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Trends and Implications in 2023 in the Travel and Hospitality Industry

Maintaining a thorough scan of the internal and external indicators of market demand, developing contingency plans and triggers, and engineering agility into operations are critical factors for successfully navigating 2023 – says Tim Davis, leading management consultant for the hospitality, travel and leisure sector at Pace Dimensions (www.pacedimensions.com).

In periods of uncer tainty adopting an agile approach becomes critical to success Currently, an air of ner vous positivity per vades in the industr y despite the market remaining as volatile as it is, which is driving an ultra-cautious approach to decision making, which, of course , impacts economic growth

Despite all the volatility we are seeing, the bottom-line results are continuing to outperform forecasts and a much more shor t-term approach to business planning cycles has been necessitated as we all navigate on through unchar tered waters and conditions

Whilst ever ything continues to change at speed, businesses must remain agile , adaptable , and flexible To cite Bill Gates, ‘ success today requires the agility and drive to constantly rethink, reinvigorate , react, and reinvent’, which encapsulates a lot of the principals of our work

The Current Marketplace Drivers And Resulting Outlook

While leisure travel recovers faster than forecast business travel shows a slower than anticipated return

The biggest and most consistent trend we are seeing across hospitality is that many underestimated the speed of leisure booking recover y whilst overestimating the speed of business recover y The net results are a positive outcome , but a tangible demonstration of the challenges around forecasting and business planning

Still Shaking Off The Post Covid Lag

There are several macro-level themes that are influencing where our industr y finds itself Primarily, we are still coming out of a post-Covid crisis era and feeling the lasting impact of that, especially in the hospitality industr y For example , there are still constraints on rehiring staff; in par t access to supply is the issue here , but equally businesses are more cautious about increasing costs

Consumer Demand For Experiences Is Back With Vengeance

During the pandemic , the pendulum of consumer demand moved more heavily into product buying because of restricted travel Now since restrictions have lifted we have seen the pent-up appetite to travel again with this desire causing the pendulum to swing back Returning to travel consumers are seeking value more than ever, but also, more experience led purchases, which is a defining indicator for our industr y

Resilience Shines Through

Although economic conditions are tightening, travel is, as we said above , bucking the trend The travel industr y has outperformed expectations and in doing so, is proving itself to be more resilient than other industr y sectors While people are cutting where they can in other areas to save money, there is a clear trend of wanting to preser ve the pleasures in life Of these , travel and experiences are shining through in consumer spending choices

Its notable and impor tant to flag, that this has not been the pattern in previous recessions Typically, travel is one of the hardest hit sectors, but there is no indication of this slowing, and we predict this is set to continue across the coming year

Less Harsh Recession Is Now More Likely

Economically while there are still growing fears over the impact of tightening fiscal conditions – high inflation, rising interest rates, increasing energ y costs, all impacting on people’s disposable income – the degree of fear is proving to be more negative than the reality

Falling inflation rates in the US (now between 6-7 per cent) and in Europe (sitting between 8-9 per cent) demonstrate a much rosier picture than was initially predicted Unfor tunately, it s only the UK that is sitting stubbornly over 10% Andrew Bailey, the governor of the bank of England, recently talked of several reasons to be more optimistic in the growth forecast Among the topics discussed were falling energ y prices, a lower market cur ve of interest rates, and an easing unemployment forecast which signalled optimism for a less harsh recession And the forecasts coming out of the IMF (International Monetar y Fund) and the Central Banks, are also all demonstrating an improvement over time This optimism makes the markets believe that we are going to come to a soft landing rather than falling into a hard crash recession

Good News From China

Another impactful element big picture-wise is the reopening of China As the world’s biggest expor ter this will have a material impact on stabilising markets by increasing supply and demand into international markets

However there are situations such as the war in Ukraine and the tensions between China and the West which have an ongoing negative impact This cloud of ongoing political instability, heightened by not knowing when the war will end or if it will escalate or the prospects of a developing relationship between China and Russia, leave a spectre of uncer tainty hanging over the industr y, affecting the market

Exercising Overcaution

Both the level of investment and the speed at which companies are increasing costs to suppor t growth will hamper the speed of recover y in the shor t term Put simply, businesses are not cost cutting, they are just being vigilant about the speed at which they allow costs to grow And this is driven by uncer tainty

While last year ’ s results were strong and current orderbooks might be looking extremely healthy, ever yone is still ner vous about what the future holds So rather than rushing back to pre-Covid levels, costs and investments are expanding at a more pedestrian rate so as not to overshoot market demand


Media headlines are actively repor ting of a lack of talent to fill the vacancies in a thriving job market but the other side of the coin is that businesses are simply not rushing to hire people as fast as they otherwise would Instead, they are actively being more cautious

There is much discussion about how airpor ts and airlines are understaffed and struggling to find the staff, when in actuality, they are consciously choosing not hire people quickly In a period of uncer tainty, they are exercising caution in an effor t to protect profit margins Businesses are worried that they will over-invest and that costs will become out of control should the demand not recover the way it is expected to

