CLH Digital - Issue #219

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Hoteliers Rally Against the Introduction of Tourist Tax...

Editor's Viewpoint

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital


find the notion of taxing individuals on their hard-earned leisure time utterly reprehensible

People work tirelessly, saving throughout the year to enjoy a well-deser ved holiday, and to burden them with additional costs feels fundamentally unjust I stand with the hoteliers in their objections and suppor t their appeal wholehear tedly The prospect of a tourist tax in our local area is deeply concerning When we look at levies imposed overseas the costs can be eyewatering What star ts as a modest fee often escalates as all taxes tend to do The ripple effect of such increases can be detrimental not only to the tourists but also to the local economy that relies heavily on tourism

We ve seen the European backlash against tourists in places like the Balearics and Canar y Isles, which threatens to devastate their tourist industries As a regular visitor to the Balearics for over 20 years, I personally chose not to return after the introduction of their tourist tax Other destinations I would love to visit are now off my list

This war on tourists manifesting in protests, taxes, and other restrictions needs to cease The hoteliers in Bournemouth have my full suppor t, and I sincerely hope they win their appeal

This issue comes at a pivotal time , as we are just six days away from the General Election While I intend to remain apolitical in my commentar y, it is a fact that all indications point towards a Labour government Labour's manifesto appears more suppor tive of the pub sector compared to other par ties, with leading trade organizations backing Labour's five-point plan

Our sector is collapsing under the weight of excessive taxation To put things in perspective in Spain and Germany beer duty stands at 5p while in the UK it is a staggering 54p a ludicrous eleven times more Combined with an archaic rates system it is clear that a complete overhaul is desperately needed

Should Labour win the upcoming election we must hold them accountable to their

promises and ensure they deliver the necessar y reforms Our industr y depends on it

I have to mention the England football team's advance to the next stages of the Euros, which is fantastic news for the on-trade sector Our upcoming match against Slovakia promises to be a major event, with pubs and bars across the nation set to see a surge in customers and, undoubtedly, quite a few pints sunk in celebration and camaraderie

While it's true that England hasn't exactly set the football world on fire yet, it's impor tant to remember that there's always a danger in tournaments of peaking too soon Our team has shown resilience and potential, and there's a sense that their best performances are yet to come This cautious optimism is what keeps the excitement and hope alive for fans and businesses alike

The impact of football on the hospitality industr y cannot be overstated Scotland's "Tar tan Army" boosted sales in Scottish hospitality venues by an impressive 33% during their matches This surge in patronage is a testament to the power of football in driving economic activity within our sector With England's


Peter Adams

Hoteliers Rally Against the Introduction of Tourist Tax

Venice has introduced a trial for visitors to pay a €5 entr y fee to the city during daytime hours, including additional costs for anyone staying in the city overnight

Travel insurance exper t at Quotezone co uk Tiffany Mealiff said: “The new and increasing tourist fees across Europe allow cities to fund measures to attract more holidaymakers, suppor t the local infrastructure and businesses, as well as preventing damages from over tourism

“If you ’ re taking a trip to any city in Europe this year you must be aware of the potential additional costs to your holiday – which are often not obvious beforehand and normally due for payment when you check out of your accommodation Tourism taxes range anywhere between less than €1 to almost €15 and can be charged per person, per night

“Many fees are based on the hotel rating or the type of accommodation, and charges var y from city to city depending on whether individuals are charged each night or for the whole trip

“A recent Quotezone sur vey showed 45% said they don’t plan for hidden or additional expenses on holiday, so it’s impor tant to check before you travel to avoid any expensive surprises ”


B&Bs and holiday lets

The new tax has been proposed to help control visitor numbers to places like the Scottish Highlands while raising money for impor tant projects

Holidaymakers are being warned their trips abroad will cost more this year, as countries across Europe and councils in the UK look set to increase tourist taxes


Travel insurance exper ts at Quotezone co uk researched the cost of tourist fees for the most popular countries in Europe

Many countries have raised their fees for tourists this year, with visitors to Paris paying up to €14 95 a night, and a 5% charge on room fees in Berlin

On the south coast, a spokesperson for the group leading the appeal said against the BCP tax said: “Following the announcement on 14th May that the Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Accommodation BID had successfully passed by a single vote , it quickly became clear that a significant number of hotels had not been able to vote and some of these were not even aware that the ballot was taking place If any one of these hotels had they been able to vote , the levy simply wouldn’t have been voted in ”

“The levy appears to us, to have been rushed through with ver y little consultation from either the ABID team or the Council A significant number of mistakes appear to have been made where the guidance for Local Authorities has not been followed both prior and during the voting process This resulted in 13 hotels being denied their vote and there also appears to be at least another 10 hotels excluded from the vote and that pass the criteria for inclusion As of yet, we haven’t had any answers to explain why this is ”

“It has become abundantly clear that there isn’t widespread suppor t for this initiative amongst our hotel community Only 16 hoteliers voted in favour of the introduction of a levy and of these 16, only two were not par t of the ABID Board who formulated the levy In just four weeks, we have identified a staggering 42 hotels that do not suppor t the levy and it is likely that there will be more to join the appeal soon ”

“A number of hotels contacted BCP Council after the ballot announcement highlighting issues with the ballot and asking that the council exercise their veto power to declare the ballot void Unfor tunately, BCP Council declined these requests ”

“Members from the group leading the appeal met with BCP Council last week to ask for the proposed star t date of 1st July to be delayed until after the appeal process has been completed However, the ABID team are insisting that the levy will apply from 1 July despite the appeal ”


“Hoteliers are now in an impossible position where we are being told to collect the levy from customers next week, when the appeal process is ongoing The ABID Board have said that even if the appeal succeeds, the money raised from guest Levy payments does not need to be refunded We feel that this would be both morally and legally incorrect and will lead to significant reputational damage to our hotels We asked for clarification on this over two weeks ago and sight of their legal advice on this matter, but still haven’t heard from the ABID team ”

“We understand the challenges that face our local authorities in terms of funding, but it is clear this is not the right course of action for our businesses and guests alike This scheme financially penalises just 75 hotels in the area and makes the destination less appealing to visitors, who will be faced with a nightly visitor charge that can be avoided in neighbouring resor ts We acknowledge that we have our par t to play but believe the burden should be spread wider than just 75 hotels which would then avoid the need to pass levy charges onto our guests who play a vital par t in suppor ting our businesses and visitor attractions We want to send a clear message that visitors are welcome in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole ”

“We can only hope that the ABID team see sense , revisit their plans and delay the introduction of the levy whilst our appeal is heard ”

Time to Talk: The Hospitality Industry ’s Need for Mental Health Support

Hospitality is a fast-paced 24/7 industr y focused on giving guests a great experience , and ensuring they have a truly memorable stay ever y time Having a career in hospitality is incredibly rewarding, providing oppor tunities for professional development the chance to travel the world and build a long varied career As with any profession it comes with a range of demands, and it’s impor tant to ensure that ever y Team Member feels suppor ted and equipped to manage those demands and have a great experience at work

At Hilton Birmingham Metropole , we always seek out opportunities to prioritise and suppor t the mental health of our people so they can thrive at work and beyond


As one of the world’s largest hospitality companies, Hilton is committed to creating an environment where ever y Team Member is empowered to thrive – and we know that mental wellbeing plays a significant role in this, impacting engagement, productivity and morale

Through industr y-leading initiatives including Hilton’s Care for All platform, which suppor ts Team Members in caring not only for themselves, but also for those closest to them, we ’ re aiming to set a benchmark for mental health suppor t in the industr y Mental wellness means different things to different people , and challenges can manifest in many different ways so it’s really impor tant to have a flexible programme that can provide suppor t for individuals experiencing different challenges This is par ticularly impor tant in a hotel of our size With 795 bedrooms and approximately 550 Team Members ser ving hundreds of guests ever y day and hosting events of up to 1,800 people , it’s really impor tant that we find ways to suppor t our team and ensure ever y one of them has the suppor t they need to thrive personally and professionally

To address these challenges, we ve created a programme specifically dedicated to suppor ting mental wellbeing at work As par t of this, we have 22 Mental Health First Aiders A hotel of our size would normally have around 47 physical first aiders, and we feel it’s impor tant we take the same approach to suppor t our team’s mental health

These volunteers, including the hotel’s General Manager, are trained to identify and suppor t colleagues struggling with mental health issues, and to spot early signs to help Team Members overcome any challenges as early as possible They ser ve as a welcoming point of contact for anyone experiencing difficulties, providing a safe space for initial conversations, and referrals to professional ser vices if needed The team also makes sure that new star ters are aware of the initiative and feel empowered to engage with it Since the programme star ted in 2021, the community has grown from six to 22 volunteers, which really demonstrates its value and positive impact on the team

Reflecting the diversity of the workforce at Hilton Birmingham Metropole , the 22 volunteers represent a broad range of roles within the hotel, incorporating various management levels, social backgrounds and ethnicities to ensure relatability and compassion for all Team Members The volunteers also ensure that suppor t is available for those working irregular hours, including night shifts

In alignment with Hilton’s broader focus on mental health wellbeing in the workplace , this initiative seamlessly embeds mental health suppor t into the hotel’s workplace culture


To ensure qualified initial suppor t, the Mental Health First Aiders undergo rigorous training and must refresh their knowledge ever y three years Regular volunteer meetings address key topics and identify new wellbeing initiatives Recent initiatives include:

• ‘Wear It Green Day’ when Mental Health Fir st Aider s encourage all Team Member s to don green attire and give out green lapel r ibbons to raise awareness and ncrease their visibility to colleagues

• Walks and Talks and Brew to Suit You initiatives to encourage Team Member s to connect, providing a safe space for conver sations dur ing a walk or over a cup of tea or coffee at a time that suits them

• ‘Be K nd at Hilton Birmingham Metropole’ an ongoing campaign foster ing a culture of kindness through small gestures , suc h as shar ing notes of kindness and c hocolates with eac h other

• Care Concierge is a Hilton-wide benefit that provides employees with time out of their work ng day to pr ior itise their wellbeing with c lasses suc h as m ndfulness sessions and pilates


Mental Health First Aiders are trained to provide guidance as opposed to medical advice and their role is clearly communicated to ensure the team clearly understands how they can suppor t When additional suppor t is needed, Hilton s global par tnership with the caregiving concierge Wellthy facilitates connections with medical professionals at no additional cost to employees In the UK we also have access to guides aimed at providing workplace suppor t during a range of key life events, alongside a workplace wellbeing director y

While it’s really impor tant to provide suppor t for those experiencing mental health challenges, it’s just as impor tant to do ever ything we can to ensure our team is empowered to thrive , helping them maintain their mental wellbeing That’s why we ’ ve worked really hard to create a great culture at the hotel – from promoting work-life balance and flexible working patterns, to regular social activities and getting out into our local community to suppor t the causes that matter to our team Recently we visited our par tner Newlands Bishop Farm who suppor t adults with learning disabilities, mental health or brain injur y, where we helped with various maintenance jobs including painting and gardening It’s a great way for us to come together for a meaningful cause and suppor t those that need it

Employee feedback has been incredibly positive Our annual employee engagement sur vey showed a significant increase in Team Members feeling comfor table discussing mental wellbeing with their managers, and an overall improvement in workplace wellbeing Of course , there will always be more we can do and we re constantly looking for new ways to help our team prioritise their mental health because ultimately, ensuring our team’s wellbeing leads to greater performance , higher engagement levels and an all-round stronger workplace culture

Shepherd Neame Signs Partnership Deal With Leyton Orient Football Club

KP Snacks Launches New League of Tyrrellbly Good Taste

Food Prices Falling As Foodservice Price Index Hits A 28-Month Low

Cool Weather Pushes Drinks Sales Down 10% But Wine Shines

UEFA Euro 2024 - Hospitality And Retail Spend Set To Reach

Dine and Dash – How Operators Can Best Protect Themselves

The whole of the UK is seeing an increasing number of dineand-dash incidents plaguing operators and hospitality venues

