CLH Digital - Issue #234

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Editor's Viewpoint

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital


This week’s government announcement of a new Employment Rights Bill has naturally sparked conversations across many sectors, with hospitality and the licensed on-trade feeling, I suspect, the weight of these proposed changes

As always, workers' rights must and should be respected They have been hard-won over generations, and no one who values the sacrifices made to secure them would ever suggest letting those rights slip It’s essential to ensure that our workers are protected, their contributions acknowledged, and their working conditions upheld to a standard that reflects their impor tance

That said,it’s clear that these new regulations come at a cost financially and operationally

It’s a cost that needs to be weighed carefully As many obser vers point out, the hospitality industr y is already burdened by rising costs, recruitment challenges, and the aftershocks of a global pandemic

The introduction of new measures without adequate consultation with businesses or their staff only adds to this pressure My major "gripe" with these changes is the lack of dialogue

Imposing rules on businesses without their input, or even without assessing the real impact on operations, risks being counterproductive

A key sticking point in the debate is the role of zero-hour contracts, which remain vital to the sector As someone who has been both a worker and an employer within hospitality, I understand firsthand the impor tance of the flexibility they provide

Zero-hour contracts allow workers to choose how much they work while employers can adjust staffing levels based on demand This kind of adaptability is crucial in


hospitality, where business needs can fluctuate markedly week by week, season by season Without this flexibility, businesses might struggle even more to cope with the unpredictable nature of the sector

But here’s the concern: how will other industries cope with similar pressures? The answer seems to be creeping in already self-ser ve solutions and automation This "self-ser ve " model is gradually making its way into hospitality, and to play devil's advocate , in an industr y grappling with severe recruitment shor tages, automation may seem like a plausible solution

However, can we still call it "hospitality" if human interaction is removed? I must admit, despite the need to move with the times, I am fearful that a fully automated future in hospitality could erode the ver y essence of what makes this industr y unique

Human interaction is at the hear t of hospitality it’s about personal connections, ser vice with a smile , and experiences that can't be replicated by a machine This is why I worr y about the impact of tightening employment regulations, par ticularly in relation to zero-hour contracts Will we lose the personal touch that makes our industr y so special?

While technolog y has its place , we must be cautious not to let it undermine what hospitality truly stands for

Flexibility is impor tant yes But so is the human touch As the sector adapts to new rules and challenges, we need a balanced approach that preser ves the spirit of hospitality while ensuring businesses have the operational flexibility they need to thrive

The conversation surrounding the Employment Rights Bill should be one of par tnership Government, businesses, and workers must come together to ensure that changes benefit ever yone without sacrificing the hear t of the hospitality industr y in the process Let's not lose sight of that balance as we move forward

We are media par tners and exhibitors at THE TRADE DRINKS EXPO next week so if you are planning to attend please do pop by our stand, always interested in your views!

I can always be contacted at edit@catererlicensee com

Once more I would ask you to please follow us on X (Twitter), and encourage as many people you know in the trade to sign up to our digital issue , fur ther details can be seen at www.catererlicensee .com

Hospitality Sector Welcomes Reforms to Employment Rights…

The government will also consult on a new statutor y probation period for companies’ new hires This will allow for a proper assessment of an employee’s suitability to a role as well as reassuring employees that they have rights from day one , enabling businesses to take chances on hires while giving more people confidence to re-enter the job market or change careers, improving their living standards

The bill will bring forward 28 individual employment reforms, from ending exploitative zero hours contracts and fire and rehire practices to establishing day one rights for paternity parental and bereavement leave for millions of workers Statutor y sick pay will also be strengthened, removing the lower earnings limit for all workers and cutting out the waiting period before sick pay kicks in Accompanying this will be measures to help make the workplace more compatible with people’s lives, with flexible working made the default where practical Large employers will also be required to create action plans on addressing gender pay gaps and suppor ting employees through the menopause , and protections against dismissal will be strengthened for pregnant women and new mothers This is all with the intention of keeping people in work for longer, reducing recruitment costs for employers by increasing staff retention and helping the economy grow FAIR WORK AGENCY

A new Fair Work Agency bringing together existing enforcement bodies will also be established to enforce rights such as holiday pay and suppor t employers looking for guidance on how to comply with the law

Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner said: This government is delivering the biggest upgrade to rights at work for a generation, boosting pay and productivity with employment laws fit for a modern economy We’re turning the page on an economy riven with insecurity, ravaged by dire productivity and blighted by low pay

The UK s out-of-date employment laws are holding our countr y back and failing business and workers alike Our plans to make work pay will deliver security in work as the foundation for boosting productivity and growing our economy to make working people better off and realise our potential

Too many people are drawn into a race to the bottom, denied the security they need to raise a family while businesses are unable to retain the workers they need to grow We’re raising the floor on rights at work to deliver a stronger, fairer and brighter future of work for Britain


UKHospitality said that the recognition of the impor tance of employment flexibility in the Government’s Employment Rights Bill has been welcomed but comes alongside warnings that changes are not without cost and ongoing consultation is needed to avoid unintended negative consequences

Protecting access to zero hours contracts is essential for hospitality workers and businesses and UKHospitality suppor ts tackling any exploitative use of them An opt-out for those that don’t want a fixed hours contract is crucial and allows flexibility to respond to employees’

lifestyles and business demand

Plans for day one rights include pragmatic recognition of the need to make sure the job is a good fit for both employee and employer, and probation periods are an impor tant way to allow this assessment


Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, said: “One of our primar y messages during a long period of dialogue with Labour in opposition and in Government was to recognise the impor tance of flexibility to both workers and businesses, and I’m pleased it has done that today

“However, these changes are not without cost That’s why the Government should take its time to get the details right through close consultation with businesses to avoid unintended consequences

“Rushing to introduce measures too quickly would be the wrong thing to do and would increase the chances of inflicting damage to sectors like hospitality an employer of 3 5m people and a provider of some of the most flexible roles in the economy

Protecting the right for employees to access zero hours contracts when they want them, instead of an outright ban, is a good example of how working together can avoid those potential pitfalls but still eliminate exploitative practices ”

Zero hours contracts are the desired contract for 90% of people on them, who actively seek the flexibility to accommodate their lives as working parents, carers, students and many more who lead busy lives ”

“Its plans for day one rights also strike the right balance , with a statutor y probation period allowing time for both employer and employee to determine if the job is a good fit

“Ultimately, as it has done so far, working with business groups and unions to strike a balance for the good of businesses and workers alike will be critical to the success of this Bill We look forward to working with the Government as it takes forward these plans


Michael Kill, CEO of the Night Time Industries Association said: “The Employment Rights Bill represents a significant shift for workers across the UK, par ticularly in sectors like night-time economy and hospitality sectors where many face insecure working conditions Provisions such as day-one rights for unfair dismissal, enhanced protections for parental leave and sick pay, and a statutor y probation period for new hires signal a new era for employee rights"

"The introduction of flexible working as the default where practical, along with requirements for action plans addressing gender pay gaps and suppor t for female employees through menopause , are positive and necessar y steps These measures will help create more inclusive and suppor tive workplaces and our industr y welcomes these changes as we work to retain talent and improve diversity However, it is vital that these adjustments are balanced with the operational realities faced by businesses, especially those that operate during night hours and have specific staffing needs "

As one of the largest employers of under-30s, the removal of age bands in the minimum wage will have a profound effect on our sector While we fully suppor t fair pay and would like to offer higher wages to our younger staff these changes must be made in a way that businesses can afford If wage increases outpace a business’s ability to manage rising costs, it could be counterproductive , leading to reduced job creation and even closures The government’s plan to base minimum wage decisions on the cost of living is understandable , but it must be coupled with suppor t for businesses to ensure these changes don t stifle growth or lead to job losses "

"The removal of zero-hour contracts for example presents a significant challenge for our sector Many businesses in the night time economy and events sectors rely on the flexibility these contracts offer, par ticularly around seasonal work and any drastic changes could impact our ability to remain competitive However, the government has promised a consultative period to address some of these more contentious areas, giving us the oppor tunity to actively shape the outcomes "

"And while the proposed ‘lighter touch’ approach during probation gives employers more flexibility to let go of staff if a role isn’t working out, there are concerns about the additional pressures this might place on businesses operating in an already volatile environment "

"While most of the bill s provisions won t take effect until 2025, with some elements under consultation until 2026, this timeline gives us the chance to engage with the government A thorough consultation process is essential to ensure that reforms both suppor t workers’ rights and maintain the long-term viability of businesses in the night-time economy "


David Browne , head of employment at law firm, Shakespeare Mar tineau, said: “Work patterns in the hospitality sector are uniquely changeable With customer demand sometimes unpredictable , zero hours contracts are used by employers to ensure that restaurants don t come to a grinding halt because of unforeseen circumstances

“The Bill will end “exploitative” zero-hours contracts, although more detail will be required to understand what that means in practice Hospitality businesses will have to review their use of zero hours contracts, and may need to ensure that they will be able to offer guaranteed hours if required to some staff Processes for shift change notification and rotas will all have to reviewed, to ensure companies are compliant with the new legislation

