CLH Digital - Issue #36

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Issue 36


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Business Evictions Ban Extended Until March

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Business owners affected by the pandemic will be protected from eviction until the end of March 2021, Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick announced this week. The majority of commercial landlords have shown flexibility, understanding and commitment to protect businesses during an exceptionally challenging time. This final extension to protections from the threat of eviction will give landlords and tenants 3 months to come to an agreement on unpaid rent. The government is clear that where businesses can pay any or all of their rent, they should do so. Further guidance to support negotiations between landlords and tenants will also be published shortly.

bars and restaurants, helping them to rebuild over the winter period. This is in addition to putting in place one of the world’s most comprehensive economic responses to protect jobs, incomes, and business throughout and beyond this pandemic. Alongside this, Mr Jenrick has also announced a review of the outdated commercial landlord and tenant legislation, to address concerns that the current framework does not reflect the current economic conditions. This review will consider how to enable better collaboration between commercial landlords and tenants and also how to improve the leasing process to ensure our high streets and town centres thrive as we recover from the pandemic and beyond. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3...)

The move will also support businesses worst affected by the pandemic, such as



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CLH Digital

Issue 36

Editor's Viewpoint

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH DIGITAL “No Hard Evidence”! Those were the words from government advisor Patrick Valance when asked if there was any evidence that the 10pm curfew actually prevents the spread of the coronavirus. Added to that was a leaked document from the Netherlands, which states that closing bars and restaurants had “zero” effect on the spread of COVID-19.


Peter Adams

Even more alarming is the fact that the leaked report states that keeping people out of bars and restaurants moved the virus into domestic settings. “Imagine my shock!” There is much data from opposing specialists and observers stating just that - it has been out there for some time, but MSM has been reluctant to cover

it. We have always tried to maintain “impartiality”, difficult thought that has been. But we have made sure that BOTH sides of the debate are available to our readers, in print and online. The media and the masses of “online experts” have been out in force telling us that the “Swedish Policy” of herd immunity is not the success it was claimed to be. “Lockdown Looms for Sweden” one newspaper took delight is headlining. However Tim Martin has (once again) “drilled down” and examined this so called data, and it would appear that their approach is better than ours - not locking down is working better! Sweden’s death rate compared to the UK’s over a set recent period when “adjusting for population size” is less than half the UK’s. Winston Churchill once said “A lie is half way around the world before the truth has time to put on its trousers”. That is what we are seeing “misinformation”! There is masses of data to say that lockdown is not working, and also stating it is counterproductive, borne out in the leaked Netherlands report. Now Wales is set to implement a second firebreak lockdown. There appears to be no reference to opposing argument whatsoever. Even though our own government

advisor states there is no hard evidence, we still persist with a policy destroying the economy and destroying hospitality in particular. That information is out there available to see, epidemiologists, doctors, NHS staff, mental health experts, business leaders, and celebrities all part of a movement to “Return the UK to its Senses”. Lockdowns have not worked…here or anywhere else, and it really is time to bring this intolerable situation to a close. Once again I would urge the Chancellor to be bold. We need another post lockdown initiative to get people out and support the hospitality and on trade. Ignore the naysayers - by their own admission they do not have the evidence to back up their policies! Good news that the government has extended the rent moratoria. We did a little research on this, and it was an issue high on the agenda for struggling business owners. Some of the country’s leading pubco’s have been fantastic in support of their Tenants/Lessees. Unfortunately many businesses, particularly restaurants, are not able to call on such support. The announcement this week reveals that landlords have been accommodating, which is of course good news. Now is the time, I believe, to reexamine the whole issue of commercial rents! Anyone else like us stuck in a “upward only” lease?

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Deferrals are not the solution, that “kicks the can down the road”, and forcing long established companies to seek CVA’s to get out of leases and renegotiate reduced rents is an awful alternative.

Peter Adams

On a final note, here is hoping that the roll out of the vaccine will restore confidence and encourage the public to get out and back to normal.

David Bartlett Guy Stephenson

Outlets will of course have to do their bit to maintain that confidence, however that will not be an issue. The sector has risen magnificently to that challenge, pubs, bars and restaurants as we reported last week are among the SAFEST of environments! Please do follow is on Twitter!! We are trying to increase our following and the more the merrier! And, if you are a pub, bar or restaurant that would like to be added to receive a printed copy of CLH News we are free of charge to qualifying businesses, so no subscription fee! Just email us at And do share your news and views with us to, we are, we like to think “a voice of reason in a time of turmoil”!



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Business Evictions Ban Extended Until March Issue 36


The announcement builds on the extra government support for businesses, including targeted VAT cuts, extension of government-backed loan schemes, grants of up to £3,000 for premises that must close, and £1.1 billion for councils to enable them to support businesses in their area. Overall the government has committed a package of over £280 billion of support for businesses and employees this year and the Chancellor has confirmed an additional £55 billion for next year. Secretary of State for Housing Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP said: I am extending protections from the threat of eviction for businesses unable to pay their rent until March 2021, taking the length of these measures to one year. This will help them recover from the impact of the pandemic and plan for the future.

Business Secretary Alok Sharma said: We have stood by businesses across the country throughout this pandemic, and as we head into the New Year we will make sure they continue to have the support they need to keep their finances stable, protect jobs and build back better.

There is still some uncertainty ahead, but knowing that they won’t be evicted by their landlord will give thousands of business owners some breathing space and the additional confidence they need to plan for their futures. Further guidance to support tenants and landlords to continue to work together to agree rent payment options where businesses are struggling will be published shortly. Additional guidance published early next year will sit alongside the government’s Code of Practice, published in June, to encourage all parties to work together to protect viable businesses and ensure a swift economic recovery.

CLH Digital


Welcoming the news, UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “This is a very welcome respite and it will be crucial in ensuring that more businesses do not fall off an immediate cliff edge. Hospitality businesses that have been hammered all year long were staring down the barrel of mass failures and job losses without this.

“If it is to be the final extension to the moratoria, then it is absolutely crucial that it is followed swiftly by a cohesive and comprehensive package of recovery measures from the Government. The focus now needs to turn to helping businesses begin to get back towards full strength and trade their way out of danger. “An extension to the business rates holiday and VAT cut are a must, alongside loans to tenants where landlords have provided rent concessions.

This support is for the businesses struggling the most during the pandemic, such as those in hospitality – however, those that are able to pay their rent should do so.

The government will also extend insolvency measures on restricting statutory demands and winding up petitions until the end of March.

“The Government must facilitate a resolution to the problem of rent debt which has built up over a devastating year. The forthcoming enhancements to the Code of Practice must bring landlords to the table to find a solution. They cannot be allowed to simply wait until April in order to evict and wind-up businesses.

We are witnessing a profound adjustment in commercial property. It is critical that landlords and tenants across the country use the coming months to reach agreements on rent wherever possible and enable viable businesses to continue to operate.

The restriction on landlords using Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR) to recover unpaid rent will also automatically extend to the end of March, in line with the moratorium’s expiry date. This allows businesses sufficient breathing space to pay rent owed.

“The review of Commercial Property legislation, due to begin in the New Year, must also be delivered at pace. We have been calling for this for a long time and it needs to happen sooner rather than later if we hope to see more businesses benefit from it.”

Government Adviser Admits “There's No Hard Evidence on Curfew Times” There is "no hard evidence" that a 10pm curfew on pubs and restaurants actually stops the spread of coronavirus, Patrick Vallance admitted earlier this week. The Chief Scientific Adviser admitted that when people are in locations serving alcohol, the risk of spread did increase, but was unable to say that any particular time limits were helpful. Prime Minister Boris Johnson introduced the 10 PM curfew in September across England as part of national lockdown restrictions aimed at curtailing the second wave of the epidemic. However, the move was severely criticised by hospitality operators and industry observers s who said it was damaging the already cashstrapped sector that has been brought to its knees by social distancing

and lockdowns.

ther can anyone else around the world'.

While local leaders, including London Mayor Sadiq Khan, claimed it led to increased social mixing on the streets and on public transport after final orders.

He added: 'If you look at the data around hospitality what you have is a series of environmental factors.

Sir Patrick told the Commons Health and Science Committee: 'There's no real hard evidence on curfew times. 'What you can see across Europe and indeed in this country is that keeping people together longer in an indoor environment, where there's also alcohol, is likely to increase risk. And therefore, that was a policy decision around trying to reduce the potential of interactions. 'It's not something you can model with any degree of accuracy and say a particular time will give you a particular result.' Sir Patrick also admitted there was very little proof showing that targeting pubs, bars and restaurants with lockdown actually worked. He said there were strong indications that hospitality settings drive transmission, but admitted 'we cant give specific data on that and nei-


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'The fact people can't wear masks, you're meeting with lots of people who you wouldn't normally mix with, you're in an indoor environment, in some cases ventilation may not be adequate and so on. 'The second area is you look at case control studies and they're not very strong but they do suggest there is an increased risk in those settings, [and it's] much stronger when you look at occupational risk, you can clearly see there's a risk to those who work in hospitality, again suggesting there's a risk there in that particular sector. 'And then if you look at outbreak data from across the world and you see events from specific hospitality environments and you see super-spreading events. 'So there's a range of data but it's just not possible to model that with any degree of accuracy and say what differences [there are between hospitality and other sectors].'

Keeping The Lights On: The Challenges Faced By The Hospitality Sector 4

CLH Digital

Issue 36

In principle this all sounds relatively straightforward; however, the usability of the outdoor space and regulatory restrictions should be considered carefully to avoid complaints from neighbours and ensure compliance with legislation. Venues are likely to be subject to both planning and licensing conditions that may stipulate restrictions on the use of the premises. Adaptations must be carefully considered, as quick and sometimes simple changes to maximise space may inadvertently lead to complaints by neighbours and enforcement action by local authorities. However, despite the reluctance to incur additional expenditure, the greater risk is that pubs and other venues could face regulatory action that will further limit their operations. Careful planning could help businesses to avoid such stresses.

CONSIDERATIONS Claire Petricca-Riding, Head of Planning and Environmental Law at Irwin Mitchell, and Daniel Clare, Director of Acoustics at RSK, explore the issues facing the food and beverage sector in the coming months. There has never been a year quite like 2020, either in terms of businesses having to act swiftly to deal with a global health pandemic or the constantly evolving regulatory framework to which they must adhere. This ever-changing landscape has compelled food and beverage operators to quickly adapt not only their working practices, but also space utilisation. Claire and Daniel explore the issues that face the hospitality sector as it seeks to come to terms with a new normal for 2021.

OUTSIDE SPACE With a ban on households mixing indoors and social distancing rules set to continue into 2021, outside space is at a premium. Premises are creating or expanding beer gardens and bringing other outdoor spaces, such as streets and roads, into use. The aim of these adaptations is to safely return to positive trading as soon as possible.

When using outside spaces, venues should think about • opening up streets and roads to cafes, pubs and restaurants to provide the space required to operate under the current social distancing guidelines. This may require temporary traffic-regulation or stopping-up orders. • varying planning conditions, which may enable greater flexibility during these challenging times • considering the premises licence and planning permission; these may have different restrictions on hours and areas • applying for the variations needed if these hours are too restrictive, especially in summer when people may drink outside for longer • ensuring that outdoor bar areas are included in the red-line boundary of both the premises licence and the planning permission • making flexible changes of use that include different uses within a planning unit or a mixed-use scheme • ensuring that the premises are well-lit for the health and safety of guests • considering noise nuisance: could local residents be affected by noise from the increased use of the space?

NUISANCE Because of the attitude of council licensing, planning and environmental

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enforcement teams, and the increasing sensitivity of local residents after lower levels of noise during lockdown, many venues may face complaints. Issues could include delivery vehicles, antisocial behaviour, kitchen odours, poorly oriented security lights and even periods of low, background noise. The expectation is that such complaints will rise in 2021 owing to the increased use of outdoor space. Good relations and communication with local residents could help in reaching a mutually acceptable solution and avoiding potential conflict. If a solution cannot be agreed, the residents have a right of complaint to the local authority, which is obliged to investigate. If the officers conclude that a statutory nuisance exists, they will likely serve an abatement notice. This will require either stopping the activities that are causing the nuisance or finding more creative solutions to minimise the impact of the operation. These could include screening, acoustic barriers or simply limiting the number of people in a space. Earlier implementation of these measures could avoid unnecessary stress, time, money and negative relationships with residents.

NEXT STEPS Although the future may look bleak now, operators must look forward in order to keep their lights on through the coronavirus pandemic and beyond. Businesses that survive will be those that can light the way by forward planning and calculated adaptations, whether in reaction to COVID-19 or any future challenge faced by the hospitality industry.

Claire Petricca-Riding is the Head of Planning and Environmental Law at Irwin Mitchell Solicitors. She has considerable experience in all aspects of planning and environmental matters relating to a range of sectors. Daniel Clare is Director of Acoustics at leading integrated environmental, engineering and technical services provider, RSK. He is widely experienced in the field of environmental noise and vibration analysis and assessment, as well as architectural and building acoustics.

Welsh Pubs To Receive Four Times As Much Financial Support As Pubs In Scotland For Xmas Period The Scottish Beer & Pub Association (SBPA) has called on the Scottish Government to save thousands of pubs and other hospitality businesses by ‘at least’ matching the level of economic support the Welsh Government has committed to their pubs. Currently, the economic support afforded to the average Scottish pub stretches to just £2,700 for the six-week Christmas period, whilst the average pub in Wales will receive £11,300. Some pubs in Wales will be eligible for upwards of £17,000 in grant support, whilst Scottish pubs will struggle to survive this Christmas. It is also understood that there will be no cap on multiple operators in Wales, something which the Scottish Government has included on previous grants. This resulted in many SMEs in the hospitality sector receiving reduced levels of support, putting more jobs at risk. Commenting, CEO of the Scottish Beer & Pub Association, Emma McClarkin, said: “As a sector, hospitality businesses are on their knees and are desperately crying out for meaningful economic support. Whilst any grant is of course welcome, the current level of funding does not come close to covering fixed costs, even when closed. In order to support jobs, the Scottish Government needs to at least match the support offered to pub in Wales. “Every day that passes without further economic

support means that more pubs will stay closed for good and more jobs will be lost as a result. Pubs in Wales have been given a lifeline which we hope will now see most of their pubs reach the other side of the pandemic. Meanwhile, pubs in Scotland face devastation. “The Scottish Government cannot delay any further and must now announce more support for the hospitality sector, which provides over 100,000 jobs in Scotland. They must also support the jobs of those workers that are employed by multiple operators. The current restriction on grant support means that hundreds of jobs are being put at additional risk, for no reason. Some pubs, if owned by multiple operators will receive absolutely nothing. “If the Welsh Government can support hospitality jobs and businesses with this level of support, the Scottish Government must be able to provide at least equitable support. Without it, thousands of pubs likely stay closed for good.”

Brixton Pizzeria To Donate ANOTH E R Over 1,000 Pizzas To Key LOCKD O W N ! Workers This Christmas Issue 36

The Share A Slice founders, Raj and Sandeep, trav-

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elled to Naples to train under the watchful eye of Master Pizzaiolo, Enzo Coccia at Pizzeria La Notizia. Here they learned how to make high-quality, traditional, Neapolitan pizzas.

Consumer Spending Declined 1.9% In November As New Restrictions “Hamper Long-Suffering” Hospitality Sector However, social distancing restrictions have continued to hamper the long-suffering hospitality sector, with steeper year-on-year declines at restaurants (56.7 per cent) and pubs & bars (-56.3 per cent) than were seen in October (which recorded contractions of 32.7 per cent and 13.5 per cent respectively). Data from Barclaycard, which sees nearly half of the nation’s credit and debit card transactions, reveals that spending on essential items grew 4.9 per cent year-on-year, as ‘circuit breaker’ restrictions meant many Brits stayed at home and shifted their spending to essential stores and online. Supermarkets saw a 17.9 per cent year-on-year rise in expenditure, up from 13.9 per cent in October, helping to offset a 23.8 per cent decline in fuel. Online grocery shopping also saw a steep 97.4 per cent rise as Brits went online to start stocking up on Christmas supplies. Spending on non-essential items contracted 4.6 per cent, with department stores and clothing seeing declines of 18.0 per cent and 13.0 per cent respectively – the largest drops in both categories since June, when the first lockdown measures were still in place.

Food and drink specialist stores – which includes greengrocers, butchers and bakeries – grew 54.3 per cent, a 3.6 per cent improvement from last month, as shoppers continued to support local businesses. In fact, a third (32 per cent) say they will make an extra effort to support their community this festive season, with almost half (48 per cent) of those planning to buy Christmas gifts and food specifically from small and local shops. Looking ahead to 2021, a third of Brits (33 per cent) say they are feeling more upbeat about their finances and job security due to news about the Covid-19 vaccines. Confidence in household finances

For some, Christmas is an opportunity to raise spirits and spoil their nearest and dearest: one in four (26 per cent) admit to putting their Christmas tree up earlier than usual and a fifth (21 per cent) say they will spend more than normal on gifts for loved ones. However, not all consumers are feeling optimistic, with confidence in the UK economy remaining low at 23 per cent, versus the 31 per cent seen in November 2019.

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Raheel Ahmed, Head of Consumer Products, said: “Despite the restrictions in November, Brits are feeling more positive about their household finances as they start to prepare for the festive season. Christmas trees are going up just that bit earlier, and many are planning to spend more treating their loved ones after such a testing year. “Supermarkets, local shops, and online retailers have all performed strongly, while the longer evenings at home saw spend soar on digital subscriptions and electronics, helped by new consoles hitting the market. “Unfortunately, the hospitality and entertainment sectors have continued to suffer. The big question now is whether Brits will flock to the high street for Christmas shopping after the November lockdown, providing a much-needed boost in December.” • MICROWAVES • EXTRACTION CANOPIES •

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Longer evenings also saw people keep themselves entertained with digital subscriptions, which rose by 43.1 per cent, reflecting levels not seen since June (up 43.5 per cent), just before the first national lockdown measures gradually lifted. This comes as nearly three in 10 (28 per cent) consumers reveal they have been spending more on goods and services to entertain themselves indoors under the latest restrictions.

remained steady at 69 per cent, up slightly from last month (67 per cent), and one in five (20 per cent) plan to purchase big-ticket items in the near future, as they are optimistic that life will start returning to normal soon.


Despite another challenging month, there were some bright spots in November as consumers shopped online to make the most of seasonal sales, while Covid-19 vaccine news also contributed to Brits feeling more upbeat as the Countdown to Christmas began.



Philanthropic pizzeria, Share A Slice, are commencing their 12 Days of Christmas charity giveaway. Running from the 7th to 19th December 2020, pledging to give back to their local community by feeding front line staff and key workers at 12 different organisations, showing that Christmas truly is a time for giving.

The pizzeria is tackling the ever-growing problem of hunger and the lack of hot food available for those living on the streets in London, continuing the momentum of their charitable ethos and will be donating a total of over 1,000 pizzas to a roster of organisations-in-need. Organisations receiving the mouth-watering pizzas will include Guys & St Thomas’ Hospital, Brixton Soup Kitchen, King’s College Hospital, Brixton Station’s TFL Staff, Brixton’s supermarket workers and Windmill Care Home.

CLH Digital


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How Technology Is Transforming The Customer Service Model Through Covid 6

CLH Digital

Issue 36

By Scott Muncaster, Managing Director of Adactus, hospitality technology specialists ( uncertain Covid world, consumers are automatically assuming the worse – that the venue won’t be ready for them. Whether that’s meeting social distancing needs, restrictions on party size to concerns over wheelchair access - overall it can seem too much effort or risk to go out. This public fear and doubt means venues can’t afford to operate ‘in the moment’. They can’t for instance wait for a consumer to arrive only to see a socially distanced queue or struggle to get a pushchair into the venue. While such experiences aren’t ideal even pre-pandemic, they might have been tolerated but today in the chaos of Covid, customers are less tolerant.

2020 has been a tough year for hospitality for reasons that need no explanation. Many reports have appeared of how the industry has been ‘hung out to dry’ after spending thousands to be Covid safe only to face further curfews and lockdowns. Brands with investor backing may be able to ride out the storm but it’s much harder for smaller chains and independents. In the last nine months, the way independents have had to flex and change their business at pace, has been unprecedented. Consumer behaviours have shifted and Covid has killed spontaneous drinking and dining. A trip to the pub now requires organisation, and what was once taken for granted like queuing or a busy venue, is now a deciding factor on whether to frequent a place or not. As a result, venues have had to transform the way they ‘talk to’ customers which is being driven through technology. In a confused and

Operator’s now have to pre-empt and remove those barriers, and reassure individual customer concerns if they want to attract and retain a strong clientele. It’s for the operators to tell customers why they should come to their venue, reassuring them that all their specific needs are covered. And they can do this effectively by taking detailed customer data and analysis, captured through technology to deliver their customer service model through a position of information. Loyalty schemes, order-at-table apps, booking reservation systems, queuing apps that reserve a place in the queue, customer newsletters, and even on premise customer Wifi connections – these are all individually effective at capturing valuable data. But together and integrated they’re even more powerful at creating a well-honed customer journey that breaks down barriers, addresses doubt and persuades customers to return. For example, an operator could just offer an online reservation system to reserve a table for two, or they could integrate this with an ‘order-atthe-table’ system. Instantly the operator not only knows how many people are in the group but what those individuals like to eat and drink, if they have children, whether any have dietary requirements etc. Then wrap services around this reservation stage to help retain the

booking and build relationships. Asking questions during online bookings like does the customer need a parking space, wheelchair access, a highchair, have certain allergies etc? And underpin this by reassuring messages on Covid safety. Knowing, for example, that the customer is driving, the operator can advise on parking and be ready with its alcohol free menu – tailoring the occasion and removing the hassle factor. Meanwhile data is captured to continue the conversation with permission, after the event. The customer experience is more joined up than ever by technology and operators can use this advantageously as they move through and beyond the pandemic. As always, it’s still about the food, the service and the space but operators can enhance these dimensions with digital insight to inspire guests to visit – vital while Covid concerns remain. Captured correctly with the right systems, operators have rich data at their fingertips drilled down to even how long customers ate, how they paid and the food and drink they like. What was once stored in a manager’s head is now captured through technology and linked back to an individual. Operators instantly have much more relevant information than they did before, to engage the customer such as via a newsletter or eshot. Communication needs to be personalised and relevant; if we know a guest chooses gluten-free, ‘talk’ about the gluten-free Christmas menu. If they have children, describe the kids’ menu and activity pack. It’s an approach that will resonate better with customers, remove barriers, and enhance customer experience and retention. Restauranteurs are generally in the business because of a love for food and in providing great experiences – not because they love technology. But operators who embrace IT, just a little, will stand the best chance of understanding their guests’ needs in these strange times, giving them an edge to not only survive by thrive once more, post-pandemic.

Wetherspoon Says No-Lockdown Strategy in Sweden is Working Better Than the UK's Approach

Pub company Wetherspoon says that the results of Sweden’s COVID-19 policies have been widely misunderstood. Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin said: “Whatever way you look at the numbers, Sweden’s no-lockdown strategy is working better than the UK’s approach. “ According to the respected Worldometer website, Sweden had 1,330 Covid-19 fatalities from 1 November to 9 December, 2020. “The UK had 16,011 fatalities during the same period. Adjusting for population, the Swedish fatality rate is just over half that of the UK during this period (see appendix 1). “In the last week of the period, to 9 December, the average fatality rate per day was 19 for Sweden and 410 for the UK. Adjusting for population, the Swedish fatality rate was less than a third of the UK’s (appendix 1). “Although Sweden has had a better outcome, a Daily Mail headline (7 December) said that a “Lockdown finally looms for Sweden....”. The Swedish Prime Minister has specifically said that this is not true. “The Daily Mail article also said that “Sweden’s overall death rate is no worse than in other major countries of Western Europe, such as Britain and France.” “This is misleading, since the Swedish outcome is evidently far better than Britain’s. “Also, the news agency Reuters inaccurately reported (2 December) that “ Sweden registered 174

deaths” that day. “In contrast, Worldometer records only 33 deaths for that day. "The misleading Reuters' statistics were nonetheless reported as if they were true by both The Daily Telegraph and the Times, among other publications. "In fact, Sweden's annual all-cause mortality rate in 2020 is in line with the last five years, adjusted for population growth- although the 2019 mortality rate, as has been widely reported, was unusually low. "The Swedish outcome is not surprising, since medical studies have long established that lockdowns don't work. “As Dr David Nabarro, of the World Health Organisation, recently said, "We appeal to all world leaders to stop using lockdowns as your primary method of control" as they "have just one consequence that you must never belittle and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer." "The government and SAGE have tried to marginalise Sweden, because it makes their ruinously expensive lockdown policies look absurd. “Indeed, over 600,000 jobs have already been lost in the hospitality sector alone- with many more set to be lost in the coming months. “It is not clear is why so many media organisations appear to support the government, by misreporting Sweden's position.”

Stonegate Pub Company Provides Further Financial Support To Publicans fore remains our main priority which is demonstrated by the continuous financial support we have provided since the first lockdown in March.”

