CLH News #208 January 2018

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January 2018

Issue 208

Hotelympia 2018 Preview

Products and Services

The Source Trade Show Preview

Property and Professional

Page 26 - 28

Pages 28 - 29

Design and Refit

Pages 30 - 35

Pages 35 - 43

Pages 44 - 47

Hospitality Sector Vulnerable in Brexit "Worst Case Scenario"

A NEW REPORT has identified the hospitality industry as an area of the economy particularly vulnerable from the fallout of Brexit, due to the industries “heavy reliance on foreign workers”.

The analysis entitled “Preparing for Brexit” commissioned by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, indicates that a 'no deal' hard Brexit could lead to a lost decade or longer of significantly lower growth. The worst-case scenario could result in overall damage to the economy including: • 500,000 fewer jobs • 87,000 fewer jobs in London by 2030 • Nearly £50bn UK-wide investment lost by 2030 The report cites a British Hospitality Association immigration report, “Labour Migration in the Hospitality Sector”, commissioned by the BHA from KPMG in March 2017, which points out that the hospitality sector is “highly reliant” on EU national workers, with up to 24 per cent of the sector’s workforce made up of EU migrants. It says that the labour shortfall 10 years after Brexit would be 1 million if EU migration fell to zero from 2019 The research focused on hospitality where currently 3 million people are employed. The BHA also represents tourism and estimates that there are 4.5 million workers employed across hospitality and tourism as a whole, the fourth la gest industry in the UK contributing 10 per cent of GDP. The report points out that when taking both hospitality and tourism together, the recruitment gap would be even greater. The KPMG report says that 75 per cent of waiters and waitresses, 25 per cent of chefs and 37 per cent of housekeeping staff are from the EU. Speaking at the time Ufi Ibrahim, Chief Executive of the British Hospitality Association, said: “It is clear from the KPMG report that hospitality and tourism face major problems in recruitment if there is any major cut in the number of workers allowed to enter from the EU. We want to avoid there being any cliff edge but the Government must be aware that in the medium to long term we will still need considerable numbers of EU workers, who have contributed so much to our industry and the UK economy in general.Even softer Brexit scenarios, like the UK remaining in the Single Market, but leaving the Customs Union after a transition period could still result

in a 176,000 fewer jobs across the country. Mr Khan said: “This independent analysis reveals the potential economic risks – and human costs – at stake in the negotiations. “If the Government continues to mishandle the negotiations we could be heading for a lost decade of lower growth and lower employment. The analysis concludes that the harder the Brexit we end up with, the bigger the potential impact on jobs, growth and living standards. Ministers are fast running out of time to turn the negotiations around. A no-deal hard Brexit is still a very real risk – the worst possible scenario.” A future trade relationship must be agreed between the Government and the EU by 27 October this year. The Mayor is warning that with just 10 months to go, time is running out. In total, five scenarios were modelled by Cambridge Econometrics to illustrate the range of possible outcomes of the UK’s future relationship with the EU. These are: • Scenario 1 - A ‘close to status quo’ scenario where the UK remains part of both of the single market and customs union • Scenario 2 - A scenario where the UK remains part of the single market, but not the customs union • Scenario 3 - A scenario where the UK remains part of the customs union, but not the single market • Scenario 4 - A hard Brexit scenario in which trade between the UK and the EU falls under World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules with a two-year transition period from March 2019 • Scenario 5 - The same hard Brexit scenario but without a two-year transition period Reacting to the report, the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers (ALMR), which represents the UK's pub, bar and restaurant sectors, reiterated its call for a “constructive future immigration policy”. ALMR chief executive, Kate Nicholls, said: “The report highlights the important contribution being made by EU nationals to the capitals hospitality sector and the difficulties businesses would face should they be unable to access labour from the EU. “The Government has already made a commitment to EU nationals living in the UK, but it is crucial that any future immigration policy reflects the need for hospitality businesses to employ non-UK workers.”


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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Editor's Viewpoint

January 2018

A SLIGHTLY belated Happy New Year to you all and welcome to the January 2018 issue of CLH News I hope you all and a very successful festive trading period, and I very much hope that the phenomenon which is now “Dry January” is not affecting trade too much. We have an article regarding Dry January on page 23 of this issue. Dry January has had in my opinion a disproportionate amount of media time, however, as the article says it is not all “doom and gloom “the EDITOR good news regarding Dry January is that two thirds of us don’t take part (me included) and those who do last about two weeks before giving up, so whilst it certainly pays to prepare and market for Dry January it also pays to remember that 66% of people are not buying into it, leaving us with the best of both worlds, marketing to those that do and marketing to those that don’t! If one thing this job has taught me, it is the absolute importance to a planned business marketing strategy. When I had my own wine bar restaurant in the 90s I had precious little knowledge or experience of advertising/marketing and looking back with mature reflection I realise that with a good marketing strategy I would have made more money and sold up for a lot more money! So let’s make 2018 the year to do something different! As we say on our new company website “market your business in 2018 the same way you did in 2017-expect the same results”. Some readers will be fortunate to have significant marketing experience or be in a position to designate marketing to a professional company or marketing person, however, for smaller businesses who lack the support of a corporate marketing department, marketing can slip down to the bottom of the list, this can be due to time, or probably more likely lack of marketing knowledge skills and experience, and let’s face it we can’t be all things to all men! So, the need to attract new custom, as well as sending away satisfied customers more important than ever before, and you can only attract new custom by marketing and advertising, Attract, Persuade, Retain! And thanks to modern technology this can be done in many ways. One of the issues we find here at CLH News is that we are sent numerous times a day press releases, which are adverts in word format about companies, the launch of new products services Food & Drink, software, however, when our sales staff go back to ask the company if they would like to advertise we are often told “we don’t have a marketing budget”! Readers may recall an article in our November issue “it’s not marketing the costs money-it’s empty tables” written by marketing expert George Shaw who highlighted some hospitality businesses who have approached him after spending tens sometimes hundreds of thousands of pounds on decor, equipment, lighting and furniture, and within the next breath say “we have nothing left for marketing/advertising ”, and he made a specific point, “in order to survive, the industry needs a rethink.” And with this in mind we very much hope to bring some of the industry’s leading marketing gurus over the next few months to give advice on how you can best market your hotel pub or restaurant. We would also take this opportunity to draw your attention to our new RECRUITMENT WEBSITE. Which can be found via our website Long overdue! We have been publishing in print and digitally the 19 years introducing an array of companies, their products and services, and on our website we have some informal features such as downloadable posters for every occasion, all to help businesses run that bit more efficiently and profitable, but what we do not have is a facility to help you attract the right person for a vacancy that you may have. Brexit according to industry professionals could lead to significant recruitment problems for the hospitality sector heavily reliant on overseas labour, and while there are many recruitment websites, we are confident that our years of publishing to the independent hospitality sector, our years of sales and marketing experience, will make our user-friendly website an absolute must, for all sectors of the trade but in particular the independent sector. And the most important thing of all we are affordable! So, once again, please pays a visit at: www.catererlicensee AND Forgot to say we are exhibiting at the source tradeshow in Exeter on February 7 and eight at West Point exhibition centre so please if you are visiting stop by and say hello!

Peter Adams

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG


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EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Shelly Roche Published by

January 2018

ALMR Urges Government to Resist Tourist Tax THE ALMR has warned Bath and North-East Somerset Council it should proceed with caution before seeking Government approval to implement a tourist tax. The Association has also urged the Government to resist granting the powers to impose the levy and has highlighted the importance of the need to consult affected businesses before progressing the matter further. ALMR Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The consequences of implementing a tourist tax in the city are far from clear. Even a modest increase in costs for customers could have unforeseen and potentially harmful consequences. “The Lyons Inquiry warned against the introduction of a tourism tax for good reason, and advocated consultation with businesses before proceeding with any such measure. The Government should heed those recommenda-

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


tions, as the impacts would likely be far and wide, with local authorities across the country seeking to capitalise on a new source of revenue, and no clear measures in place to safeguard against a levy being imposed and raised with impunity. “We urge the Council not to increase costs for hospitality businesses that already contribute enormously in the way of taxes. Hospitality businesses are already facing significant costs increases, particularly business rates bills, that are crippling many venues. Bath’s hospitality businesses will still be feeling the impact of the recent revaluation and another tax will just exacerbate cost pressures. “If measures are to be taken forward, then they need to be done with close engagement of Bath’s hotels and hospitality businesses to assess the cost implications of such a move.”

Pub’s German Night Advert Banned Over “Offensive” Nazi Reference The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) upheld three complaints regarding two adverts that were placed in the pubs Facebook page that were deemed offensive. The pub had also “liked” comments made by other individuals on the Facebook page which were also deemed offensive. Buck Inn owner Craig Harker said it was “political correctness gone mad” and “the world’s gone bonkers”. An advert, posted on 8 September, featured the line “Don’t Mention Ze War” and showed a uniformed Nazi soldier performing a salute with a cartoon of the chef’s head superimposed on top. The pub defended the post by saying that this was a quote from the popular TV series Fawlty Towers and

the use of the phrase in conjunction with a cartoon image was intended to be “light-hearted and humorous”. The ASA said it appeared to resemble the “stylisation and colours typical of Nazi imagery”. The second post four days later showed the Buck Inn had updated its Facebook profile picture to an image of a newspaper article about the German night poster, which was headlined “Pub’s German night ‘Nazi’ poster criticised”. He said 500,000 people had seen it, most of whom had taken it in the way it was intended and not as promoting the Nazis or mocking the war. The ASA acknowledged the Fawlty Towers link but said the depiction of Nazi was “inappropriate and trivialised” the war and actions of the Nazis. “Furthermore, the ad appeared to link German culture intrinsically with Nazi Germany and the war,” it added. Mr Harker said: “The world’s gone absolutely bonkers if this is deemed offensive. As long as business is good I’ll continue to market my businesses however I see fit and let the PC brigade continue to do their jobs.”

BREWER AND PUB operator Brakspear gave away a free pint or two to any local firefighter who dropped into the Saracen’s Head, as a ‘thank you’ for their sterling efforts in putting out a serious fire at the Greys Road pub last month. A barrel of Brakspear’s Oh Be Joyful festive ale was put on the bar especially for them to enjoy. The chimney fire broke out at the pub at 5.00 pm and took more than four hours to put out. Happily, there were no injuries or lasting damage to the pub – thanks to the care shown by the firefighters while putting out the blaze. The Saracen’s Head is back to business as usual already, and it’s all down to the fire brigade. Landlord Colin Roberson said, “The

fire brigade were real heroes. It wasn’t an easy fire to deal with as it couldn’t be extinguished properly from the top or the bottom of the chimney and they needed to bring in a hydraulic platform from Reading. It was a long job for them, but they were incredibly efficient, thorough and dedicated, popping back later that night to check we were ok. “We’re also really grateful to people locally who have come to us with offers of help – we’ve been really touched by their kindness. We’ve been able to reopen just one day after the blaze so it’s business as usual at the Saracen’s Head. “The firefighters have definitely earned themselves a free pint or more of Oh Be Joyful and I’ll certainly be raising a glass with them. Without their prompt action, it could have been a very un-merry Christmas for the Saracen’s Head, and we will forever be grateful to them.”

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Joyful Thanks at the Saracens Head


A COUNTY Durham pub is at the centre of a “storm” after it used an “offensive poster” to promote a GermanThemed night. The poster included a cartoon image of the pub chef ’s head superimposed on a swastika clad German soldier performing a Nazi salute, with the slogan taken from Fawlty Towers “don’t mention the war”

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

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Loyalty Is Going Mobile In 2018 By Matt Graywood, Chief Operating Officer, Preoday

BY ALL accounts, 2018 is going to be a tough year for those in the restaurant industry. Consumer tastes are changing and the huge volume of choice available means loyalty is a tough win for businesses. However with analysts like John Gordon, principal of Pacific Management Consulting Group saying that in 2018, he sees store closings as the pace of restaurant construction outruns the population, loyalty will be more important than ever. A good loyalty programme differentiates a company from its competition and ensures that it remains foremost in the customers' minds when they’re choosing between restaurants. In our opinion, in 2018 a good loyalty programme will mean going mobile. What do we mean by that? As consumers become more comfortable paying for goods using their mobile phones via an app or e-wallet, it follows that there will be a rise in digital integrated loyalty and payment solutions. In some cases, rather than waiting for this comfort to set in naturally, we will see restaurants push for those digital payments and related loyalty programmes as a priority and as part of their core business model. Of course an added bonus for mobile loyalty is the data it will allow restaurants to gather on customers - but more of that later. Going mobile makes sense for customers. Back in 2016 a report showed that 25 percent of diners already had at least one restaurant app on their smartphone, signalling a change in the way customers wanted to consume. Since then many restaurants have successfully

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increased loyalty and footfall by offering apps that provide partially personalised offers, allow the redemption of rewards and create added experiences for the consumer. Rewarding good behaviour We would additionally see venues beginning to reward customers for non-transactional behaviors (awarded via mobile) such as watching a video, visiting a store or following their social platforms. In these cases rewards might be loyalty points, but could also include unique perks such as complimentary drinks or access to exclusive experiences. Saying that, loyalty provider, Como, quite rightly commented recently, “the most effective loyalty clubs are about much more than rewards. In the current business and technological environment, loyalty programmes are an essential tool for gathering actionable business intelligence, and increasing both sales and efficiency. With a digital, cloud-based loyalty programme, you can turn nameless, short-term customers into club members who enjoy an enhanced experience – and who keep coming back for more.” Beyond 2018 we would anticipate venues’ mobile apps to offer complete personalisation, adapting their look and layout according to the user’s preferences and ordering history. They will also use features such as push notifications to interact in a direct and meaningful way with customers. It will be data that makes this possible. Return of the stamp Before such systems become commonplace, expect some within the industry to return to the points and loyalty stamp system last seen on that forgotten and crumpled Costa card at the bottom of the customer’s bag. This time though, there will be an important difference; there will be no physical card. Instead stamps will appear within an app and will be automatically updated after every purchase. The added convenience of a digital stamp card, collected via a mobile app, will ensure greater use, not just because of the ease of application, but because customers won’t lose their card between visits. For operators a digital cards means an added level of flexibility, allowing for programmes to be adapted with ease. No matter the format, the key to running a successful programme in 2018 will come down to two things: mobility and data. Via mobile apps, venues will need to gather data from customers and apply that information in innovative, useful ways. In this way, they can bolster venue management and customer experiences, including loyalty and engagement.

Have You Got Wok It Takes To Become The Next Oriental Young Chef?

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THE WING YIP Oriental Cookery Young Chef of the Year competition is now open. Young chefs and catering students across the UK and Ireland who are between 18 and 25 can now enter and compete for the 2018 title. There will be two stages to the competition, the first stage – a written entry including an Oriental recipe of choice. Stage 2 – selected finalists must take part in a live cook-off at University College Birmingham (UCB) on Wednesday 28 March 2018. At the end of a gruelling but exciting day, one lucky chef will not only be crowned Oriental Young Chef of the Year, but will also win a once-ina-lifetime trip to Hong Kong, including culinary work experience in some of the city’s top restaurants. Putting the contestants through their paces will be a panel of expert judges – President of the British Culinary Federation Peter Griffiths, Michelin starred Chef Glynn Purnell and MasterChef finalist and Woky Ko founder, Larkin Cen. Peter said: “For up and coming chefs this is an incredible opportunity to cook for a panel of well-known and credible chefs in the industry as well as gain experience and exposure through the live cook challenge. We’ll be looking for dishes that are creative, using modern techniques, authentic flavours that show a real wow factor. “Now in its sixth year, this competition has grown from strength to strength, and has attracted a wealth of talented young chefs from across the UK.”

Last year’s winner Aaron McLaughlin, catering chef at Lincoln’s Inn, recently returned from his experience in Hong Kong. He said: “Young Chef has been an incredible journey for me. The prize trip to Hong Kong was such an unbelievable opportunity and an experience I will never forget. “Working in the city’s finest kitchens, such as the 3Michelin starred restaurant Bo Innovation and the Hong Kong Jockey Club was incredible. I learnt some new skills and techniques from some of Hong Kong’s top chefs! “Wing Yip’s Oriental Cookery Young Chef of the Year is a great competition where you can gain fantastic experience, meet great people, while competing for a brilliant prize. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this competition to all young chefs looking to progress in their career.” To enter, applicants must submit an Oriental main course recipe of their choice. The most imaginative menus will be shortlisted, and finalists will be invited to a live cook-off at UCB, on Wednesday 28 March 2018, where they will cook their own dish for the judges as well as a set recipe provided by Larkin Cen. Wing Yip director Brian Yip added: “Good luck to everyone who enters this year, it’s a tough competition but it’s incredibly worthwhile if only to get in front of the judging panel who are all incredibly talented and knowledgeable – we’re very privileged to have their support.” From Wednesday 3 January 2018 entry forms can be downloaded at

Safe Spaces Play Vital Role in Reducing Vulnerability SAFE SPACES in the UK’s night-time economy are creating a better visitor environment by reducing vulnerability and reducing pressure on local accident and emergency (A&E) departments and police resources, according to a new report by MAKE Associates. The research, commissioned by the Portman Group, found that while the vast majority of people enjoy their nights out, a small fraction (less than 1%) risk becoming vulnerable or causing anti-social behaviour through alcohol misuse. Safe Spaces play a vital role in supporting these individuals by relieving pressure on police, ambulance and A&E services. MAKE estimates that investment in Safe Spaces can help offset public sector costs by as much as £9.31 for every £1 spent. However, the report makes clear that Safe Spaces have yet to reach their full potential, concluding that as many as 150+ schemes could be rolled out nationwide. It is estimated that a network on this scale could return over £100m annually to the NHS to be redeployed to other services. Welcoming the report, Portman Group Chief Executive, John Timothy said: “I want this report to mark the beginning of a national conversation about Safe Spaces. It demonstrates the benefit Safe Spaces are already having, whilst shining a light on the untapped potential for rolling out these schemes more widely. The vast majority of us drink responsibly and enjoy the great range of hospitality and entertainment our night life has to offer. “This sector is worth around £66 billion a year to the economy and supports 1.3 million jobs, but it remains the case

January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


that a small minority of people are drinking too much and causing problems to the communities around them. This report shows that by working in partnership with other stakeholders, we can tackle problems where they occur without impacting responsible drinkers while also relieving pressure on the public purse. I want to encourage anyone interested in setting up a Safe Space to get in touch with the Portman Group and use our new toolkit to start a conversation in your town.” Commenting on the research, MAKE Associates founder, Ali Turnham said: “It is clear that these important schemes are at the cutting edge of managing the NTE. They help reduce hospital admissions, ambulance call outs and cut police officer time spent with the vulnerable, allowing them to focus on what they do best. There are also clear benefits to residents, street pastors and angels, town centre businesses and, most of all, to the vulnerable individuals who are helped every week by the dedicated and highly trained Safe Space staff we interviewed. “The toolkit, which accompanies the report, will help new Safe Spaces set up their schemes more quickly and avoid pitfalls. Having identified well over 150 towns and cities that could still benefit from a scheme, the Safe Space ‘movement’ has huge potential to grow, to aid those in need, reduce pressure on the NHS, prevent crime and to create safer and more attractive towns and cities across the UK.” MAKE found 45 schemes are in operation in the UK, typically helping between four and 20 people during a weekend night out. 26 of the 45 schemes operate from vehicles such as single deck buses and 19 are based in buildings. Some schemes operate from within licensed premises such as clubs where safe havens are set up for club goers.

Football Legend Michael Owen Presents BT Sport Award WADWORTH IS celebrating one of its Business Partners winning BT Sport’s ‘Manager of the Month’ for November. Vicky Martin of, Cheltenham’s local community friendly pub, Sup and Chow was chosen for her ongoing commitment to bringing customers every sport on their want to watch list, including football, rugby, F1, cricket, boxing and golf. England, Liverpool FC, Manchester United FC and Real Madrid football legend, Michael Owen visited Sup and Chow on Wednesday 21st December to present the award. The ‘Manager of the Month’ initiative was launched by BT Sport in September. Until June 2018 it will celebrate one licensee per month, from across the UK, who gives their customers something a bit extra when it comes to sport. Vicky was nominated for the award by staff at the Sup and Chow via Twitter. Since taking on the pub 16 months ago, Vicky has focused her efforts on growing the sports crowd. New TVs have been installed on the site, as well as a projector and screen, allowing many different matches to be shown at the same time. Vicky Martin, Business Partner at Sup and Chow, commented: “Winning this accolade was an amazing feeling and I’m very proud of my achieve-

ments in the last 16 months. As a team we have worked really hard to promote Sup and Chow as a pub that has something for everyone, including sports. When we have big sporting events in the morning, such as the Ashes, we always open for breakfast, and we have board games to occupy the little ones during any matches. It really is a pub for everyone – and we’re so proud of this award.”


