CLH Digital - Issue #32

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Issue 32


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Boost for Restaurants & Pubs as Takeaway Services Extended to 2022


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Restaurants, pubs and cafes will get automatic freedoms to provide takeaway services for another year, Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick has announced. The measures help give these businesses the confidence they need to continue to serve customers and retain their staff. It will also help them adapt to longerterm changes they may wish to introduce, such as serving their customers from market stalls. This follows Robert Jenrick relaxing rules in March so businesses could offer a takeaway service during the pandemic, without having to go through a planning application process. This was due to end on 23 March 2021 but will now be extended by another year. The government will also consider whether to make



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these reforms permanent. Whilst pubs and restaurants are currently restricted from selling alcohol on their premises to take away (but can still provide delivery or click and collect) due to the national covid restrictions in England, the law before March would have restricted pubs and restaurants from choosing to only offer food takeaway services. The freedoms introduced in March and extended thi month mean pubs and restaurants can focus on selling food takeaways if they choose to, while being able to return to operating as a pub or restaurant from 2 December. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3...)


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CLH Digital

Issue 32

Editor's Viewpoint

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH DIGITAL EDITOR

The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, once again finds himself between “a rock and a hard place”. It is clear he wants to do everything possible (as is his job) to get the economy moving.

which are just based on hearsay, the opinions of “experts” unsupported by any referenced study.

And he has, as you will see in this issue, “hinted” at another scheme to help the hospitality sector.

I am old enough to remember the old drinking hours in pubs closed between 2:30 PM and 5:30 PM and in some cases 3 p.m. and 6 PM.

Obviously not “ruling out something” is not the same as ruling it in, and that there may be an element of “did he or didn’t he say it ”!

People would pour out onto the streets round about 3 o’clock in the afternoon! Mayhem!!

However, there are indications that the Chancellor is looking to get the hospitality sector moving.

Peter Adams

It was also refreshing to see the leader of the opposition Kier Starmer calling for the relaxing of the 10 PM curfew. Another crisis management decision in my opinion, serves no purpose whatsoever other than to herd people onto the streets at the same time - a problem which I thought we had left behind back in the 1980s. The Chancellor’s “hint “comes at a time when mainstream media are yet again blaming the “rush to the pub” for a spike in infections citing the opinions of “experts”. Another example of sensationalist reporting! In these reports there does not appear to be any statistical evidence, or any reference to say that pubs were responsible. The article seems to simply dramatize, and demonise the behaviour, particularly of the younger generation, when lockdown was announced. According to the data I saw, while infection rates increased in all age groups, there was an exception amongst older teenagers and young adults where infection rates fell. I could see no reference in the data highlighting that pubs were the source, nor has any of the experts quoted in the stories provided any referenced evidence (at least none that I have been able to find). I do find it ironic when I see reports highlighting the devastation to the hospitality and on-trade sector that the lockdown has caused to the sector on one hand, only to see on the other hand, reports in the same media blaming the sector for increases in the infection rates. I am even more alarmed when I read many reports

A great point was made by Tim Martin at Wetherspoons, where he expresses concerns about the timescale of ending this current and often ad hoc “restrictions”.

This restriction was brought in to help the country in its World War I efforts to keep munitions workers productive. It took 70 years to reverse that decision! Sooner or later the country is going to have to accept that COVID-19 will be part and parcel of modern life for the foreseeable future and we will have to learn to live with it. The destruction of swathes of industry and the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs, a good percentage of which will be long-term will leave the country in a parlous position and unable to fund the very institutions it is relying on now to get us through the crisis! So, I would urge the Chancellor once again to ignore the naysayers, and we look forward to another great initiative like Augusts EOTHO scheme! And as often stated in the past I would reinstate it in December, although I doubt that will happen so some good early New Year cheer with another scheme would be something to be celebrated! I would again repeat the call for the government to create a Minister for Hospitality . There is a petition which you can sign and currently stands at 38,000, so please do add your voice to the petition 552201/signatures/thank-you Some very able organisations to support it, but we do not have a Minister for Hospitality in the same way there are ministers for other industries, and we really want to make a difference then we have to make sure we keep the pressure on the government, and that means all of us!

PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG


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FAX: 01202 552666 @CLHNews CLHNews

EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Shelly Roche Published Publishedbyby

Once again, we called have on some of the industry’s leading lights and influential figures to provide the knowledge, insight and expertise to help operators trade their way through this crisis. And to repeat what I said last week, a country without a vibrant hospitality sector really is a country without joy!


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Issue 32

CLH Digital


Boost for Restaurants & Pubs as Takeaway Services Extended to 2022 (...CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER) In July, the government also made it easier for businesses and communities to host markets and stalls. Mr Jenrick has today extended this option for the whole of next year. Again, the government will consider whether to make these reforms permanent. The government also helped businesses offer more alfresco dining by making it easier and less expensive to get an outdoor seating licence and is similarly keeping this under review. Under the national restrictions currently in place, markets can sell takeaways from stalls. However, the stalls must not have seating areas. These measures build on the extra government support provided to help businesses and protect jobs. Including an extension of the furlough scheme at 80% until the end of March, grants of up to £3,000 for premises that must close, and £1.1 billion for councils to enable them to support businesses in their area. Communities Secretary Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP said: We’ve taken decisive action since the beginning of the pandemic to support our pubs, restaurants, cafes and markets. Making it easier for them to provide takeaways has helped these businesses to adapt and helped sustain many through an unbelievably difficult year. That’s why I am extending these simple but effective reforms to sup-

port these businesses – helping give them and their employees more certainty over the coming year. It will also be a boost for their customers who can now look forward to continuing to enjoy meals at home from their favourite restaurants. As these reforms have made such a difference, I will be considering making them permanent. Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality said: The ability to provide takeaway services was a valuable lifeline for many hospitality venues, not just during the lockdown but in the days of reduced and restricted trade, too. The extension will undoubtedly help many. For pubs, restaurants and cafes to operate as takeaways gives them a previously untapped revenue stream and a much better chance to survive what will be a tough winter. It will help avoid waste and allow businesses to retain a valuable link with their customers and communities.

beer for takeaway providing it is pre-ordered via phone, web or post. Government have also made clear in the guidance that brewery shops can remain open and operate as off-licenses, meaning bottled and canned beer from small breweries can be sold via on-site shops without pre-order.” Small independent breweries and community pubs have proven their ability to trade responsibly during Covid and this new guidance will allow them to prepare their businesses for safe continued trading ahead of Thursday’s lockdown.” Pubs and small breweries are intrinsically linked, with 80% of beer from small independent brewers heading to pubs, and we would like to thank the Government for their flexibility in allowing pubs to sell takeaway beer in a Covid safe and practical manner via pre-orders.”

Earlier this month the government reversed its decision to ban alcohol sales with takeaways.

Emma McClarkin, chief executive of the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA), said the decision was a move in the right direction but it wasn't "anywhere near enough."

The new rules state customers can now order their drink online which can be collected as long as they do not enter the premises.

She said: “Supermarkets and off-licences can still sell alcohol so this is grossly unfair on pubs with off-licences.

Neil Walker, head of communications at the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) “It comes as very welcome news that Government have now clarified their stance on takeaway beer and published guidance which shows England’s pubs and independent brewery taprooms can sell

“It remains the case that to help pubs and brewers survive, and to stop up to 7.5 million pints from being wasted, the government needs to give pubs the same ability to sell off-licence alcohol as it did in the first lockdown.”

Tougher Restrictions Drive Pub and Restaurant Sales Into Reverse

The roll-out of more regional COVID restrictions further depressed sales in Britain’s managed pub, restaurant and bar groups in October, latest data from the Coffer Peach Business Tracker show. With 83% of group-owned sites open, down from 88% in September, total sales across the whole managed sector were down 33.9% on the same month last year, a clear deterioration from September when sales were 20.3% below 2019 levels and August when they were just 12.2% down. All parts of the market performed worse than in September. Like-forlike sales in those businesses trading were 28.9% below October last year, compared to a 14.7% fall in September. Drink-led pubs and bars have been particularly badly hit, and with England now in full-lockdown, you can only wonder how many will reemerge in their current state, how many will have to revamp their trading styles, including switching their emphasis to food?” said Karl Chessell, director of CGA, the business insight consultancy that produces the Tracker, in partnership with The Coffer Group and RSM. “What’s crystal clear is that even before total lockdown in England,

the imposition of Tier 2 and 3 restrictions across large swathes of northern England, as well as the tough restrictions in Scotland and Wales, had a massive negative impact on sales performance.” added Chessell. Drink-led pubs saw total sales down 37.6% and like-for-likes down 35.3% on October last year. Corresponding figures in September were minus 22.7% and minus 21.1%. Food-led pubs and pub restaurants fared a little better, but still performed markedly worse than in September, with total sales down 28.9% and like-for-likes down 27.8%. Across all managed pubs food sales were down 24.5% with drink sales dropping 37.6% on the same time last year. Restaurant groups performed the best, helped by the cut in VAT on food and delivery sales, but still saw total sales down 29.6%, and likefor-likes 19.5% below October 2019. Delivery accounted for 12.3% of sales among restaurant groups over the month, up from 10.4% in September and the pre-lockdown level of 5.9% in February. Regionally, London continued to struggle. Total sales across managed pubs, bars and restaurants inside the M25 were down 39.5%, compared to 32.1% in September, with collective like-for-like sales in those sites

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open down 35.0%. Outside the M25 the market saw like-for-like sales down 26.8% and total sales down 31.9%. Bar groups had the worst of the month, with like-for-like sales down 52.6% and total sales down 56.9%. At the end of October, underlying annual like-for-like sales for the whole market were down -26.2% on the previous 12 months, with total sales down -37.9%. Paul Newman, head of leisure and hospitality, at RSM said “It is impossible to put a positive gloss on such depressing results in the last full month of trading prior to England’s second lockdown. This week’s news about an imminent vaccine is just the fillip the sector needs as operators turn their focus to the operational challenges of successfully reopening their businesses on 3 December for the truncated, but ever more crucial, festive trading period. I’m amazed at the creativity shown by operators to stay in business during lockdown and I urge consumers to support their local pubs and restaurants over the coming weeks. A whole business eco-system is reliant on their support – from suppliers to operators and landlords.”

How Hospitality Businesses Can Motivate Staff To Take On New Roles and Weather the Covid Crisis 4

CLH Digital

Issue 32

Chris Farmer, leadership and management training expert and founder of Corporate Coach Group (, discusses how businesses in the hospitality industry can keep teams on board during these difficult times and ensure staff remain motivated.

While the latest lockdown has been yet another hammer blow for the hospitality industry, what the last seven months have shown everybody is that if we stick together setbacks can be overcome. The coronavirus crisis is an economic extinction event which has the potential to wipe out businesses which have dominated the marketplace for many years. As a result, many have had no choice other than to adapt how they operate in order to survive. Although times are tough it’s all about creating a platform from which you can grow and dominate the marketplace of the future. Key to surviving the next few months will be convincing employees to move into new and expanded roles. Taking on new responsibilities can be

unsettling so it is important you ensure the transition is as seamless as possible. Instilling employees with the confidence that they have the skills to succeed in these new roles is imperative. Once they recognise this, they will begin to understand how they can positively contribute and support the business going forward.

Taking on new roles brings about a fresh set of challenges though which can lead to people feeling overwhelmed and demotivated. It is therefore important you demonstrate to people that there is light at the end of the tunnel and the actions they take now to help the business will lead to success down the line.

THREE WAYS TO MOTIVATE PEOPLE There are three human emotions to motivate people: Two are negative motivations and one is positive. The three motivational emotions are: fear, anger and desire. Fear is a motivator: Fear makes people act. But it is a negative emotion Anger is a motivator: It stirs people into action. But anger too is a negative emotion Desire for a better future is a motivator. Desire will cause people to act. And desire is a positive emotion

It is best to motivate people by keeping our language positive and by avoiding too much expression of anger and fear. If you allow your language to be filled with too much pessimism and fear of what the future will bring, then that is a negative emotion and you may accidently motivate your staff to look for the exit door. They will be motivated to ‘leave the sinking ship’. If you allow your language to be filled with too much anger about recent events and the way the government has handled the coronavirus crisis, then that too is a negative motivator, and will have similar effects on the morale of the team. As a result, you must be very cautious about the way you speak to staff about the future of your business.

USING WORDS TO POSITIVELY MOTIVATE You should explain to your staff that your goal is to weather the storm by adapting and changing to the immediate situation. Tell them that nothing lasts forever, and that includes government lockdowns. It’s all about reinforcing the message that although times are tough now it’s about putting yourselves in a position to become the new dominant forces in the industry once the circumstances improve. If we want to inspire our staff to take on more varied roles we must use this type of positive motivational language ensuring they remain with you and stay committed to the cause.

Star Pubs & Bars Zeros November Rent to Support Leased & Tenanted Pubs Through Second

Star Pubs & Bars is to zero rent entirely for all its pubs on core leased & tenanted agreements during the four weeks in November* in which hospitality businesses are required to close in England. Pubs will receive the concession regardless of whether or not they choose to operate a takeaway service. The move takes Star Pubs & Bars investment in rent reductions to over £30 million since March.

Lawson Mountstevens, Star Pubs & Bars Managing Director said: “This second lockdown is devastating for pubs throughout England and the On-Trade as a whole. It is also extremely frustrating given the time and money spent making pubs safe, and the corresponding very low levels of infection currently linked to pubs.

Should the national lockdown continue beyond the 2 December 2020, the company will move to a 90% rent reduction for its leased and tenanted pubs until the national restrictions are lifted in England. It will also review its latest Tier support in the coming weeks, based on guidance received from Government about post lockdown regional restrictions and any further grants or support made available.

“From the outset of this crisis we have said that we will continue to review our support in line with the changing regulatory landscape, and hope the actions we’re taking today allows for some surety in these very uncertain times. Clearly we all hope that pubs will reopen on 2nd December as the run-up to Christmas is such a critical trading period for the industry.”

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Pubs Step Up Again To Support Communities Through Second Lockdown Pubs across the country have stepped up to help their local communities through the second national lockdown. Once again, many have pivoted to offer essential supplies to residents, deliver food parcels to the elderly and vulnerable, and boost local morale and mental wellbeing with online quizzes and chats. PubAid co-founder Des O’Flanagan said: “This second national lockdown, coming hot on the heels of other restrictions, is hitting pubs hard – though this time, licensees and their customers are better prepared. Many pubs have continued to offer the takeaways and deliveries they started in the first lockdown, so they’re already up and running for this one. “Pubs’ support for their communities is both physical, as they provide food and other vital supplies, and, just as importantly, emotional, with many pubs offering a friendly face and a chat to elderly and vulnerable people who would otherwise feel very isolated. The nation’s mental wellbeing was a big concern during the first lockdown, and pubs, as the social hubs of their communities, can help us all to stay connected over coming weeks.” The Roebuck, Mobberley, part of the Cheshire Cat Pubs & Bars group, was ready to turn itself back into the successful ‘pub hub’ from the first lockdown. It is again offering its popular ‘Just Heat’ meals – pub favourites, recreated for home dining – takeaway Fish & Chips on Thursdays and Fridays, and a range of sausage rolls, pies, local cheese, eggs and other goodies. The team has also introduced some festive twists including the ‘12 Wines of Christmas’ and hampers of local produce – with an order for 90 already placed by a local company. Owner Tim Bird says: “Customers have welcomed our efforts to bring some early festive cheer to this rather depressing situation. “Everything we did during Lockown 1 was about keeping our pubs visible and relevant by supporting our local customers and communities. They told me that we helped to create some good lockdown memories locally, so we’ll be aiming to do the same for the rest of this month.” The Bowgie Inn in Crantock, north Cornwall, is focusing on helping people’s mental wellbeing during the lockdown. Making the most of its position overlooking Crantock beach, owner Sally Pickles is taking people on daily virtual walks, via Facebook live

streams. During Lockdown 1, the Bowgie Inn walks were enjoyed by half a million people around the world, who tuned in to benefit from the calming effect of the beautiful coastline and sounds of the ocean. Sally is also restarting free, weekly live yoga sessions, as another way of helping people combat their anxieties around the pandemic. Dinnerstone in Saddleworth is working hard to keep local homeless people warm and nourished as the nights grow colder, with a Compassion During Covid drop off point at the front of the pub. Licensee Charles Brierley and team members from Dinnerstone and sister pub The White Hart in Lydgate are requesting donations of essential foods and ingredients to create tasty nutritious meals, which they will distribute to homeless people in Greater Manchester. They are also appealing for warm clothing and sleeping bags and have raised £350 in online donations. At The Red Hart in Blaisdon, Gloucestershire, licensee Sharon Hookings is helping the community in a different way to Lockdown 1. She says: “This lockdown feels different, with different needs locally; there’s not the same demand for the village store we operated in the pub last time. However, we’re doing shopping for any vulnerable residents who need it and offering takeaways over the weekend and a selection of fresh bakery goods every Friday afternoon.” The pub is continuing its weekly quiz on Zoom, offering takeway pizzas with £2 from each sale going to a local special needs school. The Hope in West Norwood has brought back its popular takeaway service from Lockdown 1, including Pie & Mash and a Sunday Roast. They are also able to offer free roasts to a number of deserving people each week, thanks to donations from local residents and businesses – West Norwood Football Club provided four meals last week. During the first lockdown, the pub provided free meals to families, people isolating with COVID and key workers. At The Dog & Parrot in Eastwood, near Nottingham, owners Kathryn & David Boam are again supporting local vulnerable residents by shopping for groceries, collecting prescriptions and offering a friendly face and voice – socially distanced. During the first lockdown, the pub acted as a vital hub, helping residents who were shielding to stay physically and mentally well.

Forum of British Pubs Celebrates MRO Victories for Members

The Forum of British Pubs (FBP) is celebrating several successes in supporting members switching from tied relationships with the Pubco’s Market Rent Only (MRO) alternatives. Whilst the FBP has always made clear that, true MRO doesn’t exit in the manner in which Parliament intended, the opportunity to go free of tie, post COVID would suddenly seem to be an unlikely saviour for many publicans. The MRO option for pubs is an alternative to being tied to one of the larger Pubco’s who can then dictate terms of sale. It is an option that the FBP has been lobbying the government on, as the MRO that was voted into Parliament in November 2014, bears little resemblance to the MRO that the Pubs Code offers. Working as expert witness on behalf of FPB members, Dave Mountford has helped three long established pubs move to market rent only, at a lower cost than they were previously paying in tied relationships. The first success, which was subsequently appealed

by the Pub owning business and is therefore confidential, has seen a reduction of nearly 15% in their rent as they moved to MRO, dropping from £45,000 to £38,500, whilst the St James Vaults in Plymouth saw a similar reduction dropping from £40,500 to £34,750, and the Queen’s Arms in Bakewell had their free of tie rent reduced from £48,000 to £45,000, with the added bonus of being free of tie. Dave Mountford commented, “These are huge victories and literally in many cases the difference between survival and closure. MRO has been a tremendously frustrating option, having promised so much and delivered so little, but now we are facing a crisis the effects on the turnover, costs and most crucially confidence of Pub tenants, that cannot be ignored and isn’t in the rent reviews we are seeing. Anyone facing a rent review, or a lease renewal should be aware of the importance of achieving the ability to go free of tie, with a rental figure that could easily be below their current tied on. We look forward to this evidence based trend to continue.”

Issue 32

CLH Digital


Staying warm whilst dining al fresco Due to COVID-19, 2020 has been the year of dining al fresco. From home BBQs with a group of six friends to eating outside at your local pub or restaurant, everyone has been making the most of the sunshine – whilst maintaining a safe distance. Lots of people are still very wary about sitting indoors. And, in many cases, outdoor table service is the only thing that has kept people together and businesses afloat during these difficult times. So, the question is: what will happen now that autumn weather has arrived? Here at Under Control, we believe we have the solution.

3 tips to keep warm whilst dining outside 1. INVEST IN PATIO SPACE HEATERS

This is (by far!) the easiest way to stay warm whilst dining al fresco. Infrared patio heaters – such as those available in our space heating department – are perfect for use in home gardens and commercial spaces. They provide a gentle yet highly effective source of heat, over a large area, and are guaranteed to keep you feeling toasty on the chilliest of days. What’s more, they’re safe to use, energy-efficient and have a sleek and modern design. The perfect solution for both relaxed gatherings on your patio and fancy bars and restaurants alike.


In addition to outdoor patio heaters, perhaps supply your guests with complementary blankets? Of course, due to current regulations surrounding coronavirus, these would need to be washed thoroughly between each use. But it’s a simple way to create a cosy and welcoming atmosphere in your outdoor dining space – and will encourage people to visit throughout the winter months.


Al fresco dining in winter calls for hot winter beverages. So, if you’re running a bar or having friends round for a few drinks, why not swap out the beer and gin for mulled wine, hot cider and Irish coffee? Or if food is on the agenda, perhaps choose meals that are warm and hearty? Served up next to the patio heater, these options will warm your guests up nicely, even on the coldest of days.

Invest in your infrared patio heater today! Infrared patio heater available at Under Control Instruments There has never been a better time to invest in a patio space heater. They are the most effective and convenient way to heat up an outdoor space and will ensure you can dine al fresco despite plummeting temperatures. Yet despite this, they’re available for an affordable price – starting from just £175 per unit. So, why not take a look today?

To find out more about the infrared patio heaters – or for further tips on how to keep warm whilst dining outside – please feel free to get in touch. We have detailed knowledge of all products currently available in our space heating department and we’re always happy to help.

0121 238 2795 or send an email to and we’ll respond as soon as we can. Either give us a call on

Chancellor “Hints” at New EOTHO Scheme Issue 32

CLH Digital


Chancellor Rishi Sunak has hinted that the successful Eat Out To Help out scheme could make a return in the New Year to ‘get consumers spending again’ after England’s second lockdown ends.

