Budget Does Not “Rebalance Catastrophic Impact of Inflation”


There’s no doubt that Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s cut to draft duty is most welcome
However as usual with any budget “the devil is always in the detail”
Yes Chancellor will cut the duty charged on draught pints in pubs across the UK by 11p in August welcomed as major boost for pubs and draught beer drinkers
However the tax on alcohol will also rise 10 1% in August, and while there will be a separate rule for draft beers in pubs, which will mean the duty on draft pints is 11p lower than in supermarkets, duty will increase on non-draft beers and there will be a 44p increase in the price of a bottle of wine with an ABV of more than 12 5%, according to the Wine & Spirits Trade Association (WSTA), while a bottle of vodka is expected to rise by 76p and por t an extra £1 30 a bottle
Fur thermore , spirit duty is to rise in August in line with inflation This will mean a staggering 75% of the cost of a bottle of scotch will go to the exchequer in tax I am surprised this great industr y has lasted so long No industr y on the entire planet should be taxed as high as that
All in all I thought it was an appalling budget! It beggars belief that the most blatant issue facing pubs in par ticular, business rates, was not even mentioned, which I understand is the third highest cost, equating to 3 5% of turnover According to the British Beer and Pub Association pubs contribute an estimated 0 5% of total rateable turnover but pay 2 5% of all business rates, equating to an overpayment of £570 million a year
If I am blunt, it is not just the sector which is over taxed but the countr y in general I am a great follower of “Tax Freedom Day”, the day in the year when people actually get to keep the money they earn
Tax Freedom Day is the theoretical date of the year at which the average earner will have paid all of their taxes, leaving the rest of their earnings available to spend on themselves In 1913 that fell on Januar y 19 and after just 19 days of the year average workers would get to keep what they earned
Not so much for us in the 21st-centur y Last year Tax Freedom Day was June 7, 2022 So we all worked from Januar y 1 to June 7 - 159 days of the year - solely to pay taxes
UK Taxpayers forked out over £869 4bn to the Treasur y in 2022, 43 29% of net national
I have just checked but there is no official date yet for 2023 My estimation is it will be nudged forward a few days, probably to June 10
The irony being what does the Government actually do when they get that money? A whole other stor y which would probably get me fired!
Another stor y which caught my eye was the one where the Scottish parliament was looking to ban adver tising of alcohol
I think UKHospitality Scotland Executive Director Leon Thompson put it succinctly when he said: “It cannot be overstated how wide-ranging and damaging these proposals would be to hospitality businesses, if implemented It would be a self-inflicted act of harm that would damage our sector for generations ”
I amm sure I would be open to correction but I understand that the Scottish Parliament s minimum pricing for alcohol has not achieved anywhere near its desired effect
The pricing policy has not encouraged problem drinkers to consume less, having an unintended consequence of prompting some problem drinkers to cut back on food or heating in order to afford rising costs, that I understand was according to the first evaluation of its impact on those who drink alcohol at harmful levels
An adver tising ban is utterly Draconian Any such measures will have enormous farreaching and harmful consequences to the Scottish economy, including local communities, as well as Scotland’s adver tising and creative industries, and to the Scottish media including publishers, broadcasters and cinemas, not to mention the outdoor adver tising sector
I suspect there may be a change of policy now that there is soon to be a new First Minister
I would remind you once again to consider lobbying your MP We are not that far away from a general election and they will be desperate to keep their seats and, as I have said in recent weeks, there should be a campaign by ever ybody involved in the hospitality sector to contact their current MP and all parliamentar y candidates and get a definitive answer on what their opinion is on hospitality VAT and whether they would suppor t a cut from the current rate to 12 5% for at least a two-year period I have written to my current sitting MP and I’m still waiting an answer!
One more thing! Once again I would ask the favour - we want more Twitter followers!
So please do follow us on Twitter and encourage as many people you know in the trade to subscribe to our digital issue Fur ther details can be seen at
The Caterer Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd Suite 4 Roddis House Old Christchurch Rd Bournemouth Dorset Contributions are welcome for consideration however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team Whilst ever y care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom All rights reser ved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised
Although the Chancellor announced that some local authorities would be able to retain their business rates to decide their use and that there would be reliefs in the new Investment zones, Webber brands these measures as irrelevant “Business rates retentions are often a hospital pass- the local authorities are given more authority to spend funds raised- but the amount of money raised never fills the gap between what is raised and what is needed Sometimes retention can be a real negative to the local authority with the impact of appeals and the risk of losses ” Webber also points out that the Chancellor said nothing about freezing the multiplier next year 2024/25 Although the Chancellor is predicting inflation to be 2 9% by the end of the year, business rates rises are decided on CPI levels at the end of September These are still likely to be around 5%- that means retail and hospitality businesses will most likely be seeing a 5% rise in their rates bills in April 2024
This year ’ s list will show a general 7 1% increase in rateable value And this is just the star t According to the OBR repor t the Government is forecasting that income from business rates will rise to nearly £36 billion by 2027/28 (from £28 5 billion in 2022/23), which appears contrar y to the Conser vatives’ manifesto pledge: “To cut the burden of tax on business by reducing business rates ” The Retail and Hospitality Sectors are still in line to make a major contribution to that increase
And now we have three yearly revaluations, the next list will begin in 2026, which means an AVD (Valuation date) of 1 April 2024 This means businesses such as in the retail and hospitality sectors will only have twelve months of respite on the current list, before preparing for bills to star t rising again
Emma McClarkin Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association said: “This Budget was a make or break moment for pubs and brewers who have been running out of road for too long, and whilst the Chancellor’s effor ts to suppor t our pubs and breweries are welcome , we look forward to seeing how the “Brexit Pubs Guarantee” will deliver for our sector
“The cut to draught duty as par t of the alcohol duty reform is positive and we hope that it will result in a boost for our pubs this summer
“However, the fact is, our industr y will be facing an overall tax hike not a reduction come August Duty on non-draught beer will rise and the measures introduced today won’t rebalance the catastrophic impact soaring inflation and unfair energ y contracts are having on both pubs and the breweries that supply them
“The Chancellor highlighted how our pubs are the most treasured community institution, and we appreciate his effor ts to provide some relief, but a lack of immediate suppor t in today’s Budget will still put the
UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “With hospitality businesses continuing to struggle with vacancies running at 56% higher than pre-pandemic levels, the measures announced today are significant in incentivising people back into work and hopefully alleviating crippling labour shor tages The wider economic forecasts also give us encouragement that consumer confidence and spending are in for an upturn albeit over time
“The significant reforms to childcare and the measures to help the over 50s re-enter the workforce are both areas on which UKHospitality has been calling for action and we re pleased the Chancellor has recognised the help it can offer tackling the enormous vacancies in hospitality Maintaining current levels of energ y suppor t to consumers, freezing fuel duty and inflation reducing will help hard-pressed households and increase disposable income , which will be a huge boost for venues in desperate need of trade
“This will be par ticularly needed as the sector is still set to see huge energ y price increases when current suppor t ends in April, which unfortunately was not addressed It remains the case that we need to see urgent action on the market failures identified by Ofgem in its nondomestic review update yesterday The current timeline of fur ther action by the summer is not good enough
“The reduction in draught duty is positive and we hope this will incentivise more visits to our pubs, restaurants and hotel bars Addressing draught duty is a good star t and I would urge the Government to consider rolling out this type of tax cut across the wider drinks market
C AMRA Chairman Nik Antona said: “The Chancellor has made a welcome move to increase the draught duty rate discount to 11p, which will help pubs compete with the likes of supermarket alcohol However, the lower tax rate is not coming until August, and we must hope that as many pubs as possible will be able to keep their doors open until then
“With many par ts of the licensed trade struggling to make ends meet, and consumers tightening their belts hikes in general duty rates are the last thing breweries need so it’s right that general duty rates have been frozen until the new system is introduced
“With suppor t for energ y bills being extended for households licensees will be devastated to hear that help for them will end on 1 April This was a make-or-break Budget for pubs and social clubs, and the future of many businesses is now at risk, with an imminent cliff edge in suppor t and rocketing energ y costs on top of the other pressures facing the licensed trade Communities will lose their local pubs because energ y suppor t is ending ”
“Outside of the immediate issues our members are facing, we will continue to make the case for a full overhaul of the outdated and unfair tax system that affects our pubs, specifically VAT and longer term Business Rate reform ”
Steve Alton, BII CEO commented: “Today’s Spring Budget Statement offers little comfor t for BII members, running pubs at the hear t of ever y community across the UK The Chancellor’s specific reference to the great British pub as one of our most treasured community institutions, was not matched with the vital ongoing suppor t needed for pubs paying excessive energ y charges, leaving many facing imminent business failure as meaningful Government suppor t falls away at the end of the month ” Many of our members had no choice but to take unfair and untenable energ y contracts, when prices were at their highest from last summer, and the impact of this combined with wider inflation and war y consumers with less disposable income , has left their businesses fragile and facing an uncer tain future
“Without fur ther suppor t from Government, Ofgem must now step in urgently to tackle the energ y suppliers holding our sector hostage with sky high standing charges and energ y prices that will in many cases be 3 to 4 times that of 2021 rates Forcing suppliers to allow businesses to recontract at the much lower rates now being seen in the market needs to be prioritised, as without it, many otherwise viable pubs will be forced to close
“The freeze on duty rates in the shor t term, and the increase on Draught Relief from 5% to 9 2% in the summer will be welcome , if felt directly by pubs In addition however, the actual impact will depend heavily on the RPI rise that will be applied alongside this relief from 1st August 2023 ”
Nick Mackenzie CEO of Greene King said: “We are pleased to see that the Chancellor has listened to the pub industr y and increased the relief on draught beer, an impor tant step to suppor t the Great British Pub However the devil is in the detail and we are concerned that the extended draught relief will still not mitigate the challenging headwinds UK pubs face
“Pubs are in desperate need of the Chancellor’s ‘Brexit Pubs Guarantee’ as they are still being hit with higher costs on ever ything from energ y to food We look forward to seeing more detail on how the Chancellor’s announcements today will unlock barriers to work and investment which can help the pubs and brewing sector tackle our current challenges and be able to contribute to the countr y ’ s economic
Nostalgia travel is a blossoming new segment within the hospitality industr y, harking back to the ‘Golden Age’ of travel before package holidays and commodity tourism became the norm With an abundance of hotels across the globe keeping competition hot, more hoteliers are finding unique ways to attract guests through this model
A large par t of the allure of nostalgia travel is the immersion in a different time period Indeed, a recent Booking com sur vey found that over 55% of tourists are looking to escape reality
This immersion can be constructed in a number of different ways – from location and design to the experiences on offer
For example , the Burgh Island Hotel prides itself on its Ar t Deco, 1930s heritage , as well as its histor y as a smugglars’ paradise , nodded to by the nearly 700-year-old onsite pub, the Pilchard Inn To ensure guests are adequately transpor ted back in time , Burgh employed renowned world Ar t Deco specialist, Simon Kirby, to ensure architectural plans reflected the era
While the core foundation of all holidays is to leave the ever yday behind there is no better way to escape
By, Giles Fuchs , Owner of Burgh Island Hotel.than by slipping into the past Non-traditional hotels that capture a sense of histor y, uniqueness, and ambiance are highly sought after by guests seeking true escapism
However, even for hotels that do not have inherent historical significance , there is still an oppor tunity to capitalise on this trend with themed events They can ser ve to attract guests looking for a nostalgic break and capture additional revenue
Burgh Island utilises events such a these , holding its annual Tom Crocker Day Festival to celebrate the life and death of the locally renowned pirate , and hosting regular murder myster y nights to pay homage to Agatha Christie who drew inspiration from Burgh for And Then There Were None and Evil Under the Sun
For a rapidly growing demographic of travellers, complete isolation away from other tourists is a must This has seeded an increase in demand for exclusive hires of hotels This ultimate luxur y allows for the par ty of guests to enjoy a hotel’s amenities and restaurants in a unique and private manner, doing away with the distraction of other holidaymakers
The size of this market may not be a small as previously thought In fact, a recent sur vey conducted by Leger found that 40% of consumers are willing to spend more on their holiday than in previous years This is known as “ revenge travel”, a term coined to describe how people feel after being unable to travel for so long throughout the COVID-19 pandemic
It is clear that many people are seeking a re-imagining of what their travel plans might look like Gone are the days of overflooded resor ts with a lack of character or appeal The ar t of the experience is here to stay Nostalgia travel facilitates the implementation of this concept, helping to bring it to life This travel model offers holidaymakers the oppor tunity to not only escape physically but also mentally, transpor ting them to a different place and time For hoteliers, capitalising on this growing demand will boost revenues at a time when the hospitality industr y is recovering from the pressures of recent years
New Future Menus Trend Repor t 2023 repor t draws on insights from more than 1,600 global chefs
Unilever Food Solutions, the global leader in professional food ser vice , released its first Future Menu Trends repor t 2023 today, developed in collaboration with more than 1,600 chefs in over 21 countries The repor t was launched at an event for leading chefs and food industr y exper ts at Hive , Unilever’s Foods Innovation Centre in Wageningen the Netherlands, as well as via a livestream
The top eight trends identified in the Future Menu Trends repor t 2023 are Irresistible Vegetables, Modernised Comfor t Food, Low-Waste Menus, Wild & Pure , Flavour Contrasts, Feel-Good Food, The New Sharing and Mindful Proteins
“Identifying the hottest global trends is critical in our quest to provide solutions for chefs, who are contending with challenges ranging from labour shor tages to tackling sustainability issues like food waste , ” said Hanneke Faber, President of Nutrition Unilever “With the release of the Future Menus Trend repor t Unilever Food Solutions is not just sharing future trends but also offering solutions-based insights and adaptable recipes to inspire chefs and help them feel prepared for the future
Unilever Food Solutions anchored the Future Menu Trends Repor t 2023 around eight core themes based on global data, extensive inputs from more than 1,600 chefs, global social media ana-
lytics and the exper tise of hundreds of chefs who offer practical, real-world applications
Alex Hall, Executive Chef at Unilever Food Solutions UKI, said: “The Future Menu Trends Repor t 2023 offers chefs a fantastic insight into what s going on within the hospitality industr y, not just in the UK but right across the globe The eight trends outlined in the repor t reflect so much of what we ’ re seeing hospitality innovators already doing, for example with The New Sharing trend being reflected in the rise of modern tapas, or Low-Waste Menus being pioneered by the likes of Fallow and Silo ”
Alex continues: “Tom Kerridge is a great example of Modernised Comfor t Food playing out in the UK market too – and we ’ re delighted that he’s recently joined our Knorr Professional brand as Creative Director With Tom’s suppor t we ’ re already helping chefs right across the UK to feel inspired to put these trends into practice on their menus, to ensure they are delivering what the future consumer wants The Future Menu Trends Repor t 2023 really ser ves to highlight what we as chefs need to do in order to inspire our guests for years to come ”
All eight trends include suggested recipes, ingredients and techniques to provide tangible solutions for chefs and food operators
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Scottish Licensed Trade Association (SLTA) managing director Colin Wilkinson said: “I think the reaction of the licensed trade in Scotland is one of disappointment at what wasn t mentioned in today s Budget
Endorsing the tax relief of up to 11p for draught beer and cider, Mr Wilkinson said: “This is good news and a good star t to helping the struggling hospitality sector get back on its feet
“Our pubs and bars have suffered enough since the onset of the Covid pandemic so this new policy from the UK Government – the Brexit Pub Guarantee – cer tainly gives many businesses some hope for their future
The UK Government should now go fur ther and consider fur ther duty differentials on other alcohol products sold in our pubs and bars if it really wants to save our industr y – something we have been advocating for at least the last two years
“However, we are concerned about the impending change to the system for duty rates for alcohol which is
due to change from 1 August – when today’s change will also kick in For alcohol content (ABV) under 8 5% duty will be reduced but for wine and whisky it will increase substantially ”
He added: “It’s a relief, too, that the Energ y Price Guarantee will remain at £2,500 for the typical household for the next three months – but what about businesses? The Chancellor didn’t make any mention of suppor t for struggling businesses
“Ongoing suppor t for non-domestic energ y customers is absolutely vital as is an investigation by Ofgem to thoroughly look into the actions of suppliers who have locked businesses into deals that they can’t get out of
“Action must be taken to force energ y suppliers to renegotiate these inflated contracts that are crippling many hospitality businesses
Alluding to previous calls for a reduction in the rate of VAT to help hospitality businesses remain competitive , he said: “The Chancellor, if he were to reduce VAT for hospitality, would be sending out a clear and unequivocal message that he recognises the impor tance of the sector to the economy
“We need to see a host of urgent measures to help businesses, including a reduction in the rate of VAT and lower business rates ”
The childcare plan announced in the latest budget may help to address a current imbalance in the hospitality industr y, according to analysis from shift work platform, Deputy
Female workers in the hospitality industr y have been working an average of 19 hours a month fewer than their male counterpar ts, resulting in a difference in annual earnings of £2,166 for those on the minimum wage
According to the Deputy data, if women in hospitality were to work the same hours as men across a 12-month period from April, they would earn:
£3,501 more for those who work in hotels and accommodation
• £3,251 more in pubs and bars
• £1,500 more in cafes and coffee shops
• £2,751 more in fast food and take-aways
• £2 376 more in restaurants
David Kelly General Manager for EMEA at Deputy said:
“Our snapshot of UK Hospitality looks at current shift-equity trends across the industr y, where men still continue to see a greater share in shifts and hours in comparison to women across the majority of hospitality subsectors
“The latest childcare suppor t that has been announced this week is designed to suppor t all working parents, but we know from various studies that it is often still working mothers who shoulder the majority of childcare responsibilities We hope that these changes will be another small step towards fairness and equity for workers ”
The data was analysed by independent labour economist Shashi Karunanethy PhD, who examined more than 2 3 million shifts and 17 3 million hours worked by 41,884 British hospitality workers
The last few years have cer tainly been challenging for the Hospitality sector and with rising utility bills, a cost-of-living crisis, supply chain issues and staff shor tages, it doesn’t appear as though the next 12 months will prove to be that much easier
However, with a challenge comes oppor tunity, and for hospitality leaders with a glass-half full approach there is cer tainly much to gain during 2023 – par ticularly when it comes to inspiring the next generation of talent
Prior to Brexit the UK benefitted from a talented international workforce who flocked to British shores for want of competitive wages and a taste of British life
However, the fallout of Brexit combined with the outbreak of COVID-19 resulted in a mass decrease in EU workers, with the hospitality industr y losing a whopping 200,000 international employees between late 2019 to mid 2022
Industr y repor ts have since revealed that there were 172,000 EU citizens working in the hospitality sector as of autumn 2022, which is a drop of 41% compared to pre-pandemic levels
Reviewing these figures, it’s cer tainly no surprise that the UK hospitality sector is struggling to source staffwith many establishments now having to alter opening hours and reduce their trade and income as a result
Interestingly, while there has been a mass exodus of international workers from the hospitality sector, there is a growing pool of unemployed 16 – 24-year-olds on British soil – many of whom could thrive in hospitality, given the oppor tunity inspiration and necessar y guidance
One of the main issues, however, is that unlike in locations such as France and Italy where Front of House and Waiting roles are perceived as prestigious career paths working in hospitality within the UK is synonymous with pot washing glass collection and unsociable hours which cer tainly doesn’t inspire many
As such the industr y is rife with par t-timers who never perceive their role as something long-term and per-
haps don t realise their impor tance – par ticularly if they aren t treated as though they truly matter
It could be argued, therefore , that even though Brexit and COVID-19 have cer tainly created a staffing and resource challenge both historical events have also created an oppor tunity An oppor tunity for the sector to re-set, to re-inspire and to bring about positive change
Ultimately, the future of hospitality is reliant on the next generation of talent and so it is imperative that we as an industr y alter how we attract and inspire young people to join our businesses and motivate them to drive them forwards
Gone are – and should be - the days of friction between the Kitchen and Front of House staff, or heightened tensions caused by a simple mistake that can easily be rectified and learnt from Hospitality should now be a place for industr y leaders to engage employees in the impor tance of customer experience quality standards and community engagement where entr y roles in pubs bars and restaurants should be perceived as an oppor tunity to grow and thrive – both in personal and professional development Key to this is positive business culture , which, in hospitality, is more impor tant now than ever before , as the industr y competes with sectors able to offer remote working, Christmas shutdowns and shor ter working weeks
Fur thermore as the average age of restaurant bar and/or operations managers has decreased in recent years - with those now accepting positions of responsibility much younger than ever before - it is vital that venue owners, business leaders or those with greater experience take on guidance and mentoring roles As such, the youthful managers of today should be carefully navigated through current difficulties and challenges, while ensuring they can car ve a successful future that even inspires others to follow in their wake
They say if you love what you, you don’t work a day in your life – it’s time we installed this passion into others, showed them the vibrancy, buzz and enjoyment that comes with hospitality and help people consider it as a viable , enjoyable , and fulfilling career path
In doing this, and in attracting the bright stars of the future , not only will the industr y be able to overcome shor t-term difficulties but will also be able to drive growth today, tomorrow, and beyond Hospitality star ts and ends with people , and it’s our job as business and industr y leaders to make them feel valued, to install passion and to inspire positive change
Proper Pubs has successfully installed 80 defibrillators across its estate with the help of its locals, already resulting in three life-changing results The defibrillators are positioned outside the pubs for medical emergencies, which the public can access, and are designed to provide emergency suppor t for individual communities
Proper Pubs, the community wet-led division of Admiral Taverns, has more than 165 community pubs across England, Scotland, and Wales The defibrillators are a medical device which sends an electric pulse or shock to the hear t to restore a normal hear tbeat when an individual is in cardiac arrest
Each pub was challenged to raise £1,500 within its community to fund the defibrillator Operators were incredibly creative in their initiatives
with events ranging from raffle nights to sponsored head shaving Mark Brooke , Director – Proper Pubs, commented:
“We have always been champions of the community pub As the cost of living continues to rise , it has been recognised that pubs aren’t just somewhere for people to go for a drink, they are also vital lifelines for the community, bringing people together to suppor t each other It s great to see this being recognised through the fundraising, and even better to be able to provide defibrillators to communities up and down the countr y “I am so thankful to our amazing operators and their communities who have all come together to create this success – this is the pinnacle of effective fundraising initiatives, demonstrating our commitment to community focus ”
Food & Drink Expo returns to the NEC , Birmingham this April (24th –26th) as par t of the UK Food & Drink Shows Visitors to the UK’s premier trade event for the food, drink and hospitality sectors, will leave with heightened awareness of the sector s capabilities as well the latest innovations Register for a free pass here
The event will showcase the latest products and ser vices in the market Expect big-name exhibitors such as Belvoir Fruit Farms (Stand K278), Jersey Dair y (Stand K260), Mizkan (Stand J240), Meadow Vale Foods (Stand J231), and Grumpy Mule Coffee (Stand K268), who will all be showcasing their wares
For a full list of exhibitors and products, visit: https://www foodanddrinkexpo co uk/exhibitors-2023#/exhibitors/
In a first for Food & Drink Expo, the show will also include two exclusive sections in 2023, Healthy & Natural and Plant-Based, which will each be dedicated to exhibitors showing the latest innovations and NPD in these flourishing markets
Meanwhile , on The Grocer Live stage , exper t panels will be discussing some of the biggest issues facing the sector Industr y heavyweights such as Kate Nicholls OBE, Chief Executive at UKHospitality, Will Shu, CEO & Founder of Deliveroo and Tom Athron CEO at For tnum & Mason are just some of the names that have been
lined up to tackle hot-topic issues
The programme is set to cover a variety of essential themes across the three days, such as people , sustainability, trends, health and technolog y, with individual sessions promising to drill down fur ther on various aspects of each Key highlights of the programme ’ s schedule include:
The cost-of-living crisis: How has UK food and drink adapted and what is the outlook?
