3 minute read
A Glass Act - Enomatic Wine Dispense and Preservation
by CLH News
Enomatic is the world leader in wine dispense and preser vation
Studies show that wine-by-the-glass sales increase turnover and are more profitable than bottle sales enomatic was created to offer a more premium wines by glass offering thus creating a more profitable business models for restaurants, bars and wine merchants enomatic’s quality control provides customers with confidence that wines are always fresh and ser ved at their optimum temperatures With patented preser vation technolog y and automatic self-cleaning of the pouring spout, our systems ensure the highest hygiene and superb wine quality
Reducing Waste
It is a simple fact that wine that is not consumed oxidizes in the bottle and is wasted creating unnecessar y costs and profit loss for a wine business enomatic was designed to eliminate waste , reduce overheads and maximize profits
Wine Preservation
Using state-of-the-ar t iner t gas preser vation, enomatic prevents wine from being altered by oxygen and protects its organoleptic integrity (taste , aroma, body, and colour) for up to 21 days or more (tested and
cer tified)
Portion Control
Staff over-pouring results in reduced profit margins enomatic’s precise automatic por tion control prevents inventor y shrinkage , over pouring, and ensures accurate measures time after time
enomatic's advanced electronics and automation increases the speed of ser vice By simply pressing a button, you can select and ser ve any wine desired Your staff ’ s time is costly; that’s why enomatic was also designed to make their time more efficient - no more wasting time re-corking or vacuuming bottles after each use sales@enodirect.co.uk www enodirect co uk
Software functionality allows you to track not only all the wines in your system, but also the use of the system by customers You can even limit the amount a customer can consume for any given period of time With card operated systems, enomatic is a vir tual sales person and responsible bar tender all wrapped up in one!
Tel +44 (0)1603 768046
Healey and Lord
Healey and Lord Limited specialise in the supply of high quality sanitar yware to commercial and hospitality projects around the world
Our commercial product ranges are available to suit both modern and classically styled schemes We have a full range of toilets, wash basins, urinals, taps and accessories in a variety of finishes All products are available from stock and are made in the UK or western Europe

We have an extensive range of no-touch washroom products including toilets, taps, accessories and urinal controls that are available in a range of finishes to complement any scheme seating and even outdoor furniture They can manufacture in both metal and wood and have an extensive catalogue available to showcase their standard range

Having the skills ‘in house’ allow ACE to be a preferred supplier for any bespoke requirements you have , so from a simple idea the team at Ace can design and build to your specific needs

To discuss your furniture requirements fur ther please don’t hesitate to get in touch with ACE Furniture on 01536 203244, email sales@acefurniture .uk.com

We regularly work with design and hospitality professionals to specify good value , durable washroom schemes for high profile venues

We also offer a range of high-quality design focused disabled toilet and washroom equipment to suit all projects We have an extensive range of less able products designed to complement modern and traditional schemes perfectly

Recent projects we have supplied include The Shard The Tower of London, Windsor Castle , Lords Cricket Ground, The Queens Club, Battersea Power Station, The Globe , The Connaught Hotel Whites in London, The Garrick Club and the Hurlingham Club
Please contact us on +44 (0)1603 488709 or at sales@healeyandlord co uk or visit our website at www healeyandlord co uk for more details
Hotels and restaurants intending to replace existing gas-fired domestic hot water (DHW) systems with more sustainable electric technologies as par t of a decarbonisation strateg y should invest in data gathering first recommends hot water specialist Adveco

Live Metering is a simple to install, non-invasive onsite ser vice provided by Adveco that generates consistent six minute data 24 hours per day from existing hot water systems to accurately understand actual usage including critical peak demands and their profile shape Adveco’s specialist engineers will visit to fit the meter and assess the proper ty The data will then be processed, and a repor t generated with design recommendations for a replacement system that meets the exact needs of the building
New designs by Adveco will show carbon reduction and outline new operational costs Accurate to the actual demands of the proper ty, Live Metered designs avoid excess capital costs associated with oversizing and ensures operation within the limits of the existing electrical supply of the building
Businesses which opt to purchase the recommended replacement system from Adveco will receive a 50% refund on the cost of implementing the initial Live Metering ser vice

Talk to Adveco about booking Live Metering at your proper ty https://adveco.co/products/live-metering/