And when asked if another Eat Out to Help Out could be rolled out to boost businesses after the latest shut down, the Chancellor said he would be looking at economic measures to get people spending again.

Speaking this week the Chancellor said there would be more measures to try and get people out and about again after the positive news that the UK economy grew a massive 15.5 per cent after the first lockdown.

Speaking to Sky News this morning, Mr Sunak said: “We’ll talk about specific measures, but more broadly I think it’s right when we finally exit this (lockdown) and hopefully next year with testing and vaccines, we’ll be able to start to look forward to getting back to normal.

But the economy stayed 9.7 per cent smaller than it was at the end of last year and as new restrictions shuttered up shops and forced pubs to close, it is on track to shrink even more. The Eat Out to Help Out discount dining deal meant the public could get up to 50 per cent off meals, up to £10 per person, Monday through Wednesday in August. The scheme which saw over 100 million meals sold in August is credited with getting the economy rolling again as people rushed to restaurants, pubs and cafes.

“We’ll have to look forward to the economic situation then and see what the best form of our support. “We want to get consumers spending again, get them out and about, we’ll look at a range of things to see what the right interventions are at that time.” While some critics have hit out at the cost of the scheme which was an estimated £500 million, over £250 million was returned to the Treasury in taxes during the scheme.

Covid-19 + Hospitality: How to Adapt to the Second Lockdown Restrictions CONTINUE TO SCHEDULE AROUND EMPLOYEE’S AVAILABILITY

ment platform, Planday - provides some top tips to ensure a smooth, agile shift for business owners in hospitality, ahead of the second national lockdown in the UK:

RE-INTRODUCE TAKEAWAY AND DELIVERY OFFERINGS “During the first lockdown, many pubs, bars and restaurants launched very successful takeaway and delivery options, either independently or outsourcing to providers such as Deliveroo or Uber Eats. “This time around, customers are used to the prospect of ordering take out and delivery from their favourite restaurants, cafes and bars, so hospitality businesses have a task on their hands to generate some excitement with customers once more. Review some of the most successful products and promotions during the first lockdown when putting menus together, and take learnings from those.

Brett Smith, Customer Success Director at the workforce manage-

“It’s also important to regularly share insights on your performance to keep them engaged and motivated whilst they are not at work.”

“In this unpredictable time, there are only two certainties which every business owner in the hospitality industry should consider: listen to the advice of the experts and authorities and protect yourself with good health and hygiene habits. “Together, this can help stop the spread of COVID-19 and can help those who are most vulnerable get through and millions of businesses around the world bounce back. Be sure to communicate with your customers about the safety of your takeaway or delivery service, and explain how you are adhering to the government measures. “Use social media to provide regular updates and appear personable to customers, whilst also encouraging them to come and eat or drink with you!” For more information and tips for the hospitality industry on how to survive Covid-19, visit:


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So, how can business owners in the industry once again react quickly and effectively to the unprecedented changes? After a largely successful summer due to the Eat Out To Help Out scheme in August (and in some cases extended to September and beyond) with 64million meals claimed1, what steps should pubs, bars and restaurants be taking to tackle the second lockdown, successfully?

“Your staff are your business’ greatest asset. This is a very scary, difficult and uncertain time for them, as much as it is for you. If they’re on furlough, stay in touch with them, be transparent and share insights on your performance with them. As you make decisions about how to adapt to the lockdown restrictions, include them in the journey too. Ask for their input, have they been inspired by how other businesses are confronting the changes?

“However, there’s no reason you can’t still coordinate a shift pattern that works for everyone. Use a system that enables employees to swap shifts, request open shifts, and offer their shifts to other employees with the right skill set. This way, you can ensure you are still working around their availability, whilst adhering to government guidelines.”


“It’s important to consider profitability and look at the data you have, Image source: to ensure you’re keeping the best sellers on the menu. Make sure it is streamlined and simple to understand, and that you price items to Hospitality business owners in the UK are once again facing a period make enough margin post-delivery charges.” of uncertainty, following the introduction of a second full national lockdown for at least 4 weeks. PROTECT YOUR STAFF Usually one of the biggest trading periods of the entire year, there’s no doubt the restrictions will make Christmas incredibly tough.

“If you are purely running a takeaway or delivery service, it’s likely you’ll be operating with a skeleton staff. After the 10pm curfew, a lot of last-minute changes to staff rotas have been made recently, and this is another bump in the road.


CLH Digital

Issue 32

Down But Not Out: Why Lockdown Takeaways Could Present A Positive Long-Term Opportunity For Restaurants By Fionn Hart, UK Country Manager at Flipdish ( Last week, the government announced that the UK will be plunged into a second national lockdown, and that restaurants and pubs must close their doors to customers once again. Naturally, this has been a huge blow for hospitality industry professionals all across the country. Many have been fighting a battle to survive these challenging times so that they can begin to thrive again when Covid19 no longer casts its shadow over the hard-hit industry. New lockdown rules will undeniably present hurdles for restaurants and pubs, but with the correct strategy, they can keep operating. As with the first national lockdown, businesses can still remain open for takeaway and delivery, which presents owners with a source of revenue throughout the coming weeks if they can attract customers and encourage a higher spend with each takeaway. This time round, the pivot to takeaway will not be so alien as many

businesses, from the humble village pub to high-end restaurants, proved their resiliency during the first lockdown by introducing or investing further in their delivery offering as a means to stay afloat. Even once restaurant doors opened to customers once more, many kept up their takeaway service as an extra revenue channel and as a way to reach customers who preferred to eat in the comfort of their own home.

Customers generally spend more when ordering food on digital platforms than they do with in-person transactions. Many customers are comfortable adding more items when they’re placing an order by themselves and have plenty of time to browse before making their choices. Simply having an online or takeaway app offering already drives up revenue.

And while the takeaway service may be familiar to many, for those businesses who decided against a takeaway service earlier in the year, this second lockdown presents a valuable opportunity to adapt to current hospitality rules and consumer needs.

But to boost revenue further and drive up order values restaurants could consider meal deals, bundles and set menus or offer customer loyalty schemes and discounts to build trusted relationships and keep local supporters ordering more frequently. If using an online platform, businesses can quickly look at analytics to see if these tactics are effective and adjust as necessary. Importantly, with an online takeaway service, restaurants have the ability to take control of their business and have a guiding role in pushing sales and retaining customers despite initial feelings that control has been taken away by the lockdown announcement.

The demand for takeaway is healthy: not only do consumers value the convenience of a takeaway service, restaurants and pubs are at the heart of many communities throughout the UK, and customers who love their local restaurants have historically rallied to support them during times of hardship like during the first national lockdown. Orders of Chinese and Indian food more than trebled from March to April at the start of the first national lockdown, whilst fish and chip orders shops doubled. If this lockdown is anything like the last, the takeaway trend is only set to continue. But takeaway service should not be seen as a short-term lockdown fix. Both the takeaway veteran and the novice can benefit long-term from investment in takeaway offerings, whether they integrate the service into their website or have their own takeaway app.

To turn the key and lock up after the last service this week will undeniably have been difficult for restaurant owners, but with the correct strategy, these local heroes will be able to keep revenue flowing while providing for their local community. The future may be uncertain, but businesses that can adapt to lockdown measures and adopt a futureproofing mindset will be more prepared to cope with any further Covid19 curveballs, build a broad and loyal customer base, and emerge after the pandemic, ready to flourish.

UK’s Top Hotels Revealed As AA Announces New Red Star Winners The AA has announced its latest round of Red Star winners, celebrating the best hotels in the UK and Ireland. Clockwork from top left; 11 Cadogan Gardens, London; The Swan, Southwold; Forest Side, Grasmere; and THE PIG at Bridge Place, Canterbury. Awarded to hotels offering the best customer experience and highest levels of service, the new AA Red Star holders are: 11 Cadogan Gardens (London), which was awarded the maximum five Red Stars, marking it as among the very best hotels in the UK and Ireland, while four Red Stars were given to Forest Side (Grasmere, Cumbria), Linthwaite House, (Windermere, Cumbria), and The Swan (Southwold, Suffolk). Three Red Stars were also awarded to THE PIG at Bridge Place (Canterbury, Kent).

no denying that it has been an immensely difficult time for the hospitality sector, but we have seen hotels across the UK and Ireland rise to the occasion, providing the public with fantastic experiences and enjoyable stays despite the challenges of COVID-19. Providing outstanding hospitality is an impressive feat at any time, but is particularly notable now, and we are delighted to be able to recognise the hard work and creativity of our Red Star winners.”


The announcement follows the release of the AA’s Rosettes last week, which saw three hotel restaurants pick up the coveted accolade of four AA Rosettes: The Latymer, Pennyhill Park (Bagshot, Surrey), Ocean Restaurant at The Atlantic Hotel (Jersey), and The Ritz Restaurant (London). Meanwhile, nine hotel restaurants received three AA Rosettes: Murrays at Whittlebury Hall, The Vineyard, Newbury (Berkshire), Shaun Rankin at Grantley Hall (Ripon, North Yorkshire), Albert and Michel Roux Jr at Inverlochy Castle (Fort William, Highlands), Driftwood (Portscatho, Cornwall), Minster Mill (Minster Lovall, Oxfordshire), The Northall at Corinthia London, The Betterment by Jason Atherton at Biltmore Hotel (London), and Davies & Brook at Claridge’s (London).

11 Cadogan Gardens, London, SW3 New 4 Red Stars: Forest Side, Grasmere, Cumbria Linthwaite House, Windermere, Cumbria The Swan, Southwold, Suffolk New 3 Red Stars: THE PIG at Bridge Place, Canterbury, Kent Red Stars are the AA’s top accolade for hotels, regardless of size or type of operation. A hotel awarded red stars has been selected by the AA as one of the best hotels in the British Isles, offering high quality throughout, including outstanding levels of hospitality and service.

The announcement of Red Star winners by the AA follows last week’s reveal of the latest round of AA Rosettes, celebrating the best restaurants in the UK. To discover more top restaurants and hotels, visit

Simon Numphud, Managing Director at AA Media said “There is

Hoteliers Say Furlough Isn’t Enough for Second Lockdown Hoteliers in Bristol say the Government should do more to support them during the forthcoming second lockdown to help cover their essential running costs. The Bristol Hoteliers Association (BHA) says the extension of the furlough scheme – and the return to the Government paying 80 percent of wages – is very welcome. But many businesses will still find the new lockdown – due to last until December 4 at least – very challenging because of ongoing costs that they have. BHA Chair Raphael Herzog said: “Bristol hotels ran at around 50 percent occupancy in October, which was encouraging. “But now we are being forced to close our hotels again and were comforted a little by the news about the furlough scheme, but this is the

very least that the Government can do. “We still have to retain staff to keep our buildings secure, to answer the phones and deal with enquiries, maintain the grounds and ensure that the hotels are regularly cleaned. “We will have no revenue coming in, yet we have to pay for the staff and that’s not even thinking about all the other regular outgoings, like maintenance and building contracts, electricity, pumps for the pool and so on. The £3,000 a month grant is simply not enough to cover our costs. “For businesses that are being forced to close, we feel that the Government should provide more funding to help with these essential costs in addition to paying 80% of the payroll, and businesses can top up the remaining 20% for. “As things stand, this new lockdown is due to run until December 4 but there are already some reports suggesting it could be extended further. “This uncertainty and lack of clarity makes it very difficult for us to plan ahead, so any further support that we can get from the Government will be a huge help towards giving our businesses a better chance of surviving.” He added that the hospitality sector’s case for further support is strengthened even further because the industry is being targeted despite

evidence suggesting that it is responsible for only a small percentage of traceable infections outside the home. He said: “Public Health England statistics for week 44 showed that food outlets and restaurants accounted for just two percent of traceable infections. “Schools and universities account for 22 percent – nearly a quarter – of traceable infections, yet we are being instructed to close and they are allowed to remain open.” He added: “I expect around a dozen hotels will try to stay open to support people who need to travel for work.” He urged people to follow the Government guidelines, no matter how inconvenient or difficult it might be, so that the lockdown restrictions can be eased as soon as possible. He also referred to reports of around 700 people attending a rave last weekend just outside Bristol. He said: “If people just acted sensibly and followed the ruled, like we do in our hotels, I am sure that the situation would not be as difficult as it is now. “Sadly, some people – like those who attended the rave last weekend – just want to have fun but they don’t think about the devastating impact their irresponsible actions are having on the livelihood and lives of so many others.”

Issue 32

CLH Digital

ANOTHER ONS Employment L Stats Reinforce Need OCKDOWN! For Targeted Support For Hospitality



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The release of figures by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) highlights the scale of the crisis currently being faced by hospitality businesses and emphasises the need for additional support for the sector, according to UKHospitality. UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The figures released by the ONS today underline the dreadful hit that hospitality has taken during this crisis and reinforces the urgent need for targeted support. “Our sector has seen the highest fall in jobs of any. We are entering another period that is likely to be incredibly difficult for us. Businesses are in lockdown once again and when they do reopen, it will be back into a severely restrictive environment. “Extension of the furlough scheme will provide some protection but scrapping the Job Retention Bonus Scheme is a major blow at a time when things could not be tighter – dramatically impacting on cashflow and potentially making businesses technically insolvent. Furlough will still mean that employers must pick up the cost of National Insurance

Contributions (NICs), while receiving no revenue. The majority of businesses are operating at a loss, with little to no financial reserves and the prospect of a bleak winter ahead. “Government support should recognise that hospitality is being asked to operate under the toughest restrictions of any sector and being given the highest mountain to climb in order to survive – we need a new approach from 3rd December.”

Pub Is The Hub Pub To Feature In TV Series Saving Britain’s Pubs

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months due to the impact of the pandemic. Amy and Ian have been at the pub since September 2017 and immediately invested in refurbishing and improving drinks and food served in the pub. They were rewarded by being recognised as Cornwall Kernow CAMRA Pub of the Year 2019. There are no other services in the pub’s village of Chilsworthy so the couple try to support the needs of local people as much as they can, so far opening a village shop and a printing facility. A publican who is appearing in Saving Britain’s Pubs with Tom Kerridge, which started on BBC Two this week , says her pub which opened a village store, supported by Pub is The Hub, is a vital resource for local people both in and out of lockdowns. The White Hart in Chilsworthy, Cornwall is to feature in the show with famous chef and publican Tom Kerridge, who is determined to show the challenges faced by pubs hit by the impact and closures of Covid-19. Despite the challenges facing their own business publicans Amy and Ian Durnall have already won a BII Heart of the Community Award for helping their local community during the first lockdown. Amy applied to feature in the TV series, as she wanted to grow her business and help ensure it was sustainable moving forward. The series was originally planned to look at the challenges faced by pubs before Covid-19 but the filming, which was set to last three to four months, stretched to nine

When the first lockdown came into force the shop became increasingly important to the local community with Amy taking on door-to-door deliveries of groceries and takeaway food to the most vulnerable. “The shop is about being part of the community and being community focused,” she said. “We are in a rural community and some people are at a vulnerable age. I am a personal shopper delivering groceries and takeaway food. The pub was massively essential in the first lockdown and we continue to support our local customers through this second lockdown.” Amy said that she believes that the next six to 12 months will be crucial for the whole hospitality sector. But she added that it is important for pubs to continue to support their local area. “Even with the door shut you feel you need to support the community. We felt it was essential that we stayed open with food and the shop,” she said.

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How Will the UK Hospitality Sector Overcome Second National Lockdown Woes 10

CLH Digital

Issue 32

By Kunal Sawhney, CEO of Kalkine (

HOSPITALITY SECTOR AT A GLANCE The UK’s hospitality sector is the 3rd largest employer and constitutes 4 per cent of Britain's overall GDP. As compared to other sectors, the hospitality sector is almost double the size of financial services and bigger than automotive, pharmaceuticals and aerospace combined. Picture this: The UK has about 22,000 hotels, motels and guest houses. Besides this, there are more than 16,000 breakfast restaurants. According to the British Hospitality Association data, tourism and hospitality have around 27,000 businesses and employs about 1.6 million people. Despite the Brexit and staff shortages, the number of hosting and food services facilities has grown nearly 20% in the last five years. Before the coronavirus pandemic, the sector provided 330,000 employment opportunities, full time, part time, direct or indirect.

The second lockdown announced over the weekend by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has come as a shock for most non-essential businesses, especially the hotel and hospitality sector. The step has been taken to prevent a "medical and moral disaster" after the government said confirmed cases of coronavirus are going up at an alarming rate. On Tuesday (4 November), there were 20,018 lab-confirmed cases in the UK, taking the total number of cases to 1,073,882. Johnson while declaring the new restrictions, which will be implemented from 5 November to 2 December, said people would be asked to stay at home as much as possible, unless for specific reasons including work and education. Pubs, restaurants, gyms, leisure areas and nonessential shops will have to close for four weeks from Thursday (5 November). However, takeaways and click-and-collect services will remain operational. The new lockdown has left many industries displeased as the festive season is about to start. Most businesses are of the opinion that the government should provide enough financial support to the hospitality sector that at least equals that offered earlier in the year. Experts have said that the cost of the second lockdown on the hospitality sector will be even heavier than the first. They said the forced closure could see the accumulation of mass debt and job losses due to the four-week long restrictions.

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) data, the hospitality sector is one of the worst hit sectors due to the pandemic. The hospitality sector witnessed an 87 per cent fall in its sales in Q2 of 2020, according to a leading British hospitality trade body UKHospitality. The sector saw revenue of £4.6 billion from April to June, in comparison with £34.2 billion a year earlier, shows a New Quarterly Tracker compiled by UKHospitality and research firm CGA. The coronavirus pandemic has affected Britain’s hospitality sector to a large extent, with nearly 500,000 jobs being lost till now. The sector contributed around £133.1 billion in 2019 to the economy, following 3.9% growth, but just a year later, it has come down to less than £100 billion. Taking only the beverage producers in account, the YoY sales in Britain's beverage industry has plunged by £11.1 billion between 22 March and 8 August.

SECOND LOCKDOWN EFFECTS Ever since Johnson announced the second nationwide lockdown, the hospitality sector has been anticipating a severe blow on their already struggling revenues. According to UKHospitality in the second lockdown, the turnover of Britain’s hospitality sector could go down to £65 billion or less. In the first lockdown, the closure of pubs was devastating for smalltime brewers. The sales, according to industry sources, went down by

82% on average. Many pubs had to throw away around five million pints, with the cost borne by the brewers. Kate Nicholls, the chief executive officer at UKHospitality, said the second national lockdown could be detrimental for the industry. The period between Halloween and Christmas Eve gives a third of the sector’s total turnover, which would be totally lost. The struggling sector, which has seen massive job losses due to the coronavirus outbreak, could see more jobs wiped off. A recent report compiled by UKHospitality, the British Institute of Innkeeping and the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) anticipate that the sector would be left with only 750,000 jobs by February 2021, if the government does not provide support to the businesses. Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive Officer at BBPA, said the second lockdown could prove counterproductive and damaging for the sector with major disruption to supply chains and the UK’s brewers. James Calder, Chief Executive Officer of the Society of Independent Brewers, in a statement said: “Furlough funding cannot alone keep businesses afloat. Small breweries still have rent, business rates, beer duty and VAT payments coming up – if they are unable to trade, then they cannot pay these.”

SURVIVE OR PERISH Undoubtedly, the second nationwide lockdown will add more woes to the already ailing hospitality sector. The businesses have been hit hard since the beginning of the first lockdown in March. The latest restrictions have just added some more woes to the sector facing financial hardships. The time between Halloween and Christmas is the most lucrative time of the year, but the business of 500,000 shops, restaurants and pubs will suffer due to the month-long lockdown. For the hospitality sector, the road seems to be tough with the rising Covid-19 cases. The challenge is for businesses which have survived as the viability is on the knife edge. Thousands of businesses and jobs depend on hospitality, including the supply chain and other support services. Industry experts have already said the furlough plan will not be enough this time and want the government to pump in more money. Perhaps a stimulus package or change in policy in terms of tax relaxation for the hospitality sector could ease down the effects of Covid-19.

Only A Pavement Away Prepares For Its Annual Winter Warmth Campaign To Support Homeless Across The UK The hospitality industry has, arguably, been hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic this year. Only A Pavement Away, the hospitality charity that gets the homeless, vulnerable veterans and ex-offenders back into work, is launching its second annual Winter Warmth campaign – and this year it’s needed more than ever before. With the colder months approaching, rough sleepers are in desperate need of extra clothing and sleeping bags to keep them warm during the night.

UK Hospitality Strategic Affairs Director.

This year’s Winter Warmth campaign will see groups of volunteers support Only a Pavement Away by packing and distributing packs of clothing, sleeping bags and toiletries amongst other essentials for homeless groups across the UK. All donations will be distributed across London, Brighton and Manchester by a wonderful group of volunteers on the 11th, 12th, and 26th November.

OAPA has also teamed up with Livelyhood [founded by Sarah Wall], a collection of independent and inviting neighbourhood pubs across South London. Customers are able to purchase a blanket costing £4 to use during their visit and take home, with all profits from blankets sold across their venues going towards the Winter Warmth Campaign.

The charity has set up collection points in hotels and restaurants across London, Brighton and Manchester, where donations will be gratefully received before volunteers pack the items into bags for distribution.

The charity has also received some amazing support from Feel Good Drinks, Greene King and Billy Gibbs who have generously supported the campaign to help buy 750 back packs. This year’s campaign is looking to reach circa. 700 people across four cities in the UK.