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The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

5 Top Tips For Hospitality Operators Looking For Investment IF YOU’RE looking to grow your hospitality business you’re probably considering how and where to make key investments. For businesses also looking for industry expertise, the right network, and strategic advice in areas such as recruitment, marketing, or rollout proposition, private equity investment can be an attractive proposition. Steve Cordiner of Livingbridge, a growth partner accelerating expansion for operators, with investments in the likes of Pho, Rhubarb and Bistrot Pierre, offers his advice on how hospitality operators looking for this sort of investment can stand out in a crowded marketplace: 1. Always keep your customer front-of-mind Investors want to know that your brand has long term growth potential. For that to happen the proposition you’re offering should be something new, whether it’s concept, service, delivery, location or ambience. If you can fulfil a customer’s need, they’ll feel satisfied by their purchase, generating a loyalty that will keep them coming back again and again. To demonstrate to investors that you are relevant to your customers in this way and that you know how to put them first, you will really need to show an understanding of who your customers are, why they choose you and in turn how you can keep them coming back for more. 2. Location, location, location A hospitality operator with a shrewd eye for good site economics piques the interest of any investor. If you’re planning to grow, you’re likely planning a roll out, so you should have a clear view on expected return on capital when opening new sites. A comparatively quick return on that investment allows for an ambitious vision for the future. This should be coupled with a real understanding of what your property and location strategy is. What type of site is

New Year - New Career Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at @CLHNews

IT’S A new year, which means a new start for all – and for some, perhaps a step change in their career. From experienced on-trade staff looking to become their own boss, to those completely new to the trade, many share the dream of running their own business; specifically, their own pub. At Admiral we take a highly supportive approach. We recognise that no two licensees are the same. They may have different qualities and completely different levels of experience. The range of support and training we offer is therefore very comprehensive. For licensees who are new to the industry we have

right for your business and where do you foresee your most significant growth areas? Does your pipeline reflect this? Hospitality operators who can demonstrate a strong proposition, a well-developed property and location strategy, together with a proven ability to find new locations, will find themselves very attractive to investors. 3. Are there barriers to growth? Why don’t sushi businesses grow as quickly as coffee shops? The answer is in the scales (and no, that’s not a fish joke!). A hospitality operator should consider from the outset the size their business can scale to, and understand the total potential market they operate in. Factors for consideration include the style of offering and logistics, as one size definitely doesn’t fit all. Consideration should be given to whether your offering could be rolled-out regionally. For example, some high-end restaurants might not work in all areas of the country, whereas burger businesses are popular nationwide. A management team should understand where the limitations of its offering are, and those with fewer barriers to growth are inherently more appealing. 4. Take control Demonstrating operational and financial control is the best way to give investors confidence in your business. This should include good cash management that evidences financial stability with appropriate use of debt or capital funding. Evidence of timely and accurate performance reporting will also add to your credibility as an attractive prospect. Another key focus should be your operational KPI suite. Frequent review of individual site data is essential, including analysis of food and beverage margins, like for like sales, and customer satisfaction. These are all elements that an investor will look at to ensure you really understand which areas of your business are driving value and how, together, you could drive future growth. 5. Investing in people When an investor backs a business, it is really investing in the people and the belief that together you might be able to build the next success story. In the hospitality sector this is even more important as it is a people-based industry, and the entrepreneurs have to be passionate about the businesses they run. In a sector overflowing with people who love what they do, an investor wants to see that passion, together with people who are hungry to build businesses that customers really love. launched the Business Support Agreement which provides added support in the crucial early stages of running a pub. We appoint an experienced pub specialist to provide a business accountancy and stocktaking service. They arrange to meet the licensee before their agreement starts in order to advise them of their options and help them get into good financial habits from day one. Some of our best licensees had never run a pub before, but they are ambitious, hardworking, love the social environment a pub offers and most importantly wanted to take control of their career and run their own business. If you have those attributes then we can support YOU to develop the other skills you need. For further details visit or see the advert on page 17.

Investment into UK Hotels Hit £5.4 Billion In 2017

INVESTMENT INTO the UK hotel market reached £5.4 billion across 219 deals in 2017 according to figures from international real estate advisor Savills. This total represents an increase of 32% from 2016, in which levels totalled £4.1 billion and is 51% above the 10 year average of £3.6 billion.

In 2017 the UK hotel market was driven by an increase in activity from overseas investors, a greater sense of political and economic stability and the sale of several large portfolios in the second half of the year. According to the firm, 60% of the transactions by value were individual sales, representing £3.2 billion of the total. The high level of individual transactions can be attributed to the break-up of larger portfolios that were bought in 2014 and 2015. Savills notes that average price per key has risen from £104,255 to £145,303 over the last 12 months as investment volumes have increased. Martin Rogers, head of UK hotel transactions, comments: “Last year was a fantastic one for the UK hotels market as appetite for assets came from both domestic and overseas sources. The popularity of the UK has been boosted in 2017 by the rise of the staycation and the stability following the EU

referendum in 2016. We expect this popularity to continue as hotels move further into the mainstream.” Key transactions in 2017 included the sales of the London hotels JW Marriott Grosvenor House to Ashkenazy Acquisition Corp and the £80.2 million sale of the Sloane Club in Chelsea by Caledonia Investments and the £58 million sale of the Holiday Inn Manchester. The UK regions accounted for 58% (£3.1 billion) of transactions by value, with London accounting for 42% (£2.3 billion). International buyers accounted for £2.4 billion (44%) of investment into the UK hotel market notes Savills, with the group being particularly active in the first nine months of the year. The firm notes that the most active geographies have been USA (£840 million), Sweden (£680 million), boosted by Pandox’s Jurys Inn portfolio acquisition, and Singapore (£382 million). UK domestic buyers had a slow start to the year however activity picked up in the last quarter and the group accounted for £3 billion (56%) of total investment in 2017. George Nicholas, head of global hotels at Savills, adds: “The UK hotel market has benefitted from considerable cross border investment in 2017. A number of countries including South Africa and Sweden have considerably increased their presence in the market as UK hotel assets continue to provide long term security, an attractive quality for overseas investors.”

Bars and Restaurants Set to Keep the High Street Buzzing In 2018 BARS AND restaurants will play a pivotal role in tempting consumers, particularly millennials, back to the high street in 2018, according to a survey by leading audit, tax and consulting firm RSM. The survey of more than 2,000 adult consumers across the UK revealed that three quarters of those questioned (75 per cent) visit the high street to eat and drink and over two thirds (68 per cent) go to spend time with family and friends – turning a day’s shopping into a social experience and an experiential event. This increases to 87 per cent for 18-35 year olds going to eat or drink and 82 per cent to spend time with friends and family, demonstrating the high percentage of millennials using the high street. Promisingly, 72 per cent of consumers intend to spend more or the same amount on leisure and hospitality over the next 12 months, which suggests the boost to the high street will continue if the right mix of shops, bars, restaurants and leisure activities continue to thrive. The survey entitled ‘Who are today’s consumers?’ also revealed that over half of those questioned (51 per cent) now describe themselves as ‘cost- conscious’ when it comes to spending on eating out, clothes, homeware and technologies. Conversely a quarter of consumers across all generations said they had spent more on holidays in the past 12 months, with the same proportion planning to increase their spend on travel and tourism next year – a clear illustration of the wider experience economy that the high street will be competing with in 2018. Paul Newman, partner and head of leisure and hospitality at RSM said: "Consumers are increasingly craving the experiential. Gone are the days of just nipping to the shops, consumers are looking for a dynamic high street that delivers the opportunity to shop and browse whilst socialising and offering a new experience. This is particularly relevant with millennials who are

looking for ‘Insta-worthy’ experiences. "Due to the high levels of 18-35 years olds already hitting the high street, catering for this shift in demand is becoming increasingly important, so expect to see more multi-sensory experiences, new cuisines and unique offerings such as singleitem menus popping up on the high street in 2018.’ Helen Melvin, Finance Director of Brasserie Bar Co (owner of Brasserie Blanc and the White Brasserie Pub Company brands) said: "Being agile to change and shifting demand is hugely important. We’ve seen a marked increase in the younger demographic in our restaurants in the last few years due, in no small part, to positive changes we have made to stay relevant and make our business more appealing to this important audience. "Whilst RSM’s latest findings are insightful, and in parts encouraging for those high street businesses looking to stay relevant and grow, it doesn’t mean much if that which you are offering is not presented in a way that resonates. "We shape and deliver our brand message, through relevant mediums such as Instagram, using key points of difference to stand out to entice our target audience, and present an experience that is memorable." The survey also asked consumers whether they would pay more for time-saving technology. A quarter of millennials (25 per cent) would be prepared to pay a premium to enhance the eating and drinking experience and days outs. The same proportion would be willing to pay up to 20 per cent more for sustainable produce. Paul Newman added: "Although consumers are looking for more variety on the high street, the focus is on quality rather than quantity, and technology will play an increasingly important role in this approach. Whether it’s maximising online booking platforms, implementing time saving tech or harnessing emerging technologies such as robotics, augmented reality or artificial intelligence – innovation will spearhead future change and transform the consumer experience within the leisure and hospitality sector."

January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

January 2018

Numbers of Licensed Premises Holding Steady LATEST EDITION of the Market Growth Monitor from CGA and AlixPartners reveals ongoing pub closures but resilience among casual dining groups Britain’s number of licensed premises has stayed level in the last year despite mounting cost pressures, patchy confidence and Brexit-related issues. That is the headline finding of the December edition of the Market Growth Monitor from CGA and AlixPartners. It shows that Britain had 122,783 licensed premises in September 2017—a very small drop on the number three months previously, and virtually identical to the total in September 2016. The Market Growth Monitor confirms the two main long-term trends in the licensed trade: a steady decline in Britain’s pubs and a steady increase in its restaurants, especially from casual dining groups. The tally of drink-led pubs has fallen by 2.3% in the last year, but restaurants have increased in number by 1.6% in the same period. As previous editions of the Monitor have revealed, that growth has been fuelled by start-up and medium-sized casual dining operators in particular. The figures are a sign of confidence in the licensed sector at the end of a year characterised by increases in food, property and people costs. Uncertainty over the consequences of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union, especially around the crucial issue of migrant labour, has dented the sector too. CGA’s recent Business Confidence Survey revealed that just 30% of leaders felt optimistic about prospects for the eating and drinking out market over the next 12 months.

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

CGA and AlixPartners’ Market Growth Monitor also reveals a striking split in the crucial London market, with licensed premises in the centre of the capital still increasing but operators further out retrenching slightly. Restaurant numbers in inner London have increased by 3.1% in the year to September—but fallen by 0.3% in outer London. New openings in London have been driven by small and medium-sized managed restaurant groups, which have respectively increased their number of sites by 75% and 94% in just five years. Large groups operate 53% of all managed restaurants in outer London—but just 30% in inner London. CGA vice president Peter Martin said: “There is no escaping the fact that 2017 has been a very tough year for many pub and restaurant operators, with steep rises in food costs and Brexit just two of the big challenges. But these Market Growth Monitor figures are proof of the steely resilience of the sector and consumers’ continued appetite for eating and drinking out. Conditions aren’t about to get any easier next year, but there are reasons for cautious optimism as we draw towards the end of 2017.” AlixPartners managing director Graeme Smith said: “At a site expansion level, the prevalent macro trends continue: a contracting pub market and the measured growth of foodled outlets. Although the market’s long-term fundamentals— including consumer demand—remain robust, the sector’s immediate trading performance is what positive operators are politely calling ‘soft’. Many parts of the market are currently under pressure, and like-for-like sales growth has slowed in a competitive environment. When combined with the backdrop of sustained cost inflation, profit growth is becoming harder to come by.”

Modern European, Middle Eastern and Asian Twists Set to Be the Top Food Trends In 2018

THE TOP food trends set to dominate the year ahead have been revealed in a new guide launched by Bidfood. The extensive ‘Food and Drink Trends 2018’ guide identifies the key overriding themes that are set to dominate menus. Driven by the rise of travel and mixing of cultures, Modern European, Middle Eastern and Asian twists are set to be the three biggest trends this year. The guide is available via from 2nd January and will provide catering professionals with inspiration on how to bring these trends to life via a host of recipe examples, tips and serving suggestions. Highlights from the guide include: • ‘Moreish MENA’: The desire to try new and authentic global foods is reflected in the growing interest for cuisine from the Middle East and North Africa. To tap into this movement, catering outlets are offering a mix of fresh traditional ingredients and spices, cleverly fused with well-known Western dishes. • ‘Modern Europe’: An increased movement towards all things European. Shoreline fish, quality meat and local produce reflect

dietary choices from across Scandinavia and the Balkans, right through to the East and West of the Mediterranean. Bringing cooking back to its very basics by creating simplistic and fresh meals is a great way to meet this trend. • ‘Asian Appetites’: The demand for global cuisine has grown exponentially. Consumers are seeking out the traditional flavours associated with Asian food, including rich, bold and spicy dishes. To capitalise on this trend caterers are incorporating everything from Japanese ramen noodle soup to popular Korean barbecue dishes onto their menus. Lucy Pedrick, Insights Manager at Bidfood, says: “Consumers today are being introduced to a variety of flavour and food combinations. As a result, they are becoming even more experimental and adventurous when dining out or cooking at home. “We’re already seeing brands rise to the challenge and offer on-trend bold concepts and products to delight customers and keep them coming back for more.” Bidfood’s 2018 trends have been identified using a range of resources including partnerships with The Food People, research from customers and consumer views from relevant food events.

Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at @CLHNews



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

4 In 10 Brits Uncomfortable Sending Food Back UP TO 4 in 10 diners have expressed discomfort when sending unsatisfactory food back when dining out according to new research Listen closely enough in any British eaterie and sooner or later you will doubtless overhear someone quietly complaining about their food to their dining companions, only for them to declare everything is fine to any serving staff who ask how their meal is. Now new research from YouGov Omnibus reveals how reluctant many Brits are to complain about problems with their dining experience. The results uncover that as many as four in ten Brits (39%) say they would feel uncomfortable sending food back if there was a problem with it (including 10% who would feel very uncomfortable). Nevertheless, the majority of Brits (55%) say they would not be phased by having to complain about their food. On those occasions where people are confronted with a problem with their meal, 38% of Brits are generally assertive about the issue, saying they send food back every time or most of the time. A further 21% send it back some of the time, while 34% say they only rarely or even never complain. Among those who are uncomfortable with sending food back, this final figure rises to 49%. That isn’t to say that those who feel uncomfortable sending food back are pushovers, however. YouGov put 11 imper-

fect-food scenarios to people and asked whether they would or would not send the food back in each instance, and in five the majority of those who don’t generally feel comfortable returning food to the kitchen would be willing to speak up for themselves. Brits are most likely to send food back if they had received the wrong meal (92%, including 94% of those who are uncomfortable sending food back) or their food was undercooked (90%, including an identical proportion of those uncomfortable sending food back) At the other end of the scale, Brits are least likely to kick up a fuss if their portion size was too small (10%), their food was poorly presented (also 10%) or they didn’t like the food (16%). Among those who are uncomfortable sending food back these figures were 3%, 4% and 6% respectively. The biggest differences between those who are comfortable/uncomfortable sending food back are over overcooked food and food being too hot or cold. Two thirds (66%) of people who say they are comfortable with sending food back would send back overcooked food, compared to just 34% of those who find sending food back discomfiting (a difference of 32%). Likewise, three quarters (75%) of people who aren’t put out by returning food would send back food for being too hot or cold, compared to 45% of those who find it uncomfortable (a difference of 30%).

Fuel Your Business Can Rely On AS ANYONE who runs a hotel, bar or restaurant knows, keeping customers warm, fed and watered – often around the clock – is an energy-intensive process. That’s why, at the heart of any successful business in the leisure industry, lies a consistent, dependable and affordable fuel supply. With more than 30 years’ experience, Flogas Britain is a leading UK energy supplier that prides itself on providing just that. It specialises in delivering tailored liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and mains gas solutions to businesses both off and on the grid. LPG: Efficient, cost-effective off-grid fuel Many off-grid businesses are still using oil out of habit – but what they may not realise is that switching to LPG from Flogas will deliver significant cost and carbon savings.

This is because LPG has a higher calorific value per tonne than oil, meaning it burns hotter and releases energy quicker. In other words, you get more heat for your money with LPG. Not only does this make it cheaper to run, but LPG boilers cost less upfront to install than oil boilers too. They also need far less ongoing maintenance, resulting in even further savings. Mains gas: A highly competitive choice For hotels, pubs and restaurants on mains gas, Flogas offers a compelling alternative to the Big Six energy suppliers. With highly competitive, fixed tariffs, transparent billing and your own dedicated account manager, the company prides itself on saving business customers as much as 30% on bills, as well as taking the hassle out of their energy supply. For more information, visit or call 0800 028 3802.

January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

Social Media – Are You Protecting Your Brand From Staff Misuse? by Lydia Christie, Howard Kennedy

THE SHROPSHIRE restaurant Carlini is in the midst of a PR storm after social media posts by its coowner and head chef led to claims that food served to vegans at the restaurant had been "spiked". Whilst the online posts may have been misinterpreted, the incident illustrates the regulatory repercussions and the major public relations and reputational fallout that can arise from a simple online post.

Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at @CLHNews

Of course, this is not the first food contamination story we have seen. Readers will remember the horse meat scandal of 2013. Or the withdrawal of halal lamb burgers from schools in Leicester after tests revealed a sample contained pork. Or Mars' public recall after a customer found a piece of plastic in a Snickers bar. Social media enables the viral sharing of these damaging news stories and the destruction of a brand's hard-earned reputation at an alarming rate. Carlini's chef faced an online backlash following her social media posts and is reported to have now tendered her resignation. It remains difficult to see how Carlini is going to regain consumer trust and confidence. Food contamination, deliberate or unintentional, can occur at various stages of the food supply chain. Government guidance describes two main types of food crime: the sale of food which is unfit and potentially harmful, and the deliberate misdescription of food. The Food Standards Agency, the independent Government department, works closely with local authority enforcement officers to ensure food safety law is applied throughout the food chain. As well as major business disruption whilst an enforcement investigation takes place, there are the obvious, potentially life-threatening, health and safety risks to consumers when food contamination occurs. Restaurateurs serving food which is not exactly as described or represented to its consumers face significant potential criminal and/or regulatory consequences depending on the severity and nature of the incident and the consequences of the misrepresentation. Only this week an inquest jury heard how a student with a dairy allergy collapsed then died after eating a chicken burger marinated in buttermilk at a Manchester restaurant. These stories undoubtedly attract public interest and make headline news. It has also never been easier for consumers to publish reviews of their dining experiences. And yet it is not only customers that can make or break a busi-

ness reputation. The Carlini restaurant's reputation has been fundamentally tarnished by one of its co-owners. The same damage could easily be caused by any member of staff taking to social media to post apparently harmless comments about their working day. Protecting your business from social media misuse Employers can prepare themselves and take steps to minimise the potential risks and the potential reputational damage that can be caused by staff, deliberately or inadvertently, through internet and social media misuse. Relevant HR policies should be developed and circulated to staff and appropriate training provided on their day to day practical operation. Having appropriate policies in place which clearly set out guidelines in respect of acceptable use of the internet, email and social media by workers will minimise the potential risks and also give businesses grounds to take appropriate disciplinary action against workers for misuse where appropriate. In particular, the following policies should be adopted: • Social media use policy: businesses should set out clear guidelines on what staff can and cannot say about the organisation online. The policy should be clear about the distinction between business and private use of social media. If it allows limited private use in the workplace, it should be clear what this means in practice. Where an employee is permitted to represent an organisation online, the policy should set out the applicable rules about the information that may be disclosed, the range of opinions they may express and the extent to which any prior authorisation is required before publication of any online post. The policy should make clear that breach of the business' social media use rules will result in disciplinary action. • Disciplinary policy: employers are legally required to inform employees in writing, within the first two months of employment starting, of the disciplinary rules and procedures that apply. The disciplinary rules should make clear that breach of the business' policies and procedures, including its food hygiene policies and social media use policy, will result in disciplinary action. • Whistleblowing policy: if workers become aware of deliberate or inappropriate conduct within an organisation, they may well consider reporting this externally or online. Businesses should ensure that workers who want to raise concerns about potential malpractice or a regulatory breach or other wrongdoing at work know how to report this internally in the appropriate way so that businesses can conduct an investigation and address any malpractice uncovered. Lydia Christie is a Senior Associate in the Employment law team at Howard Kennedy. She can be reached by email or @LydiaChristie2. Visit

January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

Alcohol Producers Should Continue To Target UK Millennials, Says Globaldata WHILE UK millennials are drinking less than their parents’ generation, they remain a significant market for alcohol producers, as they are less likely to change consumption habits than their counterparts in other countries, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company. Millennials are not a homogeneous group of people, with the older part having more favorable attitude towards drinking. Moreover, attitudes vary between countries. According to GlobalData’s 2017 Q1 survey only 14% of 25-34 year old consumers in the UK would make fewer alcohol purchases in future if there were significant political or economic changes, compared to 33% globally. Aleksandrina Yotova, Consumer Analyst at GlobalData, says: “While a number of trends point towards declining drinking, young British consumers are still the most likely age group to binge drink, according to ONS data. “Millennials are money conscious and place a greater emphasis on health, opting for organic food and time at the gym. Many also think that alcohol is not necessary to encourage socializing and having fun. Sober dance parties

LCT CleanEx Over 85 per cent of stands are now booked for the UK’s only exhibition dedicated to laundry, cleaning and textile care. It’s our 4th biennial event and we’re excited that this will be our biggest and best yet.