Stonegate Pub Company has announced continued business support within its leased and tenanted business, Ei Publican Partnerships, in response to the Government’s new restrictive COVID-19 tier system. The additional support, which will apply until further notice, includes credits of 90% for rent, tie release fees and fixtures and fittings rental charges for all tied publicans operating substantive agreements in England, in Tier 3. For pubs in Tier 2, the support will increase from the previously committed Tiered credit of 50% to 65% for rent, tie release fees and fixtures and fittings rental charges. For pubs in Tier 1, support will remain at the previously communicated Tiered credit of 20% for rent, tie release fees and fixtures and fittings rental charges. Nick Light, Managing Director of Ei Publican Partnerships, said: “Despite the growing concerns across hospitality that our sector continues to be subject to disproportionate Government restrictions, we

To date, Stonegate Pub Company has supported its publicans with rent reductions and trade credits since pubs were forced to close for the first time earlier this year.

remain immensely proud of our publicans’ efforts to quickly adapt their businesses in order to provide a safe and welcoming environment for their customers. “It also makes it all the more frustrating that so many of them remain unable to trade at the most important time of the year. “Standing by our publicans, securing and protecting their futures, there-

The company also suspended its annual price review last month meaning that publicans continue to operate on tied drinks prices that were last increased in April 2019. It has also continued to utilise its scale as a managed operator and only recently extended its special pricing promotion on wines, spirits and minerals until the end of December. Stonegate says it is continuing to lobby Government for further business support in its response to the pandemic and the retraction of the current business-stifling restrictions in place.

Issue 36

CLH Digital


BII Calls For The Nation’s Support For The Great British Pub The British Institute of innkeeping (BII) is calling on the nation to throw its support behind a great British pub

how fragile our pubs are right now. They support vital local jobs and can be at the heart of the economic recovery in 2021. The essential role that our pubs play in their local communities as safe places to come together providing the desperately needed human connection across our nation, must be safeguarded.

The Covid pandemic has devastated the hospitality and on trade and the BII say need our support now. They are small businesses providing safe, professionally run essential places connecting people at the heart of our communities and we are in real danger of losing them.

“Our pubs are part of our national heritage, they matter and they deserve our support.”

Whilst their trading continues to be restricted they need support in terms of grants and compensation for their critical December trading. Without this and the surety of a VAT reduction and business rates holiday throughout 2021 as they rebuild their businesses, they will simply fail.

Our video shows how much pubs have done during this pandemic to ensure they are THE safe spaces to come together. There is no evidence supporting the strangling restrictions being placed on our nation’s pubs and their closure will mean people gathering in unregulated, unsafe environments.

Steven Alton, CEO of the BII said:

View the video online at

“We are calling on Government to recognise the reality of

Pub Sales Down 84% On First Weekend Of Re-Opening, as New Tier Restrictions Knock the Stuffing Out of Christmas Trade BBPA survey suggests more than half of pub operators expect to close pubs that re-opened if trade doesn’t pick-up in coming weeks

placed on our pubs are killing them. This must change, or thousands of pubs simply won’t survive.

The British Beer & Pub Association, the leading trade association representing brewers and pubs, has today revealed that overall sales across all pubs in the UK this weekend were 84% lower than last year.

“How else can the Government expect our pubs to survive if they cannot open or operate properly? It is cruel and unfair on hardworking publicans up and down the country who have more than played their part in fighting the virus.

The trade association said the stark number showed how much of an impact the new, tighter tier restrictions are having on pubs’ ability to operate as viable businesses this Christmas.

“Christmas should be a time where we can enjoy one another’s company in the pub round a warm fire and with a fresh pint in hand. Christmas sadly just won’t be the same this year without our pubs being able to open properly. The new restrictions are knocking the stuffing out of our Christmas trade. It truly is madness when you consider cinemas, theatres and sports venues can still open and serve alcohol.

In the same survey of its members, the BBPA also found that just 4 in 10 pubs opened across the UK this weekend. And that due to the low levels of trade they experienced, just over half of pub operators (53%) already now expect to close more pubs in the coming weeks. The BBPA is now urging the Government to re-think its approach to the tier restrictions placed on pubs, or provide them with the financial support they need to ensure they survive the winter and return to trade as the economy opens up with the rollout of the vaccine in the coming months. It is also urging pub goers to still visit their local this Christmas, reas-

suring customers that pubs are safe to visit over the festive break. Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer & Pub Association, said: “These numbers illustrate the perilous situation our pubs find themselves in this Christmas. The tier restrictions that have been unfairly

“It’s simple. Either the Government reduces these extreme restrictions, so pubs have a fighting chance of survival, or they recognise the damage they are doing to our pubs and provide them with the proper level of grants they need. “Our pubs have invested over £500 million in becoming COVIDsecure and are safe. Pub goers visiting their local this Christmas are safe.”

Should the UK Government Reform the Alcohol Duty? 8

CLH Digital

Issue 36

By Kunal Sawhney, CEO of Kalkine ( The recent demand of two major trade bodies -- UKHospitality and the British Institute of Innkeeping -to simplify the alcohol duty system has again opened Pandora's box of complicated taxation rules in the country. It is needless to say that the current system of alcohol duties are complicated, economically complex and morally oppressive. Studies show that they fail to achieve their basic aim and have a serious negative impact on the lifestyles of the majority of drinkers. The alcohol duty’s revamp can create a fairer system for everyone and also improve the nation’s financial and social health. The tax receipts from alcohol duties amounted to almost £11.15 billion British pounds in 2019-20, down from £12.1 billion in 2018-19. Of this, wine duties are the highest, which is around £4.16 billion in 2019/20.

THE DUTY FRAMEWORK UK alcohol taxation dates back to 1643. The duty rates are adjusted annually by the Chancellor of the Exchequer as part of the Annual Budget and are based on the terms of the Provisional Collection of Taxes Act 1968. All alcohols have value-added taxes. At present, the system has four individual taxes: beer, cider and perry, spirits; and wine and made-wine. Spirits duty is the simplest and is charged at a single rate by litres of pure alcohol. Similarly, beer duty is levied, just like in spirits. On the same lines, cider duty is levied at four different rates depending on high or low strength and still or sparkling.

Current alcohol duty rates since 1 February 2019 Beer

Rate per hectolitre per cent of alcohol in the beer £19.08

Beer - General Beer Duty Beer - high strength: Exceeding 7.5% abv - in addition to the General Beer Duty Beer - lower strength: Exceeding 1.2% - not exceeding 2.8% abv

£5.69 £8.42

(Source: HM Revenue & Customs)

Cider and perry Rate per hectolitre of product Still cider and perry: £40.38 Exceeding 1.2% - less than 6.9% abv Still cider and perry: £50.71 At least 6.9% - not exceeding 7.5% abv Still cider and perry: £61.04 Exceeding 7.5% - less than 8.5% abv Sparkling cider and perry: £40.38 Exceeding 1.2% - not exceeding 5.5% abv Sparkling cider and perry: £288.10 Exceeding 5.5% - less than 8.5% abv (Source: HM Revenue & Customs)

THE MARKET Being one of the major economies in Europe, the UK’s alcoholic beverages segment is robust and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.1 per cent. Earlier in 2018, Britain’s alcoholic drinks market was estimated at $44.8 billion and is expected to reach $54.9 billion in 2025, according to a market research firm Research and Markets. Governments have taxed the consumption of alcohol for centuries, with different intentions at different times. Usually, governments were simply taking advantage of high demand to raise money from alcohol, and in the wake of high duties, smuggling has typically followed. In some parts of Britain, such as Cornwall, during the 18th and 19th centuries, smuggling of luxury goods (including drink) from Europe was more economically significant than the legitimate economy.

DUTY REVIEW Previously, UK duty regulations were aligned with the EU. Now, with the Brexit transition period coming to an end, the UK government is planning to shape the duty regime to suit the national priorities. It is noted here that the UK is already paying 11 times more alcohol duty in comparison with Germany or France. In the March budget session, the UK government had announced the alcohol duty review in order to assess the present system and note the inconsistencies. The government aimed to simplify the alcohol taxation system to make it more reasonable and economically viable. The government has already agreed that there are variations in the current alcohol duty system like fruit or Hopped ciders are scheduled to pay wine tax rather than cider tax. Also, the strong ciders, which have

alcohol levels above 7.5 per cent, pay less tax per unit than beer. The government has been considering applying the unified tax rate to all types of alcohols such as cider, wine, spirits and beer. Not only that, there are other aspects which the government has taken a note of. This also includes the taxes applied based on the places where it sold like in restaurants or supermarkets. Trade bodies UK Hospitality, and the BII have also supported reduced duty on draught products and rebates for bottles or cans sold through hospitality premises.

INDUSTRY VOICES Experts and critics have said that the UK's alcohol duties regime has given rise to the problem of the "white van man", who makes a fortune by bootlegging alcohol. Most experts have pressed for the UK tariffs to be at par with other countries in the continent. The inconsistencies in duty in the UK alcohol market has been a point of discussion for trade bodies within the country. For instance, the Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) has welcomed the government's duty review and called the current alcohol duty system an intricate and uneven playing field. Miles Beale, CEO of WSTA, said Britain’s wine and spirits segment creates almost £50 billion a year in economic activity, supporting about 360,000 jobs and contributing a whopping £17 billion to the exchequer. The current alcohol duty is unfair to businesses and the government. The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) has applauded the government's alcohol duty review and said this would help the alcohol industry in the UK to revamp its process so that businesses and taxpayers can have a uniform field in the market. Similarly, Campaign for Real Ale national chairman Nik Antona has praised the alcohol duty review and said this is a great move by the government to save the pubs and implement lower taxes on the selected alcoholic drinks.

CONCLUSION The alcohol review has come at a time when the UK is battling with the pandemic crisis, which has severely hit its economy. Though the alcohol duty review provides an opportunity for the government to address the inconsistencies in the segment, the whole situation is a bit puzzling for the government. If it increases the tariffs, it is expected to stimulate duty evasion and revenue loss. On the other hand, the reduction in duties will make the government open to criticism of social irresponsibility.

“Scores On The Doors” Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Is 10 Years Old The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS), is now 10 years old. The scheme was developed to empower the public to make informed choices about where to buy and eat food. In 2010, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) launched the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme to provide the public with information about food hygiene standards in businesses. It is a single national scheme which runs across England, Wales and Northern Ireland and replaced a wide variety of locally operated schemes, providing clarity for consumers and a level playing field for businesses. A decade on, the scheme has driven up standards in food businesses in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Local Authorities across the three countries operate the scheme and the ratings that they give allow people to easily choose to eat or buy food from those businesses that take food hygiene seriously. We know that 97% of businesses across England, Wales and Northern Ireland have a rating of 3 or above and we know outbreaks of foodborne illness are less likely to occur at these premises than those which have a lower rating. Speaking about the scheme, Heather Hancock, Chair of the Food Standards Agency Board said: “The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme has delivered lasting benefits to consumers and

to businesses, and is rightly celebrated as one of the country’s most significant public health achievements of the 21st century. “The striking black and green stickers on display at restaurants, cafes and supermarkets, and now online, give people the ‘at a glance’ reassurance they seek that businesses are taking food hygiene seriously. What’s more, we know that food businesses themselves benefit, because consumers vote with their feet and choose to buy food from higher-rated premises. “The FHRS scheme depends on colleagues in local authorities, who check on food hygiene in more than 500,000 food premises across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. We are deeply indebted to them for the success of the scheme, and even more so this year as they’ve contended with rapid changes in food businesses’ arrangements and intense pressure on their own staff because of COVID-19. We recognise the tremendous efforts that go into sustaining the FHRS and we are determined to sustain and enhance the effectiveness of the scheme in the future.” Businesses in Wales and Northern Ireland are now legally required to display their ratings in a prominent place, such as the front door, entrance or window of the premises. Display became mandatory in Wales in November 2013 and in Northern Ireland in October 2016. In England businesses are encouraged but not yet required by law to display their rating.

Barburrito Sold Out Of Administration But Three Sites Are To Close finance director. The deal protects 14 stores and over 270 jobs via a corporate restructure, which has been led by restructuring specialists RSM. Three stores are to close – Aberdeen Union Square, Edinburgh Lothian Road, Manchester Deansgate. The Edinburgh and Manchester teams have transferred to other stores in the same city.

The UK’s first burrito chain, Barburrito, has been sold out of administration, securing in excess of 270 jobs. The deal also protects 14 Barburrito sites via a corporate restructure, led by restructuring specialists RSM. Barburrito chairman Graham Turner leads a new investment in the business, alongside other private investors, backing the existing management team of Morgan Davies, Founder & CEO and Steve Herring,

Damian Webb, partner at RSM Restructuring Advisory, commented: ‘The coronavirus pandemic has presented a huge range of challenges for the casual dining sector. This transaction demonstrate that investors will back strong management teams with a sound underlying business model. Importantly this transaction is a positive outcome for the 270 employees, suppliers and landlords. Significantly in an unprecedented week for UK retail it keeps open a key asset for many high streets and retail centres.” Morgan Davies, CEO comments: ‘I am delighted that we have secured the future of Barburrito, just ahead of our 15th birthday. The last few

months have been extremely challenging for the whole sector. The high street is changing fast and my heart goes out to all those affected. Despite this, we have done really well in the stores that have remained open and, in particular, we have demonstrated the success of our delivery offering. In common with many in our sector, the closures and liabilities accrued during lockdown have resulted in us having to restructure the business. However, with the new investment, support of our landlords and the hard work of our fantastic teams, Barburrito is now well positioned to succeed in this new landscape.’ Graham Turner, chairman and now investor stated: ‘Morgan and the team have developed a great business which was poised for fast growth just before the pandemic hit. They have navigated through the lockdowns and re-openings and have seen good traction with the delivery offering of the business, which has grown significantly. This transaction has enabled the business to secure the vast majority of jobs and restructure its balance sheet so that it can take advantage of future opportunities both in terms of new sites and delivery offerings.’

Issue 36

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China’s Recovery Shows The ‘New Normal’ In Hospitality New CGA research in China provides crucial insights into a market that is ahead of the UK on its recovery curve—and shows there is light at the end of the tunnel of COVID-19 for hospitality businesses. The China On-Premise User research shows nine in ten consumers have now returned to bars, restaurants and KTVs (karaoke bars)—a steady rise from the half (48%) who went back in the weeks after lockdown ended in May. While the pandemic has reduced disposable income for half (50%) of consumers in China, on-premise users have been drinking out as frequently as they did before COVID-19, though the frequency of eating-out visits has fallen. Two in five (42%) consumers plan to visit more often in 2021 than they did in 2019. Although safety concerns remain, consumers have settled into a ‘new normal’ behaviour with a renewed appreciation of the value of bars and restaurants and fresh attitudes towards issues like health and alcohol consumption. The changes highlight the need for operators and suppliers to deepen their understanding of consumers’ needs as countries emerge from lockdown. The research has a host more insights about the evolved habits of consumers in China that can help businesses refine their strategies, including:

• Polarisation. Many returning consumers are making up for lost visits by trading up and increasing spend, but others are keeping a close eye on spending. With similar numbers saying they will spend more (41%) and spend less (33%), the market has polarised and brought challenges for brands playing in the middle ground. • Increased expectations. After months when safety was the primary concern, guests now expect more from their experiences, while nearly three quarters (72%) say their drinks choice is influenced by the desire to impress others. This makes it crucial to optimise drinks ranges. • Focus on health. COVID-19 may have made consumers more health conscious than ever before. Three in five (59%) say healthy drinks choices are more important to them than pre-COVID—and that opens up a big market for low-calorie, low-sugar and nutritional drinks. • Delivery here to stay. As in other countries, delivery and takeaway markets boomed during China’s lockdown—and those habits are here to stay. That challenges operators and suppliers to pivot brands for the in-home as well as eat-out market. • Late-night recovery. While concern about crowded venues lingers, confidence about visiting big venues and events has grown. Two thirds (64%) of consumers are now confident enough to visit large-capacity venues, and nearly half (47%) have visited KTVs—a positive sign for the UK’s own late-night sector.

Master Innholders Extends Industry Support To Every UK Hotelier Following one of the most challenging years the industry has come across, the Master Innholders is reinforcing its existing industry support to provide every hotel professional working in the UK valuable opportunities to network, learn and develop.

Through The Revival webinar series, which was viewed and utilised by over 3,000 hospitality professionals. Through spearheading and delivering a host of additional development events to the industry throughout 2021, we will offer accessible, support to educate and inspire the hospitality professionals leading our wonderful industry. “This has been a catastrophic year for hospitality and every hospitality business and professional has been battered by the challenges, however, I firmly believe that by working together and supporting each other, we will not be beaten. We will come back stronger and more resilient, paving the way to a truly bright and prosperous future for hospitality.”

In addition to the existing education and training opportunities Master Innholders provides through the Innholder Scholarships, Aspiring Leaders Diploma and Leading Through The Revival webinar series, the organisation will be hosting a year-long programme of free events, titled ‘Hoteliers – Battered But Not Beaten’, to support hoteliers from all corners of the sector.

A champion of education, high management standards and giving back to the industry, the Master Innholders recognises the needs and importance of supporting every hotelier and their teams through this crucial time. To provide a wider breath of education opportunities and to encourage hoteliers to take part in a year-long programme, the acclaimed Hotel Leadership Conference will not take place in 2021 but instead will return in January 2022 for an inspirational two-day event in London.

Open to all hotel professionals, regardless of location, role, experience or property size, the full programme of activity will be launched during an exciting week of thought-provoking sessions between 22 and 26 March, one year on from the first Government enforced lockdown. Inspiring speakers and industry-leading specialists will host forward-thinking sessions covering topics such as finance, sales & marketing, people, leadership and more. Following the launch, free monthly online events will take place to continue the learning, networking and development.

As part of the Master Innholders’ Leading Through The Revival webinar series, Kate Nicholls, chief executive of UKHospitality, will be joining the organisation’s upcoming webinar to advise the industry on the latest government announcements and tier restrictions, share UKHospitality’s approach and answer the industry’s burning questions.

David Morgan-Hewitt, chairman of the Master Innholders and managing director of The Goring, said: “The ‘Hoteliers – Battered But Not Beaten’ initiative is a new programme to follow on from our existing Leading

Upcoming event: UKHospitality Update with Kate Nicholls – 16 December, 10am

To register for this free webinar, please visit For more information about the Master Innholders, visit


CLH Digital

Issue 36

An Emergency Guide To Keeping Cashflow Under Control which are fixed, and those over which you have some control over.

tanced ‘rent a desk’ offer with a food and beverage add on.

For any product or service you use, make sure that you’re getting the best deal: that might mean switching plans with your current supplier, shopping around for another supplier, changing the way you buy or pay, or even considering alternative products or services that achieve the same result in a more cost-effective way. Review your menu and the ingredients required without compromising on quality and even consider if you need to give your guests such a vast array of menu choices in the first place.

The run-up to Christmas is also the ideal time to launch a gift voucher programme, for example. Sure, recipients won’t be able to cash in right away, but most people don’t mind considering the circumstances. Most of us are looking forward to life returning to normal and a gift voucher takes the idea one step closer to reality. Talk up your heritage, too. Supporting local businesses is a big theme this year.

And it is also worth doing your research into what you consider to be fixed costs. It can be useful to ask for quotes for the future. Finding a lower price you can tap into further down the road might ease the pressure a little and help with your future cashflow projections.

Businesses in the leisure, tourism and hospitality industries have been among the hardest hit during the Covid-19 pandemic, social distancing measures and enforced lockdowns.

Turn your focus on your own business, too, and examine if there are ways that resources can be bought or used more efficiently. Even if you can’t reduce the unit price, you may be able to save money by reducing consumption.


Some establishments have seen visitor numbers tumble while others have been forced to close altogether. All the while, the bills mount up but still need to be settled.

Increasing income may be your toughest hurdle right now as demand is low and access to your audience is restricted. But with a little creative thinking, there may be ways to subsidise lost income.

In this article, Alison Magee-Barker of AJ Lakes Consultancy draws on more than 30 years of experience helping businesses perform at their best to explore ways in which you can keep your cashflow under control.

The process begins with imagining your ideal customer and assessing what their needs are in this moment. Then find ways in which you can fulfil those needs. Obviously what this means for your own business will be unique to you, based on a large number of factors, not least what type of products and services you are already known for. But the key is to become a business that can make happy, enjoyable experiences happen for people. Attach your brand as best you can to the idea that you’re available to make lasting memories. Consider delivering lunches to those businesses still open and when we can, consider a socially dis-

REDUCING COSTS One of the most basic rules of business is that the lower your costs, the less income you need to generate to cover them. Your first step right now should be to divide your outgoings into two categories: those

There may be ways to diversify your service: if you’re a food and beverage venue, you could launch takeaway or delivery options. People are as eager for great, convenient food as ever, so think about ways that you remove the obstacle between your customer and your kitchen. Some of your products might also work as gift hampers, another timely idea as the gift-giving season reaches full swing. Consider adding a little extra sparkle to items that you’re particularly well-known and marketing them as present ideas.

ASK FOR HELP There’s no shame in asking for help during the worst public health crisis - and economic conditions - of recent memory, and absolutely no sense in going out of business because you were too proud to reach out for widely available support. Talk to your local council or chamber of commerce about grants and other financial aid. But do be careful about accessing loans, because even the interest-free, easy-access deals must be repaid at some point and you’ll need to pay close attention to the repayment terms. Draw up a cashflow forecast, then update it when you are able to reduce your costs and find new ways to generate income. Not only will this help you define your goals, but it will remove the stress of the ‘unknown’ and it will also be a useful tool should you need to ask for financial support from a third party.

£114m Lost In Wages For Greater Manchester’s Hospitality Sector Until Tier Review The sector accounts for 33% of all employment in Greater Manchester, with circa 414,000 people in the region working in jobs or businesses which are active at night.

A spokesperson for UnitedCity said: “The £114m figure is actually a conservative figure, as it doesn’t capture the wider implications for other sectors affiliated with hospitality, such as taxis and catering suppliers. It also doesn’t consider the additional jobs we all know are created in the run-up to Christmas.

The research and campaigning group, which erected billboards around the city declaring that ‘All Mancs want for Christmas is (Tier) 2’, called the tiering system ‘wholly inconsistent’ and pushed for the Government to review Tiers in advance of 16 December – which had been rumoured to be a prospective reopening date.

“We have estimated that this can be an additional 50% more staff and existing staff working 25% more hours.

“As Christmas approaches, every day counts. This is normally the busiest trading period of the year for businesses within this industry.

The current Tier 3 allocation the region has been placed within has seen a near-complete shutdown of its hospitality and leisure industry, save for some restaurants, bars and coffee shops pivoting to a takeaway offering.

What is important to also highlight is that aside from the staggering value of wages lost, these businesses add so much to our region: venues like HOME, which is a member of UnitedCity, are absolutely vital to our local ecosystem.

Metro Dynamics, which carried out the research on behalf of UnitedCity, has made its calculations based on the window of time since the latest tier came into effect on 2 December, up until the tiering allocation is reviewed on 16 December.

“Since March, Greater Manchester has only been in restrictions equivalent to Tier 1 for a total of three weeks. This means that in 2020, leisure businesses in Greater Manchester have not only missed out on Christmas trade, but also on Bank Holidays, Pride celebrations, Halloween, and more.

“Last year alone, the cultural institution brought £26m into Manchester’s economy. The longer that our businesses are unfairly placed under the stranglehold of Tier 3 and tight lockdowns, the more precarious our economic position becomes. Perhaps even more importantly, we stand the risk of losing the vibrancy that makes our city region so special.”

“There is now an opportunity for these operators to reunite their teams and reopen, but only if the Government approaches the tier reviews sensibly and in good time. Manchester needs to get to Tier 2 as early as possible, and certainly well in advance of 16 December, so that businesses have a chance to adequately restock, prepare, and can open with confidence.

Campaigning group UnitedCity has revealed the results of its first piece of research, estimating that in the run-up to Christmas, Manchester’s night-time economy workforce could be missing out on £8.1m per day in wages.

Its findings are based on a select portion of Manchester’s leisure and night-time economy. In total, UnitedCity has found that £114m of wages will be lost during this time period, segmented as follows: £3m per day from artistic and cultural sectors £1.9m per day from bar staff, waiters, and chefs £2m per day from hotel, pub, and restaurant managers £1.3m per day from security guards

Restrictions to hospitality within Manchester have had an outsized effect on its economy, due to the size of the night-time sector within the region. UnitedCity has called on the Government to urgently review Manchester’s Tier 3 status, after data from the same piece of research demonstrated that the region’s R rate had been falling since before the national lockdown in November.

“We must also consider urgently the mental health of those employed by the night-time economy. Some of the figure we have calculated will be paid in furlough, but there are still significant costs and potentially permanent damage to the businesses and workers affected. “Experiencing financial worries and concerns related to job security around Christmas will be tough for the leisure sector’s workforce, and we must ensure they are adequately supported.”

Concerns Raised Over Airbnb Consumer Protection

Ahead of a proposed share listing by global accommodation business Airbnb concerns have been raised regarding consumer protections.

William Audland QC of 12 King’s Bench Walk Chambers said that Airbnb’s small print avoids any responsibility for the safety, as well as the legal compliance of the accommodation it offers. Its terms and conditions claim that the global accommodation business is a “platform”, taking no responsibility in law for the accommodation that “hosts” advertise and sell through its website and app.”. William Audland QC was asked by a group of trade bodies representing more than 200,000 mainly small and medium sized hospitality businesses across the UK to examine the terms and conditions (T&Cs) of Airbnb and found that: “Airbnb’s position starkly contrasts with more traditional holiday letting businesses which must comply with coronavirus regulations as well as other more general health and safety regulations.” “Airbnb… circumvents this by virtue of its stated position as a ‘platform’ offering short term lets, disavowing itself of any responsibility for the listings.” “A consumer who suffers personal injury as a result of accommodation provided through Airbnb has no apparent recourse against Airbnb. Any civil claim against the host is fraught with difficulty, particularly if the host is domiciled abroad.”

