CLH Digital - Issue #177

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Editor's Viewpoint

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital

I do hope you are enjoying this late summer sunshine as much as we at CLH are!

Regular readers will know that we have been bestowing the vir tues of Staycation this summer, and am delighted to say that it hit home with at least one person that I know - my own daughter!

She was due to take a family holiday in Lake Garda this week, all planned (well almost) but as our wonderful weather broke she and her family decided to head off to Sussex and as I type this my grandson is enjoying his first visit to Battle Abbey and the 1066 battlefield

We really do have so much to offer and I’m delighted that Staycations have been so successful this year despite the current economic climate

Now, as the season draws to a close and we head into autumn and winter, our front page stor y highlights a continuing threat the ver y existence of our beloved pubs and hospitality sector

In July 2023, Ofgem's non-domestic review consultation shed light on the dire situation, and we must address this issue urgently before it s too late

The figures for pub closures in 2023 paint a bleak picture Already facing myriad challenges, our cherished pub and hospitality industr y have suffered greatly, with a staggering number of closures recorded this year According to analysis by Price Bailey, 620 shut in the year to the end of March

The rate of closures marks a 68% increase from the 369 failures in the same period last year In the first three months of 2023, 200 pub companies went under

This alarming statistic is a stark reminder of the economic turmoil engulfing our sector, exacerbated by the crippling burden of energ y costs

High energ y prices have hit pubs and hospitality businesses harder than ever before Many operators are locked into unfair energ y contracts, unable to negotiate better deals due to the volatile market This imbalance has left them vulnerable to the whims of energ y suppliers leading to astronomical bills that are pushing them to the brink of bankruptcy

As we approach the winter of 2023, the gravity of the situation intensifies, and sector leaders and organisations are giving advanced warnings to the government that it needs to step in and take action

Pubs and hospitality businesses already grappling with depleted reser ves face the daunt-

The Caterer Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by

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Jolly’s is a brand new cocktail company that manufactures READY MIXED ORIGINAL (NOT traditional) VIBRANT COCKTAILS

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ing prospect of heating costs skyrocketing just when their

income falls until the festive season

The danger is real and without immediate inter vention we could witness a wave of closures that would leave our high streets bereft of character and charm

Data from National Statistics commissioned by Price Bailey and looking ahead to the next 12 months, revealed that 20% of pub owners are expecting business performance to improve while 16% think it will worsen, a dramatic improvement from December 2022 when more than twice as many publicans expected performance to worsen than improve (40% compared to 16%)

To me this is an indication of how well operators know the business in the marketplace , they know that with the right trading conditions performance willing prove significantly again justifying the calls that the government must step in to provide much-needed relief to businesses in the hospitality sector

The clock is ticking, failure to act now will not only result in the loss of countless businesses but also a profound cultural and economic loss for us all There really is no time for procrastination, the hospitality sector needs government suppor t more than ever

One more thing! Once again I would ask the favour - we want more Twitter followers! So please do follow us on Twitter and encourage as many people you know in the trade to subscribe to our digital issue Fur ther details can be seen at www catererlicensee com

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Published by PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd 3 Carlton Mount 2 Cranborne Road Bournemouth Dorset BH2 5BR TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 FAX: 01202 552666 www CLHNews co uk @CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES David Bar tlett Guy Stephenson PRODUCTION & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox Published by
Ltd 3 Carlton Mount 2 Cranborne Road Bournemouth Dorset BH2 5BR Contributions are welcome for considera-
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Peter Adams
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“Act Quickly ” to Avoid Second Winter Energy Crisis for Pubs

not implemented quickly to protect businesses from future energ y price hikes In turn, the Government must also recognise the severity of this issue has not gone away and ensure Ofgem has the power to regulate effectively now and protect our pubs and brewers in the future as well "

that is not a household Many businesses throughout the countr y are struggling with energy market issues The review summar ises the c hal enges they face and proposes a number of actions for the sector Ofgem and Government to address

• A Consumer Standards Statutor y Consultation: There has been a dec line in overall consumer satisfaction with customer ser vice by domestic energy supplier s since 2018 Considerable work s already underway to address this Ofgem is proposing new ru es to ensure that all domestic customer s , regardless of whic h supplier they are with, can contact their supplier and get suppor t if they are strugg ing to pay

• Minimum Capital Requirements for supplier finances: Ofgem wants all energy supplier s to be financially secure to ensure consumer s benefit from a stable energy market To that end, Ofgem is today announcing a decision on the level of capital that supplier s are required to hold to ensure they are more resilient to severe but plausible market shoc ks Ofgem is also proceeding w th proposals to have the power to direct supplier s to r ingfence a por tion of their customer credit balances when it is deemed to be in the consumer interest

With energ y costs still posing a serious threat to the viability and sur vival of many pub businesses with 15% citing risk of failure in the next 12 months and 95% of those flagging energ y as a significant contributor to possible failure , the BBPA this week called on Ofgem to listen to businesses and to implement proposed measures quickly to ensure they can regulate the non-domestic market effectively and fairly as soon as possible

Representing the interests of its members, the BBPA's response also noted that:

• It is essential that Government suppor t Ofgem to implement the recommendations laid out in the non-domestic market review to ensure the protection of vulnerable businesses and that entire sector s are not held to ransom in the future

• There should be par ity between the protection of domestic and non-domestic user s in the energy market

• Ofgem must ensure that where polic y options initially rely on voluntar y measures for supplier s , that there is also recour se to more binding mec hanisms to ensure expected standards of conduct and behav our are met and maintained


Emma McClarkin Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association said: "Just last week we saw Ofgem rightly step in once again for domestic users, but we must not forget that thousands of businesses are still struggling with their energ y bills, and this will only get worse as we head into the colder months

We suppor t Ofgem s recommendations, which are sound and sensible , but they mean ver y little if they are


In a letter sent to Amanda Solloway, the Minister for Energ y Consumers and Affordability last month, UKHospitality urged the Government to deliver on the recommendations in the Ofgem review

Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said the behaviour of some energ y suppliers had been ‘scandalous’ and that quickly enacting Ofgem’s recommendations could see businesses exit high-tariff contracts, a move which would help speed up a fall in inflation

She said: “As consumers rightly see the energ y price cap fall again from October, there is a real danger that businesses are being left behind to fend for themselves Thousands of businesses are locked into contracts fixed at the height of the energ y crisis, way above current market rates, and some energ y suppliers are simply refusing to renegotiate This is despite a clear direction from Ofgem to do so

“It really is scandalous behaviour and is a key reason why inflation continues to remain stubbornly high What we re seeing is the cost of doing business becoming too much for venues and they have no choice but to pass these costs on, which drives inflation Energ y, unfor tunately, remains the most significant of those high costs


“Most impor tant is clear instructions to energ y suppliers to renegotiate the highest energ y contracts That is simply the easiest way to relieve the intense pain many hospitality businesses are suffering “Speed is of the essence Those hospitality businesses that have sur vived so far have seen through almost 18 months of energ y pain, but they may not last much longer if Ofgem’s recommendations to rein in energ y suppliers are not enacted soon

UKHospitality urged the Government to implement Ofgem’s recommendations in full:

1 Encourage supplier s to resolve issues many businesses are facing with high energy contracts , nc uding direct and immediate communication to supplier s from Ofgem

2 Offer greater transparenc y to customer s , deliver more timely responses to complaints and dr ive better practice n setting deemed rates

3 Deliver wider access to the energy ombudsman

4 Put in place measures to prevent the blac klisting of entire sector s par t cularly hosp tality

5 Improve regulation of energy broker s , inc lud ng extending protections to more businesses

Issue 177 CLH Digital 3 FORWARD VENDING AND CATERING LIMITED Call us now to have a chat and star t making profits on your drinks sales 0800 44 44 43 THE KALEA IS THE ULTIMATE WAY OF OFFERING QUALITY COFFEE Star t offering a delicious menu of coffee drinks, all of them per fectly made, from the authentic Italian espresso to frothy cappuccino and latte macchiato, just to name a few. Kalea brings you Italian quality coffee at your fingertips. Uses fresh milk and freshly ground beans 3 We install a brand new KALEA 3 We offer on site staff training 3 We inspect the boiler annually (this is now a legal requirement) 3 We change the water filter when needed 3 We give free parts and labour breakdown service NATIONWIDE 3 IN SHORT THE TOTAL PACKAGE & TOTAL PEACE OF MIND ** costs are based on 7 days per week and an average drink sell of £3 00 per drink THE KALEA IS THE ULTIMATE WAY OF OFFERING QUALITY COFFEE PLUS offers 2 bean hoppers for regular and Decaf should you choose JUST SELL 5 DRINKS PER DAY AND THE KALEA COST IS COVERED ** Do you prefer traditional? Talk to us about Gaggia, an industry favourite. (CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER) In July Ofgem announced the publication of: • A Non-Domestic Market Review findings and consultation: non-domestic refer s to anything

Pocket Change - Cash: Who Needs It?

The falling availability of deposit facilities presents a serious challenge to retailers High street banks continue to close branches, meaning that they’re faced with the choice of longer daily trips bank takings, or storing several days’ takings on-site , increasing the risk of theft The easy option may be to cease accepting cash However, digital payment, while more convenient usually carries fees of 1 5 to 3 5% This represents an additional cost that must either be borne by the business or passed on to consumers


Those outlets that have already moved to card payment only need to understand their legal position Each countr y issues coins and banknotes for cash payments These physical tokens represent legal tender an instrument with a clear definition

the Bank of England nor the European Central Bank predict the end of cash use or availability The latter cites three essential attributes that aren’t fulfilled by any other method of payment

• It carr es va ue

• It can be reliably authenticated and distinguished from counterfeits

• It doesn t require a th rd par ty to settle the payment

The Bank of England forecasts a continuing increase in total cash requirement into the second half of the 21st centur y


The Debate surrounding cash struck a par ticular chord, as I’m concerned that the banks are tr ying to eradicate it for their own convenience , without regard to the resulting social impact A large sector of society – and many cash businesses – depend on it

Yet high street banks continue to close branches, making it difficult to bank takings or cash earnings

The reason is simple: banks dislike cash s untraceability, which potentially lays them open to money-laundering penalties


An increasing number of retail outlets are moving to taking only card payments Going cashless has much to recommend it It provides buyers with a record of purchases and may offer protection from fraud For retail businesses it reduces the security risk of storing money on-site; it doesn’t necessitate trips to the bank and the end-of-day process can be greatly shor tened; contactless cards can reduce queues at tills, allowing greater throughput, and multiple payment methods can be stored in a mobile wallet Over 85% of the UK’s population holds a bank account, most of which provide digital payment methods

It’s widely believed that this means that an offer of payment using legal tender can’t be declined Unfor tunately, this isn’t the case If you tr y buy a newspaper with a £50 note , the seller is perfectly entitled to turn you down Likewise , tr y to buy a car with the contents of your coin jars and you ’ re unlikely to be successful – in fact, in the UK, 1p and 2p coins are legal tender only up to a value of 20p English banknotes aren’t legal tender in Scotland and Scottish notes aren’t legal tender in either England or Scotland (they are , however, legal currency in either UK law can be confusing!) The impor tant point is that anything can be used as payment so long as both par ties agree Where legal tender is concerned, the law says that it must be accepted by the creditor for settlement of a debt

The key element here is that the debt must already exist If your local shop decides not to accept cash, it’s perfectly entitled to do so As you can’t buy from them you can’t incur a debt A restaurant on the other hand, would need to show a prominent sign saying it doesn’t accept cash If you see the notice and eat there with a pocketful of banknotes but no card, strictly speaking, you ’ re committing fraud If, on the other hand, no such sign is displayed and your notes are refused, it’s the restaurant’s problem, not yours


So is cash in decline? It would appear not Despite the increased use of digital payment systems, cash continues to thrive In the In the UK, the physical cash in circulation has doubled in the last ten years[1] Neither

Market stalls, laundromats, food stands, handymen and babysitters are just a few examples of enterprises that work primarily with cash And those with employees will often pay wages in cash We must also consider around a million unbanked people in the UK Some of them are unable to obtain accounts, the blame for which also lies largely with the banks It’s common for banks to insist on a credit check before opening a current account – even though no credit is being offered A person with a poor rating can be denied banking for an entirely unrelated reason Others choose not to be banked, frequently because of mistrust of the banking system In either case the withdrawal of cash facilities marginalises them Those isolated tend to be in lower income brackets, creating a widening social divide Elderly people , rural shoppers, people living in pover ty or even victims of domestic abuse needing to remain anonymous depend on cash


Ultimately the convenience and safety of cashless payments is sure win out Meanwhile , retailers are free to make their own decisions, whatever or however lobbyists or bar-room lawyers may protest The government has stated that it has no intention of forcing the acceptance of cash But those providing essential goods or ser vices have a moral responsibility to cater for those who may be excluded by a cash-only policy In many cases the right course of action will be self-determining; no rational business owner will cut off an impor tant avenue of business Meanwhile , the high street banks need to accept their responsibility to ser ve the businesses and communities with adequate cash ser vices

1 Source: Bank of England

CAMRA’s Pub Saving Award Returns

Nominations for the Campaign for Real Ale’s (C AMRA) Pub Saving Award are now open until mid-November The award looks to celebrate and honour people who have saved pubs from demolition or conversion

In the wake of the Crooked House demolition this award is more impor tant than ever, as C AMRA and its volunteers campaign to keep pubs open – a vital hear tbeat of communities across the UK

One of the award s main aims is to secure publicity for pub-saving campaigns and encourage others to save their local The nomination form can be found on the C AMRA website here: Pub Saving Award


Campaign for Real Ale

Paul Ainswor th, Coordinator for C AMRA’s Pub Saving Award said:

“This award shows the sheer determination and passion people have for our beloved pubs We are seeing too many across the countr y close their doors against a backdrop of the cost-of-living crisis, energ y bills and the shadow the pandemic continues to cast

“However, determined campaigners across the countr y are working tirelessly behind the scenes and

C AMRA wants to celebrate these amazing people , while inspiring others and highlighting the steps they can take to save their local

“The Pub Saving Award aims to showcase the fantastic achievements of these community groups around the countr y and inspire others to fight to save their local pub from closure ”

The current winner is The Plough Inn Longparish Hampshire a historic building dating back to 1721 Local villagers sprang into action when it closed its doors in 2015, lobbying planning officers to deny planning permission to turn the pub into a residence Grants, donations and a community share scheme were sought – which attracted more than 300 investors – to purchase the pub, in conjunction with the Parish Council, in Februar y 2021

After months of incredibly hard work, completely refurbishing the proper ty inside and out, and three hundred years after it first began trading, The Plough Inn is once again at the hear t of the Longparish community Local villagers have taken on a 99-year lease from the council for the exclusive use of the proper ty to secure and safeguard the future of the Plough Inn as a public house and promote it as an amenity of prime impor tance to the community

The Perfect Snack for All Your Trade and Hospitality Needs

Rober t s Dorset provides an unparalleled snack experience that will elevate your trade and hospitality offerings to your customers

At Rober t's Dorset, we understand the diverse dietar y preferences of your patrons, whether they follow a vegan, keto, or allergen-free lifestyle Rest assured; our selection of snacks caters for all

As a trusted supplier to independent shops, pubs, and the hospitality industr y, we offer a range of sizes in all our products for direct reselling

Our vibrant packaging is designed to catch the eye , while the contents are sure to satisfy From our stackable pots which optimise your shelf space , and fit most cup holders, to our elegant mason jars which add the " wow factor" to any display

4 CLH Digital Issue 177
2011, we are a family-owned and operated business At the core of our operations lies a personal touch, ensuring our trade customers
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Plough Inn Longparish Pub Saving Award 2022 winner

Food Inflation In Hospitality Slows Slightly As Retail Prices Begin To Fall

Inflation as measured by the CGA Prestige Foodser vice Price Index fell marginally to 21 7% year-on-year in July

Despite the slight fall of 0 9 percentage points, inflation remains only just below the Index’s previous peak of 22 9% in December 2022 The latest Index also repor ts a month-on-month increase of 0 7% in contrast to supermarkets, where prices fell by 0 4% between June and July

The exclusive monthly monitor from CGA and Prestige reveals some signs that some foodser vice prices are star ting to ease The Fish categor y recorded a 0 8% fall its first month-on-month drop since July 2022 Dair y prices remained stable , and the month-on-month increase in the Vegetables categor y slowed by half, from 3 2% in June to 1 6% in July

While the cost of global food commodities increased by 1 3% in July, the UN FAO Commodity Index remains 11 8% below its value in the corresponding month in 2022 Brent Crude Oil prices and major currency rates remained stable throughout July However, inflation is falling more slowly in the categor y of Food Products, where processed items domi-

nate and manufacturers remain exposed to high inflationar y inputs including energ y and labour Many of these products are also impor ted and have accrued additional costs from post-Brexit trading arrangements

Shaun Allen, CEO of Prestige Purchasing, said “Food and drink supply into hospitality has been slower to react to falling input costs than the retail sector We are confident that over the remainder of the year inflation will begin to ease at our kitchen doors but both buyers and suppliers will need to play their par t in curbing the continually rising costs that threaten the existence of so many of our sector s brilliant operators ”

James Ashurst, client director at CGA by NIQ, said: Businesses will be relieved to see a slight easing of inflation in July, and there are some welcome early signs of relief in key spending areas for both operators and consumers However, with inflation still topping 20%, trading conditions remain extremely challenging It is especially frustrating at a time when prices are easing in the retail sector, and reinforces the case for targeted government suppor t for hospitality businesses ”

Robinsons Re-Open Community Pub Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese

Robinsons Brewer y have recently completed a full refurbishment of the Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese pub situated in Longnor just outside of Buxton The well-loved pub has now been given a new lease of life

Externally the front terrace has been refreshed with new planting and wooden furniture Across the road, previously a car park, a newly formed external seating area has increased the outdoor seating capacity fur ther

Stepping inside , the pub boasts four distinct areas which have all had full makeovers, each room displaying its own individual character The colour palette , featuring muted reds, rich greens and browns, fit perfectly with its rustic countr yside setting

Unexpected discoveries were made by the building team during the refurbishment process including a beautifully preser ved stone floor which has been cleaned and restored to its former glor y In the rear dining area, charming quarr y tiles and natural stone walls were uncovered, contributing to the pub s character and natural charm Rober t Lester, Robinsons business par tner and licensee of Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese said: “The refurbishment from Robinsons has completely transformed the pub Since re-opening last Thursday, trade has been crazy! It’s great to see the pub busy, the food offering is really popular amongst locals and I’m really proud to run such a hub for the community of Longnor ”

Issue 177 CLH Digital 5

Transform With Technology To Keep Your Guests Coming Back

Amidst economic volatility and rising operational expenses, research reveals that 64% of hotel chains have passed on these heightened costs to their guests, with data also showing that, six restaurants in the UK were declared insolvent ever y day between Januar y and March While the summer season has thankfully reintroduced some buoyancy to the industr y, there’s no escaping the fact that addressing the ever-evolving preferences of guests while managing costs has ultimately become a complex challenge for hospitality businesses yet crucial to get right

The current disconnect between processes is one area that is holding businesses back from offering a ser vice that the contemporar y guest demands Understandably, hospitalty businesses are faced with navigating an increasingly intricate digital landscape with numerous applications, software and payment systems which can make offering a seamless ser vice challenging However, investing in the right technologies, and integrating them well, holds the key to digital maturity and will better help hospitality businesses compete in a challenging market

So where should businesses be looking?


Put simply, it’s a demand that simply cannot go uncatered to in today’s world In 2022, an unprecedented 91 2% of eligible card transactions were made through contactless channels and specifically in the hospitality sector there was a substantial upswing in contactless spending Hotels resor ts and accommodations led with an impressive +101 4%, followed by bars, pubs, and clubs at +91 9% and restaurants at +90 5%

These figures are hardly surprising given that our most recent pulse check into consumer payment habits across the globe showed that 77% of Brits prefer to pay with their card in retail stores, with a fur ther 26% preferring to pay with Google Pay or Apple Pay It s a similar stor y for hotel payments too; 73% prefer to pay with their card and 17% with Google Pay or Apple Pay when paying in-venue

While the digital wallet payment figures are slightly lower, it s a method whereby we can expect to see steady growth, predicted to capture 21% share of the UK market by 2026 Hospitality businesses that fail to adapt to offer contactless as a bare minimum will face losing customers who have come to expect this as a payment method Therefore , it’s the first area any hospitality business – be that a restaurant, bar or hotel –

should ensure is covered off as a priority


Figures show that 84% of hoteliers want to improve their management of guest profiles Key to unlocking this is data Integrating a connected payment process enables data collection that in turn can be analysed to build comprehensive guest profiles Staff will know if a par ticular guest has visited their establishment before , the purchases that they made previously, their preferred payment method and many other insights Ultimately, this level of integration empowers hospitality providers and their teams to build stronger relationships with guests by offering a tailored ser vice , ultimately fostering long-lasting guest loyalty It s an area that our data shows UK hotels need to look more closely at, as only 11% of UK guests who return to the same hotel say they are always recognised as a returning guest

Integrating payments technologies into proper ty management systems (PMS) will also bring advantages for staff This includes reconciliation and repor ting automation, minimised manual inter vention and a reduction of errors By maximising the efficiency of payment data and implementing user-friendly systems that seamlessly collaborate across channels, hospitality employees can carr y out their usual tasks while exer ting themselves less With this increased availability of time , staff can focus on what matters most: delivering a superior experience for guests


This can then also help when it comes to building and maintaining a more global customer base , with different geographies having different preferences For example , when it comes to hotel stays, Chinese tourists say that loyalty points (44%) are most impor tant to them when returning, for Spanish visitors, its future discounts (54%), whereas simply being recognised is most impor tant for Americans (42%)

Of course , the lack of tax-free shopping in the UK has also had an impact on the British hospitality sector as tourism to other European countries is far more of an attractive option for those coming to shop – primarily from China and the USA However, with heightened pressure on the Government to reinstate , there is hope that tourism will see a subsequent knock-on boost With a substantial 89% of Chinese tourists saying that when visiting the UK they would be interested in exploring multiple destinations across the countr y – not just London – hotels, restaurants, bars and pubs across the UK should be thinking globally

The heightened expectations of consumers are forcing hospitality businesses to deploy modern technologies that can help suppor t growth in a challenging market However, any technolog y needs to be grounded in insight and able to be integrated across the business for maximum impact Ultimately, businesses should be implementing those that can help them to create personalised experiences, from payments choice through to ongoing relationship management

The Restaurant Group Reports Strong Sales

The Restaurant Group (TRG)has increased its full-year profit expectations in light of strong sales growth at its outlets, defying the current difficulties in the casual-dining sector

TRG has repor ted strong like-for-like sales and adjusted Ebitda growth for the for the 26 weeks ended 2 July 2023, driven by the performance of its Wagamama, Pubs and Concessions businesses The group, which also owns the Brunning & Price pub chain and Italian-American diner Frankie & Benny’s, said this week that the stronger than expected trading performance suppor ted a “moderate increase” to full-year expectations for adjusted earnings


• Strong trading performance suppor ting an increase in FY expectations

o Strong like-for-like sales and EBITDA growth driven by Wagamama, Pubs and Concessions

o Total revenue +10% to £467 4m (2022: £423 4m)

o Adjusted EBITDA +15% to £36 3m (H1 2022: £31 4m)

o Adjusted PBT of £7 2m (H1 2022: loss of £0 1m)

o The strong performance has suppor ted an increase in its EBITDA expectations for the full year

• Continued outperformance of market leading brands with Pubs and Concessions the standout performers

o Pubs – Recognised as the best Pub Group in the UK

• Total YTD LFL sales VAT Adjusted: +10%

• Outperformance vs market: 2%

• A consistent outperformer over last 9 years

o Concessions – The par tner of choice for all food and beverage oppor tunities

• Total YTD LFL sales VAT Adjusted: +31%

• Outperformance vs market: 12%

• A significant recover y in UK air travel; passenger volumes will recover to 2019 levels in 2024, a year earlier than expected

o Wagamama – The UK’s number one dining chain

• Total YTD LFL sales VAT Adjusted: +9% Outperformance vs market: 3%

• A consistent and strong track record of market outperformance

• Excellent progress executing medium-term plan outlined in March

o Well on track to deliver targeted EBITDA margin accretion and deleveraging

o Medium term cost outlook continues to improve

o Accelerated the expansion of Wagamama estate to 8-10 a year from FY24

o The Board continues to actively explore strategic options to fur ther accelerate margin accretion and deleveraging