Meeting Changing Consumer And Market Demand

We are living in a time of the biggest changes in consumer and market demand While diverse types of consumers are looking for new and assor ted products and ser vices we ’ re also in a world where there are enormous inflections in regional markets around the world

The reality for airlines car rental businesses hotels etc is that their sources of demand are dramatically changing from one season to the next and when you look forward, that change is still going to happen

Successfully Tackling 2023 In This Environment

A Shift To Agile Thinking And Action

The need to be agile is two-fold Firstly, the lack of ability to forecast accurately in the current climate due to the multiple factors impacting recover y, and secondly, because consumer and market demand is ver y volatile

There have been a lot of significant changes over the last couple of years If you consider how seismic the last 24 months has been especially, then it's not surprising that businesses are having to respond and gear themselves ver y differently The predictability of consumer booking patterns is much more shor t term, whilst purpose and drivers for travel are continuing to evolve and change

When we refer to agility, we mean that your business antenna needs to be par ticularly attuned to understanding what changes are happening and when The need to access accurate , constant, and real-time data is no longer a nice-to-do it is a business imperative As critical however is a well mapped out researched planned and rehearsed playbook of scenarios to be adjusted and applied to your commercial and marketing actions as the market changes

For example , this could mean agility in your pricing, where companies are now adjusting pricing by the hour rather than by the day And reacting not just to historic patterns of demand but also to actual market demand, using real-time data to adjust in the shor t-term


Businesses need to be using technolog y and market insight to engineer a faster, more agile , more automated response And this extends to customer targeting and marketing Annual, long-term plans aren't sustainable anymore - they are too traditional and outdated in the modern market Instead, successful businesses are turning to more dynamic , shor t-term, market-driven campaigns

Success will come from marketing campaigns that are driven and based upon real-time customer and market information that is personalised to the individual Marketing spend must be adjusted and reallocated to different markets and consumers according to the current propensity to buy As such then investment in marketing is always-on and is constantly evolving based on the buying behaviour of consumers

Rethink Pricing Strategies

If you compare the old world with the new In the old world , we were continually benchmarking against the YoY data We looked at historic patterns of demand and pricing and we compared that to what we see today and if the outlook is better now, we increase prices and vice versa

Now, in the agile thinking ‘ new world’, benchmarking remains a factor, but it has become more real-time and incorporates wider market information that informs businesses on impor tant topics such as velocity of shopping and booking, and major events such as weather, natural disasters, and the announcement or cancellation of major city events etc and using that to adjust the pricing in real-time

Products are becoming more personalised too Whereas they used to be designed and orientated to fit a par ticular market segment, now, they are becoming unbundled to give customers the choice to buy exactly what they want and to pay for what it is they value

The common themes in how leaders in the industr y are reacting to the current marketplace and business environment are technolog y, real-time information, and agile processes to make smar ter decisions

So, while companies are adapting at different speeds and in different ways, too many companies are still overreliant on simply increasing price And this is due to the level of caution Constraining the level of supply, keeping its growth deliberately slower and less dynamic than the growth in demand

Therefore , we have huge inflection points between supply not growing fast enough but demand growing faster than anticipated which has caused pricing to accelerate with record growth Consequently inflation follows and consumers will need to look elsewhere in the search for value

Five Key Things That Businesses Need To Consider For Navigating The Path Forward

1 Adapt the operating model to be more agile – Focus on the way you manage and organise multifunctional resources and exper tise to form hybr id teams that focus on the end-to-end journey of c hange and adaption Thus , shor tening the c yc les and decision-making processes to adapt quic kly This is opposed to operating in functional silos where when the market c hanges only one of the functions makes the r ight c hanges and not in harmony with the other functions

2 Consciously invest more management effor t into structured scenario planning and forecasting –Putting in place a sound mec hanism for monitor ing c hanges n customer s and markets and everag ng that insight to inform and update the different scenar ios in whic h demand can c hange

3 Develop a commercial playbook – Look at all the possible and probab e scenar ios that could occur and have a plan of action for if they do For example , what if the market recover y is not as fast as we think, or if the opening of China doesn’t dr ive the demand that we anticipate , or if the situation in Ukraine escalates fur ther or gets resolved? What will we do?

4 Focus investments on digital transformation and improving the customer experience – A longer-term play, a continual focus on digital transformation extending from marketing and distr ibution to nc luding customer exper ience and product It s about empower ing the customer to have the exper ience that best suits them and better provide from a customer ser vice per spective and building brand trust

5 Product innovation – Adapt your products and ser vices to meet a greater range of demand types Rather than revolutionis ng and creating a completely different product this is about adapting and evolving your existing product to better meet the c hanging traveller requirements , suc h as adapting meetings and events space to accommodate shared working and cater for the increas ng number of digita nomads

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