CLH Digital - Issue #157

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Soaring food costs are creating an unsustainable trading environment for the UK hospitality and licensed on trade sector, as figures released this week reveal that while inflation declined marginally in March, it still remains at over 10%, according to consumer price index data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), with food and drink prices continuing to increase at the fastest rate the nation has seen in 45 years This marginal decline in the rate of inflation was offset by inflationar y increases in the food and non-alcoholic beverage categor y, which saw increases of 19 2%, up from 18 2% in the year to Februar y 2023 - the highest level since August 1977 The largest contributor to the rise in food inflation was bread and cereals, for which average prices rose by 19 4% in the year to March 2023 Prices are also rising in restaurants and cafés, where the annual inflation rate was 10 4% in the year to March 2023, although that was down slightly from 11 4% in Februar y 2023 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 )
Inflation Reaches Record

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital

I attended a ver y interesting seminar earlier this week held in London by research and insight agency KAM In these increasingly competitive and challenging times there were some rather interesting key takeaways! 88% of people and when this is applied to generation Z (those born between 1995 and 2010) it rises to 97%, want pubs and bars to provide an experience that they cannot get at home

I don t think that is par ticularly rocket science ! People do seek the hospitality sector, be that a pub/bar restaurant or hotel, for a variety of reasons, however the pandemic and the subsequent economic fallout has meant that people are cutting back and enjoying less nights out

So, wanting an experience that you cannot get at home is vital The good news is that many consumers from all age groups would prefer to spend money on “experiences” as compared to physical goods

And this is where the research gets rather interesting Whether a customer has a memorable experience at your establishment is “totally down to you ” According to the research 60% of customers believe it is the pub/bar’s responsibility to ensure they have a memorable experience when they visit

Quality of beer figured highly in the research, with three in four people saying the quality of beer is impor tant to their overall experience Many punters follow a two strikes and you ’ re out” rule , meaning that two bad pints at a pub and they are gone Fur thermore 82% of them will tell other people

When striving for quality other factors, including bar cleanliness, glassware , “the pour ” , “the ser ve ” , cellar management, are all-impor tant when striving for overall quality

But for me , differentiating between out-of-home experiences and social occasions enjoyed at home is a challenge for the sector Customers may come out less often, but when they do they want better than they get at home

This is something we here at CLH News hope to expand on in the coming weeks We are coming into the sector’s busiest period - Summer - and we are looking to provide some really good advice guidance and best practice on what you can offer customers that they cannot get at home!

That said, in these challenging times I was delighted to see research from Zonal which

reveal that Easter bookings were up 14% Brunch was the biggest winner up a staggering 98% on 2022

Generally an ad hoc spur of the moment mealtime enjoyed between mid-morning and late afternoon From what I can gather, its not quite breakfast, not quite lunch The late morning to mid-afternoon tradition of brunch has existed in some form since the end of the nineteenth centur y Star ting in England in the 1890s, reaching a peak in popularity in 1930s as it spread to the United States

This appears to be another wonderful oppor tunity to get the tills ringing I can remember repor ting 13 years ago when Wetherspoons first opted to open for breakfast, ser ving a staggering 400,000 breakfast and 600,000 coffees each week I don’t know what they are ser ving now but I suspect it will be a lot more!

I have to confess it’s something that never even entered my head back in the 80s and 90s when I had my wine bar restaurant here in Bournemouth Those were the days of rigid opening hours - 12 o ’clock – 3 30pm 7 o ’clock- “until late”

Pity really, and I could probably kick myself, since it is now a really impor tant market enjoying a real boom A sociable indulgence event that can be enjoyed with family and friends on your own or par t of business meetings and research reveals that it is a great way of securing repeat custom

We would be ver y interested in any comments you have regarding how the introduction of brunch ideas have taken off in your establishment, so please do email me edit@catererlicensee com

One more thing! Once again I would ask the favour - we want more Twitter followers! So please do follow us on Twitter and encourage as many people you know in the trade to subscribe to our digital issue Fur ther details can be seen at www catererlicensee com

The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House , Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team Whilst ever y care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom All rights reser ved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised

Published by PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House , Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 FAX: 01202 552666 sales@catererlicensee com www CLHNews co uk @CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES David Bar tlett Guy Stephenson PRODUCTION & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox Published by Editor's Viewpoint
2 CLH Digital Issue 157
EDITOR Peter Adams

Foodservice Inflation Reaches Record 45-Year High



UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “It’s becoming increasingly concerning that we ’ re not seeing inflation decrease as quickly as many hoped par ticularly when business costs are experiencing inflation far higher than the 10 1% released by the Office for National Statistics today

“We saw just last week that food ser vice price inflation remains over 20% and new research shows that the price pubs paid for food rose three times quicker than their menu prices

“Hospitality businesses are doing all they can to shield consumers from price rises, which means they’ve absorbed as much cost as they can, but that is becoming unsustainable for many

“Our sector can help the Government achieve its aims of halving inflation if it is given a helping hand by the Government to ease recruitment challenges and energ y suppliers are reigned in so energ y costs are able to fall I would strongly urge it to do so and harness the power of hospitality to create employment and economic growth, and reduce inflation ”


Sam Mar tin, CEO of Peckwater Brands said: “Today’s CPI figures show an encouraging downward trend in inflation, but many business owners will worr y that they might not sur vive this period before things go back to normal Foodser vice price inflation remains over 20% leaving hospitality businesses at great risk

The triple threat of high inflation, rising energ y costs and staff shor tages has seen pubs and restaurants shutting at an alarming rate , with closure rates higher than pandemic-hit 2021 Indeed, a third of UK hospitality businesses are at risk of closure in the next 12 months “Hospitality is a vital provider of employment and a major driver for

the economy; something needs to be done to help businesses cope with the challenges of energ y and food prices Times are harder than ever for consumers, but I hope communities will come out in suppor t of their local businesses and that most of our nation’s pubs, cafes and restaurants will make it through unscathed ”


Research by KPMG UK revealed the scale of reduction in consumer spending so far in 2023 indicating how households may respond if they no longer receive energ y bill suppor t payments from April

Half of consumers sur veyed by KPMG as par t of its Consumer Pulse sur vey said they would cut non-essential spend, while a third would use savings to help meet energ y costs, should they no longer receive bills suppor t payments

The same propor tion of consumers said they would have also taken the same actions – had the Government not extended the energ y price guarantee from April

So far in 2023, 55% of consumers have reduced their non-essential spending, with the cost of utilities bills cited as being their biggest barrier to spending more income or savings on discretionar y items in the next three months

Linda Ellett, UK Head of Consumer Markets, Retail and Leisure for KPMG said: “Already in 2023 over half of the consumers that we spoke with have reduced their non-essential spend Buying behaviour also continues to change as shoppers look to lower costs – including switching to discounters, buying more own brand and value produce , and searching out promotional prices ”

When asked about their buying behaviour when shopping so far this year, the 3,000 consumers sur veyed said they were:

• Buying more own brand/value: 37%

• Buying more promotion/discount items: 36%

• Spending more time looking for bargains: 33%

• Buying fewer items: 33%

• Sw tc hing brands: 31%

• Sw tc hing to c heaper retailer s: 29%

• Buying from multiple stores: 29%

• Spending more on credit: 11%


A third of consumers sur veyed repor ted using their savings to help meet their essential costs Two thirds with savings say they don’t currently need to use savings for this The average amount of savings in the bank among the group was £7,744

Among those with savings, 41% are yet to purchase any big ticket items so far this year – with 34% saying they won’t do so in the rest of 2023 either Among those who have spent savings on major purchases so far this year, home improvements were the most common spend (for 22% of people) Home improvements is also the most common savings spending intention for the rest of the year (for a third of people), followed by a holiday (for a quar ter)

Linda Ellett added: “With so many households squeezed by higher prices, a third of consumers with savings are using them to help meet their essential costs, while 40% didn’t make any major purchases using savings so far in 2023 Appetite for major purchase spending does still exist for the rest of the year though amongst two-thirds of consumers with savings But unlocking that spend will be dependent on whether and when essential costs stop rising ”

Overall feeling of financial security so far in 2023 is largely balanced among consumers – with 25% feeling more secure than when the year began, 29% feeling less secure , and 45% feeling the same as they did when the year began

Issue 157 CLH Digital 3

Should the Catering Industry Go Cashless?

Over the past few years, there’s been plenty of debate from owners of pubs, bars and restaurants as to whether they should go completely cashless This comes as the shift away from cash has accelerated, par ticularly in urban hubs More often, consumers are choosing to pay with cards or via contactless methods such as Apple Pay These types of cashless, digital payments offer plenty of benefits, but going completely cashless may not be right for ever y business

While cashless payments are generally touted as a more convenient way for customers to pay, they do require an up-front investment in point-of-sale (POS) systems to accept them Once you get past that investment - and by now most businesses have - cashless payments can help bars, pubs and restaurants streamline their business operations and, ultimately, increase their sales


Digital payments enable the easiest and fastest checkout experience for customers, increasing customer satisfaction for ever yone who walks in the door Most people want to pay for their items quickly using a credit card or their mobile device , and as a result, they may not even be carr ying cash Not to mention many consumers perceive cashless options to be a more hygienic way to pay, especially post-pandemic

A customer who makes it all the way to a purchase point, only to find out that they’ll need to visit an ATM to make a payment, is only going to be dissatisfied and perhaps less likely to return

Accepting digital payments also may reduce the number of staff needed to operate the till, which can provide

crucial relief at a time when many businesses are facing staff shor tages


Cash and coins may seem fool proof, but believe it or not, cashless payments may actually be the best option from a security perspective Any business that’s holding onto cash is subject to loss theft damage and human accounting errors Not only is it difficult to track its movement once cash is gone there is no way to recoup it Cashless payments, on the other hand, are usually protected by banks and cybersecurity measures, protecting both consumers and businesses


Finally, since cashless payments are logged at the point of sale , they can provide a more accurate and transparent record for both business owners and their customers This type of data can be helpful in dealing with chargebacks and fraud claims, and analysing transaction trends

POS systems used to accept cashless payment options can also be integrated with business management tools These tools can provide actionable business insights such as real-time data on sales and revenue , and can facilitate inventor y management, the identification of customer trends and purchasing habits, and loyalty programmes

The shift away from cash is only set to continue , so it’s essential that businesses keep pace with the changing payment expectations of their customers However, it’s not only customers that benefit For bars, pubs and restaurants accepting cashless payments can be the first step toward streamlining operations and increasing sales

While the benefits of going fully cashless are clear there are drawbacks too including fees for accepting credit cards and the potential loss of sales from cash-preferred customers The best solution for many is to adopt a hybrid approach, accepting a variety of different payment options, including cash This option covers the entire customer base and ensures those who still prefer cash are not left behind Modern POS solutions allow businesses to accept payments however their customers want to pay, collating and actioning customer data, saving time and ultimately increasing sales

Redesigned Prison Restaurant Set to Reopen Next Month

Hospitality interior design agency DesignLSM is strategically designing a new restaurant and training space within HMP Berwyn Prison, located in Wales, in collaboration with the charity, The Right Course and the training provider, NOVUS Cambria

The inspiring charity founded by Fred Sirieix seeks to transform prison staff canteens into high street-like restaurants, which are run by prisoners, providing them with a valuable oppor tunity to gain industr y-recognised qualifications and experience The charity seeks to elevate aspirations of inmates by increasing their prospects of employment after their release

Following DesignLSM’s successful refurbishment of the staff canteen at HMP Wormwood Scrubs in 2021 which was officially opened by London s Mayor Sadiq Khan, the agency is working on their latest project to deliver an exceptional and inspiring training facility space once again

Joining forces in launching an employment campaign to address

the staff shor tages in hospitality, Only A Pavement Away (OAPA) charity and Fred Sirieix have teamed up with restaurant brands such as DesignLSM’s long-term client, GAUCHO, who have since employed a graduate at one of their prestigious steak restaurants

With the prison project due to be open in May 2023, DesignLSM team are focusing on delivering a space that facilitates learning, whilst ensuring the design works with the existing incoming ser vices and architecture of the building

“Continuing our suppor t of this fantastic initiative , DesignLSM are thrilled to be bringing their exper tise of strategic planning and immersive design to this exciting project The Right Course are not only having an incredibly positive impact on the lives of inmates but they are also tackling the ever-present struggle in hospitality staffing that we are facing with many of our clients We are ver y proud to be involved ” Holly Hallam, Managing Director, DesignLSM

Only a Week to Go Until Food & Drink Expo

Doors to Food & Drink Expo open next week at the NEC , Birmingham (24th – 26th April)

Opening its doors as par t of the UK Food & Drink Shows, the flagship event for the food and drink industr y will offer visitors an unrivalled oppor tunity to see the latest trends, products and challenges set to shape the sector in 2023 and beyond


With over 180 products at Food & Drink Expo stamped with the Innovation seal of approval, the show is set to be a hotbed of new and exciting product launches Take Cutwater Spirits, founded on a mission to provide quality cocktails in a can Their three flavours – Lime Margarita, Passionfruit Mojito and Rum Mint Mojito – will be launching on Stand P198 Meanwhile Polaris Elements Limited (Stand H180) will be showcasing their state-of-the-ar t EPOS and payment device mPay – designed to speed up ser vice and eliminate human error

Find out more here


With over 200 exhibitors expected on the show floor, there’s going to be a real wealth of products on display Belvoir Fruit Farms Ltd (Stand K278) Chaucer Foods Limited (Stand J279) Food & Drink Federation

(Stand H209), Meadow Vale Foods (Stand J231), and Radnor Hills Mineral Water (Stand P220) are just a handful of the brands preparing to showcase their wares at the show in April See the full list of exhibitors here


A speaker line-up including industr y heavyweights such as Kate Nicholls, OBE, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, Marisa Heath, CEO of the Plant-Based Food Alliance , Karen Betts, CEO of the Food and Drink Federation and Will Shu, CEO & Founder of Deliveroo, will be taking to The Grocer Live Stage to discuss and engage with many of the complex issues facing the industr y today Q&A sessions at the end of each panel discussion will also allow visitors the opportunity to tap into our speakers’ specialist knowledge with their own burning questions See the full line up of speakers and seminars here

The UK Food & Drink Shows are a product of the award-winning team at William Reed Register now: https://food-drink-expo-2023 reg buzz/

4 CLH Digital Issue 157

Crunch-Time for Eating and Drinking Out Market as Consumers Seek Affordable Options

Weekly eating and drinking out frequency in the UK has declined by -6 7% year-on-year, according to the latest repor t from Lumina Intelligence s Eating and Drinking Out Panel The decline comes as consumers alter their behaviour in response to the current cost of living crisis The total market penetration has increased by +2ppts to 57% of UK adults having an eating or drinking out occasion in the 4 weeks ending 19 March 2023 The growth reflects more consumers returning to pre-pandemic norms, including commuting and working away from home highlighting that more consumers are having eating and drinking out occasions but are doing so less frequently

When consumers are having occasions they are opting for lower spend visits The repor t highlights that the dinner day-par t has seen a decline in occasion share by-1 4ppts year-on-year, with all other day-par ts benefiting This shift is par tly driven by the recover y in daytime occasions, as more consumers are out and about during the day, as well as a consumer effor t to reduce out of home occasions at the most expensive day-par t

This realignment of day-par t shares has impacted average spend growth, which is just +2 6%, notably behind

inflation figures Consumers are becoming more price-sensitive and are seeking more affordable options when dining out The repor t also reveals that restaurants have failed to attract a notable boost in occasions, even with the occurrence of Mother’s Day during the 2023 data period The restaurant channel share of occasions has declined by -0 8ppts year-on-year, with retail increasing its share of occasions by +1 7ppts to 13 4% Retail’s increase reflects growth in the propor tion of consumers seeking out affordable and on-the-go food and drinks out of home

Commenting on the findings, Senior Insight Manager Katherine Prowse said:

“The cost-of-living crisis is having a notable impact on the eating and drinking out market Consumers are adjusting their behaviour and seeking more affordable options when out, resulting in a decline in average spend growth and a shift in day-par t shares Restaurants, in par ticular, are facing challenges in attracting customers, as retail continues to grow its share of occasions These insights provide valuable information to operators in the market, allowing them to adapt their offerings and strategies to meet changing consumer needs and behaviours ”

Star Pubs & Bars Agrees Settlement with PCA

The Pubs Code Adjudicator (PC A) and Star Pubs & Bars Ltd (Star) announce that they have reached a settlement which brings to an end the litigation between them in the High Cour t Star had challenged the imposition and amount of a financial penalty of £2 million imposed by the PC A following findings of breaches of the Pubs Code

On 14 October 2020 the PC A issued an investigation repor t which found that Star had breached the Pubs Code Star accepts that it breached the Pubs Code in the manner set out in the investigation repor t

The PC A made 8 binding recommendations to Star aimed at improving processes and governance and overall compliance with the Pubs


Star has fully co-operated with the PC A and has implemented these recommendations for the benefit of all of its tenants Star has taken significant steps to reform its processes in order to achieve compliance with the Pubs Code

The PC A and Star have now agreed to settle all outstanding litigation connected to the investigation repor t and financial penalty As par t of this settlement the financial penalty set out in the penalty notice has been reduced from £2 million to £1 25 million and Star will pay a contribution to the PC A’s legal costs involved in the litigation Separately, Star will also pay a contribution to the PC A’s costs of conducting the investigation, which resulted in the repor t and penalty notice

The PC A and Star consider settlement of this litigation will help to facilitate the positive regulator y relationship between them building on Star’s constructive work in respect of compliance , to the benefit of the tied pub industr y

Issue 157 CLH Digital 5 RECONDITIONED & SECOND USER CATERING EQUIPMENT • TOASTERS • STAINLESS STEEL SINKS & TABLING • • W e have a comprehensive range of Re-conditioned Catering Equipment in stock • W e can supply most of the markets leading names in New Equipment at competitive prices Full Service & Instal ation facilities by fully qualified engineers • W e can also supply modular fridge & freezer rooms • MICROWAVES • EXTRACTION CANOPIES • C O O K E R S • I C E M A C H I N E S • F R Y E R S • S L I C E R S D I S H W A S H E R S • G L A S S W A S H E R S • R E F R I G E R A T I O N EKE EQUIPMENT LIMITED Telephone with enquiries: Tel: 01273 492488 Email: kingedwards@ btconnect com Mobile: 07860 274243

Retention In Hospitality: Building An Attractive And Engaging Work Environment

by many hospitality businesses and give the oppor tunity to develop and build a career whilst working These coupled with internal development programmes can see quick progression from entr y level roles to management positions

The oppor tunity for a rewarding and fruitful career is plenty, with entr y level roles star ting at £22k and rising to £60-80k plus for a general manager, so it’s crucial to make the oppor tunities for progression and earning potential clear to candidates

Working in hospitality doesn’t just mean working in the traditional roles of in restaurants or kitchens whilst these roles are critical to the operation there are also oppor tunities in central functions like marketing, sales, finance , or HR


50% more likely to stay on in their job

To encourage retention within the crucial first three months, it’s also impor tant to show an honest picture of the job at recruitment stage This could be showing the inter viewee a room a guest has left or getting them to obser ve a busy breakfast shift As with any job, it comes with its challenges, so employers should avoid selling the dream at inter view stage


The hospitality industr y is coming out of a difficult period, with Brexit and a global pandemic having led to staff shor tages and a loss of key skills across the industr y This has forced businesses to dig deep to recover Having the right recruitment and retention strateg y in place is crucial Employers in hospitality can reap the benefits of a people first approach, with improved productivity and overall job satisfaction leading to increased retention and an attractive work environment


Whilst hospitality can get a bad rep, it’s impor tant to shout about the positives of the industr y when it comes to attracting candidates The flexible hours for example mean a great work-life balance – gone are the days of working 100-hour weeks This can work around family commitments or studying, and even allow for shor ter weeks

Educational pathways such as apprenticeships and T levels are offered

Having a jampacked CV filled with experience and qualifications shouldn’t be the priority for jobs in hospitality, instead it’s impor tant to look for people who fit the culture of your business Seek candidates that show the right attitude A key thing to look for is the care gene Will they smile and say “good morning” to a guest? Will they catch the eye of a customer at a busy bar and let them know they’re next?

These small traits are things that you can’t train but looking for them at inter view stage will ensure a successful working relationship later down the line


It’s estimated that around 30% of hospitality workers leave in the first 90 days because the job isn’t what they expected, or they didn’t have the right training for the role The best way to combat this is through clear communication and employee engagement It can be as simple as ensuring that a staff member has the right uniform and knows where the canteen is on their first day If you can keep an employee for 90 days, they’re

Improving retention is a process that must be constantly assessed If someone leaves in their probationar y period, hold an exit inter view with them find out where the gaps are and take action to make it better When new team members star t, take it back to basics – make them feel welcomed by finding out how they take their tea, or their favourite chocolate bar – these things will make them feel valued Ensure that they have an open forum on their first week to air any issues, assign them a buddy to shadow on shift and get to know them on a human level This will help them engage with the business in those first crucial 90 days, creating a culture of belonging which makes for a low churn rate in retention

Prioritising people is the best way to increase those all-impor tant retention rates in hospitality Assess what the first 90 days look like for a new star ter make sure they have oppor tunities for one-to-one time with a manager to discuss concerns, ensure they understand what the job entails upfront and take stock of this on a regular basis If someone does want to leave their role hold an exit inter view and look at areas to improve next time

With such a huge par t of the UK s workforce being employed in hospitality, there is a responsibility for employers to work with their employees to make it a rewarding career path that consistently attracts the best talent

Greene King Relic from Abandoned Coronation to be Auctioned for Charity

Bottles of a rare ‘Coronation Ale’, originally brewed to commemorate the Coronation of King Edward VIII in 1937, are being put up for auction by leading pub company and brewer Greene King

The rare beer has been lying in storage in the Greene King cellar following the abandoned Coronation almost 86 years ago, after the prospective King abdicated the throne on 10th December 1936, before the event could take place

To celebrate the upcoming Coronation of King Charles III, several crates of the unear thed beer will be auctioned off on 5thMay, with all proceeds going to the charity founded by King Charles III, The Prince’s Trust The trust aims to suppor t young people aged 11-30 from disadvantaged communities to develop essential life skills

In 2020, Greene King announced a five-year commitment plan with The Prince’s Trust with the ambition to suppor t 1000 young people into its workforce and lift the percentage of young people from minority ethnic backgrounds entering the business The pub company and brewer also donated £20,000 to The Prince s Trust Young Persons Relief Fund at the star t of the coronavirus pandemic

As par t of the auction process, Greene King is working alongside renowned Royal Historian and author, Professor Kate Williams, to delve into the histor y behind the cancelled coronation

Royal historian and author, Professor Kate Williams said: “It is absolutely fascinating that these beers have been lying in the cellar for 86 years, having originally been brewed to celebrate the Coronation of Edward VIII on 12th May 1937

“We know that when Edward succeeded his father as King in Januar y 1936, there was already doubt in his mind that he wanted to proceed, due to his relationship with Wallis Simpson At the time , members of the Royal Family weren’t permitted to marr y divorcees, and this clearly weighed on his mind

“The elaborate Coronation preparations took over a year to arrange , but by the time the event came around he had already abdicated, leaving the ceremony, and these celebrator y beers, redundant ”

The beers were originally found in 2011 when work was under taken in the south yard cellars of the impressive brewer y site but have since been left untouched The original recipe was 12% ABV and had a rich fruit flavour using Barley & English hops

Jack Palmer Head Brewer at Greene King said: “We know a thing or two about being a King and there’s nothing like a Royal event to bring the nation together, with thousands of Brits across the UK due to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III in their local pub next month We ve been brewing beer for over 200 years and creating special brews, such as the 1937 and the 2023 coronation ales, means we can capture moments in histor y to share with generations fur ther down the line ”

Girbau UK Launches Under Counter Washers and Dryers

Known for its robust commercial and industrial laundr y equipment, Girbau UK has launched its first professional grade Under Counter washers and dr yers that fit underneath standard 900mm height counters Both machines combine energ y efficiency ease of use and compact size with high quality, durable construction making them ideal for hospitality applications

The new Under Counter washer’s stainless steel Active Drum™ has hourglass lifters that guide loads to gentler central areas for better load balance and reduced wear on delicate items It is available with a choice of 6kg or 8kg capacity with either a pump or gravity drain All

models have a 180-degree opening door for easy loading and unloading

Quiet long-life operation is assured by the washer s sturdy Quattro™ construction with durable shock absorbers that allow vir tually vibration-free high-speed spinning The washer features cast iron stabilisers for higher spin speeds, better water extraction and increased spin efficiency It has an easy-to-use LCD user interface and 28 flexible programs including disinfection, mop, microfibre , allerg y settings and three customisable programs It also comes with in-built ser vice diagnostics and a delayed star t function

The Under Counter dr yer can also be stacked on top of the washer to save space The 6kg capacity model is available in both condenser and vented versions and the 8kg model is vented The Sensi Dr y system automatically determines the right dr ying time , saving energ y and assuring fabric care Its auto programs save energ y as the running time is automatically adjusted according to load size and the required dr yness

Butterfly dr ying ™ tumbling in a figure of eight movement, non-stop in one direction stops clothes from bundling and ensures long life durability of the motor and belt The lint filter has an automatic indicator to remind users to clean it for energ y efficiency and safety

The dr yer ’ s memor y function remembers the last program used including any chosen settings, so if nothing needs to change , you can simply press star t for the next load

The new under counter washer and dr yer are available to order from Girbau UK

Visit www girbau com

6 CLH Digital Issue 157
Ben Gabbitas , Talent and Resourcing Director at Valor Hospitality ( how hospitality provider s can attract the best candidates , and retain them.

