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Editor's Viewpoint
Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital
EDITOR Peter Adams
As the UK prepares for a general election on July 4th, the hospitality and licensed on-trade sector finds itself at a critical juncture , and one not of its own making!
Over the past few years our industr y has faced unprecedented challenges, beginning with the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic The lockdowns and restrictions were an absolute disaster, forcing many establishments to close their doors permanently and leaving countless workers without jobs, and communities without cherished pubs and other valued hospitality outlets, We lost a long established Italian family restaurant close to Bournemouth beach, which I miss dreadfully!
Post-pandemic , the sector has been hit hard by soaring inflation, unsustainable business rates, and crippling energ y costs These financial pressures have compounded the difficulties faced by businesses striving to recover and thrive in a changed landscape
Adding to the turmoil the post-Brexit environment has created significant recruitment challenges The government’s decision not to include hospitality workers in its Shor tage Occupation List has only exacerbated the staffing crisis, leaving many businesses struggling to find the personnel needed to operate effectively
The taxation burden on our sector has long been a contentious issue - one we have highlighted repeatedly and have lobbied successive Chancellors about Compared to other EU countries, UK hospitality has been eye-wateringly overtaxed Many EU nations had the foresight to reduce VAT rates for the hospitality sector, recognizing that such measures drive economic growth At CLH News, we have consistently suppor ted the case for a VAT reduction in hospitality The fact that all but four EU countries have adopted and maintained this approach is a clear validation of its effectiveness When the UK temporarily reduced VAT as lockdowns ended, we witnessed a surge in public enthusiasm for going out and embracing hospitality, proving the positive impact of such fiscal measures
As political par ties unveil their manifestos it is disappointing to note that none have yet outlined concrete plans to suppor t the countr y ’ s third-largest employer This oversight must be rectified in the coming weeks The hospitality sector has been used as a cash cow for far too long Contrar y to popular belief, excessive taxation in this industr y is more accurately a tax on people's leisure , as it is the public who ultimately foot the bill
Looking ahead, we are approaching a summer of extraordinar y spor ting events, with the Champions League and FA Cup finals, the much-anticipated Euros, and the Olympics These events promise to bring a much-needed boost to our sector keeping the tills ringing and spirits high, general election or no general election
At CLH News, we remain hopeful that this election will bring a renewed focus on suppor ting hospitality, recognizing its vital role in the UK economy and the social fabric of our communities It is time for policymakers to listen to our calls and take decisive action to ensure a vibrant future for this essential industr y I can always be contacted at edit@catererlicensee com
Once more I would ask you to please follow us on X (Twitter), and encourage as many people you know in the trade to sign up to our digital issue , fur ther details can be seen at www.catererlicensee .com
Published by PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd 3 Carlton Mount 2 Cranborne Road Bournemouth Dorset BH2 5BR TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 FAX: 01202 552666 www.CLHNews.co.uk @CLHNews CLHNews CLHNews EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES David Bar tlett Guy Stephenson PRODUCTION & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox Published by
RBC Publishing Ltd, 3 Carlton Mount, 2 Cranborne Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 5BR Contributions are welcome for considera-
loss or damage Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team Whilst ever y care is taken
this publication to ensure accuracy the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects errors or omissions therefrom All rights reser ved reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised
Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is
tion, however,
responsibility will be
when compiling
2 CLH Digital Issue 214
“Unlock Sector's Potential” Hospitality Leaders Urge
Election Date Set for July 4th
Reacting to the news, leading figures in the hospitality and licensed ontrade sector set out their priorities for an incoming government and called on political par ties to consider the needs of the industr y as they hit the campaign trail UNLOCK POTENTIAL
Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, said: “Hospitality businesses lie at the hear t of ever y constituency in the countr y In ser ving Britain, the sector creates places where people want to live , work and invest
“We need to see all political par ties recognise this and will be working hard on behalf of our members during this period to ensure manifestos from across the political spectrum reflect the strategic impor tance of our sector
“We need to see evidence of measures that can unlock the potential of our sector to do even more These include promises of action to lower the tax burden on our industr y initiatives that give us greater access to workers, and other measures that will suppor t us in creating more jobs and fur ther upskilling the workforce ”
Michael Kill, CEO of the Night Time Industries Association said: “We welcome the announcement of the General Election scheduled for July 4th, 2024 This marks a pivotal moment for our nation, offering an oppor tunity to put an end to the prolonged period of uncer tainty and turmoil that has gripped our countr y for the past four years ”
As CEO of the Night Time Industries Association, I recognise the impor tance of stability and effective governance in addressing the challenges faced by our sectors The past years have been marked by uncertainty and instability, which have taken a toll on businesses and communities across the countr y ”
“It is now imperative that we navigate through the election period with a sense of responsibility and purpose The outcome of this election will determine the direction our nation takes in the coming years We urge all stakeholders to engage in a constructive and informed dialogue , focusing on the long-term interests of our countr y and its citizens ”
“Our sector has been par ticularly hard hit by the challenges of the past years, from the impact of the pandemic to regulator y uncer tainties
It is crucial that the elected government works towards a comprehen-
sive and inclusive long-term plan that addresses these challenges and suppor ts the recover y and growth of our industries
“We call upon all political par ties to prioritise the needs of the nighttime economy in their election manifestos and commit to policies that will suppor t its revival and sustainability This includes measures to ensure the safety and security of our venues, suppor t for cultural initiatives, and investment in skills and training for our workforce ”
“As we approach election day, we remain committed to working collaboratively with policymakers, industr y stakeholders, and our communities to build a vibrant and resilient night-time economy that contributes to the social, cultural, and economic fabric of our nation ”
“It is also impor tant to work together to overcome the challenges of the present and build a brighter future for all ”
British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) chief executive Emma Clarkin also highlighted the on trade impor tance saying: “pubs and breweries are at the hear t of our communities They bring friends and strangers together and in so many ways help form the glue for vital social cohesion With a suppor tive fiscal and regulator y framework, which includes alleviating the tax burden the beer and pub sector company and yours, with propor tionate and fair business rates and duty pumps can help with the revitalisation for local high streets and economies
“The beer and pub sector enjoys huge instinctive suppor t with 9/10 people regularly enjoying a refreshing beer at their local”
BII CEO, Steve Alton, has issued a statement following the announcement of a General Election on July 4th
“More than ever, our members play a vital role at the hear t of their communities, and we will continue to take their voices to the hear t of Government, sharing their successes and challenges Our #MyPub campaign saw MPs from across the political spectrum suppor ting and championing their local pubs, raising awareness of the vital role they play in ever y town city and high street across the UK
“The agility resilience and adaptability of pubs has always meant our sector has been key to unlocking economic growth, providing essential local employment and flexible career oppor tunities, but pubs do so much more They suppor t vulnerable members of their communities, provide a safe and welcoming space for all and facilitate the much need-
ed human connection like no other business
“We will continue to ensure Ministers and officials alike are fully aware of the investment and suppor t needed for our nations pubs, no matter the results of the election this summer ”
The SLTA (Scottish Licensed Trade Association) has welcomed John Swinney s declaration that growing the economy will be one of his four priorities
Colin Wilkinson, SLTA managing director, said: “This is excellent news for the licensed trade and hospitality businesses and Scotland’s wider business community We are ready to speak to Mr Swinney and Cabinet Secretar y for Economy Kate Forbes and working with the Scottish Government to help guide policy and strateg y for the benefit of businesses in the licensed hospitality and tourism industr y
“As we have previously highlighted there are myriad problems and challenges facing what is one of the biggest employers in Scotland and these early signs that Mr Swinney’s government wants to understand and work with our sector is a positive step change following the chaotic handling of the deposit return scheme (DRS) and misplaced legislation that burdens businesses in red tape and unnecessar y bureaucracy
“Our industr y also wants to see progress on the deliver y of the Scottish Government’s New Deal for Business and we reiterate once again that a key ask of the new regime at Holyrood is to work with us to find a meaningful solution to change the current non-domestic rates system which is par ticularly unfair to licensed hospitality businesses, hugely outdated and in need of reform ”
Mr Wilkinson added that while the sector accepts that VAT is not a devolved issue , a reduction in VAT would be a “welcome move for ever yone involved in hospitality and the licensed trade , adding: We hope that Holyrood and Westminster can discuss this as an urgent measure to help businesses in this impor tant sector given our major contribution to Scotland’s economy and its impor tant tourism industr y
“As our members continue to face significant barriers to running their businesses, including staff shor tages, the pressure of higher costs and the cost-of-living crisis, we are committed to working and collaborating with the Scottish Government to help create a healthy, growing economy for the benefit of all ”
How To Enjoy A Strong Summer Period
Tips for keeping your business on track and trading
By Henr y Page , Corporate Restructuring
For many hospitality businesses, success means having a busy and profitable summer With major spor ting events such as the 2024 Paris Olympics and Euro 2024 along with local city and town centre ar ts, culture and music events, there are cer tainly many additional oppor tunities to make the most of
However, if 2024 so far hasn’t been kind to your business and it is struggling then taking swift action is key to your sur vival
Cashflow is king and it is essential to know what payments are coming up and to look at areas where you can make cost savings to enable you to meet them You can’t control your fixed costs such as rent but you
can control your payroll and suppliers and that is often the place to star t to maintain a healthy cash position
Attracting new customers – this may sound obvious but sending out a couple of emails inviting people to drop by isn’t going to cut it, so give more thought to your summer promotions Can you fill up your quieter times by attracting clubs or societies or making new groups of customers more welcome
This is where getting to know your local community is key For example is there a running fitness or cycling club who would like somewhere to meet up for a healthy meal after a workout One in five of the under 25 s now doesn t drink any alcohol, so can you offer a greater range of non-alcoholic drinks for those who prefer to keep a clear head?
Focus on delivering value and an experience rather than just discounting prices When you must return to full prices it is likely you will lose those customers who were just attracted on price alone and your regular customers will have got used to the lower prices
Many businesses do more harm than good with poorly thought-out promotions
Businesses struggling with cash flow need to understand HMRC’s position as a secondar y preferential creditor whose claims are paid after preferential amounts are paid to employees HMRC will allow you to make an arrangement to pay if you can t pay on time however they are less generous on terms than they were during the pandemic Communication with them is key if there is no other alternative Communication with your landlord is also impor tant if you are not able to make rent payments in full for the next quar ter If you are in a prime site , they are likely to want to remove you straight away however
for those medium to poor sites they might be more accommodating as they will be keen to avoid taking on the responsibility for business rates if they were unable to relet it quickly Talk to them about what you can pay but don’t take advantage of the situation as you will ruin your longer-term relationship
For businesses which would be otherwise profitable if they were not saddled with unser viceable debts then it is wor th considering whether a Company Voluntar y Arrangement (CVA) or a Prepack Administration are suitable A CVA can be used where creditors will be willing to accept a compromise on their debt however you will need to have the suppor t of HMRC in relation to their preferential debt (VAT and PAYE) as well as your secured creditors If an agreement cannot or is unlikely to be reached with creditors, then a prepack sale may be a constructive solution A prepack sale , to either an independent third par ty or connected par ty, can free a prospectively profitable business from historic liabilities, whether because of the Pandemic or
Ultimate Brunch Goals with The Burnt Chef Project’s New Networking Collective
and business leaders to come together to learn, network and engage with others Each event will focus on a key and relevant wellbeing topic including, resilience , nur turing the next generation, success, imposter syndrome , recruitment and retention and work-life balance and will feature guests including leading chefs and influential personalities from the region The first event takes place on Tuesday 25th June at The Pem in London, hosted by The Burnt Chef Project in conjunction with Sally Abe and Romy Gill Both inspirational chefs in their own right, Sally and Romy will discuss their career journeys and how they navigated changes of direction, ultimately leading to a conversation around resilience in difficult situations
The second event, taking place on Monday 22nd July at Simpsons Restaurant in Birmingham will see Luke Tipping and Louisa Ellis in conversation with The Burnt Chef Project Discussing how gen Z approaches the
industr y, the event will highlight mentoring and the accessibility of the industr y for young people Taking place on Tuesday 06th August at The Hovels in Leeds the third event in the series will see Eddy Lascelles and ex-footballer Eddie Grey touch on how pivot and change led to success at the renowned Harewood House and whether failure can be as impor tant as success The four th event takes place on Tuesday 17th th September at Smoke , Hampton Manor in Birmingham with a guest appearance from Stuar t Deeley Opening up about Imposter Syndrome , Stuar t will talk through his experience of reaching a peak of his career, winning BBC’s Masterchef: The Professionals in 2019 and how to embrace praise , accolades and popularity Two fur ther events will be announced in due course
On the launch of The Burnt Brunch series Kris Hall Founder and CEO of The Burnt Chef Project comments: “We’re delighted to launch a series of collaborative networking events across the UK throughout 2024 Combining standout restaurants, incredible chefs, inspirational guests and the oppor tunity to discuss some of the most pressing wellbeing topics currently impacting the industr y, The Burnt Brunches will be a hub of idea generation and learning for those attending Each event has a capacity of 40, meaning almost 250 of the industr y ’ s biggest decision-makers, thought leaders and pioneers will come together over the course of the next six months, sharing insight, opening conversation, making new connections and discussing exper tise for the good of
Success for Pubs as Cashless Payments for Gaming Machines Approved
4 CLH Digital Issue 214
shock, which has led to an unser viceable debt burden
a viable tenant for landlords, a profitable business able to pay taxes going forward and continuation of supplier/customer relations The prepack should also provide the best return possible to existing creditors from the distressed position the insolvent company was facing It is inevitable that creditors will face losses in a prepack and so ever y effor t should be taken to ensure it is the best solution available to the company and its directors prior to embarking on the process If a director is considering a CVA or Prepack specialist advice should be sought to ensure that the process is transparent, and the transaction has the best prospect of success
a sale takes place , so the business closes one day and reopens the next to minimise the impact of a protracted insolvency period The benefits of a prepack may include continuation of employment for the workforce ,
Par tner at Mercer & Hole (www.mercerhole .co.uk)
The Burnt Chef Project has announced a new collaborative initiative –The Burnt Brunch – aimed at pioneers thought leaders and disruptors actively looking to change the menu and put wellbeing at the top of the bill in hospitality Designed to address the challenges hospitality teams face and bring new ideas to the table , The Burnt Brunches are a series of six networking lunches taking place at some of the UK’s most desirable restaurants throughout 2024 Complete with a panel-style discussion, insightful Q&A debate and conversations around positive leadership, the events are a place for industr y exper
the sector –
Following sustained joint campaigning by UKHospitality and the British Beer and Pub Association, cashless payments will be permitted on gaming machines The Depar tment for Culture , Media and Spor t confirmed that debit cards, payment apps and other forms of cashless payments will be allowed once appropriate player protections have been put in place These protections will be consulted on by the Gambling Commission and could include cardholder verification, transaction limits and breaks in play
a delicious brunch of course!”
In a joint statement, UKHospitality and the British Beer and Pub Association said: “This is a significant victor y for pubs who use gaming machines and the move to allow cashless payments will preser ve a valuable revenue stream
“We absolutely suppor t linking the introduction of cashless payments to the implementation of player protections, and we look forward to working with the Gambling Commission in any way we can
this issue
acted to ensure this type of enter
pubs remains safe
is future-proofed
“We’re pleased that the
to our
cerns on
tainment in
Hospitality Responds To Latest Inflation Figures
Dropping gas and electricity costs have brought UK inflation to its lowest point in nearly three years
Prices increased by 2 3% in the year leading to April, down from 3 2% the previous month according to official data
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the figures marked a “major moment for the economy with inflation back to normal”
The Bank of England predicted earlier this month that it had expectations that inflation would fall “close” to its target level soon
Kate Nicholls Chief Executive of UKHospitality said:
“Hospitality has weathered unprecedented costs, including from government policy Today’s inflation data continues 18 months of improvement and we are now at a normal level of inflation
“The trend is clear, and the Bank of England can now act with confidence It’s time for interest rates to come down to suppor t businesses investing in their growth We should be ahead of the cur ve not behind it ”
Commenting on the latest ONS inflation data for April 2024, Barret Kupelian, UK Chief Economist at PwC
UK states: Headline inflation stood a whisker away from its target at 2 3% Thir ty three months after consumer price inflation overshot its target, some relief will have washed over Bank of England policy makers this morning as it continued its dowards descent and is just thir ty basis points above target
The main driver for this was the lowering of the household energ y price cap Goods price inflation has now turned negative , which coupled with real wages increases, is likely to mean that there could be some shift between ser vices and goods spending towards the latter Food prices grew marginally
So what does this mean for the next few months? The Bank is already setting up the choreography for cuts to its rate later this year However, one of the key indicators it is watching released today, ser vice price inflation, came higher than expected This probably means that a June rate cut is now looking less likely than anticipated before the release ”
Lisa Hooker, PwC UK Leader of Industr y for Consumer Markets comments: “As expected, headline inflation has fallen significantly from 3 2% in March to 2 3 % in April, thanks in large par t to the lower energ y price cap as well as lower grocer y price inflation This is the lowest CPI figure since July 2021 when it was 2%
However, while headline inflation fell, ser vices inflation only saw a minor reduction from 6% to 5 9 % meaning that CPI has not fallen as quickly as it might have done
Meeting the Bank of England’s 2% inflation target in April was always going to be a fine balance between the downward forces of cheaper utilities and easing grocer y prices and stubbornly high wage inflation driving ser vices prices upwards Indeed restaurants and hotels saw an increase in inflation In addition April also saw large rises in telecom and media prices, many of which are pegged to much higher inflation rates from several months ago
While lower inflation – together with wage and benefit increases and national insurance cuts – have had a tangible positive impact on household finances, both overall consumer sentiment and retail spending have yet to reflect this with subdued retail sales this year
This should come as no surprise , given that prices are still on average over 20% higher than they were three years ago, meaning that our pounds no longer stretch as far as they once did It will take fur ther sustained lower inflation for shoppers to rebuild confidence and return to increased discretionar y spending
Retail and leisure operators will be hoping that the downward inflationar y trend is no flash-in-the-pan, and
all eyes will be on whether ‘ core inflation’, which excludes food and energ y, can also turn a corner as wage pressures ease in coming months
Also there are concerns about food inflation returning as the wet weather has impacted farming costs and crop yields ” Nicholas Hyett, Investment Manager, Wealth Club added, “Inflation hasn’t fallen quite as much as economists had expected, but it is back within the Bank s target range for the first time in nearly three years That’s a relief for families and businesses who’ve struggled with rapidly rising prices, but also for Bank Governor, Andrew Bailey – who, for the first time in a long time , won’t be penning a letter to the Chancellor setting out what the Bank is doing to get inflation back under control
“However, the Bank’s job is still far from over
“With inflation back at target, the danger now is that high interest rates star t to suffocate the economy All eyes will be on the MPC next month to see whether they will cut interest rates That decision isn’t made easier by Core Inflation which excludes the effect of global food and energ y prices and remains far higher at 3 9%
“Does the Central Bank cut in June , or take advantage of the fact inflation came in a touch higher than expected and hold off until its August meeting? Movements in currency markets this morning suggest an August cut just became a little more likely ”
Issue 214 CLH Digital 5
Slick Booking Processes Key to the Growth of the UK Hospitality Industry
By Camila Heitz, Consumer Head of Product, Dojo (https://dojo.tech
According to the most recent industr y data, the number of licensed premises in Britain fell by 3 6% from 103,682 to 99,916 in the year to September 2023 While most in the sector will be acutely aware of the challenges the hospitality industr y has faced in the recent term these findings put those challenges in stark terms
One of the major contributing factors towards this are noshows - whereby a customer has made a booking, a venue has made the necessar y preparations and the customer simply hasn’t shown up No-shows pose a major challenge for the industr y as a whole , especially smaller, independent restaurants Recent research from Zonal and CGA by NIQ shows that no-shows cost the sector £17 59 billion per year in lost revenue and the damage is even greater when wasted food and staff costs are taken into account
Businesses across the UK have been under unprecedented strain over the past few years According to UK Hospitality’s latest Q1 2024 repor t a quar ter of UK hospitality businesses have no cash reser ves and a fur ther 29% have less than three months wor th Hospitality businesses are pushing against significant headwinds ranging from relentlessly high energ y costs and high interest rates to proposed business rate increases
All of these factors have created a perfect storm for the industr y, leaving business owners little headspace to think about how to tackle them but technolog y is par t of the answer
The role of booking platforms
It is increasingly clear that consumer expectations are rising due to the cost of living crisis - and businesses need the process of getting customers through their doors to be efficient and easy for them to access
UK businesses need the right tools and technologies to excel in the experience economy Platforms that include payments, smar t integrations, and efficient vir tual queues and bookings should provide the baseline to help restaurants manage their customer flow and table processes
We know that restaurants need to have simple , transparent and fair pricing, no booking limits, and flexibility so they can run their businesses as smoothly as possible With the right platform, restaurants can remove the extra admin that makes running a business hard - while also helping reduce the risk of no-shows by making cancellations easier for customers when they do need to change plans
In the competitive restaurant industr
automated and no longer a headache
Shepherd Neame Crowned Corporate Community Hero at Parliamentary Dinner
A panel of four judges - Des O Flanagan, co-founder of PubAid, Rita King, honorar y secretar y of the APPBG, Mollie Davies from the British Institute of Innkeeping and Anne Toms from Budweiser Brewing Group - then chose Shepherd Neame as the Corporate Community Hero for 2024 from the nominated companies They were presented with the award at the Annual Beer Awards Dinner suppor ted by the All Par ty Parliamentar y Beer Group which took place at the House of Commons on May 21st Des O’Flanagan, Co-Founder of PubAid, said: “Ever y
which acts as the industr y voice for pubs and their positive contribution to communities
Stonegate Teams Join Forces in Rob Burrow Leeds Marathon to support MND Association
Andrea Blewitt said: “We really had the most amazing day! We are still on a high - this was my ninth half marathon and I have to say the run was possibly the hardest I have ever done The hills were gruelling, the
6 CLH Digital Issue 214
y, businesses cannot rely on outdated technolog y to manage their business-critical bookings process Businesses need to adopt modern and flexible restaurant management systems to help improve efficiency across operations and reduce the booking management pressures that many business owners and staff face
the help of these tools bookings can be easily managed and tracked in real-time Restaurant teams are aler ted to reser vations and waitlists and they can send reminders and live updates to consumers This not only saves time for owners and staff but also improves the overall customer experience Restaurant owners and managers can't afford the lost time in managing bookings or the revenue losses from no-shows And if they’re focused on this, they will unlikely have the requisite headspace for creative thinking Yet with the right platform, they can be freed up to deliver exceptional experiences while the process of managing customer bookings is seamless,
Shepherd Neame has been crowned Corporate Community Hero at a prestigious annual MP dinner after an industr y-led nomination process The Corporate Community Hero Award seeks to find brewers and pub companies that play a major role in improving the quality of lives in their communities The independent family brewer, which owns 300 pubs and hotels across London and the South East, has raised over £85,000 over the last five years, including £30,000 in less than a year for Kent Wildlife Trust - its 2023/24 Charity of the Year It is an active member of its region’s trade and tourism organisations - Visit Kent and Produced in Kent - helping to boost the local economy through tourism It sponsors a diverse range of local events including Broadstairs Folk Week Faversham Literar y Festival and Faversham Hop Festival Shepherd Neame even appears as a landmark on Faversham’s own Monopoly board, with proceeds from ever y game going directly to local good causes
is also ver y active with local spor ts, par tnering with groups including Kent Cricket, Maidstone United FC , Bromley FC and Kent Rugby Shepherd Neame alongside other pub companies were nominated for the award by steering group members from the working group PubAid
they put on community and charitable work The impact the industr y makes on society is phenomenal “With such a long-standing commitment to good causes though, Shepherd Neame really stood out to us this year They are ver y varied in the causes they suppor t, tr ying to touch on many different demographics to suppor t a range of people and places ” Shepherd Neame’s Chief Executive Jonathan Neame said: “As Britain’s oldest brewer, we have a long heritage and it is incredibly impor tant to us that we make an active , positive contribution to the communities that we ser ve We are proud to provide local jobs and suppor t local businesses, and we also want to help ensure that the places our people live and work in grow and flourish It is fantastic to have our effor ts recognised with this award ”
year the judging for Corporate Community Hero gets tougher The number and calibre of nominations we receive gets higher ever y time as pub companies continue to increase the focus
Seven dedicated Stonegate Group colleagues laced up their running shoes alongside more than 14,000 people to take par t in the Rob Burrow Leeds Marathon on Sunday 12 May in suppor t of the company ’ s charity par tner, the Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association Former Leeds Rhinos player Rob Burrow has become a beloved symbol of resilience in the fight against Motor Neurone Disease since his diagnosis in 2019, inspiring countless individuals with his determination and remarkable fundraising effor ts Since then, Burrow and his family have been dedicated to raising awareness and funds for those affected by the disease One major event contributing to this cause is the annual Leeds Marathon From seasoned marathoners to first-time runners, each member of the Stonegate Group team took par t with a collective spirit of compassion and determination The Stonegate team included: • Iva Keremedc hieva, Junior Graphic Designer • Cather ne McGregor Senior Food Operations Manager Lydia Cross , Customer Ser vice Executive • Andrea Blewitt, Customer Contact Centre Manager • Hayley Wr ight Operat onal Trainer Carol Roder ic kson, D rector of Group Transitions
Simon Frankland, General Manager at The Alex,
proud of us, what an incredible day!” Carol Roderickson said: “Leeds did not disappoint for the second year running The atmosphere was incredible , the crowds were immense and the suppor t and sense of togetherness is like no other event I have experienced I am thrilled to have raised over £2 000 in two weeks primarily due to the generosity (aside of my Stonegate colleagues) of Paula at the Craft Union Pub, the Black Bull, Clayton, who rallied the customers and local businesses and generously raised £1,405!” Lydia Cross also commented: I had the most incredible day completing my first half marathon and managed to complete the course in 1 hour 49 minutes I was overwhelmed with the suppor t from the volunteers at the MND Association They went above and beyond to make sure we had ever ything we needed before and after the race The streets were lined with spectators and the atmosphere in Leeds was crazy I still have a buzz from the day and I’m nearly fully recovered! Andrea and I have raised £710 so far for the charity We are ver y grateful to anyone that donated ”
heat was intense , but I loved ever y minute The day itself was just the best by far, Rob Burrow was at the star t and Kevin Sinfield passed me on route After the run we sat outside the Manhattan pub and soaked up the atmosphere – I’m so
Foodservice Price Index Shows
Inflation Levels Approaching Normality
Drinks Sales Up 13% As Sun Shines On Pubs
Issue 214 CLH Digital 7 The latest Foodser vice Price Index repor t from Prestige Purchasing and CGA brings encouraging news for the foodser vice industr y with inflation rates returning towards more normal levels The repor t for April 2024 indicates a significant year-on-year fall in inflation of 2 5 percentage points, continuing a steady trend towards stability in pricing that will be welcome news for both businesses and consumers While the overall decline is welcome , the data reveals a nuanced picture across different food categories Only two categories recorded monthon-month deflation, while six others showed inflation rates of 1% or less While there is a degree of price stability across most segments, some areas are subject to fluctuation This has led to the first month-on-month inflation since Januar y a sign that although the foodser vice sector is recovering well from recent global disruptions, some supply issues continue to impact pricing Standout categories in the latest Foodser vice Price Index repor t include Vegetables, which saw the highest month-on-month inflation of 1 4% This increase follows extreme weather conditions in the UK and Europe including one of the wettest winters on record Conditions have hampered planting and impacted crop yields leading to a scarcity of fresh produceand driving up prices for both consumers and businesses Shaun Allen CEO of Prestige Purchasing commented: “The April Foodser vice Price Index repor t paints a picture of cautious optimism for the industr y While some categories are still experiencing price fluctuations, the general trend towards lower inflation rates is a positive sign for the sector’s recover y However, it is impor tant to remain vigilant about the potential impact of external factors, such as weather patterns and global events, which could continue to influence prices in the coming months ” James Ashurst, client director at CGA by NIQ, said: “Business across the foodser vice sector will be hugely relieved to see some stability in pricing after many months of ver y high inflation It should give business confidence a much-needed boost and will hopefully also feed through to increased consumer spending in due course Never theless, the supply chain remainsvulnerable to micro inflationar y pressures, and all hospitality businesses need to continue managing costs ver y carefully Warm weather has lifted Britain’s On Premise drinks sales above last year ’ s levels for the first time in six weeks, CGA by NIQ s latest Daily Drinks Tracker shows Average sales in managed venues for the seven days to last Saturday (11 May) were 13% ahead of the equivalent period in 2023 a ver y welcome return to growth after five weeks of year-on-year declines Trading was well up on all seven days of the week, beginning with a 17% uplift on Bank Holiday Monday (6 May) The Bank Holiday fell in the week prior in 2023 which will have helped to shape this week’s uplift Growth peaked at 23% on Thursday (9 May) As temperatures moved well into the 20s, sales finished 21% and 5% ahead on Friday and Saturday (10 and 11 May) respectively The sunshine made it a stellar week for Long Alcoholic Drinks (LAD) categories especially cider where sales rocketed 33% ahead of the same week in 2023 Beer was the next biggest winner with growth of 14% The soft drinks and wine categories were both up by 11% while spirits got a 5% upswing the first year-on-year growth for months “Bank Holidays always make year-on-year comparisons more difficult but after a sogg y Spring, the warm spell and double-digit growth have been a huge relief for Britain’s pubs and suppliers,” says Jonathan Jones, CGA by NIQ’s managing director, UKand Ireland “ The sunny weather means it’s been par ticularly good news for longer and lighter ser ves and pubs and bars with outdoor gardens and terraces, many of which have been empty for months Businesses will now be hoping the high temperatures can continue into the second May Bank Holiday and encourage more consumers to loosen their spending ”
Plenty Of Sport But Will The Sun Show Its Face This Late May Bank Holiday
Hospitality Comes Together To Drive Innovation
Businesses left enthused with a desire to drive growth and invest throughout the sector, and innovation par tners and policymakers gained unique insights into the specific needs of hospitality businesses to become more productive Jane and her innovation working group, which sits under the Council, will now develop key
outputs of the event and share them across the industr y Jane O’Riordan, who chairs the Innovation Working Group (IWG), and is a member of the HSC , said: Events like this are so impor tant to provide an oppor tunity for operators to dedicate time to coming up with innovative solutions to drive our productivity “Hospitality’s creativity and flair to come up with new ideas was clear to see today and I’m confident that this debut event will be the star t of a successful series of events to drive this impor tant agenda ” Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, said: “Hospitality is one of the most innovative sectors in the economy and bringing together over 100 of our brightest minds made for a fantastic event full of ideas I m delighted that UKHospitality has been able to work with Jane , the Hospitality Sector Council, and the Depar tment for Business and Trade to organise this event, and we look forward to more successes like today in the future ”
Issue 214 CLH Digital 9
The for thcoming late May bank holiday weekend promises to be a bumper one for spor t with the Investec Champions Cup Final seeing Leinster take on Toulouse at the Tottenham Hotspur stadium But the big spor ting event of the weekend has to be the FA Cup Final which will feature Manchester City facing up to Manchester United at Wembley Stadium, a game not to be missed! Plus not forgetting the Scottish Cup Final of Celtic v Rangers and finally, Sunday will see the much anticipated EFL Championship Play-off final of Leeds United versus Southampton, so with the extra day off, half term looming, plenty of pre-election chatter and oodles of great spor t, we should see a strong weekend in the on trade ahead, irrespective of the weather! Looking back to last year, our final May bank holiday weekend of the year (Friday through to Monday) saw drinkers consume a whopping 52 8 million pints of draught beer and cider across the UK which was an increase of +10 4% versus 2022 (the Jubilee weekend) In individual pub terms that equated to an extra +132 pints sold per pub versus the same period in 2022 and, most impor tantly £200+ extra in the till Across the entire weekend, the average pub ser ved 1,394 pints of Draught Beer & Cider, unquestionably helped by some glorious weather, and these sales equated to a £6 329 income generator Total Beer was up +10 4% vs 2022 with the key growth driven by World Lager Apple Cider and Stout So the question is: will we see the same increase in sales this year or will the potential patchy weather keep people at home? Last year saw the FA Cup Final as the no 2 driver of on trade sales across the quar ter and the no 3 across the entire year so there is ever y chance we will see a similar effect this year Oxford Par tnership’s CEO, Alison Jordan, commented: “Last year ’ s bank holiday weekend was a bumper one for spor ts fans and added to some par ticularly good weather, the result was a really strong weekend of sales in the On Trade Whilst we have no guarantee about the weather this coming weekend, the packed spor ts diar y alone should really prove to be a shot in the arm to the on trade ”
More than 100 hospitality businesses, from large multi-site operators to small independents, came together in Oxford yesterday to collaborate with technologists consultants and professors on improving productivity and driving innovation in hospitality At the first accelerator event run by Jane O’Riordan as par t of the Hospitality Sector Council, operators heard from Kevin Hollinrake MP Minister for Enterprise Markets and Small Business to open the day Hosted by Oxford Brookes Business
School and suppor ted by the Depar tment for Business and Trade and UKHospitality, the event facilitated lively discussion and workshops that were designed to stimulate innovative ideas around customer experience , streamlining tasks in a lively hospitality environment, and dealing with production and deliver y
Is The Hospitality Sector Ignoring The Digital Needs Of Older Customers?
