CLH Digital - Issue #135

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www CLHNews co uk CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews Issue 135 Hospitality Sales Climb 4% in Britain’s Top Cities Pubs bars and restaurants are recording positive sales in Britain’s major cities but high inflation is making real terms growth ver y difficult The latest ‘Top Cities’ repor t from hospitality research exper ts CGA by NielsenIQ and connectivity solutions provider Wireless Social shows combined sales in Britain’s 10 most populous cities in the four weeks to 22 October 2022 were 4% higher than in the same period in 2019 Seven of the 10 cities recorded growth The total number is in line with figures recorded by the separate Coffer CGA Business Tracker in recent weeks However, with Britain’s inflation rate now exceeding 10% sales are well below pre COVID comparatives in real terms Logins are also still significantly shor t of the levels of 2019 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 )

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital

attire , or front of house Unfor tunately, well for me at least, it is quite some years since I was in frontline opera tions, and as the waistline has now spread nothing fits!

But I will be carr y ing a copy of CLH News and I desper ately want to talk to as many people as possible and share your news and views so please do come say hello and make yourself known and more impor tantly tell me what you think!!!!

I am ver y pleased once again to lead with some positive news, albeit only slightly positive in an otherwise gloomy economic environ ment

Despite the economic mess, and as always, I have to moderate my tone , since I have had my knuckles rapped when I have been a tad too critical of government, minis ters and policies!

pitality sector outlets are not faring so well

Managed sites contracted by 179 outlets whereas the independent sector contracted by a staggering 1751 out lets

This was rather disappointing since we repor ted just on a year ago that has re emerged check from the Covid pandemic , shifts in consumer spending and behaviours were at that time offering a light at the end of the tunnel

Research commissioned at IW Capital revealed that over 63% of consumers were going to suppor t independ ents and small businesses over larger rivals, while 58% plan to spend more time at their local high street

Yes we have the pandemic of course but I am frankly at a loss to see why independents have been dispropor tion ately hit harder than multi outlets, so I will once again be putting out an aler t for some exper t comment on the topic!

We repor ted on a rather interesting trend (see page 6) which reveals that the sale of alcoholic drinks in restau rants in pubs has increased as operators add alcoholic drinks to their menus

Something upon reflection is a simple but wonderful idea “Back in the day” we would present customers with a food menu and wine list, and leave it to their own per sonal choice as to what they wanted to drink

Parliament Square

The aims of the demonstration are as follows:

1 Pr imar y aim is a VAT reduction to 10% inc luding alcohol sales

2 Business rates holiday or reduction

3 Visa sc heme to allow over seas worker s to work in hospitality

The organisers are urging people to dress up in their work uniforms, whites, morning suits, waiter/waitress

Never theless we are in an absolute mess and the fact that cities can record positive sales in this current eco nomic climate is nothing shor t of miraculous Research reveals that sales were 4% higher for the same corresponding period and in 2019 (with 2020 and 2021 being an absolute disaster thanks to the ludicrous overre action to the Covid pandemic)

I was disappointed however to see that the majority of this growth is with managed houses and independent hos

This of course meant “ no impulse buy” Customers did not have the oppor tunity to see new drinks new brands and experiment, so I have to say this is a wonderfully sim plistic but effective idea!

Once again I would ask the favour, we want more Twitter followers!

So please do follow us on Twitter @CLHNews, and encourage as many people you know in the trade to sub scribe to our digital issue

Fur ther details can be seen at

Published by PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House , Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 FAX: 01202 552666 sales@catererlicensee com www CLHNews co uk @CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES David Bar tlett Guy Stephenson PRODUCTION & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox Published by Editor's Viewpoint LAST CALL!! I am delighted to say that I am attending my ver y first (at the ripe old age of 64) demonstra tion! On Monday, November 14 10:30 AM I will be outside the Houses of Parliament (holding up a copy of CLH NEWS) to join the HospoDemo demonstration On Monday 14th November at 10 30am, the hospitality industr y will gather in Parliament Square for the third time to protest about the government’s lack of suppor t for the sector It does not need explaining to anybody in the hospitality sector that countless hospitality businesses have closed since early 2020, or are currently teetering on the brink of oblivion, and the demonstration will urging the govern ment to take appropriate action to suppor t a sector that is on its knees So, if you work in the hospitality sector and associated industries, or enjoy suppor ting restaurants, bars, pubs, clubs, cafés and hotels, show your suppor t by joining us at
The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House , Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team Whilst ever y care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom All rights reser ved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised
Peter Adams
2 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135

Hospitality Sales Climb 4% in Britain’s Top Cities

The ’Top Cities’ repor t combines sales data from CGA and device log in statistics from Wireless Social to provide a vibrancy ranking of the top 10 cities Manchester heads the list of top cities, ahead of Birmingham, which makes the top two for the four th time in a row Both cities recorded double digit sales growth in the latest four week period

At the other end of the rankings, London is bottom for the third peri od in a row, with both sales and device check ins still shor t of pre COVID levels though both metrics are now moving closer to 2019’s numbers See below for the full list of cities

CGA client director Chris Jeffrey said: “Our latest repor t confirms that public demand for eating and drinking out is stable It highlights hospitality’s huge contribution to the vibrancy of city centres However, with consumers spending under pressure from rising costs in energ y, food, mor tgages and more , the post COVID recover y will come under severe strain in the months ahead Businesses have a cru cial role to play in Britain’s economic growth but they need targeted suppor t to help them through these unprecedented challenges ”



Julian Ross, founder and CEO of Wireless Social, said: “It’s hugely encouraging to see growth across the sector, in terms of sales and footfall, in a number of the UK’s biggest cities However, this growth will count for ver y little if the economic environment con tinues to be as volatile as it is currently With the World Cup and a restriction free Christmas on the horizon, hospitality busi nesses can expect a boom in shor t term sales But it s the weeks and months that follow that require attention, and businesses are going to need targeted suppor t to continue to grow and develop on the other side ”

The series of ‘Top Cities: Vibrancy Ranking’ repor ts is based on a pow erful combination of sales data from CGA’s Managed Volume Pool of more than 8,000 pubs, bars and restaurants, and Wireless Social’s guest data gathered from more than one million log ins It provides the most accurate assessment yet of the vibrancy of Britain’s key city markets for eating and drinking out



Manc hester (3)

Birmingham (1)

Glasgow (2)

Leicester (5)

Br istol (4)

Edinburgh (6)

Leeds (9)

Sheffield (8)

Liverpool (7)

London (10)


Overall, while like for like sales in the UK s top managed pub, bar and restaurant groups were 3 0% behind the levels of September 2021, they are still ahead of pre pandemic levels for the eighth month in a row compared with September 2019, according to the latest edition of the Coffer CGA Business Tracker

Pubs were the strongest performing of the tracker’s three hospitality segments in September, with year on year sales growth of 1 7% Restaurants’ like for like sales were down by 7 9% on September 2021 and bars’ sales by 16 0%


Despite this growth, the licensed leisure sector appears to be the par t of the leisure market that has been hit first and hardest by inflationar y pressures and the rising cost of living par ticularly the wet led pub bar and club industr y

The repor t also reveals a sharp contrast in the for tunes of managed hospitality groups and independent operators While the number of managed sites is 3 0% below pre Covid levels, it increased by 0 9% (+179 sites) in the last three months, but the independent sector contracted by 2 6% ( 1,751 sites) It reflects the greater resources and buying power of larger businesses compared to smaller firms, many of which are now ver y fragile

In contrast to the managed independent divide , the trend of steady closures over the last quar ter has been notably consistent across differ ent locations High street suburban and rural locations all recorded the same net decline of 2 1% in licensed premises between June and September By region, quar ter on quar ter declines varied only slightly, from a low of 1 6% in the South and South East to a high of 2 9% in Scotland


It is clear that despite the growth in representation we have seen in the café and takeaway and restaurant sectors over the last year, be it through multiple or independent operators, this recover y is now under threat from rising costs for businesses and consumers alike , par ticularly for pubs bars and club operators OpenTable's weekly restaurant cover data suggests, so far, consumer appetite for eating and drinking out is undimmed

However, the recent fall in representation suggests thousands of busi nesses, par ticularly independents, are in need of financial suppor t if they are to stay afloat The government’s energ y suppor t package has provid ed some relief on businesses' energ y bills for the time being, however, many operators are calling for fur ther suppor t to include business rates reform and lowering the rate of VAT Given that this decline is already happening before an expected slowdown in consumer spending, it is rea sonable to conclude that without increased suppor t from government the closure rate will in all likelihood accelerate

Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 3
Sam Arrowsmith, Director, Commercial Research said: “The tracker has better news from the London market as groups ’ sales within the M25 rose 3 1% year on year This suggests that the capital may be on the precipice of turning a corner, following a steady return of visitors and office workers to the capital That said, September did see a dramatic influx of people after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, so it will be inter esting to see if London can sustain this improvement in the coming months ”

Advice for a Safe Night Out in The UK

Nightlife in the UK is changing As more people feel confident about going out and as technolog y makes it easier for people to meet new friends, we are seeing a rise in the number of people who go out and enjoy themselves

But there's still a lot of fear out there , especially around safety and sexual harassment ONS (Office for National Statistics) data this year revealed that women felt less safe than men in all settings after dark

When people don t take their safety seriously they can end up a victim of crime and going out should not be tainted by the fear of being attacked

Arith Liyanage , CEO and founder of The Night Owl, an independent nightclub renowned for its soul and retro music , has commented: “Hospitality and enter tainment venues, as well as the government and the police , have a responsibility to ensure the safety of customers is front of mind

“In ever y Night Owl location, we operate the ‘Ask for Angela’ scheme so that anyone who feels unsafe can discreetly receive help from our colleagues Ever y member of staff is trained to spot signs of distress in patrons and identify who might be afraid to reach out for help “As well as this we operate ‘Ask for Clive ’ which signals to our patrons that our venues are a safe space for anyone from the LGBTQIA+ community We won’t hesitate to address harassment or dis crimination based on a person s sexual or gender identity

Below, Arith provides tips to ensure you and your par ty enjoy a safe night out, whilst exploring how nightlife and the confidence in going out has changed over time


Where you ’ re going and who you ’ re going with will be top of mind whilst you ’ re getting ready, but there are a few things you should action before leaving the house

Make sure you eat well first and foremost as a full stomach will slow the absorption of alcohol and allow you to enjoy your night for longer Ensure your phone has enough batter y life and let a friend parent or responsible adult know where you ’ re going as a point of contact for the night

People will often have valuables stolen on a night out and if you ’ re drunk, you ’ re an easier target Put any house keys, ID, money, and cards somewhere that you won t lose them a back pocket is not advised!


Sticking with your friends in a large group may not always be easy in a busy nightclub, so ensure to head off in twos when you ’ re going to the bar for a drink or taking a trip to the toilet

Make sure ever yone in your group has a phone on them at all times while out having fun together ; this way if something goes wrong (like getting lost) then ever yone will be able to contact one another easily without spending too much

By remaining close to the people you trust and know well you’ll reduce the risk of being targeted by people who are up to no good and may be out to take advantage

Other key symptoms of being spiked include:

• Nausea

• Unconsciousness

Loss of balance

• Separation of fr ends

• Confusion

Ensure you ’ re clued up on the above signs to avoid yourself, or your friends, from becoming a victim of drink spiking



Avoid the ease of getting into an unlicensed taxi for a faster route home The risks are too great especially for women traveling alone Make sure you have a reliable taxi company ’ s contact details and book ahead to save waiting at the end of your night

If you ’ re walking home , make sure it isn’t alone and in a suitable enough distance Stick to well lit areas where there are plenty of people and CCTV Never take shor t cuts, especially down dark alleys, by canals or through unlit parks


Hospitality venues should be aware of safety schemes The “Ask for Angela” campaign, for example , has been a widespread success across the company allowing customers to discretely signal staff when they feel unsafe This can lead to workers calling a taxi or aler ting the police in emergencies



Not only does alcohol make it harder for you to make good decisions (and sometimes even harder for others around you), but it also increas es the risk of sexual assault or other crimes happening against those who are intoxicated

Drink spiking is also a real problem in the UK, with one in nine women and one in 17 men having repor ted having their drink spiked, so it s best not to leave your drink unattended and if someone offers to buy you a drink, be careful about how much you accept If you get tipsy or drunk ver y quickly, that could be a sign of a spiked drink

Arith continued: “If a member of staff notices someone messing with someone else’s drink, take it off them and put it to one side for testing later Having key signs around your venue including Don t Leave Your Drinks Unattended' ensures the safety of your customers and staff, no matter how big or small the place is

“Businesses should be telling customers that if they see anything suspi cious or if they feel unsafe , to contact a member of the team Whether it’s the DJ, door staff or bar staff, ever yone ’ s there to help and should know to escalate incidents to a super visor or manager ”


https://cr mestopper s uk org/campa gns media/blog/2017/dec/7 top tips for a safe night out https://www natwest com/l fe moments/students and graduates/student liv ng index html https://www ega exper t co uk/per sonal in ur y/cr imina in ur y c la ms/i was attac ked on a n ght out can c aim compensation/ https://www por t ac uk/student life/he p and adv ce/staying safe/stay ng safe on a night out

Celebrity Chef Warns Dining Out is on the Brink as Hospitality Rising Campaign Podcast Launches

“I left school and didn’t really know what I wanted to do I think it’s hard knowing what you want to do and it’s even harder now

launched in a bid to help fill the industr y s 400,000 vacancies

Figures from KAM, which is suppor ting the Hospitality Rising effor t, show that only 1 in 5 people would consider a hospitality job and 42 per cent of current employees are thinking about leaving the sector

Speaking of the impact on the industr y to Food and Drink Podcast presenter Matty White , Thomasina said: “Sadly there is a massive shor tage of staff I think the future of restaurants is in a crisis right now Unless culturally something shifts in this countr y, we won’t be able to get to that amazing ser vice Monday nights, Sunday nights, Tuesday nights, forget it restaurants will be shut because there just aren’t enough people to suppor t the industr y

“Quite simply, we can’t take as many bookings We have people wanting to have bookings at our tables, and we don’t have enough staff However we could feed more people open more restaurants and create more jobs if we had the staff to do it ”

The Hospitality Rising campaign has already achieved unwavering suppor t from some of the biggest names in the UK Coca Cola Europacific Par tners (CCEP) recently became the campaign’s first official platform supplier par tner, while Whitbread, Pret, Welcome Break, Hilton, Soho House , Prezzo, Revolution Bars, Parkdean Resor ts, Claridges, J W Lees and The Pig are just some of the influential businesses backing the movement

By asking backers to pledge £10 per employee , it aims to reach a £5m target allowing for a government sized” collaborative campaign that will change the perception of the industr y and bolster its workforce for good The campaign’s effor ts have so far raised £850,000

Thomasina told of her hopes that the campaign will help to attract people into the industr y once again, after leaving school not knowing what she was going to do with the rest of her life She still believes that the sector is perfectly placed for taking on bright and talented individuals who want to go against the grain

“What it did for me was it gave me a focus I loved food anyway and star ted my own business without any training or background knowledge I just got stuck in I did lots of different things before I could set up my own business and be the mas ter of my own destiny

Thomasina believes that a career in hospitality is the fastest way for young job seekers to skill themselves up for a career that s not only rewarding, but also fun and progressive

She continued: I am 100 per cent behind what Hospitality Rising is doing Until we tell people , and people really understand, that working in hospitality is infec tiously creative , engaging and feels amazing, things aren’t going to change

“You’re making money, and creating business, wealth and jobs there is something ver y incredible and emotive and wonderful about hospitality, and until we star t real ising that, and putting more people into it, it will star t shrinking and that will be a great shame

“Young people should work in hospitality because it’s the fastest way for people to skill themselves up with people skills, managing skills accounting skills, finance skills and it’s the fastest way to run your own business

Mark McCulloch, founder of Hospitality Rising and campaign director, said: “Thomasina is the perfect example of where a career in hospitality can take you There are thousands of school leavers across the countr y ever y year who might find themselves in a similar situation to Thomasina and be wondering what next?

“Hospitality doesn’t just need to be a par t time job while studying This movement is all about showcasing the oppor tunities and promise of where hospitality can lead It’s an environment where you can go fur ther, faster all while having fun

To see the full range of Hospitality Rising podcasts featuring backers and chefs, visit the campaign’s Youtube channel at https://www youtube com/channel/UCg76HvFKwhnYwwaDiVNtYXQ

4 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
Masterchef winner and celebrity cook
Miers OBE has warned
weeknight and Sunday dining as the hospitality crisis deepens, as she backs a major campaign aiming to attract young people into the industr y
in an exclusive new Hospitality Rising podcast, the restauranteur and food writer, who is the founder of Mexican restaurant group Wahaca, predicted a dire future for the industr y after admitting even her much loved venues don’t have enough staff to take the demand for customer bookings She is the latest among big name chefs including Tom Kerridge Angela Har tnett and Raymond Blanc OBE, to back the bold Hospitality Rising campaign, ‘Rise Fast, Work Young, which has been
future without
“The ver y word hospitality means to me a kind of welcoming, warm hug,” she said “Sitting around a table and eating food with people you love , get on with or work with, is one of the greatest pleasures in life That’s why I cook because I love to feed people
“This industr y is made up of a lot of ver y bright, ver y creative , energetic , brilliant people and if they could all come together and harness their collective talent pools and get up and go we can make real change here ”

Industry Unites to Tackle Recruitment Crisis

In a joint letter to Mel Stride MP, UKHospitality, the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA), British Institute of Innkeeping (BII), the Institute of Hospitality and charity Springboard have called on the Minister to suppor t a new industr y wide recruitment campaign, after a sur vey of hospitality businesses showed the current vacancy rate stands at 11% compared to UK average of 4%, a problem costing the industr y £22bn a year

Outlining the difficulties businesses are having in recruiting, the letter points to the newly launched Hospitality Rising campaign, which aims to change the perception of what it’s like to work in pubs, bars, restaurants and hotels and encourage more people to take up fast progressing and fulfilling careers in hospitality Now, building on the backing of businesses from across the entire breadth of hospitality from national coffee shop and pub businesses to

The Red Lion in Barnes is delighted to announce that the Great Sausage Roll Off is back taking place on Wednesday 8 Februar y 2023 Ever y year, managers of The Red Lion, Angus McKean and Claire Morgan, host their iconic chefs’ competition in a continued quest to find the best sausage roll in the land

Previous years ’ judging panels have includ ed Michelin starred chefs, MasterChef win ners, food critics and other icons of the British culinar y scene This year will be no different, if not better The Great Sausage Roll Off is now hunting for new competitors from all walks of catering pub chefs hotel chefs development chefs food writ ers, chefs from restaurants, cafes, food trucks, contract caterers and beyond Anyone looking to get their sausage roll creations in front of the exper t judges can enter the competition by completing the online entr y form

The competition will see entrants heading to The Red Lion on the

In a joint statement, the organisations said:


night to cook up their sausage rolls and present them to the panel of esteemed judges and the general public who will be crammed into the South West London Fuller s pub Ever yone will have the oppor tunity to sample the savour y snacks along side the judges with a view to raising funds for the charity Hospitality Action while simultaneously enjoying themselves

Angus McKean, General Manager of The Red Lion, said: “Claire and I are really excited to bring Roll Off back After nearly three years of no sausage rolling due to the pandemic we ’ re ready to bring the competition back with a bang(er) and we can’t wait to see some new creations innova tions and clever twists on the famous classic

“The Great Sausage Roll Off has also developed into a fledging chari ty fundraiser and a magnet for all foodies to come and rub shoulders with some of hospitality s shining stars and glitterati Never underesti mate who you may bump into at Roll Off

“Since the pandemic vacancies in our sector have rocketed with many businesses now struggling to recruit the staff needed to simply keep trading day to day Couple this with the current extreme cost of doing business and you have a perfect storm which will force many businesses to close for good without urgent inter vention

“Our industr y is one of only a few that suppor ts livelihoods and con tributes to local economies in ever y single par t of the UK, but we are being held back We are already collaborating as a sector to demonstrate the dynamism of our businesses and the oppor tunity careers in hospital ity offer but we need the Government to help unlock our potential by ensuring there is a sustained talent pool available to suppor t our busi nesses for the long term as well ”

As well as urging suppor t for the campaign, the groups have also previ ously called on the Government to take action to help resolve the crisis by providing greater flexibility in the apprenticeship levy and increasing the number of youth mobility visas that are available to allow more peo ple with the right skills to come to the UK

“So have a think about your ideal sausage roll, create the recipe , and enter the Great
Off 2023 today it may be the next thing your career needs and you might even get on the telly ” Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 5 BEAN TO CUP WITH FRESH MILK FOR A BUSY SITE TRADITIONAL ESPRESSO MAKERS SMALL BUT PERFECT FOR LIMITED SPACE CALL US FOR YOUR PERFECT DRINK ON 0800 44 44 43 NO MATTER WHAT YOU NEED, WE HAVE A SOLUTION FOR EVERY BAR , RESTAURANT & OFFICE . ANYWHERE THAT SERVES & ENJOYS THE GREAT TASTE & AROMA OF FRESHLY GROUND COFFEE , THE RICHEST OF CHOCOLATE , TEA, LATTE OR CAPPUCCINO WE'VE GOT DELICIOUS FRESH INGREDIENTS AND A SYSTEM TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS RECONDITIONED & SECOND USER CATERING EQUIPMENT • TOASTERS • STAINLESS STEEL SINKS & TABLING • • W e have a comprehensive range of Re conditioned Catering Equipment in stock W e can supply most of the markets leading names in New Equipment at competitive prices • Full Service & Installation facilities by fully qualified engineers • W e can also supply modular fridge & freezer rooms • MICROWAVES • EXTRACTION CANOPIES • C O O K E R S • I C E M A C H I N E S • F R Y E R S • S L I C E R S D I S H W A S H E R S • G L A S S W A S H E R S • R E F R I G E R A T I O N EKE EQUIPMENT LIMITED Telephone with enquiries: Tel: 01273 492488 Email: kingedwards@ btconnect com Mobile: 07860 274243 With a recent sur vey showing hospitality job vacancies are at almost three times the
Sausage Roll
national average , industr y bodies have written to the Secretar y of State for Work and Pensions outlining the severity of the recruitment crisis, urging him to publicly suppor t the steps being taken to address it and to implement policies to alleviate recruitment pres sures
hotel chains and ser vice stations the letter has urged the Secretar y of State to recognise the severity of the current crisis, to publicly endorse the campaign and ensure careers in hospitality are on the radar of young people and school leavers deciding their next steps recruitment crisis currently facing pubs, restaurants, hotels, cafes and bars across the UK is causing an existential threat to our industr y This is not a problem facing just one type of venue or hospitality busi ness, it is a universal issue , and it is critical because brilliant, passionate people are the lifeblood of hospitality
The Great Sausage
Off is Back

Operators Increase Items to Drink Menus to Encourage Price-Conscious Consumers

Pubs and bars have also adopted this strateg y, and their non alcoholic and alcoholic drink menus have increased by +13 5% and +6 5%, respectively from June to September 2022 a move that also seeks to appeal to consumers who are on a drink only occasion

Vodka has increased in share of pub and bar spirit listings, up +1 3ppts from June to September 2022, to a 7 9% share , after opera tors expanded flavoured vodka following new product launches by Absolut and Smirnoff It is impor tant to note , however, that overall spirits are at the most risk by consumers to cut back on to save money, being the most expensive alcoholic drinks

“Younger consumers are leading this pattern of behaviour, as they are the most affected by financial uncer tainty and so operators should expand marketing effor ts to this age demographic to re engage with them,” advised Senior Insight Manager

Guild of Beer Writers Announces Finalists in Annual Awards

year and hope they enter again

The Brewer of the Year Award sponsored by SIB A is decided by Guild members Seven brewers were nominated by members who then voted in an online poll The winner will be announced at the dinner

Judges read, viewed and listened to 190 entries including books, newspaper and magazine ar ticles, blogs, radio broadcasts, films and pod casts Entries were submitted across 16 categories including new Awards for Best Communication about Diversity in Beer and Pubs and Best Communication about Cider, the latter following the Guild’s deci sion to include cider writing within its remit The winners will share a highest ever prize fund of £19,500 thanks to the Award sponsors

Finalists were selected through a robust judging process by a panel chaired by Pete Brown, current Beer Writer of the Year, who said: “I first chaired these Awards a decade ago and this year ’ s field feels ver y different: more entries tackling a broader range of topics and using a wider range of media, submitted by a more diverse group of writers and other communicators

“The quality of entries this year is as high as it’s ever been, which

Hale Events trade shows can help your business succeed in 2023 With 2022 already ending, it's time to plan how you will find ingredients for your new menus, the best retail food and drink, and the equipment and ser vices your business needs to keep ahead of the competition

Hale Events’ three trade shows have real bite They introduce buyers to a wide range of exhibitors and suppliers, to help them find ways to maximise profits whilst improving efficiencies They enable networking with colleagues to share challenges (and solutions!)

Hospitality and retail are facing another tough year, and it’s more impor tant than ever to draw the silver lining from the economic storm clouds in ever y way possible These shows do just that!

THE SOURCE TRADE SHOW Wednesday 8th & Thursday 9th of Februar y 2023, at Westpoint near Exeter.

The Source trade show takes place in Februar y There s been a food and drink and hospitality show in this time slot in the South West now for more than 20 years This is one of the key times of year for buyers to seek out new suppliers of products and ser vices In par tnership with regional food group Taste of the West, this trade show will delight your senses with the latest flavours and ideas


The Awards dinner will be held on 23 November at One Great George Street in Westminster Guests enjoy dinner with beers matched to each course and beers before and after the meal, provided by the Awards sponsors Guild members, both individual and corporate , and non Guild members, are welcome to attend, more information and tickets are available on the Guild website

Alongside Pete Brown, this year ’ s judging panel includes: Mitch Adams, Beer Sommelier and beer buyer at Euroboozer ; Molly Davis, head of communications at the BII; Claire Dodd, travel and drinks writer ; Matt Eley, communications consultant and former editor of Inapub magazine; Fergus Fitzgerald, production director at Adnams; Kelly McCar thy CBII, licensee of the Old Sun Inn in Yorkshire; John Mitchinson, co founder of crowdfunding publishers Unbound; Ned Palmer, cheesemonger and author and Michelle Perrett, industr y journalist and communications exper t

drink retail, then this is the show you cannot afford to miss!

