CLH News #197 February 2017

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Pages 20 - 22

Pages 24 - 26


February 2017

Issue 197

Outdoor Leisure

Product Portfolio

Design and Refit

Property and Professional

Pages 28 - 29

Page 30

Pages 31 - 35

Pages 36 - 38

Industry Bodies Calls on Chancellor to Cut Alcohol Duty Pages 26 - 27

INDUSTRY LEADERS are calling on the Chancellor Philip Hammond to cut the “crippling” levels of alcohol duty in the UK. A recent report by the Scotch Whisky Association (See page 3) has revealed that Britons pay over a quarter of all the tax collected on spirits within the EU due to the domestic tax being far higher than the European average.

The Wine and Spirit Trade Association is urging the Chancellor to give UK pubs a much needed boost by cutting wine and spirits duty by 2%. It claims that the Government previously focusing only on beer tax cuts to support pubs is a job half done as Brits are broadening their horizons when it comes to their favourite pub tipple and buying more wine and spirits at the bar than ever before. Wine and spirit sales in UK pubs now accounts for over one third of the takings, worth £5.7billion last year, providing vital cash flow to the pub industry. New research by the WSTA show that 36% of the value of alcohol sold in pubs is now wines and spirits and that a 2% duty cut would provide a boost worth £31m to the industry, the equivalent of up to £594 for every landlord compared to an inflationary rise. The WSTA have calculated that the excise duty bill for pubs now stands at approximately £1.9bn with a third of this, over £600m, coming from wines and spirits. Miles Beale, Chief Executive of the Wine and Spirit Trade Association, said: “While the Government has focused on beer cuts previously to support British pubs, the reality is that this is only a job half done. Wine and spirits are ever more important to the British Pub and the Chancellor can do his bit to support them and landlords by cutting wine and spirits duty by 2% “British pubs represent the heart and soul of a community as well as being a significant employer in the UK supporting 577,000 workforce. While we are seeing 23 pubs closing a week we cannot stress how crucial it is for government to recognise how important the UK wine and spirit sector is to jobs, communities and the economy. But with higher inflation, the impact of the devaluation of the pound and the potential for duty increases, the pubs industry faces a potential triple whammy that will be devastating for the trade in 2017. Our new economic report shows that a 2% cut would boost the wine and spirits industry economic contribution by £2.9bn and also boost Treasury revenues by £368m. There is no better time for the Government to support British pubs and “make the

cut” to wine and spirits duty” The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA), Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) and The Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA), have written to MPs urging them to write to the Chancellor to support their call for a cut in beer duty in the Budget on 8th March. The letter, which launches the industry campaign for a duty cut in Budget 2017, highlights recent findings of a BBPA commissioned report by economic experts Oxford Economics (OE), which found that the beer and pub industry in Britain employs almost 900,000 people, and contributes £23.1 billion to the British economy, whilst paying an astonishing £12.6 billion in tax. The BBPA, CAMRA and SIBA are urging MPs to pledge their support for the beer and pub industry and back calls for a cut in beer duty, given the vital role that it plays in the UK economy. A cut, they argue, would help encourage investment, protect jobs and improve confidence in the sector. The BBPA has also launched a new website for the beer duty campaign, ‘’. The website enables members of the public to write to their MP urging them to back the BBPA’s calls for a duty cut, and includes in-depth economic data around the impact of the brewing and pub sector in every local authority and Parliamentary constituency in the UK. For this year’s campaign, the BBPA has developed new, online widgets that enable both pubgoers and landlords to see how much recent cuts in beer tax have saved them, and will shortly be launching a new suite of infographics, accompanied with ‘#cutbeertax’ across social media. Brigid Simmonds, BBPA Chief Executive, comments: “Our sector supports almost 900,000 vital jobs and contributes over £23 billion to the economy, and we believe our industry should be supported to ensure we can continue to invest in jobs, particularly for young people. “In recent years, the Government has cut beer tax three times, and opted for a freeze on duty last year. Strong support from MPs and the public really helped our campaign work, and the data shows that there are great benefits to be gained from a further cut. “I hope that MPs will once again show their support for such a vital British industry.” Colin Valentine, CAMRA National Chairman, says: “'The three cuts and subsequent freeze to beer duty have supported significant growth in the brewing industry and helped to keep the price of the pint down for pub goers. “However, with beer tax still at 52p on the pint, beer drinkers are still paying a notable amount - especially in comparison to other big brewing nations. A cut to beer duty will show government support for the British brewing industry and keep the price of beer down for consumers.”



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Editor's Viewpoint

February 2017

ONCE AGAIN, I would like to welcome new readers to our publication CLH News! As previously explained we have extended our readership to reach more independent hospitality businesses. Who are we? We are a free to trade publication, have been around 17 years, publishing news stories on both a national and local level, providing expert comment, and introducing EDITOR products and services, exhibiting at national and regional tradeshows, and our publication is mainly sent to stand alone independent businesses, and small chain/groups. We very much hope you find us of interest, and I am sure that the products and services promoted by our advertisers will help make you more efficient and profitable! Would also draw your attention to our website which is updated daily with all the latest news and industry comment, recipes, and an online business directory. Would also urge you to sign up for our newsletter which again will keep you up-to-date with all the latest news, views and trends. I would draw your attention to our front-page story regarding alcohol duty and the forthcoming budget. The levels of tax we here in the UK pay on alcohol are utterly ridiculous. We pay13 times more in beer duty here than beer drinkers in Germany, and we raise 67% of all the wine taxes raised in the EU, along with 25% of the total spirits duty collected in the EU. Consider a bottle of wine in a Restaurant/pub wine priced at £17 From what I can gather, breaking down as follows the costs would be £1.20 cost of the bottle, including 55p bottling and packaging. Add 20p volume shipping, 15p distribution, then £2.05 duty. Subtotal £3.60. Add 65p wine supplier margin (15%), so the wholesale price to the restaurant (known as DPD or duty paid delivered, ex VAT) is £4.25. Multiply by 4 to give the restaurant or pub 70% margin and VAT at 20%. Price on the wine list, £17. The duty alone is more than three times the cost price of the wine in the bottle! Unfortunately, we live in an age with the answer to everything is to tax it! We led last month, with the proposed hotel room tax in Bath and now London Mayor Sadiq Khan has been quick out of the starting blocks to say that he, too, is considering a £2.50 per night tourist tax on all hotels in London, which would raise an estimated £100 million. Put those two together, and then work out what the average visitor to the UK, is paying in taxes. Unbelievably and ludicrously high, and is very likely the greatest burden facing the UK on-trade industry. However, I strongly suspect the opportunity to raid the pockets and wallets of the general public, and the tills of every pub, bar, restaurant and hotel in the country for a little bit “more tax” will be too much of a temptation for a Chancellor to ignore. But I live in hope that a Chancellor seeking to take once again the easy option can be persuaded by facts and figures that add up in their favour, as set out on our front page. Which is why the drinks industry, and the hospitality and on-trade sectors, have a strong case to call for a cut in alcohol duty in next month’s Budget. After a freeze in wine duty in the 2015 Budget, wine duty income increased by £136m (+3.6%) the following year and after a 2% cut in spirits duty that year, spirits duty income increased by £124m (+4.1%) over the same period!

Peter Adams

Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at @CLHNews

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EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Shelly Roche Published by

Welcome... to our New (and old) Readers! Yes, we have revised, cleansed and updated our distribution database to reach even more businesses! Who are we? CLH News (Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News) is an established trade publication published by RBC Publishing Ltd. Now in our 17th year we primarily serve the independent sector of the hospitality industry, single outlet and independent small chains. What do we do? We aim to introduce to you companies, products, services and expert advice which will help you in the smooth running of your business. CLH News recognise that many independent and proprietor led pubs, hotels and restaurants do not have the luxury of the support of a corporate head office to deal with purchasing of new equipment and products, marketing, human resources, finance, legislation etc, and we have been introducing just that for the past 17 years. How much do we cost? Here’s the good news, nothing! We are free of charge to qualifying businesses. We only ask one thing; please should you respond to an advertiser either by phone email or online, please mention CLH News. We have always welcomed input and feedback so please drop us a line on any topic you feel wll be of interest, and if you have any industry questions please send them to us, if we don’t know the answer we will try to find someone who does!

Once again welcome to all our readers old and new from all the team here at CLH News!

February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Britons Pay a Quarter Of All EU Spirits Tax Licensed Hospitality Vital to UK’s Industrial Strategy The United Kingdom pays 26% of spirts duty collected in the European Union despite having only around 11% of its population. The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) is calling on the UK government to lessen the duty burden facing consumers and producers. On a 70cl bottle of Scotch people in the UK pay £7.74 in excise duty alone*, compared to an EU average of £4.40. These figures reveal high levels of tax even before a dram of Scotch is taxed again as VAT is added to the retail price of whisky. In the UK, VAT is currently 20%. In total, the price of an average bottle of Scotch Whisky in the UK is made up of 77% in tax. Only three countries in the EU tax spirits at a higher rate: Sweden, Finland and Ireland. Explained another way, the price of a single, 25ml dram of Scotch Whisky includes around 28 pence of excise duty – more than one penny per millilitre. The EU average is 16 pence. The SWA has called for a 2% reduction in excise duty for whisky – less than a penny per dram – in the Budget

on March 8 to support consumers and the industry and boost revenue to the UK government. The Association argues that, as a hugely important domestic industry that contributes £5 billion to the UK’s economy each year and supports 40,000 jobs, more government support is needed to help the Scotch Whisky industry invest and grow as it prepares for the UK’s exit from the EU. The UK government’s own figures reveal that an historic duty cut in 2015 actually led to increased revenue flowing to the Treasury – an additional £123 million in the 12 months following the cut compared to the year preceding the change. SWA acting chief-executive Julie Hesketh-Laird said: “British people pay more tax on their Scotch than is fair. This is shown very clearly when compared to other European countries. “The Chancellor is in a strong position. He can reduce tax on Scotch Whisky, help consumers as the threat of inflation grows and take the opportunity to boost one of the UK’s flagship industries. At the same time, as past experience has shown, this should lead to increased Government revenue. “This is a common sense decision that could benefit everyone. I hope he listens to a key British industry, assesses the figures and stands up for Scotch.”

2017 Is Predicted to Be Tough Year for Many British Favourite Foods

Paul Connelly, Managing Director at Beacon, commented: “Adverse weather conditions across Europe severely damaged crops last year, so it was inevitable that we would reach crisis point this year. Reports from our fresh produce suppliers show that floods in Spain’s south-eastern Murcia region, which supplies 80% of Europe’s fresh produce at this time of year, has meant that many field crops such as lettuce and broccoli have been nearly wiped out, culminating in this shortage and significant price hikes. Add to this the inflationary pressures that have come with the devalued pound in relation to Brexit

and increased labour costs as NLW continues to rise and the significance of this crisis for manufacturers becomes clear. It isn’t just fresh produce either, these poor harvests will soon be felt in the frozen aisles, with suppliers reporting losses in pea harvests in the eight weeks to July 2016 of around 20% as key growing areas in France, Belgium & Holland were badly affected by heavy rains and floods. “Given how badly damaged some crops and growing areas were, we can’t see that the market will stabilise any time soon. We would strongly suggest operators work closely with their suppliers and any outside support if needed, to closely monitor the market as we move through 2017. “The perfect price storm is likely to last well into 2017 and impact other British favourite foods and drinks – as Brexit starts to bite too. We expect 2017 to be a difficult year for many of our favourite foods. Coffee (up to 10% price increases), fresh fruit and vegetables (up to 140% price increases), fish (salmon up to 16% reported price increases and prawns up to 15% increases), potatoes, chocolate and even wine have had supply chain difficulties in 2016, which could result in increased prices for 2017. We also anticipate price increases to beer, due to duty impacts, and inflationary pressures linked to Brexit and currency fluctuations.”

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ALMR Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The publication of an industrial strategy green paper shows a welcome readiness on the Government’s part to engage with, and support, UK businesses. We hope that much of it can filter through to the licensed hospitality sector which is an integral part of the UK’s economy. The Government has rightly identified the country’s food and drink sector as an important strategic growth champion. It is a sector that has created almost half of all new jobs since the financial crash. “The Government has identified skills development as key to ensuring people are employable. The Government should be aware that not all these skills need be technical or scientific. Soft skills are essential for a prosperous

economy and can ensure that employers find the right staff members and that employees secure the jobs that are available. “A strategy that supports burgeoning businesses, provides them with access to finance, and allows them to flourish is crucial. Much of this can be achieved by unburdening employers through a rethink of a business rates system that currently penalises success and deters growth. “The Government has stated that is keen to strengthen public institutions and review local authorities and other bodies to support industries. Uniformity on licensing across local authorities can help streamline operations for businesses that have multiple sites spread throughout the country. If local authorities can work with businesses in the area, and place greater emphasis on collaboration and partnership, then pubs and bars can play a crucial role in achieving the Government’s aim of driving growth across the whole country.

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The impact of a turbulent 2016 for the fresh produce market is now beginning to be felt, with major supermarkets facing stock shortages of courgettes, and implementing rationing to iceberg lettuce. Purchasing company, Beacon has said that the full impact is yet to be felt following a “perfect storm” in the supply chain last year. Suppliers of fresh produce are proposing price increases of record proportions, up to 140%, including crops such as courgettes, broccoli, aubergines, peppers, spinach, tomatoes and lettuce varieties.

The ALMR has welcomed the Government’s industrial strategy green paper and affirmed that the UK’s licensed hospitality sector can play its part in revitalising the UK’s economy.


BRITONS pay over one quarter of all the tax on spirits collected in Europe, largely because of a domestic tax level far higher than the European average.

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2017

What Effect Will Brexit Have On The Food And Hospitality Industries? WHAT EFFECT will Brexit have on the food and hospitality industries? Mike Williams, Director of food safety consultancy STS, takes a look at some of the main points following Prime Minister Theresa May's speech yesterday: "When Felix Baumgartner made his jump from the edge of space he probably hoped he had thought of every risk before stepping off the platform. The UK public voted for something similar in many ways on 23rd June and Theresa May is now in charge of navigating the UK's step into the unknown. Her speech clearly raised the flag in support of the public vote Brexit really does mean Brexit and the process will take the UK not just out of the EU but also the single market. Clearly there are those who are dismayed and those who are pleased with this but in reality will this have any immediate impact on businesses in the hospitality sector? "The PM has said that there will be no ‘cliff edge' for businesses, but there will be a period of implementation which should allow them to prepare and become Brexit ready. Whenever key statements about Brexit have been made in the past we have seen the markets respond negatively, weakening sterling and creating pressure on import costs. These directly impact businesses and result in food, fuel and equipment import costs increasing which no doubt will be passed on to the customer/consumer - a negative impact for sure. There is, of course, the glass half full approach and initial indicators showed that the pound actually strengthened during the Prime Minister's speech. We may see that this key statement raises confidence and reduces import costs as a result. The reverse is of course true for exports so buyers beware, but for salesmen opportunity might knock… "In the longer term the impact of tightening immigration controls will potentially change the make-up of the workforce in the hospitality sector. Currently this industry generates 2.9 million jobs, 43% of which are occupied by foreign nationals.

The terms of Brexit are currently unknown but if they impose costs on businesses, require non-UK residents to leave or have stricter controls on their movements then this really could have a strong impact on the availability of a significant proportion of the hospitality workforce. "A reduced available workforce can of course have significant effects. The rule of supply and demand would no doubt bite, with labour costs increasing. Again this would either result in reduced profits for businesses or increased costs for consumers. Reduced spending in the High Street impacts the Treasury and the vicious cycle of boom and bust will no doubt rear its head again. As such, the detail of new controls will be awaited with bated breath. "Moving away from money matters, free movement has brought some amazing improvements to the labour force in the UK hospitality industry. There is little doubt that service and quality standards within hospitality have improved since the EU borders were opened and expanded. The loss of expertise will be felt heavily, with the risk that these standards could fall to pre-2004 levels. "From a legislative point of view there are many food safety, food standard, trading law, health & safety and occupational health related regulations based on EU legislation which are entrenched in UK statute. It's extremely doubtful whether there will be any desire to repeal any of this legislation. The UK has always led the way when it comes to safety standards so it is unlikely that legislation would be repealed to soften current controls. The bad old days of no bendy cucumbers and outlawing selling in pounds and ounces are behind us so there should be no race to the bottom here. "Whilst there are many arguments both for and against Brexit we are where we are and, in many ways, this is a fascinating time whether you look at it positively or negatively...and we haven't even mentioned Donald Trump! Felix Baumgartner landed safely so here's hoping that the UK will also land safely post Brexit."

‘Fire Kills” Campaign- Are You Still Testing?

FOLLOWING THE recent launch of the government “Fire Kills” campaign , businesses are being reminded to test smoke alarms every month to make sure they are working.

The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.

You will be responsible for fire safety in business or other non-domestic premises if you are: • An employer • The owner • The landlord • An occupier • Anyone else with control of the premises, eg a facilities manager, building manager, managing agent or risk assessor • Have paying guests (for example, if you run a hotel/bed-andbreakfast/guesthouse/self catering property You will be known as the ‘responsible person’. If there’s more than one responsible person, you have to work together to meet your responsibilities. The campaign seeks to prevent deaths from fire by reminding businesses and the public to test their smoke alarms every month. At the launch of the campaign Brandon Lewis, the Minister for Fire, encourage hospitality businesses to support the Fire Kills campaign and promote it to their customers. Launching the campaign, he emphasized the importance of people having working smoke alarms, and encouraged everyone to test their smoke alarms:

“Test your alarms when you get home and set a reminder to do so every month. “It couldn’t be any clearer – smoke alarms only save lives if they’re working. Test it today.” Fire safety law changed in 2006, with the introduction of the RRO 2005. The requirements for businesses to have five certificates has been abolished. Instead, the law • Emphasizes preventing fires in reducing risk • Makes it your responsibility to ensure the safety of everyone who uses your premises and in the immediate facility. The basis of assessment is no longer whether you have maintained the conditions of 30-40 years ago, but whether the business as it operates is safe today. To ensure your fire safety provisions have been checked and maintained correctly, CLH News is pleased to recommend the use of third-party certified fire protection companies who can be found using BAFE. BAFE is an independent register for third-party certified fire protection companies who can be certified in one or more specific areas of fire protection, including fire extinguisher maintenance, fire detection and alarm systems, fire risk assessments and more. By using a BAFE registered company certified in the specific area of fire protection you require, you can be sure that you acted with due diligence to help meet your obligations under UK fire legislation. For further details see advert this page 18

MPs From the North West Show Their Support for Beer And Pubs THE BRITISH Beer & Pub Association held its first ever North West Parliamentary reception, hosted by Weaver Vale MP, Graham Evans, who also Chairs the Parliamentary Beer Group, and Graham Stringer, MP for Blackley and Broughton. The North West boasts over 180 breweries and has over 5,800 pubs, and throughout the North West, the beer and pub industry supports some 180,000 jobs. Over 30 MPs and Peers were in attendance to sample the beers, show their support for such a vital industry in their region, and hear about the rich brewing heritage of the North West. Graham Stringer said that the North West was very much the “beer heartland” of the country, whilst Richard Kershaw, Chairman of the North West Beer & Pub Association, underlined that the region had been “hit hard” in the last decade with a 42 per cent rise in beer duty. Whilst three recent cuts and a freeze last year have helped, he warned that the industry is “not out of the woods yet,” and called for a further beer duty cut in the Budget. Graham Evans spoke as Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group (APPBG), and discussed the

February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


benefits of increased investment in beer and pubs giving people a social space to enjoy a drink, remarking that “socialising makes for good citizens.” Graham also mentioned his desire to see more women drinking beer. Andrew Percy, the Pubs Minister, said that whilst he couldn’t say there would be a duty cut, “if any group can influence the Chancellor, it is the APPBG, which has been so successful until now.” Brigid Simmonds then thanked those in attendance, and urged MPs to pledge their support for the beer and pub industry by asking the Chancellor and the Prime Minister to support the BBPA’s call for a cut in duty in the Budget on 8th March. Brigid Simmonds, Chief Executive, British Beer & Pub Association, comments: “We were very pleased to see such a good turnout from North West MPs, and encouraged by the support and enthusiasm shown for beer and pubs in the region. The industry is vital to both the North West and national economy, and I hope this importance is recognized with a cut in beer duty on 8th March.” You can support the campaign for a in beer duty by visiting and sending a message to your North West MP.