Come along to meet with, and learn from, over 65 leading suppliers and specialists from across the industry. They’ll all be on hand to show you their ideas, products and innovations - from laun-

C.C.R Systems Ltd CCR SYSTEMS have been supplying, installing and maintaining Retail and Hospitality EPOS systems for over 34 years. We are an ISO-9001 registered company with a diamond award for customer satisfaction. Our Powersuite software package that includes Total Control Premier/Stock, Instant Loyalty and Drilldown

emerged as a new clubbing form about three years ago in the UK and US. However, these parties remain a niche, if interesting, trend.” This means that millennials remain one of the most important markets and companies across beer, wines and spirits are finding exciting new ways to target these consumers. Treasury Wine Estates launched a “dark red” wine under the 19 Crimes The Banished brand name in the UK. The bottle tells a captivating story by featuring images of criminals, each guilty of one of the 19 crimes in Britain who turned them into colonists, becoming some of the first settlers in Australia. Yotova adds: “An application with ‘Augmented Reality’ technology allows consumers to see the character on the bottle come to life by using a hand-held device. The wine’s retail price is around £8, which makes it an affordable but not cheap option, representing good value for money.” Other examples include Haig Club Clubman, which targets millennials through its distinctive square blue bottle design, and Gik Live blue wine, which takes a striking aesthetic approach to set it apart from standard wine. Online tools and social media are key elements of Gik Live’s marketing strategy, dry detergents, cleaning solutions and textiles, to demonstrating the very latest equipment and technology in action. At the 2018 event we’ll be bringing you inspirational speakers for you to listen to and learn from - those that have not only made their name in industry but have surpassed their own goals. Our headline speaker will be announced shortly. Don’t miss this opportunity to network with your peers, talk and share ideas and see and buy the latest products and technology to help grow your business. Many exhibitors will be offering special show only prices and incentives too. So make sure you save the date! Prize draws will take place on both days. Pre-registered attendees will be in with the chance of winning some brilliant prizes. Pre-register now at and fill out the form on the ‘Visit’ page. is the ideal package for all types of Hospitality & Retail outlets. Our hardware is a choice of top of the range touch screen terminals from selected quality manufacturers. The ORDERMAN Restaurant table ordering system is without doubt the best of it's kind, utilising the latest Oderman 7 hand held terminal and Kitchen Monitors or printers. Have a look at our web site on '' and view the ORDERMAN video. We also cater for the client that needs a low cost system that easily compares with the box shifters. Please contact GEORGE GUNNERY on 0151-644 8296 for a quotation for your establishment, or email to:

January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

Industry Campaign Evolves in Response to Urgent Beer Duty Threat FOLLOWING A strategic review of the major issues facing the beer and pub sector over the next few years, the cross-industry consumer campaign,There’s A Beer For That, is evolving into a new campaign with a revised emphasis to address one of the trades most urgent threats. The new campaign will consist of consumer and trade facing initiatives that highlight the many positive aspects of beer and pubs, and raise awareness of the threats facing our traditional British way of life as a result of planned year on year beer duty increases. It will galvanise beer drinkers, pub goers and industry staff in record numbers, to protect their way of life and lobby their MP. The industry will continue to work together and fund the programme, following the successful model created by ‘There’s A Beer For That’. The campaign’s singular mission will be to stop the devastating impact of high beer duty because, despite a tax freeze in the most recent Autumn budget, the level remains prohibitively high. There are fears that unless action is taken now, year on year increases could make the traditional beer with family and friends in a local pub only affordable for a privileged few, leading to lower sales, more pub closures and loss of jobs. There are 900,000 people who rely on the industry for work, 46% of which are young people. Nationally, the sector adds nearly £23 billion to the economy, paying £13 billion in taxation. Following a period of four years in which the Chancellor either cut or froze beer duty, the return to a retail prices index-linked rise in last March’s Budget was disappointing and existing levels of taxation are not sustainable. Announcing the change in direction, David Cunningham, Programme Director of There’s A Beer For That said “Since its launch in 2014, the campaign has been successful in reigniting Britain’s love of beer by promoting the quality, diversity and versatility of beer. It has reached an audience of over 50M people through an integrated multi-channel campaign including TV, posters, press, events, festivals, social and digital and activation in the on and off trade, gaining nationwide support, recognition and awards along the way. As a result, all key image scores for beer quality, diversity and versatility have improved significantly over the last four years.

“We have continued to review and challenge the strategic direction taken to ensure that the campaign remains relevant for consumers and for the industry” added Cunningham. “In our recent strategic review, we assessed the key issues identified when the campaign began and found they are no longer the major barriers to beer and pub growth. Four years on, the beer category is more vibrant and in better health. This is due to the renaissance the beer category has experienced over the last few years, helped by the campaign and driven by the whole industry getting people to think differently about beer.” One of the biggest challenges facing the beer and pub industry right now is the negative impact on consumers and retailers that high duty is having on beer prices, with recent RPI (and other) increases having a projected cumulative cost impact of £430 million by 2020. Whilst exact details of the new campaign are still to be finalised, it is expected to focus on two key messages. Firstly, it will promote the positive multi-faceted story of beer and pubs and secondly it will raise awareness of the threat facing the great British tradition of having a beer with family and friends in the local pub as well as the negative impact this could have, in a post Brexit Britain, on pubs, jobs, the economy, society and the sense of community. Commenting further on the change in emphasis, David Cunningham said “As an industry we should be proud of what we’ve achieved with There’s A Beer For That. No other industry-wide collaboration in any other category or country has delivered such a sustained, exciting, multi-channel and effective campaign for the length of time that we have. I’d like to thank everyone who’s been involved in making this happen. There’s A Beer For That has demonstrated the power of working together and promoting a category wide message. We will continue with the same industry wide collaborative approach to develop and deliver a new campaign building on the BBPA and other industry bodies’ successful ‘cut beer duty’ campaigns but significantly up-weighting the focus and investment behind the consumer and trade initiatives. This will not only increase awareness but also drive real change in consumer and industry staff attitude and behaviour towards the impact of ever increasing duty on prices of beer in pubs.”

Launch Into 2018 With Three Months Free Terminal Rental & Guaranteed Savings! AT HANDEPAY we have a range of card machines ideal for the hospitality sector. All accept contactless payments including Apple Pay and Android Pay and provide a quick and convenient way for your customers to pay. Whether you are switching suppliers or new to card payments we keep things simple with transparent pricing and no hidden fees. Plus, if you join us before 27th January 2018 you will get three months free terminal rental. Unlike most of our competitors we don’t charge our customers PCI DSS compliance and non-compliance fees, authorisation fees or joining fees. In most cases, we also cover any fees you have when switching suppliers. We’re so confident that we can save you money that we’ll put our money where our mouth is. Let us review your current merchant services costs, and if we can’t save you money we’ll give you £1,000, it’s as simple as that! ‘What attracted me to a payment card machine from

Handepay was the overall savings I could make. We have now saved 28% per year due to their prices being a lot less that our previous provider’. To take the Handepay Price Challenge simply email a copy or photograph of a recent merchant statement (your last bill) to and an advisor will be in touch. On average, customers switching to Handepay save a massive 36% on their card processing fees. To find out more call 0800 3777 382 or visit Terms and conditions apply. Offer only available to new customers. This offer is subject to customers entering into a minimum period hire agreement. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.

Restaurant Fined £50K Fine for Serving Food on Wooden Boards A RESTAURANT has been fined £50,000 after it repeatedly served food on unhygienic boards ‘that were incapable of being cleaned’. Ibrahim’s Grill and Steak House Ltd, in Acocks Green, Birmingham, was first visited by Environmental Health officers in October 2016 after an alleged food poisoning outbreak affecting a party of 14. The council said there were concerns about the use of wooden plates, that were incapable of being cleaned, which were used to serve food. After the restaurant was fined £50,000, Mark Croxford, Head of Environmental Health, said “It is completely unacceptable for businesses to put the health of people eating at their restaurants at risk. “The owners were given sound advice which they chose to ignore. I am pleased magistrates supported our efforts with a large fine and hope advice we give on improving businesses to protect health will not be ignored in future.” Inspectors had previously raised a number of issues con-

cerning standards cleanliness in the restaurant, including the use of the boards and a reliance on staff using disposable gloves rather than washing their hands. Despite serving improvement notices, the restaurant continued to use the boards, which “could pose a risk of food poisoning to anyone eating from them”. The plates “were in such a damaged condition they could no longer effectively be cleaned and disinfected and presented a risk of contamination to food”. On Thursday Ibrahim’s Grill and Steak House admitted failing to comply with a hygiene improvement notice. As well as the £50,000 fine the restaurant must pay £670 costs and a £120 victim surcharge. Mark Croxford, head of environmental health at Birmingham City Council, said: “It is completely unacceptable for businesses to put the health of people eating at their restaurants at risk. “The owners were given sound advice which they chose to ignore. I am pleased magistrates supported our efforts with a large fine and hope advice we give on improving businesses to protect health will not be ignored in future.”

Friars Pride and FRY I.T. 2018

FRIARS PRIDE is a foodservice distributor with over 40 years in the catering and hospitality industry. Specialising in but not exclusive to the Fish & Chip industry, Friars Pride stock a broad product catalogue of catering products out of their 6 depots, covering England from South Yorkshire to Land’s End. The vast list of product types available ranges from liquid oils and frying fats to Fish and other frozen goods, sundries, packaging, drinks, cleaning products and much more. Friars Pride host and exhibit at various catering and hospitality based trade shows throughout the year. FRY I.T. 2018, held at the Peterborough Arena on Sunday 25th February 2018, is the Catering Trade Show hosted by Friars Pride that showcases the brands and products available to purchase through Friars Pride. There will also be various trade media outlets attending alongside companies that provide specialist services such as frying ranges, business insurance and telecoms. FRY I.T. is a fantastic opportunity to see Friars Pride’s products first hand with the chance to taste test samples, watch live cooking demonstrations, speak to suppliers and talk to the Friars Pride sales team. With over 80 stands

dedicated to the catering industry, you will be able to speak to experts and find out how Friars Pride’s products can benefit your business, with special on-the-day promotional prices giving even more motivation to attend. Tickets for FRY I.T. are free and available at Other exhibitions that Friars Pride will be attending are both the Caterex Trade Show in Skegness and ExpoWest Cornwall in Wadebridge in 2018. Caterex 2018 will once again be held at the Richmond Holiday Centre in Skegness on the 7th and 8th February 2018. In its 33rd year the East Coast catering exhibition, Caterex, will again play host to exhibitors including Friars Pride. Here you will be able to meet knowledgeable Friars Pride representatives at Stand M18 who will be able to suit products to your business’s needs. ExpoWest Cornwall will take place from 6th – 8th March 2018 at the Royal Cornwall Showground, Wadebridge. Friars Pride will be exhibiting with experienced staff members manning the stand answering all of your foodservice related questions and displaying the fantastic product range available. Find Friars Pride at Stand H4. For more information on Friars Pride’s product range or the FRY I.T. trade show why not get in touch at or call telesales on 01733 316400

January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

January 2018

Foodservice Inflation Falls for Third Month In A Row FOODSERVICE PRICE inflation fell for a third consecutive month in November 2017 to 3.4%, the lowest since January 2017 and less than the national level of inflation (4%), and is the first time foodservice price inflation has fallen below consumer price index inflation since the data was introduced.

The CGA Prestige Foodservice Price Index indicates that stability is returning, with experts adding that the progress of Brexit has “restored some confidence to the sector.” However, the report warns the future of foodservice price inflation in 2018 and beyond is “uncertain.” In the ten food and beverage categories which feature in the index, most have seen an ease in inflation, with prices falling by 2.8% within the meat category and 10.6% in the sugar, jam, syrups and confectionery category. However, for categories including fruit and ambient hot beverages (such as tea) inflation has stayed high due to supply challenges, with imports hit hard by the weak pound. CGA commercial director Graeme Loudon said: “The Foodservice Price Index’s finding that inflation dropped to 3.4%

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

in November is positive news for the sector as 2018 opens. “After a year of relentlessly high levels of inflation, businesses will be relieved to see it dip below the Consumer Price Index, and the easing of pressures in meat, sugar, fish and dairy categories is especially welcome. “However, any optimism that stability is returning will have to be tempered by several factors—not least the doubts about the country’s transition from the EU and the value of Sterling.” The CGA Prestige Foodservice Price Index is jointly produced by Prestige Purchasing and CGA, using data drawn from over 50% of the foodservice market and around 7.8 million transactions a month. Christopher Clare, head of consulting and insight at Prestige Purchasing, expressed concern about Brexit and the impact of factors including La Niña and the government’s new sugar tax. He said: “As we head in to the New Year, it is encouraging to see inflation in foodservice dropping below CPI, however, our prices are still 5% higher than CPI when compared to 2015. The potential impacts of La Niña could still have a significant influence, but we remain cautiously optimistic around the macro-economic outlook.”

New Carlsberg Report Reveals Modern Role of The Pub

THE THIRD edition of Carlsberg UK’s Consumer Insights Report has been published and reveals the modern role of the pub, the evolving landscape of hospitality and confirms that the pub remains the number-one destination for consumers out-of-home. Key findings from the report include the break down and analysis of the popularly-labelled ‘millennial’ demographic. An important consumer group for operators, 18-35 year olds are commonly referred to as millennials but as a term that describes over 14m people, the report delves deeper into this classification and reveals the importance of recognising the factions within this broad definition. Whilst the millennials as a mass identity have behaviours and attitudes in common, the report takes a segmented approach and identifies fundamental differences in consumption habits between 18-25 and 26-35 year olds – and what this means for the out-of-home market. Experiences have become increasingly important and equally so, sharing them on social media – and as such creating ‘shareable’ moments remains vital for operators in an ever-competitive market. The report’s analysis of social media trends has flagged the increased appetite for experiences throughout the week and on atypical days. Often a neglected day for wet-led pubs, the report even highlights the importance of Sundays, with the use of ‘#SundayFunday’ having grown by staggering 55% over the last three years. Created to inspire pub and bar operators across the country, the report also explores a number of key themes, including premiumisation, the demand for quality experiences, health and moderation and technology. • Premiumisation: The report concludes that the treat economy mega-trend of recent years shows no signs of abating and as a result while pub visits are fewer, when consumers are on the premises, they are looking for premium choices, experiences and serves, with the average spend per head up 3%. • Experiences: The consumer search for experiences continues to drive the leisure and hospitality market and the report’s findings support this with half of participants stating they feel a need to find new experiences to enjoy during their leisure time.

• Health and Moderation: The report has found that 50% of the population moderate alcohol in order to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Many other leisure sub-sectors are winning consumers over, with 26-35 year olds now more likely to visit the gym than the pub. Despite this, the social aspect of the pub is still clear, with many consumers open to seeing their local pub hosting wider occasions including a work space, a film or book club and even a venue for exercise or yoga classes. • Technology: Technology continues to affect consumer habits with factors such as a strong online presence, online booking facilities and free WiFi scoring highest amongst participants. Alongside these themes, this year’s Carlsberg UK Consumer Insights Report has been developed to showcase the biggest opportunities for the on-trade. Presenting the importance of getting the traditional social occasion right, the report also reveals several ‘wants’ from different demographics including cocktail masterclasses, opening early for breakfast, community meetings and coffee mornings. The importance of beer and food matching, particularly in food-led pubs has been championed by consumers, who have revealed that they’re looking for a more comprehensive offering when eating out. In fact, half of consumers would be interested in recommendations for the perfect brew to pair with their food choice – and this rises to 67% amongst 26-35 year olds, who are the most engaged with pairing. Alistair Gaunt, VP Nationals Sales at Carlsberg UK, commented: “The pub remains the number one consumer choice for out-of-home occasions and whilst this is fantastic news, the last few years haven’t been without their challenges. This report provides meaningful insights into consumer habits, the rise of consumer expectations and the evolving way we need to approach our definitions of consumer groups. For instance, the findings from the report have shown that by using one simple descriptor of ‘millennial’ for such a wide, and profitable, collective of people operators can really be missing a trick. “Our passion is brewing premium quality beer brands and catering for the needs of our customers, working with them to identify opportunities for growth and to cultivate environments which provide reasons for consumers to visit and return, time and time again.”

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January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Happy New Year? How To Make The Most Of Your Pub In 2018

by Rangewell (Asset finance specialists for the catering industry)

THE PUB INDUSTRY has certainly seen some changes in recent years. Rising prices mean less money in drinkers’ pockets and cheap alcohol from the supermarket is keeping them at home. But although it has been last orders in pubs that have closed up and down the country, there are many that are thriving, and looking forward to a prosperous new year. How can you join them?

THE FOUR REASONS CUSTOMERS COME TO YOUR PUB A tin of supermarket lager on the settee might be a cheap evening’s entertainment, but it can’t really compete with a good pub. Customers will still come in for a drink they actually enjoy, the atmosphere, the social life and the food.

draught and perfectly kept and presented, can be a draw for discerning drinkers. You may need to brush up on your cellarage skills. Real Ale does not take kindly to coolers and electric pumps. Serving premium beer in perfect condition allows you to add value and charge accordingly. Of course, today’s drinkers have far broader tastes than those of the past. Make room in your cellar for a selection of wines. If you get things right, and always have something new to offer, your pub can attract wine buffs as well as beer lovers. A final note on drinks; the resurgence of gin is providing another opportunity. Take a look behind the bar at your competitors pubs, and you will probably see that most have a selection of exotic gins lined up. Premium gin can command premium prices, particularly when it is teamed with premium mixers.

DRINK UP – TOP TIPPLES FOR 2018 There has been a reduction in alcohol consumption, down 18% since 2004. The decline has been driven by a slump in beer sales. In 2003, the average adult drank 218 pints a year. By 2011, they consumed just 152 pints, an astonishing 30% drop. Beer consumption has plunged, and wine and spirit sales have barely changed. However, we are actually drinking more cider. But if bulk beer and lager is going out of fashion, what can you offer your customers? Britain's favourite tipples have undergone a massive change. Traditional ales, mild and stout disappeared a couple of generations ago, and bitter seemed to be heading for the slop tray too, replaced by lager. As a nation we now drink far more lager, like Carlsberg and San Miguel, than traditional IPA and lights.

one that follows – is the first step in building the relaxed, convivial and high-spending atmosphere. So who do you need behind the bar? People like your target drinker. There’s no point having noisy student types if you are dealing with an older family market, and vice-versa. And make sure you have enough bodies behind the bar. Yes, they are expensive, and no, you won’t be making any money on the rounds you don’t sell because the customer could not get served. Of course, you need your entire premises to be spotless, too. A pub that is less than perfectly clean may well have an atmosphere, but not the kind that brings people in.

THE SOCIAL LIFE People don’t come to your pub to drink. They come to your pub to meet other people and to socialise. They enjoy doing this with a drink in their hand. Most people will be able to handle the socialising themselves, but it does no harm to make things easier, and to provide an extra reason to come in by providing activities. Activities seem to be a growing trend across the industry, and are likely to be even bigger in 2018.


DRINKS TRENDS FOR 2018 Craft beer – check out local microbrewers. And you may see that craft porters and stouts are starting to appear alongside the bitters. Get fizzical – Prosecco has led the way. Now it is being joined by new tastes, such as raspberry and British cassis. A spirited performer – gin has become a growth industry. Craft gin might well be joining craft beer as the tipple of the future. Premium mixers – Fever-Tree is everywhere in 2017. Now there are plenty of other new mixers to reflect the new interest in gin for 2018. Wine – with food or as a drink at the bar, wine is getting bigger. Watch out for new wines from Sicily – and bigger bottles, saving time and boosting profits.

Darts and pool – these never go out of style, but are you making the most of your equipment by setting up a league or knockout tournament? Music – live music can be great if you have the room, and get the right performers for your audience. Failing that, a good DJ can involve your customers and make the evening. Quizzes – quizzes are still growing in popularity, and have moved on from the duplicated list of questions to professional presentation with music and video. Watch out for internet-based quizzes in 2018. Raffles – raffles are often a tradition in country pubs, with meat raffles being the quaint-sounding but surprisingly effective draw. Some more urban venues are finding that updating the prizes to bottles of champagne and even things like his and her watches creates interest.

However, thanks in part to the selfless campaigning (and imbibing) by Camra and others, real ale and craft beers have been enjoying a resurgence. This looks set to continue. The message seems to be that drinkers are choosing quality over quantity, and that premium beers, bottled or on

TOP PUB FOOD FOR 2018 Burgers and Pizzas - These old favourites are actually gaining in popularity – some industry sources suggest a 36% increase – but healthier options, such as vegetarian pizza and white meat rather than beef seem to be on the increase. Japanese - Japanese cuisine is not easy for most cooks, but it is proving popular with people looking for new tastes that are healthy as well as novel. Tempura is a good place to start. Middle eastern - Tagines, tabbouleh, falafel, halloumi; Middle eastern cuisine is coming, with dishes from Turkey and Lebanon leading the way. All day breakfasts - Not just the full English, but the full breakfast menu can be increasingly popular all around the clock. Local sourcing – people love the idea that they are eating something that grew, or ran around, a nearby field. Healthy eating - Healthy food is becoming a must for many diners who are saying no to the chips and yes to the salad. Is your pub restaurant single person friendly? Eating alone is becoming more acceptable, especially for people working away from home or on business trips.

AND FINALLY… Running any successful business means hard work and investment. You are probably more than ready to put in the hours, but you may need some help when it comes to bringing in funds to make the most of your pub.

ATMOSPHERE Atmosphere is hard to define. Most of it actually comes with your customers, and while we all know what we mean when we talk about having a good crowd in tonight, knowing how to bring it in can be another matter. Most experienced pub owners agree that it is the bar staff who create the atmosphere. Providing a friendly welcome to the first customer through the door – and every

good if they relied on wet sales are now gastropub goldmines. The nation’s appetites seem to vary across the country. While traditional fare may never go away and seems to remain a firm favourite in country pubs, many new recipes are coming to pub tables.