By Jonathan Hassell, CEO at Hassell Inclusion
The use of digital technolog y in the hospitality sector has grown considerably over the past few years From online booking to ordering via QR codes and the growing popularity of self-check-in kiosks, there are now multiple digital touchpoints for customers to navigate
This has been a positive thing in many ways, with technolog y playing an invaluable role in helping many establishments sur vive during the Covid-19 pandemic The digital transformation trend has continued beyond the pandemic years, with analysis from restaurant booking company Tableo stating that 48% of reser vations are now made online
Many of these customers will be in the older age bracket Recent figures from the ONS showed that over-70s spend the most time online after twentysomethings and our latest research – ‘A golden oppor tunity: Are you ser ving the needs of older online consumers? – shows that over-65s are actively booking travel and events online
However, when it comes to meeting the needs of this impor tant demographic , businesses in the hospitality sector could be inadver tently excluding the over-65s in the design of their websites and apps Many older customers will be dealing with age-related impairments, such as reduced fine motor skills, deteriorating eyesight, hearing loss, poor memor y, and increased anxiety, all of which can make using websites and apps more challenging
In our research, 81% of the 1296 over-65s we sur veyed said they are frustrated by inaccessible websites and apps, while 70% say businesses fail to consider age-related impairments One third (33%) also said they had abandoned an online purchase due to difficulties in using a website or app
Problems they experience include not remembering complicated passwords (37%), confusing site navigation (34%) not having enough time to complete a task before being ‘timed out’ (32%) and text being difficult to read (30%) More than one in 10 (11%) also said they found it difficult to hear the sound in online videos
That said, there is an oppor tunity for proactive businesses More than one in 10 over-65s said they would spend more online if websites and apps were easier for them to use This is even higher (17%) among older consumers who are employed either full or par t-time , and interestingly, among those with age-related impairments For example , more than one in four consumers (26%) with deteriorating eyesight said they would do more online if websites and apps were easier for them to use
So, how can businesses in the hospitality sector make sure they can seize the oppor tunity of the silver spender ?
1 Acknowledge the specific problems older consumer s might be experiencing with your websites and apps
This can be ac hieved by researc hing their needs – conducting focus groups and gather ing feedbac k about their specific accessibility requirements You should also review the accessibility of your websites apps and communications inc luding social media, email, and PDFs
2 Address the practical fixes that will improve your user experience for older consumer s For example , make sure your videos have capt ons for customer s with hear ing impairments , make your buttons big enough to tap with an unsteady hand for those w th poor hand control and ensure the design of your website and app has a c lear layout and makes good use of white space
3 Adopt an age-positive mindset across your organisation
To effectively address the needs of your older customer s , it must be
this throughout your company will ensure the needs of older consumer s
project Retrofitting for their needs is neither efficient nor effective in the long-term
What is clear is this demographic has become increasingly
will be those of us who are currently in our for ties and fifties, are used to doing
the experience to remain user-friendly as we age
, and
None of us can stop the impairments that come with ageing, so businesses need to consider how this will influence the design of their digital platforms so that they meet the needs of an increasingly tech-enabled older generation
At the end of the day, can you afford not to?
A golden oppor tunity: Are you ser ving the needs of older online consumers? is now available to download
International Restaurateurs’ Dinner 2024 Raises
As well as creating
10 CLH Digital Issue 214
strategic approac h
any dig tal
par t of
are thought about at the
tech savvy In just 20 years time
older consumers
ever ything
(www hassellinclusion com)
Steve Gleeson from The Hideout in Bath has been crowned the 2024 UK winner of the Giffard West Cup at a thrilling final held at Dear Darling nightclub and bar Now in its 27th year, the Giffard West Cup is a celebration of the bartending and mixolog y talent that exists across the UK and the world Steve beat five exceptional regional finalists to be crowned 2024’s winner and will now compete in the International final against competitors from across the world in France this summer This year ’ s theme was ‘the ar t of balance’ which lies at the hear t of Giffard’s philosophy and entrants were asked to showcase in their cocktail creation their unique interpretation of how they find balance , between work, family and social lives Each entrant was required to incorporate Giffard's premium range of liqueurs and syrups to craft their signature cocktail Steve Gleeson’s winning cocktail Môr translated as ‘ sea ’ in Welsh celebrates the ‘unions of opposites and dualities’ in order to achieve balance in ever yday life Inspired by his favourite piece of music to relax to, Môr demonstrates how the sea can be a place of turbulence as well as tranquility These moments of duality can create balance and beauty in Steve s life Steve’s cocktail showcases Giffard’s Fleur de Sureau Sauvage , Ardbeg10 and Bergamot and Rooibos tea
Steve Gleeson Crowned UK’s Giffard West Cup Winner 2024
‘ ar t
create a low
no cocktail
y Box
create a cocktail
front of them and a selection of glassware Steve Gleeson: ‘I have really loved this competition, not just because of the exceptionally high caliber of bar tending, but because it has enabled each and ever y one of us to truly showcase our unique personalities and passion through our cocktails This competition has allowed us, as contestants, to personally get to know one another and make great connections with fellow bar tenders and the Giffard team Giffard has created such a personable and enjoyable competition which I have loved being a par t of ’ Camille Vidal Founder of La Maison Wellness and Mindful Cocktails was one of the esteemed judges of the Final Camille says, the competition was not just about seeking great bar tending talent from around the UK, but to find a winner whose ‘real authentic stor y ’ could come alive in their drink ‘ someone with a real connection and passion to the why behind their cocktail’ Steve did exactly that, and ‘created a whole new dimension to the drink’ The third International Restaurateurs’ Dinner (IRD), which took place on Monday 29th April 2024 at Rosewood London, raised £22,000 to suppor t training and education initiatives within the hospitality sector A ‘sensational’ menu was created by chefs including José Pizarro, chef founder of Pizarro Restaurants; Ian Musgrave , executive sous chef at The Ritz London; Hrishikesh Desai, chef patron of Farlam Hall; Cherish Finden international pastr y consultant and TV personality and Mark Perkins, executive pastr y chef at Rosewood London The joint fundraising event was in aid of the Royal Academy of Culinar y Ar ts, World Young Chef Young Waiter, and The Wine Guild of the United Kingdom This money raised will play a pivotal role in nurturing talent and fostering growth within our industr y, ensuring a brighter future for aspiring professionals Rober t Walton MBE, YYY Chairman commented: I am truly grateful to all who graced the third International Restaurateurs’ Dinner with their presence This event has been a testament to unity and access, and I extend my hear tfelt thanks to our esteemed guests and generous sponsors, who help us to advance key initiatives within the hospitality industr y “Thank you to our six chefs who curated an exceptional As chairman of World Young Chef Young Waiter and Young Mixologist, I take immense pride in our role in nur turing the future luminaries of the culinar y world The funds raised will propel our effor ts in providing invaluable oppor tunities for these aspiring talents ”
their own
of balance’ cocktails finalists were asked to
on the
ents provided in their Myster
was given twenty
utes to
of their
, using the ingredients in
£22,000 For Hospitality Sector
Lords Approve Extended Euros Licensing Hours
An order to extend licensing hours during the Euros, has passed through the House of Lords and is ready for royal assent
The order to the Licensing Act 2003 (UEFA European Football Championship Licensing Hours) will extend sales of alcohol if either England or Scotland reach the semi-final or the final of the Euros, meaning premises will be allowed to remain open until 1am without having to notify the licensing authority, but will only be permitted on the day the teams play
The first game of the football tournament, between Group A teams Germany and Scotland, is due to take place on 14 June , while England’s is on 16 June against Serbia, and the semi-finals are due to take place on Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 July, with the final in Berlin on Sunday 14 July
When the proposal for an extension was first announced earlier this month Emma McClarkin chief executive of the British Beer and Pub Association said: “By creating this easement and cutting red tape , doing
business will be that much easier ” And also expressed hope for an Anglo-Scottish final: “Let’s hope that England and Scotland make it not just through to the semi-finals but meet in the final itself, with pub-goers able to cheer the teams on with a beer later into the night thanks to these new measures ”
Conser vative peer Lord Sharpe of Epsom, told the Lords today (may 24) : “So much of the business at the Home Offices is difficult so it gives me par ticular pleasure that my last outing basically enables people to get properly on the lash ”
He said: “And as I hope Your Lordships will agree , the progression of England and Scotland, or both, to the late stages of the competition would represent just such an occasion
“Should that happen people will want to come together in celebration and suppor t of the home nation teams
Lord Sharpe said that during a Home Office consultation, more than 80% of respondents were in favour of the extended licensing
He added: “However, it would be remiss of me not to mention that the police are not in favour of extending licensing hours given the potential for increased disorder ”
Police deployments and resourcing are operational matters, of course , but I’m sure forces will, as they have in the past, put in place plans to minimise the risk ”
“It’s also wor th pointing out that this is a limited, two-hour extension to licensing hours, which is a propor tionate approach to mark these events ”
Liberal Democrat peer Lord Addington said the measures are ver y reasonable and it sets a good precedent for actually when having an extra bit of celebration for a major event ”
He thanked fellow peers for their work over the current Parliamentar y session and wished them well over the General Election, stating: “ I hope that nobody here gets bitten by a dog when delivering a leaflet ”
Acclaimed Hospitality Podcast From the Other Side of the Pass Shares Best Practice and Top Tips for Small Business Owners
Following on from a successful first season hosts Lucy Branson and Ruth Baker embark on Season Two with their conversational chat covering hot topics in the industr y
As the hospitality sector continues to navigate challenges, From the Other Side of The Pass fosters a sense of community among industr y professionals Season Two delves into a myriad of topics essential for success in the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of hospitality, including the world of allergens and compliance , people management and culture , and nitty gritty topics, like handling customer complaints
Dubbed “the relatable EHO”, Ruth, founder of Food Safety Consultancy, Simply Safer, offers bitesize episodes giving insight into the real dangers surrounding rice , and the wonderful world of Listeria Lucy, “the lover of the people”, is co-owner of restaurant group The Coastal Kitchen Family, shining a light
Margaret Faulkner and Employment Law advise from Solicitor
rant owners who have shared their own challenges and successes
In a world where ever ything comes at a cost this FREE podcast is available on all platforms and offers actionable tips for you and your teams to take away and put into practice immediately
Keep an eye out for new episodes from social media gurus Delivered Social and hospitality training exper ts Purple Stor y
Listen here: https://linktr.ee/simply safer
Contact theothersideofthepass@gmail.com if you have
Issue 214 CLH Digital 11
with confidence by building positive workplace cultures
All Star Marketing Club’s Victoria Vicker y; Qudos Management Coach,
on employee wellbeing; inspiring listeners to lead
Special Guests so far include
Jewell alongside a number of
any questions you’d like the team to answer live on air or if you
like to feature as a future guest
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Pushing the Envelope - Why It Pays To Have a Holistic View of Card Payments
By Phil Edwards , Head of
In a world where businesses are increasingly facing pressure on resources and margins, having the right payment systems par tner becomes crucial.
Payment ser vices are one of the most fundamental par ts of a business’ finances, but they’re also an area that’s rapidly changing Ar tificial Intelligence , digitisation, and predictive analytics are already star ting to make a difference to how businesses operate and how they plan
Business owners in the hospitality sector are calling out the emerging trends From the rise of online and remote payments, to increases in travel and tourism, the use of cards as a payment mechanism, the need for payment software that suppor ts exceptional customer ser vice and card payments which integrate with other financial products and ser vices
Many businesses want an omni-channel payments approach, and this suppor ts our motivation to be able to offer a holistic view of payments, which can really help ser ve as a commercial advantage
Cardnet can evolve with an individual business; comfor table with operating as effectively for small independents, as it can for large corporates It means that any changes to payment needs can be met seamlessly –whether that’s switching from in-person to online payments, looking at multi-currency payments, or buying into a complete omni-channel solution
One of those needs is understanding how digital transformation can create oppor tunities for your business Being able to use and optimise your data is a great example While data is fast becoming one of the most valuable assets you have being able to access it easily and analyse and understand what it means for your business can still be a challenge Cardnet have the tools to deliver a business management solution that is expressly designed to make running your business easier because they have data sitting at the top table
You may know your customer by name , or what they look like , but our systems can help you better understand their actual behaviour, creating a more robust customer profile , and help you take a deeper dive into what they’re actually spending their money on
The insight from your own customer data is great, but it can be backed up by broader data from our wider group We touch more than 25% of the UK card market, which creates access to some strong trend information about where customers are spending, which in turn might be the extra push you need to get ahead of those trends ever yone is talking about We can share that insight with the businesses we suppor t
It’s clear that the card is still king when it comes to payments, but as
new technolog y emerges, and payment habits star t to evolve , finding efficiencies when margins are tight and customers are watching ever y penny can really make a difference to growth and how successful your business becomes
With an increasing 360degree view of real-time payment activity across ever y point-of-sale channel, and a full range of payment solutions to choose from, security is also impor tant No business can afford to lose money, or reputation, which is why secure data processing and fully PCI compliant payment devices is a must, regardless of who you work with The Cardnet platform has a 99 9999% uptime* providing reassurance for you, your business, and your customers
Taking the worr y out of payment acceptance means you can focus on delivering great ser vice , secure repeat custom,
How Much Is Your Used Cooking Oil Worth?
Fats, Oils and Greases (FOG’s) are used and produced in the cooking process To the catering industr y and food manufacturers, they were long considered a valueless waste product To the water authorities they are considered a noxious substance that dramatically increase the costs of maintaining the sewage networks To the Environmental Agencies they are a source of pollution in the waterways they are tasked with looking after
Recent changes in environmental attitudes and the push for net zero carbon emissions have seen the increasing use of these waste FOG’s in alternative fuel production and have moved FOG’s from waste to an additional revenue stream for the catering industr y
The increase in value of these FOG’s is evidenced by the increasing problem of used cooking oil theft from catering establishments One estimate suggests that this could account for a fifth of all used cooking oil
This increase in value is driven by legitimate industr y demand as
alternative fuel sources become mainstream
One of those businesses has recently been showcased in Birmingham, with a joint project involving leading grease recover y unit manufacturer Fatstrippa, Lifecycle Oils, Severn Trent Water and Gurdwara Aid, a charitable enterprise of the Sikh community
The project involves the supply of fresh cooking oil to the Sikh Temples for use in their Langar kitchens at competitive prices and collection of the used cooking oils by private equity
and Life
The Falmouth Hotel Aquired by Cornish Hotel Operators
14 CLH Digital Issue 214
backed Lifecycle Oils As par t of
they are supplied with free installation and ser vice of Fatstrippa Grease Recover y Units The
cooking oil
then processed by Lifecycle Oils using their patented method for use in electricity gener-
supplied directly into the National Grid and for their mobile generators that are used to power festi-
expanding this offer to the wider catering industr y in the
cooking oil wor th probably more than you think! Call 020 7207 7713, Email info@fatstrippa co uk or see the adver t on page 2
the agreement,
vals and mobile electrical vehicle chargers Fatstrippa
Cycle Oils are looking at
coming months
how much is your used
and suppor t your ambitions to grow and hopefully thrive in even the most challenging of environments
35 years of experience in suppor ting hospitality businesses of all shapes and sizes with card payments has gone into developing Cardnet so that it continues to meet business’ requirements now and in the future We’re proud to suppor t UK hospitality businesses be a par t of that future Lloydsbank com/cardnet *Based on the Cardnet p a form ma nta ning 99 9999% up ime cover ng the 12 mon h period from Januar y 2023 o anuar y 2024 Cardne ® s a reg stered trademark of L oyds Bank p c Authorised by the Prudent a Regu at on Author ty and egu a ed by the F nanc a Conduct Autho y and the Prudent a Regu at on Au hor ty under Regis rat on Number 119278
Ser vices Por tfolio, Lloyds Bank Cardnet® ADVERTORIAL FEATURE The Cornwall Hotel Collection, owners of The Greenbank in Falmouth and The Alver ton in Truro, is delighted to announce the purchase of one of Falmouth town’s most iconic seafront destinations The new addition to the por tfolio marks a significant milestone for The Cornwall Hotel Collection, the hospitality landscape in Falmouth, and the wider county With an impressive legacy spanning over a centur y of running awardwinning hospitality businesses in exceptional locations, the team behind the Cornish hotel operators are excited to embrace The Falmouth Hotel into the family and back under local ownership after almost 20 years “We are
welcome The
The Cornwall Hotel Collection family ” said Chairman of the Board of Directors Roger French “Our roots in Cornwall go back generations, and we understand the responsibility that comes with stewarding such iconic establishments The Falmouth Hotel holds a special place in the hear ts
committed to ensuring its
come ”
more than just a change in management; it heralds a new chapter of revitalisation and investment into the beachside proper ty The
proven track record
heritage of historic proper ties whilst delivering worldclass guest experiences ensures that The Falmouth Hotel is in experienced hands, and will be protected and preser ved as a hotel, in local ownership, at a time when many are closing
being repurposed
The Cornwall Hotel
Cornwall’s hospitality industr y will confidently steer the transformation of The Falmouth Hotel into a premium destination for both visitors and locals to enjoy The addition to the hotelier’s established por tfolio represents a union of a traditional hotel fused with a modern hospitality management approach
its eponymous hotel to shine brightly as a beacon of pride for the town,” said MD Ben Young He continued: “This is more than just a business deal for us We believe that The Falmouth Hotel should properly reflect the town’s vibrant spirit and rich heritage Through careful restoration and strategic enhancements, we will create a hotel destination that celebrates Falmouth’s unique identity while offering outstanding hospitality We are focused on preser ving and improving the hotel for the benefit of the town, the employees, and all stakeholders involved ”
honoured to
of many, and
legacy endures for generations to
The acquisition signifies
Collection s
fully honouring the
Heading up the purchase is Ben Young, Managing Director of
Collection, whose
Falmouth deser ves
New Insights Reveal Top Reasons For No-Shows
Latest insight from hospitality technolog y par tner Zonal and CGA by NIQ, reveals the main reasons guests do not turn up for a reser vation, with the following coming out top:
Having a c hange of plans (27%)
• Other s in the group cancel ing (21%)
• People booking multiple venues to ensure they would get in somewhere (20%)
• One member of the group falling ill (20%)
• Forgetting about a booking (15%)
The sur vey of more than 1,000 UK adults, shines a light on the ongoing issue of no-shows and the impor tance of educating customers on the impact this has on hospitality businesses
New research also revealed that Sunday is the day in the week when noshows are most likely to occur and that on average Autumn (September – November) tends to be the worst season when it comes to people not honouring bookings
Figures from a recent GO Technolog y repor t from Zonal and CGA by NIQ* has also found that 77% of people find not being able to amend or cancel bookings online , a key frustration in the pre-visit customer journey A fur ther 34% stated that if they experience frustrations pre-visit such as being unable to amend or cancel bookings online they would find somewhere else to go
This all underlines the need for operators to tackle no-shows, which cost the industr y £17 59bn per year in lost revenue One way to mitigate the risk of no-shows occurring is by ensuring the booking journey is easy-to-use for customers – enabling them to book, amend or cancel bookings within a few clicks
In response to the ongoing issue of no-shows and in suppor t of the industr y, Zonal launched their #ShowUpForHospitality campaign in September 2021, to help operators tr y mitigate the risk of no-shows, as well as to raise awareness of the impor tance of consumers turning up to a booking or informing a venue if they can no longer make it
Welsh Chefs Excel To Strike Gold In Sharjah Competition
A team of
International Emirates Salon Culinaire during Expoculinaire 2024 Sharjah
Three gold medals were awarded, with Wales being edged out by winners China and runners up Hong Kong
Proudly flying the flag for Wales were captain Calum Smith, 23, and Jordan Howor th 25 sous chefs at Shrewsbur y School Shrewsbur y sous chef Harr y Paynter-Rober ts, 26 and head chef Sion Hughes, 26, from Carden Park Hotel and Spa, near Chester, Dylan Evans, 21, commis chef at L Enclume , Car tmel and Connor Smith,19, commis chef at the Lion and Pheasant, Shrewsbur y Dylan, Jordan and Connor, who is Calum s younger brother, all made their international debut in the competition which aims to become the most notable gastronomic contest anywhere in the Middle East for young chefs under the age of 28 years
Colin, who helped to coach and advise the Wales team before the competition, said: “I am really proud of these young chefs who stepped up to the mark and did a great job The judges were ver y complimentar y about how they worked together in a clean and hygienic way to get jobs done
“All the chefs did well but captain Calum deser ves special mention for taking the reins in the absence of a team manager and doing the hard work ”
C AW president Arwyn Watkins OBE added:
“When you consider this is a young Welsh team with three debutants competing in a competition for chefs aged under 28 to win a gold is a fantastic achievement
“Calum as team captain has done a tremendous job and has become a commanding leader ” The last time Welsh chefs competed in this competition as a senior team in 2013 they came away with a gold medal
It’s the second time that Wales has secured gold medals in the Sharjah competition following the success of a senior team in 2013
Issue 214 CLH Digital 15
Tim Chapman, Chief Commercial Officer, Zonal, said: “People not honouring their reser vations continues to be a challenge for the industr y Plans change and that cannot be helped however in order to reduce the risk of no-shows we need to continue finding ways to educate consumers on what impact this has on their favourite pubs, bars and restaurants The figures also highlight a correlation between people not honouring their reser vations and the ability for customers to change or amend bookings Operators that have digital systems in place , enabling customers to manage bookings online will be able to reduce no-shows from happening, as well as remove any potential customer frustrations during the pre-visit journey, improving the overall customer experience ”
six talented young chefs has struck gold for Wales at a prestigious international culinar y competition in the United Arab Emirates
team finished third overall
other countries
Alen Thong Golden Coffee
Representing the Culinar y Association of
against eight
in the
Pot Young
Challenge at
How To Improve Your Hotel’s Commercial Performance
Faced with an under-performing proper ty hotel owners tend to jump straight to the ‘tactical’ in their response: an ad campaign, a promotion, attending trade fairs, that sor t of thing Many see it as the fun par t of the job and it can provide a sugar rush to trading performance Ver y often, however, the returns are fleeting or poor value; and this is because the hotel is not operating on a solid commercial foundation
As well as teaching students at Glion Institute of Higher Education, my role as a hotel consultant is about teaching the commercial journey to owners and operators who are either independent or combined in small groups and therefore don’t have the in-house commercial firepower of a Marriott or an InterContinental
This journey has three stages: Performance , Process, and People
I always say to hoteliers that you cannot build your hotel without solid foundations; so equally you cannot have a good commercial plan without first establishing the foundation to work from
To begin with, it’s impor tant to look in detail at the current situation, by carr ying out a commercial audit For example , which segment or segments are you operating in?
