that the pub and bar market sales were 99% of its pre-pandemic (2019) sales
what I felt to be reasonable and relevant tax cuts and initiatives to kickstar t the economy, which instead saw them “hit the rocks
Perhaps not as tumultuous as 2020 and 2021, but a turbulent year never theless for the countr y and for the hospitality and licensed on
This time last year the sector was hit by a wave of festive cancellations as the Omicron variant wreaked havoc The government then launched its Omnicom cash grant, and we saw a gradual return to normality as the government began to remove it staged restrictions
At the time we saw repeated calls from industr y leaders to “Call Time” on the over taxed industr y as well as lobbying to cut VAT to help the sector recover
As we moved into Februar y a repor t revealed that a staggering 1 4 billion fewer pints were sold in 2021 as Covid decimated sales However, there were green shoots, as another repor t at the same time revealed that fresh out of lockdown the hospitality sector was one of the UK s fastest growing industries, highlighting the entrepreneurial spirit within the industr y making it the UK’s fith fastest growing industr y
And between March and April we finally climbed completely out of lockdowns City centres were the first to feel the benefit as punters embraced our new “normality” and a sur vey commissioned by UKHospitality revealed that the public overwhelmingly suppor ted a 12 5% VAT rate to suppor t the hospitality sector
Unfor tunately, they fell on deaf ears (as did my letter to previous Chancellor Rishi Sunak) and we have returned to the VAT level of 20%
Going into May a repor t (which came as a surprise to nobody) revealed that the government’s Covid response caused “wide reaching damage” to the hospitality sector (imagine my shock) Never theless the hospitality and licensed on trade continued to recover and in May a repor t revealed
Again in May our old friend Staycation was boosting sales par ticularly in seaside areas, while June saw an extended Bank Holiday to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a welcome extension to licensing hours
The same month saw repor ts confirming that eating out market for 2022 was valued at a staggering £95 2 billion, only to be dampened by news that inflation was on the rise and staff shor tages at the height of summer were beginning to bite threatening to dent sales by up to £36 billion
July also saw a false dawn, with repor ts that the government may be considering a VAT cut (which led to nowhere), and a fur ther repor t revealed that taxation and red tape had resulted in the loss of over 7000 pubs since 2012, leading to sector leaders demanding urgent relief in both
As we went into August the government extended its recover y loan guarantee scheme for a fur ther two years bringing a little reassurance to the beleaguered sector
And whilst the World Cup which ordinarily takes place in the summer, was delayed until the winter, July saw an additional 10 million pints sold as fans headed to the pub to suppor t the English Lionesses who won the first women s Euro!
Late August saw the beginning of escalating energ y costs, described as an “existential emergency ” the sector, and the government came under enormous pressure to offer suppor t
September saw the government outline its plans to help businesses with its energ y bill relief scheme , which saw soaring energ y prices for businesses cut (But not enough)
September also saw the death of our longest reigning monarch Queen Elizabeth II
The government also bowed to pressure at that time and backdated energ y suppor t
September also saw a new Prime Minister Liz Truss and a new Chancellor Kwasi Kwar teng, who vowed to cut taxes and kickstar t the economy Chancellor Kwasi Kwar teng scrapped planned increases in taxes to be paid on beer wine spirits in cider and announced that a new alcohol duty system previously announced by former Chancellor Rishi Sunak was to be implemented from August 1, 2023 Both announced
October saw Liz Truss forced out of office after only 44 days to make way for our new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and any Chancellor Jeremy Hunt November saw a protest outside the Houses of Parliament and outside the Treasur y which, I am delighted to say, (once again) I took par t in The hospitality sector was invited to turn up with pots and pans, cocktail shakers, anything that made a noise , and make as much noise as possible to demonstrate how badly the government was treating the sector and failing badly to suppor t it And make a noise we did, don’t take my word for it see here
It might have had a modicum of success since our new Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced that the freeze on alcohol duty is to be extended for a fur ther six months and also announced a £13 6 billion scheme offering suppor t on business rates, although he ruled out point-blank to address the issue of VAT
December has brought us our first Winter World Cup (Mens) which despite the politics has been successful and pubs would have enjoyed an even bigger boom had we beaten Germany
So while 2022 has been a turbulent year it is also a testament of how resilient the sector is Despite all the setbacks, Covid, inflation, energ y costs, staffing issues, taxation, it is still in the arena, fighting to sur vive
We published an ar ticle earlier this month in which high profile chef Nathan Outlaw describes hospitality as “The Saviour of Mankind
To someone outside the sector that may sound a little over the top, but those of us inside the sector, (and I worked in operations for many years), know this to be the truth From celebration to commiseration, the highs and lows, getting together with family and friends meeting on a date for the first time , “breaking up, whatever the occasion the hospitality trade is the first choice , and once again I would urge anyone in public life to lobby the government to cut VAT for the hospitality sector The difference would make to the sector’s success is immeasurable
Once again as we bring 2022 to a close , we here at CLH News will take this oppor tunity to thank you all, readers, contributors sector organisations and our valued adver tisers who without their suppor t what we do would not be possible
The lifting of all Covid-19 restrictions at the beginning of the year meant that both restaurants and pubs, bars and clubs benefitted from a pent-up demand for drinking and dining out, recording growth of 37 1 per cent and 53 6 per cent respectively This growth also explained some of the fall in grocer y spending reflecting Brits opting for meals out instead of cooking at home , as they made up for missed oppor tunities
The reopening of live event venues also gave the enter tainment sector a sizeable boost (up 41 1 per cent), spurred by demand for festival and theatre tickets and family days out
However, while sales are considerably up on a turbulent 2021 when Covid restrictions were still in place , the sector’s sales are still 13% below where they should be in real terms to keep up with inflation
According to data in the latest UKHospitality Tracker, provided by CGA by NielsenIQ, turnover in the year up to the end of September 2022 was up 1 3% at £135 billion compared to 2019 This is the first time a full-year figure is above pre-COVID-19 levels
However, the severe impact of inflation means that even a slight yearon-year increase in turnover is wiped out by rising energ y, food and labour costs
Based on these figures, the hospitality sector would have to generate an additional £17 billion of turnover just to rise in line with inflation
UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “These figures are a stark reminder of the challenge facing our sector The sector’s sales finally rising above pre-pandemic levels should be a cause for celebration but the scale of inflation means it’s actually a warning sign of just how perilous a position hospitality is in
“Catching up to these levels of inflation will be almost impossible for businesses as they grapple with rising costs and dampening consumer confidence as a result of the cost-of-living crisis
“On a positive note , the data does show that hospitality is capable of
returning to pre-pandemic levels, even in these challenging circumstances, and that the nation still hugely values the role it plays in our culture and society
“That demonstrates the impor tance of hospitality maintaining its inclusion in the Government’s energ y relief package post-April to help it weather this storm, in order to deliver the economic growth I’m confident it can achieve ” DEMAND
The Barclaycard repor t reveals that after two challenging years the international travel sector saw a significant recover y Holidaymakers booked more getaways abroad, resulting in large increases for travel agents (190 6 per cent) and airlines (132 1 per cent), despite the disruption across the aviation sector during the summer months
The demand for staycations also remained strong, with hotels, resor ts and accommodation seeing an uplift of 27 5 per cent, likely boosted by the summer heatwave , and the additional bank holiday for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Shoppers turned to “insperiences” – at-home experiences – as a way to cut back on non-essential spending during the cost-of-living crisis, with the categor y rising 4 1 per cent year-on-year Takeaways and fast food – which has grown steadily since the first Covid-19 lockdown –jumped another 12 3 per cent this year, as Brits continued to crave convenient meal options and even more restaurants moved online to satisfy that demand
Surprisingly the biggest jump in takeaway spending came from the over 65s, who spent 31 8 per cent more than last year, compared to a smaller rise of 8 2 per cent among 25 to 34 year-olds
Ending the year on a positive note , the World Cup brought an added boost to traditional seasonal spending A fur ther repor t from CGA by NielsenIQ shows sales in the week to December 10 were 15% ahead of 2021 the 12th consecutive week of year-on-year growth, and above the rate of inflation
The World Cup’s knock-out stages boosted England’s On Premise with drinks sales up by 46% year-on-year on the day of the last-16 match with Senegal, and by 21% during the quar ter-final against France six days later Trading on both these days was also well ahead of the equivalent days in 2019 but it was down on the five days in between the big matches
Esme Harwood, Director at Barclaycard, said: The lifting of all Covid restrictions meant card spending was up overall compared to last year Hospitality, leisure and travel all received a boost as Brits made up for lost time by socialising with friends and jetting off on holidays
“However, the cost-of-living squeeze has clearly impacted the retail sector Consumers have had to rein in spending on purchases like subscriptions and home improvements, as well as reduce their basket sizes in general
As these inflationar y pressures continue , all categories are likely to face fur ther headwinds in 2023 However I am optimistic that both consumers and businesses will continue to find ways to adapt and respond to these challenges, as they did throughout the pandemic ”
Publicans are being encouraged to host ‘Chatter & Natter’ tables to suppor t those in need of more connection with others
The Chatty Café scheme is looking for more publicans to offer Chatter & Natter tables at their pubs to help suppor t those at risk of loneliness and social isolation in their local areas
‘Chatter & Natter’ tables offer a space where people can get together and chat, with many of the tables hosted by Chatty Table volunteers
The scheme has around 900 ‘Chatty Cafes’ around the UK, including around 440 Costa Coffee stores It has just over 30 pubs signed up but is looking for more publicans to have a dedicated ‘Chatter & Natter’ table
The Chatty Café was star ted by founder Alex Hoskyn in 2017 who after sitting in a supermarket café, with her then baby son obser ving others sat on their own star ted thinking about the positive impact people could have on each other if they sat together having a chat, rather than on their own
A well-established Chatter & Natter table can become a regular place for local people to meet each week, simply to get together and chat There is no agenda or topics to these sessions, they are just about facilitating oppor tunities for human interaction
Benefits to pubs joining the scheme can include:
• Increased footfall and repeat bus ness
• The oppor tunity to attract more customer s outside peak hour s
• Great promotional exposure on social media, newspaper ar tic es , blogs , etc
• P aying a key role in helping to connecting people in your local area to help tac kle loneliness
Many Chatter & Natter tables are hosted by volunteers, who can help promote the sessions within the local area Venues are offered the oppor tunity to be matched with a Chatty Table Volunteer/Host whose role is to be a friendly face at the table and encourage others to join PUBS
Among publicans who run successful Chatter & Natter tables are family-run pub The Howard Arms at Brampton, Cumbria, who introduced a table in Januar y (22)
Publican Ruth Seggie , who runs this Thwaites tenancy with husband Andrew, offers a Chatty Café Table ever y Monday morning, with 14 people attending and growing
The pub s local GPs also suppor ts the pub s scheme by recommending it to patients who would benefit from some connection and a chat with others, with five people already coming along from this signposting Ruth says: It s a really nice scheme that helps to highlight that we are more than a pub Our pub isn t a place where you have got to buy food or drink, we want to help bring people together and be par t of the community The table is bringing people closer together and less people are feeling alone which is wonderful to see and hear ”
The Howard Arms has a couple of volunteers who host the table , and if they can’t make it then the pub’s team run it
