CLH News #207 December 2017

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December 2017

Issue 207

Products and Services

Festive Recipes

Festive Ordering

Design and Refit

Property and Professional

Page 10

Pages 14 and 16

Bar and Cellar Equipment

Pages 18 - 20

Pages 21 - 23

Pages 24 - 29

Pages 30 - 31

85% of Hospitality Businesses Victim of Malicious and Fake Online Reviews

HOSPITALITY BUSINESSES are increasingly worried about malicious and fake online reviews and many say that the reviews have been used to blackmail them. These figures are from a new survey by the British Hospitality Association (BHA), which includes the Restaurant Association, finding that 85% of hospitality businesses have been victim to fake online reviews intended to harm – up from 65% in the last survey two years ago.

Online review sites are a powerful tool for hotels and restaurants with a majority of those surveyed by the BHA (71%) saying that these platforms were useful for their business, with one respondent even going so far as to say, “it’s the only advertising worth having”. But this number had declined from 2015, by 9%, which may be related to the issues hospitality businesses are facing from fake negative and malicious reviews. Other findings included that: • Online platforms were not perceived as helpful by businesses dealing with fake negative reviews, with more than 60% of respondents saying they were ‘not helpful’ or ‘not very helpful’. • Half of businesses said that the threat of a bad online review had been used to blackmail them into giving a refund to the customer. When asked if review sites were helpful in dealing with these blackmail attempts, more than 60% respondents said that each of the most popular platforms used by customers were not helpful • More than 65% of respondents to the survey said that transparency was a problem with website rankings based not on reviews but on complicated algorithms that the consumer is unaware of. Digital Comparison Tools (DCTs) such as review sites have been the subject of a recent study by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). The CMA found that DCTs depend on consumer trust to provide a ‘relevant and accurate’ service. The CMA gives guidance on how to treat consumers fairly called CARE, which means DCTs should be ‘clear’, ‘accurate’, ‘responsible’ and ‘easy to use’. The CMA has previously said it will continue to ensure that consumer law can be readily understood and applied by those providing DCTs and that it will take enforcement action when necessary. Ufi Ibrahim, Chief Executive of the British Hospitality Association, said: “Online reviews sites are hugely important for the reputations of hospitality busi-

nesses and allow consumers to make informed decisions. However, the relentless and largely unregulated growth of the digital intermediaries means that hospitality businesses in the real world – who often pay large commissions to these sites on bookings – are at the mercy of these firms. More must be done to tackle fake and malicious reviews and provide greater transparency provided in the ratings systems.” In a further blow to the credibility of online reviews, a journalist earlier this month managed to fool TripAdvisor’s ranking system into placing his garden shed as the topranked restaurant in London. Oobah Butler used a combination of creative photography and digital ability to hoodwink the review site’s algorithm into thinking his conception was the real deal. However, crucially, Butler was also able to call on a network of friends to post fake reviews and drive up the credibility of his false eatery. His inspiration was drawn from the revelation that he had learned to “game” TripAdvisor from a previous job, writing fake reviews for the site for £10 a turn. A TripAdvisor spokesperson was quick to quell the veracity of Butler’s project, telling a daily broadsheet: "Generally, the only people who create fake restaurant listings are journalists in misguided attempts to test us. As there is no incentive for anyone in the real world to create a fake restaurant it is not a problem we experience with our regular community – therefore this ‘test’ is not a real-world example." The spokesperson also stated TripAdvisor was working hard to combat fraudulent reviews; however, the event raises concerns generally for online review sites. In 2015 hospitality industry operators suggested a way to reduce the number of fake posts on trip advisor and help maintain trust in the sites vast database of opinionated content. The idea is to make reviewers send the TripAdvisor team an image of a receipt to prove they visited the establishment, the suggestion is backed up by a Twitter hashtag #NoReceiptNoReview. A British food inspector who launched the campaign said at the time that he did so because “operators of good restaurants, pubs and other eateries – despite never having chosen to engage with TripAdvisor – see damage to their businesses by reviewers who have not visited them, or post exaggerated details of a visit.” The inspector, who declined to give his name because of the nature of his job, insisted that the review site “must decide on a way to repair and maintain trust, and the receipt idea, while not perfect, is a step in the right direction.” Responding to the idea of including receipts with reviews, TripAdvisor said it was problematic, saying, “If four friends go out to dinner there will be four different opinions, but only the one person with the receipt would be able to leave a review.”


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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Editor's Viewpoint

December 2017

Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year to you all and welcome to the December issue of CLH News. We all here at CLH News hope you are enjoying a very busy period! We very much hope you are found CLH News of interest and more importantly of use during 2017. We do endeavour to keep you updated industry news and views, professional comment and more importantly products and services that will help you run more efficiently and profEDITOR itably. While the industry is according to reports quite buoyant, the independent sector of the hospitality industry has been under pressure from the growth of the multi-chain businesses for several years now. One of the areas the multi-outlet chains excel at is marketing. Chain companies in hospitality have dedicated marketing teams, whereas stand-alone “hands-on” operators don’t, and this has in my opinion given the corporate’s a competitive advantage. I worked for several chain outlets who had dedicated marketing teams, but when I had my own wine bar restaurant here in Bournemouth I found myself doing many things, and most of them not as well as they should have been done. Marketing in particular! We very much hope in the coming months to address that and to bring the advice and guidance of marketing and advertising experts to you, will give you the benefit of their expertise, best practice on how build your brand, attract new customers, and maintain customer loyalty! Probably a good time to recap on 2017, which has been an eventful year! The story which has dominated the news generally is of course Brexit, the consequences of which are having an enormous effect on hospitality presently and no doubt in the future. As with any news story, the positives and negatives will depend on which side of the debate you are on, however from my experience of reporting on our decision to leave the EU and the hospitality industry generally, the effects have to date been positive. An article in this issue reveals that less than 1% of hotels are now deemed to be at significant risk of going insolvent as the weakened pound as a result of Brexit, which has helped attract high volumes of tourists to the UK. According to accounts firm Moore Stephens, Data from the Insolvency Service revealed that there has been an 18% fall in the number of hotel insolvencies in the last year. Moore Stephens says that the influx of tourists taking advantage of a weaker Sterling is a major driver in the reduction of financial stress in the sector. What’s more, a weaker pound, has also boosted our old friend “Staycation”, with British families to finally getting to appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of their own country! The major downside of Brexit for the hospitality industry appears to be recruitment, a KPMG report commissioned by the BHA earlier this year revealed that the hospitality industry could face shortfalls of up to 60,000 workers each year. Threequarters of waitstaff, a quarter of chefs and 37 percent of housekeeping staff working in Britain are from elsewhere in the EU, according to the report, which also said that if EU migration fell to zero from 2019, the labour shortfall 10 years after Brexit would be one million. BHA chief executive Ufi Ibrahim said at the time: “It is clear from the KPMG report that hospitality and tourism face major problems in recruitment if there is any major cut in the number of workers allowed to enter from the EU. We want to avoid there being any cliff edge, but the government must be aware that in the medium to long term we will still need considerable numbers of EU workers, who have contributed so much to our industry and the UK economy in general. CLH News Will in 2018 be unveiling a dedicated recruitment section to its website, aimed at helping the independent sector of the hospitality industry recruit the right staff, so check out our website for further details! Once again we all here at CLH News take this opportunity to wish you a very happy and successful Christmas and our sincere best wishes for a prosperous 2018. We would also take this opportunity to ask you, our readers, in these extremely competitive times that when responding to our advertisers please please, please, kindly mention that you saw the product or service in CLH News, even if you are buying online! Please mention us to our advertisers!

Peter Adams

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PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG


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EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Shelly Roche Published by

Overseas visitors spent £2.8 billion in August, up 3% on the same month last year. It was a record August for inbound visits to the UK, with 3.9 million visits, up 5% on the same month in 2016. There was particularly strong growth in August in visits from EU countries, the UK’s largest visit-generating region, with 2.4 million visits, up 6%. The figures, from the Office for National Statistics, bring the total number of overseas visits to the UK from January to August to 27.1 million, up 8% on 2016. Spending by visitors during this period reached a record £16.4 billion, up 10% on last year. Tourism Minister John Glen said: “Tourism is an economic force that creates jobs and drives growth up and down the country. These record-breaking figures for August reaffirm the UK’s position as a global goto destination and show the continued strength of the sector." VisitBritain Director Patricia Yates said: “Tourism is one of Britain’s most valuable export industries and it is encouraging that this strong growth has continued during the summer. “With Britain continuing to offer good value and with great deals in market, we are confident of a strong festive season and beyond as we showcase why our nations and regions

should top people’s list as the must-go-now destination.” The latest market specific figures, for the first six months of 2017, showed strong growth from China, the world’s most valuable outbound market. Between January and June 2017 there were 115,000 inbound visits from China to the UK, up 47% on last year. Visitors from China spent a record £231 million during this period, up 54%. VisitBritain hosted its annual travel trade event to China last month to showcase why Britain is a must-go-now destination. More than 60 travel trade and industry suppliers from across the UK including hotels and retailers, visitor attractions, tour operators and local destinations were on show, with 75 buyers from 13 cities across China, promoting the latest tourism products and services. The current statistics follow the publication in Novemberof the 2017 Anholt-GfK Nation Brands Index (NBI) which saw the UK ranked 3rd overall for tourism globally, equalling its highest rank ever and up two places from last year. The ranking considered attributes including historic buildings and monuments, having a vibrant city life and natural beauty. When considering its overall brand, the UK maintained a rank of third out of 50 nations in this year’s NBI, a position it has held since 2011. VisitBritain forecasts that inbound visits to the UK will reach 39.7 million by the end of this year, with overseas visitors spending £25.7 billion. Tourism is worth £127 billion annually to the UK economy, creating jobs and boosting economic growth across its nations and regions.

Hospitality Industry Among The “Most Prolific” For Short Changing Employees HOSPITALITY BUSINESSES have been named & shamed among 260 employers by Government for not paying staff the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage. The sector was described as one of the “most prolific” in underpaying employees, along with retail and hairdressing.The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) named 260 employers for failing to pay 16,000 workers at least minimum wage rates. Government investigators identified £1.7 million in back pay for some of the UK’s lowest paid workers and fined employers £1.3 million for underpayment. Common reasons for errors made include: failing to pay workers travelling between jobs, deducting money from pay for uniforms and not paying for overtime. Business Minister Margot James said:”There is no excuse for not paying staff the wages they’re entitled to and the government will come down hard on businesses that break the rules. “That’s why today we are naming hundreds of employers who have been short changing their workers; and to ensure there are consequences for their wallets as well as their

reputation, we’ve levied millions in back pay and fines.” Bryan Sanderson, Chairman of the Low Pay Commission, said: “The Low Pay Commission’s conversations with employers suggest that the risk of being named is encouraging businesses to focus on compliance. Further, it is good to see that HMRC continues to target large employers who have underpaid a large number of workers, as well as cases involving only a few workers, where workers are at risk of the most serious exploitation. It is imperative that the government keeps up the pressure on all employers who commit breaches of minimum wage law.” If workers are concerned they are not being paid the correct rates then they can seek advice from workplace experts Acas. Since 2013, the scheme has identified £8 million in back pay for 58,000 workers, with 1,500 employers fined a total of £5 million. This year the government will spend a record £25.3 million on minimum wage enforcement. Rates will rise again in April 2018, giving young workers in particular the biggest pay boost in a decade.

EI Group in Free 45,000 Pint January “Giveaway” EI Publican Partnerships, the leased and tenanted pub business and part of EI Group, is partnering with a range of brewers to help its publicans increase sales and footfall by offering 45,000 free pints during January. Recent research found that 18.2 million rated their local pub as a ‘great place to socialise and meet people’. The initiative, which takes place during an historically challenging month for the pub sector, coincides with the popular ‘Try January’ campaign which rewards existing and new customers as well as offering an incentive to try a new pub or experience with friends. During the nationwide promotion, customers will be able to track the pubs taking part in the offer and redeem their free drink via a web-based app. The offer, in partnership with leading brewers Molson Coors, Heineken and Meantime Brewery, as well as Diageo, will be available at over 1,500

pubs across the Ei Publican Partnerships estate, demonstrating the company’s ongoing commitment to supporting publicans with bespoke offers and initiatives that help to grow their businesses The first 45,000 consumers will have access to an e-voucher to claim their free pint, Brewers Molson Coors, Heineken and Meantime Brewery, as well as Diageo, are partnering the initiative. Steve de Polo, retail concept director at Ei Group, said: “January is generally the quietest time of the year for pubs – we want to motivate consumers to get out the house and battle the winter blues with their friends and family, by heading down the pub for a beer on us. “We are determined to work in a collaborative partnership with our publicans and key suppliers, by utilising our assets to help them increase sales. “We know from our previous campaigns that we can attract a captive audience by reaching out to consumers directly via the app and other digital and affiliate channels.”

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FIGURES BY VisitBritain show that August was the highest month ever for overseas visitor spending in the UK.

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier




August Highest Month Ever For Overseas Visitor Spending in the UK

December 2017

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2017

Hotelympia Partners with British Hospitality Don’t Check Out On Fraud Association To Support Cut Tourism VAT Campaign Prevention This Holiday Season By Kevin Pollack, Shred-it Senior Vice President THE MONTH of December is one of the busiest times of year for the hospitality industry, with people traveling near and far to share the holidays with loved ones - or to take much-needed vacations. Which means this is also the time of year when hospitality business leaders should be thinking most critically about their fraud prevention processes. The fact is, companies across industries lose an estimated 5 percent of their revenue annually due to fraud. Additionally, Shred-it reports that 49 percent of occupational fraud victims never recover their losses. This is especially troubling for the hospitality industry, which accounts for 14 percent of global breaches - second only to retail. Information thieves specifically target hotels because of all the confidential and personal data these organizations handle, including names, addresses, credit card and passport information, personal preferences and medical data. When it comes to strengthening your fraud prevention strategies this holiday season, there are three key areas hospitality leaders should focus on: their guests’ privacy, employee training and their own business reputation. Here are some actionable steps to help hospitality leaders reinforce their policies to fight fraud. TRIM THE TREE, CUT THE CLUTTER Hospitality businesses hold a vast trove of confidential information from guests used for booking rooms and/or making payments at hotel shops and restaurants - all of which are available for thieves to conduct identity theft and account fraud. Hard drive destruction and on-demand paper shredding must be an essential part of any businesses’ fraud prevention strategy - whether you are an independent hotel or a bed & breakfast - in order to keep guest files up to date and their information secure. One additional component that is particularly critical for hospitality small business owners (SBOs) is media destruction, which allows for the secure disposal of digital information found on anything from USB keys to old room access cards. For example, guests can fall victim to identity theft and physical theft (i.e. stolen purses and credit cards) that were taken from their locked hotel rooms. Destroying old key cards would be one way to prevent thieves from gaining access to guest rooms.

Finally, establishing a document management process so that confidential information is protected throughout its lifetime - like guest files containing billing information - as well as utilizing a retention policy so data is securely destroyed when no longer needed, is even more important for SME’s, who may not have the capacity or budget for the same protective services as larger hotels (like surveillance cameras or security guards). KNOWLEDGE IS PREVENTION The importance of employee training cannot be overstated. Up to 25 percent of information breaches are caused by accidental employee error or negligence - and that does not include malicious threats or activity from insiders. In fact, further research shows that “insider and privilege misuse” is one of the top three security threats in the hospitality sector. Hospitality leaders must create a culture of security and trust among their staff. Start with implementing “Clean Desk” policies so that guest paperwork and information is never left exposed or unattended. In this increasingly digital industry, the same policy applies when it comes to keeping computer screens clear and isolating POS systems from other networks, which will help to mitigate risk and protect guest credit card information. Additionally, a “Shred-it All” policy - or secure information destruction process - will prompt employees to destroy all documents (digital and paper) when they are no longer needed. Training your staff to identify and report suspicious behavior is paramount to protecting your guests and business from fraud. Establish an anonymous tips line through which employees can notify management of fraudulent and suspicious behavior. This will help to ensure that employees feel comfortable coming forward with information, without consequence. MAINTAIN ACCOUNTABILITY Human error is inevitable and theft is sometimes unavoidable, even when every precaution is taken. In the event of a physical or digital theft, it is hospitality leaders’ primary responsibility to notify guests and staff, and to take accountability for the breach. Hospitality leaders not only need to know where to turn, but must also leverage the resources available to them. The PCI Security Standards Council, for instance, fights hotel credit card fraud by maintaining global payment card industry standards, which is why hospitality businesses of all sizes must be sure their establishment commits to PCI compliance. Finally, transparency and (several) sincere apologies go a long way in maintaining your business reputation and ensuring that your customers will return time and time again.

THE REVITALISED Hotelympia is partnering with the British Hospitality Association (BHA) to lend support to its Cut Tourism VAT campaign – a drive to bring UK Tourism VAT into line with competitor destinations within the European Union.

From today, visitors pre-registering for the show (March 5-8, ExCeL London) will be given the chance to opt in and have their say in supporting the campaign. The BHA argues that any reduced rate will stimulate investment, create employment and boost growth within the UK hospitality sector. Additional research by Deloitte/Tourism Respect found that a reduction would contribute an extra £4.6 billion to HM Treasury over ten years and create 121,000 jobs. Visitors are urged to preregister and show their support for the campaign today at: The BHA is joined by Bourne Leisure Group, Merlin Entertainments Group and the British Association of Leisure Parks, Piers and Attractions in championing the Cut Tourism VAT campaign. With the Chancellor announcing a review of UK Tourism VAT in the latest autumn budget, the group sees 2018 as a crucial moment for the industry, and Hotelympia as a central platform for promoting the cause. Government Affairs Director for the British Hospitality Association, Vernon Hunte, comments: “Cut Tourism VAT is pleased to partner with Hotelympia and we look forward to speaking to delegates about how they can support the campaign. UK hospitality businesses compete on an unfair play-

ing field with a Tourism VAT rate twice that of our European neighbours. 2018 is going to be crucial year in pressing home the case for a reduction.” Hotelympia Portfolio Director, Ross Carter, adds: “At a time of great uncertainty, British hospitality businesses need support from Government in creating an environment where they can thrive and prosper. With an independent treasury adviser attesting that such a reduction represents ‘one of the most efficient, if not the most efficient, means of generating GDP gains at low cost to the Exchequer’ Hotelympia 2018 supports this initiative wholeheartedly. As the UK’s leading hospitality event we are proud to bring it to the attention of some 25,000 visitors and look forward to hearing more about the progress of the campaign at the show itself.” Registration is now open for Hotelympia, as the UK’s leading hospitality event introduces four exciting and contemporary shows, united under one roof, as part of a fresh new identity. The Professional Kitchen Show, The Foodservice Show incorporating Café Commerce, Hospitality Tech Show and Interiors and Tableware Show, will be specialist events in themselves, each benefitting from Hotelympia’s heritage – the market leading hospitality and foodservice event. For further information and to preregister your attendance, please visit: and follow us on Twitter for everything Hotelympia

Businesses Urged To Be Honest With Food Provenance BUSINESSES ARE being urged to be honest regarding the provenance of food on their menus after a pub/restaurant was found for falsely describing the origin of the food it offered. A partner in the pub was was early this month ordered to pay £7,430 in costs and fines by Llandrindod Wells Magistrates Court, after pleading guilty to falsely describing the food it offered on its menus, its website and on social media following a prosecution led by Powys County Council’s Trading Standards Service. The court heard that trading standards had acted on a complaint it received from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) in April 2016 about concerns they had with menus displays by Foyles, particularly the descriptions ‘Wye Salmon’ and ‘Wye Trout’. NWR passed their concerns to trading standards for investigation. Following was 18-month investigation into the business it came to light that other false descriptions used by

the business on their menus, websites and social media. Numerous partners and chefs/managers had to be interviewed by trading standards as part of the investigation, the court heard. Cllr Jonathan Wilkinson, Cabinet Member for Trading Standards, said: “We must protect the public from false descriptions and support businesses that comply. Our trading standards team will act on intelligence to investigate businesses and, when in the public interest, pursue matters at court. “The provenance of the food we eat is increasingly important to consumers; it’s vital that if food is described as being locally sourced, consumers can purchase this with complete confidence.” Clive Jones, the council’s professional lead for trading standards, community safety and emergency planning, added: “Businesses have to get their descriptions correct and must not mislead consumers by false descriptions, otherwise they could end up being in breach of important fair trading and food safety regulations.”