“The government’s reform is unsurprising and while zero hours contracts have been unpopular for a long time , they do offer flexibility for a number of people , par ticularly in the hospitality sector and are perhaps not the devil they’ve been made out to be Whilst most would agree that zero hours arrangements should not be exploited, it is telling that an outright ban on their use has not been imposed ”

Maximise Your Hotel’s Holiday Bookings: Expert SEO and Campaign Strategies for the Festive Season

William Cotter, Founder and Managing Director at Net Affinity offers exper t advice on how hotels can stay ahead of the competition with practical and proven tips Here are four essential strategies to help hoteliers maximise their visibility and bookings this Christmas 1 PUBLISH CHRISTMAS CONTENT EARLY TO BOOST SEO

The earlier content is published, the better By preparing and uploading Christmas par ty content in September or early autumn, you give search

engines ample time to crawl, index, and rank your pages This is especially critical in competitive markets where Christmas par ty searches spike significantly

Focus on publishing content around popular holiday keywords such as "Christmas par ties", "festive events", and "holiday stays" This drives organic traffic and ensures your hotel ranks higher as demand peaks Incorporating high-quality images and descriptions that highlight your unique offerings will help attract more potential guests

Ensure your content is optimised for both desktop and mobile , as users are increasingly searching for holiday plans on their mobile devices Providing detailed information on packages, pricing, and available dates can enhance user experience and lead to quicker booking decisions


If your hotel is hosting festive events such as afternoon teas, familyfriendly Santa visits, or New Year's Eve dinners, now is the time to plan and promote Engaging, well-organised content is key to setting your events apar t from competitors High-quality images and videos showcasing previous festive events can be incredibly persuasive for potential guests

Additionally consider running targeted campaigns via paid search These campaigns can help you reach audiences actively searching for local Christmas events, boosting your hotel’s visibility and ensuring bookings for these limited-time experiences


Social media plays a pivotal role in building excitement and driving bookings during the holiday season Planning your content well in

advance ensures you can maintain a steady, engaging presence throughout the period Focus on festive themes that showcase the unique aspects of your hotel from Christmas decorations to seasonal packages and events

Behind-the-scenes posts can create a sense of anticipation and showcase the hard work that goes into making the holiday season special User-generated content, such as photos and testimonials from previous guests, can help foster a sense of community and engagement while building trust with potential new customers

Post regularly about your holiday packages festive events and lastminute offers Targeted social ads and promotions, such as limited-time deals for early bookings or exclusive holiday packages, can fur ther amplify your reach and encourage immediate bookings


Many families seek out hotels for their festive getaways, and with an early surge in search volume for Christmas stays, all your Christmasrelated content must be up-to-date and easily accessible

Make sure all holiday offers including room packages and dining deals are live on your website and optimised for search This way, guests actively looking for holiday accommodation, will land on your hotel as it will appear at the top of their results

Additionally, Black Friday and Cyber Monday present a fantastic opportunity to promote Christmas vouchers Offering spa treatments, dining experiences or discounted stays allows you to appeal to different customer segments Ensure the descriptions, terms, and conditions are clear and that you re prepared for the demand Black Friday discounts of 30% or more tend to perform best, so if you ’ re unable to offer deep discounts, consider focusing on alternative value-add offers

New National Chef Of The Year Is Unveiled In Front Of Industry Elite

Last night, under the watchful eyes of some of the biggest names in hospitality, the Craft Guild of Chefs revealed that Orr y Shand from Entier Ltd is the new National Chef of the Year, a culinar y title that’s often regarded as the toughest to win in the UK

Ten talented chefs battled it out in the kitchen at the University of West London yesterday to ser ve up three dishes that would impress some of the biggest stars of the culinar y world

This included Matt Abé, Aktar Islam, Brett Graham, Gar y Jones, Rober ta Hall-McCarron, Kenny Atkinson, James Golding, Tom Shepherd, Mark Perkins, Stephen Trigg, James Petrie and Andrew Gravett

Orr y took the top spot with his delicious menu of Turbot from the Nor th Sea with smoky Orkney scallop for star ter, Lumina lamb with the Scottish autumn for main course and a celebration of Manjari Valrhona with influences from Asia for desser t Achieving runner-up this year was Cleverson Cordeiro from Frog by Adam Handling with Paul Gamble who works for Waitrose & Par tners takingthird place

Speaking just after the finals Matt Abé, chef patron at Restaurant Gordon Ramsay said: What an incredible array of dishes we ’ ve tasted today This year I increased the cooking time from two to three hours, and I feel this has made a huge difference to the quality of dishes that the chefs have put out there They have had more time to relax, prep and showcase impressive culinar y techniques which has resulted in some amazing food Orr y has completely set a new level for this competition He was outstanding and I know he will be a fantastic ambassador for both this competition and the industr y ” Competition director and food innovation & sustainability director at Sodexo UK and Ireland, David Mulcahy added: “Each year we attract new faces to the competition and see chefs coming back time and time again This is always fantastic to see , and we know that the oppor tunities and experiences that this competition offers makes it a ver y special celebration of culinar y talent Seeing the focus, dedication and skill from the ten chefs in the kitchen was incredibly inspiring to watch Congratulations to Orr y who is a ver y wor thy winner ”

Hospitality Businesses Exposed To New Regulations

As Home Office Immigration Audits Increase

Specialist lawyers at Irwin Mitchell are warning hospitality businesses about increased risks relating to immigration compliance due to recent regulator y changes The firm repor ts that the Home Office has intensified immigration audits for hospitality businesses with sponsorship licences, exposing them to potentially damaging new licensing rules

According to lawyers at the national firm, this increased scrutiny can lead to severe repercussions, including substantial financial fines, business closure orders, and potential prosecutions

Mandeep Khroud, Par tner and Head of Immigration at Irwin Mitchell, said: “The recently introduced increase in civil penalties for employers from a maximum of £20 000 to £60 000 highlights the increased scrutiny businesses are facing when it comes to immigration enforcement

“The issue is par ticularly acute in the hospitality sector where since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic the Home Office’s Immigration Enforcement has increased the frequency of audits on businesses in sectors like hospitality ”

Mandeep also highlights significant recent regulator y changes: “Section 36 and Schedule 4 of the Immigration

Act 2016 amended the Licensing Act 2003, introducing immigration safeguards relating to licensing applications and already licensed premises

Notably, the Secretar y of State for the Home Depar tment (SSHD) has been incorporated into the list of Responsible Authorities within the regulator y licensing framework

“This development allows the Home Office’s Immigration Enforcement division to provide feedback and make representations regarding the grant, full variation, transfer, and review of premises licences

“In addition, as stipulated in Section 179 (1A) of the Licensing Act 2003, immigration officers are permitted to enter licenced premises to ascer tain whether any offences under the Immigration Acts

Hospitality and Catering Industries Warned Ahead Of Sexual Harassment Law Changes

A recruitment exper t has warned businesses across the hospitality and catering sector to be prepared for the introduction of new workplace sexual harassment laws

The aler t has come from industr y specialist Kasia Krieger, Business Manager at catering and hospitality jobs firm Pineapple Recruitment (www pineapple-recruitment co uk), ahead of extensions the government is making to the Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023

The changes, which come into effect on 26 October, will place new ownership on employers to prevent sexual harassment in their place of work Failure to comply will mean that employment tribunals can award an uplift of up to 25% to an employee’s discrimination compensation where it finds there has been a breach of duty

Ms Krieger says that the hospitality industr y is especially susceptible to sexual harassment, par ticularly third-par ty harassment, given the high level of customer interaction, the presence of alcohol, and the informal work atmosphere

She said “from the 26 October, all employers will have a legal duty to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace Previously, employers were primarily liable if they failed to act on harassment incidents that have

been repor ted, however the new legislation imposes a duty on employers to be proactive and take reasonable steps to stop harassment before it occurs, placing the focus on prevention

“One of the most impactful changes is the reintroduction of protections against third-par ty harassment This means employers are responsible if their employees are harassed by customers, clients, or other non-employees That’s a crucial point for the hospitality and catering sectors where workers frequently engage with clients and the public

“Impor tantly these more robust laws also introduce the requirement for structured channels for employees to repor t harassment and holds employers accountable if they fail to ensure a safe working environment It needs regular reviews of anti-harassment policies and procedures, including proving how line managers are being trained A culture of openness and suppor t will be key to success in the months ahead ”

Ms Krieger added that it was now critical that hospitality and catering businesses, along with recruitment firms, screen candidates more rigorously to ensure they meet the anti-harassment standards, provide appropriate training, and ensure that both par ties are aware of their legal responsibilities

10 for 10: Top 10 Shortlist for Tenth KP of the Year Competition Revealed

The top 10 KPs for Winterhalter’s KP of the Year 2024 are out, winner and runners up to follow

The industr y leading and celebrated competition Kitchen Por ter of the Year, created by Winterhalter over a decade ago, has announced the top 10 shor tlist for its 2024 edition the tenth to be held

“We’re actually in our eleventh year, having had one year off for Covid ” says Stephen Kinkead managing director of Winterhalter UK “Who would have thought a boozy conversation in the back of a taxi with marketing would have produced such a wor thwhile competition?

