CLH Digital - Issue #198

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MPs Back Calls to Support Hospitality Businesses

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'Special Treatment' Need for Hospitality Over VAT

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The campaign for a cut in hospitality VAT received “resounding support” in parliament this week as MPs reported that the sector is “screaming out that VAT is too high”. The comment was made in a debate earlier this week (January 31) on ‘fiscal support for the hospitality sector’, where several MPs made their feelings known.

In a Westminster Hall Debate on ‘fiscal support for the hospitality sector’, secured by Alyn Smith, MP for Stirling (Scottish National Party), there was broad agreement from MPs that the sector was in need of further backing by the Government.




Issue 198

Editor's Viewpoint

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital A Call to Arms for the Hospitality Sector


The campaign to reduce VAT in the hospitality sector, a long arduous and frustrating campaign, has taken a huge step forward this week with a debate in Parliament (as seen in our lead story).

RBC Publishing Ltd 3 Carlton Mount 2 Cranborne Road Bournemouth Dorset BH2 5BR

This week saw a resounding call for change echoing through the chambers of Westminster as Alyn Smith, MP for Stirling, tabled a debate supported by crossparty MPs.


Peter Adams


The rallying cry? A plea to the government to cut VAT on food, soft drinks, and alcohol to a mere 5%. This, alongside a comprehensive package of reforms and support, aims to be the lifeboat for a sector drowning in the turbulent waters of the cost-of-living crisis.

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The hospitality industry, as we have often said, is a cornerstone of the UK's cultural and economic tapestry and is under severe threat, with high taxes being the main culprit. The alarming statistics as can be seen in this issue speak volumes – 23,000 licensed premises shuttered since the onset of the pandemic, with a staggering 6,000 closures in 2023 alone, according to CGA. These are not mere numbers; they are the lifeblood of our communities, the heartbeat of social interaction, and the livelihoods of many hardworking individuals. It was refreshing to see cross-party support Steve Double, MP for St Austell and Newquay, Tim Farron and Tobias Elwood, Rachael Maskell, MP for York Central among others, adding their weight to the cause, emphasizing the urgency of action. Better late than never, it is refreshing to see these MPs recognising the necessity of immediate intervention to salvage an industry grappling with unprecedented challenges. Consider the magnitude of the crisis: the beer and pub sector alone contributes 936,000 jobs and £26 billion to the UK economy. In Scotland, this translates to 62,000 jobs and £1.8 billion in tax receipts. Zoom out, and the wider hospitality sector employs 3.5 million people, generating a staggering £54 billion in tax receipts. Yet, high VAT rates are dealing a severe blow to this economic powerhouse, tying one hand behind the sector is back in its ability to function. The closures are not merely a loss for the sector and local communities; they equate to lost revenue for the Treasury. The impending point of no return looms large, demanding

@CLHNews immediate and decisive action. And I very much hope operators at the coalface step up and support the campaign. The sector is fortunate to have dedicated and high profile organisations and spokespeople, who have done a magnificent job in keeping the pressure on the government however it cannot all be left to them.

EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson

Download the CLH NEWS poster advocating for a VAT reduction, display it in your venues, and rally your patrons to join the campaign. March's UK budget is the battleground, and it’s time for voices at the coalface to be heard! The poster will be going live soon, so watch our website at


Lobby your MPs, write to the Chancellor, and let your collective voice be the force that propels the change our industry so desperately needs.

Charlene Fox

Once more I would ask you to please do follow us on Twitter, and encourage as many people you know in the trade to sign up to our digital issue, further details can be seen at

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Therefore, we implore operators in the hospitality and licensed on-trade in the lead up to Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s budget to get involved!

The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, 3 Carlton Mount, 2 Cranborne Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 5BR. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.

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CLH Digital

Issue 198


MPs Back Calls to Support Hospitality Businesses (CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER)

reform of business rates for the hospitality sector to reduce the burden of that particular tax.”

Many MPs echoed UKHospitality’s key asks ahead of the Budget, including a lower rate of VAT, addressing business rates increases due in April and wider reform of business rates.

Tim Farron, MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale (Liberal Democrat), said: “I really hope the Minister will listen and bring in the actions we need. All we’re asking you to do, Minister, is back a sector that will boost our economy to the tune of billions more.

Stirling MP Alyn Smith pleaded with UK Government Ministers to cut VAT on food, soft drinks and alcohol to 5%, alongside a wider package of reforms and support aimed at shoring up the sector as it weathers the cost of living crisis.

Rachael Maskell, MP for York Central (Labour), said: “The hospitality sector is at the sharp end of all markets sensitivities. It feels every economic challenge acutely. The sector needs support.”

Mr Smith urged administrators at UK, Scottish and local level to start taking the plight of hospitality businesses seriously, and apply rapid, targeted support for an industry that is ‘vital to so many communities’.

PUBS VITAL ROLE “Our pubs, restaurants, hotels and cafes play a vital role in our communities – they keep our high streets busy, they’re community hubs, they give us a sense of place and purpose,” Smith told the House of Commons. “Particularly in rural communities, if the pub or cafe goes they just become dormitories. Hospitality promotes social mobility – how many of us had our first job in the local bar or restaurant, pulling pints, waiting tables or doing dishes? “Both the UK and Scottish Governments, along with local authorities, must wake up and realise the calamity facing the sector – the beer and pub sector alone accounts for 936,000 jobs and £26 billion to the economy UK-wide – in Scotland that’s 62,000 jobs and £1.8 billion in tax receipts. “The wider hospitality sector employs 3.5 million people in one-form or another – that’s £54 billion in tax receipts,” he stressed. “These businesses are at the sharp end of an economic crisis not of their making, and it is the duty of government to step up, step in and prevent a vital pillar of the UK economy from falling over.” A VAT cut to 5% on food, soft drinks and alcohol would bring the UK closer to EU averages, argued Smith, who said such a measure would be ‘bureaucratically slim’, based on turnover, and could be deployed quickly. “So, what am I calling for? If you remember only two words from me today, it is cut VAT.”

CLOSURES MOUNT This latest call for action follows the release of new data which revealed that more than 6,000 venues closed in 2023, bringing total closures since the pandemic to almost 23,000. The figures, from the Hospitality Market Monitor from CGA by NIQ and AlixPartners, reveal the intense pressures being faced by hospitality businesses, as they contend with a cost of doing business crisis. Relentless cost pressures and an unsustainable tax burden on hospitality businesses have stymied investment in the sector, with the data revealing new openings in the sector have reduced for the third year in a row. UKHospitality has three critical asks of the Chancellor at the Budget to provide vital support for businesses and generate much-needed investment: • A 3% cap on business rates increases – the proposed 6.7% increase to business rates for up to 20,000 hospitality businesses will push yet more businesses to failure. For those that survive, it will simply divert spending earmarked for investment into the higher rates payments. • Temporary changes to employer National Insurance Contributions – a cut in the lower rate of employer NICs to 10% and increasing the threshold at which contributions are made by the employer will help businesses manage the increase in the National Living Wage. • A lower rate of VAT for hospitality, leisure and tourism – a 12.5% VAT rate is proven to boost demand, generate revenue and keep prices low. It is the single greatest catalyst for growth in hospitality, with 70% of businesses passing through reduced prices to customers.


CROSS PARTY SUPPORT Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, said: “It was excellent to see so many MPs attend the debate today, responding to our calls and those of hundreds of hospitality businesses that urged them to do so.

Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, added:“These stark closure figures underline the seismic challenges facing hospitality businesses. It is now a case of supporting the sector or losing many businesses for good.

“It’s evident from the debate that MPs recognise the challenges facing the sector and back our calls for urgent action. There was particular cross-party support to lower the rate of VAT and reform business rates – all priority asks of ours.

“It’s clear that endless price rises and an ever-growing tax burden has left businesses on the cliff-edge, and has deterred investment. Venues have had no choice but to use their cash reserves to pay bills, keep the lights on and help people remain in jobs, instead of investing in and growing their businesses.

“I hope the strength of feeling shown today is heard loud and clear by the Government and that they take the necessary action in the Budget to help this strategically important sector.”

“This is unsustainable. Cities, towns and villages are being robbed of vital assets that are essential to our local economies, but more importantly to the wellbeing of local communities.


“With the right action from Government, this can be a short-term blip and the sector can fulfil its potential in driving economic growth, attracting investment and creating jobs.

Tobias Ellwood, MP for Bournemouth East (Conservative), said: “My simple, but critical, call to action today is please listen to the hospitality sector, who are screaming out that VAT is too high. Please reconsider the decision to raise VAT to 20%, otherwise you will face ever more business closures and subsequently raise less tax for the Exchequer.” Steve Double, MP for St Austell and Newquay (Conservative), said: “I think we need more fundamental

“Measures to help reduce business rates and wage bills will help businesses immediately, while a lower rate of VAT will benefit the nation, businesses and consumers for decades to come. “I urge the Chancellor to recognise the perilous situation that lay in front of him and act now to protect businesses that truly deliver back to communities, in every part of the country.”

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Riding the Waves: What’s Up for UK Hospitality in 2024? 4

Issue 198

CLH Digital

By Rebeca Kelly, CEO and founder, VenueScanner (

The last few years have certainly been a wild ride for UK hospitality. From rising costs to staff shortages and changing customer habits, there’s no denying it has been a challenging time. In fact according to UKHospitality, only 29 percent of hospitality businesses feel optimistic about the next year Despite these challenges however, the industry is holding its own. Kate Nicholls, chief executive of UKHospitality, rightly points out that the sector has created over 20 percent of new jobs in the past year, showing incredible resilience. And data from our platform also reveals there are more positive times on the horizon. Year after year, we are seeing a steady increase in venue demand and for businesses savvy enough to ride the current booking trends, there is a real opportunity to thrive this year. Let’s take a look at what 2024 has in store.


ny away day bookings in London alone. This surge spells out a massive opportunity for event venues that are able to diversify their space and position themselves not just as event spaces but as the go-to spots for unique, memorable, and awesome offsite events.

CONFERENCES ARE ON THE UP The hunt for conference venues is heating up in the business world. While hotels remain a popular choice, there’s a growing appetite for more unconventional spaces to host company gatherings. London’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are leading the charge, exploring options beyond traditional conference rooms. Warehouses, galleries, and studios are making waves, alongside the tried-and-true charm of bars and restaurants. The rise of remote-first businesses has added a new twist, with a surge in demand for affordable meeting spaces and hot desking spots for teams to reunite in person as well.

A MOVE TOWARDS BARS, RESTAURANTS, AND EXPERIENCE VENUES Businesses are increasingly turning to more unconventional spaces for their meetings and other company gatherings. In Edinburgh, for example, bars and restaurants are stealing the spotlight, accounting for three times more business bookings than their hotel counterparts.

Party bookings have skyrocketed three-fold since pre-Covid. Bars and restaurants are stealing the show as the go-to spots for throwing a bash, and guess what’s topping the charts? Christmas parties. Businesses are all about celebrating the festive season, making it the hottest event type in town.

This shift is more than a change in scenery; it’s a testament to the growing desire for unique and engaging spaces that go beyond the traditional boardroom. As businesses seek to make a statement and create memorable experiences, the rise of non-traditional venues is rewriting the playbook for corporate events.

For bars and restaurants, this is more than just a fun fact – it’s a golden opportunity. With party bookings on the rise, there’s a chance to shout it from the rooftops. Focusing on party (especially Christmas party) bookings can be the secret to raking in higher revenues and tackling increasing costs this year.


COMPANY AWAY DAY BOOKINGS UP 30% As the business landscape evolves with more hybrid work, the hunger for face-to-face connections among colleagues is real. Enter the era of increased demand for company offsites, spanning from one-day affairs to multi-day extravaganzas with overnight stays. The result? A whopping 30 percent year-on-year spike in compa-

In the face of formidable challenges, the future growth of the UK’s hospitality businesses hinges on a crucial strategy: diversification. In a climate where consumer spending is taking a hit, our data reveals the opportunity lies in B2B bookings for venues this year. Those diversifying their spaces for business offerings are not just increasing foot traffic but also filling up more of their downtime. This strategic shift is poised to be a game-changer, especially in the mission to safeguard and boost revenues in the coming year.

SIBA Business Award 2024 Entry Deadline Extended to 12th February The Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) have today announced an extension to the entry deadline for the the SIBA Business Awards 2024, with the final entry deadline now set for 5pm Monday 12th February.

to the mutual benefit of all involved. This could be a beer collaboration, product line, new business venture, festival or event partnership, and judges will be looking for innovative, exciting collaborations that capture the imagination of their target audience.

"In response to requests from members we have decided to extend the entry deadline by a further eleven days, giving entrants until close of play monday the 12th February, to ensure all the companies wishing to enter have the opportunity to do so." Neil Walker, SIBA Business Awards judging chair.

“The independent beer industry is uniquely collaborative and it is this spirit of collaboration which we are seeking to congratulate with the addition of this new category to the SIBA Business Awards 2024. The best collabs deliver something greater than the sum of their parts, and I look forward to seeing what entries this exciting new category attracts.” Neil Walker, SIBA Business Awards Chair of Judges.

The prestigious industry awards - which highlight the UK's best brewing and beer businesses, pubs and retailers - this year include three brand new categories for Best Collaboration, Best New Brewery, and a new SIBA member-voted Brewers’ Brewer of the Year award. The “Brewers’ Brewer of the Year” seeks to highlight the brewer who has had the biggest positive influence on our industry in the last twelve months, either through producing truly outstanding beers, delivering change for the industry, or giving back to the brewing community. “The Brewers’ Brewer of the Year Award is a chance to celebrate an individual who has had a profound impact on the beer industry over the last year, with a positive contribution which reaches beyond their own business to the benefit of the beer industry as a whole.” Neil Walker, SIBA Business Awards Chair of Judges. Also being added for 2024 is a new "Best Collaboration" award that seeks to highlight collaborations which amplify the reach of the businesses involved, appeal to new audiences, or create a commercial success

Another new category for 2024 is the "UK’s Best New Independent Craft Brewery". This award aims to highlight the year’s most exciting and successful new brewery; whose impact on the industry, critical acclaim, or popularity with beer drinkers belies their short time in operation. The SIBA Business Awards seek to congratulate excellence in the brewing industry across a variety of categories, from pump clip, can and bottle design, to efforts taken by brewers to make their business more sustainable, innovative or successful, as well as naming the UK’s best pubs, bars and retailers of craft beer from independent breweries. The SIBA Business Awards 2024 are judged by a panel of industry experts and presented at the UK’s biggest beer and brewing event – BeerX UK in Liverpool, March 2024. For more information about the awards visit

The Perfect Snack for All Your Trade and Hospitality Needs Robert's Dorset provides an unparalleled snack experience that will elevate your trade and hospitality offerings to your customers. At Robert's Dorset, we understand the diverse dietary preferences of your patrons, whether they follow a vegan, keto, or allergen-free lifestyle. Rest assured; our selection of snacks caters for all. As a trusted supplier to independent shops, pubs, and the hospitality industry, we offer a range of sizes in all our products for direct reselling. Our vibrant packaging is designed to catch the eye, while the contents are sure to satisfy. From our stackable pots which optimise your shelf space, and fit most cup holders, to our elegant mason jars which add the "wow factor" to any display. Discover the perfect bar snacks to complement your fine beverages or enhance your guests' welcome baskets with something truly special. WHY CHOOSE ROBERT'S DORSET?

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CLH Digital

Issue 198


Hospitality Sales On The Up, But Significant Challenges Remain New data shows that despite strong sales growth over the Christmas period, the high cost of doing business has forced hospitality businesses to take cost saving measures to maintain profitability. The latest data from Fourth, the leader in workforce and inventory management technology for the hospitality and retail industries, has revealed there was a much-needed improvement in festive trading across the sector in Q4 2023, with net sales revenue growth of +6.1% compared to the same period in 2022.

THE DATA, WHICH IS PULLED FROM A DATABASE OF MORE THAN 700 COMPANIES ACROSS THE RESTAURANT, PUB AND HOTEL SECTORS, REVEALS THAT: • December sales were particularly strong across the industry, with an overall increase of +10.5% versus December 2022 • Sales revenue in pubs declined by -8.7% in November 2023 compared to the previous year, before rising in December to reach an increase of +6.7% above December 2022 figures • In restaurants, sales rose by +2.9% in November 2023 compared to November 2022, and sales were up +6.4% in December 2023 • Weekday trading levels increased across the sector in Q4 2023, with Monday to Thursday sales revenue growing by +4.5% compared to Q4 2022 • Weekend sales also saw an increase, with +1.5% sales growth on Fridays and Saturdays in Q4 2023 Despite these positive sales figures, food price inflation hit 9.1% in Q4 2023, leaving operators little choice other than to raise their prices by an average of 7.1% to offset costs. This move has still resulted in many businesses struggling to stay afloat, with a large number of closures reported at the very start of this year.

Meanwhile, staff headcount continues to trend down across hospitality, having fallen -2% in Q4 2023 compared to Q4 2022. Headcount in pubs decreased -6.0% in December 2023 compared to December 2022, while the number of restaurant workers fell by -2.5%. In contrast, hotels showed modest growth with a rise of +0.8% year-onyear. The proportion of new starters has fallen significantly, dropping 30% in November 2023 versus the previous year. While the festive period typically represents a busy time for recruitment, these figures are likely a reflection of the increased costs of doing business, as operators are reluctant to hire more staff for fear of further eating into their bottom lines. The average number of hours worked has also dropped, and restaurants were the hardest hit with monthly hours worked down by 3.7% year-on-year in December. Hours in pubs also declined, down -0.8% in December 2023 compared to 2022. Hotels were the only sector where hours worked grew in December 2023 compared to the year before, up +0.8%. Sebastien Sepierre, Managing Director – EMEA, Fourth, said: “With the festive trading period being such a crucial time for hospitality, it’s fantastic to see such a significant growth in sales compared to 2022. These figures can hopefully provide operators with a sense of cautious optimism as we head into 2024. “However, the high cost of doing business across the sector continues to be a major concern for operators, who are looking to control costs in an effort to remain profitable during this turbulent economic period. In order to maintain margins, it’s therefore essential that businesses find solutions that will help them to drive efficiencies with labour costs and maximise productivity using leaner teams. Workforce management technology is a crucial tool to help manage costs, forecast demand and boost productivity, which in turn gives operators the ability to focus on ensuring first class customer experiences.”

Proper Pubs Launches Its First Mid-Market Offer

Proper Pubs, the community operator division of Admiral Taverns, has launched its very first mid-market pub concept. The first pub to open to the public will be the Ashby Tavern in Hinckley on Thursday 22nd February, following a £265,000 refurbishment. Proper Pubs has traditionally focussed on value wet-led sites, and whilst the new mid-market concept promises to maintain great value, it will also offer customers something different with an extensive wine list and craft lager. The Ashby Tavern is undergoing a complete transformation to the inside of the pub, including brand new fixtures, fitting, flooring and furniture throughout, along with a raised seating area, to elevate the pub’s look and feel. Outside, the boasts a spacious beer garden seating up to 200 people and will be transformed to become a friendly local for all to enjoy.

Mark Brooke, Director of Proper Pubs, said: “We’re really excited about this new mid-market concept. We’ve been working hard on it over the last few months, and we’re looking forward to seeing it come to life in the Ashby Tavern. Value wet-led will always be the cornerstone of our business, but we see a real opportunity to open up to a different demographic and show them what Proper Pubs is all about. The Ashby Tavern will be a community wet-led pub with a slightly different look and feel to our traditional value sites as well as a different offer. This includes extensive cocktail menus and wine lists, as well as great drinks offers, such as after work cocktail promotions.” The Ashby Tavern is the first of the pubs to launch within the mid-market concept and will be followed by existing Proper Pubs sites, the Brown Cow in Liverpool and the Titwood in Glasgow this year.

Proactivity Will Be The Key To Surviving 2024 for The Hospitality Industry Issue 198


CLH Digital

By Freddy Khalastchi, Business Recovery Partner at business advisory and accountancy firm Menzies LLP ( In the ever-tumultuous landscape of the hospitality and leisure sector, recent news such as the UK’s biggest nightclub operator, Rekom, putting some of its venues into administration perfectly illustrates the profound challenges faced by businesses across the country. While the festive season provided a welcome boost to revenues, over 500 UK pubs closed last year and 750 more are at risk of collapse in the first half of this year alone. The combination of factors from escalating energy prices, soaring rents, higher interest rates, and an augmented minimum wage has created a daunting operating landscape for many. Add to this a strain on turnover - the chief executive of Revolution Bars Group has recently warned that the future of the night-time economy is at risk because of the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on the disposable incomes of young people - and it's evident that establishments are grappling with a perfect storm of challenges. It's crucial to also acknowledge that the ripple effect of any business collapse or venue closure extends far beyond a company’s own boardroom and shareholders. Its impact will be felt by landlords, suppliers and hardworking employees who also stand to be profoundly affected. Consequently, if there is one word that must define 2024 for operators to secure their survival, then, it is proactivity. Doing nothing in these turbulent times is not an option, even if the full extent of the crisis has not yet hit because it takes time for such effects to filter through. Important measures can be taken even now to safeguard businesses and draw a roadmap for survival and revival. Just as important, and to prevent potential personal liability for the directors, if it is clear to the directors of a company that there is no way back then action needs to be taken swiftly. Looking at the example of Rekom a little more closely, the directors appear to have adopted a strategic approach, aiming to shed underperforming venues to strengthen the broader group. Its overall structure, whereby each venue essentially functions as a separate legal entity under the holding company, enables this strategy: there is something to be learned here with regards to optimising business structures for those operators who initially have one successful venue and then wish to grow their operations in the boom times. While the strategy can lead to increased administration costs in the short term, this approach acts as an insurance policy as it can save a business in higher-risk sectors such as hospitality, where adaptability and strategic

decision-making can ensure stability in challenging times. As well as the structure of a business, the implementation of robust financial management practices is a crucial way to maintain resilience. By meticulously forecasting incoming and outgoing cash, for example, businesses can proactively identify potential cash flow gaps and put in place pre-emptive measures. Building collaborative partnerships with suppliers is also imperative at any stage, but particularly in times of financial strain. Open communications and negotiations can lead to extended payment terms, bulk purchase discounts or flexible arrangements that can provide much-needed breathing room. Where short-term relief is needed, operators can consider restructuring options – though these should always be tailored to the unique circumstances of a business. For instance, if a business owns its own freehold or valuable leasehold buildings, sale and leaseback arrangements can unlock capital tied up in property assets, easing immediate financial pressures. It is also important for all businesses to move with the times because it is rare for a formula that worked well even 10 years ago will continue to do so without being tweaked. That said, sometimes hospitality outlets run their course and may not be able to recover from their financial difficulties whatever they do. In such circumstances, it is important to seek financial advice and to review the options available, some of which may not have been thought of by management whose heads are so concentrated in the business that they can’t step back and look at the business independently. On occasions, the stumbling block is a landlord who wants to increase rents while turnover is decreasing. The landlord is unlikely to listen to the tenant but may seriously consider the alternatives if an independent adviser is brought in. If the situation is so grave that a business Is forced to go through an insolvency process then the directors will need good advice to ensure that they do not fall foul of any legislation, thereby opening themselves up to potential recovery actions against them personally instigated by a duly appointed insolvency practitioner. Taking advice from friends who have been through a similar situation previously may cause issues down the line as an insolvency practitioner will always review transactions with the benefit of hindsight. In conclusion, as businesses in the hospitality and leisure sector confront these challenging times, it’s crucial that leaders take a balanced, holistic and, above all, proactive approach to operational and financial management. Through meticulous forward planning, careful cost-cutting, a collaborative relationship with suppliers and a pragmatic approach to restructuring options, with the help of good advisers well versed in this space, operators can position themselves not only to weather the storm but to emerge stronger on the other side.

Luxury Rutland Hotel Welcomes New General Manager to Guide It Through Next Phase Of Growth A luxury Rutland hotel has announced the appointment of a new Director and General Manager with over 30 years of experience, as it looks ahead to a year of substantial growth and development. Rutland Hall Hotel has welcomed Adrian Pickard as its new General Manager, who will use his extensive experience in the hospitality sector to help build on the 4-star lakeside resort’s reputation as a leading destination in the UK. Having joined Rutland Hall Hotel from his previous role as General Manager at The Headland Hotel in Newquay, Cornwall, Adrian will bring a fresh perspective to the role,

drawing on his exceptional skills in transforming operations, enhancing commercial performance, developing teams, and boosting sales and revenue. Speaking on his new role, Adrian said: "I’m absolutely delighted to be joining Rutland Hall Hotel and look forward to working with the amazing team here to ensure that we position the hotel as one of the leading destination resorts within the UK. The upcoming projects, including the launch of the new Pavilion, one of the largest hotel event spaces in the region, and the development plans for a new spa and wellness facility, present exciting opportunities for growth and innovation."

Greene King Toasts A Record-Breaking £3.8m Fundraising Year To Help Those Living with Cancer Pub company and brewer, Greene King, is celebrating another recordbreaking fundraising year for Macmillan Cancer Support, as its team members across its pubs, breweries and support centres raised a phenomenal £3.8million in 2023, up £800k on the previous year, and the highest yearly fundraising total in the history of the partnership. This latest fundraising achievement is the equivalent of £434 raised every hour and in total could fund up to 82,353 Macmillan nursing hours, helping to provide people living with cancer with the support that they need, when they need it most. This vital support is so important to people like Charlotte 46, from Kent, who was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2022. Charlotte discusses the impact her Macmillan nurse had on her own experience: “When I received my diagnosis, my Macmillan nurse was with the consultant when he told me. She stayed and talked to me about the next steps. She helped me make sense of what was happening. She offered support when I had to tell my 16year-old daughter. Macmillan nurses are the life blood of people’s cancer journey. They go above and beyond what is required.” At the beginning of 2023, Greene King pledged its first £1m raised to Macmillan’s Emergency Grants Appeal, supporting those living with cancer with rising cost of living expenses. The brewer and pub company then announced in May that it had reached its first fundraising milestone for the year. From there, fundraising continued to go from strength to strength, with team members around the UK taking on a host of extreme personal challenges such as scaling mountains, hiking and running marathons and tackling the Yr Wyddfa (Snowdonia) Sea to Summit, as well as pub teams hosting local fundraising events, pub quizzes and Macmillan Coffee Mornings throughout the year too.