The bodies, including UKHospitality, the Bed & Breakfast Association Tourism Alliance and Professional Association of Self-Caterers, wanted to discover the level of protection offered to consumers and how this compares with that offered by traditional businesses such as hotels and B&Bs, and traditional intermediaries such as tour operators and letting agencies.

The QC believes that “This state of affairs needs to be remedied”, and makes three key “suggestions for reform”: • Mandatory registration of all short term lets with local councils. The registration process should include a verification of the identity and property rights of the Host of the accommodation in question and a mandatory safety inspection either by the council themselves or by a third party at the Host’s (or Airbnb’s) cost. Mandatory registration is already a requirement in many cities in Europe. • Mandatory third-party insurance for short term lets of a sum sufficient to cover multiple catastrophic injuries and/or fatalities. Airbnb should be required to make this an express condition for listing properties on their website. • Primary legislation that renders Airbnb liable for the acts and omissions of their hosts. This would be akin to the liability regime in the Package Travel Regulations 2018, imposing liability on platform owners for the acts and omissions of the hosts who advertise on the platform [just as, since 1992, tour operators have had 100% liability for the safety of accommodation they do not own but offer for sale on behalf of owners], and could be coupled with a mandatory requirement that Airbnb itself holds sufficient insurance cover as

set out above. UKHospitality chief executive Kate Nicholls said: “The hospitality industry has always put guests first, so taking responsibility for their safety is at the very heart of what we do. “At a time when thousands of small businesses are struggling to survive and have made huge investments in extending their guests’ safety to include Covid-19 secure operating, it is wrong that giant platforms have so far been allowed to avoid all responsibility. “They are putting their guests at risk. We call on the government to take note of this leading QC’s expert warning, and to sit down with the whole industry as soon as possible, to implement his ‘suggestions for reform’ and give all consumers the protections currently enjoyed by those of hotels, B&Bs, lettings agencies and tour operators.” David Weston, chairman of the B&B Association, said: “No commercial business should be allowed to “opt out” of responsibility for customer safety in the way that Airbnb and similar “platforms” have been able to so far. All our guests deserve equal protection – and the UK’s tourism reputation is in danger as long as such huge “black holes” in safety are allowed. We welcome William Audland QC’s game-changing legal findings and his recommendations for reform, and look forward to playing a constructive role with Government and other industry bodies in implementing them and protecting consumers, whichever kind of business they choose to book with. It is only right to be fair to guests and to level the playing-field for businesses.”

Dutch Closure of Hospitality Has “Zero Effect” on Covid Spread CLOSING pubs and restaurants has had virtually zero effect on the spread of Covid, according to a leaked Dutch study by the country’s Ministry of Economic affairs. The study showed when the Netherlands shut its bars and restaurants on 14 October, the R-rate was measured at 1.08, according to the paper leaked to De Standaard. At first, the rate fell to 0.82 but by 13 November, with all hospitality still shut, it was back up at 1.04. The scientists concluded: “This suggests the influence of the catering industry on the R-value is very small, and the decrease and increase since 14 October must be explained differently.” Instead scientists concluded keeping people out of bars and restaurants has just moved the transmission of the virus into domestic settings. They warned that may even be making the situation worse because people aren't subject to strict social distancing measures at home. According to reports in Holland, it also said “because the restaurants have to adhere to strict coronavirus protocols, it would be ‘conceivable’ the

R-value will fall”. However, on Tuesday (8 December), Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte said he was unable to announce any further relaxations of the country’s current covid-19 measures. Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte said that despite the revelations he will not reopen bars and restaurants next week as hoped as "things are really not going well".

Foxhills and its Members Share Christmas Spirit By Donating Over £30k To Local Charities recent child food poverty drive and a year of mass unemployment. Marc Hayton, Foxhills owner and managing director, said: “An existing issue of people not being able to afford food has become worse and a number of our members are in the fortunate position of being able to take some of the stress away from these people at a time where everyone deserves a decent meal and celebration – never more so than this year. More than 220 Foxhills members have chosen to donate their November membership subscriptions to local food banks as part of an initiative to ensure fewer people go hungry during the festive period.

“It’s been a challenging year for Foxhills, with two forced closures, but we are confident that we will come out the other side stronger and better than ever and want to do all we can to make sure local residents do too.”

This equates to a £25k donation to food banks in Runnymede and Weybridge which will go towards 300 food hampers for families – including a supermarket gift voucher to buy fresh food, 400 ‘food for lunch’ bags for school children, as well as emergency food for families in need.

Angela Miller from Runnymede Foodbank said: “We truly can’t thank Foxhills and its members enough for everything they have done to support us. Their kindness and generosity is completely overwhelming.

In addition, the club is donating £5k to provide Christmas hampers to the Children with Special Needs charity in Cobham – and these are just two of four ways the club is helping others over the festive season.

“I had to call Marc back to make sure I heard him correctly when he told us the amount – it’s such a huge donation for us and will make a real difference to the lives of so many families – putting food on their tables and spreading some well-needed Christmas cheer.”

Foxhills, like many businesses, was forced to close on Wednesday, November 4, due to the government’s national lockdown restrictions, meaning members were unable to use the club’s extensive leisure facilities for a month. As an option for recompense, members were invited to donate their missed month’s membership subscription to local food banks in time for Christmas. And the response was overwhelming, with many members instantly signing up and praising the club for introducing this initiative at such a fitting time following professional footballer Marcus Rashford’s

The third gesture by the club is offering a 20% discount on festive lunches and festive afternoon tea to the country’s selfless key workers who have worked tirelessly on the front line over the past few months. Not only that, but Foxhills welcomed nominations from its members for their ‘unsung heroes’. A panel of staff members will pick six of the most inspiring stories and reward them with one of the following gifts; afternoon tea for two, Sunday night bed and breakfast, dinner in The Fox dining rooms for two, couples’ golf lesson, a spa guest pass for two and a fourball on one of Foxhills’ Championship courses.

Issue 36

CLH Digital


What’s the Best Way to ‘Re-Onboard’ Furloughed Staff? 12

CLH Digital

Issue 36

By Paul Sleath, CEO at PEO Worldwide ( Since lockdown was announced in March and the pandemic began to cripple the global economy, UK businesses across many different industries have taken advantage of the Government’s furlough scheme to drastically cut costs and prevent making mass redundancies.

DECIDE WHO TO BRING BACK There’s no prescribed way to bring employees back to work, but it’s advisable to give reasonable written notice of at least 48 hours. Remember, some staff members may not be able to use their usual childcare solutions so will have to arrange this. Realistically, many companies who shut down entirely also won’t be at full operations as soon as they reopen. In these circumstances, you’ll have some difficult decisions to make about who to bring back first. During this process, you should set out clear criteria for recalling staff. Will the decision be based merely on business need, or will you consider individual circumstances? It’s important to be fair and inclusive when making your decision and to document your reasons (such as seniority or operational needs) to mitigate the risk of potential discrimination claims. Bringing some staff back to work part-time may also be a more suitable option for your business and workers — especially if employees are struggling to arrange childcare. As of July, part-time work was allowed as part of the furlough scheme, meaning workers will receive their usual salary on the days they do work and 80% of this amount on non-working days. So, once you’ve decided who to bring back, what’s the best approach to handling the re-onboarding process?

MAKE THEM FEEL WELCOME Start with an offer letter which states all the information they need to know. The employee needs to know what’s changed (if anything) when it comes to their position, salary and benefits. For example, have wages been reduced across the board? How does being on furlough affect their sick leave or annual holiday entitlement? You should also provide details about how you will be ensuring workplace safety and staff wellbeing.

As an employer, you also need to understand that transitioning back to work after an extended period can come as a shock (particularly under these circumstances), so it’s essential to allow a degree of flexibility.

CREATE A SUPPORTIVE AND CARING ENVIRONMENT Employees should feel they are returning to a supportive and caring environment. However, it’s also vital to recognise that the pandemic may have had an unequal impact on your workforce. Some people will have been furloughed (potentially with full pay) while others might have had increased workloads to make up for staff shortages. These discrepancies could result in some negative feelings creeping into employee relations, so it’s important to nip any potential conflict in the bud. As an employer, you should look for opportunities to reintegrate employees into the team. For example, you could organise weekly informal team catchups, team-building exercises over a video call or virtual quiz nights. You should also encourage all managers to have one-to-one meetings with every employee upon their return (even if it’s done digitally).

GET THEM BACK UP TO SPEED While on furlough, employees may have missed out on crucial training, so it’s important to get them back up to speed. Make sure you provide them with the tools and time they need to complete their training (this may have to be done online if they’re still working from home). If remote working isn’t possible in your industry, it’s your responsibility as the employer to create a safe work environment and promote social distancing. Re-onboarding should also include efforts to educate staff in the various guidelines available.

PROVIDE SUPPORT AND REASSURANCE This is a time of high anxiety, which has been hard on everyone’s mental wellbeing. Add to that the stress and uncertainty of being placed on furlough, and there’s a chance your returning workers will have some extremely complicated feelings. So, it’s essential to be aware of this and do what you can to reassure and support them. You should offer frequent and transparent communication about the state of the business and recovery plans, as well as an open-door policy so that employees can reach out privately with any questions or concerns. Knowing they are valued and supported by you will be pivotal to their wellbeing.

Wetherspoon’s “Cleans Up” In The Loo Of The Year Awards Wetherspoon reigned supreme, once again, in the Loo of the Year awards.

ed to those entrants with eight or more entries, with five or more diamond or platinum awards (Wetherspoon achieved 10 diamond awards; of the remainder of its entries, 92.8 per cent achieved a platinum award).

The awards are aimed at encouraging the highest-possible standards in ‘away-from-home washrooms’ across the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

For the third year running, Wetherspoon also won the 2020 corporate provider trophy.

Independent inspectors visit thousands of toilets anonymously, including those in the hospitality sector.

This is a UK-only award, presented to the corporate organisation or authority with 10 or more entries which, in the judges’ opinion, maintains a consistently high standard of away-from-home toilets.

The inspectors judge the toilets on a wide range of criteria, including décor, maintenance, cleanliness, accessibility, hand-washing and -drying equipment and overall management.

Loo of the Year Awards’ managing director, Mike Bone, said: “Wetherspoon entered pubs and hotels across the UK and Ireland. These were inspected, during August and September, during unannounced visits by Loo of the Year inspectors.

Toilets are rated bronze, silver, gold, platinum and diamond, with diamond being the highest and most prestigious award available. It focuses on the highest standards of cleaning and the provision of clean and well-maintained facilities to meet all users’ needs. Wetherspoon achieved record levels of platinum and diamond awards – a total of 775. The diamond winners were The Thomas Ingoldsby (Canterbury), The Troll Cart (Great Yarmouth), Harpsfield Hall (Hatfield), The Hengler’s Circus (Glasgow), The Henry Bell (Helensburgh), The Kirky Puffer (Kirkintilloch), The Sir Norman Wisdom (Deal), The Society Room (Glasgow), The Tullow Gate (Carlow) and The Thomas Waghorn (Chatham). In addition, Wetherspoon’s pubs won a host of national category awards – for what the judges consider to be the best entry in each of the 61 categories throughout the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Four Wetherspoon pubs were named as an award-winner in the pubs & wine bar category: The Swan & Angel (St Ives, Cambridgeshire), The Henry Bell (Helensburgh), The Red Lion Inn (Morriston, Swansea) and The Tullow Gate (Carlow). A further four of the company’s pubs were also named as a winner in the hotels category:

The Bottle Kiln (Harwich), The Cross Keys (Peebles), The Castle Hotel (Ruthin) and The Old Borough (Swords). Wetherspoon pubs were also victorious in further categories. Opera House (Tunbridge Wells), The Picture House (Ebbw Vale) and The Silver Penny (Dublin) were each named as a winner in the historic buildings category (what the judges consider the best historic building with at least platinum-award loos). Two of the company’s pubs, The Sawyer’s Arms (Maesteg) and The Forty Foot (Dún Laoghaire), were named as a winner, in their respective country, of the accessible toilet awards. The other awards, won by Wetherspoon staff, were washroom cleaner of the year awards – awarded to cleaning staff who look after Wetherspoon’s loos, judges commenting that this was particularly important during the COVID-19 pandemic. The company also won the overall UK/Ireland in-house cleaning team trophy. Judges placed Wetherspoon in the 2020 UK champions’ league, award-

“All of the inspectors were impressed by the high levels of provision and cleanliness – and Wetherspoon should also be complimented on its COVID-19 measures to prevent infection, including rigid enforcement of track-and-trace procedures, hand-sanitising, separation of tables and isolation of facilities in washrooms to assist with social distancing. “The reward for its achievements – record levels of prestigious diamond and platinum awards, national and UK/Ireland awards. “The market-leading pub provider not only offers exceptionally welldesigned and unique pubs, but also has award-winning toilets which meet a basic human need of its customers, in spacious and attractive surroundings.” Wetherspoon’s chief executive, John Hutson, added: “We are proud that our pubs have been recognised for the quality and cleanliness of their loos. “Our staff work hard to maintain the cleanliness of our pubs’ toilets for their customers. “We will continue to invest heavily, in terms of design and money, to ensure that all Wetherspoon pubs offer first-class toilets.”

Michel Roux Jr’s Westminster Restaurant To Close Permanently Roux at Parliament Square restaurant in London’s Westminster has announced its permanent closure. A post on the restaurant’s website said: “Our restaurant has regrettably suffered during this incredibly difficult year. That, combined with the ongoing uncertainty ahead, has resulted in the permanent closure of Roux at Parliament Square. “We thank our guests for their patronage and support and extend a special thank you to Michel Roux Jr., Head Chef Steve Groves and every single member of the team for their endless dedication over the past decade.”

The central London restaurant was overseen by head chef, former Masterchef Professionals 2009 winner and 2019 National Chef of the Year Steve Groves for the pastseven years. Roux at Parliament Square, run in partnership with the Roux family, forms part of RA Group’s fine dining and public restaurants arm. RA also runs the catering operation for the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, which owns the building in which Roux at Parliament Square sits. The restaurant enjoyed critical acclaim and was ranked 45 in the Estrella Damm national restaurant awards list of the U.K.’s top restaurants.

Make Hospitality A Beacon Of Light For The New Post COVID Economy In Wales Says UKHCymru Issue 36

Hospitality can lead the way in the economic reconstruction and recovery mission planned by Welsh Government in 2021- and must be made one of the five centre point “beacons” of the new strategy once details emerge. That’s the message from UKHospitality Cymru to Welsh Government Economy Minister Ken Skates after he told Wales’ Senedd Members of initial plans for a “Five Beacon” recovery strategy during Wednesday’s Senedd Plenary session.

UKHospitality Cymru Executive Director David Chapman said: “The Welsh Government has made it very clear to us in its weekly Ministerial discussions that, following the impacts of the last nine months, it now recognises just how vital hospitality is to the Welsh economy, it’s communities and its culture. “Hospitality can be the Phoenix-like provider of a resilient resurgence if backed strongly by Government across Wales. We are battered but not broken and can bounce back from the seismic shocks and commercial

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catastrophes of 2020 to be the solid and reliable cornerstone of the new Welsh economy. “So, let’s build on our indigenous excellence and together make Hospitality the lynchpin of the economy of the new Wales. We can weave sense of place, local food and drink suppliers, local employment and the international visitor economy into the heart of the tapestry of a new, vibrant foundational economy.”

Drink-Led Pub and Bars Suffer 90% Sales Drop Across November severe limits on trading in the other half in Tier 2, it is hard to see the sector finding much to celebrate in the run up to Christmas, always the market’s most important sales period,” added Chessell.

Britain’s managed pub and restaurant groups saw sales wiped out in November as lockdown hit in England and tough trading restrictions continued in Scotland and Wales, latest data from the Coffer Peach Business Tracker show.

At the end of November, underlying annual like-for-like sales for the whole market were down 43.7% on the previous 12 months.

Drink-led managed pubs were badly affected with total sales for the month 88.8% down on November last year, with bar operators down 90.2%. Group-owned restaurants faired marginally better, as some were able to rely on delivery business, but still saw total sales tumble 65.9% against the same month in 2019. Total sales in food-led pubs were down 85.0%. Across the market as a whole total sales were 79.0% below November 2019.

Trevor Watson, Executive Director, Valuations, Davis Coffer Lyons, said “November was another complete write-off for most operators. Sadly, with effectively the whole country in tier 2 or 3 for the first half of December at least, prospects for a reasonable bounce-back in the most important month of the year are very weak indeed. The prospects for any loosening of trading restrictions in key markets such as London and other major cities look poor.

Lockdown in England came into force on November 5, closing all licensed premises, and carried on throughout the month. With only limited opening permitted in Scotland and Wales, by the last week of the November just 6% of Britain’s managed pubs and restaurants were trading, with weekly sales down 88% across the market and trading in drink-led sites almost non-existent.

Operators must resign themselves to very difficult conditions for the next few months, with the restrictions on household mixing and the need for substantial meals doing immeasurable harm to wet-led trade which is the heart and soul of so many communities. We hope and pray this Christmas that vaccine progress will soon enable the politicians to swing their policies in favour of saving the economy as well as saving lives.”

"November was a wipe out for the sector, and came on the back of difficult trading in both September and October as the roll-out of more regional COVID-19 restrictions depressed sales,” said Karl Chessell, director ofCGA, the business insight consultancy that produces the Tracker, in partnership with The Coffer Group and RSM. In August, the Eat Out To Help Out initiative showed that demand is still there from consumers and we saw healthy sales in food-led businesses. However since then increasing restrictions has made trading progressively harder. Total sales for the sector were 21% below 2019 levels in September and 33.9% down in October before hitting the buffers last month. With half the country still in effective lockdown in Tier 3, and

Paul Newman, Head of Leisure and Hospitality, RSM, said “It’s difficult to put into words the impact of November’s national lockdown when so many hospitality businesses are looking for a silver lining to one of the worst years on record. With growing unrest within the Tory party, it’s clear the Government is becoming more divided when it comes to the stricter measures within tiers. The negative impact on one of the countries key sectors has become too much to bear for many and further material support is desperately needed. With the Bank of England reporting that excess savings of £100bn have been built up by UK households during Covid-19 lockdowns, the sector will be hoping that the start of the vaccine roll-out will release pent up demand in pubs and restaurants that are able to open over the Festive period.”

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Brexit – How Foodservice and Catering Operations Can Prepare 14 10

CLH Digital Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Issue Sept/Oct362020

prepare for the change from 31 December. We can therefore surmise that the UK still is looking for solutions that respect national sovereignty, including fishing. Both sides seek solutions to the same unresolved sticking points, whilst we wait to see if time constraints can assist in achieving joint concessions and consensus. It is worth noting that if an agreement is reached it is unlikely to be comprehensive, and thus negotiations will continue into the New Year, come what may. Is it plausible that some on the UK side may even consider if an advantage can be gained from negotiating from a position of no deal in the New Year.


Oliver Hall, Managing Director at allmanhall, independently owned food procurement experts, looks at the potential impact of Brexit on the foodservice sector with advice on how to become as agile as possible in these uncertain times. Whilst Brexit negotiations continue in earnest, it is difficult for those of us on the outside to see what progress has been made. So, what can we assume? Well, Michel Barnier has tweeted a photograph of himself at a London sports field in search for a level playing field… so we can assume that the EU red line on workers’ rights, environmental standards and state aid is still a big point of contention. The UK’s Chief Negotiator, Lord Frost maintains that good progress has been made but wide divergences remain and that businesses must

The key date remains 31 December 2020. So far, both sides have posted and missed key dates, so it is best to assume that the situation is very fluid, and anything is possible up until the 31 December. We do know that an agreement needs to be ratified in the European Parliament beforehand, but it has been mentioned that this could even sit after Christmas if necessary.

RISKS AND IMPACTS Arguably, the agri-food sector is the most heavily impacted sector in the event of a no deal outcome with the EU. In trade terms, food and agricultural products are the most heavily impacted by tariff’s and would therefore experience the highest cost increases. Other factors also play a significant role, such as the strength of Sterling, border disruption, regulatory standards, and access to seasonal workers which is impacted by the end of freedom of movement for European workers from 01 January 2021. The farming industry employs 70,000 seasonal workers a year, mainly from Eastern Europe, and urgently needs to understand the

rules from January, which have yet to be announced. Lack of clarity impacts advanced crop production planning, which includes, land rentals, seed procurement and labour scheduling. G’s Growers, one of the largest growers in Europe are considering moving up to half of their UK spring onion and radish production to Senegal, and some celery production to Poland due to lack of clarity. To highlight the scale of the challenge, a National Farmers Union survey found that UK residents only made up 11% of the workforce this year, despite the widely advertised Pick for Britain scheme. It is worth noting that the 2020 seasonal workers pilot scheme that allowed up to 10,000 workers from outside the EU on temporary visas was highly effective. All the remaining realistic outcomes of the current negotiations will lead to some food supply disruption and cost increase.

COST IMPLICATIONS: Even in the event of a deal, allmanhall is forecasting in the region of a 3-5% weighted basket price increase, through non-tariff costs. If there is a no-deal scenario, then we head onto WTO terms and this could result in an excess of an 8% increase, depending on the specific mix of food purchases. The WTO tariffs on food are, on average, significantly higher than most other imported categories. For food, the tariffs average at 18%. With 30-35% of UK consumed food imported from the EU, it means that a circa 6% impact on the weighted cost of food is likely. There are some food types that are hugely impacted by tariffs. Irish beef (R4L) would increase by 85%. Cheddar by 47% and canned tomatoes by 14%. Unfortunately, the list goes on. A schedule of the published tariffs can be found here:

Best of Beer Writing Recognised in Annual Awards London-based beer writer, photographer and visual artist Lily Waite has been named Beer Writer of the Year 2020 at the Guild of Beer Writers' Annual Awards. The winners were announced on a Zoom event on 10th December. Beer Writer of the Year is the top accolade in the Guild's annual competition for communication about beer and pubs, which this year received close to 150 entries across nine categories. Waite won the Gold Award in the Online category, and a Silver award in both the Beer and Travel and new ‘Communication in Lockdown' categories. Waite's winning writing included articles in Good Beer Hunting, Pellicle and Ferment, as well as her zine Until Further Notice in the lockdown category. She is also the founder of the Queer Brewing Project, an LGBTQ-focused non-profit collaborative beer initiative. Jonny Garrett, chair of judges for this year's Awards after taking the Beer Writer of the Year title in 2019, said, "In a year of exceptional writing it was going to take something really special to stand out. What impressed the entire judging panel with Lily's work was how she found a fresh approach to every topic. Her writing this year was as much about our drinking culture as it was beer itself, which made for rich and rewarding reading.

The winners were announced during a Zoom event attended by most of the finalists, judges, sponsors and other Guild members.

AND THE WINNERS WERE... SIBA Award for Brewer of the Year Winner: Oliver Fozard, Rooster's Brewing Co Guild Award for Best Beer Writer, Corporate Communications Winner: Brixton Brewery for the Characters of Coldharbour campaign Harvey's Tom Paine Award for Best Citizen Beer Communicator Winner: John Stooke for Last Orders: A History of Pubs in Swindon Silver Award: Gabriele Bertucci for the What's in the Glass podcasts Shepherd Neame Award for Best Communication about Beer and Pubs during Lockdown Winner: Emma Inch for the Fermentation in Isolation podcasts Silver Award: Lily Waite for various press articles and 'Until Further Notice' zine Highly Commended: Richard Molloy for columns in Herald Express, Torbay VISITFLANDERS Award for Best Beer Broadcaster Winner: Jaega Wise for episodes on BBC Radio's The Food Programme Silver Award: Natalya Watson for the Beer With Nat podcast

"There were many worthy winners within the shortlists and it's a reassuring sign that, even in these tough times, British beer writing is more exciting, diverse and vital than it has ever been."

Budweiser Brewing Group Award for Best Writing about No and Low Alcohol Beers

Guild Chair Pete Brown said: "Earlier this year, we were questioning whether we would be able to run our Awards at all, but we're delighted that, thanks to our sponsors, we've been able to offer our winners trophies, cash prizes and recognition from their peers, albeit we had to celebrate on Zoom rather than at our usual glitzy dinner!"

Silver Award: Malin Norman for article in On Tap magazine

This year's competition included two new categories, for the Best Communication about Beer and Pubs during Lockdown, sponsored by Shepherd Neame, and the Best Writing about No and Low Alcohol Beers, sponsored by Budweiser Brewing Group. The Best Citizen Beer Communicator award was sponsored for the first time, by Harvey's Brewer. Garrett was joined on the judging panel by Tim Anderson, chef-owner of Japanese restaurant Nanban and beer expert; Gabe Cook, award winning cider expert, (aka The Ciderologist); Jez Galaun, co-founder of Brixton Brewery; Kate Oppenheim, hospitality sector journalist and communications expert, currently publisher and editor of BII News and Tom Stainer, CAMRA chief executive. The Brewer of the Year title, sponsored by SIBA, was presented to Oliver Fozard, head brewer at Rooster's Brewing Co, after he won the highest number of votes in a poll of Guild members. Presenting the Award, Pete Brown said: "Oliver is a hugely popular figure in the brewing industry and his win this year in our vote was decisive. He's taken on the mantle at Rooster's and overseen the move to a new brewhouse, while continuing to produce a stunning core range of beers at the same time as creating new ones under the Outlaw Project. But on top of that, he's been an excellent ambassador and role model for positive mental health in the industry with the launch of collaboration beer Mind Games. and through speaking out and writing publicly about his own experiences."

