CLH Digital - Issue #227

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Editor's Viewpoint

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital

A Beacon of Hope in Hospitality's Stormy Waters

The fact that five new outlets are opening ever y day marks a significant turning point for an industr y that has, frankly, been through the wringer

It is no secret that the hospitality sector was among the hardest hit by the folly of lockdown

An entire industr y shut down for such an extended period was bound to suffer lasting effects

When we look back at some of the measures imposed during the reopening phase - like wearing masks while standing but not sitting or needing to mask up when entering, but not when eating - it's hard not to cringe These rules, now mercilessly mocked across the internet, seem almost too ludicrous to believe in hindsight

Yet, here we are , emerging from the other side , and for the first time in over two years, we are seeing the number of pubs, restaurants, and hotels on the rise

This growth is more than just a statistic; it’s a sign of renewed confidence in a sector that has been on the brink

Yes, as our lead ar ticle rightly points out, we are not out of the woods yet The number of insolvencies in the first half of 2024 is still concerning, and the road to full recover y remains fraught with challenges

That said, we must take our victories where we find them, and five new outlets opening each day is a victor y wor th celebrating

Adding to this wave of optimism is the news that the "old friend" of the industr y, the Staycation is set to give a massive boost to the sector this weekend

With a staggering 11 million Brits planning an overnight holiday trip within the UK for this Bank

Holiday the estimated £3 1 billion injection into the economy is a much-needed lifeline for many businesses

Here in Bournemouth, we have witnessed firsthand the benefits of tourism and the staycation trend

Over the past few weeks, the beach, town, and beautiful Victorian gardens have been buzzing with activity While these may be shor t stays, they have brought a vibrancy back to the town that has been sorely missed over the past couple of years

I'm not too sure if we can attribute this to the protests about tourism, which are sadly growing in Europe I did read this week that the head of tourism in the Canar y Islands

begged British holidaymakers not to cancel their holidays over anti-tourism protests by locals

I can understand why! British holidaymakers have been calling hotels abroad to ask whether they will be safe during their stays amid the anti-tourist uproar

Their loss may just be our gain!

So while challenges remain let’s take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate the positive steps forward

The return to growth in licensed on-trade premises is a sign that better days are ahead Confidence is returning, and with it, the vibrancy and energ y that make our sector so vital to the UK economy Here's to more openings, more visitors, and a brighter future for us all

I can always be contacted at edit@catererlicensee com

Once more I would ask you to please follow us on X (Twitter), and encourage as many people you know in the trade to sign up to our digital issue , fur ther details can be seen at

We of fer a wide range of cof fee machines, from a ‘compact’ 2 group Iberital IB7 all the way through to our flagship machine, the San Remo Cafe Racer All at competitive prices and with a range of rental, finance and leasing options available So whether you’re running a pub, or a large high-end cafe or restaurant, we ll have machines to suit

Hospitality Venues Return to Growth

With Five New Licensed Outlets Opening Each Day


Second-quar ter growth was even across the different sectors of hospitality and extended to the independent segment where numbers increased by 0 5% to end several years of sustained closures caused by severe cost and Covid-related pressures UPWARD TREND

The upward trend is in line with other positive indicators from 2024, including solid growth in sales as measured by CGA by NIQ’s Trackers, plus an easing of inflation and household bills However, longer-term comparisons are weaker, with outlet numbers down by 1% or 969 from June 2023 Britain’s total sites are still 13 8% below the pre-Covid figure of March 2020

Karl Chessell, CGA by NIQ’s director hospitality operators and food EMEA said: “These numbers are a welcome sign of the confidence of business leaders and investors in hospitality While it’s too early to be sure that hospitality’s downward trend in outlets has bottomed out, alongside solid sales growth over the first half of 2024 these figures indicate the brightest outlook for the sector for some time ”

“Cost pressures mean thousands of businesses remain fragile and millions of consumers ’ discretionar y spending continues to be tight, and hospitality may never fully return to its pre-Covid size in outlet terms but it’s clear that it is now back on a much surer path ”


After a rapid expansion of managed chain restaurants in the 2000s and 2010s, there were 6,696 casual dining sites at March 2020 but Covid-19 and high inflation then saw the segment slashed by 24 1% to 5 082 sites by June 2023 a total of 1,611 net closures or just over one per day The figure has risen by 1 7% in the last 12 months, with an average of three net new sites a week in the first six months of 2024 Graeme Smith, managing director at AlixPar tners, added: “It is pleasing to see that with the easing of pressure around labour shor tages, food and drink inflation and high energ y prices, the Hospitality Market Monitor’s latest figures show the industr y has responded with a return to outlet growth across the sector in the second quar ter of this year ”

“It’s especially encouraging to see such significant growth in the themed bar segment – a segment that includes both competitive socialising venues and bars with a par ticular theme – with a growth rate of 28 9% over the last 12 months This has been driven by the continued popularity of experiential leisure and the

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demand from consumers to elevate their experiences when socialising out of home ”

“The return to outlet growth reflects the stabilisation of the market and paints a more positive picture for businesses and investors alike with this growth acting as a marker for the recover y of the industr y We expect to see this growth develop as confidence continues to rise in the second half of the year


While this uplift suggests a possible recover y in the sector, the total number of outlets is still 1% lower over the past year, following nearly 1,000 net closures

The number of hospitality businesses entering insolvency rose in the first half of 2024 during a difficult period for the industr y

Some 1,801 accommodation and food ser vice companies, including hotels, restaurants and pubs, closed in the six months to June 2024 up from 1 776 in the same period last year according to government data

Offering little hope that the situation may be improving the number of hospitality insolvencies increased by 13% to 322 between May and June this year

The Buchler Phillips Hospitality Index of insolvencies which has tracked monthly figures since Januar y 2014 rose from 204 3 in May to 231 6 in June It peaked in August 2023 at 273 4 with a spike in the sector’s business closures


Jo Milner, Managing Director of the leading turnaround and restructuring firm, said:

We ve come a long way from last year s tough summer when the hospitality sector was feeling the worst effects of higher energ y prices and the cost of living crisis, but we ’ re not out of the woods yet: inflation is struggling to stay down after its fall this year and wage costs remain high ”

Hotel demand in major UK cities was lifted to a cer tain degree in June by Taylor Swift’s earlier concer t dates on these shores However, a sogg y star t to the summer is expected to have dampened the boost for the industr y overall from spor ting events such the Euros, which will appear in figures for July, released next month

Hospitality operators are hoping that a more development-friendly approach to planning under the new government will help in the longer term, offsetting the potential for higher minimum wages to squeeze margins fur ther For now, hopes are pinned on October’s Autumn Budget to provide some relief on business rates or VAT

How Will the New Tipping Act Balance Employee Rights and Employer Benefits?

October will see the implementation of the long-awaited new tipping legislation, designed to promote fairness and transparency in workplace tipping practices As a result, more and more businesses are star ting to consider the benefits of implementing a tronc scheme as par t of their strateg y for managing tips

Mark Taylor, Par tner and Head of Buzzacott’s Troncmaster Ser vices team and ex-HMRC comments

“From 1st October, all organisations must establish a clear tipping policy that is readily accessible to all workers It must outline the company ’ s stance on tips, how they are collected, and how they are then shared with workers Tips will no longer be the legal proper ty of the employer and will legally belong to workers The employer will essentially be a collection agent on behalf of their staff ”

“Employers will have to comply with several new rules – one of which is that they can’t hold onto tips, they must be passed on by the end of the following month The total amount of tips received from customers must be passed on to workers, so no charges such as debit/credit card processing fees can be deducted by the employer ”

Commenting on some of the common challenges faced by hospitality workers, Mark says, “We have seen instances where there is a complete lack of transparency regarding the tipping policy and practice in place , with workers having no understanding of how tips are dealt with We have also seen tips used to subsidise employers cashflow positions and employers negotiating with employees to var y their salaried contracts in return for a share of tips ”

Speaking about what hospitality businesses can do in advance of October, Mark says, “Organisations must now have a tipping policy in place by law, so it is impor tant to ensure it is fit for purpose and conforms with both the Tipping Act and the underlying Code of Practice Tips can still be distributed through a tronc scheme , thus ensuring they secure NIC exemption, and by using an external independent tronc operator, such as Buzzacott, provided it is fair to do so, allows an employer to meet the new legislative requirements ” Regarding the new rights of employees, Mark says, “Under the new legislation, workers will have the legal right to raise their concerns if they believe that their employer’s handling of tips is not fair or transparent

Choosing Buzzacott as an external troncmaster with up-to-date knowledge of all the requirements of the Tipping Act and will ensure your business stays compliant Additionally, our experience and understanding of operating tronc schemes without employer interference or influence allows us to fully meet HMRC's criteria in securing NIC exemption, meaning workers take home more of their hard-earned tips"

Many employers are failing to take advantage of the NIC exemption status a tronc scheme brings, and are potentially missing out on huge savings Without a tronc scheme , hospitality businesses might be unnecessarily increasing their HMRC exposure , which could otherwise be alleviated through proper management of tips ”