Volunteers include well-known names within hospitality such as Paul Pavli, Executive Director and consultant within the hospitality and leisure sector, Jo Bruce, PR and marking expert and Tony Sophoclides,

Winter Warmth helps raise awareness about OAPA, in turn increasing financial donations and help get rough sleepers into careers in hospitality. Greg Mangham, Founder of Only A Pavement Away, said: “This year,

and in light of recent events, we need as much help as we can get to reach as many vulnerable individuals as possible across the UK. It’s been fantastic to see such a wealth of support and generosity on display from our partners and supporters ahead of the Winter Warmth campaign and we’re looking forward to extending our support into Brighton and Manchester this year to ensure that rough sleepers are kept warm during Winter. Any donations will be gratefully received before our volunteers begin to distribute the packs to rough sleepers.” OAPA is also hoping to provide support to the Crisis at Christmas campaign, who are desperate to get as many people as possible off the street for the festive season. The charity is extremely grateful to everyone who will be giving up their time to support a much-needed cause. As the number of rough sleepers in cities continues to rise in the current economic climate, providing support is more critical than ever during these unprecedented times; we are all only a pavement away from homelessness. For more information on the campaign, including donation drop-off booking slots, where to donate items or make a financial donation, simply follow this link:

Cater for All with the UK's No.1 Gluten Free Gravy Knorr® Professional Gluten Free Gravy Granules for Meat Dishes is the UK’s no.1 gluten free gravy*, with no artificial colours, preservatives, or added MSG. Our gravy is suitable for vegans, easy to prepare and with no allergens to declare** – with a great taste to compliment any roast. So with Knorr® Professional you can serve a gravy that caters for every customer and, when gravy is just so important at Christmas time, why would you use anything but the UK’s no.1 gluten free gravy? We’re also passionate about supporting chefs to make the most from every meal they

serve, which is why we partner with some of the industry’s leading experts to create content to help inspire you and your menu. Our website has advice on topics from menu engineering, food safety and hygiene, through to recipes and practical, informative video content, plus so much more. Visit *Aggregated wholesaler data. Gravy Report UK (Latest Period 52WE 11 Oct 2020). **This product does not contain allergenic ingredients which require declaration under EU regulation 1169/2011 (Annex II).





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Evoke the Blitz Spirit in Your Customers 12 10

CLH Digital Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Issue Sept/Oct322020

James Mitchell works closely with brands in the hospitality sector on communications and marketing strategy, helping them adapt, simplify and scale their approaches to finding reliable growth. Decades into the future, we’ll all have our own COVID-19 story to tell. This is how to make yourself part of that narrative. If there’s one thing that we, as a nation, excel at, it’s coming together to face a difficult situation. Which is why now could be the best opportunity you’ve ever had to create a loyal customer base for your business. You, as a business owner or manager, are in the once-in-a-lifetime position of being able to directly relate to your customers on a personal level, as we all try to adapt to the ever-changing reality of life in Covid-times. In this article, I explore how the right communication with your employees, customers and the wider community can create a surge of positive engagement with your business and make it an integral part of the future hospitality landscape. Whatever that looks like.

EMPLOYEES AS BRAND ADVOCATES Your employees are people who are invested in your business and care about what happens to it. Which makes them valuable allies. If they’re well-looked after, you’re much more likely to get their support. Not just that, they’ll be happy to go above and beyond for your customers too. The best way to do this is to be honest in your communications with them. Even if you’re struggling - especially if you’re struggling - let your employees know the situation and empathise with the effect this might have on them. They might have questions or need help from you too. The longer you can keep this channel open and reciprocal, the better it will be for your business.

COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS Just as with your employees, recognise how the changing situation will affect your customers. This is your chance to show adaptability and willingness to continue doing everything you can for them. Even if that’s a bit (or a lot) different from the norm. Your revenues may be much lower but opportunities to make lasting impressions are abundant. Maybe your customers are losing out on experiencing a product or service from your business as a result of COVID restrictions. If you can, offer them the same opportunities at a later date. Or is there a way of offering help or advice online, for example, until they can revisit you in person again? In this positive way, you can also share the experience you’re going through. Show your human side and let your customers connect to you at the emotional level. Allow them to see that, by supporting each other, you might just make it through to the other side in one piece.

ENGAGING WITH YOUR COMMUNITY It might be that you already have a strong presence in the wider community. Or you might have none at all. Take this opportunity to make yourself accessible and relevant. To show what it is you stand for and why. People don’t buy into what you do: lots of other businesses will be offering a similar product or service. People buy into why you do it. What gets you out of bed in the morning, apart from having to pay the bills? Once you’ve stepped back and reevaluated your purpose, it’s time to tell your story. You could do this by creating or getting involved in an initiative that has a positive impact or unites your community. A great example is hospitality businesses rallying around Marcus Rashford’s #endchildfoodpoverty campaign, by donating food boxes or creating a pay-it-forward scheme so people in difficulties can claim prepaid children’s meals. While you might not make any immediate profits from these efforts, the intangible reward is brand building. Potential customers will begin to understand what it is you stand for. And if this connects with them, they’re much more likely to choose you over anyone else the next time they do have money to spend.

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Should Hospitality Introduce COVID-19 Testing in the Workplace? 14

CLH Digital

Issue 32

Contributed by Tori Shepherd, Employment Law Solicitor at Aaron & Partners ( WHAT FACTORS SHOULD EMPLOYERS CONSIDER BEFORE DECIDING TO TEST EMPLOYEES?

• the amount of contact employees/workers have with each other and/or clients/contractors/customers; • the type of premises; and • whether working from home is possible.


with others, for example, in certain higher-risk sectors or more confined workspaces depending upon the nature of the work being carried out, it may be reasonable and justifiable to require employees to undergo workplace testing in order to ensure that the employer is complying with their duty of care to all staff, customers, etc. and legal/health and safety requirements. Employers should however still keep in mind the risk of discrimination in doing so.

The guidance states that before deciding to test employees, employers are advised to be clear on:

Employers must be transparent when communicating their intention to test employees and give clear information in order that employees know why testing is being implemented in addition to Government testing. Employers should also explain:


• which staff the testing will cover; • whether the focus is

• whether the programme is voluntary or mandatory; • explain any consequences should an employee decline testing; • what happens after they receive their results • where employees may seek advice on their rights; and • how their data will be processed in line with GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018. The testing process for COVID-19 can be invasive and uncomfortable, requiring a swab to be taken from inside the nose and back of the throat. Many employees may willingly undertake testing to limit the risk of an outbreak in their workplace, but individual consent is required to conduct each test.

If employers are able to justify a reasonable, necessary, proportionate and proper cause to require an employee to have a COVID-19 test as set out above, and they refuse without good reason (i.e. that doing so would be causing them to be treated unfavourably), disciplinary proceedings could be implemented for failure to follow a reasonable management instruction under the employer’s usual disciplinary procedure.

on staff with/without symptoms; • how often employees will be tested; • the facilities for where the testing will be carried out; • which test should be used (virus/antibody); • what the arrangements are for any employee who does not wish to be tested; • how the test results will be used (including policy considerations such as equality/diversity and data protection for sensitive health information, and what effect the results will have upon employees in relation to self-isolation and absence from work); • the compatibility of the programme with the employer’s legal obligations (including health and safety, equality, data protection and employment law); and • the affordability of implementing a testing programme.

HOW OFTEN SHOULD EMPLOYEES BE TESTED? There is not yet a clinically defined number of times that an individual should be tested within a given timeframe, however this advice could change. The current ICO guidance on workplace testing states that the frequency of testing employees and whether it is necessary will depend on a number of factors, including but not limited to: • the safety measures that the organisation needs to put in place; • the relevant sector and any specific requirements or associated risks for the sector; • the nature of the work being carried out;

ARE THERE ANY CIRCUMSTANCES IN WHICH EMPLOYERS COULD ENFORCE COVID-19 TESTING? Insisting on COVID-19 testing in the workplace will depend upon whether the employer could argue that there is reasonable, necessary, proportionate and proper cause to require the test to be obtained. It may be that for some roles, where appropriate measures have been put in place and the employee has little to no “close contact” with others, it would be unreasonable to require them to have a test where they do not wish to. In such circumstances, doing so could be considered to be unreasonable or without proper cause and may amount to a breach of the implied duty of trust and confidence between the parties in the employment relationship, which may give rise to an employee resigning in response to that breach and bringing a claim for constructive dismissal. For other roles which require the employee to have “close contact”

TIPS FOR EMPLOYERS: • Continue to carry out risk assessments in line with government guidance. The need to introduce workplace testing may change, for example, if government guidance changes, or if there is an outbreak in the workplace and testing may be seen as an appropriate response to the outbreak. • Consider whether COVID-19 testing in the workplace may be beneficial for the whole workforce or perhaps only for specific higher-risk roles. • If COVID-19 testing in the workplace is implemented, be aware of risks of direct discrimination if only certain members of staff are selected which may be considered unfair or harmful treatment in respect of a protected characteristic, or indirect discrimination if a system of testing for all employees is operated and it would treat a particular member of staff unfavourably in relation to a protected characteristic. • If an employee does not wish to carry out a test, explore their reasons for not wishing to do so and consider each case on its own merits. • Be careful to ensure that employees who receive a positive test result are not treated differently to employees who do not. Avoid naming individuals and anonymise them where possible. Do not provide more information than is necessary to ensure compliance with Data Protection Regulations. • Continue to comply with social distancing procedures in order to ensure that COVID-risk within the workplace is minimised.

Trade Bodies Call On Government Support To Secure Future of British Pubs, Hospitality and Its Supply Trade bodies representing the UK’s hospitality, pubs and their supply chain businesses have called on the Government to provide a six-month investment plan to secure the future of those sectors. In a letter to the Chancellor, UKHospitality, the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA), British Institute of Innkeeping (BII), Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) and Pub is the Hub have outlined details of the necessary support plan. Without this support, the letter states, many viable businesses will fail with significant job losses and impact the long-term prospects of the UK’s economy. The letter calls for: • Employment support guaranteeing 80% of wages to continue for businesses beyond the national lockdown, with flexible support available throughout the next six-months • A more sustainable round of grants in line with the first lockdown to adequately cover ongoing fixed costs, with payment as soon as possible. This must

allow access to the full state aid allowance of €3 million per business – and potentially more once the UK is no longer subject to EU rules • An extension to the rent enforcement moratorium to June 2021 to protect businesses and bring partners to the table • A reduced rate of VAT for hospitality through the whole of 2021 and a business rates holiday for 2021/22 • Investment in British brewing via beer duty support and a compensation scheme for brewers for unsold beer & returned stock. In a joint statement, the trade bodies commented: “Hospitality businesses and pubs were the first hit by this crisis, and they have been the hardest hit. They have existed through nine months of forced closures or severe restrictions. The Government has recognised the unique challenges facing our sector and we are grateful of the support it has provided. “It is not enough, though. Our sector has been hit with job losses and venue closures, with the pain being felt across the entire breadth of the industry down to supply chain businesses which are also suffering.

“We are still on a knife-edge. Over 90% of fully COVID-secure, hospitality and pub businesses are operating at a loss, thousands of otherwise viable businesses in Tier 3 and Tier 2 areas had already closed. Debt continues to build to unsustainable levels and turnover is at a fraction of normal trading. We are entering this next phase of national lockdown in a critically vulnerable position. “It is crucial that the Government provides long-term financial support that goes well beyond what has already been announced. These are viable businesses that, if kept secure, can lead the revival of the economy in 2021. It is a sector that, prior to Covid, directly provided 3.2 million jobs across every part of the UK, and a further 1 million in dependent supply chains, with vital economic and social hubs in every region. “By every conceivable measure, it makes sense for the Government to support hospitality and pub businesses as well as their supply chain partners. We can be in the vanguard of economic recovery next year, driving growth, creating jobs and providing billions in vital tax revenues into the future, but only if we survive this perilous moment.”

Contract Furniture Group to Continue Service During Lockdown Contract Furniture Group have stated that will still be at the service of customers throughout the current lockdown.Their sales, manufacturing and logistics teams will all be taking every precaution necessary to reduce and eliminate any risk or spreading Covid, but at the same time they will be working hard to provide their customers with the same high quality service you’ve come to expect from them. Despite the frustration our whole industry is feeling at the moment, Contract Furniture Group encourage you to seize this opportunity to update, repair or replace décor while you can’t trade; and to support this they are looking at put-

ting finance packages together to spread the investment. If you do have any questions or queries about Contract Furniture Group's products or services, stock availability or lead times, terms or available finance options, please don’t hesitate to call. Most importantly, Contract Furniture Group say they hope you and your loved ones stay safe and well during these unprecedented times. For further information visit

Improved Communication is Key to Sustainable Growth in Quick Service 16

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Issue 32

and sustained growth lies improved communication across all aspects of business operations.

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION With the onset of the coronavirus pandemic came the realisation that years of transformative investments in technology could rapidly come to maturity, keeping pace with the fundamental shifts in consumer behaviour at the drive-thru, operations and delivery. From cloud-based software and communication platforms that streamline ordering, payments and inventory, to curated experiences as guests drive up, digital technologies have enabled the industry to embrace remote ordering and – in some cases – delivery – as well as adhere to social distancing measures, almost overnight.

After initial declines at the start of lockdown the takeaway market returned to, and in the first two weeks of July exceeded, its pre-COVID high, according to a recent report from the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB). This is largely driven by substantial growth in collected and drive-thru orders, which account for the majority of takeaways.

While these technologies are facilitating the shift in how consumers dine, they’re also allowing us to rethink nearly every other aspect of the quick service trade. From outdoor dining to curbside pickup, innovative operators are rethinking their real estate options; reimagining how customers navigate lines, with new and creative app-based, kiosk and tableside ordering / pickup options. The physical space is being reinvented to meet the changing needs of consumers that may want faster, more touchless options and less face-to-face interactions.


And, despite the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the quick service industry, with fundamental changes in consumer behaviour, supply chain disruption and continued social distancing measures, many operators have thrived under the circumstances.

With so many companies thriving with drive thru and curbside conversions, this could well be the retail model of the future. So how can operators ensure all orders are taken and fulfilled accurately and efficiently, across the entire estate, while keeping both customers and staff members safe?

These changes have driven greater innovation, as operators have rapidly adapted, allowing consumers to dine in, take out, order via a food delivery or ordering app, or use drive-thru and curbside service. And, as Tom Downes, CEO, Quail Digital, explains, at the heart of this innovation

From optimising accuracy and efficiency at the point of order and point of delivery, to enabling retailers to maximise the increasing number of digital ordering channels - including mobile apps; touch screen table service; and third party websites - communication within and throughout

the entire estate is fundamental to an efficient and profitable operation. As every restaurant owner knows, the clearer you can hear the customer, the more accurate and quicker the order preparation process is and the less waste there is. The speedier the execution, the better the customer experience.

The latest generation of communication hardware, such as digital, multi-channel headsets, enable new levels of agility and flexibility with the addition of a third communication channelfor single and dual lane drive-thru, curbside ordering and in-restaurant table service, all from the same headset, with a range that covers kitchen, seating on two floors, drive-thru lanes, drive-to bays and parking lot. Moreover, they will come with advanced noise cancelling technology, which maps and removes all the constant noise it hears, such as traffic and weather, leaving just voices. This allows for improved intelligibility by creating a decibel level of closer to 60 in the headset of the order taker, which is around the level we experience with face to face conversation.

CONCLUSION The last six months have demonstrated how quickly consumer behaviours can adapt and change. They have also demonstrated how quickly the quick service industry has embraced innovation to evolve in line with consumer demand. As the industry works through the remaining challenges of 2020 (and beyond), the restaurant business model, consumer habits, and our definition of ‘normal’ will have changed, probably permanently. While innovation continues to take place in many ways, what has remained constant is the fact that clear and accurate communication sits at the heart of the customer experience. Digitisation and modernisation of quick service communications can help to make every second count, across all aspects of business operations.

Community Pub and HRH The Duchess of Cornwall Mark Meals on Wheels Week 2020

Moulsecoomb, a low-income area in the city of Brighton. As well as great food, the lively local offers regular activities and events to support the elderly, vulnerable and hard-pressed families, including Lunch Clubs and a Dementia Café. When lockdown forced The Bevy to close its doors in March, the team was determined that those who relied on its services for physical and mental Image credit Clarence House wellbeing continued to be supported. Bevy Meals on The National Association of Care Catering Wheels was created and by working with local (NACC) and The Bevy community pub in schools, churches and charities, it has delivered more Moulsecoomb, Brighton, welcomed a very special guest, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall than 6000 meals, plus additional help and social contact, safely to the doorsteps of those in need. A vital made a virtual visit to the community-owned pub service it will continue to provide as England enters and Bevy Meals on Wheels in support of Meals on a second national lockdown. Wheels Week 2020. The royal virtual visit was organised by the NACC as part of its annual Meals on Wheels Week (2-6 November 2020), a national event that raises awareness of and celebrates the UK’s essential Meals on Wheels service that delivers nutritious hot meals to older and vulnerable people in the community and a social lifeline to ease isolation and loneliness. With the focus on the important frontline role Meals on Wheels services are playing during the Covid-19 pandemic, Her Royal Highness learned more about The Bevy and how it has adapted to continue to support the community in challenging times. The only community pub on a housing estate in the UK, The Bevy is a crucial resource in

Hosted online by Sue Cawthray, the National Chair of the NACC, The Duchess learned more about the importance of Meals on Wheels Week and the inspiring work of The Bevy, which features in the NACC’s special collection of Meals on Wheels case studies as an essential community initiative that has had a positive impact on many lives. The Duchess also arranged for a special gift of a Meals on Wheels Week celebration cake to be delivered into The Bevy, which was shared with the small group of Bevy Meals on Wheels customers who had the privilege of attending the event in line with the current guidelines. Sue Cawthray said about the visit: “It was an absolute honour to host Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall virtually. We were thrilled that

given the current situation that The Duchess was able to still meet with us for Meals on Wheels Week in a safe way. We’re very grateful for the valuable support The Duchess has given to the event and the NACC’s work to highlight the vital role Meals on Wheels services play in the community, and especially during the pandemic. “As the number of elderly and vulnerable people living in the community has increased significantly as a direct result of Covid-19, demand on Meals on Wheels services have increased up to 30%. Up and down the country services have adapted and innovated to ensure the physical and mental wellbeing of the elderly, vulnerable and isolated living in the community continue to be cared for. And as second lockdowns take effect the need for the vital service is escalated. As well as delivering a daily nutritious meal, they also deliver important wellbeing checks, information and a friendly face to break the loneliness, which is intensified by lockdown. And it’s not just established Meals on Wheels services that have been our heroes, we have also seen many in the hospitality sector use their skills and facilities to support those in need. The Bevy is a fantastic example of this, and it’s been a privilege to introduce the wonderful community resource to The Duchess. “The pandemic has put a spotlight on the importance of the Meals on Wheels service and we must continue to protect it for future generations. An honorary member of the NACC since 2009, The Duchess’ continued support of our work will have a significant impact in achieving this.” Helen Jones, General Manager of The Bevy and Co-Ordinator of Bevy Meals on Wheels, said: “The Duchess’ virtual visit to The Bevy has been wonderful and we’re overwhelmed that our community pub has been recognised in this way. It has been a fantas-

Image credit: Lyndsey Haskell

tic, memorable occasion for our team and community to enjoy, and really lifted spirits as we re-enter lockdown. “The setting up of Bevy Meals on Wheels was vitally important. Running two weekly Lunch Clubs, Friday Friends and Bridge the Gap, and a Dementia café, we were very aware of the existing social isolation and loneliness among local seniors and we knew lockdown would make this worse. We had to continue to offer them support and with our connections into the local community and our established kitchen and relationship with FareShare, we were able to hit the ground running. “As word got around, we quickly gained more ‘customers’ and we now have a more diverse group of local residents on our delivery lists. As well as our ‘known seniors’ we are serving individuals and families with health and financial issues. “As we continue to live in very uncertain times, we’re making social contact at a safe distance and finding out what people need as well as providing a little bit of structure and connection to the outside world and letting people know that they are cared about.”


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Issue 32

New Regulations Increase Scrutiny Around Pre-Pack Administration Sales – For The Struggling Hospitality Sector, Will This Help Or Hinder Rescue? By Tim Carter, Partner and Helen Martin, Associate at Stevens & Bolton LLP ( profitable leasehold properties, with the others being left behind in the insolvent company. However, despite these perceived advantages, the process is not without controversy. Concerns surround the lack of transparency and the fact that it leaves unsecured creditors (notably landlords) out in the cold. Particular suspicion is attached to sales to ‘connected parties’, including existing management, shareholders or family members, which in recent years have accounted for over half of all pre-packs.


With over a third of hospitality businesses currently at moderate to severe risk of insolvency (according to the most recent ONS survey), many in the sector are urgently considering the best way forward. One strategy, which we have recently seen a number of casual dining businesses like Carluccios and Gourmet Burger Kitchen deploy, is a ‘prepack’ administration. However, although the deals involving household names may grab the headlines, pre-packs are also widely used by small and micro businesses. In a pre-pack, the sale of a business is negotiated prior to the company being placed into administration. The administrator then completes the sale immediately, or shortly after, appointment. Their popularity stems from a number of perceived advantages over other insolvency procedures. For example, they tend to be fast and cost-effective, with limited court involvement, and are often the best way to preserve jobs and the business as a going concern. They can also avoid the loss of value in the business due to insolvency, and allow businesses to ‘cherry-pick’ their

An unfavourable opinion will not prevent the administrator from going ahead with the sale. However, this will clearly be highly unwelcome from a PR perspective, not to mention for ongoing creditor relations.

EFFECTS FOR HOSPITALITY BUSINESSES Currently, the voluntary regime still applies, with the Regulations proposed to be introduced by June 2021. However, after they come into force, the requirement for independent evaluation will need to be factored into both the timeline and purchase price for a pre-pack.

To address concerns, the Government has proposed draft regulations (the “Regulations”), which will require independent scrutiny of any proposed pre-pack sales to connected parties. When introduced, the Regulations will supersede the current voluntary regime, which allows purchasers to refer a proposed deal to the ‘pre-pack pool’ of independent experts for an opinion.