TV Licensing Reminder for Community Run Pubs WITH MANY communities across the UK now taking on ownership of their local pubs, TV Licensing is reminding those embarking on the venture to make sure they’re correctly covered by a TV Licence. Several communities have risen to the challenge of saving their ‘local’ with 40 groups already successfully taking on ownership of their pubs. A further 1,250 have been listed as ‘assets of community value’ which demonstrates the vital role pubs play in daily life. 1 Spokesperson for TV Licensing, Caroline McCourt, underlined the importance of knowing when a licence is needed for those planning to take ownership of their pub. She said: “There are many things to think about when it comes to run-

ning a pub and we don’t want people to be caught out because they’re not aware of the rules around TV Licensing. “Any pub which shows live television, or catch up TV on BBC iPlayer, must have a valid TV Licence. Pubs without a valid licence are breaking the law and run the risk of a court prosecution and fine of up to £1,000 per offence plus costs.” Recent research published by Oxford University reveals people who have a local pub are significantly happier than those who do not, highlighting that having a regular community meeting point considerably improves both your happiness and your overall health.2 Landlords or owners are encouraged to read more information about TV Licensing requirements for businesses, or ways to spread the cost. For further information, TV Licensing can also be contacted on 0300 790 6131.



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2017

Setting A New Vision for English Seaside Towns COASTAL DESTINATIONS and tourism businesses are calling for a sea-change – they want a stronger voice, to work more collaboratively, to draw attention to the coast’s valuable assets and, crucially, to alter perceptions among the public and the media of what there is to see and do on the coast. Their views, along with findings from new and existing research, have been brought together to create the first Vision, Strategy and Action Plan for the development of tourism on the coast, coordinated by the National Coastal Tourism Academy (NCTA). Last year, coastal tourism regained its position as the largest domestic overnight holiday sector, worth more than £8bn. And coastal tourism is a significant employer estimated to be worth £3.6bn, similar in size to the telecoms sector, but the coast has significant unrealised potential and faces stiff competition from city and rural breaks. “Coastal communities face a number of unique challenges and to date they have not been given the attention and recognition they deserve,” says Samantha Richardson, NCTA director. “By working together and with a concerted effort to raise awareness of the fascinating tourism product the English coast can offer, we believe economic growth on the coast – jobs and long term sustainable employment – can be achieved. “Coastal tourism is a mixed picture across the country, with some coastal destinations thriving while others are

achieving below average growth for tourism. “The NCTA has spent three years examining the challenges on the coast – skills gaps, staff shortages, the problem of seasonality, public transport – as well as researching opportunities to develop tourism off-peak and we’ve identified key areas for growth that would work for the coast. “But the time has come for a holistic approach and through this Vision coastal destinations can work together to tackle issues that affect all coastal communities and share learning of what works to benefit everyone.” Last year the National Coastal Tourism Academy staged the first Coastal Tourism Forum where more than one hundred coastal destinations, tourism businesses and industry leaders discussed the need for a co-ordinated Vision and Action Plan. The new Vision is based on their recommendations and on the research of the NCTA, Bournemouth University, Sheffield Hallam University and others. The Vision has four key objectives: to improve the visitor economy to support wider growth, to develop a quality experience with distinct activities, to foster greater collaborative working and to raise awareness of the coast’s offer. The Vision has also been endorsed by the Seaside Heritage Network’s Esther Graham: “The NCTA undertakes valuable research that supports all those working and promoting the coast. Seaside history and heritage is a vital element in the coastal offer and the Seaside Heritage Network looks forward to working with the NCTA and others in helping to shape a coordinated Vision for unlocking the unique potential of the coast, its landscape, communities and rich heritage”.

“Waiter, This Ice Is Too Cold!”

BRITS LOVE to complain and UK restaurants can often be on the receiving end of these grumbles. Booking platform OpenTable has released research on the complaining culture of Great Britain.

6 in 10 Brits admit they have made a complaint in a restaurant, though interestingly almost half (44%) confess they sometimes shy away from complaining, for fear their food may be tampered with. In addition, while seemingly happy to complain themselves, almost half (48%) confess they actually feel uncomfortable when other members of their dining party complain. UK diners believe raising any issue they experience with a waiter/waitress is the most effective way to complain; more effective than social media. They feel the most ineffective way is shouting at the staff. Research also showed that on average, Brit’s are spending on average 7 minutes complaining about any bad dining experience – to either the wait staff, family or friends. A survey of restaurateurs revealed that diners’ complaints cover a wide and varied number of topics from the music (or lack thereof) to the restaurant layout and noisy neighbours on nearby tables. When quizzed about the most entertaining grumbles responses included the ice being too cold, champagne being too fizzy and chips tasting like potato, prov-

ing the UK to be a nation of pernickety patrons. So what do British diners expect when they complain? Well, over half (51%) expect money off their bill should they have to complain, while almost a quarter (22%) are happy with a simple apology. It seems diners in the South (64%) have a tendency to complain more than those in the North (56%). However, when looking more closely at the city divide, Coventry folk are the UK’s biggest complainers, with 76% admitting they complain. York complains the least (44%). The older generation complain more than the younger, with 69% of over 55’s admitting they complain, compared to 53% of 18-24’s. Adrian Valeriano, Vice President, Europe, OpenTable, comments, “The majority of restaurants deliver high quality hospitality day after day, but on some occasion the experience may not be to everyone’s taste. Receiving feedback from patrons is paramount to any business within the hospitality sector as this feedback is vital in maintaining a high standard of service. Our advice to any diners that have feedback on their experience would be to express it at the time to the wait team or management as most incidents can be sorted quickly and to everyone’s satisfaction. Although we would ask diners to think about their complaints, as the wait staff cannot be responsible for the temperature of ice or the fizziness of the Champagne!”

February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2017

Foodservice Pricing Falls Slightly But Remains Nearly 2% Up Year On Year INFLATION REVEALED in the Foodservice Price Index from Prestige Purchasing and CGA Strategy contrasts with deflationary consumer trends in food and drink Pricing on food and non-alcoholic drinks dropped slightly in December but remains 1.8% higher than a year ago, the latest Foodservice Price Index from Prestige Purchasing and CGA Strategy reveals. The figure contrasts sharply with the Office for National Statistics’ Consumer Price Index figures for food and non-alcoholic beverages of -1.1% for December. It indicates that foodservice is having to cope with price increases that have not yet reached the general public. The figures continue divergent trends for the two measures. For over two years now foodservice pricing has taken an inflationary course in contrast with the CPI—though the latter is now playing catch-up with a stabilising Foodservice Price Index. Fierce competition between big-name stores with significant negotiating power means that increases in the price of raw materials or transport costs are often suppressed in the ONS’ figures, and the purchasing profile of businesses in each sector can also vary significantly. While the Foodservice Price Index indicates upward move-

February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


ment over the medium term, prices actually fell slightly monthon-month. This is in line with typical movement from November to December, when festive discounting and an increase in the sales of goods targeted specifically at the Christmas market tends to push down prices. The latest Index data from Prestige and CGA suggests that the outlook for pricing in the next three months is unsettled. There is particular volatility in salad and fruit items imported from Spain and Italy, while salmon, cream and butter prices are soaring. Christopher Clare, Head of Consulting & Insight at Prestige Purchasing said, “The level of volatility currently being experienced is significant, driven by a perfect storm of key commodity challenges and political and economic uncertainty. The foodservice market typically reacts more quickly to the former given the market dynamics where the large number of individual customers have less influence on price changes being passed on.” “Our latest Index data provides more important insights for all those in the foodservice sector. It shows that the Christmas season triggered a little respite in rises, but it is clear that the direction of travel in pricing remains firmly upward. As 2017 goes on it will be crucial for operators to stay on top of pricing trends and manage their customers’ expectations,” said Phil Tate, Chief Executive, CGA.

Pubs Can Make the Most Of Water Competition Says BBPA WITH LESS than two months to go, the British Beer & Pub Association is urging pub operators to make the most of the new competitive market for water when competition is introduced for businesses. From April 2017, businesses, charities and public sector organisations in England will be able to switch their supplier of water and sewerage retail services – some 1.2 million customers, including Britain’s 50,000 pubs. The BBPA is promoting the changes with the help of the Consumer Council for Water (CCWater), the independent consumer body for the water industry in England and Wales, and further guidance will be available in due course. By switching, or negotiating with the existing supplier of retail services, customers could get a better price or a more

tailored service. Currently, only very heavy water users (over five million litres per year) can switch supplier of water retail services. However, from April 2017 this usage threshold will drop to zero in England, effectively opening up competition to all business customers, including pubs. BBPA Chief Executive, Brigid Simmonds, comments: “This is a big change for our water supplies that should bring more competition and choice into the market, and pubs need to be aware of the potential for savings. “Operators can look to reduce bills by negotiating new tariffs and by consolidating billing across multiple sites. We may also see other innovations, through new services such as water efficiency and leakage checks and leakage control, that could generate lower bills.”

ALMR Reiterates Call for Business Rates Reform

FOLLOWING THE Government’s decision to implement business rates relief for broadband network providers, the ALMR has called upon the Government to implement comprehensive reform of business rates.

ALMR Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The Government’s decision to grant business rates relief for broadband network providers shows willingness on its part to address concerns around the current system and implement sector-specific relief when necessary.

“Licensed hospitality venues currently face enormous business tax burdens, around a third of turnover for pubs, and the ALMR has been vocal in its assertion that this must change. “The House of Lords is due to debate the impact of business rates on high street retailers, so this clearly remains an issue of some concern to politicians as well as businesses. “With this is mind, we are once again calling on the Government to take action to drastically reduce the business rates burden being faced by licensed hospitality venues which is stifling investment.”



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2017

Personalisation Is the Key to a Positive First Impression, HGEM Reveals

NEW RESEARCH by guest experience management experts, HGEM, has revealed that 83% of customers consider the welcome to be an ‘important’ or ‘very important’ factor in their overall enjoyment when visiting a pub, hotel, bar or restaurant. So much so, that three quarters of those asked (79%) would be deterred from making a return visit to a site if they received a poor welcome.

Incorporating an element of personalisation to the welcome, such as creating additional conversation or going above and beyond role requirements, was the most highly rated factor in delivering a memorable welcome. The importance of human interaction was emphasised, with almost half (44%) of guests considering staff to have the greatest impact on their first impression of a restaurant over decor or speed of service. Furthermore, more than one third (33%) of respondents cited employees who exceeded expectations as essential for a great welcome. Those aged over 55 were most prominent in suggesting an ‘impersonal or generic greeting’ had a negative impact on the welcome, with almost a quarter of this age group (24%) citing these reasons. Furthermore, almost half (42%) of respondents claimed that not being greeted with a smile or a lack of eye contact would make them feel unwelcome when visiting a restaurant. This contrasted with 28% who cited the speed of greeting would deter a return visit.

When considering which outlets led the way in making guests feel welcome, those surveyed identified hotels (31%) and casual dining restaurants (29%) as the most memorable with only 7% and 1% of consumers stating pubs & bars and quick service restaurants (QSR) as delivering the best welcome, respectively. Steven Pike, managing director of HGEM commented: “The results are indicative of the demand for personalisation within the hospitality sector, a continuation of a trend that we expect to see more of throughout 2017. While personalisation has been gaining popularity recently in the context of products, it will always be important in a service context and particularly as diners look for a move from a routine or disingenuous greeting to a sincere and personalised welcome. A focus in recruiting the right people and investing in their development will encourage genuine welcoming behaviours and memorable guest interactions to encourage repeat visits and convert customers into brand advocates. “As consumers become increasingly perceptive to what makes a great welcome, with personalisation becoming the norm, there are lots of examples of creative practice throughout the industry. At HGEM, we encourage guest experience managers to seek inspirations from other businesses across a variety of foodservice outlets whether or not they are considered a direct competitor. Given that the welcome represents such a small proportion of the experience (in terms of time), focussing attention on nailing greetings every time will pay dividends.”

Falcon Launches New Combi Ovens with Improved Functionality and Ease of Use FALCON HAS taken the functionality of combination ovens to a new level with the launch of its latest models. These units are available in programmable and manual versions, with both benefitting from improvements to construction, aesthetics and usability.

If you have any interesting news articles that would be of interest to our readers please email us at

The top of the range ‘T’ models feature an upgraded user interface. The new high definition colour tablet-style touchscreen is incredibly easy to operate. It can be completely configured to suit each individual kitchen’s requirements, with the home page able to display the most frequently used programmes, which can then be started with just one touch. Recipes can be organised in folders so that, for instance, those used on a certain day can be readily called up together. Previous models featured a 400 programme storage capacity, whereas the new ‘T’ models feature unlimited storage. Cooking advice and notes can be typed in and images can be added to help quick identification – these can be uploaded from an image gallery or from a USB. Multilevel and Just in Time cooking enables menu items with different cooking times to be cooked simultaneously, with the combi oven intelligently recognising compatible recipes that can also be cooked together.

All of Falcon’s new 7 and 10 shelf models benefit from new Liquid Clean automatic cleaning and descaling systems, making it easier to keep the combi oven chamber in optimum condition. The detergent and descaler containers are in-built, housed in a discreet compartment beneath the oven chamber, saving space and improving the appearance of the units. Each unit is also supplied with a multipoint temperature probe and hand shower as standard. Alongside the new models, Falcon will continue to supply its popular compact combi oven range. The compact combis are only 510mm wide and enable smaller kitchens to benefit from combi cooking. They feature an easy to operate, interactive touch screen with 400 programme storage capacity, and an automatic cleaning system. There is also a full range of cooking accessories available, such as perforated trays, skewer racks, meat grids and nonstick containers specifically designed to enhance the quality of the food being produced. Falcon is the market-leading UK manufacturer of professional cooking equipment. With a company history going back nearly 200 years, Falcon now supplies operators throughout the catering industry, exporting around the globe. Its comprehensive product portfolio is backed by award-winning customer support. Visit

February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

0800 731 2980

‘Premium roasted coffee is trending massively throughout the UK and we as a nation have now come to expect a quality cup of coffee. Here at Espresso Essential, our coffee and coffee machines have been more than meeting those high expectations since 2004. Our Italian imported bean to cup coffee machines freshly grind the coffee for each drink at the touch of a button. They are very simple to use and are self cleaning. Our machines also make Hot Chocolate for the chocoholics amongst us and with the hot water feature, the tea drinkers are still looked after. The Coffee Machines are popular and profitable. We offer unbelievably good deals including free drinks to cover the cost of the purchase price!! The Coffee Machines are sold lease to purchase and start from as little as £30.00 per week. The machines can be listed on the ‘Assets Register’ and the lease payments are a tax deductible business expense. At the end of the lease agreement the machine belongs to you and your business.

The average cost of the consumables, including the cup, lid and stirrer is just £0.23. The recommended retail price is £1.50, although some charge £1.00 depending on their business type and customer base. Our Espresso Essential machines are not a profit share. Each time you make a profit it is entirely your profit. We supply the machines on an outright sale or lease to purchase basis. The lease option brings tax benefits as the lease costs are a business expenditure.

We are currently running a Special Offer… we are giving away the free stock equivalent of up to 5,000 free drinks when you purchase the machine of your choice!! Our expert team will give you the best advice according to the number of cups and the space that you have available for the machine. All machines come with free installation and training as well as 12 month’s warranty on parts and labour. We also offer free point of sale marketing material.



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2017

Strike the Gold Foods Ltd, are the proud UK partners with Blue Star Foods Inc who are one of the leading crab meat producers in the world. Since the companies inception in our founder and current CEO John Keeler’s kitchen almost twenty years ago the company has still remained in the forefront in ensuring all the crabs caught are done so both ethically and sustainably.

All the crab meat imported to the UK comes from the Blue Swimming Crab caught in the estuaries caught in and around the coast of Indonesia.

Because it is a swimming crab and not a bottom feeder it tends to taste much sweeter and less gritty in taste.

We service both the retail and foodservice industry in our worldwide patented foil pouch which with pasturising at the time process enables us to offer a shelf-life of 18 months from the time of production as long as the pouch is kept refrigerated at all time.

Tel: 0800 987 5431 NOW AVAILABLE FROM:-

Shadow Communities Spokesperson Backs HoL Vote For Greater Pub Protection LORD ROY Kennedy of Southwark, Shadow Spokesperson for the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), has confirmed his support for strengthening planning laws to protect vulnerable pubs across England. In a House of Lords debate on the Neighbourhood Planning Bill, Lord Kennedy promised to propose an amendment to remove permitted development rights for pubs so that they are protected under the planning system. In his speech at the despatch box, Lord Kennedy said “I also give notice to the Minister that we shall be proposing an amendment in Committee to remove the permitted development rights for pubs in England and to place pubs in a class of their own. Permitted development rights allow the change of use of pubs to retail and temporary office use without planning permission, with communities denied a say over the loss of valuable community assets. We are presently seeing 21 pubs close a week. That is most regrettable, and we need to act save our pubs.” While the lack of protection in current legislation has galvanised community groups across the country to protect their

Appetite ‘The Catering Show for You’

APPETITE ‘the catering show for you’ will be taking place at the China Fleet Club, Saltash on Tuesday 14th March, 9.30 to 16.00. Brought to you by Chadds Foodsmiths, Appetite will showcase over 50 exhibitors and Suppliers from leading brands like McCains, Panesco & Sidoli, to local favourites Burts, Trewithen Farm Dairy, Hogs Bottom and Kellys Ice cream with a focus on Speciality, Callebaut, Sosa, Movenpick Ice Cream, Essential Cuisine and Speciality Bread. Chadds Foodsmiths is a Cornish family run food service wholesaler distributing all your catering requirements. Offering an extensive range of food categories from Frozen, Ice Cream, Dairy, Meats, Fruit and

Interclub Lotteries


INTERCLUB LOTTERIES have been leading the Pub lottery industry for over 5 years and have raised in excess of £1 million for good causes.

Their flexible and profitable vending systems allow pubs to safely handle the sales and cash collection side of the operation while offering a 'softcore' gambling option that appeals to a wider audience.


locals by registering 2000 pubs as Assets of Community Value (ACV), the process has proven to be lengthy and bureaucratic for both community groups gathering supporting evidence for their nominations, and local authorities who preside over ACV applications. Lord Kennedy’s proposed amendment would therefore take pressure off local community groups to individually list pubs and councils which are burdened with red tape. Colin Valentine, CAMRA’s National Chairman says: “We have seen communities across England go through the process of nominating their pub as an Asset of Community Value. This shows a huge appetite for protecting pubs, which are more than just businesses – they are invaluable landmarks in our communities. “Unfortunately, the ACV process can be time-consuming, fraught with difficulties and at the end of the day is only a temporary measure – listings must be renewed every five years to maintain protection. It simply doesn’t make sense that pubgoers have to jump through these extra hoops when it is clear that so many communities overwhelmingly want a say on the future of their much-loved pub. We thank Lord Kennedy for his sensible proposals and hope that they are carried forward in the Bill.”

Vegetables to Grocery, Drinks, Non Foods and Janitorial Supplies, ‘the one stop shop for caterers’ throughout Devon and Cornwall. The object of Appetite, is to reflect this vast range. Appetite welcomes anybody who has an interest in Food and Catering, you do not need to be a customer, there are no obligations to buy. It is an opportunity for suppliers to showcase their products and engage with the end user. There will be cracking offers and the chance to acquire a ‘free’ Chefs Whites but why not come along,taste some wonderful products, find some inspirational recipe ideas and enjoy the day! For more information call 01288 353964 or go to or see ad page 4. 'All the winners here' is a new tagline used to show players that they stand to win the prizes shown in the pub they play in. this could be up to £250. This is designed to get past the problem of players not realising that all games are self contained and are on offer at only one outlet. Raising funds for charity can also benefit pubs by showing a caring side to their business this can translate into social goodwill when combined with cheque presentations in the local press. To discuss options call 01323 489489 or see the advert on page 18.

February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2017

Scotch Whisky Industry Sets Out Case For 2% Cut in Excise In March Budget IN ITS Budget submission to the Treasury, the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) sets out the unfairness of the current level of tax on Scotch Whisky – 77% on an average priced bottle – and calls for a 2% cut in excise duty. The SWA is calling on the Chancellor to ‘Stand up for Scotch’ in the Budget on March 8 to support a strategically important industry, benefit consumers and boost public finances. As the largest net contributor to the UK’s balance of trade, Scotch Whisky is vital to the UK economy and a truly global drink. In its submission, the SWA says that during a time of change created by Brexit, the industry needs a supportive domestic tax environment. A 2% cut in excise would be a move in the right direction, as would steps towards excise duty fairness in future Budgets. Such support would also give confidence to the unprecedented level of new entrants to the industry. Since 2013, 14 Scotch Whisky distilleries have opened and a further eight are set to start production this year. The UK is the fourth largest market for Scotch and is particularly important for newer companies. While a competitive domestic business environment is vital to new starts and SMEs, it also benefits

existing distillers looking to expand to meet growing demand. A fair tax for whisky is also likely to boost spirits revenue to the Treasury. Following the 2% cut in spirits duty in March 2015, spirits revenue in 2015/16 increased by £123 million to £3.15 billion. Spirits revenue is now £155m a year higher than when the spirits duty escalator was scrapped in 2014. Julie Hesketh-Laird, acting chief executive of the Scotch Whisky Association, said: “A 77% tax on a bottle of Scotch Whisky is unfair for a number of reasons, so we are calling for a 2% cut in excise in next month’s Budget. The onerous level of tax fails to recognise the strategic importance of Scotch Whisky to the UK economy and its export performance. And it punishes responsible consumers of Scotch Whisky who are paying over the odds in tax compared to people who choose other drinks. A cut in excise for Scotch is also likely to be good for the public purse. Positive changes to tax in recent years have seen spirits revenue grow. “We hope that the Chancellor will consider the compelling evidence of the benefit of a cut in excise duty on spirits and give the Scotch Whisky industry and consumers some cheer in the Budget on 8 March.”