Where does your business come from channel-wise? Who are your competitors and what do they do? It’s absolutely crucial for a hotel to establish where it is today before it can look at where it wants to be tomorrow
Once that’s done we can star t to determine our objectives going through the metrics to come up with realistic , quantified financial objectives, ideally for three to five years ahead
And, of course , once the objectives are agreed we must work out a strateg y to achieve them How are we going to boost revenues from, say, £13 million to £15 million in this first year? Here we talk about segmentation, which is all-impor tant but an aspect a lot of smaller hoteliers simply don t think about
As a first step, I check if they are using the USALI system, which is the universal accounting system for the lodging industr y If they don t have USALI installed, they ll have little idea how to segment their business, so this is a prerequisite for them to invest in if they wish to implement a coherent segmentation strateg y
There are other components to the commercial strateg y, including geo-sourcing your clientele and client profiling, but for this ar ticle I will look more deeply at channels, as this is ver y often a major source of conflict with my clients Why? Because many have given over a high propor tion of their bookings to the OTAs, at the expense of direct bookings Too many independent hotels also overlook the global distribution systems that allow hundreds of thousands of travel agents across the world to see their proper ty
Here I will generally recommend that they use a third par ty channel manager who can plug them into these global systems at a reasonably economical cost – far less than they could achieve tr ying to do so as an individual hotel For some proper ties, the immediate uptick in business can be almost miraculous I’ve been working with a hotel in Montenegro which did this and suddenly they were getting bookings from Australia South Korea, purely from being visible in these markets
Next we’ll look at target markets and in par ticular strategies around market development and market penetration These conversations revolve around extracting more from cer tain markets by doing X, Y and Z; and also developing new markets by doing A, B and C
This takes us neatly on to talking about tactical promotions, which, as I mentioned before , is the area that tends to excite hoteliers the most The difference now, however, is that we ve put in place all the necessar y strategic elements before star ting the promotions, so they can be more coherent and cost-effective And cost is the biggest issue here: it’s absolutely essential to keep control of costs in areas like promotions to have any chance of transforming the target revenue uptick into enhanced profitability
I could write an entire ar ticle about digital v offline promotions, retargeting, SEO, social media, and so on But suffice to say that ever ything you do to expose your hotel to a wider audience will cost money It’s a natural expense of doing business, just like laundr y, fresh flowers, and cleaning supplies I insist that hoteliers create a cost centre for promotion, with a percentage figure , and stick to it It’s the only way to avoid those costs running out of control
By Glenn Carroll, Faculty member at Glion Institute of Higher Education
Another element to consider with promotions is timing Ver y often things get done on the spur of a moment, even down to reacting to low occupancy the following week It’s simply too shor t notice , and the money will invariably be wasted I recommend getting a proper promotions calendar written down and employing a professional salesperson (directly or indirectly) to look after it
That need for relevant exper tise is true when looking at human resources more generally, and it’s a perennial problem for a small independent business like a hotel Often I will encourage hotels to employ external consultants based in their key target markets, as this is the only way the proper ty can present a consistent face to that market and avoid being forgotten about The final two elements of this first phase are measurement and tech stack Measurement of commercial strategies is something even some of the ‘majors’ don’t do that extensively, so you can imagine it’s a ver y neglected area among small independent hoteliers And with technolog y I have some of my most difficult conversations, because for many smaller proper ties there simply isn’t the money available to invest in suitable technolog y such as modern proper ty management systems which are critical for the future health of the business It is a classic ‘catch-22’ situation
The second key area of a successful commercial strateg y is process And for the first step of this we must look at business on the books – three , six, nine , 12 months ahead It’s quite extraordinar y how often this is overlooked, and a hotelier will come to me in April and say “business is looking terrible in May” Too late! A hotel needs to be forecasting this problem three months in advance , and then its digital marketing specialists have the time to tr y and do something about it
As well as looking inwards at its own commercial performance , a hotel must also look outwards at its competitor set Again, this is something few hoteliers make sufficient time for Worse still is when a client will say to me they have no competition There’s not a hotel out there which doesn’t have competition in some form or other The hotel next door may not be direct competition but the resor t 20 kilometres down the road is and you need to know what the hotels there are doing in terms of average rates promotions etc
Hotels have to pay to access competitive data of course but many are truly amazed at the level of detailed data they can access when I show them And it’s essential data too: if your hotel sits consistently at the bottom of its competitor set for average rates, you need to know so you can do something about it
Alongside your competitors you must also obser ve your customer set And by this I mean primarily corporate customers So many hotels let corporate customers walk away without even attempting to find out why Commercially, it s your responsibility to find this out, as a first step to rectifying whatever it was that caused them to head for the exit in the first place
For the larger multinational customers, like the big banks, ever ything tends to be handled centrally, so you must have a sales channel to head office , or you will be overlooked We’re also increasingly in a world where ESG (Environment, Sustainability & Governance) performance is being measured by stakeholders, and so request for proposals will frequently contain questions about a hotel’s environmental credentials If you can’t answer that question appropriately, you are off the list
The final links in the chain are the hotel’s people Here I have some of my most difficult conversations with clients because often they balk at paying for qualified professionals like salespeople I’ve already touched on the need to have a sales presence in key target markets, but that presence comes at a price
Often the conversation comes down to “do you have the right organisational structure and in par ticular do you have the right people doing the right things at the right time and in the right place?”
I sit down with clients and look at their structure in detail as well as at the individuals themselves to ensure they have the skills to carr y out what will be asked of them Top down communication is also critical: ever ybody involved in driving revenue needs to be fully in the picture about the commercial strateg y and working in lockstep towards its objectives
It sounds simple , and indeed a lot of commercial strateg y is fundamentally common sense There s a science to revenue management and channel management, and to crafting a digital campaign, but the secret to success is following a logical flow and having the right people in place – whether internally or via external consultancies – to carr y out the plan
Do it right, and the financial rewards can be spectacular
Glenn Carroll is a Faculty member at Glion Institute of Higher Education At Glion London, he teac hes People Management in a Global Environment’ and ‘Merger s and Acquisitions’ to Master’s students and ‘Human Resources Talent Management’ and ‘Business Development Strategies’ to Bac helor students Glenn was formerly Vice President Commerc al Europe for InterContinental Hotels Group before establishing his own independent consultanc y to advise hotelier s across the world on maximising commercial performance
of new members representing global distillers from four continents including Japan, the USA, Scotland, Wales, Netherlands, France , Sweden, Italy and the first member from Brazil
New gin brands swearing the oath of gin included Katherine Jenkins’s Welsh Cygnet Gin, US-based Alpine Distilling, Audemus Spirits from Cognac , British brands Hepple , Tipplemill Thirlings from Ad Gefrin and Japanese craft gin Amr ta With the Spring 2024 Installation taking membership from distillers and industr y professionals to 526, the Gin Guild also welcomed British Consul General and author Ameer Kotecha and hospitality industr y legend Peter Dorelli to its industr y affiliation
Following the installation, guests for the Annual Gin Industr y Dinner included representatives from more than 60 gin brands and guests including the Gin Guild’s inaugural member John Burke and Grand Rectifier Desmond Payne MBE The event also showcased gins from across the membership drawn from the historic
Guild Bar Gin Guild Director General Pal Gleed commented, “The growth, quality and innovation we are seeing in the gin industr y shows no sign of slowing down, and it is exciting to see new members
16 CLH Digital Issue 214
(www.glion.edu) Gin distillers and industr y professionals from around the world came together at the London Guildhall for the Gin Guild’s Annual Gin Industr y Dinner and Spring Installation The evening, celebrating twelve years since the Gin Guild’s foundation, began
a formal installation
joining from across the world As always, this annual event makes for exciting conversations around what we’ll see from distillers in the next year ” After dinner speaker Jane Peyton, Principal of The School of Booze and author of The Philosophy of Gin and The Philosophy of Cocktails said, “ I had the distinctly enjoyable experience of attending the Gin Guild’s annual dinner, and if any proof were needed on the dynamic global nature of gin, that was it, with gin makers present from dozens of countries ” Alex Watson, co-founder of Renais Gin was installed as the Gin Guild’s 500th member He said, “It is a privilege to join the Gin Guild and be in the room with such a suppor tive community representing distillers and gin brands from across the world ” Ameer Kotecha said, “I was delighted to be presented with my juniper berries and be installed as a member of the Gin Guild Gin is one of the UK’s finest products and expor ts and I look forward to continuing to do all I can to champion gin and to help distillers to showcase this great British product all around the world ”
Global Gin
For The Gin Guild’s Spring Installation
Industry Comes Together
Bureau Service Technology: A Path To Financial Precision For Hospitality Businesses
In moments of financial difficulty, hospitality businesses would cer tainly benefit from greater precision within their budgets UKHospitality has even claimed we are living through a ‘cost of doing business crisis’, as a result of sky-high energ y costs and inflation Sadly, as many as 70% of the UK’s independent hotels are estimated to have closed since the pandemic while restaurant closures also hit an all-time quar terly high in Q4 2023 according to data obtained by Price Bailey Ensuring that budgets are as accurate as possible can make a big difference to businesses in precarious financial circumstances So how can independent hotels, pubs and restaurants use technolog y to achieve financial precision? This is where a bureau ser vice comes in Enabling hospitality managers to gain around-the-clock access to their energ y and utilities usage data, unhelpful disruption caused by unexpected billing errors could be a thing of the past
Here are the key reasons for implementing a bureau ser vice for smar ter consumption and energ y management
Like most businesses, the hospitality sector primarily uses one of the following meters for energ y billingHalf Hourly (HH) meters or Non Half Hourly (NHH) meters HH meters automatically send readings to the data collector for billing, while NHH meters rely on the hospitality businesses to provide the readings From my experience , businesses often fail to submit these readings on a regular basis, resulting in estimated bills However, these estimates can often be unreliable For instance , last year, bill validation by Advantage Utilities revealed that over 60% of NHH meter bills were based on estimates But even HH meters sometimes get billed by estimates due to miscommunication with data collectors This is a significant obstacle for hospitality owners striving for financial precision Estimated bills can lead to unreliability, with businesses overpaying or underpaying for their actual consumption creating confusion in their consumption patterns and financial records
What’s more the accounts payable process only makes this issue more obvious with about 10% of bills having at least one error, leading to wasted time of accounts payable staff This inefficiency has meant that 25% of time is being spent on handling exceptions within the invoicing process For tunately, adopting bureau ser vice technolog y allows hotels in par ticular to gain control over these challenges and minimise errors
Beyond impor tant financial gains, hospitality businesses can also gain impor tant insight into their consumption histor y, payments histor y and also carbon calculations for their electricity and gas usage Ever-increasing
By Nicoleta Sandu, Bureau Manager at Advantage Utilities (www
ESG repor ting requirements also add additional pressure for hotels and restaurants to understand what they are responsible for within their operations and supply chain This is where a bureau ser vice is once again crucial, including aspects such as energ y usage , waste , water and the fuels used within an organisation - even down to vehicle usage
Think of a good movie that you recently watched Before that movie was filmed and released, there must have been a good script There was a sense of what message the writers wanted to get across and of the direction of the stor y That's why having a monthly repor t pack is essential to enabling a holistic view of a business ’ por tfolio of their consumption their payments and their carbon emissions
Identifying and fixing any discrepancies found during the bill validation process is a time-consuming task For tunately, a bureau ser vice enables hospitality businesses to efficiently understand their contracts, automatically highlighting any errors between contracted rates, taxes or levies For the hospitality sector, electricity, gas and waste are all likely to be notable expenditures, but where one hotel uses more gas or produces larger quantities of waste , a bureau ser vice can be tailored so that greater insight is given to these variables - exploring all oppor tunities to reclaim costs After errors have been identified, the bureau ser vice provider then steps in to liaise with the business’ suppliers to confirm these , reclaiming incorrect charges where overpayment has been made
Bureau ser vices have already enabled numerous businesses to reclaim overpayments Since the star t of 2024, Advantage Utilities has discovered £54 000 in overcharges and have already recovered more than £18 000 of this We will continue to recover these overcharges until this entire amount has been recovered
With most bureau ser vices providing a monthly repor t pack containing key information on the business decision-making process, this helps to develop a better approach for energ y and utilities management in the future For example , a bureau ser vice can monitor kVA (kilo-volt-amperes) consumption versus the kVA set for each meter within a business - this is used to determine energ y use Any discrepancy between the two readings means an inaccurate bill will follow, whether that’s one that’s too high, or too low A bureau ser vice can help to eliminate this issue by giving hospitality businesses the tools they need to view their historical consumption, in addition to setting up a new agreed kVA depending on whether they consume more or less than their set kVA consumption - saving money in the process
To summarise , hospitality businesses stand to significantly benefit from implementing a bureau ser vice that navigates energ y billing inaccuracies with greater efficiency By identifying errors automatically hotels restaurants and pubs can not only reclaim costs where overpayments happen but this also frees up time and gives greater confidence to future bills received Coupled with monthly repor ting, key decision-makers within each hospitality business now have a path available to them that enables a more reliable decision-making process At such a difficult moment for the hospitality sector, this technolog y should not go unnoticed
Winterhalter Gets Ready For The Top Ten Countdown To The 2024 KP Of The Year
get the response it did,” says Stephen Kinkead, Winterhalter UK’s managing director “It’s all about putting KPs and the work they do in the spotlight It’s humbling to read the nominations – learning about the dedication and effor
Along with this three highly commended KPs will receive vouchers to hospitality experiences and ever y nominee will get a bespoke KP of the Year apron designed by Oliver Hardy
“Over the years we ’ ve received nominations from a hugely diverse range of businesses, ” says Stephen “For our tenth competition we ’ re looking forward to discovering more of the industr y s exceptional kitchen heroes!
Nominations are open until the 30th of August More information about the competition and previous winners, along with a link to the nomination form, can be found at www kpoftheyear com
TUGO - Innovative Food Solutions
18 CLH Digital Issue 214 We’re TUGO, a passionate team of food ser vice fanatics, committed to creating the freshest, most flavourful globally inspired food concepts Our adventurous spirit, agility and positively restless dedication to innovation is what sets us apar t developing food concepts to suit operators across food ser vice From our vibrant global street food to our hand-stretched fresh dough pizza & authentic corn tor tilla burritos, We seek adventure globally and are passionate about our produce as we are reducing our environmental impacts We’re clear in our purpose , to take the weight off our clients’ plate and make life easier with our complete end-to-end food ser vice solution From menu innovation and concept development, through to product training, marketing and sales suppor t We provide the tastiest, most innovative food solutions so our clients can focus on delighting their customers and unlocking oppor tunities to drive revenue Tel: 01295 367351 | Email: hello@tugo co uk | Web: www tugo co uk
advantageutilities com) 2024 sees Winterhalter celebrate the 10th Kitchen Por ter of the Year competition, which aims to recognise the amazing work so many kitchen por ters do to keep the UK’s foodser vice industr y in peak condition
it was first held in 2013 KPOTY has become one of the biggest and most prestigious awards in the industr y and has been praised for its focus on the vital role kitchen por ters play in catering and foodser vice In many businesses KPs are the secret weapons of the kitchen, going above and beyond their standard duties to keep them running smoothly For many of the biggest names in the industr y the experience they gained during their time as KPs ser ved as the foundation to their future career Over seven hundred nominations have been made over the previous nine competitions, representing all sectors of foodser vice , including the UK’s best hotels and restaurants, pubs bars and clubs, and institutional and contract caterers, demonstrating the impor tance of KPs throughout the industr y “When we first came up with the idea for KP of the Year we had no idea that it would
so many
to their
is always inspiring ” The
KP of the Year 2024 will be awarded the prestigious KPOTY trophy, as well as £1000 in vouchers and a celebrator y meal for friends and family in a
dining restaurant of their choice Fur thermore the winning KP’s employer will get a piece of Winterhalter equipment wor th up to £10 000
Rooftop Solar: What Are the Economic, Environmental and Operational Benefits for Hospitality Businesses?
The UK s hospitality sector has faced many challenges in recent years – increasing food and drink prices, rising inflation, and high energ y and utility costs being a few of the concerns keeping managers and owners up at night
With research finding that in 2022-23, the average energ y bill for hotels, pubs and restaurants had increased by around 81% – and were three times higher than in 2021 – it’s unsurprising that just under a third of businesses in the sector were optimistic about the future
Energ y was also cited as the biggest worr y, with 86% of respondents ‘concerned’ or ‘ ver y concerned’ about energ y costs
And while in 2024 inflation may be slowing the uncer tain cocktail of corporate challenges remains
In recent times trade bodies have been calling upon the Government to urge energ y suppliers to offer fair rates but is this really a long-term solution?
Energ y prices can decrease and stabilise , but markets will always be volatile , so there’s no guarantee they will stay this way
But this doesn’t give peace of mind to the sector’s decision-makers when it comes to long-term financial, environmental, operational, and social stability and planning
This is one of the reasons why on-site renewable energ y solutions are gaining such momentum in the hospitality conversation
Rooftop solar panels can reduce a business s bills by up to 30%, as well as allowing for less demand and reliance upon the National Grid – and the price variability linked to this energ y supply
The results are energ y independence and a future-proofed supply – achieved via an installation in an otherwise redundant, and non-profit-generating space
It also helps to avoid situations like what happened a couple of years ago when, as energ y prices soared, many businesses were forced into long-term fixed-rate contracts
Of these hospitality companies, research uncovered that 46% declared they felt their business was at risk of failure over the next 12 months – with 92% mentioning energ y prices as a significant contributor to this With high footfall and round-the-clock ser vices, energ y is vital for the sector s operations But energ y itself is not the problem, rather how and where this energ y is generated
The UK’s hospitality sector is responsible for up to 15% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions
By Jamie Shaw, MD of energy generation specialist, Shawton Energy
And with businesses annual energ y costs coming in at over £1 3bn, this also results in carbon emissions in excess of 8 million tonnes per year
The truth is that energ y is a significant par t of any company s carbon footprint – and all businesses are expected to play a role in moving towards Net Zero by 2050
And with 73% of travellers more likely to choose accommodation if it has implemented sustainability practices, it’s never been more impor tant for the industr y to listen
Customer attitudes, experience and expectations will drive the future of the sector, and if consumers are being more selective over where they stay, businesses need to be aligned or risk getting left behind – both financially and reputationally
There is also more supply chain pressure than ever before
As more organisations look to decrease their value chain emissions, and reduce their environmental footprint, Scope 3 Emissions will continue to become a bigger topic for hospitality companies
One business leading the way is Dakota Hotels, as the brand has installed rooftop solar at its Edinburgh, Motherwell and Manchester sites
In Manchester, the brand was looking to reduce its environmental impact and operational costs, while maintaining uninterrupted ser vice for guests
Another key driver was the business having noticed an upward trend in consumers looking for greener places to stay
Dakota, therefore , wanted
Hot Off The Press: New Jangro
Catering & Hospitality Catalogue
Jangro, the largest network of independent janitorial distributors in the UK and Ireland, is proud to present its new Catering & Hospitality Supplies 2024/25 catalogue Boasting a fresh new look, the latest edition is the ultimate caterer ’ s companion offering a wide range of quality brands and choice at competitive prices
Enabling establishments to keep up to date with trends, the catalogue offers all the equipment and supplies required to stir up positive customer experiences From front of house to back of house , casual to fine dining, the latest crocker y and table presentations to environmentally friendly catering disposables, Jangro’s new Catering & Hospitality 2024/25 catalogue has it all
Jangro is committed to becoming a more sustainable business and helping its customers reach their own green goals This new edition, therefore , offers a plethora of eco-conscious products, from food packaging containers, which are recyclable , compostable , and fully bio-degradable , to Jangro’s awardwinning and innovative ntrl range of vegan cleaning solutions
The ntrl por tfolio comprises 13 products ideal for cleaning surfaces in a variety of environments, from kitchens through to washrooms Registered with The Vegan Society’s Vegan Trademark all formulas are 100% biodegradable contain zero petrochemicals, and can
reduce the product’s carbon footprint
great impres-
gastronomic delights ser ved
the customer’s entire experience
whilst back of house provides the foundation
today’s con-
seek establishments that resonate with their values,
of environmental prac-
also balancing a budget is a delicate juggle – our new Catering & Hospitality Supplies 2024/25 catalogue has been curated to help businesses strike this balance ’ The catalogue features all the essentials required for catering, leisure and hospitality businesses –including kitchen hygiene , utensils and equipment, cleaning chemicals, tableware and glassware , washroom supplies, work wear, janitorial and waste management For more information, or to order a free copy visit www Jangro net or call 01204 795 955
Jo Gilliard, CEO of Jangro, comments, ‘For
and hospitality businesses creating a
sion is as
as the
Front of house presentation
par ticularly in terms
tices ‘Providing an exceptional customer experience , making sustainable choices, whilst
20 CLH Digital Issue 214
to cement its position as a forward-looking, sustainable hotel brand A rooftop solar PV system was installed, as a result
now means the Manchester hotel can generate 59,317kWh of clean green energ y annually, which is projected to save £17,795 10 on its electricity bills in its first year
reducing its carbon footprint was also impor tant, the business is also pleased to be saving 11,848kg of
emissions per annum
carbon savings across all three hotels is now over 84 tonnes
Dakota’s total
ts – put hospitality businesses
– available out there that don’t require
so don’t put pressure on already squeezed hospitality budg-
renewable energ y solutions – such as rooftop solar and solar carpor
back in the driving seat when it comes to their energ y expenditure and decarbonisation
There are also fully funded options – Power Purchase Agreements
capital outlay or ongoing operational expenditure
hospitality sector can be
with collaboration innovation and a little help from the sun the future of the
ver y bright indeed
Hospitality Insolvencies Fall But Operators Aren’t In The Clear Yet
Recent company insolvency statistics show accommodation and food ser vice insolvencies decreased by 17% in March 2024 (to 280, from 338 in Februar y) and were also down 17% from March 2023 (339)
Saxon Moseley, head of leisure and hospitality at RSM UK, comments:
“The hospitality industr y has been in the doldrums since 2022, primarily driven by soaring overheads and reduced demand Last month’s dip in company failures shows the tide may be turning as consumer confidence returns This brings hope that the second half of the year will show a continued improvement, with interest rates
and inflation both expected to fall, which should ease cost pressures on businesses and put more money in consumers pockets
Gordon Thomson, restructuring par tner at RSM UK, added:
“Despite these positive indicators and the likely boon of the European football championships, the trading environment remains turbulent and continued cost pressures continue to plague the industr y With many businesses operating with less than three months of working capital, it is essential that management teams focus on delivering lean operations, while optimising the experience to attract discerning customers ”
Great Taste Market Producers Coming to the Source Trade Show in Exeter
New 'Seafood Boil' Concept Comes to Birmingham as Seafood City Opens this Summer
22 CLH Digital Issue 214
This June , the brains behind independently owned Vietnamese Street Kitchen are expanding with the launch of an exciting new seafood boil concept called Seafood City in the Arcadian, creating 22 full and par ttime jobs The 1700 square foot venue is in the unit once occupied by Rozu and will seat 99 people inside with a cocktail bar as the centrepiece , plus outdoor seating for lazy days in the sun, sipping cocktails The concept takes inspiration from the original southern ‘seafood boil’ made famous in Louisiana in the USA’s Deep South, which uses a traditional cooking method to lock in the taste of the sea Since then, the cooking style has been adopted by the Vietnamese community and emboldened with new flavours that has taken London by storm and is set to be the next foodie Tik Tok sensation in the Midlands General Manager Oliver Ngo is expecting the ‘get down and dir ty’ concept to be trending here in Birmingham in the not-so-distant future He said: “It’s all about diving right in putting your bib aprons on and getting your hands messy so that you can enjoy seafood in an unpretentious way The idea is to bring friends, families and seafood lovers together to enjoy the riches of the sea in the simplest way possible The seafood boil is a wonderful way to enhance individual flavours and textures Our concept is simple , you can boil your choice of seafood, pairing it with our signature sauce , garlic butter or our XXL sauce for those who like it hot! Not only that, but you can mix it up and grill and fr y your favourite seafood too "Our signature lobster rolls
crab and prawn burger with a side of seasoned fries are a must-tr y We will have you hooked in no time!” The brand concept
interior design by Faber is an explosion of neon colour and bright lights and will be just as bold as the menu Inspired
energ y
visual excitement of Asian cities, the designers coined the term ‘retro-futurism’think K-Pop meets Tokyo - a bold and colourful identity inspired by Japanese typography - and a hidden mascot,
y the Lobster - spot him if you can!