Ruth says: “The volunteers are vital in helping to organise and chat to people We are a busy pub and sometimes there isn’t the time to chat to somebody but the volunteers have the time to chat and can get to know people Being par t of it is also rewarding for the volunteers ”
The pub raises awareness of its ‘Chatty Café’ morning through its table volunteers on social media posters in the window and through table talkers Its ‘Chatty Café’ generally runs for an hour to 1 5 hours but there is no time limit, with people welcome to stay as long as they like
The table has some people who come ever y week and some attendees have sparked up friendships which has seen them going off to do other things together, such as attending others local groups or going on outings Ruth adds: I would really recommend the scheme to other publicans It doesn t take much effor t as is literally setting up a table once a week or however you want to run it It is lovely to get people in You get to know people and they come back on their own and have a coffee or lunch ”
At The Local Bar at Branton, near Doncaster, a village micropub with only 25 seats, publicans Laura and Paul Local have been offering a ‘Chatter & Natter’ table for a few months
It initially ran from 12 noon to 4pm on a Wednesday with a table set up with a Chatty Café table talker on but now runs on a Sunday afternoon
There is an established group of eight friends called the ‘chatties’, who connected through the group, who now come to the pub s weekly quiz night together, meet for other events and outings and have become regular customers
Laura says: “Initially we asked for volunteers to help come along and be a table host as we can’t always sit and chat if busy But this has now evolved into a group of people who come along and have a natter, with around six to eight regulars ”
She adds: “From a business perspective I would recommend it as it helps to make people aware of your business and talking about your business doing something positive There is a ver y strong sense of community where the pub is, and being involved with schemes like this shows people that we want to be and are par t of that community There is also a nice feeling that you have helped to foster friendships for people , who are enjoying the social interaction from a new group ”
The City Wall in the centre of Rochester Kent opened 15 years ago by owner Sanjay Raval has a dedicated time of Tuesdays between 12 noon and 2pm for ‘Chatter & Natter’, but encourages anyone to pop in for a chat and a coffee anytime
The bar, which is also registered as a ‘Warm Space’ to help suppor t locals during these challenging times, puts table talkers across the bar, with all tables and spaces free to use , rather than having a dedicated table Sarah Wilson, The City Wall s community lead, says: A man came in who had seen it adver tised on social media and had just lost his wife We were able to say to him do you know we do live jazz on a Sunday and we do a supper club ever y Monday and maybe you might like to come along to that? If you can get people through the door then you can let them know what else they can get involved with too ”
She also sees the Chatty Café scheme as something not just to benefit elderly people but also the wide range of people who can find themselves isolated and in a lonely situation Sarah says: “Stereotypically we often think of elderly people being lonely but people such as solo parents can also often benefit from a landing point to go for a coffee and a chat ”
Sarah adds: “The Chatty Café as well as a range of other initiatives we do such as a homeless charity using our BBQ area to ser ve food and fundraise and a kids’ Christmas par ty fundraiser helps us to be seen positively by people in the local community Being socially aware as well as commercially aware is really impor tant in these challenging trading times
It costs pubs £30 to join the scheme , which includes inclusion on a ‘Chatter & Natter’ venue map and a pack including table talkers, posters, leaflets and window stickers
For more information see www thechattycafescheme co uk
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) and the Saudi-based Sustainable Tourism Global Center
unveiled revolutionar y new data detailing the climate footprint of the Travel & Tourism sector in the Asia Pacific region (APAC)
According to the data, between 2010 and 2019, the APAC Travel & Tourism sector decoupled its economic growth from its greenhouse gas emissions
The new data for the region reveals the total contribution to APAC’s GDP grew on average 7 3% annually, whilst greenhouse gas emissions increased by just 4% during the same period
The data also shows how the sector’s emissions intensity continues to decrease
In 2010, for ever y $1 USD of the region’s Travel & Tourism GDP, the sector emitted 0 94kg of greenhouse gas emissions
But in 2019, when Travel & Tourism was at its peak, this figure had dropped by more than 26% to 0 69kg, demonstrating the progress of changes implemented by governments and business leaders across the AsiaPacific region to create a more sustainable sector
The new data shows that in 2019 the sector was responsible for an average of just 10 3% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the APAC region
For the first time ever, this ground-breaking research can accurately repor t and track the impact industries within the sector have on the environment
The global findings were launched at the global tourism body’s 22nd Global Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in November this year
This research was made possible thanks to the par tnership between WTTC and the Saudi-based Sustainable Tourism Global Center Under the Saudi green Initiative more than 60 initiatives have been launched in the past year, representing more than $186BN USD of investment in the green economy
“The Travel & Tourism sector in the region has decoupled its economic growth from its greenhouse gas emissions and reduced its emissions intensity by an incredible 26% But while this shows progress, a lot more needs to be done
“To reach our goals and ambitions, we must make bigger and bolder steps to reduce our absolute emissions
“Government suppor t will be crucial in accelerating the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuels which will have a significant impact on our footprint, as well as bringing in more renewable energ y to our national grids ”
46 to 3,933
End of 2021 End of 2022 Difference
Source: Altus Group
Pubs which have ‘disappeared’ from the communities that they once ser ved have either been demolished and/or conver ted into other types of use such as homes, offices or even day nurseries with a total of 2,663 being lost in the last 5 years
Altus Group’s Ben Nelson said, “ many publicans that I speak to are worried that this could be their last Christmas and really needed certainty about future suppor t ” The Government’s current energ y suppor t package for businesses runs out in March
Nelson added ““high operating costs and low margins make plots attractive for alternative investment and use so continued suppor t is vital to protect pubs as they play an impor tant role at the hear t of their local communities ”
Wales lost the greatest number of pubs in 2022 with their numbers down 50 to 3,010 whist the West Midlands saw their numbers decline
Region Number of Pubs
East 3,766 3,726 40
East Midlands 3,610 3,578 32
London 3,604 3,563 41
Nor th East 1,983 1,959 24
Nor th West 5,361 5,322 39
South East 5,739 5,706 33
South West 4,726 4,682 44
Wales 3,060 3,010 50
West Midlands 3 979 3 933 46
Yorkshire/Humber side 4 345 4 308 37
TOTAL 40,173 39,787 386
Effor ts to safeguard the future of the Plough Inn in Longparish, Hampshire , which dates to 1721, have been recognised by the Campaign for Real Ale s Pub Saving Award, which celebrates people who have come together to save a pub from closure
When the pub closed its doors – seemingly for good – in December 2015, local villagers sprung into action, lobbying local planning officers to deny planning permission to turn the pub into a residence They subsequently used grants, donations and a community share scheme – which attracted over 300 investors – to purchase the pub, in conjunction with the Parish Council, in Februar y 2021
After months of incredibly hard work, completely refurbishing the property inside and out, and three hundred years after it first began trading, The Plough Inn is once again at the hear t of the Longparish community Bought with help from their Parish Council who now own the Plough Inn, local villagers have taken on a 99-year lease from the council for the exclusive use of the proper ty to secure and safeguard the future of the Plough Inn as a public house and promote it as an amenity of prime impor tance to the community
wider than just the provision of food and drinks to the local community “To see the Plough Inn thriving once again both as a popular destination pub, and a vibrant and valued community asset at the hear t of Longparish village is a fantastic achievement
The runner-up in the competition is the Three Horseshoes in Helions Bumpstead in Nor thwest Essex – another fantastic success stor y of a local village taking the fate of their local pub into their own hands and ensuring the pub is run as a community asset
said: “At the core of a community pub is the local people
it ser ves Our aim in taking over the Plough Inn has been to provide a range of ser vices much
Award-winning spoken word ar tist, Joe Bellman, delivered a timely and moving message at The Burnt Chef Project s recent Gala Dinner – something which resonates with those in the hospitality sector at Christmas more than ever
As the nation enjoys its Christmas festivities, the hospitality industr y is in the midst of its busiest time of year Added to an already busy period of time in the calendar Christmas comes with additional challenges this year especially when coupled with continued and evolving pressures on operators, business owners and suppliers The need for suppor tive structures is more prevalent than ever
Recognising the impact on those working in the sector The Burnt Chef Project commissioned Joe Bellman to write and deliver a touching performance which moved guests at ‘Out of the Shadows , The Burnt Chef Project s inaugural Gala Dinner Addressing nearly 200 guests, Bellman explained how he star ted writing poetr y to ‘make sense of the confusion’ after losing his mother back in 2019
Delving into the lived experience of those within The Burnt Chef Project’s community, Bellman examines all levels of the hospitality industr y shedding light on the increasingly outdated stereotypes of hospitality workplaces Through spoken work Bellman explores the workplace as a ‘battleground of depression’ where the ‘toughness of man is tested’ Aptly labelled ‘hospitality soldiers’ Bellman highlights how the pressures of hospitality can weigh down those who work within the industr y Recognising the impact the high-pressured environment can have on hospitality workers The Burnt Chef Project has launched a series of training programmes and resources to suppor t the mental health and psychological wellbeing of those working in the hospitality industr y Burning the stigma surrounding mental health, the not-for-profit organisation continues to raise awareness and educate businesses on how to implement cultural changes within psychologically safe environments putting teams and individuals’ wellbeing first whilst adding to a business s bottom line
Bellman’s piece describes a ‘burnt out identity lost under pots and pans filled with failed visions and overwhelming anxiety because dreams escape in hospitality’ but goes on to say that the industr y is at an exciting turning point where we hear more frequently the stories of positive promotion, strong workplace cultures and a key focus on mental health
“Joe Bellman has cemented himself as a true poetic talent and upon meeting Joe earlier this year we felt such a connection to him and his stor ytelling ability, it was a natural fit for us to work together to develop this piece
We want to highlight the difficulties the industr y has and still faces but also the cultural shifts we ’ re seeing as leaders are investing in time , energ y and funds into employee wellbeing, understanding the positive impacts on retention, performance and ultimately the sustainability of this amazing industr y
We look forward to seeing Joe perform this epic piece across a number of hospitality events throughout 2023 as we continue to burn the stigma of mental health within our great industr y "
Kris Hall, Founder, The Burnt Chef Project Bellman asked guests to think ‘ can we be the game changers and pioneers of hospitality?’ He called for ‘ a healthy workspace for all to star t thriving’ By continuing the conversation, raising awareness, and contributing to causes such as The Burnt Chef Project, we can move towards a world where a healthier lifestyle is possible for all of those working in hospitality Bellman said: "The Burnt Chef Project challenges the stigma around mental health Seeing what Kris and The Burnt Chef Project team do is inspiring and it was a no-brainer to work with such visionaries to break the barriers in hospitality "
Finishing his inspirational performance Bellman concludes ‘mental health matters and you ’ re all listening Forget what you think you know about hospitality because things are changing and it’s time for us to see ’ To watc h the full video of Joe Bellman’s spoken word, c l c k here: https://youtu be/N6hR886kqAQ
The raffle was drawn on Monday 19 December – and Simon and his team immediately headed to the local Asda to fill up with essentials and Christmas treats for the food bank
Simon said: “Christmas is a time for giving and my team and I wanted to make sure that as many people in Croydon as possible could eat well on this special day The team at Asda were amazing – we had nine trollies, full of rice , pasta, tinned food, tea and coffee , cereal and Christmas choccies
“When we arrived at the food bank, with two full cars and an Uber XL, the ladies at the food bank were stunned I think they were expecting a couple of bags of