The most recent and highly publicised case of the Welsh 'serial dine-and-dash couple is among too many Of course , dine-anddash has been around for as long as people have been exchanging money for food and drink, but so far, the consequences have not been too severe But, as the hefty 20-month sentence may be one of the biggest wins for 'honesty in hospitality' in recent histor y this should become a significant deterrent to others thanks to its national covering from the media Having worked with hospitality businesses for over two decades, from hotels to pub chains, spor ts venues, golf courses, big and small bars and restaurants, we ' re often engaged in the conversation - how do operators best protect themselves from dine-and-dash? We re seeing more and more big and small hospitality and leisure venues that offer catering calling us with dine-and-dash issues In fact, one in three calls to the office is "inspired" by a customer walking out without paying their bill This is detrimental to the industr y, and things need to change

So, what are the reasons behind dine-and-dash? You could blame it on the cost-of-living crisis The squeeze on almost ever yone is perhaps one of the reasons behind this type of theft You could blame it on oppor tunism We read a study (1) some time ago that claimed that of the 2,000 par ticipants, 1 in 20 have left a restaurant without paying in the past, which is quite a high percentage You could also blame it on the need for more staffing The same study revealed that 25% of the par ticipants considered leaving without paying when it took too long for the bill to arrive Blame can also be directed at the lack of policing Fewer operators are repor ting crimes due to the lack of evidence or interest from the authorities, and there is increased boldness of thieves due to a visible lack of police on the street Who does dine-and-dash affect the most? Sadly, the impact of dine-and-dash on operators goes beyond the lack of profits for businesses Staff often bear the brunt of these incidents in more ways than one Staffing morale and retention are hugely impor tant in the current climate , yet if venues decide to recoup the losses of dine-and-dash through staff tips or even wages who's really losing out? Hospitality work is one of the toughest in terms of well-being and good mental health, and reprimanding staff emotionally and financially for failing to spot a thief can be significantly damaging

Whatever reason you blame for dine-and-dash's persistence and recent rise , temptation must be removed

We've always been advocates for keeping bar tabs Securely holding bank cards allows you to check the card's validity, and staff can upsell, build relationships, and increase profits There is ver y little chance of customers being tempted to walk out without paying if their card is securely stored behind the bar

Many operators now prefer payment upfront, which is fine , and using an App at the table or pre-payment at the bar has its advantages However, according to VISA, by adopting this policy, operators forego the 30%+ increase in the average tab value , which goes straight to the bottom line

In our experience , building relationships with customers is integral to increasing return business and the ability to upsell while they run a tab Venues that allow customers to run a tab will see an increase in turnover compared to venues that don't Plus, the option to run a secure tab gives honest customers (the majority) the added reassurance that their card is kept professionally, while staff can focus on customer ser vice


Don't give chase: Pursuing individuals who appear to have walked out without paying may be tempting If they are already off the premises don't tr y to stop them even if they may have forgotten to pay (which does happen!) The risk of confrontation or even violence is just not wor th it

Repor t the incident to the authorities: We always recommend that a repor t is made to the police Sadly, they may not always be able to take action, especially if there is limited information about the individuals who left without paying, but an incident repor t can build a case against the perps, which, as we ' ve seen recently, can result in the culprits being punished and some insurance companies may cover the loss with an incident repor t

CCTV: It's beneficial to have CCTV inside and outside the premises Any dine-and-dash incidents can be captured, and the footage can be used to identify the individuals who left without paying However, do keep track of relevant privacy laws

Remove Temptation: Removing temptation for dine-and-dash is critical We re big fans of keeping tabs on where customers' cards are securely kept behind the bar (ideally, in a CardsSafe unit) Securely holding bank cards allows you to check their validity, upsell, and build relationships There is ver y little chance of customers being tempted to walk out without paying if their card is stored behind the bar

Staff training: Operators should have a clear policy on handling dine-and-dash situations and what steps to take if they occur Training all full and par t-time staff will increase communication and the ability to spot potential offenders and reassure staff that it isn't their fault if an incident occurs

The bottom line? Remove temptation and impede dine-and-dash from the outset LINKS

1 https://www independent co uk/l fe-sty e/c hr stmas/food-dr ink/one-twenty-diner s-restaurant-without-pay ng-study-a8230796 html

2 https://cardssafe com/

Craft Union Pubs Reach £300,000 Fundraising

Milestone with ‘Make it a Million’ Campaign

Craft Union are excited to announce a significant milestone in their Make it a Million’ campaign, having raised over £300,000 to date This impressive achievement marks well over a third of the campaign’s ambitious goal, showcasing the unwavering dedication of Craft Union operators and their customers suppor t to local charitable causes, including huge fundraising effor ts for over 225 local charities across the UK Launched with the aim of raising £1 million for charity, the ‘Make it a Million’ campaign has seen incredible par ticipation from Craft Union pubs across the countr y The innovative and commendable fundraising effor ts have brought communities together highlighting the spirit of generosity and unity that defines Craft Union and its local community pubs

Frazer Grimbleby MD for Craft Union said “We are thrilled to have reached this milestone in our ‘Make it a Million’ campaign Our pubs have always been at the hear t of their communities, and this campaign has shown just how powerful our collective effor ts can be We are incredibly grateful to our customers and operators for their unwavering suppor t and enthusiasm in raising these vital funds for local causes

Fundraising activities have included ever ything from charity auctions and raffles to sponsored events and

themed par ties Each event has been a testament to the creativity and commitment of Craft Union’s amazing operators, as they continue to find new and engaging ways to suppor t the campaign

As the campaign moves forward, Craft Union remains focused on reaching the £1 million target Future fundraising initiatives will build on the success of the past months, with even more exciting events and activities planned to inspire and involve communities nationwide

As well as this, Craft Union have launched their ‘Make it a Million Minutes’ campaign to run alongside Make it a Million This campaign will see the Craft Union team and operators donate their time to great community causes, and is a fantastic way to celebrate operators volunteering effor ts highlighting the huge amount of time and effor t that operators put into raising these vital funds

“Our journey is far from over ” added Frazer

“With the suppor t of our wonderful customers and the dedication of our operators our local heroes we are confident that we will achieve our £1 million goal Ever y pound raised makes a difference , and we look forward to continuing this incredible journey together ”

Market Taverns Strengthens Board, Appoints Analyst Nigel Parson

Experience-Led Businesses

Contribute £134bn To UK Economy

Modelling by Barclays and the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) reveals that the UK’s ‘Experience Economy’ –encompassing all businesses that provide consumers with unique and memorable experiences contributes an estimated £134bn to the broader UK economy, a figure greater than the GDP of Morocco

Between now and 2027, CEBR projects that the UK’s Experience Economy, which employs an estimated three million people , will grow by an average of 2 6 per cent surpassing the equivalent figure for the UK economy as a whole (1 6 per cent), to reach an estimated contribution of £146bn

Much of this growth is fuelled by rising consumer appetite for experiences Nine in 10 (90 per cent) of the hospitality, leisure and retail businesses who took par t in the research believe that consumer demand for memorable experiences is growing faster than demand for physical products and a similar propor tion (91 per cent) have obser ved that consumers still prioritise spending on memorable experiences even when money is tight

Looking at how this will play out over the summer, Brits are predicted to spend a total of £178bn on ‘Experience Economy’ activities, between June and September, averaging £3,322 per person (median consumer estimate: £701) Individually, almost half (46 per cent) of the £3,322 average will go towards holidays abroad (£906) and staycations (£615) Other notable activities include live enter tainment (£435), attending spor ts events (£295) and trips to the seaside (£143) BUSINESSES RIDE THE EXPERIENCE ECONOMY WAVE

Almost all consumer-facing businesses (99 per cent) have made at least one change to capitalise on this behavioural shift

The most common strategies are investing in staff training (31 per cent), increasing their physical presence at event venues to engage directly with attendees (29 per cent), and launching new products that provide customers with memorable experiences (27 per cent) Businesses that have taken action say those changes resulted in a median average revenue increase of 15 per cent

In the hospitality and leisure sector, 41 per cent are expanding the options for customers to personalise their experience to make the ser vice more memorable , for example par tnering with other local businesses to allow guests to build a personalised itinerar y based on their interests A similar propor tion (40 per cent) are hosting themed events and special nights to attract customers looking for unique experiences


Nine in 10 (93 per cent) hospitality, leisure and retail business leaders expect that the spor ting and cultural events coming up over the next few months will have a positive impact on their business They predict that spor ts events (37 per cent), food and drink events (36 per cent) and holidays and

The new figures come after Barclays Consumer Spend data

tainment and travel has risen by 6

Six in ten consumers (57 per cent) say they would rather spend money on a

ing material possessions, however, businesses will have to raise the bar during the summer period to keep consumers engaged, as a fifth of Brits (18 per cent) say they have higher expectations of experiences this year compared to previous years Half (50 per cent) of these consumers say that their standards are higher because the experiences they are going to are more in line with their passions and interests, and over a third (35 per cent) say that they expect better value for money as events cost more than they used to Rich Robinson, Head of Hospitality and Leisure at Barclays, said: “Brits are increasingly swapping shopping bags for shared moments and experiences now make a heavyweight contribution to the UK economy as a whole This trend is set to gather momentum as consumers look to splash out this summer on holidays live enter tainment and spor ts events, with retail, hospitality and leisure businesses ready to capitalise on this commercial oppor tunity

“Yet as experiences become even more central in consumers ’ lives, their expectations are set to soar even higher To stay ahead of the cur ve , retailers, hospitality and leisure businesses will need to continue to innovate , ensuring their products and offerings are not just a one-hit wonder but are special enough to keep crowds coming back for more ”

Harmonising Business Success - The Tunes

Powering The Most Popular Spots

Picture this: someone walks into your shop and music is playing softly in the background - but do they take note?

You might not think it, but that music is working behind the scenes to influence their purchasing behaviour Some studies suggest that music can even increase consumer spending by over 10%

Music should be on the agenda for any hospitality or retail business When used strategically, and in a carefully considered manner, the power of music can significantly influence consumer behaviour and create a brand identity


If music has been proven to have a psychological impact on customers, what does this mean in practice? When it comes to the hospitality sector, music can ser ve as a way to encourage customers to spend more time and money in your restaurant, bar or cafe

With the right playlist, going out for a meal can become about so much more than just the food It s clear that music can help people make connections, through the rise of music-specific dating apps like POM which matches people based on their playlists’ similarities, but music playing in a restaurant also has the ability to alter people’s mood and senses which can transform any occasion

Many establishments are capitalising on this already, with new data from music recognition technolog y company Audoo showing that restaurants often play music that shares an origin with the food that they ser ve; for example , a Greek restaurant has been seen to be playing over 70% Greek music

This connection between the senses means that going out for a meal can be transformed by way of music into a cultural experience or home comfor t in which customers are likely to become more engaged and stay for longer

Yet there are other examples of establishments doing the complete opposite: modern Indian restaurants are

playing a great mix of Anglo-American rock & pop and so it is clearly not a one size fits all approach but rather about paying close attention to what resonates with your par ticular customers


In addition to music s contribution to the creation of an experience , music is a powerful tool in forming a memorable brand identity Audoo’s Audio Meters have obser ved shops playing music that is related to the theme of their business, such as a cat café playing cat-themed instrumentals or an Abbey Road themed shop playing The Beatles & Pink Floyd Through music , a thematic link or psychological tie can be created, strengthening a definable and recognisable brand identity

However, it seems this isn’t the only way to build a brand through music Data from Audoo has picked up on a business location that plays death metal 23% of the time Whilst this may have no connection to the wares of the location of trade itself, it might reflect the owner ’ s interests and as a result, consumers are treated to a ver y unique and therefore memorable experience In this example music can help business owners stand out and have something wholly unique associated with them