How Hygienic is Your Hotel?

PROTECTING YOUR business - The importance of hygiene and learning from the Wahaca experience. The recent closure of a number of Wahaca restaurants throughout the UK highlights how easy a disease such as Norovirus can affect businesses – creating a huge financial burden and damage to your brand. It’s not just restaurants that can fall victim though, all public areas are at risk as the infection can be easily passed from individuals before they know they are infected and up to two weeks afterwards. With visitors from all over the world, hotels are particularly susceptible to germs such as the Norovirus and various strains of flu. An outbreak could prove severely damaging to your business, but are you doing enough to protect yourself and your guests from infection? The Cleaning Show, 14-16 March at ExCeL London, is the UK’s largest Cleaning and Hygiene exhibition and is completely free-to-attend. It’s a chance for businesses large or small to source and try-out cleaning equipment, technology and products such as personal protective equipment, safe waste handling solutions, hand hygiene products, disposables and cleaning machines that will ensure

that your staff can create a clean and germ-free environment. A range of free-to-attend seminars also offer advice on health and safety within the workplace, the living wage, the issue of illegal workers, as well as marketing and social media training that can be applied to any business. Cleaning Show expected to double in size in 2017 Following the success of the Cleaning Show’s move to London in 2015, the 2017 event is expected to almost double in size. Over 100 industry-leading exhibitors who will be demonstrating their latest equipment and services include Kärcher, Nilfisk, Kimberly-Clark Professional, Industrial Cleaning Equipment, Steam Clean Systems, Kennedy Hygiene Products, Numatic, Jangro, Greyland, Rubbermaid, Nexon, Vacleansa, Vileda Professional and many others. A full list of exhibitors is available at With just weeks to go, thousands of hotel managers, housekeepers and cleaners have already registered, please add the dates to your diary now and register for your pass online at The Cleaning Show is organised by the British Cleaning Council and the publishers of Cleaning & Maintenance Magazine.

February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Workplace Pensions - Hospitality Sector Warned EMPLOYERS WHO ignore their automatic enrolment duties could find themselves with a County Court Judgement, The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has warned. The alert comes as TPR issues the latest update on its automatic enrolment enforcement activity (PDF, 131kb, 9 pages). It shows the number of fines has again risen in proportion to the large number of employers now reaching their deadline to comply. The report notes that a small number of employers have now been handed County Court Judgements (CCJs) after failing to pay their automatic enrolment fines. This can happen when employers persistently ignore penalty notices sent to them by TPR. Employers that fail to pay within 30 days of receiving the CCJ, will have the details entered on their credit record. The report has the example of a South London removals firm who took nearly two years to comply with their automatic enrolment duties, despite receiving two Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) and an Escalating Penalty Notice (EPN). It was only when TPR applied for a CCJ that the employer became compliant and paid their fines. Charles Counsell, Automatic Enrolment Executive Director said: “A CCJ goes onto an employer’s credit record

and remains there for six years, seriously affecting their ability to borrow money for their business in the future. “Burying your head in the sand and ignoring your legal duties means your staff are missing out on pensions they are entitled to and your credit rating and reputation could be hit.” The report flags the hospitality sector as an area at higher risk of non-compliance. The sector, which includes hotels, pubs and bars, has received a higher percentage of fines. This is an area which typically includes a large proportion of employees on non-standard contracts, which in part explains the higher proportion of non-compliance. Small employers can become non-compliant because they are more likely to leave things to the last minute but in most cases the nudge of a compliance notice is enough to get them back on track. Mr Counsell added: “Our message to small and micro employers has always been to ensure they leave enough time and be clear about what they will need to do to comply. We are here to help – but we will take action if an employer is wilfully non-compliant. “There’s plenty of information on our website on how to assess and enrol people who work varying hours, so there’s no excuse not to comply.”

Master of Culinary Arts 2017 Open for Entries ON 31ST January 2017, 30 years after it was first established, the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts launched the eighth Master of Culinary Arts (MCA), at Searcys Knightsbridge, 30 Pavilion Road. Based on the Meilleur Ouvrier de France (MOF), the MCA is the UK hospitality industry’s most prestigious award for head chefs, pastry chefs and restaurant managers. “The MCA is the highest honour in the catering industry; it examines the very finest details in service, pastry and kitchen and is the pinnacle of each discipline. For me, a Master of Culinary Arts is a person who strives for perfection in their profession and has the grace and elegance to promote our craft to the next generation.” John Williams MBE, Executive Chef, The Ritz London/Chairman, Royal Academy of Culinary Arts The award of Master of Culinary Arts (MCA) is conferred on those who have displayed mastery of the complex and specialised knowledge and skills in culinary arts which are required to be a first class chef, pastry chef, or for restaurant management and service. The holder of the MCA is able to prove advanced technical skill and professional ability; accept accountability for their decision-making; contribute to super-

vision and management; demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of the principles of sustainability and the viability of our food sources throughout the scope of the food chain; demonstrate leadership and support the development of others; and act in the best interests of the culinary arts profession. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS To enter the MCA candidates must be currently employed fulltime within the United Kingdom as a chef, pastry chef or in restaurant management and service. Applicants must also have: • At least 10 years full-time experience in their specific trade (not necessarily consecutively). • A range of industrial experience at various levels including at least three years at a senior level. • A broad knowledge of traditional and modern gastronomy and service. • The ability to demonstrate a range of their specific trade skills at an advanced level under pressure. • Undertaken a range of activities as part of their own continuing professional development. • Contributed to the training and development of others. • A working knowledge of written and spoken English. For further information or to enter the MCA 2017 please e-mail your contact details to:

February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


BHA Responds to the ‘Absolute Folly’ of Proposed London Tourist Bed Tax Ufi Ibrahim, Chief Executive of the British Hospitality Association, the leading tourism body, has commended on the proposed London Bed Tax being considered by London Mayor Sadiq Khan: “The BHA regards any bed tax as absolute folly and asks the Mayor to think again. The introduction of a London bed tax will not only cost tourists more but harm already hard-pressed London hospitality and tourism businesses. Tourists in the UK already pay the most tax in Europe and the World Economic Forum currently ranks the UK 140 out of 141 countries in terms of tourism tax competitiveness. A bed tax, however small, will discourage

guests from staying overnight and reduce the amount they spend in the wider London economy, impacting shops and restaurants as well as hotels. Local bed taxes will make it even harder for British businesses to compete. The UK’s rate of Tourism VAT is already twice the European average and, although some European countries have local tourism taxes, they all enjoy a lower rate of Tourism VAT so that any negative impact is offset. The Mayor of London’s announcement is extremely worrying to London businesses as it provides sharing platforms, such as Airbnb, with an even greater advantage over hotels in the capital because visitors not only do not have to pay VAT on the cost of their stay but also would not be eligible to pay his proposed bed tax.”

Charlie Hodson Wins The Great Sausage Roll Off 2017 THE GREAT Sausage Roll Off 2017 at the Red Lion, Barnes, the fifth year of the annual competition, proved to be the best yet with a record crowd watching the action. Hosted by award-winning beer and food writer Melissa Cole, 19 top chefs from across the country raised the bar of sausage roll creations in front of a panel of expert judges: Pierre Koffmann (The Berkeley), Mark Poynton (Chef Patron, Restaurant Alimentum), Dan Doherty (Chef Director, Duck and Waffle), Neil Rankin (Chef Patron, Temper) and Graham Garrett (The West House, Kent).

Charlie Hodson, Chef Director at Purple Plum Catering, was crowned winner with his sausage roll, called ‘From Norfolk with Love’, which celebrated the very best in Norfolk ingredients and paid homage to a British Classic. As well as the plate for the judges, each competitor supplied samples of their entries, which were auctioned off to the hungry crowd in aid of Shooting Star Chase. Combined with a range of other fantastic auction items, the event raise over £1300 for this leading children’s hospice charity caring for babies, children and young people with life-limiting conditions, and their families.

250% Increase in Price Rises As Companies Break Cover and Blame Brexit PURCHASING company Beacon, has reported a record 267% growth in price rise notifications. with average price rises for products and services has doubling year-on-year, citing Brexit as major cause. Some of the biggest increases have been in the coffee and stationery products With at least some of the Brexit uncertainty is over, as British and European businesses break cover and blame Brexit for having to issue a record number of price rises to their products. Beacon, has seen price increases delivered across a number of categories including food, beverages and consumables with average notifications doubling year on year

and considerably higher than the current UK inflation level of 1.6%. Paul Connelly, Beacon MD, commented: “These price increase notifications indicate to us a significant shift in mindset from British and European businesses. After the Brexit vote in June last year we had about six months of businesses waiting and seeing what Brexit meant to them. That period of pausing appears to be over. The price rises are coming, which will impact smaller independent businesses and is likely to feed through to consumers if those businesses are not able to absorb the increased costs. A period of prolonged prudence is likely as the focus sharpens on continuing to help people and businesses control costs and remain profitable.

A curiously refreshing blend of apple juice and sparkling water Now in apple + raspberry | 0208 241 5779


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2017

Highest November On Record for Inbound Tourism to Britain

THERE WERE 3.1 million inbound visits to the UK in November 2016, up 17% on the same month in 2015. Overseas visitors spent £1.7 billion, up 14%. Today’s figures from the Office for National Statistics show that from January to November 2016 the UK saw 34.5 million visits, up 3% on the same period in 2015 with visitors spending £20.4 billion, up 1%. Strong growth was seen in November last year from North America (Canada and the US – the latter Britain’s most valuable tourism source market) with 300,000 visits, up 28% compared to November 2015. It brings total visits from North America for January to November 2016 to 4 million, up 6% on 2015. There were 23.3 million visits from the EU for January to November 2016, up 4% on the same period in 2015. Tourism Minister Tracey Crouch said: “Our tourism industry is booming as Britain cements its reputation as one of the world’s must-visit destinations. I am particularly pleased that there are an increasing number of visits from important markets like the US, with tourism making a significant contribution to our economy. We are committed to helping the sector grow even further, so the benefits are spread far and wide across the country.”

VisitBritain Chief Executive Sally Balcombe said: “These figures demonstrate our tourism industry’s crucial role in showing that our nation is welcoming and open for business, and its increasing importance as a driver of economic growth. “We are seeing success in growing tourism from our high value markets including the US and we are competing strongly in Europe. We are seizing the opportunity to build on this, promoting a message of value, welcome and showcasing the amazing experiences that visitors can only get here.” Inbound tourism forecast for 2017 VisitBritain’s forecast for 2017 shows that overall inbound tourism growth is set to continue with 38.1 million visits, up 4% on 2016 which is likely to see about 36.7 million visits by year end. Spending by overseas visitors is predicted to reach £24.1 billion in 2017, an 8% increase on spending last year which is expected to top out at £22.3 billion. Latest flight booking data shows that flight bookings to the UK are up 10% for January to March compared to the same period last year. Tourism is Britain’s seventh largest export industry and third largest service sector. It is worth £127 billion annually to the UK economy, creating jobs and boosting economic growth across its nations and regions.

Win £1500 Shopping Vouchers With McCain Foods MCCAIN FOODS is giving customers the chance to win £1500 in Love to Shop Vouchers by sharing their best chef hack as part of a campaign to highlight the operational benefits of using the McCain Chef Solutions Range.


The Chef Solutions Range is designed to create efficiencies in the kitchen without compromising on service; providing time, waste and labour saving solutions which help chefs to serve food they can be proud of. To celebrate the solutions the range can offer to chefs, McCain Foods is inviting customers to share their tips and tricks for getting great results, and creating a smoother service, with less hassle. All shared ‘chef hacks’ will be entered into a prize draw for the chance to win £1500 Love to Shop vouchers. Katrina Ellis, McCain Foods Product Manager, says: “All chefs have their own

little hacks, their unique way of doing something in the kitchen, that they rely on to save time, money, reduce waste or add consistency. “The McCain Chef Solutions Range is a great hack for lots of chefs and we’re really excited to hear how it is being used, and what other things chefs are doing to make service run like clockwork.” Jackie Stedeford, Catering Manager at Twickenham Primary School, has already shared her chef hack: “Trusting one product to work across a range of recipes. That’s my chef’s solution, what’s yours?” Tell us your chef hack at for your chance to win a £1500 Love to Shop voucher for you and your team. Let us know what you think by tweeting @McCainFoods_B2B.

February 2017

Following £5,495 Restaurant Fine, CESA Offers Clear Advice On FOG

SEVERN TRENT Water’s successful prosecution of Café Saffron in Codsall has highlighted the issue of fats, oil and grease (FOG) – and underlined the need for the catering industry to deal with it. The restaurant was fined £5,495 for creating a blockage in the sewer system, as a result of not dealing with FOG from its kitchen. Severn Water described it as a landmark case and it could easily lead to more prosecutions.

Café Saffron has agreed to fit a grease trap. However, CESA, the Catering Equipment Suppliers Association, points out that there is no ‘one system fits all’ solution. “A combination of bio remediation, grease removal units and grease traps maximises the opportunity to eliminate the problem of FOG entering the sewers,” says Keith Warren, director of CESA. “One aspect that is often overlooked in dealing with

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

FOG is the profit potential,” he adds. “The ‘harvest’ from grease traps and grease recovery units can be used for anaerobic digestion and biogas production.” A recent FOG Forum workshop agreed that the industry should be encouraged to see FOG as a resource. For example, some foodservice operators use cooking oils and waste from grease traps to power their own trucks. There are other benefits of taking untreated FOG out of the drain – a major one being that it removes a source of nutrient for algae growing in the sewers, which can be a huge problem. Meanwhile, FOG is potentially a rich source of phosphorus, which is needed in compost to promote food growth – and according to the World Health Organisation, we will run out of phosphorus in the next 20 years. CESA, CEDA and the FCSI are part of a group preparing a white paper report on FOG Management on behalf of the FOG Forum. It will provide an overview of the issues, legislative requirements, design reviews, operational assessments and the solutions.

Brakspear Smashes £50,000 Fundraising Target for Sue Ryder

Henley pub operator and brewer Brakspear has raised £50,983 for the Sue Ryder charity thanks to enthusiastic and determined fundraising by its pub and head office teams. The charity partnership, which started in November 2015, has now come to an end, with Brakspear presenting a final cheque to Sue Ryder at their Nettlebed Hospice, close to Henley. Sue Ryder provides hospice and neurological care for people facing a frightening, life-changing diagnosis. They do whatever they can to be a safety net for patients and their loved ones at the most difficult time of their lives. Sue Ryder was Brakspear’s first ever estate-wide charity partner and pubs have been raising money for the last fifteen months through a variety of ways, from organising live music nights to comedy festivals, completing sponsored challenges or adding a voluntary donation to menu items. Brakspear also launched a beer – called Incredible after the incredible work done by Sue Ryder – and

donated 10p to the charity for every pint sold in its pubs. Brakspear chief executive Tom Davies said, “When we started our journey with Sue Ryder, it was something of a leap of faith as we’d not supported a charity across the Brakspear estate before. “Our licensees, their staff teams and customers have more than risen to the challenge, enabling us to reach this point where we can present Sue Ryder with more than £50,000 to continue their incredible work. We’ve shown that we can make a positive contribution to a worthy charity which is, like our pubs, at the heart of the local community.” Hospice Director for Duchess of Kent and Nettlebed Hospices, Stewart Marks comments: “Working with this renowned brewery has proved to be extremely successful and the money Brakspear have raised is vital to the services we provide here in the local community. We are enormously grateful for their support, enthusiasm and creativity to reach this incredible £50,000 milestone.”

Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at @CLHNews



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2017

Outdoor Leisure

Hotel, Catering & Retail Show

Your Recipe for Success in the South Rokill Pest Control THE HOTEL, Catering & Retail Show takes place on Tuesday 14th & Wednesday 15th March, at the Bournemouth International Centre (BIC). New to the Hotel, Catering & Retail Show this year is the “Retail” element. The show now caters not only for the business needs of hospitality buyers, it will also welcome retail buyers, looking for speciality food and drink for their outlets. There will be more food & drink on display than ever before. Organisers of the Great Taste Awards, the Guild of Fine Food, will be bringing their Great Taste Market to the show. Featuring award-winning food and drink producers from Great Taste, the market is your chance to taste and buy from these artisan producers. Come and talk to the makers and hear first-hand how they create their products and how you should enjoy them. These markets are only open to Great Taste winners, and as the first show of 2017 to host one, this is your opportunity to see these producers before anyone else. There will also be producers from Taste of the West, Dorset Food & Drink, Hampshire Fare, all bringing some of the best bites for buyers to try! The Hotel, Catering & Retail Show is one of the UK’s longest running hospitality and food service events, with over 60 years’ history. It features new and innovative products & services and hundreds of delicious food and drink product tastings. The show provides a unique opportunity to get hands-on and face to face – to see inspiring demonstrations, taste touch and smell different products, and make meaningful comparisons between competing offers. Get invaluable insights into how the market is evolving, and make fresh contacts whilst mixing with your colleagues, suppliers and customers. This well-established hospitality event attracts some of the best exhibitors, who market their products and services to the vibrant

year-round hospitality and retail sector in Bournemouth, Dorset, Hampshire and surrounding areas. The mix of retail & hospitality suppliers creates a vibrant and fertile trading environment. Hoteliers, restauranteurs, chefs, catering professionals, deli & farm shop owners, and retail buyers large and small come here to discover what’s on offer in terms of exciting local produce, innovative business services, quality catering equipment and fresh ideas across the drinks and speciality food sectors. Show features include Liquid, which offers the on-trade and off-trade the opportunity to discover new and exciting products, techniques, services and trends, as well as the chance to network. Located in Liquid is the Mixology Bar; the alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink zone organised in partnership with the UK Bartenders Guild in collaboration with Bottled Consulting Ltd. There is a lively Demonstration Kitchen at the show where you can get a close look at leading chefs. Watch as they share their signature dishes, culinary skills and top tips – it’s highly informative and inspirational. With both students and professionals displaying their talents in the kitchen, the show is a great way for new talent to learn from more established names, and provides inspiration for everyone Get the most out of your hospitality business by attending one of the Hospitality Talks, or one of the Masterclasses from our Knowledge Partner Bournemouth University. Showcasing trends and exciting innovations from industry leaders, the Hotel, Catering & Retail Show offers the chance to network with current suppliers, peers and key industry players. Whether you are looking to source new suppliers or are in search of the latest and most original products on the market, this is the leading hospitality and food service event for the South. For more information about the show, to book a stand, or register to attend, please call 01934 733433, visit or follow @hotelcatershow.

ROKILL PEST control services, local specialists with over 35 years experience will be exhibiting on stand number W107.

We are mobile software solution specialists with solutions for time and attendance, auditing, asset control and maintenance. RealTime also sells a cloud-based point of sale software solution. We focus on supplying efficient, cost-effective software solutions. We understand that most businesses do not have unlimited money to spend on technology. This is the reason that most of our software solutions are charged on a monthly or quarterly basis instead of a

large upfront cost. As well as providing the solution, RealTime provide full training, support and hardware for each solution. A significant part of RealTime’s business is our hardware sales. Barcode Hyperstore sells barcoding hardware such as scanners, mobile computers and label printers, while Epos Hyperstore sells all point of sale equipment such as touch screens, scanners, receipt printers and till drawers. For further information email, call 01243 855700 or visit the website at

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will also be demonstrating the latest energy efficient flykiller and the latest techniques for rodent and insect control. Reader Enquiries - Tel 0800 783 0011

Our experts will be on hand to discuss any pest issues that you may be concerned about in the home or workplace. We

Redstar Foodservice

FOUNDED IN 2008, Redstar Foodservice Ltd is a leading foodservice company providing a range of fresh, frozen, chilled & ambient products, as well as equipment, cleaning & hygienic supplies for commercial kitchens. Operating from 2 depots, strategically located in Southampton and Portsmouth covering the South of England, we are a one stop supplier providing a variety of bespoke products for cafes, restaurants,


RealTime DC - Hardware & Software Solutions RealTime DC is a family-run software and hardware supplier based in the UK.

February 2017

hotels, pubs & educational institutions. Our mission is to provide a high level of service that exceeds customers’ expectations. We understand that each customer is unique, therefore we tailor our approach to fit the needs of the customer. Whether this be how we communicate or plan logistically, being flexible to help our customers is at the heart of what we do. We believe that these set of values is the main reason why our customers stay loyal to the Redstar Foodservice brand. For more information please visit us on FaceBook: @RedstarFoodserviceLtd; Twitter: @RedstarFoodserv; Instagram: @Redstarfoodservice or call 02380 220866. Alternatively see us on Stands W402/W503.


