According to a recent sur vey only 3% of new hires currently see a long term career in hospitali ty, and 5% in the sector said that they're unhappy in their jobs compared to 30% in the overall UK economy
Unhappy and uninspired employees are not a recipe success, and hospitality needs to do more to make employees feel valued Creating an environment in which people feel respected, listened to, and suppor ted can help hospitality retain the talent it needs to address the current vacancy crisis
All these policies can help hospitality venues create a happy and skilled workforce , providing guests with a memorable experience Aspiring employees will go above and beyond to make sure that guests ever y need are attended to and will be more likely to become great ambassadors in the future
With winter approaching, it is essential that hospitality venues look to change what it means to work in the hospitality sector Implementing pathways for progression within a suppor tive and nur turing environment will help the UK maintain its position as global leader in the hospitality industr y
ICHRIE provides programs and ser vices to continually improve the quality of global education research ser vice and business operations in the hospitality and tourism industr y They are active in suppor ting ethical and progressive action and improvement of global hospitality and tourism education and research
Glenn Mandziuk CEO Sustainable Hospitality Alliance said: “In order to make our ambition of net positive hospitality a reality, it will require the
y leadership with ICHRIE’s reach among the academia and hospitality student community
collaborate on the development
agreement will see the
The Sustainable Hospitality Alliance
human rights within the industr y They have also run an employability programme for over 15 years which provides skills training and experience to disadvantaged people to enable them to build a successful future in the hospitality industr y
Nadine Houghton, GMB National Officer, said:
“All these workers want is a pay deal that protects them from this crush ing cost of living crisis
“Bestfood’s parent companies Booker and Tesco are making plenty of money, showering shareholders with dividends
So why not use some of that cash to look after the people who keep their empire going?
“Ultimately, Bestfood’s stubborn attitude means some of the UK’s best known restaurants may face shor tages during the busy
Association, is calling on the Government to save pubs and breweries in communities across the countr y from closure
The ask comes as up to 12 pubs a week are closing their doors for good due to rising costs across their businesses, a rise in the number of closures compared to during the pandemic
To help save their local from closure the 146 000 people in communi ties across the countr y are calling on the Chancellor to:
1 Reinstate the freeze on alcohol duty and introduce alcohol duty reforms that suppor t British pubs and beer as a lower strength product
2 Lower business rates for pubs so they are equitable to other similar businesses
3 Reinstatement of the lower rate of VAT for food and beverages sold in pubs with a view to making this permanent Jamie Langrish who runs three pubs in and around Stockpor t said: “For months now costs have been rising on absolutely ever ything across my
business from key ingredients to energ y bills I ve had to take some really tough decisions, I’m considering closing the kitchen in one of my pubs, because it’s simply too costly to run and I’ve halted the much needed refurbishment of another
“I really want to keep my pubs running for the local communities they ser ve and provide a warm and welcoming space and experience , but it’s becoming near impossible to run a viable business The energ y cap for businesses was a welcome shor t term relief but I need assurance for the future that costs are going to go down permanently across the board
otherwise running my pubs simply won’t be doable ”
In October 2021, the now PM Rishi Sunak in his role as Chancellor, stated that the current system of alcohol taxation was “outdated, com plex and full of historical anomalies” and committed to reform and sim plify alcohol duty to help breweries and pubs Now, the Long Live the Local campaign and British Beer and Pub Association is urging the PM and the current Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to follow through with those commitments as soon as possible , as well as reinstate the freeze to alco hol duty announced by Kwasi Kwar teng just weeks ago
Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association said: “Our pubs and brewers are in desperate need of relief The cost of doing business is completely out of control and whilst we welcomed an inter vention on energ y it is just one of a myriad of spi ralling costs our publicans and brewers are facing
“The PM has shown before that he believes in our sector as one that is not only at the hear t of so many communities across the countr y, but also that with the right investment our sector the potential to deliver jobs growth and suppor t local economies in ever y par t of the UK
“We really hope the new PM and his Chancellor will once again step up and show they recognise just how impor tant pubs and breweries are to the lifeblood of this countr y before it is too late ”
Sector bosses have warned new prime minister Rishi Sunak will be judged on “actions not words”
Business leaders have urged Rishi Sunak to put an end to the govern ment’s “flip flopping” and chaos of recent months and get a grip on the pressing issues facing the economy
He is someone who is confident enough to surround himself with high quality competent people who are capable of challenging him and we haven’t seen that for the last two or three prime ministers,” said Simon Emeny, chief executive of pub group Fuller, Smith & Turner, who worked with Sunak over suppor t for the sector during the pandemic
“We look forward to working with the new Prime Minister in his new role , and hope he can address the current instability, uncer tainty and begin a journey to build back consumer confidence for night time economy and hospitality businesses ”
Michael Kill CEO of the Night Time industr y association said: At such a critical time for our sector with many businesses on a cliff edge, I would remind him that 10% of something is better than 20% of nothing ”
“At the next budget announcement I would encourage him to extend business rates relief, reform the entire business rates system
and lower the current rate of VAT
Independent Businesses will not sur vive without it
UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: This is a critical time for hospitality businesses as they battle soaring energ y costs, workforce shor tages and waning consumer confidence , so stable politi cal leadership is absolutely critical
“Now is the time to steady the economy, deliver for the needs of the countr y and suppor t businesses to help drive growth and create jobs
“Hospitality clearly displayed its ability to grow prior to the pandemic and was on the road to a strong recover y before the energ y crisis hit It can return to those levels through pragmatic decision making that eases the acute challenges businesses are facing
“We worked ver y closely with the new Prime Minister in his previ ous role and we look forward to working with him again to address the current strain on businesses and bolster consumer confidence I would encourage him to extend business rates relief, reform the entire business rates system in the longer term and lower the current rate of VAT”
Finding and keeping talent is proving a challenge for many businesses at the moment In today’s job seeker market, it is becoming crucial that businesses offer competitive employee benefits packages to attract talent into their business and retain their skilled workers
Securing new talent is set to get even harder, with the latest statistics showing the UK employment level at a 40 year high People are increasingly looking beyond just the salar y when deciding on a new role; the benefits package can make the dif ference between someone accepting the job or not
Businesses are struggling against a severe shor tage of talent and mounting costs Salar y sacrifice is a simple solution to offer employees an extra benefit without the extra business cost, helping with talent attraction and retention as well as suppor ting sustainability goals by reducing commuters carbon footprint
And it is not just employees that can financially benefit Offering electric vehicles through a salar y sacrifice scheme also offers substantial Class 1A National Insurance (NI) savings Businesses can typically save around £80 to £100 per employee per month for each zero emission vehicle on the scheme Employees also see lower NI contributions a highly attractive option considering the current cost of living crisis that is squeez ing most incomes
With mounting costs for both businesses and employees, salar y sacrifice can be a win win option at a time when companies need to offer competitive benefits to stand out in the recruitment market while potentially battling rising costs themselves Salar y sacrifice doesn t cost anything to offer, so it is a way of keeping up with the talent market without increasing overheads
By encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles among staff, companies can also offset their carbon emis sions, and this is critical as sustainability strategies become increasingly impor tant for all responsible business es
A cost effective benefit that businesses should consider is a salar y sacrifice car scheme , a highly attractive financial benefit that can ease the pressure for many workers The cost of living crisis is putting additional financial strain on many people , making ever yday bills, such as car payments, a potential source of anxiety
Salar y sacrifice gives individuals the oppor tunity to ‘sacrifice’ a por tion of their salar y, pre National Insurance and Income Tax, to put towards a brand new vehicle of their choice , making it a cost effective way of financing a car they may not have otherwise had the budget for
In addition to helping employees finance vehicles, salar y sacrifice is an excellent way to offer electric vehicles or ultra low emission vehicles (ULEVs) to those who may not qualify for a company car
Offering electric vehicles can help businesses move to a low carbon future an issue that increasingly mat ters when attracting and retaining top talent, as 65% of UK office workers would be more likely to work for a company with robust environmental policies
There are significant financial benefits to be gained for both employers and employees following the intro duction of a salar y sacrifice scheme that includes electric vehicles (EVs)
The benefit in kind (BIK) tax obligation for EVs is just 2%, and it will stay at this level until April 2025 It is a powerful incentive for employees to switch to electric cars as opposed to staying with petrol or diesel vehi cles, where the BIK rate could exceed 30%
Organisations are looking to implement clear deliverable plans that enable them to transition to a net zero future Company car fleets and even the ‘ grey fleet’ where employees use their personal car to commute or for business purposes are large contributors to emission levels and as such collective action needs to be taken
Luckily for businesses, they are also one of the easiest things to change in order to reduce overall company emissions Offering EVs via a salar y sacrifice scheme to employees who may not qualify for a company car but who are creating emissions by driving to the workplace can be a quick win for businesses looking to address their carbon footprint and tackle climate change
As well as personal tax benefits employees selecting an EV will also find their running costs are significantly less, par ticularly if they can charge up at home overnight or at work if the business has installed EV charging points With the cost of filling a family car with fuel now exceeding £100 it is clear to see the transpor t run ning cost advantages that an EV delivers
For companies wishing to investigate how they can add salar y sacrifice schemes to their list of employee benefits, VWFS Fleet under takes Salar y Sacrifice roadshows
They highlight the many tangible benefits to staff and organisations and showcase innovative online tools such as ‘EV 4 Me?’ that help advise employees on whether an electric vehicle fits their journey needs
Salar y sacrifice can revolutionise your benefits package and attract desperately needed talent through a finan cial incentive outside of salar y when recruiting while also improving the company ’ s carbon footprint and reducing costs
major moment in hospitality histor y, par ticularly as vacancies have reached the 400,000 mark To have so many leading names suppor t this initiative shows the impor tance of it to our industr y
Launching this week through Hospitality Rising, the campaign is the industr y ’ s response to help tackle the sector’s crippling jobs crisis which stands at around 400,000 vacancies
The bold new recruitment campaign, ‘Rise Fast, Work Young’, is backed by over 300 businesses including global brands and some of the world’s most successful hospitality leaders
#RiseFastWorkYoung aims to attract the next generation of new recruits by showcasing the oppor tunities and promise that come with a career in hospitality A dedicated site has just gone live at www hospitalityrising com highlighting the current vacancies across the entire industr y
A series of vibrant campaign images will feature in phase one of a six figure adver tising campaign involving TikTok creators, digital ads and high profile outdoor spots across the UK Animated figures will take centre stage representing the diversity of the industr y and workstyles on offer, alongside slogans such as ‘Don’t grow old for a living’ and ‘9 5ers wouldn’t get it ’
Backed by Michelin starred chefs Tom Kerridge , Angela Har tnett OBE and Raymond Blanc OBE, the recruitment drive will highlight how quickly workers can climb the hospitality ladder with the powerful mes sage ‘ you can’t go fur ther faster ’
Tom Kerridge said: “My whole life has been immersed in hospitality, from cooking for my little brother as a kid, to star ting The Hand & Flowers and growing my business into what it is today We have to make sure the next generation of chefs, front of house , bar tenders, kitchen por ters and managers are all coming through and that the industr y is seen as a lifelong career that can give you amazing experiences ”
Mark McCulloch, founder of Hospitality Rising and campaign director, said: “This movement represents a
“Hospitality is a sector that’s exciting, rewarding and offers fast growth, because it gives you the life skills to build your own future self and enjoy success all while having fun
“In the last few months, we have been working behind the scenes with plans to promote working in hospitality as the ultimate choice for the ambitious and as an act of rebellion against the 9 5
“We are all united in our approach to make hospitality a pre ferred job and career choice for all I have no doubt that this will be something we can look back on with pride ”
By asking backers to pledge £10 per employee it aims to reach a £5m target allowing for a “government sized” collaborative cam paign that will change the perception of the industr y and bolster its workforce for good The campaign s effor ts have so far raised £850,000
Figures from KAM, which is suppor ting the Hospitality Rising effor t, show that only 1 in 5 people would consider a hospitality
and 42 percent of current employees are thinking about leaving the sector UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls OBE said: Hospitality offers so many oppor tunities to build successful
rapidly from bar to board This really does make hospi tality
With awareness of the devastating impact of plastic pollution increasing C AMRA has launched a campaign to see Licensing Authorities stop man dating the use of plastic or polycarbonate as a
condition for
social clubs and other on trade venues
C AMRA has previous ly suppor ted calls made by NGO A Plastic Planet for plastic pints
that beer is ser ved using shatterproof containers As it stands, almost 70% of plastic pint cups will end up in landfill or as litter Plastic cups are the 6th most littered item in UK rivers and 8th most commonly found item on our beaches and so, with innovative alternatives being developed all the time , C AMRA is asking why pubs and social clubs the undisputed homes of the proper pint are still being shackled to single use plastic
C AMRA Campaigns Director, Nick Boley said: “C AMRA’s members voted to add environmental campaigning to the areas we lobby on at our 2021 Conference and we want to suppor t the innovators who are creating solutions for a plastic free pint but can’t currently market their products to the on trade
“Longer term, C AMRA will be calling for plastic pints to be included in the bans on single use plastic being rolled out by governments across the UK, to ensure that our nation isn’t clogged with littered plastic pints and that we can always enjoy real ale , cider and perr y without the taste of plastic
“It is ridiculous for one area of government to be mandating the use of plastic while other areas of govern ment look at banning it, and we want to see a more joined up approach to this issue ”
Sian Sutherland, co founder of A Plastic Planet says: “It is an outdated and irrational position of Licensing Authorities to mandate the use of damaging single use plastic when the sustainable alternatives are readily available
“The British public is eager to see change Venues are being shackled by the narrow specifications handed down from above The pubs and bars of the UK should be able to drive forward their shared agenda of mak ing sustainable alternatives to plastic the norm ”
C AMRA is set to unveil its “Drink Greener” campaign in the latest edition of its Good Beer Guide which is set to be published on 27 October 2022
Former chef and disability campaigner David Croft has been shor tlisted in the inaugural New Statesman Awards
David was a chef at the Hotel Bristol, Headland Hotel and Bedruthan Hotel & Spa in Cornwall along with being a chef at the Savoy and Churchill hotels in London until having his career cur tailed at the age of 21 when he was paral ysed from the shoulders down in a diving accident