Ofgem Moving at Glacial Pace, but Urgent Action Needed to Save Businesses

Ofgem’s lack of urgency in enforcing a fair and sustainable energ y market for business customers is putting hundreds of thousands of businesses in villages, towns and cities across the UK at risk of failure due to the unacceptable conduct of energ y suppliers, the trade association which represents pubs and brewers has cautioned

Following news that Ofgem has introduced measures to protect some domestic customers from the forced installation of pre-payment meters, the trade association has noted that the regulator is not moving fast enough to introduce measures to save millions of businesses from failure in the coming months

The call follows a string of similar aler ts in recent days by business groups representing ever y industr y from corner stores to hairdressers, with the Association insisting that Ofgem must step in and instruct suppliers to offer renegotiations of contracts for businesses

With just weeks to go until energ y bills come in at the increased rate since Government suppor t fell away on 1 April, the BBPA is insisting Ofgem act now or risk businesses in key sectors in ever y par t of the UK closing in the coming weeks and months

A call for evidence was launched by Ofgem earlier this year requesting feedback from non-domestic energ y users to identify potential failures in the mar-

ket, any statutor y changes are not due to be implemented until winter of this year

Emma McClarkin Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association: “The alarm has been raised for months and in the next few weeks we will see just how severe the damage to pubs and brewers and thousands of other valued high street businesses is due to this energ y crisis

“Ofgem’s failure to adequately regulate energ y suppliers who are profiteering at the expense of small businesses and domestic customers alike is astonishing Swathes of community-minded, cherished businesses will be wiped out and high streets decimated if nothing is done

“The fact they’ve stepped in to protect domestic customers shows it can act on misconduct but is doing ver y little to respond quickly to the hundreds of examples provided by our industr y and others of unfair charges and unacceptable behaviour by energ y suppliers to business customers

“At the ver y least, renegotiation of contracts must be offered to those businesses who were forced to sign up to extor tionate tariffs and are now completely unable to afford the costs following the reduction in energ y suppor t from Government ”

Issue 157 CLH Digital 7
Read all the latest news from the licensed industr y at www.catererlicensee .com @CLHNews www facebook com/catererlicensee

The Great British Railway: A Route To Modern-Day Ecotourism

From Paddington Bear to ‘The Thir ty-Nine Steps’ Britain’s winding rail routes have ser ved as the setting for many of the literar y world’s greatest adventures Even today, social media s stor ytellers, such as Francis Bourgeois, continue to inspire a new generation to appreciate rail And rightly so Britain’s railways offer a ride through diverse landscapes and plenty of adventures as Great Western Railway has done a fantastic job of showcasing in its ‘Famous Five’ adver tising campaign

While Depar tment for Transpor t data shows that rail accounted for just 1% of journeys made in the UK in 2021, sentiment towards train travel is changing as travellers seek out sustainable ways to explore the world Indeed according to Responsible Travel slow travel holidays saw the greatest spike of any trip type last year with enquiring up by more than 220% With rail perfect for those seeking a slower, more scenic route to their destination, passenger numbers are bound to increase in the coming years and establishments will need to adver tise their accessibility in order to attract this growing demographic


From the London Underground’s Victorian tunnels to the West Highland Railway Line , which winds through Scotland’s pristine landscapes travelling onboard Britain’s rail network can often feel like stepping back in time Yet, it also offers a solution to one of modern day travel’s biggest challenges: sustainability

With 64% of all UK tourists seeking green travel options, travelling by rail produces as much as 70% less harmful emissions than travelling by car, according to the Depar tment for Transpor t With an established network of lines stretching to even the most remote of locations rail offers an efficient route to modern-day ecotourism Even Burgh Island which finds itself cut off from the mainland is only a train journey (and a sea tractor) away


Scrutiny of our travel habits is often focused on flight Air travel is by far the most eco-costly mode of transpor t, generating 157kg of CO2 per passenger However, the impact of travelling by car shouldn’t be overlooked Emitting an average of 213g of CO2 per mile a single trip from central London to Burgh Island would generate approximately 49 8kg of emissions Rail, on the other hand, produces just 68g per mile , or 16kg to take the same trip to Devon s idyllic coastline

At Burgh Island, we pride ourselves on offering a stay that is not only friendly to our guests, but also to our planet All of our produce is sourced from within a 30-mile radius and we power our hotel using a solar array, but our effor ts to promote sustainability must go beyond our own four walls Burgh Island Hotel would not be the establishment that

it is without the rolling green hills and cr ystal blue waters that surround it As hoteliers, we have a responsibility to encourage sustainable forms of transpor t not only to attract the growing number of eco-tourists venturing through our doors, but because we owe so much to the natural world


According to Booking com, 81% of global travellers state sustainability is impor tant to them and 57% would feel better staying in accommodation with strong environmental credentials Hotels simply must make sustainability a par t of their business in order to sur vive

Yet even for those establishments where it’s not a top priority rail accessibility should be In recent years, the number of 16 to 25 year olds with full driving licences has fallen to a record low of under three million In stark contrast British rail travel is booming with average passenger numbers over the past decade 60% higher than they were in the late 1990s With fewer young people behind the wheel, hotels located off of public transpor t’s beaten path will likely find themselves inaccessible to younger guests in the year ’ s ahead


By now, the vast majority of hospitality businesses understand the impor tance of sustainable practices, but implementing them is a different matter Many may not be able to cover the bill to modify buildings for energ y-efficiency and installing renewable energ y systems at this current time but by encouraging the use of our established railways, hotels can still open their doors to the growing number of ecotourists

Crieff Hydro Welcomes Classic Car Event in Aid of Veterans Charity

MOTORING fans were treated to a dazzling display of classic and supercars at the weekend (15 April 2023), as an impressive convoy of vehicles descended on Crieff Hydro Hotel for a charity event

The event – organised by Mark Ryan from Driving Scotland in aid of veterans charity Erskine – saw more than 40 automotive gems travel by police escor t from the For th Bridges in South Queensferr y to Knockhill Racing Circuit, before arriving at the iconic Per thshire resor t on Saturday afternoon

Dozens of veterans and their families were given the chance to ride in a vast selection of vehicles including the latest Ferrari 296 GTB and Bentley Bentayga, before being treated to lunch and refreshments at the hotel

Erskine volunteer Zee Bremnar said: “Our veterans are truly the most magnificent people , and it was so rewarding to see so many of their happy, smiling faces on the day

“We want to say a huge thank you to ever yone involved, especially Mark from Driving Scotland, all the

drivers, the team at Knockhill Racing Circuit and staff Crieff Hydro Hotel

“It truly was a really special day ”

Stephen Leckie , CEO of Crieff Hydro Hotel, said: “We were proud to welcome veterans who are in the care of Erskine to Crieff Hydro on Saturday for what was a fantastic event, suppor ting a wor thwhile charity who go above and beyond for those who use its ser vice and their families ”

The event was also suppor ted by luxur y car retailers Bentley Edinburgh and Graypaul Ferrari Edinburgh as well as mobile caterers

The Bonny Bean

Mark Ryan from Driving Scotland added: “It was an honour to arrange a memorable day out for our veterans and residents and their families from the Erskine Charity

“We owe such a great debt to so many of our militar y personnel and we all wanted to provide a great day out

Cameron House Hotel Appoints Allan Wilson as General Manager as it Celebrates 200th Anniversary

One of Scotland s leading luxur y hotels, Cameron House , has appointed Allan Wilson as General Manager as it enters a highly anticipated period of the resor t’s histor y, celebrating its 200th anniversar y this year

Allan joins Cameron House from his previous position as Hotel Manager at IHG voco Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow, where he was responsible for overseeing all operational depar tments, playing a vital role in re-opening and re-launching the hotel as a voco brand

A driven, and ambitious leader, Glaswegian born Allan began his career in hospitality as a waiter-turned-chef at the early age of 17 before working his way up the ranks in various operational and front-of-house positions across several world-renowned hotel brands including Macdonald, Hilton and Radisson Blu

On his new position, Allan commented: I have always regarded Cameron House as being at the pinnacle of the finest hospitality in Scotland It’s a dream come true to work at the countr y ’ s most treasured and historical hotels alongside an inspiring and talented team of professionals ” Allan possesses a strong leadership ethic driven by respect, honesty, trust, commitment in pride , the latter he pays par ticular attention to as he takes a hands-on approach to mentoring the hotel’s 600 strong hospitality team He continues: “I’m ver y much a people person and I am driven by nur turing talent To me , our staff are our biggest asset as they deliver exceptional standards of ser vice and warmth of Scottish hospitality I couldn’t be prouder to lead one of the Scotland’s most renowned hotels at a time in the hotel’s future Cameron House has a rich heritage and incredibly loyal employees, and to be par t of its legacy is an exciting prospect ”

8 CLH Digital Issue 157

Brewers and Pubs Showcase Sustainability Ahead of World Earth Day

Ahead of World Ear th Day on 22 April UK brewers and pubs have come together at a parliamentar y event showcasing their business innovations designed to brew and ser ve cleaner, greener beer

Hosted by the British Beer and Pub Association, the parliamentar y event saw brewing and pub businesses showcase the steps their businesses have taken to reduce their environmental impact, and outline what more could be done by Government to fur ther their sustainability effor ts

Attended by MPs from across the political spectrum and businesses including Heineken, Molson Coors, Lucky Saint, Punch, Carlsberg, Adnams, ABinBev and Asahi, the showcase provided an impressive insight into the range of different actions pubs and breweries are taking in their journey to net zero Businesses showed how they were making investments in regenerative farming practices electric vehicles, and environmentally minded packaging to name a few The occasion was also an oppor tunity for MPs to hear directly from businesses on the extra oppor tunities that could be taken if the Government invested more in the sector’s sustainability initiatives

• Release potential for carbon reduction by providing funding opportunities for businesses

Addressing attendees Business Minister Kevin Hollinrake MP said:

“Pubs and breweries are at the hear t of our local areas, and I commend the steps they are taking to reduce their environmental impact for the benefit of the communities they ser ve

“The government is committed to making the UK a net zero economy by 2050, and it’s great to see the brilliant work being done by these businesses in suppor t of this goal

Speaking at the reception, Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association said:

“We are proud to be leading the way on sustainability with our brewers and pubs innovating and creating new ways to be even greener throughout their businesses



• Reduce complexity and costs of the environmental regulator y framework

• Resource the development of low carbon technologies through greater investment

Today s event is just a snippet of what our sector is coming together to achieve , instilling sustainability from grain to glass As an industr y we are making great strides but to meet targets and continue to strive for a greener future However, we also need investment and suppor t from Government to do even more , for example the delay to DRS to ensure it will work effectively is welcome and we look forward to working with policy-makers on this and other steps on our road to net zero ”

For more information and inspiration on how pubs and breweries are innovating in sustainability visit: brewinggreen org

Shepherd Neame Pub the Stag Inn Named a County Winner in Pub Awards

The Stag Inn in Hastings Old Town has been named a county winner in this year s National Pub and Bar Awards

The historic Shepherd Neame pub, which is run by licensee Nicole Holt and her husband Nick, was the winner in East Sussex alongside 93 other county winners across the countr y in the annual awards

They will all now go forward to the Grand Final of the awards in June , with a Regional and National award up for grabs The aim of these awards is to highlight the positive and inspiring work being carried out across the UK’s hospitality industr y

The news was a double whammy for the team as they were also notified in the same week that they had retained their AA Rosette for another year, after first receiving it last year

Licensee Nicole who has run the 16th centur y inn for the past five years, said: “We are really happy – the county award is a great achievement and as a reward we go forward to the next stage so fingers


Since taking the pub on, the pair and their team have thrown themselves into Hastings life , hosting traditional folk evenings and enter tainments like shanty evenings and a Januar y Wassail, then adding in comedy nights and live music from both local talent and visiting ar tists The Stag’s Head Chef Ben Cumberpatch also uses locally sourced ingredients compiled with extraordinar y attention to detail for his range of delicious dishes, which earned the pub a place in the Good Food Guide last year Hastings is a town known for vibrant local events, and the Stag team can be seen throughout the year dressed up for Mardi Gras, St Patrick’s Night, Jack-in-the-Green, Old Town Carnival and the Hastings Bonfire “We tr y to bring new ideas to the pub to attract visitors, as we ’ re not on the main High Street, but at the same time we like to be respectful of the town’s tradition and the special place this old building has in the hear ts of Hastings’ people , ” added Nicole

Issue 157 CLH Digital 9

Hotels In The Metaverse: The Future of Hospitality?

The term ‘metaverse’ loosely refers to a single , shared and immersive vir tual platform, accessible anytime from anywhere through the use of vir tual reality tools While it may typically align itself closer to the gaming or enter tainment industr y, this future iteration of the internet is star ting to attract interest from the hotel industr y; with big names like Marriott and Citizen M investing in web3, purchasing land and even looking to build hotels and luxur y resor ts in the metaverse It is all about the experience - and a digital, interactive experience at that

As a purely digital world, the metaverse offers both an endless number of possibilities and legal risks to the hospitality sector These are unchar ted waters for any business looking to take the plunge , and it is vital to consider the smar t contracts governing these vir tual interactions how intellectual proper ty operates in the metaverse , as well as the lack of regulation surrounding these vir tual world platforms


From check-in to check-out, a customer’s hotel experiencewhether in real life or online - is governed by a series of contracts, be it purchasing from the mini-bar or dining in the hotel restaurant In the same vein, vir tual hotels must get up to speed with the risks posed by ‘ smar t contracts’ - a self-executing contract where terms of agreement are written directly into a series of code on the blockchain - to mitigate any potential pitfalls that may arise

As well as the danger of blockchain fragmentation, the technolog y responsible for smar t contracts is vulnerable to hacking, where hackers may be able to access funds stored within these contracts, as well as risks posed by bugs and human error As a result hotels must acquire the exper tise needed to deal with blockchain technologies to ensure these issues are adequately dealt with

Commercial risks may also arise when dealing with smar t contracts - similarly to transaction fees in the traditional banking system ‘ gas fees’ exist in the vir tual realm requiring users to pay a fee to network validators whenever they seek to execute a function on the blockchain Hoteliers must take these volatile and often costly considerations into account when investing in the metaverse


Intellectual proper ty issues are another potential hotspot for litigation that hoteliers should be aware of A newly vir tualized Hotel Metaverse is likely to face difficulties in transferring real-life IP rights to an online world having to obtain the necessar y licenses to digitally emulate things in the vir tual world; ranging from the music played or the furniture used

We have already seen instances of this happening in the video game industr y - in AM General v Activision, AM General manufacturers of the Humvee sued the makers of popular militar y video game franchise Call of Duty for copying their design of the militar y vehicle

There is high potential for cases of a similar nature to arise within the metaverse , and as such hotels must be adequately prepared for such challenges by obtaining the necessar y clearance before planting their flag in the vir tual landscape

Por tability issues are another consideration hotels must have Like in the real world, we are likely to encounter customers who move between proper ties in various different vir tual worlds or across hotel chains Thus, hotels must be aware of the data por tability requirements in relevant legislation (such as the UK’s Data Protection Act) and make sure that their data policies comply


At the same time , the hospitality sector can expect to see the development of regulator y frameworks governing the space; taking the form of either user-driven regulation, industr y-led regulation, self-regulation or guidance driven by governments Chances are the latter will prevail, with examples including the European Digital Ser vices Act

Such a framework, or frameworks, no matter the form, will have to address issues such as anonymity or digital-only identities, duties imposed on platform owners, as well as the legal repercussions of vir tual actionssuch as those taken by Mr Bungle in online community LambdaMOO in the 1990s The hotel and wider hospitality sector must take note of developments in this nascent area of regulation to effectively mitigate any risks this may pose

Overall, the metaverse will introduce users to a totally novel, fully immersive experience , and while this may excite many within the hotel industr y, hoteliers must remain vigilant in mitigating the possible risks that may arise

10 CLH Digital Issue 157

Urgent Workforce Solutions Needed to Avoid Summer Slump

UKHospitality has demanded immediate action from the government to avoid a summer staffing slump for the sector

The latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) again confirmed no significant improvement in the vacancy rate for the sector, which remains at around the 140,000-mark for the fifth month in a row

The trade body has consistently urged the Government to take action to alleviate these issues and today’s figures from the ONS reinforce the urgency to do so

There are they say solutions available to help solve this crisis through making changes to the immigration system to provide an immediate boost to the workforce and reforming the Apprenticeship Levy to enhance our already strong track-record of developing home-grown talent

UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “Hospitality businesses are now entering the busy summer season but what should be a time of optimism has become one of despair

“Staff shor tages have plagued the sector for years and the labour market now appears to have stagnated at the worst time for hospitality, with vacancies 48% higher than pre-pandemic levels

“The results are stark Nearly half of businesses are being forced to reduce opening hours per day and a third are reducing the days they open per week There is no doubt that the sector will be going into the summer understaffed, with significant knock-on impacts for consumers

“Whether it’s pubs and restaurants that are unable to find a chef or wedding venues that are struggling to recruit much-needed seasonal workers, ever yone is affected

“If hospitality businesses were fully staffed, we could be contributing so much more to the Government goals of economic growth and driving down inflation That should be incentive enough for the Government to heed our calls and take action

“Combined, changes to the immigration system to help businesses better recruit and reform to the Apprenticeship Levy would put the sector in a position to succeed for years to come ”

New SIBA Independent Beer Award Winners Medals Introduced for 2023 Season

The Society of Independent Brewers (SIB A) has launched new-look Independent Beer Awards 2023 winners medals, including an option for Gold medal winners to use medals featuring their 90+ winning score

The badges were developed by SIB A Head of Comms & Marketing Neil Walker with design par tner MA, in consultation with the SIB A Competitions Committee chaired by SIB A Board Director Anneli Baxter The new winners medals come after a major shake-up of the awards categories and a new international style judging system was introduced in 2022

“The new SIB A Independent Beer Awards winners medals fur ther cement the competitions place as the leading beer awards in the UK, with the new categories introduced

last year alligning the competition with internationally recognised styles and judging processes Gold winners will also have the option of using a new style medal which displays their score too, giving a further buying incentive for consumers browsing beers on the shelf I look forward to seeing the medals in action when they are officially launched at our first Regional Awards of 2023, at MaltingsFest in Newton Abbot on the 20th April,” says Neil Walker, SIB A Head of Comms & Marketing

Under the new awards rules introduced last year to align with internationally recognised beer judging standards beers, must score 70/100 or more to be awarded a Bronze Medal 80/100 or more to gain a Silver Medal or a whopping 90/100 or more to take the top Gold Medal Awards

Issue 157 CLH Digital 11

Hotel RevPAR in the UK Reaches Year High Over Easter Weekend

Independent hotels in the UK recorded a spike in RevPAR (revenue per available room) over the Easter weekend, measuring £121 on 8 April 2023 – the highest figure recorded in the UK this year This according to new data from hotel management system RoomRaccoon

The figure comes as a result of increased occupancy and ADR (average daily rate) over the four-day period

Hotels repor ted a 7% increase in occupancy rate averaging 58% (peaking at 70%) as well as a 5% increase in ADR averaging £151 in comparison to the holiday season in 2022

Commenting on the data and the industr y ’ s recover y, Ed Kerr, Market Head of RoomRaccoon UK and Ireland, says: “The data reflects that hotels are generating better revenue for their spaces by capitalising on high occupancy rates over the holiday season However, the increase in ADR can indicate the need to com-

pensate for inflation and rising operational costs in 2023

Ed recommends that hotels pay close attention to market data to capture demand and maximise revenue despite uncer tain economic times: “Selling time-limited inventor y like hotel rooms at a fixed price year-round is a common mistake that costs hotel operators thousands in lost revenue This is something that hotels simply cannot afford in today’s economic climate ”

“Our data show that hotels that use two or more yield management rules can increase their RevPAR by more than 14% With dynamic pricing tools, like RoomRaccoon’s yield manager, hotels can remain competitive , and save valuable time with automatic rate updates that maximise revenue according to demand,” says Ed Kerr

Hospitality Rising Hits More than 100,000 Job Applications

Leaders behind UK s biggest recruitment movement unveil incredible results as new operators sign up

The biggest hospitality recruitment initiative in the UK, Hospitality Rising, has attracted over 100,000 job applications, less than 6 months after the official campaign launched

Hospitality Rising’s inaugural campaign, ‘Rise Fast, Work Young,’ has been going from strength to strength since it was launched last October, in a bid to tackle the sector’s high number of job vacancies

Suppor ted by some of the world’s most successful hospitality leaders and best-loved chefs, #RiseFastWorkYoung aims to entice new recruits by showcasing the oppor tunities and promise that come with a career in hospitality

The targeted social media led campaign uses long term branding building to drive awareness and change consideration to work in hospitality whilst also offering suppor ters unlimited job postings on the Hospitality Rising careers website

Mark McCulloch founder of Hospitality Rising and campaign director said: “The backing we ’ re getting from suppor ters is resulting in their vacancies being seen by a new audience as well as helping us reach our long

term goals 100,000 Job applications through our careers website shows our audience is responding to the campaign on mass and that we ’ re really making a connection We are ever grateful for ever yone who has invested in Hospitality Rising and continue to thank those who have made this vital movement possible ”

“There is no question we are blown over by the number of applications within such a shor t space of time To be able to better understand what attracts both Gen Z and Millennial job seekers into hospitality is something that we can build on to help the industr y and reduce vacancies We all want young people to see what a vibrant place hospitality truly is to work in so reaching 50% of the UKs 16-30 year olds already is definitely a game changer

It comes as just this week seven more operators suppor ting the campaign have been announced in addition to more to 300 businesses as well as celebrity chefs and hospitality leaders

The latest investors from across the UK are from a broad spectrum within hospitality; restaurant, bars, QSR and hotels – Living Ventures, The Ned, Quar ter Ltd, First Restaurants, The Vineyard, Ned s Noodle Bar, Army & Navy Club, and Tate Eats

Issue 157 CLH Digital 13

Easter Weekend Boom for Hospitality Industry

Bookings up 14% for Easter weekend as consumers defy the cost-of-living crisis to celebrate the first bank holiday of the year

Hospitality technolog y provider, Zonal, has revealed new insight showing a 14% increase in bookings over the Easter bank holiday weekend compared with 2022

Brunch proved a big winner this year, with bookings up 98% on 2022

While this still accounts for less than 1% of overall bookings, brunch presents an untapped Easter oppor tunity for hospitality businesses to drive sales and revenue next year