Winner: Natalya Watson for the Beer With Nat podcast Carlsberg Marston's Brewing Company Award for Best Writing about Sustainability in Beer and Pubs Winner: Emma Inch for a series of programmes on Fermentation Radio Silver Award: Anthony Gladman, for articles in Ferment Highly Commended: Will Hawkes for a report on Pubs and Sport for PubAid Asahi UK Award for Best Beer & Travel Writer Winner: Claire Bullen for writing in Good Beer Hunting and Imbibe Silver Award: Lily Waite for articles in titles including Ferment and Pellicle Heineken Award for Best Beer Communicator, Online Winner: Lily Waite for articles in Good Beer Hunting and Pellicle Silver Award: Claire Bullen for writing in titles including Imbibe and Independent Brewer Greene King Award for Best Beer Writer, Print Publications Winner: Roger Protz for The Family Brewers of Britain Silver Award: Mark Dredge for A Brief History of Lager The Michael Jackson Gold Award for Beer Writer of the Year 2020: Lily Waite

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Issue 36

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£2bn Supermarket Business Rates Repayments Should Be Used To Help Struggling Pubs And Brewers – BBPA The British Beer & Pub Association, the leading trade association representing brewers and pubs, has today backed calls for the £2bn of business rates relief that supermarkets have repaid to be repurposed into a comprehensive relief package for Britain’s struggling pubs and brewers.

struggled more than others through the pandemic. “For that reason, I am calling on the Chancellor to use his unexpected Christmas bonus to provide a vital lifeline for the UK’s struggling brewers and pubs. Our sector has been struggling under the weight of unfair restrictions for months, and there is no end in sight for us yet.

The trade association applauded the supermarkets’ decision, saying it could constitute the “vital lifeline” brewers and pubs need to ride out the punitive new restrictions that came into place this week, wiping out a huge proportion of trade in the most valuable of months.

“Millions of pints of beer have been wasted as we have cycled in and out of lockdown at short notice this year, brewers’ turnover quite literally being poured down the drain.

The business rates relief, given to impacted sectors at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, was hugely important in saving thousands of pubs from closure. However, months of either closure or extremely tight restrictions on our sector have seen balance sheets across the pub and brewing sector reduced almost to breaking point. As the money has been repaid by supermarkets it would require no new borrowing from the Treasury and would have no additional impact on the UK’s bottom line, giving the Chancellor an unexpected opportunity to give the sector some Christmas cheer. The woefully insufficient £1,000 per-pub payment announced this week can now be boosted and rolled into a complete overhaul of the existing grants system which has to date overlooked brewers and leaves English hospitality and supply chain businesses hugely disadvantaged relative to those in Wales. The Government can also now look at extending business rates reliefs

“This week’s derisory £1,000 top up payment doesn’t plug the gaps but the Government now has the chance to put in place a proper, comprehensive support package for thousands of brewing and pub businesses, allowing them to continue to serve their local communities and help lead the much-needed economic recovery next year.” William Lees-Jones, Managing Director, JW Lees brewery said: for pubs beyond the planned end point of March 2021, and extend this relief to brewers who have seen their most valuable trade channel decimated but have had almost no support throughout. Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer & Pub Association, said: “I want to thank the supermarkets for their civic-minded decision to repay this business rates relief. It is a recognition that some sectors have

“With £2bn coming back to Government from supermarkets and major retailers, we are calling for the Government to create a COVID Hospitality Recovery Fund. I already have strong interest from other industry leaders to join me in working with the Government to ensure the money gets into the hands of the businesses that need it most. This could be the salvation of the many hospitality venues and the critical supply chain businesses that have been forced to close through the pandemic and are now really struggling in tier two and three areas.”

Little Cheer for Christmas Tiers, says Scottish Licensed Trade Association for a number of reasons, but even more so this year as operators struggle to save their businesses. The licensed hospitality sector has borne the brunt of heavily restrictive measures this year and the opportunity to be open and doing what we do best over Christmas and New Year would have perhaps given a much-needed morale boost for both operators and staff – and help businesses claw back some of the huge financial losses they have incurred in 2020.

LITTLE cheer remains for Scotland’s licensed hospitality industry with the news that level four tiering has come to an end for those in parts of west central Scotland from 6pm on December 11, claims the Scottish Licensed Trade Association (SLTA). The SLTA warns that many of Scotland’s pubs, bars and restaurants still face the threat of permanent closure and the risk of job losses still hangs over the heads of those employed in the sector, even with the current furlough scheme which is in place.

“It is obvious that the licensed hospitality sector is being held up as the sacrificial lamb due to the inability to control the spread of the virus in other sectors and in private homes. The Scottish Government must therefore provide proper financial compensation before it’s too late.

Responding to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s announcement in the Scottish Parliament, the SLTA’s managing director Colin Wilkinson said: “While this is a step in the right direction and it is excellent news that Angus, Falkirk and Inverclyde can move from level three into level two, it has not gone far enough to help an industry in crisis. “Many operators even in levels two and three areas have already been forced to close down their businesses as it is simply unviable to operate with the current restrictions on the sale of alcohol, capacity levels and the operating times that are currently in place. The Scottish

Government needed to lessen these to give some kind of hope for the industry as we head into our fourth winter period in January. “December is a crucially important part of the year for our industry

“This industry has and will continue to do all that it can to suppress the virus, but it needs financial aid at realistic levels – at least similar to that now available in Wales – if the sector and the staff that it employs are to be here after spring 2021 and be part Scotland’s economic recovery.”

Greene King Teams Up with Coca-Cola European Partners to Support Responsible Drinking in its Pubs over Christmas Customers looking to celebrate Christmas with their household in Greene King’s managed pubs will be able to claim a free Coke over the next few weeks as part of an 11-year partnership to promote responsible drinking. Greene King is partnering with Coca-Cola European Partners for its Hero the Driver campaign that this year is seeking to recognise and reward the Hero Driver who is driving the household home safely. All of Greene King’s managed pubs that are open in tiers one and two will be running the offer which is expected to see thousands of free drinks given away. Customers can look out online for a country-wide social media campaign to receive a buy-one-get-one-free digital voucher to redeem on the 330ml bottled Coke range (Coke Zero, Diet Coke and Coca-Cola). This is the 11th year Greene King has partnered with Coca-Cola European Partners and the campaign runs from Friday 11 December 2020 until Monday 4 January 2021. Customers who spot the Coca-Cola sponsored advertisement on Facebook and Instagram can download their voucher by filling in a few details and selecting their favourite Greene King pub in which to redeem it. They will then be emailed a voucher which will be available when they are in the vicinity of their chosen pub.

The QR code can be scanned by a team member or be inputted directly into the Greene King order and pay app. Alternatively, there is a link here they can visit to download their voucher here: Greene King corporate affairs director Greg Sage said: “This has been a year that most of us want to forget but with 2020 drawing to a close we are determined that as many of our pubs as possible give customers a Christmas celebration to remember. While it goes without saying that Christmas is a little different this year, one thing that hasn’t changed is our commitment to making sure we continue our support for Coca-Cola’s hugely successful Hero the Driver campaign. We’re hoping to give away thousands of free drinks as we work to support responsible drinking while ensuring people are able to enjoy festive cheer and a warm welcome in our pubs.” Paul Robertson, associate director, on-premise at Coca-Cola European Partners GB, said: “We’d like to thank Greene King for partnering with us for more than 10 years on the Designated Driver campaign, helping to promote responsible drinking in pubs up and down the country. We hope this activity – at a critical time for the hospitality sector – will help Greene King encourage their customers to return to venues, where they’re able to do so, for some much needed festive cheer, whilst rewarding the ‘Hero Driver’ and helping to ensure everyone gets home safely.”

Issue 36

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Leading Hospitality Businesses Collaborate to Drive Green Recovery Leading hospitality operators including BurgerKing, BrewDog, Nando’s and The Restaurant Group including Wagamama have joined forces to establish the Zero Carbon Forum and collaborate on identifying the quickest reduction path to net zero emissions. The forum is endorsed by Government and backed by trade associations UKHospitality and the British Beer and Pub Association. Senior leaders from a number of standout brands have pledged to act now to achieve net zero carbon targets faster, and more efficiently and cost effectively than acting alone. An initial 18 companies have come together as trailblazers for the Zero Carbon Forum, with membership set to grow throughout 2021. The full list of 18 founding members is: Nando's, Pizza Hut Restaurants, The Restaurant Group including Wagamama, Revolution Bars, BrewDog, Fuller's, BurgerKing, Pizza Express, Boparan, Shepherd Neame, Marston’s, Azzurri, Adnams, Greene King, KFC, M&B, Young’s and St Austell. Despite the ongoing damaging impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on hospitality businesses, these businesses have agreed to share carbon reduction plans and initiatives, combining their expertise and resources to identify all possible actions to decarbonise operations across tens of thousands of outlets and their supply chains. The Zero Carbon Forum, which builds on 10 years of carbon reduction collaboration in the UK’s hospitality sector, will publish an industry roadmap to achieve net zero carbon by September 2021, ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference later that year. Forum members believe this approach could act as a template for industry sector collaborations in the UK and globally. Some members, including Nando’s, BurgerKing, BrewDog and Pizza Hut Restaurants, have already set their own ambitious targets and the forum will enable all members to create individual plans and targets quickly through combining learnings and resources.

net zero faster, together. Carbon reduction and sustainable business is increasingly important to our customers so it’s vital that we act now. The window of opportunity to avert climate change disaster is closing fast and we must focus on reducing emissions and a path to net zero. We are already working on a number of collaborative decarbonisation initiatives with the backing of CEOs from the biggest brands and have engaged the support of leading sustainability experts to ensure the sector can quicken the pace of transition to a net zero economy. “Cutting carbon emissions also cuts business costs so our solutions to tackling the climate crisis will help us bounce back more strongly from the pandemic. Hospitality is committed to working together at pace to decarbonise its operations and support the Government’s green industrial revolution.” Andrew Griffith MP, the UK’s Net Zero Business Champion, added: “In what has been an incredibly tough year for hospitality, the creation of the Zero Carbon Forum shows real leadership. This kind of collaboration is crucial to driving the positive change required by all sectors towards Net Zero and we know is already being rewarded by consumers and investors in their decision making.” Kate Nicholls, CEO, UKHospitality, added: “Despite the torrid year our sector has faced we remain committed to operating out businesses in the right year. The work and energy that has gone into the launch of the Zero Carbon Forum, even while we have been fighting for our survival, shows what a positive influence our sector is across the UK. “The sector’s ambition to go net-zero chimes with the needs of our customers and is a critical part of our recovery strategy. With the right level of Government support into 2021 we can deliver economic and employment growth, while reducing our environmental impact. Once we are through the current crisis there can be a bright future for hospitality.” The Forum will measure and benchmark key emission areas such as energy, water, waste and supply chains for each company and the industry as a whole. This will enable members to quickly identify and implement best practices in emission reduction, helping to improve both sustainability and profitability. The Forum is already working on reduction initiatives including collaborative renewable energy buying, price benchmarking, electric vehicle charge points and carbon offsetting.

Evoke the Blitz Spirit in Your Customers

Mark Chapman, Founder and CEO of the Zero Carbon Forum, said: “Our goal is for hospitality to achieve

James Mitchell works closely with brands in the hospitality sector on communications and marketing strategy, helping them adapt, simplify and scale their approaches to finding reliable growth.


Decades into the future, we’ll all have our own COVID-19 story to tell. This is how to make yourself part of that narrative.

Your revenues may be much lower but opportunities to make lasting impressions are abundant. Maybe your customers are losing out on experiencing a product or service from your business as a result of COVID restrictions. If you can, offer them the same opportunities at a later date. Or is there a way of offering help or advice online, for example, until they can revisit you in person again?

If there’s one thing that we, as a nation, excel at, it’s coming together to face a difficult situation. Which is why now could be the best opportunity you’ve ever had to create a loyal customer base for your business. You, as a business owner or manager, are in the oncein-a-lifetime position of being able to directly relate to your customers on a personal level, as we all try to adapt to the ever-changing reality of life in Covid-times. In this article, I explore how the right communication with your employees, customers and the wider community can create a surge of positive engagement with your business and make it an integral part of the future hospitality landscape. Whatever that looks like.


Just as with your employees, recognise how the changing situation will affect your customers. This is your chance to show adaptability and willingness to continue doing everything you can for them. Even if that’s a bit (or a lot) different from the norm.

In this positive way, you can also share the experience you’re going through. Show your human side and let your customers connect to you at the emotional level. Allow them to see that, by supporting each other, you might just make it through to the other side in one piece.

ENGAGING WITH YOUR COMMUNITY It might be that you already have a strong presence in the wider community. Or you might have none at all. Take this opportunity to make yourself accessible and relevant. To show what it is you stand for and why. People don’t buy into what you do: lots of other businesses will be offering a similar product or service. People buy into why you do it. What gets you out of bed in the morning, apart from having to pay the bills? Once you’ve stepped back and reevaluated your purpose, it’s time to tell your story.

Your employees are people who are invested in your business and care about what happens to it. Which makes them valuable allies. If they’re well-looked after, you’re much more likely to get their support. Not just that, they’ll be happy to go above and beyond for your customers too.

You could do this by creating or getting involved in an initiative that has a positive impact or unites your community. A great example is hospitality businesses rallying around Marcus Rashford’s #endchildfoodpoverty campaign, by donating food boxes or creating a pay-it-forward scheme so people in difficulties can claim prepaid children’s meals.

The best way to do this is to be honest in your communications with them. Even if you’re struggling - especially if you’re struggling - let your employees know the situation and empathise with the effect this might have on them. They might have questions or need help from you too. The longer you can keep this channel open and reciprocal, the better it will be for your business.

While you might not make any immediate profits from these efforts, the intangible reward is brand building. Potential customers will begin to understand what it is you stand for. And if this connects with them, they’re much more likely to choose you over anyone else the next time they do have money to spend.

Marston’s Report Losses Due To “Extraordinarily Difficult Year” Pub operator Marston’s has reported a total loss of £397 million up until October 3, 2020 which saw the entire pub estate closed for 15 weeks due to the Covid pandemic. Marstons also reported that their pubs traded at 90% of 2019 levels in its fourth quarter of a 53-week period that ended on 3 October, this was 7% ahead of the overall pub sector. Sales fell to £821m from £1,173.5m the year before – and there was a loss of £22m compared with a profit of £95.1m the previous year. The company has made a £2m investment in “Inside-Out” schemes to increase capacity in winter months.

“2020 has been an extraordinarily difficult year for the pub and wider hospitality sector which has been particularly hard hit by the pandemic. I would like to thank the entire team at Marston’s for their loyalty, dedication and hard work in such trying circumstances. “Whilst short-term uncertainty remains, we have taken swift action to future-proof the business to withstand the challenges presented by the pandemic and Marston’s has emerged a significantly stronger business, with a substantially strengthened balance sheet and well placed to rebuild trading momentum when restrictions are eased. The roll out of the vaccine is clearly critical to that, but in the meantime the sector continues to face major challenges and Government support will need to continue in order for many viable businesses to survive.

The results also revealed that the group improved its net cash flow by £61 million through making £75 million worth of disposals and the company also reported it had invested £2 million in its “inside-out” scheme to increase capacity during the winter months.

ising the potential of the Group’s brewing JV with Carlsberg and wish the team at CMBC every success. There

The company also said that it has “sufficient cash liquidity” to cope with the current tier 2 restrictions in various parts of the United Kingdom and is hoping to reduce borrowings to below £1 billion by 2024

community pub operator with 90% of our well invested, high quality pubs located outside city centres, leaves

Commenting, Ralph Findlay, CEO said:

“Looking forward, Marston’s has entered the current year fit for the future and excited about the next chapter in the Company’s development as a focussed pub and accommodation operator. We look forward to realis clear evidence that consumer demand for our pubs remains strong and our geography, as a predominantly Marston’s well placed to leverage the market opportunities available to us over the medium to longer term.”


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CLH Digital

Festive Ordering

Issue 36

How Can Restaurant Operators Maximise Revenue This Christmas Season?

By Danilo Mangano, General Manager Europe SevenRooms (

The Christmas season always requires significant planning and preparation on behalf of hospitality operators so they can maximise success at the busiest time of the year, and 2020 is no different. While it may not be the festive run-up that we are all accustomed to, Christmas is certainly not cancelled. For the sector that has shown continued resilience and proactivity throughout the pandemic, there are still opportunities to bring the Christmas spirit to guests and drive revenue at this important time of the year. Whether they are on-premise or at home, consumers will certainly be looking for ways to mark the party season. Hospitality operators are well-positioned to be able to provide these meaningful experiences that not only add a touch of some sparkle but that are also pivotal to driving long-term guest loyalty.

DIVERSIFYING REVENUE-DRIVING STRATEGIES Larger parties and gatherings inside venues may be off the menu for now, but there are many other ways that operators can connect with guests. Despite the challenges this year has brought, it has also provided an opportunity for operators to diversify experiences and find new and creative ways to delight customers. With varied guidelines in place across the country and the situation ever-evolving in the run-up to Christmas, having lockdown-proof strategies in place will ensure that things can still go ahead as planned, even if rules change. Christmas hampers made up of dishes crafted by the chef are one way to bring experiences into guests’ houses. Including menu cards as part of the hampers with ideas on how the contents can be enjoyed is also an opportunity for the venue to showcase culinary creativity. Operators could also tie in themed online cook-alongs, which are a great alternative to the traditional Christmas party this year. Pop-up stands outside venues offering festive drinks for sale can be an effective way to encouraging passers-by to stop and find out more about other festive experiences and menus available in the run-up to Christmas.

PRIORITIZING DELIVERY & TAKEAWAY For some guests, dining out isn’t currently an option or they may feel more comfortable staying at home. With this in mind, it’s imperative that operators have delivery strategies in place so they can remain connected to these customers and don’t miss out on valuable revenue. Using data insights to tailor special

delivery offers – such as a guest’s favourite side dish for free with an order – can make a customer feel loved and encourage a purchase. Additionally, including a special festive treat with each delivery order, whether it’s homemade mince pies or biscuits that customers can decorate at home, is a simple yet effective way to surprise and delight this season. Whatever delivery experiences a venue is offering, where possible an operator should enable direct ordering and delivery. Third-party providers offer convenience but are less cost-effective in the long-term. Plus, by offering a direct solution for customers, operators can benefit from gaining access to, and leveraging, data insights that help drive richer relationships.

DRIVING LOYALTY WITH THE LOCALS Local audiences are more important than ever for hospitality operators as they continue to overcome the challenges of the pandemic. And, with consumers craving the experiences they have missed out on because of lockdown or lack of international travel this year, there is a lot to be gained for venues who get it right. Through leveraging customer data, operators can create targeted offers that encourage guests to make table reservations or place orders for delivery from venues that are closer to home. With travel set to remain limited for at least the first part of next year, guests are likely to spend more money on local dining experiences, so ensuring that every interaction a consumer has is positive and memorable is important to driving loyalty with this valuable audience. Building a deeper understanding of guests at every interaction from their favourite meals and preferred wines, to historical spend and number of visits – helps operators identify upsell opportunities while providing the experiences that bring guests back again and again. Hospitality operators are certainly contending with more challenges in the runup to Christmas this year, but the opportunities to delight guests this season are still available. Consumers have had a year like no other and many will be craving experiences that help bring some festive joy, no matter how they are enjoying them. In building direct and meaningful relationships with guests, operators can cater to the individual needs of diners, providing memorable and exciting offerings that will continue to boost loyalty into the new year.

Christmas 2020: How To Prepare For The December Trading Period Facebook, Instagram, and online marketplace platforms to help consumers find out about your festive offering . Consider including imagery to attract attention and bring your offering to life. Over half of consumers who tried new drinks last Christmas were influenced to do so because of promotions and advertisements, so be sure to utilise menu mechanics like featuring images, cocktail descriptors or food-pairing recommendations, as well as communicating specials or deals via chalkboards, to guide consumers towards margin-enhancing drinks offers. Adapt – every challenge is an opportunity. Organise your tables and sittings in line with the latest guidelines for your area and early curfew (if applicable) to maximise capacity and revenue. Consider expanding your window of opportunity, by catering to new occasions like brunch or afternoon tea. You can even implement dynamic pricing strategies, such as splitting Sunday-Wednesday and Thursday-Saturday, or offer incentives for off-peak bookings to fill quieter periods. While the second national lockdown will see on-trade operators close their doors for a month, there is an opportunity to use this time to prepare for the December trading period. There is likely to be consumer demand to get together and make the most of the Christmas season once restrictions are lifted. Consumers recognised operators’ hard work in creating a safe environment after the first lockdown, which grew their confidence and translated into sales in August and September. While one in four consumers are confident about visiting the on-trade this Christmas, it’s important to encourage those still unsure and therefore incentivise them to visit in December. Operators have already had to adapt to government guidelines and changing consumer behaviour but, this month, attention should be focused on planning your festive offering ahead of this critical trading period. As the UK’s leading pub, cider and beer business, HEINEKEN UK has compiled insights and tips to help operators prepare, maximise sales and deliver a memorable experience in December.


BUILDING CONSUMER CONFIDENCE For many, Christmas is the time to get together, usually characterised by family meals, office parties and New Year celebrations. While many consumers are looking for a return to normality, 45% still do not feel confident about visiting on-trade venues. It’s vital to implement and communicate strategies that will strike a balance between enjoying the festivities they’re used to and making them feel at ease this Christmas. Contactless Payment & Table Service. Meet new social distancing and hygiene standards by employing valuable technology solutions. Eliminating the need for physical contact, Swifty is a new payment, loyalty and reservation app that will allow customers to view your Christmasmenus, order and pay at the table, as well as book in advance. You can also gather insights into your customers’ purchasing behaviour by monitoring peak sales periods, buying preferences and demographic information. This will help you stay agile in meeting consumer demand in December.

Every trading day is important, but last year six out of the top ten trading days for wet sales were in December and the first weekend of December 2019 saw sales higher than the previous three years. Mad Friday (the Friday before Christmas Day) had the biggest single day sales in 2019 and were 36% higher than the previous Friday; clearly this is a huge moment to boost revenue.

Pre-Ordering & Pre-Booking. A fifth of consumers are more likely to pre-book for festive occasions this year than last, and 13% would pay more for a pre-ordered meal over the Christmas period. Having a robust booking system in place that allows consumers to pre-book and pre-order will help you deliver a seamless customer experience and manage both the covers and space in your venue effectively. Reassure your customers by providing flexible booking T&Cs where possible.

Promote and Advertise. Ensure your venue and Christmas menu is well advertised on your website and amplified via social channels like

Quality. Customers are willing to spend more at Christmas, so the quality of your drinks, venue and overall atmosphere is critical. Having Covid-19

safety precautions in place and venues’ hygiene / cleanliness levels topped the list of important factors boosting guests’ confidence and driving decisions on where to visit. Reassure customers you have a strong handle on health and safety, while implementing a good cellar management routine to ensure the drinks served are tip-top – after all, we know a great quality drink inspires return visits. Hello BEER ( is a mobile training app that can support you with pouring best practice as well as reducing wastage costs and maintaining staff engagement.

FESTIVE SPARKLE As always, consumers are looking to spend time with friends and family over Christmas and New Year. But now more than ever they’re looking for a high-quality experience, so it pays to offer the right food, drinks and overall experience to encourage them to choose your venue and return when the festive period is over. Expensive Tastes. Consumers are willing to pay more and try new drinks at Christmas; 40% expect a wider range of drinks and 32% are more likely to pay for better quality so push them into trading up across categories. Spirits prove popular over the weekend, while continental premium and premium 4% lagers enjoy an increase in sales during the festive season – consider stocking leading brands like Amstel and Birra Moretti, the fastest growing beer brand in the UK over the last three years Don’t forget those moderating, by offering no and low alcohol options like Heineken 0.0 (the number one no and low alcohol brand) and Old Mout Alcohol Free (the fastest growing no and low alcohol cider in the on-trade), to ensure all pub-goers feel part of the occasion. Christmas Specials. Over half of consumers like to see seasonal drinks offered over the festive period, so be sure to include some options like mulled fruit cider that allow them to get more experimental with their repertoires. Guests want to enjoy the atmosphere they’re used to in hospitality venues at Christmas, so give some thought to your festive decorations and overall ambiance. Festive Experiences. With the Great British Pub an essential mainstay of the communityconsumers rely on their local to deliver rich experiences. Take advantage of your pub garden or outdoor space, where consumers will feel safer, and utilise areas that wouldn’t see much use during the colder months. You could even create your own Christmas market! Ensure you adhere to social distancing, by creating a one-way system and monitoring guest numbers, as well as setting up heaters and fairy lights so guests feel cosy and comfortable outside.

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CLH Digital

Festive Ordering

Issue 36

Spread Some Christmas Cheer This Festive Season

For decades consumers and operators have approached the festive season with a sense of excited anticipation and a clear idea of what to expect. However, this year is looking a lot less predictable with potential restrictions on table sizes and number of sittings due to social distancing. With Christmas plans so uncertain, consumers will be looking to outlets more than ever to embrace traditions, spread some festive spirit and give them something to look forward to. Premium drinks expert, MONIN, is providing ideas and inspiration to support the trade in these challenging times.

Lee Hyde, Beverage Innovation Manager at MONIN UK (, shares his top tips and favourite seasonal recipes to help spread some festive cheer this year. He says, “Christmas 2020, can still provide a wealth of opportunities for outlets looking to capitalise on the season but this year, more than any other, it will take some additional careful planning. So it’s essential to be organised to ensure wait times are kept to a minimum and that stock levels are maintained to keep consumers coming back for their favourite festive beverage.” 1. Be inventive – It is possible that decorations will need to be paired back this year, so operators and bar tenders will need to find inventive ways to infer the Christmas spirit. Drinks can play a vital role here both through name and final serve and it’s a great way to have some fun,

encouraging staff to get involved in creating and tasting a special festive menu.

