CLH Digital - Issue #55

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Issue 55

Hospitality Operators “Struggling” with Staff Shortages

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Hospitality operators are battling staff shortages as they prepare to welcome customers back indoors in just over 2 weeks’ time (May 17). With uncertainties surrounding travelling abroad, demand for domestic holiday accommodation is strong, and operators, particularly pubs bars and restaurants are expecting a busy summer, however, staff shortages may mean they have to limit opening hours as figures suggest more than one in ten UK hospitality workers left the industry in the last year.



Statistics reveal that in the 12 months to March 2021, the total number of paid employees in the country fell by 813,000, however, those employed in the hospitality sector were the worst affected accounting for 43% of the national total, with a loss of 355,000 employees over the period. Just over three quarters (78%) of those in hospitality losing their jobs were under the age of 35, and more than half who have lost jobs were under 25.



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CLH Digital

Editor's Viewpoint

Issue 55

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH DIGITAL “Never make an excuse for going to the pub, save it for leaving.” BENNY BELLAMACINA In a story in this issue (see page 6) MPs are calling on publicans and constituents to tell them what is needed for pubs to survive post pandemic. Where do I begin, and how long have you got? The invitation is, to my mind, rather disingenuous. Why?


Peter Adams

The sector has in recent years faced many challenges and lost many good businesses – pubs, bars, restaurants and hotels have closed. Granted there will be those that have been “mismanaged”, but they are a mere few, compared to those that simply found it too difficult to ‘swim against the tide’.

With pubs alone the decline has been steady for several decades. Long before the pandemic broke from 2000 to 2017, pub numbers declined by 12,450, or 20%, and between 2011 and 2017 pub numbers fell by 12%. Almost 21 pubs and bars have closed each day since the first coronavirus lockdown was imposed last year, according to statistics. Britain now has 7,592 fewer licensed premises than it did before the Covid-19 pandemic struck, with independent pubs and bars hit the hardest by the restrictions on trading. The “elephant was in the room” long before Covid forced the hospitality sector to close. The biggest issue hurting the sector is, to my mind, is alcohol duty. Alcohol taxation in the UK is highway robbery! My figures may be a little out of date, but I remember reporting that we pay around 53p per pint in beer duty, the second highest tax rate in Europe after Finland. Drinkers in Germany and Spain - two of the cheapest countries - are charged around 4p per pint in tax. While a UK pint costs an average £3.33, an equivalent beer in Germany works out at £2.30 while in Spain it is £1.75. When the government said it would lockdown for the festive period last year, the UK was expected to pay £300 million in beer duty for the month of December. This was more than the entire annual beer duty for 19 European countries and that was despite

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the fact that 85% of pubs were unable to open. According to Brewers of Europe data, Spain brewed 6.7 billion pints in 2018 and Britain brewed 7.4 billion pints. However, Spain collected £313 million in duty on their 6.7 billion pints, whereas we in the UK collected £3.6 billion in duty on our 7.4 billion pints.


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Furthermore, alcohol has always been significantly more expensive in pubs than in off-licences and supermarkets. Drinkers have traditionally been prepared to pay a premium for the experience of drinking in a pub, but it is not an experience that they will buy at any price. Successive rises in alcohol duty have made a round of drinks gradually less affordable for many. Added to that we did, prior to the pandemic, have one of the highest VAT levels on hospitality in Europe. Many EU countries saw the advantages of reducing VAT on out-of-home food, accommodation and entertainment, Germany cut theirs to 7%, Belgium 12%, Austria 10%, Italy 10%, Spain 10%, and France has had between 5.5% and 10% for many years, whereas ours was begrudgingly cut to 5% due to the pandemic. It is, I understand ,staying at 5% until September this year and then 12.5% until April 2022 After which we will go back to being one of the highest taxed countries for hospitality and tourism! I am sure there are many other factors, but high taxes are the most significant. For the British pub and hospitality sector to survive and thrive the government must implement long-term tax cuts, which as repeated studies have confirmed, would result in higher tax revenues collected for the Treasury.



EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Shelly Roche Published Publishedbyby

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Issue 55

CLH Digital


Hospitality Operators “Struggling” with Staff Shortages (....CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER)

ment challenge for the sector and we are likely to see the skills shortage it once faced starting to return.”

A combination of Brexit, lockdown closures and staff leaving to take up careers in other sectors, particularly adult social care has left pubs bars and restaurants struggling to find staff. Before Brexit, EU nationals made up between 12% and 24% of the total workforce in the UK hospitality industry, according to KPMG, but many left the country during the lockdowns. EU nationals now must obtain a visa in order to enter the country to work, which entails securing a job offer that meets, among other requirements, minimum salary levels. According to the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence, a research hub set up by the Office for National Statistics, Brexit has been a major consideration on foreign-born workers leaving the UK, but the pandemic has also driven many away, and the research hub estimates that about 158,000 non-UK workers have left or lost jobs in the accommodation and food services sector, Neil Pattison, director at hospitality sector recruitment site which has seen a surge in vacancies posted on its website said: “Many restaurants, pubs and bars have experienced a sudden surge in business due to built-up customer demand and an increase in consumer confidence which is great news for the hospitality industry. “However, the impact of the pandemic, combined with Brexit has the potential to create a significant recruit-

Phil Urban, chief executive of the Mitchells & Butler pub group, said in an interview: “There were a lot of chefs from the EU that aren’t able to come back, or not wanting to. “People are wise – if they move jobs they could fall between the furlough gap and nobody knows whether we’re open for good again now. “The last couple of times we’ve gone into lockdown, we’ve had a number of people who joined not long before lockdown and then didn’t qualify for Government help. It means they can’t pay rent. “We’re struggling to fill some specialist roles. We’re enduring a very bumpy road out of this.” Kate Nicholls, CEO of the UK Hospitality trade body, said recruitment is a “growing issue” among businesses in the sector and is more acute in areas such as London and among some roles including chefs. She urged the government to stick to its commitment to drop Covid-19 restrictions from 21 June and extend support for the sector. “Hospitality business’ ability to reopen will remain massively hampered until the government can deliver on its commitment to dropping legal requirement of Covid restrictions and measures on 21 June. Even then, with so many companies facing rent debts and business rates bills, after more than a year with little trading, many companies – and thousands more jobs – will be in jeopardy unless further support is forthcoming.

The charity is on the hunt for intrepid adventurers from across the UK who are willing to walk, run, cycle or push the 5,300 miles to Nicaragua, as a team, before 31st May. Springboard UK launched its virtual race earlier this year after postponing its 2020 trek to Nicaragua, due to the coronavirus pandemic. The annual trek, which has previously taken participants to destinations including Nepal, Vietnam and Borneo, has raised several thousand pounds for Springboard, whilst also supporting local community projects as part of each expedition. This year’s virtual race is being supported by platinum sponsors CH&Co, Nestlé and Lamb Weston.

Amy-Jane Cahalane, Marketing & Events Partner at Springboard UK, said: “We’re absolutely delighted at the response we’ve had to our virtual race so far. We certainly weren’t going to let COVID-19 get in the way of our fundraising efforts, and it’s heart-warming to see so many fantastic organisations and individuals from the hospitality sector rally behind us and help us to raise vital funds for Springboard, including over 25 sponsors. “With 30-35 members per team, if you don’t have enough members to start a team, individuals can also sign up and be placed in a team with space. The challenge can be broken down to 177 miles per person with a team of 30 on board – that’s just six miles per day. It’s a fantastic opportunity to support the hospitality industry, get fit and have a lot of fun along the way.” Participating teams will be able to track their progress and collective miles covered using the My Virtual Mission platform. Registration is £10 per person, which includes a goody bag, an official virtual race t-shirt and the opportunity to earn prizes throughout the month. Each team has pledged to raise £3,000 for Springboard as part of the challenge. Participants can register via If you are signing up as an individual, just write ‘assign a team’ in the team name box.


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UK charity, Springboard, dedicated to supporting unemployed people improve their career potential in the hospitality sector, is calling on industry professionals to dust off their walking boots and register to take part in its virtual race to Nicaragua before the final deadline on Friday 30th April.


Last Chance To Register For Springboard’s Virtual Race To Nicaragua


Will The Pandemic Derail GHG Emission Targets of the Hospitality Sector? 4

CLH Digital

Issue 55

By Kunal Sawhney, CEO of Kalkine ( In 2017, ITP, which is now called the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, had laid out targets for the hotel industry based on the Paris inter-governmental climate agreement. Many hotel groups have come forward and declared their targets. For instance, the Marriott group had pledged to bring down its carbon footprint by 15 per cent between 2016 and 2025. The Hilton group has pledged to reduce its direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its hotel branches and sites by 61 per cent by 2030, taking 2008 as the base year. The IHG’s 2030 target is a 15 per cent emission cut, and a 46 per cent reduction in its franchised hotels, taking 2018 as the base year. As per the latest data of ITP, the sector has slashed emissions by 55 per cent since 1990, meeting its 2025 target already.

The economies across the world have started to reopen, waiting to recover from the slumps of the pandemic. Though some sectors have already shown signs of recovery or have charted their path to recovery, the crippled hospitality sector worldwide, grappling with the year-long crisis, might have to face a double difficulty: meeting green targets set to meet global standards along with a post-pandemic recovery. As per UNWTO (The World Tourism Organization), the hotel industry contributes around 1 per cent of global emissions and this will obviously go up as the demand is set to grow in the future. A research done by the International Tourism Partnership (ITP) has shown that the hotel industry across the world must bring down its greenhouse gas emissions by 66 per cent by 2030 and 90 per cent by 2050 to keep the global temperature within the 2-degree Celsius limit as agreed at CoP21.


Apart from this, the industry had also pledged to reduce energy, water consumption, food wastage, bring down the use of single-use plastic, reducing operating and maintenance costs and raise awareness about sustainable practices. Food wastage is one of the biggest problems faced by the hospitality sector as the food we eat is responsible for global climate emissions of between 15 and 50 per cent. In 2020, the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) said that the UK's food and drink manufacturing sector was able to cut its emissions by some extent and intends to lower the emission by two-third by 2050.

print will be a difficult task. Catherine Dolton, vice-president of global corporate responsibility, InterContinental Hotels Group, explained that the road ahead will be harder than the pre-pandemic times as environmental improvements require a lot of upfront investment, which at present will be difficult as most owners and operators are struggling to stay afloat. She added that the 2030 targets may be achieved but the next few years might see very little movement. Dolton further added that though there is increased investor interest, the momentum has come down due to the pandemic and that the trend may continue for a few more quarters before the economy bounces back. She said that in the present scenario, green financing and government incentives can play a major role in supporting the green targets.

AFTER THE PANDEMIC Post pandemic, the situation has changed in a big way. As the hospitality sector is gradually reopening after a series of lockdowns and strict restrictions, the road to recovery will be a bit more challenging than the rest. Recently, the FDF, which has around 300 companies under its umbrella, said that the sector would meet its net-zero emission target by 2040. But with the tough situation during and after the pandemic, where hospitality companies, pub and restaurant owners have lost more than £200 million a day, following green measures and reducing carbon foot-

CAMRA Presents Three Unique Guides For Beer Beginners and Enthusiasts The Campaign for Real Ale’s (CAMRA) online learning platform Learn & Discover is now home to three new informative guides, for beginners and enthusiasts alike.

Katie Mather’s guide to Storing and Serving beer, and Alison Taffs’ video on the Journey of a cask are both available for non-members to get to view and share, while Ruvani de Silva’s guide to Kettle Souring can be read by CAMRA members. In her piece on storing and serving beer, Katie Mather looks at how the public has had to adapt their drinking habits over the past year, with pubs and hospitality closed due to the COVID pandemic, and many now drinking beer at home more often. Beer blogger-turned-food and drink writer Katie Mather presents her introductory guide to storing and serving beer at home. From ordering a tipple to the glassware to drink from, this article is a step-by-step tutorial to storing and serving your favourite beers at home for maximum enjoyment'. Click here to read Katie’s article: Meanwhile, drinks educator and micropub owner Alison Taffs guides

viewers through a beginner’s introduction to cask beer on its journey from the brewery to your glass at the bar. In this video guide, Alison will answer the questions: what exactly is cask beer? Why is it special or different? What does that mean to beer drinkers and their experience of drinking cask beer? Alison’s video guide can be watched here: What should be expected when ordering a drink that has been through the kettle souring process? In her technical and sensory guide, Ruvani de Silva explains what kettle-souring is, how it differs from how traditional sour beers are made, and why a brewer might choose to kettle-sour, including the impact on flavour. Ruvani also provides examples of US and UK breweries implementing the technique to great effect. Ruvani de Silva is a travel-loving beer writer, and a vocal advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion in beer. This piece is enthusiast level content, where non-members can see introductory content, and CAMRA members can read the whole article for free: Alex Metcalfe, CAMRA’s Learn & Discover Manager, said: “I am thrilled to be sharing these three exciting new pieces of content on CAMRA’s Learn & Discover platform. We have an exciting line-up in store for our audience throughout 2021, such as marking CAMRA’s 50th anniversary this year and other events like our May Cider Month.

I hope that members enjoy supporting greater awareness of cask beer for all fans of beer. These guides illustrate precisely what makes cask beer, an icon of our national brewing heritage, so unique, valuable and worth experiencing. Proper beer storage tips from Katie Mather are fantastic for those unable to return to the pub just yet and trying to enjoy a brew at home. This is our second Learn & Discover piece from Ruvani de Silva, and is a fascinating look at a lesser-known brewing technique that our enthusiasts will love hearing about. Thank you so much to our contributors for sharing their wealth of knowledge and giving their time to creating content for us!” CAMRA’s online learning platform is home to a wealth of new content from writers, educators and experts. New guides, articles, videos and audio content are added every week exploring everything there is to know about beer, cider, perry and pubs. All new content includes free intros and taster sessions for nonmembers, so that visitors to the site can get a feel for the benefits of a CAMRA membership. To access member-only content, CAMRA members simply need to sign in at the top of the webpage with their membership number and password. Non-members can join the campaign for just £26.50*/year. A CAMRA membership helps CAMRA’s campaigning efforts to save pubs during this difficult time. You can join by visiting

Foodservice Inflation Likely To Rise As The Sector Reopens Several months of falling food and non-alcoholic drinks prices are expected to come to an end as the hospitality industry reopens, the latest edition of the Foodservice Price Index from CGA and Prestige Purchasing reveals. Figures for the February 2021 Index show the total ‘food basket’ price falling by 2.6% on January 2021, though it was up 2.2% on a year-on-year basis. There were notable dips in dairy and fish / seafood prices, caused by Brexit-related falls in export volumes. The speed of resolution on issues including problematic customs processes and an EU ban on

imports of certain UK shellfish will be a key factor in reducing supply and price volatility during the rest of 2021. As the sector takes the first cautious steps out of lockdown and sales volumes recover, the Foodservice Price Index suggests that a repeat of the considerable firming of prices experienced during the sector’s unlocking in Summer 2020 can now be expected. The easing of deflationary Brexit pressures and the introduction of new government policies around debt, taxation and inflation gradually may also bolster prices.

Fiona Speakman, CGA Client Director – Food, said: “After a tumultuous 2020 and early 2021, it is heartening to see the hospitality sector starting to return, and the success of the vaccine rollout raises confidence that consumer spending will bounce back well as the year goes on. However, these figures are reminders that foodservice supply remains volatile, and that the many impacts of both COVID and Brexit will be felt for some time to come. All businesses will need to stay alert to pricing issues if they are to make a positive start to the recovery journey.”

Government Drops Mandatory ‘Covid Passport’ Plans for Pubs and Restaurants Issue 55

In an interview with BBC Breakfast earlier this week, business minister Nadhim Zahawi ruled out any form of Covid certification for pubs and restaurants visitors as the UK approaches the next stage of re-opening the economy on May 17.

Earlier this month Alan Miller, co-founder of the Night-Time Industries Association (NTIA), launched a charter calling for business owners from the hospitality and licensed on trade, restaurants, pubs and bars, nightclubs and restaurants and event organisers to sign up to a pledge that they will not request vaccine passports for visitors to enter their premises.

Mr Zahawi said: “We didn’t need them (Covid passports) to open up pub gardens on 12 April. We won’t need them to go into pubs or restaurants on 17 May.” However, pub and restaurant owners will be left to decide on their own terms of entry.

Plans for the use of so-called vaccine passports had drew considerable anger among Conservative MPs, after Boris Johnson had suggested in several interviews that he backed their use. Trials have been taking place at various sporting events over the last few weeks, which has seen attendees tested both before and after it takes place. People will not necessarily have to prove they have received the vaccine for the passports, if they have not yet received it, they can also show proof of a recent negative test or proof that they have tested positive for Covid-19 antibodies. It is thought such a scheme could lead to


“The Government must now stick to its reopening roadmap, and double down on efforts to encourage to people socialise safely in pubs and social clubs by introducing a new, lower, rate of duty for draught beer, and extending the business rates holiday.”

Compulsory Covid status certificates (vaccine passports) to enter pubs and restaurants are now “off the menu” with the government’s review recommending that documents are required only for larger events.

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Michael Gove is expected to set out progress on the review into Covid certification in a written statement to the Commons, however, the review is still ongoing and subject to change and will report back next month.

CLH Digital

the relaxing of social distancing rules. Nik Antona, CAMRA Chairman said:“This was the right call to make – a vaccine passport scheme would have been another nightmare set of rules for licensees to enforce and potentially exclusionary to some consumers. “The social and wellbeing benefits of pub going should be available to everyone, and the Government still has not provided any evidence that hospitality businesses have been a major vector for virus transmissions – so we saw no reason why the sector should be singled out for more unfair treatment. “Licensees will be breathing a sigh of relief – especially as many are still getting to grips with new rules on registering all customers in groups for Test and Trace, and planning for indoor reopening in May.

The charter’s homepage reads “We have no axe to grind politically and many of us think the vaccine roll-out has been tremendous for those who wish to take it. We also know that for many reasons some will not have a vaccine.” “Furthermore, we do not believe it is right that we, as premises and promoters, should demand to see proof of medical records or health status. The majority of people in the UK have chosen to be vaccinated.” “There are many practical and logistical issues for us alongside civil liberty and discrimination considerations more broadly for society if venues or events insist on seeing any kind of health-related documents.” “For that reason, we have signed up to the Licensed Premises & Events Charter – OPEN FOR ALL which means that we shall not be forcing our patrons to show us any documentation referring to health status in order to gain entry.” The charter has drew a cross section of signatories from the industry and has seen over 300% increase in signatories since April 14.


CLH Digital

Issue 55

MPs Ask Publicans and Constituents: Tell Us What Pubs Need to Survive and Thrive Post-Pandemic A cross-party group of MPs wants to know what the Government should be doing to promote the future of pubs as the heart of communities, and what support the trade will need to thrive through reopening and beyond. The All Party Parliamentary Pub Group (Pubs APPG) brings together Members of Parliament from all parties and all parts of the UK and campaigns to protect and promote the great British local. While Brits usually flock to the pub over Bank Holiday weekends, trade this year will be severely affected – even for pubs that can currently open. The BBPA estimates that pubs missed out on selling 85 million pints over the recent Easter Bank Holiday alone.

Evidence can be submitted on the Pubs APPG website at and will be used by MPs to produce recommendations to the Government about what action needs to be taken to help pubs survive ongoing restrictions in the next few weeks and months, as well as longer term measures to support the industry in the future. Launching the inquiry, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Pubs Group Charlotte Nichols MP said: “It’s been over a year since pubs first closed to help stop the spread of COVID-19. We know that the pandemic has had a massive effect on the people who run pubs, and the communities around them. “The Pubs APPG wants to listen to the people who have made pubs the heart of so many communities. We hope that everyone, from licensees who run a small village pub to national trade organisations, will get involved and make their voices heard.”

Now the Pubs APPG is launching an inquiry into the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on pubs and people to assess the impact of the restrictions of the pandemic and to seek views from landlords, staff and pub-goers about the effects of lockdowns, tier restrictions and support packages on pubs’ prospects for the future – as well as the human impact on licensees, bar staff and consumers who haven’t been able to get down the pub for months during the pandemic.

Nik Antona, Chair of the Campaign for Real Ale which is supporting the All Party Parliamentary Pub Group’s inquiry commented: “As consumers, we have all missed being able to visit our locals. CAMRA believes that pubs play a vital role in tackling loneliness and social isolation – and we want to play our part in ensuring that pubs can survive the pandemic and thrive in the future.

In addition to holding evidence sessions with MPs, the group wants to hear from as many landlords, pub staff and pub-goers as possible about the importance of pubs and what the Government needs to be doing to support them, so they don’t have to close their doors for good as a result of the COVID crisis.

“I would urge anyone who cares about pubs to take part in the Pubs APPG inquiry and share their views on the impact of the pandemic on pubs, and what the Government should do to help them thrive in the future.”

Owners of Premier Inn Reveal £1bn Loss as Pandemic Forced Closure of Hotels The Premier Inn owner Whitbread has reported a pre-tax £1bn loss as sales fell by almost 75% due to Covid-19 lockdowns, however, the hospitality group said summer bookings had surged. As the Covid-19 pandemic forced the closure of sites across the group, which also includes the Beefeater and Brewers Fayre pub-restaurant chains, revenues fell 71% to £589m in what was “one of the most challenging years” in its 279-year history, according to the chief executive, Alison Brittain.

travel and event-led demand “to gradually recover” later this year. The group said its balance sheet and liquidity position remained strong, enhanced by last year’s £1b rights issue and the £550m green bond issue in February. At the end of the financial year, the business had access to £1.3b cash and an undrawn revolving credit facility of £950.0m.

However, Whitbread said it was “investing to win” for 2022 and expects to invest more than £350m, including opening an extra 2,000-3,000 rooms in the UK and its first major marketing campaign this month, which saw the return of Sir Lenny Henry to promote the brand.

Chief executive Alison Brittain said: “The last financial year was one of the most challenging in our 279-year history, as we operated under significant Covid restrictions which had many implications for our businesses, our customers and our people. Our business model enabled us to respond rapidly to the changing restrictions and to quickly adapt our operations as required, prioritising the health and safety of our colleagues and our customers. “This response was possible due to the efforts of our colleagues in our hotels, restaurants and support centre, who continue to work tirelessly to maintain our very high operating standards, customer service and health and safety. I am extremely proud of, and grateful for, their incredible hard work and commitment in this most difficult year.”

Occupancy levels were just 23% in January and 29% in February, and the company said the record loss was in part a result of a £348 million impairment charge on its portfolio in Germany. 92% of Whitbread’s hotels are now open and the company said it is expecting “strong demand” for “staycations” throughout summer, and expects business

Reading College Student Wins Riso Gallo Orin's Seafood Young Risotto Chef Of The Year 2021 Risotto Recipe Orin Perry, from Reading College, has won the fourth Young Risotto Chef of the Year competition, held by Italian Rice & Risotto experts Riso Gallo, on 21st April 2021.