The smaller donations that happen daily across all of Greene King’s 1,600 pubs, from the £1 dropped into the collection tin on the bar to the 25p donations that are added via Pennies (the online collection tin) have also added to this record result. Nick Mackenzie, Greene King CEO, said: “Every day we see people coming together in our pubs to support one another. This record-breaking fundraising total for Macmillan is a perfect example of this, where our dedicated pub teams have joined forces with our amazing communities to support a cause that is close to the hearts of so many.” “It’s not just the big fundraising events that help draw in the much-needed funds. A large proportion of our fundraising is generated through the smaller donations made via collection tins and Pennies when our customers pay their bill. These little and often donations are not to be underestimated, as they really do add up to make a significant impact.” “The £3.8m raised last year will help Macmillan to continue provide the important support they deliver to people living with cancer, and I know our team members across our pubs and support centres are galvanised and ready to go again in 2024!” Gemma Peters, Chief Executive Officer at Macmillan Cancer Support said: “I am amazed by the incredible amount Greene King raised for us last year. The passion and dedication from the team members, as well as the generosity of Greene King customers, is very special. Their collective ambition to get behind the cause and raise as much money as possible is so inspiring and the funds raised mean even more people living with cancer will receive vital support from Macmillan, at a time when they need it most. To everyone involved, whether it is someone who has taken part in a challenge, hosted a coffee morning or generously donated to a fundraising tin, I cannot thank you enough.”

Mixed Outlook For Hospitality In 2024 After 800 Licensed Premises Lost In Q4 CLH Digital

Britain’s number of licensed premises dropped by 0.8% in the fourth quarter of 2023, the latest Hospitality Market Monitor from CGA by NIQ and AlixPartners reveals.

The figure is equivalent to 803 net closures in three months, or nearly nine per day. It represents an acceleration of closures from the third quarter of last year, when numbers fell by only 0.3%—but it is much healthier than the average of 24 closures a day that the Monitor recorded in mid-2022, when post-COVID business failures were at a peak. The Hospitality Market Monitor from CGA and AlixPartners shows Britain had 99,113 licensed premises at December 2023—nearly 3,000 fewer than 12 months earlier, and 16,000 fewer than at March 2020, the point at which COVID-19 arrived in Britain. The independent sector has been hit particularly hard, with numbers falling by a sixth (16.6%) since early 2020. The latest edition of the Hospitality Market Monitor has a special focus on the pub sector, where the number of premises has plunged by 43.6% over the last 20 years. It indicates that food-led pubs have been relatively resilient, with a 7.6% drop since March 2020, while community and high street pubs have dipped by 11.8% and 11.2% respectively. This reflects the long-term shift in the way people use pubs, and a change in focus from drinking out to eating out. Managed pub groups have achieved growth of 4.2% in that time, while independents (down 14.1%) and leased operators (down 14.4%) have found it harder to recover from COVID lockdowns.

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Karl Chessell, CGA by NIQ’s director – hospitality operators and food, EMEA, said: “Given all the pressures on hospitality in recent months, it is no surprise to see more contraction in site numbers in late 2023. More closures can be expected in the coming months as inflation and labour issues continue to put strain on businesses, and independent operators are particularly vulnerable. However, CGA’s data points to solid trading for managed pubs, bars and restaurants, and likely drops in inflation and interest rates will hopefully ease costs and loosen people’s spending as 2024 goes on. Whether or not this leads to a slowing of closures and a trigger for new openings remains to be seen.”

Graeme Smith, AlixPartners’ managing director, said: “Prevailing economic conditions meant 2023 was a difficult year for many hospitality and leisure businesses. However, it was and clearly remains an uneven market. Well capitalised, well-run establishments in resilient parts of the market enjoyed continued growth through 2023, whereas smaller independent businesses struggled to absorb the increase in operating costs. While the long-term headline-grabbing pub closure rates are on the face of it shocking, they speak to a societal shift, from drinking-out to more food-led occasions. This has happened amid a 20-year structural expansion in food venues across the country. It is a hospitality mega-trend of the first quarter of this century. The other material shift in behaviour in recent times is that of young consumers moving away from large late-night venues, which has left this segment of the market facing a challenge to adapt.

Fullers Report Strong Christmas & New Year Sales Fuller’s has reported sales for the five-week Christmas and New Year period were “particularly strong”, up 21.6% against the same period in 2022, driven by a “great performance” from its pub and hotel teams.

is testament to the hard work, dedication and energy of our amazing team members who pulled out all the stops to ensure our customers had a brilliant Christmas and New Year.”

The pub company said the strong festive trading further builds on the positive momentum experienced across the business over recent months, which has delivered like-for-like sales growth of 11.5% for the 42 weeks to 20 January 2024.

“The business is in great shape. While we continue to see the impact of a challenging economic environment, we are positive about the future and confident of meeting market expectations for the full year. Looking forward, while we face significant rises in the national living wage and business rates, we have exciting plans in place to grow the business. These include a number of high profile, trade-enhancing investment schemes in our existing estate, which will ensure we continue to build on our current momentum.”

Chief executive Simon Emeny said: “I am delighted to see the business continue to deliver strong sales growth. It

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30 Leading Hospitality Companies Set to Attend the Hospitality Apprenticeship Showcase at the House of Commons Minister of State, Department for Work and Pensions, Jo Churchill and Minister of State for Enterprise, Markets and Small Business, Kevin Hollinrake will be addressing the attendees at The Hospitality Apprenticeship Showcase (HAS) on Wednesday 7 February in the House of Commons during National Apprenticeship Week (5-11 February 2024). The Ministers will also take time to meet with employers and apprentices to hear about the roles and opportunities within the sector.

Rt Hon Kelly Tolhurst MP said: “Having attended the Hospitality Apprenticeship Showcase in previous years, I am pleased to be hosting and involved in such an incredible and important event for the hospitality industry. It is great to not only recognise the vast assortment of roles available to those already in or looking to begin in the industry but also celebrate those who have undertaken apprenticeships and learning and development courses to progress within their careers and further their education and skill set.”

The Ministers joins Rt Hon, Alun Cairns MP and Rt Hon Kelly Tolhurst in supporting the showcase that unites individuals and companies across the hospitality industry recognising the outstanding work carried out by apprentices and the wide range of career paths created by employers.

Rt Hon, Alun Cairns MP who chairs the All Party Parliamentary Beer Group and hosts the event said: “The annual Hospitality Apprenticeship Showcase exemplifies the hospitality industry at its best and I am thrilled to be hosting the event once more. Each year we are so impressed by the diverse range of roles showcased by the apprentices and the variety of professional development opportunities available to these individuals. Apprenticeships are a fantastic route into the work market for those that thrive in a hands-on learning environment and the hospitality industry is at the forefront of apprenticeship developments with innumerable opportunities.”

At this year’s event, circa 100 MPs, representing constituencies across the UK will be in attendance to meet with apprentices and company representatives that live and work in their constituencies. These individuals will have the opportunity to discuss the future of hospitality with their MPs and spread awareness of the industry and the vast array of career opportunities that are available within it. On the day, over 100 apprentices from 33 different leading hospitality companies will head to the House of Commons to showcase their skills. The apprentices’ professions vary, and a number of roles will be showcased on the day, from chefs, front-of-house team members and brewers to niche roles of professional support team apprentices, property surveyor apprentices and marketing apprentices. Companies in attendance this year include AB InBev, British Institute of Innkeeping, British Beer and Pub Association, Beds & Bars Ltd, Fuller, Smith and Turner, Greene King PLC, HIT Training, Lifetime Training, Marston’s PLC, Mitchells and Butlers PLC, Nando’s, Stonegate Group, UK Hospitality and Umbrella Training.

In its eight-year history the Hospitality Apprenticeship Showcase has welcomed more than 1,200 apprentices from the hospitality sector to the House of Commons to date celebrating National Apprenticeship Week. Event founder, Leisure PR’s Managing Director Maureen Heffernan said: “This event never fails to inspire. To hear directly from the amazing apprentices that attend the showcase is a testament to the commitment companies make in ensuring the apprenticeships offered are fit for purpose and provide limitless possibilities for career progression.”

Cocktail Bar and Restaurant Group, The Alchemist, to Open New Sites Following £15m Loan from OakNorth OakNorth, the digital bank has provided a £15m loan to creative cocktail bar and restaurant group, The Alchemist, to support the roll-out of new sites and refinance existing debt. Founded in Manchester in 2010, the group has successfully scaled to 23 sites across 12 major cities, including six in London, three in Manchester, and three across Scotland, in addition to opening its first overseas site in Berlin last year. With its London Victoria site opening in February 2024, the business’ reputation for mastering the dark arts and “molecular mixology” has won it numerous industry awards, including most recently, ‘Best Drinks Offer’ at the 2023 Publicans Awards. The business has been backed by leading private equity firm, Palatine, since 2015, which focusses on investing in mid-market businesses through its Buyout and Impact Funds. Headquartered in Manchester and with offices in London and Birmingham, Palatine has built strong relationships with entrepreneurs across various industries, such as consumer and leisure, financial services, health and education, and technology. Simon Potts, CEO of The Alchemist, commented: “Despite the well-known challenges facing the hospitality

sector, we take pride in our unwavering commitment of growing our brand across the UK. Looking ahead, we have ambitions to roll-out 10 new sites over the next three years, with the funding from OakNorth being a key catalyst for this. This was our firsttime working closely with OakNorth after being aware of its reputation for backing experienced and innovative bar and restaurant operators. Stewart and his team lived up to this reputation, providing a level of flexibility and transparency that was simply not offered by other lenders. With this capital, we will be able to open additional sites and continue bringing our unique cocktail bar and restaurants to more areas of the UK and overseas.” Stewart Haworth, Director of Debt Finance at OakNorth, added: “The Alchemist is a perfect example of the creativity that’s currently on offer by the UK’s top bar and restaurant operators. The group has built-up a highly impressive reputation, with the management team delivering an experiential and theatrical food and drink offer across all day parts, in an array of locations, as they plotted their expansion here in the UK and abroad. With the pub and bar industry set for significant growth over the next five years, driven by a rising demand for craft spirits, the group is in a prime position to capitalise on this, and we look forward to visiting the new sites in the future.”

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Bumper Christmas for London Hotels as Occupancy Exceeds Pre-Pandemic Levels For First Time London hotel occupancy overtook pre-pandemic levels for the first time in December 2023, marking a strong end to the year for the industry, according to the RSM Hotels Tracker.

party season in full swing, occupancy, which typically sees a dip at this time of year, remained strong and finally overtook pre-pandemic levels.

The data, which is compiled and produced by Hotstats and analysed by RSM UK, showed occupancy exceeded rates seen in December 2019 from 78.3% to 80% in December 2023; and remained consistent with November last year at 80.6%. Outside of London, UK occupancy fell from 76.8% in November to 70.1% in December and was almost back to pre-pandemic levels (70.8%).

‘As consumers continue to tighten their purse strings and prioritise experiences over goods, the hotel industry is feeling the benefit of this shift in consumer behaviour. Hoteliers are doing well to maintain profits, despite the higher costs being faced by the sector, and it is hoped that this continues after April when costs will increase again, including national minimum wage and business rates.’

Hoteliers were able to increase their rates during the festive season, with average daily rates (ADR) of occupied rooms up from £223.75 (November) to £234.47 (December) in London; and from £145.25 to £155.62 in the UK. While significantly ahead of pre-pandemic rates, they were largely in line with those charged in December 2022, at £235.82 in London and £149.90 in the UK.

Thomas Pugh, economist at RSM UK: ‘The resilience of the hotel sector provides some hope that the economy managed to avoid a recession at the end of last year. Indeed, the shocking 3.2% m/m decline in retail sales volumes in December suggests that consumers have continued to prioritise spending on experiences, such as hotels and restaurants over retail goods.

Revenue per available room (REVPAR) increased from £180.32 (November) to £187.64 (December) in London but was marginally down from £111.54 to £109.10 in the UK. Gross operating profits were also up from 42% (November) to 44.2% (December) in London and remained flat in the UK from 35% to 34.9%.

‘Looking ahead, the first six months of this year are likely to remain tough with high interest rates dragging on economic growth and inflation remaining well above target. However, things look brighter in the second half of this year. The inflation rate will probably fall to about 2.5%, which will allow the Bank of England to start cutting interest rates. At the same time, real earnings growth will continue to rise and there is the distinct possibility of further tax cuts coming in March. All this would mean more consumer spending, which will be a positive for the travel and hotel sector

Chris Tate, head of hotels and accommodation at RSM UK, said: ‘It was a positive end to 2023 for the hotel industry, with the London market emerging as the winners. Hoteliers were able to make the most of the festive period, without having to navigate the challenges of train strikes as seen last year. With the Christmas

Allen Simpson Appointed Deputy Chief Executive of UKHospitality Allen Simpson has joined UKHospitality from London & Partners, the Mayor of London’s tourism, inward investment and city marketing agency, where he served as Executive Director and, in 2021, Acting Chief Executive. He brings a wealth of experience from the tourism and leisure sector and expertise across economic development, business strategy, corporate affairs and communications, having also previously worked at Barclays Bank and the London Stock Exchange. In a new role as Deputy Chief Executive, Allen will provide strategic oversight across UKHospitality’s corporate social responsibility, policy and communications output. The wider UKHospitality senior team remains unchanged. Jackie Marlow, as Chief Operating Officer, continues to oversee membership, operational and commercial matters, and will add finance to her portfolio. Tony Sophoclides remains responsible for UKHospitality’s political engagement and external communications. Allen said: “I’m delighted to join UKHospitality as its first Deputy Chief Executive and work with a sector that can be counted as one of the most integral and impact-

ful in the country. “I have seen first-hand in my career just how important hospitality, leisure and tourism is to the economy and our global competitiveness. It is a crucial provider of skilled careers across society, and I care deeply about it. “I’m looking forward to working closely with members, at what is undeniably a challenging time for the sector. I am particularly proud to work with an exceptional leader in Kate and the wider UKHospitality team in the fantastic work it does as the leading voice for hospitality.” Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, said: “Allen is a first-class addition to the UKHospitality team, bringing with him deep knowledge of the tourism sector and how to work across government and industry to deliver success. “I know that he will be an invaluable member of the team and his appointment strengthens our ability to represent our members at a critical time, ahead of a Budget and looming General Election.”

Crippling Costs Lead to Sharp Rise in Leisure and Hospitality Insolvencies CLH Digital

The number of businesses in the food service and accommodation sector becoming insolvent have increased by 37% according to figures released by the insolvency service.


‘Crippling costs will have been the last straw for some operators, with energy costs still around twice as high as they were pre-Covid. Additionally in April, we’ll see the largest ever single increase to the National Living Wage for those aged 21 and over (increasing £1.02 to £11.44), and a similarly sharp increase across other age groups.

The company insolvency statistics show accommodation and food services insolvencies increased 30% in Q4 2023 (from 775 in Q4 2022 to 1,013 in Q4 2023) and were up 37% on an annual basis (from 2,712 in 2022 to 3,726 in 2023). Alarmingly, insolvencies have increased at a faster rate during the past 12 months. Robyn Duffy, consumer markets senior analyst at RSM UK, comments ‘Despite positive sales numbers in 2023, with like-for-like sales up 5.8% on average, there was a significant jump in the number of insolvencies in the hospitality industry in Q4 2023, and on an annual basis.

Prepare a Warm Welcome this Winter

In the bleak midwinter, it’s not easy keeping a cheery face when toes are froze. Ensuring our venues remain open, and events go ahead as planned, is a full time job. Hotels, restaurants and event venues are often located in older, larger buildings which require a lot of maintenance and are rarely heat efficient. But, having adequate heating and a solid back up plan should the boiler fail, is paramount to ensuring a comfortable environment for staff and guests alike.

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These include Space Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Halogen Heaters and Industrial Heaters.

SPACE HEATERS Space heaters heat large spaces. They work by heating the air and are ideal for heating a marquee or large hall. Great as a fallback option should the boiler fail, they are either paraffin/diesel powered or gas fired and can vary in output. For convenience, we also supply trolley mounted models so you can easily transport the heat where it is needed.

For instance, in larger buildings where airflow is limited, additional heating may be required to ensure a comfortable ambient temperature throughout.

For instance, a large dining hall 13m sq. with a 3m high ceiling would require a heat output of 34kW. The Clarke Devil 1600DV produces 36.6kW so is ample for heating a cold dining hall when the central is on the blink. To calculate what size kW heater you require, visit our simple calculator at and simply add in the dimensions of your room.

Clarke have a whole range of heaters which cater for all scenarios.


‘Without support from the government to manage the escalating costs for these businesses in the form of VAT relief or otherwise, it’s likely the distress we’ve seen will continue at least until H2 2024. The second half of the year brings greater hope of a further boost to demand with economic factors impacting consumer spending beginning to enter positive realms – interest rates should fall from summer; inflation is forecast to hit 2% in Q2, and real wages will continue to grow. But until then, the sector looks set to see continued distress for now.’ Perfect for cold spots, gas, paraffin or diesel powered radiant heaters work by radiating infrared light. A safer option in locations where children or vulnerable adults could harm themselves.

HALOGEN HEATERS Halogen heaters are favoured in an external setting and are typically used as patio heaters. Halogen heaters are also infrared and so only heat solid objects like you so there is no loss of heat when used as heat source outside.

INDUSTRIAL HEATERS Our range of electric fan heaters is perfect for external buildings, heating up quickly and efficiently. A low heat setting can take the chill off an exposed conservatory for a comfortable dining experience.

PRIME THE PUMPS Flash floods have become the norm recently, following snow and heavy rain, meaning cellars are at the risk of becoming flooded. Machine Mart’s range of Clarke Water Pumps painlessly remove floodwater from cellars and basements at subterranean levels even when working flat out. Visit to see our full range of heaters and pumps available this winter.

Hospitality VAT: Sector Mounting a 2024 Campaign to Lobby Government to Lower VAT in Hospitality


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Comment by Luke Davis, CEO of

Rockwater (

Lowering VAT from 20 to five per cent in the UK hospitality industry will be hugely beneficial, in fact it will be crucial to the sector’s survival. Restaurants, pubs, bars, and hotels form part of the social glue that binds communities in towns and cities together. They provide important local social facilities, attract visitors, deliver employment, and have a real impact on the identity and vibrancy of our rural and urban communities. It’s imperative that hospitality businesses are viable today, tomorrow and for years to come so our communities can come together. The likelihood of reducing VAT in the hospitality sector depends on the government. If there’s recognition of the industry’s importance in driving the economy and employ-

ment, there may be political drive to introduce a reduction. There are many advantages to lowering VAT. Firstly, dining out, hotel stays, and entertainment would become more affordable, encouraging increased customer spending. Secondly, many businesses in the sector are SMEs and cutting VAT would provide these businesses with help to recover from financial setbacks such as rising energy prices. Finally, it takes an army of skilled people to deliver the hospitality experience we cherish and by allowing this industry to thrive it will create stronger, longer term job prospects and grow a skilled workforce which in turn will enable us to serve up the best possible experiences for all.

Dishwasher Temperature is Vital Step to Ensuring Commercial Health and Safety, But How Should You Monitor It? It is a legal obligation in the UK that businesses dealing in food must adhere to a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) food safety plan. The HACCP principles ensure safety from biological, chemical, and physical food safety hazards. A key area of this is ensuring tableware and kitchen equipment are cleaned to a specifically thorough level with hot water in sinks and dishwashers needing to reach a high enough temperature to kill bacteria and viruses and effectively clean dirty dishes. The UK government recommends that dishwashers should meet a minimum of 55 °C during the wash cycle and a minimum of 82 °C during the rinse cycle. This is because at these temperatures it mitigates the chance of pathogens able to survive.

Electronic Temperature Instruments (ETI), a digital thermometer manufacturer and provider of temperature solutions, has spoken out about the issues surrounding single use temperature monitoring strip-loops. Jason Webb, managing director at ETI states “These products often provide inaccurate readings while being, long term, the more expensive option as opposed to investing in a specific dishwasher temperature probe. Currently at this time, a dishwasher test strip costs around £1.77. If you test one dishwasher every day for a year, it amounts to £647.95. That’s over £600 businesses could be saving by choosing a more accurate and reusable dishwasher temperature probe.” Jason is available to expand on these thoughts through non-commercial thought leadership. Offering advice to businesses on the safest and most cost-effective way for businesses to adhere to HACCP principles and plans. Visit for details.

Add A Memorable Finishing Touch With Mixologist’s Garden Mixologist Garden’s unique new range of innovative, ready to use fruit garnishes - created to help bartenders create the perfect serve – will give customers a drinks experience to remember. The six freeze-dried fruit options - Lemon, Lime, Orange and Strawberry slices, as well as whole Raspberries and Blueberries - are the ultimate bar hack enabling staff to quickly and easily deliver a memorable perfect serve for customers within seconds. Hand selected for their superior quality and then freeze-dried to capture 100% flavour and appearance, these jewel-like fruits enable bartenders and mixologists to enhance the flavour and appearance of almost any drink - including cocktails, mocktails, sparkling wine, spirits and soft drinks - without having to buy, store, prepare and ultimately waste fresh ingredients. Available in resealable 100g pouches, they quickly rehydrate on contact with liquid in the glass and with a long shelf life, can be stored at ambient temperatures without the need for refrigeration. Each 100g pouch contains the equivalent of approximately 1kg of fresh fruit. “Customers who go out to enjoy a drink are seeking something more than they can make for themselves at home – these fruit garnishes quickly and easily elevate all sorts of drinks from the fairly ordinary to the simply amazing,” commented Stuart Findlater, business director at Mixologist’s Garden. “They’re the essential addition to any busy bar especially at times of peak

demand, enabling bar staff to add a truly memorable finishing touch to a drink in just a few seconds.” Research carried out by Mixologist’s Garden showed that whether serving an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink, for the occasions that demand a perfect serve, 90% require a drinks garnish. The research also revealed that 98% of consumers are willing to pay 5% more for their drink if it is served perfectly. “While people buy with their eyes, their drinking enjoyment is enhanced by appearance and flavour,” added Stuart. “Equally importantly though, our fruit garnishes give operators a valuable opportunity to maximise profits at such a critical trading time of year.” For more information, please visit the website:

NTIA Raises Alarm Over Industrial Action’s Impact on as Businesses Filing for Administration Surge by 22% CLH Digital

The Night Time Industries Association (NTIA), an organisation representing night-time businesses, is deeply concerned about the recent industrial action announced by the ASLEF union. The strike action, scheduled to take place on Tuesday 30 January, along with the subsequent ban on overtime from Monday 29 January to Tuesday 6 February, will have significant repercussions on the night-time economy and exacerbate the challenges already faced due to the current economic situation. • 22% increase in hospitality business filing for administration in 2023 compared to 2022 • Hospitality industry accounted for 12% of administrations in 2023, making it the third highest sector in the UK • 91% rise in administrations in Hospitality businesses compared to 2021 • VAT reduction for Hospitality and Night Time Economy businesses is needed to survive The impact of this industrial action, has lost businesses over 4 billion pounds in revenue over the course of the last years, in addition to the rising cost inflation, which has resulted in a substantial increase in the number of hospitality businesses going into administration. Analysis conducted by full-service law firm Shakespeare Martineau reveals that the hospitality industry accounted for 12% of administrations in 2023, making it the third-highest sector in the UK. Last year, a total of 1641 businesses filed for administration, with 190 of those coming from the hospitality industry alone. This marks a 22% increase compared to the previous year and a staggering 91% rise compared to 2021. These figures highlight the true extent of the impact caused by cost inflation and industrial action on businesses within the hospitality sector. Michael Kill CEO NTIA said: “Our industry is on the brink of collapse, with billions of lost revenue, increased taxes, and the devastating closure of numerous businesses. This has not only impacted livelihoods but has also led to a decline in the vibrancy of cities and towns nationwide.”

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“I urge the Chancellor and the Prime Minister to acknowledge the critical situation unfolding before them and take decisive action. It is crucial that they prioritise the well-being of people and address the crisis at hand. By implementing a reduction in VAT for hospitality and night-time economy businesses across the board, these establishments will have the financial relief they need to survive.” “The night-time economy plays a crucial role in sustaining and enhancing the vibrancy and uniqueness of the UK. It supports a wide range of businesses, including restaurants, bars, entertainment venues, transport operators, hospitality providers, and retailers. The disruption caused by the industrial action and increasing costs not only affects the livelihoods of business owners and employees but also undermines the UK’s reputation as a dynamic and welcoming destination. While we acknowledge that industrial action is a lawful means for workers to express their concerns, we believe that dialogue and collaboration are essential in these challenging times. We urge all parties involved to come together and find alternative solutions that address the concerns of union members while minimising the negative impact on the economy.” “The NTIA encourages the ASLEF union to consider the far-reaching consequences of their actions and seek solutions that will safeguard both the welfare of their members and the viability of local businesses. We firmly believe that open and constructive discussions can lead to creative alternatives that balance the rights and interests of workers with the needs of the night-time economy.” “During this period, we advise individuals to check their travel plans in advance, as services will be operating on an amended timetable. The NTIA will closely monitor the situation and provide regular updates to both businesses and the public through our communication channels” “The NTIA remains committed to supporting the night-time economy and advocating for its sustainable growth. We call on all parties to work collaboratively to find long-term solutions that will secure the future success of our city’s night-time businesses and ensure that our vibrant night-time economy continues to flourish.”