It’s not just the competition’s recognition that has grown, the number of entries and their standard has risen each year, making the judging process par ticularly challenging

It was tight Even to get into the top 10 – there was half a point between four entries,” says Stephen “Through the top 10 into the top 3, it was ver y narrow Anyone in the top 10 could have been a wor thy winner ”

The judging panel this year consisted of Paul Mattocks, executive chef of Victor y Ser vices Club; Matthew Marshall, executive chef, RAC club; Dominic Teague , executive chef of One Aldwych; Simon Young, founder of Simon Young Culinar y Solutions, along with Stephen Kinkead Clare Nicholls, products and supplies repor ter for The Caterer, was this year ’ s chair Describing the process, she says:

“There were some small disagreements along the way but nothing too serious I think all the judges were on the same page and the final list of the top 10 was pretty much a unanimous verdict and all were wor thy of being recognised ”

Those submitting their kitchen por ter for consideration had to fill out an entr y form answering carefully

curated questions that have been refined as the competition has grown

The sheer volume of entries and the lengthy, detailed answers they contained demonstrates not only how impor tant kitchen por ters are to any catering operation but how their role is valued nationwide

“I think it’s super impor tant to realise that KPs are the engine of what we do ” says returning judge Matthew Marshall “We can’t do without them!”

This was the first time judging for One Aldwych’s executive chef Dominic Teague

“I was amazed by the number of entries and the variety of different outlets throughout the industr y, ” he says “The thing that stood out was that each of these individuals had an absolute passion for their job –and that was also really clear from the nominators and it was wonderful to see ”

The winner of the KP of the Year 2024 will be announced in the coming weeks Their prize includes the KP of the Year trophy and £1000 in vouchers Their employer will also receive a piece of Winterhalter kit wor th up to £10,000

y entr y will receive a KP of the Year bespoke Oliver Hardy apron from Winterhalter UK The two runners up will receive hospitality-related vouchers, too More

visit or email

Poor Employment Rates Among Those With Neurodivergent Conditions, Research

• More than one-fifth of individuals in the UK with neurodivergent conditions are not in paid employment

• Almost one-quar ter of people with neurodivergent diagnoses have struggled to find full-time employment

Research* commissioned by restaurateur and chef Heston Blumenthal OBE, who has been diagnosed with ADHD and bipolar, finds more than one in ten (11%) people in the UK have been officially diagnosed as neurodivergent** of which 21% are neither in fullnor par t-time paid employment

The sur vey of over 1 000 people finds that of those who are neurodiverse , more than half (56%) are in full-time employment and 23% work par t-time The remaining 21% have no paid work

When asked if those who are neurodivergent work par t-time because they have struggled to find full-time positions due to their diagnoses, 24% agree this was the case , 67% say no, while 9% prefer not to say This figure rises considerably for male respondents Two-fifths (40%)


Blumenthal OBE Reveals


The research reveals that the majority of respondents who are neurodivergent did not receive a diagnosis until they reached their late teens Almost (23%) were aged between five and 15 years old when they received a diagnosis Meanwhile 17% were aged between 15 and 20 years


The sur vey also finds more than one in ten (13%) of respondents think they are neurodivergent but are yet to be diagnosed Two-thirds (67%) say they do not think they have a condition while 21% are unsure The percentage of undiagnosed individuals was much

Drinks Sales Down Again In Soggy End To September

growth in drinks sales difficult,” says Rachel Weller, CGA by NIQ’s commercial leader UK & Ireland “Consumers, venues and suppliers will all be cursing the disappointing weather of the summer and early autumn, and hoping for much better as we enter the crucial final quar ter After

Bricklayers Arms, Bromley Opens After A £330,000 Refurb



Addressing the crowds, Chief Executive Jonathan Neame said: “Our aim was to reinvigorate this great pub, with something for ever yone including a big emphasis on spor t What we hope we have created is a great community pub and we hope it will continue to be at the hear t of its community We know how much this pub is loved by locals ”

He presented a £1,000 cheque to Reverend James Harratt, chairman of Bromley Relief In Need The funds will be used to provide small cash grants to help

and other essential items “We are really grateful,” he said, “this will make a real difference ” Robin Stanton-Gleaves, owner and chairman of Bromley Football Club officially pulled the

it was a privilege to do so, par tly as he

“It looks great, doesn’t it? Come

Pro-Small Business Budget ‘First And Best’ Chance

For Chancellor To Secure Sustainable Growth

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is calling on the Chancellor to deliver a decisively pro-small business Budget, saying SMEs are “sick of stagnation ”

The UK’s largest small business group says the Budget, on 30 October, will be the Chancellor’s “first and best chance” to secure sustainable long-term economic growth It calls for specific measures to ease employment costs, remove barriers to access finance for investment, and lift more small firms out of the burden of business rates FSB is also urging the Chancellor to resist pressure to introduce anti-enterprise tax rises, as new official figures highlight the urgent need to encourage more star t-ups as well as suppor t existing small firms

The figures – from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) – revealed a 56,000 drop in the number of small businesses in the UK between early 2023 and early 2024 They also showed a 0 5 per cent fall in the number of people employed in small businesses, from 16 7 million to 16 6 million FSB IS CALLING ON THE CHANCELLOR TO:

• Provide cer tainty and a pro-business pro-employment element to the plan to Make Work Pay specifically increasing the Employment Allowance so it automatically rises in line with the National Living Wage (NLW) and re-introducing a Statutor y Sick Pay small employer rebate

• Take decisive action to give small businesses confidence to invest by increasing protection for those who put their houses on the line to grow their business, by stopping the unscrupulous blanket use of personal guarantees on loans

Tina McKenzie Policy Chair of the


• Fulfil Labour’s pledge made in the election campaign to help small businesses, including those on or around the high street, with business rates This includes adopting FSB’s proposal to


Blenheim Palace Named Sustainable Tourism Provider Of The Year

Why Digital Payment Solutions Are Essential For Success In The Hospitality Sector

Payments in the hospitality sector have undergone a significant transformation in recent years Gone are the days of cash-only cafes and handwritten restaurant bills Today, there are an array of digital payment solutions available to ensure transactions are easy and efficient

In par t, this shift has been propelled by consumers ’ changing expectations Technolog y has triggered a fast pace of life and anything that slows us down can feel like an inconvenience – including a cumbersome payment process

But the industr y s adoption of digital payment solutions is not just about meeting customer demands; it's also about leveraging new tools to make data-driven decisions, and ultimately creating more successful and sustainable businesses Digital payment solutions not only meet evolving customer demands but also empower hospitality businesses with tools that improve efficiency and enable data-driven decisions

Ultimately these innovations help create more successful and sustainable businesses in the fast-paced and everevolving hospitality industr y


There are several digital payment methods that have risen in popularity across the hospitality landscape , a prime example being mobile wallets like Apple Pay A mobile wallet is a digital version of a physical wallet that stores vir tual credit and debit cards on a customer’s smar t device This means that customers can leave their physical cards or cash behind and transactions are faster due to contactless technolog y This not only speeds up transactions due to contactless technolog y but also increases customer security with encr ypted, biometric authentication processes

Customers increasingly expect flexibility, especially when dining out in groups For instance , allowing each diner to easily pay their por tion of the bill creates a smoother, more convenient experience Features like adding tips directly when paying are par ticularly popular with younger, tech-savvy diners, who value seamless and efficient payment options Offering such flexibility not only improves the dining experience but also reduces the hassle of managing group expenses or handling cash for tipping

To meet consumer demands, hospitality businesses are turning to modern Point of Sale (POS) Systems that are flexible and can easily update as new payment methods emerge A key feature of payment terminals is their mobility, enabling staff to carr y the terminal around the restaurant for on-the-spot payments at the table This not only speeds up ser vice time but also enhances the overall dining experience by creating more personalised interactions, such as offering digital receipts directly at the table


For businesses, increased customer satisfaction is just one of the many advantages of these digital payment solutions An Electronic Point of Sale (ePOS) system par ticularly a Smar tPOS can significantly enhance internal operations and streamline processes for hospitality businesses Beyond payment processing these systems provide crucial features like real-time table management, real-time menu updates based on product availability and the ability to showcase daily specials

Additionally, they enable tracking of both in-person and online orders, facilitate seamless bill splitting and offer dynamic pricing adjustments to accommodate fluctuating demands, such as during Happy Hours Moreover, by integrating phone orders with MOTO payments, businesses can also simplify over-the-phone transactions These functions contribute to greater efficiency and improved customer ser vice , allowing businesses to handle high volumes with ease


With the festive season fast approaching, a notably busy period in the hospitality sector, these advanced capabilities become even more vital Smar tPOS and ePOS systems help reduce the pressure by improving operational efficiency from faster table turnover to accurate real-time menu updates that prevent ser vice delays Fur thermore , streamlined payments can reduce queue times, enabling businesses to ser ve guests more efficiently during their busiest times As a result, the overall customer experience is significantly enhanced

