Navigating Troubled Water s: The Government's Responsibility towards the UK Hospitality and Licensed On-Trade Sector
Our lead stor y truly “ grasps the nettle” and sums up the sector’s confidence in this current government
That being, there is none! Enough is enough and the elephant in the room has this week finally been addressed
We need a general election, and we need one urgently
I am remaining “apolitical” it will be for the countr y to decide who it will choose to govern us but now as the sector lurches from one crisis to another inflation interest rates, energ y costs, business rate disparity, alcohol duty, with absolutely no end in sight, none of which could be classed in any way as “self-inflicted” then the call for an immediate general election could not come sooner!
Recent times have witnessed a disastrous surge in the shuttering of cherished pubs and restaurants These establishments, which have acted as social hubs for communities across the UK, are disappearing at an alarming rate The reasons behind this unsettling trend are manifold, with industr y leaders unanimously pointing towards a cocktail of challenges that are pushing businesses to the brink
One really alarming obser vation is the reduced footfall seen in many establishments
I recently popped in for an early evening beer to a pub, which at this time of the year would usually be bustling, and I was really saddened to see that we (myself and a work colleague) with the only two people in It doesn’t seem all that long ago when at 5 45pm the place would have an eclectic mix of office and shop staff, holidaymakers, etc and one would enjoy a vibrant bustling atmosphere Sad though I was as one of only two customers I could only imagine how the landlord felt
Consumers are clearly tightening their belts in the face of economic uncer tainty, and this is a worr ying dip in demand, and a stark reminder of the uphill battle these businesses face Moreover, the glaring absence of adequate government suppor t has only exacerbated this crisis
I really think making any appeal to this government now is a pointless exercise , it really is time to call a general election and let the main par ties put their manifestoes to the public and we can see first hand their intentions over the next five years as to how they intend to suppor t the hospitality and licensed on trade
The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing
Here are a few pointers that would get my vote:
1 Financial Relief Measures: The government should introduce tailored financial relief pac kages , inc luding grants , reduced interest rates , and tax breaks , to ease the financia burden on struggling businesses
2 Energy Cost Mitigation: Imp ement measures to stabilize energy costs , suc h as subsidizing renewable energy sources and encouraging energy-efficient practices
3 Suppor t for Training and Employment: Establish initiatives to upskill the workforce and incentivize emp oyment, thus foster ing growth and addressing the pressing issue of staff shor tages
4 Promoting Consumer Confidence: Launc h campaigns to restore consumer confidence in the sector, assur ing patrons of str ngent safety measures and exceptional exper iences
5 Long-term Polic y Framework: Collaborate with industr y leader s to develop a comprehensive longterm pol c y framework that ac knowledges the sector's unique c hallenges and provides a roadmap for sustainab e growth
On a side note , and once again only my “tenpenneth”, if it transpires that the Crooked House pub affectionately known as the “Wonky Pub” has been deliberately burnt to the ground and has been subsequently demolished then it should as campaign group C AMRA demand be rebuilt brick by brick
The pub clearly has been demolished without any planning consent, and there are investigations as to whether the fire has been star ted deliberately
The last people who demolished a great traditional London pub built in the 1920s were forced, following a six-year campaign by the local community, to rebuild the pub brick by brick, which I am sure has set an extraordinar y precedent The owners of the pub had been refused planning permission to knock it down and build 10 flats and historic England was due to recommend the pub to be granted Grade II listed status
Locals suspected the owners would do something and they asked historic England to consider listing the building and they came out took plaster cast of tiles and documented ever ything
Locals in the pub one afternoon were asked to vacate the premises on the health and safety grounds and where they got outside a demolition group demolished the pub in front of their ver y eyes
I can remember repor ting on 2021 comments from a member of the rebuild Carlton Tavern campaign saying; “People said it was impossible , many people said it’s not wor th it nothing is going to happen, but I thought no I’m not just going to let it lie” and well done Polly Rober tson!
The pub reopened on April 12, 2021 and I will be watching this case with interest suppor ting any initiative and giving as much publicity as possible to get it rebuilt!
As always I can be contacted at edit@catererlicensee .com
tion, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those
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The restaurant and bar said that they can no longer absorb the ‘crippling’ costs of running a business in 2023, from energ y bills to VAT increases, without passing on to customers leading to unsustainable and “extor tionate prices”
The team behind the bar/restaurant which opened as the 2020 pandemic broke said it was a decision that hadn’t been made lightly and that they were ‘devastated’ to have to close their doors
Mr Lord has criticized the current Government once again for their lack of suppor t for hospitality businesses, saying that the government are allowing communities to break up and High Streets to fall apar t’
Taking to social media he said: Hear tbreaking I met the team at Industr y last year, they were lovely Again, citing Energ y as a factor This Gov’t don’t care about Hospitality Under their watch communities are breaking up, our High Streets are falling apar t We urgently need a General Election ”
In a statement the Industr y said: statement said: “It is with the heaviest of hear ts we have to say that Industr y has closed its doors for the final time
“Industr y star ted as an idea between three friends of opening a nice little bar where you could have a drink and get a bite to eat, the reality became so much bigger than that and exceeded all of our expectations ”
“Opening at the height of a global pandemic was an enormous challenge and we had so many hurdles to jump just to stay open In our first year we were only allowed to open 5 months out of 12 but we powered through because we believed in our vision
“Sadly, crippling energ y bills, spiralling overheads, lack of government suppor t and VAT/tax increases have made our little idea unsustainable , without having to charge extor tionate prices
Mr Lords call for a general election follows a repor t this week from accountancy firm Price Bailey which reveals that pub closures reached their highest level on record in the second quar ter of 2023, surpassing the previous record in the first three months of the year
Following the closures of 200 pubs in the first three months of the year, almost 225 sites shut in the second quar ter, amounting to a total of 729 businesses in the last year, around an 80% increase from 2021/22
The alarming closure rates have coincided with a host of adverse factors squeezing the hospitality sector, including high energ y, labour and wholesale food and drink costs
At the same time , the disposal income of pub-goers continues to fall amidst the cost-of-living crisis
Rising energ y bills, inflation currently showing no signs of falling, rising wages and diminishing footfall as the public “tighten their belts” are the biggest issues for the sector since the year star ted however changes to licensing and alcohol duty tax as well as a lack of suppor t from the government have all hindered chances of a recover y, especially for independents
“Pub closures are rising at a rate unheard of in more than a decade We are seeing a perfect storm of high inflation and interest rates at a time when many pubs are on life suppor t, said Matt Howard, head of insolvency and recover y at Price Bailey
Other factors include the need to repay Covid suppor t loans and strike action leaving many pubs in city centre locations losing out on vital trade over the festive season
Matt Howard added: “Aggressive interest rate hikes this year have really turned the screw just when it looked like the economy was stabilising Many pub businesses have piled up barely manageable levels of debt over a testing few years and rate hikes are tipping an increasing number into the red ”
“There are a large number of zombie businesses in the pub sector which have been barely sur viving sustained only by low-interest rates As rates have risen banks have star ted to pressure them to make capital as well as interest repayments on loans This has proved the final nail in the coffin for many pubs Business failures in the pub trade are likely to continue to rise throughout the second half of the year ”
The Protect Duty (the 'Duty') or 'Mar tyn's Law' (named after a victim of the tragic 2017 Manchester Arena bombing) is a draft Bill which seeks to impose a new duty on owners and operators of publicly accessible premises to address the evolving issue of terrorist threats
The new legislation will be applicable to various locations where a 'qualifying activity' takes place 'Qualifying activities' include those which take place at enter tainment and leisure venues, visitor attractions and retail outlets It will also apply to premises contained within another premises, for example , a restaurant within a shopping centre A two-tier system will determine the propor tionate security steps expected to be taken to implement the Duty
The 'standard' tier will apply to locations with a capacity between 100 and 799 Duty holders will be expected to carr y out low-cost training on terrorism awareness and to complete a standard terrorism evaluation, considering how best to respond to a threat
The enhanced tier will apply to locations with a capacity of 800 or more They will need to appoint a designated senior officer for the premises, will be expected to regularly complete a terrorism risk assessment and consider implementing ‘reasonably practicable’ measures to reduce the risk of terrorist events Duty holders may also need to hire specially trained staff and implement monitoring systems or CCTV to demonstrate they are taking propor tionate steps to comply with the Duty In both tiers duty holders must identify a suitable
evacuation procedure for staff and the public
Whilst there is already guidance available to help organisations combat terrorism, it is envisaged that more will become available ahead of the Duty coming into force
A regulator will have the power to impose sanctions for non-compliance with the Duty Whilst at a recent Home Affairs Committee meeting there were discussions about the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) taking on this role , it remains unclear who that regulator will be
For venues falling under the standard tier, non-compliance could lead to a maximum fine of £10,000, whilst those under the enhanced tier could face a maximum penalty of £18 million or 5% of worldwide turnover These fines are punitive and will not be covered by insurance policies
Larger businesses operating in the hospitality sector are already required to have robust health and safety measures in place to comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc 1974 Act and various health and fire safety regulations Many of the measures introduced by the Duty may therefore overlap with practices and polices already in place , so it may be that these businesses experience a limited amount of disruption when the legislation comes into force However, we continue to hear concerns about the impact of the measures on smaller businesses, as businesses fear the Duty will place an additional, dispropor tionate burden on their finances and resources
There is an expectation for employers in qualifying premises to educate their employees about the Duty and to provide training materials to understand how to respond to a terrorist event The Government has stressed that this will be propor tionate and that centralised training materials may become available in due course There is also a focus on sur veillance and monitoring for premises falling under the enhanced tier, which may involve assessing a premises capabilities or investing in additional security measures to ensure compliance with the Duty
The recent publication of the Home Affairs Committee's review of the draft Bill has raised concerns about the adequacy of the draft Bill Scrutiny of the Duty continues and this will hopefully ensure that the correct balance is struck between protecting the public against terrorism and placing additional pressures on businesses within the sector
Picture: Cour tesy of Ian Hodgkinson @ PictureIt Media
A man from Rugeley has been named as a Local Legend in a nationwide campaign after being nominated by his community for his selflessness and devotion to helping others
Terr y Goodier was celebrated with an evening of music , great food and beer in an event which saw over 100 members of the community gather at The Redmore pub to honour their incredible friend
As par t of the campaign, ran by People’s Captain in par tnership with Punch Pubs & Co, customers from pubs across the Punch estate had the chance to nominate a ‘Legend’ within their community who also defines Punch’s ‘Doing Well by Doing Good’ programme
As par t of the campaign ran by People’s Captain in par tnership with Punch Pubs & Co, customers from across the Punch estate had the chance to nominate a Legend within their community, coinciding with the pub company ’ s commitment to Doing Well by Doing Good – improving lives and communities with pubs at their hear t
Terr y, a legend in his own right, received numerous nominations for his ability to always put others first, for consistently suppor ting his friends and family and for his ongoing suppor t across the community So, on Thursday the 20th of July he was crowned in a red-carpet style event by People’s Captain founder and exprofessional Rugby player, Greg Bateman
Speaking on behalf of the event and Terr y ’ s win, Greg said: “This kind of event showcases that small ever yday things can really make a difference to people’s lives
“The bigger message in all of this is that small actions create a wider impact, and we are all capable of making a difference Sometimes it’s just an arm around the shoulder, or a physical act Terr y is a shining example of someone that can do something so small yet have a huge impact ”
The event, which was co-hosted by Management Par tners Ryan Morris and Laura Hughes of The Redmore
pub, saw their generous garden transform with a decorated marquee , outdoor stage and tables adorned with balloons and bunting Management Par tner Ryan said: “What can we say about Terr y, he’s a legend, but so incredibly humble Terr y is a gentle giant and he’s ever ybody’s friend
“It’s so nice to see him being celebrated because he’s always looked after ever yone else Even during his own struggles, you could ring him at any time , or talk to him in the pub and he would always be there for you ”
Laura added: “It’s no surprise that Terr y has won this campaign, and if we could have picked anyone it would be him He’s so passionate about helping people and does so much for the community and his family, but you never hear what he does for himself
“The Redmore is the hear t of the community and whatever happens there is always somebody there to suppor t you We feel so privileged that people choose to come back here!
Speaking on behalf of his win, Terr y said: “I feel proud Emotional I didn t realise I had so many friends This all star ted when a friend asked me for help, I was in a dark place myself at the time but helping other people got me through I didn t realise that my friends and family were actually worried about me and just wanted to keep me busy by helping others You realise that life is touchy, and you can be on the edge , but the best thing is having good friends and family around you
“It is an honour to be here , and I feel privileged to have all these people around me The Redmore , it’s a community pub, the people who run it are lovely, Ryan, Laura, Steve , and Julie they all make you feel welcome , you can come in here for help and there will always be someone who can step forward ”
Speaking on behalf of Punch Pubs & Co , Head of PR & Brand Communications Caroline Southwell said: “We’re so proud to be par tnering with Greg and the team at People’s Captain once again This event has been instrumental in highlighting how impor tant the pub’s place is within the community, and how small acts of kindness can have a huge impact ”
Consumer card spending grew 4 0 per cent year-on-year in July – less than the latest CPIH inflation rate of 7 3 per cent and slightly lower than in June (5 4 per cent) , with the hospitality & leisure sector receiving a boost as Brits spent more on getaways, eating and drinking out, and concer t tickets for ar tists such as Taylor Swift and Foo Fighters Spending on supermarkets rose considerably less in July (5 2 per cent) than in June (9 8 per cent), as the rate of food price inflation continued to slow after peaking in March** However concern around rising food prices remains high at 91 per cent leading seven in 10 (70 per cent) shoppers to look for ways to reduce the cost of their weekly shop –the highest percentage so far this year
Of these value-seeking Brits, 13 per cent say they are having to remove some items at the checkout to avoid going over budget To help save money, more than a third (35 per cent) are buying items in bulk because they cost less in the long-term, and four in 10 (41 per cent) are shopping at multiple supermarkets to source a range of deals
Concerns around food prices and the rising cost of living are also impacting economic confidence as just one-in-five (21 per cent) repor t feeling confident in the strength of the UK economy, down two per cent month-on-month in July
Meanwhile “shrinkflation” continues to impact grocer y shoppers A slightly higher propor tion of Brits had noticed examples of “shrinkflation” in July (73 per cent) compared to June (70 per cent), with chocolate (56 per cent), crisps (49 per cent) and packets of biscuits (46 per cent) remaining the products most frequently cited as being impacted by this growing trend As a result, a fifth (21 per cent) of the shoppers who have noticed signs of shrinkflation are switching to brands which haven’t changed the size of their products
Shrinkflation is also affecting alcoholic drinks: more than one in five Brits (22 per cent) have noticed that some of the alcoholic drinks they buy – such as beers, spirits and tinned cocktails – have become weaker or contain less alcohol, yet still cost the same or more than they used to, otherwise known as “drinkflation” This could be due to manufacturers changing their products ahead of the recent changes to alcohol duty introduced on 1 August, meaning that alcoholic drinks are now taxed according to strength instead of type
Spending on non-essential items grew 5 6 per cent year-on-year in July with the hospitality & leisure sector enjoying a boost as Brits made the most of the summer Bars pubs & clubs saw growth of 7 6 per cent while restaurants – though still in decline – improved considerably (-2 5 per cent) compared to June (-8 2 per cent)
The enter tainment sector was a par ticular bright spot seeing a significant boost of 15 8 per cent year-on-
year This was largely driven by spending on live events, with surges recorded on the pre-release dates for Taylor Swift’s “Eras Tour”, and Foo Fighters’ upcoming stadium tour
Despite the rising cost of living, enter tainment is a priority spending area for many consumers One in 10 (11 per cent) is cutting back on other expenses to afford tickets to concer ts and movies, while a similar propor tion (10 per cent) said they treated themselves to a concer t or film ticket in July even though they couldn’t really afford it
While consumers were keen to venture out in July, “insperiences” (indoor experiences) also proved popular likely due to the wetter weather seen in the second half of the month Takeaways and digital content & subscriptions rose 9 2 per cent and 9 9 per cent respectively, with the growth in streaming ser vices possibly linked to platforms cracking down on account sharing, requiring consumers to pay for separate logins
Travel spending also continued to perform well, with travel agents and airlines both seeing noticeable uplifts (7 8 per cent and 39 1 per cent respectively), as holidaymakers made plans for the rest of the year
Despite positive growth in June , clothing retailers were hampered by the unseasonal weather in July, and so fell back into decline (-3 1 per cent) This comes as six in 10 (60 per cent) of those cutting back on discretionar y purchases to cope with rising household bills say they are reining in new clothes and accessories purchases
Esme Harwood, Director at Barclays, said: “While July’s weather was a wash-out for clothing retailers, it was a ray of sunshine for takeaways and streaming ser vices which performed better than expected Enter tainment also enjoyed a huge boost, largely thanks to pre-sales for Taylor Swift’s and Foo Fighters’ upcoming stadium tours
“With value-for-money still a major concern at the supermarket, eagle-eyed consumers are also spotting signs of drinkflation – shrinkflation on alcoholic drinks This could be due to manufacturers making changes to their products ahead of the recent changes to alcohol duty, which mean that drinks are now taxed according to strength rather than type ”
Abbas Khan, UK Economist at Barclays, said: “Over the first half of 2023, high inflation rates have weighed on real household disposable incomes and constrained consumption On the bright side , this headwind is expected to abate over H2 as inflation in essential categories such as energ y and food is set to ease
“However, offsetting this, more households are set to experience higher mor tgage costs as they refix onto higher rates Accordingly, while we do not expect a consumer recession in the coming quar ters, growth is likely to be meagre ”
The continued popularity of the staycation is cer tainly good news for British hoteliers In fact according to a recent repor t the area of Plymouth recorded 80% occupancy rates for 2023 This well-earned interest presents hoteliers with a major oppor tunity: to build the foundations of an enduring relationship with home-grown guests By creating a unique experience meeting guest expectations and successfully navigating the current challenges facing the hospitality industr y, hotels can ensure that staycationing Brits will remember their excellent experience when they next consider a trip away
Last year set a record for the highest number of British staycations, with 82% of Britons choosing to holiday at home in 2022 Whilst the loosening of post-covid travel regulations has meant that going abroad is now easier, this hasn’t stemmed the prominence of the staycation, with 56% of Britons planning to vacation in the UK this year It seems that the allure of overseas sun sights and leisure has failed to sway British interest in home-bound holidays
The UK is currently home to more than 9 750 hotel businesses As such, to capture and hold the attention of any tourist, a hotel needs to stand out with a distinctive offering Britain is a vast and complex cultural ecosystem, and many British tourists choosing to travel domestically are looking to experience authentic regional culture Therefore showcasing local community and histor y is a surefire way of distinguishing your hotel’s offerings and giving staycationers a holiday that they won’t forget Hotels looking to attract guests and build long-lasting relationships should give these home-loving holiday makers what they want, by making the most of their area ’ s histor y scener y and any unique quirks of the town Offering guided tours of the locality, training staff on the histor y and myth of the area, and decorating rooms with the surrounding scener y in mind, can all help hotels showcase why they are Best of British At Burgh Island for example guests can explore our connection with iconic detective writer Agatha Christie , by spending their stay in the Beach House where Christie penned two of her most widely acclaimed novel, And Then There Were None and Evil Under The Sun, and – for the more adventurist visitor – par ticipating in one of our murder myster y evenings So many British hotels are founded in unique places with fascinating histories, and embracing this setting can go a long way in ensuring your hotel is memorable to guests
Whilst delivering high-quality ser vice may seem an obvious way to ensure visitors enjoy their holiday, hotels should beware of overlooking the fundamental connection between meeting expectations and laying the foundations for a continued relationship with a guest Unique excep-
tional experiences add immeasurable value to a trip, and hotels should endeavour to leave guests pleasantly surprised by their range of activities Whether it’s sipping a leisurely drink in the hotel bar or high-paced hiking in the local area, each guest will have their own specific expectations The dining options at Burgh Island Hotel, for instance , range from a black-tie event in the Ballroom accompanied by a 20’s band, a more lowkey (but equally impressive) setting at the Nettlefold Restaurant overlooking the sea view, or even a traditional pub dinner at one of England’s oldest taverns, The Pilchard Inn Giving guests choice gives them the agency to craft their own holiday experience and make their stay a time they won’t forget
Ensuring ever y guest feels special and appreciated throughout their stay is the prime focus for any hotelier ; and while activities and events play a large par t in this it’s often the little details that make the most difference From the small gestures of remembering visitors’ names and hometowns, to allocating rooms based on a guest’s interests and preferences – these are the personal touches that differentiate great ser vice from good, and reassure tourists that they were right to choose a holiday from home’
The British hospitality industr y is facing severe staffing shor tages There are currently 174,000 unfilled hospitality jobs With staycation numbers on the rise working together with staff and finding ways to best suppor t them during this difficult period is paramount to maintaining high levels of ser vice
At Burgh Island, for example , we provide ongoing training and succession planning for our staff to help them progress in their careers and to assist individuals in fully realising their own skills Through listening to staff ideas, feedback and how best to prepare for the busy staycation season
Despite the issues currently facing the hospitality sector, the ongoing passion for British staycations gives UK hotels the chance to welcome in new guests and build lasting relationships By meeting guest expectations and showing them what’s magical about their corner of Britain, hotels have the oppor tunity to create lasting memories for staycationer guests, and just as impor tantly leave them wanting more
A council is considering legal action following the “unauthorised” demolition of one of the UK’s most unique pubs following a fire
The Crooked House pub in Himley, near Dudley, was completely gutted on Saturday (August 5) night by a blaze that took 30 firefighters to extinguish, days after being sold by the brewer Marston’s
On Monday, Staffordshire police said an investigation into the cause of the fire at the 18th-centur y pub was open and that a cordon around the site remained in place
DI Richard Dancey said: This incident has caused a great deal of speculation locally and we understand the significance of the building within the local community
“We would like to remind the public that our investigation is ongoing and we are reviewing all of the available evidence alongside fire investigators to determine the cause of the incident ”
Local residents shared their shock on social media after discovering the remaining structure of the popular pub, known as “Britain’s wonkiest pub”, was reduced to a rubbleon Tuesday morning The pub was famous for its wonky appearance caused by the building sinking due to mining subsidence , which created optical illusions such as coins appearing to roll uphill
South Staffordshire Council said the demolition was unacceptable and has referred the matter to its legal team Council officers had visited the site and agreed a programme of works with a representative of the
Roger Lees, leader of South Staffordshire Council, said: At no point did the council agree the demolition of the whole structure nor was this deemed necessar y
“This council finds the manner in which the situation was managed following the fire completely unacceptable and contrar y to instructions provided by our officers
“As such, we are currently investigating potential breaches of both the Town and Countr y Planning Act and the Buildings Act
The council has also notified the Health and Safety Executive and is liaising with Historic England, the police and fire ser vice
A talented Nor th East chef has just been named Young Pastr y Chef of the Year
Megan Armstrong, 26, who works for Newcastle-based 21 Hospitality Group, achieved the highest marks in the UK in the pastr y final of the Royal Academy of Culinar y Ar ts Annual Awards of Excellence 2023 held in London recently
She was presented with this award at a special gala dinner held at Claridge’s in London where she was accompanied by Nick Shottel director of hospitality at 21HG along with mentor and renowned chef and restaurateur Terr y Laybourne , the owner of the Newcastle-based group
As well as the kudos that goes with this national accolade , Megan receives a bursar y from the Savoy Educational Trust that includes a visit to Moet et Chandon in the Champagne region of France and £2,000, along with an engraved trophy, a chef ’ s jacket and membership of the AAE Alumni
Megan, who originally comes from Cumbria, said: “This is such a prestigious award in the industr y and means a lot It’s a great accolade and I’m now looking forward to my educational trip to Champagne ” Megan is one of a long line of 21HG employees
from the kitchens and front of house , who’ve achieved
an Award of Excellence over the years Group pastr y chef Helen Doyle , herself an AAE alumni, has been instrumental in developing something of a production line of talent Past achiever, Sophie Bamford, mentored by Helen was awarded Young Pastr y Chef in 2018 Mar tin Malinowski head chef at St Vincent who was awarded best Young Chef several years ago
Nick Shottel a fellow of the Royal Academy of Culinar y Ar ts and who takes responsibility for staff development across 21HG, has coached around five front of house achievers over the years This latest award not only recognises the individual talents of Megan but is recognition of the effor ts the group makes in training and staff retention
Nick said: Megan s achievement is hugely impressive and fully deser ved She beat off strong national competition It’s also a testimony to the strength of the training programme and staff development we have in place across our restaurants We aim to encourage people to build their skills and develop their careers with us
“Megan has been with us for five years She’s been developing and learning all the time and this award of excellence is a culmination of her dedication and the suppor t she’s had within the organisation She has a big future ahead of her ”
JD Wetherspoon chairman Tim Mar tin has hit out the Daily Mail over an “alarmist” ar ticle that wrongly suggested “dozens of pubs across Britain were earmarked for closure” Wetherspoon said the piece on Tuesday (1 August), which said Wetherspoon had closed 29 pubs this year, was “misleading”
Mr Mar tin was speaking in response to an ar ticle headlined: “Wetherspoons closes more pubs with dozens of boozers across Britain earmarked for closure ”
Mr Mar tin said that of the 28 pubs Wetherspoon had closed this year, 15 have been sold to other pub companies and have reopened already or are to reopen soon
Wetherspoon stated: Describing pubs that are open as closed is inaccurate and alarmist In general, the headline ‘Wetherspoons closes more pubs with dozens of boozers across Britain earmarked for closure’ and the ar ticle created a misleading impression ”
Mr Mar tin said: Pub disposals are a sensitive issue Hyperbole and exaggera-
tion from the Daily Mail have created unnecessar y alarm Wetherspoon’s annualised sales are now approximately £2bn, the highest ever level, and are more than £100m per annum more than in the year before the pandemic Profits as we said in our recent trading statement, are increasing and employment is also at a record level That is cer tainly not the impression the Daily Mail ar ticle gave ”
“Wetherspoon’s annualised sales are now approximately £2b the highest ever level, and are over £100m per annum more than in the year before the pandemic
“Profits, as we said in our recent trading statement, are increasing and employment is also at a record level ”
The pub chain which operates more than 820 pubs, had a fur ther 22 sites either on the market or under offer
In the same update it repor ted a 7 4% increase in year-to-date sales
1 9m consumer s are set to visit hospitality venues , boosting sales by £28.8m
Hospitality venues are predicted to make £16.1m from drink sales alone
Retail and hospitality expenditure is predicted to hit £145m during the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup Quar ter Finals which kick off on Friday 12th August according to a new repor t
Forecasts from the Women’s World Cup 2023 Spending Repor t VoucherCodes co uk predict that 7 1m British suppor ters across the nation will tune in to the fixtures
Of those viewers, 6m (84 5%) are set to tune in from the comfor t of their own homes As the tournament is being held in Australia and New Zealand, fans are faced with early kick-off times meaning only 1 9m consumers are set to watch this stage of the competition from their local pub, bar, or restaurant
With this in mind, retail sales will far exceed the spend levels seen in hospitality venues Across the Quar ter Final stage , customers are predicted to spend a total of £116 3m in their local supermarkets and convenience stores Food and drink make up the dominant propor tion of this expenditure at £92 9m
On the other hand, hospitality venues are likely to see the highest number of sales they have seen throughout the tournament, with spending forecast to hit £28 8m This is likely due to England’s game being
held at 11 30am on a Saturday when more consumers are able to visit their local hospitality venue Breaking this down fur ther, £16 1m is estimated to be spent on drinks, and £12 8m on food
Retailers will also see a boost in sales in other areas outside of FMCG, with consumers predicted to spend £11m on spor tswear, £4 5m on electricals, £4 1m on merchandise , and £3 9m on decorations, as fans get ready to cheer on the Lionesses
Maureen McDonagh, SVP International & Managing Director at VoucherCodes co uk commented:
“Although the cost-of-living crisis and early kick off times has led to consumers exercising caution with their money, the hospitality sector will be encouraged to see 1 9m consumers are still planning to soak up the atmosphere of the Quar ter Finals from their local pubs and bars
“With a quick turnaround for the Semi Finals stage beginning Tuesday 16th August offering a multi-game package that secures discounts on food and drink is just one way of creating value for money for prospective customers
“Making venues feel family friendly will also play a par t in getting more visitors through your door – given the increased family following in Women’s football Venues should make sure that deals on food for adults and children are available throughout this time ”
The hospitality sector has faced many challenges in recent years, from labour shor tages to the cost-of-living crisis But despite this there are oppor tunities for businesses to grow their customer bases, retain key clientele , and expand market share , helped by consistent advances in hospitality tech
It’s impor tant though not to just buy technolog y for technolog y ’ s sake Choose solutions that are right for delivering a ser vice that reflects your brand the experience it offers and the needs of your customers
Self-ordering kiosks along with other self-ser ving systems like QR Codes, have become increasingly popular, accelerated by the pandemic and a preference for contactless ser vices Statista predicts that global market revenue for kiosks will reach $45 32bn in 2028 from $28 34bn in 2021, reflecting the rapid digitalisation of the hospitality industr y
Kiosks offer the customer convenience , improving the efficiency of ser vice while still providing personal interaction They can also boost your business operations by providing customers with the option to leave feedback This demonstrates that you value their opinions and can help gather invaluable insights into your business
However kiosks might not suit all settings For example if you are a fine dining restaurant which is renowned for its fantastic customer ser vice kiosks are likely not the right solution It is crucial to evaluate your business and customer behaviour to determine which systems are right for you
Mobile-enabled check-ins give customers the freedom to check in and out at their own pace This is great for the customer but also relieves staff time to focus on other tasks such as customer requests, refreshments, and luggage , boosting efficiency across the entire front-of-house team However, are these right for ever y hotel?