Hotels Under Pressure to Respond as OTA Competition for Guests Lead Gen Explodes 16

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While OTAs and hotels have a mutually beneficial relationship, the Hotel Industry Trends Report 2024 exposes for the first time the way a recent influx of marketing spend from OTAs is fast reducing hotels’ share of direct bookings. The share of reservations represented by direct bookings fell from 39% to 38% in 2023, having been stable for two years following a post-pandemic return to normal. This is the equivalent of approximately 7.8million global reservations in 2023 when applied to the worldwide hotel market. The 'share of’ figures cited will be higher than industry averages because they don’t include group, wholesale or other contract bookings made through PMS platforms but the trend they betray is highly significant. In fact, the extra investment driving this change is making itself felt in other ways too. Increased bidding on key search terms, including ‘brand searches’ that identify particular hotels, has sparked a sudden increase in cost-per-click, with Google Ads rising 62.5% from $0.16 to $0.26. The impact on Metasearch is even more stark, more than doubling from $0.21 to $0.48 (up 128.6%). In the travel arena, a metasearch engine pulls in data from lots of other websites to produce its own results for consumer queries. It organizes all the information they need — whether it's flights, accommodation, car rentals or vacation packages — on a single results page. Kayak and Trivago are both examples of metasearch engines. A knock-on effect of this is that the revenues associated with organic search have fallen 15.3% YoY, almost exactly matching the increase won by paid search — 15.5%. This, in turn, is forcing hoteliers to invest more heavily in PPC to compete with the OTAs and prevent them from claiming all of the high-intent traffic, which was historically the domain of organic search. A consequence of OTA strategies is that indirect bookings are also attracting guests looking for longer stays. This has meant that the change in indirect bookings’ share of room nights is even more significant, climb-

ing from 53% to 56%1 in 2023 — a change equivalent to approximately 65.6million room nights worldwide. The report’s findings substantiate the fact that the guest journey, lead generation and guest profile are the pivotal issues that will determine the future shape and scale of the role that OTAs play on the hospitality landscape. SHR Group warns that hotels are in danger of becoming too reliant on OTA lead generation, to the point that it becomes financially impossible to recover their current share of bookings and return on advertising spend (ROAS). As the report makes clear, AI-powered personalization of the guest journey, greater leverage of loyalty schemes and the use of predictive analytics to reduce cancellation rates and unnecessary discounting do offer hoteliers a technological solution to the challenges they face. However, the effective window of opportunity to deploy these tools is shrinking. Rod Jimenez, CEO of SHR Group, said: “This is a turning point for the hospitality industry. Hotel technology is leveling the playing field for hoteliers and their ability to compete for leads but that return on investment won’t remain the same forever. The race to bring guests into loyalty programs and win greater influence over how and where they shop for travel, possibly for the rest of their lives, is becoming much more intense. Personalization and ownership of the guest profile are top of the agenda for the OTA and hotel operators alike.” Frank Reeves, Chief Evangelist, SHR Groups, added: “This is an exciting time to work in the hospitality technology space, and the changes you’re going to see over the next couple of years are going to be transformative. From generative AI search to hyper-personalization, the guest journey is going to be unrecognizable, but with those opportunities also come threats. Only one thing is certain, hotels who fail to deploy the latest technology will be surrendering guest acquisition to those businesses more willing to invest in it, and this could have a devastating impact on growth and profit potential.” Download the report at

Operators Encouraged To Attend Hospitality Sector Council’s Free Accelerator Event To Boost Industry’s Productivity The Hospitality Sector Council (HSC) is launching the first in a series of accelerator events to improve productivity within hospitality with the inaugural event taking place at Oxford Brookes University on 22 May 2024.

productivity and tackle shared challenges.”

Operators are being urged to attend and take part in the inaugural event to develop new ideas that will stimulate innovation and drive creativity in hospitality labour productivity. You can register to attend the event by going to

Kevin Hollinrake MP, Minister for Enterprise, Markets and Small Business, said: “The hospitality industry plays a vital role in our communities up and down the country and the Hospitality Sector Council is putting together the first ever Hospitality Innovation Day in partnership with leading universities, sector pioneers, technologists and Government officials – to further unleash innovation and productivity in an important sector. Apply now to find new ideas and solutions to your productivity challenges.”

While hospitality is one of the most creative sectors in the UK, it’s investment in research and development has been historically low. Accommodation and food services accounted for just £46 million of £26 billion total R&D spend in the UK.

Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, said: “Hospitality’s innovation and creativity are two of its biggest strengths but it’s clear there’s more that can be done to harness those skills and use them to improve our productivity.

Jane O’Riordan, chair of Caravan Restaurants, chair of the Innovation Working Group (IWG), and a member of the HSC, said: “Hospitality is a very creative sector but given the pace of change and the recent challenges we have faced, we often don’t have time or resources to come up with innovative ways of improving our productivity. “We’re excited to be launching this Accelerator initiative with a simple but important goal: to find creative ideas and solutions in labour productivity and workflow management that will benefit the entire industry. “I would encourage operators, innovation experts, technologists, policymakers and professionals from related fields to join us at our first facilitated workshop to develop actionable strategies to improve our

“Events like these are so important to bring operators together to develop solutions and I’m pleased we’re able to work closely with the Minister and Hospitality Sector Council to deliver this important event.” Independent research conducted by the IWG earlier this year found labour productivity, alongside energy efficiency, ranks as one of the most important areas of focus for innovation among hospitality operators. Supported by the Hospitality Sector Council and its partners, the event is open and free to operators from restaurants, bars, pubs or cafes who are keen to explore creative ideas with others in the industry, alongside academics and innovators.

Kärcher Professional UK Discount Scheme Helps Hospitality Sector Get Ahead of the Post-Christmas Clear-Up Kärcher Professional UK is helping the hospitality industry get one step ahead of new guest arrivals by eradicating, with ease, the mess caused by Christmas, thanks to their latest offer. Hotel, restaurant and café staff can get access to all the professional cleaning equipment they need for less as part of the offer, which is aimed at making sure they have everything in place to conduct their first deep clean after the festive season. Those taking part I the offer will be rewarded for their Kärcher Professional purchases as part of the campaign, which runs until February 29th. They will receive 5% off in return for buying one machine, 10% off for purchasing two machines, and a 15% discount in return for investing in three machines. As a leading provider of professional cleaning systems to the hospitality sector, Kärcher Professional provides

hotel, restaurant and café cleaning teams with industry-focused solutions that deliver results on multiple levels. This includes cleaning systems that are quiet, easy to transport, ergonomically designed and useable in the smallest of spaces. At the same time, they are also economical and designed to last. James Gordon, Marketing Director at Kärcher Professional UK, said: “While Christmas may be over, clearing up after all of the festivities is very much a key priority for hospitality cleaning teams this time of year. In order to get ahead and be on the front foot with implementing their cleaning regimes, it’s essential hotels, restaurants and cafés have everything they need to deep clean their facilities efficiently and effectively and make the right first impression with their customers and guests from the outset.”


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Majority of UK Hotel Arrivals Came From Overseas in 2023, Signalling Return of International Travel Despite Higher Prices: SiteMinder A CHANGING MARKET IS DEMANDING A DYNAMIC APPROACH FROM ACCOMMODATION PROVIDERS SiteMinder’s vice president of ecosystem and strategic partnerships, James Bishop, says the findings are encouraging for UK hoteliers, but they shouldn’t expect a return to the old normal at a time of industrywide change. “SiteMinder’s data and research shows that while international travel is returning strongly, and traveller demographics are normalising, today’s guests are a strong departure from those that hoteliers once knew. Increasingly, travellers have a nuanced approach to spending. While they are experience-driven and prepared to purchase extras beyond the cost of their room, they are more often turning to packages and promotions that allow them to continue travelling the way they know and love,” says Bishop. A new report by SiteMinder, the name behind the only software platform that unlocks the full revenue potential of hotels, shows that the UK hotel industry is entering a new era of travel, after rises in international hotel arrivals in 2023 triggered a wave of changes in travel behaviour. The report, SiteMinder’s Hotel Booking Trends, based on more than 115 million hotel bookings, reveals that the majority of UK hotel arrivals came from overseas throughout 2023, with check-ins from international guests growing by 17% to 52% of stays year-on-year. This aligns with the global trend, which saw international check-ins rise by an average of 33% from the year prior. The top travel source markets for British hotels were the US, Germany, France, Australia, and Italy.

HIGHER PRICES, LONGER AVERAGE LEAD TIMES AND ONGOING SHORT STAYS In spite of increased prices—the average daily rate jumped 8% from the prior year to £193—the rise in international arrivals saw travellers book their stays sooner, with the average lead time growing 7% versus 2022, to 41 days – over four days longer than in 2019. ADR unsurprisingly peaked during the summer holidays, averaging £213 in June 2023, while Friday stays were the most lucrative, with an ADR of £219, followed by those on Saturday (£204) and Thursday (£197). January was again the cheapest month for guests, with an ADR of £155. Short stays, due in part to London being a haven for business travel, were again a driver of the vast majority of arrivals, with UK hotels hosting among the shortest stays in the world. Eighty-six percent were for 12 nights, compared to the global average of 81%, while 96% were for 1-4 nights.

In the UK, rose from eleventh to seventh place, while Agoda climbed one spot to fifth: 1. 2. Expedia Group 3. Hotel websites (direct bookings) 4. Hotelbeds 5. Agoda 6. Global distribution systems 7. 8. WebBeds 9. Airbnb 10. Hostelworld Group 11. HRS - Hotel Reservation Service 12. Mr & Mrs Smith

SiteMinder’s Chief Growth Officer, Trent Innes, says: “The global travel industry has long awaited the return of Chinese travellers and it is clear from our data that they are beginning to come back, alongside those from other source markets throughout Asia, such as India, Japan and South Korea. Hotels would do well to prepare for a change in the mix of travellers arriving at their doorstep, by revising their marketing strategies to reach the world’s fastest-growing travel sources and gaining intelligence on these potential customers to maximise their revenues.” The annual SiteMinder’s Hotel Booking Trends report is the most authoritative analysis of the hotel bookings made by the world’s travellers. The data is based on the booking data of SiteMinder’s more than 40,000 hotel customers, which in 2023 used SiteMinder’s platform to secure more than 115 million bookings valued at more than US$45 billion in revenue. It is available in full here.

“This increasingly sophisticated traveller behaviour underscores the need for hoteliers to be dynamic in the way they do business. We already see signs of this—for example, the UK has some of the world’s highest day-to-day variation in room rates, indicating that hoteliers are already adopting nimbler practices to keep pace with changing customer preferences. As international and business-related travel ramps further, it’s vital for the hotel industry to continue evolving, to ensure it is monetising revenue opportunities at every customer touchpoint,” concludes Bishop.

UK hoteliers are also invited to a webinar on February 29, where the report's findings will be discussed in-depth. Hoteliers can register here.

THE RETURN OF “ASIAN GIANTS” IS MARKING A TURNING POINT FOR THE GLOBAL SECTOR The rise in international travel globally was spurred by the strong rebound of outbound Asian travel in 2023, with two of the region’s most popular channels, China’s and Asia Pacific’s Agoda, rising the fastest among SiteMinder’s Top 12 hotel booking sources, based on the total gross revenue they generated via SiteMinder’s platform.

The Great Sausage Roll Off 2024 Returns at the Red Lion The Red Lion in Barnes has announced that the Great Sausage Roll Off will be taking place on Wednesday 7 February 2024 – raising money for Only a Pavement Away. Every year, managers of The Red Lion, Angus McKean and Claire Morgan, host their iconic chefs’ competition in a continued quest to find the best sausage roll in the land. Previous years have seen culinary stars join the judging panel and this year will be no different. This year’s judges will be Simon Hulstone [The Elephant]; Jeremy Vine [presenter and journalist]; Melissa Thompson [journalist and food writer]; and Trevor Gulliver [co-founder, St John] – with Melissa Cole [beer & food writer] compèring the event. The competition will see entrants heading to The Red Lion on the night to cook up their sausage rolls and present them to the panel of esteemed judges and the general public. Tickets are available for the event – for those wanting to catch the judging action and the opportunity to purchase samples of the

sausage roll entries. Ticket and sausage roll sales will go to Only a Pavement Away – a charity that connects employers with people facing homelessness, prison leavers and veterans to help overcome hurdles by finding jobs within the hospitality industry. Angus McKean, General Manager of The Red Lion, said: “Claire and I are really excited for 2024’s event. We started Roll Off as a bit of fun over 10 years ago and it’s been a success ever since – with entrants from all over the country and sausage roll fans travelling for a chance to try the pastry delights. “As well as being a chance for chefs to exhibit their savoury creations, the Great Sausage Roll Off has become a charity fundraiser. Only a Pavement Away is a fantastic charity that’s close to our hearts and many others within the hospitality industry. “So come and join us for a night of fun, fundraising and, of course, sausage rolls – it really is a spectacular event.”

New Award Winning Technology Can Save You 35% To 55% On Cooking Oil in Deep Fryers If you own a restaurant or a kitchen with a deep fryer, then you might be surprised at how much you spend every year on cooking oil. Have you ever calculated this direct cost? If you haven’t, then you should, because Canadian Company, Eco Friendly Chef Corp. is helping thousands of professional kitchen operators to dramatically cut their oil costs in half. A new innovative product called OiLChef is revolutionizing the food industry. The award-winning OiLChef device is one of the most sophisticated technologies available in the world for deep fryers today. It is not a filter or a chemical, but rather a device which is simply installed in your deep fryer in less than 10 seconds! Putting the OiLChef in your fryer will give you a competitive edge and attract more consumer pounds. Your fried food items will absorb less oil and therefore will contain fewer calories. Good for the consumer, good for the bottom line. Reduce carbon footprint: It will minimize your environmental impact through a reduction in energy and oil consumption. Faster service: Food cooks quicker.

Reduce food waste: Food is crispier and holds its shape and texture for longer. Great for food delivery. Zero flavour transfer: It prevents flavour transfer between different foods being cooked in the same oil. Kitchen smoke and frying odours: It reduces the smoke and odours of frying in your kitchen/restaurant. Creating a more pleasant working and dining experience and minimizes the workload on your air filtering systems and maintenance. Health & safety: It reduces the smoke point of your oil, and thereby lowers the risk of a deep fryer fire. Also, staff interaction with changing the fryer oil is cut down by at least half, reducing risk of accidental burns and oil spillage. Reduce operating costs: It gives you the opportunity to cut down or move away from costly monthly additives required to improve oil quality. Fewer people hours are required each month for fryer changes. For further information visit Contact Andrew Jackson – Landline: 01278 691327 Mobile: 07902 745435

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new Award Winning technology can SAve you 35% to 55% on cookIng oIL in deep fryers. REDUCING COSTS Increasing Margins

We strongly believe in cutting costs without compromising quality.

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Why spend all that money on oil, energy and labour when you can dramatically reduce these costs today?

Contact Andrew Jackson by phone or email: Landline 01278 691327 Mobile 07902 745435

Scottish Government “Out of Touch” with Business Community Survey Reveals 20

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SLTA asks members if Scottish Government is out of touch with business community – 96% of licensed hospitality survey respondents say ‘yes’ The SLTA (Scottish Licensed Trade Association) today releases a snapshot survey of the challenges facing Scotland’s pubs, bars and hospitality venues as they go forward in 2024, with over 500 businesses responding. The Christmas/New Year survey, which covers the full spectrum of hospitality business including pubs, bars, restaurants and hotels, contains key insights into the significant impacts of a declining economy and a continued rise in rates, labour and supplier costs. Alarmingly, 96% of respondents felt the Scottish Government is out of touch with the business community, reflecting the results of a recent Fraser of Allander report. Colin Wilkinson, SLTA managing director, said “Our sector plays a critical role in employment and is at the heart of Scotland’s tourism industry, and we are deeply concerned that 75% of respondents anticipate they will need government support to survive in 2024. “Our survey is based upon quantitative research from outlets covering the length and breadth of the country and is supported by major food and drink chains and independent pubs, bars and hotels in Scotland’s licensed hospitality sector. “The outlook for the licensed hospitality trade in 2024 remains extremely challenging with continuing financial pressures on the sector, chronic staff shortages, high energy prices, and a continuing cost of living crisis. While there was a flicker of optimism among some respondents, this was against a relatively poor year and 22% of respondents reported a decline in trading of over 10%. “While Christmas was not quite as bad as expected in some areas, it certainly was not what was hoped for. New Year, however, was poor, even for some city centre pubs including in Edinburgh with its winter festival offerings. “There were reports of increased footfall and spend in some areas of the country, but then operators have had to increase prices due to cost pressures. The key issue, of course, is business viability and profitability, which is currently under a great deal of pressure and is not what it should be or what is needed for many businesses to sustain a successful operation going forward in 2024 with the challenges that the industry will be facing.”

Mr Wilkinson highlighted other key areas of concern and challenges to overcome including the deposit return scheme which will be back in the limelight in 2024 and the alcohol marketing and promotions restrictions on the horizon. He also pointed to the “archaic commercial rating system used to assess licensed premises” which the Scottish Government is now committed to review and, of course, no rates relief for Scottish businesses, adding: “The introduction of more low emission zones in our city centres is also a major issue for our industry and we all know the significant detrimental impact this has already had in Scotland’s largest city, Glasgow. Then there’s the tourism tax and a high VAT rate for accommodation providers. “We certainly don’t need a crystal ball to predict that 2024 will be just as challenging as the last few years, if not more. “First Minister Humza Yousaf pledged to give us a ‘New Deal for Business’ but we’re seeing very little of that so far at a time when businesses across Scotland need support if they are to be part of efforts to rejuvenate communities, boost economic growth, and create jobs.”

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF KEY CHALLENGE • An alarming 96% of industry respondents agree that the Scottish Government is out of touch with the business community • 57% of outlets won’t be fully open in January/February 2024 • 75% of outlets anticipate they will need government support to survive in 2024 • Trading conditions remain very challenging with rates, supplier and staffing costs continuing to increase • 65% of respondents expect the economy to decline in 2024 • 53% of businesses saw trading levels either remaining the same or declining on the previous calendar year, with 22% having declined by over 10% • Looking forward, 68% of outlets expect business performance in 2024 to be about the same or in slight decline versus 2023 • Over one-third of outlets are advising staff availability is impacting on trading

Henry’s Smokehouse Opens Its Doors: Lancashire’s Newest Pub & Grill Henry’s Smokehouse, a new family-run pub and grill in Kirkham, has officially opened its doors for business in Lancashire today (February 2). The restaurant, located at the former Black Valais site in Kirkham, is now open to the public, bringing a taste of Texas and Louisiana to Lancashire. The brand new concept and US inspired menu comes from the team behind The Ship in Elswick, including consultation from chef Adam James Bennett, known for his experience under Marco Pierre White and as the private chef for the Moroccan King. The spacious restaurant, spanning 15,000 square feet, currently holds indoor capacity for up to 100 people, with plans to expand into the garden and launch a coffee shop, during the summer months. The new establishment has contributed to the creation of more than 20 new jobs, providing a boost to the local Kirkham community. The menu, inspired by the rich culinary heritage of Louisiana and Texas, consists of a unique Brisket, which will be included in several dishes including the Dry Aged Beef Brisket lightly sauced in bourbon and barbeque, and the Smoked Brisket Banquette

which can be ordered for groups of 12-16 people. Lee Hughes, founder of Henry’s Smokehouse, commented: “The concept of Henry’s Smokehouse has been in the works for a while now. After driving past the site almost everyday, I saw the potential of rescuing this closed down shell of a pub and turning it into something new and exciting. We have been working hard to bring the former Black Valais back to life and we are looking forward to finally being able to open our doors to the public next month. “After being inspired by the southern US flavours, we have worked hard on the menu to bring something new to the region, and we’re particularly excited about our in-house dry-ager. “The venue has some great potential, and we are looking forward to developing the concept and launching some exciting new additions over the coming months.”

Urban Pubs & Bars Announce £6.4m Group Profitability As Londoners Make A Welcome Return To Pubs And Restaurants London pub and dining group, Urban Pubs & Bars (“UPB”) has announced group EBITDA of £6.4m for the financial year-ended April 30, 2023, an improvement of 11 per cent versus the prior year. The leisure group, which operates 42 pubs, bars and restaurants across London, revealed like-for-like sales were up 17 per cent and turnover increased by almost 60 per cent to £52.2m. The previous financial year had been a transformational period for the UPB group with significant new investment including the acquisition of 16 sites. The group has more than doubled in size in the last 24 months. UPB also reported an exceptional Christmas trading period, with like-for-like sales growth of 19 per cent in December 2023. This continued strong performance reflects London recovering to prepandemic levels. Since the start of the current financial year, the business has successfully opened three new sites including Victory at Waterloo Station, Railway in Putney and The Junction in

Islington, with trading exceeding expectations. The UPB Group, includes flagship pubs Nest, Bishopsgate, The Wheatsheaf, Tooting and The Gatehouse, Highgate, is encouraged by the news and predicts further growth despite economic forecasts, transport strikes and the general state of the UK economy. The fast-growing UPB group is now poised for more expansion opportunities in 2024 and beyond. UPB Managing Director, Chris Hill, who joined the business to lead the next stage of its exciting development, said: “We are delighted with the performance of the business. Our pubs, bars and restaurants, and the people who run them are some of the best in London.Whilst the economic conditions are unfavourable at present, presenting numerous challenges to the hospitality industry, Urban Pubs and Bars is trading strongly, and remains highly profitable and well-funded. We are confident that further opportunities to expand the business will arise and look forward to more openings and further growth this year.”

Hospitality Sector Accounted For 12% Of UK Administrations In 2023, Analysis Reveals 22

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The hospitality industry accounted for 12% of administrations in 2023 – the third highest sector in the UK – according to analysis by full-service law firm Shakespeare Martineau. A total of 1,641 businesses, 190 of which came from the hospitality industry, filed for administration last year – marking a 22% increase compared to 2022 and 91% rise in comparison to 2021. Retail, construction, hospitality, manufacturing, and real estate were the worst-hit sectors, collectively accounting for 59% of the administrations. Regionally, Greater London led the way with 22% of the filings, followed by the North West (14%) and South East (12%), data from The Gazette Official Public Record has revealed. While January (76) was the quietest month, administration numbers leapt to 177 in October – the most recorded for 43 months (185 in March 2020). With administrations nearing pre-Covid levels (1,794), an insolvency and restructuring expert has warned that sustained difficult trading periods combined with rising geopolitical tensions means we could see more businesses failing throughout 2024. Andy Taylor, partner and head of restructuring at Shakespeare Martineau, said: “The significant uptick in the number of companies filing for administration in 2023 underscores the challenges faced by businesses amid changing consumer habits, financial pressures, and geopolitical uncertainties. “In the labyrinth of economic complexities, the retail sector in particular is bearing the brunt, noted by the collapse of major player Wilko. There has also been a reduction in housebuilding, which has a knock-on effect

in the construction and real estate sectors. “The cost of money, marked by high interest rates throughout 2023, exacerbates financial strains on businesses with models that thrived in a sub-2% interest rate environment. Organisations can only bear that pressure for so long before its sustained impact starts to wash through and they begin running out of cash. “A shift in consumer buying habits, exemplified by a challenging January for the hospitality sector, adds to the narrative of subdued spending. Moreover, HMRC continues to be more active, with threatened enforcement pushing businesses towards considering their options, and many opting for administration as an alternative to being wound up on a compulsory basis. “The global stage, marked by geopolitical tensions in Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Gaza, contributes to economic uncertainty and suppressed growth. Businesses reliant on imports face increased outlays, as shipping companies opt to avoid the dangers of the Suez Canal and seek to pass on the extra costs of transport to customers. “Many predict the rate of inflation to continue its downward trajectory in 2024, perhaps even approaching Bank of England’s target of 2%. If that trend continues one might anticipate something like three interest rate cuts in 2024, which will hopefully stimulate growth. However, the economic landscape remains unpredictable, and our advice remains consistent – seeking professional advice early can open up more options for struggling businesses. “It is crucial not to ignore the signs and bury your head in the sand and instead, take a proactive approach to address underlying issues. By doing so, businesses can better navigate the tough trading conditions and increase their chances of survival.”

Michelin Unveils New Bib Gourmands for 2024 Guide Twenty restaurants have been awarded Bib Gourmands in the Michelin Guide Great Britain and Ireland 2024. Five pubs have also picked up the accolade. Named after Bibendum – the official name of the Michelin Man – the Bib Gourmand highlights hospitality venues offering great quality, great value cooking. The list was revealed ahead of the announcement of the new starred restaurants at the Midland hotel in Manchester on 5 February. In 2019, this was specified as venues serving three courses for £30 or under but last year Michelin told The Caterer the award reflected a “balanced price-performance ratio” and there was no longer a “concrete price limit” Michelin said there was a “key theme of small plates menus running throughout” the list, while five pubs were among the new additions. The five pubs to pick up the accolade were The Reindeer in Hoveringham, The Three Horseshoes in Fordham, The Loch & The Tyne in Old Windsor, The Clifton in Bristol and The Bull in Charlbury.

Other notable recipients include small plates restaurant Higher Ground in Manchester, which was founded by a trio of friends, as well as Lark in Bury St Edmunds, East Anglia, which was praised for its “precisely crafted” dishes. Meanwhile in London, classic French bistro Les 2 Garçons in Crouch End and Punjab and north-west Indian restaurant Empire Empire in Notting Hill were among the new additions. Restaurants across the south-west and south-east of England were also recognised, including the Mulberry in Falmouth, Dill in Lewes and Palmito on the Brighton-Hove border. Wales received one new Bib Gourmand for Penarth’s Touring Club, which is run by Welsh chef Bryn Williams. Gwendal Poullennec, international director of the Michelin Guide, said: “It is a joy to see 20 restaurants newly awarded the Bib Gourmand in the 2024 edition of the Michelin Guide Great Britain & Ireland. “These are establishments that deserve recognition for their continued commitment to offering affordable, delicious cooking. The generosity and value for money they offer is wonderful to see during these challenging economic times for the restaurant industry.”

HRC Launches Seminar Programme for 2024 Sustainability, retention and the future of African & Caribbean cuisine are some of the topics set to top the agenda as HRC, part of Food & Drink & Hospitality Week, returns to ExCeL London on 25-27 March.

work with young chefs and industry charities and appearances on programmes including Great British Menu, James Martin’s Saturday Morning and Snackmasters.

The show will launch with an official inauguration ceremony for Food, Drink & Hospitality Week featuring Martin Traynor OBE, Small Business Crown Representative for the Cabinet Office, Kate Nicholls OBE, Institute of Hospitality CEO Robert Richardson and James Bielby, CEO of the Federation of Wholesale Distributors on the Vision Stage, designed by Harp Design.

Goodwin-Allen comments: “I'm excited to be joining HRC as Chef Ambassador for 2024 and look forward to networking with the chef community and discussing the latest trends and challenges in the world of hospitality.”