by the
The Source trade show is going to have even more on the menu in 2025! The show’s organisers, Hale Events, are delighted to announce that The Guild
Fine Food will be bringing a Great Taste Market to the show for the ver y first time
Taste is the world's largest food and drink accreditation scheme , where ever y product is judged on taste alone
the Great Taste Markets
a curated selection
award-winning products,
their pro-
best shows
Events MD commented The Source trade show will be complemented by the inclusion of a Great Taste Market at the show next Februar y All the award-winning producers and their wonderful produce will enhance attendance for show visitors " Sally Coley, Sales Director at the Guild of Fine Food said: “A respected seal of approval, Great Taste awards are sought out by buyers and retailers across the industr y Great Taste markets are a brilliant oppor tunity to meet producers showcasing their award-winning products and discover the stories behind them we ’ re delighted to be bringing the Great Taste Market to The Source trade show for the first time in 2025 ” Food buyers from retail and hospitality businesses of all sizes are invited to the show, to experience a wide range of award-winning ar tisan food and drink products There will be more than 200 exhibitors of food, drink, equipment, and business ser vices showcasing their offerings at the show in Februar y The Source trade show takes place on Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th Februar y 2025, at Westpoint, near Exeter For more information about the show, please visit thesourcetradeshow co uk or call 01934 733433 For more information about Great Taste Markets and the Guild of Fine Food, visit gff co uk
of the
ducers, at some of the
and events across the countr y From sumptuous savour y foods to exquisite confectioneries and impressive drinks, the markets promise an extraordinar y, flavour-filled experience for visitors "We are thrilled to extend our long-term working relationship with the Guild of Fine Food Mike Anderson, Hale
Porkka is a leading Finnish manufacturer of high quality energ y efficient refrigeration Cold -rooms & hot-holding equipment and have been supplying high quality solutions to the UK commercial catering industr y education medical & marine sectors for many years Porkka UK has its headquar ters in Binfield Berkshire , from where wo operate a wide network of dealers and installation par tners Porkka maintains a large stock of spare par ts in Binfield for next day deliver y countr y wide We have recently taken steps to enhance our spare par ts business by launching a Web-Store for 4/7 access to our extensive spare par ts list Known throughout the world for their reliability, longevity & energ y efficiency, Porkka cabinets, counters, modular cold rooms & ice makers are designed and manufactured to the highest standards to withstand the demands of the commercial catering environment Porkka manufacture a wide range of standard refrigerated products, and, importantly, we can design and build bespoke solutions for any application from HOREC A to Pharma These capabilities, allied with our unique patented cam-locked PIR solution have seen the Porkka Group go from strength to strength Contact Porkka today to see how we can work together for a brighter, more efficient future www.porkkawebshop.co.uk
A Wide
of Solutions to Meet Your Needs
Porkka -
The King Supports Pub is the Hub with Donation to Support Pubs, Publicans and Rural Communities
Urban Pubs & Bars Celebrate 10th Birthday Anniversary With Drinks At 2014
Davidson Kempner and Global Mutual Founder, Malc Heap said: “We are so proud of the incredible success of
Bidfresh Highlights Importance Of
Sustainability, Seasonality & Provenance
24 CLH Digital Issue 214
Pub is The Hub has welcomed a donation from His Majesty The King to help independent publicans suppor t local ser vices and activities for communities in rural areas The donation will help the Community Ser vices Fund which advises publicans to diversify their ser vices This can be anything from suppor ting a rural pub to opening a local community café an allotment a play area librar y or village store Pub is The Hub was founded by His Majesty The King, when he was The Prince of Wales in 2001 Over the past 23 years Pub is The Hub has been able to help hundreds of pubs to diversify, with many receiving both advisor y and financial suppor t through its Community Ser vices Fund Pub is The Hub’s future vision is to help 1,000 more pubs diversify over the next three years Pub is The Hub chief executive John Longden said: We would like to thank The King for this donation and all the suppor t for Pub is The Hub since its formation The King has always been a suppor ter of the local role of the British pub ” He added: “We know there are still many more pubs, publicans and rural communities that would benefit from the help and suppor t from Pub is The Hub Pubs and publicans are vital to rural communities adding real social value and being par t of the glue that binds local areas together ” Bidfresh has kick-star ted the Spring with an event to celebrate fresh produce and the impor tance of it on menus The event focuses on Campbell Brothers (catering butchers), Direct Seafoods (nationwide fishmongers) and Oliver Kay (fresh ingredient suppliers) Bidfresh believes that by utilising fresh food, operators can open the door to products that are full of flavour and packed full of quality ready to meet to the expectations of consumers Brian Hall managing director at Bidfresh commented: “I’m pleased to see the spotlight on fresh produce and the hard work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure that the products delivered to customers are of the ver y best standard “All exper ts within their sector the teams at Direct Seafoods Oliver Kay and Campbell Brothers are always there to suppor t chefs and operators find what they need Sustainability, provenance and seasonality are at the ver y hear t of all three businesses and it’s their dedication to these details that truly makes them champions of fresh ” To demonstrate their knowledge and credentials, each business took a different area of fresh to champion, explaining how it is weaved into their ethos and the benefits it brings to chefs and operators THE BENEFITS INCLUDE: • Direct Seafoods are dedicated to helping operators find the perfect species and achieve their sustainability goals •Oliver Kay are on hand to help caterers make the most of the fresh fruit, vegetables and other produce in season • Campbell Brothers offer quality meat that is fully traceable and suits the requirements of chefs working at all levels of catering
Londonnpub and dining group Urban Pubs & Bars will celebrate their tenth anniversar y with drinks at 2014 prices The leisure group, which operates 42 pubs bars and restaurants and employs over 1,000 people is the biggest independent pub group in London The company has achieved massive success despite once-in-a-generation challenges of COVID and the cost of living crisis by focussing on the needs of local communities Earlier this year Urban Pubs & Bars (UPB) announced group EBITDA of £6 4m for the financial year-ended April 30, 2023, an improvement of 11 per cent versus the prior year The group of ever expanding pubs and restaurants saw like-for-like sales increase by 17 per cent and turnover increased by almost 60 per cent to £52 2m To celebrate the company ’ s milestone success on Wednesday, May 22, drinks will be slashed to prices from ten years ago approximately half price All sites will also be throwing all day par ties with music fashion and games from 2014 as they raise a glass to its 10th bir thday UPB is a London pub bar and restaurant operator founded by Malc Heap and Nick Pring and backed by
Urban Pubs
Bars It is a real
s pubs quickly following COVID and the ensuing cost of living crisis because these pubs cater to their local communities “UPB is the biggest independent pub company in London, each site has an empowered management team running the venue like they own it which ensures individual pubs are loved by customers and never feel like faceless pub chains We raise a glass, at 2014 prices, to the the next decade of success ” Urban Pubs & Bars’ first site The Whippet in Kensal Rise opened in May 2014 The group is a London focused business that has grown gradually over the last ten years to become a big success stor y Even when the world struggled through COVID, UPB added 13 former Barworks sites Chris Hill joined UPB as Managing Director in May 2023 to help spearhead the future growth of the fast expanding business and oversee new acquisitions Chris said: “The past ten years for Urban Pubs and Bars have seen exceptional growth The estate has doubled in size since COVID and as we now look to the future we want to double again over the next 4-5 years We have built a great team so that we are able to move quickly to open new sites as soon as they become available ” The company ’ s por tfolio also includes city bars and a group of premium tapas bars The business has grown to 42 sites with lots of openings planned for this year The company recently opened The Red Setter taking over the former All Bar One in Nor thcote Road Battersea and has big plans to open up to ten sites across London this year In the last year, the business also successfully opened three other new sites including The Victor y at Waterloo Station, The Railway in Putney and The Junction in Islington, with trading exceeding expectations The UP&B Group, includes flagship pubs Nest, Bishopsgate , The Wheatsheaf, Tooting and The Gatehouse , Highgate , predicts fur ther growth despite economic forecasts, transpor t strikes and the general state of the UK economy
London success stor y and has been driven by focussing on the needs of local consumers “Customers returned to the company ’
The Cotswold Cycle Challenge Returns
Over £20,000 For Hospitality Action
The Cotswold Cycle Challenge returned last week, with 99 intrepid riders raising over £20 000 for the hospitality industr y ’ s safety net charity Hospitality Action
The highly anticipated return of the Cotswold Cycle Challenge marked a triumphant comeback after a five-year hiatus The event, hosted by Calcot & Spa, brought together riders from ever y corner of the hospitality industr y including teams from Expedia, Houston & Hawkes, Hatch Mansfield, Hand Picked Hotel and celebrity chef Phil Howard
Against the breathtaking backdrop of the Cotswold countr yside and passing iconic landmarks such as The Castle Inn at Castle Combe , Whatley Manor, The Pig and the Village Hall in Barnsley, par ticipants embarked on a series of exhilarating rides tailored to different skill levels With routes ranging from 20 to 100 miles each offered something for ever yone with novices to seasoned cyclists eager to push their limits
As dawn broke par ticipants set off under clear skies with spirits lifted by the promise of adventure , sumptuous feeding stations enroute and a shared mission to suppor t industr y peers
resilience and solidarity of the hospitality community Through their collective effor ts riders not only conquered personal goals but also made a tangible difference in the lives of those who have fallen on hard times within the industr y
Richard Ball, Executive Chairman, The Calcot Collection said:
“What made this event truly special was the sense of camaraderie and suppor t among all the riders Regardless
Navigating the undulating terrain of the Cotswold hills, cyclists pushed themselves to reach the finish line with the promise of a rewarding BBQ and glass of chilled Champagne Taittinger at Calcot & Spa
Beyond the physical exer tion and scenic vistas, the Cotswold Cycle Challenge was testament to the
Stella Artois Launches ‘Perfect Serve’ Campaign Celebrating The Perfect Pint
Hospitality costs are up all over the place with utilities, fuel, food, staff and product costs all contributing to the inflationar y pressures In addition new legislation will add fur ther cost pressures The Environment Act 2021 bans food waste going into general waste and down the drain in disposal units, so you’ll need separate , additional wheelie bins So where can you cut costs and increase profits without cutting ser vice and putting off customers? One answer is in waste disposal and in par ticular food waste disposal If you can reduce your food waste wheelie bins your bills will go down The Eco-Smar t Food Waste Dr yer is taking the countr y by storm, saving catering and hospitality owners around 80% in food waste disposal costs Hotels, restaurants and hospitals have all taken advantage of the easy-to-use technolog y which has been in the UK for over ten years now The concept is ver y simple: you load the food waste throughout the day and turn it on at night when it’s full The machine extracts the water from food waste (typically about 80% of the weight) overnight leaving a dr y powder only 20% of it’s former weight and volume , a fraction of the original wet food waste Simple and effective Six models from 20kg to 350kg daily capacity take all types of food waste so even small premises can benefit It is a ‘plug and play’ solution: you just need a power socket and a nearby sink drain for the extracted water to drain off The new legislation will add costs This machine will reduce your costs It’s also a hygienic solution which ends the headaches from vermin and pests of food waste in bins and compactors ” said David Boyd from Eco-Smar t For more information and a brochure go to www bergmanndirect co uk or call 01522 692888 26 CLH Digital Issue 214 Budweiser Brewing Group celebrates their dedication to ser ve quality, incentivising consumers to rate the quality of their Stella Ar tois ser ve , and rewarding customers who ser ve the perfect Stella Ar tois Stella Ar tois a proud par t of Budweiser Brewing Group has announced the launch of its new ‘Perfect Ser ve ’ campaign illustrating the brand’s dedication to the perfect ser ve ritual From the 1st of March consumers are encouraged to rate the quality of their Stella Ar tois or Stella Ar tois Unfiltered ser ved in 2000+ venues across Britain Consumers will be rewarded with cash back on the full price of their pint, driving footfall to on-trade venues stocking Stella Ar tois on tap From the 1st of May through to the 26th of June , Stella Ar tois, the official beer par tner of the Wimbledon Championships, will then offer par ticipating consumers entr y to a prize draw for a chance to win a pair of tickets to Wimbledon Tennis Championships; transforming ever y Stella Ar tois moment into a chance to win At the hear t of the campaign is a mobile powered platform called TaDa, which allows consumers to rate the quality their Stella Ar tois and Stella Ar tois Unfiltered ser ve As par t of the campaign Budweiser Brewing Group will also be ensuring continued excellent ser ve quality by refreshing tap lines, training staff on the perfect ser ve ritual, and using targeted ads to drive local customer traffic into par ticipating pubs year-round Each pub will also receive promotional kits with coasters, bar runners and other materials to promote the Perfect Ser ve campaign "We're excited to give pub-goers even more reasons to enjoy a pint of Stella Ar tois through this new campaign," Elise Dickinson, Stella Ar tois Marketing Director "By focusing on the Perfect Ser ve , we aim to boost dwell time and keep customers coming back for the perfect pint The ‘Perfect Ser ve ’ uses the iconic Stella Ar tois chalice , pouring at a 45degree angle whilst allowing the foam to spill over the top of the chalice Next is to use the skimmer to slice the excess foam off the top – which creates a smooth foam barrier that locks in the CO2 bubbles, providing Stella Ar tois with its distinctly fresh flavour The final step is the placement, with the car touche (the brands iconic emblem representing it’s 600 years of brewing histor y) facing forward towards the consumer Sign up here https://thepubclub.beer/ser vice/perfect-ser ve/ to be par t of the campaign
of ability, ever yone shared the same goal of raising funds and awareness for a charity that’s close to all our hear ts Calcot & Spa was thrilled to play a par t in bringing back this iconic and much-loved Hospitality Action challenge , knowing that ever y pedal stroke was making a difference to the lives of our fellow hospitality workers across the UK ” Chief Executive of Hospitality Action, Mark Lewis, said: “We’re delighted to see this fantastic event return to our calendar with so many industr y leaders taking par t, testament to the industr ywide unity to suppor t those in need “This year so far, we have seen a record numbers of requests for suppor t from those facing challenging times in the hospitality industr y, with the majority citing debt and financial hardship as the biggest trigger of anxiety Events like this enable us to continue to put an arm around our colleagues, and we send huge hear tfelt thanks to all of those who took par t, donated and suppor ted this incredibly rewarding challenge ”
Photographer : Ben & Terr y s images © Food Waste Dryer Slashes Hospitality Food Waste Costs
New Landlady Aims To Make Black Lion A Roaring Success In Wrexham
A brewer y and pub retailer with establishments across Nor th Wales and Cheshire has appointed an experienced new landlady to run one of its establishments at Bersham Wrexham
New tenant Lucy Gregson will run The Black Lion Inn for Salford-based pub retailer and brewer y, Hydes The pub has been in Hydes tenanted estate for more than 12 years
A friendly and familiar face to regulars and passing customers, Lucy has worked behind the bar of The Black
which has been great for building my confidence and boosting my hospitality and bar trade knowledge
The Summer of Love
“The location of the pub means we get lots of passing customers with walkers and tourists, so I’m looking forward to providing an equally warm welcome to regular and non-regular guests This, coupled with the recent investment from Hydes in the pub refurbishment will ensure our customers experience an enjoyable and memorable visit The new look inside and outside of the pub has given The Black Lion a new lease of life making it the ideal destination for a quality
A current ongoing fundraiser being staged by the pub is in suppor t of bar team member Melissa Tincello who is climbing Morocco’s highest peak Mount Toubkal in aid of homeless charity, Crisis The fundraising target is £4,000
Managing director of Hydes Brewer y, Adam Mayers, said: “Lucy is passionate and hard-working and has got off to a flying star t at The Black Lion following several years of dedication behind the bar Her step up to running the pub was a ver y natural progression with her experience and commitment standing her in great stead Lucy possesses all the key customer ser vice attributes that Hydes looks for in our tenanted establishments Her existing knowledge of the pub and customers old and new combined with an eagerness to learn new operational skills will undoubtedly help The Black Lion to go from strength to strength ”
UK singletons which genre of music they prefer hearing on a first date in different venues and the results show:
• Bar s should bop to pop (47%)
• Pop music in a pub (48%)
Restaurants should add c hill out music to the menu (63%)
• Cafes should look to play c hilled-out tunes (55%)
Not only can using music in your business help set the scene for first dates, but having background music as an aid to create a positive and relaxing atmosphere could result in those customers having a memorable experience which in turn, can help create customer
Prowrap Dispensers are a Cut Above Thanks to
Did you know that just 1kg of food waste sent to landfill produces the same amount of carbon emissions as 25,000 500ml plastic bottles?
That’s not to say plastic waste isn’t also a problem that we need to solve But the impact of food waste is much more serious, while also being harder to describe and much less direct And, as around 12% of all wasted food occurs in
Outside of environmental considerations, there’s also the financial angle to consider Wasted food is wasted money – and, at a time when the cost-of-living crisis is squeezing already thin profit margins, this can have catastrophic consequences
WRAP estimates that food waste costs the foodser vice sector £3 2bn ever y year – an average of £10,000 per outlet This is money that many outlets simply cannot afford to
you ’ re leaving money on the
Speedwrap Pro
process like an accident, which is why we improved the cutting action of the Speedwrap Pro with a patented sheathed blade
The blade only unsheathes and makes a cut once the lid of the dispenser has been pushed closed, dramatically reducing the risk of accidents
The compact 300 model is ideal for
range The plastic adapter required for the previous model will be removed and as a result, will dramatically reduce plastic use We’re excited to be introducing a range of fully recyclable films and our foil refills, which are proudly made from recycled content As the foodser vice industr y continues to throw up unexpected challenges it’s impor tant for operators to have a set of tools and processes they can rely on That’s why Speedwrap Pro is a must for any kitchen looking to reduce its overall environmental impact and improve efficiency For fur
28 CLH Digital Issue 214
Something about spring and summer makes the season perfect for getting back into the dating scene , whether it’s the hot weather or the brighter evenings We conducted a sur vey to see how hospitality businesses can use music to enhance first dates and create a much calmer atmosphere The sur vey results give us insight into what music people want to hear on a first date Whether you ’ re a café or pub, there’s a genre of music suited to your venue that ll create a memorable atmosphere for those ner vous first daters The sur vey shows that around 61% of people prefer there to be music playing in the background on their first date as it can help them to relax (64%) and reduce awkwardness (57%) as music is a helping hand for breaking the ice (42%) Music can be a great way to star t conversation with 33% agreeing it’s a good talking point and puts them in a much happier mood (34%) * Working with our neuroscientist Dr Julia Jones (AKA Dr Rock) said: “studies show that our brainwaves often synchronise to the music we hear This means that you can use slow, relaxing music to slow your brainwaves and enter relaxing brain states ” So, when the first date ner ves kick in, they can really let the music do the talking! We asked these
loyalty with future visits See the adver t on the facing page for fur ther information *A sur vey comm ssioned by PPL PRS of 1000 UK respondents by Attest in June 2023
the hospitality and foodser vice sector, foodser vice operations have a direct influence on this ver y real problem At Prowrap, we ’ re committed to helping foodser vice operators balance food and material waste minimising both to create a more efficient profitable kitchen
why we
’ re updating our market-leading Speedwrap film foil and parchment dispensers with a new improved range – the Speedwrap Pro – making them faster safer and more efficient SAVING MONEY AND MATERIALS WITH EVERY USE
bin means
lose Throwing food in the
time to time That was the problem we , at Prowrap, set out to solve when we designed our new Speedwrap Pro dispenser Like its predecessor, it cuts precise lengths of cling film with a simple press on its lid streamlining the wrapping process while also minimising the amount of cling film that is wasted If you ’ ve ever spent precious time wrestling with a box of cling film tr ying to get the integral cutter to make a clean cut, you’ll understand how that time can add up quickly, spilling over into the rest of the kitchen processes No more sogg y serrated cardboard edges and twisted, ragged lengths of cling film – just quick, clean cuts ever y time That’s Speedwrap Pro All dispensers are made in the UK significantly reducing carbon footprint during the manufacturing process The Speedwrap Pro 300 and the larger Speedwrap Pro 450 model feature several upgrades that emergered from our understanding of the fine balancing act between food and plastic waste
busy shifts in the kitchen, it’s easy to see how wrapping
unwrapping small batches of ingredients or garnishes can get missed from
made in the UK, we designed the Speedwrap Pro to be as efficient as possible – and that process always begins with safety Nothing can derail a kitchen’s
smaller kitchens thanks to its minimal footprint Meanwhile , the wider 450 model is essential for catering businesses that regularly have to wrap larger platters of prepared food or other ingredients
models include antimicrobial technolog y for enhanced dispenser protection to reduce the risk of contaminants spreading onto stored food during the wrapping process, which will help when preser ving highly perishable ingredients But the benefits of the new dispensers go beyond reducing food waste as they are also designed to reduce material waste with each use The Speedwrap Pro is launching a fully recyclable refill roll across its film, foil and parchment
ther information visit https://wrapex com
the New
Lion for over three years and has more than seven years of pub hospitality experience Hydes refurbished The Black Lion Inn earlier this year, with a complete interior redecoration including a new spor ts room with pool table The exterior of the pub also received a complete makeover with a redesign and new garden furniture in place in time for the busy spring and summer seasons Lucy commented: “I know Bersham and the surrounding areas ver y well so the chance to run The Black Lion is a major oppor tunity for me Having been behind the bar here for a few years already I’ve got a good understanding of what
lots of new, fresh ideas that I’m star ting to implement,
full suppor
have been great
backed me all the way
professional courses
Hydes offer
and I have
with the
t of
I’ve already enjoyed a
pint and I m determined to build on this momentum ”
The Rise of Pub Snacks: A Prof itable Oppor tunity
In the ever-evolving landscape of the UK hospitality industr y, where trends come and go one thing remains a steadfast companion to pub-goers: snacks Often overlooked but essential, pub snacks have emerged as a lucrative market segment, providing crucial suppor t to the licensed trade In this feature , we explore the significance of pub snacks, their evolving popularity, and how they present a unique oppor tunity for operators amidst changing consumer behaviours and the backdrop of a major spor ting summer THE IMPORTANCE OF SNACKS IN THE PUB SECTOR
Pub snacks have long been synonymous with the quintessential British pub experience These modest offerings play a pivotal role especially during times when economic constraints or shifting consumer habits impact dineout behaviour As people opt to eat out less frequently due to economic uncer tainty, pub snacks offer an accessible and affordable alternative , aligning perfectly with the pub's social ambiance
The pub sector s reliance on snacks has deepened over the years
in the UK Hospitality Sector
According to industr y data sales of pub snacks have experienced steady growth, with an increasing number of consumers opting for light bites or quick nibbles during their pub visits This trend underscores the impor tance of snacks as a revenue stream contributing significantly to the overall profitability of pub establishments While snacking is popular all year round, consumers look to the savour y snacks categor y during summer holidays and spor ts events when they can enjoy quality time with friends and family Comfor t is key when it comes to pub and bar food choices and stocking customers favourite flavours will heighten their enjoyment Snacks are an impor tant driver to increase out of home spend Snack sales in Pubs & Bars are now well exceeding pre COVID-19 levels and in
16bn and growing
8% Snacking occasions are growing +2% with savour y snacking (+20%) growing ahead of sweet (+11%) in pubs and
• 38% of pub visitor s say they are interested in see ng snac k menus n Pubs • 62% of out of home customer s buy snac ks THE SUMMER OF SPORT: A BOOST FOR PUB SNACKS
The convergence of major spor ting events such as the Olympics and European football championship provides a unique oppor
The Perfect Snack for All Your Trade and Hospitality Needs
Rober t's Dorset provides an unparalleled snack experience that will elevate your trade and hospitality offerings to your customers
At Rober t's Dorset, we understand the diverse dietar y preferences of your patrons, whether they follow a vegan, keto, or allergen-free lifestyle Rest assured; our selection of snacks caters for all
As a trusted supplier to independent shops, pubs, and the hospitality industr y, we offer a range of sizes in all our products for direct reselling
Our vibrant packaging is designed to catch the eye , while the contents are sure to satisfy From our stackable pots which optimise your shelf space , and fit most cup holders, to our elegant mason jars which add the " wow factor" to any display
Handcrafted products made in beaut ful Dor set, England • Ever y item is prepared to order, ensur ing customer s always receive the freshest products
Discover the perfect bar snacks to complement your fine beverages or enhance your guests' welcome baskets with something truly special
All our pac kaging
fully rec yc
have a 99
waste free production
Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
only used in
of the highest quality Contact Rober t for an online catalogue and more information regarding our perfect snacks rober t@rober tsdorset.com | 01202 875280 | www.rober tsdorset.com or see the adver t on page 5
in 2011 we are a family-owned and operated business At the core of our operations lies a personal touch, ensuring our trade customers enjoy the
cious snac ks to delight your customer s • Exceptional customer ser vice , led by a dedicated Account Manager • Convenient order ng opt ons whether online or by phone •
lable or
and we
process • Proud y
tified by the
Fudge • A l our ingred ents are
30 CLH Digital Issue 214
a 2023 repor t savour y snacks was wor
at +13
tunity for pub operators to capitalize on increased footfall and heightened consumer engagement During these peak seasons, traditional pub snacks witness a surge in demand, as patrons gather to cheer on their favourite teams while enjoying a selection of savour y treats TIPS FOR BOOSTING SNACK SALES To optimize snack sales and enhance the pub experience , operators can implement strategic measures:
Diver sify the Snack Menu: Introduce new and innovative snac k offer ings to cater to var ying tastes and preferences , inc luding vegan and gluten-free options • Promotional Bundles: Create entic ng snac k and dr ink bundles , encouraging customer s to explore different combinations • Enhanced Presentation: Visibility is Key Ensure your snac ks are vis ble! Elevate the presentation of snac ks through attractive ser v ng platter s or themed offer ings tied to major spor ting events • Seasonal Specials: Introduce seasonal snac ks or limited-time offer s aligned with spor ting fixtures , foster ing exc tement and boosting sales • Social Media Engagement: Leverage social med a platforms to showcase snac k offer ings , promote special events , and engage with customer s In an era defined by shifting consumer behaviours and economic uncertainties, pub snacks emerge as a beacon of oppor tunity within the UK hospitality landscape Their enduring appeal, coupled with the upcoming summer of spor t, presents pub operators with a golden chance to not only boost revenues but also foster lasting patronage By embracing innovative strategies and catering to evolving consumer preferences, pubs can transform snack time into a profitable venture while keeping punters engaged and satisfied one bite at a time
Cocktails and Spirits
A Twist on the Traditional – The Perfect Wine Cocktail
World's First Pre-Mix Is A Party For Your Taste Buds!
of yuzu
It's like a par ty for your taste buds! Perfect for stocking up your minibars at home or adding a splash of excitement when you visit your favourite bar "
Last month Pergola Drinks jazzed up the classic Margarita with a kick of fresh mint and the exotic tang
for a guilt-free sip!"