Calls For The Appointment Of Allergy Tsar Mount After Costa Drink Death

The government is facing fresh calls to appoint an “Allerg y Tsar” following a recent fatality when a 13-yearold girl died of a severe allergic reaction just hours after taking one sip of a Costa Coffee hot chocolate

Hannah Jacobs suffered a severe dair y allerg y and had an immediate reaction while out with her mother in Barking, east London, in Februar y 2023 after drinking the beverage , which should have been made with soya milk

An inquest found that there was a “failure to follow processes ” and a “failure of communication” which led to Hannahs death

The cour t heard written evidence from Costa employees, one of whom said they had failed the quiz 20 times before passing

Another said their husband had accompanied them to work on their first day to help translate for them, and that they used Google Translate to help them when reading English

In a statement issued by the Natasha Allerg y Research Foundation, Hannah s parents called for the government to bring in an “allerg y tsar”

Following the inquest, Hannah’s mother, Abimbola Duyile , paid tribute to her daughter who had “ ever ything to live for”

A member of Ms Duyile’s legal team read a statement outside East London coroner ’ s cour t on her behalf

saying: “Having heard all the evidence over the last week, it is clear to me that although the food ser vice industr y and medical professionals are required to have allerg y training the training is really not taken seriously enough

“Better awareness is really needed in these industries and across society of the symptoms of anaphylaxis

Allowing people who ser ve food and drinks to retake an allerg y training test 20 times is not acceptable ” Nadim and Tanya Ednan-Laperouse , whose 15-year-old daughter died aged 15 in 2016 after an allergic reaction to a Pret A Manger baguette bought at Heathrow airpor t, said says they were told by the Government that they were ‘too busy at the moment’ to appoint an allerg y tsar,

The Ednan-Laperouses said: “It has been hear tbreaking to hear over the course of the last few days the catalogue of errors and missed oppor tunities which resulted in the death of schoolgirl Hannah Jacobs from a food allerg y

“This is yet another death from food allerg y that should never have happened ”

They have joined with Hannah’s mother Abi to call for the government to appoint an Allerg y Tsar to act as a “national champion” for the one in three people who live with food allergies

According to research by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) around 6% of adults in the UK, equivalent to 2 4m people are estimated to have a food allerg y Since 2012, there has been a 615% increase in hospital admissions for anaphylaxis a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction

Treasury Loses £298 Million in a Year from Spirit Tax Hike

SLTA Highlights Downside Of Edinburgh’s Tourist Tax





for its intended purposes and how is the sector going to ensure this extra income will not just be swallowed up into the council’s budget to replace any future cuts

He said: We have no issue with money from the scheme being used to reinvest in the city s infrastructure and sustainable tourism – but why should accommodation


The New Generation of Travelers, How Hotels Can Become More Appealing to the Younger Generation

y has become an ever yday par t of our lives Simple daily tasks such as ordering a meal to more extensive tasks that require several steps to completion- they are all now within a few taps of our finger tips on our smar tphone Ever y industr y has seen an increase in use of technolog y to streamline processes and better utilize resources The hotel industr y is adapting and adopting these technological advances and those proper ties that embrace the evolution of technolog y are experiencing higher occupancy rates increased customer loyalty and customer satisfaction More specifically, hotels that do not evolve to meet the needs of the current hotel consumer are at risk of succumbing to the competition The new generation of travelers relies heavily on technolog y to plan and execute their trips and they are expecting hotels to embrace technolog y as well Here are some ways to that a proper ty can utilize technolog y to attract more guests and keep those guests coming back:


A key tactic that hotels can offer is free Wi-Fi throughout the entire venue Surprisingly, some venues still charge for Wi-Fi in guest rooms while Wi-Fi access is free throughout other areas of the hotel such as the lobby, poolside , and when enjoying a meal at the hotel’s restaurant With 75% of traveling Millennials publishing social media content at least once a day, providing full Wi-Fi access throughout the entire hotel can enable more social media exposure and brand awareness for hotels that utilize this tactic And it is just a nice thing to do for the guests while they stay at a proper ty COMPATIBLE TECHNOLOGY

Hotels can also capitalize on compatible technolog y like Smar t TVs as most people carr y their own technological devices with them, and they expect to be able to sign onto their Netflix account or something similar during their stay Offering Bluetooth wireless sound systems is also a great idea for hotels to capitalize on allowing guests to stream their playlists during their stay and enhance their experience


Incorporating smar tphone applications that provide room ser vice and check-in/out options clearly boost the customer experience Automated ser vices such as check-in/out kiosks and vending machines save time for

both guests and staff In automating routine tasks, hotels can operate more efficiently and provide elevated guest experiences and customer utility For example , the Hyatt Union Square in New York offers three different options to check in: at the front desk, using a check-in kiosk, or via an iPad with staff This approach allows the customer to select which option best suits them and ultimately increases customer satisfaction



Technolog y allows hotels to provide personalized experiences by analyzing customer data regarding room selections and amenities Ar tificial intelligence (AI) assists hotels in analyzing customer behavior in real time to deliver specific recommendations derived from the customer’s spending habits


Chatbots and vir tual assistants have emerged as another convenient way to uplevel the 24/7 customer ser vice while reducing costs by reducing in-room ser vice time Hotels can contact their guests via SMS, social media, and in-app messaging This feature creates ease of communication between par ties leading to more memorable and seamless experiences


Post-pandemic has seen health and safety measures be a welcome addition to the hotel experience Contactless check-in and sanitizing stations can help guests feel at ease In addition, technologies such as biometric security, IoT-controlled smar t locks, and safety sur veillance systems contribute to providing a safe and comfor table guest experience


On the other hand, there are people who find the experience of being in a common area that allows them to relax socialize and work with other people nearby enjoyable Offering robust Wi-Fi and charging stations for devices is an expectation for these areas

Today, some proper ties are investing in these common areas to provide cozy, stripped-back lobbies that offer plug-ins for personal devices fast Wi-Fi even something called “The Guestbook” allowing guests to post images to Instagram in real-time


To ensure customer satisfaction hotels must adapt and adopt emerging technologies to provide the highest customer experience and ensure that those customers return In the past, guests relied on their favorite coffee shops and restaurants to escape from their hotel rooms and ensure that all their needs were met But now, guests expect a more personalized experience; ever ything they need in one venue They want their room and hotel proper ty to be a place that they don’t need to leave They want easier access to the things that make their stay relaxed and memorable By making some small investments and changes at the proper ty, which includes incorporating higher levels of technolog y, guests can enjoy a seamless customer experience , leading to positive reviews, new customers, as well as repeat customers

Shepherd Neame Launches New ‘Little Tom’ Pizza Wagon

Hive Pubs Receives Sustainability Champion

additional suppor t from

and the

Weather Cools Hospitality Groups Performance Whilst Pubs Win The Euros

11 Million Brits Planning A “Staycation This

August Bank Holiday, Bringing £3.1bn

Collaboration Leads to Guest Success

Hospitality Skills To Build The Perfect Resume

Claudia Unger is an executive coach who suppor ts hospitality leader s to transform their career s and has also lectured at numerous institutions , including Glion Institute of Higher Education

We all know the impor tance of the resume in terms of ‘selling’ ourselves to prospective employers

A good resume lets a recruiter see we have the skills and experience they are searching for to carr y us through the first filter and into the all-impor tant inter view stage

That said, few if any of us can expect to cover all the requirements of a job description, whether in hospitality or any other field And the gap tends to grow bigger the higher up the leadership ladder we are aiming

I sometimes encounter people who simply don’t apply in these situations, because they feel they fall too far shor t of what is wanted But, with the sheer weight of required skills and experience we often see with job adver tisements today the truth is that few if any of us could hope to tick all the boxes

By the same token if we could fulfil ever ything in the job description then the likelihood is that we would be bored within three months, because the role is not challenging enough and there is no room to grow

So, when thinking of hospitality skills for your resume , rather than taking the job description as a checklist to fill out, we should consider it as an oppor tunity to grow ourselves In this way, when we apply we can be clear on what we don’t have and explain how we relish the challenge of developing these skills as par t of our professional growth


Let’s discuss some of the key skills for any successful hospitality resume These can be broadly split into ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ skills – the former ver y role-dependent, and the latter more common to anyone looking to succeed in the industr y

Here I will focus on the soft skills, as these are where you can really differentiate yourself from other applicants; plus they are also more crucial for managerial positions The first of these I will talk about is teamworking This is incredibly impor tant in a fast-paced multi-faceted environment like a hotel where all areas (front office , concierge , housekeeping, F&B, etc) must work in complete harmony to deliver a seamless guest experience

As a young hospitality professional, your resume should demonstrate that you have worked successfully in a team, understood your role and position in the team hierarchy, maintained strong interpersonal relationships, given and taken orders, learned to delegate , and so on