Where directors have concerns about a company’s solvency, professional advice should always be taken at the earliest juncture, enabling possible exit routes to be investigated before the situation becomes critical. If a pre-pack sale is then identified as the preferred option, lining up an independent evaluator at the outset will minimise timescale pressures.

In short, the Regulations will make it mandatory for an independent written opinion to be obtained on a sale to a connected party, which takes place within eight weeks of the appointment of an administrator. The opinion is to be obtained from an independent “evaluator”, who holds themselves out as having the requisite knowledge and experience. The Regulations do not give any details on qualifications required, and whether the existing pre-pack pool will be retained in any form is not currently clear.

Although the need to obtain an independent report will increase the complexity of the pre-pack process, it may still offer the best outcome for many businesses and their employees in challenging circumstances. If an independent report can help to reduce creditor concerns over a deal, this could also prove to be positive for hospitality businesses, which are likely to need to maintain relations with suppliers and landlords.

The evaluator will provide a report giving their opinion on whether the transaction is reasonable in all the circumstances. The purchaser is entitled to obtain more than one opinion – raising the possibility of “shopping around” for a favourable report – although, given cost and time constraints, this seems unlikely in all but the highest value transactions.

However, it appears that the cost of these measures will bear disproportionately on purchasers in relatively small value pre-packs, and in some cases this could compromise business rescue. In addition, the apparent low ‘qualifying’ bar for any independent evaluator, and the ability to obtain multiple opinions, could invite abuse – meaning that the perceived benefits, and desired greater transparency, might yet prove unachievable.

New Village Shop Comes to the Aid of Customers

An enterprising Devon pub that supported its local community during the pandemic has opened a new village shop with the support of Pub is The Hub, the not-for-profit organisation that helps pubs to diversify and provide essential local services. The Red Lion Inn in Shobrooke, near Crediton opened the shop with the help of a £3,000 grant from the Pub is the Hub Community Services Fund.

Publican Jane Johnson said: “When we went into lockdown we were determined to keep the business going. “We had previously considered opening a village shop and lockdown gave us the time to think more about it. After talking to local people we decided that the village needed a local shop as the nearest supermarket is a few miles away. “The shop has been a lifeline to the village and is a much needed amenity.”

The Pub is The Hub grant enabled the development of a room situated just off the main front door of the pub. It helped with building works including fitted shelving and a purpose built counter as well as the purchase of a fridge and freezer.

The Shobrooke Village Shop and pub also has the backing of local Central Devon MP Mel Stride who visited the premises in August in support of the plans.

During lockdown in March, the pub which has been run by wife and husband Jane Johnson and Steve Johnson and daughter Natalie Dyson for the last nine years, decided to set up a telephone and online food ordering service. Customers could pick up a box of groceries that included meat, fish and local produce outside the pub and pay online or with bank transfer to ensure social distancing.

Regional advisor for Pub is The Hub Reg Clarke said: “This village shop is already proving to be a real asset to the local community. “Jane, Steve and Natalie really went above and beyond to help the local community during these recent difficult times. “It takes a lot of commitment to do a project like this while running a local pub during a pandemic.”

During this time the pub also offered a meals-on-wheels service for vulnerable customers and a takeaway meals service.

The “Nightmare Before Christmas” 12,000 Pubs May Not Re-Open Up to 12,000 pubs face permanent closure following the Governments new lock-down, a crisis described as greater than that even posed by the Second World War, The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) have said in anarticle in the Daily Telegraph. The BBPA has protested that the sector is being unfairly targeted with Public Health England’s own figures showing just 31 outbreaks of covid19 out of a total of 1,392 in the week ending October 29 had been linked to the hospitality sector. A survey by industry bodies of its members indicates pubs are responsible for about 1% of outbreaks. In contrast schools, universities and other educational establishments were linked to 311 incidents, almost a quarter of all outbreaks in that week. The new lock-down in England threatens to be more damaging than the first with pubs banned from

selling takeaway beer this time around in the run up the festive season, the festive season, the busiest time of the year for the hospitality trade. Emma McClarkin , the BBPA’s chief executive and a former Conservative MEP, said on Sunday night: “This is the nightmare before Christmas. Our research suggests 12,000 pubs could close putting 290,000 jobs at risk. That is a huge number. For the pub industry this is no longer about surviving these four weeks of lock-down but surviving through the winter and just getting to spring. This is the biggest crisis ever to the great British pub. It is a bigger crisis than the Second World War. For the hospitality sector it is crippling; the restrictions are crippling.” Kate Nichols CEO at UKHosdpitality said: “Hospitality businesses have already been pushed to the limits, with many closures already. For those

that have survived, viability is on a knife edge, as is the future of the tens of thousands of businesses and hundreds of thousands of jobs that depend on hospitality, including through its supply chain, right across the country. “It is critical that businesses are given a lifeline to survive the winter, before being given the support to enter a revival phase in 2021, as the nation’s prospects improve. A clear roadmap out of lockdown and through the tiers will also be vital for businesses to plan their survival, and the safeguarding of hundreds of thousands of jobs. “It is important to remember that some parts of hospitality, such as nightclubs, have not even been allowed to re-open. The support for those, now that potential reopening has been kicked further into the future, must be redoubled to ensure that they are not lost forever.”


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CLH Digital

Issue 32

Forum of British Pubs Welcomes Government’s Commitment to Consult on Review of Pub Code Adjudicator Responsibilities The Forum of British Pubs (FBP), the membership organisation dedicated to representing the interests of both tied and free of tied pubs in the UK, has welcomed the Government’s report issued on 3 November covering the Statutory Review of the Pubs Code, and the Pub Code Adjudicator 2016 to 2019. During the period the FBP has lobbied hard to improve the awareness of the terms of the Pubs Code, and to increase the powers of the Pubs Code Adjudicator to enforce compliance of the code by the big pub owning companies (Pubco’s). In particular the FBP has sought to put a spotlight on the obligation of the Pubco’s to offer Market Rent Only terms to tenant landlords and the fact that so few, if any true MROs had not been achieved. In setting out recommendations Paul Scully the Minister for Small Business, Consumers & Labour Markets Minister for London noted ‘the complexity of the legislation can be a barrier to tied pub tenants accessing their rights if they are unaware of, or misunderstand, the options open to them at certain times’. Guidance relating to the Pubs Code Adjudicator’s role centred on the use of external arbitrators in the event of disputes, and on enforcing compliance with the code. Notwithstanding the recommendations, the Minister also undertook to consult with stakeholders on further

changes, which has been strongly welcomed by the FBP. Speaking on behalf of the Forum for British Pubs, Ian Cass and Dave Mountford added their comments. Ian Cass said, "“The FPB have been pointing out the issues with the Pubs Code and the Pubs Code Adjudicators role within it for a long time now. The frustration is that in order for it to work as Parliament intended to protect and support pub tenants, the PCA could have acted differently and reported the issues preventing the Code doing that back to the Minister at any time, with the result that changes could have been made. Its good to see that having been made aware of the issues and potential solutions the Minister is taking a proactive and consultative approach to getting this right now and we look forward to working with him and his team.” Dave Mountford added, "We are obviously pleased that the Government intends to consult on the suggested amendments to the Code and look forward to working with Paul Scully, with whom we have forged an excellent relationship since he has been in his position. During the original consultation on the Code, true tenant representatives warned that the PCA needed to be robust and ready to address the systematic abuses that resulted in the need for the legislation. We are consequently, not surprised that it has failed to achieve its two main principles, due to the lobbying from the pub owning businesses that watered it down so much. However, we now have the opportunity to get the Code working in the way that Parliament intended and provide the transfer of profit that means the tenant can possibly survive in this unprecedented times."

Greene King Smashes Pre-Covid Record Raising £1m For Macmillan Cancer Support Greene King, the UK’s leading pub company and brewer, has broken its own record raising an incredible £1 million during September and October for its national charity partner, Macmillan Cancer Support.

lenges, with head shaves, super-soakings and static bike rides, rows and runs taking place alongside numerous raffles, prize draws and fun days in pubs up and down the country.

Despite constant changes to the way pubs can trade and the tightening of restrictions, team members working in Greene King’s 1,700 pubs across the country have come together to support Macmillan May, which was moved to September due to the Covid-19 national lockdown. The passion and commitment to supporting their national charity partner resulted in raising a remarkable £1million – a pre-Covid record-breaking campaign.

Small individual donations made at the point of purchase through Pennies, the digital charity box, have also added to the total raising £33,500 over the nine-week campaign. Nick Mackenzie, chief executive officer at Greene King, said: “I am continually amazed by the people who work in hospitality. Despite the restrictions, the stress of constant changes to trading, keeping our customers safe and all the uncertainty the pandemic brings, the teams in our pubs still pull out all the stops when raising money for Macmillan.

Macmillan helps people living with cancer with every aspect of their lives, from the moment they’re diagnosed, through to treatment and beyond. The initiative has helped towards plugging a huge gap in Macmillan’s fundraising due to Covid-19, the charity anticipates a loss of 35-50% of its fundraising revenue this year which it uses to deliver vital services to people living with cancer and to people working in the NHS. The amazing figure comes eight years into the partnership, with nearly £8 million raised since 2012. All the funds raised go towards helping Macmillan nurses and professionals provide vital physical, financial and emotional support for people living with cancer across the UK. Greene King team members have shown a monumental fundraising effort for the charity despite the global pandemic and restrictions in place. Events have ranged from gruelling physical challenges such as trekking up Mount Snowdon and travelling over 2,000 miles across the UK in a Tuk Tuk to community-based events like World’s Biggest Coffee Morning and Rock and Roll Bingo all of which adhered to our PUB-

SAFE promises designed to protect the welfare of team members as well as ensure that customers can socialise safely. As part of the fundraising initiative Hungry Horse, Flaming Grill and Greene King Value Local pubs also launched a green burger the ‘Greene Warrior’, with £1 from every green burger sold donated towards Macmillan, which contributed towards a total £42,000 of overall fundraising from menu promotions. Elsewhere, individual team members have taken on their own chal-

“We were disappointed when we couldn’t hold our annual fundraiser in May due to the national lockdown, so we moved it September to help Macmillan when they need it most. To think we’ve broken all our previous fundraising records to raise £1m is just astonishing and I can’t thank our team members enough. I also want to say a massive thanks to our customers, who always put their hands in their pockets to support Macmillan despite the uncertain and difficult times our communities have pulled together to support those living with cancer.” Lynda Thomas, chief executive officer at Macmillan Cancer Support, added: “Right now we want to ensure that cancer doesn’t become the forgotten ‘C’ of the pandemic. Adequate funding for charities and public support through donations and volunteering is more vital than ever, which is why we’re so grateful for the continued generosity of partners like Greene King, as it allows us to be right there for the growing numbers of people living with cancer across the UK when they need us most.”

Fentimans Launches 2020 Premium Soft Drinks and Mixer Report Fentimans, the botanically brewed drinks maker has announced the launch of their second annual data driven report, offering a unique insight into the premium soft drinks and mixers market in the UK. In what has been one of the most turbulent years to date within the hospitality sector, the report combines Fentimans’ deep knowledge of premium drinks with in-depth data and authoritative analysis from research consultancy CGA to give a 360 view of the trends, challenges and opportunities that currently face the sector.

The report then gazes into the future, predicting drinks trends and flavours we expect to see more over the next twelve months including finding comfort in British ingredients such as Rhubarb and British apple varieties, new takes on tropical flavours and the rise of ‘mood foods’ including ginseng, aloe vera and other adaptogens within the sector.

The report focuses on the UK licensed channel and the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in three distinct stages: pre-COVID, the impact of lockdown and the recovery of the market since the re- opening of the sector. In March and April combined, the hospitality sector accounted for 33% of the UK’s entire drop in GDP1, but within a month of re-opening 67% of 18-34-year olds had been back to the on-trade.2 Similar to last year, the report then looks ahead to 2021 and the new trends we can expect to see. In light of the recent pandemic, Fentimans also highlights some key on-trade market trends for outlets such as ‘planning and experience’, which explores consumers increasing efforts to plan and book outings, with venues and operators having to deliver more memorable experiences. This also includes ‘bringing the out-of-home in’ and the adaptability for delivery and takeaways in both the food and drink sectors, as well as the ongoing importance of wellness in the workplace.

Controlled Ozone The Controlled Ozone range of odour control equipment from Ecovery Innovations has been designed to give Food Industry Operators a cost effective, easy to install and maintain method of reducing the cooking odours that they emit from their premises. The “Plug and Play” design of the injectors means that complaints about existing problems or planning permission objections can be dealt with quickly, effectively and within tight budgets.

The report looks at the market from two points of view: that of consumers and their evolving needs and that of the businesses and brands that serve them. It explores consumer themes such as the continued rise of the eco-conscious buyer, with 65% of consumers now expecting to see ethically sourced food and drink, as well as over half (54%) wanting to find environmentally friendly packing.3 It also takes a look at the growing importance of health and wellbeing and the trade-off between digital technology and physical connections in a new Covid-world. Andrew Jackson, Marketing Director at Fentimans commented: “As we navigate through a particularly difficult period within the industry, we want to provide relevant market intelligence to help operators identify opportunities and contribute towards shaping their future. We believe the hospitality industry is unlike any other and we remain confident that premium soft drinks have an important part to play in the recovery of the sector.” Download a free copy of the report here:

For the first time the food outlet can control the levels of cooking odours that they give off. The Controlled Ozone units all have a variable output control as standard which means the operator can chose how much food odours they give emit. The Controlled Ozone injectors are installed into ventilation systems and monitor the air flow to ensure that they only inject the right amount of ozone to safely eliminate unwanted odours. External Ozone sensors are also available to add to the system, these will control the levels of ozone discharged through the extraction, which may well be a provision of the EHO or

planning officer’s requirements of permission. Ecovery Innovations has had tremendous success across all types of food outlets including Fish and Chip Shops, Fast Food, Smokehouses, Asian Restaurants and Foodcourts helping many of them to gain planning consent or resolve disputes with neighbours. Contact us to see how we can help: Ecovery Innovations Ltd e. t. 0845 122 0724

SAY SA AY HELL HELLO O T OY OUR NEW TO YOUR TRAINING MANA GER MANAGER TThe he anywher e, anytime training anywhere, app for upskilling your bar staff other. From From buying The The on trade experience is like like no other. irst postyour first first beer aged 18 to enjoying your ffirst lockdown lockdown pint: it’s it’s a British British institution. However However 40% of customers say they would leave return*. an outlet if served served a bad pint and would not return Therefore Therefore proper proper staff training is vital for your business. ello BEER could help you tap into an extra In fact, H In Hello £25,000 profit profit per year** £25,000 At just ££40 40 for up to 20 learners At learners,, staff training works out cheaper than a pint of lager per person***! With better pouring sk ills, you’ll you’ll start to see a rreturn eturn on With skills, investment immediately with fewer pints in your drip trays.

Use your camera to find out more!

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*The Cask Report, 2018-19 2019-2020 pr ofit loss thr ough 1 in 3 pints ser ved thr ough a dirty line + A verage v cost of wastage pper pub calculation: A ianet Beer Beer Quality Quality IInsight-Report nsight-Report 2019-2020 ** V Vianet profit through served through Average Average price of a pint in the UK = £3.67 (Office of National number of taps per pub = 110 0 (source: (source: attached fr Statistics, M arch 2019 ). Average Average nu om BBP A Facts Facts on Tap Tap 2018) 2018) Statistics, March 2019). from BBPA ***Based on 20 members of staff signed up to learn ***Based

Pricing Shifts in Europe’s Hotel Market Creating Attractive Investment Opportunities 24

CLH Digital

Issue 32

a much quicker reopening of hotels compared to the rest of the continent. This, coupled with a large domestic traveller base, resulted in hotel occupancy rates in Germany outperforming the European average through Q3. “Leisure-led domestic travel laid the foundation for recovery across certain occupational markets, acting as a confidence booster to the hotel sector, at a time when the investment market had been adversely impacted by the pandemic,” comments Josh Arnold, Associate, Savills Research team. Savills has reported that investment activity has decreased by 56.3% yoy, reaching €7.2bn. Notably, transactional activity pre-Covid is accountable for a 43.8% share of this figure. “Difficulties in obtaining debt amidst weak operational performance has acted as a significant barrier to entry for many investors,” says Richard Dawes, Director in Savills Hotels Team, EMEA. “However, the long-term fundamentals of the hotel investment market have supported ongoing interest, resulting in a number of key deals completing over the last six months.” According to international real estate advisor Savills, European hotel occupancy rates grew to 38.6% on average in Q3 2020, representing a marked improvement on historic lows of 15.3% recorded at the height of the pandemic. While international travel remained somewhat suppressed throughout the summer months, it was domestic demand that was predominantly responsible for driving recovery across much of the European hotel market. Germany’s comparatively quick response to the pandemic led to

Savills has recorded that the UK remains the most liquid hotel investment market in 2020, largely upheld by a handful of prime London assets. Germany, in line with the pace of its operational recovery, has recorded a far less pronounced yoy decline of -34%, and has accounted for a fifth of the total European hotel investment in 2020 YTD, totalling €1.43bn. Akin to previous downturns, investor sentiment towards the hotel market in Europe is again experiencing a flight to quality, and a retrench-

ment to prime cities, as Savills notes that London, Paris and Berlin have recorded the highest investment volumes this year. In line with investors seeking secure long-term income options in the face of a recession, Savills has observed that prime yields on leased assets remain sharpest, averaging 4.46% across Europe. Thereafter, the average yield spread to vacant possession/franchise and management contracts has widened to 114bps and 157bps respectively. “The hiatus in international tourism has had the greatest short-term impact on these European cities, some of the most visited in the world,” suggests Richard Dawes. “However, the ramifications of the pandemic and some outward movement in near-term pricing is also unlocking attractive opportunities for well positioned buyers with multiple investors having recently closed on new funds.” Savills has further witnessed an increasing number of hotel groups looking to improve their balance sheets through sale and leaseback agreements and, as market uncertainty is set to continue over the shortterm, it is expected that more operators will opt to take these measures. Tim Stoyle, Head of Savills Hotels Team, EMEA, adds, “A second wave of the pandemic across the continent will continue to create further headwinds for the hotel industry but opportunity funds are targeting the sector and selective value-add and development projects are continuing to attract debt and equity funding.”

Montgomery Group Announce Cancellation of HRC 2021 Due to Covid-19 After long discussions with industry stakeholders and key partners, Montgomery Group has taken the extremely difficult decision to postpone the 2021 Hotel, Restaurant & Catering (HRC) event until 28th February 2022. Ronda Annesley, Event Manager for HRC explains how despite implementing everything required to ensure the event could go ahead to help support the hard-hit hospitality industry, in the end they were left with little choice: “Even though we had introduced ‘All Secure Standard’, a risk-assessment based framework for Covid-19, and planned for the highest standards of hygiene and cleanliness, ultimately the lack of guidance and clarity from government on when business events can restart has meant that we have had to take the painful decision to postpone HRC until 2022. Although HRC has a large international attendance of both exhibitors and visitors, we

felt extremely confident that we could deliver a safe and secure live event for the tens of thousands of hospitality industry professionals that look forward to the show each year. We are devastated that we will not be able to play our part next year in helping the hospitality industry recover from the catastrophic consequences of the pandemic in a face to face format. However, we are currently investigating numerous ways in which we can continue to support and connect with the hospitality industry throughout 2021 and beyond, and hope to make an announcement around this in the near future. We would like to thank our loyal exhibitors and visitors for their ongoing support and look forward to seeing them again, face to face in 2022.” HRC was due to run from the 22nd to 24th March 2021 at ExCeL, London alongside the International Food & Drink Event (IFE), IFE Manufacturing Solutions (IMS), PUB21, The European Tea, Coffee and Soft Drinks Expo, The London Produce Show and the Festival of Enterprise.

UKinbound Presents Targeted Funding Request to Government highlights how a failure to support this industry will hold back our national economic recovery.

UKinbound have launched a fresh call to save inbound tourism through the creation of an ‘Inbound Tourism Resilience Fund’ to help businesses wholly reliant on international visitors to survive until the return of the market in Spring 2021.

“Since March, we have seen the number of international visitors fall off a cliff, with the Government’s delays on testing and a blunt quarantine policy halting a summer recovery and costing businesses millions in lost revenue.

