CLH Digital - Issue #44

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Issue 44


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Beer and Pub Sector Leaders Press for Reopening Date as Sales Fall 56%


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The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) and sector business leaders have urged the Government to give a clear timeline and date for when pubs can reopen. The call comes as it was revealed that trading restrictions and lockdowns caused sales of beer to plummet by 56% in 2020 – down by £7.8 billion. Given the severity of the impact that trading restrictions and lockdowns have had on the sector, the BBPA and business leaders of the beer and pub industry have published a recovery roadmap to reopen pubs fully after the current lockdown.

reopen when non-essential retail and other parts of the hospitality sector reopen. It also says that mandatory trading restrictions – such as alcoholic drinks served only with a substantial meal, no mixed households and the 10pm curfew – must be removed when pubs reopen in a timely way. Upon the re-opening of the sector, the BBPA also says the Government will need to continue to provide financial support in the form of a stimulus package to ensure businesses do not fail due to unsustainable debt built up during the lockdowns. It says an extension to the VAT cut and business rates holiday will be essential, as well as a significant beer duty cut, to help pubs trade profitably once more and start to recover from 2020.

The roadmap states that post vaccination of the most vulnerable, pubs must



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CLH Digital

Issue 44

Editor's Viewpoint

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH DIGITAL EDITOR

Peter Adams

I was very pleased to have been invited to interview Employment Minister Mims Davies earlier this week. It was for our sister publication, which covers the residential and nursing care sector, where a new recruitment initiative has been revealed by the government to encourage workers to consider social care as a career.


However, I also thought it was an opportunity to discuss with the Minister the future of the hospitality sector and raise real points of concern, about how the sector has been treated, what support can expect with respect to extending VAT, extending furlough support delaying the introduction of minimum wage etc.


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Unfortunately, time ran out. To be fair the remit was restricted to health and social care. However, the Minister did asked me to forward on the questions that I had hoped to ask, and she did say she would try to get back with some answers and clarity. We are hoping to report this in next week’s digital issue if we hear back! @CLHNews CLHNews

We lead today with the plea this week by the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) and other sector bodies calling for the government to provide a clear date and timeline for pubs and restaurants to reopen. I have never believed in the lockdown from day one. It is only my opinion, but I felt then as I do now it was the wrong course of action. A survey by the Scottish hospitality group has revealed that less than 1% of its members tested positive for Covid between July and in December. (See page 8.) My concern is, and always has been, that these “yo-yo” lockdowns and tiers will go on forever, with constant calls for them by people who have never run a business in their lives. Those who have jobs and salaries as safe as houses, while the rest of us have the uncertainty of failed businesses, long-term unemployment, and all the associated issues that go with it. I can remember as a young man in the late 70s and early 80s the damage to communities unemployment brought. Enough is enough. It really is time to give the sector a clear and unambiguous date to open so that preparations can begin now. A survey at the height of the first lockdown into what people in Britain were missing most showed that a visit to a pub or restaurant was second only to seeing family or friends, and despite the naysayers there is no evidence whatsoever that pubs in the hospitality sector were responsible for increased spread of Covid. Only days after the sector called for reopening, data revealed today by the Office of National Statistics reveal that the economy has shrunk by a staggering 9.9%. The worst 300 years. (See page 5.)

EDITOR Bank of England deputy governor Andy Haldane offered an upbeat assessment of the UK’s prospects when he described the economy as like a “coiled spring” ready to release pent-up energy once people’s confidence is restored.

Peter Adams

I strongly suspect that will be the case, but the industry is going to need massive support. The extension in the reduction of VAT should as previously stated go on till 2023 at the very least. The government should also continue to support staff returning to work with a phased furlough scheme. Businesses are not going to return to full capacity straightaway, and very likely open with restrictions, and if that is the case the government, in my opinion, is morally bound support staff until full capacity is returned.

David Bartlett Guy Stephenson

And when we do reopen, a new Eat Out To Help Out scheme please Chancellor. Again, don’t listen to the naysayers. The public embraced it wholeheartedly, and it restored confidence in the sector. Furthermore, as a survey revealed pubs and restaurants were second only to missing family and friends when people were asked what they missed most, and since people meet family and friends in pubs and restaurants the two go hand in hand!

Shelly Roche

Once again we called have on some of the industry’s leading lights and influential figures to provide the knowledge, insight and expertise to help operators trade their way through this crisis. Please do email us with any of your news and views we would be delighted to print them and I can only be contacted on



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Beer and Pub Sector Leaders Press for Reopening Date as Sales Fall 56% Issue 44

Without such a plan to reopen, trade viably and give further economic support to stimulate recovery, the BBPA says thousands of local pubs will fail due to their unsustainable debt and cash burn levels, resulting in local jobs and local pubs that are vital to communities throughout the UK being lost for good. In Q2 2020 alone, which incorporated the first full COVID-19 lockdown, pub beer sales dropped by 96%. In Q4 2020, when severe time trading and tier restrictions were placed on pubs, as well as a second full lockdown, pub beer sales dropped by 77% in comparison to last year.

Philip Whitehead, Chairman of the British Beer & Pub Association, said: “This is not sustainable for our sector. We cannot continue to hold out under these circumstances. We urge the Government to provide clarity to our sector on when it can expect to fully reopen. “As a sector we have invested hundreds of millions in ensuring that we provide places for people to safely socialise in. When pubs reopened in July we did so safely and successfully to world leading standards.

“Pubs need the VAT cut and business rates holiday for hospitality to be extended immediately, as well as a significant beer duty cut. These will provide vital support for pubs and stimulate demand and signal that Britain and its pubs are safe and back open for business.” Nick Mackenzie, CEO at Greene King, said: “2020 was a write-off for pubs and the industry needs a clear plan for reopening as soon as it is safe to do so, without complex and unjustified restrictions which would make it unviable to open. We are grateful for the financial support the government has given the sector so far and this has really helped to protect jobs and stave off pub closures, but we urgently need confirmation on additional support given the long-term restrictions that have been placed on our sector.

“When pubs can reopen, the restrictions they face – ranging from the substantial meal rule to the 10pm curfew – must be removed. They simply destroy their ability to operate as viable businesses.

“Pubs are the heartbeat of their communities and can play a really important role as we emerge from this pandemic, creating significant numbers of jobs and reconnecting people to help tackle social isolation that has affected so many people over the last year. But without publicans having clarity on reopening and additional support, there is a real risk of more viable businesses closing their doors in the weeks and months ahead.”

“After nearly a whole year under forced closure, or open but under severe restrictions, pub trade has

Kevin Georgel, Chief Executive, St Austell Brewery said:


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“Since March, we’ve worked tirelessly and collaboratively to support the battle against Covid-19. We’ve closed our pubs, invested millions in reopening safely and played a responsible role in balancing the public health risk and the economic impact. Despite these efforts, hospitality continues to suffer more than any other industry. “As one of the West Country’s biggest employers, we urge the Government to provide us with a definitive reopening date to enable us to plan for reopening safely. We also need immediate and long-term financial support, including an extension to the VAT cut and business rates holiday. Finally, we must be able to reopen alongside other non-essential retail and without trading restrictions, that made it impossible for pubs to trade viably when the tier system was in place – including the 10pm curfew and rules involving mixed households and substantial meals. “The Great British pub is part of our social fabric. It’s far more than just a huge economic contributor. The avoidable loss of these wonderful, historic, community assets will be felt by generations to come, if the Government don’t act now and provide clarity and further support.” Mark Davies, CEO of Hawthorn, the Community Pub Company with over 700 pubs said: “As the owner of so many Community Pubs around the UK I cannot empathise enough how important it is that the Government recognises the role that pubs play in so many communities around the UK and that pubs are part of the fabric of our society. It is therefore crucial that immediate financial support is secured for the pub sector with Business rates and Vat an urgent priority and we need a fair and viable roadmap to reopening in a safe and socially responsible way as we did on the 4th July last year when we came out of the first National lockdown. A failure to do this will inevitably lead to business fail-


ure, loss of jobs and a destruction of community value in so many locations around the UK.” William Lees-Jones, Managing Director of JW Lees, said: “We know that we can re-open safely with all the mitigation that we have put in place. We estimate that the current level of government grants and furlough support have reduced our losses by 50% but, like many breweries, 99% of all JW Lees beer is sold in pubs and more than half through our own 150 pubs in the North West. We can only trade if pubs are open and pubs in our heartland in Greater Manchester have now been closed for 14 weeks since 5th November on top of the 15 weeks from 20th March. This is clearly not sustainable, and we need to learn how to live with the virus as we reopen the country.” • MICROWAVES • EXTRACTION CANOPIES •

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Despite being able to open under less restrictions in Q3 2020, a temporary VAT cut on food and soft drinks and the Eat Out to Help Out scheme, pub beer sales were still down 27% for the quarter.

been decimated and sales of beer in pubs have plummeted by 56%. Furthermore, due to their revenue falling off a cliff in 2020, pubs are holding debt and have little to no cash left. We need the Government to continue to provide financial support for Pubs when they reopen to bridge the gap to full recovery and commit to supporting the beer and pub sector for the long-term with Duty, VAT and Business Rates Reform.



CLH Digital


New Pay As You Grow On Bounce Back Loans Offered To UK Smaller Businesses 4

CLH Digital

Issue 44

Borrowers can use these options individually or in combination with each other, and remain responsible for repaying their Bounce Back Loan and fully liable for the debt.

Lenders will start to communicate Pay As You Grow (PAYG) options to Bounce Back Loan Scheme borrowers three months before repayments commence. Lenders will inform their customers about PAYG directly, so borrowers should wait until they are contacted by their lender before enquiring about the scheme. Lenders will advise customers about how their payment profiles may change according to their choices under the scheme. Businesses first began to receive BBLS loans in May 2020 and the first repayments will become due from May 2021 onwards. Richard Bearman, Managing Director, Small Business Lending, British Business Bank, said: “Pay As You Grow will provide tangible benefits to Bounce Back Loan recipients, many of whom may have accessed the Bounce Back Loan Scheme to borrow money for their business for the first time. The scheme offers greater flexibility to businesses who may need flexibility in paying off their Bounce Back Loan and enables them to manage their repayments more effectively.” Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said: “The comprehensive and generous financial support package we have delivered across the UK has protected jobs, saved businesses and kept local economies on the move. “While our vaccine rollout is moving at an incredible pace and the end is in sight, we know times are still tough for many companies and extra support is needed. “These flexible repayment options will give businesses the time they need to recover from the pandemic before paying back loans, giving them the breathing space and confidence to build back better.” Stephen Pegge, Managing Director of Commercial Finance at UK

“Businesses have hugely welcomed the Government’s financial support package throughout, with guaranteed loans having provided a lifeline to more than 1.5 million businesses so far.”

Finance, said: “The UK’s banking and finance industry is delivering an unprecedented level of support to businesses across the UK to help them navigate the crisis and set them up for recovery. Nearly 1.5 million businesses have received a Bounce Back Loan (BBL) since the scheme launched in May last year.

“As the outlook for many businesses remains challenging, the flexibility of Pay As You Grow will help smaller businesses manage their cash flow and repayments. Lenders will be contacting BBL borrowers in advance of their first payments to outline their options. “Government-backed loans are just one part of the industry’s wider support for businesses alongside commercial lending, capital repayment holidays, extended overdrafts and asset-based finance – meaning there is a range of help available for any firm that needs it.” Dr Adam Marshall, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce, said: “The Bounce Back loan scheme has been an important lifeline for many small businesses during the pandemic. “With many businesses still facing diminished cashflow, the flexibility provided by Pay As You Grow has a crucial role to play in providing firms who have received a Bounce Back Loan with much-needed headroom to manage their repayments through this continued economic storm. “Chambers of Commerce across the country will ensure that businesses in their local communities are aware of the Pay As You Grow scheme.” Chris Wilford, Head of Financial Services Policy, CBI, said: “Pay As You Grow will provide vital support to many businesses who hope to move from survival to recovery mode when the economy gradually reopens.” “The combination of payment extensions, reductions and holidays gives firms important flexibility as they manage tight cash flows.”

FSB National Vice Chair Martin McTague said: “With the first bounce back loan repayments hitting against a backdrop of continued restrictions, it’s critical that small firms are aware of all their options. As such it’s good to see efforts to expand understanding of, and access to, Pay As You Grow plans. “These should help many small firms to keep debts manageable as they drive our recovery from an incredibly deep recession. Ultimately, bounce back facilities have been made possible by the Government as part of efforts to see us through a national crisis. Lenders must be mindful of this fact, and treat borrowers accordingly over the months ahead.” The Bounce Back Loan Scheme launched on 4 May 2020. It provides financial support to businesses across the UK that are losing revenue, and seeing their cashflow disrupted, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Since May 2020, the scheme has supported nearly £45bn of loans to 1.5m businesses. Businesses can apply for a loan from £2,000 up to 25% of their business’ turnover, with a fixed interest rate of 2.5% for the duration of the loan, meaning all borrowers benefit from the same, affordable rate of interest. The maximum loan amount is £50,000, and the Government will make a Business Interruption Payment (BIP) to cover the first 12 months of interest payments. The borrower does not have to make any repayments for the first 12 months. Businesses who have concerns regarding repaying debt should contact their lender, and can find additional links to resources on the British Business Bank’s Finance Hub.

Hundreds of Bar Staff Use Lockdown to Upskill sharp during these testing times.

More than 460 bar staff from across the UK’s licensed trade have used lockdown to train for free with Diageo’s Learning for Life Hospitality Elevator programme.

“Not only does the programme give our employees those practical skills to carry out their day-to-day tasks, but it drives their confidence and allows them to grow as professionals.”

While bars, restaurants, hotels and nightclubs across the UK remain closed by Covid-19 restrictions, hundreds of staff are using the shutdown to upskill for when the sector opens up again.

Daniella Moorby (46), from Penrith works for MacDonald Hotels and recently completed the Hospitality Elevator course. She said: “The Diageo Learning for Life Hospitality Elevator course has helped me obtain my Award for Personal License Holders hassle-free, with easy-to-use technology and in the comfort of my home.

Since November, 466 bar staff from across the country have taken part in Diageo’s Hospitality Elevator training programme. Participants from Orkney to Plymouth have engaged with the virtual course, including employees of major bar chains and international hotels to student unions and independent operators.

“The course facilitator was knowledgeable and helpful, the course itself was interactive, interesting and well-structured and the course materials detailed and easily accessible. Diageo life HE courses offer an array of materials indispensable for effective leadership and career development in the industry and every hospitality member would benefit from it.”

Delivered in partnership with the charity Springboard, Diageo’s Hospitality Elevator virtual programme has been designed to provide specialist support to people working in the sector during the COVID-19 crisis. Free for those already working in – or on furlough from – the bar industry, the Hospitality Elevator programme focuses on worker wellbeing, developing personal resilience and thriving in a post-Covid world, and enhances existing practical skills and knowledge to gain industry-recognised qualifications. The course has been over-subscribed since November, highlighting a strong appetite from hospitality workers and businesses for training and development during lockdown. The Hospitality Elevator course forms part of Diageo’s award-winning Learning for Life programme, which supports the on-trade sector to attract, retain and nurture talent. Four members of Edinburgh’s House of Gods Hotel front of house team completed the training course. Ian Stokes, General Manager at the hotel, said: “As an employer, I’ve found Diageo’s Learning for Life Hospitality Elevator an invaluable resource for our business. It’s been an ideal tool to keep the team’s skills

Nicola Reid, Learning for Life Manager a Diageo, added: “It’s fantastic to have had such a strong uptake of our Hospitality Elevator course since it relaunched as an online offering in November. “Times are incredibly tough for the hospitality industry at the moment which is why it’s important that we continue to commit significant investment to helping those in the industry to train, improve their skills and stay motivated. “We don’t yet know when the hospitality sector will open back up, but we do know that when it does, it will need skilled, confident and engaged people to help secure its long-term future as a vital cornerstone of our society.” To find out more about the Diageo Learning for Life: Hospitality Elevator programme including how to sign up, visit:

Fish & Seafood Dishes Becoming More Prominent On Menus According to latest piece of monthly analysis from Lumina Intelligence’s Menu Tracker, across Spring/Summer (SS) menus in 2020, 17% of mains have a fish or seafood core component and 21% of starters have a fish or seafood core component. Both of these are up 1pp versus SS 2019.

In regard to NPD, fish/seafood were included within 24% of new starter dishes on SS 2020 menus, up 9pp on SS 2019, and 16% of main dishes, up 1pp on SS 2019.

Prawns and squid are the most popular types of fish to feature within starters – 33% of starters include prawns (+3pp YOY) and 25% contain squid (+6pp YOY). Prawns are also the most common type of fish to appear within main courses, with salmon second most popular. 37% of main courses include prawns (+3pp YOY) and 16% include salmon (+0pp YOY).

Katherine Prowse, Insight Manager at Lumina Intelligence said, “Growth in consumers reducing red meat intake has seen fish increase in share on menus. Fish and seafood are versatile and can be relatively cheap ingredients to create tempting and on trend dishes that will appeal to consumers who are more interested in healthier dishes or seeking out a treat occasion.”

Calamari is the most common starter and fish & chips the most common main course. Calamari accounts for 16% of all fish/seafood starters on SS menus in 2020 – up 3pp on SS 2019. Fish & chips accounts for 11% of all fish/seafood main dishes – up 1pp on SS 2019.

“New product development in fish dishes across menus are echoing current trends in provenance, healthier and lighter and indulgence. Consumers are increasingly seeking out locally sourced ingredients and dishes following a ‘buy local’ boom as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and Brexit.”

Government Agrees To Meet With Hospitality Minister Petitioners Prime Minister Boris Johnson has confirmed that the Minister for Small Business, Consumers and Labour Markets, Paul Scully, will meet with petitioners calling for a Minister for Hospitality. The meeting was agreed after Chair of the Petitions Committee, Catherine McKinnell MP, wrote to the Prime Minister urging him to engage with the hospitality sector after raising the issue at the latest session of the Liaison Committee. A debate on this petition, which was signed by more

Issue 44

CLH Digital


“Although the government has provided a range of support to the hospitality industry throughout this pandemic, there are still great challenges ahead and a coordinated approach on this issue is vital at this critical time. “The hospitality industry has been hit particularly hard during the pandemic, and remains vulnerable. Thousands of businesses are struggling and unclear about what lies ahead in the coming months, it is essential there is a focused voice within government to represent the hospitality sector to ensure its place as a key driver of economic and cultural growth in every community.”

than 208,000 people, was held on 11 January, where members across the House called for a dedicated minister for the sector.

Last month, the petitions committee wrote a letter to the prime minister emphasising that hospitality is one of the few sectors which exists in all parts of the country, covering the arts, culture, and tourism.

Ms McKinnell said: “While I welcome the prime minister’s decision to agree to our call for the government to meet with petitioners and hear their concerns about the need for greater support for the hospitality sector, I hope that the prime minister himself will consider their request that he creates a minister for hospitality to oversee government delivery for this crucial diverse sector.

The sector, the letter said will play a key role in the recovery from the Covid-19 recession, especially in providing jobs for young people. Although the letter recognised that there is appreciation for the support the government has already given through measures such as the Job Retention Scheme, it emphasised the lack of a long-term strategy for the hospitality industry and urged the government develop a more coordinated approach to the hospitality industry.

UK Economy Suffers Worst Year on Record The UK economy suffered its largest annual decline in GDP on record in 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic reduced output by 9.9 per cent. The figures are the worst in recorded history and may represent the sharpest year-on-year contraction since the Great Frost of 1709, and are worse than the 9.7 per cent contraction recorded in 1921, when coal strikes and mass unemployment beset the British economy. Data released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), confirms: • Monthly gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 1.2% during December 2020 but remained 6.3% below February 2020 levels. • In December 2020, services grew by 1.7% following the easing of restrictions in many parts of the UK early in the month, while construction fell by 2.9%; production and manufacturing growth was more subdued at 0.2% and 0.3% respectively. • Quarter 4 (Oct to Dec) 2020 saw a rise of 1.0% in GDP following a rise of 16.1% in Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2020; however, GDP in Quarter 4 2020 was 6.6% below Quarter 4 2019 levels. • In Quarter 4 2020, there were rises from each of the main components, with services at 0.6%, production at 1.8% and construction at 4.6%.

• In 2020, headline GDP declined by 9.9%, which is more than twice the fall in 2009. December GDP was considered to be 6.3 per cent below February 2020 (pre-pandemic) levels.

Chancellor Rishi Sundak said : "While there are some positive signs of the economy's resilience over the winter, we know that the current lockdown continues to have a significant impact on many people and businesses.

The beleaguered services sector acted as the main contribution to growth over the month, increasing by 1.7 per cent as a number of consumers facing industries reopened for the festive period. However, the sector remains the most impacted since the pandemic began.

"That's why my focus remains fixed on doing everything we can to protect jobs, businesses and livelihoods. "At the Budget I will set out the next stage of our plan for jobs, and the support we'll provide through the next phase of pandemic."

The Business Impact of Coronavirus Survey (BICS), which covered the dates January 11 to January 24, revealed that 12 per cent of businesses had seen turnover decline by more than 50 per cent compared with what is normally expected in January.

Alpesh Paleja, CBI lead economist, said: “Getting the pandemic under control is critical to our recovery, and the speedy rollout of vaccines gives us some hope.

The percentage of businesses that were trading in January plunged to 71 per cent.

“But until this ends the stop-start cycle of lockdowns, businesses will need support to continue in parallel with restrictions.

The data confirms is that 2020 was the worst year for the UK economy for 300 years, and the 9.9 per cent slump also looks to have been the largest among G7 countries, with every sector experiencing an extremely severe slowdown.

“The Budget comes at a critical time for the UK. Extending the furlough scheme through to summer and continuing the business rates holiday for another three months will help safeguard jobs, livelihoods and communities across the country.”

How the Hospitality Industry Can Use Downtime to Their Advantage 6

CLH Digital

Issue 44

by Laurent Guinci, founder of Lolo Creative (

Globally the majority of the hospitality industry has had an abundance of downtime due to C-19. Although these times have been tough this can be advantageous for planning and development such as focusing on strengthening branding and customer experience. The past year has been pretty bleak, therefore, it is likely customers will be looking for more immersive experiences than ever with the feeling of being brought into an entirely new world and ‘escaping’ reality - whether that's dining, holidaying, or staying in a beautiful hotel.

Having been part of some of the most popular immersive experiences in the world - from various restaurants including Mourad Mazouz’s MOMO (Madonna’s favourite restaurant) to Universal, Lolo Creative are really passionate about revolutionising the industry. We’ve put together some downtime focus areas to help elevate your brand identity and improve customer immersion.