Taking place well before the all impor tant summer season kicks off, the show is regarded as a cornerstone of the Cornish business calendar It’s an absolute must for buyers to compare a range of competing offerings, as well as get a feel for the trends from afar shaping the market all under one roof

THE SOURCE ROADSHOW - Tuesday 27th June , Ashton Gate Stadium, Bristol.

Returning to Bristol after last year ’ s inaugural show, this show brings both the best of the South West, as well as the latest innovations from around the world to Bristol’s food and drink buyers

These shows will satisfy your appetite , whether you run a pub, hotel, restaurant café deli farm shop holiday park tourist attractions catering business, supermarket or if your business is food and drink They’re free to attend for trade buyers all you need to do is visit the relevant show website to register or ring the team at Hale on 01934 733456 Of course , they welcome enquiries for stand bookings via the websites too, or you can call the sales team on 01934 733433 Visit www hale events com to find the website you ’ re looking for


Feed your need

6 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
EXPOWEST CORNWALL Wednesday 8th & Thursday 9th March, at the Royal Cornwall Showground, Wadebridge . you have a Cornish business that’s in hospitality, catering, or food and
Take a Bite Out of the Best the South West Has to Offer!
for the latest
Restaurants and Pubs have added additional alcoholic drinks to menus from June September 2022, with average alcoholic drinks up +1 4% and +6 5%, respectively, as per the latest Lumina Intelligence Menu Tracker repor t Lumina’s previously released Restaurant Market Repor t 2022 show cased how lunch and dinner occasions are driving spending decline as consumers opt out of drinks: Average spending at lunch and dinner has decreased 20% and 12% year on year,
consumers a wider array of drink options is expected to encourage consumers to purchase a drink alongside a meal and fight back against this diminished spending
respectively This is being driven by consumers especially younger consumers opting out of purchasing drinks with food Offering
Katherine Prowse The British Guild of Beer Writers has announced the writers, journal ists, bloggers and other communicators who have reached the finals of its Annual Awards 2022 Categor y winners and runners up as well as the overall Beer Writer of the Year and Brewer of the Year will be unveiled on 23 November at the Guild’s Annual Awards Dinner in London speaks volumes for the standard of communication achieved by Guild members It also means that some great work has sadly not made the cut this year, so as well as congratulating our finalists, we send our commiserations to the talented communicators who’ve missed out this

World Cup Hospitality Spend Expected to Fall but 20million Fans Will Watch Games in Pub & Bar

The 2022 World Cup Spending Repor t1 by VoucherCodes co uk fore casts that pubs, bars, and restaurants are set to make £395 million in sales throughout the tournament 10% less than the last World Cup (£439 million)

With the competition being held during winter for the first time ever data shows the colder weather combined with the current cost of living crisis will have a big impact on hospitality sales as consumers look for cheaper ways to celebrate throughout the tournament

Overall, £287 million is expected to be spent on drinks and £117 mil lion on food at venues around the countr y, with the group stage (20th November 2nd December) predicted to be the highest earner for bars, pubs, and restaurants This stage of the competition is expected to generate £205 2 million in sales, while smaller sums are expected to be spent across the round of 16 (£95 million) quar ter finals (£51 5 million) semi finals (£27 7 million) and the final match (£15 9 million) This is due to the expectation that England will only make it to the quar ter finals before being ousted from the competition

Total predicted hospitality spend for the 2022 FIFA World Cup

Maureen McDonagh, Managing Director at VoucherCodes co uk com mented: “After a difficult year for hospitality, it’s clear from our repor t that the ongoing cost of living crisis is going to have a huge impact on hospitality spend across the 2022 World Cup

“The colder weather and darker nights, coupled with rising living costs, and high bar prices means consumers are less likely to want to go out to enjoy the tournament and this is evident in our forecasts

“However, with 20 million people still set to brave the cold weather to soak up the atmosphere in pubs and other venues, there are ways pub, bar and restaurant owners can take advantage of this greatly anticipated tournament and entice customers into their venues Giving customers value for money has never been more impor tant, so offering discounts on food or drink during matches will allow hospitality venues to capi talise on the excitement around the World Cup ”

JD Wetherspoon to Put a Further Seven Sites Up for Sale

2022, I set out various threats to the hospitality industr y and these continue to apply

The location of the sites has not yet been disclosed but it is under stood most are close to existing Wetherspoon pubs

The group, which currently operates 847 pubs in the UK and Ireland, put 32 sites in England up for sale in September

Wetherspoon said today it had opened one pub and sold five during the past 14 weeks, resulting in a cash inflow of £1 9m

“Trading has been broadly in line with expectations, although October has been a slightly slower month,” chairman Tim Mar tin said “In my comments on the full year results released on 7 October

“Those caveats aside in the absence of fur ther lockdowns or restric tions, the company remains cautiously optimistic about future prospects

Like for like sales during the period were 9 6% higher than last year and 0 4% up on 2019

But in an update to investors the company warned costs of labour food and repairs were “substantially higher” this year

The pub group said trading over the past 14 weeks had been broadly in line with expectations, but October had been a slightly slower


Wetherspoon chairman Tim Mar tin said he was “cautiously opti mistic” about its prospects if no fur ther coronavirus restrictions were introduced

Last month he warned that the group is facing a “momentous chal lenge to persuade punters back into its bars after they got used to drinking cheap supermarket beer during the COVID pandemic

The firm said it now remained “cautiously optimistic” despite the cost pressures hammering the hospitality sector It expects positive cash flow for its 2023 financial year ending July

Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 7
Sales in UK hospitality venues during the 2022 FIFA World Cup are expected to drop by £44 million compared to the 2018 competition a new repor t reveals, but an estimated 20 million fans will still use a hos pitality venue to watch games JD Wetherspoon is putting seven more of its pubs on the market this week after warning of the impact of challenging sales and rising costs

Foodservice Price Index Shows Inflation Nearing

Amid Storm of Cost Pressures

Prestige Purchasing predicts inflation will continue to be high While food com modity markets have shown some signs of easing in recent weeks, OPEC’s reduction of oil production and the


Kicking off the series Adam Byatt chef owner of one Michelin Star restaurant Trinity in Clapham, will be cooking a special menu on the 22nd November, while Michelin starred chef Tom Kerridge will take to the pass on 17th Januar y The series will finish in Februar y (date to be announced) with ‘chefs chef ’ , Phil Howard, chef proprietor of Michelin starred Elystan Street in Chelsea and recently opened Notto Pasta Bar in Piccadilly

Known for his honest cooking designed to showcase the ver y best local produce , Adam’s set menu will begin with Fisherman’s Canapés (cheese and onion vol au vent, potted par tridge on toast, and Parmesan sable), followed by warm semi smoked salmon beurre blanc capers and dill Main course will come in the form of venison cooked on the saddle truffled celeriac lingonberries and boulangere potatoes for the table to share and a desser t of milk and honey will complete the menu


Series in Aid of The Alex Lewis Trust

ative menu which is seasonal, flavour driven and ingredient led Booking details will be announced in the weeks to come

Phil Howard owner of Michelin starred Elystan Street in Chelsea and newly launched Notto Pasta Bar in Piccadilly will create an offering of deli cious authentic fresh pasta dishes including highlights such as Gnocchetti with smashed sausage , white wine , fennel and chilli and Squid ink spaghetti with a sauce of sardines, garlic , sweet peppers, and tomato Booking details will be announced in the weeks to come

The dinners are in aid of The Alex Lewis Trust, a foundation set up by owner Lucy Townsend’s par tner, Alex Lewis In 2013, Alex collapsed and was rushed to Winchester ICU hospital his only symptom being a common cold He had contracted Strep A which led to Septicaemia, Toxic shock syn drome and necrotising fasciitis Alex underwent life saving surger y resulting in his left arm being amputated above the elbow, and both his legs being amputated above the knee Six months later he lost his right arm below his elbow

Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 9
Greyhound on the Test, a 16th centur y retreat in the Test Valley district of Hampshire is set to welcome three culinar y heavyweights to its kitchen for a series of one off charitable suppers to raise money for The Alex Lewis Trust Kerridge owner of The Hand & Flowers, the only 2 Michelin Star pub in the UK will ser ve a cre Funds raised will go towards the amazing projects The Alex Lewis Trust runs, including Project Limitless; providing soft shell prosthetic arms for UK children and The Wild Wheelchairs Project; funded engineering
Masters students designing and building handcycles
The Greyhound on the Test Announces
Inflation in food and drink prices hit a record high of 18 8% in September 2022, the latest CGA Prestige Foodser vice Price Index reveals After reaching 15% for first time ever in August the Index surged again during September This means infla tion has been in double digits in ever y month of 2022 since Januar y Year on year price rises topped 10% in ever y food categor y of the
September index, with dair y and oils & fats the most inflationar y segments Other core products for hospitality including meat vegetables and fruit were all above 17%, with total food prices climbing 2 9% since August alone
Food inflation is also rising fast in the retail sector, and the food categor y of the Consumer Price Index passed 10% for the first time in September, with fresh food climbing 13 3% The rate of general inflation across the wider economy and the impact of steady hikes in interest rates on consumers ’ spending on eating out, are also causing significant concerns amongst hospitality operators and suppliers The repor t from CGA and
continued vulnerability of the Black Sea grain corridor deal with Russia are among the factors placing upwards pressure on pricing Prestige Purchasing CEO Shaun Allen said: “The speed of price rises from suppliers to the hospitality sector continues to increase , and there is little that we can see in the months ahead that will change that Inflation has well and truly taken root in our supply chains, and whilst we do expect prices to rise more slowly in 2023 we believe we will still be seeing significant levels of inflation for most of next year With so many other pres sures it would be easy for operators to take the eye off the ball of managing supply prices, which in this mar ket could be ver y costly ” James Ashurst, client director at CGA by NielsenIQ, said: “Hospitality is besieged by the biggest challenges that many in the sector can remember News that inflation is closing in on 20% will deal another heavy blow to the confidence of businesses and consumers alike , and there is no respite in sight Britain’s best restaurants, pubs and bars still have a bright future , but thousands of businesses weakened by two years of COVID 19 are now extremely fragile Government suppor t is desperately needed to sustain them through this storm

Hospitality Spending Grows in October but Rail Strikes and Inflation Take its Toll

Consumer card spending grew 3 5 per cent year on year in October higher than in September (1 8 per cent) but well below the 8 8 per cent rise in consumer price inflation as the cost of living crunch continues to put pressure on Brits’ personal finances reveals data from Barclaycard

The hospitality and leisure sector grew 10 2 per cent however this was the smallest uplift for the categor y since March 2021, possibly due to the impact of rail strikes as well as rising living costs In fact, of the half of Brits (52 per cent) who are cutting back on discretionar y purchases to afford their energ y bills this autumn and winter, six in 10 (62 per cent) say they are spending less on eating out at restaurants and 37 per cent are buying fewer cinema tickets This perhaps explains why restaurants contracted 11 3 per cent and enter tainment slipped back into decline ( 1 0 per cent) in October

Bars, pubs & clubs, however, saw a slight improvement (1 7 per cent), though prior to September this would have been the smallest growth for the categor y since March last year

Some “insperience”

fast food


The hospitality sector is reminded that at 10 30am on Monday 14th November members of the hospitality industr y will converge on Parliament Square , to urge the government to revise its existing policies relating to hospitality venues

CLH Editor Peter Adams will be attending the demonstration, so please do make yourself known We will be following up with a news stor y so please do let your views known He can be easily spotted he will be carr ying a copy of CLH News!

At the third HospoDemo protest in two years, protestors from all corners of the sector including restaurants bars pubs clubs hotels and cafés will come together to stand up for their industr y Dressed in their work uniform, they will come equipped with pots, pans, ladles, cocktail shakers, wooden spoons, last orders bells and other hospitality related tools with which to make themselves heard At 11am, all protestors will turn to face the Houses of Parliament and make as much noise as possible to ensure the sound resonates within the building, before marching on to HM Treasur y to do the same

HospoDemo is expecting a large turnout due to the perilous position so many hos pitality businesses now find themselves in Operators are still reeling from the loss of business during three Covid lockdowns and the enormous rent debt accrued during that time Since then the sector has had to contend with ongoing labour shor tages

and drink, including turkey and mulled wine , and two fifths (42 per cent) will curb their spending on Christmas par ties and socialising

In addition, a fifth of Brits (21 per cent) plan to set a spending limit with their friends and family for gift purchases and a similar propor tion (19 per cent) have star ted their Christmas shopping earlier this year to spread the cost One in 10 (10 per cent) thrifty shoppers even plan to buy more sec ond hand / pre loved items to give as presents this year

Against a backdrop of political and economic uncer tainty, confidence in the UK economy fell sharply to 15 per cent the lowest level recorded since 2015, when Barclaycard began tracking this data and less than half the level this time last year (31 per cent) Meanwhile , 92 per cent are wor ried about the negative impact of rising inflation on their personal finances, with 30 per cent of Brits assessing whether ever y individual purchase is necessar y and a fifth (19 per cent) feeling that the cost of living squeeze is having a negative impact on their mental health

Esme Harwood, Director at Barclaycard, said: “Rising petrol and super market costs continue to bite , but Brits are spending less on energ y bills as government suppor t kicks in and people find ways to economise at home Consumers continue to swap big nights out for cosy evenings in as they reduce their discretionar y spending, while health & beauty and home improvements enjoy a little boost “With the festive season around the corner we ’ re likely to see fur ther cutbacks as Brits reign in their Christmas spending Consumers are adopting a restrained approach to festivities, reaching for pre loved gifts and setting spending limits to manage their costs during this traditionally expensive time of year

followed by the onslaught of the cost of living crisis and spiralling costs of supplies from fresh produce to cooking oil, staff costs to crocker y and glassware , and of course , surging energ y prices With operators lurching from one crisis to another, profitable trading is becoming impossible for many

Prominent attendees from previous HospoDemo protests included chefs Yotam Ottolenghi, Jason Ather ton, Tom Aikens, Fergus Henderson and Margot Henderson, along with well known figures in the drinks industr y including Monica Berg, Alex Kratena Alessandro Palazzi and Jan Konetzki Well known figures from across the industr y are expected at the protest on November 14th Hospitality professionals from around the UK are encouraged to attend or if they cannot to upload videos to social media of themselves making a noise with the tools of their trade at work

The HospoDemo protest is suppor ted by chef Tom Kerridge who said: “The situation that hospitality businesses are facing now is nothing shor t of a nightmare I fully sup por t HospoDemo in their effor ts to make the government accountable by urging them to make policy changes such as a 10% VAT reduction, a business rates holiday and an overseas worker visa system The question is, how many more hospitality businesses need to fail before the government takes action and gives our sector proper suppor t?”

Perceptions of Low Pay Deterring Young People off Hospitality Jobs



The research, which asked more than 2,000 young people between the ages of 14 and 21 year old, was designed to understand the challenges and oppor tunities for the hospitality industr y when it comes to recruit ing and retaining Gen Z employees



The reasons given for wanting to pursue a career in hospitality included wanting to make people feel happy (36%) because they enjoyed cooking (29%) the oppor tunity to work abroad (26%) a fun working environ ment (26%) and career progression (25%)

Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 11
Join Us at the Hospitality Industry Protest on 14th November Parliament Square, London at 10.30am
people do not find the hospitality industr y to be an attractive career choice as they don’t think the sector pays well, according to a new nationwide sur vey commissioned by Umbrella Training
sur vey found that only one in ten young people were willing to choose a career in the hospitality indus tr y, with 31% saying they would not choose a career in the sector because they perceived it
to be low paid Other reasons included a lack of knowledge about jobs in hospitality (26%), not believing they had the suffi cient skills (25%) and not wanting to work unsociable hours (23%)
Oxberr y, founder of Umbrella Training, said: “For as long as I remember, our sector has battled with attraction and recruitment of
young people While there are lots of anecdotal explanations, our aim in com missioning this research was to collect some hard evidence and data on what young people really think about the hospitality industr y hoping that the insights we have gathered will help shape how we as a sector behave in the future , and by taking the recommendations forward create a pipeline of talent coming into our industr y who see oppor tunities in the sector and will carr y it into a bright future categories saw a boost in October, including digital content and subscriptions and take aways and which grew 4 8 per cent and 11 7 per cent respectively This comes as half of consumers (50 per are swapping nights out for evenings in to save money this autumn and winter With the festive season fast approaching almost half (48 per cent) of Brits are planning to cut down on Christmas purchases, including festive activities and gifts, to save money this year Of these consumers, six in 10 (59 per cent) will be spending less on gifts for family and friends, 44 per cent will cut back on festive food

Halloween Raises Weekend Spirits and Drinks Sales

The growing popularity of Halloween celebrations have helped lift Britain’s On Premise drinks sales above last year s levels for the sixth week in a row

Average sales in managed venues in the seven days to Saturday (29 October) were 2% up on the same weekend in 2021, CGA by NielsenIQ’s latest Drinks Recover y Tracker shows However, it is a dip from the 6% growth of the previous seven days, and well below current rates of inflation in Britain

While sales were down by 9% year on year on Sunday (23 October), they were up on ever y other day of the week peaking at 13% and 11% on Wednesday and Thursday (26 and 27 October)

Fridays and Saturdays have been slower for sales than midweek in the last few months, as some people cut back on big nights out But Halloween brought more

consumers out to pubs and bars, and sales were up by 6% and 5% last Friday and Saturday (28 and 29 October)

Continuing the pattern of recent weeks, beer (up 15%) and cider (up 19%) were the best performing drinks categories year on year Soft drinks (up 5%) and wine (up 7%) were in good growth, while spirits (down 10%) suffered from tough com paratives to slip behind the same week in 2021, despite their strong connection with Halloween occasions

“Spending is pretty restrained at the moment, but Halloween showed pubs and bars are still central to people’s big social occasions,” says Jonathan Jones, CGA’s managing director, UK and Ireland “This bodes well for the Christmas season, though with costs and interest rates continuing to rise , there is a long way to go before the On Premise reaches real terms growth after adjustments for inflation ”

Bank of England Rate Rise Will Leave Small Businesses Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Interest rates have risen sharply as the Bank of England continues to use its powers to tackle soaring prices

The Bank has increased its benchmark rate from 2 25% to 3% That is the eighth consecutive increase since December, pushing the rate to its highest level for 14 years

Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) National Chair Mar tin McTague said: “Whatever the macroeconomic justifications for this latest rise , the eighth in a row, its effects will be felt immediately on the ground by small businesses carr ying many kinds of debts, as well as by hard pressed consumers

“Consumer confidence in October was only slightly above its all time low in September, which spells worr ying news for countless small firms relying on consumer spending in the so called ‘golden quar ter’ running up to the festive season

“Our research found that firms in the hospitality sector had a confi dence reading almost twice as negative as the overall score for all sec tors in Q3 raising fears of a wave of closures if prospects do not improve this winter

“Prior to today’s base rate hike , small firms were already telling us that the availability of new credit worsened in the third quar ter, and that finance was already getting more costly, adding to the financial pressures they face

“Inflation is still sky high especially for business inputs where it is running at around twice the rate of that felt by consumers

“Today’s rise may be seen by markets as necessar y and inevitable , but for small businesses struggling under a debt burden and seeing decreas es in custom that will be cold comfor t

“The Chancellor must not forget small businesses and self employed people in the upcoming Budget

“While there are undoubtedly tough decisions ahead, a fur ther drop in small business numbers, after 2020 and 2021 saw a combined loss of nearly half a million will hamstring the UK’s economic recover y before it has a chance to get going

“Action on late payment at least would be a godsend for small firms, opening up flows of working capital to keep them able to trade The long running scandal of large corporates’ poor payment practices must end, and the sooner the better ”

Emma McClarkin, chief executive of the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) said: “The last thing pubs and brewers want to do is put prices up for loyal customers but are stuck between a rock and hard place

The cost of running their businesses has become completely unsus tainable , the price of key ingredients and utilities are rocketing, and now their customers will, understandably, be tightening their belts even

of interest rates rising ”

She called on the government to reinstate the freeze in beer duty and tackle the overall cost of doing businesses to “keep a trip to the pub affordable this Christmas

“Spiralling inflation is driving our pubs and brewers to breaking point and many more will be forced to shut their doors for good if urgent action isn’t taken to save them,” McClarkin added

Alpesh Paleja, CBI Lead Economist, said: “The Bank has deployed a bumper rate rise underscoring the scale of the UK’s inflation challenge A weakening economy and tighter fiscal policy is set against volatility in global energ y prices, stubbornly high inflation expectations and persist ent wage pressures

“With monetar y policy focused on tackling inflation, the government’s immediate priority should be to reinforce markets’ faith in the UK’s hard won reputation for stability but fiscal sustainability and growth shouldn’t be an either or choice

The Autumn Statement must learn the lessons of the 2010s: fiscal sustainability and lifting trend growth are both priorities Alongside pro tecting the most vulnerable the government should safeguard capital spending and investment allowances to enable private sector invest ment to drive future growth ”

Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 13
fur ther following the news

Is Big Tech Giving The Travel Technology Industry A Big Talent Problem?

When it comes to the recruitment and retention of tech talent the travel industr y has faced stiff competition from the ‘big tech’ player s over the last few year s But with Meta and Twitter announcing lay offs recently could the pendulum be about to swing the other way? We asked a selection of our Belvera Par tner s clients to comment

Anthony Hunt, VP Strateg y & Product at Shiji Group, the tech provider to the hospitality industr y, comments:

“Did we see an engineer brain drain during COVID times from ‘big tech ? Yes we did, especially in markets like Poland where salaries for tech talent are lower than in the US The demand for talent is higher than the supply But on the upside we see the pendulum is star ting to sway back again the other way, several of the engineering talent going to US or other companies come back as they were unsatisfied with the experience

“We do a lot of work on culture and the workplace , making it more fun for the teams, showing them how they re contributing to the digital transformation of an entire hospitality ver tical is quite exciting We have a huge task ahead so culture and team is critical But as I said there's still more demand than supply, even though we do see things settling down a bit "

Adding to this Emilie Dumont, Managing Director of B2B travel tech group Digitrips (whose companies include France s leading OTA Misterfly) says:

During the peak of the COVID period in 2020 we saw a clear trend for tech talent wanting to leave travel due to the uncer tainty and instead go to ‘big tech’ firms, or at the ver y least other sectors But since then the problem has slowly reduced a lot, in fact this year out of a tech team of 90 we ’ ve only seen five people go

“What we see is that in tech teams, and especially amongst developers,

they are more interested now in working on projects that they find exciting or interesting and that they have strong preferences to for some technologies over others For example anything involvingKubernetes, Docker or continuous deliver y always draws more applicants and higher satisfaction levels

Never theless, demand outstrips supply when it comes to tech talent for our space , we find recruitment periods are still ver y long and that getting the ‘right’ profile signed up and onboard working takes an aver age of 6 months Anything that can be done at an industr y level to address this would be welcome ”

Whilst Lorraine Sileo, Founder & Senior Analyst at Phocuswright Research whose annual conference takes place in Phoenix, Arizona from 14 to 17 November adds to this:

“Unemployment levels in developed countries are at some of the low est rates ever and the travel and tourism industr y is struggling to fill front line roles such as check in staff waiters cleaners call center opera tors baggage handlers and cabin crew

“So the industr y needs rapidly to discern when the human touch can be replaced with technological alternatives as in many cases advanced technological solutions could be employed to solve , or at least alleviate , such problems

“But guess what? Rather ironically, while the travel tech space has always suffered from a dear th of talent, this problem is now even worse not least as many talented developers and engineers have been seduced by higher salaries in ‘big tech’ firms This is acting as a brake on innovation

“These employment problems must be solved rapidly as no one likes the alternatives of a smaller industr y, higher prices and less ser vice Employers must embrace a flexible workforce (with both staff and con tractors) as talent be that tech or front line is too precious to waste It's better to make changes now than wait for things to ‘get back to normal’ as when it comes to the labor market normal may never come ”

And finally Emilio Galán CTO & Founder of Beonprice a revenue manager for the hospitality sector, says:

“The general shift to remote working for technolog y roles driven by the pandemic resulted in businesses being able to access talent on a global scale Businesses began to contract developers from ever y corner of the world and the developers became more and more empowered to negotiate their conditions

“This provoked a global fight for the best talent and an upward trend in salaries regardless of the geographic location Even now this fight con tinues due to the high demand for these profiles and their scarcity ”

Institute of Hospitality Announces New South East England Region Chair and Vice Chairs




It is an exciting time for the Institute as it prepares itself for the Char tered Status application and we look forward to working together to suppor t this impor tant step in its histor y

The hospitality industr y never had so much focus, so it is crucial that we continue to raise the industr y flag and over the next few weeks we will be working on our plan of activities ensuring that we cover events across the region ”

More Than Great Coffee For Your Business

As we enter the winter season with the continued inflationar y pressures, rising energ y bills and increased labour costs; operators from all corners of the hospitality market are looking at their total offer to consider changes that will make guest eat ing and drinking occasions work more effi ciently and effectively, better for the guest experience and better for business

The demand for quality remains but the expectation for value for experience grows, here’s where Douwe Egber ts Cafitesse can help your business with more than great coffee