The pandemic altered people’s wants and needs According to a 2020 study by Orcal, of consumers are more likely to stay in a hotel offering self-ser vice tech Many large hospitality brands have introduced mobile
check-in technolog y including Hilton, IGH, Marriot and Hyatt Check what technolog y your competitors are using successfully to ensure that you are offering ser vices that keep the business on par or ideally one step ahead Ensure though that these changes reflect the right experience and what the customer wants
A growing number of hospitality businesses are embracing robotic technolog y to boost productivity and drive down costs From the robotic waiter to the robotic chef, robotics are believed to be able to save between 30% and 70% on labour cost for restaurants However, with robotic waiters estimated to cost you between £1000 - £5000 a month, it is a cost that ever y business needs to consider before taking the leap It’s also impor tant to understand whether this type of experience is right for your customers For example , you may own a wine bar where customers expect a personal, tailored approach at a slow pace , and a robot may not fit this environment However, it could help at other stages of the experience , such as clearing glasses, taking stock or washing up
Capturing customer data isn’t anything new, however, it’s what you do with it afterwards that counts
Intelligent customer data will help you gain a better understanding of what drives and excites your customers
It allows you to deliver a focused and bespoke approach to all of your guests So how do you effectively harvest and analyse data?
It begins with a data audit, which examines all of a company s data to evaluate how valuable it is and whether it is suited for the desired purpose A data audit is the first step towards properly understanding where your data is, what it contains, and how you can make it work harder for you
From here , your company can construct a single-view of the data, bringing in ever y source , such as website analytics or past booking data It enables businesses to profile their data, segmenting customers into multiple categories depending on behaviours, age , region, etc At this point, the volume of data has grown and matured, and selling is tailored to each individual customer
CRM systems capture data from ever y system you use , allowing you to build a picture of when and how customers like to interact with your business
Overall, implementing technolog y can help elevate your business and enhance your customer experience
However, it’s crucial to consider your wider business model, market and overall objectives to ensure that you implement technolog y that works harder in attracting and retaining a growing customer base
The Campaign for Real Ale has declared the unlawful conversion and demolition of pubs in England a ‘nationwide scandal’, following the high-profile case of the Crooked House in South Staffordshire
Shor tly after the pub was sold by Marston’s PLC , a fire destroyed much of the interior of the building on the weekend of 5 August Under 48 hours later, the remaining structure of the building was demolished without planning permission A public statement from South Staffordshire Council confirmed that the full demolition of the building was not mandated by the safety inspection that took place after the fire
In 2017 planning law was changed so that pubs in England could not be conver ted or demolished without planning permission, but shocking figures published by C AMRA last week show that over 30 pubs may have been demolished or conver ted without planning permission in the last 6 months
C AMRA’s Pub Campaigns Director, Gar y Timmins, has now written to Rachel Maclean MP, Housing and Planning Minister, asking for central government to take action to deter unscrupulous developers and ensure that illegally demolished pubs are rebuilt ‘brick by brick’
In the letter, Timmins wrote about the Crooked House:
“The complete destruction of this iconic pub has brought the nationwide scandal of the non-enforcement of pub protection legislation to the forefront of people’s minds ”
C AMRA Chairman, Nik Antona, added:
“This damaging practice must stop, and those found to have conver ted or demolished pubs against planning rules must be required to restore the original building brick by brick If local authorities won’t provide adequate planning enforcement then central government needs to step in to make sure that unscrupulous developers know that they will face action if they do the same
“It is a tragedy that loved community pubs continue to be conver ted or demolished without planning permission in England, and that weak planning rules in Scotland and Wales allow this to happen legally Government across the UK and at all levels needs to step up and get serious about protecting the UK’s treasured pub stock
Read the full letter from Gar y Timmins to Rachel Maclean, Minister for Housing and Planning at https://catererlicensee com/camra-pub-closure-figures-expose-nationwide-scandal-in-wake-of-unauthoriseddemolition-of-the-crooked-house/
Stourbridge based multiple operator, pub@group Ltd , has taken on its third Star pub in five years, The Hare & Hounds, Halesowen, with plans to take on a four th Star pub in the next 12 months
The pub company run by Craig Dedicoat, is under taking a joint £120,000 revamp of The Hare & Hounds with Star Pubs & Bars to bring it up to date and in line with the standard of its other pubs, The Railway in Lye and New Inn in Stourbridge All are family and dog friendly community locals with a focus on spor t live enter tainment and street style casual food
Says Craig: “We create quality community pubs but with a difference Rather than fish and chips or pie and mash, all our pubs offer premium quality street food Each pub has a speciality – The Railway at Lye beefburgers from The Hangr y Moose; at The New Inn rotating street food stalls in the garden; and at The Hare & Hounds it will be chicken-based street food from The Hangr y Moose Rather than just a Sunday lunch, we
put on a DJ and karaoke from 14 30 to 19 30 It’s proved popular with customers so we will be doing it at the Hare & Hounds too ”
Following a £270,00k refurbishment of The Hare & Hounds in 2018, the latest investment will be spent on a top to toe internal and external redecoration including new furniture inside and out Subject to receiving the necessar y consents, pub@group Ltd intends to extend the terrace to create a fantastic outdoor drinking and dining area, much like its other pubs
Says Thomas Timmons, Star Pubs & Bars Business Development Manager : “I couldn’t be more delighted that someone of Craig’s calibre has taken on the Hare & Hounds He has proven record in the area of turning around pubs and delivering what customers want
“Star Pubs & Bars is also delighted to be investing again in Halesowen having under taken a refurbishment of the Hunting Tree last September This latest refurbishment takes The Hare & Hounds to the next level and keeps the offer fresh
The hospitality industr y is a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape , presenting unique challenges for businesses As customer expectations shift and new risks emerge , effective risk management becomes paramount to thrive in this competitive sector Here , Simon Lancaster, founder and CEO of SJL Insurance (www sjlins co uk) – one of the largest independent insurance brokers in the countr yexplores the key challenges faced by the hospitality industr y and discusses innovative insurance solutions that can help businesses navigate these risks successfully
The hospitality industr y is no stranger to risks, and staying ahead of the cur ve is essential for businesses to sur vive and thrive Two prominent areas of concern are cybersecurity breaches and liability risks related to customer expectations
These challenges require businesses to adapt their risk management strategies to effectively mitigate potential threats
With the increasing reliance on technolog y and data-driven operations, in addition to the reliance on online and Wi-Fi payment processes, the hospitality industr y is becoming more vulnerable to cybersecurity breaches The risk of data breaches, hacking, and unauthorised access to sensitive information is a significant concern for businesses By implementing robust cybersecurity measures and investing in comprehensive insurance coverage tailored to cyber risks, businesses can protect themselves from financial loss, reputational damage , and legal liabilities
Customer expectations in the hospitality industr y are evolving rapidly, driven by factors such as personalised
experiences, sustainability, and health and safety considerations Meeting these expectations is crucial to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty, especially considering the vulnerability to reputational damage However, it also brings liability risks, such as claims related to food allergies, slips and trips, accidents, or proper ty damage Businesses must proactively manage these risks through effective training, strict safety protocols and recording, and comprehensive liability insurance coverage
Proactive Risk Assessment: Mitigating Challenges Ahead
To effectively manage risks, hospitality businesses need to adopt a proactive approach This involves conducting and recording comprehensive risk assessments to identify potential hazards, vulnerabilities, and emerging risks By understanding the specific risks they face , businesses can implement tailored risk mitigation strategies and take proactive measures to minimise the impact of potential incidents Regular reassessment of risks and adapting risk management strategies accordingly is crucial in this dynamic industr y and a legal requirement
Insurance solutions tailored to the hospitality industr y play a vital role in mitigating risks and protecting businesses from financial loss By par tnering with experienced insurance brokers businesses can access a wide range of coverage options designed to address their specific needs These may include general public and employers liability insurance , proper ty insurance , business interruption insurance , cyber liability insurance , and more Working closely with insurance exper ts allows businesses to source specialist advice on the secure comprehensive coverage that safeguards their assets, reputation, and financial stability
In an ever-changing industr y, risk management is key to ensuring the long-term success and resilience of hospitality businesses By understanding the evolving landscape of risks, addressing cybersecurity threats, navigating customer expectations, conducting proactive risk assessments, and securing tailored insurance coverage , businesses can navigate the challenges ahead with confidence With exper t insurance advice and the right risk management strategies businesses can make insurance easier and more cost effective to put in place ensuring the hospitality industr y can thrive and continue to deliver exceptional experiences to guests while protecting their interests
UKHospitality is leading a rallying call for the sector to suppor t its asks for Ofgem to rapidly implement the recommendations from its energ y market review
With energ y costs continuing to act as the single most destructive inflationar y pressure facing businesses, hospitality needs to unite to demonstrate the urgent need for Ofgem to move swiftly in enacting its recommendations
Hospitality businesses can show their suppor t for swift action and back our calls by responding to the Ofgem consultation here
1 Encourage suppliers to resolve issues many businesses are facing with high energ y contracts, including direct and immediate communica-
tion to suppliers from Ofgem
2 Offer greater transparency to customers deliver more timely responses to complaints and drive better practice in setting deemed rates
3 Deliver wider access to the energ y ombudsman
4 Put in place measures to prevent the blacklisting of entire sectors, par ticularly hospitality
5 Improve regulation of energ y brokers, including extending protections to more businesses
UKHospitality Chief Executive , Kate Nicholls, said:
Sky-high energ y costs have decimated so many hospitality businesses, including those suffering from contracts fixed at prices far above current market rates
“The Ofgem review last week was cr ystal clear that many of the issues facing businesses lie at the door of the energ y suppliers Whether it is refusing to renegotiate contracts, demanding enormous deposits, or simply refusing to supply the sector, it’s clear that some energ y suppliers are mistreating the sector
“That review also laid out a number of impor tant recommendations to clean up the energ y market in par ticular strongly encouraging suppliers to renegotiate contracts
“This consultation is an oppor tunity for the sector to unite and demonstrate the strength of feeling that Ofgem needs to take action urgently Businesses cannot withstand inaction any longer and the market needs to be urgently fixed
“I would urge ever y business and person working within hospitality to back our #FiveAsksForOfgem and respond to the consultation Your voice is essential ”
Hawksmoor’s 11th annual Charity Dinner with Action Against Hunger UK, which is taking place on Saturday 9th September, will be cooked by chefs including Angela Har tnett OBE, Mitch Tonks, Matt Brown and Skye Gyngell
To date the event has raised just shor t of £1 million in aid of Action Against Hunger This year aims to reach that milestone in suppor t of their work in tackling life-threatening hunger in 55 countries
The evening will kick off with a champagne reception with Hawksmoor canapés, including Barbecued Hen of the Woods skewers, Maple bacon & Ogleshield nuggets
• Mitc h Tonks will ser ve a star ter of Lobster, crab and fennel salad
• The main cour se will be Ange a Har tnett s Braised Philip Warren s shor t r ib, Caesar salad and Hawksmoor Hash
To finish, there will be a Honey custard tar t with roasted figs and Fern Verrow mulberr ies from Skye Gyngell
Alison McNulty director of operations at Action Against Hunger UK said:
“Conflict climate and rising food prices are just some of the causes fuelling a rise in global hunger Hawksmoor’s 11th Annual Charity Dinner in aid of Action Against Hunger UK will do so much in our goal to predict, prevent and treat life-threatening hunger We cannot thank them enough for their suppor t as well as the talented chefs taking par t ”
Tickets are priced at £250 per person and can be purchased here All proceeds will go to Action Against Hunger
steeper penalty with the amount escalating from £20 000 to £60,000 Reflecting the government's commitment to clamp down on breaches, Jenrick revealed that since 2018, nearly 5,000 civil penalties have been imposed on employers, totalling £88 4 million
In the hospitality sector, where establishments often operate multiple sites, the risks amplify Control is frequently decentralised and delegated, making consistent compliance across various locations a challenge Any lapse can invite hefty fines, damage to brand reputation, operational mistakes and the potential revocation of licenses
For those establishments with a sponsor license , there's added scrutiny The Home Office has indicated at fur ther discussions to bolster actions against licensed businesses employing illegal workers These discussions are on top of the already operational remote audits
So, how can hospitality businesses safeguard themselves?
The UK hospitality industr y, characterised by its myriad of eateries, hotels, bars, pubs, and enter tainment venues, is no stranger to the complexities of employment and immigration Now, with the recent announcement by Rt Hon Rober t Jenrick MP, the Minister for Immigration on 7th August 2023 the sector finds itself facing increased challenges
In brief the financial implications for employing illegal workers are severe The penalty for first-time violations will rise from £15,000 to a significant £45,000 for each illegal worker Repeat offenders face an even
Here's our 5-step guide:
Consistent Audits Across All Sites: Regularly inspect and ver ify employment records for all sites , ensur ing that ever y employee has the r ight to work in the UK Consider moc k Home Office Compliance Audits to identify potential p tfalls Remember, w th multiple sites , the r isk is compounded – stay vigilant Sponsor Management System (SMS) Control: If you re in possession of a sponsor licence over see it diligently within the SMS Possession of a licence isn't sufficient; one must comprehensively fulfil all associated sponsor duties
Under stand these responsibilities and establish strong, centralised systems to manage them
Training at All Levels: Equip your HR, management, and site eader s with up-to-date knowledge on shifting immigrat on regulations In the hospitality sector where turnover can be high ensure that all staff involved in recruitment are well-informed and compliant
Exper t Consultations: Forge ties with immigration specialists who can provide current advice , ensur ing your multi-site operations remain compliant amid c hang ng regulat ons
Stay Updated: Subscr ibing to official c hannels newsletter s and aler ts will keep you abreast of immigration polic y shifts In the dynamic world of hospitality, being proactive can save avoid future headac hes!
By following these steps, hospitality businesses can not only avoid financial setbacks but also protect their reputation, ensuring they remain an attractive prospect for international talent The goal? Harness the advantages of a multicultural workforce to meet the industr y ' s demands and fill resourcing gaps
Navigating the intricate maze of immigration compliance can be challenging Immtell is here to guide you With an commitment to navigating the UK's immigration landscape we position compliance at the forefront of your hospitality business operations, not as an after thought Contact us at info@immtell com or explore our offerings at www immtell com
We are excited to announce that we have par tnered with Trade Drinks Expo this year, the UK’s only event dedicated to maximising drink sales for on-trade and off-trade! They are coming to the ExCeL London for the 10th and 11th of October with a brand new look Make sure to get a ticket now to access endless business growth oppor tunity!
Get your ticket for FREE here now!
This year Trades Drink Expo has 200 innovative exhibitors, alongside 100 industr y-leading speakers, who are ready to educate you on the latest top tips, tricks and
strategies of the sector! You must take advantage of the perfect oppor tunity to learn precisely how to stand out from the competition and grow your business!
That is not all! Network with thousands of industr y professionals! With potential business par tners, clients, and buyers attending the event it is the perfect place to expand your network and get those valuable business connections that would otherwise be impossible! You can now also network whilst tasting the tastiest products in the trade drink industr y with the brand-new Trail on tap!
Save the date and get your ticket here , we hope to see you there!
ecosystems providing resources know-how and practical solutions to small firms The value they provide in return for their funding should not be underestimated and the loss of the networks they facilitate will only become clear when it’s too late to replace them
The network of business suppor t across England was already looking threadbare and inconsistent, and this news only emphasises the need for a ‘Business England’ body, to ensure that small firms and star t-ups get the help they need regardless of their postcode
The Federation for Small Business (FSB) has called for creation of ‘Business England’ body to ensure that all small firms get good-quality suppor t and help on their path to growth
Following the announcement from the Government that funding for Local Enterprise Par tnerships (LEPs) in England will be withdrawn, Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) National Chair Mar tin McTague said:
“Even though we knew this was on the horizon, the decision to remove all funding from LEPs is still disappointing With economic growth stuck in the doldrums and small firms beset on all sides by cost pressures and falling demand, going ahead with this decision seems especially badly timed “LEPs are a key ingredient in many local business
“A key characteristic of LEPs is that they are business-led Local Authorities should make sure that any business forum or council they set up using replacement funds from Government retain that element, so that they are as responsive as possible to what local firms want and need
“The Government should now publish an updated regional economic strateg y detailing how small business voices will be included in future plans, and also how it plans to avoid small and rural town funding being dominated by local combined authorities, to the detriment of small firms based in rural settings Access to suppor t should be straightforward for all small businesses so they can be helped to reach their full potential
something the economy desperately needs ”
Year-on-year drinks sales in the On Premise were exactly level in the week to last Saturday (29 July) rounding off a month of modest trading amid cool and wet weather
The flat figure in CGA by NIQ’s Drinks Recover y Tracker which measures average sales in managed venues follows year-on-year drops of 3% and 0 3% over the previous two weeks That tough for tnight came after 11 consecutive weeks of year-on-year growth during widespread sunshine and high temperatures in May and June
Daily sales comparisons ranged from a high of +4% last Wednesday (26 July) to a low of -3% on Friday (28 July) On Premise operators managed to shrug off the effects of a rail strike on Saturday (29 July) with 1% year-on-year growth that day though the comparative period was also challenged by strikes
Categor y-wise , wine sales (up 6%) completed a strong July, thanks in par t to consumers heading inside for meals rather than buying longer drinks in pub gardens and terraces Beer (up 4%) and cider (up 0 4%) had reasonable weeks, while soft drinks were down 3% The worst-hit categor y as it has been for most of 2023 so far was spirits, where sales were down 10% yearon-year
“Against a backdrop of disappointing weather and the cost of living crisis, pubs, bars and restaurants have done well to haul drinks sales back to last year ’ s levels,” says Jonathan Jones, CGA’s managing director, UK and Ireland “However, there’s no escaping the fact that July was a challenging month for the On Premise , and with more interest rate rises this week spending is going to remain tight for many consumers Good forecasts and staycations will hopefully make August a brighter month and pull people back to outdoor drinking
The Maindee on Chepstow Road re-opened on the 9th August following a major investment of £215,000!