DIFFERENTIATION Aim to create a unique experience guests can’t get anywhere else so that they come back again and again. Be bold but also strategic – look at your target audience and what makes them tick. Take the talented restaurateur Mourad Mazouz as an example, he is a visionary who’s not scared of changes and new concepts. At the time when I met him in 1997, he was probably one of the first people who wanted to be different, from implementing unique uniforms, t-shirts to sell next door in the tearoom and even custom dinner plates. In more recent years, his other restaurant Sketch became one of London’s most Instagramable restaurants thanks to its quirky design features - from the funky stairs to the breath-taking interior. Take this time to really think about how you can offer guests a distinct experience which will create a buzz and lend itself as a marketing tool.


The devils in the detail. Small touches can really help reiterate your brand and create a coherent mood. This is more than plastering your logo everywhere, it means thinking about how every element works together and ensuring they complement the brand. You should deep dive into the customer experience thinking about how you want them to feel from the moment they walk in – what is your brands feeling and tone of voice? This could then be applied across every point of interaction. If you want to truly immerse someone you need to look at the particulars - from interior choices such as harmonious materials and colours, to symbolism in artwork or furniture, the music and lighting choice, feng shui, down to subtle logo details on the tablecloth, the list could go on... It’s important to reflect on the whole customer journey even down to the rest room.

STAFF Customer service is a key part of guest’s experience (often the difference between a bad and good review) which is why it’s so important that anyone consumer- facing embodies the brand values and personality. Uniform can sometimes get overlooked but it has an important role to play in this. I believe you should treat staff like ‘actors on a set’. They are not themselves anymore, they are becoming a character and brand ambassador. They could almost act differently to serve a purpose and entertain the crowds. This is what I call giving the customer an immersive experience. Uniform is a vital element to making that shift, allowing the staff to be someone else for few hours, playing a part in this new environment. In addition to this, custom uniform can help extend brand identities, making a point of differentiation. It can become a memorable association ingrained in guests’ minds, ultimately helping the business to stand out from the crowd. Overall, powerful branding is vital for capturing consumer’s imaginations and creating positive immersive experiences can truly transform guest’s relationship with your business. It’s important to use this time strategically, placing yourself in the best possible position for when things begin to pick up again.

Satisfied Customers Result In An Award Win For Bristol Hotel The efforts of a Bristol hotel to provide a safe and welcoming environment have been rewarded with a prestigious award. DoubleTree by Hilton Bristol City Centre has been named as a winner in the 2021 Traveller Review Awards, which recognises “exceptional hospitality”. What makes the award even more satisfying is that the winners are determined through reviews submitted to by satisfied customers. News of the award comes after what has been one of the most challenging year ever for the hospitality industry. DoubleTree by Hilton Bristol City Centre is managed by Focus Hotels Management Limited. It received an average review score of 8.3 from customers on between 1 August 2018 and 30 November 2020. This is ninth edition of the awards, which have recognised accommodation and transport providers across 220 countries and territories for their outstanding levels of service and standards. Imran Ali, General Manager of the DoubleTree by Hilton Bristol City Centre, said: “It’s always nice to win an award but it’s particularly satisfying when that award is made because of consistently high scores from satisfied customers. “It’s the best possible endorsement for everything we try to do here and is a testament to the dedication and resilience of my team, particularly in the wake of the pandemic. “We have worked incredibly hard here to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all our guests, whether they be here for leisure purposes or are attending a meeting or training course. “When we learned of this award I spoke to and they said that it means we are among the elite in our market. “By its nature, hospitality is all about providing excellent customer service, so it’s particularly gratifying to receive an award which is based on feedback from customers. “It also means that people can be confident that if they choose to

come to our hotel, they don’t have to take our word for it that they will have an excellent experience. “They can listen to their fellow travellers, because it’s through them that we have been given this award.” Glenn Fogel, President and Chief Executive Officer of, said: “2020 was a year with limited opportunities for travel. “That meant that the trips people managed to take mattered to them more than ever. “The exceptional review scores our winners earned consistently over the past year showed just how much their guests appreciate everything they do for them.” Peter Cashman, Chief Executive Officer of Focus Hotels, said: “I would like to congratulate Imran and his team for their commitment and professionalism. “Providing enjoyable experiences for our guests is ultimately what the hospitality industry is all about. “To earn so much positive customer feedback that you are regarded as among the elite in your market shows that Imran and his team have been doing a fantastic job, especially during what has been a particularly challenging period, and we are very proud of them all.”

Home Dining To Show “The Love” This ‘Virtual’ Valentine’s Day Kirsty Morris, Managing Director at Barclaycard Payments said: “Businesses need to be able to adapt to consumer behaviours and trends and this couldn’t be more true for this Valentine’s Day. While some gifting traditions stand the test of time, the way we’re purchasing these items is certainly different this year.

Retailers are feeling the love in the run up to Valentine’s Day, with two fifths (41 per cent) expecting to see a sales boost, according to new research from Barclaycard Payments*, which sees nearly half of the nation’s credit and debit card transactions. Traditionally an important milestone in the retail calendar, it seems this February 14th won’t disappoint, with Brits planning to spend £787** million in a bid to keep the romance alive amidst national lockdown restrictions. More than a quarter (26 per cent) are organising an ‘at home’ date night, while other popular activities include ordering a takeaway (17 per cent), dining in with a supermarket meal (8 per cent) and going for a romantic walk (8 per cent). Of the 41 per cent of businesses expecting to see growth this year, they are predicting their sales to rise by 26 per cent on average. As a result, almost two thirds (63 per cent) of retailers have enhanced their ecommerce capabilities, with three in 10 (31 per cent) boosting their online advertising. A further 27 per cent are expanding their product or service offerings, and one in four (26 per cent) is increasing online stock availability. This anticipated uplift in sales is also increasing optimism, as almost four in 10 (37 per cent) say it’s making them feel more optimistic about their business’ future. A Very Virtual Valentine’s As Brits prepare to spend the day in lockdown, many couples are looking to make the most of the occasion with 70 per cent of those living with a partner planning to celebrate.

“It’s encouraging to see retailers have remained agile throughout the pandemic and are supporting their customers in new ways – whether that’s sending flowers with same-day-delivery, offering personal shopping experiences online, or expanding products and services to meet new demand. It’s great that this popular occasion is bringing some much needed optimism to retailers, and giving them confidence in the future of their businesses.”

Savvy retailers are also adapting to cater for the six in 10 (62 per cent) couples who live apart but who want to mark the event. Over half (52 per cent) are offering specific ‘Virtual Valentine’s’ products, including a broader range of gifts (24 per cent), vouchers which can be redeemed at a later date (20 per cent) and chocolates to be delivered to the recipients’ door (15 per cent). Some businesses are also capitalising on the rising trend of lockdown date nights. One in seven retailers (14 per cent) is selling Valentine’s Day takeaway boxes for food and drink, and 10 per cent is offering a romantic online experience for the night, such as cocktail making or a cookery lesson.

Elizabeth Galton, Marketing Director at Ernest Jones said: “The impact of the pandemic restrictions has certainly challenged us to think differently about this Valentine’s Day. Despite the shift in focus from store to online, we’ve kept the shopping experience alive for our customers. We’ve seen significant adoption of our personalised virtual ‘Talk to an Expert’ appointments and Live Chat service, and these are just some of the ways we have adapted our business. “Our store colleagues have worked hard to guide clients through virtual purchases– enhancing the experience by providing all the advice and counsel they would normally receive in-store. We’re pleased our virtual appointments and virtual try on service for engagement rings have been so popular with customers. As a result of these initiatives, we have seen an increase in branded and fine diamonds jewellery sales, traditionally popular time at this time of year.”

Consumer Spending Fell 16.3% In January But Takeaway Spending Soars Consumer spending declined 16.3 per cent year-onyear in January – the sharpest decline since May 2020 – as the retail, hospitality and travel sectors felt the full impact of national lockdown measures. Data from Barclaycard, which sees nearly half of the nation’s credit and debit card transactions, reveals that spending on essential items grew 3.9 per cent, bolstered by a 17.0 per cent rise in overall supermarket expenditure, with online supermarket spend seeing significant growth (126.8 per cent). This was driven by a surge in demand for home deliveries, with almost four in 10 (37 per cent) Brits saying they found it harder than ever to secure a delivery slot. The hospitality sector had another very challenging month as Brits’ social plans remained on hold, with bars & pubs, and restaurants recording significant declines of -93.7 per cent and -84.2 per cent respectively. Despite the slight improvement in travel spending in December, tighter restrictions and news of tougher border controls saw a drop in holiday bookings and overseas trips in January, with travel agents (-87.2 per cent) and airlines (-81.6 per cent) hit hardest at a time when consumers would typically have been making the most of summer holiday bargains. In January 2020, these categories accounted for 10.9 per cent of all non-essential spend – whereas this year they accounted for just 2.2 per cent. However, some retailers have performed strongly despite the lockdown. Spending on digital content & subscriptions and electronics grew 38.3 per cent and 14.7 per cent respectively, as Brits continued to invest in boxsets and video games to keep themselves entertained during nights in. Consumers have continued to crave fresh and convenient meal options too. In an ongoing trend, ordering takeaways and fast food proved highly popular, with the category seeing its largest ever growth (32.6 per cent). Meanwhile, online food and drink specialist retailers, such as those supplying weekly recipe boxes,

saw a significant increase of 92.1 per cent. Spending at physical food and drink specialist stores – which includes butchers, bakeries, and greengrocers – also grew (40.5 per cent), as Brits continued to support nearby independent businesses. This comes as 45 per cent say they plan to continue shopping more locally, even after lockdown ends, to support their community. Amidst the challenging circumstances, just 40 per cent of Brits were confident in their job security this month – dropping 10 per cent from last January to the lowest level in over a year. Confidence in household finances stayed steady at 67 per cent, but younger Brits (18-34-year-olds) are feeling considerably less confident (55 per cent) than the over 55s (78 per cent). The nation is, however, looking forward to life after the lockdown, with the majority of Brits (57 per cent) most looking forward to spending quality time with friends and family whom they haven’t seen in a while. Raheel Ahmed, Head of Consumer Products, said: “As the impact of the latest lockdown start to takes its toll, we’ve seen particular sectors struggle, as physical premises across the UK were forced to close. Last month’s glimmer of hope for the travel sector also seems to have stalled as tougher border controls saw bookings drop. “Yet, on a more positive note, we have seen a surge in many online categories as the demand for home deliveries continues to rise. From meal kits and subscription services, to online grocery shopping, Brits have continued habits they formed in the first lockdown, with a record high seen in spending on takeaways and fast food. “While confidence in job security has reached its lowest point in over a year, the ongoing vaccine rollout means that Brits believe there is hope on the horizon, and we all look forward to being reunited with much-missed family and friends later in the year.”

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VIEWING 9am – 4pm Friday 12 and Tuesday 16 February 2021; by appointment only LOTS OPEN FOR BIDDING 10am Tuesday 16 February 2021

LOTS START TO CLOSE FROM 10am Thursday 18 February 2021

Issue 44

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How Hotels Can Adapt to the ‘Summer of the Staycation’ In 2021 8

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Issue 44

According to a recent study into the state of the hotel industry by the workforce management platform, Planday, leaders of some of the biggest global hotel groups ranked staycations as a critical part of their planning for 2021 (at 8.4/10), as they anticipate a surge in domestic bookings.

efficiently throughout this new change of pace is vital in ensuring all stays go smoothly.”

GOING CONTACTLESS “Every touchpoint of a guest’s hotel experience – from payments, door locks and even the food and beverage standards – will have to be automated, which means managing your hotel staff in a new way.

And in the UK, hotel and accommodation providers are already experiencing an influx in bookings, after the Health Secretary’s announcement of the prospect of a “happy and free Great British summer” at the weekend2. The leading UK holiday accommodation provider, The Rest Easy Group reported3 a huge 126% rise in bookings across all brands over the 30th January weekend.

“Just as restaurants have adapted to increase the use of food delivery services with contactless food drops in the past few months, hotels should take a similar approach, by taking steps such as streamlining the menu to fit your guests’ expectation and facilitating contactless drops from staff.”

So how exactly should hotels and accommodation providers in the UK prepare for the ‘summer of the staycation’ in 2021? Kevin Ryan, UK Partner Manager at Planday, provides some expert insight and tips, to ensure a seamless transition into a new era of hospitality.

PERSONALISATION “Personal and memorable experiences will help set you apart from your competition.


“This requires giving your staff the tools to understand your guests and to help you attract more of them. But it will end up being one of the best investments you can make in setting your hotel back up for success.”

“Unsurprisingly, the expectations of cleaning standards have changed. This includes a deep clean of all the rooms and surfaces, removal of items such as decorative pillows on chairs and regular reminders of the new cleaning standards you have implemented to give your guests peace of mind.

booking and make it clear the effort and thought your hotel has put into making their stay memorable.


“For branded hotels in bigger cities, this will also include a series of baseline cleaning standards across the chain. More than anything, people want reassurance that your hotel’s cleaning standards are as high as possible and care is taken to protect your guests and your staff right now.

“Following their visit, it is just as important to seek feedback on the experience so you can better plan future improvements and also share their positive responses with your staff and those guests coming to stay with you next.”

“As with any business in the experience economy, the people make the difference. With the gradual increase in consumer spending on experiences again, it has never been more important to invest in your best asset – your people.

“It’s clear that hotels are already implementing best practices in these areas too. Our data shows hoteliers rate their safety and planning practice at 8.1/10, indicating how seriously the industry is taking the safety of guests and staff.”

SHORTER STAYS AND QUICKER TURNAROUNDS “Many guests will be opting for much shorter stays over the course of 2021, indulging more than usual on last-minute hotel bookings in the absence of their usual yearly luxury holidays.

“Your staff expect up-to-date advice and communication, plus the ability to change and swap shifts as needed. Our data supports this, with half (50%) of hoteliers saying they are in contact with their staff daily, and a further 10% are in touch with their staff hourly.”

“The convenience of a few nights away will result in a much tighter turnaround time to prepare rooms between guests, whilst also ensuring room service is up to scratch and on time. Being able to manage staff

Download your copy of the results of The Global Hotel Survey at and see for yourself how senior leaders from hotels around the globe are planning for 2021.

COMMUNICATION “As with the expectations around cleanliness, your guests will also expect to hear from you more. Keep in touch in the lead-up to their

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Mulberry Tree Pub Manager’s Love for Pub Sea Shanty Goes Viral Greene King pub manager Steve Fraser has taken social media by storm with a sea shanty song he has written as an ode to his pub, the Mulberry Tree in Stevenage. Steve, who has managed the Greene King pub for three years, is currently furloughed as pubs are closed during the current lockdown. Speaking about his song, Steve said: “I have been watching the sea shanty craze started by Scottish artist Nathan Evans and thought I could write one about the pub life and covid. “With pubs closed, us pub managers are not use to sitting at home doing nothing. We like to interact socially, we desperately miss our customers and the atmosphere of a busy pub. There’s a longing to get back to it – and that’s been the inspiration.

“And I thought it would be a bit of fun!” Steve is the lead singer in local band The Revivals, based in Hertfordshire, which plays Britpop, Mod and 60s covers. Greene King is now calling on its competitors to take part in a pub shanty challenge as a bit of fun for pub teams who are furloughed while pubs are shut. Sea shanties are a type of traditional folk song and Steve’s ‘Fun Folk’ pub shanty has had already had more than 15,000 views on his pub Facebook page. 40

Less than 1% of Scottish On-Trade Staff Catch Covid-19

The Scottish hospitality has revealed that there have only been 32 positive cases of Covid-19 among staff from July to Christmas 2020, equating to less than 1% of their members

Our figures prove that Scotland’s pubs, restaurants and hotels are part of the solution rather than being responsible for the spread of the virus, or – to quote the first minister – ‘a hot spot’.

From 15 July to 9 October, the period in which the government’s Eat Out To Help Out scheme was running and later followed by the introduction of tiered restrictions, there were eight positive cases among staff and 15 among customers.

“Instead of criticising from a position of ignorance, we’d urge politicians and Holyrood candidates to visit their local hospitality business as soon as restrictions allow and see for themselves how much our committed staff are doing to keep everyone safe.

From 10 October to 24 December, 24 staff members tested positive for Covid19, while 15 customers tested positive, and nrom 24 December to 31 January, 16 staff and no customers tested positive. From July to the end of January 2021, staff at SGH premises worked approximately 1.15 million hours. SGH said the infection rate equated to one positive result for every 36,000 hours worked. Stephen Montgomery, spokesperson for SHG, said: “This clearly shows that we’re all better off when responsible hospitality businesses can provide safer places to socialise than when getting tougher is driven to other areas, such as house visits.

“After the worst December in living memory, we have already had a tough start to 2021. In December alone, our members lost £9.6m [US$13.3m] of revenue – money that would normally keep business afloat until the spring. “It’s vital that the Scottish hospitality sector is well supported until we can reopen safely and play our crucial role in rebuilding the Scottish economy.” Public Health England figures last year showed that week on week, on-trade venues were responsible for fewer than 3% of infections, compared with schools and care homes, which reported double-digit infection rates.

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Tough New Quarantine Laws For “Red List” Travellers He also made the point that it is currently unlawful for people to leave the country, unless for a limited number of legally authorized circumstances, and arrivals from red list countries are banned, except for UK nationals and residents.

Have introduced tough new quarantine laws to improve compliance and border control to prevent the spread of Covid variants into the United Kingdom . International arrivals into the UK who fail to take a Covid-19 test and lie on their passenger locator form will face punitive fines and up to 10 years in jail.

Passengers required to stay in a quarantine hotel will need to reserve a room online in advance, with the booking system opening on Thursday.

Speaking in the House of Commons health secretary Matt Hancock said: “People who flout these rules are putting us all at risk.

These travellers will only be allowed to enter the UK through a “small number of ports that currently account for the vast majority of passenger arrivals”, Mr Hancock added.

“Passenger carriers will have a duty in law to make sure that passengers have signed up for these new arrangements before they travel, and will be fined if they don’t, and we will be putting in place tough fines for people who don’t comply. “This includes a £1,000 penalty for any international arrival who fails to take a mandatory test, a £2,000 penalty for any international arrival who fails to take the second mandatory test, as well as automatically extending their quarantine period to 14 days, and a £5,000 fixed penalty notice – rising to £10,000 – for arrivals who fail to quarantine in a designated hotel.” He added: “Anyone who lies on the passenger locator form and tries to conceal that they’ve been in a country on the red list in the 10 days before arrival here will face a prison sentence of up to 10 years.”

It follows the revelation yesterday (Monday, 8 February) that at least 147 cases of the South African strain had been identified in the UK so far, however a testing blitz around the country is likely to find more.

Mr Hancock added that the measures will be put into law this week and more resources will be available to enforce them : “I make no apologies for the strength of these measures because we’re dealing with one of the strongest threats to our public health that we’ve faced as a nation.”

Paul Charles, from travel consultancy The PC Agency, said he has seen a Government document suggesting that hotels are only being offered £50 a night to take part, despite those near Heathrow Airport currently charging an average of £77 a night to members of the public. He added: “It’s no wonder hotels are less than enthusiastic. Their costs will outstrip the income from Government.” He also warned that the UK economy will take “a massive hit from the lack of certainty over reopening”.

Hilton London Wembley Adds Volunteering To Its Services Staff at Hilton London Wembley are showcasing their continued dedication to duty, by volunteering to support the local COVID-19 vaccination programme. When the London Borough of Brent and North West London Health & Care Partnership announced plans for Wembley to be the site of the capital’s second mass vaccination unit, it also put out a call for volunteers. Staff at the hotel, along with general manager, Meredith Bevan, didn’t hesitate to come forward and offer their support. While the team members are usually working towards the perfect customer experience, they are currently using this commitment to support the NHS and their local community. Meredith Bevan, general manager, Hilton London Wembley said: “We have around 38 team members working on different shifts to help get people vaccinated as smoothly as possible.” “We are working as human signage to show people where they need to go, verifying the appointments and basically anything at all we can do to help,” he said.

“It’s really important that there are volunteers who can give reassurance and support. Many of the people being vaccinated in the first instance are old and frail and may not have been out of their homes for the best part of a year. “We are absolutely delighted to be able to be there and do our bit to help ensure that the unit can keep on track with its plans to vaccinate people as quickly as possible.” The hotel has adapted to managing the safety and security of both guests and team members with the Hilton CleanStay program, an industry-defining standard of cleanliness and disinfection. This has enabled the hotel to successfully host 26 different bubble groups for elite athletes and the entertainment industry since it reopened on the 6 July 2020. At the same time Hilton London Wembley has also been hosting NHS workers at the hotel, who need to be close to the vaccination centre. Further information about volunteering is available at

Skilled Worker Visas: What Your HR Team Need to Know 10

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Issue 44

By Katie Ash, Head of Employment Law at

After a lengthy transition period, the UK has now left the EU with a deal agreed. While many possible scenarios have been discussed at length in recent years, until now we have been limited to speculation and conjecture in terms of what the outcome might be. Not to mention how it might affect businesses and, more specifically, employees. In this blog, Head of Employment Law at Banner Jones, Katie Ash looks at some of the legislation that has now been confirmed, including details about what is known as the Skilled Worker Visa. While restrictions on freedom of movement may not be keenly felt until it is safe to travel again, those looking to grow their team with individuals from the EU should familiarise themselves with what documentation will now be needed. Equally, as the vaccine is rolled out across the country and business picks up through 2021, we consider what employers may need to keep front of mind – including which roles they will be able to sponsor and how long employees will be able to remain in the UK. You’ll also need to factor in attaining your sponsor licence before you begin the process of employing EU nationals.

END OF FREE MOVEMENT If you employ European nationals, or your British team members travel to European countries for work, then you’ll need to take note of the end of free movement. In simple terms, there are now restrictions on how long people can

stay in territories other than their home country, and they may now need a permit to work. The EU nationals you employed before the start of 2021 will need to have settled status to work in the UK and become permanent residents. Those who have lived continuously in the UK for five years or more should be able to apply, but in order to have this granted, they must not have left the UK for more than six months in the last five years. If an EU national that you employ has not yet been in the UK for a sustained period in the past five years, they can claim pre-settled status. However, they must move onto full settled status after their pre-settled period has come to an end, so it’s important that they also don’t leave the UK for more than six months at a time before this is granted. Any EU nationals you employ from this year onwards will need to be eligible for Skilled Worker status and must have a visa sponsored by you. We explain below.