Another vital soft skill is empathy – and this is especially relevant in a people business like hospitality You have to be outgoing and approachable in this business And you must possess empathy for your clients or guests, seeing their satisfaction as your number one priority

I began my professional life as a flight attendant for the German airline Lufthansa, and we always followed the maxim that ‘the client is king’ The ability to ask a guest “what can I do for you?”, and to mean it is ver y powerful That desire to learn what the guest wants, and to create a memorable experience for them, is so impor tant for career advancement in hospitality

In summar y, these are what I regard as the key skills to succeed in hospitality: INTERPERSONAL SKILLS

As a customer-facing business, the hospitality sector simply demands these skills, since they are the key to building trustful relationships with guests as well as fellow team members If you are an approachable type with effective communication skills you will have a huge head star t in forging a successful business career CUSTOMER SERVICE SKILLS

Customer satisfaction is your raison d’etre in hospitality Clear communication is crucial, as without it you cannot know what a customer wants Also, throughout the hospitality business, but especially in the luxur y segment, strong attention to detail is paramount Customers will invariably put your problem-solving skills to the test


Hospitality is the most global of industries, so proficiency in languages can be an asset But above all you need to be good at active listening during your guest interactions, as well as those with colleagues You only get once chance to respond to a guest request correctly, and failure to do so could lead to the disaster of a bad review


A team player mentality is absolutely crucial in the hospitality industr y Teamwork is about great communication and an ability to put the needs of the team above your own Be ready for collaboration within your team and with other areas of the business The more harmonious the environment, the better the organisation will perform


Before I give some advice on crafting your resume , let s just recap on why this is so impor tant

First and foremost, while the hospitality industr y continues to grow, it is highly competitive for the plum roles

In your resume you are showcasing your skills with the intention of matching these to the job position You are also showcasing your experience and accomplishments, in the hope that these will catch the eye of the recruiter and chime with them in some way In this regard it is especially useful that your accomplishments relate to the required skills – a tip here is to mimic to the phrasing from the actual job description to ensure this point hits home

What I am also seeing is a higher level of honesty of putting yourself out there a little and showing a little vulnerability alongside showcasing your strengths But be careful in this regard, as it can leave you open to being taken advantage of

Another impor tant aspect for an employer is that your personal values align with theirs So do your research and discover more about the organisation and its philosophy You cannot fake alignment with it, and nor should you, since this is the recipe for a shor t and unhappy stay


The resume has a simple role: to make you stand out from the crowd and earn an inter view It is about making you appear interesting enough valuable enough to be called in for an inter view Then it becomes dependent on that personal interaction, where getting the job or not comes down to the human-to-human chemistr y on the day After all, people buy people

Another point to note is that there is no perfect recipe for a resume; nor should you ever rely on a single version to cover all eventualities Take the time to tailor your resume to ever y role , and ever y company, you are aiming for

For me a resume should not be more than two pages in length even if you have significant professional experience The first page should always begin with your personal statement, summing up who you are , why this role is interesting to you, and what you can bring to the company

Then I suggest taking three specific work experiences (or if you are a young professional turn back to academic experiences) and write a shor t paragraph about each, spotlighting what you learned through the experience and how this matches up to the role on offer as well as your own ambitions for professional growth

That's it for the first page For the second page you can get more into list mode , with details of your professional and academic experience – naturally, the older you get the shor ter the paragraphs become , as there is more to fit in!

As mentioned, tailoring a resume to each position is essential in my view It should also be smar tly presented and eye-catching Thankfully, there are design packages such as Canva which can help you in this regard I would also recommend creating a spreadsheet or document where you can store bespoke paragraphs suited to different roles and employers

Another impor tant point is to ensure that your resume and LinkedIn profile are closely aligned In fact, I advise my clients to include a link to their LinkedIn profile in their resume It allows the recruiter to see more detail about your experience and also the company you keep, via your connections Maybe there will be some mutual connections? This often helps to break the ice

The final question to consider – especially with the cover letter – surrounds ‘generative AI or no generative AI?’ This is a new technolog y but already we cannot escape its impact I have experimented with ChatGPT myself, because I think it is fascinating I tend to write something first, then feed it into ChatGPT and ask for it to be made clearer or more friendly in tone It is quite remarkable what comes back, but I can still be confident that the underlying sentiments are mine

At the other end of the scale , it is perfectly possible to ask a generative AI to “write an application for front office manager and it will draft the application with no fur ther information needed That is obviously quite tempting, but it is also dangerous, because it cannot be aligned to the specifics of the par ticular role Indeed, most recruiters will be able to spot an AI-generated text unless you add the human touch to it

In conclusion, If you like people , and you like travel, and especially if you like making others happy, then the hospitality industr y is for you I hope with this ar ticle I have given you a few useful pointers towards landing that dream role

Women in Beer Unveils its Biggest Festival

Women in Beer, the Scottish women-who-beer community, has launched its largest festival yet, with five days of events in Edinburgh running from 23-27 October

Launched in 2019,

of Leith Distiller y in Edinburgh’s historic whisky district

Founder Amélie Tassin said: “We’re excited to announce the third edition of the Women in Beer Festival I star ted Women in Beer as a way of celebrating women who enjoy good beer and good company, and to

Riots “Incredibly Damaging” For On-Trade But Outlet Numbers Show Overall Growth

Grade II Listed Pub Re-Opens With Impressive New Bar

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Nearly half (42%) of SMEs in England don’t know that upcoming Simpler Recycling legislation will impact their business, according to a new sur vey from waste management exper ts Biffa SMEs will face extra challenges from the scheme compared to corporate businesses – like finding space for new bins, separating all recycling into material type and training staff – compounded by the risk of a fine if not implemented For many, it will be the first time doing so

That said, 58% of English SMEs do believe Simpler Recycling will affect their business When it comes to wider UK policies, affected SMEs anticipate Extended Producer Responsibility (53%), Digital Waste Tracking (52%) and the existing Plastic Packaging Tax (51%) having the greatest impact It comes as SMEs repor t sustainability being a greater business priority in 2024 compared to last year – the third highest (36%) following cost efficiency (45%) and revenue growth (39%) When Biffa issued a similar sur vey in 2023, sustainability was the lowest priority for small businesses

What’s more , four in five (80%) see waste management and recycling as impor tant to sustainability, with three in 10 (29%) saying the two are ver y impor tant

They prevalently measure and repor t on the reduction of general waste (67%) in their effor ts to be more sustainable – a significant rise on 39% last year SMEs are also vigilant on the recyclability of products and packaging they purchase or produce (60%) Perceptions from customers or employees also matter, as over half (56%) track this compared to just a fifth (22%) last year

In fact, nine in 10 (91%) SMEs have a formal sustainability strateg y either in place , planned or in progress Four in five (82%) also say their business is focused on being par t of Britain s circular economy – compared to just half (52%) in 2023 – but, crucially, nearly all (98%) say that more suppor t is needed for their business to be sustainable Financial incentives (42%) are the type of suppor t SMEs need most in order to be sustainable That’s understandable given that – as in 2023 – the cost (45%) of making changes is their biggest barrier to sustainability, followed by increased expenses of products and or ser vices (38%) Monetar y concerns are compounded by a lack of clarity on sustainability metrics (30%)

Two-fifths (42%) of SMEs seek advice on the best options available They also want to find new ways to be sustainable , desiring investment in innovation and technolog y (39%) product life cycle and circular supply chain analysis (37%)

Commenting on the findings, Maxine Mayhew, Chief Operating Officer – Specialist Ser vices and Collections Biffa said:

Being more sustainable is not always simple or cost-free , but more SME decision makers are prioritising sustainability than ever Our research shows that small and medium sized


ICO Launches New Tool To Generate

Privacy Notices For The Hospitality Sector

When Garden Meets Grapes: Elevating Vegetable Dishes with Perfect Wine Pairings

for any cuisine , wine pairing for vegetable dishes in par ticular can be a game-changer and not just benefitting those living a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle , but rather ever yone who enjoys gastro gifts from the garden

The ar t of wine pairing, once thought to be reser ved for meat and seafood dishes, has evolved to embrace vegetarian cuisine Understanding how to pair wine with vegetarian dishes is an ar t that can elevate your dining experience to new heights Here , we delve into the nuances of wine pairing with vegetarian food considering ingredients cooking methods, and seasoning Whether you are hosting a dinner par ty or enjoying a quiet meal at home , these tips and examples will help you choose the perfect wine to complement your vegetarian dishes UNDERSTANDING THE INGREDIENTS

Vegetarian dishes often feature a variety of vegetables, grains, legumes, and plant-based proteins Each ingredient brings its own flavor profile , from the ear thy tones of mushrooms to the sweetness of roasted bell peppers When pairing wine , consider the dominant flavors of the dish

For instance:

Mushrooms: Ear thy and umami-rich mushrooms pair well with Pinot Noir or Chardonnay For example , mushroom risotto’s creamy texture and deep umami flavors of a well-made mushroom risotto are beautifully complemented by a Pinot Noir, whose ear thy under tones enhance the dish’s richness