Day one of HRC will see sessions including ‘Putting the S in ESG’ moderated by Juliane Caillouette-Noble, MD of the Sustainable Restaurant Association, and featuring panellists Lorraine Copes of Be Inclusive Hospitality, Chet Sharma of BiBi and Matt Wood of Lexington Catering. This will be followed by KAM, HospitalityJobsUK and Otolo unveiling the results of The UK’s Largest Hospitality Salary Survey and discussing how businesses can recruit and retain staff and remain competitive in the British hospitality market. HospitalityJobsUK Founder Dawn Lawrence comments: “I am excited to have been invited again by HRC to share the results of the UKs Largest Hospitality Salary Survey. This is our second year of running this survey, and I am delighted by the significant increase in responses. With over 35 years of recruitment experience I know, only by working together can we make a difference and showcase Hospitality as a great place to work and I look forward to seeing you all at HRC.” Day one of the show includes a must-attend session with HRC’s 2024 Chef Ambassador Lisa GoodwinAllen, interviewed by Si Alexander of FoodFM, as she discusses her work as Executive Chef at Northcote, her

Day two of the show will kick off with Future of Foodservice: The 2030 Vision by futurist Simon Stenning, followed by an examination of the impact of the national living wage rise for the industry by UKHospitality's Kate Nicholls OBE. Nicholls comments: ““The rise in National Living Wage is set to have a profound impact on the UK hospitality sector and I look forward to breaking down the implications of this change, both positive and negative, at HRC 2024.” The day will also include sessions on the physical health of hospitality teams, the future of contact catering and some key hospitality marketing trends to watch in 2024. The final day of HRC will see a discussion of the future of African & Caribbean cuisine with The Future Plate, a session on mastering your menu hosted by Citizen Kind and a look at how hospitality can diversify its talent pool hosted by Saira Hospitality and featuring industry charity Only a Pavement Away. HRC takes place alongside IFE Manufacturing, IFE The Pub Show and International Salon Culinaire as part of Food, Drink & Hospitality Week, the UK’s biggest celebration of industry innovation. To view the show’s full seminar programme visit

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Admiral Taverns Invests Over £27 Million Into Community Pubs In 2023 24

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Admiral Taverns have invested more than £27 million into elevating its community pubs throughout 2023. The group, which owns approximately 1,500 pubs across England, Scotland and Wales, has invested the funds into over 300 pubs across both its leased and tenanted estate and its community wet-led division, Proper Pubs. A robust investment programme is a core part of Admiral’s strategy to ensure that every pub can thrive and make a positive difference within their communities across the UK. Investments range from major transformational interior and external refurbishments through to important updates to licensee accommodation and long-term structural improvements. Many of the Group’s pubs sit at the heartland of bustling but often underinvested regions of the UK and are vital social hubs, offering a range of activities and events for the local community. Regardless of whether they be major investments or smaller but critical spends, the fundamental purpose of the Group’s active Capex programme is to ensure these pubs can continually improve the environment and service they can offer locals. Chris Jowsey, Chief Executive at Admiral Taverns, said: “At Admiral, we are committed to creating long-term, sustainable pubs that sit at the heart of their communities. Pubs are a cornerstone of British life and act as so much more than just a place to drink. They are social hives of activity that support all aspects of local life and

most importantly, bring people together. It is vital that we continue to facilitate such an important part of community life by equipping licensees and operators with the correct tools and infrastructure to create thriving businesses. The results from these refurbishments are incredible and I wish each of our licensees and operators every success for the future.” The ongoing programme has seen Admiral invest heavily across multiple areas of the UK including Manchester, Oxfordshire and Wales. Manchester received a total investment sum of £1,000,000 across seven pubs, whilst Oxfordshire received £500,000 across an additional seven pubs. Sites that benefitted from the investments include the Oddfellows Arms in Eccles which received a transformational £260,000 refurbishment in November, and the Golden Ball in Littlemore with a £119,000 renovation also in November. In addition, the Group invested over £1,500,000 in numerous communities across Wales to further improve the offering of its pubs. Admiral Taverns always looks to recruit passionate, community-minded licensees and actively encourages them to support their communities through a regular schedule of events and charity fundraising initiatives. These include everything from Christmas selection box and Easter Egg donations to family fun days and charity fundraisers for essential resources such as defibrillators and sponsoring local clubs.

The Licensed Trade Charity Appoints Chris Welham As The Organisation’s New CEO The Licensed Trade Charity (LTC), the industry charity supporting drinks and hospitality professionals in need of emotional support, specialist advice and financial assistance, has announced that Chris Welham has been appointed as the organisation’s new Chief Executive Officer. Chris has worked in hospitality for over 27 years and has held a variety of senior operations, executive and board-level roles in listed, private, not-forprofit, and family businesses. Currently Chief Customer Officer at S4labour and formerly CEO of Wadworth, Chris will assume the role at the beginning of March. Commenting on the appointment, Ludovick Halik, Licensed Trade Charity chairman, said: “I’m delighted to announce that Chris Welham will be joining the Licensed Trade Charity as its new Chief Executive Officer. With his extensive experience, deep understanding of the sector and undoubted passion for the people driving every facet of the licensed trade, it’s clear Chris is the ideal custodian of this historic institution. “Chris’ vision for the LTC is an inspiring one and the board is confident that under his management, the charity will continue to adapt and grow to effectively meet the needs of this ever-changing industry and the people working in it.” Chris is also currently a non-executive director (NED) at Frederic Robinson Ltd and non-executive chair at KAM Media, and he also previously served as a board director of the Pub Governing Body. His charity experience includes time as an industry advisor to the BII where he was also a NED of the BII Awarding

Body. Chris is set to succeed current CEO Jim Brewster, who will be retiring on April 30th, 2024, after 16 years at the Licensed Trade Charity. Brewster will hand over the reins on the 1st March 2024 and will continue to support the organisation during the transition period. During his tenure, sector awareness of the charity has risen from 3% to 27%, and he has been a true inspiration to those who have worked under his leadership. Jim Brewster said: “I am proud of all that we have achieved at the Licensed Trade Charity and our three schools in my time here, and I am especially proud of the part I have played in the career development of so many of our staff. I am confident that Chris will lead our organisation into an exciting future, and I wish him and the whole team the very best for the future.” The charity has been helping individuals in need from across the licensed hospitality sector since 1793. Today, the charity assists more people than ever with practical, emotional, and financial support, in addition to running three successful independent schools. Commenting on his appointment, Chris said “I have long admired the work that the charity does and am thrilled to be taking on the role of CEO of this great organisation. The LTC has been around for over 200 years providing incredible support to people in our sector and I am very much looking forward to working with the team to continue to make a difference to people in need.”

Smashed Drinks - Rethinking Drinking Drink Natural, a key player in the soft drinks sector with a decade of experience, has recently acquired the fastest-growing premium craft AF 0.0% brand, Smashed Drinks. This strategic partnership has set the stage for Smashed Drinks to revolutionize the market with its range of Craft Beer, Ale, and Cider using a vacuum distilled process, which is the only one of its kind in the UK. With a focus on low calorie content, vegan and glutenfree options across its cider range, and Halal certification, Smashed Drinks is poised to redefine the concept of alcoholfree craft beverages. With the slogan "REAL BEER, REAL CIDER, REAL TASTE, REAL AF," and the enthusiastic endorsement of CEO John Hodgson, Smashed Drinks is ready to disrupt the industry and reimagine the way we drink.

Recognizing the growing demand for healthier beverage alternatives, Smashed Drinks goes above and beyond to cater to a diverse range of dietary needs and preferences. By being low in calories, Smashed Drinks appeals to those who are mindful of their calorie intake, without compromising on taste or quality. Moreover, the brand's commitment to vegan and gluten-free options across its cider range ensures that individuals with dietary restrictions can enjoy the full range of Smashed Drinks' offerings. This dedication to inclusivity and health-consciousness sets Smashed Drinks apart as a brand that truly understands and respects its diverse consumer base.



Smashed Drinks has quickly gained recognition as the fastestgrowing premium AF 0.0% brand, owing to its unwavering commitment to craftsmanship and innovation. The brand's range of Craft Beer, Ale, and Cider showcases a depth of flavors that rivals their alcoholic counterparts. Through the vacuum distilled process, Smashed Drinks achieves a remarkable feat: preserving the authentic taste and essence of traditional craft beverages while ensuring a complete absence of alcohol. This innovative approach sets Smashed Drinks apart from other alcohol-free options, providing a real and satisfying experience for consumers seeking an alternative to traditional alcoholic beverages.

Smashed Drinks is at the forefront of redefining the concept of alcohol-free craft beverages. With Drink Natural's acquisition and a focus on craftsmanship, innovation, and inclusivity, the brand is leading the charge in disrupting the market. From their range of Craft Beer, Ale, and Cider to their unique vacuum distilled process, low calorie content, vegan and gluten-free options, and Halal certification, Smashed Drinks is setting a new standard for AF 0.0% beverages. With the enthusiastic support of CEO John Hodgson, the brand is poised to reshape the way we think about drinking, offering a real and satisfying experience to consumers seeking an alcohol-free alternative that doesn't compromise on taste or quality.


See the advert on the facing page for details.

The Pubs Code Adjudicator (PCA) Launches 2024 Annual Tied Tenant Survey 26

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The Pubs Code Adjudicator has announced the launch of its Annual Tied Tenants Survey, calling on tied publicans to take the opportunity to share their views on their pub company and the Pubs Code Adjudicator. The survey was launched on the 9th of January 2024 and will be live until mid-March. Tied tenants from the UK’s top six pub companies operating within the code – Admiral, Greene King, Marston’s, Punch, Star, and Stonegate – will be contacted by independent research company Ipsos, and are encouraged to find time to participate, as their input plays a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of the pub industry. Last year’s survey marked a significant milestone for the PCA, as their largest and most impactful to date, capturing insights from over 1,200 tied pub tenants, and enabling comparisons between the six pub companies. Building on the success of the previous year, the PCA survey this year, aims to gather opinions from tied licensees with the UK’s biggest pub companies. Speaking on the importance of the survey, Fiona Dickie, Pubs Code Adjudicator, said: “The Annual Tied Tenant Survey is an essential platform for tied tenants to express their views on their pub company and the effectiveness of the Pubs Code Adjudicator in safeguarding their interests. The insight gained helps steer our priorities for the coming twelve months and empowers us to help more hard-working business owners. “If you are a tied tenant with one of the six pub companies, I urge you to please take this opportunity to make a difference by sharing your experience and perspective. By actively participating in the survey, you are

contributing to the ongoing efforts to enhance transparency, fairness, and accountability in the industry.” Tenants taking part in the survey are asked to share their overall satisfaction with their pub company, contentment with their type of tied agreement, the dynamics of their relationships with Business Development Managers (BDMs) and Code Compliance Officers (CCOs), and their sentiments regarding the information provided to them. Last year’s survey revealed a consistent satisfaction level, with 62% of tenants expressing contentment in their existing relationships with their pub companies. The areas where tenants felt pub companies were performing best included fair and transparent treatment of tenants (with four in five tenants saying their BDM is fair with them in discussions), providing quick response times to concerns and issues raised, and the provision of information. Areas with room for improvement in this years’ survey include enhanced communication and awareness related to Code Compliance Officers, as only a quarter of tenants could name their CCO. The full results of the 2023 survey can be found at Regular updates will be provided by The Pubs Code Adjudicator, with the final results expected to be published in early summer 2024. For more information on the PCA’s Annual Tied Tenant Survey, please visit: Pubs Code Adjudicator – GOV.UK (

Craft Union Community Toy Appeal Spreads Kindness and Cheer Nationwide

Wrapping up a fantastic year of community giving, Craft Union pubs across the UK joined forces during the festive season to spread joy by donating Christmas gifts and supplies to children and their families through the company’s Toy Appeal last December.

Launched in 2019, the group-wide initiative has gained support from Craft Union pubs each year, as they aim to make a positive impact on their local communities and charitable organisations nationwide. The 2023 Toy Appeal saw participation from over 120 pubs, resulting in the donation of nearly 2,000 sacks and hampers. Impressively, the scheme raised a remarkable £32,000 in cash, which was then distributed among charities nominated by the pubs themselves. Antonia Walsh, Head of Marketing for Craft Union, said: “It is fantastic to see Craft Union pubs unite to make a difference for their communities this Christmas. Almost 2,000 children and families have benefitted from the Toy Appeal and hundreds more through the money raised. Thank you to all the pub operators that rallied their teams and showed generosity and community

spirit in spades this Christmas, they are a credit to the Craft Union group.”

The achievement was a team effort, however, some pubs deserve a special mention. The New Inn in Keynsham, Bristol, collected the most sacks out of any individual pub, donating 250 to the cause, as well as the Garden House in Norwich, which raised the most funds with their spectacular donation of £5,000 and 100 sacks containing 1,000 presents. Among the donations of sacks and hampers were thousands of toys, large and small, food and drink supplies, selection boxes, instruments, sweets and clothes. Each pub chose the recipients of their gifts and presents were distributed to a vast array of children’s wards, nurses, the elderly, homeless shelters, charities, food banks, children with disabilities and local families in need. Craft Union, the winner of the 2022 Best Community Pub Operator award, is part of Stonegate Group and raised £800,000 for charities in 2023. Craft Union will be launching its ‘Make a Million’ campaign in February to aim for the £1,000,000 fundraising mark in 2024 and every pub within the group will have a charity partner to support in the year ahead

Make It Tasty, Make It Easy, Make It Free From – Make It Meatless!

THE MEATLESS revolution is here, with 50% of consumers reducing their meat consumption out-of-home, is your menu catering for diners looking for greattasting plant-based food? The Meatless Farm range offers something for everyone, with a versatile range that makes it easy for you and your customers to swap out meat, without sacrificing on the flavour and texture they crave in their favourite dishes!

But making sure your menu keeps customers coming back for more doesn’t just stop at fabulous taste and variety. According to the Food Standards Agency, it is estimated that two million people are living with a diagnosed food allergy and 600,000 with Coeliac Disease. With these numbers increasing, more of us are looking for dishes that are safe to eat for those with food allergies - but these options must deliver on enjoyment too. Free From meals are often limited and can lack taste and imagination…. …Well look no further because Meatless Farm has it covered with our core range of Sausages, Burgers, Meatballs and Mince. Made with peas, these signature products are all Free From top allergens, low in fat and high in protein - making them a must for your menu!

Set taste-buds sizzling with Meatless Farm Sausages – bang them in a bun or serve on top of hearty mash! Our plant-based Quarter Pounder Burgers are juicy and succulent – simply bung them in the oven or on the griddle! Why not swap out beef and pork on the menu for our Meatless Mince in crowd-pleasers, such as Lasagne – or give dishes a twist with Meatless Meatballs - perfect with pasta!

At Meatless Farm we’re on a mission to help people reduce their meat consumption by taking all the compromises out of plant-based catering and going large on the benefits. Our products are not only loaded with taste and texture – they are also frozen for convenience and super simple and quick to prepare. The Meatless Farm range is a sinch for caterers to create a menu of tasty dishes that tick all the boxes. So, whether it’s a classic cooked English breakfast, a gourmet burger or a fiery chilli, everyone can get stuck in and enjoy Meatless made easy! For More information visit

On Premise Drinks Sales See Second Consecutive Week Of Decline 28

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On Premise drinks sales have dipped well below last year’s levels for a second week, with cold weather adding to the challenges of consumers’ slow post-Christmas spending.

(down 4%) and soft drinks (down 8%) all in the red, while cider

(down 1%) was the most resilient. The spirits category continues to struggle, with sales 19% below the same week in 2023.

CGA by NIQ’s Daily Drinks Tracker shows average sales in managed venues in the week to last Saturday (20 January) were 8% behind the same period in 2023. It follows a 7% drop in the previous seven days.

“The double whammy of consumers saving money after Christmas, Dry January and bad weather is making this a hard month for pubs and bars,” says Jonathan Jones, CGA by NIQ’s managing director, UK

Sales were down year-on-year on all seven days of the week, with Monday (down 2%) and Tuesday (down 4%) the two best performers. A cold snap and travel disruption in some parts of the country then made for a challenging weekend, and trading fell by 9% on Friday and 10% on Saturday.

and Ireland. “Storms Isha and Jocelyn will have given them another difficult week, and operators and suppliers will be crossing fingers for more settled weather soon. There are some positive signs that consumers’ spending confidence will improve as 2024 goes on, but sustained real-terms sales growth feels some way off at the moment.”

All drinks categories had a tough week, with beer (down 5%), wine

Keeping it REAL in the Kitchen..! Do You Know How To Split a Vanilla Pod? Vanilla pods are becoming ever-more common in our cooking, but do you know how to release and access all those scrumptious seeds?

to make a vertical cut in the pod and then lay it flat on the surface. Using the back of the knife, put some pressure on the pod and slowly scrape out the seeds in one movement on each half of the pod. Alternatively, butterfly the pod by making a horizontal cut right through the centre of the pod and scrape the seeds out, as in the first method.”

Do you know how to split a vanilla pod? Not everyone does, but really, it’s rather simple! This is an essential kitchen skill that, here at LittlePod, we might sometimes take for granted. But if you’re not sure how, or just need a reminder, we’re here and on hand to help.

Here at LittlePod, we’re always learning, and it was a treat to get a demonstration in our own kitchen from Peter Gorton, LittlePod ambassador and Master Chef of Great Britain, when he visited to showcase his new collection of real vanilla recipes, created for our website relaunch in 2022.

Since launching our new pod packs – featuring organic Madagascan vanilla, Tahitian vanilla and Indonesian vanilla, grown at LittlePod’s collaborative orchard in Bali – the question above has cropped up more and more. For anyone purchasing a pack, full instructions are included. But if you don’t have one to hand – or are just looking to brush up on your skills in the kitchen – Janet, LittlePod’s Managing Director and founder, couldn’t make it much simpler in her Vanilla cookbook.

Not everyone is so fortunate, of course, so if you do have any questions or need further tips about keeping it REAL in YOUR kitchen, please get in touch!

“To split a pod and remove the seeds, first lay it flat on a chopping board,” she writes. “Use a sharp knife


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Cleaning and Hygiene

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Issue 198


Five Star Levels of Hygiene for All Hotels, Restaurants, Cafes and Public Houses Hygiene and cleanliness are important in many areas of business but are perhaps most pertinent in the hospitality sector where first impressions really count. Guests visiting hospitality venues both expect and demand these facilities to be clean and inviting and judge this as being an integral part of their experience.

team of Field Service Engineers are strategically located throughout the UK to enable them to easily visit your site to carry out regular service visits and any repair work, if required. Each Engineer is a full-time employee of the company and has been fully trained to work on your Rotowash.

We appreciate that flooring surfaces will differ from location to location within your facilities and that each area presents unique cleaning challenges. The Rotowash floor cleaning machine has been specifically designed to tackle all these difficulties and to deliver the highest standards of cleanliness.

We offer all our customers a preventative maintenance agreement (PMA) operating on a rolling twelve-month basis at an extremely competitive price. Each PMA covers you for all call out and labour costs in the event of emergency repairs being required, as well as two planned service visits carried out on a five-month cycle.

Uniquely, the same Rotowash floor cleaning machine can be used to clean both carpets and hard floors, guaranteeing not only a quality finish but real value for money. Coupled with this, our machines are built to last, particularly if they are cleaned after each use and maintained regularly. We are committed to providing you the best in customer care and see selling a machine as only the start of the journey. Our

As well as customer care, health & safety is extremely important to us. The design features of a Rotowash machine helps to work injuries by reducing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. Additionally, although we believe that Rotowash machines are easy to use, we offer free training to all operatives for the lifetime of the machine. For more information, please visit at

Make Sure Your Business is Legionella Risk Assessments Compliant with Legionella Testing Regular testing for legionella in hotels and catering environments is of paramount importance. Legionella bacteria thrive in warm water systems such as those found in large buildings, including hotels and catering establishments. By conducting regular testing, potential sources of Legionella contamination can be identified and appropriate measures can be taken to mitigate the risk of infection, safeguarding the health and well-being of staff and guests. Regular testing allows for the early detection of any contamination, enabling prompt action to be taken to eliminate the bacteria and prevent their spread. This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of an outbreak occurring and helps maintain a safe and healthy environment.

Regular testing for Legionella in hotels and catering environments is also crucial for compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. It also helps to build trust and confidence among guests, who can be assured that appropriate measures are in place to protect their well-being. In conclusion, regular testing for legionella in hotels and catering environments is essential for preventing the spread of Legionnaires' disease, ensuring the safety of water systems, and complying with legal requirements. By proactively monitoring and managing the risk of Legionella contamination, these establishments can prioritize the health and safety of their staff and guests, while also maintaining their reputation and avoiding potential legal issues.

Legionnaires disease can cause serious illness and even involve hospitalisation including ICU and even death. Public death, it was named after the 1st major recorded outbreak Health England confirms there were 503 cases of at a conference/gathering in the United States. Legionnaires' Disease in 2019 for England and Wales – an The bacteria are present in all water and become an issue average of almost 10 cases a week. (Latest available data).

when the right conditions for them to proliferate exist. These are; an ideal temperature and some stagnation, the perfect temperature is mid to high 30 degrees C. Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L8 recommends that an initial Legionella risk assessment is carried out and then a suitable water management scheme is put in place and followed. This will include monitoring of outlets and water tanks and may include regular water sampling and disinfections. The Legionella risk assessment needs to be carried out to BS8580 by a competent, i.e. trained, person. The bacteria is ingested by human beings in the form of an aerosol and then infects the lungs, the symptoms are similar to flu and also Covid 19. The mild illness is called Pontiac fever and will generally be flu-like and may dissipate without treatment. The more serious illness can

The most common sources are from showers or other equipment, such as cooling towers, that produce an aerosol. Stagnation is also a major factor in increasing the risk, to mitigate this any low use/seldom used outlets should be run off weekly. Temperature monitoring is also advisable, both of these actions MUST be recorded. In summation: A current Legionella risk assessment and appropriate water hygiene management and monitoring scheme will prevent the bacteria proliferation within the systems and therefore significantly reduce the risk to Staff and public health. Steve Dillon (Advanced WMSoC Legionella Risk Assessor) Managing Director Stokefield Water Treatment Ltd See the advert on page 2.


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Products and Services

Where To Start Caring For The Environment Upgrade Your Air Freshener System

To help achieve climate-neutral building stock by 2050 the care sector is being challenged to reduce operational energy use. By increasing the use of renewable energy supply and prioritising on-site renewable energy sources the hope it to reduce both harmful carbon emissions and operational costs. There is no doubt that being more sustainable comes at a cost. Whether in the form of new build projects or the refurbishment of existing, yet ageing facilities, understanding the necessary capital investment, operational savings and payback periods is key to developing a workable sustainability strategy. Because of ubiquitous need for hot water, from basins to baths and showers, catering and wash down, addressing how this resource is secured is one of the best ways of making active carbon savings today. Addressing the efficiency of domestic hot water (DHW) systems - whether through the implementation of heat pumps, solar thermal, direct electric water heating or even simple modernisation of existing gas appliances - helps properties meet sustainability goals in a

practical and cost-effective manner. It also delivers improved year-round conditions for residents and staff, providing spaces better suited to delivering quality care. For buildings already on gas and that rely on large amounts of DHW silent solar preheat is the preferable option. For new build properties, the expectation is for specification to default to a mixture of heat pumps and direct electric afterheat. New system approaches, including prefabricated packaged plant rooms, also provide for better use of the spaces that already exist, without the need to undertake expensive and disruptive building projects. This is especially valid as demands for larger accommodation space comes at a premium. Adveco can help achieve emission reduction targets. With more than 50 years of specialised expertise in designing, supplying, and servicing hot water systems for residential healthcare, Adveco is the single resource you need for independent expert technical guidance on choosing pre-sized or bespoke sustainable applications today to get you on the right path towards net zero operation. or see the advert on page 7.

LeisureBench Ltd, is proud to introduce its new sister company SGM Recycled Plastics Ltd. Made from 100% recycled plastic, our new ranges are designed and manufactured at our new premises in Granthan using the latest technology. From picnic tables to planters, the growing range of products are ergonomically designed for the commercial sector at affordable prices and most items come with a 25-year construction guarantee. Introducing our new stylish side chairs available in several colours, they are both comfortable, and at a starting price of just £99.45 +vat in black, they represent excellent value for money. Our new website has

automated muti-buy discounting. Discounts start from as little as two of the same product for exceptional value. We believe we are the most competitive in the market. Our in-house design team can design bespoke products for our clients and no job is too small or too big. Customer service is key to our success. We welcome visitors to our factory showroom at Old Wharf Road, Grantham, Notts, NG31 7AA. SGM T: 0333 0112314 Calls charged at local rate. E: SGM W: LeisureBench W: See the advert on page 9.

SGM Recycled Plastics Ltd.

Catering Equipment Ltd Catering Equipment Ltd are the authorised UK Distributor for the range of Kängabox thermoboxes that keep items Hot or Cold. Kängabox is a revolutionary new high density EPP series of containers in which hot or cold items can be transported with an average temperature loss of less than 1°C plus or minus per hour within a temperature range of -40°C to +120°C. Kängaboxes are available in a range of capacities and attractive colours. Kängabox are available in eight different designs and four different depths. The various gastronorm, pizza, ice cream and euro norm formats are available. Our Transport Boxes perfect for keeping food HOT or COLD whether delivering food, running an event or managing extra food production in the Kitchen. Comprehensive product details can be found on our

Blaze Signs Blaze Signs is a name that’s widely recognised in the signage industry; we are one of the largest signage businesses in the UK after all, offering a full turnkey solution from concept, design and planning through to manufacture and installation. We offer unparalleled capabilities and expertise, from project management, creative design services, manufacturing equipment and talent, and professional nationwide installation teams. However, our talent and facilities mean we can provide far more than just standard signage for your business… We have worked with countless customers spanning multiple sectors and industries to design and produce a variety of non-signage specific items. This includes:

• Bespoke fixtures, fittings and furniture • Feature lighting – inside and outside • Building cladding • Working with specialised materials – e.g. glass and wood With Blaze Signs, you can fit-out your restaurant, office or commercial outlet from the signage to the

website We are also leading suppliers of European manufactured Stainless Steel items such as Sinks, Gastronorms, Accessories and other products. In addition Catering Equipment Ltd are also the UK's largest specialist supplier of European manufactured gastronorm containers, ice cream containers, sinks, hand wash and restaurant equipment. See our extensive range of products on our website Catering Equipment Ltd are a family firm that has been trading for almost 30 years. Our commitment is to our customers you are the most important people in our business. Our promise is that you can count on Catering Equipment Ltd to help you and that our team will do their utmost to ensure that dealing with us is a pleasant and worthwhile experience. Call the team on 0121 773 2228 now. See the advert on the inside front cover. table, lighting fixtures and mirrors. Our promise of the highest quality service and product extends to these additional business solutions, so you can rest easy knowing you’ll receive the same standard that we’re best known for in the signage industry. ESG is a huge focus for Blaze, and our dedicated group of employees who belong to the Blaze People&Planet working group are continuously looking at ways to reduce our environmental impact, create equitable solutions, take better care of our employees, and drive broader change within the industry and our communities. So, for those potential customers out there not currently talking to us, we would love you to. It could prove to be the start of a highly rewarding experience! Call: 01843 601 075 Email: Website: See the advert on page 9 for details.