In this session we are joined by the leading trade organisations to analyse the suppor t available to businesses
Charity par tner : Tackling food waste with FareShare
Wine drinkers face rocketing prices if the Chancellor goes ahead with a double pronged tax hike , likely to be announced at the Spring Budget
When the Government’s new alcohol duty regime comes into force on August 1st 2023 – which will broadly tax alcohol according to strength – some 90% of all still wine is set to see at least a 9% duty rise
However, if the Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, announces that the freeze to alcohol duty will also end on August 1 and chooses to increase duty by inflation – for example 10% RPI* – wine drinkers will face a tax hike at least double that size
A 20% tax rise will mean that duty on a bottle of still wine will go up by a staggering 44p For for tified wines the duty rises will be even greater with por t set to rise by £1 29 a bottle
Wine drinkers are facing the biggest single increase in almost 50 years
Ironically this will stoke the inflation that the Prime Minister has insisted his government must seek to control
These crippling inflationar y tax hikes will not help cash-strapped consumers, who are already struggling with a cost of living crisis
Wine businesses have repeatedly raised their concerns with the Treasur y that the new tax rates unfairly target wine drinkers and will make the UK market a less attractive place to sell wine
And it’s not just limited to wine , because spirits – already the highest taxed alcoholic drink – also received a 10% increase adding a fur ther 75p to a bottle of vodka
Histor y has shown that freezing duty does not have a negative impact on Treasur y revenues
Miles Beale , Chief Executive of the Wine and Spirit Trade Association said:
“The UK’s 33 million wine drinkers are blissfully unaware that the price of wine is set to rocket this summer If the Chancellor goes ahead with a twopronged attack on wine drinkers by adding an inflationar y duty increase on top of the stealth tax already applied when the Government’s new alcohol duty regime kicks in this summer, duty alone will add 44p to a bottle of still wine
If alcohol duty rates went up by RPI, this will be a crippling blow to the UK alcohol industr y and consumers who will have to pay the price for tax rises during a cost-of-living crisis ”
Community pub company, Admiral Taverns, is celebrating local licensee duo, David and Kath Ell at The Nags Head in Winslow Buckinghamshire who have been at the helm of the local pub for 40 years The Nags Head is owned by Admiral Taverns, who have 1,600 community wet-led pubs across the UK
David and Kath took over the pub in 1983 and with the help of their children, Jason and Katie , they have successfully cemented it at the hear t of the community, becoming the social hub of Winslow This month, David and Kath were visited by Admiral Taverns’ Business Development Manager, Paul Barnfather, receiving a cer tificate of achievement to recognise the outstanding ser vice to the pub, as well as flowers and champagne
The pair have a wealth of knowledge and experience , having worked in the industr y their whole lives The traditional community pub offers three regular ales, Sharp’s Doom Bar, Tetley Bitter and Timothy Taylor Landlord, as well as lagers including Madri and Pravha The pub is also popular with spor ts fans hosting three televisions with ever ything from football to rugby to cricket
Kath Ell, licensee at the Nags Head, commented: “I can’t believe it’s already been 40 years – this pub means ever ything to us and I’m so grateful to all our customers for their loyalty and continuous suppor t over the years
We ve had such an amazing journey watching both our children grow up at the pub and I look forward to seeing what is to come I would also like to thank my fantastic team who I’ve worked with over the years, as none of this would be possible without them ”
The team have dedicated much of their time at The Nags Head to suppor ting their community through an annual schedule of events, from live music , to weekly dar ts and pool teams, as well as the popular annual Clay Pigeon Shooting for Macmillan Cancer Suppor t
Paul Barnfather, Business Development Manager at Admiral Taverns, commented: “A huge congratulations to David, Kath and the team at The Nags Head – what a brilliant achievement They have truly created a special pub that sits at the hear t of the community and is ver y popular with the local residents I wish the team ever y success for the future ”
“Today, inflation is a reality that the restaurant and hospitality sector has no choice but to contend with as prices continue to surge in the UK There’s no doubt the rising cost of food is proving an additional challenge for heavily stretched restaurateurs: while they need to emphasize efficiency measures such as reducing more food waste and tighter menu management they also need to stay creative to ensure customers have the best possible experience
Consequently it can be challenging for restaurants to encourage customers to continue visiting their establishments given increasing hesitancy for additional expenditures such as dining out or ordering food online Now more than ever, building and retaining customer loyalty is critical to thrive and grow - here’s how to do so whilst keeping an eye on costs
A recent sur vey found that 40% people in the UK get up to three food deliveries a week today despite the recent rise in inflation While people are getting more takeaways and deliveries, they are also being more selective A whopping 68% of people said quality ingredients are more impor tant now than before the rise of inflation What’s more , convenience is a major deciding factor for consumers selecting a restaurant for takeaway and deliver y 69% claim how close a restaurant is and how fast their food can get to them is now more impor tant than ever
This means a focus on offering high-quality, value-driven experiences can be a valuable way of differentiating restaurants from the competition This can include sourcing ingredients locally or from ar tisanal producers, offering unique menu items that can't be found elsewhere , or providing excellent customer ser vice By offering experiences that stand out from the competition restaurants can keep customers coming back for their own brand of “special sauce ” building a loyal customer base in the process
In addition to offering promotions and high-quality experiences restaurants can also encourage customers by investing in their online presence This includes having a professional-looking website an active social media presence , and positive online reviews With more and more people turning to the internet to find information about local businesses, a strong online presence can be a powerful tool for attracting new customers and driving repeat business
According to the same research, more than a third of customers didn’t order from a restaurant again after they had a bad deliver y experience To boot, 19% of those same people told their friends or family not to buy from the restaurant either Avoiding these experiences and customer attrition as a result requires streamlining restaurant operations to ensure orders are fed smoothly from online platforms such as Deliveroo and Just Eat straight into the kitchen, and then back out again
One way that UK restaurants in the UK can do so is by using a cloud-based platform that integrates with their point-of-sale (POS) system and popular deliver y platforms With this type of technological integration, restaurants can manage their online ordering, deliver y, and takeout operations from one central location, saving time and reducing errors
One valuable tactic to boost customer retention lies in regular, real-time menu updates This helps to endear restaurants to customers by allowing them to make informed decisions about what to order online and avoids disappointment if an item becomes unavailable due to supply issues or rising costs Syncing menus on apps and websites using menu optimisation makes it easier to make changes Some food deliver y management platforms also offer the ability to temporarily limit the availability of cer tain items, which helps manage customer expectations if the item they want is not currently available
Another way to encourage customer loyalty is to offer flexible ordering and payment options With the rise of food deliver y ser vices, many customers now expect to be able to order and pay for their meals online or through an app Since the pandemic , many restaurants have also branched out into owning their own deliver y channels which helps them to own more of their customer experience , which can help differentiate their offerings versus the competition Ultimately, offering purchases through multiple channels can help restaurants diversify their revenue streams to drive new sales whilst customers will appreciate the optionality and convenience
Promotions and discounts are also a time-honored way of driving customer traffic too This can include things like loyalty programs, where customers earn rewards for their repeat business, or limited-time offers on popular menu items These promotions can be especially effective when paired with targeted marketing effor ts, such as email campaigns or social media ads, to reach specific customer segments
There are many ways that restaurants can encourage customers in the current inflationar y period in the UK By offering promotions and discounts providing high-quality value-driven experiences offering flexible ordering and payment options, investing in their online presence , and building a sense of community, restaurants can attract and retain customers even in times of economic uncer tainty By using a cloud-based platform to streamline their online ordering and deliver y operations, restaurants can also save time and reduce errors, helping them to better ser ve their customers and grow their business ”
The British Institute of Innkeeping (BII) has announced their Quar ter Finalists for this year ’ s Licensee of the Year Award (LOYA)
Sponsored by Sky, the Licensee of the Year Award is widely regarded as the most rigorous and hard-fought award for individual licensee operators in the UK
Since the launch in Januar y this year, those working in the licensed trade were encouraged to enter to showcase their businesses, sharing how they have continued to diversify and develop their businesses to become more sustainable and thrive
Selected from the field of over 300 entrants, the 57 Licensee of the Year Quar ter-Finalists have reached this far in the awards on the basis of their applications coupled with social media and web assessments carried out by the BII team
The next step involves HGEM, par tners of the BII Licensee of the Year Award, sending out myster y diners and drinkers to each of the Quar ter-Finalists
Steve Alton BII CEO commented:
“Our Licensee of the Year Award is the most prestigious & hardfought award, showing the excellence in our sector We are delighted to have had so many nominations again this year, despite the challenges that our sector has faced over the last few years
“We are proud that these awards offer a value-added experience to all those involved with business insight and the chance to evaluate their businesses at ever y stage , from myster y diner visits and feedback, right through to our final judging day at Sky HQ
“The best of luck to ever yone involved this year and I look forward to meeting our finalists in June for their final judging day
All six finalists will be presented with a trophy at the BII Summer Event on 20th June , where the winner of Licensee of the Year 2023 will ultimately be crowned
The 2023 Licensee of the Year Quar ter-Finalists are as follows:
Lisa & Dave Cowell – Baggot Arms – WS15 3DB
Josh & Tobi Hardisty – Blac k Hor se Hotel – BD23 5AT
Kevin Doyle – Blue Bell Inn – TS21 1EZ
Nic hola & Gar y Thomas – Chetwynd Arms – WS15 1BQ
Sarah & Simon Colquhoun – Gaggle of Geese – DT2 7BS
Craig Mac eod – Innes Bar – IV1 1NR
Clare Mar sh – Old Bush – DY3 4NR
Samantha & Mark Robinson – Queens Head – LA23 1PW
Jason Delaney – Ten Tun Tap House – GU34 1HZ
Sarah South – The Admiral Benbow – PE24 5BQ
Tommy Fox – The Barrelman – DD1 2AJ
Heather & Caroline Por ter-Brandwood – The Bellflower – PR3 0J A
Trac y Hook – The Bishop Blaize – DL10 4QL
Emma Shepherd – The Blue Ball Inn – S35 0PD
Sue H llyard – The Chequer s Inn – LE10 2DN
Br ian Pr iest – The Chequer s Inn – LE17 6BL
Emma Clarke – The Chesterfield Arms – S41 8DT
Mark Annear – The Cott Inn – TQ9 6HE
Jonathan Wainwr ight – The Cradoc k Arms – LE2 3TT
Dav d Hagger ty – The Cresswell Arms – NE64 6DR
Hannah & Elzan Seraj – The Cross Keys – MK15 0AA
Katie Noellyn – The Fair y Falls Hotel – LL27 0JH
Chr is Moore – The Flying Dutc hman – NR33 8QS
Natasha Har tfield – The Flying Hor se – TN27 8QD
Lisa Moran – The Fr igate – MA45 6FW
Nic k Hunter – The Happy Cheese – SO40 7AR
Kevin Bath – The Hinds Head – PR7 5HL
Nia Rober ts – The Hor seshoe Inn – SY22 6PU
Dawn Anc hor – The King Charles – SO23 7NU
Adam Bolton – The Laird & Dog Inn – EH18 1N A
Jul a Cooper – The Last Post, Remembrance Bar & Museum – TS17 7DR
Lisa Leyland – The Mi lhouse – WA2 0LZ
Claire Wakefield – The Old Bell – RG9 2BG
Alan Edge & Andy Pye – The Old Cherr y Tree – NN4 7AT
Stephanie Carr – The Old Ham Tree – B A14 6PY
Mic helle Gilmour – The Old Windmill – CV1 3B A
Mar iya Ivanova – The Oyster Shed – EC4R 3AB
Lee & Ker is De Villier s – The Pig & Whistle – SW18 5LD
Austyn Greenfield – The Railway – BH23 1PS
Merran Lawrence – The Railway – BS49 4AJ
Angus McKean & Claire Morgan – The Red Lion – SW13 9RU
Steward Odd – The Ring O’Bells – BS40 6JE
Luca Delnevo – The Rising Sun – NW7 4EY
Louise McPhee – The Roya Oak – C A4 8BP
Dorothy Aldred – The Royal Oak – SK17 9QL
Matthew Crowther – The Royal Pug – CV32 4NX
Ashley & Samantha Windle – The Royal Wootton Bassett – SN4 7HT
Rebecca McClelland – The Saddle Inn – CH1 2DD
Kate Hayden – The Snow Goose – GU14 9DX
Nicole & Nic k Holt – The Stag Inn – TN34 3BJ
Rob Mad gan – The Star Coffee & Ale House – PO33 2HT
William Sheldon – The Tiger Inn – TN25 6B A
Ollie Coulombeau – The Turks Head – TW1 1LF
Jamie Whitt e – The Unicorn – M26 3QQ
E lie Pitt – The William IV – TR1 3DJ
Gez Chetal – Thomas Paine Hotel – IP24 1AA
Joe Buc kley – Tollemac he Arms – NN6 9NU
Eight out of ten people in the UK believe that a well-run independent brewer y has a positive effect on its local community, according to a new repor t published today
The SIB A Craft Beer Repor t 2023 – which features new brewer y survey data, industr y analysis and commentar y, as well specially commissioned consumer research via YouGov – shows more people than ever are discovering their local brewer y bar or taproom, or buying direct from the source via a webshop
This community spirit is a sentiment shared by brewers themselves, with a whopping 98% of SIB A brewers saying they consider their local community to be impor tant to them
“Our members sales footprint has transformed over recent years as brewers look to meet the growing local demand for quality independent craft beer Over a quar ter of independent brewer sales are now direct to consumers with over 40% now running their own bar or taproom as well as seeing an increased trend in online sales ” Andy Slee , SIB A Chief Executive
The SIB A Craft Beer Repor t also highlights some of the challenges the industr y is facing providing a postCovid health check for a struggling on-trade , with beer sales via pubs yet to recover to previous levels
“Beer sales are still well shor t of pre-pandemic levels, thanks to the stuttering recover y of the Nation’s pubs and the pressures on people’s spending from the cost of living crisis,” Andy added
The repor t shows pub visits fell sharply in the last 12 months, with 20% of the population not visiting a pub at all – traditionally a critical outlet for local beers and independent breweries Access to pubs is also a challenge for small brewers, with Global companies continuing to control the Nation s beer taps;
Small independent breweries lead the way in innovation – producing the UK s most flavoursome , interesting and high quality beers – yet we only account for 6% of the UK beer market, which is still dominated by globally-owned, main stream brands
It’s vital that small independent breweries are able to deliver the beers the research clearly shows are indemand, whether that’s via their own taprooms and shops or via the vital pub trade ” Andy Slee , SIB A Chief Executive
The SIB A Craft Beer Repor t 2023 has been officially launched today at BeerX UK in Liverpool, the UK’s biggest beer and brewing trade event The repor t is published by the Society of Independent Brewers (SIB A), the UK’s leading trade association for independent craft breweries, representing over 700 brewing businesses
SIB A Craft Beer Repor t 2023 summar y
1 A sale direct to consumers, whether by pub, bar, website or taproom, is the most profitable route for most brewers These sales seem to be growing fastest with over a quar ter of all output now sold through these channels
2 Cask beer is a fresh, hand-crafted product, sold in reusable containers, often in local communities SIB A members appear to be leading cask beer recover y
3 A growing number of consumers believe that genuine craft beer should be produced by an independent brewer y Only 3% believe it can be made by a global brewer
4 Nine out of 10 SIB A members would recommend SIB A membership to a friend, which presents SIB A with a huge oppor tunity given we still represent less than half of all registered independent brewers
5 Independent brewers are local heroes Eight out of 10 consumers say a well-run independent brewer y has a positive effect on its local community, and 98% of SIB A brewers consider their local community to be impor tant to them Two-thirds of SIB A brewers are planning to grow this year
1 SIB A member breweries saw average production recover fur ther in 2022, after the devastating impact of the pandemic in 2020, but it still remains -11% below 2019 levels
2 Brewers were only able to increase their prices by 2%, which represents a real term fall in prices in an environment of double digit inflation
3 There has been a significant fall in the overall number of consumers ever drinking beer, especially among women, and more than a fifth of consumers say they no longer drink any alcohol
4 Pub visits fell sharply with more than a fifth of all consumers not visiting a pub in the last 12 months This means broadening routes to market is essential for brewer y survival
5 The craft beer sector is still failing to make in-roads on the issue of inclusion and diversity, with a continued and ver y significant overrepresentation of white males in the workforce
First impressions count! Guests expect fresh clean linens when they step into their hotel room and to be able to trust hotels to care for their garments, so being able to deliver top quality laundry is essential for ensuring customer satisfaction and your hotel’s success
To deliver the best results hotels have three options: to outsource bring laundry operations in-house or a hybrid combination of the two Whilst outsourcing may seem like the easiest option, as there are no capital outlay or space requirements it often comes with high processing costs lengthy turnaround times and a lack of control
To help you decide which option would work best for your hotel commercial laundry specialist, WASHCO, looks at the advantages of on-premise laundries and reveals how you can overcome limited laundry space by adopting a hybrid solution
• Ultimate control over costs and quality
• Less stock is required compared with outsourcing your laundry
• Generate additional revenue from handling guests’ personal clothing in-house
• Minimise damage by managing use of wash chemicals and detergents
• React quickly to changes in demand with full control of the process
• Reduce your carbon footprint as transportation is not required
With many years of experience, WASHCO regularly partners with hotels to implement on-premise laundries Fairmont Windsor Park is currently benefiting from handling the entire process in-house using WASHCO s innovative range of smart laundry equipment WASHCONNECT which they’ve found has been vital in delivering consistent quality and sustainable results
The reliable machines use a cloud-based system to monitor every process helping WASHCO’s technical team to react quickly and solve any issues remotely, before the laundry team even notices there s a problem!