Orin won an all expenses paid three day work experience at Heston Blumenthal’s renowned The Fat Duck Restaurant in Bray. When safe to do so, he will also visit the Riso Gallo rice mill in Italy to understand more about how the rice is grown and produced. Orin, aged 18, cooked a Seafood Risotto that really impressed the judges. “I found this recipe in my great grandma’s cooking box and my mum told me how it had changed over the years with a bit of influence from each generation”, Orin explained. “It started without seafood and used all Italian cheese. My grandma added the seafood while in America and my mum changed the cheese when she lived in Amsterdam”. Orin commented, “It was a huge surprise to win and I am really looking forward to the opportunity of cooking in such a prestigious kitchen.” His plans for the future include one day having his own restaurant in New York. Edward Cooke, Head Chef at The Fat Duck, said, “We’re looking forward to welcoming Orin. He will learn how we dress plates in The Fat Duck Kitchen and will be working on food preparation and in the pastry section. He will be

able to reflect on this unique learning through his career.”


Paul Gayler, Chairman of the judges, said “In these difficult pandemic times we live in it was extremely heartening to see twelve young committed and talented chefs battling it out online to produce some superb cooking at the Final”.

160g Carnaroli rice

“Orin’s beautifully prepared seafood risotto was a sheer triumph of seafood cookery and a masterfully prepared risotto. The balance of flavours and textures were truly outstanding and the dish perfectly executed, making him a very worthy winner.” The twelve finalists, all L2 and L3 catering students, cooked live in their respective college kitchens as part of a virtual event with the judges watching remotely. Each college also had an independent tasting judge present to watch over the cooking competition, to mark on skills, hygiene and wastage and to taste the final dishes. The runner up Luis Balan will have a three day cooking experience with Executive Chef and Professional Masterchef finalist Danilo Cortellini at The Italian Embassy in London. The team at Il Luogo di Aimo e Nadia in Milan have also offered a 3 day stage to Jon Barr, from Ulster University, in their 2 Michelin starred restaurant working alongside Fabio Pisani and Alessandro Negrini. In addition, as the standard of entries was so high and the final result so close, Francesco Dibenedetto , Head Chef at Bibendum in London also offered a 3 day stage at the restaurant to Lewis Douglass, from North Herts College. Jason Morrison, MD Riso Gallo UK commented; “For over 165 years, Riso Gallo has supplied many of the top chefs across the world with Italian rice of the highest quality. We understand their passion and commitment to their craft, and the years of training they undertake. We launched this competition to help foster and reward the next generation, who can inject personality, passion and creativity into their own vibrant, exciting risotto dish. Our Young Risotto Chef competition has gone from strength to strength each year thanks to the passion and commitment of our team and supporters.”

1 small onion 1 garlic clove 1 ⁄2 spoon of sugar 400g Tin tomatoes 120g Parmesan & Gouda cheese 2oz Italian white wine 1 ⁄2 litre veg/fish stock 100g Prawns 75g Muscles Bunch of Fresh parsley

RECIPE METHOD: • Dice your onion and garlic • Brown them in a saucepan and then add the tomatoes, sugar and stock and let cook for around 5 mins. • In a separate saucepan brown your rice in some olive oil then add your wine. • Gradually add your tomatoes and stock to the rice letting it adsorb each time. • When just undercooked add the cheese and seafood, save a few pieces of sea food to add to the top at the end. Let it all cook through and serve with parsley and seafood.

Limiting Capacity in Pubs & Restaurants 'Does Not Reduce Risk of Catching COVID-19' Issue 55

Research has revealed that reducing capacity does not cut the risk of catching Covid in well-ventilated indoor spaces Professors Martin Bazant and John Bush from the world renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) say the ‘six foot rule’ that encourages people to socially distance in public has no solid basis in science. They explained that the risk of being exposed to the coronavirus indoors is the same whether people are six feet or 60 feet apart, and that this risk is low in well-ventilated spaces. Bazant and Bush developed a model to calculate indoor exposure risk based on time spent inside, air filtration and circulation, immunizations, respiratory activity, variants and mask use. The guideline they developed suggests a limit for exposure time, based on the number of people, the size of the space, the kinds of activity, whether masks are worn, and the ventilation and filtration rates.

Opening windows or installing new fans to keep the air moving could be just as effective or more effective than spending large sums of money on a new filtration system, said Professor Bazant. “Our analysis also shows that many rooms that have actually been closed do not have to be closed. Often the room is big enough, the ventilation is good enough, the time people spend together is so big rooms can be even at full capacity safely operated, and the scientific support for reduced capacity in these rooms is really not very good, “explained Bazant. “I think if you enter the numbers, even now, for many types of rooms, you will find that no occupancy restrictions are required.” “We argue there really isn’t much of a benefit to the 6-foot rule, especially when people are wearing masks,” Bazant said in an interview with CNBC. “It really has no physical basis because the air a person is breathing while wearing a mask tends to rise and comes down elsewhere in the room so you’re more exposed to the average background than you

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are to a person at a distance.” Bazant said that guidelines enforcing indoor occupancy limits are flawed and the important variable the CDC and the WHO have overlooked is the amount of time spent indoors. “What our analysis continues to show is that many spaces that have been shut down in fact don’t need to be,” Professor Bazant told CNBC. As for outdoor social distancing, Professor Bazant says it makes practically no sense and that outdoor social distancing with masks on is “kind of crazy.” “When you look at the flow of air outside, the infected air is swept away and is very unlikely to cause transmission. There are very few recorded cases of outdoor transmission.” he said. “Crowded outdoor spaces could be a problem, but if people keep a reasonable distance of about three feet outside, I feel pretty comfortable with it even without masks.

Last Chance to Enter Cedar Dean’s Survey on the Government Call for Evidence on Rent As the Rent Moratorium comes to an end on 30th June, thousands of operators risk imminent closure as they will be unable to pay their rent arrears owed to landlords for the period of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Government's Call for Evidence closes on 4th May and is an opportunity for operators to provide feedback, however it is 93 questions, lengthy, cumbersome and time consuming. Leading leisure property advisors Cedar Dean have created a simplified survey, which also closes next Tuesday. It is 12 questions and takes a few minutes to complete and should provide key elements of an industry response. Peter Thornton, Australian CFO of London’s only non-stop live music

venues The Piano Works, and David Abramson, CEO of Cedar Dean, are calling on the government to resolve the rent crisis by following Australia’s successful rent relief scheme so that thousands of commercial businesses who have been impacted by Covid-19 can survive past the end date of the Rent Moratorium. The Australian government’s rent relief scheme made it mandatory for landlords to agree to a reduction in rent payable in proportion to the reduction in the tenant’s business during Covid-19. The scheme mandated landlords waive 50% of the total reduction in rent payable and accept deferral of the remaining balance paid back in instalments over the remaining time on their lease. It also ensured that landlords

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must not draw on a tenant’s security for the non-payment of rent and that banks had to offer leniency to landlords, creating a viable solution for all parties. We sadly do not have a scheme like this available in the UK, and if nothing happens, we will see widespread closures and job losses across the industry. All of the government support offered so far will be in vain. To date, 92% of respondents to the Cedar Dean survey are in favour of the government adopting the Australian Rent Relief Model to resolve the rent crisis. Make sure you have your say and fill in the survey here:

Covid Compliance – Significant Vs Serious Risk 8

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Issue 55

With the roadmap to ease coronavirus restrictions now in place, the Health & Safety Executive continues to come under pressure to increase its risk classification of COVID-19, which would make it easier to serve prohibition notices for businesses that fail to meet their obligations. Peter Hampson, head of regulatory at law firm Gordons (, examines what this could mean for employers in hospitality. The roadmap is now in place and hospitality businesses are preparing for phased reopenings in April, May and June. Caterers and hoteliers – like those businesses in many other industries – continue to cross their fingers that the data will keep supporting the roadmap so that they can reopen to customers in line with the roadmap. In the meantime, there is plenty of work going on behind closed doors to make sure they are ready. One of the biggest challenges to hospitality businesses throughout the pandemic, including through the periods of stop/start reopenings in 2020, has been in getting the right hygiene measures in place. The Government, Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and Food Standards Agency (FSA) have all published guidance to support businesses in the last 12 months, with support also on hand from local authorities. Increased hygiene and cleaning processes have been a pre-requisite, together with social distancing, mask wearing, signage and other in-venue measures to help reduce the risk of transmission.

THE IMPACT OF NON-COMPLIANCE For some months now, businesses have faced the threat of improvement and prohibition notices if they fail to meet their obligations. Notably, the HSE has repeatedly warned of spot checks across all industries. In Parliament in February, Mims Davies, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, said that the HSE has carried out over 110,000 COVID-19 spot checks and responded to over 18,000 concerns since the start of the pandemic. Its evidence, Mims Davies said, shows that more than 90% of the businesses checked have the right precautions in place or are willing to make necessary changes promptly and without the need for enforcement notices. What these statistics fail to highlight is that the HSE had issued just two prohibition notices for breaches of

workplace COVID-secure standards up to 19th February 2021, both in the oil and gas industry. There has, of course, been other action taken. Up to the same date, there had been 6,429 COVID-19 related cases resulting in an outcome of verbal advice (2,030 in service sectors), 1,422 COVID-19 related interventions resulting in an outcome of written correspondence (367 in service sectors) and 212 improvement notices served (53 in service sectors).

RECLASSIFYING RISK? Part of the reason for the lack of prohibition notices and prosecutions has been the HSE’s classification of COVID-19 as a “significant” risk, rather than “serious” within its Enforcement Management Model (EMM), which makes its far harder to justify such actions. With retail and hospitality preparing to reopen, there have been calls to reclassify that risk and put greater pressure on operators to meet their obligations. Trade unions and the Labour Party in particular have been calling for change, concerned about employee welfare after various reports of employees being forced into work against their will. The Observer reports that there have been 3,500 outbreaks in UK workplaces since the start of the pandemic. If that happens, there is every reason to expect that more improvement and prohibition notices will be served. However, while businesses should be aware of any change, there is no reason why they should be concerned if they are implementing the correct procedures.

COVID-SECURE MEASURES My advice now is the same as it has been throughout the pandemic. Irrespective of classification in the HSE’s EMM, strong hygiene procedures and best practice measures will enable any business to reopen safely and lessen chances of the spread. It will also prevent any enforcement action by the HSE or local authority. It is important for any employer to recognise that things are not like they were in 2019. All employers have obligations under the Health & Safety Act 1974 to ensure the safety of their own employees and non-employees. Whilst it is true that this requires more effort now than it did pre-pandemic, it certainly doesn’t mean it is not achievable. Use the guidance available on the HSE and websites, undertake the necessary risk assessments and put the correct measures in place. If you follow the correct procedures, you can be confident of compliance if and when the HSE undertakes a spot check – however it classifies risk.

Somerset Village Pub Celebrates Under Community Ownership The villagers of Stoke Saint Gregory on the Somerset Levels, are in high spirits, as their Heart of The Village Project, (HOTV ) is reaching a significant milestone with bringing their pub, The Royal Oak, back into use, pulling pints and much more. FIRST ORDERS: Local residents raise a glass or two, in celebration of the Royal Oak in Stoke St Gregory reopening its doors under Community ownership. After three years of hard work, the village pub, which also serves as the Village Shop, Café and part time Post Office, is now open again, thanks to the dedication of its community shareholders and many volunteers who have transformed the empty premises into a community pub, cafe and garden. The Royal Oak had its grand re-opening, (although confined to the restored garden, due to Covid restrictions), with a great turn-out of villagers coming to celebrate the return of their local hostelry, which lies in the heart of the village. The 1st pint was pulled by eighty years old, Pete Nicholas and his wife, Sue, who have lived in the village all their lives. Pete was born in one of the rooms upstairs of the pub. Pete’s father ran the pub for 9 years back in the 40’s and he is pictured (attached) as a 12 year old sitting on the front door step of the pub. Visitors have been ecstatic about the transformation of The Royal Oak. The village can be proud of what has been achieved. It looks amazing and hopefully will bring some much needed good cheer in these challenging times. Everyone is really impressed with how nice it looks and the village as a whole is pleased to have its pub back and its shop saved in the process. A spokesperson said “So many wonderful people have supported the local communities throughout the Covid pandemic and we applaud our “community superstars” for the hundreds of voluntary hours they have given to achieve this milestone”.

“The Pub will open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays until May 17th, when we hope that we will be able to extend our opening hours and include inside tables. Our Shop in the Pub has been leading the way and showing by example that community pubs are more than just pubs, they are diverse hubs of community involvement even at a time of social distancing. We have seen enterprising, innovative and evolving ideas emerge, keeping people and the Stoke St Gregory village community safely connected.” Despite facing one of the toughest challenges on record, our volunteers continued to go above and beyond during the Covid-19 pandemic, they continued to fly the HOTV flag in the face of unprecedented challenges, since the first lockdown was announced, which have been highlighted and exacerbated over the past year during the Covid-19 pandemic Stoke Saint Gregory, was in danger of losing its heart. Its Pub closed and in the past year, its only shop closed and moved into a temporary shipping container. The Community clubbed together and raised sufficient funds to buy the pub. It has been all hands to the pumps ever since. When the first national ‘lockdown’ arrived in March 2020, for us it was never an option to stand our volunteers and services down, we kept our team focused on their missions and committed to finding new ways of remaining available and responsive to those that need us. For all of us it meant finding novel ways of working and embracing improvisation and learning. It has been, and continues to be, a hugely challenging and exhausting period. Managing the extreme uncertainty caused by the pandemic has been at the heart of our response. Spokesperson, Graham Gleed The village community has a very optimistic outlook in establishing a newly refurbished Pub and Hub for the village, owned by the community for the community”.

Hospitality Restrictions Ease In Wales and Scotland Restrictions on hospitality businesses in Wales and Scotland will ease from today, with outdoor service allowed in Wales and an indoor reopening in Scotland with restrictions. Scotland moves from Level 4 to Level 3 of its five tiers of restrictions meaning that cafes, restaurants, and beer gardens can open, as well as with non-essential shops, gyms, swimming pools, libraries, galleries and museums. Hospitality will have to close at 8pm indoors, with alcohol only permitted to be served outside until 10pm, however, these rules will be eased on 17 May when pubs can open indoors until 10.30pm. People can meet for a meal or drink and up to six people from two households can socialise indoors in a public space, such as a cafe or restaurant. In Wales, pubs, restaurants, cafes, and other hospitality can now reopen outdoors. Organised outdoor activities can resume for up to 30 people, as well as outdoor wedding receptions and outdoor visitor attractions.

Also set to reopen are outdoor entertainment venues, theme parks, outdoor swimming pools, drive-in events, car boot sales, and outdoor visitor attractions. Restrictions were eased on Saturday to allow six people to meet outdoors, although indoors meetings are still only allowed in very limited circumstances. First Minister, Mark Drakeford said: “The public health situation in Wales continues to improve thanks to everything you are doing to help us control this awful virus. Cases of the virus are falling and our incredible vaccination programme continues to go from strength to strength. “Last week, we set out our programme to further reopen the economy and relax the restrictions we have lived with for so long, as part of our careful, step-by-step approach to keeping everyone safe. This week, because of the improvements we continue to see, we can bring forward some of our plans. “This is only possible because of the efforts everyone is making to protect themselves and their loved ones.”

Young Adults and Pubs Power Hospitality’s First Week Back Young adults are leading consumers’ return to hospitality, pubs are benefiting most from outdoor service, and confidence levels are much higher than after England’s previous big lockdown. Those are three of the top insights into England’s post-lockdown market in CGA’s Consumer Pulse survey this week, which revealed that nearly half (44%) of British adults have been back to hospitality venues, despite being limited to outdoor service. The survey shows that 45% of these returning consumers are aged 18 to 34. However, older age groups have been more hesitant, with fewer than a quarter (23%) of visits coming from people aged 55 and over. Good weather and beer gardens are pulling consumers towards pubs ahead of restaurants so far. Just over half (54%) of those who have been out have visited a pub, while around a third (35%) have been to restaurants, where outdoor space tends to be more limited.

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The Consumer Pulse survey has encouraging signs of consumers’ confidence. Two thirds (66%) of respondents say they didn’t feel nervous about visiting venues—19 percentage points up on those feeling anxious after hospitality’s reopening from the first national lockdown last summer. Nearly nine in ten (88%) said they felt less nervous or no different after their visits—up 15 percentage points from July 2020. CGA’s research has shown how many consumers have stayed close to home when eating and drinking out since the pandemic hit, and those habits have extended into the latest reopening. The convenience of a venue to visit (26%), and the fact that it was local (25%) have been the two most important considerations when consumers choose where to go out. After a strong first week of sales for venues that have been able to trade, the momentum of visits looks set to continue, with nearly half of

consumers in England planning their next visit in either the next few days (19%) or the next week (28%). Hannah Payne, CGA’s consumer research manager, said: “It’s encouraging to see good levels of consumer confidence in the early days of reopening, and if the good weather holds then we can expect even more people to make their way back to pubs, bars and restaurants over the next week. The challenge now is to encourage visits among older demographics, who will be more concerned than younger adults about safety and crowds.”

Lord Smith of Hindhead Calls Out “Nonsense Advice” From Industry Body

Lord Smith pointed out; “This advice has since been dismissed by Ministers and the UK’s Medicines and

This speech was made following the first easing of Government restrictions on 12th April, where the British Beer and Pub Association reported that only 40% of pubs were able to reopen and trade. Lord Smith finally remarked: “The last thing we need at this point in the pandemic is for people to be afraid to take their vaccination and afraid to socialise with their friends over an alcoholic drink if that’s what they choose to do. I know when I have my second jab, I shall celebrate by raising a gin and tonic to all those who have worked so tirelessly to make the vaccine possible and who have helped in such an enormous unrepayable way to save lives and get the UK back on its feet.”

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“we advise that you consider not drinking for two days before, and up to two weeks after you’ve been vaccinated, to try to ensure your immune system is at its best to respond to the vaccine and protect you.” Dr Fiona Sim, Panel Chair, Drinkaware.

Lord Smith concluded by saying; “Yes, of course overconsumption of alcohol is unhealthy, but our modernday temperance movement needs to temper creating fear and to start acknowledging that most people have common sense and just enjoy a modest drink.”


He went on to refer to Drinkaware’s precautionary advice about alcohol and the Covid-19 vaccine, issued in January 2021, which stated:

Lord Smith continued; “I have to say that questions should be raised with Drinkaware about how this irresponsible advice could ever have been given, not least by the drinks industry which for some unknown reason continues to fund them. The problems caused by this type of ‘nonsense’ advice is that they help to create a sense that all advice on alcohol consumption is ‘nonsense’. They undermine the sound and sensible advice which is being given by both government and related health industries.”


Lord Smith asserted: “Throughout this pandemic we have seen the effects which lower socialisation has had on people’s health and mental health. I have always believed that a society which socialises together is a stronger and healthier society. Although alcohol does not have to be integral to a healthy social life; moderate alcohol consumption undoubtedly plays a large part in British culture and in the social life of many millions of people who enjoy pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants or indeed entertaining at home.”

Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Not least because there has been not one study which has tested any correlation between alcohol and the efficacy of either of the vaccines on offer in the UK today, a fact that even Drinkaware acknowledged.” This advice remains on Drinkaware’s website.


In a debate on the Alcohol Harm Commission: Report 2020 in the House of Lords last week, Lord Smith of Hindhead impressed the importance of a healthy balance in the debate on alcohol consumption and the need to be more careful about how the negatives of consuming alcohol is given.

Solid First Week for Pub and Restaurant Groups as Consumers Toast Reopening Issue 55


down on the equivalent week in April 2019.

Managed pub and restaurant groups have made a robust start to postlockdown trading in England, the latest figures from the Coffer CGA Business Tracker show.

While sales are well down on what we would expect in a normal April, managed groups are returning well after months of closure,” said Karl Chessell, business unit director – hospitality operators and food, EMEA at CGA, the business insight consultancy that produces the Tracker in partnership with The Coffer Group and RSM. “Pubs benefited from the widespread sunshine and the eagerness of consumers to drink out again after so long at home. With the weather set fair and consumers reassured about the safety of outdoor hospitality, we can expect the positive start to eating and drinking out to continue.”

The Tracker indicates that like-for-like sales in the week from Monday 12 to Sunday 18 April were down a modest 24% on the equivalent period two years ago—despite being limited to outside trading, and facing a strong comparative week in April 2019 that included Easter. Pubs performed better than restaurants across the first week back, as consumers celebrated the return of hospitality in beer gardens and other outdoor spaces. Like-for-like sales in managed drink-led pubs were down by 11% year-on-year, and by 22% in pub restaurants. The grouprun restaurant segment recorded a 34% drop, and like-for-like sales were weakest of all in bars, at 37% down. With service still limited to outdoors, the managed sector remains well below capacity. The Tracker shows that around two in five (39%) of groups’ venues were open for on-site dining and drinking last week, though some other venues were operating for takeaways and deliveries. Trading capacity was higher in the drink-led pubs (44%) and restaurants

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(43%) segments, and lower among pub restaurants (27%) and bars (25%). With the majority of sites still closed, total sales last week were 57%

However, it’s important to remember that managed groups have so far been unable to open well over half of their pubs, restaurants and bars in England, and none at all in Scotland and Wales, and some consumers remain cautious about going out. Total sales will be far off pre-pandemic levels for some time to come, and businesses will need support from local and central government as they embark on the long road to recovery.” A total of 47 companies provided data to the latest edition of the Coffer CGA Business Tracker.

UKinbound and Seven Tourism Bodies Call for Government Action UKinbound and seven leading tourism bodies have written to the Prime Minister to highlight that the survival and recovery of over 200,000 city tourism and hospitality businesses they represent is dependent on international travellers returning to the 69 cities located across the UK. The letter outlined that city restaurants, bars, hotels, shops, theatres, visitor attractions and inbound tour operators and intermediaries who bring in over 50% (Source: VisitBritain) of all international visitors to the UK and arrange for them to visit cities across the country - will struggle to remain profitable and viable if international visitors do not return this year. An international visitor to the UK will spend an average of £696 during their trip (Source: ONS), however an average domestic tourist will spend just over a third of this, £239 (Source: Great British Tourism

Survey). The British public would need to take an additional 55.8 million overnight leisure trips this year to make up for the lack of international visitors; however, VisitBritain has forecast that spending on domestic holidays in the UK in 2021 will drop by 33%, compared to 2019. Alongside stressing the need to safely welcome back international visitors to the UK via a risk-based approach, the letter included three key asks of the Prime Minister and Government – • Fluid, easy access to the UK for inbound visitors from green countries • A cost-effective testing system, including the removal of VAT • Funds for VisitBritain to start international marketing of the UK abroad ASAP Joss Croft, CEO, UKinbound said “As we progress from Step 2 to


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Step 3 in the reopening roadmap it is critical that cities are not left behind as the country moves forward with recovery. We can’t rely on domestic tourism to make up for the short fall and spend of international visitors, especially in our cities. “As we forge ahead with a new Global Britain post Brexit, the success of cities across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will be vital. We face the prospect of boarded up shops and restaurants, and the vibrant heart and soul of our cities disappearing if international visitors and their vital revenue doesn’t return.” The letter was signed by Airlines UK, Association of International Retail, Cities Restart, New West End Company, Northern Ireland Tourism Alliance, Road Haulage Association Coaches, Tourism Alliance and UKinbound.

