CLH Digital - Issue #230

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Editor's Viewpoint

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital


The introduction of Mar tyn s Law to Parliament, following Prime Minister Keir Starmer s pledge to the mother of Manchester bombing victim Mar tyn Hett, is both a commendable and vital move

Mar tyn, along with 21 others, tragically lost their lives in the 2017 Manchester Arena attack, and this legislation is designed to ensure that such horrific events are never repeated The Prime Minister’s swift action in honouring this pledge deser ves recognition as it demonstrates a clear commitment to public safety and the protection of those visiting venues across the UK

For the hospitality and licensed on-trade sectors Mar tyn’s Law brings a fundamental shift in how we approach security Venues of all sizes will need to implement detailed risk assessments, introduce counter-terrorism training for staff, and develop action plans to respond to potential threats

While the impor tance of these measures cannot be overstated, the implementation of this legislation must be done with a sense of balance par ticularly as the hospitality sector continues to grapple with the harsh financial realities of post-pandemic recover y and soaring costs

It is widely accepted that no price can be placed on public safety, but the reality is that for many operators, the introduction of additional financial burdens could be crippling With rising energ y bills, business rate issues, and labour shor tages already pushing many businesses to the brink, the prospect of fur ther costs related to security measures is daunting

In my view, the government must consider suppor t packages or relief to help operators meet these new obligations without jeopardising their ability to stay afloat It is essential that the sector is not left shouldering this burden alone as the consequences could be devastating for smaller businesses that are already struggling

On another matter, which I know may earn me my critics, I want to express my concern about the growing trend of restricting adver tising and marketing par ticularly when it


comes to alcohol and so-called "junk food "

The recent proposals in Scotland to restrict alcohol adver tising, combined with the UK government’s decision to ban junk food adver tisements on television before the 9pm watershed reflect what I see as an alarming drift towards a nanny state Let me be clear : I fully suppor t healthy diets and responsible consumption, but I also believe in the autonomy of adults to make informed choices

Since 1969, when the legal voting age was reduced to 18, society has largely treated individuals as capable of making their own decisions at that age We trust them to vote , join the militar y, and, of course , consume alcohol responsibly While I agree that there should be restrictions on marketing harmful products to children, imposing these limits on adults feels like an infringement on personal freedom

In 2019, the Institute of Economic Affairs criticised the UK for being one of the least free countries due to its excessive regulation of alcohol food and tobacco and I can’t help but feel that we are heading fur ther down this path

My concern is that these measures under the guise of public health are often a prelude to fur ther taxation We’ve seen it before , with taxes on alcohol, cigarettes, and sugar y drinks rising steadily

The creeping advance of soft paternalism is eroding our freedom of choice , with the government dictating what we can eat, drink, and even see adver tised on television These policies may be well-intentioned, but they risk infantilising the ver y adults we trust to make impor tant decisions in ever y other area of life

As we move forward with Mar tyn’s Law, ensuring the safety of our customers is paramount But let’s also guard against overreach in other areas balancing public safety and public freedom must remain at the hear t of our decision-making I can always be contacted at edit@catererlicensee com

Once more I would ask you to please follow us on X (Twitter), and encourage as many people you know in the trade to sign up to our digital issue , fur ther details can be seen at www catererlicensee com

We of fer a wide range of cof fee machines, from a ‘compact’ 2 group Iberital IB7 all the way through to our flagship machine, the San Remo Cafe Racer All at competitive prices and with a range of rental, finance and leasing options available So whether you’re running a pub, or a large high-end cafe or restaurant, we ll have machines to suit

Martyn’s Law ’ Introduced To Parliament...

...With Sector Calling for “Collaborative Approach”


This legislation will strengthen public safety, help protect staff and the public from terrorism and ensure we learn the lessons from the terrible Manchester Arena attack and the inquir y that followed It is impor tant we now take this forward through Parliament in Mar tyn’s memor y and to help keep people safe ” SAFER FOR EVERYONE

Figen Murray, mother of Mar tyn Hett, said: “I want to thank ever yone who has played a par t in getting the bill to this stage , and especially the Prime Minister, who gave me his word that he would act quickly to introduce Mar tyn’s Law He said he would act quickly and he has ”

“Today means we are one step closer to making public spaces safer for ever yone It is also hugely impor tant for my family that Mar tyn’s Law will be on the statute book ahead of the next anniversar y of Mar tyn’s death ” COLLABORATIVE APPROACH

Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, said: “Protecting our staff and customers is a top priority for hospitality businesses and we ve been pleased to suppor t the Government in the development of Mar tyn s Law

“I’m pleased that the legislation gives venues in the standard tier the flexibility they need to create bespoke plans to keep people safe ”

“This is crucial because no two venues are the same and ever yone will have different requirements to best achieve the aims of this legislation – keeping our staff and customers safe ”

“A collaborative approach between businesses, local authorities and Government has been productive in the development of Mar tyn’s Law and will remain crucial as businesses work to meet new requirements, especially for those venues in the enhanced tier ”

“I look forward to continue working with the Government and the Security Industr y Authority on this critical piece of legislation, both as it goes through Parliament and throughout the process to develop sector-specific guidance


Michael Kill, CEO of the Night Time Industries Association said: “Today’s presentation of Mar tyn’s Law in Parliament marks a significant milestone , reflecting a seven-year journey led by the unwavering dedication of Figen Murray As CEO of the Night Time Industries Association, I want to commend Figen for her relentless advocacy in honour of her son Mar tyn Hett and to emphasize both the achievements and challenges that lie ahead ”

“Mar tyn’s Law aims to bolster safety measures at publicly accessible venues, a goal we wholehear tedly suppor t However, as we advance , it is crucial to address the propor tionality of the proposed measures, within all

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settings We must ensure that the balance between heightened security and practical implementation is carefully considered Key concerns include the operational impact skillset required of venue operators and the financial implications of enforcing these new safety protocols ”

“While the objectives of Mar tyn’s Law are commendable , it is essential that the legislation is designed with feasibility and fairness in mind We urge all stakeholders to engage in a thorough review of the bill as it progresses through the parliamentar y process Our goal is to ensure that the safety enhancements are both effective and manageable for all involved


Former counter-terrorism police chief Nick Aldwor th welcomed the speed at which the new Government had acted on introducing the Bill to Parliament, calling it a “significant step”

“It is impor tant that as the law comes into force we continue to listen to security exper ts and ensure the threshold is set to protect as many people and public venues as possible , ” he added

The Home Office has assured businesses will be given time and guidance on the changes once the bill receives Royal Assent

As set out in the bill, those responsible for premises will be required to fulfil necessar y but propor tionate steps, according to their capacity, to help keep the public safe This includes a tiered approach, linked to the size of the venue , how many people will be there and the activity taking place , making sure undue burdens are not placed on small businesses


A standard tier premises will apply to locations with a capacity of more than 200 people but under 800 These businesses will be asked to under take simple yet effective activities to put in place procedures to reduce harm to the public in the event of an attack These could be as simple as training staff to lock doors, close shutters and identify a safe route to cover

The enhanced tier will apply to premises and events with a capacity of more than 800 individuals, given the devastating impact an attack could have in these spaces These locations will need to put in place measures such as CCTV or hiring security staff

The changes could affect an estimated 155,000 smaller businesses with venue capacity of between 200 and 799 people , at an average projected cost of £330 a year, with an estimated 24,000 larger venues, with capacity of 800 and above , possibly subject to the laws and face average costs of around £5,000 a year as a result

Sanctions for failing to follow the rules could at first include those responsible for venue safety being issued with warnings such as compliance notices where they will be ordered to change or improve procedures

But this could escalate to punitive penalties for serious breaches

Navigating A Career In High-End Hospitality


Prestigious brands, glamorous locations, amazing career oppor tunities

There are so many reasons why careers in the luxur y hospitality sector are so enthusiastically soughtafter by young talents studying at Glion and elsewhere Maybe this is your dream destination too? If so, or even if you re just curious about premium hospitality as a career destination, I hope in this ar ticle I can provide you with some useful insights into what it takes to get into – and then thrive within – highend hospitality Plus I’ll also take a look at the broader luxur y sector


What is the definition of luxur y? Put simply, there is no single answer to that question, thanks to the incredible variety that exists between our needs and desires as human beings