EAT UP Of course, the big pub success stories of recent years is food. Many pubs that would have closed their doors for

At Rangewell, we are enthusiasts for the great British pub. We’re also very keen on helping you find the business finance you need. Find us at

January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Dry January? Doesn’t Have to Mean Empty Tables THE THOUGHT of a month of empty tables thanks to the “initiative” that is now Dry January,’ which has become something of a tradition for those worried that they’ve overdone things a little at Christmas time, is enough to fill any pub/bar operator's heart with despair. However, it really is not all doom and gloom, instead of avoiding the pub in January, customers are being encouraged to visit their local and try out the low and no alcohol options. Many suppliers to the industry and operators themselves now see what was once a tough selling period as a new opportunity. Data from CGA Strategy’s exclusive Trading Index last year revealed that bars and food-led pubs increased their average weekly food sales in January 2017 by 2.6% and 2.0% respectively on 2016, suggesting that some people switched away from drink-led pubs in Dry January to ones that emphasise their food offer. Special promotions and an emphasis on healthier options have both helped to maintain trade during a month that sees many people resolve to eat better as well as cut out alcohol. Another very important points to bear in mind is that although it seems like everyone is doing it, the fact is they are not, well over two thirds of people didn’t partake in Dry January in 2017 according to a survey by The Deltic

Night Index. The research, in February 2017, proves that women have more willpower than men – those who partook in Dry January lasted almost 14 days on average versus men at 11 days. The average Brit who took part lasted 12 days before giving up, and 1 in 7 Brits didn’t even make it to one week before having a drink. The report also highlighted that Dry January is a more popular phenomenon with the younger generation. Almost half (45%) of 18-21 year olds took part this year, compared to only 17% of those aged 56 upwards. However, those aged 56 upwards who did partake in Dry January are shown to have much stronger resolve – on average, they lasted more than 16 days without a drink. They are followed by 46-55 year olds, who lasted just over 13 days, and 31-45 year olds, who stayed off the booze for 12.5 days. Figures proved that January pay weekend was as popular as ever, with 1 in 5 Brits – and specifically 40% of those aged 18-21 – choosing to celebrate pay weekend by heading out to a club or bar and 16% of Brits choosing to go to the pub to spend their well-earned cash. The average Brit who went for a late night out on the January pay weekend spent £35.48. Nevertheless, the biggest problem for all licensees is how to get people in and spending money after Christmas. Steve Magnall, CEO at St Peter’s Brewery talks about about how operators can drive sales during Dry January. “Offering high quality, non-alcohol alternatives will help, particularly for those who still want to go out and have fun but commit to Dry January.” “The alcohol-free drinks market is beginning to have a huge impact on the drinks industry and operators need to consider zero alcohol options both during Dry January and beyond. With people paying more attention to how much they drink and wanting to lower their intake, more demand for decent alcohol-free drinks has arisen. People want a decent alternative to their favourite ale or wine, which is why this category is growing.” “Operators need to make sure during Dry January and beyond - that they don’t just run with one or two zero alcohol brands. With demand growing, one brand is not a solution, they need to have a range of drinks: ciders, ales, lagers, wine and probably more than one brand in each category. They also need to have a good range of zero alcohol options.” “Maximise the opportunity during Dry January with a good range and make sure their customers know these

products exist. Up until now operators have almost hidden away their no and low alcohol offerings. They need to start letting people know they are offering it. Advertise the different beers, wines and ciders available and encourage customers to try them.” “Dry January is a great time to get started in making changes and gauging interest. Caterers should be pushing the message of healthy food and healthy drinking. There’s a huge upsurge in the healthy eating market and operators can capitalise on that.” “No/low alcohol is currently 1% of the market, representing about £30m. However, if the likes of us and the World’s largest brewer (ABInbev) believe it will be 10% in 5-10 years time, then suddenly the category could be worth £300m which is huge! I see the transition as very similar to the craft beer market which has gone crazy! We expect our Without brand to be worth £1.5m by the end of the year, which will represent about 20% of the no/low alcohol ale sector. From a standing start launch last summer to today, sales have rocketed, which only goes to prove the huge potential for this market." Kelley Walker, Purchasing Manager at Beacon, and shares her advice on how operators can uphold sales in a traditionally difficult month; MOCKTAILS "According to data from CGA Strategy, it was found that in January 2016 the share of all drinks sales taken by soft drinks was slightly higher than during the rest of the year. There is evidence more are opting for soft drinks at this time, and pubs and bars can capitalise if they make their non-alcoholic drinks offering more appealing. "One way to do this is through mocktails. An operator is able to give its customers many new exciting choices using ingredients that they already stock, such as syrups, juices and mixers. Customers expect a certain quality and experience from alcoholic cocktails, and this is the same for non-alcoholic alternatives. Operators should focus on high quality, innovative glassware, as well as simple, fresh garnishes and great quality ingredients." HEALTH CONSCIOUS OPTIONS "Our research discovered that health reasons was one of the top influences for Brits not drinking alcohol out of home, so by offering healthy drink alternatives, operators can capitalise on this changing consumer behaviour. Molson Coors identifies that non-alcoholic drinks such as Bavaria resonate with health-conscious customers. Millennials in particular are keen to know the exact contents of their drinks, and find reassurance in the likes of

Bavaria, which contain natural ingredients used in the brewing process and no additives. "I would also advise that operators consider healthy menu choices to complement their healthy drinks options. Molson Coors suggests adapting menus to offer salads, grilled chicken and low-carb, low-fat options, which will be particularly popular during the Dry January period when consumers resolve to commit to healthier lifestyles." TRY JANUARY "As an alternative to expanding your non-alcoholic offering, instead of focusing on Dry January. This involves flipping the concept on its head and encouraging consumers to try something different in January, rather than not drinking at all. "What products are selected for this is entirely up to the operator, but it can be effective in a range of ways. Operators can encourage the use of more premium and unusual soft drink mixers, allowing them to up-sell products. Another option is offering a wine of the month, perhaps a product with a lesser-known grape variety. Staff can be utilised to promote these products, encouraging consumers to try something new, rather than avoid drinking completely. "Overall, Dry January doesn’t have to mean a dry month for operators, as long as they prepare and consider alternatives. It can provide the opportunity for operators to trial different products and seek to maximise sales through different avenues and tactics."

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January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Royal Wedding To Bring Business Boost FullClear Beer Line Cleaning Systems' Successful Admiral Taverns Trial

ONE OF the country's biggest party supply companies is backing Brits to go bonkers over the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Peeks, of Christchurch, Dorset, says the occasion is a great excuse for patriotic people to have a party and envisages a bumper boost to sales. The company has miles of red, white and blue bunting, union flags galore and masks and cut-outs of the happy couple. Pub and hotel groups are already putting in orders and enquiries through Peeks' website and giant party store are picking up. Playboy Prince Harry met the glamourous American actress on a blind date and after a whirlwind romance the engagement was announced in November. On Saturday May 19 the couple will marry at St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle - the same day as the FA Cup final. Nick Peek, MD of the 72-year-old family business, said: "We have been supplying party goods to people since the end of the war and the appetite

remains for these occasions. "We saw huge spikes in sales for recent Royal events such as the Jubilee and Prince William's wedding. "Harry is a popular prince and indications are that there will be a lot of interest when he weds Meghan. "As the bride is American we are also anticipating interest from across the pond and this puts an interesting new slant on things. "Pub and hotel chains are already putting in orders and other clubs and groups are planning events. "Individuals too will have parties and, while not on the scale of Prince William's wedding, there are likely to be street parties as well. "We are bringing in more products nearer the day which will have the couple's names on and will be wedding-themed. "We have plenty of union flag bunting and flags, face paint, table-ware and patriotic goods and the event will certainly give us healthy boost to sales. "Later in the year we have the football World Cup which is another occasion when Brits have a great excuse for a party." See the advert on page 7.

Comesto To Launch Crowdfunding Campaign

Upstart online wholesale procurement platform, Comesto, today announced plans to launch a crowdfunding campaign on Crowdcube in early January 2018. The Midlands-based membership company brings F&B industry buyers and suppliers together, giving massively increased choice to buyers and smart, direct access to buyers for quality suppliers of all sizes. The traditional wholesale service offers buyers a limited choice and no means to test or compare the value of potential suppliers. Comesto’s unique peer to peer marketplace – complete with reviews and sample request functionality opens up potentially the whole market for not only food and drink premises, but also their suppliers. Traditionally, new food producers or suppliers have to compete with big brands and their huge marketing budgets to get into a wholesaler’s catalogue. Comesto takes away this barrier to market access and enables suppliers of food, drinks, equipment and services to set their own direct pricing.

Comesto is looking to raise £100,000 on crowdfunding platform, Crowdcube, to accelerate their existing rapid growth. With well over 4,000 members already, the company has got off to a great start, but wants to build on this to expand even faster. Membership is free for buyers and costs just £30 a month for suppliers, a highly cost-effective way of marketing to exactly the right sort of customer. Becoming a part of Comesto’s bright future through our crowdfunding campaign gives unique benefits to supporters, be they suppliers or buyers. Suppliers offering £300 support get a year’s free membership, saving £360 on the normal price. Buyers giving £200 get free BlueCart stockroom software, making Comesto’s offering even more powerful. Visit to find out how a pledge from just £10 could open up unmissable opportunities and to register your interest before the campaign launch in early January 2018. 0800 086 9722

Fighting Food Fraud!

PAST-DATE MEATS, mislabelled produce, and powdered shakes sold as health tonics; food fraud is a serious issue for the modern world, with potentially harmful ramifications for consumers and businesses alike. The National Food Crime Unit (NFCU) describes food fraud as 'a dishonest act or omission, relating to the production or supply of food, which is intended for

ADMIRAL TAVERNS successfully trialled FullClear in June last year and have been working closely with the company on an estate wide adoption program.

Marsha Jones, Bar Manager at Black Lion, Leeds said: “FullClear was simple to adopt and easy to use. All our equipment appeared instantly cleaner and we were able to serve consistently good quality beer whilst only cleaning once a month." FullClear’s revolutionary new beer line cleaning solution achieves best beer quality and the highest health, safety and environmental standards while safely extending the keg line cleaning cycle to monthly. There are zero set up costs and licensees can expect to save up to 70%. Admiral have a real commitment to delivering the highest quality beer and FullClear are a key partner in helping to support tenants to serve great beer. Greg Beresford, Dispense Quality Co-ordinator of Admiral Taverns said: “Our continued rollout of FullClear

enables Admiral to optimise beer quality and health and safety standards, allowing us to serve the best possible pint”. FullClear and Admiral continue to work together on initiatives that reach far beyond just a product offering can be expected to be seen later this year. Alex Murray, Co-Founder and Chief Executive at FullClear said: “By working with Admiral to understand the needs of today’s publican, this has enabled ourselves at FullClear to become immersed in the day to day running of a pub. The challenges that have presented themselves have helped fuel further new and exciting initiatives, all with the aim to deliver the lost value back to retail opportunity.” FullClear’s recent raise of £325,000 on CrowdCube from over 370 investors will now help them to accelerate their platform development and vastly enhance their service offering. Anyone interested in FullClear are encouraged to take up CLH’s special introductory offer at or see the advert on page 13.

Fri Pura Win The Caterer Product Excellence Award FriPura, producers of a filter which reduces calories and harmful chemicals produced in deep-fat frying processes, took the top spot in the ‘Technology: Hardware’ category at The Caterer Product Excellence Awards. With the filter proven to improve food quality, cut the calories and harmful chemicals in the oil and reduce costs to restaurants by doubling the life of the oil, the filter fulfilled each set of criteria along with boasting extra benefits. FriPura’s success comes at a time when the spotlight on the UK’s health concerns has never been brighter. A growing concern around the UK’s obesity levels has seen Public Health England asked to investigate calorie

personal gain or to cause loss to another party'. Examples of food fraud include; • Food or drink that has potentially been adulterated or substituted • Illegal or substandard methods used in workplaces for producing, processing, storing, labelling or transporting food • Businesses selling food or drink that purport to be of a certain quality, suggest health benefits or claim to be from a specific place or region, but do not appear genuine or are suspected to be fake Food fraud becomes food crime when the scale and potential impact of the activity is considered to be serious, often with a cross-regional, national or international reach. Food crime poses a significant risk to public safety, and can cause a

consumption among the population, and produce a plan to reduce the calories in food. Levels of acrylamide, a harmful chemical created when starchy foods are cooked for long periods at high temperatures, are also under scrutiny. April 2018 will see new legislation come into play, requiring UK food businesses to mitigate acrylamide levels in their food. Sam Wilbraham, FriPura’s Exec Chef and Marketing Director, says the revolutionary filter tackles both of these health concerns: “These benefits, along with the fact that oil life is doubled with the use of a FriPura filter, are ultimately what led to our award win.” Visit for more information or see the advert on page 10.

substantial financial loss to consumers or businesses. protect 2016 saw 156 cases of food fraud, 147 concerning food, and 9 concerning feed. Mislabelling composition was the largest violation observed and the top fraud commodities included; meat products, fish products, fats and oils, poultry meat products and milk. Food Standards Agency’s NFCU works with partners to protect consumers from serious criminal activity that impacts on the safety or authenticity of the food and drink they consume. BRS is a central regulatory control system that will assist you in ensuring you are compliant and help protect your business. For more information contact a member of the BRS Team

Hotelympia 2018 Preview

Hotelympia 2018 Preview REGISTRATION IS now open for Hotelympia, the UK’s leading hospitality event, as it introduces four exciting and contemporary shows, united under one roof, as part of a fresh new identity. Each of the four new shows will be specialist events in themselves, benefitting from the ‘Hotelympia-effect’ – a marketleading brand with the heritage to attract over 30,000 visitors, many of whom possess six-figure spending muscle. In modernising its approach, the revitalised Hotelympia will reaffirm its position as the industry’s must-attend showcase event for every hospitality business. Visitors can pre-register by visiting: The Professional Kitchen Show The Professional Kitchen Show is set to offer 2018’s very first and most comprehensive view of everything new in catering equipment and kitchen design. Backed by key manufacturing and wholesale groups, it welcomes over 150 dedicated exhibitors to the show floor – the largest gathering of its kind in the UK. As part of the show, over a dozen of the UK’s most exciting chefs including Dan Doherty, executive chef at 24-hour restaurant Duck and Waffle, Michelin star chef Paul Ainsworth, of Paul Ainsworth at Number 6 in Padstow and winner of the Great British Menu 2017, Pip Lacey, will be in attendance, offering up interactive cooking demos on The Staff Canteen Live. Interiors and Tableware Show The Interiors and Tableware Show will offer visitors an array of innovative suppliers – including pioneering design houses and interior specialists – and experiential features backed by specially-commissioned insight. As part of the show, Hotelympia has apartnered with SquareMeal, the market-leading independent restaurant guide, to create a survey that delves into the minds of modern diners. The results are now in, and are set to be unveiled in a unique experiential installation at the show that will highlight 2018’s emerging consumer trends and influence key buying decisions. From lighting preferences, furniture and tableware, right through to music, menu style, uniforms and technology, the survey has left no stone unturned and has been designed to gain a true insight into what the modern-day consumer wants and expects from their dining experience. Not only will show

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Interflow Launching New Products at Hotelympia

INTERFLOW UK will be exhibiting at Hotelympia from the 5th-8th March at Excel in London where they will be showcasing a range visitors be able to claim their free of advanced and energy-efficient systems, copy of the report at the show, Hotelympia is working with proper- including ventilated ceilings, air purifiers, floor drainage and gravity grease separators for ty-based design, project management and development company, catering and food processing establishments LXA (Wagamama, BXR Gym, Grand from pioneering manufacturers, including

Hyatt) to bring the results to life in a standalone installation. The Foodservice Show incorporating Café Commerce In recent years the UK has rightly earned its place at the top table of global food and drink, and The Foodservice Show will celebrate the dynamism, diversity and depth of innovation within this market. As well as hosting key suppliers and artisan start-ups, the show will include a very special Café Commerce section, flooded with innovative coffee-focused suppliers. Hotelympia’s long history of nurturing the next generation will also continue in earnest at The Foodservice Show through International Salon Culinaire. Candidates are set to do battle in four competitive elements; La Parade de Chefs, Salon Display, Live Theatre and the student-focused Skills Theatre. Hospitality Tech Show With technology revolutionising the way we interact with food and food suppliers, the Hospitality Tech Show will champion the brightest, best new products and solutions emerging from hospitality tech players. A very special Hospitality Tech Innovation Theatre will be at the heart of proceedings. Through a number of insightful seminars, panel discussions and talks around key issues, the Innovation Theatre will demonstrate Hotelympia 2018 as a thought leader around the most pressing technological issues and challenges. Alongside the new brands, the show will benefit from some exciting new future-focused elements, tackling hot button issues and championing future industry stars, which will sit perfectly alongside returning features, to help Hotelympia maintain its position at the head of the pack. The show is also partnering with the British Hospitality Association (BHA) to lend support to its Cut Tourism VAT campaign – a drive to bring UK Tourism VAT into line with competitor destinations within the European Union. Anyone pre-registering will be given the chance to opt in and have their say in supporting the campaign. Companies seeking to find out how they can promote their business at Hotelympia 2018 and reach an audience of over 30,000 professionals should visit

January 2018

GIFActiveVent, Basika, Desinfinator and plasmaNorm; these proven products are certified to European norms and easily maintained with extended life and economic running costs. Ventilated ceilings efficiently and quietly transform the atmosphere in commercial kitchens and open up the space to provide a less stressful working environment conducive to concentration on the task at hand. The ecoAzur option monitors realtime temperature and

humidity and adjusts ventilation rates to save energy; plasmaNorm captures airborne particulate to optimise air quality. Basika floor drainage offers unparalleled hygienic disposal in commercial kitchens and food processing operations. As sole UK distributor for all Basika products, Interflow are at the forefront of floor drainage and grease separation; their channels collect and transport water with the pollution load contained into the wider sewage system making them the ideal solution for applications in which exacting hygiene requirements have to be fulfilled and thermal loads compensated and the grease separators can be linked into the BMS for automated emptying and refilling. Interflow personnel will be on hand to provide technical advice at the show; if you would like to make an appointment please email: or visit To register for a free ticket to the Hotel Olympia visit

Impress Your Customers with Olive Wood Products WE HAVE a large range of Olive Wood products sustainably grown and ethically produced, we are a family owned business Est. 1952; head office/warehouse based in UK. Factory/workshops located in Tunisia. We have inherited the love and the skill of olive wood work from our grandparents. Manufacturing | Handcrafting | Designing | Supplying | Wholesaling the widest collection

of beautiful Olive Wood products in the UK. Homeware, kitchenware, serveware & Gifts. We can make anything you suggest out of Olive Wood, our products are very eye catching when used and displayed in your hotel or restaurant, your customers would remember the unique signature you have offered them. Please come and visit us at the Hotelympia Stand 2758 Please also visit our website to learn more about us:

TEAPY T 4 1, The Future Of Tea Service TEAPY T 4 1 is the revolutionary individual tea service for coffee shops, cafes, self-service restaurants, canteens, etc. The award-winning TEAPY invention, a combined mug lid and tea bag tidy, with a mug, teaspoon and milk jug, are all held in one hand. A special recess can hold a teaspoon and tea bag string, while preventing the tag slipping into the hot water. A mug with TEAPY as a lid has the brewing conditions of a teapot, keeping the brewing tea

hot for the required 3-5 minutes for the healthy antioxidants and full flavour to develop, unlike an open mug with rapidly cooling water. Whereas the strength of tea in a teapot changes from too weak to too strong, TEAPY makes tea to your preferred strength. Lift the lid, releasing an “aroma burst” not experienced with a teapot or open mug. Flip the lid and the special recess fits snugly around the mug for transfer of the used tea bag with no mess. It is easy to carry without spills and takes a fraction of the space of a conventional tea service. See us on Stand 3784 or visit


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

Hotelympia 2018 Preview

Hotelympia 2018: Winterhalter Launches New Connected Wash Warewashers HOWEVER BIG or small the warewashing problem, Winterhalter will have a new, more efficient model to tackle it on Stand 1320 at Hotelympia. The warewashing specialist launches new passthrough hood machines, new utensil washers and new high volume conveyor washer systems. Plus, the recently launched UC undercounter range, with its water-saving hybrid integral RO system, will be on parade. Stand 1320 also features Winterhalter’s latest range of cleaning chemicals, including menu-specific formulas to tackle problems associated with, for example, protein, tannin or starch. The biggest buzz is going to be around Winterhalter’s brand new machines. The key feature on the new PT and UF models is connectivity, using Winterhalter’s Connected Wash technology. It allows each machine to be monitored from anywhere in the world, using an app or portal on a computer, tablet or smartphone. It can bring a new level of efficiency to the operation, for example by highlighting good or bad practices, issuing alerts if the machine is not operating correctly and offering advice on cost savings. Connected Wash can also help deliver a 100% first-time-fix rate in the event of breakdown, since the data it provides will enable the engineer to bring the right equipment to do the job. In fact, the data can warn of a potential component fail-

ure before it happens, so the engineer can fix or replace it before it breaks down! Another feature likely to cause a stir is the new PT’s enhanced energy management system. This minimises energy use while, at the same time, focusing power where it’s needed – for example, to ensure water is always hot in the wash tank. This means it can operate faster, with minimal waiting time between washes. Winterhalter’s latest MT machines have a rinse system that reduces water consumption by 15 to 20%. They also have a new heat pump option, which uses Winterhalter’s award-winning ClimatePlus technology. It is so efficient at trapping hot air and vapour, and recycling it to heat the cold water supply, that it not only reduces energy consumption, but also pumps cool, dry air into the wash area, improving the working environment. Winterhalter provides a total solution for warewashing, from pre-sales advice to after-sales service, training and maintenance. Alongside its market-leading dish and glasswashers, the company’s range includes utensil washers, advanced water treatment machines, cleaning chemicals and detergents. For further details, call Winterhalter on 01908 359000, see, or or email

Connectivity at Hotelympia ON STAND 4270 at Hotelympia 2018 CESA has organised a Connectivity Trail, which will allow visitors to go straight to companies that offer ‘connected’ equipment, so they can find out more, direct from the experts. CESA will also be publishing a new Energy-Saving Equipment Guide, with a handy list of ‘green’ appliances that are on show at Hotelympia. CESA has helped develop the new equipment area at Hotelympia, called The Professional Kitchen Show. The Trail and the Guide are part of the promotion of this latest show feature. “Connectivity is going to have huge implications for anyone running a commercial kitchen,” says Glenn Roberts, chair of CESA. “We want to help visitors understand the potential of the technology. It’ll reduce costs. It will help make your business more efficient. It’ll reduce equipment downtime. It will maximise the lifetime of equipment.” Connected equipment is linked to the internet and its operation can be monitored from anywhere, via a digital device such as a

Products and Services

tablet. “Perhaps the biggest impact will be on equipment maintenance and service,” says Glenn. “For example, a connected appliance will warn anyone monitoring it if a component is failing, or if a consumable has run out, such as rinse aid in a warewasher.” CESA’s Hotelympia Connectivity Trail will feature a variety of different manufacturers and appliances, highlighting those that are featured at the Show. CESA’s guide to energy-saving equipment features all the latest ‘green’ technologies from CESA members, including those that are on display at Hotelympia 2018. Refrigeration, induction hobs, commercial microwave ovens… there are new developments in every area of catering equipment and the CESA Energy-Saving Equipment Guide will be a useful reference tool for anyone involved in equipment purchase. Copies of both the Connectivity Trail and the Energy-Saving Equipment Guide will be available to download from Visitors to the Show can pick up copies from the CESA stand, 4270. The Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA) is the authoritative voice of the catering equipment industry, representing over 190 companies who supply, service and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment - from utensils to full kitchen schemes. For more information on CESA visit

HTG, Owner of Hubbard Systems and Taylor UK, Espresso Machine Packages from Miles Announces Major Changes THIS YEAR marks an exciting landmark for the Miles Tea & Coffee family business as they celebrate their 130th birthday.