• Well positioned to deliver fur ther progress and continued outperformance

o Current trading remains strong

o Brands are well positioned to continue to outperform the market

o A clear plan in place to maximise shareholder returns which is progressing significantly

o Increasingly confident for the future and upgraded full year expectations

Andy Hornby, Chief Executive Officer, commented: “We are encouraged by the significant progress made in the first eight months of the year, delivering strong LFL sales growth despite the consumer backdrop In light of the strong trading we are increasing our expectations for FY23 Adjusted EBITDA

“We are making excellent progress on our medium-term plan and the Board continues to actively explore strategic options to fur ther accelerate margin accretion and deleveraging ”

6 CLH Digital Issue 177

Strong Sales Unable To Keep Up With Inflation

According to the latest UKHospitality Quar terly Sales Tracker, turnover was up 6 7% in the last year to £137 billion but, compared to 2019, remains almost 20% behind in real terms, when accounting for inflation

The tracker, in association with CGA, also shows that sales in the last year are 2 3% up on pre-pandemic sales However, the quar terly growth rate is slightly down (0 2%) year-on-year

UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “These figures illustrate precisely the challenge facing hospitality businesses across the board

“Demand is good and sales are strong but the rate of inflation means it’s near impossible for venues to keep

up with the cost of doing business

The persistently high costs of energ y, food and drink means the task of keeping up with inflation is getting harder with ever y passing day

“It has been clear for a long time that these rising costs need to be tackled at source to properly bring down inflation but we also need to ensure new costs aren’t tacked on in the future The standout threat to the sector in the near future is the double whammy removal of business rates relief and an inflation-linked rise to rates

“That needs to be avoided at all costs, with a commitment to maintaining relief and avoiding an inflationlinked rise , to give the sector a fighting chance of keeping up with inflation ”

Business Rates Action Tops Hospitality Wishlist

UKHospitality Scotland is urging the First Minister to address the multi-million pound increase in business rates that is set to hamper Scottish hospitality this spring

Ahead of the upcoming Programme for Government, UKHospitality Scotland Executive Director Leon Thompson has outlined the need for a commitment from the First Minister that rates will not rise with inflation, in order to avoid heaping fur ther cost pressures on already strapped venues

The Scottish Government is also being urged to move forward with recommendations from the New Deal for Business Group to review non-domestic rates

UKHospitality Scotland Executive Director Leon Thompson said:

“After an extremely challenging year for Scottish hospitality with the chaos of the Deposit Return Scheme and ever-worsening cost of doing business crisis, the First Minister has an invaluable oppor tunity to set out a positive vision for the sector

Essential to delivering for hospitality is action on business rates The expected inflation-linked rates hike in April could deliver a multi-million pound blow to busi-

nesses and a commitment from the First Minister that rates will not rise with inflation would give businesses the head-room they desperately need

“With the vast majority of rates increasing last year and no offer of financial suppor t, unlike in England and Wales, the business rates burden leaves many in a perilous situation and it needs to be addressed

“Making such a commitment alongside taking up recommendations to review non-domestic rates, would be a clear show of suppor t to the sector

“After years of wasted time and resource preparing for the Deposit Return Scheme the introduction of a tourist tax and new charges on single-use cups the sector would be grateful for this year ’ s legislative agenda to simply not include plans that are harmful to hospitality

“The First Minister spoke of a ‘reset moment’ with businesses upon his appointment this year and, while there has been a shift, this can be cemented in his upcoming Programme for Government with clear action to address the enduring issue of business rates ”

Issue 177 CLH Digital 7

Flexibility Is Key For Over 50s: 62% Want A Job That Fits Around Their Life

54% said they need work that fits around health, caring, or family responsibilities

Nearly two thirds (62%) of over 50s said they would like a job that fits around their life , according to a new repor t from Fuller, Smith and Turner PLC , and Rest Less, a digital community and advocate for people aged 50 and older

Rest Less sur veyed 1,000 of its job-seeking members aged 50 and older on behalf of Fuller, Smith and Turner, to ask about their attitudes to work When questioned on what their top priority was when looking for a job 62% said they wanted a role that fitted around their life 34% said earning enough money to pay the bills and just 4% said their priority was to progress their career

Respondents were questioned about how work needed to fit around their life One in five (20%) said they needed to balance work with caring responsibilities One in five (20%) said they needed to balance work with their own health conditions and 13% said they had children or grandchildren to look after When given the oppor tunity to provide more detail, many respondents also added they wanted to balance work with enjoying their free time to pursue personal interests

Dawn Browne , Fuller’s People & Talent Director, commented on the findings: “People aged 50+ are a really impor tant talent pool for Fuller’s At Fuller’s we find that our older employees bring valuable skills, wisdom and insight to the table thanks to their years of experience both inside and out of work Their softer skills, typically honed through years of practice , make them excellent candidates for customer ser vice roles – the

lifeblood of the hospitality sector

Our repor t with Rest Less shows us that flexible work practices are of the utmost impor tance to this demographic Fuller’s is a family business and we understand just how difficult it is for our older workforce to juggle health, family or caring responsibilities alongside a job That’s why we ’ re hoping our flexible shift lengths and work patterns give all of our team members the flexibility they need to live their lives alongside earning an income ”

Stuar t Lewis, Chief Executive of Rest Less, commented: “The benefits of a multigenerational workforce are huge and with almost all of the UK’s future population growth coming from people over the age of 50, embracing age is becoming an essential par t of future workforce planning for most large organisations As leading advocates of age inclusivity in the workplace , Rest Less is proud to par tner with some of the UK’s most progressive employers such as Fuller’s, which are leading the way on how to build age diverse , multigenerational teams

‘Our repor t, in par tnership with Fuller’s, shows that flexibility is an absolute priority to today’s midlife employees Par t-time work and flexible shift and working patterns – which are increasingly being adopted in the hospitality sector – are resulting in a significant increase in applicant interest amongst midlife workers in the hospitality sector

‘We also see a lot of interest in the hospitality sector, from candidates keen to remain active , social and visible in their local communities in front line roles ”

Long-Serving London Landlord Retires After Three Decades Behind The Bar

Long-ser ving landlord Gerr y Dolan retired from The Westminster Arms on Monday (September 4) after exactly three decades behind the bar

Gerr y, 68, began managing the central London pub – which has been owned by independent family brewer and pub company Shepherd Neame for the past 15 years – on September 4, 1993

His long pub career star ted in his home town of Cavan, Ireland where he worked as a barman before moving to Dublin and then to London in 1989 It was rounded off with some emotional moments for him as past and present colleagues, as well as a few well-known faces including former UKIP leader Nigel Farage , popped by to see him

Gerr y said: “I purposely timed my retirement to coincide with my 30th anniversar y at the pub It has been an amazing three decades –I’ve ser ved ever ybody You name it, they’ve been here – Archbishop Desmond Tutu Bob Geldof and Prince Edward I think a lot of the celebrities come in here because we never bother them They just come in here for a quiet drink ”

The Westminster Arms is in the hear t of political London, a stone’s throw from the Houses of Parliament A par ticular favourite with MPs, it features a division bell so they can dash back to the House in time for the vote

Gerr y said: “I have a lot of happy memories We have seen ever ything here and have been at the hear t of so many momentous events as the pub is in such a central location

“But we got to the point where we wanted a rest – though I feel a bit emotional I will definitely miss London

Shepherd Neame Chief Executive Jonathan Neame said: “Gerr y and Marie have done a fantastic job at The Westminster Arms over many years, and par ticularly during the past 15 years with Shepherd Neame creating a ver y successful pub with a loyal customer base They are hugely popular and will be much missed I would like to personally thank them for their hard work and enthusiasm and wish them ever y success for the future ”

Goldstar Plus Sponsor Management & International Recruitment - Doing it Right

The post Brexit ‘points-based system’ is an overly complex, contradictor y and largely unfathomable jumble that has subver ted commercial immigration ‘Skilled Worker’ visas have been has junked into an unchecked freefall where anything goes

The Home Office simply abandoned suitability and eligibility checks on a flood of sponsor licence and visa applications The approval of thousands of invalid applications has legitimised a lucrative open door for intentional and unintentional misuse

Many who believe they’ve acted lawfully are now at risk of punitive Home Office action due to hidden irregularities

This is due to inappropriate hiring, legal misguidance and Home Office errors

Large scale non-compliance within the hospitality industr y sectors has become a wakeup call, especially in the current immigration focused political climate The hospitality industr y is again under intense focus as Home Office embark on taking back control’

The extent of unchecked activity has led Home Office to roll out exhaustive retrospective on site legitimacy

checks on sponsors and their workers These checks lasting 5 to 6 hours have already descended on the hospitality industr y all across the UK and mainly targeted at Asian themed restaurants, pubs, QSR brands and takeaway outlets

The inevitable tightening of Skilled Worker immigration is fast approaching and of concern to genuine law-abiding employers

Goldstar Plus is a management system that safeguards your sponsor licence by ensuring all activity to date has been according to the correct interpretation of sponsor rules and retrospective corrections made where necessar y It also ensures you are able to pass the most stringent Home Office compliance checks, which do happen

As a hospitality immigration practitioner and recruitment agency you will find us ideally placed to supply you the professional Chefs and managers you want, and make sure it’s done right Whether you ’ re a single fine dining restaurant, multiple restaurant group, QSR outlet, events catering, hotel or any other, you will find us

Issue 177 CLH Digital 9
ideal one stop shop Call 0203 930 8969, visit www goldstarchefs co uk or see pages 54-55 for fur ther information
‘Because just about ever yone is doing it wrong, and about to be caught out’


The quality and cleanliness of your hotel and spa linens can be the difference between an awkward complaint at reception and a five-star review following your guest’s stay

If you ve ever struggled with getting your whites truly white again or wondered how to extend the life of your linens, WASHCO’s chemical expert, Craig Banham, shares with you some of his tips and tricks

Yellowing of White Linens

Fresh bed sheets are one of life’s simple joys so it can be frustrating when your once crisp whites begin to yellow While exposure over time to bodily fluids sweat and skin care products are often the main culprit your laundry processes can play a part too

In many cases this can be due to issues such as residual chemicals that turn yellow when they come into contact with heat or using too much detergent in your wash cycle


Using the right chemicals in your laundry process is key here One of the easiest ways to do this is to enlist the help of a laundry specialist who can implement an auto-dosing system which releases only the correct levels of chemicals for different cycle types Not only will this be paired to run seamlessly with your washing machine but will ensure you achieve the best results from your laundry too

Food-based Stains

Table linens and napkins will naturally fall victim to food stains but your bed sheets can too especially when running room service


To remove food-based stains, an emulsifier will often be needed to help remove any oils Your best chance at getting the stain out will involve setting the cycle at a minimum of 45C, running for at least 12 minutes at wash temperature

Fake Tan Marks

Did you know that fake tanners are costing hotels in the UK a staggering near £1 8m per year by leaving marks on linens? The new figures from Regenex also found that of the 1 120 tonnes of bedding and towels discarded by the industry each year 224 tonnes are marked with fake tan


For best results, set up a prewash with detergent and alkali boost, followed by a main wash with the addition of an emulsifier This should ideally run at a minimum of 70C for around 15 minutes You can then run a final wash at a minimum of 60C with hydrogen peroxide to remove any remaining stains

Residual Spa Oils

Essential oils – while great for the skin – can wreak havoc on your hotel’s towels and robes Some common issues include staining and greasy residues, as well as unpleasant lingering odours


Because essential oils are particularly difficult to wash out of towels and robes it is often best to start off the laundry process with a prewash We then recommend adding an emulsifier to your main wash and running this for at least 15 minutes at 70C or above For stubborn stains a final wash may be beneficial Here you can add in hydrogen peroxide which will help to brighten your whites

WASHCO are specialists in the supply, installation and maintenance of commercial laundry equipment for hotels. To find out more, get in touch with their expert team on


546 546

Third Person Arrested in Connection with Crooked House Fire

A third man has been arrested over the fire that destroyed the Crooked House pub dubbed the "wonkiest" pub in Britain

The 51-year-old, from Buckingham, was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit arson with intent or being reckless as to whether life was endangered, Staffordshire Police said

He has since been released on conditional police bail while enquiries continue

The Himley pub was gutted by a fire on 5 August and demolished without council permission two days later

The fire happened just two weeks after the pub was sold by Marston's brewer y to ATE Farms Limited

The third arrest comes after a 66-year-old man and a 33-year-old man were arrested on suspicion of arson with intent to endanger life on 24 August, both currently remain on conditional police bail while the investigation continues

"We understand that speculation is still widespread, both locally and online , " Staffordshire Police said in a statement "We'd like to reiterate that we are working hard to get through an extensive list of enquiries at this time "

The Crooked House pub was built in the 18th centur y and became a tourist attraction due to its sloping

bar where customers could roll coins and marbles uphill

Its destruction in the fire caused outrage in the local community and led to calls for the pub to be rebuilt

According to local Conser vative MP Marco Longhi, the ruin of the pub has "struck a ver y real chord of sadness and anger " within the community

Speaking in the House of Commons, he asked for a debate to take place over how to better protect heritage pubs

Over 25 000 bricks salvaged from the site were last week locked away in secure containers after repor ts that the bricks were being sold on Facebook Marketplace for up to £50 each

Since the fire , police officers have been looking through CCTV footage and speaking to those who have come forward with information

Staffordshire Police said: "We are still asking those people who might have information which can help us to get in touch if they haven t already

"Call us on 101, or message us using Live Chat on our website If you prefer to repor t anonymously, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 "

Head Porter At Luxury Rutland Hotel Marks 30-Year Milestone

On average , a UK worker typically spends around 10 years in the same job, however, a head por ter at a resor t hotel in Rutland has tripled the odds having achieved 30 years of ser vice

Les Patterson, Head Por ter, recently marked thir ty years of outstanding ser vice at Rutland Hall Hotel – where his steadfast commitment to excellence and wealth of experience has played an integral role in shaping the resor t’s success and expansion

Les’ journey at Rutland Hall began in 1992 when he was 28 years old, joining as par t of an outsourced security team He wanted a role that would keep him active , so in 1993 he star ted as a por ter marking the beginning of a remarkable career that has so far spanned three decades

His initial responsibilities included setting up conferences and weddings, providing first aid, and ser ving as a fire marshal

Looking back on his extraordinar y journey, Les said: “It doesn’t feel like it has

been 30 years; the time has passed so quickly It’s as if the years are getting shor ter!

The camaraderie and spirit among my colleagues have made it a pleasure Embracing the dynamic nature of the business keeps me engaged and enthusiastic and I m incredibly proud to have completed three decades of dedicated ser vice and be a par t of the hotel’s recent award successes ”

Offering advice to aspiring por ters, Les said: “The role offers a diverse range of experiences and challenges within the hotel and resor t environment Each day presents an oppor tunity to meet new people and contribute to memorable guest experiences ”

Joanne White , Managing Director of Rutland Hall Hotel, praised the outstanding contributions of her colleague saying: “Les’ dedication, warmth, and incredible 30 years of ser vice have left an indelible mark on our establishment His outgoing personality and sense of fun always keeps the team on its toes whilst his commitment to excellence has enriched the guest experience and inspired our team We are truly grateful for his unwavering loyalty and congratulate him on this remarkable milestone

Issue 177 CLH Digital 11

How Hospitality Businesses Can Fund Innovation To Meet Consumers' New Expectations

The UK s hospitality sector has faced a myriad of challenges over the past few years; a cost-of-living crisis, rising energ y prices, staff shor tages and a reduced consumer appetite stemming from residual uncer tainty owed largely to the aftermaths of the pandemic

This long-term ambiguity has plagued the sector, and businesses have been holding back on investing in areas that will help them stand out and boost revenue With interest rates reaching a 15-year high of 5 25%, and a general widespread hesitancy to innovate access to suitable funding and investment is sorely needed to kickstar t much of the stagnancy surrounding hospitality businesses in the UK

However, there remains ample oppor tunity for businesses to thrive in these conditions with strategic investments


The cost-of-living crisis signalled another twist in the ever-rolling tide of recover y for the hospitality sector and fuelled fresh fears over consumer footfall A combination of skyrocketing costs and changing consumer tastes means that Brits now expect much more from the hospitality venues they visit, and our new research has shown they would even consider spending more in recently renovated venues With these rising expectations comes the need for businesses to tr y to entice new customers through potential investment areas; this could be as simple as a new menu offering and opening of an outside space


Such findings have also shown how vital it is that businesses don t stand still for too long – consumers are continuously looking for something new and there is a risk that staying stagnant will mean they are left behind

Notably, there is a series of innovations that can suppor t with increased footfall as the summer months draw to a close including incorporating clever changes to décor to freshen up the look of a venue , or even investing in new technologies like self-ordering and payment

Proving incredibly popular with the consumer, incorporating these features does not necessarily have to be a costly endeavor and there is a wealth of suppor t available to businesses looking to make smar t investments

The onus is now on hospitality businesses to do all they can to capture the demand of their customers by planning ahead and thinking about what investments they can pursue that are aligned with day-to-day business strategies


However these investments often necessitate a level of finance and funding The sector is often sidelined by traditional lenders and it can often be difficult to secure finance through the likes of high street banks For example , if businesses have to demonstrate three years of profitability, there are ver y few hospitality businesses that have remained consistently profitable between 2020 and now, for obvious reasons Generally, banks have not moved with the times when it comes to the evaluation criteria and finance options offered to the F&B sector

Looking beyond the traditional channels of banks, overdrafts and fixed term loans can reveal a wealth of finance options available Approaching an independent finance broker, for example , can result in bespoke finance solutions for businesses They can recommend suitable products currently on the market to help fund innovations such as the Business Cash Advance (BC A), where cash advances of £10,000 to £300,000 are repaid as a percentage of card sales and therefore are aligned with performance

Allowing for flexibility and broader eligibility criteria the BC A is seen as an ideal solution for sectors such as hospitality which tend to experience uneven cash flows due to seasonal fluctuations in revenue


In tougher times, hospitality businesses must seek new oppor tunities to ensure profits and footfall remain high Understanding how to incorporate new features, alongside finding suitable finance options to suppor t these investments, will be crucial in determining which businesses continue to thrive this year

Golly Pub Row-Landlords Face No Further Action

The pub landlords who displayed golly dolls behind their bar will face no fur ther action the Crown Prosecution Ser vice (CPS) has said

In April this year five officers removed the dolls from the White Har t Inn in Grays which has since shut down following a hate crime allegation

Following the raid suppliers to the pub began a boycott leading to the closure of the pub around a for tnight later

The pub was also graffitied and had five windows damaged on 16 April days after being struck off Camra’s Good Beer Guide

Essex Police said it provided evidence to the Crown Prosecution Ser vice (CPS) after an “exhaustive” investigation

The CPS said it had a “duty to make fair and impar tial legal decisions” adding that “We considered the available evidence and concluded our legal test for a prosecution was not met ”

Essex Police Assistant Chief Constable Glen Pavelin added:

“We investigate crimes repor ted to us without fear or favour

“This means we are sometimes faced with allegations of crime where people have strong opposing views but it is the role of policing to remain impar tial and investigate allegations raised to us “It’s our job to sup-

por t victims, investigate allegations of crime , ensuring we follow all reasonable lines of inquir y ”

Mrs Ryley said she had displayed the collection, donated by her late aunt and customers for nearly 10 years

The building was vandalised on 16 April, prompting a separate police investigation

Mrs Ryley closed the pub on 1 May, citing a boycott by brewing companies and the maintenance firm Innser ve Neil Woodbridge , chairman of the Thurrock Independent Advisor y Group a panel of community members who provide Essex Police with critical opinions on key policing issues said they worked with the force as “critical friends”

“When an allegation is made we need to feel confident that Essex Police will show due diligence and act in upholding the law and indeed be in tune with the concerns of the community; we feel they routinely do that,” he said

We feel Essex Police took the correct actions in investigating this matter fully We thank them for taking all potential hate crimes seriously and we would urge all the communities of Thurrock to repor t anything they have concerns about ”

To Improve The Quality Of Your Drinking Water, You Need Additional Filtration

A Sediment filter takes the tap water through a 5-micron filter removing plant spores, dander, algae , rust, insecticides, and some bacteria

Carbon filters remove sediment and par ticles and nasty tastes, and odours

The activated carbon binds to the impurities taking them out of the water Over time the binding sites are filled, and the filter loses the ability to fur ther filter the water In some cases, bacteria can star t to grow on the filter so it is impor tant to change this filter ever y 4-6 months They remove impurities to around 2 microns in size , such as bacteria, moulds, and spores


We are seeing

we ingest many par ticles of microplastics ever y week through our drinking water and food so there is now an expectation for filters to remove these smaller impurities as well Now businesses are looking at Ultrafiltration which can remove impurities to 0 001 microns in size , which includes pesticides and herbicides and Reverse osmosis filtration which can remove impurities to 0 0001 microns in size

These types of finer filtration will remove:

• 1 m cron: Med cal residues suc h as the pill bromine cr yptospor idium microplastics

• 0 2 micron Asbestos heavy metals suc h as cadmium copper and nic ke

0 1 micron Makeup, c lay, copier toner, paint, insecticide dust ead dust, skin flakes

• 0 001 microns: Dust, Pesticides and herbicides , nano-p astics

• 0 0005 micron: Viruses

Of course you can use distillation to purify your water this is where the water is vaporised so that it leaves behind inorganic minerals When the water recondenses, you have demineralised water, which is clean but with no taste , as the minerals have been removed with this process

The LUQEL Water Station has been engineered in Germany to address these issues of micro impurities It uses sediment and carbon filters to remove the larger sediments as a hot tap would and then it uses a reverse

osmosis filter to remove 99+% of these finer impurities from the water

The LUQEL dispenser removes medical residues, heavy metals, insecticides nano plastics and viruses It also removes the mineral salts that give water its taste , so they use a patented micro dosing system that adds these natural mineral salts back into the water in specific quantities to be able to replicate the tastes of 30 different mineralised waters

In addition, there is a RO filter flush to remove build-up from the filter to keep it clean There is a thermal nozzle and UVC light to stop inbound bacteria and a stainless-steel casing to reduce any external bacterial growth Using state-of-the-ar t technolog y, this water dispenser can consistently guarantee clean drinking water time after time

Delivering the cleanest and best-tasting drinking water from the mains

more ar ticles on micro and nano
is said that
supply See the adver t on the facing page for fur ther information
12 CLH Digital Issue 177
Image Credit – David-Anstiss-The-White-Har t,-Public-house-Grays

From Pints To Lattes: How Pubs Can Embrace Coffee Culture To Boost Revenue

Though most of us don’t go a day without enjoying a tea or coffee for operators in the pub space , hot beverages have traditionally been overlooked as a source of additional revenue However, with pubs increasingly becoming all-day venues, complete with popular breakfast and brunch menus, being able to offer customers high-quality coffee has never been more impor tant

Wetherspoons was the first to see the potential in coffee , and there are signs that others have followed suit, with pub and bars’ market share in out of home coffee growing year on year [1] The overall out of home coffee market is now wor th £6 47bn, up 14 8% since last year [2] so for pubs that can get their coffee right there are ample growth oppor tunities including attracting new customers from other venues

For operators used to pulling pints, creating a high-quality coffee offer can seem a daunting prospect, but it doesn’t have to be Here are our tips for levelling up your coffee game


Key to maximising oppor tunities in the hot beverage space is ensuring your coffee can compete with what consumers have come to expect from both at-home coffee and other hospitality venues With an increase in consumers investing in at-home coffee equipment, and the trend set to continue [3], consumers are becoming increasingly attuned to great quality coffee

This means that utilising a barista set-up or bean to cup machine is a key consideration for operators looking to make the most of their coffee offering and tap into an often-overlooked market However, businesses that don’t want to invest in a coffee machine can still deliver an appealing coffee option to their customers through other means