SKILLED WORKER VISA You can find out whether an occupation is eligible for a Skilled Worker visa by checking its ONS code. The table on the website shows that roles including Chief Executives, Marketing Directors, Production Managers, IT Directors, Shopkeepers, Chemical Scientists, Librarians and Civil Engineers are all eligible, as well as many others. The minimum annual salary is usually £25,600, however this varies depending on job roles. You may be able to sponsor an employee with a lower salary if they are fulfilling a job shortage, are under 26, have a PhD in a STEM subject or hold a postdoctoral position in science or higher education. You can read more on the website. Those employed as Skilled Workers will also probably need to prove their level of English. They must be able to communicate at a B1 level on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) scale. This denotes not just basic, but independent English usage.


The Government advises that you should first check your business is eligible. This mainly means that the people in your business must not have specified previous unspent criminal convictions – for example, for immigration offences or certain other crimes, such as fraud or money laundering. You should then choose between a Worker Licence and a Temporary Worker Licence. To sponsor Skilled Workers or organise intra-company visas, you should choose the former. Next comes appointing someone senior and responsible in your business to be the authorising officer, as well as a key contact with UK visas and immigration. Finally, you will need to submit the appropriate documents and fee in order to apply for your licence. The cost of your licence will depend on the size of your company. It will be either £536 or £1,476. You can find detail on the process of getting a sponsor licence on While a deal has now been done, we know that there remain many unanswered questions about the true impact of the changes afoot and how it will affect businesses that operate or trade internationally. Should you have any questions on the changes that Brexit has brought about or need help when employing EU nationals, please get in touch with the Banner Jones Employment Law team.

Opening Pubs & Restaurants Without Alcohol Will Cause 'Irreparable Damage' Pubs and restaurants may be allowed to reopen in April so long as they do not serve alcohol, according to reports which emerged at the weekend. While other options are being considered by the government which include keeping pubs shut until May but allowing them to serve takeaway pints from April, report that opening pubs forbidding them from serving alcohol is the one causing the most concern. However, a senior government source told the Daily Mail an alcohol ban in pubs was not on the cards, “We are not going to open pubs that can’t sell booze. What would be the point of that?” Other measures being floated include axing the 10pm curfew for pubs, which has been given the go-ahead according to some reports, along with an end to the requirement for drinkers to order a “substantial meal” with alcohol. Industry observers took to social media to voice their concerns about the impact the proposals would have in the sector.

Emma McClarkin CEO of the British Beer and Pub Association said: “Opening pubs without selling alcohol is not “reopening” pubs at all. Selling alcohol in a safe environment is at the core of what we do. Despite our business model being stripped bare, the very core of what we do is now under attack. This has to stop.” UK hospitality CEO Kate Nicholls said on Twitter; “ reopening in name only inflicts irreparable damage on hospitality as we saw October to December with restrictions with little meaningful impact on health or harm, pushing revenues as low as 20 to 30%. Unsustainable for restaurants and pubs” He also added “hospitality reopening in July with the toughest Covid protocols in the world-risk assessed with controls and capacity managed social distancing hygiene and ventilation. It kept people safe, 60 visits a week, no increase in cases and less than 1% of staff coat Covidit’s the model. But let’s be clear operating under those controls our hospitality and tourist businesses did not even break even.”

“So the need to be the firm starting point and we should look to progressively ease them to allow businesses to survive, recover, rebuild and help reimagine communities. That’s why hospitality will need longer term support is a trade its way out of and through this. Extend lower rate of VAT and business rates holiday will help us do that and get the economy back on its feet quickly, deliver jobs, growth and investment at pace, in all regions” Prime Minister Boris Johnson has warned that it is “still early days” to start talking about opening up society, and he has committed to setting out a “road map” later this month for easing restrictions. He faces pressure from Conservative MPs to relax the current lockdown once the most vulnerable have been vaccinated, and Downing Street has confirmed that the vaccine programme planned to reach all those aged 50 and over, as well as adults aged 16-65 in an at-risk group, by May.

SIBA Business Awards 2021 Entry Deadline Extended To 28th February The entry deadline for the SIBA Business Awards 2021 has been extended to the 28th February. The prestigious industry awards are open to entries from independent breweries, retailers, pubs, bars, restaurants and suppliers and this year’s awards include two new categories recognising the extraordinary resilience shown by the beer and brewing industry in the face of Covid lockdown and social distancing measures. The new categories for Covid Brewery Initiative and Covid Supplier Initiative seek to highlight those businesses making the best of a very tough situation, and the communities they support. The SIBA Business Awards seek to congratulate excellence in the brewing industry across a variety of categories, from pump clip, can and bottle design, to efforts taken by brewers to make their business more eco-friendly, innovative or successful, as well as

naming the UK’s best bars, restaurants and retailers of craft beer from independent breweries. The award for UK’s Best Independent Craft Beer Taproom will also return in 2021 following its introduction last year. “The last year has been the toughest on record for independent breweries but what has been hugely impressive has been the ability of businesses to adapt and overcome the pressures of Covid, and the many obstacles that have been thrown at them. Through these awards we want to champion businesses in the independent brewing sector and in the supply chain they are a part of, and given the current challenges lockdown presents we have allowed more time this year, until the end of February, for businesses to get their entries in,” Neil Walker, SIBA Business Awards Chair of Judges. To find out more or to enter the awards visit

Tough Months Ahead But Restaurants, Pubs and Bars Can Look Forward To A Bounce Back In 2021 Issue 44

A rebased rental market, a new competitive landscape and higher consumer spending will all help the restaurant, pub and bar sector to bounce back in 2021, according to a new report from accountancy and business advisory firm BDO.

Optimism has further improved following the Bank of England’s prediction that the economy will recover rapidly in 2021, due in part to consumers beginning to spend some of the £125bn put into savings last year.

BDO’s latest annual Restaurants and Bars Report found that despite the toughest trading conditions in living memory, the restaurant, pub and bar sector continued to attract investment in 2020 as investors judged that the eventual loosening of lockdown restrictions and a successful vaccine roll-out would help drive economic recovery.

Despite the more promising outlook, BDO’s report reveals the toll that COVID-19 has taken on the restaurant, pub and bar industry in 2020, with total sales down by almost 80% during the year. However, the report also highlights how the sector has done its best to adapt to changing circumstances, utilising the various government support schemes and innovating using new technology and delivery models.

M&A activity in the sector during the year was dominated by distressed transactions as COVID caused restaurant and bar values to drop significantly – from around 7x-8x EV/EBITDA multiples pre-COVID to just 1x-2x in Q2 2020.

The quick-service restaurant (QSR) sector was particularly well placed to navigate its way through 2020. In the second half of the year, both franchisors and franchisees looked to deploy their growing cash reserves to drive growth across multiple channels.

This led a number of investors to expand their presence in the market, attracted by the prospect of a reduced competitor landscape, better rental terms and the emergence of new sales channels to consumers.

BDO expects M&A activity across the QSR sector to increase significantly in 2021 as both operators look to put their capital to work and investors seek existing platforms primed for growth across multiple

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brands. Mark Edwards, partner and head of the restaurants and bars sector at BDO LLP, said: “The Government support schemes have provided a much-needed lifeline to restaurants and bars during 2020, but this support must be prolonged and extended not just for front line operators but to the vital supply chain they depend on. “There is no denying that the next few months are going to be incredibly difficult for the hospitality sector but for those that can survive, there will be opportunities to stabilise and prosper once the lockdown lifts.” Looking at the landscape for 2021, Mark Edwards added: “It is clear that some consumer habits will have changed permanently and as operators look to rebuild, we fully expect operators to look at reduced labour, more flexible property costs and the use of technology as priorities, while a sharper focus on menu and customer offer will also be essential.”

Local Parish Council Save Hampshire Village Pub

The Plough Inn, a popular village pub located in the countryside village of Longparish in Hampshire has been purchased by the local parish council, with the backing of the community group, Plough Ahead. The pub will now be leased by the parish council to Plough Ahead, which was formed by a group of Longparish residents in 2018 to raise funds to buy and restore the inn, returning it to the local community. Funds to refurbish and run the pub have been raised by selling shares to local residents and supporters further afield. The Plough Inn features function rooms, a large beer garden, owners’ accommodation and three further bedrooms. It has been a valued asset at the heart of the Longparish village community and has been serving passing travellers since 1721. Prior to closing its doors in December 2015, it was a well-known and successful destination pub, with a reputation for high quality, locally produced, food. In its recent heyday, the pub was owned by Great British Menu chef, James Durrant and won many accolades, including UK Pub of the Year Award by the Good Food Guide and a BIB Gourmand rating two years running. It

was also awarded two AA rosettes and has been included in the 2014 Michelin Guide. Andy Jolliffe, Chair of the Plough Ahead group, commented, “We are so pleased to have the opportunity to reclaim our beautiful pub and are really looking forward to bringing it back to life for the benefit of the whole village, as both a pub and community hub. Our plan now is to refurbish it and be ready to reopen by the end of June. ‘Ultimately, we want to create a fantastic rural pub with craft beers and local spirits, along with a great quality restaurant that serves excellent pub food, with two or three smart, comfortable bedrooms for overnight guests, plus create new community facilities alongside. It will be a challenge, but one that we will all relish.” Richard Wood, Associate Director at Christie & Co, handled the sale and added, “I am delighted to have helped facilitate this sale, ensuring the reopening of the pub and that it continues to the serve many generations to come in both the village and surrounding areas. I have no doubt that the community group will make the pub a tremendous success.”


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Restaurant Boss Urges Businesses To Diversify Or Face Going Bust 12

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Issue 44

businesses owners to diversify in order to survive, after a third national lockdown was announced. George Purnell runs easy dining restaurant and cocktail bar, Koop+Kraft, in Cowplain in Hampshire. He said that it is crucial for hospitality bosses to do whatever they can to avoid the business suffering beyond repair, after tougher restrictions were announced on Monday, forcing all restaurants in England to close their doors for the third time. He said: ‘The only way to survive right now is to find a way to get your products into people's homes. Whether that's takeaway, ready meals, collection drinks, gift sets, cook-at-home sets – there are plenty of options. ‘It's just a case of being ready and agile enough to adapt as these concepts will likely be strong for next six months minimum.

THE FOUNDER of a Hampshire-based restaurant is urging hospitality

‘In terms of planning, have loose plans for the future with a contingency plan and as the time comes closer, tighten those plans into something more concrete. Be prepared for things to change and pivot – change is the only thing that was guaranteed in 2020 – and with even more uncertainty in 2021, I feel it will be largely the same.

‘Diversify and tailor your offering and embrace the opportunity to do so. We have done very well from investing more time, effort and money into our takeaway offering and have had results with the restaurant both open and closed. Some others may look at other options like a Hello Fresh-style or even something like a Zoom cook-along or take the opportunity to release a cookbook.’ George launched a sister company, Prepped by Koop, in the first lockdown. The healthy meal prep service centres around healthy meals for people to prepare at home in their own time. The 27-year-old said: ‘Prepped was a lifeline for us. It has meant that we haven’t relied as heavily on Koop+Kraft to keep our heads above water and have been able to focus our energy on providing high-quality food and the best experience as we can without physically welcoming people into the restaurant. ‘I’d urge anyone who has the opportunity or resources to look at what they can do to strengthen their chances of survival. For some, sitting still during this time could be tantamount to closure.’

Hospitality at Home is Here to Stay Reveals Survey • 40% have either bought or would consider buying a cook at home meal kit • 44% have bought or would consider a finish at home meal kit • 38% for cocktails at home 35% for mini kegs from a pub Moses comments: “We’ve been asked frequently by our clients whether we think that the ‘hospitality at home’ trend is here to stay. I think these figures clearly show it is. Food delivery has certainly changed forever and is fast entering a new phase, moving from purely functional “feed me now” to experiential. We know that customers are desperate to be back in our physical outlets, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t still want a piece of our wonderful hospitality industry in their homes- there’s room for both offerings to co-exist and smart operators and suppliers are busy right now planning for just that.”

A new consumer poll from KAM Media suggests that the growing ‘hospitality at home’ trend is set to stay, even when venues reopen. The poll, carried out last week, shows that awareness of the growing number of ‘hospitality at home’ options is strong amongst consumers; 63% of UK adults have now heard of a ‘cook at home’ meal kit for example. And a significant proportion of additional consumers are open to trying these options in the future; 24% say they’d be open to buying a ‘meal kit’ in the future. Katy Moses, MD, KAM Media: “It’s positive news that awareness of what’s on offer is high- where 64% of those we spoke to are aware of subscription recipe boxes like Gousto and Mindful chef. 63% know about cook at home meal kits and 54% finish at home options from hospitality operators. The former have been ‘a thing’ for much longer so the latter two stats are encouraging.” Add that to 50% being aware of ‘mix at home’ cocktail kits and 45% knowing about mini keg home deliveries, and Moses suggests idea of hospitality being bought into our homes can be described as “having hit the mainstream.” The research suggests that consumers have not only participated in these ‘at home’ experiences, but intend to do so in the future-

“The benefits of getting your brand into a consumers home, especially when they can’t come to you, is clear. Embracing delivery and other hospitality at home options is a fantastic way to grow your brands reach (including geographically) as well as keeping previous customer engaged with your brand while you’re closed. The fact that demand is likely to continue, for those who are getting it right, is really promising for the sector.”

Budget Wishlist from Bristol Hoteliers Hoteliers are hoping for a ‘hospitable’ helping hand from Chancellor Rishi Sunak when he delivers his second budget on 3 March.

Bristol hoteliers say the budget is the ideal opportunity for the government to demonstrate its desire to treat their sector as fairly as other industries, which it has not done in the past. Their wish-list for the budget includes extending the furlough scheme, extending the reduced rate of VAT for hospitality businesses for another 12 months, and a 100% holiday on business rates, covering the next financial year. Raphael Herzog, Chair of the Bristol Hoteliers Association, has written to local MPs asking them to urge the Chancellor to include these measures in his budget. He said: “I am confident that, with these measures, our hospitality businesses can do their bit to help this great country build back better and stronger than ever. “We can start to employ more people, support out local supplies and build on our sense of local pride, investing in our premises and places.

“Most importantly, we can go back to doing what we do best, providing a fantastic experience for our customers and bringing people in our community together.

ter of 2021 and into 2022 – which means the business will be there for us if we can get there, which is why we need the furlough to continue, the VAT extension and business rates holiday.

“Furlough has been a lifeline for so many of us, but it will take time to recover, so we need that extended.

“The recovery will be a long, slow, process and we expect it to take several years for things to get back to the kind of levels they were in 2019.

“The VAT cut will help us provide an affordable experience for our customers, many of whom will have had financial struggles of their own. Being able to afford to come to our hotels will help boost the local economy. “The business rates holiday will help reduce our costs, enabling us to put our businesses on a more sustainable footing and go some way to securing our long-term recovery. “As more and more people get vaccinated, the lockdown restrictions will hopefully begin to ease and in that case, we are expecting a strong summer. “Being vaccinated will make people feel more confident, but perhaps not confident enough to holiday abroad, so we could see a welcome surge in staycations. People will be desperate to take a holiday after such a long period of confinement. “Bristol did quite well last summer every time lockdown restrictions were eased, with lots of people looking for city breaks. “So far this year, even with hotels open for essential workers, occupancy rates in Bristol are around 29%, compared to a national average of 24%, so with the right package of support in the budget, we can be cautiously optimistic about the future. “We’ve already seen conference bookings be moved to the final quar-

“Before the budget, we know that The Prime Minister is due to make some major announcements on 22 February. “We hope he will reveal a roadmap for recovery, and that this includes some clarity for our industry, and that we get treated fairly. “Despite our considerable investment in making our hotels as Covidsafe as possible, we’ve always been among the first businesses to close and the last to be allowed to re-open. “All we are asking is to be treated fairly, and in the same way as nonessential shops. We do not want to see unhelpful restrictions like a 10pm curfew, only being allowed to serve alcohol with substantial meals and a confusing tier system. “We need a clear roadmap, a clear strategy, a commitment to providing us with more support, and we need to be treated fairly. “With the right support, we can recover. When restrictions eased last summer, people were quick to return to the bars, restaurants and hotels, and we hope to be able to welcome them back again this summer, knowing that we’ve got the support we need to secure our long-term future. “I also believe that the recovery of our industry can also be the catalyst to help the recovery of other important sectors within the UK.”

Over Half of City of London Closures Were Hospitality and Leisure Issue 44


nesses, high Street brands in particular have had to close locations where footfall has declined significantly.

Hospitality and leisure businesses accounted for over half of business closures in the City of London during 2020 according to data released by the Local Data Company .

Lucy Stainton, head of retail and strategic partnerships at the Local Data Company, said: “The City of London has been dramatically hit given that the vast majority of the worker population, on which these businesses are almost solely reliant, went away overnight as the government’s initial work-from-home order kicked in. The fact that a significant number of retailers deemed ‘essential’ have chosen not to open in this location throughout various lockdowns, despite their ability to trade, is a further indication of just how low current consumer demand is in the City.

The analysis revealed that 54% of all closures in the city in 2020 were hospitality and leisure units, of which 83% were national chains, as footfall declined due to the pandemic, and the introduction of lockdown and tiered restrictions. The analysis also revealed that the number of unoccupied units in the City of London increased by 47% from 174 at the end of 2019 to 255 at the end of 2020, as workers stayed home during the pandemic. In 2020, the vacancy rate increased by 3.5% in the City, compared to an average increase of 1.3% for Greater London and 1.6% for the whole of Great Britain. Vacancy is now at the highest level in five years in the City where retail stock is densely supplied with food-to-go units, pubs, bars, and restaurants, typically serving a busy working population, who, since the

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pandemic broke have either been furloughed or have been working from home, often in the residential areas of London. As a result, many busi-

“Looking forward we might expect that once people are able to safely return to offices, the need, and demand, for this supporting economy will return just as quickly as it went away, presenting a real opportunity for agile operators especially in those key categories such as takeaway food shops, bars and restaurants.”

Open Letter To The Chancellor To Support The Wine and Hospitality Sectors

Members of Wine Drinkers UK (WDUK), a campaign group of wine makers, sellers and drinkers “tired of being unfairly taxed”, have submitted an Open Letter to the Chancellor urging him to help the wine sector and hospitality businesses it supports. Wine is more heavily taxed than beer and spirits which have seen successive duty freezes while wine duty has not had cut since 1984. The Open Letter reflects WDUK’s Budget submission made last month and calls on the Government to:

• Cut excise duty on wine • Extend the temporary hospitality VAT tax introduced last year until March 2022 • And expand this to include sales of alcoholic drinks in the upcoming Budget With more women drinking wine than men, a cut in wine duty is the most effective way of remedying this unfairness. A lower tax regime would also help many businesses survive the continued economic impact of Covid-19, to grow in the future, and to contribute to the local economy. The Letter can be seen here:

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New Record Number Of Profit Warnings From UK Listed Travel & Leisure Companies Is Three Times Greater Than Previous All-Time High 14

CLH Digital

Issue 44

In 2020, the FTSE Travel & Leisure sector – which includes restaurants and bars – set a new annual record for the number of profit warnings issued in a year, according to data from the latest EY Profit Warnings Report. The sector issued 74 profit warnings in 2020, nearly three times the previous annual record of 28 warnings in 2018. Notably, EY’s data shows that a high proportion of the FTSE Travel & Leisure sector are at risk of insolvency. In 2020, 16% of FTSE Travel & Leisure companies issued their third or more profit warning in a 12-month period, behind only FTSE Retailers at 19%. This compares with 5% of all UK-listed companies, and 10% of the UK-based companies in the FTSE 350. Typically, up to one in five of these companies enter Administration within 12 months. Christian Mole, EY UK&I Head of Hospitality & Leisure, comments: "The FTSE Travel and Leisure sector has endured one of the most challenging years on record. Recovery is expected but at varying speeds and degrees across the sector. Significant pent-up consumer demand will result in activity resuming relatively quickly for those businesses which primarily cater to the domestic consumer market. Non-city centre pubs and restaurants in particular are expected to benefit from this demand – especially restaurants that are likely to get a boost from the steady reduction in outlet numbers during the last two years. We also predict the uptick in staycation demand, seen last summer, to be repeated this year. “The prospects for domestic business and international travel are more uncertain and we expect a lag for businesses which focus on these sub-sectors. Feedback from hospitality leaders suggests that the majority do not expect consumer and business demand to return to pre-Covid levels until 2024, and there is significant doubt over whether business travel volumes will ever fully return”.

A CHALLENGING OUTLOOK The FTSE Travel & Leisure sector issued eleven profit warnings in Q4 2020 alone – one of the highest quarterly totals on record – surpassed only by the record 50 warnings issued in Q1 2020 and the 12 issued in Q4 2018. The Q4 2020 number reflects the significant ongoing disruption caused by the pandemic and the shutdown in activity in most parts of the sector. Christian Mole added: “Government support – in particular the furlough scheme and the business rates holiday – has substantially helped many travel, leisure and hospitality businesses to manage cash flow and continue to trade. The majority of sector business leaders that we’ve spoken to are in favour of an extension of the rates holiday and VAT reduction as support measures, while only a handful want to see a restart of government-funded consumer discounts such as ‘Eat Out to Help Out’. Without further government intervention, well-capitalised businesses will likely be able to remain resilient and position themselves for long-term growth. But others will face a more challenging outlook and we are likely to see increased levels of financial distress later this year, particularly as there will likely be a gap between the withdrawal of government support and demand returning to profitable levels.”

RECORD PROFIT WARNINGS ACROSS ALL QUOTED COMPANIES A total of 583 profit warnings were issued by UK listed companies in 2020. This is the highest annual total in 21 years of EY research – 15% higher than the previous record of 506 in 2001. This historic high contrasts with very low levels of corporate insolvency. In 2020, there was a surge in the number of UK listed companies issuing three or more profit warnings in one calendar year. Sixty-two UK listed companies issued at least their third profit warning in 2020, almost double that of 2019 when there were 32 and more than double the 31 recorded in 2018.

