CLH Digital - Issue #146

Page 1 CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews Issue 146 Calls for Inquiry into Energy Suppliers “Withheld Support” for Hospitality Sector Sector leaders have called for an urgent inquir y into the conduct of energ y suppliers and its treatment of the hospitality sector, amid accusations of profiteering The British Beer and Pub Association earlier this week wrote to Harriett Baldwin MP and Darren Jones MP, Chairs of the Treasur y and Business Select Committee respectively, to urge them to convene an immediate inquir y into the energ y sector and potential instances of profiteering Introduced in October, the Government’s Energ y Bill Relief Scheme was intended to bring down energ y costs for millions of businesses but has since had little positive impact for the brewing and pub sector The trade body is repor ting countless examples of price hikes and poor practice which in many cases have meant the impact of Government suppor t is effectively nil, and has led to suspicions of profiteering on the back of taxpayers’ money (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 )

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital

Our lead stor y raises “alarm bells” The energ y costs suppor t promised by the government which the sector is in dire need of, appears not to be passed on to operators and accusations of “profiteering” are rearing their ugly head!

It seems that energ y companies are profiting off the back of the current economic crisis, with energ y costs still on average between 200-300% of previous years bills, while oil and gas prices are lower than the period prior to the Russian invasion

Energ y companies are accused of withholding money, reducing payment terms, excluding cer tain businesses from energ y supply, as well as withholding the subsidy benefit from the Government Energ y Relief Scheme , resulting in businesses being financially compromised

And, understandably, there are calls for an enquir y I would go even fur ther than that! This is from a bill put before the Houses of Parliament on 11 August 1919, 104 years ago: “The Bill which we have to consider today is a carefully considered measure to deal with what all thinking men must regard as a serious evil It contains within it an implicit definition of profiteering Perhaps I may summarise it as follows: To profiteer is to make unreasonably large profit, all the circumstances of the case being considered, by the sale to one ' s fellow-citizens of an ar ticle which is one or one of a kind of common use by or for the majority of the population ”

Suffice to say, the profiteering bill was passed all those

years ago! So, as far as I understand, there are still laws in place that prevent companies from “profiteering”

So it is a matter of urgency, as some businesses stare into the abyss, to dispense with the tired old clichés we see at ever y inquir y: Lessons will be learned and this is a wakeup call for us all” and implement a law passed in 1919 to punish companies if they are guilty of profiteering

I will be putting out an aler t today to see if we can have some legal perspective on this, so please do watch out for coming issues

In another ar ticle (see page 9) over three quar ters (77%) of businesses in the night-time economy have called for the late night levy to be abolished I don’t wish to sound flippant but what are the other 22% thinking?!

The Government launched its consultation on the Late Night Levy charge earlier this month, that will be applicable to premises in England & Wales that provide late night refreshment (defined as the supply of hot food and hot drink to the public between 11pm and 5am)

Currently, the Late Night Levy, where adopted, is an added annual fee that operators of licensed premises within the local authority area must pay if their premises licence or club cer tificate authorises the sale of alcohol during a specified period between midnight and 6am (subject to a small number of exemptions)

The Levy was introduced in 2012 However to date only nine local authorities have the Levy in place , one of which, Liverpool, is considering removing it Cheltenham, Southampton and Nottingham removed their Levies in favour of a BID (Business Improvement District)

I am at a complete loss to see the logic behind the consultation to impose yet another tax on an industr y which is experiencing such catastrophic trading conditions

Where on ear th does anybody involved in the consultation think this additional tax would come from?

Other stories we have printed revealed that food inflation for the hospitality sector is reached an all-time high of 24%, and another repor t by the Federation of Small Businesses says that economic confidence has collapsed

So, take all those ingredients and add a late night levy/tax” - yes that’ll help!

At the time of writing this the Chancellor had only just completed setting out his “economic vision for the future”

I have not had the time to analyse it in full yet, and I have not had any response from the sector (see next week s issue), but I see precious little which gives confidence to the hospitality sector

The speech centred around digital and technolog y, and removing EU red tape concentrating on Digital Technolog y Green Industries, Life Sciences, Advanced Manufacturing and Creative Industries

Only two months ago the Chancellor saw first-hand the anger and the passion outside his own Treasur y offices when the sector came together to protest at his treatment of hospitality

I was there , and I remember the passionate speeches, and the loud noises made outside Parliament and his offices

We were there to voice our anger at the situation the sector finds itself in not of its own making, but of the government’s making

Their policies have pushed the sector to the brink, and he/they owes it to the sector to put it right Unfor tunately

I have seen nothing in today’s statement that remotely touches on that!

One more thing! once again I would ask the favour - we want more Twitter followers !!!

So please do follow us on Twitter, and encourage as many people you know in the trade to subscribe to our digital issue fur ther details can be seen at www catererlicensee com

The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House , Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team Whilst ever y care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects errors or omissions therefrom All rights reser ved reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised

Published by PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House , Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 FAX: 01202 552666 sales@catererlicensee com www CLHNews co uk @CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES David Bar tlett Guy Stephenson PRODUCTION & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox Published by Editor's
2 CLH Digital Issue 146
EDITOR Peter Adams

Calls for Inquiry into Energy Suppliers “Withheld Support” for Hospitality Sector


Repor ts from publicans and brewers include sharp increases in nonenerg y costs being layered onto bills, harsh new terms and conditions, requirements for enormous up-front security deposits and even flat out refusing to contract with hospitality businesses at all

The BBPA has written to the energ y regulator Ofgem which is investigating the claims, but says there is a need for action immediately to prevent what is already becoming the number one cause of business failure in the sector The BBPA is calling on MPs in Westminster to demand an explanation from energ y suppliers for the current state of the market It is also essential that the recent reduction in wholesale prices is reflected in energ y bills quickly


Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association said:

“The spiralling cost of energ y has been our members’ number one concern for close to a year now and remains so Now, multiple repor ts of poor practice have compelled us to speak up on behalf of suffering businesses and make this urgent call

“There is no doubt that this is causing businesses to fail – people simply cannot afford to make ends meet and are left with no choice but to shut up shop meaning a community loses its pub or brewer y, and the jobs and livelihoods that go with it, for good

“The Government put this suppor t measure in place to stop this ver y thing from happening, but the energ y suppliers just don’t seem to be playing fair The damage being wrought on our sector is enormous and I hope that MPs will heed this call and investigate the issues fully ”


C AMRA Chair Nik Antona said: “Huge increases in prices, fees and charges for pubs and breweries have effectively cancelled out the Government’s help with bills for many businesses, putting the future of many of our much-loved locals at risk as they struggle to make ends meet

“Parliament and Government should urgently investigate any unfair treatment of businesses in the beer and pub sector by energ y companies and take action to make sure that licensees and brewers know how much their energ y bills are going to be each month Those bills must be fair and without unreasonable extra fees, charges or up-front deposits added on

“Given that many businesses haven’t had the reduced energ y costs they were expecting as a result of this behaviour by energ y companies, C AMRA is urging the Chancellor to use his Budget in March to announce more suppor t with energ y bills to help save the UK’s world-

renowned pubs and breweries The Chancellor also needs to cut duty on beer and cider ser ved in pubs by 20% and make the business rates system fairer if our locals are to sur vive this cost-of-doing-business crisis ”


Sacha Lord, the Night Time Economy Adviser for Greater Manchester, also called for an urgent inquir y into evidence of withheld energ y suppor t for the struggling hospitality sector as financial deadlines loom

Operators speaking to Mr Lord have stated they haven’t yet received any of the entitled suppor t since it was introduced last September, and now fear they will miss out altogether once reductions are brought in from the end of March, as announced by the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt

It is predicted that many operators will be unlikely to withstand the increased financial burden that the expected energ y prices will bring, on top of existing Covid loan repayments due Mr Lord who will meet with MPs next week to discuss the issue believes the next quar ter will be too difficult for some , he said: “Pubs, bars and restaurants have been most damaged by the economic turbulence of the past three years and suppor t is now being pulled from under businesses that are only just beginning to recover “I’m hearing from pubs where monthly energ y bills are exceeding rent payments, and others who have temporarily shut sites during the colder winter months to save on gas and electricity costs ”

We also have evidence of energ y providers who have either not yet applied any Government suppor t payments to business accounts, or have not applied the full amounts owed and we are urgently pressing Ofgem and the Government to investigate


The owner of Capuchin Coffee in Altrincham, Greater Manchester, confirmed, Our business has not had any money put into our business account from the government yet”, while Damien O’Shea, Director at Stockpor t’s Heaton Hops bar, stated, “We still have not seen any Government suppor t discount applied to our energ y bills yet

On Sunday, EDF, one of the UK s largest energ y providers, revealed it is failing to pass on emergency government help with bills to about 2,000 small businesses EDF admitted to The Times that “systems issues” meant that cer tain businesses had not received the correct state-funded discount

The news comes as a predicted decrease in consumer spending across hospitality adds fur ther peril to businesses struggling to sur vive in the sector Research from the Resolution Foundation has revealed that the average disposable income for a working-age family’s household will fall by 3 percent this financial year, while household budgets have come under pressure after food prices rose by a record 13 3 per cent in December 2022

Lord continued “From the end of March we will see a hailstorm of damage inflicted on businesses, from the removal of energ y suppor t to rises in income tax thresholds, which will fur ther affect consumer spending Unfor tunately we will see many businesses close down as a result of these extra pressures ”

“We are moving from one financial crisis to another, and the Treasur y urgently needs to put forward a long term financial plan, which will not only secure economic growth and stabilise the industries currently in peril, but instil confidence in business owners across the UK ”


Fiona Botham, co owner of Ramsbottom’s Levanter restaurant has been forced to temporarily close sites during the winter months due to building financial pressures

She said “We have taken the hard decision to hibernate two of our spaces in Ramsbottom for the rest of the winter to cut costs for the immediate future , whilst keeping our original Square Street restaurant open Unfor tunately this has led to two par t time job losses and reduced hours for the rest of our team

“We’ve tried ever ything possible to avoid this scenario but the overall cost of living and cost of doing business, most seriously the untenable hike in energ y prices have both seriously reduced demand and simultaneously led to huge rises in our costs from ever y angle

“We’re just hoping that when we can reopen our outside tables on the street in the Spring and that this will boost revenue , but it is going to be ver y hard to make up the difference in rising energ y costs These are ver y difficult times ”

Gemma Gardener who runs The York in Morecambe said: “Not only have our energ y bills been extor tionate but our supplier has also added on extra unexpected charges outside of our standard rates, from a £2k installation fee to doubling our daily hire charge unexpectedly

“We have tried to switch suppliers but been rejected, and the only reason we ’ re able to keep going is because our pub company is helping us through We’re struggling with our bills but so are our customers and so we ’ re being squeezed at both ends

“Not knowing what we’ll be charged month on month is incredibly scar y, this isn’t only our business but our home and we ’ re at the mercy of our energ y suppliers ”


Analysis by real estate advisor y firm Gerald Eve recently found that the government only handed out only 80% of the money available from its £1 5bn Covid additional relief fund, which was set up to help businesses that were not covered by other tax relief schemes The data found that eligible companies missed out on around £300m of business rates relief in total

Issue 146 CLH Digital 3

Supporting Mental Health During the Cost of Living Crisis

The hospitality sector can be forgiven for wondering when it will catch a break After all, the feeling of being in a permanent state of battle since 2020 and facing a cocktail of issues including high energ y costs, debt consumers tightening their budgets and Brexitrelated trading problems mean that for many businesses, the star t of 2023 is about day-to-day sur vival With warnings being issued by insolvency practitioners that thousands of firms face collapse in 2023, pressure in the sector is immense It is perhaps no surprise then that with 92% of adults in the UK repor ting that their cost of living has increased compared to a year ago, financial pressures and concerns about taking time off work because of deteriorating wellbeing are a recipe for chronic stress levels, and can increase feelings of anxiety loneliness and isolation which are key factors for mental ill health

With that being the case , the question arises as to how employers in the sector can best respond?


It can sometimes be forgotten that business owners face an invidious and often lonely situation in navigating such a difficult period in seeking to keep their workforce and supply chain together It is essential that employers take steps to safeguard their own mental health and wellbeing in order that they can be in a position to lead by example in suppor ting their employees Steps such as joining an active mentoring group and/or engaging a business coach can help with fostering positive and constructive influences Talking about mental health can be really difficult and if employees see their bosses speaking out about their own experiences, this can help break down stigma and help to create a more inclusive and open work culture


Employers should consider how they can best improve the employee experience in terms of wellbeing provi-

sion It is cost-effective and sensible to hold regular check-ins with employees to allow oppor tunities for discussions around mental health and wellbeing to develop A manager may not always know what is best to say, or may feel that they need to “fix” the situation In reality, most people just want to feel heard and that their needs are approached from a position of empathy



“By failing to prepare , you are preparing to fail ” This well-worn cliché has par ticular salience where mental health is concerned In order to combat issues of absenteeism and presenteeism leading to high-levels of turnover and potentially costly disputes, employers should acquire the tools to spot the early signs and symptoms of a mental health issue developing or of an existing condition worsening so they can provide suppor t and early inter vention This means ensuring that managers receive high quality, tailored and regular training to help an employer discharge its duty of care to ensure the health and safety of its workforce so far as is reasonably practicable


Employers can help demonstrate that they take mental health seriously by ensuring that employees are made aware of where to find wellbeing suppor t information both within the business and via external resources This includes signposting to confidential advice helplines, which can be a cost-effective yet vital ingredient to provide employees with access to the suppor t they need, when they need it


Employers are recommended to identify what actually matters to their employees and in what context they may benefit from extra wellbeing suppor t throughout the employment life cycle For example employers should consider whether they can improve their employee experience on pay, including whether it is feasible to allow a propor tion of salar y be accessed early, or to provide benefits such as discounted g ym memberships to give employees a potential outlet to help them build up their resilience

It is clear that effor ts to improve mental health in the sector require a redoubling of effor ts in 2023 Employers and employees alike need not face these issues alone

A Kent Club Has Been Named Best in the Country

The Marden Village Club has won C AMRA’s prestigious Club of the Year award

A recently refurbished club located in the centre of Marden has been named best in the countr y in C AMRA’s Club of the Year competition Marden Village Club in Kent was completely renovated in 2017 to produce a light, air y, and friendly atmosphere This Grade II listed community hub boasts six real ales generally from local microbreweries and a snooker and dar ts teams for its members Many members are involved in these teams; others simply enjoy the friendly ambiance and watch live football and rugby on the spor ts TV

Simon Banfield Marden Village Club Steward said: “We are really thrilled to have won this year To have made it into the top four clubs nationally of what is a really strong competition was a real honour and a great achievement, but to go on and win, receiving recognition from C AMRA for the work that we do here for our members, is fantastic It really is a big team effor t, with a huge thanks to the proactive committee that organises our regular enter tainment and live music events, as well as under take an incredible amount of fundraising for our chosen charities A huge thank you as well to our

amazing bar team who work really hard to provide a friendly warm welcome alongside great ser vice , and also to our cleaner who keeps the club clean and tidy As a large par t of the award is about great real ales, we must thank all of our suppliers who provide us with some fantastic products and ser vice

“Lastly the biggest thanks of all goes to our members who come out and suppor t us in what we do and in turn provide a great atmosphere making the club a fantastic place to be in ”

C AMRA Awards Director Laura Emson said: “Huge congratulations are in order for the Marden Village Club which truly epitomises what it is to be a club at the hear t of its local community From organising charity events to running a warm hub for people struggling during the winter months, they are so much more than just a local business ”

Clubs in the competition are selected by C AMRA volunteers and judged on their atmosphere , decor, welcome , ser vice , value for money, customer mix and most impor tantly – quality of beer Runners-up include the Cheltenham Motor Club in Cheltenham, Dobcross Band Social Club in Greater Manchester and Barnton Cricket Club in Merseyside-Cheshire

Tackling Cost of Living Crisis Top of Mind for UK Food & Drink Shows

Bringing together the ver y best of the hospitality manufacturing and grocer y speciality & convenience retail sectors, the UK Food & Drink Shows return to the NEC , Birmingham this April 2023 (24th – 26th), to showcase the ver y latest products, big thinking, key insights and address key trends through the lens of the developing cost-of-living crisis

The must-attend event unites Food & Drink Expo, Farm Shop & Deli Show, National Convenience Show and Foodex Manufacturing Solutions (incorporating Ingredients) under one roof, giving food and drink professionals 2023’s most comprehensive snapshot of the latest developments across multiple industries

The three-day event is well known for its ability to bring together the great and the good from the industr y ’ s diverse sectors with innovative exhibitors hot-topic seminars and business-changing awards central to the shows’ unparalleled line-up

The UK has thus far narrowly avoided recession yet the cost-of-living crisis continues to affect ever y par t of the industr y We’ll hear from the manufacturers, supply chain operators, retailers, food producers, star t-ups and key associations as they come together to discuss measures already in place and what comes next

Andrew Reed Managing Director – Wine & Exhibitions William Reed said: “Across the UK Food & Drink Shows’ three days, we’ll be addressing exactly what impact the heightened cost of living is having on the industr y, grilling our exper t panels on what can be done to help and highlighting the latest products and solutions the sector has to offer

“The UK Food & Drink Shows are historically an event in which industr y professionals can come together, dissect problems, and share ideas Our industr y ’ s spirit was laid bare throughout the Coronavirus pandemic now – as we face yet another challenge – I have no doubt that we will unite once again in April to prove our resilience ”

Food & Drink Expo invites buyers and decision makers across the whole industr y to come along and uncover the hottest trends, latest product launches and the industr y ’ s vision for the future

Free to attend, one trade badge provides access to all four shows Register free at www foodanddrinkexpo co uk

4 CLH Digital Issue 146

Chancellor Sets Out Long-Term Vision to Grow the Economy

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has today (Januar y 27) set out his vision for long-term prosperity in the UK, calling on businesses in key growth areas to invest in the UK and expressing his desire to make the UK an attractive site for innovators and entrepreneurs

Speaking at Bloomberg’s European headquar ters in London the Chancellor opened his speech on the economy by highlighting one of the UK’s major growth sectors – technolog y – before revealing that the opening section of his speech had been written by ChatGPT, the AI software that was released late last year

Getting the economy growing faster is one of the government s five priorities, as set out in Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s New Year address Mr Hunt outlined how he intends to deliver upon that over the coming years, ahead of the Spring Budget due on 15th March

The Chancellor Jeremy Hunt said: “Our plan for this year remains to halve inflation, grow the economy and get debt falling

“But all three are essential building blocks for much bigger ambitions for the years beyond

“World-beating enterprises to make Britain the world’s next Silicon Valley

“An education system where world-class skills sit alongside world-class degrees

“Employment oppor tunities that tap into the potential of ever y single person so businesses can build the motivated teams they need

“And oppor tunities spread ever ywhere just as our talent is spread ever ywhere ”

The Chancellor went on to call on businesses in the key growth sectors of Digital Technolog y, Green Industries, Life Sciences, Advanced Manufacturing and Creative Industries to increase their investment in the UK, with the Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance already leading work on how we should change regulation to better suppor t safe and fast introduction of new emerging technologies

The Chancellor added: “If anyone is thinking of star ting or investing in an innovation or technolog y-centred business, I want them to do it in the UK I want the world’s tech entrepreneurs, life science innovators, and clean energ y companies to come to the UK because it offers the best possible place to make their vision happen

“And if you do, we will put at your ser vice not just British ingenuity - but British universities to fuel your

innovation, Britain’s financial sector to fund it and a British government that will back you to the hilt ”

Digital Secretar y Michelle Donelan said: “I believe that Britain is uniquely placed in the world to become the number one home for tech - one where entrepreneurs have both the stability, but also the freedom, to invest and innovate

“We have a clear vision for where this countr y is going, and a government that is prepared to match that ambition with action That’s why this year we ’ re bringing forward new laws to transform digital markets, free up businesses to innovate with data, and set out our strateg y for globally impor tant semiconductors ” Business Secretar y Grant Shapps said: “We stand at the cusp of a new age , facing a technological revolution that will transform the world as deeply as the industrial revolution did in the nineteenth centur y

The UK has an oppor tunity to be at the forefront of this revolution, building upon our world-class research infrastructure and open markets to scale up the business titans of the future here in Britain, in ever ything from AI to quantum from robotics to biotechnolog y ”

The Chancellor set out his aim to increase enterprise , suppor ting businesses by using our new-found Brexit freedoms to review regulations in key growth sectors to make it easier for companies to innovate , alongside the impor tance of competitive business taxation

He reiterated the impor tance of employment and tackling economic inactivity, helping more people into work and filling the vacancies in the jobs market He also outlined ambitions to help more disabled people and those with mental illnesses into work, and a pensions system that encourages continued workforce par ticipation The Work and Pensions Secretar y is thoroughly reviewing issues holding back workforce par ticipation, with a repor t due to conclude shor tly

The Prime Minister and the Chancellor have both placed enormous impor tance on education, with £2 3 billion of additional funding for 23-24 and 24-25 announced at the Autumn Statement and continued implementation of the government’s skills reforms The government has already made progress with T-levels, boot camps and apprenticeships

And finally the aim of levelling up ever ywhere across the UK, ensuring that all areas feel the benefits of economic growth with empowered local areas and reducing the time it takes to build new infrastructure Already the Levelling Up Fund has awarded £3 8 billion to projects across the UK and the UK Government is working to launch Freepor ts in ever y countr y in Britain, with several already operating in England and the locations of two having recently been announced in Scotland

The Secretar y of State for BEIS Grant Shapps and Secretar y of State for Culture Media and Spor t also delivered keynote speeches at the event

Issue 146 CLH Digital 5

Wedding Business Is The Driver To Success

We are owner operators of a small but thriving countr y hotel near Sandwich in Kent Although our hotel accommodation is on point and our restaurant award winning we prefer to rely on our repution as one of our county's most prolific wedding hosts - and with good reason-its the most profitable segment to our business driving 90% of our profits


This year we celebrate our 30th year of ownership Our business has sur vived multiple recessions Brexit unfair treatment by the now taxpayer owned Natwest (formerly RBS) and most latterly and most profoundly the global Covid pandemic

So how have we managed to be sufficiently resilient to come through this most latest of challenges and what strategies will we be depending upon to sustain the health of our business moving forward?