Across the four-day period Easter Sunday lunch was the most popular

booking among consumers, while Friday and Saturday saw the most dinner bookings Easter Monday, despite having the fewest number of bookings across the four days, did have the highest increase in bookings (23%) compared to last year

Overall, the insight reveals that dinner bookings were up 22% over the whole weekend, compared to last year, and lunch bookings rose by 43%

Olivia FitzGerald, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Zonal said: “The rise in bookings for Easter weekend represents a move in the right direction for hospitality and introducing an Easter brunch next year could be a real oppor tunity for the trade Operators can tap into the occasion next year by driving sales through advanced promotions, offers and up-selling ”

Occupancy Saving the Day as Q1 Shows STR Returns Rising Above Inflation

Shor t term rental returns have risen strongly so far this year as the impact of both rising nightly rates and occupancy lift the sector ahead of inflation1

Analysis by Key Data indicates a strong year for the industr y if the momentum built up in the first quar ter of 2023 can be sustained

While nightly rates for 2023 have remained flat in the UK and the US which means they have fallen in real terms, higher occupancy means that there , and globally, overall returns per room are much higher year on year

Globally, average daily rates (ADRs) for 2023 were up 3 4% annually by the end of Q1, with occupancy climbing 17 6% revenue per available room (RevPAR) is 21 6% ahead of last year

The data reflects 2023 bookings made or taken by 1st April 2023




ADR was noticeably weak, rising just 1 7% to £164 ($204) However, coupled with a 13 2% YoY increase in occupancy, RevPAR is currently up 15 1% year on year Inflation reached 10 1% in the UK in March, meaning ADR has fallen hard in real terms


ADR is flat at $296 but with occupancy climbing 12% YoY, RevPAR is running 11 9% higher than last year Inflation reached 5% in the US in March


Asia is performing extremely well ADR is up 18 6% at $126 while occupancy has increased 56% YoY RevPAR is currently running 85% ahead of 2022


ADR is also down heavily in real terms in the Middle East, where nightly rates have only risen 2 4% to $172 However, occupancy is up 25 3% YoY, sending RevPAR 28 3% higher than last year


ADR is still struggling in Europe where it has also fallen in real terms, with nightly rates only up 5% to $170 (€154) However, with occupancy increasing by 17 4% YoY, RevPAR is up 23 2% from last year Inflation reached 8 5% in the Euro area in Februar y


Globally average daily rates (ADRs) for 2023 were up 3 4% annually by the end of Q1 with occupancy climbing 17 6% revenue per available room (RevPAR) is 21 6% ahead of last year

Melanie Brown Executive Director of Data Insights at Key Data commented: “This was a promising star t to the year but the outlook for 2023 remains on a knife edge With ADRs weak it is occupancy that is currently rescuing returns for owners and operators

“While the picture can easily change , these initial readings of the market indicate greater demand and higher confidence among the majority of consumers who may be withstanding cost of living pressures better than expected However, any economic shocks this year could change the picture quite dramatically ”

Thatchers Digs Deep for Pub Gardens

Thatchers, the leading family cider maker in the UK, is continuing its suppor t for pubs this spring and summer with the launch of a new competition that offers the chance to win one of three top prizes of a £10 000 garden makeover

Each winner will be offered a bespoke makeover of their outside space , ensuring the design meets the needs of the winning pub and its customers

There will also be 10 runners-up prizes of a garden parasol kit, comprising a soughtafter Thatchers jumbrella and five eye-catching premium parasols

All the winners and runners-up will receive a Thatchers sampling event for their outlet

As British consumers continue to show their love for premium ciders 1 in ever y 7 ciders sold in the UK on–trade is from family run cider maker Thatchers with brands including Thatchers Gold, Thatchers Haze and its new Fusion flavours Blood Orange , Cloudy Lemon and Dark Berr y,

To enter the competition, pubs simply need to purchase three 50-litre Thatchers

draught kegs from par ticipating wholesalers before the closing date of 30th April 2023 For the list of par ticipating wholesalers and the full terms and conditions visit

Pubs can enter the competition as many times as they like during the promotion period

James Palmer, Head of On Trade at Thatchers says, “A pub’s outside space , whether a garden or cour tyard however large or small has an increasingly growing appeal to customers The addition of plants and shrubs creates an attractive and welcoming environment, with items such as garden furniture , umbrellas and planters adding interest throughout the year

The winning pubs will each receive exper t advice from our makeover team, who ll work closely with them to implement the new design in time for the summer season, to create the perfect pub garden for the perfect pint of Thatchers ”

The cider maker’s continued investment into pub suppor t follows its Pledge campaign during the Covid restrictions, which saw over 6,000 pubs receive a free keg of cider

Saniflo Sanispeed Facilitates Workshop Change Of Use

DL Mechanical is a Nottingham-based business specialising in plumbing and pipe fitting engineering ser vices The company works with a broad por tfolio of clients in the commercial and educational sectors designing, engineering and installing new pipework for water, steam & condense , oil and gas, soil and vent, rainwater among a range of other ser vices

An FE college in Nottinghamshire called on DL Mechanical’s exper tise to advise on a change of use project that would improve the facilities for mechanics apprentices Changing a classroom to a workshop required the installation of a wash down area A site sur vey confirmed that no drains were in the immediate vicinity of the required area, so an alternative solution was found

With advice from local plumbers’ merchant, Willbond, a Saniflo Sanispeed+ grey water lifting station was specified to discharge the water from the new washdown area With its robust 400-watt motor and low activation level of 95mm the unit was connected to a Zip water heater and the washdown areas to discharge hot and cold waste water

through small bore pipework up 3m to an adjoining pipe This ran by gravity to a soil and vent pipe some 60m away

Terr y Fisher Mechanical Contracts Manager at DL Mechanical oversaw the project;

“The Sanispeed+ pretty much enabled the project to go ahead Bar drilling a bore hole – which would have been prohibitively expensive – a pumped solution was the only way forward The Saniflo unit is a simple plug and play solution, so proved easy to install and it has been working efficiently and effectively from day one

The Sanispeed+ is ideal for pumping waste water from appliances and sinks in light commercial applications and with four inlets it connects to a range of appliances It has a working temperature of 35°C but can handle temperatures up to 75°C for shor t periods It has a quiet motor and can be installed below counters or in cupboards out of sight if required

Issue 157 CLH Digital 15
Reader Enquiries - Tel: 020 8842 0033 / www saniflo co uk

You May Be In Limbo, But Just Not Know It


In July of 2022, the Supreme Cour t ruled that the percentage method for calculating annual leave and / or annual leave pay for par t year workers was illegal A par t year worker may be someone who is on a zero hours, flexible hours or seasonal worker contract

The decision was that all employees were entitled to a minimum of 5 6 weeks of annual leave which they had to take and be paid for The challenge then became how much are they paid each time they take leave The answer is that they must be paid their average weekly salar y for each week of leave

To calculate this, you need to recalculate the average weekly salar y before each leave period whether it is a day 3 days or a week and then pay that amount for the leave period

To calculate the average weekly pay you use a reference period of up to 52 weeks You only include weeks where the employee has had some earnings, including previous holiday pay, and ignore any weeks where no money was earnt You need to go back up to 104 weeks (2 years) until you have 52 weeks of data If there are not 52 weeks of data, either because they didn’t work enough weeks or because the employee has less than 52 weeks ser vice , you use the weeks available to calculate the average weekly earnings

This is complicated and has caused uproar across many industries, including the hospitality sector The administration is complex and extremely time consuming, but this is currently the law and employers must follow the new rules

There are many issues with the new calculation methods including the fact that two employees working the same hours across the year one on a par t time basis and one on a zero hours basis can receive different

amounts in holiday pay The zero hour employee will receive more pay and more leave An employee who works full time for 8 weeks ever y summer and 3 weeks ever y Christmas and remains on payroll permanently, will be entitled to 5 6 weeks of paid leave , the same as a full time employee working a full year The ruling by the supreme cour t is fundamentally flawed

However, the Government recognised the problem the ruling caused and launched a consultation which closed on 9th March 2023 They are looking at making changes to the reference period so that the average weekly earnings calculation before each period of leave is based on 52 weeks regardless of whether the employee worked or not Therefore in the example above the total earnings in the 52 weeks prior to leave would be dived by 52 weeks instead of 11 weeks This gives the employee the same amount of annual leave , but their holiday pay is significantly decreased


It is possible that you have overpaid some staff and underpaid others and although those overpaid won’t be offering to pay back the money they have had, those you underpaid may seek to reclaim unpaid holiday pay We are however waiting for a change in the law following the consultation We don’t know exactly what changes will be made , but we know that some of the discrepancies will be removed In the meantime , you may need to do several things to mitigate your financial losses:

1 Top up the holiday pay for those you have underpaid, perhaps putting a provision for c lawing bac k the money if the law c hanges again

2 Continue to overpay staff taking holiday now, knowing that if the law c hanges you will have overpaid them Again a contractual provision allowing you to c law this bac k may need to be considered

3 Issue a ser ies of shor t term contracts eac h time you employ a seasonal worker, terminating their employment at the end of the r contract

4 Stop using zero hour s staff and put them onto a par t time contract with fixed hour s and matc h their holiday entitlement to their working patterns and pay

Whatever you decide to do in the shor t term, it is impor tant to understand what the employment legislation requires and this isn’t always exactly the same as the financial legislation, so do ensure your payroll is being processed properly

Five-Star Hotel Partners with Local High School to Encourage the Next Generation of Hospitality Talent

A hotel in the hear t of Chester has par tnered with a local high school as par t of a Cheshire wide effor t to encourage early hospitality careers inspiring the next generation of talent through hands-on experience

The par tnership between The Chester Grosvenor and Queen s Park High School comes as par t of a district wide initiative by the Chester Hospitality Association (CHA) and the Pledge Par tnership, which sees schools across the city paired with an associated hotel

As it looks to broaden the career prospects of its students, The Handbridge-based school is leading the way in the local area providing outstanding careers education and personal development programmes for its students through a wide range of par tnerships such as this one

With Andrea Watts, Head of Careers at the helm, Queen’s Park High School was selected to pioneer the recent ‘Hotels and Schools Programme’ in par tnership with The Chester Grosvenor a move which looks to encourage stronger links between the worlds of hospitality and education

The leadership team at the school has already met with Sarah Hercules Learning and Development Manager at The Chester Grosvenor, to discuss the vision and desired outcomes of this new par tnership Some key areas of focus are to raise students aspirations through real-world experience and to provide personal development oppor tunities for all

Over the next academic year, the programme of events will see students under take work experience at the hotel, which will include catering masterclasses, careers workshops and fundamentally, the development of transferable skills taught by seasoned professionals with impressive hospitality careers

Sarah Hercules commented: “We are absolutely delighted to be par tnered with Queen s Park High School and I m ver y much looking forward to working with them over the coming year Our fundamental aim is to help inspire and grow the next generation of hospitality talent in Chester and what better way to do this than star ting right at grassroots level At The Chester Grosvenor, our people are at the ver y hear t of delivering a five star experience , so it is impor tant they are nur tured and have opportunities to develop In light of this, we offer a wide range of apprenticeships to enable our team to work towards a recognised qualification as well as other professional development oppor tunities throughout their careers ”

The Chester Grosvenor is continually looking to recruit more apprentices, with an array of great oppor tunities available to prospective young talent The hotel s Executive Head Chef, Elliot Hill is a huge advocate for providing educational oppor tunities in hospitality and alongside his colleagues, is looking forward to offering local students an insight into the world of five-star hospitality

Andrea Watts added: “The oppor tunities that this par tnership will bring are limitless We are passionate about ensuring all of our students have access to personal development oppor tunities, which will provide them with the knowledge , skills and experiences to be successful in the world outside of the classroom ”

Steven Hesketh, Executive Board Chair of CHA added: “This is collaboration at its best, and it’s great to see schools embracing hospitality and of course why not, when you have the crème de la creme of hotels, The Chester Grosvenor on offer alongside a dozen other high end hotels in the city The Chester Hospitality Association is so proud to get this Hotel Schools Program launched ”

P&G Professional: Reduce Energy Without Compromising Results

16 CLH Digital Issue 157 Against the backdrop of the current energ y crisis and impending net zero targets, companies are now more aware than ever as to how much their practices are impacting the environment Customers are also increasingly conscious of the products businesses use , and how sustainable they are However, an emphasis on sustainability should not come at the expense of product performance Businesses need commercial solutions that can save energ y and conser ve energ y without compromising results P&G Professional’s trusted brands – including Ariel® Professional, Lenor® Professional, Fair y® Professional, Flash® Professional– are formulated to provide an outstanding clean even with one wash, shor t cycles and low water temperatures, giving professionals confidence that their business will always shine For example , Ariel® Professional is specifically formulated to provide an outstanding clean, even at colder temperatures, meaning businesses can save energ y and in turn save money on bills, while still achieving a spotless clean In fact, making a simple change such as switching temperature from 60°C to 30°C can save up to 60% on washing machine bills! Learn more on: *Cost of e ectr c ty saved for aundr y when wash ng at 30C vs 60C c ycle and for automatic dishwashing when using a shor t c yc e (average 47C) vs a normal c ycle (average 57C) P us cost of gas saved f l ng n a 10L bucket of water at 20C vs 50C for sur ace c ean ng and a 45L s nk at 20C vs 46C for hand dishwashing Energy cost sav ng based on average H1 2022 e ectr c ty and gas pr ces ( nc taxes) for bus nesses n the Un ted Kingdom source Eurostat (Stat st cs for European Commiss on) Based on 4 washes per day (1460 per year) for both hand and automat c d shwash ng 1 wash per day (365 per year) for surface clean ng and 10 oads per week (520 per year) for laundr y

How Can Hospitality Businesses Prepare For the 2023 Plastic Ban?

The subject of plastic pollution has become a hot topic over the last five years in the wake of David Attenborough’s Blue Planet BBC series

The hospitality industr y is a significant contributor to this problem, and with predictions that there will be as much plastic pollution as fish in our oceans by 2050, action needs to be taken

According to government estimates, consumers in England use 2 7 billion items of single- use cutler y per year, with only 10% of these recycled This has a devastating effect on the environment and wildlife

To help reduce the pollution caused by these materials the government has recently announced that a wide range of single-use plastics will be banned in England from October 2023

Plastic bowls cutler y balloon sticks plates and trays will be banned alongside types of polystyrene food containers and cups Consumers can no longer buy these products from businesses such as takeaways and retailers

With wide-ranging repercussions for the hospitality industr y, Nathan Gray, Head of Sustainabiliy at Reconomy shares his thoughts on what this means and how businesses can embrace waste reduction and recyclability


While the government’s decision should be welcomed, it is impor tant to remember that the new products selected should be more sustainable than the single-use plastics they are replacing If disposed of correctly, some single-use plastics are recyclable , yet issues arise when large quantities of these materials are littered

Businesses should ensure that they are not opting for materials with ver y few recycling options and infrastructure available For example , compostable products may degrade quicker than plastics, but this is pointless without separation from other waste streams

So, what can businesses do to maximise the environmental benefits of their switch from single-use plastics?


One of the first things businesses should do is to identify ever y piece of plastic used during their operations The goal should be to calculate the total plastic weight used as well as the different types of plastic Itemising each material gives a complete over view of business operations An audit should be separated into plastic items sent to waste , and those which will be recycled

Calculating the true impact of an enterprise upon the planet can be a compelling motivator to adopt more sustainable practices which can then be communicated across the workforce


A plastic audit should help you establish which single-use items are used in the largest quantities Tackle these first by tr ying to source more sustainable alternatives

This could involve a conversation with your suppliers to source easily recyclable materials It is best to take advice on what products are the

most sustainable , in terms of recyclability, production and circularity credentials Wood cutler y, though more expensive , may be a better alternative as it is 100% renewable and doesn’t contribute any plastic waste


If possible tr y to promote products that are reusable such as steel cutler y, plastic tableware and ceramic plates Of course , this will be easier in closed environments such as offices, canteens and restaurants This is harder to achieve in an open street food or takeaway environment but could be tempered with a deposit scheme

Music venues such as Glasgow’s OVO Hydro operate a £1 deposit scheme with ever y drink they sell – the £1 is refunded at the end of the evening upon return of the cup, which can be reused up to 300 times


Businesses should also look to extend the life cycle of their plastic products through recycling and reuse

The cyclical nature of this process allows materials to be reused again in manufacturing or operational procedures and doesn’t consign plastics immediately to landfill or ocean waste as in linear methods

For any on-site waste , ensure that you have dedicated recycling bins available You should also brief your employees accordingly on which materials go where and the benefits of following this

One novel recycling incentive is the reverse vending machine which will collect plastic items in return for a monetar y award This could be a voucher or even a charitable donation


Far-reac hing ban on single-use plastics in England - GOV UK (www gov uk) https://www ovohydro com/visitor-information/stac k-cups https://www thebubble org uk/ ifestyle/travel/the-hospitality-industr ys-over-re ianceon-single-use-plastic/

Plastic Rec yc ling | Singlye- Use Plastics | Reconomy | Waste Management

Rever se Vending - Reconomy

LittlePod Wins the King’s Award for Enterprise

LittlePod is celebrating this morning having been named amongst the first-ever winners of the King’s Award for Enterprise (Sustainable Development)

Since its launch in 2010, the natural ingredients company has used its Campaign for Real Vanilla to suppor t farmers in the Equatorial regions, helping communities to sustainably farm the fragile rainforests that surround them, whilst encouraging consumers to purchase the precious crops that are grown there

Led by Managing Director and founder Janet Sawyer MBE BEM LittlePod are previous winners of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise (Sustainable Development) receiving the UK’s most prestigious business accolade in 2018

In an announcement made this morning (21/4/2023) LittlePod was amongst 148 businesses and organisations across the UK to be recognised with a King’s Award, becoming one of the first to receive the newly renamed honour and sparking celebrations at the company ’ s HQ in Farringdon

This is a momentous occasion and a red-letter day in the histor y of LittlePod, said Ms Sawyer, who was awarded an MBE in 2020 in the Queen’s Bir thday Honours List in recognition of her company ’ s continuing contribution to international trade , expor ts, and sustainability “It is a great honour

to receive the King’s Award and is a testament to LittlePodders both here and abroad, who suppor t our campaign for REAL vanilla as 97% of vanillin sold in the West is ar tificial"

In 2014 LittlePod began a collaborative project with their vanilla farmer in Indonesia

After reviewing much research and methods of growing vanilla, the LittlePod community orchard pioneered the idea that vanilla cultivation could ensure a multifaceted income stream for the farmers thereby growing vanilla in a polyculture system rather than the monoculture system practised at the time , by mimicking forest ecolog y in this way The benefits aren t just for the farmers who depend on this high-value commodity but also for the environment; soil preser vation, forest regeneration and biodiversity

“It is crucial that we continue to underline vanilla’s value to the world, encouraging the indigenous farmers on the Equatorial Belt to preser ve and protect the rainforest regions and doing our bit to aid biodiversity, protect the planet and tackle climate change and its impacts Winning the King’s Award will help LittlePod a great deal as we continue to press ahead with our Campaign for Real Vanilla, and here at our HQ in East Devon, the team couldn’t be more thrilled this morning ” Visit

New Award Winning Technology Can Save You 35% To 55% On Cooking Oil in Deep Fryers

If you own a restaurant or a kitchen with a deep fr yer, then you might be surprised at how much you spend ever y year on cooking oil Have you ever calculated this direct cost? If you haven’t, then you should, because Canadian Company, Eco Friendly Chef Corp is helping thousands of professional kitchen operators to dramatically cut their oil costs in half

A new innovative product called OiLChef is revolutionizing the food industr y The award-winning OiLChef device is one of the most sophisticated technologies available in the world for deep fr yers today It is not a filter or a chemical, but rather a device which is simply installed in your deep fr yer in less than 10 seconds!

Putting the OiLChef in your fr yer will give you a competitive edge and attract more consumer dollars Your fried food items will absorb less oil and therefore will contain fewer calories Good for the consumer, good for the bottom line

Reduce carbon footprint: It will minimize your environmental impact through a reduction in energy and oil consumption

Faster ser vice: Food cooks quic ker

18 CLH Digital Issue 157
Reduce food waste: Food is cr ispier and holds its shape and texture for longer Great for food deliver y Zero flavour transfer : It prevents flavour transfer between different foods being cooked in the same oil Kitchen smoke and fr ying odour s: It reduces the smoke and odour s of fr ying in your kitc hen/restaurant Creating a more pleasant working and dining exper ience and min mizes the workload on your air filter ing systems and maintenance
& safety: It reduces the smoke point of your o l and thereby lower s the r isk of a deep fr yer fire Also, staff interaction with c
the fr yer oil is cut
by at
ha f, reducing r isk of accidental burns and oil spillage
operating costs: It gives you the oppor tunity to cut down or move away from cost y monthly additives required to improve oil qua ity Fewer people hour s are required eac h month for fr yer c hanges For fur ther information visit Contact Louis Farr y by phone or email: louis farr y@oilchef com or Tel 07448419664
New Award Winning Technology can SAVE YOU 35% TO 55% ON COOKING OIL in deep fryers. REDUCING COSTS Increasing Margins We strongly believe in cutting costs without compromising quality. We look forward to the day that all food industries will join our Eco Friendly quest. Until then we will provide eco friendly solutions that will help them all to reduce their carbon footprint. Why spend all that money on oil, energy and labour when you can dramatically reduce these costs today? MONEY BACKGUARANTEE. 3 YEAR WARRANTY. Contact Louis Farry by phone or email: Tel. 07448 419664

The Importance of Interior Design in the Hospitality Sector and its Impact on Customers

From colours and lighting to acoustics and architecture , the interior design of any hospitality setting is vital to get right in order to help ensure the customers' experience is a good one Mara Rypacek Miller, Managing Director at Industville Ltd (www.industville, gives her exper t advice on how you can influence your audience’s psycholog y with interior design to help grow your business.