Between March and May 2024, Audoo s global data has revealed that the most played songs in shop/ retail businesses were by Noah Kahan, Dua Lipa and Taylor Swift However, when comparing the top 100 songs in these premises to pubs/ bars, there was just a 28% overlap This shows that there is huge diversity in the music being played across different premises types, highlighting how not all businesses have the same sound and uniqueness of knowing customers regionally

When choosing the music to play on your premises, having access to data through music recognition technolog y can be ver y helpful, not only in allowing you to experiment with different genres and see how cer tain music might be impacting your customer’s behaviour, but in encouraging you to think carefully about the music being played empowering local teams to deliver their own unique sound

Putting the time and effor t into understanding what music works for your business should not be underestimated Music can be a powerful tool and by putting some thought into it (or not - play as much death metal as you like!) there is an oppor tunity to influence not just the perception of your business but the way your customers behave

Greene King Pub Partners Hits Five Nest Pubs Milestone

Winterhalter Gets Ready for the Top Ten Countdown to the 2024 KP of the Year

2024 sees Winterhalter celebrate the 10th Kitchen Por ter of the Year competition, which aims to recognise the amazing work so many kitchen por ters do to keep the UK’s foodser vice industr y in peak condition

Since it was first held in 2013 KPOTY has become one of the biggest and most prestigious awards in the industr y, and has been praised for its focus on the vital role kitchen por ters play in catering and foodser vice In many businesses KPs are the secret weapons of the kitchen, going above and beyond their standard duties to keep them running smoothly For many of the biggest names in the industr y the experience they gained during their time as KPs ser ved as the foundation to their future career

Over seven hundred nominations have been made over the previous nine competitions, representing all sectors of foodser vice , including the UK’s best hotels and restaurants, pubs bars and clubs, and institutional and contract caterers, demonstrating the importance of KPs throughout the industr y

“When we first came up with the idea for KP of the Year we had no idea that it would get the response it did ” says Stephen Kinkead Winterhalter UK’s managing director “It’s all about putting KPs and the work they do in the spotlight It’s humbling to read the nominations – learning about the dedication and effor t so many of them bring to their jobs is always inspiring

The KP of the Year 2024 will be awarded the prestigious KPOTY trophy, as well as

£1000 in vouchers and a celebrator y meal for friends and family in a casual dining restaurant of their choice Fur thermore , the winning KP’s employer will get a piece of Winterhalter equipment wor th up to £10,000

Along with this, three highly commended KPs will receive vouchers to hospitality experiences, and ever y nominee will get a bespoke KP of the Year apron designed by Oliver Hardy

“Over the years we ’ ve received nominations from a hugely diverse range of businesses ” says Stephen “For our tenth competition we ’ re looking forward to discovering more of the industr y ’

Campaign For Pubs Calls On Election Candidates To Pledge Support And Save Pubs

The Campaign for Pubs has launched #PledgeforPubs, asking candidates in the 2024 General Election to commit to suppor t and save pubs in the next Parliament by backing six key policies to stop unnecessar y pub closures and get pubs, publicans and small brewers through the current cost-of-living crisis

The six policies focus on much needed direct suppor t for pubs and publicans, in the form of an urgently needed energ y cap for businesses and a complete overhaul of the business rates system which penalises many pubs with the pub sector paying over half a million more than it should ever y year The Campaign for Pubs is also urging candidates and the next Government to review the level of VAT for hospitality and examine then implement Small Retailer’s Relief, changing the VAT system to introduce a lower rate of VAT for small independent business, with supermarkets and large chains paying the full rate

The Campaign is also asking for a change to the planning law to stop the cynical buying and selling of pubs for development, by introducing its Give Pubs Protection policy to give ever y historic pub a chance It means than no established pub of at least 50 years old or more can be conver ted or demolished until and unless it has been openly marketed at the independently assessed value as a pub for at least a year Currently pubs up and down the countr y are being sold off for development despite being viable and despite new owners wanting to buy them as a pub Unless the law changes, that will continue to happen The Campaign is then calling for a genuine community right to buy pubs, as par t of a reformed Localism Act, with the flawed and weak Asset of Community Value system overhauled for pubs, so it is properly focused and strengthened to actually allow communities to buy their pubs – something often prevented, even when communities have raised the funds to pay the asking price

The Campaign is also calling on the next Government to introduce a meaningful Pubs Code and genuine Market Rent Only option to deal with ongoing abuse of the beer tie Promises made to publicans and campaigners were broken when the Pubs Code legislation was watered down and neutered, denying thousands of tenants the right to go freeof-tie The Campaign is also calling for the tie to be banned for nonbreweries and to be restricted to beer brewed by brewer-owned pubs

The abuse of the tie has been a huge factor in thousands of pub closures over the last twenty years and the focus of Parliamentar y scrutiny, yet the current weak and flawed Pubs Code and ineffectual Pubs Code Adjudicator has failed to address this scandal contributing to fur ther pub closures

The Campaign for Pubs which also represents many UK small brewers is also calling for help to stop the raft of closures of small breweries In addition to a much needed energ y cap the Campaign wants to see a

long-overdue Competition and Markets Authority review of the UK beer and pub sector, to deal with the anti-competitive dominance of giant brewers and pubcos which is bad for small brewers bad for publicans bad for beer consumers and bad for communities


1. GIVE PUBS PROTECTION – give ever y longstanding/historic pub a chance to continue as a pub Stop the unnecessar y closure and predator y purchasing by ensuring all pubs 50 years or older have to be properly and openly marketed for a year at the independently assessed value as a pub before conversion or demolition is permitted

2 ENERGY CAP FOR BUSINESSES – including pubs and small brewers – with a turnover related taper and threshold to focus help on smaller businesses

3. FAIR TAX FOR PUBS – review and overhaul the unfair business rates system that penalises many pubs Also address the unfair disparity between physical and online businesses Review VAT for the entire hospitality sector and consider a Small Business VAT relief scheme to help smaller, independent businesses thrive alongside larger chain outlets

4 STOP THE PUBCO RIP-OFF AND THE ABUSE OF THE TIE – introduce the genuine Market Rent Only option i e the right for all tenants of the large pub companies to pay an independently assessed market rent with no supply ties and no other changes The tie should also be restricted to beer brewed by breweries who own pubs and only on their own beer

5 INTRODUCE A COMMUNITY RIGHT TO BUY – as well as the Give Pubs Protection policy, communities should be given a right to buy at the independently assessed market price where there is no commercial buyer as a pub Local authorities should also be given stronger powers and clearer guidance to compulsor y purchase pubs when current owners refuse to sell them as a pub


REVIEW of the UK beer and pub sector We need action to re-energise independent UK breweries, as Gordon Brown did with the original Small Brewers Duty Relief policy, by suppor ting a Competition and Markets Authority review of the UK beer and pub sector

Dawn Hopkins, Vice-Chair of the Campaign for Pubs and a publican in Norwich said: “Now is the time for election candidates of all par ties to make a commitment to pubs publicans and small brewers With 80 pubs a month closing, it cannot be denied any longer that pubs and publicans are not receiving the help and suppor t desperately needed There needs to be targeted help for to get through the cost of living

crisis, star ting with an energ y cap for businesses to deal with extor tionate energ y bills as well as a complete overhaul of business rates, to deal with the unfair way pubs are taxed The next Government must also reform the planning system, to stop the cynical buying and selling of pubs as development oppor tunities and to allow pubs to continue as a pub, where there is a buyer at the independently assessed value as a pub

“The next Government has the chance to not only put the brakes on closures but to see our pubs thrive , but only if it actually listens to publicans and campaigners and commits to our 6 pledges that will ensure our pubs, and the communities and ser vices they suppor t, will grow and flourish”

Paul Crossman Chair of the Campaign for Pubs and a publican in York said: “The Campaign for Pubs is calling on all election candidates to back the #PledgeforPubs and to commit to the key policies that will actually help pubs through the cost-of-living crisis and stop the unnecessar y closure and loss of viable pubs up and down the countr y

“We need a government that will act to end to the systematic corporate profiteering and wealth extraction that continues to afflict thousands of pubs across the UK, and that will put real planning protection in place to end the pillaging of our remaining precious national pub stock by rapacious developers whose only interest is a quick profit

“Our six pledges directly confront these issues and will help pubs to thrive on a fairer and more level playing field, for the good of ever y community”

Phil Saltonstall, brewer representative of the Campaign for Pubs and founder of Brass Castle Brewer y said: We call on election candidates to back pubs and small brewers to ensure that locally produced high quality beer, our national drink, is available in pubs in their area

It is no coincidence that as the pseudo-monopoly of six multinational brewers squeezes maximum profit from the UK beer industr y – aided by recent government policy – dozens of pubs and small domestic brewers are shutting down weekly We need to reestablish the successful pub/local supplier relationship that can drive growth rather than watch our beer industr y being asset stripped into offshore accounts

The UK is long overdue a Competition and Markets Authority review of our dysfunctional beer industr y Despite clear indications of reductions in consumer choice , closed/tied markets and the diminishment of UK pub stock, big beer lobbyists have successfully caused recent governments to ignore the problem of a ver tically integrated market and look the other way Powering-up our Great British beer industr y, so that it works for Britain, begins with a Competition and Markets Authority review

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5 Ways UK Venues Can Improve Their Marketing and Beat the Competition

There’s no escaping how difficult the last four years or so have been for the UK hospitality sector It has had to weather storms like no other, but we re hopeful that brighter times are on the horizon with signs the cost of living crisis is star ting to ease and in-person events on the up

Data from the VenueScanner platform shows an increase in corporate event spending over the last year and the 2024-2025 wedding boom is well and truly in full swing Summer par ty bookings are also on the up and businesses are already booking in their Christmas dos

So we know the demand for venues is there , yet tapping into this demand effectively is a challenge for venues because of the competitive nature of the hospitality sector This means it’s more crucial than ever for venues to adopt marketing strategies that enhance visibility engage audiences, and drive bookings

Here are five key ways venues can significantly improve their marketing effor ts this summer :


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is no longer optional; it s a necessity A robust SEO strateg y ensures that your venue appears at the top of search results when potential customers are looking for your kind of event space

Why SEO matters:

Increased visibility: The majority of users do not look past the first page of search results and the right SEO strateg y will help you secure a spot on this coveted first page

Targeted traffic: By optimising your site for search terms relevant to your offering (e g , “wedding venue in London” or “conference hall Manchester”), you will attract visitors actively looking for what you offer, ready to book

Cost-effectiveness: Compared to traditional adver tising or expensive Google ads, SEO provides long-term benefits without the recurring and often high costs associated with adver tising

Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find high-traffic keywords relevant to your venue and be sure to regularly update your website with high-quality content including blog posts about event planning tips customer testimonials and case studies And don’t forget to ensure your website is mobile-friendly fastloading, and has a clean URL structure!