For some of us, luxur y is as simple as breakfast in bed; for others it s the luxur y of time spent with family and friends away from work or other commitments For the more ‘traditional’ luxur y customers it’s a bit of sparkle and ‘bling’ – a rare and expensive product from a renowned brand

What is a universal truth is that luxur y is not the ever yday If you have the ability to eat at a Michelin-starred restaurant ever y evening – that isn’t luxur y, no matter how good, or expensive , the meals are Genuine luxur y has a rarity a barrier to entr y that puts it in the realm of the extraordinar y

It’s also true that the notion of luxur y is evolving from where it was 10 or 15 years ago Today, consumer tastes are shifting from luxur y in the shape of material things towards luxur y in the form of incredible experiences which make people feel special and uniquely privileged If anything, this trend has been supercharged by social media channels such as Instagram and TikTok, where people love to share photographs of themselves in amazing places or doing amazing things

This is, of course , music to the ears of luxur y hotel operators, private yacht char ter companies, bespoke travel consultancies, and all the other players within the ever-expanding experience economy

It also provides additional context to one of the more eye-catching recent trends in high-end hotels: the arrival into the sector of brands more associated with the luxur y fashion industr y, such as Bulgari and Armani, as well as the international luxur y houses such as LVMH Even for physical luxur y goods such as watches, the product is now more tightly wrapped in the ethos of the experience For example , entering many high-end watch boutiques today is more akin to walking through the doors of a private members’ club It’s an authentic hospitality experience , complete with a complimentar y cocktail or glass of Champagne in many cases No wonder the luxur y retail industr y has been so keen to poach employees from the hospitality sector in recent years


Why should an ambitious individual like you be targeting luxur y careers as your hospitality employment playground? And where should you be directing your effor ts to get hired?

There are several answers to the first question, but in these uncer tain times perhaps the most impor tant answer is that it’s a profession with a solid future The wider luxur y industr y is known for being recessionproof, and when you couple that with our innate desire to travel and experience new things then luxur y hotels and resor ts will only grow in number while also becoming more diverse in the experiences they offer Another factor to consider is that luxur y hospitality is the perfect career choice if you are a ‘people person ’ ; and especially if you find joy in making others happy The ability to deliver happiness at a person-to-person level is a major attraction to many who work in hospitality, and not just at the luxur y end of the spectrum

This also protects the business of hospitality from being overwhelmed by technolog y, and especially ar tificial intelligence (AI) There’s little

doubt that technolog y can suppor t the customer ser vice ethos (for example through customer relationship management systems); but a machine cannot come close to replacing genuine face-to-face interactions, or the added value we can bring through creating unique and personalised experiences

Last but not least, there’s a lot of personal prestige in working for a luxur y fashion brand like Louis Vuitton; and the same is true for top luxur y hotel brands like Mandarin Oriental Four Seasons Peninsula and others

That latter point is also per tinent to the second question on where to target your effor ts to find your dream role My answer is the same as that which I give to Glion students; and it’s to make sure you fit with the brand Ideally, make sure it s a brand you are genuinely passionate about, and of which you ’ re either a customer or would be if money were no object


I may be biased, but I’d say the best place to star t your career in luxur y and/or hospitality is at Glion!

That may sound flippant, but there’s serious logic behind it, because when I talk to the luxur y brands we par tner with, they all tell me that they are looking for people who understand what luxur y is all about They want individuals who have an appreciation for luxur y that allows them to see beyond the notions of privilege and to appreciate some of the purer definitions of luxur y which I quoted at the star t of this piece

Such notions are at the core of our DNA as a school However, even if you choose a different institution or tr y and get into the industr y without a specialised education there are some ‘table stakes’ you’ll need when it comes to skills and behaviours


Here I’m going to break down the skills and attributes that will help you navigate a successful career in high-end hospitality At the top of my list are the soft skills – problem solving, empathy, teamwork, communication, and so on A major contributing factor in great ser vice is anticipation combined with emotional intelligence and good interpersonal skills Can you anticipate a guest’s needs and adapt accordingly? Are they here for a special occasion? What’s their favourite welcome drink? Do they look tired after a long flight, and just want to get to their room as speedily as possible?

In luxur y hotels especially, you’ll have more personal license to deliver complimentar y treats and unique client experiences without having to consult with line managers first For those who like this additional responsibility it’s a real perk of the job, since it’s a form of empowerment; making you feel trusted in a way that you won t always find within a more mass-market brand

I m often asked if emotional intelligence is something innate within us or can be learned I think it’s something we can be born with an amount of – and cer tainly this provides a head star t in a career like luxur y hositality Equally, I believe it can be nur tured and developed with the right education and training

Another vital attribute to learn is humility Being able to listen and be humble is extremely impor tant, especially at the outset of your career where you’ll invariably find yourself in entr y-level positions (even manager-in-training programs for graduates tend to star t people on the ‘shop floor’) Humility is not something that comes to us naturally and it’s one of the reasons our Bachelor’s degree work placements begin with a stint in an operational role Learning by doing

For a global business like hospitality, cultural intelligence and adaptability are also extremely useful soft skills to possess In a typical international hotel or resor t your guests could literally be arriving from anywhere , and while nobody could be expected to learn the intricacies of ever y culture , there is an onus upon you to be respectful and to tr y to commit some of the most impor tant cultural characteristics to your memor y bank Here , too, language abilities can be useful At Glion, we offer language classes as elective courses and I’d say on average our students speak two or three languages with reasonable fluency

The final soft skill I want to mention is creativity – or what I prefer to call the ability to conjure the unexpected I already mentioned the additional freedom to delight a guest that you’ll enjoy working within luxur y hospitality; and this is your chance to catch the eye of your manager or

the general manager It really does work, too: I’ve seen guest comments praising a student on internship for providing an unexpected moment, which have been passed on to me by the hotel GM

What about the hard skills, also referred to as technical skills? Business acumen, strategic thinking, and so on It’s a tough old world out there , and to be the best you do need a mixture of hard and soft skills It’s why courses on financial accounting, data analysis, revenue management, corporate finance and similar topics are integrated into the academic portion of our hospitality Bachelor’s degree

That said the technical skills you’ll need to develop will var y considerably depending on the career path you choose For example if you wish to work as a luxur y brand manager you will have to understand branding and marketing strategies, trend forecasting and other related disciplines A lot of these practical insights you will pick up on the job – how well you do so will be reflected in the speed of your career progression


On the topic of career success, let’s look at some of the paths to pursue for a luxur y hospitality professional

The obvious choices are 5* hotels and high-end restaurants However, as the worlds of luxur y and hospitality increasingly converge , you’ll have oppor tunities in retail, in private travel, but also the VIP elements in spor ts In the latter case , there are cer tain spor ts – Formula 1, golf, showjumping, yachting – which are playgrounds for luxur y brands and VIP experiences It’s a massive global marketplace and one where exquisite hospitality skills are hard currency

And as I already mentioned with the lines increasingly blurring between the worlds of luxur y goods and luxur y hospitality it’s opening up incredible oppor tunities to work at what we call the “luxur y-hospitality crossroads – for example , without straying beyond the LVMH group it would be possible to spend par t of your career in luxur y fashion brands with Louis Vuitton and par t in luxur y hotels at Cheval Blanc If luxur y is your passion, that’s a pretty exciting prospect


I wish I had the perfect answer to this question! What I would say is that one secret to success is never to be satisfied with where you are in your career Always look to progress, to develop, and to learn more The world is evolving ever more quickly and, as a young person, you will have to evolve with it

In just the past few years we ’ ve seen the Covid pandemic usher in huge changes to the way we live work and look after ourselves We can see this in the rise of health and wellness as a personal goal and in our industr y that’s meant a rapid growth in spa and wellness facilities, alongside a movement towards healthier cuisine with often locally-sourced, farm-to-table ingredients The same is true for the inexorable rise in demand for personalised experiences If you wish to plot a leadership career in high-end hospitality, it’s imperative that you stay ahead of these industr y trends and others

That’s why this is such an exciting world to get into; because there is so much potential to develop Luxur y customers are always looking for new ideas, enabling them to be among the first to experience something We see this with brand collaborations such as Louis Vuitton and Supreme or Omega and Swatch which sparked frenzies when the product lines went on sale If luxur y brand management is your dream career destination, there s arguably never been more oppor tunity to make your mark