The key to success in today’s hospitality sector is understanding which technologies best fit the individual needs of your business and integrating them seamlessly Par tnering with a trusted Payment Ser vice Provider (PSP) can make this entire journey smoother, from assessing your payment needs to providing ongoing suppor t as new technologies emerge

Embracing digital payment solutions is no longer an option, but a necessity for businesses looking to thrive in the modern hospitality market The benefits are clear and multifaceted For consumers, these solutions offer convenience , speed and flexibility in how they pay for ser vices For businesses, they provide operational efficiencies, valuable data insights and the ability to offer enhanced customer experiences

Businesses that embrace these innovations will be well-positioned to meet changing consumer expectations and stay competitive as we look to the future of the industr y

Montgomery Group Set To Launch Oxfordshire

Pub With Rooms, The Bat And Ball, In November

CMBC Announces Proposal To Close Banks’s Brewery In 2025

Carlsberg Marston’s Brewing Company (CMBC) has announced its proposal to close Banks’s Brewer y in Wolverhampton in


breweries in Nor thampton and Bur ton, with a long-term ambition to establish Marston’s Brewer y in Bur ton as a national centre for craft beer and traditional ale brewing in the UK CMBC will be investing more than £6m in significant new projects at its brewer y in Bur ton,

be investing significantly in a new logistics depot in the Black Countr y region, to suppor t its nationwide secondar y logistics network

Paul Davies, CEO of CMBC , said: “This has been an extremely difficult decision however it has been necessar y to restructure our business to maintain our competitiveness in a challenging UK beer market ”

“The hard reality is that because of the current climate for ale and Mahou San Miguel’s decision not to renew its exclusive production and distribution agreement with CMBC from the star t of next year, we will have significant excess capacity across our brewer y network which we have to address

The team at Banks s has been unwavering in its dedication and commitment to the brewer y We will ensure that we suppor t all our people closely throughout this extremely challenging period ”

“While the proposed closure of our Wolverhampton brewer y is ver y regrettable , with the significant investments we are making in our Nor thampton and Bur ton breweries, our



emerchantpay com)

Future Of UK TGI Fridays Secured Saving Over 2,000 Jobs

Proper Pubs Raises Nearly


for Local Charities in Three Months

(MND) –a meaningful cause to the operator and the local community after a popular local resident was diagnosed

with MND earlier this year – whilst in St Helens, the Boar’s Head raised an amazing £2,100 for the Willowbrook Hospice Meanwhile , in Oswaldtwistle , the Rhoden Inn successfully donated over £6,000 to the Ronal McDonald House Charities which provides free accommodation and suppor t to families with children in hospital In honour of the pub’s mammoth fundraising effor ts, the Manchester House branch named a room after the Rhoden Inn to recognise its contribution

Mark Brooke , Managing Director at Proper Pubs, commented: “I would like to thank ever yone who came together to make this happen As always, I’m absolutely blown away by the

ativity of our incredible operators

their communities We

suppor t all aspects of community

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Gen Z Fuels Sober Party Trend: 21% of 2024 Christmas Events Alcohol-Free

com) This generation’s focus on health, inclusivity, and unique experiences is transforming traditional workplace celebrations, and businesses are taking note

With Gen Z making up a growing por tion of the workforce , their preferences are reshaping how companies approach the most anticipated event of the year : the office Christmas par ty


With 44% of bookings now catering to groups of over 100 people , companies are scaling up their festive gatherings providing a platform for larger social interactions Gone are the days of intimate office get-togethers today s Christmas par ties are designed to make a statement The 40% increase in drink budgets fur ther emphasises this, with companies investing in high-quality refreshments to create a vibrant and memorable atmosphere


The shift toward non-traditional, creative venues like industrial warehouses, archways, and trendy bars is a trend that’s here to stay In 2023, 13% of bookings were for these types of venues, with 65% of setups being standing or mixed, allowing for easy movement and socialising


When it comes to destination Christmas par ties, London is leading the charge In 2023, 58% of all bookings came from the capital, up from 48% in 2022, cementing its status as the top city for festive celebrations

While cities like Manchester and Birmingham are still attracting corporate bookings, London remains the top choice for companies looking to impress their young workforce A recent study revealed Manchester as the UK’s best city for Gen Z to work in, thanks to its thriving job market and cultural vibrancy, highlighting the

competition between these urban hubs for attracting young talent THE EARLY PLANNER ADVANTAGE: SECURING THE BEST VENUES

In 2023, more businesses began planning their Christmas par ties earlier in the season, with 39% of bookings happening earlier than usual This shift from the typical November rush reflects a broader trend in the workforce employers value preparation and are keen to secure the best experiences possible

Early bookings allow companies to lock in top-tier venues, caterers, and enter tainment, ensuring that the event meets the high expectations of employees


For Gen Z, health is a key concern, with 74% citing it as the primar y reason for reducing or avoiding alcohol This shift has had a notable impact on workplace culture , par ticularly with the rise of sober Christmas par ties In 2023, 19% of drink bookings were alcohol-free , and that figure has climbed to 21% for 2024 This trend underscores their focus on wellness and inclusivity as they move away from the alcohol-centric gatherings of previous generations in favour of events that promote balance and well-being

That said, alcohol is still par t of the celebration for many The overall drink budget is up by 9 4%, showing that while companies are expanding their non-alcoholic options, they re also continuing to provide high-quality cocktails, beer, and wine Abigal Gliksman, Events Sales Executive at Togather comments,

“As we look toward 2024 Christmas, it’s clear that Christmas par ties are evolving in ways that align with Gen Z s values From larger, more inclusive events to creative , Instagrammable venues, this festive season is all about creating memorable experiences that reflect the unique , forward-thinking culture of today’s workforce

For them, it’s not just about celebrating the end of the year it’s about doing so in style Whether it's through alcohol-free options, modern themes, or big-budget enter tainment, Christmas par ties in 2024 are set to leave a lasting impression on this vibrant generation ”

Daish’s Holidays Acquires Seaside Hotel In Weston-Super-Mare

Limited Growth For Hospitality Barclays Consumer Growth Report Reveals

Consumer card spending increased 1 2 per cent year-on-year in September, after returning to growth in August, but remained lower than the latest CPIH inflation rate of 3 1 per cent

Non-essential spending saw its highest growth so far this year at 2 7 per cent as retailers’ discounting incentivised shoppers Several retail sub-categories enjoyed a strong performance , such as clothing, health & beauty, and depar tment stores, while enter tainment spend increased 14 4 per cent

However pubs bars and clubs saw limited growth at 0 6 per cent down from 3 2 per cent in August This comes as 40 per cent of those cutting their discretionar y spending say they will cut-back on drinking out to save money

Insperiences saw a slight improvement in September, up 4 3 per cent in comparison to 3 0 per cent in August, signalling a return to indoor experiences as the darker, cooler evenings set in

In September, essential items saw their greatest decline (-1 7 per cent) since April 2020 Spending on groceries fell (-0 8 per cent) for the first time since June (-2 2 per cent), as Brits continue to find ways to cut costs, with supermarkets experiencing a -1 1 per cent dip Growth at food and drink specialist stores slowed to 2 7 per cent (down from 5 1 per cent in August)

Overall retail spending rose 1 1 per cent in September compared to the same period last year – a marked improvement after the sector endured a challenging summer, as retailers discounting and promotional activity incentivised shoppers during back-to-school season

Enter tainment increased 14 4 per cent in September – the highest uplift recorded since July 2023 (15 8 per cent), when the pre-release window for Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour resulted in a surge in spending A fifth (20 per cent) of those prioritising “treat purchases” even when budgeting continue to spend on theatre and live music tickets following a trends towards spending on experiences post-COVID

Almost half (45 per cent) of consumers have noticed dynamic pricing coming into effect at the checkout –where companies raise prices during peak times or when demand is higher Of this group, 46 per cent noticed

it impacting live event tickets specifically

Despite this, enthusiasm for Oasis Live ’25 was unwavering Spending on Shows & Concer ts grew 35 8 per cent year-on-year in September, after tickets for the long-anticipated Gallagher brothers’ reunion went on sale

Spend on the day of general release was six times the rest of the month’s average daily spend Meanwhile cinemas saw growth of 18 2 per cent in the month amid the success of blockbusters such as Beetlejuice Beetlejuice , Deadpool & Wolverine and It Ends With Us



As Christmas products hit supermarket shelves, a quar ter of Brits (23 per cent) anticipate that the upcoming festive season will be more expensive than last year

More generally, 88 per cent of UK adults say they are concerned about rising food prices, with a similar propor tion (87 per cent) concerned about inflation Four in five (82 per cent) are concerned about shrinkflation and those that have noticed this have seen festive staples such as chocolate (57 per cent), crisps (47 per cent) and sweets (34 per cent) feel the bite of this trend