Since his accident David has championed the cause of many disabled people and helped to change attitudes in the hospitality industr y It was for his earlier and current work that David’s Haven for Others was shor tlisted in the New
Statesman Positive Impact on the High Street Award
David said: “I had no real idea about the New Statesman so it was really pleas ing to have been shor tlisted for an award, which I hope may help my project fur ther as well as bring about greater social change for disable people in the future
The Awards will take place in December with various other awards on the night including those for political and social change with the chair of judges being Andrew Marr
Online takeaway giant Foodhub
Downing Street
out this
giant inflatable
call on the incoming prime minister to ‘ sor
Foodhub CEO Ardian Mula says the
leader coming into office just seven weeks ago
And Mula
This comes in addition to the already rising cost of energ y, and the ongoing cost of living crisis
In August, an industr y sur vey* found menu prices had risen 9% in the last year
restaurants were forced to pass on rising costs to cus tomers
At the time , industr y leaders predicted that menu prices would fur ther increase by an additional 6% over the next 12 months
However, given the economy ’ s recent deterioration, and continued political uncer tainty, this figure will likely be higher
Ardian Mula, Foodhub CEO, said: “Restaurants and takeaways are cur rently under an extreme amount of pressure Costs in ever y depar t ment are rising
“Not only are owners worried about how they are going to light their restaurants and power their kitchens, but they are now worried about the price of food
“Kitchen staples, such as meat, cheese , and bread have been hit the hardest These are key ingredients in one of the nation’s favourite takeaway meals the burger
“Some costs are already being passed onto customers, however, that can only go so far Ever yone is strug gling due to the cost of living crisis, and consumers can’t foot the whole bill of these increases
“Britain has a great takeaway and restaurant tradition This is now under threat
“Something must change , and more help must be offered by the government ”
Organisers of Leisure Food & Beverage Expo on November 2 and 3 have revealed details of this year ’ s speaker schedule which covers a huge range of topics of interest to owners and managers of leisure businesses
Held at NEC Birmingham, Leisure Food & Beverage Expo is an unmissable oppor tunity to explore business development oppor tunities with more than 250 exhibitors and 150 exper t speakers The event runs alongside three other shows organised by Agriconnect Farm Business Innovation, Holiday Park & Resor t Innovation and Family Attraction Expo The acclaimed speaker programme is available to visitors to all four events
This year ’ s programme includes Matt Drew, National Trust’s Head of Food and Beverage , who will discuss how his team built a food strateg y around experience , purpose and provenance He will explore the building blocks of the Trust’s food and beverage operations over the past decade and its vision for the future to become a business that speaks to its audiences about nature beauty and histor y “I’ll be sharing statistics to myth bust what you thought you knew about the Trust’s cafes and tea rooms I will discuss the evolution of our food and drink operation in par ticular how we ’ ve managed to integrate a commer
cial business into such a large , multi faceted organisation with a clear purpose and responsibility “Our business is unique , which brings with it oppor tunities and challenges The greatest difference compared to purely commercial organisations is that income from our food outlets stays in that location I’ll centre my session around the long term F&B vision and how that plays into the strategic priorities for the Trust ”
Representatives from food and beverage businesses, including Fen Farm Dair y, The Ice Cream Farm, Astley Vineyard and Denstone Hall Farm Shop will also share their success stories and tricks of the trade
Beth Heath of Shropshire Festivals will talk through her secrets to running successful events Her four festivals including Shropshire Food Festival and Shropshire Oktoberfest attract around 90,000 visitors each year
“We are delighted that we have secured such an impressive line up of speakers for this year ’ s show ” says Nichola Bell, Head of Events for Agriconnect “Whatever your business interest and whatever stage or size your enterprise currently is, there is something to help and inspire you at Leisure Food & Beverage Expo ” Register for your FREE tickets now at https://www.leisurefb.co.uk or see the adver t on the facing page
Occupancy rates, daily rates and gross operating profits of UK hotels benefitted from an unexpected and unseasonal spike in demand in September The increase was in par t due to large numbers of people descending on cities like London and Edinburgh to pay their respects following Her Majesty the Queen’s death and up to her State Funeral, according to the RSM Hotels Tracker
The data compiled and produced by Hotstats and analysed by RSM UK shows that occupancy rates of UK hotels increased to 75 4% in September compared to 72 8% in August Occupancy rates in London were up to 73 8% in September, from 69 4% in August
Greater demand in September meant UK hoteliers were able to charge premium rates which helped to boost operating profits Average daily rates (ADR) of occupied rooms increased from £143 09 in August to £155 77 in September London benefitted from an even bigger increase from £217 66 in August to £247 21 in September exceeding the rates in June , a typically busy month in the summer trading period
Queen a monumental and historic event for the countr y With high street retail and hospitality venues largely closed, hotels continued trading and were essential to housing increased visitor numbers
‘Many hotels experienced high levels of bookings, meaning what has typically been a slower month in previous years was far from the case London in par ticular experienced an uptick in bookings It’s clear that London attracted huge numbers of people from across the UK and overseas to see the amazing pageantr y of the State Funeral in honour of the Queen, and people are also willing to pay a high price to be a par t of such a major occasion
Whilst it s impossible to ignore the headwinds that the hotel indus tr y continues to face , the appointment of a new prime minister should hopefully bring some optimism and stability in the sector September’s bounce back is unlikely to be enough to stave off the increasing costs, so hoteliers will have their fingers crossed for an announcement of targeted suppor t in the upcoming Budget ’
Revenue per available room of UK hotels also increased by £13
rising £31 to £182 44 in the London market
The increase in demand has boosted the bottom line
operating profits of UK hotels were 41 1% in September up significantly from 35 5% in August London
significant increase to 47 1% up from 38 9% in August
an even
Chris Tate head of hotels and accommodation at RSM UK said::‘The hotel sector bucked the trend with an unusual
Thomas Pugh, economist at RSM UK, added: ‘While the hotel industr y bucked the trend in September, the economy is now almost cer tainly already in a recession as surging inflation and interest rates squeeze con sumers ’ disposable incomes We are expecting a record drop in households’ real incomes over the next year which will inevitably lead to a sharp fall in consumer spending Unfor tunately spending on non essential items such as restaurants, retail and travel will bear much of the brunt of the tightening of household budgets over the next year
‘Although we expect the next year to be tough, with the recession lasting until Q3 2023 and GDP falling by around 1 5% in 2023, this is far from a repeat of the Global Financial Crisis when GDP fell by around 6% We expect the economy to return to growth in 2024 ’
The hospitality sector is reminded that at 11am on Monday 14th November, members of the hospitality industr y will converge on Parliament Square , to urge the government to revise its existing policies relating to hospitality venues
The protest has been delayed from its former date due to an announcement by the RMT, meaning no tubes or trains would be running on the planned protest date of 07/11 Postponing by a week ensures protestors from all over the UK and London can attend
At the third HospoDemo protest in two years protestors from all corners of the sector including restaurants, bars, pubs, clubs, hotels and cafés, will come together to stand up for their industr y Dressed in their work uniform, they will come equipped with pots, pans, ladles, cocktail shakers, wooden spoons, last orders bells and other hospitality related tools with which to make themselves heard At 11am, all protestors will turn to face the Houses of Parliament and make as much noise as possible to ensure the sound resonates within the building, before marching on to HM Treasur y to do the same
HospoDemo is expecting a large turnout due to the perilous position so many hospitality businesses now find themselves in Operators are still reeling from the loss of business during three Covid lockdowns and the enormous rent debt accrued during that time Since then the sector has had to contend with ongoing
labour shor tages, followed by the onslaught of the cost of living crisis, and spiralling costs of supplies from fresh produce to cooking oil, staff costs to crocker y and glassware , and of course , surging energ y prices With operators lurching from one crisis to another, profitable trading is becoming impossible for many Prominent attendees from previous HospoDemo protests included chefs Yotam Ottolenghi, Jason Ather ton, Tom Aikens, Fergus Henderson and Margot Henderson along with well known figures in the drinks industr y including Monica Berg Alex Kratena Alessandro Palazzi, and Jan Konetzki Well known figures from across the industr y are expected at the protest on November 14th Hospitality professionals from around the UK are encour aged to attend, or if they cannot, to upload videos to social media of themselves making a noise with the tools of their trade at work
The HospoDemo
ted by chef Tom Kerridge
Profit warnings issued by FTSE Travel and Leisure companies more than doubled in the first three quar ters of 2022 compared to the same period last year, according to EY Par thenon’s latest Profit Warnings repor t
In total, 22 profit warnings were issued by FTSE Travel and Leisure companies in the first three quar ters of 2022 compared to nine in the same period of 2021 and 11 in the whole of 2021 The sector issued nine warn ings in Q3 2022 alone , the highest quar terly total since Q2 2020, with rising costs featuring in six of the sec tor’s warnings
Meg Wilson Turnaround and Restructuring Par tner at EY Par thenon said: “The travel and leisure sector had been the beneficiar y of pent up consumer spending post pandemic However, the disruption at UK airpor ts over the summer dampened the recover y for many travel operators, while rising costs, pressure on disposable incomes and falling consumer confidence look set to intensify the sector’s challenges as it approaches a vital sales period
“Post Christmas is traditionally when tour operators star t to see deposits for summer travel coming in, however, consumers have been increasingly taking a wait and see approach, so only time will tell how bookings will land over the next quar ter or so With developments in ATOL regulation expected to be outlined in the coming months as well, there is an interesting period ahead ”
Challenging winter for hospitality sector
Despite a post pandemic bounce in demand, the hospitality industr y has been facing significant challenges, even before the cost of living crisis Many businesses have struggled to recruit and retain staff to meet demand, while high inflation has required businesses to make difficult decisions about whether to pass these on price rises to customers
Christian Mole , EY UK & Ireland Head of Hospitality & Leisure , said: Many hospitality businesses will be fac ing a make or break Christmas and whilst pubs have historically been counter recessionar y and protected
from economic downturns, rising energ y, food and labour costs have all had significant effects on profitability
“The 2022 World Cup and festive gatherings are likely offer some respite before a potentially difficult Januar y and Februar y Hospitality businesses need to use the festive period of high demand to build opera tional and financial resilience to face more challenging times ahead
This may include measures such as simplifying food menus, reducing off peak opening hours and flexible labour scheduling However the reality is that many businesses have already been doing this since and there is ver y little fat left to trim Finally, and perhaps most intangibly, businesses need a reason to exist, whether that’s strong customer loyalty, a unique location or food offering such that, even if consumer budgets are tight, peo ple will still want to dine or drink with you ” Consumer facing sectors most affected
Across all FTSE sectors 86 profit warnings were issued between July and September 2022 compared to 51 in the same period of 2021, an increase of 69% and a 34% increase from Q2 2022 when 64 warnings were issued The repor t reveals that 57% of warnings during Q3 cited rising costs, while 23% were prompted by labour market issues
Consumer facing companies issued 44 warnings in total the highest quar terly total since the star t of the COVID 19 pandemic Cost issues featured in 70% of all consumer facing sector warnings with many compa nies saying that they are struggling to pass on price increases to customers, while falling consumer confidence and changing buying behaviour featured in 50% of warnings
The three warning ‘danger zone ’ now contains 28 listed companies who have issued their third consecutive profit warning in the last year, compared to 18 at the end of Q2 2022 On average , one in five companies delist within a year of their third warning, most due to insolvency
The Eden Hotel Collection has promoted Dean Gunston from Senior General Manager of The Greenway Hotel
in Cheltenham and Brockencote Hall
take the reins at Bovey Castle , in Dar tmoor National Park Dean
worked with The Eden Hotel Collection
more than 13
General Manager at The Kings Hotel
moving to Brockencote Hall Hotel
latterly The Greenway
Mark Chambers Group Managing Director of The Eden Hotel Collection, said: ‘This appointment marks an exciting period for the hotel, Dean
a tremendous amount of
LED lighting also boasts the benefit of minimal heat generation, ulti mately lowering air conditioning load and thanks to the long lifespan of LED lighting cutting maintenance costs too The majority of LED lighting users note an improvement in the clarity and crispness of their lighting, which can help make for a more productive and happier workspace
industrial companies
implement in their companies to save
Smar t devices are not just for domestic environments
company can hugely benefit from investing in smar t technolog y especially a program mable thermostat The thermostat doesn't even need to be a smar t device , simply installing a thermostat that can be programmed during business hours can help reduce heating and cooling costs by up 30% according to the Carbon Trust
Manufacturing companies may use large amounts of water leading to an increase in energ y usage Whilst also considering switching business water suppliers investing in a more eco friendly energ y efficient hot water heater can be a great idea
This is also a great idea in corporate office environments as water heaters can usually be installed directly where the old water heater tank was kept This conser ves energ y as you won t continue to heat copious amounts of water throughout the day
You may also wish to consider the option of a solar hot water system This water heating system pushes water through solar heated tubes Both of these options benefit from piping insulation an inexpensive , but highly effective means of encouraging heat retention
Lighting costs are usually the biggest contributors to the energ y bill
Simply installing motion sensors for lighting can help your business become much more energ y efficient and help reduce those energ y bills
A great place to star t is areas around your business premises that are not occupied throughout the day This can help with saving energ y by stopping employees from leaving lights on when areas are not in use
Maximising the amount of daylight that enters an office space should be something that all building owners should prior tise By making use of the likes of skylight windows par ticularly on the nor th or south side of your building Operable windows or skylights are an effective solution as they allow hot air to escape when it’s warmer, which in turn reduces the cooling load
LED lighting is a hugely popular choice right now largely because of its proven energ y consumption minimising effects So, if your lighting setup is in need of an upgrade , LED is the way to go Switching to LED lighting has the potential to reduce your electrical costs by up to 60% according to the Carbon Trust
It’s also wor th switching old fashioned bulbs for compact fluorescent bulbs with a low energ y consumption Typically speaking, lighting an office costs approximately £3 per square metre each year, compared with £1 per square metre each year in an energ y efficient office space
HVAC (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning) is one of the quickest and easiest means of elevating energ y efficiency The proper maintenance of HVAC systems will make for a building that uses 15 20% less energ y than those without a maintenance plan It s impor tant to ensure that your maintenance plan is inclusive of refrigerant level checks
The term 'phantom electric loads’ refers to the electricity consumed by electronic devices when they aren’t actually in use Devices such as clocks on the oven or microwave and lights that are set up on a timer are just a couple of examples and while these may seem fairly insignifi cant, did you know that they can contribute to up to 10% of your ener g y bill?