An increasingly popular choice amongst WASHCO customers is opting for a hybrid laundry approach The latest commercial machines can be specifically programmed to handle various items allowing hotels to manage the quality of items, like robes and towels, whilst reducing their outsourced laundry costs
Other items such as bed and table linens which require large multi-roll ironers would be better outsourced, to save valuable space in the laundry room
Having an on-premise laundry will give you flexibility to clean your own uniforms and mop heads, to help manage infection control and lower the costs of outsourcing It also presents an additional revenue stream if you choose to take on hand-finishing of guests garments
If you are concerned about the capital investment required to bring your hotel’s laundry in-house, a finance option, like WASHCO s rental package, could be the ideal solution
With rental, there are no upfront costs and it s easier to manage outgoings with affordable monthly payments WASHCO also includes the equipment 7-day repair cover, annual servicing and safety checks as standard, giving you full peace of mind
If you decide to bring your hotel’s laundry in-house, or opt for a hybrid approach, it’s important to invest in the right equipment
To help you choose the right solution WASHCO has created a useful Buyer’s Guide
Simply scan the QR code to download your free copy
Or visit: www.washco.co.uk/resource/hospitality-and-hotel-buyers-guide/ WASHCO’s end-to-end service has helped hotels across the UK to bring their laundry operations
like to find out more, get in touch with our expert team on 08000 546 546 or info@washco co uk
If you
In its response to the ‘Restricting alcohol adver tising and promotion’ consultation UKHospitality Scotland has outlined the harm the proposals would have on hospitality businesses, consumer choice and Scotland’s position as a world-leading tourist destination
• Dramatically increase costs for bus nesses and significantly impact trading, r isking business failure and job losses
Lead to ess c hoice for consumer s , as a result of smaller, up and coming brands being unable to promote themselves and expand This would also hit low- and no-alcohol dr inks brands whic h are becoming increas ngly popular
• Damage the tour ist exper ience , where restr ictions on promoting whisky would dimin sh hospitality exper iences for visitor s
• Leave huge financial gaps for major and community spor ting and music events , as a result of the impact on event sponsor sh p
UKHospitality Scotland Executive Director Leon Thompson said: “It cannot be overstated how wide-ranging and damaging these proposals would be to hospitality businesses, if implemented It would be a self-inflicted
act of harm that would damage our sector for generations
“The Scottish Government needs to recognise that our businesses already work to some of the toughest licensing laws anywhere and take their responsibilities incredibly seriously Marketing and promotion is already, rightly, heavily regulated but these proposals have ignored this and, as a consequence , risk serious harm to one of Scotland s most successful sectors
Almost no one benefits from this Businesses, consumers and the Scottish economy will suffer as a result There is also no evidence that these restrictions will achieve the Scottish Government’s public health objectives
“Hospitality has time and again proven that it can deliver many times over for the economy; creating growth, jobs and prosperity for communities
These proposals, alongside the planned introduction of the Deposit Return Scheme , will drown businesses in red tape and cost, eliminating our ability to drive growth in the economy
“The business community is in lockstep on this and I would urge the Government to heed the advice of
UKHospitality Scotland, and others, and not go ahead with these damaging restrictions ”
The Old Mill in Salisbur y has reopened following a £300 000 refurbishment by pub owner Greene King Pub Par tners
The pub, operated by growing multiple operators Steve and Maria Harris
alongside daughter-in-law Nathalie Harris – is known for its magnificent views overlooking the River Naddar towards Salisbur y Cathedral
Inside , the pub has been tastefully renovated, in keeping with the traditional features of the building, including wooden panelling and distressed radiators
As par t of the refurbishment, the bar, toilets and restaurant areas of the pub have all been significantly upgraded The pub’s 11 en-suite hotel rooms have all been revamped and upgraded too ready to welcome guests
Outside all the signage for the pub has been upgraded and the roofing and external decorations have also been refreshed
The Old Mill is Steve Maria and Nathalie’s second pub with Greene King Pub Par tners
They opened their first pub The Stag at Lyndhurst which is also operated through Greene King Pub Par tners, back in 2021 With Greene King Pub Par tners suppor t, training and guidance , they grew the pub business, getting shor tlisted for an award at the Great British Pub Awards along the way Steve , Maria and Nathalie Harris, licensees of The Old Mill, said: “We’re thrilled with the refurbishment of The Old Mill which maximises the guest accommodation and trading space of the pub whilst maintaining the incredible features of the building
“We’re extremely grateful for Greene King’s investment and suppor t which has been instrumental in helping us grow our pub business
“We look forward to continuing to evolve The Old Mill alongside our growing pub business ” Wayne Shur vinton Managing Director Par tnerships & Ventures at Greene King said: “Our £300 000 investment in the Old Mill will maintain the pub as a favourite spot for people to visit in Salisbur y for years to come It is a real pleasure to see Steve and Maria as our Par tners continue to grow and develop their pub business with our suppor t
As the UEFA Champions league kicks off again, new research from KAM in par tnership with BT Spor t has found that showing live spor t can be a more impor tant driver of footfall for pubs during weekdays than at weekends
The research showed that 43% of spor ts fans say watching live spor t is the main reason they go to a pub mid-week whereas at the weekend there are many other factors at play Although still a significant reason to visit, with 35% saying live spor t was the biggest driver at the weekend 92% of spor ts fans said that showing live spor t during the week positively influences their visit frequency to a pub
K a t y M o s e s , F o u n d e r /M D K A M ( w w w k a mm e d i a c o u k ) : “Midweek trading has made the headlines recently, as operators explore options to reduce opening hours and therefore associated costs and understandably so But If operators are looking at ways to pull people off their sofas and into venues in the week, then the oppor tunities to attract spor t fans and associated spend during traditionally quiet mid-week times is huge The research highlights that showing mid-week live spor t should be looked at as a vehicle for driving true incrementality and also loyalty ”
Phillip Thorley Director of Thorley Taverns: “Spor t during the week gives customers a reason to come out and visit It gives our customers a compelling reason definitely helps ”
Alasdair Collis, Director of Commercial Customers, BT Spor t said “In tough economic times ever y penny spent counts The more insight we have and that we can offer into consumer behaviour, the better we are able to help our customers keep the drinks coming and the tills ringing This repor t illustrates just how key live spor t is to driving footfall and incremental spend for pubs during what can be , quieter midweek evenings ”
The KAM research suggests these mid-week visits aren’t cannibalising weekend visits either – that they are additional visits as opposed to the repurposing of social spend with 74% saying visiting the pub for spor t midweek doesn’t affect visits at other times during the week And spor t fans are ver y valuable customers, 85% said they spend more on drinks in pubs when watching spor t
Research shows midweek spor ts drives footfall into venues in both city centre and local settings par ticularly following the increase in numbers of people working remotely 85% of office workers said live spor t influences the time they spend in town/city centre pubs as it attracts them to visit as par t of the after-work occasion and 91% said the same for local/community pubs as an oppor tunity to get out the house after working from home
Showing live spor t can also play a par t in driving loyalty and repeat visits; 73% of respondents said if they have a positive experience watching spor t in a pub then they are likely to re-visit for non-spor t occasions 75% said they’d stop going to their local if it stopped showing spor t
The research suggests that football is by far the biggest footfall driving spor t to pubs of those who watch spor t in a pub, 89% do so to watch football Rugby is the second most popular at 32% 62% say they suppor t a 'Big 6' football team hence why the Premier League and UEFA competitions are key to attracting fans
Matt Jagger, Marketing & Guest Experience Manager, Punch Pubs: Spor t is one of our key drivers as par t of our rhythm of the week Premier League football is a really big draw to our pubs, and outperforms other major spor ting competitions, including international tournaments like The World Cup & The Euros Add to that the midweek fixtures in The Champions League & Europa League , and there is almost wall to wall spor ts for fans to enjoy in the comfor t of their local ”
Katy Moses, Founder/MD, KAM: “It’s not news that the hospitality sector is facing unprecedented challenges from all angles at the moment but despite pressures on the bottom line there is a great oppor tunity to look to grow the top line With spor t driving additional custom over the season as well as the halo effect of repeat visits and loyalty, live spor t can be a game changer for many pubs, especially during the quieter mid-week days ”
The full whitepaper can be downloaded here: https://kam-media co uk/midweek spor t/
‘Chefs Up’, hosted by Andi Oliver, brought together some of the biggest chefs in London’s food scene Angela Har tnett, Neil Bor thwick, Robin Gill, Sabor’s Nieves Barragán as well as Francesco Mazzei, took over the restaurant Darby’s in Wandswor th to cook up some food, and fundraising for Action Against Hunger – the international charity predicting preventing and treating life-threatening hunger
Action Against Hunger’s response to the ear thquake in Türkiye and Syria has so far been concentrated on providing food water shelter medical supplies as well as mental health suppor t There is also a community kitchen in Türkiye which can suppor t up to 3,000 families up to three times a day
Long-time Action Against Hunger ambassador and par ticipant at the event Nieves Barragán Mohacho said: “The Türkiye-Syria ear thquake has devastated so many lives I have been shocked to hear the hardship faced by families, par ticularly children and mothers whose homes have been lost and who are now without kitchens to cook vital food “It’s been a huge honour for me to bring together some of the
biggest names in the culinar y world for the ‘Chefs Up’ event, so that we can provide more suppor t to the people who are coming to terms with this disaster ”
Commenting on the event, Action Against Hunger’s CEO Jean Michel-Grand: “Our chef suppor ters have once again shown how much they can quickly whisk up funds for the emergency “Natural disasters like the ear thquake faced by Türkiye and Syria over turned people’s lives overnight It has been a month since the ear thquake with jobs houses and access to food still out of reach for many Without basic needs like food, water and sanitation in this emergency, families and people can feel that a stable and healthy future is not possible
Action Against Hunger s response in Türkiye and Syria has targeted these basic needs through food, shelter and cash distribution as well as mental health programmes We cannot thank all the chefs at the fundraising event enough; the funds raised will go toward helping people pick themselves back up after the emergency ”
Founded by Liz and Andy Bradbur y in 2017, and based on the Helford river Cornwall, Rosemullion s success stems from their commitment to being protectors and perfecters of the distillers’ craft They take their role as Ar tisan-producers ver y seriously, ensuring quality control by confining production to 300 to 500 bottles at a time , with all spirits produced by hand using their bespoke copper stills
Being placed in an area of outstanding natural beauty has enabled Rosemullion to draw upon its unique proper ties – Helford rainwater is used in the fermentation and distillation process complemented by local Cornish ingredients plus seasonal fruit from their own orchard and vines
These business values and natural benefits have led to Rosemullion being one of the most awarded Ar tisan distilleries in the UK Currently holding 60
awards, these include a Gin Guide Award for its Rosemullion Summer Gin, and, most notably, a haul of 9 awards in the Sip Awards 2022 The Sip Awards covered 3 Platinum wins for Rosemullion’s Har vest Gin (including best flavoured gin), Dark Rum and Dr y Gin; they were also awarded a Double Gold for the Summer Gin and 5 Gold Awards for their Seafarer’s Gin, Spiced Rum, Gold Rum, White Rum and Chocolate rum (which also received an innovation award)
Andy Bradbur y confirms ‘like all the entrants UK and Worldwide , we work really hard to get our spirits noticed both nationally and Internationally so these awards cer tainly gave us a licence to celebrate! We are hopeful this recognition will help us expand our hospitality and retail stockists in 2023 www.rosemulliondistiller y.com
Deliver y and takeaway sales at Britain’s managed restaurant groups fell year-onyear for the 16th month in a row in Februar y, the new Hospitality at Home Tracker from CGA by NIQ reveals
Combined sales were 5 9% behind Februar y 2022, as some consumers reduced their spending and others opted to eat out rather than order in The 9 9% drop in the value of deliveries was steeper than the 7 6% decline in takeaway and click and collect sales The volume of deliver y orders fell even more sharply, by 13 3% a reflection of consumers reducing the frequency of their orders but spending more on them because of rising prices
Despite the extended decline , deliver y and takeaway sales are still well ahead of levels seen before the star t of the COVID-19 pandemic They accounted for 17
pence in ever y pound spent with the managed restaurant groups contributing to the Hospitality at Home Tracker in Februar y
Karl Chessell, CGA’s business unit director – hospitality operators and food, EMEA, said: “After booming during the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, deliver y and takeaway sales have dropped year-on-year in ever y month of 2022 and 2023 This is an encouraging sign that consumers have returned eagerly to restaurants since restrictions eased, but it also reflects the still-tightening squeeze on consumers ’ discretionar y incomes Our research consistently shows that people want to prioritise the affordable treats of restaurant meals, and their spending will hopefully increase when household bills and inflation come down In the meantime , we can expect more softening in the at-home market ”
Grainstore Brewer y ’ s ‘Nip’ and Nor th Brewing Co’s ‘Triple Fruited Gose –Mango Guava Guava’ have taken home Overall Champion Gold in the Cask and Keg Awards at the SIB A Independent Beer Awards 2023, with Abbeydale being named the best bottled or canned beer with their Black Mass black IPA – making their three beers officially the best in the UK
In a first for the awards there were also international beers judged, with Hofmeister being named the Overall International Gold for their delicious Bavarian wheat beer ‘Weisse’ which wowed the competition judges as a ‘perfect example of the style’
Judged by brewers and industr y exper ts and organised by the Society of Independent Brewers (SIB A) at their flagship BeerX UK event in Liverpool, the awards run across a huge range of beer style categories in cask, craft keg, bottle and can
One of the night’s big winners, Nor th Brewing Co, were on hand to accept their Overall Gold award in Keg for their mango and guava triple fruited Gose , a German-style sour beer traditionally brewed with a touch of salt for added flavour ;
“We’ve worked really hard to get the balance in this beer perfectly between the slight sweetness that the salt brings out, and the sourness and fruit of the beer itself, and I’m just blown away – I can’t believe we ’ ve won!
It been a really tough year for our industr y and this award will mean so much to ever ybody at the brewer y and it’s not just the brewing team – the amount of care that goes in from brewing to packaging to
warehousing, distribution, the marketing team It’s a huge pat on the back for ever yone at the brewer y ” Christian Townsley Nor th Brewing Co
In the bottle and can competition it was Abbeydale’s ‘Black Mass’ a big bold and hoppy dark beer that wowed judges and won the Overall Champion Gold Award in the Bottle and Can Awards Christie Mcintosh from Abbeydale accepted the award;
“We make this beer just three times a year and it’s a joyous, strong, bitter, fruity dark ale Winning the National as a black IPA is pretty wild, we won the Speciality IPA which we were really pleased about, but to then go up again and win the Overall Gold is just amazing ”
The SIB A Independent Beer Awards at BeerX UK are the trade association’s National finals and in order to earn a place at the competition brewers must first win at their regional competition – making these overall Champions ver y much the ‘best of the best’ when it comes to British independent craft beer
SIB A Competitions Chair Anneli Baxter, congratulated the winners on their huge achievement:
“The quality of entries into these awards genuinely does go from strength each year, and 2023 was no exception with some superb beers across the Board To win at the Regional Competitions is tough, to then go on to win your National Categor y even harder – and to take home the Overall National Gold is almost impossible – being named the best beer in the whole of the UK by an exper t panel of judges Huge congratulations and well done to all of this year ’ s winners ”
Insolvency figures released this week for Februar y 2023 by the Government’s Insolvency Ser vice shows that the number of registered company insolvencies in Februar y 2023 was 1,783 This 17% higher than in the same month in the previous year (1,518 in Februar y 2022), and 33% higher than the number registered three years previously (pre-pandemic; 1,345 in Februar y 2020)
Leading restructuring and insolvency professional Oliver Collinge from PKF GM in Leeds said: “The large rise in corporate insolvency numbers is not surprising compared to this time last year High interest rates, persistent inflation, ongoing supply chain challenges and weak consumer confidence continue to provide real challenges for many businesses
”We’re hoping that the Chancellor will provide some respite for company directors Renewed energ y suppor t as well as a reduction in business rates to help ease the current pressures would be ver y high up the wish list ” said Oliver Collinge
Firms across the board are facing multiple challenges from the continued fall out of Brexit and the pandemic , to labour shor tages and high energ y costs and even better-performing businesses are not immune Businesses in the hospitality, leisure and retail sectors are par ticularly at risk as evidenced by the recent collapses of Flybe , Paperchase and M&Co
Oliver Collinge added: “We advise directors and their advisors to act now if they are experiencing cash flow pressure It’s critical businesses act early and seek advice if they are struggling at the moment or they think
cash flow may be squeezed in the coming months The earlier they act, the more options they’ll have to secure the business’s long-term survival ”
“It can also be challenging for firms to prepare reliable forecasts given the current economic uncer tainties, and this can make obtaining additional liquidity or capital more challenging Speaking to an exper t to discuss the options available is key ”
For struggling businesses, it s not too late to begin negotiations with landlords and creditors to develop manageable repayment plans Will revenues be high enough to suppor t your cost base? Will cash flows be sufficient to deal with the additional debt burden (both formal and informal) that has accrued during Covid? Perhaps a CVA is something which should be considered or, where you may need to take the difficult decision to make redundancies to sur vive consider applying for government funding to meet the shor t-term cash impact of this ”
• Of the 1,783 registered company insolvencies in Februar y 2023:
There were 1,505 CVLs , whic h is 13% higher than in Februar y 2022 and 59% higher than in Februar y 2020;
• 158 were compulsor y liquidations , whic h is more than twice the number in Februar y 2022, but 32% lower than Februar y 2020;
• 12 were CVAs , whic h is four times higher than Februar y 2022, but 37% lower than Februar y 2020;
• There were 108 administrations whic h is similar to Februar y 2022 but 27% lower than Februar y 2020;
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has launched the Hotel Sustainability Basics (Basics) verification scheme
Announced at ITB Berlin, Basics will enable tourist accommodation providers from around the world, regardless of their size , to begin their sustainability journey
Basics, an industr y-wide suppor ted initiative , is a globally recognised and coordinated set of criteria that all hotels should implement as a minimum to drive responsible and sustainable Travel & Tourism
Basics emerged as a result of a clear demand from a group of influential global hotel brands and whilst there a great number of sustainability initiatives Basics focuses on an achievable star ting point
It will encourage all hospitality businesses to begin their sustainability journeys and redefine the non-negotiables of sustainability in the industr y
Made up of 12 key criteria, the Basics are achievable for all hotels to implement as a bare minimum They ser ve as a stepping-stone to more complex sustainability schemes and even greater sustainability Basics has also been recognised by the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance as the star ting point for a net positive industr y who announced the latest version of the Pathway to Net Positive Hospitality VERIFICATION SCHEME
In order to ensure the validity of the programme , WTTC par tnered with Green Key and SGS to develop a simple online verification system to allow hotels to provide evidence and ensure they are following the Basics
The verification scheme enables hotels and other tourist accommodation to be officially verified for meeting eight of the 12 criteria in the first year and demonstrate their commitment to working toward all 12 of the criteria by year three
Together, the criteria ensure the sector is eco resilient and adaptive to the changing needs of the planet
Six major international hotel groups, collectively representing tens of thousands of sites from around the world have now joined Basics as inaugural par tners The first hotel groups include well-known brands such as Accor, Jin Jiang International, Louvre Hotels Group, Meliá Hotels International, Meininger, and Radisson Hotel Group
Julia Simpson, WTTC President & CEO, said
“We are incredibly proud to have launched the verification scheme for Hotel Sustainability Basics The initiative is a response to the sector’s need for a baseline for hotels and other tourist lodgings to star t their sustainability journeys
“Our research shows that most business owners are aware of their responsibility to the environment but many sustainability practices such as efficient water use initiatives are patchy Basics fills the gap by creating that level playing field for the sector
“It is testament to the need for such a scheme that already thousands of hotels from around the world have already signed up to Basics and are beginning their verification processes from today ”
Inge Huijbrechts, Global Senior Vice President of Sustainability, Security & Corporate Communications at Radisson Hotel Group said “Hotel Sustainability Basics is filling a new and unanswered demand in the hotel industr y: to provide a solid, trusted, and clear label for essential hotel sustainability It s impor tant we define responsible travel to preser ve the planet and protect communities With Hotel Sustainability Basics we offer the traveller a clear sustainable stay option for all types of hotels around the world
“Radisson Hotel Group commits to implement Hotel Sustainability Basics in all its 1,100 hotels by 2025
We do this together with our shareholder Jin Jiang International, their affiliate Louvre Hotel Group and other major hotel groups and destinations around the world ”
For Dr ynks Unlimited founder Richard Clark alcohol free drinks are not just an oppor tunity to “cash in on the latest trend” Richard is on a mission to motivate the British public to “rethink drinking !