The engagement of a top accountancy firm who take the time to understand your business is absolutely vital I am in no doubt that had I not met Paul Randall, (senior par tner of UK top 50 London-based accountancy firm RPG Crouch Chapman) then our business could have ver y easily failed Too many small businesses in hospitality do fail needlessly because they don't get good advice and exper tise at the right time or at all


At the time the pandemic struck we were sitting on a record order book of booked events (weddings) and occupancy Covid put paid to a forecasted EBITDA in 2020 of £300k (34%) making way to an enormous trading loss of £190k Despite this deficit which previously would have been unfathomable , we were able to remain viable A combination of suppor t packages from our current bankers (suspension of commercial loan repayments) and rates refunds from council made a dramatic difference Although our balance sheet took a hit, the government backed furlough and covid loan schemes made sur vival for us as cer tain as it could be All these schemes though depended on us working ver y closely with our accountants - and in the case of the bank suppor t and Covid loan negotiations, swifty instructing Paul and his team to produce the required detailed suite of information that was essential to ensure that our applications for suppor t were successful

In addition to having no sales income we were staring down the "barrel of a gun " in potential refunds of over £1/2m Our core business niche is weddings and so hundreds of thousands of pounds in refunds were a real possibility The lifeblood of any business is its order book so it became ver y impor tant for us to preser ve this as best we could

Despite Covid we were able to communicate clearly and regularly with all our valued wedding clients which

maintained their confidence in us Although the CMA event deposit guidelines were clear in that all deposits for events were unconditionally refundable , none of our booked wedding clients (212 at the time) asked for or demanded a refund Some of our clients changed their wedding date up to four (4) times


What are seeing now is the gradual normalising of all market conditions and business costs Some characterise whats' happening in hospitality and business as "payback" that's to perhaps say what the government gave in one hand during Covid they are now [indirectly] taking away The manifestation of this taking away is the resumption of normal vat levels, no furlough suppor t, Covid loan repayments, higher bank interest rates, bank repayment holiday removal and out of control inflation The result for our business has been dramatic with monthly overheads around 33% or £15,000 higher than pre-pandemic Fur ther our cash burn post pandemic has been dramatic


Assuming you have belief and confidence in your product and ser vice you must react quickly to market forces Don't allow the increased costs to erode your margins and immediately adjust your pricing upwardly Be bold, be confident as good quality customers are out there and still spending Our selling prices for weddings and accommodation have increased at a faster rate than our costs and we have discovered to our benefit that our price elasticity to demand (how demand is influenced by price) is extremely low

Selling Price Movement

at The Blazing Donkey*

Pre Covid Dbl Room Rate £145

Post Covid Dbl Room Rate £220

Pre Covid 100 Guest Wedding £6k

Post Covid 100 Guest Wedding £10k

*inc VAT

On the flipside we continue during these tough times to monitor cost of sales spend Instead of remaining loyal to our traditional and established supply chain we now "spot buy" in respect of food and drinks purchases In addition we continue to respect a self imposed non essential spend ban Although the proper ty needs maintaining it does not need fur ther or increased capital expenditure


Concluding our initiatives and strategies have allowed our firm to restore its current balance sheet value to levels preceded by COVID


Local Community Pub Reopens Following £120,000 Investment

The Keynsham Cour tyard, formally The Wine Bar, a local community pub in Keynsham, Bristol will reopen on Friday 3rd of Februar y following a significant £120,000 combined investment from pub company Admiral Taverns, which owns community pubs across England, Scotland, and Wales, and passionate licensee Rober t Moore

The pub will see a major transformation throughout, following the previous exterior renovation which took place in August 2021 which included a new decking, long tables and seating As par t of the latest investment, inside , the pub will feature an updated look, including new flooring and light fittings Outside , the pub will be painted a vibrant blue with fresh new signage to welcome residents back into The Keynsham Cour tyard

Licensee Rob, has 10 years of experience in the industr y, running hospitality establishments from spor ts bars to high-end restaurants Rob is passionate about the hospitality industr y and brings a wealth of knowledge to the Keynsham Cour tyard He is keen to create a lively community establishment for residents to socialise in and is working hard to transform this old building into a Quality Community Pub

Rober t Moore , Licensee at the Keynsham Cour tyard, commented: “I am thrilled to be reopening The Keynsham Cour tyard and showcase its revitalised look and feel to the community I am extremely pleased with the results so far and am proud of how I’ve taken this pub from strength to strength over the last two years I cannot wait to welcome the community back to their local and highlight all the pub s new and fantastic


On top of its transformation, the Keynsham Cour tyard is offering a brandnew, premium drinks selection, which includes speciality cocktails, a new list of wines from all over the world, the best draught products, and premium spirits Moving forward, Rob is planning to introduce a food offering to accompany his wide selection of beverages

In terms of enter tainment, Rob will be treating customers to frequent evening events throughout the week, to truly bring the local community together This will include live music ever y Friday and Saturday evening a for tnightly quiz and an open mic night ever y Sunday

Additionally Rob will also hold weekly mental health coffee mornings to fur ther reinforce the pub’s position as a community pillar, to combat loneliness These will take place ever y Friday, welcoming anyone and ever yone for a coffee and a chat, to combat feelings of loneliness within the community

David Stallard, Business Development Manager at Admiral Taverns commented: “It’s fantastic to see how passionate Rob is about the pub, which has been demonstrated through the excellent refurbishments in the past couple of years I cannot wait for the reopening after this extensive and fantastic transformation from the Wine Bar to The Keynsham Cour tyard, which I am sure will be a fantastic hub open all day ever y day in the centre of Keynsham for years to come I would recommend anyone in the area to take a visit and I wish the pub ever y success for the future ”

Star Rolls Out Smart Meters to a Third of its Pubs to Help Cut Energy Bills

With high utility bills a major concern for Iicensees, Star is installing gas and electricity smar t meters at a third of its pubs to help reduce their energ y consumption The programme means all pubs buying energ y through its Star Energ y* scheme will have the meters by the end of April 2023

765 pubs will receive the meters, which will enable them to better understand their consumption patterns and cut their energ y usage From trials in its Just Add Talent (JAT) managed operator pubs, Star expects licensees to be able to slash their energ y use by at least 10% as a result of having a smar t meter

Under the initiative , Star has also appointed energ y exper ts to analyse usage data from the smar t meters and is sending specialist sur veyors to 20 of its JAT pubs to monitor how they consume energ y Based on the findings, all licensees

par ticipating in Star’s energ y scheme will receive bespoke recommendations on how to best cut their energ y usage , taking into account the type of pub they run and the style of their building In addition, generic guidance on the most effective ways of reducing pubs’ energ y bills will be drawn up and shared with those Star pubs not on the company s energ y scheme

Says Mark MacDonald, Star Pubs & Bars’ Head of Pub Ser vices: “We’re committed to doing all we can suppor t to licensees in reducing their overheads Our pilots have proved that smar t meters are a vital tool in cutting energ y costs, allowing licensees to see how much gas and electricity they’re using at different times of day and eradicate unnecessar y consumption With energ y bills at record levels, the minimum 10% saving is substantial for licensees ”

6 CLH Digital Issue 146

2022 Ends with Record High 24% Food Inflation

The CGA Prestige Foodser vice Price Index (FPI) ended 2022 at record highs, with the Food basket nearly one quar ter higher than December 2022

The FPI full basket which includes beverages ended slightly below this level at 22 9%

December 2022 marks the eleventh consecutive month of double-digit inflation, after a year of intense inflationar y pressures for foodser vice businesses Year-on-year inflation in the food basket of the Index excluding beverages was even higher at 24%

All ten categories of the Index recorded inflation of at least 10% in December with more than half topping 20% The Oils & Fats categor y led the surge with year-on-year inflation surging to a spectacular high of 47%

As we enter 2023 the Index from CGA and Prestige reveals mixed signals from supply markets on future pricing Oil and exchange rates, the two leading upstream influencers on food prices, are more benign than

during most of 2022, and the UN’s FAO Food Price Index fell by 1 9% in December 2022 a ninth consecutive month of decline to take it to 1% below its value a year ago

However, energ y costs continue at extremely high levels against a background of tightening government suppor t while higher labour costs across supply chains show few signs of relief With a significant easing in prices only likely to begin with an end to conflict in Ukraine , the outlook for 2023 therefore remains volatile

Prestige Purchasing CEO Shaun Allen said: “The next step on our inflation journey will be when the current 2% to 4% month-on-month increases star t to slow down We expect this to star t to happen in the months ahead, but we are likely to experience an extended period where prices continue to go up, but just more slowly These market conditions provide an oppor tunity for some suppliers to increase prices ahead of market, and buyers should seek hard data to verify and benchmark any increases during 2023 ”

James Ashurst, client director at CGA by NielsenIQ, said: “Businesses up and down the foodser vice supply chain were besieged by inflation in 2022, and as we enter 2023 there is little respite in sight Alongside the cost of living crisis for consumers, soaring food and drink prices are piling enormous pressures on hospitality, and sustained government suppor t is needed to protect businesses and jobs in this vital sector of the UK economy ”

Hospitality Industry Serves Up a Fundraising Record for Action Against Hunger UK

The UK hospitality industr y has stepped up to the plate , raising just shy of half a million pounds – a record-breaking amount – for international charity Action Against Hunger UK

Over 200 restaurants across the UK signed up to take par t in the charity’s Love Food Give Food campaign throughout October and November 2022 By adding just £1 to a customer’s bill, these restaurants helped raise £466,154 to tackle hunger in the UK and across the world

Award-winning restaurant group, Tao Group London (which includes restaurants Hakkasan and Yauatcha) were one of over 200 restaurant groups that took par t in this year ’ s campaign Lauren Dodds Marketing Manager of Tao Group said:

“Working in the hospitality industr y we are acutely aware of the impact that food can have on people’s lives, and we are delighted to be a par tnering restaurant helping suppor t Action Against Hunger Life-threatening hunger is such an impor tant cause and one close to our hear ts – with a love of food we are committed to helping fight the crisis

Action Against Hunger UK s campaign has raised over £3 5 million since Love Food Give Food s inception

in 2011 Despite Covid-19 and the cost-of-living crisis affecting the amount of people eating out, this year ’ s campaign exceeded targets and raised £62,000 more than 2021

The star of this year ’ s campaign was YO! Sushi Par tnering with Action Against Hunger for the second year in a row, the restaurant chain raised an impressive £241,740 across 52 restaurants

Victoria Mathers, Head of Marketing at YO! Sushi said: “Love Food Give Food is the perfect example of how food can be a powerful tool for change We’re extremely proud to suppor t Action Against Hunger UK’s campaign again this year so more mouths can be fed across the world – including here in the UK ”

The money raised will suppor t thousands of children and communities facing life-threatening hunger across the world including Somalia Kenya and Ukraine Jean-Michel Grand, Executive Director at Action Against Hunger UK said: “We are delighted to announce that Love Food Give Food 2022 has raised this record-breaking amount for the charity This would not be possible without the immense suppor t from restaurants and the generosity of diners A huge thank you to ever yone who took par t to help us tackle life-threatening hunger

Finger Clickin’ Good: How Hospitality Can Get Better at SEO

But what the vibrant nature of the sector does surface is that outlets’ search marketing strategies need to be more effective than ever


Our analysis of consumer search terms for our recent Restaurant SEO Repor t reveals the first- and second-ranked phrases include the words “ near me ” It might seem innocuous, but it’s hard to overegg the importance of making location a key ingredient of hospitality marketing The inclusion of those two shor t words in searches has become almost unconscious for consumers - showing how much this matters when they’re making a choice

So, optimising for near me searches should be a given - no matter how big or boutique an eaterie is But work doesn’t end there

Simply stating the location in the text of search results won’t do That would be a missed oppor tunity to display other aspects that make the place special and wor th consumers ’ time and money

Search optimisation is a key par t of nourishing the narrative (or, at least, moving negative sentiment fur ther down the rankings) We’re certainly seeing a rise in interest among brands to tackle this aspect

Changing the conversation involves challenging brand assumptions That begins with a renewed focus on the business website to show exactly what s on the menu


Search optimisation has long been overlooked by many hospitality brands and establishments This misses the strateg y ’ s power to tap into new audiences and its effect on wider marketing oppor tunities

SEO allows eateries to reach diners higher up the funnel as well as in their hungriest moments lower down the food chain Any visitor to an outlet’s website means more volume , more fuel for CRM and more people to target through other channels

Whether fried chicken or foodie dishes are to your taste , the chances are you’ll have made a hospitality booking or devoured a deliver y in the past few weeks

It’s likely, because the value of eating out is even higher than previously predicted - almost £92bn by the beginning of 2023, while the takeaway market’s set to reach £12 6bn by 2025

In the pandemic , more of us turned to deliveries Post-Covid, we ’ ve returned to hospitality venues in droves while keeping up the takeaways

While the cost-of-living crisis might mean different decisions for households up and down the UK, it’s unlikely to result in a dramatic downturn of bookings and orders Most people still like being catered for

Competitors need to create culinar y curiosity by including other details in copy That means going beyond opening times and a bog-standard image of a building exterior Adding aspects of ingredient provenance , speciality dishes and accessibility will all drive choice

In this way, businesses can engage a brand new audience fur ther up the funnel That might be enough to persuade people to eat in or take away, thus growing the target market

Conversely, the last thing any hospitality venue wants is a slew of bad reviews (unless, of course , it infamously dines out on poor publicity) But they don t have to leave a sour taste - in fact, it s bad practice to ignore them Embracing difficult reviews is an oppor tunity to respond with an improved marketing strateg y

If you want to improve your SEO there are lots of tools available not least Google’s own options These include Google Analytics, Search Console and Keyword Planner All are useful for managing and augmenting your website and Google Business Profile , one of the most vital aspects for achieving online visibility at a local level

It’s also impor tant to realise that it’s ver y difficult for any organisation to handle the granular aspects of successful search strategies alone Optimisation is a resource-intensive discipline that delivers an almost endless supply of data for customer trend analysis, and marketing and operational improvement

Engaging a professional external par tner that can manage the lion’s share of SEO through an AI-driven dashboard can make all the difference in the race to provide the most mouth-watering offer to the UK’s growing army of diners

Issue 146 CLH Digital 7

High Demand for Night-Time Economy, but Late Night Levy 'Must Go'

New figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows hospitality is fuelling the night-time economy but worr ying trends are emerging, par ticularly the loss of 800,000 workers in the past six years

Nightclubs, bars, restaurants and cafes are responsible for 42% of customer spend after 6pm, the largest of those examined by the ONS, which demonstrates the strong public demand for our late-night offering

The figures show the sector remains a key employer, with 8 7 million people working at night, but the significant loss of workers over the past six years and the continued drain on turnover by the Late Night Levy is preventing venues taking advantage of high demand

UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “This new data shows how impor tant the night-time economy is to communities across the UK; as a critical employer and its role driving footfall to towns and cities to visit our late-night venues

“Hospitality is the main attraction in the night-time economy with almost half of consumer spend taking place there but there’s so much more we can do if barriers to doing business are removed The loss of nearly a million workers from the sector just shows the pressure it is under

“The Late Night Levy can be one of the main drains on business costing venues £365 000 last year and stifling the sector’s recover y from the pandemic Its introduction has been a failure and removing such an ineffective levy, which local authorities and a House of Lords Committee both concluded has not been successful, would provide much-needed relief for affected venues

“After a pandemic where late-night venues could scarcely open and now a cost-of-living crisis we need to see a concer ted effor t by Government and local authorities to back our night-time economy Suppor ting positive measures such as the agent of change principle would be a great help to the sector, as would planning and licensing policies that recognise the benefits the late-night sector brings


Over three quar ters (77%) of businesses in the night-time economy have called for the late night levy to be abolished in a sur vey by the Night Time Industries Association

Many across the sector, the sur vey says are seeing this as a “Stealth Tax

” to suppor t local Policing and Local Authority budgets across the UK, but more impor tantly, within the current climate these additional costs are unaffordable and will fur ther erode the limited cash flow these businesses are sur viving on

the late night levy had not met its objectives, wholehear tedly backed by the industr y, suggesting that it is unaffordable and represents no benefit to businesses on the ground ”


What type of business do you operate?

Is your business currently subject to a Late Night Levy?



• 72 2% of Respondents with a LNL area feel it does not meet its objective

84 4% of Respondents who do not currently pay LNL fe t that a Late Night Levy would not benefit the area they operate within

• 81% of Respondents felt that the LNL would not be affordable in the current operating c limate

• 77% of Respondents felt that The LNL should be abolished

Only nine local authorities, including Newcastle , Southampton and London boroughs Camden and Tower Hamlets, charged a late-night levy in 2022 Several councils, such as Nottingham and Cheltenham, have scrapped the tax in suppor t of the night time economy and hospitality sectors

Michael Kill CEO NTIA says: “It is absurd that the Government is even considering consulting on the expansion of the current late night levy scheme It’s atrociously timed, in the middle of a cost inflation crisis, where the sector is perilously being pushed closer and closer to the edge ”

“The House of Lords review on licensing last year was ver y clear that

4% No / 28 6% Yes


Do you believe that the Late Night Levy meets its objectives for the business area you operate within?

• 72 2% No / 27 8% Yes


Do you believe a Late Night Levy would benefit the area which you operate within?

• 84 4% No / 15 6% Yes


Under the current operational conditions, is a Late Night Levy affordable to your business within your area?

81% No / 19% Yes

What do you think should happen to the

Issue 146 CLH Digital 9
45 9%
36 1% Pub/Bar/Restaurant • 4 9% Hybr id Space • 4 9% Promoter / Event Organiser • 4 9% Supply Chain • 3 3% Other
Nightc lub / Venue / Event Space •
Where is your business located?
77 8%
England •
3 2%
77% Believe
• 9 8% Left to Local Author ities to decide on implementation • 9 8% Ro led out nationally
Late Night
the Late
Levy Should be abo ished
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Recent Years Have Made One Thing Clear: The UK Economy Can Overcome Even the Most Challenging of Circumstances

Hoteliers will need to think carefully about who they target Those markets where the pound is weakest and where there are plenty of consumers with disposable income to spend - such as the United Stateswill undoubtedly offer the best oppor tunities However, don t assume that what works to attract visitors in the domestic market will produce the same results fur ther afield

provide the cultural experience visitors seek, but also encourage them to spend in your bars, restaurants and gift shops For instance , at Burgh Island, our guests can tuck into a selection of afternoon teas at The Palm Cour t Lounge at lunch before enjoying an evening meal of freshly sourced fish and chips at The Pilchard Inn


In the first week of Januar y, sterling tumbled to its lowest level against the US dollar since November The UK will undoubtedly bounce back stronger and more financially secure than ever, but for many British holidaymakers, the lavish trips will be put on hold for the foreseeable future However, with international visits getting more for their money in the UK this may be the year they consider a British jaunt

Rather than battening down the hatches and riding out the economic storm, British hoteliers should instead throw open the shutters and do their utmost to appeal to visitors from far and wide


Amid dire warnings that a third of UK hospitality could go bust in 2023, businesses cannot afford to be gung-ho in their effor ts to attract international visitors

The desire for relaxation is a given, but you will often find the types of activities guests are interested in, var y According to a Beachbound survey American holidaymakers are most interested in swimming (34%) hiking (34%), ziplining (33%), surfing (30%) and snorkelling (26%), for instance To appeal to the wide range of guests that pass through our doors, hotels should provide a variety of activities and experiences At Burgh Island, for instance , guests can choose to unwind in our on-site spa wine and dine in our grand ballroom par take in murder myster y weekends or spend their stay exploring the Devon coast By offering an abundance of choice , hotels can ensure they’re catering to ever y kind of guest


What matters most to international tourists is the chance to experience unfamiliar surroundings According to GetYourGuide , 62% of US tourists feel a trip is wasted if they don’t experience a local culture

Thankfully, the UK has plenty to share with its guests From one of the world’s ancient wonders in Stonehenge to modern attractions such as the London Eye , British hoteliers should take ever y oppor tunity to leverage the world-famous sites that surround them

And of course capitalising on the quintessentially English traditions that we are best known for throughout your establishment will not only

That said, there’s a reason why no matter where you are in the world, you ’ re never more than a stone’s throw away from an Irish-themed pub When away from home , we still seek some level of familiarity

Emphasising British traditions and foreign customs aren’t mutually exclusive Hoteliers can (and should) do both

Often, the time we have off from our busy work schedules to travel is concentrated around national holidays and cultural celebrations Undoubtedly, any guests that take these infrequent oppor tunities to stay at your establishment would still like to celebrate the occasions that matter most to them

Mark those special dates on the calendar and show your guests your desire to celebrate their culture as much as they hope to experience ours That black-tie dinner on Thanksgiving or 4th of July firework display could be the difference between a confirmed booking and a missed oppor tunity


I have full confidence in British hospitality to overcome these latest setbacks When the pandemic hit, we recognised that the landscape had changed considerably and redirected our effor ts to appeal wholehear tedly to domestic visitors seeking a mental break from Covid This time around, we must take inspiration from our guests and instead broaden our horizons

Delivery and Takeaway Sales Still Double Pre-COVID Levels Despite Dip in 2022

Combined sales in December 2022 were 104% higher than in December 2019, with deliveries up 238% and takeaway and click-and-collect orders 53% ahead

The figures confirm how lockdowns and the convenience of deliver y platforms have transformed the market for restaurants, long after the end of COVID restrictions in Britain Managed groups received just over 24% of their total sales from deliveries and takeaways in December, the Hospitality at Home Tracker shows It also highlights the increasing impor tance of drinks, which now account for 10% of all at-home orders

However trading has plateaued since late 2021 The Tracker shows total deliver y and takeaway sales in 2022 were 2% behind December 2021 the 14th month of year-on-year decline in a row

Karl Chessell, CGA’s business unit director – hospitality opera-

tors and food, EMEA, said: “After booming in 2020 and 2021, it was a year of consolidation for the deliver y and takeaway sector A return to eating out and a squeeze on consumer spending both contributed to the plateauing of sales throughout 2022 Never theless, with nearly a quar ter of all sales now coming from at-home orders, COVID has cemented food and drink deliveries in people’s habits The big challenge for all restaurant groups in 2023 is to protect sales and margins on third-par ty deliver y platforms without compromising eat-in trade ”

The CGA Hospitality at Home Tracker is the leading source of data and insight for the deliver y and takeaway market It provides monthly repor ts on the value and volume of sales, with year-on-year comparisons and splits between food and drink revenue It offers a benchmark by which brands can measure their performance , and par ticipants receive detailed data in return for their contributions

How to Cut Water Use, Bills and CO2 in One Simple Step

Hospitality businesses could slash CO2 footprints, cut water use by hundreds of thousands of litres each year, and annually save over £1,200 on ever y three urinals operated, simply by switching to waterless technolog y

These findings have been released by Smar ti Environmental, the UK’s leading waterless urinal business, following one of the driest and hottest summers in living memor y leading to water shor tages and drought measures across the UK

The savings are possible with the installation of Smar ti Environmental’s eco-friendly waterless Vor tex triple seal valve (TSV), which has been designed to cut urinal running bills by over half, at the same time as eliminating bad urinal smells, and blockages commonly experienced in flushing urinals

Ending the need for water, the eco-friendly, retro-fit Vor tex valve typically saves 100,000 litres of clean water and 105kg CO2 per urinal, per year It also prevents airborne infections caused by flushing urinals, which have been shown to spread 500,000 germs per inch, per flush, landing on skin, surfaces and clothing, spreading viruses

including Covid-19, influenza and norovirus

The Vor tex TSV fits 98% of all urinals, which means that businesses can retain their existing urinal bowls, and it also provides the fastest draining waterless urinal solution on the market

Utilising an eco-friendly bio-block enzyme ring and integrated biotablet that breaks down uric acid and bio film proteins, the valve not only makes urine PH neutral - a world first - but it also prevents costly and damaging back-fill flooding caused by the chemical reaction between urine and water which leads to uric salt and biofilm build-up that often blocks flushing urinal waste pipes

With the ability to be fitted in under a day Smar ti’s waterless urinal solutions offer a great way to cut costs, carbon and water use simply, easily and with the minimum of fuss, enabling hospitality businesses to function even during periods of water shor tages

Visit https://smar tilimited

10 CLH Digital Issue 146
311 202 for a no obligation washroom sur vey and
See the adver t on the facing page for fur ther information
call 01392