Tomatoes: The acidity and sweetness of tomatoes complement well with Sauvignon Blanc or Chianti The savor y and slightly tang y tomato sauce used in eggplant parmesan pairs excellently with Chianti Its bright acidity and red fruit flavors balance the dish’s robust flavors

Greens: Leafy greens like spinach and kale , with their slight bitterness, match nicely with crisp whites like Pinot Grigio or Grüner Veltliner Take Kale and Apple Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette as an example , the fresh, slightly bitter kale , combined with sweet apple and tang y lemon vinaigrette , pairs beautifully with Grüner Veltliner The wine’s crispness and slight pepper y notes enhance the salad’s flavors

Root Vegetables: Sweet and ear thy root vegetables, such as carrots and beets, pair wonderfully with wines like Merlot or Zinfandel The sweet, ear thy flavor of roasted beets pairs harmoniously with the smooth, fruity notes of Merlot


The way a dish is prepared can significantly influence its wine pairing Here are some common vegetarian cooking methods and corresponding wine suggestions:

Grilling: Grilled vegetables often have a smoky, charred flavor Pair them with robust wines like Syrah or Malbec The sm oky, charred flavors of the grilled vegetables find a perfect match in Malbec , whose robust fruit flavors and tannins stand up to the boldness of the dish

Roasting: Roasting enhances the sweetness of vegetables Consider wines with a hint of sweetness or spiciness, such as Riesling or Grenache , like Roasted Butternut Squash Soup The sweet, creamy flavors of roasted butternut squash soup are complemented by the slight sweetness and acidity of Riesling, balancing the richness

Stir-fr ying: Stir-fried dishes, especially those with Asian influences,

pair well with aromatic whites like Gewürztraminer or light reds like Gamay The aromatic and slightly spicy flavors in stir-fried tofu or vegetables are enhanced by Gewürztraminer This wine’s floral and lychee notes along with its slight sweetness balance the dish’s flavors

Raw: Fresh, raw dishes such as salads or crudités benefit from crisp, light wines like Sauvignon Blanc or Rosé The fresh tomatoes basil and mozzarella in a Caprese salad pair nicely with a crisp Rosé whose acidity and light fruit flavors enhance the dish’s freshness


Seasonings and sauces can dramatically alter the flavor profile of a dish, impacting the wine pairing Here are some examples:

Herbs: Fresh herbs like basil, cilantro, and mint call for wines that enhance their freshness Think of Sauvignon Blanc or Vermentino for your favorite Pesto Pasta The fresh basil in a vibrant pesto sauce pairs beautifully with Vermentino, whose citrusy and herbaceous notes complement the herb’s freshness

Spices: Spicy dishes, whether it’s a dash of chili or a complex curr y, pair well with slightly sweet wines like Riesling or off-dr y Chenin Blanc The heat and aromatic spices in a chickpea curr y are balanced by an offdr y Chenin Blanc whose slight sweetness tempers the spice

Creamy Sauces: Creamy or cheesy sauces often found in vegetarian pastas or casseroles pair excellently with full-bodied whites like Chardonnay or Viognier The rich, creamy sauce in fettuccine Alfredo finds a perfect match in Chardonnay, whose full body and butter y notes complement the dish’s richness

Tang y Sauces: Tang y sauces, such as vinaigrettes or lemon-based dressings, match nicely with high-acidity wines like Albariño or unoaked Chardonnay The tang y lemon and fresh herbs in a quinoa salad pair well with the high acidity of Albariño, enhancing the dish’s bright flavors

Pairing wine with vegetarian dishes is a rewarding endeavor that opens up a world of flavors By considering the ingredients, cooking methods, and seasonings, you can create harmonious pairings that elevate your meals Whether you ’ re enjoying a simple weeknight dinner or hosting a lavish gathering these wine and vegetarian food pairings will impress and satisfy you

10 Shortlisted Restaurants and Takeaways Announced For Regional Awards At The ARTA 2024

By Wine consultant Sylvia Ba, a vinicultural exper t with the "VinoVoss" AI

Soft Drinks Surge As Gen Z Drives Moderation Revolution

The On Premise is witnessing a marked decrease in alcohol consumption across the globe This shift is also evident in the UK, with a -23pp net decrease , resulting in a growing appetite for exciting soft drink options CGA by NIQ s leading OPUS data highlights the potential for drinks brands and venue operators to capitalise on this emerging trend, especially among the younger consumers at its forefront

Among the legal drinking age (LDA) to 24-year-old demographic almost a third (30%) repor t drinking less than they did a year ago, with 13% completely abstaining from alcohol

This demographic is also more health-conscious, with three quarters striving to lead a healthier lifestyle (74%) and actively seeking to make environmentally conscious choices (73%)

However, this reduction in alcohol intake has not negatively impacted younger consumers ’ engagement with the On Premise sector On the contrar y 86% of LDA- 24 year old consumers have visited the On Premise in the last 3 months 60% going out weekly (over-indexing by +17pp versus the average for all GB consumers)

Despite the growing preference for non-alcoholic drinks the total soft drinks sales performance has remained flat Although cer tain segments are showing promise , with a +8% year-on-year (YOY) value increase in bars and bar restaurants and a +2 7% YOY value growth in hotels

This data indicates untapped potential for soft drinks during higher tempo occasions, especially among younger consumers who are increasingly adopting zebra striping – alternating between alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks throughout the night In fact, 18-24-year-olds are more likely to choose soft drinks in a bar or late-night setting, over-indexing by +6pp versus the average consumer

Yet breaking into this potentially lucrative market requires careful strateg y THE MOST PROMINENT FACTORS DRIVING BRAND CHOICE INCLUDE:

• Habit – 43% soft dr ink consumer s are creatures of habit, always c hoosing the same dr ink categor ies and/or brands

• Brand loyalty – 38% of consumer s consistently c hoose their favour ite brand

• Value for money – An equal % are motivated by value for money as brand loyalty, whic h does not necessar i y mean the c heapest option

• Brand quality – A quar ter (23%) pr ior itise brand qual ty

• Menu recommendations and onsite activations – Promotional activities are par ticularly effective among 18-24-year-olds who have strong brand loyalty while also being more open to being influenced, (over-indexing by +9pp ver sus

Admiral Taverns Crowns Community Pub of the Year


for success Suppliers who tap into these insights and align their strategies are better positioned to lead in this new era of beverage consumption “ Admiral Taverns has crowned the winner of its Community Pub of the Year Awards to recognise the effor ts of its licensees going the extra mile for their communities

Following a repor t from think-tank, Localis, finding that 75% of people felt the impact of pubs to community life to be positive Admiral Taverns identified the impor tance of incentivising and rewarding licensees for creating thriving social hubs that suppor t all aspects of local life and bring people together

As a result, Admiral Taverns launched a competition across it’s leased and tenanted division in 2023 in search for the pubs going above and beyond for their communities The winner of the competition stands to receive £500 credit on their trading account along with a £500 donation – in the pub’s name – to a charity of its choice , whilst the runner up receives £250 credit and a £250 donation to their choice of charity

This year, The Old Kings Head in Worle was victorious thanks to its outstanding ongoing contribution to local life Since taking over in 2019, the licensees – Glynn and Lindsey Smith – have raised an incredible total of over £21 000 for an array of charities and causes including Weston Hospice Help for Heroes and British Hear t Foundation The couple has also invested in having a lifesaving defibrillator installed at the pub to ensure there’s one easily accessible to the public in the case of an emergency The licensees work tirelessly to cement The Old Kings Head at the hear t of Worle and continue to sponsor and host numerous local spor ts teams In addition, they have registered the pub as a Community Living Room’ to provide those struggling with the cost-of-living crisis with a free , non-judgemental space to come together

live music performances from an array of local ar tists, with all proceeds donated to the local foodbank

Over in Lochwinnoch, Scotland the Three Churches received the ‘Highly Commended’ award for its incredible donation of £7,000 to the Teenage Cancer Trust (TCT) following its annual music festival Ever y year, the passionate licensees – Susan Busby and Tony Simpson – transforms the pub’s beer garden into a lively music festival for local residents to enjoy Featuring live music , games, raffles and customised t-shir ts available to purchase , ever y penny is donated to TCT

Chris Jowsey, Chief Executive of Admiral Taverns, commented: “On behalf of myself, and the whole team at Admiral Taverns, I would like to thank Glynn, Lindsey, Susan and Tony for their incredible contributions to their local communities I’m blown away by all the effor ts of our licensees across the countr y, whether that is raising money for local charities or hosting coffee mornings for the elderly, they are always going above and beyond At Admiral, we strongly believe that pubs are so much more than a place to

Most recently, Glynn took par t in a 20-mile charity walk in Bristol, with four regular customers, raising £2,300 for The Darby Rimmer MND Foundation The pub also hosts an annual summer festival, ‘Kings Fest’, in aid of the local foodbank This year, the festival has taken place for one day during each bank holiday, with the final day happening on 25th August At £5 per ticket, the community is invited to come along for a day of