The show, organised by the British Cleaning Council and Quar tz Business Media, is set to attract more than 100 cleaning suppliers with the likes of Jangro Numatic Makita UK, Karcher UK, Nilfisk and SC Johnson Professional among those confirmed to exhibit And, with more than 7,000 senior cleaning professionals set to attend from across the contract cleaning, facilities management (FM), healthcare , hospitality, retail and public ser vices sectors, it is no surprise that the event has become the largest and longest running exhibition in the UK dedicated to cleaning hygiene and facilities management
Alongside a growing list of Europe’s leading cleaning suppliers confirmed to showcase their latest technologies and innovations on the show floor, The Cleaning Show Conference will also return Welcoming the industr y ’ s leading exper ts, the conference will offer a place to discuss and debate the big issues affecting the sector A full programme of speakers and topics will be announced in the coming weeks
shopping – so it was a bit of a shock to see so much food It was so rewarding to see the delight on their faces and to know that we have made so many people’s Christmases that little bit better And I think the team at the food bank will be customers for life at The Builder’s Arms
I can t thank my customers enough for their generosity with the raffle tickets The team at Asda were outstanding, opening a special checkout just for us, and even our Uber driver was amazing and gave up his time to help us unload the food into the food bank The spirit of Christmas and the season of goodwill is cer tainly alive and kicking in Croydon ”
Things (IoT)
operations With
Cleaning, businesses and organisations operating throughout the industr y can enter their innovations via the CSSA website by 30 November 2022 Prior to The Cleaning Show the CSSA will hold an Innovator's Pitch with a panel of leading industr y exper ts who will review and inter view all entrants and select those to be exhibited at the Innovation Showcase itself For fur ther information on submitting an entr y, visit https://www cssa-uk co uk/
creating the Future
Registration for The Cleaning Show 2023 will open on 1st November 2022 To register your interest to attend and find out more about this year ’ s event, visit https://cleaningshow co uk/london/ See the adver t on page 7 for fur ther details
the pub’s book club, you will be surprised at how many other interested people are in hearing what crafts other people are passionate about People can then ver y comfor tably sit there and talk to others as they have the knowledge and the skills ”
Lyn Juniper-Solley, a member of the weekly craft group that meets at The Blue Bell at Stoke Ferr y, Norfolk, said during the inter view aired on the show: “A pub is a wonderfully relaxed atmosphere It feels much more casual and more inviting for people to join in a group in that atmosphere ”
This song was picked as Pub is The Hub helps publicans to tackle loneliness in their local areas through our Community Ser vices Fund pub diversification projects, such as community cafés and shops which help publicans reach out to people who may be feeling lonely or at risk of social isolation by offering them a place to meet with others and socialise We also have a range of resources to help publicans tackle loneliness in their local areas at: Join Inn – Last Orders for Loneliness –Pub is The Hub,
I selected this classic as with the current energ y crisis people at home are finding it difficult to heat their homes, and publicans are also finding it difficult, so why not put the two together People can find a space in the pub to do a creative activity, play games etc It is a win win for both sides as the publican has people in the pub buying food and drink and the people in the pub aren’t paying for energ y back home
Pub-inspired songs, the power of welcoming creative groups to your pub and a poetr y were all featured when Pub is The Hub featured in a ‘takeover’ of the Jon Wright show on BBC Radio Suffolk and BBC Radio
PiTH’s regional advisor for East Anglia Terr y Stork featured in the show, alongside Rosa Torr from Creative Lives and actor and poet Alexandra Ewing, who grew up in a Suffolk pub and who wrote a ‘National Poem of Thanks to Our Nation’s Publicans’ as par t of Pub is The Hub’s ‘Winter Warmers’ initiative , in par tnership with INN Crowd, Live performances in pubs – Inn Crowd during the pandemic
The show focused on the ‘Pubs Welcoming Creativity’ initiative from Creative Lives Pubs Welcoming Creativity – Toolkit | Creative Lives (creative-lives org) which Pub is The Hub is suppor ting and featured inter views with The Locks Inn Community Pub in Geldeston, Suffolk and The Blue Bell Inn in Stoke Ferr y, Norfolk, who are both pubs which welcome creative activity and who Pub is The Hub has suppor ted with setting up community cafes
Jodie Barrett, manager of The Locks Inn Community Pub, who host many creative groups including folk nights, Irish music nights, traditional song and stor ytelling nights, featured in an inter view at The Locks Inn Community Pub said: “The pub is widely known for its music and events and it is great that we have a number of groups who come along and suppor t the pub It is really special We have volunteers who help run the events and enjoy being involved
She added: Pubs and creative groups match together well I think because it is another way of getting people together You can ver y easily be at home enjoying crafting but, just like the conversations we have at
The show also featured poet and actor Alexandra Ewing, from Suffolk, reading the poem of thanks for publicans she penned as par t of PiTH’s ‘Winter Warmers’ initiative during the pandemic in par tnership with INN CROWD Enjoy the poem here: Alexandra Ewing: The Public House Rumbles – Inn Crowd
Terr y ’ s pick of pub-related tunes Advisor East Anglia Region Terr y Stork
Advisor Terr y Stork was also asked to select songs to play during the show His pub inspired song choices include: Chumbawamba – Tubthumping
Terr y said: I chose this song as it reminds me of the resilience of pubs and publicans One of the great things about the pub industr y is the ability to innovate and adapt to new market conditions Publicans did it during the pandemic in responding to community needs, and are also doing again now, with initiatives such as offering warm spaces Pubs have huge social value ”
Joe Cocker – With a Little Help from My Friends
Pub is The Hub is ver y much a family, a family of advisors, suppor ters and publicans, and I chose this to reflect this Yazz – The Only Way
It is really challenging times for pubs at present I chose this song to send some positive vibes about the future of the British pub
Listen to the full ‘Pub is The Hub Takeover’ show here: https://www bbc co uk/programmes/p0dg1j90
UKHospitality Tracker, provided by CGA by NielsenIQ, turnover in the year up to the end of September 2022 was up 1 3% at £135 billion compared to 2019 This is the first time a full-year figure is above preCOVID-19 levels
However, the severe impact of inflation means that even a slight year-on-year increase in turnover is wiped out by rising energ y, food and labour costs Based on these figures, the hospitality sector would have to generate an additional £17 billion of turnover just to rise in line with inflation
scale of inflation means it’s actually a warning sign of just how perilous a position hospitality is in “Catching up to these levels of inflation will be almost impossible for businesses, as they grapple with rising costs and dampening consumer confidence as a result of the cost-of-living crisis
“On a positive note , the data does show that hospitality is capable of returning to pre-pandemic levels, even in these challenging circumstances and that the nation still hugely values the role it plays in our culture and society
“That demonstrates the impor tance of hospitality maintaining its inclusion in the Government’s energ y relief package post-April to help it weather this storm, in order to deliver the economic growth I m confident it can achieve ”
“It’s an amazing achievement for a small venue , and wonderful reward for the hard work and dedication of our superb team to be recognised in this way ”
Judging was carried out by an independent panel of past winners, industr y leaders and exper ts in their field, selected for their impartiality and experience The pub was described as “ ver y welcoming, with super-efficient and friendly staff Nothing was too much trouble and ever y customer in the pub was treated with cour tesy ”
Fran Downton, Chief Executive of Tourism South East, said:
“The strength of our winners is a testament to the incredible standards and unwavering quality of the South’s tourism and hospitality products ”
The hospitality sector is facing extreme pressure from all directions Contending with the repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic , staff shor tages, soaring energ y prices and fewer customers due to the cost-of-living crisis, many businesses are being forced to decide whether they can continue to trade through the winter months Whilst the Government has promised measures to suppor t businesses it has not yet announced a specific plan to help the sector letting uncer tainty flourish as times become tougher
There is a misconception that the hospitality sector recovered, however briefly, in 2022, which was not the case In fact, the sector was one of the industries hit hardest by the Covid-19 pandemic and has taken the longest to recover With so many other impor tant areas to suppor t such as the NHS and the social care industr y, the government has almost overlooked hospitality, with no specific measures rolled out to help it recover longterm many workers having already left the sector during the pandemic due to restrictions as well as Brexit immigration measures being implemented around the same time staff shor tages are rife fur ther dissuading talent from staying in the sector
The cost-of-living crisis is also deterring people from spending money on non-essentials including eating and drinking outside of their homes Whilst the festive season presents some oppor tunity to increase customer footfall, many families and businesses will have re-evaluated their priorities and chosen to focus their spending
on the essentials, rather than eating out and par ties For example , there are a large number of businesses which have opted to throw a smaller par ty at work, where there is less pressure on directors and employees to spend money that they may not be able to afford Many people have cut out after work drinks in favour of spending money on the Christmas Day itself With even those who could afford to spend on meals or drinks out tightening their purse strings as a precautionar y measure , the hospitality sector is once again tr ying to navigate a near impossible situation, and it is no wonder that venues up and down the UK are approaching 2023 with caution Januar y, Februar y and March are notoriously the most difficult months for the industr y and with surging energ y prices, many venues are already resor ting to opening reduced hours in preparation to ensure some balance for the coming year
Whilst government suppor t is conspicuous by its absence , the sector is pulling together to suppor t itself wherever possible Boxpark, for example , uses its experience with flexible and accessible retail locations to hire out venue space to smaller independent restaurants bars or cafes which may otherwise not be able to afford a bricks and mor tar presence This model helps smaller businesses by keeping the cost of rent and utilities down whilst potentially increasing footfall to what can be marketed as a destination venue Some other hospitality businesses providers have reached out to businesses with larger workplaces in order to run onsite cafés or provide their products to an existing one to diversify their offering and provide additional income streams These examples demonstrate that if hospitality businesses being to think laterally, flexibly and importantly – creatively - with regards to diversifying income streams, these businesses will be in the best financial position possible at the star t of 2023
Although many providers are coming up with solutions and working collaboratively with others, the Government should still provide specific targeted suppor t for the sector in order for it not just sur vive , but grow The hospitality industr y is both resilient and innovative , and fully capable of overcoming the challenges on the horizon Whilst the past few years have been tough for the industr y and 2023 currently appears as if it will be no different, the industr y will continue to find ways to keep going from strength to strength
As par t of this campaign each pub was tasked with collecting as many chocolates and confectioner y filled Christmas selection boxes as possible to make sure individuals, families and children across the UK have a festive treat to look forward to Ever y pub has chosen local charities to donate to, which range from children’s hospitals to local foodbanks and nursing homes Despite the pressures of the cost-of-living crisis, community spirit shone across the estate with one pub – The Sutton Arms in Hull – collecting over 1 150 selection boxes
Mark Brooke , Director of Proper Pubs, commented:
“We have always championed community pubs because we understand the value they bring to millions of people across the countr y In the face of the cost-of-living crisis, people have recognised that pubs are more
experienced in flushing urinals
Ending the need for water, the eco-friendly, retro-fit Vor tex valve typically saves 100,000 litres of clean water and 105kg CO2 per urinal, per year It also prevents airborne infections caused by flushing urinals, which have been shown to spread 500,000 germs per inch, per flush, landing on skin, surfaces and clothing, spreading viruses including