Cost of Living And Cost Of Doing Business Crisis Put Casual

Dining Sector Amongst Highest Risk in 2023 says IFT

Businesses in the UK’s retail sector will be among those most in need of turnaround exper tise to stay afloat this year as the cost-of-living crisis tightens its grip on consumers, according to the Institute for Turnaround (IFT)

Last year IFT members, who help underperforming businesses avoid unnecessar y insolvency, saved in excess of 80,000 jobs as initiatives to fix finances and revamp growth strategies bore fruit Members also helped UK companies deliver more than £3 6bn of shareholder value

But in its latest Societal Impact Repor t, the IFT predicts increased demand for its ser vices among struggling businesses this year with the casual dining sector likely to be among the hardest hit

IFT Chairman Andy Leeser says: “Among IFT practitioners, casual dining is expected to see continuing demand for turnaround management over the next 12 months in par t reflecting consumers squeezed by rising energ y bills, higher food prices and increased mor tgage costs

“This was backed up by data from Companies House that showed that the same sector saw steep increases in the number of distressed companies in the last quar ter of 2023

The IFT repor t adds that inflationar y pressures, rising energ y prices, interest rates and labour shor tages mean demand for turnaround exper tise among distressed businesses

more generally will continue to grow in 2023

The directors behind UK businesses large and small, having risen to the manifold challenges of the Covid pandemic and associated lockdowns, might have expected a period of calm to recover and rebuild Instead, firms have found themselves faced with multiple new challenges A cost-of-living crisis is hitting consumers, whilst a cost of doing business crisis is combining with pre – existing stresses to put a great deal of pressure on UK PLC , ” adds Leeser

Whilst it is true that inflation is predicted to continue falling from likely peaks reached towards the end of 2022, it is still expected to end the year well above the Bank of England’s two percent inflation target Borrowing costs and borrowing conditions will most likely remain challenging Rising prices and wage pressures a major feature of the business environment of 2022, will also remain big headwinds for business in 2023 All these factors are still working their way through to the balance sheets of UK businesses, with much of the consequences still to be felt

Despite the distinct benefits turnaround exper ts can bring, many companies remain reluctant to appoint a turnaround adviser until cash flow pressures are extreme , which can limit the range of restructuring options available The challenges and risks identified in the repor t, in addition to the uptick in for tunes experienced by businesses that engage shor t term professional exper tise suggests that UK businesses suffering stress in the casual dining sector should act now to engage accredited turnaround suppor t

UKHospitality Comments on New Data from CGA Prestige Foodservice Price Index

“This simple

impor tance of Government investing in and suppor ting the sector to help keep our prices as low as possible , if they want to achieve their target of halving inflation

“We recognise that public finances are tight but an injection of suppor t into hospitality can repay the cost many times over through the additional sales it creates, the growth this generates and the jobs it can offer ”


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Issue 146 CLH Digital 11 RECONDITIONED & SECOND USER CATERING EQUIPMENT • TOASTERS • STAINLESS STEEL SINKS & TABLING • • W e hav e a c omprehensiv e range of Re-c onditioned Catering Equipment in stoc k • W e c an supply most of the markets leading names in New Equipment at c ompetitiv e pric es • Full Serv ic e & Installation fac ilities by fully qualified engineers • W e c an also supply modular fridge & freezer rooms • MICROWAVES • EXTRACTION CANOPIES • C O O K E R S • I C E M A C H I N E S • F R Y E R S • S L I C E R S D I S H W A S H E R S • G L A S S W A S H E R S • R E F R I G E R A T I O N EKE EQUIPMENT LIMITED Telephone w ith enquiries: Tel: 01273
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New data from the CGA Prestige Foodser vice Price Index, showing food and drink inflation for food ser vice businesses reached a record high of 24% in December 2022, UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The central food and drink element of hospitality means that this level inflation puts the sector yet deeper into jeopardy
another in a series of price increase across all fronts of operations and businesses will have no choice but to pass it on to customers That will
it harder for the Government to deliver on its key commitment to reduce inflation across the wider economy
economic fact underlines the

Box Clever with Self-Led Crafting Idea

Publicans looking for new ways to increase engagement with people living in their local community, help connect people with others and keep customers enter tained can take inspiration from a ‘Creative Community Boxes’ initiative that has been successfully trialled at a range of Welsh venues

Creative Lives, www creative-lives org, the charity that champions community and volunteer-led creative activity, has seen self-led activity craft boxes become a hit with visitors at a range of venues, including a pub and librar y

The craft boxes, which feature a range of materials and creative prompts, have been a success with lots of groups who are enjoying taking par t in self-directed activities and using the creative prompts in the box to help inspire them for an activity if wanted


Gareth Coles, Wales Director of Creative Lives, who has led the trial of the Creative Community Boxes , says: “The idea is that the box is there for groups or a couple of people to use without the need for someone being there each week to run a group or session Publicans could look to encourage people along at a settime each week to engage with crafts in the box One group meeting in a pub saw success from meeting for tnightly at 11am for games, lunch and then craft box activities ”

He adds: “Another way of using a craft box is to have it available in the pub, perhaps located with board games and other self-led activities the pub offers, for people to open up and do an activity from, either on their own or with others, if wanted ”


These community craft boxes devised by Creative Lives feature materials such as basic drawing tools includ-

ing paper, pens, charcoal and pastels, watercolour and acr ylic paints, as well as origami materials, air dr ying clay (which has proven helpful for some people with ar thritis) and weaving materials

Also included are items for creating items that the crafter can gift, such as cards and bookmarks

Publicans can find other ideas of resources to include in a box here: Craft resources for self-led groups | Creative Lives (creative-lives org)


Another simple idea publicans could look at to help suppor t creative groups that use their pub, or help customers who are crafters is to offer a ‘Craft Exchange’ box The idea is to encourage people to bring along to put in the box any unwanted ar ts and crafts materials which others can use for their creative projects with the oppor tunity to takeaway something they need for their crafting in return, either when they drop things off for the box or in the future

Publicans are being encouraged to use simple wooden or cardboard boxes to set-up a craft exchange Gareth says: “Many craft materials can be expensive to buy and people often have things leftover or unwanted from projects that other crafters can make good use of, so it makes sense and helps reduce waste to encourage more crafters to gift or exchange materials ”

He adds: We have trialled craft exchange boxes in a librar y and it is working really well For publicans the box, which doesn’t need to be ver y big, offers another way of highlighting that your pub is open to welcoming creative groups and also gives locals another reason to pop in to your pub ” Find out more about Creative Lives ‘Pubs Welcoming Creativity’ campaign, which Pub is The Hub is suppor ting including a range of useful resources for pubs looking to welcome more creative groups here: Pubs Welcoming Creativity –Toolkit | Creative Lives (creative-lives org)

Shepherd Neame Pub Managers Celebrate 30 Years – With 30 Happy Couples

A husband and wife team who have managed a Shepherd Neame venue for 30 years celebrated the milestone with 30 couples who have married there over the years – including several brides in their wedding dresses

Janet and Philippe Sorak joined The Barn in Lonsdale Gardens, Tunbridge Wells, as General Managers in 1992 and launched weddings in 2011

Since then the beamed building has gone on to become an award-winning wedding venue and hundreds of couples have marked their big day there

So it was fitting that when Janet and Philippe reached 30 years at the site that they would celebrate with 30 couples – and they did so in style earlier this month

Several brides attended in their original gowns and the couples along with others who have helped the pair over the years, including photographer Helen England and toastmaster Jim Cattermole – enjoyed a sitdown meal and disco into the evening

Janet said: “It was an absolutely amazing night Some of the couples were really emotional about it, and they are talking about doing an annual reunion now, they enjoyed it so much!

“We couldn’t get over how they all made friends and were on the dancefloor together late into the night – it was just so lovely You get thank you cards and messages but to hear people say how happy they’ve been was so nice for us – it was the best way to celebrate ”

Chloe Hinson, 28, from Tunbridge Wells, was one of the brides who came in her dress, accompanied by husband Andrew, 30 The pair married at The Barn just eight weeks ago

Andrew described the ser vice they had for their wedding as “faultless” while Chloe said: “Janet and Philippe were so amazing It is a nice intimate venue and they looked after ever y detail perfectly ”

Bev and John Smith who live in Chalk married there in June last year after two postponements due to the pandemic

Bev did not wear her wedding dress opting for a necklace she wore on her wedding day with her outfit She said: “We looked at quite a few venues but we loved this one because it was more intimate and personal Philippe was amazing from day one ”

John added: “The amount of effor t they put in for you is amazing The awards they have received are well deser ved ”

Taking Steps Towards A Sustainable Future For Hospitality Businesses

topic of sustainability is only going to grow

Yet while the appointment of a chief sustainability officer might not be possible , there are other steps hospitality businesses can take today to help foster a sustainable future One of the ways that pubs and bars off the mains gas grid can unlock significant reductions in their carbon emissions is through the transition to sustainable fuels


Calor Futuria Liquid Gas (previously BioLPG) is a sustainable fuel made from a blend of waste , residues and sustainably sourced materials

With busy pubs and bars requiring a fuel source that offers increased reliability and a controllable flame for cooking, Futuria Liquid Gas can be utilised for a variety of uses, such as hot water, heating and cooking requirements In addition, Calor’s range of storage options, including underground tanks, which can be hidden out of sight, means there’s a solution for ever y business



the drive towards net zero continues to gain pace UK businesses are continuing to put sustainability at the hear t of their operations Research has highlighted that almost two fifths (37%) of UK businesses have appointed a chief sustainability officer, while over half (56%) have an employee in post, whose remit includes sustainability And, with the UK Hospitality Association unveiling its 10 pledges to guide those working in the sector to net zero by 2040, it’s clear the

Available in a 100% blend, bulk Futuria Liquid Gas can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 86% (kgCO2e/kWh) when compared to using heating oil and up to 80%4 compared to conventional LPG For businesses keen to demonstrate their reduction in carbon emissions, the Green Gas Cer tification Scheme ensures traceability of all Futuria Liquid Gas delivered to, and used up by, hospitality customers, while also highlighting the amount of CO2 saved

As par t of its commitment to offer its customers 100% sustainable energ y solutions by 2040, Calor is raising awareness about off-grid energ y options and encouraging hospitality businesses to make the switch to bulk Futuria Liquid Gas

across the UK to deliver on their sustainability goals for today and tomorrow
find out how Calor can help you reach sustainability targets, visit www calor co uk/hospitality 12 CLH Digital Issue 146
helping to suppor t pubs and bars

It’s Not Too Late To Create The Perfect Date Night For A Memorable Valentine’s Day

As the UK emerged from recurring lockdowns, research from Barclaycard in 2022 revealed that seven in 10 Brits living with a par tner (70%) and nearly two-thirds (62%) of people in a relationship, but living separately, intended to celebrate Valentine’s Day with their other half And, in 2022, Brits spent approximately £1 37 billion celebrating the calendar occasion popularly associated with love and romance according to figures from Wunderkind

Putting the cards flowers and chocolates and other seductive gifts to one side , hospitality has a great oppor tunity to use the language of love to encourage visits and boost trade and take its share of custom from this emotion-filled holiday This will be par ticularly impor tant in 2023, when 14th Februar y falls on a Tuesday, when many venues may otherwise be quiet or even closed at the star t of the week

It's not too late to create a perfect date night and entice customers into your restaurant this year to save potential customers from countless last-minute dashes to the petrol station for a bunch of flowers

Although some people are organised and plan weeks ahead many leave dinner and bar reser vations until the last minute In 2022 online searches for Valentine’s Day rose more than 50% from the last week of Januar y to week commencing 8th Februar y and bookings made through DesignMyNight were up over 10% in the same period Whilst ‘Valentine’s Day’ and ‘date night’ remain popular DesignMyNight searches in London for this year ’ s celebrations, it appears that people are looking for something different, with ‘quirky date ideas’ currently topping the list of Valentine’s Day queries

Leighanne Bent, Senior Marketing Manager at DesignMyNight provides her advice on generating additional footfall and revenue from this most loving day of the year

A sur vey from a Dishy Dates sur vey on DesignMyNight in 2022 revealed that 30 3% of people love to be wined and dined to get them in

the mood for love , so this is the obvious place to star t Develop a bespoke Valentine’s Day menu that is distinguished from your regular offer to persuade people that it is wor th leaving their homes for It needs to be special enough to warrant charging a premium price yet widely accessible in the current economic climate and based on regular dish ingredients to minimise waste

Provide a simple drinks menu that matches the dishes to encourage linked purchase Focus on delicious drinks that appeal to a diverse audience and which give people the oppor tunity to trade up, whether they select wine , beer, spirits or non-alcoholic drinks Valentine’s Day gives people the excuse to splash out and treat themselves a little so offer Champagne , cocktails or aperitifs as soon as they arrive and don’t lose sight of the benefit of upselling drinks orders during their visit Drinks House 24/7 conducted a sur vey in May 2022 revealing that the most

popular cocktails in the UK are piña coladas, mojitos, and mar tinis (including porn star and espresso)

Be aware of the décor and adjust aspects to synchronise with your offer Turn the lighting down a couple of notches and the candlelight up, think about any background music and the look and feel of the trading areas Install a head-turning signature display that encourages your customers to share on their socials – this can be a balloon arch for example or can be assembled with fresh flowers

Having gone to the effor t of planning for Valentine’s, promote your offer(s) and maximise advance reser vations ideally taking a deposit to reduce no-shows Use social media channels and existing loyalty or CRM technolog y to let previous customers know what you have planned but also use event listings to attract new guests and star t building long-term relationships with them

Whilst your focus is on guest experience don’t forget to share the love with your team Involve them in the planning, organise tasting and drink matching sessions and incentivise them on upselling Make sure any tips are shared quickly and that they get home safely

Commenting on Valentine’s Day events Anthony Knight, Sales and Marketing Director at Incipio Group, added "Valentine’s Day remains an impor tant calendar date for hospitality venues As well as being an impor tant occasion for couples looking to dine out in more traditional format such as restaurants and romantic nights away it also marks a fantastic oppor tunity for venues to market to customers simply looking to have a great time out and celebrate single life and there’s a huge demand for our ‘anti-Valentines’ par ty concepts Last year after nearly 2 years of lockdowns, hear tbreak and a desire to connect with people again, we saw a significant increase in demand for guests wanting to join us for Valentine’s Day "

Adande Refrigeration Appoints Karl Hodgson as New Managing Director

Adande Refrigeration Limited announces Global Sales Director Karl Hodgson has been appointed as the Managing Director of the company, effective Januar y 2023 Karl brings three decades of experience in the foodser vice sector, together with an extensive knowledge of refrigeration, having been with Adande for 13 years

Adande Group Executive Chairman, Nigel Bell: “As the Adande Group of companies continues to grow, it is impor tant we continue to strengthen the leadership team in key company areas Karl brings deep experience and proven commercial and management skills together with an unwavering commitment to the Adande Refrigeration business He has ser ved as a director with the company for several years It is vital that we continue the explosive growth out of the COVID period and achieve our company goals over the next 24-48 months The board believe that Karl is the right person to lead the business, known for its unique sustainable drawers, in delivering that Karl will replace current Managing Director Ian Wood allowing Ian to focus his knowledge and exper tise on Engineering and Development across the Adande Group

of companies, including Adande Aircell Limited, where the growth of Aircell technolog y for powering open display retail cabinets is accelerating ”

Karl Hodgson, Managing Director : “I am ver y excited to take on this new challenge and feel that Adande as a business is perfectly positioned to assist hospitality during 2023 in what is anticipated to be a tough year economically Adande continues to excel producing and delivering sustainable refrigeration with a low lifetime cost Our modular drawer units and open-display retail cabinets deliver significant energ y reduction when compared with other popular market brands Adande is proven to save operators £££s and this saving has never been so impor tant for our industr y We have a dynamic UK sales team now repor ting into newly appointed UK Sales Manager, Jackie Venn and a strong and committed dealer network in the UK Over 40% of sales in 2022 were in overseas market and these sales continue to grow I am ver y much looking forward to this next chapter I’d like to thank the board and the whole Adande team for their suppor t ”

KALDEWEI Joins the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance

The Sustainable Hospitality Alliance (the Alliance) has welcomed KALDEWEI to their affiliate membership, as they become the latest member to join the network for responsible hospitality, alongside Choice Hotels, Whitbread, The Merrion and Rabmer Group

As the first bath manufacturer in the world to use its climate-friendly steel enamel in its production, KALDEWEI work with the hospitality industr y to bring the latest sustainable innovations to hotel bathrooms

The German company keep longevity and circularity, as well as water and energ y saving, at their core , as they work progress climate neutrality in the hospitality sector The use of enamelled steel means that their products are 100% recyclable , of which 35% is recycled steel

The company registers and documents its materials and products through pioneering platform, Madaster, which provides a transparent insight into the embodied carbon and toxicity of materials, as well as how their resources can be reused, time and again

As an affiliate member of the Alliance , KALDEWEI will work together with a network of over 60 hospitality and supply chain companies to leverage the collective power of the industr y to make a lasting positive impact for people , planet and place Only through this holistic approach is it possible to accelerate towards a more sustainable and regenerative hospitality sector that gives back more than it takes

Rober to Mar tinez, CSO of KALDEWEI, said: “At Kaldewei, we are proud to be par tnering with Sustainability Hospitality Alliance , working together with members to expand a holistic approach to sustainability, sharing our exper tise in innovative bathroom solutions within the built environment Never before have the advantages of our steel enamel material been as present and convincing as they are today As we see our climate changing before our eyes, there is no time to hesitate in eradicating plastics, acr ylic and resins from bathroom fittings, which is why we are so passionate about using all natural, 100% recyclable and durable steel enamel bathtubs, shower surfaces and wash basins lead the way in sustainable bathing solutions We look forward to uniting our exper tise with that of the Alliance , showing that luxur y and sustainability can go hand in hand We call this LUXSTAINABILITY®, which describes the hear t and soul of our product por tfolio ”

Glenn Mandziuk, CEO of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance , said: “In order to work towards Net Positive Hospitality it is essential that we convene the value chain, maximising innovation across construction and supply chains, as well as operations That’s why I’m delighted to welcome KALDEWEI to our affiliate membership This is a pivotal time for the Alliance , as our affiliate and hotel membership continues to grow I greatly look forward to working with KALDEWEI and am excited to see how their exper tise will help shape the future of the Alliance and circularity across the hospitality sector”

14 CLH Digital Issue 146
Discover y and booking platform DesignMyNight ( offer s consumer insight and ideas for hospitality operator s who want to feel the love and boost their business this Valentine’s Day

Small Business Confidence Collapses – FSB Calls for Growth Plan to Power Through

Small firms’ confidence in the final quar ter of 2022 plunged to a depth almost on a par with that measured during the second Covid lockdown two years previously new research from FSB has found

The Small Business Index (SBI)’s headline confidence figure in Q4 2022 fell to -46 points down from -36 points in Q3 2022 and the lowest such finding since Q4 2020, when it was -49 points

In several individual industr y sectors the confidence reading was par ticularly low, with retail businesses registering a finding of -83 points, and hospitality firms coming in at -71 points This is par ticularly troubling during the traditional during the ‘golden quar ter’ for consumer-facing businesses such as shops, bars, and restaurants

More positively, the construction (-19 points), IT and technolog y (-25 points) and manufacturing (-39 points) sectors were more upbeat than average , albeit still in negative territor y

More small firms repor ted a drop in revenues over the previous three months (43%) than repor ted a rise (33%), and their outlook for the next three months reflected this as well, with 44% expecting to see a fall in revenues against three in ten anticipating a rise (29%)

The propor tion of small businesses which saw employee numbers fall (16%) outweighed the share which gained staff (10%) over the previous three months, although the employment outlook for the next three months was more positive , with one in seven small businesses (14%) expecting to increase their staff numbers against around one in ten (11%) expecting to see a fall

Inflation continued to take a toll on small businesses, with nearly two in five saying costs were significantly higher (38%) than in the same period a year prior Utility bills, including energ y, were cited by over three in five small firms as a driver of their change in costs (61%)

Late payments are still holding back a significant number of small firms with three in ten small businesses (30%) saying their payment situation had worsened over the previous three months

FSB National Chair Mar tin McTague said: “There’s no way to sugar-coat these figures – small businesses’ confidence is at its third-lowest level since we star ted tracking it nearly a decade ago But business owners are resilient and where there is a will, we will find a way through

“Clearly falling consumer spending inflation and high energ y bills are all taking a toll and poor results after the golden quar ter are par ticularly disappointing – but this should also be a time to grasp the nettle and be

decisive in finding more ways for the economy to grow, which is why we have drawn up a plan of action for the Government to implement

“Small businesses are always the engine room of any economic recover y The more rapidly small firms pull through the more rapidly we can all recover

“Helping more people into work tackling late payment driving energ y efficiency powering R&D and getting more people to star t up on their own are all initiatives that will make a real difference to the economy – just as small business owners individually will continue to demonstrate the ingenuity they showed during the pandemic to find new markets and new ways of working

“Small firms are a fantastic national resource of innovation and creativity –especially if given the right conditions to flourish These results are incredibly worr ying, yes, but they are not the final word ”


1 Tackle late payment once and for all, by making the audit committees of large corporates responsible and accountable for supply chain payment practices, with a legal requirement that payment times and conditions be published in annual repor ts

2 Address recruitment troubles by taking action to help people access affordable childcare , creating a ‘Kickstar t’-style scheme to help more people kept out of work through health problems to access work and bringing in skills bootcamps for the over-50s

3 Introduce a Help to Green voucher with a suggested value of £5 000 to be used by small firms to invest in green improvements to their premises, such as a heat pump, better insulation, or solar panels This will stimulate the economy, cut emissions, and reduce small firms energ y bills at the same time

4 Promote small businesses’ investment in R&D by reversing the cut to R&D tax credits brought in at the Autumn Statement, and reduce the complexity within the application process so small firms can navigate it without the need to hand over a large cut of any relief they gain to intermediaries

5 Reform the way taxes are levied to help boost small firms - increasing Small Business Rate Relief to £25,000 in England and raising the VAT threshold from £85,000 to £100,000 to help the self-employed work more hours

Extending Licensing Hours for King’s Coronation

‘Much-Needed Boost’ for Sector

The extension of licensing hours for the King’s Coronation in May will provide a “much-needed boost”

Nicholls said: “The King’s coronation will be a spectacle celebrated by millions and hospitality will no doubt be at the centre of a historic moment for the countr y

I m pleased the Government is proposing to extend licensing hours and UKHospitality is fully behind the plans Not only will it benefit customers but it also means businesses will be able to trade for longer, increase footfall and generate additional sales

“At a time when the sector has been ravaged by the cost of doing business crisis, as well as recruitment challenges and strike disruption, this extension would provide a much-needed boost and aid hospitality’s recover y ”

Pre-Pandemic Levels but Industrial Action Costing Estimated £4million

Fullers Salles Approaching

London pub group Fuller’s has repor ted like-for-like sales up 20% for the 43 weeks to 21 Januar y 2023, and at 97% against the same period in FY 2020 Sales for the four-week Christmas and New Year period increased by 38% against a trading period in 2021 that was impacted by covid restrictions and work from home guidance

The group also repor ted tha it has lost £4m in sales and will miss its profit targets this year due to the impact of ongoing rail strikes

The group which has almost 400 pubs also warned that cost-of-living pressures were weighing on the business