Restaurants Hold Industry-High Levels of Public Approval for Infection Control 12

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Issue 55

with 22.2% of survey respondents viewing pubs and bars as having “poor” hygiene and infection control standards, and only 38.6% currently holding a positive opinion. Hotels rank better than pubs and bars but worse than restaurants, with 45.8% of those surveyed believing that hygiene standards are currently either “good” or “excellent” and just over an eighth (12.2%) of customers hold a negative opinion. It is clear that having a strong reputation for hygiene and infection control is now critical to public trust, with the report also highlighting that 77% of the public hold greater concerns in this area compared to the year previously – attributing this change directly to COVID-19. The same research also showed that if a hospitality business had a poor reputation in regard to hygiene, 65.1% of the public would never use the business again due to the heightened infection risk. With the hospitality sector reopening its doors to customers as COVID-19 restrictions ease, pubs and bars are most in danger of missing out on key trade due to poorly perceived hygiene and infection control standards.

JLA carried out the research as part of its “Infection Insights” campaign to improve customer reassurance and peace of mind across the hospitality industry as businesses in the sector begin to re-open their doors to the public.

According to research undertaken by infection control specialist, JLA, restaurants hold the best public reputation for hygiene in the hospitality sector, with 52.8% of consumer respondents happy with standards in these businesses, and only 12.2% having a poor opinion.

Ben Gujral, CEO at JLA, commented: “Unfortunately, hospitality is among the sectors hardest hit by the financial fallout of COVID-19. One in 10 consumers have not visited a pub, restaurant or hotel since lockdowns began, highlighting the importance of providing reassurance to loyal customers that may currently be reluctant to return.

Conversely, according to the nationally representative survey into 2,000 members of the public, pubs and bars currently hold the lowest levels of public approval with regard to hygiene and infection control,

“With public attitudes towards hygiene and cleanliness becoming even more prominent, hospitality establishments must be mindful that hygiene and infection control are no longer “nice to have” but instead an

absolute necessity for hospitality businesses looking to thrive in 2021 and beyond. “Pubs, bars and the hospitality sector as a whole should take the opportunity to do what they can to demonstrate a priority for infection control that keeps both their staff and customers as safe as possible. This could be the deciding factor in the success of a hospitality business post COVID-19.” For more information about JLA, the research findings and for products which can help with infection control, please visit:

Scottish Licensed Trade Backs Calls By Former Justice Secretary To Cut Alcohol Duty In Pubs CALLS by former Scottish justice secretary Kenny MacAskill to cut duty in pubs and raise it in off-sales are supported by the Scottish Licensed Trade Association (SLTA). Mr MacAskill, MP for East Lothian, has suggested that reducing alcohol duty would boost hard-pressed licensees who are not able to fully reopen their pubs and bars in Scotland until May 17 and even then businesses will still be under strict coronavirus restrictions. The SLTA is urging Chancellor Rishi Sunak to “save our pubs” by simplifying the current excise duty system which the SLTA has described as “unnecessarily complex” and one that has created an “uneven playing field”.

Paul Waterson, media spokesman for the SLTA, said: “We agree with Mr MacAskill that to help sustain pubs and at the same time reduce harmful drinking an increase in the level of duty charged on off-sales would allow for a reduction of the duty imposed in supermarkets and off-sales.” Mr Waterson pointed to research from the Social Market Foundation that shows this could be “revenue neutral” to the Treasury. Its analysis set out how reforms to alcohol duty could boost pub sales by 100 million pints a year, providing a lifeline to the hospitality industry and reducing harmful drinking. The report stated: “We modelled a 75% discount on alcohol duty in the on-trade, offset by a 34% increase in alcohol duty in the off-trade to ensure the whole scheme is revenue neutral. That leads to a 5.7% reduction in overall alcohol consumption (comparable to minimum unit pricing though probably less well target-

ed) and a 1.4% increase in on-trade sales – amounting to over £350 million in additional revenue.” It also said: “Publicans have in the past complained that they have not seen any benefit from cuts to alcohol duty because the duty is paid by brewers who may not adjust their prices down accordingly. To examine the impact of such a scheme, we have modelled the effect of a 75% duty discount for the on-trade. “For such a scheme to be revenue neutral (in keeping with the terms of the duty review), off-trade alcohol duty would have to rise by 34%. Translated into prices, that would imply that the cost of a pint of beer in the pub could fall by 36p (or 10%), whereas the cost of a can of beer from the supermarket would rise by 14p (or 15%).” Mr Waterson continued: “What the Social Marketing Foundation has proposed is a ‘pub relief’ that allows pubs, bars and other licensed premises to claim back a percentage of the duty costs that they face. This would have the benefit of ensuring that the duty rebate is passed directly to pubs. He added: “That the country is slowly opening up again and licensed trade businesses being able to open up again from today is good news, but it doesn’t change the fact that licensed hospitality continues to suffer greatly and will do so for months to come. “Our big fear is that not all of them will survive – a recent industry report said that only 22.9% of licensed premises in Scotland have designated outdoors areas so that suggests to us it will not be viable for about two-thirds of the licensed trade to reopen. “A cut in alcohol duty would certainly go a long way to helping the industry come back to life as the furlough scheme ends and businesses start the long fight back to viability.”

The Rt Hon Michael Gove Welcomes New Kickstart Employees to Windlesham Golf Club The Government funded Kickstart scheme is proving to be a great success in the hospitality & leisure sector. LSS Group are an approved Gateway for the Kickstart scheme and they secured the funding for the placements. Andy Merricks, CEO of LSS Group commented. “It was very much appreciated that Michael Gove took the time to come and welcome the new recruits to the Windlesham Golf Club. The Kickstart scheme is being warmly welcomed by the hospitality sector at a time when the industry needs all the help it can get. Giving youngsters an opportunity to experience working within the sector, providing extra help to welcome customers back and hopefully leading to owners and operators nurturing some much-needed home grown talent.”

Falling within his constituency of Surrey Heath, the Rt Hon Michael Gove visited Windlesham Golf Club near Bagshot, Surrey, to welcome new Kickstart recruits – Harry and Nick. Some of the first employees taken on via the Government’s Kickstart Scheme that was introduced to the golf industry by Promote Golf and The LSS Group in January. The two new recruits join Course Manager Leigh Powell’s greenkeeping team on 6-month contracts with their salaries, up to 25 hours per week, fully funded by the Government. In addition, they will benefit from future employability support and education as part of the LSS Group Kickstart package. While speaking to Nick & Harry, Mr Gove was told that they had already been at the Golf Club for two weeks. Even though it meant early starts, both have settled into their routines and enjoy working on the Golf Course. Mr Gove said: "It was wonderful to meet Nick & Harry and to see first-hand the benefits that the Government's Kickstart Scheme is delivering. Their enthusiasm for their tasks shone through and it is great to

see they are benefiting from the opportunity and the training”.

LSS Group have now secured over £7M of government funds and have set an ambitious target of £35m, the equivalent to 5,000 placements by the end of Q3 this year. Anyone who wishes to take advantage of this scheme is invited to contact LSS Group by visiting their website or email

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WTTC Launches Ground-Breaking Initiative To Support Women In Travel & Tourism 14

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to thrive as leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators. The drive committed signatories to provide equal opportunities for women by removing barriers, ensuring fair treatment, and encouraging greater financial, professional, and social independence. Gloria Guevara, WTTC President & CEO, said: “As the first female President and CEO of WTTC, it is an honour to champion this important initiative. The pledge made today with the launch of the first Women’s Initiative in Travel & Tourism by a combination of the private, public and academic sectors to work towards women’s equality, marks a significant step forward. “Globally, women have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic which has exacerbated the pay gap, the opportunity gap and the shocking lack of senior positions and leadership roles across the Travel & Tourism sector.

The world’s leading Travel & Tourism leaders pledged to work towards women’s equality and boost female representation in leadership roles in an announcement before the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). The commitment came as WTTC, which represents the Travel & Tourism private sector, launched its Women’s Initiative, at its Global Summit in Cancun, with the help of 18 Grand Slam singles title winner, Martina Navratilova. WTTC President & CEO Gloria Guevara unveiled the public-privateacademic partnership to promote diversity and drive inclusivity which will help lead the way to achieving equality for women throughout Travel & Tourism. It led to the signing of the WTTC Cancun Women’s Declaration to support women, which recognised their contribution around the world and the importance of an equal equitable environment to enable them

“This needs to be changed, WTTC research shows women play a vital role and represented 54% of Travel & Tourism’s employment worldwide. Yet while more than half the sector is accounted for by women, all too few occupy any senior or strategic roles. “Therefore, I’m delighted to share a platform today with one of the world’s greatest ever tennis players, Martina Navratilova, to help launch WTTC’s ground-breaking Women’s Initiative.” Martina Navratilova said: “Women have always had to outperform men, and whilst things are changing for the better, it is still a fight and a constant battle. “Change happens much quicker when it comes from the top. Companies would be more profitable if more women were in positions of power and boardrooms were less homogenous and reflected the diversity of their customers. “This is why I am delighted to be here with WTTC on the day it launches its Women’s Initiative. As an advocate for women’s rights, I

know every act we take will help change the lives of women everywhere and make the world a fairer and better place.” For the private sector in the short term, the Women’s Initiative has two core elements; developing skills and creating formal sponsorship and mentorship programmes for young women in business. It will encourage women to bring in new ideas and skills to broaden the wealth of experience and expertise from women at all levels across the entire Travel & Tourism sector. Senior women leaders will also be empowered to become mentors and share their skills and experience with the next generation of female Travel & Tourism leaders to nurture and develop new talent. Where possible, companies will also be asked to assign a senior executive or Board member to be a sponsor for gender diversity and inclusion, who is accountable for progress. The private sector pledged to increase female representation of leadership positions by 30-50% and aim toward increasing by a third, the representation of women to board levels and C-suites, by 2030. There will also be a commitment to identify opportunities to reduce any gender pay gaps and implement gender diverse slate requirement for all open roles and to each year share progress and publish an action plan to achieve their goals. According to WTTC data, in 2019 before the pandemic struck, the Travel & Tourism sector accounted for 10.4% of global GDP and supported the livelihoods of 334 million people. Under the theme “Uniting the World for Recovery” the Global Summit made history this week by becoming the first-time global Travel & Tourism event where leaders gathered together since the COVID-19 ravaged the sector and halted all major events around the world in March 2020.

Scottish Pubs: Let Us Show We Are Safe and Kickstart Scotland’s Recovery On the day of hospitality reopening in Scotland, the Scottish Beer & Pub Association (SBPA) are requesting that changes are made to the levels route map. Changes can be justified by positive progress continuing to be made and the sector demonstrating its ability to trade safely and responsibly. The industry is asking for the extension of opening hours back to normal licensing times, which at the moment is not scheduled to be reintroduced until Level 0. The SBPA says that the current arrangement means that many pubs won’t be viable given the restricted trading hours – risking business failures just as the recovery period should be starting.

“We completely understand and appreciate the cautious approach being adopted by Government in seeking to limit the spread of the virus, and so do the businesses we represent. They have invested, taken on debt and worked tirelessly to ensure their businesses are safe places for customers and staff to return to and take seriously their responsibilities. “On top of today’s reopening, the current decline in prevalence of the virus coupled with the vaccination roll-out give reasons to be optimistic. That is why we are requesting that if we continue to see positive progress and if there are no major hospitality related incidents, that the Government consider allowing a return to licensing hours.

Making the request, SBPA President Edith Monfries said:

“Unfortunately, the maintenance of the curfew severely limits profitable hours and for many of Scotland licensed premises, it could be the difference between survival and bankruptcy.

“It is fantastic to see Scotland’s pubs and bars reopening again today. Teams coming back and reconnecting with customers and communities is an important first step, and everyone is excited to get going again.

“Removing the curfew restrictions in time for 17 May would provide an enormous boost to the whole licensed trade and deliver renewed confidence in the sector, which would be hugely welcomed by everyone in the trade. Let us show we are safe, and then let us trade viably so we can kickstart Scotland’s recovery together.”

“For many premises the ongoing restrictions mean they still cannot open and even for those who are opening their doors again today, the restrictions make a return to profitability difficult, and many will operate at a deficit until further progress through the levels.

Tyrrells Serves Up Boost For Pubs with £40,000 Pub Garden Makeover Promotion KP Snacks, the no.1 supplier of Bagged Snacks in pubs and bars and its premium snack brand Tyrrells, are proud to support British pubs this summer with the launch of a brand new competition offering pubs the opportunity to win one of four £10,000 garden makeovers.

Matt Collins, Trading Director at KP Snacks adds: “As we look ahead to the summer and to restrictions lifting, there is a feeling of positivity and excitement among both pubs and pub-goers, with ‘starved’ consumers returning with a vengeance! We know that 52% of customers purchase snacks on impulse and we want to turn these impulse opportunities into incremental snack sales for pubs and bars. While snacks won’t replace meal occasions, they do offer pubs and bars the opportunity to trade up drinks-only visits, with pre-packaged snacks delivering a quick and safe solution for customers”.

The £40,000 pub garden makeover competition, which launches on 3 May, will see four lucky winners receive £5,000 worth of Tyrrells branded pub garden merchandise alongside a £5,000 garden makeover donation, to spend on whatever their garden needs most. With branded parasols, planters, blankets and bean bags up for grabs, the Tyrrells pub garden makeover merchandise will help any pub garden look more inspiring and inviting this summer. 10 cases of 40g Tyrrells Crisps for five runners up will also be available. Sarah Lawson, Marketing Manager at Tyrrells says: “It’s been a hugely challenging year for the whole country and particularly for pubs. At Tyrrells, we want to do our bit to help pubs get back on their feet and what better way to do this than celebrate the great British pub and beer garden. Pubs are at heart of the community which is something we’re really proud to support. “Tyrrells is a quintessentially British premium crisp brand that prides itself on producing the best quality premium hand cooked crisps on the market. With consumers choosing more premium snacks and trading up, we have the perfect brand to support British pubs on their journey to rebuilding and growing profitable sales”.

Tyrrells pride themselves on quality, English provenance and authentic ingredients attracting consumers all over the UK. The range also includes vegetable crisps alongside its most known Hand Cooked potato crisp range. With a £53.9m RSV, the brand is growing in value +10.1%[3] MAT in the UK. With an impressive 86 Great Taste Awards across the range, Tyrrells crisps are the perfect accompaniment to a cold beer or glass of wine when out relaxing, socialising and reacquainting with friends at the pub. Having an attractive outdoor seating area is one of the biggest draws for people as the weather gets warmer with research showing that over half of drinkers (55%) say the pub garden is their favourite place for a pint during the summer. Keeping this in mind and featuring the Tyrrells flagship tagline ‘Tyrrellbly Tyrrellbly Tasty’, the initiative aims to support the On Trade Channel recover and drive sales by helping pubs maximise their outdoor spaces.

The competition is open for entry from Monday 3 May to Monday 14 June, with competition entry available at To qualify, pubs need to purchase three cases of Tyrrells 40g crisps, available in Lightly Sea Salted, Mature Cheddar & Chive, Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar and Sweet Chilli and Red Pepper or Tyrrells Veg Crisps via Tyrrells Court Farm on 01568 720244 or from their usual stockists.

World Lager, Wine and Cocktails Lead Drinks Sales as Hospitality Returns 16

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Issue 55

Consumers have been celebrating the reopening of the On Premise in England with sparkling wine, cocktails and draught pints, CGA’s Drinks Recovery Tracker shows.

• Signs of premiumisation in choices as consumers treat themselves on early visits back to the On Premise. World lager grew its share of the draught lager market by nine percentage points, at the expense of standard lager. • Lower interest in soft drinks, with sales down 50% on April 2019 as consumers opted to toast reopening with alcoholic drinks instead. • A wave of interest in cocktails and shots as consumers sought high tempo occasions, despite being limited to outdoors. Sales in the non-cream liqueurs category were 75% up on April 2019, and shots, tequila and sambuca increased their market share at the expense of gin and vodka, which have been much easier for consumers to enjoy at home. The first wave of consumers returning to pubs, bars and restaurants have been enjoying the drinks they’ve missed during so long in lockdown,” says Jonathan Jones, CGA’s managing director, UK and Ireland. “Draught beer and cocktails are never as good at home as in the On Premise, and it’s encouraging to see their sales bouncing back well. It’s also apparent that many drinkers are treating themselves to premium options to celebrate reopening. There’s a long way to go before sales get back to pre-COVID levels, but this is a positive start for operators and suppliers.”

CGA has reported a strong first week for venues that were able to trade, and likefor-like drinks sales have tracked well ahead of food. Despite being limited to outdoor service, like-for-like food and drink sales from last Monday to Sunday (12 to 18 April) were down by only 21% on the equivalent week in 2019, which contained Easter. But all main drinks categories traded well ahead of that average last week, and were much higher than during hospitality’s post-lockdown reopening of July 2020. Wine and champagne sales were down by only 11% on April 2019, with beer and cider down 14% and spirits down 12%. Category trends emerging from the first week of trading include: • Celebratory themes in wine, with sales of sparkling wine and Champagne up by 24% and 25% on the equivalent week in April 2019. • An upswing in draught beer sales over packaged as drinkers sought pulled pints rather than the bottles and cans they have been limited to in lockdown. Draught beer and cider grew their share of sales by four percentage points from April 2019.

Craft Guild of Chefs Appeals To Industry Leaders To Mentor Young Chefs Through The Graduate Awards Due to large amounts of the hospitality industry still being closed, the Craft Guild of Chefs has extended its deadline for the Graduate Awards 2021. This is to give senior chefs the opportunity to encourage young team members to enter as they prepare to return to work. Founder of the Graduate Awards, Steve Munkley, has recorded a passionate video appeal to head and executive chefs across the UK to help keep young talent engaged and focused on their career development. The awards offer chefs the chance to improve their culinary skills, build confidence, network with industry peers and the opportunity to put themselves into the national spotlight. Graduate Awards achievers have gone on to win competitions such as Young National Chef of the Year, secure exciting promotions, and gain Michelin stars. Chefs aged under 25 now have until Friday 14th May to enter the educational award. There are two categories, the Kitchen and Pastry exam, and these will be examined by Russell Bateman and Will Torrent along with a panel of industry experts. Throughout the process chefs will receive support and mentoring from the Graduate Awards committee, as

well as from mentors within their own workplaces. To enter the Graduate Awards, chefs simply need to complete a short online entry form at Semi-finals are scheduled to take place in June with a final exam in September. Vice-President of the Craft Guild of Chefs, Steve Munkley said: “I genuinely believe the Graduate Awards are needed more than ever this year. With many chefs having had so much time out of kitchens, we need to do everything we can to keep ambitious and talented young chefs engaged and help them to re-discover their pre-pandemic confidence. This process gives chefs expertise and mentorship to help them learn and progress the skills they learnt at college, or on an apprenticeship, and take them to the next level. I understand how uncertain the last year has been for young people and that hospitality has been hit the hardest; many chefs have found their confidence has taken a knock. It’s time for the industry to fight back and invest in our talent so hospitality comes back stronger.”

Unilever Away From Home Helps The Sector Get Set For A Great British Summer

With 2021 set to be the year of the ‘Great British Summer Staycation’ there has never been a more critical moment for hospitality and leisure as it welcomes back customers after twelve months of uncertainty. To help all sectors, including the care sector, gear up for a summer of success, Unilever Away From Home has expanded its roster to include its winning ice cream range and the world’s no.1 hygiene brand, Lifebuoy, as safety remains top-of-mind. It will also be launching a raft of innovation from the likes of Knorr, whilst helping outlets tap into the growing plantbased trend. This summer, 49% of Brits expect to take the same or more breaks in the UK than previous years and many are keen to support local tourism and businesses that have been hard hit by a year of lockdown. With research predicting they will spend around £7.1bn – up 22% on 2019’s figure, it has never been more important to give consumers an experience they will remember – for all the right reasons. Housing some of the UK’s most recognisable and trusted brands, Unilever Away From Home is the partner of choice for those looking to get their business back into growth this summer.


Safety remains a key concern for consumers with 57% saying cleanliness is an important factor for a good away from home experience. To tap into the growing need for trusted and safe solutions that reassure customers in a Covid world, Unilever has brought Lifebuoy, the world’s no.1 hygiene brand, into its Away From Home fold, helping customers feel safe and secure so they keep coming back for more.

GROWING WITH WALL’S AND THE PLANT-BASED REVOLUTION Unilever Away From Home will also bringing happiness to all as it adds its iconic ice cream portfolio to the offering. Summer is the peak season for impulse ice cream with 85% of sales happening between April and September. Providing a line-up which features 11 of the nation’s top 12 impulse ice cream brands, and with the predicted heat-wave on the horizon for a year of staycations, Unilever is on hand to help business bounce back stronger than ever. According to Kantar, 12.3 million people in the UK are actively reducing red meat consumption, so whether it’s a care home, pub or high-end restaurant, consumers now, more than ever, expect to see meat-free alternatives on the menu. With brands such as The Vegetarian Butcher, Knorr Professional and Hellmann’s with its award-winning Vegan Mayonnaise, Unilever Away From Home is making it easy for chefs to

make the switch to plant-based without sacrificing quality, taste or profit. Support is also offered through recipe and menu inspiration. Capitalising on its scale and reach, Unilever Away From Home brings knowledge paired with inspiration to help chefs get creative in the kitchen and deliver food experiences that can’t be matched at home. With world-famous brands, including Hellmann’s, Knorr and The Vegetarian Butcher delivering great taste and quality, the addition of our famous Wall’s ice cream brands and iconic hygiene brand, Lifebuoy, means Unilever Away From Home is the best-all round solution to help all sectors bounce back stronger and more profitably, for a summer that sizzles. Hazel Detsiny, VP of Food & Refreshment Away From Home at Unilever UK&I, says: “After a year of turmoil for the catering and hospitality industry, with out-of-home businesses having to quickly adapt to new protocols to keep their customers safe, followed by the uncertainty caused by lockdowns, we’ve all been looking forward to the sector opening up once more. As travel to foreign countries remains uncertain and with many holiday-makers hesitant to book trips abroad, we know businesses are looking for ways to maximise the UK tourist season. With our insight-led approach to help us spot trends, coupled with our famous brands for the best customer experiences, we’ve got everything covered to help businesses grow this summer.” Underpinning all of this is Unilever’s commitment to be a ‘force for good’ within the sector. With kitchens set to be busier than ever, the #FairKitchens campaign from Unilever strives to build a positive culture to help its people thrive.