For example breakfast and brunch are becoming an increasingly critical par t of the pub offering and using a cafetière to ser ve coffee in this setting can create a fun showpiece as par t of the table spread What’s more coffee produced through a cafetière has a richer and more intense taste than typical at home coffees, meaning hot beverages at brunch or breakfast not only look great but taste great too


With so many different origins and blends available , choosing what coffee to offer your customers can be difficult However, for those just star ting out, simplicity is key

If you have to choose one single house coffee to ser ve on your menu, pick a smooth, chocolatey blend that will appeal to a wide range of coffee drinkers This doesn’t necessarily mean choosing 100% Arabica coffee beans as these can often have higher acidity levels and a fruitier flavour A blend which incorporates good quality Robusta beans will add a darker roast profile , helping the rich coffee flavour to kick through in longer, milkier drinks such as lattes, which now account for over a third of coffee sales [1]


The pick me up that many of us turn to coffee for is also the same reason others may avoid caffeinated drinks throughout the day Because of this, decaf coffee options are quickly growing in popularity, with out of home decaf coffee sales valued at £89m and increasing by 11% over the past year [4]

With consumers making more health-conscious choices, operators can avoid missing out on sales by having a decaf offering as a staple par t of their drinks menu While traditionally looked down on by some coffee specialists choosing decaf coffee doesn’t have to mean compromising on taste In the past, the process of removing caffeine often resulted in a more bitter or acidic taste However, thanks to advancements in caffeine extraction techniques, coupled with the growth of speciality coffee , we are now seeing the emergence of some really delicious decaf coffee options that are perfect for pub menus


Finally, offering options for customers to trade up with flavoured syrups can also help operators to tap into the consumer trend towards sweeter drinks, as well as offering an oppor tunity to add incremental sales Blurring the line between hot beverage and desser t, and often coming in at a more accessible price point, these flavourful coffees make the perfect indulgent treat, with varied options such as vanilla, hazelnut, and even Irish cream available

With this, there’s also the possibility to create seasonal drinks with limited-edition appeal, such as pumpkin spiced lattes for Halloween or gingerbread for Christmas Again, this offers a great oppor tunity for operators to create affordable luxuries for consumers offering them a lower cost way to socialise in the run up to and throughout the Christmas period

Whether pubs choose to invest in coffee equipment or simply elevate their coffee offering by broadening the range of drinks available , this often-overlooked revenue stream offers a wealth of oppor tunity With consumers now expecting high-quality coffee wherever they go, it s time for pubs to tap into this growing market and reap the rewards that a better coffee offering could bring to their business

Cooking Up A Solution

Saving Costs By Recycling Food Waste

Despite soaring energ y prices, unaffordable commercial rent hikes and wage demands going through the roof, food waste is still widely considered one of the catering sector’s highest costs Philip Simpson, commercial director at ReFood, explains why recycling can help to make a notable difference to both sustainability credentials and the bottom line

According to insight from AI technolog y business Winnow, commercial kitchens typically throw away between 4-12% of all the food they purchase From plate scrapings and spoiled produce to shells gristle peelings and bones the vast majority of unwanted waste is simply binned

However, with landfill tax rates across England and Nor thern Ireland now sitting at a staggering £96 70 per tonne , combined with everincreasing budgetar y pressures resulting from the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic , food waste is fast becoming one of the sector’s largest overheads – and by far its biggest headache

Is this perfect storm of market forces the final nail in the coffin for the UK’s struggling catering and hospitality sector, or is there an effective solution that could help to successfully offset bills? At ReFood, we believe the latter Indeed, if waste is seen as a resource , businesses have the oppor tunity to reduce their disposal costs alone by more than 50%


Food waste recycling sees food broken down in the absence of oxy-

gen via anaerobic digestion (AD) to create renewable energ y and sustainable liquid biofer tiliser Nothing is wasted from star t to finish, which means that food waste can be easily diver ted away from landfill, with zero landfill tax charges to pay

For catering and hospitality businesses, this could see waste management bills effectively cut in half – a sizeable impact to operational overheads But the positives don’t end there Alongside the financial benefits, food waste recycling delivers a notable environmental impact too

When food waste rots in landfill, it releases greenhouse gas emissions with a global warming potential more than 21 times greater than carbon dioxide By switching from traditional waste management solutions

to food waste recycling, you effectively eliminate the issue

As the UK’s leading food waste recycler, ReFood operates three state-of-the-ar t facilities in Dagenham, Doncaster and Widnes, which collectively handle 480,000 tonnes of food waste ever y year Working with organisations operating across the food supply chain including hospitality and catering businesses, our operations play a key role in diver ting unavoidable waste away from landfill

Harnessing the anaerobic digestion (AD) process, whereby food waste is degraded in the absence of oxygen, our operations capture the methane released and use it to create renewable energ y The residual material a liquid digestate is used as a biofer tiliser to aid crop growth

As the sector looks forward to its long-awaited resurgence , tight overheads and uncer tainty over future customer demand means that savvy operators should be looking at effective ways to cut unnecessar y costs Cutting waste relies on a multi-faceted approach to tackle it from multiple angles

If adopted in line with the principles outlined by the food waste hierarchy, food waste recycling recognises waste as the valuable resource it is A simple yet effective solution businesses can diver t waste from landfill, improve profits and boost their green credentials alongside See the adver t on the facing page for details of how ReFood can help your business

14 CLH Digital Issue 177
Sources [1] Kantar Out of Home | Total Coffee | Measure | 52 w/e 11 Jun 2023 (compared with 12 Jun 22 value shares) [2] Kantar Out of Home | Total Coffee | Measure | 52 w/e 11 June 2023 [3] Allegra World Coffee Por tal| Coffee at Home Repor t UK | 2023 [4] Kantar Out of Home | Total Coffee | Measure | 52 w/e 11 June 2023

Love Is In The Air, But Lo-Fi Is In The Airwaves

Something about summer makes the season perfect for getting back into the dating scene , whether the hot weather or the brighter evenings Music licensing company PPL PRS working with neuroscientist Dr Julia Jones (AKA Dr Rock) has revealed the results of their recent sur vey unveiling how hospitality businesses can help to calm the first date ner ves with music

In a brand new sur vey* the music licensing company discovered that when it comes to the UK’s most preferred hospitality venues for a first date , cafes (40%) and pubs (40%) were ranked the favourite rendezvous hot spots


Love is all about compatibility, but external factors play a crucial par t on a first date When asked about how a venue ’ s atmosphere and music influence first dates, almost two-thirds (61%) of respondents said that they prefer there to be music playing in the background of a date Most said that music helps them relax (64%), reduces awkwardness (57%) and helps to break the ice (42%) Others also said it puts them in a happy mood (34%) and gives them something to talk about (33%) with their date


The choice of music can also be crucial in setting the right atmosphere More than half (57%) shared that they would prefer to hear chill-out music , like lo-fi, during a first date , which can be perfect for those first date jitters

Dr Julia Jones, Smar t Wellness Coach for PPL PRS, explains that “Listening to music that you find relaxing can help reassure your brain that you ’ re in a safe environment - so the stress response can be disengaged Timing your breath with music to slow inhales and extend exhales also deactivates that ancient stress circuit and engages your relaxation mode This is because our breath engages the vagus ner ve that regulates the relaxation response

The next favourite genre of music for first dates was pop, being ranked second by 45% of people , and RnB –one of the more romantic genres – followed as 27% of daters preferred the genre

When it comes to building an atmosphere that’s good for business and lends a hand to the lovebirds of society, here are some things for hospitality venues to consider from the exper ts at PPL PRS


Setting the mood ready for when daters arrive is key – so opening shift workers will not have to worr y about witnessing any awkward first dates, as the more popular times for budding couples to meet for a first date are evenings (65%), followed by afternoons (22%), with having something to eat alongside a cocktail or coffee seemingly a winning combination


Music licensing company PPL PRS found that singletons plan on sharing a meal on afternoon dates (13%) and evening dates (35%), venues could entice new customers with date (or mate) night offers, discounting meals and/or drinks when bought in pairs Set menus or drinks deals could also help bars and restaurants to cement their status as a trendy date location


Depending on what you specialise in as a venue switching up the tracks you play during common date hours could lead to a couple becoming regulars, remembering your venue as where their relationship began

We asked UK singletons which genre of recorded music they’d like to hear on a first date from different venues, and this is what they shared:

Bar s should bop to pop (47%)

Pop music in a pub (48%)

Restaurateur s should add c hill-out to the musical menu (63%)

Cafes should play c hill-out music (55%)

Dr Julia Jones said: “Studies show that our brainwaves often synchronise to the music we hear This means that you can use slow, relaxing music to slow your brainwaves and enter relaxing brain states ” So, if you know you ’ re going to have a string of ner vous daters in your venue , you can use music to ease their experience

A word for the wise is that the most impor tant thing for hospitality and daters alike is making sure the atmosphere and mood boost the relationships, new and old, within the customer base and employees to ensure that ever yone has a good time – whether done through music or playing on another of the senses The atmosphere created could be the reason someone scores a second date

* A sur vey comm ssioned by PPL PRS of 1000 UK respondents by Attest n une 2023

WT TC Unveils The Power of Retail Tourism

The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has launched “Global Retail Tourism: Trends and Insights , a repor t set to change the way we think about shopping tourism

The joint research between WTTC and the Hospitality & Tourism Research Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, in collaboration with The Bicester Collection, was published during an event which took place at La Roca Village par t of The Bicester Collection in Barcelona, Spain, to coincide with the Village’s 25th anniversar y

In 2019 retail tourism represented a substantial US$178BN comprising 6% of the Travel & Tourism sector's value , and exceeding 15% in some destinations

Despite this significant boost to economies across the globe , it has historically been under-researched, leading to a lack of critical data for strategic foresight

The latest WTTC repor t addresses this gap, offering insights into travellers’ shopping habits, including visits to out-of-town retail destinations and highlights emerging trends such as sustainable retail

This repor t sheds light on the immense untapped potential of retail tourism for both destinations and businesses

According to the repor t, this segment began to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic in most markets in 2021, with the Americas and Europe leading the way Demonstrating remarkable growth, it outpaced overall economies in almost all markets pre-pandemic , showcasing its

resilience and future growth prospects

Retail tourism is playing a pivotal role in the recover y of the Travel & Tourism sector, which saw inbound tourism revenues surging by 82% in 2022 Shopping is no longer just a leisure activity; it shapes travel decisions, enhances destination appeal, boosts foreign exchange earnings, and suppor ts local brands and products

The repor t highlights emerging themes, including ‘retailtainment’ –the fusion of retail and enter tainment – to incentivise shopping and enhance the customer’s experience

Julia Simpson WTTC President & CEO said: “Retail tourism is no longer just about buying souvenirs; it's a driving force behind the recover y of the Travel & Tourism sector, contributing significantly to revenue , job creation, and overall economic growth

“This repor t underscores the untapped potential of retail tourism and the need for stakeholders across the Travel & Tourism sector to adapt to changing traveller preferences Travellers are looking for authentic brands that capture the culture and uniqueness of their destination, as well as luxur y brands in a luxurious setting

Desirée Bollier, The Bicester Collection Chair and Global Chief Merchant, said: Merging economic prosperity with enriching experiences, retail tourism uplifts communities while celebrating cultural heritage

“A collaborative approach between retail, travel, and tourism elevates

the traveller's journey, balancing sector growth with conscious actions Through destination integrity, technological embrace , public-private cooperation, empathising with the traveller's point of view and advocating for well-considered policies, we char t the path for retail tourism's dynamic future "

Professor Haiyan Song, Director of Hospitality and Tourism Research Center in the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, said: “Sustainability in Travel & Tourism will continue to grow in significance after the COVID-19 pandemic and it is imperative that retailers understand how much shoppers and travellers are willing to pay for sustainable products ”

The repor t provides valuable insights into the spending patterns and preferences of today's shopping tourists It underscores the merging of experiential tourism with shopping, meeting the demands of retail tourists

While high-street shops remain popular shopping destinations, outof-town retail is also growing in popularity, with around one-third of sur vey respondents repor ting visits to such destinations Additionally, online shopping complements rather than substitutes traditional retail experiences

The repor t also offers valuable recommendations for stakeholders in retail tourism, providing guidance on how to navigate these emerging trends successfully

Take A Look Inside New Melton Mowbray Pub Following £240,000 Makeover

The Generous Briton on King Street, Melton Mowbray, has reopened following a major investment of £240,000

The pub is par t of the Proper Pubs division at Admiral Taverns and has undergone a complete transformation to create a brand-new look and feel with fresh décor to appeal to the local community With a complete interior redecoration, the pub features a brand-new bar as well as new flooring and furniture throughout Outside , the beer garden has been redeveloped with new lighting and seating for year-round enjoyment

For the opening weekend, the pub celebrated with live music and karaoke as well as a pork pie and prosecco reception

Operators of the Generous Briton Jane and Beth said:

“Opening night was fantastic , it was amazing to see all our customers old and new coming to see what the pub has to offer

The feedback we received from our community was amazing, and we can’t wait to see them again soon!”

Jane and Beth’s first aim is to raise money to have a lifesaving defibrillator installed at The Generous Briton To raise the funds, they will be collaborating with the Joe Humphries Memorial Trust, which will hold community training sessions at the pub once the defibrillator is installed

Matthew Gurney, Operations Director for Proper Pubs, said:

“The refurbishment at The Generous Briton looks fantastic – the team has worked really hard to ensure it is a success for the local community

On behalf of the Proper Pubs team, we would like to wish our Operators, Jane and Beth, ever y success for the future in making The Generous Briton a fantastic hub of the community”

Proper Pubs is always suppor ting its communities through an array of events and charity fundraising initiatives, from Easter Egg collections to local foodbank donations and charity walks Proper Pubs recently installed its 104th defibrillator across its estate through fundraising with the help of its locals

16 CLH Digital Issue 177

Wetherspoon Pubs To Hold Tax Equality Day

Prices Dropped For One Day Only

“The biggest threat to the hospitality industr y is the vast disparity in tax treatment among pubs restaurants and supermarkets

“Supermarkets pay zero VAT in respect of food sales, whereas pubs and restaurants pay 20 per cent

“This tax benefit allows supermarkets to subsidise the selling price of beer

“Pubs have been under fantastic pressure for decades, because of the tax disadvantages which they have with supermarkets

It doesn t make sense for the hospitality industr y to subsidise supermarkets

“Customers coming to Wetherspoon’s pubs on Thursday 14 September will find the price of their food and drinks to be lower than normal

“We urge the chancellor to create tax equality between pubs and supermarkets ”

Trade Drinks Expo - 10th and 11th of October 2023

The UK’s only event dedicated to maximising your drink sales for on-trade and off-trade is coming to the ExCeL London on the 10th & 11th October with a brand-new look!

Your FREE ticket to the Trade Drinks Expo will allow you to meet thousands of like-minded individuals in the drinks sector

The ExCeL London is being transformed into the ultimate and exciting hub of innovation and trends, showing you what the future of the drink’s industr y holds We are ready to present you with the unmissable event of 2023!

Over the course of the two days of the show, there ll be an

incredible range of suppliers showcasing their off-trade and ontrade innovative drinks and taking par t in seminars, teaching you about the industr y ' s biggest issues led by your favourite brands! Hear from the likes of Britvic and Four seasons who are ready to teach you the best tips and tricks the sector has to offer Not only that but you will be able to taste and experience all samples from our suppliers in our brand new Trail on Tap, as well as being exposed to endless networking oppor tunities!

Better still, this year ’ s instalment runs alongside 6 other industr y-leading events, THE biggest business growth event for the world of food and drink

Save the date and get your ticket here , we hope to see you there!

Issue 177 CLH Digital 19
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day only to mark Tax Equality Day (in Scotland, prices will be reduced on food and non-alcoholic drinks, in line with Scottish licensing laws) For example , a customer spending £10 on food and drinks will pay £9 25 on Tax Equality Day All food and drinks in pubs are subject to 20 per cent VAT By comparison, supermarkets pay zero VAT on food and are able to use that saving to sell alcohol to customers at a discounted price Wetherspoon’s founder and chairman Tim Mar tin said:
Wetherspoon’s pubs are to cut the price of all food and drinks by 7 5 per cent on Thursday 14 September – to highlight the benefit of a permanent VAT reduction in the hospitality industr y Prices at the pubs will be reduced for one

Is It Banter Or Bullying? The Fine Line That Is Affecting The British Workplace

Leading law firm Irwin Mitchell ( has recently conducted a nationally representative study into workplace behaviour

The recently heightened awareness of quiet firing led Irwin Mitchell to investigate how workers feel they are treated in the workplace

After sur veying 2,179 people , Irwin Mitchell found:

• 32% of the UK have exper ienced bullying disguised as banter

• 45-54 year s olds are the most ikely age group to have exper ienced this type of bullying

• Worker s in the Nor th-West are the most likely to have exper enced bullying disguised as banter (37%)

• Over 35% of women in the UK workplace have exper ienced bullying disguised as banter

• Those who stud ed music/ar ts are most likely to exper ience bully ng disguised as banter when they star t work (53%)

• 38% of people work ng in accounting/finance have exper ienced bu lying d sguised as banter

• 39% of people work ng in UK hospitality have exper ienced bullying disguised as banter

38% of people work ng in UK retail have exper ienced bullying disguised as banter

Deborah Casale employment par tner at Irwin Mitchell had this to say about the findings, “There really is no excuse for treating employees in this way Whilst some may consider banter to be light-hear ted, making jokes at the expense of an employee or making inappropriate comments, can lead to staff feeling uncomfor table in the workplace and in the worst cases make them feel that they have no choice but to leave their position

“If an employee is being made to feel they’re not wanted and resigns as a result of an employer’s behaviour, this could be considered “quiet firing This can form grounds for constructive dismissal if it breaches the implied term of trust and confidence in the employment relationship and the employee has more than two years of ser vice If the comments are discriminator y, two years of ser vice are not required Employees should be aware of their legal rights in these situations and should take advice at an early stage to protect their position – ideally before resigning Likewise employers should ensure that staff are properly trained as to what could constitute inappropriate behaviour ”

This poses serious concerns around whether employees can identify unlawful behaviour in the workplace which gives them the right to bring employment claims such as discrimination and constructive dismissal claims Irwin Mitchell wants to raise awareness of the impact such bad behaviour can have on employees and the impor tant measures managers should put in place to safeguard their staff

Fur ther stats demonstrate that cer tain industries are more widely affected by bullying in the workplace disguised as banter :

• 50% of people in the spor ts industr y have exper ienced bullying disguised as banter

Nearly half of all people working in fine ar t have exper ienced bullying disguised as banter

Jo Moseley, specialist employment lawyer at Irwin Mitchell adds, “Harassment of a worker occurs when a person engages in unwanted conduct which is related to one of the seven protected characteristics and has the purpose or effect of:

• Violating the worker’s dignity or

• Creating an intimidating hostile degrading hum liating or offensive environment for that worker

Unwanted conduct covers a wide range of behaviour, including spoken or written words or abuse , imager y, graffiti, physical gestures, facial expressions mimicr y jokes pranks and other physical behaviour The conduct may be blatant (for example over t bullying) or more subtle (for example , ignoring or marginalising an employee) The word ‘unwanted’ means essentially the same as 'unwelcome' or 'uninvited' Unwanted does not mean that someone must object to the conduct first Some types of conduct will, self-evidently, be unwanted ”

Setting the Stage for a New Era of Conscious

Consumption: Free From Food 2023 Returns to Amsterdam

Registration is now open for the for thcoming Free From Food 2023 which returns to the RAI Amsterdam from 21-22 November 2023

With the European free-from food market poised to grow at a C AGR of 8 7% by 20271 over 4000 visitors – including retailers traders manufacturers and technologists – are expected to descend on the two-day event, in search of innovative new products and inspiration from over 350 specialist exhibitors from more than 46 different countries


New for 2023, the legendar y Captain of the Categor y award – organised by the Food Personality and Trade Marketing Association (TMA) which rewards leading suppliers to the retail industr y – will take place on the show floor for the first time Aimed at categor y managers, as well as retail and trade marketeers the award is well-known to those operating within the European food and drink industr y Also recognising excellence in the industr y, the Healthy Innovation Award will return to celebrate outstanding innovations within the health ingredients sector Organised by Foodlog, the winners of these awards will be announced during a prestigious awards ceremony on 21 November 2023, demonstrating the industr y ' s commitment to excellence and progress

In addition, the Gezonde Innovatie Award – jointly sponsored by retailers Aldi, Alber t Heijn and Jumbo – will be a central feature of the exhibition this year The award will showcase an array of new and innovative health food products in the Innovation Galler y highlighting the impor tance of promoting health ingredients as well as providing a platform for emerging brands and products to gain visibility


1 https://www mordorintelligence com/industr y-repor ts/europe-freefrom-food-market

Over the past fifty years, there has been a huge shift in attitudes towards food and drink Europe’s market is increasingly organic , freefrom and plant-based, with the vegan food sector expected to grow from $29 19 billion in 2027 at a C AGR of 12 4%2 Some of the driving factors behind this include sustainability (30%) animal welfare (22%) and technolog y advancement (20%) meaning consumers are now looking for produce that meets these requirements

At this year ’ s event a diverse range of exhibitors covering current food industr y trends including free-from, plant-based, vegan, healthy, organic , functional and health ingredients, will showcase their innovative and exciting products that align with consumer dietar y preferences, health goals, and ethical values

These include Caremoli, a trailblazer in the free-from categor y, who will highlight its variety of gluten-free ingredients that can be used in a

wide range of applications, as well as Vitae Slow Drinks with its authentic plant-based vegan kombucha that is later flavoured by macerating fruits plants spices and/or roots In addition De Smaakspecialist is also exhibiting, showcasing its range of products of which 97 5% have no added refined sugars and 90% are also vegan

Also addressing the impor tance of conscious and health-focused consumption, Free From Food 2023 will invite a line-up of exper t speakers to take to the stage in the Free From Retail, Vegan & Plant-Based and Supplier & Insights Conference Theatres Here , attendees will be privy to a topical agenda, encompassing a wide range of presentations and panel discussions which equip them with actionable strategies to drive business forward in a highly competitive and rapidly evolving market More details of the educational programme will be unveiled in the coming weeks

Speaking about this year ’ s event Ronald Holman Event Director said:

“The free-from categor y is no longer considered a ‘fad’ Global demand is rising for products that suit changing consumer needs We’re expecting the Free From Food 2023 event in Amsterdam to be a resounding success, bringing together industr y leaders and professionals to collaborate as we shape the future of this exciting, dynamic and booming industr y As the event draws nearer, we ’ re looking forward to welcoming both exhibitors and visitors to celebrate innovation, promote health and sustainability, and set the stage for a new era of conscious consumption ”

2 https://www prnewswire com/news-releases/vegan-food-global-market-repor t-2023-301745495 html

Free From Food 2023 returns to the RAI Amsterdam from 21-22 November 2023

For more information and to register to attend visit:

20 CLH Digital Issue 177
New Award Winning Technology can SAVE YOU 35% TO 55% ON COOKING OIL in deep fryers. REDUCING COSTS Increasing Margins We strongly believe in cutting costs without compromising quality. We look forward to the day that all food industries will join our Eco Friendly quest. Until then we will provide eco friendly solutions that will help them all to reduce their carbon footprint. Why spend all that money on oil, energy and labour when you can dramatically reduce these costs today? MONEY BACKGUARANTEE. 3 YEAR WARRANTY. Contact Louis Farry by phone or email: Tel. 07448 419664

High Street Spending Slowed During August, but Hotel Stays “Top Purchase”

Spending on essentials saw just 1 0 per cent growth – the lowest uplift since April 2020 (-2 9 per cent), largely due to a sharp decline in spend on fuel (-20 1 per cent)

Supermarkets and food and drink specialist stores also saw weaker spending growth (4 5 per cent and 4 9 per cent respectively) compared to July (5 2 per cent and 6 2 per cent respectively) This was impacted by the slower rate of food price inflation**, as well as consumers continuing to find ways to get more value or to reduce the cost of their weekly shop (67 per cent)