HTG TRADING, which owns Hubbard Systems and Taylor UK, has announced major changes to its senior management structure. Simon Aspin, currently commercial director of Hubbard, will become managing director of HTG from January 1st 2018. At the same time Taylor’s commercial director, Pete Gray, becomes managing director of Taylor. Meanwhile Martin Wood will step down from his role as chief executive of HTG Trading to become non-executive chair of the company. HTG’s subsidiaries look after many of the UK’s leading foodservice equipment brands and are known for the quality of their customer service and support. Hubbard Systems is the exclusive UK distributor of Scotsman icemakers and Comenda ware washers. Taylor UK is exclusive distributor for Taylor frozen drinks and dessert machines and clamshell grills, Frigomat ice cream equipment, and


NOW THAT the Christmas season is over and the New Year has been welcomed in, we at Props4shows are looking forward to the new season with great enthusiasm. Our extensive range of display props, including fake foods, artificial flowers and foliage, replica animals and birds and all things seasonal is getting an overhaul, with lots of exciting new products.

Prática combi ovens, as well as being the principal UK distributor of ISA refrigerated displays and Turbochef ovens. “HTG’s succession planning in recent years has been focused on developing internal candidates for senior management positions,” says Martin Wood. “We believe that the arrangements that are in place will allow the company to continue its successful growth path.” Wood has been CE of HTG Trading for over 18 years, during which time the business has flourished – in the last five years alone sales have risen by 86%. His ongoing association with the company over the next few years will allow him to help with its continuing progression. “Martin’s contribution to the company’s success has been immense,” says Simon Aspin. “We are very grateful that we will continue to benefit from his business acumen.” For more information on Hubbard Systems visit; for news on Taylor UK visit For more about HTG Trading visit Many replica food items have just been introduced into our range and we are currently working on extending our beautiful range of flowers and greenery. Even though we are a small family run business, we are proud to offer one of the UK’s largest and most extensive ranges of display props, available for next day delivery directly from our warehouse. Specialising in replica foods, we have worked closely with bar, hotel and restaurant chains, as well as many small independent businesses. All of our stocked products can been found on our website, with up to date stock information. Large quantities of some items can also be sourced for your bigger projects, as well as special order items. So if you can’t see what you want on our website, just contact us and we’ll try to help. Tel: 03333 440078 or

The Chef’s Drawer – Bulk Refrigerated Storage, Right Where You Need It

WILLIAMS’ LATEST product is a drawer unit that maximises refrigerated storage in any kitchen where space is limited. Available as either a fridge or a freezer, the Chef ’s Drawer accepts 2/1GN pans, up to 150mm deep, and offers a capacity of up to 94litres. The Chef’s Drawer is a truly versatile refrigeration solution. It’s designed to fit perfectly with the latest prime cooking suites, such as the Falcon F900, so that the refrigerated ingredients are right where they are needed, at ‘the cook face’. Two drawers can be stacked on top of each other, to double storage in the same footprint and allow a refrigerator / freezer combination. As you’d expect with a Williams product, the Chef’s Drawer is designed to be totally practical and tough, to stand up to life in the busiest kitchen. It’s built with stainless steel interior and exterior and can operate in ambient temperatures up to 43°C. Its drawers and fittings are removable for easy cleaning. Even the cassette refrigeration system is removable, making servicing and maintenance easy, without disturbing the kitchen

operation. Low level swivel and brake castors are fitted as standard, making the drawer both totally stable and easily manoeuvrable. Eco-friendly features include R290 refrigerant and polyurethane insulation with a low GWP and zero ODP. Williams’ adjustable CoolSmart electronic controller, which has a clear digital display, minimises energy use by monitoring and adjusting the refrigeration system, depending on demand. The fridge version of the Chef’s Drawer can be adjusted between 1 and 4°C, while the freezer offers a temperature range of -18 to -21°C. Both versions measure 880mm wide by 850mm deep and 475mm high. List prices for the Chef’s Drawer are £2,400 for the HWCD1 (fridge) and £2,700 for the LWCD1 (freezer) model. Williams Refrigeration offers a comprehensive range of commercial refrigeration including gastronorm cabinets and counters, specialist bakery equipment, coldrooms, merchandisers and blast chillers. To learn more about Williams extensive product range visit

New for 2018 Miles are offering barista training with their newly appointed Barista expert along with the launch of new coffee machines. If you are looking for a new coffee machine or an upgrade we’d love to visit you. Simply give us a call or send us an email to discuss this further:

3R EPoS Systems

OUR State-of-the-art EPoS systems are designed to become an essential part of your business. Assembled with detailed reporting functionalities which will help to minimize your cost whilst maximizing profits, they are excellent for both multi-sites and single-site businesses. Built on over 16 years of experience, 3R EPoS reporting facilities safely stores information regarding your business and can be uniquely tailored to suit your needs. Whether you own a convenience store, restaurant or a bar, the 3R EPoS system can integrate products that are unique to your business. This can include the ability to store new promotions, daily specials as well as

01643 703993 or Keep an eye out for Miles’ limited edition teas and their brand-new ‘tea kites’ to be launched throughout the year. Miles Tea & Coffee is independently ranked again among the top 4 UK brands to stock in the Tea and Coffee sections of Best Brands Magazine 2017/18. See the advert on page 25 for details.

adding local dishes to the menu. 3R EPoS systems will contribute to the success of your on-going business as it includes the ability to inform managers when your stock is reaching minimum levels thus allowing you to re-order stock accordingly. Furthermore, 3R EPoS systems will calculate and suggest what should be ordered based on current and archived sales, recent orders and current stock level thus saving time and money. In order to also boost your sales and gain customer satisfaction, 3R EPoS systems also offer a range of handheld touch screen devices. Such benefits can contribute to your cost savings and enhance your purchasing ability across your business. We aim to ensure all our customers feel protected and secured when doing business with us and that you feel that you have got the service you deserve. For more information on our services please contact our dedicated team on: 01992 574 650 or see the advert on page 9.

Towels and Bathrobes Can Have Guests Feeling Like Royalty WHILE A lot of UK hotels choose similar bathrobes and towels it’s worth considering what could make a hotel stand out, providing marketing advantage and an even more memorable experience for guests. Organic products, for instance, are on the increase and recent studies show Organic beauty and health products grew by a further 8% last year alone. King of Cotton has also seen a dramatic increase in the uptake of more unusual robes by hotel owners, which is why they now offer no less than nine different ranges. Some offer ‘stand-out’ by virtue of their heritage, such as the ‘The Ritz Carlton’, a beautifully designed robe, used in one of the world’s grandest venues in 400 GSM soft velour waffle and lined with pure cotton terry towelling. Other designs that are unique include the Monte Carlo Towelling Robe, with its contrasting collar and cuffs in different

Mobi Pizza Ovens Ltd FAMILY RUN business Mobi Pizza Ovens Ltd is a UK exclusive distributor for a range of exceptional, high quality, outstanding and handmade wood (and gas) fired ovensCommercial, Mobile, Garden. We have over 15 years of experience within the pizza industry and we work with only manufacturers and suppliers that have been carefully selected, personally by us to guarantee the best possible product quality and customer service. Our small group of manufacturers have

colour ways. Towels need not be white and need not be made in the same way. Look at the King of Cotton’s latest addition, the 700gsm Superior range made in Portugal; they’re very absorbent with a deep soft pile in a range of striking colours including honey, silver and charcoal. The King of Cotton Zero Twist range is pure cotton that has been spun in such a way that the fibres remain straighter. This process adds strength to the product yet makes the material incredibly light and easier to wash and dry. Both towels and robes are available in Ivory, White and Slate. With King of Cottons wide ranges of throws and bedspreads, from contemporary to traditional available, along with a wide rang of slippers, toiletries and table linen, there’s plenty to further enhance the chances of your guests feeling like royalty. Visit the website: or call King of Cotton on: 020 8332 7999 and register as a trade customer to enjoy further offers and discounts or see the advert on page 15. even longer experience and by working closely together we always take exceptional care to satisfy most demanding tastes. Mobi Pizza Ovens Ltd also owns a very successful mobile pizza catering brand Mobi Pizzeria offering unique pizza experience at festivals, public events, private parties, weddings and corporate events. Our mission is to share our pure passion in food – particularly our passion in authentic wood fired pizza – by bring traditional wood fired cooking to your home or restaurant, show you how to spend a fantastic and unforgettable time with your friends and family making mouth-watering pizzas, freshly baked bread, juicy meats and all other culinary ideas in your own garden. For further information visit or call 03300 101303. See the advert on page 4 for further details.

Products and Services

Cold Weather? On Yer Bike!

Innovative Thinking Sees Ice Cream Bike Become Mobile Soup Kitchen AS COLD weather hits the uk, The Real Soup Co. has been working with an entrepreneurial Winchester businesswoman, helping her swap summertime ice cream sales for profitable soup. Elaine Shanahan and husband, Terry, have held market pitches in Winchester high street for the past seven years, selling ice creams from traditional ‘stop-me-and-buy-one’ tricycles. But when the British weather takes a turn, profits can go the same way. This time around Elaine decided that her seasonal business wouldn’t have to close down as soon as summer ebbed away, considering both corn

on the cob and pizza as hot and filling solutions, before finally hitting on the idea of soup. Elaine and Terry set about sampling different brands before hitting upon The Real Soup Co.’s range of fresh flavours. “I have to say their soup was far superior to anything else we tasted,” added Elaine, “so we ran with it, commissioned a soup unit to be built on the bike and the results have been brilliant – people absolutely love the soup, and the different flavours we are able to offer from day to day.” For more information about The Real Soup Co. please contact 01495 301999 or visit

Improve Your Offering With 3M Water Filtration Solutions

HOSPITALITY AND catering businesses are increasingly investing in water filtration solutions, as these can help to improve everything from product taste to machine efficiency. Water filtration technologies can help to reduce the taste of chlorine and chloramines used to purify water from the mains supply, improving the taste of everything from hot beverages and mixed drinks to steamed food. This can also help business chains to achieve taste consistency across multiple outlets. Furthermore, by tackling limescale, water filtration systems can help to reduce inefficiencies in common equipment such as ice machines, coffee machines, hot water boilers, post mix systems and

steamer ovens. This can save businesses up to 29 per cent on their energy bills[1], as well as lowering maintenance costs and helping to reduce downtime caused by machine breakdowns. Capitalising on many years’ worth of experience in this sector, 3M has developed a comprehensive range of innovative water filtration technologies for every business need. The science-based technology company recently launched its state-of-the-art ScaleGard Blend Series of cartridges and filter heads, offering more capabilities and user control than ever before. For more information about this series of products, visit

January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


eCatering Expands Product Range for 2018

eCatering, one of the UK’s Leading and Lowest Price Online Catering Equipment Suppliers are expanding their product ranges for 2018. The company, which already boast a wide range of products, is providing its’ customers with even more choice in 2018. In addition to increasing many of its products already, including new supplier ranges from Bartscher, Smeg, Teikos, Blizzard and Sharp, they are also expanding into new and innovative products such as Induction Fryers which for 2018. Only in the last few weeks, the range of cookers and 4 / 6 burner gas hobs has almost dou-

Maidaid Halcyon

Maidaid Halcyon has achieved the impressive milestone of supplying cost effective, high quality products to the professional catering industry for over forty years. We are firmly established as leaders within the industry. Maidaid Halcyon specialises in commercial warewashing equipment, and icemakers. Whatever the range or product type, our machines have a longstanding reputation in the UK marketplace for durability, reliability and serviceability. Our approved distributor’s network is expanding and our client base is growing, so we must be getting it right!

bled. There has been more choice for customers added in Convection and Combi ovens and seemingly, it’s not going to stop there. eCatering’s Marketing Manager, Mike Morris, said “eCatering is not sitting still, as the market growth in 2017 seems to exceed all expectations, 2018 looks even brighter for catering equipment suppliers in the UK and we will make sure we are at the forefront of this drive in sales and marketing”. To find out more and see their incredible product ranges and savings, visit their website at or see the advert on page 14. The features of the Maidaid Evolution range are pretty unique within the warewashing market in the UK today – when it comes to cleaning and hygiene this is the premier range in its price category available on the market today. Maidaid Halcyon can also offer the C, D and Amika ranges of glass and dishwashers that provide a suitable solution for the smallest country pub to major city centre venues. With extensive experience in supplying warewashing solutions to our UK distributers we are uniquely placed to provide a model that fits any sites criteria of capital budget and specification. Maidaid Halcyon was a double industry award winner during 2016 for its dedicated comprehensive training, and picked up the Supplier of the year ‘Heavy Equipment’ in 2017. For further information please call 0345 130 8070, visit or see the advert on page 21.

Brits. Smoke Out Sales In Argentina So Hot Right Now - HotmixPro Gastro

SOUTH AMERICA is the latest market to tap into the expertise of a world leading company based in the quiet Essex town of Billericay. A leading Argentinian manufacturer was looking for a safe, fool proof method of adding smoke flavours to selected food products and after an extensive search concluded the necessary expertise did not exist in South America. Whilst scouring the World Wide Web a chance, word-of-mouth encounter led to the company contacting Unbar Rothon for a safe method of adding smoky flavours to food. The Billericay company, which next year celebrates its centenary, has

decades of experience of handling concentrates like liquid smoked for atomisation. ”With our product they were able to remove the risk of fire on site and they achieved consistently reliable results,” said Unbar Rothon director, Richard Rothon. The atomised smoke Unbar Rothon provided contains scarcely a trace of the carcinogenic or genotoxic substances which can be found in traditionally produced smoked products. `”We have proved you can have smoke without fire,” added Mr. Rothon. With established business throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australasia and the North American content, Unbar Rothon is now looking for the right agency to further develop its sales in South America. For further information please visit

HotmixPro Gastro is the industrial strength ‘Thermal Blender’ every commercial kitchen has been waiting for.

Beautifully engineered in Italy, the 2 litre heavy usage mixing bowl sits within a fully insulated stainless steel body and operates exactly to programme. With a speed range from 0 -12,500rpm blending, small and large amounts, to just the right texture, has never been safer or easier. Producing specific mixtures at the desired temperature, 0°-190°, could not be more precise. There is no end to creative possibilities, from the simple to the sublime, all at a touch of one finger. The integrated memory SD card not only

stores numerous extremely useful recipes, but will also allow users to memorise their own unique creations to be repeated whenever and wherever required. Last, but not least, any part that comes into contact with food can easily be cleaned in the dishwasher! Barbel’s legendary customer support ensures second to none servicing back up at all times. HotmixPro Gastro is an essential support for every hard-working chef and certainly pays for itself. Can YOU afford to be without? For full details on all available models, please contact us today. E:, T: +44 (0)1629 705110, or see the advert on page 19.

Polar Refrigeration Helps Maximise Space With Yorkshire Crisps Heads Up Morrison’s Quest A New Series Of Versatile Modular Cold Rooms!

To Support Local Foodmakers

YORKSHIRE SUPERMARKET giant, Morrison’s, has pulled out all the stops to support local producers with its programme, The Nation’s Local Foodmakers. The scheme has been launched at the company’s flagship Yorkshire store in Skipton, with Yorkshire Crisps heading up the displays. The search for The Nation’s Local Foodmakers began in Morrison’s home county of Yorkshire where twenty regional food producers were selected to take part in the programme. The products that have been chosen range from crisps and biscuits to gin and beer and also ham and rhubarb. The idea to bring food and drink that has been produced locally, and in some cases, just down the road, is a response to customers’ requests to see more food instore that has been made in Yorkshire. The aim is to build up a stronger local food sector in the UK and for

both producers and customers to recognise the wider benefits of supporting UK food making and production. Said Tim Wheatley of The Yorkshire Crisp Company: “We are delighted to see our products at the forefront of this scheme and it’s wonderful that customers are being given the option to purchase food and drink that has been produced in the region. Reports show that only just over half of the food eaten in the UK is sourced from British farmers and the Morrison’s initiative is certainly is a step in the right direction to ensure the availability of local products to their customers.” The Yorkshire Crisp Company, which is based in Sheffield, produces a range of gourmet crisps and popcorn which are sold in foil bags as well as the company’s unique stayfresh, re-sealable drums (which are also made in Yorkshire). For further information contact The Yorkshire Crisp Company on 01909 774411 or visit

Country Coolers for Your Outdoor Refrigeration Needs HERE AT Country-Coolers we are based in Dorset and can provide an ideal solution to all your outside events where refrigeration is needed ,we will provide you with one of our refrigerated trailers,we cover ,Wiltshire ,Hampshire and Somerset ,Devon and surrounding areas. We can supply trailers for Marquee companys Game shoots ,Festivals,Hotels,Restraunts,and Pubs ,and anyone who has breakdowns in there fridge or freezers, or who is doing a refurb . We also do flexible rental periods of weekend,weekly or monthly rental,whatever your needs,we will work closely with your refrigeration

company to get you up and running again. All trailers are supplied with Shelving or if you wish without. Thermastatic control is on all our trailers,so rest assured your food is in safe hands We deliver all our trailers and collect them ourselves which gives us the personal touch and make sure they are in situ and working before we leave. All trailers are left wheel and hitch locked and are datatagged. We hope you will be happy with the service that we can provide as we have hundreds of happy customers that we have supplied with our trailers for the last 9yrs. 01258 840212 07734055913

Making the most of the space in a commercial kitchen can be a real challenge, but with the NEW Polar Cold Rooms range from Nisbets, operators can significantly increase their frozen or chilled storage capacity quickly and easily. What’s more, if there isn’t room inside then worry not as this latest range from trusted brand Polar, is suitable for both indoor and outdoor operation, making them an excellent way to find that much needed storage space. Allowing easy access to frozen goods and fresh produce, the Polar Cold Rooms give operators the opportunity to benefit from the cost-savings of buying in bulk. The secure fully rebated door system comes

with a slow-close mechanism which prevents slams, a clever self-closing function which makes sure the door isn’t left open in error, and a safety door catch which prevents accidental lock-ins. The new Polar Cold Rooms are fully installed by professional engineers following a site survey, and are available in a white, brown, green or grey finish to allow the cold room to blend in with the establishment. A 1 year warranty and 24/7 customer support are also included with the new Polar Cold Rooms for extra peace of mind. For more information on the new cold rooms, or any other models in the Polar range please visit or call 0845 260 1411.