Brexit Bails Out UK Hotel Sector – Less Than 1% Of UK Hotels At Risk Of Insolvency LESS THAN 1% of hotels are now deemed to be at significant risk of going insolvent* as the weakened pound as a result of Brexit has helped attract high volumes of tourists to the UK, says Moore Stephens, the Top Ten accountancy firm. Data from the Insolvency Service shows that there has been an 18% fall in the number of hotel insolvencies in the last year – to 80 down from 98**. Moore Stephens says that the influx of tourists taking advantage of a weaker Sterling is a major driver in the reduction of financial stress in the sector. According to the ONS, international visitor numbers to the UK rose by 9% in the first six months of this year – to 2.5 million people. Moore Stephens adds that more British people are also choosing to go on ‘staycations’ – or remain in the UK for their holidays – as a cheaper alternative to going abroad. Moore Stephens explains that whilst Brexit may have had a negative effect on some UK businesses, those in the hotel sector have clearly benefitted from the effects of the vote to leave the EU. Moore Stephens, however, warns that hotel businesses continue to face a number of challenges – and should not become too complacent despite the current upturn in trading. They say that issues affecting the sector include: • Staff shortages already being experienced as a result of the

December 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Brexit vote; • The increase in minimum wage; • The introduction of the apprenticeship levy; • The growing threat of Airbnb. Hotels will wait with interest to see the outcome of the Competition and Markets Authority’s investigation into hotel booking websites, announced in October. Vincent Wood, Partner and Head of Hotels at Moore Stephens, says: “Brexit hasn’t come without its challenges for the hotel sector, however.” “They are, for example, the impact of staff shortages as the flow of European nationals – who make up a large proportion of their staff – into the UK reduces.” “The potential drying of this vital reservoir of staff is a problem hotels have faced for many years and it will be a real challenge for them in the coming period.” Jeremy Willmont, Partner and Head of Restructuring & Insolvency at Moore Stephens, says: “Hotel businesses have been dealt a great hand with Brexit.” “The weaker pound has had the dual effect of attracting more overseas visitors to the UK – as well as encouraging UK nationals to holiday at home, rather than going abroad.” “The key for hotel businesses is to not take the current upturn for granted and ensure that costs do not get out of hand.” * Data from Moore Stephens’ Moore Data Service ** Data from Insolvency Service year-end 31 March 2017

Takeaway Owners Charged with Manslaughter Following Teen’s Death THE OWNERS of an Indian restaurant/takeaway have been charged with manslaughter after a 15-year-old girl died following an allergic reaction to food thought to be bought from the restaurant. Megan Lee consumed a takeaway meal from Royal Spice in 2016 and fell ill soon after, was admitted to hospital, and died two days later on New Year’s Day. Mohammed Abdul Kuddus, 39, and Harun Rashid, 38, have been charged with manslaughter, and each face a charge of failure to discharge general health/safety duty to a person other than an employee and one count of contravening or failing to comply with EU provision concerning food safety and hygiene. Following the tragic death, the Royal Spice was temporarily closed by Hyndburn Council but is now trading under new ownership. Mike Williams, Director of UK food safety consultancy STS, said: “We are fast approaching the 3 year anniversary of the introduction of the Food Information Regulations which require all food businesses to provide clear and accurate information to their customers regarding the allergenic ingredients in their foods, and to take steps to ensure that there is no accidental contamination of foods with unwant-

ed allergenic ingredients. At the time of the introduction of the new rules, many businesses took significant steps to change procedures and policies and make sure their staff were appropriately trained. The case resulting in the death of Megan Lee is a terrible reminder of what can happen where due care and attention is not paid. “The restaurant owner and his partner have been charged with two offences – one under health and safety legislation and the other under the Food Information Regulations. “Food business owners across the country must pay attention to how allergens are stored, handled and prepared. Furthermore, making sure that information provided to consumers is accurate and up to date is essential. Remember that food manufacturers, especially in this phase of shrinkflation, may change the ingredients in their products and allergens may now be included in foods where they were not previously present. Therefore regular verification of allergen information on menus is a must. “Many businesses are in a good place with regards to their allergen control but it is clear that others are letting this fall off their radar. Ensuring that lessons are learned from the tragic case of Megan Lee is essential and food business owners must treat allergen control as a priority and not an annoyance.”


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The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2017

Discrimination Claim? Here’s What You Need To Know The Magnificent Seven - New Members Elected to CESA Council By Mike Hibbs, head of employment at law firm, Shakespeare Martineau AT THE CESA AGM, held during the THE IDEA of discrimination claims immediately conjures up an image of the corporate world, with employees filing complaints against large organisations. It is relatively rare to hear of cases in the hospitality and leisure industry being brought against individual members of staff. Despite this, Bristol landlady Wendy Buck recently hit the headlines after being ordered to pay £1,500 compensation to Michael McDonagh, a Traveller, who she was caught on video refusing to serve. This news has shown that discrimination claims can happen in all sectors, and businesses must prepare accordingly. Particularly in the hospitality and leisure sector, the sometimes boisterous atmosphere and colourful language used in pubs and bars can act as a catalyst for situations which may result in discrimination claims being filed against an employer or employee. It is important to note that there is more than one type of discrimination claim, depending on how the individual has been treated. Direct discrimination, as in the case of Mrs Buck and Mr McDonagh, is where a person has been treated in a particular fashion by someone because of their age, race, gender or sexual orientation; or indirect discrimination, where a policy, practice or procedure which applies to all employees has an adverse effect on an individual or group because of their protected characteristic, such as race, sex or age. In addition, there are also harassment claims, where people feel targeted by an offensive environment; or victimisation, where somebody has given evidence in another case or raised a grievance and has subsequently been discriminated against. Despite the number of different types of discrimination claims and the various settings and situations through which they may arise, there are always appropriate ways to act and tools that employers and employees can utilise, even if they do not necessarily have the back up of an in-house legal team. In the case of Mrs Buck and Mr McDonagh, a simple procedure towards managing challenging customer behaviour would have been helpful. It is mentioned that the customer asked Mrs Buck 18 times if the reason he was refused service was because he was a traveller; she admits on the final time that his being a ‘Traveller’ is the reason. Persistence is key here and if she had continued to remain polite, without discussing the personal circumstances

around her decision to refuse service, the likelihood of a discrimination claim would have been drastically reduced. In a case such as this, compensation would have been awarded as a result of ‘injury to feelings’ and there is a sliding scale up to £42,000 regarding how much is to be paid. £800 is at the lower end of the scale, however if there had been violence involved, this sum could have been much greater. Whilst a court order to pay compensation of any amount is unlikely ever to be welcome news, for employees in the hospitality and leisure sector, the effects can be more than financial. There is always the potential for loss of job and with it comes the additional stress of having to find another position, being out of work and potentially losing other benefits, such as pension entitlements. There is also possible reputational damage to the venue involved. So, what can businesses do to protect themselves from discrimination claims? The Advisory, Conciliation and Advisory Service (ACAS) offers a number of accessible courses for both employers and employees on a range of topics including bullying and harassment, disputes and mediation, and equality and diversity, which can prove extremely useful in the workplace. Additionally, being able to prove that staff members have attended such courses can serve as part of a potential defence in the event of any claims being made. General rules around workplace communication can be useful and all employees must be exceptionally careful with sentiments and views expressed in written material which could be used against them. The same approach applies with social media, where criticising customers or responding inappropriately could potentially land employees in hot water. All employers should ideally have company policies in place relating to written and online communication, as well as social media, which are agreed with all employees at the start of their employment. These stipulate what can and cannot be done and the steps to take if employees are being pressured into engaging with customers online. In any case, claims do happen and generally, acting as quickly as possible is advisable. Employers should respond to the people making the allegations swiftly, exploring whether the dispute can be settled out of court, before matters escalate. In the event that a claim does end up in court, the ability to provide suitable evidence is invaluable. Preserving text messages, emails and written communications can form part of a strong defence. Even CCTV footage can be used in court and installing cameras around premises could be a wise move for businesses, as long as appropriate signage is shown around the premises. The case of Mrs Buck and Mr McDonagh should serve as a reminder for all businesses, particularly those in the hospitality and leisure sector; a claim can arise at any point and having policies and procedures in place should the worst happen would be a wise move.

Conference, new members were elected to the Council. CESA is the voice of the catering equipment industry and the Council plays an active role in shaping legislation and implementing initiatives within the industry. “We welcome these new members and look forward to their input on future CESA projects,” says Glenn Roberts, chair of CESA. “We had a lot of interest in the Council this year and some very worthy applications. I’d like to congratulate all those who were successful in getting elected, offer commiserations to those who didn’t make the Council this time and urge them to try again next year. We will be encouraging all those who stood to get engaged in CESA work, as their skills and experience

Get Yourself an Advantage! THERE’S A growing trend for reducing meat consumption and increasingly customers are seeking out vegetarian and vegan options. Restaurants and enterprises across the UK are starting to respond to this demand, looking to increase profit margins by offering more inclusive menus. One large UK-based Italian chain reported a 150% rise in sales of vegan dishes since modifying their menu in 2017. In addition provision of vegetarian and vegan options will often be the deciding factor on where groups of people eat, and good vegetarian and vegan provision will immediately deliver an advantage over your competitors. The Vegetarian Society Cookery School Professional Chefs’ Diploma is a blend of expert

are key to the development of the association.” Three of the seven are re-elected members. They are: Stephen Goodliff, Managing Director, Contacto; David Parsons, Financial Director, Classeq; and Stephen Hobbs, Managing Director, Grande Cuisine. The four new members are: Simon Lohse, Managing Director, Rational UK Ltd; Paul Anderson, Managing Director, Meiko UK Ltd; Lawrence Hughes, Sales and Marketing Director, Falcon Foodservice Equipment; and Iain Munro, Managing Director, Hobart UK Ltd. The Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA) is the authoritative voice of the catering equipment industry, representing over 190 companies who supply, service and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment - from utensils to full kitchen schemes. For more information on CESA visit tutoring, knowledge and solution-led focus on helping you to create innovative offerings with minimal investment – making us the perfect choice to maximise your potential and meet the increasing demand for great vegetarian and vegan food across all sectors of the catering industry. How the Diploma works The intensive Professional Chefs’ Diploma programme aims to train participants in all aspect of vegetarian catering over five days. It starts off with practical workshops aiming to give attendees a foundation base in vegetarian cuisine, techniques and food flavouring. Although the course is mainly practical, it also includes a mixture of tutor talks. A practical exam is held on the final day of the course before students are presented with their Vegetarian Society Cookery School Professional Chefs’ Diploma. Courses run throughout the year. For dates, cost and more info visit or call 0161 925 2000. See advert page 13.

Is Your Business HACCP Compliant?

GOOD FOOD hygiene is as important now as ever, especially in an ever increasing litigious society. The consequences of non-hygienic food practises can be devastating, both financially and for public relations. To help businesses meet HACCP and the strict hygiene standards demanded today, Hillbrush, who specialise in manufacturing hygienic cleaning tools for the hotel, restaurant and catering industry, have produced a range of cleaning products that are manufactured using quality materials in a way that will meet anyone’s budget. Their new Foodservice range offers the following key features and benefits:

• Colour coded to support workplace segregation and reduce the risk of cross contamination • Available in 5 colours • Lightweight yet durable construction • Made using FDA/EU food contact approved materials •Specifically designed to meet the needs of hotel, restaurant and catering establishments • Own branding available, subject to minimum order stipulations • Affordable, Brandable, Compliant. For more information: Visit our website at, call us on +44 (0)17 4786 0494 or email us at or see the advert on page 14.

“Delivery” Drives Growth in Foodservice Industry Over Next Two Years GLOBAL INFORMATION company The NPD Group says the British foodservice industry should grow by an additional 83 million visits in 2018 (up +0.7% on 2017), despite stagnant wage growth and high inflation. In 2019, visits in the eat-out or out-of-home (OOH) market could grow by a further 93 million (up +0.8% on 2018). Delivery services will continue to expand rapidly and are projected to grow an additional 101m visits by 2019 (+16% on 2017). In addition, the thriving dayparts of breakfast and lunch, alongside the popularity of burgers and the continuing casual dining boom, will help drive the increases. Delivery has risen quickly to become a significant catalyst in the British foodservice industry. Its rapid rate of expansion looks set to continue as the likes of Just Eat, UberEATS and Deliveroo expand their reach across the country. This will encourage more foodservice operators to adopt delivery as a route to market, and NPD is predicting an additional spend of £656m (+17%) by consumers on delivery occasions by 2019. Much of the growth in visits will come from specific dayparts. Breakfast currently represents more than one in eight of the 11.36 billion OOH visits expected by the end of 2017. NPD is forecasting breakfast visits will grow by +5.7% in 2018 and +4.8% in 2019. Meanwhile, lunch will remain the largest daypart and is forecast to grow steadily, by +2.2% and +1.9% respectively in the same two years. In terms of the average bill, dinner is the most expensive daypart but pressure on consumer spending will drive a continuing decline in dinner visits during 2018 and 2019. By the end of 2019, there could be 5% fewer dinner visits compared to 2016, a decline of over 134 million. However, the rapid rise of delivery, providing a more affordable way of ordering from restaurants in a manner that resembles eating out, will provide some relief. Without delivery’s success, dinner visits would register a much sharper decline.

December 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


The NPD Group’s forecasts assume a ‘soft Brexit’ scenario. However, a ‘hard Brexit’ scenario would see lower visits growth at +0.5% for both 2018 and 2019. The difference between ‘soft Brexit’ growth (+1.5% over both years) and ‘hard’ Brexit’ growth (+1.0% over both years) is the equivalent of 60 million visits, or £497 million. Boost from burgers and casual dining brands The popularity of burgers and the continuing appeal of Britain’s casual dining brands will also spur growth in Britain’s foodservice industry. Burgers are likely to retain their popularity and enjoy a boost from the delivery boom. The NPD Group expects burgers to lead growth in both visits and consumer spend. Outlets serving quick-service burgers will see visits grow by +5.1% in 2018 and +4.5% in 2019. Casual dining chains are forecast to increase visits by +2.8% in 2018 and +2.7% in 2019. Full-service restaurants serving chicken will benefit from its ongoing popularity and from brand loyalty among millennials and other consumers: such restaurants could grow visits by +4.2% in 2018 and +4.0% in 2019. Snacking visits are also forecast to decline, as more consumers forego this discretionary eating-out occasion. Cutting back on snacks is an established consumer tactic for spending less on eating out, and in 2018 snacking visits could decline -1.2%, followed by a further decline of -1.1% in 2019. Cyril Lavenant, Foodservice Director UK at the NPD Group, said: “Delivery shows no signs of running out of steam over the next two years and will help to bring home the bacon in Britain’s £55 billion foodservice industry. Burgers, casual dining, breakfast and lunch are also thriving and should help operators shrug off fragile consumer confidence, as well as inflation and stagnant wages, to achieve growth. We are especially bullish about burger chains and casual dining as these restaurants are meeting the consumer’s appetite for a contemporary experience that also offers a family-oriented treat. Regardless of a soft Brexit or a hard Brexit, any foodservice operator that invests for the future, and gives consumers the value, product quality and service quality they want, can look forward to growing their business in 2018 and 2019.”

British Consumers Are Opting for A Night Out More and Spend More In The Process

THAT’S ACCORDING to new figures from the fifth Deltic Night Index, organised by bar and night club operator the Deltic Group, which gives giving a useful insight into how UK consumers’ habits are developing. Average spend is up both quarter on quarter and year on year 9.5% to £61.58, and within this, there has been a 11.1% increase in drinks-in-venue spend. Countering this is the fact that consumers are going out less on average, illustrating the trend towards premiumisation and wellbeing, as illustrated in previous reports. Halloween’s popularity continues in earnest, with the number of those who plan to celebrate the holiday rising

8.5% on last year. Philip Kolvin QC, Licensing Lawyer and Author of ‘Manifesto for the night time economy’ said “The striking growth in spend and frequency may reflect two trends. The first is the increasing tendency for consumers to buy experiences rather than things. The second is their quest for difference, whether premium products or imaginative settings, making their night out stand out.” “This bodes well for those operators who aspire to meet the needs of a more discerning clientele by providing top end service, ambience and products at affordable prices. Conversely, in this rapidly developing market, those relying on tired, familiar models will find themselves squeezed.”


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Spending Growth Falls but Pubs and Restaurants Riding The Storm DATA FROM Barclaycard, which sees nearly half of the nation’s credit and debit card transactions, reveals that consumers continued to manage their spending cautiously following months of rising prices and stagnant wage growth, however spending in pubs and restaurants or riding the storm. Tough times endured on the high street with in-store spending at -0.1 per cent, the seventh straight month in negative territory. Although online spending posted a doubledigit increase of 10.8 per cent, this is down from an August high of 15.7 per cent, with November marking the third successive month in which growth in online spend has slowed. Essential spending growth of 3 per cent was broadly in line with October’s figure (2.9 per cent). Growth in nonessentials, however, rebounded as consumers tweaked their allocation of spending on the ‘nice-to-haves’, rising 2.8 per cent from 2.2 per cent. Brits opted to spend on leisure time with friends and family as the nights drew in, helping pubs (11 per cent) and restaurants (12.1 per cent) return to levels seen earlier this year, after a brief slowdown in the three

months to October. This pushed up entertainment spending to 9.5 per cent, its best performance since July. November’s muted spending figures reflect the cautious mood of the nation. Only 30 per cent of consumers feel confident in the UK economy, down from 37 per cent at the end of September. A gap of 30 percentage points now exists between those who are confident and those who are not – the second widest since Barclaycard began tracking consumer confidence in 2014. Paul Lockstone, Managing Director at Barclaycard, said: “Consumer sentiment has deteriorated over the last couple of months after a prolonged period of falling purchasing power. Against this backdrop, it’s not surprising that consumers continue to spend conservatively, leading to a second successive month of contraction in real terms. “While entertainment spend brought some welcome relief, growth on essentials outstripped expenditure on nice-to-haves for the third month in a row, indicating that shoppers are prioritising carefully. Nevertheless, the search for value continues with Brits seeking sales and discounts, making the most of their budget during the festive season – as we saw with a strong performance on Black Friday.”

Bosses Spread Christmas Cheer with Over £100 Million Corporate Card Spend Pubs and restaurants have seen a 40% rise in company card spend in month leading up to Christmas. As bars and restaurants across the UK gear up for the annual Christmas party season, data from Worldpay suggests as much as £100 million could be spent on company cards in the run-up to Christmas, a rise of 40% compared to the average. In London alone, Worldpay expects corporate card expenditure to reach as much as £36 million, with the City of London accounting for £6.4 million, up 45% compared to the average. Employees in the Capital might be the biggest spenders in pure value terms, but Worldpay’s data suggests bosses in Nottingham, where corporate card spend in bars and restaurants rises by as much as 64%, are the most generous when it comes to opening the expense account over Christmas. By contrast, employees in Luton can expect a far more restrained festive period, with corporate card spend on entertainment up by just 23%.

Worldpay estimates that company cards will account for 6% of the total value of transactions processed across the hospitality sector, with total spending on all cards expected to exceed £1.7 billion in the month leading up to the Christmas break. Commenting on the data, James Frost, UK CMO for Worldpay, said: “From the rows of office workers in party hats, to the cordoned off private areas and calls for hush during speeches, walk into any pub or restaurant at this time of year, and it’s easy to see just how valuable the corporate market is to the hospitality sector at Christmas.” “It would be a sad day indeed, were we to lose the tradition of the office Christmas party. Thankfully, our data suggests there is little cause for concern. And while many workers will celebrate with a few drinks on the company card, that’s to say nothing of the many millions more which employees will fund out of their own pockets on team lunches and festive nights out with colleagues.

December 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


A Village Pub Is For Life – Not Just Christmas VILLAGE PUBS need more than traditional festive visits by locals to ensure their survival throughout the year, according to a Cotswolds hospitality specialist. Peter Brunt, hotels director at Colliers International, is urging communities to support their village pubs all year-round, and not just at Christmas or when they are under threat of closing down altogether. “My festive message would be: ‘Pubs are not just for Christmas’ - they want your company all year round!” he said. “This is a subject I am really passionate about. Many people only seem to want to pop in for a sherry at Christmas, and expect their local to be open with a roaring fire a hearty welcome and all the trimmings,” he said. “It will be - if the local people have supported it through the

year. People need to pop in for a pie and a pint on a rainy Tuesday evening to keep our publicans going.” The Cotswolds property veteran was commenting following news that a number of well-known West Country pubs now seem likely to have been saved from closure or the threat of it. The Packhorse near Bath has been brought back into the public realm following a high profile public campaign, while the Full Moon at Rudge has been bought by a local publican as a ‘community asset’. Peter Brunt said: “While it’s great to hear the Packhorse at South Stoke near Bath has been saved thanks to a mammoth effort from locals, fundraisers and supporters, the fact is too many village pubs end up in difficulties because the locals don’t become regulars. “Country pubs are businesses – and if people do not support them they will give up the fight and shut down for good. “Having a quality local pub in the community reportedly boosts property values by around ten per cent – so they are community treasures and worth hanging on to!”