A strategic approach to social media will dramatically increase your venue s reach and engagement

Why social media matters:

Direct engagement: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok allow you to engage directly with your audience , answer questions, and build relationships with the people that matter the most - your customers

Visual appeal: You can showcase your space , events, and atmosphere through high-quality images and videos, helping you stand out from the crowd

Adver tising: Social media ads can be highly targeted, enabling you to reach specific demographics effectively, at reasonable cost

Plan your posts in advance to ensure a consistent presence and include a mix of behind-the-scenes content, event highlights, client testimonials, and promotional offers Be sure to respond to comments and messages promptly and engage with your audience through polls, Q&A sessions, and user-generated content Use insights from social media platforms to understand what content performs best and adjust your strateg y accordingly


Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to communicate with your audience It s personal, direct, and can yield significant returns if done correctly

Why email marketing matters:

Personalised communication: Emails can be tailored to individual recipients, making the communication more personal and relevant, something that, in the age of personalisation in which we live , is more crucial than ever

High ROI: Email marketing is low cost and when accompanied by the right content, can deliver a high return on investment compared to other marketing channels

Customer retention: Regular newsletters and offers keep your venue top-of-mind for past customers and encourage repeat business

Be sure to use sign-up forms on your website and at events to collect email addresses and then create different lists based on criteria like past events, preferences, and engagement levels And most impor tantly, provide useful content such as event planning tips, special offers, and updates about your venue to keep them engaged


Customers don’t look at what a venue is saying about themselves before making a decision about where to book, they seek out recommendations from friends and family and other customer reviews online And so reviews are hugely impor tant and can really influence potential customers decisions because positive reviews build credibility and trust

Why reviews matter :

Social proof: Prospective customers are more likely to trust a venue with positive reviews

SEO benefits: Reviews can improve your local SEO, helping your venue appear in local search results

Feedback loop: Reviews provide valuable feedback that can help you improve your ser vices

Always ask happy customers to leave reviews on Google and on social media Address both positive and negative reviews professionally - show appreciation for positive feedback and seek to resolve issues mentioned in negative reviews And don’t forget to feature glowing testimonials on your website , on your social channels and in all other marketing materials!


Influencer marketing can amplify your reach and bring your venue to the attention of much broader audiences

Why influencers matter :

Trust and authenticity: Influencers have built trust with their followers making their recommendations highly influential

Targeted reach: Par tnering with local influencers allows you to target specific demographics more effectively

Content creation: Influencers can create high-quality content that showcases your venue from different perspectives

Look for influencers who align with your brand and have a following that matches your target audience and then develop genuine relationships with them Offer them a tour of your venue or a free event experience in exchange for coverage and then track the results of your influencer par tnerships to understand their impact and refine your approach

By integrating these strategies, UK venues can enhance their marketing effor ts, attract more customers, and ultimately stand out in what is a ver y competitive market Investing in SEO, leveraging social media, using email marketing, encouraging online reviews, and par tnering with influencers are all powerful tools that can drive significant growth and long term success

Energy for Rural Hospitality Businesses

Fan-Tastic Stays: How European Hotels Can Score Big With Sports Fans This Summer


It’s the summer of spor t! Research from Medallia has revealed that more than 70 percent of respondents plan to travel abroad this summer, and with the Olympics drawing huge crowds in Paris, and the Euros attracting football fans in Germany, this summer can ser ve as a catalyst for Europe’s hospitality sector Crucially, European hotels have a huge oppor tunity to create the best fan experiences possible , to foster long term loyalty for future bookings

Whilst hotels may be preparing their stays to simply accommodate as many spor ts fans as possible during the events, it’s imperative that they look towards the bigger picture and inspire guests to keep them top of mind for future bookings To achieve this, hotels must focus on personalisation, convenience , and avoiding common customer experience pitfalls Here s how hotels can ensure guests return long after the final whistle:

Personalisation is the key to creating memorable guest experiences Fans travelling for the Euros and the Olympics this summer will be seeking unique , tailored experiences that resonate with their passion for spor ts

Providing a personalised guest experience can manifest itself in many ways For example , according to Medallia research, over 50 percent of travellers sur veyed said that they want travel and hospitality companies to provide them with communications that take into account what they already know about them, such as information about where they have travelled in the past

Moreover, hotels can achieve great personalisation by delivering targeted marketing messages and offering customised ser vices related to the purpose of their guests’ travel both before and during their stay Alternatively this could include offering complimentar y late checkouts for guests attending evening events or suggesting additional ride ser vices to and from their venue for added convenience Small touches such as these send a strong message about customer-centricity


Convenience and quality are non-negotiable for guests In fact, Medallia’s research revealed that almost 70 percent of travellers would choose par ticular places to stay this summer based on the quality of customer ser vice they expect to receive

Hotels can incite loyalty in guests by avoiding customer experience (CX) pitfalls that can occur within a given stay Not considering – and acting upon – guest feedback is one common issue Hotels will be able to welcome waves of customers across the summer, and it is essential that staff pay attention to the feedback that guests offer and implement this in future stays Similarly, managerial staff must address emerging customer concerns in real time or with minimal delay This agility is key to demonstrating that CX is truly a priority for ever yone in the organisation – something that’s wor th returning for!

It’s also impor tant to collect data from the right sources to inform guest experiences The most effective way in which to do this is through omnichannel feedback This doesn’t just mean sur veys Indeed, direct customer feedback is not the only form of data impor tant to hotels They can also collect indirect feedback such as social media data (i e likes on a post) employee feedback and inferred feedback such as clickstream data and conversion rates When collected and analysed centrally, these sources of feedback can give hotels a holistic view of a guest s experience


Hotels can provide the best possible stays for fans this summer by utilising modern CX tools In par ticular, customer journey orchestration can join otherwise siloed insights from guest interactions, touchpoints and channels to create personalised and coherent end-to-end experiences

With this 360-degree view of customer journeys and the ability to surface relevant insights for the right teams, at the right time , hotels can create personalised experiences and deliver high-quality ser vice Complementing this, tools such as real-time messaging can fur ther enhance convenience by providing a direct line to instant suppor t, ser vice requests, and event updates and notifications

European hotels have an unmissable chance to create unforgettable experiences for spor ts fans this summer The biggest winners of the season will be those that focus on boosting guest satisfaction and encouraging repeat visits When done well personalisation will help hoteliers build loyalty and keep revenue growing long after the closing ceremonies

Craft Guild Of Chefs Celebrates Its 30th Awards

Tartan Army Boosts Scottish Hospitality Sales By A Third

The ‘Karaoke Room Effect’:

Academic Research into UK Hospitality

Venues Reveals Financial Benefits of Giving Customers the Opportunity to Sing

British bars and restaurants installing karaoke systems experience a 12 2% increase in ROA, according to research by Finland’s Aalto University Finland’s Aalto University (www aalto fi/en) has under taken the first ever research project into the financial impact of karaoke rooms within UK bars, restaurants, and other hospitality venues At a time when the UK hospitality industr y is under increasing pressure (over 6,000 hospitality venues closing their doors between December 2022 - December 2023, according to data from CGA by NIQ and AlixPar tners), the findings present a potential silver bullet for the sector : the study of 53 UK venues during 2018-2022 revealing venues with karaoke experienced a 12 2% increase in return on assets (ROA) when compared to a control group without THE KARAOKE ROOM EFFECT - KEY FINDINGS FROM AALTO UNIVERSITY STUDY, AND ADDITIONAL RESEARCH

The research was commissioned by Singa (www singa com/business), the Finnish star tup revolutionising the karaoke industr y by providing innovative , professional karaoke software that gives venues access to a fully licensed song catalogue (frequently updated to add new hits), and customisable display and room management capabilities Singa currently provides professional karaoke tech and business consultancy to well-known UK hospitality venues such as Boom Battle Bar and Roxy Leisure (both of which featured in the analysis) Singa asked Aalto University researcher Ngoc Anh Pham to explore the impact of karaoke rooms on financial performance in UK hospitality venues Aalto University is the leading university in Finland and created through the merger of Helsinki University of Technolog y Helsinki School of Economics and the University of Ar t and Design Helsinki in 2010, is in the top universities for business and economics worldwide The study reveals a 12 2% increase in ROA for venues with karaoke compared to those with no such facilities (ROA measures how effectively a business uses its assets to create profit) In addition to booking fees, additional revenue is shown to be created through attracting a new customer base and a corresponding uptick on beverage , snack, and other purchases

The benefit to the business is not only financial, but has a positive experiential impact on patrons and customers who are able to enjoy an engaging and fun social activity with friends, increasing likelihood of return

The Aalto University insights suppor t the findings of European research conducted by Singa In spring 2018, Singa analysed 37 European venues, finding that karaoke resulted in a 31% increase in the number of customers, alongside a 35% increase in average customer spend In those venues that hosted occasional karaoke nights, a 42% increase in average customer spend during these special events (2-4 times a month) was obser ved

The business benefits of a karaoke room can also be viewed in light of the current trend towards experiences, including ‘competitive socialising’

According to research from Savills published in November 2023, the competitive socialising sector has grown at “unparalleled levels” over the past five years (with a 38% increase in competitive socialising venues since 2015) This reflects a growing trend amongst Gen Z and Millennials for favouring defined experiences over ‘things’, and with sobriety or drinking less becoming more popular for Gen Z (the sober curious generation ), venues which offer alternative enter tainment options are increasingly appealing to previously underser ved customer groups Competitive socialising is not a new concept - dar ts or pool being a mainstay of UK venues for centuries - but new options are increasingly sophisticated and often tech-enhanced

To fur ther demonstrate the interest in competitive socialising - and karaoke in par ticular - UK Google Trends data shows a marked volume increase in searches for ‘karaoke room ’ , with interest (measured by Google searches) more than doubling over the last five years (analysed up to Februar y 2024)

Atte Hujanen, Co-Founder and CEO at Singa, comments: “Our research confirms that Britons want escapism through song Anecdotally I have always known that karaoke brings a huge benefit to hospitality businesses through the joy it brings, but for the first time the positive business impact to British venues can be quantified Hospitality as an industr y has faced serious challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic and more recently the cost of living crisis in the UK, and it’s clear that karaoke can help venues adapt and continue to thrive by offering local communities additional fun, social experiences ”

Multiple Operators Take On Third Pub With Greene

King After £170,000 Investment

The UK’s biggest RTD brand in the on-trade categor y*, VK, is entering the alcohol-free market for the first time with the launch of ‘VK Blue 0 0%’

The launch comes following shifting market dynamics and consumer behaviours, which have seen low and no-alcohol products become the fastest-growing categor y in the ontrade sector in the last year, according to Neilson (NIQ) data

To suppor t its development, VK commissioned research among students in key university towns across the UK, in a bid to better understand evolving drinking habits within the 1824 age demographic

The findings reveal nearly half (49%) of students now consume less alcohol compared to the previous year, with 32% intending to fur ther reduce their intake in the coming months

The primar y motivation for 79% is a focus on mindful socialising and connecting with only 6% driven by the ‘buzz’ of alcohol

VK Zero maintains the signature fruity flavour profile synonymous with VK Blue but with 0% alcohol content, providing a more inclusive option by appealing to those looking to reduce their alcohol consumption or abstain

Unlike many competing brands in the categor y, VK Blue 0 0% offers an added caffeine boost (32mg per 100ml, similar to standard energ y drinks), ensuring consumers stay energised throughout

their night

Craig Chapman, spokesperson at VK, explains: "We

Increasing Revenue Through Permitted Development

Romans Group) -

As the summer approaches it’s wor th giving some thought to how best to maximise profits at what is traditionally a ver y popular time of year for bars and pubs – especially those with good-sized outdoor spaces


Led by changes to the planning system introduced during the pandemic but since made permanent, there’s a great range of oppor tunities to utilise outdoor space , whatever the weather and with little cost or inconvenience

Under Class G of The Town and Countr y Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) (No 3) Order 2021 operators of pubs bars hotels and restaurants can significantly increase footfall and thereby profits by erecting a temporar y shelter such as a goalpost awning, marquee or gazebo on their premises This can provide patrons protection from both the sun and the rain as well as establishing a more versatile external space As a result, popular spor ts matches, large wedding par ties and a variety of other events can attract greater numbers of patrons for hospitality venues


The legislation surrounding Permitted Development Rights (PDR) is much misunderstood PDR is best known for change of use within the built environment – which, in the case of conversions from offices to residential has sparked some controversial headlines PDR can also enable homeowners to add a (size-limited) extension without the need for a full planning application subject to satisfying cer tain criteria Unfor tunately the latter does not extend to pubs and restaurants

However it is impor tant to recognise that whilst the oppor tunities relating to the hospitality industr y are more limited, they can still be extremely beneficial from an operational perspective , par ticularly in terms of making more efficient use of external space