Boost Your Team’s Skills: Invest in Essential Safety Training

The Rise of “Dine and Dash” and Your Rights at Law

Even as a seasoned criminal lawyer who has just about seen it all I must say I was shocked to learn that one in twenty Britons have admitted to committing a dine and dash offence at some point in their lives It's surprising not because of the apparent ubiquity of this crime , but because seemingly sensible people with the means to pay for their meals think this behaviour is acceptable and have no shame in saying so

This phenomenon garnered some national media attention earlier in the year when someone from my own ver y profession was caught out and sternly sanctioned by both the cour t and her regulators

The frivolity of the phrase ‘dine and dash’ perhaps does a disser vice to just how serious this sor t of behaviour actually is Data suggests it has been on the rise since Covid and the enduring cost of living crises The rise of it may also par tly stem from the fact that people are no longer properly communicating legitimate grievances about their meal or ser vice and just walking off without settling up The consequence is hard felt and restaurants are bearing the financial brunt at a time when operating margins are already slim


As always there are complexities nuances and variables when it comes to any kind of legal advice The turn of phrase it depends has been uttered by lawyers from time immemorial for good reason

However, what I can say is that when dealing with dine and dash incidents restaurant operators should balance the need to take immediate remedial action against the long-term legal and financial implications of so doing

In English law this offending is known as 'making off without payment' It is a statutor y offence pursuant to section 3 of the Theft Act 1978 It is also an 'either way offence' meaning that both the crown and magistrates’ cour ts have jurisdiction to deal with such allegations - depending on the seriousness of the case and subject to the accused's right to elect venue

However, before any offenders are brought before the cour ts, operators will need to think carefully about how they respond to such situations in the first instance


Whilst one could theoretically exercise the power to make a citizen s arrest under section 24A the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 this approach is fraught with risks, including potential counter-allegations of assault/false imprisonment and escalation into serious violence and property damage The caselaw is littered with many a cautionar y tale of proprietors, waiters and kitchen staff tr ying to restrain people from leaving the scene and getting a lot more than they bargained for

The police often advise restaurants to use common sense measures to limit exposure to this sor t of crime such as taking photo IDs, credit cards and deposits before providing ser vice That said these measures could also ser ve to offend innocent and law-abiding patrons, so a tricky balance needs to be struck, as is the way with hospitality

After a dine and dash incident restaurants should look to swiftly preser ve any evidence that may assist officers, such as jotting down descriptions and securing booking data and security camera footage If other patrons witness the incident, it is helpful to take their details for potential witness statements This information can be crucial for both detection and prosecution


If someone is convicted of making off without payment, sentencing can var y widely based on a number of factors These can include , whether it was a group endeavour ; if there was threatened or use of force; if there was any planning or sophistication involved; and whether the defendant has a criminal record Cour ts also give high regard to the value of the unpaid bill, £200 being the fulcrum point between cases of more or less seriousness

A maximum penalty of two years imprisonment is technically available but in practice unlikely to be imposed The Sentencing Council s 2016 Guideline sets out appropriate sentence ranges which star t from fines and discharges and rise to high-level community orders

The most serious cases could still attract custody, with terms ranging from 12-36 weeks imprisonment according to the guideline DISSATISFACTION

If a customer leaves without paying due to dissatisfaction with the ser vice or food or pays a token amount under protest the situation can transition from a criminal matter to a civil one

This is because the criminal law places the burden on the prosecution to prove dishonesty and the intention to permanently withhold payment

However, under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, customers have the right to expect food provided with reasonable care and skill and to be of satisfactor y quality If they dispute payment on this basis the criminal law may not be engaged Given these complexities, restaurant operators should seek tailored legal advice for each specific situation


The impact on restaurants from this sor t of crime is far from trifling, so it can only be hoped that the recent focus on this offence can bring a more concer ted effor t by the police to ensure culprits get their just desser ts

Award-Winning Culinary Talent Set To Gather

To Support Hospitality Action

working within the sector facing challenging times amidst the cost-of-living crisis and ongoing mental health struggles Guests can look forward to an evening of culinar y excellence and will savour eight of the city’s best dining experiences in one unforgettable evening

This year ’ s Winter Chefs’ Gala Dinner features a prolific line-up of award-winning chefs, each bringing their distinct style and exper tise to the event, including:

• Claude Bosi, of Claude Bosi at Bibendum, brings his two Michelin-starred exper tise and rich French culinar y heritage , offering a taste of his critically acclaimed dishes

• Robin Gill, the charismatic chef behind Darby’s and co-founder of Gill Soul Co , is known for his passion for British seasonal produce and his innovative approach to curing, fermenting and preser ving

• Endo Kazutoshi, a third-generation sushi master and the visionar y behind Endo at the Rotunda, brings the precision and ar tistr y of Japanese cuisine , honed through decades of experience

• Bomee Ki, the talented pastr y chef and co-owner of Michelinstarred Sollip, merges modern and classic French techniques with ingredients from her Korean heritage , creating truly unique culinar y creations

• Jonny Lake , co-founder of Trivet, brings his extensive experience from renowned establishments such as The Fat Duck, where he was Executive Head Chef, to offer dishes that have earned him two Michelin stars in 2024

• Ashley Palmer-Watts, the award-winning chef behind The Devonshire , known for his long tenure at The Fat Duck Group, presents dishes that reflect his deep connection to the countr yside and the vibrant energ y of London’s dining scene

• Tomos Parr y of Brat brings his award-winning approach to wood-fired cooking inspired by his Welsh heritage and honed in some of London’s most respected kitchens

• Cynthia Shanmugalingam the chef-proprietor of Rambutan and acclaimed author brings the vibrant flavours of Sri Lanka to London, offering a fresh perspective on Sri Lankan cuisine that has captivated the city

Chef and co-founder of Gill Soul Co, Robin Gill said: “The Winter Chefs’ Dinner is set to be an incredible and fun night for both myself and the other chefs, getting together such talent in one kitchen will make for a ver y special dining experience Whilst enjoying the fantastic menu being ser ved, we should not forget the purpose of the event to help suppor t those who are struggling within the industr y that we all know and

Find Out How the Simpler Recycling Legislation Will

Edinburgh Visitor Levy Must Be Kept To

‘Reasonable’ Level

• Funding allocation: The levy is expected to raise £45-50 million a year by 2028/29 Revenue generated will be reinvested directly into initiatives that benefit residents and enhance visitor experiences, such as a ‘Well Kept City Fund’, affordable housing, city infrastructure , destination marketing and suppor t for major events and festivals

• Shaped with industr y input: The draft scheme has been shaped by many years of engagement with local businesses, residents, and tourism stakeholders including hoteliers

• Expected to launch 2026: When the draft scheme is finalised, early in the new year the Council will begin working with par tners to implement the Visitor Levy and make it live by Summer 2026

However UKHospitality Scotland has warned against increasing the proposed levy to an unsustainable level following the first Council vote Leon Thompson Executive Director of UKHospitality Scotland said:

“The visitor levy will increase costs for both visitors and businesses in Edinburgh, and that cost must be kept to a reasonable minimum

“It’s concerning that an even higher levy has been proposed than the 5% in the draft


• Flat 5% charge per night: Visitors staying in accommodation will be required to pay a small, fixed fee per night of 5% of the accommodation cost, capped at seven consecutive nights

• Wide range of accommodation: The levy will apply to paid accommodation including hotels, shor t-term lets, hostels and bed and breakfasts, but will exclude stays in campsites

to recover their costs

UKHospitality Scotland will consult with members across Edinburgh during the consultation period and respond, reflecting the views of our members ”

Hall & Woodhouse Sees Profits Rise By 50% Year-On-Year

“Our business par tner business had

after tax also increased to £9 5m (2023: £8 1m), bolstered inter alia by the profit on the sale of Rio during the year

Net debt reduced substantially to £37 1m (2023: £55 7m), reflecting principally the receipt of the sale proceeds of the Rio sale and the “judicious management of cash” The company said with £50m of banking facilities in place , this leaves plenty of headroom to continue to invest in its pubs brands and team Anthony Woodhouse chairman said the results are “excellent” despite the “well-publicised challenges for our industr y ”

Profits are now broadly equivalent to pre-pandemic levels and Mr Roodhouse said he is now confident for fur ther progress “notwithstanding the generally poor weathe He said: “Our managed houses had an excellent year with significant increases in to sales and covers on a like-for-like basis

“Margins and labour productivity benefitted from a broad range of initiatives As well as continued investment in the core estate we opened the spectacular H&W Taplow on the banks of the River Thames

Trade Drinks Expo 2024 Returns to ExCeL London

Bar and pub owners, micro-brewers and international decision makers for the largest beverage brands across the countr y are eagerly awaiting the return of Trade Drinks Expo Known as Europe's leading event dedicated to on-trade and off-trade drinks, this trade show and industr y conference will return to ExCeL London on the 15th & 16th of October