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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2017

Hotel, Catering & Retail Show

Cooper Foods Has the Whole Menu Under One Roof WE ARE a family run specialist wholesaler and has been established for over 30 years, supplying to customers across the South of England. We have a 24 hour order line and deliver 6 days a week with no minimum order delivery charges. As a seafood wholesaler we offer an extensive range of fresh fish. The markets we buy from are mainly from the South Coast buying the best prime day boat fish. As with native seafood, exotic species also need to be ethical, affordable and of high quality. As a meat and game wholesaler we offer a full butchery service, sourcing and

supplying with provenance, quality and full traceability as key factors on all products. We also supply Italian imported pastas, bespoke handmade desserts, Pastry cases and a range of delicatessen goods including butter, cheeses, olives and charcuterie. Cooper Foods is SALSA and STS accredited and a Food Standards Agency Certified Company To start receiving our email specials please sign up at our stand W318 To open an account please contact our sales office on 01264 321050. or see us on Stand W318.

Cheers To That! CAMRA Membership Soars THE CAMPAIGN for Real Ale (CAMRA) has just signed up its 185,000th member, reinforcing its place among some of the top membership organisations in the UK – and boasting numbers above all but one of the major political parties. The milestone member was one of hundreds signed up at the recent Manchester Beer and Cider Festival, one of CAMRA’s many successful annual events, which saw nearly 15,000 visitors enjoying real ale, real cider and perry last week. The organisation’s current membership puts it ahead of the Conservative Party, the SNP, the Liberal Democrats, the Greens and UKIP. Only the Labour Party has more members. After 45 years of being one of the largest single-issue consumer groups in the world, CAMRA is still seeing nearly 10,000 new members join each year. Issues facing the beer and pubs industry still top the agenda for many, with CAMRA’s key campaigns including the protection of pubs from closure, keeping beer affordable and promoting the wellbeing benefits of visiting your local continuing to strike a chord. CAMRA is also well known for the 200 beer festivals that it runs across the UK, including its

flagship Great British Beer Festival, which will be returning to London Olympia this summer from the 8th-12th August and featuring over 900 real ales, other craft beers, ciders and wines. CAMRA made the headlines last year when it embarked on a member-wide consultation about its future direction and purpose to ensure that it remains relevant 45 years on from its founding. The proposals put forward by the committee charged with running the Revitalisation consultation suggested that CAMRA could make numerous changes to its campaigning and activities to better represent the modern beer and pub world. A final decision on the proposals will take place at CAMRA’s Members’ Weekend in 2018. Colin Valentine, CAMRA’s National Chairman says: “It is fantastic to see our membership continue to grow year on year at such a successful rate. CAMRA remains an attractive organisation in this day and age because of our ability to adapt to the new issues that face the beer and pubs industry. We have seen the world of beer change significantly since 1971, with the rise in breweries and rapid closure rates in pubs, which is why we continually evaluate our purpose and strategy to reflect these changes. As a result, we are looking forward to another 45 year of pub and beer campaigning!”

Rockett Plumbing and Heating Supplies WHETHER YOU'RE a trade or retail customer, Rockett Plumbing and Heating Supplies Ltd is the One Stop Shop for all your plumbing, heating, kitchen and bathroom requirements. We offer an inspiring range of kitchens and bathrooms designed to cater for all taste, habits, desires and budgets. We provide the very best quality and service. We aim to meet every supply need for

your hotel requirements as a convenient one-stop supply solution, driven by excellent customer service and products. We add value by offering technical and practical advice through experience of using our own product range. We will have demonstrations of energy saving and water saving products on Stand W307. Alternatively call today on 01202 548080/732732, email: or visit

NPD Group Forecasts GB Out-Of-Home Foodservice Visits To Grow 0.4% In 2017 To 11.34 Billion GLOBAL INFORMATION company The NPD Group is forecasting that the British out-of-home (OOH) foodservice market could grow visits by as much as 0.4% in 2017 to 11.34 billion and a further 1.6% in 2018 to 11.52 billion. This follows the 1.1% actual growth in outof-home foodservice visits in Britain in 2016 to YE November 2016, the third consecutive year that the sector has recorded a rise in visits. However, NPD’s forecasts assume a ‘soft Brexit’ environment rather than a ‘hard Brexit’ effect. The NPD Group has also done forecasts for a ‘hard Brexit’ scenario, which would see 2017 visits dropping by -0.2% to 11.28 billion and a slightly smaller increase in 2018 of 1.3% to 11.43 billion. Soft Brexit spend to reach £57.6 billion in 2018 Total OOH spend to YE November 2016 was £53.46 billion, in line with NPD Group’s prediction last year. For 2017, the NPD Group is predicting total OOH spend of £55.54 billion, up 3.9% on 2016 and then a further 3.7% increase in 2018 to £57.60 billion. The above figures assume a ‘soft Brexit’ environment; NPD’s ‘hard Brexit’ spend figures are £55.30 billion for 2017 (up 3.4% on 2016) and £57.17 billion for 2018 (also up 3.4% on 2017). The NPD Group believes foodservice operators will do well despite the challenges of lower consumer confidence, cost increases from wages, inflation, weaker sterling and growing business rents. The reasons they will do well include their track record of changing their menus, investing for the future and doing all they can to really understand their customers. Cyril Lavenant, Foodservice Director UK at the NPD Group, said:

“We have done ‘soft Brexit’ and ‘hard Brexit’ forecasts for 2017 and 2018. The good news is that there’s a relatively narrow difference between ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ visit estimates for the next two years, even though Brexit clearly began to slow the pace of growth in 2016. For 2017, the difference in visits is +0.4% (‘soft’) versus -0.2% (‘hard’) and there’s a similar story for 2018 with a variation of +1.6% versus +1.3%. So with many parts of the British foodservice market showing clear signs of strength and resilience, we don’t anticipate a sharp drop, either in a ‘soft Brexit’ or ‘hard Brexit’ environment.” Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) The NPD Group sees QSR visits rising to 5.96 billion in 2017 (on a ‘soft Brexit’ basis) and to 6.11 billion by end of 2018. There were 5.84 billion visits in the QSR sector in 2016. QSR has grown consistently in recent years, even through the 2008 recession, as this segment is more affordable, chain-driven and consistently injecting fresh investment. Within QSR, one of the strongest increases is likely in the QS Pizza/Italian channel, with visits rising 3.5% from 0.24 billion in 2016 to 0.25 billion in 2017, and a further 3.5% to 0.26 billion in 2018. Casual Dining Casual dining operators enjoyed 0.51 billion visits in 2016. The NPD Group is predicting that visits will increase 3.4% to 0.53 billion in 2017 (on a ‘soft Brexit’ basis) and a further 3.4% in 2018 to 0.55 billion. The NPD Group says that with most of Britain’s casual dining business having taken root within the M25, there is abundant room to grow elsewhere in Britain and that capacity will support the sector well. Cyril Lavenant added: “Foodservice operators throughout Britain are well aware of the challenges they face. Many are taking all the right steps to strengthen their businesses and profit from the expected growth in visits and spend.”

Workplace Pensions-Are You Ready? NEXT YEAR more than 700,000 employers will see the start of their workplace pensions duties. Under the law, all employers must put certain staff into a workplace pension and make contributions into it - and this will include landlords, hoteliers and restaurant owners. Like other sectors with seasonal and part time staff, the hospitality sector is one that may be at risk of failing to meet their duties. This is because employers may wrongly assume they will not have duties in respect of these types of staff and are unclear how the law affects them. The Pensions Regulator (TPR) is responsible for ensuring employers comply with the law. We provide information and tools to help employers understand how the law applies to them and what they need to do to comply. When do I need to implement automatic enrolment? Every employer has a staging date which is a date set in law and is specific to them. It is when their workplace pensions duties start. You can check when your duties start by heading to our online Duties Checker tool We will also write to you well in advance of your staging date so that you have enough time to get your plans in place and we will send you an essential guide. Employers we spoke to said that taking time to read it and understand what they need to do, saved them time over all. What do I have to do to meet my workplace pensions duties? Your duties will vary depending on whether or not you have staff to put into a pension. Using our duties checker takes just 5 minutes and you will be able to find out what you will need to do and when. Broadly, you will need to check which staff must be put into a pension. These are staff who are aged 22 and over and under State Pension Age who earn more than £10,000 a year. You must write to all your staff individually to tell them how automatic enrolment applies to them. Even if a member of staff is not eligible for automatic enrolment, you must write to them so that they have the option to join a pension. If you have staff who must be automatically enrolled, you will need to choose a pension scheme that can be used for automatic enrolment. TPR has easy to understand informa-

tion about which schemes employers can use, including a list of providers that employers can choose from. There is also a checklist of questions you should ask potential pension providers. Choosing a scheme need not be difficult, but you should leave enough time to make your decision so that you choose a scheme that is right for your organisation and your staff. You will also need to ensure the payroll software you use is suitable for automatic enrolment and is compatible with your chosen pension scheme. If someone else is managing automatic enrolment for you, you can nominate them as an additional contact. This person will receive tailored information from us. Make sure we have the right contacts for you. You must also complete and submit a declaration of compliance. Do not forget to do this as, it is a legal requirement and tells TPR what you have done to meet your duties. What happens if I don’t comply? TPR takes an educate and enable approach and wants to help employers meet their duties. However we will use our enforcement powers where an employer ignores their duties. When we become aware an employer is non compliant we usually send a compliance notice. This tells the employer what they need to do to comply and sets a deadline for action. Failure to act may lead to a fixed penalty notice which is a £400 fine. It is worth noting that even if you subsequently then go on to meet your duties, you will still have to pay the fine. Employers who continue to fail to meet their duties are at risk of an escalating penalty notice. This means they will have a deadline to comply before the start of a daily fine. This is between £50 and £10,000 a day depending on the size of the employer. The vast majority of non compliance is because employers have left tasks to the last minute, so it is essential to start planning in good time. If you find that you have missed your staging date or are concerned that you will not meet your duties on time you should contact TPR immediately – don’t wait for a fine. More information on what happens if you don’t comply can be found at employers/what-happens-if-i-dont-comply.aspx See the advert on page 13 for details.

Why the Marketing Momentum is Behind Pre-order By Olivia FitzGerald, managing director of Zonal’s Marketing Technologies I hate getting the drinks in. Not because I’m especially lazy or don’t want to pay my way, but because the entire process fills me with dread: from battling through the crowded bar, getting noticed, having to shout to make my order heard, to finally struggling to transport the drinks back to my table without any major spillages. I’m not alone – I know that friends who are equally lacking in “bar presence” share the same feelings. For bar-phobics like me, the idea of ordering and paying at the table, then having drinks magically brought over is appealing. So appealing, in fact, that I’m much more likely to part with more of my hard-earned cash! And that’s why the operators trialling this concept are seeing more drinks being sold and revenues increasing. High street operators are all using apps to drive sales and improve customer experience. The reality is that pre-order has gone mainstream and it’s set to grow. It’s a no brainer when you think about it – in-app ordering drives revenue from a single customer visit by increasing spend in a more a convenient, fun and appealing way. And it’s a very effective tool in terms of converting additional sales. When it comes to upselling, recommendations from a

Food Fraud in the Spotlight FOOD BUSINESSES are being reminded of their responsibilities after a recent test purchase operation found more than half of goat meat dishes actually contained lamb or mutton.

Trading standards officers at Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council tested nineteen samples of raw and frozen meat, curries and other dishes to check they contained goat meat, as described. However eleven of the test purchases (58%), taken from takeaways, butchers shops, supermarkets and restaurants were found to be mis-described and in fact contained lamb or mutton. Meanwhile, restaurant chain Whitbread apologised after it was found to be using pork in its beef lasagne recipe without stating so in any of its menus. Menus in almost one hundred of the restaurants still described the dish as 'beef lasagne' while ingredient labels, unseen by customers, showed that it contained 4.5% pork, or more than a third of the meat content in the dish. Food businesses are required to have an identification and registration system in place for each stage of the production and distribution of meat process, including packaging and labelling. In addition, food businesses must keep records of the arrival and departure of animals, carcasses or cuts to ensure that the information provided to the mass caterer or final consumer corresponds to that relating to the

waiter can seem scripted and pushy, but when a product is suggested in an app it’s viewed as helpful and part of the service, enhancing the customer experience. We work with a late night bar and club operator that sells bookable booths; for every booking, the app asks if they wish to add a bottle of champagne. The customer is far more likely to say yes to an app than to a human. It’s strange, but true. Pre-order apps serve up an array of opportunities and can be tailored to suit individual business opportunities. Another Zonal customer is a theatre group that’s rolling out a preorder app to boost sales in the interval, and the early results are excellent. Many people, myself included, forego the interval drink due to the long queues and crowded foyers. We would rather stay seated than risk missing the start of the second half. The new app tackles this problem by allowing theatre-goers to pre-order drinks and have them delivered to their seat, avoiding queues, hassle and anxiety! And it will come as no surprise that in those venues using the app, uptake has been very strong and revenue is growing exponentially. For operators, it’s not simply a question of whether they should introduce pre-order, but when and what the best tool is for them to use. There are many off the shelf pre-order services out there, however, they are of little use if they’re not talking to your till system, the central nervous system of your business. Stock availability, pricing and offers are all managed within the EPoS universe, and this information must be shared seamlessly with ordering apps to make them operationally viable. For me, the advent of pre-order is a real game-changer. I can’t wait for the next night out, and this time, the first round will be on me! batch where the meat came from. The incidents are the latest in a long line of food frauds. In 2015, the FSA investigated 1,514 food incidents, with an 11% increase over the last nine years and more than half of incidents were reported by local authorities. Adrian Simpson, the Chartered Trading Standards Institute’s consumer codes and business education expert said consumers have a right to know that what is in their food and where it has come from. He said: "Businesses that sell food to consumers have a legal responsibility to make sure what they are selling is what it claims to be on the packaging or description. "Since December, it has been compulsory to include nutritional labelling on almost all pre-packed food and I would urge businesses to familiarise themselves with these changes. "Substituting one type of meat for another is a criminal offence under Section 14 of the Food Safety Act 1990 and those that disregard the law can face penalties of a fine and up to two years' imprisonment. As resources come under increasing pressure and the demand for food rises, the FSA wants to see businesses stepping up to take more responsibility for ensuring the food they supply is safe. They said the current inspection model is a resourceintensive way of regulating the industry and suggests using the current systems already in place to encourage businesses to regulate themselves. This would mean businesses providing evidence that they are meeting regulatory requirements, therefore allowing resources to be targeted at those that are not up to scratch. Up to date information on food labelling and the law for selling food is available on the governmentbacked website

February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2017

Expowest Cornwall Preview

Drink It All In at Expowest Cornwall

01872 573230

Ventilation experts in Cornwall, Devon and surrounding areas. We have you covered! Saxty Engineering can take care of all your commecial kitchen ventilation requirements. Furthermore, we ensure that all ventilation work is carried out in compliance with safety regulations. We can even upgrade your existing system to bring it up to current standards. Our high quality services include: ductwork, kitchen canopies, system cleaning, exhaust ventilation testing, stainless steel fabrication, fan servicing and more.

Seasoned kitchen extraction system and ductwork experts. We are committed to exceeding our clients’ expectations and will work closely with you to ensure that you get exactly what you need on time and on budget.

Contact Saxty Engineering on: 01872 573230

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

EXPOWEST CORNWALL is the region’s foremost hospitality and catering trade show and it will be bringing you even more drinks producers in 2017! Taking place in Wadebridge from Tuesday 7th - Thursday 9th March, there will be a greater range of local, national and international drinks exhibitors at the show than ever before, covering hot, cold, alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages. Alongside regular wellknown exhibitors such as Burdett Wines, Voyager Coffee, Camel Valley Wine, Just Water, Keltek Brewery, Folkingtons and Skinners Brewing Company, you’ll meet many first timers like the Wooden Hand Brewery, Polar Krush & Pernod Ricard. To create a real buzz at the show, there will also be a new drinks feature area, sponsored by LWC Drinks, Bar Equipment Direct, and Cornwall College Business. The drinks feature area will have a bar, supplied by Beaumont, where you can watch professionals’ cocktail competitions, learn how to make mocktails & cocktails and enjoy wine & champagne talks & tastings. You can also see which equipment & skills to use to enhance your drinks serving and maximise profitability with Flair masterclasses from the World Flair Association. There will also be two cocktail competitions at the show for professionals. On Tuesday 7th March they will be challenged to create a Signature Cocktail with set ingredients. On Wednesday 8th March they will face the Market Challenge, when their creations will feature Old J Rum and ingredients collected from exhibitors. LWC Drinks are providing prizes – a hamper of spirits & cases of beer on the first day, and an all expenses paid day trip, including a brewery visit, on the second, so competition should be fierce! For over 30 years Expowest Cornwall has been an absolute must for those

eager to see, touch and taste the latest products, to get a feel for the trends shaping the market, and to weigh up a range of competing offerings all under one roof. With around 150 exhibitors, you’ll see a huge range of different companies showcasing everything from foodservice to fresh produce, bakery to business services, drinks to catering equipment, and speciality foods to sundry supplies, plus much more besides. If you’re looking for business advice and expertise, the Cornwall Business Forum will be holding a “Knowledge Hub”, staffed by their “Executive Members” who will be able to help you with their wide range of skills; from marketing, cyber security and website design to sales training and commercial photography. With such a broad and comprehensive range of exhibitors and features, the show attracts buyers from hotels, restaurants, pubs, cafes, supermarkets, grocers, delis, farm shops, independent stores, holiday parks & tourist attractions, schools, colleges, universities and hospitals, all keen to benefit from some exclusive offers at the show, in a friendly face-to-face atmosphere. Expowest Cornwall is a cornerstone of the Cornish business calendar for all those involved in this vibrant but tight-knit market - the place where suppliers large and small showcase their latest products and services for Cornwall’s busy trade buyers. Although a trade show, Expowest Cornwall is also an eagerly anticipated social event where the whole Cornish business community gets together to enjoy the company of colleagues, suppliers and customers. There’s nowhere better for forging those all important business relationships that count for so much in this popular & thriving region. Hospitality and catering are the main drivers of the Cornish economy – and if you want to tap into the very heart of these industries, at the start of the summer season, this show is an absolute must. For more information about the show, to book a stand, or register to attend, please call 01934 733433, visit or follow @Expowest_UK

Saxty Engineering – Ventilation Experts SAXTY ENGINEERING can take care of all your commecial kitchen ventilation requirements. Furthermore, we ensure that all ventilation work is carried out in compliance with safety regulations. We can even upgrade your existing system to bring it up to current standards. Our high quality services include: duct-

work, kitchen canopies, system cleaning, exhaust ventilation testing, stainless steel fabrication, fan servicing and more. e are committed to exceeding our clients’ expectations and will work closely with you to ensure that you get exactly what you need on time and on budget. Contact Saxty Engineering on: 01872 573230, visit or see us on Stand E24.

Barton Reed & Co BARTON REED & Co is the leading supplier of quality furniture to hotels, restaurants, public houses and leisure facilities in the South West. We can supply beautiful leather sofas, stylish high bar stools, comfy tub seats, elegant restaurant tables and chairs, and relaxing beds. From laid back, seaside charm to cutting-edge design our extensive product range will suit your style and give your business the look that you want to achieve. We have a huge choice of colours, fabrics and finishes and all our furniture comes with a two-year warranty. Barton Reed & Co is a family-run business and we have been involved in the furniture industry since 1945. Over the years

Total Produce

TOTAL PRODUCE has become one of the UK's largest and most accomplished fresh produce providers, with an extensive network of depot operations throughout the UK, reaching from Cornwall to Edinburgh. Total Produce sources and distributes an extensive range of fresh produce across all major categories including fruits, vegetables and salad - extending from the more familiar to the truly exotic. Total Produce also supply an extensive range of dry goods and dairy.

Boddington’s Berries

BASED AT the top of Tregoney Hill in Mevagissey, overlooking the sea, Boddington’s Berries offer’s truly unique Cornish conserves. Established in the 1940s Boddington’s Berries grew fresh fruit, but in 2001 diversified into preserves using the strawberries unfit for supermarket specification. Cooking in the house

Wooden Hand Brewery WE'RE THROWING a Wooden Hand in the face of convention. Our new identity is bold, crafted and uniquely "us". Come see and sample our interestingly named "Dab Hand", "Golden Touch", "Red Handed", "Hands Down" and "High Four" beers on stand .....