Cost-conscious Brits (15 per cent) have also star ted saving money for Christmas, with reusing old decorations (33 per cent), keeping an eye out for festive offers (26 per cent), and buying gifts in advance to spread costs (22 per cent) popular ways to reduce costs

Karen Johnson, Head of Retail at Barclays, said: “Retail’s recover y emerged as a bright spot in September, despite there being colder weather and darker evenings on the horizon

“While shoppers’ remain cost-conscious it’s clear they’re responsive to retailers’ promotional activity

Discerning shoppers are also finding room for treats and little luxuries within their budget, demonstrating that consumers are prioritising spending on things that bring them joy

While many are anticipating a costly Christmas, there are encouraging signs that people feel confident in their ability to manage their household finances and take control of their festive spending ”

Hotel Group Funding Helps Nursery School Open New Sensory Room


“Sensor y learning is a crucial aspect of their development through early preschool and toddler years so it’s great to see the sensor y room up and running thanks to the help of local initiatives like Sam s Club

The donation from English Lakes Hotels was made via its Sam s Club Charity which suppor ts local charities and good causes The school also received donations from local charities and businesses, including Furness Building Society, Anchor Cour t Residents Furness Rotar y Club and South Lakeland

ABDA Design Delivers Stand Out Cocktail Bar Experience for Twelve Ashby

ABDA Design, a leading design consultancy specialising in the hospitality sector, has unveiled its latest project, Twelve Ashby, a sophisticated fine dining cocktail bar in Leicestershire The design exper ts at ABDA were tasked by Kang Leisure to create a unique and immersive space that would stand out from other venues in the local area

A vintage and eclectic theme was at the hear t of ABDA’s design concept, together with the desire to create an exclusive venue that would captivate guests The design team meticulously crafted the space carefully considering the transition from day to evening and creating a dynamic ambience

With a fine dining menu and a creative cocktail list, the venue ’ s owners were keen that the surrounding atmosphere matched the experiential nature of the food & drink offer ABDA’s design team sought to address this with eye-catching features including large bespoke globe pendants and the layering of reed dish light fittings for a striking look and an impressive backdrop for guests’ photos Another key focal point of the space is the specially designed corner wrap-around bar, featuring gleaming brass inlays and sculpted lighting to give an elevated cocktail experience The luxurious bar area is complemented by a mix of contrasting materials including tiled floors distressed timber herringbone and exotic foliage wallpapers The result is a space that exudes both opulence and individuality

“Twelve Ashby is a testament to our ability to create truly exceptional hospitality environments,” said Michael Hall, senior designer at ABDA Design “Our goal was to design a space that would not only impress but also inspire repeat visits,

Darégal Gourmet UK Unveils Food Trends Report

For 2025 and Beyond with Key Insights for Chefs and Food Manufacturers

An insightful trends repor t has been unveiled by the team at Darégal Gourmet UK following extensive research with chefs and consumers The repor t highlights some of the key food trends which will be driving menu planning, product development and consumer food choices in 2025 and beyond

Following in-depth analysis using The Food People s Trends Hub, the team at Darégal Gourmet UK worked with the Craft Guild of Chefs to run a roundtable discussion at Westminster Kingsway College This debate provided lots of food for thought on the trends coming through and some of the key takeaways from this session have been included in the repor t to inspire other chefs To ensure the repor t was relevant for all working in food manufacturing and hospitality Darégal Gourmet also completed a nationally representative independent study with 1,000 UK consumers

Some of the trends explored in the repor t include stimulating the senses remembering retro, humble ingredients, going global with local twists, using whole ingredients, the theatre of food and real food rules The consumer sur vey revealed some impor tant data that food manufacturers, chefs and retailers will need to consider in 2025

A few takeaways include:

To help chefs and food manufacturers learn how they can use the insight from this repor t in their own businesses, culinar y tips have been provided throughout by Darégal Gourmet UK development chef, Mark Owen He said: I loved having the oppor tunity to hear the views of some of the rising stars in the industr y which included former National Chef of the Year winners and finalists, members of the Craft Guild of Chefs Culinar y team and other talented chefs working in a variety of sectors I believe it is vital that we are aware of the food and drink trends for the years ahead so the consumer insight was equally impor tant for ensuring all the information we are providing the industr y will help drive sales ”

Mar tin McIlroy, managing director at Darégal Gourmet UK commented:

“This has been a fascinating and valuable process for us and we have loved engaging with chefs and consumers to get their thoughts on the latest food and

• 50% of consumer s have made c hanges to food purc hasing c hoices because of the economic c hallenges

• 40% of consumer s are looking for cuisines from other countr ies when they eat out

• When eating Br itish dishes , 52% of consumer s prefer the traditional Br itish c lass cs

• For male consumer s , food aroma (38%) has a bigger impact than presentation (29%) on how they feel

• 30% of fema es want to reduce their consumption of ultra-processed food

Gourmet UK via

Hilton Cambridge City Centre Win 2 Awards at the Cambridge Independent Business Awards 2024

Hilton Cambridge City Centre was recognised with the Hospitality Business of the Year Award and the Green Award Highly Commended at the inaugural Cambridge Independent Business Awards 2024 hosted at the prestigious King’s College Great Hall These awards salute those in the hospitality sector who consistently elevate guest experience and celebrate organisations which have sustainability at its hear t, correspondingly

“We are truly delighted and honoured to be awarded ‘Hospitality Business of the Year’ and ‘Green Award Highly Commended’ by the Cambridge Independent Business Awards,” said Richard Finn, general manager, Hilton Cambridge City Centre These accolades recognise our dedication to sustainability, community engagement, and operational excellence

During the past year, Hilton Cambridge City Centre has under taken numerous initiatives to reduce their environmental footprint and have actively suppor ted local charities such as Spectrum Wintercomfor t Help the Homeless Cambridge , and Papwor th Trust through fundraising, donations, and volunteer assistance This have been sustained through initiatives which suppor t Hilton’s Travel with Purpose ESG strateg y such as the ‘Conser ve to Preser ve ’ programme and the installation of the H2Ousewater self-bottling system the team is dedicated to environmental responsibility and providing exceptional guest experiences

“Our strong par tnerships with local charities, our dedication to reducing environmental impact, and our focus on suppor ting the professional growth of our team are all sources of great pride for us These initiatives have positively impacted both our organisation and the community we ser ve , added Richard

Boost Your Team’s Skills: Invest in Essential Safety Training

Improved Hygiene Improves Accessibility for Everyone

Ensuring a comfor table , clean environment is crucial, as poor hygiene and inaccessible washrooms can leave guests feeling uncomfor table ruining the overall catering experience

New research from Tork an Essity brand and global leader in professional

Gravetye Manor Chef Takes The Top Spot In Young National Chef Of The Year

Jonny Smith from Gravetye Manor has wowed the judges and achieved the prestigious title of the Craft Guild of Chefs’ Young National Chef of the Year after ser ving up three stunning plates of food for the judges yesterday at the University of West London He created a star ter of golden cross goats cheese agnolotti Gravetye tomatoes and basil Norwegian halibut shiitake and cauliflower for main course and a desser t of choux bun, whipped Opalys ganache , honey poached quince

Taking the runner-up spot was Rosie Welch from L’Enclume with Keira Carolan who works at Henrock in third place

Judging this year ’ s hotly anticipated final was Chair of Judges Russell Bateman alongside Ali Howard, Chantelle Nicholson, Alex Angelogiannis, Phil Howard, Ollie Dabbous, Ruth Hansom-Rigby, Denis Drame , Graham Hornigold, George Blogg and Paul Mannering

Finalists had to ser ve up a three-course menu in two hours following an innovative criteria set by Russell Russell Bateman, head chef at the Falcon Hotel in Castle Ashby said: “I’ve enjoyed ever y second of judging Young National Chef of the Year and am so impressed with the standard of dishes these young chefs produced I set a brief that would allow them to think creatively whilst showcasing their culinar y skill level and it has given me such confidence in the future of hospitality Congratulations to Jonny who created the most consistent menu with beautifully flavoured dishes and a fantastic choice of ingredients ” Competition director and food innovation & sustainability director at Sodexo UK and Ireland, David Mulcahy added: “Ever y year the talented young finalists push themselves out of their comfor t zone to cook

for some of their idols in a bid to take this title It’s the hardest UK culinar y competition out there for chefs in this age group as all entrants have either been seeded into it or ‘spotted’ for their talent We are looking forward to following Jonny’s career over the coming years as he is definitely ‘one-to-watch’ ” As well as achieving the title of the Young National Chef of the Year and receiving an exclusive presentation plate from Churchill, Jonny will also receive an impressive list of prizes Sodiaal UK is offering a pastr y stage with Stefan Rose , executive pastr y chef at Grantley Hall to fur ther his pastr y making skill This will include an overnight stay at Grantley Hall with dinner, and an afternoon tea where he can enjoy the recipes he creates during the stage Thanks to Seafood from Norway, Jonny will embark on an exclusive educational journey to Norway to discover the secrets of Norwegian seafood The top three will receive a gastronomic trip to the Les Vergers Boiron factor y in Valence France Jonny will also receive £3 000 from the Worshipful Company of Cooks of London to spend on culinar y development