This year promises to be the event’s most dynamic yet The expo is set to be attended by thousands of beverage-ser ving professionals ready to gather and explore a vast array of delicious drinks, groundbreaking ideas, deliver y solutions, essential ser vices, and more The Expo is designed to help businesses discover forward-thinking solutions to boost profits, attract guests, and retain clients It’s an exceptional oppor tunity to discover emerging trends, cutting-edge products, and network with professionals shaping the future of beverages

Innovative Exhibitors: The show will feature a wide range of exhibitors at the forefront of the industr y, showcasing products and ser vices to give businesses a competitive edge From premixed cocktail brands to electric point-of-sale technolog y, visitors can expect to find ever ything they need to drive profits and improve customer satisfaction

Inspiring Speakers: Attendees can expect to glean insights and inspiration from the brightest minds in the industr y The lineup of speakers will share exper tise on a range of topics, including the bar experience , non-

alcoholic options, event promotion, and more It’s a great oppor tunity to learn from the challenges and successes of representatives of the sector’s biggest institutions

Sustainability Trail: With sustainability coming to the forefront of impor

CAMRA Announces The Top 17 Pubs In The UK

The best pubs in the UK have been named as par t of the Campaign for Real Ale’s (C AMRA) prestigious Pub of the Year competition

A total of 17 fantastic pubs have battled it out with thousands of pubs across the UK to be crowned the winner in their area For the first time a Nor thern Ireland winner has been crowned this year, having previously been par t of a joint Scotland and Nor thern Ireland Pub of the Year competition

Pubs in the competition are scored on their atmosphere decor welcome , ser vice , inclusivity, overall impression, but most impor tantly –the quality of live beer, real cider and perr y

The regional and national finalists will now compete for the UK National Pub of the Year award, with judges whittling the 17 pubs down to just four in late September C AMRA s esteemed National Pub of the Year title is the topmost accolade the campaigning group can bestow upon a pub The overall winner will be announced in Januar y 2025

Last year ’ s UK National Pub of the Year winner was the Tamwor th Tap in Staffordshire , which won the crown consecutively in both 2023 and 2022

The recognition of pubs and their place in our communities has never been more impor tant, as the announcement of the top 17 pubs come hot on the heels of the one-year anniversar y of the demolition of the iconic Crooked House in Himley Staffordshire

The total destruction of this beloved establishment sent shockwaves across the nation putting a spotlight on unlawful demolitions and conversions of pubs

Andrea Briers National Coordinator for the Pub of the Year competition says: “These amazing pubs really are the crème de la crème and I would encourage the public to seek out the 17 winners from across the nations and regions of the UK – they are top-tier pubs ser ving excellent beer, cider and perr y, run by welcoming, hardworking staff ”

“It’s also impor tant to suppor t your local all year round With constant pressure from stubbornly high energ y prices, fluctuating running costs and grossly unfair business rates threatening to drown pubs across the UK, it’s vital to get out and suppor t the licensed trade ”Central Southern

The oldest pub in Consett, and one of the oldest public houses in the region, the Grey Horse dates back to 1848 and took the Nor th East England Regional Pub of the year crown in both 2019 and 2023 The attractive interior of this traditional pub comprises of a lounge and Lshaped bar, with a classic wood-beamed ceiling

The Consett Ale Works Brewer y is located at the rear of the pub and is a regular sight among the six changing cask beers on offer With quality beer being brewed on the premises and two roaring fires, the pub promises a great atmosphere and a traditional experience The Grey Horse hosts beer festivals twice a year, raising money for local charities The pub is a popular stop off for cyclists, with the coast-to-coast cycle route nearby



Bell Inn, Aldwor th

This wonderful village pub is described as a perennial gem, having previously won the National Pub of the Year title in 1990 and 2019

Remaining in the hands of the Hunt/Macaulay family since the eighteenth centur y the pub’s interior is of outstanding national historic impor tance – the only pub in Berkshire to do so The pub is adorned with attractive historical furnishings such as a Victorian rear screen dating back to the 1880s, and one of the last sur viving 1930s glazed-in ser veries with sliding windows in the countr y The large open garden and range of six different beers, five of which change regularly, attracts walkers and drinkers from far and wide Along with excellent beer, The Bell is renowned for its homemade soups, filled rolls, ploughman’s platters and hot puddings


Blackfriars Tavern, Great Yarmouth

This Victorian corner pub resides in the shadow of the medieval Great Yarmouth town walls Showcasing East Anglian produced cask beer and ciders the Blackfriars Tavern has made its mark as a must visit beer destination, ser ving a varied range of styles, alongside a wide choice of bottled and draught Belgian beers In addition to a fantastic set of beers, a selection of ar tisan loose-leaf teas are available as well as a food menu is also available Visitors describe the Blackfriars Tavern as a real gem of a pub and is well wor th seeking out


Horse and Jockey, Stapleford

The Horse and Jockey was a finalist for the National Pub of the Year title in 2013 and 2022 Known locally as ‘The Jockey,’ this welcoming free house boasts of 13 different cask beers, five of which are from local brewers and includes at least one dark beer plus five ciders The splitlevel pub is decorated with photographs of local landmarks and Stapleford from previous eras, along with whisky water jugs hanging from the ceiling

Renown for being ver y dog-friendly, with water bowls and treats provided, the pub has become a popular destination for walkers and cyclists, being situated close to the eastern side of the Erewash Valley trail

The Horse and Jockey hosts monthly tap takeovers, highlighting local and regional brewers, and stages occasional beer festivals too


Nor thumberland Arms, Marple Bridge

Saved from permanent closure in 2017, following a successful campaign by the local community to bring the Nor thumberland Arms into community ownership, the pub has continued to flourish Now run by a group of enthusiastic local people who have worked hard to restore this cosy, welcoming pub to its former glor y, a varied range of well-kept beers is always available Becoming the beating hear t of its community, the pub locally referred to as “The Thumb ” is a hub for events and activities including running cycling and walking clubs – affectionally known as Thumb Runs, Thumb Wheels and Thumb Legs The pub organises an annual event to raise money for MIND


Nelson Arms, Tonbridge

This beautifully refurbished side street local, just a few minutes walk from Tonbridge station and the high street, was a finalist in last year ’ s national Pub of the Year competition Ser ving six to eight beers across a range of styles from national and local independent breweries, supplemented by 10 keg taps and up to 15 real ciders, it is easy to see why The pub’s spacious and comfor table interior displays a nautical theme , with decorations including a ship’s wheel barometer naval brasses and a painting of Lord Nelson along with attractive breweriana GREATER LONDON

Little Green Dragon, Winchmore Hill

A former shop unit, Enfield’s first micropub opened in 2017, with the aim of providing the local community a place to socialise with a drink, free from tv screens and slot machines The pub is named after the longgone Green Dragon Public House fur ther along the road and became a regional award winner just one year after opening Focussing on the quality and diversity of real ale , the Little Green Dragon has an everchanging selection of four cask beers sourced from local microbreweries and other independent brewers from fur ther afield, plus real cider, perr y and four keg beers Traditional pub games such as table skittles and shove ha’penny are available for pubgoers to play The Little Green Dragon s interior features an eclectic range of seating, from wall mounted benches to low sofas, and even repurposed bus seats


Turks Head, St Helens

An attractive Tudor-style pub dating back to the 1870s near the town centre , The Turks Head has previously won the Merseyside and Cheshire Regional C AMRA Pub of the Year in 2023 The friendly and welcoming pub offers an enormous range of 14 cask beers and 15 ciders, plus an impressive whisky and gin selection An extensive variety of craft and continental beers can also be found in the upstairs Tower Lounge room which hosts live music and events for local community groups The pub has an expansive beer garden with an outside bar and wood-fired pizza oven


Grey Horse , Consett

The oldest pub in Consett, and one of the oldest public houses in the region, the Grey Horse dates back to 1848 and took the Nor th East England Regional Pub of the year crown in both 2019 and 2023 The attractive interior of this traditional pub comprises of a lounge and Lshaped bar, with a classic wood-beamed ceiling The Consett Ale Works Brewer y is located at the rear of the pub and is a regular sight among the six changing cask beers on offer With quality beer being brewed on the premises and two roaring fires, the pub promises a great atmosphere and a traditional experience The Grey Horse hosts beer festivals twice a year, raising money for local charities The pub is a popular stop off for cyclists, with the coast-to-coast cycle route nearby