14 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
With a range of Douwe Egber ts’ Cafitesse machines to choose from each is a beautifully designed high speed self ser ve coffee machine with var ying capabilities to suit the needs of your venues, your hospitality occasions and your guests Each is also built for reliability to ser ve high volumes of coffee and drinks at peak times, whether pots or cups ser ved or self ser ve Perfect for high demand usage all day long from breakfast to evening ser vice Douwe Egber ts Cafitesse knows how to deliver great tasting coffee at high speed and in high volumes, now being experienced by the 135,000+ machines being used worldwide , ser ving two billion cups ever y year and counting Sourcing coffees from around the world, Douwe Egber ts Cafitesse coffee is roast ed and brewed to create perfectly balanced blends full of flavour capturing all the flavours and precious aromas to deliver a consistently delicious coffee , cup after cup Within the range we also offer UTZ Cer tified blends including Intense and Classic Roast Discover the benefits of Douwe Egber ts Cafitesse in your business, scan the QR code shown
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the facing page for
Ar ticle supplied by Belvera Par tner s (https://belverapar tner s .com) Francisco Macedo FIH MI SJS, Group Operations Director at Iconic Luxur y Hotels & Cliveden has been appointed as the first IoH chair of the South East Region under the Institute’s new English regional struc ture the appointment, Rober t Richardson FIH MI, CEO of the Institute said: am absolutely delighted to welcome Francisco on board as chair of our new South East Region Francisco is a Fellow of the Institute and has been an active and involved member of our #HospitalityFamily for many years now Francisco’s experience as chair of the former Thames Valley branch will undoubtedly help our new South East Region thrive added “I am extremely delighted to be taking over as the chair for the newly formed IoH South East Region; continuing the work we did when we were heading the Thames Valley Branch, and suppor ting Rober t and his team in driving engagement amongst our members and proac tive collaboration with the other regional committees Joining Francisco as joint vice chairs will be Mike Wood FIH and Mark Taylor FIH

UK’s Ideal Work-Life Balance Split Revealed

The average Brit’s work life balance is 55 per cent work and just 45 per cent pleasure according to research

A study of 2 000 adults found just three in 10 are satisfied with the current balance with the ideal considered to be 43 per cent work and 57 per cent ‘life’

To improve the split 42 per cent tr y to get a healthy amount of sleep, 40 per cent avoid discussing work at weekends and 34 per cent take a lunch break each day

More than a quar ter also tr y to book in social plans to give them something to look forward to away from work

The study, commissioned by Novotel (https://novotel accor com), found the typical working day lasts seven hours and 39 minutes, but on average an additional three hours and 55 minutes over time is worked each week

More than half (51 per cent) admit to sending or reading emails out side of their contracted hours, while others catch up on work they didn’t get to during the day (42 per cent) and admin tasks (38 per cent)

It also emerged that more than half work during the commute , which typically lasts 35 minutes, with 54 per cent claiming they then feel organised for the day ahead

The average time to ‘wind down’ at the end of the working day was found to be 6:22pm, although a fifth claim work is always on their mind

Stephanie Rowe , spokesperson for Novotel said: “It’s interesting to see how people split their work and life commitments, with work often taking over from having a social life or down time

“The past couple of years have no doubt had an impact on our general routines and priorities, especially working hours with many homes also becoming workplaces

“We want to encourage people to take time and make time for things that matter and help with their gen eral wellbeing worr yingly, the results show more than a third have had to take time off work due to stress

“Even when working away, it’s possible , and impor tant, to enjoy some leisure activities too in order to switch off

“In fact, the study shows 82 per cent make time for themselves when travelling for work, an indication that ‘bleisure’ travel and ‘workations’ are trends that will remain this year

The research also polled adults in various countries and found Germany has the worst work life balance 58 per cent and 42 per cent respectively while Poland has the best with a clear 50/50 split

It also found Brits work the fewest hours, compared to those in Germany, Netherlands and Poland who all work more than eight hours a day

Germans clock off and wind down the earliest, at 17:36pm, while Polish workers don’t feel switched off until 18:55pm

And while Brits manage six hours 37 minutes of ‘ me time’ a week, German’s get the least at five hours 46 minutes

Despite this, more than a third of Brits would like to have more ‘ me time’ in general and 30 per cent want to make this a priority for 2022

However, just 26 per cent feel they prioritise ‘ me time’ over their job

To wind down, 57 per cent watch TV, 39 per cent go for a walk or run and 27 per cent go shopping

While a fifth feel their work life balance improved during the pandemic , 33 per cent have spent longer work ing than usual

Of those polled via OnePoll, 42 per cent also travel for work, making an average of three trips in the UK or abroad ever y six months, this includes experiences such as dining out, seeing sights and using hotel facilities such as pools or spas

Stephanie added: “As business travel returns, ‘workations’ offer people the oppor tunity to create me time and family time , extending business trips to explore either solo or with friends or family

“In 2022, we want to catch up with far flung friends and families and remember why we love the ones we have shared lockdowns with

“At Novotel, we also understand the incredible need for ‘ me time’ and predict an increase in solo travel this year as people seek ways to recharge their batteries, whatever the choice of escape , “time well spent” is more impor tant than ever ”

Fullers Celebrating 177 Year Birthday!

On Tuesday 15 November 2022 Fuller’s is celebrating its 177th bir thday and is offering all customers to join in the celebration on the day with three drinks for just £1 77 each

In 1845, the Fuller, Smith and Turner par tnership papers were signed and, since then, Fuller’s has been bringing people together The Fuller’s Get Together star ted in 2018 to celebrate the anniversar y of the par tnership and each year the price of the three drinks reflects the age of the company Fuller’s is delighted to celebrate the wonderful contribution its premium pubs and hotels make to the many communities they are at the hear t of, and the Get Together is the chance to thank all Fuller’s customers

Anyone wishing to join the celebrations, can register for their £1 77 drinks voucher by visiting Fuller’s website

For those who don’t fancy beer other tipples available include Cornish Orchards Cider (bottle or draught), 125ml or 175ml glasses of house wine , or selected soft and hot drinks Full terms and conditions can be found on Fuller’s website

Fuller’s Retail Director, Fred Turner, said: “The Get Together is a great day in the Fuller’s calendar and I am delighted to have the oppor tunity to invite our customers to join in our anniversar y celebrations We’ve been a par t of families and communities for 177 years and we wanted to celebrate this with as many people as possible

London Battersea

Station Official Launch Date Confirmed


The 164 bedroom hotel will be located within Battersea Roof Gardens, a new build ing forming a key par t of Electric Boulevard: a collection of buildings comprising

16 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
Fuller is proud of its rich heritage We re passionate about bringing people together creating great memories through fantastic food and drinks, and outstanding customer ser vice Here’s to the next 177 years ”
announced that ar t’otel London Battersea Power Station the Group’s
managed ar t’otel, will open its doors to guests on 12 December 2022, with
full launch in Februar y 2023
PPHE Hotel Group has
first UK
the highly anticipated
be operated by PPHE’s hospitality management platform under a man agement agreement The Group s management platform is fully scalable and designed to grow through managing fully or jointly owned real estate providing best in class revenue management and a flexible contract structure for asset owners
launch is expected to bring fur ther energ y to the recently launched and groundbreaking Battersea Power Station neighbourhood, offering a one of a kind hotel experience that fuses ar t, design and hospitality with never before seen views par ticu larly from the highly anticipated rooftop bar, heated infinity pool and hot tub located on
The hotel will
The hotel’s
the 16th floor
new ar t’otels
homes offices and a
pedestrianised high street which sits to the south of the icon
Power Station This is the first of several
scheduled to open in London, Rome and Zagreb (Croatia)
t’otel London Battersea Power Station will be joined by ar t’otel London Hoxton in early 2024
Boris Ivesha President & Chief Executive Officer PPHE Hotel Group said: are ver y pleased to confirm the official opening date of our first UK ar t’otel in the highly anticipated new Battersea Power Station neighbourhood in London Operating under a management agreement and utilising our best in class, scalable operating platform, the hotel will be a first of its kind in many respects, and we expect demand to be high We look forward to welcoming guests ver y soon ”
“With a quar ter seeking to improve their work life balance this year we encourage people to reconnect with loved ones travel explore , experience things once more and make time well spent this year

Innovation Grants Launched to Support Tourism and Hospitality Businesses

Hospitality, tourism and food and drink businesses in par ts of the Nor th East region will now be able to bid for grants of up to £50k to implement innovative solutions to challenges facing the sector Grants of between £10,000 and £50,000 are available to businesses in Nor thumberland, Newcastle and Nor th Tyneside , thanks to the Hospitality, Innovation, Tourism, Supply (HITS) project, funded by the Nor th of Tyne Combined Authority The grant will represent 50% of a total project cost with match funding needed for the remainder

The grant scheme was launched as par t of the first Time Out Tuesday event held this week The HITS programme is being delivered by NewcastleGateshead Initiative in par tnership with Food and Drink Nor th East and NBSL, who suppor t businesses in the region to access grants and mentoring

Nor th of Tyne Combined Authority Mayor Jamie Driscoll opened the event with guest speakers also including the BBC’s Nor th East and Cumbria Political Correspondent Richard Moss and Ian Wright former co chair of the Government’s Food and Drink Sector Council

The innovation grant is open to tourism, hospitality and supply chain businesses for under taking innovation projects that can contribute to the following drivers delivering business growth, suppor ting the safe guarding and creation of good quality jobs and driving economic impact in the tourism and hospitality sectors within the Nor th of Tyne area

This could be new products or ser vices, or adopting a new innovative process not currently used in the sector Projects could focus on new technologies, solutions which enable businesses to be more efficient or processes to improve staff training or recruitment

Businesses are also being encouraged to work together on a collabo

rative bid which could benefit more than one organisation

The HITS programme was launched earlier this year to help suppor t businesses in the sector embed innovation into their ways of working Time Out Tuesday will be a monthly event open to members of the pro gramme Only members of the programme will be eligible to apply for a grant

Metro Mayor for the Nor th of Tyne Jamie Driscoll said: “This is all about backing our local tourism and hospitality businesses It’s about working together to provide visitors with the best possible experience And it’s about doing this in a way that helps companies grow, create jobs, and protect the environment That’s why this programme is so impor tant ”

Destination Director at NGI Ian Thomas said: “We know the impact

recent challenges have had and are still having on this sector, so it is imperative we star t working together to grow our businesses and drive more visitors

“There are some huge oppor tunities for the region including develop ing our food and drink offer, marketing to new international markets, working with par tners such as the BBC who have made a phenomenal investment into the Nor th East in terms of film and TV production so we need to ensure our businesses are in a position to take advantage of these oppor tunities HITS can suppor t this by bringing like minded peo ple together to create new ways of working, which will benefit both the sector and visitors ”

Chris Jewitt, Founder and CEO of Food and Drink Nor th East added: “With the trifold impact of Brexit uncer tainty, the global pandemic and the current cost of living crisis, the past three years have hit the food, drink, hospitality and tourism sectors hard here in the Nor th East

“From food producers to restaurateurs, hoteliers and visitor attrac tions, business leaders have had to dig deep to navigate through these challenging times What we have seen is an upsurge in collaborative entrepreneurship, hard graft and invention come to the fore as business es from across the supply chain have battled to remain open and opera tional

The HITS programme is a unique oppor tunity to cement that spirit of innovation and provide the potential funding that can help unlock some of the solutions that will help these businesses not just sur vive but thrive ”

To find out more about the project and to sign up to become a mem ber go to


If nightclubs were to close in line with the current trajector y for the remainder of 2022, we would see 1 in 3 nightclubs lost since 2019 by the end of 2022, up from 1 in 5 at the end of 2021

The UK is a world leader in electronic music and UK clubs have been a breeding ground for contemporar y music talent events and dj’s for decades Nightclubs have made a huge contribution to the culture sector and are renowned globally

Michael Kill CEO NTIA Says: “The Government is ripping the hear t out of nightlife , with cost inflation accelerating closures of nightclubs from 1 in 5 at the end of 2019, to 1 in 3 in just 9 months in 2022

“This inflationar y circle is taking its toll on our sector, with business

es trading 15% down across the board, costs up over 30% taking the shine off the golden quar ter ”

before ”

“With the prominence of dance music in the UK as recently high lighted by the BPI, it is a huge tragedy for UK Culture seeing nightclubs in decline These spaces nur ture up and coming talent and are also cul tural and social hubs of communities which are now at risk of being lost forever “

“The Chancellor must consider suppor t based on the impor tant role that this sector plays in the economic recover y of this countr y ”

“Independent businesses across the night time economy need you to re instate the alcohol duty freeze extend business rates relief and reduce VAT across the board for ever yone ”

Jangro, the UK and Ireland’s largest network of independent janitorial distributors, is delighted to launch a brand new catalogue , dedicated to the commercial caterer and hospi tality sector Available now in a compact A5 size , it is packed with many new sustainable choices These include disposable food packaging, cutler y and drinkware that are made from recycled materials and are also compostable biodegradable or recyclable

From mixolog y, dispensing and ser ving essentials for bar tenders, a large range of glassware (entr y level to fine dining), through to front of house essentials, including crocker y, cutler y, oven to tableware , and presentation displays, the new catalogue has it all

It caters for ever ything required within commercial kitchens, including equipment and fur niture such as ovens cookers toasters dishwashers juicers and blenders as well as cook and bakeware , storage and kitchen utensils For staff, there is an array of uniform and PPE on offer, including chef ’ s clothing, headwear, hand protection, and footwear

Also included are kitchen hygiene supplies, which are essential to avoid cross contamina tion and the risk of foodborne illness The catalogue covers all chemicals paper products and cleaning products, including the new ntrl range , Jangro s innovative line of natural and

All ntrl products use raw materials that are derived from plant based extracts; their natu ral formulas are 100% biodegradable , contain zero petrochemicals,



sustainable cleaning products
and can reduce the prod uct’s carbon footprint by up to 85%
is also proud to offer products for hotels, from brands including Elsyl, and Taylor of London as well as ranges that are 90% natural Other features include an array of different signage , fire safety equipment, first aid, waste management, plus washroom essentials includ
baby change facilities
to unveil our
may be a more compact size
catering business might need for its establishment What’s more we have included more sustainable options than ever before helping our cus tomers to make responsible choices and meet their own sustainability goals ” For more info or to order a free copy visit Jangro net or call 01204 795 955 Jangro Launches New Catering And Hospitality Catalogue 18 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135 1 in 3 Nightclubs
Closure by the End of 2022 Says NTIA Recent figures clarified for NTIA by CGA Vanilla have shown that the recent cost inflation crisis has seen nightclub closures accelerate from 1 in 5 nightclubs during the pandemic , to 1 in 3 closing by the end of 2022 with fur ther suppor t CGA Vanilla Repor ted Nightclubs Numbers in the UK: December 2019 1446 December 2021 1191 September 2022 1068 With over 255 Nightclubs lost between Dec 2019 and Dec 2021, closing at a rate of 10 63 per month, equating to a nightclub being lost ever y three days during the pandemic (1 in 5 Nightclubs lost since 2019)
Gilliard CEO of Jangro comments “We
new Catering and Hospitality Catalogue It
than previous editions, but it is absolutely bursting with ever ything a
figures show that between Dec 2021 and Sept 2022 we have seen a fur ther loss of 123 Nightclubs within the last 9 months, closing at a rate of 14 per month, equating to a nightclub being lost ever y 2 days during the cost inflation crisis
Independent nightclubs across the UK are fighting to sur vive , manag ing cashflow on a day by day basis, waiting on a budget which has failed them twice

Restaurant Insolvencies Up 46% as Sector Leader Warns of “Collapse”

The Night Time Economy Adviser for Greater Manchester, Sacha Lord, has warned of a collapse in the sector unless business suppor t is provided in the Government's Autumn Budget, following a 46% rise in insolvencies in hospitality nationally

According to figures released from the Insolvency Ser vice and analysed by RPG Char tered accountants incorporating Crawfords, the number of restaurant and food outlets going into liquidation nationally increased 46% in the quar ter to September 2022, from 108 in June to 158 by the end of August

Sacha Lord, who is one of three night time advisers across the UK, has warned the data signals an impending collapse in the sector, and has once again urged the Government to suppor t businesses in its upcoming Autumn Budget Commenting, he said, "The data we have received today is just the tip of the iceberg, and shows a ver y worr ying trend which we believe will only get worse over the months to come An increase of nearly 50% in insolvencies in three months shows the sector in an extremely worr ying state and it is now entering winter in freefall

"There is a severe lack of confidence among operators par ticularly those run ning small independent businesses, and this has been exacerbated by the confu sion over possible business suppor t and ongoing u turns The implementation and subsequent reversal in the freeze on alcohol duty is just one example where planning has been made impossible , adding to the despon

dency and anxiety across the board "

"The stark truth is that hospitality businesses are paying more for ingredients energ y and day to day business needs than they were this time last year, and we are seeing venues shutting due to financial difficulties on a daily basis The sector urgently needs suppor t through a reduction in VAT and through business rates relief, both measures that will undoubtedly offer operators a lifeline

Gareth Hunt, Licensed Insolvency Practitioner at RPG Char tered Accountants, comments,

"We are seeing more smaller and medium businesses across the board in Greater Manchester and the surrounding areas beginning to struggle with ongoing financial commitments, and within our insolvency team we have had a number of restaurants, fast food outlets and pubs entering into liquidation this year The main catalysts of these closures have been the increase in business costs and gas prices, interest rates rises reduced footfall and unfor tunately we are wholly expecting this trend to rise fur ther over the winter months in par ticular "

The figures echo separate research by UKHospitality the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) the British Institute of Innkeeping (BII) and Hospitality Ulster this week, which showed that 35% of operators were expecting to be operating at a loss or be unviable by the end of the year, with 96% experiencing higher energ y costs and 93% facing food price inflation

Growing Manchester Hotel Mentoring Scheme Launches for Sixth Year

“Our hotel mentors are extremely proactive and engaged, allowing mentees to be guided through a real time view of operations in key city centre hotels, giving them invaluable experience in the industr y

The course has been running for six years and has been praised by hospi tality students previously as ‘ an advanced scheme that allows valuable insights into life as a general manager ’ at some of Manchester’s leading hotels and last year resulted in ten new jobs being created for young gradu ates

MHA chair Adrian Ellis, Chris Mitchell, principal lecturer at MMU and Diane Connelly Senior Lecturer at MMU run the initiative which they say ‘has been designed to attract students to careers in the hotel industr y to help with tackling the recruitment challenge the hospitality industr y faces but more impor tantly, to retain talent ’ Adrian who is working as a mentor in his day to day role as The Lowr y Hotel’s General Manager said: “We are thrilled to be hosting this extremely beneficial programme again this year and has been impor tant

Christopher Mitchell, Programme Leader for IHBM at Manchester Metropolitan University said: “The Mentoring Scheme involves MHA indus tr y leaders assisting our IHBM students in adapting to the culture of the organisations and helping them develop their career oppor tunities In this, our sixth year, Diane , Adrian and the general managers have created a learn ing relationship that will assist the mentees in taking ownership of their development their skills and their knowledge by achieving the career that they value Thanks to all GMs for achieving the success stories and for your ongoing suppor t!”

MHA has over 50 members made up of general managers of hotels throughout the region Its key objectives are

improving the offering for visi tors

Loungers Launches a New Restaurant Rollout Aimed at Reinvigorating Roadside Dining in the UK

Loungers, a nationwide operator of all day café bars and restaurants under the Lounge and Cosy Club brands, has announced the launch of a new road side restaurant brand Brightside

The Group sees great potential to reinvigorate roadside dining in the UK, a sector that it believes has become tired and uninspiring Loungers has acquired three sites initially, the first of which is set to open on the A38, south of Exeter, in Februar y 2023 Fur ther sites will open on the A303 near Honiton, and on the A38 near Saltash, in the spring Loungers believes there is scope to develop a truly national brand and has ambitious plans to roll out Brightside to all corners of the UK in the coming years It is envisaged that sites will be situated predominantly on A roads, and will focus on bringing genuine hospitality back to a sector that has been dominated by drive thru and QSR (quick ser vice restaurant) concepts in recent years

Brightside will offer a freshly cooked menu full of classic , comfor t food style dishes including an extensive brunch menu, burgers, pizzas, and kids’ menu in nostalgic surroundings The roadside restaurants will appeal to a broad range of customers including families locals and UK holidaymakers

Brightside will share the same core DNA of the Lounge and Cosy Club brands a focus on all day dining to appeal to a broad audience a fierce commitment to value for money and run by teams that deliver exceptional ser vice Brightside roadside restaurants will be friendly warm and wholesome and will endeavour to bring back the pleasure of heading out and exploring

Chairman of Loungers, said: “We’ve had the itch for a while now to create a roadside restaurant con cept that’s fit for purpose in the twenty first centur y For many people , the highlight of childhood road trips in days gone by was a stop at the likes of Little Chef We believe there is a gap in the market for a fresh concept that gives customers the option to take a proper break and enjoy wholesome food and great hospitality, in a landscape that is currently dominated by drive thru and QSR formats

Commenting, Alex Reilley,

Brightside will have a contemporar y, welcoming, and warm feel, whilst also evoking nostalgia for a time when motoring in the UK was a more exciting experience We want it to be an integral par t of our customers’ journey planning, and something both adults and children alike look forward to We believe that Brightside will really shake up what has become an unin spiring sector and that there is potential to roll out Brightside across the UK in the coming years Our exper t ise in high quality, great value all day dining, developed through Lounge and Cosy Club, gives us confidence that

20 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
Founder Brightside can bring proper hospitality back to roadside dining across the UK ” Loungers currently operates 175 Lounges and 35 Cosy Club venues around the UK The Group recently announced it was accelerating its site roll out programme targeting 30 new openings in the current financial year and between 32 and 34 on an ongoing basis These initial three Brightside openings fall within these fore cast new site opening numbers Loungers recently opened its 210th site Barco Lounge in Selby on Saturday 5 November Manchester
Hoteliers’ Association (MHA) has renewed its par tnership with Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) pairing students with lead ers of some of the city’s biggest hotels enrolling them on mentorship pro grammes which is set to launch on 9th November Final year B A (Hons) Hospitality Business Management students will begin the scheme to learn a range of direct general manager skills including fore casting, payroll, over view costs, RevPAR and online digital marketing all whilst working on the job
for our industr y over the past six years The programme will create oppor tunities for the next generation and help our industr y tackle recruitment challenges The being a strong voice for the hotel community, and continually spending time in the city The mentor programme began on the 9th November and will continue until the end of term in May 2022

Scottish Hospitality Sector on ‘Life Support’ say Industry Campaign Leaders

Some of the biggest names in Scottish hospitality have joined forces to help safeguard around 220,000 jobs as the industr y faces its third and toughest winter since the star t of the pandemic Edinburgh’s Brewhemia; McKays Hotel in Per thshire; Links House at Royal Dornoch in Sutherland; Ingliston Countr y Club & Hotel in Renfrewshire; Tyneside Tavern and Mazzoli Italian Kitchen in East Lothian; and Banchor y Lodge in Aberdeenshire are amongst over 50 hospitality firms and organisations already backing a new Scotland wide ‘Help Out Hospitality’ campaign to suppor t firms battling for sur vival due to rapidly escalating costs

Energ y is the biggest repor ted cost hike on top of massive increases in food and labour bills this winter Many business owners believe this could be a stretch too far without the vital suppor t of initiatives like ‘Help Out Hospitality’, which is being led by The Full Range , one of the UK’s leading food and drink procurement firms

Since last year, commercial energ y bills are around 400% higher, food bills are up by around 20% and labour costs have increased by around 10% The Bank of England’s biggest interest rate rise since 1989 (up by 0 75 percentage points to 3%), is also having an impact on consumers, who are already star ting to tighten their belts fur ther and cut spending on eating out

Now suppor t has been drawn from across Scotland with hoteliers restaurateurs and publicans who are teaming up to highlight the scale of the crisis facing the industr y and help drive footfall and bookings this winter

The ‘Help Out Hospitality’ Initiative has been designed to incorporate ever y aspect of the hospitality supply chain, including food and drink


Richard Drummond, owner of McKays Hotel in Pitlochr y, Per thshire , said: “Help is precisely what the hospitality and tourism industr y requires After the past three years, the closures, the uncer tainties, staffing issues and now spiralling costs

“The Full Range came up with the ‘Help Out hospitality’ initiative to suppor t our industr y which the scheme sets out to achieve However it

not only helps our industr y, but it also helps ever yone , our suppliers, and the end user, it allows us to pass the discount we receive , on to our cus tomers

“Hopefully, this will drive additional revenue to our businesses and offer our guests great savings, which is a win win for all ”

The ‘Help Out Hospitality’ campaign was spearheaded by Barr y Knight, Director of The Full Range He said: “Scotland’s hospitality industr y employs around 220,000 people , which makes up around 8 6% of the countr y ’ s total jobs The current cost of living crisis is having a signifi cant impact on each and ever y operator regardless of business size

“The sector really is on ‘life suppor t’ if help is not provided to trade more efficiently through the winter trading period We think our new ‘Help Out Hospitality’ will go some to suppor ting businesses where they need it most at this critical time

Barr y added: “By leveraging our unique position in the marketplace , we ve been able to negotiate a suppor t package across a wide range of suppliers and manufacturers which allow our par tner restaurants to run promotions throughout the month of November, in turn, encouraging diners to eat out and sustain footfall at a par ticularly vulnerable time for hospitality

“By involving suppliers in the process, we can drive meaningful change generating discounts at the beginning of the process while removing commission on the other end; a real win win for the industr y, at the same time satisfying consumer demand for great value deals ”

For more information about the ‘Help Out Hospitality’ campaign, to register and for a full list of par ticipating businesses visit

in members only events at the four venues throughout the year

The loyalty card was initially trialled at The Percy Arms, Chatton, during the summer and proved so popular the Group had no hesitation in rolling it out to its other venues

Inn Hospitality Group, which owns The Olde Ship, at Seahouses, The Percy Arms at Chatton The Anglers Arms at Longframlington and The Derwent Arms at Edmundbyers, has introduced its first ever loyalty card And its aim is simple to thank customers for their continued suppor t by giving back to them, at a time when costs and prices are rising

The card which can be obtained from and used at any of the four pubs gives holders one point wor th 10p for ever y £1 they spend The points can then be redeemed against food or drink at any of the sites And membership of the scheme will also give card holders early bird access to a range of food and drink promotions and the chance to take par t