Over half (52 per cent) of Brits have noticed that some of the food and drink products they buy have been downgraded in terms of quality or the quantity of premium ingredients, yet still cost the same or more than they used to – otherwise known as skimpflation A fifth also feel takeaways (22 per cent) and restaurant meals (20 per cent) are decreasing in quality without a corresponding fall in price

While the wetter weather, combined with the slowing rate of inflation, meant spending on non-essential items saw less growth (3 7 per cent) than July (5 6 per cent), there were some bright spots across the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors

A fifth (19 per cent) of Brits say that, despite the rising cost-of-living, spending on luxur y items and/or experiences is still a priority, to maintain their desired lifestyle , with holidays abroad (44 per cent) and hotel stays (22 per cent) cited as the top purchases among this group

To ensure they can afford to spend on memorable moments, 27 per cent of these shoppers are cutting back on takeaways and fast-food while a fifth (19 per cent) are reducing costs associated with socialising

At the same time , over half (52 per cent) of Brits are reining in discretionar y spending due to rising household bills with eating out at restaurants (61 per cent) new clothes and accessories (59 per cent) and ordering takeaways (58 per cent) emerging as the non-essentials most deprioritised

This comes as takeaways and fast-food recorded a noticeably smaller uplift (6 4 per cent) compared to July (9 2 per cent) while the rainy weather in the first half of August also led to fewer Brits visiting the high-street Restaurants (-5 8 per cent) fell fur ther into decline from July (-2 5 per cent), while bars, pubs & clubs saw their

lowest growth (2 8 per cent) since October 2022

Spending on airlines (32 1 per cent) and travel agents (3 7 per cent) also remained in growth, yet the uplift was lower than in July (39 1 per cent and 7 8 per cent respectively), as the summer season drew to an end


As Autumn begins, some Brits are already looking ahead to their Christmas shopping plans Almost a third (31 per cent) expect this coming Christmas to be more expensive than last year while a fifth (19 per cent) are worried about being able to keep up with outgoing costs One in five (17 per cent) savvy savers has also star ted to put money aside to help fund their festivities

Despite this, Brits’ confidence in their household finances and ability to live within their means has increased slightly (67 per cent and 72 per cent) compared to July (65 per cent and 70 per cent)

Esme Harwood, Director at Barclays, said:

“The rainy weather impacted high street and hospitality venues in August, but Brits were still keen to spend on memorable summer experiences The huge Box Office success of ‘Barbie’ and ‘Oppenheimer’ meant enter tainment enjoyed another strong month, while holidays abroad boosted international travel and pharmacy, health & beauty stores

“Shrinkflation – and now “skimpflation” – are increasing concerns for value-seeking shoppers However, Brits’ confidence in their household finances is unwavering, suggesting they remain resilient in the face of these inflationar y pressures ”

Abbas Khan, UK Economist at Barclays, said:

“Muted spending growth in August is in line with other data sources, such as soft PMIs and stalling consumer confidence , suggesting that the bite from monetar y tightening is star ting to be felt more acutely

However, with fur ther moderation in inflation and strong wage growth set to suppor t real household disposable incomes, we continue to think the economy will avoid a recession in the coming quar ters, even if growth is only set to be sluggish ”

Increase Sales with Crisps and Snacks from Tayto Group

“Conser ving cash and maximising sales have never been more important to the on-trade Bar Snacks offer a brilliant oppor tunity to increase sales through the ‘double whammy’ of generating incremental sales AND boosting dwell time We know that less than 20% of people regularly buy a snack with a drink and the main reason for not doing so is ‘I just didn’t think about it

Prompting a purchase by displaying snacks prominently and getting staff to offer them, can make all the difference explains Matt Smith, Marketing Director for Tayto Group Ltd owners of the UK’s top pork snacks brands – Mr Porky and Midland Snacks – as well as the awardwinning hospitality-exclusive REAL Hand Cooked Crisps


Tayto Group are delighted to announce they have been awarded TWO 2-star Great Taste Awards for their premium hospitality-exclusive REAL Hand Cooked Crisps flavours – Sea Salt & Black Pepper and Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar

Great Taste - the world’s most coveted food and drink award - is recognised as a stamp of excellence among consumers and trade alike and celebrates taste above all else Two-star awards are given only to products considered “above and beyond delicious – OUTSTANDING!”

Adding to their already impressive list of Great Taste Award winning flavours – Sea Salt, Sweet Chilli and Roast Ox - is a real testament to the care and exper tise of the REAL Hand Cooked Crisps brand

By not offering a range of premium snacks, pubs could be leaving money on the table as Smith explains “Our research shows that most people either have no idea what they pay for pub snacks or expect to pay over £1 a pack, so venues can easily make over 50p profit per pack1 All it takes is for staff to ask Do you want some snacks with your drinks?”

Snacks also have the potential to increase sales of drinks Pork scratchings are a great example The perfect par tner to cider wine and especially premium beers and lagers their unique taste balances the sharpness and carbonation of some drinks, while the saltiness enhances the flavour and helps get your thirst on Scratchings really are the ULTIMATE PUB SNACK! In a 2021 poll, they topped the list when 2,000 pubgoers were asked to name their favourite pub snack This comes as no surprise as 83% of pork snacks are consumed with a drink The combination of a pint and scratching has been passed down generations and is fundamental to the Great British pub experience There really is no matching a scratching!

Premium crisps are another essential bar snack given 82% of pub goers eat them4 and consumers are willing to pay up to 30% more for premium over standard products Having products that aren’t available in supermarkets such as REAL Hand Cooked Crisps also enables venues to justify their premium pricing

It’s impor tant to cover a large range of ages and dietar y requirements with your snacks offering Pub goers are more and more conscious about what they – and their families – eat, and many follow a free from diet The premium REAL Hand Cooked Crisps range is gluten free , with no added MSG, suitable for vegetarians and six flavours are suitable for vegans too For younger family member, Animal Adventures are lightly salted animal-shaped fun snacks which are gluten-free , with no ar tificial preser vatives or ar tificial colours and suitable for vegetarians Ringos Puffs have also been launched - with a low calorie content and low salt levels they pack a flavour punch and the light bite appeals to all ages


Pub consumers look for brands they can trust and it’s impor tant to stock proven sellers! Tayto has a range of award-winning snacks to suit ever y pub:

– Mr Porky Original Scratchings – the No 1 brand from the most recognised name in scratc hings and a Great Taste award-winning scratc hing

– Mid and Snac ks Traditional Scratc h ngs – the No 2 brand6 and our bestselling pubcard – is also a Great Taste award-winning hand cooked scratc hings using a recipe that has stood the test of time

– Mr Porky Crispy Strips - a lighter bite , akin to cr ispy bacon r ind, for those who want all the taste of a scratc hing but a less hard texture , and another Great Taste award-winner

– REAL Hand Cooked Crisps – premium, award-winning, hospitality exc lu-

sive cr isps with strong flavour s and c haracterful pac kaging whic h really stands out and dr ives sales

Animal Adventures – vegetar ian, gluten-free , no added nasties , an malshaped fun snac ks that kids love

Ringos Puffs – The lighter snac k in Sweet Chilli and BBQ whic h is ow in calor ies and salt – a flavour pac ked snac k for all ages

Given that snac k sales increase by up to 80% when they are more visible7, Tayto provides pub-focused solutions suc h as eye-catc hing pubcards for pork scratc hings to be hung behind the bar and a range of FREE POS for REAL cr isps - avai able at realcr isps com/POS


Snacks offer a simple route to incremental sales - if customers are prompted to buy them with their drinks Thankfully there are a few simple tips for venues to achieve this:

Stoc k a range of proven, premium snac ks that have been developed for the licensed sector

o Award-winning pork scratc hing pubcards from Midland Snac ks and Mr Porky

o Premium REAL Hand Cooked Cr isps - whic h are exc lusive to the hospitality sector

o ‘Lighter’ options suc h as Animal Adventures for c hildren and Ringos Puffs for all ages

Get your team to prompt purc hase

o ‘Would you like some snac ks with your dr nks?’ s all it takes!

– Put your snac ks where customer s can see them

o Pubcards or c lip str ips behind the bar

o A full range of cr isps on the bar

o Bar runner s and coaster s are great eye-catc hing prompts

For fur ther information see the adver t on the facing page , Tel: 01536 204200 or visit www taytogroup com

22 CLH Digital Issue 177

The Importance Of Manners In Sport Revealed

Refusing to shake hands with your opponent is deemed to be the rudest spor ting behaviour according to a national study by pub company and brewer Greene King

Almost half (47%) of UK spor ts fans feel that disrespecting your opponent in this way is the worst behaviour you can display in spor t Smashing a racket in tennis is also a notable pet peeve to many Brits (41%), while seeing tennis players argue with the umpire polled more than a third of the vote (36%)

Displaying good manners in spor t is impor tant to Brits, with almost a third (29%) believing that athletes should receive match bans if they display disrespectful behaviour in the spor ting arena, more than any other type of punishment

When it comes to respect on the pitch, male rugby players come out on top, with almost one in five (16%) of the UK citing them as the most respectful athletes, beating the likes of cricketers (12%) and footballers (11%)

To celebrate the star t of the international rugby tournament in France , Greene King has teamed up with former England captain and 2003 World Cup winner Jason Robinson OBE to talk about the impor tance of manners and respect in spor t and wider society

Jason Robinson OBE said:

“Whenever I took to the rugby field it was always fiercely competitive but played with the highest level of respect towards your opponents and ever yone involved

“Although it’s impor tant to display good manners on the field it’s cer tainly even more impor tant to do so off it Treating those around you with respect should be the foundation for any social interaction, whether playing spor t or ordering drinks in a pub – treat others how you’d want to be treated yourself ”

Manners mean ever ything to Brits, whether that s saying please and thank you, saying sorr y or being kind to others In fact, almost four in five (79%) admit they’d look for this above any other characteristic when looking for a prospective par tner

When it comes to manners and behaviour in pubs, customers clicking their fingers at staff when ordering at the bar is seen as the rudest behaviour, with more than six in ten (61%) Brits believing this Jumping the queue is also highly resented (53%) while more than two in five (44%) think customers are at their rudest when they don’t say please and thank you

Michelle West, Head of Spor t Marketing for Greene King said:

“Having good manners and being polite and respectful are such impor tant character traits to so many people across the UK whether in spor t or in the pub

We pride ourselves on offering our customers a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere , whether they’re joining us for a drink with family and friends or tucking into great food while watching the game ”

“We can’t wait to welcome them into our pubs and get behind the home nations as they take to the world stage in France this autumn ”

Luxury Cardiff Hotel And Brasserie Awarded

4* Status And 2 Coveted AA Rosettes

The Parkgate Hotel Cardiffhas been awarded 4 Silver Star Hotel status, as par t of the AA’s assessment scheme , with the hotel’s signature restaurant, The Sor ting Room, celebrating 2 coveted AA Rosettes for culinar y excellence

The hotel, which opened its doors in October 2021, is a stylish regeneration of two of the city centre’s most historic buildings – the former Head Post Office and the old County Cour t

The AA, which has long been a marker of leading restaurant and hotel venues, celebrates the crème de la crème of UK hospitality

Following a visit from an anonymous inspector, the hotel was reviewed against nine quality assessment areas ranging from standards of ser vice to cleanliness and quality of food

Praising The Parkgate Hotel’s “intrinsic quality and spaciousness” and “engaging and welcoming attitude from the team”, the AA

Inspector s Repor t described the hotel as a pleasure to visit

The inspector also paid tribute to the hotel’s vibrant brasserie restaurant, The Sor ting Room, highlighting the excellent cuisine , “robust flavours” and “bold presentation” of the food which contributed to the decision to award the restaurant 2 AA Rosettes

The Parkgate Hotel’s General Manager, Damien Mar tin, commented: We are extremely proud to have been awarded 4 Silver Star Hotel status and 2 Rosettes by the AA This recognition is a testament to our commitment to luxur y hospitality, exceptional food, and unparalleled guest experiences

“Our talented team consistently go above and beyond to ensure that hotel residents and local diners alike enjoy a memorable visit, and this only reinforces our position as one of Cardiff ’ s most luxurious destinations ”

Nitrous Oxide To Become Illegal Class C Substance In UK

Nitrous oxide , popularly known as laughing gas, is to become an illegal class C substance by the end of the year, under a zero-tolerance approach to antisocial behaviour the government has said

Possession of nitrous oxide , also known as NOS, will carr y a sentence of up to two years in prison According to statistics, nitrous oxide was the third most used drug in 2020, and is typically used in social situations including nightclubs and festivals

Heavy use can lead to a range of illnesses including ner ve-related symptoms

Supply of nitrous oxide for recreational use is currently banned –but possession is not

The government originally announced its plan to ban nitrous oxide earlier this year as par t of a plan to tackle anti-social behaviour however, set out new details of the law change earlier this week

It said those found in unlawful possession of the drug could face up to two years in prison or an unlimited fine , with up to 14 years for supply or production

CEO of Night-time Industries Association Michael Kill said:

“We welcome the announcement by the Government today that Nitrous oxide is set to be banned under new government legislation by the end of the year, but recognise that this must work hand in hand with a much broader education and harm reduction strateg y on drugs across the countr y

“Over the years, the industr y has grappled with the persistent issue of nitrous oxide’s sale and consumption which has been exacerbated by existing regulations that have rendered licensees and authorities illequipped to combat this problem effectively

“The burden on businesses has been substantial as they’ve contended with mounting pressure from authorities and residents due to the proliferation of discarded silver canisters on the streets

“This predicament has not only posed risks to the well-being of both staff and patrons but has also fostered an environment conducive to petty crime , anti-social behaviour, and the activities of organised crime syndicates

“The government’s inter vention comes at a pivotal juncture , given that businesses in major cities across the United Kingdom have witnessed a significant escalation in the challenges associated with nitrous oxide over the past 6-12 months ”

24 CLH Digital Issue 177
Photo Credit - Rob-Brewer

Have you tapped into your sometimes over looked profit

Exclusive Elegance and Quality by Design

Benefiting from Fracino s extensive research and development programme , world class engineering skills and state of the ar t production technolog y, the new Romano-R is a genuine fusion of style and luxurious quality

Available in 2 or 3 group versions it boasts all the power technical qualities and reliability synonymous with Fracino products, in a stunning design to create the ultimate coffee bar furniture The Romano elegantly combines classic cur ves and retro styling with contemporar y materials and close attention to detail, ensuring a truly outstanding finish Featuring latest technolog y integration, the full width touch pad features ‘digital trace’ icons for the drink selection and a wide range of control features within the programme - including controlled on/off times for maximum energ y efficiency, coffee extraction displayed in volume and time for each espresso shot for precise drink quality, multi-lingual display selection and digital programme set-up for easy user adjustment capability

Our powerful combination of stylish design and creative technolog y enables discerning clients to choose a bespoke finish for their Fracino espresso machine Our exper tise caters for individuality –whether it be to enhance a theme or interior design, promote a brand - or simply to challenge convention

We offer the option to select a bespoke mirror finish in a range of lustrous colours, which draw out the beauty of the highly polished stainless steel, whilst an extensive range of dramatic solid colours – in a satin or matt finish – are available to complement and enhance the interior designer’s creativity and provide the finishing touch befitting the individuality of the exclusive luxur y restaurant and coffee bar

Transforming the purely functional into an enviable work of ar t; that s Romano!

sales@fracino com www fracino com

British Specialty Coffee Update: In-Store Tabletop Roasting Available Soon!

Around the 9th centur y, the coffee plant was discovered by a herder in the Ethiopian plains in today’s Jimma region He noticed his goats were exceedingly active after eating cherries from a small tree which today we know as Coffee Arabica This led to the invention of coffee from another region where this early innovator migrated to Kaffa, Ethiopia After several centuries the cherished trees arrived (or were discovered) in the Arabian Peninsula, and coffee was widely adopted by about the 12th centur y and sold in public places called “coffee houses ” These were lively places of intellectual discussions, where you would purchase a handful of green coffee beans upon entr y These beans were roasted in a closed rotating device called a “shish” over a charcoal fire for about ten minutes, then ground or crushed before pouring hot water through a filter or directly into the cup making Turkish-style coffee today

Those early entrepreneurs held the coffee plants and roasting techniques closely as they star ted wider trading of roasted beans into Europe (Sarajevo was quite instrumental in this) Coffee beans made their way into Britain about 1637 when a Greek student brought some beans to Oxford, where it was an instant hit among intellectuals and led to the founding of Britain s first coffee house The Grand Café Over the coming decades cafes proliferated across London and were referred to as “Penny Universities” because when you spent time in them, you would inevitably learn from others talking or lecturing about topics of the day Many impor tant cultural and business enterprises flowed from those coffee houses, such as the London Stock Exchange , Lloyd’s of London, and the Royal Society

Kava-Zone’s founder, Tom Ruddy, first saw an antique shish in 2007 while strolling around old town Sarajevo, where he worked as a private sector consultant with the United Nations He created this company to bring back and modernize the old coffee house culture with the shish devices, called nano-roasters by the specialty coffee industr y as their flagship coffee bean nano-roaster After such a long absence the time seems ripe given the “four th wave ” of coffee , fundamentally changing consumer habits and preferences driving the global specialty coffee revolution

Kave-Zone is launching its first Shish® through a new London-based company Mr Bean Coffee Ltd ® They are listing a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstar ter to fund the final expensive development work and production of the first molds for the Shish To par ticipate in this historic offering please send your email address and basic contact information to info@mr-bean coffee (copy to info@kava-zone com) so we can send an exclusive discount offer for VIP funding backers who will be the original suppor ters of record for this exciting retail hot beverage innovation oppor tunity The value propositions include new customer traffic , new revenue streams such as Shish® rental fees, green bean sales and residual income from retailer-controlled Shish® Craft Roaster


• Convert to specialty coffee

• Generate new revenue streams, profits

• Residual income from Shish Memberships

• Reduce staff costs

Mr Bean s Shish table-top coffee micro-roasters will be a game-changer for licensed establishments Roast-coolgrind-brew in under 15 minutes to make beans for 10 cups of coffee and live the historical origin of coffeehouses

We need supporters to help us revive this tradition Send us an email to info@mr-bean coffee and you will receive an exclusive invitation to purchase pre-production discounted roasters today

The newest innovation in hot beverages: in-store, table-top coffee bean micro-roasters!
London SW15 2SH
Drive new customer traffic
Visit Mr Bean Coffee on Stand B32, Cafe Business Expo, ExCeL, London on 10-11 October 2023 to see our prototype Shish roaster in action See the adver t on this page for fur ther details
credit card
via the Mr Bean Coffee mobile application
Visit us at Booth B32 Cafe Business Expo to see our prototype Shish®!
maker COFFEE Yep you read that correctly and with costs to produce a cup of coffee star ting from as little as 27p per cup per cup depending on your choice of coffee and equipment, from pods to give you a consistent top class drink ever y time without the need to train staff to barista standard or to beans freshly ground to the desired strength making the humble cup of coffee a winner as far as profit goes Sold as a rich Espresso whipped into a delicious frothy cappuccino, latte or a velvety smooth irish coffee A great Coffee menu is winner with your customers ever y time , enhances your customer satisfaction , gives the oppor tunity to create custom for different times of the day for instance a good coffee menu lends itself to cake and coffee mornings and retails anywhere between £1 75 to £3 50 per cup The oppor tunity from expanding your coffee menu is endless Forward Vending and Catering Limited have over 50 years experience in helping pubs and restaurants create a system just right for each site and are ready to help you find the best coffee solution for you so star t your profits coming in NOW!!! Call us on 0800 44 44 43 or email BILL@FORWARDVENDORS CO UK See the adver t on page 3 for details
Catering Coffee and Beverage
Issue 177 CLH Digital 25
Forward Vending and

Spirits and Cocktails


The sales data from the past five years shows that the demand for cocktails in the UK hospitality and on-trade market has grown steadily According to CGA, a leading data and research company, the sales of cocktails in the on-trade market increased by 7 5% in 2019 alone This figure indicates that cocktails have become a significant revenue generator for businesses in the sector


To capitalize on the growing trend for cocktails, operators need to ensure their menus include the best-selling cocktails The classics, such as the Mojito, Margarita, and Cosmopolitan, should be on ever y menu However, newer creations have also gained popularity, such as the Pornstar Mar tini and the Aperol Spritz These cocktails are often seen as refreshing and easy to drink making them popular with a wide range of customers


Cocktails have become a popular choice for customers in the UK hospitality and on-trade market over the past five years Bars, pubs, restaurants, and hotels across the countr y have noticed the trend and invested in their cocktail menus to cater to the increasing demand from customers who want to tr y

new and innovative drinks In this ar ticle , we explore how operators can capitalize on the growing cocktail summer trend and sell more , highlighting sales data, best-selling cocktails, new innovations, age groups and demographics, and popular spirit and mixer ingredients

To stand out from the competition and capitalize on the trend, operators need to invest in their cocktail menus and offer bespoke creations that cater to their customers' preferences The use of unusual ingredients such as herbs spices and fruit has become increasingly popular, as has the incorporation of local and sustainable ingredients Operators should also consider offering non-alcoholic options to cater to customers who do not drink alcohol


Operators should consider the age groups and demographics that are most likely to purchase cocktails when creating their menus According to CGA, cocktails are par ticularly popular among younger consumers, with 38% of cocktail sales in the on-trade market made by those aged 18 to 24 years old However, the appeal of cocktails is not limited to this

age group, with 29% of sales made by those aged 25 to 34 years old, and 23% made by those aged 35 to 44 years old


Operators should ensure their cocktail menus include the most popular spirit and mixer ingredients to cater to their customers' preferences The most popular spirit ingredients used in cocktails in the UK hospitality and on-trade market are vodka gin rum and whiskey However, other spirits such as tequila and mezcal have also become increasingly popular, as have non-alcoholic spirits, such as Seedlip Popular mixer ingredients include tonic water, ginger beer, and fruit juices, but more unusual mixers such as kombucha and coconut water are also being used to create innovative and unique cocktails

Whatever the time of year, it s impor tant for UK licensed on-trade establishments to capitalize on the growing trend for cocktails and attract customers with refreshing and innovative drinks


Mixologist's Garden: The Rising

Sensation Among UK Bartenders

freeze-dr ying technolog y offers months of ambient shelf-life for bars

The response from bar tenders has been overwhelmingly positive , with many praising Mixologist's Garden for its commitment to quality and sustainability

"Our mission is to empower bar tenders to create the Perfect Ser ve and delight their customers," said Stuar t Findlater, business director of Mixologist's Garden "We are thrilled to see the enthusiasm and passion that UK bar tenders have embraced our concept with It's incredible witnessing how our carefully curated selection transforms cocktail menus nationwide "

Mixologist's Garden a revolutionar y concept in the world of garnishes for professionals, is rapidly gaining popularity among bar tenders across the United Kingdom With its innovative freeze-dried technolog y, Mixologist's Garden has emerged as the go-to resource for bar tenders seeking to create unique and extraordinar y drink experiences

The Mixologist's Garden garnishes come in various Berries and Citrus to complement a wide range of cocktails and drinks The brand's products are all-natural, vegan-friendly, gluten-free and without any preser vatives ensuring that ever yone enjoys them, while

Mixologist's Garden par tnered with the most modern freeze-dr ying producers to achieve the highest quality We focus on quality at ever y stage of the process to deliver freeze-dried fruit suitable for delivering Perfect Ser ves "

Consumer research conducted in 2021 showed that over 80% of consumers prefer bars that pay special attention to making the Perfect Ser ve whereas in reality, only 42% of bars have any berries

For more information about Mixologist's Garden, please visit or contact the brand directly at hi@perfectyourser ve info

The Growing Popularity of Cocktails in the UK Hospitality and On-Trade Market 26 CLH Digital Issue 177


Here are some tips on how to sell more cocktails this year

1 Offer seasonal and unique cocktails: Customer s are always looking for something new and exciting to tr y, especial y dur ing the summer months Consider offer ing seasonal coc ktai s that utilize fresh, local ingredients or unique f avor combinations that will stand out on your menu

2 Host cocktail events: Summer is the perfect t me to host coc ktail events or masterc lasses to promote your menu and educate your customer s on the ingredients and tec hniques used to create your coc ktails This will not only attract customer s , but it will also create a loya following for your establishment

3 Promote on social media: Use social media to promote your coc ktai menu post photos and videos of your coc ktails , and engage with your customer s This will not only attract new customer s but also encourage

Spirits and Cocktails

repeat business

4 Offer happy hour : Happy hour is a proven way to attract customer s and encourage them to tr y your coc ktails Offer discounts or promotions dur ing cer tain hour s to encourage customer s to come in and tr y your menu

5 Collaborate with local distilleries or breweries: Collaborating with local distiller ies or brewer ies can create unique coc ktails and promote your par tner ship on social media This will not only attract customer s interested in suppor t ng local businesses but also create a buzz around your establishment

By following these tips, UK licensed on-trade establishments can capitalize on the growing trend for cocktails and sell more during the summer months

Don't be afraid to get creative and offer unique and refreshing drinks to stand out from the competition

Remember, summer is the perfect time to attract new customers and create a loyal following for your establishment

Introducing Pergola's Margaritas

Introducing Pergola's Margaritas, crafted with recipes originating from a traditional Mexican bar

We have two amazing options:

The Poolside Margarita (19 2% ABV) - A refreshing twist on the Classic Margarita, infused with Mint and Yuzu A tar t yet delicious drink!