I would also emphasise the value of building your professional network, which you should be looking to accomplish at ever y step of your career, including during your degree program This is also why studying at an industr y-focused business school like Glion can be so beneficial, as it gives you access to a global alumni community that can be an incredible source of advice , friendship and job oppor tunities

Lastly, and perhaps most impor tantly of all, make sure you ’ re in a place where you can fall in love with what you do For most of us, a working career is four decades or more You simply cannot last the distance if you don’t find enjoyment and inspiration in getting up in the morning to do your job

That’s really the secret to navigating a career in high-end hospitality: to have the passion that puts a smile on your face ever y time you step out to deliver amazing client experiences

Warm End To August Lifts Drinks Sales Back Into Modest Growth

The Licensed Trade Charity Appoints Its First Director Of Charity Operations

The Licensed Trade Charity (LTC) has strengthened its senior leadership team with the appointment of Joby Mor timer as its first Director of Charity Operations The senior hire – the first under the stewardship of CEO Chris Welham – will bolster both the revenue-generating arm of the LTC , as well as the charitable fundraising capabilities of the 230-year-old charity, which provides an extensive range of suppor t ser vices to workers across the licensed hospitality and drinks industr y Mor timer, a seasoned industr y figure who has held senior roles at Brakes Group and Budweiser Budvar UK, will repor t directly to Welham and brings a wealth of commercial and industr y experience to the role

Chris Welham, Licensed Trade Charity CEO, said: “This is a linchpin role which is absolutely central to our operations, our ser vice deliver y and frankly, as we continue to build on the vital work of the LTC our future success I couldn’t think of a better person to be joining us on this journey as our first Director of Charity Operations

“Joby has extensive experience in our industr y an impressive track record of delivering commercial success and most impor tantly is an excellent and values-driven individual who cares passionately about our work I‘ve absolutely no doubt he will be a huge asset to the LTC , helping us to deliver on our long-term

goals, whilst also ensuring we continue to reach more individuals, who massively need and depend on our suppor t ser vices ”

Commenting on the new role , Mor timer said: “After 28 years of working in the hospitality industr y, the chance to work for a charity that does such amazing work, which is ver y close to my hear t and which I have suppor ted for a number of years, was too good an oppor tunity to pass up; I couldn’t think of a better role , and I am delighted to be joining the LTC

“The Licensed Trade Charity is a genuine purpose-led organisation full of amazing and dedicated people , delivering such an impor tant resource for so many, so I am excited to have the chance to play a par t in building on the fantastic work the charity has done over the past 230 years and continues to do today Its work has never been more impor tant and I am looking forward to working with Chris and the extraordinar y team to suppor t even more people and to transform more lives

“The people working in the licenced hospitality sector continue to face increasing pressure and the work of the Licensed Trade Charity is vital in providing practical and financial suppor t so that all of us in society benefit from having hospitality venues in our communities ”

How Can Hospitality Businesses Begin to Prepare for Owen’s Law?

You would be forgiven for thinking that Owen’s Law has gone under the radar, as whilst the FSA agrees to suppor t the campaign, there’s been little discussion about the potential new allergen regulations since late last year

The push for Owen’s Law began following the tragic death of Owen Carey in 2017 Owen, who had been out celebrating his 18th bir thday suffered a fatal allergic reaction after consuming a meal that had been incorrectly described Despite informing the ser ver of his multiple allergies, including a severe dair y allerg y, Owen was not made aware that the chicken burger he ordered had been marinated in buttermilk

In December, the FSA publicly backed Owen’s family’s petition to make the listing of allergens on menus a legal requirement - but the decision still sits with ministers whether or not to implement these measures


Fast forward eight months and the spark for change has been renewed, following the inquest of a 13-yearold who died within hours of taking a sip of a Costa Coffee hot chocolate

The BBC also recently covered a stor y in which a 17-year-old with a severe peanut allerg y spoke out Max, from Surrey, says the introduction of Owen’s Law will make customers feel safer, and will help with any lack of awareness among restaurant staff in regards to the seriousness of allergies

With allergies on the rise (in the UK, around 2 4 million people are living with a diagnosed food allerg y), it’s likely that ministers will become more and more pressured to take action, which means that while the introduction of Owen’s Law isn’t guaranteed, it is still highly likely that some changes will be made , especially considering that it builds on the existing Natasha’s Law

Not many hospitality businesses currently have allergens written on menus They rely more on separately prepopulated allergen checkers But as some changes may be afoot, there is no time like the present to get ready for any changes that may come with Owen’s Law Here’s how to prepare:


Now is a good time for businesses to review how allergens are currently identified documented and communicated to both staff and customers A comprehensive and regularly updated allergen checker (matrix)

should be in place; this keeps all menu information together in a single location so staff always know where to find answers to any questions they might receive

Clear procedures should also be in place for handling and preparing food to avoid cross-contamination Kitchens should be organised to ensure allergen-free dishes can be prepared upon request Having a designated equipment ‘kit’ is best practice for this, as it should be separated and designated for use as you would do to ensure separation of raw food


Make sure any relevant members of staff have completed their Level 2 Food Safety Training, which includes allergen awareness While there is no specific law on when and how often training should be refreshed it is recommended that this is done ever y three years to ensure employees are well-versed with the most up-todate guidance

In the case of the 13-year-old girl who died after a sip of hot chocolate from Costa, it was brought to light that Costa Coffee allows staff to do online training, with one employee failing the quiz multiple times before passing Whilst the law requires you to fulfil the requirements of providing training to staff, it s the adequacy of the training that is impor tant and you must have a means of checking competencies on an ongoing basis


Star t adapting your menus to include clear written allergen information for each dish (such as recipe specs) Keeping this up-to-date at all times may be challenging especially if there are frequent ingredient changes or new dishes added but this is where staff need to maintain an open line of communication (especially between kitchen and front-of-house teams), and where managers need to implement robust version control to make sure the menu that s in front of customers is the newest version a business has on file


While Owen’s Law will give customers more control, signage must currently be used to remind customers to inform staff of any allergies We should not overlook the role of verbal communication in ensuring customer safety, especially when written communication can be misinterpreted or insufficient (i e where a customer’s dietar y needs are highly specific) Providing verbal confirmation as a double-checking process can give customers more reassurance that they’re being well looked after, and will allow customers and chefs to have more detailed discussions about cooking methods and alternative means of providing allerg y-free dishes


It’s likely we’ll hear more about Owen’s Law over the coming months Alongside the above , it’s impor tant to stay informed with the progress, and where possible , engage with the consultation process By being proactive , rather than reactive , businesses can stay ahead of the cur ve , giving them time to integrate and tweak new practices without the stress of last-minute compliance (which may be the case for their competitors)

Hospitality Action Launches New Step-ByStep Guide To Improve Workforce Wellbeing

High Street Closures No Surprise Says CAMRA

six months of this year, according to research from accountancy firm PwC

In the first six months of this year, a total of 6,945 shops belonging to multiples and chains (those with five or more outlets) exited Great Britain’s high streets, shopping centres and retail parks,

VisitEngland’s 2024 ROSE Award Winners Announced

include all types of accommodation from B&Bs/guesthouses, self-catering and hotels to parks, glamping sites and hostels and cover a range of ratings from three to five stars, as well as accredited proper ties ROSE Award recipients are all par t of the VisitEngland quality schemes and already demonstrate a commitment to delivering excellent ser vice The VisitEngland ROSE Awards 2024, now in their eighth year, were presented at an afternoon tea event on Wednesday 11 September at The Post Barn, Old Oxford Road, Newbur y, Berkshire See the full list of ROSE

Vacancies Fall Below 100,000, But Wage Pressures Remain

UKHospitality has urged the Government to introduce business-friendly recruitment measures at the Budget and cautioned against excessive minimum wage increases as new data from the Office for National Statistics showed that there were 98,000 vacancies in food ser vice and accommodation, falling below 100,000 for the first time since the pandemic Vacancies remain 5,000 higher than pre-pandemic levels of 93,000

Its labour market over view also showed that annual growth in total earnings was 4%

Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, said: “Vacancies finally falling below 100,000 is a positive milestone for the sector, but the overall number remains thousands higher than pre-pandemic levels