This comes as figures show that the COVID-19 crisis has brought export industry inbound tourism to a near standstill, with a 76% (Source VisitBritain) fall in international visitors throughout 2020, and key markets such as the USA and China closed almost entirely. As a result of this, the UK economy is projected to be losing £457m a week this year through the loss of visitor spending in the UK. Throughout the UK, inbound intermediaries, such as tour operators and destination management companies (DMCs), who are responsible for bringing in over half of all international visitors are facing a precarious future, with just 17% being confident about the next twelve months and 60% fearing that their business will be unable to survive the crisis. Previously profitable and sustainable, tour operators and DMCs have been hardest hit by the Coronavirus pandemic as they are reliant on international visitors for business, can’t pivot to domestic and were excluded from crucial support channels as Government does not recognise that the operating conditions of these leisure industry businesses differ from those with an obvious shop window. As MPs return from the half term recess, UKinbound is calling for the creation of an ‘Inbound Tourism Resilience Fund’ and has submitted a proposal to Treasury which would see tour operators and DMCs able to apply for a capped grant award fund based on the level of turnover lost in 2020 and forecast operating costs. Without this support, it is believed that: • Sectors that rely on tour operators and DMCs to bring in business, including attractions, hospitality, retail, transport providers would fail • Regional destinations that rely on tour operators and DMCs to bring visitors

“It is essential that the Government provide targeted support to the UK’s 200 plus inbound tour operators and DMCs who have been left in the cold by existing Government support schemes leaving many facing an uncertain future.

will lose out on valuable income, putting tens of thousands of jobs at risk and impeding the Government’s levelling up agenda • Pent-up demand and future business will be lost to competitor destinations The proposed fund was created following a survey of 91 inbound tour operators and DMCs, undertaken by UKinbound, Scottish Tourism Alliance, Scottish Destination Management Association and the Scottish Incoming Golf Tour Operators Association, which revealed that: • On average turnover will drop by 91% in 2020 compared to 2019 numbers • 64% of staff that work for tour operators and DMCs will be made redundant by the end of the year, if no further support is provided • On average businesses predict that by the end of 2021 their companies will be at 47% of their 2019 turnover levels The association is also calling for the Government to work with industry to introduce a best in class testing system and a regionalised approach to quarantine, that is ready to implement when international travel restarts. This would open up key markets such as the USA, where there is strong evidence of pent up demand for travel to the UK. Joss Croft, CEO, UKinbound said, “The UK economy is losing £457m each week as a result of the fall in international visitor numbers, which

“These businesses will be vital to bringing back international visitors to the UK and to ensuring that tourism in the UK can make its vital contribution to our economic recovery from the pandemic. “Without this support, we risk pushing international visitors to other European destinations once international travel restarts, causing irrevocable damage to the communities and regions who rely on tourism and leaving the Government’s Global Britain ambitions in tatters.” Emmanuelle Spriet-Toussaint – CEO E-Voyages Ltd added, “What our industry needs right now – for the good of the nation, particularly in the regions and to protect jobs – is to replace quarantine with testing before and at arrival; the rate reliefs and grants the Chancellor promised in March but never delivered; and the creation of a Tourism Resilience Fund to ensure we survive long enough to start supporting the economy again.” Chris Foy, Chief Executive VisitAberdeenshire said, “The very survival of DMCs is critical to protect jobs and businesses throughout the travel and tourism supply chain. Within North-east Scotland alone, over 150 tourism businesses have invested heavily in developing products that are ready to meet demands of DMCs and their clients. Many cannot simply rely on pivoting towards domestic business if long term recovery and growth is to be achieved.”

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CLH Digital

Issue 32

Festive Ordering

Christmas is Coming - It’s All in the Planning “Christmas is the Season for Kindling the Fire of Hospitality”

While it is “the season to be jolly”, Christmas 2020 for the hospitality sector in the wake of the Covid pandemic will be like no other Christmas since World War II. The government’s current rules (which may of course be subject to change) state that people in England can meet in groups of no more than six, but pubs, cafes and restaurants will be allowed to stay open, so long as these groups do not mingle with other groups at each venue.

decade with zero sales growth,”. “What these Tracker figures suggest is that consumers were more selective about where they spend their money, and were looking for memorable experiences – like going out for a meal or drink with family or friends over Christmas – rather than just buying ‘things’,” added Chessell.

Table bookings of more than six will not be allowed, and hospitality businesses are now legally required to take customers' contact details so they can be traced if a potential outbreak is linked to the venue. These new rules do, of course, create significant challenges, but one thing the recent Eat Out to Help Out initiative proved is that the country has not lost its appetite and desire to dine out whenever possible. So despite all the current uncertainty it is vital to prepare for the sectors busiest time of the year - Christmas! Christmas 2019 saw pub and restaurant operators enjoy positive sales growth over the festive season, with pubs enjoying the biggest uplift with collective like-for-likes ahead 5.1% against a 2.4% increase for restaurants. Christmas 2019 was fairly tumultuous as well - we had seen months of Brexit unrest and a general election. However, the British public shrugged that doom and gloom off and gave the hospitality and on trade sector the perfect boost. Analysing last year’s Christmas figures Karl Chessell, director of hospitality business insight consultancy CGA said: “This was all in stark contrast to the gloom hanging over retail, which according to the British Retail Consortium suffered its worst Christmas for a

Mark Sheehan, managing director of Coffer Corporate Leisure added : “The fact is the eating and drinking-out sectors had an excellent trading period in their busiest time of the year. Consumers escaped the political turmoil and headed for pubs and restaurants to escape the tedium. Pre booked sales in particular were strong and the months ahead are going to be tough but at this crucial time trading was robust.” And there is nothing to say that the public won’t embrace Christmas 2020 the same way. At the moment the government have issued new lockdown laws, but the festive period is still 11 weeks away and a lot can happen in 11 weeks. The government’s “Eat Out to Help Out” (EOTHO) was, as we know. a runaway success. with well over 100 million meals sold and while the government had set £500 million aside to cover the costs it raised half of that in taxes. Health Secretary Matt Hancock appeared to be optimistic on removing the restrictions for the festive period, speaking on Radio 4 he said "I really hope we can turn this round before Christmas. I think that, in a pandemic, Christmas is a long way off." So, it certainly not “crackers” to be thinking about planning for the festive season! December always has been a key part of the UK hospitality and on trade sector calendar, and if Health Secretary’s optimism comes to fruition then we could see a very busy Christmas period.

Prepare for Whatever Christmas Brings with D.A. Cooke Christmas is coming but of course there is no way to predict how we are going to be able to celebrate it this year. It makes proper planning even more essential than usual.

The warehouse elves are on standby for a predicted late rush of orders, so get your requirements reserved and booked in as soon as you can to guarantee the best choices.

D A Cooke Wholesale is a family owned and operated business with over 50 years experience of supplying the hospitality industry with Christmas crackers, novelties and tableware. Whether you need a few luxury crackers for Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve or hundreds for the festive lead-up check out for a cracking range of party novelties.

Please contact Ian or Julie Cooke for the latest availability and best possible deals. 01793 831118



Enhance your menu with Clearwater's frozen raw lobster meat. Clearwater’s succulent Claw & Knuckle lobster meat is taken from the finest hard-shell lobsters off the coast of Nova Scotia and produced using a specialised high-pressure extraction process. This raw lobster meat delivers the same superb taste as live lobster, without any of the hassle, offering versatility and convenience for today’s foodservice operators. No shucking is required. Clearwater’s sustainably fished Claw & Knuckle meat comes in a convenient 227g vacuum-packed pouch. Perfect for including in risottos, pasta dishes or even in a lobster roll. | | | | 01753 858 188 | 01771 624000 Macduff Shellfish is a wholly owned subsidiary of Clearwater Seafoods.


CLH Digital

Issue 32

Festive Ordering

Christmas, But Not As You Know It Delight Your Diners This Christmas with LillyPuds Bidfood shares festive food predictions for a ‘Christmas with caution’, as it launches its 2020 Christmas range

for fancy product innovation, but instead, that in these uncertain times, many of us are looking for touches of comfort to make us feel good. Whether that’s festive favourites, winter-spiced options, or mince pie variations and Christmas puddings to tempt consumers.


Foodservice supplier Bidfood, have launched its 2020 festive range, whilst also exploring consumers’ feelings around how they envisage their Christmas looking this year, through a recent Bidfood survey. According to the findings, this year we can expect a ‘traditional Christmas with caution’, involving socially distanced small gatherings, single serve food or personal buffet platters, as well as celebrating truly British traditions.

SUPPORTING LOCAL AND CELEBRATING BRITISH One of the consumer behaviours that has come out of the pandemic has been the rise in desire to ‘support local’ – from supporting local producers and businesses, to spending on UK experiences and British getaways. Whether it is due to the consumer’s desire to support the UK economy, or lockdown reducing international business and travel, people are really focusing on celebrating Britain and what it has to offer. Just over a quarter (26%) of consumers are looking forward to a Christmas meal that upholds true British tradition with all the trimmings – whether they dine in or venture out. The research illustrates that really, this isn’t a year

When asked about the research, Lucy Pedrick, Head of Insights, said: “48% of consumers ranked ‘feeling safe’ as their top priority when dining this year, so it is important for operators to blend good food and drink, with a safe environment to create a memorable experience. Now supplying direct to consumer, Bidfood’s offering this year has been designed with both operators and consumers in mind, acknowledging the increasing concerns of the general public amidst the Coronavirus pandemic.” As well as being physically safe this season, Bidfood is still looking at ways to be environmentally safe, with their entire cracker range this year being more sustainable than ever! Each cracker is easily recyclable, is free of single-use plastics and contains no glitter; the range also includes a number of crackers that support The Trussel Trust, with proceeds donated directly to the charity. Discussing the range, Vicky Tripp, Campaigns & Activation Manager, said: “It is important that, despite this years’ challenges, operators do not forget the importance of dietary requirements and consumer demand for vegan and gluten free options. “With this in mind, Bidfood has launched a range of options to appeal to those conscious consumers, from classic vegan wellington slices, as well as our gluten free and vegan Premium Selection mirrored chocolate truffle torte, which we’re particularly excited about.” See the advert opposite for details.

Following many years of making puddings for friends and family, LillyPuds was created in October 2015 by Alison Lilly to introduce a tried and tasted Christmas pudding recipe to diners. LillyPuds brings to market a festive delight that is easy to eat, light on the palate and with all the traditional spices and flavours to be expected of a Christmas pudding. The fruit and spice mix is blended with a local real ale, brandy, fruit juice and zest instead of using mixed peel. The increased fruit content and reduction of cheap fillers such as flour and sugar to the mix produces a dessert that is easier on the palate after a heavy indulgent Christmas lunch.

The range includes the Great Taste award-winning Premium Traditional (120g and 140g), Great Taste Gluten Free 120g and the Vegan/Gluten Free 120g puddings. The Premium Traditional and Gluten Free puddings are suitable for vegetarians and do not contain dairy ingredients. Loyal customers include West End 5* hotels and gastro pub chains throughout East Anglia. Products are available nationwide for delivery direct. E: T: 07792223301

Enhance Your Menu with Clearwater’s Frozen Lobster Meat Canadian-based Clearwater Seafoods is one of North America’s largest vertically-integrated seafood companies, operating from ocean-to-plate. This means Clearwater oversees its products every step of the way, from ocean: by holding shellfish licenses and quotas, to owning and operating its own vessels and processing facilities, and to plate: by providing delivery to its customers around the world. Clearwater prides itself on being a leading innovator in today’s seafood industry, through state-of-the-art harvesting and processing practices that have further strengthened the company’s commitment to delivering premium, wild-caught shellfish. From freezing products directly onboard Clearwater vessels moments after harvesting, to developing unique raw frozen formats that lock in freshness and taste. Take Clearwater’s Canadian Sea Scallops, a product recognized globally for its superior quality and taste. Sustainably harvested from the pristine waters of the Canadian North Atlantic and Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified, Clearwater Sea Scallops are shucked and fresh-frozen-at-sea onboard the company’s factory vessels within an hour of catch, without any additives or chemicals. Clearwater's frozen lobster meat is produced using a specialized high-pressure extraction system, this raw lobster meat delivers the same superb taste as live lobster, without any of the hassle, offering versatility and convenience for today’s foodservice operators. With no pre-cooking or shucking required, Clearwater’s sustainably fished Claw & Knuckle Meat comes in a 227g vacuum-packed pouch, making delicious lob-

ster risottos, pastas and lobster rolls. Clearwater is also paving the way for shellfish innovations through the company’s subsidiary, Macduff Shellfish, based in Scotland. This holds true for Macduff’s Langoustines, a staple in kitchens across Europe that are prized for their delicate flesh and sweet, succulent taste. Macduff offers multiple formats and sizes of langoustines for every market and application, including whole langoustine, frozen shell-on and shell-off tails. Macduff’s Brown Crab is sourced from UK waters and is sold in a frozen whole cooked format or available live, delivered into the major fish markets across the country. For more details contact


CLH Digital

Issue 32

Hygiene, Health and Safety

How Spray Sanitisation Could Bring Back Consumer Confidence to the Hospitality and Travel Trade PORTiBAC, a new state of the art, medical grade disinfection ‘fogging system’ is launching this month to offer the hospitality and travel industries a safe environment for staff and customers and to return consumer confidence to these struggling industries. The new normal of ‘living with COVID’ in hospitality and travel has demanded new practices that hadn’t previously been undertaken. Once such innovation that has been thrown into the spotlight is the practice of ‘fogging’ or spraying large areas, to help eradicate 99.999% of viruses which could be living on a surface. The PORTiBAC spray systems use a unique sanitising solution, made in the UK to British Safety Standards, that is alcohol-free and contains no chlorides or ammonium salts, ensuring it is safe to use in all environments. The viricidal solution is bactericidal and effective against common harmful pathogenic bacteria including SARS-CoV-2 e. Coli and Covod-19 to 99.999%. An essential and effective tool in protecting and preventing the spread of pathogenic microbes, PORTiBAC joins in the battle to keep everyone healthy, especially during this current pandemic. Comments founder Mike Cohen of, which makes PORTiBAC: “Visible, effective sanitisation is vital during the economy’s recovery phase, and methods of fogging or spray sanitisation are essential to make all environments safer. Disinfection fogging is a method of application that rivals the conventional application of other cleaning chemicals. “Where annual disinfection and sanitisation may miss hard to reach areas, ‘fogging’ ensures that the micro droplets of disinfectant are dispensed to

cover all surfaces, penetrate cracks and crevices and high level objects”. PORTiBAC can reach the areas that other sanitising equipment cannot reach. PORTiBAC Spray Systems are easy to use by existing personnel - full training can be given, or there is the option to call in PORTiBAC’S sanitising squad who can undertake the task of fogging for you. Available in three different scents – fragrant cinnamon, tropical citrus and very vanilla, there are four fogging spray systems for the hospitality, leisure and travel trade :

PORTiBAC, 800ML CORDLESS SPRAY GUN – ‘Certified to Kill Covid-19’ This cordless gun sprayer has a simple mission – to sanitise a pub/restaurant and all small to medium size spaces including buses and train carriages within minutes. With its easy to carry case, the PORTiBAC 800ML SPRAY GUN is ready to go anywhere. Available in 3 finishes – metallic matt gold, brushed silver and brilliant white. Comes with FREE 800ML solution. PORTiBAC 800ML bottles are available to purchase for easy replacements or 5L & 10L tubs are also available for easy refill.

PORTiBAC 200C CORDLESS Got a larger area to sanitise but no power points? The 200C is a cordless 2L fogging system that enables the user to move around easily and recharge

Make Your Premises Safe for the Environment, Staff and Customers LineClenze have the ultimate solution to make any hospitality and licensed on trade environment safe for staff, customers and at the same time protecting the environment. Our innovative decontamination process involves distributing superfine droplets of disinfectant into the atmosphere, to kill the bacteria and viruses in the air and, when the droplets land on any surface, it also kills the bacteria and viruses on that surface. DEW Disinfects only active ingredient is the same as our body produces when fighting an infection, so it presents no danger to humans, animals, plants or the environment. There is no need to evacuate an area being fogged, or to wear PPE. DEW Disinfect is highly effective at killing bacteria, viruses and fungi, without damaging the environment and it is entirely human-compatible, it can be used almost

everywhere where disinfection or sanitisation is required. DEW Disinfect leaves NO residue, in fact, it destroys biofilm and hormonal residues, then simply evaporates. We offer a number of different dispense mechanisms to enable DEW Disinfect to be used throughout your venue. These include:

• Fogging Machine for large areas • Room Mister • Vehicle Mister • Handheld Spray for localised use • Wall dispensers and small spray bottles for hand sanitisation For further details visit

• Reduce costs • Improve operational efficiencies • Raise bottom line profitability • Improve Quality


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when finished. Comes with 10L of Tropical Citrus scented solution to leave the whole area smelling clean and safe. Available in Matt Black.

PORTiBAC 1500 10L BackPack From a wedding venue to a concert arena, football stadium to school, airport to train station, the PORTiBAC 1500 has a 10L capacity and 8 metre length cord, enabling this backpack fogger to make short work of a big area. When turnaround times are tight, equip a team with the PORTiBAC 1500 and a daunting challenge is quickly and effectively solved. Alternatively call in our PORTiBAC SANITISING SQUAD and they will arrive ready prepared to sanitise areas others cannot reach, making it simple to sanitised for your venue. Continues Cohen: “As people continue to return to hotels, bars and restaurants, even despite the new 10pm curfew, and passengers come back to the skies and stations, these industries must do everything they can to give these cautious returnees the confidence to become regular customers again.” Visit

The Hospitality Sector Needs To Heed New Cleaning Techniques With hotels, restaurants and cafés all now reopen to the public, establishing a thorough cleaning regime is crucial for the safe return of guests. The HoReCa sector has seen one of the biggest upheavals in its practices since the pandemic began; closing its doors, furloughing staff and installing new safety equipment and ongoing cleaning procedures to kill all virus’ whilst providing a safe environment for both customers and staff. Cardiff-based Genesis Biosciences has developed a unique anti-microbial, surface sanitiser that is proven to be effective against Covid-19 and is free from any harmful chemicals. Genesis’ Sanitiser – part of its Evogen Professional range – delivers safe, high performance cleaning and disinfection of all types of hard surfaces. The utilisation of

natural, biodegradable active ingredients offers an eco-benign alternative to many of the harsh chemicals commonly used for sanitisation. Genesis Biosciences is one of the few companies in the UK to have gone through rigorous external anti-viral testing to validate its surface sanitiser’s effectiveness against all enveloped viruses, including COVID-19 and other coronaviruses and has supplied more than 60 tonnes of product across Europe since the beginning of March. The sanitiser is available 1,000L IBC, 200L, 20L, 5L and 500ml concentrates offering a cost effective and environmentally responsible anti-viral solution for all applications. To find out more about the Evogen Professional cleaning range, or to purchase direct, visit

Hygiene, Health and Safety

We Have The Technology To Keep Your Business Safe! The FaceCam from Fusion is a technology breakthrough. Designed to accurately capture face recognition, temperature and mask data, this technology detects and alerts whether an individual has a fever and if wearing a mask is required will alert user if no mask is present. Software will also email management should a fever reading be taken. The software provided with FaceCam does allow for reporting. You can use these reports to set a date range and see everyone who has come into the building (and at what time) and what their temperature was at that time. The software can recognise enrolled staff members or alternatively record guests

and visitor photo along with detail of times and dates both in and out of the building By asking the member of staff that you’d like to enrol on the FaceCam stand them in front of the device and have their temperature taken. First take the reading without a mask on. After they’ve been enrolled the device will have no problem identifying them with a mask on. Watch our short video on our web site to see it in action. Message or call the Fusion team if you'd like to learn more or book a demonstration 01133 979 555.

Use Colourful Visual Communication Aids to Increase Safety, Productivity and Revenue in the Hospitality and Catering Sector

As the new industry landscape unfolds post-Covid, it’s critical for establishments in the hospitality and catering sector to adapt and evolve to meet the changing legislation and environments, whilst keeping their staff and customers safe. Throughout all of this, operating at maximum output is crucial in order to generate revenue and profits, and so productivity and efficiency matter. Beaverswood, a visual communication specialist, has developed a full range of smart and effective solutions that will help you to operate effectively and efficiently, in the safest manner. Considering all the aspects of running a business, looking after its customers, complying to government guidelines and keeping everyone safe, Beaverswood has developed a comprehensive

range of floor markings, perspex screens, seat markers and outdoor stencils, as well as impactful visual communication tools such as; labelling, signage and colourful noticeboards, which will help the hospitality and catering sector perform to the best of its ability. Beaverswood states there is a definite correlation between highly effective visual aids and revenue performance. “Not only do you make your customers feel safer, you enable your workforce to work smarter and therefore quicker”, says Product Manager Jim Roberts. “In turn, this means establishments can optimise their productivity, which positively impacts the amount of money they put through their tills’. For more information visit the full range of visual communication products at:

Issue 32

CLH Digital



CLH Digital

Hygiene, Health and Safety

Issue 32

HandSanitiserProduct HandSanitiser SanitiserProduct

Tough On Germs But Gentle On Hands - Save Money On Highly Concentrated, Certified Hand Sanitiser With many people still apprehensive of returning to their everyday lives, there has never been a more important time to ensure the health of staff and customers. Hygiene is key to building staff and consumer confidence, increasing footfall and boosting dwell time – all resulting in increased revenue and profitability. We know that hand sanitisation is vital to avoid the transmission of harmful germs and as a result, most pubs and restaurants are ensuring that they offer hand sanitiser to customers on arrival at their establishment. Surveys have shown that consumers feel more comfortable eating out if antibacterial products were provided for free. There are many brands of hand sanitiser on the mar-

ket, with some as low as 60% alcohol. Medical grade sanitisers usually start around 70%. At 75% alcohol, Lonstin highly concentrated Anti-Bacterial Hand Sanitiser gel is quick and effective at killing 99.9% of all bacteria. The certified, rinse-free, non-sticky gel has been specially formulated with antibacterial ingredients, which are effective at eliminating MSRA and E.coli, while leaving hands gently cleansed and refreshed. Providing everyday protection for your staff and customers. Take advantage of fast delivery and save money with great case or bundle deals from as little as 69p each (ex VAT). To find out more and order your certified hand sanitiser go to:




cubicles and enclosures and sister company of leading plumbing brand, Saniflo, has re-purposed its French factory to design and launch a new range of high quality glass protection screens and panels to ensure the safety and welfare of staff and the public. Using existing stocks of scratchAs the hospitality sector opens up resistant glass the new Kineprotect to visitors and customers following range includes table mounted lockdown many organisations are options in 75cm and 100 cm heights installing protective screens and pan- and a choice of five widths from 80 els to eliminate any risk of virus to 160cm. A useful countertop transmission. option features a wider space at the bottom to pass drinks and consumShower brand, Kinedo, a highly regarded European manufacturer of ables. A choice of highly portable,

floor mounted options includes tall, self-supporting panels are available in a range of widths. Manufactured from 6mm tempered glass the screens and panels will not warp or discolour and are easy to clean and maintain. Highly durable, the Kineprotect range provides an upmarket, professional solution that won’t diminish the aesthetics of the hospitality environment. All items are available for quick delivery and can be ordered online More information is available from the technical sales team on 020 8842 0033 or email:

Sanozone. The Easy Way To Sanitise Your Indoor Spaces


SANOZONE, which delivers the most efficient sanitisation performance in indoor spaces, is now available from Barbel. Manufactured by Vitaeco S.r.l., the world famous manufacturer of the highly regarded HotmixPro thermal blender range, SANOZONE sanitises rooms of many sizes in enclosed HRC sites, hotels, restaurants, bars, conference rooms and similar establishments where totally reliable and regular sanitisation is needed. SANOZONE is particularly suitable for hospitals and care home areas, where absolute cleanliness is mandatory, and in areas where it is difficult or impossible to deliver effective sanitisation throughout. The SANOZONE range of machines use Ozone (O3)



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technology, a gaseous form of Ozone that fills the room, reaching every corner of the space, santising surfaces and critical hard-to-reach corners homogenously, consistently and safely. The SANOZONE range of sanitisation machines are all equipped with the latest technology and customised disinfection programmes to suit your specific requirements. The running costs are considerably lower than any traditional disinfecting programmes and most importantly, there is no manual labour involved. For further information about the SANOZONE range, please contact Barbel on 01629 705110, email, or visit the website at

Hygiene, Health and Safety

Issue 32

CLH Digital

Monika Automates Hygiene Tasks for Staff and Customer Safety

Automation is an increasingly attractive option in today’s commercial kitchen. Although we are all conditioned to wash our hands, thoroughly and frequently, and improve hygiene in general, it can be hard to uphold such measures in a busy environment where pressures are greater than ever. This is where an automated food safety system can help. MonikaPrime can be programmed to give audible as well as visual reminders when a hygiene/infection control task is due – for example to clean down equipment, change cloths and even to alert staff to wash their hands or take customer contact details. By choosing to set an alarming and flashing ‘beacon’, staff can be in no doubt that a task is due and are more likely to complete it on time. Repeat or one-off checks can be

programmed, with verification by a line manager to ensure completion to a sufficient standard if required. UK Director of Sales Rag Hulait commented: “You can use MonikaPrime to drive and double check compliance with food safety and hygiene requirements set within your business. And if you add automated equipment temperature monitoring, you remove the need for staff to move around taking manual fridge and freezer temperature readings, touching surfaces that may be contaminated.” The MonikaPrime system also comes with easy to use software that gives you visibility of staff and equipment performance, so you can see areas for improvement on the way to confident compliance. For more information please contact Monika on 01664 420 022, or visit

WaterCare Proudly Introduce the New iX Water Range iX Water filters are the first truly eco-friendly, 100% recyclable cartridge filter in the market, offering Insert Refill Technology to provide a genuinely sustainable and cost-effective alternative to mainstream cartridge water filters. For use on coffee machines, water coolers, ice machines, vending machines, and catering applications. The iX range offers a comprehensive product in a cost effective, efficient, flexible, and stylish package.

measurable control.