Expowest Cornwall Preview we have forged strong relationships with our suppliers to give you the best furniture available with a service that goes above and beyond our customers’ expectations. Severn reasons why you should choose Barton Reed & Co to supply your contract furniture: • Wide range of styles • Easy ordering and re-ordering • Single point of contact • Short lead times • Direct delivery • After sales service • Two-year warranty on every item Get in touch to discuss your furniture requirements or to order our new brochure – we’re here to help. Call us on 01409 271189, visit or email Alternatively see us on Stand G41 at Expowest Cornwall. Serving the retail, wholesale and food service sectors, Total Produce UK is a complete fresh produce solution provider, offering a comprehensive menu of services to our customers, ranging from simple service provision to an independent grocer to complete category management for major multiples. Continually striving to offer the highest quality fresh produce along with the best possible service, Total Produce offers national distribution through our fleet of 200 temperature controlled vehicles. Through our unrivalled infrastructure of depots nationwide, we are uniquely positioned to deliver value to both national and independent customers - supplying both locally grown and globally sourced produce from the finest producers across Total Produce's extensive supply base. A strong, vibrant and accomplished business, Total Produce UK is part of the worldwide Total Produce group. Please visit us on stand F23.

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Wholesale Fruit & Vegetable Importers

2-5 Callywith Gate Industrial Estate Launceston Road, Bodmin, Cornwall, PL31 2RQ Suppliers of quality fresh produce and dry goods to the wholesale, retail and catering trade throughout Devon & Cornwall. DAILY DELIVERIES LARGEST RANGE OF EXOTIC FRUITS IN THE SOUTHWEST 24 HOUR ANSWERPHONE SERVICE QUALITY PRODUCE ON THE MOVE WHEN YOU NEED IT, WHERE YOU NEED IT!

Telephone: (01208) 77911 Fax: (01208) 261400 Answerphone: (01208) 261407 Email: Website: SEE US ON STAND F28

with a recipe book found on the side, Boddington’s strawberry conserve began; containing only strawberries, sugar and a splash of lemon juice. The same recipe and open pan method are still used today, with an extended product range. We pride ourselves on the VERY high fruit content, slow cooking time with a natural setting point, allowing our products to develop their full natural flavours. Offering homemade conserves on a large scale. “Small enough to care, big enough to deliver” Reader enquiries - Tel: 01726 842346, visit or see us on Stand E23. The new design pump clips are easy to spot on the bar and the bottles have dramatically improved standout and distinctiveness. Beers are available in 500ml bottle, Cask and 30L Kegs. Call: 01726 884596 Or see us on Stand J44.

Freephone 0800 0665062

The South West Largest Commercial Laundry & Warewashing Specialist

• Coin Operated Washing Machines

February 2017

We offer:

• Commercial Glasswashers • Local based Service Engineers

• Coin Operated Tumble Dryers

• Service Contracts

• Commercial Dishwashers

• Rental & purchase options.

01209 214121

Grampound Road, Truro, Cornwall TR2 4TB +44 (0) 1726 884596 email: Visit us on Stand J44



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2017

Expowest Cornwall Preview

Cornish Farm Produce

FROM OUR base in Saltash we are ideally situated to deliver across both Devon and Cornwall. Amongst our dedicated team we have a fantastic pool of knowledge from local growers and producers to professional chefs and experienced national and international buyers. Our aim is to deliver our produce from field to kitchen overnight, however our team of dedicated drivers also pick up from a whole host of smaller growers all over the

south west, whilst on route to you. This means your produce is literally just out of the ground! Working closely with these fantastic independent small farms means that not only do we supply the most amazing fresh produce , but we can also pick farms as near as possible to our customers. The ecology of our farms matters to us. We have amazing local organic fruit and vegetables sourced from beautiful farms with stunning wildlife filled hedges , using traditional methods alongside some very modern ones too. The result is fantastic great tasting produce from Peruvian roots and micro greens to organic baby vegetables and punchy peppery salad leaves, all grown here in the south west. Come and meet the team on Stand H30.

Cornwall Scale & Equipment Ltd

ESTABLISHED IN 1975, Cornwall Scale & Equipment Ltd are now one of the largest Suppliers of Cash Registers and Electronic Scales in the South West Of England, as well as shipping world-wide. Whether you are looking for a basic low cost Cash Register or a fully integrated, EPOS solution for retail or hospitality environments, we are always happy to help. Supplying and maintaining cash registers and scales through-

Cornwall Scale & Equipment Ltd Visit us on Stand J16

Dartmoor Brewery

SITUATED IN Princetown in the heart of the Dartmoor National Park and surrounded by breath-taking countryside being 1465ft above sea level makes Dartmoor Brewery the highest brewery in the British Isles. The brewery was started in 1994 and soon

Duchy Cash Systems SUPPLYING CORNWALL and Devon, Duchy Cash Systems is a provider of premium EPOS solutions for the hospitality sector - pubs, restaurants, hotels and nightclubs. Each system is tailored to suit the customer's needs, focussing on speed/ease of use and durability. Our touch-

Tel : 0333 577 0108 Mobile : 07770677123 Email :


Brewer & Bunney

Brewer & Bunney is the largest Commercial and Industrial Laundry Equipment distributor in the South West. We are an Approved Electrolux Business Partner and their only Platinum status Lagoon Wet Clean distributor in the UK. We also supply a range of Laundry chemicals complete with Fully Managed auto-dosing systems. We are the largest Sealed Air Diversey Laundry chemical distributor in the U.K. Here is a list of what we offer you: • Full Laundry Audit to assess your needs


out the south west of England. All makes and models including Sam4s, Casio, Pi Electronique, Aster and much more. Full training and support on any make and model of Cash register, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. • Cash Register Rolls and Ink Rollers/Ribbons • Pricing guns and labels • Money Counting Scales • Money Sorters • Forge Note Detectors • Stock control Software • Monitor lines • Paging Systems Please pay us a visit on stand J16. outgrew its original home so in 2006 the brewery moved to its current location occupying the site of the old Princetown railway station .It is from here that the brewery continues to brew its flagship beer Jail Ale and portfolio brands and we have exciting expansion plans for the brewery and its brands over the next couple of years. We love brewing great beer here in the heart of Dartmoor and throughout the brewery there lies a passion and pride in every beer we brew. For further information visit us on Stand K37 or call us on 01822 890789. Visit the website at

screen EPOS terminals offer a host of time and labour saving features, helping your staff work more efficiently. Optional back office, stock control software features total stock management, enhanced security features, time and cost saving tools. Duchy Cash Systems provide the comprehensive after sales package that only a local company can really offer: 24 hour telephone support, remote diagnostics & assistance, and a fast callout response. Visit us on stand E26 at the Expo West Cornwall show. • Planning and Design of your laundry • Free site survey • A choice of the best energy saving machines on the market • The option of Sale, Rental or Lease Purchase • A full delivery and installation service from our own team • A fully managed liquid auto-dosing system • Full staff training including Good Laundry Practice and Health and Safety • A choice of Extended Warranties and Maintenance Contracts • Same Day/ Next Day service To ensure our commitment to customer service care, we have a fleet of comprehensively equipped service vehicles, and a team of manufacture trained and GasSafe registered engineers. Each local service engineer has a PDA and phone communication. Staff commitment to providing a professional approach to each of our customer’s needs, is a major factor in the growth of our business.. Please pay us a visit on stand E17

Warewashing: Cleaning Up the Act Free Cleaning Tablets With Winterhalter THE PRIMARY objective of any warewash system is to get the ware clean. The cleaning performance of any machine is based on five interdependent elements: wash time, water temperature, water pressure, detergent, and rinse additive. However, when planning a warewash area you have to consider a host of other factors, as well as the machine itself. They include how to get the dirties to the warewasher, ventilation, services, space for clean items to be stored, and so forth. Modern, quality warewashers are relatively easy to use. However, anyone who has not operated equipment should always be trained on it. Staff misuse and abuse are two leading reasons for machine breakdown. As appliances such as warewashers become more sophisticated, a number of manufacturers are include training aids, even animations or videos, built into the control panel. These may be multilingual – a huge bonus in the modern kitchen, where often staff don’t have English as a first language, and several different languages may be spoken within a single brigade. If space is a constraint, look for equipment that will manage the volume in the room available – many manufacturers have developed space-saving ideas that may provide a solution. Obviously you must also take account of the need for space to allow staff to work effectively, too, and ensure there are no bottlenecks in the workflow.


Warewashers are big users of resources and manufacturers have invested heavily in technologies to reduce consumption. Features to lookout for include reduced wash tank capacities, more efficient rinse systems, heat exchangers that recycle energy normally lost in waste water or steam, designs that eliminate the need for heat pumps on larger machines, and machines that operate vent-free, taking out the need for direct ducting and extract fans that use energy continuously. • Pre-rinsing can use much more water per wash cycle than the warewasher. Low flow spray valves and pre-rinse machines can reduce consumption considerably. Some manufacturers offer machines that eliminate the need to pre-rinse • Double skinned and insulated cabinets will help reduce energy consumption and cut down on noise emissions • Automatic integral dosing units will protect the machine and prevent overdosing • Water treatment is essential to protect the machine. Some warewashers come with integral water treatment systems • Variable wash cycles and programmes can save water and energy. For example, a shorter cycle, designed for items that are predominantly clean, can reduce consumption considerably

Maintenance • Clean the machine regularly, following the manufacturer’s guidelines. Some models have self-cleaning programmes • Check and clean all filters and ensure they are free of blockages • Clean the wash and rinse arms regularly, again checking them for blockages • Always respond quickly to alerts from the machine’s self-diagnostics and the water treatment system

UC Undercounter Warewashers

WINTERHALTER IS putting free samples of its new machine cleaning tablet, called A 15 MC, into all UC undercounter machines it sells. The new tablets have been specially developed to get rid of mineral deposits and to ensure the machine is as hygienically clean as possible. While promotional stocks last, a bag of five tablets, plus an easy to understand graphic cleaning guide, will be packed inside every UC machine. The UC machines are available in four different sizes, small, medium, large and extra-large, and four different configurations, one each for dishes, glasses and cutlery or utensils, plus the multipurpose bistro version, which can wash glasses and dishes at the same time. The glasswashers can process up to 48 racks per hour, the dishwashers up to 40. The latest UC machine, the awardwinning Excellence iPlus, has an integral reverse osmosis (RO) system plus an integral water softener. This hybrid technology offers a variety of benefits, including reducing water consumption and preventing blockages of the RO membrane, while extending the mem-

brane’s life. It delivers brilliant wash results every time. Using the new A 15 MC tablet is very simple and effortless: simply remove it from its wrapping and pop it in the machine during the self-cleaning programme. The tablet is precisely tailored to the UC series’ self-cleaning programme and ensures the most thorough cleaning and care for the machine, getting rid of mineral deposits, cleaning the unit thoroughly and leaving a fresh fragrance. “These tablets will lengthen the life of the UC machine, as well as enhancing hygiene,” says Peter Alsworth, sales director of Winterhalter UK’s cleaning chemicals division. “However, as they are a new idea we decided to run this promotion so that customers would be able to trial them and see how effective and easy to use they are.” Winterhalter provides a total solution for warewashing, from pre-sales advice to after-sales service, training and maintenance. Alongside its market-leading dish and glasswashers, the company’s range includes utensil washers, advanced water treatment machines, cleaning chemicals and detergents. For further details, call Winterhalter on 01908 359000, see, or or email


February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier - Meiko in Partnership with ENSE Launch New Online Shop Dedicated To Entry Level Glass And Dishwashers FOLLOWING THE strapline “Professional warewashing technology for a new generation”, Meiko and ENSE have identified that the new generation of café, bar and restaurant owners want to buy and receive equipment fast with the convenience of an online store, but still want the back up of a professional partner, not just a supplier. Designed for owners of pubs and bars, cafes and restaurants or anyone looking for high quality glass and dishwashing, who need it fast, at competitive prices and with the very best nationwide support, SHOP UPster ensures that, with just a few clicks and a credit card, users can buy, and have delivered within 3 days, the latest UPster machines complete with accessories, installation and aftersales support all directly from the manufacturer. The new UPster U400, U500 and pass through H500 models are available, with optional extras including baskets and chemicals and fixed

priced installation, tabling modifications and disposal of the old machine. All machines come with a 24-month warranty as standard. “WITH MEIKO you are able to buy the best German dishwashing engineering and have it installed, commissioned and tested directly by the manufacturer with just a few clicks of a mouse,” says UK MD Bill Downie. “The website is clean, clear, easy and fast to use. And there is always the support at the end of the phone for people who need a bit of advice on what is best for their business. “MEIKO is a world leader in warewashing technology, offering exceptional German-engineered equipment, backed up with a total commitment to absolute customer satisfaction through flawless service. Meiko UK Limited, 393 Edinburgh Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4UF Tel. +44 1753 215120, Fax +44 1753 215159 E-Mail:

The Maidaid Evolution

The Maidaid Evolution is packed with the latest cutting edge technology to assist the user to gain the best results possible. Some of the key features that this innovative range offers are:Glass cycle - This automatically changes the parameters to suit glass washing, Sanitiser Cycle – Calculates temperature and time to achieve standard AO rating of 30, Green ‘Eco’ cycle – Reduces water consumption and runs at low temperatures, ATC intensive cycle – This is for the dirtiest products and runs two com-

plete cycles. The Maidaid Evolution range has enhanced feedback for installation and service engineers. This area allows the engineer to view and adjust operating temperatures, cycle counter and access records of recent alarms the customer may have missed. This area is key for the engineer to personalise the machine to the customer’s requirements. One of the key benefits of the Maidaid Evolution range is that it suits any type of foodservice or licenced establishment. The Evolution machine is so easy to use and so easy to configure that it can be used in pretty much any establishment. Reader enquiries - Tel: 0845 130 8070 or visit

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2017

Outdoor Leisure

HGEM Survey Identifies The Ideal Al Fresco Dining Experience 79 Per Cent of People Would Increase Dwell Time if Table Service Was Available

AHEAD OF the coming summer months, HGEM has completed an extensive survey to determine exactly what the guest wants when eating or drinking outside. Perhaps the greatest incentive for operators keen to develop their outdoor eating experience is the news that a huge 79 per cent of respondents would increase their dwell time if table service was available outside. However this service must be efficient, as 48 per cent of people said that slow or poor service most puts them off from eating outside. Lunch is the most popular meal for al fresco dining, with the majority of customers stating they would choose to eat two courses. In terms of facilities, 39 per cent would expect a pub to offer a children’s play area as part of its outdoor experience, while a considerable 32 per cent would like music played through speakers. This is a desire particularly prevalent in those aged 18-35, as they are three times more likely to want music from speakers than those aged 36+ (39.8 per cent compared to 13.09 per cent). And comfort is key too, with heating, shelter from the wind and garden umbrellas all expected as basic facilities for a pub with outside eating. Operators should also consider separate eating areas for smokers and non-smokers, with

respondents to HGEM’s survey commenting: “I really hate how smokers think they own the outdoor area – it’s the main reason I don’t eat outdoors!” and “Smokers are the biggest issue with eating outside.” Finally, it’s worth exploring the technological options available to assist with an outdoor dining experience, as 37 per cent of customers said they would be more inclined to dine al fresco if they could communicate with serving staff via an app on their phone. This figure increases to 45 per cent amongst men, and 53 per cent for the 18-25 age group. Steven Pike, managing director of HGEM, said: “The summer season is hugely important for any pub operator and there are real opportunities to maximise sales by getting the al fresco dining experience right. It’s easy to neglect this area but operators may find opportunities in focussing similar attention on its appearance and facilities as they do on the inside of a site. “Rather than stretch your team across both areas, and neglect customers as a consequence, make sure you have enough staff on to cover outside as well as inside. This will ensure that all guests feel valued and give team members the opportunity to create a memorable experience that will lead to positive word-of-mouth and repeat visits.”

SmartFire UK - Design Led Heating Solutions With an eye for breath taking design, contemporary looks and heat efficiency, Smart Fire UK is one of the leading names in heating solutions.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

It has provided heating for some of the country’s top hotels, restaurants, bars as well as establishments overseas. It’s the sole British distributor for EcoSmart bio ethanol fires and Bromic heaters. Eco Smart bio-ethanol fires have rewritten the rulebook when it comes to fireplace design. Because bio-ethanol fires require no chimney or flue, their design potential is almost limitless.

They can be placed in existing grates or situated anywhere within a room. Smart Fire UK also stocks a range of design led outdoor fires which create a focal point in any exterior space. The Bromic collection, including portable and static models, combines contemporary design and efficient output which work in indoor and outdoor settings. These practical heating options are more powerful than similar alternatives on the market, whilst also boasting more economical, greener heat. For more, visit see the advert on page 12.

Global Sports and Vintage Merchandise

IN FEBRUARY 2016, Global Sports and Vintage Merchandise was launched at the NEC Spring Fair. Using established workshops in South London and abroad, and thirty years of experience in product design and production, the owner, Howard Wiseman, has set out to offer a whole range of sporting products and wooden toys, based on vintage designs. Everything can be customised to the customer's requirements and small runs of bespoke items can be produced. Any products, from real leather footballs, to mini rugby keyrings, can be custom-printed with client's specifications; be it for promotional purposes or to capture a specific market for retail purposes. This range of products and flexibility to consult with clients and to

manufacture to their specifications has proven to be very popular with a wide array of purchasers and end-users. All items are fit for purpose; the leather footballs, for example, have a modern day bladder. The beautiful croquet sets work fantastically well and are very durable. However, all these products also make superb display items and are very popular with interior designers, pub Landlords, restaurants and shop decorators. The balls are the perfect men's gift, and the Family tug-of-war is a real hit with the ladies, the men and the Family too! Global Sports & Vintage Merchandise Ltd. Tel: 02087780752, Email: or website: See the advert on the back page for further information.

Outside Structure Solutions

OUTSIDE STRUCTURE Solutions are proud to announce that we have now been appointed dealers for the Renson range of terrace covers, roller walls and brise soleil. Renson are one of the largest manufacturers in Europe we are looking forward to showcasing the fantastic Camargue terrace cover which features a pivoting louver roof, built-in roller walls, lighting and heating as well as optional glass walls and sliding panels. This structure is truly the best we have ever seen and will turn your outside area into an elegant dining or chic relaxing zone. In addition we are pleased to offer the Lagune retractable terrace cover.

The roof is held secure in a frame and then retracts like an awning into a rear wall-mounted cassette. It also features a built-in roller wall to the front and can have side enclosures to suit. All operated at the touch of a button. If you are looking for something simpler to help with sunlight through your windows, look no further than our brise soleil. Fixed louvers installed above any window or door will help reduce direct sunlight. If you would like to see how we can help you transform your establishment with any of these structures please get in touch. For further information Tel: 0844 561 7679, email:

Outdoor Leisure

Plan Your Playground in Good Time for the Season IN THE middle of winter in can be hard to imagine Spring when families will be out enjoying the weather and spending time and money in your establishment. But now is the time to set in motion the plans for a new playground. Even before you choose what you would like to install please bear in mind these points; • Make sure the equipment you pick is commercial grade (European Standard EN1776) and think about what sort of safer surfacing you want to provide. • Think about its location; parents want to be able to watch their children while enjoying their lunch, but those without children may well want somewhere more tranquil. See if you can compromise here.

• You may well need planning permission, which is unlikely to be withheld. This last item alone could add 6 weeks or more to the process. And an appealing play area need not cost the earth – depending on the number of families you expect at any one time a budget of £4000 - £5000 all in could give a very useful and appealing addition to your site. Home Front Playgrounds offer a design and consulting service to help you get the most out of your premises. We have lots of experience in getting just the right play equipment installation – but act soon in order to take full advantage of the (hopefully) sunny weather to come. For further information, call 0845 643 2373 or visit Alternatively, see the advert on page 3.

Country Benches - High Quality Benches

COUNTRY BENCHES is run by a vastly experienced and time served tradesman who has been serving in the trade for over 25 years. The business was started 15 years ago and we have provided our services independently ever since. In this time he has developed the business into being family run, amassed a loyal customer base and welcomes new customers on a regular basis. Country Benches creates high quality benches, picnic benches and garden furniture. We only work with the best quality of wood to bring you the highest standards of benches and garden furniture. Country Benches can create benches to exact specifications as well as offering a large variety of standard design gar-

Tasty Trotter TASTY TROTTER is a well-established brand that offer a large range of catering equipment ideal for hog roasts, BBQ’s, weddings, parties or other events where people need feeding. They were established in 2008 and focused on the manufacture and distribution of their very successful hog roast oven.

Tasty Trotters machines were primarily designed and developed by the MD who oversees every aspect of manufacturing process to ensure a quality hog roast oven is available to you. They are dedicated to offering a premium oven

den furniture. Call Country Benches to see what we can do for you. Although based in Bedfordshire we cover the whole of the United Kingdom on trade offers. Country Benches is also pleased to be able to offer you a delivery service for smaller orders with a delivery cost. In addition to this, Country Benches can offer you these prices much cheaper than our competitors. Our services are great value for money and are of the absolute best quality. All our products are built to order and delivered within seven days and we also operate a "payment on delivery" basis. So contact us today so that we can build your order to your exact specifications. For further details visit

for a modest price and this is why their professional spit roasting ovens offer a list of features equal to machines that costs up to twice as much. Following the initial success of Tasty Trotter’s first Hog Roast oven, they then developed a complimentary range of professional catering equipment all manufactured to the same high standards. This range now includes items such as a Mini Spit Roast, a Combi Gas and Charcoal Roster, a Charcoal Spit Roast, a large Griddle and a selection of shelters and accessories to help get you started. Tasty Trotter is very customer focused and keen to help you develop your outdoor catering businesses. You can see their full range at It is here you can also see their upcoming show calendar to give you the chance to see the equipment first hand and also meet their dedicated team. For further information visit or see the advert on this page.