Women Biggest Losers As Pubs Disappear NEW ANALYSIS by specialist hospitality recruiter The Change Group reveals women have been the biggest losers in the decline of public houses. The analysis is based on recently published employment data from the Office of National Statistics as well as historical data that show a steady decline in the number of people working in pubs. Most notably, the number of women license holders has fallen by almost 44% in the past five years, while the number of male licensees has declined by less than 22%. As a result, only one in three publicans is now a woman, whereas five years ago, two out of five publicans were female. Overall, the number of publicans and managers of licensed premises stands at a five year low, down 30% from five years ago and 45% from three years ago. There has also been a decline of 13% in the number of catering and bar managers and an 8% decline in the number of bar staff. New data from Camra shows 29 pubs are being ‘lost’

to conversion or demolition every week so this trend is likely to continue. Commenting on the figures, co founder and director of The Change Group, Craig Allen, said, “The decline in the number of pub jobs is very distressing, especially the fact that women pub owners have been among the biggest losers. Running a pub is as much a lifestyle choice as a job. Pubs have also been an important area of entrepreneurship for women despite the fact that senior pay is lower than in other parts of hospitality. “Successful pubs now need an outstanding food offering to compete and this is tough. They need to hire skilled chefs at a time when talent is scarce and as a result can command higher salaries. Coupled with rising costs as a result of inflation and a weak pound, this creates a very hard proposition, especially for smaller independents. “So while it is great to see such growth in hospitality employment overall, it is a shame that this is happening against a backdrop of rapid decline in British pubs, and in particular among female owners.”

BB Foodservice Gives Santa A Run For His Money With #BBDeliversChristmas BB FOODSERVICE has called on operators to tweet their strange or unusual delivery requests with the hashtag #BBdeliversChristmas to see if the UK’s largest independent wholesaler can come up with the goods. Martin Race, managing director of Bestway Wholesale and its delivered wholesale arm, BB foodservice, said: “For food & drink businesses, it’s the busiest time of the year. And we know they’re working harder than ever. That’s why we want to see if we can put a smile on their faces by delivering their foodie/drinkie Christmas wish. Whether it’s the long-lost chocolate bar of their childhood, or just a well-earned bottle of their favourite drop.” To take part, all operators have to do is

1. Follow @bbfoodservice on Twitter 2. Tweet the item of food or drink they want delivered, making sure to use the @bbfoodservice handle and the hashtag #BBdeliversChristmas Then once a day for 12 days, a winner will be selected at random, and BB foodservice will do its best to make that Christmas wish come true. To find out more about the campaign or to see full Terms & Conditions, please visit BB foodservice is part of Bestway Wholesale, the UK's largest independent wholesaler. With a vast range of branded and non-branded produce, BB foodservice delivers for all sorts of food and drink businesses – from restaurants and hotels to schools and care homes. And thanks to its price hold guarantee, customers can plan seasonal menus and special events with confidence.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2017

Phil Howard - Competitions, Cooking and the Importance of Seasonality! ONE OF THE world’s leading competitions for young chefs, the S.Pellegrino Young Chef, a global competition recognising leading young culinary talent from across the world has recently picked it UK & Ireland winner Killian Crowley, Chef de Partie at 1 Michelin star Aniar in Ireland, famed for its use of local and wild produce. , Killian will now advance to the global finals round to take place in Milan in June 2018. A distinguished jury of chefs, who each hold a Michelin star, including Angela Hartnett of Murano, Phil Howard of Elystan Street, Alyn Williams of The Westbury and Mickael Viljanen of The Greenhouse, Dublin, tasted and evaluated each of the semifinalists’ signature dishes based on their adherence to the competition’s five “Golden Rules”: ingredients, skill, genius, beauty and message. Judge, and celebrated chef Phil Howard found time out of his busy schedule to talk with CLH News editor Peter Adams. Phil, one of Britain’s most admired chefs, is uniquely considered a ‘chef’s chef’ within the industry notching up years of service and influencing the industry immeasurably. Phil took up a career “behind the stove” after discovering a love of cooking while completing a degree in microbiology. After leaving university, he travelled round Australia and found some work in professional kitchens for the first time. Upon his return, he found a role at Roux's contract catering arm where he worked for a year. But it was after a dinner at Marco Pierre White’s legendary restaurant, Harvey’s, that Phil recognised the possibilities of fine dining. He took a role at Harvey's, followed by a stint at Bibendum under Simon Hopkinson. The reputation for his cooking has been forged through the delivery of pleasure through harmony of flavour rather than “technical wizardry” or innovation. He opened The Square with Nigel Platts Martin in 1991 and remained at the helm for 25 years – with his food enjoying huge consumer success and great critical acclaim. He held two Michelin stars for 17 years Upon leaving The Square Phil came to feel that he had unfinished business with food in London and whilst this philosophy will remain very much in place at Elystan Street the content of the cooking will evolve. The desire to cook simpler food prevails and with a greater emphasis on pure, clean and lighter dishes – full of vitality and flavour. His food can be characterised as “modern, progressive French”, with punchy flavours kept in check by a rigorous approach to seasonality and outstanding technique! So, Phil, As one of a truly distinguished panel of judges, and UK & Ireland winner now chosen, tell us more about the competition. What are San Pellegrino looking for in the entrants? Competitions offer those who enjoy entering them a great opportunity to excel and grow, cooking in front of people while being scrutinised to a brief is a particular kind of scenario, and not everyone’s cup of tea, but chefs who embrace that kind of environment and enter competitions have a great opportunity to grow, improve, meet people, be challenged and be inspired, and I’ve always really enjoyed being involved in competitions. The San Pellegrino competition is a truly global competition recognising leading young culinary talent from across the world, taking place over 18 months, which is a wonderful, but challenging competition. I understand that there are mentor’s in this competition, how important are mentors to the young chefs?

It is a competition with a difference, and this competition includes mentoring, which I feel is a very important part, it doesn’t matter whether you are an architect or a car designer or a cook there is something that comes with experience that you don’t have at the beginning of your career, and that applies to young chefs. Generally speaking young cooks are good craftsmen but are still looking for the grounding to ensure menus are conceptually correct and seasonal, to make sure that the quality of the cooking is at the heart of what they do. Young chefs in a competition have to outshine their fellow competitors, if cooking loses focus on what you’re doing as a chef in an attempt to be to “innovative” then you may become a cropper! Given this competition is over 18 months ingredients and seasonality must prove quite a challenge? It’s slightly tricky, your cooking over a long period of time but ultimately you cannot hide from quality ingredients which are key. With the finals taking place over 18 months you are cooking across various seasons, and ultimately what is seasonal in December will not be seasonal when the finals take place in June, and, as I say this is something you cannot hide from, so quality ingredients is key, I think as long as competitors prioritise at each stage of the competition then it is fine. Chefs are going to be compromised at some point since if as a competitor you say I will absolutely produce a dish for the final in June 2018 then it will be very difficult in December 2017 to produce it. While ingredients are available from all over the world young chefs must acknowledge the importance of seasonality. 21 geographical locations, various world cuisines, have you seen an emergence of particular cuisines or ingrediaents which may be the “next big thing”? I think the truth is the world is a smaller place now in many ways, we all have the ability to see so much more and there are more ingredients now in the big hubs of the world, London is the best example, than ever before, you really can can buy anything you want and we have become a much more international world. However, having said that I think in this country the dominant force will still probably be French tastes, or what you now may call “Modern British” which is still ultimately rooted in French techniques . There is so much more emphasis on provenance now using British ingredients and fundamentally French techniques. I have been involved in other competitions where I have seen a real emergence of New World cuisine and Asian influences but I still think most competition chefs tend to be mostly rooted in French techniques. How important do you think fusion is, do you think introducing various cuisines into one dish can sometimes overcomplicate? I’m quite old school, but not old-fashioned! I have very strong beliefs with cooking, and think that there are things that are right and wrong, and there are colours and flavours that work beautifully and aesthetically well together, which brings us back to the point of seasonality, nature tends to produce ingredients in any given area of the world that have a natural affinity with each other, I don’t know why that is the case, but it is. And, it’s something I have always respected, if young chefs cook seasonally and stick within your regional climates you just have within a season a wonderful harmony of flavours. Japan is a great example it has its own flavours its own seasons unlike other parts of the world, and it has its own wonderful repertoire of classical and delicious things, and we need to respect and acknowledge that. It doesn’t mean though that you cannot dip in and out of the cuisines, but you really have to do it with a “deft touch”. I also think that suppliers now are great at communicating through various forms of media products that have enabled local and seasonal foods to become more prominent which is a great thing, I see no need for shunting fruit and vegetables around the world, it’s not sustainable and it’s not necessary! To give an example, for me salmon goes with asparagus, watercress and Jersey Royal potatoes, and doesn’t go with parsnips swede and quince, and that’s not because were stuck in a rut, or not adventurous, it’s just some things work Ingredients are so much better when they're fresh, they're abundant they’re at their best in terms of quality there at the cheapest, for me there is really no argument about not cooking seasonal on any level it is pure ignorance or laziness! For a professional chef it is demanding to stay rigorously seasonal since you’re constantly having to change a menu which is always evolving and always moving forward.

Back to the competition and perhaps in a broader sense, what advice would you have for emerging chefs? I think that would be the same as I have always given, learn your craft! Craft cooking is hugely important, I find this difficult to say since I didn’t do as I suggest, but, I suffered as a consequence and I can only emphasise the point once again, learn your craft before you start to climb the ladder! Having a good grounding and learning your craft makes your career path immeasurably easier. Once you progress and responsibilities take over you find yourself concentrating on many different things and it’s much harder to learn once you’re in management or head chef, so it makes sense in your younger years to concentrate on cooking, moving around trying different things, thinking about what your goals are and ensuring that you are gaining experience and working in places that you know are going to be helpful for you in your career. I would also add always stick with quality, great food is great food whether it is a burger or langoustines with truffle but make sure you are learning in an establishment with an emphasis on quality. You are very well known for working with shellfish/seafood would I be right in saying this is your favourite ingredients? Fish and shellfish are wonderful ingredients to work with, I have cooked dishes almost all over the world and I categorically maintain that we, Great Britain have got the greatest fish and shellfish in the world. Scotland produces scallops, langoustines, lobster, razor clams, clams, mussels, and there is nothing to match them, and even more so are the variety of prime fish species that we have, turbot, dover sole, red mullet, john dory, all these amazing fish, we really do have exceptional fish and shellfish and they are a joy to use. But, having said that 25% of our menu is vegetarian, and has proved to be immensely popular, we offer an equal balance of vegetarian fish and meat, it’s not about perfection it about progress, and we do try to make sure we have an equal balance. When it comes to equipment in the kitchen you say was an item of equipment you could not do without? Hmmm, what would that be? Probably a microplane in a funny kind of way. I very much rely on traditional techniques, I’m not absolutely reliant on any one piece of equipment, but, I suppose it was a heavy piece of equipment it would be a combination oven, they are really “great bits of kit”. For me, microplanes have become an really interesting item because if you want something to impart flavour quickly into whatever you are trying to impart flavor, you have to establish as much surface area as possible for the transition of flavour to happen, and the microplane does that in a split second and very effectively, doesn’t matter whether it is garlic, truffle, bone marrow, Parmesan a sharp microplane does a great job of creating immense surface area for something to impart its flavour at the last minute and I use them a lot. Taking into account the emergence of new techniques you think cooking is becoming a bit too complicated for the layman? I dare say there are some pieces of equipment you won’t have a home such as a water bath or a Combi oven so there is definitely a boundary that emerges that perhaps wasn’t there before, if you were to perhaps look at some of the cooking techniques Simon Rogan uses for example you will never have any of that equipment a home, diffusers, vacuums, distillers. However, I think as things go in cycles and you look at techniques such as molecular gastronomy then the pendulums swings pretty swiftly back to where it once was, and whilst we have learned some great things in that journey people have come back to caring and buying locally, buying quality ingredients and treating them quite simply. There is a contemporary style of cooking that is the net result of all that that journey which is interesting fun and sensational. I think that whole movement to embrace various techniques has been wonderfully beneficial to the industry and to cooking as a whole, but I think at the same time, we have seen through some techniques which may be pretty but not the same as, or as good traditional techniques, and people have come to realize that a lot what we call “new techniques” are not as good as once thought! CLH News Will be following UK and Ireland winner Killian with great interest in 2018’s San Pellegrino finals in Milan, and will keep you all updated!

Products and Services

Safety Products at Discounted Prices from IronmongeryDirect Effortless Operations with Trail SAFETY IS a paramount concern of any restaurant, bar venue or hotel to ensure not only customer safety but to ensure business sustainability. Specialist supplier, IronmongeryDirect, is currently offering a range of products at discounted prices that can help establishments maintain required safety standards. Fire door safety is critical in all buildings, and the Arrone AR3500 Door Closer is a fully CE accredited fire door closer with 120-minute fire rating. It is now discounted by 20% and available for just £27.60. Another integral fire door safety component is the Fire and Intumescent Smoke Strip, currently available with a 15% discount. Pay just £10.63 for a pack of ten of these strips in

white, which are fully compliant to safety standards and have a 30-minute fire rating. For a comprehensive guide on fire door compliance, visit: Designed with health and safety in mind, the Queens Award winning Jackloc Cable Window Restrictor is on offer at £12.64 each. This cable window restrictor can be fitted to any style of window and material and is key lockable. Other products currently on offer at IronmongeryDirect include the Arrone Code Lock with over 8000 code options, the Twin Ball Bearing Hinge suitable for doors up to 120kg and the 32mm Half Round Floor Door Stop. IronmongeryDirect has over 16,000 products available and in stock. Orders can be placed as late as 8pm for next day delivery, and by 3pm on weekends. Free, no quibble returns are available on all products. See pages 7 and 11 for offers.

Turn Pagers into A Guest Data Collection Tool With Long Range Systems LONG RANGE Systems (LRS), global provider of on-site paging, tracking and guest intelligence tools today announced a new addition to the company’s free iOS application. The feature, called Guest Sessions, enables users to start new orders and page customers when orders are ready. Guest Sessions records data in the LRS Connect Cloud, providing valuable insights into operations. For businesses like quick-serve restaurants or retailers with warehouse deliveries in store, the Guest Sessions feature helps minimize wait times and maintain delivery standards. “This is a great example of how the Internet of Things is increasingly becoming an embedded part of how we do business,” said Michelle Strong, Chief Marketing Officer at LRS. “Today’s pager system offers a whole new level of visibility into

operations that can be used to evaluate and improve the guest experience.” The guest session feature tracks, records and stores guest wait time data and information from the moment a guest receives a pager to when they are notified that their service is complete and the pager is cleared. Resulting insights include statistics around service, guest flow and volume, staffing optimization, and peak demand. These metrics can then be tracked against business goals. The online portal allows multi-unit corporate offices the opportunity to contrast unit performance, ensure brand quality, and measure each business unit against performance expectations. Guest Sessions is compatible with both LRS’s existing and upcoming pager models. The LRS iOS application is available for iPad download in the Apple Store. See the advert on page 3, or call 01782 537000 or visit

NB Distillery & Bon Accord ‘Raise Spirits’ With Premium Tonic Partnership

SCOTTISH GIN producer NB Distillery and Bon Accord soft drinks are set to revitalise the mixer category by launching a co-branded premium tonic. The partnership is in response to consumer demand for a good-quality, flavoursome tonic, to compliment NB’s existing premium spirits range. It will be launched in the off-trade this week via local merchant Lockett Bros, ahead of a national roll out over the coming year.

Specifically designed to complement gin as the hero product and not mask it, the tonic uses natural quinine and provides a clean, crisp flavour with hints of citrus and vanilla. It contains less quinine than other tonic waters, providing a less bitter flavour throughout and a more subtle, refreshing taste. Vivienne Muir, CEO for NB Distillery says: ‘We know that Britain is a nation of gin lovers and there is a growing trend for speciality and premium tonic. In response to this growth, the NB & Bon Accord tonic will not only complement our existing range, but can be enjoyed with a variety of premium spirits.

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Customers include Leon, Ei Group, Gails and Brewdog Trail feels like the apps you use everyday and works on any device from mobile and tablet to desktop computers. Schedule and distribute tasks for teams to follow, automatically triggering the right information for the right people. Then focus attention where it’s needed most with notifications and trend reports to help you monitor activity across sites. It’s intuitive with no need for training. Large organisations stay lean while small businesses can scale. Teams stay on track while allowing people just to get their jobs done more easily. Easier for individuals and better for business, operations become effortless for everyone. For further information, visit or see the advert on page 5.

Towels and Bathrobes Can Have Guests Feeling Like Royalty WHILE A lot of UK hotels choose similar bathrobes and towels it’s worth considering what could make a hotel stand out, providing marketing advantage and an even more memorable experience for guests. Organic products, for instance, are on the increase and recent studies show Organic beauty and health products grew by a further 8% last year alone. King of Cotton has also seen a dramatic increase in the uptake of more unusual robes by hotel owners, which is why they now offer no less than nine different ranges. Some offer ‘stand-out’ by virtue of their heritage, such as the ‘The Ritz Carlton’, a beautifully designed robe, used in one of the world’s grandest venues in 400 GSM soft velour waffle and lined with pure cotton terry towelling. Other designs that are unique include the Monte Carlo Towelling Robe, with its contrasting collar and cuffs in different colour ways. “We have a love of gin and are passionate about remaining true to its perfected process. The Bon Accord collaboration, with its rich heritage and similar ethos and values to us, is the perfect gin and tonic partnership, providing a genuine experience to consumers.” The collaboration sees a blend of two very special companies that both hold a strong Scottish heritage and great vision for the future of gin & tonic. Karen Knowles, owner and director of Bon Accord comments: “We are delighted to be partnering with NB Distillery. Our understat-

Towels need not be white and need not be made in the same way. Look at the King of Cotton’s latest addition, the 700gsm Superior range made in Portugal; they’re very absorbent with a deep soft pile in a range of striking colours including honey, silver and charcoal. The King of Cotton Zero Twist range is pure cotton that has been spun in such a way that the fibres remain straighter. This process adds strength to the product yet makes the material incredibly light and easier to wash and dry. Both towels and robes are available in Ivory, White and Slate. With King of Cottons wide ranges of throws and bedspreads, from contemporary to traditional available, along with a wide rang of slippers, toiletries and table linen, there’s plenty to further enhance the chances of your guests feeling like royalty. Visit the website: or call King of Cotton on: 020 8332 7999 and register as a trade customer to enjoy further offers and discounts or see the advert on page 15. ed tonic water really enhances NB's spirit range, allowing consumers to experience the premium spirits at their best. After all, a great spirit should be celebrated!” The new co-branded tonic has an RRP of £0.95 per bottle / £20 per case, and is available to purchase direct via or from specialist Wine and Whisky merchant, Lockett Bros in North Berwick near Edinburgh. The tonic will also see a programme of roll-outs over the coming year including availability at the soon to open, NB Distillery.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2017