The Sunset Margarita (18 4% ABV) - A delightful spin on the Tequila Sunrise , elevated with Cognac and Pomegranate The fruitier option!

The real Point of Difference of these Margaritas is their strength and versatility; they have been designed to work in multiple ways:

• Classic Margarita cocktails when shaken and ser ved on ice

• Frosty delights as Frozen Margaritas with crushed ice

• Refreshing Long drinks by pairing them with your favorite mixers .

Introducing Master of Malt Trade, the Award Winning Future Forward Drinks Wholesaler

“Our industr y is constantly evolving to meet customer needs so as a supplier you must be able to rapidly evolve your offering and ser vice to best suppor t these” explains Liam Belton, Trade Lead at Master of Malt Modern hospitality requires a modern approach, we strive to deliver a ser vice that keeps up with what we ourselves as consumers expect For us this is a focus on offering flexibility, simplicity and responsiveness to suppor t modern trading ”

• Embrace adventure by using them as Shots

It s many drinks in one bottle - perfect to tailor the drink to suit customers!

Why Pergola for the Catering Industr y?

We combine 100% agave Tequila, premium Cognac , Cointreau, and orange liquors; twinned with fresh juices and plant extracts while being Free from Allergens, Additives and Preser vatives

Available in 500ml and 200ml bottles, the versatility and freshness of our Margaritas are perfect to provide perfectly mixed cocktails & drinks that:

• Save time

• Reduce wastage

• Ensure consistent quality

• Control the strength and the kind of drink

Here's to creating unforgettable moments for your customers!

info@pergoladrinks com

Pergola Ready to Drink Margaritas

Master of Malt Trade stock and deliver an almost unrivalled range of over 15,500+ spirits, liqueurs, vermouths, sherries, bitters, wines and champagnes that are curated by their team of passionate specialists With an ethos of ‘by the industr y, for the industr y ’ , they have a focus on offering flexibility, simplicity and responsiveness to meet modern trading needs There is no minimum order across their extensive catalogue , they also offer national next day deliver y with an 8 30pm cut off time , as well as free deliver y on orders over £200 (ex VAT) With an innovative people centric approach their customer on-boarding and management systems offer a personal touch, with the convenience and accessibility of a multi-award winning digital platform

The hospitality landscape is changing; unpredictability around consumer attendance and spending habits means that businesses are having to become incredibly nimble and flexible, whilst closely watching cashflow It is with this foresight that Master of Malt Trade have extended their next day deliver y cut off time to 8 30pm, to offer their customers the ability to navigate whatever situations arise with ease and minimal impact on the following days, from last minute events to unexpected busy periods and running out of products

Master of Malt Trade pride themselves on a digital first approach and want to lead the future of trade wholesale by making it easier to discover and order new products They also have a flexibility of response in creating their own products, as par t of their sister business Atom Labs as well as wanting to take care of the future by working with responsible farmers who are sustainable in their methods and production, such as B-Corp cer tified Mijenta and the Oxford Distiller y

From caterers, bars, restaurants, nightclubs and hotels, to independent retailers, wholesalers and events companies, Master of Malt Trade is here to suppor t your business
Issue 177 CLH Digital 27

Plant-Based Dining

Serving the Future: The Flourishing Trend of Plant-Based Foods

In a world driven by conscious consumption and sustainability the hospitality industr y is undergoing a culinar y revolution that echoes the values of its diners The surge in demand for plant-based foods and the rise of vegetarianism and veganism over the past decade have reshaped menus and redefined dining experiences across the UK This seismic shift towards plant-based offerings isn't just a fleeting fad but a transformative movement that requires the keen attention of ever y establishment in the licensed ontrade sector This dietar y evolution has not only brought about changes in individuals eating habits but has also revolutionized the hospitality and licensed on-trade industr y As the demand for plant-based options continues to rise , the sector has had to adapt to meet the evolving preferences of consumers


The journey from plant-based foods being considered a niche offering to becoming a mainstream culinar y choice has been truly remarkable Over the past 10 years, the UK has witnessed a staggering growth in the demand for plant-based options According to industr y statistics the number of people identifying as vegan in the UK has quadrupled since 2014, and the vegetarian population has also seen a significant increase This shift is not limited to the health-conscious; it s a reflection of broader cultural and environmental considerations Over the past two years, there has been a remarkable surge in the adoption of plant-based diets among the British population, indicating a notable shift in public opinion and lifestyle choices

Approximately 23% of UK consumers are actively tr ying to incorporate more plant-based foods into their diets, with 9% identifying as vegan or vegetarian These figures position the UK as having one of the highest shares of plant-based eaters in Europe second only to Germany


A significant catalyst for this movement has been the yearly campaign known as Veganuar y, which encourages individuals to adopt a vegan lifestyle

for the month of Januar y Since its inception in 2014 Veganuar y has experienced exponential growth, with par ticipation increasing from 3,300 par ticipants in its first year to over half a million in 2020 This substantial increase underscores the growing public interest in plant-based diets The growth of Veganuar y, par ticularly over the past five years is a testament to the expanding appetite for plant-based dining experiences The campaign s impact is evident not only in the skyrocketing number of par ticipants but also in the response from the hospitality industr y Restaurants and pubs across the UK have begun to embrace the challenge incorporating innovative vegan and vegetarian dishes that cater to a diverse range of tastes This has sparked a culinar y revolution inspiring chefs to experiment with plantbased ingredients, flavours, and techniques


Generation Z, born into an era of unprecedented connectivity and information sharing, holds the key to the continued success of plant-based offerings This tech-savvy and socially conscious generation places a premium on sustainability, health, and ethical choices They are not just customers but brand advocates who wield the power of social media to amplify their preferences, with one food blogger and influencer, stating: "For Gen Z, dining out is an experience that extends beyond taste They want their choices to reflect their values, and plant-based options provide exactly that Sharing their dining experiences online is a way for them to spread the word and encourage their peers to make similar choices "


The transition to a more plant-based dining landscape presents a unique oppor tunity for chefs to showcase their creativity and culinar y prowess Chefs are faced with the task of devising dishes that appeal to the discerning palates of both dedicated vegans and flexitarian diners This involves not only sourcing high-quality plant-based ingredients but also mastering the ar t of flavour balancing and presentation From vegan "meat" substitutes to elaborate plant-based charcuterie boards, chefs are redefining the bound-


1 Diver se Menus: Embrace creativity by offer ing a wide range of plantbased options that appeal to different tastes and preferences From comfor t foods to globally inspired dishes , var iety is key

2 Quality Matter s: Don't compromise on quality Just like any other dish, plant-based offer ings should be f avorful well-presented and sat sfying

3 Collaborate with Exper ts: Par tner with culinar y exper ts who understand the nuances of plant-based cooking Their insights can elevate your offer ings and cater to discerning diner s

4 Educate Staff: Equip your staff with knowledge about plant-based ingredients and d shes They should be able to confidently guide customer s through the menu and offer recommendat ons

5 Engage on Social Media: Leverage the power of social media to showcase your plant-based offer ings Engaging v suals and stor ies can pique the interest of potential customer s

6. Flexibility and Customization: Allow customer s to customize their dishes , cater ing to var ious dietar y preferences and restr ictions

7 Sustainability Stor y: Share the sustainability journey of your plant-based offer ings Transparenc y about sourcing and environmental impact resonates with conscious diner s

In conclusion, the plant-based movement is more than just a dietar y trend; it's a cultural shift that reflects evolving consumer values The growth of vegetarianism and veganism in the past decade , par ticularly among Generation Z, underscores the need for the hospitality industr y to adapt and innovate By embracing this trend with creativity, authenticity, and sustainability at the forefront, restaurants and pubs can successfully capitalize on this thriving movement and ensure a delicious ethical and vibrant dining experience for all

Entice New Customers With Plant-Based Options

As customer's budgets continue to shrink, offering a complete range of quality, affordable plant-based options can be the difference between a customer choosing your establishment over another Although still only constituting a small percentage of the population, those who eat plant-based diets have significantly more power over where groups dine and shop A group of friends with one vegan friend will seek out

restaurants that offer an appetising selection of plant-based dishes to accommodate that person Similarly, a parent may choose to do their weekly food shop at the supermarket that offers the widest selection of plant-based options for their child

That's why it s so vital to get your range of plant-based options right - it has the impact to attract more customers to your business Plant Based World Expo Europe is back and ready help you navigate this! With so much innovation taking place at a dizzying pace , the plant-based sector can be hard to keep up with Products today are a world apar t from earlier versions, with closer texture and taste parity with meat and dair y than ever before

Europe s only 100% plant-based trade show will open at a new, larger location of ExCeL London this year

Taking place on 15th-16th November, over the two days professionals from the food and beverage industr y will be able to discover these innovative plant-based products hear from industr y leaders and pioneers and make vital connections to help their businesses Plant Based World brings together manufacturers from around the world, offering attendees the oppor tunity to taste products that aren’t yet available in the UK

In addition to over 275+ companies exhibiting their plant-based products and solutions the event hosts three content theatres which are open to all attendees The conference program will include speakers from key organisations in the sector, joining together to envision the future of the categor y The Culinar y Theatre will host sessions run by a mixture of industr y and celebrity chefs to provide a real-time showcase on how plant-based products can create exceptionally easy, and tasty, dishes New for 2023, it will also include sessions going back to the basics helping chefs reimagine pantr y staples to create enticing low-cost dishes

The event will also host a key buyer program offering curated meetings to match buyers with the products they are seeking during the show Registration is free for professionals working within the food and beverage sector simply visit the website and register to attend For fur ther information and to register please visit www plantbasedworldeurope com


Did you know that PEPPADEW® is the nation s favourite pepper brand?*

Or that 72% of consumers say they find the presence of known brands a sign of a quality establishment**? The Piquanté Pepper Tang y, crunchy and with a mild slightly sweet heat Peppadew® piquant peppers – small whole peppers bright red in colour –are the perfect way to bring an added burst of flavour to pasta, pizza, salads and sandwiches

The Piquanté Peppers are carefully picked and deseeded by hand, then infused with the unmistakeable PEPPADEW® flavour through our secret brine solution to keep their flavour and that satisfying bite Firm and crunchy pickled peppers with an impeccable balance of sweet and tang y flavours and a perfectly matched mild heat

They are 100% vegan, with no added preser vatives high in vitamin c and contains antioxidants

Harness the power of PEPPADEW®

Whole Sweet Piquanté Peppers - the nations’ favourite pepper brand!

Available now at Booker, Bidfood and KFF

If you ’ re interested in working with us, and want to discover how we can pep up your menu get in touch with us today: sales@peppaco co uk or find out more at www.peppadewfoodser vice

*Source: IRI SIG Grocer y O ives and Antipasti MAT 18/06/2022

**Source: Independent Toluna Insight w th 1 000 UK consumer s , Marc h 2022

28 CLH Digital Issue 177

Chef's Buyer's Guide

New Wine Vintages from Bacchus Wines PLDC

Bacchus Wines PLDC Ltd is pleased to offer new vintages by Chateau de Parenchère to excite customer palates

Bacchus Wines PLDC is an independent wine merchant that offers joyful and affordable wines to UK restaurants, caterers, bars, and wine enthusiasts Unlike larger wine merchants

Bacchus Wines have simplified the wine-selling business for hospitality venues Bacchus Wines PLDC is a boutique wine merchant but selects its wines carefully They work with wine estates who they know personally They also choose wines that are not faddy Their selection process is based on decades in the hospitality industr y, so they know what drinkers and diners will enjoy They cover all duties and

impor ts, so prices stay low, offering solid markup potentials to venues all over the UK

The small yet perfectly curated wine collection features the Magnificent Seven by the family-run Chateau de Parenchère New 2022 vintages have just been released and offer great ageing potential and great 'drink now ' options

The 2022 Blanc-Sec is a great all-rounder white wine , perfect for all occasions

La Roseraie 2022 is a rosé with delicate and tang y currant scents

The 2022 L'Equilibriste Rouge is a fantastic blend produced without adding sulphites and is excellent to drink now

Celebrate Summer in Style with LittlePod

LittlePod’s products are used by professional chefs all over the world, but when it came to creating a collection of real vanilla recipes for our new website , we found the answer on our doorstep in Devon

Boasting many years of Michelin-starred experience , Peter Gor ton is a long-time advocate for local food companies and having used our natural extracts and other ingredients in his dishes during a storied career, we were delighted when he agreed to join us as a LittlePod ambassador last summer

In addition to helping spread the word about our Campaign for Real Vanilla at various food events, shows and festivals, Peter created our Chef s Collection – 10 new recipes that showcase LittlePod’s products that we have used both on our website and our 2023 calendar

Keen to underline vanilla s versatility, Peter s recipes go beyond baking In demonstrating that this adaptable ingredient can be used in both sweet and savour y dishes, our Master Chef of Great Britain is inspiring more and more cooks to keep it REAL

I love using LittlePod and ever y chef should have it, explained Peter, one of Devon s finest chefs, who has trained and worked at some of the best establishments in Great Britain and around the world since embarking on a 43-year career that has also seen him own and run six restaurants “It is so versatile and saves so much time without compromising on quality ” www littlepod co uk

The 2022 Bordeaux Clairet is more substantial than traditional rosés, with a good body and exuberant fruitiness

2020 Bordeaux Supérieur Rouge is a classic blend with a good balance between fruit and tannin, red fruit and a long finish It won gold at Concours Mondial de Bruxcelles

Chef & restaurateur Jake S Watkins, commented, "I have been buying wines from Pierre-Loup DeCam of Bacchus Wines for over twenty-two years When I owned the Michelin-starred JSW Restaurant in Hampshire , and since retiring, I stocked my cellar with the joyful wines of Château de Parenchère They are my go-to wines, and I always receive excellent wines and ser vice "

If your customers enjoy top-quality wine with provenance from winemakers who respect the terroir and the environment, visit the Bacchus Wines PDC website You will receive significant discounts if you sign up for a trade account

For more information, please visit https://bacchuspldc com/ or call on 0845 500 1040

UK Champagne Sales Buoyant With Consumers Increasingly Trading Up

Lanchester Wines has par tnered with Champagne Moutard to bring its range of premium Champagnes to the UK trade CLH spoke with James Dainty from Lanchester Wines:

“Recent figures from Le Comité Interprofessionnel du vin de Champagne (CIVC) shows UK Champagne sales as steady with 28million bottles of Champagne expor ted to UK in 2022

Non Vintage Brut Champagne the big success of 2022 accounting for 78% of all UK sales and impor tantly British 18-34 years old buying more Champagne than a year ago This is great news for the sector as we expect they will continue drinking Champagne as they mature with their wine choices increasing in value inline with their income

Sales to supermarkets are on the decline but remain the go-to outlet for the big brands or value Champagne However we re increasingly seeing consumers trading up to more expensive Champagnes which are most often sourced from the high quality on trade venues or independent off trade outlets who are able to offer advice and information This trend isn’t specific to the UK

The Champagne region had two weeks of rains at the end of July/early August which can bring disease (Mildiou/Mildew), but

sun and warmer temperature are expected which will help the healthy growing of the grapes We do not yet know how har vest will go, but there is already quite a lot of grapes this year Vintage wines are ‘ a photograph of the year ’ a snapshot of unique climate conditions creating exclusive expressions The blending of these vintages to create something utterly new and bespoke is a skilled craft and what makes Champagne brilliantly unique

“Lanchester Wines has par tnered with Champagne Moutard which, alongside is excellent Grande Cuvée Brut NV, creates the only Champagne made with old vine Arbane – only two hectares of this extremely rare grape can be found in the whole of Champagne! This grape is also blended into its Cuvée Six Cépages Brut Nature Vintage 2011 which is created using six of the permissible Champagne grapes (Arbane , Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, Petite Meslier and Pinot Blanc – the seventh grape being Fromenteau) which is barrel fermented followed by 10 years on the lees This is real craftsmanship and love for the wine , which the customer understands and translates to quality – this stands out for consumers who are seeking an exciting, unique Champagne ” www lanchesterwines co uk

30 CLH Digital Issue 177

Sustainable Resources

Destination Charging: Harnessing Cost-Free EV Charging to Amplify Footfall and Revenue

Did you know that when it comes to charging away from home , one in five electric vehicle (EV) drivers actively seek out locations that offer retail and hospitality amenities?

New research from Deloitte found the top amenities sought out by EV drivers while charging their vehicle include coffee and beverages (64%), bathrooms (56%), WiFi connectivity (55%), snacks and food options (43%) and a lounge or sitting area (42%) Interestingly the sur vey also showed that as much as a quar ter of EV drivers (one in four) are happy to wait up to an hour while their vehicle is charging Hotels restaurants and other leisure sites offer a perfect location for the installation of EV charging facilities, says Tom Davies, Business Development Director for the PoGo EV Charging network: “EV drivers seek out safe , comfor table places to wait while they charge their vehicle and most hotels, restaurants and pubs tick all the boxes for what the driver is looking for –

whether it s a business driver stopping for a coffee while they charge or a family breaking their journey at lunch time

“Adding EV charging to your parking area provides existing customers with an additional ser vice and suppor ts customer loyalty It also helps you to unlock the value of your site by giving other EV drivers a reason to stop, who will be only too happy to use your facilities while they wait and become new customers to you, ” he explains “EV charging doesn’t have to be a costly ser vice to provide PoGo offers fully funded EV charger installation for landowners, where we take care of the costs and oversee the whole process from install to the ongoing maintenance and the customer ser vice for drivers, so that you can reap the rewards of giving customers what they need

There are now more than one million electric vehicles on UK roads, and a new batter y electric car was sold ever y 60 seconds in the UK in the month of July EV ownership is reaching a tipping point, meaning that more and more customers will be expecting EV charging facilities Their loyalties

What Makes Wicker Such A Good Choice?

There are many key benefits to selecting sustainable wicker for your packaging and display options due to its environmentally and socially responsible nature

It’s a natural renewable resource , growing quickly to replenish what is depleted, unlike nonrenewable resources such as plastics or metals It s also biodegradable and minimal chemicals are used during production so wicker will naturally breakdown over time and return to the ear th without causing harm

1 Renewable Resource: Wic ker grows relatively quic kly and can be har vested without causing long-term damage to the environment

2 Biodegradabi ity: W c ker mater ials are biodegradable , break ng down natural y over t me returning to the ear th without caus ng harm

3 Durable and Long-lasting: Sustainable w c ker products are durable and can have a long lifespan if properly cared for

4 Aesthetic Appeal: Baskets , Shopper s and Hamper s have a natural, rustic , and complimentar y traditional aesthetic

5 Reduces Plast c Usage:

By c hoosing susta nable wic ker products over plastic-based alternatives , you help combat plastic pollution and its negative impacts on ecosystems

6 Indoor Air Qua ity: Natura w c ker mater ials do not offgas harmful c hem cals or contr ibute to indoor air pollution contr ibuting to a hea thier indoor environment

Aside from the most impressive credentials of the sustainability of wicker, it creates a really, useful, tactile container perfect for food, drink, gifts, or storage

From traditional hampers to storefront shopping baskets small bread baskets to deep storage baskets wicker will last for many years That’s what makes wicker such a good choice www candigifts co uk

01502 501681

will quickly align with businesses that share a similar outlook on sustainability and suppor t zero emission driving

“EV motorists are growing in number and it’s a target market that is only getting bigger,” says Tom “Catering for their needs now and building customer loyalty will put you a step ahead of the competition

PoGo is already working with a number of par tners to demonstrate the value of EV charging solutions, including a major par tnership with Kew Green Hotels to kick star t the hotel operator’s plans across the UK The agreement will see PoGo create 40 new accessible EV charging hubs at hotel brands including Holiday Inn Holiday Inn Express voco and Cour tyard by Marriott, that will provide a mix of ultra-rapid chargers to attract passing motorists, as well as overnight chargers to meet the needs of hotel guests

To find out more about PoGo visit https://pogocharge com or see the adver t on the facing page

Smart Soda UK’s High-End Healthy Hydration Solution Brings Sustainability

Benefits to No1 Soho Place

“The bridge tower perfectly delivers on the brief to dispense a range of low- and nosugar drinks, while at the same time eradicating plastic waste and reducing the client’s carbon footprint ” With healthy hydration and sustainability as par t of the brief, Smar t Soda UK has recently installed a purposedesigned self-ser ve multidrinks bridge tower dispensing system for Apollo Management International LLP at its new premises at No1 Soho Place , London Tricon Foodser vice Consultants was appointed as sub-consultants by the project management team at Gensler, the architects, with a brief to deliver a system that provided a free-issue self-ser ve hydration solution plus a wide range of non- and low-sugar beverages At the same time , they were looking to remove all plastic waste from the premises

“Apollo had experience of self-ser ve multi-drinks systems in its New York offices, but those mainly featured branded sugar y sodas, and the client asked us to find a supplier which could meet the brief, both for heathier drinks and a more environmentally friendly solution ” says Tricon Foodser vice Consultants Project Director

Chantal Bourquin-Quéva “We found Smar t Soda UK, which was able to offer more than just plain water and already provided a variety of dispense solutions We then began the process of designing something special which suited the unique needs of the client and the aesthetics of the building

“Sustainability is at the forefront of ever ything we do and we are always looking to implement systems where we can use reusable products and avoid disposables

The development of the bridge tower self-ser ve dispensing system has been a complete success We work with architects and interior designers so the look and feel of the Smar t Soda bridge tower drinks system is hugely impor tant Alongside the benefits of healthy drinks and sustainability gains all par ties have been impressed by the ease of installation – without too much disruption – and how flexible this solution can be , so we will be recommending similar solutions to other clients in the future ”

Tricon was also scoped with carr ying out the tender process to bring a caterer for the site on board, and BCorp cer tified Houston and Hawkes was selected


“We look after all of Apollo’s catering and hospitality needs from the restaurant to events, and that averages around 350 people a day,” says Houston and Hawkes general manager on site , Andre Welman

“The bridge tower saves space and time In respect of space-saving, we don’t need to store cans and bottles, or have rows of refrigerators, and we don t have to manage lots of deliveries Removing single-use plastic from the site also saves the time which would otherwise be devoted to separating and storing waste for collection for recycling

“With so many people using the system ever y day the choice and variety of drinks has proved popular, and at lunchtimes almost ever yone who comes through the door is using it On our side we also appreciate that the system is easy to clean and maintain

“As a B-Corp business, genuine sustainability gains are

hugely impor tant to Houston and Hawkes, so the bridge tower system is a perfect fit for us Eradicating single-use plastic , cutting energ y use for refrigeration, and reducing the number of deliveries to the site all make a positive and measurable contribution ”


The Smar t Soda bridge tower incorporates 10 Multiplex® CRAFTtaps Made from 100% stainless steel, each streamline post-mix valve tap delivers a durable and hygienic – easy-to-clean – dispense solution which ensures drinks are ser ved at a consistent cold temperature and a consistent taste ever y time