To secure your supply of our Margarita with Mint and Yuzu and Tequila and Tonic with Cinnamon and Vanilla, simply reach out to us at rahul@pergoladrinks com
Whether you ' re interested in sampling our products or have inquiries about marketing suppor t,
Great Experiences Start Way Before The First Sip…
If we were to say ‘Por t makes the perfect wine cocktail’ you might think we ’ ve got our wines confused – surely Por t is reser ved for Christmas? Por t wine is exclusively produced in the Douro Valley region of nor thern Por tugal, an area famed for its Mediterranean climate so, if you think about it, drinking Por t as a refreshing cocktail makes perfect sense – you wouldn’t want a warming drink on a hot day Visitors to Por tugal may have enjoyed Por t ser ved chilled as a delicious aperitif The traditional way is to pour equal par ts white Por t and tonic or soda water (or lemonade for a modern twist) in a cocktail glass and garnish with a slice of citrus (lemon, lime and orange are all good) Another super simple ser ve is to drink Por t chilled straight up in a white wine glass or a shor t tumbler over ice Not only do these make for refreshing drinks, Por t + mixer is a great alternative to gin and tonic And, as well as easy to make , margins are attractive with a ‘house’ bottle of Por t available at a relatively low price compared to spirit – and lower ABV Por t can also be a fantastic ingredient in mixed drinks to add depth, richness, and a touch of sweetness Indeed, Por t is often used in cocktails for several reasons: • Por t has a dist nct f avour profile that sets it apar t from other types of wine It is typically r ic h, sweet, and full-bodied with notes of r ipe fruit, spices , and sometimes a hint of nuttiness These unique flavour s can add depth and complexity to coc kta ls , provid ng a r ic h and indulgent taste exper ience • Whether it's a robust and fruity Ruby Por t or a mellow and nutty Tawny Por t, the ver satility of por t makes it a ver satile ingredient in mixology Th s var iety allows bar tender s to exper iment and create a wide range of coc ktails with different flavour profiles The sweetness of Por t can help balance out flavour s in a coc ktail, especial y when comb ned with other ingredients like citrus juices b tter s or spir its with higher alcohol content It adds depth and complexity without being overly c loying • Por t has a long-standing histor y and is often associated w th soph stication and elegance Incorporating por t into a coc ktai can evoke a sense of tradition and c lass , add ng a touc h of refinement to a coc ktai menu It can be a unique c hoice for those looking for someth ng beyond the usua spir its For more information on Lanchester Wines Por t and Wine selection please visit www lanchesterwines co uk 32 CLH Digital Issue 214
White Port and Tonic AKA the c assic Por tuguese aper t f Over ice pour : • 2 measure Wh te Por t Top w th tonic (around ½ bottle per glass) • Garnish with a s ice of citrus – lemon l me orange or a combination al work rea ly well If you ’ re not a fan of tonic soda water or lemonade also make refreshing alternatives Rosé Port Bramble Over crushed ice pour : • 1 measure Rosé Por t • 1 measure gin ½ measure lemon ju ce • ½ measure sugar syrup Fi l w th lemonade and garn sh with summer fruits The beautiful colours in th s cocktail make it perfect for Instagram! Pergola rahul@pergoladrinks.com www.pergoladrinks.com Introducing Our New Offerings Marg arita with Mint and Yuzu Embark on a flavor journey with our Margarita infused with invigorating mint and the exotic zest of yuzu Tequila and Tonic - Cinnamon and Vanilla Flavoured This innovative blend offers a delightful balance of flavors, providing a unique drinking experience that is both comforting and invigorating Hot on the heels of their successful new drink-in-a-can margarita, (which launched on World Margarita Day in Februar y) Pergola Drinks is introducing a second new drink: Tequila and Tonic The world's first pre-mix in a can Tequila and Tonic has been infused with the cosy warmth of cinnamon and the creamy sweetness of vanilla Pergola Drinks has been created by husband and wife team Rahul and Sheetal Mur thy The company is a cocktail creator with a focus on the premium market Sheetal said: Say goodbye to boring drinks! Pergola s unique flavour combos take the tequila experience to a whole new level "Say hello to the world's first canned Tequila and Tonic that's gonna blow your mind!
citrus It's fizzy it s allergen-free it s preser vative-free - and it's about to become your new favourite go-to drink whether you re chilling at home or hanging out at your favourite bar
Rahul said: "Margarita
Mint and Yuzu takes the tequila experience to a whole new level With a chill 5% abv, our cocktails are down for whatever - from lazy poolside days to wild wedding par ties "What s more , our cans are eco-warriors - no plastic sleeves here , just crush and recycle
our team is here to assist you ever y step of the way
are confident that our allergen-free preser vativefree fizzy tequila cocktails will be a hit at your establishment, providing your customers with an unforgettable drinking experience Cheers to success and innovation!
Transform your menu into a sensor y apothecar y with Flavour Blaster! Harness the power of scent to deliver mind blowing instagrammable drinks - treat your patrons to an experience they won’t forget Wow your guests with a theatrical aroma filled bubble garnish, perfectly paired to your menu Choose from over 20 aromas guaranteed to match ever y spirit, mixer and flavour combination! Our aromas can be used on any recipe - it’s the perfect way to add excitement to your no and low options or make your cocktail menu go viral! Reveal your cocktails from within our swirling gilded cloche , or encourage guest interaction with an immersive burstable bubble filled with their favourite scent Looking for something more unique? Stir up a frenzy with a flock of our hand blown Flamingo glasses, or shock your guests with our Electric Jellyfish glasses With a unique range of quirky drinkware , our collections are guaranteed to set you apar t from the rest However you choose to ser ve your drinks ser ve them in style with Flavour Blaster bespoke glassware The Flavour Blaster aroma gun is more than just an accessor y it’s a tool for success Enjoy viral marketing at your finger tips with a globally recognised garnish that invokes awe and wonder whenever it is ser ved Developed with operators in mind, choose quality with an industr y trusted brand - complete with a 1 year guarantee on all products for peace of mind For an impression that lasts, choose the original patented aroma gun today www flavourblaster com
Taking the Fear From the EHO Inspection
allows them to analyse their own operation’s performance in detail, including an action plan that suppor ts them to make improvements as par t of ever yday business – ensuring that the business is well prepared and food safety is always front and centre , not just saved for inspection day
How to
Revolutionise Your Business's Allergy Management
have recently announced its suppor t for Owen’s Law - a campaign to mandate allerg y information on menus in restaurants and cafes in the UK
As it currently stands, there is only guidance in place to advise those in the food industr y to include written allerg y information on their menus It is not currently a legal requirement
Owen s Law aims to change the law by requiring restaurants to clearly state the allerg y information in all of their dishes
The FSA have now discussed the allergen information proposals during its December 2023 board meeting and the government body has confirmed their backing to the proposal and plans to write to the government about the matter The FSA also said it would work on developing fur ther guidance for restaurants on how to provide written information for food allergies
However, if the change in how food businesses supply allerg y information to their customers goes ahead, it likely means a big switch up for restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, delis and other
food outlets
Businesses may struggle to supply the correct allergen information on their menus ever y day, especially if any ingredients change at the last minute
Ser vices like Allerg y Menu can help restaurants, cafes and other food businesses small and large ensure they meet any new legislation and comply with the law using technolog y as a simple , easy and cheap solution
Able to run on mobiles or tablets, digital menus can be provided to customers to ensure they meet the law With unlimited free downloads and pricing per menu, Allerg y Menu is the cheapest and the only provider with a downloadable app for both android and apple devices, making it the leading edge provider for allerg y management https://allerg ymenu.uk/
Are You Natasha’s Law Compliant? Many Still Aren’t
It’s been more than two years since Natasha’s Law came into force , but there’s evidence that many food businesses are still struggling to comply with it
The law, known formally as the Food Information (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2019, means all businesses in England that produce pre-packaged for direct sale (PPDS) food to customers on site must label food clearly with information on potential allergens present These need to stand out so a customer can tell at a glance what they’re about to eat
A 2023 study carried out by Erudus the market leading source of accurate allerg y, nutritional and technical product data, found that more than half (54%) of 116 PPDS products sampled still failed to meet the requirements by accurately declaring the presence of allergen ingredients on the labels
The repor t also revealed the most common reasons for noncompliance in the sample In a quar ter of cases no information at all had been placed on the packet a third failed to list ingredients two fifths didn t emphasise allergens and a third featured illegible information
Incorrectly labelled PPDS can not only put customers’ safety at risk, but those who don’t comply also face the possibility of large fines of £5,000 per instance and reputational damage , with longer-lasting consequences for customer numbers
supplier is one alternative , but can lack flexibility and prove costly as any changes or additions to a product’s ingredients will mean ordering a new run of labels and potentially throwing away unwanted bulk-printed batches
An on-site printing solution avoids these issues
To help business of
THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB One way to achieve compliance with Natasha s Law reliably and efficiently is by adapting your labelling processes Small businesses have historically opted to handwrite their labels, but these are time-consuming and risk poor legibility Pre-printed labels
an external
all sizes comply efficiently, integrated packages are available that bundle a label printer with easy-touse menu-management software These make it simple to keep your labels up to date as you make changes to your menu, and multi-site solutions are available for those businesses with more than one outlet
re looking for a compliant labelling solution, a Brother printer can help make it easy, whether as a standalone device or as par t of a turnkey menu-management system from one of our par tners
find out more go to brother.co.uk/food-labelling
tunity to demonstrate their competence and secure that crucial 5 rating
Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS) relies on regular face to face meetings on the food premises which allows the EHO to see the facilities, ask questions and examine process, paperwork and general hygiene standards Dependant on the evidence available during the inspection, the EHO will score the premises in three key areas and the rating will be awarded based on these scores Environmental health practitioners are a valuable source of information and advice and can help a food business shift their operation from good to great The Safer Food Group have teamed up with a leading Environmental Health consultant to produce a comprehensive FREE training course to help food business managers assess their readiness for their inspection, available now from www thesaferfoodgroup com The course details the three areas of an inspection and how it will be under taken Learners are suppor ted by a comprehensive checklist that
any food operation, and they’re likely to agree that an EHO inspection provokes feelings of anxiety and sleepless nights But it shouldn’tfor establishments who audit carefully and have the right checks and processes in place , an inspection should be an oppor
secure a 5 rating uses a blend of video and written content to suppor t the learner throughout their training Businesses with SFG accounts can secure access to the free course for any employee with a learner account – adding even more value to our comprehensive food safety training por tfolio View the course and the whole por tfolio here: www thesaferfoodgroup com or call 0800 612 6784, info@thesaferfoodgroup com for more information FOOD HYGIENE RATING 0 1 2 3 4 5 VERY GOOD The Food Standards Agency (FSA)
34 CLH Digital Issue 214
Food Safety
Chef's Buyer's Guide
Elevate Your Catering Menu with Albert Bartlett Inspired by James Martin Range
A New Oil Enters the Kitchen
Fylde Fresh and Fabulous
Introducing the new Alber t Bar tlett inspired by James Mar tin range , a chef's dream come true for elevating catering menus with convenience and high-quality ingredients This range celebrates the renowned quality and taste that has made Alber t Bar tlett a beloved homegrown brand in the UK LUXURY MASH: Crafted from single variety British Alber t Bar tlett Potatoes, this high-end restaurantquality mash offers a rich taste and silky-smooth texture that screams luxur y Packaged in 800g containers for por tion control it can be cooked from chilled or frozen without compromising on quality CLASSIC MASH: Made from British Alber t Bar tlett Potatoes this high-quality mash is perfect for ever yday meals With the same convenient packaging and cooking versatility as the Luxur y Mash, it ser ves as an excellent base for adding your own creative twist CLASSIC FRIES: Experience the perfect taste and crunch with these classic fries made from British Alber t Bar tlett Original Rooster potatoes Coated and fried to perfection, these gluten-free fries are consistently tasty and crispy, ideal as a classic side or as a base for additional flavors TRIPLE COOKED CHUNKY CHIPS: Indulge in the ultimate chip experience with these chunky chips featuring a bespoke batter for the perfect crunch Made from British grown Alber t Bar tlett Original Rooster potatoes, these chips lock in quality and freshness through freezing, providing a delightful side or a canvas for culinar y innovation SWEET POTATO FRIES: Delight your customers with sweet potato fries coated in a unique batter that delivers a crispy outer layer and smooth sweet inner flesh These fries offer a healthier alternative with the same attention to quality and freshness found across the Alber t Bar tlett range SKIN ON FRIES & TRIPLE COOKED CHIPS: For a rustic touch, tr y the Skin on Fries or Triple Cooked Chips made from British grown Alber t Bar tlett Original Rooster potatoes The skin-on feature adds texture and flavour while the triple cooking process ensures a perfect crunch and fluffy interior, ready to complement any dish on your catering menu Elevate your culinar y offerings with Alber t Bar tlett inspired by James Mar tin range , where convenience meets quality to create unforgettable dining experiences for your customers See the adver t on the facing page for details
Established in 2005, Fylde Fresh and Fabulous has fast become one of the UK’s leading processed potato vegetable and chip suppliers thanks to our exper tise in the field In those early days the Fylde Fresh and Fabulous team recognised the lack of consistency in the supply chain for manufacturers and food ser vice operators and addressed this issue by establishing a unique potato growing programme The result from this was a high-quality product for customers that provided a platform on which Fylde Fresh and Fabulous could build for the future Powered by potatoes! Processing over 1000 tonnes of vegetables each week, the peelings generated through this process are used in our ver y own bio-gas plant! Vegetable peelings, balanced with whole crop silage and animal manure , produce sufficient gas to generate up to 1800KWe per hour of both thermal heat and electricity This energ y is used to power and heat our Preston site with the remaining expor ted back to the National Grid supplying enough power to run over 1000 homes in the local community Triple FFF Chips remain at the hear t of all we do Since the star t of Fylde Fresh & Fabulous way back in 2005 we have supplied chip shops throughout the countr y with fresh chips and this supply remains ver y much at the hear t of our business today We grow more than 15 000tn of potatoes each year and select the finest quality and best tasting, UK grown Red Tactor approved potatoes when producing our chips through our BRC accredited facilities Ever y batch of Triple F Chips undergoes rigorous quality checks prior to leaving site , ensuing we offer consistent quality tasty fr ying chips day in day out Par tnering with a broad network of distributors allows for us to supply you with our freshly prepared and cut chips, wherever you are in the UK We have recently also made it even easier to order our chips having opened our own online shop to ser vice customers in areas where we continue to expand our distributor network If you would be interested in finding out more about FFF, par tnering with us as a distributor or would like to discuss your fresh chip requirements in more detail please contact our sales team directly on 0113 5136875/ sales@fyldefreshandfabulous com / Although Sunflower oil is a popular and well-regarded oil, it has a cousin, ‘High Oleic’ Sunflower oil that is less well known and vastly different This new oil is impor tant because it has proper ties that will be of interest to professional cooks It is high in Oleic Acid, also known as monounsaturated fat (Omega 9) which is also the main fat in Olive Oil
is not just about health though High Oleic Sunflower Oil is par ticularly resistant to Oxidation (breakdown) and so will perform significantly more fr ying cycles in a busy kitchen
trials have proven that the oil will outper-
even a rugged Palm Oil and easily surpass a rapeseed or soya medium It can also be filtered cold and more cycles mean less downtime for the friers High Oleic oil is stable in high temperature cooking and has a high smoke point which degrades more slowly than cheaper oils
the oil is strong it means that even with a modest premium price , it saves money and waste , so you are effectively increasing the quality of your ingredients and cutting costs at the same time The oil is a great alternative to rapeseed as there are now calls to reduce the amount of Rape cropping as it is less sustainable than Sunflower crops, which are naturally resistant to insects and as a regenerative crop need less nitrogenous fer tiliser It is the most sustainable oil
Oleic Sunflower Oil was once the preser ve of food manufactures who prized the resilience of the oil, but it is now available wholesale from Flavoil, who introduced the oil to the UK trade and its distribu-
For more information please feel free to contact Mar tin McHugh on mar tin m@flavoil co uk There is more information on www.flavoil.co.uk
Issue 214 CLH Digital 37
Chef's Buyer's Guide
Taking a Closer Look at Seafood in the Foodservice Sector
In the ever-shifting seas of consumer spending anyone involved in the selling of seafood can thrive from a better understanding of the current trends and market oppor tunities Our latest repor t, ‘Fish and Chips in Foodser vice , looks at the insights we ve uncovered based on data gathered over two years (to September 2023)
The first step to changing or reacting to buying behaviour is knowing what drives customers Our repor t on out-of-home seafood sales combines industr y data with consumer sur veys to reveal the bigger picture
The headline news is that, despite declining fish and chip shop sales, overall fish and chip sales across total foodser vice are recovering, with 1 1 million more ser vings in the last two years While the cost-of-living crisis has had a dampening impact on the market post-pandemic recover y continued steadily, slowing only in the most recent quar ter (July to September 2023)
Foodser vice equates to almost a third of the volume sales of seafood Of that fish and chip meals represent around 20% of all foodser vice seafood consumption In the two years analysed 337 million ser vings of fish and chips were sold – a 0 3% increase on the previous two years FISH AND CHIPS ARE MOST POPULAR WITH OLDER GENERATIONS
Despite under-50s representing 73% of the out-of-home total of food and drink ser vings, 59% of all fish and chips ser vings are to consumers over 50 This skew is more apparent in pubs, where over 72% of fish and chips ser vings are to over-50s
Fish and chips perform better in adult-only occasions, par ticularly in pubs and full-ser vice restaurants where over 80% of ser vings are to adults without children
Saturdays are now the most popular day for fish and chips, with Fridays a close second Together, they account for 43% of all fish and chips ser vings per week
In line with the trading behaviours seen in foodser vice , there’s been an increase in purchases of frozen fish and chips products from supermarkets
as a cheaper substitute to takeaways For many people dining in at home has become the new ‘going out’
On-premises dining remains impor tant to people for the socialising oppor tunity it offers with full-ser vice restaurants seeing an overall traffic growth of 2 5% Meanwhile , fish and chip shops have seen a significant dip in sales as consumers tighten their purse strings to cope with the cost of living
1 Engage younger consumers to broaden the consumer base
2 Expand the buying window by finding ways to make fish and chips relevant throughout the week
3 Embrace deliver y ser vices and app-based ordering, and explore digital loyalty schemes
4 Explore oppor tunities to diversify with
Atlante: Excellence Beyond Borders; Exploring Flavours, Markets and Opportunities
38 CLH Digital Issue 214
por table snacking options or expand menus for fish and chip shops
Emphasise value for money, promoting fish and chips as a delicious, filling and affordable meal option
navigating the evolving landscape of the fish and chips market, businesses must be willing to adapt, innovate and strategically target emerging oppor tunities to ensure sustained success Want to dive deeper? Read the full repor t at www seafish org/insightand-research/seafood-in-foodser vice-data-and-insight
WHO IS ATLANTE? We develop, source , manage & distribute private label and branded food, wine & textiles We delight in connecting retailers in the UK and Ireland with our fantastic network of regional Italian producers Whether your needs lie in food ser vice products, private label, impor t/expor t, or brand creation, we can help THE ATLANTE METHOD Our exper t cross-functional team works on an end-to-end process basis with you, to develop tailor-made products for your specific requirements, from brief to basket Atlante is unique as we are neither an agent nor broker We are a value-adding link between retailers and producers We are totally independent and do not represent producers so are able to use our exper tise to identify the producers best suited to meet your needs We simplify the process and help you to do more with less and in in doing so we save cost, we save time and we save effor t THE PEOPLE BEHIND ATLANTE We are a dynamic and international team of professionals We operate all over the world through a network of producers and our international staff Our headquar ters are located in Bologna, in the hear t of the Italian Food Valley whilst a dedicated team is based in London suppor ting our UK customers and par tners We bring together the best of Italy and UK, whilst also working globally For all enquiries and to discuss your brief with us today, please contact: uksales@atlanteuk co uk Or check out our website here: www atlanteuk co uk
Chef's Buyer's Guide
Carpigiani Shares Recipe For Sweet Success With New Soft Serve Consultancy
Carpigiani is the global leading manufacturer of soft ser ve , milkshake , gelato, and frozen drink machines As industr y leaders, we know best how to balance the science and ar t behind this colourful sector of food production, and we ’ re taking our ser vices even fur ther by providing exclusive insight and extra suppor t that our customers deser ve with our Soft Ser ve and Shake Consulting scheme
Desser t specialists and business owners can get the recipe for sweet success with first-hand exper tise from Carpigiani development chefs dishing up industr y insights, flavour trends, menu development, and how to get the most out of the latest technolog y from soft ser ve and shake machines
Our Carpigiani consultants will show you various techniques and accessor y recommendations to help put tailored twists on your soft ser ve and shake products and explain how these ideas can be developed using different flavours, ingredients, textures, and colours to create a solid business strateg y to help develop your desser t and drink menus This brand-new initiative is set to leave attendees feeling confident and inspired to shake up their menus using insights from Carpigiani UK’s development chefs
The Soft Ser ve and Shake Consultancy sessions focus on four key areas: machine configuration and settings food style , machine-mix capability analysis, and operations management This will cover ever ything from
understanding successful retail concepts to profitability targets and expected sales flow
As all the Carpigiani machines are manufactured with the industr y-leading and patented technolog y Hard-oTronic - which consistently measures and adapts the mix consistency - as well as Carpigiani’s patented Hopper Agitation technolog y - ensuring the mix stays fresh without splitting - the four-hour sessions will explain and demonstrate how to best utilise these ground-breaking features to create a truly special and delicious product
If you ’ re looking for new ideas, techniques, recipe inspiration, or the perfect machine for your business, the new Soft Ser ve and Shake Consultancy run by Carpigiani UK is most definitely for you!