Investment, Cutting Tourism VAT And Sorting Out Seagulls Optimism Dips Among Leaders Of Out-Of-Home Eating And Drinking – MPs’ Recommendations For Coastal Towns A COMMITMENT to replace EU investment funds worth hundreds of millions, a cut in Tourism VAT – and a plan to prevent aggressive seagull attacks are just three of the 37 recommendations made by a group of MPs to help Britain’s coastal communities. The report also says that governmental bodies and tourism promotion authorities should challenge perceptions of the coast as old-fashioned, closed in winter and difficult to get to. The MPs, members of the All Party Parliamentary Group for the Visitor Economy, found that British coasts are suffering from chronic housing failure. In successful tourist towns second home ownership has pushed house prices to 12 times the average wage, high earning second home owners distort education funding at local schools and the unregulated sharing economy means family homes and apartments are being turned into short-term lets. Conversely in less successful seaside towns, large family homes have been turned into low quality Houses in Multiple Occupation. Successful coastal strategies were highlighted such as the public/private partnership between Blackpool Council and Merlin Entertainments who have revived the Blackpool Tower area as part of eight attractions including the ballroom that will be used this weekend’s edition of Strictly Come Dancing. Government funding for coastal areas – the £170m Coastal Communities Fund – was criticised for short-termism and focusing on small individual projects. Longer funding application rounds for the CCF and the creation of Coastal Enterprise Zones was recommended, particularly as many coastal areas may soon lose their ESIF funding. This European funding is only guaranteed until 2020, and will have been worth £590m to Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly since 2014, and £8.4bn to the whole UK. Reducing Tourism VAT to 5% was considered an essential step forward by many of the 59 respondents, encouraging Brits to holiday at home and lengthening the season – just over a third of all trips to the coast take place in the months of July and August. At 20% Tourism VAT in the UK is double the average rate in the European Union. Waveney MP Peter Aldous raised concerns about aggressive seagull behaviour –which former Chancellor George Osborne had pledged a quarter of a million pounds to study – which is blighting coastal towns. The group, pulling up short of culling, recommended cleaner streets, increased bin collection and more spikes on buildings. The group, headed by Conservative Cornwall MP Steve Double, received 59 submissions, including those from coastal SMEs, LEPs, Local Authorities, Butlin’s and Merlin Entertainments. Steve Double MP for St Austell and Newquay, Chairman of the APPG for the Visitor Economy, said: “The British coastline is a national asset with great potential and with the right investment, can drive regeneration, economic growth and job creation. As an MP that represents

a coastal community in Cornwall I urge the government to give serious consideration to the recommendations in this report. Together we can turn the tide and bring a smile back to all parts of the British coast.” The Chief Executive of the Secretariat to the APPG for the Visitor Economy, the British Hospitality Association’s Ufi Ibrahim said: “The UK’s 6000km of coastline is home to some of our best loved resorts and attractions and equally some of our most deprived towns. Hospitality and tourism is a key industry in these areas, contributing £17bn to our national economy. It is essential that government carry out the recommendations in this report to help them flourish by elongating the season, changing perceptions of seaside towns for the next generation of tourists, encouraging private/public partnerships and dealing with the negative repercussions of second home ownership.” Recommendations include: • Increase funding for infrastructure, including road/rail links and broadband. • Better scheduling of repairs and railway engineering works in coastal areas to avoid times, like weekends, when people may want to visit • Reduce Tourism VAT on visitor accommodation and attractions to five per cent • Avoiding any tourist tax on hotel accommodation • Incentivise public-private partnerships, use Merlin/Blackpool model as best practice • Develop a national skills council for the visitor economy • Promote teachers to teach in coastal communities • View of hospitality and tourism in government needs to change to reflect the importance of the UK’s fourth largest industry • Partnerships with private companies such as Google • Expansion of the Coastal Communities Fund (CCF) • Target the CCF to fund projects that extend the season • Targeted government funding to encourage business diversity • Increase the out of season offer through festivals, green tourism, wildlife promotion, activity holidays and conferences. Merlin’s Head of Blackpool Cluster, Kate Shane said: “This timely report shows how coastal resorts like Blackpool can be reinvigorated and maintained for the next generation by collaboration with local business. Merlin is proud of our partnership with Blackpool Council which has led to the refurbishment of the Blackpool tower and the introduction of Madame Tussaud’s” Samantha Richardson, Director of the National Coastal Tourism Academy: “We are pleased that the All Party Parliamentary Visitor Economy group endorses our vision for the coast calling for a concerted effort to tackle seasonality, challenge perceptions of the coast and calling for improvements to the Coastal Communities Fund. Our communities are facing large skills gaps as educated young professionals leave the coast. What is now needed is a cross-government strategy that focuses on long-term growth and addresses the coast’s unique challenges.”

EXCLUSIVE CGA survey reveals ‘perfect storm’ of challenges including rising food and property costs and Brexit, but operators remain resilient

Optimism among leaders in the eating and drinking out sectors has been substantially dented since the start of the year, CGA’s latest Business Confidence Survey reveals. The survey finds that only 30% of leaders of restaurant, pub, bar and coffee shop groups are optimistic about general market prospects for the next 12 months—down from 47% in the first quarter of 2017. Optimism about prospects for their own businesses has followed a similar trajectory, falling from 68% in the first quarter to 52% in this latest survey. The exclusive research, based on responses from well over 100 senior executives across the sector, including big corporates and small entrepreneurial operators, was revealed at CGA’s Peach 2020 Conference last week. It also finds that a third (32%) of leaders admit their business’ performance has been below expectations in the last six months—down by five percentage points from May’s survey. The new figures chime with other CGA research indicating tough trading conditions. The Coffer Peach Business Tracker reveals that like for like sales at leading managed pub and restaurant chains have risen by just 1.3% over the last 12 months, while the CGA Prestige Foodservice Price Index has demonstrated sustained rises in food costs over 2017. Property and people costs have also increased this year. The latest Business Confidence Survey finds that optimism is unlikely to increase in the short term, with more than half

(57%) of leaders concerned about consumer confidence over the next six months—though only one in eight (12.2%) is pessimistic about their own business’ prospects for the next year. CGA research presented at the 2020 Conference reveals some more positive trends, including evidence from the CGA BrandTrack survey that consumers eat out just as often as they did four years ago—and that frequency among 18 to 44 yearolds is at a four-year high. Other issues highlighted by CGA’s Business Confidence Survey include: • Brexit fall-out – 71% of leaders say the decision to leave the EU has had a negative impact on their business, with only 3% citing a positive impact • Rising cost – more than three quarters of leaders say increasing costs of raw materials (79%) and rates (78%) have negatively affected their business • Price rise – more than two thirds (69%) of leaders say their business has increased menu prices over the last quarter in light of soaring costs. CGA vice president Peter Martin said: “Our Business Confidence Survey is the clearest indication yet of the trials facing the leaders of out-of-home eating and drinking. With food, property and people costs all rising, consumer confidence softening, competition intensifying and Brexit casting a long shadow over the future, operators are enduring something of a perfect storm of challenges. But this is a creative and resilient sector, and while leaders’ optimism has been dented this year, they will be rolling up their sleeves and fighting hard for growth in 2018.”

Nestlé Professional Launches New Report to Tackle Hospitality Skills Shortage ®

NEARLY A third (31%) of people don’t think hospitality is a career path you actively choose, according to a new report from Nestlé Professional®. The ‘BuzzBites: Talking Talent’ report offers an in-depth look at perceptions of the hospitality sector, as well as advice from industry professionals on how to better attract, upskill and retain talented individuals. It aims to help tackle the current staff crisis, as the scale of recruitment needed becomes increasingly significant. Growth in the sector is surging, opening-up more and more roles, and Brexit is only expected to widen the skills gap further, leaving a shortfall of 60,000 workers a year. Key findings from the research, conducted by Nestlé Professional® in collaboration with 3GEM, reveal that 45% of millennials consider a career in hospitality a “stop gap”. What’s more, almost three quarters (73%) of managers are concerned the hospitality industry is no longer an attractive career option for millennials and 18% of those currently working in the industry are thinking of leaving in the next year. However, all is far from lost. More than two thirds (70%) of hospitality workers say they are proud to work in the industry and 53% of those outside the sector think it would be rewarding. The research, which also found that more than

Festive Recipes

half (57%) of those who have left the industry would consider returning, uncovers a huge opportunity for the sector to grow. Paul Lumley, Brand & Communications Manager at Nestlé Professional®, explains how the report has been designed to help hospitality businesses tackle these challenges head on: “BuzzBites: Talking Talent brings together some of the biggest names in hospitality to offer best practice on the topic. It provides insight and innovative ideas on how to change outdated perceptions and top tips for how best to encourage new people into the industry for long-term careers. “One of the strongest messages to come out of our research was just how important it is to reward employees for their achievements and help develop their career. Our very own Toque d’Or competition supports apprentices and students in their progression by celebrating their fantastic skills and has evolved over the last 30 years to leave a legacy that we can be proud of. “If you are not involved already, we invite you to find out more about Toque d’Or today and join the growing number of businesses, individuals and industry bodies who are already sharing a common vision to nurture the talent of the future.” To download a copy of the BuzzBites: Talking Talent report go to:

Hi-Spirits Serves Up Christmas Cocktail Ideas Recipes for Christmas from The Vegetarian Society PUBS AND bars can get into the seasonal spirit with a new range of simple-to-make Christmas cocktail serves from Hi-Spirits, featuring leading brands from across its portfolio. With cocktail sales booming right across the on-trade, Hi-Spirits’ expert mixology team has created new seasonal serves using brands including Southern Comfort, Buffalo Trace, Antica Formula, Fireball and King of Soho gin. As well as new twists on classic cocktails, there are recipes for warm-served drinks to keep out the winter chill: Southern Comfort Southern Berry Sour: Pour 50ml Southern Comfort, 100ml Cranberry Juice and 50ml Fever-Tree Sicilian Lemonade into a glass over ice. Add 6-7 cranberries and garnish with a rosemary sprig. Stir gently and serve. Sweet Manhattan: Pour 50ml Buffalo Trace Bourbon, 25ml Antica Formula and two dashes of Peychaud’s Bitters into a glass filled with cubed ice. Stir for around 10 seconds then strain into a coupe glass and garnish with cherries. Soho Sling: Add 50ml King of Soho gin, 15ml lime juice and 35ml pressed apple juice to a

BerryWorld Cranberry Mojito Serves: 1 Preparation time: 30 minutes for cocktail plus cooling time (a couple of hours) YOU’LL NEED: For each Mojito: 10 mint leaves ½ lime 4 tbsp/ 60ml Cranberry Syrup 4 tbsp/ 60ml rum Ice Soda water For the syrup: (serves 4) 500g cranberries 300g sugar 250ml water

tall glass filled with cubed ice. Stir and garnish with a slice of apple. Mississippi Mulled Wine: Add 50ml Southern Comfort, 75ml red wine and 75ml pineapple juice to a pan, stir and gently heat to 75°C. Pour into a mug or toddy cup and garnish with a pineapple wedge and a slice of lemon. Spiced Apple Pie: Stir 25ml Southern Comfort, 25ml Fireball and 100ml apple juice into a pan; heat serve to 75°C, pour into a toddy glass and garnish with cinnamon and a slice of apple. Dan Bolton, managing director of Hi-Spirits, says: “Customers catching up with friends or enjoying a night out in the run-up to Christmas are ready to treat themselves, and a seasonal cocktail menu, including warm serves, is a great way to drive sales. “These drinks have been developed with mainstream pubs and bars in mind. We also work closely with operators to create bespoke cocktails at this time of year, and many bartenders enjoy creating seasonal serves with our brands.” For more information, please contact Hi-Spirits on 01932 252 100, email or visit METHOD: 1. Put the cranberries, sugar and water into a saucepan and bring to a simmer and allow to bubble for 10 minutes until the sugar has dissolved and the berries burst. 2. Leave to cool allowing the cranberries to steep for a few hours or overnight. Strain the mixture into a jug, pushing it through the sieve with the back of a spoon. 3. To make a Mojito put the mint leaves in a glass with the lime juice, mix and crush together with the handle of a wooden spoon. Add the syrup, rum and ice and stir well or shake together in a cocktail mixer. 4. Top up with soda water and add a sprig of mint and a few cranberries to serve. Note: Use white rum for a classic Mojito flavour or spiced rum for a richer more Christmassy taste.

TO CELEBRATE its love of seasonal cooking the Vegetarian Society Cookery School has compiled its favourite festive dishes for Christmas 2017 here are a few to try. CHESTNUT & BUTTER BEAN WELLINGTON Wrapped in golden pastry, this vegan bake is packed with flavour. Serves: 4-6 Preparation: 25 mins Cooking: 1 hour 15 mins INGREDIENTS: For the pastry: 500g vegan puff or shortcrust pastry, in a block Flour, for rolling out For the inner filling: 50g sun-dried tomatoes (oil reserved),

drained and chopped 1 onion, chopped 300g cooked chestnuts, mashed 400g tin butter beans, drained and mashed 2 tsp fresh thyme leaves, chopped 50g ready-to-eat prunes, chopped 1 tsp mild curry powder 100g chopped mixed nuts Salt and pepper For the outer filling: 400g mixed mushrooms, chopped 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 2 tsp soy sauce 200g frozen spinach 1 lemon, juice and ½ zest only

METHOD: 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to a rectangle measuring 40cm x 30cm. Cover and refrigerate until needed.

MUSHROOM PATÉ The earthy mushroom flavour combines with these mildly bitter greens and tangy dressing to make a wonderfully light Christmas starter. INGREDIENTS: For the mushroom pâté: Serves: 4 Preparation: 10 mins Cooking: 15 mins 1 tbsp melted coconut oil 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed ½ tsp ground coriander 125g brown mushrooms, chopped 40g wholemeal breadcrumbs 1 tbsp soy or tamari sauce A little ground black or pink pepper

2. To make the inner filling, heat a little of the sun-dried tomato oil (save some for later) in your largest frying pan and gently fry the onion for 5 minutes. Add the remaining inner filling ingredients, except the seasoning, and cook for another 10 minutes over a low heat, stirring often. The mixture should be fairly dry and hold together. Season to taste and set aside to cool.

1. Heat the coconut oil in a frying pan and add the onion and garlic. Fry until the onions are translucent and beginning to brown.

3. To make the outer filling, use the rest of the tomato oil to fry the mushrooms and garlic for 5 minutes. Add the soy sauce, spinach, the lemon zest and juice. Cook for 10 minutes, or until all of the moisture has evaporated. Allow to cool.

2. Add the ground coriander and stir until well incorporated and you get a sweet aroma of roasted coriander.

4. To assemble the Wellington, line a baking sheet with greaseproof paper and transfer the pastry to it. With the long edge facing you, use the back of a table knife to lightly mark the pastry in half horizontally, giving two long rectangles. Place the inner filling in the top rectangle, leaving a 3cm border around the edges, and form it into a sausage shape. Pat the mushroom and spinach layer all over the filling to form the outer filling.

3. Add the mushrooms and fry until cooked.

5. Brush the pastry borders with a little water. Fold the lower half of the pastry over to enclose the fillings and press all around to seal, then crimp the ends with a fork. Brush with soya milk and bake for 45 minutes or until golden.


4. Stir through the breadcrumbs and the soy or tamari sauce until all the ingredients are well incorporated. 5. Finish with a little ground black or pink pepper. 6. Allow to cool and place in the fridge for 30 minutes before serving. 7. Serve on toasted sourdough bread with a garnish of chopped parsley.

Foodservice Price Inflation Steadies At 5.8% In October 2017 INFLATION IN wholesale foodservice prices declined for the second month in a row in October 2017 to reach 5.8%, the new edition of theCGA Prestige Foodservice Price Index reveals. It is the joint lowest monthly figure recorded by the Index since February, and an indication that inflationary pressures in the foodservice sector may be starting to ease. With the effects of post-Brexit exchange rate volatility now having filtered through to most categories of food and drink, there is cautious optimism that the costs of imports to the UK are settling after a year of historically high levels of inflation. The CGA Prestige Foodservice Price Index predicts a further easing of pressures into 2018, and forecasts average inflation for the next 12 months of under 4%. But it adds that uncertainty around issues including Brexit negotiations and the La Niña weather phenomenon may yet have a negative impact on the cost of food and drink items brought into the UK from overseas. Despite the two months of decline, foodservice price inflation also remains well above consumer-side inflation as measured by the Office for National Statistics. The Index reveals a particularly notable easing of inflation in key categories including Sugar, where improved supply led to a 6.1% drop in prices year on year. Inflation was also held down in important categories including Meat and Vegetables, thanks in part to increased levels of domestic sourcing. But pressures on supply mean price inflation continues to

remain high in other sectors like Fish and Oils and Fats, where inflation is in double figures. Concern over the availability of migrant labour after the conclusion of Brexit negotiations is meanwhile affecting categories like Fruit, where UK producers have long relied on EU nationals for a large part of their workforces. The CGA Prestige Foodservice Price Index contains much more analysis of prices and inflation across the sector, and is essential reading for businesses seeking to stay on top of trends. Christopher Clare, Head of Consulting & Insight at Prestige Purchasing, said: “In a week where the Chancellor announced changes to the calculation of business rates, the drop in inflation for product purchases will of course be further welcome news. Prices have now been broadly steady for around 8 months, albeit at a higher base than a year ago – this might provide some relief for busy operators over the festive season.” CGA commercial director Graeme Loudon said: “As we near the end of a year of very high inflation in foodservice prices, it is encouraging to see evidence that stresses may be easing in the latest edition of our Index. The government’s negotiations to leave the EU continue to have a significant knock-on effect on exchange rates and migrant labour, and the sector will need to keep a close eye on issues like La Niña. But the Foodservice Price Index does at least suggest that a welcome degree of stability is starting to return to the supply chain.”

New Measures Announced For Control Of Acrylamide In Food

IT HAS been announced by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) that, from April 2018 food businesses in the UK will be required to put in place practical steps to manage acrylamide within their food safety management systems under new EU legislation. The new legislation will establish best practice, mitigation measures and benchmark levels for the reduction of the presence of acrylamide in food. Under the new Regulation, UK Food Business Operators (FBOs), including pubs serving food, will be required to put in place simple, practical steps to manage acrylamide formation as part of their existing food safety management systems. This will ensure that acrylamide levels are as low as reasonably achievable in their food. The British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) has been working closely and proactively with the Food Standards Agency, Food Standards Scotland, British Hospitality Association and other trade bodies to develop new nationwide, catering industry guidance on the control of acrylamide. The guidance, which the BBPA has worked to ensure is not overly burdensome to pub businesses, is being developed for FBOs to comply with incoming new, European legislation (EU) 2017/2158. From April 2018 Food Business Operators will be expected to demonstrate: • Awareness of acrylamide as a potential food safety hazard and have a general understanding of how acrylamide is formed in the food they produce • How they have taken steps to mitigate acrylamide formation

in the food they produce, adopting the relevant measures as part of their food safety management procedures • Where appropriate, that they have undertaken representative sampling and analysis to monitor the levels of acrylamide in their products as part of their assessment of the mitigation measures • Appropriate records of the mitigation measures undertaken, together with sampling plans and results of any testing The extent of measures being introduced are intended to be proportionate to the nature and size of the business and vary based on whether they are independent or local, supplying directly to consumers or into local retail or those who are larger, centrally controlled and supplied chains. Whilst the legislation includes a full list of food products, for pubs the new legislation applies to those outlets who supply the following as part of their food offer: • French fries, other cut (deep fried) products and sliced potato crisps from fresh potatoes • Bread • Fine bakery wares: cookies, biscuits, rusks, cereal bars, scones, cornets, wafers, crumpets and gingerbread, as well as crackers, crisp breads and bread substitutes BBPA Chief Executive Brigid Simmonds comments: “The BBPA is pleased to have been able to work closely with the FSA, and other bodies including the BHA to develop this new catering industry guidance and ensure that the measures are not onerous for small businesses in particular, for pubs. This is a clear example of how co-operation between agencies and trade bodies can bring about effective measures to comply with regulation”.

Good Tradeshows Come In Threes!

MANY OF us attend at least one trade show a year, looking for new suppliers and inspiring ideas. If you’re involved in food, drink, catering & hospitality, wherever you’re based in the South & South West, Hale Events have got the trade show for you. The Source trade show takes place at the Westpoint Exhibition Centre in Exeter on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th February. The Source is the South West’s biggest and best show for anyone with a serious interest in speciality foods, quality drinks, profitable catering and inspired hospitality. If you are looking for that special ingredient for your menu, that unique product for your shop, or essential equipment for your kitchen, then this show will both inspire you and help your business grow. Expowest Cornwall takes place in Wadebridge from Tuesday 6th - Thursday 8th March. This trade show is the region’s foremost hospitality and catering trade show -

an absolute must for those eager to see, touch and taste the latest products, and to get a feel for the trends shaping the market. Perfectly timed and showcasing products that cover the whole of the hospitality and catering market, this show really does have Cornwall covered! The Food & Drink Trade Show takes place at the Three Counties Show Ground, Malvern, on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd May. The show offers a unique mix of inspirational speciality food & drink products, from a wide range of exhibitors; from the small and regional, to those who trade throughout the UK and internationally. From patisserie to pickles; from fresh to frozen; from confectionery to convenience; from fish to food gift and foodservice, there will be an abundance of products to both inspire you, and satisfy your customers. Hale Events are sure one of their shows will benefit your business. Register for free trade entry now on the shows’ websites:,, or call 01934 733456. If you’re interested in a stand, please call 01934 733433 or email See the advert on page 4 for further details.