Whether concept led or a little more traditional, a drink’s name sets the consumer expectation. Be sure not to disappoint, the right vessel and garnishes are key to pulling off the wow factor. Frosty the Snowman’ or ‘ Rudolph’ hot chocolates are great hot beverage options, While an Elegant Flip or Sparkling New Year’s cocktail will offer a special to twist to something more traditional. When thinking about what to stock to create an inspiring festive menu MONIN Praline syrup, MONIN Chestnut syrup and MONIN Tangerine syrup are great flavours and colours to carry through a festive theme. 2. Make the most of the festive season – While Christmas offers a relatively short promotional period, it does provide a great opportunity to capitalise on ‘get it before it’s gone’ sales. Adding a range of concept led beverages and limited time offers are essential during this period but it’s best to keep it simple. Too much choice can make the decision making process confusing for customers and slow down service, adding to customer wait times. Focus on a few key beverages that really encapsulate what Christmas means at your venue. It’s also important to ensure, as much as possible, that drinks on seasonal menus can be adapted to become suitable for dairy free diets, so cus-

tomers choosing milk alternatives can enjoy the same festive experience.

3. Don’t let waiting times dampen the mood – Increased footfall and track and trace, can mean longer queues and waiting times, especially when customers need to wait for table service. Keep customers in the festive spirit by considering the length of time it takes to make each drink. Cocktails and no ABV options can be made in batches! Alternatively consider preparing a No ABV Christmas themed cocktail in a Kilner jar which is ready to serve and will keep adults and children alike happy. 4. Tis the season…for family – Traditionally Christmas is about the whole family and while this year they may be getting together in is smaller groups, it’s important to remember to engage visitors of all ages. Special, single use or wipeable children’s menus will engage little ones, don’t forget to include drinks too. Consider providing a design or decorate your own element to a range of hot and cold drinks, by serving drinks with edible toppings such as pretzels, chocolate buttons or cherries to encourage children to make their festive inspired drinks.

TOP TIP: Don’t forget to showcase your offering – POS, social media and menu boards are all vital to raising awareness of the Christmas

Cater for All with the UK's No.1 Gluten Free Gravy This Christmas Knorr® Professional Gluten Free Gravy Granules for Meat Dishes is the UK’s no.1 gluten free gravy*, with no artificial colours, preservatives, or added MSG. Our gravy is suitable for vegans, easy to prepare and with no allergens to declare** – with a great taste to compliment any roast. So with Knorr® Professional you can serve a gravy that caters for every customer and, when gravy is just so important at Christmas time, why would you use anything but the UK’s no.1 gluten free gravy? We’re also passionate about supporting chefs to make the most from every meal they serve, which is why we partner with some of the industry’s leading experts to create content

to help inspire you and your menu. Our website has advice on topics from menu engineering, food safety and hygiene, through to recipes and practical, informative video content, plus so much more. Visit See the advert on the facing page for further details. *Aggregated wholesaler data. Gravy Report UK (Latest Period 52WE 11 Oct 2020). **This product does not contain allergenic ingredients which require declaration under EU regulation 1169/2011 (Annex II).

Cocktail Recipes, without the alcohol Frosty The Snowman

Hot Lemonade

Elegant Flip (Eggnog)

15 ml MONIN Frosted Mint Syrup White hot chocolate powder 420 ml milk Prepare the white hot chocolate and add in the frosted mint syrup. Top with whipped cream, candy eyes and a mini carrot nose.

20 ml MONIN Winter Spice syrup 30 ml MONIN Cloudy Lemonade 200 ml hot water Add all ingredients to a latte glass or heat proof vessel and stir. Garnish with orange segments studded with cloves.

20ml MONIN Tiramisu syrup 50ml Rye 20ml Cream 1 egg Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker and shake thoroughly, strain into a chilled coupette and garnish with dark cacao powder or edible gold glitter.

20ml MONIN Blood Orange syrup 120ml Prosecco Add both ingredients to a champagne flute and stir gently. Garnish with thyme.

Rudolph Hot Chocolate

Gingerbread Latte or

Winter Spritz (No ABV)

Spiced Winter Shrub (Cold)

20 ml MONIN Morello Cherry syrup 40 ml Seedlip Grove Top with Ginger Ale Add all ingredients to the glass with ice and stir thoroughly. Garnish with dried citrus, fresh cranberries, and a sprig of rosemary.

25 ml MONIN Salted Caramel syrup 12.5 ml Apple Cider Vinegar Add all ingredients to the glass or mug and garnish with dried citrus and spices

New Years Sparkling Cocktail

Wilfred’s Rosemary and Bitter Orange Spritz: For the perfect 0% Spritz recipe, simply add 1 part Wilfred’s to 2 parts tonic water over ice, and garnish with a slice of orange and a sprig of rosemary.

Wilfred’s Mulled Wine recipe: A seasonal favourite for those looking for the kick of mulled wine but without the alcohol, warm Wilfred’s up in a pan, add a few slices of orange, a sprinkling of earthy spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg, and a touch of honey or maple syrup. Perfect for this festive season! Written by Chris Wilfred Hughes, founder of Wilfred’s Non-Alcoholic Aperitif.

See the advert on page 24.

Hot Chocolate 15 ml MONIN Black Forest syrup Hot chocolate powder 15 ml MONIN Gingerbread syrup 240 ml milk Double espresso/30g hot chocolate powder Prepare the hot chocolate and add black 180/240 ml steamed milk forest syrup. Top with whipped cream, a Make latte or hot chocolate to heavy dusting of chocolate powder, candy house style and garnish with a dusting eyes, pretzels for antlers and a cherry nose. of cinnamon and a gingerbread man.

Cranberry and Orange Gin Fizz Long, fizzy and refreshing – this tasty recipe from 6 O'clock gin is a party-pleaser. Recipe: 40ml London Dry - 6 O'clock Gin 20ml Cointreau or Grand Marnier 25ml Cranberry Juice 25ml Orange Juice 15ml Lemon Juice ½ tsp Caster Sugar Soda Water Orange wedge Add all the ingredients except the soda water to a cocktail shaker, fill with ice and shake. Strain into an ice-filled rocks glass and top with soda.Serve with a decorative orange wedge.

Non-Alcoholic Mulled Wine An interesting alternative to the traditional mulled wine recipe, this creation by Wilfred's is the go-to festive tipple for those looking to skip booze this festive season. Recipe (serves 2): 300ml Wildred’s Aperitif (0% ABV) 30ml of honey or maple syrup Freshly sliced oranges A small sprinkling of earthy spices from your cupboard (such as cloves, cinnamon, aniseed, coriander seeds etc) Place all ingredients into a pan. Warm up until almost simmering, but don’t boil. Leave to rest with a lid for 5 minutes and serve with a ladle into mugs.


CLH Digital

Issue 36

Festive Ordering

Wilfred’s Aperitif: All Spritz & No Alcohol Wilfred’s award-winning Non-Alcoholic Aperitif pairs perfectly with tonic over ice, for a British take on the classic Spritz. A best-in-class product, Wilfred’s is the 2020 Winner of the Great British Food Awards in the Non-Alcoholic Drinks category, and is also one of only a handful of non-alcoholic drinks to have ever been awarded 1-Star by the prestigious Great Taste Awards. Founder, Chris Wilfred Hughes, set out to reinvent the Spritz for the new era of drinkers, who want all the flavour of a great drink whilst still being good to themselves. Flavour and quality were of the utmost importance, leading to 2 years of experimentation and over 100 recipes to capture all the complexity of a great Spritz, but without the alcohol.

Inspired by his travels, Chris sourced botanicals from rare Japanese hibiscus to the English rose; but his journey eventually led him back to the flavours he associates most with home –rosemary from his mother’s garden, and bitter oranges from his father’s marmalade. The result is a balanced blend of natural rosemary, bittersweet oranges, rhubarb and clove, 0% alcohol and only 21 calories per serving. For the perfect Wilfred’s 0% Spritz recipe, simply pair Wilfred’s with tonic water over ice, and garnish with a sprig of rosemary. And for this festive season why not try our Wilfred’s 0% Mulled Wine recipe, by warming Wilfred’s in a pan, adding slices of orange, a few earthy spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg, and a touch of honey. Perfect for Christmas. See page 18. Visit:

Enhance Your Menu with Clearwater’s Frozen Lobster Meat Canadian-based Clearwater Seafoods is one of North America’s largest vertically-integrated seafood companies, operating from oceanto-plate. This means Clearwater oversees its products every step of the way, from ocean: by holding shellfish licenses and quotas, to owning and operating its own vessels and processing facilities, and to plate: by providing delivery to its customers around the world. Clearwater prides itself on being a leading innovator in today’s seafood industry, through state-of-the-art harvesting and processing practices that have further strengthened the company’s commitment to delivering premium, wild-caught shellfish. From freezing products directly onboard Clearwater vessels moments after harvesting, to developing unique raw frozen formats that lock in freshness and taste. Take Clearwater’s Canadian Sea Scallops, a product recognized globally for its superior quality and taste. Sustainably harvested from the pristine waters of the Canadian North Atlantic and Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified, Clearwater Sea Scallops are shucked and fresh-frozen-at-sea onboard the company’s factory vessels within an hour of catch, without any additives or chemicals.

Clearwater's frozen lobster meat is produced using a specialized high-pressure extraction system, this raw lobster meat delivers the same superb taste as live lobster, without any of the hassle, offering versatility and convenience for today’s foodservice operators. With no pre-cooking or shucking required, Clearwater’s sustainably fished Claw & Knuckle Meat comes in a 227g vacuum-packed pouch, making delicious lobster risottos, pastas and lobster rolls. Clearwater is also paving the way for shellfish innovations through the company’s subsidiary, Macduff Shellfish, based in Scotland. This holds true for Macduff’s Langoustines, a staple in kitchens across Europe that are prized for their delicate flesh and sweet, succulent taste. Macduff offers multiple formats and sizes of langoustines for every market and application, including whole langoustine, frozen shell-on and shell-off tails. Macduff’s Brown Crab is sourced from UK waters and is sold in a frozen whole cooked format or available live, delivered into the major fish markets across the country. For more details contact or see the advert on the back cover.

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

We help hotels to market their festive events and promotions with creative designs for brochures, menus, flyers, banners and beyond. We have a range of festive themes to choose from, and each year we add to our catalogue of creations to keep designs current and fresh. This helps to speed up the design process and gives hotels new inspiration and creativity, all of which we can personalise by adding logos, corporate colours and bespoke text. Just choose your theme and we can adapt these to any size and any product. You can even make your printed brochures extra festive by adding special print finishes such as spot UV or gold / silver foil. The Aspen Elves are happy to help! Give us a call on 01202 717418 or email Download our full range of designs for 2020/21 by visiting: See the advert on page 9.

Prepare for Whatever Christmas Brings with D.A. Cooke Christmas is coming but of course there is no way to predict how we are going to be able to celebrate it this year. It makes proper planning even more essential than usual. D A Cooke Wholesale is a family owned and operated business with over 50 years experience of supplying the hospitality industry with Christmas crackers, novelties and tableware. Whether you need a few luxury crackers for Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve or hundreds for the festive lead-up check out for a cracking range of party novelties.

The warehouse elves are on standby for a predicted late rush of orders, so get your requirements reserved and booked in as soon as you can to guarantee the best choices. Please contact Ian or Julie Cooke for the latest availability and best possible deals. 01793 831118

Super Quick, Free Range, Super Easy Range Farm Liquid Egg products are ready to use, easy to handle, and provide convenience for those working in foodservice. All products are free range, 100% pasteurised and meet British Lion standards. Available in Whole Egg, Egg Whites and Yolks, with no product waste or mess all your eggs in one carton! Range Farm Free Range Hens are free to roam and forage in the natural environment. Freshly laid, our eggs are processed at our state-ofthe-art facility in Wiltshire and dispatched to customers in our fleet of refrigerated vehicles ensuring they arrive perfect and ready to use.

Range Farm Liquid Egg is sourced from 100% UK based farms so quality and continuity of supply is guaranteed. We are also conscious of our environmental responsibilities so please be assured that our cartons are recyclable. We provide a range of sizes and packaging according to the needs of our customers, with all Range Farm Liquid Egg products available in pallecons, BIB and cartons. To start cooking with ease and find out how we can meet your requirements, call 01249 732221 or email See the advert on page 17.

Products and Services Jersey Dairy Tops The South West In The Great British Food Awards Herald Adds More To The Mix 28

CLH Digital

Issue 36

Jersey Dairy’s Luxury Softmix Ice Cream has been announced as the South West’s Regional Winner for Provenance in the Great British Food Awards. This prestigious award recognises the extraordinary history and integrity of the farmer-owned cooperative. In their comments the judges praised the rich and creamy flavour of the ice cream and awarded 100% for provenance, saying that the ice cream is “…a true British product that the nation can be proud of.” According to the feedback the ice cream is “….a luxury tasting product with a velvety texture and great Channel Island flavour. By only using the milk from their own herd of Jersey cows in the Channel Islands, Jersey Dairy has a great story and integrity and the ice cream deserves its reputation as a winning product in restaurants and shops across the UK and worldwide..” The Jersey Dairy has a unique heritage which traces back to 1763 and the herds produce a unique type of milk with a worldwide reputation for its taste and creaminess.

The pedigree Jersey cows are allowed to graze freely on natural grass and their milk contains on average 5.3% butterfat and has up to 20% more calcium and protein than other milks. It also has a higher level of vitamins and minerals and is good for immune system. All of these benefits make it especially nutritious and delicious, and perfect for making icecream. “Jersey Dairy is extraordinarily proud of this achievement,” said David Ashton, UK Sales Manager. “It has been a tough year for everybody, but we have come through it with an even stronger sense of purpose. We are unique in that we control everything from grass to glass. This gives us fantastic flexibility, allowing us to support the innovation so fundamental to future success. This award is a way to recognise the hard work that everyone has put in and the way that the team has pulled together during the Covid crisis. “Thanks to our wonderful Jersey cows, our dairy continues to provide milk and dairy products of exceptional quality to markets at home and overseas.” Visit for further details.

STARlight - The New Lightness

With the STARlight stem glass series, glass manufacturer Stölzle Lausitz has taken a further step into a new dimension. Never before has machine made glass been produced so close to mouth-blown glass with a gracefully slim stem and a gentle thin walled bowl. STARlight is a glass series with a balanced shape. A seamless and deep-drawn transition between stem and goblet as well perfectly proportioned matching profiles giving the goblets of lead-free crystal glass a high degree of functionality with a harmonious appearance. The special feature is the fineness of the glass. The stem has a diameter that is about ten percent smaller than that of conventional machine-made glasses. The goblet also has a noticeably thinner wall thickness compared to other glasses from machine production. In this way the STARlight series combines lightness with extraordinary elegance. They are perfect for highclass gastronomy, 5-star hotels and innovative wine bars. They also include the usual features of Stölzle glasses being dishwasher safe with a high breakage resistance making them ideal for both professional and home dining.

The series includes a Burgundy glass, a Bordeaux glass, a red wine goblet, a white wine glass and a champagne flute. Visit or see the advert on page 9.

DMS - Signs and Graphics for All Situations interior Graphics, Health and Safety Signs and of course, Bespoke Corona Virus signage.

DMS Graphics Ltd is based in Maidstone Kent. From their Maidstone office DMS of Design, Production and Installation of all forms of signs and Graphics and related projects.

DMS operates with over 20 years of experience in the Graphics industry and we have the in house knowledge, Skills and machinery to complete most graphical requirements.

DMS was originally set up as a specialist Exhibition and Events company as part of a bigger organisation.

Please visit our website where you will find information on our wide product range and a specialist blog with details of different projects and processes.

In September of 2020 DMS graphics Ltd became a standalone company offering a much wider range of products such as Exhibition Graphics, Vehicle Signs, Construction Signs, Bespoke

See the advert on page 7 for further information.

The Leading Manufacturers of Custom Printed Greaseproof Papers Benefits of It’s a Wrap greaseproof paper

1. Branding opportunity for every business, large or small. 2. From as little as 1000 sheets 335 x 500mm. 3. Useful product already being used by many multiples and independents. 4. Less stock, easy storage, order quantities to suit use. 5. Change the message on a regular basis, ideal for Christmas promotions, Valentines, Mother’s Day etc. 6. Fast turnaround 7 - 10 days dispatch, from approval of artwork. 7. Option to have 1, 2 or 4 colour process registered print

(including photos) exclusive to It’s a Wrap. 8. Free artwork 9. Very competitive, affordable for all. Limited set up costs, including disposable printing plates. 10. Biodegradable, non-toxic greaseproof paper and vegetable inks. 11. Available in brown or white substrates with good wet strength and high grease resistance. 12. Adds a high end look to the product. 13. Free trimming to any combination of sizes. 14. Manufactured by us in the UK. THE LEADING MANUFACTURERS OF CUSTOM PRINTED GREASEPROOF PAPERS (+44) 01327 301566 See the advert on page 2 for details.

FOOD SERVICES SUPPLIER INTRODUCES DISPOSABLE SOUP CUPS, CHICKEN BOXES AND SMOOTHIE CUPS Quality disposables manufacturer and supplier, Herald has launched three new packaging products to meet increased demand from the catering and food to go sectors as the market for take outs increases.

is expecting sales to increase going into 2021. Other new products include a wider selection of single, double and triple wall cups and a choice of eco sip lids made from CPLA, a renewable material created from plants. These lids complement Herald’s 8 oz, 12 oz and 16 oz hot paper cups, which have long been a market favourite based on quality and price. For further information on Herald and its products, log on to or call 0208 507 7900 to order a copy of the new catalogue.

The products consist of 8 oz, 12 oz and 16 oz kraft and white, lined, paper soup cups with lids; small, medium and large paper, recyclable chicken boxes; and 8 oz, 10 oz, 12 oz, 16 oz and 20 oz PET smoothie cups with flat, domed or domed with hole for a straw lids. Competitively priced, all three lines have already earned themselves a loyal customer base and Herald

Mitchell & Cooper Ltd.

Mitchell & Cooper Ltd. was established in 1879 and remains a family enterprise to date. We are the fourth generation of Cooper’s designing, manufacturing and distributing light catering equipment for professional use in the hospitality sector. Mitchell & Cooper Ltd. is home to the world renowned Bonzer brand including the kitchen workhorse, the Bonzer Can Opener, the staple portion control range, dispensing solutions and well established professional bar equipment.

Over the past 142 years Mitchell & Cooper Ltd. has proved its ability to adapt and respond to its cus-

Proper By SCT Proper By SCT is now it its 3rd year supplying the trade/wholesale sectors for shop, camp site, touring sites, bar, hotels, butchers, farm shop and everything else in between.

tomers’ needs and requirements, always with a personal and approachable touch. Key to this success has not only been through its grounded and established Bonzer roots, but its strong partnerships with other leading manufacturers, including, Zeroll, KitchenAid, Matfer, Bourgeat, Hotmix, Excalibur, Nemox, Bamix, Deglon, Kisag, Burnguard.

We have always had a passion for innovative product design that stands the test of time. This philosophy and attention to detail remain at the heart of everything we do. See the advert on page 7 for further details or visit Fabulous Fudge: GLUTEN FREE We not only supply are products pre packed but loose with a free 3L display jar, supplied in a large clip seal bucket for the perfectly free taste every time. which give you an even greater margin. All orders received before 2pm each day are sent out with FEDEX for next day delivery anywhere in the UK with European deliveries on a 3 day service. Our Proper Pork Crackling has a 6 months BB, Fabulous Fudge 6 Months and our Delectable Nuts 12 months.

We now tick more boxes than anyone else in our field. Proper Pork Crackling: ALLERGEN FREE & KETO Delectable Nuts, Peanuts: VEGAN, GLUTEN FREE & KETO Delectable Nuts, Cashews: VEGAN & GLUTEN FREE

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Our full range is available to see on our retail website so please call 01202875280 or email for a trade price list.


The GIGA X3c / X3 G2 allows JURA to impressively demonFor lovers of speciality coffee, the updated WE8 autostrate Swiss innovation matic coffee machine is now even more perfect. The and professionalism WE8 now prepares twelve different specialities at the down to the very last touch of a button. It now offers macchiato, espresso detail. Anywhere where doppio, special coffees and hot water for green tea at a capacity of up to 150 the touch of a button. The new fine foam frother is cups is the order of made from the highest business, the machine quality materials and has a impresses users with its stunning look and feel. quality, functionality and Specially designed for the reliability. Coupled with top performance in every preparation of speciality respect, this results in a high tech automatic coffee coffees with milk foam, it machine that is ideally tailored to the requirements of makes cappuccino and hotel breakfasts, restaurants, bars and seminar / conferother beverages with the ence venues. Recommended maximum daily output 150 very best fine textured cups per day. foam every time. Recommended maximum Photos WE8 in chrome, GIGA X3 in aluminium. daily output 40 cups per Visit for further information..

Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control Issue 36

CLH Digital


Cleaning Considerations For The Hospitality Sector

By Kelly Brierley and Tom Capper, regional sales managers at Robert Scott (

The hospitality sector has had to adapt at pace in the wake of Covid-19. From introducing one-way systems for customers and staff, to socially-distanced dining spaces and increasing the frequency of cleaning schedules for staff members. For operators that don’t have access to dedicated environmental or janitorial departments to advise on best practice, what cleaning protocols should they be implementing to instil confidence in both staff and guests when the latest restrictions ease? Robert Scott, one of the UK’s leading manufacturers and distributors of products for the janitorial sector, shares insight for businesses to navigate these challenging times, manage and reassure customers and how to implement the right cleaning processes with increased diligence for end-users.

THE IMPORTANCE OF VENTILATION Maintaining good ventilation and air flow through your site is an important practical point, especially as we move into the colder months when customers may ask for windows and doors to be closed. If you have an internal ventilation system installed, increasing cleaning of these systems

to prevent build-up of dust and other particles is key. High level cleaning tools are ideal for this job and can get into the external vents and high reach areas safely for more regular, effective cleaning.

MICROFIBRE CLEANING SYSTEMS As one of the first companies to introduce microfibre products to the UK’s janitorial sector over 20 years ago, Robert Scott understands the capabilities of microfibre and why it’s a more efficient and sustainable choice. Reusable microfibre is more cost-effective and can dramatically reduce the spend of blue roll where table surfaces require regular cleaning. This offers a great alternative given blue roll is a single use product and is far less effective than microfibre, which is designed to lift and remove debris. Microfibre mops and cloths can be used with or without cleaning solutions. A non-chemical cleaning solution such as hypochlorous acid (HOCI) is beneficial, meaning staff and customers are not exposed to harmful chemicals in busy environments where the frequency of cleaning has increased.

Introducing a colour-coding system for your cloths and other cleaning equipment is a helpful way to make staff feel comfortable that they’re using the right products in the right areas and avoid any cross contamination. The British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc) developed a recommended colour chart for the industry using four colours of red, blue, green and yellow. These colours can be transferred as colour coding on cleaning equipment so that products can be used in specific areas. This helps to set apart these cleaning items to prevent the transfer of bacteria through cross contamination.


Educating staff to increase cleaning common touch points which can experience high volumes of human interaction, therefore easily transmitting and spreading viruses, is a crucial part of your cleaning regime. These touchpoints often include handrails, door handles, lifts and escalators, push plates, sinks, tables and so on. All surfaces can become infection breeding grounds so, where possible, leave doors open to avoid contact with these regular touch points. If you are using a microfibre cloth, bear in mind that each cloth can be folded to give the user eight clean sides to use. Cleaning solution should be sprayed directly onto the surface or area in need of cleaning to allow

In the same way that your chefs prepare ingredients for the next day, your cleaning regime should be the same. Ensure cloths, mops and other items are washed, folded and ready for the next staff member to use.

Electrox customer Mark Cassidy Owner of The Walnut Tree Inn says “We’ve been using Electrox Water to sanitise our tables and surfaces and a fogging machine at the end of every day throughout the pub, and in our rooms in between guests. It gives us, and our guests reassurance and confidence that we are doing everything to remain Covid safe at all times. We would highly recommend it to any business that wants an effective disinfecting solution which is easy to use, has no lingering smell, no harsh chemicals and doesn’t have any effects on the skin of the user.” Contact Electrox today: 0117 318 0830

Helping Hotels and Restaurants To Get Back On Their Feet We have been helping many of our hotels and restaurant clients to comply with the new social distancing guidelines to keep guests and staff safe during the Covid19 pandemic. We can help you to ensure your marketing materials get results, as well as keeping guests safe. We have devised a range of popular products including protective screens, floor stickers, posters, branded hand sanitising stations and more. Door seals with a perforated strip which tears upon opening, to show that a room has been deep cleaned and sanitised. Cutlery sleeves which can be branded with your logo or message to prevent cutlery from touching common surfaces. Hand sanitisers - we have a range of wall mounted, floor standing and mini branded hand sanitisers. Toilet seat straps are paper wrappers which


For busy hospitality environments with heavily trafficked areas, a quickdrying or rapid response system is much more efficient. By using a rapid response microfibre flat mopping system, you’re able to clean the affected area efficiently and causing a minimal amount of disruption. The fuss-free nature of microfibre also means staff are able to respond quickly to spills or accidents as less preparation is required, so any affected areas can be cleaned in a matter of moments. A flat mop which incorporates a spray handle is ideal here as it removes the need for buckets of water or constant wringing out.