International Food & Drink Event Partners With the Vegan Society in 2022 International Food & Drink Event (IFE) has announced the addition of a vegan and plant-based food and drink section to the show for its 2022 edition. The event has partnered with Birmingham-based charity The Vegan Society, to put together a platform for suppliers to showcase products, provide tastings and network with buyers searching for unique, inspiring plant-based and vegan products for their businesses. The new section reflects IFE’s continued commitment to showcasing the latest topics and trends that matter most to consumers. Ashwin Ahuja, Founder & CEO at Karma Bites, said: “We are super excited that IFE will be presenting a new vegan & plant-based show section at IFE in 2022. At IFE 2019 we secured listings with Ocado and Planet Organic for our vegan, popped lotus seed snack brand, Karma Bites. With this new dedicated area, I’m certain that 2022 will be even more of a success for us!” This January, Veganuary reported its highest ever participation numbers, with 582,538 people from over 200 countries and territories taking part. Ericka Durgahee, Business Development Marketing Manager at The Vegan Society, commented: “The Vegan Society is thrilled to be partnering with IFE in 2022 and we can’t wait to see the new vegan and plant-based section

there. “IFE is the UK’s leading food and drink trade exhibition, and The Vegan Society will be there next March with many of our Vegan Trademark holders. We’ll be helping brands to highlight their vegan product labelling in the ever-growing market. If you’re an existing client of The Vegan Trademark, you can benefit from enhanced promotional opportunities at IFE22, so get in touch with them today.” IFE Head of Sales Daniel Gray said: “We’re very excited to be working alongside The Vegan Society to further expand the presence of vegan and plant-based food & drink suppliers at IFE.” Event Manager Nicola Woods added: “Consumers are more aware than ever of the origins of their food and its environmental impact, as fresh ingredients, home-cooking and buying local become more prevalent than ever, and we wanted to reflect that shift on the show floor. As always, the show is striving to respond to consumer trends and to cater for tomorrow’s supermarket shelves and restaurant menus.” IFE will take place from 28 February to 2 March at ExCeL London. To find out more about visiting or exhibiting IFE in 2022, please visit

If You Want Increase Spend, You Must Retain Cards chance for such a risk.

The hospitality industry has taken a colossal hit during the COVID pandemic. The damage to restaurant, café, pub and bar owners is undisputed, yet those who come through to the other side will still face substantial losses that they will want to recoup. However, there is a silver lining, and soon customers will be flocking when the world gets back to some kind of 'normal'.

CardsSafe is also remarkably affordable at just under £10 per month rental per unit, meaning that up to 10 cards can be stored at once, and multiple units can be added to suit. It not only pays for itself, it helps increase profit levels in the hospitality industry. Furthermore, the CardsSafe system safeguards customers against credit card fraud and identity theft because no one, bar the staff, can access their cards whilst they are stored in the units.

What can business owners and managers do to maximise profit, increase spending, and reduce losses when they welcome their customers again?

Major brands trust CardsSafe in the leisure and hospitality industries, including Young's pubs, Hilton Hotels, dozens of golf courses across the UK and art galleries. Protecting their assets as well as their customers, it is an important asset to these industries.

There will no doubt be numerous incentives to get diners and revellers out again. There are many nifty ways to reclaim and even increase postCOVID profits from improving footfall to up-selling to offers. Customers will be back in their droves, competing for customers service, the latest dishes and libations, and business will recover in the long term. There is one, innovative and cost-effective on-site solution, that can help immediately. Phil Dixon, a previous advisor to the BII, was adamant that "If you want to increase spend, you must retain cards." A simple solution, and one that could be a quick and easy win, even in light of the pandemic. Paul Eagles, previous Head of Risk Policy and Strategy at VISA confirmed this by his statement, "When using cards, people spend at least 35% more." If cash is out of favour, and with contactless seemingly the safest option, how can retaining payment cards be safe? Contactless may seem like the ideal solution, but it doesn't suit the dine-in experience. It's great on the fly and handy on the run, but it prevents leisurely and enjoyable hospitality experience. One that is sorely

missed by customers. The solution is CardsSafe. A system specifically designed to securely retain customer payment cards while the cardholder runs a tab or trials a product or service. The 'behind the bar' technology contains bank cards that enable customers to run a tab—allowing them to freely spend more, in the knowledge that the venue is treating the system like any other part of the venue by complying with strict guidelines. Other benefits of CardsSafe include the ability to eliminate 'dine & dash' effectively. In a time of financial downturn, these walkouts could become even more disastrous. If the payment card is requested on taking an order and is safely retained in the CardsSafe units, there is no

Food and Beverage Operations Manager, Grant Rumbelow from The London Golf Club explains, “CardsSafe has been a welcome addition to the London Golf Club. We utilise the system in our Golf Shop and Spike Bar, and on-course with our Drinks Buggy. With CardsSafe we can safely store customers’ cards whilst they enjoy their round of golf.” Over a period of market research and trial, data has shown that card spend went up 25% on average as customers spent at least 30% more when using the CardsSafe system. The bottom line is when you can welcome customers again, if you want to increase spend and eliminate 'dine & dash', you must retain cards and the best place to store these is in a CardsSafe® unit. For more information on how CardsSafe can help your business, please visit or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040 or

Are Covid Loans Paying-Off For Hospitality Businesses? 16

CLH Digital

Issue 44

By Steve Richardson, director, Reparo Finance ( According to the results of the survey, 85% of respondents say their company still requires financial help to address the impacts of the pandemic. Of those who applied or started an application for a CBILS loan, 48% have yet to receive any funding. Even among those who were successful, 93% reported that they experienced a struggle during the application process, from not knowing if they would be eligible to finding the process too time consuming and complex. This shows us that government-backed loans are not straightforward to apply for and aren’t suitable for all companies.

MANY BUSINESSES SEEKING CBILS ALTERNATIVES At Reparo Finance, we understand the value of timeliness that exists amongst hospitality operators when obtaining finance. Many businesses throughout the sector are small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and accessible financial injections have become even more critical during the disruption and uncertainty caused by the pandemic. With this in mind, we worked with Sapio Research to survey more than 200 SMEs nationwide to explore how they were accessing finance when it is needed and whether the Coronavirus Business Interruption Scheme (CBILS) is adequately supporting their needs. The findings highlight a lack of understanding amongst businesses about what alternative finance options are available to them, with some incorrectly assuming that government-backed schemes are the only choice. Although government-backed loans have had some success, with 52% of SMEs that applied for a CBILS having secured funding, the research ultimately shows that more support is needed to help ensure that viable businesses have a future. Here are some of the key findings from our research:


With many businesses struggling to get the financial help they need; some are looking to other forms of borrowing. 20% of our sample had already explored other options, while a further 65% were likely to consider looking in the future. This willingness not only reflects the urgent need for finance, but it also shows that businesses are open-minded about their options.

accessible, but many businesses are conflicted due to concerns about higher costs. A minority did not plan to borrow at all but instead intended to sell personal or business assets or seek help from friends and family. This once again shows that SMEs are willing to consider a range of finance options, as well as a sense that banks may not be the most suitable route available to them.

LENDERS CUT BACK Our research focuses on SMEs’ experiences; however, it is clear that lenders are going to be more cautious over the coming months, especially towards those lacking a clear plan for how their business is going to remain profitable. With so many businesses struggling to secure finance through CBILS, lenders have been overwhelmed with the demand and are taking much longer than usual. Many financial institutions have also cut access to Bounce Back loans for new customers amid a huge surge in applications—even though they may be entitled to one.



15% of businesses surveyed said that they were unlikely to consider alternatives to CBILS. The two primary reasons for this were uncertainty regarding the other forms of borrowing available and the belief that there was no other way of raising finance to support their business.

With banks not fulfilling the need and CBILS causing confusion, businesses and finance brokers need to be open to other options and find bespoke solutions for those customers most in need.

Others felt that their time and effort would ultimately be wasted and that traditional lenders like banks would reject their applications. These figures serve to highlight the need to educate SME leaders on the options available to them, so that they can make an informed decision should a traditional lender turn them down.

ALTERNATIVES ARE MORE ACCESSIBLE While 29% planned to explore the options with their current high street banking provider, 76% also planned to look elsewhere. There is a general feeling that alternatives to high street banks are often more

Our research proves that there is a growing demand for SMEs to be connected with lenders that are able to provide tailored solutions. This is where alternative finance providers can play a role. They have the experience and know-how to seek a practical solution, rather than relying on clinical computer algorithms. They won’t shy away from urgent or challenging applications that don’t fall into traditional lenders’ criteria. They work with SMEs on a case-by-case basis, assessing individual circumstances and finding ways to make financing their business possible.

Beer Lovers Spend £150k On Local Businesses Using Beer Delivery App Brew2You With the route out of lockdowns still unclear, CAMRA is encouraging pub-goers unable to visit their local to support their pubs, clubs, breweries and cider producers by purchasing their next drink through the app, rather than turning to supermarkets.

Beer and cider fans have been supporting their local pubs and breweries through the latest lockdowns and restrictions, using CAMRA’s beer delivery app Brew2You. This app, which launched in May 2020, has been a hit with consumers and the trade alike, generating over £150k for the industry throughout the lockdowns. Brew2You provides a shop window for thousands of pubs, breweries and cider producers offering takeaway or delivery services during periods of forced closures. Customers can search for their favourite drink and order it straight to their door with just the click of a button. The app is completely not-for-profit, and pubs and breweries can use it free of charge paying just a small set £2/month Stripe user fee for payment processing. It has received widespread support across the industry, with endorsement from the British Institute of Innkeepers (BII), the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) and Cask Marque.

CAMRA National Chairman Nik Antona says: “The start of a new year is always a hard time for the industry, and current restrictions have made the past weeks more difficult than ever before. The Brew2You app provides a single resource to search for and purchase locally produced real ales, cider and perries – and is there to help these businesses while we can’t physically visit them. “We are delighted with the response to Brew2You and thrilled that the public are coming out to support their pubs and breweries to the tune of £150k. We’d encourage everyone to continue buying local and supporting the pubs and brewers that really need our help. You can also use it to take part in Tryanuary At Home, which is continuing beyond January this year, encouraging beer and cider lovers to find a new brew to sample in 2021.” Many businesses have hailed the app as a lifeline during lockdown, offering a new route to market and widening sale opportunities beyond their local area.

success story for us – with pubs closing due to the restrictions, we needed to add to our on-line presence and CAMRA’s Brew2You site was the perfect fit. It was a really easy site to set up, and the system works really well, and is very intuitive. With the launch of our partnership with the WRU (Welsh Rugby Union), Brew2You was an ideal place to sell these new beers to a much wider audience, and we’ve had plenty of positive feedback. We look forward to expanding what we can offer on Brew2You!” Mark Debrick from Leighton Buzzard Brewing Co. said: “I have used Brew2You since the beginning and it has been a great experience. It has helped Leighton Buzzard Brewing Co. keep in touch with it’s customers and there is always a smile when they get their delivery. We still use Brew2You and customers like the fact that Leighton Buzzard Brewing Co. does not lose out through having to pay fees from the cost of the order. Thanks to CAMRA this app has helped towards keeping us afloat. I highly recommend the use of Brew2You by breweries and pubs and of course by our customer base without whom this would not be possible.” Pubs, clubs, breweries and cider producers can sign up to the app for free. Brew2You is available to download on both iOS and Android devices, as well as for use on web browsers. To find out more or become a partner, visit

Online Auction of Jiffy and Refrigerated Vans Buster Grant from Brecon Brewing said: “Brew2You has been a great

On Behalf of the Liquidator of Forty Three Twenty Hospitality Limited T/A Pane E Caffe We are offering for sale various catering and refrigerated vans previously owned by Forty Three Twenty Hospitality Limited T/A Pane E Caffe. Pane E Caffe entered Liquidation on 18 January 2021 after 12 years of business. Their mobile food vans delivered a variety of fresh fruit, snacks and sandwiches from Solihull to Shirley. Our online auction includes 3 excellent quality Jiffy vans alongside refrigerated vans: 2018 and 2017 Nissan NT400 34.13 with Jiffy Barista 2 Body - Fracino Coffee Machine, Eberspacher Airtronic Hot Air Display and Chilled Cabinets, Storage Compartments - both c.13,000 miles 2015 Citroen Dispatch with Jiffy Estillo Body - Eberspacher Airtronic Hot Air Cabinet, Chiller

Cabinet, Storage Compartment, c.38,000 miles 2014 Ford Transit Connect Insulated Refrigerated Van, c.22,000 miles 2013 Renault Trafic 115 Insulated Refrigerated Van, c.50,000 miles You can view all of the available lots by appointment on Friday 12 and Tuesday 16 February 2021 at Halesowen Auction Rooms Limited, 212 Dudley Road, Halesowen, West Midlands, B63 3NJ. Lots open for bidding on Tuesday 16 February 2021 and will start to close from 10am Thursday 18 February 2021! For more information and to bid online please visit our website or call +44(0)121 200 2206.

A Day In The Life - Behind The Scenes Of A Hotel During Lockdown

Issue 44

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the areas of our business which would normally never be closed down for long periods of time due to business volume. For example, our maintenance team spent months redecorating our Spa and Leisure Club, installing new showers, updating the changing rooms, repainting the ceilings, and we even had a local artist in to refresh the artwork around our swimming pool. Areas such as our large lobby and main restaurants also had a refurbishment and subtle colour change, including the painting of the ceilings, of which was a mammoth task in itself.

We invested in proximity web-based food and beverage ordering services after the first lockdown, and we will continue to utilise these across An interview with Marc Webster, Commercial Director, Whittlebury Park ( more areas of our estate once we are open again. Just before the current lockdown we launched a new online live class and streaming servCan you describe a typ- has taken several steep inclines at each lockdown. However just to reice for our leisure club members, and whilst this is currently paused we I would of course prefer to be open to all of our guests and emphasise, ical working day for will continue to offer initiatives such as this when we reopen so that have the full Whittlebury Park team back at the hotel, and I can’t wait you at the hotel during our guests have more choice. for that day to come round again soon.


The day starts off by clocking up around 6,000 steps whilst checking the security and health of Whittlebury Hall (the owners actively check on our Atrium, Orangery and Pavilion and serviced office buildings), so that is the ground, first and second floors. The tools for the walk include a walkie-talkie, mobile phone for the switchboard, my mobile phone, a portable doorbell, master keys, torch, and not forgetting that all important first flask of tea – I’m not the epitome of someone in operations, however I do look and sound the part whilst jingling and ringing as I walk the floors! While the volume of calls, emails and enquiries have declined, the 12 email accounts that I have access to continue to keep me busy throughout the day, as does the constant flow of inbound phone calls and the adhoc visitor to the front door, which is normally our postie or a courier dropping off an order that one of the team who live in staff accommodation on site have ordered…all of this helps to contribute to the daily step count. In between the calls, emails, doorbells and keeping a watchful eye on the CCTV cameras, I work on budgets, reopening strategy, planning our proposed new business segments such as hotel management support, and work on developing our serviced offices product. Although my obvious preference would have been not to have experienced this global pandemic, it has allowed me to gain a greater understanding of the various areas of our business that in a ‘normal’ year I wouldn’t have got involved in at such a granular level. My learning curve

How many members of staff are working at Whittlebury Park during closure and which teams are they from? Back in the first lockdown, ten long months ago, we kept a core team of 28 working across commercial, finance and operations. There was the initial mammoth task of contacting our customers to organise refunds and move bookings, plus respond to new enquiries across the various market segments, as well as making the most of the time while our doors were closed to invest in the product through decoration and refurbishment. Usually in a hotel’s life there are very few days when a swimming pool or hydrotherapy pool can be drained and scaffolding erected in order to be able to paint the wet areas and ceilings. Now with the third lockdown, and currently no easing of restrictions in sight, we have reduced our team further to just ten for January and February. What type of work generally happens at the hotel during lockdown? Everything that would normally happen in the life of a hotel, but with the exception of servicing the critical part, our guests. The day-to-day work is at a massively reduced volume. Invoices are paid, phones answered, emails responded to, maintenance programmes are followed, golf greens lovingly tended. One of the hardest parts is putting together a reopening plan and budget when there is currently no roadmap for reopening UK plc.

How are you preparing for post-Covid trading? By ensuring that we are ahead of the curve and have the business ready to go when the government sets out the UK’s roadmap to recovery. We are currently working on our new online training plan so that all team members are able to complete both the new and refresher training modules over the coming weeks and months. We are keeping in contact with our customers and continuing to plan for the traditional promotional periods, ensuring that these can be booked online or over the phone through the small team that are still working each day.

How are you keeping in touch with furloughed staff (and they you)? Our rota scheduling tool Planday has a communication platform on it which we use to send out relevant business updates, plus the Heads of Departments stay in regular contact with their teams through WhatsApp messaging or Zoom team calls, which helps to boost team morale among the furloughed staff. Our business, like all others within the hospitality sector, has its people at the core of its success, so whilst staying in contact remotely is effective for a period of time, we can’t wait to see the whole team back at the hotel.

How are you keeping in touch with guests? We continue to remain active on our social media channels to give regular updates and stay in touch, plus we send out appropriate communications via the Mailchimp platform to reinforce the message that Whittlebury Park is still here and waiting to welcome our guests to the estate one day very soon.

Are there any new strategies or innovations you are putting in place for when the hotel reopens? During the first two lockdowns we embarked on a maintenance programme of

Prepare for Recovery by Offering Outstanding Customer Service with Online Drinks Courses Now Available from School of Booze

As hospitality operators prepare for business recovery despite an uncertain reopening schedule, Jane Peyton, founder of School of Booze, has launched an online drinks education platform offering training courses in Beer, Cider, and Wine. The courses are an opportunity for team members to develop their drinks knowledge to provide the best possible customer service and memorable experience once hospitality is open for business again. There are three levels of learning - Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced - offering essential starter knowledge for anyone who works in the drinks industry and wants to know more about what they are selling or to expand their knowledge to improve their career prospects. Commenting on the launch, Jane Peyton said “All staff should know what they are selling and be able to engage, communicate and enthuse customers about their drinks offer. Educated staff are more motivated and good for business, as they bring a higher likelihood of encouraging incremental spend. They perform more effectively and have more confidence in upselling, giving customers a better experience and more confidence in the service provided. They feel more valued, are happier, enjoy their work more, stay in the job for longer and therefore bring greater stability and a clear career pathway to a business. “With so many talented hospitality staff currently on furlough, this is the ideal time for them to study a relevant subject to add to their CV and ensure that their expertise can contribute to the sector’s recovery.” The convenient courses are concise with easy-to-learn content in audio and written formats. They are aimed at people who work in the on-trade and offtrade, brand owners, drinks producers, PR and Marketing or associated suppli-

ers, and anyone who is keen to learn more about the industry they work in.

The courses are accessed through School of Booze’s learning portal via mobile devices or computer, allowing study to be completed whenever and wherever is convenient, removing the need to travel and sit in a classroom. When students feel ready, they take an online multiple-choice examination and receive a digital certificate when they pass. In other words, the School of Booze courses are ‘On Your Device, In Your Place, At Your Pace’. The courses have been developed in response to the growing number of hospitality staff who want to become better informed about beer, cider and wine, as businesses seek to use every advantage through the preparation of pandemic recovery plans. They draw on Jane’s experience as a drinks expert, having run tasting, training and education, and consultancy events. Jane is a Beer Sommelier, was Britain’s first accredited Cider Pommelier, is accredited through the Wine & Spirit Education Trust, and has also written extensively about drinks and the hospitality industry. Individual online learning courses from School of Booze are priced at £50 inc VAT, with discounts available for subscribing to multiple programmes. “With three levels of study available” continued Jane “the courses offer an informative and engaging way to learn for beginners, intermediates and advanced students and are aimed at further improving service standards within the UK hospitality sector.” The online courses are available through the School of Booze website. Single subject education materials such as the principles of Beer & Food Matching will be available next month.

Cain International Secures Future For Prezzo economy. However, to do so we must get through this current crisis of mounting liabilities and no revenues.

Cain International, the privately held investment firm operating in Europe and the United States, has acquired Prezzo from its administrators through a pre-pack arrangement. Its decisive action protects the vast majority of Prezzo’s 2,900 team members’ jobs and will enable the brand to continue serving its customers and communities once hospitality is allowed once again to open its doors. 22 of Prezzo’s 178 restaurants will not reopen, resulting in 216 people leaving the business as part of this process.

“The lack of visibility on when and how the sector will reopen has heightened economic uncertainty to the point where decisive action had to be taken to secure the future of the business and the majority of jobs for Prezzo’s people. We are deeply sorry for all those affected by the permanent closure of the 22 non-viable restaurants. It was a difficult but essential decision to take but doing so will allow us to save thousands of jobs and create more in the future.”

Jonathan Goldstein, Chief Executive of Cain International, said: “We firmly believe that strong hospitality businesses, such as Prezzo,

have a bright future and will play an essential role in reviving the UK

Prezzo will continue to be led by its existing management team.

Trade Unions Will Shrink To 1% of Hospitality Workers, Warns Report 18 10

CLH Digital Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Issue Sept/Oct442020

Members of trade unions will shrink to 1% of hospitality employees, with implications for worker pay, according to new research. Whilst hospitality employees continue to navigate through the uncertainty and concerns about job security that the pandemic has brought, figures from workforce management solutions provider Mitrefinch, found that interest in trade unions from hospitality workers has declined by over half (58%) since 1995 - a worrying statistic for the future of these workers. Since trade unions recently intervened in the government’s package of measures set out to support workers through the crisis and have historically played a major role in improving hospitality employees rights, experts are questioning what impact the trade union decline will have on employee rights and wellbeing across the UK. The data shows around 3% of the hospitality sector is unionised, in comparison to 17% of the manufacturing sector and 35% for the transport sector. The results can be found below: Percentage of employees who are members of a trade union in the UK hospitality industry 1995 7.9% 2018 3.3% Predicted 2050 1.3% Discussing the decline of trade unions in the UK, James Powell, Employment Law Solicitor at Richard Nelson LLP commented: “Workplaces with trade unions were found to have lower injury rates than those who manage their safety without a union in place. Unions can also play a significant role in reducing long working hours, bullying incidents, or poor qual-

ity working environments. “This data suggests that the presence of trade unions in the UK hospitality industry is declining rapidly. This, in turn, gives unions less power and influence to make changes for their existing members. When unions have less representation, they are able to secure fewer negotiations since they do not have the same level of bargaining power. If this declining trend continues within the UK, we can expect to see unions holding less power to negotiate on behalf of hospitality employees in the coming years.” Commenting on the decline of trade unions across the UK, Julie Lock, Commercial Director at Mitrefinch adds: “The analysis demonstrates a worrying decline in the percentage of hospitality employees engaging with trade unions across the UK. We are seeing the hospitality industry, as well as construction and IT see significant drops in membership which suggests trade unions could soon cease to exist in these sectors. “With the support which trade unions can provide to employee wellbeing and engagement, this decline in data points to signs that employees may soon be navigating this alone. It is important for hospitality firms to continue to support the wellbeing of their employees in these sectors where trade unions are becoming less prevalent, especially with the additional worry which the pandemic has caused for workforces across the UK.”

first aid themselves can help managers to spot the signs of mental health struggles and to take appropriate action, whether that’s direct intervention or through the use of an employee assistance programme (EAP). Having a centralised policy that documents all of this can be a really helpful asset to ensuring all members of staff feel comfortable with raising concerns when they need to.

