CLH Digital - Issue #186

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“Disappointing Agenda” For Hospitality in King's Speech

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Sector leaders have expressed disappointment after the government failed to address the pressing issues the hospitality and licensed on-trade sector.


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Addressing the House of Lords earlier this week (November 7) King Charles laid out government plans for the next 12 months, highlighting that the Covid pandemic and war in Ukraine and had a significant impact on the country, adding that ministers would work to “change the country for the better”.

The speech, which lasted just over 10 minutes, saw a strong focus on law and order, tougher sentences for serious offenses, and set out a modest slate of 21 bills, ranging from changes to the way soccer teams are run to a crackdown on unlicensed pedicabs.




Issue 186

Editor's Viewpoint

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital While it was a historic occasion, our first King’s Speech since 1951 did turn out to be rather a “Royal oversight “.

PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd 3 Carlton Mount 2 Cranborne Road Bournemouth Dorset BH2 5BR

In his much-anticipated speech on November 7, the King addressed a multitude of pressing issues facing the nation, which of course is to be expected - the nation is facing many challenges.


Peter Adams

However, one glaring omission has led to great disappointment within the hospitality and licensed on-trade sector. With no mention of support for an industry grappling with the persistent challenges of recent times. The King's speech missed a crucial opportunity to acknowledge the struggles of a vital economic player and, more importantly, put some optimism back into the sector.

As the hospitality sector continues to navigate the tumultuous aftermath of the pandemic, businesses are grappling with a perfect storm of challenges. The sharp rise in inflation and energy costs, combined with reduced footfall due to ongoing health concerns, has placed immense pressure on establishments that were already on shaky ground. The taxation burden further exacerbates the situation, leaving many businesses teetering on the brink of collapse. Sacha Lord, Manchester's, Night Time Economy Adviser, recently said in an interview that “the government has a real job to do. On November 22 of the Chancellor doesn’t extend business rates relief then on average it is going to add about another £12,500 cost per pub. That’s not sustainable. He would force more closures and obviously on the back of that you have got job losses and the industry supply chain being affected, that would be absolutely horrific.” I was going to say in my comment that the Chancellor may have kept something back from the King’s Speech for his own Autumn Statement. However, as I am writing this, I am just reading an article which states that the Chancellor is playing down any talk of tax reductions, although there are rumours of an inheritance tax reduction. Suggestions from industry leaders include targeted financial aid, reduction in business rates, and a temporary cut in VAT for the hospitality sector. Furthermore, calls for measures to tackle rising energy costs have gained traction among industry representatives. In the face of adversity, the hospitality and licensed on-trade sector seeks not only recognition but decisive action. As Chancellor Jeremy Hunt prepares to unveil the Autumn statement, the onus is on the government to demonstrate unwavering support for an


01202 552333 FAX: 01202 552666 @CLHNews CLHNews industry that has long been a cornerstone of the UK economy. The King's speech may have overlooked them, but the hospitality sector stands united, awaiting the lifeline it so desperately needs.



One silver cloud I am pleased to say, (and this is in spite of government policy not because of it), is the news that the pace of venue failures has slowed as the year has gone on.

Peter Adams

The Hospitality Market Monitor recorded a fall in licensed premises over the third quarter of 2023 of only 0.3%—equivalent to just under three net closures a day.

David Bartlett Guy Stephenson

This is, however, tempered slightly since the fall relates to managed businesses. The independent sector is still continuing to bear the brunt of our economic woes. In the three months to September the number of independent premises fell by 0.6%, and is a former independent operator myself I find this very sad indeed.


That said, the number of closures could be stemmed even further with the reduction in VAT and rate support or deferring the rate increase in April 2024.

Charlene Fox

Once more I would ask you to please do follow us on Twitter, and encourage as many people you know in the trade to sign up to our digital issues. Further details can be seen at

The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, 3 Carlton Mount, 2 Cranborne Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 5BR. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.


Matthew Noades

PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Published by Published by

Issue 186



“Disappointing Agenda” For Hospitality in King's Speech (CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER)

tality businesses.”

Other laws enabled by the UK's exit from the European Union, included less stringent data-protection rules to replace the EU’s GDPR, and a ban on exporting live animals for slaughter.

“Most pressing is the looming rise in business rates next April, which will drop an almost-billion pound bill on the sector. An extension of relief and a freeze in the multiplier is essential for the sector to continue doing what it does best – creating jobs, driving economic growth and investing in communities.”

However, there was no reference in the speech on any government support for the hospitality and licensed on trade sector over the coming 12 months. At the time of the last Kings Speech in 1951 there was an estimated 75,000 pubs, since then there has been a 39% fall. Industry spokespeople have criticised the government’s lack of support during these challenging times.


AUTUMN STATEMENT Just days before the King’s speech, a survey conducted by the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA), British Institute of Innkeeping (BII), Hospitality Ulster and UKHospitality, reveals Government action on business rates is viewed as a top priority by 60% of respondents, up 16% from August. The survey also reveals that business optimism has slumped to just 29%, down 10 percentage points from the summer.

Commenting on the King’s Speech, CAMRA Chairman Nik Antona said: “It is disappointing that the Government’s agenda for the coming parliamentary session makes no reference to supporting pubs, brewers, or the wider hospitality industry.

A joint spokesperson for the trade bodies said: “These figures lay bare the enormous impact inaction at the Autumn Statement would have on the hospitality sector. Pubs, restaurants, hotels, coffee shops, to name a few, will fall victim to a significant business rates bill, if relief expires and rates are hiked with inflation.

“Earlier this year, in light of the tragic case of the Crooked House in Himley, CAMRA published data showing that potentially unlawful pub demolitions and conversions continue to take place.

“Reducing investment and cutting staffing levels are the last thing venues want to do. In fact, they want to do the opposite, but their hands will be tied if rates increase to such an extent in April.

“The King’s Speech was an opportunity for the Government to make a firm commitment to pub protection and announce legislation to bolster the planning enforcement tools available to local authorities to deter unscrupulous developers from flouting planning rules.

“Businesses are only able to absorb endless cost rises for so long and yet more pressure in the form of business rates will only force them to consider whether this is passed onto consumers.

“Unfortunately, we are still uncertain about whether the Government will act, and they have already ruled out making legislative changes to the Pubs Code, to better balance the relationship between pub companies and their tenants, and to improve consumer choice in the tied pub estate. “Looking ahead to the Autumn Statement, we hope that the Chancellor will take urgent action on energy supply and pricing issues, business rates relief and cutting red tape preventing draught takeaway sales from taking place.”

“The Government must listen to the concerns of hospitality businesses, as the nation’s third largest employer, and extend the hospitality sector relief and freeze the business rates multiplier at the Autumn Statement, and as well as taking steps to reduce the overall tax burden on the sector in relation to business rates, VAT and excise duty. “These businesses are at the heart of communities and high streets across the country, employing millions, generating economic growth and driving investment across our cities, towns and villages.


“Our economy cannot grow if hospitality cannot grow. The Government must act immediately to underpin this growth and ensure our pubs and hospitality venues survive.”

UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The King’s Speech kicks off a crucial session of Parliament for hospitality businesses, at a challenging time for many and with a General Election looming.”


“Of the bills outlined by the King today, the carryover of the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill will be important in tackling the scourge of fake reviews. While there is, rightly, a clear focus on consumers, we are continuing to urge the Government to ensure there are measures included to also protect businesses affected.” “Further developments around Martyn’s Law will be especially relevant for hospitality venues. The announcement of a new consultation on the standard tier, for venues with a capacity of 100 to 799 people, is positive and we will continue to make the case for proportionate and practical measures that work effectively for both businesses and their customers.” “With the speech noting the Government’s commitment to pursuing free trade deals, we will continue to make the case for Youth Mobility Schemes to be included as part of those deals and for the Government to pursue stand-alone agreements with appropriate nations.” “The King’s address featured the emphasis on continuing to improve the economic outlook for the nation and our sector continues to look towards the Autumn Statement for action on other critical areas for hospi-

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Highlighting the importance of pubs and the decline since the last Kings speech 72 years ago, a report from the British Guild of Beer Writers, Inn-Valuable: Unlocking the socio-economic potential of our nation’s pubs, revealed that: • 81% of people say pubs are important in bringing people together • 3 in 4 people feel the pub has a positive effect on their community • 68% of British adults say the pub helps combat loneliness Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association said: “Despite the decline in their numbers since the last King’s Speech, pubs remain right at the heart of communities across the UK, often acting as the only remaining hub for groups or individuals of any creed, any background looking to come together, bond and relax.” “The Government has a golden opportunity Speech to give a vital affirmation of the role of those pubs in local communities and economies by providing further investment to ensure the enduring survival and success of this great British institution.”



Issue 186

Reaching Tipping Point - What Are The New Laws on Tipping and Service Charges in the UK? By Tom Moyes, a Partner in the Employment team at Blacks Solicitors ( Unless prevented from doing so for tax purposes, businesses will soon have to pay workers 100% of tips under new legislation. Withholding tips from employees will now officially become unlawful following the provision of Royal Assent to the Employment (Allocation of Tips) Bill (the Act), which aims to protect more than 2 million workers and their tips across the UK. As employee’s tipping records are no longer concealed, it is estimated that around £200 million a year will go back into the pocket of hard-working staff by retaining tips that would have otherwise been deducted1. But what are the new laws on tipping and service charges and what does this mean for employers and employees? Tom Moyes, a Partner in the Employment team at Blacks Solicitors who works with a number of hospitality businesses including a national restaurant chain and 5* star hotel, discusses what this new law means for hospitality workers and how this will affect the industry.

WHAT IS THE ACT? The Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023 gained Royal Assent in May, protecting hospitality workers by making it unlawful for employers to withhold tips. The entirety of the Act will come into force in 2024. Workers within the hospitality sector are often paid minimum wage, relying upon tips or service charges to make up their income. Whilst cash tips are frequently paid directly to the worker, any tips paid by card are instead paid directly to the employer or business prior to distribution to workers, where certain deductions such as card processing fees can be deducted meaning that workers may often be left short changed.

CHANGES TO THE LAW: The Act was introduced to overhaul the previous tipping practice in the UK and requires that: • Allstaff tips must be passed on by employers without any deductions (unless the employer cannot do so for tax purposes); • Employers must have a written Statutory Code of Practice (SCOP) which will set out how tips should be distributed in order to demonstrate fairness and transparency; • Records detailing the distribution of tips must be kept by employers for three years from the date the tip was received; • Workers have the right to request a record of their tips for any particular period and the employer must respond to this request within four weeks; If a tronc system is in place, any owed tips must be paid to workers no later than the end of the month the tip was received; This Act will apply to all agency workers in the same way; and The SCOP will need to be followed by all employers.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR STAFF AND HOSPITALITY BUSINESSES? Following the Act being introduced, any breach of this will entitle a worker to make a claim at the Employment Tribunal for reallocation of the tip and/or compensation. Ultimately, the Act requires that the total amount of tips received are fairly distributed to the workers, therefore, the employer will be responsible for the financial burden of paying card processing fees and administrative charges that are associated with non-cash tips. With the introduction of the entire Act imminent, businesses and employers within the hospitality sector must start considering what they need to do to ensure that they are compliant with all aspects of the Act before it comes into force in 2024. Much emphasis will be placed on the SCOP, which will provide employers with valuable information.

SIBA Business Award 2024 Open For Entries Including New “Brewers’ Brewer Of The Year” Award The Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) have today launched the SIBA Business Awards 2024, including three brand new categories for Best Collaboration, Best New Brewery, and a new SIBA member-voted Brewers’ Brewer of the Year award. The “Brewers’ Brewer of the Year” seeks to highlight the brewer who has had the biggest positive influence on our industry in the last twelve months, either through producing truly outstanding beers, delivering change for the industry, or giving back to the brewing community. “The Brewers’ Brewer of the Year Award is a chance to celebrate an individual who has had a profound impact on the beer industry over the last year, with a positive contribution which reaches beyond their own business to the benefit of the beer industry as a whole.” Neil Walker, SIBA Business Awards Chair of Judges. Also being added for 2024 is a new “Best Collaboration” award that seeks to highlight collaborations which amplify the reach of the businesses involved, appeal to new audiences, or create a commercial success to the mutual benefit of all involved. This could be a beer collaboration, product line, new business venture, festival or event partnership, and judges will be looking for innovative, exciting collaborations that capture the imagination of their target audience

“The independent beer industry is uniquely collaborative and it is this spirit of collaboration which we are seeking to congratulate with the addition of this new category to the SIBA Business Awards 2024. The best collabs deliver something greater than the sum of their parts, and I look forward to seeing what entries this exciting new category attracts.” Neil Walker, SIBA Business Awards Chair of Judges. Another new category for 2024 is the “UK’s Best New Independent Craft Brewery”. This award aims to highlight the year’s most exciting and successful new brewery; whose impact on the industry, critical acclaim, or popularity with beer drinkers belies their short time in operation. The SIBA Business Awards seek to congratulate excellence in the brewing industry across a variety of categories, from pump clip, can and bottle design, to efforts taken by brewers to make their business more sustainable, innovative or successful, as well as naming the UK’s best pubs, bars and retailers of craft beer from independent breweries. The SIBA Business Awards 2024 are judged by a panel of industry experts and presented at the UK’s biggest beer and brewing event – BeerX UK in Liverpool, March 2024. For more information about the awards visit

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More Than Half Of Hospitality Businesses Will Reduce Investment Without Business Rates Support Issue 186



The new figures demonstrate the importance of the Chancellor extending the hospitality sector relief and freezing the multiplier at the Autumn Statement, with 38% of hospitality venues failing to make a profit.

er, and extend the hospitality sector relief and freeze the business rates multiplier at the Autumn Statement, and as well as taking steps to reduce the overall tax burden on the sector in relation to business rates, VAT and excise duty.

The survey, conducted by the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA), British Institute of Innkeeping (BII), Hospitality Ulster and UKHospitality, reveals Government action on business rates is viewed as a top priority by 60% of respondents, up 16% from August.

“These businesses are at the heart of communities and high streets across the country, employing millions, generating economic growth and driving investment across our cities, towns and villages.

The survey also reveals that business optimism has slumped to just 29%, down 10 percentage points from the summer. A joint spokesperson for the trade bodies said: “These figures lay bare the enormous impact inaction at the Autumn Statement would have on the hospitality sector. Pubs, restaurants, hotels, coffee shops, to name a few, will fall victim to a significant business rates bill, if relief expires and rates are hiked with inflation. “Reducing investment and cutting staffing levels are the last thing venues want to do. In fact, they want to do the opposite, but their hands will be tied if rates increase to such an extent in April. “Businesses are only able to absorb endless cost rises for so long and yet more pressure in the form of business rates will only force them to consider whether this is passed onto consumers.

“Our economy cannot grow if hospitality cannot grow. The Government must act immediately to underpin this growth and ensure our pubs and hospitality venues survive.” The survey also highlights the double whammy of rising businesses costs and more cautious consumers, with budgets stretched thin due to the cost-of-living crisis. There has been an 18% rise in businesses noticing consumers purchasing fewer drinks when they go out, with 72% of respondents reporting the number of drinks purchased having decreased slightly (55%) or significantly (17%). Combined with energy bills being 60% higher year-on-year and record food and drink inflation, 55% of respondents said they had not raised menu prices by as much as their own cost increases.

“The Government must listen to the concerns of hospitality businesses, as the nation’s third largest employ-

The survey follows a joint letter written to the Chancellor by the BBPA, the BII, Hospitality Ulster, UKHospitality and other trade bodies in the pub, brewing and hospitality sector in October, urging the extension of business rates relief and a freeze in beer duty

The RMT has confirmed it has reached a deal with train operators that could bring their long-running dispute to an end.

“The uncertainty and looming threat of rail strikes at Christmas was already knocking consumer confidence, with four in 10 businesses finding their bookings behind where they were last year.

In a statement, the union said it had come to a “mutually agreed way forward” with the Rail Delivery Group that would see staff get a pay rise backdated to 2022 , along with “job security guarantees”.

“A clear resolution would give the public the confidence they need to firm up their plans for the festive period and would, crucially, avoid hospitality businesses losing millions.”

Rail unions have staged intermittent strikes since June 2022, and the RMT called almost a month of industrial action across the 14 English train operators over last Christmas and New Year.

Michael Kill CEO NTIA says: “We have consistently advocated for meaningful progress in these negotiations, as the industrial action has inflicted significant financial losses on the industry for some time.”

Businesses have said they have lost millions of pounds in revenue due to the strike action and in September the managing director of Dishoom, Brian Trollip, said he was concerned that the group could lose 3,500 bookings over Christmas if there were further stoppages during the festive period.

“It’s a positive development to hear that the unions and rail providers have found common ground, potentially signalling an end to industrial action at the start of a critical trading period for the sector.”

Breakthrough In Rail Dispute to Avert Christmas Disruption UKHospitality chief executive Kate Nicholls said: “Christmas will have come early for hospitality businesses if this breakthrough in negotiations puts an end to ongoing rail strikes and saves the incredibly valuable festive period for the sector.

“Industrial action during the holiday season would be devastating for the industry. Let’s hope this breakthrough leads to the much-anticipated end of strikes.” RMT general secretary Mick Lynch described the agreement as “a welcome development.”

Going Meat Free: Plant Power! 6


Issue 186

Jonathan Morley, Managing Director at Plant Based World Expo talks about the fast growing sector. brands who offer cleaner-label solutions can come into play. One such brand exhibiting at Plant Based World Expo is More Foods meat alternative products created using a novel blend of upcycled pumpkin and sunflower seeds to provide an unbelievable texture, taste and feel.

81% of college students will choose a plant-based food offering when it’s the default option, according to a recent study. And these Gen Zers are more interested in plant-based options than previous generations. Up to a third of brits considering going vegan. As more people opt for vegan/vegetarian and flexitarian lifestyles what can operators offer to capitalize on this growing trend?

The sector itself now has a significant role to play in providing solutions to these problems. “Uniting the Plant-Based Industry to Lobby for Growth,” run by the Plant Based Food Alliance UK will take place at Plant Based World Expo Europe’s conference in November to help address this issue.


GETTING THE PUBLIC ON SIDE Global heating demands we educate the public on the importance of their consumption habits, and with no one party responsible, consumer-facing campaign groups will be integral to progress.

Menu choice and quality within foodservice: In foodservice, while catering for the needs and demands of the public, we’re seeing choice take centre stage and more restaurants are harnessing the power of plant-based. While it’s no longer an option to have just one plant-based item on the menu, we’re also seeing entire vegan menus dedicated to those making choices based on planetary and human health. Offering plant-based options can not only differentiate a restaurant from its competitors, but ensure its offerings suit customers’ values. We’re already seeing brands such as Symplicity Foods, founded by butcher and chef Neil Rankin, helping chefs, home cooks, caterers and restaurants to reduce their reliance on meat by creating simple and delicious food made with fermented vegetables. We will see this trend continue as more out-of-home dining outlets as well as retailers will seek to offer meat alternatives made from vegetables. Where caterers have less time to prepare vegetables as centre-of-plate options from scratch, innovative

“Plant-based options continue to appeal to Millennials, Gen-Z consumers (43% claim to be cutting meat from their diet in 2023) and beyond, so it’s vital that outlets future-proof themselves and get their offering right. With innovation taking the plant-based industry to the next level, we’re calling on all areas of the wider food and beverage industry, governments, and the public to support this path we’re on – for the good of our collective health and that of the planet.” Plant Based World Expo Europe, now in its third year, will take place at Excel London on 15th and 16th November 2023. Registration for the show is open to the food and beverage industry, including retailers, foodservice professionals, and investors. To register to attend Plant Based World Europe, visit:

Living Wage Foundation Partners with the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance they can live on, not just the government minimum. Since 2011 the Living Wage movement has delivered a pay rise to over 460,000 people and put £3 billion extra into the pockets of low paid workers. The Living Wage network includes KPMG, Aviva, IKEA and many more.

Pictured, Katherine Chapman, Director of Living Wage Foundation Living Wage Foundation joins the Alliance as a strategic partner to drive the living wage through the hospitality sector. The Sustainable Hospitality Alliance (the Alliance) has announced the addition of the Living Wage Foundation as its newest partner. The partnership will focus on supporting and developing the People pillar of the Alliance’s Pathway to Net Positive Hospitality, which was launched earlier this year.

Katherine Chapman, Director, Living Wage Foundation said: “We’re delighted to align with the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance on this important issue impacting millions of people globally. In London, the hospitality sector has the highest proportion of low-paid jobs in London compared to other industries, with 52 percent of jobs being paid below the real Living Wage. Our movement in the UK currently has over 14,000 responsible employers who have voluntarily committed to go further than the government minimum to make sure all their staff earn enough to live on. We look forward to developing our partnership and supporting the hospitality sector to achieve fairer wages for all as part of the Making London a Living Wage City project.”

The UK-based Living Wage Foundation, which was founded in 2011, joins the Alliance which has nearly 50 donor and affiliate members who have a reach of over 7 million rooms. The Alliance brings together engaged hospitality companies, the wider hospitality value chain, and strategic partners, such as the Living Wage Foundation, to tackle key challenges affecting the planet, people, and places worldwide. The Living Wage Foundation believes that a hard day’s work deserves a fair day’s pay and works to ensure everyone can earn enough to live on. The Living Wage commitment that organisations sign up to, sees that every employee receives a minimum hourly wage of £13.15 in London and £12 in the rest of the UK, significantly higher than the government minimum for over 23s, which currently stands at £10.42 per hour. The Living Wage Foundation states that the real Living Wage is the only rate calculated according to the costs of living. It provides a voluntary benchmark for employers that wish to ensure their staff earn a wage

Glenn Mandziuk, Chief Executive Officer of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, comments on the addition of the Living Wage Foundation to its network, stating, “As an accredited Living Wage Employer, we, at the Alliance, know the importance of championing fair wages for a hard day’s work, across the sector. Our work on People and Employability addresses issues of fair pay for all, as well as supporting and empowering groups including young people, refugees and women. The real Living Wage is the mark of a responsible employer and our work together over the coming months will drive this message home, across the industry.”

Welcome To Choice... It’s Not So Black and White Anymore For years your customers have had just one choice when it comes to the black stuff – now there is another, and it might just be better. Now available as part of BrewDog’s headliner range, Black Heart is a 4.1% ABV classic draught stout alternative, brewed in and for this century.

THE BEER A no-nonsense dry-Irish style stout. Chocolate and extra dark crystal malts give layers of roasted, toasted coffee and cocoa, with a hint of caramel coming through. It’s smooth, it’s creamy, it’s all head and it’s all heart.


DISCOVER THE ALTERNATIVE At BrewDog we believe drinking beer is about discovery and experimentation, with a mountain of different types and styles available. However, when it comes to stout, there really is only one choice in most pubs and bars and has been for years. As the experts in taste and quality, we have worked with our brewers to develop a classic draught stout, that can be offered to those looking to try something new. With flavour at its core, Black Heart is already introducing more younger consumers to the stout category, indicating its potential to drive further growth by appealing to those that have all but given up on the chance of a stout alternative.

Stout is the second fastest growing beer category +10.9%, worth almost £1bn (£947m)

What if it’s better?

It grew +8.8% in value and +0.9% share in the last three years – exceeding pre-covid levels1


Draught Stout has 97% Category Share, but with the category dominated by just one brand, this provides a huge opportunity for an alternative premium stout to drive further growth and higher margins

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Closures Slow After Britain’s Licensed Premises Drop Below 100,000 Issue 186

Britain’s number of licensed premises has fallen by 3.6% over the last 12 months to 99,916 sites, according to the latest Hospitality Market Monitor from CGA by NIQ and AlixPartners. The total at the end of September 2023 marks the first time it has dropped below 100,000 in the Monitor’s history. The 3,766 drop over the 12-month period is equivalent to more than ten net closures every day. However, the pace of venue failures has slowed as the year has gone on. The Hospitality Market Monitor recorded a fall in licensed premises over the third quarter of 2023 of only 0.3%—equivalent to just under three net closures a day. The report from CGA and AlixPartners flags a particularly robust quarter for the managed hospitality sector. In the three months to September 2023, this segment achieved 0.5% growth, in contrast to a 0.6% drop in the number of independently-run venues. Many of Britain’s biggest city centres also saw a net quarter-on-quarter increase in sites, including London, Manchester and Edinburgh. Karl Chessell, CGA by NIQ’s director – hospitality operators and food, EMEA, said: “It is pleasing to see a



slowdown in closures over the third quarter of 2023, though whether it is the beginning of a sustained positive trend or a lull remains to be seen. High inflation and interest rates are keeping a lid on consumer confidence, but the healthy growth in venues from multi-site managed groups is a positive sign of confidence from business leaders and investors. Despite the contraction in size in recent years, the long-term outlook for hospitality remains very good.” Graeme Smith, AlixPartners’ managing director, said: “While it is never nice to see the number of licensed premises in the UK continue to fall, what the figures don’t show is that, whilst the sector has contracted overall, this masks an evolution of the market as it has become more varied and more innovative. In addition, the standard of offer across the full spectrum of the hospitality industry has never been higher. Recent figures show that the contraction in site closures has slowed, this comes after a period of significant estate consolidation. It also marks a period when many operators have tentatively returned to the expansion trail, coupled with the continued entry of new concepts and international brands into the sector. If consumers continue to spend on hospitality and experiences in the face of more challenging economic conditions, we could see site numbers begin to expand again in 2024.”

The Fletchers Arms Re-Opens Following Substantial Investment A Manchester pub has undergone a dramatic change following an eight-week closure and huge investment.

interior, relocating the bar to create a striking backdrop to the now more spacious bar lounge.