WaterCare are extremely aware of the negative impact that waste plastic has on the environment, plus with the uncertainty of where the hospitality industry will be in the next 12 months following Covid-19 pandemic, WaterCare have created a product and program designed to not only reduce your costs significantly, but also recycle 100% of the expired media inserts and return these back into the marketplace – keeping costs & waste down, whilst creating

WaterCare are passionate about providing cost effective, eco-friendly solutions to water treatment. Their NEW, improved iX range of water filters, along with our Replace & Return Program provide an easy, responsible, and cost-effective alternative to current one-way systems.

The iXWater range now has a newly designed head for ease of maintenance. The iXWater head has quick shut off, flush valve and an optional digital flow meter. The head also has a variable bypass to allow some untreated water to be dialled back into the water supply which is essential for better coffee extraction and taste.

Discover the full iX Water range at eco-friendly-water-filters/ or call 01279 780250 to speak to a sales representative.

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CLH Digital

Issue 32

Hygiene, Health and Safety

AcryBright Clearly Protecting Your Staff Protective screens and sneeze guards have become common place thanks to the Covid-19 outbreak. However, in a rush to get barriers in place, many businesses purchased materials without thinking about the longer term implications around quality and performance. These clear screens are going to be in place for some time to come. They will need to survive rigorous cleaning regimes with high-strength cleaning chemicals. These chemicals can cause damage, from small surface scratches through to potential warping or clouding of the screen. This kind of damage not only reduces the hygienic properties of the product but also affects its visual appeal, which can have a negative impact on the customer experience. Image credit: AcryBright

Hillbrush Antimicrobial Hillbrush is the UK’s largest manufacturer of cleaning brushes and specialist hygienic cleaning tools. Throughout the food supply chain there are significant risks of cross-contamination, no more so than within the factory environment where raw materials and ingredients come into contact with surfaces throughout production. COVID-19 will mean that cleaning regimes will need to be even more rigorous, not only to minimise the risk of cross contamination from pathogenic bacteria, such as Campylobacter and

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AcryBright is a cell cast acrylic which provides optimum optical clarity and rigidity. Due to its ease of fabrication it is ideal for personal protective screens and has superb in-service durability too. AcryBright's chemical resistance and good surface hardness offer greater durability in service, withstanding cleaning regimes over and over and still maintaining its optical clarity. And should there be an accidental scratch, it can be refurbished with a polish back to a gloss finish. It is an excellent choice of material to provide protection for retail workers, counter and reception staff in stores, hotels, as well as office environments. To find out more please go to or see the advert on this page. E. coli, but also from Coronavirus transmission between co-workers. Using cleaning equipment that is fit for purpose and effective sanitising of equipment between use is one line of defence to prevent bacterial contamination. But a second line of defence that is increasing in popularity is the reduction of the threat of cross-contamination and the use of antimicrobial cleaning tools within the food production environment. Antimicrobial tools also increase the lifespan of cleaning tools and understanding of what equipment is needed for each cleaning task to ensure optimum results. Antimicrobial cleaning tools are specifically designed to prevent the growth and reduce the risk of bacterial cross-contamination, minimise foreign body contamination and support HACCP and 5S best practice with colour-coded segregation. While antimicrobial cleaning tools should not replace a regular cleaning regime, they enhance it, adding the additional level of protection that everyone is seeking in a post-COVID landscape. For more information on Hillbrush’s range of antimicrobial cleaning products visit

Hygiene, Health and Safety

Issue 32

CLH Digital

A Clean Start - Integrated Sanitising Solutions

With over 50 years of experience, ICE is the UK’s largest independent provider of industrial cleaning machines. We bring a simple, reliable brand and offering to the industry with straightforward equipment purchase, rental, service and approved-used solutions designed to meet the needs and demands of every customer, however small or extensive their budget. We have a huge range of scrubber dryer and sweeping machines suitable for all types of environments, from

standard robust equipment or high-end machines equipped with the latest technology, to robotic floor cleaning machines. Our ICE Co-Botics line is the industry’s first comprehensive range of robotic cleaning machines. We believe these innovations will help shape the way cleaning operations and functions are carried out in the future, but in a collaborative and cohesive way. The equipment has been designed to integrate into cleaning team operations, picking up the manual and repetitive tasks, which will then allow operators to focus on hygiene and sanitising activities to promote cleaner and safer environments. It’s not about replacing people it’s about embracing technology to deliver higher cleaning standards, infection control and ‘proof of clean’. Other innovations include our new sanitising and fogging equipment, which effectively sanitise and disinfect floors and the surrounding air, ensuring a safe and hygienic working environment. Contact us: 0800 389 3869

Doesitall’s Alcohol Free Hand Sanitiser is ECO-FRIENDLY as Our Formula is Alcohol Free Doesitall hand sanitiser has a naturally occurring formulation with active ingredients that kills 99.99% of viruses and bacteria. Doesitall’s Alcohol Free, Anti-Viral & Anti-Bacterial hand sanitiser is a ready to use, high performance hand sanitiser solution. It is suitable for use on the hands, to remove potentially harmful viruses & bacteria. Benefits of using Doesitall hand sanitiser: • Includes hand softening agents and is beautifully scented leaving your hands soft with a pleasant aroma • Eco-friendly, due to our all natural formulation process, with active biological ingredients used as opposed to alcohol • Our naturally occurring ingredients are readily biodegradable and have no aquatic

toxicity, thus they offer a greener alternative to conventional alcohol products and minimise environmental impact Our hand sanitiser is fully laboratory tested and has passed BS EN 14476:2013 + A2:2019 standards concluding it is effective against 99.99% of viruses and bacteria including SARS + CoV-2. (Covid-19). Doesitall Hand Sanitiser is NonFlammable. It contains naturally produced active ingredients which is better for the environment. Our dual action virucidal formula prevents the chance of anti-microbial resistance occurring. Our 5L Eco refill system allows you to refill your own re-usable sprayers saving on harmful plastic waste. Protect your staff and customers, use Doesitall’s Alcohol Free Hand Sanitiser with clinically proven confidence! Visit

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Hygiene, Health and Safety

Issue 32

ATP Leads The Way For Hotel Cleaning Effectiveness As hoteliers navigate the swings between lockdowns and reduced capacity, and reopening floors, preparing rooms, and accepting more guests, they will need to take extra steps to ensure the safety of those guests and the employees who serve them. Key to that safety will be ensuring that sleeping rooms, conference areas, lobbies and lounges are cleaned and sanitized. While sanitising surfaces is just a small part of combatting the prevalence of COVID-19, hotels need to prove to guests that their facility is safe place to stay. Too often, monitoring of cleaning effectiveness has relied on visual inspection. This, of course, cannot detect unseen microbes. Cleaning and sanitation monitoring technology that uses adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy-releasing molecule found in every living cell, has been adopted by hotels and

other industries to monitor cleaning effectiveness. ATP monitors provide, in as little as 10 seconds, quantitation of the overall ability of cleaning chemicals and crews using them to clean a surface. One study estimates that 33 percent of the ATP picked up by monitoring is microbial in origin. Surfaces will vary according to sources of contamination and frequency of contact but reducing ATP levels often is enough to reduce infection. Hygiena’s EnSURE™ Touch ATP Monitoring System uses the UltraSnap™ test to collect samples from virtually any surface, delivering actionable, reliable results in seconds. Its portability and ability to upload to SureTrend cloudbased software lets you track and trace progress, without leaving the room! See the advert on page 19 or visit

Astreea - The Pedal Hand Sanitiser

EAIS are your one stop solution for all of your storage and handling needs. Our vastly experienced and award winning team are on hand to support our distributors and to help them overcome any challenge that they may face. We offer 16 different types of racking to choose from including chrome, nylon, stainless steel solid, perforated & wire as well as lift-out systems. All of these are available in wide range of sizes which will help to maximise every area of a busy commercial kitchen. Follow this up with a huge range of trolleys and transportation system you will find all that’s needed to support all types of commercial catering applications. We are proud of our ability to hold vast stocks of racking and

trolleys, allowing us to accommodate urgent next day delivery requests if required.

In addition to standard products one of our strengths is our flexibility. Our on-site in-house manufacturing facility allows us to offer bespoke items to our customers. Therefore if our standard product doesn’t quite tick your box our engineers and designers will work closely with a client to ensure the correct bespoke solution is offered. As well as supply only we can also offer an efficient and economical installation service with our highly experienced and qualified teams of fitters. For more information please visit our website –

Swiftclean - Air, Water and Fire Compliance East Anglian Installation Systems Ltd

these uncertain times.

Introducing the Astreea® pedal hand sanitiser.

Touchless, fully mechanical and made entirely from medical stainless steel, this revolutionary dispenser requires no assembly, electrical outlet, or maintenance. It’s designed for both indoor and outdoor use, making it ideal for any public space. The Astreea® dispenser is different from typical plastic wall or post-mounted products. Its seamless steel body and mechanical operation make it almost indestructible. Units are maintenance-free, arrive fully assembled, and use any hand sanitiser product, making them an ideal solution during

EAIS - The Ideal Solution T

In a post lockdown world, as well as food and COVID safety, it is essential to safeguard indoor air quality, water cleanliness and fire safety. Airborne fat, oil and grease, released by cooking, accumulates in layers in your kitchen extract ductwork, hood and canopy, creating a potential fire risk. This grease must be removed regularly by expert technicians, in compliance with TR19® Grease, which is issued by BESA. A simple wet-film test tells us if a clean is due post lockdown. If you don’t comply with TR19 Grease®, and there is a fire, your insurance provider may refuse to pay out and you could be prosecuted for negligence.

• • • • •

12 month warranty • Anti-theft • Hands-free Genuine usage increase where installed Medical stainless-steel construction No electrical outlet needed Visitors see you are proactively making site safe • Highest quality materials • Universal use, can be filled with any hand sanitiser To learn more, visit or contact See the advert on page 2 for details.


Similarly, you must protect your water system’s cleanliness and protect it from legionella outbreaks by complying with L8, issued by the Legionella Control Association. If you had to shut down due to COVID, your water system should have been recommissioned and flushed through. If your risk assessment is out of date, you must get it updated. Again, you could be prosecuted for negligence if you haven’t complied. Your indoor air quality should also be safeguarded by complying with TR19®, the leading guidance on ventilation system hygiene, also issued by BESA. Clean ductwork means cleaner, healthier air. Visit

KYDEX Puts Safety First A Tool In The Test And Trace Arsenal Is Here

To make hospitality spaces safer and reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission, many businesses have turned to innovative materials with hygienic properties built in. In this critical time for the sector, which is reeling from the damage caused by Covid-related shutdowns, any product that can help in the fight against the virus is worth consideration. While regular deep cleans with heavy duty chemicals will help, specifying and installing new surfaces that are resistant to bacteria and viruses will offer improved protection to staff and customers. Image credit: Aristech Surfaces. KYDEX is one such product. It contains Microban, which provides antimicrobial protection. This halts the growth of bacteria and a broader range of viruses, organisms, protozoa, and fungi such as mould or mildew. This makes it significantly better for high-use surfaces when compared with an anti-bacterial prod-

The data can be inputted using contactless technology, customers simply generate and scan a QR code with their details on.

uct, which only prevents bacteria from growing on the surface. As an advanced thermoplastic, KYDEX can be moulded into any shape and matched with any colour – perfect for branded environments. While well known for its use in healthcare environments such as hospitals, it is also heavily utilised in the leisure and hospitality sector. It can often be found in a wide range of objects including furniture, counters (such as bar tops and reception desks), and doors, as well as in food preparation areas and washrooms. As a homogeneous product, any damage to the top layer does not negatively affect its anti-microbial properties or visual impact, which makes it perfect for high-traffic areas. Its ability to withstand tough cleaning products, without any staining, fading or surface damage, also make it perfect for a postCovid world. To find out more please go to or see the advert on page 36.

An entrepreneur who wanted a better way for businesses to collect details of customers for the NHS Test and Trace requirements has developed an app – ‘COVID Collect’. Carl Blanchard of C3 Software in Bournemouth, Dorset, designed the system after writing down his details in pubs on sheets of paper. Understanding it was potentially capable of spreading Covid-19 and in breach of GDPR rules, he designed his superbly simple to use app. Any venue, sports club or premises that requires visitors to register for the Test and Trace system can now use ‘COVID Collect’. Data can be inputted on a device either by the customer or staff – it is then safely stored and can be sent to Test and Trace if required, details are deleted after 21 days to comply with GDPR and Test and Trace regulations

Carl said: “When I had to write my details down on a piece of paper, I saw a problem that had to be solved.’’ “Using a pencil means Covid could be spread and it would be easy for someone to take a photo of all the names and numbers on the list, which would be in breach of GDPR regulations.’’ “Inputting the data takes seconds – the details are stored safely and can be communicated to Test and Trace if necessary. “All businesses that require customers or visitors to give their details can use this app and it can be up and running in minutes.’’ “People already using it say it drastically reduces the burden of administration and frees up a lot of time.’’ COVID Collect is designed to be part of a business’s range of measures to help keep everyone safe. For more information or to purchase visit C3’s website at:

Cyrus Todiwala Backs HyGenikx to Give Diners Confidence Like many restaurateurs, Cyrus Todiwala OBE DL has worked hard adapting his award-winning Café Spice Namasté restaurant to make it Covid-secure. Cyrus has implemented changes in accordance with government guidance, so returning customers can feel relaxed and confident to enjoy his signature Indian and Parsee dishes. As Cyrus explains in a new video interview with Mechline Developments (click here to view), if operators are to reassure customers and convince them to eat out, they will need to supplement manual cleaning with the latest technologies. In doing this, operators can prove they are going the extra mile to look after customers’ safety and well-being. Customers returning to Café Spice have been assured not only by the physical changes they have seen, such as sanitisation stations, a new layout for the dining room and disinfecting tables and chairs after each use, but also by the measures that Cyrus has implemented back of house. Cyrus has installed several HyGenikx units, in

the kitchen, cold rooms and changing rooms, to combat the hidden dangers that neither he, nor his customers, can see, such as viruses in the air and on surfaces. Working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, HyGenikx is specifically designed for hospitality and foodservice locations and effectively works not only against viruses, but also odours and bacteria, even when employees are in the room. These were installed in Café Spice Namaste to complement Cyrus’s already thorough hygiene routine. “The HyGenikx system helps people to do things in a better way. If I had my way I’d install it everywhere. It keeps the air and surfaces free of any bacteria and viruses which is a great plus point and in a restaurant environment it’s an added bonus to a customer. I show them the sticker we have and explain that we are looking after their interests and it makes people feel even more comfortable. It’s a one off investment that will make your place much better and safer for all the peo-

ple that walk in and better still gives you something to shout about. “I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend HyGenikx to other hospitality businesses as it is the ideal complement to manual cleaning. It helps to protect customers and staff, extends the shelf life of fresh produce, controls odours and provides additional reassurance so our industry can move forward with confidence and return to some kind of normal.” HyGenikx utilises a combination of the most effective and refined air and surface sterilisation technologies available to eradicate viruses and bacteria throughout foodservice and hospitality environments. The HyGenikx range has models to suit every application, from front of house and all food areas, to cold rooms, washrooms and refuse areas. Models start from as little as £289 RRP. To view the Cyrus Todiwala interview go to

Hygiene, Health and Safety

Clean Air for a Safe Environment

During these uncertain times, we must be equipped with the right tools to fight contaminates. Axair offer state of the art air cleaning systems for any indoor environment to help improve air quality and prevent the spread of disease.

Wellisair is a patented air disinfectant air purifier with the innovative technology to disinfect, purify and clean the air and surfaces with nature’s mechanisms removing 99.9% of all hazardous elements.

How Does Wellisar Work? Wellisair uses technology that generates and expands hydroxyl radicals (OH) that by oxidation eliminates virus, bacteria, allergens, moulds, odours and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) up to 99.9%.

OH is a powerful purifying substance that is generated naturally by sunlight, ozone, and moisture in the air, and it harmlessly disappears along with other air pollutants. Once the oxidation process has started, the effect called “respiratory explosion” occurs, which consists of a series of cascade reactions that produce more hydroxyl radicals, this accelerates the process of eliminating viruses and bacteria. Wellisair produces the same chain effect that efficiently purifies and disinfects the air and surfaces of an area up to 60m2. The Wellisair is available to buy online at

To find out more about our clean air solutions please email or call 01782 349 430.

Viroblock™ Bedding - 99.99% Effective Protection The Fine Bedding Company are leading suppliers for the bedding industry with over 100 years of manufacturing experience. Their united purpose is to create better products for a better night’s sleep, priding themselves on their quality and sustainability commitments; continuously striving to have a positive impact on people and the planet. The hospitality sector has been impacted more than most by the measures taken to control the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, The Fine Bedding Company has developed a revolutionary new bedding collection to provide guests and hoteliers with peace of mind as the sector begins its long awaited return to normality. It’s been found that Coronavirus can live on textile surfaces for up to two days, and sleeping on a pillow previously occupied by an infected individual could increase the risk transmission. Their latest collection, including pillows, pillow protectors and mattress protectors, uses ground-breaking Viroblock™ technology which has been tested to be 99.99% effective against

SARS-COV-2 within 30 minutes of contact, the virus that causes COVID-19, alongside other common viruses, bacteria and yeasts in as little as 5 minutes. The entire collection has been tested to remain durable and effective for at least 15 washes at 40°C and has been certified as safe and sustainable, with all Viroblock™ ingredients being cosmetic grade, bio-based, OEKOTEX® certified and recycled. Contact the team to find out how their latest collection can provide you and your guests with the reassuring comfort of complete hygiene. Alternatively, shop their entire hospitality bedding collection at with an exclusive 10% off offer for Caterer readers using code SLEEPINCOMFORT at the checkout. Contact information: Website – Email – Phone - +44 (0)161 864 5632

Issue 32

CLH Digital



CLH Digital

Issue 32

Products and Services

Cemco (The Catering Equipment Maintenance Company) Cemco (The Catering Equipment Maintenance Company) first opened for business in 1990, and have been serving Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset, Bath, and the rest of the South and Southwest, ever since. We offer a full range of services, including servicing and repairs for all commercial catering appliances, ranging from small local projects to major national work, and everything in between. Specialising in commercial Glasswasher and Dishwasher repairs sales and service our reputation is second to none. We can offer you a no obligation quote now, so contact us for more information. CEMCO also carry out repairs to commercial catering equipment Dishwashers, Glasswashers, Ovens Grills Bournemouth, Poole, Dorset

JURA - Speciality Coffee For lovers of speciality coffee, the updated WE8 automatic coffee machine is now even more perfect. The WE8 now prepares twelve different specialities at the touch of a button. It now offers macchiato, espresso doppio, special coffees and hot water for green tea at the touch of a button. The new fine foam frother is made from the highest quality materials and has a stunning look and feel. Specially designed for the preparation of speciality coffees with milk foam, it makes cappuccino and other beverages with the very best fine textured foam every time. Recommended maximum

and The Southwest. We undertake repairs and servicing to ALL, types, makes and models of commercial catering equipment. A repair is often far cheaper then a replacement! 30 Years in this Industry gives us the edge over our competitors, with time served Commercial Catering Equipment Engineers our clients have found we save them the cost of purchasing new equipment time after time…why buy new when a guaranteed repair is often all your Catering Equipment requires… We are based in Bournemouth & Poole, covering the whole of Dorset, as well as Somerset, Hampshire and Wiltshire. Call 01202 377205 now, to arrange a site visit daily output 40 cups per day. The GIGA X3c / X3 G2 allows JURA to impressively demonstrate Swiss innovation and professionalism down to the very last detail. Anywhere where a capacity of up to 150 cups is the order of business, the machine impresses users with its quality, functionality and reliability. Coupled with top performance in every respect, this results in a high tech automatic coffee machine that is ideally tailored to the requirements of hotel breakfasts, restaurants, bars and seminar / conference venues. Recommended maximum daily output 150 cups per day. Photos WE8 in chrome, GIGA X3 in aluminium. Visit for further information.