The most effective way to minimise phantom electric loads is to unplug equipment where possible , or failing that, set up standby times Another energ y saving technique is to incorporate smar t power strips to help ensure power is being consumed
On top of reducing energ y consumption you should also switch your commercial energ y supplier This could save your business hundreds of pounds per year These energ y saving measures can help free up cash to be invested in other areas of your business
In a centuries old ceremony, Stephen Gow, general manager of Aberdeen s The Chester Hotel and Master Innholder,
been granted the Freedom of The City of London at the Guildhall in the city
Friday 21 October 2022, in recognition of his contribution to the
others who have had the honour of the Freedom of the City
Lord Nelson, Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela, Florence Nightingale
Theodore Roosevelt
A Fellow of the Institute of Hospitality, Stephen has spent his entire career in the hospitality sector, beginning at the age of 18 as a management trainee at the Nor th British Station Hotel in Edinburgh; now called The Balmoral
Throughout his career he has actively sought to work with others in the indus tr y to combine and share collective learnings for the good of the sector He remains keen to suppor t and nur ture talent in the workplace and to encourage a new generation into a career in hospitality He was instrumental in the creation of Hospitality Apprenticeship Nor th East and chairs this industr y led initiative
He was a founding director of destination management organisation VisitAberdeen and is also current vice chair and past chair of Aberdeen City and Shire Hotel’s Association He held the same post in the Inverness Hotel’s Association He is chairman of Aberdeen City and Shire Tourism Awards which take place on 11 November this year
Stephen says, “Receiving the Freedom of the City of London is a ver y special honour, and I am grateful to the Master Innholders and the institute of Hospitality in gaining this It is a privilege to join the many out standing men and women who hold this prestigious title ”
The tradition of the award goes back centuries, with the first presentation believed to have taken place in
1237 The Freedom is completed on vellum by calligraphers and comes with a replica of the red leather pouch in which it was kept protecting it, as the recipi ent had to have it with them at all times to claim privileges The original privi leges included the right to earn money and own land, the right to trade in the Square Mile in the City of London and, famously, to enable the freeman to take their sheep over London Bridge with no toll
Freemen also had the right to be hung with a silk rope if they committed mur der or treason and could wander the streets of the city with their sword drawn Freemen were also exempt from being press ganged and if drunk and
could request that the police gave him
of individuals in
From the early 18th centu
“The Rules For The
operators have maintained high average daily rates in order to balance some of the increasing cost pressures as well as par tly protecting their profit con versions
different stakeholders due to the cost of living crisis, weak ened GDP, and increasing inflation rates
The repor t provides insight into the positive and negative factors that are impacting the hotel market Following the pandemic , hotels that were consid ered popular ‘staycation’ destinations have seen increased performance , par ticularly in more rural areas such as Belfast Cardiff and Newcastle Hybrid hotels have also continued to perform well since the pandemic , as guests seek more flexibility in these spaces
The impact of the Ukrainian war on the rising cost of gas and electricity bills has already affected hoteliers financial decisions in 2022, with many maintaining high ADRs to balance increasing cost pressures Rising interest rates are predicted to directly impact financing options for hoteliers next year
Regional UK markets such as Edinburgh, Birmingham and Liverpool saw the highest increase in revpar in the first half of 2022, surpassing 2019 levels by 6 9%, 8 5% and 7 5% respectively In comparison, London has been slower to recover as the capital relies on international source markets and business travellers Since Januar y,
The success of this strateg y has been made possible by a change in con sumer behaviour in the face of rising costs, with holiday spending being pri oritised, the repor t said
Transactional volumes have remained strong and a total of £1 9bn was spent on UK hotel transactions in the first half of 2022, an increase of 32% compared with the first half of 2021 Interestingly, domestic buyers are far more active in the market compared with last year
In 2021, cross border investors represented 52% of the buyers yet this number dropped to 23% in the first half of 2022, likely due to international travel restrictions imposed over the past few years due to the pandemic although this is unlikely to be a long lasting trend the repor t said
Carine Bonnejean Managing Director Hotels at Christie & Co adds “This publication clearly shows the opposite forces currently shaping the UK hotel market as hotel performance is positive and improving yet sig nificant economic and operational challenges pose a serious threat to the sector’s recover y The next few months will be another litmus test for the various stakeholders We are star ting to see the first signs of dis tress but to date there is still a functioning yet cautious transactional market ”
To mark this year ’ s Purple Tuesday (Tuesday, November 01) the movement striving to improve customer experience for disabled people and their families year round hospitality sector sponsor Whitbread today reveals it is committing to the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower
The pledge is par t of Whitbread’s diversity and inclusion pro gramme under its Force for Good corporate social responsibility scheme which commits to creating oppor tunities for teams and guests giving back to local communities and operating responsibly
The UK’s biggest hospitality company Whitbread which welcomes millions of guests into its Premier Inn hotels and restaurant brands including Beefeater and Brewers Fayre ever y month, is signing up to the Sunflower, which enables people with invisible disabilities to dis creetly indicate they may need additional suppor t, help or a little more time with their transaction such as checking in or ordering a drink or meal
Recognising that without a visual cue , it can be difficult for people including those working in hospitality to identify, acknowledge , or understand the daily barriers faced by people living with an invisible disability, the Sunflower cleverly allows guests to choose to wear a lanyard featuring the Sunflower logo to indicate they may need extra assistance
Non visible disabilities can be physical, mental or neurological and include , but are not limited to, autism, cognitive impairments such as learning difficulties and dementia, as well as mental health conditions, speech or visual impairments or hearing loss They also include respirator y and chronic conditions such as asthma diabetes, chronic pain and even sleep disorders
In addition to delivering the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower training across its 30 000 team members to understand and recognise the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower, Whitbread will also be displaying information in its hotels and restaurants across the UK, showing it is a Sunflower friendly business
Simon Ewins, Managing Director for Premier Inn and Restaurants and the Executive Sponsor for Disability Inclusion:
We are delighted to be the hospitality sector sponsor for Purple Tuesday and launch the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower in our hotels and restaurants across the UK
We’re proud to welcome millions of disabled customers, as well as people with long term health condi tions, to our hotels and restaurants across the UK ever y year True inclusion never stands still it s a com mitment that continually evolves and we are always looking for ways to improve our guest experience , which is why we ’ re so proud to be par t of the global network As an inclusive employer we also know it’s an initiative that will inspire our team members, some of course who themselves have disabilities, and we are
therefore really looking forward to getting our restaurants teams as well as our ver y own ‘purple people’ behind Purple Tuesday both on the day itself and year round ’
Mike Adams OBE, CEO, Purple and creator of Purple Tuesday said: “We are proud to have welcomed Whitbread as the Purple Tuesday UK Hospitality Par tner, working together to influence posi tive changes for disabled customers and their families across the industr y Disabled people deser ve to have seamless and quality cus tomer experiences like ever yone else and through commitments to improve accessibility and practices from organisations like Whitbread we will star t to see this become the norm We look forward to building a long term relationship with Whitbread and their staff to enhance the experiences of all disabled customers that access their hotels and restaurants ”
Paul White , CEO, Hidden Disabilities Sunflower said: “We are delighted that Whitbread have joined the global Hidden Disabilities Sunflower network and have trained 30,000 employees to suppor t Sunflower wearers in their many hotels and restaurants Our goal is simply to improve the ever yday experiences for people with non visible disabilities, ensuring that they have an end to
the Sunflower be it for work or leisure Visitors and guests can feel confident
understanding and patience when dining or enjoying a night at any one of the 800+
ting all its colleagues including those from under represented groups
and those who
PubAid has extended the deadline for its Community Pub Hero Awards to 21st November, giving another four weeks for pubs to enter, and for MPs to nominate pubs in their constituencies
The annual competition is sponsored by Matthew Clark and suppor ted by the All Par ty Parliamentar y Beer Group Entr y is free , via a shor t form on the on the PubAid website MP members of the Beer Group are nominating pubs in their constituency for an Award and several have asked their constituents to suggest wor thy pubs to put forward PubAid has refreshed the competition, now in its four th year, to recognise more pubs Pubs may enter either a Community Suppor t or Charity Fundraising cate gor y and for the first time , they can also nominate one of their regulars for a Community Regular Hero Award
After the closing date , judges will review entries received and publish shor tlists for each categor y All finalists will be invited, with their MP, to attend a reception in London in early 2023, where the overall winners will be announced Co founder of PubAid, Des O’Flanagan said: “We’re pleased with response to our Awards so far, but it’s been an eventful month and licensees are busy Extending the deadline will encourage more wor thy pubs to come forward and gain the recognition they and their teams deser ve
“We would encourage licensees to look at the new Community Regular Hero award as well; we know that pub fundraising and community suppor t are often driven by an enthusiastic individual or group of stalwar ts and this is a chance to recognise that ”
John Steele , Trade Marketing Director, Matthew Clark added: “We’re delighted to continue our suppor t for
the Community Pub Hero Awards Last year we received many deser ving entries from pubs who worked selflessly to help local residents through the Covid lock down, despite facing uncer tainty themselves Pubs truly are heroes in their communi ties and we look forward to rewarding more of them this year ”
Mike Wood, MP for Dudley South and Chairman of the All Par ty Parliamentar y Beer Group said: “These awards are a great oppor tunity for MPs to celebrate how landlords in their constituencies provide vital suppor t either through fundraising for charities or other help for those in need locally Last year, MPs nominated 60 pubs and we re hoping to finish with a similar number this time
Community Suppor t Hero: recognising licensees who help their communities Many pubs offered vital suppor t during lockdown: delivering supplies or cooking hot meals for vulnerable residents, or keeping people connected through online quizzes or chats If your pub has continued to be a ‘good neighbour’ to your local community, then this award is for you!
Charity Fundraising Hero: recognising pubs who suppor t charities and other good causes through fundrais ing This can be through a collection tin on the bar, charity events ranging from quizzes or auctions through to fun days or sponsored challenges by the licensee team members or pub customers
Community Regular Hero: recognising an individual or group of customers who help the pub’s fundraising effor ts or its work to suppor t the community They often take on thankless tasks for little reward so if you have a loyal regular who has helped your pub to help others locally, then nominate them for this award
Jangro the UK and Ireland’s largest network of independent janitorial distributors is delighted to launch a brand new catalogue , dedicated to the commercial caterer and hospitality sector Available now in a compact A5 size it is packed with many new sus tainable choices These include disposable food packaging, cutler y and drinkware that are made from recycled materials and are also compostable biodegradable or recycla ble
From mixolog y, dispensing and ser ving essentials for bar tenders, a large range of glass ware (entr y level to fine dining), through to front of house essentials, including crock er y, cutler y, oven to tableware , and presentation displays, the new catalogue has it all It caters for ever ything required within commercial kitchens, including equipment and furniture such as ovens, cookers, toasters, dishwashers, juicers and blenders, as well as cook and bakeware , storage and kitchen utensils For staff, there is an array of uniform and PPE on offer, including chef ’ s clothing, headwear, hand protection, and footwear Also included are kitchen hygiene supplies, which are essential to avoid cross contami nation and the risk of foodborne illness The catalogue covers all chemicals, paper prod ucts, and cleaning products, including the new ntrl range , Jangro’s innovative line of
adds: “Stocking locally produced beers has a huge range of ben efits
The Campaigning organisation is throwing its weight behind initia tives to improve sustainability throughout the sector such as calling
exemptions in Business Rates to allow businesses to
storage , suppor ting a ban
natural and more sustainable cleaning products All ntrl products use raw materials that are derived from plant based extracts; their natural formulas are 100% biodegradable , contain zero petrochemicals, and can reduce the product’s carbon footprint by up to 85%
Jangro is also proud to offer products for hotels, from brands including Elsyl, and Taylor of London as well as ranges that are 90% natural Other features include an array of dif ferent signage , fire safety equipment, first aid, waste management, plus washroom essen tials including baby change facilities
Jo Gilliard, CEO of Jangro comments “We are thrilled to unveil our new Catering and Hospitality Catalogue It may be a more compact size than previous editions,
Britain’s cafe owners are the latest to express the pressure their indus tr y is feeling due to the cost of living crisis In fact, Elliot House , co owner of Southampton Retro Café say that their business would need to charge £7 for a coffee if they were to pass the rising energ y costs onto customers
the alarm:
Costs are soaring in all areas energ y, ingredients, packaging, ever y thing, and we ’ re quite ner vous as these increased costs are obviously eating into our profits
We’ve seen our energ y bills rise from anywhere between 127% in one location to 400% in another ”
“Energ y prices have over doubled It is now substantially higher than the rent we pay for the premises
If a Latte followed the cost of ever ything else increasing, you’d charge £7 Of course , you’d go out of business because a 100% price hike can not work in any situation
It’s like the rug has been pulled from beneath our feet We know we ’ re not alone I wish I could maintain any optimism for the business We’ll all just end up working for Starbucks and Amazon won’t we?”
Their situation is far from uncommon as Britain’s thriving cafe culture faces unparalleled challenges
Cafes and small restaurants find themselves keenly affected by energ y hikes as they consume a relatively high amount of power via heating cooking, refrigeration, lighting, and air conditioning
Popular location The Magic Bean closed in Solihull this week, just eight een months after opening The cafe owner Katie Washbourne said their energ y bills were now ‘ridiculous’ after rising from £280 to a massive £1200 per month
“With the price hikes, it got to the point where we couldn’t keep pass ing on the price to the consumer Our electricity bills were ridiculous, we were told we weren’t entitled to government help for them, because we were in a contract ”
Steve Magnall, director, and co owner of Two Magpies Baker y sounds
Data from accountancy group Hacker Young showed that 1 406 restau rants in the UK closed their doors in the 12 months to May up 64% on the previous year, an even larger rise than the wider hospitality industr y
“The cafe sector as a fundamental par t of Britain’s high streets finds itself facing an existential crisis” comments Alan Bradstock, chief Insolvency Practitioner for Company Debt
“Staff shor tages caused by Brexit followed by COVID 19 caused mas sive rates of business failure in a sector already weakened by the strug gles of city centres, a slowdown in tourism, and a cultural shift to working at home Where multiple pain points coincide for any sector, we ’ re going to see a notable spike in insolvency
the UK’s Cafe scene , energ y hikes are going to hit hard, as is the
Bristol hoteliers helped give students and jobseekers the chance to ‘have a go at hospitality’ at a special event aimed at encouraging more young people to pursue a career in the sector
The three hour event took place at DoubleTree by Hilton Bristol City Centre and was organised by Seetec Pluss and Bristol City College Other suppor ters included VisitWest Nor th Somerset Council and Weston College
It is the first time this event has happened but members of the Bristol Hoteliers Association (BHA) welcomed the initiative and said they hope it will be repeated
BHA Chair Raphael Herzog said: “The aim of the event was simply for people who already work within the hospitality indus tr y to share their experiences with attendees, to enable ever y one who went to get a good flavour of what it is like to work in our sector ”
A combination of the impact of Brexit and pandemic enforced lockdowns have contributed to a severe staff shor tage in the sector, which has hampered hospitality busi nesses in their attempts to recover from the various crises of the past few years
They are also facing challenges of soaring energ y bills, supplier costs and the need to at least meet mini mum wage requirements
Mr Herzog said: “The past few years have been incredibly difficult and the hospitality sector was hit par tic ularly hard by both Brexit and the impact of the pandemic
“We are often the first sector to be closed during the various lockdowns, and among the last to be allowed to re open
“The impact of Brexit limited the available workforce and staff who left during lockdowns found employment in other sectors and did not return
“As we have all tried to get our businesses back up and run ning, it has been incredibly difficult because of a lack of staff
“That’s why we were so pleased when this event was organ ised to help show people what an exciting and vibrant industr y we have and help highlight the many oppor tunities that it can lead to
“Traditionally students have taken jobs in hospitality as a ‘stop gap ’ but events like this show that there our sector can provide long, varied and enjoyable careers
“There are many benefits of working in hospitality, which can include excellent training, free meals, great ser vice charges in restaurants and bars, complementar y weekend stays and dis counted rates at hotels
“Leaving a positive review on the other hand can help motivate companies and boost their profits But as the results show, people often leave bad reviews if they want to complain but are less likely to shout about good ser vice However from a consumer perspective this means you can’t always tell if a review be it positive or negative is really genuine ”
Hygiene and
The study also found one in 20 adults who leave bad reviews admit ted they do so in the hope of picking up a freebie or money off a future purchase And 66 per cent also feel businesses have to take on board customer ser vice reviews in order to improve their ser vice and learn from their mistakes
Showing how impor tant a good first impression is, 40 percent of those polled, via OnePoll, would never revisit a venue they’d previous ly left a bad review for
businesses, more than half (53 per cent) of those sur veyed are more likely to trust
star ratings assigned to hotels
Of those , 33 per cent don’t believe businesses deser ve a second chance after messing up once , and 32 per cent would never return if a company ’ s hygiene wasn’t up to scratch on the first trip
Berar Onur, Cluster Sales
UK & Ireland at P&G Professional, which commissioned the research, said: “With the current economic landscape creating challenges for hospitality businesses, online reviews are now more impor tant than ever and a bad review can be catastrophic for companies, par ticularly smaller ones who really rely on word of mouth to grow
Berat Onur added: “Many businesses only get one chance , according to our results Par ticularly when it comes to pubs, restaurants or other venues like that, cleanliness is a huge driver in getting a good review rather than a bad one So for any new businesses in this area keeping things clean
offer an early easy win
The Newdigate Arms in Bedwor th, Warwickshire , has been transformed following a joint £360,000 investment with pub owner Greene King Pub Par tners
As par t of the transformation, the pub which is operated by tenants Tom and Sammy Durnion has also had a new private function room added to it
The new look pub
Leading specialist in food and workplace safety, Shield Safety, has ramped up its cam paign to help the hospitality sector prepare for its busiest period for over a decade as the festive period and FIFA World Cup 2022 coin cide
Through its #XLMAS campaign, Shield Safety is offering access to a free guide and risk assessment template , which provides spe cialist guidance , insight and suppor t to help bars, pubs and restaurants make the most of what is set to be a Christmas period like no other not so much Xmas as XLMAS!