Sustainability has always been at the hear t of this competition but this year the Guild introduced a new element in association with HIT Training National Hospitality & Culinar y Lead at HIT, Paul Mannering was given the specific task of obser ving food waste throughout the menu planning and cooking process He awarded the new food waste award to Keira Carolan who has won a two-day stage with Adam Handling at any of his UK restaurant businesses as well as a one-day workshop or masterclass at any HIT Training Chef academy in the UK

Find Out How the Simpler Recycling Legislation Will Affect Your Business

Bristol Hoteliers Hope ‘Halloween Budget’

Is Not The Stuff Of Nightmares

Hoteliers in Bristol hope this month s budget – coming the day before Halloween – is not the stuff of nightmares for struggling hospitality businesses

During the summer Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer warned that Labour’s first budget since coming to power in July would be “painful” due to his government inheriting an ‘economic black hole’ claiming the Conser vative Par ty had created a £22bn gap in public finances

Members of the Bristol Hoteliers Association (BHA) are now anxiously awaiting the 30 October budget while keeping their collective fingers crossed that Chancellor Rachel Reeves will be able to give them something to smile about

BHA Chair Raphael Herzog said: “In last year ’ s autumn statement and the spring budget in April, we felt ver y let down by the continued lack of suppor t for the hospitality sector

“In their manifesto, Labour promised to reform the business rates system in England and we are behind UK Hospitality, who are calling for the new Government to deliver on that pledge

“Business rates reliefs end next April as things stand which will mean businesses having to pay full rates, which effectively means their business rates bills could quadruple

“UK Hospitality has proposed a new, lower, permanent and universal business rates multiplier for the sector, which will provide more business cer tainty and stability, rather than the uncer tain annual reliefs currently in place

This means businesses will have a more realistic idea of the bills they are facing

“From what has been said in the run-up to the budget, I am not getting my hopes up too much, but we would still like to see VAT in the hospitality sector reduced to 12 5%

This is something that the All-Par ty Parliamentar y Group (APPG) for Hospitality and Tourism backed earlier this year

“We have one of the highest rates of VAT in Europe A reduction would make us more competitive with the continent and will make our ser vices more affordable to the public

“We’ve not had a par ticularly good summer and while I appreciate the Government has said this budget will be painful for many, I really hope that it contains something for us to smile about

“We are also anxiously awaiting new of what the Government might do with Zero hours contracts, which are heavily used in the leisure hospitality and tourism and retail sectors among others

“Labour had said in a Green Paper in 2021 that it intended to ban zero hours contracts, while more recently it has spoken about banning ‘exploitative’ zero-hours contracts, without much clarification or definition around what is deemed ‘exploitative’

“It’s possible that the government could make zero hours contracts unviable if they place too many new restrictions on them

“We are also expecting the budget to announce new national minimum wage rates, a move which is likely to put even more pressure on our businesses, and which strengthens our case for some kind of suppor t, such as the VAT reduction

“We were cautiously optimistic about the last autumn statement and the Spring Budget, but we ’ re a little more anxious this time round, while hoping that the new Government will not leave us out in the cold like the previous administration did, and takes steps to properly acknowledge the significant contribution the hospitality sector makes to the UK economy and to give us the suppor t we need and have been cr ying out for, for some time

Highland Hotel Lands Climate Change Action Award

Trade Drinks Expo 2024 Returns to ExCeL London

Bar and pub owners micro-brewers and international decision makers for the largest beverage brands across the countr y are eagerly awaiting the return of Trade Drinks Expo Known as Europe's leading event dedicated to on-trade and off-trade drinks, this trade show and industr y conference will return to ExCeL London on the 15th & 16th of October

This year promises to be the event’s most dynamic yet The expo is set to be attended by thousands of beverage-ser ving professionals, ready to gather and explore a vast array of delicious drinks, groundbreaking ideas, deliver y solutions, essential ser vices, and more The Expo is designed to help businesses discover forward-thinking solutions to boost profits, attract guests, and retain clients It’s an exceptional oppor tunity to discover emerging trends, cutting-edge products, and network with professionals shaping the future of beverages

Innovative Exhibitors: The show will feature a wide range of exhibitors at the forefront of the industr y showcasing products and ser vices to give businesses a competitive edge From pre-mixed cocktail brands to electric point-of-sale technolog y, visitors can expect to find ever ything they need to drive profits and improve customer satisfaction

Inspiring Speakers: Attendees can expect to glean insights and inspiration from the brightest minds in the industr y The lineup of speakers will share exper tise on a range of topics, including the bar experience , non-


alcoholic options event promotion and more It’s a great oppor tunity to learn from the challenges and successes of representatives of the sector’s biggest institutions

Sustainability Trail: With sustainability coming to the forefront of impor tance in the café industr y, we ’ ve curated a dedicated trail of exhibitors at this year s show that have best utilised and implemented sustainable strategies within their business Innovation Awards: Time is set aside at the show to celebrate the most groundbreaking alcoholic and low-to-no drinks of the year in

New Positive Publicity Hub Showcases Pubs As Community Lifelines


a new platform dedicated to celebrating the essential role pubs play as lifelines in their communities Timed with World Mental Health Day, the hub shines a light on the often-overlooked suppor t pubs provide to millions from funding grassroots spor ts to nur turing community well-being It gives organisations, MPs and the public a close look at the invaluable ways pubs suppor t their communities

Recent research by Samaritans reveals that pubs are ranked second among the top ten places where Brits feel comfor table opening up This year, World Mental Health Day highlights the essential ser vices pubs offer beyond just being places to socialise Pubs are safe spaces for conversation and connection a vital lifeline for mental health in ways that few other establishments can claim to provide


The Positive PUBlicity Hub – the home of positive pub stories, offers inspiration and practical ideas for publicans eager to explore or expand their community impact Featuring real-life stories, the hub showcases pubs’ diverse contributions, from food drives and charity events to local suppor t groups and spor ts sponsorships The hub aims to help publicans enrich their community role and see how others are making a difference

Landlady Carole Davis from The Clifton Arms in Blackburn and PubAid Community Suppor t Hero Winner 2024, said: “Working in par tnership with our pub community, we help hundreds of people who just want to come down for a chat Many deal with mental health issues and know they can talk to someone here Some are too proud to access central ser vices so if we can’t help them directly we’ll point them to someone who can ”

Carole is among 1 000 publicans nominated for the Community Pub Hero Awards 2024, in par tnership with the AllPar ty Parliamentar y Beer Group

Commenting on the launch, Des O’Flanagan, Co-Founder of PubAid, said: “Pubs are the backbone of our communities, yet their impact is too often overlooked Our goal with the hub is to create the UK’s largest por tal for positivity about pubs- ser ving as an inspiration across the UK and beyond We want to remind ever yone that pubs aren’t just places to go for a drink; they are vital lifelines to the communities they ser ve ”


Visit the Positive PUBlicity Hub today to explore inspiring stories gain insights and if you ’ re a pub to upload your own stories of suppor t For those interested in joining the PubAid suppor ter community, you’ll join over 50 other pub companies, organisations and trade associations in keeping the positive voice for pubs alive

Dorset Hospitality Sector Staff Recognised At Awards

announce the winners and runners up They are all so deser ving, and it is nice to see an industr y give back to their staff with a complimentar y evening of fun and razzle dazzle ”

A Reliable Food Waste Collection

Elevating the Guest Experience: The Power of AI in Enhancing Hospitality

Earlier this month, Nobu Hotels announced it would be upgrading its AI-powered infrastructure at select locations worldwide with a view to increasing operational efficiencies enhancing security and ultimately meeting guest expectations

It’s arguably this last factor that is most key, with research from Deloitte late in 2023 revealing that one in four hoteliers view ar tificial intelligence (AI) as having the potential to significantly enhance customer ser vice levels for guests

However, clearly onsite security and guest safety remain of paramount impor tance , which is where increasingly AI and related technologies are being utilised by hotels to ensure this while simultaneously elevating guest experience

An example of this in practice is at the Dubai Media One Hotel, which has adopted computer vision technolog y to both enhance security operations and improve overall guest experience Computer vision is a field of AI that is focused on identifying objects and people in images and video footage so that this analysis can be used to inform better decision making and provide actionable insights

In a hotel setting this could include benefits such as being able to identify potential security threats before they escalate , such as detecting abandoned luggage , unauthorised access, suspicious behaviour, or loitering in restricted areas

At the Media One Hotel, computer vision technolog y has provided a number of practical benefits For example , the hotel has been able to transform its car parking operations by no longer needing all car parking areas

to be manned in person at all times Instead, the hotel’s security team can now analyse where to place staff dependent on the busiest periods of traffic with guests arriving and leaving by monitoring remotely from the control room

Beyond security the implementation of AI has provided the hotel’s front desk with the capability to identify in real-time if there is a build up of guests in the lobby and more staff are needed to assist In such scenarios automatic aler ts are generated so the management team can send more staff to the front desk with at worst a minimal delay In this respect, the monitoring of guest flow to help with staff allocation and improve ser vice deliver y based on real-time insights has been significant