If, for example , your pub had capacity for 100 people and you were able to increase the space to accommodate a fur ther 50, you could theoretically increase your profits by 50% In turn this could help facilitate greater variety in the food and drink offered, and quality of enter tainment on site to attract passing customers thereby generating additional revenue LIMITATIONS

New structures are allowed under PDR, but must be temporar y in nature – by which the legislation requires it to be ‘moveable’ This is commonly achieved by anchoring using a series of weighted planters to the new structure , to provide sufficient suppor t while technically the building is moveable (whether by man or machine)

The legislation dictates the structure must be under 3 metres high with a maximum footprint of 50 square metres or no more than 50% of the size of the existing building, whichever is smaller Fur thermore , it must be a minimum of 2 metres away from any residential boundar y and can not be for the purposes of displaying an adver tisement

Unfor tunately for historic pubs there are exemptions in the case of statutor y listed buildings and scheduled monuments (and those deemed to be within their respective cur tilages) but not locally listed buildings


Planter-anchored ‘butterfly’ awnings are becoming increasingly popular These are permissible under PDR because they can be retracted A dining ‘pod’, however, assuming it requires foundations, is not A food van is permissible because it can be driven or towed away; but a kiosk with concrete foundations is not Also bear in mind that although the allowance for new space , at 50% of the existing space or 50 square metres is quite generous this must be accommodated within a single structure – so for this reason operators tend to favour butterfly awnings or similar structures which are capable of accommodating up to 50 people


Although the changes described above can technically be exercised without obtaining formal planning consent, from a commercial standpoint there are significant benefits of submitting an application to secure a Cer tificate of Lawful Development The main benefit is that a Cer tificate of Lawful Development reduces the prospect of any enforcement action being taken by the local planning authority, whilst also providing sufficient comfor t that the structure is legally compliant with the relevant legislation - which is par ticularly impor tant when it comes to any acquisitions or disposals of assets

In terms of the application process, although delays are commonplace throughout the planning system, the process of applying for a Cer tificate of Lawful Development has been streamlined recently This means there are only a limited number of key considerations able to be taken into account and in line with government guidance , the statutor y timescale for a decision is now eight weeks

At Boyer we have prepared, submitted and managed these types of applications for many hospitality clients, using secure consent for Cer tificates of Lawful Development for their peace of mind We’ve seen many times over what a great oppor tunity this presents in increasing revenue at ver y little expense

CASE STUDY: The Red Lion, Oxford (Mitchells and Butlers).

The Red Lion is located within Oxford’s Central Conser vation Area and has a small rear beer garden Boyer was instructed to facilitate a more usable rear space

Boyer provided a two-step approach firstly gaining planning approval for the maximum external covered areas allowed following detailed discussions with the case officer Secondly, using permitted development rights and the Cer tificate of Lawful Development to provide an additional 50 square metres of ser viceable space , using a butterfly awning which is in accordance with Class G of the of The Town and Countr y Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) (No 3) Order 2021

The change unlocked significantly more covered space , which can be used all year round to the benefit of the pub’s customers and profits

FE A Launches First Expansion Module For Foodservice Carbon Professional Course

The Foodser vice Equipment Association (FEA) has launched a refrigeration module for the Foodser vice Carbon Professional course This complements the core FCP course , which explains the science of climate change , what the government is tr ying to do about it through legislation, and how this applies to the foodser vice sector as well as how equipment can play a significant role in improving sustainability

The module’s digital launch, on June 24 2024, was led by Dr Samantha Mudie , who completed a doctorate in energ y reduction in commercial kitchens and has worked with FEA to curate FCP course content Her groundbreaking research showcased how energ y efficient kitchens of the future may be specified, as well as highlighting many current oppor tunities

The module will allow course par ticipants to gain specialised information about refrigeration equipment and how to choose and use them to minimise their environmental impact Students will learn the histor y of refrigeration equipment, how it is being improved with technological advances, and relevant legislation and standards that cover its commercial use They will also learn how to specify, operate , monitor, and maintain refrigeration equipment to minimise its environmental impact throughout its working life FEA developed the FCP course in association with Hospitality Energ y Saving to provide the whole foodser vice industr y, from manufacturers and suppliers to operators, with the skills they need to identify sustainable equipment and explain why it is good to pick it

“The FCP course gives people working in all par ts of foodser vice the knowledge to address the energ y challenges and demands for improved sustainability the industr y is facing,” says Paul Anderson, chair of FEA

We are developing

NTIA Consumer Survey: 44% Say Labour Stands Out As Most Supportive Of Nightlife

ing the effect of the UK s cost of living crisis on nightlife

• 37% indicated that lower drink prices would encourage them to go out more frequently, with better late-night transpor t cited by 23%


• Dining out is the most popular activity (55%), especially among those over 30 (65%) Younger respondents favour going to the cinema, playing spor ts, and attending nightclubs


• 44% of respondents believe Labour is the most suppor tive par ty for nightlife and culture significantly higher than the Conser vatives at 11% A substantial number of respondents indicated that no political par ty has a specific policy for hospitality and nightlife

Michael Kill CEO of NTIA stated: “The recent data from our Consumer Insight Sur vey debunks the narrative around shifting consumer habits Instead, it highlights the significant impact of current economic conditions, par ticularly the reduced disposable income among young people ”

between social and cultural event attendance

• 76% felt impacted by the inability to go out during the COVID-19 pandemic , a sentiment consistent across all age groups and regions


• 52% of respondents cited changes in financial circumstances as impacting how often they go out, highlight-

The findings vividly underscore the essential role of nightlife and cultural activities in our communities, especially for younger generations Financial constraints and inadequate late-night transpor t are major barriers preventing full enjoyment of these enriching experiences ”

“While there is an overwhelming perception that the Labour Par ty is more suppor tive of the sector, dedicated policies across the political spectrum are urgently needed ”

“This sur vey ser ves as a clear message to policymakers, urging them to recognise nightlife’s pivotal economic and societal role We are urging political par ties to address the lack of detailed sector pledges in their manifestos prior to the election, as underscored by the sur vey findings ”

Newly Launched Commercial Management Programme

Set To Elevate Restaurant Managers’ Commercial Acumen

CAMRA Supports Labour’s Plans

to End ‘Decline’ of British Pubs

The AVL A Licence – A Legal Requirement

When travellers check in at a proper ty, they expect a cer tain level of comfor t and enter tainment Television is indispensable While some may argue that TV is dying in the age of streaming and on-demand content, in reality it remains essential, especially in the UK Television still holds great value for the hospitality industr y

However, with the convenience and benefits of offering television come certain responsibilities par ticularly respecting copyright laws Hoteliers must ensure they have the necessar y licences to broadcast content legally

The AVLA licence enables hotels, apar thotels, B&Bs and similar establishments to legally display in public TV channels containing audiovisual works (films, series, documentaries, car toons and other TV shows) from AVLA’s extensive reper toire It covers TVs in bedrooms and in communal areas of the premises (e g in a hotel’s restaurant, bar, etc ) Operating without a licence constitutes a legal infringement of the rights of AVLA’s creatives

AVLA represents the UK largest and most varied community of audiovisual creators, comprising various categories of rightsholders: producers, authors, performers, directors, and visual ar tists The AVLA licence covers an immense catalogue of works and rights not covered by other licensors For clarity, the AVLA licence does not replace the licences of other entities, and vice-versa

Respecting copyright law is crucial not only to avoid legal or reputational risks, but also to suppor t the UK’s world-class creative industries So, by taking an AVLA licence , hotels are securing legal compliance and demonstrating their commitment to ethical business practices, while also helping to sustain and suppor t the creative individuals and businesses working hard to produce the TV and film content that is so valued by their customers

To learn more about AVLA and get the licence , visit www avla uk AVLA offers a

Deliveries Soar for Restaurant Groups In May

As Weather Keeps Some Consumers At Home

Britain’s Best-Looking Pubs Revealed


in design and conser vation This year there are three winners two highly commended and three commended pubs across different categories ranging from refurbishment to new build These include: Historic England Conser vation Award – This award is given for work which conser ves the pub s architectural features, whilst updating its facilities


ABOVE) – A full conser vation and refurbishment of the interior of this iconic Grade II* listed Edwardian pub has undone years of poor care under the previous management The judges were impressed with the high quality of the restoration which has brought the building back to life as a spectacular example of historic pub design and craftsmanship

New Build: This categor y assesses newly built pubs in 2023 Hall & Woodhouse Taplow, Buckinghamshire (Highly Commended) – The new Hall & Woodhouse pub is located by the River Thames, with an expansive outdoor terrace that provides wonderful views over the local landscape The two-storey state-of-the-ar t building features striking architecture that complements the surrounding environment The judges were par ticularly impressed by the exterior which draws on design themes taken from the sheds and warehouses associated with riverside locations

CONVERSION TO PUB USE AWARD: This categor y rewards outstanding conversions of buildings which were originally built for other uses and have now been transformed into a pub bod Alsager, Cheshire East (Winner) – Previously a former solicitors’ office , Titanic Brewer y ’ s latest café bar features extensive use of recycled and re-purposed materials, conver ting the original internal doors into the frontage of a bespoke bar and a chandelier made from Titanic beer bottles Judges also praised the new light and air y conser vator y which supplies a ‘ wow ’ factor to the bar Refurbishment: This award is given for the best refurbishment of an existing pub building, this can range from a complete gutting and replacement, to enhancing the design of what was originally in the pub KINGS ARMS, ELHAM (WINNER) – This ancient inn, which has been par t of the social life of

the village for centuries, has under taken a creative makeover which has enhanced the atmosphere of the building The total internal and external renovation and remodelling has resulted a warm welcoming and contemporar y environment Judges commented that the pub is “A lovely place for a drink or a meal”

CROWN, CHISLEHURST (HIGHLY COMMENDED) –The Crown, which dates back to 1874, underwent a major 12-week renovation, with care taken to retain its unique character while introducing a more modern look and feel An impressive central ser ver y and a light and air y oranger y leading out into the remodelled garden area are features of what is now a ver y contemporar y interior

BELL, TRING (COMMENDED) – The 17th centur y coaching inn received a sensitive redesign and redecoration to give it a contemporar y feel while enhancing its historic features

SHEEP & PENGUIN, WELLS (COMMENDED) – Having been closed for years and in a near-derelict condition, the pub (previously known as the Mermaid) appeared highly unlikely to ever reopen A complete restoration has breathed new life into the Sheep & Penguin transforming it from an eyesore into a building that makes a positive contribution to the city’s streetscape The judges described it as “ a bright and welcoming place for a drink or a meal”

Community Local – This categor y is reser ved for outstanding refurbished street-corner locals

Pipe Makers Arms, Broseley (Commended) – A quality refurbishment of a pub which provides attractive facilities for a range of community groups and activities

C AMRA will be celebrating with a presentation event, which is open to the press, at The Vines in Liverpool L1 1JQ on Wednesday 19 June from 2:30pm

Chair of the Pub Design Awards judging panel, Andrew Davison, said: “Once again, the Pub Design Awards’ judges have had a hard job in selecting the winners from the entries submitted Despite the pressures the hospitality industr y is under, we are pleased to repor t that people are still prepared to invest time , money, and resources into conser ving their buildings and upgrading them to meet the latest challenges ”

“Our Pub Design Awards recognise the high standards of flair and imagination which have gone into these projects and the ambitious craftsmanship involved in the repair and conser vation work Despite ever ything thrown at it, we believe that the pub has a key role to play in our communities, and that it will continue to flourish as an institution The high quality of the entries for these Awards provides evidence to suppor t that belief

Bar Operator Nightcap Prepares to Go Private

BBPA Releases 2024 Guide for Publicans

The BBPA has published its latest cost benchmarking guide for publicans and all industr y stakeholders wishing to understand the breakdown of pub operating costs and is available for free on the BBPA website in the policy campaigns > pub operations tab here - https://beerandpub com/policy-campaigns/pub-operations/