Mark Flanagan, CEO and Founder of Shield Safety, commented: “During the last World Cup, spending in hospitality increased by 41% compared to the pre vious year and this shot up to 73% on the day of the England Croatia semi final Couple that with the Lionesses' recent victor y in the European Championships, there is huge excitement for the World Cup this winter
“This is a really exciting oppor tunity for the hospitality sector because uniquely the World Cup is taking place during what we all hope will be the first full trading festive period since 2019 This creates a once in a lifetime oppor tunity for hospitality to have a truly amazing end of the year However this unprecedented oppor tunity will need to be delivered safely, with venues experiencing a huge increase in visitors against the challenges of var ying staffing levels, adapted menus, venue layout changes, more outdoor presence to mention just a few There are more than enough issues and challenges to create the risk of an own goal That is why we have launched XLMAS, our campaign to suppor t this incredible sector through a super sized festive period ” Shield Safety’s XLMAS Guide is available to access and download for free at https://tinyurl com/2kx6dhjs
The XLMAS Guide covers advice and top tips to prepare for increased footfall and how to manage office par ties, family get togethers and festive nights out alongside football crowds, to ensure all customers have an amazing and safe experience Included are key insights around transient staff, venue layout changes, revised menus and food preparation Within the guide is also a link to download a Risk Assessment template , designed by safety exper ts and tailored towards the specific risks venues need to mitigate this festive peri od
The XLMAS Risk Assessment Template covers three core themes your customers, your team and your menu It includes considera tions for changing menus, reconfiguring venue layouts to increase capacity, accommodating outdoor catering, staff training and mental wellbeing, and measures to keep spaces Covid safe
Mark continued: “A recent sur vey from Access Hospitality found that 76% of football fans are looking for venues to watch the World Cup this winter and 30% of respondents said they would be happy to sit in a heated beer garden This shows the scale of oppor tunity for hospitality but interestingly if they have outdoor space they can adapt with patio heaters and can provide alfresco dining options such as BBQs or pizza ovens, there’s scope to really diversify, enhancing customer experience and bringing in vital revenue
“Shield Safety wants to help venues to
to offer
after the challenges of the
The UK government has made it clear that to achieve net zero carbon by 2050, everyone must do their part both in business and at home For hospitality businesses where heat ing and hot water contributes significantly to their overall energy consumption, it’s clear that taking steps to convert to low carbon energy sources will have a positive impact
What’s more with customers becoming more aware of how their lifestyle choices impact on the environment, hotels have a lot to gain in terms of increasing revenue and improving reputation by actively reducing their carbon footprint
Looking ahead, as part of its commitment to offer our cus tomers 100% sustainable energy solutions by 2040, Calor continues to take steps to encourage our hospitality cus tomers to make the switch to bulk Futuria Liquid Gas help ing to support the hospitality industry across the UK deliver on their sustainability goals for today and tomorrow
To join the Futuria of off grid energy visit www calor co uk
Calor has been Parkdean
Ahead of the government s proposed phase out of fossil fuel heating installations in off gas grid homes and small businesses starting in 2026 and in larger off gas grid non domestic buildings from 2024, UK hospitality businesses are facing increasing pressure to explore alternative, sustainable fuel sources Alastair Lovell Head of Sustainable Fuels at Calor discusses how sustainable fuels can not only help reduce carbon emissions but can also support businesses looking to future proof operations
Annual energy costs for the hospitality sector are in excess of £1 3 billion1, and result in carbon emissions of more than 8 million tonnes per year2 On top of this the industry is consid ering waste management ongoing staff shortages and the sustainability credentials of the items and products they use on a day to day basis
Despite the ongoing cost of living crisis, research continues to indicate consumers are increasingly making purchasing decisions with businesses and brands based on their sustain ability credentials In fact latest research has shown that 65%3 of shoppers think about sustainability before making a purchase Against this backdrop, and as the hospitality indus try just like many other business sectors work towards the government’s net zero legal obligation, it makes good busi ness sense to explore sustainable practices and solutions as a way to attract new customers as well as contribute to the success of net zero
As one of the most carbon intensive fuel sources, oil fuelled
boilers are still commonly found in off grid pubs, hotels and bars across the UK Yet what is often a simple and straight forward switch from oil to bulk LPG can immediately cut CO2 emissions by up to 17 8%4, compared to oil, making it ideal for rural hospitality businesses where electricity is simply not viable because of limited supply to the location For those businesses looking to further improve their sus tainability credentials, Calor s Futuria Liquid Gas offers hospi tality businesses a reliable bulk supply fuel source which also makes a positive impact on reducing carbon emissions
total LPG supplied by Calor to Parkdean Resorts will be Futuria Liquid Gas by the end of 2022, rising to nearly 25% by the end of 2023
Jane Bates, Director of Procurement and Sustainability at Parkdean Resorts said:
Futuria Liquid Gas (previously BioLPG) is a sustainable fuel made from a blend of waste, residues and sustainably sourced materials While there is currently a price premium when compared to standard LPG bulk supply of Futuria Liquid Gas when at a 100% blend can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 86% (kgCO2e/kWh) when compared to using heat ing oil and up to 80%6 compared to conventional LPG
Globally, 85% of people7 indicate that they have shifted their purchase behaviour towards being more sustainable in the past five years As the sector continues to face uncertainty, those businesses which are able to clearly demonstrate their commitment to sustainability will ultimately be the ones who are able to attract the more environmentally conscious con sumer One of the ways we re supporting customers here is through our Green Gas Certification Scheme The independ ent scheme ensures traceability of all bulk Futuria Liquid Gas delivered to, and used by, our hospitality customers, while also highlighting the amount of CO2 saved
“We own and operate 66 award winning holiday parks, with 3,500 acres of land including forests, peatbogs, rivers beaches and headlands in some of the UK’s finest beauty spots We’re committed to caring for our people, parks and planet to create a positive environmental impact on nature and resources and to acting responsibly for the long term sustainability of our business, and it’s important to us that our suppliers can help us deliver against these sustainability commitments
“Working with Calor to supply Futuria Liquid Gas to our parks will be a big step towards achieving our first mile stone of a 25% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025 We have a well established relationship with Calor and this partnership represents a key initiative in our industry leading strategy to create truly sustainable parks
Through the launch of its Environmental Sustainability Guide for its mem bers and its own Sustainability Commitment, UKHospitality is playing a leading role in providing
guidance to hospitality busi nesses
UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: Working towards our sustainability goals is an absolute priority for the hospitality sector and there has been a huge amount of work that has already gone into this by hospitality businesses
“Unfor tunately the situation for many businesses now is that, due to the energ y crisis, they are fighting to sur vive the winter That does mean that cashflow is tight and confidence to invest is being quickly eroded
“This reality does mean that the sector would really benefit from a par t nership with government to aid its transition to net zero, through financial incentives such as grants or tax credits that can allow businesses to replace equipment with greener alternatives or take par t in training to boost our net zero knowledge
“Hospitality is already one of the sector’s leading the way in its sustainability work with fantastic examples of businesses going above and beyond, and it’s so impor tant that we work together with the government to make sure
continue on that path
Halloween and Guy Fawkes or Bonfire Night as it is better known, mark the star t of winter promotions in the hospitality and on trade and have become two increasingly impor tant dates!
Outside of the Christmas season and some Bank Holiday weekends, Halloween is the next biggest sales period for the On Trade
A now established calendar date for all ages, thanks in par t to, “Americanisation” It’s perhaps no surprise then that while a fifth of all adults celebrate Halloween, the propor tion jumps up to a third for those aged 18 24 , and whilst figures are a little out of date due to the pandemic in recent years almost one in four of this valuable demographic have headed out to the pub for Halloween
Bonfire is anoth er great date in the hospitality cal endar, par ticularly an oppor tunity to target the family market!
Both Halloween and bonfire night in 2021 fell only just a few weeks after the countr y emerged from lockdown That said drink sales were not far just behind pre COVID levels with sales by value in pubs bars and restaurants in the week to 6 November down by only 3% on the same week in 2019, following a 1% drop in the seven days before that
A remarkable achievement given the turmoil that lockdowns caused
Halloween 2019 saw spirit sales rise by 11% the pre vious year, and a sur vey by CGA revealed that, “Halloween spikes spirit sales by 57%, with vodka, liqueurs and speciality drinks being the most popular drinks for spook night”
Now, more than ever, given recent national and world events the countr y needs some cheer And these two fantastic lucrative dates are fast approaching
Halloween and Guy Fawkes nights are totally different
requiring their own unique theme but both nights great for packing in the punters Both ver y much social occa sions, wonderful fun, for adults’ families and children and great ways to increase sales
Pre Covid research revealed that Halloween is now one of Britain s most popular evenings, 21% of consumers left their homes for a ghostly evening out with only Christmas eve and New Year’s Eve were more popular Halloween is also popular with the 18 to 24 age brack et, and of those going celebrating Halloween are likely
to be female “Our research reveals that the majority of par ticipants have white collar jobs and higher monthly spend on eating and drinking out, £125 compared to the average £107 These are consumers that enter the spirit of Halloween with cash in their pockets so it’s a great oppor tunity par ticularly for pub and bar opera tors to get the atmosphere and offer right” said Rachel Weller, Director of Consumer Research and Marketing at CGA
Halloween provides a perfect oppor tunity for the on trade to develop the kind of experience led nights out that consumers increasingly demand Beyond drinks and food, themed evenings, games, immersive stor ytelling and vir tual reality activities can all create USPs in this competitive market
These two events are less than a week apar t, and in an age where
and moc ktai s , ales and hot dr inks mulled wines & cider or infused dr inks with sp ces and seasonal ingredients Remember, the vast ma or ity of con sumer s have not c hosen their dr ink by the time they reac h your bar or take their seat giving you the oppor tunity to move them away from consid er ing a standard c hoice
• Promote on the n ght! Use c halk boards images poster s table cards , make sure your staff are we l ver sed and able to recommend pair ing food with dr inks
• Get your enter tainment sor ted music , face paint ing, quiz, fanc y dress competition, make sure you are providing something that cannot be replicated at home
• Have a bal organise a competition for the best costume Remember people go to a great deal of time and effor t so if you are going to reward them be generous!
• Consider a ghost walk or employ the ser vices of a good loca Stor y Teller Does your venue have a tall ta e to tell? Almost ever y pub will have grue some incident or ghastly affair that has left a ghost y figure roaming the bar s and rooms at n ght and what better night to tel people!
With four in five (84%) consumers on a night out now uploading photos to social media, the fancy dress aspect of Halloween is a great chance to get brand exposure too That, though, can only be achieved if pubs, bars and drinks brands deliver the all impor tant ‘Instagrammability’ environments and activations that encourage drinkers to take and share their snaps It all adds up to a ver y lucrative oppor tunity for opera tors and drinks suppliers alike , but with such a narrow window of oppor tunity, the planning and executing of strategies haves to be sharp
Overall, as many as three quar ters (74%) of Brits say they enjoy attending public Bonfire Night events, with is a definite oppor tunity for food & drink retailers to combine a Bonfire Night and food event, as, apar t from fireworks food is the main product purchased for the event
because of the number of single use decorations, lights, or costumes So, to ensure that your bar or restaurant takes a greener approach, you can get a bit creative and opt for more eco friendly materials
For example , if you run a café or pub, you might have chalkboards or whiteboards that display your specials, hot drinks, or cocktail menu A ver y affordable way to get involved is simply buying a fresh pack of coloured chalks or markers and enlisting the help of your most ar tistic staff member They can then draw a border of cobwebs, spiders, or bats around your menu, or dedicate a whole sandwich board to a Halloween greeting with their best illustration of a pumpkin, bubbling cauldron, or black cat You could simply write ‘Happy Halloween’ or pick your favourite fun slogan such as ‘Eat, Drink, and Be Scar y ’
Another way to get your venue involved in Halloween is to let the sea son inspire your menu This way, you may not even need many decora tions, as your delicious food can create a cosy autumnal vibe all on its own Using local seasonal produce is also a more sustainable way to use food as it reduces the number of ingredients impor ted from abroad Seasonal fruit and vegetables include butternut squash, parsnips, apples, and pears, so using these to create warm, hear ty dishes is a great way to give your restaurant that autumnal feeling
While Christmas might still hold the top spot as the nation’s favourite , most lucrative holiday, Halloween has been steadily growing in popularity over the years and for good reason! When the darker nights star t closing in during autumn the glow of a cosy pub or restaurant is more inviting than ever So, why not delight your customers even more with some seasonal decorations?