The courses are £35+VAT and bookable on the website - www carpigiani co uk/soft-ser ve-consultancy Alternatively please call Carpigiani UK Ltd on 01432 346018 or see the adver t on page 7
Follow us @CarpigianiUK
LittlePod - The Campaign for Real Vanilla
we are delighted that so many young people are using LittlePod products Educating future generations of chefs remains high on our agenda and at Colchester Institute , patisserie teacher Stephanie Conway is helping spread the word
Discover Bidfood's 2024 Food and Drink Trends
As we see some welcome signs of spring, the eating out market is also showing evidence of green shoots, and we look forward to seeing consumer optimism and visits to the on-trade recover though the year
So how do we tempt them back and nur ture spend with the right menus? To help hospitality businesses stay ahead of the cur ve , Bidfood have uncovered five key trends that are shaping consumer choices in 2024
This year it s all about creating a sense of adventure and providing consumers with the oppor tunity to tr y something new, as well as focusing on authenticity and provenance Consumers also continue to be sustainability and health-focused, and these concerns are also influencing their choice of venue as well as food and drink From interesting flavour pairings, to creative , playfully presented dishes, a twist on British cult-classics and an increased focus on health and wellbeing – this year ’ s trends are tipped to be more exciting than ever!
great scope for chefs to be creative and have fun when planning their menus for 2024 68% of consumers find British fusion appealing, with over a third (35%) feeling this is because it bridges the gap between the exciting flavours of global cuisines and the safer ground of familiar British classics Tr y mixing up your Sunday
British Fusion is one of the trends which allows
We have to teach these kids not just how to use vanilla but also what it is where it s from and why it matters,” Stephanie said “The ethical side is impor tant and we must teach the students about sustainability If we don’t they’re not going to go into their own kitchens and educate their staff in the future LittlePod is the only vanilla we use We get through tubes and tubes of vanilla paste and we love it The consistency is perfect and the tube is great You can squeeze ever y last little bit out, which is something we always do here I’m always stressing to the students that it’s impor tant to use real ingredients and nothing is better than LittlePod ” Janet Sawyer MBE BEM, LittlePod’s founder and MD, has given numerous talks at the Michael Caines Academy, whilst Joe Mann, our former marketing manager, is now inspiring his students as Head of Food and Nutrition at
Cleaning and Hygiene
Cleanliness is Always in Season Independent
roasts, English breakfasts and even desser ts such as crumble with interesting global flavours
suppor t with the unveiling of these trends, Bidfood has launched its 2024 interactive guide , designed to help operators navigate the changing market and consumer behaviours, adapt their menus and fully explore the latest cuisines and flavours taking hold of the industr y The repor t also comes with a range of useful suppor t tools, including new additions to the trends video series expanded web content tasty new recipes and much more For a look at the trends and to download the interactive trends guide head to their website: www bidfood co uk/food-and-drink-trends-2024
LittlePod launched in 2010, we discovered that even some of the best chefs in the business did not realise that vanilla was the product of an orchid
became clear that there was a need to educate cooks about real vanilla as opposed to the ar tificial alternatives that had become so prevalent
prompted us to initiate our Campaign for Real Vanilla – a mission that continues to this day
teen years later, having inspired countless professionals to keep it real in their kitchens,
last summer
King’s Award
enthusiastic advocates
top chefs
30 Swiftclean, the nationwide-based air and water hygiene company, has recently launched its new Kitchen Extract Auditing ser vice It has been developed primarily to suppor t Facilities Management companies
College in Taunton Joe
cohor t to LittlePod’s base in East Devon for
’ s
presentation With
still at the forefront, and with such
we re
that the
of the future will keep it
for years to
www LittlePod co uk or see the adver t on page
when they take on
new multi-site contract
the work to the required standard As a member of the BESA and the Ventilation Hygiene Elite Scheme , Swiftclean has the experience and qualifications to carr y out these audits and ensure that they have been completed thoroughly and competently following the TR19® Grease specification TR19® Grease is issued by the BESA (Building Engineering Ser vices Association) and is widely accepted as the leading source of authority on kitchen extract system hygiene Our audit repor ts include a summar y of the overall condition of the extract system with photos They will detail the grease thickness levels before and after the clean and, if there are any inaccessible areas they will make recommendations as to how to resolve these issues More and more insurers are now insisting that systems are cleaned to the TR19® Grease specification It is impor tant for you to check your policy as there will be a possibility that you may not be paid out in the event of a fire if you cannot provide clear evidence of your compliance with TR19® Grease Swiftclean, as a member of the Vent Hygiene Register, is also a leading provider of exper t cleaning for kitchen extract systems routinely providing clients with compliant systems www swiftclean co uk See the adver t on page 34 for details
a new facilities management team takes over the running of a new multi-site contract, they may, as par t of that contract be required to make sure that the current specialist cleaner of the
extract systems is carr ying out
40 CLH Digital Issue 214
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Practising good hygiene maintenance is crucial for creating a safe and sanitar y environment for facility users in the hospitality sector Consistently implementing proactive cleaning measures helps to reduce the need for intensive deep cleaning, allowing facilities managers to allocate resources more efficiently By preventing the entr y of dir t into the building, the accumulation of unwanted debris inside can be reduced by up to two thirds, maintaining high hygiene standards A key way businesses can ensure hygiene maintenance is upheld is through selecting the right product for the job The Kärcher Puzzi 8/1 spray extraction cleaner is a product that is renowned for its exceptional cleaning performance and efficiency This compact machine effectively sprays cleaning solution deep into textile fibres, dislodging dir t which is then swiftly removed through back suction Its rapid dr ying capability ensures that textile surfaces can be promptly reused helping to increase efficiently and decrease safety risks For facilities prioritising operational efficiency steam cleaners like the SG 4/2 Steam Cleaner from Kärcher, offer a compelling solution Featuring onboard water tanks designed for continuous operation these steam cleaners minimise downtime , enabling cleaning teams to work uninterrupted for extended periods In today’s environment where businesses face increased scrutiny regarding cleanliness and hygiene all venues must show close attention to their cleaning practices From product selection to staff training and investment, prioritising hygiene is essential for achieving business success Kärcher Professional allows facilities to prioritise cleaning and hygiene with high performance efficiency with a vast range of products available www kaercher com/uk
Kitchen Extract
Cleaning and Hygiene
Reckitt Pro Solutions are Proud to Be Offering Exceptional Cleaning and Hygiene Solutions for Stronger Businesses at Interclean 2024
Better Cleaning Means Better Productivity For Hotel Managers
In some ser vice industries cleaning is a necessar y byproduct of other activity However for hotel managers it is par t of what makes your front-of-house impression from your foyer to your bar restaurants and rooms In any case , good hygiene takes time and resource to get right But can better cleaning lead to better productivity? The simple answer is yes - by investing time in creating better cleaning practices and equipment you can keep staff moving forward throughout the workday to reduce lost time For example Tork Xpress® Multifold hand towel refills are 50% compressed enabling dispensers to hold twice as many towels to ser ve twice as many customers before requiring a refill With a simple upgrade you can save your staff time refilling and save valuable time for your end user This improves the overall efficiency of the business to help you offer the best possible experience to guests Additionally by designing the hand towel dispensers to only provide one towel at a time , Tork is helping to reduce waste , so businesses get more from less and reduce environmental impact For hotel managers, maintaining a clean space for guests is pivotal and can be the difference between a guest returning or not Fur thermore with social media and public reviews becoming ever more commonplace hygiene is a key factor in ensuring the hotel s reputation is upheld For more information on our hygiene solutions, visit www tork co uk Reckitt Pro Solutions are proud to be presenting at Interclean 2024 (14-17th May) and will be bringing their por tfolio of internationally recognised cleaning and hygiene brands to Stand 403 in Hall 11 Reckitt Pro Solutions will be bringing the latest research results information and best practices for cleaning and hygiene in commercial spaces and demonstrating the role efficient and effective products have in helping create cleaning and hygiene protocols that suppor t stronger businesses Jonathan Weiss, Commercial Director for Global Business Solutions EUANZ at Reckitt Pro Solutions, shared his excitement for the event and the oppor tunities that it presents: “Interclean is one of the most significant dates in the calendar, and it presents an oppor tunity for us to deliver the latest hygiene research and thinking as well as talk to businesses about the cleaning needs of their spaces along with the hygiene needs of staff and customers ” “In addition to our VIP lunch workshop, we will be at stand 403 consulting with attendees and discussing how to strengthen businesses through efficient and effective hygiene and cleaning protocols At the stand Reckitt Pro Solutions will be demonstrating how their exceptional hygiene solutions help create stronger businesses Alongside Dettol and Sagrotan the Finish Professional range will also be a key focus Specifically formulated for professional dishwashers The Air Wick range will also be on the stand at Interclean 2024 Products on show will include newer additions such as the award-winning Air Wick 24/7 Active Fresh which is the brand s first aerosolfree automatic air freshener and has a 95% naturally derived formula free from dyes and propellants See the adver t on the facing page for fur ther information or please visit uk reckittpros com Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising 42 CLH Digital Issue 214
Products and Services
A Real 90s Classic: Nostalgic RTD Returns to Pubs and Bars
Already available in a variety of independent venues across the UK, the RTD is readily accessible for listing in on-trade stockists as well as wholesalers
Global Brands, the leading independent ready-to-drink exper t, has announced the relaunch of its popular 90s RTD, Reef
Already available in independents pubs and bars across the UK, the unique alcoholic orange and passionfruit juice drink is now accessible to on-trade for stocking as well as wholesalers
Perfect for summer sharing occasions and with an ABV of 3 4%, Reef combines a real fruit juice base with vodka, for a taste like no other ; juicy, tropical and still chill It is set to be marketed as the ultimate nostalgic RTD beverage , stirring up
Exclusive Elegance and Quality by Design
CLE AN Do The Workwear, So You Can Do The Work
Unlocking Sustainability With Hot Water
patented cask cooler beats all records for speed and efficiency in cooling real ales working in tandem with a modular and rather neat piping system which makes use of standard fittings from the likes of Wickes or Screwfix, Filton can ensure precise ser vice temperatures are delivered and at around only 10wh per cask,
44 CLH Digital Issue 214 Benefiting from Fracino's extensive research and development programme , world class engineering skills and state-of-the-ar t production technolog y, the Romano-R is a genuine fusion of style and luxurious quality Available in 2 or 3 group versions, it boasts all the power, technical qualities and reliability synonymous with Fracino products, in a stunning design to create the ultimate coffee bar furniture The Romano elegantly combines classic cur ves and retro styling with contemporar y materials and close attention to detail, ensuring a truly outstanding finish Featuring latest technolog y integration the full width touch pad features ‘digital trace’ icons for the drink selection and a wide range of control features within the programme - including controlled on/off times for maximum energ y efficiency, coffee extraction displayed in volume and time for each espresso shot for precise drink quality, multi-lingual display selection and digital programme set-up for easy user adjustment capability Our powerful combination of stylish design and creative technolog y enables discerning clients to choose a bespoke finish for their Fracino espresso machine Our exper tise caters for individuality – whether it be to enhance a theme or interior design, promote a brand - or simply to challenge convention We offer the option to select a bespoke mirror finish in a range of lustrous colours, which draw out the beauty of the highly polished stainless steel whilst an extensive range of dramatic solid colours – in a satin or matt finish – are available to complement and enhance the interior designer s creativity and provide the finishing touch befitting the individuality of the exclusive luxur y restaurant and coffee bar Transforming the purely functional into an enviable work of ar t; that’s Romano! Fracino - +44 (0)121 3285757 sales@fracino.com www.fracino.com or see the adcer t on page 13 CLEAN Linen & Workwear are one of the UK's most trusted laundr y companies They supply tailored workwear solutions provided by real people Their comprehensive laundr y network means they can ser vice customers throughout England and Wales providing chefswear workwear and linen rental ser vices Whether you operate from a single-site hotel, pub or restaurant or have multiple locations, CLEAN can tailor a workwear rental solution to suit your business requirements They offer a range of functional, non-restrictive , breathable chef clothing perfect for the modern commercial kitchen, ensuring that your people look smar t and are comfor table , boosting their confidence and productivity They offer various uniform options to suppor t the entire kitchen brigade , from Executive Chefs to Kitchen Por ters With their workwear rental ser vice , you can say goodbye to the hassle of purchasing storing and maintaining chef and kitchen uniforms Instead enjoy the convenience of a hassle-free rental system that provides freshly laundered garments whenever your team need them By renting with CLEAN, you can avoid upfront purchase costs, spread the payments over your contract, and ensure quality and care with ever y wash Deliver y is free and there are no hidden charges; contracts even include repairs Each item of clothing can be branded and tailored to the wearer with logos and embroider y Their managed ser vice prevents issues compiling when supplying your team with work clothes; a convenient locker valet ser vice helps distribute and store uniforms, and they tackle minor repairs early to extend the ser vice life of a uniform Ultimately, this avoids costly replacements wherever possible as it reduces uniform losses, and uniforms only need replacing when a repair is not safe or cost-effective With CLEAN's workwear rental and laundr y ser vice , business owners can focus on what matters most running their business while CLEAN takes care of the rest To find out more visit: www cleanser vices co uk or see the adver t on page 3
Sustainability shouldn’t be difficult But with ever present energ y demands leisure and hospitality organisations are potentially significant contributor to UK carbon emissions However, as a sector, it has been one of the first to lead the charge in sustainable practices Activities such as responsible sourcing of ingredients through local suppliers has become a familiar activity for many businesses, defining a brand and encouraging engagement from new customers who are increasingly aware of, and seeking to par ticipate in collaboration with brands which empower them to make eco-conscious choices more easily The existence of such sustainable culture is par ticularly advantageous when addressing the more challenging technical challenges of addressing sustainability within our buildings Water heating – which alone can account for anywhere up to 30% of overall daily energ y demands – is inherently more complex and expensive in the commercial sector as regulations are more exacting to ensure the safety of staff and customer alike Addressing the sustainability of inherently business-critical water heating is the most straight-forward and therefore cost-effective way to unlock energ y savings Working as a ‘closed system’ water heating is easier to upgrade without major structural changes, the focus being on the plant room storage and heat sources whether gas, or preferably electric and renewables in the shape of air source heat pumps (ASHP) and/or solar thermal The renewables are deployed in a hybrid approach to provide low carbon pre-heat reduce the energ y demands on gas or more expensive electric , offsetting operational costs reducing carbon emissions and as a bonus avoiding costly scale buildup in hard water areas A well-designed water heating system will actively meet demands when required, minimising flow and return to avoid waste energ y When combined with hot water conser vation effor ts which can include low-flow showerheads or tap aerators, there is a real oppor tunity to cut wasteful energ y demands from a daily ser vice supply Such practical responses are eminently repeatable and ver y demonstrable , enabling capital investment in sustainability to be clearly communicated to both staff and customers, building trust and attracting the environmentally conscious Adveco can help your sustainability strateg y with hot water system metering, design and supply to maximise investment and minimise buildings works www adveco co or see the adver t on page 9 See the adver t on page 9 for details
A brand-new integrated range of products for cooling and keeping ales is being offered by seasoned ‘ale engineers ’ Filton Brewer y Products A newly developed and
the Spile Probe is a serious contributor to the decarbonisation effor t The new range closes a long standing industr y wide weakness in the products offered to those wanting a reliable and professional system for cooling and ser ving cask ales in out-of-cellar
01323 847386 or email sales@filton net www filton net or see the adver t on page 5 New Tools for the Professional Ale Keeper
situations, typically back bar dispense or beer festivals But this system goes much fur ther, learning from the days before cellar cooling and applying modern technologies There’s huge potential for energ y and cost savings in the cellar without any significant change to
ser vice routines” For more info call
memories of good times and carefree days and nights
became a fixture in bars offering a refreshing blend of
1990s For the last 4 years Reef has been the top-selling brand on online retailer Goodtimein co uk and now after a hiatus, Reef returns to the ontrade with a refreshed design, while retaining its classic flavour profile Jacob Barrett, Brand Manager at Reef, said “We’re seeing the impact that 90s culture is having for today s consumer, especially with the growth of our iconic Hooch brand We
its chilled vibes to venues up
down the countr y “It’s
ABV, to make the
ideal for summer drinking occasions ” To drive fur ther interest from stockists, Global Brands will execute an extensive marketing strateg y to suppor t Reef, utilising tactics including PR, social media and digital marketing activity, in a bid to land a major national on-trade listing Marketing Director at Global Brands, Matthew Bulcroft commented “Convenience alone is not enough to entice customers, they're also seeking an experience when they’re out drinking Reef offers a unique proposition that resonates with consumers ' memories of carefree summers and vibrant social gatherings in the 90s We aim to amplify Reef s presence in the on-trade sector, ensuring that bars recognise the value it brings to their RTD offering Global Brand’s wider por tfolio of RTD’s includes VK, Frankin & Sons, be , Hooch, All Shook Up, Shake Baby Shake , Kick Energ y, Lustre , Amigos Tequila Beer and TAKE Tequila For enquiries regarding Reef s availability and stocking oppor tunities, please visit: https://globalbrands.co.uk/contact/
introduced in 1998
orange and passionfruit that
of the
feel that Reef is perfectly placed to join the nostalgia revolution and bring
still the same great product that
but now at 3 4%
drink more sessionable , and
Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out
Temporary Catering Facilities
Mobile Kitchens Ltd specialises in the hire of temporar y catering facilities and foodser vice equipment Ideal for events or to provide temporar y catering facilities during your kitchen refurbishment, our versatile units and equipment offer an efficient and economical solution to the caterers’ needs Production Kitchens, Preparation Kitchens, Ware-washing Units, Dr y Store Units, Cold Rooms and Restaurant Units are available as individual units in their own right or they can be linked together on site to form a complete complex Alternatively we can offer modular open-plan facilities usually for larger longer-term hires We offer a free design ser vice , and project management from concept through to deliver y and installation on site , plus full technical suppor t throughout the hire period So if you ’ re planning a refurbishment or need to cater for an event then why not give us a call and we ll be happy to provide advice and put forward a competitive proposal For fur ther information or to arrange a site visit, email: sales@mk-hire co uk or call us on 0345 812 0800, or visit our website: www mk-hire co uk
“Meiko already leads the market in terms of sustainability for rack transpor t dishwashing " says Meiko UK MD Paul Anderson "and Meiko has once again stunned the market by announcing massive savings on energ y and water which could not have come at a better time for UK caterers ” Meiko previously announced in 2023 running cost savings of up to 21% for its new MiClean undercounter dishwashers! ‘Maximising productivity with minimal staff ’ is our theme – ask us how a re-design can help boost productivity ’ • Up to 21%* energ y and up to 38%* water can be saved (* compared to the previous model KM 280) thus reducing operating costs The UPster K range is what Meiko calls its ‘restaurant’ dishwasher because UPster provides top-quality cleaning with minimum space requirements The theme of this year ' s HRC stand is helping caterers combat staff shor tages Meiko's dishwashing specialists explain how using sound design ergonomics and clever accessories such as tabling and sor ting stations are vital to maximising productivity with minimal staff UPster K comes in a choice of lengths giving caterers precisely the dishwashing capacity needed, from 120 racks per hour to 150, 190 and 210 There is maximum flexibility for dishwash design because UPster K can take a variety of shapes using powered exit and entr y cur ves, tabling and sor ting racking Heat recover y systems come free with UPster K because they are built in at the factor y Given sufficient air changes no direct exhaust air connection is usually required because heat recover y effectively manages air quality Award-winning customer ser vice includes commissioning always by Meiko At a time when operators are looking for guaranteed hygiene , combined with maximum economy and improvement to staff working conditions – the steamfree UPster machines provide the most sustainable rack transpor t choice MEIKO Announces 38% Less Water, Detergent, Rinse Aid and 21% Less Energy Consumption on Upster Rack Transport Dishwashers
Issue 214 CLH Digital 45 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out
Fridge Seals Direct
Hot Wastewater Pumping – The Problems and the Solutions!