February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2017

Product Portfolio

S.O.P. International, Importer, Exporter And Wholesaler Of The Finest Asian And Oriental Foods S.O.P. offers a range of products including oil, spices, butter and vegetable ghee, fish sauce, rice, canned fruits and an assortment of pickles, pastes and chutneys to name but a few. We are stockists of many leading family brands familiar to most Thai, Indian, Malaysian and Chinese households and our specialist knowledge enables us to source the highest quality products from approved suppliers throughout the Far East. Our experi-

Joe Delucci’s Gelato

ITALIAN GELATO has a rich heritage dating back hundreds of years and is hailed as the original ice cream. Developed and produced by our passionate and dedicated team in Turin, Joe Delucci’s award winning authentic gelato is made with whole, fresh, real fruit with no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. We offer over 30 flavours of the most remarkable Italian gelato, with the majority of flavours lower in fat (we use milk, not cream) and with less air than regular ice cream resulting in a mind-blowingly creamy taste. Served at a slightly higher

enced and energetic team is committed to providing a level of service that exceeds our customer’s expectations. Brands available include Khanum, Golden Swan, Squid Brand, Lee Kum Kee, Ayam, Bolsts, Golden Orchid, Kissan, Mae Ploy, and Pearl River. Visit us on stand S4504 at this year’s International Food Expo (IFE) at Excel, London from the 19th to the 22nd of March 2017. For more information and to view a full list of products available go to or call us on 01992 584 466. temperature than ice cream, our gelato is softer on your taste buds leaving an intensive, long-lasting flavour of fresh, natural ingredients. Our range includes indulgent non-dairy, gluten free, fat free and vegan flavours. The challenge to refresh menus through new product development and reacting to market trends is one that we all face. This is where Joe Delucci's can provide you with a real edge over your competitors! BRC credited, Joe Delucci’s is the discerning choice for many leading chefs and is stocked by many well-known restaurants, hotels and gastro pub groups. Great for scooping or to complement desserts. Available in 5 litres and 2.5 litres through our national foodservice distributors. Call or email now to receive your free sample - 0844 557 1818 or email: For further information see the advert on page 15.

Fish & Chip Flavoured Crisps?

THAT’S RIGHT - and it doesn’t stop there. The Great British Crisp Company has a whole range of ‘meal in one bite’ flavours including Tikka Masala, English Breakfast and their newest addition: Cornish Pasty. If you’re more of a traditional crisp lover, the classic varieties of West Country Cheddar & Chive and Cornish Sea Salt are a must. The Great British Crisp Company has been created by an award winning

Jura Products

“WE’VE SEEN greater demand for premium coffee as consumers turn away from the mass market in search for high-quality products. Coffee has become a lifestyle drink so establishments should look to capitalise on the growing love for out of home breakfast – by serving a quality coffee to accompany food, in keeping with a boutique stay,” - Roger Heap, Managing Director at JURA UK.

British bakery, recognised as one of the nation’s leading craft bakeries. To create their flavours, they hand cook small batches of Cornish potatoes in sunflower oil, before seasoning with Britain’s finest natural ingredients. The result? An exciting range of crisps to really give your customers something to talk about. For more information and to sample the Great British Crisp Company first hand visit or call 01736 788538 or see page 13. JURA manufactures premium, Swiss-made bean-to-cup coffee machines that are exceptionally well-made for commercial use – producing from 50, up to 200 cups per day. The JURA WE8 is perfect for a boutique offering as it’s capable of producing around 35 speciality coffees per day. This machine features 12 programmable specialities, from a latte macchiato to a flat white. It also has a 3l water tank capacity and a 500g bean container capacity with an aroma preservation cover. For optimum convenience, the WE8 is compatible with the JURA Coffee App, so you can control it wirelessly via Bluetooth. For more information, please visit P: 01282 868266 E: or see page 10.

KalGUARD Offers Maximum Benefits for Limescale Control LIMESCALE CONTROL is recommended for any business located within a hard water area, and especially those that rely on the availability of hot water, such as restaurants, care homes, schools, leisure facilities and hotels. If left unchecked, limescale can lead to problems such as higher energy bills (British Water estimates that just 1.6mm of limescale can increase a heating system’s fuel requirement by up to 12%), as well as premature repairs, breakdowns and replacement of secondary hot water system components and appliances, business downtime, and unnecessary, unplanned capital expenditure. To inhibit the buildup of limescale, KalGUARD® from Sentinel Commercial is a scientifically- and independentlyproven limescale control device which uses unique driven electrolytic technology. What’s more, KalGUARD is arguably the best limescale control device on the market in terms of overall cost-effectiveness, performance, ease of installation and maintenance. KalGUARD, which comprises a zinc anode unit, water meter and controller, permanently ‘conditions’ water by dosing it with a very low level of stable zinc. This is achieved via a controlled electrolytic process, which uses a powered zinc anode and a copper cathode, forcing naturally-occurring calcium carbonate crystals to form as soft, non-depositforming aragonite rather than hard, deposit-forming calcite (limescale). Electrolytic technology is the only powered device-led methodology to be recommended by UK Building Services Compliance Guide to Part L. Furthermore, independent testing

undertaken at Cranfield University has proven KalGUARD’s ability to reduce limescale. Forget temporary limescale control – KalGUARD continuously alters the chemical composition of calcium carbonate crystals for long-lasting protection and complete peace of mind. KalGUARD does not rely on water chemistry and ambient temperature having a positive Langelier Saturation Index (LSI), so there is never any need for extra units or additional water analysis and liaison between manufacturer and designer. As a point of note, KalGUARD can be designed on demand, not just according to pipe size. WRAS-approved KalGUARD is able to treat an entire system when installed on a rising main before pump and booster sets, providing a value-engineered solution to limescale control. There is no need for additional units to be purchased and installed at more than one location, such as where water draw-off is sparse and spasmodic. KalGUARD is proven to be suitable for successful use in conjunction with all types of heaters from leading OEM providers. Once commissioned, KalGUARD requires only a bi-annual service if the system filter is fitted. Moreover, no consumables are needed for its ongoing operation, while the zinc anode lasts up to 12 years. KalGUARD comes in a range of sizes, from 22mm through to 108mm. The system is already installed in thousands of commercial facilities across the UK, including those belonging to major supermarkets, leading hotel chains, universities, and international fast food outlets, providing proven energy, cost, and time saving limescale control. To find out more about the benefits of KalGUARD, see the advert on page 5 or call 01928 704330 or alternatively visit

Wireless Temperature Monitoring Made Easy

THE CONSTANT requirement to perform manual checks on all cold storage units is something all catering establishments are burdened with. Taking a reading from every fridge and freezer, is to say the very least, tedious. It may be a tried and trusted method, however its accuracy and reliability is somewhat questionable. With the current process, incorrect temperatures are only discovered after they have oc-curred, when it’s too late! Checks are often missed or forgotten altogether for a variety of reasons. Our solution is a fully automated temperature monitoring solution, purpose built for the cold chain, allowing any employee to log, store and access live and historical temperature records from any web enabled device, anywhere in the world. Here at Logicall Wireless Solutions we believe above all else, the consistency, qual-

ity and safety of perishable food products is paramount. As food safety becomes a more prominent issue and food regulations become ever stricter, we feel it is necessary to drive change in the catering industry. This past year alone we’ve helped numerous companies to fully automate their tempera-ture monitoring process resulting in money saved, revenue added and productivity increased. Just ask Griff. “The Logicall Honeycomb Solution is something that has saved us time, stress and stock on numerous occasions. Being alerted to any refrigeration issues before they become a prob-lem is a real win for any restaurant business”. Griff Holland – Friska Food So why wait? Contact Logicall today and get your very own 24/7 temperature monitoring system, perfect for a catering establishment with a clear view on food safety. Contact details: Website: Email: Phone: 01672 569374

Snowbird – The Free From Solutions Specialist The North London company has demonstrated its expertise in balancing recipes whilst introducing dominant flavours like leeks, chilli, chorizo, cranberries and even tomato chutney. As part of its strategic, on-going Clean Eating Campaign, Snowbird steers clear of allergens and is waging war against additives like sodium and phosphates. Already, it has successfully supplied the children’s market with sausages that contain just 0.5% of added salt – a unique blend of natural herbs and spices being utilised to deliver the required taste and texture. This campaign to lower both fat and sugar levels without compromising on the taste, texture or quality of products has been recognised by both ready meals manufacturers and caterers, both of whom are battling to supply the estimated

40% plus of people in Britain who have diets that exclude or limit the consumption of selected foods and ingredients – numbers which are rising year over year. “Thanks to its astonishing recipe development skills our product development team is taking the pain out of providing trustworthy, wholesome food for this huge group of people who have special requirements,” said Snowbird joint managing director, Philip Paul. He added that, with the support of a flavours supplier with nearly 100 years of expertise, Snowbird was driving the development of more exciting and new product ideas as it works to help develop the free-from category which is expected to grow beyond £1bn. with the next two years. Reader enquiriesTel: 020 8805 9222. Fax: 020 8804 9303.

New from Newton’s appl fizzics Newton’s appl fizzics is a curiously refreshing blend of apple juice and sparkling water. It is all natural with no added sugar or sweeteners – and contains about 40% less sugar than apple juice on its own. It comes in a 330ml single serve glass bottle and an elegant and table-friendly 750ml glass bottle for sharing, which looks very at home with wine or mineral water. This large bottle also comes in a lovely new

flavour – apple + raspberry. Delicious. Increasingly popular as a natural alternative to juice or sugary soft drinks, it’s a great choice for the growing number of adults looking for a serious alternative to alcohol. All the fun and none of the hangover. Newton’s appl fizzics Chill and enjoy! For more information, or to place an order, please contact us via the website (, email us on, or call us on 0208 241 5779 or see the advert on page 17.

3R Brings You the Ultimate Edge in Business and Simple Payment Management OUR STATE-OF-THE-ART point-of-sale till systems and handheld devices are designed to become an essential part of your business. Assembled with detailed reporting functionalities which will help to minimize your costs whilst maximizing profits, they are excellent for both multi-sites and single-site businesses. 3R have an excellent reputation for customer service providing personal access to assist with customer’s queries for fast and efficient deployment; as well as providing a personal service to assist customers with their growth and development. Built on over 16 years of experience, 3R EPoS’ reporting facilities safely stores information regarding your business and can be uniquely tailored to suit your requirements. 3R

hold the advantages of providing customers with: speed of service, better staff productivity, cost control, stock control, visibility and reduced shrinkage. Alongside comprehensive account reporting, an increase in profits can be realised immediately. 3R EPoS Till Systems coupled with our robust, easy to use handheld hardware, the results are uniquely tailored solutions that meet your needs. With complimentary installation and training provided, you can simply plug in the till and use it from the get go with over 40,000 products pre-installed. Contact our dedicated team today for a complimentary consultation. or See the advert on page 23.

Our Bar Saves £7000 Every Year After installing a single LineClenze device

JOHN WATSON, one of our clients at the Drayton Manor Hotel was astounded when he found out he was set to save £7,000 every year simply by reducing the amount of beer he would normally throw away during the line cleaning process of a single hotel bar.

“Our bar now saves £7000 every year... I cannot recommend the device highly enough.” The Lineclenze device is a small, compact box that agitates the yeast molecules in beer lines, lessening the amount of cleans required by 75%. Paul, at the Riverside Bar, StratfordUpon-Avon says: "Anyone wanting to save money should consider the LineClenze system it is well-worth the investment. We have 15 lines here at the Riverside Bar, each

holding 4 pints, which we pour down the drain every time we clean the lines. Thanks to LineClenze we have reduced our line cleaning from weekly to monthly, resulting in significant savings. What's more our customers tell us that our beer tastes better now!" With devices installed around the UK in varying different venues, ranging from hotels to pubs, from sports clubs to theme parks, Lineclenze have a positive portfolio of happy customers making yearly savings ranging from £3000 to £20,000 per bar depending on their wastage levels. For more information on Lineclenze whether that be to delve deeper into the technical side of the device or to browse our testimonials, please visit us at: To arrange a free quote call: 0800 1701564 or email: or see advert on page 4.

Design and Refit

February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Planning a Refurbishment? Any hospitality business that has been neglected over the years and is showing its age is not very appealing to guests! And, there comes a time when investment may be required to do either a complete renovation, or simply a makeover. If you have the finances to spruce up your business, you can dramatically improve the appearance and add new facilities and services that guests desire most. The hospitality industry continues to evolve and the signs are looking good for a buy 2017! Whether you are a hotel, pub or restaurant guests inherently expect more of the hotels/pubs/bars and restaurants at which they visit. They are consistently looking for better accommodation and/or environment, enhanced amenities and a more comfortable hotel, dining or drinking environment. This often leads to either occasional large-scale renovations or smaller, more frequent makeover projects to

Starscape Star Ceilings Ltd. HOTEL CORRIDORS tend to be anonymous and fairly dreary places, but it’s easy to add a bit of light and interest with a star ceiling panel by Starscape. Starscape Star Ceilings Ltd manufactures and sells DIY star kits for domestic bedroom and bathroom ceilings, but it also offers readymade panel-based products to allow quick and easy installation in commercial environments. Its Infinity modular star ceiling panel system was designed for the home cinema

by, or take advantage of the quiet period when the project would cause minimum disruption and minimise the financial impact having certain areas closed The next step is to think about the refurbishment itself, are you sprucing up maintaining the style you currently have or do you have a preferred design style changing your theme completely? • Is your businesses frontage the gateway to success? Is it attractive and welcoming? Does it pass the 10 second test should I go in, or walk on by? • If you are hotel what is your current rating and are you aiming to improve your star rating? • Are you looking to extend your facilities and vary the type of operation and services you currently offer? • What are the best room layouts and items of furniture to maximise your let-able space? Do you need to replace or can you refurbish items? • How much of you considered comfort? Uncomfortable beds

environment, but is increasingly being used in other settings. Because its default finish is black it may not be suitable for every situation, but the company can also offer other panel-based products. An increasingly popular choice is a star panel made in aluminium composite (ACP) which is available in a range of powder-coated finishes. Standard size is 2.4 x 1.2 metres, and while the default shape is rectangular, elliptical shapes are also possible. The common feature of all of Starscape’s panel-based star ceiling products is that they are easily and speedily installed, so there’s a minimum of disruption involved when adding them to a working space. The star density of the panel can be adjusted to suit your budget, and effects

and seating and wobbly tables will have your customers running for the doors! • Do your plans require the services of an interior designer or architect, depending on the size and scope of the project – or if you can manage it on your own. • Can you improve the speed of your service, whether that’s reception booking in, bar, kitchen and table service? What products, technology can help? • If your business, relying heavily on repeat custom, do you know what your customer wants? Have you considered surveying them? This coming months are probably the best time of the year to freshen up or completely revamp. In these days of corporate multi outlet expansion and fierce competition maintaining and improving standards has never been more important. Whichever area you may be considering revamping, whatever you’re looking to replace please contact our selection of refurbishment experts in this feature for further details.

range from the subtlest of white twinkles to combined colour and twinkle effects. Integration within building automation systems is easily achievable. It’s also easy to add LED rim lighting to a panel to create a secondary lighting effect. Fibre optic downlights and accent lights are also an option. For further information call 01289 332900, email or visit

P CL lea s H re 1 e sp 96 qu on w ot di he e ng n

THE GOOD news is they don’t cost the earth and will make all the difference!

enhance a property's offerings. This time of the year is a good time to plan a refurbishment. Sometimes, particularly if you are an owner operator, and, coming after a busy Christmas period it can be difficult “to see the wood from the trees” when evaluating your business. Might be a good idea to check review sites, what are your guests saying about you? When reading reviewer comments do you see the comments “in need of an upgrade”? “Tired”? “Needs a bit of TLC”? Then it probably is time to consider a full, partial refurbishment or just a general spruce up. Approaching and planning a refurbishment project whether you are a hotel, restaurant, pub or bar can be a challenging task, particularly as independent operator/owner or manager, you might be about to undertake a refurbishment on in addition to your already demanding job. However, that is no doubt that Refurbishing/reinventing your business will have a positive impact, attract new custom and will encourage guests to spend more time and money at your location. With proper planning and consideration any refurbishment will not be the nightmare you may envisage. What to consider before undertaking refurbishment Initially the main questions should be: • What areas of my business needs to be refurbished? The outside, the frontage the reception, bedrooms, the restaurant, the bar or kitchen? • What is your budget? • If you can’t afford or manage a complete refurbishment straightaway, which areas will take priority? • Consider the time of year. Is there a particular event or peak holiday season you’d like the refurbishment to be completed


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2017

Design and Refit Europa Furnishings - Turning Whatever You Can Imagine Into Reality… WITH DECADES of experience in commercial, contract and specialty upholstery, we always aim to deliver the very best for our clients. Over the years, our versatility has been proven as we have worked closely with clients from many sectors including hotels, restaurants, cruise ships, wine bars, public houses, show houses, private hospitals, interior designers, architects, manufacturers of leisure furniture and domes-

Capricorn Contract Furnishings CAPRICORN CONTRACT FURNISHINGS are now firmly established as one of the country’s largest stockist and supplier of quality contract furniture to cafes, bars, bistro's, restaurants, pubs, clubs and hotels. Capricorn Contract Furnishings are based in an 85,000 square feet showroom and distribution warehouse on the outskirts of Exeter in Devon. From within the distribution area we are able to offer a next day delivery service

Woodman Chairs

Woodman Chairs is a long established, dedicated chair manufacturer and wholesaler who make most of their own chairs. We offer a wide and varied choice of solid oak and beech chair and table styles – both modern and contemporary – with many finish and seat options. Included in our range is an exciting choice of sturdy bar stools and bar tables. The fact that we make gives us greater control and flexibility. It also

tic clients. We have particularly built a fine reputation for top-quality commercial seating and chair solutions. Whatever you require, from a bespoke one-off item to a large commercial project, we have the capacity, experience and ability to produce outstanding results, time and again. So why not get in touch and see how we can help you? For further information contact Europa Furnishing on 01489 789700 or visit throughout the UK on hundreds of products including outdoor dining tables, tub chairs, bar stools, lounge furniture, conference stacking chairs. Customers are encouraged to visit our large showroom to view an extensive range of furniture ideally suited for the leisure market. Here you can relax and let Capricorn help and advise you with your requirements. Opening hours for the showroom are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Capricorn Contract Furnishings are in the enviable position of being a sole UK importer of quality furniture which means that you the customer, will be dealing direct with manufacturers from around the world at very competitive prices. For further details, please see the advert on this page. enables us to offer bespoke chair and chair frame or component production to end customers or other suppliers and manufacturers looking for their own design or seeking to create a unique range or theme, again in both oak and beech, raw or finished. Always keen to innovate, Woodman are constantly introducing new styles and have recently added Carver options to their more popular dining chairs and have further expanded their range of bar stools to include rush seated and fabric pad options. Here is a simple decision that won’t require a Referendum! If you want your customers to have the best choice, with honest quality, at affordable prices, with decent lead times and no minimum order, then you need only vote Woodman for your chairs. For further details visit, email or call 01884 841789

Temporary Catering Facilities During Refurbishment MOBILE KITCHENS Ltd specialises in the hire or sale of temporary catering facilities and foodservice equipment. We regularly provide our services to clients when they are undergoing a kitchen refurbishment or carrying out other building works that necessitate the closure of existing catering facilities. We offer a free design service, and project management from concept through to delivery and installation on site, plus full technical support throughout the hire period. The elements that make up our temporary kitchen

and restaurant facilities can be provided as individual units in their own right – Production Kitchens, Preparation Kitchens, Ware-washing Units, Dry Store Units, Cold Rooms, Restaurant Units, etc - or they can be linked together on site to form a complete complex. Alternatively, we can offer modular, open-plan facilities, usually for larger, longer term hires. We have many tried and tested design layouts and would be pleased to put forward our recommendations for your project. For further information or to arrange a site visit, please email:, call us on 0845 812 0800, or visit our website:

Temporary Catering Facilities During Refurbishment Mobile Kitchens Ltd specialises in the hire of temporary catering facilities and foodservice equipment.

We regularly provide our services to clients when they are undergoing a kitchen refurbishment or carrying out other building works that necessitate the closure of existing catering facilities. We offer a free design service, and project management from concept through to delivery and installation on site, plus full technical support throughout the hire period. The elements that make up our temporary kitchen and restaurant facilities can be provided as individual units in their own right – Production Kitchens, Preparation Kitchens, Ware-washing Units, Dry Store Units, Cold Rooms, Restaurant Units, etc - or they can be linked together on site to form a complete complex. Alternatively, we can offer modular, open-plan facilities, usually for larger, longer term hires. We have many tried and tested design layouts and would be pleased to put forward our recommendations for your project.