2. REVIEW COMPANY BENEFITS AND SUPPORT YOU ARE OFFERING There are so many, often low-cost, perks that companies can now offer to employees that give them access to retail discounts and occasionally freebies such as coffees or stationary. These don’t need to cost the earth either - it’s gestures like this that ensure staff feel valued and rewarded for their work. Many employees are facing financial worries during the pandemic and salary sacrifice schemes are definitely worth considering if you’re not engaging in them already - they can be a really effective way in helping staff to manage their finances when budgeting in public transport costs, season-tickets or car parking into their budget. Many firms have also introduced other benefits such as access to free health or life insurance policies, which can be critical when it comes to those unforeseen occasions.

3. GATHER FEEDBACK FROM YOUR TEAM REGULARLY Employees have a need to feel listened to and valued by their employer, and to know that their concerns are being taken seriously. To support the wellbeing of the team, employers should be regularly checking in with their team to understand how they can better facilitate the needs of employees during this time.

Below are three simple tips from Julie on how hospitality firms can support their employees’ wellbeing both now and in the future postCovid:

1. PROVIDING MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT AND SIGNPOSTING While the focus on mental health amongst businesses has improved in recent years, just half of UK firms have a mental health policy in place. With mental health being so heavily impacted by the pandemic, it’s crucial that staff have access to support and feel comfortable escalating concerns with their line managers so they can get support when required. Training your staff in areas such as signposting or even in mental health

It is crucial for employees to feel that the lines of communication are open with their manager and that they have a safe space to raise their concerns. Therefore, managers should ensure they are scheduling weekly meetings with their team, where possible, to give their team an opportunity to discuss any worries, problems or questions they may have. For the full results of this research, visit

Covid-19 Dents Growth For UK Branded Coffee Shops A report titled Project Café UK 2021 on the UK £3 billion branded coffee shop market has revealed that the £3bn sector suffered a near 40% sales decrease over the last 12 months. The market now comprises 9,159 outlets, a net decrease of 182 stores over the period The sales decline also marked a return to sales that are the equivalent of those in 2013. Meanwhile, the total branded market now comprises 9,159 outlets, a net decrease of 182 stores (1.9%) during the period. World Coffee Portal predicted a return to pre-pandemic levels will take three years. The government-imposed trading restriction and decreased footfall led to 59% of industry leaders surveyed reporting a year-on-year loss exceeding 5% over the last 12-months. Those loss-making operators report an average negative financial impact of £27,650 per store, per month.

Reflecting the sombre national mood, just 15% of industry leaders surveyed are positive about the current trading environment, down from 69% from 12 months ago. Project Cafe UK 2021 cited ongoing covid-19 restrictions, “leading to temporary store closures and takeaway-only trading” as a factor in the sharp sales decline while “a steep reduction in daily commuting has decimated footfall at travel hubs and city centres” but neighbourhood outlets have benefited from increased levels of home working. Research found London has 2,330 branded coffee shops – down 1.9% on 2019 – but it still accounts for more than one quarter of all UK branded cafes. A growing number of operators have responded by introducing hot beverage delivery, with 26% of UK consumers surveyed indicating they would regularly use this service if more readily available. Drive-thru has also proved fruitful to coffee brands.

Hoshizaki Announces Partnership with the United Kingdom Bartenders Guild British hospitality industry when we finally emerge from the pandemic.”

Hoshizaki, the leading refrigeration and ice machine supplier to the ontrade has announced a partnership with the United Kingdom Bartenders Guild (UKBG) which will give Guild members exclusive discounted prices for Hoshizaki equipment and the chance to attend a series of Hoshizaki training masterclasses. Hoshizaki will also be sponsoring a selection of UKBG online educational and community events which are offered to both members and the wider community.

Claudia Carrozzi, UKBG Maritime Branch Chair enthused about Hoshizaki’s support saying: “We are very excited for the UKBG to collaborate with Hoshizaki. As a Cunard fleet head mixologist and beverage consultant in the UK, I communicate the importance of good ice to create a great drink to my team members, students and guests, on a daily basis. A great drink means a happy guest - and a great drink comes from a careful balance. Hoshizaki’s products and decades of expertise are going to be an amazing resource for our members.”

As Simon Frost, Director, Hoshizaki UK & Ireland explains, showing support for the bartenders at a time when they are reeling from the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic is important: “Bartenders have relied on our bar specific refrigeration and ice machine solutions to help them create a superior drinks offering and so we are delighted to give something back during this most challenging of times by supporting the UKBG with this sponsorship deal. “We look forward to working in partnership with UKBG to help raise the profile of their valuable work, to support UKBG members with a series of training masterclasses on topics including the importance of high quality ice in drink making and also with exclusive discounted prices for a wide range of Hoshizaki equipment to help businesses get back up

Claudia’s thoughts were echoed by Salvatore Damiano, President of the UK Bartenders Guild who said: “Our UKBG partnerships aim to be a little message of hope in a time of economical struggle and hardship for UK Bar Operators. Our latest collaboration with Hoshizaki will help us support our people in a difficult and uncertain time, with expertise and high quality tools. It is part of the UKBG’s ongoing commitment to help to rebuild our industry brick by brick.” on their feet. Our support for the UKBG underscores our commitment to help Bartenders further their craft so they are ready to rebuild the

For more information on models within the Hoshizaki range, please visit

PROPER PORK CRACKLING 9 flavours - All Allergen Free & Keto



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Hospitality Industry Can Feel the Love on Locked Down Valentine's Day release of pent-up demand for romantic occasions after the end of lockdown, as more than a third (37%) of those marking Valentine’s Day say they are likely to have belated celebrations in a pub, bar or restaurant when they reopen.

CGA’s consumer research manager Jessica Walsh says: “Eating and drinking out is an integral part of Valentine’s Day, but it’s clear that lockdown won’t dampen people’s enthusiasm. While restaurants, pubs and bars can’t welcome people inside they can still win the spend of celebrating couples via deliveries and takeaways. This is a golden opportunity to capture share of at-home eating from supermarkets and other retailers, and suppliers have a crucial role to play in understanding what consumers want and supporting strategies.”

“The only bubble in the flat champagne that is February is VALENTINES DAY!”

Once again Cupid is hauling out his bow and a quiver of arrows and takes aim at lovers in the name of Saint Valentine. A new ‘Celebrating Valentine’s at Home’ report from CGA highlights major opportunities for hospitality businesses to secure couples’ at-home spend.

A BRIEF HISTORY Valentine’s Day is celebrated around the world, but if you or any of your staff were asked to provide a little background what would you say? So, who is this mysterious saint and where did these traditions come from? There are several theories, the Catholic Church recognises at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. However, it's a good bet that while one saint or other of three martyred Catholic saints was eventually affiliated with it, the origins of the holiday likely date back to an ancient Roman fertility ritual known as Lupercalia. Emperor Claudius II had banned marriage because he thought married men were bad sol-

The Celebrating Valentine’s at Home report also sets out important trends in drinks categories for suppliers and operators to track in the run-up to Valentine’s Day, including: diers. Valentine felt this was unfair, so he broke the rules and arranged marriages in secret. When Claudius found out, Valentine was thrown in jail and sentenced to death. There, he fell in love with the jailer's daughter and when he was taken to be killed on 14 February he sent her a love letter signed "from your Valentine"!

CELEBRATING AT HOME Two thirds of consumers celebrating Valentine’s Day this year will do so by getting food and drink from the out-of-home sector, new insights from CGA show—a reminder of the occasion’s value to venues even if they can’t welcome guests in. Research for CGA’s Celebrating Valentine’s at Home report reveals that more than a third (36%) of consumers have already decided to celebrate the day at home. Two thirds (69%) of them plan to get food and drink from restaurants, pubs or bars—and with more than a fortnight to go until the day, one in eight (14%) has already booked in their order.

• Wine is likely to be the big category winner on Valentine’s Day, with two thirds (67%) of those celebrating the occasion planning to drink it. • Cocktails could be a major growth market this year. Two in five (41%) consumers find the idea of buying pre-made cocktails alongside takeaway or delivered food appealing. • Experimentation in drinks will increase, with one in three planning to try different categories and brands to their usual at-home choices. CGA’s On Premise Measurement data emphasises the value of Valentine’s Day to the drinks market. The 2020 event saw a 37% uplift in sales compared to an average day, with cocktails (up 96%) and wine and champagne (up 50%) benefiting as consumers sought out special drinks.

As well as showing the need for food and drink suppliers to plan in advance for Valentine’s Day, CGA’s research shows there is still time to encourage spending from the fifth (22%) of all consumers who aren’t yet sure whether they will celebrate the occasion. There is also likely to be a

The Celebrating Valentine’s at Home report is part of CGA’s exclusive 2021 Hospitality Consumer Forecast series. Drawing on a nationally representative sample of 500 GB consumers, the report explores consumer plans and sentiment towards Valentine’s Day 2021, and is complemented by volumetric and category data from CGA’s On Premise Measurement service.


To learn more about the report, visit


• Men will be most likely to pick up the tab on Valentine’s night with men on a first date spending an average of £70, compared to £47 by women. • The biggest spending region is London, with £119 spent on a first date. Yorkshire was the cheapest with £42 the average spend.

• The older generation who believe the bill should be split, with only 28 per cent saying men should pick up the tab. In the 25 to 34-year-old age category, 41 per cent expected the man to pay for the first date.

CGA’s report uncovers significant opportunities for food and drink suppliers and operators to generate sales around Valentine’s Day trends, including: • Drinks. One in five (20%) consumers celebrating Valentine’s Day plans to buy takeaway or delivery alcohol—and a third (33%) of those say they would consider doing so directly from a bar, restaurant or takeaway venue. • Trade-ups. With consumers in the mood to treat themselves, there is a great chance to heighten spend. More than half (58%) of those who plan to celebrate say they will treat themselves to more expensive food than they usually have at home, and 44% will buy more expensive drinks and drinks brands than usual. • Meal kits and experiences. One in eight (13%) consumers plans to buy ‘make at home’ meal kits from venues—a sign of the growing popularity of restaurant quality food at home. There is also strong demand for experiential treats that can be used in the future: around half of consumers find the idea of giving activities like cocktail masterclasses appealing.

achieved at home. Suppliers and operators can help them replicate these experiences during lockdown, and capitalise on the growing appetite for ordering drinks to pair with takeaway and delivered food. It’s also a good time to be encouraging drinkers to try new brands and categories and position them to retain spend once the market reopens.”

• Men take an average of 79 minutes to get their look just right, which is three minutes longer than the women surveyed.

Jessica Walsh says: “Consumers have been really missing the drinks they enjoy in the On Premise especially serves like cocktails that aren’t so easily

Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control Issue 44

CLH Digital


Give Patrons Peace of Mind with an Air Purifier A new YouGov survey has revealed that customers would be more confident visiting hospitality venues that use air purifiers. Leading global air purifier experts Blueair, make units using unique HepaSilent technology that removes 99.97% of airborne pollutants It may be shocking to learn that indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air . A new YouGov survey, commissioned by Swedish global air purification experts Blueair, has recently revealed the UK’s thoughts on visiting hospitality venues during this unprecedented time, and the results demon-

strate a clear trend for increased confidence in hospitality venues such as hotels and restaurants with an air purifier. The results showed: • Two in five adults (41%) said they would be more likely to visit a restaurant with an air purifier installed. • 40% of people would be more likely to head to a café while 39% would stay in a hotel that offered purified air to its guests. • 36% are more likely toa visit to a pub if an air purifier is in use There’s no doubt that purifying indoor air will give

consumers more confidence about heading out to their favourite hospitality venue. As well as removing bacteria and viruses , an air purifier can help with allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems. Thanks to its HEPASilent™ technology, Blueair air purifiers remove at least 99.97% of dust and harmful particulate matter as small as 0.1 microns in size, to create a safer environment for all those visiting and working in the venue. Contact Blueair to discuss air purifiers for your hospitality venue:

Sundeala SD Safety Screens and Sundeala Safe Push Door Plates Sundeala have been manufacturing in the UK since 1898 and we are now proud to offer a wide range of products to help you create physical partitions and keep environments hygienic and safe. Our Sundeala FR Safe Push Door Plates are 100% coronavirus free in 5 minutes and are designed to be attached to doors with no-screw fixings making them easy to remove after use. Safe Push Door Plates require no cleaning and are fantastic for reducing the spread of viruses from high touch door surfaces. Available in 7 subtle shades, we can create bespoke sizes to fit any door and supply each pack of Door Plates with adhesive tabs to ensure easy installation. Our Sundeala SD Safety Screen is an environmentally friendly safety screen, perfect for encouraging social distancing in high foot fall environments to help prevent viral spread via droplets or aerosolisation. Sundeala SD Safety Screens are made from 100% recycled paper fibres and are highly porous as well as being extremely durable and robust. They are a practical, environmentally friendly way to assist with social distancing and can be pinned with informational and/or decorative

posters, signs and paper. Many products in our Covid Compliance range including Safe Push Door Panels and SD Safety Screens are made using our Sundeala FR Board. After undergoing ISO 17025 compliant laboratory testing we are delighted to reveal that our Sundeala FR Board (used extensively in circulation spaces, corridors and other high-footfall areas) is shown to be 100% safe from viral transmission from contact with the surface and 100% coronavirus free throughout after 5 minutes of infection, making it completely safe to touch, cut, sand and recycle. Sundeala FR Board is manufactured in the UK from UK waste materials. There are no imported carbon emissions and our process is zero waste with any 'seconds' or offcuts going directly back into the machine. We do not use any VOCs during the manufacturing process so there are no harmful chemicals that might leech into the air. Sundeala notice boards protect the environment outside while improving the environment inside. Along with being 100% recycled and 100% recyclable in the UK, our FR board is fire rated to BS EN 1350101 Class B meaning it is inherently fire retardant, unbeatably durable and proudly British. For any more information or to find out how we can safeguard your spaces, contact our sales team on 01453 708689 /

High performing air purifiers The Blueair Blue Pure 411 is the air purifier of choice for the Page 8 Hotel in London. It is a Which? Best Buy as well as Good Housekeeping Institute and Quiet Mark approved. With HEPASilent™ technology that removes at least 99.97% of all airborne particles as small as 0.1 micron in size, including pollen, smoke, dust, mould, spores, virus, bacteria, pet allergens and micro-plastics, alongside app connectivity, it couldn’t be easier to improve the air quality in your hospitality facility with Blueair. Asthma & Allergy Nordic certified. Learn more at

✶ ★★★★★




02 ROVED 2


Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control Issue 44

Hand Sanitising at Work Occupational dermatitis has been steadily on the rise in the UK for the past few years, with cooks and chefs being the third highest occupation that is at risk (HSE). Frequent use of hand sanitising gels, which contain alcohol, will only exacerbate the problem, as alcohol destroys the natural oils that protect our skin. There is an army of lawyers out there eager to represent victims’ claims against their employer. What can you do to help avoid this problem? Firstly ensure that a member of the management team is trained to spot the hazards that cause different kinds of dermatitis in the workplace and build it into your health & Safety policy, and then you

are not at fault for ignoring the dangers. Secondly, you can replace alcoholbased sanitising gels with alcohol-free alternatives. They are kinder to your skin, and in many cases provide longer lasting protection than alcohol-based gel. Physicool supplies eXtremeProtect organic hand sanitising balm, containing a natural biocide that kills 99.999% of germs, fungi and viruses. This can be supplied in 100ml bottles, or in bulk to fill hand pump dispenser stations. Both new products are available at, and selected stockists. Or by calling 020 7101 1977 to speak to the sales team.

CLH Digital


Sanozone. The Easy Way To Sanitise Your Indoor Spaces SANOZONE, which delivers the most efficient sanitisation performance in indoor spaces, is now available from Barbel. Manufactured by Vitaeco S.r.l., the world famous manufacturer of the highly regarded HotmixPro thermal blender range, SANOZONE sanitises rooms of many sizes in enclosed HRC sites, hotels, restaurants, bars, conference rooms and similar establishments where totally reliable and regular sanitisation is needed. SANOZONE is particularly suitable for hospitals and care home areas, where absolute cleanliness is mandatory, and in areas where it is difficult or impossible to deliver effective sanitisation throughout. The SANOZONE range of

machines use Ozone (O3) technology, a gaseous form of Ozone that fills the room, reaching every corner of the space, santising surfaces and critical hard-to-reach corners homogenously, consistently and safely. The SANOZONE range of sanitisation machines are all equipped with the latest technology and customised disinfection programmes to suit your specific requirements. The running costs are considerably lower than any traditional disinfecting programmes and most importantly, there is no manual labour involved. For further information about the SANOZONE range, please contact Barbel on 01629 705110, email, or visit the website at

How Spray Sanitisation Could Bring Back Consumer Confidence to the Hospitality and Travel Trade PORTiBAC, a new state of the art, medical grade disinfection ‘fogging system’ is launching this month to offer the hospitality and travel industries a safe environment for staff and customers and to return consumer confidence to these struggling industries. The new normal of ‘living with COVID’ in hospitality and travel has demanded new practices that hadn’t previously been undertaken. Once such innovation that has been thrown into the spotlight is the practice of ‘fogging’ or spraying large areas, to help eradicate 99.999% of viruses which could be living on a surface. The PORTiBAC spray systems use a unique sanitising solution, made in the UK to British Safety Standards, that is alcohol-free and contains no chlorides or ammonium salts, ensuring it is safe to use in all environments. The viricidal solution is bactericidal and effective against common harmful pathogenic bacteria including SARS-CoV-2 e. Coli and Covod-19 to 99.999%. An essential and effective tool in protecting and preventing the spread of pathogenic microbes, PORTiBAC joins in the battle to keep everyone healthy, especially during this current pandemic. Comments founder Mike Cohen of, which makes PORTiBAC: “Visible, effective sanitisation is vital during the economy’s recovery phase, and methods of fogging or spray sanitisation are essential to make all environments safer. Disinfection fogging is a method of application that rivals the conventional application of other cleaning chemicals. “Where annual disinfection and sanitisation may miss hard to reach areas, ‘fogging’ ensures that the micro droplets of disinfectant are dispensed to

cover all surfaces, penetrate cracks and crevices and high level objects”. PORTiBAC can reach the areas that other sanitising equipment cannot reach. PORTiBAC Spray Systems are easy to use by existing personnel - full training can be given, or there is the option to call in PORTiBAC’S sanitising squad who can undertake the task of fogging for you. Available in three different scents – fragrant cinnamon, tropical citrus and very vanilla, there are four fogging spray systems for the hospitality, leisure and travel trade :

PORTiBAC, 800ML CORDLESS SPRAY GUN – ‘Certified to Kill Covid-19’ This cordless gun sprayer has a simple mission – to sanitise a pub/restaurant and all small to medium size spaces including buses and train carriages within minutes. With its easy to carry case, the PORTiBAC 800ML SPRAY GUN is ready to go anywhere. Available in 3 finishes – metallic matt gold, brushed silver and brilliant white. Comes with FREE 800ML solution. PORTiBAC 800ML bottles are available to purchase for easy replacements or 5L & 10L tubs are also available for easy refill.

PORTiBAC 200C CORDLESS Got a larger area to sanitise but no power points? The 200C is a cordless 2L fogging system that enables the user to move around easily and recharge

when finished. Comes with 10L of Tropical Citrus scented solution to leave the whole area smelling clean and safe. Available in Matt Black.

PORTiBAC 1500 10L BackPack From a wedding venue to a concert arena, football stadium to school, airport to train station, the PORTiBAC 1500 has a 10L capacity and 8 metre length cord, enabling this backpack fogger to make short work of a big area. When turnaround times are tight, equip a team with the PORTiBAC 1500 and a daunting challenge is quickly and effectively solved. Alternatively call in our PORTiBAC SANITISING SQUAD and they will arrive ready prepared to sanitise areas others cannot reach, making it simple to sanitised for your venue. Continues Cohen: “As people continue to return to hotels, bars and restaurants, even despite the new 10pm curfew, and passengers come back to the skies and stations, these industries must do everything they can to give these cautious returnees the confidence to become regular customers again.” Visit


CLH Digital

Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control Issue 44

Jangro Launches Digital Cleaning Wall Charts British Company Launches Product Range That Reduces the Spread of Viruses By Touch

As bars, restaurants, and cafes reopen, independent janitorial and cleaning distributor extends digital wall chart collection to include the hospitality sector.

As lockdown restrictions continue to loosen and hospitality outlets emerge from their enforced hibernation, they must be extra vigilant when it comes to cleaning and hygiene. To assist with this enhanced focus on infection control, Jangro, the largest network of independent janitorial and cleaning distributors in the UK and Ireland, has extended its award-winning, innovative range of digital wall charts. These cleaning guides now include colour coded plans for the hospitality sector, ensuring a safe and hygienic working environment is maintained. Jangro’s digital wall chart creator has been updated to enable customers in the hospitality industry to create their own bespoke colour coded plans, featuring the products of their choice for each surface and work space within bar and catering areas. Customers can also upload their own logo, to personalise it to

their specific business.

Once the chart has been created, it can be printed or downloaded for reference. The technology has also been enhanced so that the customer now also receives a QR code, enabling it to be downloaded to a mobile device quickly and easily.

As well as their bespoke copy, the customer will automatically receive a full health and safety compliance pack. This comprises of the relevant safety data sheets, product user guides, and Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) risk assessments of the products that feature on their chart. Essentially, this streamlines all of the health and safety documentation, making it easier for bar, café or restaurant businesses to stay compliant. Jangro is a dynamic force in the cleaning supply industry and is the largest network of independent janitorial distributors in the UK and Ireland. For more information go to or call 01204 795 955.

London based Veraco has designed and manufactured a range of Antimicrobial adhesive pads and wraps to be used on frequently touched surfaces, such as door handles, shopping trolleys and handrails. They use 'Silver Ions' technology which works by breaking down the biological make-up of micro organisms, in order to stop the spread and reproduction of dangerous pathogens. The products kill up to 99.99% of common bacteria as well as being effective against Coronavirus. Antimicrobial silver technology is not new and has been used in paints and coatings for hospitals, but until now no one has produced a versatile range of solutions that can easily be installed anywhere.

for our trade customers. In the future, there is no reason why any frequently touched surface wouldn’t be protected” Veraco is a London based specialist in antimicrobial technology. We design and manufacture infection control products for hygiene-critical touchpoints. We develop solutions that help reduce the risk and spread of dangerous pathogens to create a much safer, cleaner environment for hygiene critical ‘zones’. Any frequently-touched surface has a huge risk of cross-contamination and it’s often unavoidable. We use antimicrobial technologies that actively kills germs on touch. The antimicrobial technology has undergone testing in accordance with BS ISO 22196 and BS ISO 21702:2019

Co-Founder Charles Churchman said, “We knew the technology worked but we wanted to also create products that looked good and were really easy to use. We have a range of different shapes and sizes, and we can also produce customised designs

Visit for details.