New Technology Feature from Long Range Systems Turns Pagers into Guest Data Collection Tool

Long Range Systems (LRS), global provider of on-site paging, tracking and guest intelligence tools recently announced a new addition to the company’s free iOS application. The feature, called guest sessions enables users to start new orders and page customers when orders are ready. Guest Sessions records data in the LRS Connect Cloud, providing valuable insights into operations. The guest session feature tracks, records and stores guest wait time data and information from the moment a guest receives a pager to when they are notified that their service is complete and the pager is cleared. Resulting insights include statistics around service, guest flow and volume, staffing optimization, and peak demand. These metrics can then be tracked against business goals. The online portal allows multi-unit corporate offices the opportunity to contrast unit performance, ensure brand quality, and measure

each business unit against performance expectations. “This is an age where hardware talks back to us and software translates that into meaningful insights,” said John Weber, President & CEO at LRS. “Guest Sessions has evolved our paging solution beyond notifying guests to become a powerful analytics tool.” The LRS iOS application is available for iPad download in the Apple Store. About Long Range Systems UK Ltd Since 2001, Long Range Systems UK has been dedicated to supplying and supporting LRS technologies in the United Kingdom and Southern Ireland that help service-based businesses provide a better customer experience. Businesses need simple solutions that streamline communications between guests and staff. From messaging devices to guest management applications, LRS provides a better means for managing customer flow. For customers in the UK and Southern Ireland the guest sessions Website is or see the dvert on page 16.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

The Source Tradeshow

Inspiration & Opportunity on a Plate

THE SOURCE is the South West’s ‘super show’ for all those with a serious interest in speciality foods and quality drinks, profitable catering and inspired hospitality. It takes place at the Westpoint Exhibition Centre in Exeter on the Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th of February 2015. With over 200 local, national and international food and drink producers, as well as service providers, alongside a superb selection of Taste of the West members, it’s a unique opportunity not to be missed. Taking place at the beginning of February, The Source gives buyers the opportunity to meet all the suppliers they need to be ready for the season ahead; discover new products, furnish their establishments, and kit out their kitchens. Over the past eight years the show has become a complete one-stop shop for everything you need for your food business – covering not just speciality food and drink but everything from raw ingredients to high quality food service products, furniture to EPoS, kitchen design to business services. With exhibitors such as A David & Co, Aspen Maintenance Services, 3663, Ilfracombe Foodservice, Qtos Catering Equipment, Pubstuff, T Quality, Elizabeth Shaw Confectionery, Bradley’s Juice, Chesil Smokery, Lyme Bay Winery, Favis of Salcombe & Styles Farmhouse Ice Cream you will see the best from local, regional and national catering and hospitality suppliers, manufacturers and regional food and drink producers. Visit the Newcomers section to see companies from the South West that have never exhibited at a trade show before. Spot rising stars and emerging trends before your competitors – add exciting and novel products to your offering and give yourself that all important point of difference. Why not be inspired by the chefs in the Demo Kitchen, add

Charles Darrow

AS ONE of the South West’s leading commercial property agents and business sales advisors, Charles Darrow’s combined expertise, insight and regional knowledge set us apart from other agents in the leisure sector.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

new ideas to your menus, and learn from the best? The Demo Kitchen is an opportunity to see leading chefs showing off their skills and sharing their latest ideas. It also features top industry experts passing on their experience and insights. In the past names such as Bruce Cole, Brett Sutton, Elly Wentworth and Michael Caines have shown the audience how to use local ingredients from the show, and inspired those looking for menu ideas. This year the roll call of names will include South West Chef of the Year Professional and Young Professional winners, Jamie Rogers and James Mason, Tierra Kitchen’s Mark Evans, and Development Chef Richard Hunt. It’s a rare opportunity to watch, hear, meet and chat to people who really know their stuff – add value to your business by taking full advantage of their expertise and knowledge. The successful and growing Westcountry Tourism Conference will be running alongside both shows, with two 1/2 day events bringing together leading tourism businesses and industry experts. The conference is designed for businesses working in the tourism industry across Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset and further afield, and those who attend also have the opportunity to attend the show, which introduces Source to a wider market. If you are looking for that special ingredient for your menu, that unique product for your shop, or the essential equipment for your kitchen, then this show will both inspire you and help your business grow. Give your business the impetus it needs going into the new season with this huge spread of comparative tastings, networking opportunities and inspirational experiences. For more information about the show, to book a stand, or register to attend, please call 01934 733433, or visit, or why not follow the show on Twitter @SourceFoodDrink.

From our offices in North and South Devon, we offer a complete service in all aspects of commercial property and business sales. Our extensive portfolio of commercial properties and specialist licensed/leisure businesses presents a range of opportunities to buy or let, across the South West. "We don’t believe in cheap sales talk and corporate jargon. Just straight-talking, honest advice." As a result, Charles Darrow is your perfect partner in commercial property and business sales. We’ll provide an individual service that puts you, the client, first, every time. If you’re considering selling or letting your commercial property or licensed/leisure business, the Charles Darrow team would be delighted to assist. Get in touch for your free, no obligation, market appraisal. Reader enquiries - Tel: 01626 330022 or see us on Stand H41.

The Source Tradeshow

Everyone Loves a Sunday SUNDAY Collab brings together an eclectic mix of coffee, cold brew coffee, teas, surf, beach, art and community. Born in Hossegor on the South West coast of France the SUNDAY Coffee brand incorporates a “Surf I Beach I Art, Lifestyle” image. SUNDAY Coffee offers 2 blends ; “The Original Blend” and “The Green Room Blend” the

Cafe Rico Coffee Beans HERE AT Café Rico we are especially passionate about delicious coffee so we carefully source and import the finest coffee beans from around the world. We ensure our high quality coffee beans are sourced reli-

Newton House Gin NEWTON HOUSE Gin is a small batch hand crafted gin made in Somerset, distilled in copper stills in the Carpenters Workshop at Newton House, a beautiful historic Jacobean Manor House. The gin is made from English produced grain spirit and twelve botanicals, some of which are grown in the walled garden. The process is completed by using refreshing spring water from the estate, which has seeped gently from the hills sur-

The Devon Fudge Company THE DEVON Fudge Company is a family run business nestled in the foothills of Dartmoor in Devon. The deliciously smooth traditional clotted cream fudge is lovingly hand cooked in copper kettles using a secret traditional recipe dating back to 1930. Each batch takes an hour to cook and is lovingly stirred continuously with an extremely large wooden spoon! We are passionate about the quality of our product and only use the highest quality natural ingredients, ethnically sourcing local products wherever possible. All our flavours are free from:-

January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


latter being “Rainforest Alliance Certified” SUNDAY is proud to support Surfers Against Sewage and Surfrider Europe to help to protect our oceans and beaches. SUNDAY Coffee is a sustainable and traceable alternative in the fast growing niche coffee market. SUNDAY have teamed up with The Fresh Coffee Company Ltd to launch the brand in the UK with an intial focus on the South West region, providing a full service covering everything from beans to machines, training and support. Telephone- 01392 6698282 / 07776184141 Web- Get the vibe at stand no. B55 ably, sustainably and on ethical terms. We supply Fairtrade, Organic and Rainforest Alliance Certified. Our wide variety of beans are all expertly roasted in the UK to our unique specification to ensure a consistently delicious cup every time. Please call 01305 761900 for any samples or for a demonstration or pay us a visit on Stand A50. rounding the house for centuries. Specification London Dry Gin Bottle size: 70cl ABV: 43.2% Botanicals: Juniper, Liquorice, Angelica Root, Almonds, Coriander Seeds, Bergamot, Grapefruit Peel, Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Peaches, Mint, Blueberries. Tasting notes: Clean and cleansing zesty citrus and pine fresh juniper with underlying mint and peppery spice. Further softened by the peach and blueberries giving the hint of English garden fragrances. Call us on 01935 471388 / 07793950811, visit or vist Stand C64. • Palm oil • Artificial additives and preservatives • Gluten Whilst still staying fresh for six months. (unless opened and tasted, when it usually lasts for less than five minutes!) Not only do we sell our Fudge online and distribute to many shops in Devon, we still like to make an appearance at many food trade shows across the west country. It's still one of our favourite ways to meet existing and new customers and to quite simply, spread our fudgey love! Whether you're a local to Devon, visiting on holiday, buying for a special occasion - or just an indulgent treat, if you ever taste our fudge we hope that you will love our delicious fudge as much as we do! Visit Stand G36 or call today on 01752 342232 or visit




Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

Cash Registers / Epos

Touch Screen • Stock Control Scanning Kitchen print systems • Hand held terminals Loyalty systems Dont buy from someone miles away until you've talked to us! ( Stand C2 )

0800 181694

The Source Tradeshow

The Taunton Cider Company

THE TAUNTON Cider Company – producers of traditional, award winning craft cider. First established in 1911 and relaunched in 2016 by three cider enthusiasts; The Taunton Cider Company is passionate about preserving traditions and remaining refreshingly authentic to the core.

South West Labels

South West Labels are a supplier of labelling guns, thermal label printers & labels. We’re here for retail, industrial and manufacturing businesses. We’re independent, which means impartial recommendations combined with over 30 years experience in supplying these

HS French Flint Ltd

HS FRENCH Flint Ltd are very pleased to be exhibiting at the Source Trade Show again this year and are looking forward to seeing Old Friends as well as New Contacts on STAND G43.

Having moved into a new and larger showroom overlooking

Foxcombe Bakehouse FOXCOMBE BAKEHOUSE produce award winning cakes, biscuits and sweet snacks, all handmade in our bakery on the farm in rural West Devon. Using real ingredients, local free range eggs, traditional family recipes and methods you would use in your kitchen at home.

Rod and Ben's

The secret to our success at Rod and Ben’s is keeping things simple and straight forward. This is why we believe that our Honest, Tasty & Organic soups, stews, dips & puddings should always insist on only the finest imaginable ingredients. We carefully choose only the best seeds to put into our richly nurtured soil and carefully source from only the best suppliers to create our simply sumptuous seasonal products.

Available in Medium and Dry at 4% ABV and our new Vintage edition at 6%, all crafted using only the finest apples from Somerset. We are now able to deliver Taunton Cider nationwide and are looking to expand through both distribution and direct accounts. If you are interested in finding out more please head to our website: or see us on Stand G61.

products. The labelling gun market can be complicated. Many products are known by different names depending on their use. Labelling guns, price guns, pricing guns, label guns, coding guns and batch guns. Our range of products can meet all needs: Simple low use models, durable machines for industry. A wide variety of specialist features including auto-incrementing guns for batch codes. All equipment is supplied with a one year factory warranty and are designed to give years of reliable and effective service. Visit us on stand D56 to view our products. the River Thames near Tower Bridge we have continued to expand our range and have even more wonderful glass jars and bottles to show you this year. Please have a look at our website or give us a call on 020 7237 1750. HS French Flint Limited, The Gallery, Springalls Wharf, 25a Bermondsey Wall West, London SE16 Foxcombe Bakehouse is so much more than just cakes, offering a delicious sharing and on-the-go range. Catering for convenience stores, farm shops, garages, garden centres as well as tourist attractions, holiday properties and café’s. Foxcombe Bakehouse also offer a very affordable Gluten Free range which is seriously yummy and very reasonably priced, consisting of flapjacks, brownies and biscuits. Christmas is also a very important event on the calendar with various Christmas cakes, mince pies and festive shortbread. For further information contact Foxcombe Bakehouse: Tel:01837 861802 Email: or visit us on Stand F40.

Soups and Stews - A range of hearty soups and stews crafted for even the most discerning of palates- with options suitable for both Vegans and meat eaters.. Dips - Full of flavour and sumptuous textures, ideal for a BBQ or a party all year round, these are a must for anyone’s fridge. All Vegan friendly. Puds - Perfectly proportioned pots of organic heaven, Lemon posset and Chocolate Pot - you'll never regret eating these. We have a friendly and knowledgeable team who can answer any questions you might have. We work with all sectors; Wholesale, Retail, Catering, Bespoke Production, please call us on 01392 833016 or email: See us on standD51

Our Kefir is a powerful probiotic and is understood to boost the immune system. It has a refreshing taste and a long list of health benefits to match. Available in a variety of flavours and sizes. Our ice cream is crafted in a unique way using curds rather than cream resulting in a

Accounting & General

WE ARE accountants and business advisers offering accountancy and tax services for businesses in the South West, operating from our offices in Devon. Uniquely for accountants, we provide commercial and operational advice to hospitality businesses, including hotels, pubs, guest houses and restaurants. We know the records and con-

Barton Reed & Co

BARTON REED & Co is the leading supplier of quality furniture to hotels, restaurants, public houses and leisure facilities in the South West. We can supply beautiful leather sofas, stylish high bar stools, comfy tub seats, elegant restaurant tables and chairs, and relaxing beds.

From laid back, seaside charm to cutting-edge design our extensive product range will suit your style and give your business the look that you want to achieve. We have a huge choice of colours, fabrics and finishes and all our furniture comes with a two-year warranty. Barton Reed & Co is a family-run business and we have been involved in the furniture industry since 1945. Over the years

Moor Coffee Ltd.

AFTER A company name change in 2017 (we were formerly ADDC), Moor Coffee Ltd. is now firmly established with a wider range of machines and coffee beans. Our family-run coffee company based near Dartmoor specialises in commercial coffee machines, coffee beans, brewing equipment and machine repairs throughout the Westcountry and the UK. With over 25 years' experience in the beverage vending industry, we understand that coffee machines can be an expensive outlay, so we offer a

product that is both delicious and naturally lighter. We have the following flavours: Gin, Elderflower & Honeycomb, Madagascan Vanilla, Garden Mint Chocolate Chip, Salted Caramel, Dark Belgian Chocolate, Summer Strawberry. New flavours are constantly in development and placed into production throughout the year depending on the season. Email to become a stockist tel: 01803 863987 Stand NC1 trols necessary to operate effectively, the performances that can be achieved, how this may be done and of course the difficulties in doing so. For our day job we prepare annual accounts, and complete self-assessment or corporation tax returns for clients operating as either sole trade or partnership businesses or limited companies – with annual turnover from £10k to £10m. We also deal with all Companies House record keeping and filing. We prepare monthly accounts and quarterly Vat returns, and provide payroll services. For further details, please call 01803 844425, visit or see us on Stand F40. we have forged strong relationships with our suppliers to give you the best furniture available with a service that goes above and beyond our customers’ expectations. Seven reasons why you should choose Barton Reed & Co to supply your contract furniture: • Wide range of styles • Easy ordering and re-ordering • Single point of contact • Short lead times • Direct delivery • After sales service • Two-year warranty on every item Get in touch to discuss your furniture requirements or to order our new brochure – we’re here to help. Call us on 01409 271189, visit or email Alternatively see us on Stand D41 at The Source Trade Show. range of purchase options on both new and refurbished equipment. Machine accessories can be added to create a complete business model and once you have chosen your machine we will deliver, install and train you and your staff free of charge! After-sales support is taken seriously (no box sellers here!) so we provide you with a comprehensive back-up service with regular customer contact, a range of point-of-sale material and a fully equipped service department. We're very excited to be exhibiting as Moor Coffee Ltd. at the upcoming Trade Shows (see advert) and encourage you to come along and talk to us about our special offers, take advantage of our enhanced machine bundles and sample some delicious, freshly ground coffee - we look forward to meeting you! Reader enquiries - Tel: 01409 231166, or visit Stand E39.


• Goats Kefir • Goats Milk

• Goats Milk Ice Cream • Authentic Milking Experiences

us C1 N e Se nd a St

Dartington Estate: Artisan Producer of Goats Milk Products OUR DELICIOUS, Goats Milk Ice Cream and Kefir is made in small batches with exacting attention to detail and a focus on flavour.

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier on

The Source Tradeshow

January 2018

Wholesale Fruit & Vegetable Importers

Unit 8 A/B International House. Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 6RY

Suppliers of quality fruit & vegetables to the wholesale, retail and catering trade throughout Devon & Cornwall. DAILY DELIVERIES LARGEST RANGE OF EXOTIC FRUITS IN THE SOUTHWEST 24 HOUR ANSWERPHONE SERVICE QUALITY PRODUCE ON THE MOVE WHEN YOU NEED IT, WHERE YOU NEED IT!

Telephone: (01626) 832 848 Fax: (01626) 834 452 Website: SEE US ON STAND B3

Offering wholesale B2B for health food shops, farm shops, delis, restaurants and more.

01803 863987


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

The Source Tradeshow

Rugeroni’s UK Ltd RUGERONI’S UK Ltd - Simply Amazing Flavours - the best kept secret is now unlocked and ready for sale! If you have never tried Rugeroni’s now is the time to electrify your taste buds with the amazing range of relishes, salad dressing / dipping oils, pasta sauces, marinades and our special Argentinian Chimichurri sauce.

When incorporated, added or drizzled you will be amazed at the depth of flavour Rugeroni’s can generate from simple to complicated recipes. All of our products are made using only the finest fresh ingredients and are free from any additives. The original flavours come from centuries Old Italian recipes handed down from generation to generation via many different continents and now manufactured in the UK. If you want an Amazing new Taste experience, Rugeroni’s is it. Visit our website for more information about Rugeroni’s - or tel: 01823 400702 or visit Stand NC9.

Devonshire Tea - Wonderful Blends To Brighten Every Day SIMPLE BLENDS of classic teas from the Eastern world, lovingly created by a little company in the West of England. High-grade tea sourced only from estates monitored by the Ethical Tea Partnership to protect the workers and their environment. Blended and packed in the UK into individually-wrapped "stitched" teabags, which don't contain glue or staples like others.

Iford Cider

IFORD CIDER are a new breed of award winning, modern cider makers based on the Iford Estate, 4 miles from Bath. Founded and launched by Joe Abbott and William Cartwright-Higgnet (owner of Iford Manor & the Iford Estate) in late 2016 with a simple objective of reviving ancient orchards found across the estate to handcraft modern cider using fresh pressed juice,

Total Produce

TOTAL PRODUCE has become one of the UK's largest and most accomplished fresh produce providers, with an extensive network of depot operations throughout the UK, reaching from Cornwall to Edinburgh. Total Produce sources and distributes an extensive range of fresh produce across all major categories including fruits, vegetables and salad - extending from the more familiar to the truly exotic.

Our award-winning range comprises Classic Breakfast, Earl Grey, Delightful Afternoon, and Assam Origin each available in individually-wrapped envelopes for foodservice. Available direct or via our distributors including Contact Devonshire Tea Phone: 01297 304004 Email: Or see us on Stand C36a. no artificial flavours or concentrates. Now happily leading the fight against factory made, industrial ciders derived from apple concentrate. Iford cider is hand crafted from ancient apples collected from forgotten orchards found on and around the estate. The distinct blend of ancient apples and modern cider fruit, long natural wild yeast fermentation and modern approach to blending juice is what gives a unique flavour, setting Iford Cider apart from all others. With a core range of 4 ciders packaged in keg, bottle and bag in box to suit most tastes, 2018 will see the release of a series of short run speciality & collaborative ciders Reader enquiries - Tel: 01225 866284, visit or see us on Stand NC7. Serving the retail, wholesale and food service sectors, Total Produce UK is a complete fresh produce solution provider, offering a comprehensive menu of services to our customers, ranging from simple service provision to an independent grocer to complete category management for major multiples. Continually striving to offer the highest quality fresh produce along with the best possible service, Total Produce offers national distribution through our fleet of 200 temperature controlled vehicles. Through our unrivalled infrastructure of depots nationwide, we are uniquely positioned to deliver value to both national and independent customers - supplying both locally grown and globally sourced produce from the finest producers across Total Produce's extensive supply base. A strong, vibrant and accomplished business, Total Produce UK is part of the worldwide Total Produce group. Please visit us on stand B3 or see the advert on page 33.

Arthur David Foodservice will be cooking and giving out samples from Stand D27 at The Source Tradeshow, Westpoint, Exeter 7th and 8th February

The Source Tradeshow

Boddington’s Berries BODDINGTON’S BERRIES is a family run strawberry farm in Mevagissey, Cornwall with over 70 years’ experience. In 2001 we diversified with high fruit conserves, chutney and relish and have never looked back! We pack as much fruit as we can into our conserves which is why the flavour is so fruity. Our Strawberry Conserve contains 80g of fruit per 100g of conserve - that’s a lot of strawber-

Nicholsons SW Ltd

NICHOLSONS SW has been operating for over 33 years, servicing local businesses with all their Janitorial and Hygiene requirements. The company, previously based in Oakhampton relocated to Redruth Cornwall 5 years ago and is now operating out of a purpose built Eco friendly warehouse and

Steevenson Wines

Steevenson Wines, is not just one of the most exciting places to buy wine from in the UK, it is also one of the most unique... Our relationships with the people that make the wines are incredibly close to a point that in many cases we get involved in the blending and even wine-making decisions. Wines with our wine-making finger-print are now made in France, Italy, New Zealand and Australia. We supply the region’s finest Hotels & Restaurants... We work with brilliant Chefs from St Mawes to St Ives, Salcombe up to Barnstable and east into Dorset and

Contract Furniture Group

CONTRACT FURNITURE Group has been set up to offer quality contract dining furniture to the hotel, restaurant, pub trades and leisure industries at realistic prices. We carry a lot of our range in stock so we can help you to meet your deadlines. We also offer a unique source and

stocking over 2000 product lines. We are dedicated to offering a warm and friendly customer service along with our own van deliveries throughout Cornwall. All Devon orders are serviced through a national courier network with a minimum spend of £75 for free delivery. All products are at competitive prices and we can tailor our quotation specifically for your business needs. With two experienced sales reps on hand for site visits, feel free to contact us to discuss all your workplace consumable needs. Call us on 01209 310208 or email Alternatively visit us at stand A4 at The Source Trade Show 2018. Wiltshire. As wine merchants completely obsessed by produce, it is a joy to work with creative brilliance based around some of the finest natural food sources anywhere. We define their needs and create and print profitable wine lists. Writing wine lists is what we do. Getting inside a business, understanding exactly what the client wants from their list, how the wines work with the food offering, what is within the capability of the team, how it works with the ambition of the establishment. Our dedicated design and print team, ensure that the wines and words we put together for our clients are presented in keeping with their brand and the staff and customer fully understands the offering in front of them. See us on Stand D38 or Tel: 01822 616272 E-Mail: supply service; if you send us a picture of an item we will do our up most to supply to you at the best price. All our furniture is manufactured to the highest standards, we only use hardwood frames which are glued screwed and dowelled for strength. crib5 interliner (if required) sprung seat areas or webbing and top quality Italian leathers and fabrics. For further information, call 0115 965 9030, visit or email See us on Stand B63.

5 Ways To Know If You Need a Refurb

by Liam O’Donnell

Keep an eye on reviews With review sites at an all time high and more customers taking to the keyboard to voice their experiences, this is now a fundamental way to recognise any issues. Pay close attention to what people are saying online through a number of different platforms as customers will often be more honest in a digital space. Were people happy with the room? Did they mention it was outdated? Did they make reference to broken furnishings or appliances? This can act as a great starting point for potential refurbs as it highlights the key problems. Physical deterioration Inspecting the space can be enough to identify any major problems or aesthetic eyesores, so have a look around. If you can readily notice cracks, stains or worn out furnishings then you know straight away that there is a problem. Moreover, look beyond the obvious to the temperature of the room or the lighting. If it is dark and dingy or too cold, it is likely that these aspects will also need updating.