UK and European Hospitality Industry Will Have to Evolve to Meet New Requirements of Corporate Travel Industry in the Post-Pandemic Era 18

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Issue 55

Valuable insights from the Cvent 2021 Travel Managers Report reveal that the hospitality industry will need to adapt and evolve its practices to support the changing travel and event planning requirements from corporate travel managers (CTMs) in the post-pandemic era. Cvent, a market-leading meetings, events, and hospitality technology provider, commissioned an independent research company, Censuswide, to survey industry professionals from Europe in the first quarter of 2021. This report is based on the survey responses from more than 500 CTMs from the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Netherlands. Respondents are responsible for sourcing hotels for their organisation’s travel programme. CTMs across the UK and Europe stated that for future sourcing of venues, stringent health and safety protocols (including COVID-19 tests at the hotel), larger rooms better equipped for working and meetings, and more outdoor space will be key considerations. As such, hoteliers looking to capitalise on the RFP opportunities in 2021 and 2022 will need to focus on these areas in their sales and marketing efforts, and negotiations. Hoteliers will also need to adapt pre-pandemic corporate programme strategies and offer more flexible pricing models, as more than half of CTMs in the UK and Europe (58%) stated that they will request dual or dynamic rates during their negotiations for 2022 bookings. Corporate travel bookings will also require negotiated amenities such as Last Room Availability, late arrival, and cancellation policies. Diana Marin Acosta, SVP Sales and Distribution, NH Hotel Group said: “At NH Hotel Groups we foresaw the need and opportunity to be able to adjust our pricing model more quickly, in order to react to market demand and hotel industry trend behaviours. For that reason, we pioneered the implementation of an ‘open pricing’ revenue model strategy, which we called Open Corporate Rates, providing NH with a competitive advantage. NH Hotel Group’s Open Corporate Rate enables us to offer clients the best price in market by adjusting rates according to demand and occupancy levels. Together with Cvent we are able to provide our client’s the ability to introduce hybrid travel programmes and dual rate loading (fix rate + open corporate

rate) via the Cvent Transient RFP Platform.” Other report highlights include:

Increase in business travel levels in second half of 2021 o Overall, more than a third of UK CTMs (35%) indicated that they expect travel to return to 2019 levels between June-December 2021 with nearly half (46%) of CTMs from the Netherlands indicating their organisations are keen to resume business travel. o The majority (83%) of respondents from the United States stated that they are likely to increase their travel volume to Europe, suggesting that Europe remains an important destination for US business travel.

Need for hotels to clearly communicate enhanced COVID/Duty of Care protocols to CTMs o Nearly two thirds (65%) of CTMs stated that their top programme consideration for business travel in 2021 and 2022 is understanding enhanced COVID protocols and extra fees. o Also high on their list when planning trips is that their preferred hotels are complying with duty of care requirements. There is a critical need for hotels to state clearly in all external sales and marketing communications that high quality health and safety protocols are in place.

Opportunities for hoteliers as majority of CTMs indicate travel budget increases o Overall, more than half (51%) of CTMs across UK and Europe, and 62 per cent of CTMs in Spain and 60 per cent in Netherlands stated that budgets are set to increase. “The results of this report show that hoteliers must be prepared to evolve their sales and marketing practices in a postpandemic era where top priorities for corporate travel managers have changed,” said Chris McAndrews, vice president of marketing for Cvent. “A willingness to adapt and evolve will not only allow for more seamless negotiations, but more importantly, enhance planner and supplier relationships long-term.”

Hawthorn Acquires 14 Community Pubs From Everards Hawthorn, the Community Pub Company, has announced the acquisition of 14 community pubs from Everards of Leicestershire, the pub operator and family brewer. The pubs are predominantly located in suburban and neighbourhood locations in the East Midlands. Mark Davies, CEO of Hawthorn, The Community Pub Company said, “We are really pleased to announce the purchase of 14 high quality community pubs from Everards. All of the pubs which are fully let have been very well operated by Everards and its Business Owners and we share a strong community ethos with Everards that makes this a seamless transaction for both parties. It’s been great to get to know Stephen Gould and the Everards team through the transaction and to get a deal done during lockdown. The relationship we have built and partnership formed is something that will benefit both Companies in the future. My team and I are looking forward to meeting the Business Owners and welcoming them to Hawthorn.” Stephen Gould, Managing Director of Everards said “Following a review of our pub estate, we presented 14 pubs as an acquisition opportunity to Mark and his team and are pleased to get a deal done during lockdown. The

whole team at Hawthorn have been a delight to work with and I know that our Business Owners will be in good hands working with a company with similar values to our own. The deal positions Everards well for continued investment into our Pub Estate, Acquisitions and Everards Meadows, our 90-acre Leisure and Tourism development in Leicestershire.” Hawthorn operates around 700 leased and tenanted, and operator managed, community pubs across England, Scotland and Wales and was advised on the transaction by Colliers. Hawthorn has provided more than £8m of rent support for its Partners and Operators through the Coronavirus pandemic, in addition to £10m worth of CAPEX investment over the last year to renovate and refurbish pubs ahead of reopening this spring. These support measures have been met with positive feedback from Partners and Operators – during the first lockdown, 97% of them said that Hawthorn met or exceeded expectations, and KAM Media’s recent Licensee Index saw Hawthorn outperform its peers across a wide range of categories, including COVID-19 support (9.2/10), quality of BDM (8.8), and likelihood to recommend the company to other publicans (8.3).

New Sustainable Cider Brand, Inch’s, Set To Shake Up The Mainstream Apple Cider Category Mainstream apple cider is accessible and sessionable, lending itself to the summer months ahead. With good food and access to a pub garden or outdoor space the top two traits on-trade consumers are looking for, Inch’s is the perfect choice for al fresco occasions – pairing perfectly with dishes such as a BLT or grilled halloumi salad.

This May, HEINEKEN breathes new life into the on-trade with the launch of Inch’s – a sustainable, forward-thinking apple cider on draught, made from 100% British apples and with an exceptional taste that consumers already love! Around 5 million pints of apple cider are poured in the on-trade every week and mainstream brands account for every two in three pints of apple cider. However, a lack of excitement and innovation has prompted younger drinkers to switch and now the cider category has started to decline. Delivering the widespread appeal of a modern, refreshing cider that is progressive and forward-looking, Inch’s has been created to bring vibrancy back to mainstream apple cider and engage younger consumers.

HEINEKEN UK Cider Marketing Director, Rachel Holms, says “From sourcing to sustainability, we are progressive cider makers on a mission to do things properly in pursuit of a great tasting British Cider that goes that little bit further to do the right thing. In doing so, Inch’s will drive appeal and help recruit younger drinkers into the Apple Cider category to drive additional sales for operators.” To support the launch, Inch’s will receive over £1million ATL investment, including TV, VOD, online video and social, as well as a national sampling campaign. On-trade stockists will also receive premium glassware, founts and coasters, plus in-outlet and garden items including umbrellas and windbreakers to boost visibility and enhance their outdoor spaces over the summer.

Made from 100% British apples, grown and sourced within 40 miles of its mill in Herefordshire, Inch’s has the green credentials to appeal to consumers aged 18-34 who prefer to buy brands that have a social and environmental commitment. To keep the cider making process as sustainable as possible, all apple waste at the Inch’s factory is repurposed and turned into green energy, to be used again! Perfectly balanced between sweet and dry for a great tasting refreshment, Inch’s is a lightly sparkling, ‘medium apple cider’ with a delightful, fresh apple aroma. The brand has exceptional taste credentials, with

research showing that four out of five 18–34-year-olds prefer the taste of Inch’s to a leading competitor. Inch’s is also gluten free and vegan friendly.

For more information, visit: Contact your HEINEKEN sales representative or local wholesaler to install Inch’s on draught.

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Issue 55

Institute of Hospitality Publishes Timely Report on Technology-Led Growth Strategies for Hotels Post-Pandemic Growth Strategies for Hotels. The report is in keeping with the institute’s purpose to promote our members’ lifelong learning and professionalism. Moreover, it is concise and easy to digest, but packed with the most up-to-date strategies, backed by research, for growing your hotel business using the right technological solutions. These solutions are already out there, and savvy hoteliers will want to make full use of them to recover and thrive after this pandemic. What’s important is to be able to recognise what they can do for your business and to adopt them.

The Institute of Hospitality (IoH) has published a new report highlighting technology’s key role in enriching the guest experience and boosting revenue and profits after lockdown. The report has been perfectly timed to coincide with the anticipated easing of social distancing restrictions and the re-opening of hotels for business as usual in May 2021.

‘Knowledge is power, and hoteliers can power their way to success by better knowing and understanding their customers, what they want to do and buy, with the right technology.’

Entitled Facing the future: Tech-led Post-Pandemic Growth Strategies for Hotels, the report offers strategies applicable across the entire hotel sector. However, it is expected to resonate particularly with small and medium-sized hotels who have not yet embraced the many technological solutions already adopted by the larger hotel groups. It was produced by the Institute in collaboration with IoH business partner and leading technology supplier to the hospitality industry - Zonal. The report quotes research findings from sources including and GO Technology. It highlights how hotels may be missing out on opportunities for growth, including avenues to enhance customer loyalty, now that travellers are relying more than ever on technology to help them feel safe during the pandemic. Moreover, it describes how technology that captures and integrates relevant data at every point of the guest journey equips hoteliers with the knowledge needed to upsell experiences, critical to improving sales. The report underlines the fact that hotels must increasingly compete with local restaurants and pubs whose customers have rapidly increased their use of technology during the last 12 months, particularly in terms of ‘order and pay’ solutions. Hoteliers are therefore encouraged to take

Alison Vasey, Group Product Director at Zonal, said:

inspiration from research undertaken last year to show that two-thirds of hotel guests claimed not to have used technology to make a dinner reservation during their stay, nor to pre-order food and drink. It also underscores the value of technology with the capacity to integrate guest data drawn from every aspect of the business -- including the property management system (PMS) and electronic point of sale (EPOS) – and to generate reports for managers in real time. Operationally, such technology enables the efficient planning of everything from staff levels to food orders, but the knowledge produced can also help to inform marketing and promotions. Peter Ducker FIH, who wrote the foreword to the report, said, ‘The Institute of Hospitality is delighted to publish Facing the future: Tech-led

“All the signs point to a staycation boom this summer and hoteliers who embrace technology will be the ones that can capitalise most on this opportunity. Our research shows that technology not only makes guests feel safer but also improves their overall experience. “It can play a vital role at every stage of the customer journey and is here to stay even after the pandemic has passed. Hoteliers that embrace the benefits of integrated technology in terms of delivering improved customer experiences and driving revenue, will be best placed to succeed in 2021 and beyond.” Facing the future: Tech-led Post-Pandemic Growth Strategies for Hotels is available to download free of charge at Zonal-WP-Tech-led-Post-Pandemic-Growth-Strategies-forHotels.pdf

Only A Pavement Away Partners with Fred Sirieix to Launch Ex-offender Employment Campaign order for the training to take place. Gaucho have already signed up to the project and will be leading the way for Sponsoring a Kitchen after being in partnership with Only A Pavement Away since it began.

Only A Pavement Away (OAPA), the charity that supports ex-offenders, vulnerable veterans and those having suffered homelessness into jobs within hospitality, has partnered with TV and hospitality legend, Fred Sirieix, to launch the ‘Sponsor a Kitchen’ campaign. The campaign will sit alongside Fred’s already successful charity, ‘The Right Course’, currently being implemented in both HMP Isis and Wormwood Scrubs, with four further prisons are already in the pipeline. Only A Pavement Away Ambassador Tom Aikens will also be supporting this new ground breaking initiative. The Right Course transforms staff messes into fully functioning restaurants run by prisoners for the benefits of all prison staff and external guests. Front of house, cooking and barista qualifications are delivered side by side with on-the-job training and exposure to employers. This prepares offenders for work in hospitality upon their release, and subsequently to find roles as a result. The new partnership between Fred and the charity sees Fred provide both syllabus and management of the programme, with OAPA stepping in to source employers and utilise the first of its kind ‘Job Board’. For prisoners whose release is due within six months of starting the course, the OAPA Candidate Profile Page will be available to register

for the course and subsequent employment. Fred said of the new partnership, “This is an amazing opportunity for ex-offenders to turn their lives around and follow a new path to employment within hospitality. By partnering with Only A Pavement Away, we’re able to not only support through facilities and training, but also find employers who are willing to participate in order to source suitable roles for the offenders once they’re released and guide them on a positive path.” The charity is also calling on employers in the industry to get involved in the programme and pledge funds to refit prison kitchens in

OAPA charity Founder and CEO, Greg Mangham, said: “We couldn’t be happier to join forces with Fred who is such a powerhouse in the industry. This is an incredible opportunity for hospitality employers to support this programme from the ground up. As we all know, hospitality has arguably been the hardest hit industry during the pandemic, and for it to be able to make such a positive change in someone’s life just goes to demonstrate the resilience and level of forward-thinking of the businesses we work with. “It’s so important that we’re working with offenders from the earliest moment possible, and this programme does exactly that. We’d like to thank Fred for his valuable industry insight, and urge hospitality businesses to pledge funds to ensure the prison facilities are up to standard for this vital rehabilitation.” For any hospitality businesses wanting to participate in the programme, please get in touch with Greg at

Employers Urged to Act as Coronavirus Measures Add to Risk of Abuse Research from commercial insurer NFU Mutual reveals that 40% of customers have witnessed a staff member suffer verbal or physical abuse at a hospitality or retail venue in the last year. The news follows concerns for the wellbeing of customer-facing staff as lockdown measures begin to ease. Supermarkets are the worst affected, with 31% of customers witnessing an incident there, followed by high street shops (20%), pubs (18%) and restaurants (16%). The research further revealed that 60% percent of customers have experienced increased anxiety visiting a hospitality or retail venue over the last year. Supermarket visits caused the most worry, with 43% reporting increased anxiety when visiting these venues, followed by pubs (34%), restaurants (33%) and high street shops (32%) – the same four venues worst affected by abuse incidents. Darren Seward, Hospitality Sector Specialist at NFU Mutual, said: “It’s a difficult time for many. Health concerns, lockdown fatigue and changing restrictions mean that customer emotions are already running high during a visit to a hospitality venue. The correlation between customer anxi-

ety and abuse incidents suggests that these heightened emotions are translating to an increased risk for customer-facing staff.


“Nobody should have to suffer abuse in the workplace, especially when enforcing company - and in some cases legal - requirements. Our research shows that Coronavirus measures have been at the root of many abuse incidents in the last year, with 23% of consumers having witnessed incidents related to mask challenges, and 22% reporting issues resulting from social distancing rules.”

Make your rules and COVID-19 arrangements clear on your website and refer guests to these during the booking process Make sure you have clear measures in place for social distancing, face coverings and hygiene Use signage across the venue to make visitors aware of these rules and expectations Make sure you are aware of the Government test and trace rules and are able to follow them Ensure suitable hand washing and welfare facilities are available, which are cleaned on a more frequent basis than normal, and don’t forget about social distancing in these facilities Keep group numbers limited and in accordance with Government rules in relation to numbers and mixing households. Where possible treat the group as a bubble to minimise the number of people they come into contact with Ensure your staff receive appropriate information, instruction or training on how to implementation additional control measures before they begin work again

Darren commented: “Taking action to prevent customer-facing violence is a crucial step in protecting staff welfare. Insurance can provide cover against legal action, injuries and property damage, but businesses should make additional preparations. “We would urge employers to put tailored measures in place, especially provision of appropriate staff training. Not only does training ensure staff are prepared to deal with incidents, it could prove important to a business’s reputation, and influence a consumer’s future spending habits. Forty percent of consumers said they would be more likely to return to a venue if an abuse incident was well-handled.”





A Tale of Two Tables - ‘At-Home Hospitality’ Enters Exciting New Phase 22

CLH Digital

Issue 55

The predicted ‘summer of socialising’ is set to drive the rising ‘at-home hospitality’ trend into a brand-new phase, according to new research from KAM Media. Consumer demand is significant with 9-in-10 wanting the brands which they’ve had in their homes during lockdowns to continue offering these ‘at-home’ solutions even when restrictions lift. 62% want their favourite restaurant brands to start selling ‘cook at home’ meal boxes nationwide. The research, carried out in partnership with eCommerce platform Slerp, found that UK adults are so excited to finally meet up with friends and family that a larger than normal amount of socialising ‘at home’ is predicted; 36% said they will have friends/family over more often vs pre-pandemic. 41% of UK adults said they are planning on having picnics with friends and family, 31% are planning garden parties and 39% will invite friends

and family for BBQs. And it’s not all happening in the garden, when restrictions allow 28% are planning a dinner party inside. KAM say that demand for ‘at-home’ solutions from pubs, restaurants and hotels remain very high. The research found that 11.5 million UK adults (22%) have ordered a ‘cook at home’ meal box in the last 12 months, with an even larger proportion (40%) intending to purchase in the future. But KAM suggests in order to capitalise on this growing demand, operators must not sit still and need to continue to evolve. Katie Jenkins, Marketing Director, KAM Media: “’At-home’ solutions will soon hit the mainstream as we move towards a future of multichannel hospitality. That means that where consumers may have been forgiving of the kinks in new delivery services during initial lockdowns, brands now really need to up their game. Competition is already pretty fierce and now is the time for operators to cement their brand as a ‘go to’ for their target customers and/or target ‘dine at home’ occasions.” The research suggests that the next phase of ‘at-home hospitality’ solutions will need to move from a purely functional transaction to an experiential one, with operators thinking beyond the food they offer and considering the total experience as well as offering solutions for different occasions. There is a clear demand from consumers for ‘at-home hospitality’ experiences for a range of special celebrations for example, with 43% saying they would buy an ‘cook at home meal box’ when celebrating an adults birthday party at home. 23% say the same for Valentine’s Day and

22% for children’s birthday celebrations. “Forward thinking operators are not only providing quality food to eat at home but offer the entire experience including branded packaging, drink pairings and even tableware and playlists! Operators really need to think of each ‘dine at home’ delivery as a gift arriving on their customer’s doorstep. It is an extension of their brand and everything about the delivery, packaging, and yes of course the food and drink impacts how they experience the brand.” comments Jenkins. Another key opportunity is ‘staycations’ with the research identifying that 16.2 million UK adults intend to stay in a self-catering holiday home in the next 12 months. 58% of them are open to purchasing a ‘cook at home meal box’, 27% an ‘ingredient box’ and 20% a ‘picnic hamper.’ JP Then, Founder, Crosstown and Slerp: “The benefits of selling a ‘dine at home’ solution direct online is clear. Not only can it help operators navigate reopening by combatting no shows and encouraging business during off peak hours, but it creates an additional revenue from assets you already have. In hospitality, experience is everything. Now more than ever, you need your online offering to mirror your offline experience. As we navigate the rest of 2021, listen to want your customers want. As challenging as this time has been, it’s also an exciting time for the sector. If you embrace positive innovation this research shows, there’s huge opportunities to be had.” KAM Media and Slerp have partnered to create a free whitepaper for operators highlighting the key findings from the research and opportunities to grow their ‘at-home’ sales. Download it at

TSA Launches Scheme for Recycling Textiles Used in the Hospitality Industry 30 million textile pieces wasted each year: “The time is right for innovative solutions,” says TSA CEO.

the solutions being discussed. “We are delighted to be working with the TSA on their recycling project and it compliments perfectly our current campaign of Net Zero Carbon by 2030,” says Kate Nicholls OBE, Chief Executive of UK Hospitality.

The Textile Services Association (TSA) is calling for the hospitality, catering and healthcare industries to work with them in order to improve the recycling of textiles. Every year over 30 million textile items, including sheets, duvet covers, pillow cases and towels, are thrown away. This equates to over 2000 tonnes. The majority of these will end up in landfill or incinerated. Meanwhile the cloth that actually does get reused often only gets one additional use cycle, as rags in sites such as garages, before also being disposed of. Textile waste from the hospitality industry is ideal for recycling, as it is predominantly made of natural fibres, and white. The TSA has set up a project to research potential recycling solutions for the industry. It has teamed up with Swedish company Södra, which has pioneered a method that takes textile and re-engineers it into a pulp that can be used to spin cotton fibre yarns. A test shipment was recently sent to them to determine how suitable it will be for use in the UK. Members of the TSA are well positioned to facilitate the recycling of textiles. Over 90% of hotels in the UK are serviced by TSA members, which will enable them to easily handle the logistics of the proposed recycling scheme. “We want to be part of the solution,” says David Stevens, CEO of the TSA. “So far our members have been very enthusiastic about the potential for them to help industries reducing waste

Stevens adds, “It’s a win-win for the environment as landfill use and incineration is reduced alongside less need for new cotton. It’s estimated that 20,000 litres of water are required for every kilo of cotton grown, not forgetting the risks of fertiliser run-off. Anything that reduces the impact this crop has must be good.” With more companies and business sectors looking for innovative ways to reduce their environmental impact David Stevens feels the time is right to consider bold and innovative solutions to the larger issues they face. “We welcome all the feedback we’re getting and call on more stakeholders to come forward to discuss the individual needs of their businesses in order to make this scheme a success,” he says. and improving sustainability.” The TSA is also in talks with UK Hospitality about the possibility of including staff uniforms in the scheme, which account for an additional four million items annually. Recycling uniforms is more complex as they often use a mix of different materials and accessories that require separation first. Going forward, designing uniforms for recycling is one of

For more information about the TSA recycling scheme, email The TSA is the trade association for the textile care services industry. The TSA represent commercial laundry and textile rental businesses. Membership ranges from family-run operations through to large, multinational companies. Visit for more information.

The Return of the Hospitality Industry Your FREE trading standards legislation guide The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has brought many challenges to the hospitality sector, with some businesses - particularly pubs and restaurants - forced to radically change the way they operate. Indeed, the hospitality sector’s economic output dropped as much as 92% (source UK Parliament) between February and April 2020 during the first lockdown; however, the sector bounced back when restrictions were relaxed last summer, giving hope of a similar recovery this year. Now one year on from the first national lockdown and with the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown response, we look to exit the pandemic measures and return to some sense of normality. It is clear that the public will still hunger for their favourite restaurant or take a trip to the local pub that they’ve been missing for months. This gives the sector the potential for ample opportunities, recovery and even growth in 2021.

For a smooth return, business owners must get regulation right from the outset. Streamlining measures to secure consumer safety enables business owners to build their business without succumbing to regulatory hiccups. Fortunately, the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI), working in partnership with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), created Business Companion which offers free, impartial legal guidance for businesses, written by experts with years of experience. The Retail Guide Food and Drink annex brings together the tasks and measures that businesses will need to put into place prior to the return of the hospitality industry and beyond. Download your free copy at–a-retail-guide See the facing page for details.

How Staycations are Changing the Market and Hospitality Industry 24

CLH Digital

Issue 55

By Olga Pavlova, Content Marketing Manager at ALTIDO (

tomers who want to spend several weeks or even months in properties out of cities. “It’s a new life, home working has changed everything, Marco Rossanigo explains. Mostly people live in apartments, and once they have the possibility to escape the city and spend some time in a house in the countryside, they use it”.