You don’t have to spend a for tune or buy a host of plastic decorations to get your establishment involved in the Halloween fun Instead, getting creative and investing in a few staple pieces can actually save you money while still making your venue look the par t Below, the catering exper ts at Alliance Online have shared some affordable , sustainable ways the hospitality industr y can get involved with the festivities this October
The first step in making your Halloween décor more sustainable is to avoid single use plastic Often, Halloween creates a lot of plastic waste
Hanging posters or wooden signs with spooky designs can also be a great way to bring some colour and a festive atmosphere to your estab lishment quickly, easily, and affordably These pieces of décor can also add a rustic feel that compliments the autumnal theme , and you can lean into this even more by repurposing things like deliver y palettes to display pumpkins and other decorations As well as getting creative with what you already have , if you invest in versatile decorations made of good quality material, you can store them away to use for next year (and the year after that)
A Halloween theme wouldn’t be complete without the obligator y pumpkin, and as it s technically a fruit, this is about as sustainable as dec orations can get! Get your whole team in on the fun and have a pump kin car ving session before or after you close for the day, as this can be a great way to get ever yone in the mood for the spooky season Display your pumpkins at the entrance to your establishment, at the bar, or on any other surface that won’t get in the way of your day to day ser vice You could even add a name tag under each pumpkin and allow cus tomers to vote for their favourite one via labelled tip jars organising a prize for the winner!
While they might be a Halloween staple simply using pumpkins to car ve and display can also result in a lot of food waste One way you can combat this at your establishment is to squeeze as much use as you can out of each pumpkin, and ensure that you dispose of them properly
Firstly, don’t just throw away all the flesh you scoop out when gutting and car ving your pumpkin: you can make a puree by simply removing the seeds and blending the flesh in a food processor This can be used in ever ything from pumpkin pie to bread and hummus, or even Halloween cocktails Don’t forget about the seeds either : you can turn them into a healthy high protein snack by simply rinsing seasoning and roasting them in the oven until golden brown
As for your car ved pumpkins on display once they’ve star ted to dr y out and wilt, don’t just throw them in the bin You can chop it up and leave them out for local wildlife like birds and squirrels to nibble on, compost them, or even bur y them to enrich the soil in your back gar den
Sometimes, though, the little details are enough to put a smile on your customers’ faces If you don’t have the time and resources to introduce brand new dishes or drinks to your menu just for Halloween, you can always add some spooky touches to the ones you already have For example , if you run a café, baker y, or restaurant you may want
Hospitality has seen trouble ever since COVID 19 hit, with a staffing shor tage running rampant across all sectors The record shor tage is costing the hospitality industr y £21bn in lost revenue ONS figures are showing the hospitality sector has 174 000 available jobs which are 83% higher than in March May 2019
It is impor tant to understand how your business can attract and retain staff to mitigate the damage caused by the shor tage Luckily our exper ts at SnapshotStaffing have outlined some tips outlining how to adver tise job vacancies effectively, maintain staff retention, and more ADVERTISE EFFECTIVELY
Getting your business s brand out to the correct people is essential Utilising social media is an excellent platform to get your name out there With social media, you can create hundreds of like minded indi viduals within your own industr y We recommend you star t by creating a Twitter and Facebook account
By James Evans , commentator for Snapshot Staffing (https://snapshotstaffing com), a UK based staffing agencyThere are many ways to make your business an appealing place to work, such as increasing employee pay This is a great way to maintain and attract talent for your business but also incentivises productivity, rewarding employees for doing the right thing Implementing an incen tive program will allow you to design ways to reward behaviours you want to encourage in your business
Promoting teamwork within your workplace will not only increase productivity but will allow your business to be more flexible This is par ticularly effective with the current hospitality staff shor tage by reducing tension within your business
Getting ideas from the people who work for about their work can provide invaluable information Asking your staff about how they think the business can improve and how they can do their job more effec tively will generate a work culture that encourages innovation
Facebook is a great way to meet new people and gain high quality leads directly from your profile This is a great way to find talent within the hospitality sector Posting consistently on Twitter is a great way to build an online presence This is where being in the hospitality industr y has perks Create videos, and pictures and post them on your page , editing them to seem appealing to your target audience
Show viewers what your business environment is like and what your business values are Social media is par ticularly useful for businesses in the hospitality industr y as you can easily post potential job roles When adver tising a job it is impor tant to give in detail what the role will entail HIRE WITH THE LONG TERM IN MIND
To counter the shor tage in hospitality staff it is impor tant to hire staff that will stick around long term The most effective way to prevent staff shor tages in the future is to hire staff with longevity in mind This in turn will save you time and money as training staff up only for them to eventually leave can cause a major hin drance to your business
A good way to do this is when choosing between candidates pick the one that is likely to integrate into your working environment and will get along with customers, even if this comes at a cost to experience
Asking about how they work and handle themselves in cer tain situations is a great way to build a picture of what kind of person they are and how they will fit into your operation Finally, if all else fails we advise going with your gut After all you are best equipped to identify which candidates will work best for you and your business
With staff shor tages surfacing you need to find ways for your business to get ahead of the competition To do this tr y and develop a healthy working environment This, in turn, will make people want to join your com pany as you have a good reputation
Perhaps your employees can offer a fresh perspective on how to overcome the hospitality staff shor tage Not only will you get some brilliant ideas but your team will feel empowered by their employer listening to what they have to say
Creating a structured and comprehensive training procedure is essential to building a workforce of effective , like minded individuals Providing staff with all the appropriate learning tools and resources so they can under stand the work environment and how to do their job
Creating a positive learning atmosphere will improve employee retention as you are providing them with an outlet for thorough learning Nowadays training can be conducted remotely, but if you’d prefer face to face that is also effective However, we recommend using apprenticeships to train staff
Apprenticeships are an excellent gateway for hospitality newcomers who are looking to break into the industr y, providing them with networking oppor tunities, industr y experience , and a good understanding of how the industr y operates
For hospitality businesses, creating your own apprenticeship scheme can increase employee retention and motivation, giving you access to trained staff and pushing more sceptical newcomers into the industr y Likewise , providing work experience placements and internships for young people can also encourage new tal ent and drive recruitment
With high staff retention a good reputation and working environment and excellent training courses your team will be dying to refer you to friends in the hospitality industr y All these factors are likely to boost staff referrals saving you time and money that would otherwise be spent adver tising the job vacancy Utilising your employee's associates is the perfect way to find lots of talent in a shor t amount of time
Although the current staffing landscape may seem bleak, we are confident you can thrive if you follow our tips to help your business overcome the hospitality staff shor tage
Monica Holton, Head Chef at Dattie’s Soul Food has helped create two new menu items that have been rolled out nationwide Monica was introduced to the business via Unity, Greene King’s employ ee led inclusion group for Black, Asian and minority ethnic team members
Pub company and brewer Greene King has teamed up with a local Bur ton on Trent chef, Monica Holton to create Jamaican menu items which are now being enjoyed across the UK
The Head Chef at Dattie’s Soul Food runs a popular takeaway business in the hear t of the midlands, ser ving authentic Jamaican cuisine to locals
Following an introduction to the business via Unity, Greene King’s employee led inclusion group, Monica was invited to host a cook along to celebrate Black Histor y Month in 2021, where she demonstrated her unique take on home cooked Jamaican classics Given the growing trend for Caribbean cuisine , the Food Development team at Greene King invited Monica to work with them to create two new exclusive dishes: Jerk Chicken & Ribs, and a classic Jamaican Chicken Curr y which have since made their debuts nationwide in Hungr y Horse and Flaming Grill pubs respectively
Monica Holton Head Chef at Dattie’s Soul Food said “My journey to becoming a chef star ted with my parents, watching my Mum set the table as a child in anticipation of a feast is such an impor tant memor y for me
“Our goal at Dattie’s Soul Food is to share the wonders of Jamaican heritage and culture with the world, so we were delighted when Jason from Greene King invited me to cook with the team
“It was fantastic to hear about the incredible work Unity is doing to cel ebrate diversity in all forms across the business Encouraging people from different backgrounds and cultures to integrate fully at ever y level of Greene King has led to this fantastic collaboration, allowing us to launch two new incredible dishes”
Jason Marshall, business analyst and Unity lead said, “It’s really exciting
Black Histor
with Monica’s
because they cannot see an end in sight to the economic situation but an award win can bring a massive upsurge in trade ” said Khan adding “For customers wanting to help their favourite restaurants sur vive , their votes can be crucial ”
This year winners will also be included in the ACF’s new ‘One Hundred Top Curr y Restaurants’ guide , which is being published currently, region by region across the UK, at www Top100curr yRestaurants co uk, with a printed version being available next year
asiancurr yawards com
With restaurateurs facing a quadruple whammy of rising food prices, increased energ y costs, staff shor tages and customers experiencing a cost of living crisis, Yawar Khan, Chairman of the Asian Catering Federation (ACF), urged the public to cast their votes, as a prestigious accolade can have a significant boost to an establishment’s bottom line
“Ever y week I hear from another owner closing their restaurant
The event, organised by the Asian Catering Federation (ACF), which represents the nation’s 30,000 restaurant and takeaways, are the only accolades acknowledging the full panoply of Asian
The Eliot Arms, South Cerney has reopened following over half a million pound investment from Arkell s Brewer y during the summer
The seven bedroom coaching inn with bar and restaurant has been pur chased and lovingly restored and refurbished by the Wiltshire
Barkby Pubs
Arms is an historical building and dates back originally to the 1800s and has since been not only a coaching Inn but also a butchers
The Arkell family have always lived and worked around Cirencester, however, they have never operated a pub in South Cerney and with the amazing histor y and heritage of the Eliot Arms they decided to purchase the hotel and carr y out a full refurbishment over the summer
“South Cerney, and par ticularly, The Eliot, has always been somewhere we would like to be and are really excited to have had the oppor tunity to invest in The Eliot Arms” said Arkell’s managing director, George Arkell
Mozar t Chocolate Liqueur is the world renowned Austrian chocolate liqueur that combines two favorites from the world of indulgence: choco late & spirits Exclusively natural ingredients a sugar beet distillate and the exquisite craftsmanship of the master distiller & chocolatier, from the Mozar t Distiller y in Salzburg, combine unique quality ingredients and flavors in a Chocolate Symphony that proudly boasts the “made in Austria” quality seal
Mozar t is the number one chocolate liqueur in the on trade (CGA, P6 2022) and it’s clear to see why Featuring classic flavours such as cream, white and dark (Vegan), as well as trending flavours Strawberr y, Coffee and Pumpkin Spiced, the full por tfolio is award winning Most recently the brand has been awarded with medals across the range in 2022’s IWSC Awards and the Bar tender’s Brands Awards, to name a few Mozar t has been named Liqueur Producer of the Year 2020 for the second time , after being awarded this title back in 2017 for it’s premium range of chocolate flavours
This year Mozar t Chocolate Liqueur invested over
£100 000 into building brand aware ness amongst consumers and the trade , including an influencer and PR campaign as well as par tnerships with the likes of German Gymnasium (par t of the D&D group) The Whiskey Exchange and Amazon, plus many more
Mozar t Chocolate Liqueur can be enjoyed in many different ways in its pure and natural state , slightly chilled on ice , over ice cream, in a hot drink or as a ‘choctail’ The most popular way to use Mozar t is in an Espresso Mar tini a popular cocktail with con sumers over the
As temperatures drop and nights draw in, Bolsius Professional is releas ing a new guide aimed at helping operators drive footfall and boost customer dwell time during the busy winter period Combining inspira tional interiors and seasonal style tips Tempting Autumn Winter Months: Creating a warm welcome for customers’ provides cost effective ideas and guidance on creating a com pelling experience for customers
The guide provides easy to imple ment tips on boosting atmosphere; the effective use of mood lighting, driving footfall through welcoming window displays, embracing seasonal décor, and maximising architectural features such as fireplaces, to enhance a venue ’ s environment Alongside , the guide highlights interior design trends from the casual dining space; from traditional to mod ern, minimalist to maximalist, with an array of ideas to suit any venue ’ s aesthetic
The premium candle specialist has launched the repor t as operators ramp up for the busy festive peri od With many dining and drinking destinations facing fierce competition and a challenging climate , the look book is designed to demonstrate how elevating the environment can suppor t revenue through creating a space where customers want to stay, and revisit time after time
Paul Christodoulou National Account Manager UK & Ireland Out of Home and Hospitality at Bolsius Professional and Member of the Institute of
Hospitality says,
“The winter months can be the toughest time of the year to lure cus tomers out of their homes Days are shor t, darkness descends, and sofas beckon
“Post pandemic , the environment has changed Customers became skilled at creating lavish nights out at home As a result, exper ts predict that customer experience will come into sharp focus: creating unique memo rable environments that premiumise offerings lengthen dwell time and spotlight venues to existing and poten tial customers
We ve gathered a few of our favourite winter interi ors in this look book, showing how a few simple touches can go a long way Lighting is a key element, helping to create a welcoming and intimate environ ment for any venue We’ve shown how operators can use this to maximum effect showing their venue in the best possible light for customers ”
Bolsius Professional is a leading global candle manu facturer with an extensive range of indoor and out door candles designed specifically for restaurants, bars and hotels Free from palm oil and animal fats, they are clean burning and odour free , creating a warm wel come and premium atmosphere that encourages guests to linger
To find out more about the Bolsius Professional can dle range , and download a copy of the guide go to www.bolsius.com/en/professional/inspiration
orders donated to Blue Ventures to aid community projects in the vanilla growing region of Madagascar
is our gift to the farmers who cultivate the vanil la orchid in the Equatorial regions, helping to regener ate the rainforests, increase biodiversity and improve the air we all breathe
In choosing REAL vanilla over cheap synthetic substi tutes this Christmas, we are suppor ting their livelihoods and encouraging them to continue to grow a precious crop that benefits us all This makes vanilla a gift that keeps on giving long after the Festive Season has passed
Baking is going to be big this Christmas and as the Festive Season draws ever closer LittlePod has the per fect gift for the passionate cook
Oozing luxur y, vanilla is exotic and expensive , but not all vanilla is real For those seeking something special to pop beneath the tree this December, LittlePod offers pure vanilla at an affordable price making this the best present of all
in East Devon, we have enjoyed another eventful year and having recently launched our new website Christmas shopping has never been easier
vanilla paste , extract and pods can all be purchased from our website shop along with our chocolate and coffee extracts, with 10% of all online
Why not create a hamper packed with LittlePod products so your loved one can remember you throughout the year use our ingredients to bake an edi ble gift or use a REAL vanilla pod to spice up a bottle of rum or another festive tipple? The options are end less
For more ideas about how to use our products, be sure to follow us on social media and take a look at our new website , where alongside our online shop, you’ll also find our latest recipe collection, created just for us by Peter Gor ton LittlePod ambassador and Master Chef of Great Britain
Choose LittlePod and keep it REAL this Christmas Vanilla is the best gift of all
of the Year
The Drinks Business, Sip Champagnes is the UK’s
cuvées, there
Champagnes to suit
if you re looking to reinvigorate
of the
gifting surprise or just fancy a bottle or two for a memorable meal, get in touch
With tailor made packages and competitive trade pricing Sip Champagnes offers options for local wine shops, Michelin starred restaurants and ever ything in between
For fur ther details contact: trade@sipcham pagnes com
For more information on Sip Champagnes and its lat est UK releases in time for Christmas visit https://sipchampagnes com
White Lake are cheesemakers who make over 25 cheeses on their farm in Somerset Their range includes many top international award winning cheeses made of goat’s milk from their own herd, local Guernsey cow ’ s milk and British ewe ’ s milk
The variety of tastes, textures, sizes and styles make them a popu lar choice with top chefs and cater ers Their newest products have been designed specifically for use in professional kitchens The Glaston Brick and Glaston Tile are two sizes of pressed goat’s curd without the bloomy rind They deliver the tradi tional taste of that style of cheese but can be easily cut and shaped to size