Leading Pub Companies Unite With Licensed Trade Charity To Tackle Loneliness LEADING PUB companies are teaming up with the Licensed Trade Charity to help tackle loneliness amongst those who have worked in the trade. Thanks to Mitchells & Butlers, Ei Group (formerly Enterprise Inns) and Punch Taverns raising awareness of the charity’s telephone befriending service, employees from the three companies are undergoing training sessions which will allow them to become crucial lifelines to former pub workers who are feeling isolated. An afternoon training session for Mitchells & Butlers employees Claire Williams and Kal Dhiman in London on Wednesday 15th November was followed by another in Burton on Trent this week for Punch Taverns staff, with another scheduled for the Ei Group. The training will result in five isolated people who have worked in the drinks trade receiving regular contact and conversation from the new volunteers before Christmas, which could change their life. One of the new volunteers, Claire Williams, works in the HR department at Mitchells & Butlers and saw the opportunity to become a telephone befriender on the company intranet. She said: “The opportunity really interested me as I like talking to people and this was a way to do that whilst giving something back to help others from the trade. The training session was very

good and I’m looking forward to providing support to someone, doing something that makes a difference which could enhance their life”. Licensed Trade Charity Volunteer Manager Hilary Bone said: “We are delighted that pub companies such as Mitchells & Butlers, Punch Taverns and the Ei Group are supporting our work. There are no qualifications required to become a telephone befriender so a willingness to help others from the drinks trade, a lively personality and having half an hour free every few weeks is all you need. Our feedback is that our befrienders find the experience just as rewarding as those they call”. Telephone befriending is just one of the valuable services that the Licensed Trade Charity is able to provide to those who have worked in the trade, along with a dedicated helpline providing advice on health, debt and relationships, plus financial support and retraining grants. In 2016 the Licensed Trade Charity supported 288 families from pubs, bars and breweries in times of difficulty, nearly 8,000 people made use of the information on its website and over 600 people gained assistance via the charity’s helpline. Anyone working in pubs, bars or breweries calling the helpline will be entitled to six free counselling sessions for emotional support. If you are interested in promoting the work of the Licensed Trade Charity through your organisation please email

December 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2017

How Hospitality Independents Can Cut Tourism VAT - MPs Table Early Day Motion Market Themselves Using Digital In 2018 INDEPENDENT HOSPITALITY organisations can often face a particular struggle to stand out and be noticed in what is a very competitive market. Without huge budgets or the support of corporate teams, marketing for standalone hospitality businesses often comes down to one member of staff who does a few extra bits in their spare time. But with a bit of extra guidance, independents could find themselves utilising digital marketing to make huge improvements to their organisation. Harnessing free tools and the power of the customer, digital marketing doesn’t need to be seen as a huge commitment; rather, it can be an easy-toimplement money-making tool that sees you emerge as one of the most forward-thinking businesses in the industry. By following these eight simple steps, within no time your online presence will increase 10-fold, and with it, will come more new business.

1. Look like a credible business It’s an easy task to be listed on all the relevant industry directories that any other credible hospitality business would be. Including live links to your website from online directories improves your SEO, meaning when potential clients are using Google to search for the services they need you’ll appear higher in the results. Plus, because everyone is on mobile these days, having your contact details listed in directories means you’re only ever a tap away from someone making that first phone call or email. Which brings us on to…

2. Get your mobile presence sorted out Hospitality can take various forms. It can be a spur of the moment action, like taking a client for lunch, or it could consist of planning an awards ceremony two years in advance. Mobile is more important than ever for spontaneous use of hospitality. With geo-location and social media mapping, customers can locate their nearest service and be on the company website within seconds. If your site isn’t mobile responsive, it will put the user off meaning you’ll lose out to other hospitality providers on your doorstep.

3. Social media Social media is more popular than ever as an advocacy tool. You should be using it to demonstrate the great experiences you’re providing to your customers. Additionally, ask happy clients to post tweets about the service you’ve provided from their own channels, tagging your profile and

including a link back to your site or email address, to help drive a whole new network to your business. Sharing of good times resonates with like-minded people, and makes them want to replicate the experience for themselves.

4. Reviews Potential clients use reviews on Trust Pilot, Google Reviews or similar online services to determine where they should spend their budget. There’s nothing more compelling than a five star review, so take those positive social media testimonials a step further, and incentivise happy customers to write a detailed, five star review that others can use to gauge whether they should work with you. Of course, all the reviews will convince them it’s a yes!

5. Email marketing If you don’t have a client email database, now is the time to start building one. Email marketing is the most effective way of securing recurring business, and it doesn’t take a lot of hard work to get great results. Collect customer email addresses to build your database, and set reminders to send out targeted emails at the times of year your know specific customers are most likely to book services with you. Doing so leaves you front of mind at the time they start thinking about their next event, meaning you don’t lose out to the competition.

6. Foreign languages The UK tourism market is booming, and with more and more foreign micro-communities forming, it’s important to ensure your digital offering is adaptable for other languages. A simple plug in will mean your website can translate to hundreds of different languages, making it more personable to foreign audiences. A personalised experience like this can be the difference between making a sale or checking out the competition.

7. Video Video is booming – and it doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. Use your smartphone to capture footage of your next event, or a video testimonial with a happy customer, and use Apple’s iMovie to create something special. Video content is proven to massively increase engagement when used on social media, but more importantly, it speaks for itself when someone is checking out what you can offer.

8. Live interactions The benefit of apps like Twitter, Instagram and YouTube is the ability to create immediate audiences who engage with you in real time. While your events are running, use social media to run polls, post live stories to give behind the scenes footage and utilise hashtags to join relevant conversations. It increases audience participation, shows you’re relevant and creates extra excitement around your brand. The best bit? All of this is free to do! To learn more about digital marketing in the hospitality industry, visit our website, at Kagool.

AN EARLY day motion, sponsored by Stephen Lloyd, Liberal Democrat MP for Eastbourne and backed by MPs including Jim Shannon, Sammy Wilson, Caroline Lucas and Dr Philippa Whitford, has renewed calls for a reduction in tourism VAT.

The motion follows a major victory for the Campaign to Cut Tourism VAT, when the Chancellor announced that the Treasury is going forward with plans to review Tourism VAT in Northern Ireland, as previously announced as part of the confidence and supply agreement between the government and DUP following the general election. This was the first ever budget mention of a reduction in tourism VAT and followed extensive campaigning from the Cut Tourism VAT campaign and the British Hospitality Association, both of whom look forward to working with the Treasury as their report is produced. The announcement represents a trend of increasing Parliamentary support for a Cut to Tourism VAT, which has been recommended by three Select Committees and advocated by more than 130 MPs from different parties and an APPG. The early day motion in full reads : “That this House recognises the value of the tourism sector; notes that tourism-related businesses lie at the heart of local communities an economy; further notes that UK tourism is disadvantaged by high taxes with a VAT rate on accommodation and attractions that is double the European average; acknowledges that across Europe, where tourism VAT has been reduced, investment has taken place, jobs have been created and the tourism sector has grown; welcomes the Government’s commitment to conduct a report into the impact of VAT on tourism in Northern Ireland, believing that it will show the potential for job and wealth creation across the UK; highlights economic research that shows a cut in tourism VAT could bring in £4.6 billion to HM Treasury, create 121,000 jobs and support exports, improving the UK’s

Hand Roasted in Scotland – A First From Miko

MIKO COFFEE Scotland, a division of the multi award winning Belgian coffee specialist Miko Coffee has launched ‘Hand Roasted in Scotland’, the first range of artisan speciality blends to be produced in house at the company’s new purpose built roastery in East Kilbride.

Scotland has a vibrant coffee scene with the number of coffee shops in the region up 45% over two years*. Expectations around quality are rising with consumers becoming more demanding and increasingly knowledgeable. Hand Roasted in Scotland meets the demand for a premium coffee offer with local provenance, which has great appeal to discerning Scottish consumers. Two individual hand roasted blends are on offer: Espresso 2 is a medium bodied coffee sourced from traditional South American organic farms with fruity tones, a honey like sweetness, and a nutty, chocolate caramel bite. Espresso 3 is also sourced from South America and has a bright and fruity flavour with a toffee and chocolate finish. This is a great espresso to drink alone or to be enjoyed with small milk based cof-

Festive Recipes Happy Christmas From Littlepod LittlePod has always treasured the relationships we made with people who met us in the early days. They have become known as the original LittlePodders. One such LittlePodder is Chef David Buchanan also known as The Kilted Chef. Since his training days he has been an avid reader of CHL. It was on his recommendation that we first advertised in the magazine. When David is not attending to the culinary needs of the rich and famous around the world or working on Platinumeats, his own company, he can often be found at a LittlePod special event creating a sensory experience, offering advice on ingredients or cooking up a flavour sensation for a LittlePod audience. Indeed one Christmas he found the time to prepare a memorable feast for the whole LittlePod team at LPHQ ! It was filmed by our own LittlePod filmmaker, Will Halfacree. If you watch the film you will find lots of inspiration for a wonderful party gathering:

Venison Pies with Vanilla Sauce We are, as you can imagine, big fans of sweet filled pies and we often whip up batches of sweet pastries for LittlePod gatherings. However, this is one of our favourite pie recipes, and it's savoury. You only need a little vanilla, and you won't necessarily taste it, but it works to bring all the flavours together, making this a truly tasty dish. INGREDIENTS: 1/2 lb or 220g Venison meat, trimmed 500g Shortcrust pastry 1 egg, beaten 6 medium potatoes 1 onion 1 clove of garlic 100g mushrooms, sliced 100g carrots, thinly sliced 100g frozen peas 1 tbsp flour 1/2 pint of stock (beef or veg) 3 tbsp red wine 2 tsp wholegrain mustard 1 tsp LittlePod vanilla paste

METHOD: 1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius/Gas mark 4. Chop, dice and parboil the potatoes. Meanwhile, season the flour with salt and pepper, dice the venison and toss it in the flour. Saute the venison in a little oil in a pan just to sear it. Then take it out and leave it to one side. 2. Chop the onion and garlic. Saute in the same pan and then add the meat back in along with 2 tbsp of red wine, a tsp of mustard and 1/2 tsp vanilla paste . Add almost all of the stock (leave a little for the sauce), mushrooms, carrots, peas and par-boiled potatoes. Let it all cook very slowly on a low heat for 5 mins then take it off the heat and put it to one side. 3. Roll out the pastry on a floured board. Cut out 8 circles (roughly 8cm diameter), then with the remainder, roll out into 4 rectangles ( the length must match the circumference of the circles. Egg wash all over both sides of all pastry shapes, then construct pies on a baking tray (preferably with sides for added support!) Use four pastry circles as bases and wrap pastry rectangles around the circumference (see photo). Leave lid off... 4. Fill your pastry pie cases with venison mix (pack it in!) Pop the lids on and make a hole in the centre. Egg wash all over. Put in the oven and cook for 25 mins. 5. Using the same pan, add the remaining stock, 1/2 tsp vanilla paste , 1 tsp wholegrain mustard and a tbsp red wine. Reduce down to a thick sauce and serve over your pies fresh from the oven and tuck in!

balance of trade by £23 billion over 10 years; notes that a reduced rate of VAT for tourism has been recommended by three Select Committees and advocated by more than 100 hon. Members from different parties; further recognises that such a move would strengthen the wider economy, support job creation and generate investment in local businesses, particularly in deprived coastal and rural communities; believes that a reduction in tourism VAT is particularly important as the UK prepares to leave the EU, since it would send a strong signal that the UK is open for business and continues to welcome visitors; and calls on the Chancellor of the Exchequer to reduce tourism VAT to five per cent across the UK.” Chairman of Eastbourne Hoteliers Association, Dave Brachtvogel, said he supported the Early Day Motion: “As observed by the British Hospitality Association’s recent report of the inquiry into coastal communities, the tourism industry is crucial for coastal communities, providing a business presence in areas which have seen the decline of their once traditional industries. “In Eastbourne alone, the tourism industry provides 10.9% of Eastbourne’s full employment figures and boosts our economy by £110m each year. A reduction in the rate of tourism VAT to 5% would stimulate investment, job creation and consumer spending and help us to ensure that Eastbourne’s visitor’s economy continues to thrive and that we are able to continue to offer quality accommodation to our guests.” Vernon Hunte, campaign manager of the Campaign to Cut Tourism VAT, said: “I welcome Stephen Lloyd’s Early Day Motion and for his commitment to celebrating Britain’s tourism and hospitality sector, as the UK’s fourth largest industry. Independent research has shown that a reduction in the rate of tourism VAT to 5% would stimulate investment and spending in the hospitality industry across the UK, contributing £4.6b to the Exchequer, and leading to a reduction in the UK’s balance of trade deficit by £23b over 10 years. Show your support for the Campaign to Cut Tourism VAT today by writing to your MP

fees such as flat whites and cappuccinos. “Having our own in house facility has allowed us to experiment with different coffee blends in order to create the careful balance of acidity, sweetness, mouthfeel and after taste that we look for in that perfect espresso,” said Adrian Stagg, managing director Miko Coffee UK. “We use small drums and time honoured artisan methods to roast less than 10kg of beans at a time so we can really manage the flavour profile whilst offering customers the freshest coffee possible. Hand Roasted in Scotland is the result of months of experimentation and meticulous attention to detail and we are delighted with the finished result.” For further information: Miko Coffee has 200 years’ experience roasting and blending coffee, perfected by generations of the Michielsen family and now enjoyed across five continents. In the UK, Miko offers Portioli, Grand Milano and Puro Fairtrade coffees backed up barista training, service and maintenance contracts and extensive technical knowhow. Also available are Cornish Tea and Freehand Hand Roasted and Hand Roasted in Cornwall, two coffee blends roasted in house by Miko subsidiary Cornish Coffee.

Chocolate & Guinness Cake

Roast Loin of Pork with Sloe Gin and Walnut Stuffing

In October 2014, Littlepod launched the very first National Real Vanilla Day at Bickleigh Castle in Devon. One of our wonderful demonstrators was co-founder of Hills & Parkes Deli (and now a qualified chef!), Emma Ring. She treated us to this creamy Guinness and Chocolate Cake and even let us have the recipe. So here it is. Enjoy!

Indulge your taste buds with this delicious roast pork recipe that uses sloe gin and walnut to create an irresistible stuffing. Serve with stuffing balls and all the traditional trimmings for the ultimate Christmas treat!

INGREDIENTS: 250ml (9 fl.oz) Guinness 250g (9oz) unsalted butter 80g (3oz) unsweetened cocoa powder 400g (14oz) caster sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp LittlePod vanilla paste 140ml (5 fl.oz) buttermilk 280g (10oz) plain flour 2 tsp bicarbonate of soda 1/2 tsp baking powder For the icing: 50g (1&3/4oz) unsalted butter, softened add a little vanilla paste 300g (10&1/2oz) icing sugar 125g (4&1/2oz) full-fat cream cheese Cocoa powder for dusting (optional) METHOD: 1. Preheat the oven to 170°C (325°F)/gas mark 3, then line the base of a 23cm (9inch) spring form cake tin with baking parchment. 2. Pour the Guinness into a saucepan, add the butter and gently heat until it has melted. Remove the pan from the heat and stir the cocoa powder and sugar into the warm liquid. Mix together the eggs, vanilla paste and buttermilk by hand in a jug or bowl, and then add this to the mixture in the pan. 3. Sift together the remaining sponge ingredients into a large bowl or into the bowl of a freestanding electric mixer. Using a hand-held electric whisk or mixer with paddle attachment, set on a low speed and pour in the contents of the pan. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and continue to mix thoroughly until all the ingredients are incorporated. 4. Pour the batter into the pre-prepared cake tin and bake for approximately 45 minutes or until the sponge bounces back when lightly pressed, and a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean. Set aside to cool, and then remove from the tin on to a wire rack, making sure the cake is cold to the touch before you frost it. 5. Using the electric whisk/freestanding mixer with paddle attachment, combine the butter and icing sugar together until there are no large lumps of butter and it is fully combined with the sugar in a sandy mixture. Add the cream cheese and mix at a low speed, then increase the speed to medium and beat until the frosting is light and fluffy. 6. Place the cooled cake on a plate or cake card and top generously with the cream cheese frosting. The cake can be decorated with a light dusting of cocoa powder. I also added white chocolate buttons and a little extra frosting but decorate how you wish!

Serves: 4-6 Cooking time: 30 minutes per 450g / ½kg (1lb) plus 30 mins (medium)* INGREDIENTS: 1kg (2.2lbs) Lean pork loin joint on the bone 50g (2oz) Dried cranberries 60ml (4tbsp) Sloe gin 50g (2oz) Walnuts Stuffing: 450g (1lb) Pork sausage meat (about 6 sausages) 100g (4oz) Breadcrumbs made from stale bread or fruit loaf Pinch mixed spice Pinch cinnamon METHOD: 1. Preheat oven to Gas 4, 180 C, 350 F. 2. Place cranberries in a small bowl with the sloe gin and allow to soak for 30-60 minutes. 3. Dry the outside of the meat and score deeply using a sharp knife. 4. Place into a bowl the sausage meat, breadcrumbs, spices and walnuts. Mix well together. 5. Carefully take joint and make a deep large cut into the fatty point of the meat (not through the eye of the meat but towards the edge where the meat is most fatty). 6. Add the cranberries to the stuffing and mix thoroughly. 7. Take the stuffing and push into this hole. Any remaining stuffing can be shaped into large balls & cooked alongside the joint for about 20 minutes. 8. Weigh the stuffed joint and calculate the cooking time* 9. Brush with oil and sprinkle on salt and rub into the fat. Place on a rack in a roasting tin and open roast in a preheated oven for the calculated time. 10. Remove joint from the oven and allow to stand for at least 10 minutes before carving. 11. Save the cooking juices to make the gravy & add a good measure of Sloe gin to the gravy while making. 12. Serve with the stuffing balls (if made with any remaining stuffing), roasted parsnips and all your favourite traditional trimmings – Happy Christmas!


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Festive Ordering

December 2017

Are You Prepared for the £593 Plan For Success By Wrapping Christmas 2018 Up Early Million Christmas Party “Splash”? FOR THE hospitality industry, pubs hotels and restaurants the busiest time of the year is now upon you! The great news is that now party season is upon us and hospitality “Gears Up” SME Bosses our according to reports Splashing the Cash For Staff Christmas Lunches an parties. SME business bosses will be spending £593 million on staff Christmas lunches/parties this month. Yes a staggering £593 million! After a year when small businesses have defied the Brexit-infused market uncertainty – with around 40% of decision makers consistently predicting growing through the year – the new research from Hitachi Capital Business Finance asked SME bosses what they planned to spend per head on this year’s staff Christmas lunch. SME chiefs in the media and financial services sectors are budgeting to spend the most. Budgeting more than £50 a head for the work Christmas lunch, this is twice as much as the sectors with the lowest planned spend – agriculture

(£27.97) and education (£21.31), where festive celebrations will be more frugal. In fitting style, the hospitality sector set the benchmark, with a measured budgeted spend per head that was closest to the national average (£40). And it gets better, according to a report by restaurant booking service OpenTable, UK diners Will shun the kitchen and book themselves into restaurants for Christmas Dinner An OpenTable survey revealed that 2016 saw a 43%* increase in diners seated on Christmas Day in the UK showing a continued trend of more consumers opting out of preparing their own Christmas Dinner in favour of dining out on December 25th. Increasing numbers of British families are favouring family time over festive chores and moving their feasts to the likes of pubs and restaurants on Christmas Day. With it now possible to outsource everything from buying presents to wrapping gifts and decorating the tree, the festive season has never been so easy.

THE SUCCESS of a great Christmas event is very much down to atmosphere and creating that special sprinkling of magic guaranteed to get ‘selfie’ fanatics sharing their experiences with friends on social media. However, those in the hospitality trade should take a leaf out of Christmas buyers’ books by planning for next year straight after this year’s festive season. Simon Anslow of Harrogate Christmas & Gift which takes place from 14th to 17th January 2018 in Harrogate, North Yorkshire – the UK’s top trade show for the festive industry – explains: “It might seem strange to be thinking about Christmas a whole year ahead, but that is the prime buying time for department stores; independent retailers; garden centres; tourist attractions any anyone in fact whose successful Christmas business relies on making the right choices.