than just somewhere for people to go for a drink They are hubs of activity for residents to enjoy, and are places where people come together to suppor t one another It’s incredible to see this in action through this initiative and even better to be able to provide a little treat to those who might otherwise be struggling this Christmas “As always I am so grateful to our fantastic operators and their communities who have come together to make this happen, demonstrating Admiral s commitment to community focus ”
Proper Pubs is always looking for ways to raise funds for charity and to suppor t its local communities through an annual schedule of events, including installing life-saving defibrillators, Easter egg donations and live music events Through its par tnership with national mental health charity, Chasing the Stigma, it also raised an impressive £35,000 in under one month where each of its pubs hosted different charity events, including barbeques and quiz nights Chasing the Stigma is a charity which aims to normalise mental health and ensure it is easy for ever yone to find suppor t when they need it
Only A Pavement Away, the charity aiding prison leavers, veterans and those facing homelessness back into employment in the hospitality industr y, is repor ting great success for its latest campaign, which is providing vital suppor t to those helped by the charity this winter
The Hospitality Against Homelessness campaign, which has been designed to raise awareness and funding, launched on World Homeless Day in October It encourages operators, individual donors, and par tner organisations to suppor t the charity in a variety of different ways, including helping to fund the charity’s Member Stability Grants Scheme – a payment of up to £1 500 given during the first 12 months of star ting employment within the sector, to provide shor t time financial suppor t, stability and independence to any member struggling with adjusting or reintegrating back into society
To date , the campaign has raised over £22,000 through independent fundraising initiatives with par tner organisations, and umbrella activations such as National Winter Warmth Week (14th – 20th November) and CEO Sleepout London (21st November) The Hospitality Against Homelessness campaign will continue into early 2023 Par tner organisations that have got involved through dedicated fundraising initiatives include:
– C APCO which has suppor ted the charity through its annual Covent Garden Christmas Auction
– Brewdog which is encouraging customers at its ‘Doghouse Manchester’ venue to donate to the charity when they order from a brand-new winter food menu
– Pho which has created a festive chocolate orange mar tini with 50p from ever y cocktail sold going straight to the charity
– Speciality Brands, Café Pacifico and Ilegal Mezcal which collectively has created the ‘Love Thy Neighbour campaign’ and will see £2 from the sales of ever y La Monita cocktail go to Only A Pavement Away
– The Blacklock team which has completed a 5K Santa Run with all monies raised going to the charity
In umbrella activations, 17 Hospitality Leaders including Mar tin Williams (CEO, M Restaurants & Gaucho), Andy Hornby (CEO, The Restaurant Group) and Steve Alton (CEO, BII) took on the CEO Sleepout at Lord’s Cricket Ground in November, alongside charity Founder, Greg Mangham The intrepid crew slept outside overnight to raise over £33,000, an impressive contribution to the final total of £200K raised (the highest ever
raised at a CEO Sleepout event) for homeless charities, including Only A Pavement Away
Only A Pavement Away’s National Winter Warmth Week (14th –20th November) encouraged vital donations of warm clothing and toiletries for rough sleepers, which were then distributed by 27 participating hospitality operators including, Gaucho Group, Mr Yum, Big Hug Brewing, Sisban, Pub Love , IHG, The Ivy Collection, Bee Recruitment and Zonal 500 bags in total were collected and distributed to local homeless charities across London, Edinburgh, Cambridge Norfolk Brighton Manchester Birmingham Oxford Glasgow, and Cardiff The suppor t for this initiative from the sector was inspiring and it will continue into the new year with Craft Union running collections across their entire estate between Januar y and March 2023
In December, Mollie Huckerby completed the last of her 6 walking marathons in Central London, during her epic fundraising attempt Mollie Goes Walking, Mollie has raised £3,000 in total for the charity and walked a total of 156 miles
Other hospitality businesses who have suppor ted the charity through the Hospitality Against Homelessness campaign include Greene King, Caterer com, The Royal Warrant Holders Association, Nutritics, Our Place Manchester, Red Engine , Sessions, Earl of Chatham, and SSP Group
Hospitality technolog y provider, Zonal, has also signed with Only A Pavement Away as an official Par tner and the Zonal team will be suppor ting a variety of events and campaigns in the next 12 months to raise money for the charity including Cook & Dine , Pedalling for Pubs and Hike Against Homelessness
Greg Mangham, CEO and Founder of Only A Pavement Away, says: “We’re delighted with the success we ’ ve seen with the Hospitality Against Homelessness campaign – our biggest and best campaign to date! We’d like to extend a big thank you to all the individuals and businesses who have taken par t – it’s a real testament to our fantastic industr y
“The monies raised will help to ensure that the members of our charity can be fully suppor ted with all the guidance and financial aid they need to ensure a stable pathway to successful and ongoing employment ”
Only A Pavement Away’s Hospitality Against Homelessness campaign is suppor ting people like Jon Paul who has found stability through employment after spending time in prison Only A Pavement Away member Jon Paul, says: “If it wasn’t for my job, I probably would have been doing things I shouldn’t have been and more than likely wouldn t have been stable So, it s helped me to get used to the normal way of life and working, it s a big thing ”
A closer look has shown sauces and seasonings are popular, yet are less frequently purchased, whereas meal kits and ready meals promise high frequency purchasing following initial engagement, which Omnichannel has driven forward, alongside brand awareness with 40% visiting a restaurant following tr ying its retail products
time , restaurant operators face immense challenges including increasing business costs and reduced footfall, highlighting the importance of diversifying their por tfolio of products and enhancing their brand image to remain profitable
On a positive note , as consumers reduce restaurant visits due to financial pressures, there is appetite for omnichannel products some of which have made their way into the consumer household permanently
“The consumer appetite is there ” says Blonnie Whist, Insights Director at Lumina Intelligence , who presented the repor t recently at the Omnichannel Conference as well as Lumina’s Food Strateg y Forum on December 8th “Two thirds of shoppers have bought a foodser vice branded product in the past three months, highlighting the interest for these products 46% have purchased a new foodservice branded product since lockdown, demonstrating a willingness for experimentation and an oppor tunity for fur ther innovation ”
The UK’s resilience to terrorism is to be stepped up, as the Government announces details for the Protect Duty, now to be known as Mar tyn s Law in tribute of Mar tyn Hett, who was killed alongside 21 others in the Manchester Arena terrorist attack in 2017
Working closely with security par tners, business and victims groups, including Figen Murray and the Mar tyn’s Law Campaign Team, and Sur vivors Against Terror, the new duty will require venues to take steps to improve public safety, with measures dependent on the size of the venue and the activity taking place
The threat picture is complex and ever evolving Recent attacks demonstrate that terrorists may choose to target a broad range of locations Mar tyn’s Law will ensure that security preparedness is delivered consistently across the UK ensuring better protection of the public
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “The way the city of Manchester came together as a community in the wake of the cowardly Manchester Arena attack and the amazing work of campaigners like Figen Murray who have dedicated their lives to making us safer and promoting kindness and tolerance , is an inspiration to us all
“I am committed to working with Figen to improve security measures at public venues and spaces and to delivering this vital legislation to honour Mar tyn’s memor y and all of those affected by terrorism ” Figen Murray mother of Mar tyn Hett said: “Mar tyn’s Law isn’t going to stop terrorism but common-sense security, and making sure venues are doing all they can to keep people safe , could mean fewer suffer what myself and the families of Manchester have had to endure
“I welcome the Government’s commitment to including smaller venues and working quickly on this legislation It is vital we now take the necessar y steps to protect ourselves and others wherever possible and I hope other countries learn from this ground-breaking legislation ”
“Their tireless effor ts have helped inform our approach and the hear tbreaking stories from sur vivors and their families are a constant reminder as to why we must deliver on this commitment to work together to improve public security ”
The plans have been developed following public consultation and extensive engagement across industr y, charities, local authorities, security exper ts and with sur vivors 70% of the thousands who responded to the consultation agreed that those responsible for publicly accessible locations should take measures to protect the public from potential attacks
Mar tyn’s Law will follow a tiered model linked to activity that takes place at a location and its capacity aimed to prevent undue burden on businesses
A standard tier will apply to locations with a maximum capacity of over 100which can under take low-cost simple yet effective activities to improve preparedness This will include training information sharing and completion of a preparedness plan to embed practices such as locking doors to delay attackers progress or knowledge on lifesaving treatments that can be administered by staff whilst awaiting emergency ser vices
An enhanced tier will focus on high-capacity locations in recognition of the potential consequences of a successful attack Locations with a capacity of over 800 people at any time , will additionally be required to under take a risk assessment to inform the development and implementation of a thorough security plan Subsequent measures could include developing a vigilance and security culture , implementation of physical measures like CCTV or new systems and processes to enable better consideration of security
The Government will establish an inspection and enforcement regime , promoting compliance and positive cultural change and issuing credible and fair sanctions for serious breaches
Dedicated statutor y guidance and bespoke suppor t will be provided by the Government to ensure those in scope can effectively discharge their responsibilities, with even small venues also able to benefit from this and take voluntar y action Exper t advice , training and guidance is also already available on the online protective security hub, ProtectUK
Mar tyn’s Law will extend to and apply across the whole of the United Kingdom and the Government will publish draft legislation in the early Spring to ensure the law stands the test of time
17th Februar y 2023 at Radisson Red Hotel London Heathrow
The event will celebrate the effor ts and achievements of the college students and tutors vying for the title of 2023 Zest Quest Asia Champions Earlier in the day, finalists would have competed in a live cook-off, helping to fulfil the aims of the competition founded by restaurateurs Cyrus and Per vinTodiwala with the involvement of the Master Chefs of Great Britain i e to raise student chefs’ skills and knowledge of Asian cooker y The finalist colleges will be revealed on 4th Januar y 2023
The Zest Quest Asia Gala Dinner and Awards Night will kick off with a drinks reception featuring Asian-inspired canapes prepared by students of The Sheffield College , current title holders CyrusTodiwala, assisted by chef friends, will prepare a 4-course menu with chef friends highlighting different trends in Asian cuisine Zest Quest Asia 2023 marks the first time the Gala Dinner and Awards will be held at the Radisson Red Hotel London Heathrow, who have come on board as Gold Sponsors
Jasbeer Dawar, executive chef at the Radisson Red Hotel London Heathrow, said, “As an executive chef, I am always passionate about suppor ting the next generation of chefs and hospitality students At Radisson, we are proud to be associated with the esteemed competition, Zest Quest Asia, along with Chef Cyrus We
hope to play our par t in suppor ting the journey of new and upcoming creative culinar y talent ”
Cyrus Todiwala OBE DL FIH said, “Asian cooking is a complex ar t and science Our competitors will have grasped the challenge , drawing on the culinar y traditions and influences of different Asian cultures The winners will have the chance to physically and mentally immerse
guide those working in the sector to net zero by 2040, it’s clear the topic of sustainability is only going to grow
Yet while the appointment of a chief sustainability officer might not be possible there are other steps hospitality businesses can take today to help foster a sustainable future One of the ways that pubs and bars off the mains gas grid can unlock significant reductions in their carbon emissions is through the transition to sustainable fuels
Calor Futuria Liquid Gas (previously BioLPG) is a sustainable fuel made from a blend of waste , residues and sustainably sourced materials