For further information or to arrange a site visit, please email: or call us on 0345 812 0800, or visit our website:

Insignia Blinds ESTABLISHED FOR nearly 20 years, Insignia Blinds specify, custom design, supply and install great value, quality internal and exterior shading solutions throughout Dorset and Hampshire. Our extensive product range is designed to meet every budget. Insignia blinds supply and install a range of Conservatory blind systems, external awnings and pergola mounted retractable shading systems. We are UK importers direct from our manu-


OUR CONTRACTS department at Mattressman supplies mattresses of the highest quality to hotels, landlords, holiday cottages, leisure parks and more.

All mattresses meet either Source 5 or Source 7 flammability standard, and we offer a huge variety of types and sizes. The Hotel Three Pocket, a luxury mattress in the Hotel Pocket range from the British Bed Company, contains 1200 pocket springs (in a king size) and has a medium/firm tension. Pocket springs provide fantastic support, as they move individually, moulding to the shape of the user and cradling them in their natural sleeping position. They also minimise disturbance

Design and Refit

February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

facturing partners in Europe, supplying high quality products at well below our competitor’s prices without compromising quality or choice. We do not employ commission only sales people and often your first point of contact for your requirements will be with the Managing Director. Quotes are free of charge, and we will come to you without obligation. We will provide, professional and unbiased advice on all aspects of blinds and awnings and the suitability and viability of your project. We can supply all styles of covered al-fresco dining solutions and include decking and landscaping options, and have worked alongside most styles of independent catering operators and our client’s include McDonald’s franchises, Tesco’s and Whitbread free-trade tenants. Our Showroom is open 6 days a week from 9.30am at 1 – 7 Ashley Road, Branksome BH14 9BS. Tel: 01202 741671 or visit between partners to ensure a restful night’s sleep. The thick layers of luxurious hypoallergenic fillings used in the Three Pocket ensure comfort and are perfect for allergy sufferers. The Hotel Three Pocket is just one of the many mattresses we can supply, and plenty are in stock ready for free next day delivery, especially useful if you need to replace a mattress at short notice. With sizes from small single to super king and custom sizes available, as well as a wide range of prices and types of mattress, we’re confident that we can cater to you no matter what you require. Call: 0800 5677625 or visit

Retain Credit & Debit Cards and Be PCI Compliant While Increasing Profits THE CARDSSAFE® system is now the “best practice” way of handling credit and debit cards retained by merchants in the UK hospitality industry. More than three thousand venues now use the system every day and when managers share their experience they report these financial benefits: • Chargeback drops by more than ninety percent (90%) • Walkouts are reduced by at least fifty percent (50%) • Tab mistakes drop significantly and finally – • There is a major uptick in sales

In addition, their customers really appreciate that their security concerns are dealt with in this easy to use system as offered by CardsSafe limited. If you are concerned about how CardsSafe works within the PCI scheme, Alan Gill from the independent PCI certifying company Orthus Limited states: “The PCI DSS standard encompassed 264 controls. CardsSafe helps to reduce the need to meet all of these through ‘compensating controls’ which allow businesses to comply to the standard without having to change the way they operate”. Please contact CardsSafe Limited on: Phone: 0845 5001040, Email: or Web:

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2017

Design and Refit

JD Interior Solutions

We are able to handle all aspects of both new projects and renovations from the initial site visit to design, manufacture, supply and installation. Our highly experienced team of fitters enable us to provide not just bedroom furniture installation but also the bathrooms, reception, bar and communal areas including all electrics, plumbing, flooring and kitchen installations. We take pride in offering an exceptionally highly level quality of

workmanship, friendly customer service and after sales care all at a competitive price, for hotel owners, private landlords and the independent hospitality sectors. As all businesses know sometimes cash flow and the financial burden of a large outlay of expense is hard to justify. This is where we can help and offer several finance options enabling you to spread the cost over 3-5 years, this way you can be up and running straight away from as little as £7.00 per room, per night (based on credit history checks). What makes us different from other furniture manufacturers and installation companies in the UK? We always work with our clients; we aren’t sales people that sell clients the dream even though it doesn’t suit them or their space and isn’t what they need. Instead, we work with our clients to understand what they want from the building and the project; we will then offer advice and guidance to find the right interior solution for their needs. Contact JD Interior Solutions today at:- Tel: 01733 665 295, Email: or Web: &

Contract Furniture Group

source and supply service; if you send us a picture of an item we will do our up most to supply to you at the best price.

CONTRACT FURNITURE Group has been set up to offer quality contract dining furniture to the hotel, restaurant, pub trades and leisure industries at realistic prices. We carry a lot of our range in stock so we can help you to meet your deadlines. We also offer a unique

All our furniture is manufactured to the highest standards, we only use hardwood frames which are glued screwed and dowelled for strength. crib5 interliner (if required) sprung seat areas or webbing and top quality Italian leathers and fabrics. For further information, call 0115 965 9030, visit or email

PRO AUCTION Limited are one of the leading specialist valuers & auctioneers. Providing a comprehensive range of services to ensure that the full value of surplus or redundant assets are realised, to maximum value, be that by a private treaty, tender or auction.

site and webcast through our world-wide bidding platform. Pro Auction runs both traditional and online auctions throughout Europe, using the latest auction platforms and software, developed to meet the demands and needs of both the seller and purchaser. The company provides expert advice to insolvency practitioners, corporate recovery specialists and turnaround professionals. It is widely acknowledged as a leading provider of machinery and business asset advice – from initial valuation to exit strategy planning and implementation – helping clients through the whole process. Contact Pro Auction Limited on 01761 414000 or email

JD Interior Solutions are your one stop solution for contract bedroom furniture and hotel interior refurbishments. Based in Cambridgeshire, we have been helping clients all over the UK with their hotel, student accommodation, university, residential, care home and lettings furniture projects.

Pro Auction Valuers & Auctioneers

Auctions are conducted on a regular basis, throughout Europe in the Hospitality, Catering & Leisure sectors. We provide valuation and sale advice on all classes of industrial and commercial business assets. Auction sales are conducted both on

Tel: 01404 890290 Complete Table system for Banqueting

Folding Tables Nylon Flock Plain Timber Laminate

Conference Cloth Table Skirting

Wheeling Folding Stage one man operation

Conference Tables Portable Dance Floor Easy clean no polishing Locks together will not come apart All Manufactured in the UK at one premises Allen Pavitt Contracts

Design and Refit

February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Nocturne - Bespoke Lighting and Furniture NOCTURNE LAMPS are designed and built by Simon Day. Developed from his love of sculpture, design, materials and making, they aim to be utile yet elegant and have an honest integrity of construction and build. All the lamps are made from best quality materials. Brass, hardwoods and aluminium are used to construct the lamps which are made to order in our work-

Spa Creators

SPA CREATORS are spa design experts providing expertise from feasibility to concept through to detailed design for luxury hotels. We develop spa and wellness businesses for leading boutique hotels and deliver expertise in spa procurement with support at launch and continued management support beyond the spa launch.

shop to a high level of craftsmanship and detail. The workshop is regularly commissioned by interior design practises to make and design bespoke feature lighting, mirrors, furniture for hotels and restaurant projects. Clients include: Fortnum & Mason / Hyatt Hotels / Russell Sage Studio / Selfridges & Co / Spinocchia Freund / Waldo Works Studio Visit Nocturne at NEW from Spa Creators is SPAshell the first modular spa solution for boutique hotels. SPAshell provides all the elements required to create a successful spa: from design and site development stages, through to delivery and commissioning. What makes this unique is that all building works are completed off-site using the latest modular technology. SPAshell is a beautifully designed modular spa solution for hotels, golf and country clubs wishing to add a spa to their business portfolio. SPAshell provides a fully turnkey solution required to create a successful spa. Our unique concept will provide any hotel with an additional revenue stream generating strong ROI. More importantly SPAshell will increase the asset value of the property. Call Spa Creators on +44 (0)118 9471857 or visit

RapidFit, by Rearo, An Instant Washroom Solution IF YOU are looking for an an instant, off-theshelf solution for toilet cubicles in a bar, restaurant or hotel then RapidFit, by Rearo, provides everything you need. Incorporating cubicles, vanity units & IPS, RapidFit can quickly transform even the most basic facility into a great looking, modern, functional washroom. The easy to install system is available in five modern laminate shades from leading industry supplier Egger. Laminate components are available in each shades allowing to mix and match and create a unique design RapidFit’s design allows for maximum flexibility. With a choice of panel heights

and dimensions, it can accommodate most typical configurations that may be required including transverse and adapted (disabled) installations All components come with a comprehensive five-year warranty. From their Glasgow manufacturing facility Rearo also manufacture and supply a full range of bespoke washroom solutions with a selection of ranges suitable for all budgets and design requirements. For more information, or to request a brochure, contact Rearo today.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Property and Professional

February 2017



TE LEP HONE 020 8673 2255

LICENSED COFFEE SHOP, JUST OFF MULTIPLE SHOPPING THORO’FARE, CLOSE TO LARGE SUPERMARKET & CAR PARK, COASTAL RESORT OF SOUTHSEA, HANTS. Character, mid-Victorian prop. Occupying a prom. corner site with forecourt seating for 6. Attractively decorated, air-con grnd flr seats 20+, includes servery with espresso. Additional first flr seating for 27. Well equipped catering kitchen. Open congenial hrs (9 am/4 pm) – 7 days. SCOPE. T/O £5,000 pw. GP 65%. Accts avail. 15 yr lease from July 2015 at current rental of £17,600 p.a.x. - £155,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3687)




To advertise in the

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

16TH CENTURY BAR & BISTRO, FRONTING MARKET SQUARE, AFFLUENT MEDIEVAL TOWN, HAMPSHIRE. Character Grade II Listed timber frame bldg, radiates ‘olde worlde’ charm with many exposed beams. Grnd flr bar has flagstone floor & inglenook – seating 20+. First flr gallery seats 24. Adj. dining rm boasts medieval wall painting & seats 26 plus private dining rm for 12. Catering kitchen. Paved courtyard with arbour seats 20+. Retirement sale – same hands 18 yrs. T/O £5,000 pw. Recorded T/O £195,862 p.a. (ex VAT). GP £130,462 (66.6%). 30% wet sales. Scope to open Sunday & afternoons. 42 year lease from March ’89 at current rental of £25,600 p.a.x. - £125,000 + S.A.V. for 100% shareholding. (Ref. F/C.3669)

Tel 01202 552333

romsey (01794) 522228 6 Clarendon Place, King Street Maidstone, Kent

01622 685261


A comprehensive, specialised service whether you are starting up or run an established business

CATERING BUSINESS, SPECIALISING IN COLD FOOD BUFFETS & SANDWICH MANUFACTURING, SOUTH HAMPSHIRE. Occupying an accessible location amidst a small business park. Grnd flr of unit extends to approx. 1,309 sq.ft and includes a fully equipped production kitchen with sandwich conveyor, etc. First flr mezzanine approx. 665 sq.ft, used as office and staff room. Retirement sale. Same hands 15 yrs. Current takings peaking at around £20,000 pw. GP 50%+. 10 yr lease from Oct. 2016 at £16,000 p.a.x. 2 refrigerated vans included. – OIRO £200,000 + S.A.V. (REF. C.3685)




The White Horse At Rogate on the Market

A W GORE & CO’s TENTERDEN OFFICE is pleased to offer the tenancy of a lovely country pub in Hampshire. THE WHITE HORSE AT ROGATE is situated in this popular village on the A272, only 4 miles from Petersfield and 5 miles from Midhurst.

sitting room. This is a Harvey’s of Sussex pub and the brewery is looking for an experienced team with good catering skills who are prepared to develop the business. They are offering a 1 to 6 tenancy agreement with a full tie for beers, wines, spirits and minerals. The estimated rent will be £20,000 per annum. Harvey’s are about to redecorate the outside of the building and install a new boiler. Interested applicants will require circa £40,000 capital, but underfunded applicants may be considered. For further details please contact A W Gore & Co. Tel: 01580 766522.

The White Horse is a traditional food led one bar pub with a 42 cover dining area and has many features including low timber beams and wonderful open fireplaces. Externally to the rear is a trade garden plus a car park which looks onto open fields. The private accommodation includes three bedrooms, domestic kitchen, bathroom, and

The Bank Bar, Cannock, Staffordshire for Sale THE BANK BAR, Cannock, Staffordshire has come on the market with agent Guy Simmonds. This business is located in the bustling Staffordshire town of Cannock close to Stafford (10 miles) and the cathedral City of Lichfield (13 miles). Occupying a prominent main road location on the edge of Cannock town centre this impressive former TSB bank is of brick construction sitting under a flat concrete and ashfelt roof. An entrance porch to the front of the property provides access to all the trading areas. Open Plan Bar Restaurant (occupancy 580 with circa 100+ covers) is a well presented spacious, light and bright contemporary area with full air conditioning. On the first floor there is a fully equipped commercial Kitchen with 5* EHO rating that serves the ground

floor trading area by way of a dumb waiter. Ground Floor Cellar with python, remote etc. There is no owner’s accommodation. Highly suitable for alternative use (STPP). To the rear of the property is a good sized flagstone and hard standing Al Fresco area (circa 100 occupancy) with wooden benches and a heated and lit covered area. There is no car park however there is a spacious lined pay and display car park directly across the road. Price: £395,000 Freehold (Reduced for quick sale) or £25,000 Leasehold. Tenure: Freehold or FOT Lease. Rent (if applicable): £35,000. Landlord (if applicable): Private owned. Turnover (annual): £480,000 (incl. VAT) to February 2016. Wet:Dry split: 90% Wet : 10% Dry. Contact the agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112.

PORTERS CHARTERED Surveyors is a Kent based firm, serving customers throughout London and the South East. We are a service provider in all aspects of general commercial property practice including the specialist field of licensed property.

field and boasting a team of dedicated professionals, Porters are able to offer the highest quality service to a wide range of clients, from private individuals to national companies. Having operated from the centre of Maidstone since our establishment in 1991, we are uniquely qualified to advise clients throughout the South East. Our eminently experienced Directors are assisted in their work by a small and diligent team, as well as a group of dedicated outside contractors, each of whom is succinctly qualified in his or her field. Contact Porters Surveyors Ltd on Tel: 01622 685261 or

Porters Chartered Surveyors With over twenty years’ experience in the

• Substantial detached property with wealth of original features • Accommodation spread over two floors • Open plan bar/ restaurant, catering kitchen and toilets • First floor: three letting rooms, office and bathroom • Trade garden, car park, patio and private garden. Total land 0.25 acres. • Planning permission granted for extension to enlarge trade areas


• Detached characterful Public House with original features • Gravelled car park for approximately 20 vehicles • Accommodation spread over two floors • External decked terrace and patio area GUIDE PRICE £25,000 PER ANNUM. NIL PREMIUM. INVENTORY AT VALUATION UPON COMPLETION.



• Bar and restaurant

• Public house

• 100+ covers

• Skittle alley

• Car Park

• Patio & large car park

• Large trade garden

• 3 bedrooms

£465,000 FREEHOLD

• Catering kitchen • 3 bedrooms

£420,000 FREEHOLD



• 16th century inn

• Real ale freehouse

• 45 cover restaurant

• 2 bar areas

• Trade garden

• Games room

• Smoking solution

• 3 bedrooms

£380,000 FREEHOLD

• • • • •

BRIGHTON KEMP TOWN Open plan bar New private lease Basement cellarage Rear trade patio No accommodation


• Covered patio

• 3 bedrooms

£325,000 FREEHOLD


• Retirement Sale

• Open plan bar

• Trade patio

• 100% wet trade

• 3 bedrooms




• Bar Bistro

• Village pub

• Function room

• Garden & car park

• Catering kitchen

• Pavement Licence • 3 bedrooms


TENTERDEN 01580 766522

• Potential 5 letting rooms • Manager’s bedsit

• Free of Tie MIN CAPITAL REQUIRED £20,000

BRIGHTON 01273 565621

An English Riviera Renaissance SOUTH DEVON hoteliers are confident of a good season in 2017. Despite, or perhaps because of, the EU referendum result, our hotel and leisure team are continuing to see high growth and investment across South Devon. Even with the UK’s long term financial stability still uncertain, investment remains high, and the hotel industry is one of our largest growth markets. Indeed, we’re taking on new instructions at an exponential rate, with robust sales values being achieved across the sector. A recent instruction undertaken by Charles Darrow was an award winning, four-star AA rated hotel, The Coppice, in Torquay. The elegant Victorian style property with extensive grounds has received widespread recent

investment. The 39 en-suite rooms with luxury 3-bedroom self-contained owner’s accommodation, has recently gone on the market for £1.6million, receiving much positive interest. With the Federation of Small Business revealing in January that confidence in UK small business in the last quarter bounced back to the level reported before the EU referendum campaign began, we believe this is being echoed amongst small to medium hoteliers. That coupled with staycations being more popular due to the exchange rate, the tourism industry in the south west will no doubt continue to grow. For further information, please visit

Protecting Your Business from Cyber Attack by Rafi Azim-Khan and Steven Farmer, Pillsbury Law

HOTELS ARE data rich environments, making their IT systems extremely attractive targets for cyber criminals and it is no surprise that attacks in the hotel sector are becoming increasingly common. Not only do hotels hold valuable financial information on file, they also retain potentially sensitive personal details – who is sharing a room, and when and where someone is staying – which can be equally valuable. A recent ransom attack in Austria showed the extent to which hackers can cause chaos when sufficient data protection safeguards are not in place. In particular, a 111-year-old hotel, Seehotel Jägerwirt, was recently reported to have paid Russian hackers €1,500 (£1,285) in Bitcoin to regain access to the hotel’s electronic key card system after they shut it down on the first weekend of the ski season. Given the range of threats and the sanctions available to EU regulators (fine levels being set to significantly increase under the new EU Data Protection Regulation), strategies to reduce the risk of breaches and plans to deal with breaches once they occur should be prioritised at the highest level, regardless of company size. But what precisely should hotel businesses be doing to reduce their risk profile in the pre- and post- incident environment? What does the law require? Current EU laws relating to data protection (namely the EU Data Protection Directive that is implemented in the UK via the Data Protection Act 1998 – the “DPA”) necessitate a risk-based approach to security and requires organisations, including hotel businesses, to take: “appropriate technical and organisational measures … against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.” In other words, there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution when it comes to data security and the measures taken by an organisation will depend largely on the size of a business, the amount of data it processes, and the sensitivity

of that data. If a breach occurs, there is currently no mandatory breach reporting under the DPA, though this is set to change following the introduction of the new EU Data Protection Regulation that will come into force in 2018. Under the Regulation, data controllers will be subject to a general data breach notification regime. Getting the basics right A good starting point for any UK-based hotel committed to protecting its data from unintended or unauthorised access, change, theft or destruction, is to look to implement the “Cyber security guidance for business”, issued by the UK Government. This includes best practice tips around staff training and the use of technical and physical measures to reduce risk. With the best will in the world, however, implementing a comprehensive plan to reduce risk only goes so far. Hotels should also introduce a robust plan that can be consulted, should the worst happen. Our experience is often that companies often generally fall short at this second hurdle. A well-developed reactionary plan should ensure that sufficient steps are taken to immediately contain the breach and recover lost data, whilst at the same time providing for a risk assessment to be carried out to consider how serious the damage is, or is likely to be. Important decisions to grapple with in the post-incident environment are whether or not to involve the regulators by making a self-report and/or whether to notify affected individuals. Is the breach sufficiently serious? Also, timing is crucial, in particular, when should such notifications be made? Hotels should also consider whether their insurance products cover against data breach costs, damage done, regulator fines levied and litigation initiated by individuals affected by a breach. Whilst such products are becoming increasingly popular, the consensus is that they are still underused. Comment When it comes to cyber security, nothing should be left to chance and hotels should not be complacent. Careful planning and preparations upfront, which account for new EU laws, not only reduce headaches should a breach occur but can also help avoid or minimise regulatory sanctions, are good for a hotel’s reputation and vastly improve consumer trust and confidence. Rafi Azim-Khan, Head Data Privacy, Europe, Pillsbury Law ( and Steven Farmer, Counsel, Pillsbury Law (

Property and Professional

February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Transforming Your Business from Ordinary to Outstanding THE PRESSURE is on for Licenced Trade operators and Restauranteurs to provide more of a “Complete Experience” for their clients rather than “just a pub/restaurant”. But this costs money and with the seasonality of trade, best time to do renovation/refurbishment work is when trade is quieter but at that time, cash-flow is tight. Liquid Finance offer an alternative finance solution for the Hospitality Trade called a Business Cash Advance. This is an unsecured cash advance and the funds are paid back as a daily percentage of your credit/debit card

takings. The Advance can be used for whatever you need – typically stock replenishment, renovations, refurbishments or expansion and there are absolutely no hidden costs like applications fees, collection fees or late payment fees. “I started working with Liquid Finance nearly two years ago - they have assisted me with refurbishments, renovations and even small jobs like refreshing the menus! Business is good – I don’t know where we would be without them!” Welcome to Smart Finance for the Hospitality Trade! For more details and to get an obligation free quotation, call Liquid Finance on 0845 600 3573 or visit us at

Popular Restaurant/Bar In Prime City Centre Trading Position for Sale STONESMITH ARE delighted to be marketing a fantastic opportunity to purchase the leasehold of Urban Burger – a popular independent restaurant/bar in a prime location. The property comprises of the four lower floors of a sixstorey end of terrace, Grade 2 Listed, character property which was converted to a restaurant in the late 1980s. It underwent a complete refurbishment in 2005 to an extremely high standard throughout. The premises are situated in a prime trading location in the heart of Exeter city centre, fronting Queen Street, close to the High Street and main shopping areas, and opposite Central Station. The premises briefly comprise of a ground floor restaurant, comfortably accommodating 80 customers, and a basement bar with a capacity of 120 and a separate entrance from Queen Street. There is a fully equipped commercial

Are You Focused?