3. HOSPITALITY BUSINESS IS CHANGING AS WELL As guests are moving out of the big cities, so do property managers. Although city apartments remain to be the core of our business, we now acquire more houses in rural areas and villas at the seaside. Furthermore, we launched a new brand Coast and Country by ALTIDO which offers full management hospitality service to holiday let properties in far-flung areas. “It is a logistical challenge for us as business, - Jeremy Slater admits. But the core tenets of hospitality still apply: providing a well-maintained property, good value for money, 24/7 guest support and friendly local touches.” As the future of international travel this year remains unclear and regulations are changing every day, staycations are booming in the UK and Europe. With my colleagues at ALTIDO we discussed what it means for people and industry and whether staycations are here to stay. I spoke with Jeremy Slater, the General Manager of ALTIDO UK, Thomas Archer, ALTIDO co-founder and the Managing Director of ALTIDO Portugal and Marco Rossanigo, the General Manager of ALTIDO Italy. Here is a short take away from our talk.

1. STAYCATIONS ARE ON THE RISE We’ve seen a significant increase in domestic bookings in all regions starting from March 2020 and expect more to come in summer 2021. In Italy up to 80% of reservations last summer came from local guests and we are likely to see similar numbers this year. Majority of bookings in the UK and Portugal are expected to be from local guests as well. As Tom Archer puts it: “People are desperate to travel. I think it’s pretty clear. And if you can’t go abroad, staycations are a great alternative.”

4. THERE ARE SOME BENEFITS IN THIS SITUATION While just like all travel professionals we are eagerly waiting for international travellers to return, staycations proved to be quite beneficial not only for business, but also for guests and local economies. They provide the opportunity for property managers and owners to still receive some cash flow in these challenging times and for guests to go on holiday even though borders may stay closed. Staycations also are helping to diversify business and support local economies in not so popular destinations.

Marco Rossanigo says: “Staycations opened the possibility for less known destinations to attract much more visitors than it was possible before. We now have properties in less famous destinations with the same level of bookings as in well known regions like Chianti.”

5. STAYCATIONS ARE HERE TO STAY. AT LEAST, FOR SOME TIME The current boom in domestic holidays is fueled by exceptional circumstances which hopefully will change by the next holiday season, but it seems that staycations are here to stay for at least a couple of years. And it’s a good thing. Tom Archer shares his thoughts: “I think international travel will pick up massively in the next 2-3 years, possibly bigger than before. But staycations are definitely going to stick around. After two years of doing staycations people might think ‘well, I’d like to explore my country a bit more’. It’s a positive step”.

About the author Olga Pavlova is the Content Marketing Manager at ALTIDO who’s been with the company for several years. She graduated from the London School of Journalism and has been writing about travel and tourism industry for a number of publications including the Condé Nast Traveller magazine. ALTIDO is a hospitality provider managing Airbnbs, serviced apartments, hotels and private residences across Europe.

2. THE CONCEPT OF TRAVEL HAS CHANGED Two years ago we had a large amount of guests booking weekends in big cities for short breaks, but things are different now. As the majority of people are still working from home and international travel remains the subject of restrictions, we see much more bookings from local cus-

Portman Group Issues First Category Guidance on CBD

The Portman Group, the social responsibility and regulatory body for alcohol in the UK, has released new guidance on the naming, packaging and promotion of alcohol products containing CBD. Infusing alcohol products with CBD, and the rise in popularity of CBD more broadly, is a relatively new trend. While the uses and benefits of CBD are debated, the Portman Group’s Advisory Service has issued guidance in relation to the Code of Practice on the Naming, Packaging and Promotion of Alcoholic Drinks. The guidance is designed to aid producers in complying with the Code, should they choose to produce a CBD-infused product.

therapeutic qualities, respectively. The guidance stipulates that producers should avoid wording and imagery which alludes to any association with Cannabis or other illicit drugs. It also underscores the need to avoid health and wellness claims. Factual references to CBD are acceptable, particularly when it comes to listing it as an ingredient, however CBD should not be used as a prominent product descriptor. The full guidance can be accessed at

The law on the use of CBD in food and drink products is complex and the Portman Group does not imply that the inclusion of CBD in alcoholic drinks is legally permitted. We urge producers to seek legal advice before placing products containing CBD on the market.

Speaking about the guidance, Portman Group CEO, Matt Lambert commented: “CBD is becoming an increasingly popular ingredient, and its use in alcohol products is no exception to this trend. We have responded quickly to this change in the market by issuing category guidance.

The guidance is intended to highlight elements producers should be aware of when marketing products in this category. It specifically pertains to Rules 3.2 (c) and (j) – association with illicit drugs and suggestion of

“This guidance will be crucial in helping producers understand how they may use CBD innovatively and creatively while still complying with the Code.”

Paragon Brands Project Triple Revenue Following Investment from Maison Villevert Paragon Brands have announced their partnership with Maison Villevert following a substantial investment making the French distillery the majority shareholder. The partnership has resulted in a projection to triple the current revenue and gross profit within the next five years. The partnership will place the Manchester based premium spirits specialist in their strongest position yet; export director Guillaume Villerabel who oversees international developments at Maison Villevert estimates “a comfortable target of £15m revenue within the first 3 years” that will place Paragon as one of the leaders in independent distribution in the UK drinks industry. Paragon Brands are known for their enviable range of unique spirits and expertise in forecasting trends boasting an incredible history in highly successful introduction to market and leading the way with ‘the next big thing’. “We are committed to the sales and distribution growth of our port-

folio and have a clear focus to build the Maison Villevert brands into leading premium spirits within the UK, while cementing Paragon Brands reputation as a go-to destination for innovative brands seeking focused distribution and brand building capabilities in the fast-paced UK premium drinks category" says Chris Jones, founder of Paragon Brands. "The investment from Maison Villevert will enable Paragon to continue on its expansion trajectory, delivering value and sales growth for both the Maison Villevert portfolio and the wider Paragon range of premium drinks brands,” Jones adds. The investment is the result of ideal timing for both parties and follows mutual recognition following three years of working together.

“Chris Jones has a proven track record in our industry following 25 years working with global premium brands such as Bacardi BrownForman and Catalyst Brands and now with Paragon Brands and I am very proud of the trust Chris has given me.” says JeanSébastien Robicquet, oenologist, master distiller and founder of Maison Villevert. “We have joined forces to expand the business to the benefit of our own brands and partner brands as we did with Maison Villevert in France and Spain where our reputation in the trade is extremely high and we are confident that this alliance will make Paragon Brands a leading light in the UK Premium Drinks distribution sector. Alone we could move quicker but together we will go far”. Maison Villevert is one of several innovative brand partners under Paragon Brands sitting alongside Roust, Pussers, Moritz, Dingle, Gancia and more.

Products and Services

Celebration Packaging Introduces New Range of Reusable, Microwavable Hinged-Lid Food Containers (deep) round container will soon be available. Custom shapes and sizes are also available, and the containers can also be embossed with branding, subject to tooling charges. The new range is microwavable and the rectangular range features air vents in the sides and top lid to allow steam to escape when the food is being microwaved. To make the products reusable, they are top-rack dishwasher-safe, so can be used many times. Putting reuse at the front of ‘reduce; recycle; reuse’

“Over the few past years, the mantra for those paying attention to environmental sustainability has been: ‘reduce; recycle; reuse’, but least attention has usually been paid to the reuse aspect,” says Nick. “This new In response to customer demand, Celebration food-grade PP hinged-lid container range delivers on all Packaging is pleased to announce that is now able to three priorities as it significantly reduces the amount of offer customised reusable, microwavable hinged-lid food plastic used in busy kitchens, can be 100% recycled at containers for back of house / kitchen food prep applithe end of its life, and is reusable. cations. The reusable containers are made from virgin polypropylene (PP) and can be sent for recycling. “Switching to reusables in high-traffic kitchens significantly reduces the amount of plastic being used when “We have been offering tailor-made single-use foodreplacing single-use packaging,” says Nick. “We calculatservice packaging products to customers for decades,” ed that one customer who uses the rectangular product says Celebration Packaging Managing Director, Nick is saving in excess of 30,000 kgs of plastic per year by Burton. “Before lockdown, some of our major high switching from their previous single-use container to street foodservice customers were looking to move the new reusable product. The amount of plastic saved away for single-use disposable plastic packaging and find obviously depends on how many times the new reusable solutions. They approached Celebration reusable product is used before being sent for recycling, Packaging to discover what we could offer. but as the range is also manufactured here in the UK, “Trials have been successfully concluded with two switching to these products substantially reduces an major high street foodservice businesses and we are operator’s carbon footprint.” proud to now announce the launch of a reusable, Further increasing the versatility of the new PP microwavable range which would provide a solution for microwavable and reusable range, filled containers can pre-serve portion control in meal preparation.” also be placed in a freezer if required. The new products are made from high-clarity virgin “As problem solvers in foodservice packaging, PP, which allows users to easily identify contents, speedCelebration has been seeking more sustainable soluing up meal preparation and avoiding service errors. The tions since launching our EnviroWare® range over 13 packaging is easy to use, as it is delivered nested and years ago,” Nick concludes. “We are proud that this latstackable, enabling speed of service, and features easy est, proven innovation successfully adds value back-ofopening lid tabs and a hinged lid. house, while also enabling operators to improve their Perfect for portion control, both the rectangular and sustainability credentials.” round containers have 200ml capacity, and a 400ml For more information, visit

JURA - Speciality Coffee

For lovers of speciality coffee, the updated WE8 automatic coffee machine is now even more perfect. The WE8 now prepares twelve different specialities at the touch of a button. It now offers macchiato, espresso doppio, special coffees and hot water for green tea at the touch of a button. The new fine foam frother is made from the highest quality materials and has a stunning look and feel. Specially designed for the preparation of speciality coffees with milk foam, it makes cappuccino and other beverages with the very best fine textured foam every time. Recommended maximum daily output 40 cups per day.

strate Swiss innovation and professionalism down to the very last detail. Anywhere where a capacity of up to 150 cups is the order of business, the machine impresses users with its quality, functionality and reliability. Coupled with top performance in every respect, this results in a high tech automatic coffee machine that is ideally tailored to the requirements of hotel breakfasts, restaurants, bars and seminar / conference venues. Recommended maximum daily output 150 cups per day.

Issue 55

CLH Digital


Super Quick, Free Range, Super Easy

Range Farm Liquid Egg products are ready to use, easy to handle, and provide convenience for those working in foodservice. All products are free range, 100% pasteurised and meet British Lion standards. Available in Whole Egg, Egg Whites and Yolks, with no product waste or mess - all your eggs in one carton! Range Farm Free Range Hens are free to roam and forage in the natural environment. Freshly laid, our eggs are processed at our state-ofthe-art facility in Wiltshire and dispatched to customers in our fleet of refrigerated vehicles ensuring they arrive perfect and ready to

use. Range Farm Liquid Egg is sourced from 100% UK based farms so quality and continuity of supply is guaranteed. We are also conscious of our environmental responsibilities so please be assured that our cartons are recyclable. We provide a range of sizes and packaging according to the needs of our customers, with all Range Farm Liquid Egg products available in pallecons, BIB and cartons. To start cooking with ease and find out how we can meet your requirements, call 01249 732221 or email

The Infusion Solution Hospitality and catering companies looking to provide the most cost-effective service for tea and other infusions can try out the doublepatented TEAPY T-4-1 free. Check out TEAPY Ltd’s claims of at least 40% reduction in labour cost and 70% reduction in storage space by obtaining a free trial set from with guidance on how to compare with your existing service(s) for tagged or untagged bags or loose leaf tea, fruit, herbal or other infusions.

tions of a conventional teapot but with better, visible brew control, then flips and “docks” snugly to the mug as a disposal “tidy”. A complete TEAPY T-4-1 tea service with TEAPY, mug, teaspoon, milk jug and optional loose leaf infuser can be carried in one hand, or with more sets on a single tray, more safely, than any comparable service. Operators can build their own sets, by matching their own mugs and spoons to the right TEAPY.

With over 3 years proven performance and success in four industry awards, many have called it the biggest invention, or rather two inventions, since the tea bag.

It can also be used with hot chocolate (try mini-marshmallows served in the jug), mulled wine and coffee bags, for example from Taylor’s of York, in fact TEAPY T-4-1 is so good they patented it twice!

The TEAPY mug lid keeps the infusion hot, providing the brewing condi-

Visit www, or see the advert on page 5.

Anything’s Possible with Saniflo include grease traps and water salvage pumps.

Saniflo is one of the most widely recognised brands in the UK plumbing market thanks to its range of pumps, lifting stations and macerators that enable domestic and commercial customers to install bathroom, kitchen and washing facilities almost anywhere – particularly when gravity drainage is not an option. As well as models that are installed indoors to pump out waste, there is now a huge choice of models that can be sited outdoors and installed underground. These robust liftings stations pump black and grey waste from single buildings or multiple small buildings. Recent additions to the range

Saniflo’s sister company, Kinedo, manufactures shower products for domestic and commercial settings. The range includes integrated cubicles that feature internal and external panels and door, shower tray, shower valve and head in one easy to install package. A range of contemporary shower enclosures and premium shower trays complete the portfolio. The company has an unrivalled reputation for after sales service which is enhanced by its unique nationwide network of 100 service engineers supported by the technical support team based at Saniflo UK. Visit for further information.

Helping Hotels and Restaurants to Bounce Back New Cuts to NEW YORK BAR Collection The GIGA X3c / X3 G2 allows JURA to impressively demon-

German glassware manufacturer Stölzle Lausitz has added two new design cuts to its cosmopolitaninspired New York Bar collection. The design language of the collection focuses on elegant understatement in combination with high-quality crystal glasses to create a sophisticated bar atmosphere reminiscent of New York

Photos WE8 in chrome, GIGA X3 in aluminium.

Visit or email for further information or see the advert on page 3.

City’s buzzing nightlife. Drawing upon the skylines and bar culture of New York, the decorative ‘Manhattan’ cut picks up on the up-and-coming straight lines of the district of the same name, while ‘Club’, a diagonal cut, gives the glasses a stimulating dynamic. As with the design itself, the brand’s execution of the matt finish has been carefully executed and the lines of the straight ‘Manhattan’ cut and the diagonal ‘Club’ cut take the lead in the eye of those drinking from the glasses, while the clear crystal glass casually corresponds with the opaque cut. Depending on the beverage in the glass and the colour of the drink, the light is playfully refracted along the individual lines, creating a unique point of difference that the eye is naturally drawn to. Made from high-quality, scratch-proof glass and well-weighted for a comfortable hold, hosts are able to easily impress with the premium brilliance of the glass. or see the advert on page 5.

Aspenprint, a leading design and print agency for hotels and restaurants, has cleverly devised a whole range of branded social distancing items to help hotels to bounce back this year, at the same time as keeping staff and guests safe and compliant. The various new items include disposable menus, NeverTear indestructible menus / leaflets, door seals, cutlery sleeves, branded screens, face masks, hand sanitising stations and more. Combining clever marketing with creative design and strategic thinking will give your holiday-makers longlasting memories as well as staying socially distanced and safe. One of their latest products to take the hospitality

industry by storm is Aspenprint’s anti bacterial laminate which can be used on a range of printed materials including menus, signage, brochures and posters. It kills 99% of all germs which touch its surface with the specialist anti bacterial laminate coating. This laminate has been widely used by hotels and restaurants, as well as the NHS and schools due to its ability to protect the public. Aspenprint has also promoted the huge social media market for hotels by adding giant deckchairs to their extensive list of products to ensure 2021 is a success. Aspenprint are helping many hotels and holiday parks to ensure guests have a successful staycation this summer with a range of fun printed materials from signage to deckchairs, branded parasols, feather flags, banners and more. Visit Aspenprint’s website for more information or call 01202 717418 to speak with one of the friendly team. See the advert on page 13.


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Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control

Issue 55

Enhance the Perception of Clean with a Venue That Smells Great the worst odours in a building, improving the air quality and freshness throughout premises brings many benefits. “Restaurant and pub managers should not overlook the power of scent in the workplace. Choosing the most appropriate fragrance to apply throughout a building can help create a happier and more relaxed experience for staff and guests, says Mark Wintle. “After all, shopping centres and high-end retailers have been using ambient scents to positively influence customer perceptions for years. P-Wave has worked with leading fragrance houses to develop a range of well-researched and consumer-tested popular fragrances. “As innovators in the air freshening industry, P-Wave understands that cleanliness and hygiene are the most important aspects of managing premises, but with the heightened awareness created by Covid-19, restaurant and pub managers need to action every option available to ensure safety and reassure employees and visitors,” says Mark.

WASHROOM FOCUS Now that there is a roadmap for coming out of lockdown, restaurant and pub managers need to ensure that premises are not only clean and safe, but also restore confidence for returning staff and diners. First impressions count, and can begin before people even see if a venue is clean. The sense of smell is the strongest of the five senses and one of the body’s front-line defence mechanisms, designed to set off alarm bells if a foul smell is detected. According to research, 75% of all emotions generated each day are due to smell, and we are therefore 100 times more likely to remember something we smell over anything we hear, see, or touch. A bad smell is a warning of a bad experience to come. “Many restaurants and pubs have been closed for months, and while they might have been cleaned, air quality will be poor, and with a reduced frequency of cleaning routines, they will not smell as fresh as they should,” says P-Wave® Sales and Marketing Manager Mark Wintle. “People’s trust in the cleanliness and safety of a venue can be negatively impacted if it smells bad, as they will wonder why, and suspect that it is not hygienic.” Foul smells in any building are typically caused by the presence of bacteria which has been left to grow through either inadequate or infrequent or cleaning procedures. While the washroom may be the cause of

In all premises, to feel safe, consumers need to see – and smell – that the washroom is immaculately clean, but poor plumbing or maintenance, or an inadequate cleaning regime can lead to unfortunate odours which are unlikely to receive 5-star reviews. However, in urinals it is the actual minute-by-minute usage that can cause the biggest problem. “We’ve been solving the most common hygiene issue in urinals for years, as randomly splashed urine causes a headache for cleaners, plus a bad smell and a reduction in hygiene standards. “But there’s something even more important at this unprecedented time. According to The World Health Organisation (WHO), Coronavirus can spread in an infected person's urine. This is called ‘viral shedding’, which means that if traces of contaminated urine become aerosolised and inhaled while using a urinal, the disease can infect others in the washroom1. That’s why P-Wave recently delivered a new angle on splash prevention, coupled with a major step forward in urinal deodorising technology with the launch of a new highly fragranced urinal screen.” To ensure washroom cleanliness and hygiene it is worth installing bioenzymatic cleaning solutions in cisterns. They release billions of beneficial bacterial to consume bio-materials that cause odours, keeping the bowl clean, blue and fresh, while also reducing water consumption by displacing water that would normally be present.

Toilet bowls should not be overlooked, and there are passive highly fragranced solutions which can be clipped over the outside of the toilet rim (under the seat) or hung anywhere.

PASSIVE AND ACTIVE AIR FRESHENERS Passive air fresheners are ideal for smaller areas where consistent fragrancing is important. From simple, highly fragranced units for installation in bins, the back of doors, under a desks or in washrooms, to more powerful units which can be placed near a door or any space with good air flow, the open-air design ensures maximum surface area exposure for effective and efficient fragrance release. Active air fresheners replace aerosols and are better for the environment. Systems are available to freshen small, medium and large spaces. Discrete wall or ceiling mounted systems can comprehensively freshen up to 16m3, and feature an intelligent fan which powers down when the lights go off to conserve the battery. For use in toilet cubicles, lifts, gyms and spas or even on a desk in an office, another motion-actvated solution delivers more targeted, clean and efficient air freshening in small spaces exactly when and where it’s needed, reducing fragrance overload, nasal fatigue, and aerosol residue. Also available are powerful, yet silent active fresheners which feature advanced micro-diffusion technology. Delivering coverage from 200m3 to 1200m3, one option features bluetooth control and advanced programming via smartphone or tablet, while the largest, features fully adjustable start/stop, diffusion and stand-by intervals as well as a weekend on/off function. “When specifying air freshening solutions, restaurant and pub managers also have the environment on mind and only choose and install products and consumables that are 100% recyclable,” says Mark. “As restaurants and pubs reopen, there’s no doubt that first impressions are hugely important and restore confidence. Owners and managers need to do all they can to ensure that staff and guests trust that premises are hygienic, safe and clean. Now is the time to address cleaning and maintenance issues, but also to ensure that premises smell clean and have a pleasant and inviting ambience.” For further information visit 1

Groundbreaking Health Technology Products Will Support Hospitality Reopening A UK business partnership is bringing health technology to the hospitality industry to support businesses as the easing of lockdown restrictions begin.