What Is Possible With Video Surveillance - And What Is Not All bars have cameras – nowadays local authorities would not grant licensing without the essential, wide ranging security they can provide. But make no mistake, they cannot protect a bar operator from under-ringing. If you are offered ‘clever’ video with print overlay showing what is being entered on the till, it will probably also include fast scanning to view each time Vodka, house lager or whatever is sold. You will be told ‘if you are aware you have a stock issue with a specific product, then that is a useful feature’ – right? No actually - that is wrong! Fact is, if a bar operator has a stock issue with a specific product, the problem is because that product is dispensed but not sold. And this is where (EPoS) till connected dispense management provides information that cameras cannot. In a bar with hundreds of low value transactions the bar operator needs to know when a drink is dispensed but not registered – and cameras cannot inform anyone about that.

Beer or spirit monitoring dispense management must be fully connected to the EPoS system or it will not provide a full picture. With a timed record of every sale and dispense, and real time registration of drinks entered on customer accounts (bar, table or hotel room ‘tabs’), you can have an automated stock check every sixty seconds. With a draught beer display resolution of a tenth of a pint, surplus and waste are also separated from measures which are not sold. And all events are shown graphically in a bar chart. So when you have the technology to highlight you lost two house lagers, a Guinness and a double vodka at 15:17, whilst also showing who was working in which bar at the time, if you want to remove any further doubt, then you might have a look at your video. Searflo – it’s nothing like any PubCo sponsored alternative. Visit, or call 07528 819842 or see the advert on page 11.

Super Quick, Free Range, Super Easy Range Farm Liquid Egg products are ready to use, easy to handle, and provide convenience for those working in foodservice. All products are free range, 100% pasteurised and meet British Lion standards. Available in Whole Egg, Egg Whites and Yolks, with no product waste or mess - all your eggs in one carton! Range Farm Free Range Hens are free to roam and forage in the natural environment. Freshly laid, our eggs are processed at our state-ofthe-art facility in Wiltshire and dispatched to customers in our fleet of refrigerated vehicles ensuring they arrive perfect and ready to use.

AMEREX Kitchen Protection ®

The AMEREX® Kitchen Protection (KP) fire suppression system is already a staple in commercial kitchens around the world. Amerex innovations make it an easy choice to meet code requirements, keep people and property safe with a dependable system, and give restaurant owners and operators unparalleled ease of use and maintenance for years to come. Plus, Amerex’s KP system meets the rigorous UL 300 standard for fire testing of fire extinguishing systems for protection of commercial cooking equipment required by NFPA guidelines. From fine dining to fast food chains, the Amerex KP system fire has the components to meet your clients’ needs. Zone Defense means we’ve got you covered.

Mr Porky Original Scratchings - the latest awardwinning recipe, in its familiar gold

packs, remains Mr Porky’s best-selling scratching. Mr Porky Hand Cooked Scratchings - hand cooked in small batches, this premium product won a Great Taste award in 2019 and is the ultimate pork scratching! With the highest purchase intent of any pack in consumer research, it promises to become a top seller. Mr Porky Crispy Strips is a relatively new innovation that is delivering strong sales by offering a lighter eat compared to a traditional scratching. Made from thin strips of shoulder rind – instead of the shank rind of a scratching – they have a light and crispy texture akin to bacon rind when grilled, appealing to those who may consider a scratching too heavy for, say, a daytime snack. Given scratchings tend to be bought on impulse, are mainly consumed with a drink and one in five consumers will not buy another snack if scratchings are not available2, it really makes Mr Porky a ‘muststock’ item on every BWS fixture. The new range is currently rolling out across all major mults, Convenience and On-trade. 1) IRI Market Place | Total GB | Total Pork Snacks | Value | MAT to 6 Sep 20 2) Norstat | 1,808 pork snacks consumers | Shoppers in Supermarkets,

KP offers two appliance protection configurations — Appliance Specific, where the appliance location is fixed, and Zone Defense, an overlapping protection configuration that allows kitchen appliances to be moved or replaced without having to move system discharge nozzles. Zone Defense future-proofs the kitchen design and allows restaurants to adapt to changing consumer tastes or business conditions without repiping the fire system. KP offers three different fire detection methods — standard thermal link detection or one of two linear heat detection options, pneumatic heat sensitive tubing or electrical linear heat detection. Contact Amerex at or see the advert on page 7.

STARlight - The New Lightness With the STARlight stem glass series, glass manufacturer Stölzle Lausitz has taken a further step into a new dimension. Never before has machine made glass been produced so close to mouth-blown glass with a gracefully slim stem and a gentle thin walled bowl. STARlight is a glass series with a balanced shape. A seamless and deep-drawn transition between stem and goblet as well perfectly proportioned matching profiles giving the goblets of lead-free crystal glass a high degree of functionality with a harmonious appearance. The special feature is the fineness of the glass. The stem has a diameter that is about ten percent smaller than that of conventional machine-made glasses. The goblet also has a noticeably thinner wall thickness compared to other glasses from machine production. In this way the STARlight series combines lightness with extraordinary elegance. They are perfect for highclass gastronomy, 5-star hotels and innovative wine bars. They also include the usual features of Stölzle glasses being dishwasher safe with a high breakage resistance making them ideal for both professional and home dining.

It’s Official – Mr Porky Is The Great 1 Tasting No 1 Brand In Pork Snacks! Mitchell & Cooper Ltd.

Mr Porky Original Scratchings, the best-selling scratching from category leaders Tayto, has just won a 2020 Great Taste Award. This means that every Mr Porky product is now officially Great Tasting, with other snacks just not coming up to scratch. But the pork snacks ranges aren’t completely hogging the limelight… Tayto’s food service exclusive REAL Handcooked Crisps have also won Great Taste awards for their deliciously punchy flavours - Jalapeno Pepper and Sea Salt & Malt Vinegar. Matt Smith, Marketing Director, Tayto Group says, “As the No1 brand with a 43% share1, Mr Porky is looking to drive further category growth with a refreshed range of award-winning products and new formats including clipstrips for easy merchandising with BWS. The new designs have improved stand-out, preserving the artisan appeal that consumers are looking for and the new packs are already delivering increased rate of sale, promising a sales boost for retailers.” The new range includes:

Range Farm Liquid Egg is sourced from 100% UK based farms so quality and continuity of supply is guaranteed. We are also conscious of our environmental responsibilities so please be assured that our cartons are recyclable. We provide a range of sizes and packaging according to the needs of our customers, with all Range Farm Liquid Egg products available in pallecons, BIB and cartons. To start cooking with ease and find out how we can meet your requirements, call 01249 732221 or email

Mitchell & Cooper Ltd. was established in 1879 and remains a family enterprise to date. We are the fourth generation of Cooper’s designing, manufacturing and distributing light catering equipment for professional use in the hospitality sector. Mitchell & Cooper Ltd. is home to the world renowned Bonzer brand including the kitchen workhorse, the Bonzer Can Opener, the staple portion control range, dispensing solutions and well established professional bar equipment. Over the past 142 years Mitchell &

The series includes a Burgundy glass, a Bordeaux glass, a red wine goblet, a white wine glass and a champagne flute. Visit or see the advert on page 2.

Cooper Ltd. has proved its ability to adapt and respond to its customers’ needs and requirements, always with a personal and approachable touch. Key to this success has not only been through its grounded and established Bonzer roots, but its strong partnerships with other leading manufacturers, including, Zeroll, KitchenAid, Matfer, Bourgeat, Hotmix, Excalibur, Nemox, Bamix, Deglon, Kisag, Burnguard. We have always had a passion for innovative product design that stands the test of time. This philosophy and attention to detail remain at the heart of everything we do. See the advert on page 2 for further details or visit

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Technology and Software

Issue 32

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Technology is the Foundation of Hospitality’s Revival Over the last year, we have seen advances in technology that would normally have taken months, if not years, to develop, test, trial and implement. But the flexibility and dexterity that has helped hospitality operators to adjust their way of working to meet changing restrictions, often at short notice, highlights the importance of technology in a modern hospitality venue and why it is no longer an optional extra. Henry Seddon, Managing Director of Access Hospitality, offers his thoughts on how technology can support hospitality businesses as they prepare to rebuild trade in 2021.

INTEGRATION, INTEGRATION, INTEGRATION The most important piece of advice I can give anyone who is reviewing how technology fits in their business is that the best solutions are those that integrate across many applications rather than being stand-alone. An EPoS system that integrates with order ahead, delivery, table reservation, payment, marketing, loyalty and engagement apps, for example, will simplify all stages of the operations process and provide a seamless customer journey. When trading guidelines have changed at short notice – reducing capacity, advance booking, table service only, contactless payments – integrated technology has enabled operators to adapt quickly and effectively. Access EPoS has at least 64 integrations available, enabling frictionless interaction and greatly enhancing the scope and power of the overall system, and this has provided access to implement reactive solutions, such as the addition of test and trace data to existing reservation technology. Integration delivers streamlined interaction that increases efficiency across the business operation, reducing admin time so that staff can reassign their time and skills more productively elsewhere. The resulting commercial reports are more comprehensive and have rich data to enable effective analysis and a deeper understanding of what is happening at every level of the business.


With so much uncertainty in the sector, flexibility and the option to scale an EPOS system are vital. Whilst an off the shelf solution might be the best choice for a start-up business, or one without significant growth ambitions, it could restrict business agility and future expansion as trading restrictions are eased. Proven technology that responds to changing needs drives efficiencies and provides exceptional guest experiences from one trusted source, which has never been more important than a time when there is no margin for error on revenue, costs and customer service.

SINGLE SIGN-ON Technology should simplify an operation and improve the work routine, not make it more complicated. As integration increases, so does the value of running solutions with a single sign on, with information displayed on a personalised dashboard instead of having to work across several different screens. Access Workspace enables customers to access different technology solutions in one place rather than having to sign in on numerous systems, transforming productivity and engagement. The seamless interaction reduces time spent on input and data interrogation, providing a frictionless way of working and immediate access to the right information.

aged service which handles the process for hospitality operators, providing expertise and easing pressure where the property management staff are still furloughed or the business is running at reduced capacity, with no-one having overall control for this function.

FUTURE TECHNOLOGY Technology will continue to evolve quickly but two areas are likely to drive the next round of development and impact. ‘Big data’ describes extremely large sets of data coming into a business daily and includes venue performance, spend per head and customer satisfaction. Consolidation and analysis to drive decision making can be time consuming and confusing but the introduction of a single platform to serve data from all hospitality technology will deliver significant benefits in accuracy, efficiency and cost savings. Another area will see technology help in the challenge of reducing waste which is a focus from a cost and sustainability perspective. Tracking food returned or thrown away will contribute to regulating portion control and minimising waste, taking business into 2021 with cost control and environmental at front of mind.

ACCELERATION OF CONTACTLESS OPTIONS Having seen steady growth over the last couple of years, the move to contactless payments has been accelerated significantly in the last nine months, as everyone recognised the threat of infection from handling cash. The use of payment apps will continue as customers look for a convenient and secure way of managing their finances, particularly if their disposable income has been impacted during the pandemic, and they are now recognising that one solution for order and pay at table is more convenient than downloading a series of apps for different operators. Once again, integration becomes a key factor for operators, with Access EPOS integrating with a host of order ahead, delivery and loyalty solutions as well as the main payment apps that customers are turning to.

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Technology has revolutionised facilities management, with automation changing the landscape of compliance obligations, planned and reactive property maintenance. Sourcing suppliers, negotiating costs, checking ongoing works, approving invoices and filing certifications can now be See the advert on this page for further details or visit completed at the press of a button. With so much being possible remotely, there has been a surge in interest in the Access Maintain man-

Integrated technology to see you through lockdown and beyond Used and trusted by over 1,500 UK hospitality businesses, we help our customers focus on delivering exceptional guest experiences with technology to GULYH RSHUDWLRQDO HÉ?FLHQFLHV UHGXFH FRVWV LPSURYH *3 DQG GHFUHDVH DGPLQ Talk to us about how you can drive revenue through changing restrictions and KRZ RXU WHFKQRORJ\ FDQ KHOS NHHS FXVWRPHUV DQG VWDÎ? VHFXUH ZKHQ RSHUDWLRQDO with a multi-functional reservation system, order and pay at table, pre-order DQG D ČľH[LEOH 326 V\VWHP

$FFHVV +RVSLWDOLW\ 6ROXWLRQV Reservations & Ticketing


Find out more

(3R6 6WRFN Management

3URSHUW\ Maintenance


Financials & Analytics

Technology and Software

Issue 32

CLH Digital

ROUND - The UK's Favourite Order & Pay App Since the re-opening of pubs and restaurants on the 4th July, the ROUND app has served and supported hundreds of thousands of customers across the country to order safely, securely and easily in its community of ROUND venues. In August, ROUND supported venues with a seamless ‘'Eat Out to Help Out' solution within the app, and helped over 40,000 diners save 50% on their orders! Customers can now also tip staff directly via the app, in addition to pay via Google Pay and Apple Pay, with many more exciting features to be announced shortly.

Why join ROUND? • Increased monthly spend of 29.9% by customers when

using a mobile order & pay app, according to a CGA report • £0 set up and £0 monthly fee - just a small % transaction fee • New and improved simple set up process • Complimentary tablet so you can easily manage the mobile orders Getting started is easy. Your venue could start taking mobile orders within a matter of days. To get started, or find out more, simply visit and tap ‘get started’.

Hotels, Inns and B&B’s are Migrating to Caterbook for Free!

For 20 years, the Caterbook brand has been a trusted tures based on their needs. name in accommodation software, providing innovative • Responsive, customisable booking engine embeds on your solutions to simplify your workload. Since the easing of own website. lockdown restrictions, our technology has been empow• Configure and assign unique per-rate deposit and cancelering accommodation businesses to re-open their doors, lation policies. whilst keeping staff and guests safe. • Housekeeping report shows type of room clean (daily, • Minimise staff / guest interactions with paperless online departure etc), with any linen and towels required each day. check in and check out. • Batch create, email or print all the day’s invoices in a sin- • Industry standard reporting metrics of RevPAR, Average Daily Rate etc. gle click. • Take payments in real time using our built in PCI compli• Post food & drink items from your EPOS to the room bill ant payment gateway. for settlement on checkout. • Channel Manager links to, Expedia and • Use yield management to automate pricing changes many regional DMO’s. based on availability. To help get hospitality back on it’s feet, we are offering • Create and schedule custom guest email and SMS mesour Caterbook software for FREE until 1st January 2021 sages. • Additional individual staff user accounts included as stan- (see our website for details). dard, with activity logging. Call 01840 298298 or visit and • Role based access control restricts staff privileges to feasign up for a risk free 14 day trial account.

Introducing Toggle Introducing Toggle, a powerful gift card platform bursting with features to help you make the most of earning pre-visit revenue during the Covid-19 pandemic. Toggle offers high customisation with the freedom to sell not just gift cards, but experiences, special offers, products like at-home kits and more. Toggle handles everything

to do with your gifting; offering digital gift cards as well as beautifully designed physical ones that we can send on your behalf through our fulfillment service. Our expert customer success team is on hand to help you set up with lightning speed, introduce you to the platform’s features and ensure that you’re maximising on its tools by releasing new feature updates and campaign ideas. Toggle seamlessly integrates with Zonal, Access, Comtrex, Datasym and a host of other platforms. Sign up today and be selling tomorrow. Visit for more information.

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CLH Digital

Issue 32

Technology and Software

Smart Ordering with Hop Software mate safety for both staff and customers, allowing customers to choose a convenient and safe time for collection or delivery. Now more than ever, guests are opting for a contactless service from restaurants and hotels. Hop Shop has already helped many hospitality businesses find additional revenue streams. Hop Software recently launched a new addition to its ever-growing hospitality focused products; Hop Shop, an online click and collect delivery platform is helping hospitality and restaurateurs through lockdown. Hop Shop can be accessed from the business website via Hop PMS allowing hospitality businesses to set-up a collection or delivery service. Hop Shop also is available through our newly launched app. The Smart Order Time feature ensures ulti-

Richard Drummond owner of McKays Hotel, Bar & Restaurant, Pitlochry says; “Hop Shop has been a great addition to our operations. Guests continue to use the app and enjoy ordering food via their mobile, directly to their rooms and homes. As the current situation develops, Hop Shop has diversified our business and opened a new revenue stream.” For image requests or a demo of Hop PMS and Hop Shop, please email:

Digital Contact Data Registration:

German Company Launches App For Registering Visitor Data In Compliance With Data Protection Laws The German company Heidler GmbH has developed the app "CoReady" to allow customers to visit restaurants, hairdressing salons and all other companies, which are legally required to take customers’ personal details due to Corona. Visitors can register online and only store the data required by law. The app is free for all guests and customers. The one-time registration ensures a quick data collection in all participating companies. The data is automatically encrypted and stored in a database in compliance with GDPR. Upon entering the restaurant or shop the issued QR code has to be scanned by the respective guest. Additionally, menus, price lists and the shop's website can be stored in the app. The fast dispatch of the data to the health authorities in case of a corona infection is guaranteed. After the minimum retention period has expired, the data is automatically deleted. The app offers the following advantages:

- Saving time in service, less effort and full focus

Quadranet Restaurant Intelligence Quadranet have been on a project to promote Restaurant intelligence. Intelligence is the collection of information to advance business. Covers have been the one measure used in restaurants for years, but now many more measures are available to management. Our booking system not only counts the number of covers booked, but from what source and by which promotion, including social media. We also give information on diners spend and items consumed. We let restaurants talk to their customers through a generic app, alternatively an API is available to use in the restaurant’s own app. Loyalty, discounts and push notifications are all pushed through the app. Our restaurants prefer to think of members rather than customers.

Inhouse efficiency is also important. Rising staff costs must be countered by better efficiency. We have a time and attendance model that records hours. These hours can be compared to takings. Also, kitchen screens not only increase kitchen efficiency, but calculate the sum of standard minutes for dishes produced, compared to actual hours paid. Covid has accelerated the move to customers placing their orders on an app or website. Pay at table is also offered to diners who have little time, especially at lunch, and don’t want to wait for the credit card machine at the end of their meal. Disparate facts on their own, become intelligence in the new reporting suite combining monetary, time and resource measures to take your winning business to the next level. See the advert on page 22 or visit

Wi5 Mobile Order & Pay Solution for Your Business Wi5 is the industry-leading mobile Order & Pay solution for hospitality, that allows customers to easily place orders and pay for them on their own devices for both Order to Table and Pickup. We’ve invested heavily in our design and technology to ensure that we have the most intuitive, reliable and secure software solution on the market. There are now lots of solutions out there that offer some form of mobile ordering, but unless it’s a brilliant experience for both customers and staff, it will ultimately fail. Wi5 delivers a frictionless mobile experience without the

need for a cumbersome login process or downloading any apps, and we’ve made it as easy as possible at every step of the way. For businesses, we’ve made it simple to set-up and manage, whilst still providing the advanced functionality vital in the longterm for enterprise and SMEs alike, such as POS-integration. We’re also proud to be the only mobile Order & Pay solution to maintain the highest levels of security through ISO/IEC 27001 certification, the globally recognised standard for information security, meaning both operators and customers can depend on us. See the advert on this page for further details.

Deliver Critical Information To Your Frontline Workers on the guests - Simple logistics through digital accessibility - Drastic reduction of the bureaucratic effort - Increase of customer satisfaction More information and footage here: Contact: Lukas Zobel Phone: +49 6128 - 21054 - 35 E-Mail:

OurPeople is a team communication and engagement platform revolutionising the way management teams within the hospitality sector communicate with their employees. Its technology connects staff in real-time, ensuring the right people are receiving the right communication at the right time. Primarily working within industries with a high number of deskless workers, the OurPeople platform allows secure and targeted communication to ensure employees are engaged, informed, and have the insight they need to do their jobs safely and properly, while increasing productivity levels at the same time. Each offering is bespoke for your team, whilst being safe, secure, GDPR compli-

ant and fully within company control. OurPeople bridges the gap to ensure you can get critical, up-to-the minute information to staff who may not have access to standard communication platforms during their daily work. The solution is more than just a messaging app however, it is your secret weapon to cut through the noise and deliver critical communication. Contact us to find out how OurPeople can help your business streamline the way it connects with the deskless workforce, removing unnecessary chatter and increasing productivity. Visit

Ultimate lockdown restaurant experience

Design and Refit

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

We are an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses.

made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to

We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom

Drakes Bar Furniture UK Bar Furniture Supplier

We pride ourselves in providing the best quality items at great prices with fantastic customer service and can supply bespoke tailored made furniture such as booths, tables, seating or ‘off the peg’ items. Drakes Bar Furniture not only sell chairs, stools, tables we also design build and install all types of fixed seating, pews and booth seating for pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants and clubs. When fitting out a premise the seating is almost paramount for a successful space. Fixed seating, booth seating or banquette seating as its also called can come in variety of colours, finishes, types and styles. Below are just a few examples showing what we have done in the past. With clever planning, seating gen-

erates a great flow for customers and staff around a pub, restaurant, cafe or club. It can be used to divide areas, create new spaces in a room and offer intimacy allowing for the perfect social meet up. The beauty of bespoke fixed seating is that we can make the most of and take advantage of your space and features. We can come to your venue and measure up, give you advice and show you examples of our past work, finishes, types and styles. We have a wide range of Bar Furniture, including tables, stools, chairs, outdoor beer garden, fixed seating and banqueting furniture. If you require a bespoke quote either call us on 01422 839 690 or you can send us an email. See the advert below for details.

