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Admiral Taverns Invests Almost £350,000 into Stoke-on-Trent Pubs

Admiral Taverns has invested almost £350,000 across two local pubs in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire The King’s Way, run by brand new licensees Pete and Hayley Gidman has received a £135 000 renovation whilst the Pool Dole , run by well-known husband and wife duo Victoria and Lee Mavin, who also own the Bellringer in Kettering Drive , has received a £212,000 refurbishment

The King’s Way, situated on Kingsway Road, reopened on 24th Februar y, whilst the Pool Dole , situated on Fenpark Road, reopened on the 7th April

Investing in its pubs through capex is a core par t of Admiral’s strateg y as it seeks to nur ture community pubs with long-term sustainable futures Capex investment gives licensees the necessar y infrastructure to ensure their pubs can thrive within their communities and offer customers an active social hub As well as capex investment, Admiral is always looking for ways to fur ther suppor t its licensees Last year, Admiral invested £1 million into energ y-saving initiatives across 450 of its pubs to help combat rising energ y costs

Jodie Leigh, Business Development Manager at Admiral Taverns, commented: “I am thrilled with the investment projects that have taken place in Stoke-on-Trent – the results look amazing and will ensure both pubs sit at the hear t of the community We’re continually investing into our pubs across the UK and strongly believe in the impor tance of offering local communities the resources they need to bring people together ”

“Pete , Hayley, Victoria and Lee are all dedicated licensees who are passionate about their pubs and will be a great asset in their local community We wish them ever y success in the future ”

Victoria Mavin, Licensee at The Pool Dole , commented: “We are so thrilled to have reopened the Pool Dole to the community and showcase this transformation We are extremely excited to become a par t of this neighbourhood and reveal all the exciting new initiative offerings Our goal is to make sure The Pool Dole has something for ever yone to ensure we become a pillar of the community We want to thank Admiral for helping us get the pub where we want it to be ”

The King’s Way reopened in late Februar y with a fantastic weekend full of enter tainment that received outstanding feedback from the local community The pub hosts live music ever y other Saturday from 8pm followed by the Orange Bicycle Club at 10pm the longest running disco night in Stoke Hayley and Pete are committed to becoming integral members of the community and are currently hosting rock and roll bingo on the last Friday of ever y month to raise money for a defibrillator installation at the pub Hayley and Pete wanted to keep the traditional characteristics of the pub, including pies and burgers and patterned tar tan wallpaper However, they wanted to incorporate a modern twist by adding contemporar y colours such as grey and blue and creating a function room that will be ideal for par ties, with Sky Spor ts throughout Hayley Gidman, Licensee at The King’s Way, commented:

“We are delighted with the refurbishment and have received incredible feedback on the pub’s new look Being in the hospitality industr y has always been our passion, and we are happy we have achieved our vision We cannot wait for what is to come , to hold many more enjoyable evenings and charity days for our local community ”

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