Technology proven to kill viruses and bacteria including Covid 19 at prices that don’t damage your profits

Scientists from Fujita Health University in Japan have confirmed that low concentrations of ozone gas can be used to neutralise coronavirus particles without causing harm to humans. According to the university research, low-level ozone gas in concentrations of 0.05 to 1.0 parts per million (ppm) could be key to neutralising the spread of coronavirus in healthcare settings such as examination rooms and waiting areas. It also provides hospitality businesses with an alternative method to sterilise the air and surfaces in their premises and delivery vehicles without the use of chemicals.

products are also proven to be effective in:

• Killing 99.9% of harmful microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria, mould and fungi by destroying their RNA and DNA structure • Eliminating volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including those with adverse health effects Medklinn International, the health technology compa- • Neutralising allergenic organic compounds such as pet ny that has pioneered research and development into dander and the protein in the faeces of dust mites, which are often the cause of allergies negative ionisation and ozone in the sterilisation process, already provides air and surface sterilisation Medklinn UK will offer a range of air and surface solutions in ASIA, the USA, Canada, Australia and sterilisers designed for business use including: Germany. Now the business is set to launch in the UK. • Permanent units for spaces up to 1,000 sq ft such as Daniel Lu, chief technology and innovation officer hotel guest rooms, washrooms, offices and classrooms of Medklinn International, said: “We are looking for- • Permanent units for large spaces of 3,000 sq ft or ward to bringing our health technology to the UK. more such as hotel corridors, washrooms, restaurants, The announcement from the team at Fujita Health halls, offices, exhibition centres, supermarkets, food proUniversity in Japan further demonstrates that ozone cessing and manufacturing plants sterilisation technology is a viable alternative to the • Portable units for ad hoc treatments of indoor odours use of chemicals for disinfection.” recommended for hotel guest rooms, restaurants and facilities management Steve Jones, Brand Manager Medklinn UK, said: “We’re really excited to be launching Medklinn UK. It will also offer ozone water systems (for washOur products are already used by some of the lead- rooms, industrial kitchens, food processing factories) ing global brands in the hospitaland integrated sterilisation systems ity industry, including Hyatt, (for public washrooms, food proMandarin Oriental and cessing and F&B outlets and superSingapore’s Changi Airport. We markets). believe that they will be particuThe consumer range from larly useful as we make steps Medklinn will feature two products towards easing restrictions and - one suitable for the home and reopening the UK following the travel and one for use in vehicles. lockdowns over the past 12 For further information about months.” Medklinn UK please visit In addition to the latest or contact through in neutralising avirus particles, Medklinn

Versa Air+Surface Sterilizer Effective against

Bacteria & viruses

VOCs & toxic gases

Bad smells

Cross infections



Cost effective solutions for spaces 250sq ft - 3000sq ft and vehicles

Distributed by Tunnelight, Telford, UK |

Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control Issue 55

The Hospitality Sector Needs To Heed New Cleaning Techniques With hotels, restaurants and cafés all due to reopen to the public, establishing a thorough cleaning regime is crucial for the safe return of guests. The HoReCa sector has seen one of the biggest upheavals in its practices since the pandemic began; closing its doors, furloughing staff and installing new safety equipment and ongoing cleaning procedures to kill all virus’ whilst providing a safe environment for both customers and staff. Cardiff-based Genesis Biosciences has developed a unique anti-microbial, surface sanitiser that is proven to be effective against Covid-19 and is free from any harmful chemicals. Genesis’ Sanitiser – part of its Evogen Professional range – delivers safe, high performance cleaning and dis-

infection of all types of hard surfaces. The utilisation of natural, biodegradable active ingredients offers an ecobenign alternative to many of the harsh chemicals commonly used for sanitisation. Genesis Biosciences is one of the few companies in the UK to have gone through rigorous external antiviral testing to validate its surface sanitiser’s effectiveness against all enveloped viruses, including COVID-19 and other coronaviruses. The sanitiser is available 1,000L IBC, 200L, 20L, 5L and 500ml concentrates offering a cost effective and environmentally responsible anti-viral solution for all applications. To find out more about the Evogen Professional cleaning range, or to purchase direct, visit

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Give Patrons Peace of Mind with an Air Purifier unprecedented time, and the results demonstrate a clear trend for increased confidence in hospitality venues such as hotels and restaurants with an air purifier. The results showed:

A new YouGov survey has revealed that customers would be more confident visiting hospitality venues that use air purifiers. Leading global air purifier experts Blueair, make units using unique HepaSilent technology that removes 99.97% of airborne pollutants It may be shocking to learn that indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air . A new YouGov survey, commissioned by Swedish global air purification experts Blueair, has recently revealed the UK’s thoughts on visiting hospitality venues during this

• Two in five adults (41%) said they would be more likely to visit a restaurant with an air purifier installed. • 40% of people would be more likely to head to a café while 39% would stay in a hotel that offered purified air to its guests. • 36% are more likely toa visit to a pub if an air purifier is in use There’s no doubt that purifying indoor air will give consumers more confidence about heading out to their favourite hospitality venue. As well as removing bacteria and viruses , an air purifier can help with allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems. Thanks to its HEPASilent™ technology, Blueair air purifiers remove at least 99.97% of dust and harmful particulate matter as small as 0.1 microns in size, to create a safer environment for all those visiting and working in the venue. Contact Blueair to discuss air purifiers for your hospitality venue:

Please mention

when responding to adverts.

High performing air purifiers The Blueair Blue Pure 411 is the air purifier of choice for the Page 8 Hotel in London. It is a Which? Best Buy as well as Good Housekeeping Institute and Quiet Mark approved. With HEPASilent™ technology that removes at least 99.97% of all airborne particles as small as 0.1 micron in size, including pollen, smoke, dust, mould, spores, virus, bacteria, pet allergens and micro-plastics, alongside app connectivity, it couldn’t be easier to improve the air quality in your hospitality facility with Blueair. Asthma & Allergy Nordic certified. Learn more at

✶ ★★★★★




02 ROVED 2



CLH Digital

Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control

Issue 55

Clean Rooms and Fresh Laundry Are a Top Priority for Successful Hotels & Restaurants Clean rooms and fresh laundry are a top priority for successful hotels & restaurants. You’re in safe hands with MAG Laundry Equipment who are one the UK’s leading suppliers for commercial laundry machines. MAG supply commercial washing machines, tumble dryers and ironers to meet the budget & demands of any business however large or small. Their equipment is backed up with an excellent service by their nationwide fleet of engineers across the UK that can assist with maintenance, repairs, spare parts for all brands & models of laundry machines. MAG also offers free trails & demonstrations of their Super ActivO ozone generator which sanitises the air & surfaces of any indoor room in as quick as 15 minutes. This can remove the strongest of odours and eliminates 99% of bacteria & viruses including salmonella, e.coli, covid-19, mites and more. Efficient, reliable and professional, ask about MAG’s competitive purchase and pay monthly options. Call 01569 690802 today. Telephone: 01569 690802 Email: Website:

Restore Customer Confidence With Wizard’s Air Cleaning Technology Over the last year, the quality of the indoor air we breathe has become more important than ever. Wizard’s air purification devices are a state-of-the-art solution to air cleaning, offering reassurance and confidence to clients and staff within the hospitality sector. Protecting the air you breathe Wizard air cleaning technology provides hospitality venues with a cutting-edge solution to air cleaning, whilst suiting the needs of your business and clientele. Purifying and eliminating airborne contaminants, these cutting-edge devices help to destroy bacteria, viruses, odours and harmful pollutants in an indoor space, such as: • Bars • Restaurants • Hotels • Cafés

tilation that your business needs. Using class-leading UV-C lamp technology and hospital-grade HEPA-13 filtration to purify indoor air, Scarecrow detoxifies spaces of up to 500m2 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Designed with a forced ventilation programme that consistently circulates air, the Northern Fairy cleans the air in spaces of up to 40m2 using the same powerful UV-C lamp cleaning technology as Scarecrow.

Completely safe to use around clients and staff, and available in a variety of colours and sizes, the ultrasmart Scarecrow units let your customers know that you’re working to create a safer, cleaner environment for them to feel comfortable in. Find out more about Scarecrow.

The Northern Fairy can be stood or hung on the wall for ease of application and is available in five different colours.

OTHER DEVICES FROM THE WIZARD FAMILY Suitable for all your business cleaning requirements, we also stock alternative air and surface sanitising solutions from Wizard.


AIR DECONTAMINATION FROM THE NORTHERN FAIRY We have smaller spaces covered with the Northern Fairy, the newest addition to the Wizard product range.

Purozo’s flagship device, Scarecrow, could be the costeffective answer to poor ven-

SANITISE SPACES WITH LION & TOTO High performance Ozone generators from Wizard work to sanitise surfaces and indoor air within spaces of up to 300m2. Fast and effective, the Toto and Lion reach and sanitise every nook and cranny of an area whilst simultaneously removing odours and surface stains. With a stunning design and build quality, Toto and Lion are both easy to use, either controlled manually or via the mobile app.

GET IN TOUCH For more information and a virtual device demonstration, get in touch with us on or give us a call on 01594 546250. See the advert on the facing page for more details.

Sundeala SD Safety Screens and Sundeala Safe Push Door Plates Sundeala have been manufacturing in the UK since 1898 and we are now proud to offer a wide range of products to help you create physical partitions and keep environments hygienic and safe. Our Sundeala FR Safe Push Door Plates are 100% coronavirus free in 5 minutes and are designed to be attached to doors with no-screw fixings making them easy to remove after use. Safe Push Door Plates require no cleaning and are fantastic for reducing the spread of viruses from high touch door surfaces. Available in 7 subtle shades, we can create bespoke sizes to fit any door and supply each pack of Door Plates with adhesive tabs to ensure easy installation. Our Sundeala SD Safety Screen is an environmentally friendly safety screen, perfect for encouraging social distancing in high foot fall environments to help prevent viral spread via droplets or aerosolisation. Sundeala SD Safety Screens are made from 100% recycled paper fibres and are highly porous as well as being extremely durable and robust. They are a practical, environmentally friendly way to assist with social distancing and can be pinned with

informational and/or decorative posters, signs and paper. Many products in our Covid Compliance range including Safe Push Door Panels and SD Safety Screens are made using our Sundeala FR Board. After undergoing ISO 17025 compliant laboratory testing we are delighted to reveal that our Sundeala FR Board (used extensively in circulation spaces, corridors and other high-footfall areas) is shown to be 100% safe from viral transmission from contact with the surface and 100% coronavirus free throughout after 5 minutes of infection, making it completely safe to touch, cut, sand and recycle. Sundeala FR Board is manufactured in the UK from UK waste materials. Sundeala notice boards protect the environment outside while improving the environment inside. For any more information or to find out how we can safeguard your spaces, contact our sales team on 01453 708689 /


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Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control

Issue 55

Engraved Table Numbers and QR Discs Facilitate Social Distancing as Pubs and Restaurants Re-Open The hospitality sector begins to reopen its doors after yet another long lockdown faced with the continued challenge to maintain social distancing. Government guidelines state pubs and restaurants should encourage the use of contactless ordering from table and should adjust their service approach to minimise staff contact with customers. Brunel has made a substantial investment in additional state of the art engraving equipment in order to produce individually etched table numbers and QR code discs which will provide clear markings and information for the public in order to satisfy the requirement for social distancing. The individually engraved table numbers and discs will enable customers to link to Apps or menus, reducing staff contact and eliminating the requirement for hard copies of menus. “We are working hard to keep the British hospitality industry going through these difficult times and we have invested heavily in new equipment to ensure that we can

answer the increasing demand for our engraved products”, said Martyn Wright, managing director of Brunel Engraving and founder of the company. “Many pubs and restaurants have been undertaking major renovations during the lockdown period and we have assisted with their efforts to maintain social distancing by supplying table numbers, QR code discs, signage, PPE Visors and distancing floor stencils which will be used in the new public areas as businesses open their doors to the public once again.” Established over 30 years ago, Brunel Engraving is a pioneering engraving specialist which leads the way in technical innovation. The company has ISO9001 accreditation and its highly skilled team of professional engravers is trained to the highest standards in the UK. In addition to rotary engraving Brunel offers laser engraving, chemical etching, anodic print, dye sublimation print, flatbed UV print and wide format UV print. For further information please contact: 01275 871720 Email:

Welcome To Greener, Safer, Cheaper Food Waste Recycling

ReFood is the European market leader in food waste recycling. We offer businesses of all sizes an alternative to sending unwanted food to landfill with our safe, secure, closed-loop, end-to-end solution. We improve companies’ green credentials, reduce their carbon footprint and lower their overall food waste disposal costs by up to 50%*. By combining the very best knowledge and technology with decades of experience in environmentally

sustainable practices, we deliver the ultimate recycling service to private and public sectors across the UK. And, our cutting-edge Anaerobic Digestion facilities create renewable energy as well as ReGrow, our nutrient-rich biofertiliser. See what we could save you at or call 0800 011 3214. See the advert on page 10. *Figure based on April 2020 landfill rate vs. volume weight.

Why choose SANOZONE? ■ SanOzone generates Ozone and completes a deep and accurate sanitation cycle ■ Ozone sanitisation is cheaper and faster than alternatives like fogging ■ Swiftly cleans and sanitises rooms of all sizes, removing harmful microorganisms ■ Reaches every corner of location, acting more rapidly than other disinfecting agents ■ Machine generates ozone from the air, which decomposes to oxygen after use

SANOZONE CLEANS INDOOR SPACES OF ALL SIZES FOR COVID SAFETY Ozone sanitising is the most effective way to deep clean residential environments of all sizes and it is easier, quicker, and more cost-effective than manual cleaning or fogging. Once in position, an easy-to-use key-pad enables the operator to set the optimal ozone concentration for the size of the room. The system then automatically converts the ambient air into ozone that fills the room, sanitising floors, walls, ceilings, surfaces and equipment. The complete sanitisation of an average sized room will take approximately two hours. This includes the production of ozone, maintaining the required concentration for total cleaning and then returning the room to its usual habitation state. SanOZone is one of the most versatile and efficient sanitisation systems available to healthcare, commercial property owners and facilities management companies. It offers many benefits over manual cleaning and we believe that it is three times quicker and more efficient than alternatives like fogging.

THE MAIN BENEFITS OF SANOZONE ARE: • Highly efficient in the fight against Covid viruses • Effective against the majority of microorganisms tested • Requires only low volumes of ozone to kill bacteria, fungus, parasites and viruses • A standalone system that eliminates the need for chemical substances • More cost-effective than traditional cleaning operations or materials • Automatic cleaning cycle; easy to move from room to room SanOZone units are fully mobile, easy to programme for hourly or daily cleaning and have acoustic and visual warning indicators for safe operation. As it creates its own ozone, no chemicals or additional cleaning products are required. There are no ongoing costs.

SanOZone Easybox systems are available from Barbel now, with prices starting from £1,750 ex VAT for the Easybox 5

For more information, contact Barbel on 01629 705110, email or visit the website at

Microwaves and Combis

High Speed Solutions 40 years, with Exclusive supply status on the Sharp and Maestrowave ranges. Sharp have a reputation for quality and reliability that is second to none. With models ranging from the everyday 1000W R21AT best-seller, to the high power R1900M work-horse used by many leading chain operators - there is a model for every user.

A microwave is a true kitchen essential and has a place in every kitchen. A microwave is traditionally seen as an enhancement to use alongside other items of prime cooking equipment, but their versatility is often underestimated and they can be of particular use where space or budgets are limited.

The Maestrowave high speed cooking range combines innovation with every day essentials - including the affordable yet durable MW10 and MW12, the innovative iWave® automated cooking solution – which uses barcodes to ensure consistent, error proof cooking – and the award winning Combi Chef 7, which combines traditional cooking methods with microwave speed to provide exceptional results. For all your microwave needs – contact the Microwave Masters at R H Hall on 01296 663400 or

From the standard microwave used for fast reheating and regeneration – to combination microwaves for versatility and optimum results on a wide range of products – we have a solution for every operation. R H Hall have been dominating the microwave market for over

WINA Microwaves, The Answer To The Question

out dated incandescent bulbs still found in many commercial microwaves. Pat Bray, MD of Regale Microwaves is rightly proud of his companies latest product group. “We listened very closely to our customers and users to understand what was ( and what was not ) important to them”.

Regale Microwave announce it’s ‘Solution’ promotion, which starts in April. But if Regale has the solution, what’s the problem ? Many Microwaves have a cavity designed so a ½ Gastronorm dish can only just fit inside. However, with demand for the excellent Microsave® cavity liner growing daily, this creates a problem for the user. The ½ gastronorm dish cannot fit inside the Microsave on these ovens, so does the site protect their oven with a Microsave, or use a smaller dish to cook in? The solution is the exciting new range of WINIA heavy duty commercial microwaves. The 1500w & 1850w ovens comes complete with a Microsave cavity liner as standard and the larger cavity can easily accommodate either one ½ Gastronorm dish or two 1/3 Gastronorm dishes. The ovens also come with super bright LED interior lights, which are designed to last far longer than the

He continued “They want a well-built, high quality microwave they can rely on. The oven must also have a Microsave cavity liner to protect their investment. With the larger cavity, chefs can easily use either a ½ or 2 off 1/3 Gastronorm dishes, to give real versatility”.

SPECIAL OFFER There has never been a better time to look at the WINIA brand of Commercial Microwaves. Starting in April, Regale Microwave are giving 2 x 1/3 and 1 x ½ Polycarbonate 100mm gastronorm dishes worth over £15.00 with the first 100 pieces with either model WINIA KOM9F50 (1500w) or KOM9F85 (1850w). Visit Email Telephone 01329 285518 SEE THE ADVERT ON PAGE 17.

Rational Wins Capital Equipment Supplier of the Year Award 2021 With a turnover of £400m representing seventy dealers, the ENSE Buying Consortium is one of the foodservice equipment industry’s biggest hitters – which is why its annual awards are highly regarded and eagerly contested. At ENSE’s recent Conference the consortium announced its 2021 awards – and Rational won the prestigious Capital Equipment Supplier of the Year. “We’re absolutely thrilled to pick up this award,” says Simon Lohse, managing director of Rational UK. “It’s especially important because it’s the dealers who vote for it – so to win it is a real boost for us.” Competition was tough in the Capital Equipment Supplier

award and Rational was up against six other top suppliers. “We work very closely with ENSE and its dealer network,” says Lohse. “Being a supplier partner to the Consortium is vital to the success of our strategic dealer development. Events like this Conference let us network with our ENSE dealer partners, building relationships and addressing issues. “The award underlines the close relationship we have with ENSE and its dealer members, and I’d like to thank everyone who voted for us!”

Issue 55

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CLH Digital

Issue 55

Hospitality Technology

Business Development Through Integrated Technology and CRM By Henry Seddon, Managing Director Access Hospitality The advances in hospitality technology over the last year have been well documented, with delivery and takeaway, pre ordering, order and pay at table, and contactless payments being amongst the most utilised in response to controls placed on the sector. With so many solutions available, it’s worth highlighting a couple of areas that we expect will impact most significantly on an operators’ efficiency and revenue generation. Firstly, the importance of technology integration. As Kate Nicholls, CEO of UKHospitality acknowledged in an Access Hospitality webinar last year “I have never seen such a rapid rollout of technology; things that would normally take three to five years to get through. We have now got that seamless integration of technology and the acceleration towards a single portal for a customer. Where you want to use technology is in a smart way to allow your staff to be freed up to deliver better service. That's where technology comes into its own.”

gy, a second business area that shouldn’t be overlooked is customer relationship management (CRM). Customer expectations within hospitality venues remain high; in fact, they are likely to have risen in response to the post pandemic safety and cleaning measures that have been introduced, so the ability to track, manage and build relationships with customers remains vital. To ensure that we can provide the most comprehensive and responsive service, Access Hospitality recently acquired Acteol, the UK’s leading provider of CRM software and contracted marketing managed services to the hospitality, leisure, travel, and gaming sectors. Our belief is that by creating a single customer view where all data is in one place, de-duped and enriched, multi-channel marketing becomes more efficient and effective, with more meaningful connections, greater customer engagement and resulting sales. CRM tracks customer interactions, visit frequency, preferences and spend providing an accurate profile that they might not even recognise about themselves. Using the information available to tailor bespoke communications and offers deepens the affinity and loyalty from customers, increasing the likelihood of them returning to venue and redeeming any incentives provided.

Where information and data can be entered once and shared across multiple platforms, there is an obvious benefit in increasing efficiency but also reducing the potential for errors when keying in. Monitoring performance and development opportunities is also enhanced when key metrics are available in one view from a single sign-on and the volume of rich data for qualitative analysis is increased.

For any customer interaction measurement is priceless and, understanding what works and what doesn’t, enables you to focus your efforts in the most effective way possible and make data driven decisions. Analysis of results identifies the best channels for communication – which might include email, SMS, push notifications or direct mail – as well as conveying the best sentiments or promotions to generate a positive response.

With so much attention given to the operational benefits of technolo-

Predictions suggest that there may be fewer out of home hospitality

occasions taken over the next few months, but that customers will be looking for more premium experiences. The value of integrating a powerful CRM system into your technology management suite will give your hospitality operation a significant boost and offers a compelling argument for integration with other cost saving and revenue generating technology. See the advert below to find out more about how Access Hospitality can help your business.

Hospitality Technology

Issue 55

CLH Digital

Yoello - Mobile Order & Pay You Can Trust 2020 was a pivotal year for Cardiff based Fintech Yoello. Since launching their mobile order and pay solution in June, the company has gone from strength to strength growing rapidly whilst supporting thousands of hospitality businesses across the UK during the Covid-19 pandemic. Yoello aims to disrupt the current payment networks which are outdated and expensive. By processing payments themselves, utilising open banking regulations, they want to bring operators and customers closer together with cheaper and instantaneous transactions. The platform is currently focused on the hospitality industry, from small cafes and traditional pubs to luxury hotels and large theatres. Yoello’s mobile order and pay technology also has the capability to expand into sectors such as retail and tourism. The company’s aim is to improve efficiency, increase revenues and improve the customer experience through

mobile technology, in particular in the current climate with businesses currently operating with reduced staff numbers and customer capacity. As we head towards a cashless society and a new technology led, post-Covid, future of service – Yoello’s tech will play a vital role for most businesses to survive. Yoello’s mobile ordering solution allows customers to access digital menus simply by scanning a QR code or typing in a URL using any smartphone or web device, without needing to download an app. Customers can access table service, click & collect and delivery services all through one platform. From a merchant’s point of view, it’s very easy to set up and manage contactless order and pay either alongside an existing system or through POS integration. Find out more visit or speak to the sales team: / 07764 86 4840

ConnectSmart from QSR ®

QSR Automations, the leading provider of kitchen automation, guest management, off-premise technology, and predictive analytics, announced the launch of the ConnectSmart Platform. This move strengthens and simplifies company and product offerings. The platform effectively combines QSR Automations’ software suite into a single platform: • ConnectSmart Kitchen, industry-leading kitchen display system • ConnectSmart Go, an off-premise order management system • ConnectSmart Host (formerly DineTime), a guest experience, reservation and table management solution • ConnectSmart Insights, a business intelligence tool • ConnectSmart ControlPoint, hardware management software • ConnectSmart Recipes (formerly TeamAssist), a kitchenintegrated recipe viewer By connecting the back end and integrating these solutions into one operational platform, operators can work with a solution that shares data from all its components and make holistic restaurant decisions in real-time.

Flexible APIs and robust integrations allow operators to tailor the platform to their specific needs and focus on what’s most important — the guest experience. “Removing the barriers between products on the back end to create the ConnectSmart Platform architecture demonstrates how our software has advanced from individual product offerings to a connected operational platform. This move is a logical progression based on an industry that’s progressing just as rapidly. The pandemic accelerated what we already knew, connectivity and operational data are paramount for operational success. The platform will allow providers to make strategic, data-driven decisions that will ultimately deliver tailored guest experiences for their diners,” said QSR Automations Founder and CEO Lee Leet. Restaurant owners and operators can learn more about the ConnectSmart Platform at


What can the ConnectSmar ConnectSmartt® platform do for your your restaurant? Learn more more at:



CLH Digital

Issue 55

Hospitality Technology

Invest in the Right POS Solutions to Get You Through Reopening and Beyond The COVID-19 pandemic has seen hospitality ventures in particular desperately searching for simple solutions easy to implement with the impending time crunch to address a set of stringent guidelines introduced by the Government. Keen to abide by social distancing rules, business owners are looking for ways to give their customers the peace of mind to continue purchase from their stores inperson and out with many turning to new tech to keep their businesses afloat. Adopting a bespoke point-of-sale system (POS) is becoming an increasingly popular choice in light of their offering; features to boost performance through faster transactions, expansive data collection and live stock count –

an especially useful component to address and respond to unexpected spikes and drops in demand during an unpredictable climate. Opting for a click & collect service like Goodeats offered by Goodtill has been the perfect example of innovation in the hospitality industry as an answer to COVID-security and beyond with its pivoting feature enabling table ordering solutions when dining-in becomes an option once again. Today, a POS system integrated with a click & collect service has become an essential and is no longer limited to giant retailers but accessible to smaller ventures to help diversify revenue streams. Access to these kinds of value-add services promotes customer loyalty even in

trying times. Many of these systems were initially deemed as temporary solutions to stay in business during the COVID-crises, but the staggering uptake in interest and usage of POS solutions are altering the hospitality sector from the ground up. We now see such software playing a key role within the service industry, providing establishments a stronger offering over their competitors. Businesses that have acquired a click & collect service are well-placed to satisfy potential future restrictions when partnered with contactless payment and pickup alongside a dedicated POS software introducing affordable automation to business operations. See the advert on the facing page for details.