With busy pubs and bars requiring a fuel source that offers increased reliability and a controllable flame for cooking, Futuria Liquid Gas can be utilised for a variety of uses, such as hot water, heating and cooking requirements In addition, Calor’s range of storage options, including underground tanks, which can be hidden out of sight, means there’s a solution for ever y business
As the drive towards net zero continues to gain pace , UK businesses are continuing to put sustainability at the hear t of their operations Research has highlighted that almost two fifths (37%) of UK businesses have appointed a chief sustainability officer, while over half (56%) have an employee in post whose remit includes sustainability And, with the UK Hospitality Association unveiling its 10 pledges to
Available in a 100% blend, bulk Futuria Liquid Gas can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 86% (kgCO2e/kWh) when compared to using heating oil and up to 80%4 compared to conventional LPG For businesses keen to demonstrate their reduction in carbon emissions, the Green Gas Cer tification Scheme ensures traceability of all Futuria Liquid Gas delivered to, and used up by, hospitality customers, while also highlighting the amount of CO2 saved
A new alcohol sector repor t finds that 85% of formal complaints considered by the Independent Complaints Panel (Panel) were regarding whether alcohol packaging and marketing had par ticular appeal to under18s, as awareness grows for the harms of underage drinking
The new repor t from the Por tman Group – the alcohol social responsibility body and marketing regulator – reveals that the industr y Panel reviewed more complaints about products appealing to under 18s in 2022 than any other categor y However the majority (76%) of complaints were not upheld indicating a strong alignment between producers in the sector and the Code of Practice
This comes as the repor t reveals that drinks producers were more likely to seek advice and guidance from the Por tman Group’s Advisor y Ser vice under the Code rule on par ticular appeal to under-18s [29%] than any other categor y This was followed by advice on immoderate consumption [20%] and bravado [15%], demonstrating increased awareness and proactivity from producers to ensure responsible marketing and labelling practices
This increase in complaints coincides with a fall in underage drinking worldwide , again highlighting the increased awareness and action from producers to ensure that alcohol marketing does not have a par ticular appeal to people under the age of 18
Complaints which raise concerns that alcohol marketing may have par ticular appeal to under-18s are considered under the Por tman Group’s Code of Practice on the Naming, Packaging and Promotion of alcoholic drinks Complaints in the categor y this year included products which used shimmering liquid and interactive
elements such as lights and illustrations, which meant the overall impression of the packaging had a par ticular appeal to under-18s
This year, the Panel upheld a complaint under the Code of Practice on Alcohol Sponsorship A complaint against premium spirits brand, Jatt Life’s sponsorship of the luxur y driving event was upheld under a number of Code rules including using images of those who were , or looked as if they were , under 25
Matt Lamber t, CEO the Por tman Group, said: “As a self-regulator y body, we work effectively with a responsible sector to ensure that we eliminate irresponsible marketing and discourage under 18’s from being attracted to alcohol There are a number of practical industr y schemes which have been hugely effective in reducing the occurrence of underage drinking in the UK, and the Por tman Group is proud to stand with them in playing our role in reducing harmful drinking This is an approach that we know works, with many producers using their brands to showcase responsibility messages at major events, for example “It is positive to see producers continuing to take advantage of our Advisor y Ser vice to ensure that their products comply with the Por tman Group’s Codes of Practice , and we encourage others to do so to help eliminate underage drinking ”
The repor t also finds that the Por tman Group did not issue any Retailer Aler t Bulletins this year All producers whose products were upheld under the Code chose to work with the Advisor y Ser vice to revise any products in question or voluntarily removed the products from market, without the requirement for stronger enforcement action
Average hourly pay for temporar y chefs has risen by as much as 20% in par ts of the UK over the past year, data released by Indeed Flex, the online staffing platform for temporar y work, has revealed
Indeed Flex’s analysis of tens of thousands of chef shifts posted on its platform reveal that hourly pay for temporar y chefs has risen by 11% across the UK on average , compared to 5% for other restaurant roles Such is the demand for professional cooks, chef job postings on Indeed Flex are up 97% on average across the UK compared to last year but not all chefs are working the long, unsociable hours commonly associated with the job
There are signs that chefs value the extra flexibility they gain through temping rather than working full-time More than half (57%) of chefs taking shifts through Indeed Flex are choosing to work more sociable hours, such as a conventional 9-5 schedule , compared to the 43% who work late nights
Data from the ONS shows the hospitality industr y currently has 146,000 vacancies, though this is down on the record-high 173,000
seen this summer
The festive season is critical for the hospitality sector which will be hoping for a bumper end to 2022 following two Covid-impacted Christmases However, the cost of living crisis could fur ther hamper the hard-hit industr y as its make or break season begins Towns and cities with biggest hourly pay rise for
“Times have been tough for the hospitality industr y ever since the pandemic began, and unfor tunately it continues to wrestle with an acute shor tage of staff
“Intense competition among employers for skilled staff has driven up hourly pay rates for temp workers across the board Chefs are especially sought after, and can reap big rewards with their exper tise
“Meanwhile for businesses that are struggling to recruit full-time staff, being able to turn to temporar y workers has proved a lifeline as it enables them to fill shifts as and when required They can also scale their workforce up and down depending on when they are busiest
“For the chefs themselves flexible work offers a chance to do something not ever yone in their profession can work sociable hours and choose exactly when they want to work ”
2022 has not been without challenges for the hospitality industr y or its consumers Earlier this year, as recover y from the pandemic was underway, the sector faced a set of fresh challenges – a costof-living crisis, rising bills and a 40-year high level of inflation, compounded with the highest interest rates in 16 years
Though, despite this, 2022 has seen some successes for the hospitality industr y, as it has continued to experience an uptick in occupancy even during testing times
The cost-of-living crisis has seen many UK residents assess their holiday options As affordability has become the focus for many –especially when it comes to luxuries - UK hotels near tourist hotspots have seen an upsurge in demand With energ y bills and interest rates expected to remain high in the new year, this trend is likely to continue , and economy/budget hotels will be an appealing option for many travellers
The weak pound has also driven up tourism this year – Quar ter 3 was named the industr y ’ s best trading period since October 2019, as US tourists par ticularly, flocked to the UK to make the most of the weak pound and the removal of covid restrictions With key events such as the Eurovision song contest and the King’s Coronation expected in 2023, the UK hotel industr y is set to reap some benefit of overseas tourists attending these special events
Research by the UK Hospitality Data and Insight Specialists repor ted that the hospitality sector has par ticularly suffered from rising bills this year with a 19% increase in labour costs 17% in food prices and 14% growth on drinks Combined with the increase in interest rates, those who have sur vived the challenges of 2022, are facing greater uncer tainty as we star t 2023
To combat these ever-looming challenges, businesses must ensure they continue to mitigate additional costs in the new year Negotiating with energ y companies possibly via a broker who is buying for a multitude of
businesses will suppor t driving bulk discount pricing In tandem, implementing consumption reduction measures such as reducing boiler temperatures and infra-red sensors, can help business owners to control unnecessar y consumption
The industr y was hit by staffing shor tages over the past year, with statistics indicating that over 200,000 international workers left the industr y since 2019 For success in 2023, hoteliers should focus on pragmatic measures they can implement which will ensure the right environment and working conditions for the teams Where affordable , offering training and development programmes, flexible scheduling, competitive scales of pay and investment into employees It is vital team members feel valued and suppor ted, as without them the business cannot thrive
As an industr y we are yet to have a strong enough voice within government to ensure true advocacy for the hospitality and leisure industr y of the UK In 2023 the sector should aim for a unified approach to the key matters impacting our industr y Business rates require a revamp, and the sector should work together to suggest an alternative measurement tool for the ser vices covered by business rates VAT is another area of oppor tunity where a reduction will have an immediate benefit for both the consumer and businesses
Despite the challenges faced in 2022, the outlook for the hospitality sector is promising ahead of the new year Knight Frank’s recent UK Hotel Trading Performance showed that a continued uptick in trading is seeing the market remain buoyant A predicted 18 500 new rooms are forecasted to be opened within the UK hotel space in the next three years, as investors continue to see the potential the industr y presents
The sector continues to appeal to investors who see mid to long term oppor tunities in the value of bricks and mor tar, suppor ted by the underlying cash flows which hotels produce Interest rates are likely to cause uncer tainty on acquisitions as funding becomes tighter, and where it is available debt is, and will continue to cost significantly more than over the last five years This creates other oppor tunities for the cash investor and potentially for alternative structures, where an element of lease guarantees a minimum return level, - in comes AGO Hotels hybrid profit lease We await to see which brands come to the table in 2023 with consolidation, new target regions of the world, and how the brands approach ownership and alternative structures as the complexity of the economic climate evolves
At AGO, 2022 has seen us grow to 14 hotels in the UK, we believe the hotel sector has so much to offer as a major component of the UK economy The contribution of the sector should not be underestimated!
The combination creates a predominantly freehold, estate of 137 pubs, made up of 79 managed and 58 tenanted sites, with an extensive premium accommodation offering of over 400 rooms, stretching from Southwest London to Bristol and the Channel Islands The combined group will be well-placed to leverage its scale and exper tise for the benefit of the business, its customers and its suppliers in the UK and the Channel Islands Liberation Group has been deliberate in its focus on local suppliers such as Walter Rose , Ar thur David, and Hobbs House , providing some of the highest quality fresh and seasonal food available These suppliers and their products will form the backbone of the food offer that will be rolled out into the new pubs alongside the drinks ranges from our strategic par tners and our own breweries Jonathan Lawson, Liberation CEO, will lead the combined group, with Alex Langlands Pearse (“Lang y”), the Cirrus Inns Founder and CEO, joining Liberation Group’s Board as a Non-Executive Director
In parallel with the transaction, Liberation Group has also agreed new, long-term banking facilities with three of its existing lenders, HSBC , Santander and NatWest, all of whom are suppor tive of this exciting transaction and the potential for the combined group going forward
Jonathan Lawson commented: “Liberation Group, Cirrus and our respective majority shareholders, share a
Commenting on trading this year Lawson added “Liberation Group has come out of the pandemic in a strong position and despite the obvious headwinds for our customers, we are on course to deliver a strong year s performance in both the Channel Islands and the UK We have obviously seen significant pressure on our cost base , but we have worked hard with our suppliers to find solutions wherever possible and have balanced pricing decisions with initiatives to deliver value to our customers As a result, we have seen a stable gross margin performance in our Pubs and Drinks business, with both showing progress vs 2019”
Congratulations to OiLChef for winning the prestigious Best Kitchen Innovation Award at the Restaurant & Takeaway Expo at the Excel in London Cooking oil is expensive Would you like to save up to 50% on fr yer oil purchases ever y month? If you do then OiLChef is for you
The OiLChef device is a small accessor y that fits inside your Deepfr yer and will double the life of your fr ying oil, saving you up to 50% on oil purchasing This is not a filter!
OiLChef is vir tually maintenance free , takes 3 seconds to install and only needs to be replaced ever y 3 years FDA Approved technolog y, and winner of “Best Kitchen Innovation Award UK 2022”, the OiLChef device is vir tually unbreakable and maintenance free
The OiLChef device is now available for fish pans and can cost as little as one pound per day and guaranteed for 3 years!!