“Although our pubs are spread out geographically, they are each at the absolute centre of their villages and communities,” said Oliver Bennet, who co founded Inn Hospitality Group with fellow director Matt Daniel

“And we value our customers which is why we announced earlier this autumn that each of our pubs would provide warmth free hot drinks and book sharing libraries throughout the winter, so no one need sit alone and cold in their home

“This loyalty scheme is another way for us to give back to those who are suppor ting us and helping them out a bit at a time when the cost of living is on the rise ”

For Hospitality To Safeguard Record Festive Turnover

Rob Easton BSc , PgDip, MSc , MB A, Head of Environmental Health at Shield Safety discusses the potential £4bn revenue spike heading towards the UK’s hospitality sec tor during the 2022 festive period but warns venues could be at risk if they aren’t prepared for surging footfall

With less than two weeks until the kick off of the FIFA World Cup 2022, venues across the UK can claw back lost earnings from the 2020 and 2021 festive seasons, which were severely impacted as a result of COVID 19 restrictions This period also comes at a time when the hospitality sector is struggling with rising costs, recruitment challenges and dis rupted supply chains The prospect of a bumper Christmas period could provide the lifeline that many busi nesses are seeking, however, if managed poorly, the rise in trade could tip an already rocky boat

If venues aren’t managing their safety systems in the right way increased revenues could be hit by large penalties, due to a predicted lift in expedited reviews by police and licensing authorities throughout the festive period

There is a golden oppor tunity for the hospitality industr y here , as Christmas and the 2022 World Cup coin cide; people are going to turn out in record numbers and for UK venues this will be the first full trading fes tive period since 2019 This does however need to be managed carefully to avoid an own goal A huge increase in visitors will take place against the challenges of var ying staffing levels, adapted menus, venue layout changes, more outdoor presence to mention just a few Venues need to be prepared to avoid heavy fines for health and safety breaches, so many of which are easily avoidable

For a venue with an average weekly turnover of £12k, fines for culpability or harm range from between £25k to £120k, with top fines equating to 6% of the entire year ’ s turnover

Statutor y fines for hospitality var y according to the severity of the breach, but even if a

is not hit with a fine , the review process can and does result in significant business disruption, even closure , while investigations are under taken So, in the event that there is no breach a fine is avoided but the venue has still lost potential income from having to close its doors We are campaigning to help venues avoid this situation

We can be fairly confident of record footfall in venues this Christmas To put some context to this, during the last World Cup, spending in hospitality increased by 41% compared to the previous year and this shot up to 73% on the day of the England Croatia semi final Coupled with the Lionesses' victor y in the European Championships earlier this year, there is huge excitement for the World Cup this winter

A recent sur vey from Access Hospitality found that 76% of foot ball fans are looking for venues to watch the World Cup this winter and 30% of respondents said they would be happy to sit in a heated beer garden This shows the scale of oppor tunity for hospitality but interestingly, if they have outdoor space they can adapt with patio heaters and can provide alfresco dining options such as BBQs or pizza ovens, there s scope to really diversify, enhancing customer experience and bringing in vital revenue

To help the hospitality industr y be prepared, stay safe and avoid fines, Shield Safety has produced a free XLMAS Guide and risk assessment template , which is available to access and download for free here at https://info shieldsafety co uk/hubfs/Content/XLMAS/xlmas guide with links to ra template pdf In addition to the spirit of England’s last (and only) success at the FIFA World Cup in 1966, they are offering a free “Safety Net” access to their RiskProof safety checklist software and Safety Advice Line for 66 days the Safety Net businesses really need this festive period You can access at https://tr y shieldsafety co uk/safety net Shield Safety also has a free webinar to help more venues learn how to prepare for the busy festive period, which can be viewed here: https://vimeo com/759076029/0d8f5f0f9a

22 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
Pubs Launch Drink Loyalty Scheme to Reward
goers can enjoy free drinks, meals and a host of discounts and special offers thanks to a new loyalty scheme
rolled out at four of
loved venues
the region’s best
producers, allowing businesses to create enticing consumer deals on both meals and overnight stays at a time which typically sees a drop in business The new commission free ‘Help Out Hospitality’ online platform is now live for hospitality businesses to promote offers, attract direct bookings and allow customers to enjoy the best value over the quieter winter months

Operators Keeping Total Food Menu

Inflation Low Through Menu Management





Sides, star ters and desser ts that were new in September 2022 are +23%, +14% and +8%, respectively more expensive than the average dish

Sharing items have increased in share of star ter, main and desser t from June to September 2022 accounting for 7% of total restaurant menus increasing to 14% of desser ts

There is scope for operators to increase the price of sharing star ter side and desser t items with these dishes currently just +47% +39% and +13%more expensive than non sharing dishes


Star ters sides and snacks registered +1 7% from June to September meaning that operators have increased the prices of existing dishes, with star ters ranking the highest surge , most at +2 8%

In this way, operators are finding a way to pass on unavoidable cost increases, though not at the rate of inflation, but by managing menus by adding/removing dishes instead

So far, operators have been able to avoid increasing food and drink price points in line with CPI and food inflation Instead managing menus through changes in proteins used, the types of dishes offered, and clever NPD has enabled operators to avoid alarming price rises,” commented Katherine Prowse , Senior Insight Manager at Lumina

New Chef Trainer Joins The Buzzworks Team

Buzzworks Holdings the Scottish independent restaurant and bar operator has welcomed a new Chef Trainer to the business

Neil Clark who has over 20 years ’ experience cheffing and working in some of Scotland’s top restaurants has joined the award winning family business to help oversee chef development and retention as Buzzworks focuses on its continued growth strat eg y

The Scottish company, recently named in the Top 100 Companies to Work For, currently operates 16 prestigious venues across Scotland, employing over 650 team members

As the business expands fur ther, with two new venues set to open in the near future , employment oppor tunities for chefs will continue to rise Buzzworks is keen to ensure it trains and devel ops its kitchen team to create a positive working environment, whilst attracting top new talent keen to learn from some of the best in the business

In his role as Chef Trainer, Neil will be tasked with building a world class training and development structure that is fit for growth, encouraging the continued development and progression of its team within the kitchens, whilst attracting and developing Buzzworks chefs of the future Most recently, Buzzworks has launched an industr y recognised chef apprenticeship scheme , set to include culinar y masterclasses, educational excursions and active mentoring when working alongside skilled and experienced chefs, which Neil will also oversee as his remit

Neil who resides in Troon has joined Buzzworks from Six by Nico where he was instrumental in develop ing and rolling out its Home X brand He has worked in some of the countr y ’ s top kitchens for over 20 years in a number of Head Chef and operational roles including Braehead Foods Edenmill Farm and La Vallee Blanche Neil also worked for four years under Geoffrey Smeddle at Conran restaurants with Geoffrey having now held a Michelin star for the past 12 years Nicola Watt, Head of People at Buzzworks Holdings, said: “Welcoming Neil as our new Chef Trainer is a fantastic addition for the business, with the role being specially created to ensure the development and retention of our chefs, whilst maintaining the highest standards of our dishes ser ved within all of our venues “Neil’s appointment is testament to our ambition of growing Buzzworks fur ther and is essential in ensuring we continue to provide a positive working environment for all employees, including our kitchen team, by providing the knowledge and tools to deliver an exceptional experience to our customers with each and ever y meal ”

Neil Clark, Chef Trainer at Buzzworks Holdings, said: Much has been made of the current predicament of hospitality businesses struggling to attract and retain talent, especially within a kitchen setting Buzzworks and my own ethos are ver y much aligned in that if you challenge chefs, provide excellent training oppor tuni ties and clear pathways to grow within the business, you will create a happy and multi skilled restaurant brigade and I am here to help do just that

“It is an exciting time to join Buzzworks both with its por tfolio of existing and up and coming venues alongside the kitchens producing excellent dishes that make use of Scotland’s natural larder I’m looking for ward to ensuring we continue to attract and retain the best talent within the industr y whilst helping to influence our strategic direction and build on the continued success of the company through our food out put ”

Taking Steps Towards A Sustainable Future For Hospitality Businesses

topic of sustainability is only going to grow

Yet while the appointment of a chief sustainability officer might not be possible , there are other steps hospitality businesses can take today to help foster a sustainable future One of the ways that pubs and bars off the mains gas grid can unlock significant reductions in their carbon emissions is through the transition to sustainable fuels


Calor Futuria Liquid Gas (previously BioLPG) is a sustainable fuel made from a blend of waste , residues and sustainably sourced materials

With busy pubs and bars requiring a fuel source that offers increased reliability and a controllable flame for cooking, Futuria Liquid Gas can be utilised for a variety of uses, such as hot water, heating and cooking requirements In addition, Calor’s range of storage options, including underground tanks, which can be hidden out of sight, means there’s a solution for ever y business

As the drive towards net zero continues to gain pace , UK businesses are continuing to put sustainability at the hear t of their operations Research has highlighted that almost two fifths (37%) of UK businesses have appointed a chief sustainability officer, while over half (56%) have an employee in post whose remit includes sustainability

And with the UK Hospitality Association unveiling its 10 pledges to guide those working in the sector to net zero by 2040, it s clear the

Available in a 100% blend bulk Futuria Liquid Gas can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 86% (kgCO2e/kWh) when compared to using heat ing oil and up to 80%4 compared to conventional LPG For businesses keen to demonstrate their reduction in carbon emissions, the Green Gas Cer tification Scheme ensures traceability of all Futuria Liquid Gas delivered to, and used up by, hospitality customers, while also highlight ing the amount of CO2 saved





its customers 100%
par t of its commitment to offer
sustainable energ y solutions by 2040, Calor is raising awareness about off grid energ y options and encouraging hospitality businesses to make the switch to bulk Futuria Liquid Gas helping to suppor t pubs and bars across the UK to deliver on their sustainability goals for today and tomorrow
24 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
find out how Calor can help you reach sustainability targets, visit www calor co
food menu inflation from June to September was +0 9%, well below CPI Chain and pub and bar restaurants are focusing menu infla tion on new dishes with new dish inflation higher than same line dish inflation across both channels
market developments have been captured by the latest Menu Tracker Repor t by Lumina Intelligence The research has also registered coffee & sandwich and restaurant inflation as the highest at +3 3% and +2 4%, respectively
overall have experienced an increase from June to September 2022, with a total number of 137 items on average by the end of this period, +1 8% more than what was obser ved in June
are introducing more sharing dishes across discretionar y courses including star
to encourage spend as consumers cut back on non core dishes

Why Hospitality Must Invest



For those that are considering a long term career in hospitality, it is vital that employees can envisage themselves progressing within their job Promoting a staff centric conception of succession plan ning allows hospitality businesses to star t identifying and nur turing the next generation of aspiring managers


In a competitive recruitment landscape hospitality venues should be coming up with new and creative strategies to promote some of the amazing oppor tunities a career in hospitality can provide


A career in hospitality can offer oppor tunities for people of all ages and at all levels To attract employees, venues need to raise awareness around training schemes which can prepare people for a lifetime of employment

From classes on English and Maths, to thorough hospitality courses and qualifications, these training pro grams are designed to provide oppor tunities for employees to enhance their own CV whilst discovering their passion within the industr y

For example , our ver y own Director of Guest Relations here at Burgh Island Hotel was trained at the ESO Euroschool Hotel Academy, where he gained exposure to different cultures and cuisines that helped shape his journey within the hospitality sector

These experiences provide employees with invaluable experiences and should be promoted in order to show a career in hospitality can open many doors in your career progression, PROVIDING PATHWAYS FOR PROMOTION

This planning can include prioritising skill development and mak ing sure that members of staff have the room they need to grow within their role Within this process, new star ts should have peo ple to look up to and who can help them understand the different oppor tunities available to them Having a role model to look up to and confide in can make the world of a difference for those at the beginning of their careers


However, more should also be done to challenge people's per ceptions about a career in hospitality According to a recent sur vey, only 3% of new hires currently see a long term career in hospitali ty, and 5% in the sector said that they're unhappy in their jobs compared to 30% in the overall UK economy Unhappy and uninspired employees are not a recipe success, and hospitality needs to do more to make employees feel valued Creating an environment in which people feel respected, listened to, and suppor ted can help hospitality retain the talent it needs to address the current vacancy crisis


All these policies can help hospitality venues create a happy and skilled workforce , providing guests with a memorable experience Aspiring employees will go above and beyond to make sure that guests ever y need are attended to and will be more likely to become great ambassadors in the future With winter approaching, it is essential that hospitality venues look to change what it means to work in the hospitality sector Implementing pathways for progression within a suppor tive and nur turing environment will help the UK maintain its position as global leader in the hospitality industr y

The Free From Functional & Health Ingredients Expo 2022 takes place in RAI Amsterdam on 22 and 23 November It gives valuable oppor tunities for national and international exper ts from various fields and all over the world to meet and share insights into the most impor tant food trends and what will be on the shelves in the coming years


Free From Functional & Health Ingredients 2022 provides insights into the latest trends in lactose free , gluten free , sugar free and plant based products, organic , vegan, protein transition, functional food and ingredients It will also carefully address the future trends “For example , products that are becom ing more mainstream are those that are processed as little as possible and that contain few or no ar tificial additives,” says organizer Ronald Holman of Expo Business Communications

At the same time , more and more people are thinking about where their food comes from and what's in it “This is reflected in the ever increasing ranges of plant based products being found in supermarkets today,” adds Holman


26 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
During the Free From Functional & Health Ingredients Expo
in Amsterdam, hundreds of international manufacturers and traders in food & beverages will present their latest product innovations On display will be thousands of relevant products, ready to be placed on supermarket and food ser vice shelves, and on the menus of catering companies and deliver y ser vic es In addition, numerous exper t roundtables give oppor tunities for exper ts and keynote speakers to hold more in depth conversations on specific topics, and to open up discussions with food professionals, buyers and categor y managers on how to resolve some of the biggest obstacles facing the indus tr y “Our mission is to enable connections and drive better business for retail and foodser vice in a rapidly evolving market,” says Holman REGISTER NOW To obtain a free entr y badge register before October 30th at: https://freefromfoodexpo com/track740517533302/ Connecting Food Professionals From All Fields Free From Functional & Health Ingredients Expo 2022, 22-23 November, Amsterdam
Staff recruitment is becoming a costly business for
From November 2021 to Januar y 2022, job vacancies in the sector rose by 700%, with the Office for National Statistics repor ting that there were 173,00 vacancies in the sector across the UK in July 2022
the winter holiday season draws closer, hospitality venues could find themselves on the backfoot as their staff struggle to provide high quality and personal ser vice to customers Yet only 33% of hospitality operators have implemented a clear strateg y in their organisation to recruit and retain staff
After three years, Tom Kerridge is stepping away from The Bull & Bear, the restau rant within the Stock Exchange Hotel on Norfolk Street, co owned by Gar y Neville , Ryan Giggs and hotelier Winston Zahra Tom Kerridge comments, “Gar y and I have jointly agreed to end our par tnership at The Bull & Bear within the Stock Exchange Hotel in Manchester and will par t ways on the 31st December 2022 It follows a three year successful par tnership with GG Hospitality which has seen the hotel go from strength to strength with consistently high occupancy rates” “We feel the need to concentrate on our Marlow and London sites and this allows us to look at fur ther oppor tunities within these areas, therefore we have mutually decided to par t ways “We would like to thank all our guests for the amazing suppor t they have given us, and all staff have been offered roles elsewhere within the business and Head Chef Connor Black is returning to Australia where he worked for several years We wish GG Hospitality and The Stock Exchange all the success in the future ” Tom Kerridge & Gary Neville Part Ways with the Bull & Bear in Manchester

Ever yone has the right to be safe at work Yet a new YouGov sur vey con ducted by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust and suppor ted by Peoplesafe for National Personal Safety Day 2022, has found high levels of violent, aggres sive , sexual and unwanted behaviours perpetrated against employees work ing or on their way to work in the night time economy

The findings show that women are more likely than men to have experi enced harassment within or on their way to their workplace , with 44% of women having experienced harassment compared with 26% of men In the majority of all repor ted cases of harassment (83%) the perpetrator was a man These statistics highlight the shocking prevalence of violence against women and girls within the workplace

No one should be a victim of violence , aggression, and harassment in the workplace However, of the 1768 night time economy workers sur veyed, a shocking one third (34%) had experienced some form of unwanted behav iour whilst working, or on their way to work, and 15% of respondents had experienced sexual harassment (28% of women)

Of respondents who had been harassed, 60% had never repor ted their experiences to their employer, com monly citing a lack of faith that action would be taken Likewise , three quar ters of respondents who had been harassed whilst working or travelling to work in the night time economy had not repor ted their experiences to the police

These findings speak to the need for employers to take all reasonable steps to combat harassment within the workplace and for urgent legislative change to criminalise and prevent such unwanted behaviours both in the workplace and in public spaces

Based on the findings of this repor t, the Suzy Lamplugh Trust is making the following policy recommenda tions:

For the government to suppor t the Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Bill that would legislate for a preventative duty and require employers to take all reasonable steps to stop workplace sexual harassment while also protecting women from sexual harassment from third par ties

The government should work with specialist ser vices to ensure there is a national framework on tackling harassment that can be implemented within businesses This framework would build on best practice from ini tiatives such as the Women s Night Safety Char ter21, including rolling out bystander training22

Legislative change is urgently needed to ensure individuals’ right to safety within public spaces It is impera tive that the Government suppor ts proposals to make public sexual harassment a standalone offence

The Government should urgently ring fence funding for women and girls’ safety on public transpor t across

The Government


For employers to publish their personal safety policy If employers do not have any policy in place , such as the one advocated for through Suzy’s Char ter, they should consult with specialist organisations such as the Suzy Lamplugh Trust to introduce one Suky Bhaker CEO of Suzy Lamplugh Trust says

“We are extremely concerned by the findings of our research which demonstrate that harassment of night time economy workers is widespread and under repor ted, with women being more likely to experience harassment than men Testimonies from victims indicated a lack of faith in both employers and the police to tackle these behaviours and take repor ts seriously This is not good enough We urge the government and employers to take all reasonable steps to stamp out workplace harassment via a robust legislative framework, policy and suppor t to help shift the per vasive culture of abuse within the night time economy Ever y employee deser ves to be free from violence aggression and harassment”

Naz Dossa Peoplesafe CEO and BSIA Chair of the Lone Working Group says: “A decisive , legislative response to this issue is long overdue We need to finally shift the dial on the impor tance of employee personal safety and are collectively calling on employers and government to work together to achieve a step change in how working people are protected Our own Peoplesafe research, commissioned earlier this year, found that harassment, in par ticular verbal and physical abuse , is all too common across ever y industr y sector, with significant gender difference 27% of male employees experience harassment, rising to 38% for female employees This problem is clearly not confined to the night time economy sector and the message is clear All employers, across the board, should now ver y seriously consider the need to go beyond existing legal requirement and tick box compliance to provide the level of safety and peace of mind that is a basic employee right ”

MP Wera Hobhouse says,

“Ever yone has a right to feel safe in their workplace and the work that the Suzy Lamplugh Trust does to help ensure this is vital Unfor tunately, we still have a long way to go to ensure that the problem is eradicated What is needed is a culture shift so our understanding of acceptable behaviour ensures that staff at all places of work are safe Notably in the night time economy, where workers are potentially more vulnerable , protec tions must be especially stringent

My Private Members Bill recently passed its Second Reading in the House It aims to prevent sexual harass ment in the workplace by forcing employers to ensure that their workplaces are safe This Bill, alongside the work of organisations like the Suzy Lamplugh Trust I hope will star t the culture shift we desperately need”

28 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
the UK, and continue funding for safer public spaces such as through the Safer Streets Fund Transpor t ser vic es must provide regular, safe routes home from work, such as 24 hour transpor t systems and should collect and publish data on the prevalence of workplace harassment, including sexual harassment, and the impact on those who experience it to suppor t more victims
Suzy Lamplugh Trust Report Reveals That 44% of Female Respondents Had Experienced Harassment Whilst Working in the Night-time Economy Can't wait to read the next CLH Digital? Visit our website www.catererlicensee .com Or to sign up for our bi weekly newsletter with all the latest news delivered directly to your email! @CLHNews @CLHNews catererlicensee .com/ signup

With rising business energ y costs energ y efficiency has become much more of a necessity no matter the size of your company

Lowering energ y consumption is highly profitable for businesses Effectively reducing energ y costs means you have much more cash flow available to invest in more advanced equipment, salar y increases, mod ernisation, renovation works and more

Business utilities exper ts Love Energ y Savings (www loveenerg ysavings com), has put together a commercial ener g y savings guide to help large and industrial companies build an energ y efficient model to implement in their companies to save energ y


Smar t devices are not just for domestic environments A company can hugely benefit from investing in smar t technolog y especially a program mable thermostat The thermostat doesn't even need to be a smar t device , simply installing a thermostat that can be programmed during business hours can help reduce heating and cooling costs by up 30% according to the Carbon Trust


Manufacturing companies may use large amounts of water leading to an increase in energ y usage Whilst also considering switching business water suppliers, investing in a more eco friendly energ y efficient hot water heater can be a great idea

This is also a great idea in corporate office environments as water heaters can usually be installed directly where the old water heater tank was kept This conser ves energ y as you won’t continue to heat copious amounts of water throughout the day

You may also wish to consider the option of a solar hot water system This water heating system pushes water through solar heated tubes Both of these options benefit from piping insulation an inexpensive , but highly effective means of encouraging heat retention


Lighting costs are usually the biggest contributors to the energ y bill

Simply installing motion sensors for lighting can help your business become much more energ y efficient and help reduce those energ y bills

A great place to star t is areas around your business premises that are not occupied throughout the day This can help with saving energ y by stopping employees from leaving lights on when areas are not in use


Maximising the amount of daylight that enters an office space should be something that all building owners should prior tise By making use of the likes of skylight windows, par ticularly on the nor th or south side of your building Operable windows or skylights are an effective solution as they allow hot air to escape when it’s warmer, which in turn reduces the cooling load


LED lighting is a hugely popular choice right now largely because of its proven energ y consumption minimising effects So, if your lighting setup is in need of an upgrade , LED is the way to go Switching to LED lighting has the potential to reduce your electrical costs by up to 60% according to the Carbon Trust

help make for a more productive and happier workspace

It’s also wor th switching old fashioned bulbs for compact fluorescent bulbs with a low energ y consumption Typically speaking, lighting an office costs approximately £3 per square metre each year, compared with £1 per square metre each year in an energ y efficient office space


HVAC (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning) is one of the quickest and easiest means of elevating energ y efficiency The proper maintenance of HVAC systems will make for a building that uses 15 20% less energ y than those without a maintenance plan It’s impor tant to ensure that your maintenance plan is inclusive of refrigerant level checks


The term 'phantom electric loads’ refers to the electricity consumed by electronic devices when they aren’t actually in use Devices such as clocks on the oven or microwave and lights that are set up on a timer are just a couple of examples and while these may seem fairly insignifi cant, did you know that they can contribute to up to 10% of your ener g y bill?