To Keep Washrooms Constantly Fresh Washrooms are the biggest source of complaints, accounting for over 45% of the complaints that facility managers receive.1 In addition, recent research from Tork tells us that 67% of employees say they’re more likely to complain about a washroom than any other aspect of their office.2 Therefore, it’s crucial that washrooms are run efficiently to ensure a standard of cleanliness that makes people feel cared for. A NEW AIR FRESHENER THAT DISTRIBUTES SCENT EVENLY AND CONTINUOUSLY Tork has launched a new system that makes keeping your washrooms constantly fresh much easier. It uses a unique, high-tech technology that is propellant free to neutralise odours continuously and evenly. Research shows that the most important factor customers state when selecting an air care product is the “long lasting performance”3. The Tork Constant Air Freshener can last for up to 90 days before needing a refill, with a range of scents that eliminate bad odours, creating a consistent, fresh washroom experience, which helps facility managers to avoid washroom complaints.

FRNHZ Linen FRNHZ Linen supplier are holding the esteemed title of one of the largest suppliers of bed linen, bath linen, Table Linen, kitchen linen, Chef wears, packaging items and refreshment wet towels. In the Sphere of bed linen, FRNHZ's extensive collection is a testament to its dedication to transforming bedrooms into havens of luxury. From premium bed sheets to elegant duvet covers, each product is crafted with meticulous attention to detail and an unwavering commitment to unbeatable quality. The bath linen collection from FRNHZ is equally impressive, featuring an array of plush Face Towels, Hand towels, Bath Towel, Bath Sheets, Bath Mats and Bath Robe. FRNHZ's commitment to quality extends into the kitchen, where its linen collection includes essential items such as kitchen towels and cloths, contributing to a functional and aesthetically pleasing culinary environment.

A SYSTEM THAT IS EASY TO MAINTAIN AND REFILL 71% of cleaning staff agreed that if washroom dispensers were quicker and easier to refill, they would have more time for other cleaning tasks2. The Tork Constant Air Freshener dispenser is certified ‘Easy to use’ for speedy refilling.4 Its flexible placement at reachable heights also allows for easy maintenance. Refills and battery changes can also be planned into existing cleaning routines to save staff valuable time. IOT CONNECTED DISPENSERS With Tork Vision Cleaning, the world’s leading datadriven cleaning solution, cleaning staff will now know exactly when and where to refill all Tork dispensers in the washroom. The new air freshener dispenser will enable them to keep the dispensers replenished and save time by avoiding unnecessary checks. It’s easy to provide a great washroom experience with smart, sustainable hygiene management from Tork. For more information, please visit For more information on Tork air freshener, please visit or see the advert on page 13.

The first-class collection of premium linens for clients all over the UK. Experience the luxury of our table linen, designed for a soft and sumptuous feel that adds a touch of elegance to any occasion. Simplify your restaurant operations with our easycare table linens. Our fabrics are resistant to wrinkles and stains, making maintenance a breeze and allowing your staff to focus on providing excellent service Beyond hotel textiles, FRNHZ extends its reach into Chef Wear, recognizing the significance of highquality and durable garments in various professional settings. The brand's workwear line is designed to meet the rigorous demands of industries, providing both comfort and durability for individuals in their work environments. In a unique and thoughtful addition, FRNHZ also stands out as a supplier of refreshment wet towels and packaging items. This offering caters to the need for convenient and refreshing options, providing a practical solution for various settings, including hospitality and travel industries. For further information call 01234 910 660, visit or see the advert on page 7.

Elevating Hospitality: UK Hotels Embrace Walter Geering's Innovative Floating Dispenser Collection In a landmark decision reflecting a commitment to sustainability and guest experience, UK hotels are increasingly turning to Walter Geering's cutting-edge floating dispenser collection. Established in 1903, Walter Geering has evolved into an industry-leading supplier for hotels, holiday parks, and accommodation providers nationwide. Specialising in eco-friendly toiletries and welcome packs, including kitchen and bathroom essentials, pet packs, games night packs, birthday packs, and more, Walter Geering stands at the forefront of the hospitality supply chain.

A LEGACY OF ECOFRIENDLINESS Walter Geering's ascent to a leading supplier is grounded in its unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility. Acknowledging the hospitality industry's reliance on single-use plastic, particularly in toiletries, Walter Geering has pioneered eco-friendly alternatives. Despite the allure of convenience, the company remains dedicated to supporting its clients in reducing plastic consumption, aligning with a broader global push toward sustainability.

TOILETRIES AND WELCOME PACKS REDEFINED Walter Geering has consistently led the toiletry and amenity market through innovative products and ecofriendly initiatives. Their extensive toiletry collections boast bottles and tubes crafted from oxo-biodegradable plastic, post-consumer recycled plastic, prevented ocean plastic, and wheat straw. Spring 2023 witnessed the launch of the ground-breaking floating dispenser system,

a simple yet ingenious solution designed to fit any bathroom seamlessly. Priced at just £4.28 per product per room, the system features a tamper-proof locking mechanism, with a discreet matchboxsized bracket creating the illusion of a floating dispenser.

KITCHEN AND CLEANING WELCOME PACKS Beyond toiletries, Walter Geering extends its commitment to sustainability into kitchen and cleaning welcome packs. Recognizing the imperative of a circular economy, the company invests in reimagining and redesigning its packaging. A new range of packaging types aligns with existing or foreseeable recycling infrastructure, facilitating consumer reuse or recycling. The practicality of their kitchen packs addresses guests' unspoken needs upon arrival, ensuring essentials like washing up liquid, bin bags, sponges, and cleaning cloths are readily available for the first few days.

SPECIAL OFFER: CLH10 FOR A 10% DISCOUNT Walter Geering invites accommodation providers to join the movement towards eco-conscious hospitality. Contact them today and quote CLH10 to avail of an exclusive 10% discount on your initial order. Elevate your guests' experience while contributing to a sustainable future—Walter Geering, where innovation meets responsibility. P:01233 658085 See the advert on page 11.

Food Safety

Diners Offered Allergy Lifeline

The restaurant had included nuts in Kate’s meal, despite being told that she was severely allergic.

A woman who developed a life-changing service for allergy sufferers after her friend was served nuts, is hoping it will help save thousands of others.

After speaking to her friend, Juliet realised this was a communication issue between front-of-house staff and restaurant chefs.

Juliet Moran, the founder of created the service following an incident where her friend almost suffered a severe allergy attack whilst on holiday.

She created a website and app to help save those suffering from allergies customers can now see which items on the menu they should avoid and which dishes are safe to consume.

Whilst in Amsterdam, Juliet’s friend Kate informed the front-of-house staff about her allergies - including nuts.

With the number of those suffering with food allergies on the rise, Juliet hopes will be a life-changing addition for those eating out.

Despite getting the message across in both English and Dutch, the first dish to arrive was Kate’s meal, rich in peanuts. And, without thinking, she put her fork to her mouth about to take a bite.

It also helps restaurants streamline their booking services by flagging any allergy issues before diners arrive.

It wasn’t until her husband pushed his arm across Kate and shouted, ‘Stop!’, that she realised the dish could have sent her into an anaphylaxis


Juliet said: “I was out at a restaurant with friends including Kate who suffers with a nut allergy, and we were talking to the staff to make them aware of it. “We were having a few glasses of wine and chatting away when Kate put

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her fork in her food, about to eat it when her husband suddenly put his arm over her and shouted ‘Stop!’ He’d realised the restaurant had put nuts in her dish. “I was really taken aback about how serious it was and spoke to her about all these problems and came to the conclusion that it seems like a communication problem between the front of house staff and the restaurant chefs. “Most businesses already have a chart with all the allergen information on but we’ve found that the real problem is that the chefs aren’t communicating with the front of house staff about what exactly is in the food. “But putting the allergens into a proper computer system and giving the information directly to the consumer who downloads the app or looks on our website can instantly see what food substances are in their dish. “Everytime I speak to users of our service, their only frustration is that not every restaurant is on it. I created this app to help solve this problem - and I’m doing this because I think it can help people out like my friend Kate.”

Logicall: Elevating Food Safety Navigating Compliance: Owen’s Law and with Smart Monitoring Solutions Allergen Checker’s Seamless Support

In the bustling world of cafes, bars, and restaurants, Logicall’s temperature monitoring solutions aren’t just a luxury—they’re a necessity. Here’s why your establishment needs our innovative technology: Food Safety Compliance: Regulatory bodies demand stringent adherence to food safety standards. Logicall’s LoRaWAN temperature probes ensure continuous monitoring of fridges, freezers, and cold rooms, providing real-time insights into temperature conditions. This proactive approach not only prevents food spoilage but also safeguards your business against compliance issues. Instant Alerts for Swift Action: Temperature breaches can be disastrous for perishable goods. Logicall’s instant alert system via text, email, or audible alarms ensures swift action in the event of fluctuations. This rapid response not only saves stock but also maintains the quality and safety of your food products. Easy Deployment and Scalability: Forget the hassle of Wi-Fi dependencies. Our temperature probes utilise longrange communication technology, ensuring seamless connectivity across your entire establishment without the need for complex Wi-Fi infrastructure. This not only simplifies deployment but also makes scaling your monitoring capabilities a breeze.

Preventative Maintenance with Smart Sockets: Logicall’s smart sockets go beyond temperature monitoring. They provide real-time data on energy usage and cold storage unit health, allowing you to proactively address potential issues. By optimising energy consumption and preventing equipment failures, you not only save money but also ensure uninterrupted service to your customers. Logical Checks Food Probing App: Simplify your kitchen operations and go paperless with our Logical Checks app. Designed to digitise all your HACCP temperature checks, this user-friendly app streamlines your kitchen’s daily routines. Ensure compliance with ease, leaving behind the burden of manual checks and embracing the efficiency of digital monitoring. Real-Time Display Screens: Take control with Logicall’s real-time display screens deployed throughout your kitchen. Monitor the status of your fridges and freezers in real-time, ensuring that your entire kitchen team is on the same page. This visual solution enhances communication and allows for swift corrective action, minimising the risk of temperature-related issues. In summary, Logicall’s temperature monitoring solutions are vital for cafes, bars, and restaurants aiming for excellence in food safety, compliance, and operational efficiency. Invest in our technology today and secure the longevity of your perishable inventory while ensuring the highest standards in food quality and safety. See the advert below for further details.

Recent court cases have highlighted the critical need for robust allergen management systems in the hospitality industry. The legal consequences for breaching allergen-labelling laws have intensified: urging establishments to prioritise compliance and transparency. One noteworthy case involved a Blackwood pub, fined for failing to provide allergen information, where the establishment’s stance was shockingly expressed as “We are unable to cater for customers with food allergies.” This alarming case underscores the urgent necessity for a proactive and comprehensive approach to allergen transparency. As the industry braces itself for positive changes with Owen’s Law within the next 12 months, Allergen Checker ( emerges as an indispensable ally for establishments navigating this complex landscape. Already a champion of compliance through its labelling function, the software positions itself at the forefront of the industry’s move toward enhanced allergen transparency. Allergen Checker not only supports Natasha’s Law

requirements but anticipates Owen’s Law, offering a forward-thinking solution. Picture a future where every ingredient, even beyond the standard 14 allergens, is meticulously accounted for. Allergen Checker excels in offering this level of transparency, ensuring that compliance with Natasha’s Law and the upcoming Owen’s Law becomes an opportunity to enhance customer trust and safety. Not only does Allergen Checker help those with allergies it also provides invaluable information to millions who suffer from intolerances. Listing every ingredient will only encourage your customers to trust what they are eating. All the information can be hidden behind a useful QR Code to be placed on your menu without encroaching on your menu design. For those seeking a smooth transition and an opportunity to enhance their offering Allergen Checker invites you to explore its capabilities with a 14-day free trial. Owen’s Law is not a challenge; it’s a chance to redefine how we approach allergen management, and Allergen Checker is here to lead the way. Follow the link and step into the future with confidence.


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Coffee and Beverage Systems

Consumers Ready To Spend On Hot Beverages in 2024 While some drinkers are happy to upgrade, The Hot Beverages Spotlight Report indicates others will be seeking more value in 2024. The research provides expert insights into the impact of price on decision-making, as well as the formats and flavour profiles that consumers want at both the premium and value ends of the market.

The Hot Beverages Spotlight Report, part of CGA’s Food Insights Spotlight series, delivers a bird’s eye view of the segment to help suppliers, wholesalers and operators sharpen promotional, pricing and ranging strategies, as well as pinpoint opportunities for growth. It sets out the latest hot drink preferences, habits, channels, as well as plus consumer demographics, drivers to purchase and much more.

Andy Hodgson, CGA by NIQ’s senior business development manager, said: “Hot beverages are an increasingly valuable part of On Premise drinks menus and they can unlock incremental sales in new dayparts. But with competition so fierce and consumers more knowledgeable about their drinks than ever, it’s crucial to understand exactly where, when and why these drinks are bought. With spending likely to fluctuate widely between premium and value offerings, crafting the right ranges and hitting the pricing sweet spots will be the keys to success in 2024.”

The research shows well over a quarter (28%) of consumers expect to spend more on hot beverages in the next 12 months, while more than half (54%) say they are likely to pay extra for a better quality drink—a figure that rises even higher to 62% of adults aged 18 to 34. There is a particularly strong appetite for trading up in coffee, where the quality of beans has become integral to marketing campaigns.

Sanremo Coffee Machines Sanremo Coffee Machines is an Italian espresso machine and coffee grinder manufacturer that designs and produces professional equipment dedicated to coffee extraction enthusiasts. This strong passion has guided the company over the years and has now become its greatest sign of recognition. The ability to accept and respond to constant market changes with courage, ideas and products that are born from thinking outside the box, summarized in their philosophy “The Brave Inspire”. This philosophy simultaneously expresses a way of being and an invitation to be inspirational. Sanremo’s machines are designed and hand-built in Treviso, Italy. Creating one of the widest ranges of traditional espresso equipment from a single brand in the world. From their entry-level CUBE machines perfect for the home enthusiast or small bar operations to their Café Racer range, the machines are designed to deliver the consistency and quality required for the busiest of speciality coffee outlets.

Design and technology are at the heart of how Sanremo construct machines, giving baristas the controls required and a workspace which enables them to be efficient. Matched with an engineering quality using the best materials available for the task at hand, with a focus on sustainable life-long components and high levels of insulation and thermal stability to increase efficiency and reduce energy consumption and costs. During 2023 Sanremo Coffee Machines opened its first global Hub in South Kensington, London. Creating a destination spot for coffee lovers and enthusiasts to create the best coffee possible. It showcases the full range of machines along with hosting events throughout the year to bring the UK and Global coffee community together. The Hub is open to the public and no appointment is required to come and experience all the brand has to offer. With Sanremo’s unwavering passion and dedication to innovate, 2024 is again set to represent another milestone in its history with the launch of a new machine that completely reimagines what is achievable at an entry-level machine, matched with Sanremo’s distinctive design and customisation options. Called the D8 it will be launched in the UK at the end of April. If you are interested in finding out more about Sanremo you can visit their website or contact them via phone or email 01364 644445.

Exclusive Elegance and Quality by Design Benefiting from Fracino's extensive research and development programme, world class engineering skills and state of the art production technology, the new Romano-R is a genuine fusion of style and luxurious quality. Available in 2 or 3 group versions, it boasts all the power, technical qualities and reliability synonymous with Fracino products, in a stunning design to create the ultimate coffee bar furniture. The Romano elegantly combines classic curves and retro styling with contemporary materials and close attention to detail, ensuring a truly outstanding finish. Featuring latest technology integration, the full width touch pad features ‘digital trace’ icons for the drink selection and a wide range of control features within the programme - including controlled on/off times for maximum energy efficiency, coffee extraction displayed in volume and time for each espresso shot for precise drink quality, multi-lingual display selection and digital programme set-up for easy user adjustment capability. Our powerful combination of stylish design and

creative technology enables discerning clients to choose a bespoke finish for their Fracino espresso machine. Our expertise caters for individuality – whether it be to enhance a theme or interior design, promote a brand - or simply to challenge convention. Transforming the purely functional into an enviable work of art; that’s Romano!

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Issue 198

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The Source Trade Show Preview

Unlock Culinary Potential at the Source Trade Show – Registration Now Open!

Calling all food and drink buyers in hospitality, catering, and food retail – save the dates for The Source trade show on February 6th and 7th at Westpoint near Exeter. This vibrant regional event brings together an array of food and drink brands, food service, equipment, and business services, making it a one-stop-shop for your needs. As 2024 approaches, it's time to plan your menus and source top-quality ingredients, and essential equipment and services. Whether you manage a pub, hotel, restaurant, café, deli, farm shop, holiday park, or supermarket, the Source is tailored to meet your unique requirements. In partnership with Taste of the West, this show facilitates direct orders from South West artisan producers and well-known companies such as; Bartletts, Chunk of Devon, Clipper, EPOS Buddy, Farm Frites, Forest Produce, Franke Coffee, Frobishers, Gusto Organic, Heritage Cider, House of Sarunds, Proper Cornish, The Cress Co, The Real Olive Co, Unox, Westaways,

Westcountry Fruit Sales, and Yeo Valley. MD Mike Anderson expresses the essence of The Source: “It’s a show packed with reasons to attend; the best producers, market-leading business ideas, networking opportunities, a tourism conference, and it’s open to the entire food and drink industry.” Attendees have 2 days to explore trends, network with industry peers, and gain insights into the challenges and opportunities shaping the sector in 2024. The Source is free for trade buyers, easily accessible, and has plenty of free parking. In addition, many exhibitors at the show will have exclusive show offers for visiting buyers, including discounts, free delivery, free POS items, and deals on service packages. It’s a great opportunity to get yourself a deal and increase your profit margins! For more information about the show and to register to attend, visit, or call 01934 733465. You can also follow the show on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram at @SourceFoodDrink.

The Source Trade Show Preview

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The Moray Honey Company The Moray Honey Company is a family run business. Our hives are surrounded by lavender, wild flowers.

health properties, aroma and goodness.

We are based near Forres and have apiaries at home and throughout Morayshire and some surrounding areas to the Highlands.

We produce many products ideal for the hospitality, catering and hotel sectors and their customers, which will be on display at The Source Trade Show on Stand F9.

Our Honey is simply hive to jar, as nature intended keeping all the beneficial

Visit us there or see our website at

The Label Group

South West Labels are a supplier of labelling guns, thermal label printers & labels. We’re here for retail, industrial and manufacturing businesses. We’re independent, which means impartial recommendations combined with over 30 years experience in supplying these products. The labelling gun market can be complicated. Many products are known by

Barton Reed & Co Barton Reed & Co is the leading supplier of quality furniture to hotels, restaurants, public houses and leisure facilities in the South West. We can supply beautiful leather sofas, stylish high bar stools, comfy tub seats, elegant restaurant tables and chairs, and relaxing beds. From laid back, seaside charm to cutting-edge design our extensive product range will suit your style and give your business the look that you want to achieve. We have a huge choice of colours, fabrics and finishes and all our furniture comes with a two-year warranty. Barton Reed & Co is a family-run business and we have been involved in the furniture industry since 1945. Over the years we have forged strong relationships with our suppliers to give you the best furniture available with a service that goes above and beyond our customers’ expectations.

different names depending on their use. Labelling guns, price guns, pricing guns, label guns, coding guns and batch guns. Our range of products can meet all needs: Simple low use models, durable machines for industry. A wide variety of specialist features including auto-incrementing guns for batch codes. All equipment is supplied with a one year factory warranty and are designed to give years of reliable and effective service. See us on Stand H4 or call 01736 810334 for details. Seven reasons why you should choose Barton Reed & Co to supply your contract furniture: • Wide range of styles • Easy ordering and re-ordering • Single point of contact • Short lead times • Direct delivery • After sales service • Two-year warranty on every item Get in touch to discuss your furniture requirements or to order our new brochure – we’re here to help. Call us on 01409 271189, visit or email Alternatively see us on Stand H16 at The Source Trade Show.

Our Honey is simply hive to jar, as nature intended keeping all the beneficial health properties, aroma and goodness. Phone 07727 148588 Email Web

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising


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The Source Trade Show Preview Blizzard Refrigeration and Catering Equipment Experts in professional, affordable refrigeration and catering equipment Blizzard is excited to visit The Source show 2024 in February for the first time and show of some of the fantastic equipment we have to offer. Head over to Stand F26 to have a chat to our team about how Blizzard can help you, while you’re there why not take a guess on how many balls are in

our HSG40 to be in with a chance of winning a mini bar!

The Artisan Distilling Company The Artisan Distilling Company is born out of the award winning Devon Distillery. Focusing on creating high quality, bespoke spirits for clients that would like to bring their dreams to life. With clients from the Royal Navy to local pubs, prominent brands to private events, the focus on quality and detail for each and every project if central to our process.

The Artisan Distilling Company also operate the only mobile stills in the whole of the UK, so the opportunities are endless when creating your own bespoke spirit, it can be made on your very doorstep, and indeed inside! Make sure to visit them and start your journey of making your dreams into reality at Stand C15.


01803 224856 See us on Stand C15

In 2023 the South West had over 18 million single use hot and cold drinks cups. The plastic lids and PLU lined cups equate to over 80,000kg of single use plastic waste. The hospitality industry sustains us but is also responsible for a large part of this plastic crisis. The is now a solution launching to the trade at Source 24. The Good Cup is a 100% plastic free hot and cold drinks cup with a unique integrated folding lid: meaning No More Lids! Fully compostable or simply recycled as paper. The Good Cup is being brought to the UK by Liskeard based No More Lids Limited and leading the change from our glorious South West. The cup is available in 4 sizes and suitable for drink

and food service. Its unique aqueous lining ensures no leaks or soggy cups and even if the cup goes to landfill there will be no trace in under 6 months and ZERO negative impact on the environment. The South West counties have the largest combined coastline in the UK and we know first hand the issues the single use plastic and increasing tourism waste can create on our beaches and wildlife. It's time to make a change! Say Goodbye to PLU lined cups and plastic lids and say Hello to The Good Cup. Visit No More Lids and Swift Catering Supplies at Stand H7 to find out more. Or visit

The Source Trade Show Preview Let’s Talk About The Finance Your Business Needs To Grow CLH Digital

All businesses, no matter what their size, should have access to the funding they need to grow. Finding the right bespoke advice is often very difficult and this is where Asset Finance Brokers can be really valuable. Colin Chastey is an experienced Broker with a wealth of business knowledge. He has a banking background but fiercely believes relationships and great customer service matter. In his experience, small and growing businesses do not always know that there are so many more options than just traditional banks. All businesses need a person to speak to. A person to help them understand all the options so an informed decision can be made… that’s Colin, the Asset Finance Man.

Asset Finance allows a business to buy or hire new or used equipment, machinery, vehicles etc and spread the cost over a period of time. It also

Rum and Reggae: Our Adventure So Far The seed of Rum and Reggae was born from our love for tunes and of course, rum. Blending the sunny sounds of reggae with our renowned rum punch was a no-brainer and we knew this experience needed to be shared. Venturing out, we hit the road to spread the Rum and Reggae joy at festivals and food events. And guess what? People loved it! From punch to product, we crafted our signature ‘serious rum,’ a 40% abv golden tipple that shines in cocktails and pairs perfectly with your favourite soft drink. Our initial success paved the way for our next creation: a rum infused with honey sourced from rescue bees. As the buzz grew, our reach extended to pubs, clubs, restaurants,

He works with a wide range of leading lenders to find the right solution for each business. Call Colin Chastey today on 07760 454244 – See Stand I33 at the Source Trade Show.

HS French Flint - The Glass Container Specialists HS French Flint Ltd are very pleased to be exhibiting at the Source Trade Show again this year and are looking forward to seeing Old Friends as well as New Contacts on STAND E17.

expand our range and have even more wonderful glass jars and bottles to show you this year. Please have a look at our website or give us a call on 020 7237 1750.

Having moved into a new and larger showroom overlooking the River Thames near Tower Bridge we have continued to

HS French Flint Limited, The Gallery, Springalls Wharf, 25a Bermondsey Wall West, London SE16

Continuing our flavour journey we recently released two new tantalizing rums – mango and coffee. With rave reviews already pouring in, you can be sure that even more innovative flavours are in the pipeline. Stay tuned!

Visit us on stand 567 at the Source Trade Show.



offers the ability to raise cash against assets already within a business.

and bars, revealing a demand for our rums with a difference. Our brand's visuals are a burst of excitement – simple, fun, and full of colour, they effortlessly capture the heart of Rum and Reggae whilst drawing in customers with their vibrant charm.

Now ready to spread sunshine nationwide through the hospitality trade.

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Caribbean style rum, with a hint of spice and a touch of caramel, making it perfect to sip on its own, or mix with Ginger ale or cola.


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Chef's Buyer's Guide

CLH Digital

Looking Forward to 2024 with Lanchester Wines

Lesley Cook is Lanchester Wines’ director of purchasing. We caught up with Lesley to look at what will affect the wine trade in 2024. One of the biggest impacts to the wine trade in 2023 was the Alcohol Duty Reform which saw wine duty increase by 20%. This will continue to impact the trade in to 2024 and beyond, with further half percent

incremental duty changes due in February 2025. This increase in duty has been very detrimental to every alcohol-related business over the last six months. Unfortunately, we can’t offset the costs; businesses in our position don’t make enough profit to offset costs so unfortunately these have to be passed onto our customers. But, where we had to increase our prices, this increase is 100% duty on every line and, of course, some products, such as Sparkling wines and lower ABV, have been reduced, which has also been passed onto the customer. There’s a lot of admin involved in the importation of alcoholic goods – we’re an HMRC bonded warehouse and Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) which means we’re effectively an inland port. Our bond and logistics departments work through every single wine to ensure tax codes are implemented correctly and, if the Government continues with its plans for February 2025, it’ll cost tens of thousands of pounds in administration and computer systems not just for our business, but for every business in the wine trade. Wine is an agricultural crop: the climate is heavily involved in determining the alcohol level (unlike beer and spirits which can be determined very

accurately on production). A hot growing season naturally increases alcohol by volume while cold, wet weather decreases it. This could mean that a wine from one vintage goes up by two or three duty increments from the previous vintage.

you can imagine, this takes a lot of planning, it can’t be done instantly and has to be changed while the grapes are starting to grow or before. But this ensures the wine still has the mouthfeel and profile you’d expect. Customers want to taste a Pinot Grigio, not a watered-down version.

The alcohol percentage of wine, in my opinion, isn’t the issue. High ABV wines such as Barolo, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Amarone are high quality, expensive wines to be enjoyed for what they are and certainly not for binge drinkers.

I attended the World Bulk Wine Exhibition (WBWE) in Amsterdam last month and many of the vineyards are already planning to pick early next year. But this is a huge risk for them – if the wine doesn’t have the right flavour profile and they can’t sell it, then they’ve got no home for this wine. It’s only the UK Government implementing these tax regimes; wine is sold across the globe, growers can’t amend their entire vineyards just to flex to UK requirements. At some point, someone is going to lose out – its unlikely the growers will continue to forfeit their crops purely for one country, so I guess they’ll look to sell elsewhere and the UK will suffer. The next twelve months will be crucial, so watch this space.