Business plans and the negotiations over leases and tenancies in the UK pub trade should be as well-informed as possible This industr y-leading guide provides the latest data for business par tners on typical operating costs for running a pub

This repor t represents the best available 2023 data from BBPA member companies on the costs of running a tenanted and leased sector pub It is a vital reference tool for anyone running a tenanted and leased pub or thinking of doing so, giving examples of different trading models in terms of turnover and sales mix, providing both averages and

ranges recognising the variations that will exist for any individual pub and across different par ts of the countr y

Emma McClarkin, CEO of BBPA commented: We are delighted to publish our latest cost benchmarking repor t today which we know is a widely used repor t across the industr y and is a vital component to understanding the breakdown of leased and tenanted pub operating costs today

With the challenges the sector continues to face across a number of fronts, robust data and insight is more impor tant than ever and this repor t provides impor tant analysis across the key operating costs for various tenanted and leased pub models, to suppor t business par tners at this time”

Forty Chefs In The Running To Be Crowned National Chef Of The Year

Today the Craft Guild of Chefs has unveiled the for ty talented chefs who have made the top spots in the first round of the prestigious National Chef of the Year competition Following a huge amount of interest in this year s much sought-after title , the judges have praised the overall standard of entries with a shout out for the impressive level of chocolate desser ts this year Other themes spotted by the judges included a strong focus on provenance , sourcing, and food waste Judges were inspired reading the many stories about why the dish was chosen or how it represents the chef

To ensure a fair and unbiased approach, all the entries are judged anonymously as competitor names and places of work are hidden prior to the exper ts seeing each entr y There are separate judging teams for star ter main course and desser t and another team viewing the whole menu for overall balance Once the marks are submitted, scores are reviewed in a deliberation meeting before any names are revealed to the judges

Over the next few weeks, the chefs must create an amuse-bouche or pre-desser t with the theme ‘A taste of summer using seasonal ingredients Chefs should bring this to life with a stor y of a personal food hero It could be an inspirational chef, family member, mentor or industr y personality that has inspired this dish

Matt Abé, chef patron at Restaurant Gordon Ramsay said: “In my first year as Chair of judges I have loved seeing and scoring ever y single dish put forward by the competitors It’s an honour to lead the judging team for such a prestigious culinar y title Generally, the standard has been ver y strong, and we already know that whittling them down from 40 to ten is going to be a challenge My advice for this next stage is to really focus on telling us your own personal stor y so as judges we understand the creative thinking behind your dishes ” Competition director and food innovation & sustainability director at Sodexo UK and Ireland, David Mulcahy added: “There were some highly creative styles of cooking in this first round, and it was fantastic to see chefs enter from a wide variety of sectors and backgrounds A significant number of dishes had par ticularly elegant presentation with a great deal of workmanship and style Having judged this competition for many years I feel that I have seen more creativity and innovation in the menus this year and I am already excited to see what s presented in the next stage

A new panel of exper ts will score the semi-finals alongside Matt Abé and results from both rounds will be considered when selecting the finalists to ensure a rigorous and robust judging process

Craft Beer Brand To Introduce In-Pub Mental Health First Aid Qualification

People’s Captain are developing an industr y-first Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) qualification specifically for the challenges and needs of publicans and their teams in conjunction with MHFA England

And as the craft beer brand continues to implement change and make a difference across this space they have teamed up with their strategic par tners Punch Pubs & Co to help devise the in-pub qualification alongside Publicans and Management Par tners (MPs) who will be helping to pioneer the programme

Through the social power of craft beer, award-winning brand People’s Captain has been helping to bring people across towns, cities and rural areas together to talk about the impor tance of mental health and well-being for numerous years

Its founder and former rugby union professional, Greg Bateman, is a huge advocate for mental health and well-being, which through his own personal experiences is what led to the creation of the unique craft beer brand with a difference

As one of Punch’s key strategic par tners, People’s Captain perfectly complements the company ’ s ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) strateg y (Punch Promise) Punch is committed to Doing Well, By Doing Good – improving lives and communities with pubs at their hear t, and their par tnership with People’s Captain does just that; combining the power of great tasting beer and the local pub to bring people together

Speaking on behalf of their par tnership Greg said: “Some of our most meaningful conversations happen over

a pint, and with Punch’s commitment to ensure pubs remain at the ver y hear t of the community our joint values perfectly align with the impact that People’s Captain is making

“More than that the vision is that the amazing people behind bars around the countr y can be frontline suppor t for the villages towns and cities they ser ve , but we need to give them the skills to look after themselves and their teams in the first instance

“This has been a project in the making for some-time and it speaks volumes of Punch s commitment to help us develop this qualification for the industr y, by being

UK Hotel Profits Return To Pre-Pandemic Levels During Hottest May On Record

NTIA Challenges Political Parties: What Will You Do For Nightlife?

The Night Time Industries Associate has offered a challenge to the UK's political par ties

Michael Kill CEO of the NTIA stated:

“The night time economy has suffered irreparable damage throughout the pandemic and now due to the cost of living crisis We have advocated for a ground zero moment an oppor tunity to create a foundation that will allow businesses to recover and return to prepandemic trading conditions

The NTIA s Darkest Before the Dawn manifesto has been shared with thousands of politicians across the UK It contains for ty four clear industr y driven requests to electoral candidates, and aims to provide direction and a strateg y for the incoming government to hit the ground running ”

“Over the course of the last week, we have seen a considerable amount of broad brush commitments within manifestos released by all political par ties and have been somewhat frustrated by the lack of detail and substance ”

“All have highlighted the commitment to the reevaluation of sector specific business rates, intimated that there would be a continuation of the alcohol duty freeze , but no shor t term VAT reduction ”

“So it is encouraging to see that the Conser vatives have listened to our recent call for more detail, and

The Rising Sun reopened to welcome the Reading community through its doors following an extensive multi million pound refurbishment The team at The Rising Sun will be led by General Manager Ben Donald and Head Chef Ravi Patel who bring with them a wealth

adopted some of our key asks from the NTIA manifesto ”

“One of our primar y manifesto requests is to shift depar tmental responsibility from regulator y control under the Home Office to the Depar tment for Digital, Culture , Media and Spor t (DCMS), alongside appointing a dedicated minister for the night time economy This minister would be responsible for developing a centralised strateg y to influence national and local policy ”

It is without doubt we need the new government to re-evaluate our licensing and planning systems, removing red tape and unnecessar y regulator y burdens and moving towards a system that is propor tionate fair and consistent ”

“They need to work towards suppor ting and protecting cultural spaces across the night time economy, the breeding ground of new talent and ar tists who are the foundation of our cultural tapestr y These spaces should have the same consideration as galleries, castles, museums and theatres under a cultural protection scheme , beginning with the push for “Agent of Change” principle to become primar y legislation ”

“It is clear that this is only a star t and that the industr y needs these commitments and more

“I would ask all political par ties not to underestimate the soft power we represent Our industr y generates over £136 billion in annual revenue , employs over 2 million people , and is one of the largest employers of individuals under 30, with millions attending our events and venues each year

“Our call to all political par ties in the race to represent your respective regions in government is clear : What will you do for nightlife?”

‘Much-Needed’ Night-time Economy Review To Cut Red Tape

“This review would complement my recommendation as chair of London’s Night Time Commission to develop a holistic approach between government local authorities and regulator y bodies to

Sodexo Volunteers Put In Over 500 Hours To Support SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity

Sodexo employees through the Stop Hunger Foundation are suppor ting the armed forces community through volunteering activities to help SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, provide valuable aid to ser vice personnel, veterans and their families

Earlier this month Sodexo’s Stop Hunger Foundation arranged volunteering oppor tunities with long-standing charity par tner, SSAFA, at seven locations across the UK and Cyprus for Sodexo’s employees and for volunteers from its supply par tners and client organisations

Over one week, National Volunteers Week (3-9 June), around 92 volunteers put in 525 hours suppor t though a volunteering drive organised between SSAFA and Sodexo Stop Hunger The volunteers helped with gardening, well-being workshops, painting, and handing out leaflets Around 780 SSAFA members benefitted from the help of the volunteers in the one week alone Terrie housing manager from SSAFA’s Stepping Stone Home said: “The work of the volunteers is nothing shor t of incredible Painting the fences has helped us provide a safe and welcoming environment for our beneficiaries who desperately need it

Last year marked a milestone in the par tnership with the total funding donated from Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation to SSAFA reaching £500,000 The annual donation from the Stop Hunger Foundation suppor ts SSAFA s Homelessness Fund, providing funding for the urgent welfare provision to those most in need from the armed forces community, particularly veterans and their families across all three ser vices Grants from the fund are also a vital resource for vol Sir Andrew Gregor y, CEO of SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity said: “SSAFA is delighted to maintain its long-standing relationship with Sodexo and the Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation a relationship that makes a real and practical difference

In addition to this special volunteering drive around 70 Sodexo employees will be par ticipating in SSAFA’s 13 Bridges Challenge , an annual fundraising event held in London covering the city s iconic bridges on 29 June , Armed Forces Day Some par ticipants will be taking par t in the 10-mile walk vir tually, however all will be raising valuable funds for SSAFA Gareth John, European Director of Sodexo Legal Affairs and Chair of the Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation said: “Sadly veterans are more likely to face food insecurity This is why Stop Hunger has been a par tner to SSAFA since 2008, suppor ting the provision of urgent welfare – financial, practical and emotional – to those most in need from the armed forces community, in par ticular veterans and their families through SSAFA’s Stop Hunger Homelessness Fund Volunteering plays an impor tant role in our par tnership with SSAFA so it was an honour to provide oppor tunities for our colleagues clients and suppliers for our annual volunteering drive ”

Sodexo is the founding par tner of the Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation In the UK & Ireland the Foundation’s (a UK registered charity) mission is to act sustainably to fight food insecurity and complement Sodexo s Social Impact pledge

BBPA Welcomes Labour’s Pledge to Support Industry

Cleaning and Hygiene


of Sport: A Golden Opportunity for the UK Hospitality


But Don’t Forget the Importance of Cleanliness & Hygiene

on-trade sector

siasts and the UK hospitality and

lineup that includes the Euros, the Olympics, Wimbledon, and a


of motor spor ts events, pubs, bars, and restaurants are preparing for a surge in footfall This period is not just an oppor tunity for social gatherings and celebrations but also a significant revenue driver For instance the Euros alone are expected to see a staggering extra 20 million pints sold during the tournament, compared to normal sales levels

However, with great oppor tunities come great responsibilities, par ticularly in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene As spor ts fans gather in large numbers, the potential for premises to become untidy and unhygienic increases Establishments must be prepared to manage this influx effectively ensuring that their venues remain appealing and safe for all customers


The financial implications of these events are monumental The Euros, in par ticular, are anticipated to be a major draw for patrons The predicted sale of 300 million pints underscores the vital role that pubs and bars play in bringing people together to enjoy live spor ts The economic boost from these sales estimated to be up to £1 4 billion highlights the importance of the on-trade sector to the UK economy This influx of patrons provides a unique oppor tunity for establishments to not only increase their sales but also to enhance their reputation and customer loyalty


With increased footfall comes the challenge of maintaining high standards of cleanliness and hygiene Spor ts fans are known for their enthusiasm which can sometimes translate into a more 'boisterous' atmosphere This can lead to spills, litter, and general wear and tear on facilities


Implementing a comprehensive cleaning regime involves several key steps:

1. Regular Cleaning Schedules: Establish frequent c leaning inter vals , especially dur ing peak times , to ensure that premises remain c lean and presentable This inc ludes regular w p ng down of surfaces , c leaning of restrooms , and ensur ing that floor s are free of spills and litter