The Fletcher’s Arms in Denton part of the Almond family group has reopened following a half a million-pound investment with Robinsons,

Vicki Williams (nee Almond) said: “We wanted to create more space for our drinkers and local community. While we offer an excellent menu and are renowned for our carvery, we’re a traditional pub at heart and our bar guests are as important to us as our diners. The new bar is stunning. We’re absolutely delighted with the refurbishment, it’s been a long project and certainly a lot of hard work but the final result is fabulous.”

Whilst its longer history is unknown, Robinson Brewery’s archives show the purchase of the pub in 1920. Since which, it has been run by many a licensee; today it is the Almond family at the helm. In the 21 years, Almond Family Pubs have held the reins and the pub has gone from strength to strength. During its extensive history, the Fletcher’s Arms has seen numerous overhauls, but none more impressive than its most recent In a bold and costly move, the Almond family have rearranged the

Following a half a million pounds joint investment with Robinsons, it’s clear that the money has been well spent. The plush décor complements the wooden panelling, which creates a space that is ‘parliamentary’, yet cosy.

Strike Laws To Be Passed To Protect Vital Public Services Over Christmas Issue 186



unable to get to work.

Minimum service level regulations for rail workers, ambulance staff and border security staff will be laid in parliament to mitigate disruption and ensure vital public services continue if strikes are called, the government has announced earlier this week.

Phil Thorley runs Thorley Taverns, with almost 20 pubs in Kent, and said strikes had ‘decimated’ the number of visitors from London to the Kent coast. He said it had ‘deeply affected’ trade.

The legislation brings the UK in line with countries like France, Italy, Spain, and the US where public services reliably continue during strikes. The International Labour Organisation also recognises Minimum Service Levels as a sensible solution to protect the public from serious consequences of strikes.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “We are doing everything in our power to stop unions de-railing Christmas for millions of people. This legislation will ensure more people will be able to travel to see their friends and family and get the emergency care they need.” “We cannot go on relying on short term fixes – including calling on our Armed Forces or civil servants – to mitigate the disruption caused by strike action.”

The minimum service levels are designed to be effective and proportionate by balancing the ability to take strike action with ensuring we can keep our borders secure, supporting people to make important journeys including accessing work, education, and healthcare, and allowing people to get the emergency care they need. Earlier this year, the government consulted widely on proposals to introduce minimum service levels legislation across a range of sectors, under the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act which received Royal Assent in July. The responses to these consultations have been published today with the legislation set to be laid in parliament today November 7. For train operators, it will mean the equivalent of 40% of their normal timetable can operate as normal and, in the case of strikes that affect rail infrastructure services, certain priority routes can remain open. Rail strikes have damaged the hospitality sector over the past 18 months, with many operators expressing concen that industrial action could further disrupt Christmas trading. Figures from UKHospitality suggest the cumulative effects of rail strikes last autumn and winter and earlier this spring cost the industry £3.25b. Following the continued strikes this autumn, 37 hospitality brands, including Wasabi, Greene King and Rosa’s Thai, signed an open letter in partnership with UKHospitality urging rail unions not to strike during the festive period. All types of hospitality businesses have been affected by the strikes, from city centre food-to-go to family-run pubs. Neil Sebba, Managing Director of Tossed, said the ongoing strikes had been ‘extremely debilitating’, as a business that depends on the flow of office workers. Beds & Bars, which operates pubs, tourist accommodation and entertainment venues, said its sales were down 70%, on average, on strike days. Keith Knowles, its CEO, said its staff were significantly affected in being

“That’s why we’re taking the right long-term decision to bring in minimum service levels, in line with other countries, to keep people safe and continue delivering the vital public services that hard-working people rely on.” Where minimum service level regulations are in place and strike action is called, employers can issue work notices to identify people who are reasonably required to work to ensure minimum service levels are met. The law requires unions to take reasonable steps and ensure their members who are identified with a work notice comply and if a union fails to do this, they will lose their legal protection from damages claims. Last year, we raised the maximum damages that courts can award against a union for unlawful strike action. For the biggest unions, the maximum award has risen from £250,000 to £1 million. Transport Secretary, Mark Harper said: For too long, hard working people have been unfairly targeted by rail union leaders – prevented from making important journeys, including getting to work, school or vital hospital appointments. Minimum Service Levels will help address this by allowing the rail industry to plan ahead to reduce disruption for passengers while ensuring workers can still exercise their ability to strike. An improved service on strike days will allow passengers to continue with their day-to-day lives and support businesses, particularly in the hospitality sector. The Department for Business and Trade recently consulted on a new draft statutory Code of Practice on the ‘reasonable steps’ a trade union should take to meet the requirements set out in the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023. They will also launch a consultation on removing regulation 7 across all sectors which prevents employment businesses supplying agency workers to cover the duties normally performed by a worker who is taking part in an official strike or other industrial action. These will be published in due course.

Philip Howard Extends His Support Of The Royal Academy Of Culinary Arts Philip Howard has been announced as the next Honorary President of The Royal Academy of Culinary Arts Annual Awards of Excellence.

development of two culinary competitions – the Young Chef Young Waiter and National Chef of the Year.

The chef patron of the Michelin-starred Elystan Street in Chelsea Green, and pasta restaurant Notto in Piccadilly Circus with a new site opening in Covent Garden later this month.

The Royal Academy of Culinary Arts is now accepting entries for the Annual Awards of Excellence 2024. Applicants must currently be working full-time in the UK as a chef, pastry chef or waiter and should be up to a maximum age of 26 at the close of entries on 31 January 2024.

Howard is a “chef’s chef”, quietly notching up years of service and influencing the industry immeasurably, including his 25-year tenure at The Square. He remains a partner of 5 other London restaurants (The Ledbury, Kitchen W8, Church Road, Perilla and Lorne) and UNION in Montalbert La Plagne in the French Alps. Howard is an active member of The Royal Academy of Culinary Arts and sits on both the management committee and the sustainability committee. He has played a significant role in the progression and

The Annual Awards of Excellence is an examination rather than a competition; all or none of the candidates can achieve the award depending on their ability to attain the standard of excellence set by the judges. All those who successfully reach this standard will achieve the AAE. In addition, the candidate who scores the highest marks in each section will be named the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts Young Chef, Young Pastry Chef and Young Waiter of the Year 2024.

The Law Has Changed On Single-Use Plastics – What Do Businesses Need To Know? Whilst previous campaigns on the responsible disposal of plastic items have urged many businesses to think more sustainably, a number of them still rely on single-use plastics.

certain single-use plastic items as of October 2023.

We use 4.7 billion plastic straws, 2.7 billion items of single-use cutlery, 721 million single-use plates, and 316 million plastic stirrers every year – but only 10% of these items are recycled and many find their way into our ocean. According to recent studies: “The flow of plastic into the ocean is projected to nearly triple by 2040. Without considerable action to address plastic pollution, 50kg of plastic will enter the ocean for every metre of shoreline”1.

• straws • cotton buds • drink stirrers • plates, bowls and trays • cutlery • balloon sticks • polystyrene food or drink containers • polystyrene cups

To address these environmental issues, protect our marine wildlife, and ultimately eliminate all avoidable plastic waste, The Environmental Protection (Plastic Plates etc and Polystyrene Containers etc) (England) Regulations 2023 prohibits businesses from supplying, selling or offering

The ban includes the following items:

If businesses fail to follow the new rules, they risk being investigated by their local authority, which has the power to conduct inspections and issue fines to those

that break the law. Whilst the ban on single-use plastic is beneficial for the environment, we understand that navigating consumer law and how it applies to your business can be complex. So, whether you’re a takeaway business, a retailer, or a charity organisation that uses single-use plastic products in any way, the latest Business Companion guide on single-use plastics is here to help you. This free resource covers all the key areas of the ban in detail, so you can be prepared and adapt accordingly. Visit the website to find out more: 1 *PEW Charitable Trusts and SystemIQ. “Breaking the Plastic Wave: A Comprehensive Assessment of Pathways Towards Stopping Ocean Plastic Pollution,” 2020.

Food Inflation and Practical Solutions for Foodservice Operators 10


Issue 186

It is easy to see why food costs have risen so drastically. Weather, energy, geopolitics, Government policy, currency exchange rates, trade policy as well as freight and labour costs on the supply side, and consumer spending on the demand side have been the main impacting factors. But what do we expect food inflation to do next? By examining Producer Price Inflation (PPI), forecasts can be derived for the potential for future food inflation. Independent procurement expert allmanhall tracks prices and has concluded that food inflation will begin to fall, anticipating that by December 2023, it may drop to ten per cent, whilst the full-year effect in 2024 may be as little as three per cent. However this is not all good news as it doesn’t mean food prices are coming down, but the rate at which food prices have been increasing is starting to slow. With prices remaining high in the short run, Katrina Lane from allmanhall ( looks at what foodservice operators can do now to continue in their efforts to reduce food costs and stretch catering budgets as far as possible. • Purchase loose boxed vegetables instead of ready prepped. Ready prepped can be up to 50% more expensive. • Consider using a sandwich supplier and save some of the payroll costs by tasking chefs to prep other core ingredients such as vegetables. • Use the whole fruit or vegetable. For example cooked banana skins can replace pulled pork. • Control, monitor and reduce food waste. • Try to order cases rather than splits for multi temp purchases where possible.

• Make in-house jars of sauces and dressings rather than purchasing premade.This is also better from a nutrition perspective as many premade sauces and dressings are processed foods. • Reduce deliveries, increase drop volumes and efficiencies and reduce emissions. • Substitute branded lines for own brand if appropriate to do so. • Try alternative products that are cheaper, better value and more sustainable. • Batch cook to use up leftovers and increase efficiencies from both an ingredient and an operations point of view. • Simplify menus. This doesn't mean reducing variety or quality, but fewer ingredients can mean more focus on better production. • Use a price comparison tool to create shopping baskets and order lists. allmanhall operates a Recipe module for clients on its catering control platform. • Cost recipes and menu cycles, including an assessment of recommended portions (especially protein). • Purchase seasonal ingredients. This can also have nutritional benefits. • Reduce ruminant meat consumption by trialling hero dishes and new innovative products to replace the ruminants on menus. Devil’s Kitchen do a brilliant range and these products can be ordered via Bidfood. • You don’t have to make big changes. You may like to start by swapping half of the beef mince in your cottage pies, for example, with a better value and more sustainable alternative. Plant based, white meat and blended mince alternatives are available. • Look at reducing non-plant based protein portion sizes. • Removal of terminology from recipes such as vegan / vegetarian and put more of these into menu cycles. The ‘v words’ can sometimes deter diners from choosing delicious plant-based options, which may be more cost effective. • Add hero dishes to your menus. These have a low carbon footprint and are nutritious as well as good value. • Ensure staff training is up to date. Skilled production methods can save costs and reduce waste. Development days can also help inspire cost effective and fresh ideas. • Maintain equipment regularly. Poorly maintained kit will affect the quality of food, increase waste and use excess utilities such as water and energy. Sadly it’s a false economy to not maintain or replace foodservice equipment.

35 Scottish Business Bodies Unite To Call For Rates Freeze Thirty-five leading business representative groups and industry bodies have jointly written to the Scottish Government’s Deputy First Minister and Finance Secretary asking her to freeze the business rate in the coming financial year. The 35 organisations represent a broad cross section of Scottish industry and commerce, including retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers, tourism, leisure, and commercial property. The collective call comes ahead of the unveiling of the Scottish Government’s Budget on 19 December, which is expected to set the business rate and associated reliefs and thresholds for the 2024-25 financial year.

BUSINESS RATES AT 24-YEAR HIGH Scotland’s business rate is already at a 24-year high and a fifth higher than at the start of the previous decade. If increased in line with current CPI inflation this could see ratepayers across Scotland face an extra £205 million on their rates bills from next Spring. This would be at odds with the Scottish Government’s recently stated aim to use business rates to “boost business”. The joint letter from the business representative and trade bodies was submitted to Shona Robison MSP, the Scottish Government’s Finance Secretary, on 2 November.

Dear Deputy First Minister, We are writing jointly ahead of the Scottish Budget to ask that you do not increase the poundage rate in the coming financial year. We fully recognise that the Scottish Government, like business, is facing its own costs and inflationary pressures at the present time. The work to improve the administration of the rates system through the New Deal for Business is encouraging, as is the headway made in recent years on broader aspects of reform including more frequent revaluations, the retention of the uniform business rate, and the pledge to restore parity on the higher property rate with England which should benefit 11,650 commercial premises here in Scotland. Yet, after three and a half turbulent years of the pandemic and costs crunch the fact is trading conditions remain challenging, the cost of doing business remains elevated, and the near-term economic outlook is weak. We therefore ask that Scottish Ministers prioritise a freeze in the headline business rate poundage – which is already at a 24-year high – in the coming financial year. This would aid firms with the costs crunch, help them keep down prices for customers, and support business investment and competitiveness. Our organisations have a range of ideas on how Scotland’s rates system could be improved. However, we collectively believe this practical measure to freeze the business rate requires to be taken in your upcoming Scottish Budget, which would be a positive step applicable to all commercial premises, help ease the burden at this difficult time, and support our shared objective of delivering more sustainable economic growth.

Wetherspoons Report Like-For Like Sales Up 9.5% JD Wetherspoon has reported like-for-like sales for the 14 weeks to 5 November 2023 were up 9.5% compared with the previous year. Bar sales increased by 10.7%, food by 8.2% and slot/fruit machines by 10.0%. Hotel room sales increased by 6.2%. Total sales have grown by 8.1% in the year to date. In September, the latest month for which information is available, the Coffer CGA Business Tracker reported industry like-for-like sales up 5.9% compared with 9.4% for Wetherspoon. Wetherspoon said it has outperformed the tracker for 13 consecutive months. The company stated: “In October 2023, Which? reported that a survey of 4,611 of its members and the public had rated Wetherspoon hotels fourth highest of all large UK hotel chains (more than 31 hotels) for value. Wetherspoon achieved an overall customer score of 73%, which was higher than Sofitel, Hilton, Marriott, Radisson Blu and many others. On 22 August 2023, the company disposed of all interest rate swaps in place, receiving £14.8m. At the same time, the company fixed interest rates in respect of £200m of borrowings from 23 August 2023 to 6 February 2025 at a rate of 5.665%. On 25 September 2023, the company fixed interest rates in respect of £400m of borrowings from 6 February 2025 to 6 February 2028 at a rate of 4.225%. Interest costs for FY24, excluding

IFRS 16 notional interest, are expected to be approximately the same as they were in FY23 (£51m), following the transactions noted above. The company has opened one pub at London’s Heathrow airport during the period. Four pubs have been sold and six leasehold pubs have been surrendered to the landlord. The company currently has a trading estate of 816 pubs.” Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin said: “Sales in the first 14 weeks of the financial year have continued the pattern of gradual improvement which has followed the ending of lockdowns and restrictions. Inflationary pressures have eased, but energy costs, in particular, remain at far higher levels than pre-pandemic, putting pressure on suppliers and the wider economy. "The company is increasing investment in existing pubs in the current financial year to approximately £70m (FY23: £46.9m). Areas of investment include new staff rooms, changing rooms, glass racks above bars (to cater for increased usage of brewers’ ‘branded’ glasses) and air conditioning. The company currently expects an outcome for the financial year in line with market expectations, and will provide further updates as the year progresses.”

Hospitality Leaders Call For ‘Urgent Government Action’ In Autumn Statement Issue 186

Tom Kerridge, Tom Aikens, Monica Galetti and Jodie Kidd join forces with a host of leading hospitality CEOs to back a letter asking the Chancellor to freeze business rates and extend the current relief package at the Autumn Statement. Michelin-starred chefs and publicans including Tom Kerridge, Tom Aikens, Monica Galetti and Jodie Kidd, have joined sector CEOs from more than 230 companies including Burger King, Travelodge, Marriott International, Fuller’s, Greene King and Mitchells & Butlers, in signing an open letter to the Chancellor ahead of this month’s Autumn Statement. The letter, created by leading industry body UKHospitality, calls for continued support as the UK’s hospitality industry faces the potential of an additional £1bn business rates bill next April, unless the Chancellor freezes business rates and extends the current relief package at the Autumn Statement. The letter also calls for longer-term structural reform – of the apprenticeship levy, of VAT and a broader overhaul of business rates – that would help to equip the hospitality sector to do what it does best – drive economic growth, help to put the brakes on inflation, increase social mobility and get many more people into work. The open letter states: “The most important step at this stage is to avoid an increase in business rates. The sector faces a near £1 billion tax hike from April 2024. We urge you to freeze the business rates multiplier, extend the 75% hospitality relief and extend the cap to at least £2 million. Business rates support can cushion the sector from these costs while allowing us to invest – in our people and our places.”



Michelin-starred chef, publican and broadcaster Tom Kerridge said: “The hospitality industry has taken a battering in recent years, yet pubs, bars and restaurants all across the nation continue to go above and beyond to provide memorable and outstanding experiences to everyone that comes through the door. As an industry this is what we love to do. The stark reality for many businesses, however, is that with rising costs and ongoing challenges time is running out and without further support from Government they will shut their doors. That’s why I fully support the calls being made by UKHospitality to the Chancellor in this letter.” Michelin-starred chef and restaurateur Tom Aikens said: “It is absolutely essential that any increase in business rates is reconsidered, which is why I have backed this letter calling for the Chancellor to support hospitality by freezing business rates, among other measures. The industry has suffered immeasurable damage over recent years, and the planned tax hike next April must be taken off the table in order to support growth and investment in the hospitality sector.” UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “It’s imperative that the Chancellor listens to our collective calls for support and takes clear action at the Autumn Statement to extend the current relief measures for a further year to protect the vital community assets that make up the UK’s vibrant hospitality sector. Hospitality is at the heart of our communities and it’s essential we do all we can to protect businesses in the sector and the value they bring, from driving economic growth to creating jobs.” Link to view the full letter and list of signatories.

Wakefield Pub Reopens Following £280,000 Makeover The Waterloo on Westgate End re-opened on Thursday the 2nd November following a major investment of £280,000. The pub is part of the Proper Pubs division at Admiral Taverns and has undergone a complete transformation inside including two new bar areas, brand new furniture, flooring, fixtures and fittings throughout. Operator of the Waterloo, Julie Abell, said: “Opening night was fantastic, it was amazing to see all our customers, old and new, coming to see what the pub has to offer.

What can a TROLLEY do for you? BOOST YOUR SALES

The feedback we received from our community was amazing, and we can’t wait to see them again soon!” Matthew Gurney, Operations Director for Proper Pubs, said: “The refurbishment at the Waterloo looks fantastic – the team has worked really hard to ensure it is a success for the local community. On behalf of the Proper Pubs team, we would like to wish our community hero, Julie, every success for the future in making the Waterloo a fantastic hub of the community.”


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Issue 186

Plant-Based Meat Products Served Out-Of-Home Grow By Almost 50% Across Europe’s ‘Big 5’ Countries According to research from Circana, advisor on consumer complexity, the trend towards eating alternative plant-based meat protein products in outof-home (OOH) eateries, such as quick-service restaurants (QSR), cafes, pubs and bars has increased by 48% in servings compared to 2019 across Europe’s ‘Big 5’ countries[i]. While in other food protein categories, the number of total product servings declined, including Beef (-5%), Pork (16%), Chicken (-5%), Fish/Seafood (-13%) and Other Meat (-20%). Typically made from ingredients such as soy, peas, lentils and mushrooms, plant-based products have gained popularity in recent years as fast-food chains and restaurants throughout Europe cater to growing consumer demands for sustainable, healthier and cruelty-free menu options. When asked about factors influencing their choice of where to eat out, 45% of consumers overall said they are more loyal to restaurants that care about sustainability, with Italy voicing the strongest concern (56%) followed by Spain (49%) and the UK least concerned (38%).

BURGERS BUCK THE TREND Compared with other protein categories, plant-based meat has shown the strongest growth across all formats since 2019[ii]. The overall number of servings across each protein category has dropped with one exception – burgers. While the number of servings in other formats, such as sandwiches and wraps, have declined, the burger has shown solid growth (Beef +4%, Chicken +16%, Fish +11%, Other Meat +14%).[iii] Despite the overall decline in visits to OOH venues, plant-based burgers grew significantly by +90% during year ending August 2023 vs 2019, and +20% year-on-year ending Aug 2023, representing a quarter (25%) of the total contribution made to growth in burgers.[iv] Jochen Pinsker, Senior Vice President of European Foodservice, Circana commented: “Plant-based products, particularly burgers, are experiencing significant market growth and are expected to sustain this momentum through 2024.This is particularly evident as the quality, taste, and texture of plant-based products have significantly improved compared to offerings from just a few years ago.” He continued: “The decline in servings we’re seeing across different protein groups is more to do with the format in which products are being sold, rather than the actual type of protein. For example, while overall beef servings are down, beef burgers are up by 4%. Chicken and fish burgers are also up with significant growth coming from plant-based burgers. With more people working from home, servings of other formats once consumed in the workplace, such as sandwiches and wraps, have declined.”


Growing demand for plant-based items, like burgers, is being fuelled by consumers choosing to reduce their meat intake. Although vegan and vegetarian consumers make up only 2% and 6% of the population respectively within the ‘Big 5’ EU countries, a significant 25% of the total population follows a flexitarian diet, rising to 28% among individuals aged 18-34. Choosing vegan or vegetarian diets or adopting a flexitarian approach towards food preferences is most popular in Germany (44%) followed by France (35%) and lowest in southern European countries such as Spain (24%) and Italy (30%). However, these same countries scored highly when asked about inclusivity. Consumers from Spain (66%), UK (64%) and Italy (63%) said they expected restaurants to satisfy the needs of customers with special dietary or food needs, compared to Germany (41%) and France (55%) which scored lowest. Offering advice to the OOH hospitality industry, Pinsker added: “There are huge opportunities to tap into this growing market. To be successful you must ensure complete transparency with consumers when it comes to revealing the exact source of your meat replacement ingredients; be cautious not to set excessively high prices for plant-based alternatives, especially given the current high prices of meat and consumers’ sensitivity to price hikes; when promoting new plant-based menu options, emphasise their positive environmental impact rather than their health benefits; and like meat-based items, ensure your plant-based offerings are portable and give careful thought to packaging and product hold time. This is crucial in a world where an increasing number of meals are consumed off-premises and taken home.” Future trends for plant-based alternatives in the OOH sector: • Forecasted spending in the Foodservice market for 2024 is €338 bn across the ‘Big 5’, marking an increase of €17 bn from 2023 and €29 bn above the pre-COVID 19 level in 2019. Most of this growth is anticipated in the Quick Service sector of the industry. • The number of vegetarians and vegans in Europe is expected to remain stable. However, the increase in flexitarians will continue to rise. Around 56 million consumers across the ‘Big 5’ population have yet to sample plant-based meat replacement servings in restaurants, but say they are willing to try. • Younger consumers have a stronger connection with plant-based alternatives, which will likely persist into their older years. This trend presents a long-term growth opportunity for these products. • Historically, plant-based options were often more expensive than meat, but this trend is shifting. In the future, it’s anticipated that plant-based alternatives might even become more cost-effective than their meat counterparts.

Bolton Pub Opens Following £260,000 Refurbishment The Victoria on Market Street in Westhoughton re-opened last Friday the 3rd November following a major investment of £260,000.

The feedback we received from our community was amazing, and we can’t wait to see them again soon!”

The pub is part of the Proper Pubs division at Admiral Taverns and has undergone a complete transformation including brand new furniture, flooring, fixtures and fittings inside as well as all new lighting and signage outside. The Victoria now boasts a brand-new look and fresh décor to appeal to all the local community.

Chris Green, MP for Bolton West, commented: “I was delighted to attend the reopening of the Victoria.

On Friday the 3rd November, MP Chris Green visited the pub to officially reopen it and customers got to enjoy a DJ set, buffet and complimentary prosecco to celebrate.

Matthew Gurney, Operations Director for Proper Pubs, said: “The refurbishment at the Victoria looks fantastic – the team has worked really hard to ensure it is a success for the local community.

Operator of the Victoria, John, said: “Opening night was fantastic, it was amazing to see all our customers, old and new, coming to see what the pub has to offer.

On behalf of the Proper Pubs team, we would like to wish our community hero, John, every success for the future in making the Victoria a fantastic hub of the community”.

It was great to see the work that has gone into refurbishing this pub in the heart of Westhoughton and I wish John and the team every success for the future."

Catering for Every Eventuality Catering and hospitality prides itself on reacting to changing conditions, like a sudden influx of business, with aplomb. It’s what makes hospitality the fascinating industry it is and makes it such a good subject for films and TV programmes. However, when something unexpected occurs, like a drastic change in the weather, it pays to be prepared. As we come to the end of the outdoor catering season, an unexpected cold snap could affect customer comfort. In larger buildings where airflow is limited, additional heating may be required to ensure a comfortable ambient temperature throughout. At Machine Mart we supply Clarke heaters which cater for all scenarios. Space Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Halogen Heaters and Industrial Heaters.

SPACE HEATERS Space heaters heat large spaces. They work by heating the air and are ideal for heating a marquee or large hall. Great as a fallback option should the boiler fail, they are either paraffin/diesel powered or gas fired and can vary in output. For convenience, we also supply trolley mounted models so you can easily transport the heat where it is needed.


Perfect for cold spots, gas, paraffin or diesel powered radiant heaters work by radiating infrared light. A safer option in locations where children or vulnerable adults could harm themselves.

HALOGEN HEATERS Halogen heaters are favoured in an external setting and are typically used as patio heaters, and for heating smoking areas and al fresco dining spaces. Halogen heaters are also infrared and so only heat solid objects like you so there is no loss of heat when used as heat source outside.