It is insights like these that are integral to creating a seamless, safe , and enjoyable guest experience , and why hoteliers including Media One are increasingly looking at how to fur ther integrate AI into their existing infrastructure to provide fur ther benefits

Examples include how to better manage guest flow across the hotel and its restaurants by monitoring footfall throughout the day and evening to identify peak times Fur ther use cases under consideration include evaluation of the differing demographics of guests and which specific facilities are most popular within these onsite Armed with this data, Media One is potentially able to better understand how to market its different facilities to the right audience(s) moving forward

The technolog y can also be employed to manage access to par ticular secure areas across the hotel such as those reser ved for VIPs g yms spas executive lounges and meeting rooms This is clearly beneficial from a security perspective but it also ensures a frictionless experience for guests with touchpoints through communal areas all streamlined

The key as with the adoption of any technologies across the hotel and wider hospitality industr y is to ensure that is adding value in creating a safer and more friendly environment, enhancing comfor t and overall guest experience so customers continue to come back

WT TC Launches ‘Together In Travel’

allowing us not only to sur vive but to thrive in an increasingly competitive market ”

As the leading global authority on the economic and social impact of Travel & Tourism, WTTC is committed to promoting sustainable growth and inclusive practices within the sector

Switch To A Cooking Oil Service You Can Depend On

UK Government Must Introduce Mandatory Display Of Food Hygiene Ratings In England

The Char tered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) is calling for mandator y display of food hygiene ratings following a BBC investigation into businesses displaying inaccurate food hygiene ratings

For several years, CIEH has repeatedly called for the introduction of a statutor y food hygiene rating scheme in England, referencing its impact on driving up food hygiene standards and increasing compliance with food hygiene laws

Despite being mandator y in Wales and Nor thern Ireland England is currently missing this clear oppor tunity to secure consumer confidence and fur ther protect public health

One of the consequences of the currently voluntar y scheme is that in England, 69% of businesses display a food hygiene rating sticker, compared to 91% in Nor thern Ireland and 92% of businesses in Wales

The Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) 2013 Act and the Food Hygiene Rating Act 2016 (Nor thern Ireland) makes it an offence to display an incorrect rating and gives local authorities the power to take action

against businesses if they fail to provide the correct rating information when asked by a customer

The BBC investigation rightly raises questions regarding the effectiveness of England’s current system Suppor ted by the exper tise of CIEH Food Advisor y Panel member and food safety lawyer, Jon Payne , the investigation revealed that it is clear that this issue is not isolated Chris Elliott OBE, Professor of Food Safety at Queen’s University Belfast and Vice President at CIEH said: “Ever yone deser ves to feel confident that the food they and their families consume is safe Food Hygiene Rating Schemes provide consumers with information about the hygiene standards at food establishments enabling them to make informed choices about where they eat and purchase food With more than four in fives businesses in England suppor ting the introduction of mandator y display of FHRS, there is no need for fur ther deliberation The new Government must act now to introduce this long-awaited ask and align the UK’s statutor y food hygiene standards ”

Bath Spa Hotel Wins Prestigious Two AA Rosettes For Culinary Excellence

New Vice Chair for CAMRA

am par ticularly passionate about our campaigning for changes to legislation on provenance and ingredient labelling so consumers have the full stor y about what’s in their glass

most recent Governance and Beer Styles Review

Gillian will remain C AMRA’s Director for Real Ale Cider and Perr y On taking up the role of Vice Chair, Gillian said: “I am delighted to have been appointed as C AMRA’s new Vice Chair C AMRA is

“Along with Ash’s election as C AMRA Chairman, I believe this heralds an exciting new chapter for us I look forward to the challenges ahead and I will continue to listen to voices from across the Campaign as I work with my fellow Directors to campaign for consumers and the licensed trade ” Ash Corbett-Collins, C AMRA s new Chairman, said: I m so glad that Gill will be taking up the role of Vice Chair at what is a really exciting time for the Campaign Her enthusiasm and experience

sure she will be a great success in her new role ”

Guest Amenities

Elevating the Guest Experience: The Strategic Importance of Hotel Amenities


or the delight of a complimentar y breakfast each amenity contributes to the overall impression of the proper ty For business travellers, cer tain amenities like a well-equipped workspace , fast internet, and access to meeting facilities can be the deciding factor in their choice of accommodation However, in the modern hospitality landscape , guests are not just looking for the basics They expect a cer tain level of luxur y and personalization, and they are acutely aware that if one hotel doesn't meet their standards, there are countless others that might This means that hoteliers need to be strategic about the amenities they offer, ensuring they not only meet but exceed guest expectations


letries (shampoos, soaps, facewashes), personal care items (hairbrush, body lotion, shaving cream, razors, shower cap), and conveniences such as coffee kits, bathrobes, slippers, and tissue boxes have become standard across the industr y Failure to provide these can lead to immediate dissatisfaction

Fur thermore as the sector seeks to meet escalating concerns for the environment, hotels and inns are increasingly adopting sustainable practices in their toiletr y offerings Biodegradable packaging refillable containers and cruelty-free products are gaining traction reflecting a commitment to environmental responsibility

Plus, an impor tant trend in the industr y is the suppor t for local communities/businesses with the use of locally sourced or ar tisanal toiletries connecting guests with the culture and individuality of the destination, adding a custom-made touch to the overall guest experience

Special Amenities: Some amenities are highly appreciated but may not need to be provided universally in ever y room A dental pack, for instance , could be available upon request, along with other personal items like combs By making these available through reception rather than placing them in ever y room, hotels not only manage costs but also create oppor tunities for guest interaction, allowing staff to personalize the guest experience Luxur y Amenities: For proper ties aiming to position themselves as luxur y or boutique offerings, the inclusion

Selecting the right amenities for your hotel rooms or proper ty requires a careful balance between enhancing the guest experience and maintaining profitability It’s impor tant to recognize which amenities should be offered as standard, which should be available upon request, and which could be positioned as premium add-ons

Essential Amenities: Hotel toiletries extend fare beyond functional items; they are vital to the overarching guest experience Thoughtfully chosen and high-quality toiletries have the power to elevate a guest’s perception of a hotel, creating a lasting and positive impression, and are the baseline expectations of any hotel stay Items like toi-

Guest Supply - Transforming Stays with World-Class

A collaboration between a Cumbrian hotel and an award-winning natural skincare business has seen explosive sales due to guests’ demand for their bespoke Petrichor toiletries

Petrichor is the name of the ear thy scent produced when rain first falls on dr y soil Derived from the ancient Greek Pétra (rock) and ikh r (ethereal fluid), this became the name for the brand

In line with Sedbergh Soap Company’s ethos, Dor the Pratt, the founder of the business, set about incorporating natural and organic ingredients infused with essential oils grasses and herbs to created Petrichor to the hotel owners ’ brief

James and Nina of The Black Bull: “Petrichor is the essence of a ver y successful collaboration between two independent businesses The bespoke ar tisan-crafted fragrance , inspired by our surroundings, Nina’s rich Japanese heritage is the embodiment of our ethos We are thrilled how well it has been received by our guests”

Dor the added: when I set out to compose Petrichor I knew it would be a challenge The smell appears rarely here in the Yorkshire Dales as there needs to be a warm dr y spell first, and once it star ts raining the scent is gone , so my reference point was rather elusive” “James and Nina are ideal collaborators: ambitious, visionar

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Winterhalter has also developed ‘neutral’ modules that can be positioned between operational zones (prewash, wash, rinse and dr ying) They extend the distance between the zones, meaning the MT can accept extra-large wash

• Safety for Staff: A hygienic

reduces the r isk of accidents and injur es , suc h as slips , tr ips , and falls , ensur ing a safer working environment for the staff

Positive Inspections: Regular c leaning ensures that the

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Products and Services

Collaboration Leads to Guest Success


set about incorporating natural and organic ingredients infused with essential oils grasses and herbs to created Petrichor to the hotel owners brief

James and Nina of The Black Bull: “Petrichor is the essence of a ver y successful collaboration between two independent businesses The bespoke ar tisan-crafted fragrance , inspired by our surroundings, Nina’s rich Japanese heritage is the embodiment of our ethos We are thrilled how well it has been received by our guests” Dor the added: “when I set out to compose Petrichor, I

The Label Group


knew it would be a challenge The smell appears rarely here in the Yorkshire Dales as there needs to be a warm dr y spell first, and once it star ts raining the scent is gone , so my reference point was rather elusive” James and Nina are ideal collaborators: ambitious, visionar y, and open-minded

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Tayto Has ‘Snacking Sorted’

As the largest family-owned, British-based snack company with a stable of well-known British brands, Tayto has ‘Snacking Sor ted’

Bar Snacks offer a brilliant oppor tunity to increase sales through the ‘double whammy’ of generating incremental sales AND boosting dwell time Our unique offering provides hospitality and licensed venues with a snacking ‘ onestop shop’

Here are our top tips on how to maximise sales - and profits - from snacks!