Whether you ’ re running a hotel, bar, cafe or a restaurant, interior design is more impor tant than you think, as Mara explains “Interior design in the hospitality industr y is of vital impor tance when it comes to creating a positive experience for your guests, your staff, and anyone else who steps foot into your establishment Great hospitality settings don t just happen; they are meticulously designed that way The design represents the audience that you’d like to attract, communicates your brand, and ensures you achieve your business goals and objectives ”


As you work on your concept, remember to tie together the style and feel of your establishment to your branding Mara explains “The interior design must never lose sight of three impor tant factors; the customers the space and the brand philosophy A great design will achieve synerg y between these three elements Decide who is your core audience and what do they want from their time spent in your establishment? How can you deliver on your brand promise in a visually appealing way? Keep these questions in mind as you decide ever ything from your overall aesthetic to colours, furnishings, ar twork, fixtures, and so on


Psycholog y plays an impor tant role in choosing the right colours for your interior design “For hotel bedrooms and bathrooms, cool colours such as blue and green work well as they are known to promote relaxation and calm,” comments Mara She continues, “Small accents of yellow have also been proved to stimulate conversation and therefore work really well in cafes or bars Bright red, orange , and yellow are regarded as the best colours for restaurants because of how they help in stimulating appetite Fur thermore orange and yellow are also associated with happiness and warmth making them popular choices within hospitality settings

Saturation and shade also play an impor tant role in colour psycholog y Mara says, “As a rule of thumb, light colours are perceived to make rooms feel brighter and more spacious Whereas dark colours, lend themselves to creating a sophisticated and intimate environment An intimate space such as a bar may wish to concentrate on darker tones, whereas by contrast an open lobby in a hotel will look most welcoming with light colours like gold and cream to create a sense of luxur y and grandeur"


From the moment guests walk through your door into the reception or entrance , they notice various aspects that contribute towards shaping their all-impor tant first impression; therefore , your choice of lighting can significantly affect the way they view your establishment Mara advises "The key here is to maintain the brand concept of your hotel bar or restaurant The correct blend of layered lighting is vital to get right as it influences human moods and emotions, resulting in many commercial benefits Not only will it ensure customers enjoy their experience and ultimately spend more time and money within the establishment, but it will also mean they are more likely to return and give good recommendations to family and friends"

Lighting is one of the most impor tant aspects to think about in any space , as the right light can change the dynamics of a room to create the perfect ambience There are three main types of lighting: ambient, task and accent, each adding a different layer to the interior Mara explains, "To accomplish a well-thought-out, welcoming space , you need to embrace the complete range of lighting sources available: pendant lights, recessed lights, chandeliers, track lighting, tall floor lamps, small table lamps, wall sconces, under cabinet lighting, and other spot lighting My advice is to var y the lighting sources to create little pockets and pools of illumination

Ambient lighting is the most prominent type as it sets the mood and overall atmosphere of a space whilst providing a room with sufficient lighting Task lighting helps guests and staff to accomplish basic tasks like reading the menu in a café or restaurant or applying makeup or shaving in their hotel bathroom for example Accent lighting can then be used to highlight points of interest in a room such as ar twork, plants, or architectural features This type of lighting requires three times as much light as the surrounding areas to create a focal point"

Think about the function of the space and how you could enhance or compliment it Would you like warm lighting to create a cosy atmosphere in a hotel, or bright lighting to create a lively mood in a quirky bar or café Would you like the lighting to wash the wall in a decorative fashion or do you need focused task lighting by a bed or armchair for example? Different functions will demand different types of lighting It is also important to ensure the lights are independently controlled as well as installing dimmer switches for each light source to allow for a wide variety of moods to be created throughout the day

Your lighting should reflect your brand stor y and hence you will want to use lighting made from the highest quality materials Not only will this enhance the overall atmosphere but it will also improve perceptions of your brand, giving it individual flair Mara explains, "At Industville all of our lights are handcrafted from quality materials such as pure brass or copper Investing in quality also means the lights will last longer and with energ y consumption levels likely to be high in hotels, bars and restaurants, this is something to bear in mind Industville bulbs utilise eco-friendly, cost-effective LED technolog y making them both practical and stylish


Scent is one of the senses that is closely linked to memor y, so it has a huge impact on how guests remember their experience and has the power to change the entire perspective of a place Mara explains “Studies have shown that apple and cucumber scents, for example , make a room feel spacious whereas barbecue smoke makes a room feel smaller than it actually is Scents such as lavender relax the brain and vanilla and chamomile are known to reduce stress anxiety and depression Citrus and peppermint scents on the other hand, increase aler tness” Mara continues, “Think carefully about the emotions and memories you wish to evoke in your guests and pick a scent accordingly, believe it or not, the smell of your establishment is par t of the way your customers form opinions of your business, and will also affect their spending habits"

Similarly, the acoustics have a profound effect on a guest s experience The type of establishment will determine what type of sound it should have , ” comments Mara She continues, “Different spaces will require different acoustics and getting it right is key when designing a comfor table hospitality environment; one that will deliver a great experience for customers, and appropriate return on investment for the business owners For example , in a café setting guests don’t want to have to shout to hear each other, and similarly they don’t want to whisper to ensure the customers at the neighbouring table can’t hear them On the other hand, a lively, young contemporar y bar may opt for louder music to evoke a par ty atmosphere and increase sales of alcoholic beverages”


More and more businesses within the hospitality sector are designing their premises to blend in with their surroundings in a complementar y way This can be accomplished by creating open plan spaces where large windows and doors merge indoor and outdoor areas, bringing the outside in Focusing on biophilic design is another way to create a harmonious space , take inspiration from elements found in nature such as natural light and materials and reflect these in your interior design, architecture and style , ” suggests Mara Mara continues “Our natural circadian rhythm is vital in ensuring general wellbeing, affecting ever ything from our all-impor tant sleep patterns to the molecular clocks that regulate the timing of our cellular activities Keeping this rhythm in check, means we not only feel better but also perform better too, hence businesses are keen to ensure they provide the right environment for their guests”

If your hospitality establishment is for tunate to have an outdoor space , it is vital you make the most of the area Mara explains “The exterior of your establishment holds the same design oppor tunities as interiors and having the correct lighting is vital to making the most of any outdoor space Not only should lights be stylish but they also need to be functional and can even be used to create different zones depending on what the area is to be used for Lighting plays a key par t in ensuring an outside space comes together and can really take a design to the next level When used in the right way, lighting can be used to make stylish, thoughtfully designed spaces, creating just the desired atmosphere whether it is for an informal alfresco lunch or a chic , bustling outdoor cocktail bar” Thanks to technological advances, IP65 rated outdoor lighting designs are available in a wide range of finishes, fittings, and styles, meaning there is an outdoor lighting option to suit any outdoor space from modern, state-of-the-ar t hotel terraces to brick, wood, or traditional gardens

Alliance Online Reviews the Latest Buffet Trends and Products

As temperatures star t to rise and winter becomes a distant memor y, the UK hospitality and tourism sectors begin to look to the beginning of the late spring and summer seasons With one of the largest up and coming trends of 2023 being buffet style dining Alliance Online talk through the newest products to help you take advantage of this theme


Buffets areas are a staple of most hotels, especially ones which offer breakfast and lunch options With refined options for crocker y, cutler y and glassware it seems only right to match them with an equally premium food display area So, if you ’ re looking to add a touch of sophistication to your display offering we firstly recommend items from Craster’s new range of Fare Display Trolleys The system is fully modular meaning it can be tailored to your par ticular taste and layout along with various shelves, pots and rails allowing you to build exactly what you need

If you are already happy with your buffet area but want some new ways of displaying the food itself, then Craster have you covered on that front too by way of their Tilt Buffet range The selection comprises of multi-level stainless-steel riser frames and matching presentation plinths and bowls The plinths can be made of either walnut white marble or grey marble whilst the bowls come in brass grey ceramic and white ceramic giving your displays a stylish and contemporar y aesthetic


The next buffet trend hitting the industr y is vintage ser veware and pieces which evoke feelings of retro and rustic vibes One great range which perfectly encapsulated this antique aesthetic is GenWare’s Vintage Steel collection The selection of products include classic black with golden handle mini ser ving fr ying pans, saucepans, and oval dishes along with copper ser ving cups and ramekins and fin-

ished with accenting industrial steel pieces too


Finally, we come to our last trend which is the inclusion and rise in popularity in melamine buffet solutions The durability and versality makes it perfect for catering ser veware but the finish ensures that the material doesn t look plastic A prime example of a sleek and modern use of melamine is the Hoxton range from Dalebrook with its matte finish and wide variety of dishes and platters making it perfect for any hotel or restaurant buffet area

For more information on any of the ranges included or other options available for buffet solutions contact Alliance Online on 01270 252333 or email us on hello@allianceonline co uk

20 CLH Digital Issue 157

Food Allergies The Importance of Paying Attention

This month, April 24-30 sees the return of Allerg y Awareness Week, which once again aims to raise awareness about allergies and offering help and suppor t to those living with allergic conditions

However, for those working in the catering and hospitality industr y, allerg y awareness is an essential par t of your day-today role

All catering and hospitality businesses must follow the allergen information rules set out in EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation These regulations state that you have to provide allergen information to the consumer for both pre-packed and non-prepacked food and drinks, as well as ensuring you have strict processes in place to manage food allergens and requests using specific measures both front and back of house .

Allergies, coeliac disease and food intolerances are ver y much real and affect more people than we may think reactions might be a minor rash or as severe as a complete immune system shutdown anaphylactic shock, either way allergies are an essential topic within your food safety management system and should be treated as such

The UK hospitality sector has a responsibility to ensure that they provide a safe and enjoyable experience for the Food Hypersensitive (FHS) customers. However, this has not always been the case , and there have been many instances of customers being exposed to allergens without their knowledge , leading to severe reactions and even fatalities In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the issue , and the hospitality sector has been taking steps to improve their practices and ensure the safety of their customers, however, issues are still occurring due to a lack of training and documented processes Near miss repor ting is a thorough way of reviewing issues and preventing serious reactions from occurring going forward

Allergies affect About 1-2% of the adult population and 5-8% of children, some of whom grow out of their allergies as they get older, this number is increasing with adults developing allergies in later life

Demographically, allergies affect people of all ages and backgrounds, but they are more common in children According to the NHS, around 1 in 5 children in the UK has an allerg y, and this number is increasing There is also evidence to suggest that allergies are more common in urban areas, which could be due to higher levels of pollution

The most common allergies are to foods such as milk, peanuts, tree nuts, and shellfish, but there are over 250 foods which can potentially cause a reaction, additionally there are environmental allergies to pollen, dust, and animal fur, among other things

The hospitality sector is a crucial par t of the UK economy, and it is estimated to be wor th around £130 billion per year With the allergen market estimated to be wor th £837m in 2018 and growing, with hospitality being slow to address the issue of allergens management This indicative by the limited options available , Milk free is 1% more common than gluten free in UK but the range of star ters and desser ts is almost non-existence , other than sorbet and fruit salad It should be noted that Fruit is not a pudding!

The UK government introduced legislation in October 2021 which requires all food businesses to provide information on the allergenic ingredients in their food, which is prepared PrePacked for Direct Sale This legislation, known as Natasha's


Natasha’s Law was introduced following the tragic death of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse , who died after eating a baguette from Pret-a-Manger, which contained sesame flour, to which she was allergic .

A sur vey by the Food Standards Agency found that 51% of people with allergies avoid eating out altogether, and 29% feel that their allergies are not taken seriously by food businesses This is a significant concern for the hospitality sector, as it means that they are potentially losing out on a significant propor tion of their customer base

In the UK hospitality sector, training for food allergies is commensurate with the persons role and not mandator y, although it is of paramount impor tance , many business are not training staff who have direct contact with the FHS customer Effective training ensures that staff are aware of their responsibilities and risks associated with food allergies, ensuring they are equipped with the knowledge to prepare and ser ve food safely It also enables them to respond appropriately if an allergic reaction occurs Would you or your staff know the average age of a man to develop a shellfish allerg y, would they recognise the symptoms?

It is crucial that the hospitality sector takes training seriously to maintain the health and safety of their FHS customers.

Legislation such as Natasha's Law is helping to drive this change , and changes could be afoot if Owens Law is introduced in the future . However more work needs to be done now with FBOs ser ving loose foods need to go fur ther ensuring staff have the right tools to reassure FHS customers and react as required Events such as Allerg y Awareness Week raise awareness of the impor tance of allergen management in the hospitality sector

Ultimately, it is essential that the hospitality sector takes the management of the FHS customer seriously and ensures they are able to experience a safe and positive customer journey Suppor ted by Caroline Benjamin who in collaboration with Jacqui McPeake are Hospitality Suppor t UK – visit our website

Pub Regular and Resident Quiz Master Andy Hawkes New General Manager at the Limes

A 30-year career in the financial industr y might not sound like the ideal experience for running a pub, but the new General Manager at The Limes in Faversham, Andy Hawkes, begs to differ Andy, 52, has joined Faversham-based family brewer Shepherd Neame , after 18 years with HSBC , and following a number of business roles, including financial advisor – and he says all of it helped prepare him for the hospitality move

“The skills are all transferable , ” he said “Customers come in and I build a relationship with them, and then I sell them a range of products and ser vices! It is about talking to people and building a relationship and making them want to come here I am ver y customer ser vice driven because of my background ”

But he added: “I do like pubs and I like beer and wine and spirits and I like talking! It’s a cliché, but I am a people person – I enjoy talking to people So those skills are pretty impor tant too ”

Andy, who lives in the town with his wife and stepson since his two grown-up children flew the nest, was Deputy Manager for eight months before being promoted to the General Manager s position

I have been striving to find somewhere where I want to get up and go to work – and now I’ve found it!” he said

He also has another card up his sleeve – that of resident quizmaster at The Limes He has been wielding the questions for the past five years

“I may not look like your average apprentice , but my whole career has been about personal development, so why stop now?” he said “I’m happy to get back to studying and learning ”

He is already feeling thoroughly at home at The Limes, and so is his dog, four-year-old Woody the bouncy cockapoo, who has his own Instagram account and who is popular with regulars when he pops in Dogs are allowed in the front bar area of The Limes

Though he loves the pub as it is – he was a regular long before he considered working there – he would like to increase the use of the upstairs function room and is looking forward to improving the outside garden area at the rear

“I do absolutely love the job ” says Andy “I like to be busy which is a good job as I think we are definitely going to be one of the busiest pubs in the town ”

22 CLH Digital Issue 157

VisitEngland Anounces 15 Local Visitor Economy Partnerships

VisitEngland has today announced 12 destinations to gain Local Visitor Economy Par tnership (LVEP) status, in addition to the three Nor th East Destination Development Par tnership (DDP) pilot LVEPs announced earlier this year

Marketing Cheshire , Experience Oxfordshire , Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Visit Hull and East Yorkshire Visit West Marketing Manchester Visit Peak District, Derbyshire and Derby, Visit Her tfordshire , Visit Kent, Liverpool City Region, Cumbria Tourism, and Birmingham, Solihull and the Black Countr y join the programme alongside the Nor th East DDP pilot LVEPs NewcastleGateshead Initiative , Visit County Durham and Visit Nor thumberland

Developed and administered by VisitEngland, the national por tfolio of strategic and high-performing LVEPs suppor t collaborative working locally and nationally on shared priorities and targets to grow the local visitor economy The creation of LVEPs was par t of the UK Government’s response to the recommendations of ‘The de Bois Review: an independent review of DMOs in England ’ to reshape destination management across England reducing fragmentation and bringing coherence to its DMO landscape

VisitEngland Director Andrew Stokes said: “VisitEngland is delighted to welcome onto the programme the new LVEPs, who will play a central role in transforming the visitor economy in England in an inclusive , accessible and sustainable way Ensuring we have the right national and local infrastructure in place to grow our visi-

tor economy will ensure England continues to be a compelling destination, for both domestic and international visitors, for years to come ”

“We look forward to working in collaboration with the LVEPs, providing ongoing suppor t including a team of dedicated VisitEngland regional development leads LVEPs will also have access to resources and guidance from VisitBritain/VisitEngland in areas including product distribution, business suppor t, bidding for funding and marketing ”

VisitEngland will work closely with LVEPs during the set-up process and beyond, with ongoing suppor t from a team of five new Regional Development Leads As well as a nationally recognised official status, LVEPs will also be able to access exper t advice , dedicated toolkits and training programmes, targeting their needs, from VisitBritain/VisitEngland in areas ranging from distribution, accessibility and sustainability to business suppor t and marketing An impor tant strand of suppor t will be highlighting available Government funding streams as well as developing and providing a ‘toolkit’ to help LVEPs with bids to those streams

VisitEngland welcomed the first three LVEPs, NewcastleGateshead Initiative , Visit County Durham and Visit Nor thumberland into the programme earlier this year They form the pilot Destination Development Par tnership (DDP) in the Nor th East of England led by NewcastleGateshead Initiative first announced by the UK Government in November 2022 The pilot is a valuable oppor tunity to prove the DDP concept and the impact the model can have on growing the visitor economy, strengthening the case for future funding

Rising Industry Talent Shines Through in Toque D’or® Heats Shortlist

As Toque d’Or’s 35th anniversar y competition hots up, Nestlé

Professional today announced the shor tlist of college students who have made it through into the Heats Taking place at Nestlé HQ during 15-18th May 2023, the Heats will host 48 FOH and BOH students

With several days crammed with challenges and exper t mentoring ever y entrant that makes it through is set to enjoy a learning experience of a lifetime

Open to Back and Front of House students on *Levels 2 3 or 4 nearly 400 registrations have been received as par t of the entr y stage of this year ’ s Toque d’Or To qualify, students had to record and upload a 30-second video to YouTube , explaining their passion for hospitality and reasons for entering Toque d’Or In addition, BOH entrants prepared and cooked a piece of sustainable fish, submitting a menu description and photos of the mise-en-place , fish knife skills, and final dish FOH students laid up a table inspired by a theme of their choice and created a coffee drink inspired by the same theme They then submitted a drink description and photos of the mise-en-place (with drink ingredients) final drink and laid-up table


Edinburgh College

University College Birmingham

Sheffield College , City Campus

Westminster Kingsway College

Nottingham College

New City College Redbridge

Kirklees College

Newcastle College

Ayrshire College

Nor th Her tfordshire College

Midkent College

New City College

Katya Simmons, managing director Nestlé Professional UK&I said: “Each and ever y year of the competition, I’m taken aback by the level of passion, skill and commitment shown in people’s entries It’s a real privilege to see and reaffirms how much future talent we have to look forward to as an industr y

“I’m delighted to welcome all the shor tlisted candidates to the next stage of the competition the heats The bar has been set extremely high and exceeded our expectations so we ’ re excited to see how the rest of the competition shapes up We hope all the incredible action that unfolds over the coming weeks and months has a positive ripple effect, inspiring others to think differently about the wonderful world of hospitality and the career oppor tunities available Good luck to all the 2023 competitors!”

Those competing in BOH at the National Heats will learn how to create nutritious and sustainable plant-based dishes during a series of masterclasses delivered by judges Louisa Ellis, MasterChef: The Professionals, The Festive Knockout winner ; Justin Clarke , Development Chef at Nestlé Professional; and Paul Fletcher, Senior Quality & Innovation Chef at Whitbread

As the competition gets ready to heat up, Paul Fletcher said: “Plant-based food has become a crucial par t of people’s diets as consumers seek more sustainable and healthier lifestyles It’s our responsibility as chefs to continue to innovate in this space and we look forward to seeing how the students rise to the challenge ”

Front of House competitors will learn barista and wine skills from judges Raul Diaz wine exper t and Founder of Wine Training School; Ryan Burke , Head of Training for Hot Beverages at Nestlé Professional; and Sophie Taylor, 2021 FOH Toque d’Or winner now chef de par tie at the Gleneagles Townhouse Students will then work together as a team to ser ve lunch to guests before receiving feedback on food, drinks and the overall ser vice

Commenting ahead of the Nationals Heats, Raul Diaz said: We re looking for people who demonstrate real passion about the ar t of hospitality, from delivering great customer ser vice to understanding and confidently explaining food and wine pairings to guests The Heats are going to be both challenging and rewarding for the students and I’m excited to see the action unfold!”

To see the full list of shor tlisted entrants for the Heats, please visit: www nestleprofessional co uk/toquedor/latest-news/2023-competition-heats-shor tlist

Campaign for Pubs Welcomes Delay of Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme

The Campaign for Pubs has warmly welcomed the announcement today by Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf MSP that the flawed Deposit Return Scheme will be delayed by a year The announcement was made in his today in the Scottish Parliament in his first major speech since being elected

The Campaign for Pubs which represents pubs and publicans and includes small brewer and independent producer members, had written to the First Minister urging a delay to revise the scheme , so it wouldn t damage Scotland s craft brewing scene and Scotland s pubs, especially during the cost-of-living crisis

The scheme as originally drafted would hugely discriminate against small brewers and other small drinks producers burdening them with ver y significant new costs that some Scottish craft breweries had warned would put them out of business The overall impact of the scheme as planned would have be to see some brewers, small drinks producers and pubs going to the wall with large corporations benefiting, all at the expense of Scottish drinkers who would have been faced with less choice as well as higher prices

The Campaign for Pubs are now offering to work with the Scottish Government to help come up with a scheme that both benefits the environment but doesn’t favour huge corporations and undermine competition and consumer choice

Morag Douglas Scottish Spokesperson for the Campaign for Pubs and licensee of the Star Burntisland said:

“It’s excellent news and a huge relief to Scotland’s small breweries and small drinks producers and to Scottish pubs that the flawed Deposit Return Scheme has been delayed for a year We thank the First Minister Humza Yousaf for listening and doing the right thing

“Scotland’s small breweries, independent producers and pubs have long been champions of recycling and want to work with the Scottish Government to agree a scheme that helps the environment without favouring huge corporations over small producers and operators, which the currently drafted scheme would have done We will continue to press for a scheme that will deliver the objectives in a more sustainable , sensible way and doesn’t threaten the diversity of the drinks offer in Scotland”

Phil Saltonstall, Brewer Coordinator of the Campaign for Pubs and a founder of Brass Castle Brewer y said: “The announcement from the First Minister to pause the flawed DRS roll-out in Scotland and review its implementation is most welcome This should give time to ensure that DRS isn’t simply hijacked as an oppor tunity by big producers to snatch market share from hugely disadvantaged smaller competitor businesses and reduce consumer choice

“Under the current proposed DRS structure it has looked ver y much like the only winners from the process would be a few large multinationals and the immodestly-remunerated executives behind its implementation The review now is an oppor tunity to ensure that the environment is actually the main beneficiar y of DRS, while competition is maintained in the marketplace

Issue 157 CLH Digital 23

The Hielo® Wine Cooler -

“Style as Well as Substance”

perature of your wine cooler for longer, or, until you have finished the bottle!

The real advantage is that it is really aesthetically pleasing, modern with that wonderful hint of elegance and “panache”, and, clean, and hygienic , without any “drips”, no water marks on your table from condensation running down the side Highly recommended indeed!

And for anyone interested the menu for the night was:

Panfr ied scallop w th Chor izo and a lemon butter

Paella - Home-made of cour se!

Orange Caramel Creams: Flan de Naranja

For fur ther details on the The Hielo® Wine Cooler visit www icecooldesign com or see the adver t on the back cover of this issue

Blue Star Foods

Blue Star Foods have been catching processing and selling crab meat for almost thir ty years offering a quality product and long shelf-life throughout this length of time!

Sustainability - All the crabs we catch is wild caught and fully sustainable , only adult male crabs are kept for processing

Packaging- Our patented recycled pouch packaging

Old Jamaica, The UK’s Number One Ginger Beer Brand

Old Jamaica the UK s number one ginger beer brand has the perfect range of soft drinks to appeal to all those who like to mix it up All of our drinks pair perfectly with gin vodka rum and whisky; in fact almost any spirit you can think of there s an Old Jamaica product that can pair perfectly with it!

From Old Jamaica Ginger Beer – with Regular, Light and Extra Fier y to choose from – through to our recent launch of our Ginger Ale as well as a Rhubarb & Ginger Ale we are the OG s of ginger beer and the only brand that uses authentic Jamaican root ginger across our range

In addition to ginger beers, Old Jamaica has a range of Sodas too Our Tropical Soda joined the family in 2021, with Grape Soda, Cream Soda and Pineapple Soda continuing to delight consumer tastebuds across the country!

All of the products in the Old Jamaica por tfolio deliv-

er a bold and unique flavour meeting the increasing needs of UK consumers as one in four consumers already mix Old Jamaica with alcohol

Terri Cooper, senior commercial manager at Old Jamaica, said: “We’re excited to see Old Jamaica continue to be the UK’s no 1 ginger beer brand and consistently tap into consumers growing demand for quality, versatile , flavoursome mixers that pair perfectly with a variety of spirits and are suitable for all occasions ”

A wide-ranging communications strateg y will suppor t the brand throughout 2022 and aims to broaden Old Jamaica’s brand appeal, increase awareness, and position the brand as the authentic alternative to the ‘ norm ’ within the soft drinks categor y Visit www oldjamaicagingerbeer com or www refresco com or see the adver t on page 12

Exclusive Elegance and Quality by Design

Benefiting from Fracino's extensive research and development programme , world class engineering skills and state of the ar t production technolog y, the new Romano-R is a genuine fusion of style and luxurious quality

enable us to give our customers a long shelf-life of 18 months from production

Quality- We guarantee our crab meat will taste and look as it would the day it was caught due to our unique pasteurisation system and rigorous quality control practices

Strike the Gold Foods Ltd were appointed the UK distributor twelve years ago who both the food ser vice & retail sectors with the range of crab meats

See advert page 13 or visit www bluestarfoods com or www strikethegoldfoods co uk for further information or telephone 0800 987 5431

Available in 2 or 3 group versions, it boasts all the power, technical qualities and reliability synonymous with Fracino products, in a stunning design to create the ultimate coffee bar furniture The Romano elegantly combines classic cur ves and retro styling with contemporar y materials and close attention to detail, ensuring a truly outstanding finish Featuring latest technolog y integration, the full width touch pad features ‘digital trace’ icons for the drink selection and a wide range of control features within the programme - including controlled on/off times for maximum energ y efficiency coffee extraction displayed in volume and time for each espresso shot for precise drink quality multi-lingual display selection and digital programme set-up for easy user adjustment capability

Our powerful combination of stylish design and creative technolog y enables discerning clients to choose a bespoke finish for their Fracino espresso machine Our exper tise caters for individuality –whether it be to enhance a theme or interior design promote a brand - or simply to challenge convention

We offer the option to select a bespoke mirror finish in a range of lustrous colours, which draw out the beauty of the highly polished stainless steel, whilst an extensive range of dramatic solid colours – in a satin or matt finish – are available to complement and enhance the interior designer’s creativity and provide the finishing touch befitting the individuality of the exclusive luxur y restaurant and coffee bar

Transforming the purely functional into an enviable work of ar t; that’s Romano!

sales@fracino com www fracino com

See the adver t on page 7

We’ve supplied our wonderful hampers and baskets to discerning customers to fill with their own speciality food and wine for many years Whether you use traditional wicker hampers with lids or packing trays made from bamboo, all are woven from natural materials which are sustainable reusable biodegradable and recyclable The versatility of quality baskets has kept them in use for centuries so aside from being incredibly eco-friendly they are excellent value for money

And now to compliment your hamper, why not add one of our new, beautiful hand-tied, eco-friendly satin bows?