MAG Launches Ozone Generator Proven To Kill Covid–19 Make Your Premises Safe for the Environment, Are your rooms 100% free of germs and smells? Clean, fresh air has never been more important and ozone is being used in hotels across the world as a new safety standard for infection control. The MAG Ozone Generator emits ozone through the air to sanitise surfaces and kill bacteria and viruses including Covid–19. Proven to eliminate SARS coronavirus, norovirus, E.coli, salmonella and more than 99% of harmful bacteria and viruses, ozone is recognised as the strongest and fastest method of destroying microorganisms. With cycle times as quick as 15 minutes the MAG Ozone Generator is the quick

& easy way to sanitise any indoor environment including hotel rooms, offices, toilets, canteens, storage areas and more. Ozone is also extremely effective at removing unwanted smells from rooms. Rather than masking unpleasant odours with air fresheners and chemicals you can permanently remove smells with the MAG Ozone Generator. Available for less than £5.00 per day MAG Ozone Generators can be purchased outright or paid for monthly via lease or rental. Likewise MAG Equipment Ltd supplies and services all leading brands of commercial washing machines, tumble dryers and ironers should you require any assistance. Get in touch for your free demo or trial on 01422 244733.

Staff and Customers

LineClenze have the ultimate solution to make any hospitality and licensed on trade environment safe for staff, customers and at the same time protecting the environment. Our innovative decontamination process involves distributing superfine droplets of disinfectant into the atmosphere, to kill the bacteria and viruses in the air and, when the droplets land on any surface, it also kills the bacteria and viruses on that surface. DEW Disinfects only active ingredient is the same as our body produces when fighting an infection, so it presents no danger to humans, animals, plants or the environment. There is no need to evacuate an area being fogged, or to wear PPE. DEW Disinfect is highly effective at killing bacteria,

viruses and fungi, without damaging the environment and it is entirely human-compatible, it can be used almost everywhere where disinfection or sanitisation is required. DEW Disinfect leaves NO residue, in fact, it destroys biofilm and hormonal residues, then simply evaporates. We offer a number of different dispense mechanisms to enable DEW Disinfect to be used throughout your venue. These include:

• Fogging Machine for large areas • Room Mister • Vehicle Mister • Handheld Spray for localised use • Wall dispensers and small spray bottles for hand sanitisation For further details visit

• Reduce costs • Improve operational efficiencies • Raise bottom line profitability • Improve Quality


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Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control Issue 44

Physicool UK Physicool UK is helping employers in the Catering sector to address two issues that have emerged as a direct consequence of Covid-19.

If a member of staff wearing traditional paper or cloth facemasks has served you recently, you’ll know that the

customer service experience is strange, faceless and nothing like it normally is. Hospitality groups have recognised the importance of ‘service with a smile’ for decades, and it is a great loss in current times. One solution for employers that may help to address this problem is to use clear plastic masks. You don’t se them around much, as they have only started to become available recently. Physicool supplies a comfortable lightweight clear plastic face mask (more practical than the full face clear visors) that rests gently on the wearer’s chin, allowing staff to engage with customers fully again.

CATERING PACKS – SPECIAL PRICES 10 x clear plastic masks: £2.50 ea. = £25.00 + VAT 25 x clear plastic masks £2.35: ea. = £58.75 + VAT 50 x clear plastic masks: £2.20 ea. = £110 + VAT

CLH Digital

Digital Contact Data Registration The German company Heidler GmbH has developed the app "CoReady" to allow customers to visit restaurants, hairdressing salons and all other companies, which are legally required to take customers’ personal details due to Corona. Visitors can register online and only store the data required by law. The app is free for all guests and customers.

The app offers the following advantages: • Saving time in service, less effort and full focus on the guests

Catering packs are available now at, and selected stockists. Or by calling 020 7101 1977 to speak to the sales team.

• Simple logistics through digital accessibility

Digital Contact Data Registration:

• Drastic reduction of the bureaucratic effort

German Company Launches App For Registering Visitor Data In Compliance With Data Protection Laws The German company Heidler GmbH has developed the app "CoReady" to allow customers to visit restaurants, hairdressing salons and all other companies, which are legally required to take customers’ personal details due to Corona. Visitors can register online and only store the data required by law. The app is free for all guests and customers. The one-time registration ensures a quick data collection in all participating companies. The data is automatically encrypted and stored in a database in compliance with GDPR. Upon entering the restaurant or shop the issued QR code has to be scanned by the respective guest. Additionally, menus, price lists and the shop's website can be stored in the app. The fast dispatch of the data to the health authorities in case of a corona infection is guaranteed. After the minimum

retention period has expired, the data is automatically deleted. The app offers the following advantages: -

Saving time in service, less effort and full focus on the guests Simple logistics through digital accessibility Drastic reduction of the bureaucratic effort - Increase of customer satisfaction More information and footage here: Contact: Lukas Zobel Phone: +49 6128 - 21054 - 35 E-Mail: Heidler GmbH General phone: +49 6128 - 21054 - 0

Germgard from Fireco James Wheeler, Chief Commercial Officer at Fireco says, “Our customers require visual, physical products as evidence in promoting their return to work strategy to their workforce. Germgard meets those requirements, ensuring best practice, encouraging occupants to self-police when moving around the building.” Germgard helps businesses reopen safely As lockdown restrictions started lifting in July, businesses had to plan their back to work strategy in line with the Government’s Health & Safety Executive COVID-19 Risk Assessment guidelines.

With the outbreak of COVID-19, good hygiene practice has become more important than ever before. Fireco has recently released its newest innovation, Germgard, a smart sanitiser combined with digital signage. Germgard has been designed to promote awareness of the importance of hand sanitisation to all building users. It can also be tailored to suit individual business needs, helping as a building management tool. Some examples of potential messaging includes instructing users to follow your one-way system or putting on a mask before entering. Germgard is a smart sanitising station which monitors people passing through your chosen doorways. A PIR sensor will detect someone approaching and a screen will show your personalised message. Germgard can also be combined with a range of door systems so that the use of hand sanitiser is a requirement before gaining entry. Integration options include electronic door locks, automatic doors, and access control systems.

Staff and members are detected when entering the building, they are presented with a digital display asking them to sanitise their hands. Castle Snooker & Sports Bar chose to connect their Germgard system with their electronic door lock, meaning that the door will only unlock for people who have used the sanitiser unit. This reduces the possibility of human error when controlling the transfer of germs. “Germgard has played a vital role in making our COVID Secure Strategy strikingly obvious to our customers. We wanted to ease anxiety and make sure our members feel safe when returning to the new normal.” “I would recommend Fireco. They have helped us to reopen our business safely.” Fireco manufactures wireless fire door closers and retainers, notification systems, disability aid products and hygiene equipment, all designed to provide simple solutions to a range of needs: fire safety, compliance, access, ventilation and hygiene. For more information about Germgard or how Fireco solutions can assist with COVID-secure strategies, visit or call the Fireco team today 01273 320650.


• Increase of customer satisfaction The one-time registration ensures a quick data collection in all participating companies. The data is automatically encrypted and stored in a database in compliance with GDPR. Upon entering the restaurant or shop the issued QR code has to be scanned by the respective guest. Additionally, menus, price lists and the shop's website can be stored in the app. The fast dispatch of the data to the health authorities in case of a corona infection is guaranteed. After the minimum retention period has expired, the data is automatically deleted.

Heidler GmbH +49 6128 - 21054 - 0

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising


CLH Digital

Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control Issue 44

Could This Be The Solution To Hand Sanitiser Pump Stations? Has supplying your diners with gallons of hand sanitiser left you with the endless task of checking for empty plastic containers or cleaning puddles of sticky gel on the floor? The people at Super Clean Hands may have found the perfect solution. They are convinced that offering complimentary 'Super Clean Hands' sachets to your guests is a more stylish, efficient, and a cost-effective way to boost customer confidence in your business and shows your concern for their safety. As a plus, Super Clean Hands is made from premium ingredients including aloe vera, which leave hands feeling thoroughly cleansed and soft without residual stickiness or odour. Additionally, the sachets are available in gel format or in infused wipes. Placed at the bar, on the table, or with the self-service cutlery, or handed out with the bill will provide your customers the opportunity to sanitise their hands at the point of consuming food, rather than at the entrance of your establishment. Super Clean Hands want to deliver safety at the point of consumption and exposure. Also popping a sachet in with takeaway food is a nice touch for the customers purchasing food for later and an important way to signify your hygiene values to your customers. And best of all Super Clean Hands will donate 10% of their profits to the National Emergencies Trust who have done such wonderful work helping those worst effected by the pandemic. Available through distributors, Super Clean Hands come in bulk cartons of 1,000, with an option of shelfready dispensers for bars and counter-tops - think pack of tag and envelope teabags! For more information call 07831 747282 or email

JLA’s Ozone Washing System Proven To Remove All Traces of Coronavirus in University Study of Infected Laundry

Treating coronavirus-infected laundry with a professional ozone washing system could have major implications for the future of infection control in the hospitality industry, according to new research. The in-depth study carried out at De Montfort University in Leicester found that the OTEX washing system, which uses ozone to kill bacteria even at low temperatures, completely removes all traces of coronavirus (OC43), a model virus for SARS-CoV-2. The system, created by JLA (the UK’s leading supplier of commercial laundry equipment) was tested by a research team overseen by Dr Katie Laird, Reader in Microbiology and Head of the Infectious Disease Research Group, and expert virologist Dr Maitreyi

Shivkumar, Lecturer in Molecular Biology. The research found that cleaning with the OTEX technology completely removed the coronavirus, even in large washing loads. Additional testing also proved that the virus was not transferred to other textiles in the wash. Believed to be one of the first studies of its kind, the research proves that coronavirus-infected laundry can be cleaned even at low temperatures, allowing heat sensitive items such as personal clothing, hospital mattress covers, emergency rescue wear and microfibre items to be cleaned effectively. Dr Laird and her team are now completing the next stage of their research, looking at the rate at which the virus is inactivated in the cleaning process to give more data on the length of time and quantities of ozone required for the virus to be eliminated. Dr Laird comments, “A key element of tackling the spread of COVID-19 is to understand how effective infection control can be implemented in real world settings. There are a variety of situations in which textiles potentially carrying the virus need to be cleaned, such as care homes, hospitals and hotels. “Until now we have had little data about how the virus responded to different types of cleaning. These initial results demonstrate that cleaning with ozone, as in the OTEX system, completely removes the model coronavirus. “This held true even when treating larger loads of

washing, as is likely to be the case in a real laundry setting. This result can give reassurance that such cleaning is effective .” Helen Ashton, CEO from JLA commented “I am really excited about the results of these tests as here at JLA we play our part in eradicating this terrible virus. We have been developing and refining the OTEX laundry system for over fifteen years and its benefits to our customers are clear - full eradication of disease, including coronavirus, even at low temperatures and a significant reduction in operational cost coupled with a meaningful benefit to the environment. “The system has been designed to be easy to use with real time verification of the disinfection process on every wash which provides a unique audit trail of full compliance to regulatory standards.” This is the latest accolade for JLA’s innovative OTEX system, having been previously recognised by the NHS Rapid Review Panel in 2009 set up by the government to fast track new technology to address hospital acquired infections, achieving the highest grade (level 1) for infection control products. More recently, assessment of compliance with current Public Health England HTM01-04 guidelines for the decontamination of healthcare linen. The OTEX ozone system is also fully supported in line with the EU Biocidal Products Regulation. For more information about OTEX by JLA, please visit:

Ground-Breaking New Technology Helping Stop The Spread Of Coronaviruses Ground-breaking new technology helping stop the spread of Coronaviruses whilst protecting staff and customers with continual airborne sanitisation. The COVID-19 pandemic raises particular challenges for the hospitality industry. With no end in sight and millions of pounds being spent every day on cleaning and sanitisation methods that are costly and labour intensive. SOH Group has a revolutionary new product ‘SOH Pure’ that is already helping thousands of people and

businesses by continuously sanitising their premises. The SOH Pure systems work in a similar way to that of a fogger but is an ‘always on’ solution that continually sanitises an area of up to 80m2. Achieved by cold air diffusion technology liquid is turned into a vapour the is lighter than air. This vapour cleans and sanitises the air whilst airborne and then sanitises all surfaces when it falls creating a unique dual action air and surface approach.

Using SOH Pure system will help reduce the amount of time that is required cleaning and will help continually sanitise kitchens, restaurant & high traffic areas, such as staff gathering hot spots, building entrances and more. Let us help you re-open safely providing a continuously santised environment for that extra piece of mind! 02037276400, or

Hospitality Technology & Software

Issue 44

CLH Digital

How Tech Can Help Hospitality Through Lockdown and Beyond

By Danilo Mangano, General Manager Europe, SevenRooms ( With a new national lockdown in place until at least early March, many hospitality operators are wondering when normal operations will return, and how best they can chart a course back towards ‘business as usual’ in the months ahead. Despite a near-constant cycling of restrictions over the last 10 months causing challenges for the sector, there are positive indicators that a post-pandemic recovery is possible. In the periods when restaurants have been allowed to reopen – albeit with capacity controls and restrictions – there has been significant demand from customers for in-venue dining experiences. When going through a lockdown, as is currently the case, those operators who have pivoted quickly towards online ordering and takeaway have fared best. The watchword for the hospitality sector in 2021 will be flexibility, regardless of how long COVID restrictions and guidelines remain. That flexibility will be increasingly powered by technology as we move beyond the pandemic. The best restaurants have always been nimble in terms of their food and drink offerings, and those owners and head chefs are no stranger to adapting menus and specials around shifting tastes and available supplies. Now, in both the immediate future and from a longer-term perspective, operators need to leverage tech enhancements to provide even more flexibility when it comes to their existing services and offerings. Top of mind for operators today is online ordering and takeaway. Before COVID hit, this accounted for around 10% of a restaurant’s business, but at the height of lockdown in 2020, that number jumped to between 80-90%. With another lockdown in place, the same surge is happening. Those operators who can facilitate online ordering are protecting revenue while collecting valuable data on their customers that can be used to remarket to them down the line. As customers become increasingly comfortable with online ordering, it should be on the minds of all operators as a long-term priority this year and beyond. Wherever possible, venues must look to implement technology solutions that will facilitate online ordering, collection and delivery services directly, rather

than relying extensively, or even exclusively, on third parties. Direct online ordering capabilities ensure that venues can maintain guest relationships, even with those guests who are not comfortable returning to invenue dining, or who may prefer to dine at home. Whether it’s an app-based solution or ‘click and collect’ via a website, venues must be mindful that a sizeable proportion of business will exist online and off-premise in 2021 and beyond. If they are not there to take advantage or don’t have a system in place that helps them facilitate the capturing and leveraging of data to drive repeat business, competitor operations will do so instead. As venues reopen, greater incorporation of contactless ordering and payments will become a ‘need-tohave’ for venues rather than a ‘nice-to-have’. Many restaurants have either introduced or scaled-up their contactless offerings during the pandemic to limit customer interactions and reduce cash-handling. They may also have seen the benefit of increased guest spend that studies have shown can be a by-product of contactless payments. Moving forward, contactless systems will make it easy for restaurants to track spending habits across multiple visits – and, for those businesses with more than one location, multiple sites. The data insights offered will help operators to develop a better understanding of how much customers are spending and what they’re frequently buying, making it simple to create bespoke offers or promotions to tempt customers back for another visit. Similarly, the flexibility to be able to serve a dynamic menu on a personal device to each guest that enters your restaurant will become hugely important for operators in the future. Shaped by data insights gained from previous visits, a dynamic menu could highlight certain customer favourites or push taste-based recommendations – all the while hiding dishes containing allergens or disliked dishes. With the ability to update in real-time, dynamic menus can also be changed based on stock levels in the kitchen, meaning no more guest disappointment at being told the special they just ordered has sold out. Technology impacts the guest journey on multiple levels already, but it will increasingly do so at each stage of the guest journey in the future – from reservations and waitlists, to table management and takeaway, to post-visit marketing communications and beyond. In the increasingly competitive market of tomorrow, restaurateurs must have the capabilities to reach their guests in the right way at the right time. By taking a tech-enabled flexible approach, the ability to boost customer spend and make the most out of every dining experience could prove to be crucial.

QSR Automations Delivers ConnectSmart Platform — a Data-Driven, Unified Restaurant Automation Solution QSR Automations, the leading provider of kitchen automation, guest management, off-premise technology, and predictive analytics, announced the launch of the ConnectSmart Platform. This move strengthens and simplifies company and product offerings.


The platform effectively combines QSR Automations’ software suite into a single platform: • ConnectSmart Kitchen, industry-leading kitchen display system • ConnectSmart Go, an off-premise order management system • ConnectSmart Host (formerly DineTime), a guest experience, reservation and table management solution • ConnectSmart Insights, a business intelligence tool • ConnectSmart ControlPoint, hardware management software • ConnectSmart Recipes (formerly TeamAssist), a kitchen-integrated recipe viewer By connecting the back end and integrating these solutions into one operational platform, operators can work with a solution that shares data from all its components and make holistic restaurant decisions in realtime. Flexible APIs and robust integrations allow operators to tailor the platform to their specific needs and focus on what’s most important — the guest expe-

Future-Proof Y Future-Proof Your our Oper ations with an Operations In tegrated Pla tform Integrated Platform

rience. “Removing the barriers between products on the back end to create the ConnectSmart Platform architecture demonstrates how our software has advanced from individual product offerings to a connected operational platform. This move is a logical progression based on an industry that’s progressing just as rapidly. The pandemic accelerated what we already knew, connectivity and operational data are paramount for operational success. The platform will allow providers to make strategic, data-driven decisions that will ultimately deliver tailored guest experiences for their diners,” said QSR Automations Founder and CEO Lee Leet. Restaurant owners and operators can learn more about the ConnectSmart Platform at

What can the ConnectSmar ConnectSmartt® platform do for your your restaurant? Learn more more at:




CLH Digital

Hospitality Technology and Software

Issue 44

The Welsh Fintech Aiming To Save The Introducing Toggle Hospitality Sector £8bn A Year Introducing Toggle, a powerful gift card platform bursting with features to help you make the most of earning pre-visit revenue during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Yoello aims to disrupt the current payment networks which are outdated and expensive. By processing payments themselves, utilising open banking regulations, they want to bring operators and customers closer together with cheaper and instantaneous transactions. The platform is currently focused on the hospitality industry, from small cafes and traditional pubs to luxury hotels and large theatres. Yoello’s mobile order and pay technology also has the capability to expand into sectors such as retail and tourism.

2020 has been a pivotal year for Cardiff based Fintech Yoello. Since launching their mobile order and pay solution in June, the company has gone from strength to strength growing rapidly whilst supporting thousands of hospitality businesses across the UK during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The company’s aim is to improve efficiency, increase revenues and improve the customer experience through mobile technology, in particular in the current climate with businesses currently operating with reduced staff numbers and customer capacity. As we head towards a cash-

Leading Hospitality Brands Launching Digital Loyalty Schemes In The Midst Of The Pandemic Major hospitality brands including Notes Coffee, Chucs Restaurants & Cafes, The Gentlemen Baristas, Yangtze Noodles (part of Chopstix Group) and Thunderbird Fried Chicken have signed up to the Embargo App loyalty platform in response to the challenges which the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to our sector. Embargo allows coffee shops, restaurants and bars launch their digital loyalty card within one day, providing them with a COVID-safe and fully contactless solution focused on boosting repeat busi-

ness from local customers. Furthermore, Embargo’s CRM system helps venues identify their key customers and communicate with them via multiple channels like push messages and emails. Notes Coffee, The Gentlemen Baristas, Yangtze Noodles and Chucs Restaurants are only a few names among the hundreds of brands that have joined the platform during the COVID-19 pandemic - replacing paper stamp cards or choosing Embargo over building their own branded apps. Visit

less society and a new technology led, post-Covid, future of service – Yoello’s tech will play a vital role for most businesses to survive.

Yoello’s mobile ordering solution allows customers to access digital menus simply by scanning a QR code or typing in a URL using any smartphone or web device, without needing to download an app. Customers can access table service, click & collect and delivery services all through one platform. From a merchant’s point of view, it’s very easy to set up and manage contactless order and pay either alongside an existing system or through POS integration. Find out more about the Yoello platform: Or speak to the sales team: / 07764 86 4840

Toggle offers high customisation with the freedom to sell not just gift cards, but experiences, special offers, products like at-home kits and more. Toggle handles everything to do with your gifting; offering digital gift cards as well as beautifully designed physical ones that we can send on your behalf through our fulfillment service. Our expert customer success team is on hand to help you set up with lightning speed, introduce you to the platform’s features and ensure that you’re maximising on its tools by releasing new feature updates and campaign ideas. Toggle seamlessly integrates with Zonal, Access, Comtrex, Datasym and a host of other platforms. Sign up today and be selling tomorrow. Visit

Smart Ordering with Hop Software Hop Software recently launched a new addition to its ever-growing hospitality focused products; Hop Shop, an online click and collect delivery platform is helping hospitality and restaurateurs through lockdown. Hop Shop can be accessed from the business website via Hop PMS allowing hospitality businesses to set-up a collection or delivery service. Hop Shop also is available through our newly launched app. The Smart Order Time feature ensures ultimate safety for both staff and customers, allowing customers to choose a convenient and safe time for collection or delivery. Now more than ever, guests are opting for a con-

tactless service from restaurants and hotels. Hop Shop has already helped many hospitality businesses find additional revenue streams. Richard Drummond owner of McKays Hotel, Bar & Restaurant, Pitlochry says; “Hop Shop has been a great addition to our operations. Guests continue to use the app and enjoy ordering food via their mobile, directly to their rooms and homes. As the current situation develops, Hop Shop has diversified our business and opened a new revenue stream.” For a demo of Hop PMS and Hop Shop, please email: or see the advert on the facing page.

Hospitality Technology and Software

Issue 44

CLH Digital


Technology is the Foundation of Hospitality’s Revival Over the last year, we have seen advances in technology that would normally have taken months, if not years, to develop, test, trial and implement. But the flexibility and dexterity that has helped hospitality operators to adjust their way of working to meet changing restrictions, often at short notice, highlights the importance of technology in a modern hospitality venue and why it is no longer an optional extra. Henry Seddon, Managing Director of Access Hospitality, offers his thoughts on how technology can support hospitality businesses as they prepare to rebuild trade in 2021.