The most effective way to minimise phantom electric loads is to unplug equipment where possible , or failing that, set up standby times Another energ y saving technique is to incorporate smar t power strips to help ensure power is being consumed


On top of reducing energ y

Top Tips For A More Energy-Efficient Business HRC

with the FE A for 2023



illegal to be gay in Qatar with a jail sentence of up to seven years

A statement issued by the Liverpool Arms pub said they were "deeply con cerned" about the situation regarding LGBTQ+ rights in Qatar and had there fore decided not to promote the event, although they wished the England and Wales team well in the tournament

"As Chester's LGBTQ+ bar we are deeply concerned about the host nation's lack of LGBTQ+ rights which are well documented

"We will not promote this event However we wish England and Wales ever y success in the tournament "


"As Chester Pride , we fully suppor t their decision

The Liverpool Arms is a safe space for the

community and as they have highlighted Qatar has ver y

treatment of LGBTQ+ people and poor human rights in general, to "welcome" people of all backgrounds but suppress people is not welcoming people at all

"We too wish the teams well but as a Pride charity will always call out the unfair treatment of LGBTQ+ peoples rights "

A FIFA spokesperson added: “Qatar as a host countr y is fully aware of its responsibility to adhere to FIFA’s expectations and requirements on human rights, equality and non discrimination

“Qatar is committed to ensuring that ever yone will be able to enjoy the tournament in a safe and welcom ing environment to building bridges of cultural understanding and to creating an inclusive experience for all par ticipants and attendees including members of the LGBTIQ+ community ”

30 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
LED lighting also boasts the benefit of minimal heat generation ulti mately lowering air conditioning load and thanks to the long lifespan of LED lighting, cutting maintenance costs, too The majority of LED lighting users note an improvement in the clarity and crispness of their lighting, which can
consumption, you should also switch your commercial energ y supplier This could save your business hundreds of pounds per year These energ y saving measures can help free up cash to be invested in other areas of your business
Hotel, Restaurant & Catering (HRC) has renewed its long standing par tner ship with the Foodser vice Equipment Association (FEA) for its 2023 edition, which takes place on 20 22 March at ExCeL London The Professional Kitchen section at HRC delivers the largest and most com prehensive showcase of professional catering equipment in the UK The 2023 event will prove an even greater draw to visitors with exciting new features including Chef HQ an interactive demo stage featuring leading chefs and the Networking Hub, as well as established favourites including the historic chef competition International Salon Culinaire , attracting thousands of leading chefs and hospitality decisionmakers The FEA is the independent voice of the foodser vice equipment industr y, rep resenting approximately 200 companies who supply, ser vice and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment from utensils to full kitchen schemes In addition to par tnering with HRC , the FEA will also be running its
‘Ask the Exper t LIVE! initiative over the three days of the event
CEO of the FEA, comments: “The FEA are delighted to be the official sponsor and to be par tnering with HRC once again for 2023 All types of equipment have a critical role in ensuring effective foodser vice deliver y and the Professional Kitchen sec tion is vitally impor tant as the leading UK exhibition for the sector “The association will be providing advice and guidance for foodser vice opera tors through our ‘Ask the Exper ts’ sessions along with oppor tunities to access the FEA’s considerable resources for the professional catering equipment sec tor ”
invaluable ” To find out more about ever ything happening at
Food & Drink Event, IFE Manufacturing, International Salon
20 22 March, head to www hrc co uk
HRC Event Manager Ronda Annesley adds: “Our ongoing par tnership and con tinued collaboration with the FEA brings a huge amount of value to the wide range of suppliers, chefs, dealers, foodser vice operators and hospitality business owners that take par t in HRC each year The team s insights and suppor t are
HRC 2023, which takes place alongside IFE, International
Culinaire and The
Show @
Chester pub is to boycott the for thcoming World Cup due to concerns over LGBTQ+ rights in host countr y Qatar
Nor thgate Street has announced that it will not be showing any of the matches, stating this is due to the host nation s well docu mented" lack of LGBTQ+ rights
to Boycott World Cup Coverage A
The Liverpool Arms on
kicks off in just over a week s time and has been subject to controversial debate regarding the host nation's
on LGBTQ+ rights where
World Cup
it is presently
response to the announcement, Chester Pride praised the pub for making the move as Chester Pride Chair, Warren Lee Allmark said: LGBTQ+ poor

With the festive period fast approaching, customers are researching the best spots for the family holiday work socials and Christmas dinners For those in the hospitality sector, the final quar ter of the year is a time when there is so much more oppor tunity to deliver the best customer ser vice , connecting and engaging with existing and new customers

Therefore , excellent customer ser vice lies at the hear t of hospi tality during the colder winter months It’s what keeps cus tomers coming back, encouraging them to recommend their favourite bar or restaurant to their friends 88% of consumers in the UK celebrate Christmas meaning that an unpleasant experience over the season can cause damage to a venue ’ s reputation and loss of business

In addition, more than a quar ter (27%) of hospitality businesses are seeing bookings surge for Christmas already, higher than in previous years Call intelligence tools can ease the stress of these mass bookings, as well as optimise adver tising and streamline staff training as bars, restaurants, and hotels will have access to the relevant data to positively affect the customer experience Such tools integrate into booking sys tems supplying businesses with a deeper insight into the nature of each call


A recent repor t found that one in five hospitality businesses are already seeing a surge in bookings for the Football World Cup Also, three in ten are hiring more people to ensure they can cope with the uptake of customers With so many new team members, it’s difficult to ensure all staff address customers in the same style and gather the right information over the phone

Conversation Analytics can identify which destinations, rooms, menus,

and promotions get discussed at scale It also highlights how well staff are handling calls, helping to identify common friction points, such as tak ing pre orders for large par ties Managerial teams can then come togeth er to create a solution guiding both new and old staff on how they can address such issues in the future

Once installed these analytics are also a great retrospective tool for the following year Businesses can predetermine obstacles and iron out any problems before they surface This means that customer ser vice strategies can be revised and enhanced, helping businesses to gain a competitive advantage throughout the year


In today s digital world, ever ything star ts with a Google search

Potential customers will scour the internet for their dream winter holi day or the best spot for a Christmas dinner but so much more can be gained and understood from a conversation with a call agent The intelli gence gained from these calls can reveal the reason a guest picked up the phone , even tracking the keywords Googled that led them to your website

With the ongoing cost of living crisis, winter may present challenges for many in the hospitality industr y However Christmas is a major sea son for both retail and hospitality In 2021 PwC expected a total spend of £21 billion on presents and celebrations over the season Competition is high, and ever y organisation wants to be the one that makes an individual’s festivities special Innovative strategies to market Christmas menus and winter stays are key to capturing the customers’ attention

Call intelligence can help with this by assigning call outcomes and rev enues to marketing activity Organisations are able to identify which campaigns, channels and key words are pulling their weight and which aren’t in addition businesses can understand the thoughts and feelings of their callers Teams then have the information needed to

create incredible campaigns and optimise costs The nature of call intelli gence allows businesses to determine the true value of the campaign responsible for mass bookings


More than half of Brits say being on hold is the biggest time waster Customers become frustrated sometimes causing them to call back later or look to book elsewhere However, during such busy periods, it’s not easy to always have somebody on hand to answer the phone Staff are often caught up welcoming guests missed call repor ts are beneficial in situations like these

By monitoring calls, organisations have access to the caller’s telephone number, time of the call and the pages on the company ’ s website they visited the missed call Businesses then have the oppor tunity to ring the caller back whilst their interest is still hot

Moreover, this is a great tool to help create rotas and manage staffing levels Hospitality businesses have intel into which times of the time , month or year require more staff availability to answer the phone This ensures that employees can provide the upmost customer ser vice with ease


Overall, call intelligence is key to truly understanding your customer base and providing them with a fantastic Christmas experience Businesses can analyse phone calls to generate revenue and ensure sleek customer ser vice The hospitality industr y can align its Christmas mar keting tactics with customer values, making campaigns more compelling Calls can then be met with helpful ser vice , which heightens the cus tomer experience

With over 100 handcrafted desser ts already on offer, Just Desser ts Yorkshire have revealed their Christmas 2022 desser ts range Taking inspiration from those Christmas desser t classics, the new product range offers a unique twist on those tradi tional festive flavours we all love The new festive trio includes: MINCEPIE FRANZI A sweet butter pastr y case filled with classic mincemeat, topped with franzipan sponge and fin ished with a dusting of sugar snow GINGER & TOFFEE CHRISTMAS PUDDING Classic ginger sponge topped with an irresistible toffee sauce a real winter warmer! CANDY CANE CHEESECAKE Digestive biscuit base with a white chocolate pep permint ganache topping, finished with whipped cream and a sprinkle of crushed peppermint candy cane Established in 1985 in the renowned Salt s mill, Just Desser ts Yorkshire specialise in baking a range of over 100 quality handcrafted desser ts Using the finest of ingredients, the Just Desser ts Yorkshire range includes a selection of over 20 large and individual luxur y cheesecakes, decora tive gateaux and cakes, tar ts and pastries featuring a range of delicious fillings the famous Yorkshire Scoundrel puddings and crumbles and so much more Widely available for distribution throughout the UK, Just Desser ts Yorkshire supply the hospitality and retail sector, including pubs, restaurants and hotels with the finest of desser ts https://just desser ts co uk/ Festive Ordering Let Your Christmas Menu Sparkle with Just Desserts All I Want For Christmas Is... Good Customer Experience
Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 31
Infinity (

Festive Ordering

Indulge Your Customers with Mozart Chocolate Liqueur

Mozar t Chocolate Liqueur is the world renowned Austrian chocolate liqueur that combines two favorites from the world of indulgence: choco late & spirits Exclusively natural ingredients a sugar beet distillate and the exquisite craftsmanship of the master distiller & chocolatier, from the Mozar t Distiller y in Salzburg, combine unique quality ingredients and flavors in a Chocolate Symphony that proudly boasts the “made in Austria” quality seal

Mozar t is the number one chocolate liqueur in the on trade (CGA, P6 2022) and it’s clear to see why Featuring classic flavours such as cream, white and dark (Vegan), as well as trending flavours Strawberr y, Coffee and Pumpkin Spiced, the full por tfolio is award winning Most recently the brand has been awarded with medals across the range in 2022’s IWSC Awards and the Bar tender’s Brands Awards, to name a few Mozar t has been named Liqueur Producer of the Year 2020 for the second time , after being awarded this title back in 2017 for it’s premium range of chocolate flavours This year Mozar t Chocolate Liqueur invested over

£100 000 into building brand aware ness amongst consumers and the trade , including an influencer and PR campaign as well as par tnerships with the likes of German Gymnasium (par t of the D&D group) The Whiskey Exchange and Amazon, plus many more

Mozar t Chocolate Liqueur can be enjoyed in many different ways in its pure and natural state , slightly chilled on ice , over ice cream, in a hot drink or as a ‘choctail’ The most popular way to use Mozar t is in an Espresso Mar tini a popular cocktail with con sumers over the winter

Bolsius Professional Launches Guide To Help Operators Drive Footfall And Boost Customer Dwell Time Over The Winter Period

As temperatures drop and nights draw in, Bolsius Professional is releas ing a new guide aimed at helping operators drive footfall and boost customer dwell time during the busy winter period Combining inspira tional interiors and seasonal style tips Tempting Autumn Winter Months: Creating a warm welcome for customers’ provides cost effective ideas and guidance on creating a com pelling experience for customers

The guide provides easy to imple ment tips on boosting atmosphere; the effective use of mood lighting, driving footfall through welcoming window displays, embracing seasonal décor, and maximising architectural features such as fireplaces, to enhance a venue ’ s environment Alongside , the guide highlights interior design trends from the casual dining space; from traditional to mod ern, minimalist to maximalist, with an array of ideas to suit any venue ’ s aesthetic

The premium candle specialist has launched the repor t as operators ramp up for the busy festive peri od With many dining and drinking destinations facing fierce competition and a challenging climate , the look book is designed to demonstrate how elevating the environment can suppor t revenue through creating a space where customers want to stay, and revisit time after time

Hospitality says, “The winter months can be the toughest time of the year to lure cus tomers out of their homes Days are shor t, darkness descends, and sofas beckon

“Post pandemic , the environment has changed Customers became skilled at creating lavish nights out at home As a result, exper ts predict that customer experience will come into sharp focus: creating unique memo rable environments that premiumise offerings lengthen dwell time and spotlight venues to existing and poten tial customers

We ve gathered a few of our favourite winter interi ors in this look book, showing how a few simple touches can go a long way Lighting is a key element, helping to create a welcoming and intimate environ ment for any venue We’ve shown how operators can use this to maximum effect showing their venue in the best possible light for customers ”

Bolsius Professional is a leading global candle manu facturer with an extensive range of indoor and out door candles designed specifically for restaurants, bars and hotels Free from palm oil and animal fats, they are clean burning and odour free , creating a warm wel come and premium atmosphere that encourages guests to linger

To find out more about the Bolsius Professional can dle range , and download a copy of the guide go to


32 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
Paul Christodoulou National Account Manager UK & Ireland Out of Home and Hospitality at Bolsius Professional and Member of the Institute of
MARTINI 40ml Mozar t Cream Chocolate
35ml Espresso
25ml Vanilla Vodka Shake over ice and stra n into a mar tini glass For more information and
visit www mozar tchocolateliqueur com
Baking is going to be big this Christmas and as the Festive Season draws ever closer LittlePod has the per fect gift for the passionate cook
luxur y, vanilla is exotic and expensive , but not all vanilla is real For those seeking something special to pop beneath the tree this December, LittlePod offers pure vanilla at an affordable price making this the best present of all Here in East Devon, we have enjoyed another eventful year and having recently launched our new website Christmas shopping has never been easier LittlePod’s vanilla paste , extract and pods can all be purchased from our website shop along with our chocolate and coffee extracts, with 10% of all online orders donated to Blue Ventures to aid community projects in the vanilla growing region of Madagascar This is our gift to the farmers who cultivate the vanil la orchid in the Equatorial
to regener ate the rainforests, increase biodiversity and
the air we all breathe
regions, helping
we are suppor
their livelihoods and encouraging them to
to grow
benefits us
that keeps on
the year use our ingredients to
edi ble gift or use a REAL
to spice up
bottle of rum or
end less
In choosing
vanilla over cheap synthetic
a precious
all This makes vanilla a gift
giving long after the Festive Season has passed Why not create a hamper
with LittlePod
loved one can remember
bake an
vanilla pod
tipple? The
more ideas about how to use
products, be sure to follow us on social media and take a look at
new website , where alongside our online shop, you’ll also find
latest recipe collection, created just for us by Peter Gor ton LittlePod ambassador and Master Chef of Great Britain
for fur ther details REAL Vanilla is the Best Gift of All
Choose LittlePod and keep it REAL this Christmas Vanilla is the best gift of all Visit www littlepod co uk

White Lake are cheesemakers who make over 25 cheeses on their farm in Somerset Their range includes many top international award winning cheeses made of goat’s milk from their own herd, local Guernsey cow ’ s milk and British ewe ’ s milk

The variety of tastes, textures, sizes and styles make them a popu lar choice with top chefs and cater ers Their newest products have been designed specifically for use in professional kitchens The Glaston Brick and Glaston Tile are two sizes of pressed goat’s curd without the bloomy rind They deliver the tradi tional taste of that style of cheese but can be easily cut and shaped to size

Roger Longman, owner and 3rd generation cheese maker says We ve become known for our constant aim to make the best cheeses we can using traditional ar tisanal methods, while exploring unconventional ideas and innovating in exciting new ways We love to see how exper ts in catering work with our range Chefs often share their creative , new dish es on social media Our English Goat Curd seems to

tailor made packages and competitive trade pricing Sip Champagnes offers options for local wine shops, Michelin starred restaurants and ever ything in between

For fur ther details contact: trade@sipchampagnes com

For more information on Sip Champagnes and its lat est UK releases in time for Christmas visit https://sipchampagnes com

be par ticularly popular at the moment ”

White Lake supply small cheese makers, pubs and delis but are ver satile enough to fulfil greater requirements such as for the cater ers at Wimbledon “As a small company we can be nimble enough to accommodate specific require ments when given notice Cheese needs enough time to develop complex flavours, par ticularly the hard varieties For example Alpine style Rachael Reser va final weight is 12 kg so is matured for a minimum of twelve months It’s in constant demand for its rounded richness in taste and larger size Roger explains

The cheesemakers, affineurs and packers who hand make White Lake’s cheeses get into top gear from September until the end of December Roger advises “We hate to disappoint people so strongly advise our customers to place their Christmas orders now ”

Contact Justin Car ter National Sales Manager White Lake Cheese Limited justin@whitelake co uk | www whitelake co uk Mobile: 07903 313812 | Office: 01749 831527

Festive Ordering Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 33 With a range of over 25 different cheeses we can meet all your catering needs Choose from soft cheeses made in Brie style, lactic and ash coated or wrapped in vine leaves Our hard cheeses include Rachel, known as the goat s cheese for people who don t like goat s cheese that has won multiple gold awards Chefs love our goat and sheep curd White Lake cheese is made on Bagborough Farm in Somerset using goat’s milk from our own herd local Guernsey cow s milk and British sheep s milk We hand make and hand wrap every single cheese Order for Christmas now so we can fulfil your festive requirements Order yOur aWard-Winning, artisan Cheese fOr Christmas nOW White Lake Cheese Limited justin@whitelake co uk 01749 831527 www instagram com/sip champagnes www facebook com/sipchampagnes www twitter com/ChampagnesSip “Newcomer Sip Champagnes has a laser like focus on cutting edge wines from the region and, in the words of one judge, ‘is changing the game for Champagne’ " Decanter Sip Champagnes Recently voted ‘Champagne & Sparkling Specialist Retailer of the Year’ in the 2022 Decanter Retailer Awards & ‘Specialist Online Retailer of the Year by The Drinks Business, Sip Champagnes is the UK’s leading Grower Champagne specialist, with a focus on newly discovered and fully independent producers that can’t be found anywhere else With over 50 fresh and exciting growers many of them brand new to the UK market and a collection of over 200 cuvées, there are Champagnes to suit all styles and budgets So, if you re looking to reinvigorate your wine list ahead of the festive season, planning a corporate gifting surprise or just fancy a bottle or two for a memorable meal, get in touch With
Order Your Award-Winning , Artisan Cheese For Christmas Now Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Festive Ordering

Ensuring your establishment is appropriately decorated and fur nished during the festive period is a necessity for the hospitality industr y In turn, restaurants, bars and pubs will all want to capi talise on the seasonal influx of business which is available The best way to do so is make your establishment as appealing as possible during this period


When looking to decorate an eating or drinking area for Christmas you should first consider where your fire exits are and that all customers will still have a clear route to an exit Once you have done this, check you can begin to decide how you want your festive design to look We would always recommend a tree , go for a larger one if you can as this can be quite a statement piece , attracting par ty pho tos in front of it which can act as great free publicity across social media if your venue gets tagged In addition to Christmas trees, garlands and wreaths give you the option to add a subtle hint to areas such as toilet doors, mantles, shelves and other places Equally, fair y lights, tinsel, baubles and balloons are also all great ways of adding some festive cheer to your hospitality business this year





There are many ways to dress your table to add a hint of Yuletide style Firstly, if you have a colour scheme or a set theme for Christmas which features one par ticular colour, replicate that in your table setting You could do this by incorporating the colour into your tablecloth, or if you want a white tablecloth then possibly a coloured table runner with matching napkins

For tableware you could opt for classic whiteware or go for something more modern which can be a way of intro ducing colour to your table Glassware we’d suggest sticking with classical looks to add a sophistication to the drinks you ’ re ser ving

Finally, if you ’ re finding you ’ re being booked up with groups looking to celebrate a Christmas works par ty, you could offer par ty accessories to go with the meal Whether it be par ty poppers a festive mask kit ar tificial snow spray all are great for adding a par ty vibe for customers With winter on the immediate horizon, restaurants, pubs and other such businesses should look to star t ordering Christmas decorations and planning for the festive period now Alliance Online offers a wide range of Christmas options which will be perfect for your establishment this year View the Christmas selection at

34 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
Get Ready for Christmas with Alliance’s Festive
When you re looking for Wicker Hampers to fill with gifts then these really are a great choice Traditionally, picnic baskets were filled with luxurious food and drink, and today the familiar lidded wicker hamper is still the most popular choice when presenting an exquisite gift, offering a deli cious selection of hand selected ar tisan and speciality treats for the recipient to enjoy We can t supply the award winning food or the huge array of deluxe beverages that s down to you! What we can offer are top quality wicker hamper baskets Ever y basket we commission is made individually by hand and woven using the best whole reed autumn willow, keeping the integrity of the structure strong and straight We’ve recently upgraded our Premium range to enhance the baskets fur ther and created our new Superior range Now ALL our wicker hampers, as standard, have gold coloured buckles, rivets and lid chains to prevent the lids from falling back when open The wicker handles have been replaced with quality faux leather handles, matching the closures and hinge covers Along with the increased spec , we ’ ve added some extra sizes to the range We stock 12”, 14”, 18”, 21” and 25” widths and you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find the overall dimensions are generally larger than that of our competitors for the same inch widths By far the Natural Wicker is selected most often, however, we also supply a wonderful dark Vintage Brown Wicker, which looks stunning and gives an aesthetically pleasing alternative to the lighter more traditional colour Both colours are available in all 5 sizes salesdesk@candigifts co uk 01502 501681
- New
Fleming Howden are long renowned for sourcing, manufacturing and distributing a wide range of baker y ingredients and yeast products Our focus is on delivering the latest baker y technolog y and product innovation, and providing excellence to the baker y industr y We have an extensive range of high quality food ingredients, baker y ingredients and baker y supplies We continu ously review our range to ensure we provide you with the newest and most exciting products available on the mar ket Fleming Howden are thrilled to be launching a new frozen product into the UK food ser vice market Scrocchiarella is the perfect answer to the global consumer demand for healthy, high quality snacking and on the go food Scrocchiarella derives from the Italian word scrocchiare used to describe something ver y crispy and is a unique combination of selected traditional flours sourdough and natural ingredients ideal for easy and quick consumption Sourdough is the key ingredient for Scrocchiarella , ensuring a superior flavour and a memorable aroma to the final product, with a crunchy crust and an open crumb structure Ever y piece is hand made , so you will not find two that are exactly the same We spend more than 30 hours preparing a single Scrocchiarella, so it takes less than 10 minutes from frozen to prefect ser vice at the table Scrocchiarella Frozen maintains the same features of the traditional ar tisan process: long maturation spreading by hand a constant result of texture flavour and crunchiness
final result is a light, crunchy and easily digestible product that delivers total consumer satisfaction, time and time again
the adver t on this page for fur ther details
Hampers for Christmas Celebrations

With plant based diets a growing trend, it’s more impor tant than ever to ensure that menus are as inclusive as possible This Veganuar y, over 600,000 people signed up to go vegan for a month Eggs were the second most missed product over this time (14% of par ticipants), with options when eating out being the major barrier to sticking to the pledge (26% of par ticipants)

Enter OGGS®, creators of OGGS® Aquafaba and Scrambled OGGS® On a mission to remove unnecessar y eggs from the food chain, OGGS® products are perfectly designed to provide your customers with delicious alternatives that are better for the planet and the animals

Scrambled OGGS® is an egg alternative for breakfast and brunch menus made from chickpea protein Simply shake , pour and cook in minutes for a breakfast scramble to take centre stage on vegetarian or vegan brunch You can also create omelettes, quiches and so much more with Scrambled OGGS® Producing 60% less CO2e than eggs, it’s not just kinder to animals, but the environment too

Chef's Buyer's Guide

Neame are already using Scrambled OGGS® to innovate across breakfast and brunch menus, from indulgent vegan full English breakfasts to plant based carbonara

OGGS® Aquafaba is an egg white alternative made from chickpeas, an innovative solution to removing egg whites from cocktails With six months shelf life and a neutral flavour profile , OGGS® Aquafaba functions exactly the same as egg whites in cocktails, while removing an allergen from your menu With 72% less CO2e than eggs you can create the same delicious drinks without the egg using OGGS® Aquafaba for a more inclu sive and environmentally friendly cocktail menu

Will at 31k in Nottingham said: “Ever y other drink we sell is a cocktail, and 1 in 4 for those calls for a foam That s 100 cocktails a night which would call for 100 eggs Thanks to OGGS® , we ’ ve saved 100 discarded yolks and

Whilst 50% of turnover comes from our top 10 companies, family owned businesses remain prominent, result ing in an industr y that is flexible authentic and forward thinking

distilleries 36 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135

are playing an increasingly impor tant role in attracting and enter taining tourists Distilleries on the Island of Ireland attract over 1 million visitors per year and the likes of Bushmills, Echlinville , Rademon, Boatyard, Hinch and Belfast Distiller y are playing a key role in this growth Invest NI’s dedicated food business development team suppor ts local companies to develop their business with customers in GB and beyond Visit buynifood com or contact us directly to learn how our world class food and drink can help grow your business

Restaurants including Bill s and Shepherd
100 broken eggs shells each shift and the hassle of rinsing spilled egg whites! OGGS® is hassle free in use , taste free in cocktails, and guilt free as it helps us lower our environmental footprint ” For more information contact Plant-Based Bottomless Brunch With Oggs® The British public want and expect British eggs to be on the menu when eating out and are surprised that isn t always the case , according to a sur vey from British Lion eggs British Lion eggs asked the British public where they thought the eggs come from when they’re eating out of home; the responses were resoundingly in favour of British with many saying that if they knew an operator was using British Lion eggs they would be more likely to eat there Specifying British Lion eggs can help to keep your customers happy and ensure the highest standards of food safety See the adver t on page 12 The video is available to watch at lion eggs journey consumer s eating out home
Food and drink is a vital and grow ing industr y in Nor thern Ireland In terms of turnover, employment and cultural significance , this £5
8bn sec tor continues to extend its reach in GB and in international markets
Nor thern Ireland’s produce has proven award winning sta tus the result of many years of success in schemes such as Great Taste , the Quality Food Awards and the Scottish Retail Food and Drink Awards Key to this success is our unique blend of tradition and innovation exemplified by the recent rapid growth in whiskey distilling in Nor thern Ireland The Irish whiskey categor y is expected to increase by nearly £1bn over the next 5 years Until recently the Old Bushmills Distiller y the world’s oldest licensed distiller y was the only distiller y in Nor thern Ireland but now the region boasts 7 distilleries, with an eighth in progress as The Belfast Distiller y Company progresses with its £22 3mn dis tiller y and visitor experience located at Crumlin Road Gaol As well as creating award winning whiskeys and gins, these Northern Ireland - Bringing WorldClass Food and Drink to Your Table British Public Want British Eggs On Menu When Eating Out Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising



end of this decade as a blend at 20% volume to deliver a safer, greener gas alternative that reduces carbon emissions

Those currently working on commercial water heating projects with Adveco can continue to commit to gas fired applications with the knowledge that Adveco’s instantaneous ADplus and semi instantaneous AD water heaters, and MD boiler ranges are all hydrogen

20% blend ready This instantly delivers an oppor tunity to embrace more sustain able gas supplies once available without the need for any change in specification or post installation upgrades to the appliances

With advanced burner technolog y and rugged titanium stainless steel construc tion of the heat exchangers Adveco’s ADplus AD and MD will continue to oper ate well into the 2030s, providing a practical, future proof choice today to decarbonise operations in the most cost effective manner as hydrogen blending becomes commonplace Organisations also gain a clear path to the adoption of future generations of proven 100% hydrogen appliances as the gas network matures and greens