INDUSTRIAL HEATERS Our range of electric fan heaters is perfect for external buildings, heating up quickly and efficiently. A low heat setting can take the chill off an exposed conservatory for a comfortable dining experience. Prime the Pumps Flash floods have become the norm recently meaning cellars are at risk of being flooded. Machine Mart’s range of Clarke water pumps painlessly remove water from subterranean levels in the most trying of conditions. Explore our full range of heaters and pumps this autumn. See the advert opposite for details.

Love Is In The Air, But Lo-Fi Is In The Airwaves 14


Issue 186

Something about summer makes the season perfect for getting back into the dating scene, whether the hot weather or the brighter evenings. Music licensing company PPL PRS working with neuroscientist Dr Julia Jones (AKA Dr Rock), has revealed the results of their recent survey unveiling how hospitality businesses can help to calm the first date nerves with music. In a brand new survey* the music licensing company discovered that when it comes to the UK’s most preferred hospitality venues for a first date, cafes (40%) and pubs (40%) were ranked the favourite rendezvous hot spots.


When it comes to building an atmosphere that’s good for business and lends a hand to the lovebirds of society, here are some things for hospitality venues to consider from the experts at PPL PRS.

THE TIME OF DAY Setting the mood ready for when daters arrive is key – so opening shift workers will not have to worry about witnessing any awkward first dates, as the more popular times for budding couples to meet for a first date are evenings (65%), followed by afternoons (22%), with having something to eat alongside a cocktail or coffee seemingly a winning combination.


Love is all about compatibility, but external factors play a crucial part on a first date. When asked about how a venue’s atmosphere and music influence first dates, almost two-thirds (61%) of respondents said that they prefer there to be music playing in the background of a date. Most said that music helps them relax (64%), reduces awkwardness (57%) and helps to break the ice (42%). Others also said it puts them in a happy mood (34%) and gives them something to talk about (33%) with their date.

Music licensing company PPL PRS found that singletons plan on sharing a meal on afternoon dates (13%) and evening dates (35%), venues could entice new customers with date (or mate) night offers, discounting meals and/or drinks when bought in pairs. Set menus or drinks deals could also help bars and restaurants to cement their status as a trendy date location.


CAN YOU HEAR THE LOVE TONIGHT? The choice of music can also be crucial in setting the right atmosphere. More than half (57%) shared that they would prefer to hear chill-out music, like lo-fi, during a first date, which can be perfect for those first date jitters. Dr Julia Jones, Smart Wellness Coach for PPL PRS, explains that “Listening to music that you find relaxing can help reassure your brain that you’re in a safe environment - so the stress response can be disengaged. Timing your breath with music to slow inhales and extend exhales also deactivates that ancient stress circuit and engages your relaxation mode. This is because our breath engages the vagus nerve that regulates the relaxation response.” The next favourite genre of music for first dates was pop, being ranked second by 45% of people, and RnB – one of the more romantic genres – followed as 27% of daters preferred the genre.

Depending on what you specialise in as a venue, switching up the tracks you play during common date hours could lead to a couple becoming regulars, remembering your venue as where their relationship began. We asked UK singletons which genre of recorded music they’d like to hear on a first date from different venues, and this is what they shared: · Bars should bop to pop (47%) · Pop music in a pub (48%) · Restaurateurs should add chill-out to the musical menu (63%) · Cafes should play chill-out music (55%) Dr Julia Jones said: “Studies show that our brainwaves often synchronise to the music we hear. This means that you can use slow, relaxing music to slow your brainwaves and enter relaxing brain states.” So, if you know you’re going to have a string of nervous daters in your venue, you can use music to ease their experience. A word for the wise is that the most important thing for hospitality and daters alike is making sure the atmosphere and mood boost the relationships, new and old, within the customer base and employees to ensure that everyone has a good time – whether done through music or playing on another of the senses. The atmosphere created could be the reason someone scores a second date. * A survey commissioned by PPL PRS of 1000 UK respondents by Attest in June 2023

Shepherd Neame Supports Project To Restore Oyster Yawl, The Gamecock

A painstaking project to restore an historic oyster yawl, The Gamecock, at its original home on the Kent coast is now more than a third of the way through, thanks to sponsorship from local businesses including Shepherd Neame. The 43ft craft, which was built at Island Wall, Whitstable, in 1907, was acquired by charity Whitstable Maritime after falling into a state of disrepair. Volunteers have been working hard to give her a new lease of life since 2019. It is hoped that once fully restored, the vessel, which is now registered as a National Historic Ship, will have a second working life of 60 to 80 years as a community asset, thanks to the high quality of the workmanship. Whitstable Maritime also aims for the craft to be a key part of the 5K Whitstable Maritime Coastal Trail, which explores the town’s heritage and coastline. At a recent reception at the East Quay, supporters were able to see the progress being made for themselves, with full time shipwright Morgan Lewis on hand to explain the work.

“We are working with all local oak and replacing old wood with new – she is getting stronger and stronger by the day,” he said. “She is a lot stronger than she was! “But we have to be a bit careful, as she is also old and very weak in places.” One significant step forward has been the replacement of the stern post, which Morgan described as a “major piece of work”. The Gamecock spent her time dredging oysters in the Swale and today is one of only three oyster yawls left intact. Susannah Gooch, who has recently been appointed Chair of Whitstable Maritime, said: “I can’t believe how much work has been done on the boat since the last time I saw it! We are really pleased with the progress being made, and expect to see the Gamecock starting her second working life by the end of 2025.” Susannah, who is a keen sailor herself, added: “We would like to thank all the local businesses and volunteers for their support with this unique project. It is great to see the community working together to preserve our Kent heritage.”

Time to Show Off the Best the South West Has to Offer! Are you looking for new suppliers and inspiring ideas? If you're involved in food retail, catering, or hospitality, wherever you're based in the South West, Hale Events have got a perfectly timed trade show for you:

The Source trade show - Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th of February 2024, at Westpoint near Exeter. The Source is where the region’s food and drink buyers come to shop. From delicious speciality foods and locally produced drinks to major, market-leading brands and artisan produce to suit every taste, The Source is here to inspire retail choices, great hospitality, and facilitate profitable catering. In partnership with regional food group Taste of the West, this trade show will delight your senses with the latest flavours and ideas. New to the show in 2024 are companies such as Kin Vodka, House of Sarunds and Sloe Motion, who will be exhibiting alongside more familiar names such as Forest Produce, Denhay Farms, Frobishers, The Real Olive Company, and Friary Liqueurs. Running each year at the start of February, The Source offers the ideal way to bring fresh momentum to your business and prepare you for the trading season ahead. With plenty of free parking and a friendly and collaborative ambience, there’s no better way to get the new year off to a flying start than a visit to The Source!

Expowest Cornwall - Wednesday 6th & Thursday 7th March, at the Royal Cornwall Showground, Wadebridge.

As the only trade exhibition in the region that’s truly dedicated to hospitality and catering, Expowest Cornwall is an unmissable event for professionals in this sector.The show is strategically timed to take place well before the main spring/summer tourist season gets underway, helping to make it a cornerstone of the Cornish business calendar. You’ll find new exhibitors such as Franke Coffee, Mcwhinney’s Sausage and Passmore Cleaning, exhibiting alongside Hunts Foodservice, Westcountry, R D Johns, T Quality, J&R Foodservice and many more. LWC will once again be bringing their range of national and regional drink brands to quench your thirst for the best for your business. If you are eager to see, taste and testthe best that the South West of England has to offer and truly understand what shapes the local market, this is one show that you can’t afford to miss. Both these shows will satisfy your appetite, whether you run a pub, hotel, restaurant, café, deli, farm shop, holiday park, tourist attraction, catering business, supermarket or if your business is food and drink. You can register for free trade entry now on the shows’ websites at and or call 01934 733456. If you’re interested in a stand, please call 01934 733433 or email In the meantime, if you’d like to keep up to date with all the hospitality, catering, food & drink news in the South West, why not visit and sign up for the Rise & Shine enewsletter, which is delivered bi-weekly by Hale Events.

Time to Pivot: How the UK’s Hospitality Sector Can Survive and Thrive 16


Issue 186

By Rebecca Kelly, CEO and co-founder, VenueScanner (

The past few years have presented challenge after challenge for UK hospitality businesses. From rising costs to staffing shortages and shifts in consumer behaviour, the hospitality industry is constantly navigating choppy waters. It is easy to see why data from UKHospitality shows that just 29 percent of hospitality businesses feel optimistic about the next 12 months. But there is hope. We know the UK’s hospitality sector is incredibly robust – it is expected to reach $27.42 billion by 2028 according to data from Mordor Intelligence and a record 2.6 million people are now employed in hospitality, with the sector responsible for one in five new jobs. As UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls has said: “The ability of hospitality businesses to create more than 20 percent of new jobs in the past year, in the face of extraordinary cost pressures, is testament to its resilience and ability to battle against the odds.” I couldn’t agree more, Kate. And data from our platform suggests venue demand is increasing year on year so for those businesses able to take advantage of current booking trends, there is real opportunity to grow in the face of adversity.

1. MAJOR INCREASE IN PARTY BOOKINGS Party bookings have increased three-fold since pre-Covid days, with bars and restaurants topping the list of the most popular venue types for party bookings, while Christmas parties remain the most popular event type. This means there is a huge opportunity for bars and restaurants to market themselves accordingly, focusing on party (and Christmas party) bookings that generate higher revenues to cover their increasing costs.

There’s also an opportunity to stand out from the competition by offering a wider range of activities – poker nights, games nights, or even pizza and sushi making – as a way of capturing the attention of party bookers.

2. BARS, RESTAURANTS AND EXPERIENCE-BASED VENUES ON THE RISE FOR BUSINESS BOOKINGS While hotels account for a portion of business venue searches, organisations are also increasingly looking for more unusual spaces to host their business meetings, conferences and company gatherings including experience-based venues such as Otherworld VR, and Swingers Crazy Golf, as well as bars and restaurants. In fact in Edinburgh, for example, bars and restaurants account for three times more business bookings than hotels do. Given we are seeing a serious decline in consumer spending, especially in mid-range bars, pubs, restaurants and hotels, this data shows that venues able to diversify their space for business offerings can increase footfall and fill more of their downtime.

3. COMPANY AWAY DAY BOOKINGS UP YEAR ON YEAR As businesses are employing more people remotely, the need for colleagues to connect in person has given rise to more demand for company offsites and one-day to multi-day events and overnight stays. This has led to significant growth in company away day events across the UK. In fact, we’re seeing 3.5 times as many bookings for company away days than we did pre-Covid. This represents another huge opportunity for event venues, hotels and even pubs, bars and restaurants to diversify their revenue streams by marketing themselves as great away day locations, whether it be for creative workshops, scavenger hunts, exclusive events or immersive experiences.

LOOKING FORWARD Given the significant challenges facing the UK’s hospitality businesses, diversification will be key to future growth. Data from VenueScanner clearly shows that the opportunities are there – yes for party bookings, but the real opportunity lies in a venue’s ability to pivot to a business audience. Whether that’s transforming their space to accommodate a company away day or turning their empty tables into hot desks, the UK’s hospitality sector is a resilient, vibrant and adaptive one and it will come out the other side stronger and more profitable as a result.

RMT Extends Strike Mandate On London Underground The RMT union has extended its strike mandate on the London Underground for a further six months, raising the possibility of further disruption. Tube workers voted to continue the campaign in a long-running dispute over jobs, conditions, and pensions. The RMT said 95% of its members voted in favour of continuing strikes on a 54% turnout. The union will now consider its next steps in the campaign. RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said: “I congratulate our members on delivering another impressive Yes vote in our campaign on pensions, jobs and working conditions on London Underground.

campaign.” RMT had planned to take strike action last month, but this was suspended after “significant progress” over job changes and changes to rosters, however, wider negotiations are still continuing over pensions and working agreements. Last month 37 hospitality brands, including Wasabi, Greene King and Rosa's Thai, signed an open letter in partnership with UKHospitality urging rail unions not to strike during the festive period. The managing director of Dishoom said he was fearful the group could lose 3,500 bookings over Christmas if there were further train strikes during the festive period.

Bigger Snacks Sales with KP “Our union will now consider the results and the next steps in this

Snacks represent an excellent commercial opportunity for pubs, encouraging consumers to increase spend. While snacks won’t replace meal occasions, they offer pubs the opportunity to trade up on drinks-only visits, with 56% of customers saying they like to consume savoury snacks with an alcoholic drink1. 68% of bagged snacks shoppers purchase on impulse2 so pubs and bars should be ready to capitalise on this by stocking a range of snacks and displaying these prominently. As trends towards more cautious spending continue, it’s important to stock brands that consumers trust and recognise. KP Snacks offers a broad and flavoursome portfolio of popular snacks to help pubs and bars gain sales. From its market-leading KP Nuts to its award-winning Tyrrells crisps, KP Snacks offers something for everyone and all occasions. KP Nuts is the UK’s number one nut brand. Perfect when paired with a cold beer, the KP Nuts range was recently expanded with the launch of KP Flavour Kravers Flame Grilled Steak in a 21x50g pub card. The new product combines the best-performing SKU from the Flavour Kravers range with the popular pub card format. Designed to optimise impulse

sales in pubs and bars by tempting customers to trade up, KP Flavour Kravers delivers a bold snacking experience. KP Snacks’ premium hand-cooked crisp brand Tyrrells is an ideal choice for customers looking to make trips to pubs and bars feel like a special occasion. With 91 Great Taste Awards across the range, Tyrrells offers a great accompaniment to a glass of wine, offering classic and popular flavours including Mature Cheddar & Chive, Lightly Sea Salted and Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar. Pubs and bars can maximise snacks sales by following a few simple tips: Credibility: Stock a range of best-selling snacks and NPD to meet all your customer needs Availability: Ensure your range is always available to purchase Visibility: Position your snacks with high visibility to drive sales See the advert on the facing page or visit 1 Mintel, Crisps, Savoury Snacks and Nuts, UK, Feb 2020 2 Lumina, CTP Average 09.01.22



Issue 186

Proposed Measures in Kings Speech will Deepen Divide Between Policing and Late Night Economy says NTIA ty.“

The King’s Speech has set the stage for a pivotal moment in our nation’s history, and as we look ahead, concerns are mounting over whether the proposed measures on anti-social behaviour by the Government will bridge gaps or deepen the divide between some police forces and the night time industry. Says the Night Time Industry Association (NTIA)

“We implore the Government, the Home Secretary, and policing authorities to see this as a chance to strengthen partnerships and let our industry thrive.” While the imperative to ensure safety and security is undeniably important, there is a growing apprehension within the industry about the potential implications of these measures. Will these measures be used as an opportunity to enhance cooperation and partnership, or will they become a divisive tool that strains the relationship between policing and the night time economy?

This crossroads marks a critical juncture in the relationship between these stakeholders, leaving the industry in a state of apprehension and uncertainty. Given the government’s determination to advance the Terrorism Draft Bill (Protect Duty), along with the evident difficulties confronting the sector within this proposed legislation and the existing licensing regulations, there is a unanimous call for a reassessment of its positioning and utility, taking into account its harmonisation with the prevailing legislation throughout the sector.

Anti-social behaviour is a concern that resonates with the entire community. However, the question remains: will these measures be utilised to build constructive relationships and unconditional partnerships with the industry? Or, will they be wielded as a tool for compliance, deepening the divide and leaving the night time economy at

Michael Kill CEO NTIA Says:

odds with some Police Forces?

“Our night time economy is the heartbeat of our city, a place where culture, creativity, and community come alive. I’m deeply passionate about preserving its vitality.”

The concerns stemming from the King’s Speech and the ensuing legislation are shared by many within the night time economy. We call for an open and honest dialogue that ensures the industry can continue to thrive while contributing positively to the UK’s culture and economic growth. The time is ripe to decide whether we will choose cooperation, unity, and safety, or risk deepening the divide between policing and the industry.

“The King’s Speech has ushered us into a critical moment, with Protect Duty legislation and a focus on antisocial behaviour in the spotlight. We yearn for unconditional collaboration, not division. We stand ready to work hand in hand with authorities to ensure the safety and vibrancy of our city.” “Our question is whether these measures will unite us, present ill-thought-out consequential challenges or pull us apart. We believe in unity. Our industry is all about open dialogue, cooperation, and shared responsibili-

The NTIA believe that through meaningful collaboration between the Police, business owners, and local communities, common ground can be found to bridge gaps and create a vibrant and harmonious night time economy that serves the best interests of all.

Parkdean Resorts Honours Military Community By Donating 185 Free Holidays In 2024 Parkdean Resorts has announced it will continue its support for the armed forces next year by donating 185 holidays to members of the military community and their families. Through partnerships with the Army Central Fund, Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity, and the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, Parkdean Resorts donated £150k worth of holidays across 21 of its award-winning holiday parks during 2023, with breaks awarded by the charities not only as recognition of the Service Person, but often for respite and recuperation for personnel who may have been through difficult circumstances and where time away may help. The seven-night and three-night breaks gifted throughout 2023 have had a tangible impact on beneficiaries and their loved ones, with 87% reporting an improvement in the quality of their relationships, 96% reporting an improvement in their emotional wellbeing and 84% reporting improvement in their physical wellbeing. 81% also reported that they had not been on holiday in the previous year. Parkdean Resorts has donated free holidays to armed forces charities since 2021 and will be donating a further 185 breaks throughout 2024. The company also launched a partnership earlier this year with the charity Only A Pavement Away to provide job opportunities for veterans across its 66 parks, helping them to find a pathway out of homelessness by providing meaningful employment, as well as funding qualifications and development opportunities, including chef apprenticeships. Kerry Turnbull-Murphy, Head of People at Parkdean Resorts, said: “We have huge respect for the work our military forces do and the sacrifices they make. Bringing families together and creating unforgettable memories is at the heart of everything we do, so we’re delighted to be able to donate holidays and give members of our valued armed forces community the opportunity to relax and recuperate with their loved ones. “The feedback we’ve received shows that these breaks really do make a difference for these families, and

we’re looking forward to continuing our work with the Army Central Fund, Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity, and the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund in 2024.” Simon Harper, Director of Grants, Services and Programmes at the RAF Benevolent Fund, said: “At the RAF Benevolent Fund, we understand that service life can be demanding and that many families need additional support to help them cope with the most difficult and challenging circumstances. It is great news that Parkdean Resorts has extended their generous offer for breaks for RAF personnel and families and that we will be able to support those in the serving community who need our help the most and for whom a holiday is an escape from the most difficult and often stressful challenges many face. Our collaboration with Parkdean means that the Fund will be able to continue to offer free holidays throughout 2024 at several of Parkdean’s stunning UK wide locations and that we can continue to make such a positive difference to people’s lives when they need it most.” Andrew Jameson OBE, Chief Executive of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity, said: “In the Royal Navy, the whole family serves; which is why the collaboration between the RNRMC and Parkdean Resorts, providing holiday breaks for our naval families, is so important. Well-deserved breaks away to recuperate in the UK have been incredibly welcome and very much deserved for many of our naval families. The time away with loved ones not only plays a vital role in enriching the lives of navy personnel; but it also enables families to rekindle important bonds after prolonged separation.” Major General James Senior CBE, General Officer Commanding, Regional Command, Montgomery House, Aldershot, said: “This is a fantastic initiative which provides a respite to so many of our soldiers and officers, often when it is most needed. I am extremely grateful to Parkdean Resorts as they confirm the generous extension of their offer for a third year. Their continued commitment and support to the Armed Forces has made a tangible difference to so many, and we’re delighted to work closely with them in their work to help support our people and their families.”

New Award Winning Technology Can Save You 35% To 55% On Cooking Oil in Deep Fryers If you own a restaurant or a kitchen with a deep fryer, then you might be surprised at how much you spend every year on cooking oil. Have you ever calculated this direct cost? If you haven’t, then you should, because Canadian Company, Eco Friendly Chef Corp. is helping thousands of professional kitchen operators to dramatically cut their oil costs in half. A new innovative product called OiLChef is revolutionizing the food industry. The award-winning OiLChef device is one of the most sophisticated technologies available in the world for deep fryers today. It is not a filter or a chemical, but rather a device which is simply installed in your deep fryer in less than 10 seconds! Putting the OiLChef in your fryer will give you a competitive edge and attract more consumer dollars. Your fried food items will absorb less oil and therefore will contain fewer calories. Good for the consumer, good for the bottom line. Reduce carbon footprint: It will minimize your environmental impact through a reduction in energy and oil consumption. Faster service: Food cooks quicker.

Reduce food waste: Food is crispier and holds its shape and texture for longer. Great for food delivery. Zero flavour transfer: It prevents flavour transfer between different foods being cooked in the same oil. Kitchen smoke and frying odours: It reduces the smoke and odours of frying in your kitchen/restaurant. Creating a more pleasant working and dining experience and minimizes the workload on your air filtering systems and maintenance. Health & safety: It reduces the smoke point of your oil, and thereby lowers the risk of a deep fryer fire. Also, staff interaction with changing the fryer oil is cut down by at least half, reducing risk of accidental burns and oil spillage. Reduce operating costs: It gives you the opportunity to cut down or move away from costly monthly additives required to improve oil quality. Fewer people hours are required each month for fryer changes. For further information visit See page 19 or contact Louis Farry by phone or email: or Tel. 07448419664


New Award Winning Technology can SAVE YOU 35% TO 55% ON COOKING OIL in deep fryers. REDUCING COSTS Increasing Margins

We strongly believe in cutting costs without compromising quality.

We look forward to the day that all food industries will join our Eco Friendly quest.

Until then we will provide eco friendly solutions that will help them all to reduce their carbon footprint.

Why spend all that money on oil, energy and labour when you can dramatically reduce these costs today?

Contact Louis Farry by phone or email: Tel. 07448 419664

Natasha’s Law: Reflecting on the Past Two Years 20


Issue 186

By Simon Brennan, Senior End User Client Manager for Labelling and Specialist Print, Brother UK ( FURTHER CHANGES AHEAD

Two years ago, we saw the introduction of a new law that required any food industry company that sells pre-packaged for direct sale (PPDS) foods to re-think how they’re labelled. The law, formally known as Food Information (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2019, means that all PPDS foods must be clearly labelled with information on potential allergens present.

It’s clear that many UK businesses are not yet compliant with current regulations, there are now calls for even clearer rules on food labelling, arguing that terms like “free-from” and “vegan” can be misleading. And there is the potential for changes to be made on how allergens are labelled on menus in restaurants if Owen’s Law – a campaign launched by the family of 18 year old Owen Carey, a dairy allergy sufferer who died after eating a mis-labeled chicken burger that contained buttermilk – is introduced.

THE STATE OF COMPLIANCE IN THE UK The initial response to the new law was positive, with Brother UK research finding that 100% of food industry businesses surveyed agreed it would make customers with food allergies feel safer.

Reliable, easy-to-use technology can greatly improve a business’ ability to keep up with any regulatory changes and take the hard work out of compliance, day-in, day-out.

But while motivation to comply was there, businesses were faced to do so quickly. Solutions have ranged from handwritten labels to printing the information on paper, cutting it to size, and sticking it to the packaging. So, what has this meant for compliance rates? A study carried out by Erudus, a market leading source for accurate allergy, nutritional and technical product data, found that more than half (54%) of PPDS1 food labels still failed to accurately declare the presence of allergen ingredients. One of the most common reasons for non-compliance was illegibility due to poor handwriting, patchy printing or overlapping text.

ADAPTING TO NEW REQUIREMENTS It’s clear that there is work to do if businesses are to consistently meet these regulations while maintaining efficiency. Implementing the right technology can be an excellent way to do this, without adding extra pressure or strain on your team. The most appropriate solution will depend on the scale of the business, and how many locations it has.

Evolving food labelling regulations have played a major role in improving food safety standards over the years, and have undoubtedly saved lives.

For those with a single location, a stand-alone label printing solution might prove a cost- and time-efficient way to ensure good legibility of information. For those with multiple sites, or more complex requirements on a single site, integrating food labelling with a menu management system can help streamline the process of making changes to information by allowing it to be done from a single, central database.

While it’s alarming that so many British businesses are still falling short of the current standards, the good news is that the challenges they face are easily fixed, with a wide range of robust and good-value labelling systems now on the market purpose built to make efficient compliance easy.

Marka is one such system. Marka has helped customers, including leading international multi-channel Japanese food business Snowfox Group, find a better way to label accurately and in accordance with Natasha’s Law. It achieved this by analysing the group’s unique needs and implementing the right software and hardware to allow Snowfox to focus on the growth of its business without worrying about the tech.

For in-depth, expert guidance on achieving and maintaining compliance as efficiently as possible, visit See our Food Safety feature on pages 32-33 of this issue. 1 Erudus’ study analysed 116 PPDS labels on foods purchased from delis, farm shops, cafes, food markets and festivals across the UK.

The Piano Works Partners with Nightcap in Covent Garden Move London’s non-stop, audience requested live music venue The Piano Works West End, is moving to Covent Garden this month. Re-opening at a brand-new location within the Gillian Lynne Theatre on the corner of Drury Lane and Parker Street, The Piano Works will take up residency within a Nightcap venue in Covent Garden. All of the Piano Works West End employees will join the new site, which boasts a capacity of 600 and a unique island stage in the middle of the venue. Earlier this year, The Piano Works West End applied to Westminster Council to increase their licensed capacity at their current Leicester Square venue from 400 to 700 people. This was rejected, despite support from statutory bodies and being one of the few remaining London grassroots live music venues. This made operating within Westminster untenable due to external cost pressures, leading to the venue searching for a new premises where the larger capacity was possible.