Roger Longman, owner and 3rd generation cheese maker says We ve become known for our constant aim to make the best cheeses we can using traditional ar tisanal methods, while exploring unconventional ideas and innovating in exciting new ways We love to see how exper ts in catering work with our range Chefs often share their creative , new dish es on social media Our English Goat Curd seems to
be par ticularly popular at the moment ”
White Lake supply small cheese makers, pubs and delis but are ver satile enough to fulfil greater requirements such as for the cater ers at Wimbledon “As a small company we can be nimble enough to accommodate specific require ments when given notice Cheese needs enough time to develop complex flavours, par ticularly the hard varieties For example Alpine style Rachael Reser va final weight is 12 kg so is matured for a minimum of twelve months It’s in constant demand for its rounded richness in taste and larger size Roger explains
The cheesemakers, affineurs and packers who hand make White Lake’s cheeses get into top gear from September until the end of December Roger advises “We hate to disappoint people so strongly advise our customers to place their Christmas
Ensuring your establishment is appropriately decorated and fur nished during the festive period is a necessity for the hospitality industr y In turn, restaurants, bars and pubs will all want to capi talise on the seasonal influx of business which is available The best way to do so is make your establishment as appealing as possible during this period
When looking to decorate an eating or drinking area for
you should first consider where your fire exits are and that all customers will still have a clear route to an
you have done this, check you can begin to decide how you want your festive design to look We would
, go for a larger
you can as this can be quite a statement piece , attracting par ty pho
addition to Christmas trees, garlands and wreaths
mantles, shelves and other places
you the option
fair y lights, tinsel, baubles
some festive cheer to your hospitality business this year
your venue gets tagged
add a subtle hint to areas such as toilet
balloons are also all great ways of
There are many ways to dress your table to add a hint of Yuletide style Firstly, if you have a colour scheme or a set theme for Christmas which features one par ticular colour, replicate that in your table setting You could do this by incorporating the colour into your tablecloth, or if you want a white tablecloth then possibly a coloured table runner with matching napkins
For tableware you could opt for classic whiteware or go for something more modern which can be a way of intro ducing colour to your table Glassware we’d suggest sticking with classical looks to add a sophistication to the drinks you ’ re ser ving
Finally, if you ’ re finding you ’ re being booked up with groups looking to celebrate a Christmas works par ty, you could offer par ty accessories to go with the meal Whether it be par ty poppers a festive mask kit ar tificial snow spray all are great for adding a par ty vibe for customers
With winter on the immediate horizon, restaurants, pubs and other such businesses should look to star t ordering Christmas decorations and planning for the festive period now Alliance Online offers a wide range of Christmas options which will be perfect for your establishment this year
View the Christmas selection at https://tinyurl.com/56zd8dr9
Scrocchiarella derives from the Italian word scrocchiare used to describe something ver y
selected traditional flours sourdough and natural ingredients ideal for easy and quick
for Scrocchiarella
Sourdough is the key
ensuring a superior flavour and a memorable
and is a unique
to the final
a crunchy
an open
y piece is hand made , so you will not find two that are
more than 30 hours preparing a single Scrocchiarella, so it takes less than 10 minutes from frozen to prefect
at the
maintains the same features of the traditional ar tisan process: long maturation spreading by hand
constant result of texture flavour and crunchiness
a light,
and easily digestible product that delivers total consumer satisfaction, time and
With plant based diets a growing trend, it’s more impor tant than ever to ensure that menus are as inclusive as possible This Veganuar y, over 600,000 people signed up to go vegan for a month Eggs were the second most missed product over this time (14% of par ticipants), with options when eating out being the major barrier to sticking to the pledge (26% of par ticipants)
Enter OGGS®, creators of OGGS® Aquafaba and Scrambled OGGS® On a mission to remove unnecessar y eggs from the food chain, OGGS® products are perfectly designed to provide your customers with delicious alternatives that are better for the planet and the animals
Scrambled OGGS® is an egg alternative for breakfast and brunch menus made from chickpea protein Simply shake , pour and cook in minutes for a breakfast scramble to take centre stage on vegetarian or vegan brunch You can also create omelettes, quiches and so much more with Scrambled OGGS® Producing 60% less CO2e than eggs, it’s not just kinder to animals, but the environment too
Restaurants including Bill s and Shepherd
Neame are already using Scrambled OGGS® to innovate across breakfast and brunch menus, from indulgent vegan full English breakfasts to plant based carbonara
OGGS® Aquafaba is an egg white alternative made from chickpeas, an innovative solution to removing egg whites from cocktails With six months shelf life and a neutral flavour profile , OGGS® Aquafaba functions exactly the same as egg whites in cocktails, while removing an allergen from your menu With 72% less CO2e than eggs you can create the same delicious drinks without the egg using OGGS® Aquafaba for a more inclu sive and environmentally friendly cocktail menu Will at 31k in Nottingham said: “Ever y other drink
cocktail, and 1 in 4 for those calls for
100 cocktails
night which would
to OGGS®
Food and drink is a vital and grow ing industr y in Nor thern Ireland In terms of turnover, employment and cultural significance , this £5 8bn sec tor
its reach in
and in international markets Whilst 50% of
comes from
top 10 companies, family owned
prominent, result
Nor thern Ireland’s produce has proven award winning sta tus the result of many years of success in schemes such as
, the Quality Food Awards and the Scottish Retail
Drink Awards Key to this success is our unique
tradition and innovation exemplified by the recent
growth in whiskey distilling in Nor thern Ireland The Irish whiskey categor y is expected to
Solsueño sangria in a can introduced to the UK in spring 2022 in par tnership with Proof Drinks Ltd, has brought a premium, innovative addition to the pre mix beverage sector and a ray of liquid Spanish sun shine to UK consumers!
Packaged in a modern 330ml slimline can at 5% abv, Solsueño is an authentic sangria crafted in the Denominacion de Origen region of Jumilla, Murcia Using local and natural ingredients the great tasting liquid is vegan and gluten free , instantly giving consumers the sun sea and sangria holiday feeling
Ideal for all indoor and outdoor set tings, with no preparation or wastage , the can offers single ser ve conven ience but can also be used in shared occasions adding ice and fruit in a jug
The eco credentials of cans mean lower transpor t costs due to the lightness of the packaging and the cans are infinitely recyclable
Awarded Bronze in the 2022 IWSC
Alternative Drinks categor y competi tion, the professional wine tasting
panel offered the following tasting notes: ‘’juicy cherr y and plum palate , with clove and cinnamon spice giving a refreshing and drinkable palate’’
Following a first year of attending many national trade fairs, regional outdoor events, Foodie Festivals and local food & drink fairs, the overwhelming reac tion to the liquid is really positive and has driven early successes with on and off trade distribution, as well as Amazon Suppor ted by an active social media and extensive sampling campaign, Solsueño has established a firm foothold and the brand is ver y much looking for ward to continued successes into 2023
With pre mix drinks growing to be a hugely popular categor y par ticularly dur ing the summer, sangria is a natural fit given the high levels of consumer aware ness due to Spain being a major holiday destination for the UK consumer
Solsueño sangria Bringing Spa n to the UK!
Contact us at: info@sangria solsueno com www sangria solsueno com
With over 25 cocktails in their range , Cambridge based Bottleproof Cocktails are one of the leaders in their field, supplying premium cocktails exclusively to the On Trade since 2016 Customers include hotels, theatres, restaurants, pubs and events venues across the UK and beyond
All Bottleproof cocktails are full ABV professional bar ser ves using branded spirits, juices and their own syrups Each cocktail still has to be shaken, stirred or built so the theatre of a cocktail ser ve is not lost but they are considerably quicker to make and provide consistency without the need for extensive training
Initially Bottlepr toof have launched two of their best sellers in the eco friendly paper bottles, the multi
refuse collection”
Compared to glass bottles, the paper bottles are:
lighter than glass bottles
less carbon footprint
94% recyclable paperboard outer
As Mark Thompson, co owner of Bottleproof Cocktails who heads up sales, says
“Interest in the paper bottles from our existing customers as well as new cus tomers has been phenomenal Our cock tails are high quality with a proven track record in the on trade; the packaging looks great and we are offering an initial stocking price that makes them cheaper than our glass bottles Plus we are all helping the environment what’s not to like!”
Ozone Clean is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Ozone generating equip ment to the hospitality sec tor as well as many other industries for Odour and Infection control We supply a range of generators suit able for all applications both industrial and domestic that can effectively treat small to ver y large areas
Our company is multi internationally award winning and has rapidly built a strong reputation within Hospitality and other industries since our inception in 2005 Our goal is centred on supplying products that are efficient, safe and cost effective , backed up by an excellent ser vice ethic and after sales operation We have over 850 clients and 11 million rooms per
To meet the demand of hospitality businesses right now and for the years ahead, Tork has announced the launch of a sustainability guide for restaurants The guide shares accumulated knowledge from Tork’s 50 years of experience within the food ser vice industr y alongside brand new knowledge on relevant topics for the industr y
The need for hospitality businesses to transform their sustainability performance has never been as critical, as new research reveals that Brits buy over 3 2 billion drinks in paper cups ever y year just under two billion of which won’t make their way into an appropriate recycling bin
These alarming statistics are fur ther emphasised by additional research from Essity’s professional hygiene
year being treated with our equipment In manufactur ing we only use the highest quality par ts which enables us to say that we still have machines that are still in use after 15 years Therefore , our range of products are the most efficient and reliable on the market
Due to the efficiency and reliability of our flagship products the OC1500 and OC700, at a cost from 28p per day, we have empirical evidence , that by using Ozone Cleans range of products you will be able to enjoy an ROI within 12 months, often sooner Genuine and provable results This is achieved by the permanent removal of Odours, Bacteria, Mould and Viruses in as little as 5 minutes
Peace of mind, efficiency and reliability go hand in hand with Ozone Clean and don’t forget by using our OC range you will be having a positive impact on the environment as opposed to the traditional methods which have a high energ y or chemical consumption
Should you decide to buy either our OC1500 or OC700 we will offer you a 15% discount exclusive to this ar ticle Just quote OZO15
Web: www ozoneclean co uk Call : 020 8883 2756
Emails: sales@ozoneclean co uk
brand Tork, which found that hospitality businesses are under increasing amounts of pressure to showcase or invest in their own sustainability credentials as con sumer expectations evolve
Tork s PaperCircle ser vice is the world s first paper hand towel recycling scheme Hospitality businesses can go circular by working directly with Tork to col lect and recycle used paper hand towels into new tis sue products Tork PaperCircle reduces waste by up to 20% and cuts carbon emissions for paper hand towels by at least 40%
Sustainability is core to the Essity business, with its credentials including featur ing in the 2022 FTSE4Good global sustainability index and receiving a “Platinum Medal” award in the 2022 Ecovadis CSR Rating This places Essity in the top one per cent of all companies to be assessed by Ecovadis To keep up with the lat est Tork news and innova tions, please visit: www tork co uk
Invest today, profit tomorrow: Why sustainability is for laundries a plus for their budget and for the climate?
Several tons of laundr y are processed in a laundr y ever y day Textile ser vice providers stand for reliability, quality and hygiene Today, a responsible and integral circular economy means much more: Consistently clean and sustainable processed textiles
Kannegiesser is the global par tner for the future of the laundr y industr y For us, sustainability is an elementar y component and more than just a trend In addition to savings in resources and textile care in the laundr y technolog y, Kannegiesser stands for the integral sustainable corporate culture This includes securing long term economic stability comprehensive education and training of the own employees and security for the future through innovation
In the washhouse , the washing line PowerTrans sets new standards for washing efficiency hygiene water and energ y consumption The water extraction technolo
g y of the PowerPress and PowerSpin provides low residual moistures permitting high savings in the subsequent evaporation process Thanks to the process control Eco2Power for the transfer dr yer PowerDr y, the energ y is kept in the system and needs not to be recovered via heat exchangers In the finishing process, Kannegiesser is a pioneer for low temperature dr ying during the process of iron ing, finishing or full dr ying with impressive results for both, in maintaining textile value and energ y consumption Ultimately, the energ y contained in the ironing and finisher exhaust air is used to heat fresh water for the washing process the cir cle is completed
The modern technolog y of Kannegiesser reduces the use of fresh water and fossil fuels Our solutions drive growth for our customers and create attractive , future oriented and ergonomic jobs for us and in the entire industr y This is how we help people to live clean healthy and safe lives
Visit www.kannegiesser.com/uk/en/ for fur ther information
Vision Linens,
SOUTHERN Contracts is thrilled to receive not one , but two awards for their performance over the past year
Electrolux Professional have announced Southern Contracts as their Laundr y Par tner of the Year 2021 which is award ed to the top selling Par tner of commercial laundr y appliances
last year
Southern Contracts have also been awarded Electrolux Professional s Special Achievement Award for 2021 This is bestowed upon the company with the highest nation al sales of their food and laundr y professional prod ucts
To have been given these two awards is quite amaz ing when the whole of the countr y was in lockdown during this period, with hospitality, care homes, schools, cruise ships and holiday venues all closed to the outside world
Adam Elphinstone MD of Southern Contracts said: “We have a ver y long and special relationship with Electrolux Professional and are proud to work with their products for both provision, installation and ser vicing As we continue to emerge from the last couple of years we look forward to an optimistic future and all our clients being able to fully open up their businesses in this bright new world ahead ”
Mark Rogers, Regional Business Manager for Electrolux Professional, added: “Electrolux Professional have dealt with Southern Contracts for over 30 years and during that time they have established them selves as always being one of our leading distributors We have always found them to be a first class and profes sional par tner
“I have worked with them personally for over 4 years and can always rely on them to provide the right solution and fantastic after care for any customer, from a wide variety of sectors, across the Marine environment through to Care Homes, Hotels and Schools
“Due to their many years of experience , they have a wide breadth of knowledge covering both the laun dr y and catering environments and although they are a company that can deal in a global marketplace , they still give the first class friendly care of a family run business for both their remote and local customers
For more information about products and ser vices on offer, contact Southern Contract s exper t team of technical staff to provide guidance and advice through ever y aspect of your purchase and ongoing commit ment to ser vice , please telephone 01202 422100 or visit www southerncontracts
Those in the
Restaurant owners now have access to frictionless client engagement thanks to an exclusive par tnership between a leading provider of restaurant epos and the most advanced digital guest experience
NFS Technolog y, provider of Aloha restaurant man agement software have announced the selection of Paytronix
Chris Car tmell,
client engagement, grow revenue and be able to get a much better picture on both client spend and preferences,” said Chris
with Paytronix,
the cus
in key
Regardless, upgrading to smar t TVs isn’t just about replacing the dumb
The whole system hangs in the balance , and upgrad ing to something like LED
by android device
blowing it all up
Then again simply upgrading to Android
without considering the back end
If you ’ re not ready for all of these bells and whistles, migrating to digital TVs with their own internet access is still ver y much a step in the right direction Making the TV a central com munication hub means it's easier for cus tomer ser vice and guests to interact
By Nadav Avni, Chief Marketing Officer at Radix Technologies (www radix-int com)Device management refers to installing, using, and maintaining a computer or network of computers MDM software assumes these duties with the help of a wireless, cloud based system This means that instead of IT sup por t teams needing to go onsite to install or update devices, they can now do so via wireless always on connections In addition admins can choose to simultaneously perform updates on individual devices, selected groups, or the entire fleet at once
MDM software can also provide administrative ser vices, such as assigning access levels with corresponding permission levels For example , IT suppor t teams can access the system files for repair and maintenance tasks but not ones containing user data In contrast, sales, marketing, and management types can analyse data to generate insights and inform future strategies However, they cannot access system settings
with new
How does a 300 room hotel manage and maintain all of the
in its fleet? Will the hotel tech suppor t still show up at the guest’s door at 3 am to pull out the device before replacing it with a new one the next day? How will guests react to the TV’s system errors? Worse , do guests who came to you to get away from it all deser ve to suffer through their shows being interrupted by poorly timed device updates?