Issue 32

CLH Digital




The Compack glasswashers have simplicity and robust performance in mind. Where the need for just washing glasses is the main aim this is the machine for the job.

• Electronic control with push buttons for high efficiency and easy to use • 350, 400 and 500 basket machines available • 120 seconds washing cycle • Ecoclean control system for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle • Built in drain pump included • Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers • Guarantees hot rinse thermostop • Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler • Light function button with self diagnostic

(subject to status)


• Electronic control DIGIT with temperature display • 4 washing cycles • Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle • Built in drain pump included • Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers • Guarantees hot rinse thermostop • Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler • Built in softener (only on D50S and D55S) • Colour coded function button with self diagnostic • Evolute Electronic control with LCD display




• Self-diagnosis with errors solution, precise setting of the detergent dispenser, different temperature setting for each cycle • Ecoclean control system for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle (only with built in drain pump). • Thermal acoustic double door • New inclined and deep-drawn welded tank • Door reinforcement brackets • Adjustable rinsing arm rotation speed • Fully stainless steel made wash and rinse arms for low maintenance, heavy duty, all corrosion resistant • Removable double filtering system for wash and drainage cycle

Web Email Tel 0333 456 4500


• Electronic control with LCD display • 4 individual programmable cycles • Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle • Built in drain pump included • Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers • Break tank – AA air gap – WRAS approved • Guarantee rinse temperature 85⁰C at constant pressure • Self cleaning cycle on drain down • Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler • Built in softener (only on BT55S) • Self diagnostic


Design and Refit

Capricorn Contract Furnishings Capricorn Contract Furnishings are now firmly established as one of the country's largest stockist and supplier of quality contract furnishings to cafes, bars, restaurants, pubs, clubs and hotels. Capricorn are based in a 40, 000 square feet showroom and distribution warehouse on the outskirts of Exeter in Devon. From within the distribution area we are able to offer a next day delivery service on thousands of products including tables , chairs , stools

and lounge furniture. Customers are encouraged to visit our large showroom to view an extensive range of furniture ideally suited for the leisure market. Here you can relax and let Capricorn help and advise you with your requirements. Opening hours for the showroom are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. For more information or a Capricorn Contract Furnishings catalogue and price list contact Brian Pengelly on 01395 233 320, or visit

Sims - The First Port Of Call For Banquette Seating We are a family run business with 3 generations of commercial furniture manufacturing experience. Unlike other suppliers we manufacture all our seating inhouse, no importing, no subcontracting. We have full control over every aspect from design to installation to ensure every product leaves our workshops punctually and to our reputable high quality. Proudly offering 2 versions of Banquette Seating, firstly our “Premium Made to Measure” Banquette Seating which is built to your exact design, shape and size, then installed by our professional installation team. You can have anything from floor to ceiling

designs to seating that perfectly follows the walls in a period setting. Secondly our “Modular Banquette Seating”

Ambimedia Audiovisual Solutions Ambimedia Ltd are working hard to provide our clients with audiovisual solutions which allows them to adapt to future needs, in the wake of the recent pandemic. Our Certified Technology Specialists have been working closely with manufactures to develop our product range in order to meet changing demands.

ENHANCING OUTDOOR SPACES In order to enhance outdoor areas in pubs and restaurants, we have provided solutions including outdoor high brightness

TV’s, outdoor sound systems and extended WIFI and CCTV networks. Whilst the future of how venues can operate indoors is unknown, enhancing outdoor spaces has been a key area of growth within the industry.

HAND SANITISERS WITH BUILT IN DIGITAL SIGNAGE DISPLAYS Most venues which you visit these days have hand sanitiser stations as you enter the building and we have gone one step further,

which is freestanding, set size units for you to mix and match to best fit your space. Manufactured and delivered to your doorstep ready for you to layout. Made to the same high standards as our premium range without setup costs, site visits and installation fees. Saving you up to 50% on competitors seating. Also, we offer a range of furnishings – tables, chair and bedroom furniture. To request a brochure or to discuss your requirement further please contact our sales team on 01945 450957 email Web

providing digital signage displays within the hand sanitiser stations allowing venues to provide information to customers in addition to product advertising.

DIGITAL MENUBOARDS & DIGITAL SIGNAGE Our award winning digital menuboard solution allows customers to instantly manage content on their screens from a PC or tablet. Choose from over 700 menuboard templates and over 3000 images or upload your own and publish the content to your TV’s. Visit and signup for a free account. We also have a full digital signage package available where we can manage the content on your behalf – please contact us for further information. T: 01246 906958 E: W:

Issue 32

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CLH Digital

Issue 32

Design and Refit

CambridgeStyle Canopies Our product range includes:

CambridgeStyle Canopies have an enviable reputation in the hospitality sector for providing shade and shelter solutions for pubs, hotels and restaurants across the UK. We specialise in offering the right covering solutions to maximise your useable outdoor space with our range of made-to-measure aluminium outdoor canopy systems.

Brave New World I have been really pleased to speak again to our restaurant and pub customers as they gradually begin to open their doors and entertain customers. Naturally, they all face new challenges, and we are doing our best to assist. Using candles, and in particular, oil candles, can be more useful than ever now. When number of tables and diners are reduced, candles create ambience and atmosphere on those tables that are used and help create normality. They can also be used to show which tables are available for use, so rather than

• Wall mounted non-fragile or glass roof canopies with up to 6m projection and unlimited length • Free standing canopies with up to 12m projection and unlimited length • Solisysteme Bio Climatic Pergolas with the latest Somfy technology and up to 7.1m post span • Zip Screens and Sliding Glass doors • Heating and lighting upgrades for all canopy systems Contact us to discuss your needs and arrange a site survey so we can help identify the right solution for your business. We have all the necessary accreditations within the construction sector and provide a no quibble 10-year guarantee on all products to give you peace of mind. Together we can help get business going again! Emails or visit remove tables, you can just remove chairs, thereby increasing distance between people, but not making the restaurant look empty. And there are enough extra cleaning regimes required now, that you don’t need any extra mess from wax candles to be dealt with. Oil candles create no mess, and no waste. They also last for the whole of service, unlike t-lights, reducing the number of times staff may need to visit a table. Many people have used the lockdown to revamp, refurb or freshen up the restaurant, so now is the perfect time to upgrade to oil candles, from as little as £2.99 each. To see our full range, and request a sample, visit or call me, Mike, on 01279 731621

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CambridgeStyle Canopies have an enviable reputation in the hospitality sector for providing shade and shelter solutions for pubs, hotels and restaurants across the UK. We specialise in offering the right covering solutions to maximise your useable outdoor space with our range of madeto-measure aluminium outdoor canopy systems.

Our product range includes:

• Wall mounted non-fragile or glass roof canopies with up to 6m projection and unlimited length • Free standing canopies with up to 12m projection and unlimited length • SoliSySteme Bio Climatic Pergolas with the latest Somfy technology and up to 7.1m post span • Zip Screens and Sliding Glass doors • Heating and lighting upgrades for all canopy systems

Contact us to discuss your needs and arrange a site survey so we can help identify the right solution for your business. We have all the necessary accreditations within the construction sector and provide a no quibble 10-year guarantee on all products to give you peace of mind. Together we can help get business going again!

CambridgeStyle Canopies Ltd 01353 699009 | | “WE’VE GOT IT COVERED - NOBODY DOES IT BETTER”

Previous Clients Include:

Design and Refit

Issue 32

CLH Digital


Opt for Timeless British Style and Quality With Cast Iron Furniture Traditional cast iron furniture has been a familiar sight in UK pubs since the Victorian era. These days, it is also increasingly popular in more contemporary settings, combined with modern décor. All Trent Furniture’s cast iron tables and stools are instantly recognisable as British design classics and with their superior strength and stability, they are built to last. Not only that, when the time does come for a facelift, sprucing up or even changing the colour of cast iron furniture couldn’t be easier. Weighing over 20kg, the Britannia table base, with its intricate Britannia and Union Jack motif, is the perfect choice for any pub or restaurant, as are the Dolphin and Girlshead tables. With the ability to accept table tops in a wide range of sizes and finishes, cast iron table bases are also an

Wine Storage Solutions Wine Storage Solutions Ltd was established in March 2005, to find and develop the perfect temperature and humidity-controlled wine coolers and fridges for my friends’ and my own wine collections. The brief was simple – quality, reliability and style. We always had reliability in mind as we had all replaced our own coolers in the past, often much earlier than we would have liked or hoped. The development of the Vin Garde range’s single-weld refrigeration system has gone a long way


incredibly versatile option when paired with Trent’s great range of wooden and cast iron chairs and stools. With prices starting at £57.90 for the Girlshead table, Trent’s cast iron furniture combines cost effectiveness with quality. To find out more about Trent Furniture’s fantastic range of cast iron furniture, please call 0116 2864 911


to ensuring top performance and excellent longevity. We are proud of our product ranges and passionate about wine storage at home and in the restaurant. We would encourage you to pay us a visit to see all these models in our showroom in Chipping Norton. Our customers are always saying they look so much better ‘in the flesh’. If you cannot visit, we are always happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your wine storage requirements and we look forward to hearing from you. Visit or see the advert on this page for further details.

We are specialists in the supply and installation of temperature-controlled wine display cabinets which can be placed in any part of a building and require no plumbing or drainage. Our stunning and unique range includes contemporary & traditional styles with beautiful LED lighting, self-contained, temperaturecontrolled walk-in wine rooms for 990-4000+ bottles and wine display cabinets with 4 glass walls and LED lighting in all four Visit our corners to create a stunning visual effect which you showroom, can walk around 360 degrees. call us or view online.

Wine Storage Solutions Ltd

Essex House, Cromwell Business Park, Banbury Road, Chipping Norton OX7 SSR

Tel: 01608 645083


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Introducing amazing new… Int roducing tthe he ama zing new …

Manhattan Pergola Create Create well-lit, well-lit, he heated ated out outdoor areas have your our gue guests sts ssocialising ocialising door ar eas tthat hat will ha ve y Z ZKDWHYHU WKH ZHDWKHU 6WDUWLQJ IURP DV OLƟOH DV £1,400 KDWHYHU WKH ZHDWKHU 6WDUWLQJ IURP DV OLƟOH DV £1,400

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Sun. Shade. Shelter.


ALL WEA WEATHER ATHER A THER | TERRACE COVERINGS W aterproof fabric or aluminium louver ed rroofs oofs Waterproof louvered Effortless control Ef fortless motorised rremote emote contr ol operation force)* Wind rresistant esistant upto Beaufort 12 (hurricane for ce)* infra-red Optional LED lighting & infra-r ed heating 5 year guarantee for peace of mind Make the most of your outdoor space with our innovative rretractable etractable provide shelter,, awnings and aluminium pergolas that pr ovide flexible shade and shelter alfresco allowing your clients to enjoy the alfr esco experience come sun, wind, rain or even snow snow..

t 0344 800 1947 e w cial *Wind rresistance esistance based on our louver louvered ed rroof oof Outdoor Living PodsTM


Design and Refit

Issue 32

CLH Digital

Hot Water Without The CO₂

Able to draw and transfer thermal energy from air, Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP) under the right circumstances represent an efficient way to significantly reduce the carbon emissions of a building. Commercial hot water and heating specialist Adveco now extends its ASHP offering with the Adveco L70, a high capacity monobloc air-to-water heat pump.

Bill Sinclair, technical director, Adveco said, “In conjunction with Adveco’s bespoke application design, the L70 offers a comprehensive response for sustainable hybrid domestic hot water (DHW) and heating, providing highefficiency, low-emission, low cost to operate systems for hotels, restaurants and leisure facilities.” Calibrated for the UK climate, the L70 operates with ambient temperatures of -20 to +35°C. When temperatures plummet, the L70’s automatically provides built-in frost protection. Achieving water temperatures up to 60°C, the L70 can be used to supply preheat for hybrid applications with regular hot water demand, such as for showering and washing. The L70 will dramatically lower CO when

analysed using the carbon intensity figures from the new SAP10. Compared to gas systems the carbon emissions are reduced by around 70%, when using the SCOP of 3.39 (Ecodesign reference design temperature of -10°C for the UK and water temperature at 35°C.). Even greater efficiency can be attained in warmer southern and western UK regions. T. 01252 551 540

CardsSafe - Protecting Assets ®

The CardsSafe® system is specifically designed to securely retain customer credit, debit and ID cards while the cardholder runs a tab or uses a service. CardsSafe® has revolutionised the way hospitality and leisure businesses manage their assets. It protects against theft and walkouts, streamlines services and reduces losses, which means it pays for itself! There are numerous benefits of using CardsSafe® for your business and over 5000 outlets in the UK agree! • CardsSafe® reduce costs and losses, makes card fraud is virtually impossible and ensures that equipment is returned • CardsSafe® is affordable and pays for itself! From just £9.95 (net) per unit per month + a one off admin charge.

• CardsSafe® ensures peace of mind and protects against fraud and theft • CardsSafe® increases staff trust and improves the work environment • CardsSafe® is easy to use with minimal training and quick to install • CardsSafe® is PCI & GDPR Compliant to standards 9.6, 9.9, 12.2 and 12.6 and protects card data from identity fraud and theft Please visit our website and create your own account quickly and securely. Or for more information, please contact the CardsSafe Customer Service Team. WEB: Phone: 0845 500 1040 Email:

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Design and Refit

Issue 32

Increase Your Business Capacity with A Temporary or Semi-Permanent Structure

Creating extra space within a garden centre can often be a long drawn-out process but you can achieve this in just a few days by installing one of our temporary or semi-permanent structures. Our extensions fix seamlessly onto your current building or alternatively they can be used as a standalone structure.

requirements are a small crew and a forklift. With 100% of the structural elements being reusable, the environmental impact is negligible. See the advert below or visit

The structures can be fully operational and ready to accommodate your customers in just a few days with little to no disturbance to the day to day running of your business. One of the major benefits of using their Space Building System is it negates the need for expensive ground works prior to installation. Designed and manufactured in Wiltshire, the building is delivered to site in kit form and is built from the ground up, regardless of the terrain. The only

Square One Interiors Starting out in his garden shed, Jamie never thought that his new range of reclaimed furniture would become as successful as it has over the past 2 years. Having had a history in design and furniture design, an

idea was born and he decided to run with it. He loved the idea of a rustic looking, industrial range which was also eco friendly and sustainable. He soon found that a modern twist was also achievable, by using bright colours on the steel frames, as well as several different wood finishes which would compliment the overall design. Making furniture from scratch also had its benefits, as Jamie soon found that businesses would approach him with specific needs and requirements, meaning that he was able to provide a fully bespoke service, as well as offering design and advice. Since his humble beginnings in the garden shed, Jamie and the company have now work with hospitality operators, pubs, bars and hotels, as well as some large contract furniture companies and high street names. Our portfolio and workforce are growing and we are very excited to be working on some fantastic projects moving forwards, so watch this space! For more information visit

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Design and Refit

Add High Quality Art to Your Business with Global

When considering the refurbishment or presentation of your venue it may be a wise move to look at some pieces of quality art to give a feeling of class and prestige to your business image. Hotels, offices, restaurants and pubs can benefit aesthetically and financially from investing in quality original art which is both unique and profitable. GLOBAL ART Acquisitions and Investments Ltd are based above the Antiques centre at the Bridge House Longham BH22 9AN. We have an extensive selection of unique art available for the discerning client with prestigious premises and customers. GLOBAL ART is also the home

SD Screens

SD Screens is a new division of Sims Contract Furniture and our solution to support the hospitality sector in recovering from the aftermath of a global pandemic. Our aim was to manufacture a high quality, British made solution at a fraction of the price of our competitors. During lockdown we developed a range of Social Distancing screens to enable commercial premises to open their doors with ease, allow customers to return in a safe environment

of the world’s number 1 reformed art forger BILLY MUMFORD’S collection. Billy put £6 Million pounds worth of forgeries through the major auction houses of the world before spending 2 years at her Majesty’s pleasure in Brixton and Ford prisons. Art is now the number 1 financial asset and retains it’s value better than other asset classes so that you can appreciate your art as your art appreciates.

Take time to come over and visit us Thursday to Sunday 10 till 4 and see what a fantastic selection of works we can offer, you won’t be disappointed or Telephone James Hartey on 07894555107 or visit with some boasting up to 95% capacity. The range is available in 2 different sizes, in 3 colourways with an optional wing to complement our well established Modular Banquette Seating range. Made from real wood, stained to your preferred choice of 3 colours and coated using a polyurethane lacquer, the screens are easy to wipe clean making turnaround time inbetween covers an easy task. The screens arrive to you preassembled, all you need to do is screw on the feet and you are ready to open your doors. To order or to discuss your requirements please contact our sales team on 01945 450957, email us at or buy online at

Issue 32

CLH Digital

GLOBAL ART For Your Refurbishment

With over 35 years of experience, Global Art Gallery offers artworks by a number of diverse artists and pieces from selected private collections from around the world.



You won't find lots of prints in expensive frames at Global just lots of original art at realistic prices.

Further information is available from James Hartey on 07894 555107 or

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Property and Professional

Issue 32

Meet Tia, from Waitress to Care Team Leader in Just 6 months! I joined Care UK four years ago after looking for a change from my waitressing job. I started as a Care Assistant and was new to care. I was provided with numerous training courses before I even started working on the floor, which helped me to gain an understanding of what working in care involved and the high standards expected. I felt confident in my role after my induction and really enjoyed spending time with the residents and the person centred approach Care UK have adapted. I was promoted to Team leader six months after starting with Care UK. I was provided with all the training and guidance i required to climb up the career ladder and I am now a Unit Manager. I feel the opportunities for career progression within Care UK are head and shoulders above other care companies and the support from the management teams within the homes is invaluable.

Roslyns - The UK's Leading Provider of Business Services to the Hospitality Industry

David Hunter has been in the business for over 30 years, and with his vast amount of experience has become an expert in ensuring that businesses reach their full financial potential. For years he’s provided a bespoke Mentoring & Consultancy service to a select few, and he has always provided with that, free-of-charge weekly figures analysis and reporting … yes, weekly.

To find out more you can go to or email

Much like the mythological bird, Phoenix Specialist Risk Solutions was born from the ashes of an industry which has grown tired and disassociated from the people it is designed to protect. Phoenix is built to be different, our main focus is you. We have built our business with care at the core of everything we do. We strive to offer a quality person-

Valued as a customer or client


Tia’s story is just one of hundreds of examples of people who have found their calling in care over the last few months. Search our vacancies and find out more about Care UK at or email

to the wider market, and for a lower monthly fee. Instead of being charged for monthly consultancy, you can now access David’s knowledge and expertise via his already-established and very well-used weekly figures reporting system. He will send you weekly reports on how your business is doing and will throw in FOR NO EXTRA CHARGE AT ALL, four half-day on site Mentoring & Consultancy visits per year (or two full days, depending on location). He will also always be at the

Phoenix Specialist Risk Solutions

We have a specialist team covering all aspects of service from accounts and payroll to stocktaking and business plans. Our clients range from small catering operations, cafes, restaurants and pubs to hotel chains and pub companies. We offer transparent fees with an instant quote available through our website.

Working in care certainly has its challenges; we build strong bonds with our residents and relatives which revolve around trust and when they are no longer with us, it can often be a difficult time for us too. I feel well supported in my role and the whole home approach brings the team together during difficult times.

New Weekly Figures Analysis & Reporting Service

David has now come up with a way of making his amazing Mentoring & Consultancy service more accessible

Roslyns are the UK's leading provider of business services to the hospitality industry. Established in 1992, we have built a solid reputation on high levels of service and attention to detail.

The most enjoyable part of my role is adapting new person centred approaches to care, finding out what approach works best for individual residents allowing all residents to feel safe and comfortable within our home.

T. 01803 212021


We’re an independent family run practice of property agents and chartered surveyors.

alised service which is tailored to each individual’s needs — we listen to you, get to know you and aim to support you every step of the way. Your business is in most cases the biggest risk and the biggest asset you will ever have from the initial days of worrying about business levels and cash flow through to staff and HR issues and then back to business levels and cash flow, a revolving cycle. Within your business you will also have your trusted partners, your accountants and bankers, do you include your insurance broker? If not why not? Commercial insurance should not just be about the

end of a phone for you, or email, if you needed him, and he also has access to legal experts as well as a ‘’tried and trusted’’ Bowden Group Alliance colleague who can advise you … again FREE OF CHARGE … on how to save money on your utility bills. If you have a Pub, Restaurant or Hotel business which is facing financial or operational challenges … why not let David have a look, and help you maximise your full potential. There is no cost to David having a look at your figures, and letting you know what COULD be achieved. Call David Hunter confidentially on 07831 407984 or on 01628 487613. lowest possible price, it should be with someone you can work with and trust, someone flexible to the changes your business faces and someone who can advise you of which covers you may like to consider and not just the ones which you are legal required to have. Does your business description on your policy actually match your business, are your sums insured reviewed and adequate, do you have seasonal stock increases? Have you declared the accurate turnover and wageroll? We work with you to help you establish and maintain an insurance program which meets your needs and provides the best value for money. See the website on the back cover or visit

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