“For me there’s a huge oppor tunity: the consumer wants to be excited more , and given more options Operators are looking to make more profit and attract new consumers - this is the perfect combination!”
With Sir Clive Woodward calling for big changes at Twickenham following the Welsh Rugby League setting up an alcohol-free zone at the Principality Stadium on international match days Richard argues that banning alcohol at spor ts events - whether Wembley or Twickenham - is not the solution
Richard believes that consumers should have access to have a good range of alcohol beers, ciders and wines
“People who drink alcohol have a great time but Dr ynks Unlimited believe in freedom of choice for those who may not want to drink for whatever reason It would be great if more retailers would promote the great AF options available,” he says
Dr ynks Unlimited s Smashed , its range of alcohol-free beers and ciders, are not just an addition to an alcoholic product but are all carefully brewed and de-alcoholised using an innovative cool vacuum distillation machine Which, put simply, “smashes the alcohol out of its lager pale ale shandy as well as apple and berr y ciders
“As the branding says we smashed the alcohol out of our bespoke beers and lagers and ciders creating some real drinks at 5% that are right to be de-alcoholised (not ever ything can be) and they become 0% real beers and lagers and ciders”
"We can all go that bit more to suppor t retailers," Richard adds "Not
just by providing more choice , but by offering staff training and samples so they can help educate and inspire consumers
"We can help do that and play a key par t in helping people rethink the way they drink!", he added
For fur ther information visit www smasheddr ynks
Energ y regulator Ofgem has written to chancellor Jeremy Hunt promising action against energ y firms demanding massive prices increases
Operators from across the sector earlier this week called on the government to take action against energ y firms, as some businesses face 500-600% price increases
“We have star ted compliance proceedings against a small propor tion of suppliers where we have serious concerns they are not compliant,”
Ofgem boss Jonathan Brearley wrote in a letter to Chancellor Jeremy Hunt
He said that suppliers had on average doubled the security deposits they demanded from gas customers rising to £68 000 last September from £30,000 earlier
For electricity customers “the data shows that some customers faced dramatically higher requests for security deposits, especially towards November, Mr Brearley said
This coincided with rising energ y prices, but regardless “could have had a significant impact on these customers, Mr Brearley said
The number of businesses that were forced to pay security deposits also rose last year, doubling to about 800 electricity customers by November
“Some of the data raises concerns that some suppliers may have breached licence conditions, acted against the intent of the EBRS, and poor behaviour towards customers may not have been effectively constrained by competitive pressure , in the way we would expect,” Mr Brearley said
In October there was an increase in companies being declined deals with their suppliers, Ofgem found
Earlier this month tried organisation UKHospitality wrote to Grant Shapps MP, the Secretar y of State for Energ y Security and Net Zero, highlighting the pressing need for OFGEM to take suppliers to task for their unscrupulous behaviour towards hospitality
• Enforce the renegotiation of contracts signed between July and December 2022, penalty-free , with the suppor t of deposits already taken
• Enact full regulation of the non-domestic energ y market if suppliers are not willing to act
• Reset security deposits to reflect falling prices and increase business liquidity
• Introduce a Government-backed trade credit insurance scheme for sectors that suppliers perceive to be high-risk Night Time Industries Association chief executive Michael Kill said:
“Businesses across the night-time economy have been struggling to cover the cost of operating, while energ y firms have been profiteering at the cost of vulnerable businesses This letter from Ofgem outlines our ongoing concerns with regard to the conduct of these energ y firms These companies can’t be allowed to get away with this and must be held accountable by the government and regulator ”
A new podcast aimed at inspiring innovation in the region’s tourism industr y will help share the Nor th East’s stor y with the world
The ‘Driving Place-Based Innovation’ podcast series, launched this week (16 March), will focus on how businesses can bring innovation into their visitor offer
The series forms par t of the Hospitality, Innovation, Tourism Supply (HITS) programme funded by the Nor th of Tyne Combined Authority and delivered by NewcastleGateshead Initiative (NGI) in par tnership with Food and Drink Nor th East and NBSL
NGI has teamed up with Digital Tourism Think Tank, a global network for destinations, tourism research and tourism events, to produce 10 weekly podcasts available to businesses in the region and globally
The podcast will offer an insight into how some of the world’s most popular visitor destinations have used innovative solutions to make a real impact on the visitor experience
Other guest speakers include Marco Minicucci, of Milano & Par tners, the promotional agency tasked with making Milan the greatest and most welcoming city in the world
As well as the podcast, HITS, which was launched last year, also offers a grant scheme for businesses looking to develop new products or new ways of working as well as training and regular learning and networking events
Commenting on the programme , elected Metro Mayor for the Nor th of Tyne , Jamie Driscoll, said:
“We know the Nor th East is one of the best places in the world to visit That’s why we ’ re helping our local tourism and hospitality sectors to sing it from the rooftops This scheme is about working together to provide visitors with the best experience – while helping companies grow, create jobs, and protect the planet
“We’re excited to be working with NGI on this new initiative , pooling the ambitious vision for growth and
transformation of the Nor th East’s visitor economy with local and global perspectives on transformation in tourism
“This podcast series is about offering carefully chosen perspectives, which bring in different viewpoints on how technolog y and purpose can come together to create growth accessibility and inclusivity Tourism is a sector which transcends both the wider economy and much of society By hearing from a range of exper ts in the field coming from around the world, this gives us the oppor tunity to consider how we can fur ther deliver on our ambition in seeking inspiration near and far ”
Nick Hall, Founder & CEO, Digital Tourism Think Tank The HITS programme aims to improve skills and increase collaboration between tourism, hospitality, and food and drink companies, including those in the supply chain; raise awareness of local products and independent businesses to a wider audience , and help increase the adoption of digital and/or green technologies ”
Ian Thomas, Destination Director, NGI said:
“The launch of this new podcast series is an exciting step in the HITS programme – not only will it help our business learn from what is already happening elsewhere in the world, but it will also allow the region to showcase what we are doing to a global audience
“It will also suppor t the work already been done as par t of the programme , including the grant scheme , driving innovation and creating new jobs
“The Nor th East is well known for its innovative thinking, so it’s no surprise that we are once again leading the way in developing new ways with which to enhance the visitors’ experience whether that is the latest digital solution or collaborative working to improve how we tell our stor y ”
To download the podcast search for Driving Place Based Innovation in your usual podcast provider To find out more about the programme go to www ngi org uk/innovation
The ability for small Scottish breweries to star t up, innovate and create a brand is under threat under the Scottish Government’s plans to restrict alcohol adver tising and promotion
The far-reaching Scottish ban could end up preventing popular beer festivals from going ahead and even end tap takeovers or meet the brewer events Whilst restricting alcohol branded websites could stop small breweries from selling and adver tising their beer online including via their webshops Small Scottish breweries could also be prevented from raising much needed funds for charities or other local good causes or suppor ting grassroots spor ts clubs
This is according to the Society of Independent Brewers (SIB A), who highlight how the proposals, if implemented in full, will stifle small producers in Scotland leading to fewer direct and indirect jobs in the supply chains which suppor t them and harming Scotland’s international reputation for quality drinks producers This is despite the fact that the Society of Independent Brewers and their members have been long-time suppor ters of responsible drinking initiatives and campaigns
In its submission to the consultation which closes today (Thursday 9 March 2023), SIB A outlines its suppor t for measures that target the harmful use of alcohol where there is clear evidence that it does so However the trade group illustrates how the proposals run counter to the Scottish Government’s stated strateg y to see Scotland’s food and drink industr y to continue growing and bringing benefits to Scotland including jobs, wealth and international renown
“Scotland’s small independent breweries are renown for producing some of the most innovative and exciting beers which are enjoyed the world over by responsible drinkers They are at the hear t of their local communities, suppor ting local pubs and shops This is now under threat by the Scottish Government’s radical and extensive proposed ban on promotions and adver tising,” said Andy Slee , SIB A Chief Executive
These ideas come at a time when the sector is facing threats from ever y direction including the onerous Deposit Return Scheme and a cost of living crisis Small breweries need greater suppor t not more barriers to trade ”
Helensburgh hotel, The Ardencaple , has now fully reopened after undergoing a sixfigure investment that has completely transformed the site
Located in the banks of Gare Loch, and with good access to Loch Lomond, The Ardencaple Hotel resides in a listed building that dates back to the 19th centur y and offers a great option for those wanting to explore the Scottish highlands
As par t of the refurbishment, all 25 ensuite rooms have received a full, modernised décor change , alongside fresh furniture and carpets, and all bathrooms have been completely refitted
13 days of rail strikes last year has cost bar operator Nightcap an estimated £1 2m in sales the latest interim repor t reveals
In its interim results for the six months to 1 Januar y 2023, Nightcap repor ted revenue growth of 48 7% to £23 5m Like-for-like revenue increased by 4 7% for the second quar ter of the year compared to the prior year and by 10 1% for the first half of 2023 against the equivalent period in the group ’ s 2019 financial year
However like-for-like revenue was down 5 8% in the first half compared to 2022, largely due to the rail strikes The company also saw widening pre-tax losses to £900,000 for the six-month period, compared to £500,000 the prior year
The company said: Management estimates that the 13 rail strike days over the half year will have cost the company approximately £1 2m in Ebitda as a consequence of the deliberate targeting of mainly Thursdays and Saturdays as strike days, two of the three most lucrative weekly trading days for the company and the hospitality industr y as a whole ”
During the half year, the group said revenues increased by 48 7% to £23 5m (2021: £15 8m) It said this represented a like-for-like revenue increase of 4 7% for Q2 FY2023 against Q2 FY2022 and a 10 1% increase for H1 FY2023 against the equivalent period in FY2019 It repor ted a pre-tax loss of £900,000 for the period (2021: £500 000)
It said: “The board considers that the 10 1% increase in like-for-like trading against FY2019, across the businesses acquired since 2021 demonstrates the successful implementation of the company ’ s strateg y to acquire drinks-led hospitality groups that are considered to have significant potential for additional value creation through roll-out and efficiency savings As well as rapid, sustainable growth, we continue to focus on our profit conversion, and in this respect, we are delighted to repor t a strong Adjusted Ebitda of £4 1m for the half year
Whilst this is an increase of over 25% on the comparable period in 2021, we estimate that the rail strikes had an impact of approximately £1 2m on the business at the Ebitda level during the half year Through ver y strong Q2 FY2023 trading, led by Christmas, we saw, for the first time , the underlying long-term potential of the group ’ s por tfolio of 36 bars We achieved a 60 9% increase in revenue compared to Q2 FY2022 and a 4 7% increase on a like-for-like basis and delivered a Christmas trading period exceeding expectations with a
record amount of corporate Christmas par ties, pre-sold events and New Year’s Eve almost entirely sold out across all bars ”
The company said that 30 bars traded throughout the half year period, with 36 bars being operated at the end of the half year period, reflecting the openings of six new sites – two The Cocktail Club bars, two Tonight Josephine venues and two Barrio bars during September and October 2022 It said that Christmas trading period “exceeded expectations with record amount of corporate Christmas par ties, pre-sold events and New Year s Eve almost entirely sold out across all bars”
The company said: “13 new sites have traded on average just over six months at the end of the period, with an early trading and maturity profile that puts them on track to deliver the group ’ s target of 75% annual return on investment (ROI) on total capital invested in new bars in their third year of operation Several sites are on track to beat the 75% ROI target in their first year of operation ”
Sarah Willingham, CEO of Nightcap, commented: “Nightcap has had a fantastic half year Our incredible team opened six bars in six weeks across the countr y whilst also delivering a Christmas that exceeded expectations and records in terms of corporate par ties pre-sold events and a nearly sold out New Year’s Eve across all 36 sites This was followed by a significant business integration and streamlining process, resulting in expected Group savings of £1 4 million annually, whilst preser ving the much loved individual identities of our brands
The new sites have opened well with trading continuing to build week-on-week all the way through to the end of Februar y 2023
“Whilst rapidly building the leading premium bar group in the UK in a ver y attractive market for proper ty deals, we continue our focus on strong cost controls, proven by our impressive cash generation of £4 1 million from operations during the period thanks to the unwavering dedication of our talented and highly motivated team
“We look forward to the second half of the year with confidence and once again we thank our customers for coming to our sites and enjoying themselves with friends in a fun, relaxed par ty atmosphere and leaving knowing they have had a night to remember ”
The “ superpower ” of the industr y is when it works together, delegates heard at the National Pubwatch Conference which was held in Swindon this week
This was the view of BII CEO Steve Alton who said that: “Collaboration and par tnership are key” for the pub industr y and late-night economy
“Our superpower as a sector is when we all come together,” he said
He highlighted the success of collaboration during the Covid-19 pandemic and presenting a united message to Government when the industr y needed suppor t
“Par t of that collaboration for the first time was getting the Government to recognise the unique role of hospitality beyond its economic contribution of £42bn a year, he said “Even beyond the 900,000 people employed in the pub sector or the mere three million in wider hospitality the really defining characteristic was the community and the social value that our sector has
He added that having this type of collaboration is also “fundamental” in improving late-night safety
Alton raised concerns about the sur vival of many businesses in the current economic climate He said that the loss of some business would have huge impacts to the local economies, employment and the supply chain
“I would even argue to safety in the wider economy because having a vibrant, professionally-run hospitality is key for providing that backbone for societal issues we are tr ying to tackle currently, he added
“It has never been tougher ”
His view that par tnership is crucial for the safety and success of the late-night economy was suppor ted by the National Pubwatch of the Year Reading Pubwatch
“Pubwatch is a voluntar y organisation It should be run by licensees, for licensees and respect should be given that it is a standalone organisation, Reading Pubwatch honorar y chair Bill Donne told delegates
“But it really needs suppor t from par tners, be it from the licensing officers at the council or from the police but also other forums such as the local Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) night time economy par tnerships and so on ”
He added that it is crucial for pubwatch members to have representation in other forums within the night-time economy and highlighted the success of this approach for Reading Pubwatch, which works in par tnership with all stakeholders in the night-time economy, including the council, licensing depar tment, trading standards, health and safety, police and fire and rescue
Donne also highlighted that pubwatches need “tenacity” and “resilience” to succeed
“If you are running a pubwatch it won’t always go your way but you have to keep at it That is how Reading has lasted for 20-years and we are building a legacy that we feel confident will bring us forward into the future , ” he said
Donne pointed out the range of resources and suppor t that National Pubwatch can provide and advised licensees to use the free training video and materials to suppor t their businesses
The prestigious National Pubwatch awards were handed out on the day including the National Pubwatch Award of Merit, sponsored by GBG, which rewards individuals that have contributed to the success of pubwatch schemes
This was given to former Honorar y Secretar y of the All-par ty Parliamentar y Beer Group and former vice chairman of Best Bar None Rober t Humphreys MBE for his contribution to par tnership working
The prestigious Malcolm Eidmans award sponsored by Poppleston Allen which recognises the outstanding contribution made by a police officer or member of police staff in suppor ting Pubwatch was given to Police Sergeant Simon Hay who works with Orkney Pubwatch
National Pubwatch has given a Braver y and Meritorious conduct Award to Alan Gray a Norwich security officer, who stepped in to save the lives of people on a night-out after a man attacked people with a knife
KP Snacks has unveiled a brand-new product range for the UK’s number one ridged crisp brand with the launch of McCoy’s Epic Eats Delivering on McCoy’s unmistakable bold flavour, the range features two new irresistible products, Nacho Cheese and Spicy Salsa
Rolling out from 20th Februar y, the McCoy’s Epic Eats range delivers unique and tempting flavours and promises an epic snacking experience for consumers looking to tr y something new
Amy Heap, Marketing Manager at KP Snacks says: “McCoy’s is the original and best ridged crisp brand, synonymous with big and bold flavours We know taste is the most impor tant factor driving purchases in CSN and our NPD reflects flavour trends and delivers innovative new products to the categor y McCoy s Epic Eats packs that flavour punch with the same signature crunch
ted by an engaging media campaign spanning radio and social to drive awareness of the new product range
Despite having the ability to trade the current cost of operating is placing an insurmountable amount of pressure on businesses, leaving an entire sector in a ver y fragile state
Over half of the night time economy businesses are seeing increased trading costs of over 30% (Compared to Pre Pandemic), with over 70% of businesses in the current climate either barely breaking even or losing money leading to an estimated one in four independent and culture businesses being lost in the next 6 months
Businesses who would traditionally be profitable have been placed in an extremely difficult inflationar y circle , where operating costs have been passed on by suppliers who are similarly tr ying to deal with onerous costs, but market constraints limit the ability to pass on these costs through price increases to our customers without a severe impact on trade independent businesses and the culture sector were impacted heavily throughout this crisis period CGA AlixPar tners research figures show a 13% contraction in independent businesses compared to only a 3% contraction in managed businesses
NTIA Night Time Economy Repor t highlighted the following on Night Time Culture
• In 2018 approximately 425k UK jobs and 38k businesses in 2018 This fell to 392k jobs and 34k firms in 2021 Over the decade prior to
• the pandemic , the UK Night Time Culture Economy had shown a steady and sustained contribution to the UK s gross domestic product (GDP), generating 1 64% or £36 9bn in 2019 However, this fell to £29 4bn in 2020 and to £24 1bn in 2021
• Over 65% are unsure if they will sur vive the next 12 months without fur ther Government suppor t
• The Night Time Economy sector was also significantly affected in 2020, they recovered modestly in 2021 This was not the case for the NTCE Here , consumer spending and share of GDP fell fur ther
• In 2018 the Gross Value Added (GVA) * of the UK Night Time Economy was £46 4bn and the GVA of the UK Night Time Culture Economy (NTCE) was £11 6bn However, in 2021 GVA in the NTCE had fallen to £8 5bn, in the NTE to £34 5bn
This is likely to be the result of forced closures and the slower recover y of Night Time Culture Economy businesses that rely on mass audience par ticipation – nightclubs, live music , theatre , cinema and performance , all of which are the driving force of the night time culture offering
These businesses face an immediate crisis, as we move fur ther into a cost of living crisis and continue to face inflationar y pressures which impact consumer spend, sector income , productivity, growth, investment and profitability All of this suggests that the industr y is operating on ever smaller margins and a large propor tion of firms are in sur vival rather than thrive mode
• Reduce VAT rate to 10% for the hospitality, late night economy & events sector for the next 12 months (VAT Reduction must include alcohol / accommodation / food and tickets within the relief)
• Lower the Business Rates Multiplier in recognition of the impor tant role that NTE & Hospitality Businesses play within communities
Restructure the Energ y Relief Scheme to deliver fair and reasonable energ y rates to businesses across the sector, with consideration given to independent and cultural businesses
Michael Kill CEO NTIA Says:
“Independent businesses make up over 70% of our industr y and are so impor tant to economic and cultural recover y These businesses shape communities, generate social cohesion, visitor economy and have a huge par t to play in shaping our world-renowned nightlife and cultural tapestr y ”
“It is hear tbreaking to hear of so many businesses being lost, and the potential to lose so many more These businesses are owned and operated, and worked in by members of the community they ser ve ”
“The Government must recognise the impor tance of these independent businesses and culture in all its forms, and suppor t them in the coming budget by lowering VAT, readdressing the business rates structure and reevaluating the energ y relief scheme to ensure these businesses have the financial headroom to sur vive because when they are gone , they will never come back ”
Be At One is proud to announce the launch of the 2023 edition of its legendar y Best In Glass cocktail competition Previously known as Be At One’s ‘Shake Off Showdown,’ the competition has evolved, setting the bar even higher with bigger awards, including cash prizes and a fast track to Diageo’s World Class GB semi-final competition!