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


ries! All our products contain 100% natural ingredients, with our Strawberry Conserve containing strawberries, sugar and lemon juice. Our product range is limited but high quality. Sizes vary from 28g portions, retail glass jars and plastic catering pails. Please see our website for more information. We also offer bespoke products – please contact us for more information. Our customers include retailers, wholesalers and distributors, all who can order via our website, email, text or phone. Find us on stand A1. Big enough to deliver, small enough to care. Telephone- 01726 842 346 or see the advert on page 32.

Design and Refit

CREATING A hospitality establishment with furnishings that stand the test of time can be precarious at the best of times and even those truly modern premises will likely find themselves becoming outdated eventually. Materials can become overused, colours can dull down and styles that were once popular can start to deteriorate to nothing but outdated trends. A refurb can give a hotel or restaurant a new lease of life that will bring in new customers, fill in a gap in the market and even improve revenue. But undertaking a refurbishment can be time consuming, costly and lengthy, so just how do you know when this becomes a necessity? Here are some keys ways you can know if you need to embark on a refurb.

January 2018

Refurb or upgrade? Recognising the gravity of the task at hand is an important part of the decision making process. Do you need an entirely new look? Or just a simple upgrade? A refurbishment might be more suitable if the premises is run down, broken or outdated and an upgrade may work if you need to add to existing furnishings with the newest tech or latest trends. Consider the budget In order to remain cost efficient it is crucial to spend the budget wisely and not all in one area. For example, if you want high-tech smart TVs in every room but this uses up a quarter of the budget, this might not be the best option if you also plan to overhaul the reception area. Be realistic, sensible and recognise the areas that are most in need of updating. The refurbishment process is likely to be extensive, with a requirement to carry it out in stages. Therefore, focus on the most important factors first and segment the budget accordingly. Consider the neighbours If you are in a central location, the refurbishment is likely to affect surrounding occupants or businesses and this should be factored in from the beginning. Make sure that the work is planned during a quiet season for business reasons and the surrounding buildings as things will run more smoothly. Also, make sure the refurbishment is staggered so that not too much is happening at one time; this can help with noise reduction and will also improve the management of the project. About the author, Liam O’Donnell: Liam O’Donnell is the director of Valdivian Furniture, a British furniture manufacturer that specialises in bespoke, hand crafted contract furniture. Liam has deep rooted personal interest in environmental issues and over 16 years of experience in manufacturing furniture. He is a highly experienced wood machinist and specialist joiner which translates into the company’s meticulous and careful approach to furniture production. Find out more at:

Steevenson Wines, now in its Thirtieth year has built up and enviable reputation for not only supplying great wines, the keenest prices, but also offering a professional service second to none. With well informed and enthusiastic staff we pride ourselves on the complete after sale service we are eager to offer.

Tel: 01822 616272 E-Mail:


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

Design and Refit

Total Racking Solutions

TOTAL RACKING Solutions Ltd is one of the UK`s leading suppliers of racking for just about every necessity. We are a friendly family run business, who really go the extra mile for our customers. Our 5 star Trustpilot rating speaks for itself, not only are our products superb quality they are extremely good value for money compared to our competition. We offer a superb range of chrome racking for front of house for hotels, pubs, restaurants, eateries, coffee shops, bakeries and delicatessen’s. We also offer a huge range of high gloss, powder coated racking for every storage need big and small. We offer a no quibble five year guarantee on all

our products, if you are not happy with our products for any reason we will either give you a replacement or a full refund. Not only are they very easy to put together they really are sturdy and look superb when built and in use. We also offer storage containers for every size and eventuality. We offer a next day delivery service, anywhere in mainland UK. Give our friendly sales and design staff a call, we offer a free design service and will of course do you a highly competitive deal. Call 01977 555007, email: or visit

Your Outdoor Space Can Make You Money

WITH ONE of our great canopies you can turn outdoor space into somewhere usable no matter the weather. The choice is vast – marqueestyle with a clear roof (very funky) or a lightweight retractable. Highend rotating louver roof or fixed polycarbonate. Jumbo umbrella or garden gazebo. It is entirely up to you what you choose, however we will help with advice and options to make sure you make the most of your structure and your space.

In addition to the structure there are options for the roof and the walls – solid, retractable, clear, opaque and more. Then there are the lights, speakers and heating! For more help and information visit our website or give us a call. We are specialists in shade and shelter and we are ready to help. New for 2017, we have a new logo and new office – but the same great service. To get in touch, call 0844 561 7679 or email

Space Air - The UK's Independent Distributor for LG HVAC Systems SPACE AIR with 37 years experience in HVAC industry are UK Nationwide distributors of the full range LG HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) equipment covering One to One Splits, Multi Splits, Multi V™ VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow), Therma V™ air to water medium/high temperature heat pumps, extensive local, remote and central control systems and Spare Parts.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

The Air Conditioning capacity range extends for 1 kW one to one to 269 kW systems with the largest variety of indoor units from Cassettes (1, 2 & 4 way air distribution), Ceiling, Floor, Wall and Low/Medium/High static ducted type. The Heat Recovery Ventilation- HRV offers

flexible and high efficiency ventilation. The unique Therma V™ Medium (55ºc) and High (80ºc) temperature domestic/commercial heating & domestic hot water and water based systems, which is ranked amongst the leading technology in the world. All LG-HVAC products are Eurovent Certified and to ISO9001-14001, Quality and Environmental Standards with extensive HQ facilities in Weybridge covering show rooms, training centres and CPD facilities. Space Air offers Nationwide coverage including design, selection, logistics, spare parts, remote and on site technical support. Contact us on tel: 01483 478 715 or by email: or visit our website for extensive information.

Catering Resources WE SOURCE the best and most effective commercial catering equipment from around the globe. Generally this will be ideal for owners of catering establishments eg cafes, restaurants, staff canteens, pubs, clubs, schools, colleges, sports stadia, hotels, guest houses, outside caterers; fast-

Novellini UK

NOVELLINI UK is the British branch of Novellini Group - The most important shower enclosure manufactured in Italy. A vast range, extremely high quality and probably the most versatile in the market – anything is possible in terms of scale and design. Throughout the world Novellini creates inspiring bathrooms that appeal to individuals at home, via our merchant partners. Working alongside architects and designers, we create beautiful and functional bathrooms that complement the home, helping to create tranquil spaces promoting Well-being within the living environment. Based in the beautiful market town of St Albans, Hertfordshire, we

Design and Refit food take-aways, fish & chip shops etc. From our 800 page catalogue you will find everything from staff uniforms, kitchenware, baking and cookware, food storage, disposables, tables, sinks, trolleys, shelving, cleaning and janitorial, health & hygiene, tableware, buffet & beverage service, linen, bar amenities, cooking appliances, blenders, food preparation machines, beverage appliances, server & display, refrigeration & washing equipment. Call 0121 448 3756, email or visit have a small but well stocked Showroom with multiple displays of enclosures, trays, baths and steam cabins. At Novellini we understand that you desire individual bathroom designs, this is why we have created six new frame finishes to help you achieve these aspirations. Enclosures are now available in nickel, matt black, polished gold, white, silver and polished chrome. In addition we have coated all our profiles with an anti-bacterial and anti-scale coating as standard. New glass finishes include smoke, mirror and spy glass all with crystal clear glass treatment as standard. All our products are maintained by our qualified service engineers and supported by parts readily available from stock. Working with Novellini allows you the freedom to create a truly individual showering experience every time, why not visit our website or contact us for more information. For further information call 01727 229 922 or visit

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

WE ARE an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses. We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s one

area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to

January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

Design and Refit

Woodman Chairs

WOODMAN CHAIRS is a long established, dedicated chair manufacturer and wholesaler who make most of their own chairs. We offer a wide and varied choice of solid oak and beech chair and table styles – both modern and contemporary – with many finish and seat options. Included in our range is an exciting choice of sturdy bar stools and bar tables. The fact that we make gives us greater control and flexibility. It also enables us to offer bespoke chair and chair frame or component production to end customers or other suppliers and manufacturers looking for their own design or

seeking to create a unique range or theme, again in both oak and beech, raw or finished. Always keen to innovate, Woodman are constantly introducing new styles and have recently added Carver options to their more popular dining chairs and have further expanded their range of bar stools to include rush seated and fabric pad options. Here is a simple decision that won’t require a Referendum! If you want your customers to have the best choice, with honest quality, at affordable prices, with decent lead times and no minimum order, then you need only vote Woodman for your chairs. For further details call 01884 841789, visit or email

The Vandal Resistant Toilet Door Lock From Burstcatch

LOCKS ARE a critical part of the decision process when designing or refurbishing your bathroom. Durable and hard-wearing toilet cubicle locks are essential to ensure longevity of your investment. Burstcatch ensures both privacy and security of your bathroom cubicles with its unique, patented vandal resistant design. Built to last in the most extreme of environments, Burstcatch is designed to operate flawlessly in the washroom environment. Suitable for extreme high traffic commercial toilet areas such as night clubs, bars and restaurants. Burstcatch is the standard fitting in the UK’s largest pub chains JD Weatherspoon, Yates, Mitchell & Butler, Stonegate and Missoula Bars Burstcatch ensures their washrooms are always 100% operational, reaping the financial benefits everyday. • Privacy with unique anti-vandal door lock design • Works with all types of toilet cubicle doors

• Built strong. Built to last. Built to save you money. • Guaranteed to save your toilet cubicle doors and locks from vandals. In the high traffic pub and club environment it's essential your toilet doors stay operational. Burstcatch will give you the piece of mind that once fitted you no longer have to call out service engineers to repair your toilet cubicle doors. Generally a call out would be £60 plus per call, so its a simple calculation to see Burstcatch is a valuable investment. Customer safety is ensured with our unique design. Burstcatch will allow standard privacy but if you are required to access a cubicle during an emergency situation you can easily force the door open without causing any damage to the toilet door hardware or to the door. Safety without the expense! Tel: 0151 608 8666 or visit or see the advert on page 2.

Flowrite Refrigeration & Air Conditioning FLOWRITE HAVE long established relationships with a variety of the UK’s largest multisite operators within the leisure & hospitality, retail, commercial and public sectors.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

We maintain these strong relationships by working in partnership with our customers to tailor our services to meet their specific requirements. We recognise the importance of utilising the very best technology to provide an efficient service and real time information. Our approach to business supported and

focussed on our 4 core behaviours that are embedded into all areas of the business: – Visibility – make sure we are constantly meeting our people and customers and creating meaninful and lasting relationships. Ownership – take full ownership of all tasks and make sure they are completed to the satisfaction of the customer. Trust – create a business built on trust where we do exactly what we said we will do. Excellence – strive to be the best we can be as both people and as a whole business. T: 0845 603 4040 E:

o Suppliers of 1920s chairs to pubs and restaurants nationwide



30 years experience We can supply chairs in original condition and fully refurbished Prices from £35 (original condition) to £75 (refurbished) Delivery in 10 to 21 days on orders of 10 - 150

o Telephone: 07970 714959 Email:

Flowrite Services Limited is the UK’s leading national refrigeration and air conditioning specialists. We provide reactive repair, maintenance and installations to the leisure and hospitality, retail, public and commercial sectors. With our dedicated in-house team of fully trained engineers, Flowrite offers full national coverage, rapid response times and high first time fix rates to ensure our customers receive ‘The Flowrite Experience’ on each and every visit.

Flowrite Services Limited, Units 5-7 Tovil Green Business Park, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6TA

T: 0845 603 4040 E:

Design and Refit

January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

HotelContractBeds - Premium Quality At Affordable Prices WE’RE ONE of the leading suppliers of contract approved beds and mattresses within the UK. Manufactured by ourselves, we pride ourselves on high quality whilst also providing comfortable low trade prices. While of course we offer all the standard UK sizes for beds and mattresses, we also provide an affordable bespoke service that will enable you to get the exact bed, mattress or sofa bed required for your establishment. We work on a no minimum order value policy, meaning you may order as much, or as little as you need. This

enables us to supply the big hotel chains, while also providing top quality to the smaller and independent hotels. Delivery is free of charge for all mainland UK orders with an estimated time of 3-5 working days. And what’s more, you can be assured that every contract bed manufactured and supplied via HotelContractBeds - including our memory foam mattresses, sofa beds, zip and link beds and divan sets - complies with BS5852 and Crib 5, ensuring that they pass stringent fire safety inspections. Call our friendly sales team on 01234 834693 or visit our website

Low Costs Means Greater Returns IMPROVE CUSTOMER Enjoyment with Stylish and Very Long Lasting Gazebos

• The most successful businesses invest wisely to get the best returns • Join them to make more profit from your outdoors sales • You can invest in your outdoors, from as little as £357 a year • Your only cost is the profit from a couple of drinks per week! • It's a no-brainer....Don't ignore this profit opportunity • You have nothing to lose except more profit From £6.86 per week | £357 per year with Bluestar Leasing To see how advantageous it can be for your business get your instant quotation online. 3 sizes...40 colours...side screen

Allen Pavitt Contracts

Allen Pavitt Contracts is Europe's leading manufacturer and supplier of hospitality products. Our designs include the very latest style in banqueting and conference furniture currently leading the way for comfort and ease of use. All of our products are manufactured in the UK and include dance floors, folding tables, stages, conference chairs and tables. These are all guaranteed to perform in the most testing conditions within the busiest venues. We are particularly proud of our modern locking portable dance floor system with 21st century technology replacing high maintenance products!

options...hurricane proof...5 year guarantee 3m x 3m £1661 | 3m x 4m (as above) £2130 | 3m x 6m £2497 Join them to make more profit from your outdoors sales You can invest in your outdoors, from as little as £357 a year. Your only cost is the profit from a couple of drinks per week! GET AHEAD TODAY....BUY NOW and BENEFIT NOW The Carpenters Arms visit WHITE PAVILION HOSPITALITY GAZEBOS Help, Advice, Guidance and to Order Call us 01653 695 285

To assemble simply push together and the locking floor is ready to use and will not come apart. Hard wearing laminate surface ensuring service free lifetime use. To compliment our exhaustive range of standard products, we also build bespoke items for other areas such as theatres and concert venues. Compatible with our other UK suppliers such as Burgess, our furniture provides the very highest standards of reliability, giving every confidence to the discerning hotelier. Other products within the range include table cloths, skirting, valances, chair covers and conference cloths. These are made to fit our chairs and tables plus those of other manufacturers. We would be delighted to discuss your requirements, and provide free noobligation quotes call us now on 01404 890290 and visit or

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

Design and Refit

Kazbar Systems Commercial Audio

The UK's Premier Commercial Audio Installation Company

KAZBAR SYSTEMS Commercial Audio is the UK's premier Commercial Audio Installation Company specialising in professional audio and video installations in Bars, Restaurants, Hotels, Cafe's, Spas, Gymnasiums, Boardrooms and Houses Of Worship. Our wealth of experience and product knowledge allows us to provide cost effective and high quality solutions where high fidelity audio and video is required. Speaker Placement & Sound Dispersion. Careful consideration must be invested into the background music systems from the planning stages. Unfortunately, many venues suffer from poor background sound quality and dialogue intelligibil ity due to poor planning and installation of sound systems and acoustic treatment of the listening environment. It is often the case that venues with high ceilings and minimal decor exhibit further sonic problems; the cl ient's dialogue is often in competition with the background sound that can cause an unpleasant client experience. A professionally balanced music background system that can be divided into zones (if appropriate) will provide your clients or employees a pleasant sonic experience, significantly increasing productivity and return business. Our expertise extends from specifying the correct sound system and its configuration to speaker placement and acoustic treatment. Speaker systems comprising of traditional speaker cabinets, ceiling speakers and satellite speakers ensure that sound is dispersed to all areas of the

venue, without compromising dialogue intelligibility and causing fatigue. This provides focused audio and the ability to increase the playback volume where it is required in specific areas. Digital Optimization Kazbar Systems Commercial Audio not only specifies and installs your background audio system; we also crucially optimize it using digitally controlled sound and zone control systems. Utilizing the latest in audio technology we can tailor each zone of your premises to offer the best sonic experience to your clientele. We can also setup your music background system to adhere to any sound pressure level constraints by using advanced limiters to restrict the sound pressure level from exceeding a specified threshold. Boardrooms & Office Environments Kazbar Systems Commercial Audio can provide integral audio and video solutions for your office and or boardroom, enhancing workflows and increasing employee performance and productivity. Kazbar Systems Commercial Audio offers solutions for large, open plan office environments where an increased level of acoustic control may be required in order to reduce the ambient background noise to an acceptable level. This is achieved by the installation of a wide range of high performance acoustic solutions that not only reduce incoherent sound reflections, but also add to the existing aesthetic qualities of the boardroom or office environment. Kazbar Systems Commercial Audio is an authorized agent for all major manufacturers of speaker systems, amplification, digital DSP control systems, voice distribution and paging and microphone systems. We can also offer acoustic surveys, noise control recommendations and manufacture a range of bespoke acoustic treatments. Please contact us to discuss your requirements. 01234 780177

Now A New Range Of Oil Candles That Mimic Wax, But Only In Good Ways! WE HAVE just launched our exciting range of Wax Replica Oil Candles which are oil candles that look just like wax, but because there is no wax there is no mess and no waste! They look fantastic, never turn to a mushy waxy mess and need virtually no maintenance. So you can have a real flame with none of the down sides. But here's the really good news. You will save so much money on these, compared with wax ones that they are as good as FREE! Here's the maths.... Average price of a 50 hour wax pillar candle is £2. If

you light your candles for 5 hours a night they will last ten nights. If you have ten tables, that's £20 for ten nights which equals £730 a year. Compare this with the new nylon oil candles. To buy 10 of the 70mm x 70 mm candles will cost £249.50. They burn 20ml of oil a night, or 200ml for 10 candles. That's 73 litres a year which costs £201.50 That's a total of just £451. That's a saving of £279 in the first year, including buying the candles! Go to our website for more details on these and the rest of our range at or call us on 01279 731621

Design and Refit Home Front Playgrounds NOW IS the time to start thinking about the outside spaces at your property. Spring may seem a long way off in a bleak January but with March often bringing surprisingly pleasant days it makes sense to be ready. The extra business and profits the family market brings to any operator make an outdoor play area a top choice to attract that group. Maybe you already have one which is looking a bit old and tired; or are thinking of installing one for the first time. But in either case we strongly suggest that you invest in a proper commercial standard (EN1176) installation. While the back-garden versions have tempt-

Mayfair Furniture

AS A LEADING supplier of contract furniture to the leisure and hospitality industry Mayfair Furniture is always striving to bring high quality products at the lowest prices possible. We supply a huge range of products to suit a variety of establishments from café

The Curtain Cabin

BASED IN Verwood, Dorset, The Curtain Cabin is a well-established curtain making company, specialising in the manufacture and supply of bespoke curtains and soft furnishings including blinds, tracks, poles, sheer curtains and furnishings. The Curtain Cabin produces a range of products for the commercial sector, including furnishings for hotels, village halls, health centres and on projects for local authorities. The Curtain Cabin has been in operation for ten years, however, Managing Director, Dawn Moses has been in the soft furnishing industry for almost 30 years. The company has built up a strong working relationship with Harbour Hotels, over the past five years, having worked on a number of sites within the Harbour Hotels portfolio. Dawn Moses, Managing Director of The Curtain Cabin, said: “We have worked with Harbour Hotels for

ingly low prices they are usually not capable of standing up to the demands of a commercial establishment; and as the site operator you have a duty of care to your customers - so make sure you comply with the standards to stay safe. Commercial play companies such as Home Front will be able to provide designs to suit a particular environment as well as advice on how to get the best out of a budget or the space available. In many cases a design can offer scope for expansion in the future too. A properly chosen, professionally designed outdoor play area should repay itself many times over with the increased revenue it will bring; and, as importantly, help give your premises that competitive edge. For further information, please call 0845 643 2373, Email: or website: and bistro furniture, restaurant, pub, bar, hotel lobby and bedroom furniture. As a direct importer of commercial furniture Mayfair Furniture offer the most competitive prices in the UK. For example we supply restaurant table tops manufactured in the UK, with prices starting from £19.95. In 2017 we brought in a new range of premium quality seating from Europe with prices starting at £44.50 almost half the prices of our competitors. Phone: 01733 310 115 Email: Website: 5 years, starting with the Salcombe Harbour Hotel, Sidmouth Harbour Hotel and St. Ives Harbour Hotel. We manufactured and supplied all curtains, sheers, tracks and blinds at the Froyle Park Harbour Hotel, Brighton Harbour Hotel and Bristol Harbour Hotel, as well as all the curtains and blinds on the Chichester Marina apartments project.” Most recently, The Curtain Cabin has been involved with Harbour Hotel Southampton. Working on this project, The Curtain Cabin carried out site visits to ascertain track, blinds and curtain sizes; advised on best positioning and operation; compiled a pricing and fitting schedule; and manufactured and supplied curtains, sheers, lining & curtain sundry items, blinds and tracks. The Curtain Cabin also supplied a large area of electric hard wired sheer blinds to the 6th floor (21 blinds in total), as well as electric tracks in the Function Room with nearly 6 metre drops on electric tracks. Dawn said: “At The Curtain Cabin, we pride ourselves on our products and our service, including our after sales service. We meet our deadlines, adhere to a high quality standard and offer a friendly service. We also receive a great deal of customers through recommendations and repeat business.” For further information please call 01202 813533 or visit

January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

• Attract more customers with your own play area • Beautiful natural timber for long life • Huge range of designs to suit all budgets and areas • See more on our website For more details. a full colour catalogue or to get a quotation Contact us today

0845 643 2373


Design and Refit

January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Hartley Botanic Glasshouses - From Plot To Plate WITH A Hartley glasshouse you can grow the freshest produce all year round with no food miles. Don't just take our word for it! This is what Raymond Blanc OBE had to say; "The Hartley Botanic Glasshouse here at Belmond Le Manoir aux Quat' Saisons is simply a magnificent piece of craftsmanship. Its bespoke design creates an integral indoor space within the heart of my beloved garden. In perfect harmony with its surroundings, it is as if it has always been here.