Electrox Powerful and Rapid Disinfection Electrox powerful and rapid disinfection. The advanced solution for our planet, created from just water and salt. Made in the UK, Electrox Sterilising Water is an ecological disinfectant that kills viruses, bacteria, spores and fungi significantly faster than other traditional disinfectants. Electrox is 80 x more effective than bleach, contains no alcohol, is non corrosive, pH neutral and hypoallergenic. It is made from water and sodium chloride (salt) using our unique, 4 chamber technology. When used with fogging machines, Electrox can sanitise restaurants, bars, pubs and hotels rapidly, with minimal disruption and without the harsh chemicals found in traditional disinfectants.

for recommended contact time. The clean side of the cloth should then be used to lift and remove the debris from that surface. The cloth should then be rotated to a clean side so that every surface is contacted by a clean side to avoid cross contamination - particularly on hidden touchpoints such as under tabletops and backs of chairs.

wrap around a toilet seat lid to show it has been sanitised. Remote control wraps show a remote control has been sanitised specifically for their stay. Television handsets are a breeding ground for bacteria so this branded item reassures guests that health and hygiene are paramount. Disposable menus printed in pads have been popular as instead of passing through many hands before it gets to yours, your guests can be sure they are recycled after use. NeverTear menus are virtually indestructible as they can be sprayed with anti bacterial fluid after use and can even be put in the dishwasher to sanitise. Visit our website: product-category/social-distancing/ or call 01202 717418.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control Issue 36

Hand Sanitising at Work Occupational dermatitis has been steadily on the rise in the UK for the past few years, with cooks and chefs being the third highest occupation that is at risk (HSE). Frequent use of hand sanitising gels, which contain alcohol, will only exacerbate the problem, as alcohol destroys the natural oils that protect our skin. There is an army of lawyers out there eager to represent victims’ claims against their employer. What can you do to help avoid this problem? Firstly ensure that a member of the management team is trained to spot the hazards that cause different kinds of dermatitis in the workplace and build it into your health & Safety policy, and then you

are not at fault for ignoring the dangers. Secondly, you can replace alcoholbased sanitising gels with alcohol-free alternatives. They are kinder to your skin, and in many cases provide longer lasting protection than alcohol-based gel. Physicool supplies eXtremeProtect organic hand sanitising balm, containing a natural biocide that kills 99.999% of germs, fungi and viruses. This can be supplied in 100ml bottles, or in bulk to fill hand pump dispenser stations. Both new products are available at, and selected stockists. Or by calling 020 7101 1977 to speak to the sales team.

CLH Digital


Sanozone. The Easy Way To Sanitise Your Indoor Spaces SANOZONE, which delivers the most efficient sanitisation performance in indoor spaces, is now available from Barbel. Manufactured by Vitaeco S.r.l., the world famous manufacturer of the highly regarded HotmixPro thermal blender range, SANOZONE sanitises rooms of many sizes in enclosed HRC sites, hotels, restaurants, bars, conference rooms and similar establishments where totally reliable and regular sanitisation is needed. SANOZONE is particularly suitable for hospitals and care home areas, where absolute cleanliness is mandatory, and in areas where it is difficult or impossible to deliver effective sanitisation throughout. The SANOZONE range of

machines use Ozone (O3) technology, a gaseous form of Ozone that fills the room, reaching every corner of the space, santising surfaces and critical hard-to-reach corners homogenously, consistently and safely. The SANOZONE range of sanitisation machines are all equipped with the latest technology and customised disinfection programmes to suit your specific requirements. The running costs are considerably lower than any traditional disinfecting programmes and most importantly, there is no manual labour involved. For further information about the SANOZONE range, please contact Barbel on 01629 705110, email, or visit the website at

How Spray Sanitisation Could Bring Back Consumer Confidence to the Hospitality and Travel Trade PORTiBAC, a new state of the art, medical grade disinfection ‘fogging system’ is launching this month to offer the hospitality and travel industries a safe environment for staff and customers and to return consumer confidence to these struggling industries. The new normal of ‘living with COVID’ in hospitality and travel has demanded new practices that hadn’t previously been undertaken. Once such innovation that has been thrown into the spotlight is the practice of ‘fogging’ or spraying large areas, to help eradicate 99.999% of viruses which could be living on a surface. The PORTiBAC spray systems use a unique sanitising solution, made in the UK to British Safety Standards, that is alcohol-free and contains no chlorides or ammonium salts, ensuring it is safe to use in all environments. The viricidal solution is bactericidal and effective against common harmful pathogenic bacteria including SARS-CoV-2 e. Coli and Covod-19 to 99.999%. An essential and effective tool in protecting and preventing the spread of pathogenic microbes, PORTiBAC joins in the battle to keep everyone healthy, especially during this current pandemic. Comments founder Mike Cohen of, which makes PORTiBAC: “Visible, effective sanitisation is vital during the economy’s recovery phase, and methods of fogging or spray sanitisation are essential to make all environments safer. Disinfection fogging is a method of application that rivals the conventional application of other cleaning chemicals. “Where annual disinfection and sanitisation may miss hard to reach areas, ‘fogging’ ensures that the micro droplets of disinfectant are dispensed to

cover all surfaces, penetrate cracks and crevices and high level objects”. PORTiBAC can reach the areas that other sanitising equipment cannot reach. PORTiBAC Spray Systems are easy to use by existing personnel - full training can be given, or there is the option to call in PORTiBAC’S sanitising squad who can undertake the task of fogging for you. Available in three different scents – fragrant cinnamon, tropical citrus and very vanilla, there are four fogging spray systems for the hospitality, leisure and travel trade :

PORTiBAC, 800ML CORDLESS SPRAY GUN – ‘Certified to Kill Covid-19’ This cordless gun sprayer has a simple mission – to sanitise a pub/restaurant and all small to medium size spaces including buses and train carriages within minutes. With its easy to carry case, the PORTiBAC 800ML SPRAY GUN is ready to go anywhere. Available in 3 finishes – metallic matt gold, brushed silver and brilliant white. Comes with FREE 800ML solution. PORTiBAC 800ML bottles are available to purchase for easy replacements or 5L & 10L tubs are also available for easy refill.

PORTiBAC 200C CORDLESS Got a larger area to sanitise but no power points? The 200C is a cordless 2L fogging system that enables the user to move around easily and recharge

when finished. Comes with 10L of Tropical Citrus scented solution to leave the whole area smelling clean and safe. Available in Matt Black.

PORTiBAC 1500 10L BackPack From a wedding venue to a concert arena, football stadium to school, airport to train station, the PORTiBAC 1500 has a 10L capacity and 8 metre length cord, enabling this backpack fogger to make short work of a big area. When turnaround times are tight, equip a team with the PORTiBAC 1500 and a daunting challenge is quickly and effectively solved. Alternatively call in our PORTiBAC SANITISING SQUAD and they will arrive ready prepared to sanitise areas others cannot reach, making it simple to sanitised for your venue. Continues Cohen: “As people continue to return to hotels, bars and restaurants, even despite the new 10pm curfew, and passengers come back to the skies and stations, these industries must do everything they can to give these cautious returnees the confidence to become regular customers again.” Visit


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Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control Issue 36

Jangro Launches Digital Cleaning Wall Charts British Company Launches Product Range That Reduces the Spread of Viruses By Touch

As bars, restaurants, and cafes reopen, independent janitorial and cleaning distributor extends digital wall chart collection to include the hospitality sector.

As lockdown restrictions continue to loosen and hospitality outlets emerge from their enforced hibernation, they must be extra vigilant when it comes to cleaning and hygiene. To assist with this enhanced focus on infection control, Jangro, the largest network of independent janitorial and cleaning distributors in the UK and Ireland, has extended its award-winning, innovative range of digital wall charts. These cleaning guides now include colour coded plans for the hospitality sector, ensuring a safe and hygienic working environment is maintained. Jangro’s digital wall chart creator has been updated to enable customers in the hospitality industry to create their own bespoke colour coded plans, featuring the products of their choice for each surface and work space within bar and catering areas. Customers can also upload their own logo, to personalise it to

their specific business.

Once the chart has been created, it can be printed or downloaded for reference. The technology has also been enhanced so that the customer now also receives a QR code, enabling it to be downloaded to a mobile device quickly and easily.

As well as their bespoke copy, the customer will automatically receive a full health and safety compliance pack. This comprises of the relevant safety data sheets, product user guides, and Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) risk assessments of the products that feature on their chart. Essentially, this streamlines all of the health and safety documentation, making it easier for bar, café or restaurant businesses to stay compliant. Jangro is a dynamic force in the cleaning supply industry and is the largest network of independent janitorial distributors in the UK and Ireland. For more information go to or call 01204 795 955.

London based Veraco has designed and manufactured a range of Antimicrobial adhesive pads and wraps to be used on frequently touched surfaces, such as door handles, shopping trolleys and handrails. They use 'Silver Ions' technology which works by breaking down the biological make-up of micro organisms, in order to stop the spread and reproduction of dangerous pathogens. The products kill up to 99.99% of common bacteria as well as being effective against Coronavirus. Antimicrobial silver technology is not new and has been used in paints and coatings for hospitals, but until now no one has produced a versatile range of solutions that can easily be installed anywhere.

for our trade customers. In the future, there is no reason why any frequently touched surface wouldn’t be protected” Veraco is a London based specialist in antimicrobial technology. We design and manufacture infection control products for hygiene-critical touchpoints. We develop solutions that help reduce the risk and spread of dangerous pathogens to create a much safer, cleaner environment for hygiene critical ‘zones’. Any frequently-touched surface has a huge risk of cross-contamination and it’s often unavoidable. We use antimicrobial technologies that actively kills germs on touch. The antimicrobial technology has undergone testing in accordance with BS ISO 22196 and BS ISO 21702:2019

Co-Founder Charles Churchman said, “We knew the technology worked but we wanted to also create products that looked good and were really easy to use. We have a range of different shapes and sizes, and we can also produce customised designs

Visit for details.

MAG Launches Ozone Generator Proven To Kill Covid–19 Make Your Premises Safe for the Environment, Are your rooms 100% free of germs and smells? Clean, fresh air has never been more important and ozone is being used in hotels across the world as a new safety standard for infection control. The MAG Ozone Generator emits ozone through the air to sanitise surfaces and kill bacteria and viruses including Covid–19. Proven to eliminate SARS coronavirus, norovirus, E.coli, salmonella and more than 99% of harmful bacteria and viruses, ozone is recognised as the strongest and fastest method of destroying microorganisms. With cycle times as quick as 15 minutes the MAG Ozone Generator is the quick

& easy way to sanitise any indoor environment including hotel rooms, offices, toilets, canteens, storage areas and more. Ozone is also extremely effective at removing unwanted smells from rooms. Rather than masking unpleasant odours with air fresheners and chemicals you can permanently remove smells with the MAG Ozone Generator. Available for less than £5.00 per day MAG Ozone Generators can be purchased outright or paid for monthly via lease or rental. Likewise MAG Equipment Ltd supplies and services all leading brands of commercial washing machines, tumble dryers and ironers should you require any assistance. Get in touch for your free demo or trial on 01422 244733.

Staff and Customers

LineClenze have the ultimate solution to make any hospitality and licensed on trade environment safe for staff, customers and at the same time protecting the environment. Our innovative decontamination process involves distributing superfine droplets of disinfectant into the atmosphere, to kill the bacteria and viruses in the air and, when the droplets land on any surface, it also kills the bacteria and viruses on that surface. DEW Disinfects only active ingredient is the same as our body produces when fighting an infection, so it presents no danger to humans, animals, plants or the environment. There is no need to evacuate an area being fogged, or to wear PPE. DEW Disinfect is highly effective at killing bacteria,

viruses and fungi, without damaging the environment and it is entirely human-compatible, it can be used almost everywhere where disinfection or sanitisation is required. DEW Disinfect leaves NO residue, in fact, it destroys biofilm and hormonal residues, then simply evaporates. We offer a number of different dispense mechanisms to enable DEW Disinfect to be used throughout your venue. These include:

• Fogging Machine for large areas • Room Mister • Vehicle Mister • Handheld Spray for localised use • Wall dispensers and small spray bottles for hand sanitisation For further details visit

• Reduce costs • Improve operational efficiencies • Raise bottom line profitability • Improve Quality


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Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control Issue 36

Physicool UK Physicool UK is helping employers in the Catering sector to address two issues that have emerged as a direct consequence of Covid-19.

If a member of staff wearing traditional paper or cloth facemasks has served you recently, you’ll know that the

customer service experience is strange, faceless and nothing like it normally is. Hospitality groups have recognised the importance of ‘service with a smile’ for decades, and it is a great loss in current times. One solution for employers that may help to address this problem is to use clear plastic masks. You don’t se them around much, as they have only started to become available recently. Physicool supplies a comfortable lightweight clear plastic face mask (more practical than the full face clear visors) that rests gently on the wearer’s chin, allowing staff to engage with customers fully again.

CATERING PACKS – SPECIAL PRICES 10 x clear plastic masks: £2.50 ea. = £25.00 + VAT 25 x clear plastic masks £2.35: ea. = £58.75 + VAT 50 x clear plastic masks: £2.20 ea. = £110 + VAT

CLH Digital

Digital Contact Data Registration The German company Heidler GmbH has developed the app "CoReady" to allow customers to visit restaurants, hairdressing salons and all other companies, which are legally required to take customers’ personal details due to Corona. Visitors can register online and only store the data required by law. The app is free for all guests and customers.

The app offers the following advantages: • Saving time in service, less effort and full focus on the guests

Catering packs are available now at, and selected stockists. Or by calling 020 7101 1977 to speak to the sales team.

• Simple logistics through digital accessibility

Digital Contact Data Registration:

• Drastic reduction of the bureaucratic effort

German Company Launches App For Registering Visitor Data In Compliance With Data Protection Laws The German company Heidler GmbH has developed the app "CoReady" to allow customers to visit restaurants, hairdressing salons and all other companies, which are legally required to take customers’ personal details due to Corona. Visitors can register online and only store the data required by law. The app is free for all guests and customers. The one-time registration ensures a quick data collection in all participating companies. The data is automatically encrypted and stored in a database in compliance with GDPR. Upon entering the restaurant or shop the issued QR code has to be scanned by the respective guest. Additionally, menus, price lists and the shop's website can be stored in the app. The fast dispatch of the data to the health authorities in case of a corona infection is guaranteed. After the minimum

retention period has expired, the data is automatically deleted. The app offers the following advantages: -

Saving time in service, less effort and full focus on the guests Simple logistics through digital accessibility Drastic reduction of the bureaucratic effort - Increase of customer satisfaction More information and footage here: Contact: Lukas Zobel Phone: +49 6128 - 21054 - 35 E-Mail: Heidler GmbH General phone: +49 6128 - 21054 - 0

Germgard from Fireco James Wheeler, Chief Commercial Officer at Fireco says, “Our customers require visual, physical products as evidence in promoting their return to work strategy to their workforce. Germgard meets those requirements, ensuring best practice, encouraging occupants to self-police when moving around the building.” Germgard helps businesses reopen safely As lockdown restrictions started lifting in July, businesses had to plan their back to work strategy in line with the Government’s Health & Safety Executive COVID-19 Risk Assessment guidelines.

With the outbreak of COVID-19, good hygiene practice has become more important than ever before. Fireco has recently released its newest innovation, Germgard, a smart sanitiser combined with digital signage. Germgard has been designed to promote awareness of the importance of hand sanitisation to all building users. It can also be tailored to suit individual business needs, helping as a building management tool. Some examples of potential messaging includes instructing users to follow your one-way system or putting on a mask before entering. Germgard is a smart sanitising station which monitors people passing through your chosen doorways. A PIR sensor will detect someone approaching and a screen will show your personalised message. Germgard can also be combined with a range of door systems so that the use of hand sanitiser is a requirement before gaining entry. Integration options include electronic door locks, automatic doors, and access control systems.

Staff and members are detected when entering the building, they are presented with a digital display asking them to sanitise their hands. Castle Snooker & Sports Bar chose to connect their Germgard system with their electronic door lock, meaning that the door will only unlock for people who have used the sanitiser unit. This reduces the possibility of human error when controlling the transfer of germs. “Germgard has played a vital role in making our COVID Secure Strategy strikingly obvious to our customers. We wanted to ease anxiety and make sure our members feel safe when returning to the new normal.” “I would recommend Fireco. They have helped us to reopen our business safely.” Fireco manufactures wireless fire door closers and retainers, notification systems, disability aid products and hygiene equipment, all designed to provide simple solutions to a range of needs: fire safety, compliance, access, ventilation and hygiene. For more information about Germgard or how Fireco solutions can assist with COVID-secure strategies, visit or call the Fireco team today 01273 320650.


• Increase of customer satisfaction The one-time registration ensures a quick data collection in all participating companies. The data is automatically encrypted and stored in a database in compliance with GDPR. Upon entering the restaurant or shop the issued QR code has to be scanned by the respective guest. Additionally, menus, price lists and the shop's website can be stored in the app. The fast dispatch of the data to the health authorities in case of a corona infection is guaranteed. After the minimum retention period has expired, the data is automatically deleted.

Heidler GmbH +49 6128 - 21054 - 0

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CLH Digital

Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control Issue 36

Could This Be The Solution To Hand Sanitiser Pump Stations? Has supplying your diners with gallons of hand sanitiser left you with the endless task of checking for empty plastic containers or cleaning puddles of sticky gel on the floor? The people at Super Clean Hands may have found the perfect solution. They are convinced that offering complimentary 'Super Clean Hands' sachets to your guests is a more stylish, efficient, and a cost-effective way to boost customer confidence in your business and shows your concern for their safety. As a plus, Super Clean Hands is made from premium ingredients including aloe vera, which leave hands feeling thoroughly cleansed and soft without residual stickiness or odour. Additionally, the sachets are available in gel format or in infused wipes. Placed at the bar, on the table, or with the self-service cutlery, or handed out with the bill will provide your customers the opportunity to sanitise their hands at the point of consuming food, rather than at the entrance of your establishment. Super Clean Hands want to deliver safety at the point of consumption and exposure. Also popping a sachet in with takeaway food is a nice touch for the customers purchasing food for later and an important way to signify your hygiene values to your customers. And best of all Super Clean Hands will donate 10% of their profits to the National Emergencies Trust who have done such wonderful work helping those worst effected by the pandemic. Available through distributors, Super Clean Hands come in bulk cartons of 1,000, with an option of shelfready dispensers for bars and counter-tops - think pack of tag and envelope teabags! For more information call 07831 747282 or email

JLA’s Ozone Washing System Proven To Remove All Traces of Coronavirus in University Study of Infected Laundry

Treating coronavirus-infected laundry with a professional ozone washing system could have major implications for the future of infection control in the hospitality industry, according to new research. The in-depth study carried out at De Montfort University in Leicester found that the OTEX washing system, which uses ozone to kill bacteria even at low temperatures, completely removes all traces of coronavirus (OC43), a model virus for SARS-CoV-2. The system, created by JLA (the UK’s leading supplier of commercial laundry equipment) was tested by a research team overseen by Dr Katie Laird, Reader in Microbiology and Head of the Infectious Disease Research Group, and expert virologist Dr Maitreyi

Shivkumar, Lecturer in Molecular Biology. The research found that cleaning with the OTEX technology completely removed the coronavirus, even in large washing loads. Additional testing also proved that the virus was not transferred to other textiles in the wash. Believed to be one of the first studies of its kind, the research proves that coronavirus-infected laundry can be cleaned even at low temperatures, allowing heat sensitive items such as personal clothing, hospital mattress covers, emergency rescue wear and microfibre items to be cleaned effectively. Dr Laird and her team are now completing the next stage of their research, looking at the rate at which the virus is inactivated in the cleaning process to give more data on the length of time and quantities of ozone required for the virus to be eliminated. Dr Laird comments, “A key element of tackling the spread of COVID-19 is to understand how effective infection control can be implemented in real world settings. There are a variety of situations in which textiles potentially carrying the virus need to be cleaned, such as care homes, hospitals and hotels. “Until now we have had little data about how the virus responded to different types of cleaning. These initial results demonstrate that cleaning with ozone, as in the OTEX system, completely removes the model coronavirus. “This held true even when treating larger loads of

washing, as is likely to be the case in a real laundry setting. This result can give reassurance that such cleaning is effective .” Helen Ashton, CEO from JLA commented “I am really excited about the results of these tests as here at JLA we play our part in eradicating this terrible virus. We have been developing and refining the OTEX laundry system for over fifteen years and its benefits to our customers are clear - full eradication of disease, including coronavirus, even at low temperatures and a significant reduction in operational cost coupled with a meaningful benefit to the environment. “The system has been designed to be easy to use with real time verification of the disinfection process on every wash which provides a unique audit trail of full compliance to regulatory standards.” This is the latest accolade for JLA’s innovative OTEX system, having been previously recognised by the NHS Rapid Review Panel in 2009 set up by the government to fast track new technology to address hospital acquired infections, achieving the highest grade (level 1) for infection control products. More recently, assessment of compliance with current Public Health England HTM01-04 guidelines for the decontamination of healthcare linen. The OTEX ozone system is also fully supported in line with the EU Biocidal Products Regulation. For more information about OTEX by JLA, please visit:

Ground-Breaking New Technology Helping Stop The Spread Of Coronaviruses Ground-breaking new technology helping stop the spread of Coronaviruses whilst protecting staff and customers with continual airborne sanitisation. The COVID-19 pandemic raises particular challenges for the hospitality industry. With no end in sight and millions of pounds being spent every day on cleaning and sanitisation methods that are costly and labour intensive. SOH Group has a revolutionary new product ‘SOH Pure’ that is already helping thousands of people and

businesses by continuously sanitising their premises. The SOH Pure systems work in a similar way to that of a fogger but is an ‘always on’ solution that continually sanitises an area of up to 80m2. Achieved by cold air diffusion technology liquid is turned into a vapour the is lighter than air. This vapour cleans and sanitises the air whilst airborne and then sanitises all surfaces when it falls creating a unique dual action air and surface approach.

Using SOH Pure system will help reduce the amount of time that is required cleaning and will help continually sanitise kitchens, restaurant & high traffic areas, such as staff gathering hot spots, building entrances and more. Let us help you re-open safely providing a continuously santised environment for that extra piece of mind! 02037276400, or

Hospitality Technology and Software

Issue 36

CLH Digital


The Welsh Fintech Aiming To Save The Introducing Toggle Hospitality Sector £8bn A Year Introducing Toggle, a powerful gift card platform bursting with features to help you make the most of earning pre-visit revenue during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Yoello aims to disrupt the current payment networks which are outdated and expensive. By processing payments themselves, utilising open banking regulations, they want to bring operators and customers closer together with cheaper and instantaneous transactions. The platform is currently focused on the hospitality industry, from small cafes and traditional pubs to luxury hotels and large theatres. Yoello’s mobile order and pay technology also has the capability to expand into sectors such as retail and tourism.

2020 has been a pivotal year for Cardiff based Fintech Yoello. Since launching their mobile order and pay solution in June, the company has gone from strength to strength growing rapidly whilst supporting thousands of hospitality businesses across the UK during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The company’s aim is to improve efficiency, increase revenues and improve the customer experience through mobile technology, in particular in the current climate with businesses currently operating with reduced staff numbers and customer capacity. As we head towards a cash-

Leading Hospitality Brands Launching Digital Loyalty Schemes In The Midst Of The Pandemic Major hospitality brands including Notes Coffee, Chucs Restaurants & Cafes, The Gentlemen Baristas, Yangtze Noodles (part of Chopstix Group) and Thunderbird Fried Chicken have signed up to the Embargo App loyalty platform in response to the challenges which the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to our sector. Embargo allows coffee shops, restaurants and bars launch their digital loyalty card within one day, providing them with a COVID-safe and fully contactless solution focused on boosting repeat busi-

ness from local customers. Furthermore, Embargo’s CRM system helps venues identify their key customers and communicate with them via multiple channels like push messages and emails. Notes Coffee, The Gentlemen Baristas, Yangtze Noodles and Chucs Restaurants are only a few names among the hundreds of brands that have joined the platform during the COVID-19 pandemic - replacing paper stamp cards or choosing Embargo over building their own branded apps. Visit

less society and a new technology led, post-Covid, future of service – Yoello’s tech will play a vital role for most businesses to survive.

Yoello’s mobile ordering solution allows customers to access digital menus simply by scanning a QR code or typing in a URL using any smartphone or web device, without needing to download an app. Customers can access table service, click & collect and delivery services all through one platform. From a merchant’s point of view, it’s very easy to set up and manage contactless order and pay either alongside an existing system or through POS integration. Find out more about the Yoello platform: Or speak to the sales team: / 07764 86 4840

Toggle offers high customisation with the freedom to sell not just gift cards, but experiences, special offers, products like at-home kits and more. Toggle handles everything to do with your gifting; offering digital gift cards as well as beautifully designed physical ones that we can send on your behalf through our fulfillment service. Our expert customer success team is on hand to help you set up with lightning speed, introduce you to the platform’s features and ensure that you’re maximising on its tools by releasing new feature updates and campaign ideas. Toggle seamlessly integrates with Zonal, Access, Comtrex, Datasym and a host of other platforms. Sign up today and be selling tomorrow. Visit

Smart Ordering with Hop Software Hop Software recently launched a new addition to its ever-growing hospitality focused products; Hop Shop, an online click and collect delivery platform is helping hospitality and restaurateurs through lockdown. Hop Shop can be accessed from the business website via Hop PMS allowing hospitality businesses to set-up a collection or delivery service. Hop Shop also is available through our newly launched app. The Smart Order Time feature ensures ultimate safety for both staff and customers, allowing customers to choose a convenient and safe time for collection or delivery. Now more than ever, guests are opting for a con-

tactless service from restaurants and hotels. Hop Shop has already helped many hospitality businesses find additional revenue streams. Richard Drummond owner of McKays Hotel, Bar & Restaurant, Pitlochry says; “Hop Shop has been a great addition to our operations. Guests continue to use the app and enjoy ordering food via their mobile, directly to their rooms and homes. As the current situation develops, Hop Shop has diversified our business and opened a new revenue stream.” For a demo of Hop PMS and Hop Shop, please email: or see the advert on the facing page.