Simon Emeny chief executive at Fuller’s said: “We are encouraged by our underlying sales performance While it is frustrating that the train strikes have set back our repor ted sales and earnings, it is reassuring that we are achieving our anticipated sales trajector y in periods unaffected by strikes While ongoing strike action will dampen sales, demand from customers remains good and we are optimistic that 2023 will deliver fur ther sales growth through a busy calendar of events, and as office workers and tourists continue to return to the capital

We are operating in a high inflation environment, and that continues to impact our operating costs and margins While some of these costs may be temporar y in nature others – such as the National Living Wage increase – are more permanent and we are focused on taking action to mitigate these costs wherever we can Although strike action and the cost-of-living crisis create shor t-term hurdles to our post-pandemic recover y, we remain confident in the resilience of the pub and the future oppor tunity for Fuller s

We are a long-term business and we will continue to invest in our people , in our proper ties and in providing excellent reasons for our customers to visit We are delighted to continue to suppor t the development of our 200 apprentices and we look forward to the re-opening of The Admiralty in Trafalgar Square and The Sanctuar y House in Westminster in the spring, following transformational investments, as well as opening The Willow, our new pub in the stunning Cotswolds village of Bour ton-on-the-Water

These are challenging times, but our fundamental strengths of a talented and experienced team a high-quality well invested predominately freehold estate and a healthy balance sheet provide the foundations for us to make the right long-term decisions in this period of shor t-term turbulence ”

Issue 146 CLH Digital 15
for the sector, according to UKHospitality The government launched a public consultation in December 2022 on extending licensing hours from 11pm to 1am from Friday 5 May until Sunday 7 May in England and Wales This extension will grant pubs, bars and clubs an extra two hours trading to mark Charles III being crowned on 6 May in a ceremony at Westminster Abbey in London Responding to the consultation UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate

UK Hotel Industry Ends 2022 on a Positive Note but 2023 Will be a “See-Saw ” with Mixed Fortunes

There were some positive signs for the UK hotel industr y at the end of 2022 with improving room rates in December despite a fall in occupancy rates according to the RSM Hotels Tracker

The data which is compiled and produced by Hotstats and analysed by RSM UK, also highlights the cyclical nature of the industr y when occupancy and room rates, revenues and gross operating profits (GOP) tend to fall at this time of year

Average daily rates (ADR) of occupied rooms were up from £144 55 (November) to £152 68 (December) in the UK, and from £226 62 (November) to £246 89 (December) in the London market

More positive data shows ADR of UK hotels is still 22% higher than the same period in 2019, and 30% higher for London hotels

However, occupancy rates dipped from 71 5% (November) to 63 1% (December), with London hotels also decreasing (73 9% in November compared to 68 7% in December) Occupancy continues to lag behind pre-pandemic levels of 70 2% (UK) and 78% (London) in December 2019

Revenue per available room (RevPAR) also dropped from £103 41 (November) to £96 27 (December) in the UK but increased in the London market from £167 48 to £169 72 Gross operating profits of UK hotels fell from 35 2% (November) to 32 7% (December), and from 43 4% to 42 7% in London highlighting that, although room rates remain strong, profits are still under significant pressure due to rising costs

Chris Tate , head of hotels and accommodation at RSM UK, said: ‘Yet again the UK hotels sector is showing some mettle in the face of economic challenges Despite the fall in occupancy rates, which is usual at this time of year, and not helped by the heavy industrial action on the railways last month, the spike in room rates for December shows hotels’ resilience at still being able to pass on higher prices to consumers

‘December is usually a compressed month for hotels in terms of trading because of the Christmas holidays

However, compared to last year when the sector was dealing with Omicron, it appears people did take advantage of being able to go out, travel and socialise in the lead up to Christmas which helped hotel operators increase their room rates ’

Looking ahead to this year Chris Tate added: ‘Like a see-saw there will be ups and downs for the hotel industr y Operators are managing their cost base whilst juggling other financial pressures As for 2023, there s going to be a mixed bag of for tunes for the industr y Events like the King’s Coronation and the extra bank holiday, along with Liverpool hosting Eurovision and international spor ting events across the UK, will boost both domestic and inbound tourism

‘But fragile consumer confidence and increasing cost pressures will impact on the profitability of the hotel industr y With many having recently renewed, or having to renew their energ y contracts shor tly, it remains to be seen if hotels can continue to enjoy passing on costs to consumers and to maintain their REVPAR The sector has a great oppor tunity in 2023 to capitalise on demand but challenges will remain ’

Thomas Pugh economist at RSM UK comments: ‘The record-breaking drop in households’ real incomes in 2022 and 2023 means that consumer spending is heading for a sharp fall this year after dropping by 1% q/q in Q3 2022

‘As you might expect, spending on most discretionar y areas, such as clothes and household goods, has fallen sharply recently as the cost-of-living crisis has caused consumers to cut back However, more surprisingly, spending on hospitality ser vices has continued to grow over the last three quar ters, despite the huge headwinds as consumers have favoured experiences over goods

‘However, even hospitality spending will suffer in the face of a near 2% drop in real incomes this year Indeed, with consumer confidence near a record low, meaning that consumers are still adding to their pile of excess savings rather than spending them, we think total consumer spending will fall by about 2% in 2023

‘The good news is that inflation should fall rapidly this year reaching 3% by the end of the year, or even lower if the recent falls in energ y prices are maintained That means households’ real incomes should be rising again by the end of this year, setting the stage for a decent recover y in 2024 ’

Hoteliers Encouraged to Look Outside of the Industry in Order to Make Change

Sustainability, the economy and inspiring positivity and change were just some of the many topics at the annual Hotel Leadership Conference hosted by the Master Innholders this week

Over 400 hoteliers attended the two-day event at JW Marriott Grosvenor House London for the Beyond the Bubble programme

Opening the conference was Professor in Economics Linda Yeuh who spoke on the UK’s current economic outlook and what lessons histor y can teach us about our economic future

Yeuh urged hoteliers to keep an eye on the bottom line and invest well, assuring delegates that there is a recession, but it will be a shallower one than seen in the 1970s

Executive Vice President & Par tner Relations at Internova Travel Group, Alber t M Herrera, spoke about how the hospitality industr y can capitalise on its strongest asset – human connection Herrera said: “Connection is so impor tant – how are you telling your stor y to guests, both internally and externally? You all have a stor y to tell, you have to find out what it is People don’t want facts – they want stories ”

There was a bigger focus on sustainability this year with presentations throughout the paper free conference with Graham Ramsbottom from Greensphere Capital, Co-Founder and CEO of Positive Luxur y, Diana Verde Nieto, and Founder and CEO of Zero Carbon Forum, Mark Chapman stressing its impor tance and reminding the audience to stop thinking about carbon offsetting as the solution but focusing on reducing it as a priority instead

Award-winning keynote speaker and author, Brendan Hall, spoke about the impor tance of building and maintaining trust in a community and how it is key to a team’s success

Hall said: “As times get tougher give more reassurance to staff

It’s a journey and it’s the tough moments that define us and through hard experiences, you will learn how to overcome ”

A regular feature of the conference CEO of UK Hospitality Kate Nicholls OBE, provided a realistic yet optimistic outlook for the year ahead

Nicholls said: “There are mountains we must climb over in the next six months; however, we will emerge strong and be able to capitalise ”

Commenting on the success of the conference , Master Innholder Chairman Dan Rose-Bristow said:

Ever yone in attendance here over the past few days has come looking for fresh perspectives and bold new ideas for the hospitality industr y and I know I for one am leaving with exactly that

Each year this conference aims to provide a welcome oppor tunity for the industr y to come together to tackle the real issues that affect us all, with this year ’ s event focusing on how we can all push ourselves and think ‘Beyond the Bubble ’

“Now more than ever we as an industr y need to ensure we are ready for the year ahead, and I hope this year ’ s conference has provided ample oppor tunity for all those in attendance to share ideas and inspire each other to achieve greatness ”

A Real Nation Of Snackers

Snacking is a central par t of British eating habits and most people snack on a daily basis 1

Impor tantly, crisps and savour y snacks are the No1 purchase alongside a drink and a sandwich for hospitality venues 2

Whether you offer sit-down or take-away meals, or snacks to accompany a drink the inclusion of snacks is a must for all hospitality outlets Listing great tasting snacks is key as the main reason for purchasing crisps is as a treat, so there has to be no compromise on taste After all, a treat is a treat, it s got to taste great!


REAL premium hand cooked crisps is a hospitality exclusive brand, with award winning flavours that will delight you and your customers The right offering of quality branded snacks can help drive more cash through your till

REAL Hand Cooked Crisps have so much to offer your business and your customers:


Display the right range of snacks and flavours to drive incremental sales

Ensuring your snack display is well stocked will help your business take advantage of the 40% of consumers who impulse shop their snacks3 Snack sales increase by up to 80%3 when made more visible , we know displays is key and have a range of

Snacking offers hospitality venues a rare oppor tunity in the challenging times ahead Histor y tells us that snacking increases in a recession - as it remains an affordable luxur y Upselling a pack of snacks to ever y customer who orders a drink is a fairly simple way to put much-needed cash in the till

FREE POS to meet your needs Don’t miss out on incremental impulse sales, stock REAL hand cooked hospitality-exclusive premium crisps now! 1 Minte UK Cr isps Savour y Snac ks & Nuts Market Repor t 2022 2 Hosp ta ity Snac king Researc h, Nor stat - August 2022 3 HIM! Foodser v ce Researc h 2016 4 CGA Strategy Researc h - 2016/2017
Issue 146 CLH Digital 17

Cost, Taste and Ethical Eating Essential to Achieve Post-Veganuary Success, says GlobalData

Meeting consumer expectations for ethical, ‘ green ’ offerings while maintaining reasonable costs will be a notable challenge for restaurants in launching vegan menus this year, opines GlobalData Veganuar y has always proved a valuable period for brands to showcase new meat alternative innovations, but this year, it s the green credentials associated with vegan offerings that will reel in the crowd, explains the leading data and analytics company


When it comes to new vegan product launches, leading brands such as McDonald’s have focused on consumer facing aspects like sustainable packaging, while other areas hidden down the supply chain, such as carbon footprints and simplicity of ingredients, have taken a backseat

Ramsey Baghdadi, Consumer Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “For a plant-based menu to succeed, it cannot rely on its ‘plant-based’ status alone It must also perfect associated aspects such as high quality ethical production and sustainable packaging to closely align with the preferences of non-meat eaters/flexitarians throughout the globe While mega-brands like McDonald’s can rely on brand recognition, loyalty, and affordability to entice new customers, independent operators may not have that luxur y Therefore , independents such as Plants by Deliciously Ella, need to look towards high quality, sustainable and local operations that help them to stand out (and justify a higher price point) ”

GlobalData s 2022 Q1 consumer sur vey shows that, globally, people are more likely to tr y meat or fish-alternatives based on health (66%)*, sustainability (33%)* and animal-welfare (33%)*, and not just because it tastes good If these measures are taken to consideration, you ’ re on your way to having a successful plant-based alternative menu item



Replicating a meat-like taste is a proven preference among consumers globally In 2022, almost a third (31%)* of consumers globally claimed that they are likely to tr y meat or fish-alternatives because of the taste

Baghdadi continues: “This Veganuar y we have seen a wide range of new plant-based options being introduced across the foodser vice sector, especially in the UK and US, including the new vegan American Hot pizza from Domino’s, Burger King’s Vegan Royale with Cheeze burger and the Double McPlant burger from McDonald’s which has been vegan-cer tified

Replicating the same flavor and sense of indulgence is essential for these big named brands as many consumers are already accustomed to their meat counterpar ts – making a strong point of comparison ” VEGANISM SHOULD NOT BE REGARDED A


The plant-based market is maturing, and consumers expect more than a basic ‘mushroom substitute’ when eating out Foodser vice providers must join leading brands in considering long-term strategies for vegan menus Especially during the cost-of-living crisis, brands should also focus on the affordability of vegan products to boost consumer accessibility

Baghdadi concludes: “Veganuar y is now synonymous with experimental behaviors, as thousands sign up each year to test a flexi or vegan lifestyle for themselves Naturally, not all par ticipants will fully commit, with Februar y onwards painting a truer success rate for both the par ticipants and brands’ new menus That said, as of November 2022, a third (34%)** of people globally claim to be vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian or have a low meat diet This alone shows that the market for affordable plant-based meat is out there all year round, it’s not just a Januar y thing ”

Hotel Takeover’ by Cheshire College South and West Empowers Young Hospitality Talent

Hospitality’s rising stars from a Cheshire College South and West are planning to take over the running of the Devonshire Fell Hotel, located in the picturesque Yorkshire Dales village of Burnsall for two days this Februar y

In a bid to suppor t the next generation of hospitality professionals, and to raise the profile of the hospitality industr y, the Cheshire students will be responsible for running of the whole proper ty, including the hotel’s reception and guest check in, the preparation of freshly cooked seasonal dishes, the ser ving of food and beverages, room ser vice and not forgetting the bar too

The students will gain invaluable practical experience of what it is really like to work in and manage a small but busy hotel, to complement their classroom-based knowledge and college-based skills training Their work will be overseen by the hotel’s experienced team members who will be on hand to encourage and perhaps even fine tune their deliver y, ensuring that this becomes a valuable yet enjoyable experience for both college students and paying guests alike

This two-day hotel takeover will take place on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th Februar y and is the result of a symbiotic project, hatched by John Holden, Food & Beverage Lecturer at Cheshire College , South & West, and Richard Palmer, Managing Director of Devonshire Hotels and Restaurants

The students taking par t are studying Level 2 Professional Cooker y Level 3 Professional Cooker y Level 3 Food and Beverage Ser vice , Hospitality Super vision They include rising star Leah Castleton, who has been world skills finalist for the last two years and is now in her third year at the college

John Holden, who is responsible for all Front of house training in the college’s Academy Restaurant, explained more about this exciting hands-on collaboration:

“Our learner’s study at the college and to work in a well-regarded hotel such as The Devonshire Fell really helps to equip them with the knowledge and skills that they will require for full time employment in the future

The hotel takeover will be an invaluable experience for the students and I m sure that the guests will enjoy the novelty of having talented students working hard to provide them with a memorable stay They have had some hands-on practise as our facilities include both a 2AA Rosette , and a AA Rosette standard Academy restaurant at our Crewe and Ellesmere Por t campuses respectively, where the students learn to prepare exquisite culinar y creations We are proud to have been awarded AA College Restaurant of the Year for two years (2017-18 and 2019-20)”

Richard Palmer Managing Director of The Devonshire Hotels and Restaurants Group added, “We are delighted to be inviting Cheshire College students for this hands-on learning experience Our team are also looking forward to providing valuable on the job training and sharing of their knowledge and experience I can relate ver y much to how this will benefit the students as I star ted with the company as a trainee myself in my late teens In those days I worked behind the bar ser ving drinks I hope that the hands on experience will empower the students to embrace all that the hospitality has to offer and maybe even become hooked just I did! I will cer tainly be there in Februar y to offer my suppor t”

The ‘Hotel Takeover’ complements the work of the Group’s ‘Devonshire Hospitality Academy’ which is now in its second year, and which gives new star ters a thorough grounding and apprenticeship, whatever their age as they embrace a hospitality career with the group Par ticipants enjoy classroom study and online learning alongside their new roles at one of the Group’s several hotels and inns across the regions of Yorkshire and Derbyshire

OiLChef Wins Prestigious Best Kitchen Innovation Award

Congratulations to OiLChef for winning the prestigious Best Kitchen Innovation Award at the Restaurant & Takeaway Expo at the Excel in London Cooking oil is expensive Would you like to save up to 50% on fr yer oil purchases ever y month? If you do then OiLChef is for you

The OiLChef device is a small accessor y that fits inside your Deepfr yer and will double the life of your fr ying oil saving you up to 50% on oil purchasing This is not a filter!

OiLChef is vir tually maintenance free takes 3 seconds to install and only needs to be replaced ever y 3 years FDA Approved technolog y, and winner of “Best Kitchen Innovation Award UK 2022”, the OiLChef device is vir tually unbreakable and maintenance free

The OiLChef device is now available for fish pans and can cost as little as one pound per day and guaranteed for 3 years!!

Readers of CLH News that order units in 2022 get a special £150 discount.

60 second explainer video: https://youtu be/UMGuvCnFSHc

No wires, chemicals, replacement par ts and vir tually unbreakable , each unit comes with a full 3-year warranty, and we give you a “tr y before you buy 14-day money back guarantee”!

With OiL Chef in your fr yer, your food cooks quicker, becomes a little crispier,

16 CLH Digital Issue 146
less oil and your food holds its texture for longer which is fantastic news for your deliver y and kerb side pick-up! OiLChef, trusted by industr y exper ts, used by the industr y and available for you now in the UK Contact them today via their website: www OiLChef com
SPECIAL £150 DISCOUNT for readers of CLH News that order units in 2022

Global Traveller Report Reveals Shift Towards Sustainable Travel

A major new repor t by World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) and Trip com Group, together with Deloitte , reveals a heightened appetite for sustainable tourism amongst consumers, with 69% of travellers actively seeking sustainable travel options1

In this follow-up repor t, WTTC joined forces again with leading global travel ser vice provider, Trip com Group and its major consumer brands Trip com, Ctrip and Skyscanner, with additional data sourced from Deloitte to analyse the trends that shaped the Travel & Tourism sector last year and will continue to do so over 2023

The repor t “A world in motion: shifting consumer travel trends in 2022 and beyond”, shows that sustainability is a key element of the travel agenda, with travellers eager to reduce their carbon footprint and suppor t sustainable tourism

According to a sur vey included in the repor t, three quar ters of travellers are considering travelling more sustainably in the future1 and nearly 60% have chosen more sustainable travel options in the last couple of years1

Another sur vey also found that around three quar ters of high-end travellers are willing to pay extra to make their trips more sustainable2

Last year, following more than two years of travel disruption, travellers made clear their wanderlust is ver y much alive , with a 109% increase of international overnight arrivals, compared to 2021

According to the repor t, last year consumers were willing to stretch their budget for their holiday plans, with 86% of travellers planning on spending the same amount or more on international travel than in 20193, with U S tourists leading the list as big spenders4

But 2023 is looking even better in terms of travellers’ spend Despite concerns about inflation and the costof-living crisis around the world, nearly a third (31%) of travellers said they intend to spend more on international travel this year than in 20223

Additionally, according to Deloitte’s ‘Global State of the Consumer Tracker’, last year more than half (53%) of global consumers sur veyed during the summer said they plan to stay in a hotel over the following three months4

Julia Simpson, WTTC President & CEO, said:

“The demand for travel is now stronger than ever and our repor t shows that this year we will see a significant bounce back 2023 is set to be a ver y strong year for Travel & Tourism

“Sustainability is top of travellers’ agenda, and consumers highlight the value they put on protecting nature

Sector leader Deloitte Global:

and travelling responsibly ”

Jane Sun, Trip com Group CEO, said:

Travel & Tourism is a powerful force in driving the global economy, creating jobs, stimulating economic growth, and lifting communities out of pover ty

“The Asia-Pacific Region, with its rapidly growing middle-class and dynamic economies, is well-positioned to capitalise on the growth of the industr y and take its place as a leader in the global tourism economy

“I’m optimistic about the positive momentum for the global resumption and growth of travel in 2023, primarily driven by mainland Chinese consumers, which will help accelerate worldwide recover y and development ”

Scott Rosenberger, Global Transpor tation, Hospitality & Ser vices

“Travel is rebounding from the pandemic while innovating and meeting the demands of more modern alternative travel-types sustainable travel luxur y travel and much more

“Even the rise in inflation-driven financial concerns is not slowing the pace; incredibly travel is being prioritized and flexible/remote work arrangements are creating new oppor tunities

We are actively engaging with our clients as they embrace these new trends and create memorable experiences for consumers ”


• 2022 sun and sea package holiday sales are estimated to be up 75% compared to the previous year5

• Last year during the summer international arrivals in European sun and beach desti-nations were just 15% below 2019 levels6

• According to WTTC’s recent ‘Cities Economic Impact Research’ in 2022 visits to major cities are expected to see a 58% year-on-year increase , less than 14% below 2019 levels

• Luxur y holidays will prove par ticularly popular, with sales of luxur y hotels expected to reach $92 billion by 2025 (compared to $76 billion in 2019)5

• In a sur vey, nearly 60% of travellers said they were either already paying to offset their carbon emissions or considering it if the price was right1

To access more information and read the repor t in full, please go to https://wttc org/consumer-trends

Wetherspoon Named a Top Employer for the 18th Time

Wetherspoon has been recognised by the Top Employers Institute as a Top Employer United Kingdom 2023

It is the 18th time that Wetherspoon has been cer tified by the Top Employers Institute – the independent organisation behind the Top Employers accreditation

To achieve Top Employer cer tification par ticipating organisations are assessed by the Top Employers Institute via a rigorous analysis of their people practices

The HR Best Practices sur vey covers six HR domains consisting of 20 topics across the business and employee lifecycle , including people strateg y, work environment, talent acquisition, learning, wellbeing, and diversity & inclusion

The information is then validated and audited independently by the Top Employers Institute to ensure the

integrity of the processes and data

Wetherspoon’s people director, Tom Ball, said: “We are extremely proud to be considered among the best employers in the United Kingdom, par ticularly as the recognition comes from an independent organisation which researches numerous companies

“The company employs more than 41 000 staff across its pubs in the UK and the Republic of Ireland, as well as at its head office

“Wetherspoon is committed to offering employees the best oppor tunities to succeed and grow within the company, including studying for qualifications and apprenticeships

“This is evident in the number of staff progressing to more senior positions at Wetherspoon ”

Dispelling the Myths About Good Cellar Hygiene

Following the opening of their new 13,500 sq ft Trafford Park facility, sister companies Chemisphere UK and Beer Piper International are working on a drive to educate the industr y on the impor tance of good cellar hygiene and to dispel the myths that it’s a complicated process

The two companies have a unique proposition – Chemisphere are specialists in providing the hospitality industr y with premium detergents and accessories for ware-washing, beverage dispense system sterilisation and kitchen hygiene , whilst Beer Piper provide advanced beer line cleaning systems This means that complete bar

cleaner changes colour if the line is dir ty, when it

and bacteria free This product revolu-

automated beer line cleaning systems such as Beer Piper have taken the stress out of a little-loved, yet essential, task

The Beer Piper unit is programmed, meaning it does all the hard work for establishments during their opening hours One of the distinctive features of the Beer Piper system is the Dispense Line Beer function which gives the option of saving much of the valuable beer that until now, was simply poured down the drain ever y week when doing a manual line clean

Chemisphere and Beer Piper continue to invest in new equipment and develop a wider range of products Wilf Worsley, Operations Director at Chemisphere said “ our research and development depar tment are hard at work and strive to lead the industr y through new product development We are the home of several pioneering products and we continue our mission to educate the industr y on the impor tance of maintaining high hygiene standards of their dispense equipment and glass hygiene to ensure optimum quality of their dispensed products ”

Both companies now look forward to continuing to execute their growth plans with Chemisphere UK focusing on expanding their product range and Beer Piper International on the launch of their new BP5 beer line cleaning machine which will utilise Chemisphere’s game changing powder-based product Visit www chemisphereuk com and www beerpiper co uk for more information

18 CLH Digital Issue 146
& cellar solutions are available all under one
Chemisphere developed the world’s first
beer line
purple you can be confident that your line is absolutely yeast
tionised beer line cleaning and continues to do so today with both manual cleans and
cleans As publicans and bar managers struggle to maintain their ever-increasing
workload in these difficult times,