The pub is par t of the Proper Pubs division at Admiral Taverns and has undergone a complete interior transformation which includes a brand-new bar area furniture wooden flooring soft furnishings, fixtures and fittings throughout Thanks to the investment the Maindee boasts a new look and fresh decor giving a warmer, more welcoming feel to appeal to all the local community Operator of the Maindee , Emma Lewis, said: “Opening night was fantastic it was amazing to see all our customers, old and new, coming to see what the pub has to offer!
“The feedback we received from our community was amazing and we can’t wait to see them again soon!”
The Maindee will provide a wide range of drinks offers, including cocktails, wine and fizz promotions and hosts both Sky Spor ts and BT Spor ts for cus-
tomers to enjoy In addition, Emma looks forward to hosting a regular schedule of enter tainment such as karaoke , games clubs – including pool and dar ts tournaments – quiz nights and live music to bring local residents together Emma is excited to suppor t several community initiatives with her first aim being to raise money to have a lifesaving defibrillator installed on-site
Matthew Gurney, Operations Director for Proper Pubs, said: “The refurbishment at the Maindee looks fantastic – the team has worked really hard to ensure it is a success for the local community
On behalf of the Proper Pubs team, we would like to wish our community hero Emma Lewis and her team, ever y success for the future in making the Maindee a fantastic hub of the community”
Proper Pubs is always suppor ting its communities through an array of events and charity fundraising initiatives, from Easter Egg collections to local foodbank donations and charity walks Proper Pubs recently installed its 100th defibrillator across its estate through fundraising with the help of its locals
customer footfall, energ y usage , the costs of goods and labour For bigger branded operators, this will require a detailed analysis of data associated with each site in order to create a value map of the business identifying where profits and losses are being generated Analysing this data will inform both micro- and macro-level decisions to protect margins and reduce costs, an effor t that businesses can reinforce by gathering information about customer preferences and satisfaction levels
High inflation, steep energ y prices and cost volatility, some of which is derived from supply shor tages, continue to put pressure on the UK s hospitality sector However, the number of closures seems to be slowing, and some operators have reset their businesses with growth in mind ONS statistics have shown that the cost of food and non-alcoholic beverages in the year ending April 2023 soared to the second highest rate in 45 years, contributing to a wave of closures Even larger restaurant operators are feeling the squeeze , such as Prezzo, which recently announced plans to shut 46 of its UK outlets Considering consumer spending could drop fur ther if the Bank of England chooses to go ahead with fur ther increases in interest rates later this year restaurant operators may need to rely on the insights provided by real data to obtain a competitive edge
Before embarking on business adaptations to cut costs and boost revenues, restaurant operators need to conduct a holistic assessment of their cost base – both fixed and variable costs As par t of this, businesses should consider all of the data available to them, be that EPOS figures,
Data har vesting is only the first step to securing a more stable market position With research showing that two thirds of UK consumers are reducing the amount they spend on eating out, it is impor tant that restaurant operators use insights about their customer base and operational costs to understand what the business’ demand levers are For instance , measuring the true cost of dishes, including not only the ingredients but also labour and waste , across different time periods, could help to identify the most profitable dishes and where there is scope to optimise the menu
Data-based insights can also be used to build a bespoke demand forecasting model, enabling restaurant operators to predict demand levels at specific sites and at different times of day The model can then be used to inform decisions about how to modify products and ser vices – perhaps closing or reducing the menu on cer tain days of the week or adapting the menu for lunchtime ser vice Acquiring a clearer picture of the future will allow businesses to respond to any changes in demand in a more agile way
When it comes to adapting business models to suit consumer demand, it is impor tant to look for ways to cultivate customer loyalty With train strikes and hybrid work patterns continuing to affect footfall in city centres, some operators have seen revenues slide A potential remedy for this is for operators to make their business more attractive to the marketplace through the use of strategic discounts or special offers to draw people in and encourage them to return It may also be possible to dif-
ferentiate the customer experience in order to attract customers from a specific demographic , for example , using app-based pre-ordering or attable ordering for people who enjoy using such ser vices and those who have limited time Using social media to measure customer sentiment and comparing opening hours with peak times will equally help businesses to stay ahead of the game
Only one third of hospitality businesses are optimistic about the future as the ongoing conflict in Ukraine continues to push wholesale energ y prices higher If restaurant operators are to achieve growth and gain a competitive advantage , they need to tap into market intelligence to understand the local market drivers and what oppor tunities are open to them Coupled with an understanding of consumer expectations and trends, this insight could inform pricing strategies and ensure operators make the right buying and selling decisions to optimise revenues For example , improving cost understanding could open up oppor tunities to buy seasonal goods locally, taking advantage of lower prices and delivering sustainability improvements for the business too by reducing transpor tation
Many restaurant businesses are feeling the effects of an industr y-wide labour shor tage , which is making it harder to attract and retain skilled staff To compete for talent effectively, businesses must focus on giving staff more flexibility and empowering them by giving them control of their working hours Offering free family meals, promoting a healthy work-life balance and offering flexible working hours can all make a difference and help businesses to attract and retain staff Openly communicating with prospective and existing staff to establish their needs is also key to alleviating fur ther pressure to increase the wage bill
With inflation showing little sign of slowing down dramatically, the use of data-driven insights to facilitate informed decisions will allow restaurant operators to adopt a more flexible business approach and secure an advantage over their competitors
Get ready to raise your glasses and celebrate 115 years of excellence in the UK hospitality industr y! The highly anticipated AA Hospitality Awards 2023 hosted by AA Hotel & Hospitality Ser vices have unveiled the shor tlists for five of their most coveted award categories
Shor tlists for the AA Accessible Award AA Sustainable Award AA Spa Hotel of the Year AA Housekeeper of the Year and AA Food Ser vice Award have been announced ahead of the awards ceremony on Monday 25 September at the JW Marriott Grosvenor House , London
Celebrating excellence in the UK hospitality industr y, the AA Hospitality Awards span an impressive 15 categories, honouring the crème de la crème of hotels, restaurants, spas and their teams across the UK The ceremony will also pay tribute to distinguished figures in the industr y, who will receive esteemed accolades such as the Lifetime Achievement Award and the fiercely sought-after Chefs’ Chef Award Simon Numphud, Managing Director at AA Media said: “We’re delighted to reveal the highly anticipated shor tlists for five of our most coveted AA Hospitality Awards These extraordinar y individuals and establishments should be applauded for their unwavering commitment, a true testament to the relentless pursuit of excellence within this dynamic and ever-changing industr y
We look forward to announcing the winners at the awards ceremony next month ”
Presented in par tnership with the Blue Badge Access Awards a global initiative dedicated to championing thoughtful and stylish inclusive designs, the AA Accessible Award commends the remarkable establishments that have truly excelled in promoting accessibility within the hospitality sector Here s the inspiring shor tlist for this year ’ s Accessible Award:
Hotel Brooklyn Leicester, Leicester shire
Pan Pacific London, London
With a steadfast dedication to sustainability, exemplified through practices that contribute to minimising their environmental impact, the AA presents the shor tlist for the esteemed AA Sustainable Award sponsored by The Fine Bedding Company:
Red Carnation Hotels
The PIG Hotel Group
· Seren Collection
The AA Spa Hotel of the Year Award, sponsored by Clockwork Marketing, acknowledges excellence in spa sector This year s shor tlist features an impressive array of spa hotels that have impressed with their dedication to providing unrivalled relaxing experiences This year ’ s shor tlist includes:
South Lodge , West Sussex
The Grove , Her tfordshire
Carden Park Hotel, Cheshire
Acknowledging outstanding performance in their field, the AA Housekeeper of the Year Award seeks to honour those who consistently go above and beyond Sponsored by Sealy Beds, the shor tlist for 2023 is:
Nico a Bur ton, Har twell House & Spa, Buc k nghamshire
Cather ine Mar sden, Galgorm, Countr y Antr im
Dorota Piatkowska, The Roya Crescent Hotel & Spa, Somer set
Recognising a restaurant that delivers exceptional standards of ser vice and hospitality, the AA Food Ser vice Award seeks to honour those who deliver flawless, technical ser vice skills with food and beverage knowledge of the highest standard Sponsored by Taittinger, the shor tlist for 2023 is:
Arkle , The Chester Grosvenor, Cheshire
Woven by Adam Smith, Cowor th Park, Berkshire
The Strathearn, The G eneagles Hotel, Per th and Kinross
The AA Hospitality Awards would also like to thank Blue Badge Access Awards, The Fine Bedding Company, Clockwork Marketing, Sealy Beds and Taittinger for sponsoring the above 2023 shor tlisted awards
To buy tickets for this year ’ s event please visit the AA Hospitality Awards website
Small businesses are often unaware of their negative environmental impact
Individually, their impact is negligible , but collectively it’s significant
According to a recent study from Sheffield Business School at Sheffield Hallam University, effor ts to engage small foodser vice businesses in social responsibility are too often focused on environmental responsibility and rarely on the ethical aspects of the industr y that matter to them
The research was based on inter views with 38 small foodser vice businesses located in Sheffield, UK It found that the small foodser vice businesses were more likely to prioritise their employees over other elements, such as environmental concerns, as employees are a crucial par t of the ser vice experience
Therefore , to engage these businesses, small business social responsibility (SBSR) should focus on getting employees interested in social responsibility
To do this, the research found that rather than targeting environmental
aspects, SBSR actions should instead focus on the par ts of social responsibility that matter to employees: the organisation’s ethics, pay and employee retention
Professor Alisha Ali at Sheffield Business School said: “Policymakers should avoid the corporate social responsibility (CSR) terminolog y in being more mindful of the realities of small businesses
“Industr y associations should use these insights to inform their CSR trainings to small business owners, par ticularly the need for prioritizing ethics of care in relationships with employees
Small UK businesses generate up to 70% of local pollution levels, 60% of commercial waste and half of all UK business greenhouse gas emissions This is often because they don’t think about their small business social responsibility (SBSR) beyond food waste and recycling It is therefore critical that changes are made
The 2023 Blue Badge Access Awards for the hospitality sector and beyond are open for nominations until 18 September 2023, with the winners due to be announced at a ceremony in London on 26 October These are awarded to the ver y best venues who have excelled in providing exceptional accessibility and inclusivity in the hospitality and leisure industr y With 12 different categories and 2 conceptual design awards with a £20K prize offer, this job should be easy, however
According to the Visit Britain sur vey, the hospitality industr y is ignoring the spending power of disabled people and their families which contributes c £15 3 bn to tourism in England 14 6 million disabled people live in England and many say that the Hotel & Leisure Industr y is not paying enough attention to accessibility In fact, businesses are estimated to lose about £2 bn a month (Purple Pound) by ignoring the needs of disabled consumers On the flip side , research shows that businesses that are proactive and attentive to those with disabilities will gain loyal customers who will return again and again ” The Times, 30 April 2022
It is essential that the hospitality industr y understands that a ramp at the front door, and a bedroom or two on the ground-floor do not constitute ‘accessibility’ let alone stylish accessibility” Says Robin Sheppard,
Co-founder and one of the Judges of the Blue Badge Access Awards
“There is progress in accessibility, but we still have a long way to go ” he continues “So, whilst I can give the travel and hospitality industr y a could do better for inclusivity, we have some way to go I am optimistic and confident that the hospitality industr y will do better in the years to come ”
As a wheelchair user herself, Fiona Jar vis founder of Blue Badge Style and also a Judge says, “Mobility – or the lack of it – shouldn’t mean you can’t have style We are looking for exceptional accessibility across hotels, restaurants, bars and other public venues worldwide , with a focus on style , thoughtful design, innovation and liber ty We are also unafraid to give a couple of awards which highlight the regular abominations that sadly continue to exist, and we encourage nominations for Ludicrous Loos, Ridiculous Ramps, Bewildering Bathrooms and Obnoxious Obstructions in restaurants, hotels, cafés and visitor attractions around the countr y!
With the summer holiday season upon us the BB AA are inviting the public , tourists, and the industr y to nominate their favourite venue for a Blue Badge Access Award
Click here to nominate
A hospitality guru renowned for his success in helping household names like Gordon Ramsay, Heston Blumenthal and Danny Meyers build award-winning restaurant por tfolios is set to showcase the impor tance of positive workplace culture at The Restaurant Show this autumn
Having star ted his career in the late 90s waiting for 5-star hotels, including The Ritz, London, Simon King has since car ved a credible reputation within the hospitality industr y where he is renowned for his proven approach to Front-of-House operations
Dedicated to helping other hospitality establishments overcome challenges and drive growth Simon launched his own hospitality consultancy – Igniting Hospitality – in May 2020
Since this time Simon has helped multiple Restaurants Clubs and Pubs refine operations and accelerate growth, while also building his own Surrey-based establishment, The Victoria Oxshott, into an award-winning pub
In recognising the growing skills and talent shor tage throughout the hospitality industr y, Simon will take to the stage at The Restaurant Show with a panel of hospitality exper ts to discuss the complexities and challenges that operators face in running front of house and how culture is the key ingredient to business success – par ticularly during periods of economic downturn
Taking place between 2nd – 4th October 2023 at Olympia London, the 2023 Restaurant Show is set to welcome thousands of attendees over the three-day event, there to meet likeminded professionals, vet new suppliers and listen to the latest industr y insights across three
live stages –
Restaurant, Bar & Drinks and Chef Live
Simon King confirmed: “The skills and talent agenda is a growing concern throughout the hospitality sector and while it is cer tainly creating a challenge , it also provides an oppor tunity for us industr y professionals to change perceptions of the sector and attract new talent – and one of the best ways in which to achieve this is to focus on creating positive , inclusive , and motivational workplace cultures
This is a subject I am extremely passionate about and I, therefore , feel honoured to be able to lead a discussion on culture with some top hospitality professionals at one of the best industr y events! I now look forward to October and can’t wait to bring new ideas to the table , while taking the time to meet other like-minded industr y professionals
An active member of the Royal Academy of Culinar y Ar ts, Simon boasts a genuine passion for nur turing and mentoring the next generation in hospitality and is committed to making Front of House roles as valuable and attractive as Head Chef positions, as showcased by his suppor t for the Global Young Waiter of the Year competition
Having been the flagship trade show for the hospitality sector for over 30-years, The Restaurant Show prides itself on championing the outstanding products, people , insight and innovation of the food and drink industr y
For more information, visit:
https://ignitinghospitality com
https://www therestaurantshow co uk/
Staff shor tages continue to plague the UK hospitality industr y, with little sign of improvement on the horizon
Triggered by Covid lockdowns and compounded by Brexit the shor tage of workers is forcing many restaurants to restrict trading hours, and hotels to leave rooms uncleaned on cer tain days a week
According to trade body UKHospitality, vacancies remain 48% higher than preCovid
The organisation s chief executive Kate Nicholls said: “The workforce shor tage is creating a serious crisis Nearly half of businesses are reducing trading hours per day, and a third are having to close on some days each week ”
So what is the answer to the recruitment headache facing the UK’s hotels and restaurants? How about making a robot (or “cobot” to give them their more apt moniker due to their collaborative work alongside humans) your newest recruit?
Softbank Robotics general manager Stefano Bensi explained: “With a cobot on hand, menial and time-consuming tasks are taken care of autonomously Staff have more time to concentrate on higher-value , more intricate jobs like touchpoint cleaning (in the case of a robotic vacuum cleaner) or spending more time with customers (in the case of tray deliver y robots)
“We know that in the hospitality industr y it’s a real struggle to recruit and retain staff: robots can help add additional suppor t to existing teams plug labour gaps and shor tages and work when necessar y to improve processes ”
Softbank’s cleaning robot Whiz can memorise up to 600 cleaning routes vacuum 1 500 sq m of carpet on a
single charge , and be programmed to clean at any time of day
It is equipped with a 3D camera and a lidar (light detection and ranging) system - the same kind of technolog y used in self-drive cars
Rather than taking the human interaction aspect away from restaurant ser vice , Softbank’s tray deliver y robots simply look after the bussing side of the job (bringing and removing dishes), meaning staff are present in the dining room at all times and able to respond quickly to customers’ needs
Bensi said: “Because the waiter isn’t constantly going to and from the kitchen, stuff just happens: customers can order that extra bottle of wine , a side , a pudding, and suddenly you have the average price per sitting going up, and the table turnaround time going down because when the customer is ready to ask for something it can happen straight away ” For hotels offering room ser vice , Softbank’s W3 robots can be programmed to integrate with the lifts and will call the guest to aler t them once their order is outside their door
It’s true to say that many hotels and restaurants adopted technological aids to help them through the pandemic with operators forced to adopt automated methods to keep guests and staff safe
Could it be the time has come for operators to recognise that technolog y isn’t limited to helping with bookings ordering and payments? Perhaps it could also provide hospitality businesses with new team members - and quite possibly help them stand out from the competition too
To find out more visit https://emea.softbankrobotics.com/
Black Sheep Brewer y is launching the new beer in suppor t of rugby legend Rob Burrow MBE, in par tnership with Rob Burrow Racing Club
Rugby, horse racing and beer fans can now help raise money to suppor t Rob with Burrow’s Blonde A total of 10p from ever y pint and bottle sold is donated to the Rob Burrow 7 Discretionar y Trust and the Rob Burrow Racing Club
The launch event for Burrow’s Blonde saw Rob, along with family, friends, teammates, and Rob’s former racehorse , Burrow Seven, head to the Black Sheep Brewer y in Masham Nor th Yorkshire where the beer was created
“We’re really excited to be working with Black Sheep Brewer y and launching Burrow’s Blonde , ” said Rob’s wife , Lindsey “It’s a great oppor tunity for people to suppor t Rob by simply buying a beer and enjoying a drink with loved ones
Being here today with the whole family, Rob s former Leeds Rhinos teammates, and the Good Racing Co team is really special The whole family are extremely grateful for the outpouring of suppor t ”
Burrow Seven has helped to raise nearly £180,000 for charity Since retiring from racing, the horse has continued its good work by becoming an equine welfare and therapy horse
Phil Hawthorne , behind The Good Racing Co, said:
What began as Rob s charity horse , Burrow Seven, has transformed into the Rob Burrow Racing Club, something completely unique in the racing community
“With The Good Racing Co, we aim to redefine racing as an all-inclusive spor t that motivates and excites people , especially when racing for good causes ”
Dan Scott Paul, head brewer at Black Sheep Brewer y, said:
“When Phil approached us with this idea we knew we had to get involved to suppor t this great cause and a true Yorkshire legend in the best way we know how with a great beer
“Burrow’s Blonde is a cracking pint, but the stor y behind it is so much more than that Many of us are Rugby League fans and are familiar with Rob’s stor y Our aim is to use our brewing credentials to raise as much money as possible for Rob and to raise awareness for MND ”
An inspiration to families up and down the countr y, Rob announced in 2019 that he had been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease
Since then, Rob has championed raising awareness of the disease through various charitable initiatives and suppor tive organisations helping to raise millions for those suffering from MND here in the UK
As customer's budgets continue to shrink, offering a complete range of quality, affordable plant-based options can be the difference between a customer choosing your establishment over another Although still only constituting a small percentage of the population those who eat plant-based diets have significantly more power over where groups dine and shop A group of friends with one vegan friend will seek out restaurants that offer an appetising selection of plant-based dishes to accommodate that person Similarly, a parent may choose to do their weekly food shop at the supermarket that offers the widest selection of plantbased options for their child
That's why it's so vital to get your range of plant-based options right - it has the impact to attract more customers to your business Plant Based World Expo Europe is back and ready help you navigate this! With so much innovation taking place at a dizzying pace , the plant-based sector can be hard to keep up with Products
today are a world apar t from earlier versions, with closer texture and taste parity with meat and dair y than ever before
Europe’s only 100% plant-based trade show will open at a new, larger location of ExCeL London this year Taking place on 15th-16th November, over the two days professionals from the food and beverage industr y will be able to discover these innovative plant-based products, hear from industr y leaders and pioneers, and make vital connections to help their businesses Plant Based World brings together manufacturers from around the world, offering attendees the oppor tunity to taste products that aren’t yet available in the UK
In addition to over 275+ companies exhibiting their plant-based products and solutions, the event hosts three content theatres which are open to all attendees The conference program will include speakers from key organisations in the sector joining together to envision the future of the categor y The Culinar y Theatre will host sessions run by a mixture of industr y and celebrity chefs to provide a real-time showcase on how plant-based products can create exceptionally easy, and tasty, dishes New for 2023, it will also include sessions going back to the basics, helping chefs reimagine pantr y staples to create enticing, low-cost dishes
The event will also host a key buyer program, offering curated meetings to match buyers with the products they are seeking during the show Registration is free for professionals working within the food and beverage sector, simply visit the website and register to attend For fur ther information and to register, please visit www plantbasedworldeurope com
A Sediment filter takes the tap water through a 5-micron filter, removing plant spores, dander, algae , rust, insecticides, and some bacteria
Carbon filters remove sediment and par ticles and nasty tastes, and odours
The activated carbon binds to the impurities taking them out of the water
Over time the binding sites are filled, and the filter loses the ability to fur ther filter the water In some cases, bacteria can star t to grow on the filter, so it is impor tant to change this filter ever y 4-6 months They remove impurities to around 2 microns in size such as bacteria moulds and spores
We are seeing more ar ticles on micro and nano impurities It is said that we ingest many par ticles of microplastics ever y week through our drinking water and food, so there is now an expectation for filters to remove these smaller impurities as well Now businesses are looking at Ultrafiltration which can remove impurities to 0 001 microns in size , which includes pesticides and herbicides, and Reverse osmosis filtration which can remove impurities to 0 0001 microns in size
These types of finer filtration will remove:
• 1 micron: Medical residues suc h as the pill, bromine , cr yptospor idium, microplastics
0 2 micron: Asbestos , heavy metals suc h as cadmium, copper and nic kel
• 0 1 micron: Makeup, c lay, copier toner, paint, insecticide dust, lead dust, skin flakes
• 0 001 microns: Dust, Pesticides and herbicides , nano-plastics
• 0 0005 micron: Viruses
Of course , you can use distillation to purify your water, this is where the water is vaporised so that it leaves behind inorganic minerals When the water recondenses you have demineralised water which is clean but with no taste , as the minerals have been removed with this process
The LUQEL Water Station has been engineered in Germany to address these issues of micro impurities It uses sediment and carbon filters to remove the larger sediments, as a hot tap would, and then it uses a reverse osmosis filter to remove 99+% of these finer impurities from the water
The LUQEL dispenser removes medical residues, heavy metals, insecticides, nano plastics, and viruses It also removes the mineral salts that give water its taste , so they use a patented micro dosing system that adds these natural mineral salts back into the water in specific quantities to be able to replicate the tastes of 30 different mineralised waters
In addition, there is a RO filter flush to remove build-up from the filter to keep it clean There is a thermal nozzle and UVC light to stop inbound bacteria and a stainless-steel casing to reduce any external bacterial growth
Using state-of-the-ar t technolog y, this water dispenser can consistently guarantee clean drinking water time after time
Delivering the cleanest and best-tasting drinking water from the mains supply
See the adver t on the back cover for fur ther information
The White Bear, a local family-run pub in Bedale , reopened on Monday the 7th of August, following a transformational £150,000 investment from leading community pub company, Admiral Taverns, which owns more than 1,500 pubs across England, Scotland, and Wales
Together with Admiral Taverns, the licensee at the helm of the White Bear, Michelle Jones, has worked hard to breathe a new lease of life into the pub Drawing on a wealth of industr y experience Michelle’s six year tenure at the pub and strong local relationships within the community have driven her determination to launch the pubs five brand new letting rooms, in order to meet growing local & tourist demand
The £150,000 investment has included an extensive refurbishment of the pub s bedrooms Careful attention to design details has ensured the pub’s traditional features have been retained throughout, enhanced with carefully selected furniture and fittings
Licensee at The White Bear, Michelle Jones, said: “It is such an honour to be a par t of the Bedale community I know how much this pub means
to locals and I am delighted we can now host friends and families visiting our local champions Having lived in the local area for the last 12 years, The White Bear holds a ver y special place in my hear t, and I am excited to reunite all residents with their much adored local pub – and now they can sleepover!”