Hospitality Technology and Software

Issue 36

CLH Digital


Technology is the Foundation of Hospitality’s Revival Over the last year, we have seen advances in technology that would normally have taken months, if not years, to develop, test, trial and implement. But the flexibility and dexterity that has helped hospitality operators to adjust their way of working to meet changing restrictions, often at short notice, highlights the importance of technology in a modern hospitality venue and why it is no longer an optional extra. Henry Seddon, Managing Director of Access Hospitality, offers his thoughts on how technology can support hospitality businesses as they prepare to rebuild trade in 2021.

INTEGRATION, INTEGRATION, INTEGRATION The most important piece of advice I can give anyone who is reviewing how technology fits in their business is that the best solutions are those that integrate across many applications rather than being stand-alone. An EPoS system that integrates with order ahead, delivery, table reservation, payment, marketing, loyalty and engagement apps, for example, will simplify all stages of the operations process and provide a seamless customer journey. When trading guidelines have changed at short notice – reducing capacity, advance booking, table service only, contactless payments – integrated technology has enabled operators to adapt quickly and effectively. Access EPoS has at least 64 integrations available, enabling frictionless interaction and greatly enhancing the scope and power of the overall system, and this has provided access to implement reactive solutions, such as the addition of test and trace data to existing reservation technology. Integration delivers streamlined interaction that increases efficiency across the business operation, reducing admin time so that staff can reassign their time and skills more productively elsewhere. The resulting com-

mercial reports are more comprehensive and have rich data to enable effective analysis and a deeper understanding of what is happening at every level of the business.

A FLEXIBLE AND SCALABLE EPOS SYSTEM With so much uncertainty in the sector, flexibility and the option to scale an EPOS system are vital. Whilst an off the shelf solution might be the best choice for a start-up business, or one without significant growth ambitions, it could restrict business agility and future expansion as trading restrictions are eased. Proven technology that responds to changing needs drives efficiencies and provides exceptional guest experiences from one trusted source, which has never been more important than a time when there is no margin for error on revenue, costs and customer service.

SINGLE SIGN-ON Technology should simplify an operation and improve the work routine, not make it more complicated. As integration increases, so does the value of running solutions with a single sign on, with information displayed on a personalised dashboard instead of having to work across several different screens. Access Workspace enables customers to access different technology solutions in one place rather than having to sign in on numerous systems, transforming productivity and engagement. The seamless interaction reduces time spent on input and data interrogation, providing a frictionless way of working and immediate access to the right information.

ACCELERATION OF CONTACTLESS OPTIONS Having seen steady growth over the last couple of years, the move to contactless payments has been accelerated significantly in the last nine months, as everyone recognised the threat of infection from handling cash. The use of payment apps will continue as customers look for a convenient and secure way of managing their finances, particularly if their disposable income has been impacted during the pandemic, and they are now recognising that one solution for order and pay at table is more convenient than downloading a series of apps for different operators. Once again, integration becomes a key factor for operators, with Access EPOS integrating with

a host of order ahead, delivery and loyalty solutions as well as the main payment apps that customers are turning to.

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Technology has revolutionised facilities management, with automation changing the landscape of compliance obligations, planned and reactive property maintenance. Sourcing suppliers, negotiating costs, checking ongoing works, approving invoices and filing certifications can now be completed at the press of a button. With so much being possible remotely, there has been a surge in interest in the Access Maintain managed service which handles the process for hospitality operators, providing expertise and easing pressure where the property management staff are still furloughed or the business is running at reduced capacity, with no-one having overall control for this function.

FUTURE TECHNOLOGY Technology will continue to evolve quickly but two areas are likely to drive the next round of development and impact. ‘Big data’ describes extremely large sets of data coming into a business daily and includes venue performance, spend per head and customer satisfaction. Consolidation and analysis to drive decision making can be time consuming and confusing but the introduction of a single platform to serve data from all hospitality technology will deliver significant benefits in accuracy, efficiency and cost savings. Another area will see technology help in the challenge of reducing waste which is a focus from a cost and sustainability perspective. Tracking food returned or thrown away will contribute to regulating portion control and minimising waste, taking business into 2021 with cost control and environmental at front of mind. See the advert below to find out more about how Access Hospitality can help your business.

Staying warm whilst dining al fresco Due to COVID-19, 2020 has been the year of dining al fresco. From home BBQs with a group of six friends to eating outside at your local pub or restaurant, everyone has been making the most of the sunshine – whilst maintaining a safe distance. Lots of people are still very wary about sitting indoors. And, in many cases, outdoor table service is the only thing that has kept people together and businesses afloat during these difficult times. So, the question is: what will happen now that autumn weather has arrived? Here at Under Control, we believe we have the solution.

3 tips to keep warm whilst dining outside 1. INVEST IN PATIO SPACE HEATERS

This is (by far!) the easiest way to stay warm whilst dining al fresco. Infrared patio heaters – such as those available in our space heating department – are perfect for use in home gardens and commercial spaces. They provide a gentle yet highly effective source of heat, over a large area, and are guaranteed to keep you feeling toasty on the chilliest of days. What’s more, they’re safe to use, energy-efficient and have a sleek and modern design. The perfect solution for both relaxed gatherings on your patio and fancy bars and restaurants alike.


In addition to outdoor patio heaters, perhaps supply your guests with complementary blankets? Of course, due to current regulations surrounding coronavirus, these would need to be washed thoroughly between each use. But it’s a simple way to create a cosy and welcoming atmosphere in your outdoor dining space – and will encourage people to visit throughout the winter months.


Al fresco dining in winter calls for hot winter beverages. So, if you’re running a bar or having friends round for a few drinks, why not swap out the beer and gin for mulled wine, hot cider and Irish coffee? Or if food is on the agenda, perhaps choose meals that are warm and hearty? Served up next to the patio heater, these options will warm your guests up nicely, even on the coldest of days.

Invest in your infrared patio heater today! Infrared patio heater available at Under Control Instruments There has never been a better time to invest in a patio space heater. They are the most effective and convenient way to heat up an outdoor space and will ensure you can dine al fresco despite plummeting temperatures. Yet despite this, they’re available for an affordable price – starting from just £175 per unit. So, why not take a look today?

To find out more about the infrared patio heaters – or for further tips on how to keep warm whilst dining outside – please feel free to get in touch. We have detailed knowledge of all products currently available in our space heating department and we’re always happy to help.

0121 238 2795 or send an email to and we’ll respond as soon as we can. Alternatively, visit Either give us a call on

Design and Refit

CardsSafe - Protecting Assets ®

month + a one off admin charge. • CardsSafe® ensures peace of mind and protects against fraud and theft • CardsSafe® increases staff trust and improves the work environment • CardsSafe® is easy to use with minimal training and quick to install • CardsSafe® is PCI & GDPR Compliant to standards 9.6, 9.9, 12.2 and 12.6 and protects card data from identity fraud and theft Please visit our website and create your own account quickly and securely. Or for more information, please contact the CardsSafe Customer Service Team. WEB:, Phone: 0845 500 1040 Email:

The CardsSafe® system is specifically designed to securely retain customer credit, debit and ID cards while the cardholder runs a tab or uses a service. CardsSafe® has revolutionised the way hospitality and leisure businesses manage their assets. It protects against theft and walkouts, streamlines services and reduces losses, which means it pays for itself! There are numerous benefits of using CardsSafe® for your business and over 5000 outlets in the UK agree! • CardsSafe® reduce costs and losses, makes card fraud is virtually impossible and ensures that equipment is returned • CardsSafe® is affordable and pays for itself! From just £9.95 (net) per unit per

Combine Design And Comfort With Retro Style Chairs If you’re looking to update your hospitality or reception space in the new year, the latest additions to Trent Furniture’s stylish range of retro chairs will tick every box. The opulent golden tan suede upholstery of our Copenhagen Chair and Geneva Tub Chair blend in seamlessly with many décor schemes and other furniture such as our Bauhaus-inspired Munich Retro Chair. The sleek metal lines of the Copenhagen Chair are

complemented by its padded seat and back, designed for both comfort and style. This eye-catching chair is also available as a tall bar stool, so high-seating and bar areas can match perfectly. The cleverly designed Geneva Tub Chair has all the good looks and comfort of a fully upholstered traditional tub chair while fitting into small or awkward spaces. This compact and versatile chair is the perfect partner for the Copenhagen Chair. With prices starting at £33.90 for the Copenhagen Chair, £39.90 for the Munich Retro Chair and £59.90 for the Geneva Tub Chair, Trent’s new range of vintage chairs is the embodiment of affordable elegance. To find out more about Trent Furniture’s great selection of vintage style furniture, please call 0116 2864 911 or visit See the advert on page 45.

Issue 36

CLH Digital


Mitsubishi Electric launch the UK’s first lower GWP R32 Air Curtain Mitsubishi Electric has launched a new, R32 Air Curtain which is designed to improve energy efficiency and minimise heat loss from a building while allowing businesses to benefit from an open door policy. As the first manufacturer in the UK to launch an R32 Air Curtain, the new Mr Slim HP DX 2.0 Air Curtain completes the R32 offering across splits indoor units and allows customers to move to one sole refrigerant on site. R32 has a much lower global warming potential (GWP) than R410A and is now the refrigerant of choice for split systems. By using R32 throughout the system, carbon emissions are reduced and installation, service and maintenance are all simplified. “The new Mr Slim Air Curtain is the first in the UK, to utilise R32 which makes it the perfect choice to help buildings meet their carbon reduction plan”, said Mel Threader, Senior Product Manager. “This technology offers an energy and cost efficient solution that would benefit all locations with public entrances including retail, hotel lobbies, office entrances, higher education, hospitals, libraries, museums and leisure facilities”. Air curtain technology minimises the amount of cold air entering a building and keeps the warm air inside, ensuring a comfortable environment is provided to the occupants. Flexible and easier installation is achieved with the R32 indoor unit

as it is available in a recessed or exposed design offering. In addition, the Mr Slim HP DX 2.0 air curtains can be used as twin systems, using two identical units to serve a wide or double entrance / exit, served by a single common Mr Slim outdoor unit. Developed by Mitsubishi Electric in conjunction with air curtain manufacturer Thermoscreens in the UK, and currently available in 1m, 1.5m or 2m lengths as a dual refrigerant solution (R32 or R410A), the units are ideal for businesses looking to future proof their buildings by running completely on R32. They offer lower run costs and carbon emissions through the flagship Mr Slim Power Inverter high efficiency outdoor units. “Overall this R32, energy efficient air curtain is the ideal solution for businesses with strong carbon reduction targets who want to be able offer an open door operation whilst ensuring a comfortable environment inside”, added Mel Threader.

Further details on the system can be found on the company’s website or

Mysons ltd successfully tendered for the refurbishment of the conferencing and banqueting at the Four Seasons Hampshire with a very tight programme of 7 weeks with no overrun as there were conferences booked for the day after handover. The work itself was a challenge using some new techniques with specialist paint and lighting and with the coordination of the FF&E to ensure a smooth handover Mysons Ltd prides itself in the ability to react to the clients demands being as flexible as possible to meet them we are a national company working from inverness in the north to Hale in the south using where possible our own labour and closely with our partnered sub contractors from a C&B refurb to reactive and planed work for local authorities, windows and doors to groundworks and building works, soft strip small demo to general maintenance.

Jeff Satwick

Derek aDby

Managing Director

business Development Manager

07873 111578

07948 438848



The Compack glasswashers have simplicity and robust performance in mind. Where the need for just washing glasses is the main aim this is the machine for the job.

• Electronic control with push buttons for high efficiency and easy to use • 350, 400 and 500 basket machines available • 120 seconds washing cycle • Ecoclean control system for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle • Built in drain pump included • Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers • Guarantees hot rinse thermostop • Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler • Light function button with self diagnostic

(subject to status)


• Electronic control DIGIT with temperature display • 4 washing cycles • Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle • Built in drain pump included • Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers • Guarantees hot rinse thermostop • Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler • Built in softener (only on D50S and D55S) • Colour coded function button with self diagnostic • Evolute Electronic control with LCD display




• Self-diagnosis with errors solution, precise setting of the detergent dispenser, different temperature setting for each cycle • Ecoclean control system for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle (only with built in drain pump). • Thermal acoustic double door • New inclined and deep-drawn welded tank • Door reinforcement brackets • Adjustable rinsing arm rotation speed • Fully stainless steel made wash and rinse arms for low maintenance, heavy duty, all corrosion resistant • Removable double filtering system for wash and drainage cycle

Web Email Tel 0333 456 4500


• Electronic control with LCD display • 4 individual programmable cycles • Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle • Built in drain pump included • Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers • Break tank – AA air gap – WRAS approved • Guarantee rinse temperature 85⁰C at constant pressure • Self cleaning cycle on drain down • Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler • Built in softener (only on BT55S) • Self diagnostic


Design and Refit

Issue 36

CLH Digital

Perfect Refrigeration Performance, Outstanding Energy Efficiency German engineered appliances from Liebherr provide exceptional refrigeration and freezing performance for your business. Ergonomically designed with efficiency in mind, our spacious refrigerators and freezers allow you to store fresh food and ready-to-serve dishes in a well-arranged, easily accessible manner. Manufactured in Europe using robust, high-quality materials to meet the demands of a busy commercial catering environment. The fronts, compartments, and containers are all conveniently designed for easy cleaning making Liebherr appliances ideal for bars, bistros, and restaurants. Liebherr's under-worktop

appliances for the food industry offer generous storage space while taking up little room. They can easily be integrated below a worktop as a space-saving option and provide a highly appealing presentation platform for drinks etc. The interior lighting, with its own on/off function, further enhances the display of your products for optimal effect. The beverage industry also requires perfect refrigeration performance. Drinks are deliciously chilled and ready for sale even after a short storage period. The combination of modern refrigeration components, powerful and climate-friendly coolants, and precise control systems ensure low-cost energy efficiency. To find out more information please see that advert on this page.

A new Dorset restaurant has been given a continental-style appearance with the addition of a new al-fresco dining area thanks to Poole-based company Broadview Shading Solutions. To increase covers and offer social distancing during the current climate, Whittles Restaurant & Bar

approached Broadview to advise them on the best way to create a sheltered outside dining space that could be used in all weathers. Broadview advised on three new awnings, manufactured by Brustor, and a branded Uhlmann umbrella with its very own lighting system. Remote control operation means the awnings can be quickly and easily extended or tucked neatly away depending on the weather. Whittles is just one hospitality business that Broadview has created exceptional outside dining spaces for. Others include Rick Stein in Barnes, The NED in London and The Sandbanks Hotel in Poole. If you would like more information about how Broadview can help your hospitality business extend covers and create an al-fresco dining experience, please contact 01202 679012 or visit their website:

Broadview Help Dorset Restaurant Create Al-fresco Dining Area

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CLH Digital

Issue 36

Design and Refit

Wine Storage Solutions


We always had reliability in mind as we had all replaced our own coolers in the past, often much earlier than we would have liked or hoped.

excellent longevity. We are proud of our product ranges and passionate about wine storage at home and in the restaurant. We would encourage you to pay us a visit to see all these models in our showroom in Chipping Norton. Our customers are always saying they look so much better ‘in the flesh’. If you cannot visit, we are always happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your wine storage requirements and we look forward to hearing from you. Visit or see the advert on this page.

Ambimedia Audiovisual Solutions

We are specialists in the supply and installation of temperature-controlled wine display cabinets which can be placed in any part of a building and require no plumbing or drainage. Our stunning and unique range includes contemporary & traditional styles with beautiful LED lighting, self-contained, temperaturecontrolled walk-in wine rooms for 990-4000+ bottles and wine display cabinets with 4 glass walls and LED lighting in all four Visit our corners to create a stunning visual effect which you showroom, can walk around 360 degrees. call us or view online.

Wine Storage Solutions Ltd

Essex House, Cromwell Business Park, Banbury Road, Chipping Norton OX7 SSR

The brief was simple – quality, reliability and style.

The development of the Vin Garde range’s single-weld refrigeration system has gone a long way to ensuring top performance and


Tel: 01608 645083

Wine Storage Solutions Ltd was established in March 2005, to find and develop the perfect temperature and humidity-controlled wine coolers and fridges for my friends’ and my own wine collections.


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Ambimedia Ltd are working hard to provide our clients with audiovisual solutions which allows them to adapt to future needs, in the wake of the recent pandemic. Our Certified Technology Specialists have been working closely with manufactures to develop our product range in order to meet changing demands.

ENHANCING OUTDOOR SPACES In order to enhance outdoor areas in pubs and restaurants, we have provided solutions including outdoor high brightness TV’s, outdoor sound systems and extended WIFI and CCTV networks.

HAND SANITISERS WITH BUILT IN DIGITAL SIGNAGE DISPLAYS Most venues which you visit these days have hand sanitiser stations as you enter the building and we have gone one step further,

providing digital signage displays within the hand sanitiser stations allowing venues to provide information to customers in addition to product advertising.

DIGITAL MENUBOARDS & DIGITAL SIGNAGE Our award winning digital menuboard solution allows customers to instantly manage content on their screens from a PC or tablet. Choose from over 700 menuboard templates and over 3000 images or upload your own and publish the content to your TV’s. Visit and signup for a free account. We also have a full digital signage package available where we can manage the content on your behalf – please contact us for further information. T: 01246 906958 E: W:

Design and Refit

Issue 36

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How Hotels Can Really Profit From Sustainability Hotels are continually fighting with their competition to offer the most affordable rates, the best amenities, and the most outstanding guest services — all while making a profit. Now more than ever green, or sustainable tourism is becoming a deciding factor when choosing a holiday. For the hotel industry this means achieving a sustainable business model that can offer considerable marketing advantage. But what if we took this activity and reclaimed valuable indoor space to provide for additional or larger rooms, or extend dining space? And what if you could also improve building services and reduce operational costs? From boutique to national chains,

Adveco specialises in creating bespoke hot water and heating applications for the hotel industry that leverages all the advantages of renewable technologies, from air source heat pumps, and solar thermal to heat recovery. We can also smartly combine these with existing gasfired systems or new all electric appliances to drive sustainability and greater efficiency to support improved guest amenities while reducing both CO emissions and operational costs. This can all be brought together in prefabricated structures that relocate heating and hot water plant to ‘dead spaces’ such as yards, alleys and in particular roof tops to maximise space and profit.

Mayfair Contract Furniture

can also competitively fulfil a wide range of bespoke orders to suit your personal requirements. Not just a supplier; We understand that from time to We supply contract grade commercial furniture to the time hospitality and leisure establishments like to give hospitality & leisure industries. With over forty years of themselves a fresh new look. That's why not only do we experience in the hospitality industry, we are passionate supply contract furniture, but when it's time for your about supplying the finest quality products. We establishment to go through a refurbishment deliver to all areas of the United Kingdom, we also offer a complete clearance service. Ireland and Europe and export our products We'll organise everything from a suitable worldwide. time and date, professional clearance staff We keep in stock a huge variety of New to remove contract furniture whether fitcontract furniture including tables & chairs, ted or unfitted, and logistics. lounge / lobby furniture, & hotel bedroom Contact 01733 310 115, email: furniture ready for immediate dispatch. or visit In addition to this as a direct importer we

Cemco (The Catering Equipment Maintenance Company) Cemco (The Catering Equipment Maintenance Company) first opened for business in 1990, and have been serving Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset, Bath, and the rest of the South and Southwest, ever since. We offer a full range of services, including servicing and repairs for all commercial catering appliances, ranging from small local projects to major national work, and everything in between. Specialising in commercial Glasswasher and Dishwasher repairs sales and service our reputation is second to none. We can offer you a no obligation quote now, so contact us for more information. CEMCO also carry out repairs to commercial catering equipment Dishwashers, Glasswashers, Ovens Grills Bournemouth, Poole, Dorset and The Southwest. We

undertake repairs and servicing to ALL, types, makes and models of commercial catering equipment. A repair is often far cheaper then a replacement! 30 Years in this Industry gives us the edge over our competitors, with time served Commercial Catering Equipment Engineers our clients have found we save them the cost of purchasing new equipment time after time…why buy new when a guaranteed repair is often all your Catering Equipment requires… We are based in Bournemouth & Poole, covering the whole of Dorset, as well as Somerset, Hampshire and Wiltshire. Call 01202 377205 now, to arrange a site visit

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Specialists in Servicing, Repairs and Maintenance of all Commercial Catering Equipment

Cemco undertake Service and Repairs to ALL Commercial Dishwasher and Glasswasher Manufacturers Including Hobart, Electrolux, Meiko, Winterhalter to name a few.

CEMCO carry out repairs, servicing and routine maintenance to all makes and models of commercial catering equipment, including dishwashers and glasswashers. We can also supply you with a new or used dishwasher …simply Contact Us for details of available Used Stock

We are based in Bournemouth & Poole and cover the whole of Dorset, along with the neighbouring counties of Somerset, Devon, Hampshire and Wiltshire.

Trust CEMCO for commercial catering dishwasher servicing!

Call us now, on 01202 377205 for a free quote to repair your dishwasher

Sun. Shade. Shelter.


ALL WEATHER WEATHER | TERRACE COVERINGS W aterproof fabric or aluminium louver ed rroofs oofs Waterproof louvered Effortless control Ef fortless motorised rremote emote contr ol operation force)* Wind rresistant esistant upto Beaufort 12 (hurricane for ce)* infra-red Optional LED lighting & infra-r ed heating 5 year guarantee for peace of mind Make the most of your outdoor space with our innovative retractable retractable awnings and aluminium pergolas that provide shelter,, provide flexible shade and shelter allowing your clients to enjoy the alfr alfresco esco experience come sun, wind, rain or even snow snow..

t 0344 800 1947 e w cial *Wind resistance resistance based on our louver louvered ed rroof oof Outdoor Living PodsTM


Design and Refit

Issue 36

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How To Weather-Proof Your Commercial Outdoor Space Ready For The Winter at the touch of a button, they can be susceptible to damage from high winds. Modern pergolas with either sliding fabric or rotating aluminium louvered roofs and sides offer a more pragmatic solution, providing protection from heavy rain, gale force winds and even snow.

FEATURES Since the easing of the lockdown restrictions back in July, the hospitality sector has pulled out all the stops to welcome us back with open arms. The ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ government scheme enabled us to dine out at a discounted rate, but as the British summer comes to an end, many temporary outdoor covers including brollies, parasols and pop-up marquees are showing the strain and are unlikely to survive the less clement weather the next few months will bring. As the COVID-19 restrictions don’t seem to be easing any time soon, now is the ideal time for restaurants and hotels to look into weather-proofing their outdoor dining areas for the long term. Investing wisely in the right terrace coverings for your outdoor space can help keep your business going through the colder months.

The framework of any terrace covering should ideally be manufactured from powder coated aluminium, as this super-strong, corrosion resistant and highly durable material can survive the knocks and bumps of bustling environments.


AWNINGS, LOUVERED PERGOLAS & EXTERNAL BLINDS As we transition into autumn/winter, many commercial establishments are realising how important their outdoor space is. Due to the current social distancing rules, indoor seating options have been hugely restricted and a more robust solution for the winter period is now required. It is likely that the more temporary covers such as brollies and parasols won’t stand up to adverse conditions and although retractable awnings can protect and shelter customers from sun, shade and light rain showers

No matter the type of outdoor fabric canopy used within your commercial space, it is more likely to stand the test of time if manufactured from acrylic fibres – one of the highest quality materials currently available for use within these types of products. Fit for purpose and dimensionally stable, acrylic will not warp or stretch when under tension. In addition to this, the material will not fade due to the solution dye that impregnates the colour right through to the core of the yarn. Despite this, the material should still be treated with a nano tech coating such as TEXgard, an invisible protective shield embedded into the fibre that essentially generates a self-clean effect by preventing dirt and debris from settling, whilst also repelling water. The latest generation of acrylic, CBA (Clean, Brilliant Acrylic), ensures up to 50% less dirt adhesion in comparison to regular acrylic.

A minimum of two hi-tensile tear resistant stainlesssteel cables that tension twin heavy duty double coiled springs are essential if using folding arms on retractable awnings. This ensures the fabric is under optimum tension, staying crisp and taut and able to withstand gusts of wind. For exposed locations, having folding arms with double the quantity of cables will offer increased wind resistance and tension.


As the default mechanism within most outdoor canopies, motorised operation allows for consistent movement as well as an effortless extension and retraction process, subsequently lengthening the lifecycle of your product as a result. Integrated motors safeguard against exposure to the elements, whilst secure rolling codes and frequency guarantees no interference. Intelligent sensors (in particular wind protection sensors) are highly recommended as once incorporated into the install, they can allow for closure of the product when left unattended. As a potentially sizeable investment, adequate research around the most suitable all-weather canopy system (as well as the installation company) goes without saying. Your chosen specialist should boast a wealth of experience within their field, provide a range of solutions for your application and finally be open to your specific

Hospitality Partnership Between Harrison Spinks and The Fine Bedding Company The perfect partnership of two heritage brands, Harrison Spinks Hospitality and The Fine Bedding Company are collaborating to offer hoteliers a full package and guests the best possible sleep experience. Passionate about sleep and specialists in their own fields; Harrison Spinks have been handcrafting luxury mattresses since 1840, while The Fine Bedding Company have been manufacturing pillows, duvets and mattress protectors for over 100 years. Alike in their values, both these family businesses have innovation, sustainability and quality craftsmanship at their core and in every step of their manufacturing process, with unrivalled expertise in what makes a great night’s sleep.