INTEGRATION, INTEGRATION, INTEGRATION The most important piece of advice I can give anyone who is reviewing how technology fits in their business is that the best solutions are those that integrate across many applications rather than being stand-alone. An EPoS system that integrates with order ahead, delivery, table reservation, payment, marketing, loyalty and engagement apps, for example, will simplify all stages of the operations process and provide a seamless customer journey. When trading guidelines have changed at short notice – reducing capacity, advance booking, table service only, contactless payments – integrated technology has enabled operators to adapt quickly and effectively. Access EPoS has at least 64 integrations available, enabling frictionless interaction and greatly enhancing the scope and power of the overall system, and this has provided access to implement reactive solutions, such as the addition of test and trace data to existing reservation technology. Integration delivers streamlined interaction that increases efficiency across the business operation, reducing admin time so that staff can reassign their time and skills more productively elsewhere. The resulting com-

mercial reports are more comprehensive and have rich data to enable effective analysis and a deeper understanding of what is happening at every level of the business.

A FLEXIBLE AND SCALABLE EPOS SYSTEM With so much uncertainty in the sector, flexibility and the option to scale an EPOS system are vital. Whilst an off the shelf solution might be the best choice for a start-up business, or one without significant growth ambitions, it could restrict business agility and future expansion as trading restrictions are eased. Proven technology that responds to changing needs drives efficiencies and provides exceptional guest experiences from one trusted source, which has never been more important than a time when there is no margin for error on revenue, costs and customer service.

SINGLE SIGN-ON Technology should simplify an operation and improve the work routine, not make it more complicated. As integration increases, so does the value of running solutions with a single sign on, with information displayed on a personalised dashboard instead of having to work across several different screens. Access Workspace enables customers to access different technology solutions in one place rather than having to sign in on numerous systems, transforming productivity and engagement. The seamless interaction reduces time spent on input and data interrogation, providing a frictionless way of working and immediate access to the right information.

ACCELERATION OF CONTACTLESS OPTIONS Having seen steady growth over the last couple of years, the move to contactless payments has been accelerated significantly in the last nine months, as everyone recognised the threat of infection from handling cash. The use of payment apps will continue as customers look for a convenient and secure way of managing their finances, particularly if their disposable income has been impacted during the pandemic, and they are now recognising that one solution for order and pay at table is more convenient than downloading a series of apps for different operators. Once again, integration becomes a key factor for operators, with Access EPOS integrating with

a host of order ahead, delivery and loyalty solutions as well as the main payment apps that customers are turning to.

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Technology has revolutionised facilities management, with automation changing the landscape of compliance obligations, planned and reactive property maintenance. Sourcing suppliers, negotiating costs, checking ongoing works, approving invoices and filing certifications can now be completed at the press of a button. With so much being possible remotely, there has been a surge in interest in the Access Maintain managed service which handles the process for hospitality operators, providing expertise and easing pressure where the property management staff are still furloughed or the business is running at reduced capacity, with no-one having overall control for this function.

FUTURE TECHNOLOGY Technology will continue to evolve quickly but two areas are likely to drive the next round of development and impact. ‘Big data’ describes extremely large sets of data coming into a business daily and includes venue performance, spend per head and customer satisfaction. Consolidation and analysis to drive decision making can be time consuming and confusing but the introduction of a single platform to serve data from all hospitality technology will deliver significant benefits in accuracy, efficiency and cost savings. Another area will see technology help in the challenge of reducing waste which is a focus from a cost and sustainability perspective. Tracking food returned or thrown away will contribute to regulating portion control and minimising waste, taking business into 2021 with cost control and environmental at front of mind. See the advert below to find out more about how Access Hospitality can help your business.



The Compack glasswashers have simplicity and robust performance in mind. Where the need for just washing glasses is the main aim this is the machine for the job.

• Electronic control with push buttons for high efficiency and easy to use • 350, 400 and 500 basket machines available • 120 seconds washing cycle • Ecoclean control system for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle • Built in drain pump included • Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers • Guarantees hot rinse thermostop • Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler • Light function button with self diagnostic

(subject to status)


• Electronic control DIGIT with temperature display • 4 washing cycles • Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle • Built in drain pump included • Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers • Guarantees hot rinse thermostop • Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler • Built in softener (only on D50S and D55S) • Colour coded function button with self diagnostic • Evolute Electronic control with LCD display




• Self-diagnosis with errors solution, precise setting of the detergent dispenser, different temperature setting for each cycle • Ecoclean control system for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle (only with built in drain pump). • Thermal acoustic double door • New inclined and deep-drawn welded tank • Door reinforcement brackets • Adjustable rinsing arm rotation speed • Fully stainless steel made wash and rinse arms for low maintenance, heavy duty, all corrosion resistant • Removable double filtering system for wash and drainage cycle

Web Email Tel 0333 456 4500


• Electronic control with LCD display • 4 individual programmable cycles • Ecoclean control System for partial clean water refill at every wash cycle • Built in drain pump included • Complete with built in adjustable detergent & rinse aid dispensers • Break tank – AA air gap – WRAS approved • Guarantee rinse temperature 85⁰C at constant pressure • Self cleaning cycle on drain down • Thermal protection for wash tank and boiler • Built in softener (only on BT55S) • Self diagnostic


Design and Refit

Issue 44

CLH Digital

Perfect Refrigeration Performance, Outstanding Energy Efficiency German engineered appliances from Liebherr provide exceptional refrigeration and freezing performance for your business. Ergonomically designed with efficiency in mind, our spacious refrigerators and freezers allow you to store fresh food and ready-to-serve dishes in a well-arranged, easily accessible manner. Manufactured in Europe using robust, high-quality materials to meet the demands of a busy commercial catering environment. The fronts, compartments, and containers are all conveniently designed for easy cleaning making Liebherr appliances ideal for bars, bistros, and restaurants. Liebherr's under-worktop

appliances for the food industry offer generous storage space while taking up little room. They can easily be integrated below a worktop as a space-saving option and provide a highly appealing presentation platform for drinks etc. The interior lighting, with its own on/off function, further enhances the display of your products for optimal effect. The beverage industry also requires perfect refrigeration performance. Drinks are deliciously chilled and ready for sale even after a short storage period. The combination of modern refrigeration components, powerful and climate-friendly coolants, and precise control systems ensure low-cost energy efficiency. To find out more information please see that advert on this page.

A new Dorset restaurant has been given a continental-style appearance with the addition of a new al-fresco dining area thanks to Poole-based company Broadview Shading Solutions. To increase covers and offer social distancing during the current climate, Whittles Restaurant & Bar

approached Broadview to advise them on the best way to create a sheltered outside dining space that could be used in all weathers. Broadview advised on three new awnings, manufactured by Brustor, and a branded Uhlmann umbrella with its very own lighting system. Remote control operation means the awnings can be quickly and easily extended or tucked neatly away depending on the weather. Whittles is just one hospitality business that Broadview has created exceptional outside dining spaces for. Others include Rick Stein in Barnes, The NED in London and The Sandbanks Hotel in Poole. If you would like more information about how Broadview can help your hospitality business extend covers and create an al-fresco dining experience, please contact 01202 679012 or visit their website:

Broadview Help Dorset Restaurant Create Al-fresco Dining Area

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Issue 44

Design and Refit

Wine Storage Solutions


We always had reliability in mind as we had all replaced our own coolers in the past, often much earlier than we would have liked or hoped.

excellent longevity. We are proud of our product ranges and passionate about wine storage at home and in the restaurant. We would encourage you to pay us a visit to see all these models in our showroom in Chipping Norton. Our customers are always saying they look so much better ‘in the flesh’. If you cannot visit, we are always happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your wine storage requirements and we look forward to hearing from you. Visit or see the advert on this page.

Ambimedia Audiovisual Solutions

We are specialists in the supply and installation of temperature-controlled wine display cabinets which can be placed in any part of a building and require no plumbing or drainage. Our stunning and unique range includes contemporary & traditional styles with beautiful LED lighting, self-contained, temperaturecontrolled walk-in wine rooms for 990-4000+ bottles and wine display cabinets with 4 glass walls and LED lighting in all four Visit our corners to create a stunning visual effect which you showroom, can walk around 360 degrees. call us or view online.

Wine Storage Solutions Ltd

Essex House, Cromwell Business Park, Banbury Road, Chipping Norton OX7 SSR

The brief was simple – quality, reliability and style.

The development of the Vin Garde range’s single-weld refrigeration system has gone a long way to ensuring top performance and


Tel: 01608 645083

Wine Storage Solutions Ltd was established in March 2005, to find and develop the perfect temperature and humidity-controlled wine coolers and fridges for my friends’ and my own wine collections.


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Ambimedia Ltd are working hard to provide our clients with audiovisual solutions which allows them to adapt to future needs, in the wake of the recent pandemic. Our Certified Technology Specialists have been working closely with manufactures to develop our product range in order to meet changing demands.

ENHANCING OUTDOOR SPACES In order to enhance outdoor areas in pubs and restaurants, we have provided solutions including outdoor high brightness TV’s, outdoor sound systems and extended WIFI and CCTV networks.

HAND SANITISERS WITH BUILT IN DIGITAL SIGNAGE DISPLAYS Most venues which you visit these days have hand sanitiser stations as you enter the building and we have gone one step further,

providing digital signage displays within the hand sanitiser stations allowing venues to provide information to customers in addition to product advertising.

DIGITAL MENUBOARDS & DIGITAL SIGNAGE Our award winning digital menuboard solution allows customers to instantly manage content on their screens from a PC or tablet. Choose from over 700 menuboard templates and over 3000 images or upload your own and publish the content to your TV’s. Visit and signup for a free account. We also have a full digital signage package available where we can manage the content on your behalf – please contact us for further information. T: 01246 906958 E: W:

Design and Refit

Issue 44

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How Hotels Can Really Profit From Sustainability Hotels are continually fighting with their competition to offer the most affordable rates, the best amenities, and the most outstanding guest services — all while making a profit. Now more than ever green, or sustainable tourism is becoming a deciding factor when choosing a holiday. For the hotel industry this means achieving a sustainable business model that can offer considerable marketing advantage. But what if we took this activity and reclaimed valuable indoor space to provide for additional or larger rooms, or extend dining space? And what if you could also improve building services and reduce operational costs? From boutique to national chains,

Adveco specialises in creating bespoke hot water and heating applications for the hotel industry that leverages all the advantages of renewable technologies, from air source heat pumps, and solar thermal to heat recovery. We can also smartly combine these with existing gasfired systems or new all electric appliances to drive sustainability and greater efficiency to support improved guest amenities while reducing both CO emissions and operational costs. This can all be brought together in prefabricated structures that relocate heating and hot water plant to ‘dead spaces’ such as yards, alleys and in particular roof tops to maximise space and profit.

Mayfair Contract Furniture

can also competitively fulfil a wide range of bespoke orders to suit your personal requirements. Not just a supplier; We understand that from time to We supply contract grade commercial furniture to the time hospitality and leisure establishments like to give hospitality & leisure industries. With over forty years of themselves a fresh new look. That's why not only do we experience in the hospitality industry, we are passionate supply contract furniture, but when it's time for your about supplying the finest quality products. We establishment to go through a refurbishment deliver to all areas of the United Kingdom, we also offer a complete clearance service. Ireland and Europe and export our products We'll organise everything from a suitable worldwide. time and date, professional clearance staff We keep in stock a huge variety of New to remove contract furniture whether fitcontract furniture including tables & chairs, ted or unfitted, and logistics. lounge / lobby furniture, & hotel bedroom Contact 01733 310 115, email: furniture ready for immediate dispatch. or visit In addition to this as a direct importer we

Cemco (The Catering Equipment Maintenance Company) Cemco (The Catering Equipment Maintenance Company) first opened for business in 1990, and have been serving Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset, Bath, and the rest of the South and Southwest, ever since. We offer a full range of services, including servicing and repairs for all commercial catering appliances, ranging from small local projects to major national work, and everything in between. Specialising in commercial Glasswasher and Dishwasher repairs sales and service our reputation is second to none. We can offer you a no obligation quote now, so contact us for more information. CEMCO also carry out repairs to commercial catering equipment Dishwashers, Glasswashers, Ovens Grills Bournemouth, Poole, Dorset and The Southwest. We

undertake repairs and servicing to ALL, types, makes and models of commercial catering equipment. A repair is often far cheaper then a replacement! 30 Years in this Industry gives us the edge over our competitors, with time served Commercial Catering Equipment Engineers our clients have found we save them the cost of purchasing new equipment time after time…why buy new when a guaranteed repair is often all your Catering Equipment requires… We are based in Bournemouth & Poole, covering the whole of Dorset, as well as Somerset, Hampshire and Wiltshire. Call 01202 377205 now, to arrange a site visit

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Specialists in Servicing, Repairs and Maintenance of all Commercial Catering Equipment

Cemco undertake Service and Repairs to ALL Commercial Dishwasher and Glasswasher Manufacturers Including Hobart, Electrolux, Meiko, Winterhalter to name a few.

CEMCO carry out repairs, servicing and routine maintenance to all makes and models of commercial catering equipment, including dishwashers and glasswashers. We can also supply you with a new or used dishwasher …simply Contact Us for details of available Used Stock

We are based in Bournemouth & Poole and cover the whole of Dorset, along with the neighbouring counties of Somerset, Devon, Hampshire and Wiltshire.

Trust CEMCO for commercial catering dishwasher servicing!

Call us now, on 01202 377205 for a free quote to repair your dishwasher


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Design and Refit

Issue 44

CardsSafe - Protecting Assets ®

Mitsubishi Electric launch the UK’s first lower GWP R32 Air Curtain Mitsubishi Electric has launched a new, R32 Air Curtain which is designed to improve energy efficiency and minimise heat loss from a building while allowing businesses to benefit from an open door policy. As the first manufacturer in the UK to launch an R32 Air Curtain, the new Mr Slim HP DX 2.0 Air Curtain completes the R32 offering across splits indoor units and allows customers to move to one sole refrigerant on site. R32 has a much lower global warming potential (GWP) than R410A and is now the refrigerant of choice for split systems. By using R32 throughout the system, carbon emissions are reduced and installation, service and maintenance are all simplified. “The new Mr Slim Air Curtain is the first in the UK, to utilise R32 which makes it the perfect choice to help buildings meet their carbon reduction plan”, said Mel Threader, Senior Product Manager. “This technology offers an energy and cost efficient solution that would benefit all locations with public entrances including retail, hotel lobbies, office entrances, higher education, hospitals, libraries, museums and leisure facilities”. Air curtain technology minimises the amount of cold air entering a building and keeps the warm air inside, ensuring a comfortable environment is provided to the occupants. Flexible and easier installation is achieved with the R32 indoor unit

as it is available in a recessed or exposed design offering. In addition, the Mr Slim HP DX 2.0 air curtains can be used as twin systems, using two identical units to serve a wide or double entrance / exit, served by a single common Mr Slim outdoor unit. Developed by Mitsubishi Electric in conjunction with air curtain manufacturer Thermoscreens in the UK, and currently available in 1m, 1.5m or 2m lengths as a dual refrigerant solution (R32 or R410A), the units are ideal for businesses looking to future proof their buildings by running completely on R32. They offer lower run costs and carbon emissions through the flagship Mr Slim Power Inverter high efficiency outdoor units. “Overall this R32, energy efficient air curtain is the ideal solution for businesses with strong carbon reduction targets who want to be able offer an open door operation whilst ensuring a comfortable environment inside”, added Mel Threader.

Further details on the system can be found on the company’s website or

The CardsSafe® system is specifically designed to securely retain customer credit, debit and ID cards while the cardholder runs a tab or uses a service. CardsSafe® has revolutionised the way hospitality and leisure businesses manage their assets. It protects against theft and walkouts, streamlines services and reduces losses, which means it pays for itself! There are numerous benefits of using CardsSafe® for your business and over 5000 outlets in the UK agree! • CardsSafe® reduce costs and losses, makes card fraud is virtually impossible and ensures that equipment is returned • CardsSafe® is affordable and pays for itself! From just £9.95 (net) per unit per

month + a one off admin charge. • CardsSafe® ensures peace of mind and protects against fraud and theft • CardsSafe® increases staff trust and improves the work environment • CardsSafe® is easy to use with minimal training and quick to install • CardsSafe® is PCI & GDPR Compliant to standards 9.6, 9.9, 12.2 and 12.6 and protects card data from identity fraud and theft Please visit our website and create your own account quickly and securely. Or for more information, please contact the CardsSafe Customer Service Team. WEB:, Phone: 0845 500 1040 Email:

Maximise Space with Poseur Tables When hospitality reopens, social distancing regulations will continue to limit horizontal space, so it makes sense to maximise vertical space with poseur tables. Trent Furniture supply a wide range of poseur tables. Whether you’re looking for the modern clean lines of the Alma Aluminium Poseur Table for a contemporary bar, or the traditional style of the Single Wood Poseur Table for a cosy pub setting, we have an option that’s right for you. Not only do poseur tables create a striking style statement, the small surface area of the table tops means they are the perfect way for small

Mysons ltd successfully tendered for the refurbishment of the conferencing and banqueting at the Four Seasons Hampshire with a very tight programme of 7 weeks with no overrun as there were conferences booked for the day after handover. The work itself was a challenge using some new techniques with specialist paint and lighting and with the coordination of the FF&E to ensure a smooth handover Mysons Ltd prides itself in the ability to react to the clients demands being as flexible as possible to meet them we are a national company working from inverness in the north to Hale in the south using where possible our own labour and closely with our partnered sub contractors from a C&B refurb to reactive and planed work for local authorities, windows and doors to groundworks and building works, soft strip small demo to general maintenance.

Jeff Satwick

Derek aDby

Managing Director

business Development Manager

07873 111578

07948 438848

groups to dine and drink safely. Trent’s versatile range of tall seating options are designed to complement our poseur tables. The Tall Colonial Stool, available in a hard or upholstered top, is the perfect bar stool, while the Verona Bar Stool, with its stylish faux leather upholstered seat and back is the ideal dining companion for any poseur table. With options available for a wide range of budgets, our poseur tables tick the goodvalue box too. For more information about Trent Furniture’s poseur tables, please call 0116 2864 911 or visit

Design and Refit

Issue 44

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How To Weather-Proof Your Commercial Outdoor Space Ready For The Winter at the touch of a button, they can be susceptible to damage from high winds. Modern pergolas with either sliding fabric or rotating aluminium louvered roofs and sides offer a more pragmatic solution, providing protection from heavy rain, gale force winds and even snow.

FEATURES Since the easing of the lockdown restrictions back in July, the hospitality sector has pulled out all the stops to welcome us back with open arms. The ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ government scheme enabled us to dine out at a discounted rate, but as the British summer comes to an end, many temporary outdoor covers including brollies, parasols and pop-up marquees are showing the strain and are unlikely to survive the less clement weather the next few months will bring. As the COVID-19 restrictions don’t seem to be easing any time soon, now is the ideal time for restaurants and hotels to look into weather-proofing their outdoor dining areas for the long term. Investing wisely in the right terrace coverings for your outdoor space can help keep your business going through the colder months.

The framework of any terrace covering should ideally be manufactured from powder coated aluminium, as this super-strong, corrosion resistant and highly durable material can survive the knocks and bumps of bustling environments.


AWNINGS, LOUVERED PERGOLAS & EXTERNAL BLINDS As we transition into autumn/winter, many commercial establishments are realising how important their outdoor space is. Due to the current social distancing rules, indoor seating options have been hugely restricted and a more robust solution for the winter period is now required. It is likely that the more temporary covers such as brollies and parasols won’t stand up to adverse conditions and although retractable awnings can protect and shelter customers from sun, shade and light rain showers

No matter the type of outdoor fabric canopy used within your commercial space, it is more likely to stand the test of time if manufactured from acrylic fibres – one of the highest quality materials currently available for use within these types of products. Fit for purpose and dimensionally stable, acrylic will not warp or stretch when under tension. In addition to this, the material will not fade due to the solution dye that impregnates the colour right through to the core of the yarn. Despite this, the material should still be treated with a nano tech coating such as TEXgard, an invisible protective shield embedded into the fibre that essentially generates a self-clean effect by preventing dirt and debris from settling, whilst also repelling water. The latest generation of acrylic, CBA (Clean, Brilliant Acrylic), ensures up to 50% less dirt adhesion in comparison to regular acrylic.

A minimum of two hi-tensile tear resistant stainlesssteel cables that tension twin heavy duty double coiled springs are essential if using folding arms on retractable awnings. This ensures the fabric is under optimum tension, staying crisp and taut and able to withstand gusts of wind. For exposed locations, having folding arms with double the quantity of cables will offer increased wind resistance and tension.


As the default mechanism within most outdoor canopies, motorised operation allows for consistent movement as well as an effortless extension and retraction process, subsequently lengthening the lifecycle of your product as a result. Integrated motors safeguard against exposure to the elements, whilst secure rolling codes and frequency guarantees no interference. Intelligent sensors (in particular wind protection sensors) are highly recommended as once incorporated into the install, they can allow for closure of the product when left unattended. As a potentially sizeable investment, adequate research around the most suitable all-weather canopy system (as well as the installation company) goes without saying. Your chosen specialist should boast a wealth of experience within their field, provide a range of solutions for your application and finally be open to your specific

Hospitality Partnership Between Harrison Spinks and The Fine Bedding Company The perfect partnership of two heritage brands, Harrison Spinks Hospitality and The Fine Bedding Company are collaborating to offer hoteliers a full package and guests the best possible sleep experience. Passionate about sleep and specialists in their own fields; Harrison Spinks have been handcrafting luxury mattresses since 1840, while The Fine Bedding Company have been manufacturing pillows, duvets and mattress protectors for over 100 years. Alike in their values, both these family businesses have innovation, sustainability and quality craftsmanship at their core and in every step of their manufacturing process, with unrivalled expertise in what makes a great night’s sleep.

This partnership emphasizes the importance of the whole sleep package and everything that affects a guests sleep experience; from the mattress to pillows and duvets. Dedicated hospitality web pages on each brand’s websites will allow hoteliers to discover a range of full sleep packages; products from each brand that work in harmony with each other to create the perfect sleep experience for your guests. With each brands sale teams offering recommendations to their respective customers. To discover more please visit: and

requirements and budget. Wherever possible, choose a supplier that manufactures its products in the UK. Should anything go wrong, you can rest assured that it will be resolved quickly. Also, with an authentic ‘Made in Britain’ product, outstanding quality is usually guaranteed, and lead times are typically significantly shorter. Stuart Dantzic Managing Director, Caribbean Blinds or see the advert on the facing page.