The community will be at the centre of the White Bear’s busy social calendar On top of the fantastic enter tainment line-up such as quizzes and live music evenings, The White Bear will also host RAF local association and Royal British Legion meetings
Andy Longley, Business Development Manager at Admiral Taverns commented: Michelle brings a wealth of experience and charisma, having worked at the White Bear for six years A popular local figure and experienced licensee , she holds strong relationships with the Bedale residents and it was fantastic to see this reflected in the success of the opening night I’m confident that the White Bear will remain a hub of the Bedale community for many years to come and wish Michelle ever y success for the future ”
Pubs will no longer be able to sell takeaway pints from the end of September (2023) as rules introduced during the pandemic will be allowed to expire by the government
Pubs were allowed to sell alcoholic drinks in plastic cups to customers on the street in 2020, when businesses could not trade normally during the pandemic , however, the Home Office has now said it will wind up the scheme on 30 September
Pubs with an on-site alcohol licence developed the option as another revenue stream, ser ving many pints through hatches when they were forced to close their premises
But the government has refused to extend the rules allowing for takeaway pints following a consultation attracted just 174 responses, a decision which has been branded “disappointing” by the British Beer and Pub Association
Pubs will need to apply for permission from their local council if they want to continue selling takeaway alcohol when the current rules end on 30 September
The Home Office said councils drinks retailers and residents’ groups had preferred a return to pre-COVID rules
Kate Nicholls CEO of UKHospitailty said “There’s no doubt that this is disappointing news for hospitality businesses The temporar y measures introduced during the pandemic were practical and enabled businesses to generate additional sales,”
This decision will raise questions among hospitality businesses about how serious the government is about reducing red-tape for businesses, particularly when this would have been a low-cost, high-reward change ”
She added: “I would continue to urge the government to consider measures like these as prime targets for change , as par t of its focus on deregulation
Emma McClarkin, chief executive of the British Beer and Pub Association also said that the temporar y change in legislation allowed pubs to offer takeaway options and host a “greater range of events for their communities in recent years ”
Chestnut, East Anglia s fastest-growing hospitality company, has announced the acquisition of The Old Bridge in Huntingdon
The iconic inn, which has been owned and run by John and Julia Hoskins since 1994, has been one of the area ’ s leading hospitality destinations for over 50 years, offering 24 boutique bedrooms within a relaxed and busy coaching inn The Old Bridge sits on the banks of The River Great Ouse , expanding the group ’ s footprint fur ther to the West and brings the Chestnut brand closer to many of its existing guests
“It’s a real honour to be buying The Old Bridge , a place with a strong reputation that has set standards for hospitality over the last five decades ” said Philip Turner Founder and Managing Director of Chestnut
“Thanks to the hard work, love and attention John and Julia have put into The Old Bridge we don’t plan on changing a winning formula The team and the ambience of the building already have a strong ‘Chestnut’
feel, so we know our values and approach are consistent As always, over time we will bring in new investment, ideas and energ y to grow the business in line with our Chestnut ambitions, in the meantime the obvious passion and exper tise of The Old Bridge team will ensure a seamless transition
“This deal includes Old Bridge Wines, a ver y well-respected retail wine shop, driven by John’s passion as a Master of Wine Following our recent acquisition of the wholesaler Peter Graham Wines (PGW), we can accelerate our plans to develop a retail offering across the region star ting with Chestnut’s fast-growing database ”
Ryan Lynn Par tner at Knight Frank who handled the sale on behalf of the vendor said: “It has been an absolute pleasure working with both John and Philip throughout the process and couldn’t speak more highly of the professionalism of all par ties involved We are excited to see how the business grows over the coming years ”
KP Snacks has announced the launch of KP Flavour Kravers Flame Grilled Steak in a 21x50g pub card format Rolling out from the beginning of August, the launch combines the Flavour Kravers range s best-performing SKU with the popular pub card format
The delicious new product capitalises on the growth of meaty flavours and offers the perfect accompaniment to a cold drink The new pub card format has been designed to optimise impulse sales in pubs and bars by increasing visibility and tempting customers to trade up on drinks-only visits
Flavour Kravers delivers bold, innovative flavours to the snacking segment from the UK’s number one Nut brand Wor th £95 8m and growing in value +18 1%, KP Nuts holds a 25 9% share of the Nuts segment nearly five times larger than the nearest branded
Matt Collins, Trading Director at KP Snacks says: “KP Nuts is the UK’s favourite nut brand which drives sales in the Out Of Home channel as a trusted and recognisable brand, synonymous with tasty nuts Bagged bar snacks offer pubs and bars a crucial commercial oppor tunity to increase sales, and the exciting new Flavour Kravers Flame Grilled Steak pub card is perfectly positioned to engage and tempt customers ”
The new product adds to the market-leading KP Nuts por tfolio which includes a range of delicious and popular flavours, from the iconic Original Salted Peanuts to Dr y Roasted and Honey Roast Peanuts
Trolleys can be an invaluable way of increasing spending per head This could be through offering a cocktail, champagne by the glass, a cheese course at the table or even tempting your customers with delicious desser ts
Many customers feedback that their trolley pays for itself ver y quickly and they are often searching for a different type of trolley to add to their collection
Restaurants pubs hotels conference centres and coffee shops are sure to find a
model to suit their décor Euroser vice trolleys range from ver y traditional designs to more contemporar y models
The use of a trolley will not only enhance your ser vice but alleviate all too frequent staff shor tages to ensure a swift and elegant ser vice
Trolleys are invaluable to good ser vice and with a choice of style and colours to suit your environment you are sure to find the right trolley for you
Contact our friendly sales team today and find out how much a trolley can do for you!
Freephone: 0800 917 7943 e: sales@euroser vice-uk com, visit www euroser vice-uk com or see the adver t on page 7
RapidFit by Rearo is an instant solution for washroom surfaces
Designed to accommodate time-constrained commercial washroom projects, Rearo’s ‘off-the-shelf ’ RapidFit range is the perfect, fast solution for projects requiring toilet cubicles or vanity units
Washroom design plays a vital role in the overall appearance of your company branding and can have a lasting impression on visitors – that s why Rearo offers a dedicated core range of nine high-pressure laminate décors within the commercial washrooms range
The RapidFit finishes were hand selected by the Rearo design team, with colours and textures chosen to ensure compliance with The Equality Act and future-proofed for a minimum of three years The colour choices take into consideration the needs of people with disabilities, including visual impairment, by ensuring neighbouring expanses of colour, such as walls and doors, are distinguishable by using contrasting colours Par ticularly popular within the hospitality sector, RapidFit washrooms are ideal for pubs restaurants and hotels
RapidFit toilet cubicles, vanities, and IPS are available in either an MR MFC or Compact Grade Core Suppor ted by a five-year manufacturer guarantee , MR MFC is ideal for light to medium-traffic spaces For higher traffic areas requiring a little added durability choose the RapidFit Impact range Completely water resistant this solid-grade laminate core is ideal for humid and wet environments and backed by a comprehensive ten-year guarantee
Cubicles are supplied as a flat pack, ready for a quick and easy installation and all RapidFit components are available to buy individually to offer a variety of installation possibilities Matching IPS can be made to order in only 3-4 weeks
Ask your fitter/joiner y/plumbing contractor or architect to get in touch for free sample packs and design and specification assistance Or, order your RapidFit washroom now 0141 440 0800 commercial@rearo.co.uk
www rearocommercial co uk
See the adver t on page 15
VANITY GROUP industr y exper ts in guest cosmetics and products launches its Floating Non Refillable dispenser solution – the newest fashion-forward, ultra hygienic floating display for hotel bathrooms across the globe
Renowned as being hospitality’s house of beauty VANITY GROUP’s Floating Bottles are their latest innovation offering a concealed bracket that is flawlessly secured to the wall displaying chic hair and body care Designed for Housekeeping to replace with ease , the non-refillable floating solution is tamper proof, super hygienic and avoids the risk of cross contamination, has a discrete fill line , and requires minimal upkeep – saving on operational costs
With sustainability at its core , the bottles are created using OceanBound Material, made from plastic waste that is at risk of ending up in oceans which is collected and recycled into reusable pellets and manufactured into the packaging
VANITY GROUP Founder & CEO Paul Tsalikis said: We believe innovation and sustainability should harmo-
niously co-exist Our Floating Non Refillable Bottles are design-led guaranteed tamper proof, eco-friendly, and are one of the most hygienic solutions in-market today
He continued: “Around the globe our hotel par tners have shared staff shor tages - especially within Housekeeping depar tments - are causing operational strain Our Floating Non Refillable Bottles are a solution to this, allowing Housekeeping teams to safely replace empty bottles within a matter of seconds ” Created for VANITY GROUP’s esteemed por tfolio of over 40+ progressive brands including KARL LAGERFELD, Jo Loves by Jo Malone CBE, KEVIN MURPHY, TEMPLESPA
Hospitality is ever evolving, with uniform design playing a crucial role in creating a memorable guest experience Here at Simon Jersey we cover a wide range of professions, be it bar and restaurants, hoteliers, housekeeping or front-of-house , so are always at the forefront of the latest uniform trends Here we share just some of trends we ’ ve seen our customers adopting over recent months
Colours play a significant role in setting the tone and creating a cohesive brand image for hotels and restaurants We are seeing the industr y is embracing shades of blue green purple and ear thy tones
Above all, these colourways evoke a sense of calm and relaxation that softens the mood, creating a
visually appealing ambience In turn, they also contribute to a positive guest experience by enhancing mood and establishing a welcoming atmosphere
The hospitality industr y has been actively pursuing sustainable practices, and uniform styles are no exception A growing number of establishments are opting for eco-friendly uniform options that reduce their environmental footprint
Simon Jersey believes in building a supply chain ethos, from the sourcing of raw materials to its supply of customers We call it “respecting the garment life cycle ” We strive to source products built on the back of recycled materials, like recycled polyester from post-
consumer plastic
Above all, hospitality firms need to trust suppliers that practice the standards of product longevity By choosing high-quality sustainable uniforms, establishments can: reduce water and energ y consumption, decrease waste , and minimise the use of harmful chemicals
In the pursuit of comfor t and flexibility, lightweight materials have gained immense popularity in the hospitality industr y Traditional heavy fabrics have been replaced by innovative textiles of lighter weight For instance , recycled cotton and polyester blends microfiber and moisture-wicking fabrics These materials offer breathability, durability, and ease of movement, ensuring that employees can perform their duties comfor tably throughout the day Moreover lightweight uniforms contribute to a more professional appearance , enabling staff members to exude confidence while delivering exceptional ser vice
For more information on our range of hospitality uniforms and ser vices please contact our friendly team on sales@simonjersey com or 0344 499 4414
See the adver t on page 17 for details
Have you tapped into your sometimes over looked profit maker COFFEE Yep you read that correctly and with costs to produce a cup of coffee star ting from as little as 27p per cup per cup depending on your choice of coffee and equipment, from pods to give you a consistent top class drink ever y time without the need
satisfaction , gives the oppor tunity to create custom for different times of the day for instance a good coffee menu lends itself to cake and coffee mornings and retails anywhere between £1 75 to £3 50 per cup The oppor tunity from expanding your coffee menu is endless
Forward Vending and Catering Limited have over 50 years experience in helping pubs and restaurants create a system just right for each site and are ready to help you find the best coffee solution for you so star t your profits coming in NOW!!!
Call us on 0800 44 44 43 or email BILL@FORWARDVENDORS CO UK
See the adver t on page 3 for details
Jamu Wild Water is on a mission to rewild hydration from the inside-out The Devon based natural soft drink brand takes inspiration from natures larder and aims to reinvigorate menus and grocer y shelves with healthy sparkling drink options
Their sparkling water range features three delicious flavours –Lemon, Blood Orange , and Raspberr y Each flavour comes bursting with British-grown botanicals and prebiotic fibre to actively suppor t gut-health
Tahi Grant-Sturgis, Co-ounder of Jamu Wild Water says: “where Jamu differs from other gut-loving beverages such as kombucha and kefir is that it isn’t fermented as a result we find a wider following among young
In the UK we are lucky that the water boards ensure that the water supply into our businesses is healthy to drink To do that they often have to add chlorine to kill bacterial growth in the pipes Whilst it does protect us, it can also impact both the taste of our water and the
people and consumers that find fermented drinks more challenging”
The subtle sweetness and flavour profile that the new range offers suggests it will work just as conveniently as a low calorie mixer offering a refreshing and clean alternative to complement botanical and crafted spirits
Jamu Wild Water prides itself in its zero policy, that is - zero sugar, ar tificial additives, preser vatives and plastics The company is committed to making healthy and sustainable products that give back to nature through their 10% of profits pledge , which suppor ts rewilding projects and ser ves to enrich the lives of young people through nature-led experiences Balancing flavour, wellness benefits, and it’s strong nature-led mission, Jamu is set to bring a premium offering to the ever-increasing healthy and eco-conscious consumer
Visit www jamuwildwater co uk or see page 2
Keeping the customer entertainment offering fresh and appealing is critical for licensees in of 2023 as we move in to the next generation of the Metaverse , AI and NFT worlds of technolog y!!! So is Our touch screen enter tainment system, The Enter tainer Lite is changing the way licensees manage their enter tainment, providing the ability to plan captivating events calendars and increase revenue The system is crammed with music videos karaoke bingo race nights quizzes games and adver tising features now featuring the ability to Request music by your phone • Online Adver t sing “ you can be anywhere in the world
ter As we are seeing on many B2B platforms plastics in water is a trending issue that is not going away It’s not just about the issues of the plastic on our environment, but also about the issue of the micro par ticles in our bodies
“send to your venue Karaoke/Music Request ng via the App Interactive Quizzing
The Enter tainer lite means licensees take total control of their enter tainment rather than
medical residues, hormones and micro and nano-plastics, through its RO fil-
Unlike other RO filtration systems, the LUQEL system then microdoses natural mineral salts back into the water creating 30 mineralised waters The water temperature range can be changed from 4 to 95 o C and the carbonation can also be amended between still, low medium and high carbonation Offering a business high quality great tasting water that they can be sure is cleaned to the highest quality A mineralised water system that can deliver 30 different tastes, without the need for purchasing, storing and recycling of bottles or cans A healthy mineralised water for both our bodies and our businesses www luqel-water com or sales uk@luqel-water com or see the adver t on the back cover
Mixologist's Garden, a revolutionar y concept in the world of garnishes for professionals, is rapidly gaining popularity among bar tenders across the United Kingdom With its innovative freeze-dried technolog y, Mixologist's Garden has emerged as the go-to resource for bar tenders seeking to create unique and extraordinar y drink experiences
t Findlater, business director of Mixologist's Garden "We are thrilled to see the enthusiasm and passion that UK bar tenders have embraced our concept with It's incredible witnessing how our carefully curated selection transforms cocktail menus nationwide "
Mixologist s Garden par tnered with the most modern freeze-dr ying producers to achieve the highest quality "We focus on quality at ever y stage of the process to deliver freeze-dried fruit suitable for delivering Perfect Ser ves "
Consumer research conducted in 2021 showed that over 80% of consumers prefer bars that pay special attention to making the Perfect Ser ve , whereas, in reality only 42% of bars have any berries
For more information about Mixologist's Garden, please visit www mixologistsgarden com or contact the brand directly at hi@perfectyourser ve .info see the adver t on page 15
The bridge tower perfectly delivers on the brief to dispense a range of low- and no-sugar drinks, while at the same time eradicating plastic waste and reducing the client’s carbon footprint ”
With healthy hydration and sustainability as par t of the brief, Smar t Soda UK has recently installed a purpose-designed self-ser ve multi-drinks bridge tower dispensing system for Apollo Management International LLP at its new premises at No1 Soho Place , London
Tricon Foodser vice Consultants was appointed as sub-consultants by the project management team at Gensler, the architects, with a brief to deliver a system that provided a free-issue self-ser ve hydration solution plus a wide range of non- and low-sugar beverages At the same time , they were looking to remove all plastic waste from the premises
“Apollo had experience of self-ser ve multi-drinks systems in its New York offices, but those mainly featured branded sugar y sodas, and the client asked us to find a supplier which could meet the brief both for heathier drinks and a more environmentally friendly solution says Tricon Foodser vice Consultants Project Director Chantal Bourquin-Quéva We found Smar t Soda UK, which was able to offer more than just plain water and already provided a variety of dispense solutions We then began the process of designing something special which suited the unique needs of the client and the aesthetics of the building
“Sustainability is at the forefront of ever ything we do, and we are always looking to implement systems where we can use reusable products and avoid disposables The development of the bridge tower self-ser ve dispensing system has been a complete success We work with architects and interior designers so the look and feel of the Smar t Soda bridge tower drinks system is hugely impor tant Alongside the benefits of healthy drinks and sustainability gains all par ties have been impressed by the ease of installation – without too much disruption – and how flexible this solution can be , so we will be recommending similar solutions to other clients in the future ”
Tricon was also scoped with carr ying out the tender process to bring a caterer for the site on board, and B-Corp cer tified Houston and Hawkes was selected
“We look after all of Apollo’s catering and hospitality needs from the restaurant to events and that averages around 350 people a day ” says Houston and Hawkes general manager on site Andre Welman
It s likely one of the first actions your customers take on being ser ved food, isn’t to pick up their cutler y but to grab their phone instead With diners continuing to share their food experiences across social media creating the wow factor has never been more impor tant
But are you making the most of this influential adver tising oppor tunity?
Ser ving your dishes alongside custom printed greaseproof paper elevates your presentation but, more crucially, it guarantees customer images are branded with your logo Not only do you ensure your skills are credited to your business, you utilise existing customers to upsell your products to their social media network
Presentation matters for take-out customers too, with the unboxing event now considered a fundamental par t of the buying experience
“The bridge tower saves space and time In respect of space-saving, we don’t need to store cans and bottles, or have rows of refrigerators, and we don’t have to manage lots of deliveries Removing single-use plastic from the site also saves the time which would otherwise be devoted to separating and storing waste for collection for recycling
“With so many people using the system ever y day, the choice and variety of drinks has proved popular, and at lunchtimes almost ever yone who comes through the door is using it On our side we also appreciate that the system is easy to clean and maintain
“As a B-Corp business, genuine sustainability gains are hugely impor tant to Houston and Hawkes, so the bridge tower system is a perfect fit for us Eradicating single-use plastic cutting energ y use for refrigeration and reducing the number of deliveries to the site all make a positive and measurable contribution ”
The Smar t Soda bridge tower incorporates 10 Multiplex® CRAFTtaps Made from 100% stainless steel, each streamline post-mix valve tap delivers a durable and hygienic – easy-to-clean – dispense solution which ensures drinks are ser ved at a consistent cold temperature and a consistent taste
Adding intentionally customised touchpoints, such as branded greaseproof paper, improves both the look and feel of products, and helps create a sense of anticipation and value In fact, consumers repeatedly tell us
ever y time
The development of the bridge tower was down to successful teamwork, involving Tricon Foodser vice Consultants senior design consultant Stuar t Wilcox, working with cooling and dispense equipment specialists Multiplex Welbilt Halesowen, and Italian draft dispensing system specialists Global Fountain
“This is the first, and only, dispensing unit of its type in Europe , ” says Global Fountain’s Massimo Todeshini “It was great to have the oppor tunity to work on the development of a bespoke unit which we know is operating perfectly and has been so well received Despite the special nature of the unit, requiring the fitting of a lot of technolog y into such a small space , from the initial request to installation took only eight weeks
Smar t Soda is the world’s first water company to offer functional pHenhanced, vitamin-infused sodas and flavoured waters – crafted with alkaline water, and made with only reduced British beet sugar – or no sugar at all – via a post mix dispenser
“We were chosen for this project as Smar t Soda is well known for helping companies demonstrate that they care about staff wellbeing through the provision of unlimited, healthy and sustainable drinks,” says Smar t Soda UK Operations Director Ian Webb
“Smar t Soda is all about the consistent quality and taste of the drinks, hence we source the best equipment to deliver our beverages to the highest standard Our dispense solutions are delivered using a bag-in-box system – so the drinks are delivered in recyclable cardboard boxes Bag-in-box reduces carbon footprint by taking up less space and reducing weight in the supply chain
“In this way, Smar t Soda eliminates the creation, distribution, storage , and waste disposal of lorr y loads of plastic bottles and cans Each 5 litre bag-inbox drinks removes 120 (330ml) cans or 80 (500ml) bottles from the distribution chain
Our client is delighted that the bridge tower perfectly delivers on the brief to dispense a range of low- and no-sugar drinks, while at the same time eradicating plastic waste and reducing the client’s carbon footprint In addition, Gensler, the architect for No1 Soho Place is pleased with the way that the unit complements the carefully designed aesthetics ” www.smar tsoda.co.uk
that the use of branded greaseproof encourages them to rate a venue as more professional, longer established and raises their expectations of the food they’ll eat Most impor tantly it encourages an experience that consumers want to repeat and can’t wait to share with their friends
If you re looking ahead to a summer filled with outdoor food events, then you’ll know that standing out from the competition is vital Ser ving your brand alongside your food is an obvious adver tising oppor tunity when customers eat on-the-go, and it’s an ideal way of increasing footfall Branded greaseproof sheets are an affordable way to spice up your existing plain packaging and provide a new and convenient way to wrap and ser ve your items
At it’s a Wrap we believe adding branding to your food shouldn’t be difficult and it s our passion to help businesses of all sizes to brand like the big guys ” with our custom printed greaseproof paper That’s why we continue to offer cer tified compostable products with low minimum orders, and deliver them in the fastest, standard lead times We also offer our free in-house design ser vice – simply send us your logo and we’ll do the rest!