Hospitality and Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly By Harvey Morton, Digital Expert and founder of HarveyMorton.Digital (

A disgruntled employee could do more damage on social media in a moment of anger than any good done by consistent and regular updates by your marketing team. A simple comment about the poor hygiene standards in a kitchen could set a coffee shop back many months.

account makes the individual responsible for any fallout from inappropriate or even criminal content. As a company, you want to be sure you are not seen as liable for this.

Consequently, writing a social media policy for your employees is an essential tool for protecting your brand and all colleagues' best interests. While writing such a policy is akin to walking on eggshells, it is best to undertake this difficult task anyway.

Obviously, the number one goal of your policy is to protect your brand. Setting expectations for social media use reduces the chances for error and prevents confusion about what is and what isn't seen as professional to your company.

What is a social media policy? A social media policy will lay out your organisation's expectations for employees use of social media platforms. The policy will need to respect the law above all else. The Human Rights Act 1998 allows your team the right to respect for private and family life, home, and correspondence. Basically, you must be careful when telling your team what to do when they are not at work. No hospitality business would be without social media. It is a good time business, and showing people enjoying themselves is an excellent source of brand enhancement and marketing. The benefits of social media for hotels, restaurants, and other outlets, is significant, and most companies have an active presence on most sites. Yet, there is no denying the bad of social media and the downright ugly.

What you hope to achieve with your policy

There are positive aspects to this too. When your team post positive messages about your company, you are leveraging the potency of employee advocacy. Your business social media account might make it clear you are unique but imagine how much more powerful it sounds from someone who works for you. What should I include in my policy?

Equally, you need to be careful with how you choose to monitor social media activity. The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 clarifies that you cannot monitor the posts without the staff member's permission. If that colleague accepts you as a friend or follower, this is explicit permission to view posts.

Having a look at other companies' policies is a sound starting point. Often there is a request for transparency and disclosure. In other words, you ask your team to tell you when they are on social media. You might also ask that they act responsibly and professionally when posting. You should acknowledge that having fun and connecting is great; expressing concerns can negatively affect all.

Your social media policy should also make clear that these accounts are owned by individuals. This is vital. The ownership of the social media

The skill in writing this policy is getting the tone right and seeking buyin from the start. It will be worth the effort.

Technology is Key to Combatting the Food Waste Problem By Danilo Mangano, General Manager Europe at guest experience platform SevenRooms ( Following the release of the UN’s 2021 Food Waste Index Report, Danilo Mangano, General Manager Europe at SevenRooms discusses how technology can help the hospitality industry reduce food waste Globally, food waste accounts for 8% of greenhouse emissions. If it were a country, it would be the thirdlargest producer of greenhouse gases after the US and China. The topic of sustainability in business is not new, and is certainly not going unnoticed by consumers, who increasingly want all of the experience with none of the eco-guilt. As hospitality reopens this spring, there is an opportunity to both renew focus on sustainability and boost profitability. Research has shown that if the average restaurant reduced food waste by just 20% a year, it would save an estimated £2,000. This is significant, especially when you consider the lost revenue restaurants will want to make up when on-premise dining restarts. There is a clear environmental and economic need for restaurants to reduce food waste — and technology can offer a solution. Many restaurants use technology to help them manage operations, from reservations to seating management, but far fewer use these platforms to gain insight into where food waste can be reduced. With this in mind, we have looked at how the hospitality industry can make the most of technology to tackle food waste while still ensuring guests go home satisfied.


ORDERS When it comes to ordering food, many restaurants rely on rule of thumb estimates. With reduced capacity likely to be the norm for the first few months after reopening, it’s going to be difficult to predict exactly what they will need in terms of produce and the qualities required. Ultimately, this could cause challenges when reining in spending, especially as maximising profits needs to be front of mind upon reopening. With the right technology solution, this unpredictability could be one less thing for operators to think about. Restaurants that have fully-integrated guest experience platforms in place can capture and leverage data directly, offering important insights into a diner’s dietary preferences, allergies and favourite orders. Not only does this enable them to provide tailored experiences that help to build a deeper relationship, but these insights also allow operators to undertake supply ordering more accurately. Looking at the data, a restaurant manager may see that a guest was a Friday night regular, and always ordered the salmon en croute with a specific vegetable side dish. When making their next reservation, it’s likely this will be the meal they choose, which an operator can use to plan when placing orders with suppliers. While lockdown has meant venues have been closed for dining on-premise, restaurants that have been facilitating their own online ordering, collection and delivery services will have continued to build their bank of customer data. This same data will prove invaluable when they are organising inventory. For instance, if a customer has ordered a specific chicken dish for delivery over the lockdown, chances are they are going to order it again when they can eat at the venue. The benefit of knowing this information is twofold. With a better idea of what diners will order, the kitchen can more accurately judge what they will need to order from suppliers. Plus, by anticipating the customers’ wishes, an operator can continue to provide a positive diner experience that makes them feel valued and more likely to return again.


On some occasions, an operator will have leveraged all the available data to inform supply orders and still be left with surplus food at the end of service. So what happens then? We know how valuable the art of the quick pivot was during the lockdown. There is no reason why restaurants should leave that mindset behind now; particularly when it can have such a profound impact on food waste. The introduction of retail was a lifeline to many restaurant businesses over the pandemic, and is a great way to help operators eliminate food waste in the long-term. With special relationships often required to access high-end produce, meats and more, these retail operations are often the only way for consumers to purchase these specialty items. At-home meal kits were also wildly popular over the past year – why not continue to supply these kits with surplus food? It’s a simple way for customers to feel connected to their favourite dining spot if they don’t feel ready to return to on-premise, while using food that would otherwise have been discarded. Many are more than happy to support their favourite restaurants, and they will feel better in the knowledge that not only will they have prevented food from going to landfill, but that they have helped a local business as it recovers and rebuilds. Tackling food waste concerns should be a priority for everyone within the hospitality space when venues reopen. It is worth noting, however, that the recommendations outlined are only possible if operators own their customer data and hold direct relationships. Without access to their email address, how will you contact them to let them know their favourite pasta sauce is available to buy and enjoy at home? If you can’t access their order history, how would you know who to contact when marketing a meal kit for the dish they never fail to order? Or encourage a regular delivery diner to visit you on-site once your venue reopens? Operators that are proactive in using intelligent, data-driven technology can only benefit, especially as costs associated with wastage decline and consumers opt for restaurants that prioritise sustainability and top-tier service.

Drinks Dispense and Cellar Management Issue 55

CLH Digital

Clear Brew - Helping Hospitality To Get Back On Its Feet We reduce your wasted ullage, meaning you have more beer to sell at full retail price to increase your profits

NO CHEMICALS TO BUY & STORE We bring all cleaning equipment and chemicals with us so you don't need to buy or store them

THE PERFECT PINT We enable you to dispense the perfect pint to your customers time and time again, improving sales and yields


Book your FREE No Obligation cellar equipment check and Free Beer Line Clean

SAVE WATER, GAS & ELECTRICITY By only using a third of the water, no gas and no electricity our system doesn’t only reduce waste, it helps reduce your bills


Our nationwide coverage means that will you be helping keep local people in work and in doing so keeping transport emissions down through reduced fuel miles

THE HIGHEST STANDARDS We build ongoing relationships with you to ensure you save money, reduce waste, mitigate risk and ultimately ensuring the beer you serve tastes as it should Call the Professionals 0800 7810 577

Cellartech Solutions

Cellartech Solutions Ltd have been supplying the independent pubs clubs and restaurants of the Midlands region since 2010.

We are a dedicated one stop shop for all bar and cellar needs, including cellar cooling systems and drinks dispense set ups. With the current lockdown coming to an end it is vital that your drinks dispense equipment is clean and sanitised and ready to serve your waiting customers. Cellartech Solutions can offer a one-off Deep Line Clean and Cellar Services to help with this.

Please contact our office on (01572) 739364 or email

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CLH Digital

Issue 55

Outdoor Spaces

Five Tips For Weather-Proofing Your Outside Venue As Lockdown Eases

By Sam Richards, Marketing Manager at Gazeboshop (

As lockdown rules ease across the UK, the hospitality industry has been reopening to host customers in their outdoor facilities. With this industry being hit harder than most during the pandemic, this announcement has given a new lease of hope to many venues who were struggling to survive. However, with restaurants, pubs and bars only permitted to serve and host customers in outdoor facilities, many have been dubious about how the British weather would impact footfall. To help the industry as they adapt to this ease in restrictions and keep their customers sheltered from April showers, Samantha Richards, Marketing Manager of Gazeboshop, will offer five practical suggestions for how the hospitality sector can keep going through any bad weather spell.

1. UNDERSTAND THE LEGAL REGULATIONS SET OUT BY YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT Creating an outdoor area which will protect customers from the weather but also fit in line with government regulations is a challenge for the hospitality industry. An outdoor space constitutes any area which is not indoors, including terraces, pavement spaces in front of venues (if permit permitted), and beer gardens. Businesses must ensure their outdoor space abides by their local regulations to avoid facing a fine or

being shut down through the month.

2. CARRY OUT A THOROUGH RISK ASSESSMENT OF THE OUTDOOR AREA If your business is not used to hosting a large number of customers outside, you will need to carry out a risk assessment when proofing your venue to ensure you have identified the potential risk of hosting dozens, if not hundreds of people in the same space. This risk assessment should include preparing for all weather conditions to ensure proper contingencies are in place for a sudden downpour in rain or storm.

3. INVEST IN COVERED SHELTER TO PROTECT GUESTS FROM THE RAIN The government has announced that businesses in the hospitality sector are permitted to erect marquees and gazebos without first needing to obtain planning permission. Whilst some have taken a chance with open-top gardens, hospitality owners may want to consider an outdoor shelter to ensure their guests won’t be put off when it starts to drizzle. To be considered an outdoor shelter, these structures can have a roof but must have at least 50% of their wall area open at all times whilst in use.

4. FIND A WAY TO KEEP THE WINTER CHILL AT BAY Customers attending an outdoor venue will most likely be wrapped up warm in preparation for a chilly evening, but finding ways to warm up your shelter will be greatly appreciated by any visitors. Investing in convection heaters which circulate warm air to heat up the surrounding area could be useful for a large space, as well as offering blankets on

chairs to guests who start to feel chilly as the evening cools down.

5. MANAGE BOOKINGS CAREFULLY IN CASE OF CANCELLATIONS With the possibility of customers cancelling their bookings last minute if the weather turns, operators will need to manage bookings carefully to ensure too many tables do not go unused. Some venues have decided to request deposits from customers, others are waiving cancellation charges entirely, and some have scrapped their booking system entirely and are only offering walk-in tables. Each business will need to assess their customer base and system to decide on which approach to take this summer to ensure they can maximise their booking offering.

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

We are an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses.

We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budg-

et as the continual bumps and scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand.

Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to

Herald Bolsters Eco-Friendly Range Having introduced a selection of 100 per cent compostable hot cups, with both double and ripple wall options, Herald is strengthening its commitment to providing its customers with a varied choice of premium, eco-friendly products this summer. The quality disposables supplier is offering a choice of greener products to meet the increased demand from the catering, pub, bar and food to go sectors, with outdoor events back on the agenda, post-Covid, and restaurants and cafes aiming to maximise their takeaway options. Recognising that many new customers are keen to provide fully sustainable and green products, Herald has prioritised providing an additional ripple wall option to its line of compostable hot cups, along with a selection of sizes. The sizes – 8 oz, 12 oz and 16 oz – acknowledge the needs of existing customers who may want to to make the switch to the 100 per cent compostable product by complementing the lids that Herald currently has available. Managing director of Herald, Yogesh Patel comments on the current market status as businesses shift to accommodate changing government guidelines: “The increase in takeaway demand for cafes, restaurants

and pubs means that the market has expanded for disposable cups and many of the new customers that we’re attracting are conscious of their own customers’ environmental considerations.” Other products in Herald’s eco range include a wider selection of single, double and triple wall cups and a choice of eco sip lids. For further information on Herald and its products, log on to or call 0208 507 7900 to order a copy of the new catalogue.

Outdoor Spaces

Issue 55

Bring In Much Needed Revenue with an Outdoor Menu This Summer With pub gardens and outdoor seating due to open from 12th April, having an outdoor menu offering will provide a much needed revenue boost for hospitality venues across the UK. We have a wide range of products that will help you create the perfect outdoor kitchen, in any outside space.

operator. Simply Stainless Tabling works alongside Crown Verity to create the perfect outdoor kitchen. Working with our fabrications division we can also offer you a bespoke stainless steel solution for any requirement. Hygiene and safety is still a huge consideration, our Mobile Hand Wash Station & Sanitiser Unit help you to provide hygiene facilities outside for all customers and staff to keep safe.

With the 'super deduction' tax allowance introduced in the 2021 budget, businesses can also reduce their tax bill by 25p for every £1 spent on new equipment purchases, so return on investment can be gained even faster!

R H Hall offer the full package... From site visit, design and quotation - to supply of the perfect outdoor kitchen!!!

Crown Verity Professional Barbecues offer a high quality, adaptable cooking solution, with a wide range of add-on accessories for a varied menu. From the compact MCB30 to the MCB72 'King of the Grill', there is a model for every

Contact our knowledgeable sales team on 01296 663400 or to help you choose the perfect equipment for any operation!

Make the Most of Your Outdoor Areas with the Contract Furniture Group you to seize this opportunity to update, repair or replace décor ahead of reopening; and to support this they are looking at putting finance packages together to spread the investment.

Contract Furniture Group have worked hard over the last year to provide their customers with the same high quality service you’ve come to expect from them. Despite the frustration our whole industry is feeling at the moment, Contract Furniture Group encourage

If you do have any questions or queries about Contract Furniture Group's products or services, stock availability or lead times, terms or available finance options, please don’t hesitate to call. Most importantly, Contract Furniture Group say they hope you and your loved ones stay safe and well during these unprecedented times. For further information visit

Making the most of your outdoor areas with Tempus solutions The Manhat Manhattan tan P Pergola ergola fr from om T Tempus empuss is a simple and cost effective effective w way ay of ex xtending the comf or t of your your indoor spaces int o yyour our outdoor patios extending comfort into patios..

from as little as

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Boost Your Restart Grant with Black Rock Grill's GET BACK TO BUSINESS 10% DISCOUNT Consumers are craving for Pub & Restaurant hospitality NOW! An overwhelming number of punters will be heading for the pub, restaurant & cafe experience to get their lives back to some kind of normal.

Will you be ready? Restart with the Black Rock Grill WOW factor ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Get ahead of your competition Serve customers within 5 mins of ordering Turn tables quickly Serve meals indoors & out Fewer staff needed to operate No meals returned Hygienic safe sizzling hot meals Rebound quickly and profitably Restart with something new and exciting for you and your guests

Hot stone cooking allows your customer to live dine at the table and cook their meal exactly how they like it, sizzling hot till the very last bite! It will create a great atmosphere within the restaurant and give you a USP for your business.

We are offering:

GET BACK TO BUSINESS 10% DISCOUNT on all Commercial Set-ups (Valid till 30th April '21, while stocks last)

Please give us a call or email to find out more information. We have lots of guidance on set-up size, menu ideas, and relaunch ideas | 01256 359858 |

Outdoor Spaces

Issue 55

CLH Digital

Discover How a Canopy Can Increase your Profits

Pubs, Restaurants and the Leisure Industry will have a golden opportunity to make the most of their gardens to increase Summer trade when lockdown is over.

day eating area”.

By installing a Zenith Canopy Structure, Licensees and owners will have the opportunity to re-appraise their business and re-market their outdoor facilities to encourage customers to use their establishments. Ian Manners of Zenith said “The benefits of canopy structures to Licensees is that they can be used all year round, by adding heating, lighting and sidewalls” The soft PVC walls slide like curtains, can be easily removed or be fixed in position. Alternatively, terrace screens can be fitted. Many of Zenith’s customers have opted to fund their canopy project by LEASE RENTAL. This is a financially efficient way of installing a canopy because it allows the Licensee/owner to budget on a monthly basis without a large capital outlay. After a 4- or 5year period the licensee will own it outright. It is also very tax efficient.

Simon Vale of Drayton Manor Theme Park purchased 165 square metres of Zenith’s canopies and said, “We received a very quick return on our investment and our customers are now able to benefit from an outdoor covered area in all weathers”.

Ian Manners went on to say, “for example, you can seat 50-60 customers under 2 x 5m x 5m (50m²) Airone Tipo 150 structures from as little as £315 (ex VAT) per month over a 5-year period. Essentially your customers are paying for the canopy as they use it”

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

James Bishop is the Proprietor of The Longcross Hotel in Trelights, near Port Isaac in Cornwall. James purchased three of Zenith’s Airone Tipo 150 canopies and installed glazed walls and doors.

Zenith’s canopies are available in a variety of modular, shapes, sizes and colours.

James said, “Since installation business has boomed and we now have an extra outdoor function room for up to 150 people when not being used as a day to

For further information contact Zenith Canopy Structures Limited, T: 0118 978 9072 E: or visit

Environmentally Sustainable, Ecodek Solid Decking Boards With its solid composition - intended to prevent water and moisture from rotting the decking from within - Ecodek is a long-lasting, ecologically sustainable solution that offers increased resistance to impact damage. Its solid structure gives it greater noise absorption properties, so it’s quieter underfoot; helping to reduce noise levels in dining environments.

With the increase in development of outdoor hospitality areas looking set to stay, more restaurants and bars than ever have been reviewing ways for customers to safely enjoy dining and drinking experiences out of doors, using environmentally sustainable, Ecodek solid decking boards. Whilst many hospitality premises have been closed during lockdown, and others open for the sale of take-away orders only, businesses have been using the period to research, consider and install suitable outdoor dining solutions that can accommodate premises’ customer capacity as regulations change and warmer months approach.

Safer and more hardwearing than a wooden outdoor floor surface, Ecodek is a sustainable and effective alternative to hollow boards. It is simple to install, manufactured in the UK and supported with a 25-year guarantee. Split and rot resistant, this hardwearing decking solution is ideally suited to commercial purposes and can be relied upon for customer comfort and safety in both wet and dry conditions. For further information about the Ecodek composite decking solution, including design ideas, environmental credentials, and recommended installation partners, visit or speak to a product specialist on 01978 667840.



CLH Digital

Issue 55

Outdoor Spaces

LeisureBench Announce New Exciting Comprehensive Website

LeisureBench Limited, one of the UK’s leading suppliers and installers of high quality outdoor furniture, is proud to announce the launch of our new exciting comprehensive website.

Other products showcased on our new website include a new range of dining huts, ideal for outdoor dining whatever the weather. We can also supply and install quality awnings and sails.

All our range represents excellent value for money.

We also have an extensive choice of parasols and gazebos.

Among the new features installed, is the introduction of automatic bulk discounts off our list prices and stock availability is clearly shown. In these difficult times, there is also the facility to preorder any item, to secure the products you require. There are exciting new ranges for 2021 including 100% recycled plastic products including picnic tables, benches, planters and more.

Among our existing product ranges for this year, are wooden round and A Frame picnic tables, teak and pine benches, Rattan chairs, tables and sofas, outdoor dining sets, metal furniture, a full range of polypropylene chairs in many different colours and styles, and much more. Visit our new website, or email us on Telephone 01949 862920.

CambridgeStyle Canopies

CambridgeStyle Canopies have an enviable reputation in the hospitality sector for providing shade and shelter solutions for pubs, hotels and restaurants across the UK. We specialise in offering the right covering solutions to maximise your useable outdoor space with our range of made-to-measure aluminium outdoor canopy systems. Our product range includes:

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

• Wall mounted non-fragile or glass roof canopies with up to 6m projection and unlimited length • Free standing canopies with up to 12m projection and unlimited length

• Solisysteme Bio Climatic Pergolas with the latest Somfy technology and up to 7.1m post span • Zip Screens and Sliding Glass doors • Heating and lighting upgrades for all canopy systems Contact us to discuss your needs and arrange a site survey so we can help identify the right solution for your business. We have all the necessary accreditations within the construction sector and provide a no quibble 10-year guarantee on all products to give you peace of mind. Together we can help get business going again! Emails or visit

CambridgeStyle Canopies have an enviable reputation in the hospitality sector for providing shade and shelter solutions for pubs, hotels and restaurants across the UK. We specialise in offering the right covering solutions to maximise your useable outdoor space with our range of madeto-measure aluminium outdoor canopy systems.

Our product range includes:

• Wall mounted non-fragile or glass roof canopies with up to 6m projection and unlimited length • Free standing canopies with up to 12m projection and unlimited length • SoliSySteme Bio Climatic Pergolas with the latest Somfy technology and up to 7.1m post span • Zip Screens and Sliding Glass doors • Heating and lighting upgrades for all canopy systems

Contact us to discuss your needs and arrange a site survey so we can help identify the right solution for your business. We have all the necessary accreditations within the construction sector and provide a no quibble 10-year guarantee on all products to give you peace of mind. Together we can help get business going again!

CambridgeStyle Canopies Ltd 01353 699009 | | “WE’VE GOT IT COVERED - NOBODY DOES IT BETTER”

Previous Clients Include:

Outdoor Spaces

Issue 55

CLH Digital

Space-Ray - We Know Heat Space-Ray is an industry leading manufacturer and supplier of high quality infrared radiant and warm air heating systems. With electric heaters, radiant tube heaters and radiant ceramic plaque heaters we know we have the perfect heating solution for you. Our heaters are popular for large open areas and buildings such as patios, restaurants, outdoor and indoor bars, sports facilities etc. Space-Ray heaters can help to maximize the revenue potential of outside areas by providing targeted heat where you need it. Many of our heaters are IP55 rated to protect against the elements, making sure your heaters stay in top working condition no matter the weather conditions. We take pride in our entire family of commercial

heaters and our commitment to quality standards in the design, manufacture, and performance of Space-Ray products — heaters with low maintenance at a competitive price, and a proven record for long life. We have a dedicated and experienced external and internal sales team ready and willing to help satisfy your heating needs. Contact us now at, or 01473 830551

Seating with Wider Appeal from ILF Chairs make your customers want to come back?

Never fear, ILF Ltd. have the solution with a comprehensive selection of outdoor chairs and tables in many finishes and colours which we are able to supply quickly from either our UK location or our European location. We have selections of seating in aluminium, resin, plastic, polycarbonate, teak and imitation rattan plus, there are also tables and barstools for exterior use. Hospitality has now got the Green light last to reopen outdoors from the 12th April. Will you be ready and able to cope with the rush? Will your Café, Restaurant, bar have the right outdoor ambience and comfort to stand out from the rest and

Whatever your outdoor furniture needs might be we at ILF are here to help. Why not contact us on 01293 783783 or send an email to:-

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CLH Digital

Issue 55

Outdoor Spaces

Outdoor Events to Reengage Customers

Written by Rebecca Brennan-Brown

change to play again.

to get married outside in the UK, but you can offer your outside space as a place to celebrate a couple’s wedding with their family and friends safely.