Caterquip Ventilation
This Warwick based company offers nationwide coverage for all your commercial catering needs: free site sur veys, quotations and designs (C AD), quality bespoke and standard fabrications specialist knowledge of catering ventilation systems including input air, odour reduction (carbon filtration and ESP) and sound attenuation Affiliated members of Constructionline and CHAS, Caterquip Ventilation have a strong hold in the marketplace often advising industr y professionals on ventilation systems to a DW172 specification & BSEN:6173
relationships with
Ventilation Ltd is proud to be celebrating their 23rd Anniversar y this year
dynamic facility
best kitchen
email: info@caterquipventilation co uk Reliability is absolutely essential for busy commercial kitchens This is especially true when pumping hot wastewater from equipment such as pasta boilers glasswashers dishwashers, combi ovens and even sinks with Zip taps The Problem:
all wastewater pumping systems utilise submersible pumps, these are generally only designed for pumping wastewater at nominal temperatures of 35°C The Solution:
wastewater coming from a system that regularly discharges hot wastewater a submersible pump rated for continuous use is therefore essential
many years of testing
development, one range of pumps has become the benchmark for reliable hot wastewater pumping These are the Jung Pumpen 730HES (10m closed valve), or for higher discharge requirements, the 1030HES (12 5m closed valve) Due to their internal shaft seal design, specification and choice of construction materials these pumps are reliably rated for continuous operation at 90°C , meaning that they are specifically designed for hot wastewater These unique pumps can be used as par t of an automatic hot wastewater pumping system and a number of different floor mounted tank designs and options are available These include the Pump Technolog y Ltd, DrainMajor (pictured) for single pump specification or, if a twin duty standby pumping system is required, the DrainMajor Duo and DrainKing The automatic star t stop is controlled by the pump ’ s own large , triangular, low-level float, which is external to the pump body and attached via a rigid float arm This design ensures accurate and reliable operation even when the incoming flow is turbulent or contains debris that could tangle or block conventual lead or tube float systems More assistance and technical advice is always freely available from the experienced Pump Technolog y Ltd team, who will ensure that the correct
any application
They have strong
all leading kitchen equipment suppliers, and they offer a kitchen design ser vice to help you build your ideal kitchen Projects under taken have included Olympic Villages, Basildon Hospital, The Mitre Hotel at Hampton Cour t, The Truck Stop at Anglesey The
Hunstanton, Colleges, Schools,
Restaurants and Public Houses They ensure their systems are compliant with the current guidelines whilst maintaining an efficient and
With extensive knowledge of manufacturing and installing
systems, they can help you design the
within the
available Call: 01926 887167, visit: www caterquipventilation co uk,
pumping system to meet the required discharge pumping parameters is
ified for
Fridge Seals Direct proud to be UK's no1 supplier of replacement fridge and freezer seals We fabricate for a wide variety of commercial fridge & freezers The management team at Fridge Seals Direct have over 30 years of experience in the refrigeration industr y and have each spent many of those years installing gaskets and hardware for a range of styles brands and sizes of fridges From restaurant kitchens to food warehouses - we have experience in dealing with fridge & freezers of all sizes and scales To learn more about fridge seals, be sure to explore our range of extensive guides on how to replace a refrigerator door seals Otherwise , find your specific guides in how to identify, measure , install or maintain your fridge or freezer door seal Our reputation in the industr y along with our commitment to providing a high-quality gasket without having to buy from the factor y allows us to have competitive pricing and fast turnaround time
y us out, order your door gaskets from us and discover a better way to do business We are here to help you
46 CLH Digital Issue 214
Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out
Blue Seal Fryers and Oil Filtration
By David Chesshire , National Accounts Manager, Blue
www.blue-seal.co.uk Evolution Fryers and Filter Units The Premium Fryer and Bur ner System The ultimate solution for any catering establishment, perfect for pubs, hotels, restaurants, cafes and much more
Operators should consider when purchasing a fr yer and their oil the oil capacity against production rate , burner efficiency and recover y rate as well as a true cool zone in gas fr yers to help prolong the oil life Blue Seal V ray Gas Fr yers are our premium fr yer and burner system, which come at a higher price compared to some competitors’ gas models However the fuel efficiency, cost saving, performance and stainless steel high build quality far out way the additional initial cost to the operator Blue Seal produce high performance thermostatic controlled gas & electric fr yers Our Evolution range gas fr yers GT60, GT46 & GT45 have a premium feature benefit of all using our patented “V’Ray” burner system This system uses infra-red technolog y radiating the heat into the tank only heating the area of oil the baskets are sitting in This promotes incredibly fast recover y rates, high efficiency for limited fuel consumption provides a true cool zone in conjunction with the specially shaped tank The true cool zone prevents crumb and food debris that drops below the batter plates from continuous cooking and carbonising, which in turn helps prevent the degrading of oil quality This all achieves considerable cost saving for the operator with fuel and oil as well as time efficiency, producing the finished products Blue Seal also offer an additional Filtration units that give a fantastic solution to improving oil life , have great mobility and space saving features as well as powerful pumps & full stainless steel construction Moisture fatty acids and food residue contaminate cooking oil, spoiling fried food taste and causing the oil to smoke Blue Seal Filtamax removes impurities, quickly and effectively maintaining consistent high cooking quality and considerable extension of oil life The Carbon Pads remove sub-micron par ticles down to 0 5 microns – this is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand Daily filtering of fr yer oil using carbon filters can massively increase the life span of the oil creating large cost savings and create more consistent finish and taste to the food product
Seal (www blue-seal co uk)
Be ready for your inspections • Damaged fridge seals are unhygienic
Make your fridge more energy efficient with a good seal on your fridge
We provide custom seals for cold rooms, discontinued models, and units with no identification information
Next-day delivery service
Discounted prices on large orders WhatsApp, phone, and email support 07936807320 sales@fridgesealsdirect co uk fridgesealsdirect co uk Rational iVario by CEE Boil, fry and deep-fry with just a single cooking system Rational iVario by CEE You can boil fr y and deep-fr y with just a single cooking system Up to 4 times as fast and with up to 40% less energ y The iVario thus replaces numerous conventional kitchen appliances Such as the stove pots, pans, deep-fat fr yers, pressure cookers and bainmarie And in the restaurant, it is impossible to imagine the mise en place and à la car te without it Use the iVario to blanch, deep fr y or confit effor tlessly and in no time Thanks to the powerful heating system iVarioBoost, the oil is heated in record time and you can star t deep-fr ying immediately At the same time the temperature is regulated so sensitively and precisely, that even meat, fish or vegetables can be prepared using the confit method Call For the best prices in the UK on 01902 495634 Issue 214 CLH Digital 47 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Hospitality Technology
Facilities Maintenance Visibility, Cost Control and Improved Compliance
involvement and job information capture improving the maintenance process All work order information can be captured, including all email chases and notes, resulting in clear job histor y in one place Contact us on: +44(0)844 880 2582 info@ostarasystems.com www.ostarasystems.com
Preventing Dine & Dash with CardsSafe®
Notts County FC's Fan Experience
Castra Solutions - Wired and Wireless Solutions
It's a good idea to hold customers' bank cards securely while they run a tab to ensure they don t make off with payment The hospitality industr y has been plagued with dine-and-dash since the cost-of-living crisis A few bad apples leaving a bar, pub or restaurant without paying can cost the venue hundreds if not thousands of pounds ever y year Too many dine-and-dash cases are being repor ted, but simple , affordable solutions exist Hospitality managers shouldn't worr y about dine-and-dash The good news is that CardsSafe is a genuine deterrent for walkouts because the venues securely store cards Deers Hut pub in Liphook, Hampshire , first came to CardsSafe in 2013 to seek help with a large volume of indoor and outdoor customers' bar tabs One of the main motivations for utilising CardsSafe was to stay on top of where their customers sat outside Deborah Steel, the Director, told us, "The CardsSafe system is great for ser vicing customers who enjoy our outdoor areas " Over 5,000 venues in the UK use CardsSafe The system is used by Young's pubs, golf courses, Hilton Hotels, Lord s Cricket Ground, and many independent restaurants and bars in the hospitality industr y CardsSafe is affordable , too Each unit, containing ten card drawers, costs just £9 95 per month So, just one £120* walkout is the cost of a 10-card CardsSafe unit for an entire year In addition each hire comes with customer ser vice troubleshooting and free replacement keys, and additional units can be added at any time The question is can you afford not to have CardsSafe as a par t of your business? For more information, please visit www cardssafe com or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040 *Plus a sign-up fee of £39 95 (plus VAT) for new customer s In football, it's not only about the game; it's about creating a memorable experience for fans That's why clubs are continuously seeking ways to enhance matchday experience by reducing queues and providing more options for their suppor ters Notts County FC adopted an innovative strateg y to achieve this by installing a new bar inside a repurposed shipping container at their Meadow Lane stadium with the aim of improving fan experience and boosting matchday revenue To ensure seamless operations and efficient transactions at the new bar Notts County turned to MCR Systems, a leading provider of EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) solutions INSTALLING A WINNING SOLUTION MCR Systems swiftly responded to Notts County's needs by installing eight cutting-edge EPOS terminals with the new bar These state-of-the-ar t terminals were equipped with interactive media screens and integrated payment devices, providing a robust solution to manage the bustling crowds during home games MCR Systems conducted thorough training sessions with the club's team to ensure a seamless transition and help the team maximise the functionality of the new system Notts County FC Nets Immediate Results The installation had an immediate and practical effect Fans enjoyed shor ter wait times and quicker transactions, significantly improving their matchday experience Encouraged by these positive outcomes Notts County FC decided to take fur ther steps to enhance their matchday offerings by expanding their par tnership with MCR Systems Notts County ordered an additional ten terminals from MCR Systems for two new sections in the away end of Meadow Lane These terminals were operational just in time for the Boxing Day fixture against Doncaster Rovers fur ther enhancing the stadium's amenities and revenue potential MCR Systems T: 0116 299 7000 E: enquiries@mcr-systems .co.uk www.mcr-systems .co.uk See the adver t on the back cover
Transformed with the Help of MCR Systems
Ostara Systems focuses on helping clients manage maintenance costs, especially in the F&B and Hotel sectors with clients such as Whitbread and Admiral Taverns The Ostara System establishes a culture of paying for completed work using automatic cost calculations based on contractor rates and time on-site The Ostara Mobile App validates engineers ' attendances to sites, while proprietar y Bluetooth technolog y can replace QR codes for more accurate data Fur ther cost control options include replacing fixed cost quotes with estimates based on agreed rates, time , par ts, and miscellaneous costs, acting as a ceiling for costs rather than a fixed amount This then works alongside the check-in and time on site processes cited earlier, resulting in the client only paying for actual time spent and par ts used Customizable authorisation rules allow for flexible approval processes, based on a range of conditions At all authorisation statuses there is functionality for spend value comparison to a budget However, it is clear to Ostara that it is not just client expenditure that proves costly, but also administrative labour An automated invoice validation process reduces invoice review time , while legislative compliance repor ting identifies actual compliance levels and PPM needs, based on what clients should have not just what they have Ostara s also has a built-in auditing process that allows clients to audit invoices based on specific criteria and sample size
one of the key applications and benefits of a C AFM system is client ‘buy-in’ to the process and world of maintenance Ostara’s self-ser vice por tal and mobile app enhance client
Attention all hospitality business owners! Are you tired of dealing with poor WiFi that's costing you positive reviews and customer satisfaction? It's time to take control and enhance your venue ' s connectivity with Castra Solutions at your side Our team specializes in providing tailored Hospitality WiFi solutions IT Suppor t, and cutting-edge cybersecurity ser vices that are designed to elevate your business to new heights Picture this: a seamless WiFi experience that not only meets but exceeds your expectations We recommend that you say goodbye to outdated captive por tals and hello to alternative data capture methods that will keep both you and your customers smiling Our vendor-agnostic approach means we focus on finding the perfect solutions for your unique business needs, maximising your ROI ever y step of the way Don't let technolog y hurdles hold you back from achieving success Join forces with Castra Solutions and let our experienced IT suppor t team and cybersecurity exper ts safeguard your business while enhancing your customer's experience Our team is dedicated to providing personalised suppor t that caters to your ever y need From seamless connectivity solutions to proactive cybersecurity measures we are committed to helping your hospitality business thrive in the digital age Let Castra Solutions be your trusted par tner in leveraging technolog y to its fullest potential, ensuring a secure and efficient operation that leaves both your staff and customers impressed Say goodbye to connectivity woes and hello to a future-proof IT infrastructure that sets you apar t from the competition Elevate your hospitality business with Castra Solutions today! Reach out to us to schedule a consultation and witness firsthand how Castra Solutions can revolutionise the way technolog y empowers your hospitality business Embrace the future of connectivity with Castra Solutions by your side! hello@castrasolutions co uk 0300 124 5005 See the adver t on page 2 for details
48 CLH Digital Issue 214 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Outdoor Spaces
Banners are an Exceptionally Effective Tool for Drawing Crowds into Your Pub
Create a Cohesive Indoor and Outdoor Look
The UK outdoor furniture market is heavily influenced by changes in weather conditions, with consumers more likely to purchase picnic benches during periods of good weather MG Timber specialise in the manufacturing and supply of highquality wooden picnic tables Their picnic tables are made from high-grade timber and are designed to withstand the harsh outdoor elements Whether you re a restaurant seeking to enhance the cosy ambiance of your outside space with a high-quality dining set A hotel wanting to revive your garden with a premium picnic table or a pub landlord aiming to elevate your beer garden with an impressive selection of pub benches and wheelchair accessible picnic tables MG Timber are the garden furniture suppliers for you Crafted from the finest Swedish Redwood, each piece is exper tly pressure treated to ensure longevity and protect against the elements Renowned for their robustness, our treated wooden outdoor furniture is designed to withstand the unpredictable British weather making them a reliable choice for any catering and licensing industr y outdoor space For full details about our vast array of top-quality outdoor picnic benches for sale contact us today We are also offering up to 15% off on commercial orders, please visit our website www.mgtimberproductsltd.co.uk or call us on 01902 953166 See the adver t on the front cover Domestic & Trade Handmade Garden Furniture From MG Timber We create appealing and comfor table outdoor seating areas for your clients supplying ever ything required including:• planter s with real or faux plants • cafe banner s and restaurant screens • lighting • heating c lass c neon signage • parasols nstalled and repaired • lenticular bladed roofed shelter s tables and c hair s Our hardy planters are built to order using rot proof ar tificial wood planks This unique material is not only completely waterproof but is formed from UK factor y waste plastics and materials that would otherwise have gone into landfill They will last you countless years and are a genuine recyled investment From our workshops in Kent we deliver UK wide and are happy to visit and sur vey your site to to discuss your needs and prepare a drawing and quotation outlining what could be done , all within your available budgets We firmly believe the better you look on the outside , the more customers will come to the inside so contact us on 01733 559437 or sales@cafeculture biz
Profit Having a cohesive indoor and outdoor look is a great way of encouraging your guests to make the most out of your outdoor space this summer It ensures that all areas of your establishment are welcoming to your customers and helps you to create a recognisable brand Woodberr y knows that your outdoor areas can look just as good and work just as hard as your indoor areas So, here are some top tips on creating a cohesive stylish and hardworking establishment USE SIMILAR COLOUR SCHEMES & MATERIALS Using similar colour schemes and materials throughout your establishment will help you create that cohesive look It will also help you to attract the right type of customers to your business which is great if you ’ re hoping to bring in people that will want to come back time and time again INVEST IN A SHELTER There are multiple ways you can use a shelter to elevate your outdoor space You could use it to extend your indoors out by placing it next to your building or create a freestanding shelter for a separate event space USE FURNITURE SUITABLE FOR INDOOR AND OUTDOOR USE Indoor outdoor furniture can offer you a higher level of flexibility as you can move your furniture in or out depending on where you need it most while giving you a cohesive look The best furniture for this would be pedestal tables and chairs However if you wanted a cohesive look without the need for flexibility you can invest in similar furniture throughout Woodberr y ’ s Discover y and Gabion ranges are great for this as they have indoor and outdoor versions of the products within the ranges, and they are as sturdy as they are stylish If you need have any questions regarding shelters or indoor-outdoor furniture the Woodberr y team are happy to help: Call 01926 889922 Email mail@woodberr y.co.uk
Café Culture - Pavement
Banners are an exceptionally effective tool for drawing crowds into your pub for spor ting events, turning a regular night into a bustling hotspot of fan excitement and camaraderie Here's how creatively leveraging banners can significantly boost your pub s appeal and bring in spor ts enthusiasts: 1 PROMOTE UPCOMING GAMES WITH VIBRANCY Use large , colourful banners outside your pub to announce upcoming spor ting events These banners can highlight key matches special game-day discounts, or viewing par ties With bold graphics and the logos of competing teams you'll not only capture the attention of passersby but also ignite the spirit of rivalr y and anticipation 2. CREATE A THEMED ATMOSPHERE Inside the pub banners can transform the space to reflect the fer vour of the games Hang banners of the teams playing in the upcoming matches to create a themed environment that resonates with fans This visual appeal can make your pub the go-to place for fans looking for an immersive gamewatching experience 3 HIGHLIGHT SPECIAL OFFERS AND PROMOTIONS Custom banners can effectively adver tise special promotions, such as discounted drinks or game-day menus, exclusive to spor ting event nights Placing these banners strategically at the entrance or within high-visibility areas in the pub can entice spor ts fans to choose your venue over others 4. ENCOURAGE FAN ENGAGEMENT Encourage patrons to wear their team's colours by promoting a "Best Dressed Fan contest on banners This not only increases engagement but also fosters a lively, competitive atmosphere , making your pub an exciting place to be during major spor ting events 5 USE BANNERS FOR DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE For larger venues, banners can ser ve as effective directional signage , guiding guests to specific areas set up for watching the games This can include different sections for fans of competing teams, enhancing the overall experience by catering to the tribal nature of spor ts fandom 6 CAPITALISE ON LOCAL PRIDE If your pub is in a city with a local team, use pub banners to show your suppor t for the home team during their games Local pride is a powerful draw and showcasing your pub as a suppor tive hub for the community can significantly boost patronage 7 SOCIAL MEDIA TIE-INS Use banners to promote your pub s social media hashtags or handles encouraging patrons to share their game-day experiences online This not only increases your pub's visibility but also creates a digital community of fans who frequent your establishment 8 ANNOUNCE POST-GAME ENTERTAINMENT Attract patrons to stay longer or come in after the game by using banners to adver tise post-game enter tainment, such as live music , karaoke , or a DJ This can turn game day into an all-night event, increasing your sales and patron satisfaction Implementing these strategies with banners not only elevates the gamewatching experience but also solidifies your pub's reputation as the ultimate destination for spor ting events By visually communicating excitement, offering, and community, banners can significantly influence spor ts fans' choice of venue , ensuring your pub is their first pick for enjoying the game Check out the online Banner Librar y at www hfe-signs co uk for promotional ideas for your pub!
50 CLH Digital Issue 214
Cinders ‘Classic’ Barbecue
Outdoor Spaces
Cinders ‘Classic’ barbecue has exceeded customers’ expectations for decades, due to its unique , patented design It easily cooks 1000 burgers in one session but being a true workhorse is not its only selling point Robust, reliable and low-maintenance are just three adjectives to describe a barbecue whose repair costs are typically non-existent over long periods, generating a healthy ROI for many years The Cinders ‘Classic’ comes as a six-foot long double grill (TG160), or a half-sized single grill (SG80), with both running on LPG and offering incredible food output for the price of the energ y used The user-friendly grills are easy-to-light and powerful, getting up to temperature in around five minutes, to quickly feed a queue or facilitate an impromptu pop-up barbecue if great weather arrives Cinders’ production values are impressive - not only offering a warranty for commercial use , unlike cheap impor ted barbecues, but also built to ISO 9001:2015 standards The barbecues have internal self-cleaning too, removing the odious chore of post-barbecue clean-down The grill merely needs to be left running for a few minutes to burn off residue , which is then brushed away or ejected Once cool, the Classic can be folded down and easily stored away To discover more call 01524 262900 or www cindersbarbecues co uk For a free quotation: 01943 851444 sales@canvasman.co.uk www.canvasman.co.uk Outdoor Coverings, Upholstery and more for Hotels, Bars and Restaurants Updating your outdoor area can make a significant impact to your brand customer experience and profitability From pavements and roof tops to gardens and terraces, tapping into the potential of your premises is essential in today’s competitive market Here are our top tips on creating the perfect weatherproof indoor /outdoor living space 1. Get comfor table Let guests sit in comfor t on made to measure , quality upholster y Choose specialist outdoor foam and fabrics to ensure durability, and easy maintenance 2 Shelter from the elements: Awnings and shade sails protect your guests from heat and harmful rays and a strategically placed gazebo will provide shelter from the rain as well as creating a stylish outdoor event space Adding side panels makes it usable all year round giving you an adaptable extra room and excellent value for money 3 Embrace your surroundings: Use colour to make the most of what you already have Whether it’s a peaceful garden, or a vibrant busy street use it to your advantage to create a distinctive style and atmosphere Choose complimentar y upholster y and covering fabrics to make a statement that sets you apar t from your competitors 4 Branding: Align your brands aesthetics and incorporate logos and ar twork to your panels and awnings to promote brand recognition and loyalty from your guests and customers 5. Protection: Protect investments like outdoor kitchens, BBQ’s and furniture with tailormade covers designed to fit perfectly and last year after year At Canvasman Ltd, we specialise in designing and manufacturing bespoke outdoor upholster y and protective coverings for hotels, restaurants, and bars Call us on 01943 851 and quote ‘PROTECT’ FOR A 5% DISCOUNT. We can help you create a truly aspirational outdoor setting Visit our website for more www canvasman co uk 5 Ways to Create a Welcoming ‘Alfresco’ Space Whatever the Weather Outdoor Coverings, Upholstery and more for Hotels, Bars and Restaurants Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Issue 214 CLH Digital 51
Our passion is creating the best Barbecue , Smokin and Grillin Experience If you need a point of difference that delivers high levels of taste & exper t professionalism with a truly unique talking point – whether bespoke large scale celebration events, iconic street food deliver y at a festival or food focused market or indeed special corporate day tailoring all aspects of your needs day Old Smokey is your operator Our team is made up of highly experienced chefs who put flavour and fun customer focused ser vice first! With a 6ft long smoking chamber and a 2 5ft square Parrilla style grill to cook and lock in BIG flavours, Old Smokey sits on a Tri Axle Trailer that gives presence and the most incredible wow factor So, if your event demands and craves Slow & Low smoked Classic Americana moist Brisket, sticky Burnt Ends tender sweet pulled Pork and you need seared flashed cooked steaks, burgers and smoky charred loaded dogs -our imposing 12ft stand on and cook” rig is for you Old Smokey is based in the Derbyshire Peak District, but we are more than happy to discuss travel & suppor ting events that need our skill and one of a kind atmosphere in further afield locations Contact us to make your event super special: @oldsmokeyofficial e-mail andrewdaniels321@gmail com Mob 07842680653 Old Smokey – The BIG Pit Like No Other! Our passion is creating the best barbecue and smoked food for weddings, corporate events and private events. @oldsmokeyofficial andrewdaniels321@gmail.com | 07842680653 www.oldsmokey.co.uk Old Smokey – The BIG Pit
No Other! Over 79% of UK diners have attested that they would spend more time and money in a restaurant if they incorporated outdoor dining Integrating outdoor dining into your establishment is a no brainer decision especially when you consider the al fresco movement across the UK and return on investment oppor tunities The maths is simple; seating 16 people under a 4m x 4m parasol, at an average spend of £12 50 per head equals £200 If you were to turn these 3 times a day that would equal £600 If we multiply that by a realistic 4 days of the week, you ’ re looking at £2400 or £9,600 a month! Multiply that by 12 and your revenue would increase by £115k per annum Assuming 50% gross margin the investment of 1 parasol could provide a profit contribution of £57 6k per annum, which is a welcome statistic in these economically tr ying times What’s more , our zero deposit leasing options allow for payments to be spread over 2-5 years So taking a 4mt X 4mt parasol with a moveable base import deliver y and fitting the monthly payment over 36 months would be £184 09 or the weekly equivalent of £42 98 As such, your potential R O I massively outweighs this no deposit figure What are you waiting for?! 01352 740164 www indigoawnings co uk enquiries@indigoawnings co uk "Can We Sit Outside Please?"
52 CLH Digital Issue 214 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Outdoor Spaces
Outdoor Spaces
Leading the Way in Table Numbers & QR Code Labels
New Stock Chair Ranges from ILF
www ilfchairs com email terr y kirk@ilfchairs com With the continuing success of the ILF Chairs website , 2023 has seen an increase in their STOCK chairs to 11 ranges available in different Faux and Velvet upholster y and selection of frame colours, plus a 12 colour STOCK range of Egger laminated 25mm table tops in a selection of sizes and colour finishes A full range of table bases in metal and stainless steel are also kept in STOCK In addition ILF now also have a comprehensive range of STOCK outdoor seating and tables to suit all budgets plus real wood table tops and real wood table bases for indoor use More STOCK ranges coming soon please check the website Their online website offers both indoor and outdoor seating and table solutions Divided into Contemporar y seating Boutique Lounge Seating Period Seating Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height wood tables, creating a great selection of products to view at your leisure Most made to order indoor seating and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style Enquiries can be sent to ILF directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours ILF hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site
Issue 214 CLH Digital 53 Brunel Engraving proudly stands as the UK's foremost supplier of table numbers and QR code labels, catering to the evolving needs of the hospitality sector With a commitment to excellence and innovation, we offer swift and efficient solutions to enhance the dining experience for both establishments and their patrons Our investment in cutting-edge equipment and software underscores our dedication to meeting the increasing demand for personalised table numbers and QR code discs These meticulously crafted items ser ve as invaluable tools for modern establishments, seamlessly integrating technolog y into their ser vice offerings
utilizing our table numbers and QR code labels businesses can streamline operations and elevate customer satisfaction Guests can effor tlessly access menus promotions, and other per tinent information with a simple scan, eliminating the need for physical menus and expediting the ordering process At Brunel Engraving, quality is paramount Our ISO9001 accreditation ensures that ever y product meets
standards of excellence , reflecting our unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction Our reputation for reliability and superior craftsmanship is fur ther underscored by the continuous stream of 5-star ratings we receive on Trustpilot
addition to our signature rotar y engraving, we offer a comprehensive suite of printing and engraving techniques, including laser engraving, chemical etching, and various printing methods This diverse range of capabilities allows us to cater to the unique needs of each client, delivering tailored solutions that exceed expectations
large blue-chip chains to local privately owned establishments our table numbers and QR code labels can be seen installed across the UK Join countless satisfied clients in experiencing the Brunel Engraving difference Contact us today to learn how our solutions can transform your establishment s operations and elevate your guest experience T: 01275 871 720 E: info@brunelengraving co uk
Outdoor Spaces
Catering Equipment Ltd
Catering Equipment Ltd are the authorised UK Distributor for the range of Kängabox thermoboxes that keep items Hot or Cold Kängabox is a revolutionar y new high density EPP series of containers in which hot or cold items can be transpor ted with an average temperature loss of less than 1°C plus or minus per hour within a temperature range of -40°C to +120°C Kängaboxes are available in a range of capacities and attractive colours Kängabox are available in eight different designs and four different depths The various gastronorm, pizza, ice cream and euro norm formats are available
Our Transpor t Boxes perfect for keeping food HOT or COLD whether delivering food, running an event or managing extra food production in the Kitchen Comprehensive product details can be found on our
Recycled Plasic Furniture
website www kangaboxuk com
are also leading suppliers of European manufactured Stainless Steel items such as Sinks, Gastronorms, Accessories and other products In addition Catering Equipment Ltd are also the UK s largest specialist supplier of European manufactured gastronorm containers ice cream containers sinks, hand wash and restaurant equipment See our extensive range of products on our website clickonstore net Catering Equipment Ltd are a family firm that has been trading for almost 30 years Our commitment is to our customers you are the most impor tant people in our business Our promise is that you can count on Catering Equipment Ltd to help you and that our team will do their utmost to ensure that dealing with us is a pleasant and wor thwhile experience Call the team on 0121 773 2228 now LeisureBench Ltd, is proud to announce its new RECYCLED PLASIC FURNITURE manufacturing facility Made from 100% recycled plastic , our new ranges are designed and manufactured at our new premises in Granthan using the latest technolog y From picnic tables to planters, the growing range of products are ergonomically designed for the commercial sector at affordable prices and most items come with a 25-year construction guarantee Introducing our new stylish side chairs available in several colours they are both comfor table and at a star ting price of just £99 45 +vat in black, they represent excellent value for money Our new website has automated muti-buy discounting Discounts star t at 5% for as little as two of the same product and up to 15% the more bought the more saved for exceptional value We believe we are the most competitive in the market Our in-house design team can design bespoke products for our clients and no job is too big or too small Customer ser vice is key to our success We welcome visitors to our factor y showroom at Old Wharf Road, Grantham, Notts, NG31 7AA LeisureBench W: www leisurebench co uk TEL: 01949 862920 We all want to see less plastic waste our products are not only made from recycled plastic but are also 100% recyclable , future proofing sustainability
54 CLH Digital Issue 214 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Outdoor Spaces
Sustainable Furniture
Sustainable Furniture is a Cornish family run business headed by Margaret Larson The company founded in 2007 comes from Margaret s many years of experience in furniture retail combined with a love for all things Sustainable Margaret star ted with a vision to exclusively sell products that are ethically and sustainable sourced Ensuring that throughout the supply chain, from sourcing of timber right through to deliver y in the UK, that ever y aspect of the business is conducted in the most ethical of ways Seeing obvious shor tfalls Margaret set about to readdress the balance with Sustainable Furniture Utilising her large knowledge of the industr y she went about procuring products sourced from forestr y protected by commissions These commissions prevent illegal logging from occurring whilst ensuring re-plantation does Logging when under taken happens in an eco-manner using techniques such as thinning to promote growth of the trees around it We also suppor t the removal of the roots of trees from previously illegally logged ground so that replantation can occur an essential under taking to create reusable ground Incidentally these now form our teak root tables Sustainability means more than just suppor ting the timber supply chain; we also suppor t the local communities to which this trade is their only source of income We ensure fair pay and equitable wages for these communities to allow them to flourish Closer to home in the UK we also suppor t Cornish manufacture from local sawmills using timber sustainably sourced from Devon and Cornwall, cer tified woodlands All our products be they indoor or outdoor are built to last This means that the investment in timber is not for a loss All our products are manufactured using traditional, tried, and tested methods which will ensure longevity, meaning less replacement and less timber needs to be used www sustainable-furniture co uk vicky@sustainable-furniture co uk 01726 884123/07878 851693
The battle for customers is tougher than ever but with recent research suggesting 40% find the pub garden their Ultimate Happy Place now is the time to make the most of your outdoor space and turn it into a haven for customers and a true talking point Whether it’s covering a terrace bar, expanding your seating area or providing a truly unique standalone outdoor experience our commercial awnings and Louvred roof systems can create a unique feature for your business and add not just a significant WOW factor but an area to be used again and again At Roché we offer award-winning retractable wallmounted and freestanding awnings from leading German manufacturers Markilux and Weinor, as well as the stunning Louvred Roof systems from both Renson and Weinor Our team of exper ts have over 20 years ’ experience in advising businesses on the right shading solution to suit a variety of outdoor spaces and can help you maximise potential revenue by increasing usable floorspace both kerbside and in any garden areas you may have All our products are made-to-measure and completely customisable to meet your exact requirements, with powder coated frames in a range of RAL colours and hundreds of weather-resistant fabrics to choose from Take advantage of accessories such as lights and infa-red heaters to create a desirable location for customers to relax and be comfor table while they enjoy evening meals or drinks For an added wow-factor you can add signwriting to help reinforce your brand and drive people into your premises who may have otherwise walked by without noticing Our teams of engineers and sur veyors are based nationwide and use their experience to ensure each installation is completed to an extremely high standard Call us on 0800 060 8844 to arrange a free site survey or visit www rocheawnings com Increase
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Issue 214 CLH Digital 55
Your Revenue with a Commercial Shading Solution
Design and Refit
Warner Contract Furniture
This year, Warner Contract Furniture , a Nor th-West-based contract furniture supplier celebrates 10 years of providing highquality commercial contract furniture to leisure and hospitality businesses across the UK Over the past decade , Warner Contract Furniture has collaborated with our customers & suppliers to deliver top-notch contract furniture at competitive prices We have built a loyal and trusting client base , setting the stage for continued exceptional ser vice in the years to come All commercial furniture from Warner Contract Furniture is meticulously tested to ensure maximum safety and commercial compliance This commitment to quality allows clients to have peace of mind knowing that their commercial furniture meets industr y safety standards and is designed to stand the test of time Whether you are planning a refurbishment or need quick replacements, Warner ContractFurn iture's exper t team can help you find the right furniture You can shop online for readymade commercial furniture to match your aesthetic or contactthe team for a completely bespoke order Offering a fully customisable ser vice , Warner Contract Furniture ensures clients receive the perfect furniture solutions for their hospitality or leisure spaces Contact Warner Contract Furniture Today If you ' re searching for a reliable contract furniture supplier or planning a refurbishment and need suppor t with commercial furniture , reach out to Warner Contract Furniture Call 0161 408 2390 email the team at sales@warnercontractfurniture co uk, or browse their extensive range of commercial furniture at www.warnercontractfurniture .co.uk
In the competitive landscape of the hospitality industr y, finding reliable suppliers for high-quality contract furniture at competitive prices is essential for businesses aiming to optimise their budgets without compromising on quality Enter ReFurnishUs, a leading provider in the field dedicated to meeting the diverse furnishing needs of hospitality venues across the UK, from small independents to larger chains At RefurnishUs we pride ourselves on our commitment to offering a wide range of premium commercial furniture from table tops and bases to an extensive outdoor collection that will guarantee to refresh any space With hundreds of products in stock readily available for fast deliver y we ensure a seamless and efficient process, allowing businesses to furnish their establishments promptly and without hassle Our promise goes beyond mere price matching – we go the extra mile by beating any like-for-like quote provided by our competitors, ensuring our clients receive the best value for their investment In addition to unbeatable prices, we prioritise customer satisfaction, offering a no-quibble return and replacement ser vice in the rare event of any issues Our commercial-grade furniture , sourced from reputable suppliers with extensive industr y experience , is rigorously tested and cer tified to meet Crib 5 fire regulations, providing peace of mind to our clients With RefurnishUs, businesses can rest assured that they are investing in furniture that not only meets their functional needs, but also their budget requirements Contact us today to discuss how we can beat any like-for like quote and discover how we can help with all your furnishing needs www refurnishus com
56 CLH Digital Issue 214 ReFurnishUs Is Your Go-To Source for HighQuality Contract Furniture at Unbeatable Prices! Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Design and Refit
Celebrating 39 Years of Illumination Excellence: The Lightique Journey
In 1985, David Smith, along with two esteemed business associates, embarked on a mission to redefine the lighting industr y David a seasoned electrical contractor ser ving the commercial sector, grew increasingly dissatisfied with the subpar quality and delayed deliveries from suppliers Determined to set a new standard he founded Lightique Limited
From its humble beginnings, Lightique swiftly gained recognition for its unwavering commitment to quality and reliability The company ’ s initial focus on a small yet comprehensive range soon garnered acclaim As fashion trends evolved over the next five years, so did Lightique David ever attuned to the pulse of innovation, steered the company towards expansion and adaptation It was during this period that his sons, Gar y and Neil joined the ranks of the company Through rigorous apprenticeships under their father’s mentorship, they ascended through the ranks to become joint managing directors
Today, as Lightique marks 39 years of illuminating excellence , we reflect on the journey that brought us here Our success stor y is not merely one of growth and expansion but a testament to the enduring par tnerships we ’ ve cultivated with our most cherished asset: our customers
Mayfair Furniture
As Neil and Gar y lead Lightique into the future , they carr y forward the legacy of their father’s vision, built on sturdy foundations and fueled by the trust and loyalty
Experience the per fect blend of style, functionality, and innovation Discover our collection today and let us brighten up your space in ways you never thought possible
With over 39 years of experience of manufacturing and supplying the pub restaurant and hotel industr y we have something for ever yone We understand the how impor tant it is to supply on time and within budget
Check out our website www lightique com to see some examples of what we can do Or drop us an email sales@lightique com with your enquir y and we will do our best to help!