CLH Digital

Issue 44

Design and Refit

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

We are an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses.

made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to

We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom

Square One Interiors

Starting out in his garden shed, Jamie never thought that his new range of reclaimed furniture would become as successful as it has over the past 2 years. Having had a history in design and furniture design, an idea was born and he decided to run with it. He loved the idea of a rustic looking, industrial range which was

also eco friendly and sustainable. He soon found that a modern twist was also achievable, by using bright colours on the steel frames, as well as several different wood finishes which would compliment the overall design. Making furniture from scratch also had its benefits, as Jamie soon found that businesses would approach him with specific needs and requirements, meaning that he was able to provide a fully bespoke service, as well as offering design and advice. Since his humble beginnings in the garden shed, Jamie and the company have now work with hospitality operators, pubs, bars and hotels, as well as some large contract furniture companies and high street names. Our portfolio and workforce are growing and we are very excited to be working on some fantastic projects moving forwards, so watch this space! For more information visit

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Design and Refit AMEREX Kitchen Protection

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The AMEREX® Kitchen Protection (KP) fire suppression system is already a staple in commercial kitchens around the world. Amerex innovations make it an easy choice to meet code requirements, keep people and property safe with a dependable system, and give restaurant owners and operators unparalleled ease of use and maintenance for years to come. Plus, Amerex’s KP system meets the rigorous UL 300 standard for fire testing of fire extinguishing systems for protection of commercial cooking equipment required by NFPA guidelines. From fine dining to fast food chains, the Amerex KP system fire has the components to meet your clients’ needs.

KP offers two appliance protection configurations — Appliance Specific, where the appliance location is fixed, and Zone Defense, an overlapping protection configuration that allows kitchen appliances to be moved or replaced without having to move system discharge nozzles. Zone Defense future-proofs the kitchen design and allows restaurants to adapt to changing consumer tastes or business conditions without repiping the fire system. KP offers three different fire detection methods — standard thermal link detection or one of two linear heat detection options, pneumatic heat sensitive tubing or electrical linear heat detection. Contact Amerex at

Zone Defense means we’ve got you covered.

CambridgeStyle Canopies Our product range includes:

CambridgeStyle Canopies have an enviable reputation in the hospitality sector for providing shade and shelter solutions for pubs, hotels and restaurants across the UK. We specialise in offering the right covering solutions to maximise your useable outdoor space with our range of made-to-measure aluminium outdoor canopy systems.

• Wall mounted non-fragile or glass roof canopies with up to 6m projection and unlimited length • Free standing canopies with up to 12m projection and unlimited length • Solisysteme Bio Climatic Pergolas with the latest Somfy technology and up to 7.1m post span • Zip Screens and Sliding Glass doors • Heating and lighting upgrades for all canopy systems Contact us to discuss your needs and arrange a site survey so we can help identify the right solution for your business. We have all the necessary accreditations within the construction sector and provide a no quibble 10-year guarantee on all products to give you peace of mind. Together we can help get business going again! Emails or visit

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CambridgeStyle Canopies have an enviable reputation in the hospitality sector for providing shade and shelter solutions for pubs, hotels and restaurants across the UK. We specialise in offering the right covering solutions to maximise your useable outdoor space with our range of madeto-measure aluminium outdoor canopy systems.

Our product range includes:

• Wall mounted non-fragile or glass roof canopies with up to 6m projection and unlimited length • Free standing canopies with up to 12m projection and unlimited length • SoliSySteme Bio Climatic Pergolas with the latest Somfy technology and up to 7.1m post span • Zip Screens and Sliding Glass doors • Heating and lighting upgrades for all canopy systems

Contact us to discuss your needs and arrange a site survey so we can help identify the right solution for your business. We have all the necessary accreditations within the construction sector and provide a no quibble 10-year guarantee on all products to give you peace of mind. Together we can help get business going again!

CambridgeStyle Canopies Ltd 01353 699009 | | “WE’VE GOT IT COVERED - NOBODY DOES IT BETTER”

Previous Clients Include:



CLH Digital

Issue 44

Design and Refit

Drakes Bar Furniture - UK Bar Furniture Supplier

We pride ourselves in providing the best quality items at great prices with fantastic customer service and can supply bespoke tailored made furniture such as booths, tables, seating or ‘off the peg’ items. Drakes Bar Furniture not only sell chairs, stools, tables we also design build and install all types of fixed seating, pews and booth seating for pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants and clubs. When fitting out a premise the seating is almost paramount for a successful space. Fixed seating, booth seating or banquette seating as its also called can come in variety of colours, finishes, types and styles. Below are just a few examples showing what we have done in the past. With clever planning, seating generates a great flow for customers and

staff around a pub, restaurant, cafe or club. It can be used to divide areas, create new spaces in a room and offer intimacy allowing for the perfect social meet up. The beauty of bespoke fixed seating is that we can make the most of and take advantage of your space and features. We can come to your venue and measure up, give you advice and show you examples of our past work, finishes, types and styles. We have a wide range of Bar Furniture, including tables, stools, chairs, outdoor beer garden, fixed seating and banqueting furniture. If you require a bespoke quote either call us on 01422 839 690 or you can send us an email. See the advert below for details.

Sims - The First Port Of Call For Banquette Seating

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We are a family run business with 3 generations of commercial furniture manufacturing experience. Unlike other suppliers we manufacture all our seating inhouse, no importing, no subcontracting. We have full control over every aspect from design to installation to ensure every product leaves our workshops punctually and to our reputable high quality.

Proudly offering 2 versions of Banquette Seating, firstly our “Premium Made to Measure” Banquette Seating which is built to your exact design, shape and size, then installed by our professional installation team. You can have anything from floor to ceiling designs to seating that perfectly follows the walls in a period setting. Secondly our “Modular Banquette Seating” which is freestanding, set size units for you to mix and match to best fit your space. Manufactured and delivered to your doorstep ready for you to layout. Made to the same high standards as our premium range without setup costs, site visits and installation fees. Saving you up to 50% on competitors seating. Also, we offer a range of furnishings – tables, chair and bedroom furniture. To request a brochure or to discuss your requirement further please contact our sales team on 01945 450957 email Web

Design and Refit

Issue 44

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Contract Furniture Group to Continue Service During Lockdown at the moment, Contract Furniture Group encourage you to seize this opportunity to update, repair or replace décor while you can’t trade; and to support this they are looking at putting finance packages together to spread the investment. Contract Furniture Group have stated that will still be at the service of customers throughout the current lockdown.Their sales, manufacturing and logistics teams will all be taking every precaution necessary to reduce and eliminate any risk or spreading Covid, but at the same time they will be working hard to provide their customers with the same high quality service you’ve come to expect from them. Despite the frustration our whole industry is feeling

If you do have any questions or queries about Contract Furniture Group's products or services, stock availability or lead times, terms or available finance options, please don’t hesitate to call. Most importantly, Contract Furniture Group say they hope you and your loved ones stay safe and well during these unprecedented times. For further information visit

Euroservice Trolley Manufacturers Celebrating 40 years of experience in the sale and manufacture of wooden trolleys for the catering trade, Euroservice trolley manufacturers have now acquired a worldwide reputation and still offer an extensive /comprehensive range of top quality wooden trolleys manufactured in the UK. Top quality is a priority in the production of all of our products and Euroservice are specialists in the manufacture of sturdy and beautiful looking trolleys which will grace any environment from the small privately owned restaurant to the splendid 3 to 5 star hotels, resorts and Residential homes.

Euroservice’s excellence in the manufacture of wooden trolleys is backed by a personal, efficient and friendly service second to none. We are always busy researching the needs of the market and launch new ranges according to market demands. Whatever your needs you can be assured that Euroservice can cater for them and we look forward to your call. Freephone: 0800 917 7943

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Freephone: 0800 917 7943

Manufactured in the UK







CELEBRATING 40 YEARS IN THE TROLLEY WORLD 10% discount with the code 40TC







Products and Services Jestic Launches New High Output Herald Adds More To The Mix 42

CLH Digital

Issue 44

Soft Ice Cream Machine Jestic Foodservice Solutions has extended its popular range of Malibu soft ice cream machines with the launch of a new easy to use, high performance model, the Icetro CT 211, which is capable of producing 20 consecutive cones and an output of 27kg of luxurious soft ice cream an hour.

At just 380mm wide, the new Malibu - Icetro CT 211 with rear ventilation is a high output soft ice cream machine that can pack a serious punch in a compact space. A direct drive motor ensures quiet operation whilst the built in self pasteurising function reduces the need for cleaning and so saves on labour costs. The generous 12.5 litre mix hopper saves time as less

refills are required and an agitator circulates the ice cream mix maintaining an even temperature and improved product consistency. An easy to use control system can be accessed on the front facing LCD panel, whilst features including standby mode, low level mix alert will keep you in control. As Steve Morris, Sales Director at Jestic explains: “Malibu - Icetro soft ice cream machines have been a popular choice with a wide variety of foodservice and retail businesses for over 35 years. The new Icetro CT 211 is an ideal choice for high volume sites including leisure venues, take-away outlets, coffee shops or ice cream vans looking to maximise soft ice cream sales as it offers generous profit margins and is incredibly easy to use, easy to clean and to maintain.” Purchasing an Malibu - Icetro soft serve ice cream machine also comes with the benefit of a comprehensive two year warranty on all major parts and the support of Jestic’s experienced team every step of the way – from delivery, set up, through to product training. For further information visit

STARlight - The New Lightness With the STARlight stem glass series, glass manufacturer Stölzle Lausitz has taken a further step into a new dimension. Never before has machine made glass been produced so close to mouth-blown glass with a gracefully slim stem and a gentle thin walled bowl. STARlight is a glass series with a balanced shape. A seamless and deep-drawn transition between stem and goblet as well perfectly proportioned matching profiles giving the goblets of lead-free crystal glass a high degree of functionality with a harmonious appearance. The special feature is the fineness of the glass. The stem has a diameter that is about ten percent smaller than that of conven-

tional machine-made glasses. The goblet also has a noticeably thinner wall thickness compared to other glasses from machine production. In this way the STARlight series combines lightness with extraordinary elegance. They are perfect for high-class gastronomy, 5star hotels and innovative wine bars. They also include the usual features of Stölzle glasses being dishwasher safe with a high breakage resistance making them ideal for both professional and home dining. The series includes a Burgundy glass, a Bordeaux glass, a red wine goblet, a white wine glass and a champagne flute. Visit or see the advert on page 9.

Simpleas Mince: The UK’s First Retail Meat Substitute Made From 100% Peas

also responded positively to the single ingredient labelling (100% peas) and the long shelf-life - a bonus for consumers in these times of retail stock uncertainty. Simpleas Mince has a RRP of £3.99 for a 150g pack. It is also available in bulk direct from Novo Farina Ltd. Please email for more information and pricing.

At a time of growing consumer demand for non-soya, sustainable meat substitutes, Norfolk company Novo Farina Ltd is launching Simpleas Mince, the UK’s first retail meat substitute made entirely from peas. The product ticks all the “good” boxes: vegan, gluten-free, high in fibre, high in protein, non-GMO, soy-free. In trials, consumers have been excited by the great texture and endless recipe possibilities: Simpleas Mince can be used in family meal favourites including Bolognese sauce, chilli, lasagne and cottage pie. They


Dr Chris Harrison, Managing Director, commented “Our mission is to elevate the humble pea to help consumers enjoy delicious meat-free foods as part of a healthy diet. Peas are widely used by the food industry as a key protein source but as an additive rather than the star of the show. We are working hard to change that!” A predicted 1 million people are planning to take part in Veganuary 2021 and 20% of consumers are reported to be choosing a flexitarian diet as part of a healthy lifestyle and are increasingly looking for UK-produced, sustainable products that can be easily incorporated into their current eating habits. Simpleas Mince is perfectly positioned to be just such a product.

Quality disposables manufacturer and supplier, Herald has launched three new packaging products to meet increased demand from the catering and food to go sectors as the market for take outs increases.

1. Branding opportunity for every business, large or small. 2. From as little as 1000 sheets 335 x 500mm. 3. Useful product already being used by many multiples and independents. 4. Less stock, easy storage, order quantities to suit use. 5. Change the message on a regular basis, ideal for Christmas promotions, Valentines, Mother’s Day etc. 6. Fast turnaround 7 - 10 days dispatch, from approval of artwork. 7. Option to have 1, 2 or 4 colour process registered print

(including photos) exclusive to It’s a Wrap. 8. Free artwork 9. Very competitive, affordable for all. Limited set up costs, including disposable printing plates. 10. Biodegradable, non-toxic greaseproof paper and vegetable inks. 11. Available in brown or white substrates with good wet strength and high grease resistance. 12. Adds a high end look to the product. 13. Free trimming to any combination of sizes. 14. Manufactured by us in the UK. THE LEADING MANUFACTURERS OF CUSTOM PRINTED GREASEPROOF PAPERS (+44) 01327 301566 See the advert on page 2 for details.

Other new products include a wider selection of single, double and triple wall cups and a choice of eco sip lids made from CPLA, a renewable material created from plants. These lids complement Herald’s 8 oz, 12 oz and 16 oz hot paper cups, which have long been a market favourite based on quality and price. For further information on Herald and its products, log on to or call 0208 507 7900 to order a copy of the new catalogue.

The products consist of 8 oz, 12 oz and 16 oz kraft and white, lined, paper soup cups with lids; small, medium and large paper, recyclable chicken boxes; and 8 oz, 10 oz, 12 oz, 16 oz and 20 oz PET smoothie cups with flat, domed or domed with hole for a straw lids. Competitively priced, all three lines have already earned themselves a loyal customer base and Herald

The Infusion Solution Hospitality and catering companies looking to provide the most cost-effective service for tea and other infusions can try out the double-patented TEAPY T-4-1 free. Check out TEAPY Ltd’s claims of at least 40% reduction in labour cost and 70% reduction in storage space by obtaining a free trial set from with guidance on how to compare with your existing service(s) for tagged or untagged bags or loose leaf tea, fruit, herbal or other infusions.

tional teapot but with better, visible brew control, then flips and “docks” snugly to the mug as a disposal “tidy”. A complete TEAPY T-4-1 tea service with TEAPY, mug, teaspoon, milk jug and optional loose leaf infuser can be carried in one hand, or with more sets on a single tray, more safely, than any comparable service. Operators can build their own sets, by matching their own mugs and spoons to the right TEAPY.

With over 3 years proven performance and success in four industry awards, many have called it the biggest invention, or rather two inventions, since the tea bag.

It can also be used with hot chocolate (try mini-marshmallows served in the jug), mulled wine and coffee bags, for example from Taylor’s of York, in fact TEAPY T-4-1 is so good they patented it twice!

The TEAPY mug lid keeps the infusion hot, providing the brewing conditions of a conven-

Proper By SCT

Proper By SCT is now it its 3rd year supplying the trade/wholesale sectors for shop, camp site, touring sites, bar, hotels, butchers, farm shop and everything else in between. We now tick more boxes than anyone else in our field. Proper Pork Crackling: ALLERGEN FREE & KETO Delectable Nuts, Peanuts: VEGAN, GLUTEN FREE & KETO Delectable Nuts, Cashews: VEGAN & GLUTEN FREE

It's A Wrap - Custom Printed Greaseproof Papers JURA - Speciality Coffee Benefits of It’s a Wrap greaseproof paper

is expecting sales to increase going into 2021.

Visit www, or see the advert on page 17. Fabulous Fudge: GLUTEN FREE We not only supply are products pre packed but loose with a free 3L display jar, supplied in a large clip seal bucket for the perfectly free taste every time. which give you an even greater margin. All orders received before 2pm each day are sent out with FEDEX for next day delivery anywhere in the UK with European deliveries on a 3 day service. Our Proper Pork Crackling has a 6 months BB, Fabulous Fudge 6 Months and our Delectable Nuts 12 months. Our full range is available to see on our retail website so please call 01202875280 or email for a trade price list.

The GIGA X3c / X3 G2 allows JURA to impressively demonstrate Swiss innovation For lovers of speciality coffee, the updated WE8 auto- and professionalism matic coffee machine is now even more perfect. The down to the very last WE8 now prepares twelve different specialities at the detail. Anywhere where touch of a button. It now offers macchiato, espresso a capacity of up to 150 doppio, special coffees and hot water for green tea at cups is the order of the touch of a button. The new fine foam frother is business, the machine made from the highest impresses users with its quality materials and has a quality, functionality and stunning look and feel. reliability. Coupled with Specially designed for the top performance in every respect, this results in a high preparation of speciality tech automatic coffee machine that is ideally tailored to coffees with milk foam, it the requirements of hotel breakfasts, restaurants, bars makes cappuccino and and seminar / conference venues. Recommended maxiother beverages with the mum daily output 150 cups per day. very best fine textured Photos WE8 in chrome, GIGA X3 in aluminium. foam every time. Recommended maximum Visit or email for furdaily output 40 cups per ther information.. day.

Property and Professional

Issue 44

CLH Digital


Covid Uncertainty Forces Businesses to Rethink Contract Terms By Peter Kouwenberg, Taylor Walton ( There’s no getting away from the fact that global supply chains have been greatly affected by the outbreak of Covid-19 and the resulting lockdowns. To add to the problems, there is widespread confusion about where the responsibility for delayed, missed and incomplete deliveries should lay. These issues once again highlight the importance of carefully crafted ‘force majeure (FM)’ clauses, as a thoroughly drafted clause can effectively address issues arising from unexpected future events that are out of the control of the contracted parties. Although we are yet to see any significant judgments in large FM claims due to the time these cases take to reach court, Courts have handed down some judgments on injunctions related to FM clauses, stating that each one should be considered on its own words. Therefore, businesses should ensure that FM clauses are drafted thoroughly, so they can be effective in defending a breach of contract that comes as a direct result of the ongoing pandemic and Governmentimposed lockdown.


Finally, consider the overall impact on the contract as a consequence of FM being triggered, like termination rights. Then check your insurance position regarding a supplier invoking an FM clause or you having to, hoping to protect your business. Remember, if a contract does not include an FM clause, it may in limited circumstances be possible to seek redress on the basis of frustration, but this is a complex legal matter with very strict requirements to be met. In English law, the concept of frustration is that contract obligations may be discharged in their entirety if an event has occurred, without the fault of either party, that renders it physically or commercially impossible to fulfil the contract. Such an event might also transform the obligation to perform, into a radically different obligation from that agreed when the contract was signed, again allowing the obligation in the original contract to be discharged. However, it’s worth remembering the threshold for showing a contract is frustrated, is generally extremely high.

FORCE MAJEURE CLAUSE IS NOT A MAGIC BULLET If you are worried that the pandemic and resulting restrictions will impact ongoing operations, then it’s important to send a contractually compliant notice to the other party, so they can take steps to protect themselves from any disruptions.

When including an FM clause, it should enable the business to invoke a rights of suspension and/or termination of its duties and obligations under the contract.

Where possible, businesses should consider alternative ways of performing the contractual obligations, as this will help protect the relationship, instead of leaving the other party to pick up the pieces and work through it.

The inclusion of the words ‘epidemic’ and/or ‘pandemic’ in the clause may be sufficient to trigger FM. Where these terms have not been included, the emergency measures to address or contain any outbreak, like a travel ban or quarantine zones, may be sufficient to trigger FM.

Retaining written evidence of any disruption is essential, as either party may wish to take matters further, once the contract to supply has been terminated or suspended.

If a business seeks to invoke an FM clause, it must show that any failure to perform its contractual obligations cannot be attributed to other factors, such as any additional cost of performance.

Whilst we await the outcome of COVID-19 FM claims, there is plenty for businesses to consider, from checking contract clauses cover all possible eventualities to checking they have adequate insurance cover, but a review of standard contract terms and conditions is a crucial first step.

Any FM clause cannot be taken in isolation, but interact appropriately with the other terms of the contract, such as any obligation to mitigate loss, and the procedure to notify the other party.

KEY ACTIONS FOR BUSINESSES IN 2021 First off, businesses should sit down and review the existing terms and conditions of supply and/or purchase, carefully scrutinising all proposed new contract terms to see if FM is included within it. What is considered an FM event and what steps are involved in relying upon this clause? You must consider what effort to perform/minimise loss will be required from you and your supplier, so that bigger issues can be avoided if business performance is impacted.

About the author: Peter is an Associate Solicitor in the Corporate and Commercial department and deals with all types of commercial contract including terms and conditions of business, distribution agreements and subcontracting. He also has extensive experience leading mergers and acquisitions, including management buy outs and multi-million pound transactions, for a wide range of businesses. About the firm: Taylor Walton is a renowned regional law firm, with more than 150 dedicated professionals, working from offices in Luton, St Albans and Harpenden, providing for businesses and individuals a full range of legal services, including Employment, Commercial Litigation, Professional Negligence, Corporate & Commercial, Commercial Real Estate, Residential Conveyancing, Private Client and Family Law.

Weekly Figures Analysis & Reporting Service from David Hunter David Hunter has been in the business for over 30 years, and with his vast amount of experience has become an expert in ensuring that businesses reach their full financial potential. For years he’s provided a bespoke Mentoring & Consultancy service to a select few, and he has always provided with that, free-of-charge weekly figures analysis and reporting … yes, weekly. David has now come up with a way of making his amazing Mentoring & Consultancy service more accessible to the wider market, and for a lower monthly fee. Instead of being charged for monthly consultancy, you can now access David’s knowledge and expertise via his already-established and very well-used weekly figures reporting system. He will send you weekly reports on how your business is doing and will throw

in FOR NO EXTRA CHARGE AT ALL, four half-day on site Mentoring & Consultancy visits per year (or two full days, depending on location). He will also always be at the end of a phone for you, or email, if you needed him, and he also has access to legal experts as well as a ‘’tried and trusted’’ Bowden Group Alliance colleague who can advise you … again FREE OF CHARGE … on how to save money on your utility bills. If you have a Pub, Restaurant or Hotel business which is facing financial or operational challenges … why not let David have a look, and help you maximise your full potential. There is no cost to David having a look at your figures, and letting you know what COULD be achieved. Call David Hunter confidentially on 07831 407984 or on 01628 487613.

Meet Tia, from Waitress to Care Team Leader in Just 6 months! I joined Care UK four years ago after looking for a change from my waitressing job. I started as a Care Assistant and was new to care. I was provided with numerous training courses before I even started working on the floor, which helped me to gain an understanding of what working in care involved and the high standards expected. I felt confident in my role after my induction and really enjoyed spending time with the residents and the person centred approach Care UK have adapted.

I was promoted to Team leader six months after starting with Care UK. I was provided with all the training and guidance i required to climb up the career ladder and I am now a Unit Manager. I feel the opportunities for career progression within Care UK are head and shoulders above other care companies and the support from the management teams within the homes is invaluable.

The most enjoyable part of my role is adapting new person centred approaches to care, finding out what approach works best for individual residents allowing all residents to feel safe and comfortable within our home.

Working in care certainly has its challenges; we build strong bonds with our residents and relatives which revolve around trust and when they are no longer with us, it can often be a difficult time for us too. I feel well supported in my role and the whole home approach brings the team together during difficult times. Tia’s story is just one of hundreds of examples of people who have found their calling in care over the last few months. Search our vacancies and find out more about Care UK at or email

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