Helen Charleswor th Managing Director of Stonegate Group said: "We are thrilled to launch the Best in Glass competition for 2023 and take it to the next level with even bigger prizes
"With the official affiliation of Diageo's World Class GB 2023 showdown, we are confident that this competition will be the best yet and showcase the talents of our industr y leading bar tenders
Pippa Guy and Jo Last, World Class GB Ambassadors said: We are delighted to be expanding the horizons of World Class GB this year in par tnership with Stonegate and Be At One Best in Glass is a great oppor tunity for Be At One bar tenders to learn how to progress their creative cocktail making skills, gain some in depth spirits knowledge and hopefully have a little fun while winning epic prizes along the way ”
To enter this ultimate drink-making competition, open to all Be At One’s cer tified bar tenders and managers, par ticipants will need to choose a spirit selection, create , and submit a truly spectacular cocktail using
one of four Diageo brands: Cîroc Tanqueray, Casamigos and Johnnie Walker
The cocktails will be submitted via video and written specifications Jo Last and Pippa Guy of World Class GB will select the top cocktails by spirit categor y to determine the finalists On Wednesday 21st March, all finalists go head-to-head in an epic competition where they will recreate their drinks for a judging panel and live audience
The grand prize includes a cash prize of £1500, a golden ticket into the UK semifinals of Diageo's World Class competition and the winning drink will have the honour of being featured in all Be At One bars from May and on their Best In Glass April campaign
The second cash prize is £1000, and the third-place winner receives £500 respectively This also includes an all-expenses trip to World Class GB Finals in Edinburgh Impor tant information:
All entrants must be over the legal dr inking age
Please exercise responsibility while dr inking and avoid forwarding this message to individuals who are not of legal dr nking age
Beer Piper, home of the automated beer line cleaning system, are offering a package deal to make beer line cleaning simpler, more consistent and ultimately cheaper by focusing on quality
For just £175 a month* customers will receive a beer piper automated cleaning unit and all chemicals delivered bi-monthly This amazing deal also includes installation, training, technical suppor t, a free hygiene star ter pack, discounts on other products, as well as use of the dedicated app and por tal
It’s no secret that times are tough and businesses are worried and the hospitality industr y is no exception Identifying new money saving measures is at the forefront of ever yone ’ s minds and this is where Beer Piper can help
The Beer Piper system is easy to use and can result in major cost savings for customers by reducing the amount of time staff spend on the task – a Beer Piper clean takes just 8 5 minutes! Not only does the system improve staff efficiencies, but it also ensures consistent high quality cleans are achieved ever y time The sealed system mixes the neat beer line cleaner with fresh water directly into the lines, ensuring the correct dilution rate regardless of flow
The superior quality chemicals used and supplied by Beer Piper ensure lines are immaculate and allow customers to ser ve the best pints possible Another advantage of this is
that with time customers can go longer between cleans The automated nature of the system also means that there is no need to manually mix these chemicals thus reducing the associated risks to staff
No CO2 is required with the Beer Piper system so the surging costs of CO2 in the UK need not be a concern The system also uses much less water than a manual clean so this also adds to the cost savings being made As does Beersave – a function unique to an automated line clean as it allows the beer that would usually be wasted and poured down the drain before a clean to be sold, ensuring even more money is saved
Beer Piper moved into a new facility last year along with their sister company Chemisphere UK The extra space has allowed the companies to expand their Research & Development depar tment and invest in new equipment and develop a wider range of products
Beer Piper are currently working on their next generation machine , the new BP5, which will utilise sister company Chemisphere’s game changing powder-based line cleaning product The companies are also developing a training academy as their mission to raise the bar in quality standards in the industr y gathers pace
Bristol hoteliers claim the Government has left them out in the cold again after the budget offered nothing to ease concerns over soaring energ y costs
The Bristol Hoteliers Association (BHA) says members again feel like hospitality is the ‘forgotten sector’ despite the substantial contribution it makes to the nation’s economy
Raphael Herzog, Chair of the BHA, said:
“It’s all fine and well for the Chancellor to extend the energ y price guarantee for households, but there was no mention of extending any suppor t for businesses, and our energ y costs have been soaring, too
“The main thing for me is the ‘not going into recession’ announcement, which will boost the morale of our customers and hopefully improve consumer confidence
“But overall, the lack of suppor t in this budget was a real blow to sector We have been working so hard to get things back to some sor t of normality following the impact of both Brexit and the pandemic
“We’re still having significant difficulties recruiting the staff we need to provide the kind of ser vice levels that customers expect from hospitality businesses
“The only crumb of comfor t in the budget was the freeze on draught beer duty, which may encourage people to visit hotel bars and pubs but that’s cold comfor t if the operators can’t afford the energ y prices to keep those bars open
“Ideally we wanted the Government to ease the rules concerning recruitment in the EU which would have
helped us to recruit from abroad
“While the childcare measures announced by the Chancellor, designed to enable more Mums to take up work, is welcome , the additional suppor t won’t come in until 2024 and 2025, whereas we need to recruit more staff now
“But at the ver y least, some sor t of suppor t for our energ y bills would have been a welcome vote of confidence in our sector
“On numerous occasions during the pandemic , we felt that hospitality was often the forgotten sector
“Hoteliers repeatedly called for the Government to maintain a reduced rate of VAT to help get our businesses back up and running post-pandemic , but those pleas fell on deaf ears
“Now it feels as if we have been forgotten again and I fear this could cause some severe difficulties for the sustainability of some hospitality businesses in Bristol ”
Mr Herzog added: “Earlier this month we hosted a glittering gala to celebrate and honour the effor ts of the many heroes of Bristol’s hospitality sector, who have worked so hard in the face of many challenges and difficulties
“One of the reasons we hold the Night of the Stars event is to showcase the varied roles and oppor tunities available in our sector and the passion and dedication of so many of our people
“But it’s increasingly hard to keep those people motivated, when we all feel as if we have been forgotten by the Government ”
The annual week dedicated to celebrating England’s tourism industr y is fast approaching with VisitEngland putting out a call for people and businesses to get involved
English Tourism Week, underway this year from the 17 to 26 March, sees the industr y come together to highlight tourism’s economic importance and to promote the innovation, quality and range of products and ser vices on offer to boost domestic breaks
This year ’ s campaign, co-ordinated by VisitEngland, is using the strapline ‘amazing’ to celebrate the amazing people places businesses attractions experiences and destinations that make up England’s tourism sector
VisitEngland Director Andrew Stokes said: “With spring upon us and the Easter break just ahead it is timely to shine the spotlight on the outstanding tourism offer here on our doorstep, and on an industr y which suppor ts millions of jobs and local economies right across England
England s tourism industr y caters for ever y taste , budget and wish-list From enjoying contemporar y cul-
ture in our vibrant cities to our stunning coastal and seaside destinations, from our heritage , countr yside and adventure tourism to our outstanding B&Bs and self-catering accommodation, consistently rated as some of the best in the world, there really is something for ever yone ” Destinations, tourism businesses and visitor attractions can download the English Tourism Week toolkit including logos, slogans, images and poster templates
In the lead-up to English Tourism Week and throughout, VisitEngland is also encouraging people to show suppor t for English tourism on social media by using #EnglishTourismWeek23
VisitEngland and local destinations are also asking MPs local authorities the UK Government and other stakeholders to get involved including visiting local businesses and attractions during the week
Tourism is one of England’s largest and most valuable industries suppor ting hundreds of thousands of businesses, employing about 2 6 million people and, in 2019, generating £76 billion in domestic visitor spending
The Pubs Code Adjudicator (PC A) has issued statutor y guidance to pub companies to remove barriers for tenants and ensure a fair and consistent approach to the Market Rent Only offer
Following investigations into arbitration disputes and listening to tenant concerns that there can be barriers and disincentives to accessing the Market Rent Only (MRO) option to go free of tie the PC A says that it is now is doing more to improve access to MRO Following consultation the PC A has exercised her powers to issue statutor y guidance The full detail of the guidance is published on the PC A s website In summar y, it addresses the following issues:
the statement the PC A says that: “A lack of information suppor ting the proposed MRO rent can hinder the tenant’s understanding of how the rent has been calculated This can in turn impact their ability to effectively compare the MRO rent to the tied offer and negotiate This guidance means tenants should receive information to help them (and on referral the independent assessor) understand how the pub company has calculated the proposed MRO rent The guidance sets out in full the minimum information to be provided It includes information such as non-confidential comparable evidence the pub company has used, a detailed profits valuation, barrelage assumptions and more The pub company should also be clear whether tenant improvements are disregarded, and if so which There is no requirement for tenant improvements to be disregarded from MRO rent, although the pub company can offer to, or the tenant can seek to negotiate A tenant needs to be clear on the position the pub company is taking, so they can make a meaningful comparison with the tied rent offer where their improvements may have been disregarded ”
adding that: “Pub companies may require the tenant to pay large sums of money upfront to go free of tie , such as for deposits rent in advance and where MRO is through a new tenancy terminal dilapidations This guidance means that a relevant factor in considering if proposed MRO terms and conditions are unreasonable , will be the extent to which the pub company has considered any gradual build-up to an increased deposit or less frequent rental payments The PC A expects that some build-up period would be usual and (unless properly justified) a decision to offer no such period at all may lead to a finding that a term or condition is unreason-
able This guidance also means in most cases it will be unreasonable for a pub company to require the tenant to complete terminal dilapidations or compliance issues as a condition of entering the MRO tenancy Although this means a schedule of dilapidations should be avoided if the pub company chooses to ser ve one this should not cause the tenant to incur charges simply for asking for, or taking, the MRO option ”
Concerns the guidance says, have been raised by tenants and their representatives about the perceived consequences of asking for MRO These worries centre on tenancy renewal where the pub company can give notice under the Landlord and Tenant Act that it intends to take the pub back It is a breach of the Code for the pub company to subject a tenant to detriment for using or attempting to use their Pubs Code rights, including to break the tie An allegation that this has happened could be the subject of arbitration or investigation This guidance makes it clear that the pub company would be expected to have a record of its reasons for decisions, such as if it chooses to take the pub back for its own use as a managed operation
in conclusion the statement says: “A tied tenant’s right to the MRO option is a valuable one – it allows them to break the tie at cer tain points in their tenancy This is typically at rent review or renewal of their agreement, or more exceptionally, where there is a significant increase in price or trigger event having an impact on trade Even if the tenant does not intend to go free of tie , they can request MRO to compare a free of tie deal to their tied offer at rent review It means a tenant can check they are no worse off than if they were free of tie and many have used the MRO offer to strengthen their hand in negotiations and get a better tied deal The PC A must take this guidance into account in carr ying out their functions This includes in investigating Code breaches and taking enforcement action as a result The PC A (and any appointed arbitrator) must also take it into account when arbitrating Code disputes
The guidance will come into effect from 1 May 2023, including in relation to cases where a MRO notice is ser ved on or after that date
Matteo Basso of The Malt Lounge & Bar at The Prince Akatoki, took home the top prize of a trip to Japan with his creation, named Otsukaresama
The UK Bar tenders’ Guild, in par tnership with the Japanese Sake & Shochu Makers Association (JSS), held their second annual contest dedicated to bringing awareness to these two Japanese spirits categories and to inspire creativity and innovation among UK bar tenders
The Honkaku Shochu and Awamori spirits, which were the focus of this year ' s competition are the most characterful and culturally impor tant distilled spirits in Japan, produced with a microorganism called koji-kin, a type of mould indigenous to Japan
The winner was Matteo Basso from The Malt Lounge & Bar at The Prince Akatoki in London with his cocktail, named Otsukaresama
The cocktail was made from 45 ml Nikaido kichomu Shochu, 20 ml Beniotome Shuzo Shochu, 10 ml Tumugi, 10 drops of sakura bitter, and atomised Kanade white peach liqueur, and was then garnished with a macaron filled with jam and umeboshi
It took its inspiration from a word used in Japan at the end of the shift, meaning "thank you for your hard work" with Matteo taking home the prize of a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Japan
Runners up were Samuel Boulton for his creation Sumo and Gregorio Soriente for his cocktail Wax ON - Wax OFF
Judging the entries in a live final taking place at The Aubrey at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel on 13th March were Oliver Eardley, winner of last years ’ contest and Head Bar tender at the Ivy in Paris, Peter Dorelli, International Ambassador for UKBG, Mino Komatsu, from the Japanese Sake & Shochu Academy and Pietro Rizzo globally recognised bar tender and Bar Director of The Aubrey
Potential entrants were first asked to attend an online seminar which outlined production methods flavour
profiles and cocktail inspiration, and was hosted by spirits and cocktail educator, Don Lee , and award-winning mixologist and bar owner, Kenta Goto
Entrants were then asked to create their own cocktail using one of the spirits taking inspiration from Japanese beverage culture
The finalists were:
Ibrahima Guenne from The Londoner, London
Samuel Boulton from Shibuya Underground Birmingham
Gregor io Sor iente from Seymour s Parlour / Zetter Townhouse , London
Scott Stevenson from Ga Ga Kitc hen & Bar, G asgow
Kevin Ac hard from ROKA Mayfair, London
Alex Young from Ginger Viking, Blandford Forum
Simon Thomas from The Blind Bus Dr iver Kendal
Oscar McCure from Sohe , Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Hyppolite Civins from Liquid Assets Consultanc y, London
Matteo Basso from The Malt Lounge & Bar at The Pr ince Akatoki London
Marco Maiorano from Scarfes Bar, London
Thomas Ryan from Hotel Indigo, Exeter
Now in its second year the contest has seen 75% more entries than its first year, with the organisers now looking to come back bigger and better in 2024
UKBG President Claudia Carrozzi said: “It is an honour to be able to par tner once again with the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association, to provide both exper tise and training for our membership
“We continue to relish the project’s aim to develop and foster interest for Japan s newly recognised drinks categories, while challenging the UK s top talent with the audacious task of creating astounding recipes
We have built on the success of last years event fur ther and the UKBG looks forward to collaborating with the JSS on future projects which continue to bring value and gratitude to our professional community ”
Chef Tom Kerridge has joined forces with Knorr Professional Bouillons to launch a new online training hub for chefs The Base contains exclusive recipes, video tutorials and training tools that will help other professional chefs to improve their skills in the kitchen
As the new Creative Director for Knorr Professional Bouillons, two Michelinstarred Chef Tom has also developed a range of classic recipes with modern, seasonal twists, each using products from the range in a different way The dishes showcase the versatility of Knorr Professional Bouillons, from delivering depth of flavour at the base through to a seasoning boost meat rub or salt replacement
Tom said: "Using bouillons in kitchens isn’t about cutting corners It’s about bringing the best out of the ingredients in a dish adding an extra dimension to your food and making this food accessible and achievable for chefs of all levels Knorr Professional s Bouillons are available in Powder, Paste and Jelly formats, offering chefs versatility and flexibility in usage and application, plus consistent depth of flavour ever y time
See the adver t on the facing page for details
*Aggregated UK wholesa er va ue sa es 52 w/e 27th Januar y 2023
Benefiting from Fracino's extensive research and development programme , world class engineering skills and state of the ar t production technolog y, the new Romano-R is a genuine fusion of style and luxurious quality
Available in 2 or 3 group versions, it boasts all the power, technical qualities and reliability synonymous with Fracino products, in a stunning design to create the ultimate coffee bar furniture The Romano elegantly combines classic cur ves and retro styling with contemporar y materials and close attention to detail ensuring a truly outstanding finish Featuring latest technolog y integration, the full width touch pad features ‘digital trace’ icons for the drink selection and a wide range of control features within the programme - including controlled on/off times for maximum energ y efficiency, coffee extraction displayed in volume and time for each espresso shot for precise drink quality, multi-lingual display selection and digital programme set-up for easy user adjustment capability
Our powerful combination of stylish design and creative technolog y enables discerning clients to choose a
Gibson Plus is a family-run, manufacturing business based on the outskir ts of Newtownards, an historic market town in beautiful County Down, Nor thern Ireland Established in 1989 by Brian and Jacqui Gibson, the ever yday running of the business is now taken care of by their children, Susan and Matthew Traditionally, our company specialised in the manufacture of labels, badges and signs selling mainly to industrial customers schools and nursing homes We pride ourselves on having built our family business around a core of loyal, returning customers over many years Quality products at fair prices, attention to detail and excellent customer ser vice are our top priorities at Gibson Plus
Our Landmark Baubles are produced in the U K using 3mm ethically sourced, Maple Veneer with a thin plastic backing The beauty of the Landmark
bespoke finish for their Fracino espresso machine Our exper tise caters for individuality – whether it be to enhance a theme or interior design, promote a brandor simply to challenge convention
We offer the option to select a bespoke mirror finish in a range of lustrous colours, which draw out the beauty of the highly polished stainless steel, whilst an extensive range of dramatic solid colours – in a satin or matt finish – are available to complement and enhance the interior designer’s creativity and provide the finishing touch befitting the individuality of the exclusive luxur y restaurant and coffee bar
Transforming the purely functional into an enviable work of ar t; that’s Romano!
sales@fracino.com www.fracino.com
See the adver t on page 13
Bauble is they can be produced with the landmark or image of your choice This allows you to create a design that you can be confident your customer base will love!
The same great product manufactured using the exact same processes, but adapted for the warmer months The Magnifique Magnet is perfect for hotels, gift shops and tourist attractions We can engrave the image of your choice to make the perfect personalised magnet for your customers!