These clever bows are made by recycling used plastic bottles into yarn, which is then woven into a soft sheen satin ribbon It looks fabulous and feels just as satin ribbon should The ribbon is made in England and the bow is hand-tied here too!

The design is a 2-loop 2-tail bow, which means it's never upside down! The bow is created using a 70mm wide ribbon and is securely attached to the 50mm wide long strap On the back of each bow is a tab of double-sided tape to secure to your basket The ribbon strap is 135cm so it will fit ever y hamper and basket we supply and once secured in place just cut off the excess

The recycled yarns we use are cer tified by GRS The GRS is the Global Recycled Standard Oeko Tex, the global industr y standard for textiles, has also cer tified the product In a nutshell, the manufacture and use of recycled yarns promote sustainability and reduce environmental impact through the reduction in waste

Contact us on 01502 501681 or email salesdesk@candigifts co uk

Alternatively visit our website or see the adver t on page 2

Hygiene is critical when providing food and drinks in reusable glass bottles, plastic cups, pints, flutes, bowls, plates, cutler y and containers



The critical difference between plastic and traditional crocker y is hygiene Crocker y is dense and retains heat plastic does not so it is much harder to dr y Stored plastic cups, pints and food containers must be dr y to prevent hygiene issues Any residual moisture will eventually lead to mould growth

The key is achieving 0% residual moisture when cups, bowls food containers etc leave the dishwasher WASHING SMALL TO MEDIUM VOLUMES:

Existing dishwashers can be conver ted to wash plastic cups and containers for immediate reuse

A weighted grid for light cups converts Meiko s single basket M-iClean H and double basket MiClean HXL hood-type dishwashers into cup washing machines, with a maximum capacity of up to 1,500 cups/h (M-iClean

Adveco Gas To Electric Decarbonisation Jamu Wild Water

Hotels and restaurants intending to replace existing gas-fired domestic hot water (DHW) systems with more sustainable electric technologies as par t of a decarbonisation strateg y should invest in data gathering first recommends hot water specialist


Live Metering is a simple to install,

with oversizing and ensures operation within the limits of the existing electrical supply of the building Businesses which opt to purchase the recommended replacement system from Adveco will receive a 50% refund on the cost of implementing the initial Live Metering ser vice

Talk to Adveco about booking Live Metering at your proper ty

https://adveco co/products/live-metering/ or see the adver t on page 5

Jamu Wild Water is on a mission to rewild hydration from the inside-out The Devon based natural soft drink brand takes inspiration from natures larder and aims to reinvigorate menus and grocer y shelves with healthy sparkling drink options

Their sparkling water range features three delicious flavours –Lemon, Blood Orange , and Raspberr y Each flavour comes bursting with British-grown botanicals and prebiotic fibre to actively suppor t gut-health Tahi Grant-Sturgis, Co-ounder of Jamu Wild Water says: “where Jamu differs from other gut-loving beverages such as kombucha and kefir, is that it isn’t fermented, as a result we find a wider following among young

people and consumers that find fermented drinks more challenging”

The subtle sweetness and flavour profile that the new range offers, suggests it will work just as conveniently as a low calorie mixer, offering a refreshing and clean alternative to complement botanical and crafted spirits Jamu Wild Water prides itself in its zero policy that is - zero sugar ar tificial additives, preser vatives and plastics The company is committed to making healthy and sustainable products that give back to nature through their 10% of profits pledge , which suppor ts rewilding projects and ser ves to enrich the lives of young people through nature-led experiences Balancing flavour wellness benefits and it s strong nature-led mission Jamu is set to bring a premium offering to the ever-increasing healthy and eco-conscious consumer

HXL) The option of a dr ying table speeds up the dr ying of cups Undercounter cup washing can also be achieved with Meiko’s M-iClean U, which uses a weighted grid for lightweight cups Meiko also provides wash baskets tailored to wash plastic bowls and food containers GLASS BOTTLES The move to reusable bottles highlights the need for dishwashing machines with high-volume capability Meiko’s undercounter Bottle Wash System is currently the most productive on the market (April 2023), washing 16 at one time , or up to 640 bottles per hour A dedicated bottle wash rack and adaptor that swaps with the bottom wash arm quickly switches from dishwashing to bottles The Meiko Bottle Wash System takes bottles up to 114 mm wide and 370 mm tall, making a vast choice of bottles available It is suitable for all Meiko M-iClean undercounter machines in use since 2009 For fur ther information see page 9 or visit www meiko-uk co uk Products and Services Washing and Drying Reusables For Safe, Hygienic Foodservice Can Your Hamper Packaging Be Sustainable? Absolutely! Take A Look At Ours... Equally impor tant as style with any product is substance! And The Hielo® Wine Cooler meets both requirements From Manhattan to the Mediterranean the Hielo® wine cooler is a simple and stylish new way to keep wine chilled on any hospitality tabletop, using natural cooling technolog y that’s as simple as it is effective The minimal design of the Hielo® is inspired by luxur y Manhattan dining – where soaring stone-and-metal skyscrapers touch the blue sky Add that to the rich tradition of Mediterranean cultivation that supplies the finest flavours to customers all over the world and the Hielo® is an elegant marriage of urban sophistication and rustic integrity Designed with intelligence Using just 5 ice cubes through thermal conductivity the Hielo® wine cooler maintains a perfect temperature , and at 223mm tall and with an internal diameter of 105mm the Hielo® wine cooler can also accommodate larger and wider bottles such as Bollinger and Laurent-Perrier champagnes CLH editor Peter trialled one earlier this month on what he refers to as “date night”! And, is delighted to say this really is a fantastic and far superior cooler It takes just 5 ice cubes in the bottom to keep the tem-
non-invasive onsite ser vice provided by Adveco that generates consistent six minute data 24 hours per day from existing hot water systems to accurately understand actual usage , including critical peak demands and their profile shape Adveco’s specialist engineers will visit to fit the meter and assess the proper ty The data will then be processed and a repor t generated with design recommendations for a replacement system that meets the exact needs of the building New designs by Adveco will show carbon reduction and outline new operational costs Accurate to the
demands of the proper ty,
Metered designs
capital costs associated
avoid excess
Visit www jamuwildwater co uk or see page 2 24 CLH Digital Issue 157

Robert’s Dorset

The Perfect Snack

Aqilla Helps Independent Hotel Reach a Level of Financial Control to Rival Global Groups

When Sage 200 Extra Online was withdrawn, it was the perfect oppor tunity for Rober t McCluskey Financial Controller at The Spa Hotel in Tunbridge Wells, to implement new accounting software that would offer advanced financial analysis reduce the time spent on manual tasks, and gain a competitive advantage for this independent hotel He chose Aqilla’s cloud-based accounting software to help achieve these strategic goals

Explaining his reasons for choosing Aqilla Rober t said “Having come from larger hotel groups, I’m used to working with the level of financial analysis you get from bigger applications QuickBooks was never going to do it, and the bigger packages are out of my range , but Aqilla is in that middle space where you can get lots of functionality from quite a light product and a low cost of ownership ”


The 70-room independent hotel has several revenue streams, including a Spa and Leisure Club, restaurants, conference ser vices and events Different business applications are in place to suppor t each depar tment; the hotel management system covers bookings and housekeeping, and a spa and leisure club system manages therapy bookings and memberships There is also a food and beverage till system which stores information to help manage stock and predict purchasing needs in line with historic trends

There are around 2,000 metrics that can potentially be har vested and analysed daily for improved financial control The data from each system is currently impor ted into Excel However it wasn’t possible to upload Excel data into Sage This meant that the financial analysis could only span the volume of data the accounts team could manually input each day – on average , just 30 lines Par ticularly impor tant following the impact on the business caused by the pandemic improved financial analysis would help the hotel control costs increase efficiencies and make more accurate predictions


Sage’s limitations meant that Rober t could only tap into a small percentage of the total data available to him limiting his range of performance measures and the quality of the insights from such a small data pool Aqilla’s Excel Add-In means that Rober t can combine 100 per cent of his data in Excel before impor ting it to Aqilla He explained, “I was only able to manually input about 30 lines a day Now I have almost 100 automatically uploaded that I use to check costs and performance

He continued “With Aqilla I push a button and it takes seconds to populate the data The sheer volume it can handle is incredible , and it gives me the kind of detailed insights you d expect from a much larger system It saves me an insane amount of time maybe as much as two hours a day that I can spend improving efficiency ” Rober t also uses Sharperlight, a self-ser vice BI tool integrated with Aqilla that draws information out for repor ting purposes He explained how it saves time tr ying to find the source of discrepancies I d often get to the end of the month and wonder why my spreadsheet is different to the accounts Drawing repor ts from Aqilla via Sharperlight means my repor ting is always in sync ”

Quantifying some of the advantages the finance team have experienced since switching to Aqilla Rober t added “The daily banking process used to take two and a half hours with Sage With Aqilla, it takes less than an hour The bank reconciliation process at month end that used to take three or four days now takes me less than half a day ” Streamlined accurate accounting and access to cross-company data can help hospitality businesses recover from the challenges of Covid and get through today’s turbulent economic times Summing up, Rober t says, “Our accounting needs are basic; bank rec , general ledger and purchase ledger Mainly, I want to get large volumes of data in and out of the system, fast The level of analysis we can get from Aqilla and our ability to combine data from various sources gives us a real advantage I’ve got big system analytics from a fast and light mid-range system It doesn’t matter if it’s 10 or 100 lines I push a button on the toolbar and the data is in ”

For fur ther information email or info@aqilla com visit www aqilla com

Whether you are a hotelier landlord or shop owner, Rober t’s Dorset have the perfect snacks for you Hoteliers. A customer or client arrives A snack and a beverage is offered What a lovely welcome! Landlords Our products cater for ever y taste A drink with a snack is a cherished tradition Shop owners Not only are Rober t’s products delicious, they’re also attractively designed and stackable Our range will look splendid in your store Our products:
s Yummy
AA-grade nuts are ethically and sustainably sourced vegan and g uten-free Fabulous Fudge Gluten-free with vegan options ava lable Panko Keto Crumb Keto-fr iendly and allergen-free with no MSG no ar tificia flavour s and no enhancer s WHITE LABELLING SERVICE All our products can be supplied in a range of sizes, fully packaged with your branding Set up fees and minimum orders applies With us business is friendly and personal This means our trade customers can enjoy: • Easy order ing options , either onl ne or by phone • A dedicated account manager • Trade pr icing • And we can deliver big order s All our packaging is fully recyclable or reusable and we have a 99 9% waste free production process We are proud to be 100% cer tified by RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil*) and buy only from a segregated supply chain If you are looking to rebrand and sell, stock, or gift our amazing, delicious snacks we d love to hear from you Contact Rober t to discuss your needs and ideas, or request our online catalogue: rober t@rober 01202 875280 www rober tsdorset com *Pa m Oil used only in Fudge products
We offer keto vegetarian vegan sugar-free gluten-free and allergen-free crackling, nuts and
Proper Pork Crackling. Keto-fr iendly and allergenfree with no MSG , no ar tificia flavour s and no enhancer
Peanuts and Delicious Cashews Our
Beer Piper, home of the automated beer line cleaning system, are offering a package deal to make beer line cleaning simpler more consistent and ultimately cheaper by focusing on quality For just £175 a month* customers will receive a beer piper automated cleaning unit and all chemicals delivered bi-monthly This amazing deal also includes installation, training, technical suppor t, a free hygiene star ter pack, discounts on other products, as well as use of the dedicated app and por tal The Beer Piper system is easy to use and can result in major cost savings for customers by reducing the amount of time staff spend on the task – a Beer Piper clean takes just 8 5 minutes! Not only does the system improve staff efficiencies, but it also ensures consistent high quality cleans are achieved ever y time The sealed system mixes the neat beer line cleaner with fresh water directly into the lines, ensuring the correct dilution rate regardless of flow The superior quality chemicals used and supplied by Beer Piper ensure lines are immaculate and allow customers to ser ve the best pints possible Another advantage of this is that with time customers can go longer between cleans The automated nature of the system also means that there is no need to manually mix these chemicals thus reducing the associated risks to staff No CO2 is required with the Beer Piper system so the surging costs of CO2 in the UK need not be a concern The system also uses much less water than a manual clean so this also adds to the cost savings being made As does Beersave – a function unique to an automated line clean as it allows the beer that would usually be wasted and poured down the drain before a clean to be sold, ensuring even more money is saved Visit www beerpiper co uk for more information *up to 10 taps Beer Piper Putting Quality First To Deliver Cost Savings For Customers The star t of the year is always a good time to reflect on what you did last year and what worked best for you in terms of both bringing in the footfall and ultimately profits Planning your promotions throughout the year is always good practice with any business and for our market sector we have to focus on events around the year and of course seasonal activity such as Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day HFE Signs have a range of pre-designed Pub Banners which are great to give some ideas There is no better way to adver tise your promotions than Printed Banners from HFE Signs – with great deals such as Three 8x3ft Printed Banners for just £108 delivered you can’t go wrong! Fur thermore if you order printed banners by 11am they are delivered next working day and if that isn’t good enough, the design is free too For more information on Printed Banners, check out www hfe-signs co uk today or see the adver t on page 5! Is It Time For Some Fresh Promotions? Products and Services Issue 157 CLH Digital 25

The Source Trade Roadshow

Catering for Bristol’s Food and Drink Buyers

On Tuesday 27th June the Source Roadshow will be taking place at Bristol’s Ashton Gate Stadium, for one day only In 2022, this new trade show hosted 200 exhibitors showcasing food & drink, equipment and all the ser vices a catering, hospitality, or food retail business needs The post-show visitor sur vey showed that 71% of the visitors placed orders at, or shor tly after, the show, while 63% found 5 or more new suppliers 97% said they would recommend the show to a colleague or related business, and 100% of attendees said they would be back in 2023!

Working with Taste of the West, the South West s regional food group, and B ARBI, the Bristol Association of Restaurants Bars and Independents along with a broad mix of trade publications, and local business press, this event presents trade buyers with an engaging, exciting, and valuable business oppor tunity to taste , test and compare Discover remarkable local products with fascinating provenance stories to tell and spend valuable time with passionate producers and knowledgeable suppliers

If you are buying food and drink to reflect the need and demands from your customers, the value of faceto-face interaction cannot be underestimated, par ticularly after the last few years We are all recognising the benefit of getting together to network, and realising the additional oppor tunities this presents to collaborate and create meaningful long-term relationships People

South West Labels

South West Labels are a supplier of labelling guns, thermal label printers & labels We’re here for retail industrial and manufacturing businesses We’re independent, which means impar tial recommendations combined with over 30 years experience in supplying these products

The labelling gun market can be complicated Many products are

do business with people and shows like this help connect individuals Trade shows are a great oppor tunity to build relationships with new par tners, catch up with colleagues clients and friends, as well as to learn new information and get a feel for the latest market trends It’s just so much easier to make those all-impor tant buying decisions when competing offerings are shown side by side

Alongside the exhibitors the organisers are creating a Feature Space to allow visitors to relax and kick back in between checking out the latest food, drink, and business ser vices on offer from the exhibitors This area will feature a live DJ, Michael of Soul Education, who will provide the musical backdrop to the day and new for 2023, the show’s “Leading in Innovation & Sustainability Area” is going to signpost visitors to organisations within the show that display these qualities within their business products and ser vices The organisers are also delighted to host the City of Bristol College , who will introduce visitors to the next generation of hospitality stars

The Source Roadshow takes p ace on Tuesday 27th June , from 10 00am to 6 00pm at Ashton Gate Stad um Br istol Visiting this show is free for trade buyer s who can register now, at Information about exhibiting at this show is avai able from James Cur tis , or Paul Thomas on 01934 733433 or by ema ling stands@hale-events com

known by different names depending on their use Labelling guns, price guns, pricing guns, label guns, coding guns and batch guns Our range of products can meet all needs: Simple low use models, durable machines for industr y A wide variety of specialist features including auto-incrementing guns for batch codes

All equipment is supplied with a one year factor y warranty and are designed to give years of reliable and effective ser vice

Visit us on stand B18 to view our products

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising 26 CLH Digital Issue 157

Introducing Mermaid Spiced Rum, the latest spirit from the Isle of Wight Distiller y Tropical island blends crafted for sipping on island time Carried on trade winds across the Atlantic from the sunny Caribbean and discovered basking in golden light on Isle of Wight shores, then married together with local fruits and spices

Mermaid Spiced Rum is crafted from a carefully selected blend of sugar cane and molasses rum from Trinidad and the Dominican Republic , distilled in column stills and aged between 2 - 5 years in oak bourbon whiskey barrels Inspired by a long histor y of shipwrecks bringing Caribbean rum to our island shores, the unique spirit was created to honour heritage and folklore

Spirits and Cocktails

Infused on the Isle of Wight with fragrant rock samphire , fresh white cherr y and apricot, honey from our beehives and black salt from our floodtides Gently spiced with local holy grass, cassia and vanilla Smooth yet complex, with a hint of sea air, delicate caramel notes and vibrant fruity spice

This smooth and sophisticated rum gives soft vanilla gentle spice and a hint of sea air on the nose with honeyed caramel notes vibrant cherr y and a sea salt finish to taste

Ser ving Suggestion: Fill a glass with ice and a measure of Mermaid Spiced Rum Top with premium Ginger Ale and garnish with a sprig of fresh mint and a maraschino cherr y for a refreshing and sophisticated ser ve

Purchase from the Isle of Wight Distiller y on 01983 613653, at office@isleofwightdistiller y com or via www isleofwightdistiller y com

A DEVICE adding the wow factor to cocktails has taken the international market by storm, after being inspired by the childhood experience of blowing bubbles

the world As well as leading mixologist and Flavour Blaster ambassador Simone Caporale , owner of Sips 3rd best cocktail bar in world The professional aroma gun is sold to more than 40 000 customers in 150 countries thanks to its use of innovative technolog y Its success is the result of a collaboration between hospitality entrepreneur Colin Myers and manufacturing guru, Rober t Flunder who came up with the initial

Jolly’s is a brand new cocktail company that manufactures READY MIXED ORIGINAL (NOT traditional) VIBRANT COCKTAILS

All you need is a glass with some ice

concept to add some theatricality to the drinks experience And the resulting creation was down to Colins fascination with the concept of edible bubbles which would use authentic aromas rather than synthetic flavours

Australian-born Colin, who previously worked in the bar and leisure industr y in the UK, spent four years helping to develop the product which he describes as “ an inner child gadget ”

The company uses a leading company in New York to prepare its aromas which are distilled from actual



in theatrical mixolog y ”



claim your exclusive offer today visit Jolly s is a trading name of Good 2 Go Cocktails Ltd

celebrate our launch, we invite you to trial THE FULL SET (one of each of our five fantastic flavours)
CATER23 to receive The
If you run an events company, pub, nightclub, restaurant, social club, hotel or any other establishment that sells alcohol, these “cocktails of distinction” could be for you at only
Full Set
£19.99 (RRP £27.99) Then from your first trade customer order we will discount £19.99
Mermaid Spiced Rum
Flavour Blaster Pro, which creates aroma filled bubbles on the top of drinks, is now used by professionals in Michelin Star Restaurants and Five Star Hotels around
herbs and spices rather than being ar tificially produced
For fur ther
information visit www flavourblaster com
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Issue 157 CLH Digital 27
Flavour Blaster - Add Theatre to Every Serve With Aromatic Bubble Garnish


Cider has been a beloved drink in the UK for centuries, with a rich histor y and a strong cultural association with summer and outdoor drinking In this ar ticle , we explore the British love affair with cider, including its popularity in pubs, bars, and beer gardens, the histor y of the drink, the demographic age groups that consume it and cider sales data for the past ten years We will also provide tips and advice on how pub bar owners can increase sales

Cider has a long and storied histor y in the UK with the first recorded mention of the drink dating back to the 13th centur y It was traditionally produced on small farms and orchards, and each region had its own unique cider-making methods and varieties of apple

In recent years cider has experienced a resurgence in popularity, with a growing number of craft cider producers and a renewed interest in traditional cidermaking methods


Cider has long been associated with young people and summer drinking, with the drink being popular among students and festival-goers However, recent data suggests that cider is increasingly popular among older age groups as well

According to a study by Kantar Worldpanel the number of people over the age of 45 who drink cider has increased by 50% in the past decade This suggests that cider is no longer just a drink for young people , but is now enjoyed by a wide range of age groups

Cider is a popular drink in pubs, bars, and beer gardens across the UK, par ticularly during the summer months Many pubs and bars now offer a range of ciders, from traditional farmhouse varieties to craft ciders and flavoured ciders

According to data from CGA, cider sales in the ontrade sector (pubs bars and restaurants) have increased by 1 6% in the past year This suggests that cider remains a popular choice for drinkers, despite competition from other drinks such as craft beer and gin


Charlie Fr yday Categor y Director UK On-Trade for HEINEKEN UK says: “Over 870,000 pints of cider are bought in the UK ever y day (CGA Strateg y, MAT 16/07/2022) Draught ser ves dominate here , with mainstream apple brands such as Strongbow Original and Inch’s Apple Cider, remain best-sellers across most outlet types as mainstream apple cider remains the fastest selling cider categor y (CGA Strateg y: GB MAT Value Share 2YA vs TY (03 12 22)

However, premium cider is on an upward trajector y, providing a lucrative oppor tunity for pubs Value sales of premium draught apple and flavoured ciders have grown by 7% and 195% respectively in the last five years (CGA Strateg y MAT TY vs 4YA 16/07/22) To maximise cider sales, operators should look to suppor t mainstream draught offerings with a selection of premium apple as well as exotic flavoured ciders on draught This does not mean bottled cider should be overlooked, as packaged brings in over £5,800 to the average outlet ever y year (CGA November 2022) ”

years with data from the National Association of Cider Makers (NACM) showing that cider production increased by 5 5% in 2019

UK is now the world's largest producer and onsumer of cider, with sales of the drink reaching £3 5 billion in 2019 This represents a significant increase from ten years ago, when cider sales were just over £2 billion Craft cider has been a major driver of the crease in cider sales, with many consumers king out ar tisanal and traditional varieties of the drink According to data from Nielsen, sales of craft cider increased by 10 4% in the past year, however, mainstream ciders continue to grow with an uplift of 2 1% for mainstream cider brands


When considering your cider selection, star t with the apple – ensure you have a well-loved premium brand on the bar such as Thatchers Gold

The key to success is quality – offering consumers a brand synonymous with con sistent quality and ensuring a perfect ser v ever y pint will maximise rate of sale and keep your cider drinkers coming back for more Thatchers Gold has the highest rate of sale of any draught apple cider

The right range with the right profile will help maximise revenue from ever y visit too as you ’ re able to set a higher price point for premium and premium plus ciders across both apple and flavoured styles

Apple cider remains king, accounting for 3 out of ever y 4 draught cider ser ves, with premium brands showing the strongest growth so you see how vital it is to make the best choice with one or two taps on the bar

If you have strong consumer demand for apple cider in your outlet, consider a second apple tap in a different style – Thatchers Haze complements Thatchers Gold with a sweeter flavour profile

James Palmer, Head of OnTrade , Thatchers Cider said Cider is an impor tant categor y in any pub, at all times of year – if you only have one tap of cider make sure it’s a brand people want to see

We ll be suppor ting our brands with high profile marketing campaigns this spring and summer

We work with our customers to get their range right for their drinkers Depending on if they’re a high tempo outlet or countr y pub it’s impor tant to offer a choice of cider styles, one or two taps, Gold and Haze , with our alcohol-free Zero in the fridge And Fusion

for fruit cider customers

We do see drinkers come into cider from other categories over the summer months especially as they explore fruitier options!