As a sector we re continuing to drive down vacancies, but the Government can

Budget Suppor ting enhanced back-to-work schemes and delivering on the

to reform the Apprenticeship Levy will help the sector recruit and reduce economic inactivity

The Licensed Trade Charity Crowns Second LTC Heart Of Hospitality Champion

The Licensed Trade Charity (LTC) has announced the second winner of its LTC Hear t of Hospitality award, crowning Tyler Spink, of Eagle Tavern in Witney, this month’s champion

The LTC Hear t of Hospitality award recognises people working in licensed hospitality who always go that extra mile to suppor t their team, customers and community It has a long-term goal of raising awareness of the challenges faced by hospitality professionals and recognising it as a suppor tive industr y Through the award, the

This month’s LTC Hear t of Hospitality winner, Tyler, was nominated by Hook Nor ton Brewer y for his tireless effor t in creating a positive work environment that prioritises staff training and development Tyler took over running the Eagle Tavern in Witney par t of Hook Nor ton Brewer y with his father Paul and brother Zak five years ago Since taking on the Eagle Tavern Tyler has gone above and beyond to make the pub a lively local favourite Key to the great atmosphere of the pub is the positive working environment that

Tyler has nur tured

Chris Welham chief executive officer at the LTC said: “We’re proud of the LTC Hear t of Hospitality campaign as we continue to recognise the individuals that work hard behind the scenes to make pubs special With the challenges facing hospitality venues, we feel that it is vital to acknowledge the brilliant effor ts of the people who are doing all they can to make hospitality an even better place to work

“We’d like to congratulate Tyler on his achievements at the Eagle Tavern, his effor ts in making the venue a great place to work and to make his pub a hub for the whole community are an incredible example for the whole sector

“Through this campaign, we want to shout about the amazing effor ts of those working in the sector, to bring joy and inspiration to fellow colleagues If you know of or work with someone who consistently goes that extra mile to improve the lives of others please do nominate them to be a LTC Hear t of Hospitality champion – we cannot wait to hear their stor y ”

Why Reputation Matters Most For Unlicensed On-Trade Establishments

The hospitality industr y is facing considerable challenges, with customer numbers steadily declining over recent years This has hit the unlicensed on-trade sector par ticularly hard, where cafes, coffee shops and smaller restaurants are seeing fewer customers walk through their doors Understandably, a decline in customer numbers puts a significant strain on these businesses

Footfall has always been critical for unlicensed ontrade establishments They depend on regular customers and spontaneous visits, which create a community atmosphere that keeps people coming back However, the pandemic accelerated shifts that were already emerging – like remote working, economic uncer tainty and the growing convenience of home deliver y These have all contributed to fewer visits to local coffee shops and small restaurants

This isn’t just a passing phase , either It’s par t of a broader change in consumer behaviour In this segment of hospitality, ever y lost customer can deliver a major blow to the bottom line and businesses rarely have an adequate financial cushion to absorb the impact In such a challenging landscape , having a strong, well-managed reputation can be the difference between thriving or just getting by

Large , licensed venues often have the advantage of bigger marketing budgets and dedicated teams, allowing them to invest heavily in brandbuilding activities and customer engagement that can help them stay competitive and more effectively deal with fluctuations

In contrast, unlicensed venues often operate with fewer resources, relying heavily on word-of-mouth and repeat business This makes them

par ticularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of declining footfall, requiring them to adopt creative and cost-effective strategies to sustain operations


In today’s highly competitive hospitality industr y, a strong reputation is one of the most valuable assets a business can have It not only establishes brand credibility but also suppor ts competitive differentiation and helps attract new customers while retaining loyal ones However, reputation management is often mistakenly viewed as a reactive measure , activated only in response to a crisis This approach is no longer fit for purpose

While it’s true that a single tweet can trigger a digital crisis, businesses must shift their mindset from mere damage control to proactive reputation building This means ensuring ever y customer interaction leaves a positive and lasting impression By consistently delivering experiences that align with their brand promise and leveraging positive feedback they can build a reputation that withstands crises and drives growth


Online reviews routinely influence customer perceptions, shape buying decisions and ultimately affect business performance Encouraging happy customers to share their positive experiences – whether that’s through online reviews, social media or word-of-mouth – should be a priority

It’s helpful to make the process of leaving reviews as simple as possible and businesses should consider featuring feedback on their website or social media channels

Unfor tunately, many companies still overlook the impor tance of responding to these reviews Engaging with customer feedback is not just a good practice but a vital component of building a strong reputation Authenticity is key, as customers can easily detect when a business isn’t being genuine For smaller venues it’s par ticularly impor tant to interact with customers in a way that is both thoughtful and personal, ensuring that each engagement feels sincere

With the digital world moving as fast as public opinion, it’s impor tant to keep an eye on what people are saying about your business online

and where these conversations are happening Responding quickly to feedback – whether positive or negative – demonstrates your commitment to improving the customer experience

What’s more , responding to negative reviews provides an oppor tunity to address specific issues early and perhaps turn a dissatisfied customer into a loyal one


Contrar y to popular belief marketing and operations professionals within the sector don’t need a huge budget to manage their reputation effectively

Advancements in technolog y have made it much easier to keep track of online reviews, understand where your brand is being spoken about online , monitor reputation performance , encourage positive feedback and speed up the process of responding to customer queries

By streamlining marketing effor ts in this way, unlicensed venues can level the playing field and stay on top of reputation management – without overwhelming their teams When handled correctly, proactive reputation management will drive loyalty and positive word-of-mouth, both of which are invaluable assets for any venue


We can’t come this far without mentioning trust Trust is at the core of reputation management

Today’s consumers have countless options at their finger tips and trust is often the deciding factor in where they choose to spend their money For the unlicensed on-trade sector, trust is the key to repeat business Building trust means consistently meeting - and ideally exceeding – customer expectations at ever y single interaction This includes ser vice and product quality, the atmosphere of the venue and how their feedback is handled

Trust isn’t built overnight However, by consistently delivering on brand promises, leveraging customer feedback and focusing squarely on the customer experience , unlicensed on-trade establishments can begin to turn the tide in their favour This is true even in the most challenging of times

The Ivy Collection Set To Open New Restaurant In Bournemouth This Autumn

Majority Of Consumers Support New Tipping Act

UKHospitality Calls For Permanent, Lower Hospitality Multiplier To Avoid Business Rates Cliff Edge


For example , a pub with a rateable value of £80,000 could see its rates increase by almost £33,000, if relief were to end

A permanent, lower and universal hospitality multiplier would begin to deliver the Government’s manifesto commitment to rebalance the broken business rates system and is backed by the Hospitality Sector Council, made up of exper ts from across the sector

Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, said: “It’s imperative that the Government addresses the looming business rates cliff edge at the upcoming Budget, as the sector’s ability to both sur vive and thrive depends on it

“A new, lower multiplier for all hospitality businesses would begin to rebalance a broken system that is weighted against bricks and mor tar businesses, and a permanent solution would provide some cer tainty and stability for businesses that desperately need it

“Without action venues will be placed under yet more strain giving them no choice but to diver t funds that could be spent on investment and growth into paying the bills

“While we recognise the financial challenges the new Government faces it would be frankly irresponsible not to suppor t a sector that generates £140 billion in revenue ever y year and employs more than 3 5 million people

• Suppor t enhanced back-to-work schemes and reform of the Apprenticeship Levy

inactivity and improve social mobility across hospitality

• Promote growth by unlocking the commercial planning system, including fast-track planning

• Reduce employer National Insurance Contributions to suppor t businesses increasing wages

Suppor t green investment in the sector by reforming investment credits so they can be offset against employment taxes, rather than corporation taxes

Reform VAT for the sector to bring it in line with European rivals, making British tourism

ulating demand, creating new jobs and allowing businesses to reinvest


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How Will the New Tipping Act Balance Employee Rights

and Employer Benefits?