For those wishing to commit to immediately decarbonising their hot water sys tems, Adveco can suppor t hybrid applications that use solar thermal, as well as heat pumps, to pre heat water and offset gas energ y usage without removing the gas connection necessar y for future infrastructure developments www adveco co

of design and print to
UK The talented team are competent at working with big name brands and adhering to brand guidelines, as well as creating bespoke designs for smaller boutique hotels In addition to providing a graphic design ser vice they also have a large 20,000 square foot print facility filled with digital and litho machines as well as large format and finishing depar tment to cater for all manner of print projects Aspenprint’s wide range of hotel products includes Christmas brochures, Wedding brochures, key card holders, door hangers, branded chocolates, menus, menu covers, branded pens, outdoor banners, giant deckchairs, gift vouchers, branded merchandise and ever ything else a hotel might need to maximise its marketing and boost bookings Managing Director Ian Shenton commented; We ve been in the print business for over 50 years and have a strong team of staff who all know the hospitality industr y inside out We truly understand how to market a hotel through effective use of design and print, and can turn projects around within a matter of days We pride our selves on building a solid working relationship with our loyal client base Our ever expanding product range keeps customers coming back to us month after month, and our excellent customer ser vice and high quality design and print keeps them more than happy to use Aspenprint " For more information please visit their website at www aspenprint com or request a free sample box of hotel related design and print by emailing hello@aspenprint com See the adver t on page 13 for more details Your Perfect Print Partner In theor y, Thursday night at the Black Bull in York should be one of the pub’s quieter nights of the week, falling as it does just before the weekend But the reality couldn t be more different “We run a Thursday evening quiz using SpeedQuizzing and it’s now one of our busiest nights, with rev enues up by about 80% and more than 35 four person teams competing each week,” says manager Jill Clarke She s not alone The Black Bull is just one of over a thousand hospitality ven ues hosting weekly quizzes using SpeedQuizzing, an interactive app based quiz platform that’s revolutionising the pub quiz and driving footfall, sales and fun in pubs and bars all over the UK It has been described as offering all the excitement of a quiz and game show rolled into one , and, when you speak with SpeedQuizzing co founder Alan Leach, it’s easy to understand why “We created Speedquizzing to be fast paced, enter taining and hassle free , both for pub hosts and players alike “Games are hosted in each venue via our platform using a laptop,
through our app, which they download for free There’s no need to keep score as that’s done automatically and our customers love the fact that our quizzes are cheat free , with our software making it easy to set time limits on how long teams have to answer each question In keeping with the game show style of our quiz games, individual buzzer sounds can also be allocated to each team, while hosts can also use a variety of sound effects to add to the upbeat atmosphere ” Its digital question packs, which come free with ever y SpeedQuizzing activa tion, are another key point of difference , with ever y pack being completely unique ensuring no host will ever receive the same question pack as another host “They can be tailored by topic , age range or level of difficulty, meaning quiz hosts can perfectly cater to the needs and requirements of different audi ences, ” says Alan, “and with the World Cup just around the corner we ’ re already star ting to see increasing demand for our football themed quiz packs ” For more information, visit www SpeedQuizzing com or see the adver t on page 2 The Original Smartphone Quiz That’s Driving Footfall and Sales In Thousands of Pubs Great Tasting Pork Crackling, Delectable Nuts and Fabulous Fudge All Rober t’s Dorset prod ucts are made to order on site in Dorset, providing cus tomers with only the fresh est produce and bespoke selections Rober t Parkin, founder of Rober t’s Dorset comments: “We’re a passionate team here at Rober t’s Dorset and we ’ re exper ts at creating tasty snacks in a wide range of moreish flavours We’re a proud family run brand and have come far when we think back to when we were creating our hand made snacks from our modest kitchen back in 2011 As a brand we are led by quality and flavour We’re for ever ybody, whether you like classic tastes or are a bit more daring, have allergies or are vegan, Rober t’s Dorset is for all The Rober t’s Dorset products are suitable for a wide range of dietar y needs, such as gluten free , sugar free , vegan 100% keto friendly and allergen free All with the same great taste Rober t’s Dorset can supply you with: • Proper Pork Crackling tr iple cooked with ncredible crunc h and available in 11 flavour s No MSG or Ar tificial flavour s • Proper Pork Crackling Natural Triple Zero the fir st non HFSS Pork Crac kling Contain ng no sugar, no salt, and no carbs , while st ll provid ing ‘full on pork flavour’ and the Rober t Dor set’s trademark crunc h • Yummy Peanuts grade AA nuts , ethica ly and sustain ably sourced and available in 13 f avour s • Delicious Cashews grade AA nuts ethically and sus tainably sourced and available in 12 flavour s • Fabulous Fudge 100% Br itish and available in 15 flavour s Cream based and Gluten free Two vegan var i eties also available Rober t s Dorset products come in a range of different pack sizes and packaging options to suit all retailers Choices include small and large re usable pots and jars as well as recyclable bags and pouches, offering environ mentally friendly solutions for traders across Europe Rober t’s Dorset are proud to supply many stockists throughout the UK These range from a modest solo operator shop to pubs, bars, restaurants, butchers, farm shops and more Contact Rober t to find out more: 01202 875280, info@sct sct com, www rober tsdorset com See the adver t on page 3 Proper Tasty Snacks Handmade in Britain The difficulty in find ing and keeping good employees in our indus tr y has seen an unusual ly high interest in our products A cutler y pol isher used to be seen as a luxur y item for those requiring a higher quality finish to their cutler y than hand pol ishing, now it s seen as a must have as most restau rants are operating with reduced labour which is costly Taking washed, still wet cutler y, handfuls at a time are placed into the polisher where the cutler y is immersed in a bed of crushed corn This corn absorbs water and polishes the cutler y for 30 sec onds before exiting under a UV lamp (which kills bacteria and viruses including Covid19) ready to place on the table It will polish a basket of washed cutler y in 2 minutes (up to 3500 per hour for our mid sized polisher) With a rental cost of just £3 57 per day, it's less than 20 minutes of staff time so it s wor th looking at your costs and seeing if we can be of ser vice to you You can see a video of the polisher working on our website at www thecutler ypolisher co uk Our Glass Polisher is the same process and although it s quicker than hand polishing, the benefits are more about health and safety Some thin glasses are impossible to hand pol ish safely with good results, our Glass Polisher can safely polish with impres sive results 5 spinning brushes polish both the inside and outside of the glass, hot air is continuous ly blown so the brushes remain dr y allowing the same brushes to be used all day long The quality of polishing makes a great differ ence when glasses are on display Our all inclusive , noncontract rental plan is risk free and will save on costs during the unprecedented times our industr y is currently facing If a rental scheme isn't for you, you can purchase with a 2 year no quibble full par ts and labour warranty We have been doing this since 1999, some cus tomers have had the same machine since we first star ted, ser viced regularly the Nicem cutler y polisher will last pretty much indefinitely We still offer a free trial if the above is of interest just contact us; at info@thecutler ypolisher co uk or 01474 873 892 For those reading who have a Nicem Cutler y pol isher, our grain and ser vice deal runs until the end of October 2022, contact us for more information See the adver t on page 23 for details Are You Still Hand Polishing Cutlery? 38 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
the call to embrace a net zero approach the majority of existing restaurants pubs and hotels will depend on gas for their heating and ser vice crit ical hot water supplies For this reason, unlocking
hydrogen rep resents
easier and more cost
more sustainable heating
Products and
Bournemouth based Aspenprint is the leading provider
hotels across the
and instead of using a pen and paper, players answer the questions in real time
the potential of
a familiar,
effective way to transition to
practices in buildings with a connection to the
those wishing to adopt the hydrogen approach, there remains a question mark over how quickly, where and in what propor tion hydrogen will be intro duced into the gas grid The ultimate aim of introducing 100% green hydrogen nationally via the gas network is unlikely to be fully realised until the 2040s As an interim, the UK is assessing the potential for introducing hydrogen into the existing gas network as early as the
Net Zero
Gas - An Important Role
Play In Achieving

Wines, Spirits and Cocktails

Authentic Spanish Sangria

– Now In A Can!

Solsueño sangria in a can introduced to the UK in spring 2022 in par tnership with Proof Drinks Ltd, has brought a premium, innovative addition to the pre mix beverage sector and a ray of liquid Spanish sun shine to UK consumers!

Packaged in a modern 330ml slimline can at 5% abv, Solsueño is an authentic sangria crafted in the Denominacion de Origen region of Jumilla, Murcia

Using local and natural ingredients the great tasting liquid is vegan and gluten free , instantly giving consumers the sun sea and sangria holiday feeling

Ideal for all indoor and outdoor set tings, with no preparation or wastage , the can offers single ser ve conven ience but can also be used in shared occasions adding ice and fruit in a jug The eco credentials of cans mean lower transpor t costs due to the lightness of the packaging and the cans are infinitely recyclable

Awarded Bronze in the 2022 IWSC

Alternative Drinks categor y competi tion, the professional wine tasting

panel offered the following tasting notes: ‘’juicy cherr y and plum palate , with clove and cinnamon spice giving a refreshing and drinkable palate’’

Following a first year of attending many national trade fairs, regional outdoor events, Foodie Festivals and local food & drink fairs, the overwhelming reac tion to the liquid is really positive and has driven early successes with on and off trade distribution, as well as Amazon Suppor ted by an active social media and extensive sampling campaign, Solsueño has established a firm foothold and the brand is ver y much looking for ward to continued successes into 2023

With pre mix drinks growing to be a hugely popular categor y par ticularly dur ing the summer, sangria is a natural fit given the high levels of consumer aware ness due to Spain being a major holiday destination for the UK consumer Solsueño sangria Bringing Spa n to the UK!

Contact us at: info@sangria solsueno com www sangria solsueno com


With over 25 cocktails in their range , Cambridge based Bottleproof Cocktails are one of the leaders in their field, supplying premium cocktails exclusively to the On Trade since 2016 Customers include hotels, theatres, restaurants, pubs and events venues across the UK and beyond

All Bottleproof cocktails are full ABV professional bar ser ves using branded spirits, juices and their own syrups Each cocktail still has to be shaken, stirred or built so the theatre of a cocktail ser ve is not lost but they are considerably quicker to make and provide consistency without the need for extensive training

Initially Bottlepr toof have launched two of their best sellers in the eco friendly paper bottles, the multi

refuse collection”

Compared to glass bottles, the paper bottles are:

As Mark Thompson, co owner of Bottleproof Cocktails who heads up sales, says

“Interest in the paper bottles from our existing customers as well as new cus tomers has been phenomenal Our cock tails are high quality with a proven track record in the on trade; the packaging looks great and we are offering an initial stocking price that makes them cheaper than our glass bottles Plus we are all helping the environment what’s not to like!”

For more information visit Tel 01223 462211 Email

70cl bottles,
bottle ser
paper bottles
has followed extensive testing throughout last year to ensure they are fit for purpose Not only are the bot tles more environmentally friendly but they should also reduce the high costs venues have to pay for
winning* Pornstar Mar tini and Espresso Mar tini which are now available to
ving 7
As Charlie Anderson, co owner of Bottleproof Cocktails who heads up pro duction and R&D comments: “In
drive to become more sustain able and to help
reduce their
bon emissions,
have released the first of
cocktails in 70cl
5 x lighter than glass bottles 6 X less carbon footprint 94% recyclable paperboard outer
In Sustainable Paper Bottles
Launch Selected Cocktails
Exclusive Promotion As we head into the festive season maximising profitability while delivering an excellent guest experience becomes ever more critical across the trade To help the trade deliver against this objective , Coravin, global leaders in wine preser vation, are running a trade exclusive promotion during October offering 30% off their latest innovation Coravin Sparkling™ Coravin Sparkling™ is the first preser vation system to perfectly preser ve the crisp flavour and effer vescence of sparkling wines for up to 4 weeks The por table format is highly convenient and easy to use while the unique uni versal Coravin Sparkling™ Stoppers fit all half, standard, and magnum bottles Anne Roque , Coravin UK Sales Manager comments, “Coravin Sparkling™ offers a unique oppor tunity for bars and restaurants to increase their sparkling wine by the glass menu, while eliminating the risk of wastage The Sparkling wine categor y is typically one of the most challenging for the trade , due to the high stock cost and shor t shelf live after opening a bottle We have a wide range of customers using Coravin Sparkling™ from fine dining restaurants offering super premium Champagnes by the glass, to traditional pubs who rely on the system to reduce wastage”
Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 39
Coravin Trade
Katie Warren, Coravin Marketing Manager adds, “Recent case studies across the UK have shown us that consumers really engage with an extensive menu of sparkling wines by the glass We fully expect this trend to intensify as we head into the festive season ” The promotion ends on October 31st, please visit trade coravin com/en GB
contact sales eu@coravin com
more details
Chefs will develop skills and build their confidence
and covers recipe
menu planning, vegetarian
vegan definitions
building flavour, alternatives to meat and dair y
course attendees are saying: I can t recommend this cour se strongly enough to any of you who are n this industr y With the modern trend in ess meat in the diet and people hav ng meat free days I see this as a step forward to sur v ving in our har sh economic environment ” Murray “It really does exceed expectations Right mix of theor y business info and practical cooking Ian “100% recommend this cour se I had the best sc hool ing days of my l fe in this cooker y sc hool!” Dar shana Endless ideas and new tec hn ques More than met my expectations of improving veggie options at work ” Matt Book your place now with a £75 deposit: www vegsoc org/diploma and brand your ver y own online staff training platform to deliver an engag experience for your Hospitality team on any desktop, tablet or mobile device the world Fully equipped with over 70 interactive , accredited & cer tificated ourses, our training is open access and covers a wide range of subjects od Hygiene and Hospitality, HR, Compliance , Vocational, Wellbeing and more t fit for your business Visit www nha training erful course building tools will allow you to produce an unlimited amount of espoke training You can upload video and documents, and even build your teractive modules from onboarding to an interactive video s using our state of the ar t course editor! In depth repor ting and notification control allows for detailed analysis of all your training to help improve efficiency and effectiveness Fur thermore Exper t LMS with the Hospitality Academy comes with an open API, allowing you to seamlessly integrate your LMS with another piece of software such as HR or rota systems Our dedicated team are on hand 7 days a week to offer technical suppor t and you ’ re provided full and ongoing training in how to use our system so you can get the maxi mum amount of benefit We also provide over 3000 Personal Licences online ever y year with exams on Zoom ever y 30min If you want to set up corporate account, call us 02035442211 and the course and exam will only be £70 per person The ver y fabric of a business lies within the skills of its workforce and the challenge to find the best technolog y to successfully induct, train and develop its talent Your work force is wor thy of the ver y best, so get star ted today and join the thousands of other users online with our world leading learning platform and www exper tlms com We are the National Hospitality Academy, Proud Creators of Expert LMS, Our World Leading Learning Management System 40 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135 Education and Training Boost Your Bottom Line and Gain New Customers with the Vegetarian Society Chef’s Diploma
How enticing are your restaurant’s vegetarian and vegan options? The growing trend of meat reduction and flexitarianism has led to a rise in people expecting high quality, exciting plant based dishes when they eat out It makes great business sense to keep these customers happy and coming back for more That’s where the Vegetarian Society Chef ’ s Diploma comes in it’s a three day course that will teach you how to make incredible on trend veggie and vegan dishes, giving you the edge over your competitors
in ever ything veggie and vegan The course costs just £750
and attitudes,
And much more!

Cleaning and Hygiene

Ozone Clean

Ozone Clean is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Ozone generating equip ment to the hospitality sec tor as well as many other industries for Odour and Infection control We supply a range of generators suit able for all applications both industrial and domestic that can effectively treat small to ver y large areas

Our company is multi internationally award winning and has rapidly built a strong reputation within Hospitality and other industries since our inception in 2005 Our goal is centred on supplying products that are efficient, safe and cost effective , backed up by an excellent ser vice ethic and after sales operation

We have over 850 clients and 11 million rooms per

year being treated with our equipment In manufactur ing we only use the highest quality par ts which enables us to say that we still have machines that are still in use after 15 years Therefore , our range of products are the most efficient and reliable on the market

Due to the efficiency and reliability of our flagship products the OC1500 and OC700, at a cost from 28p per day, we have empirical evidence , that by using Ozone Cleans range of products you will be able to enjoy an ROI within 12 months, often sooner Genuine and provable results This is achieved by the permanent removal of Odours, Bacteria, Mould and Viruses in as little as 5 minutes

Peace of mind, efficiency and reliability go hand in hand with Ozone Clean and don’t forget by using our OC range you will be having a positive impact on the environment as opposed to the traditional methods which have a high energ y or chemical consumption

Should you decide to buy either our OC1500 or OC700 we will offer you a 15% discount exclusive to this ar ticle Just quote OZO15 Web: www ozoneclean co uk Call : 020 8883 2756 Emails: sales@ozoneclean co

Ahead To meet the demand of hospitality businesses right now and for the years ahead, Tork has announced the launch of a sustainability guide for restaurants The guide shares accumulated knowledge from Tork’s 50 years of experience within the food ser vice industr y alongside brand new knowledge on relevant topics for the industr y The need for hospitality businesses to transform their sustainability performance has never been as critical, as new research reveals that Brits buy over 3 2 billion drinks in paper cups ever y year just under two billion of which won’t make their way into an appropriate recycling bin These alarming statistics are fur ther emphasised by additional research from Essity’s professional hygiene brand Tork, which found that hospitality businesses are under increasing amounts of pressure to showcase or invest in their own sustainability credentials as con sumer expectations evolve Tork s PaperCircle ser vice is the world s first paper hand towel recycling scheme Hospitality businesses can go circular by working directly with Tork to col lect and recycle used paper hand towels into new tis sue products Tork PaperCircle reduces waste by up to 20% and cuts carbon emissions for paper hand towels by at least 40% Sustainability is core to the Essity business, with its credentials including featur ing in the 2022 FTSE4Good global sustainability index and receiving a “Platinum Medal” award in the 2022 Ecovadis CSR Rating This places Essity in the top one per cent of all companies to be assessed by Ecovadis To keep up with the lat est Tork news and innova tions, please visit: www tork co uk Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising 42 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
uk Tork

Invest today, profit tomorrow: Why sustainability is for laundries a plus for their budget and for the climate?

Several tons of laundr y are processed in a laundr y ever y day Textile ser vice providers stand for reliability, quality and hygiene Today, a responsible and integral circular economy means much more: Consistently clean and sustainable processed textiles

Kannegiesser is the global par tner for the future of the laundr y industr y For us, sustainability is an elementar y component and more than just a trend In addition to savings in resources and textile care in the laundr y technolog y, Kannegiesser stands for the integral sustainable corporate culture This includes securing long term economic stability comprehensive education and training of the own employees and security for the future through innovation

g y of the PowerPress and PowerSpin provides low residual moistures permitting high savings in the subsequent evaporation process Thanks to the process control Eco2Power for the transfer dr yer PowerDr y, the energ y is kept in the system and needs not to be recovered via heat exchangers In the finishing process, Kannegiesser is a pioneer for low temperature dr ying during the process of iron ing, finishing or full dr ying with impressive results for both, in maintaining textile value and energ y consumption Ultimately, the energ y contained in the ironing and finisher exhaust air is used to heat fresh water for the washing process the cir cle is completed

The modern technolog y of Kannegiesser reduces the use of fresh water and fossil fuels Our solutions drive growth for our customers and create attractive , future oriented and ergonomic jobs for us and in the entire industr y This is how we help people to live clean healthy and safe lives

Visit for fur ther information

Double Accolade For Southern Contracts

SOUTHERN Contracts is thrilled to receive not one , but two awards for their performance over the past year

Electrolux Professional have announced Southern Contracts as their Laundr y Par tner of the Year 2021 which is award ed to the top selling Par tner of commercial laundr y appliances across last year

Southern Contracts have also been awarded Electrolux Professional s Special

years we look forward to an optimistic future and all our clients being able to fully open up their businesses in this bright new world ahead ”

a first class and profes sional par tner

“I have worked with them personally for over 4 years and can always rely on them to provide the right solution and fantastic after care for any customer, from a wide variety of sectors, across the Marine environment through to Care Homes, Hotels and Schools

“Due to their many years of experience , they have a wide breadth of knowledge covering both the laun dr y and catering environments and although they are a company that can deal in a global marketplace , they still give the first class friendly care of a family run business for both their remote and local customers

For more information about products and ser vices on offer, contact Southern Contract s exper t team of technical staff to provide guidance and advice through ever y aspect of your purchase and ongoing commit ment to ser vice , please telephone 01202 422100 or visit www southerncontracts co uk See the adver t on the previous

In the washhouse , the washing line PowerTrans sets new standards for washing efficiency hygiene water and energ y consumption The water extraction technolo
44 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
Vision Linens, leading textile supplier and distributer, has launched a new loy alty program across its ecommerce site , visionlinens com Vision is best known for supplying textiles to some of the biggest names in hospitality and retail, including Accor, IHG, Hilton and John Lewis & Par tners What many may not realise , is that Vision’s ecommerce site enables accommodation providers, as well as ever yday consumers to buy the same ethically sourced, high quality products, direct from Vision and delivered straight to their door The Visionaires Members Club is completely free to join and rewards its members for ever y interaction they have on the online shop The more its members spend and the more they share online , the more points Vision will offer to redeem against its products Visionaires can earn one Reward Point for ever y £10 they spend online Additional points can be earned when you initially register for an account as well as reviewing products, referring friends and for social media interactions In turn, Reward Points can be redeemed against any products listed on the website , with no minimum order value It s as easy as that The benefits continue to flow, you’ll be the first to know about Vision’s sales, promotions and new products, as well as handy industr y tips As a member you can view your full order histor y and quickly reorder the same products without having to find them and add them to your basket So, what are you waiting for? Click here to sign up and create an account with us *Terms and conditions apply
Loyalty Program Sustainability -
Laundry and Linens
Launches New
An Expensive
Achievement Award for 2021 This is bestowed upon the company with the highest nation al sales of their food and laundr y professional prod ucts
have been given these two awards is quite amaz ing when the whole of the countr y was in lockdown during this period, with hospitality, care homes, schools, cruise ships and holiday venues all closed to the outside world
Southern Contracts
and special relationship
and are
to work
their products for
provision, installation
Adam Elphinstone MD of
said: “We have a
y long
with Electrolux Professional
vicing As
continue to emerge from the last couple of
Mark Rogers, Regional Business Manager for Electrolux Professional, added: “Electrolux Professional have dealt with Southern Contracts for over 30 years and during that time they have established them selves as always being one of our leading distributors We have always found them to be
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Increase Customer Spend by 18% (or more)! 0800 731 8451 Download the Paytronix Loyalty Report 2022 to find out more: annual loyalty report/

Those in the hos pitality industr y who weathered the pan demic and Brexit and lived to tell the tale find themselves in a different landscape Customers’ expectations have grown as the world opens up to travel and tourism with renewed enthusiasm

Top Hospitality Partnership Takes Customer Experience To New Levels

Restaurant owners now have access to frictionless client engagement thanks to an exclusive par tnership between a leading provider of restaurant epos and the most advanced digital guest experience platform

NFS Technolog y, provider of Aloha restaurant man agement software have announced the selection of Paytronix Systems Inc as their UK and Ireland par t ner in a move predicted to be hugely popular in the industr y

Chris Car tmell, Chief Commercial Officer for NFS restaurant technolog y, said the development is a response to the dramatic change in the way cus tomers want to engage with their favourite restau rants

“Many of our clients ask us how they can take a more integrated approach to client engagement, loy alty and feedback,” he said

“The Paytronix platform seamlessly integrates with Aloha, to be able to offer our clients a tool to improve client engagement, grow revenue and be able to get a much better picture on both client spend and preferences,” said Chris

Aloha integrated with Paytronix, benefits the cus tomer experience in key ways:

1 It enables restaurants to pro vide a customised one to one journey for c lients , combining data and market ng automa tion in one dashboard

2 Digital marketing s highly per sonalised to customer behaviour and connected to actual guest spend

3 Restaurateur s can create and deploy omn c hanne marketing campaigns in minutes , us ng core design options that suit guest needs

4 Order frequenc y is increased by offer ing comb ned ser vices for example , online order ing and loyalty pro grammes together have been shown to increase order frequenc y by 18%

5 Customer loyalty is grown The integrated system enables more ways to enrol and more promotion types many user s see guest par ticipation of 50 to 70%

Discover more about epos technolog y and cus tomer experience: https://alohaepos co uk/ See the adver t on the previous page for details

’ re
2020, 65% of worldwide tourism and travel sales were online which is expected to reach 72% by 2025 Customers expect a seamless experience booking online and in person Top hotels allow customers to self ser vice and pay for additional ser vices from their mobile devices Cash is dead The card is king
trend has been slow moving but after the pan demic , debit and credit cards have dominated as the preferred payment method
is a must For hotel guests, convenience includes quickly paying online or in person with their preferred payment method Chargeback fraud is on the rise With the rise of new payment methods, the hospitali ty sector has experienced increased chargeback fraud Truevo s system and the team help resolve chargebacks quickly, prevent fraud and keep payment data secure With us you receive chargeback notifications in real time FIND OUT MORE ABOUT TRUEVO’S • Competitive fees tailored to your business • Unr ivalled suppor t via phone email and Live Chat Next day settlement to improve operational effic enc y • Acceptance and processing optimisation to maximise suc cessful transactions • Accept over 150 currencies globally and get settled in GBP or EUR Bump your payments up to first class with Truevo Simply Better Payments at machines/
Truevo is an industr y par tner to UK’s hotels self catering, bed and breakfasts, hostels, camping and cara vanning Along with other businesses like restaurants, bars and takeaways We created payment tools and solutions to help owners meet customers' demands Here are the most prominent
trends we
helping you meet Online is offline , and vice versa In
SumUp POS Our mission is to empower small merchants across the globe HOW WE CAN HELP We give access to financial ser vices to the millions of businesses that are considered too small for most providers They’re as much as 10 times smaller than the smallest businesses that would be targeted by banks and traditional providers What star ted out as one card reader has now turned into a range of readers, multiple remote payment solutions such as Invoices, Gift Cards, Payment Links and so much more INCLUSIVE We want to make technolog y that anyone can use and ever yone has access to Whether you re a one person show or a team we re there for the smallest of businesses PERSONAL SUPPORT Do you have questions about the usage of SumUp? We have a dedicated customer suppor t team in the language that works for you SECURE PAYMENTS SumUp card readers are the most secure methods of card payments and have received full cer tification from a range of regulator y bodies RELIABLE TECHNOLOGY SumUp is authorised as a Payment Institution by the Financial Conduct Authority (license no 900700) and is EMV (Europay, Mastercard, and Visa) and PCI DSS cer tified See the adver t opposite for details 48 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135 Hospitality Technology 4 Biggest Payment Trends in Hospitality for 2022 to 2023

Hospitality Technology

Intelligent Data

By definition, intelligent

data is any data collected by your company which offers insight into the behaviour and mindset of your customers This data will help you gain a bet ter understanding of what drives and excites your customers

Intelligent data is invaluable when it comes to marketing out reach, new customer procurement, and customer retention, as it allows you to provide a targeted and bespoke approach for all your guests

However, so often brands are guilty of taking a blanket approach when it comes to communicating with customers Not only are they missing an oppor tunity to build a strong rappor t with those who walk through their doors, but equally they risk losing existing clientele with irritating, irrelevant mar keting

Capturing intelligent data that creates a single customer view has never been more impor tant No one needs to dine out, especially with a cost of living crisis, so knowing who you ’ re speaking to and tailoring your messages appropriately is crucial to capturing people s attention, enticing them in, and then nur turing those relationships fur ther For example , you might want

couples who have the flexibility, but not as much disposable income , with mid week

deals, or retirees living in a specific area with a lunchtime offer Maybe you want to get early bird discounts in front of families who are slightly more cash strapped but still relish those one off family outings intelligent data allows you to do this

MCR Systems

Then there’s using this data to track customers’ behaviours and to tailor to suit For example , having a high chair ready for the family with a baby or tracking a customer’s usual drink choice so the waiter is informed on arrival

This insight can also be used to shape the company ’ s future product or ser vice plans For example , is it time to introduce ‘order and pay ’ options at the table for those on a tight schedule or who want to be more in control of their experience if you ’ re seeing more customers that fit that profile? Or perhaps offering the option of takeaway could boost weekday sales?