www printedgreaseproof com
itsawrap@jrpress co uk
Enomatic is the world leader in wine dispense and preser vation
Studies show that wine-by-the-glass sales increase turnover and are more profitable than bottle sales enomatic was created to offer a more premium wines by glass offering thus creating a more profitable business models for restaurants, bars and wine merchants
enomatic s quality control provides customers with confidence that wines are always fresh and ser ved at their optimum temperatures With patented preser vation technolog y and automatic self-cleaning of the pouring spout, our systems ensure the highest hygiene and superb wine quality
It is a simple fact that wine that is not consumed oxidizes in the bottle and is wasted, creating unnecessar y costs and profit loss for a wine business enomatic was designed to eliminate waste reduce overheads and maximize profits
Using state-of-the-ar t iner t gas preser vation, enomatic prevents wine from being altered by oxygen and protects its organoleptic integrity (taste , aroma, body, and colour) for up to 21 days or more (tested and
cer tified)
Staff over-pouring results in reduced profit margins enomatic’s precise automatic por tion control prevents inventor y shrinkage , over pouring, and ensures accurate measures time after time
enomatic s advanced electronics and automation increases the speed of ser vice By simply pressing a button, you can select and ser ve any wine desired Your staff s time is costly; that s why enomatic was also designed to make their time more efficient - no more wasting time re-corking or vacuuming bottles after each use
Software functionality allows you to track not only all the wines in your system, but also the use of the system by customers You can even limit the amount a customer can consume for any given period of time With card operated systems, enomatic is a vir tual sales person and responsible bar tender all wrapped up in one!
sales@enodirect co uk www enodirect co uk Tel +44 (0)1603 768046
As temperatures soar and our summer begins, we Brits star t to more readily look for oppor tunities to eat out and enjoy a weekend staycation As a result the hospitality industr y sees an influx in business so needs to be ready for the summer season At Alliance Online we have a wide selection of essential products for restaurants and hotels across the nation for this summer
Polycarbonate glassware ranges are becoming increasingly popular for several reasons Not only do they have brilliant impact resistance but also have chip mark, and shatter resistance too Utopia’s Lucent Polycarbonate Glassware features a wide range of with the look of stunning glassware with the practicality of polycarbonate The super stylish Lucent Eden Cocktail Glasses are ultra clear, safe , and durable whilst the stunning Gatsby range boasts a cut glass effect to give its vintage look and feel The exquisite Diamond stemware collection replicates the look of refined stemmed glassware with the versatility of polycarbonate
The first thing to note when it comes to carefully selecting the appropriate crocker y for a commercial establishment should always be practicality Another aspect that is of paramount impor tance in the decision is suitability, think of a bar or restaurant like a jigsaw where each piece needs to be perfect to ultimately create the ideal atmosphere and customer satisfaction The impressive thing about the new Bonna range is that both requirements are met effor tlessly, each product range of Bonna delivers something unique that sets it apar t from the others Whether it be sentimentality joy peace or any other feelings, there is a Bonna range catered towards your demographic
Discover the latest products that can reinvigorate passion in your commercial establishment or introduce a new atmosphere and ambience to proceedings Here at Alliance Online , we have worked with industr y-leading brands to provide a peerless and comprehensive range of products for the last 25 years Each product has been carefully selected to meet industr y standards of the professional hospitality industr y In our time of operations Alliance have become a market-leading supplier of crocker y, cutler y, napkins, glassware , signage , bar and restaurant supplies For a digital copy of our Front of House brochure simply navigate to our site www allianceonline co uk and within the Trade section select Digital Brochures and you will find it in our digital catalogue’s librar y
See the adver t on page 16 for fur ther details
Rober t's Dorset provides an unparalleled snack experience that will elevate your trade and hospitality offerings to your customers
At Rober t's Dorset we understand the diverse dietar y preferences of your patrons whether they follow a vegan, keto, or allergen-free lifestyle Rest assured; our selection of snacks caters for all
As a trusted supplier to independent shops pubs and the hospitality industr y we offer a range of sizes in all our products for direct reselling
Our vibrant packaging is designed to catch the eye , while the contents are sure to satisfy From our stackable pots which optimise your shelf space and fit most cup holders to our elegant mason jars which add the " wow factor" to any display
Discover the perfect bar snacks to complement your fine beverages or enhance your guests' welcome baskets with something truly special
Established in 2011 we are a family-owned and operated business At the core of our operations lies a personal touch, ensuring our trade customers enjoy the following advantages:
All of the flavour and none of the cider-effects introducing Sheppy’s new Low Alcohol Cider with Raspberr y Landing just in time for the warmer weather and peak cider season, the world-renowned Somerset cider brand has captured summer in a bottle with the launch of its new low alcohol cider Available exclusively from Sheppy s webshop in 500ml bottles, RSP £21 50 for 12 bottles, it s perfect for those looking to enjoy the flavours of cider without the alcohol
Crafted on the Sheppy’s Cider Farm to have the same flavour profile as Sheppy’s classic ciders, the new low alcohol variant is made using a carefully selected blend of Somerset’s finest traditional and desser t cider apples and pure raspberr y juice , but has an ABV of just 0 5% The deliciously refreshing drink combines the crisp, fruity taste of apples with the sweet, tang y flavour of raspberries to deliver an exquisite
option for those looking for a low-alcohol drink without compromising on taste
Fur thermore , as with all ciders with fruit in its range , Sheppy’s makes a point of using pure fruit juice to avoid an overly sweet taste and there isn t an ar tificial flavour in sight Plus the new thirst quencher is naturally gluten-free and vegan friendly too
As one of the oldest cider makers in the world, Sheppy’s knows a thing or two about crafting the perfect blend using traditional cider-making techniques and the new Low Alcohol Cider with Raspberr y is sure to make for a ‘berr y ’ good star t to British summer time
Visit www.sheppyscider.com for fur ther information or see the adver t on the facing page
Are you looking for a coffee machine and coffee bean supplier who can help you provide the best coffee around while also help maximise your profits?
Here at Verde Coffee we offer our customers exquisite machines carefully ser viced and inspected by our in-house engineering team, and all the additional equipment required to help you set up your coffee ser vice!
With ever y Free on Loan offer our trained engineers will provide full training on the machine and equipment as well as show you and your staff how to get the best out of our coffee beans through a selection of best-selling hot beverages
From £215 per month you can get a 2 group machine , a grinder, essential equipment, 4kg of coffee beans and free goodies to help you get star ted All Free on Loan
The UK government aims to stop food waste to landfill by 2030
In China, menus now note the weight and content of a dish to stop overordering In the US, $370 billion in clean energ y solutions is pledged by the Biden-Harris administration, which allows hospitals and universities to fund food-waste-to-energ y recycling technolog y
Dishwashing manufacturer Meiko is at the forefront of rapidly developing food waste recycling technologies across Europe Food waste naturally comes back to dishwash areas and exciting changes are coming to suit large-scale caterers like hospitals and small-volume food waste producers such as high street restaurants cafes and takeaways
Anaerobic digestion will be at the hear t of future solutions because it is selffunding and generates clean energ y and fer tilizer
Small-scale waste producers could benefit from collaboration Shared local recy-
in an even higher profit margin! (around £2250 per case)
Considering all of your equipment and maintenance costs are covered in your monthly payment the Free on Loan deal can be a real profit centre for your business
We want to help all of our customers become as profitable as possible , your success is our success With over 20 years of experience we can advise you on how to get the most out of your coffee machine We can also assist with marketing supplies and have a range of add-on sale products which your customers will find too good to resist info@verdecoffee co uk 0800 980 6009
cling by high street cafes and restaurants could see farms and growers buying the fer tilizer while local homes and businesses use the energ y Big waste producers such as hospitals universities and food manufacturers will have on-site recycling systems that capture , process and store food waste before sending it for processing to generate energ y
The future is wide open for the rapidly developing AD technolog y, which is experimenting with mixing different waste streams to generate even more power than each stream separately
One thing is sure , caterers and food waste processing plants will help power the nation in future
Meiko manufactures the MEIKO GREEN BioMaster® waste recycling system, which conver ts fr ying oil, coffee grounds, fats, peelings, plate waste , flower stalks etc into fuel for anaerobic digestion
BioMaster comes in small, medium and large-scale solutions It s ver y hygienic , easy to use , fits into counter tops or works as a stand-alone unit And it is easy to share!
See the adver t on page 13 or visit https://www meiko-uk co uk/en/products/food-waste-systems
Research published by Dr Hazel Gowland
unveiled prosecutions for food allergen incidents increased almost ten-fold over a period of six years with peanut being the most common allergen involved, followed by milk and egg Fur ther to the significant increase and with public consciousness of allergens at an all-time high, Rob Easton, Head of Environmental Health at Shield Safety and Fellow of the Char tered Institute of Environmental Health, shares an insight into the latest trends in food allerg y incidents and the implications for food businesses
Fur ther research conducted by Shield Safety echoed Dr Gowland’s findings Senior Safety Consultant Vicky Wood recently led a team of Environmental Health Practitioners in reviewing over 2000 allergen incidents over a four-year period The research discovered that the most common cause of allergen incidents was peanut (23%), followed closely by gluten (20%) and then milk (13%) An explanation for the higher rate of prosecution for peanut incidents could be the more severe immediate symptoms repor ted by allergic consumers to peanuts compared with gluten Of the 2,000 incidents reviewed, there were only 4 cases of sulphites, 3 of celer y, and 1 of lupin
To consider how we are able to manage allergens more in a business it s
tant to look at the food value chain – the process in which a company adds value to raw materials to produce products eventually sold to customers from dish design to deliver y of the food As par t of the research a number of hotspots have been recognised throughout that journey sharing a strong over view of the primar y reasons for the allergen incidents in the business and enabling controls specific to that area to be put into place
Whilst there is still the critical need to identify and communicate the deliberate inclusion of the four teen regulated allergens, research indicates that peanut, milk and nut allergens are more likely to cause severe symptoms and lead to legal actions Businesses may wish to focus on these allergens when designing dishes and menus, considering how the ingredients containing the allergen are avoided or substituted and therefore eliminating the hazard early in the food journey
Incorrect information contained in the matrix used to communicate allergens is also a primar y reason To address that as a food business, look to implement one source of the truth; by having one point of data entr y and one point of communication to the customer, the oppor tunity for human error is then eradicated To strengthen that fur ther, there is great value in having an independent review of the matrix, allowing any errors that have possibly occurred to be picked up It may be that someone hasn’t appreciated that there s a par ticular ingredient within a dish, so the reassurance of an independent review of the information will leave you confident that what is going to the consumer is correct
Communication is key Researched revealed that with 10% of cases explored, the communication of the allergen taken from the front of house , was not passed to the kitchen We are also seeing that the wrong food is delivered to the customer
EPOS systems can be exceptionally useful in communicating allergens but, it’s also impor tant to back this up with personal interaction The clear marking and segregation of food on pass also needs to be considered Are you ensuring that the dish not containing allergens is separate , marked and clear? Following that, then making sure that this is communicated to the consumer upon deliver y, whether that’s in a restaurant or a takeaway
An increased prevalence of vegan products is also presenting a challenge , representing a risk to consumers who are highly sensitive to milk and eggs Many customers will order a vegan product with the assumption that is free from milk and eggs; whilst the product may not include milk and egg as an intended ingredient, the necessar y segregation may not be in place and therefore trace amounts of the allergen may be present in the food and at a level that can cause a reaction It is impor tant for food businesses to be aware that customers are using vegan claims as a method of avoiding food with allergens and consider if they can reduce the risk to zero for crosscontamination or how the risk is communicated to the customer
Logicall is revolutionizing temperature monitoring with their advanced LoRaWAN technolog y, ensuring precision, longevity, and convenience Their state-of-the-ar t temperature probes are designed for cold storage units, offering real-time insights, extended batter y life , and versatile monitoring capabilities
Equipped with LoRaWAN technolog y, Logicall’s temperature probes capture readings ever y 5 minutes, allowing for continuous monitoring of fridges, freezers, and cold rooms With a remarkable batter y life of 6-8 years, these probes provide long-lasting performance , reducing replacements and maximizing cost savings
Logicall s temperature probes are versatile and adaptable to diverse moni-
toring needs The probes feature an external probe for measuring core simulant temperatures, providing accurate insights into both air and core temperature conditions This innovative feature ensures precise monitoring of food products, leaving no room for compromise
For food-specific temperature checks Logicall offers their Bluetooth food probe This por table and user-friendly device enables quick and easy temperature measurements during the cooking process Simply inser t the probe into the food product, and the temperature data is instantly relayed to a tablet or compatible device This seamless integration of Bluetooth technolog y streamlines food temperature monitoring, making it faster, more efficient, and enjoyable Monitoring temperature is only par t of the equation Logicall s system offers a range of aler t options to address temperature breaches promptly Instant aler ts through text messages, emails, or audible wall-mounted alarms ensure swift action to prevent food spoilage This proactive approach saves stock, reduces waste , and upholds food safety standards with confidence
With Logicall’s solutions, reliable wireless communication is made possible through LoRaWAN technolog y Effor tlessly monitor temperature conditions in diverse locations, from expansive storage facilities to distant distribution centers This extended range capability ensures comprehensive temperature monitoring across your entire operation
In conclusion, Logicall s innovative temperature monitoring solutions bring precision, convenience , and efficiency to the food safety industr y LoRaWAN temperature probes provide real-time insights, extended batter y life , and versatile monitoring capabilities The Bluetooth food probe simplifies foodspecific temperature checks, making them faster and more efficient With instant aler ts and reliable wireless communication, businesses can confidently safeguard their products, minimize waste , and uphold food safety standards Let Logicall be your par tner in achieving excellence in temperature monitoring and taking your food safety practices to new heights
Visit www logicallmonitoring co uk or see the adver t below for further details
restaurants provide complex matrixes, but nothing which is user friendly or easy to understand and the majority provide nothing at all, and rely on front of house staff communicating correctly the information, which is ver y prone to mistakes
Our simple but affective app provides the chef the ability to keep a live updated menu with allerg y information held within it Customers simply login to the app and view the menu filtered to only show those dishes that are safe for them to eat
This app significantly reduces the risk of incorrect communication between customers & staff especially when mistakes can be so easily made , and these mistakes can cost lives
you can find restaurants in your location on a map
It’s then ver y simply to filter the menu by the list of standard allergens or click the vegan or vegetarian option The menu then displays showing only the items that you can eat making a simple and easy to understand
Many of us now limit the types of food we eat, for some it’s simply because it will kill them, for others, it’s for health or moral reasons However, it’s become a complex task to eat out these days, ensuring the food you have ordered is what you can eat Some restaurants provide different menus, but simply don’t cater for the complexity, such as they may provide a gluten free menu, but not a gluten free & dair y free menu combined Some
Up to “20% of the population experience some reactions to foods” (The British Dietetic Association) so it’s no longer a minority issue , eating out should always be enjoyable ii should also always be safe
You can either find the restaurant’s menu by their unique allerg y menu code on their menu or website , or
Temperature control is critical to ensuring a high quality and safe product is delivered to the consumer ’ s plate This is enabled by the constant har vesting and monitoring of data through wireless data loggers These are IoT-enabled devices which can provide catering facilities with the information they need to act immediately should any unforeseen issues arise when it comes to food temperatures
They transmit data via the cloud which is stored locally on PCs and other devices
The data is passed through a Wi-Fi router to a computer, regardless of where the user is based It stays locally on a hard drive so the user can access real, live temperature monitoring data wherever they are This ensures checks are completed correctly, issues are identified, and corrective actions are taken to reduce spoilage
Wireless data loggers are ideally suited to applications
where there are challenges in collecting real-time and recorded data, making them ideal tools for the likes of large retailers and catering enterprises which rely on industrial refrigeration units
Overfilling refrigerators and cool rooms with produce reduces the air flow and leads to hot spots, where bacteria can flourish even if you think you have the right temperature set on the dial To combat this, caterers should keep an inventor y of how much their stock needs to be refrigerated and use this technolog y to back temperature recordings ever y few hours so that it never goes above critical limits
Companies that can invest in the speed of their operation will reap rewards in a climate which is seeing growing costs to employ people Technolog y allows organisations to react faster to situations because of instant access to accurate data
There is an easy account area where the menu and dish information can be maintained via computer or mobile phone The allergies are assigned to each dish and it can be updated whenever it’s needed An email is also sent out once a month to ensure the allerg y information is checked and the menu confirmed that it is still up to date The company logo can also be uploaded to ensure the menu follows the restaurants brand
Meet regu ations for allergy information n one s mple step
Ensure your menu allergens are always accurate and up to date
• Improve your customer exper ience for allergy sufferer s , vegans and vegg es
• No need to re-pr int menus if you c hange ingredients
• Handy ema l reminder s to c hec k your menu
• Stop front of house staff making mistakes
• Keep your customer s safe from harm hello@allerg ymenu uk www.allerg ymenu.uk
See the adver t on the previous page for details
Caroline Benjamin Director of Food Allerg y Aware is organising their 3rd Mock Trial Food Allerg y Prosecution Event which takes place on Tuesday 26th September 2023
Previous attendees of The Mock Trial have stated that The Mock Trial Food Allerg y Prosecution was the best Food Safety Training Event I have attended!
Ever yone involved in a food business operation has a legal responsibility to ensure that the products they supply are correctly described and safe to consume The costs of getting it wrong are high Failure to control risks in food safety can result in a criminal prosecution regardless of whether any harm has been caused
The exper t Legal Team from Blake Morgan LLP and Six Pump Cour t Chambers will present the case for Prosecution and the case for The Defence The Judge will preside over the Cour t and will make his decision based on evidence presented
The delegates will assist the Judge in deciding the sentence by completing the exercise and applying the guidelines for sentencing which came into force in Februar y 2016 You will have the oppor tunity to be par t of the jur y (in breakout groups) which will ultimately play a significant role in the final sentencing of the defendant
During the Morning Sessions, attendees will listen to a variety of interesting speakers Dr Belinda Stuar tMoonlight who was the exper t witness in the Celia
Marsh Pret a Manger case will explain the key findings from this case We will also hear from representatives from The Food Standards Agency and Wakefield Council Other speakers include Iain Ferris from The University of Birmingham, who will discuss food laws and improvement notices
Cressida Langlands from The Free From Awards will highlight the businesses who work hard to offer Free
From products Ruth Holroyd-What Allerg y Blogger presents her own witness statement when she had a severe reaction eating out in a pub restaurant Sterling Crew, The President of the Institute of Food Science and Technolog y will host the event and make sure that ever ything runs smoothly
There will also be an oppor tunity for all delegates to network and make new connections
What past attendees have stated:
“I thought the event was excellent, FATC took an impor tant but extremely challenging concept and alongside Blake Morgan, executed it superbly The result was an incredibly informative and compelling conference” Tom Trever ton Director F2F
Early Booking is advised
https://foodallerg yaware co uk/events
Early Bird & discounted group rates for 5 or more available please contact Caroline Benjamin for fur ther details admin@fatc co uk or call 07732 637292
Bacchus Wines PLDC Ltd is pleased to offer new vintages by Chateau de Parenchère to excite customer palates
Bacchus Wines PLDC is an independent wine merchant that offers joyful and affordable wines to UK restaurants, caterers, bars, and wine enthusiasts Unlike larger wine merchants, Bacchus Wines have simplified the wine-selling business for hospitality venues Bacchus Wines
PLDC is a boutique wine merchant but selects its wines carefully They work with wine estates who they know personally They also choose wines that are not faddy Their selection process is based on decades in the hospitality industr y, so they know what drinkers and diners will enjoy They cover all duties and
impor ts so prices stay low offering solid markup potentials to venues all over the UK
The small yet perfectly curated wine collection features the Magnificent Seven by the family-run Chateau de Parenchère New 2022 vintages have just been released and offer great ageing potential and great 'drink now ' options
The 2022 Blanc-Sec is a great all-rounder white wine , perfect for all occasions
La Roseraie 2022 is a rosé with delicate and tang y currant scents
The 2022 L'Equilibriste Rouge is a fantastic blend produced without adding sulphites and is excellent to drink now
The 2022 Bordeaux Clairet is more substantial than traditional rosés with a good body and exuberant fruitiness
2020 Bordeaux Supérieur Rouge is a classic blend with a good balance between fruit and tannin red fruit and a long finish It won gold at Concours Mondial de Bruxcelles
Chef & restaurateur Jake S Watkins, commented, I have been buying wines from Pierre-Loup DeCam of Bacchus Wines for over twenty-two years When I owned the Michelin-starred JSW Restaurant in Hampshire , and since retiring, I stocked my cellar with the joyful wines of Château de Parenchère They are my go-to wines, and I always receive excellent wines and ser vice "
If your customers enjoy top-quality wine with provenance from winemakers who respect the terroir and the environment, visit the Bacchus Wines PDC website You will receive significant discounts if you sign up for a trade account
For more information, please visit https://bacchuspldc com/ or call on 0845 500 1040
LittlePod’s products are used by professional chefs all over the world, but when it came to creating a collection of real vanilla recipes for our new website , we found the answer on our doorstep in Devon
Boasting many years of Michelin-starred experience , Peter Gor ton is a long-time advocate for local food companies and, having used our natural extracts and other ingredients in his dishes during a storied career we were delighted when he agreed to join us as a LittlePod ambassador last summer
In addition to helping spread the word about our Campaign for Real Vanilla at various food events, shows and festivals, Peter created our Chef ’ s Collection – 10 new recipes that showcase LittlePod’s products that we have used both on our website and our 2023 calendar
Keen to underline vanilla’s versatility, Peter’s recipes go beyond baking In demonstrating that this adaptable ingredient can be used in both sweet and savour y dishes, our Master Chef of Great Britain is inspiring more and more cooks to keep it REAL
“I love using LittlePod and ever y chef should have it,” explained Peter, one of Devon’s finest chefs, who has trained and worked at some of the best establishments in Great Britain and around the world since embarking on a 43-year career that has also seen him own and run six restaurants It is so versatile and saves so much time without compromising on quality
Here at LittlePod, we use REAL vanilla in all manner of dishes This – Peter s Roasted Salmon with Coconut Milk, Vanilla and Tomatoes – is one of our favourites and our recipe of the month for August as featured both on LittlePod’s 2023 calendar and on our website here: www littlepod co uk
1 tbsp sunf ower oil
3 shallots , minced
2 garl c c loves minced
1 tbsp lemongrass
3 r ipe tomatoes , seeded and diced
150ml passata
225ml coconut milk
1 tbsp LittlePod pure bourbon vanilla extract
6 salmon fillets
Fine sea salt and freshly-ground white pepper
Pinc h of curr y powder
1 lime , halved – one half cut into 6 thin slices , the rest for juice
12 cor iander leaves
540g cooked white r ice
Warm the oil in a saucepan over medium heat and add the shallots , garlic and lemongrass Cook for 5-7 minutes until tender and softened, but do not a low to colour Add tomatoes , passata, coconut milk and vanil a extract and simmer until the tomatoes release their juices and are soft This should take about five minutes
Place the tomato mixture into a casserole or baking dish arge
enough to accommodate a l the salmon fillets in a single layer Generously season eac h fillet with salt pepper and curr y powder Place the salmon n the dish, top eac h fillet with a slice of lime and cor iander leaves and bake for 7-8 minutes
To ser ve , spoon the tomato mixture onto six warmed plates and top with the salmon fillet Squeeze l me juice over eac h plate , garnish with spr ing onions and ser ve with r ice on the side
With 20+ Industry awards under our belt, there isn’t much we don’t know about producing delicious, nutrient packed ingredients and garnishes
Whether you want them sliced, diced or powdered; from ginger to sea buckthorn to watermelon – we’ll make it happen.