October will see the implementation of the long-awaited new tipping legislation, designed to promote fairness and transparency in workplace tipping practices As a result, more and more businesses are star ting



Commenting on some of the common challenges faced by hospitality workers, Mark says, “We have seen instances where there is a complete lack of transparency regarding the tipping policy and practice in place , with workers having no understanding of how tips are dealt with We have also seen tips used to subsidise employers cashflow positions and employers negotiating with employees to var y their salaried contracts in return for a share of tips ”

Speaking about what hospitality businesses can do in advance of October Mark says “Organisations must now have a tipping

charges such as debit/credit card processing fees can be deducted by the employer ”

Warwickshire Hotel Partners With Care Service

To Offer Dementia Friendly Experience

other hotels to follow

Commenting on the decision to be more dementia friendly Stephen Fearnley, General Manager at Billesley Manor, said: A guest with dementia recently went wandering in the night, and while they were well looked after by the night staff, who were able to safely steer them back to their room, we realised that with a growing number of people living with dementia, incidents of this nature were only set to rise So we wanted to take steps to ensure as many people in our team as possible would know how to react, which has seen us star t rolling out training across the team to ensure

The training which was delivered by New Age Care covers ever ything from understanding dementia to practical communication strategies, with the aim of ensuring all guests are treated with the utmost respect and care As par t of the training, the care

of how to suppor t people living with dementia Our ultimate aim is to make ever y social interaction as safe and comfor table as possible , and by sharing our ‘Dementia Friendly Hotel Guide’ with others we hope to inspire other hotels to follow suit creating a more inclusive

SNP Announce Review to Limit Alcohol Marketing

The SNP Government has called on exper ts to study the impact of banning alcohol- marketing such as branded pint glasses, umbrellas, and T-shir ts in a bid to tackle alcohol related deaths

Health Secretar y Neil Gray told MSPs on Thursday that Public Health Scotland will look into reducing alcohol marketing to stop people from developing drinking problems

However, Mr Gray also announced that plans for a second consultation on alcohol marketing restrictions are to be fur ther delayed pending an evidence review by Public Health Scotland, saying “It is clear that steps to reduce alcohol harm are vital to suppor ting good public health and to reduce alcohol specific deaths

“It is therefore vital that we are clear on the evidence and that proposals would be effective that action to reduce alcohol harm suppor ts good public health and would reduce alcohol specific deaths, and that decisions we take are led by evidence , balanced with the potential impact on the wider economy ”

“Therefore I will commission Public Health Scotland to carr y out a review of the evidence on the range of options to reduce exposure to alcohol marketing, to help us in this aim

Responding to the announcement, Alcohol Focus Scotland said it is deeply disappointed by this announce-

ment which it says confirms that it will now be impossible for the Scottish Government to fulfil it’s commitment to legislate to protect children and young people from per vasive alcohol marketing during the course of this parliament

Laura Mahon, Deputy CEO of Alcohol Focus Scotland said: “This week saw the publication of figures showing a 15 year high in alcohol specific deaths 1,277 of our fellow Scots died last year due to alcohol alone , more than died due to all other drugs combined

“Yet staggeringly, this figure is only the tip of the iceberg, with more than twice as many likely to have died from other alcohol related causes including cancers, cardiovascular disease , accidents, violence and suicide ”

“Despite the Scottish Government itself declaring alcohol a public health emergency more than two years ago, and the scale of that emergency only increasing, we simply have not seen an emergency response ”

C AMRA Chief Executive Tom Stainer said: “We need to avoid a return to the Scottish Government’s previous heavy-handed plans which risked demonising the vast majority of those who consume alcohol responsibly, damaging the viability of small, local pubs which are a vital par t of our social fabric , and stopping small and independent breweries and cider producers bring products to market which improves consumer choice of quality, distinctive and local beer and cider ”

“Whilst we absolutely accept the need to reduce the number of deaths from alcohol in Scotland, ministers need to make sure that they don’t tr y and force through the draconian proposals of the past and avoid giving the impression that moderate consumption of lower abv drinks like beer in community pubs is driving this tragic

Holiday Operator Supports Armed Forces Charity With Complimentary Family Stays

Much-needed family breaks have been provided by a holiday and residential park provider as it par tners with the charity ‘Give Us Time’, to suppor t the work of ser vice men and women throughout the UK Meadow Bay Villages has donated complimentar y holidays to ser vice families throughout 2024, to offer a moment of respite and an invaluable oppor tunity for families to reconnect, strengthen their bonds, and create lasting memories

To date , 32 holidays have been donated by Meadow Bay Villages with families enjoying breaks at its Hayling Island Holiday Park in Hampshire and Billing Aquadrome in Nor thampton

Holidays being provided are across the company ’ s accommodation offering, including brand new gold standard caravans

Meadow Bay Villages CEO, Geoffrey Smith, said: “The Meadow Bay Villages team is deeply honoured to announce our par tnership with the “Give Us Time” charity Through this collaboration we eagerly anticipate welcoming families suppor ted by “Give Us Time” to enjoy much-needed holiday breaks These moments of respite provide an invaluable oppor tunity for families to reconnect, strengthen their bonds, and create lasting memories

We take immense pride in contributing to the well-being and happiness of these deser ving families Our par tnership with “Give Us Time” reflects our profound gratitude and recognition of the sacrifices made by ser vice families for our nation Meadow Bay Villages is committed to suppor ting their well-being and honouring their dedication ”

One family which has benefited from this initiative is Dan and Jenny Crabb, who between them have five

children ranging in ages from 1 to 13 The Crabb family recently enjoyed a break at Meadow Bay s Billing Aquadrome Holiday Park in Nor thamptonshire Dan is a Petty Officer in the Navy where he has ser ved over 11 years He is currently away on deployment until December

Jenny Crabb said: “I’d like to say a huge thank you for allowing us the time to spend together before Dan embarked on his next six-month deployment Dan is on a limited contact deployment and this is ver y hard on the children

“Dan and I married in 2021 just two weeks before he left on a seven month tour with CSG on the Queen Elizabeth We had booked a holiday at Billing Aquadrome at that time but like many things, it got cancelled due to the global pandemic

“This is Dan’s first deployment since we had Maddison who is only one and the third for Evelynn who is now five It never gets any easier, even for the older children, so this suppor t from Give Us Time , together with Billing Aquadrome has been invaluable and we really do appreciate the time it has given us as a family to spend together Caravans have come a ver y long way since I last stayed in one and we loved our stay so much that I decided to go again in August with just me and the kids ”

Alex Youngs, Give Us Time , Operations Director, said: “We’re thrilled that Meadow Bay Village has joined Give Us Time as a charity par tner The growing number of families joining us this year shows how essential these getaways are in allowing Armed Forces’ families to spend time away together and create lasting memories We’re sure that families will thoroughly enjoy all the oppor tunities Meadow Bay Village offers to spend time together away from the stresses of ever yday militar y life ”

Hot Off The Apple Cider Press: Britain’s Cider Sales In 2024


Pubs remain cider’s most impor tant channel by some distance with nearly two

drinks in the On Premise , and their willingness to pay extra for a good experience even when their spending is tight

Nearly HALF of England’s SMEs Don’t Know That Simpler Recycling Will Impact Their Business, According to New Biffa Survey

Nearly half (42%) of SMEs in England don t know that upcoming Simpler Recycling legislation will impact their business, according to a new sur vey from waste management exper ts Biffa SMEs will face extra challenges from the scheme compared to corporate businesses – like finding space for new bins, separating all recycling into material type and training staff – compounded by the risk of a fine if not implemented For many, it will be the first time doing so

That said, 58% of English SMEs do believe Simpler Recycling will affect their business When it comes to wider UK policies, affected SMEs anticipate Extended Producer Responsibility (53%), Digital Waste Tracking (52%) and the existing Plastic Packaging Tax (51%) having the greatest impact

It comes as SMEs repor t sustainability being a greater business priority in 2024 compared to last year – the third highest (36%) following cost efficiency (45%) and revenue growth (39%) When Biffa issued a similar survey in 2023, sustainability was the lowest priority for small businesses

What’s more , four in five (80%) see waste management and recycling as impor tant to sustainability, with three in 10 (29%) saying the two are ‘ ver y impor tant’

They prevalently measure and repor t on the reduction of general waste (67%) in their effor ts to be more sustainable – a significant rise on 39% last year SMEs are also vigilant on the recyclability of products and packaging they purchase or produce (60%) Perceptions from customers or employees also matter as over half (56%) track this compared to just a fifth (22%) last year

In fact nine in 10 (91%) SMEs have a formal sustainability strateg y either in place planned or in progress Four in five (82%) also say their business is focused on being par t of Britain’s circular economy – compared to just half (52%) in 2023 – but, crucially, nearly all (98%) say that more suppor t is needed for their business to be sustainable