The development of the bridge tower was down to successful teamwork involving Tricon Foodser vice Consultants senior design consultant Stuar t Wilcox, working with cooling and dispense equipment specialists Multiplex Welbilt Halesowen, and Italian draft dispensing system specialists Global Fountain

“This is the first, and only, dispensing unit of its type in Europe , ” says Global Fountain’s Massimo Todeshini “It was great to have the oppor tunity to work on the development of a bespoke unit which we know is operating perfectly and has been so well received Despite the special nature of the unit, requiring the fitting of a lot of technolog y into such a small space , from the initial request to installation, took only eight weeks ”


Smar t Soda is the world’s first water company to offer functional pH-enhanced vitamin-infused sodas and flavoured waters – crafted with alkaline water, and made with only reduced British beet sugar – or no sugar at all – via a post mix dispenser

“We were chosen for this project as Smar t Soda is well known for helping companies demonstrate that they care about staff wellbeing through the provision of unlimited, healthy and sustainable drinks,” says Smar t Soda UK Operations Director Ian Webb

Smar t Soda is all about the consistent quality and taste of the drinks, hence we source the best equipment to deliver our beverages to the highest standard Our dispense solutions are delivered using a bag-in-box system – so the drinks are delivered in recyclable cardboard boxes Bag-in-box reduces carbon footprint by taking up less space and reducing weight in the supply chain

“In this way Smar t Soda eliminates the creation distribution, storage , and waste disposal of lorr y loads of plastic bottles and cans Each 5 litre bag-in-box drinks removes 120 (330ml) cans or 80 (500ml) bottles from the distribution chain

“Our client is delighted that the bridge tower perfectly delivers on the brief to dispense a range of low- and no-sugar drinks, while at the same time eradicating plastic waste and reducing the client’s carbon footprint In addition, Gensler, the architect for No1 Soho Place is pleased with the way that the unit complements the carefully designed aesthetics

www smar tsoda co uk

32 CLH Digital Issue 177

Catering Equipment & Kitchen Fit-Out

Caterquip Ventilation – For All Your Commercial Catering Ventilation Needs

Caterquip Ventilation Ltd is proud to be celebrating their 23rd Anniversar y this year

This Warwick based company

kitchen design ser vice to help you build your ideal kitchen Projects under taken have included Olympic Villages Basildon Hospital, The Mitre Hotel at Hampton Cour t, The Truck Stop at Anglesey, The Lodge at Old Hunstanton Colleges

Schools, Hotels, Restaurants and Public Houses They ensure their systems are compliant with the current guidelines whilst maintaining an efficient and dynamic facility With extensive knowledge of manufacturing and installing ventilation systems, they can help you design the best kitchen within the space available Call: 01926 887167, visit: www caterquipventilation co uk, email: info@caterquipventilation co uk

Blue Seal Fryers and Oil Filtration

Operators should consider when purchasing a fr yer and their oil, the oil capacity against production rate , burner efficiency and recover y rate , as well as a true cool zone in gas fr yers to help prolong the oil life Blue Seal V ray Gas Fr yers are our premium fr yer and burner system, which come at a higher price compared to some competitors’ gas models However the fuel efficiency, cost saving, performance and stainless steel high build quality far out way the additional initial cost to the operator Blue Seal produce high performance thermostatic controlled gas & electric fr yers Our Evolution range gas fr yers GT60, GT46 & GT45 have a premium feature benefit of all using our patented “V’Ray” burner system This system uses infra-red technolog y radiating the heat into the tank, only heating the area of oil the baskets are sitting in This promotes incredibly fast recover y rates, high efficiency for limited fuel consumption provides a true cool zone in conjunction with the specially shaped tank The true cool zone prevents crumb and food debris that drops below the batter plates from continuous

cooking and carbonising, which in turn helps prevent the degrading of oil quality This all achieves considerable cost saving for the operator with fuel and oil, as well as time efficiency, producing the finished products

Blue Seal also offer an additional Filtration units that give a fantastic solution to improving oil life , have great mobility and space saving features as well as powerful pumps & full stainless steel construction Moisture fatty acids and food residue contaminate cooking oil spoiling fried food taste and causing the oil to smoke Blue Seal Filtamax removes impurities quickly and effectively maintaining consistent high cooking quality and considerable extension of oil life

The Carbon Pads remove sub-micron par ticles down to 0 5 microns – this is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand

Daily filtering of fr yer oil using carbon filters can massively increase the life span of the oil creating large cost savings and create more consistent finish and taste to the food product

Sparkling Glass Made Easy with the UC Excellence-iPlus from Winterhalter

Sommeliers know the impor tance of sparkling clean glassware

Ser ving fine or vintage wine in streaky or dir ty glasses reflects badly not only on them but the whole business The quality of the glassware your guests experience acts as a business card for your business The latest version of Winterhalter's UC Excellence-iPlus glasswasher guarantees that even the most delicate stemware can be cleaned to the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene , without the need for polishing

Winterhalter is often called "the home of glasswashing " thanks to its pivotal role in the development of professional glasswashing systems

The company is constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of the results its range delivers The current undercounter UC

Excellence-iPlus models combine a range of technical innovations that allows all kinds of glassware to be cleaned perfectly without the need of fur ther attention, like polishing, before they are used in ser vice

These include powerful insulation, eco-friendly chemicals, an integrated reverse-osmosis system and features that help to ensure hygiene like deep-drawn water tanks and rack guides specially designed to stop debris col-


One key to the UC Excellence-iPlus superior performance is the wash arm The wash arm reduces water consumption by up to 25%, which in turn reduces both energ y and chemical consumption This means an overall reduction in operating costs of up to 22%

A four stage filtration system removes even the finest par ticles from the water, reducing how often it needs to be changed while increasing its cleaning power The UC Excellence-iPlus can also be fitted with a hybrid water treatment system that offers both reverse osmosis filtration and a standard water softening system

Reverse osmosis removes minerals like calcium and magnesium which can cause streaks on glasses as they dr y, delivering the best possible cleaning results RO water gives the UC Excellence-iPlus the ability to clean glasses perfectly and means that they are ready for use straight out of the machine with no need for additional and time consuming hand polishing

All of this technolog y allows the UC Excellence-iPlus to deliver the wash results Sommeliers demand, without the need for laborious and expensive polishing This allows staff to concentrate on providing customers with the best possible ser vice

For fur ther details, call Winterhalter on 01908 359000, visit www winterhalter com/uk-en/ or email

Evolution Fryers and Filter Units
Premium Fryer and Bur ner System
ultimate solution for any catering establishment, perfect for pubs, hotels, restaurants, cafes and much more.
offers nationwide coverage for all your commercial catering needs: free site sur veys, quotations and designs (C AD) quality bespoke and standard fabrications, specialist knowledge of catering ventilation systems including input air, odour reduction
filtration and ESP) and sound attenuation
members of Constructionline and CHAS,
Ventilation have a strong hold in the marketplace often advising industr y professionals on ventilation systems to a DW172 specification & BSEN:6173
have strong relationships with
kitchen equipment suppliers, and they offer a
all leading
34 CLH Digital Issue 177

The New DrainMinor C (Combi Oven Pump) Catering Equipment & Kitchen Fit-Out

There are significant advantages offered by the New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by Pump Technolog y Ltd

The pump features a tank with its

The build quality of the submersible wastewater pump was also a discussion point, with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement especially considering the hot wastewater temperatures and potential grease which these units have to handle

It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet This means that the installation footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated

It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a real winner!

Midlands Warewash Solutions

Midlands Warewash Solutions, a new company specialising in the repair, ser vice , sales and installation of commercial dishwashing equipment With over a decade of experience in the industr y, the company ' s owner Mitchell Ward, who was previously at Winterhalter for 9 years as a technician and then Regional Operations Manager, brings unparalleled exper tise to the forefront Midlands Warewash Solutions aims to ser ve end users, distributors and manufacturers, establishing itself as a reliable and trusted par tner in the Midlands region Midlands Warewash Solutions prioritises excellence in ser vicing and repairing commercial dishwashing equipment With a focus on exceptional customer satisfaction, the company offers comprehensive solutions to businesses of all sizes, ensuring that their operations run smoothly and efficiently

Midlands Warewash Solutions is proud to par tner with leading manufacturers including Winterhalter Classeq and Maidaid By supplying products from these renowned brands the company ensures that clients have access to the highest quality equipment

The core ser vices offered by Midlands Warewash

Solutions include:

• Repair s and Maintenance: Midlands Warewash offer s prompt and effic ent repair ser vices for a wide range of commercial dishwash ng equipment We have the knowedge and exper tise to hand e var ous brands and models , ensur ing minimal downtime and maximum productivity

• Ser vice Contracts: The company offer s comprehensive ser vice contracts designed to keep commerc al dishwashing equ pment n optimal work ng condition These contracts inc lude routine maintenance visits , inspections and proactive troubleshooting providing businesses with peace of mind and min mising unexpected breakdowns

• Equipment Supply: Mid ands Warewash Solutions ser ves as a trusted supplier of commercial dishwashing equ pment, representing reputab e brands suc h as Winterhalter C asseq and Maidaid Clients can rely on Mid ands Warewash Solutions to provide them with topquality products ta lored to their specific needs

Contact information for Midlands Warewash

Solutions: www MidlandsWarewash co uk

Contact@MidlandsWarewash co uk 01384929099

Nestled in the heart of the West Midlands, we take pride in offering top-notch repair, servicing, sales, and installation services

With a deep understanding of the industry, our skilled technicians are dedicated to keeping your business running seamlessly Whether it's a sudden breakdown routine maintenance, or a new setup, we ve got you covered We specialize in catering to a wide range of businesses ensuring sparkling clean results every time

What sets us apart is our commitment to customer satisfaction Our responsive team is always ready to address your unique requirements providing tailored solutions that fit your operational demands and budget

No job is too big or small – we tackle each challenge with expertise and enthusiasm

From bustling restaurants to bustling hotels, our services span across the entire Midlands region Wherever your establishment is located – whether it's in Birmingham Coventry, or anywhere in between – we re just a call away

Experience reliability, efficiency, and excellence with Midlands Warewash Solutions Your success is our business

Introducing Midlands Warewash Solutions – the ultimate destination for all your commercial dishwasher and glasswasher needs WWW

01384 929099
clear side window was the large , triangular, low-level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease fat and food par ticles before the reliable star t/stop operation of the pump is affected The triangular low-level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline , giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens
Issue 177 CLH Digital 35 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Outdoor Spaces

Keeping Food Hot? We Have All The Answers

First of all you will want one of our world beating Kanga boxes and a Carbon Heater You can then keep food hot indefinitely and fully comply with HACCP regulations

Sounds too good to be true? Well we only supply premium German manufactured products from stock at incredibly low prices The insulated box manufactured from top quality expanded polypropylene is a dense closed cell insulation material but incredibly light to handle when empty for example the GN insulted box with a 117 mm internal depth only weighs just over a kilo and yet holds a massive 21 lts capacity Now combine the Kanga box with a Carbon Heater and the magic begins, hot food all the time!

Our range of Carbon heaters offers two voltage

options 12 volts for car operation using the cigarette lighter socket or 230 volt mains voltage for internal or external mains use The big advantage of the Carbon Heaters they are absolutely fool proof just inser t them in the bottom of the box turn on and forget, there are no consumer controls the temperature is pre-set at the factor y at 75 deg C The Carbon Heater is ver y light at only 700 grammes and does not take up much room only being 10mm thick Dishes can be place on the Carbon Heater straight out of the oven up to 120deg C Finally quick and easy to clean just wipe over with a damp cloth

Contact Catering Equipment Limited on Tel: 0121 773 2228 or visit www clickonstore net or

Park and Urban Furniture

ational spaces across the world


Businesses, such as restaurants, cafes, and pubs can significantly boost their revenue by providing outdoor seating options

This strateg y appeals to a broader customer base , as many individuals prefer the refreshing atmosphere while dining or shopping

We have teamed up with some of the most renowned Scandinavian designers to develop products encouraging the local community to socialise and enjoy spending time outdoors

Boasting a timeless aesthetic and improved usability, our park and urban furniture range will cope with heavy use and age beautifully over the years Suitable for all weather conditions and environments Suitable

The outdoor space creates a welcoming impression enticing potential customers to stop by and suppor t the establishment Additionally by offering outdoor seating, the business can accommodate more guests during busy times resulting in higher sales and quicker table turnovers

The improved customer experience fosters loyalty and positive word-of-mouth, fur ther attracting repeat business Consequently this elevates the brand's image , attracting more customers, and ultimately driving revenue growth

Email sales@hags co uk or visit www hags co uk

36 CLH Digital Issue 177 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
weather conditions
for all
ments, it has added value to many outdoor

Cinders ‘Classic’ Barbecue

The Cinders Classic barbecue has exceeded customers’ expectations for decades, due to its unique , patented design It easily cooks 1000 burgers in one session but being a true workhorse is not its only selling point Robust, reliable and low-maintenance are just three adjectives to describe a barbecue whose repair costs are typically non-existent over long periods, generating a healthy ROI for many years

The Cinders Classic comes as a six-foot long double grill (TG160) or a half-sized single grill (SG80) with both running on LPG and offering incredible food output for the price of the energ y used The user-friendly grills are easy-to-light and powerful getting up to temperature in around five minutes, to quickly feed a queue or facilitate an impromptu pop-up barbecue if great weather arrives

Cinders’ production values are impressive - not only

Outdoor Spaces

offering a warranty for commercial use , unlike cheap impor ted barbecues, but also built to ISO 9001:2015 standards

The barbecues have internal self-cleaning too removing the odious chore of post-barbecue clean-down

The grill merely needs to be left running for a few minutes to burn off residue , which is then brushed away or ejected Once cool, the Classic can be folded down and easily stored away

To discover more call 01524 262900 or

Beautiful and Functional

Villiers designs and creates beautiful furniture and works of ar t Built with the finest materials and superb craftsmanship pieces are individually made to last more than a lifetime

Venturing into the great outdoors, the latest Villiers work features exquisite sculptures and large planters launched this year and available in zinc and stainless combinations as well as rust and stainless steel finishes Designed to breathe new life into external spaces the materials are chosen so they can evolve with time and exposure to the elements – each unique to its surroundings

Ever y Villiers piece is made to order, whether working to an existing design, or a oneoff bespoke commission Designs can be customised with different colourways, shapes and sizes, and planters can be supplied with trees, adding the final flourishes to achieve a signature look

With well-honed ar tisanal skills, Villiers combines traditional methods and machiner y with modern tools and technolog y One of the most valuable machines in the workshop is a 100-year-old power hammer, and blacksmithing is an integral par t of the production process –

an ancient metal working skill that they are keen to keep alive through the specialist exper tise of the team Alongside the new outdoor collection are beautiful dining and console tables, mirrors, lighting, and modern metal furniture , each designed to complement elegant and aesthetic interiors Villiers has built an outstanding reputation over 30 years with classic and contemporar y pieces displayed in the finest hotels private residences yachts and luxur y spas across the world Villiers will be exhibiting at Landscape , the industr y trade show at NEC Birmingham, 27th and 28th September 2023

The new collection of planters are currently displayed at the flagship Linley store in Belgravia You can view a selection of sculptures and furniture online at www villiers co uk and keep up to date with the latest designs and works in progress on Instagram


For enquiries and fur ther details about Villiers please contact the team at or telephone 01799 516680



You can view a selection of sculptures and furniture online at

Contact the team at or on 01799 516680

Issue 177 CLH Digital 37
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Outdoor Spaces

With over 100 exhibitors to meet in-person and an exper t-led seminar programme , The Glamping Show 2023 promises to be an exceptional year, and must-attend event for those in the outdoor hospitality industr y

The only trade event dedicated to the glamping industr y The Glamping Show is the go-to event for anyone looking for products and information to suppor t, refresh or star t their outdoor hospitality business From structures of all kinds, shapes and sizes, to furnishings, hot tubs and business ser vices, this event is fer tile ground for gathering information, brainstorming and decision-making

The exper t-led seminar programme is entirely new this year, with relevant topics to help you along your business journey more than ever before Speakers at The Glamping Show include Sarah Orchard (Get Fully Booked & The Hudnall s Hideout Treehouse), Edward Busby (Crown & Canopy) Sarah Riley (Inspired Camping) Louis Thompson (Nomadic Resor ts) and many more leaders of the industr y

• “Has the g amping bubble bur st?”

• Will glamping win the race in a game-c hanging future for hospitality?

• “Farming to Glamping – Planning Permiss on & Business Rates ”

The battle for customers is tougher than ever, but with recent research suggesting 40% find the pub garden their Ultimate Happy Place , now is the time to make the most of your outdoor space and turn it into a haven for customers and a true talking point

Whether it’s covering a terrace bar, expanding your seating area or providing a truly unique standalone outdoor experience , our commercial awnings and Louvred roof systems can create a unique feature for your business and add not just a significant WOW factor, but an area to be used again and again

At Roché we offer award-winning retractable wall-mounted and freestanding awnings from leading German manufacturers Markilux and Weinor as well as the stunning Louvred Roof systems from both Renson and Weinor Our team of exper ts have over 20 years ’ experience in advising businesses on the right shading solution to suit a variety of outdoor spaces, and can help you maximise potential revenue by increasing usable

floorspace , both kerbside and in any garden areas you may have

All our products are made-to-measure and completely customisable to meet your exact requirements, with powder coated frames in a range of RAL colours and hundreds of weather-resistant fabrics to choose from Take advantage of accessories such as lights and infa-red heaters to create a desirable location for customers to relax and be comfor table while they enjoy evening meals or drinks For an added wow-factor you can add signwriting to help reinforce your brand and drive people into your premises who may have otherwise walked by without noticing

Our teams of engineers and sur veyors are based nationwide and use their experience to ensure each installation is completed to an extremely high standard

Call us on 0800 060 8844 to arrange a free site sur vey or visit www rocheawnings com

“It’s not just the structure , it’s the exper ience ”

• “With so many structures to c hoose from, how to make the r ight investment?”

• Green Glamping – Demystifying the journey to Net Zero

The expo at The Glamping Show has grown significantly over the past few

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

We create appealing and comfor table outdoor seating areas for your clients supplying ever ything required including:-

• planter s w th rea or faux plants

• cafe banner s and restaurant screens lighting

• heating

• c lassic neon signage parasols installed and repaired

• lent cular bladed roofed she ter s

• tables and c hair s

Our hardy planters are built to order using rot proof ar tificial wood planks This unique material is not only completely waterproof but is formed from UK factor y waste plastics and materials that would otherwise have gone into landfill They will last you countless years and are a genuine recyled investment

From our workshops in Kent we deliver

UK wide and are happy to visit and sur vey your site to to discuss your needs and prepare a drawing and quotation outlining what could be done all within your available budgets

We firmly believe the better you look on the outside the more customers will come to the inside so contact us on 01733 559437 or sales@cafeculture .biz

38 CLH Digital Issue 177
years with over 100 exhibitors bringing the ver y best they have to offer, and thus an even bigger array of products and ser vices to supercharge your business – so you can tr y, test, compare and decide Over the course of three days, you will have the oppor tunity to get to know the people behind the companies No matter what accommodations your glamping business offers – treehouses to tents and ever ything in between – you will also find furniture , insurance , off-grid power, booking systems, consulting ser vices, accessories, and more With exhibitors coming in from all corners of the world, you can accomplish more in a day at The Glamping Show than you could in a year tr ying to do it on your own The Glamping Show 2023 is held at NAEC Stoneleigh, Coventr y on September 14, 15 & 16 Located in the hear t of the midlands, the venue has excellent road, rail and air access, making it easy to travel to, wherever you ’ re coming from Tickets to attend are free – to discover all our exhibitors and to sign up for your e-Ticket and join us head to The Glamping Show 2023 Offers Fresh Innovations from the Hospitality Industry Increase Your Revenue with a Commercial Shading Solution

Hospitality Technology

operators are opting to simplify menus and offer smaller por tion sizes Thus, the term ‘shrinkflaton’ – the process of reducing the size or quantity of product while the price of product remains the same or increases slightly

Streamline menus More than one third of hospitality operators plan to tighten up their menus with fewer dishes and less complex options A leaner menu helps stock control and supply issues with certain products It will also reduce stress for kitchen teams who are already struggling to keep up due to labour shor tages Research shows that 77% of consumers are happy to visit a restaurant offering a limited menu The size of a menu isn’t as impor tant as the quality of food you ser ve and the price you charge In fact, condensing your menu with easy to execute recipes allows you to focus on quality and presentation of dishes that deliver memorable experiences and drive repeat business

control and monitoring production levels Know what and how much you are selling, then make adjustments to the menu and eliminate dishes that aren’t selling

Ser ve smaller por tions but ensure customers still receive value for money Along with simpler menus, cutting back on por tion sizes is lowhanging fruit for addressing increasing food costs Shrinking por tions can be a good strateg y as it enables restaurants to keep pricing the same or slightly higher This is impor tant since consumers don’t seem to notice por tion sizes as much as they do price increases

Are you ready for shrinkflation? Hospitality operators need to find creative ways to cut expenses and improve their bottom line Quality and value will both play a crucial role in attracting customers Streamlining menus with simple , cost-effective items will no doubt help your cost-cutting measures in the months ahead

If you ’ ve dined out recently, you may have noticed a recent trend –reduced menu items, reduce por tion sizes and change recipes

As businesses battle inflation, increased food costs, staffing shor tages and soaring energ y prices, operators are looking for ways to satisfy customers and remain profitable

Raising prices may be necessar y to keep up with inflation, however, this practice alone may be detrimental as consumers are forced to cut back on non-essential spending that includes dining out at restaurants Instead

Monitor production levels

Overproduction is a common source of food waste and one of the biggest reasons why businesses fail to achieve the desired food margins Tracking sales is a good way to review your menu, create more efficient batching levels and eliminate dishes that aren’t selling

Reduce waste It’s estimated that food waste costs the restaurant sector nearly £700 million each year Overproduction is a common source of food waste and one of the biggest reasons why businesses fail to achieve the desired food margins There are many ways to cut down on waste – from keeping a stock inventor y to keeping an eye on por tion

Par tnering with Enhance Hospitality is the best financial decision you will make

See the adver t on this page for fur ther information

AK Techotel has been the leading supplier of Proper ty Management Systems to the European hotel market for the last 40 years and have entered the UK market with a bang Establishing themselves in Yorkshire , National Operations Manager Alistair Brown states “It seems logical that eventually Techotel would reach the UK shores, and have found that there is definitely a need for what we can provide , the timing was great as their is definitely an oppor tunity here and with recent installations it shows Picasso may be what has been missing”

“We like to think of ourselves not as a one size fits all supplier, but more of a bespoke package builder where we build the elements of the Picasso PMS around your wants and needs”

“Take for example the recent development of our digital assistant ’Mona’, we could see that the hotel users of the future did not want to wait, they wanted ever ything now, at their finger tips, or in this case on their phone , so we took the entire reception process and revolutionised the front desk, ever ything that used to slow down the check in at a traditional hotel reception is now performed digitally, by the PMS and by “Mona””

Alistair continues “Mona is really pushing boundaries in changing the norm, leading the way in a world where contactless reception is now almost expected, we have gone several steps fur ther We have seen the evolution of the traditional role of front of house move from the computer screen to more meet and greet, adding the traditional extra touch to the guest experience that the UK Hotel market is well known for, Mona allows the hotel reception to do just that”

In recent years AK Techotel have developed a whole range of products for the hotel market, to go alongside their staple product, their Proper ty Management System Picasso

Picasso is the PMS that AK Techotel have developed supplied and suppor ted throughout Europe

since 1983 The features that have recently been released include their entirely integrated Channel Management System, their commission free online booking engine , their mobile housekeeping and maintenance application and their mobile bar and restaurant system that can now be operated from the phone , to name but a few

Having seen how Europe have sprinted ahead with mobile technolog y within the restaurant and bar industr y, Techotel decided that they should look to integrate their handhelds with Picasso, where not only it is linked to the Bar and Restaurant Module ”Appetite”, but is also able to provide the waitering staff with up to date information regarding the requirements of the hotel guest So for example , if a guest is celiac , they would only need to record this once The information would be available not only on their hotel booking, also at the dumb water but also in the hands of the staff who are ser ving the guest

Visit www techotel ie or see the adver t on the facing page for information

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Blame It On Shrinkflation: Hospitality Operators Shrink Menus and Portion Sizes 40 CLH Digital Issue 177
The release of the Mobile EpoS is just one extra feature that helps Picasso stay ahead of the competition Alistair Brown concludes “ we are not just the Hotel system of today but we are already thinking and developing what the Generation Zeds are going to require in the future and personally I cant wait to see where it takes us ”
AK Techotel Property Management Systems

Hospitality Technology

Could Cobots be the Answer to Crippling Staff Shortages?