Alan Lorrimer, owner of The Piano Works, formerly owned and operated the Gillian Lynne Theatre site under highly successful Brazilian concept Guanabara from 2004 to 2012 and is looking forward to returning to his former home. Alan comments: ‘Returning to the Gillian Lynne Theatre location has always been a dream of mine and I have always felt it would be the perfect spot for a Piano Works location. When our West End capacity license request was rejected, I approached the team at Nightcap and was delighted that they agreed to this exciting opportunity to partner with us in such a collaborative way.’ Sarah Willingham, CEO of Nightcap plc comments: ‘I’m so looking forward to working with Alan and his talented team at The Piano Works, to bring another fantastic concept into a Nightcap venue. Our customers will love it and our teams will work together to make sure that they have the best night out over this busy Christmas period and into the new year.’

Stellar Lineup of Industry-Leading Speakers Added to Free From Food 2023 Agenda Free From Food 2023, the highly anticipated event focusing on the everevolving landscape of 'free from' products, is set to return to the RAI Amsterdam from 21 – 22 November 2023. As the excitement builds, the event organisers have announced new additions to the Conference Program, enriching the event with diverse perspectives and insights. This year, the program features three dedicated theatres – Free From Retail, Vegan & Plant-Based, and Supplier & Insights – each offering a dynamic array of informative sessions spread across the two-day event. Amongst the notable speakers set to grace the Free From Retail Theatre stage is Julianne Ponan, founder and CEO of allergen-free brand Creative Nature. Drawing from her own personal experiences and challenges from living with allergies, Ponan will lead two enlightening sessions during the event. The first session, 'The trends of the free-from industry and how to increase customer loyalty', will explore the evolving landscape in the 'free from' category, offering valuable insights on maintaining strong customer relationships. In her second session, 'The issues of 'May Contain' in the Free From sections! May Contain may as well say May contain Glass', attendees in the Supplier & Insights Theatre will be educated on the critical concerns surrounding 'May Contain' labels, delving into the imperative need for heightened awareness and stringent regulations in this area. In the Vegan & Plant-Based Theatre, Professor Atze Jan van der Groot from the Wageningen University & Research, will take centre stage to deliver an insightful session on 'How to make the best meat analogues?' This session promises to unveil cutting-edge methods in crafting meat analogues, revealing the underlying strategies aimed at emulating the intricate fibrous structure of meat. He will advocate for the exploration of alternative ingredients beyond the conventional realms of soy, pea, or wheat, emphasising the significance of ingredient diversity in shaping the future of meat analogues.

Furthermore, Winfried Muehling, Marketing and Communications Director of Pro Carton, will spearhead an insightful session in the Free From Retail Theatre on 'Cartonboard - leading the road to circularity', delving into the pivotal discussions surrounding the ongoing Plastic Packaging Waste Regulations (PPWR). This session will underscore the critical role of sustainable packaging solutions in realising the ambitious objectives outlined in the EU Green Deal. As well as an educational Conference Program set to leave visitors feeling inspired, The Free From Food 2023 Exhibitor List continues to grow. Bijenbaas will be advocating for sustainable beekeeping practices while empowering beekeepers in Ukraine, particularly women, through knowledge transfer, equipment support, and organic certification. Vamvalis Foods joins the lineup, boasting over 40 years of expertise in processing and packaging nuts, fruits, and seeds, alongside their well-received nut bar production. Additionally, Belgian company KPNI Foodie / TR-EAT will present its diverse offerings, including gluten-free, dairy-free, meat-free, sugar-free, soy-free, palm oil-free, vegan, and lowcarb & keto range products. With a focus on prebiotic fibres from tubers and seeds, the company’s products aim to promote holistic health and well-being, catering to health-conscious consumers. Ronald Holman, Event Director of Free From Food 2023, said: “With an unparalleled lineup of speakers and sessions, Free From Food 2023 presents significant prospects for industry professionals and thought leaders, offering a unique platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and fostering innovation within the 'free from' sphere. We eagerly await the opportunity to host both exhibitors and visitors at our industry-leading event this November at the RAI Amsterdam.” Free From Food 2023 returns to the RAI Amsterdam from 21-22 November 2023. For more information and to register to attend, visit:

£150+ Per Head Eateries Are Making Top Restaurants An Ever-Less Affordable Luxury Issue 186

Amongst restaurants charging over £100 per head, above-inflation restaurant price hikes of 10.7% in London and 14.7% outside London are swelling a new tier of hyperluxurious restaurants, increasingly out of reach even of relatively affluent diners. That’s the conclusion of the new edition of Harden’s London Restaurants 2024 (published today), as supplemented by price data from Harden’s national guide (Harden’s Best UK Restaurants 2024) which will be published next month in December 2024. The new 2024 guide notes there are now 54 restaurants in London (and 56 nationally) charging over £150 per head for a meal: a rise of nearly 50% year-on-year. By contrast in 2016, there was only one establishment in the capital (and 5 nationally) at such a price level. Growth is most pronounced in the number of restaurants charging over £200 per head, with the number of such entries growing 59% and 46% respectively inside and outside the capital. The guide, which reviews and rates over 1,600 restaurants at all price points also highlights the “tepid” state of growth in a London restaurant scene, which has failed post-Covid to retain the vitality it has shown since 2000. The opening rate of 123 newcomers in the 2024 guide is the lowest level of openings since its 2012 edition, which – combined with a relatively high rate of 77 closures – equates to a current level of net openings more in line with the growth rate in the 1990s than that since 2000, despite London’s 30% population growth since the start of the millennium. Using conclusions from its detailed annual national diners’ poll of 2,500 diners, the new London guide charts the Noble Rot chain as an emerging force in the capital’s restaurant scene, for the first time with an entry in both the Top 10 and Top 20 most-mentioned restaurants. Henry Harris’s Bistro Racine was the most mentioned newcomer in the guide and is hailed as a “fabulous successor to the legendary Racine’. Unlike most restaurant rating systems, Harden’s 1-5 rating system is benchmarked by price and value, and top marks are awarded to cheaper restaurants as readily as those in the top price tiers. Amongst the cheaper restaurants in the guide’s ‘Top of the Pots’ pick, the Indian restaurant Dastaan in Ewell


was the top performer in the cheapest (£54 or less) category (“not utterly ridiculous to hail it as the very best Indian food in the UK at any price point, and yet it’s still very reasonably priced compared with the Indian palaces of Marylebone and Knightsbridge”); followed by Euston’s Roti King (“a great, basic pit stop on a dodgy street near Euston station where you pack in tight for the amazing, fresh and feather-light rotis”). Amongst the top tier winners, Endo Kazutoshi’s “zen-like” Japanese at the top of the former TV Centre – Endo at the Rotunda – again achieved the guide’s highest rating for food, and Clare Smyth’s Core was most nominated for where diners enjoyed their Top Gastronomic Experience of the year. For the first time, the Stafford Collection’s Norma achieved the highest food rating for an Italian restaurant, and Bibi provided another winner for the JKS Restaurants group, becoming the capital’s top Indian restaurant for the first time. Modern British was the most popular cuisine choice for new openings with 30 restaurant debuts across London. Italian was the next favourite (with 18 new openings) followed by Japanese (with 10 openings). In terms of location, Central London remained dominant, with 50 arrivals. In the ’burbs, South London led the way for once (with 21 openings) boosted by the Battersea Power Station development. East London followed (with 19 openings); while West London equalled North London’s rate of opening (with 16 apiece). The guide’s editor and co-founder Peter Harden noted: “It’s somewhat ironic that the venue diners most often nominate as London’s most overpriced restaurant is still the River Café. But at £150 per head, it’s definitely no longer an outlier in terms of pricing: perhaps it’s just that the middle class diners who take part in our survey can still just about afford to go there. It is tempting to conclude that the capital is becoming a playground for what used to be called “the jet set”. But historically one of the striking features of the London restaurant scene has been its lack of a top tier of splurgy, expensive destinations such as those that have long characterised top-end dining in Paris and Tokyo. Perhaps it is perverse to complain if London can now hold its own internationally.”

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Issue 186

From Pints To Lattes: How Pubs Can Embrace Coffee Culture To Boost Revenue

By Chris Tough, Coffee Buyer at Lincoln & York Coffee Roasters ( CATER FOR THE CAFFEINE CONSCIOUS

Though most of us don’t go a day without enjoying a tea or coffee, for operators in the pub space, hot beverages have traditionally been overlooked as a source of additional revenue. However, with pubs increasingly becoming all-day venues, complete with popular breakfast and brunch menus, being able to offer customers high-quality coffee has never been more important.

The ‘pick me up’ that many of us turn to coffee for is also the same reason others may avoid caffeinated drinks throughout the day. Because of this, decaf coffee options are quickly growing in popularity, with out of home decaf coffee sales valued at £89m and increasing by 11% over the past year. [4]

Wetherspoons was the first to see the potential in coffee, and there are signs that others have followed suit, with pub and bars’ market share in out of home coffee growing year on year [1]. The overall out of home coffee market is now worth £6.47bn, up 14.8% since last year [2], so for pubs that can get their coffee right there are ample growth opportunities, including attracting new customers from other venues.

With consumers making more health-conscious choices, operators can avoid missing out on sales by having a decaf offering as a staple part of their drinks menu. While traditionally looked down on by some coffee specialists, choosing decaf coffee doesn’t have to mean compromising on taste. In the past, the process of removing caffeine often resulted in a more bitter or acidic taste. However, thanks to advancements in caffeine extraction techniques, coupled with the growth of speciality coffee, we are now seeing the emergence of some really delicious decaf coffee options that are perfect for pub menus.

For operators used to pulling pints, creating a high-quality coffee offer can seem a daunting prospect, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are our tips for levelling up your coffee game.


SHOW OFF YOUR COFFEE OFFERING Key to maximising opportunities in the hot beverage space is ensuring your coffee can compete with what consumers have come to expect from both at-home coffee and other hospitality venues. With an increase in consumers investing in at-home coffee equipment, and the trend set to continue [3], consumers are becoming increasingly attuned to great quality coffee. This means that utilising a barista set-up or bean to cup machine is a key consideration for operators looking to make the most of their coffee offering and tap into an often-overlooked market. However, businesses that don’t want to invest in a coffee machine can still deliver an appealing coffee option to their customers through other means. For example, breakfast and brunch are becoming an increasingly critical part of the pub offering and using a cafetière to serve coffee in this setting can create a fun showpiece as part of the table spread. What’s more, coffee produced through a cafetière has a richer and more intense taste than typical at home coffees, meaning hot beverages at brunch or breakfast not only look great but taste great too.


Finally, offering options for customers to trade up with flavoured syrups can also help operators to tap into the consumer trend towards sweeter drinks, as well as offering an opportunity to add incremental sales. Blurring the line between hot beverage and dessert, and often coming in at a more accessible price point, these flavourful coffees make the perfect indulgent treat, with varied options such as vanilla, hazelnut, and even Irish cream available. With this, there’s also the possibility to create seasonal drinks with limited-edition appeal, such as pumpkin spiced lattes for Halloween or gingerbread for Christmas. Again, this offers a great opportunity for operators to create affordable luxuries for consumers, offering them a lower cost way to socialise in the run up to and throughout the Christmas period. Whether pubs choose to invest in coffee equipment or simply elevate their coffee offering by broadening the range of drinks available, this often-overlooked revenue stream offers a wealth of opportunity. With consumers now expecting high-quality coffee wherever they go, it’s time for pubs to tap into this growing market and reap the rewards that a better coffee offering could bring to their business.

With so many different origins and blends available, choosing what coffee to offer your customers can be difficult. However, for those just starting out, simplicity is key.


If you have to choose one single house coffee to serve on your menu, pick a smooth, chocolatey blend that will appeal to a wide range of coffee drinkers. This doesn’t necessarily mean choosing 100% Arabica coffee beans as these can often have higher acidity levels and a fruitier flavour. A blend which incorporates good quality Robusta beans will add a darker roast profile, helping the rich coffee flavour to kick through in longer, milkier drinks such as lattes, which now account for over a third of coffee sales. [1]

[2] Kantar Out of Home | Total Coffee | Measure | 52 w/e 11 June 2023

[1] Kantar Out of Home | Total Coffee | Measure | 52 w/e 11 Jun 2023 (compared with 12 Jun 22 value shares) [3] Allegra World Coffee Portal| Coffee at Home Report UK | 2023 [4] Kantar Out of Home | Total Coffee | Measure | 52 w/e 11 June 2023

Waterblade - Hotel Resort & Innovation Expo Sustainability Award Winner Inspired by Dyson Air Blade which was improved by spreading the air flow out Nigel Bamford created the water saving device WATERBLADE to save significant amounts of water. With the help of Innovate UK, the EU and the Green Growth Platform he developed it to fit easily to most taps. Waterblade provides luxury washing and rinsing performance using dramatically less water achieving a 50% reduction in the tap water used. The WRAS approved tap flow mod has been fitted to over 10,000 UK hotel, restaurant and pub hand basins in the last year. It uses the surface tension of the water to spread a small flow into a sheet making it efficient for washing and rinsing but using dramatically less water. It uses between 1.9 and 2.7 litres per minute, compared to a normal tap which

uses 10 to 20 litres per minute. Here you can see Nigel of Waterblade receiving his well deserved award at Hotel Resort & Innovation Expo Sustainability Award held at Excel London and hosted by Fortem International. Waterblade has won the top UK innovation and water industry awards both in the UK and overseas and is now used by companies such as Sainsbury’s, HSBC, Microsoft, Unilever and many others. For more information about Waterblade please visit or email or telephone 07956 247392

Legendary Rockstar Sir Rod Stewart Launches Wolfie’s Whisky To On Trade Wolfie’s Whisky, the new blended scotch whisky from music industry icon Sir Rod Stewart, is now available for licensed venues via Champers Wholesale. Embodying his reputation as ‘the Cockney Scotsman’, Wolfie’s pays tribute to Rod’s Scottish heritage and cheeky chappie image. Designed to reflect Rod’s rock ‘n’ roll heritage with subtle nods to Americana, Wolfie’s was inspired by the legendary musician’s early hell raising days with the Faces. “Wolfie’s is a rascal of a thing and with just a sip the whisky takes you back to the good old days. Fine-tuned and perfectly balanced, Wolfie’s is a delight both over ice and mixed into a favourite cocktail,” says Rod. “It’s a fine tipple, whether you’re partying with friends, celebrating a Celtic win or reminiscing with family. For me, Wolfie’s depicts the carefree behaviour of my more mischievous days and the excitement of what life still has to offer – let the good times roll!” Wolfie’s Blended Scotch Whisky (40% ABV) is wonderfully balanced with flavours of warming cinnamon, fresh vanilla and baked apple. The whisky has a delicate taste of sweet peat and pears in syrup before finishing with candied cit-

rus peels and a gentle oak spice. A selection of suggested serves including Rod’s favourite cocktail, a Wolfie’s take on the Apple-tini, are available online at With its unique blend of rock ‘n’ roll roots, Americana and Scottish heritage, Wolfie’s is bringing something new to the Scotch whisky market. Distilled on the banks of Loch Lomond by an expert team with decades of whisky-making know-how and an all-Scottish team behind the brand, Wolfie’s truly has Scotland at its heart. Referencing the opening track from Rod’s 1991 album Vagabond Heart, the lyrics ‘Rhythm of My Heart’ are emblazoned on the base of the bottle. Rod’s recording of the song was a nod to his own Scottish heritage having adapted the melody from the traditional folk song, Loch Lomond. Follow Wolfie’s Whisky on social media for exclusive updates by searching @WolfiesWhisky on Instagram and Twitter and @WolfiesOfficial on Facebook. For more information, visit

Consumer Spending Slowed in October, but Pubs & Bars Enjoy “Strong Month” Issue 186

Consumer card spending grew just 2.6 per cent year-on-year in October – noticeably less than the latest CPIH inflation rate of 6.3 per cent and the smallest uplift since September 2022 (1.8 per cent) – as Brits’ concern over rising energy bills and outgoing costs ahead of the festive period hindered discretionary spending. On a brighter note, the Rugby World Cup boosted pubs and bars for the second month running, while the travel sector performed well as holidaymakers booked getaways in the UK and abroad. The Rugby World Cup continued to boost pubs, bars & clubs (up 5.9 per cent), as sports fans gathered to cheer on their respective teams. The travel sector (up 10.5 per cent) had another strong month, making it one of the best-performing categories in 2023. Travel agents (9.6 per cent) had their highest uplift since May (9.9 per cent), while hotels, resorts and accommodation saw 7.4 per cent growth. Spending on essential items saw a smaller increase (3.9 per cent) than last month (4.6 per cent). This was largely due to supermarkets (5.3 per cent) and specialist food and drink stores (5.9 per cent) seeing less of an uplift than in September (6.9 per cent and 8.0 per cent respectively), as food price inflation continued to fall and most consumers (69 per cent) continued to look for ways to reduce the cost of their weekly shop. Of those seeking savings, 45 per cent are using vouchers or loyalty points to get money off shopping and 38 per cent are visiting multiple supermarkets to source a range of deals. A further 17 per cent are also choosing to buy products they see as more affordable, such as fresh foods that are in season as well as pre-prepared or processed foods, such as ready meals (11 per cent).

“BRING YOUR OWN FOOD (BYOF)” EMERGES AS A BUDGET-STRETCHING HACK To save money during days out, seven in 10 Brits (71 per cent) say they now take food and drink from home, to avoid paying premium prices at venues where meals and snacks are often more expensive. Long car trips are the most common situation where Brits “BYOF” (41 per cent), followed by train journeys (30 per cent) and trips to the cinema (29 per cent). Other popular destinations to “BYOF” include the office (27 per cent), theme parks (21 per cent), airports/flights (20 per cent), festivals (10 per cent) and festive winter markets (8 per cent). By bringing their



own food and drink from home to these venues, Brits save an estimated £472.60 per person, per year.

FESTIVE COSTS FRONT OF MIND Looking ahead, over a third (36 per cent) expect that this Christmas will be more expensive than in 2022, and a fifth (21 per cent) have concerns about keeping up with outgoing costs during the festive period. As a result of the rising cost-of-living, two fifths (37 per cent) expect they will spend less on Christmas gifts this year, while just 13 per cent anticipate spending more. However, Brits are still looking for and finding economical ways to enjoy seasonal celebrations. Nearly one in five (18 per cent) has already started buying gifts to spread out the cost, while 14 per cent have spoken to loved ones to make a mutual agreement to cut back on gift-giving. Esme Harwood, Director at Barclays, said: “Brits cut back on non-essential categories such as clothing and restaurants in October, as thoughts turned to saving for Christmas and budgeting for winter fuel bills. The unseasonably warm weather also hampered spending on indoor experiences, including digital streaming services and takeaways. However, pubs, bars & clubs still achieved strong growth, boosted by England’s performance at the Rugby World Cup, while the travel sector benefitted from a rise in holiday bookings. “At the supermarket, value-for-money is still a priority, with consumers increasingly wary of “slack-filling”, when a product’s packaging hides unnecessary empty space inside. On a brighter note, supermarkets are also being given credit for trying to keep prices down, with one in three noticing price cuts on everyday items.” Jack Meaning, Chief UK Economist at Barclays, said: “It looks as though the oomph continues to go out of squeezed UK consumers. The latest transaction data shows they are pulling back from discretionary spending and increasingly worried about their future ability to spend, adding to the picture painted by other data. Third-party consumer confidence data showed a significant drop in October, coming off the back retail sales contracting significantly in September. While some of these effects might be being amplified by unseasonal weather, it’s hard to dismiss the growing evidence.”

Admiral Taverns Reports Strong Trading Results Admiral Taverns, the Proprium-backed business, has reported “strong underlying trading” across its estate of circa 1,500 pubs in the year to 28 May 2023, helped by a “notably strong performance” from its 177strong Proper Pubs division. Group financials for the 52-week period ended 28 May 2023 showed a group turnover of £182m (2022: £154.3m) and EBITDA of £55.8m (2022: £48.4m). Led by CEO Chris Jowsey, Admiral says that over the last 12 months it has made good progress in its strategy to develop and maintain a high-quality estate of successful, individual, wet-led community pubs at the heart of their communities. Its £55.8m EBITDA reflects the group's growth across first half of FY23, with second half impacted by the faltering economy, inflationary pressure and the energy crisis. Chris Jowsey said: “Our focus has been on ensuring investment in robust trading, while successfully inte-

grating the pubs and operations from the Hawthorn acquisition, and assisting licensees navigate the challenging financial environment. Our community based, wet-led pubs continue to demonstrate their resilience and are well situated within their communities to provide affordable hospitality. As we look to the future, we continue to focus on our strategic plans to acquire, develop and maintain a high-quality estate of successful, individual wet-led community pubs at the heart of their communities.” “Our Proper Pubs division delivered an excellent performance, despite the challenging economic environment, and we see further scope to develop this division in the future, although leased and tenanted will remain the dominant commercial model. We remain optimistic our supportive ethos, and high-quality estate of pubs puts us in a good position to trade through this challenging macroeconomic environment.” Admiral invested £27.7m in capex over the period and has further investment planned for FY24 to improve the retail offer of its tenanted and managed pubs. It currently operates c.1,500 pubs across the UK.

Keep Your Inflation Promise By Freezing Alcohol Duty, Businesses Tell Chancellor In an open letter, the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA), UK Spirits Alliance (UKSA), English Whisky Guild and Wine & Spirits Trade Association (WSTA) have warned the Chancellor that a further increase in alcohol tax will irrevocably harm British businesses, including those in the hospitality sector. The organisations represent more than 400 drinks producers across the country. Excise duty on alcohol was increased by 10.1 percent from 1 August, and The Office for National Statistics has concluded the increase caused the largest rise in UK inflation on record (see notes). The groups have warned a further tax hike would stoke inflation, which Mr Hunt and the Prime Minister pledged to halve by the end of the year.

50 years on alcoholic drinks in August, the Chancellor should rule out any further rises in this Parliament. Any further increase would undermine the Government’s own priority of bringing inflation under control. The damage done by August’s hikes are clear: they have stoked inflation, pushed up prices for cash-strapped consumers and damaged British businesses all across the hard-hit alcoholic drinks and hospitality sector, including distillers. A second alcohol duty rise would be self-defeating and could prove the final nail in the coffin for some British drinks businesses.”

Three quarters of the cost of a bottle of whisky or gin is currently claimed in tax, with spirits generating a third of all alcohol sales in restaurants, pubs and bars.

Stuart Eke, Chairman of the UK Spirits Alliance, said: “The Chancellor should use his Autumn Statement to back a world-renowned domestic industry. But if that isn’t a good enough reason to freeze alcohol duty, then he should be reminded of what the ONS said about the duty increase in August and rule out a further tax hike that will simply stoke inflation and hurt business.”

Mark Kent, Chief Executive of the Scotch Whisky Association, said:

Morag Garden, Chief Executive of the English Whisky Guild, said:

“Raising alcohol duty in August was a mistake the Chancellor shouldn’t repeat in November. Distillers fear a further tax increase, the impact of which won’t just be felt by drinks producers but by the businesses they support and ultimately by consumers. Mr Hunt has promised to lower inflation and to help deliver on that promise he needs to rule out any further increase to alcohol duty.”

“The Government’s support is needed to help protect and boost the homegrown spirits industry that is creating jobs in regions throughout the UK, delivering investment into our communities, and taking brand UK across the world through our export lead growth agenda. We want the Chancellor to deliver this support by using his Autumn Statement to freeze duty for spirits. A further tax hike will only hurt an industry looking to grow and households struggling with rising costs”

Miles Beale, Chief Executive of the Wine & Spirits Trade Association, said: “After the largest tax rise in almost



Issue 186

Spirits and Mixers in the UK On-Trade: A Soaring Success Story the whole spirit category. Figures for the latest quarter meanwhile show sales have rocketed by 51% since the equivalent three-month period in 2019.

GIN BOOM Since 2016, the number of gin distilleries in the UK has tripled in size, with Gin becoming the "it" spirit of recent years. Gin continued to be popular despite the disruption in the previous two years, as indicated by the Wine and Spirit Trade Association's (WSTA) report of a 22% increase in sales from the previous year, in particular with the growing popularity of subsegments of flavoured gin capturing consumers' interest and fuel impressive growth.


In the dynamic landscape of the UK hospitality and licensed trade, there's an enduring star that continues to captivate patrons and drive business growth: spirits! From classic spirit & mixer, from cocktails to innovative creations, spirits have cemented their position as the cornerstone of this thriving industry. It would be fair to say that the on-trade category has not been without its recent “challenges, the disruption of Brexit, the closure of the industry due to Covid, and the current economic climate, however, there are bright spots on the horizon, spirits continue to grow in popularity in the UK - generating £12.4 billion GBP (£) alone last year. Furthermore, the UK has a strong and vibrant hospitality sector, irrespective of the challenges, with spirits being an integral part of our socializing and drinking culture.

they will agree telling you that consumers are ‘drinking better, not more’ They want quality, authenticity and taste! This shift in preferences can be attributed to the rising consumer awareness about the production process and ingredients used in spirits. Customers are also becoming more adventurous in their choices, exploring different types of spirits, and flavoured spirits.

WHISKY A heavyweight in the spirits category, As more distilleries are emerging, more products are being blended and aged in casks whisky brands have started adding new innovative and stimulating flavours and textures like Sherry into their age-old favourites to augment the taste. It is helping them to attract more new and younger customers.

In fact, a recent survey revealed that 62% of leaders say they feel optimistic for their businesses over the next 12 months, according to the new Business Confidence Survey from CGA by NIQ and Fourth.