“In January, the events you have hosted are still very much in mind – what decorations worked well, those which could have been improved, finishing touches that might have been the icing on the cake. At Harrogate Christmas & Gift, visitors can see next year’s en-trend products in their full glory to ensure that their 2018 season gets a head start on the competition.” Exhibitors at Harrogate Christmas & Gift will be showing everything to make an impact at events from the latest artificial Christmas trees and high-tech lighting; decorations and artificial flowers to life-sized animated Christmas animals and characters; and many products are also suitable for year-round events such as weddings and festivals. Simon continues: “Event managers attending the show will get an insight into what will make Christmas 2018 a massive success and can pre-order everything they need taking the headache out of last minute planning at their busiest time of the year.” Harrogate Christmas & Gift is free to attend for trade visitors, simply register online at – where a full exhibitor list and full show information are available. Please see the advert on the back cover of this issue for further information.

Don’t Be A Turkey – Tackle The Bumper Christmas Catering Challenge CLH NEWS spoke with Daniel Ball of procurement specialists Wax Digital who gives a few festive business tips! Rewind a few decades and the idea of eating out on Christmas Day would have been sacrilege. But with the Christmas cooking baton being passed to an increasingly convenience-driven generation who are less skilled in the culinary department, slaving over turkey and all the trimmings at home could become a thing of the past. Recent figures from online reservations company Open Table showed a 45% year on year increase in restaurant reservations for December 25. Similarly, Bookatable saw Christmas meal bookings rise by 251% over four years. Add to this the huge number of pre and post-Christmas meals and parties and it looks like restaurants, pus and hotels, caterers and chefs are going to be busier than Santa and his Elves over the festive season! Without good supply chain planning in place the sector could suffer by having to manage a spike in manual orders, dealing with unacceptable shortages of supply and even making their festive business activities unprofitable by being held to ransom by suppliers over prices. To meet the needs of hungry guests as well as the business, chefs and food buyers need to face up to fact that they might not have all of the essential pro-

curement ‘ingredients’ in place. Here’s a simple checklist: 1. SPEEDY AND EASY ORDERING Food ordering processes that are quick and efficient are vital in this busy period. Essential stocks will run low faster than normal and customers will expect their Christmas celebrations to go without a hitch. Prompt replenishment is vital to keep the full menu on offer. This can be addressed by purchasing systems that allow for easy reordering of fast moving lines. 2. SUPPLY CHAIN INTEGRATION When chefs and buyers are firing urgent food orders at major suppliers it can lead to a lot of manual processing – the orders have to be received and put into the fulfilment process. Through direct integration between suppliers order management systems and the buyer’s procurement systems, caterers can ensure that a large volume of their critical orders are processed automatically and delivered with speed and accuracy. 3. MAKING COMPLEX ORDERS SIMPLE Given all of the specialist ingredients that go into seasonal menus there are going to be some pretty complex orders going on between customers and their key suppliers. However, it’s likely that much of the shopping list will be a repeat buy, and having intuitive processes to quickly re-pick favourites will allow more time to focus on service to the customer. Procurement features like catch-weight ordering for non-standard unit items like fresh meat, and real time stock checks can help. 4. KEEPING AN EYE ON THE MONEY Staying competitive over the season can mean being really innovative with menu

choices or having a wide range of options available to customers. Takings over the Christmas period will be high but unless menus are carefully planned and costed profitability may slide. Menu planning and ingredient costing tools are essential in making sure that what you serve on a plate is to the taste of your CFO. For a seamless ordering process its vital that menu planning systems such as StarChef are integrated into the procurement system managing all purchases and payments. 5. HAVE PRE-AGREED PRICING AND PROCESSES IN PLACE WITH SUPPLIERS In busy catering seasons like Christmas when demand for supplies is high, it’s not uncommon for suppliers to increase prices on the fly as market dynamics change. That’s why it’s vital that you agree prices for key ingredients and products in advance, based upon anticipated volumes. This ensures that you don’t go and blow your Christmas budget. Pre-agreed discounts and promotions should be automatically applied within the purchasing system as well as terms and processes for emergency last minute ordering. Christmas can be a productive time but also a tough challenge for this sector and integrated and intuitive food and beverage purchasing systems are a vital success factor. Hopefully with the season rapidly approaching catering buyers and chefs have already considered the need for steps such as these which will help them have a highly successful festive season. If not, they might want to consider them as New Year’s resolutions – achieved through an early review of their purchasing processes and systems. After all, planning for Christmas 2018 will be upon us all before we know it!

Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year | 0208 241 5779

Festive Ordering

December 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Props4shows - Prepare To Be Inspired Props4shows is a family run business, selling one of the UK’s largest and most extensive ranges of all things prop for any event or display purpose. Our range includes fake foods, artificial foliage, replica animals and birds, seasonal and themed props among many more. Combining with our next day delivery service on thousands of in stock products, we usually have something to suit any display or prop requirement, making us a one stop prop shop available to all. We particularly specialise in replica foods, offering a beautifully realistic and extensive range of breads, cakes, meats, fruits, vegetables

and all things sumptuous. Perfect for creating timeless food arrangements in open kitchens and entertaining areas. With this in mind we have enjoyed working closely with many well known hotel, restaurant and bar chains, helping them achieve a very unique and stylish feel to their establishments. If you have an upcoming event or are looking for inspiration for a display you have in mind, have a browse on our web shop and order online, or if you need help to conceptualise your idea, our friendly sales team are just a phone call away. Large quantities of items can also usually be sourced, as well as special order items. Tel: 03333 440078, Email:

Riso Gallo NEW Frozen Risotto Base

RISO GALLO has developed a premium quality frozen Carnaroli risotto for chefs that is ready in only 5 minutes. The Carnaroli rice is precooked in a vegetable stock and frozen grain by grain, known as Individual Quick Frozen Technology. This allows chefs to accommodate requests of single portions, reduces waiting times and avoids wastage. It is also gluten free, alcohol free, dairy free and nut free. Cooked from frozen, chefs add hot stock (or even just water) and chosen ingredients, offering versatility in the number of risottos they

Wicked Wolf Exmoor Gin ®

WICKED WOLF® Exmoor Gin™ is a premium craft gin made from 11 botanicals, distilled and blended on the banks of the picturesque River Lyn, North Devon. Passionate about gin, husband and wife team, Pat Patel and Julie Heap, are the faces behind the exciting venture which launched in 2015. Wicked Wolf Exmoor Gin uses the perfect combination of 11 exotic botanicals producing complex layers of citrus and pepper notes finely balanced with the distinct flavours of juniper and coriander, resulting in a mature, premium spirit. Hibiscus and kaffir lime leaves have been artfully blended with these traditional aromatics creating a familiar traditional flavour with a contemporary – yet – restrained

wish to offer to their customers. “Riso Gallo has been dedicated in the development of this frozen base over the past year”, commented Jason Morrison, MD Riso Gallo UK. “We are aware of the time chefs need to spend on creating a good quality risotto. A risotto that is cooked but the grain remains al dente. This frozen base offers chefs exactly that.” Riso Gallo has over 160 years of experience in rice production and is now in its 6th generation as a family ran business. 1kg/5 portion Frozen Risotto 8 Packs Per Case, 64 Cases Per Pallet Visit for further information.

character. Pot distilled in a copper alembic still, Wicked Wolf Exmoor Gin is lovingly blended, filtered, bottled and labelled by hand in exclusive 100-litre batches. Each aromatic is prepared by hand, infused and distilled separately resulting in 11 individual distillates which are then skilfully blended. This approach allows us complete control over the strength of each flavour, and enables consistency across each batch. The gin is filtered at each stage of the production process, producing a 42% ABV, smooth, full-bodied and elegant spirit. Visit CHAMBORD GIN FIZZ 20ml shot of Wicked Wolf Gin 5ml of Chambord 10ml Lemon Juice Top up with soda water or tonic




Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2017

Festive Ordering

Unique Pop-Up Box Complete Gift Kits and Giant Gable Boxes Gift Kits A Refreshing Option This Christmas With Newton’s appl fizzics Designed in-house, these brilliant Pop-Up Box Kits and Giant Gable Box Kits come in 4 festive designs, including Christmas Characters, Merry Christmas band, Red with Gold Reindeer and Tartan. Each box comes flat, ready to open with all the accessories you

Peeks are Crackers!

CHRISTMAS WILL go with a BANG this year because Peeks the party people have their biggest cracker range ever! They come in every colour and to suit every budget with a variety of goodies inside, including toys, trivia questions, paper crowns and of course the dreadful jokes! Nick Peek, MD of Peeks, said: “Having supplied crackers for decades we know

need, such as a cellophane bag, pull bow, matching gift tag and two sheets of tissue paper and come on a header card with a hang tag. The Christmas designs are also available on our quality gift trays – and these are available in kit form, too! In stock and ready to ship. Contact CandiGifts for details on 01502 501681 or visit exactly what people want to accompany their Christmas dinner. “From the budget end to the luxury market we can supply everyone either in bulk or in smaller cracker packs. “We will be responsible for millions of explosions this Christmas and it’s something we take very seriously.” As well as crackers Peeks has everything else for the yuletide festivities including decorations, trees, fairy lights and much more besides. So make a meal of it this Christmas and make sure you’re crackers - like Peeks! For sales call 01202 489489 or visit or see ad page 5.

Newton’s appl fizzics is a curiously refreshing blend of apple juice and sparkling water. It is all natural with no added sugar or sweeteners – and contains about 40% less sugar than apple juice on its own. It comes in a 330ml single serve glass bottle and an elegant and table-friendly 750ml glass bottle for sharing, which looks very at home with wine or mineral water. This large bottle also comes in a lovely new flavour

– apple + raspberry. Delicious. Increasingly popular as a natural alternative to juice or sugary soft drinks, it’s a great choice for the growing number of adults looking for a serious alternative to alcohol. All the fun and none of the hangover. Newton’s appl fizzics Chill and enjoy! For more information, or to place an order, please contact us via the website (, email us on, or call us on 0208 241 5779.

The Perfect Cup of Coffee from Jura Products

MANY OF US associate coffee with the mornings and breakfast. No one can deny the pleasure of a freshly brewed coffee, or the convenience of satisfying your caffeine craving on a moment’s notice. The WE8 by JURA is complete with a total of up to 12 specialities – with a maximum output of 40 per day – sleek aesthet-

ics, one touch-operation and the exceptional Pulse Extraction Process (P.E.P.©) which optimises extraction time for a supreme serve. From creamy cappuccinos to silky flat whites, the WE8 offers the ultimate technology for coffee lovers and foodies to experience out-of-home. Reader Enquiries: Contact or see the advert on page 18 for further details.

Are You ODC? The Next Big Thing In Fruit Cider MIDLANDS BASED ODC is releasing two distinctive, delicious, and natural flavours to begin, with bags of personality: Pomegranate Panache and Mango Fandango, made with the highest quality exotic fruit and produced in attention-grabbing 500ml bottles. But there are plenty of drinks monkeying around in the jungle aren’t there, I hear you say? Spokes-tigress Anita C said, “we have created a strong, premium product with bags of natural taste and personality, a real stand out, game changing brand in a crowded ‘me-too’ market place. ODC is not just a drink to be consumed, but a creation to be experienced. ODC is all natural, suitable for vegetarians and vegans, and is gluten free.” “Fruit cider is one of the fastest growing sectors in the alcoholic drinks industry with years of growth potential, domestically and internationally. Today’s consumers seek experiences rather than drinks; ODC is just the kind of brand that consumers love to engage with and share.” The pack behind ODC is the team from Soul Tree – a multi-award winning business with multi-award winning

wines, and the brand that has put Indian wine on the map in the United Kingdom and beyond. “Soul Tree was born out of an innate passion to conquer uncharted waters, to alter perceptions, and, importantly, to give consumers a taste of what they have been missing, It is all about dreams, inspiration, and the future. ODC is just the natural next step in that direction” The team boasts some serious firepower too: in addition to the experienced and very entrepreneurial executive operational team its non-executive and advisory board includes the likes of Denis O’Flynn, a drinks industry veteran and until recently Managing Director of Pernod Ricard UK; Pavi Binning, a former CFO of Diageo Europe and President and CEO of the George Weston Group – the owners of Canada’s biggest retailer, and closer to home, of Associated British Foods and Selfridges; and renowned Master of Wine Richard Bampfield, perhaps one of the most commercially astute MWs out there. Now their attentions have expanded to a brand that dares you to stand out. Why? Because you were born to do so. #BornToStandOut For further information, visit

Bar and Cellar Equipment

December 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Good Pints Come From Good Cellar Management

IT WOULD be fair to say that probably most important room in a licensed premise/public house, is the cellar, sometimes compared to the engine room of the ship ! People visit hotels, pubs and restaurants for many different reasons, but one thing’s for sure; the drinks on offer are always near the top of the list. There has in recent years been a great resurgence in brewing which is good news for pubs! According to CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale, the number of breweries has grown from 1,540 last year to more than 1,700 this year, representing a net gain of three new breweries a week. Almost all of them are cask ale producers. Their contribution to the economy is massive, particularly in creating employment. According to figures from the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) a single job in brewing generates one job in agriculture, one job in supply chain, one job in retail (off-trade) and 18 jobs in pubs. The renaissance in brewing has created an increasing variety of beers. Between them, the country’s regional and local brewers produce some 10,000 different cask ales a year. According to Cask Marque lager still dominates the on-trade market with a 65% share, ahead of ale with 29% and stout with 6%. Within the ale category, cask beer has a 57% share compared to keg’s 43%. A survey of pubs by Cask Marque also revealed that those which specialise in cask beer, 65% said that sales were growing , as opposed to only 7% recording a fall in sales. The Cask Report highlights that the cask sector is also managing well in the ‘craft beer era,’ with 56% of craft drinkers surveyed saying they associate cask ale with craft beer.

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF CONSISTENCY The Cask Report stresses the importance of consistency, highlighting the need for better staff training which will in turn reduce wastage, increase profit, and guarantee beer is both stored and served correctly. As part of its survey, Cask Marque found that one in three pints is served “via an unclean beer line” and the same number of storage facilities “are outside the

recommended temperature specifications”. So, sourcing the best beers, providing entertainment and getting the marketing right, will only get you so far; without a good quality product, served at the correct temperature, customers will go elsewhere. The cellar is at the core of every establishment, and management of the cellar is key to serving the perfect pint. According to a survey from the cask report 2018 almost half of drinkers will avoid a pub where they have been served a poor pint of ale and the data also revealed that 71% of customers said they have been served a bad pint. A pub will not run efficiently without good cellar management and maintenance. There are a variety of factors to take into account in cellar management, not just the beers in your cellar but also cleanliness, ordering, deliveries, the stock control, stock rotation, health and safety, line cleaning, etc. There are a number of golden rules that must be followed if quality is to be assured. Keeping the cellar at the correct temperature is essential, as is maintaining a regular cleaning routine, methodical stock rotation and a thorough staff training programme. Not only will good cellar management keep customers loyal but it also creates a more cost-efficient operation by reducing energy costs and wastage. The physical cellar environment is a key consideration. Energy efficient lighting should be installed and turned off whenever possible to limit the heat it generates. Locating any heat producing equipment, such as line fridges, freezers and icemakers, outside the cellar also reduces the workload of the cooling system. Ensuring the cellar is clutter-free will also help the cooling system to operate more efficiently. A constant temperature of between 11 and 13oC needs to be maintained. By monitoring temperature a landlord can make sure the beer is served at the correct temperature and the cooling system is operating efficiently. Overcooling a cellar by as little as 1oC, can increase cellar energy costs by as much as 10%. Customer complaints often follow if lines have not been cleaned properly or glasses are dirty. A regular routine of thorough cleaning will prevent the build up of scale, biofilm or bacteriological growth in the lines, helping to reduce wastage. Methodical stock rotation, keeping within ‘best before’ dates, is important as is keeping within recommended sales times. A keg or cask should be kept in the cellar for at least 48 hours before being served. Once on tap, a keg should last no longer than five days and a cask no longer than three. Cleaning pipes is one of the most vital jobs a licensee has to do, no matter how much time is spent on conditioning beer you will not be able to serve the perfect pint if you don’t keep your pipes up to standard. Failure to carry out this normal function will result in the following problems • Cloudy beer • Build up of yeast in the lines, causing bits in the beer • Restricted flow creating fobbing • Bad tasting and bad smelling beer Aside from being one of the most vital jobs a licensee will do, keeping pipes clean

is probably one of the least liked jobs, because it takes up the most precious commodity a busy licensee will have - time! However neglecting this important task can have a devastating effect on a business, if you don’t have clean lines, your keg beers will not taste as good as they should, your customers will not say anything they will simply vote with their feet!

CLH News spoke with some specialist companies who are delighted to share their knowledge, and provide varying and unique solutions which will keep your beer pipes clean, delivering top-quality beer and freeing up valuable time: FullClear has recently released a new product that removes 100% of biofilm, something conventional chemicals cannot do, which has added to the need to clean lines weekly. Monthly cleaning for keg lines is now optimal using the patented formula from FullClear, who developed its breakthrough product range in conjunction with breweries and brand owners and also worked closely with industry organisations and key customers to prove the product and gain accreditation. Hilton Hotel’s Safety and Security team has adopted the solution as part of the company's commitment to removing chlorine and caustic products from its supply chain. Safe and highly effective line cleaning is now possible with the added benefit of reduced cleaning frequency. See the advert on page 23 for details. Future of Dispense is a completely independent unique patented dispense system that delivers unrivalled quality saving pubs in excess of 1500 pints per year in the average pub during the line cleaning process based on the reduction of volume of product in the line utilising the CoolTube technology which is the smartest and smallest heat exchanger on the dispense market. Future of dispense will also potentially save the average pub over £1000 pounds per annum on energy consumption by removing unnecessary coolers from the system. Brewfitt have helped bars across the UK serve the utmost quality brands. Using Future of Dispense allows the retailer complete autonomy when choosing brands in a growing and crowded market without tying themselves to a brewer. Brewfitt also have a great selection of overcounter cooling solutions that allow a plug and play approach to serving beer whist maintaining quality and providing brand choice which is particularly good for the casual dining market who want to serve beer but don’t often have the space. Reader Enquiries – Tel: 01484 340800 or visit (Continued on next page...)


"The trolley is brilliant, saving me a lot of hassle and backache. I would certainly recommend it to anyone." Mr Bill Turner, Oswestry Combined Ex-Servicemen’s Club

For sales or information call 01579 363 067 067, email or visit


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2017

Bar and Cellar Equipment

Good Pints Come From Good Cellar Management (Continued from previous page...) Britelines have developed specialised environmentally friendly cleaning and sanitising solutions to help manage the hugely important cleaning tasks in the kitchen, cellar and bar, particularly the essential beer line cleans.

Britelines is suitable for Cask and keg lines and can be used without the purchase of additional equipment or costly rental agreements and contracts. Our product development team have focused on reducing the number of cleans required per annum substantially reducing the amount of waste product, water, gas and time required to clean your lines. To calculate the possible savings please contact Patrick at By providing just a few details you can understand how you can maintain your cellar in an environmentally responsible way as well as saving your business considerable sums of money. For further information call 07495 121 469 or visit

Connor Innovations WE ARE delighted to introduce ourselves, Connor Innovations a family partnership based in South East Cornwall. We conceive, design and manufacture trolleys and manual handling equipment and various other metal products for niche markets. Trolleys for beer kegs and casks (barrels) all sizes from 30 litres to 36 gallons used in beer cellars, bars, pubs and clubs and by inside/outside caterers, night clubs, restaurants, hotels, and breweries large and small throughout the UK. Our equipment provides the quickest, safest and easiest way to move 9 gallon (Firkin) casks and 11 gallon (50 litre) kegs.

TRAINING Customers value quality and will go elsewhere if the products served do not meet their expectations. Training can improve customer satisfaction through the delivery of a good quality product. Research has shown that drinks dispense and cellar management training can improve sales by 7%. It can also improve yields by 3%. For example, a single drip tray of waste can cost an outlet up to £14,000 in lost sales each year. Professionally trained employees also have an enhanced sense of their value to the business. This increased job satisfaction reduces staff turnover and helps to keep expertise within the business. Overall well motivated employees will deliver a higher standard of service to customers. Customers expect the perfect pint every pint. By following the golden rules of good cellar management, owners of pubs, hotels and restaurants can deliver their customers’ expectations whilst reducing energy costs and wastage. Another important job is to ensure the safe manual handling of all stock as part of your risk assessment and health & safety planning. Equipment valuable to this includes cellar pads, heavyduty gloves and barrel trucks, which can be sourced from Murphy & Son Ltd. See the advert on the previous page for further information. Simply hook the trolley over the rim of the keg - anywhere around the rim will do - pull back on the handle to topple the keg onto the wheels - then wheel away. For use when steps, kerbs or rough ground are involved - hook the trolley over the rim at the handhold - then lock the latch. "Simple, yet brilliant!! – Well done." Mr N Turner, Royal Oak, Corsham "The trolley is brilliant, saving me a lot of hassle and backache. I would certainly recommend it to anyone." Mr Bill Turner, Oswestry Combined Ex-Servicemen’s Club ‘Great innovation!’ "What a godsend this trolley has been to our bar stewardess." Mrs H R Wallace, Norwich Prison Officers’ Social Club See the advert on page 21 for further information.