• Made in Kent, UK
• AA Grade BRC, M&S and Pret approved
• 100% allergen free
• No added sugar Minimally processed
• Vegan certified
• 12+ months’ shelf life
• Stock item or bespoke to suit your needs
Website: nimsfruitcrisps.com
Email: aidried@nimsfruitcrisps.com
Phone: 01795424238
In May, La Pastaia and NOWAH arranged for award-winning pasta chef Otello to visit student chefs at the Cambridge Regional College culinar y depar tment Otello showed the students how easy it was to make a variety of fresh pastas, using a La Pastaia machine , before letting them make their own pasta; which they quickly turned into delicious dishes using simple fresh ingredients Otello went on to explain he normally prepares and ser ves 100+ por tions of fresh pasta on a busy evening and that these types of machines make it possible for small kitchens to cope with such volumes, if they are organised Graham Taylor Head of Culinar y Ar ts Management Team at the college , joined the young chefs in the pasta making process, while
reiterating the impor tance for all chefs to continuously develop new skills, be up-to-date with culinar y trends, and strive for healthy and sustainable menus
NOWAH were delighted to suppor t the student chefs and staff at Cambridge Regional College , and will continue to do so in the future , by engaging talented professionals and providing student chefs with oppor tunities to familiarise themselves with equipment they’ll encounter in their professional careers
See the adver t on this page for fur ther information or visit https://nowah co uk/la-pastaia-products
Lamb Weston’s exciting, innovative REALLY Crispy Fries have received the Approved Product accolade , winning top marks with a rare A grade across all three varieties
A panel of highly regarded industr y chefs appointed by the Craft Guild, rigorously tested the products to determine suitability, quality and product excellence
Lamb Weston created REALLY Crunchy Fries to satisfy demand for unique sensor y dining experiences and sustainably-minded quality ingredients
These ground-breaking coated fries promise unbeatable longlasting crunch sensation, staying hot in excess of 30 minutes, setting new benchmarks for takeaway and home deliver y channels Research and sales date across 10 years show diners love the look, taste and heat-holding benefits of coated fries, perceiving a rough or uneven outer texture as more ar tisanal/hand-crafted
Lamb Weston combined this insight with data from chefs and guests that revealed the most impor tant attributes in choosing a high-quality frozen fr y are real potato taste high level of crispiness and long-lasting crunchiness *
All the chefs were extremely impressed with the quality, flavour and crunchiness, scoring REALLY Crunchy Fries top marks for feeling indulgent
They were right up there , I could not say that there was a better fr y on the market at present ”
Savour y, rich flavour
“Best fr y I have had that fries and bakes the long-lasting crispness is ver y unique adds a great dimension to the fr y ”
Lamb Weston’s UK Marketing Manager Pete Evans says: We set out to create the crunchiest fr y ever, and with REALLY Crunchy Fries we ’ ve cracked it! This is a new exciting product uniquely different in appearance and mouthfeel, offering an unbeatable fr y experience for diners and an unbeatable product solution for forward-thinking foodser vice operators REALLY Crunchy Fries are available in 9x9mm skin-on, and 6x6mm and 9x9mm skin-off options
*Windsor Edge Researc h QSR and CDR operator s 2021 Visit www lambweston eu or see the adver t on the facing page
Did you know that PEPPADEW® is the nation’s favourite pepper brand?* Or that 72% of consumers say they find the presence of known brands a sign of a quality establishment**? The Piquanté Pepper Tang y, crunchy and with a mild, slightly sweet heat, Peppadew® piquant peppers – small whole peppers, bright red in colour – are the perfect way to bring an added burst of flavour to pasta, pizza, salads and sandwiches
The Piquanté Peppers are carefully picked and deseeded by hand, then infused with the unmistakeable PEPPADEW® flavour through our secret brine solution to keep their flavour and that satisfying bite Firm and crunchy pickled peppers with an impeccable balance of sweet and tang y flavours and a perfectly matched
mild heat
They are 100% vegan, with no added preser vatives, high in vitamin c and contains antioxidants
Harness the power of PEPPADEW® Whole Sweet Piquanté Peppers - the nations’ favourite pepper brand!
Available now at Booker, Bidfood and KFF
If you ’ re interested in working with us and want to discover how we can pep up your menu get in touch with us today: sales@peppaco co uk or find out more at www peppadewfoodser vice co uk
*Source: IRI SIG Grocer y Olives and Ant pasti MAT 18/06/2022
**Source: Independent To una Insight with 1 000 UK consumer s Marc h 2022
For 60 years, La Pastaia has manufactured the best electric fresh pastamaking machines in the world The machines are simple to use, robust and reliable To show just how easy it is for anyone to make fresh pasta using La Pastaia machines, we demonstrated a machine to 16-year-old students, and then asked them to make and serve (starting with raw ingredients) 11 different pasta dishes in under 30 minutes
Check our website, Instagram and YouTube Channel to see for yourself
Full training and pasta recipe book provided with each NOWAH La Pastaia
The world of gastronomy is an ar t form where the canvas is the plate , and the paintbrush is a chef's creativity Just like any ar tist, a chef's masterpiece can only be as remarkable as the ingredients they use The significance of quality ingredients and seasonality in restaurants and food outlets cannot be overstated As the pillars of culinar y excellence , these factors not only elevate the flavors and presentation of dishes but also contribute to sustainable practices and customer satisfaction
The essence of any dish lies in the quality of its ingredients High-quality produce , meats, and spices have unique flavors and textures that infuse dishes with depth and character Chefs who prioritize top-notch ingredients can create culinar y experiences that tantalize the taste buds and leave a lasting impression on patrons
Seasonality plays a crucial role in this aspect By embracing seasonal ingredients, chefs can work with produce at its peak, ensuring the freshest flavors and highest nutritional value Harnessing the bounty of each season allows chefs to craft ever-changing menus that excite and delight diners
Chefs today hold a greater responsibility in advocating sustainable practices within the culinar y world By sourcing quality ingredients, they encourage the use of ethically and locally produced food items This, in turn, reduces the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transpor tation and suppor ts local farmers and producers
Seasonality aligns with sustainability as well Choosing seasonal ingredients helps reduce the demand for outof-season produce , which often requires energ y-intensive greenhouse cultivation or long-haul transpor t By opting for what nature provides at any given time , chefs contribute to a more environmentally friendly approach to food preparation
Gelato is more than just ice-cream – it’s a pure taste of Italy
A truly ar tisan treat, Ariela’s Gelato is the perfect way to indulge in an authentic desser t that is as delicious as it is decadent
Made with only the finest ingredients, our Gelato is never loaded with ar tificial additives and preser vatives
Instead, we make sure that you are receiving the healthiest, most natural Gelato in keeping with Italian tradition
And unlike mass-produced ice-cream ar tisan Gelato is carefully crafted from the hear t
When you forget tradition, you lose taste; and without the ar tisan, you lose the ar t But with Ariela’s Gelato,
In a world where discerning diners seek not only a delightful dining experience but also transparency and authenticity, the use of quality ingredients can be a significant differentiator for chefs and food outlets When chefs openly showcase their commitment to sourcing the best ingredients, customers are more likely to trust the establishment s intentions and exper tise
Moreover, patrons often appreciate knowing where their food comes from and how it was produced Highlighting local and seasonal ingredients on menus fosters a sense of connection between the restaurant, the community, and the land This connection can lead to stronger customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth recommendations
Quality ingredients and seasonality can ser ve as catalysts for culinar y creativity When chefs embrace the changing availability of ingredients they are encouraged to experiment with new flavors combinations and techniques This constant evolution in the kitchen allows chefs to continuously push their boundaries and present innovative dishes that keep customers coming back for more
By adapting their menus to the seasons chefs tap into nature's bounty and showcase its diversity This connection to the natural world can inspire chefs to craft dishes that are not only pleasing to the palate but also pay homage to the beauty of the ear th
The impor tance of quality ingredients and seasonality in restaurants and food outlets cannot be emphasized enough From elevating flavors and experiences to promoting sustainable practices and building trust, these elements are the cornerstones of culinar y excellence Chefs who prioritize the use of top-notch, seasonal ingredients are not only offering memorable dining experiences but are also contributing to a more sustainable and mindful approach to gastronomy Embracing the gifts of nature and incorporating them into culinar y creations is a celebration of both ar tistr y and respect for the planet we call home
you experience – and can taste – a true labour of love
Ariela’s Gelato was born out of a desire to recreate a world that was taken for granted back in Italy For founder and owner Ariela Cesana, after moving to London, it was impossible to get a true taste of home:
I was so frustrated when I couldn t find a Gelato in London like the one I grew up with – so I decided to just make it myself!” And since 2006, Ariela has been on a journey to bring the luxurious taste of Italy to the UK
Made in small batches using only the purest, highest-quality ingredients, our Gelato uses the same traditional processes that can only be found in an authentic Italian Gelateria for a truly ar tisan, lovingly crafted, authentic Italian Gelato
What really sets Ariela’s Gelato apar t is the ar tistr y and exper tise that can only come from true experience and passion The base of our Gelato is pasteurised, poured into batch freezers, churned, then extracted and decorated by hand, one by one , flavour by flavour
Care goes into ever ything we do to make sure you and our customers receive the truest Gelato experience , and when it comes to creating our range , we ve been passionate about pursuing perfection Each flavour is a carefully crafted blend of natural ingredients that have been painstakingly tried and tested to ensure you get flavour not flavourings
For fur ther information see the adver t on this page
benefits with even extra crunch from a visible coating
Chef ’ s Special Crispy coated has a gluten free coating which creates the perfect crunch while suppor ting menus with special dietar y requirements
The range is pre-fried in 100 percent sunflower oil
The range has been developed following a multi-million Euro factor y investment by Farm Frites to install a state of the ar t production line using the newest technolog y and incorporating some innovation solutions to product quality and consistency as well as featuring sustainability led processes to reduce the impact of the operation on the environment
Potato grower and manufacturer Farm Frites has launched Chef ’ s Special Crispy Coated – a range to satisfy the demand for crispy, coated, tasty fries with greater heat retention
As par t of the Farm Frites Chef ’ s Special concept, offering market driven solutions for operators, the Crispy Coated range has been developed to help operators ser ve consistently crispy fries that stay hotter longer The range is available in a range of cut sizes and also premium length - all with the perfect crunch Chef s Special Crispy coated also features a 10mm skin on for more rustic menus or for more variety with a classic cut size
The Chef s Special EXTRA product offers the same
Local testing has shown that Farm Frites Chef s Special Crispy coated performing better in crispiness & heat retention against market competitors*
The range is well suited to casual, fast casual and takeaway menus as well as being ideal for deliver y where products need to stay tasting their best longer
We invite operators to Let Their Bite Decide and contact us to sample Chef ’ s Special Crispy Coated for themselves
*Local Market test ng w th supp ier s carr ed out w th comparable product
For fur ther information about the Chef s Special Crispy coated range , contact Farm Frites UK & Ireland on 01452 415845 visit our new UK website www farmfrites co uk
The subject of plastic pollution has become a hot topic over the last five years in the wake of David Attenborough’s Blue Planet BBC series
The hospitality industr y is a significant contributor to this problem, and with predictions that there will be as much plastic pollution as fish in our oceans by 2050, action needs to be taken
According to government estimates, consumers in England use 2 7 billion items of single use cutler y per year, with only 10% of these recycled This has a devastating effect on the environment and wildlife
To help reduce the pollution caused by these materials, the government has recently announced that a wide range of single-use plastics will be banned in England from October 2023
Plastic bowls cutler y balloon sticks plates and trays will be banned alongside types of polystyrene food containers and cups Consumers can no longer buy these products from businesses such as takeaways and retailers
With wide-ranging repercussions for the hospitality industr y, we share our thoughts on what this means and how businesses can embrace waste reduction and recyclability
While the government’s decision should be welcomed, it is impor tant to remember that the new products selected should be more sustainable than the single use plastics they are replacing If disposed of correctly some single-use plastics are recyclable yet issues arise when large quantities of these materials are littered
Businesses should ensure that they are not just switching to another single use alternative which isn’t much better than plastic Ensure that you are not opting for materials with ver y few recycling options and infrastructure available For example , compostable products may degrade quicker than plastics but this is pointless unless these can be segregated from other waste streams These will likely end up in landfill, producing methane or carbon dioxide
So, what can businesses do to maximise the environmental benefits of their switch from single-use plastics?
One of the first things businesses should do is to identify ever y piece of plastic used during their operations The goal should be to calculate the total plastic weight used as well as the different types of plastic
Itemise each material so you get a complete over view of your operations Your audit should be separated into plastic items sent to waste , and those which will be recycled
Calculating the true impact of your enterprise upon the planet can be a compelling motivator to adopt more sustainable practices which can then be communicated across your workforce
A plastic audit should help you establish which single-use items you used in the largest quantities Tackle these first by tr ying to source more sustainable alternatives
This could involve a conversation with your suppliers to source easily recyclable materials It is best to take advice on what products are the most sustainable in terms of recyclability production and circularity cre-
dentials Wood cutler y, though more expensive , may be a better alternative as it is 100% renewable and contributes no plastic waste
If possible , tr y to promote products that are reusable such as steel cutler y plastic tableware and ceramic plates Of course this will be easier in closed environments such as offices canteens and restaurants This is harder to achieve in an open street food or takeaway environment but could be tempered with a deposit scheme
Music venues such as Glasgow’s OVO Hydro operate a £1 deposit scheme with ever y drink they sell – the £1 is refunded at the end of the evening upon return of the cup, which can be reused up to 300 times
Businesses should also look to extend the life cycle of their plastic products through recycling and reuse
The cyclical nature of this process allows materials to be reused again in your manufacturing or operational procedures and doesn’t consign plastics immediately to landfill or ocean waste as in linear methods
For any on-site waste , ensure that you have dedicated recycling bins available You should also brief your employees accordingly on which materials go where and the benefits of following this
One novel recycling incentive is the reverse vending machine which will collect plastic items in return for a monetar y award This could be a voucher or even a charitable donation
Far-reac hing ban on single-use plastics in England - GOV UK (www gov uk) https://www ovohydro com/visitor-information/stac k-cups https://www thebubble org uk/lifesty e/travel/the-hospitality-industr ys-over-relianceon-sing e-use-plastic/
Plastic Rec yc ling | Singlye- Use Plastics | Reconomy | Waste Management Rever se Vending - Reconomy
100% aluminium Aluminium
easily (and infinitely) recycled and reused – alongside domestic cans for example - instead of more pods contributing to landfill
Crafted from arabica specialty-grade coffee beans and medium-roasted, Gara promises a well-balanced, smooth taste to delight coffee aficionados Guests can indulge in a guilt-free cup knowing it's both ethically sourced and exceptional
Note: pods are compatible with Nespresso® original coffee machines, widely used in the hospitality industr y *Gara was voted the UK s Best Organ c Coffee at the So l Association s BOOM Awards 2019 No other coffee has had this tit e since those awards at the time of publ sh ng
As people look to make more sustainable choices to reduce their carbon footprint and protect the planet, the number of EV drivers on the road is growing rapidly There are currently over 780 000 fully electric cars on the road in the UK as well as 500 000 plug-in hybrids (https://www zap-map com/ev-stats/ev-market/) With the sale of new diesel and petrol vehicles set to be banned in 2030, this number is only going to continue increasing –now is a crucial time for hotels to star t offering guests accessible and convenient EV charging Hotels can expect to welcome a wider clientele when they provide EV charging, as drivers often choose their destination based on the availability of charging The ability for users to seamlessly integrate charging into their stay greatly enhances the overall guest experience , as it removes any concerns surrounding range anxiety – guests are able to enjoy their visit whilst they charge up and leave with a full batter y This in turn helps build relationships between hotels and guests as it demonstrates the commitment to providing a convenient and comfor table stay
Offering this amenity also boosts occupancy rates and provides additional revenue generating oppor tunities through use of the chargers
EV charging facilities are not only crucial to improving guest experience , but also show a commitment to a more sustainable future Adding chargers to the network suppor ts the transition to a cleaner, greener way of transpor t The benefits of this sustainable initiative don’t end there – providing EV charging helps to differentiate hotels from competition, attracting guests who prioritise sustainability that are looking for a place to stay that aligns with their values
EVC recently entered an exclusive par tnership agreement with Macdonald Hotels & Resor ts to roll out bespoke EV charging solutions across their por tfolio of sites on a fullyfunded basis, covering the cost of installation and ongoing maintenance of the chargers This collaboration puts the hotels guests and the planet first, providing a seamless charging experience
Now is the perfect time for hotels to prepare for the EV revolution – avoid the rush in the future and contact EVC now for a bespoke charging solution
See www evc co uk or the adver t on the facing page for details
Established in 1856 Riso Gallo is the oldest Risotto rice producer in Italy and has been delivering premium rice to consumers around the world for over six generations
Excitingly, Riso Gallo is also now the first International rice brand to produce rice from sustainable agriculture making their premium best-selling risotto rice fully sustainable from field to fork!
All of the Riso Gallo premium rice varieties are produced from sustainable agriculture , as cer tified by the international “Farm Sustainability Assessment” Their high quality Carnaroli and Arborio grains are grown just a shor t distance from the company ' s headquar ters in the Pavia area, and cutting edge technolog y works in harmony with a skilled workforce to build a modern, robust agricultural model which respects both nature and the farming community itself to create a wonderful natural balance
Riso Gallo take great pride in collaborating with farms that respect their workers’ rights, and guarantees fair and stable prices to assist their farming suppliers with planning, which are agreed and confirmed before sowing begins
Sustainability and a commitment to plastic that is suitable for recycling are key to Riso Gallo’s production, and they have uniquely created their own Circular Economy within rice production, collaborating with various innovative star t-ups to give useful new life to by-products from the rice mill See the QR code for more information on these exciting new developments
Riso Gallo is delighted that its plastic vacuum packaging is now suitable for recycling, following the launch of a new, eco-sustainable plastic with a low environmental impact Riso Gallo are proud to be the first company to adopt this sustainable packaging, and the Gallo Risotto
Traditional, Arborio, Carnaroli, and Carnaroli Rustico are now in packs using FSC cer tified cardboard outers to protect the grains inside
The excellence of the products and the high quality standards of the Riso Gallo supply chain are guaranteed and endorsed by BRC , IFS cer tifications and the Sustainable Rice Platform scheme which leads to total reassurance for consumers who are cer tain they are buying 100% Italian rice which can be tracked throughout its entire supply chain, from cultivation to packing
Following significant growth in its membership network, Carpet Recycling UK (CRUK) is seeking fur ther engagement from the construction, facilities management and flooring sectors to reduce textile flooring waste such as broadloom carpets, carpet tiles, event carpets and underlay
The not-for-profit association is now working with 80% of the UK’s carpet and textile flooring manufacturers and distributors which puts it in a stronger position to represent the sector when it comes to discussions on favourable policy outcomes
Adnan Zeb-Khan: CRUK Scheme Manager says, “Moving forward, companies will need to demonstrate reductions in the use of new resources design products with recycling in mind including methods of identification of material make-up and consideration of reverse logistics for take-back schemes to suppor t reuse and recycling out-
comes Our members are making great strides with many developing products with recycling in mind, from single polymer ranges to ones made with recycled content ”
David Healey: Finance Director of CRUK member Saint Flooring, implemented waste material recycling throughout the company s nationwide sites in 2019 He says that membership of Carpet Recycling UK is contributing to its sustainability goals and helped achieve annual savings of up to £170 000 annually on disposal costs by reusing and recycling their waste materials
CRUK is the only organisation representing the carpet and textile flooring sector in the UK, which is helping to industr y to reduce waste diver t waste from landfill and become more sustainable Please visit www carpetrecyclinguk com for more information
Regular testing for legionella in hotels and catering environments is of paramount impor tance Legionella bacteria thrive in warm water systems such as those found in large buildings, including hotels and catering establishments By conducting regular testing, potential sources of Legionella contamination can be identified and appropriate measures can be taken to mitigate the risk of infection, safeguarding the health and well-being of staff and guests
Regular testing allows for the early detection of any contamination enabling prompt action to be taken to eliminate the bacteria and prevent their spread This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of an outbreak occurring and helps maintain a safe and healthy environment
Regular testing for Legionella in hotels and catering environments is also crucial for compliance with legal and regulator y requirements It also helps to build trust and confidence among guests, who can be assured that appropriate measures are in place to protect their well-being
In conclusion, regular testing for legionella in hotels and catering environments is essential for preventing the spread of Legionnaires' disease ensuring the safety of water systems and complying with legal requirements By proactively monitoring and managing the risk of Legionella contamination these establishments can prioritize the health and safety of their staff and guests while also maintaining their reputation and avoiding potential legal issues
Legionnaires disease can cause serious illness and even death, it was named after the 1st major recorded outbreak at a conference/gathering in the United States
The bacteria are present in all water and become an issue when the right conditions for them to proliferate exist These are; an ideal temperature and some stagnation, the perfect temperature is mid to high 30 degrees C
Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L8 recommends that an initial Legionella risk assessment is carried out and then a suitable water management scheme is put in place and followed This will include monitoring of outlets and water tanks and may include regular water sampling and disinfections The Legionella risk assessment needs to be carried out to BS8580 by a competent, i e trained, person
The bacteria is ingested by human beings in the form of an aerosol and then infects the lungs, the symptoms are similar to flu and also Covid 19 The mild illness is called Pontiac fever and will generally be flu-like and may dissipate without treatment The more serious illness can
involve hospitalisation including ICU and even death
Public Health England confirms there were 503 cases of Legionnaires' Disease in 2019 for England and Wales –an average of almost 10 cases a week (Latest available data)
The most common sources are from showers or other equipment such as cooling towers that produce an aerosol Stagnation is also a major factor in increasing the risk to mitigate this any low use/seldom used outlets should be run off weekly Temperature monitoring is also advisable both of these actions MUST be recorded
In summation: A current Legionella risk assessment and appropriate water hygiene management and monitoring scheme will prevent the bacteria proliferation within the systems and therefore significantly reduce the risk to Staff and public health
Steve Dillon (Advanced WMSoC Legionella Risk Assessor) Managing Director Stokefield Water Treatment Ltd
In the ever-evolving hospitality industr y, creating unforgettable guest experiences is paramount
One way to achieve this is by incorporating high-quality outdoor furniture that not only complements the aesthetics of your establishment but also provides numerous benefits to your guests Hotel Buyer, a leading supplier of hospitality products, offers a wide range of outdoor furniture options that can elevate your hotel’s outdoor spaces to new heights
Hotel Buyer’s outdoor furniture selection features ergonomically designed chairs sofas loungers and tables that provide optimal comfor t without compromising on style With a variety of contemporar y and timeless designs Hotel Buyer s furniture seamlessly blends with any outdoor setting, whether it’s a rooftop terrace , poolside area, or garden oasis Crafted from premium materials such as teak, aluminium, and synthetic rattan, commercial products are designed to withstand UK weather conditions
By investing in outdoor furniture , you elevate the guest experience to new heights Thoughtfully designed outdoor spaces with comfor table seating arrangements encourage guests to unwind, socialize , and connect with nature Whether it’s savouring a cup of coffee on a sunny morning or enjoying a sunset cocktail these inviting outdoor spaces create lasting memories and leave a positive impression on your guests
Hotel Buyer s outdoor furniture collection offers a range of benefits for hospitality businesses seeking to enhance their outdoor spaces The combination of durability, comfor t, style , versatility, and customization ensures that your hotel’s outdoor areas become captivating and welcoming spaces for guests to enjoy By investing in Hotel Buyer’s outdoor furniture , you not only elevate your establishment’s aesthetics but also provide memorable experiences that differentiate your hotel from the competition
proof shelter provisions
With so many outdoor shelter options available , it is easier than you think to incorporate outdoor shelter to your garden areas
Fenton Timber was established in the late 1990’s by Jim Miller who sadly passed in 2007, since then the business has continued under the management of Alex Spencer with Ade Tate overseeing manufacture who were both staff members from the early days of the business Fenton’s USP is delivering fully assembled weather treated “ready to use ” Picnic Benches/Tables and associated Garden Furniture to the License Trade , Schools and the Leisure Industr y all year round
The benefits of purchasing from Fenton Timber is not just the fact we deliver all of our own goods, with our own transpor t and staff but that we also guarantee our goods and operate all year round It might sound strange selling garden furniture during the winter!