TEQUILA’S TIME TO SHINE According to industry experts, tequila will become the most popular alcoholic beverage over the next few years. Several premium brands of tequila have introduced their product offering customers to choose from a wide range of brands. It is ideal for tequila enthusiasts. Tequila is no longer viewed as a shot drink or just used in margaritas. Now, cocktail creators are showcasing the versatility of agave spirits in a variety of drinks. It is the ideal time to learn about this modest and exceptional Mexican spirit because there are an increasing number of Tequila-specific bars and Mexican-themed establishments, as well as grocery stores in London that offer a wide range of Tequila. According to the WSTA, UK consumers purchased more than 1.5 million bottles of Tequila in shops and supermarkets in the year to 11 September 2021.

RUM The market for Spirits is also expected to show a volume growth of 4.0% in 2024. This trend is not just a statistical anomaly; it reflects a broader shift in consumer preferences and the industry's adaptability. This has created a favourable environment with customers maintaining a loyalty to mainstream brands but at the same time showing an increasing interest in premium and craft spirits, seeking unique and highquality products that offer a distinct flavour profile and often “provenance”. If you ask most licensees,

SHAKING UP THE MIXERS MARKET Behind every great spirit there lies an unsung hero – the mixer. Mixers play a pivotal role in the hospitality and licensed on-trade sectors in the UK, enhancing the drinking experience, offering versatility with different spirits, and continuously innovating to create new and exciting flavours. While spirits provide the backbone of many iconic cocktails and drinks, mixers are the secret ingredient that elevates these concoctions to new heights. They do more than just dilute or lengthen a drink; they bring unique flavours, effervescence, and balance to the beverage. Whether it's the fizz in a sparkling tonic water, the zing of ginger beer, or the tartness of a citrusy mixer, they enhance the sensory experience, making it more enjoyable and refreshing.

CGA’s On Premise Measurement (OPM) service indicates that mixer sales totalled £109.8m in the last quarter. While the mixers category has generally struggled, premium brands have bucked the trend.

Karl Chessell, CGA by NIQ’s director – hospitality operators and food, Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), said: “Leaders’ optimism levels are impressively high at such a difficult time for UK businesses and consumers.

According to data from statista, by 2027, 55% of spending and 20% of volume consumption in the Spirits market will be attributable to out-of-home consumption (e.g., in pubs bars and restaurants), with volume expected to amount to 350.90m L by 2027.

Furthermore, as consumers become more health conscious are consuming less alcohol but of premium quality.

One of the standout features of mixers is their remarkable versatility. They're not limited to a single spirit; instead, they complement a wide array of alcoholic beverages, allowing for endless creativity behind the bar.

Additionally, the proportion of leaders feeling confident about the hospitality market in general has climbed to 45%, demonstrating a ‘welcome vote of confidence’ in the sector despite pressure on consumers’ disposable income.

“It’s encouraging to see businesses of all sizes looking to the future with such confidence, and with strong underlying demand for pubs, bars and restaurants, the outlook is good.

Data from the wine, beer, and spirits sector indicate that luxury and premium quality alcoholic beverages have started to become the core elements of postpandemic drinking. According to Bacardi's report on cocktail trends for 2022, 50% of bartenders worldwide said that customers are choosing more premium drinks.

While drinking Rum you can feel that time flies away!

Premium packaged mixers accounted for 62.0% of all packaged mixer sales in the last quarter—a rise of 2.3 percentage points in just 12 months. This has largely been driven by growth in rate of sale, with the average outlet generating £1,057 in premium packaged mixer sales over the quarter, up by 0.4% yearon-year. While this is still some way short of the 8.8% growth in the wider soft drinks category, it compares favourably with the total packaged mixer segment, and CGA’s data shows around 63,000 licensed premises now stock at least one premium brand. “Our research emphasises the value of premium mixer consumers to On Premise operators and suppliers,” says Matthew Meek. “Many of them are ready to spend and experiment on nights out, which means they’re potentially open to in-venue activations and promotions. But with discretionary spending under strain, these consumers are also increasingly demanding about getting full value for their money. Venues have to deliver consistently excellent serves and experiences in mixed drinks and all other categories if they are to keep people coming back.”


Rum sales last year smashed through the £1bn-ayear barrier in the On Premise thanks to dynamic new brands and flavours and surging interest from younger consumers.

Spirits and mixers experience a surge in demand during the festive season. The UK's love affair with seasonal cocktails and timeless classics spikes during the holidays and New Year's celebrations. From mulled wine to champagne cocktails, the possibilities are endless.

CGA by NielsenIQ’s trading data revealed total rum sales were worth just over £1bn in the last 12 months in the On Premise, and now makes up 13% of

The festive season is a golden opportunity for ontrade establishments. By curating a special festive cocktail menu and promoting it effectively, bars and

restaurants can significantly boost their sales.

CONCLUSION The spirits and mixers segment in the UK on-trade is riding high on a wave of success, with a decade of remarkable growth and unwavering popularity. As consumers continue to seek unique and memorable drinking experiences, on-trade establishments have a golden opportunity to capitalize on this trend. By embracing the versatility of spirits, celebrating both mainstream and craft offerings, and tapping into the festive spirit, businesses can raise their glasses to a prosperous future in the spirits and mixers market. Cheers to the art of mixology and the craft of hospitality!

Marketing and Product Promotion Tips To capitalize on the growing popularity of spirits and mixers, here are some actionable marketing and product promotion tips: 1. Craft a Unique Cocktail Menu: Create a seasonal cocktail menu that showcases both classic and innovative drinks. Consider offering limited-time promotions and exclusive cocktails to entice customers. 2. Engage on Social Media: Utilize social media platforms to showcase your drinks and interact with customers. Share cocktail recipes, behindthe-scenes content, and customer testimonials to build excitement. 3. Training and Knowledge: Ensure your staff is well-versed in the world of spirits. Knowledgeable bartenders can make recommendations and provide a personalized experience. 4. Collaborate with Distilleries: Partner with craft distilleries for exclusive events, tastings, and promotions. Collaborations can attract a dedicated customer base. 5. Loyalty Programs: Implement a loyalty program to reward repeat customers. Offer discounts, free drinks, or exclusive access to events.




Issue 186

Creating A Sustainable Ambiance effort as it is a decorative item that is easy to implement by staff members. Candles can be lit quickly and arranged in strategic locations to enhance the ambiance and placed in candles holders or candelabras for added elegance. Our own research highlights that candlelight ambiance invites consumers to stay longer and spend more – a key objective for any business.

Dining by candlelight is one of life’s little pleasures. The ambiance created by the soft flicker of a flame can make a venue feel intimate, warm, and inviting, elevating a night out to create a more premium experience. At Bolsius Professional, the biggest candle producer in Europe, Paul Christodoulou emphasises the importance of candles in determining the look of the table setting and demonstrates how well-positioned the company is to serve the needs of catering and hospitality businesses. As the hospitality industry prepares for what could be one of their busiest times of year, ambiance is high on the agenda as customers crave warm and inviting spaces to kick-back in over the autumn and Christmas period. As night outs may be less frequent but more special, value for money, service and atmosphere have all risen on the list of priorities for those visiting hospitality venues.

TABLEWARE PAINTS A PICTURE With that in mind, tableware and decorative accents are key elements that need careful coordination if you want to effectively convey your venue’s character or signpost to a theme or event. When it comes to the table setting, our research shows that 89% of diners expect a candle on their table. So, as well as making sure that cutlery, glassware, and table linens convey the desired level of decadence, be sure to leave space for a candle, to heighten the romance, set the mood and draw focus to the table.

Corby Hall

A candle provides the perfect ambiance with minimal

Corby Hall, a family-owned business based in Randolph, N.J. USA, has supplied the international hospitality industry with high quality flatware, holloware and bright white porcelain dinnerware for the

BOLSIUS PROFESSIONAL RELIGHT RANGE Bolsius Professional’s Relight® range, which is available in a wide range of colours and designs, are created with ease and sustainability in mind, as Relight® refills can be quickly changed or replaced to reflect the season, theme or occasion yet still offer a burn time of 24 hours, or no less than 30 hours for the new Relight® Plus. The refills can be recycled after use making them the leading contemporary solution for using candlelight to enhance the atmosphere in hotels, restaurants, and bars. Consumers now value sustainability in all areas of their lives: drinking or dining out are no exception and here at Bolsius Professional, we place a strong emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendly practices in the product of our candles. We keep our ecological footprint as small as possible by sourcing materials locally, and we’ve eliminated palm oil and animal fats – instead, our candles contain plant-based wax from Europe. For further insight on the importance of candlelight when creating ambiance at your establishment visit past 40 years. With designs ranging from traditional to contemporary at extremely competitive price points, Corby Hall has the ability to supply all food & beverage outlets associated with a full-service foodservice operation. Our global distribution network coupled with production facilities in Europe and Asia allows for seamless service for both opening orders as well as re-supply.

Uniforms and Workwear Being Sustainable Will Save You Thousands Of Pounds. How? Issue 186

A Stalwart Crafts interview with Will Murray, head chef of Fallow about their curious choice of staff uniform – Leather Aprons How did you think of leather aprons as a uniform for a restaurant? I was enjoying a slice of pizza and a nice cold beer at Pop Brixton market when I found myself chatting with Tim de Ket, a Dutch guy that moved over to London following his dream to open a leather-crafts workshop for the hospitality industry. As the evening progress we found that we were getting on like a house on fire; it turns out we both felt strongly about one shortcoming of the Hospitality industry – its lack of sustainability: the amount of unnecessary food waste, and how restaurants were often more preoccupied with cutting costs than focusing on doing right by the planet. I was in the process of opening my restaurant Fallow, and I was looking for a uniform for my staff members that tied in with the sustainable ethos of the restaurant. Tim was already making leather aprons I decided to give him the challenge of making me a bespoke tailored apron for my new restaurant that not only looks good, but is lightweight, comfortable to wear, easy to clean, and made of sustainable sourced materials. 6 weeks later after going back and forward with designs, he came walking

around the corner with a big smile on his face holding the Fallow leather apron – and it was gorgeous! He rolled out this impressive black leather apron made of sustainably sourced leather from European Ex-dairy cow skins. He had it branded with our logo and the cross straps for the back were exactly right. After trying it on I know this would be the look for Fallow. Fast forward to the present day and we are still wearing some of these aprons we bought on that first day we opened. Not only did it make our look, it saved us thousands of pounds on washing cost. Just one apron per staff member for years to come. That’s it! I cannot thank Tim enough for making us this masterpiece of craftsmanship. We were so happy that we’ve had Tim working on other projects the new menu covers they are making right now!

What would you say is your favorite thing about the aprons? I can’t get over how long they’ve lasted. Sure they were pricey compared to a run-of-the-mill cotton apron, but we’re so glad we moved away from the hassle of constantly having to replace beaten up cotton aprons with holes in them. We look so much smarter now.

How do you clean your aprons?

Lafont Hospitality Workwear Lafont, a brand steeped in a rich 180-year history, is renowned for its exceptional chef's jackets. Serving as the esteemed global partner of Michelin, Lafont has firmly established itself as the pioneer of uncompromising quality in kitchen uniforms. We pride ourselves on bringing high quality garments at affordable prices to chefs worldwide.

We are honoured to have the calibre of brand ambassadors we do. Lafont has nine of the UKs most recognised Michelin-Star chefs as brand ambassadors, all who choose to represent us in their kitchens. These culinary luminaries place their trust in Lafont, not only for the superior quality of our products but also for the longevity and value of them. Simon Rogan- owner of L’Enclume, a three Michelin-Star restaurant, has dressed his entire team across all of his restaurants in Lafont and has the following to say about our jackets:



All you do is wipe them down with a damp cloth and anti-bac spray. Couldn’t be easier! Tim explained that they’ve used a high-quality leather with an impregnated coating that makes the leather completely sealed meaning anything just wipes off: dirt, wine, butter, fat, you name it!

How many aprons did you go for? We have one per staff member. There’s no need for laundering the aprons as they wipe down, so they’re always ready to use. They never leave the site, so they never go missing. In all honesty we could have just gone for enough aprons for the shift, but the staff enjoy having their own apron – it means they can adjust it the first time they wear it and then never have to again. It’s a nice thing to own as well – like a set of personal chef’s knifes.

Is a leather apron actually comfortable? Our aprons are made from a full-grain Italian leather that is unbelievably soft and flexible. We went for cross straps which make the apron sit across the shoulders and back as opposed to around the neck meaning you barely feel like you’re wearing an apron! The aprons are really adjustable, as well, so they fit great on the entire team. A note from Tim: We’ve continued to hone our craft since working with Will. While we remain good friends and continue to work together, we have capacity for more projects. If you’d like to explore having some leather aprons, menu covers or other leather goods made for your business, please contact us today for a free sample package or a business meeting. +44 (0) 20 3744 2271 “Let’s craft your new look together and elevate your business.” More info on our leather aprons and menu covers on our advert on this page.

“My Lafont jacket is the most comfortable and easy wearing jacket I have ever worn. The longevity in the jackets is great, and they keep me and my entire team looking smart and professional all day.” Discover our extensive range of jackets, available in an array of colours, short and long sleeve lengths, and a wide range of fits to cater to individual preferences. Lafont ensures that we have the perfect jacket to not only meet your aesthetic desires but also guarantee an optimal fit, so you can both look and feel your absolute best, regardless of your body type or style preferences. As a prominent global authority in the realm of hospitality uniforms, Lafont remains dedicated to innovation and setting new standards. We ensure that everyone from Head Chef to Kitchen Porter have access to workwear that not only meets the demanding requirements of the kitchen but also exudes sophistication and style. Find your new favourite jacket in our catalogue by scanning the QR code! Tel: 020 3769 3523 Email: Find us on Instagram and Facebook too @lafont_hospitality_uk



Issue 186

Cleaning and Hygiene

Maintaining Good Hygiene with Kärcher Maintaining good hygiene ensures a safe and clean environment for facility users. Consistent and proactive cleaning reduces the need for intensive deep cleaning, enabling facilities managers to redirect their efforts. Regular cleaning and disinfecting within facilities help to prevent the build-up of bacteria and doing so in a time efficient manner is key whilst in a busy workplace setting. It is important that routine cleaning and decontamination measures are followed to ensure facility safety is not compromised. This practice guarantees that individuals entering and utilising a hospitality venue enjoy a hygienic and welcoming environment that enhances the likelihood of their future visits. Running costs and sustainable operations are often top of mind for those in the hospitality sector as operational costs continue to rise. Customers are much more conscious when it comes to the environmental practices of businesses and it’s now becoming a strong factor when choosing who to invest in. Investing in cleaning and maintenance equipment, particularly within the catering and hospitality sector, could save you time and money in the long run. Battery-powered cleaning and maintenance solutions allow for a more robust, cost-effective and environmentally friendly cleaning operation due to their cordless design, being quiet and relying less on mains power.

easily clean surfaces without the need for cables to be strewn across the area. Added attachments allow for it to be used on a multitude of surfaces from entrance mats to curtains to keep the lobby area pristine for guests.

PERFECTING CLEANING QUIETNESS Those staying in hotel rooms or frequenting restaurants expect a high-level of cleanliness, however they do not want to be disturbed by loud cleaning appliances. Using battery powered machines can help to reduce noise levels without compromising the performance. Vacuum cleaners such as the Kärcher T 9/1 Bp have a robust design and emit low-noise levels. The reduced noise output enables cleaners to use them in areas that are open to the public. This is perfect for cleaning corridors and passageways between rooms when dirt may have built up during hours when customers may be sleeping.


Battery powered devices such as the Kärcher Vacuum Cleaner BVL 5/1 Bp Pack allow users to easily remove loose dirt to maintain the premises. Lifting dirt from carpeted flooring, the backpack vacuum cleaner can be used effectively in a matter of seconds to whisk away dirt and maintain the luxury aesthetic.

Making the move to battery power is about more than pursuing a more sustainable outlook for hospitality venues, battery power should also be top of mind for many companies who are looking to reduce fuel costs, noise and increase productivity. Kärcher’s range of professional battery powered machines offer unique advantages that help to speed up cleaning times and maintain effective cleanliness to suit catering and hospitality businesses of all sizes.

With its super-lightweight design, the Kärcher BVL 5/1 Bp is worn by the user on their back enabling them to


Tork, the professional hygiene products and services brand has announced the launch of a range of new washroom products, aimed at helping enhance guest experience and reduce complaints. Tork has launched a new system that makes keeping washrooms constantly fresh much easier. At the same time, aimed at upmarket hotels, restaurants, and spas are three new luxury soap offerings from Tork.

Also new is Tork Luxury Hair & Body Shower Cream with 94% of ingredients from natural origins1. Combining a shampoo, conditioner, and moisturising shower cream in one, this contains argan oil plus an extra conditioner to provide a luxurious shower experience.


Tork Launches Range of New Washroom Products for 2024 The latest innovation from Tork is a new air freshener system designed to be quick and easy for cleaners to maintain, to keep washrooms constantly fresh. The Tork Constant Air Freshener uses a unique distribution technology that is propellant free, ensuring scent is distributed evenly and continuously throughout the washroom. Lasting up to 90 days before needing a refill, the system is available in a range of scents that eliminate bad odours and provide a consistent, fresh washroom experience. What’s more the dispenser can be mounted at a reachable height and is certified ‘Easy to use’ making it easy to refill and maintain for cleaners. Tork Luxury Foam Soap and Tork Luxury Liquid Soap contain natural magnolia extract, known for its relaxing properties. Derived from 94 per cent natural ingredients1 Tork Luxury Foam Soap has a pleasant hand-feel, while Tork Luxury Liquid Soap is soft and silky and comes from 95 per cent natural ingredients1.

All three products have been dermatologically tested while their improved formulations meet stringent new EU Ecolabel criteria. “Customers in facilities such as upmarket hotels, restaurants, spas and gyms expect a more luxurious washroom experience,” said Essity’s Pilar Jimenez . “Our three new offerings fulfill this need and deliver high quality and effective solutions that also address sustainable hygiene expectations and meet ongoing business challenges.” All three soap products have a fresh new label designed to appeal to upmarket environments. They are housed in a dispenser that is quick to refill and certified as being easy to use. For more information, please visit the Tork website 1 in line with ISO16128



Festive Buyer's Guide

Issue 186

Award-Winning Cornish Pork - From Our Family To Yours! START THE PREPARATIONS EARLY AND SAVE!

Leave a comment requesting your preferred delivery date - we'll do our best to get your meat to you on or very near that day.

Our popular early bird Christmas Hamper Offer is back, helping you spread the cost of Christmas and get some of your food shopping done in advance. Order before the end of November and specify a delivery date closer to Christmas. Enjoy the feeling of preparedness as you anticipate the arrival of those all-important pigs in blankets! We have a large variety of hampers to choose from in either 'Luxury for two' or 'family sized', with a choice of smoked or unsmoked pork, and gluten free chipolatas and sausage meat stuffing available too. All you have to do is decide which one is right for you and your guests this Christmas! Enter the code HAMPEROFFER at checkout to receive 20% off. Usual delivery charges apply (free on orders over £100).


Visit The Christmas Shop

One of our favourite weekends of the year falls on the 18th & 19th November, when The Cornish Winter Fair takes over the Royal Cornwall Showground at Wadebridge. We use this as an opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues in the food and farming business, and do a little Christmas shopping ourselves...


There's so much lovely Cornish produce under one roof, as well as the Prime Stock show of course. Entry and parking is free, and it's a great day out for the whole family. See you there!

We were thrilled to pick up not one, but five accolades at The National Craft Butchers Awards last month, coming home with one Gold, three Silvers and a Bronze award for our Cornish pork products. The biggest winners were our Chorizo sausages which picked up the Gold for their superb texture and flavour.

Pick up quality local meat direct from our butchery

All the more reason to take advantage of our Hamper Offer and treat the family to award-winning pork this Christmas!

You'll find us on Lighterage Hill in Newham, less than five minutes drive from the city centre and a short hop from the A39. We have a full range of Cornish pork available, including our award-winning Hog's Pudding. Ask us about our Westcountry beef too! We're a working butchery and ask that you call ahead so that we can prepare your order for you, but we're happy to come to the door with anything from a pack of sausages to a selection of BBQ favourites, or a large roasting joint for the weekend! Give us a call on 01209 821408 or email us at

REAL Vanilla is the Best Gift of All Make Profitable Adjustments to projects in the vanilla-growing region of Madagascar. This is our gift to the farmers who cultivate the vanilla orchid in the Equatorial regions, helping to regenerate the rainforests, increase biodiversity and improve the air we all breathe. In choosing REAL vanilla over cheap synthetic substitutes this Christmas, we are supporting their livelihoods and encouraging them to continue to grow a precious crop that benefits us all. This makes vanilla a gift that keeps on giving long after the Festive Season has passed. Baking is going to be big this Christmas and as the Festive Season draws ever closer LittlePod has the perfect gift for the passionate cook. Oozing luxury, vanilla is exotic and expensive, but not all vanilla is real. For those seeking something special to pop beneath the tree this December, LittlePod offers pure vanilla at an affordable price making this the best present of all. Here in East Devon, we have enjoyed another eventful year and thanks to the LittlePod website, Christmas shopping has never been easier. LittlePod’s vanilla paste, extract and pods can all be purchased from our website shop, along with our chocolate and coffee extracts, with 10% of all online orders donated to Blue Ventures to aid community

Why not create a hamper packed with LittlePod products so your loved one can remember you throughout the year, use our ingredients to bake an edible gift or use a REAL vanilla pod to spice up a bottle of rum or another festive tipple? The options are endless. For more ideas about how to use our products, be sure to follow us on social media and take a look at our new website, where alongside our online shop, you’ll also find our latest recipe collection, created just for us by Peter Gorton, LittlePod ambassador and Master Chef of Great Britain. Choose LittlePod and keep it REAL this Christmas. Vanilla is the best gift of all. Visit for further details or see the advert in this feature.

What Makes Wicker Such A Good Choice? There are many key benefits to selecting sustainable wicker for your packaging and display options due to its environmentally and socially responsible nature. It’s a natural renewable resource, growing quickly to replenish what is depleted, unlike non-renewable resources such as plastics or metals. It’s also biodegradable and minimal chemicals are used during production so wicker will naturally breakdown over time and return to the earth without causing harm. 1. Renewable Resource: Wicker grows relatively quickly and can be harvested without causing long-term damage to the environment. 2. Biodegradability: Wicker materials are biodegradable, breaking down naturally over time, returning to the earth without causing harm. 3. Durable and Long-lasting: Sustainable wicker products are durable and can have a long lifespan if properly cared for. 4. Aesthetic Appeal: Baskets, Shoppers and Hampers

have a natural, rustic, and complimentary traditional aesthetic. 5. Reduces Plastic Usage: By choosing sustainable wicker products over plastic-based alternatives, you help combat plastic pollution and its negative impacts on ecosystems. 6. Indoor Air Quality: Natural wicker materials do not off-gas harmful chemicals or contribute to indoor air pollution, contributing to a healthier indoor environment. Aside from the most impressive credentials of the sustainability of wicker, it creates a really, useful, tactile container perfect for food, drink, gifts, or storage. From traditional hampers to storefront shopping baskets, small bread baskets, to deep storage baskets, wicker will last for many years. That’s what makes wicker such a good choice. 01502 501681 SEE THE ADVERT ON THE INSIDE FRONT COVER.

Your Wine List This Festive Period

Tom van der Neut is Business Unit Controller at Lanchester Wines: The festive period creates one of the simplest opportunities to make profitable adjustments to your wine list. The Christmas season signals parties and celebrations, a time for pushing the boat out and trading up from everyday drinks. Sparkling wine is the obvious addition to a wine list at Christmas, whether by the glass or by the bottle – perhaps a trade up on the size of bottle, to a magnum or even a jeroboam for extra special celebrations. Thinking about something to fill the gap in the middle of your existing list of sparkling wines is wise for Christmas – many French or English sparklers fill this opportunity between Prosecco and Champagne perfectly. For example a bottle of London Cru Pinot Gris Sparkling Rose (grapes grown in West Sussex) or a Domaine Moutard Méthode Traditionnelle Blanc de Blancs (made by a Champagne house in the Champagne style, but with grapes grown in Burgundy) suit the celebratory style, but without massively impacting budgets, making this an ideal welcome drink or toasting fizz. Affordability and familiarity are always important at the pointy end of a well curated wine list. Consumers may well be watching the pennies this festive season, so in the same way you want to maximise those trading up, you still need to have the easy wins and great wines for those customers watching their budget. This doesn’t necessarily mean buying in an extremely cheap wine especially for that purpose – your flagship house wines should fill that gap already. Commoditising wine will only result in a poor customer experience.

You know your customers better than anyone, so create a Christmas wine list that directly suits their specific tastes – and likewise, if something isn’t working, change it. Perhaps even invite key customers to taste the wines with your merchant before listing. When exploring new ranges and you’ve pretty much confirmed your core list – so after your first or second consultation – it always works incredibly well to invite your top customers to an exclusive tasting of the wines before you finalise your selection. Thus giving your customers a sense of ownership with the festive wine list. But of course the most important factor for any list at any time of the year is if you don’t list it, customers can’t buy it. By no means are we talking about tying up cash by buying cases and cases of premium wine, but just a small stockholding and a place on the list will be enough to maximise these opportunities when they arise. And, of course, Champagne is not just for Christmas. For more information on Lanchester Wines and the wines mentioned in this feature, please visit

Real Vanilla Ice Cream By Annabel Heron, from Cucumber Food Design

INGREDIENTS 284ml double cream 397g condensed milk 1 tbsp LittlePod natural vanilla paste

Method • Whisk the cream to soft peaks in a small one pint bowl that can be frozen and will look good on your table to serve the ice cream in.