Murphy & Son Ltd.

MURPHY & SON Ltd. have been a fixture in the brewing industry for 130 years, as suppliers of liquor treatments, brewing ingredients and processing aids and in more recent years, drinks distribution and cellar equipment. Covering cellars, bars, restaurants and all types of manual handling. Whatever kind of manual handling your staff are doing, Murphy & Son’s manual handling range boasts the products you need! Our comprehensive range covers everything from lightweight aluminium trucks to gloves and cellar pads and every single one of our products is designed, engineered and manufactured to last and perform to the highest standard. We also sell an extensive range of hygiene

products for such tasks as pipe cleaning. Purchasing from Murphy & Son will provide you and your workforce with years of safe, reliable service, something we couple with free technical support should you ever need it. A few examples of our range. The cellar pad: a multi-layered foam and insertion rubber, surrounded by a tough plastic cover that fastens with Velcro, is easy to replace and comes in a range of colours. The aluminium barrel truck (available with short stair glide): designed specifically to carry beer barrels and cases, it is suited for both brewery and licensed premises. Antiformin S PCD: A combined caustic chlorine detergent that also contains a sequestrant, making it suitable for use in hard water areas. This high quality formulation cleans even badly soiled beer lines. Keen to learn more? Visit,, call 0115 978 5494 or email

FullClear - The Beverage Line Cleaning Solution FULLCLEAR IS a scientifically formulated and innovative beverage line clean solution - the first product of its kind, proven to allow for safe, monthly beer line cleaning. FullClear is the only non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-carcinogenic and eco-ethical beer line cleaner on the market. It replaces dated, toxic and corrosive chemicals resulting in dramatic improvements in beer quality, customer satisfaction and unparalleled savings for operators. FullClear’s ambition is to become the industry gold standard for brewers, licensees, pub companies and beer drinkers. FullClear currently works with many leading hospitality businesses, including Admiral Taverns, Hilton UK, Tokyo Industries and Burning Night Group. The product has undergone over 200 independent and scientific tests at venues and leading laboratories, which support the food and beverage industry. The

BeerTech FlowMaster

OUR COMPANY, BeerTech UK Ltd was formed in 2002 around our patented FlowMaster product, which is now installed in over 4,500 UK pubs, from free houses to major groups, including around 2000 Greene King outlets alone. The FlowMaster system extends the weekly line clean to three-week cycles, allowing the sale of beer normally wasted during 35 weekly lines cleans every year, whilst the action of our product also improves beer quality. UK pubs fitted with BeerTech FlowMaster now sell approximately an additional 4 million “free” pints per year. HOW The action of the FlowMaster system, very simply delays the deposit build up on the internal surfaces of the lines.

company also has an exclusive partnership with Vianet, the global leader in beer monitoring and waste management systems, allowing operators total oversight over their line cleaning processes. Alex Murray, Co-Founder and Chief Executive at FullClear, said: “At FullClear we are committed to helping retailers serve better quality beer and run better, more profitable businesses. We provide the science behind great beer and with the current cutting-edge techniques in brewing, it’s only right the industry deserves the most scientifically advanced cleaning solution to support that. “Our research shows £1 billion a year is lost in beer waste through traditional line cleaning methods. FullClear has the commercial opportunity to save the UK industry alone some £700 million a year in waste. Most cleaning chemicals are toxic, corrosive and ineffective meaning that lines have to be cleaned weekly rather than safely every month. Through our extensive, independently verified tests we’ve proven you can safely extend the clean cycle from weekly to monthly.” Visit or call 0845 838 2143. MATHS An average pub will lose around 25 pints per week. By saving 35 line cleans per year, this saves around 875 pints, which can be sold, where normally they would be poured away. WEBSITE Please visit the website at for a full explanation of the FlowMaster system, and other BeerTech products. INTERESTED? There is a purchase option, which will give a payback period of around 8-12 months, or there is an option to rent at £49.75 per month per pub (up to 12 beerlines, above this it is £59.75) which will give a payback immediately. With the rental option, the equipment, and installation is supplied Free of Charge, and the equipment is fully covered parts and labour. Please note: There is NO CONTRACT whatsoever. Please visit our website for more info. (Our customers themselves call it “a no brainer”).


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2017

Design and Refit Space Air - The UK's Independent Distributor for LG HVAC Systems SPACE AIR with 37 years experience in HVAC industry are UK Nationwide distributors of the full range LG HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) equipment covering One to One Splits, Multi Splits, Multi V™ VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow), Therma V™ air to water medium/high temperature heat pumps, extensive local, remote and central control systems and Spare Parts. The Air Conditioning capacity range extends for 1 kW one to one to 269 kW systems with the largest variety of indoor units from Cassettes (1, 2 & 4 way air distribution), Ceiling, Floor, Wall and Low/Medium/High static ducted type. The Heat Recovery Ventilation- HRV

Woodman Chairs

WOODMAN CHAIRS is a long established, dedicated chair manufacturer and wholesaler who make most of their own chairs. We offer a wide and varied choice of solid oak and beech chair and table styles – both modern and contemporary – with many finish and seat options. Included in our range is an exciting choice of sturdy bar stools and bar tables. The fact that we make gives us greater control and flexibility. It also enables us to offer bespoke chair and chair frame or component production to end customers or other suppliers and manufacturers looking for their own design or

Mayfair Furniture

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

AS A leading supplier of contract furniture to the leisure and hospitality industry Mayfair Furniture is always striving to bring high quality products at the lowest prices possible. We supply a huge range of products to suit a variety of establishments from café and bistro furniture, restaurant, pub, bar, hotel lobby and bedroom furniture. As a direct importer of commercial furniture Mayfair Furniture offer

offers flexible and high efficiency ventilation. The unique Therma V™ Medium (55ºc) and High (80ºc) temperature domestic/commercial heating & domestic hot water and water based systems, which is ranked amongst the leading technology in the world. All LG-HVAC products are Eurovent Certified and to ISO9001-14001, Quality and Environmental Standards with extensive HQ facilities in Weybridge covering show rooms, training centres and CPD facilities. Space Air offers Nationwide coverage including design, selection, logistics, spare parts, remote and on site technical support. Contact us on tel: 01483 478 715 or by email: or visit our website for extensive information.

seeking to create a unique range or theme, again in both oak and beech, raw or finished. Always keen to innovate, Woodman are constantly introducing new styles and have recently added Carver options to their more popular dining chairs and have further expanded their range of bar stools to include rush seated and fabric pad options. Here is a simple decision that won’t require a Referendum! If you want your customers to have the best choice, with honest quality, at affordable prices, with decent lead times and no minimum order, then you need only vote Woodman for your chairs. For further details call 01884 841789, visit or email the most competitive prices in the UK. For example we supply restaurant table tops manufactured in the UK and made from FSC & PEFC certified sustainable sources, with prices starting from £19.95. In 2017 we brought in a new range of premium quality seating from Europe with prices starting at £44.50 almost half the prices of our competitors. For busy restaurateurs and hoteliers the entire range of commercial furniture and prices are quickly accessible from our fully ecommerce website. Buyers can also come and view our products at our new and extended showroom based in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire five days a week Monday to Friday 9am till 5pm. For further details, see the advert on page 2 or: Phone: 01733 310 115 Email: Website:

Design and Refit ILF Chairs - Contract Seating ILF HAVE been supplying top quality indoor and outdoor chairs and tables for over the past 25 years to the hospitality market. We offer a wide selection of products to suit all tastes and as importantly budgets! We pride ourselves outstanding personal service with the motto ‘ No job is ever too big or too small – it’s customer satisfaction that counts’.

December 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

In this demanding Health & Safety led market place we guarantee that all our fabrics and fillings meet the exacting BS5852 Crib 5 fire regulations. The majority of our products are available in a choice of frame colours and we can offer an extensive choice of fabrics including real Leather and Faux Leather. In addition, we also able to offer a full service on bench seating and reupholstery. Delivery times are generally 4 weeks from order, but we can also offer a “fast track” service for certain products. Why not contact us at or on 01293 783783 and find out how we can help you fulfil your seating and table needs.

HotelContractBeds - Premium Quality At Affordable Prices WE’RE ONE of the leading suppliers of contract approved beds and mattresses within the UK. Manufactured by ourselves, we pride ourselves on high quality whilst also providing comfortable low trade prices. While of course we offer all the standard UK sizes for beds and mattresses, we also provide an affordable bespoke service that will enable you to get the exact bed, mattress or sofa bed required for your establishment. We work on a no minimum order value policy, meaning you may order as much, or as little as you need. This

enables us to supply the big hotel chains, while also providing top quality to the smaller and independent hotels. Delivery is free of charge for all mainland UK orders with an estimated time of 3-5 working days. And what’s more, you can be assured that every contract bed manufactured and supplied via HotelContractBeds - including our memory foam mattresses, sofa beds, zip and link beds and divan sets - complies with BS5852 and Crib 5, ensuring that they pass stringent fire safety inspections. Call our friendly sales team on 01234 834693 or visit our website

Pro Auction Valuers & Auctioneers

PRO AUCTION Limited are one of the leading specialist valuers & auctioneers. Providing a comprehensive range of services to ensure that the full value of surplus or redundant assets are realised, to maximum value, be that by a private treaty, tender or auction. Auctions are conducted on a regular basis, throughout Europe in the Hospitality, Catering & Leisure sectors. We provide valuation and sale advice on all classes of industrial and commercial business assets. Auction sales are conducted both on site and webcast through

our world-wide bidding platform. Pro Auction runs both traditional and online auctions throughout Europe, using the latest auction platforms and software, developed to meet the demands and needs of both the seller and purchaser. The company provides expert advice to insolvency practitioners, corporate recovery specialists and turnaround professionals. It is widely acknowledged as a leading provider of machinery and business asset advice – from initial valuation to exit strategy planning and implementation – helping clients through the whole process. Contact Pro Auction Limited on 01761 414000 or email

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2017

Design and Refit R.Duffy and Daughters Limited R.DUFFY and Daughters Limited are a family run company based in Pinner, Middlesex. We specialize in Plastering, Dry Wall Systems, Partitioning, Mf & Lay in Grid Ceilings and Floor Screeding. We are also Licensed Waste Carriers and provide a Wait & Load Service, Skip Service, 20 & 40 Yard Roll on/ Roll off Skips, Scrap Metal and Demolition Waste Recycling. We are proud to have recently

worked on the Royal Lancaster London Hotel’s incredible £80 million renovation project. Our Previous works includes well known hotels such as the Marriott County Hall, The Cumberland Marble Arch and The Grosvenor Victoria. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service with a personal touch. Our service is Punctual and High Quality. For over 35 years we have been providing quality workmanship and total commitment to our clients. For further information, visit, email: or call 01895 634989 or see the advert on page 9.

Sealy - The World’s No.1 Bed Brand

SEALY HAS collaborated with some of the largest hospitality chains and leading hotel groups in the UK. From Center Parcs to the Malmasion and the Savoy, Sealy have acquired numerous years of experience in delivering large quantities of beds and mattresses on time and within budget. The World’s No.1 Bed Brand upholds a level of excellence by delivering an extensive range of beds and mattresses that are engineered around a simple premise: that quality of sleep is every bit as important as quantity of sleep. Through the intertwinement of the most advanced technological developments and state-of-the-art design, Sealy lead the

way in product innovation. Luxury hotel company, the Langham Hospitality Group, have recently partnered with Sealy to deliver sleep solutions within its infamous hotel in West London. Known for delivering the highest standard in customer care and satisfaction across the world, the Langham Hospitality Group has chosen Sealy as its preferred supplier to maintain and extend its global reputation. Sealy are delivering an order of around 350 renowned Palatial Crest beds to the hotel in the UK, with the aim of sustaining the company’s promise of luxury, quality and world class service. Contact Sealy Contracts DepartmentTel – 016973 24417 E-mail – Website –

LeisureBench - Quality, Value and Great Service! WE'RE AN industry-leading trade supplier of quality outdoor furniture, offering unrivalled care and service for our customers.LeisureBench was established in 2001 and we have grown into one of the country's leading suppliers of outdoor products.

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Our furniture is selected for strength, longevity, quality and value. We source direct from manufacturers

worldwide and work closely with them to ensure that both our ethical standards of production and our high environmental demands for sustainability are met. We are also participants in LOFA's 'Made Aware' scheme which focusses primarily on sustainable forrestry. We are situated in the very heart of the UK and with over 100,000 square feet of warehousing we can ensure a reliable supply and fast delivery wherever and whenever you need us. For further details see advert this page.

Design and Refit

December 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Contract Furniture for Hotels, Restaurants, Cafes and Bars The Vandal Resistant Toilet Door Lock From Burstcatch

IF IT is furniture for the leisure market you need, then look no further, than Barton Reed!

We have furniture for all areas, cafe's, restaurants, hotel, lounge or bedrooms, We're passionate about furniture, It's a pleasure to help you find what you are looking for. Our knowledge and expertise allow us to source from some of the best factories, both here in the UK and abroad . Our website gives you more information about our ranges, but if you need more help we would be delighted to hear from you Barton Reed recently supplied New Bedroom Furniture Made From Reclaimed Hardwood to the famous Jamaica Inn An evocative new range of bedroom furniture, ‘Loft’ supplied by Barton Reed & Co of Holsworthy, Devon, was installed in fifteen brand new bedrooms over the border in Cornwall, at Jamaica Inn, Bodmin. David Moore, Managing Director of Barton Reed & Co., knew that Loft would be a winner. His company buys handmade furniture from manufacturers throughout Europe and one or two selected suppliers from farther afield. David says; "Over the decades we have installed thousands of ranges of hotel furniture, so I know a good product when I see it. Jamaica Inn is the first hotel we’ve supplied with Loft. I’m very

happy with the outcome and I think these tasteful new bedrooms have set a high standard for West Country hotels in 2018." Allen Jackson, Director of Jamaica Inn spotted the Loft range online. His discovery was made perfect when he realised that it was stocked locally by Barton Reed & Co. "We love it and more importantly, so do our guests. It feels as solid as it looks - when you shut a drawer you get that quality sound. We’ve even had people ask us where they can buy it as they want it back in their bedrooms at home. Feedback like that makes us know we made the right choice.” Sammy Wheeler, Allen’s PA and overseer of the refit logistics explains; "We always buy locally when we can as we think it works best for everyone. The service we received from Barton Reed & Co was exceptional. David understood that we wouldn’t want all the furniture on site and he thoughtfully arranged to warehouse it and deliver on a call-off basis. That helped us fit the rooms more efficiently as we weren’t having to constantly shift furniture. I think that’s the sort of service you get from local companies that understand their customers properly." For further information 01409 271189, email: or visit

LOCKS ARE a critical part of the decision process when designing or refurbishing your bathroom. Durable and hard-wearing toilet cubicle locks are essential to ensure longevity of your investment. Burstcatch ensures both privacy and security of your bathroom cubicles with its unique, patented vandal resistant design. Built to last in the most extreme of environments, Burstcatch is designed to operate flawlessly in the washroom environment. Suitable for extreme high traffic commercial toilet areas such as night clubs, bars and restaurants. Burstcatch is the standard fitting in the UK’s largest pub chains JD Weatherspoon, Yates, Mitchell & Butler, Stonegate and Missoula Bars Burstcatch ensures their washrooms are always 100% operational, reaping the financial benefits everyday. • Privacy with unique anti-vandal door lock design • Works with all types of toilet cubicle doors

• Built strong. Built to last. Built to save you money. • Guaranteed to save your toilet cubicle doors and locks from vandals. In the high traffic pub and club environment it's essential your toilet doors stay operational. Burstcatch will give you the piece of mind that once fitted you no longer have to call out service engineers to repair your toilet cubicle doors. Generally a call out would be £60 plus per call, so its a simple calculation to see Burstcatch is a valuable investment. Customer safety is ensured with our unique design. Burstcatch will allow standard privacy but if you are required to access a cubicle during an emergency situation you can easily force the door open without causing any damage to the toilet door hardware or to the door. Safety without the expense! Tel: 0151 608 8666 or visit or see the advert on page 2.

Upgrading Water Pumps Saved A Hotel 53% In Energy Costs BRITANNIA HOTELS acquired Daresbury Park Hotel in 2015. It was apparent there were significant issues with water supply. Intermittent changes in water pressure, temperature issues at showers and taps, rattling pipework causing complaints, as well as two total failures of the water supply. The hot and cold water was maintained by two three pump booster sets, both of which needed attention and PressBoost, specialists in Pressurisation and Boosted water systems were tasked. Looking into the problem they found that the controls were the issue. The lead pump for each unit had a variable speed drive to save energy and the support pumps were on fixed speed control, this is a very difficult way of trying to control water as it can cause all of the issues present on site, coupled with the fact that one of the VSD’s had failed completely. The solution was to replace the existing

controls with individual VSD’s within a new control panel. The new drives were configured Duty/Assist/ Assist, this enabled the pressure to be set up to a fixed 3.5 bar. The modified controls incorporated auto-changeover of the lead pump every 24hrs, as well as all pumps run when required to maintain the demand of the hotel regardless of the time of day or the demand. Prior to repairs on the first unit being carried out, PressBoost installed energy monitoring equipment to the Hot Water booster (failed inverter). This equipment was subsequently monitored for two weeks after modification and energy savings were measured at 53%. Britannia immediately commissioned a second control panel for the Cold Water booster unit. Two years later Britannia Hotels reports all water issues are a distant memory, asked for comment PressBoost said that this was something that could be incorporated into any existing water boosting equipment. For further information, call 0161 798 5872 or 07772 115014. Email: or

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Specialists in the supply, service, maintenance and breakdown repair of all makes and types of Pressurisation & Boosted water equipment.

PressBoost have extensive experience of boosted water supply systems both fixed and variable speed, we have supplied and installed many bespoke variable speed booster systems in hotels, large office and accommodation buildings throughout the UK.

We maintain in accordance with the “Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000, Statutory Instrument No 128”. All of our engineers are skilled and are deemed to be “Competent” in compliance with the above legislation to work on all “Pressure Systems”.


In addition our engineers are WRAS accredited RPZ valve testers, we test, service & maintain all makes of RPZ BA backflow prevention devices in accordance with WRAS AIM 08 regulations.

For customers with service or similar agreements we provide 24/7-365 days a year callout cover.

Our vehicles are equipped with many generic spare parts which enables us to complete a large proportion of first visit fix solutions. If this is not possible we focus on temporary re-instatement with full repair within 48 hours.