Next Step in Keeping Business Costs Down -

Digitising the Supplier Order Process with Choco

products are shown on the interface in real time , giving chefs the confidence that in a few clicks they can know exactly what products they are ordering and at what cost This is hugely impor tant, with inflation soaring and food costs changing on a daily basis, the platform provides transparency to chefs for accurate budgeting

Food waste on the restaurant and supplier side is also adding to economic worries, and it is also leading to more of a focus on creating more sustainable environments Currently 30-40% of food produced goes to waste each year and nearly three-quar ters of that waste happens in the supply chain before consumers are involved Waste is the third-largest driver of climate change If food waste were a countr y, it would be the third largest in carbon dioxide emissions on the planet

London's Fitzrovia district ser ving a seasonal menu of modern British cuisine , uses Choco I ve never come across an online food ordering platform for restaurants before , so when I was introduced to Choco I loved the concept We’ve been using the platform for a few months now and it’s truly transformed the way we do things

99% of our suppliers use the platform We can see in real time what is available , and we can select exactly what we want any time of the day It not only saves me approximately 20 minutes at the end of each ser vice , but it also cuts out the human error, so I now get exactly what I ordered

The UK food industr y has a real appetite for tech It’s adventurous

Many of us know that digitising our business is not optional anymore

The margin for error with orders being exchanged on pen, paper, voicemail or WhatsApp is too high Wrong, misheard, or misspelt orders cost money and reputations If anybody has been watching The Bear, the recent US TV drama about a top chef who takes over his brother’s neighbourhood restaurant in Chicago, you’ll have seen the repeated scenes of increasing frustration when orders are delivered in the wrong quantities

As our industr y prepares for a difficult few seasons Choco the industr y ’ s No 1 global ordering platform has launched to the UK restaurant and supplier market

Choco can enable both suppliers and restaurants to make ever y possible financial and process efficiency, improving margins and strengthening the digital food chain

Choco s app allows suppliers to offer customers a fully digital ordering process, replacing the ‘gut feel, phone and paper list’ system All available

We estimate that, when using the Choco app, restaurants are saving on average 1 27 kilos ever y week by reducing their ordering mistakes and saving up to two hours ever y week by improving their efficiency in the kitchen


Shaun Henderson, founder of Henderson Seafood, the Brixham-based, sustainable and ethically sourced fish supplier to the restaurant industr y is using Choco “We use it as a platform for our customers to buy online from us We typically take 50 orders a day WhatsApp or phone can be prone to human error, but Choco eliminates that It saves time for our customers as they simply tick box what they want, the order comes through to us we process it and the invoice is automated saving us even more time Onboarding has been quicker than ever imagined and we were up and running within two weeks - two thirds of our orders are already coming through Choco Customers have really taken to it Choco has really changed the way we do things, and we couldn’t be happier ”


Chris Bassett, Head Chef at Por tland, a Michelin starred restaurant in

Previously, when done by phone , I could be waiting around to speak to someone , then I could read something out wrong or the supplier could have noted it down wrong so with Choco we both know exactly where we stand so it’s a more seamless efficient experience ”

Find out more about him and Choco UK at https://choco com/uk/ contact@choco com

Celebrations After Popular Licensee Completes 32 Years at the Victoria Hotel

Pub Company Admiral Taverns is celebrating local licensee

Michelle Dwan who runs the Victoria Hotel in Aller ton Bywater and is set to retire at the end of the month after more than 32 years at the helm of the local community pub The Victoria Hotel is owned by Admiral Taverns

Michelle took over the popular community pub in August 1990 and with the help of her par tner, Malcolm, they have successfully cemented it at the hear t of the community, becoming extremely loved and popular figures within the local area This month, Michelle was visited by Admiral Taverns’ Chief Executive , Chris Jowsey and Business Development Manager, Andy Longley, receiving a cer tificate of achievement to recognise the outstanding achievement and ser vice to the pub

Michelle Dwan, licensee of the Victoria Hotel, commented: “I can’t put into words how amazing my time at the Victoria Hotel has been it has been our way of life for so long now and I’m extremely grateful to each and ever y person who has visited our pub A lot has changed since taking over, we have celebrated our customers weddings and their children s weddings, it has been amazing to see our community grow and be par t of their journey I am so grateful to all my team who I’ve worked with over the years and of course , Admiral Taverns who has been a continuous suppor t for us – they are unlike any other

Punch Pubs & Co is the latest member to join the Zero Carbon Forum as the industr y works together to reduce energ y, cut carbon and cost at a critical time for the sector

The award-winning pub company has almost 1,300 community pubs throughout the UK, with ESG principles embedded at the hear t of their strateg y

Sustainability forms a key par t of their ‘Punch Promise’ with a laser-like focus on working with diverse communities to build an inclusive , resourceful, responsible and environmentally friendly business

Acknowledging the impact of Punch’s footprint on the environment, and its commitment to a circular economy, various carbon reduction initiatives are well underway throughout the estate and at their Head Office in Bur ton on Trent

Renewable energ y electric vehicle adoption sustainable sourcing and plastic and food waste reduction programmes are examples of activity in progress

pub company ”

Michelle has constantly suppor ted her community through an annual schedule of events, from charity fundraising initiatives, to live music events and her famous street par ties Michelle will be helping pass the reigns over to the new licensees Janice and Lee Ashwor th who are keen to continue Michelle’s fantastic work in the community and ensure residents can still enjoy ever ything the Victoria Hotel has to offer

The Victoria Hotel boasts a broad selection of cask marque accredited ales, numerous quality lagers, premium wines, and an excellent range of over 95 ar tisan gins It also offers a delicious bar menu, including homemade pies and a popular Sunday car ver y Andy Longley, Business Development Manager at Admiral Taverns, commented: “Firstly, I would like to congratulate Michelle and Malcolm on such an incredible achievement – they have truly created a special pub which is loved by locals Second, it has been a privilege to work with such passionate people they are always looking for ways to bring the community together and I know they will be sorely missed Ever yone at Admiral Taverns wishes them the ver y best for the future and we will be sure to keep in touch ”

Clive Chesser, Chief Executive Officer at Punch Pubs & Co, said: “As a modern and progressive pub company, we have a responsibility not only to manage our own impact on the economy, society and environment, but also to lead the way in understanding, improving and innovating our Publicans and Management Par tners towards achieving sustainable hospitality

“Working collaboratively with, and harnessing the learnings and exper tise from, the Zero Carbon Forum and its members will be key to helping us achieve our ESG targets ”

Mark Chapman founder and CEO of the Zero Carbon Forum added: “We welcome Punch to the forum as our latest member and look forward to suppor ting the group on its journey to net zero

“Power in numbers and collaborative action is what the Zero Carbon Forum stands for and by working together, it’s our belief that we can and will reach our net zero target as an industr y to avoid a climate catastrophe

22 CLH Digital
Punch Pubs & Co Latest Operator
Carbon Forum
to Join the Zero

Sales across the J D Wetherspoon estate remain lower than they were before Covid-19 hit, with chairman Tim Mar tin stating he remains “cautiously optimistic” about the financial year

In a trading update announcement Tim Mar tin has renewed calls for tax equality for pubs with supermarkets as Wetherspoon repor ted a 13 1% rise in half-year like-forlike sales In the 25 weeks to 22 Januar y 2023 like-for-like sales were 13 1% higher than the same period a year ago and 0 7% lower than the same period immediately before the pandemic , the 25 weeks to 26 Januar y 2020 Like-forlike sales in the last 12 weeks were 17 8% higher than the same period a year ago and were 2 0% lower than the prepandemic period

The Coffer CGA Business Tracker, which monitors sales for the UK pub and restaurant sector, repor ted that one-year like-for-like sales for the sector in December

2022 were +15 0%, while Wetherspoon’s like-for-like sales in December were +21 3% Mar tin said: “We are cautiously optimistic about the company ’ s prospects for the financial year The biggest threat to the hospitality industr y is the vast disparity in tax treatment between pubs and restaurants and supermarkets Supermarkets pay zero VAT in respect of food sales whereas pubs and restaurants pay 20%

This tax benefit allows supermarkets to subsidise the selling price of beer We estimate that supermarkets have taken about half of the pub industr y ’ s beer volumes since Wetherspoon star ted trading in 1979 a process that has likely accelerated following the pandemic Pub industr y directors have , in general, failed to campaign for tax

Bidcorp UK Secures Thomas Ridley Foodservice as Second Acquisition in 2023

After the announcement about the acquisition of Har vest Fine Foods last week Bidcorp UK has today fur ther strengthened its por tfolio of brands with the acquisition of Thomas Ridley Foodser vice

The independently run foodser vice supplier opened its doors back in 1808 and has fantastic , longstanding experience in ser vicing customers across a variety of sectors including healthcare , education, hospitality, hotels, restaurants and retail

Andrew Selley, CEO of Bidcorp UK commented: “This is already shaping up to be an incredibly exciting year for us as a business After being delighted to welcome Har vest Fine Foods into the Bidcorp family earlier this week, it gives me great pleasure to extend that same warm welcome to the team at Thomas Ridley Foodser vice

“As with Har vest, Thomas Ridley will join the Caterfood Buying Group, our growing network of independ-

ent businesses which includes Nichol Hughes, Elite Fine Foods, Caterfood, South Lincs Foodser vice and Cimandis These latest two acquisitions now make Caterfood one of the main buying groups ser ving the foodser vice wholesale sector

“Thomas Ridley is a highly experienced and accomplished foodser vice supplier, and will perfectly complement the Caterfood Buying Group As with the acquisition of the other independent businesses within the group, Thomas Ridley will continue operating as an autonomous and independent business

“We look forward to working alongside them to both learn from their exper t teams, as well as suppor ting them from a financial and strategic perspective ”

Justin Godfrey, Managing Director of Thomas Ridley said of the sale: “The business has been run by my family for over 200 years so it was impor tant that we joined a company that shares the same customer focussed DNA; making food deliver y one less thing to worr y about

“Bidcorp UK’s Caterfood Buying Group has the resource to suppor t Thomas Ridley Foodser vice in fur ther improving and developing our offer and ser vice level to our customers whilst keeping those family values

Thomas Ridley Foodser vice will begin operating under Caterfood Buying Group as of 23rd Januar y 2023

equality which is an impor tant principle of taxation Unless the industr y campaigns strongly for equality, it will inevitably shrink relative to supermarkets, which will not help high streets, tourism, the economy overall, or the ancient institution of the pub ” Wetherspoon’s free cash flow is expected to be substantially in excess of profits as a result of a cash inflow of approximately £170m from the October 2022 sale of interest rate swaps At 22 Januar y 2023 the company ’ s net debt was £745m, approximately £60m lower than the company repor ted at the same stage in FY2020, before the pandemic Can't wait to read the next CLH Digital? Visit our website www.catererlicensee .com Or to sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter with all the latest news delivered directly to your email! @CLHNews @CLHNews catererlicensee .com/ signup Issue 146 CLH Digital 23 Wetherspoons Sales Rise But Still Below Pre-Pandemic Levels

Spirits and Cocktails

Cocktails - “Defying Cost of Living”

The number of cocktail drinkers is on the rise! Research late last year revealed that on trade cocktails had increased by 11 percentage points Despite the current economic climate , the sector has seen, post-lockdown, a return to market has seen a growth in demand for premium ser ves amongst treat-seeking consumers But, the price of cocktails is rising against a broader market backdrop of growing inflation and a costof-living crisis

As a result, consumers are increasingly focusing on price and value And their price-consciousness highlights a renewed onus on pricing and promotional mechanics for the categor y

CGA by NielsenIQ’s sur vey of 1,000 nationally representative GB On Trade cocktail drinkers in 2022 revealed that 19% of GB consumers drink cocktails out of home Out of 9 million cocktail drinkers, 67% are ver y likely or quite likely to pay more for a higher quality cocktail, (+7pp vs Q1 2021)

Many consumers are undecided on the cocktail they will choose before visiting But, the most impor tant factors when choosing a cocktail are –1 flavour(s)

2 ingredients

3 is already tr ied and tested

4 on promotion

5 pr ice compared to other coc ktails

The cost challenges currently facing bars, pubs and nightclubs mean that costs are being squeezed, and some price rises will have to be passed on These cost expectations have grown across the On Premise with consumers expecting sharp increases to prices on each drink in restaurants (+£1 18) and nightclubs (+£1 51) vs Q1 2021 This includes significant increases in expected price points for cocktail ser ves, with inflated prices especially in the nightclub sector


Despite cost of living increases, consumers are still planning to prioritise food and drink spend, but they are increasingly “value led” For a significant propor tion of consumers, this means “value for experience”, for example – is the price wor th paying for? Value is considered to be more impor tant than price , however value doesn’t necessarily mean cheaper,

but can be considered synonymous with quality To this end, high-quality, premium cocktails that are par t of a memorable experience will keep visitors coming back

Price is also impor tant to consumers, even if it’s not the most important factor in choosing a cocktail – with 56% of consumers purchasing this drink type on promotion ever y time or almost ever y time they go out for cocktails (+8pp vs Q1 2021) In addition, non-cocktail drinkers are 32% more likely to be tempted by an offer to change to the categor y

Phillip Montgomer y, director of client ser vices – UK & Ireland, said:

“Many consumers are alleviating the rising cost of cocktails by focusing more on the availability of deals and promotions, as they assess the value outlets are offering So, offering cocktails at great value is impor tant for operators and suppliers hoping to appeal to a much broader consumer base , rather than just competing for consumers who actively seek high quality cocktails ”


The latest CGA Consumer Impact repor t shows that in the past month 2 in 5 consumers have visited the On Premise 3 or more times and 56% of consumers last trip to the On Premise was within the past week Visitation levels remain positively steady compared to the previous month, however 38% of consumers have been out for a drink-led visit, up +2pp compared to July; likely driven by consumers wanting to make the most of patio season and the warmer weather

Significantly, the repor t reveals that almost 3 in 5 cocktail drinkers

have seen cocktails listing branded spirits on menus when visiting bars and/or restaurants in the past 3 months, and 44% have subsequently ordered these cocktails

Among consumers who have ordered cocktails including branded spirits in the past 3 months, 2 in 5 have done so ever y time/almost ever y time they have visited the On Premise – highlighting the influence this brand exposure has when positioned as a key ingredient in a preferred cocktail type

There is still significant room for growth in this area for brands to entice consumers to tr y a branded spirit in a cocktail by optimising this crucial par t of the consumers ’ path to purchase – 52% of consumers order cocktails with branded sprits only occasionally when visiting bars and/or restaurants

Typically, when ordering spirits, 43% of spirits drinkers order by specific brand, while just over a third (33%) order the categor y generally, and 24% do so depending on the situation This presents suppliers with the oppor tunity to engage loyal brand consumers, and to drive consumers to trial brands when presented in a range of cocktail ser ves

Matthew Crompton, regional director – Nor th America, said “Casual dining chains continue to be the most visited venue type in the On Premise , with over half of consumers visiting the channel in the past 3 months Working effectively with target outlets to get branding and branded descriptions on menus can help boost visibility fur ther to influence cocktail choice It’s impor tant for suppliers to consider the effectiveness of branded and non-branded options when building On Premise strategies with operators and independents ”


On Premise satisfaction remains high across the board par ticularly around quality of ser vice The research also suggests operators and suppliers can expect steady levels of consumer visits to bars and restaurants in the upcoming month, and new oppor tunities to entice target consumers to repeat purchase and trial brands

“Being able to truly understand the nuances of consumer preferences, need states and motivations to influence effective decision-making is key to success On Premise occasions are impor tant to consumers, and suppliers and operators need to be able to cater to the needs and expectations during visits,” said Matt Crompton

Introducing Bareksten – A Premium Range Of AwardWinning Spirits From The Dark Norwegian Forests

Norway is renowned for the best quality berries in the world; juniper, blueberries and lingonberries are selected for their depth of taste and aroma Whilst herbs sourced from amongst the pine trees add dense dark under tones of the forest floor Produced at the Oss Craft Distiller y in Bergen, Bareksten Botanical Gin tastes exactly as you would expect it to - of the Norwegian forest The nose is vibrant and inviting with clear notes of fresh pine inter twined with enticing spiced under tones For a perfect ser ve , a classic Bareksten Botanical Gin & Tonic is best ser ved with cherr y tomatoes to fully appreciate the botanical flavours

Bareksten has bottled the essence of Norway in both taste and character – dark, wild, breath-taking and dramatic Developed with the finest ingredients and exceptional flavours, the hero product in this range of spirits; Bareksten Botanical Gin (46% ABV) is a smooth potato based botanical gin, a superpremium, versatile spirit, making it a distinctive addition to any bar’s gin line-up Featuring 26 botanicals, 19 of which are found locally, the exquisite black bottle hints at the deep dark forests where the majority of the botanicals are sourced

The Bareksten Spirits collection also includes Navy Strength Gin, Old Tom Gin, Double Gin, Illsint Absint and the Scandinavian favourite Botanical Aquavit Bareksten Botanical Gin was awarded Gold in the Gin categor y at The London Spirits Competition in 2022

For trade enquiries, please contact sinead@osscraft no or visit www barekstenspirits com

Ingredients: • 35ml Bareksten Botanical Gin • Premium Tonic Water • 2 Cherr y tomatoes halved • Coriander leaves Method: • Pour Bareksten Botanical Gin in a glass full of ice cubes • Top up with premium tonic water and garnish with halved cherr y tomatoes and coriander leaves For trade enquiries, please contact sinead@osscraft no Master of Malt | LWC | Hammonds | Amazon | Enotria | Speciality Drinks | @barekstenspirits Join the Spirit of Norway Stig & Tonic 24 CLH Digital Issue 146

Spirits and Cocktails

Goldstone Rum

There’s a new family run distiller y on the scene in Sussex and it’s offering something a bit different to Britain s rum industr y Their scratch rum is made from fresh sugar cane juice which is added to the fermentation within hours of being pressed This along with three other types of sugar jagger y, panela and traditional molasses makes for a ver y unique tasting rum

John Bowell co-founder said ‘Our rum has a flavour profile like nothing else we ’ ve tried during our recipe development The rum has notes of baked banana and hazelnut making it rich and round on the palate and nose

We’ve been overwhelmed with the feedback we ’ ve received from customers and hospitality professionals’

Born out of the idea that there is a gap in the market for an ar tisanal quality rum usterlising traditional methods over mass production Goldstone Rum is made with a slow fermentation, using high quality natural sugars The result being something exceptional

Tom Surger y who recently visited the distiller y said I m so excited to see the journey Georgina and John are on with Goldstone Rum It’s inspiring stuff The rums are characterful, pure and super smooth I can’t wait to watch them develop fur ther ’

The team at Goldstone Rum are currently developing their flavour range inspired by traditional rum cocktails Ginger and lime after the dark and stormy and Kola Nut after the cube libre The flavoured rums will be available in the Spring

The Brighton-based husband-and-wife duo are also working with the hospitality industr y to provide sessions at the distiller y for restaurants and bars to expand their knowledge on fermentation and distillation of spirits Their rum school upstairs allows sommeliers and bar staff to create their own flavour combinations of rum Their distiller y is open to the public on Saturdays for tours and tastings for just £10 per head

To find out more visit www goldstonerum com

Pineapple and Ginger Daiquiri


50ml Goldstone white


50ml pineapple ju ce

25ml ginger syrup

25ml coconut water

Ju ce of half a lime


- Make the ginger syrup by comb ning the sugar coconut water and a thumb of peeled grated ginger in a saucepan on a low heat and stir until d ssolved Allow to cool

- Combine Goldstone Rum®, pineapple juice , lime juice and ginger syrup together in a coc ktail shaker with ice Shake well, stra n and ser ve

Flavour Blaster - Add Theatre to Every Serve With Aromatic Bubble Garnish

A DEVICE adding the wow factor to cocktails has taken the international market by storm, after being inspired by the childhood experience of blowing bubbles

Flavour Blaster Pro, which creates aroma filled bubbles on the top of drinks is now used by professionals in Michelin Star Restaurants and Five Star Hotels around the world As well as leading mixologist and Flavour Blaster ambassador Simone Caporale , owner of Sips 3rd best cocktail bar in world

The professional aroma gun is sold to more than 40,000 customers in 150 countries, thanks to its use of innovative technolog y

Other clients include top chains such as The Alchemist, Maybe Sammy in Australia, and it is also currently helping to create the immersive experience at Johnny Walker in Edinburgh

The company also has a strong foothold in the international market, particularly in the USA where it can be found in venues in California, Florida and Las Vegas to name a few

Its success is the result of a collaboration between hospitality entrepreneur Colin Myers and manufacturing

guru, Rober t Flunder who came up with the initial concept to add some theatricality to the drinks experience And the resulting creation was down to Colins fascination with the concept of edible bubbles which would use authentic aromas rather than synthetic flavours

Australian-born Colin who previously worked in the bar and leisure industr y in the UK, spent four years helping to develop the product which he describes as “ an inner child gadget ”

The company uses a leading company in New York to prepare its aromas, which are distilled from actual fruits, herbs and spices rather than being ar tificially produced

And it s not stopping there Now with a 15-strong staff plus a R & D team, a number of other products for the Hospitality sector are also in development

“The ultimate in theatrical mixolog y ”

For fur ther information visit www flavourblaster com

Issue 146 CLH Digital 25

The Source Trade Show Preview

Take a Bite Out of the Best the South West Has to Offer

With 2023 rapidly approaching, it’s time to plan how you ’ re going to find ingredients for your new menus, the best retail food and drink, and the equipment and ser vices your business needs to keep ahead of the competition Whether you run a pub, hotel, restaurant, café, deli, farm shop, holiday park, tourist attractions, catering business, supermarket or if your business is food and drink, the Source trade show is for you

The Source trade show will take place on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th Februar y 2023, at Westpoint, near Exeter There’s been a food and drink and hospitality show in this time slot in the South West now for more than 20 years This is one of the key times of year for buyers to seek out new suppliers of products and ser vices and, in par tnership with regional food group Taste of the West, this trade show will delight your senses with the latest flavours and ideas The Source is easily the biggest and best regional trade show in the countr y You’ll discover

South West Labels

ever ything a food or hospitality business could possibly want, from high quality ingredients, the freshest food and drinks through to foodser vice , kitchen equipment and designs stylish furniture and the latest EPoS and other business systems to keep your operation running smoothly

This is a two day oppor tunity for you to see what s hot in the fast-moving world of cuisine , network with colleagues, and pick up on the trends, business challenges and oppor tunities shaping the sector for 2023

Meet the Newcomers, who are new companies from the South West that have never done a trade show before Plus many exhibitors put on exclusive show offers that you can advantage of!