• Add the condensed milk and vanilla paste to the cream and whisk in lightly, just until combined. Taste the mix, always essential with puddings, and add more vanilla if you like. • Cover the mixture with a disc of baking parchment and cling film the bowl, then put in the freezer. There’s no need to stir or churn the vanilla ice cream, it’s ready after about 4-6 hours.



Issue 186

Festive Buyer's Guide

Festive Ordering with Bacchus Wines PLDC Bacchus Wines PLDC is a UK-based independent boutique wine wholesaler. They sell topquality, award-winning wines at prices that hospitality businesses can appreciate. They have excellent relationships with French family-run winemakers, including Château de Parenchère and offer a personal approach to selling wines to the UK hospitality industry. They manage the import of wine into the UK, solving any freight and trade agreement issues. As a smaller firm, they offer more flexibility and a personal service. As wine drinkers become more discerning, they seek delicious wines that offer value and provenance from vineyards that they may not be familiar with. Bacchus Wines PLDC only sell wines they love to drink from independent estates they know personally, and festive orders are being taken now. As consumer preferences change, and after 'cost vs. benefit' considerations, their focus leans towards sustainability, wines without added sulphites, and vineyards with provenance.

Unlike larger wine merchants, Bacchus Wines has simplified the wine-selling business for hospitality venues. They choose wines that are not faddy, and their selection process is based on decades in the hospitality industry, so they know what drinkers and diners will enjoy. The small yet perfectly curated wine collection is popular among chefs and hospitality venues. Chef & restaurateur Jake S Watkins, commented, "I have been buying wines from Bacchus Wines for over twenty-two years - when I owned the Michelin-starred JSW Restaurant in Hampshire and since retiring. I always receive excellent wines and service." Registering for a Bacchus Wines PLDC trade account is easy, and they offer significant discounts to those who sign up for trade accounts just in time for festive ordering. For more information, please visit or call on 0845 500 1040.

Get Ready for Christmas with Alliance’s Festive Ranges Ensuring your establishment is appropriately decorated and furnished during the festive period is a necessity for the hospitality industry. In turn, restaurants, bars and pubs will all want to capitalise on the seasonal influx of business which is available. The best way to do so is make your establishment as appealing as possible during this period.

ECO-CRACKERS As a business, sustainability and our impact on the environment are at the forefront of how we operate, as such this year we have opted for an initiative which ensures our crackers are fully recyclable. The way this has been achieved is by removing the silver fulminate which is used to achieve the traditional snap. Now when the cracker is pulled it will instead break apart with the audible crack of cardboard meaning you can still enjoy a cracker with your meal whilst knowing you are doing something right for the environment.

DECORATING THE ROOM When looking to decorate an eating or drinking area for Christmas you should first consider where your fire exits are and that all customers will still have a clear route to an exit. Once you have done this check, you can begin to decide how you want your festive design to look. We would always recommend a tree, go for a larger one if you can as this can be quite a statement piece, attracting party photos in front of it which can act as great free publicity across social media if your venue gets tagged. In addition to Christmas trees, garlands and wreaths give you the option to add a subtle hint to areas such as

toilet doors, mantles, shelves and other places. Equally, fairy lights, tinsel, baubles and balloons are also all great ways of adding some festive cheer to your hospitality business this year.

DRESSING THE TABLES There are many ways to dress your table to add a hint of Yuletide style. Firstly, if you have a colour scheme or a set theme for Christmas which features one particular colour, replicate that in your table setting. You could do this by incorporating the colour into your tablecloth, or if you want a white tablecloth then possibly a coloured table runner with matching napkins. For tableware you could opt for classic whiteware or go for something more modern which can be a way of introducing colour to your table. Glassware we’d suggest sticking with classical looks to add a sophistication to the drinks you’re serving. Finally, if you’re finding you’re being booked up with groups looking to celebrate a Christmas works party, you could offer party accessories to go with the meal. Whether it be party poppers, a festive mask kit, artificial snow spray, all are great for adding a party vibe for customers. With winter on the immediate horizon, restaurants, pubs and other such businesses should look to start ordering Christmas decorations and planning for the festive period now. Alliance Online offers a wide range of Christmas options which will be perfect for your establishment this year. Visit or see the page opposite for details.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising



Issue 186

Festive Buyer's Guide

PEPPADEW® Bites: Elevating the Festive Dining Experience in Pubs and Restaurants As the festive season approaches, pubs and restaurants seek to create an unforgettable dining experience for their patrons.

There is no preparation time, all the hard work of stuffing the pepper has been done. There is no waste, as the product comes in Frozen, you just take out what you need.

PEPPADEW® Bites offer a flavour explosion in every bite. The signature PEPPADEW® sweet piquanté peppers provide the perfect balance of sweetness and heat, which have been hand filled with West Country cream cheese and then hand rolled in a Panko Style bread crumb.

Recommended portion size is 5 and there are 11 portions in the 1kg bag. The average price is £1.54 for a portion of 5 and the recommended selling price is £7, so a high margin of 74%. The PEPPADEW® Bites are versatile and can be used on the menu as ‘while you wait’, as they are perfect with a glass of wine or pint of beer, or as a starter as portion or even on top of a winter salad.

When it comes to crafting the perfect starter for Christmas menus, PEPPADEW® Bites emerge as the ideal choice, adding a touch of innovation and culinary excellence to the festivities. PEPPADEW® Bites recently earned recognition with a Silver Award for innovation at this year’s Casual Dining show and are currently shortlisted for a prestigious Q award in the Food Service Party Food and Buffet category.

This Christmas, delight your customers with PEPPADEW® Bites and watch them savour the season’s joy with every delectable bite. For further information see the advert on the facing page or visit

Here’s why Peppadew Bites are the ultimate choice for pubs and restaurants.

Classic Christmas Tree Decorations From Gibson Plus Gibson Plus are a well-established, family-run manufacturing business based in the UK. We pride ourselves on having built our family business around a core of loyal, returning customers over many years. Quality products at fair prices, attention to detail, speedy delivery and excellent customer service are top priority at Gibson Plus.

CLASSIC ENAMEL CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Our enamel Christmas decorations have been specially designed in house by chief designer, Susan Gibson. These beautiful ornamental decorations will add that real touch of class to your 2023 Christmas range. With luxurious golds, vibrant reds and atmospheric blues our decorations truly stand out from the crowd! The range has seven elegant designs, so you can have a beautiful enamel bauble to suit each part of your tree. Each decoration comes complete with a beautiful gold presentation envelope. The decorations have been finished to the very highest of standards and when you take the product in hand it has that lovely weight that just oozes with quality!

BESPOKE ENAMEL CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS If you’re wanting to stand out from the crowd our Bespoke Enamel Christmas Decorations will be perfect for you! The

same luxurious quality, but with your very own design. All we need to get started is your ideas and our design team can begin bringing it to life for you. By choosing your own bespoke design you can be guaranteed that your decorations will be truly unique and won’t be sold anywhere else in the world! With bespoke designs we recommend a minimum quantity of 500 in order to maintain a competitive RRP.

LANDMARK BAUBLES Our Landmark Baubles are high-quality, hand-crafted, engraved baubles made from durable 3mm ethically sourced, maple veneer wood with a 70mm diameter. The engraved detail of the bauble is spectacular – the foreground showcases your landmark depicted with acute attention to detail, while the background features an idyllic Christmas night sky with a silhouette of Santa and his reindeer flying over the moon. The beauty of the Landmark Bauble is they can be produced with the landmark or image of your choice. This allows you to create a design that you can be confident your customer base will love! The fantastic thing about the landmark baubles is that you can have your own bespoke design from quantities of just 60.

WANT TO KNOW MORE? Contact us on 028 9181 8801 for more information and a free sample.

New Forest Shortbread

These boxes of award-winning traditional artisan shortbread are made by local people in the heart of the New Forest. They are genuinely a local product. Tracy Thew has made shortbread for family and friends for more than 50 years, now her team make small batches of her recipes at Burley Rails Cottage. They lovingly craft and seal them in recyclable bags and biodegradable boxes on the day they are baked. The packaging is charming, every box is adorned with images of the stunning New Forest by local Artist, Will Drew. They feature stories on the tear-off cards will illustrations by another local Artist, Shaun Stevens. They make perfect doorstep gifts, hamper fillers, welcome gifts in guest hotel rooms and table gifts for business meetings and conferences. Also wedding favours acting as a delicious gift that can be dressed up by a Wedding Planning or Calligrapher to match a wedding theme and act as a place setting. Indulge in the buttery bliss of our artisan New Forest Shortbread with every bite - a delectable treat with a 1-star rating in 2022

Guild of Fine Food Great Taste Awards! Our shortbread are made using only the finest ingredients, ensuring a premium taste experience and wholesome treat every time.

Tracy's All Butter Original New Forest Shortbread was recognised by the Guild of Fine Food and their 'Great Taste Awards 2022' with a 1-star rating. This esteemed organisation of 500+ experts gave their consent for the irresistible flavour and texture of this traditional shortbread, noting its "homemade appearance, even golden bake, rich buttery finish, soft snap, and dairy aromas", which melt in the mouth with a toasty flavour. These boxes say your hospitality is grounded in the beauty and culture of your area; they give a tangible take away which will be remembered...long after the shortbread has been consumed. Please call Tracy Thew on 07471 684639 for information on prices, discounts and added value, e.g., bespoke boxes and seals.



Issue 186

Food Safety


Our simple but affective app provides restaurants the ability to keep a live updated menu with allergy information held within it. Customers simply login to the app or visit your website and view the menu filtered to only show those dishes that are safe for them to eat. This app significantly reduces the risk of incorrect communication between customers & staff, especially when mistakes can be so easily made, and these mistakes can lead to prison sentences for the restaurant owners. Up to “20% of the population experience some reactions to foods” (The British Dietetic Association) so it’s no longer a minority issue, eating out should always be enjoyable ii should also always be safe.

HOW IT WORKS There is an easy account area, where the menu and dish information can be maintained via computer or mobile phone, or imported from other systems. The allergies are assigned to each dish and it can be updated whenever it’s needed. An email is also sent out once a month to ensure the allergy information is

FoodCheck from Kelsius

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

The hospitality industry faces constant challenges when it comes to staffing, costs and delivering the best service to its customers in a dynamic and competitive environment. But one aspect of the business which must always be a priority is food safety. Stringent food compliance regulations, inspections and audits mean that hospitality providers must deliver a constant and consistently high level of food quality and safety. Not only is this vital for the health and safety of customers, but delivering a high standard of safety compliance also serves to establish a long-term business reputation and create trust and loyalty with repeat customers. A digital HACCP system serves not only to meet food safety regulatory requirements, but it also helps hospitality

checked and the menu confirmed that it is still up to date. The company logo can also be uploaded to ensure the menu follows the restaurants brand.

Key Benefits to Restaurants • Meet regulations for allergy information in one simple step. • Ensure your menu allergens are always accurate and up to date. • Improve your customer experience for allergy sufferers, vegans and veggies. • No need to re-print menus if you change ingredients. • Handy email reminders to check your menu. • Stop front of house staff making mistakes • Keep your customers safe from harm.

How it will make a difference It’s so hard to ensure accurate communication between customer and the person preparing the food and Allergy Menu helps to mitigate this risk while ensuring your allergy information is always up to date and easy to manage. "At the Bannatyne Group working in partnership with Allergy Menu has given our business confidence when it comes to giving our customers transparent and simple information around allergic ingredients. The App is simple and very user friendly."

Denise, The Bannatyne Group providers to save time and cost across their operations. Automated wireless temperature monitoring saves time on manual temperature recording, allowing staff to record data easily and without hassle. This frees up staff time to focus on delivering a high-quality service to customers and to focus on other tasks. With FoodCheck from Kelsius, a user-friendly interface makes it simple and easy for all staff members to record data and create lists for daily tasks including deliveries, cleaning and cooking. Automated reminders for hot temperature checks help to ensure that HACCP is being implemented. The digital system means that the business also reduces its paperwork and paper storage costs, contributing to better sustainability practices. Real-time reporting gives management visibility of task completion as it happens. This also makes it easy at the touch of a screen to create the reports required for audits and inspections. The FoodCheck system is tamperproof and provides HACCP compliance by using the best available technology that delivers good corporate governance and better risk mitigation – protecting your customers, your business and your reputation. To find out more, visit, call 02045 799 048 or email

Hospitality Technology

Issue 186



How To Win The Payment Generation Game

By Delia Pedersoli, COO of MultiPay Global Solutions (

As hospitality and leisure businesses look to future-proof their payment systems, its important to deploy the right strategy and technology that appeals to consumers of all ages So where should they start?

MOBILE FIRST - PAY BY BANK KEY FOR GEN-Z Propelled by an acceleration in the already existing shift from cash to contactless digital and mobile payments during the pandemic, there is a rapidly growing interest and excitement from consumers in using alternative payment methods (APMs) such as Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL), crypto, and Pay by Bank. This is especially true for younger consumers. According to a global survey by card issuing platform Marqeta, 77% of UK Gen Z respondents feel confident enough with contactless payments to leave their wallet at home and just take their phone. When it comes to increasing appeal to younger consumers, mobile-based payment schemes are critical. With this in mind, Pay by Bank, whereby customers pay by simply scanning a QR code and opening their mobile banking app, is not only appealing to consumers thanks to its simplicity, but more convenient and cost-effective for businesses too. For example, with Pay by Bank, which removes the use of credit and debit cards from the transaction, there are zero interchange and scheme fees. As such, businesses can make substantial savings on every transaction. Furthermore, there’s no need to clutter payment devices with third-party apps as no additional downloads for Pay by

Bank to work are required. Universally compatible, they can also seamlessly integrate with any payment device.

AGE DOESN’T ALWAYS MEAN TRADITIONAL Older generations, especially those over 65 years old, have seen significant changes to technology, consumerism, and payment options over their lifetime. In a global survey by FIS, 71% of baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) reported being more comfortable using the same payment methods they’ve always used, such as cash, credit cards and debit cards. Having an array of more common payment methods available for consumers to choose from is therefore crucial in striking the right balance. However, FIS’ research also found that nearly half of baby boomers say they also like to stay up to date with the latest payment methods. Catering to these customers could also require a similar mindset and payment set-up needed to appeal to more mobile-inclined Gen-Z consumers.

DON’T FORGET CASH Finally, with cash still the second most popular payment method in the UK, after debit cards, UK Finance data suggests inflation and the rising cost-of-living has meant many people are making greater use of cash to manage budgets compared to just a few years ago. With the total number of cash payments made in the UK during 2022 reaching 6.4 billion, businesses should be mindful of physical money’s continuing importance in the payment mix. Ultimately, with a cost-of-living crisis in full swing and customers increasingly more discerning about their spending, all businesses need to focus more than ever on delivering a superior customer service – whatever this looks like for the consumer. In the pursuit for speed and convenience, ensuring you are equipped to accept any payment, by any method, is key to pleasing every consumer, no matter their age.

Why a Sponsor Licence is Good for Business Keeping Bar Tabs – The Myths & Benefits The UK hospitality sector is currently grappling with a welldocumented shortage of staff. Hotels, restaurants, and pubs are |facing challenges in finding suitable candidates for their advertised positions. As the holiday season approaches, this shortage becomes even more concerning. Christmas is undoubtedly the busiest time of the year for the hospitality industry, and a lack of sufficient staff can significantly impact a company's performance. So, how can this problem be addressed? One potential solution is to consider recruiting candidates from outside the United Kingdom, a path that an increasing number of companies are exploring to meet their staffing needs. But how does a company transition from recruiting domestically to searching for candidates overseas? The process can seem daunting, involving interactions with the Home Office and the need to ensure that your recruitment team and HR systems are fully prepared.

Work Permit Cloud is a legal services company that specialises in assisting UK businesses bring skilled workers from abroad. We provide support in candidate sourcing, offer HR software solutions, and facilitate the acquisition of all the necessary licenses and visas. For a company to employ a skilled worker from outside the UK, it must have a sponsor licence. This process typically takes eight weeks, but it can be fast-tracked - 10 working days. Once a sponsor licence is granted, the company can issue their candidate a 'certificate of sponsorship' (CoS), the candidate then applies for his/her work visa. Access to a diverse talent pool, staying competitive, expanding market reach, and ensuring regulatory compliance are just a few of the compelling reasons why companies should prioritize obtaining a sponsor licence. If you would like to know more see the advert on this page or visit

CardsSafe specialises in food and bar tabs. Their wireless system makes the process professional and secure and helps venues to upsell by allowing tabs to be kept. CardsSafe is a proven and genuine deterrent for walkouts and chargebacks. It enables staff to upsell, increases trust between the venue and customers, and is why over 5000 brands, including Young's pubs, Hilton Hotels, Lord's Cricket Ground, and many independent restaurants and bars, utilise the system. With more and more contactless, chip & pin or phone sales, it is less likely that customers will be offered to run a tab. However, according to VISA, venues that encourage running tabs will have at least 30% higher takings than those that do not. Interestingly, it has never been illegal to retain cards. What was unlawful was to allow customers to drink alcohol on credit, i.e., run a liquid tab. However, the Blair

government repealed this in the latest licensing act, so keeping food and bar tabs is legal. CardsSafe does not store payment details, so is GDPR compliant. Customers' bank details are safe, and it is safer for the card to be placed in a CardsSafe box than left in a till or folder behind the bar. To ensure that the bank card is not stolen or expired, staff can run a 1p charge against the card before a tab is opened. The EPOS system will alert you if the card has expired or has been reported stolen. At just £9.95* + VAT per unit per month rental, CardsSafe pays for itself. The question is, can you afford not to have CardsSafe as a part of your business? Please visit or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040 *Plus, a sign-up fee of £39.95 (plus VAT) for new customers.



Issue 186

Hospitality Technology

Technology To Enhance Hotels Sustainability the hotel looking for rooms to clean. Monitoring “Make Up Room” and “Do Not Disturb” signals (MUR/DND) in a centralised system help increase the overall efficiency as teams can be assigned to those parts of the hotel that require more immediate attention. Combining this information with room occupancy and access controls enhance guest privacy and provide deeper knowledge of how our hotels work, for example giving information on how much time it takes to clean each room.

The last few years has been one of the hardest periods, if not the hardest, for the hospitality industry worldwide. Lockdowns, staffing issues, war on the European Continent and unprecedented energy costs have all put pressure on the on the industry. When looking at reducing operating costs in a hotel, optimization comes as a very handy word; optimize labour, optimize training, optimize energy, optimize maintenance…but we many times fail to address the way to achieve this “optimization”.

Another big cost centre control systems help reduce drastically is Maintenance, as these solutions allow the use of predictive and preventive policies. Sorting issues before they become fatal or even before they appear decreases the amount spent in replacing broken units (for example AC units) but also minimizes the risk of refunds to guest because things are not working or because there has been an AC leakage nobody noticed before.

As in life, information is the starting point to approach the problems we aim to solve, so gathering information about what is going on in our building becomes essential to optimize the way the building – our hotel – works. Once we have the information, we need to actually control those variables to be able to change them, and this is where technology can really make a difference. Starting with the rooms, sharing information between the hotel PMS (such as if the room is booked for that day or if the guest has already checked-in) and the HVAC control system (room occupancy for example) help reduce energy waste to a minimum as the AC will only turn On when the room is occupied and the guest is checked-in, but not if the hotel staff gets in the room before the guest has arrived to the hotel. This can be applied to all room controls (lighting, TV, sockets…) but also to common areas, and bearing in mind energy accounts for 3 to 6% of an average hotel running costs, eliminating energy waste can really make a difference. Following on to the hotel staff, housekeeping is many times overlooked with teams left to wonder through

A robust long-lasting control system combined with a Building Management System (BMS) that integrates with our hotel’s PMS is vital to get to know how our building operates to optimize all those little things that end up costing several thousand every year. These are the type of solutions Zennio develops and delivers in over 100 countries, helping hotels all around the world become more efficient and sustainable and supporting all projects locally and remotely to make sure everything works every day. For further information see the advert on the facing page.

Retail POS Needs And Wants: Data, Security And The Best The Market Has To Offer

By Jay Kim, Managing Director of BIXOLON Europe GmbH

It’s no secret that point of sale (POS) systems and receipt printing are crucial to retailers and hospitality businesses. Without them, they cannot enable sales effectively and grow their businesses optimally. In fact, to say they are important, for many, is an understatement. Especially when you consider their strategic importance to not only drive sales efficiency; but to track and record sales data, and provide an optimum customer experience. What is more, within this, retailers and their customers have many different needs when it comes to managing and accepting payments. So, as the market evolves and businesses grow, what should retail and hospitality organisations consider when deploying POS systems and related technologies? Jay Kim, Managing Director, BIXOLON Europe GmbH explains what the retail market, and wider value chain, needs to consider when exploring options that enable retail sales more effectively.

POS NEEDS VS WANTS Within busy retail and hospitality environments it is vital that POS systems are “always on” and that these systems do not experience downtime. Simply put: failure to execute transactions can lead to lost revenue and a poor customer experience. Therefore, when purchasing these kinds of technologies, retailers typically consider an array of important factors. This includes network connectivity options; the performance of POS systems; how these system looks aesthetically when installed; how they integrate into the business; and the price of the investment. Additionally, with the need to keep up-to-date with the latest technology trends and requirements, many retailers are turning away from only using Serial or Parallel connectivity for printers. Instead, they are and moving to Ethernet, USB, Bluetooth and WLAN for integration with tablets and other peripherals as part of POS systems. Since technology has always been central to buying decisions, many retailers now build their hardware solutions around their software – whether this be a simple payment solution for an independent company, or part of a more complex omnichannel ecosystem.

integration – which allows it to just fit into a POS set up easily and attractively. Ease of integration is also essential here. With many retailers looking to upgrade their systems, many look for hardware which they can essentially plug in and play. As time means money, retailers look for installs which take hours rather than days, to avoid costly downtime and loss of productivity. Pricing is also a factor; however, a lower priced printer doesn’t always provide the quality and reliability required. Typically, when you buy cheap, you buy more, as the old adage goes.

DRIVING INSIGHTS AND PROTECTING DATA Data and reporting is important to retailers. They need to know what inventory is being sold and when to restock. Sure, smaller companies can keep a written tally; however, larger companies often link their Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) systems with their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to allow a seamless reordering of supplies – and, sometimes they also combine both their store and e-commerce sales if that makes more sense and is more effective. This kind of approach can be crucial when used in conjunction with a more sophisticated just-in-time stock control methods. Security is also important. Whether it takes the form of employee logins, systems to track transactions, or security systems to maintain secure transactions. In many European countries, fiscal law has been brought in to avoid retailer fraud. With reporting done through the cash register, fiscalisation is always done through software. However, measures can be put in place which cover both software and the POS hardware. For example, in Slovenia fiscalisation is handled through software; in Italy and Poland it is done through a specialised module and hardware within a POS device; or in Germany’s case, the software used needs ensure it meets criteria set out by the government.

THE BEST THE POS MARKET HAS TO OFFER There are many types of POS solutions on the market for retailers and hospitality organisations to consider. Standout options include mPOS, mobility solutions and kiosk solutions.

mPOS – The days of traditional bulky POS setups are dead, mPOS solutions are now taking centre stage as more compact, cost-effective solutions. These interchangeable setups typically consist of a tablet, printer, card reader, scanner, customer display and cash drawer; which are commonly bundled together by resellers with additional EPOS software (electronic point of sale). These interchangeable solutions provide a cost-effective solution which can be upgraded as a business’ POS estate evolves. But these types of solutions now require more intelligent printers too, such as those that can seamlessly connect to a host Naturally, the performance of hardware within these systems is key. tablet device while supporting a charging port and up to four USB Printers form a vital component here at checkout. They enable the peripherals. This solution is a great way to use existing peripherals printing of receipts, coupons, vouchers, and more depending on the scewhich are operated through the printer as it communicates to the nario. They are rated not only on the speed and reliability of the printtablet device via Bluetooth. ing hardware, but also the performance of the cutter and print head, Mobility Solutions – For busy seasonal retail periods and pop-up which leads to less maintenance and possible downtime. Within retail stores, the need for accessible printing is becoming more popular. situations, sleek, compact printer designs are becoming increasingly Mobile printers are the perfect solution as they easily connect to a popular, because retailers are looking to streamline their cash desks. For instance, cube printers have increased in popularity with their com- smart device and can print receipts or labels. As batteries continue to pact features and front exit feed for either on-the-desk or under-desk improve, many printers can now be used for a complete shift and

recharged outside of opening hours. Many proven printer providers offer technologies that enable receipt, ticket and labelling solutions. Alternatively, another market innovation in the POS printer space is a battery-powered POS receipt printer. Much like a mobile printer, battery-powered POS receipt printers offer fixed location printing; such as at a pop-up where power is not available. This type of printer is attractive for higher volume receipting for pop-up locations; which take larger quantities of transactions; so a larger receipt roll can be used. Kiosk Solutions – Kiosk systems are becoming increasingly popular, which has been accelerated by the pandemic. These self-service solutions typically come with two types of printers, either a packaged printer or a kiosk mechanism, which are chosen based on the kiosk design and user requirements. Typically, stand-alone unmanned solutions are fitted with kiosk printing mechanisms which use a presenter; allowing for larger paper rolls to be used, which require fewer changes and thus less maintenance.