OiLChef, trusted by industr y exper ts, used by the industr y and available for you now in the UK Contact them today via their website: www.OiLChef.com
process replacing the ‘gut feel phone and paper list’ system All available products are shown on the interface in real time , giving chefs the confidence that in a few clicks they can know exactly what products they are ordering and at what cost This is hugely impor tant, with inflation soaring and food costs changing on a daily basis, the platform provides transparency to chefs for accurate budgeting
Food waste on the restaurant and supplier side is also adding to economic worries, and it is also leading to more of a focus on creating more sustainable environments Currently 30-40% of food produced goes to waste each year and nearly three-quar ters of that waste happens in the supply chain before consumers are involved Waste is the third-largest driver of climate change If food waste were a countr y, it would be the third largest in carbon dioxide emissions on the planet
We estimate that, when using the Choco app, restaurants are saving on average 1 27 kilos ever y week by reducing their ordering mistakes and saving up to two hours ever y week by improving their efficiency in the kitchen
London's Fitzrovia district ser ving a seasonal menu of modern British cuisine , uses Choco “I’ve never come across an online food ordering platform for restaurants before , so when I was introduced to Choco I loved the concept We ve been using the platform for a few months now and it’s truly transformed the way we do things
99% of our suppliers use the platform We can see in real time what is available , and we can select exactly what we want any time of the day It not only saves me approximately 20 minutes at the end of each ser vice , but it also cuts out the human error, so I now get exactly what I ordered
Previously, when done by phone , I could be waiting around to speak to someone , then I could read something out wrong or the supplier could have noted it down wrong so with Choco, we both know exactly where we stand so it’s a more seamless efficient experience ”
Find out more about him and Choco UK at https://choco.com/us/stories/life-at-choco/london-launch https://choco.com/uk/ contact@choco com
Shaun Henderson, founder of Henderson Seafood, the Brixham-based, sustainable and ethically sourced fish supplier to the restaurant industr y is using Choco “We use it as a platform for our customers to buy online from us We typically take 50 orders a day WhatsApp or phone can be prone to human error but Choco eliminates that It saves time for our customers as they simply tick box what they want, the order comes through to us, we process it, and the invoice is automated, saving us even more time Onboarding has been quicker than ever imagined and we were up and running within two weeks - two thirds of our orders are already coming through Choco Customers have really taken to it Choco has really changed the way we do things, and we couldn’t be happier ”
Chris Bassett, Head Chef at Por tland, a Michelin starred restaurant in
Covid-19 impact diets around the UK? , also found that the switch to more plant-based eating continued as the pandemic subsided
In September 2022, ProVeg International sur veyed 1,000 UK residents about their eating habits before , during, and after the pandemic in order to compile the repor t The results were conclusive: our diets have changed, and it seems for the better
The sur vey found that, during the height of the pandemic:
• 46% of people agreed or strongly agreed that their eating hab ts had c hanged substantially;
• 39% said they ate a greater var iety of foods; 26% agreed or strongly agreed that they ate fewer animal-based foods;
• 26% of people agreed or strongly agreed that they ate more plant-based foods;
• 18% of people agreed or strongly agreed that they had both increased
consumption of plant foods and decreased consumption of animal products; and
• Of this 18%, 70% agreed or strongly agreed that they had maintained their new eating habits since the end of COVID restr ictions , while only 28% agreed or strongly agreed that they had returned to their old eating habits
COVID impacted all areas of the food-supply chain, affecting farm production food processing logistics and the transpor tation of supplies to stockists As a direct result, consumers had to alter their purchasing habits and preferences, swapping some of their favourite foods for other options, and even tr ying some foods for the first time Health motivations and a desire to enact compassion also led people to change their diet, along with the change in food availability
“Although Covid-19 caused many negative impacts on people’s lives it’s great to see that the pandemic has had a positive impact on people s diets It s promising to see that many people increased their plantbased consumption during lockdown and have maintained this change moving forward,” Jaczniakowska-McGirr said
Following the opening of their new 13,500 sq ft Trafford Park facility, sister companies Chemisphere UK and Beer Piper International are working on a drive to educate the industr y on the impor tance of good cellar hygiene and to dispel the myths that it’s a complicated process
The two companies have a unique proposition – Chemisphere are specialists in providing the hospitality industr y with premium detergents and accessories for ware-washing, beverage dispense system sterilisation and kitchen hygiene , whilst Beer Piper provide advanced beer line cleaning systems This means that
cleaner changes colour if the line is dir ty, when it
yeast and bacteria free This product revolu-
both manual cleans and automated cleans
ever-increasing workload in these difficult times,
automated beer line cleaning systems such as Beer Piper have taken the stress out of a little-loved, yet essential, task The Beer Piper unit is programmed, meaning it does all the hard work for establishments during their opening hours One of the distinctive features of the Beer Piper system is the Dispense Line Beer function which gives the option of saving much of the valuable beer that until now, was simply poured down the drain ever y week when doing a manual line clean
Chemisphere and Beer Piper continue to invest in new equipment and develop a wider range of products Wilf Worsley, Operations Director at Chemisphere said “ our research and development depar tment are hard at work and strive to lead the industr y through new product development We are the home of several pioneering products and we continue our mission to educate the industr y on the impor tance of maintaining high hygiene standards of their dispense equipment and glass hygiene to ensure optimum quality of their dispensed products ”
Both companies now look forward to continuing to execute their growth plans with Chemisphere UK focusing on expanding their product range and Beer Piper International on the launch of their new BP5 beer line cleaning machine which will utilise Chemisphere’s game changing powder-based
A wave of early retirement following the pandemic is the ‘biggest cause of labour shor tages’ across the UK according to the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee
The committee said the labour outlook for the UK was ‘bleak’ and it was critical for the government to consider how inactivity across the labour market can be addressed to help suppor t the economy
A repor t by the influential committee has examined the jump in economic inactivity, the number of people not in work or looking for work, and rising vacancies since 2020 Earlier retirement is the biggest of four factors that have made it harder to fill jobs Increasing sickness; changes in the structure of migration; and an ageing UK population, whose impact was previously concealed by other trends, have also contributed The rise in inactivity poses serious challenges to the UK economy, as it: exacerbates the current inflationar y challenge
• damages growth in the near term, and
• reduces the revenues available to finance public ser vices while demand for those ser vices will grow Lord Bridges of Headley, Chair of the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee , said: Why have so many workers left the workforce , after years of declining inactivity? Earlier retirement seems to be the biggest reason Those who are already economically inactive are becoming sicker, meaning they’re less likely to return to work So, while other factors were previously masking the impact of an ageing population on the size of the workforce , they are now reinforcing it
“Taken together these findings are , like mid-winter, bleak The rise in economic inactivity makes it harder to control inflation; damages growth, and puts pressure on already stretched public finances That’s why it’s critical the Government does more to understand the causes of increased inactivity, and whether this trend is likely to persist ”
Although the population is getting sicker, most of the rise in sickness-related inactivity is among people who were already inactive Instead the decision to retire early among 50-64 year-olds has been the key driver in the change in trend since 2020 It is critical to understand better what drove this wave of retirement Possible hypotheses should be explored First, the impact of lifestyle changes during the Covid-19 pandemic , including the furlough scheme , could have prompted some people to consider earlier retirement Second, increased savings during the pandemic and the UK’s pensions flexibilities, could also have enabled earlier retirement
The majority of those over 50 who have left the workforce since the pandemic neither want nor expect to return to work Fur thermore , most appear reasonably well-off Although this group may yet feel the full impact of the cost of living crisis it would be unwise to proceed on the basis that a significant propor tion of those who have exited the labour force since 2020 will come back, or be persuaded back
Changes to the structure of migration have had an impact on vacancies, which recently hit record high levels In recent years many EU workers, who filled lower paid roles (especially in sectors like agriculture and hospitality), have left the UK In numerical terms, their depar ture has been counterbalanced by the arrival of nonEU workers, who were granted visas under the new immigration system which prioritises skilled workers This has contributed to a mismatch within the labour force , accentuating vacancies and labour shor tages in cer tain sectors
Since the pandemic , ageing has continued to drive down labour supply The key difference is that the ageing effect is now being reinforced, rather than offset, by other factors The impact of an ageing population as a contributor to the workforce squeeze is a factor which has not received the attention it deser ves
The findings of the repor t underscore the urgency and impor tance of the Depar tment of Work and Pensions review into workforce par ticipation, which was announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the 2022 Autumn Statement
Insolvency figures released this week for November 2022 by the Government’s Insolvency Ser vice show that the number of registered company insolvencies in November 2022 was 2,029 This is 21% higher than in the same month in the previous year (1,676 in November 2021), and 35% higher than the number registered three years previously (pre-pandemic; 1,505 in November 2019)
Restructuring and insolvency professional Oliver Collinge from PKF GM said: “The large rise in corporate insolvency numbers is not surprising compared to this time last year But a material increase on pre-pandemic levels, as we are seeing now, is concerning Unfor tunately I think this is the star t, not the peak, of rising insolvencies ” It is also challenging for firms to build reliable forecasts at this stage , given the current economic uncer tainties, this in turn makes raising additional liquidity or capital more challenging Speaking to an exper t
to discuss the options available is key ” ough 2023 ahead as cash flow pressure on businesses grows and even better-performing businesses won’t be immune
Oliver continued: “The current headwinds will create challenges even for some better-performing businesses, not only those that were already in sur vival mode The cost-of-living crisis has led to the biggest fall in real pay on record and the price of energ y remains high Pressure on cash continues, and unfor tunately, we expect to see heightened levels of business failures for some time to come ”
Whilst the Covid loans, suppor t packages and inter ventions staved off many business closures; the repayments on these loans and other debt accrued during Covid, together with the worsening macro-economic climate means many businesses are beginning to experience severe cash flow pressure It’s critical businesses act early and seek advice if they are struggling now or think cash flow may be squeezed in the coming months The earlier they act, the more options they’ll have to secure the business’s long-term sur vival ”
Reduced Christmas spending and strike action impact retail, hospitality and leisure
“Many families are under financial stress and we are seeing reduced spending on the high street in the run up to Christmas as individuals brace themselves for a tough year in 2023 The ongoing strike action and cold weather is also having a knock on effect on those businesses, par ticularly in the hospitality, leisure and retail sectors, who depend on a surge in Christmas spending ”
a director ”
“For struggling businesses, it’s not too late to begin negotiations with landlords and creditors to develop manageable repayment plans Will revenues be high enough to suppor t your cost base? Will cash flows be sufficient to deal with the additional debt burden (both formal and informal) that has accrued during Covid? Perhaps a CVA is something which should be considered or, where you may need to take the difficult decision to make redundancies to sur vive , consider applying for government funding to meet the shor t-term cash impact of this ”
Of the 2,029 registered company insolvencies in November 2022: There were 1 595 CVLs which is 5% higher than in November 2021 and 50% higher than in November 2019;
290 were compulsor y liquidations, which is 437% (5 4 times) higher than November 2021 and 7% higher than November 2019;
10 were CVAs, which is the same as November 2021 but 52% lower than November 2019;
There were 134 administrations, which is 44% higher than November 2021 but 11% lower than November 2019; and
There were no receivership appointments
Natasha’s Law has significant implications for all businesses that produce foods pre-packaged for direct sale (PPDS) to customers on-site Together with putting customers at risk, those who don t comply face the possibility of large fines and reputation damage , with longer-lasting consequences for customer numbers
It’s created a product labelling challenge for food retailers But while our research found that all agree the regulation will make consumers with food allergies feel safer, many say they are finding it challenging to adapt their labelling processes
Handwritten labels open you up to the risk of human error, and preprinted labels can be costly and limit your ability to make any changes to an ingredient list - neither provide the speed accuracy and flexibility of a digital compliant food labelling solution
Brother has a strong track record of delivering tailored systems for the food ser vice and hospitality sectors and creating a solution for full ingredients labelling for PPDS food needn’t be complex or expensive
Our compact desktop devices make it easy to create long-lasting highresolution labels for allergen content, ingredients, barcodes, branding,
By Ged Cairns , Head ofDepending on setup and menu size , we offer businesses three types of solutions: a complete standalone solution with pre-built designs and prestored menus, a wirelessly connected tablet and app from one of our specialist software par tners, or a multipurpose PC-based solution that can be used alongside our free P-Touch label design and print software
One business benefitting from our multipurpose solution is café Common Ground, in Altrincham in the Nor th West
After the business star ted offering takeaway PPDS food for the first time , they used our Brother TD-4520DN professional network desktop label printer, alongside our free P-touch Editor software , which enabled them to design and print custom food labels alongside logos images and barcodes They simply connected the device to a laptop and printed off batches of labels for that day’s products
To discover more about how to integrate food labelling solutions into your business, visit www brother co uk/food-labelling
With 2023 rapidly approaching, it’s time to plan how you ’ re going to find ingredients for your new menus, the best retail food and drink, and the equipment and ser vices your business needs to keep ahead of the competition Whether you run a pub, hotel, restaurant, café, deli, farm shop, holiday park, tourist attractions, catering business, supermarket or if your business is food and drink, the Source trade show is for you
The Source trade show will take place on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th Februar y 2023, at Westpoint, near Exeter There’s been a food and drink and hospitality show in this time slot in the South West now for more than 20 years This is one of the key times of year for buyers to seek out new suppliers of products and ser vices and, in par tnership with regional food group Taste of the West, this trade show will delight your senses with the latest flavours and ideas The Source is easily the biggest and best regional trade show in the countr y You’ll discover
ever ything a food or hospitality business could possibly want, from high quality ingredients, the freshest food and drinks through to foodser vice , kitchen equipment and designs stylish furniture and the latest EPoS and other business systems to keep your operation running smoothly
This is a two day oppor tunity for you to see what s hot in the fast-moving world of cuisine , network with colleagues, and pick up on the trends, business challenges and oppor tunities shaping the sector for 2023 Meet the Newcomers, who are new companies from the South West that have never done a trade show before Plus many exhibitors put on exclusive show offers that you can advantage of!
For more information about the show and to register to attend visit www.thesourcetradeshow.co.uk/welcome You can also follow the show on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram at @SourceFoodDrink
For Christmas recipes see our new selection developed for us by master chef Peter Gor ton littlepod co uk/our-recipes/
For that extra sparkle we are putting our chopped Vanilla pods into ice cubes adding a dash of luxur y to our cocktails
Of course , the Perfect Gift for the Passionate Cook is our store- cupboard essential, LittlePod tube of Vanilla Paste Tr y rubbing it into your turkey Put a squeeze into your morning porridge , smoothies, Coffee Vanilla is perfect for savour y dishes as well as the Christmas cake!