We’re currently lobbying Government to try and stop this from happening, as I’m sure other alcohol businesses and bodies are too. It is my thought that we can maintain a stepped alcohol duty but at a simplified scale: 1.Below 11% 2.11% - 13% 3.13% - 15% 4.15%+ This will not only maintain duty tax receipts but also save the UK wine industry millions of pounds in administrative fees. Although, obviously we’d prefer to leave the alcohol duty as it is. We’ve introduced a couple of lower ABV wines within our own brand portfolio which will help minimise duty. I’ve tried a lot of lower ABV wines, all the wines you can think of, but the quality can suffer when you remove some of the alcohol and customers don’t want that - we don’t want that. We’ve only progressed with Pinot Grigio and White Zinfandel because they’re both naturally lower in ABV and lowering by a percentage or two hasn’t reduced the quality. But some lower ABV wines can be green or tannic, you wouldn’t know what you were tasting. They’re not indicative of the varietal and I’m not prepared to lower our quality. We started working with our producers as soon as we knew these duty changes were imminent – to achieve these lower ABV, the grapes are harvested earlier and the vines have been covered to reduce sun exposure. As

There is of course a glimmer of positive news, in that sparkling wines saw a reduction in alcohol duty. For Lanchester Wines, the time was quite fortuitous as we’ve just launched a new partnership with Domain Moutard, the renowned Champagne house and also introduced new sparkling Italian ranges; an organic Raboso Frizzante and Valdobbiadene Conegliano Prosecco Superiore DOCG, both of which are also lower in ABV (11%). And these producers continue to innovate to ensure they remain relevant. For example, Domain Moutard has created a pair of Pet Nats (Pétillant-Naturel) from grapes grown in its vineyards in Tonnerre, close to Chablis in Burgundy. The Pet’ Mout’ wines, a Chardonnay and a Pinot Noir rosé, are produced according to the Methode Ancestral – an ancient method of making sparkling wines. These natural wines have gained popularity in recent years as an artisanal alternative to sparkling wines. These Pet Nats signal an evolution. We have a world-renowned Champagne house growing grapes near Chablis and using an ancient winemaking method to produce cutting edge on-trend wines. This is really exciting. Moutard isn’t afraid to experiment and have fun with their wines, and what’s more fun than a farting sheep (a Péter Mouton) on the bottle?

Producer Celebrates a Meaty Haul at the National Craft Butchers Awards Cornish meat specialists Primrose Herd came away with an impressive haul at the National Craft Butchers Awards this year, receiving one Gold, three Silver and a Bronze from an experienced panel of expert judges. Flying the flag for Cornwall, Primrose Herd’s Chorizo Hotdogs were their biggest hit at the hotly contested industry awards, securing a prestigious Gold for their outstanding quality and flavour. Silvers followed for Sally Lugg’s Smoked and Unsmoked Bacon, and Cracked Black Pepper Sausages; a Bronze

award for Primrose Herd’s traditional Pork Sausages completed the medal set. Sally, who started the Primrose Herd butchery in 2000, said: “The National Craft Butchers Awards are the pinnacle of recognition in our industry. All products are tasted blind, so it really is just the quality of meat and production that’s being evaluated. I’m thrilled to come away with not just one, but five awards for our Cornish products.” Primrose Herd are based in Newham, where their modern butchery facilities process prime meat from across Cornwall; cuts are carefully prepared by the skilled butchery team, bacon meticulously dry cured, and sausages made to exacting family recipes. Primrose Herd meat is often name-dropped on the menus of top restaurants.

If you are interested in purchasing Primrose Herd products or have any questions regarding the wholesale side of our business please do get in touch at

Lanchester Wines Put Focus on Sustainability At Primrose Herd we know how important quality is to you and your customers. We supply the finest pork individually prepared to a wide range of customers throughout Cornwall and beyond. These include pubs, hotels, restaurants, farm shops delis, cafés, and box schemes.

Customers can buy in confidence knowing they are dealing with a family business that is dedicated to them. So whether its belly pork, dry cured bacon or even a bespoke sausage you want for your menu our dedicated and experienced team are here to help. If you are interested in purchasing Primrose Herd products or have any questions regarding the wholesale side of our business please do get in touch at

Tom van der Neut is business unit controller at Lanchester Wines. While carbon offsetting is relatively mainstream, more and more businesses are looking at how they can introduce carbon insetting when companies invest in carbon reduction projects within their own supply chain. By engaging in carbon insetting, companies are investing in making their own products, practices and supply chains more sustainable. The good news for operators is that the wine trade has focused on insetting for centuries. As the wine industry spans (literally) the globe, insetting has to be apportioned to the different elements of the wine process. You can firstly start by looking at the winery; how its adapted to its environment and social surroundings, and used the resources available from water conservation to soil management, vineyard grazing through to community projects. Next, is the transportation of wine. Bulk shipping has many benefits, both monetary and sustainably: a Flexitank containing 24,000 litres will fit in a 20ft container, while the same volume in bottle would require two 40ft containers. With this comes a significant win on the environmental front, with CO2 savings of 37%

(bulk vs bottled at source) which is around 2kg of CO2 per kilometre travelled. Then look at how your importer or merchant has implemented their insetting programmes. There’s no one size fits all solution to sustainability, so its important to understand what each business has done to minimise their own specific impact on the environment. At Lanchester Wines, we started our insetting programme back in 2011 with the installation of our first wind turbine and solar panels shortly after – we’ve now invested over £13million in renewable energy and heat generation projects at sites across the North of England and our business is powered almost completely by wind and solar. Lanchester Wines also actively seeks business partners and suppliers who share our vision to proactively improve their sustainability. Each of our wine suppliers has adapted to their environment and social surroundings, and used the resources available to them – from water conservation to soil management, vineyard grazing through to community projects. In simple terms, it’s absolutely vital that every business implements carbon reduction programmes as soon as possible. Depending on budget, depending on suitability – but it’s vital to do what you can where you can. Lanchester Wines has created a Sustainable Bulk Wine Partner Portfolio which can be downloaded from our website and shows the commitment from each of our partners, so our customers can be assured the wine in their glass truly is sustainable. what-we-do/sustainable-wine-business/


Issue 198

CLH Digital

Chef's Buyer's Guide

Winning Cheese and Whiskey Pairings from Northern Ireland Northern Ireland is one of the food world’s best kept secrets, with artisan cheese makers and passionate producers providing an array of different types of cheese and an abundance of gastronomic delights. Through a combination of age-old traditions, local connections and diverse natural landscapes, this little corner of the world hosts a whole legion of diverse, award-winning producers. From velvety triple-cream bries and complex ale-washed cheddars to smoky whiskeys and rich, aged balsamics. This interconnectedness is not only a regional characteristic; the symbiotic nature of these lovingly crafted products is such that when paired together on a plate, an explosion of taste is enjoyed. Cheese pairings have come a long way from the retro marriages of cheddar and pineapple. They are now more sophisticated, more inventive, and certainly more flavoursome. Why not take some tips from Academy of Cheese and pair them with some of the region’s best spirits? Kearney blue with a tot of Mourne Dew Distillery Pooka Hazelnut Poitin

- this delectable spirit is infused and distilled with roast hazelnuts to give a strong, rich nutty flavour which complements the flavour of the poitín. The rich notes of fruit and nut chocolate cream fit seamlessly with the subtle spiciness and salty blue cheese. Mike’s Fancy Cheese Young Buck with Dunville’s Three Crown Peated Irish Whiskey - The Three Crowns, winner of many awards, is a peated vintage blend of selected aged malt and grain whiskeys with a subtle wisp of smoke. Incredibly accessible, it has a creamy bite finished with a kiss of heat that perfectly complements the savoury notes of the Young Buck. These unusual marriages certainly break with the traditional cheese and wine pairings. That said, they do satisfy the common rule of matching ingredients from the same geographical region, and when that region has the mighty smallness of Northern Ireland, they are certain to delight you and your guests. Visit and

Riso Gallo – High Quality Rice, Produced Efficiently, Sustainably And With Great Care To Protect Our Natural Environment Established in 1856, Riso Gallo is the oldest Risotto rice producer in Italy and has been delivering premium rice to consumers around the world for over six generations. Excitingly, Riso Gallo is also now the first International rice brand to produce rice from sustainable agriculture, making their premium best-selling risotto rice fully sustainable from field to fork! All of the Riso Gallo premium rice varieties are produced from sustainable agriculture, as certified by the international “Farm Sustainability Assessment”. Their high quality Carnaroli and Arborio grains are grown just a short distance from the company's headquarters in the Pavia area, and cutting edge technology works in harmony with a skilled workforce to build a modern, robust agricultural model which respects both nature and the farming community itself to create a wonderful natural balance. Riso Gallo take great pride in collaborating with farms that respect their workers’ rights, and guarantees fair and stable prices to assist their farming suppliers with planning, which are agreed and confirmed before sowing begins.

British Premium Meats

Sustainability and a commitment to plastic that is suitable for recycling are key to Riso Gallo’s production, and they have uniquely created their own Circular Economy within rice production, collaborating with various innovative start-ups to give useful new life to by-products from the rice mill. See the QR code for more information on these exciting new developments. Riso Gallo is delighted that its plastic vacuum packaging is now suitable for recycling, following the launch of a new, eco-sustainable plastic with a low environmental impact. Riso Gallo are proud to be the first company to adopt this sustainable packaging, and the Gallo Risotto Traditional, Arborio, Carnaroli, and Carnaroli Rustico are now in packs using FSC certified cardboard outers to protect the grains inside. The excellence of the products and the high quality standards of the Riso Gallo supply chain are guaranteed and endorsed by BRC, IFS certifications and the Sustainable Rice Platform scheme, which leads to total reassurance for consumers who are certain they are buying 100% Italian rice which can be tracked throughout its entire supply chain, from cultivation to packing. Visit or see the advert on this page for details. service across a large part of the country including parts of Wales, Monday to Saturday. The business operates across all sectors of the industry and has a vast knowledge and experience of supplying to all sectors including leading brand hotels, restaurants, event caterers, contract caterers and many others.

British Premium Meats is a family run Foodservice meat supplier which has been trading since 1986.

Orders can be placed daily via phone, email and we also work with a number of EDI platforms.

The company operate from two separate facilities the main production and distribution hub in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, as we well as a second distribution only facility in Leeds, West Yorkshire.

Across the two depots the business operates a fleet of over 70 refrigerated delivery vehicles and also holds AA Grade BRC at the Welwyn Garden production site.

From these premises, the company is able to offer a day one for day two delivery

or visit

Call 01707 361 370 Email

Spirits and Mixers

CLH Digital

Issue 198


Make Your Event Stand Out with G&Tea Renais - Cultivated in France, Distilled in England If you’re looking for something truly unique to make your event stand out, local spirits producers G&Tea may just have the answer. They have recently added a dedicated events team to their growing business, based in Liskeard, Cornwall.

“The decision to add events into our business was from public request” Said Managing Director Chris Robinson-Brown “we already did events for our growing family of stockists and were regularly asked if we did private events and so now we do and it’s been a fantastic start” From spirits tastings to full event bars, the G&Tea team have gone all out in offering a wide range of bespoke packages to add an extra something to your event, from tastings to full bars and even a coffee bar offering using their Passenger Coffee and Chocolate and their G&Tea range of Teas, the very same tea and coffee they use to create their

range of rums, vodkas and gins.

With events for local charities such as Merlin Neurotherapy and CHSW to a full bar and coffee bar for the Festival of the Iberian Horse in Exeter; and even a series of tasting events for Microsoft Partners which involved taster packs being sent all across Europe with a live online guided tasting. “The joy of this kind of tasting is the language barrier is never an issue as enjoying hand crafted spirits is a universal language!” With some, soon to be announced, tasting events with some big-name venues coming soon, G&Tea have really listened to their customers and created something special. With bespoke wedding spirits also on offer, from table favours to wedding bars, this busy and growing Cornwall based team is really flying the flag for their home county. Visit them at ExpoWest on stand H44 this March

Isle of Wight Distillery - Free Your Spirit Rooted in the natural landscape of a unique island, we are the Isle of Wight’s first and only distillery. Our founders Xavier and Conrad and our small team distil spirits shaped by our stunning surroundings and the unique character of our island. Doing things differently, minimising waste, using ethically sourced and often local, foraged ingredients to craft a range of smooth, complex spirits. Our signature spirit Mermaid Gin delivers a smooth yet complex blend of fresh organic lemon zest and peppery grains of paradise, with a hint of sea air from locally foraged, fragrant rock samphire - a refreshing and invigorating serve. Mermaid’s name was inspired by its lead botanical rock samphire, known locally as ‘mermaid’s kiss’. This aromatic succulent clings to the cliffs surrounding the island and marks the high tide line on its majestic beaches. Like the kiss of a mythical mermaid, saving sailors lost at sea, the rock samphire signalled to shipwrecked sailors and smugglers that they were safe from the raging seas. Alongside Mermaid Gin, we produce subtly sweet, naturally flavoured Mermaid Pink Gin, infused with fresh Island strawberries grown in the rich and fertile microclimate of the Arreton valley and Mermaid Zest Gin, a citrussy and herbaceous blend of Mermaid with island bergamot, grapefruit and wild-foraged coastal rosemary. Mermaid Salt Vodka (a favourite with mixologists), is crafted using salt harvested from the flood tide off the island’s southern coast, while our latest addition, Mermaid Spiced Rum, blends Caribbean rums with local fruits and spices, including honey from our beehives and fresh white cherries from Godshill Orchards. Our spirit range also includes HMS Victory-branded Navy Strength Barrel-aged Gin and Rum, which incorporates real oak from the famous warship, in a unique and exclusive partnership with the National Museum of the

Luxury gin brand Renais, founded by Alex and Emma Watson, promises to bring an elegant taste of Northern France’s wine region to the UK. Renais has a contemporary palate, bright tasting notes of minerality, fresh citrus, white grape, garden herbs, juniper and flowers. Distinctive and luxurious, it has been inspired by the people, produce and provenance of two iconic regions within Northern France.

Renais is a bold and vibrant gin, with an incredible story and flavour profile, combining both modernity and heritage in a beautiful bottle. Designed to be enjoyed both neat, and in stirred-down classic cocktails such as the martini, long and refreshing cocktails like a spritz or in a classic G+T. Renais has a collection of suggested serves, including The Emma, Bees Knees and Terroir Martini. The Spirit has been created through grapes salvaged from the wine making process, pressed Grand Cru grapes, local terroir, and a selection of natural botanicals. Renais is a product of two generations of the

Watson family, where Alex and Emma spent the summers of their childhood at their family’s vineyard, Domaine Watson, which their Father has operated for over 30 years. Following their family passion for winemaking, and Alex’s history of working for over a decade in the drinks industry, they founded Renais gin.

When creating Renais, Alex and Emma wanted to ensure the spirit was as sustainable as possible. Their unique production process begins with sourcing and distilling upcycled French pressed wine grape skins and lees, including some sourced from Domaine Watson, which are by-products of the distilling process. Renais is distilled in small batches, and combined with Kimmeridgian stone maceration which the region is famed for. The liquid is elevated with hand-picked pressed organic grapes, sourced from Northern France’s finest Grand Cru vineyards and other all natural botanicals including linden flowers, cubeb berries and acacia honey. See the advert on this page for details.

Royal Navy. We blend traditional methods with contemporary techniques, hand-crafting our spirits in small batches and slow distilling before cutting with local spring water and bottling on the island. The result is an award-winning range of spirits with a contemporary style, layered complexity and signature smooth delivery. We are passionate about protecting our island and the planet. As part of our commitment to sustainability, conservation and a circular economy, we’re proactive in helping to protect the environment, actively working to reduce our carbon footprint and supporting reforestation and seagrass meadow restoration projects. Awarded first place in the IWSC Design Awards and certified as plasticfree, our Mermaid range is crafted from recyclable glass, with a sustainably sourced natural cork and compostable tamper-proof seal. In 2022, we achieved another sustainability goal of becoming a B Corporation, joining a global, progressive community of organisations using business as a force for good, balancing profit with purpose and people. We are a purpose-driven distillery; inspired by the natural world to create premium, hand-crafted spirits, working in connection with nature. Contact: | +44 (0)1983 613653 Web: Social: Facebook: @iowdistillery | @mermaidgin Instagram: @isleofwightdistillery | @mermaidgin LinkedIn: Isle of Wight Distillery


Issue 198

CLH Digital

Outdoor Spaces

The Impact Of Weather On Consumer Buying Behaviour For Picnic Benches

In the bustling landscape of the UK outdoor furniture industry, valued at £650 million, the ebb and flow of consumer preferences are intricately tied to the ever-changing weather conditions. Central to this dynamic is the link between supply and demand for items like picnic tables and children's picnic benches. These essential pieces of outdoor furniture become not just functional elements but witness a surge in demand during periods of good weather.

As the outdoor furniture market anticipates an annual growth rate of 2-3%, the influence of weather patterns on consumer behaviour becomes increasingly evident. The Met Office, in a revealing study, underscores the undeniable influence of sunshine and warm temperatures on consumer spending habits. The climax of this impact is remarkable, with outdoor furniture sales soaring by an impressive 70% during periods of good

weather. Conversely, the subdued months during rainy spells reverberate through the market, evident in the 2019 downturn where UK retailers faced a substantial £200 million dip in sales, with outdoor furniture, including the beloved picnic benches, bearing a significant drop.

In the heart of these market dynamics stands MG Timber, a specialist in the realm of high-quality wooden picnic tables. Each masterpiece is meticulously crafted from top-tier timber, not merely as outdoor furniture but as a seamless blend of functionality and aesthetics. MG Timber's picnic tables stand as beacons of durability, weathering the changing seasons while elevating outdoor spaces with timeless elegance. Dive into our expansive range today and discover the perfect complement for your outdoor haven, where every piece becomes a part of the evolving narrative of the outdoor experience.

Domestic & Trade Handmade Garden Furniture From MG Timber SGM Recycled Plastics Ltd.

The UK outdoor furniture market is heavily influenced by changes in weather conditions, with consumers more likely to purchase picnic benches during periods of good weather. MG Timber specialise in the manufacturing and supply of high-quality wooden picnic tables. Their picnic tables are made from high-grade timber and are designed to withstand the harsh outdoor elements.

Whether you’re a restaurant seeking to enhance the cosy ambiance of your outside space with a highquality dining set. A hotel wanting to revive your garden with a premium picnic table or a pub landlord aiming to elevate your beer garden with an impressive selection of pub benches and wheelchair accessi-

ble picnic tables. MG Timber are the garden furniture suppliers for you.

Crafted from the finest Swedish Redwood, each piece is expertly pressure treated to ensure longevity and protect against the elements. Renowned for their robustness, our treated wooden outdoor furniture is designed to withstand the unpredictable British weather, making them a reliable choice for any catering and licensing industry outdoor space. For full details about our vast array of top-quality outdoor picnic benches for sale, please visit our website or call us on 01902 953166.

LeisureBench Ltd, is proud to introduce its new sister company SGM Recycled Plastics Ltd. Made from 100% recycled plastic, our new ranges are designed and manufactured at our new premises in Granthan using the latest technology. From picnic tables to planters, the growing range of products are ergonomically designed for the commercial sector at affordable prices and most items come with a 25-year construction guarantee. Introducing our new stylish side chairs available in several colours, they are both comfortable, and at a starting price of just £99.45 +vat in black, they represent excellent value for money.

Our new website has automated muti-buy discounting. Discounts start from as little as two of the same product for exceptional value. We believe we are the most competitive in the market. Our in-house design team can design bespoke products for our clients and no job is too small or too big. Customer service is key to our success. We welcome visitors to our factory showroom at Old Wharf Road, Grantham, Notts, NG31 7AA. SGM T: 0333 0112314 Calls charged at local rate. E: SGM W:

Hospitality Technology

CLH Digital

Issue 198


3 Technology Trends That Your Hospitality Business Should Adopt in 2024 By Louis Carbonnier, co-founder and President of Hokodo ( More than ever, hospitality businesses are adopting technological solutions to tackle the challenges facing their industry. In fact, 67% of businesses surveyed by KPMG in 2022 said that they will embrace emerging technology platforms over the next two years - and that this is necessary in order to grow and evolve. In an industry with slim margins and increased competition, hospitality businesses need to do what they can to stay ahead, which includes adopting innovative solutions to propel their business forward and cement their place in the market. Here are the top technology trends that businesses in the hospitality sector should consider to get ahead in 2024.

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DIGITAL PAYMENT TERMS B2B sellers are starting to integrate digital payment solutions into their platforms for ease and simplicity of ordering. Taking advantage of payment terms can have a huge benefit to your business, freeing up time and money to spend on growth initiatives, and with a digital system there’s no need to

worry about the paperwork associated with traditional lines of credit.

ing competitive.

When sellers adopt a digital payment terms solution like Hokodo’s, they can pick and choose from a full B2B payment suite, meaning that they can design a payment terms solution that is tailored to both the needs of their business and their customers requirements. As a business buyer, you can take advantage of flexible payment terms with ease and convenience. Many hospitality businesses operate under squeezed liquidity and within tight margins, so utilising payment terms can help to improve cash flow and offer much needed flexibility to invest in new growth strategies. In addition to deferring payments or paying in instalments, Hokodo also offers trade accounts, meaning that you can combine multiple invoices for your hospitality business over an agreed period and pay in one go, saving precious time.


OFFER COMPETITIVE PRICING USING AI In a competitive industry, it’s important to keep your pricing competitive, too. For hospitality businesses with a range of products or services on offer, manually checking that your pricing is up-to-date and accurate can be a laborious task. Adopting AI-driven pricing software could make this process less time consuming, as it can analyse market data in real-time and adjust prices accordingly. Market demand or supply chain disruptions could have a huge impact on your pricing, so an automated system will make sure that you’re not under- or over-charging your customer - keeping your pric-

Lots of consumers rely on chatbots when shopping online, and there’s no reason that your hospitality business can’t reap their rewards, too. Not only can chatbots provide product information and insight to your customers, but their automated interactions can also nurture and qualify new leads, make personalised recommendations to your customers and collect important data. Integrating a chatbot to your site can boost loyalty and satisfaction amongst your existing customers, and attract new ones by creating a personalised buying experience. Chatbots are particularly useful for businesses with smaller teams or those that are used to an influx of customer questions, as they can handle a large amount of enquiries at the same time. No need to worry about manually working through dozens of customer requests - your chatbot can handle the initial questioning all on its own, giving you much-needed time back. From digital payment terms that improve cash flow and free up precious time to chatbots that take the manual labour out of customer service, there are technology solutions for each challenge that your hospitality business is facing. As the majority of businesses look to adopt emerging technologies to boost growth, it’s important to embrace systems that will streamline your processes and keep your business at the front of the pack.

WaiterMate Debuts the World’s Fastest, Most Efficient Mobile EPOS Revolutionary technology company, WaiterMate has launched the world’s fastest and most efficient EPOS system. Powerful and pocket sized, it combines traditional EPOS functions with an integrated ordering system and payment processing functionality for speedier service, a greater volume of sales and better tips.

Designed for fast-paced hospitality venues, including restaurants, bars, cafes, and nightclubs, WaiterMate allows customers to be processed at a minimum of twice the speed of traditional systems. Every single waiter or waitress can serve customers and take payments at the same time. No bottlenecks during peak periods. No frustratingly lengthy waiting times. No jostling for use of the till or card machine. Just seamless customer service, efficient ordering, and lightening quick payments from any location within the venue. WaiterMate empowers every waiter or waitress to serve their customers’ food and drinks noticeably quicker and to a higher standard. With more accurate order placement, seamless table management, options to split the bill, take payment and print receipts, they have a full EPOS system in the palm of their hand. Better service means better tips and a better

customer experience.

With one client, WaiterMate helped their bartenders set a record for revenue. The venue was looking for a solution that could help its business to scale, generate more profit and make life simpler for staff. WaiterMate exceeded all expectations. With the old system, a bartender generated a maximum of £1,500 worth of sales per evening. With WaiterMate, that increased to £2,700. It’s a truly revolutionary piece of kit that is userfriendly and packed with functionality for customer-facing teams and managers alike. For those in charge of the bigger picture, WaiterMate doesn’t just ensure a faster rate of table turnover, and improved productivity front-ofhouse. It’s also been precisely engineered to make complete venue management easier. The robust interface comes with enhanced analytics and truly useful reports, for easier staff management, easier data-based decision making, improved service quality and upgraded customer loyalty. This functionality is the brainchild of WaiterMate CEO, Lee Nazari. “I grew up in the hospitality business. Today’s managers and waiters face a range of challenges. WaiterMate is designed to help them succeed, by

making life easier for staff to help with productivity and retention, elevating the customer experience to encourage loyalty, and providing easy access to data and reporting for informed decision making.”

Multiple site management is also covered. Each venue can be reviewed independently or the whole property estate brought together to see the bigger picture. Those in charge have complete control and oversight of performance in real time or retrospectively. Compatible with online ordering, WaiterMate integrates with UberEats, Deliveroo, Just Eat, App 4 and Delivery Hero straight out of the box. Payments can be processed via Google Pay, Apple Pay, Visa or MasterCard and payment processing fees are almost 1% lower than popular alternatives. There’s no need to juggle multiple complex platforms and no challenging accountancy tasks. Everything needed is readily accessible from the pocket-sized device. To find out more, visit: View the video: or follow on social @WaiterMate.