For more information about the show and to register to attend visit

You can also follow the show on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram at @SourceFoodDrink

known by different names depending on their use

Labelling guns price guns pricing guns label guns coding guns and batch guns Our range of products can meet all needs: Simple low use models, durable machines for industr y A wide variety of specialist features including autoincrementing guns for batch codes

All equipment is supplied with a one year factor y warranty and are designed to give years of reliable and effective ser vice

Visit us on stand H4 to view our products

26 CLH Digital Issue 146
South West Labels are a supplier of labelling guns thermal label printers & labels We’re here for retail, industrial and manufacturing businesses We’re independent which means impar tial recommendations combined with over 30 years experience in supplying these products The labelling gun market can be complicated Many products are
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Barton Reed & Co

HS French Flint - The Glass Container Specialists

The Source Trade Show Preview Issue 146 CLH Digital 27
Bar ton Reed & Co is the leading supplier of quality furniture to hotels, restaurants, public houses and leisure facilities in the South West We can supply beautiful leather sofas, stylish high bar stools, comfy tub seats, elegant restaurant tables and chairs, and relaxing beds From laid back, seaside charm to cutting-edge design our extensive product range will suit your style and give your business the look that you want to achieve We have a huge choice of colours fabrics and finishes and all our furniture comes with a two-year warranty Bar ton Reed & Co is a familyrun business and we have been involved in the furniture industr y since 1945 Over the years we have forged strong relationships with our suppliers to give you the best furniture available with a ser vice that goes above and beyond our customers expectations Seven reasons why you should choose Bar ton Reed & Co to supply your contract furniture: • Wide range of styles • Easy order ing and re-order ing • Single point of contact • Shor t lead times • Direct deliver y • After sales ser vice • Two-year warranty on ever y item Get in touch to discuss your furniture requirements or to order our new brochure –we ’ re here to help Call us on 01409 271189, visit www bar tonreed co uk or email info@bar tonreed co uk Alternatively see us on Stand H16 at The Source Trade Show HS French Flint Ltd are ver y pleased to be exhibiting at the Source Trade Show again this year and are looking forward to seeing Old Friends as well as New Contacts on STAND E17 Having moved into a new and larger showroom overlooking the River Thames near Tower Bridge we have continued to expand our range and have even more wonderful glass jars and bottles to show you this year Please have a look at our website www frenchflint com or give us a call on 020 7237 1750 HS French Flint Limited The Galler y, Springalls Wharf, 25a Bermondsey Wall West, London SE16
CREATE YOUR OWN BESPOKE GIN SEE US ON STAND C15 T: 01803 812 509 E: info@devondistillery com www devondistillery com /devondistillery @devondistillery Devon Distillery Devon Distiller y can produce a gin just for you Specialising in shor t run white-label production at competitive prices, we have made award winning gins for a number of clients already If you want your own house gin or a gin for a special occasion Devon Distiller y can produce it for you You can include your own botanicals and design your own label all with guidance from our master distillers Devon Distiller y also produces it’s own award winning Dappa (Devon Grappa) and Devoncello as well as a great Sloe Gin See the adver t on this page for details or visit Stand C15 See us at The Source Tr adeshow 2023 www.catererlicensee .com CLH NEWS - SERVING THE INDEPENDENT HOSPITALITY SECTOR FOR 22 YEARS!

Products and Services

From Humble Kitchen To A Growing National Brand!

If you haven’t heard about Rober t’s Dorset before , let me update you Rober t s Dorset is a family run business established in 2011 Rober t

Parkin, his wife Helen and their two sons Louis and Rorke set about creating snacks in the family’s humble kitchen and star ted selling at local markets

“We took our products to markets in and around our beloved Dorset and were thrilled with the response We knew our snacks were amazing but we were blown away that ever yone who tried them thought so too!” Rober t Parkin

From that moment, they have worked hard to ensure their products are of a high quality ethically sourced and incredibly tasty, while keeping prices low They continue to develop delicious new flavours and ideas, as well as consistently deliver those firm favourites they star ted with all those years ago

All their snacks are handmade in the beautiful county of Dorset, England, and all items are prepared to order to ensure that customers always get the freshest products They have a 99 9% waste free production process They are also 100% cer tified by RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) and buy only from a segregated supply chain Pretty impressive

Rober t’s Dorset products include:

Proper Pork Crackling – Tr iple cooked w th incredible crunc h available in 11 flavour s , no MSG or ar tif cial flavour s

Yummy Peanuts – Grade AA nuts , ethically and sustainably sourced, and ava lable in 13 flavour s

Fabulous Fudge – Made with ocally sourced cream,

gluten free and ava lable in 15 flavour s with two vegan var ieties

Ever yone can enjoy their delicious snacks which can cater for Keto, Vegan, Sugar Free Gluten Free and Allergen Free lifestyles You won’t find many competitors who can offer the same choices at such good prices

They remain a family business, ensuring that their steady growth does not compromise quality or customer focus This is the beauty of a small company like Rober t’s Dorset, they can produce big flavours and fulfil big orders but without the big price tag as they don’t have the same overheads as other brands

Rober t’s Dorset products are available for both retail and the hospitality industr y with the option of recyclable or reusable packaging in various sizes to suit your needs

Set up a Trade Account and receive the following benefits:

• Ded cated Account Manager

• Amazing Trade pr ices

• Easy order options - online or by phone

• Next day dispatc h on order s received before 2pm, de ivered by a trusted, trac kable cour er

• Delicious high-quality products whic h will keep your customer s com ng bac k for more!

See the adver t on page 3 or contact Rober t’s Dorset to find out more , or to set up a trade account:

rober t@rober tsdorset com

01208 875280

www rober tsdorset com

Fire Detection and Emergency

Lighting Solutions You Can Trust

Trowbridge and Farnham

The Difference in Engaging Food Hygiene Training is Right in the Video

The Safety Exper t has created an online Level 2 Food Hygiene course for hospitality businesses that enables staff to learn through video The course consists of videos that are filmed in real-life scenarios with practical examples The course is created and delivered by Natalie Stanton, Founder of The Safety Exper t Natalie is a Char tered Environmental Health Officer food safety advisor and trainer

Natalie said: “Presenting information in a visual way can increase knowledge retention That s why I opted for video My mission is to bridge the gap between elearning and face-to-face training I want to retain the flexibility and affordability of online training whilst presenting information in a visual way to ensure staff learn and remember as much as possible I know now more than ever food businesses are experiencing a high turnover of staff It is essential that all of these staff are trained to work safely After all, a business is only as

food handler to cost the business its 5-star rating For example; I ve seen food handlers panic to get food into the fridge and cause cross-contamination by storing raw meat incorrectly The EHO can’t ignore this when calculating a food hygiene rating Effective training should help staff make the right decisions when it comes to food safety

To find out more:

www thesafetyexper t co uk

info@thesafetyexper t co uk

See the adver t on page 9 for fur ther details

For an exclusive use code CLH248

Offer ends 31/01/2023*

10% OFF

Authentic Spanish Sangria – Now In A Can!

Solsueño sangria in a can, introduced to the UK in spring 2022 in par tnership with Proof Drinks Ltd, has brought a premium, innovative addition to the pre-mix beverage sector and a ray of liquid Spanish sunshine to UK consumers!

spice giving a refreshing and drinkable palate’’

Illumino Ignis are independent, professional and highly experienced We specialise in the design, commission, supply and suppor t of an incredible range of fire safety emergency lighting and disability products

With our head office being based in Yaxley, Peterborough we also have other branches covering the UK; these are located in Cannock, Blackpool,

Besides designing fire alarm and emergency lighting systems, Illumino Ignis also focuses on the distribution of stock from our packed warehouses across the countr y which hold high levels of stock from many of our fire alarm manufacturers

As well as distributing stock via courier if you are in the local area you can pick up your equipment from one of our many branches which have trade counters

See the adver t on page 9 or visit www illuminoignis co uk

Hotels and restaurants typically exhibit significant but varied hot water and heating usage patterns, which contributes to the current 40% tally of UK greenhouse gas emissions generated by the built environment

To help achieve climate-neutral building stock by 2050 the industr y is being challenged to reduce operational energ y use By increasing the use of renewable energ y supply and prioritising on-site renewable energ y sources the hope it to reduce both harmful carbon emissions and bills

There is no doubt that being more sustainable comes with a cost Whether in the form of new build projects or and far more likely the refurbishment of existing yet ageing facilities understanding the necessar y capital investment, operational savings and payback periods is going to be key

Addressing the efficiency of domestic hot water (DHW) systems - whether through the implementation of heat pumps solar thermal direct electric water heating or even simple modernisation of existing gas applianceshelps proper ties meet sustainability goals in a practical and cost-effective manner It also delivers improved year-

Packaged in a modern 330ml slimline can at 5% abv, Solsueño is an authentic sangria, crafted in the Denominacion de Origen region of Jumilla, Murcia Using local and natural ingredients, the great tasting liquid is vegan and gluten free , instantly giving consumers the ‘ sun, sea and sangria’ holiday feeling Ideal for all indoor and outdoor settings with no preparation or wastage , the can offers single-ser ve convenience but can also be used in shared occasions adding ice and fruit in a jug The eco credentials of cans mean lower transpor t costs due to the lightness of the packaging and the cans are infinitely recyclable

Awarded Bronze in the 2022 IWSC Alternative Drinks categor y competition, the professional winetasting panel offered the following tasting notes: ‘’juicy cherr y and plum palate , with clove and cinnamon

Following a first year of attending many national trade fairs, regional outdoor events, Foodie Festivals and local food & drink fairs, the overwhelming reaction to the liquid is really positive and has driven early successes with on and off-trade distribution, as well as Amazon Suppor ted by an active social media and extensive sampling campaign, Solsueño has established a firm foothold and the brand is ver y much looking forward to continued successes into 2023 With pre-mix drinks growing to be a hugely popular categor y par ticularly during the summer, sangria is a natural fit given the high levels of consumer awareness due to Spain being a major holiday destination for the UK consumer Solsueño sangria, Bring ng Spain to the UK!

Contact us at:

info@sangria-solsueno com

www sangria-solsueno com


See the adver t on page 2 for details

round conditions for staff and customers providing access to spaces better suited to delivering quality hospitality

For buildings already on gas and that rely on large amounts of DHW - a large proportion of current UK hotels for instance – silent solar preheat is the preferable option For new build properties, the expectation is for specification to default to a mixture of heat pumps and direct electric afterheat New system approaches, including prefabricated packaged plant rooms, also provide for better use of the spaces that already exist without the need to undertake expensive and disruptive building projects This is especially valid as demands for floorspace for dining as well as additional or larger accommodation space comes at a premium Adveco

good as its staff I’m passionate about helping food businesses to succeed by ensuring their staff are trained to work safely My experience shows that training can’t just be a ‘tick box exercise To produce safe food and for a business to get a good food hygiene rating, staff need to understand food safety This is only possible if they learn and retain knowledge from training Having worked as a local authority EHO for over 11 years I’ve seen many examples of how poor staff training can impact a business During a food hygiene inspection, it only takes one mistake from a
can help achieve emission reduction targets With more than 50 years of specialised exper tise in designing, supplying, and ser vicing hot water systems to the hospitality and hotel industr y, Adveco is the single resource you need for independent exper t technical guidance on choosing and developing bespoke sustainable applications today to get you on the right path towards net zero operation Visit www adveco co/sectors Sustainable & Cost-Effective Hot Water Is Achievable Today The star t of the year is always a good time to reflect on what you did last year and what worked best for you in terms of both bringing in the footfall and ultimately profits Planning your promotions throughout the year is always good practice with any business and for our market sector we have to focus on events around the year and of course seasonal activity such as Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day HFE Signs have a range of pre-designed Pub Banners which are great to give some ideas There is no better way to adver tise your promotions than Printed Banners from HFE Signs – with great deals such as Three 8x3ft Printed Banners for just £108 delivered, you can t go wrong! Fur thermore , if you order printed banners by 11am they are delivered next working day and if that isn’t good enough, the design is free too For more information on Printed Banners, check out www hfe-signs co uk today! Is It Time For Some Fresh Promotions? 28 CLH Digital Issue 146

If we can help you reduce your carbon footprint, the cost of your cleaning products, reduce your single use plastics to zero, and save you

tonne of storage space , all whilst improving the quality of your range , then surely, you’d have to be interested?


Over the course of our histor y, we at Cleenol have always produced products that offer a perfect balance between cleaning performance and efficiency with an attention to reducing the environmental impact that our products may carr y edencleen, our latest brand, reaffirms our commitment to our credentials for environmental guardianship, and represents an evolution of what has been an integral par t of our DNA Edencleen has been designed to reflect in par t our vision for a cleaner safer world that touches not only the environmental aspects of sustainability but has as an aim a social ambition to leave the planet in the safe care of and for future generations As such with edencleen, Cleenol looks to ensure transparency in our approach, which may on occasion result in some counter

intuitive elements

The range covers the essential needs to cover 80% of daily cleaning and include: a washroom cleaner and toilet gel cleaner and urinal deodoriser, an all-purpose surface sanitiser, a degreaser and a washing up liquid, a no rinse floor degreaser, a window cleaner and a laundr y detergent and fabric softener edencleen products have been developed around the following principles and ingredients

RSPO cer tified palm oil der ivatives

• No an mal der ived products

• Cruelty free

Pod in a Pouch - Being Green Shouldn’t Cost the Earth Cleaning and Hygiene edencleen from Cleenol

• Minimal petroc hemical der ived products

• No parabens , formaldehyde , CMI/MIT, tr ic losan, phosphates , c hlor ine bleac hes , optical br ightener s , quaternar y ammonium compounds

• VOC free and phosphate , EDTA, NTA free

• Rec yc lable / rec yc led pac kaging

• 100% bio-based surfactant - made by using bio-based ethylene ox de whic h is manufactured from biomass ethano

• Bioethanol, naturally der ived acids , sugar-based surfactants , bio-based solvents , ow impact preser vatives

Combining carefully formulated products with appropriate packaging using recycled material or recyclable componentr y, the range ’ s mostly colourless liquid and low fragrance usage are designed to convey a transparency and straightforwardness of our approach which will be a hallmark of all edencleen products and associated ser vices

Careful use of enzymatic formulations and more traditional chemistr y brings a por tfolio of products that’s finely attuned to delivering effective cleaning which when used as instructed helps maintain a neutral environmental impact edencleen’s new range represents just the star t to a fully refreshed solution to meet the most demanding of customers expectations See the adver t below for fur ther information

SIMPLE, SUSTAINABLE, REVOLUTIONARY Pod in a Pouch allows traditional cleaning products to be more sustainable and easier than ever to use , with its clever packaging and soluble capsule design Enabling you to clean more sustainably, it is easy to implement for both your staff and your facility Ever ything from the packaging to the sachet itself is manufactured in the UK which reduces transpor t costs and therefore your carbon footprint Product Name Pack Size Standard Price Price Per Bottle Multi-Purpose 20 x 750ml £9 72 + VAT 0 49p Glass & Stainless Steel 20 x 750ml £9 72 + VAT 0 49p Bathroom Cleaner 20 x 750ml £9 72 + VAT 0 49p Toilet & Ur inal Descaler 20 x 1 Litre £19 35 + VAT 0 97p Virucida Disinfectant 20 x 750ml £17 00 + VAT 0 85p Degreaser 20 x 760ml £9 72 + VAT 0 49p Degreaser Detergent 100 x 5 Litre £22 86 + VAT 0 23p Air Freshener 20 x 750ml £17 18 + VAT 0 86p Laundr y Pods (Non-Bio) 300 £41 90 + VAT 0 14p Tr igger Bottles (750ml) 1 £1 99 + VATToi et Cleaner Bottle (1 Litre) 1 £1 99 + VATWe are so convinced about our Pod in a Pouch range that we would like to share it with you Simply go to the link to access the Purozo shop and add “PIAPSAMPLE” to your basket At checkout you will need to detail which product you would like to tr y, and we will send you a free sample together with a screen-printed trigger bottle See the adver t on this page or www purozo co uk or call +44 (0) 1594 546 250 for fur ther details *Offer finishes 16th Januar y 2023 and s lim ted to one product per customer
our eco-friendly dissolvable cleaning pod range:
Issue 146 CLH Digital 29

Chef's Buyer's Guide

It's Time To Get Real

Vinicola Tombacco Achieves Equalitas Sustainable Winery Certification

Padua’s Vinicola Tombacco

has been awarded Equalitas

Cer tification, a globally recognised sustainability standard set for the wine sector which guarantees the winer y ’ s commitment to sustainability

Tombacco, who’s wines are available in the UK through Lanchester Wines, has announced the achievement following a series of both ongoing and new projects to address key sustainability issues The third-generation family business, which recently celebrated its centenar y year, has implemented various practices across its wineries to minimise its impact on the environment

Solar panels are installed on Tombacco’s buildings, which optimises the cost of electricity covering 10% of the company ’ s energ y needs and is the first step towards complete energ y autonomy An innovative Israeli-type drip irrigation system has been installed, that delivers just enough water and nutrients to the vines while minimising wastage And, Valoritalia, the Italian cer tification body has rewarded 47 Anno Domini's effor ts with organic cer tification which in itself is a guarantee of attention and care to the highest standards

Fur thermore , Tombacco has introduced an employee welfare programme which, in the long term, will see them as recipients of annual awards for their good work and team building activities

Brothers Cristian and Andrea Tombacco are joint

owners of Vinicola Tombacco

Cristian said: Improvement is a path taken one step at a time and each step must follow a precise direction made up of shor t-term objectives that lead to more ambitious and prestigious long-term successes Ever y year we'll prepare a Sustainability Repor t setting out the improvement policies that we intend to put into practice , measuring the overall situation An independent body performs an audit to cer tify progress: this guarantees greater transparency, but also encourages businesses to show constant commitment and efficiency ”

"We know the path we have decided to take is a difficult one , but we do it with the awareness that this is the right one in order to stay faithful to our principles and guarantee future generations a thriving business like the one we are experiencing today ” concludes Cristian

The Equalitas standard focuses on the social, environmental and economic pillars of sustainability It’s a voluntar y cer tification procedure regarding wine sustainability with the aim of bringing together companies in the wine sector to promote one , shared approach to sustainability For more information, please visit

For more information on Tombacco s commitment to sustainability, please visit

Let Your Dessert Menu Sparkle with Just Desserts

With over 100 handcrafted desser ts already on offer, Just Desser ts Yorkshire Established in 1985 in the renowned Salt’s mill, Just Desser ts Yorkshire specialise in baking a range of over 100 quality handcrafted desser ts

Using the finest of ingredients, the Just Desser ts Yorkshire range includes a selection of over 20 large and individual luxur y cheesecakes, decorative gateaux and cakes, tar ts and pastries – featuring a range of delicious fillings, the famous Yorkshire Scoundrel puddings and crumbles and so much more

When it comes to sourcing we work closely with our suppliers to develop long-term relationships This ensures the ingredients we use in our baking is sourced sustainably and responsibly resulting in a quality product that we can all enjoy

We can’t bake great cakes without looking after our

environment Reducing our carbon footprint and working towards a greener planet is fundamental within our operations

We are committed to manufacturing delicious, handcrafted desser ts in a way that is environmentally sustainable

Our vision and ethos of bringing quality handcrafted desser ts for all to enjoy, guides, motivates and is reflected within the desser ts we produce It is our purpose to put into practice traditional baking methods to create a wide range of high-quality handmade desser ts whilst sourcing the best ingredients and applying attention to detail

Widely available for distribution throughout the UK Just

Desser ts Yorkshire supply the hospitality and retail sector, including pubs restaurants and hotels with the finest of desser ts https://just-desser

Issue 146 CLH Digital 31
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Are you squeezed for time? Why not tr y our quality Vanilla Bean Paste in a tube It has been specially created to provide top-quality vanilla in an easy and versatile form, with no wastage and less flavour bake-off Each tube has a two-year shelf life and contains the equivalent of 20 pods, seeds and all Put it in coffee , porridge , smoothies and ice cream, rub it into meats like duck and pork use it in your cakes and bakes, or as a marinade for fish! Sweet and savour y alike , LittlePod products are gluten free , suitable for vegans and kosher cer tified
par tners in the kitchen Visit www littlepod co uk
LittlePod’s responsibly-sourced product range includes our innovative , easy-to-use natural vanilla paste and organic vanilla pods, as well as our extracts of vanilla coffee and chocolate These ingredients not only suppor t each other in the rainforest, but are also perfect flavour

Laundry and Linens

Elis UK Partners with Harts Group for Laundry & Washroom Requirements

Textile and laundr y ser vices provider Elis UK (https://uk elis com) has par tnered with Har ts Group to deliver on laundr y and washroom requirements for all its London restaurants These include the modern Spanish Barrafina and Parrillian restaurant groups, the Mexican El Pastor chain and the historic Soho Quo Vadis restaurant and private members club

The company required a range of products such as chef and front-ofhouse uniforms table linen kitchen linen and washroom ser vices

Garments needed to be smar t and professionally laundered with a strong emphasis on quality and brand image It had historically experienced a lack of consistency with ser vice levels from a range of suppliers creating complexity and additional administration pressures

Elis worked closely with Har ts Group to understand its key requirements at a site level It completed site sur veys and meetings with the management team of each restaurant This helped to identify the number and type of garments required and the number of wearers enabling Elis to work out a schedule that would fit the restaurants’ exacting requirements while offering a consistent level of ser vice As a result Elis was able to reduce the number of weekly collections and deliveries increase the amount of stock in circulation and combine all ser vices into one straightforward deliver y model This reduced the carbon footprint of the ser vices being delivered and unlocked fur ther commercial benefits

Following the site visits Elis gained a strong understanding of the operational and logistical requirements for the group and was awarded the contract The ser vice cycle commenced as par t of a two-phase roll-out to suppor t the Group during the withdrawal of the incumbent suppliers

Quantex: Full Linen Quality Control

As in most situations of life the first impression counts This is also true when entering a hotel room as a guest Our first scrutinizing look often focuses on the essential element of ever y hotel room: the bed That is no surprise , since this is where guests spend several hours during the night Therefore , quality and cleanliness of the bed linen has a decisive influence on the customer experience However, hygienically clean is usually not enough For many hotels, immaculate linen is a key requirement as holes and stains in the linen can easily overshadow an otherwise pleasant guest experience


Laundr y and hotel staff often work under great time pressure Stains and holes are often only discovered by the hotel guests thus leaving a lasting negative impression of the received ser vice


Working with Har ts Group for laundr

Har t Group was impressed with the thorough preparation and attention to detail that Elis has shown The ser vice has proven to be reliable and straightforward allowing the restaurant teams to focus on their core business operations rather than worr ying about the availability of laundr y

Aurelija Sovaite , Operations Manager of Har t Group, said: “We chose Elis after reviewing several options and we ’ re ver y pleased by the attention to detail shown in the transition of the ser vices Visiting ever y restaurant and getting a full understanding of the needs and challenges of each has meant that the ser vice Elis has designed fits our requirements, reduces the number of deliveries and collections and offers true value for money As a result, I now spend little time of dealing with complaints in regards to laundr y and washroom ser vices, and we ’ re delighted to have selected Elis as our laundr y and washroom par tner ”

Harr y Bown Director of Operations at Har t Group said: “Having worked with some well-known laundr y suppliers in London for many years it’s been refreshing to work with a supplier of Elis’ professionalism and quality It was impor tant that we streamlined our invoices and supply chain to remove complexity Laundr y and washroom ser vices have historically taken time to manage However, Elis has delivered on its commitments and caused no disruption to our operations during the transition ”

Quantex offers automatic end-to-end quality control of flat linen on Kannegiesser ironer lines The scan system checks ever y piece of linen and guarantees highest quality, individually tailored to the needs of each hotel or restaurant It sor ts out flawed pieces of linen and enables quick deliver y at the same time

State-of-the-ar t camera technolog y mounted on the folding machine detects stains, holes, worng alignments and wrinkles on both sides of ever y piece and automatically separates rejected items Quality criteria can be determined individually for each type of linen and each customer thus guaranteeing optimally customized quality The scanning system reduces the workload in quality control, speeds up the feeding process, and lowers the error rate

Quantex at a glance:

1 Precise hole detection for single and mult -layered pieces

2 Reliable stain detection

3 Real-time detection of wrong alignments and wr inkles

4 Opt onal disregard of item areas

5 Clear, intuit ve user interface

6 Comprehensive statistical evaluation for eac h cr ter ia

Visit www kannegiesser com/uk/en or see the adver t on the facing page

Elis UK are proud to have par tnered with Har ts Group to deliver on laundr y and washroom requirements for all its London restaurants

For all workwear, catering, food service laundr y provider requirements please contact 0808 1685795 or

y & washroom requirements
32 CLH Digital Issue 146

Hospitality Technology

Hospitality Tech - Trends and Priorities for 2023

Infor’s Paul Griffiths looks at what trends and priorities will colour industr y technology conver sations in 2023 (

As we begin the new year, what are the trends and priorities we can expect to see in hospitality technolog y in 2023?