It s about doing a deep dive into data to help shape and grow your business, while delivering a more per sonalised experience that makes you stand out Har vesting intelligent customer data means you ’ re able to interrogate data to understand where when and how a guest engages with your brand

Collecting intelligent customer data is easier than you might think Using the right tools means as you gath er, cleanse and segment your data, the more asser tive you can be with your selling

However, the more data you har vest, the more analysis is needed to make this data work harder for you, all of which can be automated via CRM systems

This involves categorising your data so you can make inferences at a glance The analysis process is where you begin to truly understand the trends of your customers Once this stage of the customer intelligence process is complete , you’ll have a comprehensive single view of all your customers

We find that consistency is key in the hospitality sector, and using technolog y can add speed and accuracy to your approach as well as clearing a more visible path to maximising your data’s potential

The hospitality industr y is one of the most competitive , and as the sector continues to be hit by the cost of living crisis, businesses simply cannot afford to provide a so so ser vice Intelligent data will help improve ever y facet of your offering, and make it easier to navigate the challenges of the current climate

Employers Must Adapt To Employee Expectations, says Bizimply

“The recruitment crisis is already stretching wage budgets, so employers don’t always have the option to increase pay significantly for entr y level staff work ing front of house and kitchen shifts However it’s impor tant to understand employee motivation at this level

“Many of the businesses we work with rely on par t time staff, including team members who combine work with their studies, or who have childcare or other commitments For these employees there is the potential to take home a little more from ever y shift they work, through the increases in the mini mum wage and the National Insurance threshold introduced earlier this year

The monthly ONS vacancy figures have seen a decline in the number of hospitality vacancies with 158,000 vacancies recorded in the quar ter from July to September 2022, a decline of 8 8% compared with the 173,000 vacancies in the from April to June 2022

Conor Shaw, CEO of workforce management special ist Bizimply said: “While vacancies still represent a huge challenge for the sector the drop reflects our experi ence that some operators are using technology to manage their workforce a little better, and maximise the benefits to the business of the workforce available

“An employer tr ying to run their businesses with 10% vacancy rates needs their existing staff to be 10% more efficient, and ever y employee willing to work an extra shift helps to relieve the immediate challenge for employers, while employees need to know that they can fit work around other commitments

Businesses that have robust workforce manage ment systems in place can input changes such as new rates of pay, tax and NI, give employees the maximum notice of shifts, and process any changes in employ ees ’ shift patterns quickly Employees can use the same technolog y to it to let their employer know what hours they can work regularly, and if these change due to school holidays or other circum stances

“Bizimply’s software helps businesses reduce the amount of time spent creating staff rotas and sorting out payroll It means that GMs and super visors can spend more time front of house, where they can have the most positive impact, making operational decisions, managing team members and interacting with cus tomers ” See

50 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
this page for details
the adver t on
MCR Systems has over 40 years of experience in providing hospitality, catering and leisure organisations with enterprise management solu tions that directly improve the effi ciency of their business operations We do this by combining high quality software and cutting edge EPOS technolog y MCR Systems T: 0116 299 7000 E: enquiries@mcr systems co uk www mcr systems co uk See the adver t on page 40
to reach young
Or to sign up for our bi weekly newsletter with all the latest news delivered directly to your email! Visit our website www.catererlicensee .com www.catererlicensee .com/signup Can't wait to read the next CLH Digital?

Outdoor Spaces

Putting Safety On The Menu For Al Fresco Dining

While vehicle as a weapon attacks are rare , they have become the tactic of choice for terrorists and any location where people gather outside close to vehicular access is vulnerable to this type of attack

No so long ago, al fresco dining was a lifestyle we associated with summer holi days abroad; a European pavement café cul ture that we’d never quite mastered over here, with our narrow roads and limited pavements Indeed, al fresco dining was so foreign to us Brits that we ’ ve never even coined our own name for it!

But COVID was a catalyst for change Forced to provide the option for customers to eat and drink outside when indoor spaces were too risky at the height of the virus many hospitality businesses have made that tempo rar y provision into a permanent change , and are now benefitting from their investment in outdoor dining with increased capacity and appeal to a wider demographic

Extended outdoor seating licensing introduced as a temporar y measure June 2020 was extended until September of this year and has now been extended again until 2023 pending permanent legislation to allow bars and restaurants to provide furniture on pavements and pedestrianised roads adjacent to their premises It’s great news for a sector still recovering from the pandemic and offers customers greater choice , along with the conti nental vibe they may have enjoyed while en vacances But there is an ele phant in the outdoor space: safety


Terrorism is not the only safety consideration either While drink driving statistics have been falling over the past few years, drug driving offences continue to rise , putting pedestrians at risk of incidents involving errant vehicles Add to this a spate of ram raid attacks on high street stores, and it’s easy to see how quickly a relaxed lunch could become a serious inci dent if the risks involved have not been identified and mitigated

Following the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017, campaigning led by Figen Murray mother of one of the victims has led to proposed legislation called UK Protect Duty (Mar tyn’s Law), which will involve mandator y risk assessment and the implementation of safety plans for businesses responsi ble for gatherings of people The consultation element of the legislative process has already been completed, and a draft bill is expected soon Regardless of the parameters of any future legislation however many busi nesses are already preparing and embracing the need to consider safety as par t of their duty of care for al fresco diners


An outdoor hospitality environment ought to be a place where people can relax and enjoy good food and good company, so mitigating risk should definitely not involve creating a For t Knox enclosure that makes customers feel in constant jeopardy Any measures put in place to protect people should be propor tionate to the risk, and the level of risk will depend on numerous factors, including the proximity of roads, the direction of traffic , ease of vehicular access, etc

A risk assessment process that considers the potential threats and specif ic vulnerabilities of individual al fresco dining environments to understand

"Can We Sit Outside Please?"


the level of risk involved enables hospitali ty owners and operators to make informed choices about the measures they put in place to protect people There is a balance to be struck between risk mitiga tion and practicality/affordability It will never be possible to eradicate risk, but it is possible to ensure safety measures are targeted and propor tionate


There is a varied array of hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM) systems available , and selecting the right solution for a specific environment depends on a variety of risk factors, along with practical, operational needs and aesthetics For al fresco dining environments, it is entirely possible to select HVM protection that not only blends into the surroundings but actually enhances them

A correctly specified IWA 14 1 rated HVM system can be concealed within a variety of streetscape casings, including planters, benches, bike racks and barriers, providing a decorative touch for outdoor spaces that keeps people safer Bars and restaurants can even choose to combine HVM protection with branded banners enabling them to combine safety with customisation too


Al fresco dining is an oppor tunity for customers to relax and enjoy By ensuring they understand and mitigate risk, hospitality operators can relax too

equals £200 If you were to turn these 3 times a day that would equal £600 If we multiply that by a realistic 4 days of the week, you re looking at £2400 or £9,600 a month! Multiply that by 12 and your revenue would increase by £115k per annum Assuming 50% gross margin, the investment of 1 parasol could provide a profit contribution of £57 6k per annum which is a welcome statistic in these economically tr ying times What’s more , our zero deposit leasing options allow for payments to be spread over 2 5 years So taking a 4mt X 4mt parasol with a moveable base , impor t, deliv er y and fitting, the monthly payment over 36 months would be £184 09 or the weekly equivalent of £42 98 As such your potential R O I massively outweighs this no deposit figure

What are you waiting for?! 01352 740164 www indigoawnings co uk

79% of UK diners have attested that they would spend more time and money in a restaurant if they incorporated outdoor dining Integrating outdoor dining into your establishment is a no brainer decision especially when you consider the al fresco movement across the UK and return on investment oppor tunities For example , when discussing predic tions for the rise in al fresco dining in 2022, Janice H Dobson, Business Development Director at Archatrak, said: Restaurant owners can look at it mathematically, they know the value of ever y seat they offer and I encourage my clients to ask themselves, ‘what could 8 extra seats, 12 extra seats, 20 extra seats, mean for your business?’ Often they’ll find that in a relatively shor t period of time these outdoor areas can pay for themselves and con tinue generating revenue years afterward ” The maths is simple; seating 16 people under a 4m x 4m parasol, at an average spend of £12 50 per head
Deborah Ainscough, founder and direc tor of Crowdguard, specialists in safety installations for events and pedestri anised locations , discusses the safety considerations for al fresco dining areas to protect staff and customers
Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 51

Outdoor Spaces

The Sausage Man Launches the Optimum Grab and Go Sausage Solution with Sausage2Go

Launched at this year ’ s Casual Dining Show, The Sausage Man’s Sausage2Go unit, presents the perfect hot hold solu tion for caterers across all sectors wishing to offer hot dogs as a quick ser ve or grab and go option

Specialists in authentic , premium quali ty German sausages, The Sausage Man, offers five bestselling sausages from its extensive range to kick off the Sausage2Go launch; choose from deli cious Bratwurst Bacon Krakauer Cheese Frankfur ters, Chilli Beef or Vegan Hot Dogs to entice custom

All sausages are fully cooked, ready to eat and reheat, and are supplied chilled or frozen, benefiting from a long shelf life The sausages are offered for sale accompanied by high quality brioche baguettes from baker y brand St Pierre

The Sausage2Go unit, made by Flexeser ve , the spe cialists in hot holding, flexible merchandising solu tions, facilitates the latest ground breaking, patented

air recirculation technolog y retaining heat without over cooking for perfect food condition, superior flavour and texture , and no moisture loss through out the day

Sausage2Go couldn t be easier to use; no catering experience is required, and user friendly control panels set over individual zones can be independently used to allow greater energ y efficiency Unit sizes range from counter top to freestanding with front and rear loading options, tailored to individual needs Branding and packaging featuring The Sausage Man s eye catching visuals will also be available to fur ther enhance the offer

For operators, the unit couldn’t be simpler to use and is especially useful for quick ser ve situations

For product information, inspirational recipes and to find your foodser vice distributor call 01322 867060, go to www wholesale sausageman co uk, or email info@sausageman co uk

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

We are an independent suppli er ser ving the outdoor restau rant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars restaurants and public houses

We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap inter net impor ts next season It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and scrapes

outdoor goods receive com bined with the harsh British cli mate really needs something tough enough for the job We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industr y and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand Bespoke goods are also a spe ciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement If we can help you do drop a line to sales@cafeculture biz

52 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
First of all, you will want one of our world beating Kanga boxes and a Carbon Heater You can then keep food hot indefinitely and fully comply with HACCP regulations Sounds too good to be true? Well we only supply premium German manufactured products from stock at incredibly low prices The insulated box manufac tured from top quality expanded polypropylene is a dense closed cell insulation material but incredibly light to handle when empty for example the GN insulted box with a 117 mm internal depth only weighs just over a kilo and yet holds a massive 21 lts capacity Now combine the Kanga box with a Carbon Heater and the magic begins hot food all the time! Our range of Carbon heaters offers two voltage options 12 volts for car operation using the cigarette lighter socket or 230 volt mains voltage for internal or external mains use The big advantage of the Carbon Heaters they are absolutely fool proof just inser t them in the bottom of the box turn on and forget, there are no consumer con trols the temperature is pre set at the factor y at 75 deg C The Carbon Heater is ver y light at only 700 grammes and does not take up much room only being 10mm thick Dishes can be place on the Carbon Heater straight out of the oven up to 120deg C Finally quick and easy to clean just wipe over with a damp cloth Contact Catering Equipment Limited on Tel: 0121 773 2228 or visit www.clickonstore .net or www kangaboxuk com Keeping Food Hot? We Have All The Answers Outdoor space that cannot be used because of the weath er has no value ’ Your solution is an invest ment that gives your cus tomers comfor t Your solution is an invest ment that gives you a speedy R O I * Another solution? Parasols & umbrellas? but no real weather Another solution? Perhaps buying cheap? But as our pubs tell us a cheap gazebo looks cheap And their customers don’t like cheap [and it won’t last] *According to our pub customers, each gazebo typi cally pays for itself in about 6 weeks Straight from the horses mouth, must read: “Nearly 2 year s on it was the best decision we ever made to buy 3 White Pavil on Gazebos They have paid for them selves many, many times over S nce the Pandemic customer s prefer to be outside , and I dread to think of the business we would have missed out on if we had not made the investment ” Susie , Proprietor, Grantham Arms , Boroughbridge : The Bay Tree , Swillington, York : The Black Hor se , Kirby Fleetham Premium quality Hospitality gazebos that last, 4 sizes from £1,666 ex vat [ low cost leasing available ] White Pavilion Gazebos, carefully made in Yorkshire info@whitepaviliongazebos co uk 01653 695 285 White Pavilion Gazebos Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Outdoor Spaces Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 53

ComPaCK GlassWasHers

ComPaCK FroNT loadING dIsHWasHers

ComPaCK Pass THroUGH dIsHWasHers

• 350, 400 and 500 basket machines available

• 120 seconds washing cycle

• Ecoclean control system for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle

• Built in drain pump included

• Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers

• Guarantees hot rinse thermostop

• Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler

• Light function button with self diagnostic

For all models

• Self diagnosis with errors solution, precise setting of the detergent dispenser, different temperature setting for each cycle

• Ecoclean control system for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle (only with built in drain pump)

• Thermal acoustic double door

• New inclined and deep drawn welded tank

• Door reinforcement brackets

Adjustable rinsing arm rotation speed

• Fully stainless steel made wash and rinse arms for low maintenance, heavy duty, all corrosion resistant

• Removable double filtering system for wash and drainage cycle

• Electronic control DIGIT with temperature display

• 4 washing cycles

• Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle

• Built in drain pump included Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers

• Guarantees hot rinse thermostop

• Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler

• Built in softener (only on D50S and D55S)

• Colour coded function button with self diagnostic

• Evolute Electronic control with lCd display

• Electronic control with LCD display

• 4 individual programmable cycles

• Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle

• Built in drain pump included

• Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers

• Break tank AA air gap Wras approved

• Guarantee rinse temperature 85⁰C at constant pressure

• Self cleaning cycle on drain down

• Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler

• Built in softener (only on BT55S)

• Self diagnostic

Web email Tel 0333 456 4500 ComPaCK - THe sTaNdard THaT maKes THe dIFFereNCe ProFessIoNal WareWasHING sYsTems relIaBIlITY HIGH PerFormaNCe GUaraNTeed assIsTaNCe at prices you will be overjoyed with Purchase/rental/Interest free 0% finance available (subject to status)
Compack glasswashers have simplicity and robust performance in mind Where the need for just washing glasses is the main aim this is the machine for the job.
Electronic control with push buttons for high efficiency and easy to use
d100 BT100/BT100s

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

Quality, Flexibility and Efficiency: Decarb It is the Decarboniser Supplier That Delivers

There are many benefits to con sidering shor t term decarboniser hire for your commercial kitchen Deep cleaning kitchen ware that is heavily greased and carbonated maintains the hygiene of your kitchen and is recommended by EHO’s Decarbonisers enable time previously spent scrubbing and cleaning to be used on more impor tant tasks They increase the longevity of your kitchen ware , and, unlike long term hire or pur chasing, they don t require permanent space in your kitchen All of these have a direct impact on your kitchen’s bottom line High hygiene ratings increase cov ers, more efficient use of staff reduces your wage bill, longer lasting kitchen ware means less money spent on replacements and efficiently utilizing the space in your kitchen increases productivity

Most reputable decarbonisers deliver all these cost saving benefits but with energ y prices skyrocketing we at Decarb It think it’s impor tant to go fur ther to sup por t your long term profitability Our decarbonisers deliver all the benefits above but are also the most energ y efficient decarbonisers currently on the market

We invest in high grade steel, pre mium insulation, and advanced electronics, resulting in an average of approximately 40% less power used vs a leading competitor

We also appreciate the chal lenges of the changing environ ment in which we now live , which is why we recognise the impor tance of flexibility

Committing to long term contracts with vendors isn t always possible when the economic environments are so fragile which is why we not only offer a range of decarbonisers to suit all budgets, but also flexibility when it comes to the length of hire Whether it’s two weeks, a month, or longer, we can provide a solution that is bespoke to your needs

Our flexibility, commitment to efficiency, and cus tomer focused approach ensures that ever y aspect of our ser vice , from our product to our customer rela tionships are the highest quality possible

To find out how Decarb It can make your kitchen shine , for less, visit www decarbit co uk or call 0161 871 7393

Fry More For Less with OilChef

How can the food ser vice and hospitality industr y protect against risings costs? One way is to make the cooking oil last longer In fact, the award winnin accessor y for deep fr yers, is doi that The OiLChef device is a ca tor for deep fr yers!

It keeps the cooking oil in a fresher condition, by slowing down oxidation, stopping polymerizations of the oil molecules and by retarding the buildup of free fatty acids, peroxides, total polar materials and most impor tantly of all the carcinogenic acr ylamides in fr y ing oil The OiLChef device is not a filter, it is not a chemi

dds nothing to the
it takes
for professional kitchens that
deep fr yers OiLChef is in thousands of deep
yers around the
and comes with a full
year war ranty and saves you up to 50% on oil purchases ever y month Check them out at www OiLChef com Contact their
sean farr y@oilchef com Please
the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when
to advertising
oil, it is an inorganic device that helps you keep your oil alive for longer
simple 3 second self installation which is vir tually maintenance free
only needs replacing ever y 3 years OiLChef is a dream come true
CEO direct:
Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 55

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out


One of the biggest chal lenges in keeping a commer cial kitchen spotlessly clean is the regular cleaning of the canopy, fan and extract duct work This must be tackled, not only for the sake of hygiene , but also for fire pre vention and compliance

Airborne fat, oil and grease is a natural by product of even the healthiest diet

Carried in the steam that rises from cooking, grease and oil par ticles are drawn into the kitchen extract sys tem to be vented away to the outside As the exhaust stream cools, grease is deposited on the metal surfaces of the hood, canopy, filters, canopy plenum, fan and ductwork

Should a kitchen fire reach the extract ductwork, or a flash fire occur in the extract system,

Temporary Catering Facilities For Events & Kitchen Refurbishments

New DrainMinor C (Combi Oven Pump) Creates Considerable Interest

There are significant advantages that this combi oven drainage pump offers

The pump features a tank with its clear side window was the large , tri angular, low level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease , fat and food par ticles before the reliable star t/stop operation of the pump is affected

The triangular low level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline, giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens

The build quality of the submersible wastewater pump was also a discussion point with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement especially considering the hot wastewater temperatures and potential grease which these units have to handle

It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet This means that the installa tion footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated

It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a winner and will soon be featuring in combi oven installations ever ywhere

The New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by Pump Technolog y Ltd
Mobile Kitchens Ltd specialises in the hire or sale of temporar y catering facilities and foodser vice equipment Ideal for events or to provide temporar y catering facilities dur ing your kitchen refurbishment our versatile units and equipment offer an efficient and economic solution to the caterers’ needs Production Kitchens, Preparation Kitchens, Ware wash ing Units, Dr y Store Units, Cold Rooms and Restaurant Units are available as individual units in their own right or they can be linked together on site to form a complete complex Alternatively, we can offer modular, open plan facilities, usually for larger, longer term hires We offer a free design ser vice and project manage ment from concept through to deliver y and installation on site , plus full technical suppor t throughout the hire period The standard specification of our smallest Production Kitchen unit includes a six burner oven range , salamander grill, twin basket fr yer, upright fridge , hot cupboard, single bowl sink unit with integral hand wash basin plus ample power points to plug in Microwaves, Food Processors, Toasters etc Internal equipment can be interchanged and clients can effectively specify their pre ferred layout We have many tried and tested design layouts and would be pleased to put forward our
So if you ’ re planning a
to cater for an event then why not give us a call
happy to provide advice and put forward
For fur ther information or to arrange
site visit,
sales@mk hire co uk or call us on
or visit our
mk hire co uk
recommendations for
’ll be
a competitive proposal
0345 812 0800,
website: www
then the accumu lated grease deposits can act as fuel, helping to spread the fire The ductwork itself can also help to spread the
is also essential to ensure that you don t compromise your buildings insurance If a fire should break out and the ductwork can be shown not to have been cleaned in accordance with TR19®
, many insurers will now refuse to pay out on a claim Ensuring legal compliance , a reduced risk of fire and greater hygiene in your kitchen are items which should always be on ever y maintenance menu www swiftclean co uk or see adver t on page 47
fire , acting as a chimney through which smoke and flames can travel, spreading the danger to the other par ts of the building To counter this potential fire risk, operators of com mercial kitchens are required to comply with a new standard for the fire safety management of grease accumulation in kitchen extract systems, TR19® Grease Compliance
Issue 56 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135 Caterquip Ventilation – For All Your Commercial Catering Ventilation Needs Caterquip Ventilation Ltd is proud to be celebrating their 22nd Anniversar y this year This Warwick based company offers nationwide coverage for all your commercial catering needs: free site sur veys, quotations and designs (C AD) quality bespoke and standard fabrications special ist knowledge of catering ventila tion systems including input air odour reduction (carbon filtra tion and ESP) and sound attenua tion Affiliated members of Constructionline CHAS and B&ES, Caterquip Ventilation have a strong hold in the marketplace often advising industr y professionals on ventilation systems to a DW172 specification & BSEN:6173 They have strong relationships with all leading kitchen equipment suppliers and they offer a kitchen design ser vice to help you build your ideal kitchen Projects under taken have included Olympic Villages, Basildon Hospital, The Mitre Hotel at Hampton Cour t, The Truck Stop at Anglesey, The Lodge at Old Hunstanton Colleges Schools Hotels Restaurants and Public Houses They ensure their systems are compliant with the current guide lines whilst maintaining an effi cient and dynamic facility With extensive knowledge of manufacturing and installing ventilation systems, they can help you design the best kitchen within the space available Call: 01926 887167, visit: www caterquipventilation co uk, email:
A Burning

A Special Treat from KEMPLEX and NOWAH



while also spending a few days in Milan “We know that

who purchases one of

sheeters is going to have a real passion for pastr y, so in

to ensure that they are able to

that passion and get the ver y best from their K l d ugh sheeter what could be bet ter than spending two days learn ing from the current world champion?

has been manufacturing a wide astr y equipment since 1986 eeters remain its flagship product ils of NOWAH approved dealers, ntact NOWAH Catering t by visiting owah co uk/kemplex products

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out with Williams

These days kitchen space is get ting squeezed, as foodser vice operators look to increase their restaurant areas to get in more customers The logical result of which is that, despite being small er, the kitchen has to produce more meals A new commercial kitchen fit out often has to com ply with what the Foodser vice Equipment Association (FEA) calls 20:20 vision: 20% more productivity from 20% less space

All of which means there’s a big demand for equip ment that can help maximise the available space such as the Chef ’ s Drawer from Williams Refrigeration The latest version of these individual refrigerated drawers is the VSWCD1, a variable temperature unit that can be switched from chilled to frozen storage , keeping pace with a business’s changing needs

The combination of modular compact drawers with variable temperature controls and a front venting refrigeration system makes the VSWCD1 an extremely flexible option that can be fitted in to the tightest spaces, providing easy access to fresh or frozen ingredi

ents right where the kitchen brigade need it

Depending on the selection of castors or legs the height of the individual drawer can be adjusted by over 70mmm between 456mm and 530mm Each VSWCD1 measures 1100mm wide by 670mm deep Despite its compact size each drawer can hold 2/1GN pans up to an impressive 150mm in depth, compared to 100mm for some com petitor models, giving it a capacity of 105 litres Another advantage is the ability to stack two units beneath a standard worktop, creating an even more flexible storage solution

The body and removable drawers are constructed from robust foodsafe stainless steel The Chefs Drawer uses natural refrigerant and eco friendly high perform ance high density polyurethane insulation meaning it can operate in ambient temperatures as high as 43°C To learn more about Williams extensive product range visit www williams refrigeration co uk

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 57 UK agents & distributors of top catering equipment manufacturers We sell heavy duty, long lasting, no frills equipment at sensible prices. “...we select our products based on Quality, Reliability, Durability and Value-for-Money” Visit our website: View our catalogue: Or call our office: 01772 305161 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising KEMPLEX and NOWAH are offering a special treat for cus tomers with a sales offer that includes a two day pastr y mas terclass in Milan Italy with the current Pastr y World Cup champion Massimo Pica
package includes return accommodation, with sessions between
2022 and
be made before 31 March 2023 to be eligible
Anybody that
a Belt movement model from the KEMPLEX dou range , via an approved NOWAH dealer,
auto matically qualify for the
terclass with Pastr y World Cup champion, Massimo Pica, at his renowned pastr y school in Milan The
user customers
NOWAH’s Michael George said the offer would give end
opportunity to
their pastr y skills,
any customer
these dough
Malcolm Harling, sales and marketing director, Williams Refrigeration

Design and Refit


Archetypely is a boutique design and construction project management consultancy that was founded in 2019, specialis ing in commercial fit outs & refurbishments Since then, we have been working on many interesting projects successfully delivering to the satisfaction of our clients

We can deliver the projects via the traditional procurement as ‘Main Contractor’ or via the ‘Design and Build’ route , but our biggest strength sits in the ability to also deliver the fit out projects via ‘Construction Management,’ providing our clients with great control over time/cost and quality of the final product by directly con trolling the trade contractors on client’s behalf