Financial incentives (42%) are the type of suppor t SMEs need most in order to be sustainable That’s understandable given that – as in 2023 – the cost (45%) of making changes is their biggest barrier to sustainability, followed by increased expenses of products and or ser vices (38%) Monetar y concerns are compounded by a lack of clarity on sustainability metrics (30%)

Two-fifths (42%) of SMEs seek advice on the best options available They also want to find new ways to be sustainable , desiring investment in innovation and technolog y (39%), product life cycle , and circular supply chain analysis (37%)

Commenting on the findings, Maxine Mayhew, Chief Operating Officer – Specialist Ser vices and Collections, Biffa, said:

“Being more sustainable is not always simple or cost-free , but more SME decision makers are prioritising sustainability than ever Our research shows that small and medium sized businesses are capable and motivated to make positive change

“This change and growing commitment to sustainability, through what have been incredibly tough trading conditions for many has not been driven by government regulation alone SMEs are not currently mandated to have a sustainability strateg y; businesses have taken the initiative to drive change They want to do their par t in tackling climate change because it is important to them, their customers, and their colleagues

Our sector has a duty to help SMEs by providing clarity and guidance around waste legislation We re committed to suppor ting businesses through this period of policy change , so their waste management remains compliant and cost-effective

“Working together – with the waste industr y and across the supply chain – will be crucial for SMEs going forward to reduce waste and recycle more As will stable legislation, which will give businesses confidence to invest fur ther in sustainability ”

For more information on SME attitudes towards the circular economy, sustainability and recycling, visit: https://www biffa co uk/biffa-insights/Biffa-SME-sustainability-sur vey-repor t or see the adver t on page 6

New Brigg Pub Gets £227,000 Makeover

Boost Your Team’s Skills: Invest in Essential Safety Training

UKHospitality Responds To London Assembly Inquiry Into

The Night-Time Economy

Lake District Spa First In Cumbria And North West To Win ‘Five Bubble Luxury ’ Status

Find Out

FSA and FSS Publish Strategic Assessment

To Support Businesses Against Food Fraud

The Food Standard Agency (FSA) and Food Standard Scotland (FSS) have today [September 12] published their 2024 Food Crime Strategic Assessment

The repor t has found that in the UK, the majority of food is safe and authentic , but factors such as recent geopolitical events have caused disruptions in the food chain which in turn have contributed to the changing threat of food crime


• the UK’s food

Urban Pubs & Bars Announces Opening of a New Pub Made Famous by Charles Dickens

Trade Drinks Expo 2024 Returns to ExCeL London

Bar and pub owners micro-brewers and international decision makers for the largest beverage brands across the countr y are eagerly awaiting the return of Trade Drinks Expo Known as Europe's leading event dedicated to on-trade and off-trade drinks, this trade show and industr y conference will return to ExCeL London on the 15th & 16th of October

This year promises to be the event s most dynamic yet The expo is set to be attended by thousands of beverage-ser ving professionals, ready to gather and explore a vast array of delicious drinks, groundbreaking ideas, deliver y solutions, essential ser vices, and more The Expo is designed to help businesses discover forward-thinking solutions to boost profits, attract guests, and retain clients It’s an exceptional oppor tunity to discover emerging trends, cuttingedge products and network with professionals shaping the future of beverages

Innovative Exhibitors: The show will feature a wide range of exhibitors at the forefront of the industr y showcasing products and ser vices to give businesses a competitive edge From pre-mixed cocktail brands to electric point-ofsale technolog y, visitors can expect to find ever ything they need to drive profits and improve customer satisfaction

Inspiring Speakers: Attendees can expect to glean insights and inspiration from the brightest minds in the industr y The lineup of speakers will share exper tise on a range of topics, including the bar experience , nonalcoholic options, event promotion, and more It’s a great oppor tunity to learn from the challenges and suc-

cesses of representatives of the sector’s biggest institutions

Sustainability Trail: With sustainability coming to the forefront of importance in the café industr y we ’ ve curated a dedicated trail of exhibitors at this year ' s show that have best utilised and implemented sustainable strategies within their business

Innovation Awards: Time is set aside at the show to celebrate the most


The Dark Reality Behind The UK’s ‘Happy

Hour’: One In Two Hospitality Workers Have Searched Harmful Content Whilst At Work

Ahead of World Suicide Prevention Day on 10th September, R;pple , the suicide prevention charity, repor ts the unknown mental health crisis affecting the hospitality industr y, after speaking to chefs, bar tenders, front of house and waiting staff across the UK

Despite the passion and energ y that creates exciting experiences for customers, statistics reveal that this joyful customer ser vice belies a sector of workers at high risk of poor mental health and suicide

An eye-watering three in five (59%) of hospitality workers are experiencing mental health conditions whilst at work and one in two have thought of suicide self-harm or other harmful negative thoughts This means most of us would have at one point come face-to-face with someone having a mental health crisis whilst they ‘happily’ ser ve customers

Shockingly over half (55%) of respondents who are or have experienced mental health conditions whilst working in the sector, have also searched for harmful content online whilst in their workplace , with almost a fifth (19%) having done so multiple times

Almost two-thirds (61%) have been concerned about a colleague’s mental-wellbeing and three quar ters (75%) of hospitality workers were concerned that their colleagues were accessing harmful content while in the workplace , which is sadly, only one click away Harmful self-injur y content is prevalent across the main five search engines; one in ever y five (22%) search results linked to, in a single click, content which celebrates, glorifies, or offers instruction about non-suicidal self-injur y, suicide or eating disorders**

The research also unveiled that out of those who rated their mental wellbeing as poor, two thirds (66%) of hospitality workers suggested that their work/job is the main catalyst; long working hours, zero-hour contracts, high stress environments and a work hard/play hard mentality are among the key issues contributing to the problem in the industr y

But this doesn’t have to be the norm, and organisations are already making waves to improve R;pple is campaigning for change in par tnership with industr y friends the Revolution Bars Group – the popular chain that has rolled out the R;pple tool on its Wi-Fi networks for all its employees nationwide – and The Burnt Chef Project – a community for mental health suppor t and education for the hospitality industr y Together this World Suicide Prevention Day R;pple is calling on employers to sign up to its five commitments, such as mandator y suicide prevention training, for employers to pledge to, to make positive changes and protect their workforce

It’s key to highlight that there are also positive outtakes from the research Kris Hall, CEO & Founder of The Burnt Chef Projectsaid: It s encouraging to see from this repor t that nearly 75% of individuals in the hospitality sector were able to seek suppor t during a shift when they found themselves in a difficult mental space

This highlights the growing awareness of mental health issues within the industr y and suggests that confidence is gradually increasing when it comes to addressing underlying mental health concerns With 60% of hospitality workers feeling that their personal lives positively impact their mental well-being, reinforcing the critical role of work-life balance is key Ensuring that team members have sufficient time outside of the workplace is crucial for overall better mental health ”

Alongside Revolution Bars and The Burnt Chef Project R;pple will also be hosting a panel talk and Q&A to ignite conversation and change and help reduce the stigma around suicide

Taking place on 30th September in central London key speakers will include Alice Hendy MBE (R;pple) Kris Hall (The Burnt Chef Project), Danielle James (Revolution Bars Group PLC) and others to be announced that faced their own mental health crisis in the industr y with powerful stories to tell

Alice Hendy MBE, founder of R;pple , said: “Most of us regularly interact with people in hospitality without any knowledge of the mental health crisis they might be facing, so these statistics are a stark reminder of the need for change

The positive news is mental health stigma is lifting, but we still found only around half of those concerned about a colleague encouraged them to talk We need to make sure that ever yone working in a highly affected sector like hospitality is protected by their employers in the workplace online , in the same way their health and safety is protected physically ”

R;pple is available to download as a computer browser extension and onto Wi-Fi networks Once installed, any users ’ harmful online search is intercepted first with guided breathing exercises followed by a selection of mental health ser vices that they can access and use immediately and in the longer term, accompanied by messages of hope to help keep the person safe

Danielle James, Head of Pay & Reward at Revolution Bars Group PLC , said: ‘It is our duty to the ser vice industr y to provide the means for our teams to better ser vice their own wellbeing We are extremely grateful to R;pple for working with us so closely to ensure we are leading the implementation of the tool within the sector