Hospitality Tech discovered that 72% of guests are more likely to return to a hotel if it’s equipped with the technolog y they want The repor t also listed the top 10 experience enhancing hotel room technologies to have Interactive TVs ranked #5
While TVs are the main draw, other smar t, time saving technologies are also in demand For example , today’s hotel guests love the convenience of automated features and digital ser vices Seamless online booking for non contact reser vations sets the stage for a hassle free check in complete with door access and mobile controlled light switches
It only makes sense to keep the par ty going with a smar t TV ser ving as the command centre Guests can use it to order food, connect with other depar tments check the weather and local listings and access streaming ser vices What better way to say goodbye than with a frictionless digital checkout?
This entails having TVs displaying interactive menus and directories avail able It also means guests can log into their favourite streaming ser vices using their personal accounts Thanks to the power of the Android TV operating system, your guests can step away from their day to day lives without missing a beat
It is, however, wor th noting that managing these TVs and their data may prove difficult without the proper android device management software Ensuring each TV system and software remains up to date can take time energ y, and manpower This is especially true for larger venues Even if you could manage the workload, securing these devices from unauthorised sys tems and data access requires strong device management software
Hub Enter tainment Research repor ted that 62% of American homes equipped with TV sets are using smar t TVs That’s right over half of your guests expect their hotel rooms to have one , too Otherwise , their stay may feel more like a downgrade than a vacation
Needless to say hospitality business owners who have yet to invest in interactive TVs and other smar t devices should do so Failing to do so risks losing out on the digital gravy train
Mobile Device Management (MDM) software helps manage , maintain, and secure android TV fleet devices within a hotel’s ecosystem Deploying MDM software remains the most efficient and cost effective option especially if you ’ re dealing with hundreds or thousands of devices
But what makes MDM software indispensable? Here are some of its key benefits:
When guests log into their streaming ser vices on hotel smar t TVs, they’ll need to enter their username and password Though, when it comes time to par t ways, they’ll often forget to log out MDM software allows admins to remotely wipe user data from smar t devices at the scheduled checkout time This protects guest privacy while eliminating the awkwardness of new guests being reminded that their room isn’t theirs
In some cases, the presence of android TV devices can prompt inquisitive or ill intentioned hackers to tr y to access the system Hospitality IT admins can use the MDM software to implement security measures and prevent data loss or device theft Admins can choose to remotely freeze , wipe , or completely disable devices to prevent unauthorised users from accessing the system or its data Doing so also gives security teams time to geolocate the device for retrieval
Replacing dated analog displays with Android TV powered devices indi cates a hospitality centre’s willingness to embrace the future This, in turn, welcomes guests to experience the wonders of digital automation and enjoy smoother travels
That being said, investing in smar t TVs, kiosks, and online systems won’t be enough to provide a complete digital experience Hospitality businesses that are serious about upgrading their ser vices and providing the best possible guest experience must also invest in android device management software
The monthly ONS vacancy fig ures have seen a decline in the number of hospitality vacancies, with 158,000 vacancies recorded in the quar ter from July to September 2022 a decline of 8 8% compared with the 173,000 vacancies in the from April to June 2022
Conor Shaw, CEO of workforce management specialist Bizimply said: “While vacancies still represent a huge challenge for the sector, the drop reflects our experience that some operators are using technology to manage their work force a little better and maximise the benefits to the business of the workforce available
“An employer tr ying to run their businesses with 10% vacancy rates needs their existing staff to be 10% more efficient, and ever y employee willing to work an extra shift helps to relieve the immediate challenge for employers, while employees need to know that they can fit work around other commitments
“The recruitment crisis is already stretching wage budgets, so employers don’t always have the option to increase pay significantly for entr y level staff working front of house and kitchen shifts However, it s impor tant to understand employee motivation at this level
“Many of the businesses we work with rely on par t time staff, including team members who combine work with their studies, or who have childcare or other commitments For these employ ees, there is the potential to take home a little more from ever y shift they work, through the increases in the minimum wage and the National Insurance threshold introduced earlier this year
“Businesses that have robust workforce management systems in place can input changes such as new rates of pay tax and NI give employees the maximum notice of shifts, and process any changes in employees’ shift pat terns quickly Employees can use the same technolog y to it to let their employer know what hours they can work regularly and if these change due to school holi days or other circumstances
Bizimply s software helps businesses reduce the amount of time spent creating staff rotas and sorting out payroll
means that GMs and super visors can spend more time front of house where they can have the most
Deborah Ainscough, founder and direc tor of Crowdguard, specialists in safety installations for events and pedestri anised locations , discusses the safety considerations for al fresco dining areas to protect staff and customers
No so long ago, al fresco dining was a lifestyle we associated with summer holi days abroad; a European pavement café cul ture that we’d never quite mastered over here, with our narrow roads and limited pavements Indeed, al fresco dining was so foreign to us Brits that we ’ ve never even coined our own name for it!
But COVID was a catalyst for change Forced to provide the option for customers to eat and drink outside when indoor spaces were too risky at the height of the virus many hospitality businesses have made that tempo rar y provision into a permanent change , and are now benefitting from their investment in outdoor dining with increased capacity and appeal to a wider demographic
Extended outdoor seating licensing introduced as a temporar y measure June 2020 was extended until September of this year and has now been extended again until 2023 pending permanent legislation to allow bars and restaurants to provide furniture on pavements and pedestrianised roads adjacent to their premises It’s great news for a sector still recovering from the pandemic and offers customers greater choice , along with the conti nental vibe they may have enjoyed while en vacances But there is an ele phant in the outdoor space: safety
While vehicle as a weapon attacks are rare , they have become the tactic of choice for terrorists and any location where people gather outside close to vehicular access is vulnerable to this type of attack
Terrorism is not the only safety consideration either While drink driving statistics have been falling over the past few years, drug driving offences continue to rise , putting pedestrians at risk of incidents involving errant vehicles Add to this a spate of ram raid attacks on high street stores, and it’s easy to see how quickly a relaxed lunch could become a serious inci dent if the risks involved have not been identified and mitigated
Following the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017, campaigning led by Figen Murray mother of one of the victims has led to proposed legislation called UK Protect Duty (Mar tyn’s Law), which will involve mandator y risk assessment and the implementation of safety plans for businesses responsi ble for gatherings of people The consultation element of the legislative process has already been completed, and a draft bill is expected soon Regardless of the parameters of any future legislation however many busi nesses are already preparing and embracing the need to consider safety as par t of their duty of care for al fresco diners
An outdoor hospitality environment ought to be a place where people can relax and enjoy good food and good company, so mitigating risk should definitely not involve creating a For t Knox enclosure that makes customers feel in constant jeopardy Any measures put in place to protect people should be propor tionate to the risk, and the level of risk will depend on numerous factors, including the proximity of roads, the direction of traffic , ease of vehicular access, etc
A risk assessment process that considers the potential threats and specif ic vulnerabilities of individual al fresco dining environments to understand
the level of risk involved enables hospitali ty owners and operators to make informed choices about the measures they put in place to protect people There is a balance to be struck between risk mitiga tion and practicality/affordability It will never be possible to eradicate risk, but it is possible to ensure safety measures are targeted and propor tionate
There is a varied array of hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM) systems available , and selecting the right solution for a specific environment depends on a variety of risk factors, along with practical, operational needs and aesthetics For al fresco dining environments, it is entirely possible to select HVM protection that not only blends into the surroundings but actually enhances them
A correctly specified IWA 14 1 rated HVM system can be concealed within a variety of streetscape casings, including planters, benches, bike racks and barriers, providing a decorative touch for outdoor spaces that keeps people safer Bars and restaurants can even choose to combine HVM protection with branded banners enabling them to combine safety with customisation too
Al fresco dining is an oppor tunity for customers to relax and enjoy By ensuring they understand and mitigate risk, hospitality operators can relax too
Over 79% of UK diners have attested that they would spend more time and money in a restaurant if they incorporated outdoor dining
Integrating outdoor dining into your establishment is a no brainer decision especially when you consider the al fresco movement across the UK and return on investment oppor tunities For example , when discussing predic tions for the rise in al fresco dining in 2022, Janice H Dobson, Business Development Director at Archatrak, said: Restaurant owners can look at it mathematically, they know the value of ever y seat they offer and I encourage my clients to ask themselves, ‘what could 8 extra seats, 12 extra seats, 20 extra seats, mean for your business?’
Often they’ll find that in a relatively shor t period of time these outdoor areas can pay for themselves and con tinue generating revenue years afterward ”
The maths is simple; seating 16 people under a 4m x 4m parasol, at an average spend of £12 50 per head
equals £200 If you were to turn these 3 times a day that would equal £600 If we multiply that by a realistic 4 days of the week, you re looking at £2400 or £9,600 a month! Multiply that by 12 and your revenue would increase by £115k per annum Assuming 50% gross margin, the investment of 1 parasol could provide a profit contribution of £57 6k per annum which is a welcome statistic in these economically tr ying times
What’s more , our zero deposit leasing options allow for payments to be spread over 2 5 years
So taking a 4mt X 4mt parasol with a moveable base , impor t, deliv er y and fitting, the monthly payment over 36 months would be £184 09 or the weekly equivalent of £42 98 As such your potential R O I massively outweighs this no deposit figure
What are you waiting for?! 01352 740164
www indigoawnings co uk enquiries@indigoawnings.co.uk
Launched at this year ’ s Casual Dining Show, The Sausage Man’s Sausage2Go unit, presents the perfect hot hold solu tion for caterers across all sectors wishing to offer hot dogs as a quick ser ve or grab and go option
Specialists in authentic , premium quali ty German sausages, The Sausage Man, offers five bestselling sausages from its extensive range to kick off the Sausage2Go launch; choose from deli cious Bratwurst Bacon Krakauer Cheese Frankfur ters, Chilli Beef or Vegan Hot Dogs to entice custom All sausages are fully cooked, ready to eat and reheat, and are supplied chilled or frozen, benefiting from a long shelf life The sausages are offered for sale accompanied by high quality brioche baguettes from baker y brand St Pierre
The Sausage2Go unit, made by Flexeser ve , the spe cialists in hot holding, flexible merchandising solu tions, facilitates the latest ground breaking, patented
air recirculation technolog y retaining heat without over cooking for perfect food condition, superior flavour and texture , and no moisture loss through out the day
Sausage2Go couldn t be easier to use; no catering experience is required, and user friendly control panels set over individual zones can be independently used to allow greater energ y efficiency Unit sizes range from counter top to freestanding with front and rear loading options, tailored to individual needs Branding and packaging featuring The Sausage Man s eye catching visuals will also be available to fur ther enhance the offer
For operators, the unit couldn’t be simpler to use and is especially useful for quick ser ve situations
For product information, inspirational recipes and to find your foodser vice distributor call 01322 867060, go to www wholesale sausageman co uk, or email info@sausageman co uk
We are an independent suppli er ser ving the outdoor restau rant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars restaurants and public houses
We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap inter net impor ts next season It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and scrapes
outdoor goods receive com bined with the harsh British cli mate really needs something tough enough for the job
We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industr y and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand
Bespoke goods are also a spe ciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement If we can help you do drop a line to sales@cafeculture biz
There are many benefits to con sidering shor t term decarboniser hire for your commercial kitchen Deep cleaning kitchen ware that is heavily greased and carbonated maintains the hygiene of your kitchen and is recommended by EHO’s Decarbonisers enable time previously spent scrubbing and cleaning to be used on more impor tant tasks They increase the longevity of your kitchen ware , and, unlike long term hire or pur chasing, they don t require permanent space in your kitchen All of these have a direct impact on your kitchen’s bottom line High hygiene ratings increase cov ers, more efficient use of staff reduces your wage bill, longer lasting kitchen ware means less money spent on replacements and efficiently utilizing the space in your kitchen increases productivity
Most reputable decarbonisers deliver all these cost saving benefits but with energ y prices skyrocketing we at Decarb It think it’s impor tant to go fur ther to sup por t your long term profitability Our decarbonisers deliver all the benefits above but are also the most energ y efficient decarbonisers currently on the market
By Kate Wearden, Marketing Ninja, Decarb It LtdWe invest in high grade steel, pre mium insulation, and advanced electronics, resulting in an average of approximately 40% less power used vs a leading competitor
We also appreciate the chal lenges of the changing environ ment in which we now live , which is why we recognise the impor tance of flexibility
Committing to long term contracts with vendors isn t always possible when the economic environments are so fragile which is why we not only offer a range of decarbonisers to suit all budgets, but also flexibility when it comes to the length of hire Whether it’s two weeks, a month, or longer, we can provide a solution that is bespoke to your needs
Our flexibility, commitment to efficiency, and cus tomer focused approach ensures that ever y aspect of our ser vice , from our product to our customer rela tionships are the highest quality possible
To find out how Decarb It can make your kitchen shine , for less, visit www decarbit co uk or call 0161 871 7393
How can the food ser vice and hospitality industr y protect against risings costs? One way is to make the cooking oil last longer In fact, the award winnin accessor y for deep fr yers, is doi that The OiLChef device is a ca tor for deep fr yers!