Dog and Duck, Lisbellaw

A family run, dog-friendly countr y pub, the Dog and Duck Inn is in the rural village of Lisbellaw, about five miles from Enniskillen Noted for its welcoming and cosy atmosphere , it specialises in independent beers, ciders and spirits No less than four teen taps including four traditional cask handpumps usually ser ving one real ale and three ciders can be found at the bar The pub is also home to the Glenwinny micro distiller y which produces small batch rum, brandy and whiskey using locally sourced ingredients Pubgoers can sample the range of spirits and even

book a personalised tour and tasting experience


Hillend Tavern, Dalgety Bay

This community-focused village pub near Dalgety Bay, Fife previously won the Regional Scotland & Nor thern Ireland Pub of the Year award in 2023 Locally known as “the Tav” the pub has a friendly and welcoming atmosphere with cosy coal fires The traditional bar ser ves four changing cask beers, and a spacious area at the rear is used to host village events The Hillend Tavern proudly suppor ts and sponsors local spor ts teams, including cricket, football and squash


Crossways Inn, West Huntspill

The Crossways Inn has fast gained a reputation for good food and outstanding choice of beer, becoming a must visit for those wanting a huge selection of well-maintained drinks Located on the idyllic Somerset Levels, the 17th-centur y inn has several bar areas, boasting of nine handpumps and an ever-changing range of up to twenty five guest cask beers per week plus a selection of real ciders and craft beers

Surrey and Sussex

Brickmakers Alehouse , Bexhill on Sea

Conver ted from a former shop and showroom of a local brick manufacturer, the Brickmakers Alehouse opened as Bexhill’s first micropub in 2019 Conveniently close to the town centre and seafront, the pub is a welcoming space for the community, where ever yone can discover and enjoy a varied range of regularly changing beer and cider Owned and run by two cask ale and cider enthusiasts, drinkers can expect at least six cask beers, including those from local producers, and four real ciders


Cresselly Arms, Cressell Quay

Situated on the Cresswell River, stepping into this Grade II listed hostelr y is like stepping back in time Dating back to the 1880s, the Victorian public bar has changed little over the centuries The homely farm kitchen interior is of national historic interest with a red and black quarr y-tiled floor, roaring open cast-iron fireplace , Victorian-era counter and bar-back shelves held up by slender columns Accessible by boat from the Milford Haven estuar y at high tide and a shor t drive from Tenby, the pub also lies on a series of interesting walking routes, making it a popular destination for hikers The Cresselly Arms is a haven for locals and tourists alike , staging community events and collaborating with local food outlets, while ser ving four excellent cask beers WESSEX

Woodman Inn, Bridpor t

A fiercely independent traditional pub at the hear t of its community with a focus on quality beers and ciders The Woodman Inn offers a range of five constantly changing beers, rarely ser ving the same drink twice , with one handpump dedicated to dark beer Exhibiting a vast array of ciders, the pub also won the Regional Cider Pub of the Year award in 2023 The Woodman Inn has a cosy one-bar interior with a stone floor and log burner, a pleasant garden to the rear and a skittle alley


Bailey Head, Oswestr y Nestled near the Welsh borders in the charming market town of Oswestr y, the Bailey Head is a must visit for beer lovers The pub has one of the largest beer ranges of any in Shropshire , claiming to have sold over 3 400 different draught beers since opening in March 2016 Six constantly changing cask beers always including one dark beer are supplemented by eleven other draught beers, plus four ciders and a perr y The pub also has a substantial range of canned and bottled beers from across the UK and overseas The Society of Independent Brewers (SIB A) named the pub the UK’s Best Rural Independent Craft Beer Pub or Bar in 2020 and has been a finalist many times since Regular tap take overs and meet the brewer events, among other activities are organised for the local community The Bailey Head is ver y dog friendly, being voted Most Dog Friendly Pub in the West Midlands in 2017 by DogBuddy


Black Horse , Preston

A visually stunning Victorian Grade II listed pub opposite the historic Preston open market Having an interior of national historic impor tance , the Black Horse is a fantastic example of Victorian architecture , retaining original fittings from the era Most notewor thy is the beautiful semi-circular ceramic bar, tiled walls and meticulous mosaic flooring throughout the pub A seating area has been dubbed the ‘Hall of Mirrors’ due to the impressive use of original stained glass The Black Horse ser ves ten handpumps including four changing guest beers from far and wide , plus a range of ciders


Three B’s, Bridlington

Run by a husband-and-wife team who are passionate about beer and cider the popular micropub is described as “Bridlington’s Real Ale Destination”, showcasing four cask beers usually from Yorkshire microbreweries The pub aims to never sell the same beer twice , making for an exciting range of everchanging beers at the bar, becoming the Society of Independent Brewers’ (SIB A) UK’s Best City Independent Craft Beer Pub or Bar finalist in 2021 Also, as a National Cider Pub of the Year finalist in 2023, at least 10 ciders of var ying styles and strengths are ser ved from local suppliers

Photo Caption: The Bell Inn, Aldwor th, by Bob Smith

Star Pubs Launches Online Darts

Tournament To Drive Midweek Sales

Story Cellar Appoints Robert Homer As A New Head Chef

Inns Adds

Guest Amenities

Elevating the Guest Experience: The Strategic Importance of Hotel Amenities



t of high-quality linens, or the delight of a complimentar y breakfast, each amenity contributes to the overall impression of the proper ty For business travellers, cer tain amenities like a well-equipped workspace fast internet and access to meeting facilities can be the deciding factor in their choice of accommodation

However, in the modern hospitality landscape , guests are not just looking for the basics They expect a cer tain level of luxur y and personalization and they are acutely aware that if one hotel doesn't meet their standards, there are countless others that might This means that hoteliers need to be strategic about the amenities they offer, ensuring they not only meet but exceed guest expectations


Selecting the right amenities for your hotel rooms or proper ty requires a careful balance between enhancing the guest experience and maintaining profitability It’s impor tant to recognize which amenities should be offered as standard which should be available upon request and which could be positioned as premium add-ons

Essential Amenities: Hotel toiletries extend fare beyond functional items; they are vital to the overarching guest experience Thoughtfully chosen and high-quality toiletries have the power to elevate a guest’s perception of a hotel creating a lasting and positive impression and are the baseline expectations of any hotel stay Items like toi-


Guest Supply - Transforming Stays with World-Class

Petrichor is the name of the ear thy scent produced when rain first falls on dr y soil Derived from the ancient Greek Pétra (rock) and ikh r (ethereal fluid), this became the name for the brand

In line with Sedbergh Soap Company’s ethos Dor the Pratt, the founder of the business, set about incorporating natural and organic ingredients infused with essential oils, grasses and herbs to created Petrichor to the hotel owners ’ brief James and Nina of The Black Bull: “Petrichor is the essence of a ver y successful collaboration between two independent businesses The bespoke ar tisan-crafted fragrance inspired by our surroundings Nina’s

Cleaning and Hygiene

The Importance of Cleaning and Hygiene in the UK Hospitality Sector

Five Star Cleaning , Starts With Best In Class Equipment

Guest Supply - Transforming Stays with World-Class Amenities

High End Wine Preservation In Your Business or Home with Expert Wine Storage

Modular Magic: Winterhalter’s MT Dishwasher is Amazingly

to individual requirements

Winterhalter has also developed ‘neutral’ modules that can be positioned between operational zones (prewash, wash, rinse and dr ying) They extend the distance between the zones, meaning the MT can accept extra-large wash

• Safety for Staff: A hygienic

reduces the r isk of accidents and injur es , suc h as slips , tr ips , and falls , ensur ing a safer working environment for the staff

Positive Inspections: Regular c leaning ensures that the

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Email: Or see the adver t on page 9 One True Concoction (OTC) is more than just a beverage brand; it’s a blend of tradition, family, and a

Products and Services

Collaboration Leads to Guest Success


set about incorporating natural and organic ingredients infused with essential oils grasses and herbs to created Petrichor to the hotel owners brief

James and Nina of The Black Bull: “Petrichor is the essence of a ver y successful collaboration between two independent businesses The bespoke ar tisan-crafted fragrance , inspired by our surroundings, Nina’s rich Japanese heritage is the embodiment of our ethos We are thrilled how well it has been received by our guests” Dor the added: “when I set out to compose Petrichor, I

The Label Group


knew it would be a challenge The smell appears rarely here in the Yorkshire Dales as there needs to be a warm dr y spell first, and once it star ts raining the scent is gone , so my reference point was rather elusive” James and Nina are ideal collaborators: ambitious, visionar y, and open-minded

Exceeding Customer Expectations

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Tayto Has ‘Snacking Sorted’

As the largest family-owned, British-based snack company with a stable of well-known British brands, Tayto has ‘Snacking Sor ted’

Bar Snacks offer a brilliant oppor tunity to increase sales through the ‘double whammy’ of generating incremental sales AND boosting dwell time Our unique offering provides hospitality and licensed venues with a snacking ‘ onestop shop’

Here are our top tips on how to maximise sales - and profits - from snacks!