Staff shor tages continue to plague the UK hospitality industr y, with little sign of improvement on the horizon

Triggered by Covid lockdowns and compounded by Brexit, the shor tage of workers is forcing many restaurants to restrict trading hours, and hotels to leave rooms uncleaned on cer tain days a week

According to trade body UKHospitality, vacancies remain 48% higher than preCovid

The organisation’s chief executive Kate Nicholls said: “The workforce shor tage is creating a serious crisis Nearly half of businesses are reducing trading hours per day, and a third are having to close on some days each week ”

So what is the answer to the recruitment headache facing the UK’s hotels and restaurants? How about making a robot (or “cobot” to give them their more apt moniker due to their collaborative work alongside humans) your newest recruit?

Softbank Robotics general manager Stefano Bensi explained: “With a cobot on hand, menial and time-consuming tasks are taken care of autonomously Staff have more time to concentrate on higher-value , more intricate jobs like touchpoint cleaning (in the case of a robotic vacuum cleaner) or spending more time with customers (in the case of tray deliver y robots)

“We know that in the hospitality industr y it’s a real struggle to recruit and retain staff: robots can help add additional suppor t to existing teams, plug labour gaps and shor tages, and work when necessar y to improve processes ”

Softbank’s cleaning robot Whiz can memorise up to 600 cleaning routes, vacuum 1,500 sq m of carpet on a

single charge , and be programmed to clean at any time of day

It is equipped with a 3D camera and a lidar (light detection and ranging) system - the same kind of technolog y used in self-drive cars

Rather than taking the human interaction aspect away from restaurant ser vice , Softbank’s tray deliver y robots simply look after the “bussing” side of the job (bringing and removing dishes) meaning staff are present in the dining room at all times and able to respond quickly to customers needs

Bensi said: “Because the waiter isn’t constantly going to and from the kitchen, stuff just happens: customers can order that extra bottle of wine , a side , a pudding, and suddenly you have the average price per sitting going up, and the table turnaround time going down, because when the customer is ready to ask for something it can happen straight away ” For hotels offering room ser vice , Softbank’s W3 robots can be programmed to integrate with the lifts and will call the guest to aler t them once their order is outside their door

It’s true to say that many hotels and restaurants adopted technological aids to help them through the pandemic , with operators forced to adopt automated methods to keep guests and staff safe

Could it be the time has come for operators to recognise that technolog y isn’t limited to helping with bookings, ordering and payments? Perhaps it could also provide hospitality businesses with new team members - and quite possibly help them stand out from the competition too

To find out more , visit https://emea softbankrobotics com/

MemSec™ EPoS - User-Friendly & Feature-Rich EPoS System for the Hospitality Trade

MemSec™ EPos produce one of the most user-friendly yet feature-rich EPoS systems currently available to the hospitality industr y

For over 25 years, MemSec™ EPoS has provided IT solutions to customers in the hospitality industr y We provide each customer with a system tailored to their individual requirements at a competitive price

One of the most impor tant factors in MemSec™ EPoS s approach to systems development is the recognition of the types of users our customers are likely to employ Unlike in an office environment, hospitality staff cannot be expected to be computer literate , and staff turnover

levels can be high

We therefore design our programs to be useable with the minimum amount of training, and by staff of all ages and abilities

As well as providing software that users love , we install all the requisite hardware to ensure that you get the best from our programs Various configurations are available to suit your requirements and all are available via rental or purchase schemes

For fur ther information, see the adver t on this page or visit

42 CLH Digital Issue 177

Hospitality Technology

3R (EPOS) Solutions

3R is a leading provider of Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) solutions, offering both integrated counter top and wireless payment solutions, as well as Mobile Top-Up ser vices With competitive rates and durable , secure hardware , 3R’s signature EPOS software , CES Touch, is a game-changer for businesses seeking to optimize their day-to-day operations and streamline their financial

repor ting

Another essential feature of CES Touch is its full Stock control functionality which enables businesses to manage their inventor y effectively This feature ensures that businesses can maintain optimal stock levels avoid overstocking or understocking, and keep track of their stock movements accurately

In addition to these features, CES Touch offers intensive operator management and in-depth financial repor ting which is vital for businesses seeking to manage their staff and finan-

cial performance effectively With full cloud business analytics, CES Touch also provides businesses with realtime insights into their sales, inventor y, and customer behaviour, enabling them to make data-driven decisions to optimize their operations

CES Touch also links directly to a wide range of Symbol Groups, including Londis, Booker, Premier, Budgens, Shop Local, Best-one , and NISA, allowing businesses to take advantage of automated promotions and price changes This feature is par ticularly useful for businesses looking to offer competitive pricing and promotions while maintaining profitability

At the hear t of 3R s offering is their commitment to excellent customer ser vice , providing 24/7 suppor t, 365 days a year Whether you ’ re a small business owner or a large retailer, 3R’s EPOS solutions and CES Touch software are sure to provide you with the tools you need to succeed

See the adver t below for details

CardsSafe Continues to Support Hospitality Businesses

CardsSafe remains one of the most affordable ways to help hospitality venues up-sell onsite by offering a secure and trusted way to operate customers' tabs

Established over twenty years ago CardsSafe is designed to securely retain customer credit debit and ID cards while the cardholder runs a tab It s a simple, affordable and effective system that does not capture data and is GDPR compliant It allows staff to upsell, protect customers bank cards and give them extra peace of mind that their cards are held professionally while running a tab

Two decades later over 5000 UK venues trust the CardsSafe system from Young's pubs golf courses Hilton Hotels Lord s cricket ground and many independent restaurants and bars

"Average spend is up, and chargeback has virtually disappeared after we installed CardsSafe, which really puts

our customers minds at rest

Timothy, Young s Bar Manager

CardsSafe remains on the side of hospitality and leisure venues by continuing to freeze prices for the past eight years At just £9 95* per month rental for a 10-drawer unit, the system pays for itself Just one £120 walk-out, which CardsSafe could have prevented as it acts as a deterrent for dine-and-dash, is the rental price for a unit per year CardsSafe continues to support hospitality businesses during periods of economic uncertainty They also offer customer ser vice and free replacement keys, which can be sent out anytime

So what are you waiting for? If you want to increase profits and the bottom line, reduce losses and help build stronger relationships with your customers, contact CardsSafe and lock in great prices today!

For more information please visit

Or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040

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Issue 177 CLH Digital 43

Products and Services

As one of the UK’s leading foodser vice providers, here at Bidfood we have a passion for great food and are always focused on going the extra mile for our customers Being the best is a key par t of our ethos, and we strive to deliver ser vice excellence making life easier for customers and helping them grow

The success of our customers is paramount to us and we believe that providing great ser vice is more than simply dropping off deliveries, it’s about adding value Our exper tise , industr y knowledge , nutritional advice and guidance on food standards and legislation help to keep our customers ahead of the cur ve

As we know in the food ser vice industr y the festive season doesn’t just star t and stop on the 12 day lead up to Christmas Therefore operators need to be prepared and ready well in advance for what is most wonderful but also busiest time of the year


Preparation is key in the build up to Christmas and is something that should be taking place months in advance

With all sectors requiring similar produce at the same time suppliers can often be left with unavailability To avoid this happening it’s crucial to work closely with account managers and suppor t teams to plan menus in advance and to make sure products are readily available


Christmas time is all about having a fun and sprinkling a little magic , and what better way to do this than with a dedicated festive menu Guaranteed to get consumers excited and also provides an excellent upsell oppor tunity

with over 1 in 3 willing to paying more for festive specials versus regular menu options

Despite Christmas foods being ladled in tradition it shouldn’t mean that your festive menu is predictable In fact to ensure no consumer is left out a variety of ‘musthaves’ are needed to go alongside the festive offering Classic comfor t foods, winter warmers, indulgent choices and a few usual favourites should all piece together to make the perfect Christmas menu A slow-cooked shor t rib of beef with rich French onion gravy lends itself perfectly to this Or for a sweet treat, a twist on the cult classic , sticky toffee Christmas pudding drizzled with toffee sauce is sure to be popular with consumers

While many take the festive period as an oppor tunity to indulge , there’s still a demand for lower calorie options as well Operators need to ensure that while they offer plenty of indulgent treats they re not forgetting the health conscious consumer either The same is true with meat-free options Although we think of turkey, gammon and ham around Christmas, vegan and vegetarian dishes aren’t to be forgotten about either, our phat vegan mushroom & leek pie is a delicious perfect meat-free main that consumers will love!


And remember, it’s just as impor tant to have a strong drinks offering, both hot and cold Applying a festive twist to a premium drink by infusing with alcohol or providing a limited edition option are all likely to be popular A gingerbread latte , Baileys hot chocolate or a hot apple cinnamon cider will all be a hit amongst consumers

See the adver t on the back cover or visit www bidfood co uk

Food Safety and Confidence

Navigating the intricacies of food allergies and safety regulations can be a daunting challenge for any food producer or business This is where Allergen Checker steps in offering a comprehensive solution that not only streamlines compliance but also enhances customer confidence What truly sets Allergen

Checker apar t is its innovative QR code system

In a world driven by convenience this feature empowers your customers like never before A quick scan of the QR code , placed conveniently on your menus or a printout of the individual labels for your packaging, opens up a world of accurate allergen information Customers are no longer left in the dark; they can make informed choices tailored to their dietar y needs, fostering trust and loyalty

Our platform’s significance goes beyond just meeting current labelling regulations including Natasha s Law It anticipates the future with the potential enactment of Owens Law, ensuring your business remains ahead of compliance requirements With Allergen Checker you ’ re not just adapting; you ’ re thriving in an evolving landscape of food safety

A Simple 3-Step Process

• Add Ingredients Begin by seamlessly inputting your ingred ents into our user-fr iendly system Our platform becomes your

vir tual food cupboard, housing accurate a lergen data for eac h ingredient This initial step lays the foundation for precise al ergen information

• Create Dishes: W th your ingredients catalogued, crafting dishes becomes a breeze As you create dishes Allergen Chec ker automatically generates detailed allergen information for eac h one Th s real-time accurac y ensures that you ’ re providing the most up-to-date information to your customer s

• Generate QR Codes & Labels: The magic unfo ds as you effor tless y generate QR codes and abels for your d shes and products These become your br dge to customer transparenc y and conf dence Place them on menus or pac kaging enabling customer s to access comprehens ve allergen information instantly

In a world where allergen transparency can make or break a customer’s dining choice , Allergen Checker is your ultimate ally Join a community of forward-thinking businesses that prioritise safety, build trust, and elevate the dining experience

Say goodbye to allergen-related stress and hello to a new era of culinar y confidence Explore Allergen Checker today and unlock a safer, more informed, and truly satisfying dining journey For fur ther information see the adver t on the inside front cover or visit www allergenchecker co uk

New Award Winning Technology Can Save You 35% To 55% On Cooking Oil in Deep Fryers

If you own a restaurant or a kitchen with a deep fr yer, then you might be surprised at how much you spend ever y year on cooking oil Have you ever calculated this direct cost? If you haven’t, then you should, because Canadian Company, Eco Friendly Chef Corp is helping thousands of professional kitchen operators to dramatically cut their oil costs in half

A new innovative product called OiLChef is revolutionizing the food industr y The award-winning OiLChef device is one of the most sophisticated technologies available in the world for deep fr yers today It is not a filter or a chemical but rather a device which is simply installed in your deep fr yer in less than 10 seconds!

Putting the OiLChef in your fr yer will give you a competitive edge and attract more consumer dollars Your fried food items will absorb less oil and therefore will con-

tain fewer calories Good for the consumer, good for the bottom line

Reduce carbon footprint: It will minimize your environmental impact through a reduction in energy and oi consumption

Faster ser vice: Food cooks qu c ker

Reduce food waste: Food is cr ispier and holds ts shape and texture for longer Great for food deliver y Zero flavour transfer : It prevents flavour transfer between different foods be ng cooked in the same oil

Kitchen smoke and fr ying odour s: It reduces the smoke and odour s of fr ying in your kitc hen/restaurant Creating a more pleasant working and dining exper ience and minimizes the workload on your air filter ing systems and maintenance

Health & safety: It reduces the smoke point of your oil, and thereby lower s the r isk of a deep fr yer fire Also, staff nteract on with c hanging the fr yer oil is cut down by at least half, reducing r isk of accidental burns and oil spillage

Reduce operating costs: It gives you the oppor tunity to cut down or move away from costly monthly additives required to improve o l quality Fewer people hour s are required eac h month for fr yer c hanges

For fur ther information visit www oilchef co uk

See page 19 or contact Louis Farr y by phone or email: louis farr y@oilchef com or Tel 07448419664

5 Top Cellar Management Tips That Will Save You Time and Money

Allergen Checker: Empowering
44 CLH Digital Issue 177 Savings can simply be made by adjusting your cellar management Here Clear Brew has outlined a few useful management tips to help you reduce beer waste and save money 1 Beer is classed as food and should be treated in line with Health and Safety Legislation Regularly checking the date on beer and rotating older stock to the front will help to reduce the amount of beer wasted 2 The cellar should be maintained between 11-13 C If it's too cold, your ales may become hazy and flat Too warm results in fobbing wastage poor product quality and ultimately reduced profits 3 Cellar hygiene is crucial for protecting beer quality and preventing waste This includes cleaning the cellar maintaining the beer lines and ensuring that all associated equipment is functioning correctly Using a company such as Clear Brew which provides a fully managed 3-weekly ser vice will also help reduce waste and water, chemical and gas usage 4 Stock control is impor tant for preventing beer wastage If needed order smaller container sizes and ensure a keg is used within 5 days and a cask in 3 days 5 Turning off all dispense gases at the end of the day not only reduces risk if there is a leak overnight, but it also reduces the chance of kegged products becoming over-carbonated, which in turn can impact yields and profit More information can be found at or see the front cover Bidfood Celebrates The 12 Months Of Christmas With The Launch Of Its Festive Range

Design & Refit

Pennyhill Park, par t of the Exclusive Collection has unveiled four private spa cabanas with copper bathtubs and personal spa loungers as par t of its offering The luxur y cabanas, designed by Sparcstudio, are like a luxur y hotel room set in nature

“We’re delighted to elevate our spa experience at Pennyhill Park even fur ther,” explains Graham Copeman, General Manager at Pennyhill Park “With the introduction of four bespoke luxur y cabanas, it’s the perfect oppor tunity for guests to indulge in the best and feel at their best ”

Each elegant space features its own private copper bathtub and personal spa lounger There is also a coffee machine a fridge with stocked soft drinks phone charging point and lockable storage for personal belongings

A tablet is provided so guests can order food and drinks to be delivered directly to them

The cabanas feature a neutral backdrop of materials accentuated with pops of colour on the bespoke inbuilt sofa Beverley Bayes Creative Director at Sparcstudio comments “We are delighted with the final product We worked closely with the client team to create the fully bespoke design with the aim of creating a luxurious guest experience much like you would expect in a treatment room or hotel suite

“Durability and ability to withstand the elements was a key factor in the design detailing and materials,” add

Mayfair Furniture

Mayfair Furniture will be celebrating 11 years this year of providing the UK’s fastest



The team used millboard decking and a wall cladding system with solid surface tops from Caesar stone exterior grade fabrics in the soft furnishings add a pop of colour The roof louvre panels are fully waterproof and are remote controlled Together with the blinds, these provide a sense of privacy and shade

“We specified grasses to soften the edges of the cabanas providing privacy whilst herbs add a subtle aroma explains Bayes After twilight a soft warm glow of light from concealed LED strip lighting brings the design to life

Sparcstudio is a privately owned spa and interior design practice which specialises in the creation of award-winning Spa, Fitness, Wellness and Hotel facilities The team has just been voted Top ID company 2022 by NEWH Examples of the team’s work includes the £14 million Sopwell Cottonmill Spa; South Lodge Spa for the Exclusive Collection; Dormy House Spa and Calcot spas in the Cotswolds; Aqua Sana Forest Spas; Champneys Mottram Hall, and Third Space at Tower Bridge They recently completed works on an £8 million new Harrods Hair and Beauty spa on the 5th floor of the Knightsbridge store

time to time hospitality and leisure establishments like to give themselves a fresh new look That's why not only do we supply contract furniture , but when it's time for your establishment to go through a refurbishment we also offer a complete clearance ser vice We ll organise ever ything from a suitable time and date , professional clearance staff to remove contract furniture whether fitted or unfitted Along with our sister company Caterfair who provides commercial catering equipment for your kitchens we are the ideal people to speak to when you are looking to refurbish 01733 310115 sales@mayfairfurniture co uk www mayfairfurniture co uk

mercial furniture Supplying all kinds of establishments from high end hotel chains to small local takeaways We keep in stock a huge variety of items ready for immediate dispatch, and can fulfil a wide range of bespoke orders We deliver to all areas of the UK, Ireland & Europe
affordable com-
not just
supplier ; we understand that
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Sparcstudio Collaborates with Pennyhill Park on the Launch of New Luxury Cabanas Issue 177 CLH Digital 45

RapidFit by Rearo is an instant solution for washroom surfaces

Designed to accommodate time-constrained commercial washroom projects Rearo’s ‘offthe-shelf ’ RapidFit range is the perfect fast solution for projects requiring toilet cubicles or vanity units

Washroom design plays a vital role in the overall appearance of your company branding and can have a lasting impression on visitors – that’s why Rearo offers a dedicated core range of nine high-pressure laminate décors within the commercial washrooms


The RapidFit finishes were hand selected by the Rearo design team, with colours and textures chosen to ensure compliance with The Equality Act and future-proofed for a minimum of three years The colour choices take into consideration the needs of people with disabilities, including visual impairment, by ensuring neighbouring expanses of colour, such as walls and doors, are distinguishable by using contrasting colours Par ticularly popular within the hospitality sector, RapidFit washrooms are ideal for pubs restaurants and hotels

RapidFit toilet cubicles, vanities, and IPS are available in either an MR MFC or Compact Grade Core


It's Not Time To Sit Down Yet

Well at the end of a busy night it is, and for your hard-working customers it s essential that they have something welcoming, comfy, and attractive to rest their wear y bones Investing in new seating for your premises during unclear financial times can be a tough decision, but with small new bars, restaurants, cafes, and fast food establishments opening all the time , and with new trends appearing, it might be exactly what you need to either attract a new crowd or keep existing customers We can either work with you to come up with designs for your seating or take ideas from your interior designer and build your dreams efficiently effectively and on time within budget Drakes have been providing bars, pubs, restaurants,

cafes, clubs, and hotels with high-quality furniture for decades We employ over 15 joiners, upholsterers, polishers and designers who are capable of installing fixed seating and bespoke joiner y, full refurbishments, or simply making bespoke stools for the front of the bar Our dedicated team are either timeser ved officially trained craftsmen or externally based professionals Got you interested? Let us give you a free quote or ask for professional advice We are available for a chat Monday – Thursday: 9 00 am > 4 00 pm and Friday: 9 00 am > 12 00 pm on 01422 839 690 If you prefer, email us at sales@askdrake com, and of course please visit our website www askdrake com to see some of our range and past work We are also available on Facebook and Instagram, so give us a follow!

ted by a five-year manufacturer guarantee , MR MFC is ideal for light to medium-traffic spaces For higher traffic areas requiring a little added durability, choose the RapidFit Impact range Completely water resistant, this solid-grade laminate core is ideal for humid and wet environments and backed by a comprehensive ten-year guarantee Cubicles are supplied as a flat pack, ready for a quick and easy installation and all RapidFit components are available to buy individually to offer a variety of installation possibilities Matching IPS can be made to order in only 3-4 weeks Ask your fitter/joiner y/plumbing contractor or architect to get in touch for free sample packs and design and specification assistance Or order your RapidFit washroom now 0141 440 0800 commercial@rearo co uk www rearocommercial co uk Do You Need a FAST, Easy-Fit Washroom Upgrade? 46 CLH Digital Issue 177
& Refit

Design & Refit

Indoor Dining & Bar Furniture

As Autumn beckons, our focus moves to creating memorable , visual and comfor table indoor hospitality spaces to enhance your customer experience , dwell time and your revenue

But what suits your venue ’ s style?

Woodberr y longtime exper ts in supplying outdoor furniture have now launched a range of indoor furniture based on client favourites

This first indoor range sees dining, bar and café furniture in 4 distinct styles TRADITIONAL

If your venue is more traditional with cosy interiors and a focus on wooden furniture , Woodberr y has you covered with a range of dark

wood dining and bar furniture SCANDI-STYLE MINIMALISM

For sleek, minimalist interiors, there is a range of design-led light oakcoloured chairs and pedestal tables Each chair has a distinct design style that can easily be mixed and matched


For stand out, quirky industrial look interiors, Woodberr y has developed their iconic outdoor designs for indoor use Gabion cage base tables can be filled with your choice of filling Or if long communal tables work best for your venue , the Discover y Range Tables and Benches have black metal legs and chunky wood effect tops


Featuring brightly coloured mix and match metal chairs colourful vintage distressed tabletops, and marble effect pedestal tables This bistro range offers subtle Parisian elegance or bright colourful vintage vibes

Woodberr y is keen to understand what furniture works best for your needs so please talk to the friendly team about your requirements

For an indoor furniture brochure call our team or download a copy from the Woodberr y website 01926 889922 mail@woodberr y co uk www woodberr y co uk/brochures

Adveco FUSION - The Next Generation Of Packaged Low-Carbon Electric Water Heating

Commercial hot water specialist Adveco announces the arrival of the next generation of FUSION electric water heating for hotels and restaurants

FUSION-E is a tough, high-efficiency electric water heater

FUSION-T extends the system with the addition of a systemintegrated heat pump and advanced controls Both ranges can be fur ther expanded with the addition of an electric immersion for greater resilience (FUSIONEplus and FUSION-Tplus)

FUSION star ts with all new specially designed single(ATSI) or twin-coil (ATST) corrosion-resistant stainless steel high-pressure indirect cylinders Offering capacities from 200 to 500 litres, the cylinders feature dedicated mounting points for Adveco’s ARDENT electric boiler making FUSION a more compact, space-saving option Supplied with pre-built pipework the latest generation of FUSION is now faster and easier to install

For the FUSION -T renewable variants the

monobloc air-to-water FPi-32 heat pump (ASHP) is used as a source for system preheat Contribution from the ASHP is maximised via the bespoke FUSION Control Box These controls smar tly balance the two heat sources, meaning the electric boiler is not required to work as hard to raise flow temperatures to the required 65°C Electrical demand on the boiler is reduced by as much as 30%, delivering operational savings and reducing carbon emissions by up to 71%

Where hot water demands become a business-critical ser vice , FUSION systems can also incorporation an additional backup immersion (FUSION-Eplus & FUSION-Tplus) for enhanced resiliency Controls are fur ther extended to incorporate SMS output to advise building managers of a fault scenario and automated engagement of the immersion backup to guarantee business-critical hot water supply

Issue 177 CLH Digital 47
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Design & Refit

Additional Ranges as ILF Continue to Expand

sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site

Make a Style Statement With Stacking Chairs

When planning events and catering for busy periods in your venue there s nothing more useful than stacking chairs Often, the temporar y nature of these chairs is reflected in a basic design, which isn’t suitable for ever y occasion However, the good news is that Trent Furniture supply a great choice of stacking chairs, which look good enough to be par t of the furniture on a permanent basis!