35 YEARS AGO, I stood on Lambeth Bridge & threw my briefcase in the Thames saying 'never again will I work conventionally. At the time I was MD of 3 companies, part of a large group, but I couldn't stand the politics. That was on a Thursday, the following day I went to my 3 offices & said goodbye to all my staff & put my car keys in the postbox of the group head

catering kitchen on the lower ground floor, with various ancillary and welfare facilities and a cellar. The business trades as a high quality gourmet burger restaurant with a quality bar and party venue. The sale of Urban Burger provides an excellent opportunity to purchase a thriving and well regarded high turnover city centre restaurant and bar, with exceptional profits, the like of which is seldom available in the open market. There is potential for incoming operators to develop their own trading style, in a manner to suit their own personal requirements and take advantage of the sought after location and the high specification fit-out that the premises have enjoyed. The business benefits from its own website which provides further background on the business. For sale on a leasehold basis, Stonesmith are looking for offers off a guide price of £220,000. Details are available from the website and viewings arranged by calling 01392 201262

office & caught the train home. The following day I went to Italy for 2 weeks & on the first day back, I saw a Midland Bank Manager, told him what I'd done & he said "despite the fact you're young, you've had a lot of experience in running companies, I think you can help some of my customers". So for 35 years, I've been helping companies & it took me years to work out the 1 reason why a business makes money is the same reason why a business makes money: FOCUS. Focus just on your skill, you'll never make money. Focus on profit & you'll make money. Reader enquiries - Tel: 01202 551193, email: or visit

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Property and Professional

February 2017

The Hospitality Business Mentor from The Bowden Group

DAVID HUNTER is the Hospitality Business Mentor – he works with owners and investors in hotels, restaurants and catering businesses. Ensuring the business performs and makes the required profit, is what David does, and he does this by: 1. Setting realistic targets for the business, and creating budgets and forecasts 2. Monitoring Sales, Gross Margins and Labour costs very closely 3. Mentoring the owners and/or managers of the business to help them achieve their objectives Other areas that David advises on include:





DARTMOOR NATIONAL PARK Chocolate Box 13th Century Thatched Country Inn Prominent Trading Position Set in 1.5 Acres Character Bar Areas (48+), Restaurant (50) 6 Quality Letting Rooms, 3 Bed Detached Owners Home Commercial Kitchens, Stunning Gardens (170), Car Park (50) Exceptional Levels of Trade and Impressive Six Figure Profits

FH £995,000


SOMERSET COAST Impressive Character Detached B&B 7 High Quality En-Suite Letting Bedrooms 2 Bed Owners Accommodation with Sitting Room Spacious Property with Gardens & Car Parking Quality 4 Star Guest Accommodation Impressive Levels of Trade with Much Potential


TIVERTON, MID DEVON American Themed Licensed Cafe & Restaurant Prominent Town Centre Trading Location Main Restaurant for up to 42 Customers Al Fresco Seating Area for 16 Impressive Trade Levels with Potential

LH £30,000

LH £19,995





Well Regarded Licensed Daytime Cafe Trading 6 Days a Week

Exceptional New Development Restaurant, Bar & Catering Business Stunning Coastal Trading Location Flexible Lease & Rent Terms Available Nil Premium Ingoing Rental Offers Invited

Main Cafe & Restaurant Area (28) Pavement Seating Area (8) Early Appointment Recommended

LH £37,000




FH £675,000

PRINCETOWN, DARTMOOR Substantial Cafe & Restaurant Prominent Trading Location Seating Areas for 150+ Customers 3 Bedroom Owners Accommodation Large Car/Coach Park Blank Canvas Opportunity

• Marketing – general and specific (ie promotions etc) • Human Resources (HR) - including all the legislation, and disciplinary positions. • Reward and Bonus schemes – always linked to achievement of objectives • Customer Service - including Hospitality skills training Do contact David for an informal chat, or make an appointment to meet with him. Call David direct on: Mobile 07831 407984 or by email on Visit the website at or the Blogsite at

FOR SALE – Deceptively Spacious Detached Cornish Village Freehouse STONESMITH ARE delighted to present to market The Mounts Bay Inn, Mullion, Helston, Cornwall - a substantial and deceptively spacious detached village freehouse which has been comprehensively refurbished to a very high standard over the recent years. The Mounts Bay Inn occupies a prominent landmark trading position within the centre of the village of Mullion which lies on The Lizard Peninsular in Cornwall. This traditional Cornish village inn really must be viewed to be fully appreciated. The property comprises of a main bar and snug area, restaurant with 50 covers and a well-equipped commercial catering kitchen. There are also four high quality en-suite letting bedrooms, separate family letting suite and a further one

bedroom owner’s apartment with sitting / dining room, kitchen, double bedroom and shower room. Externally, to the front of the property is an enclosed courtyard garden area with picnic benches and seating for 32, and to the rear of the property is a tiered patio and decked garden with further enclosed large lawn area with seating for almost 100. The business benefits from darts, euchre and pool teams, weekly quiz nights, occasional live music and two regular beer festivals. The letting bedrooms attract guests from around world - the business has its own website which provides further background. The Mounts Bay Inn is for sale on freehold basis with a guide price of £749,950. Full property details are available from the website and viewings arranged by calling 01392 201262.

The Woodlark Inn, Lambley, Nottinghamshire on the Market EXMOUTH, EAST DEVON



Well Regarded Evenings Only Restaurant Popular East Devon Coastal Town Main Dining Area Seating 54 Spacious 4 Bedroom Accommodation Internal Viewing Recommended

Licensed Restaurant in Prime Location Affluent & Sought After Estuary Town 2 Restaurant Areas Providing 48 Covers Currently Opens Evening Only Undoubted Potential for Daytime Trade

Character Country Village Freehouse Extremely Well Presented Throughout Bars (38+), Dining & Function Areas (82) Trade Gardens (54), Car Parking (60+) Net T/O £411,000 3 Bed Accommodation

LH £49,950


LH OIRO £64,950



FH £495,000


01392 201262

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

THIS BUSINESS is located in the highly affluent picturesque Nottinghamshire village of Lambley surrounded by green belt countryside, garden centres, popular golf courses and other highly affluent villages. Occupying a landmark position within the village this well presented characterful property is of brick built construction sitting under a pitched slate roof. An attractive quarry tiled entrance porch to the front of the property with the old ‘off sales’ window still visible provides access to all the trading areas. These consist of: Bar (circa 34+ plus standing) has exposed wooden ceiling beams, exposed brick walls and a lovely exposed brick built open coal fire. Well-equipped commercial catering Kitchen with stainless steel appliances.

Spacious below Ground Floor Cellar with python, remote and pumps etc and several storage room areas. The owners accommodation has 3 Bedrooms. To the side of the property is a lovely elevated block paved patio area (circa 30 covers) with wooden picnic benches and tables and chairs all siting under a retractable awning for those more than hot days. For the cooler climate there are wall heaters to the side wall and CCTV. The patron’s lined car park has circa 10 spaces however parking is readily available throughout the village. Price: £59,500 New free of tie Lease. Tenure: Leasehold. Rent (if applicable): £38,000 p/a. Landlord (if applicable): Private/Freeholder. Turnover (annual): £378,252 (inc VAT) to April 2016. Wet:Dry split: 83% Wet : 17% Food Contact the agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112

Thinking of selling? Regional Specialists National Exposure


PRICE: £1,600,000

• Fabulous Country Inn Situated on Edge of Major Conurbation • Dining Rooms, Function Rooms and Outside Trading Areas • 16 Superior En-Suite Letting Rooms Generating Significant Revenue • Major Function Trade and a Very Well Established Business • T/O in Excess of £1m ex VAT with Exceptional Profits




REF: 2675

• Licensed Bar Situated within a Historic Period Property • Main Bar & Seating Area • Ladies & Gents Cloakrooms & Ample Storage • Versatile Private Accommodation • Huge Potential to Extend the Trading Hours and Rebuild the Business

PRICE: £20,000


PRICE: £87,500



PRICE: £59,000


REF: 2458


• Well Established and Profitable Business • Enviable Position in Prime Location • Currently Trading Seasonally to Suit Current Owners. • Internal Seating for Circa 74, External Covered Seating for 8 • Well Equipped Commercial Kitchen and Prep Area, Takeaway Service Area


REF: 2384


• Seasonal Café in Stunning Location • Fabulous Views Across the Bay • Internal Seating for 16 • Service Hatch and Commercial Kitchen • Great Opportunity to Operate a Lifestyle Business



REF: 2565



• Established Deli & Takeaway in the Stunning Resort of Salcombe • The Lockup Unit is Situated Close to the Extensive Waterfront • Main Trade Area and Preparation / Kitchen Area • Premises Available by Way of a New 10 Year Lease • Commencing Rent of £10,800 Per Annum


PRICE: £225,000

• Substantial Freehold Public House • Situated in the Exmoor Village of Dulverton • Character Main Bar with Separate Dining Area, Commercial Kitchen • Large Rear Gardens, Four Bedroom Owner's Accommodation • Priced to Sell



REF: 2464


• Stunning Grade II Listed Inn in Highly Desirable Village • 3 Interconnecting Trading Areas Including Dining Room • Superior Private Accommodation with 3 Double Bedrooms • Second Flat with Planning for 2 En Suite Guest Bedrooms • Rare Opportunity to Purchase a Genuine 'Landmark' Pub



PRICE: £650,000

01803 212021


• Rare opportunity to purchase a substantial freehold property • Recently undergone a complete refurbishment • 10 brand new superior en suite letting rooms • Character bar, restaurant, function rooms with log fires • Fully equipped commercial kitchen & large conference room


REF 2688


HRS Launch Think Independent’ Whitepaper WITH AN 88 per cent share of the market, independent hotels form the backbone of the European hotel industry, and they often offer a better price/performance ratio than chain hotels according to results of a recent analysis conducted by HRS. An overnight stay in a three-star independent hotel costs, on average, 84 euro (£71) – that is 15 per cent cheaper than in a chain hotel of the same category. In the four-star category, independent hotels are ten per cent cheaper. In the luxury hotel sector, the average price difference is eight per cent. Independent hotels: higher guest satisfaction but lower room rates Chain hotels often incorporate a marketing and franchising fee into the room rate. Independent hotels, on the other hand, operate leaner structures and are usually run more efficiently – which has a positive impact on costs. As a result, they can invest more in facilities and services to ensure an equal or better quality of service despite their lower rates. Travellers appreciate the value for money and rate mediumsized hotels as high, or even higher, than large chain hotels. According to HRS’s analysis, the average rating for independent hotels is 7.48 out of ten, compared to 7.42 for chain hotels (three-star category). In the four-star category, independent hotels are on an equal footing (7.93) with chain hotels (7.92), despite the rates being ten per cent lower. Only in the luxury sector do the chains score more highly (8.25) than the independent hotels (7.74). Business travellers often still prefer chain hotels In terms of sheer numbers, independent hotels dominate the global hotel market. In Europe and Asia, they are the very foundation of the hotel industry, with a market share of 88

and 95 per cent, respectively. Yet, despite offering better value for money, they are still often overshadowed by the chain hotels when it comes to doing business with global companies. The reason for this is market fragmentation. The lack of transparency associated with medium-sized hotels presents a huge challenge for corporate travel managers when putting together their hotel portfolio. Therefore, in order to minimize the time and effort spent on negotiations, many companies are inclined to turn to selected hotel chains rather than negotiate with a multitude of independent hotels. However, by categorically disregarding the majority of the market in this way, companies are missing out on as yet untapped costsaving potential. Huge savings can be gained from embracing independent hotels “At first sight, the focus on negotiations with chain hotels seems reasonable. But by including independent hotels in the discussion, companies can make huge savings on room rates and, at the same time, meet the needs of their travellers more effectively,” explains Keith Watson, Director, Hotel Solutions for Western & Northern Europe at HRS. HRS has around 180,000 independent hotels available on its booking portal. With the Intelligent Sourcing solution, HRS takes care of the central negotiation of corporate rates on behalf of its customers. This negotiation also includes smaller owneroperated hotels in the corporate hotel programme. Following a customer needs analysis, HRS invites suitable hotels to submit a quote via a proprietary platform. For travel managers, this service represents significant time saving, because all they need is a contact person for the hotel – and the independent hotels in particular – it opens the door to global business with international corporate groups and enables the smaller hotels to compete with chains. The white paper “Think Independent” is available for download here.

A Cracking Year for Peeks SALES THROUGH its website, mail order catalogues and huge party store in Christchurch required more than 20 extra staff to be taken on to cope. The Christmas orders and Halloween sales made up the bulk of the business during the three months to the end of December. The company sold in excess of three million Christmas crackers and November saw one quarter of the annual turnover. Charles Peek started the business after the war in 1947 and now his grandson Nick is managing director and is delighted with the sales figures. He said: "The year had the potential to be difficult but we have dramatically increased our cracker business and Brits

certainly still know how to party. "The run-up to Christmas is always our busiest period, but we've never had sales like last year in our long history. "We turn now to the 2017 events with the Chinese New Year - the year of the Rooster - Six Nations rugby and Valentines' Day up first. "While mail order is considered old fashioned, many of our customers still prefer to receive a catalogue and it remains an important part of our business along with the website and party store. "Our fundraising lines - such as raffle tickets, collection buckets and moneyraising games - remain a strong seller, indicating that we are a charitable nation as well as one that likes a party." See the advert on page 7 for further information.

February 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Summer Set to Be Filled with Trends and Innovation from Bidvest Foodservice WITH THE industry preparing for the summer season, Bidvest Foodservice has launched an innovative catalogue of fresh, new-to-market, on trend food and beverages, as part of its 2017 Create Summer range.

The launch of Bidvest Foodservice’s new Premium Selection Welsh Honey and Lavender Cake meets the demand for authentic, regionally-produced products, whilst also tapping into the trend for flavour innovation. Artisan craft beer also continues to be popular and will feature in the new season brochure alongside British-sourced, Red Following months of extensive research and development, Tractor certified fresh meat. 140 new, trend-led products have been added to the Create Grab & Go – With over half of all consumers buying meals Summer range. With inspiring new dishes such as red velvet ice on-the-go the demand for outlets to offer a takeaway option is cream and ‘Monuts’ – a hybrid between a muffin and donut – high. Offering easy-to-eat dishes with innovative flavours and the new range will enable caterers across the country to create textures, allows operators to also tap into the authentic street inventive summer menus that suit their audience. food trend and capture a part of this sizeable market. There are Gail Bridgeman, Campaign & Studio Controller at Bidvest versatile offerings within Bidvest Foodservice’s Premium Foodservice, says: Selection range including Greek Feta and Kalamata Olive Bites, “When designing and choosing dishes for our summer Mini Beef Chilli Muffins and Hickory Smoked BBQ Pulled Pork range, current food trends and innovations were front of mind. Dough Balls. “Consumers want to try new flavours, they are mindful of New and innovative flavour combinations are also featured where their food has come from and are looking for experiin the range, with the new Premium Selection Earl Grey Lemon ences when it comes to eating out. Our new range reflects this Drizzle Cake delivering a quirky twist on two classic British thinking and helps caterers design bespoke menus that are right flavours, and the launch of a new ice cream range in partnership for their clientele, as well as giving them the ability to attract with Yarde Farm. The four exclusive new flavours – lime and new customers with on-trend, fresh, tasty dishes.” basil, peanut butter and jelly, peach melba, and red velvet – offer Highlights from the new range have been inspired by some caterers the opportunity to enhance their dessert offering with of 2017’s biggest trends, including: unique flavours, simply and easily. Better Me – With 79% of consumers concerned about the The range also complements the further drive in coffee shop impact of sugar in their diet, healthy eating and drinking is set culture in the UK. Consumers drink 2.2 billion cups of coffee a to be a major trend this year. Tapping into this is the launch of year out of home and this is forecast to grow 11% by 2020. Water Plus drinks, an innovative and health-conscious range, Tapping into this, and complementing the Black + White Coffee featuring honey-flavoured and standard birch water with added Co. range, is the launch of an innovative new bakery line – vitamins. products which have achieved award-winning status. The rise of flexitarian dining also falls into the ‘Better Me’ Gail adds: “Our award achievements are testament to the trend – with over one third of the population choosing to eat continued dedication we have in offering our customers the less meat for health and wellbeing reasons. In response, over highest quality products, which helps them stay ahead of the half of the new 2017 summer range from Bidvest Foodservice competition.” is either gluten free, vegetarian or vegan. Must-try items include These products include Premium Selection Tarte aux Poires the Everyday Favourites Cajun Coated Crispy Fine Green Beans (BFFF Award winner) and the Premium – elevating the simple vegetable to a Selection Farmhouse Cheddar Cheese, star in its own right – and the Tomato and Spinach Savoury Muffin Premium Selection Honey and Root (BFFF Award winner), as well as Black Veg Burger – with the addition of + White Coffee Co. Dark Roast Beans health-boosting quinoa, coated in a (Best New Dessert 2016 Gold in the black onion seed crumb. Product Excellence Awards). GrEAT Britain – The idea of ‘backThe Bidvest Foodservice Create ing British’ is growing in a postSummer range is available to order Brexit world. This means more from the beginning of March. For more consumers are seeking out and supinformation, please visit porting regional products, or call 01494 555 CLH Editor Peter Adams enjoying a cocktail ing heritage, provenance, craft and skills. masterclass at the Bidvest Create Summer launch. 900.

After The Love Is Gone...

NOT JUST an Earth Wind and Fire song or a lonely lament, but the day after Valentine's night for restaurants. So, you survived Valentine’s night!!! Did you make sure everyone had their delightfully romantic candle lit evening at your wonderful restaurant! And did you then spend ages cleaning up all the mess of the wax dripping everywhere, or where it has filled your candle holders up with waxy leftovers or from

tablecloths where the candle was knocked over? Well you can have beautiful natural candle light every night of the year, not just Valentines, without any of the messy heartache of wax candles, by switching to oil candles. Oil candles burn cleanly, there is no mess, and no waste. They don’t turn into mush and people can’t stick things in them They are economical to buy (from £2.95) and economical to run (from 1.2 pence per hour). They can save you time, money and misery! Contact us for details on our sample ordering service and change your restaurant for the better, today! Visit or call 0845 345 5123 for details.

Free Trial Month * Free Setup * Free Training * Support Included * Rolling Monthly Contract

The Simple and Sophisticated Hotel Booking Software The new CaterBook is an all in one system, combining reception desk software, website booking engine, its own built-in channel manager and works with a growing number of Point of Sale systems.


Reception Desk Software ✔ Cloud based – works on PC, Mac, iPad, Android ✔ Multiple concurrent staff access with activity logging at no additional cost ✔ Sell rooms as multiple “Room Types”, group adjacent rooms together as a suite ✔ Create rate groups exclusively for corporate partners ✔ Reservations confirmed by email ✔ Vary pricing by occupancy, day of the week, duration of stay and season ✔ Up sell with add-on items, like flowers, chocolates etc ✔ Print guest registration forms, invoices, parking permits ✔ PCI Accredited Secure Website Booking Engine ✔ Responsive and highly customisable to match the look of your website ✔ Configure variable deposit rules ✔ Works with payment gateways to charge deposit in real time at the point of booking ✔ Offer multiple rateplans per room type - eg Bed and Breakfast, Room Only ✔ Supports true last minute and early bird pricing ✔ Create online discount codes to generate new and repeat business ✔ Commission free Channel Manager ✔ Built in Channel manager, not a 3rd party add on ✔ Automatically update Rates and Inventory across all your OTA’s ✔ Download bookings automatically to the calendar ✔ Link with, Laterooms, Expedia, TripAdvisor, eBookers and others EPOS Links ✔ Post food and drink items directly to your guest’s room from your till system. Compatible with EPOS Now, ICR Touch, Casio, Vectron, WaiterPOS, Fidelity GPOS, Quantum and others Contact Us To arrange a free trial, product demonstration or if you have any questions, please:

Call Us on 01840 298299 Email Us at Visit Our Website

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