2 Staff Training: Ensure that al staff are trained in proper hygiene practices and under stand the impor tance of maintain ng a c lean environment This inc ludes train ng on how to handle food and beverages safely, as well as how to quic kly and effectively c lean up spills and other messes

3 Adequate Supplies: Keep an ample stoc k of c leaning suppl es on hand, inc luding disinfectants , c leaning c oths , and f oor c leaner s This ensures that staff can quic kly address any issues as they ar ise

4 Waste Management: Implement effective waste management pract ces to handle the increased volume of rubbish This nc udes regular emptying of bins and proper disposal of waste


The cleanliness of a venue is directly linked to its reputation Patrons are unlikely to return to or recommend a place that they perceive as dir ty or poorly maintained In contrast, a clean, well-maintained establishment enhances the overall customer experience , encouraging repeat visits and positive word-of-mouth

As the various spor ts competitions progress throughout the summer, it is crucial for establishments to consistently maintain high standards of cleanliness and hygiene This not only ensures the safety and comfor t of customers but also helps to sustain the initial boost in business brought about by these events

The summer of spor t presents an exciting and profitable oppor tunity for the UK hospitality and licensed on-trade sector However, the key to capitalizing on this oppor tunity lies in maintaining impeccable standards of cleanliness and hygiene By doing so, establishments can ensure that they not only attract customers but also keep them coming back long after the final whistle has blown

In a season where ever y pint poured and ever y meal ser ved counts, the impor tance of a clean and welcoming environment cannot be overstated As the spor ts fans cheer and celebrate , let us ensure that our venues shine just as brightly providing a safe clean and enjoyable experience for all

Cleanliness is Always in Season

Food Safety

Are You Natasha’s Law Compliant? Many Still Aren’t

Double Down on Temperature Management to fight E. Coli

ter k t so it s with n reac h at all times

• New thermometer s supp ied w th FREE calibration cer t ficates and annua reminder s at no extra cost to ensure you are up to date with your food safety protocols MD Tom Sensier : I m really proud of our money-saving food-safety kits for their quality, value and performance

Our C A2005-PK combines a high accuracy thermometer with 6 colour-coded probes you can stick in the dishwasher And for fast-paced kitchens, you can’t beat our MMWALLKIT: a heavy duty thermometer and probe complete with hygienic wall storage – recently filmed in action on one of the UK’s most popular TV food competitions!’

To help businesses even fur ther, TME is offering 25% off online orders Visit www tmethermometers com for more details Offer ends on 30 June 2024

The Kelsius Digital HACCP and Wireless Temperature Monitoring System

The Kelsius digital HACCP and wireless temperature monitoring system provides the hospitality industr y with a one-stop food safety system that protects food, customers and a business s reputation Digital probes allow for food temperature checks right before ser vice recording and date-stamping temperatures and data Automated sensors provide effor tless monitoring of fridges, freezers and other units Data is stored securely and can be accessed through a user-friendly por tal allowing for full regulator y compliance and traceability with access to repor ts and data at the touch of a screen

or freezer failure or doors left open

Designated managers and super visors have visibility of aler ts corrective actions and user data on site or remotely, providing peace of mind that food safety procedures and processes are being followed

The sensor system will aler t staff in real time where a temperature falls outside predefined

To learn more visit www kelsius com

Products and Services

793 Spirits Co. Holy Island Bloomsbury



Jangro, the largest network of independent janitorial distributors in the UK and Ireland is proud to present its new Catering & Hospitality Supplies 2024/25 catalogue Boasting a fresh new look, the latest edition is the ultimate caterer s companion, offering a wide range of quality brands and choice at competitive prices

Enabling establishments to keep up to date with trends, the catalogue offers all the equipment and supplies required to stir up positive customer experiences From front of house to back of house casual to fine dining, the latest crocker y and table presentations to environmentally friendly catering disposables, Jangro’s new Catering & Hospitality 2024/25 catalogue has it all Jangro is committed to becoming a more sustainable business and helping its customers reach their own green goals This new edition, therefore , offers a plethora of eco-conscious products, from food packaging containers which are recyclable compostable and fully bio-degradable , to Jangro’s award-winning and innovative ntrl range of vegan cleaning solutions

The ntrl por tfolio comprises 13 products ideal for cleaning surfaces in a variety of environments, from kitchens through to washrooms Registered with The Vegan Society s Vegan Trademark all formulas are 100% biodegradable , contain zero petrochemicals, and can reduce the product’s

Chef's Buyer's Guide

TUGO - Innovative Food Solutions

We’re TUGO, a passionate team of food ser vice fanatics, committed to creating the freshest, most flavourful globally inspired food concepts

Our adventurous spirit, agility and positively restless dedication to innovation is what sets us apar t developing food concepts to suit operators across food ser vice

From our vibrant global street food to our hand-stretched fresh dough pizza & authentic corn tor tilla burritos, We seek adventure globally and are passionate about our produce as we are reducing our environmental impacts


From menu innovation and concept development, through to product training, marketing and sales suppor t We provide the tastiest, most

LittlePod’s Innovative Vanilla Paste in a Tube Popular All Over the World

LittlePod’s innovative vanilla paste in a tube is proving popular in professional kitchens all over the world

Hailed as ‘ a much-needed evolution for the kitchen’ we ’ re preparing to introduce our most-popular product to chefs in China following a successful trip to the Far East

From Tallin to Tokyo those using our versatile vanilla continue to recommend and endorse LittlePod

“We think our products speak for themselves,” said Janet Sawyer MBE BEM, the East Devon-based company ’ s founder and managing director who has been out and about speaking to chefs both at home and abroad in 2024 “We continue to receive recommendations and endorsements from customers all over the world Their comments are wor th more than anything we could say

During a recent trip to Japan, where LittlePod exhibited at FOODEX 2024, Janet renewed acquaintances with Frederik Walther – the Executive Chef at the British Embassy in Tokyo “Frederik said LittlePod’s vanilla paste is an ‘upscale product with a beautiful design and a fantastic stor y ’ ” said Janet “Frederik is recommending our vanilla paste to chefs in Japan ” Janet also met with LittlePod’s distributor in Hong Kong, Frances Ma, who is planning to expand her operation and take our products to China

Frances said, “LittlePod’s vanilla paste resonates with people in the Far East because it is such high quality It is convenient to use and the tube has a cool clean and elegant design LittlePod’s vanilla paste is natural and real This isn’t just another product from off the shelf ”

Closer to home our vanilla paste in a tube continues to prove popular in Europe with Juta Raudnask, a long-time LittlePod retailer in Estonia, amongst those helping us spread the word

“LittlePod’s natural vanilla paste exceeded all our expectations ” said Juta who sells LittlePod’s products at Umami, a gourmet food store in Tallin and Tar tu “It is loved by all kinds of people in Estonia, from families to professional chefs working at

Janet added, “LittlePod’s natural vanilla paste is versatile – it makes using real vanilla so

When LittlePod launched in 2010 we were the first to bring a vanilla paste in a tube to market It has been our most popular product ever since

Bidfood Reveals Its First Group of Listed Suppliers On The Path to Acceleration Through its SME Scheme, Open Doors

After the successful launch of its SME scheme last October, Bidfood, one of the UK’s leading foodser vice providers, is proud to announce the initial group of suppliers selected through the Open Doors Programme

Aimed at small food and beverage suppliers, the Open Doors Programme identifies the most innovative businesses tr ying to establish themselves within the industr y and raises awareness of their products so they can make their mark in wholesale

Despite the recent deceleration in inflation, the share of small businesses aspiring to grow this year has significantly decreased during the last six months Small businesses within the food sector have shown the biggest drop in confidence that their business will grow at more than 70%

As a result, Bidfood’s Open Doors Programme has continued on its mission to unlock the potential of emerging suppliers, suppor ting their development journey, while also providing its customers with first-hand access to some of the most interesting brands out there

Following a three-step development journey to nurture , champion and finally accelerate , the initiative has resulted in seven brands being officially listed with Bidfood along with a selection of their products:

• Bio&Me – A B-cer tified brand, Bio&Me has a range of handy on-the-go porr idges created to suppor t gut health Bio&Me is also par t of the ‘Buy Women Built’ community whic h shines a light on brands built by women

• Boundless ¬– Using act vated ingred ents , Boundless snac ks suppor t gut hea th and are free from the top 14 allergens They're also member s of the ‘Buy Women Built’ community

• Flawsome! – Another B-cer tified brand Flawsome! produces a var iety of juices , sparkling fruit water s and hea th shots made from wonky and surp us fruits

• Ninju – A true kitc hen table star t-up, Ninju s a range of fruit and vegetable-based c hi dren’s dr inks pac kaged in 100% rec yc lable car tons

• OGGS ¬– Offer ing a vegan alternative to eggs OGGS is the th rd B-cer tif ed brand out of the newly listed supplier s and will soon be a par t of the ‘Buy Women Built’ community

• TeaJoy – Designed to ser ve the growing

Sustainable Resources

Foodles Partners with ReFood to Eliminate Unavoidable Waste



continent Michaël Ormancey, cofounder and co-CEO of Foodles, commented: Since setting up our ser vices in London, we ’ ve seen a variety of companies sign-up to receive daily deliveries We aim to offer complete

Elevate Your Space with Floral Image

Salvaging Solar Investments

Versatile and Innovative Labelling Solutions for Hospitality

With the rise in multi-channel ordering in the hospitality industry in recent years accompanied by increasing demand for customer collection, third party delivery and legislation around accurate ingredients and allergy identification, the requirement for efficient food and beverage labelling has surged Without a doubt, amongst the range of labelling solutions currently available, linerless labels stand out for their eco-friendly properties and operational efficiencies

In contrast to traditional labels with a backing paper direct thermal linerless labels are self-adhesive labels which can be applied directly to products or packaging Such labels are supplied with varying levels of adhesion, from high adhesive permanent labels to low adhesive repositionable labels which can be applied to virtually any surface and be removed easily and reapplied without residue

For all linerless media, a key benefit is the reduction in waste With no backing paper to discard, linerless media offers significant paper saving properties with more labels per roll than standard label rolls Thanks to fewer roll changes as well as the advantage of reduced shipping costs and storage space requirements given linerless labels are more compact than traditional labels, cost savings can be achieved alongside enhanced operational efficiency and sustainability

In terms of label size, linerless media is available in a range of widths, enabling businesses to create labels for any product type including larger labels for food deliveries to smaller, more compact beverage labels Equally, variable length linerless labels enable the printing of shorter orders or labels with less information on minimal paper, further promoting efficiency

As demand grows for labelling products in a variety of sectors, international POS hardware solutions provider Star

Micronics has introduced its mC-Label3 and TSP143IVSK printers, designed to print permanent and repositionable labels, food orders, delivery and takeaway labels

The printers respond to the growing requirement for allergy and food labelling clear delivery and takeaway customer order labels, particularly with linerless media Low adhesive, repositionable labels can track an order through the entire preparation process from initial order to delivery, providing the potential for greater order accuracy and efficiency

Thanks to its ability to print on a wide range of liner-free media including low adhesive re-stick labels as well as high adhesive permanent and semi-permanent labels, the Star mC-Label3 printer offers the ideal solution for printing different sized and types of labels from one easy-to-use device This includes variable length food and allergy labels, nutrition information as well as food delivery labels and bag seals from web-based apps or local services

In addition to a range of label printing options including fully adjustable label widths from 25mm to 80mm wide, the mC-Label3 features black mark and GAP sensors Capable of printing traditional liner pre-sized labels, continuous label rolls and receipt paper, the printer is ideal for businesses that use a variety of media or are planning to move from traditional labelling to linerless media in the future

Incredibly user friendly and with paper position, paper width detection and simple drop-in loading different media can be loaded with ease and given its jam free operation reliable printing is ensured Star’s Cloud-based free labelling app offers a wide range of pre-designed label templates whilst the one touch label function allows for storing and printing of up to three label designs