We suppor t R;pple’s journey to introduce their safeguarding tool far and wide but specifically within guestfacing sectors such as hospitality and retail where smiles seemingly mask these distressing statistics This is not about getting ever ything right all of the time Simply, it s about star ting somewhere

For more information on R;pple’s World Suicide Prevention Day Campaign, and to discover and sign up to the five commitments for your business, head to https://www ripplesuicideprevention com/get-involved/hospitality-pledge

Celebrations have begun for nine talented young chefs who have achieved an impor tant step on their career ladders Following a challenging five-hour Graduate Awards final exam at the University of West London last week, the Craft Guild of Chefs has announced the chefs who achieved the all-impor tant pass mark The results of the exam were revealed in front of a live audience of culinar y exper ts and suppor ters at an impressive event which took place at For tnum

, Callum O’Grady who is based at the House of Commons and Alessio Sneider from Soho House 76 Dean Street Receiving the highest mark this year was Alessio Sneider with the mentor award being presented to Matt Jones, head chef at the House of Commons in recognition for his hard work in suppor ting finalist, Callum O Grady For the chefs who have made the grade this year there will be an oppor tunity to compete in next year ’ s semi-finals of Young National Chef of the Year with Alessio being seeded straight to the final as the Highest Achiever

In the Pastr y exam, four chefs passed the award including Irene Magro from Rosewood London, Catherine Ens who is a chef at Launceston Place , Jessica McKechnie from Mar Hall, and Ridhima Mhaiskar who works at The Dorchester Hotel Irene achieved the highest mark in the pastr y exam whilst the mentor award was presented to Mark Perkins from Rosewood London

Ben Murphy, chef patron at Launceston Place and former winner of National Chef of the Year said: “One of the things that struck me as the chair of examiners was the


World Lager And New Launches Driving Beer Category Growth


Shepherd Neame Recognised For Transformation

Of City Pub With Conservation Award

Taverns Acquires 18 Pubs From Marston’s

Guest Amenities

Elevating the Guest Experience: The Strategic Importance of Hotel Amenities


or the delight of a complimentar y breakfast each amenity contributes to the overall impression of the proper ty For business travellers, cer tain amenities like a well-equipped workspace , fast internet, and access to meeting facilities can be the deciding factor in their choice of accommodation However, in the modern hospitality landscape , guests are not just looking for the basics They expect a cer tain level of luxur y and personalization, and they are acutely aware that if one hotel doesn't meet their standards, there are countless others that might This means that hoteliers need to be strategic about the amenities they offer, ensuring they not only meet but exceed guest expectations


letries (shampoos, soaps, facewashes), personal care items (hairbrush, body lotion, shaving cream, razors, shower cap), and conveniences such as coffee kits, bathrobes, slippers, and tissue boxes have become standard across the industr y Failure to provide these can lead to immediate dissatisfaction

Fur thermore as the sector seeks to meet escalating concerns for the environment, hotels and inns are increasingly adopting sustainable practices in their toiletr y offerings Biodegradable packaging refillable containers and cruelty-free products are gaining traction reflecting a commitment to environmental responsibility

Plus, an impor tant trend in the industr y is the suppor t for local communities/businesses with the use of locally sourced or ar tisanal toiletries connecting guests with the culture and individuality of the destination, adding a custom-made touch to the overall guest experience

Special Amenities: Some amenities are highly appreciated but may not need to be provided universally in ever y room A dental pack, for instance , could be available upon request, along with other personal items like combs By making these available through reception rather than placing them in ever y room, hotels not only manage costs but also create oppor tunities for guest interaction, allowing staff to personalize the guest experience Luxur y Amenities: For proper ties aiming to position themselves as luxur y or boutique offerings, the inclusion

Selecting the right amenities for your hotel rooms or proper ty requires a careful balance between enhancing the guest experience and maintaining profitability It’s impor tant to recognize which amenities should be offered as standard, which should be available upon request, and which could be positioned as premium add-ons

Essential Amenities: Hotel toiletries extend fare beyond functional items; they are vital to the overarching guest experience Thoughtfully chosen and high-quality toiletries have the power to elevate a guest’s perception of a hotel, creating a lasting and positive impression, and are the baseline expectations of any hotel stay Items like toi-

Guest Supply - Transforming Stays with World-Class

A collaboration between a Cumbrian hotel and an award-winning natural skincare business has seen explosive sales due to guests’ demand for their bespoke Petrichor toiletries

Petrichor is the name of the ear thy scent produced when rain first falls on dr y soil Derived from the ancient Greek Pétra (rock) and ikh r (ethereal fluid), this became the name for the brand

In line with Sedbergh Soap Company’s ethos, Dor the Pratt, the founder of the business, set about incorporating natural and organic ingredients infused with essential oils grasses and herbs to created Petrichor to the hotel owners ’ brief

James and Nina of The Black Bull: “Petrichor is the essence of a ver y successful collaboration between two independent businesses The bespoke ar tisan-crafted fragrance , inspired by our surroundings, Nina’s rich Japanese heritage is the embodiment of our ethos We are thrilled how well it has been received by our guests”

Dor the added: when I set out to compose Petrichor I knew it would be a challenge The smell appears rarely here in the Yorkshire Dales as there needs to be a warm dr y spell first, and once it star ts raining the scent is gone , so my reference point was rather elusive” “James and Nina are ideal collaborators: ambitious, visionar

Cleaning and Hygiene

The Importance of Cleaning and Hygiene in the UK Hospitality Sector

Five Star Cleaning , Starts With Best In Class Equipment

Guest Supply - Transforming Stays with World-Class Amenities

High End Wine Preservation In Your Business or Home with Expert Wine Storage

Modular Magic: Winterhalter’s MT Dishwasher is Amazingly

to individual requirements

Winterhalter has also developed ‘neutral’ modules that can be positioned between operational zones (prewash, wash, rinse and dr ying) They extend the distance between the zones, meaning the MT can accept extra-large wash

• Safety for Staff: A hygienic

reduces the r isk of accidents and injur es , suc h as slips , tr ips , and falls , ensur ing a safer working environment for the staff

Positive Inspections: Regular c leaning ensures that the

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Collaboration Leads to Guest Success


set about incorporating natural and organic ingredients infused with essential oils grasses and herbs to created Petrichor to the hotel owners brief

James and Nina of The Black Bull: “Petrichor is the essence of a ver y successful collaboration between two independent businesses The bespoke ar tisan-crafted fragrance , inspired by our surroundings, Nina’s rich Japanese heritage is the embodiment of our ethos We are thrilled how well it has been received by our guests” Dor the added: “when I set out to compose Petrichor, I

The Label Group


knew it would be a challenge The smell appears rarely here in the Yorkshire Dales as there needs to be a warm dr y spell first, and once it star ts raining the scent is gone , so my reference point was rather elusive” James and Nina are ideal collaborators: ambitious, visionar y, and open-minded

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Tayto Has ‘Snacking Sorted’

As the largest family-owned, British-based snack company with a stable of well-known British brands, Tayto has ‘Snacking Sor ted’

Bar Snacks offer a brilliant oppor tunity to increase sales through the ‘double whammy’ of generating incremental sales AND boosting dwell time Our unique offering provides hospitality and licensed venues with a snacking ‘ onestop shop’

Here are our top tips on how to maximise sales - and profits - from snacks!