In doing this we provide full suppor t to the client and our team fully manages the entire process We manage all of the client’s direct packages during the fit out, from tender selection and inter views through negotiations, appointments and construction while coordinating all trade contractors

and managing the site and main building works

Here at Archetypely, we have a holistic and process oriented approach to project management consultan cy We are known for an unparalleled commitment to customer satisfaction; we bring together the best architects, engineers and designers within one team Ever y project is unique and comes with new challenges That's why at Archetypely we customise our approach and resources to suit the individual client’s requirements

At Puttshack Watford the new mini golf course uses tech infused ideas to bring a unique twist to the traditional game of golf

ANAMO Design Studio was employed as the Interior Designer for the project, whilst Archetypely was the Main Contractor Renata Zywicka, Director at Archetypely, has under taken all por tfolio devel opment related duties for Puttshack and has acted as the primar y representative on their construction projects

Archetypely has fully managed the entire project from its initial feasibility studies, through the design development procurement and on site management of the construction phase of the fit out

For more information visit: https://www archetypely com/

One of the UK’s most profes sional and technically advanced engraving and etching supplier, Brunel Engraving, is providing a rapid response to the growing demand for etched table numbers and QR code discs in the pub and catering industr y

The company has made a sub stantial investment in additional state of the ar t equipment and related software in order to pro duce a wide range of individually engraved and printed table num bers and discs

The numbers and discs enable customers to link to apps or menus eliminating the requirement for hard copies of menus and making it quicker and more con venient for customers to order

“Our investment in additional equipment and soft

ware has ensured that our cus tomers in the hospitality sector can benefit from

58 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
Brunel offers laser
print, dye sublimation
UV print T: 01275 871 720 E: W: Top Engraver Supports Hospitality Sector with Swift Service for Etched & Printed Table Numbers & QR Discs As ever y pub, café and restaurant owner knows, the number one requirement for furniture is contract grade durability that can withstand ever ything a busy catering environment can throw at it Now it’s possible to combine these qualities with eco friendly credentials, with Trent Furniture’s cost effective new range Trent’s new furniture made from robust polypropylene is environmentally manu factured and fully recyclable when it eventually needs to be replaced The Windsor Spindleback Chair combines contemporar y good looks with great value and those all impor tant eco credentials Equally, the Madrid Stacking Chair offers modern style in black polypropylene and is a great solution where space is tight Trent’s new ‘Indoor Outdoor’ range is also made from recyclable materials and has the added benefit of being as home in a café interior as it is in a pub beer gar den in the summer months Available in a stylish grey, the Nantes Stacking Chair is the perfect companion for a huge range of indoor and outdoor tables including our ever popular aluminium Alma Table For more information on Trent Furniture’s large and varied range of sustainable , versatile and budget friendly furniture , please fill in our contact form or call us on 0116 2989 661 Combine Style with Sustainability with Long-Lasting Furniture Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
high quality prod
with excellent swift ser vice at a fair price Our ISO9001 accredi tation means that ever y job, no matter how large or small goes through the workshops with this expectation level, and the continu ous amount of 5 stars we receive on Trust pilot, highlights this com mitment” said Tom Pycock Sales Director of Brunel Engraving
addition to rotar y engraving,
engraving, chemical etching, anodic
print, flatbed UV print and wide format

Design and Refit

and our clients For example briefing meetings can take place via video call, with plans, mood boards, etc dis cussed and edited live through screen sharing All types of drawings can now be completed within a matter of days, rather than weeks with how easy it is now to share information Gone are the days of visiting the site ever y week, holding long face to face meetings with all the contractors and any unnecessar y steps that tradi tionally are there for the sake of it

Solutions to on site issues can also be addressed with our new online focused process, as the site foreman can receive all the information and updates they need any changes immediately handled and issued back by e mail to all that are concerned All the above changes mean the

The interior design industr y has been evolving in recent years companies have had to adapt along with many other professions One of the main affects is on designers having to work remotely For us its meant that we ve been working on projects where actual site visits have not been a possibility, but this actually has had many positive effects on our process for both us

Additional Ranges as ILF Continue to Expand email;terr

With the continued success of the ILF Chairs comprehensive website , ILF have now added to the 2 chairs already stocked in 7 colours, a stock armchair in 7 dif ferent Faux colours matching the chairs, plus a 6 colour range stock of Egger laminated table tops in a selection of sizes A full range of table bases are also kept in stock

Their new online website offers both indoor and outdoor seating and table solutions

Divided into Contemporar y seating, Barstools, Lounge Seating, Period Seating, Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height tables offer ing a great selection of products to view at your leisure Also included now an extensive range of stock seating, barstools, table bases and table tops

Most made to order indoor seat ing and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any cus tomer specification Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style

Also included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selec tion of priced made to order seating in a selection of Faux Leather upholster y colours and wood frame colours These products can also be supplied to customer specifica tion, just ask for details

Enquiries can be sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site

Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 59
Sparkle interiors has been set up to help our clients create fantastic interiors while saving on expensive designer fees
costs for the client, designer, QS and contrac tor have been reduced significantly or completely elimi nated in some cases This is why Sparkle Interiors is able to save the client so much on fees Visit our web site today to enquire , or contact us directly to find out more Contact Email: andy@sparkleinteriors@gmail com Tel: 07957762280 Web: www sparkleinteriors co uk Sparkle Interiors, Interior Design, Professional and Online We are a bou tique des gn & constru ct on pro ect manage men t consu ltan cy focusin g on comme rcial fit outs & re fu rbishme nts Ove r the years our fou nde r R enata Zywicka had the opportun ity to work on a nu mbe r of in credible pro ects that h ave allowed h er to grow and es tablish Archet ypely as a clien t focused con sultancy www a rchetypely c om h ello@a rchetypely c om +44 (0) 730 61 61 002 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Design and Refit

London Roof Garden Boasts Toilet Block Thanks to Saniflo

The Queen Elizabeth Hall at the iconic Southbank


The installation of the roof garden toilet block has proved to be an excellent investment with the whole space enjoying more visitors who stay for longer For more positive solutions and inspiration visit www saniflo co uk

No More Time Wasted Cleaning Up Candle Wax

One of the issues many restaurants are currently facing at the moment is a shor tage of staff So anything that can reduce workload has to be of interest

We firmly believe that can dles are an essential par t of the dining experience , but what comes with them is all the mess which uses valuable time cleaning up Time and money that could be better spent elsewhere So how do you square that circle? The answer is with oil candles

There are two types Glass bodied refillable ones and plastic prefilled, disposable ones Both do the job fantastically well, while making no mess having no waste and minimal maintenance The refillable ones are ver y economical while the disposable ones have all the convenience of a tealight

On top of that, they look absolutely great and will enhance the look and feel of your restaurant or bar

If you ’ ve never used, seen or heard of oil candles before or even if you have , the best place to go to find out more is www clearcraft catering co uk

There is an extensive amount of information there , FAQ section, guides to help you decide which candle is best for you and a full e com merce site

You can also request a free sample oil candle , with some oil by e mailing Please state what design you wish to see and include your deliver y details

Clearcraft Ltd Tel: 01279 731621 www clearcraft catering co uk

60 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
Centre has a stunning roof garden and café overlooking the Thames Filled with wildflowers and attracting bees and insects from all over London, it is a place to socialise dine and even work when the weather is fine
in 2022 the team run ning the venue came to a con sensus that the distance of the nearest WC s was hindering the experience for clients and staff alike; customers had to descend the winding staircase back to the Royal Festival Hall in the main building
Richard Riley from building contractor, Eleven London, was contracted to construct a wooden toilet block with two separate WC’s and hand basins With
no gravi ty drainage available in proximity of the new block, a pumping solution was going to be the only way to dis charge the waste away to the nearest soil stack some 40m away With input from the Saniflo technical team, including a visit to site to assess the potential run of pipework, a Sanicubic Pro 2 lifting station with twin pumps and a wireless alarm was specified and installed by Richard and his plumber This powerful unit uses alternate pumps when operating nor mally, but in the unlikely event of a pump failure can switch to single pump operation in order to provide continuity of operation at all times A wireless alarm offers early warning of any issues The unit is installed in a cupboard to the rear of the block and provides quiet, efficient operation

Navigating Permitted Development Rights for Temporary Structures

The requirements for social distancing during the pandemic opened up the oppor tunity to utilise wide ranging outdoor sites for hospitality, and in a rare ‘Covid positive’, that legislation is here to stay

Under Class G of The Town and Countr y Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) (No 3) Order 2021, the operators of pubs, bars, hotels and restaurants can sig nificantly increase footfall, and thereby profits, by erecting a mar quee or gazebo on their premises, running a pop up bar in a beer garden or any other moveable structure As a result popu lar spor ts matches, large wedding par ties and a wide variety of events can attract greater numbers of patrons for hospitality venues

The legislation surrounding Planning Permitted Development Rights (PDR) is much misunderstood Best known for home extensions and the controversy over change of use within the built environment (such as from commercial or agricultural buildings to residential use) it also applies to ‘temporar y ’ struc tures such as marquees

There are some limitations on what is allowed The first is that

dismantled or on wheels It must be less than three metres in height with

a maximum footprint of 50 sq m, or 50% of the footprint of the building with which it is associated, whichever is smaller In residential areas the structure must be at least two metres away from nearby homes There is also a limit of one structure per site and does not apply to the cur tilage of a listed building or scheduled monument

Despite social distancing being relaxed and the summer coming to an end, this announcement is good news Even for those venues which don’t have outdoor spaces of their own the ability for high streets to hold markets and food festivals may assist in attracting footfall Additionally, commercial spaces such as the landscaped grounds of office blocks can bring life to a site which may be underutilised as a result of changes in working patterns And outdoor visitor attractions will have additional flexibility to introduce temporar y structures on their grounds

Another oppor tunity is the likely change to the marriage regulations in England and Wales which could allow outdoor venues such as the grounds of a hotel or a beer garden to host wedding ceremonies, in addition to receptions In July the Law Commission recommended that weddings should be able to take place anywhere , pro viding the presiding official considers it safe and dignified The potential for a hotel to host one wedding inside and one (or perhaps more) outside , and for a pub to host ever ything from pre wedding drinks through to the final dance will no doubt be well received

Assuming that these proposed changes to marriage laws go ahead there is one impor tant caveat planning per mission: to use a barn, a community centre or a historic building for a wedding could represent a change of use and as such may require planning permission Whilst permitted development rights have been extended in some areas such as temporar y structures there remain planning challenges for hospitality businesses to navigate to ensure their operations comply with the appropriate planning legislation

Design and Refit Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 61 Until Januar y 2023 CardsSafe unit rental will remain at just £9 95 per month We have been helping restaurants, bars, pubs, golf courses and other venues to securely retain their customer bank cards while they run a tab for almost twenty years Since we introduced rental contracts in 2008, we ’ ve kept our prices as low as possible at just under a ten ner a month and
never increased However, due
both our cost of goods and related costs, we plan an increase in Januar y 2023 Our existing customers will continue to benefit from our low prices so if you re considering CardsSafe for your business or need additional units lock in at just £9 95 per month (per unit) for the duration of your contract There are many benefits to using CardsSafe in bars, restaurants and pubs: • Managing customer tabs • Helping to increase spending, therefore profits • It is a s gnificant deterrent for walkouts Offer s protection against credit card fraud helps to build trust! • Pays for itself by reducing c harge bac k and walk outs • No data capture required to use Customer s have peace of m nd that their bank cards are kept safely, and they keep the unique key! “Turnover increased significantly after CardsSafe was installed, and the system easily pays for itself ” Siobhan The Prodigal London CardsSafe is affordable! Each unit contains ten card drawers that can be hired for just £9 95 per month Each hire comes with customer ser vice troubleshooting and a number of free replacement keys Additional units can be added at any time For more information please visit www.cardssafe .com Or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040
- Protecting
this has
to significant
Assets - Lock in
Old Prices Today!
the structure
be moveable easily


so, with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business And YES Covid19 changed a lot of things We need to learn from those things!

Right now we are experiencing massive increases in the cost of the raw materials that we buy both Food and Drink We will take that fully into consideration When was the last time that you fully and meticulously cost ed out and priced correctly ever y dish on your menu both Food and Drinks?

Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter your Restaurant Consultant will work on with you and improve with you


Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development

We have a ver y good record in helping Hospitality business owners to implement processes that improve how they manage their people , which in

turn benefits the owners as well as the Team Members themselves

We can help you to manage ‘difficult’ people situations, to improve your operational planning, to recruit, train and manage your team better, creating a more productive , pleasant and ‘’retaining’’ working environment


We will help you build a workable , planned Marketing Strateg y We don’t do fancy, posh or expensive we just recommend what our experience says will actually work for your business

It’s no longer enough to rely on word of mouth and repeat business You need to employ a wealth of skills in a number of areas to ensure that your Marketing is attracting new customers and engaging with existing cus tomers

From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online adver tising to print design Promotions and offline adver tising your Hospitality business should be constantly working on all things Marketing’’

If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a Free of Charge initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer) when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you

Hotel Snapshot Shows Resilience of the UK Market


ered at a faster rate than first anticipated since Januar y 2022 with overall performance nearing or surpassing 2019 levels since May 2022 However, the coming months may prove more challenging for the sector s different stakeholders due to the cost of liv ing crisis, weakened GDP, and increasing inflation rates

The snapshot analyses the performance and out look for the UK’s top ten cities, which includes London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Belfast, Cardiff, Bristol and Newcastle

Regional UK markets such as Edinburgh, Birmingham and Liverpool saw the highest increase in RevPAR in H1 2022 surpassing 2019 levels by 6 9% 8 5% and 7 5% respectively In comparison London has been slower to recover as the capital relies on inter national source markets and business travellers

Since Januar y operators have maintained high ADRs in order to balance some of the increasing cost pres sures as well as par tly protecting their profit conversions The success of this strateg y has been made possi ble by a change in consumer behaviour in the face of rising costs, with holiday spending being prioritised

Transactional volumes have remained strong and a total of £1 9 billion was spent on UK hotel transactions in H1 2022, an increase of 32% compared to H1 2021 Interestingly, domestic buyers are far more active in the market compared to last year In 2021, cross border investors represented 52% of the buyers yet this number dropped to 23% in H1 2022, likely due to international travel restrictions imposed over the past few years due to the pandemic , although this is unlikely to be a long lasting trend


The repor t provides insight into the positive and negative factors that are impacting the hotel market Following the pandemic , hotels that were considered popular ‘staycation’ destinations have seen increased performance par ticularly in more rural areas such as Belfast Cardiff and Newcastle Hybrid hotels have also continued to perform well since the pandemic , as guests seek more flexibility in these spaces

The impact of the Ukrainian war on the rising cost of gas and electricity bills has already affected hoteliers’ financial decisions in 2022, with many maintaining high ADRs to balance increasing cost pressures Rising interest rates are predicted to directly impact financing options for hoteliers next year


Since 2020 with the rising popularity of “staycation” destinations, the UK market has seen an increase in domestic buyers At present 77% of the UK volume is credited to domestic investors, a number which may continue to rise

Inflation rates and GDP are expected to have a direct impact to the hotel market, with the BOE base rate expected to rise by 3% by the end of 2023 The market is full of active buyers, which may continue as a trend throughout 2022 as the rising inflation rates will encourage more hoteliers to buy rather than develop green field projects Lenders may also grow more cautious in the next half of 2022 despite the upwards trend in the market over the last 12 months

Diane Loubeyre , Senior Consultant Hotels at Christie & Co, comments, “Despite having to navigate a new wave of challenges in 2022 the UK hotel market has remained resilient and we are pleased to repor t the encouraging performance levels witnessed across the countr y so far this year Inbound international travel is also picking up and might grow fur ther into 2023, and with the pound at an all time low compared to USD or Euros, the UK is now more affordable to visit This will only act to fur ther suppor t the sector s

Specialist business proper ty adviser, Christie & Co, has today launched a new repor t, The UK Hotel Market: New challenges on the road to recover y providing a snapshot of the UK hotel market in 2022 as it emerges from the pandemic and faces a new wave of economic and operational challenges The repor t also shares a market outlook from major industr y players, Accor and Pygmalion snapshot suggests that the UK hotel market proved resilient throughout the pandemic and has recov
over 30 years of industr y experience in the Hospitality sector,
will work with you to address the following elements:
Staff Management, Marketing
of your business
will also be on hand to give you extra (and this can be without any extra charge) suppor t through our
system, to analyse , ever y single week, your business performance figures giving you weekly analysis and concise repor ts, with appropriate guidance , to optimise your business’s
recover y next year
The Bowden Group’s Managing Consultant David Hunter
Profitability, Operational Strateg y,
and The Future
Sales, Profitability and Staff Management
exper ts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available We then help you to identify strategies to man age costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business
largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost,
Why Use a Specialist Hospitality Consultant? Answer: because we can help your business to succeed. PRICE: £120,000 LEA SEHOLD REF: 4269 DAR TMO UT H, DEVO N Premium Cocktail & Wine Bar Located With n South Hams • Vogu sh Interior Decor Creat ng La d Back Soph st cation Internal Capac ty for C rca 80 Guests Ded cated Outside Seat ng Area on Promenade for 26 • Potentia to Expand on this A ready Successful Bus ness TOR QU AY, DE VO N • E egant Restaurant Premises Of fering Fine Dining Located C ose to Town Ma or Hotels & Mar na We l Establ shed w th Potentia for 40+ Covers • Trading 5 Even ngs Only Prov ding Fur ther Potential • Large 2 Bedroom Residential Accommodation PRICE: £99,955 LEASEHOLD REF: 4344 PRICE: £125,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4008 DAR TMOU TH, DE VON Wel Established & Successful Restaurant in the Heart of Dartmouth Din ng Area w th Spectacular Panoramic W ndow w th Harbour & Estuary Views 3/4 Bedroom Apartment Cou d be Used for Hol day Letting/Staff/Owners • Highly Profitable Business deal for Owner Operator Couple Must be Seen to be Appreciated Ret rement Sale EXMOUTH, DEVON Light Spacious & Modern Award W nn ng Bar/Cafe/Restaurant Adjacent to Exmouth Mar na & The Exe Estuar y Providing Stunning Views Main Trade Area w th Seat ng for circa 70 & Alfresco Seat ng for circa 64 • We l Equipped Commerc a Kitchen & A located Park ng Space • Extreme y Profitable L censed Business Currently Run Under Management PRICE: £175,000 + VAT LEASEHOLD REF: 4412 DUNSTER, SOMERSET A Stunning 9 Bedroom Grade I Listed Hote Exud ng Character & Class S tuated n the V l age of Dunster at the Gateway to Exmoor Nationa Park • Ma n Bar & Restaurant Tea Room & Period Ballroom/Function Room 9 Beautiful y and Indiv dua ly Appointed En Suite Lett ng Rooms A Rare Oppor tun ty to Buy a Substant a & Successful Freeho d Bus ness PRICE: £1,300,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4302 PRICE: £195,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4168 STO UR TO N, WILTSHIR E A Stunning H storic 4 Star nn on the Beaut ful Stourhead Nationa Trust Estate 5 Beautifu ly Presented En Suite Letting Rooms & Two Bedroom Owners Flat Extensive Outs de Cour tyard Seat ng & BBQ Station • A Ver y Rare Oppor tun ty to Buy a Nat onal Trust Pub Lease Pro ected Sa es for 2022 in Excess of £1m ll on w th Ver y Strong Net Profit NEW! NEW! PRICE REDUCTION M IN EHEAD, SOM ERSET • Impressive Detached Tudor Style Property in Fabu ous Location • Long Establ shed We l Appointed Licenced Restaurant w th Outside Seat ng • Commerc a kitchen w th Prep Area and Wash Up Room • Exceptional Se f Contained 4 Double Bed Accommodat on • Private Parking for 4 Cars and Outbuild ngs PRICE: £600,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4265 I VYB RI DG E, DEVON Substant al Hote & nn S tuated in the Hear t of vybridge 14 We l Presented En Suite Letting Rooms & 1 Bed Owner's/Manager's Flat Ful y Equ pped Catering K tchen Open P an Lounge & Din ng Area • Back Bar/Games Room Of fice & Outside Trading Area & Car Park • A Ver y We l Estab ished Bus ness & a Genuine Ret rement Sale Af ter 30 Years PRICE: £695,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4282 NEW! Property and Professional 62 CLH DIGITAL Issue 135
& Co’s
Property and Professional Issue 135 CLH DIGITAL 63 For almost 15 years, Capify has worked closely with the hospitality sector, providing business owners with much needed funding We ve been there through some difficult times like the 2008 recession and Covid 19, and have continued to lend even when the banks have said no We’ve recently conducted a Business Confidence Sur vey and found that cash flow and cash reser ves are key concerns for business owners across the UK Over half of those who responded also said they lack confi dence in their existing banking par tners to meet any future borrowing needs We’re proud to have created an accessible business loan which is both quick and easy to apply for, and, once approved, the funds can be paid out in as little as 24 hours The finance can be used for any business purpose , whether that’s: • Managing shor t term cash flow issues • Purchasing extra food and drink • Hiring additional staff • Purchasing new catering equipment Our flexibility means we will tr y and look beyond your credit histor y when assessing your application and instead we will consider whether your business has the potential to deliver solid and sustained growth If you’d like to find out how much finance you qualify for, visit www capify co uk/hospitality fund You’ll be taken to Capify’s website , where you can get a no obligation quote within minutes You’ll also be able to find out more information about the business loan and the unique and straightforward repayments To find out more visit www capify co uk/hospitality fund or call us on 0800 151 0980 to speak to one of our specialist finance sale team Capify - We're Here to Support Your Hospitality Business SOMERSET TOWN Impressive 120 Cover Café/Takeway Impressive 6 Figure Net Profits Trading Day Time Only Outstanding Catering Business Well Presented & Equipped FH £625 000 2147 DORSET VILLAGE Detached Countr y Inn & Restaurant Award Winning Business Bar/Restaurant (60+) Al Fresco Seating (50+) 3 Ensuite Letting Beds & Owners Apartment Commercial Kitchen Car Park & Garage FH £625 000 4822 01392 201262 www stonesmith co uk T H E W E S T C O U N T R Y S P E C I A L I S T S THINKING OF SELLING? C ALL FOR A FREE VALUATION DARTMOOR NATIONAL PAR K Detached B&B Set In 6 Acres 5 Letting Rooms Owners Accom 2 Lounges Dining Room Sun Room Gardens Paddock Meadows Stables Idyllic Home & Income Low Overheads DUCHY LH £395,000 6012 CHAGFORD DEVON Superb Character Countr y Inn Sought After Trading Location Bar Areas (62+) Garden (40+) 4 E/S Letting Rooms 2 Bed Owners Impressive Levels Of Trade FH £475 000 4827 DARTMOUTH DEVON Two Businesses In One! Successful French Baker y Business Retail Shop/Cafe & Baker y Unit Profitable Business With Potential Full Handover & Training Available LH £90,000 2151 DEVON COUNTRY TOWN Manageable Character Café & Tearoom Tearoom (16), Catering Kitchen 2 Bedroom Owner’s Apartment Easy Daytime Hours, 4 Days A Week Tremendous Potential LH £37 500 2150 SOMERSET VILLAGE Countr y Village Destination Inn Character Bar & Dining Areas (80+) 3 E/S Letting Rooms 2 Bed Owners Car Parking Outside Seating Areas New Free Of Tie Lease Available LH £25,000 4826 EXETER CITY CENTRE Stunning Restaurant & Bar Premises 88+ Covers High Specification Fit Out Fully Furnished & Equipped Impressive Turnkey Opportunity Viewing Essential LH £79 950 2145 TAVISTOCK DEVON High Quality Licensed 78 Cover Café Substantial Trade Levels & Net Profits Run Under Full Management Spacious Owner s/Manager s Apartment Outstanding Business Opportunity LH £265,000 2144 Laceys Solicitors Whether your business involves supplying alcohol providing music or late night refreshment to the public ever y hospitality establishment (from restaurants, to hotels and bars, from off licences to fast food restaurants) needs to be properly licensed before it can star t operating However with the hospitality industr y being so highly regulated if you are looking to buy sell change or apply for a new licence in relation to the ser vices your establishment provides, it can be confusing to know which you may need This is where we can help Laceys can assist with all types of premises licence applications in England and Wales be it to obtain a new licence for a previously unlicensed premises, to transfer, or to var y an existing licence (should you wish, for example , to amend any conditions, approve a new layout plan, or appoint a new designated premises super vi sor) We will prepare each application engage with the responsible authorities deal with any notice require ments and help ensure that your business is properly licensed Should it be necessar y we have many years experience appearing before licensing committees, as well as at licensing appeal hearings at the Magistrates’ Cour t We also have a strong success rate of representing clients whose licence has been subject to a review by the local authority and mediating on their behalf With our connections, networks and in depth industr y knowledge , our team of licensing solicitors have a national reputation to provide you with reliable , responsive and relevant legal advice , whatever your licensing needs If you need any fur ther information, or would like to discuss a par ticular licensing matter you have , please either visit us at www laceyssolicitors co uk or contact Philip Day directly on or 01202 377800 and he will be happy to help (CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) “Off the back of this market sentiment amongst hotel investors remains positive albeit more cautious due to the challenging economic backdrop, and many investors continue to seek out a range of oppor tunities in the market “Christie & Co’s Consultancy
has experienced a busy year so far, and much of our work has focused on feasibility studies, development advice and buyer due diligence However, we are star ting to see more demand for operational and strategic reviews from lenders tr ying to suppor t their clients facing increased interest rates and costs pressures ”
& Co, adds, “This publication clearly shows the
and improving yet
pose a serious threat to the sector’s recover y The next few months will be another litmus test for the various stakeholders We are star ting to see the first signs of dis tress but to date there is still a functioning yet cautious transactional market ” To read The UK Hotel Market: New challenges on the road to recover y, click here: https://www.christie .com/news resources/publications/uk hotel market snapshot 2022/
Carine Bonnejean,
Managing Director Hotels at Christie
opposite forces currently shaping the UK hotel market as hotel performance
significant economic and operational challenges

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