It keeps the cooking oil in a fresher condition, by slowing down oxidation, stopping polymerizations of the oil molecules and by retarding the buildup of free fatty acids, peroxides, total polar materials and most impor tantly of all the carcinogenic acr ylamides in fr y ing oil
The OiLChef device is not a filter, it is not a chemi
l dds nothing to the oil, it takes nothing the oil, it is an inorganic device that helps you keep your oil alive for longer
A simple 3 second self installation which is vir tually maintenance free and only needs replacing ever y 3 years OiLChef is a dream come true for professional kitchens that operate deep fr yers OiLChef is in thousands of deep fr yers around the World and comes with a full 3 year war ranty and saves you up to 50% on oil purchases ever y month Check them out at www OiLChef com Contact their CEO direct: sean farr y@oilchef com
One of the biggest chal lenges in keeping a commer cial kitchen spotlessly clean is the regular cleaning of the canopy, fan and extract duct
be tackled, not only for the sake of hygiene
but also for fire pre vention
Airborne fat, oil and grease
a natural by product of even the healthiest
in the steam
from cooking,
or a
Mobile Kitchens Ltd specialises in the hire or sale of temporar y catering facilities and foodser vice equipment
Ideal for events or to provide temporar y catering facilities dur ing your kitchen refurbishment our versatile units and equipment offer an efficient and economic solution to the caterers’ needs
Production Kitchens, Preparation Kitchens, Ware wash ing Units, Dr y Store Units, Cold Rooms and Restaurant Units are
as individual units in their own right or they can be
together on site to form a complete complex
Alternatively, we can offer modular, open plan facilities, usually for larger, longer
The New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by Pump Technolog y Ltd
There are significant advantages that this combi oven drainage pump offers
The pump features a tank with its clear side window was the large , tri angular, low level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease , fat and food par ticles before the reliable star t/stop operation of the pump is affected
The triangular low level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline, giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens
The build quality of the submersible wastewater pump was also a discussion point with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement especially considering the hot wastewater temperatures and potential grease which these units have to handle
It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet This means that the installa tion footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated
It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a winner and will soon be featuring in combi oven installations ever ywhere
Caterquip Ventilation Ltd is proud to be celebrating their 22nd Anniversar y this year
This Warwick based company offers nationwide coverage for all your commercial catering needs: free
ser vice to help you build
Projects under taken have included Olympic Villages, Basildon Hospital, The Mitre Hotel at Hampton Cour t, The Truck Stop at Anglesey, The Lodge at Old Hunstanton Colleges Schools Hotels Restaurants and Public Houses They ensure their systems are compliant with the current guide
whilst maintaining an effi cient
With extensive knowledge of manufacturing and
01926 887167, visit:
they can help you
must be
Anybody that purchases a Belt movement model from the KEMPLEX dou range , via an approved NOWAH dealer,
auto matically
terclass with Pastr y World
champion, Massimo Pica, at his renowned pastr
school in Milan
The package includes return
before 31 March 2023 to be eligible
NOWAH’s Michael George said the offer would give end user
a unique opportunity to enhance
pastr y skills, while also spending a few days in Milan
“We know that any customer who purchases one of these dough sheeters is going to have a real passion for pastr y, so in order to ensure that they are able to indulge that passion and get the ver y best from their K l d ugh sheeter what could be bet ter than spending two days learn ing from the current world champion?
has been manufacturing a wide astr y equipment since 1986 eeters remain its flagship product ils of NOWAH approved dealers, ntact NOWAH Catering t by visiting owah co uk/kemplex products
These days kitchen space is get ting squeezed, as foodser vice operators look to increase their restaurant areas to get in more customers The logical result of which is that, despite being small er, the kitchen has to produce more meals A new commercial kitchen fit out often has to com ply with what the Foodser vice Equipment Association (FEA) calls 20:20 vision: 20% more productivity from 20% less space
All of which means there’s a big demand for equip ment that can help maximise the available space such as the Chef ’ s Drawer from Williams Refrigeration The latest version of these individual refrigerated drawers is the VSWCD1, a variable temperature unit that can be switched from chilled to frozen storage , keeping pace with a business’s changing needs
The combination of modular compact drawers with variable temperature controls and a front venting refrigeration system makes the VSWCD1 an extremely flexible option that can be fitted in to the tightest spaces, providing easy access to fresh or frozen ingredi
ents right where the kitchen brigade need it
Depending on the selection of castors or legs the height of the individual drawer can be adjusted by over 70mmm between 456mm and 530mm Each VSWCD1 measures 1100mm wide by 670mm deep
Despite its compact size each drawer can hold 2/1GN pans up to an impressive 150mm in depth, compared to 100mm for some com petitor models, giving it a capacity of 105 litres Another advantage is the ability to stack two units beneath a standard worktop, creating an even more flexible storage solution
The body and removable drawers are constructed from robust foodsafe stainless steel The Chefs Drawer uses natural refrigerant and eco friendly high perform ance high density polyurethane insulation meaning it can operate in ambient temperatures as high as 43°C
To learn more about Williams extensive product range visit www williams refrigeration co uk
or 50% of the footprint of the building with which it is associated, whichever is smaller In residential areas, the structure must be at least two metres away from nearby homes There is also a limit of one structure per site and does not apply to the cur tilage of a listed building or scheduled monument Despite social distancing being relaxed and the summer coming to an end, this announcement is good news Even for those venues which don’t have outdoor spaces of their own the ability for high streets to hold markets and food festivals may assist in attracting footfall Additionally, commercial spaces such as the landscaped grounds of office blocks can bring life to a site which may be underutilised as a result of changes in working patterns And outdoor visitor attractions will have additional flexibility to introduce temporar y structures on their grounds
Another oppor tunity is the likely change to the marriage regulations in England and Wales which could allow outdoor venues such as the grounds of a hotel or a beer garden to host wedding ceremonies, in addition to receptions In July the Law Commission recommended that weddings should be able to take place anywhere , pro viding the presiding official considers it safe and dignified The potential for a hotel to host one wedding inside and one (or perhaps more) outside and for a pub to host ever ything from pre wedding drinks through to the final dance will no doubt be well received
easily dismantled or on wheels It must be less than three metres in height with a maximum footprint of 50 sq m,
Assuming that these proposed changes to marriage laws go ahead there is one impor tant caveat planning per mission: to use a barn, a community centre or a historic building for a wedding could represent a change of use and as such may require planning permission Whilst permitted development rights have been extended in some areas, such as temporar y structures, there remain planning challenges for hospitality businesses to navigate to ensure their operations comply with the appropriate planning legislation
One of the UK’s most professional and technically advanced engraving
etching supplier
Engraving is providing a
Our ISO9001 accreditation means that ever y job no matter how large or small goes through the workshops with this expecta tion level and the continuous amount of 5 stars we receive on Trust pilot, highlights this commit ment” said Tom Pycock, Sales Director of Brunel Engraving
Sparkle interiors has been set up to help our clients create fantastic interiors while saving on expensive designer fees
The interior design industr y has been evolving in recent years companies have had to adapt along with many other professions One of the main affects is on designers having to work remotely For us its meant that we ve been working on projects where actual site visits have not been a possibility, but this actually has had many positive effects on our process for both us
and our clients For example briefing meetings can take place via video call, with plans, mood boards, etc dis cussed and edited live through screen sharing All types of drawings can now be completed within a matter of days, rather than weeks with how easy it is now to share information Gone are the days of visiting the site ever y week, holding long face to face meetings with all the contractors and any unnecessar y steps that tradi tionally are there for the sake of it
Solutions to on site issues can also be addressed with our new online focused process, as the site foreman can receive all the information and updates they need any changes immediately handled and issued back by e mail to all that are concerned All the above changes mean the costs for the client, designer, QS and contrac tor have been reduced significantly or completely elimi nated in some cases This is why Sparkle Interiors is able to save the client so much on fees Visit our web site today to enquire , or contact us directly to find out more
Contact Email: andy@sparkleinteriors@gmail com Tel: 07957762280
www sparkleinteriors co
With the continued success of the ILF Chairs comprehensive website , ILF have now added to the 2 chairs already stocked in 7 colours, a stock armchair in 7 dif ferent Faux colours matching the chairs, plus a 6 colour range stock of Egger laminated table tops in a selection of sizes A full range of table bases are also kept in stock
Their new online website offers both indoor and outdoor seating and table solutions
Divided into Contemporar y seating, Barstools, Lounge Seating, Period Seating, Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height tables offer ing a great selection of products to view at your leisure Also included now an extensive range of stock seating, barstools, table bases and table tops
Most made to order indoor seat ing and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any cus tomer specification Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style
Also included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selec tion of priced made to order seating in a selection of Faux Leather upholster y colours and wood frame colours These products can also be supplied to customer specifica tion, just ask for details
Enquiries can be sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site
The Queen Elizabeth Hall at the iconic Southbank Centre has a stunning roof garden and café overlooking the Thames Filled with wildflowers and attracting bees and insects from all over London, it is a place to socialise dine and even work when the weather is fine
Early in 2022 the team run ning the venue came to a con sensus that the distance of the nearest WC s was hindering the experience for clients and staff alike; customers had to descend the winding staircase back to the Royal Festival Hall in the main building
Richard Riley from building contractor, Eleven London, was contracted to construct a wooden toilet block with two separate WC’s and hand basins With
The installation of
One of the issues many restaurants are currently facing at the moment is a shor tage of staff So anything that can reduce workload has to be of interest
We firmly believe that can dles are an essential par t of the dining experience , but what comes with them is all the mess which uses valuable time cleaning up Time and money that could be better spent elsewhere So how do you square that circle? The answer is with oil candles
There are two types Glass bodied refillable ones and plastic prefilled, disposable ones Both do the job fantastically well, while making no mess having no waste and minimal maintenance
The refillable ones are ver y economical while the disposable ones have all the convenience of a tealight
On top of that, they look absolutely great and will enhance the look and feel of your restaurant or bar
If you ’ ve never used, seen or heard of oil candles before or even if you have , the best place to go to find out more is www clearcraft catering co uk
There is an extensive amount of information there , FAQ section, guides to help you decide which candle is best for you and a full e com merce site
You can also request a free sample oil candle , with some oil by e mailing sales@clearcraftltd.co.uk Please state what design you wish to see and include your deliver y details
Clearcraft Ltd
Tel: 01279 731621
www clearcraft catering co uk
As you gear up for the busiest period in the year, why not make life easier when catering for those big Christmas par ty bookings with easy to store stackable furniture?
Foldable banqueting tables are the perfect solution to create a comfor table par ty atmosphere when more diners than usual are expected Trent Furniture’s great value range of contract grade
Banqueting Folding Tables are available in diameters of 92cm, 120cm, 153cm and 183cm, meaning they’ve got ever y par ty size and seating configuration covered Not only that, they couldn’t be easier to fold and store away at the end of the evening
The Harrow Steel Stacking Chair provides the perfect dining com panion to our banqueting tables and is equally simple to stack and store Available in a great range of finishes and upholster y, you ’ re sure to find the ideal option to match your décor scheme Or for a touch of luxur y, why not opt for the elegant Buckingham Aluminium Stacking Chair?
To find out more about how investing in stackable furniture will help create a merr y Christmas and a happy new year when staging events, please call 0116 2864 911 or fill in our contact form at www trentfurniture co uk
unit rental
Until Januar y 2023,
at just £9 95 per
We have been helping restaurants bars pubs
and other
securely retain their cus tomer
cards while they run a tab for almost twenty years
Since we introduced rental contracts in 2008, we ’ ve kept our prices as low as possible at just under a ten ner a month and this has never increased However due to significant increases in both our cost of goods and related costs we plan an increase in Januar y 2023
Our existing customers will continue to benefit from our low prices, so if you ’ re considering CardsSafe for your business, or need additional units, lock in at just £9 95 per month (per unit) for the duration of your
There are many benefits to using CardsSafe in bars,
turn benefits the owners as well as the Team Members themselves
We can help you to manage ‘difficult’ people situations, to improve your operational planning, to recruit, train and manage your team better, creating a more productive , pleasant and ‘’
set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff, your team
careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development
We have a ver y good record in helping Hospitality business owners to implement processes that
how they manage their people , which in
Specialist business proper ty adviser, Christie & Co, has today launched a new repor t, The UK Hotel Market: New challenges on the road to recover y providing a snapshot of the UK hotel market in 2022 as it emerges from the pandemic and faces a new wave of economic and operational challenges The repor t also shares a market outlook from major industr y players, Accor and Pygmalion
The snapshot suggests that the UK hotel market proved resilient throughout the pandemic and has recov
ered at a faster rate than first anticipated since Januar y 2022 with overall performance nearing or surpassing 2019 levels since May 2022 However, the coming months may prove more challenging for the sector s different stakeholders due to the cost of liv ing crisis, weakened GDP, and increasing inflation rates
The snapshot analyses the performance and out look for the UK’s top ten cities, which includes London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Belfast, Cardiff, Bristol and Newcastle
Regional UK markets such as Edinburgh, Birmingham and Liverpool saw the highest increase in RevPAR in H1 2022 surpassing 2019 levels by 6 9% 8 5% and 7 5% respectively In comparison London has been slower to recover as the capital relies on inter national source markets and business travellers
Since Januar y operators have maintained high ADRs in order to balance some of the increasing cost pres sures as well as par tly protecting their profit conversions The success of this strateg y has been made possi ble by a change in consumer behaviour in the face of rising costs, with holiday spending being prioritised
Transactional volumes have remained strong and a total of £1 9 billion was spent on UK hotel transactions in H1 2022, an increase of 32% compared to H1 2021 Interestingly, domestic buyers are far more active in the market compared to last year In 2021, cross border investors represented 52% of the buyers yet this number dropped to 23% in H1 2022, likely due to international travel restrictions imposed over the past few years due to the pandemic , although this is unlikely to be a long lasting trend
The repor t provides insight into the positive and negative factors that are impacting the hotel market Following the pandemic , hotels that were considered popular ‘staycation’ destinations have seen increased performance par ticularly in more rural areas such as Belfast Cardiff and Newcastle Hybrid hotels have also continued to perform well since the pandemic , as guests seek more flexibility in these spaces
The impact of the Ukrainian war on the rising cost of gas and electricity bills has already affected hoteliers’ financial decisions in 2022, with many maintaining high ADRs to balance increasing cost pressures Rising interest rates are predicted to directly impact financing options for hoteliers next year
Since 2020 with the rising popularity of “staycation” destinations, the UK market has seen an increase in domestic buyers At present 77% of the UK volume is credited to domestic investors, a number which may continue to rise
Inflation rates and GDP are expected to have a direct impact to the hotel market, with the BOE base rate expected to rise by 3% by the end of 2023 The market is full of active buyers, which may continue as a trend throughout 2022 as the rising inflation rates will encourage more hoteliers to buy rather than develop green field projects Lenders may also grow more cautious in the next half of 2022 despite the upwards trend in the market over the last 12 months
Diane Loubeyre , Senior Consultant Hotels at Christie & Co, comments, “Despite having to navigate a new wave of challenges in 2022 the UK hotel market has remained resilient and we are pleased to repor t the encouraging
witnessed across the countr y so far this year Inbound international travel is also picking up and might grow fur
2023, and with the pound at an all time low compared to USD or Euros,
UK is
This will only act to fur ther
t the sector s recover