*Stock a wide range of proven, premium snacks that have been developed for the licensed sector Pub consumers look for brands they can trust and it s impor tant to stock proven sellers! Tayto has a range of award-winning snacks to suit ever y pub and cover a large range of ages and dietar y requirements:

• Midland Snac ks Traditional Scratc hings – No 1 brand1 and our best-se ling pubcard – boasting a 2-star Great Taste award, with ts traditional hand cooked recipe that has stood the test of time

• Mr Porky Or ig nal Scratc hings – the No 2 brand1 is the most recogn sed name in scratc hings and also a 2-star Great Taste Award winner

• Mr Porky Cr ispy Str ips - a l ghter bite , akin to cr ispy bacon r inds , for those who want all the taste of a scratc hing but a less hard texture , and another Great Taste award-winner

• REAL Hand Cooked Cr isps – premium, award-winning, food ser vice focussed cr isp brand with 9 strong f avour s (of whic h 7 are Great Taste Award winner s) All recipes are gluten free vegetar ian and with no added MSG REAL has relaunc hed it’s punc hy Ham & Mustard flavour and has par tnered with Colman s , the UK s number one mustard brand2 to br ng you REAL Handcooked Ham & Colman’s Mustard

• Animal Adventures – vegetar ian, gluten-free with no added nasties , is a lightly salted animal-shaped fun snac ks that kids love


Boost sales by tailoring your range to their tastes Our research shows that younger male consumers prefer the meaty flavours – like Roast Ox, Ham & Colman’s Mustard whereas the more traditional flavours are popular with the 45yrs+ - Salted, Cheese & Onion and Sea Salt & Black Pepper 3 PROMPT SERVICE

The Perfect Snack




o Pubcards or c lip str ips behind the bar

o A full range of cr isps on






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Fly the Flag for Good Taste

Tyrrells is an ideal choice for customers looking to make trips

to pubs and bars feel like a special occasion With 93 Great Taste Awards across the range , Tyrrells offers a great accompaniment to a glass of wine , offering classic and popular flavours including Mature Cheddar & Chive , Lightly Sea Salted and Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar

Launched this year, our new League of Tyrrellbly Good Taste initiative suppor ts the Out of Home (OOH) channel in driving bagged snacks sales The initiative enables OOH outlets to register their business via a bespoke platform to receive exclusive POS with 200 POS kits available , including a branded wooden display unit, a window sticker marking out the business as a “Tyrrellbly Tasteful Establishment”, a clip strip and more FInd out more –www tyrrellscrisps co uk/league/ See the adver t on the previous page for details

Greenleaf’s Christmas Collection Unveiled

Chefs' Buyers Guide

Northern Ireland - Bringing Character to

Over 100 years ago Nor thern Ireland introduced whiskey to the world and now our distillers and craft brewers are in the midst of a vibrant renaissance Over the last decade our drinks sector has become one of the region’s most dynamic , innovative and expor t-driven industries Our drinks producers are winning awards across the globe , driving buoyant sales at home and abroad and our buzzing visitor centres and tap rooms are enticing tourists into cities, towns and villages across the four corners of our beautiful countr y This resurgence is driven by a compelling blend of long-established distilleries such as Bushmills, the world’s oldest licensed whiskey producer, and a wave of innovative newcomers Bushmills doubled its production in 2023 with the opening of its £37mn Causeway Distiller y, taking sales to over 1 million cases for the first time Also taking strides are newcomers Echlinville Distiller y, a pioneer in field-to-glass

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McWhinney ’s Sausages

McWhinney’s Sausages has been a family run business since 1898 Star ting out in a butcher’s shop many things have changed over the years, but one thing has stayed the same – quality The company emphasises quality above all, using only the best quality cuts of pork to produce their award-winning Irish Pork Sausages Ever ything from the 126-year-old recipe used in the Premium sausage to the newer additions, such as gluten free , used the same high-quality ingredients and get the same care and attention to ensure a consistently excellent result ever y time MD Kevin McWhinney is a fifth-generation butcher who was raised on the premium sausages 6 years ago, he

was diagnosed with coeliac disease and became unable to eat any of the products he produced This led to the creation of the McWhinney s Gluten Free Sausage Applying the McWhinney s quality

ethos, Kevin set out to create a great product in its own right as opposed to a passable alternative In this he succeeded in creating a sausage with a hint of honey-roast ham sweetness which packs a pepper y tingle on the back of the palette

Gluten free offerings are becoming increasingly impor tant as awareness in the industr y grows and kitchens become more equipped to deal with the challenges it poses The McWhinney’s Gluten Free can sit on any menu proudly to delight diner s tastebuds whether coeliac , gluten-reducing or just looking far a tasty sausage

For more information email info@mcwhinneys com

Chefs' Buyers Guide


LittlePod’s RE AL Vanilla Paste

Tiptree Patisserie – Serious About Shortbread


scones and


Today, we ’ re proud to be channelling our exper tise into expanding our shor tbread offeringsa categor y that has rapidly become an impor tant par t of our growing product range These butter y melt-in-the-mouth treats are becoming a hallmark of our brand and we re serious about making them nothing less than exceptional With traditional flavours such as All-Butter and Chocolate Chip, to more unusual seasonal flavours like Lavender and Mince Pie , there is something for ever yone to enjoy

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who trust us to deliver excellence under their


At Tiptree Patisserie shor tbread is not just another product; it’s an expression of our brand s dedication to quality, tradition, and the ar t of ar tisan baking If you would like to get in touch about supply or to discuss a white-label solution for your business, please get in touch:

As par t of the Wilkin & Sons family of business, famous for its Tiptree Jam, you can be assured of our focus on quality and ingredients Naturally, here at Tiptree Patisserie our handmade cakes are made with

Tel: 01376 509101

Email: tiptreepatisserie@tiptree .com

Web: www tiptreecakes com

Hospitality Technology

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Outdoor Spaces

Catering Equipment Ltd

Catering Equipment Ltd are the authorised UK Distributor for

Elevate Alfresco Dining with Quality Wines from

Lanchester Wines

lo and Cabernet Sauvignon

• White Wine: A zesty m x of Airen, Macabeo, and Sauvignon Blanc

• Rosé Wine: A delightful Garnac ha Rosado With Lanchester Wines, alfresco dining can be both environmentally conscious and a celebration of great taste Our innovative packaging solutions ensure you can offer high-quality wines that are practical and sustainable , enhancing the outdoor dining experience for your customers See the adver t on the facing page for details

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LEDsynergy - LED Video Screens & LCD Displays


Outdoor Spaces

Expanding Your Business Potential with Quality and Style

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

Outdoor Spaces

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Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Caterquip Ventilation

Fridge Seals Direct

Fridge Seals Direct proud to be UK's no1 supplier of replacement fridge and freezer seals We fabricate for a wide variety of commercial fridge & freezers

The management team at Fridge Seals Direct have over 30 years of experience in the refrigeration industr y and have each spent many of those years installing gaskets and hardware for a range of styles brands and sizes of fridges

From restaurant kitchens to food warehouses - we have experience in dealing with fridge & freezers of all sizes and scales To learn more about fridge seals, be sure to explore our range of extensive guides on how to replace a refrigerator door seals Otherwise , find your specific guides in how to identify, measure , install or maintain your fridge or freezer door seal

The Importance of Venting Floor Mounted Waste Water Pumping Systems

When designing or installing a commercial kitchen venting the floor mounted waste water pumping system may not be the first thing that is taken into consideration However, understanding the impor tance of venting for the effective operation of the pump, as well dispersing odours from the tank, is a critical factor for reliability in these situations

As wastewater drains from a sink or appliance the air inside the tank must be released to allow the flow of water into it If the tank is not vented correctly wastewater will be noticeably slower to drain away from sinks and appliances Odours and gurgling noises from equipment and sinks will also occur In these situations the likelihood is that the pumping system is not properly vented

As the pump operates air needs to be drawn back into the tank so that a par tial vacuum is not created If this is allowed to happen the discharge flow of the pump will be reduced adversely affecting its efficiency

For these reasons all pump tanks need to be fitted with a suitable vent to allow them to breathe in and out Ideally this should be routed to atmosphere external to the building

In cases where the vent outlet can only be sited within the building, a filter must be used to minimise any potential odours escaping from the pump collect-

ing tank

Two filters are available from Aldermaston based waste water pumping system specialists Pump Technolog y Ltd the smaller CharcoVent and the larger MicroVent Both contain an activated carbon filter ideal for removing odours

The smaller CharcoVent, which is an easy to replace disposable car tridge , should be used on systems that are typically sink only Its vent pipe should be 1 1/4”

The larger MicroVent, which features a replaceable cartridge , should be used on systems that have multiple wastewater inlets, or with appliances

Our reputation in the industr y along with our commitment to providing a high-quality gasket without having to buy from the factor y allows us to have competitive pricing and fast turnaround time

Tr y us out, order your door gaskets from us and discover a better way to do business We are here to help you

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set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development MARKETING

We will help you build a workable , planned Marketing Strateg y From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online advertising to print design Promotions and offline adver tising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’ If your

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