Issue 198

CLH Digital

Hospitality Technology

Technology To Enhance Hotels Sustainability The last few years has been one of the hardest periods, if not the hardest, for the hospitality industry worldwide. Lockdowns, staffing issues, war on the European Continent and unprecedented energy costs have all put pressure on the on the industry. When looking at reducing operating costs in a hotel, optimization comes as a very handy word; optimize labour, optimize training, optimize energy, optimize maintenance…but we many times fail to address the way to achieve this “optimization”. As in life, information is the starting point to approach the problems we aim to solve, so gathering information about what is going on in our building becomes essential to optimize the way the building – our hotel – works. Once we have the information, we need to actually control those variables to be able to change them, and this is where technology can really make a difference. Starting with the rooms, sharing information between the hotel PMS (such as if the room is booked for that day or if the guest has already checked-in) and the HVAC control system (room occupancy for example) help reduce energy waste to a minimum as the AC will only turn On when the room is occupied and the guest is checked-in, but not if the hotel staff gets in the room before the guest has arrived to the hotel. This can be applied to all room controls (lighting, TV, sockets…) but also to common areas, and bearing in mind energy accounts for 3 to 6% of an average hotel running costs, eliminating energy waste can really make a difference. Following on to the hotel staff, housekeeping is many times overlooked with teams left to wonder through the

Eliminate Dine & Dash with CardsSafe Ltd. If you're considering the CardsSafe system for your hospitality, retaining your customers' banking or ID cards can significantly reduce the temptation of customers walking out without paying their bill.

hotel looking for rooms to clean. Monitoring “Make Up Room” and “Do Not Disturb” signals (MUR/DND) in a centralised system help increase the overall efficiency as teams can be assigned to those parts of the hotel that require more immediate attention. Combining this information with room occupancy and access controls enhance guest privacy and provide deeper knowledge of how our hotels work, for example giving information on how much time it takes to clean each room. Another big cost centre control systems help reduce drastically is Maintenance, as these solutions allow the use of predictive and preventive policies. Sorting issues before they become fatal or even before they appear decreases the amount spent in replacing broken units (for example AC units) but also minimizes the risk of refunds to guest because things are not working or because there has been an AC leakage nobody noticed before. A robust long-lasting control system combined with a Building Management System (BMS) that integrates with our hotel’s PMS is vital to get to know how our building operates to optimize all those little things that end up costing several thousand every year. These are the type of solutions Zennio develops and delivers in over 100 countries, helping hotels all around the world become more efficient and sustainable and supporting all projects locally and remotely to make sure everything works every day. For further information see the advert on the facing page. up a tab will spend more time eating and drinking. Over 5000 venues utilise the system, including Young's pubs, Hilton Hotels, golf courses, Lord's Cricket Ground, and many independent restaurants and bars. The CardsSafe units can sit discreetly behind the bar or POS, and the system does not capture data, so it never breaches GDPR. One of CardsSafe's longest-standing customers, the leading global hospitality brand Hilton, has used their system since 2005. They say, "All our customers are pleased that we look after their cards more securely with CardsSafe." CardsSafe's tab systems are in over 60 Hilton hotels nationwide.

CardsSafe's cost-effective tab-keeping system works alongside existing POS to retain customer credit and debit cards securely. As a result, CardsSafe virtually eliminates walkouts and chargebacks because it is a deterrent for slippery customers and because their bank cards are securely retained.

CardsSafe is also straightforward to install and requires minimal staff training. Their customer service team is on hand with any troubleshooting and supplies free replacement keys should they go missing. The system is not hardwired, so electrics or technical installation processes are unnecessary.

Timothy, Young's Bar Manager, said, "Average spending is up, and chargeback has virtually disappeared after we installed CardsSafe, which puts our customers' minds at rest."

CardsSafe is affordable, too. Each unit contains ten card drawers that can be hired for just £9.95* per month. So, the question is, can you afford not to have CardsSafe as a part of your business?

CardsSafe is a fantastic hospitality business tool that increases customer service and helps staff to upsell. Safely securing customers' bank cards while running a tab helps to increase trust between the venue and customers and allows the team to build loyalty and confidence while increasing sales. Customers who set

Or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040

For more information, please visit

MCR Systems MCR Systems has over 40 years of experience in providing hospitality, catering and leisure organisations with enterprise management solutions that directly improve the efficiency of their business operations. We do this by combining high-quality

*Plus, a sign-up fee of £39.95 (plus VAT) for new customers.

software and cutting-edge EPOS technology. MCR Systems T: 0116 299 7000 E: See the advert on page 40.

Castra Solutions - Wired and Wireless Solutions At Castra Solutions, we understand the importance of reliable and high-speed WiFi for businesses of all sizes. Our WiFi solutions are designed to provide seamless connectivity and exceptional performance, ensuring that your employees and customers can stay connected at all times. In the hospitality industry, having a reliable and highspeed WiFi network is essential to meet the needs of guests who expect seamless connectivity during their stay. With the rise of mobile devices and the growing importance of online reviews, hoteliers cannot afford to overlook the importance of providing a top-notch WiFi experience. One of the biggest challenges in hotel WiFi is providing coverage throughout the entire property, from guest rooms to public areas. This requires careful planning and optimization of the network, including access point placement, signal strength, and interference management. By working with Castra Solutions,

hotels can ensure that their WiFi network is designed to meet the unique needs of their property and guests. In addition to providing reliable WiFi, hotels can also use their network to enhance the guest experience and generate revenue. For example, hotels can offer premium WiFi services for guests who require faster speeds or more bandwidth or provide access to streaming services and other entertainment options. In conclusion, providing a reliable and high-speed WiFi network is essential for hotels looking to meet the needs of their guests and stay competitive in today's digital world. By working with a Castra Solutions and taking steps to optimize and secure their network, hotels can provide a seamless and enjoyable WiFi experience that enhances the guest experience. Call us today on 0300 124 5005 or visit


Issue 198

CLH Digital

Hospitality Technology

Boosts Customer Experience and Business Operations with Cloud Telephony Running a business in the hospitality sector has many communication challenges. Utilising cloud telephony enables you to face these business challenges by making informed business decisions and provides you with the time you need to focus on your customers.

them to contact you via WhatsApp, Email, or Live Chat. • What is a Property Management System integration? Offer simple solutions to enhance guest experience with guest voicemail, wake-up, maid status and guest call charges.

Evolve IP provides a range of products to help ease these business pain points. But without understanding the value that these technologies bring; how can businesses be expected to invest? Cloud telephony is more than making a phone call, it’s everything else around it that enables a business to collaborate effectively internally and externally with the customer. All of these moving parts to a business's operations seem small but once you see how disjointed they can become, it slowly evolves into a much bigger business challenge. We look at how we can help you better understand how cloud telephony can help your business.


Focusing on Customer Experience From taking payment, managing bookings, and responding to queries across a range of communication platforms, the front-of-house team is a busy department. Utilising cloud telephony brings all day-to-day administrative tasks into one space. For example, tools like business analytics, call recording, CRM integration, Property Management System Integrations and even an

omnichannel contact centre all support these intertwined platform communications. Providing your team with focus whilst also optimising the team operations effectively. How do these technologies help? Understanding the wide range of technologies can be a challenge. Utilising a service provider to act as your trusted advisor will help you with managing this element of your business is invaluable.

• What does Call Recording mean? Access sentient analysis to identify trends and pain points within the business. E.g., “unable to make a booking”. • How can Business Analytics help? Identify business times within the business and ensure you’re sufficiently resourced. • Why is a Contact Centre important? Be where your customers are, enabling

Airwave Upgrade the Royal Society of Medicine’s TV System

Situated on the corner of central London's Wimpole Street and Henrietta Place, The Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) is one of the UK's leading providers of postgraduate medical education. Delivering multidisciplinary, specialist and general education to a global network of 20,000 members, the RSM brings together healthcare professionals across multiple specialties, offering learning resources, specialty events, club facilities and a hotel.

THE HOTEL Domus Medica, offers 47 member only guestrooms set within a hotel environment on the RSM's first floor. Stylish, comfortable accommodation complements amenities such as a restaurant, lounge bar, meeting rooms and library - providing a welcome respite for members staying before or after a RSM meeting. Members also benefit from the hotel's fabulous location, set within a few metres of London's iconic Oxford


THE TECHNOLOGY Having previously supplied TV technology to the London venue, Airwave was delighted to be invited back to upgrade and refresh the hotel's TV system. As the typical Domus Medica guest uses the guestroom for sleeping and bathing only, a simple Freeview system was all that was required on this occasion. Airwave installed an IPTV headend, updating the network infrastructure and providing access to on-demand content and an extensive selection of TV and radio channels. 32-inch LG LT661H Series displays were wall-mounted on tilt and swivel brackets ; the LT661 Series is run on LG's WebOS 4.5 platform, and offers fully customisable hotel TV features. For further information on Airwave, see the advert on the front cover or visit

Technologies available to the hospitality sector come with unique requirements for each business and providers need to work with each business to better help alleviate those pain points. Investing in technology will ultimately increase your revenue and customer retention long term. Onboarding your team and business to the cloud is a worthy investment into your communications strategy which will give you the tools to grow and scale your business efficiently. Capturing live data and your current business output gives you a full view of the business and empowers you to invest in the correct areas of the business. To find out more about cloud telephony and how Evolve IP can support your business visit See the advert on the previous page for details.

HotelREZ Increases Revenue and Market Share for Accommodation Providers HotelREZ Hotels & Resorts is one of the UK’s leading hotel representation companies, dedicated to connecting independent properties with bookers. With market-leading sales, marketing and revenue teams, combined with cutting-edge technology, HotelREZ helps hoteliers achieve their commercial potential by working closely with their customers to produce high-rated revenue from the most suitable target markets at an attractive cost of sale. Partnering with over 600 UK independent hotels, aparthotels, pubs with rooms and hotel groups, HotelREZ drives more direct bookings via distribution systems through its’ best-in-class booking engine ‘REZbooker’, meta, OTA and GDS travel agency system. A dedicated account manager assists to secure additional incremental income from corporate travellers, RFPs, and chain level agreements with global TMCs, consortia and agency networks alongside niche marketing programmes. To generate greater demand and reach a wider audience, HotelREZ gives access to its leisure subsidiary brands, World Rainbow Hotels and Best Loved Hotels.

HotelREZ focuses on exceptional support, speed to market and cost effective interfaces to PMSs, channel managers, RMS, payment gateways and unique booking widgets.

ADVANCING OPPORTUNITIES HotelREZ representation, technology and its’ in depth distribution knowledge, helps properties gain greater market share at an increased value per reservation by strengthening the quality of its global exposure. In 2024, HotelREZ will be rolling out a newly enhanced WebServices division, including a marketchanging retail booking engine to help hoteliers sell more than just rooms or F&B, expanding into upgrades, amenities and external products like transfers and tours. The HotelREZ team has a proven record of consultative, communicative account management where you speak with a real person, committed to helping your hotel generate increased revenue at an attractive cost of sale. Open a world of new booking and revenue opportunities. Learn more

SumUp Launches End-To-End Product Package For Quick-Service Businesses Kitting out your business with tools that support your staff and satisfy your customers improves the flow of your venue. SumUp has launched an all-in-one setup for quick-service businesses that transforms how these businesses operate. The quick-service package includes a range of solutions for coffee counters, takeaways and everything in between, with huge savings on hardware, software, transaction fees and more. Each included product optimises a different customer or staff touchpoint, simplifying orders and payments, reducing queues and relieving staff—especially during those busy periods.

POINT OF SALE PRO One POS solution for all of your daily tasks.

SUMUP KIOSK Customers order and pay freely, while your team focuses on the food.

SOLO CARD READER Never miss a sale with reliable payment acceptance.

KITCHEN DISPLAY SCREEN Give your kitchen staff the boost they deserve. Point of Sale Pro, SumUp’s most extensive POS solution, is the central hub within this package. Made up of easy-to-use hardware and software, staff can take orders, accept payments and make important changes in a few clicks. The POS system provides valuable insights through data and reports, and is integrated with tools like Uber Eats, Deliveroo and Xero—ensuring businesses have everything they need in one place. Orders can also be accepted via SumUp Kiosk, a selfservice terminal where customers order themselves—

reducing queues by up to 50%. When it comes to payments, kiosks have an integrated card reader so customers can pay right away. The package also includes a Solo card reader, which can be used to accept flexible payments with POS Pro. All orders—including those from delivery apps—are synced with the kitchen display screen, a separate display that supports staff by organising orders on-screen in real time. With these solutions, SumUp provides an ecosystem of tools that work seamlessly together at an accessible cost. All of these individual products can now be purchased as the quick-service package, priced at £599 (instead of £1,929). Software costs are reduced to £59 per month (instead of £118) and card reader transaction fees are discounted to 0.99%. These fees are guaranteed to never be increased. Businesses can access their daily earnings made via SumUp the next day at 7am—even on holidays and weekends. Talk to the SumUp team +44 20 3936 1981


Issue 198

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Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

South Coast Catering Equipment Ltd If you are a Chef, Restaurateur, Hotelier or Entrepreneur, we have the experience and expertise to help with Feasibility Studies and the Design and Installation of all your Catering Requirements

South Coast Catering Equipment Ltd a family business was formed in 1970 and is now in its 53rd year. To trade for over half a century through three recessions is a remarkable achievement and founder Mike Barnes says it’s down to giving reliable service at competitive prices. Our engineers are on call 365 days a year, and it is with great pride that the company has held the service contract with East & West Sussex County Council School meals division for 48 years. Our customers range from large hotel groups, a wide variety of high profile clients, restaurants, small cafes, schools and care homes. The areas which we cover are East & West Sussex, Hampshire, Surrey and even as far as the Channel Islands. 2020 proved to be a difficult year, but we maintained our presence and our service division was busy throughout the whole of lockdown. Our design office with our New Cad System can provide a design layout very quickly, and when service drawings are provided it means our clients can obtain correct quotations with each company tendering quotes like for like. This in turn means the client gets the correct price and the equipment as specified on the design drawing. We are main distributors for New Equipment Including Rational, Falcon, Lincat, Williams and Foster Refrigeration. We also produce Extract Ventilation Systems and purposed manufactured stainless-steel tables & sinks. Our engineers are fully trained on all this

equipment. In the year 2020 we set up our ‘New Factory – SCCE 36 Station Road ‘producing refurbished equipment. There are over 300 items of refurbished heavy duty catering equipment at our showroom in Hailsham and it has proved very popular with our customers who are on a fixed budget, as in many cases there can be savings of over 70%. Many of our customers mix new and refurbished equipment in their kitchens and because we offer a guarantee and service back up, this is enjoyed by many of them. Tel: 01323 444530

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Tel: 01323 444530

Established 1970

SOUTH COAST CATERING EQUIPMENT LTD Sales, Service, Design and Installation of Commercial Catering Equipment

Commercial House, Units 4 & 5 Apex Park, Diplocks Way, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 3JU |

THE LARGEST SELECTION OF GUARANTEED REFURBISHED CATERING EQUIPMENT IN THE SOUTH Gas & Electric Combi Ovens, Gas & Electric Ranges, Fryers, Chargrills, Griddles, Glasswashers, Pizza Ovens, Pasta Boilers, Stainless Steel Tables, Stainless Steel Sinks, Dishwashers, Coffee Machines, Gas & Electric Grills, Hobart 20 QT Mixers, Microwave Ovens, Tea Boilers, Freezers, Refrigerators, Display Serve Over Refrigerators, Refrigerated Multi-Decks, Slicers, Potato Peelers.


We also supply and design complete new kitchens including extract ventilation canopies

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

CLH Digital

Issue 198


Blast Chilling Is Best When It’s Fast Chilling Nationwide Equipment Training Williams Refrigeration has released a new versions of its reach in blast chillers and blast chiller/freezers which provide significant improvements over previous models. Blast chilling is a key process for cook chill systems, allowing businesses to safely chill and store food in batches before regeneration is required. The new models ensure chilling food safety regulations are followed by rapidly chilling food from +90°C through the danger zone where harmful bacteria can grow, to a safe storage temperature. The range now uses natural hydrocarbon refrigerant which has low Global Warming Potential and zero Ozone Depletion Potential. As the charge is less than 150g it falls beneath the threshold for hydrocarbon equipment, which means there’s no need for costly insurance or zone control and allows it to be installed directly on a cookline. Chilling and freezing times have been reduced compared to previous models, while a powerful food probe sensor can save energy by stopping the cycle as soon as the food reaches the required temperature. The probe can be stored away helping to avoid damage when not in use. A powerful self-regulating system protects the compressors while cooked food is being loaded by cooling down the system before the program cycle is activated. While some manufacturers promote a maximum capacity for their blast chiller/freezers, this is often smaller for freezing than it is for

On-Site Kitchen Rentals Ltd On-Site Kitchen Rentals Ltd supply temporary kitchen units, catering equipment and refrigeration solutions across the UK, Europe and occasionally worldwide. Supplying to a variety of industries from events and festivals to the hospitality sector, fast food companies and many more. With over 40 years of experience in the industry, we have a fastpaced, hard-working team with an infrastructure of assets and resources to find the best solutions for all types of catering and foodservice requirements. We are a supplier with a proven track record and a long list of completed installations with a wide and varied number of satisfied

chilling. However, Williams blast chillers have the same capacity regardless of whether it is being used to freeze or chill. The overall design has been improved, with a sleek new door and the popular, easy to use Williams EasyBlast (WEB) controller. A simple 1-2-3 interface makes it easy for staff to program the cycle, while a clear digital display shows the elapsed time and the food probe temperature. The door can be configured to be either right or left hand hung. A full-length integral door handle provides an easy to use, non-slip grab that is designed to be easy to clean, with no potential dirt traps. The reduction in chilling and freezing times helps to deliver significant savings in energy compared with previous models. Efficiency is further improved by the 75mm high density polyurethane insulation which helps to maintain operating temperature in ambient conditions up to 43°C. Williams blast chiller and chiller/freezer ranges are available in both reach in and roll in models in a variety of capacities. Its new range of reach in models are available from the compact 10kg undercounter unit up to 50kg cabinets while roll in models start from 70kg capacity up to 320kg. Williams Refrigeration offers a comprehensive range of commercial refrigeration including gastronorm cabinets and counters, specialist bakery equipment, coldrooms, multidecks and blast chillers. To learn more about Williams extensive product range visit clients from local businesses to major international names. Our recipe for success is based on keeping things simple. We believe that all our contracts have been gained because we listen and advise on what's right for the client. All our customers are very different with differing priorities. However all have a few things in common, such as government regulations, hygiene restrictions and probably just as difficult to please, professional chefs and catering managers. We pride ourselves on meeting every client's specific requirements. Each of our kitchen installations is a bespoke solution designed around your needs. 01253 863305

At Nationwide Equipment Training, we're qualified, accredited consultants specialising in catering equipment training. Based in Staffordshire, we cover the whole of the United Kingdom and have over 60 years of industry experience. We deliver training on all types of catering equipment from a range of manufacturers and suppliers. We take pride in our ability to offer the highest standard of catering equipment training for businesses across the country.

WHY CHOOSE US? • We specialise in commercial catering equipment training • Full UK coverage • Reactive to short notice requests The services we offer can be used on an ad-hoc or continuous basis, depending on the needs of your business. We provide individual and/or package requests and support for your existing team(s). We deliver the information so that it is easily understood by the end user, we have the skills to assess what learning style is best. We ask the right questions to ensure that the information provided, or the processes demonstrated have been fully understood.

REFRESHER TRAINING: Refresher training is hugely beneficial, ensuring that colleagues are kept up to date and routines and processes are embedded. Over time colleagues may start to take shortcuts, when this happens, it is usually detrimental to their equipment,

their customers, and their due diligence defence. This may result in an avoidable cost to your business. Bad practices in almost every case will cost your business money.

WHAT WE CAN OFFER: • Provision of on-site equipment training (suitable as a 1-2-1 or group sessions) • Able to support equipment roll outs across the whole of the UK • Able to provide ad hoc training requests • Able to support your existing training team during times of greater demand, sickness, maternity etc • Offer training days (suitable for end of project new builds or refurbishments) to include facilitating the training day, delivering training and coordinating supplier attendance Your training can be covered with our flexible approach to training. Contact Nationwide Equipment Training


NATIONWIDE EQUIPMENT TRAINING LTD Supplying kitchens to the Pub and Restaurant Industry

For all your catering equipment training needs We are accredited consultants specialising in catering equipment training with full UK coverage and over 60 years of industry experience.

• Equipment hire for breakdown appliances. • Kitchen hire for planned refurbishments. • Kiosk hire for additional revenue. • Cold-room hire for additional space or breakdown.

01253 863305

You might need us one day.

Telegraph House 59 Wolverhampton Road Stafford Staffordshire ST17 4AW


Phone: 07957 938243 Web:


Issue 198

CLH Digital

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Blue Seal Fryers and Oil Filtration By David Chesshire, National Accounts Manager, Blue Seal (

At Impact Hygiene we specialise in all cleaning services related to commercial kitchen cleaning, including kitchen deep cleans, the canopy, filters, and extract duct.

We also clean air handling units, and building ventilation systems. We work to tr19 guideliness and our teams are fully qualified.

For a free no obligation quote call Hannah on 0161 274 9572 or email

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Evolution Fryers and Filter Units

The Premium Fryer and Burner System The ultimate solution for any catering establishment, perfect for pubs, hotels, restaurants, cafes and much more.

Operators should consider when purchasing a fryer and their oil, the oil capacity against production rate, burner efficiency and recovery rate, as well as a true cool zone in gas fryers to help prolong the oil life. Blue Seal V ray Gas Fryers are our premium fryer and burner system, which come at a higher price compared to some competitors’ gas models. However the fuel efficiency, cost saving, performance and stainless steel high build quality far out way the additional initial cost to the operator. Blue Seal produce high performance thermostatic controlled gas & electric fryers. Our Evolution range gas fryers GT60, GT46 & GT45 have a premium feature benefit of all using our patented “V’Ray” burner system. This system uses infra-red technology radiating the heat into the tank, only heating the area of oil the baskets are sitting in. This promotes incredibly fast recovery rates, high efficiency for limited fuel consumption provides a true cool zone in conjunction with the specially shaped tank. The true cool zone prevents crumb and food debris that drops below the

batter plates from continuous cooking and carbonising, which in turn helps prevent the degrading of oil quality. This all achieves considerable cost saving for the operator with fuel and oil, as well as time efficiency, producing the finished products. Blue Seal also offer an additional Filtration units that give a fantastic solution to improving oil life, have great mobility and space saving features as well as powerful pumps & full stainless steel construction. Moisture, fatty acids and food residue contaminate cooking oil, spoiling fried food taste and causing the oil to smoke. Blue Seal Filtamax removes impurities, quickly and effectively, maintaining consistent high cooking quality and considerable extension of oil life. The Carbon Pads remove sub-micron particles down to 0.5 microns – this is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand. Daily filtering of fryer oil using carbon filters can massively increase the life span of the oil creating large cost savings and create more consistent finish and taste to the food product.

There are significant advantages offered by the New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by Pump Technology Ltd. The pump features a tank with its clear side window was the large, triangular, low-level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing. Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease, fat and food particles before the reliable start/stop operation of the pump is affected. The triangular low-level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline, giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens. The build quality of the submersible wastewater

pump was also a discussion point, with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement, especially considering the hot wastewater temperatures and potential grease which these units have to handle. It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations. Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet. This means that the installation footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated. It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a real winner!

The New DrainMinor C (Combi Oven Pump)


Issue 198

CLH Digital

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Don’t Pay for a Dishwasher – Pay per Wash Get a top quality Winterhalter glasswasher or dishwasher, with no up-front cost and no contract Winterhalter will take account of the money you’ve spent through PPW to discount the purchase price. Or, if business booms, you might decide to stick with PPW, but swap your machine for a larger one.

A quality dishwasher or glasswasher won’t just deliver sparkling clean results, it’s also going to reduce running costs, save staff time and, because it’s reliable, ease staff stress. The only downside is the up-front cost – but not anymore. Pay Per Wash (PPW) is Winterhalter’s innovative finance scheme. There’s no need to buy a dishwasher: the company provides a top quality model for free. Pay Per Wash covers the machine, the cleaning chemicals AND servicing. All you do is buy wash credits (online or by phone), then load the machine with the dirties and push the button. Another bonus is that you only pay when you’re washing, when you are actually using the machine. So if you’re not open one or two days a week, your dishwasher isn’t costing a bean. PPW is available on Winterhalter UC (undercounter) and PT (passthrough) machines, all of which, as well as delivering top notch results, have energy and water saving features fitted as standard. That means as well as getting superclean dishes and glasses, you’ll be reducing running costs. There’s no contract, so you can give it back any time. Alternatively, if you decide to buy the machine,


Fridge Seals Direct Fridge Seals Direct proud to be UK's no1 supplier of replacement fridge and freezer seals. We fabricate for a wide variety of commercial fridge & freezers. The management team at Fridge Seals Direct have over 30 years of experience in the refrigeration industry and have each spent many of those years installing gaskets and hardware for a range of styles, brands and sizes of fridges. From restaurant kitchens to food warehouses - we

have experience in dealing with fridge & freezers of all sizes and scales. To learn more about fridge seals, be sure to explore our range of extensive guides on how to replace a refrigerator door seals. Otherwise, find your specific guides in how to identify, measure, install or maintain your fridge or freezer door seal. Our reputation in the industry along with our commitment to providing a high-quality gasket without having to buy from the factory allows us to have competitive pricing and fast turnaround time. Try us out, order your door gaskets from us and discover a better way to do business. We are here to help you.

• Be ready for your inspections • Damaged fridge seals are unhygienic • Make your fridge more energy efficient with a good seal on your fridge • We provide custom seals for cold rooms, discontinued models, and units with no identification information • Next-day delivery service • Discounted prices on large orders

WhatsApp, phone, and email support


Pay Per Wash takes away all the headache of warewashing. No need to worry about servicing or ordering chemicals, Winterhalter take care of all that. It’s a truly flexible solution that’s ideal if you’re on a tight budget but still want the best that money can buy! Want to find out more? Just visit and click on the finance tab. Winterhalter provides a total solution for dishwashing and glasswashing, from pre-sales advice to after-sales service, training and maintenance, with sustainability fitted as standard. Alongside its market-leading dish washers and glass washers, the company’s range includes utensil washers, advanced water treatment machines, and cleaning detergents and rinse aids. For further details, call Winterhalter on 01908 359000, visit or email

Caterquip Ventilation Caterquip Ventilation Ltd is proud to be celebrating their 23rd Anniversary this year. This Warwick based company offers nationwide coverage for all your commercial catering needs: free site surveys, quotations and designs (CAD), quality bespoke and standard fabrications, specialist knowledge of catering ventilation systems including input air, odour reduction (carbon filtration and ESP) and sound attenuation. Affiliated members of Constructionline and CHAS, Caterquip Ventilation have a strong hold in the marketplace often advising industry professionals on ventilation systems to a DW172 specification & BSEN:6173. They have strong relationships with all leading kitchen

equipment suppliers, and they offer a kitchen design service to help you build your ideal kitchen. Projects undertaken have included Olympic Villages, Basildon Hospital, The Mitre Hotel at Hampton Court, The Truck Stop at Anglesey, The Lodge at Old Hunstanton, Colleges, Schools, Hotels, Restaurants and Public Houses. They ensure their systems are compliant with the current guidelines whilst maintaining an efficient and dynamic facility. With extensive knowledge of manufacturing and installing ventilation systems, they can help you design the best kitchen within the space available. Call: 01926 887167, visit:, email:

CONNECTED WASH: WASH: SP SPARKLING ARKLING CONNECTIVITY If you car caree about looking after customers and hanging on to staf staff, f, Connected W Wash ash is for you. Sur Suree it’ll help your gr green een cr credentials edentials by ensuring optimum performance and rreducing educing energy and water consumption, thus rreducing educing your running costs too. It’ll maximise the working lilife fe of the dishwasher,, too (now THAT’S dishwasher THAT’S sustainability). And by minimising downtime, it eliminates all those hidden costs like extra staf stafff and emergency call outs. However, educed downtime also rreduces educes However, rreduced stress, stafff happy and out ther theree serving customers, as opposed to helping wash stress, keeping your staf Wash dishes. Which keeps customers happy, too. Oh, and Connected W ash will help keep your dishes, it’ss fr from Winterhalter. glasses and utensils sparkling clean. Of course it will, it’ om W interhalter.