*Stock a wide range of proven, premium snacks that have been developed for the licensed sector Pub consumers look for brands they can trust and it s impor tant to stock proven sellers! Tayto has a range of award-winning snacks to suit ever y pub and cover a large range of ages and dietar y requirements:

• Midland Snac ks Traditional Scratc hings – No 1 brand1 and our best-se ling pubcard – boasting a 2-star Great Taste award, with ts traditional hand cooked recipe that has stood the test of time

• Mr Porky Or ig nal Scratc hings – the No 2 brand1 is the most recogn sed name in scratc hings and also a 2-star Great Taste Award winner

• Mr Porky Cr ispy Str ips - a l ghter bite , akin to cr ispy bacon r inds , for those who want all the taste of a scratc hing but a less hard texture , and another Great Taste award-winner

• REAL Hand Cooked Cr isps – premium, award-winning, food ser vice focussed cr isp brand with 9 strong f avour s (of whic h 7 are Great Taste Award winner s) All recipes are gluten free vegetar ian and with no added MSG REAL has relaunc hed it’s punc hy Ham & Mustard flavour and has par tnered with Colman s , the UK s number one mustard brand2 to br ng you REAL Handcooked Ham & Colman’s Mustard

• Animal Adventures – vegetar ian, gluten-free with no added nasties , is a lightly salted animal-shaped fun snac ks that kids love


Boost sales by tailoring your range to their tastes Our research shows that younger male consumers prefer the meaty flavours – like Roast Ox, Ham & Colman’s Mustard whereas the more traditional flavours are popular with the 45yrs+ - Salted, Cheese & Onion and Sea Salt & Black Pepper 3 PROMPT SERVICE

The Perfect Snack




o Pubcards or c lip str ips behind the bar

o A full range of cr isps on






for All Your Trade and Hospitality Needs

Fly the Flag for Good Taste

Tyrrells is an ideal choice for customers looking to make trips

to pubs and bars feel like a special occasion With 93 Great Taste Awards across the range , Tyrrells offers a great accompaniment to a glass of wine , offering classic and popular flavours including Mature Cheddar & Chive , Lightly Sea Salted and Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar

Launched this year, our new League of Tyrrellbly Good Taste initiative suppor ts the Out of Home (OOH) channel in driving bagged snacks sales The initiative enables OOH outlets to register their business via a bespoke platform to receive exclusive POS with 200 POS kits available , including a branded wooden display unit, a window sticker marking out the business as a “Tyrrellbly Tasteful Establishment”, a clip strip and more FInd out more –www tyrrellscrisps co uk/league/ See the adver t on the previous page for details

Greenleaf’s Christmas Collection Unveiled

Chefs' Buyers Guide

Northern Ireland - Bringing Character to

Over 100 years ago Nor thern Ireland introduced whiskey to the world and now our distillers and craft brewers are in the midst of a vibrant renaissance Over the last decade our drinks sector has become one of the region’s most dynamic , innovative and expor t-driven industries Our drinks producers are winning awards across the globe , driving buoyant sales at home and abroad and our buzzing visitor centres and tap rooms are enticing tourists into cities, towns and villages across the four corners of our beautiful countr y This resurgence is driven by a compelling blend of long-established distilleries such as Bushmills, the world’s oldest licensed whiskey producer, and a wave of innovative newcomers Bushmills doubled its production in 2023 with the opening of its £37mn Causeway Distiller y, taking sales to over 1 million cases for the first time Also taking strides are newcomers Echlinville Distiller y, a pioneer in field-to-glass

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McWhinney ’s Sausages

McWhinney’s Sausages has been a family run business since 1898 Star ting out in a butcher’s shop many things have changed over the years, but one thing has stayed the same – quality The company emphasises quality above all, using only the best quality cuts of pork to produce their award-winning Irish Pork Sausages Ever ything from the 126-year-old recipe used in the Premium sausage to the newer additions, such as gluten free , used the same high-quality ingredients and get the same care and attention to ensure a consistently excellent result ever y time MD Kevin McWhinney is a fifth-generation butcher who was raised on the premium sausages 6 years ago, he

was diagnosed with coeliac disease and became unable to eat any of the products he produced This led to the creation of the McWhinney s Gluten Free Sausage Applying the McWhinney s quality

ethos, Kevin set out to create a great product in its own right as opposed to a passable alternative In this he succeeded in creating a sausage with a hint of honey-roast ham sweetness which packs a pepper y tingle on the back of the palette

Gluten free offerings are becoming increasingly impor tant as awareness in the industr y grows and kitchens become more equipped to deal with the challenges it poses The McWhinney’s Gluten Free can sit on any menu proudly to delight diner s tastebuds whether coeliac , gluten-reducing or just looking far a tasty sausage

For more information email info@mcwhinneys com

Chefs' Buyers Guide


LittlePod’s RE AL Vanilla Paste

Tiptree Patisserie – Serious About Shortbread


scones and


Today, we ’ re proud to be channelling our exper tise into expanding our shor tbread offeringsa categor y that has rapidly become an impor tant par t of our growing product range These butter y melt-in-the-mouth treats are becoming a hallmark of our brand and we re serious about making them nothing less than exceptional With traditional flavours such as All-Butter and Chocolate Chip, to more unusual seasonal flavours like Lavender and Mince Pie , there is something for ever yone to enjoy

retailers and farm


who trust us to deliver excellence under their


At Tiptree Patisserie shor tbread is not just another product; it’s an expression of our brand s dedication to quality, tradition, and the ar t of ar tisan baking If you would like to get in touch about supply or to discuss a white-label solution for your business, please get in touch:

As par t of the Wilkin & Sons family of business, famous for its Tiptree Jam, you can be assured of our focus on quality and ingredients Naturally, here at Tiptree Patisserie our handmade cakes are made with

Tel: 01376 509101

Email: tiptreepatisserie@tiptree .com

Web: www tiptreecakes com

Hospitality Technology

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They ’re Rewriting the Rules of Hospitality with Tech That Truly Understands Your Guests

Outdoor Spaces

Catering Equipment Ltd

Catering Equipment Ltd are the authorised UK Distributor for

Elevate Alfresco Dining with Quality Wines from

Lanchester Wines

lo and Cabernet Sauvignon

• White Wine: A zesty m x of Airen, Macabeo, and Sauvignon Blanc

• Rosé Wine: A delightful Garnac ha Rosado With Lanchester Wines, alfresco dining can be both environmentally conscious and a celebration of great taste Our innovative packaging solutions ensure you can offer high-quality wines that are practical and sustainable , enhancing the outdoor dining experience for your customers See the adver t on the facing page for details

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Outdoor Spaces

Expanding Your Business Potential with Quality and Style

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

Outdoor Spaces

Let Jefferson Calor Gas Power Your Hospitality Experience

Discover Your Perfect Catering Gazebo with Gazeboshop

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Caterquip Ventilation

Fridge Seals Direct

Fridge Seals Direct proud to be UK's no1 supplier of replacement fridge and freezer seals We fabricate for a wide variety of commercial fridge & freezers

The management team at Fridge Seals Direct have over 30 years of experience in the refrigeration industr y and have each spent many of those years installing gaskets and hardware for a range of styles brands and sizes of fridges

From restaurant kitchens to food warehouses - we have experience in dealing with fridge & freezers of all sizes and scales To learn more about fridge seals, be sure to explore our range of extensive guides on how to replace a refrigerator door seals Otherwise , find your specific guides in how to identify, measure , install or maintain your fridge or freezer door seal

The Importance of Venting Floor Mounted Waste Water Pumping Systems

When designing or installing a commercial kitchen venting the floor mounted waste water pumping system may not be the first thing that is taken into consideration However, understanding the impor tance of venting for the effective operation of the pump, as well dispersing odours from the tank, is a critical factor for reliability in these situations

As wastewater drains from a sink or appliance the air inside the tank must be released to allow the flow of water into it If the tank is not vented correctly wastewater will be noticeably slower to drain away from sinks and appliances Odours and gurgling noises from equipment and sinks will also occur In these situations the likelihood is that the pumping system is not properly vented

As the pump operates air needs to be drawn back into the tank so that a par tial vacuum is not created If this is allowed to happen the discharge flow of the pump will be reduced adversely affecting its efficiency

For these reasons all pump tanks need to be fitted with a suitable vent to allow them to breathe in and out Ideally this should be routed to atmosphere external to the building

In cases where the vent outlet can only be sited within the building, a filter must be used to minimise any potential odours escaping from the pump collect-

ing tank

Two filters are available from Aldermaston based waste water pumping system specialists Pump Technolog y Ltd the smaller CharcoVent and the larger MicroVent Both contain an activated carbon filter ideal for removing odours

The smaller CharcoVent, which is an easy to replace disposable car tridge , should be used on systems that are typically sink only Its vent pipe should be 1 1/4”

The larger MicroVent, which features a replaceable cartridge , should be used on systems that have multiple wastewater inlets, or with appliances

Our reputation in the industr y along with our commitment to providing a high-quality gasket without having to buy from the factor y allows us to have competitive pricing and fast turnaround time

Tr y us out, order your door gaskets from us and discover a better way to do business We are here to help you

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• Be ready for your inspections

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set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development MARKETING

We will help you build a workable , planned Marketing Strateg y From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online advertising to print design Promotions and offline adver tising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’ If your

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