THE FUTURE OF POS PRINTERS The face of retail is changing. Traditional brick-and-mortar stores are being complemented with e-commerce; and, with this, the use of printing and its technology is being adapted. As orders now also come in online, new software technologies such as native, web and cloud-based mPOS applications will enable printing to come directly to a designated printer for efficient picking, shipping or collecting. Additionally, retailers will also be looking for mixed estates of printing technology covering both receipting and labelling, with linerless labelling becoming increasingly important as a traditional labelling alternative. This eco media removes the need for label packing paper, enabling variable-length labelling with either semi-permanent or permanent adhesive. This type of media is ideal for home delivery orders, click-and-collect, product markdowns and more.

CONCLUSION The future of POS is bright and offers retailers and hospitality businesses of all kinds the opportunity to manage sales more effectively. Further, during check-out scenarios it remains important to provide customers with a receipt too – which is the legal form of proving a purchase of a product or service. While some might argue that ereceipting is coming, or is already here, this will not mean the death of the physical receipt. They will work in tandem, depending on differing requirements. Labelling, though, will continue to innovate the industry. This is because as more business is done online, the need for labelling for services such as home delivery and click and collect will continue to rise. So retailers will require printers for different logistics scenarios within their fulfilment centres. In either case, a POS system will sit at the heart of purchases and either offer customers physical printed receipts, or they will drive organisation and logistics operations within e-commerce distribution centres. In both cases, proven, robust, reliable and accurate printers will be required to support these operations, and provide receipts and labels for customers or e-commerce logistics teams in warehouses.



Issue 186

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out Clean Away Your Fire Risk with TR19 Grease® Compliance Professional kitchen extract ductwork cleaning is not just a matter of hygiene; it is also an essential fire safety measure, as Gary Nicholls, MD of ductwork risk experts, Swiftclean, explains. In every kitchen, no matter how lean or sophisticated the cuisine might be, the cooking process generates minute airborne droplets of fat, oils and grease, known collectively as FOGs. As the grease-laden air within the kitchen is drawn through the extract system, the air cools, leaving FOG deposits which gradually form a greasy film on the inside surfaces of both the canopy and the ductwork. To remain compliant with the TR19® Grease specification, which is issued by the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA), the grease layer should not be allowed to exceed an average depth of 200 microns – about half the thickness of an average business card. Compliance with TR19® Grease is an essential fire safety precaution, benefiting your staff, restaurant patrons, and also any residents, in both your own and neighbouring premises.

need your buildings insurance to pay out so that you can repair any damage. Increasingly, insurers will expect you to be compliant with TR19® Grease. It is, therefore, important to be able to demonstrate your compliance with TR19® Grease. This can be achieved by using a member of the Vent Hygiene Register (VHR) as your specialist cleaning provider. VHR members can issue post-clean certification, providing evidence that you have fulfilled your legal obligations. Also, under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, you must appoint a Responsible Person for your property. They are legally obliged to ensure your compliance with TR19® Grease as part of your fire safety protocols. Doubtless your kitchen is spotless. Unfortunately, the extract system is out of sight and can, as a result, easily end up out of mind. Its cleanliness should, however, be just as important in your list of maintenance priorities, as should compliance with TR19 Grease®.

Should the worst occur and a fire break out, you will

Caterquip Ventilation Caterquip Ventilation Ltd is proud to be celebrating their 23rd Anniversary this year.

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This Warwick based company offers nationwide coverage for all your commercial catering needs: free site surveys, quotations and designs (CAD), quality bespoke and standard fabrications, specialist knowledge of catering ventilation systems including input air, odour reduction (carbon filtration and ESP) and sound attenuation. Affiliated members of Constructionline and CHAS, Caterquip Ventilation have a strong hold in the marketplace often advising industry professionals on ventilation systems to a DW172 specification & BSEN:6173.

They have strong relationships with all leading kitchen equipment suppliers, and they offer a kitchen design service to help you build your ideal kitchen. Projects undertaken have included Olympic Villages, Basildon Hospital, The Mitre Hotel at Hampton Court, The Truck Stop at Anglesey, The Lodge at Old Hunstanton, Colleges, Schools, Hotels, Restaurants and Public Houses. They ensure their systems are compliant with the current guidelines whilst maintaining an efficient and dynamic facility. With extensive knowledge of manufacturing and installing ventilation systems, they can help you design the best kitchen within the space available. Call: 01926 887167, visit:, email:

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Issue 186


Blue Seal Fryers and Oil Filtration By David Chesshire, National Accounts Manager, Blue Seal (

Operators should consider when purchasing a fryer and their oil, the oil capacity against production rate, burner efficiency and recovery rate, as well as a true cool zone in gas fryers to help prolong the oil life. Blue Seal V ray Gas Fryers are our premium fryer and burner system, which come at a higher price compared to some competitors’ gas models. However the fuel efficiency, cost saving, performance and stainless steel high build quality far out way the additional initial cost to the operator. Blue Seal produce high performance thermostatic controlled gas & electric fryers. Our Evolution range gas fryers GT60, GT46 & GT45 have a premium feature benefit of all using our patented “V’Ray” burner system. This system uses infra-red technology radiating the heat into the tank, only heating the area of oil the baskets are sitting in. This promotes incredibly fast recovery rates, high efficiency for limited fuel consumption provides a true cool zone in conjunction with the specially shaped tank. The true cool zone prevents crumb and food debris that drops below the

batter plates from continuous cooking and carbonising, which in turn helps prevent the degrading of oil quality. This all achieves considerable cost saving for the operator with fuel and oil, as well as time efficiency, producing the finished products. Blue Seal also offer an additional Filtration units that give a fantastic solution to improving oil life, have great mobility and space saving features as well as powerful pumps & full stainless steel construction. Moisture, fatty acids and food residue contaminate cooking oil, spoiling fried food taste and causing the oil to smoke. Blue Seal Filtamax removes impurities, quickly and effectively, maintaining consistent high cooking quality and considerable extension of oil life. The Carbon Pads remove sub-micron particles down to 0.5 microns – this is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand. Daily filtering of fryer oil using carbon filters can massively increase the life span of the oil creating large cost savings and create more consistent finish and taste to the food product.

There are significant advantages offered by the New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by Pump Technology Ltd. The pump features a tank with its clear side window was the large, triangular, low-level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing. Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease, fat and food particles before the reliable start/stop operation of the pump is affected. The triangular low-level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline, giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens. The build quality of the submersible wastewater

pump was also a discussion point, with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement, especially considering the hot wastewater temperatures and potential grease which these units have to handle. It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations. Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet. This means that the installation footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated. It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a real winner!

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Issue 186

Outdoor Spaces

No More Relying on the Weather The well-known Brokenwood winery is situated in the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, in Australia. In October last year, the outside terrace of the estate was fitted with an awning system from manufacturer markilux. The newly designed open space can now be used for events and wine tastings whatever the weather. “We covered an area of almost 180 square metres in the winery here in Pokolbin in the Hunter Valley. Our solution consists of three markilux markant systems with four folding-arm awnings of the markilux 970 model additionally mounted on the sides and front,”

says Neil Marot, General Manager at the Australian subsidiary. This combination offers maximum flexibility to shade the entire area or parts of it. The sun and weather protection system is also equipped with dimmable LED light and infrared heaters. The idea was, to be able to use the terrace in the future for a range of events – completely independently from the weather and the time of day. Alongside these functional aspects, the topic of modern design also played a decisive role in the choice of the markilux products.

Park and Urban Furniture Stylish Outdoor Area ational spaces across the world.

ENHANCING REVENUE THROUGH OUTDOOR SEATING. Businesses, such as restaurants, cafes, and pubs can significantly boost their revenue by providing outdoor seating options. This strategy appeals to a broader customer base, as many individuals prefer the refreshing atmosphere while dining or shopping.

We have teamed up with some of the most renowned Scandinavian designers to develop products encouraging the local community to socialise and enjoy spending time outdoors. Boasting a timeless aesthetic and improved usability, our park and urban furniture range will cope with heavy use and age beautifully over the years. Suitable for all weather conditions and environments. Suitable for all weather conditions and environments, it has added value to many outdoor recre-

The outdoor space creates a welcoming impression, enticing potential customers to stop by and support the establishment. Additionally, by offering outdoor seating, the business can accommodate more guests during busy times, resulting in higher sales and quicker table turnovers. The improved customer experience fosters loyalty and positive word-of-mouth, further attracting repeat business. Consequently, this elevates the brand's image, attracting more customers, and ultimately driving revenue growth. Email or visit

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for Popular Dorset Pub

Guests visiting The Old Inn pub based in Wimborne, Dorset can enjoy their food and drink inside an all-weather enclosed terrace area thanks to Broadview Shading Solutions. Wanting to make more of their outside space all year round, the owners approached Broadview to come up with a solution. Being at the front of the property, the new area would also need that all-important kerb appeal. Having provided outdoor cover solutions for the likes of Rick Stein Restaurants, The Sandbanks Hotel, and Dorset brewery pub chain Hall and Woodhouse, the team at Broadview drew upon all of their experience to propose an innovative, unique, fully weather-adaptable

outside covered area. Two large parasols, in a vibrant turquoise, along with vertical guillotine glass to serve as a wind and rain barrier were installed. Staff are able to lower or raise the glass in line with weather conditions, and heating and lighting have been built into the parasol structures - all to bring optimum comfort to their guests. If you’d like to discuss the idea of transforming the outside space of your pub, restaurant, or hotel, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team at Broadview. Please call us on 01202 679012 or visit our website

Outdoor Spaces

Issue 186



Embracing the Chill: The Benefits of Utilising Outdoor Spaces in Cooler Months As winter sets approaches and temperatures drop, the idea of dining or enjoying a drink outdoors may seem counterintuitive. However, the cold season offers a unique opportunity for pubs and restaurants to leverage their outdoor spaces. Embracing the chill can lead to a range of benefits, not only for businesses but also for their patrons.

EXPANDED SEATING CAPACITY One of the most apparent benefits of using outdoor spaces in winter is the potential to expand seating capacity. By providing heated and sheltered areas, establishments can create a cozy atmosphere that encourages patrons to brave the cold. This increased capacity can lead to higher revenue and a more vibrant, lively atmosphere.

ADAPTABILITY AND FLEXIBILITY Utilising outdoor spaces during winter showcases a business's adaptability and innovative spirit. It demonstrates a commitment to customer comfort and a willingness to go the extra mile. This adaptability is especially important in times of uncertainty, such as during public health crises or unexpected weather patterns.

ENHANCED ATMOSPHERE Winter brings its own unique charm, with the crisp air and potential for snowfall creating a magical backdrop. Well-designed outdoor spaces can amplify this ambiance, offering patrons an experience they can't get


HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS In light of recent global events, outdoor dining has become increasingly popular for health and safety reasons. Providing well-maintained outdoor spaces with proper distancing measures in place can give patrons peace of mind while still allowing them to enjoy the dining experience.

MARKETING AND BRANDING OPPORTUNITIES Embracing outdoor spaces during winter can be a powerful marketing tool. Businesses can promote their winter offerings, such as special seasonal menus, themed events, and unique outdoor amenities. This can attract a wider audience and strengthen brand loyalty among patrons who appreciate the effort to create a memorable winter experience.

According to our pub customers, each hospitality gazebo typically pays for itself in about 8 weeks!

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Outdoor spaces create opportunities for community engagement and social interaction. Hosting events like winter markets, live music performances, or themed parties can draw locals and visitors alike, fostering a sense of belonging and community spirit. While the winter months may bring cold weather, they

Increase Your Revenue with a Commercial Shading Solution both kerbside and in any garden areas you may have.

The battle for customers is tougher than ever, but with recent research suggesting 40% find the pub garden their Ultimate Happy Place, now is the time to make the most of your outdoor space and turn it into a haven for customers and a true talking point.

All our products are made-to-measure and completely customisable to meet your exact requirements, with powder coated frames in a range of RAL colours and hundreds of weatherresistant fabrics to choose from. Take advantage of accessories such as lights and infa-red heaters to create a desirable location for customers to relax and be comfortable while they enjoy evening meals or drinks. For an added wow-factor you can add signwriting to help reinforce your brand and drive people into your premises who may have otherwise walked by without noticing.

Whether it’s covering a terrace bar, expanding your seating area or providing a truly unique standalone outdoor experience, our commercial awnings and Louvred roof systems can create a unique feature for your business and add not just a significant WOW factor, but an area to be used again and again. At Roché we offer award-winning retractable wall-mounted and freestanding awnings from leading German manufacturers Markilux and Weinor, as well as the stunning Louvred Roof systems from both Renson and Weinor. Our team of experts have over 20 years’ experience in advising businesses on the right shading solution to suit a variety of outdoor spaces, and can help you maximise potential revenue by increasing usable floorspace,

also present a unique opportunity for pubs and restaurants to leverage their outdoor spaces. By providing a warm, inviting atmosphere and offering a range of amenities, businesses can create a memorable winter experience for their patrons. This not only leads to increased revenue but also builds customer loyalty and strengthens the establishment's reputation within the community. Embracing the chill can truly be a win-win for both businesses and their customers.

Our teams of engineers and surveyors are based nationwide and use their experience to ensure each installation is completed to an extremely high standard. Call us on 0800 060 8844 to arrange a free site survey or visit

'Your outdoor area begs you to earn more money’ JǞɨǞȁǐ ɯȌɐȲ ƧɐȺɈȌǿƵȲȺ Ɗ ǐɐƊȲƊȁɈƵƵ ȌǏ ƦƵǞȁǐ ƊƦǶƵ ɈȌ ȲƵǶƊɮ Ǟȁ ƊǶǿȌȺɈ ƊǶǶ ɩƵƊɈǘƵȲ ǞȺ Ɗ ƦǞǐ ƦɐȺǞȁƵȺȺ ƦȌȁɐȺ‫خ‬

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According to our pubs, each gazebo typically pays for itself in about 8 weeks!

We will ǚƷǹȲ‫ژ‬maximise income from your outdoor area.

This is your essential long-term investment‫خ‬

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Issue 186

Products and Services

Airwave Europe Commits to a Greener Future The Label Group

Leading display technology integrator, Airwave Europe, is delighted to announce a partnership with conservation company, Gift-A-Tree, agreeing to plant one tree for every TV sold to a new customer.

South West Labels are a supplier of labelling guns, thermal label printers & labels. We’re here for retail, industrial and manufacturing businesses. We’re independent, which means impartial recommendations combined with over 30 years experience in supplying these products.

Based in Tiverton, Devon, Gift-A-Tree work with charities (such as WWF, The Rainforest Action Network & The Rainforest Trust) and companies, generating woodland and forests across 40 countries worldwide. A Gold Package partnership agreement allows Airwave to plant approximately 25,000 trees a year, in turn contributing to the preservation of natural ecosystems, supporting biodiversity, enhancing air quality, and helping educate local communities. “As a technology company, we can’t avoid creating a carbon footprint” said Airwave Head of Marketing, James Grant, “however this partnership will help us mitigate the effects of our operations. It’s a small step, but one we’re very proud to make.” “It’s such a pleasure to welcome Airwave to the family” said Gift-A-Tree Founder, Andy Fields “I look for-

Walter Geering Established in 1903, Walter Geering is an industry leading supplier to hotels, holiday parks and accommodation providers across the UK, specialising in ecofriendly toiletries and welcome packs including kitchen and bathroom packs, pet packs, games night packs, birthday parks, to name but a few. Walter Geering also offers a comprehensive collection of bedroom and bathroom accessories, bedding, linen and towels. Walter Geering has become a leading supplier due to its firm commitment to the environment. For most of us, the use of singleuse plastic is all about convenience. As industries go, none are quite as keen on single use plastic as the hospitality industry. This makes sense; few people are more set on convenience than those who are on holiday, and whilst many of our products are not single use, we remain committed to supporting our customers (and their guests) in reducing the amount of plastic in their business.

TOILETRIES AND WELCOME PACKS Walter Geering has led the toiletry and amenity market for a number of years thanks to its innovative products and eco-friendly credentials. Browse their extensive toiletry collections and choose from bottles and tubes made from oxo-biodegradable plastic, postconsumer recycled plastic, prevented ocean plastic and wheat straw. In the spring of 2023 Walter Geering launched its new floating dispenser system. A simple, yet innova-

The labelling gun market can be complicated. Many products are known by

ward to playing a part in their sustainable future.” Airwave would like to thank Philips Professional Displays, LG Displays and Samsung Displays, for their support in this initiative. For enquiries, please contact: or 01403 783 483 or see the advert on the front cover.

Moor Coffee Ltd. Our Independent coffee company based near Dartmoor specialises in commercial coffee machines, coffee beans, brewing equipment and machine repairs throughout the South West and the UK. With over 25 years' experience in the beverage vending industry.

tive, solution that offers a new generation of toiletry dispensers. The system is designed to fit any bathroom and comes with a matchbox sized bracket hidden behind the dispenser to offer the illusion your dispenser is floating. The system features a simple tamper-proof locking mechanism that takes housekeeping only 3 seconds to unlock with the security key. The entire system; bottle, bracket is just £4.28 per product per room.

KITCHEN AND CLEANING WELCOME PACKS At Walter Geering, we want to contribute to a circular economy where packaging material never becomes waste, but is recycled, reused or composted. To address the issue, we are investing time and money to reimagine and redesign our packaging. This includes designing a completely new range of packaging types across our diverse welcome pack portfolio to fit with the recycling infrastructure that either exists today or is likely to exist in the near future in the markets where we operate, making it easier for consumers to reuse or recycle our packaging. When your guests first arrive at your accommodation, the last thing they are thinking about is whether there will be essentials such as washing up, liquid, black bin bags a sponge or cleaning cloth. However, these are the kinds of items your guests will need before too long. Fortunately, with our cost-effective and highly practical kitchen packs, your guests will not have to worry too much for those first few days. Contact Walter Geering today and quote CLH10 for 10% discount on your first order. SEE THE ADVERT ON THE INSIDE FRONT COVER.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

We understand that choosing a new coffee machines can be difficult - bean to cup - group machine - instant machine, what is right for you?. That is where our dedicated team can offer help & advice.

different names depending on their use. Labelling guns, price guns, pricing guns, label guns, coding guns and batch guns. Our range of products can meet all needs: Simple low use models, durable machines for industry. A wide variety of specialist features including auto-incrementing guns for batch codes. All equipment is supplied with a one year factory warranty and are designed to give years of reliable and effective service. See the advert on PAGE 7 or call 01736 810334 for details.

industry we can guide you to finding the right solution for your business. Call us now on 01409 231166 or visit We offer a range of purchase options on both new and refurbished equipment. Machine accessories can be added to create a complete business model and once you have chosen your machine we will deliver, install and train you and your staff. After-sales support is taken seriously so we provide you with a comprehensive back-up service with regular customer contact, a range of point-of-sale material and a fully equipped service department. 01409 231166 SEE THE ADVERT ON PAGE 11.

With our knowledge gained by our time in the

Big K Introduces an Exciting Range of Smoking Wood Chunks and Chips Big K Introduces an Exciting Range of Smoking Wood Chunks and Chips, adding a smoky flavourful twist to their extensive range of natural cooking fuels.

endless possibilities.

Big K Products UK Ltd unveils its brand new range of Smoking Wood Chunks and Chips. These exciting additions to Big K's product line-up offer food hospitality professionals an unparalleled opportunity to elevate their culinary creations with rich and distinctive flavours.

"We are thrilled to introduce our new range of Smoking Wood Chunks and Chips," said Mike Theodorou, sales Director at Big K Products UK Ltd. "These premium products are designed to empower food hospitality professionals with the ability to create exceptional and memorable dining experiences. With seven enticing flavours to choose from, chefs can unleash their creativity and elevate their dishes to new heights."

The new range features seven captivating flavours that promise to delight the taste buds and ignite culinary creativity. Chefs and grill enthusiasts can now choose from a variety of options, including Cherry, Apple, Grape Vine, Whiskey Barrel, Hickory, Oak, and the refreshing Citrus blend of Lemon and Orange wood. Each variant brings a unique aroma and taste, enabling chefs to craft unforgettable flavour profiles for their menus.

In addition to their exceptional flavour profiles, Big K's Smoking Wood Chunks and Chips are crafted with the utmost care and quality. The wood is carefully selected, sourced from managed and sustainable woodlands, and undergoes rigorous processing to ensure consistency and optimal performance. With Big K's commitment to sustainability and eco-friendliness, chefs can enjoy the range's delightful flavours while knowing they are making a responsible choice.

Smoking wood chunks and chips are the perfect complement to charcoal, allowing chefs to infuse their dishes with a smoky essence. Whether it's enhancing the richness of grilled meats, adding a hint of fruitiness to seafood, or lending a distinct smoky undertone to vegetables, Big K's Smoking Wood Chunks and Chips offer

Discover the art of flavour infusion with Big K's Smoking Wood Chunks and Chips. For more information call 0208 808 6336 for deliveries with M25 area. For nationwide deliveries call 01366 501 485. SEE THE ADVERT ON PAGE 7.

Blast Chilling is Best When It’s Fast Chilling Williams Refrigeration has released a new version of its reach in blast chillers and blast chiller/freezers which provide significant improvements over previous models. Blast chilling is a key process for cook chill systems, allowing businesses to safely chill and store food in batches before regeneration is required. The new models ensure chilling food safety regulations are followed by rapidly chilling food through the danger zone where harmful bacteria can grow, to a safe storage temperature. The new models help to protect food by lowering it from +90°C through the danger zone where harmful bacteria can grow to a safe storage temperature. The range now uses natural hydrocarbon refrigerant which has low Global Warming Potential and zero Ozone Depletion Potential. As the charge is less than 150g it falls beneath the threshold for hydrocarbon equipment, which means there’s no need for costly insurance or zone control and allows it to be installed directly on a cookline. Chilling and freezing times have been reduced compared to previous models, while a powerful food probe sensor can save energy by stopping the cycle as soon as the food reaches the required temperature. The probe can be stored away helping to avoid damage when not in use. A powerful self-regulating system protects the compressors while cooked food is being loaded by cooling down the system before the program cycle is activated. While some manufacturers promote a maximum capacity for their blast chiller/freezers, this is often smaller for freezing than it is for chilling. However, Williams blast chillers have the same capacity regardless of whether it

is being used to freeze or chill. The overall design has been improved, with a sleek new door and the popular, easy to use Williams EasyBlast (WEB) controller. A simple 1-2-3 interface makes it easy for staff to program the cycle, while a clear digital display shows the elapsed time and the food probe temperature. The door can be configured to be either right or left hand hung. A full-length integral door handle provides an easy to use, non-slip grab that is designed to be easy to clean, with no potential dirt traps. The reduction in chilling and freezing times helps to deliver significant savings in energy compared with previous models. Efficiency is further improved by the 75mm high density polyurethane insulation which helps to maintain operating temperature in ambient conditions up to 43°C. Williams blast chiller and chiller/freezer ranges are available in both reach in and roll in models in a variety of capacities. Its new range of reach in models are available from the compact 10kg undercounter unit up to 50kg cabinets while roll in models start from 70kg capacity up to 320kg. List prices for Williams blast chiller freezers start from £6070 for the WBC10. Williams Refrigeration offers a comprehensive range of commercial refrigeration including gastronorm cabinets and counters, specialist bakery equipment, coldrooms, multidecks and blast chillers. To learn more about Williams extensive product range visit

Mayfair Furniture Mayfair Furniture will be celebrating 11 years this year of providing the UK’s fastest and affordable commercial furniture. Supplying all kinds of establishments from high end hotel chains to small local takeaways. We keep in stock a huge variety of items ready for immediate dispatch, and can fulfil a wide range of bespoke orders. We deliver to all areas of the UK, Ireland & Europe.

Design & Refit

Issue 186


ment we also offer a complete clearance service. We'll organise everything from a suitable time and date, professional clearance staff to remove contract furniture whether fitted or unfitted. Along with our sister company Caterfair who provides commercial catering equipment for your kitchens we are the ideal people to speak to when you are looking to refurbish. 01733 310115

We are not just a supplier; we understand that from time to time hospitality and leisure establishments like to give themselves a fresh new look. That's why not only do we supply contract furniture, but when it's time for your establishment to go through a refurbish-

Choose Your Path For Assured, Sustainable Hot Water Restaurants, bars and hotels have an often uniquely business-critical need for hot water to ensure smooth daily operations. With hot water demands generating up to 30% of a business’ daily energy use it is a prime candidate for addressing carbon emissions and climbing operational costs. Unless a new build, which will be electrical-based, most refurbishments will look to either improve on existing gas systems or aim to completely replace them with electrical alternatives, typically heat pumps and/or direct-electric heating. The latest generation of electric boiler, such as Adveco’s ARDENT, offers new levels of resilience, with multiple immersions in a protected sealed indirect loop arrangement that dramatically cuts issues associated with limescale damage in hard water areas. Digital controls and monitoring ensure 24/7 operational service. Adveco Live Metering of the hot water demands of a building is a quick, non-invasive, and extremely costeffective means of gauging needs. It also provides application design which enables owner/managers to develop realistic and sustainable development strategies which deliver active results today with low to no

impact on ongoing operations. The process helps to avoid the common, and costly pitfalls of system oversizing, for immediate capital savings. Combining heat pump pre-heat and electric boilers will cut carbon emissions, by as much as 70% compared to equivalent gas-fired applications, so is a big tick in the box for business sustainability. This does come at a cost currently in terms of operational expense, due to higher electricity costs. So, we would advocate the use of solar thermal which not only helps further reduce carbon, but crucially also reduces the expense associated with operating on both gas or electric. A correctly sized and installed solar thermal system will reduce UK annual energy requirements of a business on average by at least 30%. Southern/western counties could expect to offset most hot water energy demands in the summer months with a solar thermal system. With a less than 10-year return on investment now possible, solar thermal, as a proven renewable should be on any list of net zero technologies being considered as part of a wider sustainability strategy.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising




Design & Refit

Issue 186

Cult Furniture Cult Furniture is a renowned furniture brand that offers a wide range of products suitable for bar venues. Our Cult Trade collection encompasses a variety of styles and designs that cater to the diverse needs and aesthetics of the hospitality industry. We are strongly committed to quality and design and draw inspiration from iconic mid-century and contemporary designs, ensuring that products are not only functional but also visually appealing. We frequently update our collections

to stay in tune with the latest trends in interior design, making us a go-to choice for bar owners looking to create a chic and inviting space for their customers. At Cult Trade, we offer bar stools, bar tables, dining chairs, dining tables, ceiling lights as well as other accessories to complete your style. We offer a diverse range of stylish furniture which allows bar owners to curate a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing interior that aligns with their unique vision and branding. Our products are

New Year, New Look 2024 is fast approaching and it is a fantastic opportunity to give your hospitality site a fresh look that works hard for you and your customers in the upcoming year. Woodberry are sharing some tips so that you can plan and get your hospitality venue to work harder for you in 2024.