Solar Upholstery

ESTABLISHED FOR more than 30 years, Solar Upholstery specialise in the manufacture of quality upholstery for the marine and leisure industry, with a strong background in the very demanding marine upholstery industry it was only natural for Solar Upholstery to progress into projects for restaurants, bars, clubs and offices, and were most recently involved with working at

"Great food needs great ingredients and the glasshouse allows my team and I to grow organic herbs and heritage vegetables for the daily menu. Each aspect of the menu is driven by ethical, environmental, seasonal and regional values, whenever possible. From the glasshouse to the kitchen to the plate in no time at all – you can’t get fresher than that. "Its beauty is in its design, providing a versatile space not only to grow in, but as an idyllic venue for a number of intimate events – we’ve even held weddings in there." Call our team to discuss on 0800 783 8083 or visit

Harbour Hotel, Southampton. Mike Barns of Solar Upholstery said: “Our clients demand the highest standard for their yachts, which is why we’re used by some of the top names in the industry, as a very good job requires painstaking skills to cut and measure the materials; Our many years of experience ensure a first class job every time, and we carry a vast range of materials & colours.” Mike added: “At Solar Upholstery our attention tom detail is second to none. Our clients want their boat or venue to look perfect – and so do we! Every job we undertake, whether it is a single seat or a complete re-fit, receives the same care and attention.” Reader Enquiries: Tel 01202 813613 Email: or visit

ILF Chairs - Contract Seating

ILF HAVE been supplying top quality indoor and outdoor chairs and tables for over the past 25 years to the hospitality market. We offer a wide selection of products to suit all tastes and as importantly budgets! We pride ourselves outstanding personal service with the motto ‘ No job is ever too big or too small – it’s customer satisfaction that counts’.

In this demanding Health & Safety led market place we guarantee that all our fabrics and fillings meet the exacting BS5852 Crib 5 fire regulations. The majority of our products are available in a choice of frame colours and we can offer an extensive choice of fabrics including real Leather and Faux Leather. In addition, we also able to offer a full service on bench seating and reupholstery. Delivery times are generally 4 weeks from order, but we can also offer a “fast track” service for certain products. Why not contact us at or on 01293 783783 and find out how we can help you fulfil your seating and table needs.

MIKROFILL SUPPLY STANBROOK ABBEY HOTEL Set within the stunning grounds of a 26 acre estate, this former monastery is surrounded by the outstanding natural beauty of the Worcestershire countryside. The hotel’s 56 rooms offer guests a beautiful blend of historic charm and grandeur, helping to make every stay a memorable one. In addition the hotel boasts breath taking architecture, including a wonderful dining hall designed by Robert “Mouseman” Thompson. Early in 2014 a decision was made to upgrade the existing oil fired LPHW heating and HWS circuits at the hotel which is part of Amazing Venues group. Building services consultants, Energy Performance Solutions (EPS) put together a comprehensive design including two new plantrooms. For plantroom 1, Mikrofill supplied 2No Ethos

FS550kW twin burner condensing boilers, a Mikrofill 1400/2 pressurisation package and 2 No Extreme 500 HWS loading cylinders c/w unvented kits. Plantroom 2 consisted of 2 No WM70kW condensing boilers, a Mikrofill 150 pressurisation package and 1 No Extreme 500 HWS loading cylinder c/w unvented kit. To preserve the character of the building, the existing brick chimney stacks were lined to accommodate the new boilers. The equipment was skilfully installed by long standing mechanical contractor Daly Engineering Services. With a turn down ratio of 40 > 1 on the FS550’s and 20 > 1 on the WM70’s accurate load matching and optimum efficiency is assured.

For more information on these and other Mikrofill products please call 03452 606020 or visit


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

January 2018

Property and Professional

Fiveways Hospitality Sees Rise In Management Contract Enquiries From Family Hoteliers Hotel management company Fiveways Hospitality has seen a sharp rise in enquiries from private hoteliers who are struggling to attract the next generation into the family business. Compared with last year, the Birmingham-based company has already seen a 25% increase in enquiries in the first weeks of 2018, from the owners of family-run hotels who want to keep their asset and benefit from a regular income but hand over day-today management. Robin Ford, Operations Director at Fiveways Hospitality, which manages Park Regis and nitenite hotels in Birmingham, Holiday Inn Express in South Birmingham and Knowsley, and Pelham House, Lewes, said bringing in a management company provided the perfect solution for many businesses. It not only helps to safeguard jobs, the organisation is also able to access its extensive facilities and resources, which can save money. “Already in January we’ve seen a marked rise in the number of second and third generation hoteliers who are reluctant to sell the business they have helped to build up over decades, but because their children have pursued careers in other sectors and have no desire to run the family hotel, they are left with difficult choices,” he said. “It’s understandable they don’t want to sell up because of the emotional and financial investment they have made, so we are able to offer them the perfect alternative: we run the hotel on their behalf, maximising profit and reputation, and they retain the asset and income. “It’s impossible to say why 2018 already seems to be a year when people are looking to make changes, perhaps they are challenging the general feeling of uncertainty that has gripped the nation recently, and

Immediate Access To Working Capital!

AT GOT CAPITAL, we understand that the unexpected happens, like unexpected hefty taxes or maybe you miscalculated how much inventory you need during the holidays. Got Capital is here to help you to get quick and easy funding- that is there the next day. Got Capital offers a form of financing that allows a company to sell a portion of its future sales in exchange for an immediate payment. Therefore, Got Capital is a royalty based investment. There is no personal guarantee or collateral.

ANDREW GREENWOOD BUSINESS TRANSFER AGENT are deciding to make their own big decisions.” Fiveways Hospitality says the existing owners can be as involved or as hands-off as they wish within the business, and that special conditions - such as retaining staff, hiring seasonal staff and maintaining the hotel’s name and branding - can be agreed. “We consider this arrangement to be a win-win for a family-run hotel because they can still maintain some control but they can step away from the business they have built and enjoy a welcome income from their asset,” explained Robin. “Using our expertise enables us to review sales and marketing as well as put in place appropriate plans to develop the business and invest where necessary. Operating a flexible management contract package makes sense because what works for one hotel will not work for another.”

Family hoteliers who are thinking of future options for their business should contact Robin at Fiveways Hospitality on 07903 994 936 or www.hello@5wayshospitality. More information is available at

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AWARD WINNING, HIGH CLASS TEA ROOM & COFFEE SHOP WITH ANCILLARY RETAIL SHOP, AMIDST CONSERVATION AREA, IN AFFLUENT MID-HAMPSHIRE TOWN. Situated in pretty Georgian town. Offering teas, coffees & light home made meals. Attractively decorated, character property has 36 covers, plus pavement seating for 12 & rear courtyard seating for 20. Catering kitchen. Same hands 13 yrs. T/O £6,000 pw. Projected T/O £255,000 p.a. (ex VAT). GP 65%. Closed 4.30/5 pm – no eve opening. Leasehold at current rental of £13,800 p.a.x. (new term avail). – £150,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3729) LICENSED ITALIAN CAFÉ/RESTAURANT, OCCUPYING A PRIME POSN, CITY CENTRE, SOUTHAMPTON. Located close to Civic Centre & Solent Uni, near to new 450-seat NST City Theatre & Studio 144 Art Gallery. Opened in April 2013 & fitted out at considerable expense. Furnished in contemporary style with air-con seating for 40 & pavement seating for 21. Current T/O £3,500/£4,000 pw. Accts for y/e April 2017 record T/O of £149,462 (ex VAT). GP 75%+. City Council lease at £25,000 p.a.x. – OIRO £90,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3730) LIC. RESTAURANT WITH 3 BED MAISONETTE, SOUGHT AFTER POSN AMIDST PROFESSIONAL AREA, THRIVING TOWN CENTRE, BETWEEN SOUTHAMPTON & PORTSMOUTH. Character Grad II Listed Bldg amidst conservation area. Run on chef/patron basis. Same hands 15 yrs. Retirement sale. Tastefully decorated, air con restaurant – seats 36/44 covers with adj. Cocktail Bar & open plan kitchen. 3 bed maisonette above & rear yard. T/O £5,300 pw. Accts. record T/O £220,812 (ex VAT). GP £155,714 (70.5%). Open 5½ days. – EITHER £695,000 + S.A.V. F’HOLD, OR, with a new 15 yr lease at £25,000 p.a.x. - £120,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3668)

romsey (01794) 522228

A risk-free way of getting funding? sounds amazing doesn’t it? Got Capital is dedicated to get business owners the best and quality customer service while help them receive funding up to £100K. Started by two entrepreneurs trying to create a better space for business owners to get funding quick. Signing up is fast and easy! Within a day of your application you get approved in just a few hours and the funds are in your business bank account-the same day. Time is an important asset for a companydon’t let it get wasted by waiting at a bank for funding. Try Got Capital today and experience an easy risk free way of receiving funding. Call us now with offer code CLH! 0800 368 9695 or see the advert on this page for details.

Swan Hill House Bed & Breakfast, Colyton, Lyme Regis for Sale PROPERTY SPECIALISTS Stonesmith are offering to market this substantial and extremely well appointed village Bed & Breakfast. The property offers a stunning business, property and family home in a much sought after part of the South West. Swan Hill House has been run successfully as a bed and breakfast/guest house for many years and would also be suitable as a grand family residence, if so desired. The property offers 6 extremely well appointed En-Suite Letting Bedrooms, Residents Lounge, Residents Breakfast Room, fully equipped Kitchen, Utility Room, Laundry Room, Office/Study with balcony and Basement Cellar. Additionally there is an extremely well presented quality Self-Contained Owners Apartment on the second floor with reception rooms and 3 Double Bedrooms. Externally, the property benefits from a road frontage and signage with lawned Gardens and a Private Car Park for 7/8 vehicles, Garage and various useful Store Rooms. The attractive Rear Garden being fully enclosed and incorporates lawned and patio areas, vegetable and fruit gardens. The freehold business opportunity is on the market for £950,000. Full property details are available from the website or by calling 01392 201262.

Property and Professional

January 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Kick Start 2018 By Supercharging Your Cash Flow SMALL BUSINESS funding for the hospitality sector is now quicker and easier to access than ever before. Due to alternative financing options, hotel, pub and restaurant owners no longer need to go through lengthy applications with their banks to raise the necessary funding for growth. Business owners within the hospitality sector are often held back from expanding and growing due to a lack of funding, particularly during seasonal disruptions to trade. A business cash advance provides a quick and simple way of supercharging your business cash flow if you take card payments from your customers regularly, with funds made available in as little as 72 hours. The application is simple; there are no lengthy forms to fill in and you do not need to provide complicated business plans or forecasts. Perfect for boosting cash flow to kick start growth plans for 2018, buy-

ing more stock to take advantage of busy trade periods, or even covering a refurbishment of your pub, hotel or restaurant, a cash advance is deposited quicker than a traditional bank loan and is typically repaid in around six months. There are no fixed monthly costs as repayments are set in line with your daily card turnover. This means when business is good you pay back more and, during quieter times, repayments are scaled down to reflect daily credit and debit card sales. Taunton pub and restaurant owner, Andrew, says “A cash advance is perfect for my pub. I needed funds quickly and the application process was simple and straightforward. I’m glad I’m not tied in to a long repayment term and I haven’t noticed the repayments.” Kick start your growth plans with a 10 per cent rate discount on new business cash advances throughout January 2018. To find out more, call 0800 3777 402 or visit (offer ends 31st January 2018 - terms and conditions apply).

For Sale: Coffee Shop In East Devon Coastal Resort Town IN THE highly regarded Regency coastal resort of Sidmouth, Coastal Coffee Lounge offers potential for new owners to develop their own personal trading style, and is now being offered for sale on a leasehold basis by licensed property specialists Stonesmith of Exeter. Coastal Coffee Lounge occupies a lucrative and prominent trading position in the main shopping thoroughfare of Sidmouth, within 100 yards from the seafront and beach. Following a complete purpose refit in 2012, it offers a

Main Café Area with seating for 32 customers, a Customer Servery Area plus a Preparation and Kitchen Area. The business is now closed and is offered for sale with the benefit of a full inventory of furnishings and equipment, in a turnkey and ready to trade state. The business is being offered by way of a new, seven year fully renewable lease, with a proposed rent of £22,500 per annum. The asking price is £39,950 plus VAT. Full details can be downloaded from the website and viewings arranged by calling 01392 201262

The Ship Inn, Green Street Green, Kent on the Market LEADING NATIONAL Licensed Property Agents Guy Simmonds have been instructed to sell the highly impressive 18th century country inn; the Ship Inn, situated in the affluent and highly sought after village of Green Street Green, Kent. This delightful property features a traditional and inviting Public Bar (circa 30), a Dining Room (circa 12+ covers), a cosy Snug Bar (circa 20) and a versatile and multi-functional Restaurant (circa 40+ covers). There

is also an equipped Commercial Catering Kitchen and the family accommodation briefly comprises: 3/4 bedrooms, lounge/bedroom, office, kitchen and bathroom. There is also a very good sized lawned Beer Garden (circa 75+). Price: £70,000. Tenure: FREE OF TIE – LEASEHOLD – 9 years remaining. Turnover: Advised current sales are circa £185,000 (incl. VAT). Trade Split: 80% wet and 20% food. Rent: £40,905 per annum. Landlord: Wellington Pub Company. Contact the agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112

Leadership Opportunities Looking for a change? Where you can use what you know to make a difference? And more conventional working hours? JOIN THE SUPPLY SIDE IN THIS CASE, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE Use your skills, your knowledge, your experience, your work ethic – your customer-centric approach – to help grow an international business – and grow yourself at the same time. We need great, motivated, quick people to shape our future – to manage teams, logistics, plan projects – and then run territories – trailblazing a global solution to niche problems. Take a look at and contact with a chatty covering letter and your CV or call us on 01628 501481.

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PUBS, HOTELS, GUEST HOUSES, RESTAURANTS, CAFES & CATERING BUSINESSES ARE SELLING! These are just a small selection of the businesses sold by Stonesmith in 2017. Following Another Busy Year Of Sales, We Require New Instructions For Waiting Purchasers

















01392 201262


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Property and Professional

January 2018

The Moon & Sixpence, Clevedon on the Market

AWARD WINNING Licensed & Leisure Agents Bettesworths have been instructed to market for sale The Moon & Sixpence, a well known pub/hotel situated in an enviable seafront location in Clevedon. The Moon & Sixpence is located in the heart of Clevedon, a town located in North Somerset which has an approximate population of 21,281. Clevedon is a beautiful spot all year round and is popular for strolls along the promenade and along Clevedon Pier. It lies amongst a group of small hills including Courts Hill which is a sight of special scientific interest, along with the Severn Estuary. This substantial detached two storey

building sits in a prime sea front location, opposite the iconic Victorian pier. The property also benefits from great outside seating areas and a car park which is unusual for a town centre location. The business, currently managed by a husband and wife team, offers great potential to expand the already successful business, particularly exploiting the private function trade. Turnover for the Year End 2017 was £640,000 ex VAT with a very healthy bottom line profit. The property is held on a fully repairing lease from Greene King. Bettesworths are marketing the property and business off an asking price of £115,000 leasehold to include the trade inventory and goodwill. Stock is in addition on completion. For further information please contact Bettesworths on 01803 212021 or

The White Horse Inn, Cilcain Brought To Market A NEW inn has been brought to the market by Leading National Licensed Property Agent Guy Simmonds – available Freehold or ‘Free of Tie’ leasehold - The White Horse Inn, Cilcain, Near Mold, Flintshire, North Wales. Helen Russell-Taylor of Guy Simmonds states “This is an excellent opportunity to acquire either the Free-of-Tie lease or the Freehold of a profitable and thriving business in an idyllic rural location”. The premises date back to the 17th Century and include: Full of character Bar (circa 26-30) and Lounges (circa 28) with feature fireplaces and beamed ceilings; Desirable split-level Dining Areas (circa 26 covers); Immaculate 3 bedroom owners’ accommodation; Patio Area surrounded by

hanging baskets, Garden and Car Park (circa 12-14 cars). The current owners purchased the business over 40 years ago and have built up an excellent reputation offering high quality food and drinks including real ales in superb surroundings. The current owners wish to sell the business to enjoy a well-earned retirement. This business has provided them with an enjoyable lifestyle and a lovely place to live. Name: White Horse Inn. Address: Cilcain, Near Mold, Flintshire, North Wales, CH7 5NN. Asking Price: £449,950 Freehold or £59,000 Leasehold. Tenure: New Free-of-Tie Lease or Freehold available. Rent: £30,000 per annum. Turnover: circa £213,374 (incl.) year-end Oct 2016. Trade split: 70% wet; 30% food. Landlord: private. Contact the Sales Agent:, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112.

The Hospitality Business Mentor from The Bowden Group DAVID HUNTER is the Hospitality Business Mentor – he works with owners and investors in hotels, restaurants and catering businesses.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising


PRICE: O.I.R.O. £60,000


PRICE: £165,000


• Beautifully Refurbished Restaurant with Owners Accommodation • Highly Visible Premises Located on the Main Pedestrianised High Street • Main Trade Area Spaciously Seating 25, Al Fresco Seating for 8 • Modern Well Equipped Commercial Kitchen • Viewing Highly Recommended To Fully Appreciate the Premises


REF: 2884


• Stylish and Well Presented Restaurant with Superior Living Accommodation • Prominent Location in Affluent Coastal Town of Salcombe • Ground Floor Bar & Restaurant Seating 15 • Mezzanine Level Seating 30 • Perfect Home & Income Property


REF: 2998


PRICE: £125,000


PRICE: £320,000

• Established and Profitable Fish & Chip Takeaway • Prominent Location Within Densely Populated Area • Strong Year Round Trade • Potential to Increase Trading Hours • Freehold or Leasehold Options Available


REF: 2949


• Deceptively Large Commercial Unit with A1 Class Use • Including Valuable Garage Space and First Floor Studio Apartment • Currently Operating as a Coffee Shop and Sandwich Bar • Modern & Stylish Décor with Seating for Approx. 46 • Ideal Business for an Owner/Operator


• Delightful, Grade II Listed 16th Century Thatched Inn • 3 Character Trade Areas with Total Number of Covers circa 94 • 8 Superior En-suite Letting Rooms • Stunning Beer Garden, Additional Plot with PP and Car Park • A Thriving, Award Winning and Very Profitable Business

PRICE: £995,000



REF: 2903


REF: 2866


• A Beautiful and Substantial Award Winning Boutique Hotel • Situated Close to the East Devon/Dorset Border • Immaculately Presented Property & Very Successful Business • 7 Superior, Individually Decorated En-Suite Letting Rooms • 4 Bed Owners Accommodation with Private Garden



PRICE: £115,000



• Fabulous Pub/Hotel Situated in a Prime Seafront Location • Looking Out Over the Bristol Channel & Facing Clevedon's Famous Victorian Pier • Spacious Bar and Separate Restaurant Area • 5 Bedroom B&B, Spacious Owners Accommodation, Large Front Car Park • Turnover Year End 2017: £650,000 excluding VAT


PRICE: £575,000

REF: 3019


• Historic Nautical Themed Inn with Harbour & Sea Views • On the Market for the First Time in 37 Years • 4 Letting Rooms, Owners Accommodation & Beer Garden • Separate 1 Bedroom Apartment • Huge Potential to Grow Restaurant/ Food Trade

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Ensuring the business performs and makes the required profit, is what David does, and he does this by: 1. Setting realistic targets for the business, and creating budgets and forecasts 2. Monitoring Sales, Gross Margins and Labour costs very closely 3. Mentoring the owners and/or managers of the business to help them achieve their objectives Other areas that David advises on include: • Marketing – general and specific (ie promotions etc)

• Human Resources (HR) - including all the legislation, and disciplinary positions. • Reward and Bonus schemes – always linked to achievement of objectives • Customer Service - including Hospitality skills training Do contact David for an informal chat, or make an appointment to meet with him. Call David direct on: Mobile 07831 407984 or by email on Visit the website at or the Blogsite at


REF: 3030


Property and Professional UNIVERSITY OF Derby Online Learning is the online distance learning division of University of Derby, offering degrees and professional CPD courses that can be studied part-time, 100% online from anywhere in the world. Our international hospitality degrees can be studied from University Diploma through to Masters level, helping you to progress your career in this dynamic industry. Studying online has many benefits including the flexibility to study alongside your career and personal commitments, while allowing you to apply knowledge and skills obtained within the workplace. Our global learning community encourages you to learn from your peers, and enables you to share professional

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Macron Is Rolling Out The Red Carpet In Paris EVER CONSIDERED moving across the channel and buying a small hotel in France? Leggett has a wide portfolio to choose from and you will probably be surprised by the value for money on offer. Their portfolio covers boutique hotels in town and country as well as prestigious properties in the centre of Paris, Lyon and Bordeaux. With interest rates at record lows, cheap financing is available and you would be entering a market “on the up”. President Macron has taken centre stage in Europe: his vision for the

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