With that in mind, we ’ re expecting Thatchers Blood Orange to boom this summer as it is the leading trending flavour across the UK


According to Westons’ eighth annual Cider Repor t:

• On-trade cider sales were wor th £1 863 4M (+61 5%) in 2022, as the premium and crafted sub-categor ies continue to outpace mainstream cider s

• Draught cider sales hold steady, at 76 2% of the market Apple continues to make up the major ity of the draught categor y (75 4%) and anecdotally it is recogthat draught cider s are seen to offer better value or money dur ing times of auster ity so we can expect this performance to be maintained, if not exceeded, in 2023

• Bag in Box continues to reinvigorate draught ranges , as the cask ale categor y remains in dec line and allows outlets to showcase an interesting and fully stoc ked bar


Trends that will continue growth throughout 2023 and into next year include:

• Premiumisation picks up pace – this long termtrend is continuing and accelerating, as consumers are increasingly interested in the authenticity, craft and connoisseurship of cider This sub-categor y is showing the most growth and value potential growing from 12% of the categor y in the on-trade in 2021, to 14 4% of total volume sales at the end of 2022

• Quality cues – During periods of economic uncer tainty, consumers in the ontrade will be looking for a quality drink that matches the occasion and so cider ranges must deliver this message – especially when compared with other categories

Lead with apple – Apple cider remains the most popular cider type , driving the categor y in value and volume Flavoured ciders have stabilised at around a third of the categor y, with dark berr y taking a significant share of this

• Low & No – this sub-categor y is steadily growing and, in the on-trade , is wor th £26 9M, having doubled over the past three years While no and low alcohol cider is behind the total overall

categor y, more consumers are becoming interested in alternative offerings


Cider is best drunk in pubs, bars, and beer gardens, par ticularly during the summer months when customers are looking for refreshing fruity drinks to enjoy outside

According to industr y data cider accounts for around 20% of total alcohol sales in pubs making it the second most popular drink after beer In 2020, pub and bar sales of cider totaled £1 5 billion, up from £1 2 billion in 2011


As the summer months approach, pubs in the UK will be looking for ways to increase their sales of cider, a popular drink among customers during the warmer weather Here are some tips for pub operators to increase their cider sales:

MARKETING: Promoting the pub s cider selection through social media and adver tising is an effective way to draw customers in Posting pictures of chilled glasses of cider and adver tising promotions such as happy hours and discounts can create a buzz and increase interest in the pub's cider selection

FESTIVALS: Hosting cider festivals can also be a great way to generate interest in the pub's cider offerings These events can be adver tised through social media and posters in the pub Hosting tastings and having knowledgeable staff on hand to answer questions about the different types of cider available can help customers learn more about the product

and find new favourites

PROMOTIONS: Offering promotions such as 2for-1 deals or discounted pitchers of cider can encourage customers to tr y different types of cider and increase sales Running themed nights such as Cider and Cheese Night or Cider and BBQ Night can also be a fun way to showcase the pub's cider selection and encourage customers to tr y new flavours

FOOD PAIRING: Pairing cider with food can also be a way to increase sales Offering a food menu that pairs well with different types of cider can create a unique experience for customers and encourage them to tr y different types of cider For example , a sweet cider may pair well with spicy wings, while a dr y cider may be best paired with a cheese board In addition to these tips, it's impor tant for pub operators to ensure that their cider selection is varied and includes popular brands as well as local and craft options Providing tasting notes and descriptions can also help customers choose the cider that is right for them

Overall, with the right marketing, events, promotions, and food pairing, pub operators can increase their sales of cider during the summer months and beyond

Cider sales in the UK have been on the rise in recent
Cider sales reached £3.5 billion in 2019
ciderrepresents 76 2% of all cider sold in the on trade
24 CLH DIGITAL ISSUE 157 28 CLH Digital Issue 157

Glebe Farm: The Purest British Oats

Pure , locally grown, gluten-free: Nobody does oats better

Oats are a natural superfood They are packed full of the vitamins, minerals and soluble fibre that helps suppor t a healthy gut and they are also naturally gluten free

Unfor tunately, many of the oatbased products on supermarket shelves today are milled and manufactured at facilities that also process grains like wheat, barley or r ye This leads to contamination of the oats meaning they lose their purity and become unsuitable for the 1 in 100 of those who are coeliac or the estimated 10% of UK consumers now following a gluten-free diet

It was this gap in the market that saw sister and brother team Rebecca and Philip Rayner dedicate themselves to producing truly gluten free oats An independent Cambridge farm and dedicated glutenfree site since 2010, Glebe Farm is the only farm in the UK growing and milling gluten free oats

Glebe Farm’s wonderfully pure British oats are ready to be used by manufacturers and bakers, and are also used in their gluten free oat drink, PureOaty The

Chef's Buyer's Guide

PureOaty range has been designed as the perfect pairing for barista quality coffee , but is also great with cereal or in a smoothie The range includes: PureOaty Barista

PureOaty Creamy & Enriched, and PureOaty Organic Barista

Packed with all the delicious flavour, creamy texture , and delightful frothiness that characterises the best oat drinks, unlike many others on the market, PureOaty never uses concentrate or syrup The only ingredients you’ll ever see on the car tons are oats, water, sunflower oil, and salt

And it’s not just oat drinks, the same oats can be found in Glebe Farm’s own brand of gluten free porridge oats and granolas

100% sown, grown, milled and packed in the UK, the second-generation farmers at Glebe Farm know where ever y single oat that goes into their products comes from That means ever y oat leaving the site is guaranteed to be of the best quality and 100% gluten-free Even better, being British grown and produced means they have the lowest food miles on the market, making them the top choice for sustainable oat products For more information, please visit www glebefarmfoods co uk

PEPPADEW® - the UK’s No 1 pepper brandi - launches new PEPPADEW® Bites exclusively for foodser vice

With 9/10 consumers looking to indulge when eating outii and 87% of consumers saying they’d order the new bitesiii, PEPPADEW® s latest innovation is set to take menus by storm Made in the UK these delicious new bites balance the sweet, tang y flavour of their signature whole Piquanté Pepper, with a smooth soft cheese filling, coated in a crisp, pankostyle crumb 100% vegetarian they meet the demand for tasty flexitarian options, as consumers continue to move away from meativ Extremely versatile , they’re perfect for star ters, sides, tapas,

There is a better way to feed our future Founded in 2009, Beyond Meat pioneered plant-based meat that is crafted to look cook and taste like its animal counterpar t while being better for people and the planet Today, we ' re growing the plant-based movement globally


Through small, ever yday choices -like shifting to plant-based meat- ever yone has the ability to make a meaningful impact on some of the most pressing issues our world faces today: human health climate change , constraints on our natural resources and animal welfare With products in retail and foodser vice

outlets, we re making plant-based meat more accessible to the ever yday consumer BETTER FOR YOU

OUR PROCESS: Through a simple process of heating, cooling, pressure and mixing, we ' re recreating the meaty taste and texture you love about animal meat

OUR INGREDIENTS: Our quality, plant-based ingredients -like peas and brown r ice- contain no GMOs , antibiotics , hormones or c holesterol They're also pac ked with nutr ients , providing you with a great source of protein and other impor tant benefits you get from animal meat

Beyond Meat products enable you to Eat What You Love™ no sacrifice required

For example compared to 80/20 ground beef , our iconic Beyond Burger contains 35% less total and saturated fat fewer calories and a comparable micronutrient profile BETTER FOR OUR PLANET

Plant-based meat is far more sustainable to produce than animal-based meat Compared to a 1⁄4lb U S beef burger, producing an original Beyond Burger uses*:





Visit for fur ther information

*As of June 2021

30 CLH Digital Issue 157
bar bites, or as an addition to sharing-platters Conveniently frozen they can be ready in 3-4 minutes making them the quick and simple way to pep up your menu Crucially these delicious bites can also drive margin as over 50% of consumers would pay more for PEPPADEW® Bites than jalapeño poppersii and each 5kg case offers a £200 return Their frozen format, 18month shelf life and versatility help minimise waste , providing a sustainable and cost-effective choice Speaking of the PEPPADEW® innovation, Lukasz Lubasinski, Commercial Director, PEPPACO Ltd said: Now more than ever ever y par t of your menu needs to taste great, work hard and most impor tantly drive spend and margin PEPPADEW® Bites is an exciting, flexible and premium new product that works across a range of eating and drinking occasions as well as major trendsvi - from indulgence and meatfree to sustainability ” PEPPADEW® Bites are available through leading wholesalers including Bidfood KFF and Eden Farms Visit www.peppadewfoodser vice for more information New PEPPADEW® Bites - The Ultimate Bite to Pep Up Menus & Profits PureOaty: Good for the Planet, Good for You Beyond Meat - Serious Sizzle Made From Plants www peppadewfoodservice co uk

Chef's Buyer's Guide

Bacchus Wines PLDC Announce UK-Exclusive Deal with Champagne House Paul Lebrun

Bacchus Wines PLDC Ltd an independent wine merchant offers wines to restaurants caterers, bars, pubs and wine enthusiasts The UK-based wine wholesaler sells top-quality, award-winning wines at prices that hospitality businesses can appreciate They have excellent relationships with family-run winemakers in France and the team personally select their wines to ensure top quality at great prices In addition, they handle the impor t of wine into the UK, solving all freight and trade agreement issues

Bacchus Wines are pleased to announce its UK-exclusive par tnership with champagne house Paul Lebrun Founded in 1902, the Maison draws its inspiration from multi-generational winemaking know-how Their Champagnes are top in their class and have beaten the biggest brands on the market in taste tests

Bacchus Wines Co-Founder Trond Rornes told us, "We are ver y excited to bring the fantastic Champagnes by Paul Lebrun to the UK market The Champagne house has been exper tly making Champagne for generations, and we love the unique character and the rich taste of Chardonnay their Champagnes offer We know our customers will love this Champagne as much as we do "

Over the decades, the Vignier-Lebrun family have adopted a progressive outlook to understand bet-

Ariela’s Gelato

Gelato is more than just icecream – it’s a pure taste of Italy

A truly ar tisan treat, Ariela’s Gelato is the perfect way to indulge in an authentic desser t that is as delicious as it is decadent

Made with only the finest ingredients, our Gelato is never loaded with ar tificial additives and preser vatives Instead, we make sure that you are receiving the healthiest, most natural Gelato in keeping with Italian tradition And unlike mass-produced ice-cream, ar tisan Gelato is carefully crafted from the hear t

When you forget tradition you lose taste; and without the ar tisan, you lose the ar t But with Ariela’s Gelato, you experience – and can taste

a true labour of love

Ariela’s Gelato was born out of a desire to recreate a world that was taken for granted back in Italy For founder and owner Ariela Cesana, after moving to London, it was impossible to get a true taste of home: “I was so frustrated when I couldn’t find a Gelato in London

like the one I grew up with – so I decided to just make it myself! And since 2006, Ariela has been on a journey to bring the luxurious taste of Italy to the UK

Made in small batches using only the purest, highest-quality ingredients our Gelato uses the same traditional processes that can only be found in an authentic Italian Gelateria for a truly ar tisan, lovingly crafted, authentic Italian Gelato

What really sets Ariela s Gelato apar t is the ar tistr y and exper tise that can only come from true experience and passion The base of our Gelato is pasteurised, poured into batch freezers, churned, then extracted and decorated by hand one by one , flavour by flavour

Care goes into ever ything we do to make sure you and our customers receive the truest Gelato experience , and when it comes to creating our range , we ’ ve been passionate about pursuing perfection Each flavour is a carefully crafted blend of natural ingredients that have been painstakingly tried and tested to ensure you get flavour, not flavourings

For fur ther information see the adver t on this page

ter and look after the unique terroir to grow exceptional Chardonnay grapes for their cuvees The grape variety is grown on their chalky soils south of Épernay and on the soils rich in rolled pebbles in Sézanne , which are rare in the Champagne vineyards These exceptional terroirs must be protected and respected to produce their outstanding Champagne , which is necessar y to achieve their Grand cru classification

Private Chef Tim Whittam told us, "I ser ved the Extra Brut champagne at my supper club The Champagne solicited much praise from the diners!"

Small yet perfectly curated, the Bacchus Wines PLDC collection is handpicked and personally selected by the founders They choose quality wines with provenance and integrity, with the utmost impor tance on the ar t of winemaking rather than mass production In addition, they offer prices and ser vice hospitality businesses can appreciate For more information, please visit https://bacchuspldc com/

The Next Generation of Fries Have Arrived… and They Are REALLY Crunchy!

Lamb Weston has launched its latest potato innovation; REALLY Crunchy Fries!

Created to satisfy growing demand for unique sensor y dining experiences and sustainably-minded quality ingredients, and designed for the next era of dining out, these ground-breaking coated fries promise an unbeatable long-lasting crunch sensation that no other fr y can rival, appealing to diners that want the ver y best food experiences

When choosing to eat out, 1 in 2 diners in the UK want food experiences they can’t get anywhere else^ and right now 75% of diners crave indulgent foods that offer sensor y pleasure as a means to boost their mental wellbeing and make them feel happier and UK operators want addedvalue products that offer a ‘ wow factor’ moment for their guests whether in-restaurant takeaway or home deliver y

Lamb Weston’s UK Marketing Manager, Pete Evans, says; “Expectations on foodser vice operators have never been higher Guests want to be wowed like never before and ever y element of a dish needs to deliver a great quality sensor y experience that goes beyond just taste! Our industr yleading innovations in frozen fries over the past 25 years have created a legacy for world-famous potato solutions in

quality, taste and heat-holding capabilities, but now the time is right to elevate the fr y experience to a new standard in indulgent, sensor y potato enjoyment!”

Sensor y research by acclaimed audiologist Natan Bauman, MD, revealed that the sensation of crunchy food stimulates feelings of enjoyment and excitement in our brains † This makes crunchier foods more pleasurable to eat, so REALLY Crunchy Fries means really satisfied diners!

Pete Evans adds; “We set out with clear vision to create the crunchiest fr y we ’ ve ever made and with REALLY Crunchy Fries we have cracked it! This is a really new and really exciting product that is uniquely different in appearance and mouthfeel, offering an unbeatable fr y experience for diners and an unbeatable product solution for forward-thinking foodser vice operators

Ready to experience REALLY Crunchy Fries for yourself?

Visit https://pages lambweston eu/en/really-crunchy-fries to request a sample now

Sources/References: ^ Foresight Factor y Consumer behaviours towards din ng OOH 2022 †C Spence 2004 – Journa of Sensor y Stud es The Role o Auditor y Cues in Modulating the Perceived Crispness and Staleness of Potato Ch ps 2004
32 CLH Digital Issue 157

Discover the Power of Chefs’ Most Trusted Bouillon* Chef's Buyer's Guide

Chef Tom Kerridge has joined forces with Knorr Professional Bouillons to launch a new online training hub for chefs ‘The Base’ contains exclusive recipes video tutorials and training tools that will help other professional chefs to improve their skills in the kitchen

As the new Creative Director for Knorr Professional Bouillons, two Michelinstarred Chef Tom has also developed a range of classic recipes with modern seasonal twists, each using products from the range in a different way The dishes showcase the versatility of Knorr Professional Bouillons, from delivering depth of flavour at the base through to a seasoning boost, meat rub or salt replacement

Plant-Based Egg Alternatives from OGGS®

With plant-based diets a growing trend, it’s more impor tant than ever to ensure that menus are as inclusive as possible This Veganuar y, over 600,000 people signed up to go vegan for a month Eggs were the second most missed product over this time (14% of par ticipants), with options when eating out being the major barrier to sticking to the pledge (26% of par ticipants)

Enter OGGS®, creators of OGGS® Aquafaba and Scrambled OGGS® Scrambled OGGS® is an egg alternative for breakfast and brunch menus made from chickpea protein Simply shake , pour and cook in minutes for a breakfast scramble to take centre stage on vegetarian or vegan brunch You can also create omelettes, quiches and so much more with Scrambled OGGS® Producing 60% less CO2e than eggs, it s not just kinder to animals, but the environment too

OGGS® Aquafaba is an egg white alternative made from chickpeas, an innovative solution to removing egg whites

from cocktails With six months shelf life and a neutral flavour profile OGGS® Aquafaba functions exactly the same as egg whites in cocktails, while removing an allergen from your menu With 72% less CO2e than eggs, you can create the same delicious drinks without the egg using OGGS® Aquafaba for a more inclusive and environmentally friendly cocktail menu Will at 31k in Nottingham said: “Ever y other drink we sell is a cocktail, and 1 in 4 for those calls for a foam That s 100 cocktails a night which would call for 100 eggs Thanks to OGGS® , we ’ ve saved 100 discarded yolks and 100 broken eggs shells each shift - and the hassle of rinsing spilled egg whites! OGGS® is hassle-free in use , taste-free in cocktails, and guilt-free as it helps us lower our environmental footprint

For more information contact trade@loveoggs com

Tom said: "Using bouillons in kitchens isn’t about cutting corners It’s about bringing the best out of the ingredients in a dish, adding an extra dimension to your food and making this food accessible and achievable for chefs of all levels ”

Knorr Professional’s Bouillons are available in Powder Paste and Jelly formats offering chefs versatility and flexibility in usage and application, plus consistent depth of flavour ever y time


See the adver t on the facing page for details

*Aggregated UK wholesaler value sales 52 w/e 27th Januar y 2023

Riso Gallo - Sensationally Sustainable!

Riso Gallo is the first international rice brand to have produced its rice from sustainable agriculture , making their premium best-selling risotto completely sustainable from field to fork!

Established in 1856, Riso Gallo is the oldest Risotto rice producer in Italy and has been delivering its premium rice to consumers around the world for over six generations

Known to many as Italy’s first choice , Riso Gallo is one of the longest sur viving rice companies in Italy and is still growing A family run business, it is now in it’s 6th generation

The company has uniquely created its own Circular Economy within it’s rice production, collaborating with innovative star tups to give new life to the byproducts of the rice mill which produces the delicious range of rices of the Riso Gallo Brand Rice House is an Italian initiative in which the secondar y materials in rice cultivation are used to build

ethical houses

Rice by-products are even used by Mogu in a range of designer furniture production

The Albini Group to develop a process of ‘Off the Grain’ dye for fabric When the Nero (black) rice is processed for the food industr y the by product of the deep grape coloured water is used as a natural dye

All Riso Gallo plastic vacuum packaging is now suitable for recycling, following the launch of a new eco-sustainable , low environmental impact plastic Riso Gallo are the first company to adopt this sustainable packaging

The Gallo Risotto Traditional Arborio Carnaroli and the Carnaroli Rustico are now in packs using FSC cer tified cardboard outer to protect the grains Riso Gallo is committed to reducing and monitoring greenhouse emissions and uses energ y from renewable cer tified resources

34 CLH Digital Issue 157
mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Cleaning and Hygiene

Choosing Washroom Equipment & Minimising Costs

wear and corrosion it s also hygienic and easy to clean

Behind-the-mirror systems are an especially durable option With all the working elements set behind a mirror, dispensers aren’t subject to accidental knocks and scratches and they stay well-protected against tampering and vandalism

Providing customers with attractive and properly equipped washrooms is essential for an organisation’s image and, of course , for legal compliance Often however, the costs of maintaining those facilities can far exceed the costs of installing them

Typically, the biggest expenses are associated with consumables: the ongoing costs of the soaps, paper towels and toilet tissue used in washroom dispensers and equally, the time and labour costs associated with checking and replenishing them

Consequently it is often helpful to choose larger-capacity dispensers They will reduce the need for regular inter vention and impor tantly help to ensure that guests don’t find them empty when they need them

In high-use environments, damage and breakdowns can be costly too, so it makes sense to choose well-constructed dispensers made of robust materials Stainless steel is an excellent choice; it resists accidental damage ,

Such systems may cost more initially, but they should greatly outlast less sturdy alternatives and by requiring less maintenance and fewer repairs and replacements they should incur substantially lower costs overall Good washroom equipment can also make an important contribution to the customer experience Guests will be quick to notice poorly equipped or badly maintained facilities; the condition of the washroom can say a lot about a business Specifying more reliable washroom equipment will make an impor tant difference , but stainless-steel products offer another attractive feature: they can be produced in a variety of styles and finishes –brushed, painted and lacquered – to match existing corporate branding

Finally, many businesses are keen to promote sustainability and here , stainless steel dispensers afford another benefit Made from 60% recycled content they can be fully recycled at the end of their long working lives Moreover, Dudley Industries’ products are made in a factor y using 100% renewable energ y, so their carbon impacts are fur ther reduced For added peace of mind they are also suppor ted by up to 10 years ’ warranty For fur ther information see the adver t on this page

edencleen from Cleenol

edencleen from Cleenol reaffirms our commitment to our credentials for environmental guardianship, and represents an evolution of what has been an integral par t of our DNA

The range covers the essential needs to cover 80% of daily cleaning and include: a washroom cleaner and toilet gel cleaner and urinal deodoriser an all-purpose surface sanitiser, a degreaser and a washing up liquid, a no rinse floor degreaser a window cleaner and a laundr y detergent and fabric softener

Combining carefully formulated products with appropriate packaging, using recycled material or recy-

clable componentr y the range s mostly colourless liquid and low fragrance usage are designed to convey a transparency and straightforwardness of our approach which will be a hallmark of all edencleen products and associated ser vices

Careful use of enzymatic formulations and more traditional chemistr y brings a por tfolio of products that s finely attuned to delivering effective cleaning which when used as instructed helps maintain a neutral environmental impact

See the adver t on this page for fur ther information

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
36 CLH Digital Issue 157

Cleaning and Hygiene

Legionella Risk Assessments

Legionnaires disease can cause serious illness and even death, it was named after the 1st major recorded outbreak at a conference/gathering in the United States

The bacteria are present in all water and become an issue when the right conditions for them to proliferate exist These are; an ideal temperature and some stagnation the perfect temperature is mid to high 30 degrees


Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L8 recommends that an initial Legionella risk assessment is carried out and then a suitable water management scheme is put in place and followed This will include monitoring of outlets and water tanks and may include regular water sampling and disinfections The Legionella risk assessment needs to be carried out to BS8580 by a competent i e trained person

The bacteria is ingested by human beings in the form of an aerosol and then infects the lungs, the symptoms are similar to flu and also Covid 19 The mild illness is called Pontiac fever and will generally be flu-like and may dissi-

pate without treatment The more serious illness can involve hospitalisation including ICU and even death

Public Health England confirms there were 503 cases of Legionnaires' Disease in 2019 for England and Wales – an average of almost 10 cases a week (Latest available data)

The most common sources are from showers or other equipment, such as cooling towers, that produce an aerosol Stagnation is also a major factor in increasing the risk, to mitigate this any low use/seldom used outlets should be run off weekly Temperature monitoring is also advisable , both of these actions MUST be recorded

In summation: A current Legionella risk assessment and appropriate water hygiene management and monitoring scheme will prevent the bacteria proliferation within the systems and therefore significantly reduce the risk to Staff and public health Steve Dillon (Advanced WMSoC Legionella Risk Assessor) Managing Director Stokefield Water Treatment Ltd