• All our products are handcrafted in the U K
• L ght weight & robust perfect for popping in a Chr istmas card
• Free no obligation ar twork, see exactly how your product will look before committing to an order
• Minimum order from just 60 products
Visit www.gibsonplus.co.uk call 028 9181 8801 or email admin@gibsonplus.co.uk
See the adver t on page 7
Hotels and restaurants typically exhibit significant but varied hot water and heating usage patterns, which contributes to the current 40% tally of UK greenhouse gas emissions generated by the built environment
To help achieve climate-neutral building stock by 2050 the industr y is being challenged to reduce operational energ y use By increasing the use of renewable energ y supply and prioritising on-site renewable energ y sources the hope it to reduce both harmful carbon emissions and bills
There is no doubt that being more sustainable comes with a cost Whether in the form of new build projects or, and far more likely, the refurbishment of existing, yet ageing facilities understanding the necessar y capital investment, operational savings and payback periods is going to be key
Addressing the efficiency of domestic hot water (DHW) systems - whether through the implementation of heat pumps, solar thermal, direct electric water heating or even simple modernisation of existing gas appliances - helps proper ties meet sustainability goals in a practical and cost-effective manner It also delivers
improved year-round conditions for staff and customers providing access to spaces better suited to delivering quality hospitality
For buildings already on gas and that rely on large amounts of DHW - a large propor tion of current UK hotels for instance – silent solar preheat is the preferable option For new build proper ties, the expectation is for specification to default to a mixture of heat pumps and direct electric afterheat New system approaches, including prefabricated packaged plant rooms, also
Bacchus Wines PLDC Ltd is an independent wine merchant that offers joyful and affordable wines Launched online in 2021, Bacchus Wines is a par tnership between Hampshire locals, wine broker and hospitality exper t Pierre-Loup DeCam and Trond Rornes of CardsSafe Limited They offer wines to restaurants caterers, bars, and wine enthusiasts
The current Bacchus Wines collection features three family-owned independent wine estates - Chateau Parenchère , Paul Lebrun Champagne and Château du Rooy
The flagship collection by Parenchère features the ‘Magnificent Seven’ wines, which includes four beautiful reds and the sulphite-free and fruity L’Équilibriste Bordeaux Rouge , a wonderful Blanc-Sec and two unique rosé wines
I have been buying wines from Pierre-Loup DeCam of Bacc hus Wines for over twenty-two year s When I owned the Mic he in-starred JSW Restaurant in Hampshire , and since retirng, I stoc ked my cellar with the joyful w nes of Château de Parenc hère They are my go-to wines and I always receive excel ent wines and ser vice
Bacchus Wines PLDC is also excited to announce their new UK-exclusive par tnership with champagne house Paul Lebrun
Founded in 1902 the Maison draws its inspiration from multi-generational winemaking know-how Their Champagnes are top in their class and have beaten the biggest brands on the market in taste tests Currently three 100% Chardonnay champagnes are available , including the Car te d’Or Brut with a nose of candied lemon and peaches The elegant Extra Brut has notes of white blossom, pineapple and low sugar content And the spectacular Cuvee Prestige Brut aged on lees for a minimum of for ty-eight months with an intense structure “I ser ved the Extra Brut c hampagne at my supper c lub The citrus notes and creaminess compl mented my salmon s salty, smoky notes The c hampagne solic ted muc h pra se from the diner s!”
Small yet perfectly curated, the Bacchus Wines PLDC collection is handpicked and personally selected by the founders They choose quality wines with provenance and integrity, with the utmost impor tance on the ar t of winemaking rather than mass production They offer prices and ser vice hospitality businesses can appreciate
For more information, please visit https://bacchuspldc com/
Potatoes may be a seasonal har vest, but demand is year round We balance seasonality with demand to ensure high quality crops are used at their best
At Farm Frites we har vest multiple varieties across two seasons with processes that ensure that the quality outcome is the same whichever variety we use Sustainability star ts with us There is a great responsibility with food manufacture and we are aware of our impact on the environment Growing manufacture and supply is the beginning of the chain, and it is impor tant to us that we are setting the right intentions to minimise the impact
Potato products go a long way to satisfying need for customisation consumers expect to be able to customise for taste or to suit an allerg y requirement Loaded fries allows from healthy to indulgence offers for flexitarian diets and allow an
The year ahead presents many challenges for the hospitality sector and its consumers Still, it remains a place where we all enjoy spending time for social engagements, a celebration or a treat!
Seafood is often seen as a tricky product to prepare at home , meaning that operators ser ving
operator to respond to trends in a cost-effective way – ever ything works with chips from plant-based, classic sauces & cheeses to world flavours and spices
Our potatoes are grown and farmed at sites near our factor y HQ and then prepared and frozen quickly allowing for essential nutrients to be retained in the product - freezing in itself is a preser vative
The Quick Oven Fries range is ideal for food outlets who need to ser ve great tasting fries but can t use deep-fr yers due to location operation or regulation These fries can be oven cooked in a conventional, trade oven from frozen in just four minutes Fast cooking times mean these fries allows operators to cook five times more por tions in 20 minutes than other oven fries
Our Ultimate Chip goes beyond triple cooked and is based on a ten-step process – the texture of Ultimate Chip is second to none A full chip that is effectively a roast potato in terms of its inner fluffiness and external crisp The imperfect lengths in each ser ving will offer an authentic product with more of a focus on texture , crispiness and taste – the ideal premium side dish
For more information call us on 01452 415845, or visit www farmfrites co uk
There’s a new family run distiller y on the scene in Sussex and it’s offering something a bit different to Britain s rum industr y Their scratch rum is made from fresh sugar cane juice which is added to the fermentation within hours of being pressed This along with three other types of sugar jagger y, panela and traditional molasses makes for a ver y unique tasting rum
John Bowell co-founder said ‘Our rum has a flavour profile like nothing else we ’ ve tried during our recipe development The rum has notes of baked banana and hazelnut making it rich and round on the palate and nose
We’ve been overwhelmed with the feedback we ’ ve received from customers and hospitality professionals’
Born out of the idea that there is a gap in the market for an ar tisanal quality rum usterlising traditional methods over mass production Goldstone Rum is made with a slow fermentation, using high quality natural sugars The result being something exceptional
Tom Surger y who recently visited the distiller y said I m so excited to see the journey Georgina and John are on with Goldstone Rum It’s inspiring stuff The rums are characterful, pure and super smooth I can’t wait to watch them develop fur ther ’
The team at Goldstone Rum are currently developing their flavour range inspired by traditional rum cocktails Ginger and lime after the dark and stormy and Kola Nut after the cube libre The flavoured rums will be available in the Spring
The Brighton-based husband-and-wife duo are also working with the hospitality industr y to provide sessions at the distiller y for restaurants and bars to expand their knowledge on fermentation and distillation of spirits Their rum school upstairs allows sommeliers and bar staff to create their own flavour combinations of rum Their distiller y is open to the public on Saturdays for tours and tastings for just £10 per head
To find out more visit www goldstonerum com
50ml Goldstone white
50ml pineapple ju ce
25ml ginger syrup
25ml coconut water
Ju ce of half a lime
- Make the ginger syrup by comb ning the sugar coconut water and a thumb of peeled grated ginger in a saucepan on a low heat and stir until d ssolved Allow to cool
- Combine Goldstone Rum®, pineapple juice , lime juice and ginger syrup together in a coc ktail shaker with ice Shake well, stra n and ser ve
A DEVICE adding the wow factor to cocktails has taken the international market by storm, after being inspired by the childhood experience of blowing bubbles
Flavour Blaster Pro, which creates aroma filled bubbles on the top of drinks is now used by professionals in Michelin Star Restaurants and Five Star Hotels around the world As well as leading mixologist and Flavour Blaster ambassador Simone Caporale , owner of Sips 3rd best cocktail bar in world
The professional aroma gun is sold to more than 40,000 customers in 150 countries, thanks to its use of innovative technolog y
Other clients include top chains such as The Alchemist, Maybe Sammy in Australia, and it is also currently helping to create the immersive experience at Johnny Walker in Edinburgh
The company also has a strong foothold in the international market, particularly in the USA where it can be found in venues in California, Florida and Las Vegas to name a few
Its success is the result of a collaboration between hospitality entrepreneur Colin Myers and manufacturing
guru, Rober t Flunder who came up with the initial concept to add some theatricality to the drinks experience And the resulting creation was down to Colins fascination with the concept of edible bubbles which would use authentic aromas rather than synthetic flavours
Australian-born Colin who previously worked in the bar and leisure industr y in the UK, spent four years helping to develop the product which he describes as “ an inner child gadget ”
The company uses a leading company in New York to prepare its aromas, which are distilled from actual fruits, herbs and spices rather than being ar tificially produced
And it s not stopping there Now with a 15-strong staff plus a R & D team, a number of other products for the Hospitality sector are also in development
“The ultimate in theatrical mixolog y ”
For fur ther information visit www flavourblaster com
Norway is renowned for the best quality berries in the world; juniper, blueberries and lingonberries are selected for their depth of taste and aroma Whilst herbs sourced from amongst the pine trees add dense dark under tones of the forest floor Produced at the Oss Craft Distiller y in Bergen, Bareksten Botanical Gin tastes exactly as you would expect it to - of the Norwegian forest The nose is vibrant and inviting with clear notes of fresh pine inter twined with enticing spiced under tones For a perfect ser ve , a classic Bareksten Botanical Gin & Tonic is best ser ved with cherr y tomatoes to fully appreciate the botanical flavours
Bareksten has bottled the essence of Norway, in both taste and character – dark, wild, breath-taking and dramatic Developed
• 35ml Bareksten Botanical Gin
• Premium Tonic Water
• 2 Cherr y tomatoes halved
• Coriander leaves
The Bareksten Spirits collection also includes Navy Strength Gin Old Tom Gin Double Gin Illsint Absint and the Scandinavian favourite Botanical Aquavit Bareksten Botanical Gin was awarded Gold in the Gin categor y at The London Spirits
Competition in 2022
For trade enquiries, please contact sinead@osscraft.no or visit www barekstenspirits com
• Pour Bareksten Botanical Gin in a glass full of ice cubes
• Top up with premium tonic water and garnish with halved cherr y tomatoes and coriander leaves
each location, with a range of hardware speeds to suit each site The chargers were also designed to be user-friendly and simple to operate , with easy payment options and clear instructions making the customer journey as simple as possible The installation of the chargers has also helped Marston’s to attract new customers, as well as to retain existing ones who have switched to EVs
Osprey Charging, the one of the UK’s leading EV charging networks par tnered with Marston’s (amongst other UK wide hospitality groups) to install EV chargers across their UK estate The ongoing par tnership has proved a huge success and provides a footprint of how businesses can embrace the transition to electric mobility
The Marston’s project is an excellent example of how EV charging can be integrated into existing business operations The pub chain has over 1,500 locations throughout the UK, and as more people switch to electric vehicles, it became clear that offering charging facilities would be a valuable ser vice for their customers The process of installing EV chargers requires a significant investment in infrastructure and logistics, so Marston s decided to work with Osprey Charging, as a leader in the UK market, to deliver and operate the infrastructure Osprey worked with Marston’s to understand their requirements and to find the best solution for
The roll-out continues at pace , with Osprey installing and operating over 200 chargers across the Marston’s por tfolio As the market has grown, Osprey have worked with Marston’s to revisit and upgrade earlier sites to keep up with customer expectations and demand To date the par tnership has delivered over 25 million electric miles, the equivalent of nearly 7000 tonnes of CO2 savings
The par tnership provides an excellent example of how businesses can embrace the transition to electric mobility, with the help of exper ts such as Osprey Charging It s not just about providing a valuable ser vice for customers – it’s also about future-proofing your business With the UK government planning to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030 the shift to electric vehicles is inevitable Businesses that are ready to offer EV charging facilities will be in a better position to meet the needs of their customers, as well as to contribute to their company ’ s ESG targets and the UK’s wider decarbonisation effor ts proper ty@ospreycharging co uk www ospreycharging co uk
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
The hospitality sector is a prime example of an industr y in which EV charging solutions can flourish, whether electric vehicle charging points are placed at a pub for a quick top-up or at hotels where guests can safely and efficiently charge their vehicles overnight
In 2021, over 220,000 EV owners sought hotels that provided EV charging facilities, choosing to book at these destinations over hotels without EV charging The average cost of an overnight stay in a UK hotel is around £85 –£90 per night; that’s about £19 8m of EV-related revenue last year alone
This revenue increase doesn’t just stop at check-ins either ; with RAW
Charging s fully-funded host solution you can enhance your business and create a new revenue stream
So why exactly should you invest in EV charging solutions?
Here are just four reasons for introducing EV charging facilities to your commercial premises:
• You ll attract more guests – With 1 in 5 of al new veh c les in the UK being an EV and ever y major manufacturer offer ng an EV range open ng up your bus ness to EV owner s is a no-brainer
• You ll ncrease your ROI – With plenty of incentives and subscr ipt ons , suc h as RAW Charging s fully-funded solutions , EV c harging faci ities are affordable for any business and, in turn, can dramatically increase income and footfall
You ll increase guest dwe l time – EV owner s using hospitality-based EV c harging are far more likely to stay longer as they c harge This increase in dwell time subsequently means they’ll spend more at the destination
• You’ll cement your brand as a sustainable business – Being environmentally conscious is a huge plus for many potential guests In addition investing n EV c hargng facil ties w ll boost your ESG credentials signpost
Riso Gallo is the first international rice brand to have produced its rice from sustainable agriculture , making their premium bestselling risotto completely sustainable from field to fork!
Established in 1856 Riso Gallo is the oldest Risotto rice producer in Italy and has been delivering its premium rice to consumers around the world for over six generations
Known to many as Italy’s first choice Riso Gallo is one of the longest sur viving rice companies in Italy and is still growing A family run business it is now in it s 6th generation
The company has uniquely created its own Circular Economy within it’s rice production, collaborating with innovative star tups to give new life to the by-products of the rice mill which produces the delicious range of rices of the Riso Gallo Brand
Rice House is an Italian initiative in which the secondar y materials in rice cultivation are used to build ethi-
cal houses
Rice by-products are even used by Mogu in a range of designer furniture production
The Albini Group to develop a process of ‘Off the Grain’ dye for fabric When the Nero (black) rice is processed for the food industr y, the by product of the deep grape coloured water is used as a natural dye
All Riso Gallo plastic vacuum packaging is now suitable for recycling, following the launch of a new eco-sustainable , low environmental impact plastic Riso Gallo are the first company to adopt this sustainable packaging The Gallo Risotto Traditional, Arborio, Carnaroli, and the Carnaroli Rustico are now in packs using FSC cer tified cardboard outer to protect the grains
Riso Gallo is committed to reducing and monitoring greenhouse emissions and uses energ y from renewable cer tified resources www risogallo co uk
Whether you are a business or an individual switching to more sustainable eco-friendly solutions is becoming a central par t of our ever yday lives
At Intrinsic , we want to help customers with this transition by providing market leading paper straws that truly deliver on Quality, Safety and Sustainability These are impor tant values for how we operate as a business and are embodied in each and ever y drinking straw that we manufacture
All our paper straws are made from carefully selected materials (e g FSC® paper, inks, adhesives, packaging), that must meet our strict criteria of being sustainable , compostable , biodegradable , and food safe approved
As a cer tified Carbon Balanced Printer through global conser vation charity World Land Trust we are able to offer carbon balanced straws that contribute towards offsetting projects tackling carbon, reducing deforestation, and protecting threatened species
With onsite manufacturing facilities, we can give customers a complete straw making ser vice , offering a choice of paper straw solutions suitable for various
drinking applications and beverages
Cocktail Straws
• Classic Straws
• Milkshake Straws
• Smoothie Straws
• Bubble Tea Straws
• Individual Wrapped Straws
• Custom / Branded Straws
Whatever your requirements, product aesthetics and performance are fundamental features of any Intrinsic straw as we want people to enjoy their drink experience , giving them peace of mind and the ability to sip in comfor t Our straws are strong and durable in many different liquids, ensuring their shape and integrity are retained for many hours, while also looking great and feeling comfor table on your lips
Would you like to know more? Interested in samples or pricing? Get 20% OFF fir st order when quoting CLH0223
Call us on 01952 980810 visit www.intrinsicpaperstraws.com or email hello@intrinsicpaperstraws.com.