Call us 0n 0161 798 5872/ 07772 115014 to discuss how we can help. Email,

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2017

Design and Refit

“A Top Notch Job”: Williams Refrigeration At The ‘Fabulous’ Beaumont Hotel, Hexham THE BEAUMONT Hotel in Hexham is a classic Victorian building that’s being turned into a stylish, modern, designer venue. It’s undergoing an extensive refurbishment, following its sale for £1.9million in 2016. Proprietor Roger Davy is a local who spent 20 years working in hospitality in London. “We’re creating a casual environment,” he says. “People can choose what they want to do and where they want to do it. They have the freedom to go into a space and use it for a variety of occasions. People come in for breakfast, morning coffee, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner… the change is seamless.” “We’ve brought our own design perspective and we’re concentrating on quality – in terms of accommodation, service, drinks and, of course, food.” To help deliver that quality the Beaumont’s new £300,000 kitchen has refrigeration from Williams. The kitchen was designed and installed by Crosbys, for whom John Clarke was project manager. “They’ve brought a bit of London style to Hexham,” he says. “For example, the open ‘industrial’ ceilings look fantastic, as do the grey crackle tiles in the kitchen. The décor is fabulous.” When it came to specifying catering equipment, there were clear priorities. “To maximise the bottom line, we want

equipment that will last a long time, and won’t break down. So longevity and reliability are key. After that it’s a matter of value for money and looks. “With refrigeration, reliable temperature control is critical. If we set a fridge to 3°C, I expect it to be operating at 3°C twelve months later. It’s even more of an issue with the walk in coldroom – there’s a temptation for the chefs to leave the door open. It’s vital that your refrigeration functions properly.” The Williams equipment at the Beaumont Hotel includes a dual temperature cold room, for chilled and freezer storage, a blast chiller and several undercounter units. The counters are all supplied with drawers rather than doors. “The decision to go with drawers obviously increases the price, but the payback is improved service and delivery – they make chefs’ lives easier, by making access to and organisation of ingredients better.” The variety of options offered by Williams helped make the refrigeration even more functional, says John. “For example, some of the counters have raised ingredients wells. In the pastry area they have gantries. When it came to refrigeration for the kitchen pass, space was very limited so we opted for an Aztra unit, which is very compact.”Roger is impressed by the way Crosby’s handled the job. “They are a local company and the work has been completed to a very, very high standard. It’s the best we could have had. Their design, support, installation and ongoing communication have all been exemplary. “Williams’ customer support is excellent, too. As with any install, things can go wrong. They are very quick to respond, they’re reliable and they get the issue sorted.” Roger especially liked the ‘Williams attitude’ during the coldroom install. “It wasn’t straightforward, because it was such a busy time and they had to work around other peoples’ schedules,” he says. “They were very patient and they did a top notch job.” To learn more about Williams' extensive product range visit

New Technology At January Furniture Show THE 2018 January Furniture Show runs from 21 – 24 January, at the NEC in Birmingham. Visitors to the show will notice a new brightly coloured box on every stand. It’s an e-reader called Poken. It means that even if a stand is busy, visitors can record their visit and request product information from the exhibitor. Every visitor badge will be a smart badge and tapping it against the Poken box lets the exhibitor know they visited. Exhibitors can read the Poken data at the show in real time, making it an invaluable and lead generating tool, and it means they no longer have to worry about missing

Racking Solutions HERE AT Racking Solutions, we specialise in all types of racking and shelving for a huge variety of uses. We are a friendly family run business who really goes the extra mile for our customers. We pride ourselves on offering superb quality products at exceptionally competitive prices. Whether you’re looking to fit out Pubs, Hotels, Restaurants, Kitchens, Cafés, and thousands

Hippychick Bed Protectors

HIPPYCHICK BED Protectors are high quality, discreet, breathable and 100% waterproof – something so practical rarely feels so luxurious and they truly have to be seen to be believed! The protectors are available in both tencel and cotton, with a wide range of sizes in fitted and flat sheet designs. For those of you who aren’t aware, tencel is a naturally hygienic fibre made from 100%

buyers they want to see. It’s completely secure as no personal data is recoded or transmitted. It’s also eco-friendly, tapping the box means that brochures and information pre-loaded on to the system by the exhibitor, will be sent electronically to the visitor – which means less printing and less heavy brochures to carry. This is a huge technological advance for events and the January Furniture Show is the first major show in the UK to use Poken. The organising team is very excited about the advancement and believes it will be a great tool for both exhibitors and visitors. For further information please visit

more we really do have the right priced solution and quality product just for you. We offer a 5 year no quibble Guarantee on everything we sell if you’re not happy for any reason we will give you a replacement or full refund. We offer a next day delivery service everywhere in mainland UK and 2-3 day delivery everywhere in Europe. Our products really are second to none we over engineer everything we sell compared to many of our competitors’. You won’t be disappointed in our racking and it is very easy to assemble. Give our friendly sales team a ring were here to help. See advert on the facing page for details.

biodegradable, sustainable wood pulp cellulose. It is as cool as linen, soft as silk and even more absorbent than cotton. Tencel’s unique moisture absorbent capacity draws away moisture and helps keep the bed cool, and without moisture the growth of bacteria is inhibited preventing unwanted mould and mites. Hippychick’s Bed Protectors take a much needed, but also much maligned product and transforms it into a comfortable, soft, undetectable piece of bedding. They are soft, breathable, absorbent and waterproof – a great natural alternative to sweaty plastic undersheets. To see the full range please visit

o Suppliers of 1920s chairs to pubs and restaurants nationwide



30 years experience We can supply chairs in original condition and fully refurbished Prices from £35 (original condition) to £75 (refurbished) Delivery in 10 to 21 days on orders of 10 - 150

o Telephone: 07970 714959 Email:

Design and Refit

Upgrade Your Business with LPG FOR YEARS, oil has been the fuel of choice to power off-grid hotels, pubs, and restaurants. But’s that’s changing, with more and more making the simple conversion to LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). CLH News talks to leading LPG supplier, Flogas Britain, to find out why.

down time, reducing both maintenance and stoppage costs. On top of that, condensing LPG boilers cost less to install than oil boilers and can run at 95% efficiency, which could reduce your business’ energy consumption by a further 5%. When you combine these installation, ongoing, and maintenance savings (in the form of costs and time), the financial case for LPG is clear to see. From central heating, hot water and laundry, to catering, The environmental case: LPG for a cleaner future swimming pools and golf buggies, the energy requirements The environmental case for LPG is simple and strong: it’s of an off-grid hotel and restaurant are considerable and varcleaner than other conventional fuels, helping to improve air ied. quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Traditionally they’ve had to use oil to meet their energy It emits 15% less CO2 than kerosene, 29% less than gas demands. However, as many are now finding out, there is oil and 25% less than heavy fuel oil (HFO). When combined another option. One that can lower fuel costs, minimise with the more efficient gas burners, the savings are even ongoing maintenance, and up their business’ environmental higher, reaching 30-50%. credentials. What’s more, as LPG emits virtually no black carbon and That option is LPG, and increasing numbers of hotels, emits less nitrous oxides (NOx) than most other fuels, it pubs and restaurants are switching to LPG boilers either as doesn’t pose a risk to soil and groundwater. This is critical standalone conversions, or as part of a general refurbishfollowing The Medium Combustion Plant (MCP) Directive, ment programme. which came into effect in December 2017, strictly regulating So, what exactly are the benefits of LPG, and how can a the emission of SO2, NOx and dust. simple switch help overhaul your business – reducing costs Making the environmental case even stronger, the governand carbon emissions in the process? ment’s Department for Business, Energy & Industrial The financials: saving time and money Strategy recently published its Clean Growth Strategy docuWhatever your business’ size, energy costs are certain to ment, outling its intention to reduce carbon emissions from represent a significant percentage of overheads. Switching to off-grid businesses, and tackle the challenges faced by those LPG delivers a huge opportunity to reduce these costs, as using oil boilers. LPG is the lowest carbon conventional offit’s a much more efficient and – as a general rule – cheaper grid fuel available today, and as such, has a crucial role to fuel than oil. play in turning the Clean Growth Strategy’s vision into a In fact, according to Flogas Britain, one of the UK’s leadreality. Against this backdrop, there is an opportunity for ing LPG suppliers, Oil to Gas conversion projects can delivrural hotels, pubs and restaurants to be at the very heart of er up to a 20% reduction on fuel bills, and show a return on that revolution. investment (ROI) in as little as 12 months. Making the switch: How easy is it for me to make This ROI is often the deciding factor for businesses thinkchanges? ing of moving away from oil and weighing up their options. The conversion to LPG is simple, unobtrusive and inexSome may have looked at biomass as an alternative, before pensive. The team at Flogas provides full turnkey solutions, realising that a biomass conversion could cost up to £1 miland manages the process from start to finish. They also have lion, compared to approximately £100,000 for LPG. This the UK’s largest delivery netgives biomass an ROI of two to work in place, so deliveries to three years, versus as little as 12 off-grid locations are easy and months for LPG. dependable. Fuel efficiency is also a key facSo with the shift away from tor in LPG’s cost-saving potential. oil set to continue, the case for LPG has a higher calorific value LPG is clear; it can save you per tonne than oil, so the flame money, cut your emissions, burns hotter, giving a quicker improve your efficiency, and on release of energy, and therefore top of all that, conversion easy. lower energy consumption. If you are in the process of Additionally, efficiencies are refurbishing your sites, or thinkseen by the maintenance team, as ing about converting from Oil to LPG is a cleaner burning fuel than LPG, visit or oil. This means that no daily mainte- Lords of the Manor, in The Cotswolds, switched to LPG from Flogas call 0800 028 3802. nance is required, and there is less

December 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


“SUPER PUB” GETS “SUPER LOO”! A new ‘super pub’- believed to be the biggest in the UK- has opened, complete with a ‘super loo’!

The 16,500 sq ft Royal Victoria Pavilion in Ramsgate is the result of a £4.5m investment by leading pub chain JD Wetherspoon, and revitalises a Grade II listed former casino on the seafront. Its doors will be open to all- the venue includes one of Closomat’s Changing Places assisted accessible toilets, for people who need more space, and/or equipment when they need the loo away from home. The Royal Pavilion is the latest Wetherspoons to feature one of the toilets, which offers more space than a conventional wheelchair-accessible toilet12m2- and, on top of the usual fixtures, incorporates a ceiling track hoist, height adjustable adult-sized changing bench, privacy screen, and height adjustable washbasin. It compliments the standard toilet facilities, and is conveniently located alongside the other washrooms on the ground floor.

Under Building Regulations and British Standards, a Changing Places toilet is ‘desirable’ in buildings to which numbers of the public have access. Since their introduction a decade ago, 1000 have been opened across the UK. Venues include several JD Wetherspoon pubs, most UK major airports, stations, Alton Towers, wildlife parks and other tourist attractions.

Architect Barry Goacher of KD Paine & Associates said, “JD Wetherspoon has a established, ongoing commitment to providing quality venues- right through to the toilets, indeed it has won several Loo of the Year Awards. It was therefore a key element of our brief in designing the new pub to ensure that reputation was maintained, and that a Changing Places was included so the pub’s doors would be truly open to all.”

Closomat is Britain’s leading provider of helpful toileting solutions, at home and away, including Changing Places and their similar Space to Change facilities. Uniquely, the company can provide an inhouse, ‘one- stop-shop’ complete package for ‘away from home’ assisted accessible toilet facilities, from design and commissioning, through to project management, supply and installation, and can also provide subsequent maintenance and repair.

Adds Closomat’s Claire Haymes, away from home specialist, “Without the space and facilities a Changing Places provides, potentially up to 14million people- and their carers- in the UK can’t find, or use- suitable toilets when away from home. They may need help to be lifted out of a wheelchair, they may need extra space for someone else to be in there and help them, they may need changing. JD Wetherspoon is the only major pub chain committed to providing the facilities in as many of its venues as possible.”

Its website is the most comprehensive resource available about Changing Places for campaigners, providers and specifiers alike, with a raft of support information including white papers, calling cards, CAD blocks, NBS specifications, video and case studies.

tel 0161 969 1199;

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

December 2017

Property and Professional

The Stags Head, Dunster on the Market

A NEW Private ‘Free of Tie’ Leasehold Inn has been brought to the market by Leading National Licensed Property Agent Guy Simmonds :- The Stags Head, 10 West St, Dunster, Somerset.







Exceptionally Well Presented Country Hotel & Restaurant 7 En-Suite Letting Bedrooms Separate 3/4 Bedroom Owners Bungalow Car Parking and Gardens Impressive Free of Tie Opportunity

Superior Award Winning Bed & Breakfast Sought After South West Village Location 6 High Quality En-Suite Letting Bed Superior 3 Bed Owners Accommodation Car Parking and Attractive Gardens Exceptional Business & Lifestyle Opportunity

Quintessential Free of Tie Moorland Inn 2 Bars (58+), Restaurant (26+) 8 Letting Bedrooms, 2 Bed Owners Trade Terrrace, Private Courtyard Gdn Trade Experience Essential



Attractive & Extremely Well Presented Bar & Restaurant Main Restaurant Area (80), Bar Premises (120) Prime City Centre Trading Position Exceptional Levels of Trade & Profits Must be Viewed to be Fully Appreciated



EAST DEVON High Quality Daytime Only Cafe & Coffee Shop Occupying A Town Centre Trading Position Cafe/Restaurant (55), Al Fresco Seating (40+) Impressive Levels of Trade With Much Potential Stylish & Extremely Well Equipped Premises Must Be Seen To Be Appreciated

LH £89,500


FREE OF TIE LH £95,000


WILTSHIRE Impressive FREE OF TIE Pub Restaurant Extremely Well Presented Throughout Bar & Lounge Areas (40+), Restaurant (46) 3 Quality En-Suite Letting Bedrooms, 1 Bed Pvt Beer Garden (32) Car Park (20), Skittle Alley/Barn Successful Business with Strong Net Profits

FREE OF TIE LH £115,000




LH £99,950

FH £950,000



LH £95,000

This delightful Grade II Listed Private ’Free of Tie Lease’ Village Inn with Letting Bedrooms has a delightful location in the heart of the desirable Exmoor National Park village of Dunster, Somerset. Dunster is an historic medieval village that is one of the most popular places in Exmoor National Park with its ancient castle, priory, dovecote, yarn market, packhorse bridge

and a mill all attracting the tourists throughout the year. The property is presented to a high standard and benefits from a Public Bar (circa 12), Restaurant (circa 54), Garden Room (circa 25) and Four Letting Bedrooms. To complete the property is a lawned beer garden (circa 30), bedroom living accommodation and well equipped catering kitchen. Asking Price £49,950. Private ‘Free of Tie’ lease. Private Free of Tie Lease with rent of £35,000. Last Years Turnover circa £357,600 (incl.). Trade Split 40% wet, 50% food & 10% accommodation. Sales Agent – Guy Simmonds 01332 865112.

The Hospitality Business Mentor from The Bowden Group

DAVID HUNTER is the Hospitality Business Mentor – he works with owners and investors in hotels, restaurants and catering businesses. Ensuring the business performs and makes the required profit, is what David does, and he does this by: 1. Setting realistic targets for the business, and creating budgets and forecasts 2. Monitoring Sales, Gross Margins and Labour costs very closely 3. Mentoring the owners and/or managers of the business to help them achieve their objectives Other areas that David advises on include: • Marketing – general and specific (ie promotions etc)

• Human Resources (HR) - including all the legislation, and disciplinary positions. • Reward and Bonus schemes – always linked to achievement of objectives • Customer Service - including Hospitality skills training Do contact David for an informal chat, or make an appointment to meet with him. Call David direct on: Mobile 07831 407984 or by email on Visit the website at or the Blogsite at

The Royal Oak Inn, Exmoor National Park, for Sale EXMOOR, SOMERSET


Destination Inn with Moorland Views Main Restaurant & Bar Area (50+) Al Fresco Seating (100), Car Park & Gardens Owners 2 Bed Private Accommodation 5 En-Suite Letting Rooms Excellent Business with Tremendous Potential

Well Regarded Town Centre Restaurant (50) Impressive 3 Bed Accommodation Gardens, Car Parking (6) Well Presented Throughout Superb Home & Business Opportunity

FREE OF TIE LH £29,950


LH £64,950



TOTNES, SOUTH DEVON Prominent and Well Presented Licensed Restaurant Much Sought After South Hams Market Town Currently Trading as an Indian Restaurant Restaurants (50), Restaurant/Function Room (30+) Commercial Catering Kitchen, Al Fresco Seating (20) Excellent Opportunity with Much Potential

LH £59,950


01392 201262

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

THE SALE of The Royal Oak represents an excellent opportunity to purchase a well established and well regarded character village inn, in an extremely desirable area. The Inn is prominently placed in Withypool, a pretty village nestling in the valley of the Exmoor National Park and an ideal place from which to tour Exmoor’s beauty spots and attractions. With origins reputedly dating back over 300 years, The Royal Oak Inn is a spacious detached character property and is one of the best known inns on Exmoor. Presented to a high standard throughout, the property retains much of the original charm and character including magnificent open fireplaces, exposed ceiling timbers, and this high quality destination inn briefly compris-

es:- Public Bar (seating 30 plus), Lounge Bar (28 plus), Restaurant (26 plus), Commercial Catering Kitchen, 8 Letting Bedrooms to sleep up to 16 guests and a 2 Bedroom Owners Apartment. Externally, to the front is a Patio Trade Terrace as well as a Rear Private Courtyard Garden, 4 Storage Sheds, Private Owners Customer Car Parking and a good sized Private Paddock Area. The Royal Oak Inn trades as a high quality, destination food led moorland inn with trade derived not only from the village but also the surrounding villages and towns nearby. The business benefits from its own website which provides further background information on the business. The business is for sale on a free of tie leasehold basis with an asking price of £95,000. Full property details are available from the website or please call 01392 201262.



Property and Professional

Bag Yourself A Bargain Hotel In France And Beat The Brexit Blues SO, YOU'RE fed up with the winter rain and befuddled politicians. Even the forthcoming royal wedding doesn't fully float your boat. Have you considered moving across the channel and buying a small hotel in France? President Macron has taken centre stage in Europe: his vision for the future of the EU is being taken seriously, while France’s position is being strengthened by the weaknesses of others – political stalemate in Germany, Brexit uncertainty in the UK, Catalonian separatism in Spain, forthcoming elections in Italy. From a foreign investor’s point of view, Macron has forcefully put France back on the map. Gone are the days when David Cameron, then British prime minister, mocked the high-taxation regime of President Hollande and joked about rolling out the red carpet in London for all the French expatriates fleeing their homeland. Now the exodus is the other way, as many French and other Europeans leave Brexit UK and return to Continental Europe. Macron is rolling out his red carpet in Paris, promoting policies designed to attract foreign investment and to give the economy a much-needed boost. The bill to make the labour market more flexible,

passed with remarkably little opposition, has been welcomed, as has the budget bill cutting corporate tax from 33% to 28% and then down to 25% in 2022. The wealth tax, a relic of the Mitterrand era, has been limited to a property tax to encourage entrepreneurs to return to France. Tax breaks – a 70% cut - for those owning assets of more than €1.3m are the icing on the cake. The ambition is to change foreign investors’ perception of France as a place of crippling red tape and onerous taxes. Business France has been created, a unit of the Finance Ministry designed to promote the country abroad and bring in capital. Lofty ambitions and decisive action have been matched by a good dose of sheer luck. Not content with winning the bid to host the Olympic Games in 2024, Paris has just bagged the European Banking Authority, which has to leave London after Brexit but was widely expected to move to Frankfurt. To complete the hat trick, France was also the surprise winner to host the Rugby World Cup in 2023. From sport to finance, the country is back on the map - perhaps you should be cashing in. Telephone : +33 (0)5 53 60 84 88 Email :

Terry Osborne Pub, Hotel & Restaurant Insurance Specialists WE AT Terry Osborne Insurance Services are a specialist Insurance Broker in the Hotel, Pub, Guest House and B&B sector offering an impeccable service at a reasonable premium.

realise that their cover has been compromised to lower their premium after a costly claim, which is all too late. At Terry Osborne Insurance Services Limited we aim to ensure that our premiums are not reduced by cutting our coverage and we are continually checking the market to ensure that As a family run business we pride ourselves on our perwe are providing a quality service at sonal service with clients all over the a competitive price. TERRY TERRY O OSBORNE SBORNE UK we are pleased to offer our For further information contact IINSURANCE ER RV VICES LTD LT L TD NSURANCE SERVICES SE expertise and advice. As with everyTERRY OSBORNE Insurance PPub, ub, Hotel estaurant Hotel & RRestaurant thing in life you seem to get what Services Ltd on 01622 745 297, email you pay for! As trade specialists we Insurance Insurance Specialist Specialist or are keen to offer a competitive preIt would be 1622 7745 45 297 297 visit elephone 001622 Telephone embarrassing not mium without compromising cover A u t h o r i s e d a n d R e g u l a t e d by t h e to be covered! Fina ncia l Conduct Aut horit y as in too many cases clients only

The Cotley Inn, Wambrook, Chard, Somerset on the Market IN A picturesque site of several acres, this substantial historic inn is a popular local and destination venue. The Cotley Hunt meets here and it is also a favourite hostelry for shooting parties and ramblers. Extensive facilities include 4 drinks/dining areas plus skittle alley/function room (96 covers in total), trade terrace, large garden, 2 paddocks and 3 car parks. Owners enjoy spacious 3-bed-

room accommodation. There is scope to extend trading hours and expand functions. The Estate has PP to build 4 en-suite guest rooms. Its idyllic setting and favourable lease create an excellent lifestyle and trade opportunity. Price: £69,950. Tenure: Estate FoT leasehold. Rent: £20,000 + VAT. Landlord: Eames Estate. Sales: 2016 T/O circa £337,604 70% food 30% wet. For further information, contact Guy Simmonds on 01332 865112.

December 2017

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


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