See the adver t on this page for details

Tork Offers Both Hygienic and Sustainable Skincare Solutions

Tork, a leader in professional hygiene solutions have launched two new innovative soaps to cater to specific demands and improve sustainable performance in the hospitality market The two new high-quality refills come in foam and liquid formats, are dermatologically proven and cer tified with the EU Ecolabel

Alongside the increasing demand for effective hygiene solutions, the demand from customers for truly sustainable products is on the rise1 Besides helping to secure the new hygiene standard through outstanding handwashing solutions, Tork is developing products that support a circular society and our soaps are generally designed to reduce environmental impacts such as water consumption or waste

The new Tork Clarity Hand Washing Foam Soap helps promote a healthy and hygienic workplace: 99% of the ingredients are from natural origin2 and designed with sustainability in mind 7 of 9 ingredients are sourced from vegetable origin, the full formula is readily biodegradable3 and therefore an environmentally con-

scious choice

The hands of chefs and kitchen staff are subject to heavy wear and tear, especially in the dining and catering industr y The new Tork OdourControl Hand Washing Liquid Soap is special designed for professional chefs so they can focus on preparing and ser ving safe food The soap helps prevent the transfer of food residues via the hands while also helping to remove food odours such as fish and garlic It

Both come in factor y-sealed one litre bottles with single use pumps that provide a hygienic clean hand wash and help reduce risk of cross-contamination The bottles collapse as the contents are used, helping to reduce the waste volumes by 70%4

The demand for skin-friendly and sustainable hand hygiene products is increasing and Tork offers the perfect product combination to ensure the new standard of hygiene

Please visit: www tork co uk

10% DISCOUNT if you place an order quoting Caterer Licensee & Hotelier

All other water hygiene management carried out including:

• Disinfections, domestic and process water sampling

• Softener installation and maintenance

• ACOP L8 monitoring

Issue 157 CLH Digital 37
risk assessments have been a legal requirement since 2001. Do you have an up to date one? Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising If not, contact Steve on 07415713982 or
have qualified risk assessors carrying out the work to BS8580

Hospitality Technology

MCR Systems

Epos Now

3R (EPOS) Solutions

3R is a leading provider of Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) solutions, offering both integrated counter top and wireless payment solutions, as well as Mobile Top-Up ser vices With competitive rates and durable , secure hardware , 3R’s signature EPOS software , CES Touch, is a game-changer for businesses seeking to optimize their day-to-day operations and streamline their financial repor ting

Another essential feature of CES Touch is its full Stock control functionality, which enables businesses to manage their inventor y effectively This feature ensures that businesses can maintain optimal stock levels, avoid overstocking or understocking, and keep track of their stock movements accurately

In addition to these features, CES Touch offers intensive operator management and in-depth financial repor ting,

which is vital for businesses seeking to manage their staff and financial performance effectively With full cloud business analytics, CES Touch also provides businesses with real-time insights into their sales, inventor y, and customer behaviour, enabling them to make data-driven decisions to optimize their operations

CES Touch also links directly to a wide range of Symbol Groups including Londis Booker Premier Budgens Shop Local, Best-one , and NISA, allowing businesses to take advantage of automated promotions and price changes

This feature is par ticularly useful for businesses looking to offer competitive pricing and promotions while maintaining profitability

At the hear t of 3R’s offering is their commitment to excellent customer ser vice providing 24/7 suppor t 365 days a year Whether you re a small business owner or a large retailer 3R s EPOS solutions and CES Touch software are sure to provide you with the tools you need to succeed

See the adver t below for details

MCR Systems has over 40 years of experience in providing hospitality catering and leisure organisations with enterprise management solutions that directly improve the efficiency of their business operations We do this by combining high-quality software and cutting-edge EPOS technolog y MCR Systems T: 0116 299 7000 E: enquiries@mcr-systems co uk www mcr-systems co uk See the adver t the facing page
Epos Now is the ultimate POS system for any business Our cloud-based system is designed specifically for restaurants cafes bars and other hospitality businesses with features and functions that cater to your unique needs With Epos Now you can streamline your operations improve efficiency and boost your bottom line Our system is easy to use and customizable , allowing you to tailor it to suit your specific needs And because it's cloud-based, you can access your data from anywhere , at any time , on any device But that s not all – we also offer excellent customer suppor t and a range of additional features to help you grow your business From marketing and loyalty programs to integrations with other systems and software , we ' re committed to helping you succeed So if you re looking for a POS system that s tailored to your business, easy to use , and backed by excellent customer suppor t, look no fur ther than Epos Now Talk to us today and see the difference it can make for your business For fur ther information call 0800 2 945 945 or visit www eposnow com Epos Now is the ultimate POS system for any business Call 0800 2 945 945 or visit www eposnow com for further information Our cloud-based system is designed to cater to your unique needs Get started today from £0 upfront!
Issue 157 CLH Digital 39 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Outdoor Spaces

Utilising Outside Spaces to Benefit the Bottom Line

The mainstream media presents a gloomy picture of consumers ’ spending power, drawing conclusions about the ‘inevitable’ impact on hospitality industr y

But while some bars and restaurants have already suffered as a result of the cost of living crisis, those that are strong, innovative and resourceful can survive And as the weather warms and the evenings lengthen, there’s ever y reason to shake off the winter gloom

One of the ways in which this can be achieved is using existing outside spaces to create the facilities that ever yone looks forward to as the summer approaches Inviting alfresco hospitality, whether in the traditional café culture style or something more alternative presents numerous oppor tunities for diversification

Oppor tunities are endless, from traditional weddings, bir thdays, christenings and funerals to spor ting events, live music performances, beer and cider festivals and national occasions – such as the coronations You ll know what will appeal to your local customers, and you can create more ideas for outdoor occasions by asking them directly

And even when the summer disappoints shelters heaters and cosy blankets can still make the experience safe and enjoyable

It goes without saying that maximising your outdoor space means max-

imising your profits But it can also help attract passing trade , and options such as awnings can provide cost-effective adver tising for your events and suppliers

So its wor th considering what can and can’t be achieved within planning law In the most simple terms, there are three categories of consent: no planning permission required; temporar y uses and structures that fall under the categor y of ‘permitted development and those which require full planning consent through the standard planning application process

Without planning consent, hospitality owners and managers may introduce a variety of temporar y and moveable structures to help diversify and extend their offer - such as moveable play equipment tables and chairs large parasols and patio heaters

Since Covid, permission has existed for ‘temporar y ’ structures (essentially anything which can be moved if required) for a limited period of 28 days per year This may sound restrictive , but 28 days is ever y Saturday for half a year, or ever y Saturday and Sunday in June , July and August This use would cover the use of a marquee , pagoda or jumbrella

Then there’s Class BB, which allows for 120 days’ use of temporar y structures, following prior approval by the local planning authority This allows for any of those features listed above to be used outside on a daily basis over the summer

The prior approvals process is not complicated or time-consuming In ver y simple terms the legislation requires that the structures do not exceed 3 metres in height or occupy more than 50% of the footprint of the building or 50 square metres

Change of use planning consent which falls under Permitted Development

"Can We Sit Outside Please?"

Over 79% of UK diners have attested that they would spend more time and money in a restaurant if they incorporated outdoor dining

Integrating outdoor dining into your establishment is a no brainer decision especially when you consider the al fresco movement across the UK and return on investment oppor tunities For example , when discussing predictions for the rise in al fresco dining in 2022 Janice H Dobson Business Development Director at Archatrak said: “Restaurant owners can look at it mathematically, they know the value of ever y seat they offer and I encourage my clients to ask themselves, ‘what could 8 extra seats, 12 extra seats, 20 extra seats, mean for your business? Often, they ll find that, in a relatively shor t period of time , these outdoor areas can pay for themselves and continue generating revenue years afterward ”

The maths is simple; seating 16 people under a 4m x 4m parasol, at an average spend of £12 50 per head

Rights frequently covers other changes that might be necessar y to host al fresco dining For example , louvred roof systems offer a new and unique way to expand and improve outdoor areas: with motorised blades that can rotate up to 135°, they can open up to allow a directed yet natural airflow, while also providing shade by responding to the sun ’ s position They can also be shut if needed, providing a water tight seal to prevent the tables and chairs becoming wet

Permanent awnings outdoor rooms and pods fall under this categor y Similarly, these provide a great oppor tunity for diversification and all yearround protection from sun, wind and rain You might also want to consider louvered bioclimactic pods Similar to louvred roof systems, these are retractable fabric roofs with aluminium blades which twist when operated to be opened and let light and air in and out or closed to form a ceiling In some cases extensions, conser vatories and the creation of rooftop terraces can be achieved through permitted development rights, but it is impor tant to seek advice on this as whether permitted development rights or full planning permission is required will impact on timing

To ser ve the extra footfall, additional parking might be provided on adjoining land Under the principles of temporar y use , this is allowed for up to 28 days without planning consent; for more than 28 days, change of use consent it required

For bars which don t provide food but may want to extend their offer or even host a food festival, there’s the oppor tunity for street food vans This doesn’t require planning consent specifically though licensing for food safety may be required

The industr y calculates that even a ver y simple outdoor space can increase revenue by up to 30% - in most circumstances as ver y little cost

equals £200 If you were to turn these 3 times a day that would equal £600 If we multiply that by a realistic 4 days of the week, you ’ re looking at £2400 or £9,600 a month! Multiply that by 12 and your revenue would increase by £115k per annum Assuming 50% gross margin the investment of 1 parasol could provide a profit contribution of £57 6k per annum, which is a welcome statistic in these economically tr ying times

What’s more , our zero deposit leasing options allow for payments to be spread over 2-5 years

So taking a 4mt X 4mt parasol with a moveable base , impor t, deliver y and fitting, the monthly payment over 36 months would be £184 09 or the weekly equivalent of £42 98 As such your potential R O I massively outweighs this no deposit figure

What are you waiting for?! 01352 740164

40 CLH Digital Issue 157

Keeping Food Hot? We Have All The Answers

First of all, you will want one of our world beating Kanga boxes and a Carbon Heater You can then keep food hot indefinitely and fully comply with HACCP regulations

Sounds too good to be true? Well we only supply premium German manufactured products from stock at incredibly low prices The insulated box manufactured from top quality expanded polypropylene is a dense closed cell insulation material but incredibly light to handle when empty for example the GN insulted box with a 117 mm internal depth only weighs just over a kilo and yet holds a massive 21 lts capacity Now combine the Kanga box with a Carbon Heater and the magic begins, hot food all the time!

Our range of Carbon heaters offers two voltage

Cinders ‘Classic’ Barbecue

The Cinders ‘Classic’ barbecue has exceeded customers’ expectations for decades, due to its unique , patented design It easily cooks 1000 burgers in one session but being a true workhorse is not its only selling point Robust, reliable and low-maintenance are just three adjectives to describe a barbecue whose repair costs are typically non-existent over long periods, generating a healthy ROI for many years

The Cinders Classic comes as a six-foot long double grill (TG160), or a half-sized

options 12 volts for car operation using the cigarette lighter socket or 230 volt mains voltage for internal or external mains use

The big advantage of the Carbon Heaters they are absolutely fool proof just inser t them in the bottom of the box turn on and forget, there are no consumer controls the temperature is pre-set at the factor y at 75 deg C The Carbon Heater is ver y light at only 700 grammes and does not take up much room only being 10mm thick Dishes can be place on the Carbon Heater straight out of the oven up to 120deg C Finally quick and easy to clean just wipe over with a damp cloth

Contact Catering Equipment Limited on Tel: 0121 773 2228 or visit www clickonstore net or www kangaboxuk com

single grill (SG80), with both running on LPG and offering incredible food output for the price of the energ y used The user-friendly grills are easy-to-light and powerful, getting up to temperature in around five minutes, to quickly feed a queue or facilitate an impromptu pop-up barbecue if great weather arrives Cinders production values are impressive - not only offering a warranty for commercial use , unlike cheap impor ted barbecues, but also built to ISO 9001:2015 standards The barbecues have internal self-cleaning too removing the odious chore of post-barbecue cleandown The grill merely needs to be left running for a few minutes to burn off residue , which is then brushed away or ejected Once cool, the Classic can be folded down and easily stored away To discover more call 01524 262900 or www cindersbarbecues co uk
Issue 157 CLH Digital 41
Outdoor Spaces

Outdoor Spaces

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

independent supplier ser ving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas

We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars restaurants and public houses

We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet impor ts next season It s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and

scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job

We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industr y and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand

Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders waiter stations and planters all to you requirement If we can help you do drop a line to sales@cafeculture biz

Make First Impressions Count with Major Plants

on with your business while we ensure that outside , your plant arrangements and presentation never let you down

Whether you are seeking an alternative quotation to compare with an existing supplier or are looking at external flower arrangements for the first time our flexible agreement and personal ser vice will give you a piece of mind reliable suppor t for your business

Please get in touch!

0800 111 4014 – info@majorplants co uk

42 CLH Digital Issue 157 At Space-Ray, we can help you maximise the potential of your outdoor space and extend its use beyond sunset, and the inevitable drop in temperature Specialising in heating solutions for external areas, Space-Ray’s range of gas fired and electric heaters offer you the option to choose the product best suited to your applications:The Coldblocker gas fired radiant heater, is ideal for covered outdoor spaces and is rain proof to IP44 Fitted with a tinted glass front, which not only offers flame protection, it also gives the heater a stylish sleek appearance when not in operation The Linea electric radiant heater offer IP55 level of protection along with remote control and glass front it is ideal for the smaller space where gas is not available , or a viable option Our SURA Plus and AQUA ranges of electric heaters use high quality Dr Fischer shor twave radiant lamps also offer an IP55 rating making them durable and weather resistant The Sura plus range is remote controllable The Eclipse range of zero glow electric radiant heaters are perfect for those intimate areas where no additional light is required Ceramic heating elements are utilised, which provide a gentle level of heat from the sleek and stylish fully black heater Suitable for covered outside areas and offer protection levels of IPX4 Check out our outdoor heating website for fur ther information -
We are an
Maximise Your Outdoor Space with Patio Heaters
First Impressions Count! Major Plants Limited specializes in providing cost effective , visually striking, hanging baskets rental and maintenance ser vices In business over 10 years our company grown through word of mouth via our satisfied and expanding customer base We know that busy businesses have enough work to do without tr ying to remember whether the flowers have been watered, fed, or tidied up Calling in the exper ts like Major Plants Limited means that you can get
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Outdoor Spaces

With warmer weather star ting to appear what better way for your customers to enjoy the sunshine than sitting outside and relaxing TDP’s furniture , made from recycled UK plastic waste , will be ready and waiting, as it doesn t have to be stored away for the winter or be treated for the new season Our range of furniture includes picnic tables dining sets benches and chairs as well as planters and children s furniture All products benefit from a 20-year warranty and ver y low maintenance, with no annual staining or treatments required It will not rot or splinter is ver y stable and extremely durable lasting for decades in even the busiest of areas TDP has been supplying environmentally friendly products to the industr y for over 30 years We are the choice supplier for those who want outdoor furniture that lasts and to date we have saved over 4,000 tonnes of recycled plastic waste from landfill By producing our furniture from recycled plastic rather than wood, we have saved over 10,000 trees from being felled We manufacture all our furniture in Derbyshire Ever ything is handcrafted and as such you can order your furniture in custom colourways and we can include branding, establishment names, table numbers and other key information as either engravings or plaques Our furniture is longer-lasting and easier to maintain than their wooden alternatives, meaning you buy them once and they will last a lifetime for your business From your first contact with us, to taking deliver y, we want the whole experience to be both enjoyable and stress free We’re here to help so please do visit our website www tdp co uk, give us a call on 01629 820011 or drop us an email at info@tdp co uk To take advantage of our 10% discount off RRP please give us a call and quote CATERER!
Enjoy the Sunshine with 10% Off Our Maintenance Free Outdoor Furniture!
A bustling terrace is the product of wellplanned design star ting with your furniture Finding quality outdoor furniture that is durable and comfor table but stylish, is a key par t of the concept when planning your new hospitality or leisure venue Increasingly, terrace or patio areas are becoming an outdoor restaurant to match the atmosphere and vibe of their indoor equivalent Al Fresco dining is a choice , not a last option because inside is full and is an oppor tunity for you to generate more income twelve months of the year Think four seasons in one terrace! From retro to rattan, colour blocking and social seating, to fully sustainable options, Satelliet UK can provide a tailor-made solution to fit with your brand and style without compromising on quality Each of the offices Glasgow and Ash Vale have a knowledgeable team who can advise you on materials, set ups and layouts to suit your outdoor space Satelliet Originals is the core collection that arose from the need to create a unique and versatile product range with its own recognisable signature This collection features heavily in the most recent outdoor catalogue: from contemporar y Taco to classic Terra, the Originals are designed with the end user in mind Ever y product in the Originals collection embodies hospitality, quality, strength, diversity, individuality, inspiration, relevance and functionality That is the promise of Satelliet Originals You can view the latest Terrace catalogue with over 200 pages of inspiration including the latest collections as well as timeless classics, tips, and interviews with hospitality owners and decision makers by visiting
Issue 157 CLH Digital 43
SATELLIET-UK Hospitality Furniture

Outdoor Spaces

With the long range forecast (MET office) saying summer 2023 will be hotter than 2022 due to El Nino effect, get your outdoor spaces ready for bumper trade

What can you do to maximise footfall, dwell time and profit? At Woodberr y, we help our hospitality clients maximise their outdoor spaces for customer enjoyment and profitability


Is your garden or outdoor area visible from the outside of your venue? If yes, that’s great for business, but make it even more stand-out with brightly coloured parasols or plants to

Country Benches - High Quality Benches


Countr y Benches is run by a vastly experienced and time ser ved tradesman who has been ser ving in the trade for over 25 years The business was star ted 15 years ago and we have provided our ser vices independently ever since In this time he has developed the business into being family run, amassed a loyal customer base and welcomes new customers on a regular basis

Countr y Benches creates high quality benches, picnic benches and garden furniture We only work with the best quality of wood to bring you the highest standards of benches and garden furniture Countr y Benches can create benches to exact specifications as well as offering a large variety of standard design garden furniture Call Countr y Benches to see what we

can do for you

Although based in Bedfordshire we cover the whole of the United Kingdom on trade offers Countr y Benches is also pleased to be able to offer you a deliver y ser vice for smaller orders with a deliver y cost In addition to this, Countr y Benches can offer you these prices much cheaper than our competitors Our ser vices are great value for money and are of the absolute best quality

All our products are built to order and delivered within seven days and we also operate a "payment on deliver y " basis So contact us today so that we can build your order to your exact specifications

For details call 07446 101657 or email countr ybenchesltd@aol com

44 CLH Digital Issue 157
draw in passers-by If no, you need to shout about your outdoor areas with visible signage at your frontage and marketing promotions INCREASE DWELL TIME If customers are comfor table , they will stay longer and hopefully spend more! Ensure your customers are comfor table with the right outdoor furniture but also make sure they are protected from weather conditions too Have you got enough shelter and shade provision for sunshine and rain? If we do have a hot summer, make sure you ’ ve got enough parasols! INCREASE PROFIT To generate more profit, can you increase the throughput of your customers by zoning drinking and dining areas? This is easily done with different types of outdoor furniture , bar height tables for drinkers, dining tables and chairs or picnic tables for diners Contact Woodberr y Outdoor Furniture suppliers Woodberr y are long-time exper ts in supplying outdoor furniture to the hospitality trade We offer a wide range of hardwearing furniture shelters and planters to help our clients maximise their outdoor spaces Call our friendly team on 01926 889922 or visit the Woodberr y website www.woodberr Get Ready for a Hot and Profitable Summer! Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising


CONCEPT bars have enjoyed a surge in businessrecently supplying bespoke stainless steel bar counters to their valued customer Parkdean Resor ts Their expansion and commitment to improving their hospitality offer ; not only to satisfy the rising expectations of domestic customers and popularity of staycations; has ensured they remain the UK’s largest holiday park operator - with 66 parks in stunning coastal and countr yside locations up and down the countr y

CONCEPT bars have over 30 years ’ experience in bespoke stainless-steel bar design, manufacture and installation and have remained at the forefront of the UK hospitality industr y venues throughout this time They were delighted to work on the exciting new venues across the Parkdean estates Each has its own par ticular style , and it was CONCEPT’s mission to provide the ideal bar setup to maximise speed of ser vice , customer satisfaction and efficiency - and ultimately enhanced sales for the operator

The refurbished bars offer exciting new cocktail menus (allowing staff to show-off their skills!), a range of national and regional draught beers and lagers, draught soft drinks, fruit slushies, plus a full coffee offer The stainless

Design & Refit

steel counters allow for speed of ser vice , optimised design easy cleaning and the upmost hygiene

Regarding this successful collaboration, CONCEPT bars managing director Neil Coombes said: “At CONCEPT bars, we pride ourselves not only on the quality of our product and our ser vice , but also on our ability to listen to our clients We realise their vision - always offering the best advice and our in-house , experienced manufacture and installation teams always ensure a quality offer”

“We have worked on many previous specialist bar projects and this brief was to provide a first-class operational stainless-steel working bar within fantastic new and imaginative schemes, moving customer expectations to new levels”

Neil added It was a privilege to work with such a skilled team again to deliver projects to such fine detail and assist in providing more fabulous venues for Parkdean Resor ts

To discuss your bar - whether it be a new design or upgrading your existing equipment please contact CONCEPT bars on 01484 852666 or email us at info@conceptbars com

Additional Ranges as ILF Continue to Expand email terr

With the ever-growing success of the ILF Chairs website , 2023 has seen an increase in their stock chairs to 8 ranges available in different Faux and Velvet upholster y and selection of frame colours plus an 8 colour stock range of Egger laminated 25mm table tops in a selection of sizes A full range of table bases in metal and stainless steel are also kept in stock In addition a new range called Boutique , elegant seating with frames in Ash, Walnut and Beech and offering a full selection of stain finishes and fabrics

Their new online website offers both indoor and outdoor seating and table solutions

Divided into Contemporar y seating, Boutique , Barstools, Lounge Seating, Period Seating, Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height tables, offering a great selection of products to view at

your leisure Also included now is an extensive range of stock seating, barstools, table bases and table tops Most made to order indoor seating and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style

Also included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selection of priced made to order seating in a selection of Faux Leather upholster y colours and wood frame colours These products can also be supplied to customer specification, just ask for details

Enquiries can be sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site

bar design consultants bespoke stainless steel manufacture full design & build specialist refrigeration unique wine wall displays With over 30 years experience of bar design tel +44 (0)1484 852 666 info@conceptbars com www conceptbars com
Issue 157 CLH Digital 45 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

46 CLH Digital Issue 157

Design & Refit including tables, chairs, stools and lounge furniture suitable for pubs, restaurants, cafes etc Customers are encouraged to visit our large showroom to view an extensive range of furniture ideally suited for the leisure market Here you can relax and let Capricorn help and advise you with your requirements Please call office to arrange appointment For more information or a Capricorn Contract Furnishings catalogue and price list contact Brian Pengelly on 01395 233 320 or visit

Trevillion were delighted to work once again with Exclusive Collection delivering a “fresh new look” for their Michelin starred restaurant at The Manor House Bybrook at The Manor has held a Michelin star since 2017 and the hotel were keen to achieve a crisp contemporar y environment to compliment the culinar y style of Executive Chef Rober t Potter Taking inspiration from the exceptional surroundings produce grown in the hotels kitchen garden and the river from which the restaurant takes its name , Trevillion have delivered a scheme that evokes a true sense of calm within a building full of heritage

A new wine room star ts the journey having a rich décor intentionally contrasting the light environment of the restaurant Eurocave wine fridges sitting on a

light oak floor, surrounded by “bottle green ” textured wallcovering presents the perfect sense of “Theatre”

The bespoke designed carpet influenced by the flowing Bybrook that runs through the hotels grounds, provides a soft aesthetic for the main restaurant and continues to “flow” across the room and into the adjacent Brook Room Natural oak tables with dark timber & aged bronze pedestals are surrounded by chairs with a simple silhouette