Aside from customers whom might have outdoor functions, barbecues, summer fairs, live music etc there are also unfor tunate times whereby customers have been flooded and suffered losses and we are there to assist getting them back up on their feet As readers of the Caterer & Licensee – you can also take advantage of our current offer –10% off RRP on Supreme and Octagonal Tables (Ends 7th July '23) so call us free on 0800 085 6447
The trend for wood-fired cooking in restaurants and caterers gathers apace , led by some prominent chefs, and embraced by a consumer more comfor table cooking, eating and enter taining outside
The Somerset Grill Company has taken the principles of the Argentinian WoodFired Asado, and created two Grills which overcome the main challenges of cooking with fire – easy temperature control, and simple fire and fuel management
Simply add logs to the integral Ember maker at the rear for a constant flow of cook-ready embers from 40 minutes after lighting – and continuously as long as you add more logs No more running out of temperature at the critical moment it is high output with quick cook times and big grill area for fast turnaround
To control cook temperature , simply wind the Grill surface up and down using the axle wheel – so you can sear at 350C at it’s lowest and warm or simmer at 50C higher up And with our larger Grande double , you get twin Grill surfaces operating height independently for
multiple cooking areas The unique V-grills prevent flare ups in-cook, and collect all fat and juice for re-basting or later use
Think steaks, slow roasts, smash burgers, fish, stews
Made in the UK by us the Grills offer high output opportunities for outdoor hospitality spaces, pop up events, and caterers
All off grid, wood-powered only Choose between free-standing models with integral woodstore stand and wheels to move around, or build in to your outdoor kitchen set-up, with gunmetal steel or
With warmer weather star ting to appear what better way for your customers to enjoy the sunshine than sitting outside and relaxing TDP’s furniture , made from recycled UK plastic waste , will be ready and waiting as it doesn’t have to be stored away for the winter or be treated for the new season
Our range of furniture includes picnic tables, dining sets, benches and chairs as well as planters and children’s furniture All products benefit from a 20-year warranty and ver y low maintenance, with no annual staining or treatments required It will not rot or splinter, is ver y stable and extremely durable lasting for decades in even the busiest of areas TDP has been supplying environmentally friendly products to the industr y for over 30 years We are the choice supplier for those who want outdoor furniture that lasts and to date we have saved over 4,000 tonnes of recycled plastic waste from landfill By producing our furniture from recycled plastic rather than
The Cinders ‘Classic’ barbecue has exceeded customers’ expectations for decades, due to its unique , patented design It easily cooks 1000 burgers in one session but being a true workhorse is not its only selling point Robust, reliable and low-maintenance are just three adjectives to describe a barbecue whose repair costs are typically non-existent over long periods, generating a healthy ROI for many years
The Cinders Classic comes as a six-foot long double grill (TG160) or a half-sized single grill (SG80) with both running on LPG and offering incredible food output for the price of the energ y used The user-friendly grills are easy-to-light and powerful, getting up to temperature in around five minutes, to quickly feed a queue or facilitate an impromptu pop-up barbecue if great weather arrives Cinders’ production values are impressive - not only
wood we have saved over 10,000 trees from being felled
We manufacture all our furniture in Derbyshire
Ever ything is handcrafted and as such you can order your furniture in custom colourways and we can include branding, establishment names, table numbers and other key information as either engravings or plaques Our furniture is longer-lasting and easier to maintain than their wooden alternatives meaning you buy them once and they will last a lifetime for your business
From your first contact with us, to taking deliver y, we want the whole experience to be both enjoyable and stress free We’re here to help so please do visit our website www tdp co uk, give us a call on 01629 820011 or drop us an email at info@tdp co uk
To take advantage of our 10% discount off RRP please give us a call and quote CATERER!
offering a warranty for commercial use , unlike cheap impor ted barbecues, but also built to ISO 9001:2015 standards
The barbecues have internal self-cleaning too, removing the odious chore of post-barbecue clean-down
The grill merely needs to be left running for a few minutes to burn off residue , which is then brushed away or ejected Once cool, the Classic can be folded down and easily stored away
To discover more call 01524 262900 or www cindersbarbecues co uk
We are the UK’s leading manufacturer and suppliers of innovative commercial furniture and structures for the alfresco hospitality and leisure industries If your business is looking to improve your outdoor dining experience we have a range of shade & shelter furniture heating & lighting, and flooring & decking solutions to improve your outdoor environment
Our elegant structures are manufactured using high quality materials made to vir tually any size Options include remote control retractable louvered or glass roofs and multiple features including heat and light
These solutions assure
At SBI Ltd we re a well-established family-run business based in Kent Since 1998, we have been ser ving trade & private customers’ homes, schools, hospitals, hotels & pubs, delivering a great ser vice for over two decades
Our friendly and professional teams are located across the UK and ready to supply & install any of the following:
• Made-to-measure awnings victor ian & contemporar y verandas , glass verandas glass rooms & canopies
• Carpor ts ver tical screens , manual, electr c or solar-powered secur ity shutter s & roller garage door s Conser vator y sail blinds , louvred roof pergolas , aluminium fencing and more
Our professional advisors and installers at SBI will be more than happy to help you create the perfect solu-
tion for your shade and shelter requirements We offer a full contract installation ser vice to private and trade customers who are not equipped or do not have sufficient time to carr y out installations
If you ’ re looking for branding or personalisation we ve got you covered Our popular vinyl graphics or traditional handpainted signwriting are especially useful for businesses and trade customers schools and colleges
In addition to ser ving homeowners and domestic customers, our contracts division suppor ts hotels, pubs, clubs, restaurants, coffee shops, schools, colleges, universities, government buildings, hospitals and other organisations
Call Now: 0800 074 2721 or visit www sbiproducts co uk
Businesses, such as restaurants, cafes, and pubs can significantly boost their revenue by providing outdoor seating options
This strateg y appeals to a broader customer base , as many individuals prefer the refreshing atmosphere while dining or shopping
The outdoor space creates a welcoming impression enticing potential customers to stop by and suppor t the establishment Additionally, by offering outdoor seating, the business can accommodate more guests during busy times resulting in higher sales and quicker table turnovers
The improved customer experience fosters loyalty and positive word-of-mouth, fur ther attracting repeat business Consequently this elevates the brand's image , attracting more customers, and ultimately driving revenue growth
Email sales@hags.co.uk or visit www.hags.co.uk
Lanchester Wines has launched its latest range of wine in cans The new Wallflower range of 187ml Spanish wines is presented in a funky, fresh format - perfect for on-the-go occasions or as an alternative to glass
Unlike its namesake, this Wallflower will most certainly be in the midst of the celebrations as it has been designed to enjoyed at festivals, events, travel retail or on-trade as a single ser ve The range comprises easy drinking red, white and rose wines; the fruity red is a blend of Tempranillo and Cabernet Sauvignon, the zesty white is Airen and Macabeo while the rose is a fruity Garnacha Rosado
Bold, vibrant colours have been used to depict the different wines in the range with colours creating cognitive connections to the colour of the wine inside
All Wallflower wines are suitable for vegetarians and
Mark Rober ts: “Whether displayed on a shelf, back bar or marquee , these brightly coloured cans stand out from the crowd Cans are an uncomplicated packaging solution which are lightweight, easy to stack and infinitely recyclable Cans can be chilled quickly and are hermetically sealed to ensure the wine stays fresher for longer ”
The Wallflower cans were filled at Greencroft Bottling’s wine canning line which was the first wine canning line in the UK Greencroft Bottling is predominantly powered by clean renewable energ y generated by Lanchester Wines on-site wind turbines Lanchester Wines and its sister business, Greencroft Bottling, are pioneers in sustainable energ y having installed its first wind turbine back in 2011 www lanchesterwines co uk/wallflower
We create appealing and comfor table outdoor seating areas for your clients supplying ever ything required including:-
• planter s with real or faux p ants
• cafe banner s and restaurant screens
• ighting
• heating
• c assic neon s gnage parasols insta led and repaired
• enticular bladed roofed shelter s
• tables and c hair s
Our hardy planters are built to order using rot proof ar tificial wood planks This unique material is
not only completely waterproof but is formed from UK factor y waste plastics and materials that would otherwise have gone into landfill They will last you countless years and are a genuine recyled investment
From our workshops in Kent we deliver UK wide and are happy to visit and sur vey your site to to discuss your needs and prepare a drawing and quotation outlining what could be done , all within your available budgets
We firmly believe the better you look on the outside , the more customers will come to the inside so contact us on 01733 559437 or sales@cafeculture .biz
LP Group mixers are trusted across the globe to deliver high-quality assured dough production The Italian machiner y supplier has harnessed decades of engineering and manufacturing experience to create industr yleading models that produce excellent dough results for bakers Its latest lines of fixed bowl solutions are ideal for ar tisan use , such as at small restaurants and bakeries, with an array of different sizes suited to dough handling production from 40kg to 250kg
LP Group produces fantastic mixers for consistent high-quality ar tisan baking using specialist doughs,” says Steve Merritt, managing director of EPP, exclusive distributor of LP Group mixers in the UK and Ireland “We’re pleased to offer its comprehensive range of high quality, robust mixers, which are perfect for small bakers and Italian pizzerias The ability to produce at a smaller scale (whilst maintaining consistency) affords additional flexibility Bakers can even make batches of just half a dozen loaves or a handful of pizza bases – ideal for smaller requirements, or to use as experimenting and testing,
all with less wastage
All LP Group fixed bowl spiral mixers feature a tough steel construction and reinforced motors, built for many years of use Its intuitive models have been designed for low maintenance and easy dough extraction, and they can be extensively customised to suit individual requirements The mixers are capable of handling many types of dough but are especially suited to ar tisan dough mixtures with hydration greater than 55% with European flour
Its Star Mixer line – designed for 40kg or 60kg dough capacity – features an easy-to-use control panel with double scale electromechanical timer (which can be upgraded to an optional electronic control panel with bypass selector), and models can even be colour customised – ideal for reinforcing company branding, from kitchen to table Meanwhile the VIS line is designed for dough capacities from 60kg to 250kg
LP Group mixers are available in the UK and Ireland from baker y equipment specialist EPP For more information, visit www eppltd co uk
Fridge Seals Direct proud to be UK s no1 supplier of replacement fridge and freezer seals We fabricate for a wide variety of commercial fridge & freezers
The management team at Fridge Seals Direct have over 30 years of experience in the refrigeration industr y and have each spent many of those years installing gaskets and hardware for a range of styles, brands and sizes of fridges
From restaurant kitchens to food warehouses - we
have experience in dealing with fridge & freezers of all sizes and scales To learn more about fridge seals be sure to explore our range of extensive guides on how to replace a refrigerator door seals Otherwise find your specific guides in how to identify measure install or maintain your fridge or freezer door seal
Our reputation in the industr y along with our commitment to providing a high-quality gasket without having to buy from the factor y allows us to have competitive pricing and fast turnaround time
Tr y us out, order your door gaskets from us and discover a better way to do business We are here to help you www.fridgesealsdirect.co.uk
With the release of the latest versions of its Gem Multideck range , Williams Refrigeration is highlighting the advances it has made in the energ y efficiency of its products, as well as the range of customisation options that allow operators to create their perfect display
Williams Multidecks are designed to maximise available display area and performance while delivering cost savings through energ y efficient operation
The Gem range can be customised to suit a huge range of applications Customisation options include LED strip lights inset within the ticket holders which enhance the display while using little energ y and generating minimal heat There are also night blinds security shutters front doors either sliding or hinged rear loading doors for easy restocking of goods impulse snack selection baskets for added merchandising potential, food tray slides, glass shelves and mirrored panels, all of which mean they can be specified exactly to the customers requirements Fur thermore , there’s also the option of remote refrigeration, and the ability to multiplex units
Improving energ y efficiency has become one of the most impor tant factors in choosing new refrigeration equipment recently with rising energ y costs and the need to increase environmental sustainability bringing this issue into sharp focus for many businesses The
• Be ready for your inspections
• Damaged fridge seals are unhygienic
• Make your fridge more energy efficient with a good seal on your fridge
• We provide custom seals for cold rooms, discontinued models, and units with no identification information
• Next-day delivery service
• Discounted prices on large orders WhatsApp, phone, and email support 07936807320
new models are TUV cer tified, fully EcoDesign- and MEPS-compliant, and use a combination of re-engineered airflow features, heat exchangers and green refrigerant to produce Williams’ most energ y efficient Multidecks to date
The latest open fronted Gem Multidecks include features designed to maintain the interior thermal envelope , thanks to a cur tain of cold air drawing down over the front of the unit This includes a newly developed honeycomb profile for the top air discharge system that helps to keep the cold air directed within the display, and redesigned bottom air inlets which improve the temperature stability of the lower shelves
Natural hydrocarbon refrigerant reduces energ y consumption thanks to its excellent thermodynamic proper ties with low GWP (Global Warming Potential) and zero ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) The Multideck’s operating temperature range is from -1 C to +7 C , making it suited to a wide choice of chilled food display
Williams Refrigeration offers a comprehensive range of commercial refrigeration including gastronorm cabinets and counters specialist baker y equipment coldrooms, multidecks and blast chillers
To learn more about Williams extensive product range visit www.williams-refrigeration.co.uk
The build quality of the submersible wastewater pump was also a discussion point with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement especially considering the hot wastewater temperatures and potential grease which these units have to handle
It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet This means that the installation footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated
It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a real winner!
This award is for the company with the highest national sales of their professional laundr y products
Adam Elphinstone MD of Southern Contracts said: This is the 25th year we ve won this award and consequently cherish a long and special relationship with Electrolux Professional and are always proud to work with their products for both provision, installation and ser vicing The installations have been carried out across all our sectors; marine, care and hospitality Some have been incredibly complex but all have been extremely satisfying ”
Mark Rogers Regional Business Manager for Electrolux Professional added: We ve had a special relationship with Southern Contracts for over 30 years and during that time they have regularly confirmed themselves as our highest performing par tner
Managing Director of Swiftclean, Gar y Nicholls, adds:
“The maintenance manager for our largest customer mentioned that prior to him using Swiftclean’s ser vices they always experienced fires in ducts during hot periods, it was always a worr y whenever the temperatures soared”
With soaring temperatures in the UK, now is a time
that many restaurant owners fear
Kitchen extraction systems should be compliant with the TR19® Grease specification Elevated ambient temperature tends to increase the working temperature of extraction ducts making it much more likely that any uncontrolled grease accumulation inside an extraction system could catch alight
Surprisingly, only a small amount of grease in the extraction system – as little as half the thickness of a standard business card – can be enough
This significant increase in risk can be a huge worr y to those responsible for kitchen extraction systems
As the temperature increases during summer it s impor tant to ensure that your building is compliant with regulations Does your building have a kitchen extract system?
We’ve been around for over 40 years and have been instrumental in the development of the industr y specification, TR19® Grease , which helps to keep you, your staff and your visitors safe
If you are concerned about the risk of fire from a greasy kitchen extract duct, please do get in touch with our technical sales consultancy team, for a FREE quotation/technical advice – Nationwide
Call us on 0800 243 471 Or email us at info@swiftclean.co.uk
for laundr y in the UK We count them as a first-class par tner
I personally have worked with them over 6 years and can always trust them to select the best solution and provide exemplar y after-care for all our customers, whatever their sector
“With their in depth understanding of our products, gleaned over the decades of our relationship, they continue to preser ve the firstclass friendly care of a family run business for both their remote and local customers ”
For more information about products and ser vices on offer, contact Southern Contracts’ exper t team of technical staff to provide guidance and advice through ever y aspect of your purchase and ongoing commitment to ser vice , please telephone 03301 222888 or visit www southerncontracts co uk
Production Kitchens, Preparation Kitchens, Ware-washing Units, Dr y Store Units, Cold Rooms and Restaurant Units are available
The standard specification of our Medium Production Kitchen unit includes a six burner oven range salamander grill twin basket fr yer undercounter fridge undercounter freezer hot cupboard double bowl sink unit with integral hand wash basin storage racking, plus ample power points to plug in Microwaves, Food Processors, Toasters etc Internal equipment can be interchanged, and clients can effectively specify their preferred layout
We have many tried and tested design layouts and would be pleased to put forward our recommendations for your project
So, if you ’ re planning a refurbishment or need to cater for an event then why not give us a call and we’ll be happy to provide advice and put forward a competitive proposal
For fur ther information or to arrange a site visit, email: sales@mk-hire co uk or call us on 0345 812 0800, or visit our website: www mk-hire co uk
EAIS is a leading Manufacturer and Supplier of storage and transpor tation products supplied both to the Foodser vice and Healthcare industries Proud to be based in King’s Lynn, Norfolk we are renowned for our innovation and ability to offer solutions which not only meet the customer’s demands but their expectations as well Whether you are looking for food storage shelving racking systems trolleys and fabrication or maybe its healthcare shelving and medical trolleys or even bespoke
design products
With the combination of our ability to hold vast stocks of our key product lines, combined with our hugely experienced and award winning customer ser vice it has made EAIS the number one choice within the Industr y
Why not put us to the test and let EAIS become your Ideal Solution? Contact our sales depar tment on either 01553 765205 or sales@eais.co
Fatstrippa has been at the forefront of Fats Oils and Greases (FOG s) Management for the Catering and Food Manufacturing Industries since the 1990 s when it introduced its patented Fatstrippa Range of nonmechanical Grease Recover y Units These units achieved FOG recover y rates of well below 35 ppm eliminating the need for secondar y treatment with costly enzymes or chemicals
close cooperation with Water Authorities Environmental Agencies and Restauranteurs the Fatstrippa quickly established itself as a market leader in performance requiring little maintenance and a reputation for robustness Manufactured from 304 Grade 3mm Stainless steel many of the units installed over 20 years ago are still giving peak performance to this day For fur ther information contact info@fatstrippa co uk or see the adver t on the previous page
Caterquip Ventilation Ltd is proud to be celebrating their 23rd Anniversar y this year
This Warwick based company offers nationwide coverage for all your commer-
cial catering needs: free site sur veys, quotations and designs (C AD) quality bespoke and standard fabrications, specialist knowledge of catering ventilation systems including input air, odour reduction (carbon filtration and ESP) and sound attenuation Affiliated members of Constructionline and CHAS, Caterquip Ventilation have a strong hold in the marketplace often advising industr y professionals on ventilation systems to a DW172 specification & BSEN:6173
They have strong relationships with all leading kitchen equipment suppliers, and they offer a kitchen design ser vice to help you build your ideal kitchen Projects under taken have included Olympic Villages, Basildon Hospital, The Mitre Hotel at Hampton Cour t, The Truck Stop at Anglesey The Lodge at Old Hunstanton, Colleges, Schools, Hotels, Restaurants and Public Houses They ensure their systems are compliant with the current guidelines whilst maintaining an efficient and dynamic facility
With extensive knowledge of manufacturing and installing ventilation systems, they can help you design the best kitchen within the space available Call: 01926 887167, visit: www caterquipventilation co uk, email: info@caterquipventilation co uk
WACR cash register specialises in touch screens and cash register tills sales and hires We are also able to under take repairs and ser vicing for business throughout Avon, Wiltshire , Gloucestershire , Somerset, South Wales Berkshire Hampshire and Oxfordshire We have 40 years experience of in supplying and maintaining EPOS
3R is a leading provider of Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) solutions, offering both integrated counter top and wireless payment solutions, as well as Mobile Top-Up ser vices With competitive rates and durable , secure hardware , 3R’s signature EPOS software , CES Touch, is a game-changer for businesses seeking to optimize their day-to-day operations and streamline their financial repor ting
Another essential feature of CES Touch is its full Stock control functionality, which enables businesses to manage their inventor y effectively This feature ensures that businesses can maintain optimal stock levels, avoid overstocking or understocking, and keep track of their stock movements accurately
In addition to these features, CES Touch offers intensive operator management and in-depth financial repor ting, which is vital for businesses seeking to manage their staff and financial performance effectively With full cloud business analytics, CES Touch also
provides businesses with real-time insights into their sales, inventor y, and customer behaviour, enabling them to make data-driven decisions to optimize their operations CES Touch also links directly to a wide range of Symbol Groups, including Londis, Booker, Premier, Budgens Shop Local Best-one and NISA, allowing businesses to take advantage of automated promotions and price changes This feature is par ticularly useful for businesses looking to offer competitive pricing and promotions while maintaining profitability
At the hear t of 3R’s offering is their commitment to excellent customer ser vice , providing 24/7 suppor t, 365 days a year Whether you ’ re a small business owner or a large retailer 3R’s EPOS solutions and CES Touch software are sure to provide you with the tools you need to succeed
See the adver t below for details
MCR Systems has over 40 years of experience in providing hospitality, catering and leisure organisations with enterprise management solutions that directly improve the efficiency of their business operations We do this by combining high-quality software and
First of all, the team at Loomis just want to acknowledge the great news that
So, if someone told you no more cash counting and reconciling, reduced shrinkage and no more trips to the bank how would that sound? Pretty good we hope!