Ozone Clean is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Ozone generating equipment to the hospitality sector as well as many other industries for Odour and Infection control We supply a range of generators suitable for all applications both industrial and domestic that can effectively treat small to ver y large areas
Our company is multi internationally award winning and has rapidly built a strong reputation within Hospitality and other industries since our inception in 2005 Our goal is centred on supplying products that are efficient, safe and cost effective , backed up by an excellent ser vice ethic and after sales operation
We have over 850 clients and 11 million rooms per
year being treated with our equipment In manufacturing we only use the highest quality par ts which enables us to say that we still have machines that are still in use after 15 years Therefore , our range of products are the most efficient and reliable on the market
Due to the efficiency and reliability of our flagship products the OC1500 and OC700, at a cost from 28p per day we have empirical evidence that by using Ozone Cleans range of products you will be able to enjoy an ROI within 12 months, often sooner Genuine and provable results This is achieved by the permanent removal of Odours, Bacteria, Mould and Viruses in as little as 5 minutes
Peace of mind efficiency and reliability go hand in hand with Ozone Clean and don’t forget by using our OC range you will be having a positive impact on the environment as opposed to the traditional methods which have a high energ y or chemical consumption
Should you decide to buy either our OC1500 or OC700 we will offer you a 15% discount exclusive to this ar ticle Just quote OZO15
Web: www ozoneclean co uk
Call : 020 8883 2756
Emails: sales@ozoneclean.co.uk
Over the course of our histor y, we at Cleenol have always produced products that offer a perfect balance between cleaning performance and efficiency with an attention to reducing the environmental impact that our products may carr y edencleen our latest brand reaffirms our commitment to our credentials for environmental guardianship, and represents an evolution of what has been an integral par t of our DNA Edencleen has been designed to reflect in par t our vision for a cleaner, safer world, that touches not only the environmental aspects of sustainability, but has as an aim, a social ambition to leave the planet in the safe care of and for future generations As such with edencleen, Cleenol looks to ensure transparency in our approach, which may on occasion result in some counter intuitive elements
The range covers the essential needs to cover 80% of daily cleaning and include: a washroom cleaner and toilet gel cleaner and urinal deodoriser, an all-purpose surface sanitiser, a degreaser and a washing up liquid, a no rinse floor degreaser, a window cleaner and a laundr y detergent and fabric softener
GroutGleam restore and recolour grout and tiled surfaces to like new condition incredibly affordably No mess, no stress, no hassle , completed and reusable in hours
This everlasting solution has huge commercial appeal with low upfront costs which result in ongoing cost savings with reduced cleaning and maintenance requirements
Operating successfully for over 5 years, our 50+ nationwide network of Official Par tners exclusively offers the GroutGleam ser vice after completion of our full training programme
Any grout and tiled surface in any tiled location can receive the full GroutGleam treatment
Our list of satisfied customers grows daily and so far includes hotels, pubs, restaurants, holiday parks, offices, leisure centres, g yms, theatres, stadiums, airpor ts, train, and bus stations and much more
We are not tilers, we do not regrout Our bespoke compound overlays and chemically bonds to your existing grout resulting in an everlasting low maintenance , easy clean surface
edencleen products have been developed around the following principles and ingredients:
• RSPO cer tified palm oil der ivatives
• No animal der ived products
• Cruelty free
• Minimal petroc hemical der ived products
• No parabens , formaldehyde , CMI/MIT, tr ic losan, phosphates , c hlor ine bleac hes , optical br ightener s , quaternar y ammonium compounds
• VOC free and phosphate , EDTA, NTA free
• Rec yc lable / rec yc led pac kaging
• 100% bio-based surfactant - made by us ng bio-based ethy ene oxide whic h is manufactured from biomass ethanol
20 room, independent hotel in Blac kpool, affordably recoloured all 20 ensuite shower cubic es in just 6 days with one of our Official Par tner s
After almost a decade in ser vice a holiday lodge company with 10+ UK s tes and approac hing 800 cabins were concerned about the condit on of their bathrooms
Their biggest complaint from customer s when sur veyed is the tired appearance of their bathrooms To replace 800 bathrooms would require an investment of mill ons of pounds and too muc h downtime To regrout 800 bathrooms would require an investment approac hing a million pounds and too muc h downtime
The solution to GroutGleam each bathroom will save the company hundreds of thousands of pounds when compared to regrouting And ver y impor tantly with one GroutGleam Official Par tner able to complete 2 bathrooms per day, with them being reusable within hours, there is barely any downtime
GroutGleam is proven to be a total win win for their customers with huge savings and next to no downtime
See the adver t on this page for fur ther information
• Bioethanol, naturally der ived acids , sugar-based surfactants , bio-based solvents , low impact preser vat ves
Combining carefully formulated products, with appropriate packaging, using recycled material or recyclable componentr y the range ’ s mostly colourless liquid and low fragrance usage are designed to convey a transparency and straightforwardness of our approach which will be a hallmark of all edencleen products and associated ser vices
Careful use of enzymatic formulations and more traditional chemistr y brings a por tfolio of products that’s finely attuned to delivering effective cleaning which when used as instructed helps maintain a neutral environmental impact edencleen’s new range represents just the star t to a fully refreshed solution to meet the most demanding of customers expectations
See the adver t on this page for fur ther information
Only GroutGleam Official Partners offer the MOST AFFORDABLE and COMMERCIALLY VIABLE grout and tiled surface refurbishment, restoring to like new condition in HOURS with almost no downtime
GroutGleam operates nationwide, offering your establishment an everlasting solution that has already transformed thousands of bathrooms, kitchens, restrooms, shower facilities, entrance ways, offices, lobbies and more over the last 5 years
Join our growing list of super satisfied customers that include hotels, pubs, restaurants, holiday parks, offices, leisure centres, gyms, theatres, stadiums, airports, train and bus stations and many more
We are not tilers, we do not regrout Our bespoke compound overlays and chemically bonds to your existing grout resulting in a low maintenance, easy clean surface As well as being incredibly affordable, GroutGleam reduces your ongoing cleaning and maintenance costs
When Sage 200 Extra Online was withdrawn it was the perfect oppor tunity for Rober t McCluskey, Financial Controller at The Spa Hotel in Tunbridge Wells, to implement new accounting software that would offer advanced financial analysis, reduce the time spent on manual tasks and gain a competitive advantage for this independent hotel He chose Aqilla’s cloud-based accounting software to help achieve these strategic goals
Explaining his reasons for choosing Aqilla, Rober t said, “Having come from larger hotel groups, I’m used to working with the level of financial analysis you get from bigger applications QuickBooks was never going to do it, and the bigger packages are out of my range , but Aqilla is in that middle space where you can get lots of functionality from quite a light product and a low cost of ownership ”
The 70-room independent hotel has several revenue streams, including a Spa and Leisure Club, restaurants, conference ser vices and events Different business applications are in place to suppor t each depar tment; the hotel management system covers bookings and housekeeping and a spa and leisure club system manages therapy bookings and memberships There is also a food and beverage till system, which stores information to help manage stock and predict purchasing needs in line with historic trends
There are around 2 000 metrics that can potentially be har vested and analysed daily for improved financial control The data from each system is currently impor ted into Excel However, it wasn’t possible to upload Excel data into Sage This meant that the financial analysis could only span the volume of data the accounts team could manually input each day – on average just 30 lines Par ticularly impor tant following the impact on the business caused by the pandemic , improved financial analysis would help the hotel control costs, increase efficiencies and make more accurate predictions
Sage’s limitations meant that Rober t could only tap into a small percentage of the total data available to him, limiting his range of performance measures and the quality of the insights from such a small data pool Aqilla s Excel Add-In means that Rober t can combine 100 per cent of his data in Excel before impor ting it to Aqilla He explained “I was only able to manually input about 30 lines a day Now I have almost 100 automatically uploaded that I use to check costs and performance
He continued “With Aqilla I push a button and it takes seconds to populate the data The sheer volume it can handle is incredible , and it gives me the kind of detailed insights you’d expect from a much larger system It saves me an insane amount of time maybe as much as two hours a day that I can spend improving efficiency
Rober t also uses Sharperlight, a self-ser vice BI tool integrated with Aqilla that draws information out for repor ting purposes He explained how it saves time tr ying to find the source of discrepancies, “I’d often get to the end of the month and wonder why my spreadsheet is different to the accounts Drawing repor ts from Aqilla via Sharperlight means my repor ting is always in sync ”
Quantifying some of the advantages the finance team have experienced since switching to Aqilla, Rober t added, The daily banking process used to take two and a half hours with Sage With Aqilla it takes less than an hour The bank reconciliation process at month end that used to take three or four days now takes me less than half a day ”
Streamlined, accurate accounting and access to cross-company data can help hospitality businesses recover from the challenges of Covid and get through today’s turbulent economic times Summing up Rober t says “Our accounting needs are basic; bank rec , general ledger and purchase ledger Mainly, I want to get large volumes of data in and out of the system, fast The level of analysis we can get from Aqilla and our ability to combine data from various sources gives us a real advantage I ve got big system analytics from a fast and light mid-range system It doesn’t matter if it’s 10 or 100 lines, I push a button on the toolbar, and the data is in ”
For fur ther information email or info@aqilla com visit www aqilla com
As the spring/summer season approaches, the upcoming events calendar is looking quite busy; from St Patricks Day, Mother’s Day, Easter, Coronation of Charles III, and Father's Day, all the way through to Eurovision and the FA Cup Final
During this busy period operators need to raise their tech game to ensure customer experience and operational efficiency are slicker than ever
Call Systems Technolog y (CST) specialise in innovative communication technolog y and software solutions that transform and enhance the hospitality industr y – for both customers and operators Helping to deliver a truly first-class ser vice whilst subtly elevating the experience to stand out from competitors Staff should be readily available without being constantly visible , and communication between teams should be almost invisible yet still allow the establishment to operate at its best Thankfully, modern paging systems, designed specifically for the hospitality industr y, are allowing just that
Here are our top tips to make sure spring/summer is a sizzler :
1) With many operators currently shor t-staffed call buttons allow customers to instantly gain a team member's attention when needed, making it easier to
order additional food and drink or request to pay the bill
2) Instead of getting customers to wait in a long, tedious queue , create an invisible one instead Utilising customer paging solutions gives diners the freedom to wait where they wish – such as the barwhile reducing congestion
3) Simple but effective WaiterCall instantly connects front and back-of-house for the slickest ser vice
Instant communication eliminates the need to run back and for th from the kitchen pass, leaving more time to upsell drinks and maintain high levels of customer ser vice
4) Two-way radios provide instant communication between managers, kitchen staff and waiting staff Meaning table turns are increased incidents are dealt with immediately, and the overall guest experience is enhanced No guessing, shouting or time wasted –just clear communication
Keeping on top of the latest technolog y not only relieves stress for staff during busy periods but also helps improve simple operations keeping customers happy and most impor tantly, loyal
For more information www call-systems com or solutions@call-systems.com
Hospitality teams put in longer hours over the festive season to meet the demands of strong trading according to workforce management specialist Bizimply, but staff recruitment remains the biggest challenge for the sector in 2023
According to Bizimply’s sur vey, 66% of operators did not have enough staff available in December, prompting them to ask existing employees to work longer hours Average hours worked in the second half of December climbed to 32 hours per week, compared to 28 in October
Employees in top end restaurants put in even longer shifts, averaging 48 hours, up from 40 before the festive period
Of the operators polled by Bizimply one-third are expecting no easing of the challenges in recruiting front-of-house staff, rising to two-thirds when it comes to filling kitchen vacancies
Shaw commented: “Despite the cost of living crisis we re seeing signs of a recover y for hospitality Operators need to make sure they have the right staff in place to meet increased trade later in the year ”
Staff, par ticularly new recruits, thrive when their GM is visible and actively managing them, so make sure your GMs are front of house and reduce the time they spend in the back office on admin like staff rotas
Respect your team members by giving them plenty of notice of their shifts And empower them to schedule their own holidays with Bizimply’s ‘Unavailability’ feature
Use the data to identify whether you are over- or under-staffed and create your staff rotas accordingly www bizimply com
The New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by Pump Technolog y Ltd
There are significant advantages that this combi oven drainage pump offers The pump features a tank with its clear side window was the large , triangular, low-level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease , fat and food par ticles before the reliable star t/stop operation of the pump is affected
The triangular low-level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens The build quality of the submersible wastewater pump
was also a discussion point, with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement especially considering the hot wastewater temperatures and potential grease which these units have to handle It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet This means that the installation footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated
It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a winner and will soon be featuring in combi oven installations ever ywhere
A kitchen refurbishment can cause a massive disruption to your home and residents and can prove to be overwhelming But don t worr y - Inox Equip has you covered with
temporar y commercial catering facility ser vice Not only does Inox Equip handle all aspects of the refurbishment processfrom electrical work to gas work, ventilation, Altro flooring, Whiterock walls, and ceilings - they also offer a turnkey solution that takes care of ever ything from star t to finish And with their competitive pricing and project management ser vice , you can trust that the entire refurbishment will be handled efficiently and effectively Inox Equip doesn't just stop at refurbishments They also offer a range of high-quality commercial catering equipment and supplies and their team is on hand to
help you choose the right options for your needs and budget Plus, with installation and maintenance ser vices available , you can trust that your equipment will always be in top working order Inox Equip is dedicated to providing their clients with the highest level of ser vice and quality So if you ' re in need of a temporar y commercial catering facility or new equipment and supplies, don't hesitate to reach out to their team of exper ts They'll make sure your business stays up and running, even during the largest refurbishments Please contact us on 01280 822124 or sales@inoxequip com
Please visit our website for more information https://www inoxequip com
As well as supplying catering equipment from all the top manufacturers in the catering industry, at Inox Equip we can also provide full fit out services for new and refurbishment projects. This includes:
Altro Whiterock or Hygeinic wall cladding
Altro or Polyfloor non- slip safety flooring
Full electrical wiring with NICEIC certification
Mechanical services including new and replacement water, waste and gas pipe with GasSafe certification
Lay-in grid and plasterboard ceiling solutions
Lighting systems
Internal wall removal and construction
Temporary kitchen supply
n 01280 822124 e sales@inoxequip com d
Operators should consider when purchasing a fr yer and their oil, the oil capacity against production rate , burner efficiency and recover y rate as well as a true cool zone in gas fr yers to help prolong the oil life Blue Seal V ray Gas Fr yers are our premium fr yer and burner system, which come at a higher price compared to some competitors’ gas models However the fuel efficiency cost saving, performance and stainless steel high build quality far out way the additional initial cost to the operator
Blue Seal produce high performance thermostatic controlled gas & electric fr yers Our Evolution range gas fr yers GT60 GT46 & GT45 have a premium feature benefit of all using our patented “V’Ray” burner system This system uses infra-red technolog y radiating the heat into the tank, only heating the area of oil the baskets are sitting in This promotes incredibly fast recover y rates, high efficiency for limited fuel consumption provides a true cool zone in conjunction with the specially shaped tank The true cool zone prevents crumb and food debris that
drops below the batter plates from continuous cooking and carbonising, which in turn helps prevent the degrading of oil quality This all achieves considerable cost saving for the operator with fuel and oil, as well as time efficiency, producing the finished products
Blue Seal also offer an additional Filtration units that give a fantastic solution to improving oil life , have great mobility and space saving features as well as powerful pumps & full stainless steel construction
Moisture , fatty acids and food residue contaminate cooking oil, spoiling fried food taste and causing the oil to smoke Blue Seal Filtamax removes impurities, quickly and effectively maintaining consistent high cooking quality and considerable extension of oil life
The Carbon Pads remove sub-micron par ticles down to 0 5 microns – this is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand Daily filtering of fr yer oil using carbon filters can massively increase the life span of the oil creating large cost savings and create more consistent finish and taste to the food product
Pland has been manufacturing commercial Stainless Steel products for over 100 years
Still based on the same site in Leeds, there isn’t much they don’t know about designing stainless steels products for the catering market
Stainless steel has many beneficial proper ties that has led to its dominance in the commercial kitchen It offers a smooth neutral surface that impar ts no taste to food so ideal for food preparation
This also makes it difficult for bacteria to adhere and sur vive , it s therefore naturally hygienic and it s also ver y easy to clean It has a high resistance to corrosion too so will not be affected by its surrounding environment be that steamy, in the case of a kitchen or ver y cold, within a freezer The surface works well over a long period and at the end of its life it is 100% recyclable and therefore less harmful to the environment
When total life cycle costs are considered, stainless
Avancini, a company with 60 years’ experience of manufacturing spiral mixers for bakeries and restaurants, is extending its classic SP mixer range by offering mid-sized variable speed models in a single-phase format
Traditionally multi-speed spiral mixers with a dough handling capability in excess of 20kg (33litres), are only available in three-phase configurations, which means that the majority of high street operators are denied the opportunity to prepare stiff doughs, high-hydration doughs or enjoy the time-saving benefits of larger multi-speed machines, by virtue of the fact that they only have a single-phase supply on site
steel is usually the least expensive option so it truly offers long term value
The Pland range of catering products star ted in the supply of Sinks and they still produce them in many sizes, with or without leg stands They also produce a broad selection of wash basins be they circular or square inset or wall mounted Through customer demand their collection over the years grew to include stainless steel urinals cupboards work surfaces tables shelving units and trolleys with complementar y accessories too
Check out their standard range of catering products online at www plandstainless co uk, but please be aware , a growing number of the products they produce today are specially designed for clients to a par ticular size or to help provide a product solution For this ser vice speak to their in-house design team by calling Pland Stainless on tel: 0113 263 4184
But now after a year of R&D and many months of rigorous testing in a commercial kitchen environment, Avancini launched a range of single-phase spiral mixers with fully variable speed controls, in 23, 50 and 85 litre models at Italy s SIGEP Expo in January
Michael George, from Avancini s UK distributor NOWAH, explained the reason for these new additions to the Avancini range "In recent years we've seen increased demand for multi-speed mixers from local artisan bakeries, as well as independent contemporary Italian pizzerias/restaurants, all of whom want to craft excellent quality products using stiffer or high-hydration doughs and breads These specialist doughs require a mixer with two or more speed settings in order to achieve the ideal yeast activation and optimal mixture Sadly, in the past, it was only businesses with a three-phase electrical supply that could produce these doughs (in volume) and benefit from the time-saving features of multi-speed mixers But not anymore, thanks to Avancini
NOWAH, Avancini’s UK distributor, are Craft Guild of Chefs business partners, sponsors of the CGC Graduate Awards, and sponsors of the 2023 Young Pastry Chef of The Year by Passion to Inspire Apart from Avancini mixers, NOWAH also distribute the highly regarded Kemplex range of dough sheeters/ laminators/ dough breaks GGF deck ovens and La Pastaia pasta machines
For more information on the Avancini spiral mixers, or the other specialist pastry, bakery and restaurant equipment supplied by NOWAH visit www.nowah.co.uk
Mobile Kitchens Ltd specialises in the hire or sale of temporar y catering facilities and foodser vice equipment
Ideal for events or to provide temporar y catering facilities during your kitchen refurbishment, our versatile units and equipment offer an efficient and economic solution to the caterers’ needs
Production Kitchens Preparation Kitchens, Warewashing Units, Dr y Store Units, Cold Rooms and Restaurant Units are available as individual units in their own right or they
filters canopy plenum fan and ductwork
Should a kitchen fire reach the extract ductwork, or a flash fire occur in the extract system, then the accumulated grease deposits can act as fuel helping to spread the fire The ductwork itself can also help to spread the fire , acting as a chimney through which smoke and flames can travel, spreading the danger to the other par ts of the building
To counter this potential fire risk, operators of commercial kitchens are required to comply with a new standard for the fire safety management of grease accumulation in kitchen extract systems TR19®
One of the biggest challenges in keeping a commercial kitchen spotlessly clean is the regular cleaning of the canopy fan and extract ductwork This must be tackled, not only for the sake of hygiene , but also for fire prevention and compliance
Airborne fat oil and grease is a natural by-product of even the healthiest diet Carried in the steam that rises from cooking, grease and oil par ticles are drawn into the kitchen extract system to be vented away to the outside As the exhaust stream cools, grease is deposited on the metal surfaces of the hood canopy
Compliance is also essential to ensure that you don’t compromise your buildings insurance If a fire should break out and the ductwork can be shown not to have been cleaned in accordance with TR19® Grease many insurers will now refuse to pay out on a claim
Ensuring legal compliance , a reduced risk of fire and greater hygiene in your kitchen are items which should always be on ever y maintenance menu www swiftclean co uk
Congratulations to OiLChef for winning the prestigious Best Kitchen Innovation Award at the Restaurant & Takeaway Expo at the Excel in London Cooking oil is expensive Would you like to save up to 50% on fr yer oil purchases ever y month? If you do then OiLChef is for you
OiLChef device is a small accessor y that fits inside your Deepfr yer and will double the life of your fr ying oil saving you up to 50% on oil purchasing This is not a filter!
As the world returns to a sense of normality after a chaotic couple of years, life post-pandemic cer tainly looks a lot different for many of us Reigniting our love for the great outdoors and the “staycation” are amongst some of the most prominent new norms for Brits Statistics show an additional 18,000 restaurants that listed ‘outdoor dining’ as par t of their offering since the star t of the pandemic For establishments to capitalise on this new-found interest and growth in outdoor dining, it s impor tant that they utilise the full potential of any outdoor spaces and secure them for year-round protection
As a general rule , all businesses should be taking advantage of ever y resource available to them however commercial outdoor spaces can often be overlooked and not utilised to their full potential By investing in and monetising outdoor spaces, commercial establishments such as restaurants, bars and hotels can reap the rewards, resulting in an increase in revenue , footfall, reputation, and overall business success
Preparing outdoor spaces for year-round use can provide venues with additional seating/eating areas, expanding their capacity and enabling them to welcome more guests – especially during busier periods such as public holidays, the festive season and national/regional events
As summer approaches, many Brits will flood towards pubs, bars and restaurants in search of a pint in the sun or an al-fresco style lunch/dinner, and with many businesses competing for their attention; it’s essential to provide an outdoor space that offers comfor t, is aesthetically pleasing
and stands out from the crowd
Although soaking up the sun will be a priority for many, comfor t is key to enticing customers, whilst enhancing their overall experience As such, it’s impor tant to provide substantial shading to offer a welcomed break from the heat Awnings provide instant shade and shelter from direct sunlight; both heat and glare (bright light) and offer outstanding UV protection (typically 95% minimum UV block) Not only this but they also deliver a much-needed cooling effect to the indoor room adjacent to where they are positioned and help stop fixtures and furnishings from fading
If the change-up of the 2022 World Cup being held in December has taught us anything, it’s that regardless of weather and time of year, the masses will flock to local watering holes to suppor t national/popular events 28 5 million pints were sold across the UK on the 10th December – the day England exited the World Cup – an increase in 166 pints compared to a regular Friday and Saturday
To suppor t these busy times, utilising all available space is impor tant and, in the winter/wetter months, waterproofing outdoor spaces is imperative It’s likely that more temporar y covers such as brollies and parasols won’t stand up to adverse conditions and although retractable awnings can protect and shelter customers from sun, shade and light rain showers at the touch of a button, they can be susceptible to damage from high winds
Modern pergolas with either sliding fabric or rotating aluminium louvered roofs and sides offer a more pragmatic solution, providing protection from heavy rain, gale-force winds and even snow Pergolas with a retracting or rotating louvered roof are also multifunctional and can be left open throughout the warmer months and fully closed during the winter The addition of side screens LED lighting and infrared heating will also provide customers with additional comfor t and warmth, enabling businesses to make the most of their outdoor commercial space at all times of the day (or night) and in any weather
Regardless of season and time of day, weather-proofing your commercial outdoor space will benefit and suppor t business growth, revenue and capacity, whilst working in tandem to boost the venue ’ s potential and enhance its reputation as a result
Fenton Timber was established in the late 1990’s by Jim Miller who sadly passed in 2007, since then the business has continued under the management of Alex Spencer, with Ade Tate overseeing manufacture who were both staff members from the early days of the business
Fenton’s USP is delivering fully assembled, weather treated “ready to use ” Picnic Benches/Tables and associated Garden Furniture to the License Trade , Schools and the Leisure Industr y all year round
The benefits of purchasing from Fenton Timber is not just the fact we deliver all of our own goods, with our own transpor t and staff but that we also guarantee our goods and operate all year round It might sound strange selling garden furniture during the winter!