Fancy a vegan Christmas? Our products are suitable for vegans We are also kosher cer tified and this year we are proud to say that we are a ‘Made in Devon’ Trading standards Approved company Cheers to Olly and cheers to you All Look forward to catching up in 2023!
has been awarded Equalitas
Cer tification, a globally recognised sustainability standard set for the wine sector which guarantees the winer y ’ s commitment to sustainability Tombacco, who’s wines are available in the UK through Lanchester Wines has announced the achievement following a series of both ongoing and new projects to address key sustainability issues The third-generation family business, which recently celebrated its centenar y year has implemented various practices across its wineries to minimise its impact on the environment
Solar panels are installed on Tombacco’s buildings which optimises the cost of electricity covering 10% of the company ’ s energ y needs and is the first step towards complete energ y autonomy An innovative Israeli-type drip irrigation system has been installed, that delivers just enough water and nutrients to the vines while minimising wastage And, Valoritalia, the Italian cer tification body, has rewarded 47 Anno Domini's effor ts with organic cer tification which in itself is a guarantee of attention and care to the highest standards
Fur thermore , Tombacco has introduced an employee welfare programme which, in the long term, will see them as recipients of annual awards for their good work and team building activities
Brothers Cristian and Andrea Tombacco are joint
owners of Vinicola Tombacco Cristian said: "Improvement is a path taken one step at a time and each step must follow a precise direction made up of shor t-term objectives that lead to more ambitious and prestigious long-term successes Ever y year we'll prepare a Sustainability Repor t setting out the improvement policies that we intend to put into practice , measuring the overall situation An independent body performs an audit to cer tify progress: this guarantees greater transparency, but also encourages businesses to show constant commitment and efficiency ”
"We know the path we have decided to take is a difficult one , but we do it with the awareness that this is the right one in order to stay faithful to our principles and guarantee future generations a thriving business like the one we are experiencing today,” concludes Cristian
The Equalitas standard focuses on the social, environmental and economic pillars of sustainability It’s a voluntar y cer tification procedure regarding wine sustainability with the aim of bringing together companies in the wine sector to promote one shared approach to sustainability For more information, please visit www equalitas it/en
For more information on Tombacco’s commitment to sustainability, please visit www rinomatatombacco it
With over 100 handcrafted desser ts already on offer, Just Desser ts Yorkshire have revealed their Christmas 2022 desser ts range Taking inspiration from those Christmas desser t classics, the new product range offers a unique twist on those traditional festive flavours we all love
The new festive trio includes:
A sweet butter pastr y case filled with classic mincemeat, topped with franzipan sponge and finished with a dusting of sugar snow
Classic ginger sponge topped with an irresistible toffee sauce – a real winter warmer!
Digestive biscuit base with a white chocolate pepper-
Established in 1985 in the renowned Salt s mill Just Desser ts Yorkshire specialise in baking a range of over 100 quality handcrafted desser ts
Using the finest of ingredients, the Just Desser ts Yorkshire range includes a selection of over 20 large and individual luxur y cheesecakes, decorative gateaux and cakes tar ts and pastries – featuring a range of delicious fillings, the famous Yorkshire Scoundrel, puddings and crumbles and so much more
Widely available for distribution throughout the UK, Just Desser ts Yorkshire supply the hospitality and retail sector, including pubs, restaurants and hotels with the finest of desser ts https://just-desser ts.co.uk/
Garments needed to be smar t and professionally laundered with a strong emphasis on quality and brand image It had historically experienced a lack of consistency with ser vice levels from a range of suppliers creating complexity and additional administration pressures
Elis worked closely with Har ts Group to understand its key requirements at a site level It completed site sur veys and meetings with the management team of each restaurant This helped to identify the number and type of garments required and the number of wearers enabling Elis to work out a schedule that would fit the restaurants’ exacting requirements while offering a consistent level of ser vice As a result Elis was able to reduce the number of weekly collections and deliveries increase the amount of stock in circulation and combine all ser vices into one straightforward deliver y model This reduced the carbon footprint of the ser vices being delivered and unlocked fur ther
Harr y Bown Director of Operations
Har t Group said: “Having worked with some well-known laundr y suppliers in London for many years it’s been refreshing to work with a supplier of Elis’ professionalism and quality It was impor tant that we streamlined our invoices and supply chain to remove complexity Laundr y and washroom ser vices have historically taken time to manage However, Elis has delivered on its commitments and caused no disruption to our operations during the transition ”
When holiday park guest spending is at a premium it is time to look at new ways of working Gain a new competitive advantage with Holidaymaker, our integrated Guest Experience platform to upsell holidays, increase on-park spend and encourage direct re-bookings
Holidaymaker has been designed to help you engage with your guests from the moment their booking is confirmed, allowing you to deliver key information, upsell and market new oppor tunities to them and provide an exceptional guest experience before , during and after their stay with you
We have 24 Parks already using Holidaymaker and over 100 000 guest downloads to date
Our park owner customers are already
• Earning more from ever y booking by up-selling ser vices or promoting products or ser vices from local par tner s
Creating new revenue streams by promoting special offer s , caravan sa es , and late-season deals with push notifications
• Sav ng staff time and reducing costs by prov ding all their key information and messaging via their own branded app
Holidaymaker is jam-packed with functionality, and we integrate with some of the leading park booking systems to personalise app content, including RMS, Elite Dynamics, Prophet, GemaPark, ParcVu, and CampManager, as well as activity booking systems such as
Holidaymaker app is available for single parks but can also be used by park groups with the multi-park set up Manage all the information from one central CMS and allow your guests to select their park (and respective app information) when they download the app
Here’s just a few examples of what Holidaymaker can provide to you and your guests:-
Holiday countdown and payment reminder s
• Welcome pac ks and video FAQs
Push notifications – send messages directly to your guest’s smar tphone whenever you want to notify them
• Things to do, vir tual park maps and per sonalised guest itinerar ies
• Events and special offer s
• Holiday home sales module – display your odges and caravans for sale just like RightMove
New - Digital signage module – use one CMS to manage your app and digital s gnage content and update disp ay screens around your park from your head office Book a Demo to see how Holidaymaker technolog y can help you connect directly with guests and generate new revenue oppor tunitieswww holidaymakerapp co uk/discover
was also a discussion point, with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement, especially considering the hot wastewater temperatures and potential grease which these units have to handle
It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations Also multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet This means that the installation footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated
t/stop operation of the pump is affected
The triangular low-level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline, giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens
It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a winner and will soon be featuring in combi oven installations ever ywhere
• Electronic control with push buttons for high efficiency and easy to use
• 350, 400 and 500 basket machines available 120 seconds washing cycle
• Ecoclean control system for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle
• Built in drain pump included
• Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers
• Guarantees hot rinse thermostop
• Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler
• Light function button with self diagnostic
• Self-diagnosis with errors solution, precise setting of the detergent dispenser, different temperature setting for each cycle
• Ecoclean control system for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle (only with built in drain pump)
• Thermal acoustic double door
• New inclined and deep-drawn welded tank
• Door reinforcement brackets
• Adjustable rinsing arm rotation speed
• Fully stainless steel made wash and rinse arms for low maintenance, heavy duty, all corrosion resistant
• Removable double filtering system for wash and drainage cycle
• Electronic control DIGIT with temperature display
• 4 washing cycles
• Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle
• Built in drain pump included
• Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers
• Guarantees hot rinse thermostop
• Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler
• Built in softener (only on D50S and D55S)
• Colour coded function button with self diagnostic Evolute Electronic control with lCd display
• Electronic control with LCD display
• 4 individual programmable cycles
• Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle
• Built in drain pump included
• Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers
• Break tank – AA air gap – Wras approved
• Guarantee rinse temperature 85⁰C at constant pressure
• Self cleaning cycle on drain down
• Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler
• Built in softener (only on BT55S)
• Self diagnostic
Operators should consider when purchasing a fr yer and their oil the oil capacity against production rate burner efficiency and recover y rate as well as a true cool zone in gas fr yers to help prolong the oil life Blue Seal V ray Gas Fr yers are our premium fr yer and burner system, which come at a higher price compared to some competitors’ gas models However the fuel efficiency, cost saving, performance and stainless steel high build quality far out way the additional initial cost to the operator
Blue Seal produce high performance thermostatic controlled gas & electric fr yers
Our Evolution range gas fr yers GT60 GT46 & GT45 have a premium feature benefit of all using our patented “V’Ray” burner system This system uses infrared technolog y radiating the heat into the tank, only heating the area of oil the baskets are sitting in This promotes incredibly fast recover y rates, high efficiency for limited fuel consumption provides a true cool zone in conjunction with the specially shaped tank The true cool zone prevents crumb and food debris that drops below
The oven is the cornerstone of any baking operation for caterers, licensees, and hoteliers Controlling the movement of air inside the convection oven coupled with the performance of steam generation ensures perfect heat distribution and the best baking results Whether it s a countertop oven to produce delicious snacks or full-scale ovens for busy kitchens MIWE offers the oven to suit your needs and to provide the bake quality you demand It s no wonder that top pastr y chefs request MIWE ovens for their five-star hotels
The MIWE range of convection baking ovens offer excellent quality throughout the entire product catalogue , with the benefit of gastronomic functions and auto cleaning to provide ovens that offer fantastic flexibility and energ y efficiency With a myriad of clever features to make baking a pleasure , programmable controllers to ensure consis-
the batter plates from continuous cooking and carbonising which in turn helps prevent the degrading of oil quality This all achieves considerable cost saving for the operator with fuel and oil, as well as time efficiency, producing the finished products Blue Seal also offer an additional Filtration units that give a fantastic solution to improving oil life, have great mobility and space saving features as well as powerful pumps & full stainless steel construction
Moisture , fatty acids and food residue contaminate cooking oil, spoiling fried food taste and causing the oil to smoke Blue Seal Filtamax removes impurities, quickly and effectively, maintaining consistent high cooking quality and considerable extension of oil life
The Carbon Pads remove sub-micron par ticles down to 0 5 microns – this is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand Daily filtering of fr yer oil using carbon filters can massively increase the life span of the oil creating large cost savings and create more consistent finish and taste to the food product
tent results and an automatic cleaning system that allows you to clean your baking station overnight and save energ y with the auto-star t technolog y MIWE convection ovens are designed to offer bakers the solutions to meet their needs Its ovens also feature a variety of energ ysaving technolog y The MIWE eco mode ensures the right compromise of low energ y consumption and baking-readiness is assured in between baking processes
The ultimate solution for any catering establishment, perfect for pubs, hotels, restaurants, cafes and much more.