Loomis has a comprehensive range of cash management solutions which are perfect for busy and dynamic environments - there is a menu of options to choose from but right now the most popular choice of businesses in the retail sector is a Loomis smar t safe package - including an ‘intelligent safe’ which will validate notes count and reconcile cash trigger automatic secure collections and provide valuable manage-
ment cash flow information - a true end to end solution
Par ticularly popular is the Loomis SafePoint Compact, recently launched and exceptionally well received at the National Convenience Show in May Measuring just 610 x 200 x 460mm (HxWxD), Safepoint Compact fits easily into most busy environments and offers low-cost weekly terms which include ser vice and maintenance
With cer tain packages and banking par tners Loomis is also able to offer ‘Same Day Value’ with takings credited to the bank account on the same day
There are also other Loomis options available to help cash management run more smoothly, including cash collection and coin and note deliver y Yet again, mo more trips to the bank!
With Loomis taking care of your cash you can focus your attention exactly where you want it to be - on retaining customers, attracting new ones - and developing a successful business
Contact us today on 0845 309 6419 for more information and get your business’s cash flowing more freely
In the midst of the busy summer period, operators need to raise their tech game to ensure customer experience and operational efficiency are slicker than ever
Call Systems Technolog y (CST) specialise in innovative communication technolog y and software solutions that transform and enhance the hospitality industr y –for both customers and operators
Helping to deliver a truly first-class ser vice whilst subtly elevating the experience to stand out from competitors
Paging systems, specifically designed with the hospitality industr y in mind allow staff to remain readily available without being constantly visible This allows teams to communicate effectively while still allowing the establishment to operate at its best
Here are our top tips to make sure your summer is a sizzler :
1) Instead of getting customer s to wait in a ong, tedious queue , create an invisible one instead Ut lising customer paging solutions gives diner s the freedom to wait where they wish – suc h as the bar - wh le
reducing congestion
2) Simple but effective , WaiterCall instantly connects front and
bac k-of-house for the slic kest ser vice Instant communication el minates the need to run bac k and for th from the kitc hen pass leaving more time to upsell dr inks and mainta n high levels of customer ser v ce
3) With many operator s currently shor t-staffed, call buttons allow customer s to nstant y gain a team member's attention when needed, making it easier to order additional food and dr ink or request to pay the bill
4) Two-way radios provide instant communication between manager s and kitc hen staff
Meaning table turns are increased, incidents are dealt with immed ately, and the overal guest exper ience s enhanced
No guessing or time wasted – just c lear communication Keeping on top of the latest technolog y not only relieves stress for staff during busy periods but also helps improve simple operations, keeping customers happy and most impor tantly, loyal
For more information on CST:
www call-systems com
solutions@call-systems com 020 8381 1338
Can data be your friend? We think so After all, using data has kind of always been par t of running a small proper ty
It might have previously come from things like manual market research, or by speaking with that friendly local ‘competitor’, while today, online solutions can crunch the numbers and provide usable insights in real-time
But what data points do you actually need to know, and how can they be used?
Analysing our UK proper ties, we ’ ve pulled together some findings we ’ re sharing for the ver y first time creating a simple (shor t and snappy) repor t that highlights both the latest trends among the countr y ’ s small proper ties and the easy ways you can bring data and technolog y into day-to-day life at your proper ty
After you ’ ve finished reading it, you’ll have an understanding of:
• The c hannels br inging in the most revenue for UK s 1-20 room properties
• How room rates are c hanging, and the tools you need to pr ce your rooms with c lar ity
The c hanges happening in booking lead time , and the oppor tunity th s provides to dr ive more revenue
• The current sp it between guests arr iv ng from within the UK and abroad
Our aim is to provide you with access to the tools and info you need, so that you can make smar ter decisions more easily
Head here to get your copy of Little Hotelier’s Local Booking Insights: tiny.cc/LocalBookingInsights
At Castra Solutions, we understand the impor tance of reliable and high-speed WiFi for businesses of all sizes Our WiFi solutions are designed to provide seamless connectivity and exceptional performance , ensuring that your employees and customers can stay connected at all times
In the hospitality industr y, having a reliable and high-speed WiFi network is essential to meet the needs of guests who expect seamless connectivity during their stay With the rise of mobile devices and the growing impor tance of online reviews, hoteliers cannot afford to overlook the impor tance of providing a top-notch WiFi experience
One of the biggest challenges in hotel WiFi is providing coverage throughout the entire proper ty from guest rooms to public areas This requires careful planning and optimization of the network, including access point placement, signal strength, and interference management By working with Castra Solutions, hotels can
ensure that their WiFi network is designed to meet the unique needs of their proper ty and guests
In addition to providing reliable WiFi hotels can also use their network to enhance the guest experience and generate revenue For example , hotels can offer premium WiFi ser vices for guests who require faster speeds or more bandwidth or provide access to streaming ser vices and other enter tainment options
In conclusion providing a reliable and high-speed WiFi network is essential for hotels looking to meet the needs of their guests and stay competitive in today s digital world By working with a Castra Solutions and taking steps to optimize and secure their network hotels can provide a seamless and enjoyable WiFi experience that enhances the guest experience
Call us today on 0300 124 5005 or visit www castrasolutions co uk
Healey and Lord Limited specialise in the supply of high quality sanitar yware to commercial and hospitality projects around the world
Our commercial product ranges are available to suit both modern and classically styled schemes We have a full range of toilets, wash basins urinals taps and accessories in a variety of finishes All products are available from stock and are made in the UK or western Europe
We have an extensive range of no-touch washroom products including toilets taps accessories and urinal controls that are available in a range of finishes to complement any scheme
, so from a simple idea the team at Ace can design and build to your specific needs
To discuss your furniture requirements fur ther please don’t hesitate to get in touch with ACE Furniture on 01536 203244, email sales@acefurniture uk com
We regularly work with design and hospitality professionals to specify good value , durable washroom schemes for high profile venues
We also offer a range of high-quality design focused disabled toilet and washroom equipment to suit all projects We have an extensive range of less able products designed to complement modern and traditional schemes perfectly
Recent projects we have supplied include The Shard, The Tower of London, Windsor Castle Lords Cricket Ground The Queens Club, Battersea Power Station The Globe The Connaught Hotel, Whites in London, The Garrick Club and the Hurlingham Club
Please contact us on +44 (0)1603 488709 or at sales@healeyandlord co uk or visit our website at www.healeyandlord.co.uk for more details
With the ever-growing success of the ILF Chairs website 2023 has seen an increase in their stock chairs to 8 ranges available in different Faux and Velvet upholster y and selection of frame colours, plus an 8 colour stock range of Egger laminated 25mm table tops in a selection of sizes A full range of table bases in metal and stainless steel
leisure Also included now is an extensive range of stock seating barstools, table bases and table tops
Most made to order indoor seating and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification
Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style
Also included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selection of priced made to order seating in a selection of Faux Leather upholster y colours and wood frame colours These products can also be supplied to customer specification, just ask for details
Enquiries can be sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site
Well at the end of a busy night it is, and for your hard-working customers it's essential that they have something welcoming, comfy, and attractive to rest their wear y bones Investing in new seating for your premises during unclear financial times can be a tough decision but with small new bars, restaurants, cafes and fast food establishments opening all the time , and with new trends appearing, it might be exactly what you need to either attract a new crowd or keep existing customers We can either work with you to come up with designs for your seating or take ideas from your interior designer and build your dreams efficiently effectively and on time within budget Drakes have been providing bars, pubs, restaurants,
cafes, clubs, and hotels with high-quality furniture for decades We employ over 15 joiners upholsterers polishers and designers who are capable of installing fixed seating and bespoke joiner y, full refurbishments, or simply making bespoke stools for the front of the bar Our dedicated team are either time-ser ved officially trained craftsmen or externally based professionals Got you interested? Let us give you a free quote or ask for professional advice We are available for a chat Monday – Thursday: 9 00 am > 4 00 pm and Friday: 9 00 am > 12 00 pm on 01422 839 690 If you prefer email us at sales@askdrake com, and of course please visit our website www askdrake com to see some of our range and past work We are also available on Facebook and Instagram, so give us a follow!
Pennyhill Park par t of the Exclusive Collection has unveiled four private spa cabanas with copper bathtubs and personal spa loungers as par t of its offering
Located in 120 acres of Surrey woodland Pennyhill Park s luxur y cabanas, designed by Sparcstudio, are like a luxur y hotel room set in nature
Each elegant space features its own private copper bathtub and personal spa lounger There is also a coffee machine , a fridge with stocked soft drinks phone charging point and lockable storage for personal belongings
The cabanas at Pennyhill Park feature a neutral backdrop of materials accentuated with pops of colour on the bespoke inbuilt sofa
Beverley Bayes, Creative Director at Sparcstudio comments “We are delighted with the cabanas at Pennyhill Park spa We worked closely with the client team to create the fully bespoke design, with the aim of creating a luxurious guest experience much like you would expect in a treatment room or hotel suite ”
“Durability and ability to withstand the elements was a key factor in the design detailing and materials
The team used millboard decking and a wall cladding system with solid surface tops from Caesarstone
Exterior grade fabrics in the soft furnishings add a pop of colour
The roof louvre panels are fully waterproof and are remote controlled Together with the blinds, these provide a sense of privacy and shade
“We specified grasses to soften the edges of the cabanas providing privacy whilst herbs add a subtle aroma, ” explains Bayes
After twilight, a soft warm glow of light from concealed LED strip lighting brings the design to life
Sparcstudio is a privately owned spa and interior design practice which specialises in the creation of award-winning Spa, Fitness, Wellness and Hotel facilities The team has just been voted Top ID company 2022 by NEWH
Sparcstudio has an in depth understanding of operational issues, are known for their attention to detail in terms of deliver y and specification of finishes that work in spa environments, and they apply a ‘bespoke’ design approach to all elements of ever y project, including pools, thermal experiences, treatment zones, luxur y changing rooms, relaxation spaces and café restaurants, fitness areas, and Spa suites and accommodation They always aim to create a unique product with a real ‘ sense of place’, individuality and luxur y and an elevated guest journey and experience
www sparcstudio co uk
Castelan Commercial Ser vices are now the ‘ go to’ Company for Bath Tub Restoration work They cover the whole of the UK and use modern day innovative techniques to achieve results not seen before within the Hospitality Industr y that will extend the life of your fixed assets
The issues that draw the guest’s attention and cause negative feedback (via reviews and online websites such as Trip Adviser) are:
Peeling or dir ty Bath Tubs/Shower Trays ,
• Moldy Sil cone/Grout
• Dir ty Carpets/Upholster y
Commercial hot water specialist Adveco announces the arrival of the next generation of FUSION electric water heating for hotels and restaurants FUSION-E is a tough, high-efficiency electric water heater FUSIONT extends the system with the addition of a systemintegrated heat pump and advanced controls Both ranges can be fur ther expanded with the addition of an electric immersion for greater resilience (FUSIONEplus and FUSION-Tplus)
Bill Sinclair, technical director, Adveco says: “For restaurants and hotels seeking a hot water system for new buildings or planning to move from existing gasfired systems to electrical alternatives, FUSION provides an impressive range of choices It is the perfect response for projects with small to medium basin and sink-led hot water demands whether cost, sustainability or business security are the driving factors for specification ”
FUSION star ts with all new specially designed single- (ATSI) or twin-coil (ATST) corrosion-resistant stainless steel high-pressure indirect cylinders Offering capacities from 200 to 500 litres the cylinders feature dedicated mounting points for Adveco’s ARDENT electric boiler making FUSION a more compact space-saving option Supplied with pre-built pipework the latest generation of FUSION is now
faster and easier to install
The electric boiler, with multiple automatically balanced immersions, delivers prolonged system life and immediate resilience for the boiler Used in a sealed primar y loop, the electric boiler heats the same water continuously effectively eliminating limescale issues typically found in hard water areas
For the FUSION -T renewable variants the monobloc air-to-water FPi-32 heat pump (ASHP) is used as a source for system preheat Contribution from the ASHP is maximised via the bespoke FUSION Control Box These controls smar tly balance the two heat sources meaning the electric boiler is not required to work as hard to raise flow temperatures to the required 65°C Electrical demand on the boiler is reduced by as much as 30%, delivering operational savings and reducing carbon emissions by up to 71% Where hot water demands become a business-critical ser vice FUSION systems can also incorporation an additional backup immersion (FUSION-Eplus & FUSION-Tplus) for enhanced resiliency Controls are fur ther extended to incorporate SMS output to advise building managers of a fault scenario and automated engagement of the immersion backup to guarantee business-critical hot water supply https://adveco co/products/live-metering/
These areas are what draws the guest’s eye when they arrive in the bedroom and experience where they will be living for the duration of their stay Hoteliers for many years have struggled to maintain these - especially the Bath Tub anti slip area which gets soiled or goes a ver y dark colour which looks unsightly and that along with enamel chips and rust, catches the eye of the guest
Hoteliers then turned to restoration companies to rectify the issue and were for many years advised to repaint the bath tubs However this brings its own issues - such as peeling and the yellowing of the paint It worked but was a temporar y solution, as often the paint star ts to peel off making the bath tub look awful Castelan do not paint any baths, as, in reality, this is masking over the problem and not actually resolving the problem beneath But with new found technology Castelan can strip off that paint and in most cases restore that bath to above 85%95% improvement - SO NO MORE PEELING TUBS
Email: commercial@castelangroup.com
M 07787 847 353
Staff shor tages have been a challenge for British hospitality businesses, with data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showing a 56% increase in staff shor tages in the accommodation and food ser vice sector compared to pre-pandemic levels
To tackle this issue , businesses have had to turn to technolog y to ensure they can operate efficiently with fewer staff members One option that can be easily implemented is the addition of ser vice lifts to business premises These lifts can move items like food, beverages, laundr y, and luggage more efficiently between floors reducing the manual time and effor t required for tasks This can help businesses run smoothly even with smaller teams, preventing waiting times from becoming unacceptable for customers
Ser vice lifts like the Microlift or Trolley lift can also reduce the risk of injur y for staff and improve staff wellbeing by reducing physical strain making the workplace more inclusive for those with disabilities or mobility
Mayfair Furniture will be celebrating 11 years this year of providing the UK s fastest and affordable com-
Many business owners may be under the impression that a ser vice lift is expensive and disruptive to install, but this is often not the case at all Microlifts from Stannah are compact structure-suppor ted and quick and easy to install These reliable and hard-wearing products are designed for operation 24/7, 365 days a year suppor ted by regular ser vice visits from our exper t local engineers
So even when staff shor tages bite , great ser vice can still be provided to your customers - without the heavy lifting With a durable and reliable Stannah lift sharing the load, your staff will be well-protected ever y day and able to do more than ever before
As manual handling is such a risky business, Stannah has compiled a comprehensive Manual Handling Guide detailing how business owners can reduce the risks of staff injur y and prevent fur ther shor tages due to injur y
For more information visit: resources.stannahlifts.co.uk/manual-handling
time to time hospitality and leisure establishments like to give themselves a fresh new look That's why not only do we supply contract furniture , but when it's time for your establishment to go through a refurbishment we also offer a complete clearance ser vice
We'll organise ever ything from a suitable time and date , professional clearance staff to remove contract furniture whether fitted or unfitted Along with our sister company Caterfair who provides commercial catering equipment for your kitchens we are the ideal people to speak to when you are looking to refurbish 01733 310115 sales@mayfairfurniture co uk www mayfairfurniture co uk
If you ’ re looking to update your café, bar, hotel or restaurant’s chairs with comfor table yet chic vintageinspired seating that’s built to last, look no fur ther than Trent Furniture’s stylish and cost-effective range
Available in goes-with-anything tan or fossil suede upholster y, our Cologne Chair makes a retro style statement while its suppor tive back and arm rests make it perfect for unwinding with a drink at the end of the day It can be supplied with its strong black steel legs attached for a nominal charge , but if it ordered separately, it’s a simple process to screw them in Alternatively, the Stockholm Armchair makes a for a showstopping feature in your lobby or waiting area
Upholstered in a versatile golden tan suede finish with stitching detail, it pairs perfectly with the Stockholm Two Seater to create an atmosphere of understated luxur y Carr ying on the theme to your bar area the
Dusseldorf Hairpin Stool exudes retro industrial cool with its sturdy statement legs and comfor table padded seat in tan suede upholster y
To add extra interest, why not pair any of these seating options with the Bauhaus-inspired Munich Retro Chair, which is available in tan or fossil or the vintage industrial good looks of the Bavaria Chair which features detailed stitching in golden tan? Whichever combination of seating you choose to create your own unique space , you can rest assured your stylish new chairs will last for years to come All options are made using high density PU foam for comfor t and durability and crib 5 fabric to meet UK standards for contract grade furniture These chairs also feature the heavy-duty steel legs and frames that are necessar y for a hospitality setting
To find out more about Trent Furniture’s great range of stylish and durable range of retro-inspired contemporar y seating, please call us on 0116 2989 927 or fill in our contact form at www trentfurniture co uk
CardsSafe remains one of the most affordable ways to help hospitality venues up-sell onsite by offering a secure and trusted way to operate customers tabs
Established over twenty years ago, CardsSafe is designed to securely retain customer credit, debit and ID cards while the cardholder runs a tab It's a simple affordable and effective system that does not capture data and is GDPR compliant It allows staff to up-sell protect customers' bank cards and give them extra peace of mind that their cards are held professionally while running a tab
Two decades later, over 5000 UK venues trust the CardsSafe system, from Young's pubs, golf courses, Hilton Hotels, Lord s cricket ground, and many independent restaurants and bars
"Average spend is up, and chargeback has virtually disappeared after we installed CardsSafe, which really puts our customers minds at rest "
Timothy Young's Bar ManagerCardsSafe remains on the side of hospitality and leisure venues by continuing to freeze prices for the past eight years At just £9 95* per month rental for a 10-drawer unit the system pays for itself Just one £120 walk-out, which CardsSafe could have prevented as it acts as a deterrent for dine-anddash, is the rental price for a unit per year CardsSafe continues to support hospitality businesses during periods of economic uncertainty They also offer customer ser vice and free replacement keys, which can be sent out anytime
So what are you waiting for? If you want to increase profits and the bottom line reduce losses and help build stronger relationships with your customers, contact CardsSafe and lock in great prices today! For more information, please visit www cardssafe com
Or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040
At Immtell, we understand the unique challenges that the UK's catering and hospitality industr y faces, particularly in staffing We are here to help you bridge these gaps by unlocking global talent, bolstering your workforce , and driving your business forward Immtell is more than an immigration consultancy We are your strategic par tner, aiding you in navigating UK immigration laws and procedures A significant par t of our ser vices involves helping businesses acquire and maintain Home Office sponsor licenses, enabling you to legally employ workers from outside the UK At Immtell we provide guidance on the Prevention of Illegal Working legislation underscoring the impor tance of conducting compliant Right to Work checks This is not just a statutor y requirement but a vital component in mitigating the risk of incurring a potential fine of £20,000 per illegal worker Moreover, non-compliance
could lead to substantial reputational damage , which can have a far-reaching impact on your business Our suppor t ensures you understand and adhere to these regulations, keeping your business secure and reputation intact
In addition to assisting businesses we help potential employees navigate the visa application process We aim to facilitate a smooth transition for those seeking to work in the UK, creating a more efficient hiring process for ever yone involved
For more information contact Gavin Webster Director at Immtell at info@immtell.com or visit our website at www.immtell.com We look forward to par tnering with you and helping your business thrive
At GBS we aspire to create an environment where our students can explore new possibilities realise their true potential and make progress towards the careers they want
The entrepreneurial spirit is at the hear t of ever ything we do at GBS We provide students and staff with a platform to discover new ideas and innovations creating the oppor tunity to find solutions that elevate our institution and the communities we ser ve
Many of our students are older and are returning to education later in life and half of our student base are small business owners As people move on in life , other responsibilities become more impor tant than a long-standing desire to return to higher education GBS has created a feasible way to get back into the classroom with flexible learning designed to fit in with our student’s lifestyles
We provide the ideal educational space to gain new skills and experiences, build confidence and realise their
Local Authority Highways licence , but the pandemic saw the introduction of what was originally intended as a temporar y scheme to help with business recover y after lockdowns with a favourable , new lower cost, fast-track Pavement Licence system which does not require separate planning permission Be aware these Pavement Licences are due to expire on 30 September 2023
potential for a brighter future Our students have worked hard to reach where they are , and they possess high aspirations for their futures The only thing they were missing was the right oppor tunity at an institution that believed in their potential and provided the flexibility to suppor t their busy lifestyles GBS has stepped in to be that institution with a great desire to see people from a wide variety of backgrounds get the oppor tunities in education that they deser ve
We are working towards the change we want to see in higher education and the wider world and the progress we have made is the ambition that will take us to the next level
Working towards a better society for all is the reason why Visit www globalbanking ac uk for fur ther information
than 3 months)
If your business could benefit from outside seating and you have not yet applied, you need to check the Regulations to take the best advantage of this system
To be eligible , your business must use (or propose to use) premises for the sale of food or drink for consumption on or off the premises Such businesses include pubs, cafes, bars, restaurants, snack bars, coffee shops and others
A Pavement Licence allows furniture on a designated area of the ‘highway’ (which includes a pavement) for your customers to eat and drink in that area
all grants (such as no obstruction and smoke free areas), and local conditions
Before making an application for either a new licence or a renewal, you will need tocheck the requirements of your local authority as they can have:
• the r own application form and payment methods for the £100 fee
• the r own cr iter ia for the public notice
• specific requirements for the accompany ng documents and plan
• the r ocal conditions whic h you wil have to comply with
What a wonderful summer! The ability to sit outside and enjoy refreshments has been a huge benefit to businesses and their customers If you have outside seating on an area owned by the local authority, it will need authorisation In the past, that has been by a
There are plans afoot to make the Pavement Licence system permanent, through the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill but that is still making its way through Parliament However, Regulations extending the scheme have been issued, and at the time of writing we are waiting for these to come into force When they do, all holders of a Pavement Licence should reapply for their Licence If approved most will then continue until 30 September 2024 although local authorities can grant for a shor ter period (no less
With over 30 years of industr y experience in the Hospitality sector, The Bowden Group’s Managing Consultant David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements:
Profitability, Operational Strateg y, Staff Management, Marketing and The Future of your business
Our exper ts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business
The largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost, so, with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the
A completed application form and suppor ting documentation, such as a layout plan, details of the furniture to be used and public liability insurance will be required A public notice must be displayed on the premises for 7 days, with a fur ther 7 day determination period If the local authority does not determine the application within that period, it will be deemed granted subject to the national conditions attaching to
labour usage in your business
You will apparently benefit from having a Pavement Licence when the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill is made law, as the fees proposed under this legislation are £350 for a renewal but £500 for a new application You will also have the benefit of the use of thisvaluable trading area in the meantime
Please contact Karen Lush or the Licensing Team at Trethowans on 023 80321 000 if you would like assistance in applying for a Pavement Licence or other licensing matters
Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter, your Restaurant Consultant, will work on with you, and improve with you MANAGING PEOPLE
Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development
We will help you build a workable , planned Marketing Strateg y From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online adver tising, to print design, Promotions and offline adver tising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’
If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better, give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a Free of Charge initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer) when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you