If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that conditions, landscapes, and frames of mind can and must change and adapt to all kinds of forces that affect business outcomes Those forces originate from as many different directions In the past year, businesses – ours and those of our customers – have had to be agile , and adaptive which is as it should be

This isn’t just about following new technolog y in hospitality industr y trends, it’s about looking at how perceptions have changed, and how attitudes have had an impact on consumer culture in ever y industr y

Sometimes, compensating for shifting attitudes and approaches can be just as involved as developing new technolog y in hospitality industries to meet those demands But that’s the road we ’ re all following in pursuit of what the industr y will be this year and beyond


What makes for a great guest experience today may be defined quite differently in the next few years Understanding this has meant a deeper dive into streamlining and diversifying the booking and ordering processes and examining the various ways guests access menus to get what they want from restaurant menus in various channels, to more accessible hotel booking processes even before the stay begins

Building on greater precision of how the guest journey is suppor ted is and will continue to be about long-term relationship building and having insights that come out of it inform strateg y Understanding and accessing guest histories and preferences is the vital guiding star to follow here After all, the guest experience characterised by warm welcomes and attention to detail when needs arise is the whole reason the industr y even exists


Within a wide spectrum of contexts, here at Infor, we foresee a few impor tant priorities that we pursued this year that will come to greater fruition in the next Here are some of those

Precise booking platforms for hotels and related suppor t systems to enhance superior guest experiences

Greater intelligence and repor ting functionality to know who guests are what they want out of an experience , and the related revenue oppor tunities that come out of that

Continued emphasis on mobile solutions that empower guests to manage their own journeys according to their own levels of comfor t and preferred contexts

Solutions and systems to empower teams at all levels of the business to do their best work – greater access, convenience , accessibility, and therefore greater attention to detail

Scalability in connecting systems together across proper ties to enhance operational efficiencies in all of them – with the cloud and SaaS

How To Create A Compliant Labelling Solution To Meet Natasha’s Law

Natasha’s Law has significant implications for all businesses that produce foods pre-packaged for direct sale (PPDS) to customers on-site Together with putting customers at risk those who don t comply face the possibility of large fines and reputation damage , with longer-lasting consequences for customer numbers

It’s created a product labelling challenge for food retailers But while our research found that all agree the regulation will make consumers with food allergies feel safer, many say they are finding it challenging to adapt their labelling processes

Handwritten labels open you up to the risk of human error, and pre-printed labels can be costly and limit your ability to make any changes to an ingredient list - neither provide the speed, accuracy and flexibility of a digital, compliant food labelling solution

Brother has a strong track record of delivering tailored systems for the food ser vice and hospitality sectors and creating a solution for full ingredients labelling for PPDS food needn’t be complex or expensive

Our compact desktop devices make it easy to create long-lasting high-resolution labels for allergen content ingredients, barcodes, branding, pricing and expir y dates quickly and accurately, using thermal print technolog y without the need for inks or toners For those with multiple sites, our solutions also integrate with menu man-

agement systems

Depending on setup and menu size , we offer businesses three types of solutions: a complete standalone solution with pre-built designs and pre-stored menus, a wirelessly connected tablet and app from one of our specialist software par tners, or a multipurpose PC-based solution that can be used alongside our free P-Touch label design and print software

One business benefitting from our multipurpose solution is café Common Ground, in Altrincham in the Nor th West

After the business star ted offering takeaway PPDS food for the first time , they used our Brother TD-4520DN professional network desktop label printer, alongside our free P-touch Editor software , which enabled them to design and print custom food labels, alongside logos, images and barcodes They simply connected the device to a laptop and printed off batches of labels for that day s products

To discover more about how to integrate food labelling solutions into your business, visit www brother co uk/food-labelling

Holidaymaker App - The Digital Platform

When holiday park guest spending is at a premium it is time to look at new ways of working Gain a new competitive advantage with Holidaymaker, our integrated Guest Experience platform to upsell holidays, increase on-park spend and encourage direct re-bookings

Holidaymaker has been designed to help you engage with your guests from the moment their booking is confirmed, allowing you to deliver key information, upsell and market new oppor tunities to them and provide an exceptional guest experience before , during and after their stay with you

We have 24 Parks already using Holidaymaker and over 100 000 guest downloads to date

Our park owner customers are already

• Earn ng more from ever y booking by up-sel ing ser v ces or promoting products or ser vices from local par tner s

Creating new revenue streams by promoting special offer s , caravan sales , and late-season deals with push not fications

• Give your guests all the information they need for their holiday on their smartphone

• View welcome packs, check pool timings, on-park restaurants details, check-out times, events, special offers, holiday home sales and other guest services

• Personal itineraries from your things to do, events and activities

• Browse interactive park maps

• Send out notifications and special offers

• Integrate with your booking system

• NEW… holiday home sales and digital display screen modules

• 100,000 guest downloads to date across our parks

• Saving staff time and reducing costs by providing a l their key information and messag ng via their own branded app Holidaymaker is jam-packed with functionality, and we integrate with some of the leading park booking systems to personalise app content, including RMS, Elite Dynamics, Prophet, GemaPark, ParcVu, and CampManager, as well as activity booking systems such as



Holidaymaker app is available for single parks but can also be used by park groups with the multi-park set up Manage all the information from one central CMS and allow your guests to select their park (and respective app information) when they download the app

Here’s just a few examples of what Holidaymaker can provide to you and your guests:-

• Holiday countdown and payment reminder s

• Welcome pac ks and video FAQs

Push notif cations – send messages directly to your guest’s smar tphone whenever you want to notify them

• Things to do, vir tual park maps and per sonalised guest itinerar es

• Events and specia offer s

• Holiday home sa es module – display your lodges and caravans for sale just like RightMove

New - Digital signage module – use one CMS to manage your app and d g tal signage content and update display screens around your park from your head office Book a Demo to see how Holidaymaker technolog y can help you connect directly with guests and generate new revenue oppor tunitieswww holidaymakerapp co uk/discover

Our mission is to empower small merchants across the globe HOW WE C AN HELP We give access to financial ser vices to the millions of businesses that are considered too small for most providers They’re as much as 10 times smaller than the smallest businesses that would be targeted by banks and traditional providers What star ted out as one card reader has now turned into a range of readers, multiple remote payment solutions such as Invoices Gift Cards, Payment Links and so much more INCLUSIVE We want to make technolog y that anyone can use and ever yone has access to Whether you ’ re a oneperson show or a team, we ’ re there for the smallest of businesses PERSON AL SUPPORT Do you have questions about the usage of SumUp? We have a dedicated customer suppor t team in the language that works for you SECURE PAYMENTS SumUp card readers are the most secure methods of card payments and have received full cer tification from a range of regulator y bodies RELIABLE TECHNOLOGY SumUp is authorised as a Payment Institution by the Financial Conduct Authority (license no 900700) and is EMV (Europay, Mastercard, and Visa) and PCI-DSS cer tified See the adver t opposite for details
That Powers Your Park Business
34 CLH Digital Issue 146

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

Fatstrippa Launches Approved Contractors Network

Fatstrippa has been at the forefront of Fats Oils and Greases (FOG s) Management for the Catering and Food Manufacturing Industries since the 1990’s when it introduced its patented Fatstrippa Range of non-mechanical Grease Recover y Units

These units achieved FOG recover y rates of well below 35 ppm eliminating the need for secondar y treatment with costly enzymes or chemicals

Designed by Chief Marine Engineer, Allan Owen, in close cooperation with Water Authorities,

New DrainMinor C (Combi Oven


Creates Considerable Interest

The New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by Pump Technolog y Ltd

There are significant advantages that this combi oven drainage pump offers

The pump features a tank with its clear side window was the large triangular low-level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease fat and food par ticles before the reliable star t/stop operation of the pump is affected

The triangular low-level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline , giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens

The build quality of the submersible wastewater pump

was also a discussion point with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement especially considering the hot wastewater temperatures and potential grease which these units have to handle

It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet This means that the installation footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated

It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a winner and will soon be featuring in combi oven installations ever ywhere

an independently assessed competitive performance based tender Building on this reputation for quality and performance new Managing Director, Dan Owen, this week announced a major new initiative the launch of a Fatstrippa Approved Contractor Network following feedback from end users

All contractors are required to demonstrate;

• Under standing of relevant Leg slation and Guidelines

• Different Methodolog es of Fog Management

• Factor y Tra ned Knowledge of Fatstr ippa Range of Products and Options

Fatstrippa under take audits of each contractor performance with Approved Status formally reviewed on an annual basis

For fur ther information contact Dan Owen at info@fatstrippa co uk or see the adver t on page 35

Kitchen Extract Hygiene – A Burning Issue

One of the biggest challenges in keeping a commercial kitchen spotlessly clean is the regular cleaning of the canopy, fan and extract ductwork This must be tackled, not only for the sake of hygiene but also for fire prevention and compliance

Airborne fat oil and grease is a natural by-product of even the healthiest diet Carried in the steam that rises from cooking, grease and oil par ticles are drawn into the kitchen extract system to be vented


Issue 146 CLH Digital 37
Environmental Agencies and Restauranteurs the Fatstrippa quickly established itself as a market leader in performance , requiring little maintenance and a reputation for robustness Manufactured from 304 Grade 3mm Stainless steel many of the units installed over 20 years ago are still giving peak performance to this day Allan who stepped down day to day running of the business still retains an impor tant role as Chief Engineer to the business with his 65 years technical experience With over 40,000 units sold in the UK, Fatstrippa continues to lead the way on performance recently winning a 3 year supply contract to a major Pub Chain following
away to the outside As the exhaust stream cools, grease is deposited on the metal surfaces of the hood, canopy, filters, canopy plenum, fan and ductwork Should a kitchen fire reach the extract ductwork, or a flash fire occur in the extract system, then the accumulated grease deposits can act as fuel helping to spread the fire The ductwork itself can also help to spread the fire acting as a chimney through which
and flames can travel, spreading the danger to the other par ts of the building
counter this potential fire risk operators of com-
kitchens are
to comply with a new standard for the fire
management of grease accumulation in kitchen extract systems, TR19® Grease Compliance is also essential to ensure that you don’t compromise your buildings insurance
a fire should break out and the ductwork can be shown not to have been cleaned in accordance with TR19® Grease , many insurers will now refuse to pay out on a claim
legal compliance
risk of fire and
your kitchen
maintenance menu
a reduced
always be on ever y
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising



at prices you will be overjoyed with Purchase/rental/Interest free 0% finance available (subject to status)

ComPaCK GlassWasHErs

The Compack glasswashers have simplicity and robust performance in mind. Where the need for just washing glasses is the main aim this is the machine for the job

ComPaCK FroNT loadING dIsHWasHErs

• Electronic control DIGIT with temperature display

• 4 washing cycles

• Electronic control with push buttons for high efficiency and easy to use

• 350, 400 and 500 basket machines available 120 seconds washing cycle

• Ecoclean control system for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle

• Built in drain pump included

• Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers

• Guarantees hot rinse thermostop

• Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler

• Light function button with self diagnostic

For all modEls

• Self-diagnosis with errors solution, precise setting of the detergent dispenser, different temperature setting for each cycle

• Ecoclean control system for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle (only with built in drain pump)

• Thermal acoustic double door

• New inclined and deep-drawn welded tank

• Door reinforcement brackets

• Adjustable rinsing arm rotation speed

• Fully stainless steel made wash and rinse arms for low maintenance, heavy duty, all corrosion resistant

• Removable double filtering system for wash and drainage cycle



Tel 0333 456 4500

• Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle

• Built in drain pump included

• Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers

• Guarantees hot rinse thermostop

• Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler

• Built in softener (only on D50S and D55S)

• Colour coded function button with self diagnostic Evolute Electronic control with lCd display

• Electronic control with LCD display

• 4 individual programmable cycles

• Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle

• Built in drain pump included

• Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers

• Break tank – AA air gap – Wras approved

• Guarantee rinse temperature 85⁰C at constant pressure

• Self cleaning cycle on drain down

• Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler

• Built in softener (only on BT55S)

• Self diagnostic

ComPaCK Pass THroUGH
d100 BT100/BT100s

Fryers and Oil

Operators should consider when purchasing a fr yer and their oil, the oil capacity against production rate , burner efficiency and recover y rate , as well as a true cool zone in gas fr yers to help prolong the oil life Blue Seal V ray Gas Fr yers are our premium fr yer and burner system, which come at a higher price compared to some competitors’ gas models However the fuel efficiency cost saving performance and stainless steel high build quality far out way the additional initial cost to the operator

Blue Seal produce high performance thermostatic controlled gas & electric fr yers

Our Evolution range gas fr yers GT60, GT46 & GT45 have a premium feature benefit of all using our patented “V’Ray” burner system This system uses infrared technolog y radiating the heat into the tank only heating the area of oil the baskets are sitting in This promotes incredibly fast recover y rates, high efficiency for limited fuel consumption provides a true cool zone in conjunction with the specially shaped tank The true cool zone prevents crumb and food debris that drops below

The oven is the cornerstone of any baking operation for caterers, licensees, and hoteliers Controlling the movement of air inside the convection oven coupled with the performance of steam generation ensures perfect heat distribution and the best baking results Whether it s a countertop oven to produce delicious snacks or full-scale ovens for busy kitchens MIWE offers the oven to suit your needs and to provide the bake quality you demand It s no wonder that top pastr y chefs request MIWE ovens for their five-star hotels

The MIWE range of convection baking ovens offer excellent quality throughout the entire product catalogue , with the benefit of gastronomic functions and auto cleaning to provide ovens that offer fantastic flexibility and energ y efficiency

With a myriad of clever features to make baking a pleasure , programmable controllers to ensure consis-

the batter plates from continuous cooking and carbonising, which in turn helps prevent the degrading of oil quality This all achieves considerable cost saving for the operator with fuel and oil as well as time efficiency producing the finished products

Blue Seal also offer an additional Filtration units that give a fantastic solution to improving oil life , have great mobility and space saving features as well as powerful pumps & full stainless steel construction

Moisture , fatty acids and food residue contaminate cooking oil, spoiling fried food taste and causing the oil to smoke Blue Seal Filtamax removes impurities, quickly and effectively, maintaining consistent high cooking quality and considerable extension of oil life

The Carbon Pads remove sub-micron par ticles down to 0 5 microns – this is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand Daily filtering of fr yer oil using carbon filters can massively increase the life span of the oil creating large cost savings and create more consistent finish and taste to the food product

tent results and an automatic cleaning system that allows you to clean your baking station overnight and save energ y with the auto-star t technolog y MIWE convection ovens are designed to offer bakers the solutions to meet their needs

Evolution Fryers and Filter Units

The Premium Fryer and Bur ner


The ultimate solution for any catering establishment, perfect for pubs, hotels, restaurants, cafes and much more.
Its ovens also feature a variety of energ ysaving technolog
The MIWE eco mode ensures the right compromise of low energ y consumption and baking-readiness is assured in between baking processes In addition, MIWE air control technolog y allows bakers to precisely control the amount of circulated air in convention ovens, allowing you to ensure optimal baking conditions for all baked goods in ever y baking phase EPP is the exclusive UK distributor of MIWE To find out more visit Why MIWE is
Issue 146 CLH Digital 39 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Buy with confidence of performance and the back up of The approved Fatstrippa Contractor Network. The Ultimate Bs EN 1825 Compliant Grease recovery • over 40,000 Units sold • separates down to below 35 parts per million • Eliminates need for enzymes or chemicals • Constructed of 3mm 304 Grade stainless steel • 10 Year Construction Warranty • manufactured in UK and Ireland • sizes from 0 5 litres Per second through 8 5 litres Per second For further information contact Fatstrippa sales 0207 207 7713
a Five-Star Choice For Top Pastry Chefs
Kitchen Fit-Out

Outdoor Spaces

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

40 CLH Digital Issue 146

Outdoor Spaces

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

We are an independent supplier ser ving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars restaurants and public houses

We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won t be replacing cheap internet impor ts next season It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and

scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job

We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industr y and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders waiter stations and planters all to you requirement If we can help you do drop a line to sales@cafeculture biz

"Can We Sit Outside Please?"

Over 79% of UK diners have attested that they would spend more time and money in a restaurant if they incorporated outdoor dining

Integrating outdoor dining into your establishment is a no brainer decision especially when you consider the al fresco movement across the UK and return on investment oppor tunities For example when discussing predictions for the rise in al fresco dining in 2022, Janice H Dobson, Business Development

Director at Archatrak, said: “Restaurant owners can look at it mathematically they know the value of ever y seat they offer and I encourage my clients to ask themselves, ‘what could 8 extra seats, 12 extra seats 20 extra seats mean for your business? Often they’ll find that, in a relatively shor t period of time , these outdoor areas can pay for themselves and continue generating revenue years afterward ” The maths is simple; seating 16 people under a 4m x 4m parasol at an average spend of £12 50 per head equals £200 If you were to turn these 3 times a day

that would equal £600 If we multiply that by a realistic 4 days of the week, you ’ re looking at £2400 or £9 600 a month! Multiply that by 12 and your revenue would increase by £115k per annum

Assuming 50% gross margin, the investment of 1 parasol could provide a profit contribution of £57 6k per annum, which is a welcome statistic in these economically tr ying times

What s more , our zero deposit leasing options allow for payments to be spread over 2-5 years

So taking a 4mt X 4mt parasol with a moveable base , impor t, deliver y and fitting, the monthly payment over 36 months would be £184 09 or the weekly equivalent of £42 98 As such your potential R O I massively outweighs this no deposit figure

What are you waiting for?!

01352 740164

www indigoawnings co uk

Issue 146 CLH Digital 41
mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising


Retractable Buildings - Retractable Roofs - Glazing Choices - Automatic Awnings

Design and Refit Extending Outdoors Ltd

Extending Outdoors offer a wide range of Pergolas & Verandas to extend your living into the outdoors

Many hoteliers, restaurants and cafes depend on their open-air space to distinguish them from their rivals, so displaying this space with an excellent outside open or covered construction can help entice customers in and to appreciate the ambience and vistas regardless of the weather

For hospitality businesses requiring a fast, simple and affordable change to their outside space one of our pergolas or canopies could be the ideal arrangement Both pragmatic and beautiful they give shade and protection from the elements

For existing verandas and pergolas, outside blinds can be mounted to the top and sides to give powerful protection from the sun or rain, establishing a


Extending Outdoors Ltd provide a wide range of products to extend outside living.

Planning undertaken as applicable

30 years experience - guarantees up to 10 years

We have over 1,000 installations throughout the UK Only provide quality products

Most products are exclusive all from Europe



Swimming Pool, Spa & Hot Tub Enclosures

Residential and Commercial


Mobile: 0771810511

Main Line: 01722 444590


comfor table climate throughout the entire year

Shades and pergolas offer an incredible expansion to large open spaces, par ticularly when supplied with your own personalisation including remote controlled retractable or sliding rooftops, sliding glass, zip screens, separate passage entr yways, climate sensors and LED lighting and radiators

All work carried out is fully guaranteed and our products are all fitted by our own fitters and offer nationwide coverage We have over 35 years ’ experience in bespoke made to measure glass extensions, conser vatories and orangeries

Allow your customers to dine outdoors with full protection or utilise the extra space for a children s play area the oppor tunities are endless

See the adver t on this page for fur ther details

Keeping Food Hot? We Have All The Answers

First of all, you will want one of our world beating Kanga boxes and a Carbon Heater You can then keep food hot indefinitely and fully comply with HACCP regulations Sounds too good to be true? Well we only supply premium German manufactured products from stock at incredibly low prices The insulated box manufactured from top quality expanded polypropylene is a dense closed cell insulation material but incredibly light to handle when empty for example the GN insulted box with a 117 mm internal depth only weighs just over a kilo and yet holds a massive 21 lts capacity Now combine the Kanga box with a Carbon Heater and the magic begins, hot food all the time!