The brand new Loopback Stacking Chair is the newest addition to Trent s bestselling Bentwood range which is inspired by classic Parisian 19th centur y bistro style This chair features all the effor tless elegance and durability of the original Loopback Side Chair, but with the ability to stack up to eight high when not in use With a chic and versatile walnut finish, it’s available with a wooden seat or with an upholstered seat pad in a choice of over 100 fabrics including vinyl and faux leather

Another great choice for stackable chairs with style as well as functionality is the York Crossback Stacking Chair Perfect for venues with a contemporar y rustic vibe , this chair is full of character and is available in a great choice of walnut, light oak, vintage oak and dark oak, with 15% off currently available on the vintage and dark finishes Again, stackable up to eight chairs high when not needed, it’s the perfect addition for busy bars, restaurants, cafés and more Choose from a simple wooden seat or add upholstered seat pads in a fabric of your choice to complement your colour scheme Whichever stacking chair you choose for your bar, restaurant, pub or café, you can be assured of great value and contract grade durability that’s built to last in a hospitality setting To find out more about Trent Furniture’s great range of stylish stacking chairs, please call us on 0116 2989 927 or fill in our contact form at www trentfurniture co uk email terr With the ever-growing success of the ILF Chairs website , 2023 has seen an increase in their stock chairs to 8 ranges available in different Faux and Velvet upholster y and selection of frame colours, plus an 8 colour stock range of Egger laminated 25mm table tops in a selection of sizes A full range of table bases in metal and stainless steel are also kept in stock In addition, a new range called Boutique , elegant seating with frames in Ash, Walnut and Beech and offering a full selection of stain finishes and fabrics Their new online website offers both indoor and outdoor seating and table solutions Divided into Contemporar y seating Boutique Barstools Lounge Seating Period Seating Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height tables offering a great selection of products to view at your leisure Also included now is an extensive range of stock seating, barstools, table bases and table tops Most made to order indoor seating and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style Also included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selection of priced made to order seating in a selection of Faux Leather upholster y colours and wood frame colours These products can also be supplied to customer specification just ask for details Enquiries can be
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising 48 CLH Digital Issue 177

Battling Staff Shortages? Here’s How A Service Lift May Help

Staff shor tages have been a challenge for British hospitality businesses, with data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showing a 56% increase in staff shor tages in the accommodation and food ser vice sector compared to pre-pandemic levels

To tackle this issue businesses have had to turn to technolog y to ensure they can operate efficiently with fewer staff members One option that can be easily implemented is the addition of ser vice lifts to business premises These lifts can move items like food, beverages, laundr y, and luggage more efficiently between floors, reducing the manual time and effor t required for tasks This can help businesses run smoothly even with smaller teams, preventing waiting times from becoming unacceptable for customers Service lifts like the Microlift or Trolley lift can also reduce the risk of injury for staff and improve staff wellbeing by reducing physical strain making the workplace more inclusive for those with disabilities or mobility issues

Many business owners may be under the impression that a service lift is expensive and disruptive to install, but this is often not the case at all Microlifts from Stannah are compact, structure-supported and quick and easy to install These reliable and hard-wearing products are designed for operation 24/7, 365 days a year, supported by regular service visits from our expert local engineers

So even when staff shor tages bite , great ser vice can still be provided to your customerswithout the heavy lifting With a durable and reliable Stannah lift sharing the load, your staff will be well-protected ever y day and able to do more than ever before

As manual handling is such a risky business Stannah has compiled a comprehensive Manual Handling Guide detailing how business owners can reduce the risks of staff injur y and prevent fur ther shor tages due to injur y

For more information visit: resources stannahlifts co uk/manual-handling

Saniflo's Sanibest Pro Provides Robust Service For Guest House

Saniflo UK - a leading designer and manufacturer of macerators, pumps and lifting stations - continues to solve some of Britain's quirkiest plumbing issues while providing best-in-class technical consultation to ensure the right product is specified first time

In March 2023, a 100-year-old twostorey guest house apar tment above commercial premises in Inverness received a new Sanibest Pro to replace a non-Saniflo macerator that had been changed three times in seven years and had required multiple repairs and maintenance due to clogged blades

The exper ts at Saniflo advised the proper ty owner that the Sanibest Pro, although usually specified for commercial applications, would suit this domestic scenario because a more powerful product was required to dispose of items that clog blades, such as wet wipes

The Sanibest Pro occupies the same space as its defunct predecessor, so no additional plumbing or pipework was required Matt Watson, Saniflo National Sales Manager, recommends that customers call the Saniflo technical team to doublecheck their requirements as ever y situation differs, and there may always be a better solution He says: "Our engineers often attend call-outs where a product has been misspecified We would always recommend a commercial product for an application like this, par ticularly when members of the public use the facility Guests often don't follow disposal guidelines and put bulky items down the WC; they don't tend to worr y as they do in their homes so mitigating for that is impor tant "

Reader Enquiries: 020 8842 0033 or go to www saniflo co uk

Design & Refit Issue 177 CLH Digital 49

Education and Training

What Does A Future Employer Look Like? YOU

At GBS, we aspire to create an environment where our students can explore new possibilities realise their true potential and make progress towards the careers they want

The entrepreneurial spirit is at the hear t of ever ything we do at GBS We provide students and staff with a platform to discover new ideas and innovations creating the oppor tunity to find solutions that elevate our institution and the communities we ser ve

Many of our students are older and are returning to education later in life and half of our student base are small business owners As people move on in life other responsibilities become more impor tant than a longstanding desire to return to higher education GBS has created a feasible way to get back into the classroom with flexible learning designed to fit in with our student’s lifestyles

We provide the ideal educational space to gain new

skills and experiences, build confidence and realise their potential for a brighter future Our students have worked hard to reach where they are , and they possess high aspirations for their futures The only thing they were missing was the right oppor tunity at an institution that believed in their potential and provided the flexibility to suppor t their busy lifestyles GBS has stepped in to be that institution, with a great desire to see people from a wide variety of backgrounds get the oppor tunities in education that they deser ve

We are working towards the change we want to see in higher education and the wider world and the progress we have made is the ambition that will take us to the next level

Immtell - Navigating Immigration, Delivering Solutions

At Immtell we understand the unique challenges that the UK's catering and hospitality industr y faces particularly in staffing We are here to help you bridge these gaps by unlocking global talent, bolstering your workforce , and driving your business forward

Immtell is more than an immigration consultancy We are your strategic par tner aiding you in navigating UK immigration laws and procedures

A significant par t of our ser vices involves helping businesses acquire and maintain Home Office sponsor licenses enabling you to legally employ workers from outside the UK

At Immtell, we provide guidance on the Prevention of Illegal Working legislation, underscoring the impor tance of conducting compliant Right to Work checks This is not just a statutor y requirement, but a vital component in mitigating the risk of incurring a potential fine of £20,000 per illegal worker Moreover, non-compliance

could lead to substantial reputational damage which can have a far-reaching impact on your business Our suppor t ensures you understand and adhere to these regulations keeping your business secure and reputation intact

In addition to assisting businesses, we help potential employees navigate the visa application process We aim to facilitate a smooth transition for those seeking to work in the UK creating a more efficient hiring process for ever yone involved

For more information, contact Gavin Webster, Director at Immtell, at info@immtell com, or visit our website at www immtell com We look forward to par tnering with you and helping your business thrive

Increasing Customer & Staff Loyalty In One Easy Step

Repeat custom & Staff Retention Star ts

With Great Training

Times are tough and businesses are constantly looking for new areas in which they can save money Retaining customers is cheaper than acquiring new ones so customer loyalty is vital to profits How can you encourage customers to stay for another pint?

Simple , by ensuring it’s the best pint they’ve ever had! How do you do this? By ensuring staff are fully trained and reaching their potential Investing if your staff will also have a knock on affect on staff retention If staff feel valued, they are less likely to leave So customer loyalty and staff loyalty are inextricably linked

This is something Chemisphere UK are ver y aware of and is one of many reasons behind the opening of their brand new Training Academy at their Trafford Park head office The unique facility brings together classroom training with real hands-on practical training in their purpose-built fully operational training cellar This set-up means delegates can learn all the theor y and then put it into practice immediately – honing their skills until they get it right

“It is a widely held belief within the industr y that quality standards could be , and should be , higher We have always believed and suppor ted this” said Linda Adamson, Marketing Manager at Chemisphere

Chemisphere is primarily a manufacturer and supplier of detergents for beer line cleaning and ware-washing and over the years has become increasingly aware of worr yingly low industr y quality standards This is where the idea of the training academy was born Now up and

running and welcoming delegates on a wide range of courses the academy is helping to raise quality standards across the industr y

The training academy and the wide range of courses it offers is led by brewing industr y luminar y Allan Stevenson “What Allan doesn’t know about beer, beer quality and the industr y as a whole isn t worth knowing! said Linda Adamson Allan added My background in quality training and being one of only a handful of International Draught Masters in the world means we are offering the highest standard of training by an accredited trainer

Delivering the perfect pint star ts with immaculately clean beer lines and glassware – and that’s where Chemisphere feel they can really make a difference They are so committed to the industr y ’ s mission that they are slashing the prices of their courses for the first 12 months to make them accessible to ever yone and encourage as many companies as possible to educate themselves correctly They want this to be the year of the beer and are doing all they can to spread the word

They offer a wide variety of training courses, from one hour Perfect Pint courses to day-long Masterglass courses for technicians and quality teams – there is a course for ever yone from as little as £10 per person* They also have the knowledge and flexibility to create bespoke training courses to meet your unique needs –either at the Training Academy or at your premises

Visit www chemisphereuk com/trainingacademy for more information

*based on maximum number of de egates be ng booked on cour se

towards a
Visit www globalbanking ac uk for fur ther information or see the adver t on the following page Issue 177 CLH Digital 51
better society for all is the reason why
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Property, Professional and Recruitment

Hospitality Businesses Look For Green Growth Opportunities

With many smaller hospitality businesses continuing to struggle in challenging operating conditions, owners are looking for new ways to achieve their growth aspirations As sustainability climbs up the agenda for consumers and policy-makers, hospitality operators are recognising the business benefits of going green

Our most recent Business Confidence Sur vey found that 73% of hospitality businesses are falling behind their turnover forecasts for H1 2023 Yet with 64% aiming to grow their revenues over the next 12 months new growth oppor tunities are needed One such oppor tunity can be found in a focus on sustainability, which can attract new customers, boost profitability and suppor t global net zero ambitions


The first step to a greener kitchen is investing in more energ y-efficient equipment – and while the initial capex is higher, energ y savings pay off in the mid-term Electrification especially is transforming modern kitchens Energ y Star repor ts that induction kitchen appliances deliver about 85% of their energ y to the food being cooked compared to 45% for gas appliances, as well as reducing the amount of energ y needed for ventilation


Changing demands of today’s hospitality customers are also driving oppor tunities A recent study by Foodprint from Nutritics found almost

half (45%) of UK consumers feel a venue s commitment to sustainability is an impor tant par t of deciding where to go and spend money Indeed, sustainable considerations are expected to have profound impact on menu design, especially for younger consumers

Each year, The Unilever Food Solutions Future Menu Trends Repor t canvasses the opinion of 250 professional chefs, to determine the trends it feels will shape the food and beverage industr y For 2023, it predicts that vegetables will see a “promotion from side-dish to main event” in response to increasing numbers of vegan vegetarian and flexitarian diners looking for well-crafted plant-based foods

67% of its operator panel also predict that sourcing local ingredients that help to reduce the carbon footprint of restaurant dishes is a trend that consumers are increasingly looking for Indeed, the National Restaurant Association s 2022 State of the Restaurant Industr y repor t

indicating that one third of restaurant customers are more likely to choose establishments that source ingredients grown locally and organically


While reducing single-use plastics and increasing recycling are important in demonstrating greener practices, businesses should look at the impact of cutting food waste The average hospitality business throws away more than 100kg of food ever y week half of which is preventable repor ts Sustainability Victoria


Pursuing energ y and waste efficiency not only reduces overheads but prepares hospitality businesses for an increasingly sustainably-conscious consumer base Adapting your business to meet these oppor tunities will likely require some investment At Capify we offer a range of business loans and have helped thousands of small businesses meet the oppor tunities of a changing business landscape

Check to see if you ’ re eligible for one of our loans with our online eligibility checker Or, if you’d prefer to talk to a member of our team, we’d be happy to guide you through the process

Give us a call today on 0330 822 4906, visit or see the adver t on page 15

Hospitality Businesses Can Use Finance to Access New Tax Incentives

The UK Government recently launched ‘Full Capital Expensing’; a new tax incentive designed to encourage business investment This Capital Allowance enables hospitality firms to fully write-off the cost of qualifying purchases in the same year the asset was purchased

This equates to a saving of 19% or 25% of the asset s purchase price (depending on your tax rate) The allowance can be claimed on a wide range of equipment by incorporated businesses, with the Annual Investment Allowance accessible under similar rules by unincorporated businesses

For example , a pub refurbishing with £30,000 of qualifying equipment would

deduct £30,000 from their company profits and pay Corporation Tax on the remainder At a 19% Corporation Tax rate , the company would now pay £5,700 less tax, a saving equivalent to 19% of the purchase price Using a business loan or a hire purchase agreement allows the full expensing allowance to be claimed Por tman Asset Finance is both a lender and a broker, able to provide both hire purchase agreements and business loans, methods that allow capital allowances to be claimed We have been helping pubs restaurants and hotels spread the cost of new equipment, fund refurbishments and cover unexpected operational costs since 2007 Por tman also provide finance leasing, shor t term and flexible loans as well as tax loans and equipment refinance , helping hospitality businesses to boost cashflow or capture oppor tunities in today’s challenging environment If you re looking to fund new equipment, refurbish your premises or boost cashflow, talk to the exper ts at Por tman Call: 01604 669359 Visit: www.por tmanassetfinance
Issue 177 CLH Digital 53

Goldstar Chefs

The loss of EU free movement and flexible working work-life balance are among the leading causes behind the dramatic labour drain in hospitality industr y

Attracting and retaining Chefs is the Achilles Heel of running a hospitality business

The ‘ new normal’ job market has evolved to working from home , shor ter hours and weekends off Desk jobs and transpor t are attracting hospitality workers by the droves with higher pay and a better work-life balance

Many EU-nationals who worked in the industr y have either returned to their home countries, or have chosen other occupations after gaining UK


Much of UK’s hospitality industr y to date has been shaped by migrant labour

It seems only those coming to UK for a better life have the motivation and willingness to work in demanding roles, and at reasonable salar y levels

The government has modified skilled worker immigration allowing employers greater scope to hiring foreign nationals

Whilst the bar for EU nationals has raised it’s been lowered for non-EU nationals This has made it unattractive for EU’s due to visa costs However, it remains appealing to people from non-EU countries who have a different perspective of coming to work in the UK

Goldstar Chefs are nationwide recruitment organisation and hospitality immigration specialist busy procuring skilled Chefs from around the world for UK’s varied and diverse hospitality industr y Sectors include Restaurants, Hotels, Events Caterers, QSR brands, Pubs and any foodser vice operation that needs Professional Chefs

Goldstar Chefs gives you an optimal and cost effective staffing break-

Protect Your Pavement Licence

not require separate planning permission Be aware these Pavement Licences are due to expire on 30 September 2023

through that can transform your business Discover the most potent and productive avenue to attract and retain Chefs

Our team are intuitive business-minded people who are on your side , who understand your problems, see what others can’t, and give you solutions, answers and of course , the Chefs you want

You too can have dedicated professionals who are passionate committed and be assets in your business Chefs specialising in Worldwide cuisines as well as British are ready and waiting

You get more than CV’s You will see skill demos on video as well as other visuals We do meticulous skill checking, and enable your direct involvement in the vetting and selection process You get superior practical knowhow and simply the best care and attention

Are you having Chef headaches? The cure is Goldstar Plus Contact us now, we ’ re at your ser vice 24/7 We will visit you in person any where in UK

Make the call and get your life back!

Call 0203 930 8969 or www goldstarchefs co uk

outside seating on an area owned by the local authority, it will need authorisation In the past, that has been by a Local Authority Highways licence but the pandemic saw the introduction of what was originally intended as a temporar y scheme to help with business recover y after lockdowns with a favourable new lower cost, fast-track Pavement Licence system which does

There are plans afoot to make the Pavement Licence system permanent through the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill, but that is still making its way through Parliament However, Regulations extending the scheme have been issued, and at the time of writing we are waiting for these to come into force When they do all holders of a Pavement Licence should reapply for their Licence If approved, most will then continue until 30 September 2024 although local authorities can grant for a shor ter period (no less than 3 months)


Why Use a Specialist Hospitality Consultant?


With over 30 years of industr y experience in the

sector, The Bowden Group’s Managing

David Hunter will work with you to address the following

If your business could benefit from outside seating and you have not yet applied, you need to check the Regulations to take the best advantage of this system To be eligible, your business must use (or propose to use) premises for the sale of food or drink for consumption on or off the premises Such businesses include pubs, cafes bars restaurants snack bars coffee shops and others A Pavement Licence allows furniture on a designated area of the highway (which includes a pavement) for your customers to eat and drink in that area

A completed application form and suppor ting documentation, such as a layout plan, details of the furniture to be used and public liability insurance will be required A public notice must be displayed on the premises for 7 days with a fur ther 7 day determination period If the local authority does not determine the application within that period it will be deemed granted subject to the national conditions attaching to all grants (such as no obstruction and smoke free areas) and local conditions

figures if they are available We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business

The largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost, so, with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter, your Restaurant Consultant, will work on with you, and improve with you MANAGING PEOPLE

Before making an application for either a new licence or a renewal, you will need tocheck the requirements of your local authority as they can have:

• their own application form and payment methods for the £100 fee their own cr iter ia for the public notice

• spec fic requirements for the accompanying documents and plan

their local conditions whic h you will have to comply with

You will apparently benefit from having a Pavement Licence when the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill is made law, as the fees proposed under this legislation are £350 for a renewal, but £500 for a new application You will also have the benefit of the use of thisvaluable trading area in the meantime

Please contact Karen Lush or the Licensing Team at Trethowans on 023 80321 000 if you would like assistance in applying for a Pavement Licence or other licensing matters

ed more than ever From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development



Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now need-

We will help you build a workable , planned Marketing Strateg y From Digital Marketing such as Social Media marketing Websites eMail Marketing and online adver tising, to print design, Promotions and offline adver tising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on all things Marketing If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better, give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a ‘’Free of Charge’’ initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer), when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you

EAST DEVON VILLAGE Popular Village Pub/Restaurant New Free Of Tie Lease Available Renowned High Quality Business 3 Bedroom Owners Apartment Sales In Excess Of £500 000 Net LH NIL PREMIUM 4837 DEVON ESTUARY TOWN Established Licensed Restaurant Much Sought After Location 44+ Covers Newly Fitted Kitchens Prominent Trading Position Excellent Reputation & Reviews LH £75,000 2160 01392 201262 www stonesmith co uk T H E W E S T C O U N T R Y S P E C I A L I S T S THINKING OF SELLING? C ALL FOR A FREE VALUATION DARTMOOR, DEVON Village Store & Tea Gardens Spacious 4 Bedroom Family Home Easy Lifestyle Hours Gardens With Stables & Garage Potential To Develop Business DUCHY LH: £325 000 2149 DEVON COUNTRY VILLAGE Profitable Inn With Letting Rooms Bar Areas (32+) Dining Room (43) 4 E/S Letting Rooms 3 Bed Owners Gardens (50+) and Parking (50+) Sought After Devon Village FH £445 000 4758 NOR TH DEVON VILLAGE Impressive Character Village Inn Bar/ Restaurant Areas 94+ Garden 88+ Spacious 4 Bed Owners Accommodation Recently Extended and Refurbished Most Impressive Business & Home FH £399 950 4838 NR SALISBUR Y WILTSHIRE Superior Free Of Tie Village Pub Stunning Riverside Setting 3 Bed Family Sized Apartment Extensive Gardens & Parking Strong Levels Of Trade LH £65 000 4840 DARTMOUTH DEVON Impressive Waterside Restaurant Extremely Profitable Business Restaurant 32+ Catering Kitchens 2/3 Bed Family Sized Apartment Town Centre With Stunning Views LH £125,000 2158 NORTH CORNISH COAST Renowned Countr y Inn With 6 Acres 8 Letting Rooms & Letting Cottage Bar & Restaurant Areas 150+ Free Of Tie Leasehold Opportunity Sales In Excess Of £500,000 Net LH £99 750 4841 CORNWALL VILLAGE Freehold Pub Investment Detached Village Inn Rental Income Of £18 000 pa Lease With 11 Years Unexpired For Attention Of Investors FH £195,000 4836
Property, Professional and Recruitment
elements: Profitability, Operational Strateg y, Staff Management, Marketing and The Future of your business PROFITABILITY & OPERATIONS
exper ts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating
because we can help your business to succeed What a wonderful summer! The ability to sit outside and enjoy refreshments has been a huge benefit to businesses and their customers If you have
SH AFTESBU RY, DO RSET • Beautifu & Substantia Thatched Vi lage Inn Character Trad ng Areas Together w th 6 Wel Presented En-Su te Letting Rooms Desirab e 2 Bed Owner s/Manager s Apar tment • Pretty Outside Trading Garden/Cour tyard & Large Car Park to the Rear A High Vo ume & Ver y Well Established Freehouse Priced to Se l OFFERS IN THE REGION OF £600,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4672 PRICE: £25,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4714 SOUTH HAMS, D EVO N Charm ng Free of T e Countr y Inn S tuated in Beautifu South Hams • Tradit ona Pub w th a Contemporar y Style & 5 First C ass En-Suite Letting Rooms • 2 Character Main Trad ng Areas, Commerc al K tchen & Back of House Space Secondar y Outs de Bar Trad ng Outs de Terrace & Newly Instal ed Pergola • Beer Garden with Uninterrupted Views of the Ro l ng Countr yside & Car Park PERRANPORTH, CORNWALL Stunn ng 17th Centur y Tradit ona Corn sh nn Successful Business Oozing with Character and Atmosphere 2 Welcoming Trad ng Areas We l Equ pped Commerc a Kitchen Attractive Owner s Accommodat on Outs de Seating Areas with Sunny Aspect & Car Park PRICE: £75,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4711 TO RQ UAY, D EVON • Takeaway/Restaurant/Café Oppor tun ty Near to Torquay s Harbourside Current Permission for Hot Food Takeaway but Suitab e for Sit n Dining Fitted Out to a Good Standard with Commerc a Extraction System Recent y Revamped by the Current Landlord – Ready for Tenant F t Out El g b e for 100% Sma l Business Rates Rel ef - View ng Highly Recommend ANNUAL STARTING RENT OF £10,000 REF: 4601 PAIG NTO N, DE VO N Smar tly Furn shed Licenced Café/Bistro/Bar • Fabulous Locat on on Pa gnton s Torbay Road Internal Seat ng for 58 Bar Ser ver y & Commercial Kitchen Beer Garden Seating 15 & Covered Seating to Front for 12 Self-Contained One Bedroom F at (Currently Let) & Garage PRICE: £65,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4624 MIN EHE AD, SOMERSET mpress ve Detached Tudor Sty e Proper ty n Fabulous Locat on Long Estab ished Well Appointed L cenced Restaurant with Outs de Seating • Commercial kitchen with Prep Area and Wash Up Room • Except onal Self-Contained 4 Double Bed Accommodat on • Pr vate Parking for 4 Cars and Outbui dings PRICE: £600,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4265 PRICE: £1,500,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4656 SOU TH HAMS, D EVON Stunn ng Coasta Pub & Pr vate Beach Situated in the Beautiful Heybrook Bay Stunn ng nterior Des gn & South Facing Outs de Terraces, with 180 Degree Sea V ews Two Ful y Refurb shed Owner s/Letting Apartments w th Elevated Sea V ews • Fu ly Refurb shed One Bed Staff/Manager s F at Very Prof table Business with Huge Potential to Push Revenue Further NEW! PRICE: £125,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 3684 NR SALCO MBE, DE VO N Award Winning Restaurant in Idy l c South Hams Location • Panoramic Coasta Views over Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty • Trad ng 11 Months of the Year Local Repeat Custom with Huge Tour st Boost • Contemporar y nter or Design & South Facing Terrace NEW!
54 CLH Digital Issue 177

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