All are upholstered in a textured faux hide , combined with a tactile boucle velvet & perfectly finished with a tiny light oak “foot”

Bespoke planters offer a subtle screening between diners & large scale glass wall lanterns, mirrors and two overlarge chandeliers provide elements of “sparkle” & layers of ambient light

An existing collection of three fret cut leaves together with two new commissioned pieces of Ar t dress the now papered walls adorned with a pattern chosen for its “nod” to the formality of a traditional “knot garden” and the surrounding landscape

The adjacent Brook Room has been furnished with subtle differences to emphasise its own character yet remains an integral par t of the main dining room Plain textured cur tains are trimmed with the embroidered pattern that furnishes the bay in the restaurant and wall lights featuring an indulgent rocklike cr ystal have been chosen to balance the aesthetic of the featured stonework all providing the perfect place to dine ! For fur ther information visit

Closing Down Sale - 25% Discount on All Stock Items Established in 1972, Trevillion interiors has worked within the design industr y to become a leading international design practice within their field Supplying architectual interior design solutions for both new build and refurbishment projects B M Trevillion Interiors Ltd, The Old Library, Old Cross, Hertford, SG14 1RB For enquiries, please contact 020 8367 9494, email or visit

The Manor Hotel – Bybrook Restaurant After over 30 years of trading Capricorn Contract Furnishings are closing down due to retirement As a result we are offering customers a 25% discount on all stock items (excluding special offers) while stocks last Just quote CAT 2023 when contacting the office Capricorn Furnishings are based in a 30, 000 square feet showroom and distribution warehouse on the outskir ts of Exeter in Devon From within the distribution area we are able to offer a next day deliver y ser vice on thousands of products

Top Engraver Supports Hospitality Sector with Etched & Printed Table Numbers & QR Discs

One of the UK’s most professional and technically advanced engraving and etching supplier, Brunel Engraving, is providing a rapid response to the growing demand for etched table numbers and QR code discs in the pub and catering industr y

The company has made a substantial investment in additional state of the ar t equipment and related software in order to produce a wide range of individually engraved and printed table numbers and discs

The numbers and discs enable customers to link to apps or menus eliminating the requirement for hard copies of menus and making it quicker and more convenient for customers to order “Our investment in additional equipment and software

If you want to build trust and relationships with your customers, CardsSafe can help The system wirelessly and securely holds customers' bank cards while they run a tab As a result staff can spend more time with customers upsell and build valuable relationships

Customers will also feel more relaxed knowing that their cards are safe

The CardsSafe system is specifically designed to securely retain customer credit, debit and ID cards while the cardholder runs a tab As a result, the technolog y not only protects against credit card fraud but also eliminates walk-outs and allows for checking the validity of bank cards

The CardsSafe system has now revolutionised how hospitality businesses manage their customers' payment obligations Their wireless technolog y

has ensured that our customers in the hospitality sector can benefit from high quality products with excellent swift ser vice at a fair price Our ISO9001 accreditation means that ever y job, no matter how large or small goes through the workshops with this expectation level, and the continuous amount of 5 stars we receive on Trust pilot, highlights this commitment” said Tom Pycock Sales Director of Brunel Engraving

In addition to rotar y engraving, Brunel offers laser engraving, chemical etching, anodic print, dye sublimation print, flatbed UV print and wide format UV print

T: 01275 871 720


W: www brunelengraving co uk

can be safely tucked away behind the bar, POS or ser vice station The units are easily installed, and the system does not capture data, so it never breaches GDPR CardsSafe helps pubs, bars and restaurants avoid losses, and it helps to increase profits by allowing staff to upsell to their customers That's why over 5000 venues trust CardsSafe to manage their customer food and drink tabs and leisure facility hires From Young's pubs to Hilton Hotels the London Golf Club Lord's cricket ground and numerous restaurants and bars utilise the CardsSafe system Timothy, Young's Bar Manager, explains, "Average spend is up, and chargeback has vir tually disappeared after we installed CardsSafe , which really puts our customers' minds at rest " CardsSafe is affordable! Each unit contains ten card drawers that can be hired for just £9 95 per month In addition, each hire comes with customer ser vice troubleshooting and free replacement keys Additional units can be added at any time Avoid losses with CardsSafe® and reap the benefits today! For more information, please visit www cardssafe com Or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040 Avoid Losses, Increase Profits and
Relationships with CardsSafe® Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Design & Refit 48 CLH Digital Issue 157

Design & Refit

Prepare For Wedding Season With Chic and Cost-Effective Furniture

To make sure the happy couple’s wishes are catered for on their big day, it’s vital to offer seating that’s as flexible as it’s attractive Trent Furniture’s fantastic range of banqueting furniture is designed to tick both boxes

Our Banqueting Folding Table is available in diameters from 92cm to 183 cm, to comfor tably seat groups from 3-4 to 10-12 Its round shape makes it perfect for socialising, but if a rectangular shape is required for the top table , our American Trestle Table is a great choice Wedding chairs need to look stylish while withstanding heavy use Our Harrow Steel Stacking Chair is an economical option available in a silver or gold finish Or for a touch of opulence , opt for the Chiavari Stacking Chair

Healey and Lord

Healey and Lord Limited specialise in the supply of high quality sanitar yware to commercial and hospitality projects around the world

Our commercial product ranges are available to suit both modern and classically styled schemes We have a full range of toilets, wash basins, urinals, taps and accessories in a variety of finishes All products are available from stock and are made in the UK or western Europe

We have an extensive range of no-touch washroom products including toilets, taps, accessories and urinal controls that are available in a range of finishes to complement any scheme

available in gold, limewash and silver finishes, it features a removable seat pad for added versatility

All our banqueting furniture is great value , making it a viable option for wedding venues to buy different styles to accommodate var ying tastes Not only that, it’s lightweight and stackable too, making it easy to accommodate when not in use

For more information about our elegant and durable range of wedding furniture please call us on 0116 2864 911 or fill in our contact form at www trentfurniture co uk/contact-us

We regularly work with design and hospitality professionals to specify good value , durable washroom schemes for high profile venues

We also offer a range of high-quality design focused disabled toilet and washroom equipment to suit all projects

We have an extensive range of less able products designed to complement modern and traditional schemes perfectly Recent projects we have supplied include The Shard, The Tower of London, Windsor Castle Lords Cricket Ground, The Queens Club, Battersea Power Station, The Globe , The Connaught Hotel, Whites in London, The Garrick Club and the Hurlingham Club

Please contact us on +44

(0)1603 488709 or at sales@healeyandlord co uk or visit our website at www healeyandlord co uk for more details

C L A S S I C C O L L E C T I O N M O D E R N C O L L E C T I O N Classic & contemporary designer sanitaryware & accessories Made in the UK and Western Europe All products are available from stock w w w h e a l e y a n d l o r d c o u k Tel: 01603 488709 | E-mail: sales@healeyandlord co uk
Issue 157 CLH Digital 49

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

Why LP Group Mixers Are A Top Choice for Artisan Bakers

LP Group mixers are trusted across the globe to deliver highquality, assured dough production

The Italian machiner y supplier has harnessed decades of engineering and manufacturing experience to create industr y-leading models that produce excellent dough results for bakers Its latest lines of fixed bowl solutions are ideal for ar tisan use , such as at small restaurants and bakeries, with an array of different sizes suited to dough handling production from 40kg to 250kg

“LP Group produces fantastic mixers for consistent, high-quality ar tisan baking using specialist doughs,” says Steve Merritt, managing director of EPP exclusive distributor of LP Group mixers in the UK and Ireland “We’re pleased to offer its comprehensive range of high quality, robust mixers, which are perfect for small bakers and Italian pizzerias The ability to produce at a smaller scale (whilst maintaining consistency) affords additional flexibility Bakers can even make batches of just half a dozen loaves or a handful of pizza bases –ideal for smaller requirements, or to use as

experience in the refrigeration industr y and have each spent many of those years installing gaskets and hardware for a range of styles, brands and sizes of fridges

Fridge Seals Direct proud to be UK's no1 supplier of replacement fridge and freezer seals We fabricate for a wide variety of commercial fridge & freezers The management team at Fridge Seals Direct have over 30 years of

From restaurant kitchens to food warehouseswe have experience in dealing with fridge & freezers of all sizes and scales To learn more about fridge seals, be sure to explore our range of extensive guides on how to replace a refrigerator door seals Otherwise , find your specific guides in how to identify, meas-

experimenting and testing, all with less wastage

All LP Group fixed bowl spiral mixers feature a tough steel construction and reinforced motors, built for many years of use Its intuitive models have been designed for low maintenance and easy dough extraction and they can be extensively customised to suit individual requirements The mixers are capable of handling many types of dough, but are especially suited to ar tisan dough mixtures with hydration greater than 55% with European flour

Its Star Mixer line – designed for 40kg or 60kg dough capacity – features an easy-to-use control panel with double scale electro-mechanical timer (which can be upgraded to an optional electronic control panel with bypass selector) and models can even be colour customised – ideal for reinforcing company branding, from kitchen to table Meanwhile , the VIS line is designed for dough capacities from 60kg to 250kg

LP Group mixers are available in the UK and Ireland from baker y equipment specialist EPP For more information, visit www eppltd co uk

ure , install or maintain your fridge or freezer door seal

Our reputation in the industr y along with our commitment to providing a high-quality gasket without having to buy from the factor y allows us to have competitive pricing and fast turnaround time Tr y us out, order your door gaskets from us and discover a better way to do business We are here to help you

Mobile Kitchens Ltd specialises in the hire of temporar y catering facilities and foodser vice equipment Ideal for events or to provide temporar y catering facilities during your kitchen refurbishment, our versatile units and equipment offer an efficient and economical solution to the caterers’ needs Production Kitchens Preparation Kitchens Ware-washing Units Dr y Store Units Cold Rooms and Restaurant Units are available as individual units in their own right or they can be linked together on site to form a complete complex Alternatively, we can offer modular, open-plan facilities, usually for larger, longer-term hires We offer a free design ser vice , and project management from concept through to deliver y and installation on site plus full technical suppor t throughout the hire period The standard specification of our Medium Production Kitchen unit includes a six burner oven range , salamander grill, twin basket fr yer, undercounter fridge , undercounter freezer, hot cupboard, double bowl sink unit with integral hand wash basin, storage racking, plus ample power points to plug in Microwaves, Food Processors, Toasters etc Internal equipment can be interchanged, and clients can effectively specify their preferred layout We have many tried
pleased to put
our recommendations
your project So if you re planning a refurbishment
an event then why not give us a call
provide advice and put forward a competitive proposal For fur ther information or to arrange a site visit email: sales@mkhire co uk or call us on 0345 812 0800 or visit our website:
and would be
or need to cater for
and we ll be happy to
Temporary Catering Facilities For Events & Kitchen Refurbishments 50 CLH Digital Issue 157
Fridge Seals Direct

Fryers and Oil

Operators should consider when purchasing a fr yer and their oil, the oil capacity against production rate , burner efficiency and recover y rate , as well as a true cool zone in gas fr yers to help prolong the oil life Blue Seal V ray Gas Fr yers are our premium fr yer and burner system, which come at a higher price compared to some competitors’ gas models However the fuel efficiency, cost saving, performance and stainless steel high build quality far out way the additional initial cost to the operator

Blue Seal produce high performance thermostatic controlled gas & electric fr yers Our Evolution range gas fr yers GT60, GT46 & GT45 have a premium feature benefit of all using our patented “V’Ray” burner system This system uses infra-red technolog y radiating the heat into the tank, only heating the area of oil the baskets are sitting in This promotes incredibly fast recover y rates, high efficiency for limited fuel consumption provides a true cool zone in conjunction with the specially shaped tank The true cool zone prevents crumb and food debris that

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

drops below the batter plates from continuous cooking and carbonising which in turn helps prevent the degrading of oil quality This all achieves considerable cost saving for the operator with fuel and oil, as well as time efficiency, producing the finished products

Blue Seal also offer an additional Filtration units that give a fantastic solution to improving oil life have great mobility and space saving features as well as powerful pumps & full stainless steel construction Moisture , fatty acids and food residue contaminate cooking oil, spoiling fried food taste and causing the oil to smoke Blue Seal Filtamax removes impurities, quickly and effectively, maintaining consistent high cooking quality and considerable extension of oil life The Carbon Pads remove sub-micron par ticles down to 0 5 microns – this is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand Daily filtering of fr yer oil using carbon filters can massively increase the life span of the oil creating large cost savings and create more consistent finish and taste to the food product

Caterquip Ventilation – For All Your Commercial Catering Ventilation Needs

vice to help you build your ideal kitchen Projects under taken have included Olympic Villages, Basildon Hospital, The Mitre Hotel at Hampton Cour t, The Truck Stop at Anglesey, The Lodge at Old Hunstanton, Colleges, Schools Hotels Restaurants and Public Houses They ensure their systems are compliant with the current guidelines whilst maintaining an

• Be ready for your inspections

• Damaged fridge seals are unhygienic

• Make your fridge more energy efficient with a good seal on your fridge

• We provide custom seals for cold rooms, discontinued models, and units with no identification information

• Next-day delivery service

• Discounted prices on large orders

Evolution Fryers and Filter Units

The Premium Fryer and Bur ner System

The ultimate solution for any catering establishment, perfect for pubs, hotels, restaurants, cafes and much more

WhatsApp, phone,
and email support
Caterquip Ventilation Ltd is proud to be celebrating their 23rd Anniversar y this year This Warwick based company offers nationwide coverage for all your commercial catering needs: free site sur veys, quotations and designs (C AD) quality bespoke and standard fabrications specialist knowledge of catering ventilation systems including input air odour reduction (carbon filtration and ESP) and sound attenuation Affiliated members of Constructionline and CHAS Caterquip Ventilation have a strong hold in the marketplace often advising industr y professionals on ventilation systems to a DW172 specification & BSEN:6173 They have strong relationships with all leading kitchen equipment suppliers, and they offer a kitchen design
and dynamic facility
extensive knowledge of manufacturing
installing ventilation systems,
can help you design the best kitchen within the space available Call:
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Issue 157 CLH Digital 51
01926 887167,

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

The New DrainMinor C (Combi Oven Pump)

There are significant advantages offered by the New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by Pump

Technolog y Ltd

The pump features a tank with its clear side window was the large , triangular, low-level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease fat and food par ticles before the reliable star t/stop operation of the pump is affected

The build quality of the submersible wastewater pump was also a discussion point, with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement especially considering the hot wastewater temperatures and potential grease which these units have to handle

It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet This means that the installation footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated

It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a real winner!

Kitchen Extract Hygiene – A Burning Issue

One of the biggest challenges in keeping a commercial kitchen spotlessly clean is the regular cleaning of the canopy, fan and extract ductwork This must be tackled, not only for the sake of hygiene , but also for fire prevention and compliance

Airborne fat, oil and grease is a natural by-product of even the healthiest diet Carried in the steam that rises from cooking, grease and oil par ticles are drawn into the kitchen extract system to be vented away to the outside As the exhaust stream cools, grease is deposited on the metal surfaces of the hood, canopy, filters, canopy plenum, fan and ductwork

Should a kitchen fire reach the extract ductwork or a flash fire occur in the extract system, then the accumulated grease deposits can act as fuel, helping to spread the fire The ductwork itself can also help to spread the fire , acting as a chimney through which smoke and

flames can travel, spreading the danger to the other par ts of the building

To counter this potential fire risk operators of commercial kitchens are required to comply with a new standard for the fire safety management of grease accumulation in kitchen extract systems, TR19® Grease

Compliance is also essential to ensure that you don t compromise your buildings insurance If a fire should break out and the ductwork can be shown not to have been cleaned in accordance with TR19® Grease many insurers will now refuse to pay out on a claim

Ensuring legal compliance , a reduced risk of fire and greater hygiene in your kitchen are items which should always be on ever y maintenance menu www swiftclean co uk

triangular low-level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline , giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens
52 CLH Digital Issue 157

Why Use a Specialist Hospitality Consultant?



With over 30 years of industr y experience in the Hospitality sector, The Bowden Group’s Managing Consultant David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements: Profitability, Operational Strateg y, Staff Management, Marketing and The Future of your business PROFITABILITY & OPERATIONS
exper ts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business
largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost, so, with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business Budgeting Forecasting Menu Management Stock Controls Purchasing and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter, your Restaurant Consultant will work on with you and improve with you MANAGING PEOPLE
people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development MARKETING
Marketing Strateg y From Digital Marketing,
marketing, Websites,
your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’ If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a Free of Charge initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer), when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you
help you build a workable , planned
such as Social Media
eMail Marketing and online advertising, to print design, Promotions and offline adver tising,
Answer: because we can help your business to succeed TEIG NMO UTH , D EVON • Stunn ng Ground F oor Lock Up Restaurant Turnkey Operation E egant & nforma F ne D ning Restaurant Beaut fu ly Refurbished Throughout Fu ly Equ pped Commerc al Kitchen and Anci lar y Spaces • Per fect Husband & W fe/Coup e Operation Of Poss b e nterest to Investors Look ng to Create a Leasehold Renta Income PRICE: £150,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4582 GUIDE PRICE: £750,000 - £1,000,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4523 PAIG NTO N, DEVO N • Fabulous Waterside Bar/Cafe/Restaurant Oppor tunity on Preston Seafront Prev ous y a Thr ving Bus ness En oying a Unique Location Spacious Open Plan Bar/Restaurant Over Spi l Restaurant/Funct on Room • Ground F oor Beer Cel ar & Large Outside Commercia Terrace w th Sea V ews • For Sale by Informal Tender - Bids to be Rece ved by 12pm, 28/4/23 BISHOPSTEIGNTON, DEVON Beautiful y Presented Grade I Listed V l age Freehouse E evated Pos tion Overlook ng the Teign Estuary in South Devon • Character Ma n Bar Lower Bar/Din ng Room & Librar y Sunny Trade Terrace to Front w th Par t a V ew of the Te gn Estuar y Spacious and We l Presented F ve Bedroom Private Accommodation PRICE: OIEO £350,000 + VAT FREEHOLD REF: 4420 TO TN ES, D EVON Tasteful y Refurbished Licensed Café/Restaurant/Bar Seating 40+ Over Two Trade F oors • Re axed & Welcoming Atmosphere • Marked Increase in Turnover Under Current Ownersh p • Renowned for Providing Qua ity Handmade P es PRICE: £60,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4525 TOR QU AY, DEVO N Substantial & Prominent Town Centre Freehold Pub Avai ab e For Sa e • Excellent Locat on Surrounded by a Mix of Both Commercial & Resident a Uses Spacious Character Main Bar together w th Outside Cour tyard Area Secondar y Ad o ning Annexe Bui d ng w th Potent a to Conver t • F ex b e 4 Bed Liv ng Accommodat on PRICE: £225,000 + VAT FREEHOLD REF: 4580 WOO LACO MB E, DEVO N Stunning Bar/Restaurant Situated in the Hear t of Woo acombe w th Sea Views • Wel -Estab ished Business w th Very Impressive Trad ng Figures Stunning Inter or Des gned nterna Trading Area with 60 Covers Beautifully Refurb shed A fresco Deck ng Area w th Sea Views & Circa 70 Covers Rema nder of 999 Year Long Lease at Peppercorn Rent (Ef fect ve Freeho d) PRICE: £525,000 LONG LEASEHOLD REF: 4437 PRICE: £600,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4265 MI NEH EAD, SOMER SE T mpress ve Detached Tudor Sty e Proper ty n Fabulous Locat on • Long Estab ished Well Appo nted Licenced Restaurant with Outs de Seat ng • Commercial kitchen with Prep Area and Wash Up Room Except onal Se f-Contained 4 Doub e Bed Accommodat on Pr vate Parking for 4 Cars and Outbui d ngs NEW! NEW! NEW! ANNUAL RENTAL OF £24,000 REF: 4464 N EWTO N AB BO T, DE VO N • Of Interest to Exper enced Creat ve Caterers • Fantast c Oppor tunity to Create a High-Qual ty Restaurant n Un que Setting Fabulous Locat on with n a Grade I Listed Bu ld ng New Lease w th Head Rent of £24 000 Per Annum Ser vice Charge of 15% of the Rent to Inc ude al Ut l t es PLYMOUTH DEVON Roadside Café & Restaurant Busy Prime Trading Location 100+ Covers Commercial Kitchen Huge Potential For New Owners Extensive Car Park & Gardens LH £80 000 2141 CORNWALL VILLAGE Freehold Pub Investment Detached Village Inn Rental Income £18 000 pa Lease With 11 Years Unexpired Attention Of Investors FH £195 000 4836 01392 201262 www stonesmith co uk T H E W E S T C O U N T R Y S P E C I A L I S T S THINKING OF SELLING? C ALL FOR A FREE VALUATION DARTMOUTH DEVON Impressive Waterside Restaurant Extremely Profitable Business Restaurant 32+ Catering Kitchens 2/3 Bed Family Sized Apartment Town Centre With Stunning Views LH £125,000 2158 SOMERSET COUNTRY VILLAGE Destination Countr y Pub & Restaurant Bar/Restaurant Areas 66+ Garden 60+ 2 Bedroom Owners Accommodation Landmark Trading Position Profitable Business With Potential FH £349 950 4794 DARTMOOR DEVON Village Store & Tea Gardens Spacious 4 Bedroom Family Home Easy Lifestyle Hours Gardens With Stables & Garage Potential To Develop Business DUCHY LH: £325,000 2149 DARTMOUTH DEVON Exceptional 30+ Cover Restaurant Being Sold Fully Fitted & Equipped Prime Town Centre Position Previous Strong Trading Levels Must Be Viewed LH £39 950 2157 SOMERSET TOWN Landmark Inn With 16 Letting Rooms Bar & Restaurant 82+ Kitchens Owner s Apartment Car Park Free Of Tie Leasehold Opportunity Impressive & Profitable Business LH £75,000 4829 EXETER DEVON Stylish 78+ Cover Restaurant & Bar Furnished To A High Standard Potential To Develop Own Cuisine City Centre Trading Position Strong Turnover of £650 000+ LH £50 000 2146 DEVON VILLAGE Substantial Character Village Inn Sought After Trading Location Bar/ Restaurant Areas 66+ Garden 80+ 3 Letting Rooms Owners Accommodation Tremendous Potential Throughout FH £380,000 4834 The UK Government recently launched ‘Full Capital Expensing ; a new tax incentive designed to encourage business investment This Capital Allowance enables hospitality firms to fully write-off the cost of qualifying purchases in the same year the asset was purchased This equates to a saving of 19% or 25% of the asset’s purchase price (depending on your tax rate) The allowance can be claimed on a wide range of equipment by incorporated businesses, with the Annual Investment Allowance accessible under similar rules by unincorporated businesses This means you can get that new equipment, refurbish your premises install an alarm or air-con at a significant effective discount For businesses who prefer to spread the cost of their equipment or project, using either a business loan or a hire purchase agreement allows the full expensing allowance to be claimed Portman Asset Finance is both a lender and a broker, able to provide both hire purchase agreements and business loans, methods that allow capital allowances to be claimed We have been helping pubs, restaurants and hotels spread the cost of new equipment, fund refurbishments and cover unexpected operational costs since 2007 Por tman also provide finance leasing, shor t term and flexible loans as well as tax loans and equipment refinance , helping hospitality businesses to boost cashflow or capture oppor tunities in today’s challenging environment If you ’ re looking to fund new equipment, refurbish your premises or boost cashflow, talk to the exper ts at Por tman Call: 01604 669343 Visit: www.por tmanassetfinance Hospitality Businesses Can Use Finance to Access New Tax Incentives Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Property and Professional Issue 157 CLH Digital 53
*Approximate saving when compared to a standard ice bucket Report by sustainability consultancy CARBON FOOTPRINT T: +44 (0) 1747 859333 E: HOW IT WORKS: Place 5 ice cubes into the Hielo Cooler The Ice sits between and below the three internal plinths Take chilled wine or Champagne from the fridge Place bottle on the three internal plinths Cooler maintains the temperature for up to one hour Looks familiar, works differently. No drips or mess Eco credentials This is a carbon assessed product

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