Sparkling Connected W Wash. ash. 01908 359000 | .com/uk-en/ www.winterhalter


Issue 198

CLH Digital

Design and Refit

Just Artificial - Plants • Trees • Flowers Established in 2004, Just Artificial have many years’ experience as one of the UK’s leading suppliers of high quality artificial plants, trees, silk flowers and related accessories, which we offer at competitive prices. We have a range of fantastic options which will set your space apart from the rest, allowing you to create an indoor Eden. Our products are highly realistic, durable, and designed with particular care and attention by our master craftsmen, all of whom are experts in their field. Our range is always growing, supporting current modern trends as well as traditional needs, for indoor and outdoor use, tailored to complement any business. We offer a complete product range including silk

flowers, floral arrangements, artificial plants, trees (even palm trees), topiary, exotics, plant and tree displays, hedges, fruit, hanging baskets, ivy garlands and other foliage, synthetic lawn grass and astroturf, planters, pot pourri, organza ribbon, decorative butterflies, essential oils, oasis foam, metal wall art, and Christmas supplies.

Whatever your choice, we have the design experience and the tools to make your space stand out. Whatever the case, we have the perfect solution for your décor – one which will transform your space into something extraordinary. Contact (01524) 858888, or visit

Auction Luxury: Own a Piece of The Grand Brighton's Iconic Furniture Renowned for its elegance and history, The Grand Brighton hotel is preparing for a lavish refurbishment starting in January 2024. But before the transformation begins, the hotel is offering a unique opportunity to acquire its luxury furniture through a collaboration with Pro Auction, esteemed hospitality auctioneers. With a rich heritage spanning 156 years, the iconic Brighton city based hotel boasts 201 breathtaking rooms spread across seven floors, complemented by a majestic original staircase. Celebrities, influential politicians, and even film and sitcom productions, such as the iconic episode of Only Fools and Horses in 1992, have graced its halls. As part of the hotel's refurbishment, the 201 guest bedrooms will be upgraded, following previous renovations in 2013 and 2019. Prior to the commencement of the new design, you have the chance to capture the essence of luxury by acquiring pieces of the hotel's furniture at a fraction of the cost. "We are thrilled to offer our customers the chance to own a part of The Grand Brighton's opulence,"

Artificial Plants & Trees for Businesses

At Just Artificial, we work with interior designers, decorators, set dressers, architects and more to set your premises apart from the rest. Our artificial plants, flowers, and trees are highly realistic to look and touch, as well as being durable and attractive.

Our master craftsmen construct each one with painstaking care and attention to create an exceptionally ‘real’ artificial flower, and we offer bespoke solutions to suit the needs of your space, business and tastes.

(01524) 858888

expressed Simon Rose, Managing Director of Pro Auction. "This is an exceptional opportunity to acquire furniture from one of the city's most iconic hotels." The first phase of the auction began December 19th, 2023, featuring an array of furniture from the hotel's guest bedrooms, including beds, bedside tables, wardrobes, desks, chairs, and more. Subsequent sales will occur every five weeks starting from March 2024. Don't let this extraordinary chance slip away. Mark your calendars and participate in the live and online auction on December 19th to secure your slice of luxury from The Grand Brighton. To preview the available lots, please schedule an appointment directly with the auctioneers. The live auction sale takes place at the hotel commencing at 10..00am promptly, online bidding is enabled and interested parties can register at Pro Auction Limited | The Grand Brighton Sussex Hotel Furniture Fittings and Equipment (FF&E)- Guest Bedrooms (

Design & Refit

CLH Digital

Do You Need a FAST, Easy-Fit Washroom Upgrade? RapidFit by Rearo is an instant solution for washroom surfaces. Designed to accommodate time-constrained commercial washroom projects, Rearo’s ‘off-the-shelf’ RapidFit range is the perfect, fast solution for projects requiring toilet cubicles or vanity units. Washroom design plays a vital role in the overall appearance of your company branding and can have a lasting impression on visitors – that’s why Rearo offers a dedicated core range of nine high-pressure laminate décors within the commercial washrooms range. The RapidFit finishes were hand selected by the Rearo design team, with colours and textures chosen to ensure compliance with The Equality Act and future-proofed for a minimum of three years. The colour choices take into consideration the needs of people with disabilities, including visual impairment, by ensuring neighbouring expanses of colour, such as walls and doors, are distinguishable by using contrasting colours. Particularly popular within the hospitality sector, RapidFit washrooms are ideal for pubs restaurants and hotels.

RapidFit toilet cubicles, vanities, and IPS are available in either an MR MFC or Compact Grade Core. Supported by a five-year manufacturer guarantee, MR MFC is ideal for light to medium-traffic spaces. For higher traffic areas requiring a little added durability, choose the RapidFit Impact range. Completely water resistant, this solid-grade laminate core is ideal for humid and wet environments and backed by a comprehensive ten-year guarantee. Cubicles are supplied as a flat pack, ready for a quick and easy installation and all RapidFit components are available to buy individually to offer a variety of installation possibilities. Matching IPS can be made to order in only 3-4 weeks. Ask your fitter/joinery/plumbing contractor or architect to get in touch for free sample packs and design and specification assistance. Or, order your RapidFit washroom now. 0141 440 0800

Creating Exceptional Spaces, Empowering Exceptional Experiences At Nobis Restaurant Furniture, we believe in crafting beautiful spaces for the hospitality industry that evoke comfort, warmth, and exceptional experiences. With a transparent, customer-focused, adaptable, and problem-solving approach, our mission is to become the most recognized brand in providing quality furniture that resonates with our core values. Our target audience encompasses businesses within the hospitality industry -hotels, restaurants, and event venues - who strive to create remarkable environments for their guests. We understand the importance

of tailored solutions, and our commitment to personalization helps build lasting relationships with every client. Our Mission Is to Curate and Deliver Superior Hospitality Furniture Offerings to Enhance the Experiences of The Education, Office, Outdoor, and Restaurant Sectors, While Fostering a Collaborative, Customer-Focused, Transparent, And Passionate Work Environment That Drives Continuous Innovation and Sustainable Impact. For further information visit or call 01733 342 372.

Issue 198



Issue 198

CLH Digital

Design and Refit

How to Weather-Proof Your Trade

Many hospitality establishments found their trade impacted by unpredictable weather conditions in 2023. This has led to more businesses looking into how they can make themselves less weather reliant. Woodberry are sharing some top tips on weather-proofing your trade so that you feel confident in welcoming customers rain or shine!

Invest In a High-Quality Shelter Investing in a high-quality shelter that meets all your customer’s needs is a great way to encourage them into your space, even if it’s dark and raining. Investing in a shelter will give your customers as a warm, dry and atmospheric space to sit all year round. Your shelter can also be used for holding events or hiring out for parties which offers you another way to bring in profit during quieter times.

Set the Atmosphere The atmosphere of your establishment will help people decide if your space is the right one for them. During the warmer months you may want to bring in brighter colours and faux plants to create a relaxed but fun envi-

ronment. You might also want to consider string lights and patio heaters as people stay outside longer. In the winter however, it is a good idea to provide throw pillows, blankets and mood lighting to create a cosy atmosphere.

Use Indoor-Outdoor Furniture Indoor-outdoor furniture offers you an extra element of flexibility so you can easily move the chairs in or out depending on your customer’s needs. A lot of commercial indoor-outdoor furniture is light weight, stackable and easy to store which also makes it an ideal investment for establishments that occasionally hosts events. Woodberry offer a wide range of outdoor shelters that can be tailored to your needs and furniture for indoor and outdoor use. Call our friendly team for any advice on which outdoor shelter is best for you. 01928 889922 See the advert on the back cover of this issue.

It's Not Time To Sit Down Yet

Well at the end of a busy night it is, and for your hard-working customers it's essential that they have something welcoming, comfy, and attractive to rest their weary bones. Investing in new seating for your premises during unclear financial times can be a tough decision, but with small new bars, restaurants, cafes, and fast food establishments opening all the time, and with new trends appearing, it might be exactly what you need to either attract a new crowd or keep existing customers. We can either work with you to come up with designs for your seating or take ideas from your interior designer and build your dreams efficiently, effectively, and on time within budget.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

ABOUT DRAKES BAR FURNITURE Drakes have been providing bars, pubs, restaurants,

cafes, clubs, and hotels with high-quality furniture and fixtures for decades. We employ over 15 joiners, upholsterers, polishers and designers who are capable of installing fixed seating and bespoke joinery, new bars and full refurbishments, or simply making stools for the front of the bar, or providing quality tables that last. Our dedicated team are either timeserved officially trained craftsmen or externally based professionals. Got you interested? Let us give you a free quote or ask for professional advice. We are available for a chat Monday – Thursday: 9.00 am > 4.00 pm and Friday: 9.00 am > 12.00 pm on 01422 839 690. If you prefer, email us at, and of course please visit our website to see some of our range and past work. We are also available on Facebook and Instagram, so give us a follow!

Design and Refit

CLH Digital

Issue 198

Battling Staff Shortages? Here’s How A Service Lift May Help

By Mark Chapman, General Manager, Stannah Microlifts Staff shortages have been a challenge for British hospitality businesses, with data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showing a 56% increase in staff shortages in the accommodation and food service sector compared to pre-pandemic levels. To tackle this issue, businesses have had to turn to technology to ensure they can operate efficiently with fewer staff members. One option that can be easily implemented is the addition of service lifts to business premises. These lifts can move items like food, beverages, laundry, and luggage more efficiently between floors, reducing the manual time and effort required for tasks. This can help businesses run smoothly even with smaller teams, preventing waiting times from becoming unacceptable for customers. Service lifts like the Microlift or Trolley lift can also reduce the risk of injury for staff and improve staff wellbeing by reducing physical strain, making the workplace more inclusive for those with disabilities or mobility

Mayfair Furniture Mayfair Furniture will be celebrating 12 years this year of providing the UK’s fastest and affordable commercial furniture. Supplying all kinds of establishments from high end hotel chains to small local takeaways. We keep in stock a huge variety of items ready for immediate dispatch, and can fulfil a wide range of bespoke orders. We deliver to all areas of the UK, Ireland & Europe. We are not just a supplier; we understand that from time to time hospitality and leisure establishments like to give themselves a fresh new look. That's why not only do we supply contract furniture, but when it's time for your establishment to go through a refur-

issues. Many business owners may be under the impression that a service lift is expensive and disruptive to install, but this is often not the case at all. Microlifts from Stannah are compact, structure-supported and quick and easy to install. These reliable and hard-wearing products are designed for operation 24/7, 365 days a year, supported by regular service visits from our expert local engineers. So even when staff shortages bite, great service can still be provided to your customers - without the heavy lifting. With a durable and reliable Stannah lift sharing the load, your staff will be well-protected every day and able to do more than ever before. As manual handling is such a risky business, Stannah has compiled a comprehensive Manual Handling Guide detailing how business owners can reduce the risks of staff injury and prevent further shortages due to injury. For more information visit:

bishment we also offer a complete clearance service. We'll organise everything from a suitable time and date, professional clearance staff to remove contract furniture whether fitted or unfitted. Along with our sister company Caterfair who provides commercial catering equipment for your kitchens we are the ideal people to speak to when you are looking to refurbish. 01733 310115

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising



Issue 198

CLH Digital

Design and Refit

Welcome The Crowds With Flexible Furniture On Fast Delivery With the Six Nations beginning a busy year of sport, now’s the time to check whether you have enough furniture at your disposal to cater for all the rugby and football matches coming up this year, not to mention all those busy weekend evenings! Trent Furniture have a great range of chairs that can be delivered to you in super quick time. Available in brown or grey easy-to-clean faux leather, the retro looks and high back of the Bremen Chair means it’s as at home amongst the traditional dark wood and leather of a traditional pub as it is in a modern bar. Alternatively, the Hamburg Chair offers comfortable and flexible seating in vintage grey or vintage brown, with its generous proportions and stylish fluted back. Or why not opt for the always popular Bella Chair, based on the iconic Tolix design and available in a large choice of colours ranging from mint green to silver? Thanks to its French

café origins, Bella is stackable too! Poseur Tables are also a great bet if you want to create more space for your customers, and many of these are also available on short lead times. The simple clean lines of the Chrome Pyramid Poseur Table means it offers ultimate leg room for those sitting around it and is super easy to clean. Alternatively, the Alma Aluminium Poseur Table provides the ultimate in lightweight flexibility for use indoors or out. And don’t forget our wide range of stacking tables such as the Square Stacking Table can also be delivered to you quickly when you need to cater for crowds. To find out more about these items and the other great furniture we currently have available on fast delivery (in as little as 2-3 days on some products), please call us on 01162 864911 or fill in our contact form at

Cost Effective Care from the Contract Furniture Group

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

In 2023 the Contract Furniture Group created a Refresh, Rejuvenate and Refurbish service to offer pubs, bars, restaurants, bistros and hotels a way of reinvigorating hospitality spaces that is both cost-effective and eco-friendly. Our dedicated UK furniture refurbishment facility means we can deliver an end-to-end service that means logistics, disposal of irreparable items, reparations and replacement of tables, chairs and a host of other types of furnishings can all be taken care of quickly and simply. Throughout the year, our collaboration with household names like Harvester and Pizza Express have marked a series of triumphs in nationwide initiatives. A recent highlight was our engagement with The Barn in Chichester, where Harvester’s ongoing efforts to revitalise its existing sites and commitment to sustainabili-

ty came to the forefront of the program. Beyond elevating guest experiences, Harvester prioritises environmental considerations by implementing a refreshing approach. Instead of replacing worn furniture with new, the brand has embraced a conscious strategy of refurbishing existing pieces. These furnishings are expertly handled by our skilled team, where frames underwent rejuvenation and reupholstering, returning them to their original integrity and aesthetics. This enhancement strategy not only reduces waste but also minimises environmental impact, underscoring Harvester’s dedication to ecofriendly practices. Beyond the sustainability benefits, this approach enables Harvester to maintain a consistent visual identity and safeguard the distinctive character of its establishments. Visit our website –

Design & Refit

New Stock Chair Ranges from ILF email

With the continuing success of the ILF Chairs website, 2023 has seen an increase in their STOCK chairs to 11 ranges available in different Faux and Velvet upholstery and selection of frame colours, plus a 12 colour STOCK range of Egger laminated 25mm table tops in a selection of sizes and colour finishes. A full range of table bases in metal and stainless steel are also kept in STOCK. In addition, ILF now also have a comprehensive range of STOCK outdoor seating and tables to suit all budgets plus real wood table tops and real wood table bases for indoor use. More STOCK ranges coming soon please check the website. Their online website offers both indoor and outdoor

seating and table solutions. Divided into Contemporary seating, Boutique, Lounge Seating, Period Seating, Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height wood tables, creating a great selection of products to view at your leisure. Most made to order indoor seating and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification. Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style. Enquiries can be sent to ILF directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours. ILF hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site.

Increase Your Revenue with a Commercial Shading Solution The battle for customers is tougher than ever, but with recent research suggesting 40% find the pub garden their Ultimate Happy Place, now is the time to make the most of your outdoor space and turn it into a haven for customers and a true talking point. Whether it’s covering a terrace bar, expanding your seating area or providing a truly unique standalone outdoor experience, our commercial awnings and Louvred roof systems can create a unique feature for your business and add not just a significant WOW factor, but an area to be used again and again. At Roché we offer award-winning retractable wallmounted and freestanding awnings from leading German manufacturers Markilux and Weinor, as well as the stunning Louvred Roof systems from both Renson and Weinor. Our team of experts have over 20 years’ experience in advising businesses on the right shading solution to suit a variety of outdoor spaces, and can help you maximise potential revenue by increasing usable floorspace, both kerbside and in

any garden areas you may have. All our products are made-tomeasure and completely customisable to meet your exact requirements, with powder coated frames in a range of RAL colours and hundreds of weather-resistant fabrics to choose from. Take advantage of accessories such as lights and infa-red heaters to create a desirable location for customers to relax and be comfortable while they enjoy evening meals or drinks. For an added wow-factor you can add signwriting to help reinforce your brand and drive people into your premises who may have otherwise walked by without noticing. Our teams of engineers and surveyors are based nationwide and use their experience to ensure each installation is completed to an extremely high standard. Call us on 0800 060 8844 to arrange a free site survey or visit

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Best Practice Property Disposal

to the sale. This might involve securing business rates rebates, or overseeing maintenance and repair obligations, licensing and regulatory requirements.

Determining the best marketing price is also impacted by the owner’s priorities in terms of timing: some will opt for a quick sale as an opportunity to move on, whereas others will decide to hold out for the best price or a potential uptake in demand. An understanding of the market is crucial, and so we would always recommend that when any By Paul Johnson, Head of Corporate Sales at Leaders Romans Group (LRG) ( property valuation is by an RICS qualified valuer. Understandably a concern about selling is that the chain may break and all progress will be lost. So bear in mind Hospitality was the sector most affected by the pandemic and many businesses were that there are companies which provide a guaranteed sale. Although full market value is not necessarily achieved, forced to take out loans to continue. In many cases, consistently rising interest rates many offer an additional payment if they are able to sell within a defined time or price bracket. have compounded that debt. PWC’s Hotels Forecast 2022 – 2023 precited that real terms growth is likely to fall by -0.6% to -9.4% for all UK regions except London, due to continued volatility of trading conditions and rising operational costs. Many hotel and catering businesses are being repurposed or restructured. Faced with a rapidly changing landscape and a variety of potential scenarios, some of which may be unfamiliar, it is important that business owners with substantial property assets consider the variety of options carefully to gain maximum return. Our Corporate Sales division advises on options for property disposal – and options to avoid it where possible. This takes into account timeframes, adversity to risk and


REVIEW THE OPTIONS A viability study is the first step. This involves ascertaining current market values, proposed disposal options and understanding the demographics of best target market and future investment values/yields. A valuation will determine whether any sale should be structured as a portfolio investment, or marketed as individual assets. Many larger hotels will have the potential to be sold as separate businesses – for example, a health spa may be sold separately, retaining the central services of the hotel as a business in its own right. External factors and changing propensity to risk as the situation evolves will invariably impact on these decisions and, economic circumstances may change – so reviews are best revisited regularly.

EQUITY RELEASE THROUGH PROPERTY / PROPERTY SALE If a sale is considered the best route, the price achieved can be considerably increased if the asset is stabilised prior

Great Potential for Hotels in 2024 We, at Sidney Phillips, are currently experiencing high demand for licensed properties - in particular those providing accommodation, despite the present state of the economy. Interest rates have consecutively risen for 14 months up to the current rate of 5.25%, which is the highest in 15 years. With increasing interest rates we would expect the market to suffer, with less investment in commercial property, however, there has not been a notable fall in either demand or prices for our listings. Commercial property remains so resilient because it is versatile to changes in the market. This has been proven following the pandemic, despite the rise in the cost of living. The adaptability of this type of property remains a key strength as owners can easily adapt their business’s use and purpose to changes in customer demand. An example of this is the increasing number of gastropubs appearing as customers want good quality food at good prices, in a relaxed and comfortable environment. Furthermore, with typically longer-term leases than residential property, freehold owners are provided with committed tenants, ensuring increased financial security with a stable and greater income. This enables higher rent than residential property fuelled by the opportunity for tenants to make profits. In this way, commercial properties can sustain appreciation of long-term value and have healthy cash flow positions, making them less reactive to the increasing interest rates we see now. The industry continues to draw in first-time buyers, particularly those with management or chef experience seeking their own ventures. Currently we are seeing a particular interest in hotels and properties with letting bedrooms,




Manageable Character Café & Tearoom

Landmark Inn With 16 Letting Rooms

Desirable & Vibrant Location

Tearoom (22), Catering Kitchen

Bar & Restaurant 82+, Kitchens

42 Seats Inside, 18 Seats Outside

2/3 Bedroom Owner’s Apartment

Owner’s Apartment, Car Park

First Class Purpose Fitted Unit

Easy Daytime Hours, 5 Days A Week

Free Of Tie Leasehold

New Free Of Tie Lease Available

Tremendous Potential

Impressive & Profitable Business

LH £39,950


LH £69,950





Stunning Country Village Inn

Free Of Tie Village Pub/Restaurant

Impressive Waterside Restaurant

3 High Quality Letting Rooms

Stunning & Profitable Business

Extremely Profitable Business

Character Trade Areas 64+

Impressive Bar & Dining Areas 94+

Restaurant 32+, Catering Kitchens

External Seating 98+ & Parking

Gardens, Parking, Owners Accom.

2/3 Bed Family Sized Apartment

New Free Of Tie Lease Opportunity

Excellent Reputation & Reviews

Town Centre With Stunning Views



LH £45,000


LH £125,000





Coastal Town Licensed Restaurant

Stunning Country Inn & Restaurant

Lucrative Letting Business & Home

Spacious 2 Bedroom Apartment

3 E/S Letting Rooms, 2 Bed Owners

Set In 14 Acres With Stables

Trading Just 8 Months Of The Year

Bar & Restaurant Areas 82+

Spacious 6 Bedroom Owner’s Home

Exceptional Business Opportunity

Commercial Kitchens, Gardens 40+

7 Individual Letting Properties

Potential To Develop Business

Impressive Multi-Faceted Business

Idyllic Lifestyle Business

LH £79,995


FH £525,000


Another planning route is change of use. Change from commercial to residential may result in a much more favourable price being achieved. Alternatively it might return the asset to a more viable position and provide a new income stream for the existing owner. Change of use can now be achieved through permitted development rights. Amendments to planning legislation were introduced during Covid specifically to help struggling businesses. Class E was created to assimilate a number of previously separate planning use classes (shops, financial and professional services, food and drink; office space; clinics, health centres, creches, day nurseries, and day centres; gyms and most indoor recreations, and research and development or light industrial town centre use). This enables those individual uses to be changed, providing they remain within Class E, without the need for a full planning application. In 2021 legislation enabled a Class E building to be changed to residential use, again without the need of a planning application (providing certain conditions are met). So a restaurant or hotel can be changed into a home with a relatively straightforward planning process.

LEASEHOLD ARRANGEMENTS Finally, whether the use of the building changes or remains, there may be tenants in place. A property consultancy can negotiate new leases and tenancy agreements as necessary, protecting the interests of both parties and ensuring minimal disruption. It is important to note that existing leases can impact substantially on viability, and so a review of leases is a necessity. The same applies to any outstanding rent or other debts. Selling a business or a property asset can be difficult for anyone, and so its important to get the right advice, from the strategic overview, to the detail of the sale. especially in rural and semi-rural areas as buyers can profit from surrounding affluent villages. In the present economic market, there are numerous reasons for this increase in interest from vendors as the segment experiences huge consumer demand for British hospitality. Following the pandemic, the hotel industry showed its durability with its fast recovery and demand levels remained consistent throughout. The resumption of business travel, weddings, and leisure travel has continued to boost demand for inns and hotels. Freehouses have a unique opportunity to diversify by providing letting rooms to benefit from more income security. Tenants can alter room rates to provide protection from rising inflation as they can be adjusted each day. Again, being flexible as a commercial property, hotels can adapt through branding and a change in management to encourage demand and ensure profit. 2024 hopes to bring even more positive news for the commercial property market where we expect to see a continued rise in the rental market for public houses and for free of tie leases. As well as further demand for properties with accommodation, including hotels, properties with rooms to let, campsites, and guest houses. Call 01981 250333 for more information or visit

Why Use a Specialist Hospitality Consultant? With over 30 years of industry experience in the Hospitality sector, The Bowden Group’s Managing Consultant David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements: Profitability, Operational Strategy, Staff Management, Marketing and The Future of your business.

Licensed Restaurant & Bar


Depending on timing and resources, there is considerable value in investing to increase the value of a hotel. For example, if a hotel has substantial grounds, this might involve seeking planning consent for additional buildings.

Answer: because we can help your business to succeed.


LH £35,000



DUCHY LH £995,000


01392 201262

Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter, your Restaurant Consultant, will work on with you, and improve with you.

MANAGING PEOPLE Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever. From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Service and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development.



Our experts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available. We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business. The largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost, so, with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business. Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock

We will help you build a workable, planned Marketing Strategy. From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online advertising, to print design, Promotions and offline advertising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’. If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better, give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a ‘’Free of Charge’’ initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer), when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you.

Are You A Chef Looking for Work-Life Balance? Work-life balance are three words that do not often come up in a chef’s vocabulary but are regularly used by the chefs employed by Care UK. Care UK are currently looking for chefs of all levels to work in our care homes across the UK. We are looking for people who want to make a difference to residents’ lives every day. When you join Care UK, you’ll be joining a team who all share the same values: caring, passionate and teamwork. Life as a chef with us means that you will be preparing rosette level dishes in our state-of-the-art kitchens using fresh ingredients, for our residents and their families. We also have an exceptional track record in catering team career progression with countless examples of chefs pro-

gressing from sous chef level to head chef positions. We have our own Catering Academy to provide excellent training and induction programs for all new Catering Staff and we will give you all that’s needed to have a successful career as a Chef with us. Our high quality, innovative training and coaching will support the development of your skills throughout your career with us. We are committed to recruiting diverse, talented people, who share our passion for helping others. We see the potential in everyone, let us help fulfil yours. You can find out more about our rewarding careers by visiting

Call 01981 250333 for more information www.SIDNEYPHILLIPS.CO.UK



Sidney Phillips is a company of Chartered Surveyors established in 1898. We offer national coverage via a network of regional branches. We deal with sales, acquisitions, and finance of licensed businesses.


This includes but is not limited to: nightclubs, bars, hotels, restaurants, B&B's, guesthouses, pubs, bistros, cafes, leisure and development units and investments. wE ADVERTISE ON MORE wEBSITES THAN ANY OF OUR COMPETITIORS



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