This partnership emphasizes the importance of the whole sleep package and everything that affects a guests sleep experience; from the mattress to pillows and duvets. Dedicated hospitality web pages on each brand’s websites will allow hoteliers to discover a range of full sleep packages; products from each brand that work in harmony with each other to create the perfect sleep experience for your guests. With each brands sale teams offering recommendations to their respective customers. To discover more please visit: and

requirements and budget. Wherever possible, choose a supplier that manufactures its products in the UK. Should anything go wrong, you can rest assured that it will be resolved quickly. Also, with an authentic ‘Made in Britain’ product, outstanding quality is usually guaranteed, and lead times are typically significantly shorter. Stuart Dantzic Managing Director, Caribbean Blinds or see the advert on the facing page.


CLH Digital

Issue 36

Design and Refit

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

We are an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses.

made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to

We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom

Square One Interiors

Starting out in his garden shed, Jamie never thought that his new range of reclaimed furniture would become as successful as it has over the past 2 years. Having had a history in design and furniture design, an idea was born and he decided to run with it. He loved the idea of a rustic looking, industrial range which was

also eco friendly and sustainable. He soon found that a modern twist was also achievable, by using bright colours on the steel frames, as well as several different wood finishes which would compliment the overall design. Making furniture from scratch also had its benefits, as Jamie soon found that businesses would approach him with specific needs and requirements, meaning that he was able to provide a fully bespoke service, as well as offering design and advice. Since his humble beginnings in the garden shed, Jamie and the company have now work with hospitality operators, pubs, bars and hotels, as well as some large contract furniture companies and high street names. Our portfolio and workforce are growing and we are very excited to be working on some fantastic projects moving forwards, so watch this space! For more information visit

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Design and Refit AMEREX Kitchen Protection

Issue 36

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The AMEREX® Kitchen Protection (KP) fire suppression system is already a staple in commercial kitchens around the world. Amerex innovations make it an easy choice to meet code requirements, keep people and property safe with a dependable system, and give restaurant owners and operators unparalleled ease of use and maintenance for years to come. Plus, Amerex’s KP system meets the rigorous UL 300 standard for fire testing of fire extinguishing systems for protection of commercial cooking equipment required by NFPA guidelines. From fine dining to fast food chains, the Amerex KP system fire has the components to meet your clients’ needs.

KP offers two appliance protection configurations — Appliance Specific, where the appliance location is fixed, and Zone Defense, an overlapping protection configuration that allows kitchen appliances to be moved or replaced without having to move system discharge nozzles. Zone Defense future-proofs the kitchen design and allows restaurants to adapt to changing consumer tastes or business conditions without repiping the fire system. KP offers three different fire detection methods — standard thermal link detection or one of two linear heat detection options, pneumatic heat sensitive tubing or electrical linear heat detection. Contact Amerex at

Zone Defense means we’ve got you covered.

CambridgeStyle Canopies Our product range includes:

CambridgeStyle Canopies have an enviable reputation in the hospitality sector for providing shade and shelter solutions for pubs, hotels and restaurants across the UK. We specialise in offering the right covering solutions to maximise your useable outdoor space with our range of made-to-measure aluminium outdoor canopy systems.

• Wall mounted non-fragile or glass roof canopies with up to 6m projection and unlimited length • Free standing canopies with up to 12m projection and unlimited length • Solisysteme Bio Climatic Pergolas with the latest Somfy technology and up to 7.1m post span • Zip Screens and Sliding Glass doors • Heating and lighting upgrades for all canopy systems Contact us to discuss your needs and arrange a site survey so we can help identify the right solution for your business. We have all the necessary accreditations within the construction sector and provide a no quibble 10-year guarantee on all products to give you peace of mind. Together we can help get business going again! Emails or visit

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

CambridgeStyle Canopies have an enviable reputation in the hospitality sector for providing shade and shelter solutions for pubs, hotels and restaurants across the UK. We specialise in offering the right covering solutions to maximise your useable outdoor space with our range of madeto-measure aluminium outdoor canopy systems.

Our product range includes:

• Wall mounted non-fragile or glass roof canopies with up to 6m projection and unlimited length • Free standing canopies with up to 12m projection and unlimited length • SoliSySteme Bio Climatic Pergolas with the latest Somfy technology and up to 7.1m post span • Zip Screens and Sliding Glass doors • Heating and lighting upgrades for all canopy systems

Contact us to discuss your needs and arrange a site survey so we can help identify the right solution for your business. We have all the necessary accreditations within the construction sector and provide a no quibble 10-year guarantee on all products to give you peace of mind. Together we can help get business going again!

CambridgeStyle Canopies Ltd 01353 699009 | | “WE’VE GOT IT COVERED - NOBODY DOES IT BETTER”

Previous Clients Include:



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Issue 36

Design and Refit

Drakes Bar Furniture - UK Bar Furniture Supplier

We pride ourselves in providing the best quality items at great prices with fantastic customer service and can supply bespoke tailored made furniture such as booths, tables, seating or ‘off the peg’ items. Drakes Bar Furniture not only sell chairs, stools, tables we also design build and install all types of fixed seating, pews and booth seating for pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants and clubs. When fitting out a premise the seating is almost paramount for a successful space. Fixed seating, booth seating or banquette seating as its also called can come in variety of colours, finishes, types and styles. Below are just a few examples showing what we have done in the past. With clever planning, seating generates a great flow for customers and

staff around a pub, restaurant, cafe or club. It can be used to divide areas, create new spaces in a room and offer intimacy allowing for the perfect social meet up. The beauty of bespoke fixed seating is that we can make the most of and take advantage of your space and features. We can come to your venue and measure up, give you advice and show you examples of our past work, finishes, types and styles. We have a wide range of Bar Furniture, including tables, stools, chairs, outdoor beer garden, fixed seating and banqueting furniture. If you require a bespoke quote either call us on 01422 839 690 or you can send us an email. See the advert below for details.

Sims - The First Port Of Call For Banquette Seating

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We are a family run business with 3 generations of commercial furniture manufacturing experience. Unlike other suppliers we manufacture all our seating inhouse, no importing, no subcontracting. We have full control over every aspect from design to installation to ensure every product leaves our workshops punctually and to our reputable high quality.

Proudly offering 2 versions of Banquette Seating, firstly our “Premium Made to Measure” Banquette Seating which is built to your exact design, shape and size, then installed by our professional installation team. You can have anything from floor to ceiling designs to seating that perfectly follows the walls in a period setting. Secondly our “Modular Banquette Seating” which is freestanding, set size units for you to mix and match to best fit your space. Manufactured and delivered to your doorstep ready for you to layout. Made to the same high standards as our premium range without setup costs, site visits and installation fees. Saving you up to 50% on competitors seating. Also, we offer a range of furnishings – tables, chair and bedroom furniture. To request a brochure or to discuss your requirement further please contact our sales team on 01945 450957 email Web

Design and Refit

Issue 36

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Contract Furniture Group to Continue Service During Lockdown at the moment, Contract Furniture Group encourage you to seize this opportunity to update, repair or replace décor while you can’t trade; and to support this they are looking at putting finance packages together to spread the investment. Contract Furniture Group have stated that will still be at the service of customers throughout the current lockdown.Their sales, manufacturing and logistics teams will all be taking every precaution necessary to reduce and eliminate any risk or spreading Covid, but at the same time they will be working hard to provide their customers with the same high quality service you’ve come to expect from them. Despite the frustration our whole industry is feeling

If you do have any questions or queries about Contract Furniture Group's products or services, stock availability or lead times, terms or available finance options, please don’t hesitate to call. Most importantly, Contract Furniture Group say they hope you and your loved ones stay safe and well during these unprecedented times. For further information visit

Euroservice Trolley Manufacturers Celebrating 40 years of experience in the sale and manufacture of wooden trolleys for the catering trade, Euroservice trolley manufacturers have now acquired a worldwide reputation and still offer an extensive /comprehensive range of top quality wooden trolleys manufactured in the UK. Top quality is a priority in the production of all of our products and Euroservice are specialists in the manufacture of sturdy and beautiful looking trolleys which will grace any environment from the small privately owned restaurant to the splendid 3 to 5 star hotels, resorts and Residential homes.

Euroservice’s excellence in the manufacture of wooden trolleys is backed by a personal, efficient and friendly service second to none. We are always busy researching the needs of the market and launch new ranges according to market demands. Whatever your needs you can be assured that Euroservice can cater for them and we look forward to your call. Freephone: 0800 917 7943

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Freephone: 0800 917 7943

Manufactured in the UK







CELEBRATING 40 YEARS IN THE TROLLEY WORLD 10% discount with the code 40TC








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Property and Professional

Issue 36

Will Budget 2021 Deliver More Tax Bad News For Business Owners?

By Simon Hughes, partner at Taylor Watson (

Just as dire predictions about the UK economic recovery and news of stalled Brexit negotiations are driving a pessimistic outlook amongst business owners, along comes the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) report to further darken the mood. The report, the first to consider Capital Gains Tax (CGT) specifically, was undertaken in response to the Chancellor’s request ‘to identify opportunities relating to administrative and technical issues as well as areas where the present rules can distort behaviour or do not meet their policy intent.’ The report offers suggestions, which if accepted will fundamentally change the capital gains tax rules, going so far as to suggest aligning CGT rates with income tax rates, which will significantly increase the tax paid when a business is sold. Another blow to those thinking of selling, having only just recovered from the reduction in March of the Business Asset Disposal Relief limit from £10 million to £1 million, with any balance of CGT payable at a rate of 20%. If as suggested the rates were to be aligned in the Budget, this 20% rate would be increased to 45% and owners will pay a huge increase in tax following the sale of their business. Still time to get a sale arranged Whilst the uncertainty around Brexit remains and the economic impact of the pandemic is expected to extend into 2021 and beyond, it may not be the easiest time to sell a business, but for those ready to sell, there remains a window for still extracting maximum personal reward from any deal. If you are already in discussions with a potential buyer, it’s crucial that at the earliest possible opportunity you require them to execute a Non-disclosure Agreement and only then proceed to full legal documents once the prospective transaction is well-described in a ‘heads of terms’ agreement. If you are trying to sell now before any changes to the CGT rules it’s critical to get the advice of experienced corporate lawyers who will ensure that as the seller you do not make easy or unnecessary concessions

early on in the ‘heads of terms’, before the deal becomes binding. With the right advice at an early stage, there is more likelihood of being able to get the buyer to commit to key points crucial in maximising the value you can generate, which might include: • Cash at Completion: this maximises the up-front payment made to you and minimises any extended earn-out; • Security for deferred payments: if any payments are to be deferred, it is important to establish what security the buyer can offer; • Clarifying what the price really means: it is also crucial from the outset to properly describe the interdependence of price i.e., whether it assumes a cash-free, debt-free asset and whether a target level of working capital is required; • Locked box vs Completion Accounts: proposing a Locked Box structure instead of completion accounts. This generally favours the seller by accelerating any asset-value disputes to a point, before signing the share purchase agreement, when you have more bargaining power, rather than after completion when the buyer arguably has greater leverage; • Liability limitations: establishing the level of financial-based and the duration of time-based limits on the seller’s warranty liability; • Buyer’s ability to fund: establishing whether the buyer requires third-party financing to complete the deal and whether that introduces greater uncertainty to the prospect of a deal; • Timetable: setting timetable expectations and limits on any exclusivity period These are just a few considerations and a conversation with an experienced corporate law team, will undoubtedly throw up a lot more pertinent ones, but the key thing is to seek advice early in the process, long before you talk to anyone, even close associates, about selling your business. If you hope to sell your business, any corporate lawyer will be happy to talk you through the process and explain what is possible in the time available to ensure you extract the maximum value from the sale, whilst making the process as painless as possible. But don’t wait too long. About the author: Simon Hughes is a partner in Taylor Walton’s Corporate & Commercial team. He has 25 years’ experience advising business owners and management teams on mergers and acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, restructuring and other corporate transactions.

Meet Tia, from Waitress to Care Team Leader in Just 6 months! I joined Care UK four years ago after looking for a change from my waitressing job. I started as a Care Assistant and was new to care. I was provided with numerous training courses before I even started working on the floor, which helped me to gain an understanding of what working in care involved and the high standards expected. I felt confident in my role after my induction and really enjoyed spending time with the residents and the person centred approach Care UK have adapted. I was promoted to Team leader six months after starting with Care UK. I was provided with all the training and guidance i required to climb up the career ladder and I am now a Unit Manager. I feel the opportunities for career progression within Care UK are head and shoulders above other care companies and the support from the management teams within the homes is invaluable.

The most enjoyable part of my role is adapting new person centred approaches to care, finding out what approach works best for individual residents allowing all residents to feel safe and comfortable within our home. Working in care certainly has its challenges; we build strong bonds with our residents and relatives which revolve around trust and when they are no longer with us, it can often be a difficult time for us too. I feel well supported in my role and the whole home approach brings the team together during difficult times. Tia’s story is just one of hundreds of examples of people who have found their calling in care over the last few months. Search our vacancies and find out more about Care UK at or email

October-December 2020 Guy Simmonds Market Update Stephen Taylor, Managing Director of Guy Simmonds, comments upon the hospitality property and pub leasehold and freehold market at Guy Simmonds, in the new unprecedented, deadly Covid19 pandemic era, with continuing/increasing Autumn and Winter 2020 prevalence. This includes the further and damaging full month minimum period of national hospitality closures, provisionally ending on December 2nd. Many in the hospitality industry feel the industry (which has invested heavily in measures and equipment to protect the public from Covid19) is unfairly taking the brunt of damaging Government measures, especially since they argue the incidence and transmission of deadly Covid19 is much lower, compared with other sectors. Where possible, many in the hospitality industry will adapt and provide a takeaway/delivery service to help their survival and cash flow crisis, whilst providing a welcome service to the local community. One aspect we can all agree upon, is the late announcement of the further extended period (now until March 2021) of the Government furlough scheme, which is especially welcome in these desperate unprecedented times. At Guy Simmonds, we are still managing to sell a surprising number of freehold premises, create new free-of-tie leases (at our recommended sensible and sustainable rents) for our valued freeholder/retiring publican clients, and even having some success in assigning Pubco leases (albeit at very realistic premiums). We continue to fully market all businesses using our innovative and unique combination of websites, portals and generic domain names. We are making a relatively good number of appointments for prospective purchasers (always following/adhering and sending via email the evolving Government viewing guidelines

etc). Our valued prospective purchasers, cooperate and demonstrate their genuine intentions to acquire a suitable business by completing via email, a number of our relevant questions, including finance status, how soon they wish/are able to acquire a business, relevant experience, etc, prior to us arranging a formal appointment with our vendor clients for them to formally view the premises. We are finding that people from diverse backgrounds and professions are still looking to enter the licensed trade. Certainly, a freehold licensed business can often now be perceived as a relative bargain, especially when compared with the differently valued residential/domestic property market. The complete contrast between licensed businesses is highlighted and compounded by the now almost complete reluctance of banks/institutions to finance hospitality businesses, compared to the still buoyant residential/domestic house sector - whereby Banks/Building Societies/Lending Institutions continue to be prevalent in their desire to lend residentially and at very high ‘LTV’ (Loan to Value) levels. Fortunately, some relatively ‘cash rich’ (not relying upon borrowing) positive purchasers of freehold and leasehold hospitality businesses take a longer-term view. They are of the opinion that whilst the on-going Covid19 pandemic is dreadful and clearly adversely effecting the hospitality trade with a potential nightmare winter scenario looming - at some future point (probably if/when a successful vaccine is available and ‘rolled out’) the situation will undoubtedly improve and hopefully/eventually be overcome - maybe in 2021/2022. Obviously, the volume of sales in 2020 has decreased compared with the pre-Covid19 pandemic era, with sale prices usually also detrimentally effected. This is unfortunately a result of the awful year the hospitality industry is enduring, together with evolving, strict and further damag-

ing Government guidelines, together with the prevailing and complete future uncertainty. This has clearly been further exacerbated by the latest National Lockdown, resulting in the further complete closure of hospitality outlets from November 5th - December 2nd. Of course, the memory of the glorious summer weather and the opportunity to ‘cash in’ and maximise often large outside lawns and trading areas has now largely faded, with the harsh reality that most outlets will now be in a negative cash flow situation. Certainly, I completely empathise and understand the almost impossible evolving and completely uncertain future trading situation, which our beleaguered hospitality/pub operators are encountering. We are also of course completely conscious that the industry faces a potential nightmare winter scenario, following the minimum full month Lockdown/Closure period, in respect of both further potential damaging Government restrictions, together with the impending situation of mass redundancies. Since businesses are valued relating to turnover and profits, then all shrewd business owners and purchasers usually understand and accept that the related valuations and rents will usually also be effected. Providing vendors are very realistic and pragmatic with their expectations, then we are often managing to successfully conclude transactions. Indeed, we have a healthy pipeline of freehold and leasehold businesses under offer, and with deposits taken with Solicitors instructed, ready to complete in the last quarter of 2020 and into next year 2021. We have successfully sold in the past few months to date a pleasing number of freehold and leasehold businesses (see photos and names for examples). These range from low/medium cost of entry leases, up to a freehold licensed business we have just sold for in EXCESS OF £1 MILLION POUNDS. We also have our loyal retained buying clients who continue to selectively seek freehold licensed

property/pubs/hotel to purchase, with the aim of Guy Simmonds advising upon creating a new freeof-tie lease and finding them a suitable lessee for sensible rental income (this is our Guy Simmonds speciality, with enduring success for over 30 years). We can advise upon these speciality leases from personal, long-term experience, since I have owned several freehold licensed premises over the past 30 years, whereby I have created sustainable and still current free-of-tie leases. We can also recommend specialist commercial solicitors if necessary, to help our valued freeholder clients in creating these leases, following our rental guidelines and ‘Heads of Terms’ etc. If you are looking to sell a freehold licensed property, or looking to engage our expertise in creating a new correctly valued, free-of-tie lease and us finding you a suitable tenant for sustainable rental income etc then please contact me by email. We also have purchasers seeking freehold premises (whether still trading or having ceased trading) with the potential or already having ‘change of use’ to residential/development etc... Again, due to recent sales, we also welcome additional vendors wanting to try to sell/assign their existing leases at very realistic premiums/asking prices. We will of course formulate and professionally advise upon current market valuations on request, subject to us being provided with annual verified historic trading accounts, together with up to present date monthly turnover figures for 2020. We look forward to hearing from all prospective freehold and leasehold vendors and continuing to being of assistance in these immensely difficult unprecedented times, which affect all of us in the severely afflicted but ever resilient hospitality sector. Unfortunately, one aspect we can all be sure of, is that the only certainty is continued uncertainty...” Best wishes. Stephen Taylor. Managing Director Guy Simmonds. Contact

Property and Professional

Issue 36

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Oceans Restaurant on the Market Price Recently Reduced: Character This licenced restaurant & bar has built up a superb reputation during the time it has been trading with strong local repeat trade which is hugely boosted by tourists through the holiday seasons. The restaurant is operated by a manager, head chef, 2nd chef and 3 full time staff. In addition there is a pool of 10 staff for the busier times. The owner oversees the day to day running. The premises have become very popular for private functions including weddings. For functions, the seating can be increased to 50. Bettesworths are marketing the leasehold interest at an asking price of £125,000 to include the trade inventory and goodwill. We have been informed the premises is available on a 10 year lease from 2016 at a rent of £20,000 per annum plus an annual maintenance charge of circa £1,600 per annum.

Leading South West Commercial Estate Agents, Bettesworths are delighted to be marketing a stunning award winning restaurant in an idyllic location in the South Hams. Oceans Restaurant is located close to Salcombe on Bolberry Down, a National Trust Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Oceans Restaurant & Bar forms part of a purposebuilt development including 11 holiday homes. The development was completed in 2016 and has been built to a high specification and beautifully finished. This south facing premises is decorated in a modern Urban Rustic style, has a well-equipped commercial kitchen and offers internal seating for 44 and Al Fresco seating for 24.

Genevieve Stringer, who leads the catering department commented, ‘The location of this award winning restaurant offers uninterrupted views across Bigbury Bay, Burgh Island and Thurlestone making this the perfect location for enjoying this idyllic setting. Oceans Restaurant certainly has the ‘WOW’ factor, affording the new owner/operator a wonderful opportunity to work in such a glorious location. We expect interest to be high’. Visit for further details.

Somerset Country Village Freehouse

Property specialists Stonesmith are delighted to be marketing the sale of the freehold of The Green Dragon - the only pub in the pretty South Somerset village of Combe St Nicholas. Located in lovely countryside, not far from the Blackdown Hills, this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, boasts miles and miles of paths popular for walking, cycling and horse riding. The Green Dragon is a substantial and deceptively spacious character village inn with origins dating back around 400 years. This traditional stone built freehouse is well presented throughout and provides extensive trade areas and spacious family sized owner’s accommodation. This spacious country village pub briefly comprises: - Main Bar (24+), Restaurant (38+), Commercial Kitchen and 4 Double Bedroom (1 EnSuite) Owner’s Accommodation. Externally, the property benefits from a Customer Car

Park with space for 26 vehicles, and various useful Outbuildings and Seating Areas. The Green Dragon is a well-regarded country village freehouse, providing locally sourced and freshly produced food, quality ales and wines, within a deceptively spacious character property. This quality village public house is well presented throughout and benefits from established reputation and year-round regular repeat trade, with an impressive local following. This trade is boosted by year round visitors to the area and destination trade from the surrounding villages and towns. The Green Dragon has its own website, The freehold business is on the market for a recently reduced asking price of £395,000. Full property details are available on our website: and viewings arranged by calling 01392 201262.

Weekly Figures Analysis & Reporting Service from David Hunter David Hunter has been in the business for over 30 years, and with his vast amount of experience has become an expert in ensuring that businesses reach their full financial potential. For years he’s provided a bespoke Mentoring & Consultancy service to a select few, and he has always provided with that, free-of-charge weekly figures analysis and reporting … yes, weekly. David has now come up with a way of making his amazing Mentoring & Consultancy service more accessible to the wider market, and for a lower monthly fee. Instead of being charged for monthly consultancy, you can now access David’s knowledge and expertise via his already-established and very well-used weekly figures

reporting system. He will send you weekly reports on how your business is doing and will throw in FOR NO EXTRA CHARGE AT ALL, four half-day on site Mentoring & Consultancy visits per year (or two full days, depending on location). He will also always be at the end of a phone for you, or email, if you needed him, and he also has access to legal experts as well as a ‘’tried and trusted’’ Bowden Group Alliance colleague who can advise you … again FREE OF CHARGE … on how to save money on your utility bills. If you have a Pub, Restaurant or Hotel business which is facing financial or operational challenges … why not let David have a look, and help you maximise your full potential. There is no cost to David having a look at your figures, and letting you know what COULD be achieved. Call David Hunter confidentially on 07831 407984 or on 01628 487613.


NR EXETER CITY CENTRE Well Presented & Fully Equipped Licensed Restaurant Prime Trading Position Close to Exeter City Centre Split Level Restaurant (46) & Commercial Kitchen 3 Double Bedroom Owner’s Maisonette Excellent Opportunity Offering Tremendous Potential

LH £30,000


SOUTH DEVON COAST Exceptional Waterfront Licensed Café & Restaurant Impressive & Stunning Trading Location Main Café & Restaurant Seating 60+ Commercial Catering Kitchen & Ancillary Facilities Located In A Popular & Highly Sought-After Town


SOMERSET VILLAGE Substantial 17th Century Former Farmhouse Refurbished To An Extremely High Standard Flexible Business & Home Opportunity Offering 6 Individual Bedrooms Sauna, Hot Tub, Gardens & Private Parking

FH £395,000


SOMERSET TOWN Impressive & Well-Appointed Guest House Stunning Property With 9 Quality Letting Rooms Owner’s 3 Bed Cottage, Gardens, Parking Exceptional Home & Income Opportunity Extremely Profitable & Easy To Run B&B

FH £799,950


FH £549,950


TAUNTON TOWN CENTRE Modern Licensed Café & Restaurant Dining Area (45+) & Outside Seating (32) Fully Equipped & Ready To Trade Impressive Business Opportunity All Serious Offers Considered

LH £25,000



LH £75,000

NORTH DEVON Award Winning Freehouse & Restaurant Recently Refurbished & Established For 30 Years Bar/Restaurant Area (86) & Function Rooms (50) Significant & Impressive Levels Of Trade Spacious Owner’s/Managers Apartment

BATH CITY CENTRE Renowned & Award Winning Restaurant Prestigious City Centre Trading Position Sales Consistently In Excess of £1Million Exceptionally Strong Net Profits Outstanding Business Opportunity

LH £95,000


EXETER CITY CENTRE Impressive & Extremely Well Presented Guest House 9 Letting Bedrooms & Owner’s Accommodation Easy to Run & Trading On Room Only Basis Impressive Levels Of Trade & Excellent Profits Tremendous Potential For New Owners

FH £660,000



NORTH DEVON COAST Profitable & Well Established Daytime Only Cafe Situated Beside The Picturesque Harbour Of Lynmouth 24 Covers Inside & External Seating For 12 Extremely Popular Takeaway Service Well Established Business With Impressive Levels Of Trade

LH £39,950


01392 201262



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