*Stock a wide range of proven, premium snacks that have been developed for the licensed sector Pub consumers look for brands they can trust and it s impor tant to stock proven sellers! Tayto has a range of award-winning snacks to suit ever y pub and cover a large range of ages and dietar y requirements:

• Midland Snac ks Traditional Scratc hings – No 1 brand1 and our best-se ling pubcard – boasting a 2-star Great Taste award, with ts traditional hand cooked recipe that has stood the test of time

• Mr Porky Or ig nal Scratc hings – the No 2 brand1 is the most recogn sed name in scratc hings and also a 2-star Great Taste Award winner

• Mr Porky Cr ispy Str ips - a l ghter bite , akin to cr ispy bacon r inds , for those who want all the taste of a scratc hing but a less hard texture , and another Great Taste award-winner

• REAL Hand Cooked Cr isps – premium, award-winning, food ser vice focussed cr isp brand with 9 strong f avour s (of whic h 7 are Great Taste Award winner s) All recipes are gluten free vegetar ian and with no added MSG REAL has relaunc hed it’s punc hy Ham & Mustard flavour and has par tnered with Colman s , the UK s number one mustard brand2 to br ng you REAL Handcooked Ham & Colman’s Mustard

• Animal Adventures – vegetar ian, gluten-free with no added nasties , is a lightly salted animal-shaped fun snac ks that kids love


Boost sales by tailoring your range to their tastes Our research shows that younger male consumers prefer the meaty flavours – like Roast Ox, Ham & Colman’s Mustard whereas the more traditional flavours are popular with the 45yrs+ - Salted, Cheese & Onion and Sea Salt & Black Pepper 3 PROMPT SERVICE

The Perfect Snack




o Pubcards or c lip str ips behind the bar

o A full range of cr isps on






for All Your Trade and Hospitality Needs

Fly the Flag for Good Taste

Tyrrells is an ideal choice for customers looking to make trips

to pubs and bars feel like a special occasion With 93 Great Taste Awards across the range , Tyrrells offers a great accompaniment to a glass of wine , offering classic and popular flavours including Mature Cheddar & Chive , Lightly Sea Salted and Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar

Launched this year, our new League of Tyrrellbly Good Taste initiative suppor ts the Out of Home (OOH) channel in driving bagged snacks sales The initiative enables OOH outlets to register their business via a bespoke platform to receive exclusive POS with 200 POS kits available , including a branded wooden display unit, a window sticker marking out the business as a “Tyrrellbly Tasteful Establishment”, a clip strip and more FInd out more –www tyrrellscrisps co uk/league/ See the adver t on the previous page for details

Greenleaf’s Christmas Collection Unveiled

Chefs' Buyers Guide

Northern Ireland - Bringing Character to

Over 100 years ago Nor thern Ireland introduced whiskey to the world and now our distillers and craft brewers are in the midst of a vibrant renaissance Over the last decade our drinks sector has become one of the region’s most dynamic , innovative and expor t-driven industries Our drinks producers are winning awards across the globe , driving buoyant sales at home and abroad and our buzzing visitor centres and tap rooms are enticing tourists into cities, towns and villages across the four corners of our beautiful countr y This resurgence is driven by a compelling blend of long-established distilleries such as Bushmills, the world’s oldest licensed whiskey producer, and a wave of innovative newcomers Bushmills doubled its production in 2023 with the opening of its £37mn Causeway Distiller y, taking sales to over 1 million cases for the first time Also taking strides are newcomers Echlinville Distiller y, a pioneer in field-to-glass

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McWhinney ’s Sausages

McWhinney’s Sausages has been a family run business since 1898 Star ting out in a butcher’s shop many things have changed over the years, but one thing has stayed the same – quality The company emphasises quality above all, using only the best quality cuts of pork to produce their award-winning Irish Pork Sausages Ever ything from the 126-year-old recipe used in the Premium sausage to the newer additions, such as gluten free , used the same high-quality ingredients and get the same care and attention to ensure a consistently excellent result ever y time MD Kevin McWhinney is a fifth-generation butcher who was raised on the premium sausages 6 years ago, he

was diagnosed with coeliac disease and became unable to eat any of the products he produced This led to the creation of the McWhinney s Gluten Free Sausage Applying the McWhinney s quality

ethos, Kevin set out to create a great product in its own right as opposed to a passable alternative In this he succeeded in creating a sausage with a hint of honey-roast ham sweetness which packs a pepper y tingle on the back of the palette

Gluten free offerings are becoming increasingly impor tant as awareness in the industr y grows and kitchens become more equipped to deal with the challenges it poses The McWhinney’s Gluten Free can sit on any menu proudly to delight diner s tastebuds whether coeliac , gluten-reducing or just looking far a tasty sausage

For more information email info@mcwhinneys com

Chefs' Buyers Guide


LittlePod’s RE AL Vanilla Paste

Tiptree Patisserie – Serious About Shortbread


scones and


Today, we ’ re proud to be channelling our exper tise into expanding our shor tbread offeringsa categor y that has rapidly become an impor tant par t of our growing product range These butter y melt-in-the-mouth treats are becoming a hallmark of our brand and we re serious about making them nothing less than exceptional With traditional flavours such as All-Butter and Chocolate Chip, to more unusual seasonal flavours like Lavender and Mince Pie , there is something for ever yone to enjoy

retailers and farm


who trust us to deliver excellence under their


At Tiptree Patisserie shor tbread is not just another product; it’s an expression of our brand s dedication to quality, tradition, and the ar t of ar tisan baking If you would like to get in touch about supply or to discuss a white-label solution for your business, please get in touch:

As par t of the Wilkin & Sons family of business, famous for its Tiptree Jam, you can be assured of our focus on quality and ingredients Naturally, here at Tiptree Patisserie our handmade cakes are made with

Tel: 01376 509101

Email: tiptreepatisserie@tiptree .com

Web: www tiptreecakes com

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Outdoor Spaces

Catering Equipment Ltd

Catering Equipment Ltd are the authorised UK Distributor for

Elevate Alfresco Dining with Quality Wines from

Lanchester Wines

lo and Cabernet Sauvignon

• White Wine: A zesty m x of Airen, Macabeo, and Sauvignon Blanc

• Rosé Wine: A delightful Garnac ha Rosado With Lanchester Wines, alfresco dining can be both environmentally conscious and a celebration of great taste Our innovative packaging solutions ensure you can offer high-quality wines that are practical and sustainable , enhancing the outdoor dining experience for your customers See the adver t on the facing page for details

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Outdoor Spaces

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Outdoor Spaces

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Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Caterquip Ventilation

Fridge Seals Direct

Fridge Seals Direct proud to be UK's no1 supplier of replacement fridge and freezer seals We fabricate for a wide variety of commercial fridge & freezers

The management team at Fridge Seals Direct have over 30 years of experience in the refrigeration industr y and have each spent many of those years installing gaskets and hardware for a range of styles brands and sizes of fridges

From restaurant kitchens to food warehouses - we have experience in dealing with fridge & freezers of all sizes and scales To learn more about fridge seals, be sure to explore our range of extensive guides on how to replace a refrigerator door seals Otherwise , find your specific guides in how to identify, measure , install or maintain your fridge or freezer door seal

The Importance of Venting Floor Mounted Waste Water Pumping Systems

When designing or installing a commercial kitchen venting the floor mounted waste water pumping system may not be the first thing that is taken into consideration However, understanding the impor tance of venting for the effective operation of the pump, as well dispersing odours from the tank, is a critical factor for reliability in these situations

As wastewater drains from a sink or appliance the air inside the tank must be released to allow the flow of water into it If the tank is not vented correctly wastewater will be noticeably slower to drain away from sinks and appliances Odours and gurgling noises from equipment and sinks will also occur In these situations the likelihood is that the pumping system is not properly vented

As the pump operates air needs to be drawn back into the tank so that a par tial vacuum is not created If this is allowed to happen the discharge flow of the pump will be reduced adversely affecting its efficiency

For these reasons all pump tanks need to be fitted with a suitable vent to allow them to breathe in and out Ideally this should be routed to atmosphere external to the building

In cases where the vent outlet can only be sited within the building, a filter must be used to minimise any potential odours escaping from the pump collect-

ing tank

Two filters are available from Aldermaston based waste water pumping system specialists Pump Technolog y Ltd the smaller CharcoVent and the larger MicroVent Both contain an activated carbon filter ideal for removing odours

The smaller CharcoVent, which is an easy to replace disposable car tridge , should be used on systems that are typically sink only Its vent pipe should be 1 1/4”

The larger MicroVent, which features a replaceable cartridge , should be used on systems that have multiple wastewater inlets, or with appliances

Our reputation in the industr y along with our commitment to providing a high-quality gasket without having to buy from the factor y allows us to have competitive pricing and fast turnaround time

Tr y us out, order your door gaskets from us and discover a better way to do business We are here to help you

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set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development MARKETING

We will help you build a workable , planned Marketing Strateg y From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online advertising to print design Promotions and offline adver tising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’ If your

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