Alternatively, for businesses seeking a compact linerlessonly label and order printing solution the TSP143IVSK boasts optimal versatility and ergonomic design, printing on low tack linerless re-stick media from 40mm to 80mm Moreover the TSP143IVSK benefits from the power cable interface cables and paper guide included at purchase as well as a 4-year warranty as standard

In line with today s multi-channel ordering and printing expectations in hospitality, the mC-Label3 and TSP143IVSK benefit from multiple interfaces for local PC, network, tablet and Cloud connectivity Furthermore, both printers include Ethernet LAN and USB-C connectivity as well as direct sync and charge with supported tablets, together with hub connectivity to connect a scanner or customer display

mC-Label3 additionally features Bluetooth connectivity, whilst the printers equally benefit from a Wireless LAN option with Star’s MCW10 module Star’s CloudPRNT™ technology is included as standard on both models for printing directly from central ordering platforms and websites

With CloudPRNT widely used by hospitality establishments worldwide as part of an online ordering platform or ecommerce solution, Star also provides StarPrinter Online, a fully managed service for businesses to manage the printer estate with minimal set-up time and cost as well as near zero integration For enhanced online visibility of connectivity and print jobs over an entire printer estate, the service additionally offers device management via an online dashboard to provide an overview of all devices and activity including reliable tracking of print jobs with notification of device status changes barcode scans new device connections to a group, etc Additional printers and peripherals can simply be added without the need for server upgrades, further enhancing the versatility of the service

About Star Micronics

With over 75 years in the POS industry and a global presence, Star s strength and success is built upon product innovation alongside established relationships with leading software partners Its experienced technical team boasts in-depth technical and integration expertise to provide unique tailored solutions for an evolving hospitality industry Offering the versatility required to integrate traditional, tablet and cloud-based POS systems, Star ensures successful installation of its products into major hospitality operators as well as smaller independent venues

As a complete point-of-sale hardware solutions provider Star offers a wealth of options including a wide range of unique desktop POS, mobile and self-service terminal printers for printing receipts, tickets and labels from traditional systems, tablets and mobile devices as well as from web and cloud-based apps In particular Star’s compact and versatile cloud solutions are ideal for a variety of applications including Click & Collect food orders, home delivery and online or at table food ordering Additionally, Star provides tablet stands, display stands, barcode scanners and cash management solutions to complete the hardware offering

Hospitality Technology

Address F&B Profitability Before It Takes You Under, says Guestline

WaiterMate Debuts the World’s Fastest, Most Efficient Mobile EPOS

Technology To Enhance Hotels Sustainability

can really make a difference

Following on to the hotel staff, housekeeping is many times overlooked with teams left to wonder through the hotel looking for rooms to clean

Monitoring “Make Up Room” and “Do Not Disturb” signals (MUR/DND) in a centralised system help increase the overall efficiency as teams can be assigned to those par ts of the hotel that require more immediate attention

Combining this information with room occupancy and access controls enhance guest privacy and provide deeper knowledge of how our hotels work, for example giving information on how much time it takes to clean each room

Another big cost centre control systems help reduce drastically is Maintenance as these solutions allow the use of predictive and preventive

policies Sor ting issues before they become fatal or even before they appear decreases the amount spent in replacing broken units (for example AC units) but also minimizes the risk of refunds to guest because things are not working or because there has been an AC leakage nobody noticed before

A robust long-lasting control system combined with a Building Management System (BMS) that integrates with our hotel’s PMS is vital to get to know how our building operates to optimize all those little things that end up costing several thousand ever y year

These are the type of solutions Zennio develops and delivers in over 100 countries helping hotels all around the world become more efficient and sustainable and suppor ting all projects locally and remotely to make sure ever ything works ever y day

For fur ther information see the adver t on page

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Focus On Blue Seal's New Induction Technology

Blue Seal Ltd are ver y mindful of the future equipment requirements for efficiency and carbon footprint and sustainability, with this everchanging food industr y and the cost of gas and electric usage

We currently produce a new range of free-standing & bench models of heavy-duty induction hobs with two or four zones Each hob has the versatility of 3 5KW or 5Kw round zone generators for focussed power or 5kw power full area zones to accept multiple pans across the cooking area The induction technolog y is incredibly responsive , with hardened 6mm thick glass cooking surfaces

Blue Seal R&D are conscious of the ever-increasing demand for induction product and we are in the process of launching our new induction- convection ranges, and wok induction hobs

The induction technolog y lends itself to a myriad of concepts, especially QSR restaurants where they need quick heat up on demand, which is also remarkably simple for the operator to use and maintain

The feature benefits of induction far outweigh the initial out lay, which is currently still relatively high for commercial heavy-duty product Induction for prime cooking is still relatively fresh to be accepted into the general commercial kitchen environment, however the big energ y savings and high efficiency

far outweighs the cost of changing the cookware and initial higher cost outlay for the product This cost will no doubt reduce and become more competitive as the trend & demand for induction manufacture inevitably increases Induction equipment also avoids the additional ver y costly legislation requirement involved with gas canopy extraction/make up air and interlock systems

When you compare the efficiency of using induction over gas, the induction is at approx 90% efficient compared to approx 45% efficiency for gas This is achieved by the magnetic fields heating up the entire surface of the cookware with vir tually all of the energ y transferred into the pan Where gas disperses the heat, licking around the sides of the cookware more so, losing energ y into the ambient air around the pan

Using induction massively reduces heat transfer into the air flow, lowers the overall temperature in the kitchen promoting a more comfor table working environment, as well as the practicality of a simple wipe down of the glass cooking area at the end of a shift, which is ver y appealing to an operator The appliances are much safer to use reducing injur y potential as well as being ver y simple to ser vice & maintain

David Chesshire - National Accounts Manager

See the adver t on page 2 for fur ther information

The Importance of Venting Floor Mounted Waste Water Pumping Systems

When designing or installing a commercial kitchen venting the floor mounted waste water pumping system may not be the first thing that is taken into consideration However understanding the impor tance of venting for the effective operation of the pump as well dispersing odours from the tank, is a critical factor for reliability in these situations

As wastewater drains from a sink or appliance the air inside the tank must be released to allow the flow of water into it If the tank is not vented correctly wastewater will be noticeably slower to drain away from sinks and appliances Odours and gurgling noises from equipment and sinks will also occur In these situations, the likelihood is that the pumping system is not properly vented

As the pump operates air needs to be drawn back into the tank so that a par tial vacuum is not created If this is allowed to happen the discharge flow of the pump will be reduced adversely affecting its efficiency

For these reasons all pump tanks need to be fitted with a suitable vent to allow them to breathe in and out Ideally this should be routed to atmosphere external to the building

In cases where the vent outlet can only be sited within the building, a filter must be used to minimise any potential odours escaping from the pump collect-

Two filters are available from Aldermaston based waste water pumping system specialists Pump Technolog y Ltd, the smaller CharcoVent and the larger MicroVent Both contain an activated carbon filter ideal for removing odours

The smaller CharcoVent, which is an easy to replace disposable car tridge should be used on systems that are typically sink only Its vent pipe should be 1 1/4

The larger MicroVent, which features a replaceable cartridge , should be used on systems that have multiple wastewater inlets, or with appliances such as dishwashers Its vent pipe should be 2” to allow the greater airflow Vents should be positioned as far above the collecting tank as practical This improves the life of the filter and its effectiveness and facilitates easy removal of the lid for cleaning and ser vicing It also ensures that, when pumping hot wastewater, any potential condensation will not adversely affect the activated carbon

The specialist team at Pump Technolog y Ltd are always happy to talk with any potential customers who are designing or installing a waste water pumping system and offer help and advice

More information: 0118 9821 555 www pumptechnolog y co uk

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Stay Cool with Gasket Guy

Temporary Catering Facilities For Events & Kitchen Refurbishments

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Fridge Seals Direct

Get a Grip on Food Prep with the New Onyx from Williams

Williams has launched the latest versions of its Onyx prep stations, with a sleek new look complementing the innovative features under the hood that deliver energ y efficient performance and ensure food safety

The Onyx prep station combines refrigerated storage beneath a worktop with refrigerated food wells on top –these provide instant access to regularly used fresh ingredients The wells are ergonomically designed to be at the ideal working height and are positioned within easy reach for the chef

The latest model combines practicality and good looks, with newly designed doors made from solid stainless steel featuring full-width integral door handles These provide an easy to use , non-slip grab while being quick to clean, with no dir t traps The generously sized work area makes the Onyx ideal for creating a range of foods including pizza, sandwiches, tapas, salad and desser ts Meanwhile the base of the unit has also been redesigned with a flatter surface making it easier to install transpor t and ser vice

The storage cabinets are designed to hold 1/1GN pans and the Onyx range is available in a choice of sizes from the compact space saving two door model up to the large 1043 litre capacity five door version The ingredient wells are capable of holding a selection of 1/3 and 1/6 GN pans up to four 1/3 pans on the two door model, with the five door model taking twelve , or up to 24 1/6 GN pans

Energ y efficiency is improved by EC (Electrically Commutated) brushless fans, which allow for precise control with reduced power consumption The new Onyx range uses natural hydrocarbon refrigerant which, as well as having low GWP/zero ODP, offers excellent thermodynamic proper ties which fur ther reduce energ y usage

Capable of operating in ambient conditions up to 43°C and constructed from sturdy, food safe stainless

• Be ready for your inspections

• Damaged fridge seals are unhygienic

• Next-day delivery service

• Discounted prices on large orders

Outdoor Spaces

Boost Profits This Summer with a Trailblazer BBQ

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

Outdoor Spaces

The Somerset Grill Company – New Revenue Opportunities For

Summer’s Coming – Time For Espresso On The Go!


Outdoor Spaces

New Stock Chair Ranges from ILF

Gala Tent


Outdoor Spaces

Cinders ‘Classic’ Barbecue Keeping Your Cool

Domestic & Trade Handmade

Garden Furniture From MG Timber

The impor tance of temperature controlled storage is understood by most within the hospitality and catering sectors, yet it is surprisingly often overlooked when making plans for outdoor events IceBox Refrigerated Trailers provides the perfect solution in such cases by means of our fleet of chiller and freezer trailers Operating one of the largest fleets in the countr y, we ’ re in the perfect position to help you keep your cool when all around is hotting up! Our fleet ranges from midi chillers to extra large freezers with storage capacities ranging from approx 6 to approx 12 cubic metres and covering temperature ranges between -20c and + 10c The ideal mobile temperature controlled storage solution!





needn’t worr y - we have it covered!


The trailer will be secured in-situ by means of our security devices The entr y doors are lockable and we leave you the key to ensure

The Perfect Refrigeration Solution for Your Outdoor Catering Needs

The Perfect Refrigeration Solution for Your Outdoor Catering Needs

IceBox UK provides the ideal solution to your refrigerated storage requirements when hosting outdoor catering events

Our extensive fleet of chiller and freezer trailers will keep your food and drink at the desired temperature and avoid food spoilage

Trailers are delivered and collected to / from the event / host location by our experienced staff who will situate the trailers in the required location and set them running at your required temperature.

• Nationwide delivery & collection service

• Chiller and freezer trailers available

• Powered by generator or standard wall socket

• Internal racking supplied per your requirements

• Short and long term rental rates available

• Rapid Response™ programme for emergencies

• Account facilities available subject to status

Design and Refit

The Absolute Solution To Your Interior Design Needs

Design and Refit


Mayfair Furniture

Cater For The Crowds With Brilliant Bar Stools Design and Refit

Restaurant Furniture Store

Property and Professional

Capitalise on the Summer Season with a Capify Loan


Motivation, guidance and Development MARKETING

We will help you build a workable , planned Marketing Strateg y From Digital Marketing such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online advertising, to print design, Promotions and offline adver tising, your

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