CREATE ZONES Creating different zones with demographic appropriate furniture is a fantastic way to cater to your customers different needs. As well as this, it gives you scope to attract a

designed and constructed to meet the highest standards, including Crib-5 certification, ensuring durability and longevity in high-traffic bar environments. Bar owners can trust that their investment in Cult Trade products will stand the test of time. While offering high-quality and stylish furnishings, Cult Trade remains competitively priced, providing bar owners with exceptional value for their investment. This affordability allows for more extensive transformations and improvements within budget constraints. We are

different customer demographic. You can create different zones by using different items of furniture. For example, bar height furniture will appeal more to a younger demographic visiting for a drink whereas armchairs and tables will appeal to older customers.

INVEST IN HIGH QUALITY AND EASYCLEAN FURNITURE Investing in high quality and easy-clean furniture will mean that your investment will last longer without a lot of maintenance. It will also mean that staff are not having to spend too much time cleaning furniture during busy trade times.

BE BOLD Businesses are becoming more aware of social media for growth. Having a bold or unique interior is a great way to encourage visitors to share photos of your establishment. You may decide to get furniture that is bespoke to your brands colours or have a feature wall with a unique design. Woodberry offer a wide range of colourful chairs with upholstery options and colourful pedestal tables for a unique look. The Woodberry team are keen to help you find the best products for your establishment. We offer a variety of quality indoor dining and bar furniture from traditional styles to unique and eye-catching designs. Call our team or discuss your needs or shop online. 01926 889922 SEE THE ADVERT ON THE BACK COVER

dedicated to customer satisfaction, offering excellent trade account management, easy ordering, and reliable delivery options. Our trade membership offers access to exclusive benefits. Join us to enjoy perks only available to Cult Trade members: - Exclusive trade discounts - Bespoke orders - High stock quantities on all of our best sellers - Personal trade manager - 48- hour dispatch time on in-stock items

Visit or see the advert

Get in the Christmas Spirit with Furniture to Cater for Groups

Having the right furniture in place is key to making the most of the busy festive season. Trent Furniture supply a fantastic range of seating designed to look good, while catering from everything from romantic dinners to family gatherings and large office parties. Available in a choice of dark oak, light oak and walnut finishes, the Shaker Table, which currently has 10% - 15% off, is a timelessly stylish choice that will never let you down. The simple four-leg design offers durable stability even in the largest tabletop size of 150cm x 80cm and the corner legs give diners generous leg space. A mix of round, square and rectangular Shaker Tables gives any restaurant or pub a flexible and attractive layout for accommodating diners. The Christmas period often means catering for more guests than usual. Trent Furniture’s great range of folding and stacking tables enables you to create extra dining space without compromising on comfort or style. The clear varnish finish on the plywood top of the American Trestle Table means it can be used with or without tablecloths. Not only

that, the choice of three sizes that can easily be folded away makes it a smart back-up for any venue, and with 10% off now is a great time to buy. The Semi Circle Folding Table is another excellent option for offering different layouts and making the most of your venue’s capacity. Trent Furniture’s fantastic range of restaurant chairs pairs perfectly with the versatile Shaker Table. The faux leather or fabric Sorrento Chair (currently with 10 – 16% off) and the Boston Chair are popular choices. When extra chairs are needed, stackable banqueting chairs such as the Harrow Steel Stacking Chair, which has 10% off for a limited time, is a stylish and practical choice. To find out more about Trent Furniture’s attractive range of contract grade furniture to cater for Christmas and beyond, please call us on 0116 2989 927 or fill in our contact form.

Design & Refit

New Stock Chair Ranges from ILF email

With the continuing success of the ILF Chairs website, 2023 has seen an increase in their STOCK chairs to 11 ranges available in different Faux and Velvet upholstery and selection of frame colours, plus a 12 colour STOCK range of Egger laminated 25mm table tops in a selection of sizes and colour finishes. A full range of table bases in metal and stainless steel are also kept in STOCK. In addition, ILF now also have a comprehensive range of STOCK outdoor seating and tables to suit all budgets plus real wood table tops and real wood table bases for indoor use. More STOCK ranges coming soon please check the website. Their online website offers both indoor and outdoor

seating and table solutions. Divided into Contemporary seating, Boutique, Lounge Seating, Period Seating, Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height wood tables, creating a great selection of products to view at your leisure. Most made to order indoor seating and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification. Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style. Enquiries can be sent to ILF directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours. ILF hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site.

The World’s First Brushless Industrial Pump From Saniflo Saniflo continues to innovate in the industrial waste pump sector by becoming the first manufacturer to offer a brushless option. The popular Sanicubic 2 Pro Smart is a pumping station designed to lift grey and black waste water from individual properties, small businesses and light commercial premises such as pubs and restaurants. The new brushless version extends the range to three models – the classic, the Pro Smart and the Pro Smart brushless. Widely used already in a variety of products including power tools, boiler pumps and appliances such as lawnmowers, brushless is an advanced technology that improves motor lifespan, product efficiency and reliability. It eliminates the electrical connection to the spinning motor -which can create heat, friction and noise and in the Sanicubic 2 Pro Smart it allows regulation of the motor so it can run at variable speeds. This offers further advantages including: • Energy saving of up to 30% • High efficiency

• High torque and thus better grinding quality • Lower noise The Sanicubic is widely used in the hospitality sector to discharge grey and black waste water from whole buildings, particularly those where change of use has occurred. The unit has multiple connections for connections to kitchen and WC areas. Single and three phase versions are available as well as models with single or double pumps. The new brushless pumps are highly suitable for businesses in the hospitality sector, particularly given the potential savings in energy. Tim Pestell, Managing Director of Saniflo, believes the new technology will have strong appeal for commercial businesses in particular; “As pioneer of the macerator concept, Saniflo, true to form, is now pioneering the use of new brushless technology in lifting stations. We believe it will be a popular option with customers installing pumps for industrial projects.” For further information visit

Issue 186





Issue 186

Property and Professional

Great Potential for Hotels in 2024

seeking their own ventures. Currently we are seeing a particular interest in hotels and properties with letting bedrooms, especially in rural and semirural areas as buyers can profit from surrounding affluent villages. In the present economic market, there are numerous reasons for this increase in interest from vendors as the segment experiences huge consumer demand for British hospitality. Following the pandemic, the hotel industry showed its durability with its fast recovery and demand levels remained consistent throughout. The resumption of business travel, weddings, and leisure travel has continued to boost demand for inns and hotels. Freehouses have a unique opportunity to diversify by providing letting rooms to benefit from more income security. Tenants can alter room rates to provide protection from rising inflation as they can be adjusted each day. Again, being flexible as a commercial property, hotels can adapt through branding and a change in management to encourage demand and ensure profit.

We, at Sidney Phillips, are currently experiencing high demand for licensed properties - in particular those providing accommodation, despite the present state of the economy. Interest rates have consecutively risen for 14 months up to the current rate of 5.25%, which is the highest in 15 years. With increasing interest rates we would expect the market to suffer, with less investment in commercial property, however, there has not been a notable fall in either demand or prices for our listings.

Commercial property remains so resilient because it is versatile to changes in the market. This has been proven following the pandemic, despite the rise in the cost of living. The adaptability of this type of property remains a key strength as owners can easily adapt their business’s use and purpose to changes in customer demand. An example of this is the increasing number of gastropubs appearing as customers want good quality food at good prices, in a relaxed and comfortable environment. Furthermore, with typically longerterm leases than residential property, freehold owners are provided with committed tenants, ensuring increased financial security with a stable and greater income. This enables higher rent than residential property fuelled by the opportunity for tenants to make profits. In this way, commercial properties can sustain appreciation of long-term value and have healthy cash flow positions, making them less reactive to the increasing interest rates we see now.

2024 hopes to bring even more positive news for the commercial property market where we expect to see a continued rise in the rental market for public houses and for free of tie leases. As well as further demand for properties with accommodation, including hotels, properties with rooms to let, campsites, and guest houses. Call 01981 250333 for more information

The industry continues to draw in first-time buyers, particularly those with management or chef experience

Why Use a Specialist Hospitality Consultant?

wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business.

Answer: because we can help your business to succeed.

With over 30 years of industry experience in the Hospitality sector, The Bowden Group’s Managing Consultant David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements:

Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter, your Restaurant Consultant, will work on with you, and improve with you.


Profitability, Operational Strategy, Staff Management, Marketing and The Future of your business.

Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever. From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Service and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development.



Our experts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available. We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business. The largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost, so, with detailed analysis of your

We will help you build a workable, planned Marketing Strategy. From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online advertising, to print design, Promotions and offline advertising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’. If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better, give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a ‘’Free of Charge’’ initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer), when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you.






Stunning Country Village Inn

Award Winning Free Of Tie Inn

Renowned Country Inn With 6 Acres

3 High Quality Letting Rooms

Trade Areas (60+), Catering Kitchens

8 Letting Rooms & Letting Cottage

Character Trade Areas (64+)

3/4 Impressive Letting Rooms

Bar & Restaurant Areas 150+

External Seating (98+) & Parking

2/3 Bed Owners Apartment

Free Of Tie Leasehold Opportunity

New Free Of Tie Lease Opportunity

Exceptionally High Trade Levels

Sales In Excess Of £500,000 Net





LH £99,750



Stunning Free Of Tie Bar

Established Licensed Restaurant

Licensed Restaurant & Bar

68+ Seats Inside, 80 Seats Outside

Much Sought After Location

Desirable & Vibrant Location

Exceptional High Quality Business

44+ Covers, Newly Fitted Kitchens

42 Seats Inside, 18 Seats Outside

Impressive Levels Of Trade

Prominent Trading Position

First Class Purpose Fitted Unit

Unique Stylish Business Opportunity

Excellent Reputation & Reviews

New Free Of Tie Lease Available


LH £75,000


LH £35,000



REF: 4721

PRICE: £48,000


REF: 4073

• Long Established Licenced Café/Bistro in Superb Trading Location • Stylishly Decorated with Internal Seating for Circa 45 • Benefitting from Outside Seating for 6 • Well Equipped Commercial Kitchen • Huge Potential to Expand on Current Trade


PRICE: £79,000


REF: 3853

• Stunning Coastal Pub Situated in the Beautiful Heybrook Bay. • South Facing Outside Terraces, with 180 Degree Sea Views. • Two Fully Refurbished Owner’s/Letting Apartments. • Fully Refurbished One Bed Staff/Manager’s Flat. • Very Profitable Business with Huge Potential to Push Revenue Further.



Village Store & Tea Gardens

Exceptional 78 Cover Restaurant

Freehold Pub Investment

Spacious 4 Bedroom Family Home

Superbly Presented Throughout

Detached Village Inn

Easy Lifestyle Hours

Currently Run Under Management

Rental Income Of £18,000

Gardens With Stables & Garage

Owners/Managers Apartment

Lease With 11 Years Unexpired

Potential To Develop Business

Substantial Trade and Profits

For The Attention Of Investors

DUCHY LH £325,000


LH £189,500



FH £195,000


01392 201262

PRICE: £75,000





• Delightful Cafe in Sought After Location of Totnes • Quietly Trading to Suit Current Owner/Operators • Profitable Business with Further Potential • Trade Area Seating up to 34, Bespoke Servery, Kitchen • Car Parking for 1 Car



LH £115,000

PRICE: £575,000

• Substantial Character Pub with 3 sets of Versatile Living Accommodation • Successful Business with Strong Net Profit, Recently Trading on Limited Hours • 2 Main Atmospheric Trading Areas with Function Room/Skittle Alley • Pretty Private Garden, Roof Terrace & Car Park • Fantastic Opportunity - Would Suit Multi-Generational Family


• Stunning 17th Century Traditional Cornish Inn. • Successful Business, Oozing with Character and Atmosphere. • 2 Welcoming Trading Areas, Well Equipped Commercial Kitchen. • Attractive Owner's Accommodation. • Outside Seating Areas with Sunny Aspect & Car Park.


REF: 4711

• A Delightful Café & Takeaway with Commercial Kitchen • Busy Main Road Location Close to Tourist Attractions & Campsites • Popular Early Morning Breakfast Venue with Busy Local Lunch Trade • Internal Seating for 14, Outside Seating for 12 • Ideal Opportunity for Owner Operator


PRICE: £37,995


REF: 4731


• Established Cafe in the Sought After Town • Offering a Variety of Coffee Beans & Strength to Drink in or Purchase • Straightforward Menu • Social Opening Hours with Potential to Extend • Subtle Interior Décor with Seating for 40, Outside Seating for 4

OFFERS IN THE REGION OF £70,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4520 • Charming ‘Free of Tie’ Country Inn Situated in the Beautiful South Hams. • Traditional Pub with a Contemporary Style & 5 First Class En-Suite Letting Rooms. • 2 Character Main Trading Areas, Commercial Kitchen & ‘Back of House’ Space. • Secondary Outside Bar, Trading Outside Terrace & Newly Installed Pergola. • Beer Garden with Uninterrupted Views of the Rolling Countryside & Car Park.



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Sidney Phillips is a company of Chartered Surveyors established in 1898. We offer national coverage via a network of regional branches. We deal with sales, acquisitions, and finance of licensed businesses.


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Issue 186

Property and Professional

Best Practice Property Disposal By Paul Johnson, Head of Corporate Sales at Leaders Romans Group (LRG) ( Hospitality was the sector most affected by the pandemic and many businesses were forced to take out loans to continue. In many cases, consistently rising interest rates have compounded that debt.

Determining the best marketing price is also impacted by the owner’s priorities in terms of timing: some will opt for a quick sale as an opportunity to move on, whereas others will decide to hold out for the best price or a potential uptake in demand. An understanding of the market is crucial, and so we would always recommend that when any property valuation is by an RICS qualified valuer.

PWC’s Hotels Forecast 2022 – 2023 precited that real terms growth is likely to fall by -0.6% to -9.4% for all UK regions except London, due to continued volatility of trading conditions and rising operational costs.

Understandably a concern about selling is that the chain may break and all progress will be lost. So bear in mind that there are companies which provide a guaranteed sale. Although full market value is not necessarily achieved, many offer an additional payment if they are able to sell within a defined time or price bracket.

Many hotel and catering businesses are being repurposed or restructured. Faced with a rapidly changing landscape and a variety of potential scenarios, some of which may be unfamiliar, it is important that business owners with substantial property assets consider the variety of options carefully to gain maximum return.


Our Corporate Sales division advises on options for property disposal – and options to avoid it where possible. This takes into account timeframes, adversity to risk and flexibility.

REVIEW THE OPTIONS A viability study is the first step. This involves ascertaining current market values, proposed disposal options and understanding the demographics of best target market and future investment values/yields. A valuation will determine whether any sale should be structured as a portfolio investment, or marketed as individual assets. Many larger hotels will have the potential to be sold as separate businesses – for example, a health spa may be sold separately, retaining the central services of the hotel as a business in its own right. External factors and changing propensity to risk as the situation evolves will invariably impact on these decisions and, economic circumstances may change – so reviews are best revisited regularly.

EQUITY RELEASE THROUGH PROPERTY / PROPERTY SALE If a sale is considered the best route, the price achieved can be considerably increased if the asset is stabilised prior to the sale. This might involve securing business rates rebates, or overseeing maintenance and repair obligations, licensing and regulatory requirements.

Depending on timing and resources, there is considerable value in investing to increase the value of a hotel. For example, if a hotel has substantial grounds, this might involve seeking planning consent for additional buildings. Another planning route is change of use. Change from commercial to residential may result in a much more favourable price being achieved. Alternatively it might return the asset to a more viable position and provide a new income stream for the existing owner. Change of use can now be achieved through permitted development rights. Amendments to planning legislation were introduced during Covid specifically to help struggling businesses. Class E was created to assimilate a number of previously separate planning use classes (shops, financial and professional services, food and drink; office space; clinics, health centres, creches, day nurseries, and day centres; gyms and most indoor recreations, and research and development or light industrial town centre use). This enables those individual uses to be changed, providing they remain within Class E, without the need for a full planning application. In 2021 legislation enabled a Class E building to be changed to residential use, again without the need of a planning application (providing certain conditions are met). So a restaurant or hotel can be changed into a home with a relatively straightforward planning process.

LEASEHOLD ARRANGEMENTS Finally, whether the use of the building changes or remains, there may be tenants in place. A property consultancy can negotiate new leases and tenancy agreements as necessary, protecting the interests of both parties and ensuring minimal disruption. It is important to note that existing leases can impact substantially on viability, and so a review of leases is a necessity. The same applies to any outstanding rent or other debts. Selling a business or a property asset can be difficult for anyone, and so its important to get the right advice, from the strategic overview, to the detail of the sale.

The Hidden Costs of the Visa Fee Increase for the UK’s Hospitality Industry

By Michael Clitheroe, General Manager of Balmer Lawn Hotel and Spa ( This October marked a turning point for the United Kingdom's hospitality sector, as it contends with the far-reaching consequences of a hike in visa fees. In July of this year, the UK government announced an overhaul of visa fees, causing frustration across both the travel and work visa spectrum. These changes, enacted at the outset of October, brought with them a 15% uptick in work and visitor visa charges, a 35% surge in student visa fees for overseas applicants, and a minimum of a 20% rise in fees associated with settlement and British citizenship applications.

The impending visa fee increase poses a considerable conundrum for the UK's hospitality sector, exacerbating the myriad challenges it already faces. The industry has been struggling with severe labour shortages, compounded by the twin blows of Brexit and the enduring COVID-19 pandemic. According to UKHospitality, its member establishments currently grapple with an 11% job vacancy rate, while data from the ONS reveals an astounding 132,000 vacant positions within the sector, representing a staggering 48% increase compared to pre-pandemic levels. The recent rise in visa fees only serves to complicate these issues further. The heightened financial barriers may deter prospective skilled workers from considering the UK as an attractive employment destination, exacerbating the existing scarcity of a workforce already stretched thin. It is entirely plausible that these skilled professionals might opt for countries boasting more accommodating immigration policies and less onerous financial demands.

Drawing attention to this issue, John Dickie, the chief executive of BusinessLDN – a representative body for more than 175 Londonbased employers, wrote a letter to the Prime Minister in August. He explained the UK's pre-existing reputation for having some of the world's most expensive work visas, sounding the alarm about the implications of this further increase.

Independent hotels, operating on smaller budgets compared to their larger chain counterparts, find themselves particularly vulnerable. The substantial surge in visa fees will exert financial pressure on these establishments, potentially compromising their ability to attract skilled workers – especially those from overseas. Such financial constraints could subsequently impede their capacity to deliver the level of quality service that distinguishes the industry.

Consider, for instance, the application fee for a Skilled Worker Visa exceeding three years' duration, previously standing at £1,235. Under the newly introduced regulations, this figure escalates to approximately £1,480. While this may appear to be a marginal rise on the surface, it masks the wider financial burdens confronting skilled workers.

The hospitality sector has persistently advocated for revisions to the government's immigration policy, shaped in the aftermath of the UK's departure from the European Union. This plea is rooted in the belief that the existing policy framework is ill-suited to the post-COVID world. However, despite ongoing appeals to revise the 'Shortage Occupation List', these calls have often met with resistance, hampering the industry's capacity to meaningfully address its persistent workforce shortages.

Prior to this adjustment, these visa fees often retained a competitive edge within the broader market, especially when weighed against the charges levied by recruitment agencies for local hires. Their worth became even more evident when factoring in the extended duration of these employment relationships, which frequently spanned several years. However, lurking beneath the surface is a pertinent concern – the potential destabilisation of a recruitment channel that has proven to be both reliable and enduring for the industry.

Furthermore, diversity has long been celebrated as a cornerstone of creativity, innovation, and excellence in the realm of food and service within the hospitality sector. Yet, as visa costs continue to rise, a shadow of apprehension looms over this invaluable source of diversity. Whether it's language proficiency, culinary innovation, inclusivity, or cultural sensitivity, the advantages of a diverse workforce are indispensable to the industry.

As Mr Dickie explained in his letter to the Prime Minister, the escalating Immigration Health Surcharge, a substantial financial obligation for migrant workers, is set to soar from £624 to £1,035 per adult per year. When coupled with supplementary costs like the Immigration Skills Charge, the cumulative expenditure incurred in bringing a single skilled worker to the UK will creep closer to the £10,000 mark.

To safeguard the continued growth and prosperity of the hospitality sector, industry stakeholders must actively champion immigration policies that extend a welcoming hand to international employees and recognise the profound contributions they make. By engaging constructively with their local MPs and presenting evidence-based arguments against visa fee escalations, stakeholders can encourage policymakers to acknowledge the pivotal role skilled immigration has played in the industry's success and overall guest satisfaction.


Issue 186



Avoiding a Scrum at the Bar; Last Minute Hospitality Talent Will Be Needed During the Rugby World Cup

By Florent Malbranche, CEO and Co-founder, Brigad (

Just as finishers in rugby are strategic reinforcements to get a team through the most challenging parts of a match, integrating freelance hospitality talent into your team can also successfully raise your business game. The Six Nations Rugby Tournament earlier in the year drove pub footfall up by a third and beer sales to over 17 million pints on match Saturdays. This year’s Rugby World Cup promises to be one of the most popular ever with fans, given that the matches are scheduled for the afternoons and evenings for UK viewers. 15 million people in the UK watched England beat Australia in the 2003 final - and that was mid morning in the UK. So, we can expect even more fan fervour if the home teams do well in this year’s tournament, which promises to be a bonanza for the UK hospitality trade. How can you reinforce your team with competent workers, whilst also wasting as little time as possible? Should you turn to temping agencies, hire on a short-term contract, or call in casual staff to temporarily beef up your teams? Perhaps the best solution is a freelancer. Freelance jobs are, by nature, ever-evolving, and freelancers have to deliver quality and reliability in order to ensure longevity in their business venture. This extra drive is incredibly important in industries where a general lack of motivation invariably leads to lower-quality service and delivery. Of course, the aim is not to completely replace your existing salaried staff with freelancers. Quite the opposite. Freelancers offer the possibility to support and reinforce existing teams. Every organisation in the service industry needs a permanent team that knows the place like the back of its hand, but finding dependable extra staff to complement the team at periods of exceptionally high demand can be tricky.

Since 2016, hospitality freelancing platform and app Brigad has enabled thousands of high quality hospitality businesses in London, Birmingham and Manchester - from the Berkeley Hotel to a raft of passionate independent cafes, restaurants and pubs - to connect with the best self-employed hospitality professionals for this blended approach. Brigad gives the same advice to every business that they support: recruit and train a permanent team that represents your business best, and when you need to, call for backup from a talented self-employed professional. These people bring a new injection of energy and passion about their career or craft, and are experienced enough to gel with existing teams for a short time to help with staff shortages. In the hospitality industry, every second saved is important. So, to avoid wasting time, Brigad puts you in contact with qualified freelancers for your short-term personnel needs. All profiles are verified and approved by our team in advance. Calling in a freelancer who can hit the ground running saves you precious time. For a restaurant owner, that means less time taken away from looking after your customers. There are parallels between sport and business. The sport of rugby has already shifted its approach from mere ‘substitutes’ to ‘finishers’, highly skilled individuals that bring a specific expertise on a flexible basis to relieve or complement the team. Hospitality businesses would be wise to draw inspiration from it: the best performing businesses are now the ones who are agile and reactive enough to adapt their team strategy, depending on the events happening. And in this new paradigm, new solutions such as Brigad are emerging, enabling them to manage a blended workforce. Time is precious, but it only takes around 3 minutes to post a mission on the Brigad app, and 80% of missions posted are accepted in less than 2 hours. Be prepared for the Rugby World Cup and secure support to maximise takings during this busy period. To book last minute talent now, email:

Are You A Chef Looking for A Work-Life Balance? Work-life balance are three words that do not often come up in a chef’s vocabulary but are regularly used by the chefs employed by Care UK. Care UK are currently looking for chefs of all levels to work in our care homes across the UK. We are looking for people who want to make a difference to residents’ lives every day. When you join Care UK, you’ll be joining a team who all share the same values: caring, passionate and teamwork. Life as a chef with us means that you will be preparing rosette level dishes in our stateof-the-art kitchens using fresh ingredients, for our residents and their families. We also have an exceptional track record in catering team career progression with countless

examples of chefs progressing from sous chef level to head chef positions. We have our own Catering Academy to provide excellent training and induction programs for all new Catering Staff and we will give you all that’s needed to have a successful career as a Chef with us. Our high quality, innovative training and coaching will support the development of your skills throughout your career with us. We are committed to recruiting diverse, talented people, who share our passion for helping others. We see the potential in everyone, let us help fulfil yours. You can find out more about our rewarding careers by visiting

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