Our range of Carbon heaters offers two voltage options 12 volts for car operation using the cigarette lighter socket or 230 volt mains voltage for internal or external mains use The big advantage of the Carbon Heaters they are absolutely fool proof just inser t them in the bottom of the box turn on and forget there are no consumer controls the temperature is pre-set at the factor y at 75 deg C The Carbon Heater is ver y light at only 700 grammes and does not take up much room only being 10mm thick Dishes can be place on the Carbon Heater straight out of the oven up to 120deg C Finally quick and easy to clean just wipe over with a damp cloth

Contact Catering Equipment Limited on Tel: 0121 773 2228 or visit www clickonstore net or

42 CLH Digital Issue 146
8 Wilton Business Centre, Kingsway, Salisbury, Wilts SP2 0AH - Nationwide
space to enjoy all year
an outdoor living

Design and Refit

Key Considerations When Choosing Contract Fabrics

As on trade and hospitality professionals star t preparing for spring and the outdoor dining oppor tunities the season presents, Catherine Seville-Clare , Group Customer Experience Manager at Panaz (http://www panaz com/en), discusses the key considerations that should be addressed when choosing contract fabrics for outdoor applications

Easter falls between 7th – 10th April this year, a week earlier than in 2022 As a result, many professionals will already be turning their attention to updating their outdoor dining areas in preparation for the influx of visitors over the upcoming bank holiday weekend

Consumer spending in UK pubs, bars and nightclubs over the 2022 Easter weekend was up 74% when compared to 2019 figures, with researcher Barclaycard Payments attributing the warmer weather and lack of lockdown restrictions for the significant increase

As professionals look to accommodate the same level of customers this year and secure an increase in spending, one of the ways they can maximise their outdoor drinking and dining space is by utilising contract fabrics to achieve a cost-effective yet impactful update

One of the key areas that should be considered when choosing contract fabrics to upholster outdoor seating areas and for accessories such as cushions, is whether the fabric is mildew resistant Whilst it’s crucial to ensure the fabric is waterproof many waterproof fabrics do not allow the interior to breathe

This means that if the interior of the seating gets wet due to water ingress through the zip or a similar entr y method mildew will star t to grow Exposure to a large number of mould spores may cause allergic symptoms such as water y eyes, runny nose , sneezing, itching and coughing

It’s therefore just as impor tant if not more impor tant to make sure the contract fabric is mildew resistant

This can be achieved by choosing woven polyester acr ylic blend or faux leather vinyl fabrics which can be combined together to create a complementar y yet visually impactful scheme across all of the upholster y and additional accessories across an entire outdoor area

Another key consideration is fire retardancy Whilst some on trade and hospitality professionals may look to choose a residential fabric and have a FR treatment added, this can alter the fabric’s texture and appearance , and depending on the type of yarns involved, it also may not guarantee to make it FR Professionals should therefore find fabrics that are inherently flame retardant to EN1021-1/2

The wear and abrasion resistance of the upholster y fabric is another area that should be considered, par ticularly for seating areas that will experience high levels of usage

It’s therefore impor tant that the chosen fabric has been tested to the Mar tindale Rubs testing process, which demonstrates the fabric’s resilience against ever yday wear and tear Professionals should be choosing fabrics that have been tested to 40,000+ cycles

The stain resistance of the fabric is also essential as not all stain resistance products are the same Solutions that repel oil based food products and proteins, which are the most difficult stains to remove , and the most common to be found within an outdoor dining area, should be chosen

The fabric’s colour fastness to chlorinated water, sea water, dr y rubbing and wet rubbing should also be tested and proven up to Grade 4-5, and up to Grade 8+ for colour fastness to light This will ensure the long term suitability and durability of the contract fabric to meet the requirements of outdoor areas

Whilst ensuring all of the above is crucial to securing the long-term suitability and durability of the space , it s also really impor tant that customers are protected from the spread of viruses and bacteria, such as Norovirus Selecting fabrics that contain anti-microbial coatings that are non-depleting and non-leeching will provide an invisible protective layer that kills bacteria and viruses immediately, whilst also ensuring the fabric is safe for the environment and the level of protection provided does not diminish

Ensuring the technical performance of upholster y contract fabrics for outdoor applications will be the main consideration for professionals, but that doesn’t mean they should have to compromise on aesthetics

By working with a manufacturer that offers a suite of designs and plains in a variety of complementar y colourways, on trade and hospitality professionals can create an outdoor space that captures the attention of customers, creating a comfor table and inspiring environment

The Great Outdoors Issue 146 CLH Digital 43

Design and Refit

Caterquip Ventilation – For All Your

Commercial Catering Ventilation Needs

Breathe New Life into Your Hospitality Space for Spring

As the days brighten any wear and tear in your hospitality furniture will suddenly seem more obvious The good news is Trent Furniture has great solutions for refreshing your furniture while avoiding unnecessar y waste or expenditure

Trent’s exper t team of upholsters, who also work on our great range of new chairs, can have your chairs looking as good as new, in a wide variety of fabrics and at highly competitive prices And if your otherwise robust wooden chair frames are also in need of some TLC , we can respray and finish them for a brand new lease of life too

Table tops usually show signs of wear and tear long before their bases do That s why at Trent, we offer a wide range of solid and veneer table tops to keep your dining space looking fresh and polished Our veneer range can be cut and sprayed to your exact requirements, making it both a versatile and cost-effective option whether you want to refresh your existing décor or create a whole new look To find out more about reupholster y, replacement tabletops and other ways to update your pub café or restaurant for spring, please call us on 0116 2864 911 or fill in our contact form

44 CLH Digital Issue 146 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Caterquip Ventilation Ltd is proud to be celebrating their 23rd Anniversar y this year This Warwick based company offers nationwide coverage for all your commercial catering needs: free site sur veys quotations and designs (C AD) quality bespoke and standard fabrications specialist knowledge of catering ventilation systems including input air odour reduction (carbon filtration and ESP) and sound attenuation Affiliated members of Constructionline , CHAS and B&ES, Caterquip Ventilation have a strong hold in the marketplace often advising industr y professionals on ventilation systems to a DW172 specification & BSEN:6173 They have strong relationships with all leading kitchen equipment suppliers and they offer a kitchen design ser vice to help you build your ideal kitchen Projects under taken have included Olympic Villages, Basildon Hospital, The Mitre Hotel at Hampton Cour t The Truck Stop at Anglesey The Lodge at Old Hunstanton Colleges Schools Hotels Restaurants and Public Houses They ensure their systems are compliant with the current guidelines whilst maintaining an efficient and dynamic facility With extensive knowledge of manufacturing and installing ventilation systems, they can help you design the best kitchen within the space available Call: 01926 887167, visit: www caterquipventilation co uk, email:

Design and Refit

Iconic Project Management. Commercial Construction Projects; On Time, On Budget, On Brief. Guaranteed.

Iconic Project Management are on a mission to improve the reputation of the construction industr y We exist to help our clients turn their construction plans into reality It goes without saying that our clients are our number one focus We love solving their problems and delivering their projects What we love even more is to delight our clients by exceeding their expectations

Ever yone has a horror stor y of that building contractor who over-promised and under-delivered It’s almost considered standard practice to under-quote in order to secure contracts but we think that’s counter-productive

Almost all our work comes from recommendations by people we ’ ve worked with in the past The reason that they are happy to recommend us is not necessarily that we quote the lowest prices and the shor test deliver y times but that we can be relied on to deliver what was agreed by the agreed date

Our team has over one hundred years of experience between them We are exper ts at delivering restaurant and kitchen fit out projects Satisfied recent clients include , Tim Hor tons Poke House Boparan Group and Yolk

Whether you are opening your first restaurant outlet or have a whole chain of pubs you want to fit out, we can help you achieve your ambitions We ll guide you through each step, from establishing your brief, procuring your design and selecting contractors to managing the fit out We promise to keep your budgets and timelines on track so that your restaurant or pub is perfectly ready on time for your grand opening Call us to talk through your project on 07775 543038 or email info@iconicprojectmanagement com If you’d like to know more about us, or would like hints and tips on how to plan your project, check out our website at

10 Years of Mayfair Furniture

mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Mayfair Furniture will be celebrating 10 years this year of providing the UK’s fastest and affordable commercial furniture Supplying all kinds of establishments from high end hotel chains to small local takeaways We keep in stock a huge variety of items ready for immediate dispatch, and can fulfil a wide range of bespoke orders We deliver to all areas of the UK, Ireland & Europe We are not just a supplier ; we understand that from time to time hospitality and leisure establishments like to give themselves a fresh new look That s why not only do we supply contract furniture but when it's time for your establishment to go through a refurbishment we also offer a complete clearance ser vice We'll organise ever ything from a suitable time and date , professional clearance staff to remove contract furniture whether fitted or unfitted Along with our sister company Caterfair who provides commercial catering equipment for your kitchens we are the ideal people to speak to when you are looking to refurbish See the adver t below for fur ther details
Issue 146 CLH Digital 45

Design and Refit

CardsSafe - Lock in Our Old Prices Today!

Until Januar y 2023 CardsSafe unit rental will remain at just £9 95 per month

We have been helping restaurants bars pubs golf courses and other venues to securely retain their customer bank cards while they run a tab for almost twenty years

Since we introduced rental contracts in 2008, we ’ ve kept our prices as low as possible at just under a tenner a month and this has never increased However due to significant increases in both our cost of goods and related costs, we plan an increase in Januar y 2023

Our existing customers will continue to benefit from our low prices, so if you ’ re considering CardsSafe

Additional Ranges as ILF Continue to Expand email;terr

With the continued success of the ILF Chairs comprehensive website , ILF have now added to the 2 chairs already stocked in 7 colours, a stock armchair in 7 different Faux colours, matching the chairs, plus a 6 colour range stock of Egger laminated table tops in a selection of sizes A full range of table bases are also kept in stock

Their new online website offers both indoor and outdoor seating and table solutions

Divided into Contemporar y seating, Barstools, Lounge Seating Period Seating Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height tables, offering a great selection of products to view at your leisure Also included now an extensive range of stock seating, barstools, table bases and table tops

Most made to order indoor seating and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style

Also included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selection of priced made to order seating in a selection of Faux Leather upholster y colours and wood frame colours These products can also be supplied to customer specification, just ask for details

Enquiries can be sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site

Saniflo Provides a New CPD Offering

ing for Public Health Engineers Mechanical Consultants

Architects, Mechanical Installers and Specialist Resellers

The hour-long talk, which can be supplemented with a two-hour session of pump cur ve training if required is designed to discuss and offer technical training on macerators and lifting stations for commercial and domestic buildings This CPD is par t of wastewater and drainage in the public health sector/mechanical engineering

Saniflo UK – par t of the SFA Group and a leading designer and manufacturer of pumps, macerators and lifting stations – has a new CIBSE-approved CPD offer-

By the end of the presentation, attendees will understand the challenges of gravity-fed drainage systems, be able to identify where and when to use a macerator or lifting station, be able to navigate critical installation requirements and considerations, understand some of the key differences between the lifting station technologies, and be able to use pump cur ves to help specify the correct pump

To book a CPD for your organisation, call 020 8842
46 CLH Digital Issue 146
for your business, or need additional units, lock in at just £9 95 per month (per unit) for the duration of your contract There are many benefits to using CardsSafe in bars, restaurants and pubs: • Managing customer tabs • Helping to increase spend ng, therefore profits • It is a sign ficant deterrent for walkouts • Offer s protection aga nst credit card fraud – helps to build trust! • Pays for itself by reducing c harge-bac k and walkouts • No data capture required to use • Customer s have peace of mind that their bank cards are kept safely and they keep the unique key! “Turnover increased significantly after CardsSafe was installed, and the system easily pays for itself Siobhan, The Prodigal London CardsSafe is affordable! Each unit contains ten card drawers that can be hired for just £9 95 per month Each hire comes with customer ser vice troubleshooting and a number of free replacement keys Additional units can be added at any time For more information please visit www cardssafe com Or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040

with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way


turn benefits the owners as well as the Team Members themselves

your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business

And YES Covid19 changed a lot of things We need to learn from those things!

Right now we are experiencing massive increases in the cost of the raw materials that we buy both Food and Drink We will take that fully into consideration When was the last time that you fully and meticulously costed out and priced correctly, ever y dish on your menu both Food and Drinks?

Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter, your Restaurant Consultant, will work on with you, and improve with you


Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development

We have a ver y good record in helping Hospitality business owners to implement processes that improve how they manage their people , which in

We can help you to manage difficult people situations, to improve your operational planning, to recruit, train and manage your team better, creating a more productive pleasant and retaining working environment


We will help you build a workable , planned Marketing Strateg y We don’t do fancy posh or expensive we just recommend what our experience says will actually work for your business

It’s no longer enough to rely on word-of-mouth and repeat business You need to employ a wealth of skills in a number of areas to ensure that your Marketing is attracting new customers and engaging with existing

When star ting a business, the main measure of success is often “how much profit is the company making? However, should a business owner also be looking at other financial aspects of their business to help them create and sustain a business with longevity? Cash is King and it is vital to keep a steady flow of cash into your business Without income you can’t cover your expenses, pay employees or run your day-to-day operations If cash isn’t coming into your business, you won’t think about growing your business and ever y business owner should be focusing on growth Understanding the finances of your business is hard Especially if you are not familiar with accounting jargon or technical terms We help and suppor t business owners who are great at what they do but struggle to understand the complexity of business Knowing where your business stands in terms of “cash in” and “cash out” is vitally impor tant, especially in the current economic landscape Of course ever y business wants to make a profit but profit doesn’t automatically make a stable business All business owners need to know their numbers You need to know how much is coming in and going out of your business and where it is coming from and going to You need to know what your income streams are and the company s expenditure It s always good to be thinking about and implementing sales and marketing campaigns to increase revenue At the same time , you need to review your company ’ s expenditure and look for ways to reduce expenses regularly If necessar y renegotiate with current suppliers or look for alternatives Ask yourself if a par ticular product or ser vice is working for your business We have products which can help with cashflow; Do you need to purchase additional stock for an event or busy time of year? A Working Capital Advance or Overdraft Facility (without the bank) could help Do you have a VAT bill which is larger than you expected? Ask us about a VAT Loan It may be better to retain the capital in your bank Are you waiting for customers to settle their invoices but need to pay your suppliers? Invoice Finance could be the solution, receive up to 90% of invoice value in 24 hours, not 30 days or more Visit www businessloansltd co uk for fur ther details or see the adver t on this page
Issue 146 CLH Digital 47 With over 30 years of industr y experience in the Hospitality sector, The Bowden Group’s Managing Consultant David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements: Profitability Operational Strateg y Staff Management Marketing and The Future of your business David will also be on hand to give you extra (and this can be without any extra charge) suppor t through our Sprowts4Mentoring system, to analyse , ever y single week, your business performance figures giving you weekly analysis and concise repor ts, with appropriate guidance , to optimise your business’s Sales, Profitability and Staff Management PROFITABILITY & OPERATIONS Our exper ts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business The largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost, so,
Should a Business Owner’s Focus Be? Property
customers From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online adver tising to print design Promotions and offline adver tising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’ If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better, give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a ‘’Free of Charge’’ initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer), when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you Why
a Specialist Hospitality Consultant? Answer: because we can help your business to succeed. SOMERSET TOWN Impressive 120 Cover Café/Takeway Impressive 6 Figure Net Profits Trading Day Time Only Outstanding Catering Business Well Presented & Equipped FH £625 000 2147 TAVISTOC K DEVON Quality Delicatessen & Store Unique & Well Equipped Sought After Location Easily Manageable Business Tremendous Potential LH £32,500 2148 01392 201262 www stonesmith co uk T H E W E S T C O U N T R Y S P E C I A L I S T S THINKING OF SELLING? C ALL FOR A FREE VALUATION DARTMOOR NATIONAL PAR K Detached B&B Set In 6 Acres 5 Letting Rooms Owners Accom 2 Lounges Dining Room Sun Room Gardens Paddock Meadows Stables Idyllic Home & Income Low Overheads DUCHY LH £395 000 6012 CHAGFORD DEVON Superb Character Countr y Inn Sought After Trading Location Bar Areas (62+) Garden (40+) 4 E/S Letting Rooms 2 Bed Owners New Free Of Tie Lease Available LH £49 950 4825 DARTMOUTH DEVON Two Businesses In One! Successful French Baker y Business Retail Shop/Cafe & Baker y Unit Profitable Business With Potential Full Handover & Training Available LH £90,000 2151 LYME REGIS DORSET Immaculate Coffee Shop & Café Completely Refitted in 2019 Easily Manageable Business Daytime Hours Only Exceptionally Low Overheads LH £19 995 2153 SOMERSET TOWN Impressive Free Of Tie Landmark Inn 16 E/S Letting Rooms Owners Flat Refurbished To A High Standard Bar & Restaurant (82+) Kitchens Substantial Six Figure Net Profits LH £75,000 4829 SOMERSET VILLAGE Guest House With 6 Letting Rooms Refurbished To A High Standard Lifestyle Home & Business Gardens & Car Parking Well Presented & Equipped FH £549 950 6009 DORSET VILLAGE Detached Countr y Inn & Restaurant Impressive & Profitable Business Bar/Restaurant (60+) Al Fresco Seating (50+) 3 E/S Letting Beds & Owners Apartment Commercial Kitchen Car Park & Garage FH £625,000 4822

Property and Professional

Insurance in the Good Times, Insurance in the Bad Times

Independent hospitality businesses play a vital role in the local community across the nation by creating jobs and providing access to essential products and ser vices When times are bad the last cutback you want to make is your insurance cover, it is the equivalent of throwing parachutes out of a plane to reduce the weight or throwing life vests out of a ship taking on water to stop it from sinking In the modern day, insurance is the only truly effective method of mitigating risk

With over 32 years of experience protecting the hospitality sector Forum Insurance understands that the key to achieving long-term success is having your business run smoothly and preparing for any unforeseen incidents Insurance is designed to do exactly that protect your livelihood your assets and your customers – paying the way for your business to truly grow


Over 3 decades we have developed longstanding relationships with insurers and a wealth of insurance broking experience in this sector We have the access and exper tise to provide your business with advice , tailored insurance covers, and competitive premiums For the most par t, we have had great success in understanding our client’s

needs, mitigating the risks involved and when they have a claim getting them back on their feet with our inhouse claims handling process We understand that if we look after our clients, our clients will look after us

Whether you ’ ve just star ted your business and are unsure which insurance covers would be beneficial for you, or you ’ re an experienced business looking for a free insurance review request a call back using our website or call 0208 909 2899 and our friendly team will be able to help you

Don t just take our word for it we have achieved a 97% satisfaction rate with our clients because we ensure they have the correct cover at a competitive price

See the adver t on the facing page for details

For almost 15 years, Capify has worked closely with the hospitality sector, providing business owners with much-needed funding We’ve been there through some difficult times – like the 2008 recession and Covid-19, and have continued to lend even when the banks have said no

Unfor tunately, business owners are once again confronted with turbulence , thanks to the ongoing cost of living crises However, there’s still an oppor tunity to prosper

If you ’ ve got exciting business plans in 2023, we can help you achieve them We’re proud to have created an accessible business loan which is both quick and easy to apply for and once approved the funds can be paid out in as little as 24 hours Capify s finance can be used for any business purpose , whether that s:

Purc hasing seasonal food and dr ink

Hospitality and Leisure: Survival of the Staffed

It is no secret that the hospitality and leisure (H&L) industr y has faced unprecedented challenges in recent years From forced closures due to pandemic-related restrictions, to staff shor tages and soaring energ y bills it is little wonder that some operators are struggling to cope

The largest challenge facing the industr y is that of recruiting and retaining staff A repor t by accountancy firm, Menzies LLP, has revealed that a lack of skilled workers from baristas to hotel managers and chefs is holding the industr y back, and with staff beginning to look elsewhere for more rewarding work as the costof-living crisis hits, businesses in the sector are struggling to remain viable In fact, a hospitality and leisure thinktank led by Menzies found that most hospitality employers said that they had been forced to close due to staffing issues and some felt that wage inflation was also a par ticular issue

With 1 288 million unfilled roles within the H&L sector, according to data from the ONS, repor ted in UKHospitality’s Workforce Strateg y, it is little wonder that employers are facing significant staffing and recruitment challenges However, with some innovative thinking around building a brand and implementing a structure that suppor ts staff in a rewarding long-term career, businesses could reverse their situation to become an employer of choice

To succeed in attracting staff in a climate of low unemployment, employers need to put together a compelling and competitive offer, seeking to implement changes both internally and externally as they do so For example , with many candidates looking for work that empowers them and allows them to have a positive effect on the world around them, employers need to create career paths with this in mind; adapting practices and developing a brand with a social purpose

Potential applicants are looking to work with busi-

nesses that not only understand the world around them, but the experience of being an employee within the H&L sector This can also help to retain employees, as employers seek to understand how they compare to others in the sector Listening to the workforce and acting on appropriate feedback is one way to ensure that recruits find their new roles motivating and skilled staff feel respected and valued Employers should also be aware of external processes that could help to attract and retain staff These can be as simple as considering the business’ hiring strateg y and reaching out to new employment pools, perhaps to candidates who will require a little more training than originally anticipated With the right suppor t from their employer, these newcomers can flourish and stay to pursue their careers

Additionally, changes to immigration policy in both 2021 and 2022 now allow employers to recruit skilled workers from overseas Whilst the UK may be facing a shor tage of staff, the world is made up of people who are willing to work and there are a number of routes available to employers to engage with them

For example the Youth Mobility Scheme visa allows young people between 18-30 years from par ticipating countries to live and work in the UK for up to 24 months

In addition, as par t of the Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement, there are pathways for workers from Australia to live and work in the UK for a set time period

Finally, it is well wor th considering internal practices, such as the approach to staff development, internships and par tnering with local colleges and universities which may provide hospitality courses Implementing a robust training and development programme will also act as a draw for candidates from all walks of life Careful career structuring, combined with a sensible approach to pay that allows the business to remain viable , could help employers to build a strong reputation within the industr y, attracting and retaining workers over time

In the face of unprecedented challenges and disruption, attracting and retaining the right staff, in the right roles, is a key ingredient for success Employers should examine their businesses both internally and externally and focus on building a brand with staying power

• Hir ing additional staff • Purc hasing new cater ing equipment or anything else which your business needs Our flexibility means we will tr y and look beyond your credit histor y when assessing your application and instead we will consider whether your business has the potential to deliver solid and sustained growth If you d like to find out how much finance you qualify for, www capify co uk/hospitality-fund
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We're Here
Hospitality Business 48 CLH Digital Issue 146 PRICE: £125,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4404 BR IXH AM, DEVO N Freeho d Commercial Premises in Brixham Town Centre Of nterest to Owner Occup ers Investors and Deve opers Previously Trading for 18 Years as a Wel Loved Baker y • Full Specialist Inventor y ncluded • Oppor tunity Not to be Missed MOR ETON HAMPSTEAD , DE VO N A Popular Daytime Cafe n The Hear t of Th s Thriving Moorland Town • G/F Lock Up with Centra Ser ver y & Seat ng for 45/50 Outside Seating & Ful y Equ pped Commerc a Kitchen A Strong & We l-Estab ished Business PRICE: OIRO £85,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4215 PRICE: OIRO £200,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 3778 TO RQ UAY, D EVON Restaurant Prem ses in Fabulous Locat on • Panoramic Views Across Torbay Internal Seating for Circa 50 Terrace Seating for 48 • 1st F oor D ning Room w th Un nterrupted Sea Views Seat ng 35+ Versati e Residential Accommodation TO TNES, DEVON • De ightful Cafe n Sought Af ter Location of Totnes • Qu et y Trading to Suit Current Owner/Operators • Profitable Bus ness with Fur ther Potential • Trade Area Seating up to 34 Bespoke Ser ver y Kitchen • Car Parking for 1 Car PRICE: £58,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4073 DU NSTER , SO ME RSET Stunning 9 Bedroom, Grade II Listed Hotel • S tuated n the V llage of Dunster at the Gateway to Exmoor Nationa Park • Main Bar & Restaurant Ba lroom/Funct on Room 9 Beautiful y and Indiv dua ly Appointed En-Suite Lett ng Rooms • Rare Oppor tunity to Buy a Substant al & Successful Freeho d Bus ness PRICE: £1,300,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4302 EXMOU TH, D EVON Award-W nn ng Bar/Cafe/Restaurant Adjacent to Exmouth Mar na & The Exe Estuar y • Main Trade Area w th Seating for circa 70 & A fresco Seat ng for circa 64 Extreme y Prof tab e Waterside L censed Bus ness Currently Run Under Management PRICE: £175,000 + VAT LEASEHOLD REF: 4412 KINGSTEIGNTON, DEVON • Delightful V l age nn Current y Closed Large Open Plan Traditional Trad ng Area • Spac ous 3 Bedroom L ving Accommodat on Outs de Trad ng Area to the Rear Barn with Possible Deve opment Oppor tunity (STP) Af fordab e Freeho d Proper tyPr ced to Sel PRICE: OIEO OF £200,000 + VAT FREEHOLD RE F: 4315 PRICE: £1,750,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4439 TETB URY, GLO UC ESTERSH IR E • Stunn ng Multi-Faceted Award Winning Bus ness n 4 2 Acres • 6 En-Suite Letting Rooms & Brand New Wedding/Function Venue ‘The Barn’ 2 Large Camping Paddocks Glamping Bell Tents Permacu ture P ot V neyard Cider & Fru t Orchard • Stunn ng Owners T mber Chalet & Managers Flat NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! REDUCED
Managing shor t-term cash flow issues
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Make 2023 your best year yet It’s a challenging time for business owners in the hospitality industry, with global price hikes driving up the cost of products and bills. However, we’re here to support you throughout the festive season, leading into 2023 and beyond... Visit or call us freephone on 0333 880 3665 • • • •

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