We are an independent supplier ser ving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars restaurants and public houses
We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won t be replacing cheap internet impor ts next season It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and
scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job
We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industr y and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders waiter stations and planters all to you requirement If we can help you do drop a line to sales@cafeculture biz
Over 79% of UK diners have attested that they would spend more time and money in a restaurant if they incorporated outdoor dining
Integrating outdoor dining into your establishment is a no brainer decision especially when you consider the al fresco movement across the UK and return on investment oppor tunities For example when discussing predictions for the rise in al fresco dining in 2022, Janice H Dobson, Business Development Director at Archatrak, said: “Restaurant owners can look at it mathematically they know the value of ever y seat they offer and I encourage my clients to ask themselves, ‘what could 8 extra seats, 12 extra seats 20 extra seats mean for your business? Often they’ll find that, in a relatively shor t period of time , these outdoor areas can pay for themselves and continue generating revenue years afterward ”
The maths is simple; seating 16 people under a 4m x 4m parasol at an average spend of £12 50 per head equals £200 If you were to turn these 3 times a day
that would equal £600 If we multiply that by a realistic 4 days of the week, you ’ re looking at £2400 or £9 600 a month! Multiply that by 12 and your revenue would increase by £115k per annum Assuming 50% gross margin, the investment of 1 parasol could provide a profit contribution of £57 6k per annum, which is a welcome statistic in these economically tr ying times
What s more , our zero deposit leasing options allow for payments to be spread over 2-5 years So taking a 4mt X 4mt parasol with a moveable base , impor t, deliver y and fitting, the monthly payment over 36 months would be £184 09 or the weekly equivalent of £42 98 As such your potential R O I massively outweighs this no deposit figure What are you waiting for?! 01352 740164 www indigoawnings co uk enquiries@indigoawnings.co.uk
only from a segregated supply chain Pretty impressive Rober
gluten free and available n 15 flavour s with two vegan var ieties
Ever yone can enjoy their delicious snacks which can cater for Keto, Vegan, Sugar Free , Gluten
stock from many of our fire alarm manufacturers
As well as distributing stock via courier, if you are in the local area you can pick up your equipment from one of our many branches which have trade counters
See the adver t on page 9 or visit www.illuminoignis.co.uk
The Safety Exper t has created an online Level 2 Food Hygiene course for hospitality businesses that enables staff to learn through video The course consists of videos that are filmed in real-life scenarios with practical examples The course is created and delivered by Natalie Stanton, Founder of The Safety Exper t Natalie is a Char tered Environmental Health Officer, food safety advisor and trainer
Natalie said: Presenting information in a visual way can increase knowledge retention That’s why I opted for video My mission is to bridge the gap between elearning and face-to-face training I want to retain the flexibility and affordability of online training whilst presenting information in a visual way to ensure staff learn and remember as much as possible I know now more than ever food businesses are experiencing a high turnover of staff It is essential that all of these staff are trained to work safely After all, a business is only as good as its staff
I’m passionate about helping food businesses to succeed by ensuring their staff are trained to work safely
My experience shows that training can t just be a tick box’ exercise To produce safe food and for a business to get a good food hygiene rating staff need to understand food safety This is only possible if they learn and retain knowledge from training
Having worked as a local authority EHO for over 11 years I’ve seen many examples of how poor staff training can impact a business During a food hygiene inspection, it only takes one mistake from a food handler to cost the business its 5-star rating For example; I’ve seen food handlers panic to get food into the fridge and cause cross-contamination by storing raw meat incorrectly The EHO can’t ignore this when calculating a food hygiene rating Effective training should help staff make the right decisions when it comes to food safety ”
To find out more:
www.thesafetyexper t.co.uk
info@thesafetyexper t co uk
See the adver t on page 9 for fur ther details
Solsueño sangria in a can, introduced to the UK in spring 2022 in par tnership with Proof Drinks Ltd, has brought a premium, innovative addition to the pre-mix beverage sector and a ray of liquid Spanish sunshine to UK consumers!
Packaged in a modern 330ml slimline can at 5% abv, Solsueño is an authentic sangria, crafted in the Denominacion de Origen region of Jumilla Murcia Using local and natural ingredients, the great tasting liquid is vegan and gluten free , instantly giving consumers the ‘ sun, sea and sangria’ holiday feeling
Ideal for all indoor and outdoor settings with no preparation or wastage , the can offers single-ser ve convenience but can also be used in shared occasions adding ice and fruit in a jug The eco credentials of cans mean lower transpor t costs due to the lightness of the packaging and the cans are infinitely recyclable
Awarded Bronze in the 2022 IWSC Alternative Drinks categor y competition, the professional winetasting panel offered the following tasting notes: ‘’juicy cherr y and plum palate , with clove and cinnamon
spice giving a refreshing and drinkable palate’’
Following a first year of attending many national trade fairs, regional outdoor events, Foodie Festivals and local food & drink fairs, the overwhelming reaction to the liquid is really positive and has driven early successes with on and off-trade distribution, as well as Amazon Suppor ted by an active social media and extensive sampling campaign Solsueño has established a firm foothold and the brand is ver y much looking forward to continued successes into 2023
With pre-mix drinks growing to be a hugely popular categor y par ticularly during the summer, sangria is a natural fit given the high levels of consumer awareness due to Spain being a major holiday destination for the UK consumer Solsueño sangria, Bringing Spain to the UK! Contact us at: info@sangria-solsueno com www sangria-solsueno com @sangriasolsueno
See the adver t on page 2 for
Iconic Project Management
are on a mission to improve the reputation of the construction industr y We exist to help our clients turn their construction plans into reality It goes without saying that our clients are our number one focus We love solving their problems and delivering their projects What we love even more is to delight our clients by exceeding their expectations
Ever yone has a horror stor y of that building contractor who over-promised and under-delivered It’s almost considered standard practice to under-quote in order to secure contracts but we think that s counter-productive
Almost all our work comes from recommendations by people we ’ ve worked with in the past The reason that they are happy to recommend us is not necessarily that we quote the lowest prices and the shor test deliver y times but that we can be relied on to deliver what was agreed, by the agreed date
Our team has over one hundred years of experience between them We are exper ts at delivering restaurant and kitchen fit out projects Satisfied recent clients include Tim Hor tons, Poke House , Boparan Group and Yolk
Whether you are opening your first restaurant outlet or have a whole chain of pubs you want to fit out we can help you achieve your ambitions We’ll guide you through each step from establishing your brief procuring your design and selecting contractors, to managing the fit out
We promise to keep your budgets and timelines on track so that your restaurant or pub is perfectly ready on time for your grand opening Call us to talk through your project on 07775 543038 or email info@iconicprojectmanagement com If you d like to know more about us, or would like hints and tips on how to plan your project, check out our website at www iconicprojectmanagement com
es, panel discussions and inter views with renowned makers and designers from all corners of the industr y This will be an excellent oppor tunity for visitors to learn from the exper ts, listen to industr y trailblazers and look ahead to 2024 with recognised thought-leaders Visitors will be able to gain invaluable advice from leading voices on how to overcome potential challenges that may arise in the future for the industr y Alongside this, the Furniture Awards will also return in association with Furniture News The groupd of industr y leading judges will crown the best in the industr y across the following categories; Sustainability, Global Player, Best of British and Design Innovation Plus, visitors will be able to meet the rising star ts of the furniture industr y in the Young Furniture Makers presentation in collaboration with The Furniture Makers Company This presentation will celebrate the young faces making waves in the industr y already and visitors can be the first to discover their leading-edge designs and pieces perfect for those buyers looking for new and fresh products
Get your badge now and star t browsing our brands onlinehttps://thefurnitureshows com - see you in Birmingham!
Most made to order indoor seating and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style
Also included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selection of priced made to order seating in a selection of Faux Leather upholster y colours and wood frame colours These products can also be supplied to customer specification, just ask for details
Enquiries can be sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site
ing for Public Health Engineers, Mechanical Consultants, Architects Mechanical Installers and Specialist Resellers
The hour-long talk, which can be supplemented with a two-hour session of pump cur ve training if required, is designed to discuss and offer technical training on macerators and lifting stations for commercial and domestic buildings This CPD is par t of wastewater and drainage in the public health sector/mechanical engineering
By the end of the presentation, attendees will understand the challenges of gravity-fed drainage systems, be able to identify where and when to use a macerator or lifting station be able to navigate critical installation requirements and considerations, understand some of the key differences between the lifting station technologies, and be able to use pump cur ves to help specify the correct pump
To book a CPD for your organisation, call 020 8842
bespoke orders We deliver to all areas of the UK Ireland & Europe
We are not just a supplier ; we understand that from time to time hospitality and leisure establishments like to give themselves a fresh new look That's why not only do we supply contract furniture but when it s time for your establishment to go through a refurbishment we also offer
your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business
And YES Covid19 changed a lot of things We need to learn from those things!
Right now we are experiencing massive increases in the cost of the raw materials that we buy both Food and Drink We will take that fully into consideration When was the last time that you fully and meticulously costed out and priced correctly, ever y dish on your menu both Food and Drinks?
Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter, your Restaurant Consultant, will work on with you, and improve with you
Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development
We have a ver y good record in helping Hospitality business owners to implement processes that improve how they manage their people , which in
turn benefits the owners as well as the Team Members themselves
We can help you to manage difficult people situations, to improve your operational planning, to recruit, train and manage your team better, creating a more productive pleasant and retaining working environment
We will help you build a workable , planned Marketing Strateg y We don’t do fancy posh or expensive we just recommend what our experience says will actually work for your business
It’s no longer enough to rely on word-of-mouth and repeat business You need to employ a wealth of skills in a number of areas to ensure that your Marketing is attracting new customers and engaging with existing customers
If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better, give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a ‘’Free of Charge’’ initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer), when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you
Independent hospitality businesses play a vital role in the local community across the nation by creating jobs and providing access to essential products and ser vices When times are bad the last cutback you want to make is your insurance cover, it is the equivalent of throwing parachutes out of a plane to reduce the weight or throwing life vests out of a ship taking on water to stop it from sinking In the modern day, insurance is the only truly effective method of mitigating risk
With over 32 years of experience protecting the hospitality sector Forum Insurance understands that the key to achieving long-term success is having your business run smoothly and preparing for any unforeseen incidents Insurance is designed to do exactly that protect your livelihood your assets and your customers – paying the way for your business to truly grow
Over 3 decades we have developed longstanding relationships with insurers and a wealth of insurance broking experience in this sector We have the access and exper tise to provide your business with advice , tailored insurance covers, and competitive premiums For the most par t, we have had great success in understanding our client’s
needs, mitigating the risks involved and when they have a claim getting them back on their feet with our inhouse claims handling process We understand that if we look after our clients, our clients will look after us
Whether you ’ ve just star ted your business and are unsure which insurance covers would be beneficial for you, or you ’ re an experienced business looking for a free insurance review request a call back using our website or call 0208 909 2899 and our friendly team will be able to help you
Don t just take our word for it we have achieved a 97% satisfaction rate with our clients because we ensure they have the correct cover at a competitive price See the adver t on the facing page for details
As we enter the busy Christmas season, hospitality businesses should beware of new changes to zero hours contracts and how holiday pay is worked out Following a Supreme Cour t ruling earlier this year, the previously commonplace practice of adding 12 07% to wages to cover holiday pay for zero hours workers is no longer acceptable –and hospitality managers must act now to protect themselves
Zero hours workers, or casual workers, have no set hours and businesses are under no obligation to offer them hours This makes them an attractive solution to seasonal rush periods like Christmas or major spor ting events which see pubs, bars, hotels and clubs heat up in terms of footfall
The ver y nature of zero hours work means that people under these contracts end up working variable hours, but this causes difficulty with holidays as all workers in the UK are entitled to paid time off When there is no set amount paid each week, it becomes tricky to work out a formula to ascer tain holiday entitlement and so many organisations settled on enhancing the time worked by 12 07% to reflect a holiday pay allowance
However, following a recent challenge to this protocol, the Supreme Cour t has now ruled this this is legally incorrect and that employers must follow a new process to establish holiday pay entitlement Now, employers need to work out how many hours were worked on average in the last 52 weeks where the person worked This gives a weekly average which
is then multiplied by 5 6 (5 6 weeks being the minimum holiday amount, including all bank holidays) to give a holiday allowance In many cases, this will give a greater sum that the 12 07% method
This change will impact all businesses using zero hours workers but par ticularly those who use seasonal workers, due to the ruling that the average must be taken from weeks worked, not merely the past 12 months – which would have brought their average pay rate down
There are two solutions for businesses using zero hours workers:
Firstly you can approach the issue by ensuring that all seasonal workers have clearly defined fixed term contracts for each season worked This takes away the ongoing agreement to offer work, removing a yearround relationship and agreeing upfront a holiday entitlement
The risk with this approach, however, is that workers may not return following the completion of their fixed term contract; so you must be confident that you can easily replace these workers before choosing this route
A second option is to tackle this change proactively with zero hours workers making sure they take annual leave throughout the year so they do not accrue huge payments
Whatever is right for your business it’s advisable to receive proper legal input and speak to an exper t to find out what is goinG to be best for your organisation