Aside from customers whom might have outdoor
functions barbecues summer fairs live music etc there are also unfor tunate times whereby customers have been flooded and suffered losses, and we are there to assist getting them back up on their feet
As readers of the Caterer & Licensee – you can also take advantage of our current offer –20% off RRP on Supreme and Octagonal Tables (Ends Fri 10th Mar '23) so call us free on 0800 085 6447.
With Spring just star ting (we hope!) what better way for your customers to enjoy the sunshine than sitting outside and relaxing TDP’s furniture , made from recycled UK plastic waste , will be ready and waiting as it doesn’t have to be stored away for the winter or be treated for the new season
Our range of furniture includes picnic tables, dining sets, benches and chairs as well as planters and children s furniture All products benefit from a 20-year warranty and ver y low maintenance , with no annual staining or treatments required It will not rot or splinter, is ver y stable and extremely durable , lasting for decades in even the busiest of areas
TDP has been supplying environmentally friendly products to the industr y for over 30 years We are the choice supplier for those who want outdoor furniture that lasts and to date we have saved
Following last year ’ s heat wave , and with an additional bank holiday on the horizon, consumers are expected to flock to pub gardens and restaurant terraces this spring and summer, representing a valuable oppor tunity for operators with outdoor spaces
Premium candle specialist Bolsius Professional has released a new guide for operators keen to capitalise on their outdoor spaces
Combining stunning exteriors, design tips and cost-effective ideas, ‘Investing in outdoor : attract and retain customers to grow revenue provides ideas and guidance on creating a compelling multi-sensor y outdoor experience for customers
Paul Christodoulou National Account Manager UK & Ireland Out of Home at Bolsius
Professional said:
“At the moment, consumers are ver y conscious of where they are choosing to dine and spend their money Yet, with one in four (27%) pub goers saying that they expect outdoor areas and almost half of UK consumers that go to pubs or restaurants stating that they would prefer to sit in an outdoor area – even if the weather was ‘just okay’ , getting your outdoor space right is more impor tant than ever
“In these challenging times, a welcoming outdoor area can mean more covers and extended dwell time -
As the cold winter months star t to make way for the warmer and hopefully drier spring and summer period, the use of outdoor enter taining spaces star ts to increase
At Space-Ray we can help you maximise the potential of your outdoor space and extend its use beyond sunset, and the inevitable drop in temperature
Specialising in heating solutions for external areas, Space-Ray’s range of gas fired and electric heaters offer you the option to choose the product best suited to your applications:-
The Coldblocker gas fired radiant heater, is ideal for covered outdoor spaces and is rain proof to IP44 Fitted with a tinted glass front which not only offers flame protection, it also gives the heater a stylish sleek appearance when not in opera-
The Linea electric radiant heater offer IP55 level of protection along with remote control and glass front, it is ideal for the smaller space where gas is not available , or a viable option
Our SURA Plus and AQUA ranges of electric heaters use high quality Dr Fischer shor twave radiant lamps also offer an IP55 rating making them durable and weather resistant The Sura plus range is remote controllable
The Eclipse range of zero glow electric radiant heaters are perfect for those intimate areas where no additional light is required Ceramic heating elements are utilised, which provide a gentle level of heat from the sleek and stylish fully black heater Suitable for covered outside areas and offer protection levels of IPX4
Check out our outdoor heating website for fur ther information
www outdoorheating spaceray co uk info@spaceray co uk
Extending Outdoors offer a wide range of Pergolas & Verandas to extend your living into the outdoors
Many hoteliers, restaurants and cafes depend on their open-air space to distinguish them from their rivals so displaying this space with an excellent outside open or covered construction can help entice customers in and to appreciate the ambience and vistas regardless of the weather
For hospitality businesses requiring a fast, simple and affordable change to their outside space one of our pergolas or canopies could be the ideal arrangement Both pragmatic and beautiful, they give shade and protection from the elements
For existing verandas and pergolas, outside blinds can be mounted to the top and sides to give powerful protection from the sun or rain, establishing a
comfor table climate throughout the entire year
Shades and pergolas offer an incredible expansion to large open spaces, par ticularly when supplied with your own personalisation including remote controlled retractable or sliding rooftops sliding glass zip screens separate passage entr yways climate sensors and LED lighting and radiators
All work carried out is fully guaranteed and our products are all fitted by our own fitters and offer nationwide coverage We have over 35 years experience in bespoke made to measure glass extensions, conser vatories and orangeries
Allow your customers to dine outdoors with full protection or utilise the extra space for a children's play area the oppor tunities are endless
See the adver t on this page for fur ther details
We are an independent supplier ser ving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses
We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet impor ts next season It s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and
scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job
We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industr y and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement If we can help you do drop a line to sales@cafeculture .biz
Now is the time to get your outdoor areas tidied up and planned for spring trade
Here are 3 top considerations to help you prepare
Get more people through the door by creating a great fir st impression
Smar ten and tidy up your outdoor s
• Give your grass c hance to recover from winter
• Jetwash your patios and dec ks
Use plant pots or planter s to create welcoming entrances
• Chec k and c lean outdoor dining furniture , replace any broken Create impact with colour
Stand out from other venues and be eye catching to passers-by with an injection of colour Choose bright plants colourful outdoor furniture and parasols
What do your customers want from your outdoor space?
Who are your core customers?
Does your outdoors suit their needs? Are they comfor table on the furniture you have?
What are they doing? Is it mostly consuming drinks and snacks or do you offer full dining? Or a bit of ever ything? Do you have a mixture of furniture to accommodate all these requirements?
Weatherproof your outdoors
Make customers comfor table no matter the British weather, increase dwell time and spending with outdoor shelters and parasols
3) MAKE YOUR OUTDOORS GREAT Events and Enter tainment
Your outdoors provides extra space to host events and enter tainment
Are you planning events for the kings coronation?
Will you need additional seating or long tables for large groups?
Be memorable and do something different
Use your outdoor areas to differentiate your venue from others
Do you have space for outdoor games or a pizza oven or BBQ?
Is it welcoming especially going into the evening? Can you add lighting to create a welcoming atmosphere
Contact Woodberr y Outdoor Furniture
Woodberr y are outdoor furniture and shelter specialists for the hospitality trade Give Woodberr y ’ s friendly exper t team a call to chat through how you can improve outdoor trade 01926 889922
Browse a wide range of outdoor furniture , shelters and planters online at www.woodberr y.co.uk
The appearance of your hotel is of paramount impor tance when inspiring confidence and delight amongst clientele You have earned your name and now want to maintain your position and reputation
Being awarded ‘Best for Innovative Hard Surfaces Restoration and Repair Ser vices 2022’ by Design and Build Awards and with 30 years ’ experience in specialist repairs and restoration, Magicman can assist
Our customers include celebrated hotels, famous cruise lines and busy international transpor t hubs From Park Lane to Pakistan, Bermondsey to Bermuda, we provide repair and restoration ser vices all over the UK and around the world At Magicman, we know that a good repair is the best thing to do
If your premises are in need of some TLC we have the ser vices and equipment to help you out We can handle minor chips scratches and other superficial issues as well as more major damage such as dents burns and cracks
Our team can handle most problems with efficiency and ease , whether they involve cabinets or furniture We'll even handle any of your snagging issues before you hand over possession of the room to your client, so they don't have to worr y about paying extra fees due to incomplete repairs
We've got all kinds of options when it comes to repairing damaged items in your hotel rooms
If you want to find out more visit www.magicman.co.uk or download our free app available now
With the ever-growing success of the ILF Chairs website , 2023 has seen an increase in their stock chairs to 8 ranges available in different Faux and Velvet upholster y and selection of frame colours, plus an 8 colour stock range of Egger laminated 25mm table tops in a selection of sizes
A full range of table bases in metal and stainless steel are also kept in stock In addition a new range called Boutique elegant seating with frames in Ash Walnut and Beech and offering a full selection of stain finishes and fabrics
Their new online website offers both indoor and outdoor seating and table solutions
Divided into Contemporar y seating, Boutique , Barstools, Lounge Seating, Period Seating, Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height tables, offering a great selection of products to view at
your leisure Also included now is an extensive range of stock seating, barstools, table bases and table tops
Most made to order indoor seating and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style
Also included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selection of priced made to order seating in a selection of Faux Leather upholster y colours and wood frame colours These products can also be supplied to customer specification, just ask for details
Enquiries can be sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site
We have developed a range of innovative repair solutions to rectify damage to all types of hard surface – wood, laminate, ceramic, metal, uPVC, stone, marble, granite, even glass
The damage disappears, just like magic!
With blue skies never guaranteed, planning for the summer months can be a challenge That’s why at Trent Furniture , we ’ ve got a great range of options that are ever y bit at home in the interior of your hospitality venue as they are in your outdoor seating area throughout the summer months
Our Bolero Chair is lightweight and stackable , making it easy to move around as the weather and other needs dictate Made from hardwearing polypropylene , it’s built to last and its brown woven design looks great both indoors and outside with the matching and equally versatile Bolero Table If you prefer black, check
If you ’ re considering the CardsSafe system for your venue , retaining your customers’ banking or ID cards is safer than ever CardsSafe eliminates walkouts and helps increase customer spending and trust in your brand while protecting staff from discrepancies
The CardsSafe system is specifically designed to securely retain customer credit and debit cards while the cardholder runs a tab As a result, staff can securely keep customers’ bank cards while customers enjoy the facilities, allowing them to up-sell onsite
CardsSafe’s cost-effective tab-keeping system works alongside existing POS to retain customer credit and debit cards securely As a result, CardsSafe vir tually eliminates walkouts and chargebacks because it is a deterrent for slipper y customers and prevents it from happening because their bank card is securely retained
out our popular Plaza range for similar contemporar y style and flexibility
The clean monochrome lines of our Cannes range is another great option for furniture that provides chic and comfor table seating alfresco or inside The full aluminum construction means it will ser ve you well in any setting for years to come and when not in use it can be easily stacked and stored away For more information about our cost-effective range of indoor/outdoor furniture please call us on 0116 2864 911 or fill in our contact form at www.trentfurniture .co.uk/contact-us
Over 5000 venues, including Young’s pubs, Hilton Hotels Lord’s cricket ground and many independent restaurants and bars utilise the system The CardsSafe units can sit discreetly behind the bar or POS and the system does not capture data so it never breaches
Our system has revolutionised how the hospitality industr y manages its customers obligations It s also incredibly easy to install and requires minimal staff training Our customer ser vice team is on hand with troubleshooting and we also supply you with free replacement keys should they go missing The question is, can you afford not to have CardsSafe as a par t of your business?
For more information, please visit www cardssafe com
Or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040
One of the UK’s most professional and technically advanced engraving and etching supplier Brunel Engraving is providing a rapid response to the growing demand for etched table numbers and QR code discs in the pub and catering industr y
The company has made a substantial investment in additional state of the ar t equipment and related software in order to produce a wide range of individually engraved and printed table numbers and discs
The numbers and discs enable customers to link to apps or menus,
Mayfair Furniture will be celebrating 10 years this year of providing the UK’s fastest and affordable commercial furniture
Supplying all kinds of establishments from high end hotel chains to small local takeaways
We keep in stock a huge variety of items ready for immediate dispatch, and can fulfil a wide range of bespoke orders We deliver to all areas of the UK, Ireland & Europe
We are not just a supplier ; we understand that from time to time hospitality and leisure establishments like to give themselves a fresh new look That's why not
only do we supply contract furniture , but when it's time for your establishment to go through a refurbishment we also offer a complete clearance ser vice We ll organise ever ything from a suitable time and date , professional clearance staff to remove contract furniture whether fitted or unfitted Along with our sister company Caterfair who provides commercial catering equipment for your kitchens we are the ideal people to speak to when you are looking to refurbish
See the adver t below for fur ther details
MST AUCTIONEERS Ltd specialise in handling & auctioning a wide variety of goods
We act for Insolvency Practitioners, Receivers, Bailiffs and Solicitors as well as large PLCs
We are members of The National Association of Auctioneers and Valuers (NAVA)
For the past 25 years, we ' ve provided a unique disposal ser vice tailored to suit, liquidators, banks, receivers as well as private and corporate vendors We carr y out probate valuations and conduct complete house and commercial clearances
We have the largest Auction venue in the South of England Our regular monthly Auctions occupy 45,000 sq ft of undercover space , selling over 2500 lots from 3 rostrums over two days
We also hold regular Auctions ”On Site” and "On Line"
See adver t on this page for fur ther details
Saffron Academy deliver a world class training ser vice by: Collaborating, Development, Training
These are the values that we prioritise and believe are desirable and wor th striving for Saffron Academy Limited gets a buzz from helping individuals, teams, and businesses to be the best that they can be , and we are passionate about the power of training, watching individuals grow, and
pursuing talent and creativity
We provide training that is ENGAGING INNOVATIVE & MADE SIMPLE; from engagement to completion, we will handle ever ything for you These internationally and nationally recognised courses could be your chance at achieving the goals you ’ ve set and improving your qualifications
For details of the courses we offer, go to the courses page for full descriptions of the training packages and the latest training schedule; https://saffronacademy co uk/courses/
These packages are a combination of accredited and bespoke training, and we can tailor them around your own organisation if you prefer ‘in-house’ training
The funding for our courses is par tly provided by the European Social
Fund (ESF) and is available from the Depar tment for Work and Pensions (DWP) until December 2023 We can offer this funding to businesses in the Hospitality, Leisure , Travel, Tourism and Retail sectors, operating in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly providing that they have less than 250 employees
On the other hand, we also have available commercial courses, such as First Aid, for any business outside the earlier sectors, should they need it For fur ther information about us, please contact:
https://saffronacademy co uk/contact/
Email: hello@saffronacdemy.co.uk
Telephone: 07983 469870
https://www.facebook.com/saffronacademylimited/ https://mobile .twitter.com/saffronacademy
Inflation and the cost-of-living crisis has made it a challenging time for hospitality business owners, but that doesn’t have to hold back your ambitions to thrive Millbrook Business Finance can help you secure funding to make your business dreams a reality
Millbrook Business Finance are leisure and hospitality finance specialists
For almost 15 years, Capify has worked closely with the hospitality sector, providing business owners with much-needed funding We ve been there through some difficult times – like the 2008 recession and Covid-19, and have continued to lend even when the banks have said no Unfor tunately, business owners are once again confronted with turbulence , thanks to the ongoing cost of living crises However, there’s still an oppor tunity to prosper
If you ’ ve got exciting business plans in 2023, we can help you achieve them We’re proud to have created an accessible business loan which is both quick and easy to apply for, and, once approved, the funds can be paid out in as little as 24 hours
Capify s finance can be used for any business purpose , whether that’s:
• Managing shor t-term cash flow issues
• Purc hasing seasonal food and dr ink
• Hir ing additional staff
Answer: because we can help your business to succeed.
With over 30 years of industr y experience in the Hospitality sector The Bowden Group s Managing Consultant
David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements:
Profitability, Operational Strateg y, Staff Management, Marketing and The Future of your business
David will also be on hand to give you extra (and this can be without any extra charge) suppor t through our Sprowts4Mentoring system, to analyse , ever y single week, your business performance figures giving you weekly analysis and concise repor ts, with appropriate guidance , to optimise your business’s Sales, Profitability and Staff Management PROFITABILITY & OPERATIONS
Our exper ts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business
The largest overhead even higher than Cost of Sales is the Labour cost, so, with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business
And YES Covid19 changed a lot of things We need to learn from those things!
Right now we are experiencing massive increases in the cost of the raw materials that we buy both Food and Drink We will take that fully into consideration When was the last time that you fully and meticulously costed out and priced correctly, ever y dish on your menu both Food and Drinks?
Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter, your
Restaurant Consultant, will work on with you, and improve with you MANAGING PEOPLE
Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From
‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management Motivation guidance and Development
We have a ver y good record in helping Hospitality business owners to implement processes that improve how they manage their people which in turn benefits the owners as well as the Team Members themselves
We can help you to manage difficult people situations, to improve your operational planning, to recruit, train and manage your team better, creating a more productive , pleasant and ‘’retaining’’ working environment
We will help you build a workable planned Marketing Strateg y We don t do fancy posh or expensive we just recommend what our experience says will actually work for your business
It’s no longer enough to rely on word-of-mouth and repeat business You need to employ a wealth of skills in a number of areas to ensure that your Marketing is attracting new customers and engaging with existing customers
From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing Websites eMail Marketing and online adver tising to print design, Promotions and offline adver tising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’
If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better, give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a ‘’Free of Charge’’ initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer) when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you
• Purc hasing new cater ing equipment or anything else which your business needs
Our flexibility means we will tr y and look beyond your credit histor y when assessing your application and instead, we will consider whether your business has the potential to deliver solid and sustained growth
If you d like to find out how much finance you qualify for, www.capify.co.uk/hospitality-fund
You'll be taken to Capify s website , where you can get a no-obligation quote within minutes You'll also be able to find out more information about the business loan and the unique and straightforward repayments
To find out more www capify co uk/hospitality-fund or call us on 0800 151 0980 to speak to one of our specialist finance sale team
The Grey Walls pub and hotel on Elleray Road in Windermere , a year-round Lake District top tourist destination, is being offered to experienced operators to lease with the benefit of a major £750,000 investment
Extensive staff accommodation and parking, a rarity in this prime location, and multiple income stream potential make The Grey Walls an appealing commercial oppor tunity
Heineken-owned Star Pubs & Bars plans for The Grey Walls will transform the tired premises into a premium local with a reputation for great food and drink, filling a gap in the market It will also have 10 ensuite letting bedrooms and a newly refurbished two-bedroom manag-
er s flat alongside its plentiful staff accommodation and parking
The proposed works, which the new operator would have input into, would involve a top-to-toe redecoration of the pub giving it a more modern countr y look and feel and creating seating for over 200
Inside , upgrades will include new lighting, flagstones and hand sawn wide timber floorboards, a new bar with overhead gantr y, retro style leather armchairs and rustic wooden tables and chairs An open through fire with woodburner will demark the pub’s two trading areas and create a greater sense of space
Outside , the pub façade will be redecorated in more contemporar y black and grey colours with new signage and lighting completing the look The front of the pub will also benefit from a new alfresco café style eating and dining area The large beer garden at the rear of the pub will also be upgraded with new timber furniture Planting and festoon lighting will add to the ambience
Other changes will include a new commercial kitchen and upgrade of the customer toilets, a new hotel reception area, renovation of the cellar and installation of the latest dispense technolog y which improves the quality and consistency of draft beer and cider The Smar t Dispense System’s unique cooling technolog y and line insulation from keg to tap is 20% more energ y efficient than standard systems, keeping cider and beer colder
Says Star Pubs & Bars Area Manager, Rick Rose-Coulthard: “The Grey Walls is all about location, facilities and an oppor tunity to be par t of one the UK’s top staycation locations It is right in the centre of beautiful Windermere in the Lake District National Park one of the UK’s leading tourist destinations Even better, it is only 200 meters from
Windermere train station and has parking, so is perfect for both local and tourist trade With competition for staff, the extensive staff accommodation is a real bonus, especially as this is a rarity locally
“There is a great oppor tunity for the right operator to capitalise on the current lack of premium, destination food-led pubs in the area They will need to have run a good food pub before and preferably have hotel experience
Anyone interested in finding out more about leasing The Grey Walls can see fur ther details by visiting www.starpubs.co.uk/pubs/greywalls-windermere