of our valued clients The Lightique saga continues, driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence and a steadfast commitment to ser ving your lighting needs Join us as we illuminate the path ahead, guided by innovation quality and a profound appreciation for our customers Together, let’s script the next chapter of the Lightique legacy a tale of brilliance , forged in the glow of shared success
out our website www lightique com to see some examples of what we can do Or drop us an email sales@lightique .com with your enquir y and we will do our best to help!
Mayfair Furniture will be celebrating 12 years this year of providing the UK s fastest and affordable commercial furniture Supplying all kinds of establishments from high end hotel chains to small local takeaways We keep in stock a huge variety of items ready for immediate dispatch, and can fulfil a wide range of bespoke orders We deliver to all areas of the UK Ireland & Europe We are not just a supplier ; we understand that from time to time hospitality and leisure establishments like to give themselves a fresh new look That's why not only do we supply contract furniture , but when it's time for your establishment to go through a refurbishment we also offer a complete clearance ser vice We ll organise ever ything from a suitable time and date , professional clearance staff to remove contract furniture whether fitted or unfitted Along with our sister company Caterfair who provides commercial catering equipment for your kitchens we are the ideal people to speak to when you are looking to refurbish 01733 310115 sales@mayfairfurniture co uk www mayfairfurniture co uk
Issue 214 CLH Digital 57
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
MST Auctioneers Ltd
Tailor-Made Designed Seating For You Design and Refit
Welcome The Crowds With Flexible Furniture On Fast Delivery
MST AUCTIONEERS Ltd specialise in handling & auctioning a wide variety of goods We act for Insolvency Practitioners, Receivers, Bailiffs and Solicitors as well as large PLCs We are members of The National Association of Auctioneers and Valuers (NAVA) For the past 25 years, we ' ve provided a unique disposal ser vice tailored to suit, liquidators, banks, receivers as well as private and corporate vendors We carr y out probate valuations and conduct complete house and commercial clearances We have the largest Auction venue in the South of England Our regular monthly Auctions occupy 45 000 sq ft of undercover space , selling over 2500 lots from 3 rostrums over two days We also hold regular Auctions ”On Site” and "On Line" See adver t on this page for fur ther details
Trent Furniture have a great range of chairs that can be delivered to you in super quick time Available in brown or grey easy-to-clean faux leather, the retro looks and high back of the Bremen Chair means it’s as at home amongst the traditional dark wood and leather of a traditional pub as it is in a modern bar Alternatively, the Hamburg Chair offers comfor table and flexible seating in vintage grey or vintage brown with its generous propor tions and stylish fluted back Or why not opt for the always popular Bella Chair, based on the iconic Tolix design and available in a large choice of colours ranging from mint green to silver? Thanks to its French café origins, Bella is stackable too! Poseur Tables are also a great bet if you want to create more space for your customers, and many of these are also available on shor t lead times The simple clean lines of the Chrome Pyramid Poseur Table means it offers ultimate leg room for those sitting around it and is super easy to clean Alternatively, the Alma Aluminium Poseur Table provides the ultimate in lightweight flexibility for use indoors or out
don’t forget our wide range of stacking tables such as the Square Stacking Table can also be delivered to you quickly
you need to cater for crowds
great furniture
fast deliver y (in as little as 2-3 days on some products), please call us on 01162 864911
fill in our contact form at www trentfurniture co uk
To find out more about these items and the other
we currently have available on
need to replace your tired old fixed seating and fixtures? At Drakes, we can help you realise your dreams with our bespoke furniture design ser vice Ever y week we build new tailor-made furniture up and down the UK working with owners to come up with design concepts for fixed seating booths and even bars and fixtures We can take ideas from you, or your interior designer, or we can design something ourselves, all done efficiently, with professional quality and on time within budget Our ser vice provides a unique oppor tunity to make your establishment stand out from others and add additional comfor t for your customers We have been providing bars, pubs, restaurants, cafes, clubs and hotels with high-quality furniture and fixtures for decades We employ over 15 joiners, upholsterers, polishers and designers who are capable of installing fixed seating and bespoke joiner y new bars and full refurbishments or simply making stools for the front of the bar, or providing quality tables that last Our dedicated team are either timeser ved officially trained craftsmen or externally based professionals Got you interested? Let us give you a free quote or ask for professional advice We are available for a chat Monday –Thursday: 9 00 am > 4 00 pm and Friday: 9 00 am > 12 00 pm on 01422 839 690 If you prefer, email us at sales@askdrake .com and of course please visit our website www askdrake com to see some of our range and past work We are also available on Facebook and Instagram, so give us a follow!
Have you recently taken over premises, just
a change or
58 CLH Digital Issue 214 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Design and Refit
Service So Good You’ll Fall Off Your Seat... Take A Look For Yourself!
Restaurant Furniture Store
Restaurant Furniture Store , the leading UK supplier offering a wide selection of affordable and high-quality indoor and outdoor restaurant furniture Whether you ' re searching for restaurant chairs, tables, table tops, or table bases, we have the perfect options to suit your needs Our extensive range caters to various styles, from classic to contemporar y, ensuring that you find furniture that complements your establishment s aesthetic We understand the impor tance of affordability and good value , which is why our collection offers competitive prices without compromising on quality With thousands of products in stock, including faux leather restaurant chairs and laminate table tops, we are well-prepared to meet your immediate requirements We take pride in our commitment to next-day deliver y ensuring that you receive your furniture promptly And here's the best par t: we offer FREE deliver y to enhance your experience , making it even more convenient for you to furnish your space At Restaurant Furniture Store customer satisfaction is our top priority We strive to create a collaborative environment where we work together to bring your vision to life With our reliable and durable products, we offer a warranty to ensure your peace of mind Whether you ' re furnishing cafes hotels bistros bars or restaurants we have the furniture solutions you need Browse our online store , take advantage of our next-day deliver y, and enjoy the convenience of purchasing in-stock items or personalised made-to-order pieces See the adver t on the facing page for fur ther information or visit www restaurantfurniturestore co uk
At Nobis, we understand that exceptional ser vice is the cornerstone of any successful business That's why we go above and beyond to ensure your satisfaction ever y step of the way Whether you ' re browsing our extensive collection online or reaching out to our dedicated sales team you can expect nothing but the best Need assistance selecting the perfect pieces for your restaurant or hospitality establishment? Our knowledgeable staff are here to help! With years of industr y experience we can provide exper t guidance to help you make informed decisions that meet your specific needs and budget Experience Nobis Restaurant Furniture today and discover why our customers keep coming back for more From the initial consultation to the final deliver y, we prioritise your satisfaction above all else Our dedication to ser vice doesn't end after your purchase – we ' re here to suppor t you ever y step of the way ensuring a seamless experience from star t to finish Whether you ' re outfitting a cosy café or a bustling restaurant trust Nobis Restaurant Furniture to deliver exceptional quality and ser vice that exceeds your expectations Shop now and elevate your space with furniture that's as remarkable as your establishment But don't just take our word for it –see for yourself! Visit www nobisrestaurantfurniture com to explore our range of high-quality furniture options or reach out to us directly at sales@nobisfurniture com or 01733 342 372 Experience ser vice so good, you ll fall off your seat –in the best way possible ’
Issue 214 CLH Digital 59 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Design and Refit
Property and Professional
HMRC Best Practice To Help You Sleep At Night
As HMRC seemingly continues to target the UK hospitality sector, we ask what can be done to ensure we sleep soundly at night? We speak to Jonathan Cooper, founder of The Director’s Helpline (www thedirectorshelpline org), for exper t advice and best practice .
From cozy rural countr y inns to chic urban eateries, establishments across Britain face a range of fiscal complexities
Brexit uncer tainties and economic shifts loom large Add to the mix the spectre of a for thcoming General Election and it’s only likely we’ll see more upheaval before the end of the year
The sector is facing significant challenge on many fronts but there are simple steps to follow regardless of the economic climate
At The Director’s Helpline , we provide free suppor t to tens of thousands of company directors each year and the one bit of advice we repeat again and again is to invest time in communication with HMRC
This might seem an obvious piece of advice but communication really is key regardless of whether you ’ re in arrears or not If you foresee an issue then it’s best to be proactive rather than hope it goes away Taking the time to deal with correspondence from HMRC is rarely time wasted (apar t from the frustratingly long time spent on hold)
Maintaining an open and transparent dialogue with HMRC is vitally impor tant when it comes to compliance and mitigating potential risks It also means that you ’ re able to resolve issues and stay informed about changes in tax legislation or repor ting procedures The old saying that “knowledge is power ” has never been more true
One of the complaints we hear most frequently from directors is about the current VAT threshold At the standard 20%, it places a huge burden on smaller businesses which are already facing financial pressures such as energ y hikes, wage increases, inflation, and the cost-of-living crisis
could quite easily deliver a vibrant and dynamic hospitality sector
The Time to Pay Scheme has undoubtedly been a lifeline for many but there needs to be a different approach for the hospitality sector We often hear from distressed directors how they’re struggling to make repayments because of fluctuations in revenue When you ’ re running a bar in a seaside resor t, for instance , your income is seasonal and often weather dependent Cash flow crises are more likely and it’s therefore hard to meet fixed tax obligations throughout the year
If HMRC was to adapt its Time to Pay Scheme to acknowledge the unique needs faced by hospitality businesses it would be a great star ting point More flexibility and longer payment terms need to be introduced A one size fits all approach simply isn’t working
Directors often ask which payments should get greater priority Which is deemed most impor tant to HMRC? VAT, PAYE or Corporation Tax? The answer we give is pretty simple
Businesses need to prioritise VAT and PAYE debt over Corporation Tax ever y time HMRC will be more open to longer term agreements for tax on previous years ’ profits than collecting VAT
There’s also the fact that VAT and PAYE are collected at point of sale or when payroll comes around, which directly affects a company ’ s liquidity Falling behind with VAT or PAYE can lead to big penalties including interest charges and even legal action
Neglecting VAT and PAYE can quickly spiral which is why good, open communication is so impor tant It s wor th noting that HMRC is not a commercial entity therefore it will usually be the largest and most aggressive creditor
If you can keep an open dialogue with HMRC and show that you re prioritising VAT and PAYE, then you re effectively showing your commitment to financial stability and complying with regulations
Building a strong and credible cash flow is vital to any successful business It’s also a huge tick in the box for HMRC when deciding on pay back of arrears
Few business owners will say that financial compliance – or dealing with HMRC - is stress-free But it’s impor tant to remember that help is available Either by speaking directly to HMRC or taking independent advice
Recognising you need advice is key Seek suppor t early and nip any problems in the bud
Cooper is the Founder and Director of
60 CLH Digital Issue 214
I’m cer tain that a reduction in the VAT threshold would give businesses the confidence and ability to invest their businesses Investing in extra staff training, for example , would result in better customer experiences all round An uplift in the quality of ser vice across the industr y would be transformational A simple cut in VAT
thousands company director s eac h year
a wide range of issues from general f nancial information, through to business recover y, restructur ing and c losure
s Helpline The
s Helpline
free ,
tial suppor t to
Property and Professional
OakNorth Completes First PanEuropean Deal with £22m Loan to Sticks n Sushi to Support its Growth
equity firm, McWin Capital Par tners McWin is a sector specialist with stakes in a number of chains, including: Gail s Baker y, Popeyes, Big Mamma, Vapiano, and Burger King Germany to name a few
Commenting on the transaction, Andreas Karlsson, CEO of Sticks n Sushi, said: Our continued growth is really exciting – we ’ ve opened a restaurant ever y year since 2012 and we launched two last year in Shoreditch and Kingston, followed by Richmond this May – which will make it three in nine months Over the years, we ve built a loyal customer base who continue to choose us because of the quality of food we ser ve and the quality of ser vice we provide We have identified great locations for several new restaurants in the coming years, and with the suppor t of McWin and OakNor th, we will be able to take advantage of this We’re incredibly grateful for both of their suppor t and the commercial and collaborative nature in which they operate – it genuinely feels like a par tnership and a relationship that will help make us an even stronger business for years to come
2019 He has more than 36 years ’ experience in the industr y having led the global roll out of Wagamama
The business has been acquired by leading private
Stuar t Blair, Director of Debt Finance at OakNor th, added: “Given the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, it is no surprise that many hospitality businesses have struggled over the last 18 months However, Sticks n Sushi is a business that is more than bucking this trend – it has a strong brand presence , and a model focussed on high quality food production that has stood the test of time Over three decades it has grown to 27 individually designed restaurants, and it has never had to shut one down, demonstrating its sensible and smar t location selection, as well as the clear demand for its offering In Andreas, the business has a seasoned leader with more than three and a half decades of experience in the industr y, and with the backing of McWin, it is primed for future growth ”
Stocktake UK Offers New
Hospitality Career Opportunities
As Pub Closures Rise
Hospitality stocktaking specialists, Stocktake UK has announced the launch of a new franchise programme designed to help hospitality managers impacted by the growing number of pub closures With over 500 pubs closing in 2023, according to the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA), the initiative aims to harness the skills and experience of former pub and hospitality managers offering them business oppor tunities within their chosen industr y Over recent years there has been unprecedented strain on the hospitality industr y, with many businesses succumbing to the dual pressures of rising operational costs and changing demands from customers seeking better ser vice and increased value for money This has left many skilled professionals seeking alternative career oppor tunities Stocktake UK's franchise programme enables hospitality professionals to utilise those skills in a viable business venture STOCKTAKE UK'S FRANCHISE OFFER As par t of its goal to help those affected by closures, Stocktake UK is inviting experienced managers and others from the broader hospitality sector to join its national network of professional stock auditors The franchise oppor tunity comes with an average turnover of around £50 000 per year with the company ’ s top franchise par tners earning over £125,000 For an initial investment star ting at £11,999 plus VAT, franchisees will receive comprehensive training all necessar y equipment and a steady flow of leads from Stocktake UK's head office The offer is designed to appeal to individuals seeking to be their own boss and who want to work regular hours instead of the long and unsociable hours normally associated with the hospitality industr y Andrew Consterdine Managing Director at Stocktake UK said, "Stocktake UK is committed to helping those hit hardest by the recent challenges in the hospitality sector Our franchise offers people a chance to rebuild their careers within an industr y they are familiar with and with the suppor t of a company that values their experience and skills We're not just offering a career ; we re offering a completely new way of life The franchise programme is aimed at individuals with a background in hospitality but who are looking for a change in career direction The company believes that their extensive hands-on experience will be invaluable in providing high-quality stocktaking ser vices to hospitality businesses across the UK However, extensive stocktaking experience is not required, as full training is provided This will cover ever ything from the use of bespoke stocktaking software , developed in-house , to effective business management practices Those interested in becoming a franchise par tner are encouraged to contact Stocktake UK or download the franchise brochure and application form from the company website , www stocktakeuk co uk
Issue 214 CLH Digital 61 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
restaurant group
McWin Capital Par tners, which focusses on the food ser vice
food technolog
th s and McWin s suppor t the restaurant group will continue to open new restaurants across the UK OakNor th the digital bank for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs, has provided a £22m loan to Japanese premium restaurant group, Sticks n Sushi, to suppor t its future growth
in Denmark in 1994 by brothers Jens and Kim Rahbek and Thor Andersen, the group has successfully scaled to 27 restaurants – 12 in Copenhagen, 12 across the UK, and three in Berlin making this OakNor th s first pan-European transaction It opened its first restaurant in the UK in
Founded in 1994, Sticks n Sushi is a
specialising in
with 27
and Germany; The group has recently been acquired by
With OakNor
Wimbledon in 2012, and the UK is now the group ’ s largest market in terms of turnover, with its 13th UK restaurant due to open in Richmond in May The group ’ s CEO, Andreas Karlsson, joined in 2011 as its operations director and was promoted to CEO in
Unique Profitable Business for Sale PROFITABLE BUSINESS FOR SALE
Property and Professional 01392 201262 www.stonesmith.co.uk T H E W E S T C O U N T R Y S P E C I A L I S T S THINKING OF SELLING? C ALL FOR A FREE VALUATION BUTTERLEIGH INN, BUTTERLEIGH, DEVON SHIP INN, BURCOMBE, WILTSHIRE PALM BAR, EXMOUTH, DEVON SWAN INN, BAMPTON, DEVON DUKE OF LEEDS, LEEDSTOWN, CORNWALL LIVE & LET LIVE, LANDSCOVE, DEVON BOATYARD BAKERY, EXETER DEVON OSTLER INN, UFFCULME, DEVON SOLD IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2024 THINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOSPITALIT Y OR C ATERING BUSINESS? C ALL US FOR A FREE APPR AISAL SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! PER RAN PO RTH , CO RN WALL Stunning 17th Centur y Trad tiona Corn sh Inn • Successfu Business Oozing w th Character and Atmosphere Well Equipped Commercial K tchen Attractive Owner s Accommodat on Outs de Seating Areas w th Sunny Aspect & Car Park PRICE: £30,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4711 PRICE: £35,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4860 NEWTO N ABB OT, DEVON Modern Cater ng K osk Located n Popu ar Park Benefitt ng From Be ng The So e Catering Unit Prov d ng Hot & Cold Dr nks and Snacks Pretty Decked Area Seating C rca 16 Great Owner/Operator Opportun ty PAIGNTON, DEVON Niche Home Del very Serv ce Offering a Choice of Hot Lunches • Operat ng 7 Days a Week Prov d ng 80-100 Lunches a Day • Freshly Prepared Ons te Dai y Us ng Qual ty Produce • Huge Potent a to Expand into Breakfast & D nner Options New Lease Ava lab e at a Rent of £4 992 PA PRICE: £30,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4268 LON GD OW N, EXETER 17th Century Country Freehouse Only 4 Mi es from Exeter • Substantial Property w th 2 Sets of Owner s Accommodation • 2 Beaut fu ly Presented nterl nk ng Trade Areas • Outbui d ngs and Storage Space • Recently C osed – Has to be seen to be Appreciated PR ICE: NIL IN GOING – NEW FR EE OF TIE LEASE R EF: 4386 SO UTH DE VO N • Stunning Coasta Thatched Vil age Inn - Rethatched n 2023 • Recently Renovated Reequ pped and Remode led 70 Plus Covers Ins de & Stunning Outs de Trad ng Areas Beautiful Owners Chalet Bunga ow with Sea V ews Very Strong Bus ness Viewing Essent a PRICE: £1,200,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4351 PRICE: £600,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4265 MIN EH EAD, SOMER SE T Impressive Detached Tudor Style Property in Fabu ous Location • Wel Appo nted L cenced Restaurant with Outs de Seating • Commercia kitchen w th Prep Area & Wash Up Room • Se f-Conta ned 4 Double Bed Accommodat on • Private Park ng for 4 Cars & Outbui d ngs OFFERS IN EXCESS OF: £350,000 +VAT FREEHOLD R EF: 4420 B ISHO PSTEI GN TON , D EVON • Beautiful y Presented Grade I Listed V l age Freehouse E evated Posit on Overlooking the Teign Estuary n South Devon • Character Ma n Bar Lower Bar/D n ng Room & Library Sunny Trade Terrace to Front with Partial View of the Teign Estuary Spac ous & We l Presented 5 Bed Pr vate Accommodat on NEW! TOR QU AY, DEVO N Elegant Restaurant Prem ses Offering Fine D n ng Located Close to Town Major Hotels & Mar na Wel Establ shed with Potent al for 40+ Covers Further Potential to Increase Business Large 2 Bedroom Res dent a Accommodat on PRICE: £69,950 LEASEHOLD REF: 4344 NEW! NEW! 62 CLH Digital Issue 214 With over 30 years of industr y experience in the Hospitality sector, The Bowden Group’s Managing Consultant David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements: Profitability, Operational Strateg y, Staff Management, Marketing and The Future of your business PROFITABILITY & OPERATIONS Our exper ts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business The largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost, so, with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business Budgeting Forecasting Menu Management Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter, your Restaurant Consultant, will work on with you, and improve with you MANAGING PEOPLE Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff
team needs careful
skilful Management
planned Marketing
Marketing, such as Social Media marketing, Websites,
online adver-
offline adver tising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’ If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better, give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a ‘’Free of Charge’’ initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer), when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you Why Use a Specialist Hospitality Consultant? Answer: because we can help your business to succeed. La Fiesta is a classic twin screw motor yacht I purchased her ten years ago and have spent most of that time fully restoring her into what she is today I have been a cordon Bleu chef all my adult life having worked on Hotel Barges in France Together with Ski Chalets throughout Europe From the onset my plans were to offer Classic fine dining to just four guests, together with a four hour cruise down the River Thames to Sunbur y and return to Weybridge She is one of, if not the Prettiest boats on the river I commenced trading from a cold star t without adver tising in August 2019 and the business was hugely successful , however I only traded for seven weeks This because I suffered serious injuries from a road traffic accident which has left me permanently disabled Hence the reason for the sale In that seven week period I turned over in excess of £35,000 with just one other crew member I am also a Qualified RYA yachting pilot The boat has ever ything one can imagine on board , Full air conditioning throughout, desalination unit , fully fitted catering kitchen, two en/suit twin cabins, Ar t deco style salon with piano She is due an out of water sur vey this coming spring at which point she is being completely repainted She has enormous provenance , listed on the National historic ships registr y , and once belonged to Sir Alex Guinness For fur ther details and contact kindly email www lafalaise1923@gmail com
We will help you
Strateg y From Digital
tising, to print design, Promotions and
potential buyer that this is a Diamond opportunity not to be overlooked.
La Fiesta is regrettably for sale I can assure a
a four course tasting
inclusive of
wines for either lunch or dinner,
three hour cruise included.
two seasons
for just four guests at £250 per head for
with just two crew members and a
With the investment capital returned within
to mention the enormous attraction at the Henley Regatta offering a potential income stream of around £50,000 in one
The price is £150.000 or nearest offer.
survey. For further details and contact kindly email www.lafalaise1923@gmail.com
This is a Hospitality, Home, & Business Opportunity Based on the River Thames in
Presently undergoing a
repaint and
of water