With the opening day for pubs here, holding an outdoor function creates an incentive for customers to attend and spend. Having outside space is an enormous advantage right now, as we know the infection rates significantly reduce outside. So how can you safely use your outdoor space for social events over the next few months?

Projector screens, blankets, warm drinks and food. Doesn’t that sound cosy? An abundance of outdoor cinemas are opening, but some people are concerned about being in such large groups of people. Smaller films nights will make those people feel more comfortable. The equipment is easy to come by, so tells guests to bring blankets, and make sure you have the hot chocolates ready.



Again focussing on the elements people have lacked over the past few months, many are craving restaurant meals. With smart but straightforward technology such as QR codes, ordering food from a variety of different vendors while remaining safe is easy. Consider theming your food fest to a particular cuisine, maybe you have an Asian food-themed day and invite street food vendors from your local area.

Bingo is no longer just for pensioners. Since lockdown began, we’ve seen all ages suddenly take up bingo. With the addition of drag queen callers and attractive prizes, bingo can be an entertaining event. Again, the equipment isn’t difficult to come by; there are many callers online. Plus, as this is an activity which takes place seated, it’s easier to keep people apart.

Owners and managers have the difficult task of managing alcohol intake, knowing that social distancing and safety measures are likely to slip as people have more to drink. Tokens or limits should be considered, with managers using their discretion on safe contact.


With all of these suggestions, it’s paramount that the marketing of such events is right. The hospitality industry has a huge challenge ahead to shift the attitudes of customers, as many people will still be concerned about safety. By addressing those concerns from the forefront, we can make customers feel comfortable in the knowledge that social distancing has been adhered to, and their safety is the paramount concern.

Providing you have the right contacts to obtain traders, a beer festival is a great way to draw in customers. The weather need not be an issue; gazebos will solve that problem. A socially distanced beer festival will look different from usual, a reoccurring theme across all areas of hospitality. Consider asking customers to order from their tables rather than queuing for a drink to manage social distancing.

MUSIC It’s been months since anyone has seen music live. Many people are absolutely gutted that all of their festivals, gigs and open nights have been cancelled or rescheduled. Creating a mini socially distanced festival using your outdoor space could be a great way to entice music fans. Plus, it’s been so long since musicians have had any live jobs, they’ll jump at the


Clubs and bars will be closed for some time, so why not bring a safe version of this to your outdoor space? If you can find a suitable way of sectioning off your space so customers can be socially distanced, this is a great option. Silent disco kits are easy to come by and can be hired for a small cost.

WEDDINGS Many couples have cancelled weddings due to COVID, and are therefor getting married with fewer family and friends around. It isn’t currently legal


For more information, pase contact Rebecca Brennan-Brown LTD Website: Instagram:

Enhance Your Customers' Experience with Ambimedia Ambimedia Ltd provide audiovisual solutions for a range of environments such as retail, leisure, education, corporate and hospitality venues. We provide a whole range of services from specification and design to installation and maintenance and we have our own, award winning digital signage and background music platforms. We are experts in digital signage and work closely with our clients to create a customer experience which exceeds their expectations, whilst offering a cost effective, user friendly service. In recent months, we have helped many businesses adapt to the changing requirements of the new regulations imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have a range of outdoor high-

brightness, weatherproof TV’s which allow customers to watch TV even in bright sunlight, whilst also extending WIFI networks and installing outdoor sound systems to enhance the outdoor areas in anticipation of the summer season and upcoming sports events. In addition to this, we also provide hand sanitizer stations with a built in advertising display, allowing venues to inform, advertise and promote to a captive audience whilst keeping your staff and customers safe. Call us today to arrange a survey with one our technical experts and let us help you transform you venue. T: 01246 906958 E: W:

Design and Refit

Engraved Table Numbers and QR Discs Facilitate Social Distancing as Pubs and Restaurants Re-Open The hospitality sector begins to reopen its doors after yet another long lockdown faced with the continued challenge to maintain social distancing. Government guidelines state pubs and restaurants should encourage the use of contactless ordering from table and should adjust their service approach to minimise staff contact with customers. Brunel has made a substantial investment in additional state of the art engraving equipment in order to produce individually etched table numbers and QR code discs which will provide clear markings and information for the public in order to satisfy the requirement for social distancing. The individually engraved table numbers and discs will enable customers to link to Apps or menus, reducing staff contact and eliminating the requirement for hard copies of menus. “We are working hard to keep the British hospitality industry going through these difficult times and we have invested heavily in new equipment to ensure that we can answer the increasing demand for our engraved prod-

ucts”, said Martyn Wright, managing director of Brunel Engraving and founder of the company. “Many pubs and restaurants have been undertaking major renovations during the lockdown period and we have assisted with their efforts to maintain social distancing by supplying table numbers, QR code discs, signage, PPE Visors and distancing floor stencils which will be used in the new public areas as businesses open their doors to the public once again.” Established over 30 years ago, Brunel Engraving is a pioneering engraving specialist which leads the way in technical innovation. The company has ISO9001 accreditation and its highly skilled team of professional engravers is trained to the highest standards in the UK. In addition to rotary engraving Brunel offers laser engraving, chemical etching, anodic print, dye sublimation print, flatbed UV print and wide format UV print. For further information please contact: 01275 871720 Email: Website:

CardsSafe - Protecting Assets ®

The CardsSafe® system is specifically designed to securely retain customer credit, debit and ID cards while the cardholder runs a tab or uses a service. CardsSafe® has revolutionised the way hospitality and leisure businesses manage their assets. It protects against theft and walkouts, streamlines services and reduces losses, which means it pays for itself! There are numerous benefits of using CardsSafe® for your business and over 5000 outlets in the UK agree! • CardsSafe® reduce costs and losses, makes card fraud is virtually impossible and ensures that equipment is returned • CardsSafe® is affordable and pays for itself! From just £9.95 (net) per unit per

month + a one off admin charge. • CardsSafe® ensures peace of mind and protects against fraud and theft • CardsSafe® increases staff trust and improves the work environment • CardsSafe® is easy to use with minimal training and quick to install • CardsSafe® is PCI & GDPR Compliant to standards 9.6, 9.9, 12.2 and 12.6 and protects card data from identity fraud and theft Please visit our website and create your own account quickly and securely. Or for more information, please contact the CardsSafe Customer Service Team. WEB:, Phone: 0845 500 1040 Email:

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Design and Refit Get Ready For Summer With Waterproof Furniture Finding hardworking and stylish outdoor furniture has never been more important for the hospitality industry as it gears up for summer 2021. However, even the best of Great British Summers will include downpours, so waterproof furniture is a must. Trent Furniture supply a wide variety of waterproof tables sealed to prevent swelling caused by rain. The stylish stainless steel Vista Table has plenty of room to accommodate groups and is perfectly complemented by the smaller Alma Round Aluminium Table. Or for a cool and contemporary look, why not opt for the new Cannes Outdoor Table constructed in aluminium with a black powder-coated finish?

The Cannes Outdoor Armchair and Cannes Outdoor Chair complement the Cannes table perfectly. Our Vista tables go with a wide variety of chairs but the water resistant Monaco Aluminium Stacking Chair is always a popular choice for sturdy style. Whichever look you go for, our Vista, Monaco and Cannes ranges are easy to stack and look just as good in indoor settings. To find out more about Trent Furniture’s great-value range of waterproof contract grade outdoor furniture, with prices starting from just £29.90 for the Monaco chair, please visit or call 0116 2864 911.

Sims - The First Port Of Call For Banquette Seating

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We are a family run business with 3 generations of commercial furniture manufacturing experience. Unlike other suppliers we manufacture all our seating inhouse, no importing, no subcontracting. We have full control over every aspect from design to installation to ensure every product leaves our workshops punctually and to our reputable high quality.

Proudly offering 2 versions of Banquette Seating, firstly our “Premium Made to Measure” Banquette Seating which is built to your exact design, shape and size, then installed by our professional installation team. You can have anything from floor to ceiling designs to seating that perfectly follows the walls in a period setting. Secondly our “Modular Banquette Seating” which is freestanding, set size units for you to mix and match to best fit your space. Manufactured and delivered to your doorstep ready for you to layout. Made to the same high standards as our premium range without setup costs, site visits and installation fees. Saving you up to 50% on competitors seating. Also, we offer a range of furnishings – tables, chair and bedroom furniture. To request a brochure or to discuss your requirement further please contact our sales team on 01945 450957 email Web


OUT OF SIGHT, NOT OUT OF THE QUESTION. Where conventional plumbing fails, Sanivite®+ delivers the possibilities. With a powerful pump, four inlets and clever, compact dimensions, Sanivite®+ can connect to sinks and appliances from any concealed unit. So don’t dash your dreams of a kitchen island, make it a reality with Sanivite®+.

Anything’s possible. Visit to see how.

Design and Refit How Hotels Can Really Profit From Sustainability Hotels are continually fighting with their competition to offer the most affordable rates, the best amenities, and the most outstanding guest services — all while making a profit. Now more than ever green, or sustainable tourism is becoming a deciding factor when choosing a holiday. For the hotel industry this means achieving a sustainable business model that can offer considerable marketing advantage. But what if we took this activity and reclaimed valuable indoor space to provide for additional or larger rooms, or extend dining space? And what if you could also improve building services and reduce operational costs? From boutique to national chains,

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Adveco specialises in creating bespoke hot water and heating applications for the hotel industry that leverages all the advantages of renewable technologies, from air source heat pumps, and solar thermal to heat recovery. We can also smartly combine these with existing gasfired systems or new all electric appliances to drive sustainability and greater efficiency to support improved guest amenities while reducing both CO emissions and operational costs. This can all be brought together in prefabricated structures that relocate heating and hot water plant to ‘dead spaces’ such as yards, alleys and in particular roof tops to maximise space and profit.

Drakes Bar Furniture - UK Bar Furniture Supplier

We pride ourselves in providing the best quality items at great prices with fantastic customer service and can supply bespoke tailored made furniture such as booths, tables, seating or ‘off the peg’ items. Drakes Bar Furniture not only sell chairs, stools, tables we also design build and install all types of fixed seating, pews and booth seating for pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants and clubs. When fitting out a premise the seating is almost paramount for a successful space. Fixed seating, booth seating or banquette seating as its also called can come in variety of colours, finishes, types and styles. Below are just a few examples showing what we have done in the past. With clever planning, seating generates

a great flow for customers and staff around a pub, restaurant, cafe or club. It can be used to divide areas, create new spaces in a room and offer intimacy allowing for the perfect social meet up. The beauty of bespoke fixed seating is that we can make the most of and take advantage of your space and features. We can come to your venue and measure up, give you advice and show you examples of our past work, finishes, types and styles. We have a wide range of Bar Furniture, including tables, stools, chairs, outdoor beer garden, fixed seating and banqueting furniture. If you require a bespoke quote either call us on 01422 839 690 or you can send us an email. See the advert below.

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Euroservice Trolley Manufacturers Celebrating 40 years of experience in the sale and manufacture of wooden trolleys for the catering trade, Euroservice trolley manufacturers have now acquired a worldwide reputation and still offer an extensive /comprehensive range of top quality wooden trol-

leys manufactured in the UK. Top quality is a priority in the production of all of our products and Euroservice are specialists in the manufacture of sturdy and beautiful looking trolleys which will grace any environment from the small privately owned restau-

Square One Interiors Starting out in his garden shed, Jamie never thought that his new range of reclaimed furniture would become as successful as it has over the past 2 years. Having had a history in design and furniture design, an idea was born and he decided to run with it. He loved the idea of a rustic looking, industrial range which was also eco friendly and sustainable. He soon found that a modern twist was also achievable, by using bright colours on the steel frames, as well as several different wood finishes which would compliment

rant to the splendid 3 to 5 star hotels, resorts and Residential homes. Euroservice’s excellence in the manufacture of wooden trolleys is backed by a personal, efficient and friendly service second to none. We are always busy researching the needs of the market and launch new ranges according to market demands. Whatever your needs you can be assured that Euroservice can cater for them and we look forward to your call. Freephone: 0800 917 7943 See the advert on page 2 for further information.

the overall design. Making furniture from scratch also had its benefits, as Jamie soon found that businesses would approach him with specific needs and requirements, meaning that he was able to provide a fully bespoke service, as well as offering design and advice.

Capricorn Contract Furnishings Capricorn Contract Furnishings are now firmly established as one of the country's largest stockist and supplier of quality contract furnishings to cafes, bars, restaurants, pubs, clubs and hotels. Capricorn are based in a 40, 000 square feet showroom and distribution warehouse on the outskirts of Exeter in Devon. From within the distribution area we are able to offer a next day delivery service on thousands of products including tables , chairs , stools

Since his humble beginnings in the garden shed, Jamie and the company have now work with hospitality operators, pubs, bars and hotels, as well as some large contract furniture companies and high street names. Our portfolio and workforce are growing and we are very excited to be working on some fantastic projects moving forwards, so watch this space! For more information visit and lounge furniture. Customers are encouraged to visit our large showroom to view an extensive range of furniture ideally suited for the leisure market. Here you can relax and let Capricorn help and advise you with your requirements. Opening hours for the showroom are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. For more information or a Capricorn Contract Furnishings catalogue and price list contact Brian Pengelly on 01395 233 320, or visit

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LSS and Kickstart Scheme Helping To Support Hospitality The LSS Group has become a Kickstart Gateway to help the hospitality sector place young people in jobs at a true zero net cost to employers. With over 30yrs experience in the Hospitality and Leisure sectors, LSS Group is aware that employing staff, in a cost-effective way, is an issue as the sector begins to open up. Potential employers will receive bespoke support from LSS Group to enable them to take part, and LSS Group will handle the application process and provide ongoing support. LSS Group provides comprehensive wrap-around support to the young people taking part throughout their six-month placement including mentoring, a dedicated placement manager, skills development, help with CV-building and job applications, and post-placement support towards future employment.

Andy Merricks, CEO of LSS Group said ”Covid-19 has had a profound impact on the Hospitality and Leisure sectors as well as employment and young people entering the labour market are among the worst affected. We are pleased to be able to support the sectors and believe that our experience will enable businesses to scale up recruitment in a manageable way as well as help young people to enter the industry and gain valuable experience and earnings. It also provides an opportunity to nurture some much needed ’home grown’ talent.” The process from application to interviewing potential placements can take around 6 weeks so now is a good time to contact LSS Group either by visiting their website – or email

This will take the stress away from placement providers and allow them to focus on providing a high-quality work placement experience.

Phoenix Specialist Risk Solutions Much like the mythological bird, Phoenix Specialist Risk Solutions was born from the ashes of an industry which has grown tired and disassociated from the people it is designed to protect. Phoenix is built to be different, our main focus is you. We have built our business with care at the core of everything we do. We strive to offer a quality personalised service which is tailored to each individual’s needs — we listen to you, get to know you and aim to support you every step of the way. Your business is in most cases the biggest risk and the biggest asset you will ever have

from the initial days of worrying about business levels and cash flow through to staff and HR issues and then back to business levels and cash flow, a revolving cycle. Within your business you will also have your trusted partners, your accountants and bankers, do you include your insurance broker? If not why not? Commercial insurance should not just be about the lowest possible price, it should be with someone you can work with and trust, someone flexible to the changes your business faces and someone who can advise you of which covers you may like to consider and not just the ones which you are legal required to have. Does your business description on your policy actually match your business, are your sums insured reviewed and adequate, do you have seasonal stock increases? Have you declared the accurate turnover and wageroll? We work with you to help you establish and maintain an insurance program which meets your needs and provides the best value for money. See the advert on the inside back cover or visit

Insolvency Statistics Defy Gravity Again, But For How Long? Company insolvency statistics continue to defy gravity but IVA increase shows that personal finances are beginning to take a hit

This comprised 883 CVLs, 25 compulsory liquidations, 74 administrations and 10 CVAs. There were no receivership appointments.

Insolvency figures released today* by the Government’s Insolvency Service show a 20% drop in corporate insolvencies compared to March last year, and a 37% drop compared to March 2019.

There were, on average, 6,388 IVAs registered per month in the three-month period ending March 2021, 24% higher than for the three-month period ending March 2020 and 2% higher than the three-months ending March 2019.

Conversely, Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs), used by individuals in personal financial difficulty, were up 24% for the three months to the end of March 2021, compared to the threemonth period ending March 2020.

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Corporate insolvencies Leading restructuring and insolvency professional, Peter Hart from PKF GM ( said: “While on the surface any fall in insolvencies looks like positive news, we think the figures mask the reality. Government support to protect jobs, businesses and the economy means that many underperforming businesses that might have entered insolvency for reasons unrelated to Covid, are still trading. As a result the level of company failures is now far lower than we would expect to see in a ‘normal’ economy. With Government support tapering off, restrictions on enforcement action (such as winding-up petitions) being lifted, and an increased working capital requirement on re-opening, there will be multiple added pressures on businesses in the coming months; those that weren’t in robust financial health before Covid, but have been kept afloat by the Government’s support, codul begin to feel the pinch quite quickly. It’s critical businesses act early and seek advice if they are struggling now, or think cash flow may be squeezed in coming months. The earlier they act, the more options they’ll have to continue trading and recover.”

PERSONAL INSOLVENCY LEVELS Peter Hart added: “The uptick in IVAs is an indicator that personal finances are coming under increasing pressure after a year of lockdown and furlough. It’s hard to tell from the data, but it’s possible that company owners and directors that have been unable to access government support, as well as those that have lost their jobs, are entering formal arrangements such as an IVA to deal with mounting debts. As the economy starts to reopen, many businesses are banking on pent-up consumer demand to make up for lockdown closures. But this increase in IVAs suggests that, whilst savings have undoubtedly grown for many during lockdown, a significant number of people have found their personal finances seriously weakened. It remains to be seen whether the anticipated consumer demand will match expectations.”

A MESSAGE TO COMPANY DIRECTORS Peter Hart added: “There are plenty of proactive things you can do now to build resilience into your business for the postCovid economy; don’t leave it too late. Having a restructuring professional guide you through the process can be invaluable in getting the best outcome and will also help you understand and mitigate your risk as a director.” “For those businesses who are reopening over the next few weeks, now is a good time to begin negotiations with landlords and creditors to develop manageable repayment plans. Will revenues be high enough to support your cost base? Will cash flows be sufficient to deal with the additional debt burden (both formal and informal) that has accrued during lockdown? Perhaps a CVA is something which should be considered or, where you may need to take the difficult decision to make redundancies to survive, consider applying for government funding to meet the short term cash impact of this.”

MARCH 2021 INSOLVENCY NUMBERS - BREAKDOWN The number of registered company insolvencies in March 2021 was 992, 20% lower than the number registered in the same month in the previous year (1,236 in March 2020).

KICKSTART SCHEME HELPING TO SUPPORT HOSPITALITY Your Hospitality business can benefit from a FREE 6-month work placement from a 16-24yr old. Funding for each role covers: 100% of age-appropriate national minimum wage for 25 hours a week All associated employer national insurance contributions Employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions LSS Group will provide a ‘wrap around’ service, managing the whole process on your behalf

Go to or call 0333 444 0630 for a ‘no obligation’ chat


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Capify - We’re Here To Support You For over 13 years, Capify has worked closely with the hospitality sector, providing them with much-needed funding when some of the more traditional routes for financing have been closed to them. Now is no different as we have a £50m fund to help your business recover as the economy begins to open up again.

If you'd like to find out how much finance you qualify for to help you continue your post-Covid recovery, click here - You'll be taken to Capify's website, where you can get a no-obligation quote within minutes. You'll also be able to find out more information about the business loan and the unique and straightforward repayments.

A Capify business loan is easy to apply for and can be approved and paid out in as little as 24 hours. Our business loan's flexibility means that you can use it for any business purpose, such as; • managing short-term cash flow issues • purchasing extra food and drink • making your premises Covid safe

• purchasing new catering equipment Capify's lending criteria will consider the challenges of the past year for each business. Our flexibility means we will try and look beyond your credit history when assessing your application and instead, we will consider whether your business has the potential to deliver solid and sustained growth.

For those businesses not yet open, you can register your interest in the fund today. To find out more click here - - or call us on 0800 151 0980 to speak to one of our specialist finance sale team.

• hiring additional staff

Roxburgh Milkins Help Healthy Weekly Figures Analysis & Reporting Service from David Hunter Fast Food Restaurant Chain Roxburgh Milkins are a business law firm with a personal approach. Recently they have aided Friska, a fresh food company: Company bio: Founded in Bristol but expanding nationally, Friska offers seasonal, ethically sourced fresh food to eat in, take away or for office catering. The company received £3m of investment in 2017 from YFM equity Partners to finance its planned roll out. Founders: With previous experience in food retail, economics and technology, Ed Brown and Griff Holland have been able to create an exceptional restaurant chain: great, healthy food backed up by impressive proprietary technology to run things efficiently and engage successfully with their customers. How Roxburgh Milkins helped: Roxburgh Milkins have worked with Ed and Griff since shortly after they founded Friska in 2009. Since then Roxburgh Milkins

have advised them through the various steps of their fund raising - initially funding from friends and family, then angel investment and most recently private equity. What they say about Roxburgh Milkins: "Working with the team at Roxburgh Milkins was an absolute blast; they also added a great deal of value throughout the whole fund-raising process. "They are commercially astute, professionally accomplished and extremely personable. "As a team they are straight forward to work with and pragmatic, which removes a lot of the tit-for-tat that is often associated with legal wrangling towards the end of the deal process." For further information visit

David Hunter has been in the business for over 30 years, and with his vast amount of experience has become an expert in ensuring that businesses reach their full financial potential.

For years he’s provided a bespoke Mentoring & Consultancy service to a select few, and he has always provided with that, free-ofcharge weekly figures analysis and reporting … yes, weekly. David has now come up with a way of making his amazing Mentoring & Consultancy service more accessible to the wider market, and for a lower monthly fee. Instead of being charged for monthly consultancy, you can now access David’s knowledge and expertise via his already-established and very well-used weekly figures reporting system. He will send you weekly

reports on how your business is doing and will throw in FOR NO EXTRA CHARGE AT ALL, four half-day on site Mentoring & Consultancy visits per year (or two full days, depending on location). He will also always be at the end of a phone for you, or email, if you needed him, and he also has access to legal experts as well as a ‘’tried and trusted’’ Bowden Group Alliance colleague who can advise you … again FREE OF CHARGE … on how to save money on your utility bills. If you have a Pub, Restaurant or Hotel business which is facing financial or operational challenges … why not let David have a look, and help you maximise your full potential. There is no cost to David having a look at your figures, and letting you know what COULD be achieved. Call David Hunter confidentially on 07831 407984 or on 01628 487613.

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